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Start a profitable animal-assisted therapist business.

animal-assisted therapist profitability

Embarking on a journey as an animal-assisted therapist can be incredibly rewarding, offering a unique blend of therapeutic intervention and the joy of working with animals.

Whether you're a certified therapist looking to incorporate animals into your practice or an individual passionate about the healing power of human-animal connections, establishing an animal-assisted therapy practice requires thoughtful preparation and commitment.

In this blog post, we'll navigate the crucial stages of becoming an animal-assisted therapist, from obtaining the necessary qualifications to launching your very own therapeutic service.

How you should prepare to start an animal-assisted therapist business

Market research and concept, choose a concept.

Choosing a concept is one of the first steps in becoming an animal-assisted therapist because it will define the nature of your services, the types of animals you'll work with, the client demographic you'll serve, and the therapeutic goals you aim to achieve.

This decision will influence your training, the selection and training of your animals, the design of your therapy space, and your marketing strategy. A well-defined concept can help your practice stand out and attract clients who are looking for the specific benefits that animal-assisted therapy can provide.

In essence, selecting the right concept is like choosing the theme of your therapeutic narrative before you introduce the characters (your animals) and craft the experiences that will bring about positive change in your clients' lives.

To assist you in making an informed choice, we have summarized the most popular concepts for animal-assisted therapy in the table below.

Concept Description Audience
Equine Therapy Utilizes horses to promote emotional growth and learning, often used for individuals with behavioral issues, depression, or trauma. Children and adults with mental health challenges, veterans, individuals with trauma.
Canine Therapy Employs dogs to assist in therapeutic settings, known for their ability to provide comfort and reduce stress. Patients in hospitals, residents in long-term care facilities, students in educational settings.
Dolphin Therapy Involves interactions with dolphins, typically in marine settings, to motivate and heal individuals. Children with developmental disabilities, individuals with psychological disorders.
Farm Animal Therapy Includes a variety of farm animals to teach responsibility and nurture empathy, often in a farm setting. At-risk youth, individuals with autism, families, and groups.
Small Animal Therapy Uses smaller animals like rabbits, guinea pigs, and birds to facilitate therapy in environments where larger animals are not suitable. Schools, senior centers, private clients seeking in-home therapy.
Wildlife Therapy Integrates interactions with wildlife or nature-based activities to foster healing and personal development. Individuals seeking ecotherapy, groups focused on team-building, clients with nature-deficit disorders.
Therapeutic Riding Focuses on teaching riding skills to individuals with physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges. Children and adults with physical disabilities, developmental disorders, or those in need of physical rehabilitation.
Mobile Therapy Animals Brings therapy animals to various locations to provide comfort and support where it's needed most. Hospitals, disaster sites, community events, schools.
Assistance Animal Training Prepares animals to assist individuals with disabilities in their daily lives, beyond the therapy setting. Individuals with visual or hearing impairments, mobility issues, or other disabilities.
Exotic Animal Therapy Features less common animals such as reptiles or parrots to provide unique therapeutic experiences. Individuals looking for novel therapy experiences, groups interested in learning about different species.

business plan animal-assisted counselor

Pick an audience

As an animal-assisted therapist, understanding your target audience is crucial for tailoring your services to meet their specific needs and preferences.

For instance, if you aim to work with children with special needs, incorporating animals that are gentle and known to be good with kids, like certain breeds of dogs or miniature horses, would be beneficial. Your therapy sessions might take place in environments that are safe and comforting for children, such as quiet rooms with soft lighting and minimal distractions.

Alternatively, if you're focusing on elderly clients, you might choose animals that require less active interaction, such as cats or calm dog breeds, and provide therapy in senior living facilities or quiet outdoor spaces that are easily accessible.

Choosing your audience first is essential because it shapes every aspect of your animal-assisted therapy practice - from the types of animals you work with to the setting of your sessions and the therapeutic goals you set. It's akin to customizing a service; you consider what the client needs and enjoys before you design your therapy program. This ensures that your services will be effective and appreciated.

Moreover, knowing your audience enables you to communicate with them more effectively. If you're aware of who you're serving, you can determine the best channels to reach them, whether that's through community centers, schools, healthcare facilities, or online platforms.

In our guide for animal-assisted therapists , we have outlined different client segments that could be relevant for your practice.

To provide you with a clearer understanding of potential audiences for your animal-assisted therapy services, we've compiled a few typical examples below.

Client Segment Description Preferences / Needs
Children with Special Needs Young clients requiring therapeutic support. Gentle animals, a safe and comforting environment, sessions that incorporate play and learning.
Elderly Clients Older adults seeking companionship and comfort. Calm animals, easily accessible locations, therapy that promotes relaxation and reminiscence.
Veterans with PTSD Former military personnel coping with trauma. Trained service dogs, therapy that focuses on building trust and reducing anxiety, flexible scheduling.
Individuals with Physical Disabilities Clients with mobility or other physical challenges. Therapy animals that can assist with physical tasks, adaptive environments, goal-oriented therapy programs.
People Experiencing Anxiety or Depression Individuals seeking emotional support. Empathetic animals, sessions that encourage interaction and emotional expression, a peaceful setting.
Hospital Patients Individuals in healthcare settings needing comfort. Hygienic and well-trained therapy animals, bedside visits, therapy that adapts to medical needs.

Get familiar with the industry trends

As an aspiring animal-assisted therapist, it's crucial to stay informed about the emerging trends in the field to ensure your services remain relevant and appealing to your clientele.

Trends in animal-assisted therapy (AAT) reflect the evolving needs and preferences of clients, as well as advancements in therapeutic practices. By embracing these trends, you can differentiate your services from others and cater to a more diverse range of clients seeking innovative and effective therapy options.

Our business plan for animal-assisted therapy is updated biannually to include the latest trends in the industry. We believe this will assist you in developing a thriving AAT practice.

For instance, there's a growing recognition of the benefits of therapy animals beyond the traditional dog and horse, including smaller pets like rabbits and guinea pigs, which can be particularly effective in settings that cannot accommodate larger animals.

Additionally, there's an increasing emphasis on evidence-based practice, with therapists seeking to integrate AAT into conventional treatment plans backed by scientific research.

Moreover, the integration of technology in AAT, such as virtual reality or apps that track progress, is becoming more prevalent, enhancing the therapeutic experience for clients.

It's also important to note the rise in specialized programs tailored to specific populations, such as veterans with PTSD, children with autism, or seniors with dementia.

We have compiled a list of more trends in the table below.

Trend Description
Diverse Therapy Animals Incorporating a variety of animals in therapy, including less common species, to suit different therapeutic environments and client needs.
Evidence-Based Practice Utilizing AAT approaches that are supported by scientific research to provide effective and measurable therapeutic outcomes.
Technological Integration Employing technology to enhance AAT sessions, track progress, and facilitate remote therapy options.
Specialized Programs Developing AAT programs specifically designed for certain populations, such as military veterans, children with developmental disorders, or the elderly.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration Working alongside professionals from various fields, such as psychology, rehabilitation, and education, to create comprehensive treatment plans.
Client-Centered Approach Focusing on personalized therapy sessions that are tailored to the individual goals and preferences of each client.
Community Outreach Expanding AAT services to community settings, such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes, to reach a broader audience.
Animal Welfare Consideration Ensuring the well-being of therapy animals by adhering to strict ethical standards and providing proper care and rest periods.
Cultural Sensitivity Adapting AAT practices to be respectful and inclusive of diverse cultural backgrounds and beliefs.
Preventative Programs Implementing AAT in early intervention strategies to help prevent the development of more severe conditions.

However, there are also some declining trends.

As the field grows, there's a noticeable decline in the use of AAT as a standalone treatment without the support of other therapeutic methods or scientific backing.

Additionally, the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to AAT is becoming less popular as clients seek more personalized and targeted interventions.

Finally, with increasing awareness of animal rights, the use of therapy animals without proper ethical considerations and care is being challenged and discouraged.

business plan animal-assisted therapist business

Choosing the right location

Selecting the right location for your animal-assisted therapy practice is essential for its success, and it requires careful consideration of several factors.

Begin by researching the local demographics. Understanding the community's characteristics can help you tailor your services to their needs. For instance, if the area has a high population of seniors, you might focus on therapy that aids in mobility and mental health. If there are many families, consider services that support children with developmental challenges or emotional support.

Visibility and accessibility are crucial. A location that's easy to find and reach by various means of transportation can increase the likelihood of clients choosing your services. Areas near medical centers, parks, or community centers can be advantageous.

Accessibility also includes having ample parking or being within a comfortable walking distance from your clients' homes or places of work.

Competition can be an indicator of demand but also poses challenges. You may not want to be too close to another animal-assisted therapist to avoid direct competition, but being in an area with other health services can signal a strong market for wellness-related services.

Identifying a niche or a service gap in the market can provide you with a competitive advantage. Proximity to complementary businesses, such as veterinary clinics or pet stores, can also be beneficial.

Rent costs are a significant factor. While areas with higher traffic might suggest higher rents, you should weigh the potential for increased client visits against the lease expenses. Ensure the rent is manageable based on your projected income. Sometimes, a quieter location with significantly lower rent might be more sustainable.

Negotiating favorable lease terms can have a substantial impact on your practice's financial health. This might include securing a lease with renewal options, negotiating a cap on rent increases, or obtaining a period of reduced rent at the beginning to assist with initial costs.

Consider the growth potential of the area. Is the neighborhood developing, with new housing or businesses that could introduce more clients to your practice? The option to expand your space in the future without relocating can be a valuable asset as your practice grows.

Market research and demographic analysis tools can offer insights into the best locations for your animal-assisted therapy practice. These tools can help pinpoint neighborhoods with the ideal client base for your services.

The choice between a city center and a residential area depends on your target clientele and business model. City centers may provide higher visibility but come with steeper rents and potentially more competition. Residential areas might offer a more dedicated client base with lower rent but may require additional marketing to become well-known.

Being near schools, community centers, or healthcare facilities can provide a steady stream of potential clients, especially if your therapy services cater to the needs of these groups.

Understanding local zoning laws, health regulations, and other legal requirements is vital to ensure that your chosen location is suitable for an animal-assisted therapy practice. Compliance with these regulations from the outset can prevent costly adjustments later on.

Finally, evaluating the long-term potential of a location is key. Consider future developments in the area that could impact your practice, either positively by bringing in more clients or negatively by increasing competition or rent.

Startup budget and expenses

Calculate how much you need to start.

On average, the initial capital needed to become an animal-assisted therapist can vary significantly, ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 for a modest operation to $30,000 to $60,000 for a more comprehensive practice with specialized training, certifications, and a variety of animals.

If you want to know the exact budget you will need for your animal-assisted therapy practice and also get a full detailed list of expenses, you can use the financial plan we have created, tailored to animal-assisted therapy businesses . This excel file is designed to be user-friendly and will provide you with an instant and detailed analysis of your future project.

The budget can vary the most due to the type and number of animals you plan to work with. Larger animals like horses require more space and care, which can significantly increase startup and operational costs.

The location of your practice also plays a crucial role in determining the initial investment. A rural setting may offer more space at a lower cost, while an urban area might provide easier access to clients but at a higher rental price.

The quality and type of training and certifications you obtain are another significant factor. Well-recognized certifications may be more expensive but can enhance your credibility and allow you to charge higher rates.

If the available capital is limited, it's still possible to start an animal-assisted therapy practice, but careful planning and prioritization are essential. The very minimum budget could be around $3,000 to $10,000 if you work with smaller animals, offer services at client locations to avoid rent, use minimal equipment, and handle most of the administrative and therapeutic work yourself.

To make the most of a limited budget, consider the following tips.

Aspect Tips
Animal Selection Start with smaller, less expensive animals that are easy to manage and require less space, such as dogs or rabbits. Consider adopting animals from shelters to reduce costs.
Location Offer mobile services to visit clients' homes or collaborate with existing facilities like schools or nursing homes to avoid the cost of maintaining your own space.
Training and Certification Seek out affordable or even free training programs, and prioritize obtaining essential certifications that will enable you to begin practicing.
Equipment Minimize equipment by using everyday items and focus on activities that do not require specialized tools. Invest in quality items where necessary for the safety and well-being of the animals.
Marketing Use low-cost marketing strategies such as social media, networking with local health professionals, and offering free demonstrations to raise awareness of your services.

business plan animal-assisted therapist business

Identify all your expenses

The most significant expenses you will encounter as an animal-assisted therapist are related to obtaining and caring for your therapy animals, as well as creating a suitable environment for therapy sessions.

First and foremost, acquiring therapy animals is a substantial investment. Depending on the species and whether they are already trained, you might spend between $500 to $20,000 per animal. Dogs and horses are common choices, with trained therapy dogs on the lower end of the cost spectrum and horses, especially those trained for equine-assisted therapy, on the higher end.

Creating a therapeutic environment includes setting up a comfortable and safe space for both clients and animals. This might involve modifying a home office or renting a space, with costs ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 for initial setup. This includes furniture, safety modifications, and any specialized therapy equipment.

Licenses and certifications are crucial for operating legally and professionally. This includes professional health care licenses, animal therapy certifications, and business permits. Costs can vary widely but typically range from $100 to $1,000 annually.

Insurance is essential to protect against liability and other risks associated with working with animals and the public. Necessary policies include professional liability, animal liability, and possibly property insurance if you own your therapy space. Annual premiums can range from $1,000 to $5,000, depending on coverage levels and the number of animals.

Marketing and advertising are important for building a client base. Initial marketing efforts might cost between $500 to $3,000, including website development, social media marketing, and printed materials. The amount can vary based on your strategy and market competition.

Investing in administrative technology and software for scheduling, client management, and accounting is also important. Costs can range from $500 to $5,000, with potential ongoing monthly fees for subscription-based services.

Training and continuing education for yourself as a therapist, as well as ongoing training for your therapy animals, are important for providing high-quality services. Budgeting $300 to $2,000 annually for professional development and animal training courses is advisable.

Animal care and maintenance are ongoing expenses that include food, veterinary care, grooming, and any other necessary supplies. Initial costs for setting up a care routine can range from $1,000 to $5,000, with monthly maintenance costs varying based on the number and type of animals.

Lastly, it's wise to have a financial cushion for unexpected expenses, such as emergency veterinary care or equipment replacement. A reserve of three to six months' worth of operating expenses is recommended, which could be anywhere from $3,000 to $15,000.

Here is a summary table to help you understand the costs better. For a detailed breakdown of expenses, please check our financial plan for animal-assisted therapists .

Expense Category Importance Cost Range (USD) Notes
Therapy Animals High $500 - $20,000/animal Cost varies by animal type and training level.
Therapeutic Environment High $1,000 - $10,000 Initial setup for a safe and comfortable therapy space.
Licenses and Certifications High $100 - $1,000/year Professional and business credentials.
Insurance High $1,000 - $5,000/year Liability and other policies to mitigate risks.
Marketing and Advertising Moderate to High $500 - $3,000 Essential for client outreach and business growth.
Technology and Software Moderate $500 - $5,000 For client and business management. May have ongoing costs.
Training and Education Moderate $300 - $2,000/year For therapist and animal skill enhancement.
Animal Care and Maintenance Ongoing Expense $1,000 - $5,000 initial Includes food, vet care, grooming. Monthly costs will vary.

Business plan and financing

Make a solid business plan.

You may already be aware, but it's worth emphasizing that crafting a business plan for an animal-assisted therapy practice is indispensable.

Why is this the case? A business plan acts as a strategic guide for your venture, detailing your objectives, methods for achieving them, and potential obstacles you may encounter. A meticulously prepared business plan is not only instrumental in keeping you organized and on track but is also critical if you're in pursuit of funding from investors or financial institutions, as it showcases the feasibility and prospective profitability of your enterprise.

The essential elements of an animal-assisted therapy business plan encompass market research, financial projections, and operational strategies, among others. Market research is vital to comprehend your target clientele, their needs, and the competitive environment. This involves examining trends in the animal-assisted therapy field, pinpointing your primary competitors, and discovering a niche or unique value proposition that distinguishes your services.

Financial planning is another pivotal component. This section should detail your anticipated income, costs associated with animal care and therapeutic materials, wages for staff, and other operational expenditures. It should also feature forecasts for profit and loss, cash flow, and a break-even analysis. Financial planning offers you and potential backers a transparent view of your practice's fiscal status and expansion prospects. You will find all of this in our financial plan for an animal-assisted therapy practice .

While the structure of an animal-assisted therapy business plan shares commonalities with other business plans, the focus on certain aspects may vary.

For instance, an animal-assisted therapy practice will emphasize the development of therapy programs (tailoring interventions to various client needs), animal welfare considerations (ensuring the health and well-being of therapy animals), and compliance with relevant regulations (adhering to professional standards and certifications). Additionally, the location may be less about high traffic and more about creating a serene, therapeutic environment conducive to healing.

To thrive and formulate an effective business plan, it's crucial to conduct exhaustive research and maintain realism regarding your financial estimates and operational capacity. Engage with potential clients to grasp their requirements, preferences, and readiness to invest in your therapy services. Also, contemplate the scalability of your business model and how you might broaden or modify your services in the future.

In the context of animal-assisted therapy, special attention should be given to establishing a strong brand identity and marketing approach that connects with your intended audience. Emphasizing the therapeutic benefits of your programs, the qualifications of your staff, or the unique bond between animals and clients can set your practice apart in a specialized market.

Success depends not only on the efficacy of your therapy programs but also on meticulous planning, understanding your clientele, judicious financial management, and the execution of your operational strategy.

Keep in mind, a business plan is not a static document but a dynamic one that should be revisited and refined as your animal-assisted therapy practice develops and adapts.

Get financed

Don't have the capital to start your animal-assisted therapy practice? No problem, there are various financing options available to help you get started.

Financing for an animal-assisted therapy practice can come from different sources, including raising capital from investors, securing loans from banks or financial institutions, and applying for grants or subsidies.

Each financing option comes with its own set of advantages and considerations.

Raising capital means finding investors who will provide funds in exchange for equity in your practice. This is beneficial because it doesn't require immediate repayment and can offer a substantial amount of money to get your practice off the ground.

However, it also means you'll be sharing ownership and may have to make compromises on business decisions.

For an animal-assisted therapy practice, this could be a good option if you need a significant initial investment for therapy animals, training, or a specialized facility. To attract investors, you'll need a compelling business plan that shows the potential for growth and profitability in the animal-assisted therapy field.

Securing a loan is another common method of financing. It allows you to maintain full ownership of your practice but requires you to pay back the borrowed amount with interest.

Loans can be used for a variety of purposes, such as acquiring animals, covering certification costs, or leasing a therapeutic space. Financial institutions often require collateral or a down payment, which might range from 15% to 25% of the loan amount. It's crucial to ensure that the loan doesn't over-leverage your practice, and that your projected earnings can comfortably cover repayments while still allowing for operational costs and growth.

Grants and subsidies are another avenue to explore, particularly those aimed at healthcare initiatives or community services.

These funds are typically provided by government bodies or non-profit organizations and do not need to be repaid. However, they are competitive and may have stringent requirements. While not a primary source of funding, they can be an excellent way to support specific aspects of your practice, such as community outreach or research.

To secure financing, whether from lenders or investors, it's essential to present a well-researched and detailed business plan. This should include market analysis, a clear definition of your target clientele, financial projections, and a marketing strategy. Your business plan should also emphasize the unique aspects of your animal-assisted therapy practice, such as specialized services, partnerships with healthcare providers, or innovative therapy techniques.

Lenders and investors will evaluate your practice based on your creditworthiness, experience in the field, collateral, and the robustness of your business plan. They will scrutinize your financial projections to determine if you can generate sufficient revenue to cover expenses, repay debts, and turn a profit. A thorough understanding of the animal-assisted therapy market, including trends and competitive analysis, will strengthen your case.

Below is a summary table of the various financing options mentioned for starting an animal-assisted therapy practice, along with their advantages, considerations, and potential uses.

Financing Option Advantages Considerations Potential Uses
Raising Capital
Business Loans

Legal and administrative setup

Permits and licenses.

Starting a practice as an animal-assisted therapist involves careful consideration of various regulations and requirements to ensure the well-being of your clients, the animals involved, and the integrity of your services.

The specific permits, licenses, professional standards, inspection schedules, consequences of non-compliance, and insurance policies you'll need will vary depending on your location and the type of therapy you provide, but there are general guidelines that apply in many areas.

First, you'll need to obtain the necessary business permits and licenses.

This typically includes a professional license for practicing therapy, which may require a degree in a relevant field and passing a state-licensed exam. Additionally, a business license from your city or county will be necessary, and if you are handling any client payments, a sales tax permit may be required if your state collects sales tax on services.

It's crucial to check with your local government and professional licensing boards to understand the specific requirements for your area and field of practice.

Regarding professional standards and regulations, animal-assisted therapists must comply with ethical guidelines and best practices for both human and animal welfare. This includes proper training and certification for animal-assisted therapy, ensuring the animals are healthy, well-treated, and suitable for therapeutic work, and maintaining a safe and clean environment for therapy sessions.

Inspections may not be as frequent as in food-related industries, but your practice could be subject to review by professional boards or animal welfare organizations to ensure compliance with these standards. The frequency of these reviews can vary, but they are often tied to the renewal of professional licenses or certifications.

Non-compliance with professional standards can result in consequences ranging from fines to the revocation of your license to practice, and in some cases, legal action. It's essential to adhere strictly to these guidelines and ensure your practice meets all required standards.

Insurance is another critical aspect of protecting your animal-assisted therapy practice. At a minimum, you'll need professional liability insurance to cover any claims related to the services you provide.

General liability insurance is also important to cover accidents or injuries that may occur on your premises. If you own the animals you work with, you'll need to consider animal insurance to cover any veterinary care they might need as a result of their work. If you have employees, workers' compensation insurance will likely be required by law to cover injuries or illnesses that occur as a result of their work.

Additionally, considering property insurance might be wise to protect your practice's physical assets from damage or theft. And if you're using your personal vehicle for business purposes, such as traveling to clients' homes, commercial auto insurance may be necessary.

Business Structure

The three common structures for starting an animal-assisted therapy practice are LLC (Limited Liability Company), partnership, and sole proprietorship. Each has distinct features and implications for your business.

Please note that we are not legal experts (we specialize in therapy and animal care) and that your choice should be based on how much risk you're willing to accept, how you prefer to handle taxes, and your plans for growing and possibly selling your animal-assisted therapy practice.

In simple terms, a sole proprietorship is easy to set up and manage but carries personal liability. A partnership allows for shared responsibility and resources but requires clear agreements to manage risks. An LLC offers a balance of protection and flexibility, making it a strong option for many practitioners looking to expand their services.

Consider your long-term goals, and consult with a financial advisor or attorney to make the best choice for your animal-assisted therapy practice.

We’ll make it easier for you, here is a summary table.

Feature Sole Proprietorship Partnership LLC
Formation Easiest to establish Simple, requires a partnership agreement More complex, requires filing Articles of Organization
Liability Unlimited personal liability Generally personal liability, but varies by partnership type Limited personal liability
Taxes Pass-through to personal taxes Pass-through to partners' personal taxes Flexible; can choose pass-through or corporate taxation
Ownership and Control Single owner, full control Shared among partners according to agreement Members have control; can be managed by members or managers
Raising Capital Limited to personal funds and loans Can pool resources from multiple partners Easier to attract investors; can sell membership interests
Expansion and Sale Tied closely to the owner, harder to sell Requires agreement among partners, can be complex Easier to transfer ownership, more attractive to buyers
Regulatory Requirements Minimal Moderate, depending on partnership structure More, including ongoing compliance and potential state-specific requirements

Getting started to start an animal-assisted therapist business

Offer development, design and lay out.

Designing and laying out your animal-assisted therapy practice for operational efficiency and an enhanced client experience requires thoughtful consideration and deliberate organization.

Let's explore how you can accomplish this, focusing on client flow, balancing equipment and space needs with budget, and ensuring health and safety for both clients and animals.

Firstly, envisioning client flow is crucial.

Your therapy practice's design should guide clients smoothly from the entrance to the waiting area, through to the therapy spaces, and back to the exit. This flow should be seamless, minimizing stress and ensuring a tranquil transition from one area to the next. Place calming elements like plants or a water feature near the entrance to immediately instill a sense of peace in your clients.

This setup not only creates a welcoming environment but also helps clients to mentally prepare for their session as they move through the designated path.

Regarding the design to facilitate this flow, consider the layout's openness and accessibility.

Spacious corridors, clear signage, and a logical arrangement of the space promote easy movement and a calming atmosphere. The waiting area should be clearly marked and separate from the therapy spaces to prevent any disturbance during sessions. If your practice includes a multi-use space for group therapy or educational sessions, ensure it's comfortably distanced from individual therapy areas to maintain privacy and focus.

Balancing the need for appropriate equipment and space with budget constraints is a challenge many face.

Start by prioritizing essential items that directly impact the quality of your therapy sessions, such as comfortable seating, privacy screens, and therapy aids. These are worth investing in because they are the core of your practice's operations. For other items, consider buying gently used or multi-purpose equipment from reputable suppliers to save money without significantly compromising quality.

Additionally, plan for spaces that offer versatility and comfort, like adjustable lighting or soundproofing materials, to get the most value for your investment and enhance the therapeutic experience.

Health and safety in the therapy practice layout are non-negotiable. Your design must incorporate zones designated for different activities to ensure cleanliness and order. For example, separate areas for animal care, therapy sessions, and administrative work ensure that each aspect of the practice is contained and efficient. Install handwashing stations at key points, especially near the animal interaction areas, to encourage regular hand hygiene among staff and clients.

Specific protocols for animal handling, care, and interaction are crucial for safety and compliance. Implement a system that ensures all therapy animals are healthy, well-trained, and suitable for interaction with clients. Regular health checks, proper training, and clear guidelines on how clients should interact with the animals are essential.

Train your staff thoroughly in animal safety practices, emphasizing the importance of handwashing, understanding animal behavior, and maintaining a clean and safe environment for both clients and animals.

Regularly review and update these protocols to comply with local health regulations, ethical standards, and best practices in animal-assisted therapy.

Craft your offer

Your services and the therapeutic experiences you provide will be the reason why your animal-assisted therapy practice is successful (or why it is struggling).

To start, identify the preferences and needs of your target clients through direct engagement, such as interviews and social media interactions, and indirect research, like observing trends in mental health care and reviewing what successful animal-assisted therapists are doing.

Once you have a clear picture of your target clients' needs, you can begin to craft a range of services that not only meets their emotional and psychological needs but also stands out from other therapy options.

Incorporating a variety of animals and therapy techniques is a fantastic way to enhance appeal and effectiveness. This approach not only provides diverse therapeutic experiences but also ensures that your services are adaptable to different client needs. Make connections with local animal shelters or breeders to understand what animals can be part of your therapy sessions. This knowledge allows you to plan your services around the availability of different animals, offering special programs that can attract clients looking for a unique therapeutic experience.

To ensure your animal-assisted therapy services stand out in a competitive market, focus on uniqueness and quality.

This can be achieved by offering specialized programs that are hard to find elsewhere, such as equine therapy for PTSD, therapy dog sessions for children with autism, or incorporating mindfulness practices with animal interactions. Sharing success stories and testimonials from past clients can also add a unique appeal and provide evidence of the effectiveness of your services.

Ensuring consistency and quality in your therapy sessions involves establishing rigorous standards and processes.

This can include detailed session plans with specific goals and outcomes, thorough training for your therapy animals and staff, and regular assessments of the animal's well-being. Consistency is key to building trust with your clients, as they will know exactly what to expect each time they visit your practice. Invest in the well-being of your animals and the professional development of your staff, and don’t shy away from refining your programs until you're confident they meet your standards.

Also, utilizing client feedback is essential for continuous improvement and refinement of your therapy services. Create channels for feedback, such as follow-up calls, online surveys, and social media engagement, to understand what your clients appreciate and where there might be room for improvement.

Be open to constructive criticism and willing to make changes based on client input. This not only helps in refining your services but also shows your clients that you value their opinions, fostering loyalty and encouraging them to continue their therapeutic journey with you.

Determinate the right pricing

As an animal-assisted therapist, setting the right prices for your services is crucial to ensure the sustainability of your practice while also keeping your services accessible to those in need. Here's a structured approach to developing your pricing strategy.

Firstly, you should calculate your costs thoroughly. This includes the care and maintenance of the animals, your training and certifications, therapy materials, insurance, rent for your space (if applicable), and any other operational expenses. Knowing your costs is the first step to ensuring that your prices not only cover these expenses but also allow for a reasonable profit margin.

Once you have a clear picture of your costs, research the market to understand the going rates for animal-assisted therapy. Look at what other therapists are charging and the services they offer. This will help you position your services competitively without necessarily engaging in a price war.

Understanding your clients' financial capabilities and how much they value animal-assisted therapy is essential. You can gather this information through consultations, feedback forms, or even informal conversations. This will help you find a price point that reflects the value of your services and is within the means of your target clientele.

Psychological pricing can also be applied in your practice. For instance, setting a session fee at $79 instead of $80 may make the service seem more affordable, even though the difference is minimal. However, you should balance this with the perceived value of your services to avoid undermining your professional image.

The perceived value of your therapy sessions can be enhanced by the quality of the interaction, the environment you provide, and the outcomes for the client. For example, a well-designed therapy space and well-trained animals can justify higher prices because clients perceive a greater benefit from your services.

Consider implementing off-peak pricing to encourage clients to book sessions during typically slower periods. For example, offering a slight discount for mid-week appointments could increase your bookings during these times.

When introducing new services or programs, consider using introductory pricing to encourage clients to try them out. Once you've established the value of these new offerings, you can adjust the prices based on their popularity and effectiveness.

For services that can be offered remotely, such as initial consultations or follow-up support, you may need to consider different pricing structures. These could be lower than in-person sessions to account for the lack of physical interaction with the animals.

Finally, while discounts can be a powerful tool to attract new clients or reward loyal ones, they should be used sparingly. Frequent discounts can lead to a perception that your services are worth less than their full price. Instead, use discounts strategically, such as for a limited-time promotion or for clients who commit to a package of sessions.

By carefully considering these aspects of pricing, you can create a strategy that supports your animal-assisted therapy practice financially while making a positive impact on the lives of your clients and their animal companions.

Manage relationships with your suppliers

Poor relationships with suppliers could significantly hinder your animal-assisted therapy practice

Conversely, nurturing strong connections with suppliers ensures the consistent availability of high-quality equipment and animal care products.

Engage in regular dialogue, ensure prompt payments, and show gratitude for their goods and services to cultivate loyalty and dependability. Be clear about your professional standards and client needs, and if possible, visit their facilities. This will give you a better insight into their operations and the challenges they face, which can lead to more effective collaboration.

Consider long-term contracts for essential items like animal feed, therapy aids, or grooming products to secure favorable prices and a reliable supply. However, it's also wise to have a network of alternative suppliers to reduce the risk of running into shortages.

For managing items with expiration dates, such as animal medications or perishable treats, inventory management techniques like First-In, First-Out (FIFO) are crucial. This method ensures that the oldest stock is used first, minimizing waste. Keep a close eye on inventory levels to tailor your orders to current demand, preventing overstocking and reducing spoilage. A just-in-time (JIT) inventory system could also be beneficial, where supplies are ordered and received as needed, though this requires accurate demand forecasting.

Technology can greatly enhance inventory management and reduce waste in an animal-assisted therapy practice.

Implementing an inventory management system that integrates with scheduling software can allow for real-time tracking of supply levels and usage patterns. This technology can aid in predicting demand more precisely, optimizing ordering processes, and spotting trends that can guide service development and marketing strategies.

Furthermore, digital tools can improve communication with suppliers, leading to more effective order adjustments and cooperation.

Expanding an animal-assisted therapy practice brings challenges such as ensuring consistent quality of care, managing higher expenses, and maintaining animal welfare. Tackle these challenges by standardizing care protocols, providing comprehensive staff training, and investing in equipment that enhances efficiency without compromising the well-being of the animals or the quality of therapy.

Scaling up also means more supplies, so negotiate with suppliers for bulk purchases without neglecting the quality of the products. Quality control becomes increasingly important as your practice grows, necessitating strict adherence to animal care standards and more frequent checks.

Implementing effective cost control measures involves a thorough examination of every aspect of sourcing and utilizing therapy equipment and animal care products. Regularly reassess and negotiate with suppliers to ensure you're receiving the best value without sacrificing quality.

Also, explore alternative products that may offer cost savings or are more affordable seasonally. Employ technology to monitor and analyze expenses, waste, and inventory levels to pinpoint opportunities for improvement. Reducing waste not only lowers costs but also supports sustainable practices, which can resonate with clients who value environmental responsibility.

Hire the right people

When starting your practice as an animal-assisted therapist, you should consider the roles you'll need to fill to provide the best care and support for your clients and their animal companions.

At the core, your practice will require a team that includes certified animal-assisted therapists, a veterinary professional, and administrative support.

For therapy sessions, you'll need certified animal-assisted therapists who are trained in incorporating animals into therapeutic interventions. These professionals should have a background in mental health, counseling, or a related field, as well as specific training in animal-assisted therapy.

A veterinary professional or veterinary technician is crucial to ensure the health and well-being of the animals involved in therapy. They will be responsible for regular health checks, vaccinations, and addressing any medical needs that arise.

Administrative staff, including a receptionist or office manager, will help manage client appointments, handle billing and insurance claims, and maintain client records. They are key to the smooth operation of your practice.

As your practice grows, you may consider adding additional therapists with specialized training, such as those experienced in working with specific populations (e.g., children, veterans, elderly) or those who can offer complementary services (e.g., equine therapy, pet loss grief counseling).

Outsourcing tasks such as accounting, marketing, and IT support can be a strategic way to manage your resources effectively while focusing on your core services.

When hiring, prioritize candidates who have a mix of professional qualifications, experience with animals, and a compassionate approach to therapy.

For therapists, look for credentials in mental health and a certification in animal-assisted therapy. Veterinary professionals should have relevant qualifications and experience in animal health care. Administrative staff should have experience in office management, particularly in a healthcare or therapy setting.

To ensure a good fit with your practice's philosophy and the unique needs of animal-assisted therapy, consider including practical assessments in your hiring process, such as role-playing therapy scenarios or evaluating animal handling skills.

Seek candidates who are passionate about the therapeutic benefits of human-animal bonds and who demonstrate the ability to work empathetically with both clients and animals.

Finding the right team for an animal-assisted therapy practice can be challenging. Utilize professional networks, associations for animal-assisted therapy, and social media platforms to reach potential candidates. Attending conferences and workshops can also be effective for networking and recruitment. Offering internships or volunteer positions can help you connect with emerging talent in the field.

Here is a summary table of the different job positions for your animal-assisted therapy practice, and the average gross salary in USD.

Job Position Profile and Skills Average Monthly Gross Salary (USD)
Animal-Assisted Therapist Certification in animal-assisted therapy, experience in mental health or counseling 4,500
Veterinary Professional Medical knowledge of animals, ability to perform health checks and administer treatments 5,000
Administrative Assistant Organizational skills, experience with scheduling and billing, client communication 2,500
Office Manager Leadership and management skills, knowledge of healthcare administration, HR experience 3,500
Animal Care Specialist Experience in animal care, knowledge of animal behavior, empathy for animals 2,800
Marketing Specialist Knowledge of marketing strategies, experience in healthcare or therapy services marketing 3,800

Running the operations of your animal-assisted therapist business

Daily operations.

Running an animal-assisted therapy practice can be as rewarding as it is challenging. By adopting efficient strategies, you can ensure that your daily operations run smoothly and your clients and their animal companions receive the best care possible.

Firstly, consider utilizing a Practice Management Software (PMS) tailored for animal-assisted therapy services. This software should integrate appointment scheduling, client records, and session notes. With such a system, you can easily track appointments, monitor the progress of your clients, and maintain detailed records of each therapy session.

A robust PMS can also facilitate remote sessions by integrating telehealth capabilities, which can be particularly useful for clients who are unable to attend in-person sessions due to distance or mobility issues.

For client management, you'll want a system that allows you to keep detailed records of each client's therapy goals, progress, and the specific animals involved. This can help in customizing therapy sessions to better meet individual client needs.

Effective communication with clients is key in an animal-assisted therapy practice. Establish clear channels for scheduling and rescheduling appointments, and set expectations early on regarding the therapy process, confidentiality, and payment terms. Building a strong rapport with clients can lead to better therapy outcomes and client retention.

Ensuring the well-being of the animals in your care is also crucial. Regular health checks, proper training, and a comfortable environment are essential for their welfare. Keep detailed health records for each therapy animal and ensure they are up-to-date with vaccinations and preventative treatments.

Creating a positive work environment for any staff or volunteers is important. Provide regular training, establish clear communication of roles and expectations, and offer constructive feedback. Acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your team, and ensure that schedules are fair and respectful of their time and commitments.

For your clients, a positive experience is influenced by the atmosphere of your practice, the rapport they build with the therapy animals, and the professionalism of your service.

Train your staff to be empathetic, attentive, and responsive. Encourage them to remember details about each client, which can make therapy sessions more personal and effective.

Maintaining a clean, safe, and welcoming environment for both clients and animals is essential. Clear signage and a calm setting can help clients feel at ease.

Develop customer service policies that reflect the values of your practice. This might include satisfaction guarantees, clear policies on cancellations or rescheduling, and a system for collecting and responding to client feedback.

Encourage feedback through various channels, such as in-person, through your website, or via email. Address feedback promptly and constructively, demonstrating your commitment to your clients' satisfaction and continuous improvement of your practice.

When handling client concerns, listen fully before responding. Offer apologies where appropriate and propose solutions, such as additional sessions or alternative approaches. Use negative feedback as an opportunity to refine your practice and enhance the quality of your service. Often, a client who feels heard and supported will become even more committed to their therapy journey.

Revenues and Margins

Know how much you can make.

Understanding the financial dynamics of an animal-assisted therapy (AAT) practice is crucial for sustainability and growth.

We have an in-depth article on the financial aspects of animal-assisted therapy that you might find useful. Here, we'll provide a brief overview.

One key metric for an AAT practice is the average session fee. This is the average amount a client pays for a therapy session involving animals.

The average session fee can vary widely depending on the type of therapy, the therapist's qualifications, the species of the animal involved, and the region. For individual sessions, fees might range from $50 to $150 .

Group therapy sessions, which can accommodate multiple clients at once, may have a lower per-person cost, perhaps $30 to $70 each.

Specialized AAT services, such as those involving horses (equine-assisted therapy) or those targeting specific client populations (like veterans or individuals with severe disabilities), may command higher fees, potentially $75 to $200 per session.

When it comes to revenue, AAT practices can see a wide range. Urban practices with a diverse client base might see monthly revenues from $3,000 to $15,000 , leading to annual revenues between $36,000 and $180,000 .

Rural practices may have a smaller client base and thus might expect annual revenues on the lower end of that spectrum, perhaps $25,000 to $100,000 .

New practices in the startup phase often face lower revenues as they work to establish their client base and reputation. Initial monthly revenues might not exceed $2,000 .

Well-established AAT practices with strong referral networks and high client retention can achieve higher and more stable revenues over time.

Practices that offer specialized services or work with rare or highly trained animals may have revenue limitations due to the niche nature of their services, but they can still be quite profitable.

Now, let's explore the various revenue streams available to an AAT practice beyond the standard therapy sessions.

If you're looking for inspiration, here's a table that outlines many potential revenue streams for an AAT practice.

Revenue Stream Description
Individual Therapy Sessions One-on-one therapy sessions involving the client and an animal, guided by a trained therapist.
Group Therapy Sessions Sessions with multiple clients and one or more therapy animals, often at a reduced rate per person.
Workshops and Educational Programs Offering workshops on the benefits of AAT, how to train therapy animals, or other related topics.
Corporate Wellness Programs Providing AAT sessions as part of corporate wellness initiatives to improve employee mental health and productivity.
Animal Sponsorship Allowing individuals or companies to sponsor a therapy animal, covering costs like food, training, and healthcare.
Online Therapy Sessions Conducting virtual AAT sessions for clients who cannot attend in person.
Community Events Participating in local events or fairs with therapy animals to raise awareness and offer on-the-spot sessions.
Merchandise Sales Selling branded merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, or calendars featuring therapy animals.
Animal-Assisted Activities Providing less formal interactions with animals, such as visits to schools, hospitals, or eldercare facilities.
Professional Training and Certification Training other professionals in AAT and providing certification for those who complete the program.
Donations and Fundraising Accepting donations or organizing fundraising events to support the AAT practice and its mission.
Grants and Scholarships Securing grants from organizations that support mental health initiatives or offering scholarships for clients in need.
Partnerships with Educational Institutions Collaborating with schools and universities to provide AAT as part of research studies or student wellness programs.
Retreats and Camps Organizing retreats or camps that incorporate AAT for deeper therapeutic experiences.
Consulting Services Offering expertise to other AAT practices or organizations looking to integrate AAT into their services.
Speaking Engagements Providing paid speaking services at conferences, seminars, or workshops on the topic of AAT.
Book and Publication Sales Writing and selling books or guides on AAT practices, training methods, or success stories.
Subscription Services Offering a subscription model for regular clients, providing them with a set number of sessions per month at a discounted rate.

Understand your margins

As an animal-assisted therapist, you should understand that your revenue isn't the same as your profit. To get a clear picture of your financial health, you need to consider both your expenses and your profit margins.

Let's delve into the gross and net margins, which are critical indicators of your practice's profitability.

To calculate your own margins and determine your potential profit, you can adjust the assumptions in our financial model designed for animal-assisted therapy practices .

The typical range of gross margins for animal-assisted therapy services can vary, often falling between 60% to 80%.

Gross margin is calculated by subtracting the cost of services (COS), which includes the direct costs associated with providing therapy, such as animal care, feed, and direct labor, from the revenue generated from therapy sessions. This figure is then divided by the revenue and multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.

Net margins, however, account for not just the COS but also all other expenses an animal-assisted therapy practice incurs, such as facility rent, utilities, administrative expenses, insurance, and taxes. This figure is obtained by subtracting all operating expenses from the gross profit.

Net margins offer a more complete view of an animal-assisted therapy practice's profitability and are typically lower than gross margins, with averages often ranging from 30% to 50%, reflecting the profitability after all costs are considered.

Different types of animal-assisted therapy practices—such as those specializing in equine therapy, canine therapy, or working with a variety of animals—can have varying profit margins due to differences in their business models, scale of operations, and target markets. Here is a table to illustrate these differences.

Therapy Type Price Point Service Costs Economies of Scale Potential Margins
Equine Therapy Higher Higher Lower Potentially higher, but dependent on client volume
Canine Therapy Moderate Lower Higher Potentially increased due to lower overhead
Mixed Animal Therapy Varies Varies Varies Potentially higher if diverse services attract more clients

As you might expect, the margins of an animal-assisted therapy practice are influenced by factors such as the types of services offered, pricing strategy, and scale of operations.

Offering a variety of services can attract a wider client base but may also increase costs and complexity.

Pricing strategy is crucial; fees must be competitive yet sufficient to cover costs and generate a profit. Scale of operations can impact cost efficiencies, with larger practices often benefiting from lower per-unit costs due to economies of scale.

Ongoing expenses that impact margins include animal care costs, labor, facility rent, and utilities. Animal care costs can fluctuate based on market conditions, affecting gross margins. Labor is another significant expense, especially for practices that require specialized staff. Rent can vary widely by location, and utilities can be a substantial cost, particularly for practices that require specific environments for the animals.

Practices focusing on niche markets like therapy for specific conditions may see different margin dynamics compared to those with a broader service range.

While niche practices can charge premium prices, they also face higher service costs and potentially limited market size, impacting the overall margin.

External factors such as economic conditions, regulatory changes, and market trends also play a crucial role in the margins of animal-assisted therapy practices. Economic downturns can reduce client spending on therapy services, while regulatory changes can affect operational costs. Keeping abreast of market trends and adapting services accordingly can help manage these fluctuations.

The challenge of maintaining healthy margins in the face of rising service and labor costs is significant. Animal-assisted therapy practices can mitigate these challenges through efficient cost management, strategic pricing, optimizing operations for energy efficiency, and investing in staff training for productivity improvements.

Regularly tracking and analyzing financial performance (good news - you can do all of that with our financial model tailored to animal-assisted therapy practices ), including gross and net margins, is vital for ensuring the financial health and sustainability of your practice.

Implement a strong marketing strategy

Marketing doesn't need to be as complex as some experts make it seem. We understand that as an animal-assisted therapist, you'll be focused on providing care and support to your clients and their animal companions. That's why we'll keep our advice straightforward and practical, just like the marketing strategy we've detailed in our business plan for animal-assisted therapy .

Creating a brand for your therapy practice is not just relevant; it's essential.

Your brand is the face of your service. It's not only your logo or the colors you choose but also the emotions and experiences you offer. Your brand should reflect the compassionate, healing nature of your work, the bond between animals and humans, and the values you uphold, such as empathy, wellness, or community support. This helps you stand out in a niche market and builds a dedicated client base.

For your marketing plan, begin by identifying your target audience. Who can benefit most from your services? What are their needs? Are they seeking emotional support, physical rehabilitation, or companionship? Understanding your audience will inform your branding and promotional efforts.

When it comes to promotion, social media and digital marketing can be invaluable. Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are ideal for sharing success stories and educational content about the benefits of animal-assisted therapy.

Post testimonials from clients who have experienced positive changes, which can validate your practice and inspire others to seek your services.

Educational content, such as the science behind animal-assisted therapy or tips for integrating animals into one's healing journey, can engage your audience and position you as a thought leader in your field.

Content strategies that resonate with animal-assisted therapy include highlighting the unique bond between your therapy animals and clients, sharing client success stories, and discussing the specific modalities of therapy you offer. Collaborating with healthcare providers or wellness influencers can also increase your visibility.

However, not all marketing techniques may be suitable for your practice. For instance, if your service is local, international advertising might not be cost-effective. Similarly, if your focus is on equine therapy, content centered around domestic pets might not align with your brand.

Even on a modest budget, there are clever tactics you can employ to attract new clients.

First, consider participating in community events or health fairs where you can demonstrate the value of your therapy. This not only introduces your service to potential clients but also educates the public about animal-assisted therapy.

You can offer free introductory sessions or workshops to give people a taste of what you do.

Partnering with local health clinics, schools, or senior centers that do not provide animal-assisted therapy can extend your reach.

Creating a referral program can encourage existing clients to recommend your services. Simple incentives or discounts for referrals can be very effective.

Also, don't overlook the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Encourage your satisfied clients to share their experiences by offering them rewards for bringing in new clients.

Grow and expand

We want you to thrive as an animal-assisted therapist. The insights provided here are intended to help you reach that goal.

Imagine you're already running a successful animal-assisted therapy practice, with a strong client base and a positive impact on your community. Now, it's time to consider how you can scale and expand your services.

There's always potential for greater impact, and we're here to support you in realizing that potential.

Also, please note that there is a 3-year development plan tailored for animal-assisted therapy services in our business plan template .

Successful animal-assisted therapists often possess qualities such as empathy, patience, a strong connection with animals, and the ability to adapt to the needs of their clients. These traits are essential as they explore ways to grow their practice.

Before expanding your services, consider the existing demand, the compatibility of new therapy programs with your current offerings, and how these additions will affect your operations.

Market research is crucial in this decision-making process. By understanding client needs, emerging mental health trends, and the success of similar services in the market, you can make informed decisions that align with your practice's capabilities and client expectations.

Evaluating the success of current operations involves looking at client outcomes, feedback, and operational efficiency. If your practice consistently achieves positive results, receives excellent feedback, and operates smoothly, it may be time to consider expansion.

Opening additional therapy locations should be based on clear evidence of demand, a deep understanding of the target market, and the financial health of your current operation.

Franchising offers a way to expand with lower capital risk, leveraging the passion of other therapists who share your vision.

However, it requires a strong brand, proven therapy protocols, and the ability to support other therapists. Opening owned branches provides more control over the therapy experience but requires more capital and direct management. Each model has its benefits and challenges, and the choice depends on your business goals, resources, and preferred growth strategy.

Digital channels, including online therapy platforms and social media, can significantly boost an animal-assisted therapy practice's reach and client base. Establishing an online presence allows you to cater to clients beyond your immediate geographic location, adapting to the increasing demand for accessible mental health services.

This strategy requires an understanding of digital marketing, logistics for remote therapy sessions, and maintaining the quality of the therapeutic experience.

Branding is crucial as it differentiates your practice in a competitive market. A strong, consistent brand identity across all locations and platforms can enhance client loyalty and attract new clients. Strengthen your brand by ensuring that every client interaction reflects your practice's values, professionalism, and compassion.

Maintaining consistency across multiple locations is challenging but essential. This can be achieved through detailed therapy protocols, training programs, and quality control systems.

Regular visits and audits, along with fostering a strong, shared culture, help ensure each location upholds the standards that contributed to your original site's success.

Financial metrics and business benchmarks indicating readiness for expansion include consistent profitability, a strong cash flow, and meeting or exceeding client acquisition projections over a significant period.

Additionally, having a scalable business model and the operational capacity to support growth is crucial.

Partnerships with healthcare providers and participation in community events can introduce your practice to new clients and markets. These opportunities allow for networking, community engagement, and brand visibility, contributing to your practice's growth.

Scaling your services to meet increased demand involves considerations such as additional trained therapy animals, efficient scheduling systems, and possibly expanding your physical space. Ensuring that your practice can handle the increased volume without sacrificing the quality of care is key.

Finally, it's essential that your expansion efforts stay true to your practice's core values and long-term goals. Growth should not come at the expense of the compassionate care that made your animal-assisted therapy practice successful in the first place.

Regularly revisiting your business plan and values can help ensure that your expansion strategies align with your vision and mission, sustaining the heart of your practice as it grows.

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Starting an Animal Assisted Therapy Practice

resources for entrepreneurs

Starting a Business

If you plan on opening an animal assisted therapy practice, priority one is researching the competition and thinking through the business.

We share many relevant recommendations on what it takes to start an animal assisted therapy practice.

Animal Assisted Therapy Practice

Animal Assisted Therapeutic Models

As the name implies, animal assisted therapy (AAT) involves the use of various types of animals in the therapeutic process. Although dogs are frequently favored in AAT, successful practitioners may also use cats, birds, dolphins or other species of animals.

Your practice's business model will depend largely on your field of study and the therapeutic model you employ. Most people associate animal assisted therapy with mental or emotional counseling. However, AAT has also been used successfully in physical and motivational therapy, provided practitioners have proper certifications and credentials in the field.

Several different trade groups exist for animal assisted therapy practitioners including the Pet Partners , the American Humane Association and state/regional AAT associations. New animal assisted therapists and practice owners should actively participate in these and other organizations for business networking and professional development .

How to Market a New Animal Assisted Therapy Practice

Despite its popularity, animal assisted therapy is a relatively new therapeutic technique. Startup AAT entrepreneurs should expect to spend a considerable amount of their time and marketing energy educating patients about the benefits of animal assisted therapy and its practical application in the healing process.

Specifically, you'll want to target referrals from healthcare providers and animal welfare groups in your area. Although your services won't appeal to all of the individuals in either of these communities, the dual marketing focus will raise your practice's visibility with crossover prospects in each market.

The Business Side of an Animal Assisted Therapy Practice

Most people launch an animal assisted therapy practice because they are passionate about the use of animals in a healing environment. While personal passion is essential to the success of your practice, it can also blind you to other fundamental requirements of practice ownership.

As a therapeutic entrepreneur, you'll need to deliberately force yourself to pay as much attention to the business side of your practice as you do the therapeutic side. Advertising, billing, accounting, human resources and other management functions won't take care of themselves - but without them, your practice has little chance of long-term success.

Best Practices for Animal Assisted Therapy Practice Business Plans

The process of writing a business plan for your animal assisted therapy practice can be grueling. A good animal assisted therapy practice business plan, however, is a reality check that gauges your business instincts against hard industry numbers.

After you have written you plan, you'll also need to develop a strategy for your next steps.

A business plan distribution strategy represents the backend of your business planning requirements. Generally, effective distribution models include the incorporation of tracking systems into the company's startup plan.

Evaluate Competitors

Prior to opening an animal assisted therapy practice within your community, it's a smart move to see how strong the competition is. Try our link below to find competitors nearby. Simply enter your city, state and zip code to get a list of animal assisted therapy practices in your town.

  • Find Competing Animal Assisted Therapy Practices

Before you open up shop, make sure you know what you will offer to your customers that provides a significant advantage over your competition's offering.

Learning More About the Industry

As part of your due diligence on opening an animal assisted therapy practice, it's essential that you learn as much as you can from somebody who is already in the business. It's very unlikely that the local competition will talk to you. The last thing they want to do is help you to be a better competitor.

However, an entrepreneur who owns an animal assisted therapy practice in a different city will be much more likely to talk with you, as long as they don't view you as a competitive threat. Many business owners are happy to give advice to new entrepreneurs If you are persistent, you can find a business mentor who is willing to help you out.

How do you go about finding an owner of an animal assisted therapy practice in another community?

Simple. Let your fingers do the walking by using the link below.

  • Find Your Animal Assisted Therapy Practice Mentor

Leveraging the Branding Benefits of an Animal Assisted Therapy Practice Acquisition

As an emerging animal assisted therapy practice startup, your company are at a competitive disadvantage because you brand is just beginning to establish an identity in the marketplace.

Unless you are 100% married to the idea of a startup, you can bypass the time it takes to establish a brand identity by buying a business to get an established brand . As a startup, the best you can hope for is to gradually develop brand awareness over a period of months and years.

Acquiring an established animal assisted therapy practice brand, on the other hand, has the potential to deliver the kind of brand recognition most startup can only dream about.

Is Franchising the Right Option?

Going with a franchise lets you tap into a proven system developed by the franchisor.

Before you consider starting an animal assisted therapy practice, you may want to check out whether purchasing a franchise might make it easy to get started.

The link below gives you access to our franchise directory so you can see if there's a franchise opportunity for you. You might even find something that points you in a completely different direction.

  • Franchises for Sale

Related Articles on Starting a Company

These additional resources regarding starting a business may be of interest to you.

Naming My Business

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Start an Animal Therapy Business in 9 Easy Steps: Your Ultimate Checklist

By alex ryzhkov, resources on animal therapy.

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  • One-Page Business Plan
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  • Bundle Business Plan & Fin Model

Welcome to Pawsitive Healing's guide on how to open an animal therapy business in 9 steps. If you're looking to start a business that provides animal-assisted therapy services to improve mental health and well-being, you're in the right place. According to the latest statistics, the animal therapy industry is experiencing significant growth, with an increasing demand for alternative and holistic treatments for mental health issues.

In this article, we will walk you through the essential steps needed to launch your animal therapy business, from conducting market research and developing a business plan to securing funding and acquiring the necessary licenses and permits. Our comprehensive checklist will ensure you have a solid foundation to start and grow your business successfully in the competitive animal therapy industry.

Whether you're a therapist looking to incorporate animals into your practice or an aspiring entrepreneur passionate about helping others through animal therapy, follow these steps to establish a strong brand presence, provide high-quality services, and build long-term relationships with clients in need of Pawsitive Healing's unique offerings.

  • Conduct thorough market research
  • Create a detailed business plan
  • Develop a strong funding strategy
  • Secure all necessary licensing and permits
  • Set up the facility for operations
  • Acquire and train animals
  • Recruit qualified staff members
  • Create a marketing and branding strategy
  • Establish a monitoring and evaluation process

9-Steps To Start a Business

Step Description Average Time Cost
Market Research Conduct thorough research to understand demand and competitors 2-3 months $1,000
Business Plan Development Create a detailed plan outlining objectives and strategies 1-2 months $500
Funding Strategy Develop a plan to secure required funding 3-6 months $2,000
Licensing and Permits Obtain necessary licenses and permits 1-2 months $1,500
Facility Setup Locate and set up a suitable facility 3-6 months $10,000
Animal Acquisition and Training Acquire and train animals for therapy 6-12 months $5,000
Staff Recruitment Hire qualified therapists and staff 1-2 months $3,000
Marketing and Branding Launch marketing campaigns to establish presence 3-6 months $2,000
Monitoring and Evaluation Establish system for monitoring therapy sessions Ongoing $500/month

Market Research

Before launching your Animal Therapy business in Boston, it is essential to conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for Animal Therapy services in the area. By identifying potential clients and competitors, you can gain valuable insights that will help you refine your service offerings and set your business up for success.

Start by analyzing the current trends in mental health care and animal-assisted therapy to determine the need for your services. Look for statistics, studies, and reports that highlight the benefits of Animal Therapy and its growing popularity as an alternative treatment option.

Next, research the demographics of potential clients in Boston who may benefit from Animal Therapy services. This includes individuals struggling with mental health issues, organizations looking to incorporate Animal Therapy into their programs, and other businesses that could be potential partners or clients.

Identify your competitors in the Animal Therapy industry in Boston and analyze their strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. This will help you differentiate your services and develop a unique selling proposition that sets your business apart.

Tips for Market Research:

  • Utilize online surveys, focus groups, and interviews to gather feedback from potential clients and stakeholders.
  • Attend industry conferences, workshops, and networking events to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in Animal Therapy.
  • Engage with local mental health professionals, veterinarians, and animal trainers to build a network of referrals and partnerships.

Animal Therapy Business Plan Get Template

Business Plan Development

Creating a detailed business plan is essential for the success of Pawsitive Healing. This blueprint will outline the company's objectives, target market, marketing strategies, operational procedures, financial projections, and growth strategies. It will also clearly define the company's mission and business structure.

  • Define the primary goals and milestones of Pawsitive Healing, such as establishing a strong brand presence, expanding service offerings, and building long-term client relationships.
  • Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives to guide the company's growth and success.
  • Include both short-term and long-term objectives to ensure a comprehensive business strategy.
  • Identify the target market for Animal Therapy services, including individuals seeking mental health treatments, organizations looking to improve employee well-being, and therapy centers interested in holistic approaches.
  • Analyze market trends, customer demographics, and competitor offerings to tailor Pawsitive Healing's services to meet the needs of the target market.
  • Develop customer personas to better understand the preferences and pain points of potential clients.
  • Create a marketing plan that includes online and offline strategies to promote Pawsitive Healing's services and reach the target market effectively.
  • Utilize social media platforms, industry partnerships, and community events to increase brand visibility and attract clients.
  • Implement SEO strategies to improve online presence and reach potential customers searching for Animal Therapy services.

Tips for Business Plan Development:

  • Collaborate with marketing professionals or consultants to create a comprehensive marketing plan that aligns with Pawsitive Healing's objectives.
  • Regularly review and update the business plan to adapt to market changes and emerging trends in the Animal Therapy industry.
  • Seek feedback from industry experts, mentors, or advisors to refine the business plan and ensure its effectiveness.
  • Define the operational processes and workflows for delivering Animal Therapy services, including scheduling, client intake, therapy sessions, and follow-up procedures.
  • Establish protocols for animal care, therapy sessions, client confidentiality, and safety to ensure high-quality service delivery.
  • Train staff on operational procedures and best practices to maintain consistency and professionalism in service delivery.
  • Prepare detailed financial forecasts, including revenue projections, expenses, profit margins, and cash flow statements, to guide financial decision-making and measure business performance.
  • Consider different scenarios and assumptions to assess the financial viability of Pawsitive Healing and identify potential risks and opportunities.
  • Monitor financial performance regularly and adjust strategies as needed to achieve financial objectives and sustain business growth.
  • Develop strategies for business expansion, diversification of services, entering new markets, or scaling operations to maximize growth opportunities for Pawsitive Healing.
  • Explore partnerships, collaborations, or acquisitions that align with the company's mission and values to accelerate growth and increase market reach.
  • Continuously innovate and adapt to changing market dynamics, customer preferences, and industry trends to stay competitive and drive sustainable growth for the business.

Funding Strategy

Developing a comprehensive funding strategy is crucial to secure the required $500,000 for starting Animal Therapy business in Boston, Massachusetts. There are various sources of funding that you can consider, such as small business loans , venture capital , grants , or crowdfunding .

First and foremost, it is essential to prepare pitch decks and proposals for potential investors and lenders. These documents should clearly outline your business concept, target market, revenue projections, and how the funding will be utilized to grow the Animal Therapy business.

Tips for Developing a Funding Strategy:

  • Research different funding options to identify the most suitable ones for your business needs.
  • Customize your pitch decks and proposals for each potential investor or lender to highlight how your Animal Therapy business aligns with their interests.
  • Consider leveraging your network and attending networking events to connect with potential investors and lenders.

Animal Therapy Financial Model Get Template

Licensing And Permits

Obtaining all necessary licenses and permits is a crucial step in starting an Animal Therapy business in Massachusetts. This process ensures that your business is compliant with state regulations and can operate legally. Here are the key licenses and permits you need to acquire:

  • Business Registration: Register your Animal Therapy business with the appropriate state and local authorities. This includes obtaining a federal employer identification number (EIN) and registering your business name.
  • Health And Safety Certifications: Ensure that you and your staff have the necessary certifications to work with animals in a therapy setting. This may include certifications in animal behavior, first aid, and handling techniques.
  • Specific Permits For Equine And Canine Therapy: Depending on the type of Animal Therapy services you offer, you may need specific permits for equine and canine therapy. This could include certifications for equine-assisted activities or permits for operating a dog training facility.

Tips for Obtaining Licenses And Permits:

  • Research the specific licensing requirements for Animal Therapy businesses in Massachusetts to ensure you are fully compliant.
  • Keep all documentation organized and readily available for inspections or audits.
  • Consider consulting with a legal professional to ensure you have obtained all the necessary licenses and permits for your Animal Therapy business.

Facility Setup

When setting up your Animal Therapy business, one of the crucial steps is to locate and lease a facility that is suitable for offering diverse animal therapy services. The facility must comply with local zoning and health regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of both animals and clients. Additionally, the space should be conducive to therapeutic sessions and easily accessible to clients.

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when setting up your facility for Animal Therapy:

  • Location: Choose a location that is easily accessible for both clients and staff. Consider proximity to public transportation, parking availability, and visibility in the community.
  • Space Requirements: Ensure that the facility has enough space to accommodate different types of therapy sessions, including indoor and outdoor areas for animal interaction. Separate areas for different animals and therapy activities may be necessary.
  • Zoning and Health Regulations: Before finalizing the lease, make sure that the facility complies with local zoning regulations for operating an animal therapy business. Obtain any necessary permits or licenses to ensure legal compliance.
  • Facility Design: Create a welcoming and calming environment for clients and animals. Consider the layout of the space, lighting, temperature control, and noise reduction to enhance the therapeutic experience.
  • Animal Welfare: Prioritize the well-being of therapy animals by providing appropriate housing, feeding, and exercise facilities. Ensure that the facility meets the necessary standards for animal care and welfare.

Tips for Facility Setup:

  • Consult with an architect or interior designer to optimize the layout and design of the facility for animal therapy sessions.
  • Consider the use of natural elements such as plants, water features, and soothing colors to create a relaxing environment for clients.
  • Regularly assess the cleanliness and maintenance of the facility to uphold high standards of hygiene and safety for both animals and clients.

Animal Acquisition And Training

Acquiring and training animals for Animal Therapy is a critical step in the success of your business. It is essential to select the right breeds, ensure they are adequately trained for therapeutic work, and maintain their health and welfare to provide effective therapy services to your clients.

When acquiring animals for Animal Therapy, consider the specific therapy services you offer and choose breeds that are well-suited for that type of work. For example, if you offer equine therapy, you will need to acquire horses that are calm, gentle, and have experience working with people. Similarly, if you offer canine therapy, you will need to select dogs that are sociable, obedient, and have a friendly demeanor.

Tips for Acquiring Animals:

  • Research different breeds to determine which ones are best suited for the therapy services you offer.
  • Visit local animal shelters or rescue organizations to find suitable therapy animals that are in need of a loving home.
  • Work with reputable breeders or trainers who specialize in therapy animal training to ensure you are getting animals that are properly socialized and trained.

Once you have acquired the animals, it is crucial to provide them with proper training to prepare them for therapy work. Training should focus on obedience, socialization, and desensitization to various stimuli they may encounter during therapy sessions. It is essential to work with experienced trainers or behaviorists who understand the unique needs of therapy animals and can help them develop the skills necessary to be successful in their role.

Tips for Training Animals:

  • Establish a consistent training schedule and routine to help animals learn and retain new behaviors.
  • Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and play to motivate and reward animals for good behavior.
  • Monitor the progress of training sessions and make adjustments as needed to address any challenges or setbacks that may arise.

In addition to training, it is essential to prioritize the health and welfare of your therapy animals. This includes providing regular veterinary care, proper nutrition, exercise, and mental stimulation to ensure they are happy and healthy. It is crucial to create a safe and comfortable environment for the animals to live and work in, as their well-being directly impacts the effectiveness of the therapy services you provide.

By acquiring and training animals according to the therapy services offered, you can ensure that your Animal Therapy business delivers high-quality and effective services to your clients, ultimately leading to positive outcomes and success for your business.

Staff Recruitment

Hiring qualified therapists, animal handlers, and administrative staff is crucial for the success of Animal Therapy . It is important to ensure that all staff members are certified and experienced in their respective fields, with a special focus on those trained in mental health and animal-assisted therapy.

Tips for Staff Recruitment:

  • Seek candidates with specific certifications in mental health counseling or animal-assisted therapy.
  • Conduct thorough background checks and reference checks to verify qualifications and experience.
  • Offer competitive salaries and benefits to attract top talent in the field.

Therapists are at the core of the Animal Therapy business, as they will be responsible for providing the therapy services to clients. It is essential to hire therapists who are not only skilled in their profession but also compassionate and patient in their approach.

Animal handlers play a vital role in the care and training of therapy animals used in Animal Therapy sessions. They should have experience working with animals and possess the necessary skills to ensure the well-being and safety of the therapy animals.

Administrative staff members are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the Animal Therapy business, including scheduling appointments, handling client inquiries, and managing finances. It is important to hire individuals who are organized, detail-oriented, and customer-focused.

Marketing And Branding

Launching successful marketing and branding campaigns is crucial for establishing Pawsitive Healing's presence in the competitive animal therapy market. Utilize various channels such as social media, partnerships with health organizations, and community outreach programs to promote Animal Therapy services effectively.

  • Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage with potential clients and showcase the benefits of Animal Therapy.
  • Create engaging content such as client testimonials, therapy sessions, and success stories to attract a larger audience.
  • Use paid advertising to target specific demographics and increase brand visibility.
  • Collaborate with local hospitals, therapy centers, and mental health organizations to offer Animal Therapy services to their clients.
  • Attend health fairs, seminars, and conferences to network with healthcare professionals and promote the benefits of Animal Therapy.
  • Offer discounted sessions or referral programs to incentivize partnerships with health organizations.
  • Host informational sessions, workshops, and demonstrations in the community to raise awareness about Animal Therapy and its benefits.
  • Partner with schools, community centers, and non-profit organizations to provide therapy services to underserved populations.
  • Volunteer at local events, pet expos, and fundraisers to showcase Pawsitive Healing's commitment to animal welfare and therapy services.

Tips for Successful Marketing and Branding:

  • Consistency is key - maintain a cohesive brand image across all marketing channels.
  • Engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and reviews promptly.
  • Measure the success of your marketing campaigns using analytics and adjust strategies accordingly.

Monitoring And Evaluation

Establishing a robust system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of Animal Therapy sessions and client satisfaction is essential to ensure the success and growth of your business. By collecting feedback and data, you can make informed decisions to improve service quality and expand offerings based on client needs and business performance trends.

One of the most effective ways to monitor client satisfaction and gather valuable feedback is through implementing client feedback surveys. These surveys can be conducted after each therapy session or periodically to collect insights on the effectiveness of the sessions, overall experience, and areas for improvement.

  • Keep the surveys concise and easy to understand to encourage higher response rates.
  • Include open-ended questions to allow clients to provide detailed feedback and suggestions.
  • Analyze the survey results regularly to identify trends and patterns that can guide improvements in service delivery.

Another crucial aspect of monitoring and evaluation in Animal Therapy is tracking client progress and outcomes. By setting specific goals with clients at the beginning of their therapy journey and regularly assessing their progress, you can measure the effectiveness of your interventions and make necessary adjustments to achieve optimal outcomes.

In addition to monitoring client satisfaction and progress, it is important to analyze key business performance metrics to evaluate the overall success of your Animal Therapy business. These metrics may include revenue growth, client retention rates, referral sources, and operational efficiency measures.

Thanks to advancements in technology, there are numerous tools and software solutions available to streamline the data collection and analysis process. Consider implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system to track client interactions, feedback, and outcomes effectively.

By prioritizing monitoring and evaluation in your Animal Therapy business, you can continuously improve your service quality, meet the evolving needs of your clients, and achieve long-term success in the industry.

Pawsitive Healing is poised to make a significant impact in the animal therapy industry by providing high-quality and accessible services to clients in need of mental health support. With a strong business plan, dedicated team, and innovative service offerings, we are confident in our ability to establish a successful and sustainable business in Boston, Massachusetts.

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How to Start an Equine Therapy Business

An equine therapy camp will have campers work with horses as a way of overcoming their physical, mental, or emotional disabilities. They're primarily made for children, but there are ways to open the camp up to adults as well.

Learn how to start your own Equine Therapy Business and whether it is the right fit for you.

Ready to form your LLC? Check out the Top LLC Formation Services .

Equine Therapy Business Image

Start an equine therapy business by following these 10 steps:

  • Plan your Equine Therapy Business
  • Form your Equine Therapy Business into a Legal Entity
  • Register your Equine Therapy Business for Taxes
  • Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card
  • Set up Accounting for your Equine Therapy Business
  • Get the Necessary Permits & Licenses for your Equine Therapy Business
  • Get Equine Therapy Business Insurance
  • Define your Equine Therapy Business Brand
  • Create your Equine Therapy Business Website
  • Set up your Business Phone System

We have put together this simple guide to starting your equine therapy business. These steps will ensure that your new business is well planned out, registered properly and legally compliant.

Exploring your options? Check out other small business ideas .

STEP 1: Plan your business

A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. It will help you map out the specifics of your business and discover some unknowns. A few important topics to consider are:

What will you name your business?

  • What are the startup and ongoing costs?
  • Who is your target market?

How much can you charge customers?

Luckily we have done a lot of this research for you.

Choosing the right name is important and challenging. If you don’t already have a name in mind, visit our How to Name a Business guide or get help brainstorming a name with our Equine Therapy Business Name Generator

If you operate a sole proprietorship , you might want to operate under a business name other than your own name. Visit our DBA guide to learn more.

When registering a business name , we recommend researching your business name by checking:

  • Your state's business records
  • Federal and state trademark records
  • Social media platforms
  • Web domain availability .

It's very important to secure your domain name before someone else does.

Want some help naming your equine therapy business?

Business name generator, what are the costs involved in opening an equine therapy business.

Costs to open can be substantial, especially if opening anywhere near a major city. Owners will need to purchase or lease the land, pay for staff, and board the horses. They’ll also need to factor in administrative and marketing costs.

What are the ongoing expenses for an equine therapy business?

Equine therapy camps will need to maintain their grounds, care for the horses (including medical), and keep up website and marketing materials. You’ll need to pay staff salaries and potentially attend ongoing educational opportunities to learn more about advancements in your industry.

Who is the target market?

The target market depends on the type(s) of therapy you want to provide. Some camps choose to work with certain types of disabled children, such as those with Down syndrome or those with cerebral palsy. Or they may work with campers with a variety of disabilities as a means of promoting tolerance and inclusion.

But another major market is children with emotional troubles. Some camps will work with troubled teenage girls only, or boys who have recently been released from a detention center. Camps may set up different sections of the grounds in order to work with a variety of kids. Advertising should be geared to both children and parents of course, but it’s primarily the parents or adult caretakers in a child's life who need to be convinced that the camp is worth it.

How does an equine therapy business make money?

Equine therapy camps charge a set rate for each camper to cover the costs of the program. If the camp is for-profit, then they'll usually set a profit margin onto their fees in order to have additional funds invested in the enterprise.

Because the upkeep expenses are substantial, even non-profit centers can charge up to $100 for a 50-minute session or several thousand dollars for a two-week experience. Most camps will offer varying programs for different budget levels. For example, they may offer group sessions at a reduced rate or a weekend experience rather than a full week at the camp.

How much profit can an equine therapy business make?

Non-profit camps obviously need to set their rates so they can cover the cost of operations, but a for-profit center can do very well if it can attract the right clientele. A week-long session with 30 campers for $2,000 will net $60,000 alone. If the cost of operations is 75% that of the admission fee, the camp would make about $800,000 in profit a year if they run programs all-year round.

How can you make your business more profitable?

Owners can consider branching out their services to include adults. They can even set up activities where employees come together for team-building days. Owners can modify the children’s activities to fit adult needs so that people can problem-solve and learn more about each other outside of the office.

Want a more guided approach? Access TRUiC's free Small Business Startup Guide - a step-by-step course for turning your business idea into reality. Get started today!

STEP 2: Form a legal entity

The most common business structure types are the sole proprietorship , partnership , limited liability company (LLC) , and corporation .

Establishing a legal business entity such as an LLC or corporation protects you from being held personally liable if your equine therapy business is sued.

Form Your LLC

Read our Guide to Form Your Own LLC

Have a Professional Service Form your LLC for You

Two such reliable services:

You can form an LLC yourself and pay only the minimal state LLC costs or hire one of the Best LLC Services for a small, additional fee.

Recommended: You will need to elect a registered agent for your LLC. LLC formation packages usually include a free year of registered agent services . You can choose to hire a registered agent or act as your own.

STEP 3: Register for taxes

You will need to register for a variety of state and federal taxes before you can open for business.

In order to register for taxes you will need to apply for an EIN. It's really easy and free!

You can acquire your EIN through the IRS website . If you would like to learn more about EINs, read our article, What is an EIN?

There are specific state taxes that might apply to your business. Learn more about state sales tax and franchise taxes in our state sales tax guides.

STEP 4: Open a business bank account & credit card

Using dedicated business banking and credit accounts is essential for personal asset protection.

When your personal and business accounts are mixed, your personal assets (your home, car, and other valuables) are at risk in the event your business is sued. In business law, this is referred to as piercing your corporate veil .

Open a business bank account

Besides being a requirement when applying for business loans, opening a business bank account:

  • Separates your personal assets from your company's assets, which is necessary for personal asset protection.
  • Makes accounting and tax filing easier.

Recommended: Read our Best Banks for Small Business review to find the best national bank or credit union.

Get a business credit card

Getting a business credit card helps you:

  • Separate personal and business expenses by putting your business' expenses all in one place.
  • Build your company's credit history , which can be useful to raise money later on.

Recommended: Apply for an easy approval business credit card from BILL and build your business credit quickly.

STEP 5: Set up business accounting

Recording your various expenses and sources of income is critical to understanding the financial performance of your business. Keeping accurate and detailed accounts also greatly simplifies your annual tax filing.

Make LLC accounting easy with our LLC Expenses Cheat Sheet.

STEP 6: Obtain necessary permits and licenses

Failure to acquire necessary permits and licenses can result in hefty fines, or even cause your business to be shut down.

State & Local Business Licensing Requirements

Certain state permits and licenses may be needed to operate an equine therapy business. Learn more about licensing requirements in your state by visiting SBA’s reference to state licenses and permits .

Most businesses are required to collect sales tax on the goods or services they provide. To learn more about how sales tax will affect your business, read our article, Sales Tax for Small Businesses .

Certificate of Occupancy

An equine therapy business is generally run out of a large piece of land. Businesses operating out of a physical location typically require a Certificate of Occupancy (CO).  A CO confirms that all building codes, zoning laws and government regulations have been met.

  • If you plan to lease a location :
  • It is generally the landlord’s responsibility to obtain a CO.
  • Before leasing, confirm that your landlord has or can obtain a valid CO that is applicable to an equine therapy business.
  • After a major renovation, a new CO often needs to be issued. If your place of business will be renovated before opening, it is recommended to include language in your lease agreement stating that lease payments will not commence until a valid CO is issued.
  • If you plan to purchase or build a location :
  • You will be responsible for obtaining a valid CO from a local government authority.
  • Review all building codes and zoning requirements for your business’ location to ensure your equine therapy business will be in compliance and able to obtain a CO.

STEP 7: Get business insurance

Just as with licenses and permits, your business needs insurance in order to operate safely and lawfully. Business Insurance protects your company’s financial wellbeing in the event of a covered loss.

There are several types of insurance policies created for different types of businesses with different risks. If you’re unsure of the types of risks that your business may face, begin with General Liability Insurance . This is the most common coverage that small businesses need, so it’s a great place to start for your business.

Another notable insurance policy that many businesses need is Workers’ Compensation Insurance . If your business will have employees, it’s a good chance that your state will require you to carry Workers' Compensation Coverage.

FInd out what types of insurance your Equine Therapy Business needs and how much it will cost you by reading our guide Business Insurance for Equine Therapy Business.

STEP 8: Define your brand

Your brand is what your company stands for, as well as how your business is perceived by the public. A strong brand will help your business stand out from competitors.

If you aren't feeling confident about designing your small business logo, then check out our Design Guides for Beginners , we'll give you helpful tips and advice for creating the best unique logo for your business.

Recommended : Get a logo using Truic's free logo Generator no email or sign up required, or use a Premium Logo Maker .

If you already have a logo, you can also add it to a QR code with our Free QR Code Generator . Choose from 13 QR code types to create a code for your business cards and publications, or to help spread awareness for your new website.

How to promote & market an equine therapy business

Promoting a therapy camp is usually wrapped up in telling touching stories about the type of work you do. When you’re just getting started, focus on how the activities challenge a child to problem-solve and how this works to increase their confidence and cooperative skills.

Television is usually the best way to market because people can perceive strong messages from full ads. The additional exposure gives them a good impression of how the camp works. However, paid or organic internet advertising can also be a good way to attract new clients. Owners can also consider showcasing testimonials on the radio as well.

How to keep customers coming back

Customers want to see a solid change in the child who attends the camp, such as a new-found enthusiasm or compassion for animals, a calmer demeanor, or improved confidence. They want kids to have fun of course, but these camps are viewed as having a higher purpose than just making kids happy.

STEP 9: Create your business website

After defining your brand and creating your logo the next step is to create a website for your business .

While creating a website is an essential step, some may fear that it’s out of their reach because they don’t have any website-building experience. While this may have been a reasonable fear back in 2015, web technology has seen huge advancements in the past few years that makes the lives of small business owners much simpler.

Here are the main reasons why you shouldn’t delay building your website:

  • All legitimate businesses have websites - full stop. The size or industry of your business does not matter when it comes to getting your business online.
  • Social media accounts like Facebook pages or LinkedIn business profiles are not a replacement for a business website that you own.
  • Website builder tools like the GoDaddy Website Builder have made creating a basic website extremely simple. You don’t need to hire a web developer or designer to create a website that you can be proud of.

Recommended : Get started today using our recommended website builder or check out our review of the Best Website Builders .

Other popular website builders are: WordPress , WIX , Weebly , Squarespace , and Shopify .

STEP 10: Set up your business phone system

Getting a phone set up for your business is one of the best ways to help keep your personal life and business life separate and private. That’s not the only benefit; it also helps you make your business more automated, gives your business legitimacy, and makes it easier for potential customers to find and contact you.

There are many services available to entrepreneurs who want to set up a business phone system. We’ve reviewed the top companies and rated them based on price, features, and ease of use. Check out our review of the Best Business Phone Systems 2023 to find the best phone service for your small business.

Recommended Business Phone Service: is our top choice for small business phone numbers because of all the features it offers for small businesses and it's fair pricing.

Is this Business Right For You?

Business owners should ideally be compassionate people who want to help kids become their best selves. They should have a thorough understanding of how different types of kids interact with horses and which activities will best promote that connection.

Want to know if you are cut out to be an entrepreneur?

Take our Entrepreneurship Quiz to find out!

Entrepreneurship Quiz

What happens during a typical day at an equine therapy business?

Equine therapy camps may include any of the following daily tasks:

  • Coordinating activities for riders
  • Coaching staff on best practices
  • Evaluating and assessing children’s strengths/needs
  • Marketing/advertising
  • Caring for horses
  • Maintaining the property grounds

What are some skills and experiences that will help you build a successful equine therapy business?

You should have some experience working or volunteering in a camp like this. Jumping in without any type of formal training can make it that much harder to get the camp off the ground. You should also have some type of certification for working with horses either from the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International or from a similar organization.

What is the growth potential for an equine therapy business?

There may be a need for something like this in your area, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first. These programs can be life-saving in a number of ways, which means that insurance companies and authorities alike are onboard with the work equine therapy business do. City officials or community organizations may even fund these types of alternative therapies as a means of curbing juvenile delinquency.

TRUiC's YouTube Channel

For fun informative videos about starting a business visit the TRUiC YouTube Channel or subscribe to view later.

Take the Next Step

Find a business mentor.

One of the greatest resources an entrepreneur can have is quality mentorship. As you start planning your business, connect with a free business resource near you to get the help you need.

Having a support network in place to turn to during tough times is a major factor of success for new business owners.

Learn from other business owners

Want to learn more about starting a business from entrepreneurs themselves? Visit Startup Savant’s startup founder series to gain entrepreneurial insights, lessons, and advice from founders themselves.

Resources to Help Women in Business

There are many resources out there specifically for women entrepreneurs. We’ve gathered necessary and useful information to help you succeed both professionally and personally:

If you’re a woman looking for some guidance in entrepreneurship, check out this great new series Women in Business created by the women of our partner Startup Savant.

What are some insider tips for jump starting an equine therapy business?

The first thing an owner needs to address is the liability they’re taking on. Working with kids and horses creates an infinite amount of unknowns that can be difficult for staff to handle day-in and day-out. Even the most well-trained and gentle of horses is not immune to getting spooked, which can cause damage to the property or even to the people in the camp. Having a good staff (not to mention good insurance) can go a long way to safeguarding against dangerous events.

If you’re willing to make your organization a non-profit, you may be able to get a government grant in order to start your business. This will not only cut down on your start-up costs, but it can also give you instant legitimacy in the eyes of your clientele. Ensure you have a passionate and experienced writer who can draw up a proposal that will catch the eye of the decision-maker. You should also look into how to take different types of medical insurance. Some companies will cover camps as a necessary cost of treatment.

How and when to build a team

Owners should build a professional and experienced team immediately. You need to hire people who are comfortable working under intense pressure and who want to see the kids learn and grow throughout their time there. If you skimp on the quality of your employees, you increase the odds of liability lawsuits.

Useful Links

Real world examples.

  • Skywood Therapy
  • Equest Therapy Center

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Animal-Assisted Therapy

Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff

Animal-assisted therapy is a therapeutic intervention that incorporates animals, such as horses, dogs, cats, and birds, into the treatment plan.

The client, therapist, and animal work together in therapeutic activities that are outlined in a treatment plan, with clear goals for change, measurable objectives, and the expectation of identifiable progress toward the treatment goals. The therapy can take many forms, based on the patient, the animal, and the goals for treatment.

Animal-assisted therapy is used to enhance and complement the benefits of traditional therapy.

  • When It's Used
  • How It Works
  • What to Expect
  • What to Look for in an Animal-Assisted Therapist

Animal-assisted therapy can be a useful intervention for some individuals or groups. It can help with a variety of experiences and conditions including:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Emotional and behavioral problems in children
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Some medical conditions

Anyone who dislikes or fears animals or is allergic to them, is not a likely candidate for this particular intervention.

While animal-assisted therapy can help many people, more rigorous clinical trials are needed to assess its efficacy. Research suggests that some studies of the treatment are methodologically flawed.

Animal-assisted therapy is rooted in the bond that can develop between people and animals. Animals can provide a sense of calm, comfort, or safety and divert attention away from a stressful situation and toward one that provides pleasure. Animals can help combat loneliness and boost social support, both through interactions with the animal and interactions that involve other people. Animals can lead people to get more physical activity than they would otherwise.

Advocates of animal-assisted therapy say that developing a bond with an animal can help people develop a better sense of self-worth and trust, stabilize their emotions, and improve their communication, self-regulation , and socialization skills.

Depending on the nature of your therapy and the type of animal involved, you might keep a dog, cat, or other pet at home and at your side throughout the day for emotional support, or you might learn to ride and care for a therapy horse that is housed at an equestrian school.

You and your therapist may discuss your animal while you are working with it, or you might set aside another time to talk about your experiences. If you are in a hospital, school, nursing home, rehabilitation center, or another type of community center, you might not have a relationship with a psychotherapist, but a volunteer with a trained therapy pet might visit you.

Animal-assisted therapy often serves in conjunction with traditional work done by a licensed psychotherapist, social worker, or other mental health care provider.

Dogs are most often used, although various animal-assisted programs offer different animals for people with different physical and emotional needs. Service dogs may come from animal shelters or be raised in selective breeding programs, but they must undergo formal training to be certified. In some cases, it may be necessary to obtain a written prescription or a letter from a medical doctor, licensed psychotherapist, or social worker to certify or register your own therapy or emotional-support animal. You can find information and groups that provide trained service dogs in your area through Assistance Dogs International. A professional mental health care provider who is familiar with animal-assisted therapies can help you get certification for your own pet or locate a program or animal that is right for you. Therapists may also partner with an animal-therapy program, such as Pet Partners, to provide individuals or groups with trained therapy animals.

It's important to find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable. You may want to ask the therapist a few questions before committing to work with them. Questions may include:

  • How would they help with your particular concerns?
  • Have they dealt with this type of problem before?
  • What is their process?
  • What is their timeline for treatment?
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Find a Therapist

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  • How to Find the Right Therapist
  • Explore Therapy
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Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy

Black therapy dog on porch

Professionals often advocate for using animals in psychotherapy treatment because animals can bring forth a vivid array of nurturing emotions, and many people seeking help respond positively to the idea of caring for another being.

  • How Can Animal-Assisted Therapies Help?

Types of Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy

Animal-assisted therapy for all ages, concerns and limitations, how can animal-assisted therapies help.

Animal-assisted psychotherapy can provide numerous psychological and physiological benefits. People who interact with animals for the purpose of therapy may experience improvements in health, including:

  • Decreased stress levels
  • Reduced anger and aggression
  • Decreased hostility toward the self and others
  • Improved social interactions
  • Decreased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Rise in release of beta-endorphins
  • Improvement in self-esteem , patience, and trust

Improved mood and reduced anxiety tend to be consistent results with AAT. Individuals who perceive hostility or disregard from other humans may come to accept the nonjudgmental and unconditional affection and attention from an animal, instead. Studies of AAT demonstrate these results in nearly all participants, regardless of age, the duration of the session, or the severity of symptoms. 

Animal-assisted therapy has been proven to be beneficial not only for the human individuals involved, but also the animals. Each being experiences positive results from the attention received from the other, according to studies between horses and humans and between humans and dogs.

Professionals administering or overseeing AAT might work with any type of animal, depending on the preferences and personal needs of a person in therapy. 

Animals that might serve in a therapy capacity include, but are not limited to horses, dogs, dolphins, fish, birds, and small pet rodents such as rats or hamsters. 

Some therapies, such as dolphin-assisted therapy, have mixed results. While unlikely to be harmful, they may or may not produce desired therapeutic benefits and should be further researched to determine their long-term effects. Others, such as equine therapy , have a wealth of research supporting their positive impact on recipients’ mental health. 

Organizations offering AAT might give participants a variety of animals to choose from by operating on a large farm or creating a type of petting zoo filled with AAT-approved animals. As long as a mental health professional is involved in the psychotherapy process and the animal participant(s) is trained or approved for use as a therapy animal, the specifics of AAT can be determined by the therapist and person receiving therapy.

Some residential treatment centers are organized around long-term AAT, offering a camp-like environment, programs for nature immersion, animal training sessions, and other opportunities. Some are focused on a particular aspect of mental health. Grief camps, for example, offer children who have experienced personal loss the opportunity to work through emotional experiences with horses or dogs. 

Owning a therapy or companion animal, such as a dog trained to sense and alleviate anxiety, is only loosely considered a type of animal-assisted psychotherapy. AAT, by definition, involves the active participation of a mental health professional. Studies that evaluate the benefits of AAT generally do not include evidence gathered from this particular population.

People of any age can see benefits from interacting with animals in a psychotherapy setting. Young children often see dramatic improvements in interpersonal relationships with equine-assisted therapy. For example, young children who are unable to express physical and emotional comfort and closeness with others, or find it difficult to do so, may more readily form that type of bond with a horse or other animal. 

This unique bond can help the child develop traits like patience, respect, empathy , acceptance, confidence, assertiveness, and responsibility. The unspoken communication between child and animal can foster verbal and nonverbal communication skills in the child. All of these attributes help children maintain secure and mutually respectful relationships during difficult times throughout their lives.

Studies have shown animal-assisted psychotherapy also has a positive impact on aging individuals and the elderly. AAT can be especially effective for people who used to have dogs or other animals but are no longer able to care for their own animal. Being in the presence of pets again can help remind people of the love they had for previous animals, stirring memories and reducing loneliness .

A wide variety of animals can assist individuals in psychotherapy, and some may need to exercise caution around some animals. For example, horses can pose significant dangers due to their weight and size, especially for children. Some people may experience allergies to some animals or their environments, such as dogs, horses, and hay. 

Consult a physician if you have any health conditions that might affect or complicate an experience with animal-assisted psychotherapy. As always, collaborate with your mental health professional to select an animal-assisted modality that will provide the most benefit and lead to positive emotional progress. 


  • Banks, M. R., & Banks, W. A. (2002). The effects of animal-assisted therapy on loneliness in an elderly population in long-term care facilities. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 57 (7), M428-M432. Retrieved from 
  • Barker, S. B. (1999). Therapeutic aspects of the human-companion animal interaction. Psychiatric Times, 16 (2), 45-46. Retrieved from
  • Barker, S. B., & Dawson, K. S. (1998). The effects of animal-assisted therapy on anxiety ratings of hospitalized psychiatric patients. Psychiatric Services, 49 (6), 797-801. Retrieved from 
  • Hallberg, L. (2008). Walking the way of the horse: Exploring the power of the horse-human relationship. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse.
  • Humphries, T. L. (2003). Effectiveness of dolphin-assisted therapy as a behavioral intervention for young children with disabilities. Bridges, 1 (6), 1-9. Retrieved from 
  • Marino, L., & Lilienfeld, S. O. (2007). Dolphin-assisted therapy: More flawed data and more flawed conclusions. Anthrozoös, 20 (3), 239-249. Retrieved from 
  • Martin, F., & Farnum, J. (2002). Animal-assisted therapy for children with pervasive developmental disorders. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 24 (6), 657-670. Retrieved from 
  • Nimer, J., & Lundahl, B. (2007). Animal-assisted therapy: A meta-analysis. Anthrozoös, 20 (3), 225-238. Retrieved from 
  • Odendaal, J. S. (2000). Animal-assisted therapy—magic or medicine?  Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 49 (4), 275-280. Retrieved from 

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Therapy animals

Animals helping people.

Therapy animals

How Do I Get Started?


In this vacuum, each facility is free to create its own policies; many require handlers and animals to be registered with a recognized service and the handlers to have received training in the art and science of animal-assisted interventions. There are other reasons to pursue registration and training:

  • Liability insurance coverage is often included by these organiztaions for volunteers pursuing AAA. (Note: therapists conducting AAT in the course of their practice are not covered under these policies and must rely upon their professional, association, or general business liability policies).
  • Opportunity to join a support network of teams who are already familiar with programs and procedures.
  • A chance to observe programs in action to identify areas where you and your pet feel comfortable – and areas where you do not. Many handlers discover that certain settings are too emotionally draining for them. The good news is that there are more than enough places to visit and people to help if you find that certain types of patients are too close for comfort.


  • A Certificate of Completion that demonstrates to facility administrators that you have received training. The Certificate also enhances a resume, program proposal and grant application. (NOTE: Such a certificate is NOT the same as professional certification.)
  • Opportunities to network with other people and pets who share your passion.
  • A chance to focus your energy and determine which of the many types of AAT/AAA interventions you and your pets are best suited for.
  • Discover areas where you and your pet may need additional training to become ready for this work.
  • Help you determine a course of study or major to pursue this work.
  • Continuing Education credits.
  • Open doors to exciting opportunities where you and your pets can make a difference.

Click here to learn more about training courses being offered.

REALITY CHECK: As a general rule, there are few employment opportunities as an animal-assisted therapist. Third-party payments for therapy visits are few. Most programs are all-volunteer: some are paid for on a fee-for-service basis by the facility or the patient. Most people enter the AAT/AAA field from one of four pathways:

  • Volunteering on their own. This is difficult without a network of other volunteers and a support organization to handle the administrative details of scheduling visits.
  • Volunteering with an existing group. This is the most common pathway as it offers the communal group wisdom of teams’ experiences and networking.
  • Starting an animal visitation service. If you have an entrepreneurial mind and are ready for the rigors of starting a for-profit business or nonprofit organization funded by fees for service, this may be your best route. There are many challenges and profits are minimal.
  • Incorporating AAT/AAA into your existing work. Whether you’re in counseling, OT, PT, social work, psychology, speech therapy, special education, gerontology, nursing, or any of many other professions, a little creativity can add an animal component to what you’re already doing.

Click here to learn about our textbook that offers a greatly expanded version of the basic information on this Web site.

NCEFT National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy

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We Can't Do it Without You! Please help NCEFT raise $150,000 to support our clients, horses and programs. … Continue Reading

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Horses. Hope. Healing. Three simple words that when combined have the power to transform lives. … Continue Reading



Trailblazers Resilience/Emotions Summer Camp Now Accepting Applications for Summer 2024June 24 - 28, … Continue Reading


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There are many ways to support NCEFT! NCEFT is a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation (tax ID … Continue Reading

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Horses. Hope. Healing. Three simple words that when combined have the power to transform lives. Located in Woodside, California on the San Francisco Peninsula, NCEFT is … continue reading

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We Can't Do it Without You! Please help NCEFT raise $150,000 to support our clients, horses and programs. Together, we can harness the power of the human-horse connection, one hoofbeat at a … continue reading

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There are many ways to support NCEFT! NCEFT is a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation (tax ID 94-2378104).  NCEFT holds a top rating with and … continue reading

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NCEFT’s Services

NCEFT's current programs include: Physical & Occupational TherapyIncorporating a horse’s dynamic movement into the treatment session (requires a physician’s … continue reading


Horses. Hope. Healing. Three simple words that when combined have the power to transform lives. NCEFT is centered around helping people. We are about compassion, inclusiveness, and offering the highest level of service to those in need. We do this by harnessing the unique connection between horses and humans. NCEFT is also about community. Many of our clients and families describe NCEFT as a place that feels like home with people who feel like family.

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Therapy animals, on this page:, animal assisted therapy, would we fund this, why wouldn’t we fund it, what else do we think about, case example, case example 2.

A therapy animal is an animal a therapist uses to help their clients connect with and be involved in their therapy. Therapy animals usually belong to the therapist or therapy organisation. They generally only have contact with the client during the therapy session and don’t stay with the client after the session is finished. They’re generally used to help the client get the most out of their therapy.

Therapists use different approaches, techniques and equipment to engage their clients and help carry out an intervention. Many therapists who work with people with disability may use therapy animals in therapy sessions.

Involvement of a therapy animal is simply another tool a therapist can use as part of their program.

Feng has a psychosocial disability and asks us to fund a therapy program that uses a therapy animal during the sessions. It’s been recommended by his therapist. But the hourly rate for this program is higher than other therapy programs, which don’t involve the use of a therapy animal.

We would fund therapy programs that are reasonable and necessary for Feng’s disability support needs and meet the NDIS funding criteria . But we won’t typically fund therapy programs that use a therapy animal during the therapy sessions. This is because any additional costs of these therapy programs aren’t seen as value for money, when we compare them to the cost of other supports.

To decide if a support is reasonable and necessary, we look at the information Feng has given us against the NDIS funding criteria .

We think about whether the therapy program is likely to be effective and beneficial for Feng taking into account current good practice. When we say taking into account current good practice, we mean thinking about what’s recommended, or has been found to work well, for other people in situations like yours.

We’ll work out whether a therapy program is value for money, comparing the benefits Feng would get from it with the cost of other supports. We’ll see if there are other therapy programs Feng could choose that would achieve the same results at a much lower cost.

We typically won’t fund:

  • Therapy programs that aren’t run by qualified therapists. For example, a horse riding school running a horse therapy program, where there’s no qualified allied health professional to give actual therapy. This is because these types of programs won’t be able to give evidence their program is based on current good practice. Therapy programs that aren’t designed or delivered by qualified therapists are likely to cause harm to you or be a risk to others.
  • A therapy support where you’re expected to own, buy or train your own therapy animal. Or where you need to take care of the therapy animal in your own home after the session with your therapist. This is because animals, other than qualified and trained assistance animals, are unlikely to meet the NDIS funding criteria . See the Our Guideline – Assistance animals for more information.

Gale is 17 years old and lives with an intellectual disability. Gale is uncomfortable around people. She will withdraw or even panic if she needs to have social contact with anyone outside of her immediate family.

Gale’s therapist has given a report that recommends a psychologist who helps young people who live with social anxiety. The psychologist uses a therapy dog as part of the support. The recommended program is more expensive than other programs for social anxiety, because it includes the therapy dog. The therapist has given examples and evidence. These explain why this program is more likely to help Gale with her social anxiety than similar supports that don’t use a therapy dog.

Gale’s family sends the psychologist’s recommendation to us and asks for funding for Gale to take part in the social anxiety therapy program.

When deciding whether the therapy support is reasonable and necessary, the planner looks at the information provided against the NDIS funding criteria . The planner thinks about whether:

  • the support will help Gale to mix with other people in the community, or get a job
  • the support will be, or is likely to be, effective and beneficial for Gale, taking into account current good practice
  • the support is value for money and the costs are reasonable, when we compare them to the cost of other supports that Gale could get benefit from.

In Gale’s case the planner decides:

  • Based on the report from Gale’s therapist, the program is likely to help Gale to overcome her social anxiety. This will help build Gale’s confidence about having contact with people other than her family. This is also likely to help Gale to mix with others in the community or get a job.
  • The examples and evidence show that based on Gale’s psychological needs the use of a therapy animal in the session is likely to be effective and beneficial for the management of Gale’s social anxiety.
  • The program isn’t value for money because there are other therapy programs Gale could use, which would achieve the same result at a much lower cost.

The planner decides the program that uses a therapy dog during the therapy sessions doesn’t meet our funding criteria. The planner decides to fund another therapy program that doesn’t use a therapy dog.

Carly is 12 years old with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Carly’s family thinks she should get involved in some community activities. They believe this will help her learn to manage her behaviours and responses when she’s with other people. They look for activities that will focus on helping her to manage her behaviour and emotions, to support her disability.

Carly’s family report they want her to participate in an equine, or horse, therapy program to facilitate her social participation and help manage her behaviours. They provide information about the service they have found that involves trail rides, mixing socially with other riders and learning how to ride and care for horses. The program is run by a local riding stable with riding instructors. There is no evidence a qualified therapist or any people with disability expertise are involved in designing or running the riding program.

The family take Carly of a trial visit and find that she responds well to horses. Based on the success of this visit, Carly’s family asks us for funding for 12 months of visits. They include a brochure from the horse riding school and letter from Carly’s doctor which states:

  • Carly seems to respond positively to animals, her ‘face lights up’ when she talks about horses in her therapy sessions
  • learning to ride horses will improve Carly’s self-confidence
  • learning how to care for horses is likely to help Carly understand routines and responsibilities, which is part of her behavioural management goals
  • being around people caring for horses will model calm, quiet behaviour which may help Carly to behave in a similar way and may improve her social skills.

To work out if the riding visits are reasonable and necessary, we look at the information we’re given, against the NDIS funding criteria . We think about whether:

  • the visits will be, or is likely to be, effective and beneficial for Carly, taking into account current good practice
  • the riding visits are an intervention that’s run by a qualified therapist who has experience working with people with disability
  • taking part in a general riding school program would be a potential risk to Carly
  • whether the visits are a day-to-day living cost, and if so, whether the cost of the visits are solely and directly as a result of Carly’s disability needs
  • the riding visits represent value for money when we compare its benefits to the cost of other supports that Carly could get benefit from.

In Carly’s case, the planner decides:

  • While the trial session showed Carly responds well to horses, there’s no published or peer reviewed evidence to show that a general horse riding program is current good practice as a support to manage behaviour or emotions.
  • There isn’t enough evidence to show the general horse riding program Carly’s parents have proposed is a professionally designed therapy program that will help Carly build her skills in managing her behaviour and emotions. This is because no allied health professional is involved in designing or running the program. This means there isn’t enough information to show the general horse riding program will give Carly the benefits she needs.
  • With no evidence that an allied health professional is involved in designing or running the general horse riding program, there’s a risk this program could cause harm to Carly or others.
  • There’s no evidence the general horse riding program offered to Carly is a disability related therapy. The program is about learning how to ride and care for horses, and would be more appropriately described as a recreational leisure activity than a therapy. Recreational activities like this are a day-to-day living cost. We can’t fund day-to-day living costs that anyone would be expected to pay for. The cost of the general horse riding program is not an extra living cost that’s solely and directly as a result of Carly’s disability.
  • When compared to other supports Carly could choose for managing her behaviour and emotions, or building her social skills, the cost of the general horse riding program isn’t seen as good value for money.

The planner decides the program doesn’t meet our NDIS funding criteria . The program isn’t approved.

For more information, refer to:

  • Our Guideline - Reasonable and necessary supports
  • Our Guideline – Assistance animals

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Growth with Unbridled Potential

Since 2003, Healing Reins Licensed Mental Health Professionals, trained and certified with EAGALA , have been working to facilitate healing with horses through Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) and Equine Assisted Growth and Learning (EAL) . Our team works with individuals, couples, families and groups who may be seeking new avenues of personal growth, healing and relationship enhancement. By utilizing the relationship with the intuitive nature of the horse, humans are able to tap into the center of who they are and experience the ways they relate and respond to life.

Engaging… dynamic…experiential… Healing Reins serves the Pacific Northwest, Puget Sound and Seattle area, and is located in Gig Harbor, WA.

Contact us at 818-319-1956 or email us at [email protected]

Step into a world of change…

Where growth is facilitated rather than taught, where challenges are welcomed because of the lessons they offer, where engaged learning brings forth profound results..

In this experiential form of therapy, humans and horses engage in an interactive process that allows clients to more fully connect to themselves, learn to trust their own intuitive wisdom and respond out of that wisdom with greater confidence to make the changes they want to make in their lives.

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP)    This cutting edge model engages the whole person… mind, body and soul in the process of growth and healing.  It is “live” in the moment learning.  Clients are able to experience tangible feedback from the horse and apply this learning to areas of their lives outside of the arena.

Individually designed sessions offer clients opportunities for:

  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Assertiveness Training
  • Confidence Building
  • Improved Communication
  • Increased Self Awareness
  • Improved Relationship Skills


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  3. Animal-assisted Therapist: a solid business plan (example)

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  4. Animal-Assisted Therapist Business Plan

    animal assisted therapy business plan

  5. Craft Your Animal Therapy Business Plan in 9 Steps

    animal assisted therapy business plan

  6. Animal-assisted Therapist: a solid business plan (example)

    animal assisted therapy business plan


  1. Therapet: Animal Assisted Therapy

  2. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)

  3. Animal Assisted Therapy: Healing Humans and Helping Pets🐶 #pets #therapy #mentalhealth

  4. Canine Assisted Play Therapy Sampler 1

  5. Perspectives Series: The Impact of Assistive Animals and Animal-Assisted Therapy on Disability

  6. Ep.9


  1. Start a profitable animal-assisted therapist business

    Our business plan for animal-assisted therapy is updated biannually to include the latest trends in the industry. We believe this will assist you in developing a thriving AAT practice. For instance, there's a growing recognition of the benefits of therapy animals beyond the traditional dog and horse, including smaller pets like rabbits and ...

  2. Starting an Animal Assisted Therapy Practice

    Best Practices for Animal Assisted Therapy Practice Business Plans. The process of writing a business plan for your animal assisted therapy practice can be grueling. A good animal assisted therapy practice business plan, however, is a reality check that gauges your business instincts against hard industry numbers.

  3. Launching Your Animal Assisted Therapy Business

    Starting an Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) business is a rewarding venture that combines passion for animals with the desire to help people improve their mental and physical health. As we've explored the foundational steps, from understanding AAT's benefits to navigating legal requirements, it's clear that success lies in thorough preparation ...

  4. Craft Your Animal-Assisted Therapy Business Plan in 9 Steps: Start Now!

    Create a marketing plan to attract clients and build a referral network. Define your operational plan and logistics for managing the practice. By following these nine steps, you will be well-equipped to launch your animal-assisted therapy practice and make a positive impact in the lives of both humans and animals.

  5. 9 Steps to Launch Your Animal Therapy Business: Expert Checklist!

    In addition to monitoring client satisfaction and progress, it is important to analyze key business performance metrics to evaluate the overall success of your Animal Therapy business. These metrics may include revenue growth, client retention rates, referral sources, and operational efficiency measures. 4.


    volunteers. Humane societies, SPCAs and animal control agencies will find a particular benefit in PFT programs. It extends the range of animal shelter activities and enhances the traditional definition of humaneness as "caring for less fortunate living creatures." Some homeless animals may be adopted to the facilities or to employees.

  7. PDF Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)

    Standards of Practice for Animal Assisted Education: Melissa Winkle and Lucija Katelenić. Standards of Practice for Animal Assisted Therapy: Melissa Winkle, Lucija Katelenić, Lea Devčić, and Selina Gibsone. Standards of Practice for Animal Assisted Special Programs: Jennifer Rogers, Peter Gorbing, Melissa Winkle, Helen McCain, Iris

  8. An Introduction to Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy

    Key points. Animal-assisted psychotherapy (AAP) is a growing mental health specialty. AAP involves the structured, intentional inclusion of an animal in the psychotherapy process. AAP leverages ...

  9. How to Start an Equine Therapy Business

    Start an equine therapy business by following these 10 steps: Plan your Equine Therapy Business. Form your Equine Therapy Business into a Legal Entity. Register your Equine Therapy Business for Taxes. Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card. Set up Accounting for your Equine Therapy Business. Get the Necessary Permits & Licenses for your ...

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    Animal-assisted therapy is a therapeutic intervention that incorporates animals, such as horses, dogs, cats, and birds, into the treatment plan.. The client, therapist, and animal work together in ...

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    The effects of animal-assisted therapy on loneliness in an elderly population in long-term care facilities. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 57 (7 ...

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    Pet Partners (formerly the Delta Society): Nonprofit organization that compiles research results and trains volunteers and their pets (dogs, mainly) for participation in animal-assisted activities and animal-assisted therapy throughout the United States and other countries. Phone: (425) 679-5500.

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    4. Earn an animal-assisted therapy certificate Next, you can earn a certificate in animal-assisted therapy or a similar subject. There are two main paths you can take to pursue this qualification: Online certification: You can earn an animal-assisted therapy certification online, which consists of a mix of instruction and experience. To pursue ...

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    Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities at Kennedy Krieger Institute Community and Professional Development Training Program 7000 Tudsbury Road Baltimore, Maryland 21244 • Tel (443)923-9555 • TTY (443) 923-9205 •Email:[email protected] •Website: Definition.

  15. How Do I Get Started?

    REALITY CHECK: As a general rule, there are few employment opportunities as an animal-assisted therapist. Third-party payments for therapy visits are few. Most programs are all-volunteer: some are paid for on a fee-for-service basis by the facility or the patient. Most people enter the AAT/AAA field from one of four pathways: Volunteering on ...

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  17. NCEFT National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy

    NCEFT is centered around helping people. We are about compassion, inclusiveness, and offering the highest level of service to those in need. We do this by harnessing the unique connection between horses and humans. NCEFT is also about community. Many of our clients and families describe NCEFT as a place that feels like home with people who feel ...

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  19. Therapy animals

    Animal assisted therapy. A therapy animal is an animal a therapist uses to help their clients connect with and be involved in their therapy. Therapy animals usually belong to the therapist or therapy organisation. They generally only have contact with the client during the therapy session and don't stay with the client after the session is ...

  20. Healing Reins

    Welcome to Healing Reins Growth with Unbridled Potential. Since 2003, Healing Reins Licensed Mental Health Professionals, trained and certified with EAGALA, have been working to facilitate healing with horses through Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) and Equine Assisted Growth and Learning (EAL) .Our team works with individuals, couples, families and groups who may be seeking new avenues of ...