Inter-Rater Reliability Testing For Utilization Management Staff

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Recent regulatory pressures and certification requirements have heightened the need for payer organizations to abide by specific standards regarding medical management operations. Payer organizations that are making medical-necessity determinations regarding reimbursement for health care services, as well as risk-bearing provider groups to whom some of these functions have been delegated, must insure consistency and appropriateness in their determinations. The most powerful accreditation body for health care payers, the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), requires that payer organizations carry out periodic inter-rater reliability assessments to insure consistency in medical management decision making.

An inter-rater reliability assessment or study is a performance-measurement tool involving a comparison of responses for a control group (i.e., the “raters”) with a standard. Inter-rater reliability (also called inter-observer reliability) traditionally refers to how well two or more raters agree and is derived from the correlation of different raters’ judgments. For the purposes of this paper, inter-rater reliability is a measurement of how well raters agree with a standard, which is more of an assessment of the validity of the responses. The purpose of the study is to determine whether the raters have been consistently trained and are applying that training in a consistent fashion. The analysis is intended to gauge the raters’ observations and reactions resulting from a specific situation. The principles discussed herein would apply to any set of utilization management guidelines.

An inter-rater reliability assessment can be used to measure the level of consistency among a plan or provider group’s utilization management staff and adherence to organizational medical management criteria or standards. Reasons for conducting an inter-rater reliability study within an organization include:

  • Minimizing variation in the application of clinical guidelines;
  • Evaluating staff’s ability to identify potentially avoidable utilization;
  • Evaluating staff’s ability to identify quality-of-care issues;
  • Targeting specific areas most in need of improvement;
  • Targeting staff needing additional training; and
  • Avoiding litigation due to inconsistently applied guidelines.

NCQA requires that health plans develop and implement an inter-rater reliability process for Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) compliance. NCQA is an independent review organization dedicated to evaluating and reporting on the quality of managed care organizations. HEDIS is a set of standardized performance measures developed by NCQA with assistance from managed care organizations and employers concerned with quality health care. The performance indicators in HEDIS are continually developing, but most involve measuring access to care, health plan service, provider qualifications, activities that assist people to recover from illness, and management of chronic illness. The combination of these measures is intended to provide a tool for performance comparison of different health plans.

An inter-rater reliability study can provide measurement of many of these quality indicators. It can most readily be used to measure access, as NCQA looks for “fair and consistent health plan decisions about medical treatments and services provided to plan members.” It also can be used to measure service, as NCQA looks for “actual improvements that the plan has made in care and service” (“What NCQA Looks for in a Health Plan,” «»). This latter indicator can be measured by reviewing the results of the inter-rater reliability study from year to year.

An inter-rater reliability assessment can be a useful tool for a health plan or provider organization. However, as with any benchmarking exercise, it cannot in and of itself enhance performance. To improve outcomes, the assessment must be followed up by analysis of the results and, most importantly, by action.

Medical management clinical guidelines, whether developed internally or purchased and then adjusted to meet specified objectives and local practice standards, are an extension of the organization’s overall philosophies and goals. It is essential to the future viability of the plan or provider organization, the welfare of members and corporate partners, and the organization’s standing in the community that they be applied appropriately and in a uniform fashion. Periodic benchmarking of clinical guideline application via an inter-rater reliability study is one way for an organization to insure its intentions for utilization management are met.

This paper will examine several elements that health plans or provider groups with utilization management responsibilities should consider when designing and implementing an inter-rater reliability study. The example presented illustrates some aspects of the process. The example, although fairly simple, demonstrates how easily an inter-rater reliability study can be performed. However, inter-rater reliability is a complex concept, and a much more detailed analysis is possible. End users of any inter-rater reliability analysis should be advised of the method and depth of the analysis to avoid confusion or misunderstandings.

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Paul Lendner

Paul Lendner ist ein praktizierender Experte im Bereich Gesundheit, Medizin und Fitness. Er schreibt bereits seit über 5 Jahren für das Managed Care Mag. Mit seinen Artikeln, die einen einzigartigen Expertenstatus nachweisen, liefert er unseren Lesern nicht nur Mehrwert, sondern auch Hilfestellung bei ihren Problemen.

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On-demand informed webinar series, how loma linda university health uses irr to reduce denials.

Please note : This webinar does not offer continuing education credit. 

In this webinar, you'll hear how Loma Linda University Health uses Interrater Reliability (IRR) , a module inside the MCG Learning Management System (LMS), to evaluate, test, and develop staff skills for proper guideline use. By integrating denial prevention strategies tied to proper guideline use, Loma Linda has significantly reduced denials. Learn practical tips for using IRR, as well as how to optimize the use of MCG’s LMS to provide a comprehensive training program and develop staff competencies.

Highlights include:

  • How IRR is used to evaluate proper guideline use
  • How IRR can be set up to target the most-denied types of cases
  • How the LMS can be set up to personalize targeted improvement plans for staff
  • Ideas you can apply for successfully delivering education to staff


Directors, managers, staff and physician advisors involved in case management, utilization management, clinical quality and improvement, nursing, denials management, medical informatics, and more will benefit from viewing this webinar.


Please visit our Webinars  page to see more MCG webinars.


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Sociological Methods & Research

Inter-Rater Reliability Methods in Qualitative Case Study Research

Introduction, procedure for assessing irr, checklist development, discussion: determining the suitability of irr methods, conclusions, declaration of conflicting interests, data availability statement, biographies, cite article, share options, information, rights and permissions, metrics and citations, figures and tables, operations management (om) as a context, literature review.

IRR is …IRR is not …
About determining the current degree of consensus between coders as a basis for discussion that potentially enhances the findings or theory emerging from the data.About achieving full consensus, or a score of 1.0, between coders.
About using quantitative measures of reliability to enable the richness of insight that is a key strength of qualitative approaches.About replacing the richness of insight that is the strength of qualitative approaches with quantitative measures.
About providing transparency and rigor to the creative process of theory building from qualitative data.About stifling the creative process of theory building from qualitative data.
At times an iterative process of moving back and forth between the data and codes enabled by the IRR procedure.Necessarily a one-directional confirmation of statistically significant results from data.
About verifying one particular interpretation of the data.About discovering one single truth in the data.
A mechanical calculation for determining the level of coding agreement between coders that is then supplemented by discussion and reconciliation.About turning the analysis and write up of qualitative data into a mechanical process.
A measure of agreement that can be calculated manually or automatically using qualitative data analysis software.Reliant on the use of qualitative data analysis software.

IRR Statistics and Evaluation

IRR statisticFormulationNotationCommentsKey referenceExample of application in OM literature
statistic ( = Proportion of agreed judgments between raters.
= Probability of chance agreement.
More robust than a simple agreement percentage; used with nominal data; accounts for chance agreement between coders; applies to two coders only. Not identified
Cohen's kappa coefficient ( ) = Proportion of agreed judgments between raters.
= Probability of chance agreement.
As above for statistic; formulation appears the same but is calculated differently; unlike in , it is not assumed that coders have the same distribution of responses.
Fleiss’ kappa coefficient ( ) = Mean agreement between raters.
 = Mean probability of chance agreement.
Builds on statistic rather than ; can be used with three or more coders; applicable to nominal data.
index of reliability ( )  = Proportion of agreed judgements between raters.
c = Number of coding categories.
Accounts for marginal distributions that mean Cohen's kappa may have an upper bound <1.0; applies to nominal data.

IRR Reconciliation and Reporting

The overall irr process.

mcg irr case study answers 2021

IRR PhaseStepQuestions for the ResearchersPublication Considerations
(Overall Coding and) IRR process1Justification of approachBefore embarking on this approach, have you considered other methods of data analysis?
2Initial codingHave you identified if you are open coding or using codes, or a combination?
3Production of codebookHas the first coder produced and disseminated a book of codes and descriptions?
4Training of coding teamHas the coding team been trained in identifying and recording codes (and any related software)?
5Proportion of multiple codingHave you decided when you will stop multiple coding and assess IRR?
IRR measures6Analysis of coding comparisonsHave you considered the different methods for comparing IRR (e.g., coding stripes and the various statistics)? Have you considered the length of coding stripes for passages?
7IRR statistics reportedHave you decided what types of IRR statistics to present and in what format?
8Acceptable levels of IRRHas the acceptable level of IRR been determined? Are you showing a movement from weak to strong codes? Are you demonstrating poor codebook development that needs strengthening or complex constructs?
Reconciliation of IRR differences (and presentation of results)9Details of reconciliationHave you developed a process for reconciliation? Does the coding team understand the process for reconciling differences?
10Details of absorptionHave you decided how you will interpret first and second order code constructs and categories? And, have you decided on the options for ‘rejected’ codes?
11Participant validityHave you invited your subjects to validate your results?
12Triangulation of data sourcesHave you considered how the coding protocol might change for different types of data (e.g., interview and document)? Have you considered how you will present the analysis of different types of data sets?
13Presentation of resultsHave you considered different methods of presenting coded data?
ConditionAssessment of IRR SuitabilityJustification
Maturity of the fieldMatureHighly suitableIRR can be used irrespective of the maturity of the field; but in more mature fields of research, where there is greater prior understanding of a phenomenon, researchers may arrive at a stable working set of codes more quickly making coding and reaching agreement arguably more straightforward. Thus, the maturity of the field does not affect if IRR can be used but it may affect, to some degree, how it is used or the number of iterations.
NascentHighly suitable
Type of theory applicationBuildingHighly suitableIRR can be used with a range of theory applications, including theory building and theory testing approaches. The process however may differ according, for example, to the deductive versus inductive nature of the research (e.g., whether codes are derived from the literature or if codes emerge from the data—also closely linked to the maturity of the field).
TestingHighly suitable
Availability of dataHighHighly suitableSome form of data are necessary for IRR to be applied, most typically in text format, e.g., interview transcripts, detailed interview notes, diary entries, newspaper reports, company reports, etc. A greater amount of data arguably leads to greater complexity, which may mean there is more cause to check the consistency of the interpretation.
Number of types of dataMultipleHighly suitableIRR supports the analysis of singular or multiple data sources. In the context of multiple data sources, it enables them to be compared and integrated providing the same codebook can be used across data sources or formats.
SingularHighly suitable
Reliance on the coding team understanding the contextLowHighly suitableWhen there is a low reliance on understanding the context, multiple coders can code and interpret the text irrespective of whether they were involved in the collection of any primary data. In abductive reasoning, understanding the discipline is often unnecessary as by its very nature abductive coding can go out of the predominant theoretical field—that is, the highly iterative nature of the process may take researchers down any theoretical route. In deeply ethnographic studies, it becomes more difficult for multiple coders to be involved in coding and validation as there can be a strong need to understand the idiosyncratic context in which qualitative data has been collected.
Power structure (composition and organization of research team)AutocraticHighly suitableIRR benefits from an autocratic and democratic reconciliation process where power dynamics are fair and equal. Unequal power dynamics are likely to prove problematic for IRR which needs the research team views to be considered equal to avoid skewing the data toward the views of the senior member(s). Research teams often boast a principal investigator but this does not necessarily mean a hierarchical composition of the research team in terms of power dynamic. Due to the nature of the iterative process needed, IRR is unlikely to prove successful in an unstructured culture of a chaotic team composition.
DemocraticHighly suitable
Use of qualitative data analysis softwareYesHighly suitableIRR does not rely on using qualitative data analysis software; but the use of such software improves the audit trail and it also makes sharing data, involving multiple (potentially geographically dispersed) coders, and (re-)calculating the IRR statistic quicker and more straightforward. Thus, the use of software is advised but is not a prerequisite for the IRR approach.

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  • inter-rater reliability (IRR)
  • qualitative data
  • data analysis.

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Mcg 27th edition ambulatory care interrater reliability.

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Activity description

MCG (formerly referred to as Milliman Care Guidelines) is a tool that is used to help clinicians complete case reviews and make clinical decisions. The MCG 27th Edition Interrater Reliability (IRR) consists of scenarios that allow users to demonstrate their ability to use the tool correctly by applying the most appropriate ambulatory care evidence-based guideline to each case review.

Course last reviewed: 3/31/2023

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This activity is designed to meet the educational needs of nurses, physicians and pharmacists.

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At the end of this educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Analyze ambulatory care scenarios, and
  • Identify and apply the most appropriate 27th Edition Ambulatory Care evidence-based guideline to inform care decisions.
  • 0.50 ACPE - Pharmacists
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  • 0.50 ANCC - Nurses
  • 0.50 Attendance - General Attendance

Faculty/Planners Rebecca Gleason, RN, CCM Clinical Planner OptumHealth Education

Katherine Dittmer BSN, RN Associate Director Clinical Adherence and Remediation Clinical Consistency and Safety Clinical Performance Optum

Jennifer Every BSN, RN, CCM Training Consultant   Clinical Adherence and Remediation  Clinical Consistency and Safety  Clinical Performance  Optum

Katie Shelton MSN, RN, CCM  Training Consultant   Clinical Adherence and Remediation  Clinical Consistency and Safety  Clinical Performance  Optum

Brian J Kennedy, MD MBA Senior Medical Director Clinical Performance Optum

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Pharmacists/Pharmacy technicians This activity is approved for 0.50 contact hours ([0.05] CEU) in states that recognize ACPE. Attending the full program will earn 0.50 contact hours. Unique Activity Number(s): JA0007123-9999-23-078-H01-P

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The Internal Rate of Return

The Internal Rate of Return

The internal rate of return is the discount rate that sets the present value of all cash inflows of a project equal to the present value of all cash outflows of the same project. In other words, it is the effective rate of return that makes a project have a net present value of zero. Thus:

NPV = 0 if r = IRR, for any given project.

PV outgo = PV income when r = IRR

The internal rate of return method of project appraisal assumes that all proceeds from the project can be re-invested immediately, and in projects offering returns equal to the IRR, until maturity. A higher IRR indicates a more “profitable” project.

Interpreting the Internal rate of Return

You should note that the IRR need not be positive – It can be zero or even negative. A positive return indicates that the project makes money for the investor. A zero return indicates that the investor is neither profitable nor loss-making. Lastly, if the IRR is negative, the investor loses money. However, if the IRR is less than -1, it means the yield or rather the return is undefined.

The internal rate of return is usually compared to the cost of capital, usually the weighted average cost of capital, WACC. A project whose IRR is above its WACC increases the shareholders’ wealth. Otherwise, it would be unwise to borrow cash at an interest rate, say, 10% and then invest the money in a project with a rate of return less than 10%. The borrower would be unable to service the loan.

Usually, candidates cannot solve questions involving IRR directly and you may need to carry out linear extrapolation. Working with a spreadsheet or calculator is also a better, easier approach. However, you should aim to understand the manual approach first. It will then be easier to use a calculator.

Question Suppose we have a project with the following cash flows; Outgo: $150,000 at t = 0, $250,000 at t = 1, and some more $250,000 at t = 2 Income: $1 million at t = 3 Find the IRR of the project. A. 25.2% B. 0% C. 23% Solution The correct answer is A. We need to find the rate r such that: $$ -150,000 – 250,000(1 + r)^{-1} – 250,000(1 + r)^{-2} + 1000,000( 1 + r )^{-3} = 0 $$ $$ \text{At } 20\%, -150,000 – 250,000 * 1.2^{-1} – 250,000 * 1.2^{-2} + 1000,000 * 1.2^{-3} = 46,800 $$ $$ \text{At } 25\%, -150,000 – 250,000 * 1.2^{-1} – 250,000 * 1.2^{-2} + 1000,000 * 1.2^{-3} = 2,000 $$ We can approximate r by linear extrapolation using the two values: $$ r = 20\% + \cfrac {(0 – 46,800)}{(2 – 46,800)} * (25\% – 20\%) = 25.2\%$$ Suppose the WACC is 20% in the example above. What would be your advice to investors? Since WACC (20%) is less than IRR (25.2%), the project is economically viable and would increase the investors’ wealth. Conclusion : A capital project should be accepted if its IRR is greater than the cost of capital.

Reading 7 LOS 7a (Part 2)

Calculate and interpret the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR) of an investment.

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Case Studies


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