Essay on Being Late to School: Hurry Up with New Ideas 2024

You push the snooze button once again and finally open your eyes. It is already 8:50, and your classes start at 9. “I’m going to be late again!”— you think, already in full panic mode. In a minute, you rush out the door half-dressed, swallowing your sandwich on the go. 

Does this happen to you every morning? Then, writing an essay on being late to class will be a beneficial task for you.

The picture tells why writing an essay on being late can be beneficial.

In the article, you’ll see how to approach writing a “being late” essay. Our custom-writing team has collected the most useful tips that will help you nail the task. Additionally, you will find here:

  • topics to write about;
  • examples of writing different types of essays on being late to class. 

☑️ How to Write Essays about Tardiness

  • 📜 Essays on Being Late: Different Types
  • 💡 Top Essay Ideas
  • 🔎 References

In case you have to write an essay on being late in general, regardless of the situation, the following tips are for you. Learn how to compose a successful 500-words essay on the topic:   

Step #1: Start with describing a situation when being on time is extremely important.

Let the situation be a job interview, for instance. Tell about the consequences of being late in that case. Can a person who is late for a job interview actually get a job?

Step #2: Now, you can discuss reasons for tardiness.

So, why do some people tend to be late regularly? What excuses do they usually have? Are there any scientific explanations of this phenomenon? Give answers in your essay.

Step #3: Finally, you can discuss how to manage this problem.

Introduce some basic principles of time management. Don’t forget to add your recommendations. If you’ve already had a similar issue, describe how you handled it.

If you have to write an essay about your tardiness, here’s how to apologize for being late:

✔️ Remember that your tardiness is your fault. So, while writing an essay for being late, demonstrate your remorse. Choose appropriate vocabulary to make the reader be compassionate and accept your excuses. 
✔️ You are already late for an event, so don’t waste more time discussing unnecessary information in your essay. Start directly from the core of the problem: plead guilty. Provide some reasons why you weren’t punctual and include valid excuses. 
✔️ Here, it’s crucial to demonstrate your understanding of the problem. Confirm that you are taking responsibility for your tardiness. Also, make the readers believe you realize the importance of being punctual.
✔️ In your essay’s conclusion, show that you want to improve your discipline and time management skills. You can even introduce some strategies that would help you to figure out how to avoid being late. 

📜  Different Types of Essays on Being Late: How to Write

Did you know that there are several types of essays on being late? And each type requires different structure. Sounds overwhelming, right? 

Worry not: we have an explanation for every type of essay. With our advice, you can nail your paper on coming late to school!

Apology Letter for Being Late

You write an apology letter when you need to report why you were late. It’s a short, formal essay addressed to your teacher or professor. It can seem daunting at first, but it’s relatively easy to write.

  • Start with your teacher’s or principal’s name. You can add “dear” if you want. Example: Dear Mrs [your teacher’s name]
  • Apologize for your lateness. Be sincere and straightforward. Example: I am very sorry I missed the first part of your class today.
  • Explain why you were late. Don’t make up excuses! Describe the situation as it happened. Example: I was late because I got caught up in a traffic jam.
  • Say that you understand that you were wrong. Promise that you won’t be late again. Example: I understand that I should have gotten up earlier. I’ll do my best not to let this happen again.
  • Ask what you can do to catch up with the material you’ve missed. Example: I will do the classwork I’ve missed. Please allow me to write the exam I’ve missed.
  • Sign the letter with your name and a complimentary close. Example: Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [your name]

Cause and Effect Essays for Being Late

Papers on lateness are great for exploring causes and effects. In your essay, you can focus on the reasons behind tardiness and the consequences of being late.

  • Select a problem that you can work with.  Example: Being late for school causes a lot of stress for a student. 
  • State the leading cause of the problem. Example: Lateness is often caused by a lack of sleep due to stress or too much work.
  • Think about the possible effects of this problem. Example: Tardiness can lead to more stress-related problems.
  • Write a conclusion. You can simply sum up what you described in the essay. Example: As you can see, being late often causes additional stress.

Narrative Essay for Being Late

Writing a narrative essay is almost like telling a story. In this case, you’ll compose a short story about your absence or tardiness. Here are some tips:

  • Write a clear introduction. For example, describe the day when you were late for school. Example: One day I was late for a science lesson and missed a very exciting experiment.
  • Write from the first-person perspective. This is instrumental if you’re describing something that happened to you personally. Example: I want to write about an experience that taught me a lot.
  • Tell the whole story! Start by describing the reasons why you were late and finish with the outcomes and the lessons learned. Example: In the end, I understood that I should manage my time better.

Reflective Essay for Being Late

A reflective paper is a lot like a narrative essay, but it’s more formal. Here you can reflect on your understanding of punctuality and talk about what influenced it.

  • Start by formulating the main idea or a thesis. Example: Understanding how my actions affected other people helped me to become more punctual.
  • Describe what you’ve learned through experience and how it influenced you. Example: This experience showed me that if you’re tardy, you can miss the most important events in your life.
  • Don’t be afraid to show some creativity and use descriptive language in your reflective essay. Example: The realization hit me like lightning.

Argumentative Essay for Being Late

When writing about being late, you will need to convince the reader of your viewpoint by using arguments.

For example, you can choose to write about how lateness can affect academic performance:

  • Formulate your topic as a question. The answer will become your thesis statement. Example: Topic: How can tardiness affect academic performance? Thesis: Students that come late to school disrupt the discipline and miss out on important information, leading to poor academic performance.
  • Introduce two arguments—one for and one against your statement. Example: Tardiness negatively affects students’ academic performance, although some people think it’s an exaggeration.
  • Present arguments that will persuade the reader that your point is correct and that the opposite is wrong. Example: Students who come to school late miss the first part of the discussion, which makes it hard for them to understand the lesson.

💡  Essays on Being Late: Top Ideas

In some cases, you’re allowed to select what to discuss in your paper. There are several angles to consider the topic from, and you may have trouble picking one.

The picture shows a quote by Karen Joy Fowler.

Can’t decide what to write about in your essay on being late to class? Here are some ideas you can choose from with examples.

Reasons for Being Late to Class

You probably think that laziness and poor time management are the main reasons why students don’t arrive in time. For your essay on being late to school, you might also want to consider the following ideas:

  • Some live too far away, and it’s difficult for them to arrive on time.
  • Some have illnesses or disabilities that cause them to be late.
  • Sometimes students experience too much stress and have trouble sleeping. 
  • Learners who are bullied at school may refuse to go back there.
  • Issues with public transport may result in delays.
  • Some are afraid of their teachers, or they don’t want to write tests.
  • Some students want to challenge authority by breaking the rules.
  • Some might have problematic parents who try to keep them at home.
  • Working because of the family’s tough financial situation forces students to skip classes.
  • Practicing religious rites may result in lateness to school.
  • Kids can come late on purpose to show off.
  • Conflicts with teachers make learners avoid attending classes.
  • Caring for younger siblings may cause lateness. 
  • Another reason to consider for your essay is the desire to get an adrenaline rush.
  • A car breaking down or a bike’s flat tire can cause learners to be unpunctual.
  • Some students are not motivated to study.
  • Living in a troubled neighborhood can prevent punctuality.
  • Kids may fall asleep in public transport and pass their stop.
  • If a child is inattentive in the morning, they may forget to get out of the house in time.
  • Caring for pets before school can be a reason for students to be late. 
  • Some are exhausted and sleep through their alarms.
  • If something around the house needs repair, students may fail to arrive at school on time.
  • Going to bed late at night makes it difficult to get up in the morning.
  • Forgetting their belongings at home may cause students to go back to collect them.
  • An essay on being late to school might want to look at mental health problems as a cause for lateness.
  • Some might be negatively influenced by their peers.
  • Many students spend too much time getting ready in the morning.
  • Noisy neighbors can cause sleep problems or even make one miss one’s alarm.
  • Family problems often affect children’s capability to be organized and punctual.
  • Many school kids like buying coffee before class and spend a lot of time in queues.
  • Students might skip a class because they haven’t done their homework.
  • For some people, it’s tough to keep track of time.
  • Absence can be a result of caring for elders.
  • Some may spend too much time preparing breakfast. 
  • Some students’ parents distract them instead of helping to get ready for school.

You can discuss one of these reasons in your essay about tardiness and propose what can be done:

Students who live too far away should inform their teachers beforehand that they can be late.

Lateness and Academic Performance

Alternatively, you can focus on the impacts of tardiness on studying. Explain the effects of poor attendance in an essay: write about one of the following points.

  • During the first hours in the morning, students are the most attentive.
  • The first few minutes of class often cover essential information.
  • If you are often late, your tardiness can become chronic, which can affect your academic performance .
  • Tardiness causes behavioral problems and can lead to suspension.
  • Lateness makes you distracted and less attentive.
  • A significant disadvantage of being late is possible conflicts with teachers. 
  • Students who are late have problems with keeping accurate records.
  • The ability to follow the instructions is reduced in tardy learners.
  • Students that often arrive late can miss out on important tests or exams.
  • Lateness increases academic stress .
  • Being tardy increases the school workload at home.
  • One pupil’s lateness can disrupt the whole class.
  • Tardiness negatively affects one’s reputation.
  • Lateness usually makes learners feel disconnected from school.
  • Tardiness can result in dropouts.
  • Teachers often decide to keep late students out of class.

The picture talks about mental disorders related to chronic lateness.

  • Learners who are always late might have a harder time getting teachers’ help and support.
  • At worst, chronic tardiness can delay the graduation of affected students.
  • The stress that comes with being late to class can impact learners’ concentration.
  • Teachers may want to check late students’ homework more thoroughly.
  • Tardy pupils may be assigned extra tasks or tests.
  • Tardy students may have to report to the principal. 
  • An instructor is less likely to grant you automatic A or other favors if you’re chronically late.
  • Tardiness can start a snowball effect with many unintended adverse consequences.
  • In a lesson with group projects, late teenagers disappoint their classmates. 
  • Chronic lateness in middle school may lead to problems in high school.
  • Late students may not be admitted to exams .
  • Tardy students might find it challenging to keep up with the education process.
  • Tardiness decreases motivation to study .
  • Some teachers punish late students by deliberately lowering their grades.
  • Pupils who are not punctual are unlikely to get school awards and prizes.
  • Continually tardy learners are likely to be detained after school.
  • Parents might want to punish their chronically late children by making them to do additional work.  
  • Classmates will consider their tardy peers last when they need to select partners for group projects.

You can also discuss how tardy students affect the activity of the whole class:

Students who are late for school cause teachers to interrupt their lessons. They take other students’ attention away from the teacher and can sometimes disrupt discipline in class.

Reasons for Being Punctual

Naturally, every student needs to learn how to manage time properly . So, why not write an essay about the importance of being punctual? Here are some topic examples:

  • Punctuality makes you more disciplined.
  • Punctuality means not only getting to school on time but also never missing your deadlines.
  • Punctual students perform better in academics.
  • Punctuality makes your thoughts more precise and your mind more stable.
  • Punctual students won’t get in trouble or detention due to lateness.
  • Punctuality characterizes a confident person who is realistic about how long their actions take.
  • If you’re always on time, you rarely miss crucial information and can learn more skills.
  • Another reason why not being late is beneficial is that you can perform more tasks during the day.
  • By being punctual, one shows respect for other people and oneself.
  • People have more confidence in those who are always on time.
  • It isn’t easy to follow one’s schedule without being punctual. 
  • You don’t need to apologize if you’re not late.
  • Punctuality saves time and reduces stress.
  • A punctual person does not have to cancel plans because of their lateness.
  • For a punctual person, it’s easier to multitask.
  • You are less likely to have problems with teachers or classmates.
  • Punctuality is a valuable skill in all spheres of life.
  • Punctuality leaves you more time to enjoy your hobbies and relax. 
  • Punctual students are considered reliable.
  • An argumentative paper could demonstrate that there are simply no disadvantages to always being on time.
  • Punctual kids don’t force teachers to interrupt lessons and have fewer conflicts with them.
  • Punctual students are more organized.
  • Timeliness helps students to build confidence .
  • Punctuality goes hand in hand with professionalism and attention to detail.
  • It’s less awkward to wait for someone than have someone else wait for you.
  • Precise scheduling teaches learners how to manage time and prioritize things.  
  • You don’t come off as disrespectful or arrogant.
  • A punctual person has their life under control.
  • Punctual students worry less about making mistakes. 
  • Others don’t make fun of people who avoid being late.
  • Punctual people are usually treated with respect.
  • Punctuality helps learners build their integrity .
  • Always being on time makes you more likable.
  • You’re comfortable with having some downtime if you’re punctual.
  • Students’ punctuality increases their self-control. 

You can also try and find other reasons why being punctual is better than being tardy.

If you’re punctual, you have better relations with teachers, and you’re considered reliable.

How to Stop Being Late to School

Still haven’t found a good topic for your essay on being late to class? Try writing about how to avoid lateness!

  • Calculate the best time for you to wake up, get ready, and leave the house.
  • Keep track of how much time you spend on your morning routine.
  • Learn to respect your teachers and fellow students.
  • Think of how to reduce stress.
  • Try going to bed and waking up earlier.
  • Don’t be afraid to discuss your tardiness problem with teachers. 
  • Leave the house as early as possible.
  • Set several alarms without a snooze option.
  • Think of the best way to get to school beforehand.
  • Invite your friends to meet somewhere and go to school together.
  • Make your alarm melody louder and more energetic.
  • Start to follow the same sleep schedule every day.
  • Prepare everything in the evening so that you don’t have to do it before school.
  • Set alarms to know when it is time to go out, eat, or do homework. 
  • Spend more time outside to reduce stress.
  • Set your watch and clocks five or ten minutes ahead.
  • Exercise more . Morning jogging is especially helpful for developing punctuality.
  • Do your homework as early as possible.
  • Organize your working space and make it comfortable.
  • Plan your activities so that you can go to bed earlier.
  • Spend less time on social networks or playing computer games .
  • Remember that being late is disrespectful.
  • Ask your parents to help you prepare for school quicker.
  • Learn the schedule of the public transport you use.
  • Avoid getting distracted on your way to school.
  • Respect your own time and find ways to stay motivated.
  • Remember that arriving too late often means missing out on important information.
  • Don’t fall asleep on public transport on your way to school.
  • Reward yourself when you arrive on time. 
  • If you live far from your school, find a friend who has a car and could drive you.
  • Have a nutritious breakfast that can be quickly prepared.
  • Check your backpack before going out to make sure you didn’t forget anything.
  • Ask your parents or siblings to wake you up if you sleep through the alarm.
  • Try being punctual without rushing.
  • Ask your parents to avoid distracting you in the morning.
  • Don’t use your smartphone while having breakfast or getting ready to leave.

You can come up with your own tips as well!

Try to keep your things organized so that you can get ready more quickly.

Excuses for Being Late

You know how excuses for being late to school can sometimes be funny and make teachers question if you’re telling the truth. Yet, there are many valid reasons for a delay, which are helpful to know. Discussing why students failed to come on time may be interesting for an essay on being late to school. For example:

  • Illness verified by a parent.
  • Medical appointments.
  • Problems in the family.
  • Extreme weather conditions.
  • Participation in community events.

There are many legitimate reasons for a student’s absence. Here’s how you can write about them in your essay:

Example: Students with ADHD are usually not punished when they’re late, but they’re encouraged to be more punctual next time.

Now you know everything you need to write a perfect paper! There is one more piece of advice we want to give you. Don’t forget about the deadline for submitting your essay on being late.

And thanks for reading the article! Send it to your peers who might find it useful.

🤔  Essays on Being Late FAQ

Students are often latecomers. Coming to class on time may seem unimportant. There is usually no serious punishment, which is one of the reasons why some students are always late.

The disadvantages are numerous. A latecomer attracts the unwanted attention of the audience and provokes negative reactions. Those who are late do not make a good impression. Coming late is bad in most aspects except for a few advantages like sleeping more.

An occasional late arrival doesn’t necessarily say anything about your personality. Everyone might have some bad days when things just don’t work out well. But always coming late (or often enough) says that you are irresponsible and have poor time-management skills.

Sometimes, students are asked to write an essay after they are late to class. The topic of that essay is simple: being late. It is a means of discipline to help students understand how bad it is to arrive late.

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🔎  References

  • Solve a Teaching Problem: Students Come to Class Late: Carnegie Mellon University
  • 5 Ways to Stop Being Late to All of Your Classes:
  • The Impact of Tardiness on School Success: Hailey Elementary
  • The Role of Personality and Agencies of Socialization in Tardiness, Absenteeism and Academic Performance: Researchgate
  • Cause and Effect Essays: EAP Foundation
  • Narrative Essays: Purdue University
  • Reflective Writing: Plymouth University
  • 4 Habits of Punctual People: Fast Company
  • This Is Why You’re Always on Time: Huffpost
  • Student Truancy and Lateness: OECD iLibrary
  • 9 Extremely Good Reasons You Should Never Be Late Again:
  • Best and Worst Excuses for Being Late to Work: The Balance Careers
  • The Advantages of Being on Time vs. Being Late to School: Seattle PI
  • Never Be Late Again: 15 Tips to Guarantee You’ll Always Be on Time: Entrepreneur
  • How to Deal with a Teen Who Is Late for School Every Morning: Very Well Family
  • Reducing Late Arrivals: Duquesne University
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This was very helpful. Thanks

Thanks for your guide to starting, developing and finishing essays on being late. Hope it will help me writing an outstanding essay!

Fabulous info on writing essays on being late! I really enjoy reading your posts! They are very efficacious!!! Thanks!


Reasons Why Students Come Late To School

Reasons Why Students Come Late To School

What are the reasons why students come late to school? It’s a common scenario in schools across the globe: students rushing through the gates just as the bell is about to ring, barely making it on time. The reasons behind this perpetual tardiness can vary from one student to another, with each individual having their own unique set of circumstances. In this article, we will explore some of the most common reasons why students come late to school.

1. Oversleeping

Let’s face it, mornings can be tough! The never-ending battle between the cozy warmth of the bed and the responsibilities of the day can often result in students oversleeping. Whether it’s staying up late to complete assignments or simply having a hard time waking up early, oversleeping is a common culprit for late arrivals.

2. Transportation Issues

In some cases, students rely on public transportation or carpooling to get to school. Unfortunately, delays or unexpected incidents can disrupt their travel plans, leading to tardiness. Traffic congestion, mechanical issues, or missed connections can all contribute to students arriving late to school.

3. Lack of Motivation

For some students, a lack of motivation and interest in attending school can be a driving factor behind their tardiness. When students don’t feel engaged or excited about their classes, they may find it difficult to muster up the motivation to arrive on time.

4. Long Commutes

In urban areas or communities with limited educational resources, students may have to travel long distances to reach their school. These lengthy commutes can be challenging, especially if students have to rely on multiple modes of transportation or face heavy traffic.

5. Family Responsibilities

In many households, students are not only responsible for getting themselves ready for school but also for their younger siblings. Balancing these family responsibilities with their own school routine can be demanding, often resulting in students arriving late to school.

6. Health Issues

Illnesses and chronic health conditions can cause students to face difficulties in getting ready and arriving at school on time. Whether it’s a common cold, a stomach bug, or a condition that requires additional time for medication or treatment, health issues can be a significant hindrance to punctuality.

7. Personal Challenges

Students may also face personal challenges that impact their ability to arrive at school on time. This can include dealing with emotional or psychological issues, conflicts within their family or peer groups, or even environmental factors that make it harder for them to attend school promptly.

8. Extra-Curricular Activities

Participating in extra-curricular activities like sports, music, or clubs can be an enriching experience for students. However, juggling these activities with their academic commitments can sometimes lead to tardiness. Students may have early morning practices or late evening rehearsals that affect their ability to arrive on time.

9. Technology Distractions

In today’s digital age, technology distractions can be a major cause of tardiness. Students may spend too much time on their smartphones, gaming consoles, or social media platforms, losing track of time and ending up rushing to make it to school before the bell rings.

10. Lack of Routine

Finally, some students may not have a well-established routine or structure in their daily lives. Without a set schedule or consistent habits, it can be challenging for them to prioritize getting to school on time. Lack of routine can lead to procrastination and ultimately result in late arrivals.

In conclusion, there are numerous reasons why students come late to school. From oversleeping and transportation issues to lack of motivation and personal challenges, each student’s situation is unique. It is essential for schools, parents, and students themselves to address these underlying factors to ensure punctuality and the overall well-being of students.

Essay On Why Students Come Late to School

Photo of nabeel zahid

This is an Essay On Why Students Come Late to School. Going to school is considered one of the biggest problems for students. It is due to many reasons, as the students don’t like to wake up early in the morning as well as they like to stay awake till late at night. These common mistakes make a student lazy and they don’t take their responsibilities. It is one of the major reasons behind being late that they become irresponsible. They never assume the importance of education or the importance of going to class on time.

These types of students never take ownership of their responsibilities. Which leads them to failure not only in their education but in their life too. A student is responsible for his late coming but somehow it is due to his parent’s and teachers’ negligence. Most teachers fail to motivate their students and they never let them know about the importance of coming to class on time.

500 Word essay on being late to schools

If a student comes to know that he is losing precious things by coming late, he will never come to school late. Poor management also leads students to come to school late. Proper management can help a student leave their habit of coming late to school and solve their personal issues like late sleeping and waking etc. Most of the students learn the habits from their parents.

if their parents are not punctual they will also never become punctual because they usually follow their parents. So it is compulsory for parents to wake up early in the morning. And that their children will also wake up early in the morning and never come to school late. Students can be motivated through the carrot-and-stick approach. According to this approach, a student must be punished if he comes late to school, on the other hand.

He should be rewarded with some prizes if he maintains his punctuality and is never late for school. It is the responsibility of a good teacher to study the psychology of students. Students come to know about the problem, which is becoming a hurdle in his punctuality. There are many other reasons like convenience problems, long-distance schools, poor management at their homes during the morning, school timing and many others which also cause the reason for students to come late to school.

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I am concerned at the number of students who are presenting as chronically late for school, and we also have many who are missing significant chunks of time each week. The following advice is adapted from an article published last week and clearly explains how frequent lateness to school impacts on our children’s well being and their learning.

We all run late sometimes. For your child, arriving late to school occasionally won’t cause major disruption. Inevitably, children will feel sick or tired some mornings, or other situations will prevent them from being on time. But chronic lateness eventually takes its toll on a child’s overall educational experience. According to the national initiative Attendance Works, missing just 10 percent of the school year in the early grades causes many students to struggle in primary school, and lateness in later grades is associated with increased failure and dropout rates. Fortunately, parents can help prevent tardiness from becoming frequent enough to negatively impact their child’s school life.

Disrupted Routines

One of the most important aspects of school is that it is organized, scheduled and predictable. Students depend on the structure of the day. They know where they have to be and when. They know the main purpose for being in school is to learn and that routines are in place precisely to help them focus on that learning. When students are repeatedly tardy, these routines are disrupted. Children who are often late have trouble settling in and mastering routines. Tardiness can throw off their whole morning or even their day, especially if the late commute to school was stressful.

Social Criticism

The social experience has a powerful impact on a child’s feelings about school and his or her ability to be academically successful. When a child continuously shows up late to class, other students are distracted. Attention is drawn away from the teacher or assignment and toward the child who has just arrived. Over time, classmates may begin to criticize this child, affecting how they feel about themselves in school. During adolescence, children are especially conscious of fitting in and being accepted by peers. If your child is repeatedly tardy, they may become a target or outcast over time, and negative peer interactions can hurt their ability to concentrate on learning. According to the Encyclopedia of Children’s Health, children with steady friendships throughout the school year enjoy school more, and children who can make new friends tend to perform better academically.

Low Achievement

Perform Well, a nonprofit policy research and educational organization, reports that frequent tardiness is associated with lower grades and lower scores on standardized tests. It is also linked to low graduation rates. In addition, students who are routinely late at the primary and middle school levels are more likely to fail in senior school — or even drop out. In many classrooms, particularly at the primary level, morning routines are critical to daily lessons. Warm-up activities may introduce topics that will be learned later in the day, or review work offers students an opportunity to review previously learned skills.


Part of your child’s education is learning to be responsible. The school experience teaches children how to meet expectations. They learn to follow schedules, obey rules, complete assignments and keep track of their materials. Learning responsibility in school is a precursor to functioning in the working world, as noted by William Kirby in his 2010 article “School Attendance Tied to Academic Success”.

Attendance is one of the ways children show they can meet their obligations. In many cases, a child’s attendance depends on his parents’ ability to help him be on time. Parents can teach their children organizational techniques that will help them get out of the house faster, such as packing their bags and laying out their clothes the night before school. But parents who drive their children must also remember to be punctual and responsible. After all, you are the primary role model.

(“Effects Of Tardiness On Your Child’s Education” 2016)                   

Mr Adrian Scott Principal 

“Effects Of Tardiness On Your Child’s Education”. 2016. Our Everyday Life .

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Neel Burton M.D.

The Psychology of Lateness

A personal perspective: why you should be eight minutes late, but not one more..

Updated June 24, 2024 | Reviewed by Kaja Perina

The advent of the railways in the 19th century forced towns in England to align themselves with London Time, or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Some towns held out for longer than others. One town that stood its ground was Oxford, and for some time, the great clock on Tom Tower at Christ Church featured two-minute hands. Still today, if one is about five minutes late in Oxford, one can claim to be 'running on Oxford time’; and Great Tom, the loudest bell in the city, rings out 101 times every night at five past nine.

Of course, no one bears a grudge if you are just five minutes late, which is why the 'Oxford time' excuse is a bit of a joke. To be five minutes late is not really to be late. Late is when people start getting annoyed. They get annoyed because your lateness betrays a lack of respect and consideration for them—and so they get more annoyed, and more quickly if they are (or think they are) your social or hierarchical superiors. Unless you present a very good excuse for being late, preferably something that is out of your control (e.g. an elephant on the motorway), being late sends out the message, “My time is more valuable than yours”, that is, “I am more important than you”, and perhaps even, “I am doing you a favour by turning up at all”. It is particularly rude to be late to a formal or important occasion such as a wedding or funeral, or one involving many parts and precise timings such as an elaborate dinner party or civic event.

Being late insults others, but it also undermines the person who is late, because it may betray a lack of intelligence , self-knowledge, willpower , or empathy. For instance, it may be that the person who is late has set unrealistic goals and overscheduled his day, or underestimated the time that it takes to travel from one place to another.

But there are also some more perfidious reasons for being late than mere mediocrity. Some involve anger and aggression , and others self-deception . Let’s start with anger and aggression. Angry people who behave with almost exaggerated calm and courtesy might nevertheless express their anger through passive means, that is, through (conscious or unconscious ) resistance to meeting the reasonable expectations of others. Examples of passive-aggressive behaviour include creating doubt and confusion; forgetting or omitting significant facts or items; withdrawing usual behaviors such as making a cup of tea, cooking, cleaning, or having sex ; shifting blame; and, of course, being late—often on a frequent and unpredictable basis. As the name suggests, passive-aggressive behaviour is a means of expressing aggression covertly, and so without incurring the full emotional and social costs of more overt aggression. It does, however, prevent the underlying issue or issues from being identified and resolved, and can lead to a great deal of upset and resentment in the person or people on its receiving end.

Now let’s talk about the second perfidy, self-deception. As we have seen, being late, especially egregiously or repeatedly late, sends out the message, “I am more important than you”. Of course, one can, and often does, send out a message without it being true—indeed, precisely because it isn't true. Thus, a person may be late because he feels inferior or unimportant, and being late is a way for him to impose himself on a situation, attract maximal attention , and even take control of proceedings. You may perhaps have noticed that some people in the habit of being late are also in the habit of making a scene out of it: apologising profusely, introducing themselves to everyone in turn, moving furniture around, asking for a clean glass, and so on. Needless to say, such behavior far from excludes an element of passive-aggression .

Staying with self-deception, being late could also be a form of resistance, a way of showing one’s disapproval for the purpose of the meeting, or resentment for its probable outcome. In the course of psychotherapy , an analysand is likely to display analogous resistance in the form not only of being late, but also of changing the topic, blanking out, falling asleep, or entirely missing appointments. In the context of psychotherapy, such behaviors suggest that the analysand is close to recalling repressed material but fearful of the consequences.

I ought to point out that being late is not necessarily unhealthy or pathological. Sometimes, being late is your unconscious ( intuition ) telling you that you don’t want to be there, or that it would be better for you not to be there—for instance, it could be that a meeting (or even a job) is not the best use of your time, or will inevitably work against your own best interests. Note that headaches can serve a similar function—they certainly do for me.

Whenever you are late, you can learn a great deal simply by asking yourself, "Why exactly am I late?" Even if it is ‘only’ because you are too busy, why are you too busy? Often, we keep ourselves as busy as possible so as not to be left alone with our deepest thoughts and feelings, which is, of course, highly counterproductive in the short, medium, and long term. And this is another reason for being late: to avoid being left with no one and nothing but ourselves (thank God for smartphones!).

Finally, I have a little confession to make. In many social situations, I am often exactly eight minutes late. Why? Well, being early is just as rude, if not more so, than being late, while being exactly on time can sometimes catch out your host (I am often caught out by people who are bang on time, which I guess is a form of me being late). On the other hand, being eight minutes late is not perceived as being late, and gives your host just enough time to sit down for a couple of minutes, gather his or her thoughts, and begin to look forward to your arrival.

Neel Burton M.D.

Neel Burton, M.D. , is a psychiatrist, philosopher, and writer who lives and teaches in Oxford, England.

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The effect of student tardiness on learning

The effect of student tardiness on learning

Several studies have shown that school tardiness has a negative impact on learning outcomes.

By the mere nature of arriving late and missing school hours, students receive fewer hours of instruction than students who are in class when the bell sounds.

But not only does a student who is consistently arriving late to school establish bad punctuality habits, their tardiness also disrupts the learning of other students in their classes.

A study by Hammill Institute on Disabilities (Caldarella, Christensen, Young & Densley, 2011), looked at decreasing tardiness in primary school-aged students using teacher-written praise notes.

The researchers found that students who are frequently late to school often miss out on important opening announcements and academic activities.

‘Teachers can become frustrated as late students disrupt instruction, often requiring reteaching of what they have missed. Tardy behavior can also negatively affect the overall classroom environment,' the study says.

Arriving late to school can also mean that students miss out on activities designed to build connections with their peers, potentially impacting their social interactions and creating a greater sense of alienation from their classmates.

Punishment or positive reinforcement?

So, how can teachers tackle the issue? The report suggests it is generally not helpful for teachers to punish late students once they get to class, because it could potentially aggravate the situation.

‘There appears to be a lack of empirical evidence that punishment for tardiness yields any positive results,' the study says.

Instead, the authors suggest using praise as a specific positive reinforcement strategy, as it has proved to be effective for addressing problem behaviour.

‘Praise has been recognized as perhaps the easiest modification teachers can make to address students' problem behaviors,' the study notes.

When implementing this strategy, the authors point out that there are several things to consider. Firstly, they suggest using recent school data to identify which students show a consistent pattern of being late. ‘For example, it makes little sense to intervene with a student who had a pattern of tardiness at the beginning of the school year but is currently tardy only occasionally.'

They also note that young students often rely on an adult to get them to school on time, and teachers should be cautious of the fact that the students' tardiness may be a result of parent behaviour rather than student behaviour. ‘In such cases, intervention may need to be directed more to the parents,' the study says.

A schoolwide plan

At a secondary school level, chronic tardiness can significantly reduce the minutes of instruction for all students enrolled in the class, not just the tardy student.

A US study titled Schoolwide intervention to reduce chronic tardiness at the middle and high school levels found that ‘instructional time lost to widespread tardiness is likely to significantly affect the capacity of the entire student population to meet rigorous academic standards'.

The research suggests that a system-level intervention is required to combat student tardiness, to ensure guidelines are current and consequences for tardy behaviour is implemented and effective.

The report recommends a preventative schoolwide plan include the following:

  • active supervision of students in common areas during all transition periods
  • clear definition and explicit teaching of expectations for behaviour during transition periods
  • immediate and consistent consequences for tardiness
  • data-based decision making with respect to intervention planning and monitoring of outcomes (Tyre, Feuerborn & Pierce 2011).

The impact on other students

In his 2014 academic paper – The achievement effects of tardy classmates: Evidence in urban elementary schools – Michael Gottfried explores the impact of tardy students' behaviour on their peers.

Gottfried acknowledges that if teachers respond to the educational needs of late students by reallocating regular class time, then other students are adversely affected and classroom instruction is slowed by this disruption.

‘With tardy students entering the school day at abnormal times and potentially missing a large number of cumulative instructional hours, teachers must divert their attention away from regular teaching time and towards remediation,' he says. ‘As such, there are negative effects on achievement generated when one student's actions impede learning for other classmates.'


Caldarella, P., Christensen, L., Young, K. R., & Densley, C. (2011). Decreasing tardiness in elementary school students using teacher-written praise notes. Intervention in School and Clinic , 1053451211414186.

Gottfried, M. A. (2014). The achievement effects of tardy classmates: Evidence in urban elementary schools. School Effectiveness and School Improvement , 25(1), 3-28.

Tyre, A., Feuerborn, L., & Pierce, J. (2011). Schoolwide intervention to reduce chronic tardiness at the middle and high school levels. Preventing School Failure , 55(3), 132-139.

As a school leader, do you have a schoolwide plan in place to tackle the issue? How have you communicated this to staff, students and parents?

As a teacher, consider your own behaviour when a student arrives late to class: If you’re working with young students, is this a parent behaviour problem or a student behaviour problem? How do you ensure that on-time students are not adversely affected by this disruption?

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Eberly Center

Teaching excellence & educational innovation.

Students come to class late

Identify possible reasons for the problem you have selected. To find the most effective strategies, select the reason that best describes your situation, keeping in mind there may be multiple relevant reasons.

Students come to class late..

When students come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or discussion, distract other students, impede learning, and generally erode class morale. Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can become chronic and spread throughout the class. Because there are a number of possible reasons students arrive to class late, considering which causes are at the root of the problem can help guide instructors to appropriate responses and strategies. Understanding the reasons, however, does not require tolerating the behavior.

Students don’t take responsibility for themselves.

Students’ expectations are out of line with the instructor’s.

Students don’t recognize how their lateness affects others.

Students don’t perceive the beginning of class as important.

There is no consequence to being late.

Students are trying to challenge the instructor’s authority.

Students are experiencing emotional or psychological problems.

Students have physical or logistical reasons for coming late.

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Chronic absenteeism is schools' 'biggest problem.' Five reasons kids are missing school.

reasons for being late to school essay

Cur’ra McCoy is one of millions of students who missed weeks of school over the past few years. Instead, the Baltimore teen often slept in or played on her phone. She did a whole lot of nothing, for the most part. McCoy blames her absences on boredom, which led to her not doing well in some classes. That made her dislike school even more . 

“When I don’t do nothing, I don’t feel like doing nothing at all,” the 18-year-old said. “So I stopped trying.”

Chronic absenteeism – when students miss at least 10% of the school year – has become an epidemic in America’s schools. Though educators and advocates hoped attendance would improve after the instability of the pandemic, in many cases it has become more pervasive and intractable. From 2018 to 2023, the rate of chronic absenteeism nearly doubled, from 15% to 26% . 

The problem, which has contributed to lower performance even among students who aren’t chronically absent, became one of the most pressing challenges this past school year. The American Enterprise Institute, a right-leaning think tank, has described it as “the biggest problem facing schools right now.” And it’s not just low-income kids who are missing class time: Students across the socioeconomic spectrum are skipping school at record-high rates. 

Why has the problem become so grave? The causes are usually complex and multidimensional. Here are five key explanations: 

COVID made school attendance hard. Why aren’t kids (or teachers) returning to class?

Kids are bored and disconnected.

McCoy, the Baltimore teen, loved math when she was little. She appreciated its simplicity, the fact that it’s a universal language. 

But as she got older, she says, she started “slacking.” The instruction became boring, zapping her energy and will to put in effort. In eighth grade, she decided math was no longer for her. By the time she got to high school, she began failing some of her classes. 

“We barely had any activities,” said McCoy, who added she learns best when she gets one-on-one support. “When I started getting worse at math, I just stopped coming.”

A nationally representative poll published in April found that nearly 2 in 3 teens say school is boring . Just 2 in 5 of the roughly 1,000 respondents said they liked going to school, and almost a third said going is a waste of time. Such disengagement leads to absences. And sometimes, schools’ strategies for handling absenteeism – like fines for truancy – exacerbate rather than solve the problem.

In her junior year, McCoy started getting tutored and mentored through a company called Concentric Educational Solutions, whose staff also occasionally visited her home to check in with her. Her attendance began to improve, as did her grades. She appreciated the personalized attention she got from her tutors, especially a mentor named Raiana Davis. Davis would check in on days she had slept in, McCoy explained. “It just made my energy change.”

McCoy graduated early this month, and she wants to become an engineer. She plans to enroll in college or pursue her career through the Navy. 

They’re struggling with mental health.

Many children decide not to attend school because of poor mental health. These challenges, especially among adolescents, have worsened in recent years: More than 4 in 10 teens reported in 2021 that they felt persistently sad or hopeless . One analysis in Los Angeles found anxiety and depression were the top health-related reasons kids missed class.

School avoidance – when children refuse to attend or struggle being in school for the entire day – is a growing problem . USA TODAY has reported on this type of refusal becoming pronounced since the COVID-19 pandemic. 

One student, Anna, described the heart palpitations and body shakes she felt in the mornings as she approached her high school campus. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go to school, she told USA TODAY, but that she couldn’t.

“It’s scary because it’s not voluntary at all,” said Anna, who asked to be identified only by her first name because of stigmas faced by people with mental illness. “It’s just kind of happening to you.”

Refusing to attend: School avoidance is becoming a mental health crisis.

They’re being bullied.

Bullying, which is pervasive in many schools, prompts kids to avoid school, too. Just a third of teens in the April EdChoice poll said they felt their school was adequately addressing bullying. Separate research reveals students who are bullied are more likely to miss class. 

In a recent segment , NPR’s "Morning Edition" featured a sophomore in Colorado named Neomi who has been chronically absent. Asked what was behind the absences, Neomi cried as her mother explained she had been bullied and taunted after a breakup. Her peers laughed and talked behind her back. "I don't have friends,” the sophomore said. “I don't have any people."

When students have limited connections with adults, their odds of missing school are greater. Surveys have found that fewer than a quarter of teens and preteens say many or all of their teachers try to understand what their lives are like outside school.

They’re confused about the rules.

During the pandemic, families were instructed to keep kids out of school at any sign of illness. The rules evolved as society gained a better understanding of COVID-19. The ever-shifting protocols fueled confusion over what to do when a child has the sniffles or complains about a headache. 

Hedy Chang, founder and executive director of Attendance Works, says such puzzlement has persisted among parents. “We were pretty dramatic about quarantining and staying home, and I still think there’s a lot of confusion,” she said. “At the same time, we said to people: ‘If you’re worried about being ill, shift to online learning. … That’s just as good as learning in person.’”

Those messages have had “lasting effects,” according to Chang, and many schools no longer have a virtual option for sick days. 

USA TODAY regularly visited a pair of elementary schools in Virginia last year to understand, among other questions, why chronic absenteeism has persisted. One school distributed thermometers so parents could check if children who said they weren’t feeling well were truly too sick to attend class. It also hosted educational coffee hours and published a checklist on its homepage to help families determine what to do when a child appears symptomatic.

The other school discovered higher absenteeism rates on Mondays – a day many students’ parents had off work. Perhaps parents were keeping their children home that day because it was the only time they could spend together, school officials concluded. That finding hinted at another ripple effect of the pandemic: the perception among some families that school is optional. 

During quarantines and closures, kids learned through their computers at home. Daily in-person attendance has felt less crucial to certain parents ever since. That attitude plays out in different ways for different families. A single mom who needs her high schooler to care for her 2-year-old while she is at work might request the teen skip school. An affluent family that wants to go on a two-week vacation might choose to do so during school days to avoid the crowds. 

“Whatever your chronic absenteeism level was pre-pandemic, it tended to double,” said Chang, alluding to the problem’s impact across income levels.

As absences have worsened across the board, they’ve also exacerbated disparities, according to Chang. High-income families are more likely than lower-income ones to be able to afford resources – such as summer test prep and tutoring – to make up for lost time. 

They’re navigating family, safety or transportation challenges.

Some kids aren’t showing up for school because of family hardships or fears about campus safety. Housing insecurity and poverty continue to disrupt low-income students’ routines .

Many schools have made it more difficult to enter buildings over fears of active shooters and other dangers, Chang said. These well-intended policies have, in some cases, created divisions between families and educators. 

Logistical problems are another obstacle. USA TODAY shadowed during some home visits with Concentric in Baltimore this spring. The company’s staff stops by the residences of families whose children have been flagged by their schools as chronically absent. At one home, a mom named Lynetric Brightful was parking just as the Concentric van pulled up. Her son hadn’t been showing up for school, and Aaris Johnson, the Concentric engagement specialist and driver, asked her, “What resources can we help you get?”

Brightful explained that she works two jobs and has to leave the house early – before her son wakes up. It’s difficult to ensure he attends class by the 7:45 a.m. start time, especially since he has to take a couple of city buses to get there, trekking through dangerous neighborhoods often before sunrise. Her husband recently died, and she has no one else to rely on for help. She had lost another job because she was staying home in the morning to drive her child to school. 

School transportation options are limited in Baltimore, a problem that has hit more and more districts across the country. Nationally, school bus ridership is in decline , in part because of staff shortages, service changes and delays.

Brightful began to cry when Johnson told her his organization would try to provide support. She had been desperate for a solution, and it seemed as if no one was willing to help. Without better transportation, she feared her son would continue to miss school.

"I have to do what I have to do to live,” she said. “I'm trying my best.”

Athlos Academies

Attendance Matters: The Impact of Tardiness on Student Success

Good school attendance often starts with smaller steps, such as arriving and leaving on time. At Athlos schools, some of the most important learning opportunities for students occur in the morning where they often participate in class huddles, morning announcements, and develop relationships with their peers.

Students Who Arrive and Leave School Early Miss Out on Key Learning Opportunities

Attendance Infographic

Chronic tardiness is when students are consistently late to class and can have dramatic results on a student’s future education and career. Similarly, students who leave school early miss out on valuable instructional time.

Athlos students who arrive late and leave early from school miss out on key learning opportunities such as morning huddles , morning announcements, academic activities, tests and quizzes, and social interactions with peers.

Chronically tardy students are more likely to accept that absence altogether is tolerated, often leading to chronic absenteeism . This not only reflects poorly on the students and the school, but can affect their peers as well. Research has found that not only do students who are chronically tardy perform worse on their test scores, but so do their more prompt peers. The less time students spend in the classroom means the less they can contribute; often leading to class being disrupted, placing group and class projects on hold, and making less significant peer connections.

How to Encourage Punctuality

Studies have shown that using praise as a positive reinforcement is an effective strategy for student attendance. However, family participation is also key to good attendance for younger students. Some of the Athlos tips for good attendance include:

  • Establishing and keeping a schedule; children thrive on routine
  • Going to bed and waking up earlier
  • Preparing for the morning the night before by laying out outfits, packing backpacks, and pre-packing lunches
  • If work schedules conflict, investigate other means of transportation, such as carpooling with other families

If your family consistently struggles with school attendance, professionals suggest tracking the average time you’re late by and adding that time accordingly to your schedule. For example: if you are consistently 15 to 30 minutes late in the morning, set your alarm 15 to 30 minutes earlier. Doing this creates a cushion of extra time for unexpected delays.

On Time Students Are Successful Students

Student attendance is one of the most common predictors of academic achievement. Students who consistently miss school hours develop habits that will lead into their adult life, affecting their education, career, and social connections. In contrast, students who participate fully in school activities will have more opportunities to achieve academically, make healthy and informed lifestyle choices, and develop Performance Character traits.

Absence and tardiness in the classroom are some of the most challenging and powerful factors to student success, but through careful self-examination and a little grit, Athlos families will find what can be done to improve attendance in the classroom.

Jhopay Agaton

thank you! made a big help to us

Adel DiOrio

May I use this infographic in our school newsletter with attribution? Thank you in advance for your consideration. Adel DiOrio Principal, St. Johns Middle School St. Johns, MI

Athlos Academies

Hello Adel, you may use our infographic on the condition that you attribute it to Athlos Academies and link back to our website or attendance blog post. Thank you for asking!

Darwin B. Franco

Can I use it for being our Review Related Literature for Research 3. Thankyou for understanding our situation God bless you

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Chris Martinez

May I ask who is the author of this study? It’s for our research purposes. Thank you and God bless:)

Bryan Bennion

Hi Chris, Bryan Bennion is the author of this article. All of the information you are looking for has been credited throughout the article.

Cecil Castillo

Hello I’m Cecil, can I used it as our Related Review Literature for our Research project. Thank you in advance and God bless you

Hi Cecil. Thank you for asking! Yes, you can use it with proper credit.


Hi! Can i use this for my research about tardiness of students? Thank you for understanding!

Hello Hannah, thank you for asking! Yes, you can use with proper credit.


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What are the consequences of being late for school?

Why is my child always running late for school, making mornings more organised.

It’s a feeling every parent knows all too well–the frantic rush to get out the door.  🏃 Making sure everyone has their lunches, their homework , their teeth brushed, and the right coat–it’s enough to drive any parent crazy! 

Though the past few years have slowed down the pace of life in many ways, the rush to get the kids to school on time is still a reality. Being late for school is never ideal; however, sometimes things are out of our control. There are many normal reasons to be late for school on occasion, like car troubles, bad weather, or public transport delays. 🚇 That said, chronic lateness can pose real issues for your child’s education as well as set up bad habits for the future. 

Why is your child constantly late for school and how can you prevent it? We’re here to tell you everything you need to know.

It’s obvious that being late for school means your child could potentially be missing out on important learning. However, there are other consequences of being late for school, too:

  • Most schools have penalties for students who are late more than an acceptable number of times. This could include being banned from attending certain school functions, detention, lower marks, or even writing an essay on being late for class! 📝
  • Arriving late interrupts the flow of the class and is distracting to other students. This can cause your child to be viewed negatively by their teacher, impacting their education.
  • When children are chronically late, teachers and school officials will reach out to parents and guardians to determine what the problem is. This could be in the form of phone calls, emails, or in-school meetings. While important, this can be a nuisance for parents to deal with. 

Apart from these direct consequences, chronic lateness is a bad habit that can cause issues for your child if it continues into adulthood. Teachers are usually much more accepting of lateness than employers! Learning the importance of being on time is an essential life skill.

Most children don’t want to be late for school. If your child is dealing with frequent lateness, it’s likely there is an underlying cause. Here are some of the most common causes, and what to do about them.

Your child isn’t getting enough sleep

We all hit the snooze button a few too many times on occasion and find ourselves rushing to get out the door. However, if you find yourself having to literally drag your child out of their bed most mornings, it’s a good idea to make sure your child is getting enough sleep . 😴

For children who are still young enough to have a bedtime, try to put them to sleep at least an hour earlier for a week, or try other techniques to improve their sleeping pattern. See if that makes it easier for them to wake up on time, and be sure to enforce this new bedtime as best you can.

If your teen is constantly oversleeping, though, it can be a bit more challenging. Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep per night, but with school, homework, part-time jobs, sports , and socialising, many teens get much less than that. Though you can’t enforce a bedtime with your teen like you did when they were in preschool, try to implement house rules and habits that will help them get the shut-eye they need. As a family, make bedrooms screen-free and encourage everyone to leave their laptops and mobile phones in the kitchen or living room before turning in for the night. 📱 If your child can’t bear to be apart from their phone, encourage them to use screen-time limiting functions to help them get adequate sleep. 

If your teen is very busy and overburdened and staying up late into the night to get homework done, find ways to free up time in their schedules so they can get enough sleep. Though you want your child to be set up for future success, their rest is more important than a jam-packed CV! Of course, if your child is too tired to get to school on time (or worse, dozing off in class), their academic performance will inevitably suffer, too!

Start by talking with your teen about what you can do to help them get the sleep they need so they can wake up for school on time. No one wants to start the day overtired, and you can help your teen get the rest they need to succeed in school.

Your child is struggling with mental health issues

No parent wants to see their child struggle with mental health issues . Unfortunately, depression and anxiety are still common among adolescents. When living with mental health issues, facing the day can feel like too big a burden to bear, and staying in bed can feel like the only option. If your teen is living with anxiety, they might be so worried about what could happen at school that it paralyzes them and they can’t get ready for school on time. If they live with depression, they may simply not have the mental, physical, or emotional energy to even brush their teeth or put their clothes on. Even if your teen is struggling, they may not want to worry you and instead may come up with lame excuses for being late to school.

While there are many reasons your teen may be slow getting around in the morning, it’s important to be observant of other signs of mental health issues. These can include:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Lack of attention to personal hygiene or appearance
  • Withdrawing from friends or family
  • Irritability
  • Lack of interest in hobbies 
  • Frequent headaches or stomaches
  • Sudden angry outburst

If you suspect your teen may be struggling with their mental health and it’s causing them to be late for school, the first step is to talk with them. Let your child know you love them and want to help them feel better. Speak with your child’s school counsellor to let them know what’s going on, and work together to determine a plan to help your child get through school as they work to overcome their struggles.

In the meantime, be patient with your child as they get ready for school. Do what you can to make it easier for them to get out the door, like laying out their clothes for them and preparing them a light breakfast. You can’t eliminate your child’s pain as you may wish you could, but you can make things easier for them with acts of love and support.

Your child is avoiding something at school

If your child is looking for excuses to be late to school, it’s possible there is something there they are avoiding. Not wanting to go to school could mean there’s an exam they are very worried about, a persistent bully , or a crush who rejected them. Regardless of what the cause is, it’s normal to put off going somewhere you know will bring unpleasant emotions! However, learning how to deal with fear is an important lesson for any child to learn. 

In order to help your child overcome this fear, though, you of course first need to know what it is! Try and get your child to open up about what they are avoiding in school. If they’re worried about an exam , find a way to help them feel more confident and prepared for school. (Tutoring with GoStudent is a great place to start!) If a school bully is making your child want to stay home, talk with your child about ways to deal with bullies, and enlist the help of teachers or other school administrators if necessary.  If it’s a broken heart or a fight with a best friend that’s making your child not want to go to school, consider this an opportunity to teach your child the important lesson of not running from difficult situations. ❤️ 

Even if your child loves school and jumps out of bed every morning, the morning rush can still get a bit hectic and make it hard to get to school one time!

Figure out a morning routine and stick to it. Make things as easy as possible by packing school bags and lunches the night before, and ensure school clothes are laid out , too. In the evenings, do a check-in with your kids to ensure they have everything they need for school, so you don’t end up doing a rushed 7:00 AM trip to the shops to get something for an art project. Set a timer on your phone for the time you need to be out the door to get to school on time, so you can be sure you won’t lose track of time. ⏰ 

Make things easier for yourself, too. Try and get out of bed even 20 minutes earlier to give yourself some time to start your day before the morning craziness sets in. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy your coffee in peace and quiet before pushing the kids out the door? ☕ However, don’t be hard on yourself if your morning with the kids is always a bit crazy! It’s a normal part of family life, and getting to school on time can be a challenge. However, by getting to the root cause of your child’s tardiness, you can come up with a plan to ensure that they make it to school on time, and are prepared each day to get the most they can out of school.


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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Academic Performance — Tardiness and Lateness as School Problems


Causes and Effects of Tardiness Among Students

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Words: 1406 |

Published: Oct 11, 2018

Words: 1406 | Pages: 2 | 8 min read

Table of contents

Tardiness defined, problems of tardiness, causes and effects of tardiness (essay), works cited.

  • going late to bed and waking up late next morning
  • inherent anxiety level
  • watching movies late at night
  • distance between the student’s home and school
  • inevitable circumstances along the student’s way to school that includes parent’s badly timed errands and commands are also some of the possible reasons why students come late to school.
  • Cowan Crier. (2007). Tardiness causes chronic problems for students and teachers. Retrieved from [insert URL]
  • Delonzor, D. (2002). Never be late again: 7 cures for the punctually challenged. Crown Publishing Group.
  • Eldred, R. (2016). The impact of children's absenteeism and tardiness on schools. Journal of School Administration, 2(3), 14-23.
  • Lauby, S. (2009). Understanding and managing tardiness. HR Daily Advisor. Retrieved from [insert URL]
  • Ligon, G. F., & Jackson, S. L. (n.d.). Reasons for student failure. Retrieved from [insert URL]
  • Nakpodia, E. D., & Dafiaghor, E. O. (2011). Factors affecting students' tardiness in primary schools. Journal of Education and Practice, 2(1), 34-40.
  • Pimentel, G. E., & Quijada, R. S. (2011). Late-night use of Facebook and its impact on tardiness. Journal of Social Media Studies, 5(2), 102-118.
  • Sprick, R., & Daniels, A. (2007). Preventing problem behaviors: Schoolwide programs and classroom practices. Guilford Press.
  • Sto. Nino Academy of Bamban Incorporated. (n.d.). Student handbook: Rules and regulations. Retrieved from [insert URL]
  • Weade, R. (2004). The impact of attendance and punctuality on student achievement in secondary school. Journal of Education Research, 97(3), 132-141.

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reasons for being late to school essay

An Essay on Being Late: Do not Be Late with It!

Girl late.

You know that being late is bad, but you cannot do anything about this habit of yours. You are late to school, dates, buses, and it seems that you are going to be late with your written assignment.

By the way, this assignment was given specially to you. You are the only one in class who has to write an essay on being late. What an exclusive task! Yet, it seems like your teacher is tired of your irresponsibility (and this is exactly what he/she thinks about you).

Then, let us not waste your precious time and give some recommendations for writing essays on being late.

We suggest you include the following paragraphs into your essay on being late.

Paragraph 1

Do not waste your time and paper and start talking about the main problem straight away. So, why are you always late? Think about the main reasons for that and introduce them in your essay on being late. Lack of time management skills, laziness and lack of responsibility can be included into your list.

This part of your essay on being late should also reflect your understanding of this bad habit. Provide at least three reasons why being late is bad.

Paragraph 2

Although you are always late, you definitely realize that punctuality is a much better habit. This is what the next paragraph of your essay on being late will be devoted to. Just explain the importance of being punctual.

Paragraph 3

Finally, you will have to develop and tell about some strategies on how to learn coming and doing everything on time.

We are sure that this experience will be really helpful and you will gain a new habit.

Our next articles are devoted to a life changing event essay and an essay on accountability.

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"High School and Lateness." StudyMoose, Oct 02, 2016. Accessed June 27, 2024.

"High School and Lateness," StudyMoose , 02-Oct-2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 27-Jun-2024]

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Good Excuses for Being Late to Class

student being late

Being on time is essential for excellent academic performance because it creates an effective atmosphere for learning for students as well as teachers. While being on time is highly recommended, it’s important to understand that occasionally, unanticipated events may occur, resulting in unavoidable delays.

Students could experience uncontrollable circumstances like transportation problems, medical emergencies, workplace catastrophes, or technological challenges. In these situations, it is vital to let the teacher know why you were running late. Today, we will look at a list of acceptable excuses for being late to class, helping students in navigating such circumstances while preserving their integrity and credibility.

Tips and Considerations

Even though being on time is important, thought-out plans might be disrupted by unexpected events. It’s important to respond responsibly to lateness in these circumstances. When running late for class, remember the following advice and factors:

Assessing the Situation

It’s crucial to make an objective evaluation of the circumstance when dealing with lateness. Identify whether your reason for being late is legitimate or if it can be interpreted as an effort to evade responsibilities. Think about the following:

  • Is the cause of your delay unavoidable or out of your control, such as an emergency?
  • Are you being truthful with yourself about the real reason behind your lateness?
  • Does your justification meet the criteria for credibility and integrity required in a classroom setting?

The Importance of Honesty

Honesty is key when dealing with lateness. Although it’s tempting to find clever excuses, lying can have detrimental effects. Think about the following:

  • Dishonest excuses can damage your credibility and reputation with teachers and peers.
  • In the academic community, honesty generates respect and trust.
  • To maintain your integrity, it is preferable to accept responsibility for your lateness, even if doing so may result in negative outcomes.

Communication With The Teacher

When dealing with lateness, communication is essential. If you know you will be late, let your teacher know as soon as you can or as much in advance as possible. Inform them of the circumstance and the cause of your delay if you are already running behind schedule. The following are some essential reminders:

  • When speaking with your professor, use consideration and courtesy.
  • Give a brief and sincere justification for your lateness, omitting any pointless information.
  • Express your dedication to the class and apologize for any inconvenience you may have caused.

Most students make an effort to avoid arriving late for class. However, occasionally, life presents us with unpredictable challenges that force unavoidable delays. It becomes essential in these circumstances to speak with teachers and offer good reasons for lateness. Students can negotiate these circumstances while keeping their credibility and integrity by understanding these excuses.


Transportation-related excuses for student lateness seem to tend to get people’s attention and sympathies. Imagine yourself running into class in a panic, holding your backpack and gasping for air as you recount your ordeals on the bus. It’s a familiar situation that keeps us all on the edge of our seats as we wonder what unforeseen obstacles may lie between home and school.

Transportation emergencies are well known, from train delays to bus breakdowns. A sudden traffic bottleneck can turn the morning commute into a test of endurance one day, while legendary “late train syndrome” might hit with perfect timing on another.

Personal Emergencies

Personal emergencies are one of those unforeseen curveballs that life has a way of tossing our way. Personal emergencies are a realistic and logical reason for a student’s lateness.

We have all experienced being suddenly ill and having to arrange for medical care.

Students who experience a sudden illness or medical emergency might need to seek immediate help, which would make them late for class. These medical concerns, whether it’s a headache or a fever, can prolong our daily routines and cause delays.

Additionally, Doctor’s appointments scheduled during the time that classes are in session can be problematic. Sometimes, medical needs and school-related responsibilities conflict, forcing students to attend appointments that are essential for their health. Because students are juggling their health with other priorities, they can be late for class.

Family problems can also be a major reason for lateness. Students may need to intervene and offer support when a loved one becomes ill or needs emergency care. These unanticipated events necessitate prompt care and may cause unavoidable delays in getting to school.

Administrative Problems

Sometimes moving through administrative processes feels like navigating a maze filled with traps and dead ends. It makes sense that administrative procedures could be used as a respectable justification for student lateness. These procedures have the potential to easily hinder even the most punctual students, from problems with enrollment and registration to unexpected bureaucratic obstacles.

Long lineups at the registrar’s office or the common “technical difficulties” that tend to affect online platforms just when we need them the most have both caused frustration. Those times, when we are impatiently awaiting a signature or trying to find an administrative solution, are what causes us to be late sometimes.

Environmental Factors

There are instances when external factors beyond our control work together to cause us to be late for class. Particularly natural factors have the potential to ruin our best-laid plans. There are significant concrete examples where these factors can be used to justify a student’s lateness.

Unfavorable weather might be a significant culprit. Imagine a snowstorm that covers the roads and causes traffic to sluggishly crawl, or a torrential downpour that makes it hard to bike or walk to school. No matter how early we leave, these weather conditions might seriously hinder our ability to get to school on time.

Using Excuses Responsibly

Students need to present their excuses for arriving late to class in a responsible manner. In this section, we would be exploring important things to keep in mind when using excuses properly, like not overusing them, giving evidence or documentation when required, abiding by institutional rules, and taking responsibility and consequences when an excuse is rejected.

Avoiding Overuse

Only situations that are absolutely out of your control, like sudden health concerns or personal emergencies, should be used as an excuse. Making excuses frequently might damage your reputation and give the impression that you are irresponsible. Also, improving time management skills can reduce the need for justifications and encourage timeliness.

Providing Proof or Documentation When Necessary

A doctor’s letter or other medical certification might verify the validity of the excuse in cases of health-related concerns. In the case of emergencies or unforeseen occurrences like car accidents or natural disasters, evidence supporting the claim can help establish the validity of the defense. Preserving emails or any other correspondence can show that you tried to fix the problem if administrative errors or technical problems were to blame for your lateness.

Accepting Responsibility

It’s crucial to accept responsibility for your lateness if your teacher does not accept your justification. Consider the scenario and look into measures to avoid being late in the future, such as better time management, looking for alternate transportation, or preparing for anticipated problems. If there are repercussions for your tardiness, embrace them graciously and use them as a chance for development.

Punctuality is essential to create a constructive academic environment. Although students may occasionally be late due to unanticipated situations, they must handle it properly. We can encourage a culture of responsibility and integrity within the academic community by reinforcing the importance of punctuality, promoting time management and preparation, highlighting the avoidance of habitual lateness, and giving students the discretion to communicate with teachers.

Being on schedule is important but also demonstrates respect for the time of classmates and teachers, sets a good example, and improves learning outcomes. Students should prioritize time management, make advance plans for their schedules, and develop routines that reduce the likelihood of being late.

Given the difficulties of life, being late occasionally is understandable, but it should never become a habit. The distinction between valid explanations for being late and recurrent lateness that affects academic performance must be understood by students.

Stacey Wonder

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English Essay, Paragraph on “Late for School”, Essay in 400 words for class 8, 9, 10, and 12 Students.

Late for school.

Essay No. 01

Ring!!! The alarm clock rang. John hit the snooze button and continued to sleep. He was feeling very tired. Fifteen minutes later, the alarm clock rang again. He awoke with a start. He rubbed his bleary eyes and looked at the clock. It was already 6.45 a.m.

He jumped out of bed and hurriedly changed into his school uniform. He had been late for the past two days and on both days, he was caught by his form teacher. If he was caught again, he was going to be in trouble. As he changed into his school uniform, he regretted playing the new computer game till the wee hours of the morning.

He dashed out of the house and when he reached the bus stop, he noticed that the bus had left. It meant that he had to wait another ten minutes! John was getting worried. He knew the punishment would be severe and the thought of having his recess taken away was terrible.

Finally, the next bus came. He flagged for the bus and boarded the bus, hoping that the bus driver would drive more quickly. In the end, the entire journey took almost twenty minutes as the morning traffic was very heavy.

When the bus pulled up to the bus stop, he ran down and all the way to the school gate. He ran three storeys up the school building to where his classroom was. He stood outside the classroom and peered in. It was his Mother’s Tongue teacher, Mr. Wong.

He greeted Mr. Wong apologised for being late. He lied that the bus had broken down and he needed to wait for a new one. Mr. Wong then asked him to sit down. He heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he thought everything would be fine, his form teacher came to the class.

“I did not see you in the morning during assembly,” Miss Lim said. John looked down and his face flushed in embarrassment. Miss Lim ordered him to follow her to the staff room.

Over there, he was given a lecture on the importance of being punctual. John knew he had to change or else he would never get out of trouble. He promised Miss Lim that he would try and asked her to give him one more chance.

Essay No. 02

Late for school

“Oh no! It’s seven o’clock! I am going to be late for school!” Ming Wei shouted as he jumped out of bed. He had slept late the night before as he had stayed up to watch a movie. He regretted not listening to his mother’s advice.

He hurriedly changed into his uniform, grabbed his bag and ran all the way to school. Halfway through, he realised that he had forgotten to bring his English homework. As he did not want to be reprimanded by his teacher, he decided to run back home to get it. After all, he was already late.

After getting his file, he was on his way to school again. As he entered the school gate, he saw his discipline master patrolling the school grounds. He apologised to the discipline master and promised to be punctual again.

When he entered the class, his teacher was busy writing on the board, “Mathematics Test”. Ming Wei was shocked. He certainly was not prepared for it! Ming Wei walked to his seat and he looked around at all his classmates but no one was bothered by him as they were busy with their last-minute revision.

Ming Wei sat down and knew he was in trouble. He could only hope that the test would not be too difficult. When the paper was distributed, he sighed. It was questions that the teacher had taught but Ming Wei had not revised any so he could not do most of the sums.

At the end of the day, he received his test results. He was the only one in the class who had failed! He scored only five marks out of twenty! He knew he was going to be in trouble when his mother saw his results. He told himself to get ready to face the music.

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    According to R.Eldred (2016), "Children's absenteeism and tardiness affect the school's ability to provide effective educational services, the achievements of consistently absent or late students and disrupt the learning experiences of other children in the school". As cited by Zeiger (n/d), the most vital learning time of the day for ...

  16. The Advantages of Being on Time vs. Being Late to School

    Arriving late to school on a consistent basis can have longer-term academic effects. If showing up late to school becomes a habit, students may develop the notion that tardiness is acceptable behavior. This belief can negatively impact their future work ethic and employment opportunities. Alternatively, showing up on time to school everyday can ...

  17. PDF Factors Responsible for Students' Lateness to School as ...

    to be unclear with many submissions being made by stakeholders. There are many factors that could make a student get late or develop the habit of getting late to school. This could range from sleeping late, poor preparation for school, school factor, illness, economic influence and family background among


    There are number of reasons that account to the lateness of children to class. Some of them are the reasons are as follows: Improper time management: students may postpone their assignments and ...

  19. An Essay on Being Late: Do not Be Late with It!

    This part of your essay on being late should also reflect your understanding of this bad habit. Provide at least three reasons why being late is bad. Paragraph 2. Although you are always late, you definitely realize that punctuality is a much better habit. This is what the next paragraph of your essay on being late will be devoted to.

  20. High School and Lateness Free Essay Example

    6. As an individual, try to be 15 min early to school, as this could help you make friends and say hello to alreadymade friends; get one's self prepared for the day's activity; possibly even read a book, and most importantly could help make up for unforeseen causes of lateness, and still be punctual.

  21. Being Late To School Essay

    School times can sometimes be absurdly early, but because of later start times some problems stir up. Later school start times can increase grades and the well being of the kids, but the downfall of that is that schools have to pay extra for more buses because usually a district only has a few busses, which then makes the school start times staggered.

  22. Good Excuses for Being Late to Class

    The Importance of Honesty. Honesty is key when dealing with lateness. Although it's tempting to find clever excuses, lying can have detrimental effects. Think about the following: Dishonest excuses can damage your credibility and reputation with teachers and peers. In the academic community, honesty generates respect and trust.

  23. Reasons for Students' Late-Coming to School

    A report compiled by Adegunju et al. (2019) revealed that Nigerian teachers ascribed late coming to poor preparation for school, going to bed late, travelling distance between school and home ...

  24. Reason for Being Late to School

    There are many reasons that cause kids to become bad people or become seriously injured. One of the main reasons is from school starting times. Schools have started around 8:00am or later so why would they all of a sudden make school start at 7:45 or earlier.

  25. English Essay, Paragraph on "Late for School", Essay in 400 words for

    Essay No. 02. Late for school "Oh no! It's seven o'clock! I am going to be late for school!" Ming Wei shouted as he jumped out of bed. He had slept late the night before as he had stayed up to watch a movie. He regretted not listening to his mother's advice. He hurriedly changed into his uniform, grabbed his bag and ran all the way to ...

  26. Late Assignment Submission Excuses That Don't Fail

    Don't try to lie or make up excuses. Your professor will be able to tell if you're not being truthful. Be specific. Explain exactly what happened and why it prevented you from turning in your ...