Designing immersive virtual environments for human behavior research.

Jun Rong Jeffrey Neo

  • 1 Department of Design and Environmental Analysis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States
  • 2 Department of Communication, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States

What are strategies for the design of immersive virtual environments (IVEs) to understand environments’ influence on behaviors? To answer this question, we conducted a systematic review to assess peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings on experimental and proof-of-concept studies that described the design, manipulation, and setup of the IVEs to examine behaviors influenced by the environment. Eighteen articles met the inclusion criteria. Our review identified key categories and proposed strategies in the following areas for consideration when deciding on the level of detail that should be included when prototyping IVEs for human behavior research: 1) the appropriate level of detail (primarily visual) in the environment: important commonly found environmental accessories, realistic textures, computational costs associated with increased details, and minimizing unnecessary details, 2) context: contextual element, cues, and animation social interactions, 3) social cues: including computer-controlled agent-avatars when necessary and animating social interactions, 4) self-avatars, navigation concerns, and changes in participants’ head directions, and 5) nonvisual sensory information: haptic feedback, audio, and olfactory cues.


The influence of surrounding environments on behavior: research limitations.

Our surrounding physical environment can influence behavior ( Waterlander et al., 2015 ) as it “affords” (per Gibson, 1979 ) the activities of the broader social, political, and cultural world. By understanding how our surrounding environment affects occupants, researchers can identify evidence-based design approaches such as developing standardized evaluation toolkits ( Joseph et al., 2014 ; Rollings and Wells, 2018 ), identifying design moderators ( Rollings and Evans, 2019 ), and ultimately informing policy, including guidelines governing how facilities are built, renovated, and maintained ( Sachs, 2018 ). By understanding how environments affect behaviors on a microbehavioral (i.e., unconscious) level, researchers can identify appropriate interventions (e.g., providing more sidewalks to encourage physical activity) and thereby inform the development of more effective informational and environmental interventions to improve desirable behavior ( Marcum et al., 2018 ).

However, experimentally examining the influence of our surrounding environment on behavior is challenging. Real-life environmental manipulations may be costly and even politically challenging to implement ( Schwebel et al., 2008 ). On the other hand, behaviors induced in conventional lab-based environments may not be generalizable to real-life environments ( Ledoux et al., 2013 ). The influence of the surrounding environment on behaviors might be better understood ( Ledoux et al., 2013 ) if researchers could immerse participants in complex physical and social environments that are ecologically valid while being highly controlled ( Veling et al., 2016 ). Because of this, simulations are sometimes used to explore the relationship between environment and behavior ( Marans and Stokols, 2013 ). Potential simulations can include mockups, sketches, photographs, models, and immersive virtual environments (IVEs). While CAVE automatic virtual environments (CAVEs, Cruz-Neira et al., 1993 ) and head-mounted displays (HMDs) have both been used to simulate such environments, the recent increase in the availability of consumer HMDs means that many more researchers can now use IVEs to answer questions about the effects of surrounding environments on behaviors. In this review, we reviewed and synthesized peer-reviewed research that used IVEs presented in HMDs for research on behavior influenced by our surrounding environment, with the aim of showcasing the solutions found by previous researchers. As virtual reality (VR) and IVEs will be frequently mentioned in this review, it is important to distinguish “VR” as the technology used to create “IVEs.”

Immersive Virtual Environment Tools for Human Behavior Research: Making the Case

Past research suggests that VR is a useful research tool to simulate real-life environmental features, as it allows researchers to immerse participants in hypothetical contexts and study their responses to controlled environmental manipulations otherwise difficult to examine in real-life environments ( Parsons et al., 2007 ; Schwebel et al., 2008 ; Poelman et al., 2017 ; Ahn, 2018 ). Considerable work has demonstrated VR’s ability to elicit behavioral responses to virtual environments, even when the participant is well aware that the environment is not “real” as in demonstrations of the classic “pit demo” ( Meehan et al., 2003 ).

In 2002, Blascovich and colleagues foresaw the advantages of VR as a tool for research in the social sciences. Although Blascovich’s original article discussed the use of VR as a tool for social psychology specifically, the advantages he describes for balancing experimental control and mundane realism and improving replicability and representative sampling have made it a tool of interest for researchers in several social science fields. VR has a high degree of realism: users tend to react to scenarios as if they were occurring in the real world. VR allows for a high degree of experimental control. Environments, events, and even virtual people can be programmed to appear to every user in the same way. Thus, VR has already been used extensively for diagnosis ( Parsons et al., 2007 ), clinical education ( Lok et al., 2006 ; Atesok et al., 2016 ), and clinical and experimental interventions ( Difede and Hoffman, 2002 ; Wiederhold and Wiederhold, 2010 ; Wiederhold, 2017 ).

VR provides critical benefits over other methods available for behavior research ( Schwebel et al., 2008 ). These advantages are particularly applicable when considering the influence of environments on behavior. VR has the potential to examine how people behave in real-life situations, without exposing participants to the risk and inconsistency of real-world environments ( Blascovich et al., 2002 ). Participants can safely experience immersion in the virtual environment when the real environment is hazardous ( Viswanathan and Choudhury, 2011 ), permitting researchers to ethically examine potentially dangerous behaviors ( Schwebel et al., 2012 ). Additionally, it is relatively easy to manipulate environmental factors such as noise and crowding in virtual environments ( Neo et al., 2019 ).

The Design of VR Environments for Behavior Studies: Research Gap

A prototype “is an artifact that approximates a feature (or multiple features) of a product, service, or system” ( Otto and Wood, 2001 ; Camburn et al., 2017 , p. 1) and “a virtual prototype is one which is developed (and tested) on a computational platform” ( Camburn et al., 2017 , p. 17). VR, especially its prototyping functions (i.e., the test-refinement-completion of designs using digital mockups, Ulrich and Eppinger, 2012 ), has been increasingly applied to behavior research. In this review, we examine VR’s potential to address environmental effects on behavior. In these cases, IVEs should be designed such that interactions between the individual and the virtual environment are as analogous as possible to interactions that would take place if the individual were in the actual environment, with the ultimate goal of developing a more robust way of examining the impact of the surrounding environment on behavior.

VR is generally considered to be a high-presence medium. Presence refers to the sense of “being there” in the VR environment ( Heeter, 1992 ; Slater et al., 2009 ). While presence and immersion are terms sometimes used interchangeably, researchers have distinguished between the subjective psychological sense of presence and immersion, which can be considered a quality of the technology ( Slater, 2018 ). A virtual reality setup that provides highly detailed visual content, spatialized sound, and haptic feedback (e.g., through vibrating controllers) would be considered more immersive than a scene rendered on a desktop monitor. Greater immersion is generally considered to increase presence ( Cummings and Bailenson, 2016 ). Because consumer HMDs have reduced cost and expense while retaining a high sense of presence; it is plausible for many more researchers to use VR for prototyping applications; thus, we focus our recommendations on this larger pool of potential researchers.

While other considerable valuable works have used CAVE or desktop-based virtual environments to examine behavior, we have limited our analysis in this review to studies that use HMDs, to study behavior as it relates to the environment. The relatively lower cost and portability of new consumer HMDs mean that researchers who have not previously engaged with virtual reality now have the opportunity to use these systems for their research. This review aims to provide a summary of design considerations pulled from existing research in virtual reality that might prove useful to potential researchers who are not experienced in this area.

The qualities of HMDs provide special opportunities and constraints. HMDs combine portability with the ability to block out the surrounding environment, making them good for “in-the-wild” studies ( Oh et al., 2016 ). The greater presence HMDs can provide is particularly important to these behavioral studies but comes with tradeoffs. Users do not see their real bodies, so researchers must decide whether or not to include avatars. HMDs allow users to experience spaces that may be larger than the physical space that they are actually in, meaning that users’ abilities to navigate must be programmed and controlled. Such environments allow for the ready tracking of behavioral data ( Yaremych and Persky, 2019 ) and interaction with objects, but all of these interactions must be designed. In this review, we highlight the solutions and tradeoffs that previous researchers have made in this context.

Best Practices for Successful IVE-Based Experimental Studies

Heydarian and Becerik-Gerber (2017) describe “four phases of IVE-based experimental studies” and discuss best practices for consideration in different phases of experimental studies ( Figure 1 , see Heydarian and Becerik-Gerber, 2017 for in-depth discussion).

FIGURE 1 . Four phases of IVE-based experimental studies.

In this review, we focus on the “development of experimental procedure” phase, described by Heydarian and Becerik-Gerber as Phase 2. This includes the design and setup of the IVEs, especially considerations involving the level of detail required (i.e., factor(s) recognizable by participants; Heydarian and Becerik-Gerber, 2017 ). This may differ between studies and can include visual appearance, behavioral realism, and virtual human behavior. To meet the study objectives, a sense of presence is key, allowing study participants to feel “there” and thus behave as if they were in the actual environment.

However, information on the design process in Phase II can be hard to find. Researchers typically describe the “final environment” they have designed in publications, but justifications for the many design decisions they have made in the development of the virtual environment are less common, probably at least in part due to publication length limitations. However, this information is extremely valuable. The following review expands on the work by Heydarian and Becerik-Gerber (2017) by reviewing and synthesizing strategies from 18 studies using IVEs for behavior research. In addition, we have created a wiki ( ) to collect citations for other papers that use IVEs for this purpose so that this database can be updated. We hope this synthesis and this wiki will be an additional resource for researchers new to this space to build on the knowledge of previous researchers to make informed choices when they are designing such IVEs.

Inclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) the study examined nonclinical populations, (b) the study used IVEs presented via HMDs to examine behaviors influenced by the environment, (c) users experienced a virtual environment that plausibly represented an actual environment, and (d) the study provided sufficient details on how it designed and set up the IVE.

Review Procedure and Data Extraction

After consultation with a research librarian, we applied the following keywords ( Table 1 ) and MeSH search terms: virtual reality, behavior, prototype, and design ( Table 2 ). Terms were combined with the Boolean operators “and” and “or” to identify relevant studies. We did not conduct searches separately by specific behaviors, e.g., “grocery shopping” or environments, e.g., “grocery store,” but narrowed down the results from an initial search focusing on VR. Using PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases, we conducted a systematic search to identify English-language, peer-reviewed publications, and conference proceedings on experimental and proof-of-concept studies that described the design, manipulation, and setup of the IVEs to examine behaviors influenced by the environment. The search targeted articles were published before May 15, 2020 (i.e., no lower bound cutoff date). Reviewer 1 assessed retrieved texts to determine if they met the inclusion criteria. If a study was deemed potentially eligible, the full article was retrieved for further assessment and inclusion. A second reviewer screened all included articles. The selection was finalized after discussion and consensus between reviewers. We identified additional studies by searches of the references provided in the included publications ( Greenhalgh and Peacock, 2005 ). Once the finalized list of papers was determined, these data were extracted: first author, year, behavior, environment, and strategies in designing IVEs for behavior research.

TABLE 1 . List of keywords.

TABLE 2 . List of search terms.

Data Synthesis and Analysis

Due to the heterogeneity of research in the field, quantitative synthesis was not planned. To conduct a narrative synthesis, two reviewers independently categorized studies based on strategies in designing IVEs for behavior research. Based on past use of VR in behavior research, our research question was as follows: What are strategies that researchers identified as effective in designing IVEs for behavior research?

We screened 203 citations and reviewed 61 full texts, of which 18 met the inclusion criteria ( Figures 2 and 3 ). All the studies we found were in the range of 2015–2020. Exclusion criteria were as follows: (a) the study examined clinical populations (57 citations), (b) the study did not use IVE presented via HMDs to examine behaviors influenced by the environment (32), (c) the study did not use VR to create a virtual environment (28), and (d) the study did not provide sufficient details on how it designed and set up the IVE (50). Case studies that did not describe behavioral outcomes were thus also excluded ( Lovreglio et al., 2018 ). As some studies were rejected for more than one reason, the sum of studies is greater than 142. For brevity, the types of behaviors and environments are summarized in Table 3 .

FIGURE 2 . Flow diagram.

FIGURE 3 . A yes/no flowchart to decide if a study provided sufficient details on how it designed and set up the IVE.

TABLE 3 . Types of behavior and environment.

Building from recent research using IVEs as a prototyping tool to examine the relationship between the environment and human behaviors, this review provides strategies drawn from previous IVEs designed to understand environments’ influence on behaviors. This discussion is grounded in our analysis of what design researchers have reported as effective in previous experiments and on the outcomes in the reviewed studies. Five key categories emerged from this analysis: (1) the appropriate level of detail (primarily visual) in the environment, (2) context, (3) social cues, (4) participant tracking and rendering, and (5) nonvisual sensory information ( Figure 4 . A high-resolution version of this figure is available as Supplementary Figure S1 ).

FIGURE 4 . Flow diagrams summarizing the strategies for the design of IVEs to understand environments’ influence on behaviors.

In this review, many recommendations (e.g., including dynamic representation of the participant’s body) are dependent on the research goal and tradeoffs (e.g., additional cost, development time, and technical capabilities). Hence, before any meaningful discussion of what researchers have reported as effective in designing IVEs for environment-behavior research, all strategies and decisions should be evaluated in the context of two design principles: (1) the research goal and (2) potential tradeoffs to design choices, such as development cost and scalability. Additionally, the recommendations featured in this review were specific examples used by researchers in past studies. It is important to note that there are various ways to approach these considerations that may or may not have been discussed in past studies.

Level of Detail in the Environment

Important commonly found environmental accessories.

Researchers proposed that IVEs should incorporate typical elements (features such as furniture or features) of actual environments. In a study examining gambling behavior, Dickinson et al. (2020) included items such as paper slips, pens, and stools in the betting shop ( Figure 5 ).

FIGURE 5 . Dickinson et al. (2020) included items such as paper slips, pens, and stools in the betting shop.

Realistic Textures

Realistic textures can be created by taking photos of the actual product before attaching it to the virtual objects. This is particularly important if participants are expected to move around the environment and pick up objects to examine them ( Morrongiello et al., 2015 ; Lombart et al., 2019 ; Siegrist et al., 2019 ). For example, in a study examining purchase behavior, Lombart et al. (2019) used real product textures with high-resolution pictures from real products ( Figure 6 ).

FIGURE 6 . Lombart et al. (2019) used real product textures with high-resolution pictures from real products.

Computational Costs Associated With Increased Details

Realistic rendering can increase an individual’s sense of presence in the virtual environment. According to Slater et al. (2009) , visual realism has two components: geometric realism (i.e., virtual and real objects look alike) and illumination realism (i.e., the fidelity of the lighting model). However, building complex IVEs can be time-consuming, requires heavy computational algorithms, and may even decrease frame rate when participants view the IVE ( Sobhani et al., 2017 ; Lin et al., 2020 ).

Researchers must then decide which extraneous features in the surrounding environment are not key to the research question and can be removed while maintaining ecological validity. For example, in examining distracted pedestrian crossing behavior, Sobhani et al. (2017) excluded other pedestrians and cyclists, focusing on vehicles and the participant ( Figure 7 ). Before finalizing the research design and hypotheses, researchers should always consider the complexity of their desired IVE since the impact of a “suboptimal” IVE (e.g., an IVE that lacks critical details of the surrounding environment) could have significant effects on participants’ behaviors ( Lin et al., 2020 ).

FIGURE 7 . Sobhani et al. (2017) excluded other pedestrians and cyclists, focusing on vehicles and the participant.

Minimizing Unnecessary Detail

IVEs may be perceived as more immersive than lab conditions ( Dickinson et al., 2020 ). However, high levels of visual realism (i.e., consistency between one’s virtual vs. real-world experience Witmer and Singer, 1998 ) might increase expectations for other aspects (e.g., nonvisual and tactile) of the simulation to be equally realistic ( Dickinson et al., 2020 ). This raises a critical consideration in designing IVEs for research: while realistic IVEs generally increase the ecological validity of research, some kinds of realism (e.g., adding avatars) inherently increase the complexity and confounding variables associated with experimental environments. Here, we define a confounding variable as an “extraneous variable whose presence affects the variables being studied so results do not reflect the actual relationship between the variables under study” ( Pourhoseingholi et al., 2012 , p. 79).

Too much detail can reintroduce some challenges associated with research in actual environments ( Dickinson et al., 2020 ). Before designing an IVE, researchers can use input from past research, end-users, and subject experts to identify possible confounds and evaluate the risks and benefits of including a given feature into the IVE ( Persky et al., 2018 ). For example, in a study examining navigation behaviors in powered wheelchair driving simulators, Alshaer et al. (2017) did not tell participants about the passability of the doorframes or gaps to preserve realism and did not include furnishings or decorations to avoid distractions and to remove cues to size and distance provided by familiar objects ( Figure 8 ).

FIGURE 8 . Alshaer et al. (2017) did not tell participants about the passability of the doorframes or gaps to preserve realism. Furnishings or decorations were excluded to avoid distractions.

Before creating IVEs to examine behaviors, researchers need to identify what contextual cues are necessary and evaluate whether VR can incorporate all the required elements. Social elements involve perhaps the most complicated tradeoffs, discussed in the following section.

Contextual Elements

In IVEs, participants give special attention to objects most relevant to looking behaviors, such as windows ( Lee et al., 2019 ). Participants may also engage in more exploratory behaviors (e.g., looking intensely at objects irrelevant to the research questions), behaviors that may not be as salient in actual environments ( Lee et al., 2019 ). For example, in Lee et al. (2019) , participants spent more time looking at “see-through” surfaces such as windows ( Figure 9 ). Perhaps, participants learned that available behaviors in IVEs were mostly “looking around” and focused their attention on windows, instead of objects with functionality (e.g., portability) in the real but not virtual world ( Lee et al., 2019 ). Participants’ attention to display surfaces or windows highlights the notion of multiple embeddedness during interactions in virtual environments ( Lee et al., 2019 ). A person’s experience in an IVE is still embedded in the surrounding environment ( Lee et al., 2019 ). For example, when participants allocate visual attention to window surfaces displaying extra information regarding the exterior, they may be creating a mental model of the IVE’s location and themselves in the virtual space ( Lee et al., 2019 ). Researchers should consider whether such features (e.g., windows) should be included or excluded as participants may devote unnecessary attention to “checking them out.” For example, including a “skybox” and trees as a surrounding exterior makes users think that they are inside a building with windows (i.e., virtual realism) ( Morrongiello et al., 2015 ; Nordbo et al., 2015 ).

FIGURE 9 . In Lee et al. (2019) , participants spent more time looking at “see-through” surfaces such as windows.

Stimulatory and instructional cues can provide relevant information and navigation within IVEs. In a study examining energy consumption behavior, Saeidi et al. (2019) used stimulatory cues related to the spatial and temporal configuration of the IVE to simulate relevant information about the IVE, such as the sense of time, weather, and crowding. Specifically, Saeidi et al. (2019) used lighting and moving traffic to evoke a sense of time. However, researchers should consider using such cues in moderation. For example, in a study examining evacuation behavior by Tucker et al. (2018) , smoke was incorporated only to enhance participants’ anxiety and perceived hazard and not to the extent where the simulating impacts of smoke hinder visibility ( Tucker et al., 2018 ) ( Figure 10 ).

FIGURE 10 . Tucker et al. (2018) incorporated smoke only to enhance participants’ anxiety and perceived hazard and not to the extent where the simulating impacts of smoke hinder visibility.

Saeidi et al. (2019) also used instructional cues to help participants navigate within the IVE and distinguish and interact with operable virtual objects. For example, as participants hover the controller over operable objects, they would start blinking, signaling activation ( Saeidi et al., 2019 ) ( Figure 11 ).

FIGURE 11 . Saeidi et al. (2019) used instructional cues to help participants navigate within the IVE and distinguish and interact with operable virtual objects.

Animating Interactions

In an IVE, a feature (e.g., traffic and avatar) may be moving at a simulated speed. Identifying and creating the appropriate speed may be important for research examining behaviors such as road crossing and emergency evacuation. To reduce potential confounders (i.e., walking speed), in this example, the researchers kept the demonstration avatar’s walking speed constant based on the staff’s walking speed ( Shi et al., 2019 ). If possible, researchers should use pretests to ensure that calibration accuracy between participants’ actual movements and virtual animations is acceptable to participants ( Shi et al., 2019 ). Specifically, there should be minimal movement mismatches in the virtual environment when participants rotate their bodies as these mismatches can affect their feelings of presence ( Shi et al., 2019 ). In a study by Lin et al. (2020) examining evacuation behaviors, the range of avatar speeds depended on their age and gender.

Social Cues

If social aspects are important, researchers need to find ways to incorporate associated cues or agents into the IVE ( Neo et al., 2019 ).

Include Computer-Controlled Agent-Avatars When Necessary

Computer-controlled agent-avatars may enhance the realism of IVEs and facilitate the examination of behaviors such as distractions and emergency evacuation. However, avatars may also unduly distract participants from engaging in the behavior of interest. For example, in Dickinson et al. (2020) , no agent-avatars were placed in the IVE, so as not to distract participants playing the electronic gaming machine.

Animating Social Interactions

In general, introducing avatars of the self or of others requires a number of decisions. If agent-avatars are introduced, they must be animated appropriately. A number of animations are available for free or for purchase (e.g., ) can be designed using modeling programs or can be generated from human motion ( Gonzalez-Franco et al., 2020 ). These animations can be automatically triggered by the actions of the participant, but sometimes a “wizard-of-Oz” scenario, in which a key digital element is actually controlled by a human user (for example, see Lucas et al., 2019 ) may be more useful. For example, in examining fall risk, instead of relative to playing a prerecorded animation, Shi et al. (2019) used a lab staff member to control another avatar in real time as the human-controlled avatar seemed more “natural and acceptable” to the participants.

Participant Tracking and Rendering


Self-avatars can enhance a user’s sense of presence ( Fox and Bailenson, 2010 ). People tend to experience an elevated sense of presence when there is a virtual representation of oneself in the VR environment and when other users (avatars) recognize them ( Nash et al., 2000 ; Fox and Bailenson, 2010 ).

When investigating certain behaviors, such as pedestrian road crossing, it may be helpful for a participant to see a dynamic representation of their body to increase their sense of presence ( Kooijman et al., 2019 ). Kooijman et al. (2019) propose that the representation needs to be realistic (i.e., not robot-looking) and gender-specific and provides synchronous tactile-visual feedback to evoke a full-body illusion ( Kooijman et al., 2019 ). However, as other researchers have found, a first-person perspective alone can aid in creating a useful body-ownership illusion ( Slater et al., 2010 ).

As suggested by Kooijman et al. (2019) , motion suits are increasingly used in road safety research and may become more common for other types of VR-based research. Different headsets may have different capabilities to track and represent user behavior. Some newer HMDs, for example, the Oculus Quest, now offer the ability to track and render users’ hands without requiring them to hold hand controllers.

Navigation Concerns

Navigation via real walking can enhance one’s sense of presence in IVEs ( Shi et al., 2019 ); however, this option is constrained by the physical space available ( Iryo-Asano et al., 2018 ; Kooijman et al., 2019 ). For example, in Kooijman et al. (2019) , which examined pedestrian crossing behaviors, participants were asked not to walk beyond the third “zebra stripe” due to the space constraints of the laboratory. Given this conflict, allowing participants to control their walking direction and speed can help them feel as if they are walking in VR environments ( Morrongiello et al., 2015 ; Marcum et al., 2018 ).

Changes in Participants’ Head Directions

Mizuchi and Inamura (2018) evaluated human behavior difference with a restricted field of view in real and IVEs and found that large changes in the head direction and some head-mounted display properties affect spatial perception about recognition speed and manipulation skill in IVEs. A scenario in which participants must frequently and dramatically change head direction may be unfavorable for observing behaviors in IVEs. In a study by Shi et al. (2019) examining fall risk behaviors, slight movement mismatches in the IVE when participants rotate their heads can affect their sense of presence (i.e., being there in the simulated world) ( Figure 12 ). IVEs and scenarios should be designed to avoid large changes in participants’ head direction, for example, putting participants in a narrow space ( Mizuchi and Inamura, 2018 ).

FIGURE 12 . Shi et al. (2019) highlighted that slight movement mismatches in the IVE when participants rotate their heads can affect their sense of presence. Shi et al. (2019) used real planks to provide haptic feedback while participants walked on “virtual planks.”

Nonvisual Sensory Information

The realism of virtual simulations was highly rated in various studies; however, most simulations lack some characteristics of the real environment (e.g., haptic feedback, sounds, smell, and other sensory contents) ( Ledoux et al., 2013 ). As with other elements that might increase immersion but create technical difficulties, adding additional sensory modalities requires the careful consideration of tradeoffs.

Haptic Feedback

Some VR-based studies integrate real elements besides the VR displays, for example, to provide passive haptic feedback. For example, in a study examining fall risk behaviors, Shi et al. (2019) used real planks to provide haptic feedback while participants walked on “virtual planks.” With such integration, the real and virtual element (e.g., a plank) should be carefully calibrated to enhance realism, and yet address safety issues (e.g., a participant falling off a plank) ( Shi et al., 2019 ). To enhance setups with real and virtual elements, avatars may be included to reflect any interactions observed with the real elements, such as falling off a real plank ( Shi et al., 2019 ).

IVEs may include relevant (i.e., typical of the actual environment) audio to isolate viewers from the real world ( Dickinson et al., 2020 ). Researchers should first determine if the sounds can enhance the IVE’s realism or if they might confound the study ( Morrongiello et al., 2015 ). In a study examining evacuation behaviors, Markwart et al. (2019) included sounds of a storm (i.e., rain; thunder), wind, cars driving by, splatter sounds from the water fountain, and footsteps. To make virtual experiences more realistic, certain sounds, such as avatars' voices, should be gender-specific ( Markwart et al., 2019 ).

Olfactory Cues

None of the studies included olfactory cues in the IVE. However, some studies cited the lack of characteristics of a real food choice environment (e.g., food smell) as a key limitation ( Ledoux et al., 2013 ; Marcum et al., 2018 ). For example, the lack of olfactory feedback might become a factor if participants were asked to pick up the virtual food ( Ledoux et al., 2013 ; Marcum et al., 2018 ). Olfactory cues have been used in studies examining virtual food; for example, Li and Bailenson (2018) explored the role of olfactory cues of a virtual donut on satiation and eating behavior and Stelick et al. (2018) developed a proof-of-concept study to determine if the pungent flavor notes of blue cheese may be enhanced by showing participants a virtual dairy barn. In Li and Bailenson (2018) , the authors attached a scented cotton bud to the front of the HMD with Velcro strips at the exact same time the participants saw and smelled a virtual donut.

Overall, more targeted haptic, auditory, and olfactory feedback will likely become possible with the rapid growth of VR technology. Nonvisual sensory information may be more important if participants engage in, for example, food selection behavior, where aesthetic and reward-oriented features may be more important ( Marcum et al., 2018 ). Adding nonvisual sensory information will also help researchers who need to capture the potential responses of a more diverse participant pool, for example, participants with low vision ( Zhao et al., 2019 ).

Limitations of This Review

This review summarizes published information about researchers’ design decisions when creating IVEs to test the effect of environments on behavior. However, we recognize that much valuable information remains unpublished due to page limits and other constraints of academic publishing. While we hope this paper can be useful, especially for researchers less familiar with this area, providing experienced researchers with resources to share their design experiences will greatly aid the research community. This would allow for the inclusion of projects that did not include behavioral data at the time of publication of this paper but that are likely to contain valuable information, for example, ( Lovreglio et al., 2018 ).

Due to the heterogeneity of human behaviors, we could not design a search strategy for each behavior (e.g., human behavior in a supermarket; human behavior in pedestrian crossing). Our search returned limited results due to our strict inclusion criteria (i.e., a study must use HMDs) and the resulting small number of studies. Our decision to limit this review to studies using HMDs may have reduced the breadth and depth of our analysis, as well as the variety of environments and behaviors. Variations in research questions and perspectives also limited our results, despite our best efforts to systematically identify and categorically include relevant studies. Some studies met the inclusion criteria but provided no discussion on how to design IVE to examine behaviors. Due to a reduced pool of studies from which to draw conclusions, some environmental considerations highlighted in this review (e.g., haptic feedback; olfactory cues) depended on the intended application and purpose. By using the term “human behavior” relatively broadly as the starting point, recommendations can be generalized to a larger and more diverse audience including researchers, designers, and practitioners.

Our review analyzed the use of IVEs in behavioral science research and provided design considerations when prototyping IVEs for research on the interaction between the environment and human behavior. We found that rather than trying to replicate every aspect of the physical environment, researchers carefully considered the level of detail needed for each element. We also found that interdisciplinary collaboration is required to conceptualize, plan, design, and execute a VR study to examine behaviors ( Metsis et al., 2019 ; Neo et al., 2019 ). We provided some sample workflows illustrated with examples from published work.

With these design considerations gleaned from experienced VR researchers in mind, other behavioral scientists may be able to better use VR to develop designs in order to examine behaviors. Ultimately, by enhancing our knowledge of the design and use of VR, researchers can better understand environmental factors that influence behavior and how to effectively alter environmental and/or policy-based interventions. However, the valuable information about the design decisions researchers makes in creating these virtual environments can be hard to find. Studies currently available only as pilots or case studies (e.g., Lovreglio et al., 2018 ), if used in the future to examine and capture behavioral data, provide promising opportunities to help researchers better understand the environments’ influence on behaviors.

While this review aims to provide a summary of relevant research up to the present, finding ways for more researchers to be able to easily share their hard-won knowledge is an important need for the community of current and interested researchers.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/ Supplementary Material ; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author Contributions

JN was involved in conceptualization, data curation, formal analysis, methodology, project administration, writing-original draft preparation, review, and editing. AW and MS were involved in formal analysis, methodology, writing-original draft preparation, review, and editing.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


The authors would like to acknowledge the help of Ms. Amelia Kallaher (Applied Social Science Librarian, Cornell University) for developing the search strategy.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:

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Keywords: immersive virtual environment, human behavior, design, prototype development, environmental psychology, virtual reality

Citation: Neo JRJ, Won AS and Shepley MM (2021) Designing Immersive Virtual Environments for Human Behavior Research. Front. Virtual Real. 2:603750. doi: 10.3389/frvir.2021.603750

Received: 07 September 2020; Accepted: 13 January 2021; Published: 04 March 2021.

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*Correspondence: Jun Rong Jeffrey Neo, [email protected]

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Effects of virtual learning environments: A scoping review of literature

Laura caprara.

Graduate Studies in Education, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia Canada

Cataldo Caprara

Associated data.

Not Applicable.

The purpose of this scoping review is to isolate and investigate the existing data and research that identifies if the synchronous face-to-face visual presence of a teacher in a virtual learning environment (VLE) is a significant factor in a student’s ability to maintain good mental health. While the present research on this explicit interaction among VLE implementation and student mental health is limited, the material suggests a framework for strong utilization of VLEs. Overall, our research has shown that authentic, high quality VLEs are ones that have as their primary focus the communication between students and their teachers and between students and their peers. This communication is best generated through synchronous connections where there exists the ability to convey the student’s immediate needs in real-time. Our research results and discussion will outline how a team approach that brings together teachers, students, administration, counsellors, mental health support staff, instructional designers, and ICT specialists is necessary to create a genuinely enriching VLE where both learning and social-emotional needs can be met. The authors present a case for further study in order to reveal the nature of the interaction among VLEs and student mental health.


Increasingly educators are turning to digital online tools and resources to supplement and enhance their teaching in the classroom. Independent of the move to online learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a clear upward trend to the prevalence and variety of online learning opportunities available to students of all ages. In their meta-analysis, Means et al. ( 2009 ) show that the rise of online learning is for a variety of reasons:

Online learning has become popular because of its potential for providing more flexible access to content and instruction at any time, from any place. Frequently, the focus entails (a) increasing the availability of learning experiences for learners who cannot or choose not to attend traditional face-to-face offerings, (b) assembling and disseminating instructional content more cost efficiently, or (c) enabling instructors to handle more students while maintaining learning outcome quality that is equivalent to that of comparable face-to-face instruction. (p. 22)

In Ontario, online learning can be accessed through traditional school boards using eLearning Ontario and Brightspace or through available online private schools such as These virtual learning environments (VLEs), online spaces that facilitate the delivery of curriculum content, assessment, and evaluation activities – deliver said curriculum in an asynchronous manner, that is “learning that is not delivered in real time. Asynchronous learning may involve students watching pre-recorded video lessons, completing assigned tasks, or contributing to online discussion boards” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2020 , PPM 164). This is different than synchronous learning which is defined as “Learning that happens in real time. Synchronous learning involves using text, video, or voice communication in a way that enables educators…to instruct and connect with students in real time” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2020 , PPM 164). It is believed that “synchronous learning supports the well-being and academic achievement of all students…by providing educators and students with an interactive and engaging way to learn. It helps teachers provide immediate feedback to students and enables students to interact with one another” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2020 , PPM 164). Despite this fulsome definition of synchronous learning, little research-driven policy or infrastructure exists whereby educators can be trained and supported in creating an ideal VLE for their students’ educational and social-emotional needs (Jones, 2015 ; Kent et al., 2018 ). This was certainly the case for all Ontario educators when, in March 2020, schools were closed due to the SARS-COVID-19 global pandemic and learning shifted to online-only instruction as contextualised in the following section.

On Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 4:00p.m. we tuned into the local news channel to hear that the Ontario Provincial Government was putting the province into lockdown to avert the upcoming threat of the novel Coronavirus, SARS-COVID-19. In this same news conference, we learned that Friday, March 13, 2020 would be our last day in schools; schools would be closed for two weeks after the March Break which began the following Monday. We spent the day photocopying, distributing, and explaining work packages for our students while ourselves wondering how we would negotiate the transition to distance learning and the new expectation to work – teach – from home. After these two weeks, a continuation of the lockdown was announced and Ontario educators were tasked with connecting with students and families procedure to gauge student’s communications technology readiness, to monitor their social-emotional needs arising from the lockdown and to explain that basic emergency learning was now in place.

At the same time, educators were told to create virtual learning environments (VLEs) to deliver this emergency instruction. Hours of instruction guidelines were provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education (April 2020): for JK-Grade 6, no more than six hours per week; for Grades 7–8, no more than eleven hours per week and for Grades 9–12, no more than three hours per course per week. During this time, normal attendance procedures were paused and replaced with anecdotal teacher monitoring and the mode and delivery of teaching was not standardized via a specific virtual platform. Guidance from Ontario teacher unions was to avoid videoconferencing and webcasting (OECTA, 2020 ) to maintain the privacy of both teacher and student.

The unprecedented scope and unforeseen turmoil caused by the COVID-19 crisis resulted in a delayed and mixed response for how educators could meet the daily social-emotional needs of their students who were now being taught in ways that were not conducive to learning such as having no face-to-face communication. Part of this mixed response included the ministry directive that students’ marks and grades would be frozen to the date prior to the initial closure (Miller, 2020 ), though opportunities for improvement would be provided. While the intentions of policymakers were rooted in compassion and wishing not to amplify any feelings of stress, anxiety, or hardship already being caused by the pandemic, it did not serve to inspire students to be continually engaged in their educational community or to feel wholly supported by said community. Overwhelmingly, students in both of our schools stopped engaging in course content; knowing that their grades could not change truly impacted their motivation, diligence, and general commitment to learning. When this disconnect occurred, teachers were advised to continue to call the student and encourage them to login to their VLEs, but this consistent check-in by four teachers at least once a week to each family began to feel at best like nagging and, at worst, an intrusion. This disconnect had another negative effect; now that students were not explicitly required to complete work for school, businesses were free to demand that they work throughout the day. Many students shared that they had taken on full-time hours at their part-time jobs. Had the student–teacher-classroom relationship continued throughout the closure somehow through routine, synchronous, live-video or live-voice communication, perhaps students and families would have felt a social and emotional pull to preserve their work habits and would have benefitted from helping to maintain the class community.

Essentially, our students went from daily, face-to-face interaction that built relationships and promoted positive social-emotional skills to the bare minimum interaction of a posting or an email a few times a week. Compounding this growing detachment was the social isolation that being in lockdown necessitated both from friends and family members who were at work. Students were at home, cut off from teachers, school, and friends, alone with the computer screens.

When schools reopened toward the end of September 2020, protocols and safety standards had been improved and implemented in ways that would encourage some families to opt for in-person learning while for others, the risk was still too great. For these families, school boards in Ontario created whole virtual schools or adopted a form of hybrid learning that would accommodate student from Junior Kindergarten through to Grade 12.

Our personal experience of in-person learning after the initial lockdown was atypical: though there was slight excitement the first day, this waned quickly and by the end of the week students were behaving very differently than they had been in March. Classes were silent; students were not speaking to each other, and group discussion or student–teacher conferences were very difficult to craft and nurture. In cases where students were priorly familiar with one another and the teacher, as was the case in one author’s classroom, students remained quiet, distanced, and generally withdrawn. These personal observations were similarly attested by several colleagues. For one author who had been assigned to the new virtual school, similar observations were made. Here, students from all over the city were being placed in VLEs together, disconnected from their home schools. Every attempt was made to create positive community bonds but still, save a handful of eager students, online classrooms were quiet both auditorily and in the chat box.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 continued to spread rapidly through the province and by the winter of 2021, the threat of the new, more infectious variants of COVID-19 forced the hand of the Ontario Ministry of Education to close schools once again for the remainder of the school year. The most marked difference in this lockdown is the continuation of the collection of attendance – students are at least driven to login to their VLEs to have their attendance recorded to avoid the consequences of truancy. Many students have shared with the authors that this second lockdown had evaporated their hopes of any social-emotional normalcy for their educational experience. They have attested that they are tired of feeling alone, overly challenged at the thought of having to continue their learning experiences solely through their computer screen.

The path to inquiry

In the summer of 2020, The Hospital for Sick Children ( 2019 ) released a report that detailed how online learning and increased screen time could result in an increase of negative mental health effects. In addition, the prevailing advice of Public Health Ontario (2015) for the total number of hours of screen-time children and youth should be engaged in had not moved from the recommended “no more than 2 hours per day”. Instead of heeding the warning and advice of these public institutions, the Ontario Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum No. 164 ( 2020 ) defining synchronous learning as “using text, video, or voice communication” in real time, set in place the following expectations for daily synchronous learning: 180 min for Kindergarten and 225 min for Grades 1–12.

Our desire to study the mental health effects of online learning takes its root in the experience of students and their guardians who have directly voiced difficulty with engagement in online schooling. Specifically, our students shared that their experiences in courses facilitated by teachers who did not utilize real-time video for the delivery of their synchronous lessons were difficult, hard to manage, and at times felt alienating.

Certainly, the few noted anecdotes above cannot constitute a direct cause for this review. Nonetheless, it is the view of the authors that such comments appearing from within the unique context of the mandated and sweeping switch to online learning warrant an investigation of what research might exist to establish acceptable standards of VLE implementation. In the case of the COVID-19 context, it must be understood that the changes to educational architectures were motivated by the physical requirement of stopping the spread of disease rather than what research has shown to be the best mode of education for the learner and their mental health needs. Further, even within the confines of mass VLE implementation, deeming the use of real-time video as strictly optional instead of prescribing a definitive modality for engaging in best practice displays a gap in an understanding of VLE significance. Further still, as online learning continues to be a the only viable option for many families, educators in Ontario must ensure that the creation of a VLE and the curriculum delivered through it is guided by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) Ethical Standards of Care , where it is understood that Ontario Teachers ought to avoid practices that may not support the welfare of all students placed in their care.

The Ontario College of Teachers ( 2020 ) defines the ethical standard of care as follows: “Members express their commitment to students' well-being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.” Further, the Ontario Education Act, 1990 Sect. 264(1c) clarifies that part of a teacher’s duty is to impress the “highest regard for…humanity…and all other virtues” to their students. In addition to the duty of a Principal to provide “assiduous attention to the health and comfort of the pupils” (Ontario Education Act, 1990 , Sect. 265(1j)) they must do so in such a way that they set the standard for the teacher. Without daily, live interaction with students, how is it possible to wholly meet these expectations?

Interestingly, the concept of all persons having to remain at home during the new COVID-19 online education paradigm seemed to create a vague understanding of whether it was even possible for the professional liability of care to take place. In consideration of the area of attendance, it must be understood that the traditional taking of attendance has a layered purpose: to ensure the “safe arrival” of students, to give proof of student attendance for funding allocation, and to link a student to the legal liability of a teacher as well as to allow teachers to exercise interventions for students who are truant. In the first stage of lockdown, teachers were asked to not take attendance and so were unable to ensure regular student contact. In this way, it became much more difficult to distinguish which students were not able to keep up with their studies and who required appropriate interventions for their learning, development, and wellness.

Tronick et al. ( 1978 ) showed that when the face-to-face interaction between infants and their mothers becomes distorted in such a way whereby the mother is unresponsive and still, “infants reacted with intense wariness and eventual withdrawal” (p. 1). They concluded that it was vital to have “interactional reciprocity” (Tronick et al., 1978 , p. 1) to learn how to regulate their own emotional reactions. In their meta-analysis of this Still-Face Paradigm, Mesman et al. ( 2009 ) found that not only had the paradigm been consistent through multiple studies in infants, but its negative effects could also be found in both youth and adults. Experiments with adults resulted in “quite severe disrupting effects on social interactions, making people angry, confused, or upset…[where] [t]he perceived necessity for following the ground rules of social interactions is likely to stem from the evolutionary roots of human social life” (Mesman et al., 2009 , p. 156). These results would suggest that part of the educator’s duty of care to a student is to maintain this quintessentially human behaviour of consistent face-to-face interaction. Without this fundamental interaction, it seems that humans are unable to properly regulate their emotional expression. Certainly social-emotional learning and the formation and maintenance of positive relationships with others is a core part of the care mandate of teachers.

Purpose of scoping review

While it could be surmised that the guiding education authorities’ combined lack of clarity in declaring best practice directives and providing systems of care contributed to negative student experiences, the notion of how these organizational failures might have impacted student mental health must be drawn into focus. Indeed, the most notable shift in education has been toward the use of the online classroom and it is foreseeable that the continuation of this paradigm will be unavoidable. However, with the ambiguous messaging that surrounds that which defines quality implementation of a VLE, there lies a discernible gap in gauging the importance of teachers using live video in the delivery of synchronous instruction and if significant mental health implications are present in the decision to do so.

The purpose of our scoping review is to isolate and investigate the existing data and research that identifies if the real-time visual presence of a teacher in a VLE is a significant factor in a student’s ability to maintain good mental health. Such research might reconcile the void of definitive directives educational authorities have offered concerning teachers’ utilization of real-time video in a VLE and, more importantly, provide students with a higher standard of care while enduring the context of increased vulnerability the pandemic has introduced.

In short, this scoping review aims to answer two questions:

  • Does the synchronous face-to-face and interactive presence of a teacher in a VLE contribute positively to student learning and mental health and well-being?
  • What are the characteristics of a VLE that meets the social-emotional care requirements and needs of the student?

Method and parameters

This scoping review works to capture the current “size and location of the literature” (Anderson et al., 2008 , p.7) to better define the state of understanding of our research questions. Further, it is our hope that this scoping review might work to ascertain common threads among the research and note any gaps to inspire further inquiry in the topic. All of the material will be charted so it can be viewed in tandem for the above purposes.

Boundaries of the review

Our search was limited to English-only peer-reviewed research literature that investigated the efficacy of online teaching and VLEs for educating the whole student. More specifically, we completed a search of all research articles published between 1 January 2010 and 31 January 2021 (an 11-year period). The rationale for focusing on this span of just over a decade was to draw our attention to the most recent research evidence related to our question. This date range also reflects the time span in which we had secured permanent work as educators; tracing the development and evolution of online learning since that point is of great personal interest.

Our search utilized the following terms: virtual learning environment (in all text) OR online instruction (in all text) AND mental health (in all text). These search terms were selected as they provided the widest catchment for the screening process required for this scoping review; in particular, the search term virtual learning environment was selected to identify research that was specific to an interactive context of online learning, as opposed to, for instance, online learning structured as a correspondence course. Databases that we utilized include ProQuest, ProQuest/ERIC, APA PsychINFO, and SAGE Journals Online because together they encompass a comprehensive and diverse catalogue of education-related literature as well as research regarding the psychological aspects of education. These database searches occurred between January 31, 2021, and February 7, 2021.

Special considerations of the topic search: defining a student

Ideally, the search terms could have been narrowed to refer to students specifically in a high school setting, using common platforms such as Google Classroom, but these terms did not yield any results. In an effort to compile the most useful sources for our research, a broadening rather than narrowing approach to our search terms was employed as it was discovered that limited resources existed in the field we were exploring. Considering this, the limits we set required special considerations of demarcation. For instance, many sources pertaining to the student mental health in a VLE context dealt exclusively with nursing students (e.g., Shea & Rovera, 2021 ). These studies offered excellent data sets but were omitted because the data could not be understood as congruous with a universalized definition of what constitutes a student. That is, the specialized nature of these studies involved students who had the responsibility of dealing with patient care, using VLEs to interact with their patients. In this way, the nursing paradigm muddied the demarcation between the VLE experience of a student and that of an authority.

Inclusion criteria

In initially assessing and screening the results of the database searches, we ventured to remove sources that did not pertain to the contexts of VLEs and the student’s experience of those VLEs. Here, a primary list of 268 articles was redacted to a sum of 63 articles via an evaluation on the content of the title and abstract of each article. The inclusion of the remaining 63 articles was based on their titles and abstracts having expressed: (1) the use of an online modality that would implicitly involve the visual presence of an educator, and (2) the interest in the contexts of the learners’ experiences being a result of the instruction provided. Sources that were concerned with the experience of post-secondary students were only included if they involved Year 1 students as part of their purview. This limit was imposed on the research as we perceived this domain of data as relevant to the prospect of constructing an information-set surrounding the transitional stage of Grade 12 into post-secondary. Further, this inclusion might allow for a greater basis of insight into the still emerging reality of widespread online education. Notable exclusions from the research that might have helped develop such a picture were many articles that focused on the VLE experiences of graduate and post-graduate level students (e.g., Chugani & Houtrow, 2020 ; Gardner, 2020 ; Shawaqfeh et al., 2020 ) and articles concerned with the mental health of educators who utilized VLEs (e.g., Watermeyer et al., 2021 ; Rowe et al., 2020 ; Ault et al., 2020 ; Alkarani & Thobaity, 2020 ; Schlesselman, 2020 ). The subsequent 63 articles were read in their entirety to determine whether their content would be appropriate for this scoping review. This stage of assessment resulted in the inclusion of 38 articles.

Manual inclusions

Additionally, a reference check of all 38 articles yielded the inclusion of a meta-analysis authored by Cavanaugh et al. ( 2004 ) we deemed relevant insofar as it provided an overview of the effects of online learning in a strictly academic sense allowing a possible comparison between achievement and positive mental health. A manual search conducted prior to the exercise of prescribed database search-terms warranted the inclusion of one other meta-analysis authored by Mesman et al. ( 2009 ) which is noted in the introduction section of this scoping review. The specific data and information presented in the work of Mesman et al. ( 2009 ) serves as a correlational tool in observing the trends apparent in the included articles. As a final article addition, a second manual journal search was conducted where two studies were found to include data that encompassed student perceptions of their experiences with VLEs, thus, resulting in a total sum of 42 articles to be included in this scoping review. The total review process is noted visually in Fig.  1 .

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Review process and results

Summary of research findings

The purpose of this scoping review is to isolate and investigate the existing data and research that identifies if the real-time visual presence of a teacher in a virtual learning environment (VLE) is a significant factor in a student’s ability to maintain good mental health. Overall, our research has shown that authentic, high quality VLEs are ones that have as their primary focus the communication between students and their teachers and between students and their peers. This communication is best generated through synchronous connections where there exists the ability to convey the student’s immediate needs in real-time. The demands placed upon an individual educator to facilitate an online education for students, inclusive of the creation and maintenance of an effectual and engaging VLE often serving as a proxy to a face-to-face (F2F) base-school, “require[s] extensive time commitments” (Wingo et al., 2016 , p. 437) which are far beyond the standard workload formulas calculated by many institutions (Wingo et al., 2016 ). Indeed, the complexity of this task while also providing sufficient social-emotional services for students and families is not fully understood in terms of student and teacher equity. Our research results and discussion will outline how a team approach that brings together teachers, students, administration, counsellors, mental health support staff, instructional designers, and ICT specialists is necessary to create a genuinely enriching VLE where both learning and social-emotional needs can be met.

Summaries of the 42 articles pertaining to this research are provided in Table ​ Table1. 1 . In addition to information related to authors, years of publication, countries (i.e., where the research was conducted), participant profiles, intervention programs and timelines (where available) and data sources, we have also summarised the researchers’ aims, research designs, findings, and conclusions.

Research summary of the various iterations of virtual learning environments (VLE)

Author(s), Year, CountryAim (A), Research Design (RD), and Intervention Program (IP), if anyParticipant Profile
(number of students; age; control (CG) and intervention groups (IG), if applicable)
Data Source(s) (DS) and Timeline of Data Collection (TDC), if applicableStatistical Significance (if reported or applicable), 
Findings, and Conclusions
Archambault et al., , U.S.A

A: To examine how truancy laws can and do apply to online students, and (2) to determine the responsibility of online schools to enforce state attendance laws.

RD: Case-study design

Policies at Minnesota Virtual High School (MVHS) that educates approximately 1350 students, grades 6–12; Dean of Students at MVHSDS: Minnesota Attendance and Truancy Statutes; Chicago Country Truancy Policy; Structured interview transcript(1) Indeed, online schools are public schools, and its students are subject to state attendance and truancy laws. (2) MVHS uses a competency-based calculation to determine attendance; work completion and skill progress are calculated as percentages that correspond to the number of school days per week. Virtual schools need to take an active role in overseeing students’ progress, which may require additional staff resources. 
Baker et al., , U.S.A

A: To test the efficacy of a scheduling intervention in an online post-secondary course.

RD: Experimental

IP: Scheduling the watching of the lecture

 = 145

Undergraduate students

mean age = 20 yrs (SD = 1.2)

DS: Pre-intervention survey; Weekly quiz scores; Clickstream data from VLE

TDC: 2 weeks of a 6-week course

This intervention is most helpful for students who believe that their time management skills are poor, regardless of their actual skills. Effects diminish over time, however.
Barbour & LaBonte, , Canada

A: (1) To examine the existing system of e-learning in Ontario, (2) to investigate the 2019 mandatory e-learning proposal, and (3) to investigate lack of research to support the proposal.

RD: Literature Review

87 documentsDS: the findings of 87 articles consisting of institutional research studies, governmental policies, and institutional surveys(1) Centralized vs. decentralized delivery is insufficient; both offer outcomes that are similar to F2F contexts. (2) No evidence to show that e-learning creates a negative impact on graduation rates. (3) Connection between increases of e-learning class size and negative impact on student achievement outcomes.
Blayone et al., , Georgia & Ukraine

A: To determine the state of digital readiness of Georgian and Ukrainian students for online learning over 4 variables: technical actions, communication, informational, and computational.

RD: Quasi-experimental

 = 279

Georgian students,  = 150; Ukrainian students,  = 129

Age range of 17–30

DS: Survey using the Digital Competency Profiler (DCP) surveyIn both cohorts, (i) mobile device usage signified the highest readiness, chiefly with word-processing; (ii) avid use of mobile devices for social media did not translate to high readiness for e-learning communication; (iii) low readiness for searching for research texts; (iv) up to 96% have low readiness if using mobile devices for computation. Technology readiness is needed but is not a sufficient condition for building successful e-learning experiences.
Cairns et al., , U.S.A

A: To provide academic insight into the variety of experiences and technological platforms used during crisis remote learning.

RD: Qualitative, exploratory

 = 28

Undergraduate students, Years 1–4

DS: InterviewsTechnology facilitates connections, new modes of interaction, and meaningful relationship building. There is a hierarchy in connection preferences, with in-person first, then video, then talk, then text and in those modalities, synchronous connection is preferred over asynchronous. As well, F2F or video connection is deemed more meaningful for its ability to show facial expressions.
Cavanaugh et al., , U.S.A

A: (1) To collect data and draw conclusions on student learning in online programs and how it compares to learning in classroom-based programs, and (2) to identify the specific factors that influence student learning.

RD: Meta-analysis

Based on 116 effect sizes from 14 web-delivered, grades 3–12 distance education programs: combined sample size of  = 7561 studentsDS: The findings of 14 studiesThe mean effect size across all outcomes (  = -0.028) indicates no significant difference in performance of online vs. F2F class. The unweighted effect sizes (  = -1.158 to 0.597, SD = 0.157) indicate that some applications of distance education appeared to be much better than F2F and others were much worse. Distance education can have the same effect on measures of student academic achievement when compared to traditional instruction. They can be seen as ‘equivalent’.
Crea & Sparnon, , Kenya and Jordan

A: (1) To review the implementation of an online program that provided tertiary education to refugees and, (2) to explore the benefits and drawbacks of the program.

RD: Qualitative

IP: Diploma Program created for students in refugee camps consisting of 15, 8-week courses over 3 years. On-site staff would care for the physical, legal, and social-emotional needs of students,

while international faculty would instruct courses online off-site

 = 79

Refugee camp staff (‘on-site’),  = 23; international faculty (‘off-site’),  = 56

DS: surveys

TDC: Every 8 weeks, feedback was solicited from students through staff/faculty; August 2013-March 2014

Faculty noted the importance of mentors working with students and the ability to communicate and collaborate with on-site members. Students report improved functioning in their communities and being better able to attain robust employment because of the program. Students also reported renewed sense of hope in their future due to online education. Despite fluidity of online option, the gender barrier of accessing education was too great to overcome for many women.
Davies, , United Kingdom

A: To investigate the efficacy of using the iPad to facilitate student interaction, group cohesion, and the sharing of student material.

RD: Quasi-experimental

IP: To use an iPad to keep track of tutorial lessons and discussions

 = 80

Undergraduate students, Year 3

CG:  = 56, F2F; not measured

IG:  = 24

DS: Descriptive feedback, surveys

TDC: Midpoint and cessation of intervention

Results indicated that 85% of participants reported a positive outcome of having the opportunity to revisit material online after instructional sessions. Mobile computing platforms may help students to engage more fully with learning activities and materials, and increase student confidence with peer presentation and feedback.
Domina et al., , U.S.A

A: To investigate predictors of elementary school student engagement during the initial period of the COVID-19 pandemic remote learning.

RD: Causal comparative method

 = 9741

Parents and guardians (providing data on approximately 42% of all elementary students)

DS: Survey

TDC: Surveys administered between May 26 and July 1, 2020

Significantly, for households with less than 1 device per child score lower on measures of engagement (SD = 0.13 to 0.32); students with access to high-speed internet score higher (SD = 0.32) than students without on the measure of success in completing assignments. Each additional socio-emotional learning opportunity is associated with a SD = 0.1 improvement in student enjoyment of remote learning (  < 0.001) and in their ability to complete and submit online work (  < 0.001) as well as the frequency with which students log on to remote instruction (  < 0.01). Students whose families remained socially connected to other students’ families were more likely to be engaged. Those with no instances of connection reported less enjoyment (  = 0.05) and less success completing the school year (  = 0.01). Multiple forms of remote instruction helped engagement (  < 0.001); these multiple modes were associated with greater student enjoyment (  < 0.001) and more frequent login (  < 0.001).
Dommett et al., , U.S.A

A: (1) To investigate perceptions of video-captured lectures, and (2) their usefulness for learning.

RD: Qualitative analysis

 = 25

Faculty,  = 8; students,  = 17

DS: Focus group transcriptsStudents reported that captured video of class lectures were efficient for revision, low cost, an adequate substitute when attendance not possible, helpful for ELLs, and valued for narratives that elaborate on lecture slides. Of note, knowing the recordings are available had a positive impact on feelings of well-being and reduced anxiety in students with disabilities. Faculty felt that the recordings should be used minimally lest they become reductive tool. They also reported the worry that recordings reinforce students’ perception of the lecture serving only as information transfer or stand-alone events rather than part of a whole program.
Driscoll et al., , U.S.A

A: To investigate whether student performance and satisfaction intrinsically differ across online and F2F classroom settings, independent of student characteristics.

RD: Quasi-experimental

IP: An online course focused on interaction, clear organization, and structure with a focus on content over delivery method will be offered to the IG, and a traditional F2F course offered to the CG

 = 368

Undergraduate students, Year 1

CG:  = 198

IG:  = 170

DS: Surveys (Cronbach’s α = 0.865); Academic achievement scores

TDC: Surveys administered pre- and post-intervention, academic scores recorded at midpoint (midterm exam) and a final project

While mean comparisons of the dependent variables show that F2F students performed better on both assessments, this result is a potential selection effect with GPA as a predictor variable. There is no significant difference between satisfaction among the two groups. Results support that online education can be equally effective when an online course is designed using appropriate pedagogy. Students who enjoy working with others and view interaction with their instructor as important to learning tended to be more satisfied with the course, independent of the type of classroom they are in.
Du et al., , U.S.A

A: To examine six factors related to students’ self-efficacy beliefs in online groupwork: online groupwork interest, technology and media use, willingness to handle online groupwork challenge, leadership, trust relationship and, online groupwork self-efficacy.

RD: Quantitative survey

 = 204

Graduate students; 70% are < 30 years

Participants split into 61 groups over 3 years: average of 3.35 participants per group

DS: Survey

TDC: Survey administered at end of semester; over Fall 2009 – Spring 2012

Online groupwork self-efficacy is significantly positively correlated with age, gender, and experience with online courses. Students’ willingness to handle challenge is positively related to online groupwork self-efficacy (  < 0.01); only this willingness can predict online group self-efficacy. The more students trust and support each other within the group, the more efficacious they are doing groupwork (  < 0.01). The more positive perceptions of the leadership in the group, the more efficacious they are doing online groupwork (  < 0.05).
Engelbertink et al., , The Netherlands

A: (1) To examine the needs of students and teachers that could achieve an optimal blend between F2F and online elements of a course, and (2) to discover if persuasive technology is suitable for BLMs.

RD: Qualitative participatory design approach

 = 17

Teachers,  = 4; ICT specialist,  = 3; educational experts,  = 2; social workers,  = 3; and students,  = 5 (mean age = 19 yrs)

DS: Meeting minutes; Surveys; Descriptive feedback

TDC: 6 meetings (2 h each over 6 months)

(1) Both teacher and student could motivate students to do their homework F2F; persuasive technology can ensure this F2F-based motivation is maintained during asynchronous time. (2) Persuasive technology is suitable for a BLM when using elements of primary task, dialogue, and social support. Of note is the need to regulate dialogue supports such as rewards and praise so that they stimulate learning, rather than becoming the learning’s extrinsic value.
Gibson & Smith, , United Kingdom

A: (1) to present skills needed by students to navigate their information journey through online learning, and (2) discuss how educators can support students’ acquisition and development of these skills.

RD: Systematic review

30 StudiesDS: The findings and conclusions of 30 studiesEducators must equip learners with autonomy to navigate searches for information. For primary learners, focus must be on fostering enquiry-minded researchers. For secondary students, lessons in critical reading, writing, and critiques of sources are essential. These lessons must be precise, concise, and targeted. For learners in higher education, institutions can support their learning by refining obtuse LMSs and use new and innovative tools instead.
Gillis & Krull, , U.S.A

A: (1) To analyze student’s perceptions of the emergency transition to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, (2) to evaluate the usefulness of various online learning strategies, and (3) analyze barriers encountered.

RD: Qualitative

 = 66

Undergraduate students, Year 1

IG: (1)  = 40; (2)  = 26

DS: Surveys with open-ended questions

TDC: At onset of emergency learning; 2 weeks into emergency learning; 1 week after course completion

(1) Live Zoom discussions structured similarly as F2F classes were rated highly with 70% of students rating them with ‘high effectiveness’ whereas only 41% found them effective in other courses. Regarding small group video, 83% rated it as ‘very accessible’ (vs. 70% in other courses) and 76% rated it as ‘effective’ (vs. 33% for other courses). (2) The study underlines the importance of gathering feedback from students at multiple points to ensure the identification of barriers to accessibility and effectiveness. While Zoom rated highly for effectiveness, the qualities of enjoyment and accessibility rated on par with other asynchronous interventions. (3) Results show high levels of anxiety, distraction, and lack of motivation for all students, but are particular evident in students who come from underserved backgrounds.
Ho et al., , Vietnam

A: To examine the effectiveness of a BLM for teacher education students learning the ‘hands-on-approach’ method.

RD: Quasi-experimental; mixed methods (qualitative & quantitative)

IP: BLM where students engage in online, self-paced learning and collaboration on a product after an introductory F2F lesson

 = 177

Undergraduate students

CG:  = 60, F2F

IG:  = 117, BLM

DS: Assignment achievement scores; Test scores; Reflective questionnaire

TDC: Before and after intervention

Students in the IG showed a significantly higher level of knowledge and overall satisfaction (  =  < 0.05) as well as a statistically significant difference in achievement mean scores with the BLM students scoring higher (  =  < 0.05). However, feelings of self-efficacy with the ‘hands-on-approach’ were not significantly different between the CG and the IG though learners in the CG group felt they could improve their self-efficacy due to the practical nature of the course delivered F2F. Effective BLMs are successful due to the following factors: access, flexibility, cost effective, improving interaction, formation of network, and involving school leaders.
Huang et al., , Taiwan

A: To investigate whether a BLM with weblog and RSS technology can mitigate the social barriers found in classroom settings, issues of time lag, and cognitive overload.

RD: Quasi-experimental comparison group

IP: To complete course objectives using weblogs with jigsaw cooperative learning activities with RSS feeds

 = 115

Undergraduate students, Year 2

CG:  = 58, F2F

IG:  = 57, online

DS: Questionnaires

TDC: Questionnaires administered to all students at beginning of course; second questionnaire administered to only the IG

The IG had more positive impression of the jigsaw activity ( (1113) = 2.62,  < 0.01), felt less time pressure ( (1113) = 4.95,  < 0.01), and felt less peer pressure ( (1113) = 2.58,  < 0.05). Of the IG, 85% reported that the RSS with keyword search functions decreased cognitive overload and the time lag of information delivery while 60% indicated that the tag function was of neutral quality. Students must be taught to use these features of the IP to see maximal benefits.
Huang et al., , U.S.A

A: To examine whether 3DVR technology contexts satisfies or obstructs psychological need and whether it fosters or undermines sustained engagement and behaviour.

RD: Experimental

IP: Students participate in a 3DVR Second Life simulation. A virtual tourism destination was developed with the learning objective to explore and be aware of Maasai Mara culture

 = 198

mean age range, 18–24 yrs

CG: students experienced with 3DVR

IG: students not experienced with 3DVR

DS: Self-administered questionnaire with closed-end questions; Observation

TDC: Questionnaire administered at end of course; Observations taken during 3, 1-h classes for the CG and during 18, 2-h classes for the IG

Sense of relatedness predicted positive behaviour (  < 0.05) and had a positive impact on intrinsic motivation (  < 0.05); feeling effective predicted intrinsic motivation while in a VLE (  < 0.05); sense of autonomy in the VLE predicted positive behavioural intentions (  < 0.05) as well as positive emotions (  < 0.05). No significant relationship between perception of competence and intrinsic motivation (  > 0.05) or behavioural intention (  > 0.05).
Hursen, , Cyprus

A: (1) To determine the effects of problem-based learning activities supported with Facebook on learner’s perceptions of self-efficacy for research-inquiry and, (2) to determine the views of students on problem-based learning in this context.

RD: Mixed method study (qualitative & quantitative)

IP: Using Facebook, students engaged in problem-solving activities

 = 25

mean age = 28 yrs

DS: Assessment test scores; Interviews

TDC: Assessment was administered pre-IP and post-IP for whole group; interview was conducted post-IP for  = 14

While the dimensions of ‘avoidance’ and ‘personal development’ remained not significantly changed (pre and post), ‘sustained research’ showed significant positive change (  = -2.86,  < 0.05). Problem based learning activities supported by Facebook provided a positive increase in perceptions of self-efficacy for sustained research among adult students. This improvement is most notable in their specific self-efficacy perceptions for planning, focusing, and sustained research. The majority found the experience positive with the most notable negatives the result of Internet connectivity issues.
Jena, , India

A: (1) To examine the inter-relation between student attitudes (SA), learning readiness (LR), and learning style (LS) in VLE-enabled higher education and, (2) to find any differences in attitudes based on students’ LS to establish whether a relationship exists between LR and LS in a VLE.

RD: Experimental

 = 240

mean age = 22.8 yrs

DS: Questionnaires (Cronbach’s α = 0.90)No significant differences of overall LS with respect to gender (  > 0.05) toward the use of VLE technology or toward the LR to use VLE technology (  > 0.05). The SA toward the use of VLE differ significantly with respect to their academic background (  < 0.05) but the LR of students toward the use of VLE does not differ significantly (  > 0.05) with respect to their academic background. The LS of students play a significant role in the prediction of student learning (  < 0.05).
Johnston et al., , U.S.A

A: To examine 3 variables on the prevalence and quality of peer-to-peer (P2P) learning among students with disabilities: student aptitude for P2P learning, design of the VLE, and the social and pedagogical context where learning is targeted.

RD: Comprehensive case study

 = 14:

Teachers,  = 3; Administrators,  = 3; Data coaches,  = 2; caregivers,  = 3; students,  = 3 (mean age = 10 yrs)

DS: Individual, semi-structured interview transcripts; Focus group transcripts; Structured observationA greater effort is required to satisfactorily support and train teachers and parents to explicitly identify and foster P2P learning to increase opportunities for all students to learn from each other while online. Without consistent P2P interaction, students with disabilities do not have the ability to grow in their independence and self-regulation skills.
Jones, , U.S.A

A: (1) To describe the infrastructure and resources required for quality online learning, (2) to examine the benefits and challenges of teaching online vs. F2F, and (3) discuss the impact of the differences on students, educators, and practitioners.

RD: Limited Case Study

DS: Author’s own experience of teaching online courses

(1) An office of distance learning is essential for establishing and maintaining standards of quality.

(2) Benefits of teaching online include increased access and content that is comparable to F2F. Challenges of teaching online include lack of access to high-speed internet, extra tuition costs, less interaction and engagement, and extra time required. (3) Students and online teachers need training and equipment. More time is needed to adjust to the difference in the intense “presence” requirements. While writing online can allow for connection, only synchronous, real-time, video conferencing provided the necessary interpersonal interaction opportunities.

Kent et al., , Australia

A: To report on the e-learning experience of those with disabilities, considering dimensions of accessibility and disclosure.

RD: Correlational analysis

 = 125

mean age = 36 yrs

DS: Surveys with open response questionsOnly 15% of enrolments are for the Humanities, but 44% of students with disabilities are enrolled in the Humanities. Of all students with disabilities, 48% did not receive accommodations for their disability; 24% experienced accessibility problems due to disability. The findings show that there is an increased need for universal design to reach all students, both in technology and pedagogy, especially considering that not all students disclosed their disability. There is also a need for disciplines outside of the humanities to reach out to students with disabilities.
Kumar & Owston, , Canada

A: To determine the extent to which data from automated tools used to measure accessibility of e-learning units is predictive of the subjective experiences of students.

RD: Case study

 = 24

Undergraduate students; Years 1–4

CG: automated tools (Achecker, Qompliance, WAVE, PPT, and Powertalk)

IG: student users

DS: List of predicted accessibility barriers generated by automated tools; List of actual accessibility barriers generated by students; Post-experiment questionnaire; Semi-structured interview

TDC: Midpoint and cessation of intervention

Student-centered methods are an essential component of e-learning accessibility evaluation. Automated tools and the accessibility conformance guidelines they are based on are not effective at identifying barriers to accessibility for e-learning and further, can omit barriers that may have significant impacts on students. More effort must be directed toward ensuring that students can understand the interface of the LMS.
Lan et al., , Taiwan

A: (1) To establish the principles of designing a 3DVE for children with a disability for the purpose of learning their first language, and (2) to observe the effects of learning a first language in a 3DVE.

RD: Design-based qualitative study

IP: Using 3DVE Second Life simulation, students would engage with one another to practice their communication skills

 = 4

mean age range = 8–9 yrs

DS: Interview questionnaire with open response; Observations; Video recordings

TDC: Daily in-class observations over months; Interview questionnaire administered at end of IP

For students with disabilities, difficulty in task should be gradually increased based on learner’s abilities. Voice functionality should be modulated as to not distract students and avatar and 3D item manipulation should be limited. Scene design should reflect student life experience. Interactive objects that can be manipulated interactively by multiple users are more popular with students. Children and their parents approved of learning by playing within the 3DVE as it increased their child’s linguistic communication skills.
Lee et al., , U.S.A

A: To investigate whether online group work increased students’ satisfaction with interaction among students in an online course.

RD: Quasi-experimental

IP: Three identical online courses assigned the same project; CG will work individually, and IG will work in small groups online

 = 283

Undergraduate students, Year 1

CG:  = 94

IG:  = 189

DS: Survey with open-ended questions

TDC: Survey administered 1 week after project due date

The group assignment did not influence students’ satisfaction (  = 0.407) with online interactions. Instead, students’ perceptions of the importance of interaction were associated with their satisfaction with interaction in the online course (  = 0.050). Additionally, the IG did not believe they learned more from the group than they would have if learning on their own. Online instructors and instructional designers need to do more to ensure LMS tools contribute to successful online collaboration.

Lee & Oh, ,

South Korea

A: To examine the role of perceived stress on the relationship between academic stress and depressive symptoms among e-learning students with visual impairments.

RD: Correlational analysis

 = 103

mean age = 41.3 yrs

DS: Perceived Stress Scale survey ( , Cronbach’s α = 0.816); Depressive symptoms survey using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Scale ( , Cronbach’s α = 0.906); Academic stress survey using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey ( , Cronbach’s α = 0.912)Academic stress was positively correlated with perceived stress (  = 0.355,  = 0.0001) and depressive symptoms (  = 0.337,  = 0.0001). Perceived stress was positively associated with depressive symptoms (  = 0.637,  = 0.0001). The association between academic stress and depressive symptoms was fully mediated by perceived stress. E-learning students with disabilities will experience these more acutely and thus are at higher risk.
Mallya et al., , India

A: To examine the role of internet self-efficacy (ISE) as an antecedent construct to the technology acceptance model (TAM).

RD: Quantitative

 = 448

Undergraduate students  = 287; Graduate students,  = 161

DS: Structured questionnaireISE has a significant influence on the perceived ease of using (PEOU) the Internet. ISE has a positive influence on both PEOU (  < 0.001) and perceived usefulness (PU) (  < 0.001). PU (  < 0.001) and PEOU (  < 0.001) have a positive influence on attitude toward using the internet (ATI). ATI (  < 0.001) and PU (  < 0.001) have a positive influence on behavioral intention towards internet (BI) and intend to use it for academic activities. The higher the self-efficacy, the higher will be their intention to use the internet for learning purposes.
Manthey et al., , Germany

A: To examine the effects of regularly practicing cognitive interventions on subjective well-being using online video tools.

RD: Experimental

IP: Using online video instructions, IG1 will engage in reflective exercise regarding their ‘best possible selves’; IG2 will engaged in reflective exercise making ‘gratitude lists’ and, the CG will create ‘to-do lists’

 = 435

Student volunteers, age range 18–63 yrs

CG:  = 150

IG: (1)  = 135; (2)  = 150

DS: Written reflections

TDC: 2-month intervention; 1 month follow-up

Findings revealed that both interventions significantly increased subjective well-being in comparison to the control condition and thus, instructional internet video-based interventions have a direct effect on subjective well-being. These effects can be sustained over a 1-month follow-up period and are especially effective when the person-intervention fit is high. The effect size among the pre- and post-interventions ranged from  = 0.09-0.13.
Merlin-Knoblich et al., , U.S.A

A: To examine student engagement in flipped and non-flipped courses.

RD: Causal comparative method

IP: Two identical online classes except the IG cohort completed readings and work online prior to attending the F2F component which included practice activities, and the CG did all the work in the F2F sessions

 = 67

graduate students

CG:  = 37

IG:  = 30

DS: Questionnaires

TDC: Questionnaires administered at the end of a 15-week semester

The IG self-reported significantly more affective engagement than the CG (  = 0.013,  = 0.61); significantly more behavioural engagement in terms of compliance compared to the CG (  = 0.038,  = 0.50); significantly more cognitive engagement than the CG (  = 0.013,  = 0.64); and significantly higher perceptions of overall engagement than the CG (  = 0.005,  = 0.70).
Mesman et al., , The Netherlands

A: (1) To provide a structured insight into the themes that have been addressed using the still-face paradigm (SFP) as well as clarify reasons for and consequences of variations in the basic SFP procedure through a systematic review, and (2) to conduct a meta-analysis of studies that have used the SFP standard procedure to understand the still-face effect (SFE), the subsequent recovery effect, and a potential carry-over effect in terms of their magnitude for different behaviours and of potential sample and procedural moderators of these effects.

RD: Systematic narrative review and meta-analysis

85 Studies for narrative review

39 Studies for meta-analysis

DS: The findings and conclusions of 124 studies(1) The systematic narrative review indicates that the SFE that occurs is due to the break in normal social interaction rather than boredom and this effect is found across different samples in terms of demographic and risk variables. (2) The meta-analysis confirmed the findings of the systematic review in many ways. There was a decreasing positive affect and gaze and an increasing negative and neutral affect from the baseline to the still-face episode. As well, the hypothesized carry-over effect was found for positive and negative affect, regardless of procedural variations. Significantly, the SFE is universal among Western societies, in infants of varying ages, both genders, and those with normative development. Where there is a higher maternal sensitivity and positive behaviour there is more positive affect and less avoidance/negative affect.
Papanastasiou et al., , Greece

A: To explore a sample of representative studies affecting K-12, higher and tertiary education students that highlight the theoretical and practical aspects of the use of VR/AR technology.

RD: Literature Review

39 studiesDS: The findings of 39 studiesVR/AR technology can improve learning outcomes and are advantageous in terms of time and financial investment in K-12, higher and tertiary educational settings. These tools improve digital-age literacy, creative thinking skills, communication, collaboration, and problem-solving ability. VR/AR also enhances positively traditional curricula, especially for learners with disabilities. This technology also raises student engagement, promotes independent learning, enhances multi-sensory learning, confidence, and overall enjoyment.
Pryjmachuk et al., , United Kingdom

A: To explore whether an online study skills course was ‘fit for purpose’, and (2) to test its effectiveness.

RD: Mixed methods, concurrent, evaluative design

 = 63

mean age = 28.5 yrs

DS: Surveys (  = 63), Interviews (  = 12)

TDC: Surveys administered at beginning, mid-point, cessation, and the interviews at follow-up

Survey reveals increased confidence across all fields with before and after median knowledge scores being 58.3% and 70.8% respectively. An online study skills course unit, designed using evidence-based principles, can produce benefits for students, especially in terms of increased confidence.
Roblek et al., , Slovenia

A: To present how contemporary students are self-organizing using smart technologies (ST), and (2) to explore the future social implications of ST.

RD: Narrative analysis and interpretation of qualitative data

 = 144

Undergraduate students, Years 1–4

DS: Questionnaire; Personal reflectionsStudents mostly use ST to save time while studying and for leisure. ST is so intertwined with their studies, work, and spare time that students can no longer conceive of their lives without it. Despite this deep integration of ST, students are concerned with issues of privacy and the effect ST will have on spending time with loved ones.
Rogowska et al., , Poland

A: To examine the association of anxiety with self-rated general health, satisfaction with life, stress, and coping strategies of University students during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in Poland.

RD: Qualitative

 = 914

Undergraduate students; median age = 23 yrs

DS: Standard psychological questionnaireOverall, 65% of students suffered from generalized anxiety disorder (32% mild; 21% moderate; 14% severe). Additionally, 56% reported a high level of perceived stress, shown to be a significant and positive predictor of anxiety disorders. Perceived stress, current health status, and general anxiety disorder correlate with each other at a high rate of statistical significance (  < 0.001). University students experience very high anxiety and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stone, , Australia

A: To compare student and faculty perspectives on ways to improve outcomes in online learning.

RD: Qualitative-correlational; Literature review

3 Studies (student total,  = 144; faculty total,  = 151)DS: The findings of 3 research projects, which themselves incl. surveys and interviewsSeveral issues were shared by both groups: lack of inclusion for online learners as they are perceived to be low priority, lack of readiness for online tools, difficulty communicating clearly and in real-time and feelings of isolation from the rest of the group and campus.
Toulouse, , U.S.A

A: To observe how using SCRs for evaluation feedback might engage online students in their learning process.

RD: Exploratory

 = 125 (  = 50 at a public university in 2017;  = 75 at a private university in 2019)DS: Survey with open response questionsSCRs used to prove feedback on assignments enhance connectedness by conveying faculty tone, caring, and an authentic human presence to students, thereby improving the student learning experience.
Wingo et al., , U.S.A

A: To examine the benefits and challenges of teaching nursing courses online.

RD: Qualitative-correlational

 = 21

Online faculty (F),  = 9; Administrators (A),  = 6; instructional designers (ID),  = 6

DS: Interviews, course demonstrations, course documentsF report difficulty in meeting student communication demands; A and ID did not see it as an issue or thought that in fact, they were not available enough. F and ID expressed a significant need for individualized training. More clarity is needed from institution when communicating program objectives and policies regarding course design and delivery.
Xavier et al., , Portugal

A: (1) To identify the social, family, academic, and behavioural changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic in nursing students, and (2) to characterize their perceptions of health, information, and compliance with the enhanced health and safety measures.

RD: Descriptive-correlational (quantitative)

 = 425

mean age = 21.4 yrs

DS: Survey using the COVID-19 International Student Well-being Survey ( )The change in teaching method and movement to e-learning was a significant stressor even without a significant change in workload and a decrease in hours spent on academics. Significant concern for their health lead to a strict compliance of COVID-19 enhanced Health and Safety measures. Of note, 64% of students reported decreased communication with friends. Regarding their health, there was a significant decrease in tobacco (  = 0.68), alcohol (  = 0.72), and cannabis (  = 0.76) consumption among users.
Yilmaz, , Turkey

A: To determine the predictive power of Facebook adoption and virtual environment loneliness (VEL) on knowledge sharing behaviours (KSB).

RD: Correlational

 = 279

Undergraduate students, Year 1

DS: Questionnaires

TDC: Questionnaires administered after 1 semester

There is a moderate correlation between knowledge sharing behaviours and Facebook adoption (  < 0.01) and among KSB and VEL (  < 0.01). Feelings of low loneliness improved the KSB (  < 0.01). Overall, KSB was high when Facebook was adopted.
Zeren, , Turkey

A: To investigate F2F and online, synchronous chat counselling in terms of client problems and satisfaction.

RD: Qualitative

 = 21

mean age = 22.3 yrs

DS: Surveys and transcripts of counselling sessions

TDC: Surveys administered at beginning and cessation; Transcripts from last session

Rationale for seeking counselling generally did not differ for both F2F and online clients. Findings suggest that F2F clients and online clients have similar rates of satisfaction.
Zhu & Van Winkel, , Belgium

A: To investigate the extent to which a VLE supports the continuation of education and school interactions among sick adolescents and their well-being.

RD: Mixed methods (qualitative & quantitative)

 = 28

mean age = 14.6 yrs

DS: Structured questionnaire; InterviewsStudents reported being satisfied with both the academic and social benefits of the full VLE. Of significant interest was being able to keep formal and informal contacts and social interactions with classmates. The VLE played an important role in making social and academic connections possible, reducing the social stress of the students. The more the students were fulfilled with the use of the VLE in helping them continue their education, the higher the measurement of mental well-being (  < 0.01).

Note:  3DVR: 3D Virtual Reality, 3DVE: 3D Virtual Environment, AR: Augmented Reality, BLM: Blended Learning Model, F2F: Face-to-Face, LMS: Learning Management System, SCR: Screen Capture Recording, VLE: Virtual Learning Environment

Our research provided studies that had been conducted from nearly every continent of Earth, save South America and Antarctica. Notably, many of the articles were completed by researchers in the United States ( n  = 16). Fifteen were completed by researchers in Europe (Belgium, Cyprus, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom), and six were completed by researchers in Asia (India, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam). The remaining research was conducted in Australia, Canada, Jordan, and Kenya. The research designs employed by the various researchers in our summary are quite varied and sometimes particularly nuanced and range from case study to meta-analysis. However, a preference for experimental, quasi-experimental, qualitative analysis, and mixed-method correlational analysis did emerge. Overall, few articles had a singular focus, which can be attributed to the expansive field of VLEs and their many intricate pieces. Some central concepts were highlighted, however, in the research: fifteen observed the effectiveness, benefits or challenges of some aspect of VLE (i.e., using virtual reality simulations or synchronous video); ten investigated student readiness, either on a social-emotional basis, technology know-how, or academic; six focused on the mental health of the learners in VLEs; six gathered data on the experiences and perceptions of either students, students’ families, or faculty, and four researched the current infrastructure and available policies for online learning. The participant profiles of our research were also quite varied, identifying elementary and secondary school-aged children, both undergraduate and graduate students, school faculty, and student family members, sometimes all within the same study.

Our research results have been organized in Table ​ Table1 1 below. It has been constructed in such a manner whereby an informational narrative that reflects the essential themes found within the research can be revealed.

Results and discussion of themes

The articles included in Table ​ Table1 1 represent the most current and relevant research in considering the embedded inquiry of this scoping review which involves uncovering the nature, implications, and best iterations of practice within VLE contexts. In our reading and review of the data therein, the themes of insufficient data surrounding VLEs, VLE benefits, the challenge of VLE readiness, and that which constitutes the ideal VLE emerged as pivotal. The objective of this section is to elucidate these themes, thereby, providing a modest basis for recommendations regarding VLE implementations and, perhaps, a view to offer directionality for future research.

Insufficient data

A key note thread found within many of articles was the self-admission of insufficient data. This theme of insufficient data is expressed in varying capacities that range from claims of there being a limited or even non-existent body of research, to more systemic causes for the insufficiencies. While the lack of data is often presented as a cautionary device for the demarcation of limits to implementation outside the context of the studies and provide exhortation for further research to be conducted, the admissions of insufficient data also point to the novel nature of the area of inquiry in question. Kumar and Owston (2015) begin their study on e-learning accessibility by stating that their field of inquiry had “not been explored, nor have methods to generate data” (p. 264) expressing that there is “a dearth of studies'' (p. 268) in the literature, and concluding that “[c]ontinued work in the area of developing methods to evaluate e-learning accessibility is thus urgently needed” (p. 280). Archambault et al. ( 2013 ) also identified their research scope of basic virtual school policies as being novel in nature, having no representation in the existing literature. Many researchers make note of the existing data as being too insufficient to draw more universal conclusions (Barbour & LaBronte, 2019 ; Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ; Engelbertink et al., 2020 ; Gillis & Krull, 2020 ; Ho et al., 2014; Jena, 2016 ; Zhu & van Winkel, 2016 ). In addition to this paucity of research, the attrition of study participants is noted as being a barrier to gathering full data sets (Manthey et al., 2016 ).

Some systemic issues which led to shortages in the available data are noted in Johnston et al. ( 2014 ) where school districts are slow to institute policy. Cavanaugh et al. ( 2004 ) mentioned a similar dynamic in considering that common goals are needed in policy making to identify the effectiveness of an intervention and policy makers and evaluators are exhorted to work together in partnership to ameliorate this. A further systemic barrier to data production that is noted is the problem of implementation of programming without conducting research (Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ).

Benefits of VLEs

In response to our first research question regarding the benefits of a wholly synchronous VLE experience, the research is generally favourable toward academic achievement with some degree of attestation to its social-emotional benefits. The benefits to VLEs and their implementation are assumed among most of our research in how they can be potential vehicles delivering some form of meaningful intervention or program within a given context. Further, some of the articles underline fundamental goods that can be uniquely exploited via VLEs. Driscoll et al. ( 2012 ) cites VLEs as an opportunity to better promote a constructivist framework for learning in saying that it inherently “creates a structural impetus for this style of learning that is not automatically present in F2F classrooms” (p. 314). Cavanaugh et al. ( 2004 ) provides multiple examples of how the institutional advantages of virtual schools “represent the best hope for bringing high school reform quickly to large numbers of students” (p. 22). Building upon the pervasive benefits to VLEs as a concept, Roblek et al. ( 2019 ) frame VLE dynamics as an essential component of human advancement where “social relations will be formed through the building of collective intelligence” (p. 96). Similarly, VLEs and their relation to ICT literacy as a global objective is observed throughout the research (Blayone et al., 2018 ; Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ; Crea & Sparnon, 2017 ; Davies, 2014 ; Gibson & Smith, 2018 ; Huang et al., 2011 ; Hursen, 2019 ; Jena, 2016 ; Mallya et al., 2019 ).

The strengths of specifically synchronous VLEs emerge in the research with highlighting synchronous learning as an essential component to student engagement with technology, peers, and educators. Concerning technology fluency, even in a blended learning context, synchronous VLEs offered a unique opportunity to implement technology in a meaningful way (Ho et al., 2016 ). Using a device in a synchronous context meant that students felt more engaged with material, subsequently feeling more confident with presenting work using technology, and students enjoyed being able to revisit an interactive lesson digitally after the synchronous session was over (Davies, 2014 ; Driscoll et al., 2012 ; Kumar & Owston, 2016 ). In terms of supporting engagement among classmates, synchronous learning was seen to offer increased avenues for peer-to-peer learning while allowing for teacher involvement throughout, thus increasing effectiveness (Crea & Sparnon, 2017 ; Johnston et al, 2014 ). Synchronous VLEs that include video also offer opportunities to be present to a class setting in a way that attends to learning retention, academic engagement, resiliency, and self-regulation (Archambault et al., 2013 ; Driscoll et al., 2012 ). When VLEs employ best-possible real-time communication, education processes can be more active, constructive, cooperative, and more attentive to a student’s meta-cognitive abilities than the traditional classroom (Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ). These latter points concerning real-time visual instruction potentially align with a foundational dynamic noted by Mesman et al. ( 2009 ) where it is stated that an “infant needs an external regulator to achieve optimal arousal levels and will show disorganization of emotion and behaviour when the regulator is absent or non-optimal” (p.122). Such a relationship becomes apparent in the work of.

Baker et al. ( 2019 ) which observed quiz results decrease among those students whose instructor withdrew communication and synchronous availability after originally being quite attendant to their needs and in the work of Engelbertink et al. ( 2020 ) where student motivation dropped significantly when the teacher no longer demonstrated an interest in the student’s homework. Throughout the research, it is evident that student engagement and achievement is well-supported in a synchronous VLE.

The barrier to a VLE: the challenge of readiness

Across all our research, it became clear that one of the primary factors curtailing the effectiveness of any VLE or LMS was the various states of readiness of the institution, the teacher, and the student.

At an institutional level it can be said that most schools are not equipped to create VLEs where students can thrive, even those schools that are virtual by design. The infrastructure required to create a holistic learning experience for the student, and one that embodies fair and equitable working conditions for the online educator, requires a considerable investiture of human resources and technological tools (Archambault et al., 2013 ; Cairns et al., 2020 ; Jones, 2015 ). Many LMSs that institutions use for online learning are bulky and inefficient (Gillis & Krull, 2020 ; Jones, 2015 ; Kumar & Owston, 2016 ; Lee et al., 2016 ) which can lead to their being used as places where information is simply disseminated, rather than genuine VLEs where the design and curriculum content can come together to connect students with each other for interaction and collaboration (Jones, 2015 ; Stone, 2019 ). Elementary schools, for instance, can be said to provide many opportunities for families to increase their informal social capital and high schools, colleges and universities often provide a student with guidance and counseling services not easily accessible elsewhere. In moving to online learning, these institutions must not forget their “organizational brokerage” (Domina et al., 2021 , p. 4) in facilitating and maintaining these social connections lest their students suffer in isolation (Crea & Sparnon, 2017 ). Ultimately, the VLE experience begins with the institution; if there is no commitment to ensuring the use of a high-quality LMS and no focus on securing and maintaining the human resource social supports that students and families have come to rely on the school to provide, then the mental health and academic achievement of its students can deteriorate (Cairns et al., 2020 ; Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ; Domina et al., 2021 ; Gillis & Krull, 2020 ; Jones, 2015 ; Lee & Oh, 2017 ; Merlin-Knoblich et al., 2019 ; Rogowska et al., 2020 ; Stone, 2019 ; Xavier et al., 2020 ; Zhu & van Winkel, 2016 ).

As Blayone et al. ( 2018 ) points out, vital to the VLE experience is “high quality activity design, strong environmental and motivational supports, and competent online facilitators” (p.15). Teacher readiness for both the technological scope of VLEs and for the new expectations that they are the sole social-emotional support for students and families (at the very least a proxy to such supports) is generally low. Training is essential for educators who are navigating new technologies and creating resources that provide meaningful opportunities for knowledge construction, reflection, and practice (Davies, 2014 ; Gibson & Smith, 2018 ). Teachers must also be taught how to “adjust and find their own rhythm, providing sufficient presence while avoiding feeling perpetually ‘on call’” (Jones, 2015 , p. 227). Teachers lacked access to suitable training and felt ill-prepared to offer and provide to students with special needs or disabilities the appropriate accommodations within the VLE (Kent et al., 2018 ). Substantial professional development is needed to ensure that teachers know how to provide social opportunities in the VLE that encourages group work, formal and informal interactions, and peer-to-peer cooperative learning (Cavanaugh et al., 2004 ; Johnston et al., 2014 ; Zhu & Van Winkel, 2016 ). Cultivating this social-emotional component is an essential task of the online educator; when a student can trust their teacher and their classmates, their self-efficacy and motivation increases and generally so does their performance and progress (Johnston et al., 2014 ). To accomplish this, institutions must increase their efforts in training and supporting their faculty to be ready for online instruction (Crea & Sparnon, 2017 ).

Jena ( 2016 ) defines student learning readiness as “the body of skills needed by learners to learn” (p. 950). This body of skills and aptitudes includes, but is not limited to, motivation, self-regulation, perceived usefulness, confidence with using various technology, attitude, self-efficacy, computational abilities, communication skills, and research and critical thinking competence (Baker et al., 2019 ; Blayone et al., 2018 ; Du et al., 2019 ; Hursen, 2019 ; Johnston et al., 2014 ; Jones, 2015 ; Mallya et al., 2019 ). Beyond these attributes of learning readiness is also a strong necessity for a certain level of social-emotional maturity, most especially if the online learning was a result of the COVID-19 pandemic or of illness (i.e., not a free choice). Soft qualities such as resilience, flexibility, and positivity (Lee & Oh, 2017 ) made it more possible for students to survive the transition from the routine and collaboration of a physical classroom to the more solitary and independent learning space of the VLE (Crea & Sparnon, 2017 ; Gibson & Smith, 2018 ; Jena, 2016 ). In addition to these crucial factors, is the technology-readiness of students. Students may not have access to their own personal device to do their schoolwork, and if they do, there is no guarantee that it is a device equipped with the sufficient technological specifications to handle the resource heavy online tools or that the student has access to high-speed internet to allow full and equal participation in the lesson and VLE (Domina et al., 2021 ; Gillis & Krull, 2020 ; Hursen, 2019 ). It cannot be assumed that because students use technology at very high rates for personal relationships and entertainment that they can directly transfer those skills to the sophisticated and critical digital literacy necessary and conducive to learning in a VLE (Blayone et al., 2018 ; Roblek et al., 2019 ). Indeed, the various online tools that are familiar to institutions and educators are rarely in the purview of students, though when the need arises, students do want to be taught how to use the many programs and LMSs available to them effectively (Stone, 2019 ) and thus system readiness, student readiness, student inclusion, student achievement and teacher readiness are inseparable (Huang et al., 2011 ; Kumar & Owston, 2016 ; Pryjmachuk et al., 2012 ; Yilmaz, 2019 ).

The ideal VLE

Among the reviewed articles, the answer to our second research question concerning the criteria of an ideal VLE emerged. VLEs which supported students both academically and emotionally and whereby online educators were engaged and motivated were highly organized and inventive, and if given that no barriers of readiness existed, could be implemented in every school system willing to pivot to this necessary focus. Firstly, policies and procedures that focus on the progress and social-emotional needs of the student must be in place (Archambault et al., 2013 ). This can only be achieved if a full set of human resources such as guidance teachers, attendance officers, counsellors and special education resource teachers are available both on a central campus and online (Johnston et al., 2014 ) offering “inclusion, communication, connection with others and proactive institutional support” (Stone, 2019 , p. 7) by way of a school-home mentorship model (Barbour & LaBonte, 2019 ). In this way, the student’s isolation is lessened and, united with the educational team, the VLE teacher can focus on lending their subject and pedagogical expertise to their students (Driscoll et al., 2012 ; Du et al., 2019 ; Engelbertink et al., 2020 ; Wingo et al., 2016 ; Zhu & van Winkel, 2016 ). Secondly, the VLE must be easy to use, accessible, flexible, and innovative. Institutions must select uncomplicated LMSs for teachers to use to deliver their program. The expectations of use must also be communicated to all faculty to ensure a seamless experience for students (Jones, 2015 ). As well, in either a synchronous VLE or BLM, having easy access to recorded lessons is crucial, especially for students with disabilities or who are still learning the language (Davies, 2014 ; Dommett et al., 2019 ; Kumar & Owston, 2016 ). Investment in innovative tools and technologies is necessary to keep the VLE from becoming stagnant for students and, depending on the technology, can promote healthy, rich, and meaningful student interactions (Du et al., 2019 ). There is promising research in the use of tools such as AR, VR, 3DVR and 3DVE to create experiences and spaces that allow students to attend to one another virtually. These tools help to cultivate positive relationships, academic and personal confidence, and good mental health (Huang et al., 2019 ; Lan et al., 2018 ; Papanastasiou et al., 2019 ; Stone, 2019 ). Thirdly, there must be, at best, a live-video synchronous component to the VLE, or at minimum, the availability of synchronous office-hours (Stone, 2019 ; Wingo et al., 2016 ; Zeren, 2015 ; Zhu & van Winkel, 2016 ). When students and teachers were engaged face-to-face, body language and tone could be better understood and relationship markers such as trust and care could be better perceived (Driscoll et al., 2012 ; Johnston et al., 2014 ; Wingo et al., 2016 ). Finally, the VLE must engage students in becoming digital citizens together. VLEs that provide opportunities for students to engage formally and informally enable students to increase their academic self-efficacy, increase their learning outcomes, and mitigate any mental health issues that may result from the perceived isolation of online learning (Driscoll et al., 2012 ; Du et al., 2019 ; Engelbertink et al., 2020 ; Johnston et al., 2014 ; Stone, 2019 ; Yilmaz, 2019 ; Zhu & van Winkel, 2016 ).

Discussion of gaps and limitations in the research and suggestions for further inquiry

The attempt to study any observable intersection of VLE implementation and student mental health presents unique logistical and philosophical queries that remain unquelled. Such wonderings involve the state of how participant numbers are determined, the founding modalities in which self-reported qualitative data is obtained, the rationale, or lack thereof, of why specific LMS platforms were used in the existing studies, and the generally perceived evolving nature of VLEs. Taken together, the various streams of inadequate information fret deeply and, perhaps, create quite significant gaps. In the following discussion of these gaps, we will humbly aim to make moderate suggestions for further inquiry that could enrich the current available research.

Concerning the limitations in obtaining meaningful participation, a key area that remained challenging among the research was ensuring that participant profiles were not assembled out of simply convenient contexts of implementation. Indeed, quality research is exhorted to communicate, as narrowly as possible, the contexts in which they are situated. However, our search yielded a number of studies that were isolated case studies (e.g., Archambault et al., 2013 ; Johnston et al., 2014 ; Jones, 2015 ; Kumar & Owston, 2016 ) or were relegated to being singularly quasi-experimental (e.g., Blayone et al., 2018 ; Davies, 2018; Driscoll et al., 2012 ; Ho et al., 2016 ; Huang et al., 2011 ; Lee et al., 2016 ) in nature due to the fact that their implementation was imposed upon pre-existing participant groupings – those who happened to be enrolled in the class that was chosen for intervention. In extension to this, adequate control conditions were not always apparent, especially those which considered many factors that were changed in the experience of intervention groups. That is all to say that the interventions themselves were multifaceted, and one could surmise a possible inability to distinguish which key facet or combination was pivotal in the intervention. This issue may be considered a specific function of the sheer complexity of studying VLE implementations themselves. It is further compounded in the noting of pre-existing intervention groupings as it is perhaps the result of simple pragmatism in observing VLE implementations where they are available to be observed. This point recognizes that VLEs require specific access to resources that may be limited, making widespread and universally approachable studies a challenge. Here, it is possible that an underlying dynamic exists in the research where actioning any opportunity for study, however limited, is better than conducting no study at all. In our view, further inquiry into VLE efficacy and its relation to the mental health of students, should endeavour to include randomized trials, whereby there is no observed previous relationship between the intervention group and the researcher.

Another limitation to this scoping review related to participant selection is the scale and size of many of the studies. Several studies combined the type of participant, blending the experiences of students, faculty, and education support staff, thus limiting a focus on the unique perspective of the student as the end-user (e.g., Crea & Sparnon, 2017 ; Dommett et al., 2019 ; Engelbertink et al., 2020 ; Johnston et al., 2014 ; Stone, 2019 ; Wingo et al., 2016 ). Additionally, some studies that reported findings concerning students directly were of an extremely small student sample size of thirty or less (e.g., Cairns et al., 2020 ; Dommett et al., 2019 ; Engebertink et al., 2020 ; Hursen, 2019 ; Johnston et al., 2014 ; Kumar & Owston, 2016 ; Lan et al., 2018 ; Wingo et al., 2016 ; Zeren, 2015 ; Zhu & van Winkel, 2016 ). We note this small sample size in order to frame the perceived usefulness of these studies in the Ontario education context noting that Ontario Regulation 484/20, s. 4(14.1) states that “the average size in a school year of a board's online learning classes shall not exceed 30”. It is our view that findings of studies with a less than thirty sample size should be interpreted cautiously, as the dynamics and pressures conspicuous in an average sized class cannot be accurately measured. For further inquiry, we would suggest research that included groups of whole divisions across multiple school boards allowing for parallel interpretation and consistency.

A further limitation of this scoping review is the lack of consistency in LMS research. In as many facets as teachers differ so too do the online VLE tools that may be utilized to deliver programming and the effects of each LMS’s nuances can be difficult to account for and isolate as non-contributing factors within the studies. Several studies looked specifically at the Blackboard LMS (e.g., Crea & Sparnon, 2017 ; Davies, 2014 ; Du et al., 2019 ; Engebertink et al., 2020 ; Kent et al., 2018 ; Lee et al., 2016 ; Pryjmachuk et al., 2012 ) noting that in most cases its use was pragmatically chosen as it was already in use by the hosting institution. As well, multiple studies looked at either outdated programs, such as Facebook and RSS feeds (e.g., Huang et al., 2011 ; Hursen, 2018; Yilmaz, 2019 ) or expensive and new technology, such as 3DVR and iPads (e.g., Davies, 2014 ; Huang et al., 2019 ; Lan et al., 2018 ), that would be quite financially out of reach for most Ontario school boards to implement in any widespread and equitable fashion. Overall, researchers instead focused on studying only the perceptions of online learning in general or one specific piece of the online learning experience (for instance, the posting of recorded lectures or an asynchronous discussion board section) without giving any precise attention to the LMS used to create the VLE. In fact, it can be seen that the largest gap in the research is ignoring the LMS as a true, unto itself environment. We find this to be crucial to our research focus of determining how the perceived humanity of the VLE affects the mental health of the student; after all, it is the space in which the student will be spending most of their learning hours.

Many of the studies relied upon qualitative data gathered via surveys during the intervention which required participants to self-report on their perceived well-being and mental health. This paradigm of understanding reads as akin to consumer-based research where one who is satisfied with a product is more likely to repeat consumption regardless of whether the product ultimately increases quality of life. Just as the terms pleasure and contentment are not interchangeable, in the context of the research, it remains unclear if a participant’s self-reporting on perceived levels of anxiety is congruent with clinical definitions of the terms. While studies which utilized this form of data collection are free of equivocation by way of maintaining qualifying language such as “perceived level of anxiety” and not simply state “anxiety”, the question of the results being meaningful still remains. A suggestion for further inquiry may entail the implementation of standardized data sources such as the PSS-10 , the CES-D , and the MBI-SS utilized by Lee and Oh ( 2017 ). Caution must be employed when developing questionnaires, interview questions, and surveys that provide opportunities to participants for open-ended self-reporting.

A final point on the limits of VLE research rests in the concern that LMSs may evolve at rates that do not allow for consistent implementation and ample research to be conducted in a timely manner. In an earlier section of this scoping review, we referenced the lack of research as a product of the field being relatively novel in nature. However, for several years now, LMSs have offered functionalities that extend into the realm of real-time collaboration that is inclusive of visual presence with teachers as well as being fully capable of allowing students fluid peer-to-peer real-time engagement. In considering this it is astonishing that our research showed such a vast range in how VLE operated in relation to the available technology. This has led us to wonder if the technology is available, why is it not being utilized and studied in a way that reflects its full capabilities? Aside from the concepts of readiness that have been earlier itemized and discussed, the level of investment that an institution is willing to make of a platform and the rate of making that LMS available with a fully optioned suite, becomes the pivoting element. Further, if a gradual investment model is employed, where not all features of the LMS are available at the onset, each time a new feature is doled out, it becomes a potential point of relearning and creates inefficiencies if there are not ample professional development opportunities for educators.

While determining our final research terms for this scoping review, we had initially searched for studies that were exclusively for the K-12 sphere and unsuspectingly this did not prove to be fruitful. We noted earlier that a peculiar number of studies had been published using nursing students as the study participants, reporting on their role as student and practitioner. We believe that the near exclusivity of undergraduate students in the research limited our ability to present a complete picture of the current state of VLEs for all students. In The Human Face of Mental Health and Mental Illness in Canada , the Government of Canada ( 2006 ) reported that “two-thirds (68.8%) of young adults aged 15–24 years with a mood or anxiety disorder reported that their symptoms had started before the age of 15” (p. 34). Boak et al. ( 2016 ) support these conclusions, showing in their report that “one-third (34%) of students indicate a moderate-to-serious level of psychological distress (symptoms of anxiety and depression)” (p. iv) and “one-in-eight (12%) students had serious thoughts about suicide in the past year” (p. iv), a statistic that has remained consistent over the past fifteen years of reporting. Given these unsettling statistics, we would have thought that the rich and varied K-12 arena would have been a sphere where there would be a surfeit of mental health research related to VLE utilization. Instead, our search results yielded studies that disproportionately represented participant groups outside of our desired range of inquiry; just six included the experiences of K-12 students, and in each of those studies, the students’ caregivers were the primary data source. K-12 students often spend more than half their waking hours in school environments and VLEs; it is notably unclear why most of the studies observed in this scoping review are unilaterally disinterested in exploring an identified area of need for mental health support. We believe it would be prudent to prioritize research on the mental health of K-12 students engaged in VLEs which Domina et al. ( 2021 ) has shown can be isolating, psychologically disruptive, and exhausting experiences.

Suggestions for educator practice

Though there is variety in the identified gaps detailed above, our research maintained a consistent thread that related to the criteria of the ideal VLE for both the success of the educator but also the well-being and dignity of the student. From this work, we endeavour to make a few moderate suggestions for online educators:

  • Where possible and where privacy concerns can be mitigated, conduct lessons and office hours using live videoconferencing. Whether the VLE is a secondary component in a BLM arrangement, or it is the primary mode of program delivery, maintaining a personal face-to-face connection is an essential component to a student’s feelings of connectedness and motivation.
  • Avoid viewing the VLE as merely a space to bank work packages and collect evaluations. Rather, aim to create a space where both formal and informal interactions can occur, synchronously and asynchronously. Many LMSs have the capability to incorporate a variety of third-party online teaching and learning tools to aid educators in creating a multi-modal experience for students.
  • Be vulnerable and take advantage of learning opportunities when they become available. It takes an enormous amount of energy and resources to run stimulating programs that speak honestly to curriculum content, allow for individual learning needs, and that are cognizant to the social-emotional well-being of students. The responsibilities and conditions of an online educator are well-primed for strain; be mindful of the added pressure and allow the professional development that is available to inform practice but not make hurried demands of that practice.

If educational research involves an ethical component, it would be incumbent on institutions to see that research reflects areas of need within communities. It is our hope that this scoping review might provide modest insight into the current state of research that concerns student mental health in VLE contexts, while casting light on the need for new research initiatives to be undertaken in the K-12 sphere. As it stands, there lies the strong possibility that K-12 students are experiencing VLE implementations that do not actively partake in the qualities of a VLE that soundly offer best practices, working to support the mental health needs of students. To build strong VLE’s for K-12 students, research campaigns ought to offer architectures that are universalized in their implementation and fundamentally repeatable. This requires a commitment beyond that of the researchers involved, but also a willingness of the institutions who serve the participants of such a sweeping study to abide by the research. Without such research, institutions which utilize VLEs can only continue on sometimes arbitrary perceptions of how best to serve student wellness. Persisting in the status quo as such leaves students vulnerable to practices that might institutionally under-serve them and have potential generational implications. Interestingly, one might argue that, without such research, institutions who offer VLEs might garner the ability to omit themselves of the direct responsibility to provide those qualities of VLEs that would be found to support mental health and exclude those qualities that are found to diminish mental health.

As a closing thought and to return to the experiential modus and inquiry of this review, we adjure future research to be guided by the question of how the student encounters their teacher within the VLE. Emmanuel Levinas, a philosopher who wrote extensively on the innate ethical experience that is garnered through face-to-face interaction, took a rare moment in his writing to offer insight on the dynamics of education. In Levinas’ Totality and Infinity, he notes that in being called to respond to the Other, “[teaching] designates an interior being that is capable of a relation with the exterior and does not take its own interiority for the totality of being” (Levinas, 1969, as cited in Zhao, 2016 , p. 324). Here, Levinas may appear to point to the disposition of the educator as one that offers the presence of self for the sake of the students’ being. This sentiment, taken along with the intriguing meta-analysis offered by Mesman et al. ( 2009 ) may do little to establish the “how” of education as conveyed through this inquiry, but certainly makes a tremendous stride in the realm of the “why” that institutions ought to work to expound among the current VLE modalities that they are imposing upon learning communities.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Christopher Gilham for his comments and guidance on a previous version of this manuscript.

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Virtual, mixed, and augmented reality: a systematic review for immersive systems research

  • Original Article
  • Published: 03 January 2021
  • Volume 25 , pages 773–799, ( 2021 )

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research paper on virtual environment

  • Matthew J. Liberatore   ORCID: 1 &
  • William P. Wagner 2  

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Immersive systems can be used to capture new data, create new experiences, and provide new insights by generating virtual elements of physical and imagined worlds. Immersive systems are seeing increased application across a broad array of fields. However, in many situations it is unknown if an immersive application performs as well or better than the existing application in accomplishing a specific task. The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the literature that addresses the performance of immersive systems. This review assesses those applications where experiments, tests, or clinical trials have been performed to evaluate the proposed application. This research addresses a broad range of application areas and considers studies that compared one or more immersive systems with a control group or evaluated performance data for the immersive system pre- and post-test. The results identify those applications that have been successfully tested and also delineate areas of future research where more data may be needed to assess the effectiveness of proposed applications.

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Department of Management and Operations, Villanova School of Business, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, 19085, USA

Matthew J. Liberatore

Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Villanova School of Business, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, 19085, USA

William P. Wagner

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Appendix: Keywords used in Scopus literature search

((TITLE (“immersive system” OR “virtual reality” OR “mixed reality” OR “augmented reality”) OR ABS (“immersive system” OR “virtual reality” OR “mixed reality” OR “augmented reality”))) AND ((TITLE (“experiment” OR “trial” OR “test”) OR ABS (“experiment” OR “trial” OR “test”))) AND (LIMIT-TO (SRCTYPE, “j”)) AND (EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “MEDI”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “MATH”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “PHYS”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “NEUR”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “MATE”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “BIOC”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “AGRI”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “EART”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “ENVI”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “CENG”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “IMMU”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “DENT”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “PHAR”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “VETE”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “Undefined”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “ENER”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “CHEM”) OR EXCLUDE (SUBJAREA, “ENGI”)) AND (EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2009) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2008) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2007) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2006) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2005) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2004) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2003) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2002) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2001) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2000) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1999) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1998) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1997) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1996) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1995) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1994) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1993) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1992) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1991) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 1984)) AND (EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Computers And Education”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Advanced Oxidation Technologies”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Computer Applications In Engineering Education”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “International Journal Of Online Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Computing In Civil Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “International Journal Of recent Technology And Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Advanced Engineering Informatics”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Computers In Education Journal”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Computing And Information Science In Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “AES Journal Of The Audio Engineering Society”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Advances In Mechanical Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “International Journal Of Multimedia And Ubiquitous Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Telecommunication Electronic And Computer Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “British Journal Of Educational Technology”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Educational Technology And Society”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Advanced Research In Dynamical And Control Systems”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Medical And Biological Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Professional Issues In Engineering Education And Practice”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Science Education And Technology”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “IEEE Journal On Emerging And Selected Topics In Circuits And Systems”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “International Journal Of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Journal Of Educational Computing Research”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Annals Of Biomedical Engineering”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Interactive Technology And Smart Education”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research”) OR EXCLUDE (EXACTSRCTITLE, “Asia Pacific Education Researcher”)) AND (LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE, “English”)) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, “ar”) OR LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, “re”)).

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About this article

Liberatore, M.J., Wagner, W.P. Virtual, mixed, and augmented reality: a systematic review for immersive systems research. Virtual Reality 25 , 773–799 (2021).

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Received : 02 August 2020

Accepted : 27 November 2020

Published : 03 January 2021

Issue Date : September 2021


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Echosee: an assistive mobile application for real-time 3d environment reconstruction and sonification supporting enhanced navigation for people with vision impairments  †.

research paper on virtual environment

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

  • What is the frequency with which a participant encounters an obstacle when blindfolded and assisted by the application compared to when blindfolded and unassisted?
  • How quickly can a participant traverse the obstacle course blindfolded with the assistance of EchoSee as compared to without it?
  • How much “seeking” behavior (head turning off axis from the direction of travel) occurs in participants during obstacle course traversal with the assistance of the application as compared to when blindfolded or unassisted?

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. hardware and software, 2.2. participants, 2.3. experimental protocol, 2.4. experimental metrics, 3.1. application development and testing, 3.2. developmental testing of analytics, 3.3. analytic results of study protocol, 3.4. qualitative results of study protocol, 3.5. results summary.

  • Real-time 3D Soundscape: Successfully implemented EchoSee, a system generating real-time 3D audio soundscapes on a mobile device by integrating real-time 3D scanning, AR technologies, and spatial audio.
  • Analytical Framework: Developed methods for aligning and extracting various metrics from 3D trajectory data that are relevant to a user’s navigation performance.
  • Obstacle Avoidance: Demonstrated a 39.8% reduction in obstacle contacts when using EchoSee (181 unassisted vs. 109 assisted).
  • Environmental Awareness: Observed substantially increased seeking behavior (slope of 2.28 assisted vs. −1.11 unassisted), indicating improved environmental investigation.
  • Navigation Behavior: Noted a 34.0% increase in average completion time (50s unassisted vs. 67s assisted). This additional time suggests more thorough explorations with the benefit of reduced collisions.
  • SPI & ADREV Performance: EchoSee-assisted navigation showed improved trends in both the SPI and ADREV metrics.
  • User Perception: Recorded high user ratings for EchoSee providing actionable navigation information (0.861/1.0) and improved navigation confidence (0.833/1.0).
  • Learning Effects: Observed increased learning rate within assisted conditions for collision reduction, suggesting navigation benefits with EchoSee after only a few trials.

4. Discussion

4.1. development of echosee, 4.2. experimental development, 4.3. learning effects, 4.4. training with virtual echosee, 4.5. safety performance index (spi), 4.6. real-world considerations and limitations, 4.7. usability and accessibility, 4.8. future directions, 5. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

ADREVAssessment of disability related to vision
AIArtificial intelligence
ARAugmented reality
ATDAlternating treatment design
ETAElectronic traversal aid
FPSFrames per second
HMDHead-mounted device
LiDARLight detection and ranging
PVIPeople with vision impairments (people who are blind or vision impaired)
SPISafety performance index
SSDSensory substitution device
VRVirtual reality
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GoalSource of AssistanceFeedback ModeMobileInternetVR/ARShort Description
]Scene Description+Remote HumanSpoken DescriptionsYesYesNoUsers interact synchronously with real person for assistance
NavigationTrained AnimalHapticYesNoNoTrained service animal assists with navigation and other tasks
]NavigationCustom HardwareHaptic/AuditoryYesNoNoVarious white cane replacement devices using analog electronics
]NavigationVR HeadsetAuditoryYesNoVirtualHMD that sonifies virtual environments for goal seeking and obstacle avoidance
]NavigationCustom HMDAuditoryYesNoNoCustom stereo vision HMD that sonifies scene in realtime
]Scene MagnificationAR HeadsetVisualYesNoAugmentedHMD that provides options for magnifying scene for low vision users
]People DescriptionTethered AR HeadsetAuditoryNoYes (local)AugmentedHoloLens with WiFi-connected computer locates and describes people in a scene
]Image SonificationMobile/PC AppAuditoryYesNoNoImages are captured “associating elevation with pitch and brightness with loudness” [ ]
]Scene Description+Mobile AppAuditory/VisualYesYesAugmented“Harnesses the power of AI to describe people, text, currency, color, and objects” [ ]
NavigationMobile AppAuditoryYesNoBothMobile application that sonifies environment in real time using onboard 3D sensors.
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Share and Cite

Schwartz, B.S.; King, S.; Bell, T. EchoSee: An Assistive Mobile Application for Real-Time 3D Environment Reconstruction and Sonification Supporting Enhanced Navigation for People with Vision Impairments. Bioengineering 2024 , 11 , 831.

Schwartz BS, King S, Bell T. EchoSee: An Assistive Mobile Application for Real-Time 3D Environment Reconstruction and Sonification Supporting Enhanced Navigation for People with Vision Impairments. Bioengineering . 2024; 11(8):831.

Schwartz, Broderick S., Seth King, and Tyler Bell. 2024. "EchoSee: An Assistive Mobile Application for Real-Time 3D Environment Reconstruction and Sonification Supporting Enhanced Navigation for People with Vision Impairments" Bioengineering 11, no. 8: 831.

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