How to Design Homework in CBT That Will Engage Your Clients

Homework in CBT

Take-home assignments provide the opportunity to transfer different skills and lessons learned in the therapeutic context to situations in which problems arise.

These opportunities to translate learned principles into everyday practice are fundamental for ensuring that therapeutic interventions have their intended effects.

In this article, we’ll explore why homework is so essential to CBT interventions and show you how to design CBT homework using modern technologies that will keep your clients engaged and on track to achieving their therapeutic goals.

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This Article Contains:

Why is homework important in cbt, how to deliver engaging cbt homework, using quenza for cbt: 3 homework examples, 3 assignment ideas & worksheets in quenza, a take-home message.

Many psychotherapists and researchers agree that homework is the chief process by which clients experience behavioral and cognitive improvements from CBT (Beutler et al., 2004; Kazantzis, Deane, & Ronan, 2000).

We can find explanations as to why CBT  homework is so crucial in both behaviorist and social learning/cognitive theories of psychology.

Behaviorist theory

Behaviorist models of psychology, such as classical and operant conditioning , would argue that CBT homework delivers therapeutic outcomes by helping clients to unlearn (or relearn) associations between stimuli and particular behavioral responses (Huppert, Roth Ledley, & Foa, 2006).

For instance, imagine a woman who reacts with severe fright upon hearing a car’s wheels skidding on the road because of her experience being in a car accident. This woman’s therapist might work with her to learn a new, more adaptive response to this stimulus, such as training her to apply new relaxation or breathing techniques in response to the sound of a skidding car.

Another example, drawn from the principles of operant conditioning theory (Staddon & Cerutti, 2003), would be a therapist’s invitation to a client to ‘test’ the utility of different behaviors as avenues for attaining reward or pleasure.

For instance, imagine a client who displays resistance to drawing on their support networks due to a false belief that they should handle everything independently. As homework, this client’s therapist might encourage them to ‘test’ what happens when they ask their partner to help them with a small task around the house.

In sum, CBT homework provides opportunities for clients to experiment with stimuli and responses and the utility of different behaviors in their everyday lives.

Social learning and cognitive theories

Scholars have also drawn on social learning and cognitive theories to understand how clients form expectations about the likely difficulty or discomfort involved in completing CBT homework assignments (Kazantzis & L’Abate, 2005).

A client’s expectations can be based on a range of factors, including past experience, modeling by others, present physiological and emotional states, and encouragement expressed by others (Bandura, 1989). This means it’s important for practitioners to design homework activities that clients perceive as having clear advantages by evidencing these benefits of CBT in advance.

For instance, imagine a client whose therapist tells them about another client’s myriad psychological improvements following their completion of a daily thought record . Identifying with this person, who is of similar age and presents similar psychological challenges, the focal client may subsequently exhibit an increased commitment to completing their own daily thought record as a consequence of vicarious modeling.

This is just one example of how social learning and cognitive theories may explain a client’s commitment to completing CBT homework.

Warr Affect

Let’s now consider how we might apply these theoretical principles to design homework that is especially motivating for your clients.

In particular, we’ll be highlighting the advantages of using modern digital technologies to deliver engaging CBT homework.

Designing and delivering CBT homework in Quenza

Gone are the days of grainy printouts and crumpled paper tests.

Even before the global pandemic, new technologies have been making designing and assigning homework increasingly simple and intuitive.

In what follows, we will explore the applications of the blended care platform Quenza (pictured here) as a new and emerging way to engage your CBT clients.

Its users have noted the tool is a “game-changer” that allows practitioners to automate and scale their practice while encouraging full-fledged client engagement using the technologies already in their pocket.

To summarize its functions, Quenza serves as an all-in-one platform that allows psychology practitioners to design and administer a range of ‘activities’ relevant to their clients. Besides homework exercises, this can include self-paced psychoeducational work, assessments, and dynamic visual feedback in the form of charts.

Practitioners who sign onto the platform can enjoy the flexibility of either designing their own activities from scratch or drawing from an ever-growing library of preprogrammed activities commonly used by CBT practitioners worldwide.

Any activity drawn from the library is 100% customizable, allowing the practitioner to tailor it to clients’ specific needs and goals. Likewise, practitioners have complete flexibility to decide the sequencing and scheduling of activities by combining them into psychoeducational pathways that span several days, weeks, or even months.

Importantly, reviews of the platform show that users have seen a marked increase in client engagement since digitizing homework delivery using the platform. If we look to our aforementioned drivers of engagement with CBT homework, we might speculate several reasons why.

  • Implicit awareness that others are completing the same or similar activities using the platform (and have benefitted from doing so) increases clients’ belief in the efficacy of homework.
  • Practitioners and clients can track responses to sequences of activities and visually evidence progress and improvements using charts and reporting features.
  • Using their own familiar devices to engage with homework increases clients’ self-belief that they can successfully complete assigned activities.
  • Therapists can initiate message conversations with clients in the Quenza app to provide encouragement and positive reinforcement as needed.

The rest of this article will explore examples of engaging homework, assignments, and worksheets designed in Quenza that you might assign to your CBT clients.

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Let’s now look at three examples of predesigned homework activities available through Quenza’s Expansion Library.

Urge Surfing

Many of the problems CBT seeks to address involve changing associations between stimulus and response (Bouton, 1988). In this sense, stimuli in the environment can drive us to experience urges that we have learned to automatically act upon, even when doing so may be undesirable.

For example, a client may have developed the tendency to reach for a glass of wine or engage in risky behaviors, hoping to distract themselves from negative emotions following stressful events.

Using the Urge Surfing homework activity, you can help your clients unlearn this tendency to automatically act upon their urges. Instead, they will discover how to recognize their urges as mere physical sensations in their body that they can ‘ride out’ using a six-minute guided meditation, visual diagram, and reflection exercise.

Moving From Cognitive Fusion to Defusion

Central to CBT is the understanding that how we choose to think stands to improve or worsen our present emotional states. When we get entangled with our negative thoughts about a situation, they can seem like the absolute truth and make coping and problem solving more challenging.

The Moving From Cognitive Fusion to Defusion homework activity invites your client to recognize when they experience a negative thought and explore it in a sequence of steps that help them gain psychological distance from the thought.

Finding Silver Linings

Many clients commencing CBT admit feeling confused or regretful about past events or struggle with self-criticism and blame. In these situations, the focus of CBT may be to work with the client to reappraise an event and have them look at themselves through a kinder lens.

The Finding Silver Linings homework activity is designed to help your clients find the bright side of an otherwise grim situation. It does so by helping the user to step into a positive mindset and reflect on things they feel positively about in their life. Consequently, the activity can help your client build newfound optimism and resilience .

Quenza Stress Diary

As noted, when you’re preparing homework activities in Quenza, you are not limited to those in the platform’s library.

Instead, you can design your own or adapt existing assignments or worksheets to meet your clients’ needs.

You can also be strategic in how you sequence and schedule activities when combining them into psychoeducational pathways.

Next, we’ll look at three examples of how a practitioner might design or adapt assignments and worksheets in Quenza to help keep them engaged and progressing toward their therapy goals.

In doing so, we’ll look at Quenza’s applications for treating three common foci of treatment: anxiety, depression, and obsessions/compulsions.

When clients present with symptoms of generalized anxiety, panic, or other anxiety-related disorders, a range of useful CBT homework assignments can help.

These activities can include the practice of anxiety management techniques , such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and mindfulness training. They can also involve regular monitoring of anxiety levels, challenging automatic thoughts about arousal and panic, and modifying beliefs about the control they have over their symptoms (Leahy, 2005).

Practitioners looking to support these clients using homework might start by sending their clients one or two audio meditations via Quenza, such as the Body Scan Meditation or S.O.B.E.R. Stress Interruption Mediation . That way, the client will have tools on hand to help manage their anxiety in stressful situations.

As a focal assignment, the practitioner might also design and assign the client daily reflection exercises to be completed each evening. These can invite the client to reflect on their anxiety levels during the day by responding to a series of rating scales and open-ended response questions. Patterns in these responses can then be graphed, reviewed, and used to facilitate discussion during the client’s next in-person session.

As with anxiety, there is a range of practical CBT homework activities that aid in treating depression.

It should be noted that it is common for clients experiencing symptoms of depression to report concentration and memory deficits as reasons for not completing homework assignments (Garland & Scott, 2005). It is, therefore, essential to keep this in mind when designing engaging assignments.

CBT assignments targeted at the treatment of depressive symptoms typically center around breaking cycles of negative events, thinking, emotions, and behaviors, such as through the practice of reappraisal (Garland & Scott, 2005).

Examples of assignments that facilitate this may include thought diaries , reflections that prompt cognitive reappraisal, and meditations to create distance between the individual and their negative thoughts and emotions.

To this end, a practitioner looking to support their client might design a sequence of activities that invite clients to explore their negative cognitions once per day. This exploration can center on responses to negative feedback, faced challenges, or general low mood.

A good template to base this on is the Personal Coping Mantra worksheet in Quenza’s Expansion Library, which guides clients through the process of replacing automatic negative thoughts with more adaptive coping thoughts.

The practitioner can also schedule automatic push notification reminders to pop up on the client’s device if an activity in the sequence is not completed by a particular time each day. This function of Quenza may be particularly useful for supporting clients with concentration and memory deficits, helping keep them engaged with CBT homework.


Homework assignments pertaining to the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder typically differ depending on the stage of the therapy.

In the early stages of therapy, practitioners assigning homework will often invite clients to self-monitor their experience of compulsions, rituals, or responses (Franklin, Huppert, & Roth Ledley, 2005).

This serves two purposes. First, the information gathered through self-monitoring, such as by completing a journal entry each time compulsive thoughts arise, will help the practitioner get clearer about the nature of the client’s problem.

Second, self-monitoring allows clients to become more aware of the thoughts that drive their ritualized responses, which is important if rituals have become mostly automatic for the client (Franklin et al., 2005).

Therefore, as a focal assignment, the practitioner might assign a digital worksheet via Quenza that helps the client explore phenomena throughout their day that prompt ritualized responses. The client might then rate the intensity of their arousal in these different situations on a series of Likert scales and enter the specific thoughts that arise following exposure to their fear.

The therapist can then invite the client to complete this worksheet each day for one week by assigning it as part of a pathway of activities. A good starting point for users of Quenza may be to adapt the platform’s pre-designed Stress Diary for this purpose.

At the end of the week, the therapist and client can then reflect on the client’s responses together and begin constructing an exposure hierarchy.

This leads us to the second type of assignment, which involves exposure and response prevention. In this phase, the client will begin exploring strategies to reduce the frequency with which they practice ritualized responses (Franklin et al., 2005).

To this end, practitioners may collaboratively set a goal with their client to take a ‘first step’ toward unlearning the ritualized response. This can then be built into a customized activity in Quenza that invites the client to complete a reflection.

For instance, a client who compulsively hoards may be invited to clear one box of old belongings from their bedroom and resist the temptation to engage in ritualized responses while doing so.

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17 Science-Based Ways To Apply Positive CBT

These 17 Positive CBT & Cognitive Therapy Exercises [PDF] include our top-rated, ready-made templates for helping others develop more helpful thoughts and behaviors in response to challenges, while broadening the scope of traditional CBT.

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Developing and administering engaging CBT homework that caters to your client’s specific needs or concerns is becoming so much easier with online apps.

Further, best practice is becoming more accessible to more practitioners thanks to the emergence of new digital technologies.

We hope this article has inspired you to consider how you might leverage the digital tools at your disposal to create better homework that your clients want to engage with.

Likewise, let us know if you’ve found success using any of the activities we’ve explored with your own clients – we’d love to hear from you.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. For more information, don’t forget to download our three Positive CBT Exercises for free .

  • Bandura, A. (1989). Human agency in social cognitive theory. American Psychologist , 44 (9), 1175–1184.
  • Beutler, L. E., Malik, M., Alimohamed, S., Harwood, T. M., Talebi, H., Noble, S., & Wong, E. (2004). Therapist variables. In M. J. Lambert (Ed.), Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (5th ed.) (pp. 227–306). Wiley.
  • Bouton, M. E. (1988). Context and ambiguity in the extinction of emotional learning: Implications for exposure therapy. Behaviour Research and Therapy , 26 (2), 137–149.
  • Franklin, M. E., Huppert, J. D., & Roth Ledley, D. (2005). Obsessions and compulsions. In N. Kazantzis, F. P. Deane, K. R., Ronan, & L. L’Abate (Eds.), Using homework assignments in cognitive behavior therapy (pp. 219–236). Routledge.
  • Garland, A., & Scott, J. (2005). Depression. In N. Kazantzis, F. P. Deane, K. R., Ronan, & L. L’Abate (Eds.), Using homework assignments in cognitive behavior therapy (pp. 237–261). Routledge.
  • Huppert, J. D., Roth Ledley, D., & Foa, E. B. (2006). The use of homework in behavior therapy for anxiety disorders. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration , 16 (2), 128–139.
  • Kazantzis, N. (2005). Introduction and overview. In N. Kazantzis, F. P. Deane, K. R., Ronan, & L. L’Abate (Eds.), Using homework assignments in cognitive behavior therapy (pp. 1–6). Routledge.
  • Kazantzis, N., Deane, F. P., & Ronan, K. R. (2000). Homework assignments in cognitive and behavioral therapy: A meta‐analysis. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice , 7 (2), 189–202.
  • Kazantzis, N., & L’Abate, L. (2005). Theoretical foundations. In N. Kazantzis, F. P. Deane, K. R., Ronan, & L. L’Abate (Eds.), Using homework assignments in cognitive behavior therapy (pp. 9–34). Routledge.
  • Leahy, R. L. (2005). Panic, agoraphobia, and generalized anxiety. In N. Kazantzis, F. P. Deane, K. R., Ronan, & L. L’Abate (Eds.), Using homework assignments in cognitive behavior therapy (pp. 193–218). Routledge.
  • Staddon, J. E., & Cerutti, D. T. (2003). Operant conditioning. Annual Review of Psychology , 54 (1), 115–144.

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Assigning Homework in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A counselor discusses this week's therapy homework with a man in blue.

It’s certainly true that therapy outcomes depend in part on the work taking place in each session. But for this progress to reach its full impact, clients need to use what they learn in therapy during their daily lives. 

Assigning therapy “homework” can help your clients practice new skills during the week. While many types of therapy may involve some form of weekly assignment, homework is a key component of cognitive behavior therapy. 

Types of Homework

Some clients may respond well to any type of homework, while others may struggle to complete or find benefit in certain assignments. It’s important for clients to step outside of their comfort zone in some ways. For example, it’s essential to learn to challenge unwanted thoughts and increase understanding of feelings and emotions, especially for people who struggle with emotional expression. 

But there isn’t just one way to achieve these goals. Finding the right type of homework for each client can make success more likely. 

There are many different types of therapy homework. Asking your client to practice breathing exercises when they feel anxious or stressed? That’s homework. Journaling about distressing thoughts and ways to challenge them, or keeping track of cognitive distortions ? Also homework.

Some clients may do well with different assignments each week, while others may have harder times with certain types of homework. For example:

  • An artistic client may not get much from written exercises. They might, however, prefer to sketch or otherwise illustrate their mood, feelings, or reactions during the week. 
  • Clients who struggle with or dislike reading may feel challenged by even plain-language articles. If you plan to assign educational materials, ask in your first session whether your client prefers audio or written media. 

When you give the assignment, take a few minutes to go over it with your client. Give an example of how to complete it and make sure they understand the process. You’ll also want to explain the purpose of the assignment. Someone who doesn’t see the point of a task may be less likely to put real effort into it. If you give a self-assessment worksheet early in the therapy process, you might say, “It can help to have a clear picture of where you believe you’re at right now. Later in therapy I’ll ask you to complete another assessment and we can compare the two to review what’s changed.” 

Mental Health Apps

Some people may also find apps a useful way to develop and practice emotional wellness coping skills outside of therapy. Therapy apps can help people track their moods, emotions, or other mental health symptoms. They can provide a platform to practice CBT or other therapy skills. They can also offer structured mindfulness meditations or help clients practice other grounding techniques. 

If you’re working with a client who’s interested in therapy apps, you might try using them in treatment. Just keep in mind that not all apps offer the same benefits. Some may have limitations, such as clunky or confusing interfaces and potential privacy concerns. It’s usually a good idea to check whether there’s any research providing support for—or against—a specific app before recommending it to a client. 

Trusted mental health sources, such as the American Psychological Association or Anxiety and Depression Association of America websites, may list some popular mental health apps, though they may not specifically endorse them. These resources can be a good starting place. Other organizations, including Northwestern University’s Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies and the Defense Department of the United States, have developed their own research-backed mental health apps. 

You can also review apps yourself. Try out scenarios or options within the app to get to know how the app works and whether it might meet your client’s needs. This will put you in a position to answer their questions and help give them tips on getting the most out of the app. 

Benefits of Homework

Some of your clients may wonder why you’re assigning homework. After all, they signed up for therapy, not school. 

When clients ask about the benefits of therapy homework, you can point out how it provides an opportunity to put things learned in session into practice outside the therapy session. This helps people get used to using the new skills in their toolbox to work through issues that come up for them in their daily lives. More importantly, it teaches them they can use these skills on their own, when a therapist or other support person isn’t actively providing coaching or encouragement. This knowledge is an important aspect of therapy success. 

A 2010 review of 23 studies on homework in therapy found evidence to suggest that clients who completed therapy homework generally had better treatment outcomes. This review did have some limitations, such as not considering the therapeutic relationship or how clients felt about homework. But other research supports these findings, leading many mental health experts to support the use of therapy homework, particularly in CBT. Homework can be one of many effective tools in making therapy more successful. 

Improving Homework Compliance

You may eventually work with a client who shows little interest in homework and doesn’t complete the assignments. You know this could impede their progress in therapy, so you’ll probably want to bring this up in session and ask why they’re having difficulty with the homework. You can also try varying the types of homework you assign or asking if your client is interested in trying out a mental health app that can offer similar benefits outside your weekly sessions. 

When you ask a client about homework non-compliance, it’s important to do it in a way that doesn’t anger them, make them feel defensive, or otherwise damage the relationship you’re working to develop. Here are some tips for having this conversation:

  • Let them know homework helps them practice their skills outside of therapy. In short, it’s helping them get more out of therapy (more value for their money) and may lead to more improvement, sometimes in a shorter period of time than one weekly session would alone. 
  • Bring up the possibility of other types of homework. “If you don’t want to write anything down, would you want to try listening to a guided meditation or tips to help manage upsetting emotions?” 
  • Ask about it, in a non-confrontational way. You might say something like, “Is something making it difficult for you to complete the homework assignments? How can I help make the process easier for you?” 

The prospect of homework in therapy may surprise some clients, but for many people, it’s an essential element of success. Those put off by the term “homework” may view “skills practice” or similar phrasing more favorably, so don’t feel afraid to call it something else. The important part is the work itself, not what you call it.    References:

  • Ackerman, C. (2017, March 20). 25 CBT techniques and worksheets for cognitive behavioral therapy. Retrieved from
  • ADAA reviewed mental health apps. (n.d.). Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Retrieved from
  • Mausbach, B. T., Moore, R., Roesch, S., Cardenas, V., & Patterson, T. L. (2010). The relationship between homework compliance and therapy outcomes: An updated meta-analysis. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34 (5), 429-438. Retrieved from
  • Mental health apps. (n.d.). The American Institute of Stress. Retrieved from
  • Novotney, A. (2016). Should you use an app to help that client? Monitor on Psychology, 47 (10), 64. Retrieved from
  • Tang, W, & Kreindler, D. (2017). Supporting homework compliance in cognitive behavioural therapy: Essential features of mobile apps. JMIR Mental Health, 4(2). Retrieved from

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Homework in Cognitive Behavioral Supervision: Theoretical Background and Clinical Application

1 Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Olomouc, Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University in Olomouc, Olomouc, The Czech Republic

2 Department of Psychology Sciences, Faculty of Social Science and Health Care, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, The Slovak Republic

3 Department of Psychotherapy, Institute for Postgraduate Training in Health Care, Prague, The Czech Republic

4 Jessenia Inc. - Rehabilitation Hospital Beroun, Akeso Holding, Beroun, The Czech Republic

Ilona Krone

5 Riga`s Stradins University, Riga, Latvia

Julius Burkauskas

6 Laboratory of Behavioral Medicine, Neuroscience Institute, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania

Jakub Vanek

Marija abeltina.

7 University of Latvia, Latvian Association of CBT, Riga, Latvia

Alicja Juskiene

Tomas sollar, milos slepecky, marie ociskova.

The homework aims to generalize the patient’s knowledge and encourage practicing skills learned during therapy sessions. Encouraging and facilitating homework is an important part of supervisees in their supervision, and problems with using homework in therapy are a common supervision agenda. Supervisees are encouraged to conceptualize the patient’s lack of homework and promote awareness of their own beliefs and responses to non-cooperation. The supervision focuses on homework twice – first as a part of the supervised therapy and second as a part of the supervision itself. Homework assigned in supervision usually deals with mapping problems, monitoring certain behaviors (mostly communication with the patient), or implementing new behaviors in therapy.


The development of competent clinical supervision is crucial to effectively training new CBT therapists and supervisors and maintaining high therapy standards throughout their careers. 1 Clinical supervision is a basis for CBT training, but there are only a few empirical evaluations on the effect of supervision on therapists’ competencies. Wilson et al 2 in their systematic review and meta-analysis, synthesized the experience and impact of supervision for trainee therapists from 15 qualitative studies. Although supervision leads to feelings of distress and self-doubts, it can effectively support supervisees in personal and professional development. It could similarly harm supervisees’ well-being, clinical work and clients’ experiences. Alfonsson et al 3 published a study to evaluate the effects of standardized supervision on rater-assessed competency in six CBT therapists under protocol-based clinical supervision. This is one of the first investigations showing that supervision affects cognitive behavioral competencies. Although several works have studied the effectiveness of supervision on the therapist’s competence and for the therapist’s work with patients in qualitative studies, 3–7 there is still a lack of studies that dealt with the importance of homework in supervision.

Homework is a vital element of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which distinguishes it from many other psychotherapeutic approaches. 8–10 Patients usually participate in therapy by completing homework assignments and taking responsibility for their course.

Assigning and discussing homework is one of the basic competencies of a cognitive-behavioral therapist and a supervisor in the context of counselling, psychology, therapy, and social work. The manuscript aims to refer to homework in several settings: homework in therapy, supervision of homework in therapy, using the homework by the supervisor for the supervisee, and homework in the training of supervisors.

Homework in Therapy

While specific recommendations for the practical usage of homework have been clearly articulated since the early days of CBT, 11 , 12 practitioners state that they do not follow these recommendations. 13–15 For example, many physicians admit that they forget homework or do not focus on standard specifications when, where, how often, and how long the task should last. Often reported non-cooperation in homework assignments may be due to the practice recommendations being too strict or because students think the amount of homework they can assign is limited. 16

The Sense of Homework in the Therapy

Patients verify methods and skills they learned during the session in real situations and the natural environment. 9 , 17 Through homework, patients also test hypotheses that emerged during the session with the therapist (for example, “If I went out on the street alone, I would be so weak that I would pass out or lose control completely”). Homework help that the important part of the therapy takes place between sessions and allows the patients to become independent and manage their problems even after the end of therapy. 10 , 18 Patients learn how to raise hypotheses and test them in real-life situations. Through completing homework persistently during the therapy, patients gain skills on how to plan their activities and gain new skills, and they also collect a rich source of therapeutic diaries. The investigations advocate that adding homework to CBT increases its efficacy and that patients who constantly complete homework have better outcomes. The outcomes of four meta-analyses highlight the value of homework in CBT:

  • Kazantzis et al 10 inspected 14 studies that compared results for patients allocated to CBT without or with homework. The average patient in the homework group reported better results than about 70% of controls.
  • Outcomes from 16 studies 17 and an updated analysis of 23 studies 19 discovered that higher compliance led to better treatment results among patients who received homework projects during therapy.
  • Kazantzis et al 20 studied the relationships between quantity (15 studies) and quality (3 studies) of the homework to treatment results. The effect sizes were medium to large, and these effects remained fairly constant in a 12-month follow-up.

Therapists strategically create homework to reduce patients’ psychopathology and encourage them to practice skills learned during therapy sessions; nevertheless, non-adherence (between 20% and 50%) remains one of the most cited reasons for decreased CBT efficacy. 21 Several reasons for non-adherence to homework might be pointed out –the therapist does not regularly discuss homework with the patient, the patient no longer considers it important and stop doing it. 9 , 22 Discussing homework also allows the therapist to strengthen the patient’s belief in their ability to achieve certain goals. 23 The fact that the patient has completed the assignment must be properly acknowledged, and then therapists discuss the quality of homework separately. 24 Good questions might be, “How did you do your homework? Were there any difficulties in fulfilling them? What kind?” Furthermore: “How can you handle these problems next time? What did you learn while completing your homework? Can it help you cope with other issues?”

How to Increase the Effectiveness of Homework in the Therapy

Homework is the most effective, and it is most likely to succeed if: 19 , 25

  • Follows logically from the topics discussed during the session and uses the methods that the patient learned during the session;
  • they are clearly and concretely defined, so it is easy to determine whether or to what extent the patient has been successful in fulfilling them (eg, “Leaving the house alone for at least 30 minutes every day”, not “Starting to go out alone”);
  • the patient clearly understands their meaning (“To verify your belief that you will faint on the street” or “See for yourself whether your anxiety will continue to rise, remain the same or subside after a certain time”), and they believe they can achieve the goals;
  • homework is formulated so that failure is impossible because, in any case, the patient will learn something useful that will help them in therapy;
  • the therapist anticipates and discusses obstacles that could hinder the fulfilment of homework and plans procedures to overcome them.

An important aspect of CBT is the patient’s independence. 10 , 18 Homework is typically determined by consensus. To increase the likelihood that the patient will complete the homework, the patient and the therapist should document their assignments in writing. Additionally, it is very convenient for the patient to record the homework, typically pre-prepared. 24 These records serve as a basis for discussing homework in the next session and also allow the therapist to assess the changes achieved during therapy (“A month ago, you were able to go out alone for only half an hour and your anxiety level previously reached level ‘9’, while now you were alone outside for more than an hour and your anxiety do not exceed ‘5’ rated subjectively”).

Because the goal of therapy is to help the patient experience success, the patient’s assigned homework must be feasible. 18 , 26 On the other hand, patients should improve their ability to cope with problems and unpleasant conditions during therapy, they need to exert significant effort to overcome certain unpleasant feelings and emotions. 19 , 20

Even if therapists follow all these rules, they will unavoidably find that sometimes the patient does not complete assigned homework. 20 , 23 In this case, it is required to find out why this happened:

  • whether the patient understood what the task was and what it meant
  • whether mastering this exercise is important and motivated
  • whether unforeseen circumstances prevented them from fulfilling it
  • whether the assigned exercise was not very demanding for them in their current mental state

Therefore, therapists do not consider the non-fulfilment of homework a priori as a manifestation of resistance or lack of moral qualities on the patient’s part, then as a problem that must be solved together.

However, if, despite a thorough discussion of homework and agreement on its completion, the patient repeatedly does not even attempt to complete it, does not bring records and fails to justify non-compliance, it is necessary to return to the problem analysis and goal-setting. We need to clarify with the patient whether the problem they are currently dealing with in therapy is really the most important for them, whether the goal they seek to achieve is sufficiently desirable, and whether the therapist offers to achieve is acceptable. 9 , 20

Most practicing CBT therapists report that they use homework and consider homework important for many problems 14 and believe in the role of homework in improving therapeutic outcomes. 24 , 27 Encouraging and facilitating homework is a basic skill of a CBT therapist; therefore, it is an important part of supervision. 19 , 20 , 26 Homework needs to be carefully assigned and discussed ( Box 1 ).

Case Vignette – Discussion About Not Completing Homework with an Anxious Patient

Ms Vera is concerned about her future and relationships (she was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder). She has trouble speaking openly with the therapist. From the beginning of treatment, she often apologizes and explains her behavior, ensuring that she did not make a mistake. However, she missed the last session, arrived late, and did not complete her homework. She apologizes frequently and explains why she did not have time to do it. She is visibly anxious.

Therapist: It seems, Vera, that something prevents you from completing your homework and may be related to your need to explain why you did not come to the session last time and arrived late today. Do you think it would be possible to talk more about this? It may help to understand the other things we talked about… It may not be easy. Nonetheless, I’d like you to try it.

Patient: I do not understand… Why I am still postponing the task… I was afraid to come without. A friend returned from a long business trip and wanted me to meet with him, so I cancelled the session. I apologize in advance…. I was afraid to come; I was late today because everything took me longer at work… I was worried about what you would tell me…

Therapist: I understand… You were afraid to come to the session when you did not have homework. You were afraid of how I would react…. Is there more to talk about? It may be important for you to understand this fear…

Patient: I was scared… and still think that you will eventually find out that I do not understand it, and I was ashamed… you may think I am stupid if I do not do it well enough…

Therapist: You were ashamed and afraid and thought I would label you as stupid… what does it mean to you if I thought you were stupid?

Patient: Well, you condemn me for trying so little… that I could not force myself to do the task… I was still postponing…

Therapist: What is it like for you to talk about these feelings?

Patient: It suffocates me.

Therapist: Um, it’s a suffocating feeling …. Have you ever had similar feelings facing someone who was important to you in your life?

Patient: Yes, most often with my mother. She always wanted everything 100% from me. From an early age… if something was not perfect, she was angry at me… and then did not talk to me for a few days until I apologized… she acted like I was invisible… I really wanted her to forgive me… (Tears in her eyes). I felt horrible……

Therapist: Um, it must have been painful. I understand that now you are afraid I could react similarly to you if you do not do something 100%. Do I understand that well?

Patient: That’s right. I know you are a professional and very kind. Nevertheless, what if you judge me silently. Then you will think I have to take more responsibility for the treatment… And I am still late… that I do not understand the task… that I have failed again… do not be angry with me…

Therapist: What you say is important… I am very happy about how openly you talk about it now… It takes courage… It seems to me… The fear that you did not do something one hundred per cent or well… It only happens with your mom and now with me… or elsewhere… in other relationships?

Patient: I still have it with my mom even though I can better understand what is happening… nonetheless it’s still the same feeling… I also have it with my friend… that I still have to work 100% to be perfect. I would not say I like it when he criticizes me… I am afraid that he will be angry at me… so I try to make things easier for him, and I am tense… and he blames me a lot, and if I do not admit that he’s right, he does not talk to me… it’s actually the same as with my mother…

Therapist: Um, so you react to him in a way like you do your mother and me? Do you experience it like that? Is that right?

Patient: Yes, in some ways… I also sometimes criticize him first… that he is not perfect. When he defends himself… he mostly criticizes me… so I stop talking to him too… I am angry and blame him inside… nevertheless I am still afraid he will leave me… I do not understand it at all… I like him…

Therapist: Very well, Vera; thank you for sharing this with me. The things you are talking about have a lot in common – This is the worry about the future and what will happen next. You have experienced this worry in the past as your mom criticized you and then stopped talking to you. In our relationship, you worried about what I might say or how I would interpret your behavior. Perhaps, you did not complete your homework due to that. A similar pattern might emerge in your relationship with your friend as you worry about his expectations of you. Is there a specific rule that could define this worry?

Patient: Well, it occurs to me that people have to be perfect; otherwise, they deserve to be criticized, and if they do not apologize or promise to change their behavior, they should not be talked to - is that a rule?

Therapist: Some people have that - Do you think this may be the case for you?

Patient: Yeah, I tend to overthink how other people will react, then I live in horror that I am not perfect, or I try to be perfect… I have been living like this all my life… even if I do something perfectly, I feel good, nevertheless only for a little while. Even at work…. In fact, I am terribly afraid of the boss finding out I make a mistake… even though he appreciates me… I try not to make any mistakes…

Therapist: How nicely you put it together… Do you think that the rule of perfection might have also played in your homework assignment?

Patient: Yes, I think I had this idea of either understanding the task 100% or not completing it at all. I have also thought that If I missed something important, you would judge me.

Therapist: So now you can see how this rule affected your homework. Let us review the homework assignment again and consider where this rule and worry might interfere with getting things done. We will try to work on it together… I will try to help you with it… and today, you have shown how well you can reflect on how certain rules might affect your life.

Kazantzis et al 28 advise examining the therapeutic relationship, which significantly impacts therapy adherence, to better comprehend non-cooperation with homework assignments. Data illustrating the therapist’s homework competence and the therapy outcome 29 , 30 show that the therapist is primarily responsible for their patients’ adhering to or failing to do homework. CBT therapists exhibit many interrelated automatic thoughts, assumptions, and behaviors during sessions that affect homework use in therapy. 8 , 15 In training, common negative attitudes for therapists include: “Homework will make patients feel like school and resent!” “They will feel too controlled and limited!”; “Homework will increase some ps’ sense of vulnerability!”; or “Homework will be even more stressful for stressed patients!” Another widespread belief is that the “structure” of CBT, whose homework is important, reduces spontaneity and worsens the therapeutic relationship. 15

In addition, there is some scientific support for these views of therapists’ attitudes toward homework concerning the therapeutic process. 31 The result of these attitudes is either a complete avoidance of homework assignments in a way that is not effective and consequently maintains these beliefs. 8 For example, common behaviors require supervision, such as rapidly discussing directions at the end of a session, neglecting to repeat homework, or failing to justify while designing homework. 9 The CBT Homework Project proposed a practice model 29 that emphasizes the importance of therapist beliefs, therapist empowerment, cognitive conceptualization, and the therapeutic relationship in enhancing homework practice. 23

Theoretical and empirical support for homework assignments in CBT leads most practicing CBT therapists to at least accept in principle that regular and systematic homework assignments will benefit their patients. 8 As a result, CBT therapists favour assigning homework in therapy. However, many beginning therapists encounter problems when they start designing homework (ie, selecting tasks and discussing them with the patient), assigning homework (ie, collaborating on practical aspects of completing homework), and repeating homework in sessions. 32 Incorporating homework into therapy is often superficial, hasty, poorly done, or forgotten. 16 Therefore, problems with using homework in therapy are a common supervision agenda of practicing CBT therapists.

Personal Training and Self-Reflection of the Therapist as a Supervision Intervention

CBT training students are encouraged to conceptualize the patient’s lack of homework and promote awareness of their own beliefs and responses to non-cooperation in the CBT conceptual framework. 8 Suppose the therapist fails to develop this awareness. In that case, errors in clinical judgment may occur, adversely affecting the therapeutic relationship and course of therapy. 33 Self-exercise (practicing CBT techniques and interventions as a therapist) and self-reflection (ie, process reflection) are concepts developed by Bennett-Levy et al, 34 to operationalize a useful understanding of own processes in working with patients. CBT training students are asked to become accustomed to using self-exercise and self-reflection. In a few qualitative studies, self-exercise and self-reflection have proven to improve the therapist’s self-concept, ie, self-confidence, perceived competence in one’s abilities and belief in the effectiveness of the CBT model. 34–36 Calvert et al 37 study checked the use of meta-communication in supervision from supervisees’ perspectives using the Metacommunication in Supervision Questionnaire (MSQ). There were differences in the reported frequency with which the different types of meta-communication were used. It appears that meta-communication around difficult or uncomfortable feelings in the supervisory relationship occurs less often than other components of meta-communication. 1

Below are examples of self-exercise and self-reflective exercises. The following self-assessment is developed to shape thinking before a preliminary meeting with a supervisor. Earlier knowledge has shown that supervisees and supervisors do not always share common ideas about supervision. Therefore, the supervisee could finish this self-assessment as a homework exercise before supervision. A supervisee might want to identify conversation matters that may enable a supervisor to better comprehend their requirements and needs.

Before Starting

Questions regarding previous and desired experience in supervision.

What background information do you think your supervisor requires to understand you at the start? (This may include a curriculum vitae noting appropriate previous experience). What would be the best method to convey these details? Is there any distinction between what you desire from this placement and what you feel you need? What background details about this placement and this supervisor do you have? How does this make you feel? Exists any more information that you need? What do you want and expect your supervisor to concentrate on during supervision? What roles do you want your supervisor to play with respect to you and your work? What supervisory media do you want to experience (for example, taped, “live”, or reported)? What do you intend to do about your feelings? Consider how you feel about your supervisor evaluating your work at the end of the positioning process.

More Specific Questions

  • What specific activities during supervision do you recall as being helpful?
  • What conditions would be most convenient for you?
  • What would you personally anticipate getting from being supervised?
  • However, what would you want to receive from supervision prepared that will not be on offer?
  • What could you do about this?

Several possible tough issues can appear in supervision. The following list includes concerns the supervisee might consider ( Table 1 ).

Difficulties in Previous Supervisions (Adapted According to Scaife 2019 38 )

Difficulties in Previous SupervisionYes/No
Having too much to do
Having too little to do
Having unclear guidance as to what is required
Having too little autonomy to plan and carry out work
Feeling constrained throughout supervision by the fact that a supervisor is also your assessor
Receiving too much unfavorable criticism during supervision
Receiving too little important appraisal from a supervisor
Not getting enough time from a supervisor for sufficient guidance
Being given too few chances to see your supervisor working
Being pushed repeatedly to be observed at work by your supervisors
Disagreeing with your supervisor on how to continue with some aspects of the work
Disagreeing with your supervisor on how some elements of guidance should proceed
Holding values concerning the function of a professional assistant that appears incompatible with those of your supervisor
Having to deal with various styles of work and supervision from your supervisor compared to previous supervisors
Feeling that your supervisor is too formal with you
Feeling that your supervisor is too informal with you
Having more than one supervisor causes problems in the supervision
Add in any other problems that concern you

In the next step:

  • Recognize the two issues which seem to be the most important ones for you.
  • What steps can be taken now to minimize the chances that these two concerns will seriously disrupt your cooperation?

Reflection on the Strengths

What are the top three strengths you want your supervisor to uncover as you enter this supervisory relationship?

List 3 points for your development that may or might not be obvious to your supervisor.

Reflection on Difficulties

Therapists regularly discover face-to-face contact with people labelled by society as coming from a specific sub-group.

Which sub-groups make you feel uneasy for whatever reason? Do you want to address this during supervision? 38

Examples of Self-Assessment in the Supervision Process

Exploring sources of stress from clinical work.

Check all that resonate for you. 39

❑ Perfectionism ❑ Fear of failure ❑ Self-doubt ❑ Need for approval ❑ Emotional depletion ❑ Unhealthy lifestyle

Which of them seems to have the greatest impact on your stress levels?

What supervisor has most regularly identified as weak points in your clinical work?

Processing Mistakes

When mistakes are processed in ways that lead to reflection, flexibility, and adjustments in how you function, it can result in learning and growth.

Consider a patient you are now working with (or have recently worked with) with whom you have experienced a therapeutic failure.

Answer the following questions while keeping this experience in mind:

  • What are the signs of a therapeutic failure? How can you be certain that what you are doing is not beneficial on some level? What benefits might your patient derive from failure? When did things begin to deteriorate? Which initiatives have been most effective so far, and which have been least effective? How have you been careless?
  • Examine your intervention choices as well as how they were carried out:
  • What concerns or considerations did you overlook? What is impeding your ability to be more effective? How has your empathy and compassion for this individual been harmed? How can you use this experience to help you grow?

Reflection of Therapeutics Mastery Skills

Favorite techniques.

  • Explain three things you have put off in your career or life because they appear risky—you have something to lose and gain.
  • Which therapeutic strategies or interventions stimulate you the most?
  • What would you call your “hidden weapon”?
  • What kind of patients or presenting difficulties interest you the most?
  • What would it take to incorporate more of the pleasure and satisfaction you receive when applying the strategies mentioned earlier into other aspects of your work? 39

The following examples from clinical supervision demonstrate how self-exercise and self-reflection can help participants understand their belief system’s impact on homework in CBT.

Supervision of Homework in Therapy

Supervision is classically mandatory for students in cognitive behavioral training and plays a crucial part in therapist development. 2 The typical structure of continuous supervision of one patient includes discussing questionnaires or scales used to measure the severity of the problem (like the Beck depression inventory), homework, events in therapy since the last session, and then discussing the agenda of the current supervision meeting (what will be done in the session, which problem will be addressed), work on a selected issue or problems, homework assignment, session summary and its evaluation by the supervisor. The supervision focuses on homework twice – first as a part of the supervised therapy and second as a part of the supervision itself ( Box 2 ).

Case Vignette – Discussion About Patient´s Homework During Supervision

Therapist: I have a patient, Mr V, who is depressed, and the problem is that he does not do his homework. Even though I discuss why and how he has to do the task making sure we also cover possible obstacles. Nevertheless, he always finds a way to talk me out of this. For example, he tells me, “You know, doctor, I know I should do it. It’s good for me. Nonetheless, I always put it off; somehow, I cannot force myself”. After this, I always urge him to explain why he cannot force himself.

Supervisor: I understand that. You try to help him, think about how to make it easier for him to handle it, explain the meaning of the task, and ask about possible obstacles in the performance, and he promises to do it. Then he does not do the task, and he seems helpless. I am not surprised you are dissatisfied and seem even a little upset.

(The supervisor supports the supervisee and gives positive feedback on the various specific competencies of the supervisee regarding homework)

Therapist: Sometimes, I wonder if I should not give up on his homework. I push him unnecessarily, and then I am just upset, which does not matter.

(The therapist feels safe enough in a therapeutic relationship to reveal her scepticism about continuing an important part of the therapeutic plan.)

Supervisor: That’s also possible… Let us map out what’s happening with that patient before you decide. What makes him unable to do those tasks? What’s stopping him? Does he have any attitudes or expectations that may be related? Does he believe he can handle it? Or is something else preventing it? Let us hypothesize about schemas that may affect his behavior that hinders this part of therapy.

(The supervisor offers an alternative strategy that requires the therapist to use conceptualization skills and specific competence to work with schemas in conceptualizing a case).

Therapist: I have discussed this with him before; I offered him the hypothesis that maybe some thoughts prevent him from completing so when he wants to do homework and that it activates his feelings of incompetence, which also appear in other situations. When I asked him what he thought about it, he said, “I don’t know, you’re an expert on that”, and he got me again!

(The therapist tried to use conceptualization to understand the patient’s non-cooperation. Nevertheless she still felt stuck. There are also signs of countertransference.)

Supervisor: What do you say we try to brainstorm everything we can to change this situation? Otherwise, I want to say that I also have experience when I ask some patients who are very shy or depressed why they do not do their homework, they usually tell me that they “do not know” or that “they do not have the strength” or that “it still does not make sense”, and then I feel helpless for a while. The question is, what to do in such a situation? It occurs to me that we could work together to let the patient not feel as guilty while feeling more like an “expert” when answering. What do you think?

Therapist: You are right; I am asking him why he did not do it, and he might feel like he’s in front of a school teacher. I did not get it. At the same time, his mother was a teacher who constantly pushed him to do many tasks and continuously criticized him. I can act like a mother to him - I hope not (laughs). He may feel helpless when he sits down for tasks. I did not discuss his feelings with him. I immediately expected him to make excuses. I also did not discuss his thoughts when I gave him homework. What happens to him when he promises everything? Maybe, he is afraid to tell me there’s too much? Maybe, he is afraid to ask when he does not understand something. When he had such an experience with his mother, I hope we will find some way to encourage him more in brainstorming. I must admit that I doubt myself when I am with him. Am I even in charge of doing therapy? I am often impatient with him; sometimes, I do cognitive reconstruction for him when he does not say anything. I comfort him when he says he’s not worth anything and does not come up with anything. At times, I “save” him. Nevertheless, I am annoyed that he did nothing himself, and he still uses it to wipe my eyes: “Look how incompetent I am”. Then I am helpless, and I do not help anyone.

(The therapist discovered some of the countertransference patterns she noticed in her reactions to the patient, thus demonstrating the basic competence of self-awareness.)

Supervisor: Very nice self-reflection! You surprised me with how good it is. Especially when I know you are in your second year of training. Just go on! You also asked some important questions straight away. What happens to the patient when he promises to complete the tasks, and what happens to him when he sits down for the tasks? A more thorough mapping of his thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in these situations could help him understand more. Maybe you could also deal with your self-doubts a bit. Perhaps you could find some rational answers that you could use to reduce your self-doubt. I think you have what it takes to do well.

(The supervisor used the basic skill to build a supervisory relationship - reinforced the therapist’s basic skill - self-reflection. The supervisor also led the therapist to try a specific CBT skill - cognitive reconstruction - to change her self-doubts about patients such as Mr V.)

Therapist: Do you think I should say the pros and cons of managing my therapeutic work? (laughs) I manage it mostly, only sometimes, like now, I cannot do something. Then I fail into unnecessary self-doubt. Fortunately, always only for a while, then I will overcome it. I tell myself that solving a problem is better than pondering my mistakes. You are right; it has to do with my attitude towards myself, which I should still work on. I wonder if I should also record a session with Mr V to listen to me working with him directly? Would you have time to listen?

(The therapist responds to the supervisor’s support by mobilizing her basic rational response skills and applying them to herself.)

Supervisor: I’d love to listen to a session recording with Mr V to give you more specific feedback. However, it is necessary to have his signed informed consent. It must also be clear to you that you are willing to expose yourself to such exposure and that we will listen together to what you are saying to the patient. Nevertheless, I like it, and it shows your courage and straightforwardness. These are qualities that I have noticed about you before.

(The supervisor decided to work directly on recording the supervision session, pointed out the ethical side of things and appreciated the therapist for coming up with this idea.)

Whether and how the patient completes homework is a common supervisory issue ( Box 3 ). The therapist often complains that the patient refuses to do homework or rarely does it. 8 , 16

Recording of Paul’s Automatic Thoughts

SituationThoughts (I Believe on %)Emotion (Intensity 1–10)BehaviourFacts for Automatic ThoughtFacts Against the Automatic ThoughtAlternative View (I Believe on %)Outcome Action
I give the patient homeworkI cannot push him! 80%
He has had enough, and I am still adding to him! It will bother him! 80%
! 90%
Anxiety 7
Helplessness 8
Quickly enter your homework in a quiet voice, apologize for the assignment and reduce the importance of the task in front of the patientHe looks annoyed when I want him to do something at home and says he cannot do it. He has not brought any homework yet.He tries to work together in a session.
The tasks belong to CBT and help outside the meeting, and tasks are not graded.
So far, I have partially avoided assigning homework.
If I explain it to him properly and start working on his homework in a session, he will cooperate. 80%
He needs homework. 100%
He is not my dad but a patient who needs to work on himself between sessions. 100%
Anxiety 3
Helplessness 3
I will practice assigning homework.
I will keep my homework longer at the end of the session.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is PRBM-15-3809-g0001.jpg

The picture describes the vicious circle of countertransference reaction, where automatic thoughts lead to developing negative emotions, bodily reactions and behaviors. Any vicious circle components can alert the therapists that their countertransference reaction is taking place.

Case Vignette –Discussion of Setting Homework During Supervision

Paul is a student in the second year of CBT training. In supervision, he reports the difficulty of assigning homework to an elderly patient suffering from depression after starting to have problems at work. Paul is convinced that the patient has a problem with homework at home due to his depression. Paul understands that he feels depleted and is overwhelmed by the bullying boss at work. During the session, the patient tends to complain about how uncomfortable his superior is and how difficult it is for him to manage these demands. In the session, the Socratic Dialogue alleviated the patient’s catastrophic thoughts about how the work could not last; nevertheless, he did not make other records of automatic thoughts at home. Paul thinks it’s because of depression and exhaustion from work. According to him, the patient no longer has the energy to do homework. Looking at the session video, the supervisor noticed that at the end of Paul’s session, he was giving homework briefly, uncertainly, almost as if he was apologizing, and did not find out how much the patient understood him or explain why the patient should do it. The supervisor and Paul looked at this part of the recording again. Then the supervisor asked Paul to write down a vicious circle of what was happening to him in the homework situation ( ).

The elaboration of the vicious circle of one’s experience enabled Paul to conceptualize what was happening to him. He realized that it was similar to homework assignments with other patients. Nonetheless, with this older patient, it was even more difficult. When the supervisor asked him why he had a problem with this, Paul realized that he had a strict father who instructed him not to bother him as a child since he was exhausted from dealing with work issues. The mother also warned him and his sister not to disturb their father while he rested after a long work day. Her father’s mother was absent and disinterested in him. Thus, Paul realized he had a big problem asking for something from older individuals - such as homework or exposure. He has the impression that it is wrong and that it bothers them that they have had enough. He perceives it as disrespectful to them, as he is much younger, a psychologist who only recently completed his education. Similar thoughts and unpleasant feelings appeared to him with older women; nevertheless, he overcame them more easily. If they developed ambivalence or reluctance, they also quickly tended not to be given homework.

Now Paul was very much aware of the situation. The record of automatic thoughts that Paul was given for his homework to fill in after the therapeutic sessions, where uncomfortable emotions appear, revealed other negative automatic thoughts. Paul doubted himself in some sessions, especially with elderly or university-educated patients. ‘Bigger problems’ occurred with both authoritarian-looking men and women. Paul often thought that he “cannot handle therapy”, “he cannot do it”, “he’s too soft”, “he’s too urgent”, “I am pushing too hard”, and “I do not believe in it”, “they certainly misinterpret it”. Paul learned to achieve a more balanced view of the situation with the Record of Automatic Thoughts ( ).

At the simplest level, awareness gained through guided discovery, Socratic dialogue, or working with the Record of Automatic Thoughts may be sufficient to facilitate cognitive shift, which is then reflected in behavior leading to more promising therapeutic outcomes. In this case, Paul began to spend more time designing and assigning homework to his elderly patients. In the supervision session, he played it with the supervisor in front of the video camera with the help of changing roles. This practice and video feedback increased Paul’s confidence when completing homework, which was nicely seen in the next session recording with the same patient. During the session, Paul evoked an idea of the task and its usefulness to the patient. The result was the successful completion of homework and an improved mood.

Homework in Supervision

Homework assignments are a common part of supervisory work. These may involve the patient’s management (eg noticing on their recording how often the therapist strengthens the patient and how and if it is rare to clarify where reinforcement would be appropriate), working on oneself (eg clarifying experiences and attitudes that lead to countertransference in a particular patient, awareness of which other patients may also occur) and theoretical study (the supervisor may advise the therapist to read a professional text that can help better understand and work with the patient). 40

The supervisor helps define a specific engagement, discusses specific therapeutic methods, touches on what methods the therapist has used and what else they may consider the role, for the most part, the implementation of strategies whose ability to use in therapy under supervision will be planned, as part of homework.

Homework assigned in supervision usually deals with mapping problems (supplementing the conceptualization of the case, evaluation, vicious circle of the problem with the patient, etc.), monitoring certain behaviors (mostly communication with the patient), or implementing new, behaviors in therapy (usually using therapeutic strategies). 12 Homework teaches the supervisee to work on self-reflection outside the supervision meetings. 41 Discussing the homework properly at the beginning of the session is important. The mentioned home exercises usually concern the work with the supervised case report of the patient. The basic questions concern homework results, discussing the obstacles in solving them and what the supervisee learned in homework. 8 The discussion gives the supervisor case management information and can point to important practice moments.

Homework Assignment

Before the end of the session, the supervisor and the supervisee agree on a homework assignment. It is optimal when homework arises from a problem addressed in the session’s main part. 8 At the beginning of supervision, proposals for homework assignments usually come from the supervisor and are discussed and recorded in writing. 40 During supervision, the supervisee creates homework assignments, and the content is discussed with the supervisee.

The Meaning of Homework

Homework must make sense for the supervisee; otherwise, he will have no motivation to do it. However, it is also important to make sense of the patient or patients and develop the therapist’s skills and competencies. It is desirable to discuss the meaning of homework in supervision.

Possible Difficulties When Completing Homework

It is advantageous to discuss the anticipated difficulties in completing homework. This has the advantage that the supervisee can prepare for possible difficulties, consider overcoming them and consult with the supervisor. Discussing difficulties helps the supervisee model and later develops the skill to discuss the patient’s homework difficulties.

The Impact of the Therapist’s Belief System

In some therapists, there can be reasons for a more complex level of conceptualization. 42 That is important when the therapist repeats certain mistakes even though they have repeatedly discussed them with the supervisor. At a directly accessible level, the situation with the patient can be described using a vicious circle. The deeper “hidden” level refers to the core beliefs and conditional rules activated in a specific situation with the patient. 40 , 43 A supervisor can use the “falling arrow” technique to map core beliefs and conditional assumptions. 43

One such way is the Therapeutic Belief System (TBS). 44 TBS is a theoretical model useful for understanding the specific beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors that therapists and patients commonly experience that could potentially affect the course of therapy. In line with the cognitive model, TBS provides a framework for identifying therapists’ and patients’ beliefs about themselves, each other, the treatment process, the emotions these beliefs can evoke, and typical behavioral reactions. For example, a therapist may see a patient as an “aggressor”, a “helpless victim”, or a “collaborator”. The participant’s own beliefs may supplement these beliefs about himself, such as “victim”, “co-worker”, “carer”, or “rescuer”. Homework assignments may be perceived by both the therapist and the patient as “hopeless”, “productive”, or simply maintaining the status quo and lead to a different emotional and behavioral response. 8 Thus, TBS can be introduced into supervision to guide the supervisee to consider whether he or she identifies with any of the therapists’ typical beliefs and behaviors outlined in the model. A simple awareness of such patterns can be a useful orientation when considering the role of attitudes and beliefs in integrating homework ( Box 4 ).

Case Vignette – Discussion About Supervisee Homework

Ludmila is a third-year student at CBT. She experienced a more intense emotional response as she considered completing her homework for a patient with a social phobia with strong patterns of vulnerability and addiction. The patient showed significant symptoms of social phobia. She has been repeatedly hospitalized, taking antidepressants and attending psychiatric group psychotherapy in daycare twice; nonetheless, social anxiety and avoidant behavior persist. Ludmila and the patient mapped out the conceptualization of problems and began thinking about therapeutic steps that included behavioral experiments and graded exposure to reduce social avoidance gradually. However, in a discussion with the supervisor, she stopped a behavioral experiment, saying it would not work with the patient. When the supervisor asked her what she was going through, she said that anxiety, when evaluating her intensity, it was up to 8 out of 10. When mapping a vicious circle about the situation, she said she was struck by the following: “She’s checking that it cannot work”; “I have never used a behavioral experiment before. I will ruin it and look incompetent in front of the patient!” Using the “falling arrow” technique, the supervisor and Ludmila came to the core belief “I am incompetent” and the conditional rule “I have to do everything perfectly. Otherwise, it’s priceless”:
Core belief: “I am incompetent”.
Conditional rules: “I have to do everything perfectly. Otherwise, it’s priceless”. “I should always be prepared for everything, or I will be embarrassed!”
Behavior strategies related to core beliefs and conditional assumptions:
• I read a lot about how to work with patients, and I still go to supervision to find out how not to make a mistake;
• I do in therapy those strategies that I know very well, such as working with the vicious circle and cognitive restructuring;
• I avoid doing strategies that I have not yet tried, such as behavioral experiments or working with schemes, prescriptions in the imagination and more;
• I avoid asking the supervisor to try it when playing roles because I fear the supervisor will understand that I am incompetent.
The core scheme and the conditional assumptions showed why Ludmila avoided giving the necessary homework to help the patient with social phobia. When Ludmila realized her attitude through self-reflection, the supervisor asked her to practice a situation she avoided with the patient by playing roles. They first replayed the situation so that the supervisor played Ludmila’s patient, and then they changed roles so that Ludmila could experience the patients’ feelings while building the behavioral experiment. Ludmila then planned her behavioral experiment with the supervisor, which involved testing a more optimistic view of the patient’s resilience and taking the “risk” of homework without being sure of the outcome. Ludmila performed this experiment, and the patient did her homework well. This encouraged Ludmila to try strategies she was less experienced with other patients. She exposed herself to greater uncertainty, gradually increasing her courage and self-evidentness.

The scheme broadly refers to mental structures that integrate and give meaning to events. 45 Schemes can be positive, negative or neutral. In CBT as a treatment for psychological disorders, we focus on dysfunctional patterns often associated with specific diagnostic presentations (for example, emotional vulnerability patterns are common in anxiety disorders). Schema is generally defined as a ubiquitous topic of cognitive functions, emotions, physiological feelings about oneself, and relations with others. 33

Therapists’ schemes run in specific therapies and do not usually signal mental health problems. 8 Therapists’ schemes are influenced by the following factors: training experiences, such as supervision and training phase, therapy model, peer group, clinical experience, and personal experience. 13 , 40 Once identified, the therapist’s scheme can be used in supervision as a starting point to discuss some of the practitioner’s views that may interfere with therapy. 8 Completing structured questionnaires can identify participants’ schemes, basic beliefs, and assumptions. Some examples of useful questionnaires are the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, 46 the Personal Faith Questionnaire, 47 the Young Schema Questionnaire 48 and the Therapists’ Schema Questionnaire. 49 Leahy’s Therapists’ Scheme Questionnaire is a relatively straightforward screening technique for identifying therapeutic patterns that could affect a therapeutic relationship. It consists of 46 assumptions related to the 14 most common therapeutic regimens.

Certain schemes are particularly common in CBT supervisees. These include “demanding standards”, “excessive self-sacrifice”, and “special superior person”. 49 Training therapists who identify with the “demanding standards” scheme have a somewhat obsessive, perfectionist, and controlling approach to therapy. These therapists usually have high expectations for keeping a patient’s homework and may not realize that non-compliance with homework is often part of the learning process. Therapists may expect that there is a “right” way to complete a homework assignment, leading to feelings of frustration when assignments produce different results. This may signify insecurity and a notion that if things break from the planned structure, the therapist will be exposed as “incompetent”. Many therapists identify with the “excessive self-sacrifice” pattern, the most commonly observed pattern in both novice and experienced therapists. 33 Leahy 49 proposes that these therapists overstate the importance of their patient relationships. They may fear leaving or feel guilty that they are or feel better than the patient. As a result, the therapist may engage in therapy-defeating behaviors, such as making the homework assignment to the patient’s various needs, having difficulty with appropriate assertiveness in discussing persistent patient non-cooperation, and having a tendency to avoid techniques. Such as exposure or opening of painful memories for fear that the patient will be upset.

Novice therapists who identify with the “special superior person” scheme see the therapeutic situation as an opportunity to achieve excellent results and have high-performance expectations. There may be a tendency for the patient to idealize or, conversely, to devalue or distance himself from patients who do not improve or do their homework. The presence of a “special superior” scheme can be seen as overcompensation in response to “demanding standards” and “excessive self-sacrifice”, which have the thematic connotations of “not being good enough”. The supervision session sets the supervisee in a situation where the supervisor supervises homework through videotaped therapeutic sessions utilizing a cognitive therapy scale (CTS). 50 Feelings of superiority and exceptionality can, in some cases, be a way of dealing with the feelings of inferiority that they experience, that their use of homework is judged in this way.

In addition to recognizing the general responses to the scheme that most training students encounter, the supervisor should help the supervisor become aware of his or her idiosyncratic beliefs and coping styles, which some patients may trigger ( Box 5 ). The supervisor should encourage the supervisee to pay special attention to the “overlapping patterns” in which the therapist’s scheme and the patient’s scheme overlap, leading to the over-identification of the therapist with the patient. 33

Case Vignette – The Supervisor Advises the Therapist to Work with Core Beliefs and Conditional Rules

Petr works with a patient diagnosed with the obsessive compulsive disorder and social phobia and with a scheme of excessive vulnerability. Difficulties have persisted for many years, and controlling compulsive and avoidant behaviors have become the patient’s basic coping strategy. The patient was engaged in many “healthy” activities, such as “cleanliness”, “healthy eating”, and “healthy sleep”, which she performed ritually. She avoided most of the social and work situations that caused anxiety, which resulted in a very limited lifestyle with many open hours during the day, which she filled with compulsions. The patient felt frustrated by both the compulsions and the limited lifestyle. She also felt paralyzed by her basic beliefs, “I am different and vulnerable”, and other people are “overly demanding, critical, condemning and harshly rejecting”. Her attitude followed her childhood classmates’ refusal because she was overweight.
Petr works with the patient for about 12 sessions. Now, he has come to supervise her case for the first time. During this time, he developed a good therapeutic relationship with the patient. The patient was well involved in the therapeutic process. It was also possible to expose her to social situations and reduce excessive hand washing. However, Petr encouraged “healthy cooking and sleeping”, which took several hours a day, because he considered it a proper “healthy lifestyle”. Petr described these several-hour activities as “successes” and did not consider them possible compulsive strategies that can, among other things, make it possible to avoid stressful situations. The patient has repeatedly expressed that healthy eating and going to bed take much time. However, Petr responded to the patient’s self-criticism with reassurance and further praise for the patient’s accomplishments.
Because there were only partial changes in compulsive behavior in reducing excessive washing, the supervisor emphasized that the homework assignment revealed a tendency to fill time with compulsive and trivial activities, which the patient herself points out. The supervisor acknowledged Petr and the patient’s progress in developing a good therapeutic relationship and improving social interactions by reducing excessive washing. She then suggested that Peter and the patient should no longer explore healthy cooking and sleeping and how compulsive and beneficial they were to the patient. Supposedly the patient wants to reduce the time devoted to these activities, and Petr should consider how to help her. Peter was irritated by the supervisor’s opinion and began to explain why he did not feel like doing so. He angrily said it was just an interpretation of the supervisor for which he had no evidence. The supervisor noticed a change in their emotional response and asked Peter to say what was going through his head. Peter said he thought healthy cooking and healthy sleep were related to a healthy lifestyle and should be encouraged, not considered compulsive. The supervisor acknowledged that he might be right. She went back to why it made Peter so upset. Petr angrily said that the supervisor did not appreciate their progress with the patient and was looking for something to criticize. They returned to what she had told him, then asked again if anything else had occurred to him, why it was such an emotionally critical situation.
Peter calmed down and said he was also trying to sleep soundly and cook healthily, putting much effort into it. As his patient, he was overweight as a child, and his classmates mocked him. He is not overweight now. He carefully checks his condition, exercises, and sleeps regularly. Therefore, he understands the patient’s effort to adhere to the order. The supervisor expressed understanding of Peter’s explanation. She then asked him if he would consider his homework, what core beliefs and conditional rules might play a role, and if his patient did not have something similar. For further supervision, Petr brought homework with the following core scheme and behavior strategies:
Core belief: “I am different, ugly and unlovable”. “Others are overly critical and reject the different”.
Conditional assumption: “I have to try to be precise and control everything so that I don’t experience reprimand!”
Behavior strategies:
• daily weight control, healthy eating, regular exercise and sleep
• frequent attempts to emphasize its uniqueness and difference
• constant efforts to prevent rejection
Peter also realized that his beliefs about himself and others were similar to those of his patient and, like his beliefs, had been ridiculed in childhood. He also acknowledged that he identified with the patient’s distress and could risk-taking on the role of “savior” and overemphasize the patient’s diversity and sensitivity. He decided to thoroughly examine “healthy cooking and sleep” with the patient and determine how much it bothers the patient and what she would like to change.

Homework in Supervisor Training

For supervisors, their supervisors’ training is important. An important part of this training is the practice of self-reflection, which should be requested directly in the meeting and as homework. It can be a task to capture situations in supervision in which they do not feel comfortable using the vicious circle, cognitive restructuring of automatic negative thoughts in these situations, capturing thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations and behaviors in situations where they are aware that they are experiencing countertransference reactions to the supervised therapist. It is also important that in their homework, they reflect on their concentration level during supervision sessions and consider what supervision skills they have used or what they have learned for the next session. A typical complex homework in supervision training is a video recording of supervision sessions and their analysis. The recorded supervision and analysis are then analyzed in the next supervision training meeting.

This article is designed as an overview of views and experiences. Its important element is work samples. This is also a limitation of this article. Assignment of homework in supervision and therapist and supervisor training lacks scientific information about its effectiveness. Nevertheless, assigning homework is an important part of cognitive behavioral therapy. We know quite well about its meaning in prescribing for patients. Less is known about their meaning and effectiveness in supervision. The supervisee encounters problems completing homework assignments for her patients that she brings to the supervisee. Why the patient does not complete the homework may be his problem, but his therapist may also have a part in it his requirements, which include how the homework is assigned, its suitability for the given patient, timing, and complexity. Homework can also belong to the training of supervisors and the supervision of supervision. Here, we do not know any research evidence about their effectiveness in using the most important part of supervision, the patient; however, they are experienced by supervisors and supervisees as useful and meaningful.

Homework in supervision and supervision requires further reflection on their meaning and subsequent research, which should examine their significance for the supervisee’s competence (supervisee) and the ultimate impact on the patient himself.

Homework presents one of the cornerstones of cognitive-behavioral therapy, CB supervision and the training of CBT supervisors. If applied consistently and collaboratively, homework enhances therapeutic outcomes and increases the patient’s self-confidence. Setting and maintaining a fruitful working alliance for homework can be challenging – issues with homework present one of the common reasons to seek a supervisory consultation. Supervision then focuses on examining the specific case and experienced problems, factors in the interaction between the therapist and their patient, and the therapist’s automatic thoughts, schemas, and behaviors that might maintain the issue. There are several ways to address this topic in supervision. Homework is usually part of supervision because of its usefulness. The supervised therapist may be given similar tasks as the patient receives in therapy: to describe the automatic thoughts that occur to him while guiding the patient, to test them and look for a more rational response, to conduct behavioral experiments, to clarify the core beliefs and conditioned assumptions that influence the formation of the therapeutic relationship, experiments with adequate communication with the patient and others. A therapist’s self-experience through practice can help them improve their therapeutic work.


This paper was supported by the research grant VEGA no. APVV-15-0502 Psychological, psychophysiological and anthropometric correlates of cardiovascular diseases.

The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.

  • Last edited on September 9, 2020

Homework in CBT

Table of contents, why do homework in cbt, how to deliver homework, strategies to increase confidence.

Homework assignments in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help your patients educate themselves further, collect thoughts, and modify their thinking.

Homework is not something that you just assign randomly. You should make sure you:

  • tailor the homework to the patient
  • provide a rationale for why the patient needs to do the homework
  • uncover any obstacles that might prevent homework from being done (i.e. - busy work schedule, significant neurovegetative symptoms)

Types of homework

Types of homework assignments.

Behavioural Activation Getting active, depressed patients out of bed or off the couch, and helping them resume normal activity
Monitoring automatic thoughts From the first session forward, you will encourage your patients to ask themselves, “What’s going through my mind right now?”
Evaluating and responding to automatic thoughts At virtually every session, you will help patients modify their inaccurate and dysfunctional thoughts and write down their new way of thinking. Patients will also learn to evaluate their own thinking and practice doing so between sessions.
Problem-solving At virtually every session, you will help patients devise solutions to their problems, which they will implement between sessions.
Behavioural skills To effectively solve their problems, patients may need to learn new skills, which they will practice for homework.
Behavioural experiments Patients may need to directly test the validity of automatic thoughts that seem distorted, such as “I’ll feel better if I stay in bed”
Bibliotherapy Important concepts you are discussing in session can be greatly reinforced when patients read about them in black and white.
Preparing for the next session Preparing for the next therapy session. The beginning part of each therapy session can be greatly speeded up if patients think about what is important to tell you before they enter your office.

You should also decide the frequency of the homework should be assigned: should it be daily, weekly?

If your patient does not do homework, that’s OK! Explore as a team, in a non-judgmental way, to explore why the homework was not done. Here are some ways to increase adherence to homework:

  • Tailor the assignments to the individual
  • Provide a rationale for how and why the assignment might help
  • Determine the homework collaboratively
  • Try to start the homework during the session. This creates some momentum to continue doing the homework
  • Set up systems to remember to do the assignments (phone reminders, sticky notes
  • It is better to start with easier homework assignments and err on the side of caution
  • They should be 90-100% confident they will be able to do this assignment
  • Covert rehearsal - running through a thought experiment on a situation
  • Change the assignment - It is far better to substitute an easier homework assignment that patients are likely to do than to have them establish a habit of not doing what they had agreed to in session
  • Intellectual/emotional role play - “I’ll be the intellectual part of you; you be the emotional part. You argue as hard as you can against me so I can see all the arguments you’re using not to read your coping cards and start studying. You start.”

cbt without homework

A Comprehensive Model of Homework in Cognitive Behavior Therapy

  • Original Article
  • Published: 03 July 2021
  • Volume 46 , pages 247–257, ( 2022 )

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cbt without homework

  • Nikolaos Kazantzis   ORCID: 1 , 2 &
  • Allen R. Miller 2  

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This article contributes a comprehensive model of homework in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). To this end, several issues in the definition of homework and homework compliance are outlined, research on homework-outcome relations is critiqued, before an overview of classical and operant conditioning along with various cognitive theories are tied together in a c omprehensive model. We suggest engagement represents a more clinically meaningful construct than compliance (or adherence). We describe how established behavior and cognitive theories are relevant for understanding patient engagement and what between-session and in-session processes are useful in a comprehensive model. Our primary conclusion from the review of this literature is that current research has focused on limited aspects of homework and missed theoretically meaningful determinants of engagement. Further, little research has sought to examine the role of the therapist in facilitating these theoretically meaningful determinants. The literature on homework is the most advanced of the process research in CBT; the comprehensive model presented here offers clarity for the practicing clinician and represents a testable model for researchers interested in quantifying determinants of homework engagement and the process of integrating homework into CBT.

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The authors thank Aaron T. Beck and Judith S. Beck for helpful discussions and guidance on the topic of integrating homework into CBT.

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Kazantzis, N., Miller, A.R. A Comprehensive Model of Homework in Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Cogn Ther Res 46 , 247–257 (2022).

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Accepted : 19 June 2021

Published : 03 July 2021

Issue Date : February 2022


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  • December 19, 2023

20 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Techniques with Examples

Muhammad Sohail

Muhammad Sohail

Table of contents.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands as a powerful, evidence-based therapeutic approach for various mental health challenges. At its core lies a repertoire of techniques designed to reframe thoughts, alter behaviors, and alleviate emotional distress. This article explores 20 most commonly used cbt techniques. These therapy techniques are scientifcally valid, diverse in their application and effectiveness, serve as pivotal tools in helping individuals navigate and conquer their mental health obstacles.

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Cognitive Restructuring or Reframing:

This is the most talked about of all cbt techniques. CBT employs cognitive restructuring to challenge and alter negative thought patterns. By examining beliefs and questioning their validity, individuals learn to perceive situations from different angles, fostering more adaptive thinking patterns.

John, feeling worthless after a rejected job application, questions his belief that he’s incompetent. He reflects on past achievements and reframes the situation, realizing the rejection doesn’t define his abilities.

Guided Discovery:

In guided discovery, therapists engage individuals in an exploration of their viewpoints. Through strategic questioning, individuals are prompted to examine evidence supporting their beliefs and consider alternate perspectives, fostering a more nuanced understanding and empowering them to choose healthier cognitive pathways.

During therapy, Sarah explores her fear of failure. Her therapist asks, “What evidence supports your belief that you’ll fail? Can we consider alternate outcomes?” Guided by these questions, Sarah acknowledges her exaggerated fears and explores more balanced perspectives.

Journaling and Thought Records:

Writing exercises like journaling and thought records aid in identifying and challenging negative thoughts. Tracking thoughts between sessions and noting positive alternatives enables individuals to monitor progress and recognize cognitive shifts.

James maintains a thought journal. Between sessions, he records negative thoughts about social situations. He then challenges these thoughts, jotting down positive alternatives and notices a shift in his mindset.

Activity Scheduling and Behavior Activation:

By scheduling avoided activities and implementing learned strategies, individuals establish healthier habits and confront avoidance tendencies, fostering behavioral change.

Emily, struggling with social anxiety, schedules coffee outings with friends. By implementing gradual exposure, she confronts her fear and eventually feels more comfortable in social settings.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction Techniques:

CBT incorporates relaxation techniques like deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and imagery to mitigate stress. These methods equip individuals with practical skills to manage phobias, social anxieties, and stressors effectively.

David practices deep breathing exercises when faced with work stress. By incorporating this technique into his routine, he manages work-related anxiety more effectively.

Successive Approximation:

Breaking overwhelming tasks into manageable steps cultivates confidence through incremental progress, enabling individuals to tackle challenges more effectively.

Maria, overwhelmed by academic tasks, breaks down her study sessions into smaller, manageable sections. As she masters each segment, her confidence grows, making the workload seem more manageable.

Interoceptive Exposure:

This technique targets panic and anxiety by exposing individuals to feared bodily sensations, allowing for a recalibration of beliefs around these sensations and reducing avoidance behaviors.

Tom, experiencing panic attacks, deliberately induces shortness of breath in a controlled setting. As he tolerates this discomfort without avoidance, he realizes that the sensation, though distressing, is not harmful.

Play the Script Until the End:

Encouraging individuals to envision worst-case scenarios helps alleviate fear by demonstrating the manageability of potential outcomes, reducing anxiety.

Facing fear of public speaking, Rachel imagines herself stumbling during a presentation. By playing out this scenario mentally, she realizes that even if it happens, it wouldn’t be catastrophic.

Shaping (Successive Approximation):

Shaping involves mastering simpler tasks akin to the challenging ones, aiding individuals in overcoming difficulties through gradual skill development.

Chris, struggling with public speaking, begins by speaking to small groups before gradually addressing larger audiences. Each step builds his confidence for the next challenge.

Contingency Management:

This method utilizes reinforcement and punishment to promote desirable behaviors, leveraging the consequences of actions to shape behavior positively.

To encourage healthier eating habits, Sarah rewards herself with a favorite activity after a week of sticking to a balanced diet.

Acting Out (Role-Playing):

Role-playing scenarios allow individuals to practice new behaviors in a safe environment, facilitating skill development and desensitization to challenging situations.

Alex, preparing for a job interview, engages in role-playing with a friend. They simulate the interview scenario, allowing Alex to practice responses and manage anxiety.

Sleep Hygiene Training:

Addressing the link between depression and sleep problems, this technique provides strategies for improving sleep quality, a critical aspect of mental well-being.

Lisa, struggling with sleep, follows sleep hygiene recommendations. She creates a calming bedtime routine and eliminates screen time before sleep, noticing improvements in her sleep quality.

Mastery and Pleasure Technique:

Encouraging engagement in enjoyable or accomplishment-driven activities serves as a mood enhancer and distraction from depressive thoughts.

After feeling low, Mark engages in gardening (a mastery activity) and then spends time painting (a pleasure activity). He finds joy in these activities, which uplifts his mood.

Behavioral Experiments:

This technique involves creating real-life experiments to test the validity of certain beliefs or assumptions. By actively exploring alternative thoughts or behaviors, individuals gather concrete evidence to challenge and modify their existing perspectives.

Laura believes people judge her negatively. She experiments by initiating conversations at social gatherings and observes that most interactions are positive, challenging her belief.


Externalizing helps individuals separate themselves from their problems by giving those issues an identity or persona. This technique encourages individuals to view their problems as separate entities, facilitating a more objective approach to problem-solving.

Adam, dealing with anger issues, visualizes his anger as a separate entity named “Fury.” This helps him view his emotions objectively and manage them more effectively.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT):

ACT combines mindfulness strategies with commitment and behavior-change techniques. It focuses on accepting difficult thoughts and emotions while committing to actions aligned with personal values, promoting psychological flexibility.

Sarah practices mindfulness exercises to accept her anxiety while committing to attend social events aligned with her values of connection and growth.

Imagery-Based Exposure:

This technique involves mentally visualizing feared or distressing situations, allowing individuals to confront and manage their anxieties in a controlled, imaginative setting.

Jack, afraid of flying, visualizes being on a plane, progressively picturing the experience in detail until he feels more comfortable with the idea of flying.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR):

MBSR incorporates mindfulness meditation and awareness techniques to help individuals manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being by staying present in the moment.

Rachel practices mindfulness meditation daily. By focusing on the present moment, she reduces work-related stress and enhances her overall well-being.

Systematic Desensitization:

Similar to exposure therapy, systematic desensitization involves pairing relaxation techniques with gradual exposure to anxiety-inducing stimuli. This process helps individuals associate relaxation with the feared stimuli, reducing anxiety responses over time.

Michael, with a fear of heights, gradually exposes himself to elevators first, then low floors in tall buildings, gradually working up to higher levels, reducing his fear response.

Narrative Therapy:

Narrative therapy focuses on separating individuals from their problems by helping them reconstruct and retell their life stories in a more empowering and positive light, emphasizing strengths and resilience.

Emily reevaluates her life story by focusing on instances where she overcame challenges, emphasizing her resilience and strength rather than her setbacks.

Each of these CBT techniques plays a unique role in helping individuals transform their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. While some focus on cognitive restructuring, others emphasize behavioral modification or stress reduction. Together, they form a comprehensive toolkit empowering individuals to navigate their mental health challenges and foster positive change in their lives.

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Laura Hans Therapy


Homework in CBT

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a very practical therapy that involves homework as a huge part of the therapy process.

You may think of school when they hear the term “homework”, and that's understandable. However, homework in CBT is actually a really good thing. The reason that there is a heavy focus on homework or “between session tasks,” during the therapy process is because it is at this point where you can practice the skills you have learnt in therapy.  It also tends to be where the magic happens, new learning takes place and people start to notice a shift in how they are feeling.

Imagine you and a friend want to learn a new language and sign up for Spanish lessons once a week. If you attend the one-hour weekly session but do not practise between sessions, but your friend practises daily in addition to attending the weekly session, who do you think will pick up more of the language? If your answer is your friend, then you are right! CBT is very similar in that those who make the time to practise using CBT skills daily are more likely to recover quicker and benefit more from CBT than those who just attend weekly sessions but do not complete the homework in between therapy sessions.

The goal of CBT is to teach you skills to become your own therapist so you can go on and self-manage your day-to-day symptoms and ultimately oversee your recovery. So, the more you practice mastering the skills outside of your therapy sessions, the better you will become in using those skills on your own and well into the future.

Quite often, us Brits like a quick fix, and many come to therapy expecting to be fixed without really doing anything. Unfortunately, this expectation is unrealistic. Most therapies nowadays involve work on both sides, and CBT is no different.

A typical homework task may be something such as completing an activity during the week that you used to enjoy or tackling something that you have been putting off such as paying a bill or booking a doctor’s appointment. It may also be something like having a conversation with a stranger, making a call to someone, or going somewhere that you have been avoiding, such as the supermarket. All homework tasks are decided together with your therapist and are designed to push you slightly out of your comfort zone. The tasks are always in line with your therapy goals and should be designed with those in mind.

Homework can be hard, especially if we are unmotivated or anxious about completing it. If you are having trouble completing the homework, have a chat with your therapist. Together, you should be able to problem solve it and come up with some solutions to try and make things seem more manageable. For example, it might be setting an alarm for a specific time each day to remind you to complete the task you have set yourself. Or it may be breaking the task down to something smaller that feels less overwhelming and more achievable.

It may also be worth thinking about how the homework task will help you work towards achieving your goals. Doing nothing, although easier, is not going to get you where you want to be and will likely keep you stuck where you are. However, doing the homework task will require effort and time, but it is likely to help you work step by step towards where you truly want to be.

Useful Links

The New “Homework” in Cognitive Behavior Therapy | Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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Back to Journals » Psychology Research and Behavior Management » Volume 15

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Homework in Cognitive Behavioral Supervision: Theoretical Background and Clinical Application

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Authors Prasko J   , Krone I   , Burkauskas J , Vanek J   , Abeltina M , Juskiene A , Sollar T   , Bite I , Slepecky M , Ociskova M  

Received 18 July 2022

Accepted for publication 5 December 2022

Published 22 December 2022 Volume 2022:15 Pages 3809—3824


Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Igor Elman

Jan Prasko, 1– 4 Ilona Krone, 5 Julius Burkauskas, 6 Jakub Vanek, 1 Marija Abeltina, 7 Alicja Juskiene, 6 Tomas Sollar, 2 Ieva Bite, 7 Milos Slepecky, 2 Marie Ociskova 1, 4 1 Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Olomouc, Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University in Olomouc, Olomouc, The Czech Republic; 2 Department of Psychology Sciences, Faculty of Social Science and Health Care, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, The Slovak Republic; 3 Department of Psychotherapy, Institute for Postgraduate Training in Health Care, Prague, The Czech Republic; 4 Jessenia Inc. - Rehabilitation Hospital Beroun, Akeso Holding, Beroun, The Czech Republic; 5 Riga`s Stradins University, Riga, Latvia; 6 Laboratory of Behavioral Medicine, Neuroscience Institute, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania; 7 University of Latvia, Latvian Association of CBT, Riga, Latvia Correspondence: Jan Prasko, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University Olomouc, University Hospital, I. P. Pavlova 6, Olomouc, 77520, The Czech Republic, Tel +420 603 414 930, Email [email protected] Abstract: The homework aims to generalize the patient’s knowledge and encourage practicing skills learned during therapy sessions. Encouraging and facilitating homework is an important part of supervisees in their supervision, and problems with using homework in therapy are a common supervision agenda. Supervisees are encouraged to conceptualize the patient’s lack of homework and promote awareness of their own beliefs and responses to non-cooperation. The supervision focuses on homework twice – first as a part of the supervised therapy and second as a part of the supervision itself. Homework assigned in supervision usually deals with mapping problems, monitoring certain behaviors (mostly communication with the patient), or implementing new behaviors in therapy. Keywords: supervision, cognitive behavioral therapy, homework, self-reflection


The development of competent clinical supervision is crucial to effectively training new CBT therapists and supervisors and maintaining high therapy standards throughout their careers. 1 Clinical supervision is a basis for CBT training, but there are only a few empirical evaluations on the effect of supervision on therapists’ competencies. Wilson et al 2 in their systematic review and meta-analysis, synthesized the experience and impact of supervision for trainee therapists from 15 qualitative studies. Although supervision leads to feelings of distress and self-doubts, it can effectively support supervisees in personal and professional development. It could similarly harm supervisees’ well-being, clinical work and clients’ experiences. Alfonsson et al 3 published a study to evaluate the effects of standardized supervision on rater-assessed competency in six CBT therapists under protocol-based clinical supervision. This is one of the first investigations showing that supervision affects cognitive behavioral competencies. Although several works have studied the effectiveness of supervision on the therapist’s competence and for the therapist’s work with patients in qualitative studies, 3–7 there is still a lack of studies that dealt with the importance of homework in supervision.

Homework is a vital element of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which distinguishes it from many other psychotherapeutic approaches. 8–10 Patients usually participate in therapy by completing homework assignments and taking responsibility for their course.

Assigning and discussing homework is one of the basic competencies of a cognitive-behavioral therapist and a supervisor in the context of counselling, psychology, therapy, and social work. The manuscript aims to refer to homework in several settings: homework in therapy, supervision of homework in therapy, using the homework by the supervisor for the supervisee, and homework in the training of supervisors.

Homework in Therapy

While specific recommendations for the practical usage of homework have been clearly articulated since the early days of CBT, 11 , 12 practitioners state that they do not follow these recommendations. 13–15 For example, many physicians admit that they forget homework or do not focus on standard specifications when, where, how often, and how long the task should last. Often reported non-cooperation in homework assignments may be due to the practice recommendations being too strict or because students think the amount of homework they can assign is limited. 16

The Sense of Homework in the Therapy

  • Kazantzis et al 10 inspected 14 studies that compared results for patients allocated to CBT without or with homework. The average patient in the homework group reported better results than about 70% of controls.
  • Outcomes from 16 studies 17 and an updated analysis of 23 studies 19 discovered that higher compliance led to better treatment results among patients who received homework projects during therapy.
  • Kazantzis et al 20 studied the relationships between quantity (15 studies) and quality (3 studies) of the homework to treatment results. The effect sizes were medium to large, and these effects remained fairly constant in a 12-month follow-up.

Therapists strategically create homework to reduce patients’ psychopathology and encourage them to practice skills learned during therapy sessions; nevertheless, non-adherence (between 20% and 50%) remains one of the most cited reasons for decreased CBT efficacy. 21 Several reasons for non-adherence to homework might be pointed out –the therapist does not regularly discuss homework with the patient, the patient no longer considers it important and stop doing it. 9 , 22 Discussing homework also allows the therapist to strengthen the patient’s belief in their ability to achieve certain goals. 23 The fact that the patient has completed the assignment must be properly acknowledged, and then therapists discuss the quality of homework separately. 24 Good questions might be, “How did you do your homework? Were there any difficulties in fulfilling them? What kind?” Furthermore: “How can you handle these problems next time? What did you learn while completing your homework? Can it help you cope with other issues?”

How to Increase the Effectiveness of Homework in the Therapy

  • Follows logically from the topics discussed during the session and uses the methods that the patient learned during the session;
  • they are clearly and concretely defined, so it is easy to determine whether or to what extent the patient has been successful in fulfilling them (eg, “Leaving the house alone for at least 30 minutes every day”, not “Starting to go out alone”);
  • the patient clearly understands their meaning (“To verify your belief that you will faint on the street” or “See for yourself whether your anxiety will continue to rise, remain the same or subside after a certain time”), and they believe they can achieve the goals;
  • homework is formulated so that failure is impossible because, in any case, the patient will learn something useful that will help them in therapy;
  • the therapist anticipates and discusses obstacles that could hinder the fulfilment of homework and plans procedures to overcome them.

An important aspect of CBT is the patient’s independence. 10 , 18 Homework is typically determined by consensus. To increase the likelihood that the patient will complete the homework, the patient and the therapist should document their assignments in writing. Additionally, it is very convenient for the patient to record the homework, typically pre-prepared. 24 These records serve as a basis for discussing homework in the next session and also allow the therapist to assess the changes achieved during therapy (“A month ago, you were able to go out alone for only half an hour and your anxiety level previously reached level ‘9’, while now you were alone outside for more than an hour and your anxiety do not exceed ‘5’ rated subjectively”).

Because the goal of therapy is to help the patient experience success, the patient’s assigned homework must be feasible. 18 , 26 On the other hand, patients should improve their ability to cope with problems and unpleasant conditions during therapy, they need to exert significant effort to overcome certain unpleasant feelings and emotions. 19 , 20

  • whether the patient understood what the task was and what it meant
  • whether mastering this exercise is important and motivated
  • whether unforeseen circumstances prevented them from fulfilling it
  • whether the assigned exercise was not very demanding for them in their current mental state

Therefore, therapists do not consider the non-fulfilment of homework a priori as a manifestation of resistance or lack of moral qualities on the patient’s part, then as a problem that must be solved together.

However, if, despite a thorough discussion of homework and agreement on its completion, the patient repeatedly does not even attempt to complete it, does not bring records and fails to justify non-compliance, it is necessary to return to the problem analysis and goal-setting. We need to clarify with the patient whether the problem they are currently dealing with in therapy is really the most important for them, whether the goal they seek to achieve is sufficiently desirable, and whether the therapist offers to achieve is acceptable. 9 , 20

Case Vignette – Discussion About Not Completing Homework with an Anxious Patient

Kazantzis et al 28 advise examining the therapeutic relationship, which significantly impacts therapy adherence, to better comprehend non-cooperation with homework assignments. Data illustrating the therapist’s homework competence and the therapy outcome 29 , 30 show that the therapist is primarily responsible for their patients’ adhering to or failing to do homework. CBT therapists exhibit many interrelated automatic thoughts, assumptions, and behaviors during sessions that affect homework use in therapy. 8 , 15 In training, common negative attitudes for therapists include: “Homework will make patients feel like school and resent!” “They will feel too controlled and limited!”; “Homework will increase some ps’ sense of vulnerability!”; or “Homework will be even more stressful for stressed patients!” Another widespread belief is that the “structure” of CBT, whose homework is important, reduces spontaneity and worsens the therapeutic relationship. 15

In addition, there is some scientific support for these views of therapists’ attitudes toward homework concerning the therapeutic process. 31 The result of these attitudes is either a complete avoidance of homework assignments in a way that is not effective and consequently maintains these beliefs. 8 For example, common behaviors require supervision, such as rapidly discussing directions at the end of a session, neglecting to repeat homework, or failing to justify while designing homework. 9 The CBT Homework Project proposed a practice model 29 that emphasizes the importance of therapist beliefs, therapist empowerment, cognitive conceptualization, and the therapeutic relationship in enhancing homework practice. 23

Theoretical and empirical support for homework assignments in CBT leads most practicing CBT therapists to at least accept in principle that regular and systematic homework assignments will benefit their patients. 8 As a result, CBT therapists favour assigning homework in therapy. However, many beginning therapists encounter problems when they start designing homework (ie, selecting tasks and discussing them with the patient), assigning homework (ie, collaborating on practical aspects of completing homework), and repeating homework in sessions. 32 Incorporating homework into therapy is often superficial, hasty, poorly done, or forgotten. 16 Therefore, problems with using homework in therapy are a common supervision agenda of practicing CBT therapists.

Personal Training and Self-Reflection of the Therapist as a Supervision Intervention

CBT training students are encouraged to conceptualize the patient’s lack of homework and promote awareness of their own beliefs and responses to non-cooperation in the CBT conceptual framework. 8 Suppose the therapist fails to develop this awareness. In that case, errors in clinical judgment may occur, adversely affecting the therapeutic relationship and course of therapy. 33 Self-exercise (practicing CBT techniques and interventions as a therapist) and self-reflection (ie, process reflection) are concepts developed by Bennett-Levy et al, 34 to operationalize a useful understanding of own processes in working with patients. CBT training students are asked to become accustomed to using self-exercise and self-reflection. In a few qualitative studies, self-exercise and self-reflection have proven to improve the therapist’s self-concept, ie, self-confidence, perceived competence in one’s abilities and belief in the effectiveness of the CBT model. 34–36 Calvert et al 37 study checked the use of meta-communication in supervision from supervisees’ perspectives using the Metacommunication in Supervision Questionnaire (MSQ). There were differences in the reported frequency with which the different types of meta-communication were used. It appears that meta-communication around difficult or uncomfortable feelings in the supervisory relationship occurs less often than other components of meta-communication. 1

Below are examples of self-exercise and self-reflective exercises. The following self-assessment is developed to shape thinking before a preliminary meeting with a supervisor. Earlier knowledge has shown that supervisees and supervisors do not always share common ideas about supervision. Therefore, the supervisee could finish this self-assessment as a homework exercise before supervision. A supervisee might want to identify conversation matters that may enable a supervisor to better comprehend their requirements and needs.

Before Starting

Questions regarding previous and desired experience in supervision.

What background information do you think your supervisor requires to understand you at the start? (This may include a curriculum vitae noting appropriate previous experience). What would be the best method to convey these details? Is there any distinction between what you desire from this placement and what you feel you need? What background details about this placement and this supervisor do you have? How does this make you feel? Exists any more information that you need? What do you want and expect your supervisor to concentrate on during supervision? What roles do you want your supervisor to play with respect to you and your work? What supervisory media do you want to experience (for example, taped, “live”, or reported)? What do you intend to do about your feelings? Consider how you feel about your supervisor evaluating your work at the end of the positioning process.

More Specific Questions

  • What specific activities during supervision do you recall as being helpful?
  • What conditions would be most convenient for you?
  • What would you personally anticipate getting from being supervised?
  • However, what would you want to receive from supervision prepared that will not be on offer?
  • What could you do about this?

Difficulties in Previous Supervisions (Adapted According to Scaife 2019 )

  • Recognize the two issues which seem to be the most important ones for you.
  • What steps can be taken now to minimize the chances that these two concerns will seriously disrupt your cooperation?

Reflection on the Strengths

What are the top three strengths you want your supervisor to uncover as you enter this supervisory relationship?

List 3 points for your development that may or might not be obvious to your supervisor.

Reflection on Difficulties

Therapists regularly discover face-to-face contact with people labelled by society as coming from a specific sub-group.

Which sub-groups make you feel uneasy for whatever reason? Do you want to address this during supervision? 38

Examples of Self-Assessment in the Supervision Process

Exploring sources of stress from clinical work.

Check all that resonate for you. 39

❑ Perfectionism ❑ Fear of failure ❑ Self-doubt ❑ Need for approval ❑ Emotional depletion ❑ Unhealthy lifestyle

Which of them seems to have the greatest impact on your stress levels?

What supervisor has most regularly identified as weak points in your clinical work?

Processing Mistakes

When mistakes are processed in ways that lead to reflection, flexibility, and adjustments in how you function, it can result in learning and growth.

Consider a patient you are now working with (or have recently worked with) with whom you have experienced a therapeutic failure.

  • What are the signs of a therapeutic failure? How can you be certain that what you are doing is not beneficial on some level? What benefits might your patient derive from failure? When did things begin to deteriorate? Which initiatives have been most effective so far, and which have been least effective? How have you been careless?
  • Examine your intervention choices as well as how they were carried out:
  • What concerns or considerations did you overlook? What is impeding your ability to be more effective? How has your empathy and compassion for this individual been harmed? How can you use this experience to help you grow?

Reflection of Therapeutics Mastery Skills

Favorite techniques.

  • Explain three things you have put off in your career or life because they appear risky—you have something to lose and gain.
  • Which therapeutic strategies or interventions stimulate you the most?
  • What would you call your “hidden weapon”?
  • What kind of patients or presenting difficulties interest you the most?
  • What would it take to incorporate more of the pleasure and satisfaction you receive when applying the strategies mentioned earlier into other aspects of your work? 39

The following examples from clinical supervision demonstrate how self-exercise and self-reflection can help participants understand their belief system’s impact on homework in CBT.

Supervision of Homework in Therapy

Case Vignette – Discussion About Patient´s Homework During Supervision

Case Vignette –Discussion of Setting Homework During Supervision

Recording of Paul’s Automatic Thoughts

The picture describes the vicious circle of countertransference reaction, where automatic thoughts lead to developing negative emotions, bodily reactions and behaviors. Any vicious circle components can alert the therapists that their countertransference reaction is taking place.

Homework in Supervision

Homework assignments are a common part of supervisory work. These may involve the patient’s management (eg noticing on their recording how often the therapist strengthens the patient and how and if it is rare to clarify where reinforcement would be appropriate), working on oneself (eg clarifying experiences and attitudes that lead to countertransference in a particular patient, awareness of which other patients may also occur) and theoretical study (the supervisor may advise the therapist to read a professional text that can help better understand and work with the patient). 40

The supervisor helps define a specific engagement, discusses specific therapeutic methods, touches on what methods the therapist has used and what else they may consider the role, for the most part, the implementation of strategies whose ability to use in therapy under supervision will be planned, as part of homework.

Homework assigned in supervision usually deals with mapping problems (supplementing the conceptualization of the case, evaluation, vicious circle of the problem with the patient, etc.), monitoring certain behaviors (mostly communication with the patient), or implementing new, behaviors in therapy (usually using therapeutic strategies). 12 Homework teaches the supervisee to work on self-reflection outside the supervision meetings. 41 Discussing the homework properly at the beginning of the session is important. The mentioned home exercises usually concern the work with the supervised case report of the patient. The basic questions concern homework results, discussing the obstacles in solving them and what the supervisee learned in homework. 8 The discussion gives the supervisor case management information and can point to important practice moments.

Homework Assignment

Before the end of the session, the supervisor and the supervisee agree on a homework assignment. It is optimal when homework arises from a problem addressed in the session’s main part. 8 At the beginning of supervision, proposals for homework assignments usually come from the supervisor and are discussed and recorded in writing. 40 During supervision, the supervisee creates homework assignments, and the content is discussed with the supervisee.

The Meaning of Homework

Homework must make sense for the supervisee; otherwise, he will have no motivation to do it. However, it is also important to make sense of the patient or patients and develop the therapist’s skills and competencies. It is desirable to discuss the meaning of homework in supervision.

Possible Difficulties When Completing Homework

It is advantageous to discuss the anticipated difficulties in completing homework. This has the advantage that the supervisee can prepare for possible difficulties, consider overcoming them and consult with the supervisor. Discussing difficulties helps the supervisee model and later develops the skill to discuss the patient’s homework difficulties.

The Impact of the Therapist’s Belief System

In some therapists, there can be reasons for a more complex level of conceptualization. 42 That is important when the therapist repeats certain mistakes even though they have repeatedly discussed them with the supervisor. At a directly accessible level, the situation with the patient can be described using a vicious circle. The deeper “hidden” level refers to the core beliefs and conditional rules activated in a specific situation with the patient. 40 , 43 A supervisor can use the “falling arrow” technique to map core beliefs and conditional assumptions. 43

Case Vignette – Discussion About Supervisee Homework

The scheme broadly refers to mental structures that integrate and give meaning to events. 45 Schemes can be positive, negative or neutral. In CBT as a treatment for psychological disorders, we focus on dysfunctional patterns often associated with specific diagnostic presentations (for example, emotional vulnerability patterns are common in anxiety disorders). Schema is generally defined as a ubiquitous topic of cognitive functions, emotions, physiological feelings about oneself, and relations with others. 33

Therapists’ schemes run in specific therapies and do not usually signal mental health problems. 8 Therapists’ schemes are influenced by the following factors: training experiences, such as supervision and training phase, therapy model, peer group, clinical experience, and personal experience. 13 , 40 Once identified, the therapist’s scheme can be used in supervision as a starting point to discuss some of the practitioner’s views that may interfere with therapy. 8 Completing structured questionnaires can identify participants’ schemes, basic beliefs, and assumptions. Some examples of useful questionnaires are the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, 46 the Personal Faith Questionnaire, 47 the Young Schema Questionnaire 48 and the Therapists’ Schema Questionnaire. 49 Leahy’s Therapists’ Scheme Questionnaire is a relatively straightforward screening technique for identifying therapeutic patterns that could affect a therapeutic relationship. It consists of 46 assumptions related to the 14 most common therapeutic regimens.

Certain schemes are particularly common in CBT supervisees. These include “demanding standards”, “excessive self-sacrifice”, and “special superior person”. 49 Training therapists who identify with the “demanding standards” scheme have a somewhat obsessive, perfectionist, and controlling approach to therapy. These therapists usually have high expectations for keeping a patient’s homework and may not realize that non-compliance with homework is often part of the learning process. Therapists may expect that there is a “right” way to complete a homework assignment, leading to feelings of frustration when assignments produce different results. This may signify insecurity and a notion that if things break from the planned structure, the therapist will be exposed as “incompetent”. Many therapists identify with the “excessive self-sacrifice” pattern, the most commonly observed pattern in both novice and experienced therapists. 33 Leahy 49 proposes that these therapists overstate the importance of their patient relationships. They may fear leaving or feel guilty that they are or feel better than the patient. As a result, the therapist may engage in therapy-defeating behaviors, such as making the homework assignment to the patient’s various needs, having difficulty with appropriate assertiveness in discussing persistent patient non-cooperation, and having a tendency to avoid techniques. Such as exposure or opening of painful memories for fear that the patient will be upset.

Novice therapists who identify with the “special superior person” scheme see the therapeutic situation as an opportunity to achieve excellent results and have high-performance expectations. There may be a tendency for the patient to idealize or, conversely, to devalue or distance himself from patients who do not improve or do their homework. The presence of a “special superior” scheme can be seen as overcompensation in response to “demanding standards” and “excessive self-sacrifice”, which have the thematic connotations of “not being good enough”. The supervision session sets the supervisee in a situation where the supervisor supervises homework through videotaped therapeutic sessions utilizing a cognitive therapy scale (CTS). 50 Feelings of superiority and exceptionality can, in some cases, be a way of dealing with the feelings of inferiority that they experience, that their use of homework is judged in this way.

Case Vignette – The Supervisor Advises the Therapist to Work with Core Beliefs and Conditional Rules

Homework in Supervisor Training

For supervisors, their supervisors’ training is important. An important part of this training is the practice of self-reflection, which should be requested directly in the meeting and as homework. It can be a task to capture situations in supervision in which they do not feel comfortable using the vicious circle, cognitive restructuring of automatic negative thoughts in these situations, capturing thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations and behaviors in situations where they are aware that they are experiencing countertransference reactions to the supervised therapist. It is also important that in their homework, they reflect on their concentration level during supervision sessions and consider what supervision skills they have used or what they have learned for the next session. A typical complex homework in supervision training is a video recording of supervision sessions and their analysis. The recorded supervision and analysis are then analyzed in the next supervision training meeting.

This article is designed as an overview of views and experiences. Its important element is work samples. This is also a limitation of this article. Assignment of homework in supervision and therapist and supervisor training lacks scientific information about its effectiveness. Nevertheless, assigning homework is an important part of cognitive behavioral therapy. We know quite well about its meaning in prescribing for patients. Less is known about their meaning and effectiveness in supervision. The supervisee encounters problems completing homework assignments for her patients that she brings to the supervisee. Why the patient does not complete the homework may be his problem, but his therapist may also have a part in it his requirements, which include how the homework is assigned, its suitability for the given patient, timing, and complexity. Homework can also belong to the training of supervisors and the supervision of supervision. Here, we do not know any research evidence about their effectiveness in using the most important part of supervision, the patient; however, they are experienced by supervisors and supervisees as useful and meaningful.

Homework in supervision and supervision requires further reflection on their meaning and subsequent research, which should examine their significance for the supervisee’s competence (supervisee) and the ultimate impact on the patient himself.

Homework presents one of the cornerstones of cognitive-behavioral therapy, CB supervision and the training of CBT supervisors. If applied consistently and collaboratively, homework enhances therapeutic outcomes and increases the patient’s self-confidence. Setting and maintaining a fruitful working alliance for homework can be challenging – issues with homework present one of the common reasons to seek a supervisory consultation. Supervision then focuses on examining the specific case and experienced problems, factors in the interaction between the therapist and their patient, and the therapist’s automatic thoughts, schemas, and behaviors that might maintain the issue. There are several ways to address this topic in supervision. Homework is usually part of supervision because of its usefulness. The supervised therapist may be given similar tasks as the patient receives in therapy: to describe the automatic thoughts that occur to him while guiding the patient, to test them and look for a more rational response, to conduct behavioral experiments, to clarify the core beliefs and conditioned assumptions that influence the formation of the therapeutic relationship, experiments with adequate communication with the patient and others. A therapist’s self-experience through practice can help them improve their therapeutic work.


This paper was supported by the research grant VEGA no. APVV-15-0502 Psychological, psychophysiological and anthropometric correlates of cardiovascular diseases.

The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.

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Salene M. W. Jones Ph.D.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Beyond worksheets in cognitive-behavioral therapy, cbt may start with worksheets but it’s about building lifelong skills..

Posted November 14, 2021 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma

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  • Worksheets provide structure in cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Worksheets can be helpful for structuring thoughts and emotions when someone is first starting therapy.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has a reputation for using a lot of worksheets. These started as hardcopy pieces of paper that led a client through the steps of various cognitive and behavioral techniques. Now, these worksheets take the form of fillable electronic files, phone apps, and even chatbots. However, it’s important to note that worksheets are not the beginning and end of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Worksheets are instead supposed to be a type of scaffolding, providing support when a client feels particularly depressed or anxious (and has trouble concentrating) or when they are new to cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The worksheets in cognitive-behavioral therapy come in many forms. I tend to use a worksheet called a thought record that helps people identify a stressful situation, their emotions, their negative thoughts and then challenge those negative thoughts. Thought records can be very simple with single-word labels in four boxes (situation, emotion , negative thought, new thought). They can be more elaborate with columns including spaces for getting into the nitty-gritty of how to challenge negative thoughts and come up with more realistic thoughts. Other worksheets focus on identifying negative thoughts associated with a trauma that is keeping a person stuck. Worksheets can also be useful for tracking activities to find times for more self-care. They can also help with building a hierarchy of feared situations to conquer in the right order and at the right pace.

Image by F1 Digitals from Pixabay

Worksheets also have the benefit of making clients write down something. Research has shown that we tend to remember something more when we handwrite it or, at the very least, type it out. Worksheets have multiple uses within cognitive-behavioral therapy. The first is making the skills easier to complete both in session and between sessions and the second is making the content easier to remember.

Successful worksheet completion is not the end goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy, however. The end goal is for a client to feel better (at least less depressed or anxious) and to achieve their individual goals . Ultimately, a successful course of cognitive-behavioral therapy results in clients that are able to use the skills and techniques without the worksheets. The worksheets provide important “training wheels” until they are able to use cognitive and behavioral skills on their own or when symptoms might relapse .

Some people do like to continue to use the worksheets even after therapy has ended. There is nothing wrong with continuing to use the worksheets, of course, particularly if it helps someone remember how to use the skills. But for a lot of clients, the goal is to be able to use the skills in their head whenever it’s needed so they can focus on living their life.

Salene M. W. Jones Ph.D.

Salene M. W. Jones, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in Washington State.

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At any moment, someone’s aggravating behavior or our own bad luck can set us off on an emotional spiral that threatens to derail our entire day. Here’s how we can face our triggers with less reactivity so that we can get on with our lives.

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  • Gaslighting
  • Affective Forecasting
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  1. CBT Worksheets Printable/instant Download Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    cbt without homework

  2. CBT Triangle Worksheet Therapist Aid

    cbt without homework

  3. Printable CBT Triangle Therapist Aid

    cbt without homework

  4. Cbt Thought Feeling Behavior Worksheet

    cbt without homework

  5. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

    cbt without homework

  6. Treatment with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    cbt without homework


  1. 39/The Efficiency of Locomotion hypothesis argues that one major advantage of bipedalism is that it…

  2. CBT Session Demo

  3. At Home Beginner Full Body Workout

  4. CBT session structure

  5. How to Change Your Thoughts

  6. Somatic Healing & Breathwork for ADHD: A ‘must’ for ADHD Management


  1. What is the Status of "Homework" in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 50

    Fortunately, the research underpinning CBT homework is moving towards more clinically meaningful studies. Therapist skill in using homework has been shown to predict outcomes 9-10, and recently a study found that greater consistency of homework with the therapy session resulted in more adherence. 11 Our Cognitive Behavior Therapy Research Lab (currently based at the Turner Institute for Brain ...

  2. CBT Techniques: 25 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Worksheets

    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Worksheets (PDFs) To Print and Use. If you're a therapist looking for ways to guide your client through treatment or a hands-on person who loves to learn by doing, there are many cognitive-behavioral therapy worksheets that can help. 1. Coping styles worksheet.

  3. Sending Homework to Clients in Therapy: The Easy Way

    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy has "been shown to be as effective as medications in the treatment of a number of psychiatric illnesses" (Tang & Kreindler, 2017, p. 1). ... 2017, p. 1). Homework is a vital component of CBT, typically involving completing a structured and focused activity between sessions. Practicing what was learned in therapy ...

  4. Supporting Homework Compliance in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Homework Non-Compliance in CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy that has gained significant acceptance and influence in the treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders and is recommended as a first-line treatment for both of these [1,2].It has also been shown to be as effective as medications in the treatment of a number of psychiatric illnesses [3-6].

  5. How to Design Homework in CBT That Will Engage Your Clients

    Practitioners looking to support these clients using homework might start by sending their clients one or two audio meditations via Quenza, such as the Body Scan Meditation or S.O.B.E.R. Stress Interruption Mediation. That way, the client will have tools on hand to help manage their anxiety in stressful situations.

  6. Assigning Homework in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is known to be a highly effective approach to mental health treatment. One factor underlying its success is the homework component of treatment. It's certainly ...

  7. PDF Understanding and enhancing the effects of homework in cognitive

    use of homework adheres sufÞciently to the tenets of CBT. In many respects, CBT without homework is a misnomer. For example, the Cognitive Therapy Rating Scale (Young & Beck, 1980), used to assess compe-tency in the delivery of cognitive therapy, includes a question on whether the therapist assigns and reviews ÔÔcustom-tailoredÕÕ homework ...

  8. Homework in Cognitive Behavioral Supervision: Theoretical Background

    Homework in Therapy. While specific recommendations for the practical usage of homework have been clearly articulated since the early days of CBT, 11, 12 practitioners state that they do not follow these recommendations. 13-15 For example, many physicians admit that they forget homework or do not focus on standard specifications when, where, how often, and how long the task should last.

  9. Homework in CBT

    Explore as a team, in a non-judgmental way, to explore why the homework was not done. Here are some ways to increase adherence to homework: Tailor the assignments to the individual. Provide a rationale for how and why the assignment might help. Determine the homework collaboratively. Try to start the homework during the session.

  10. The New "Homework" in Cognitive Behavior Therapy

    By Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., and Francine R. Broder, Psy.D. Judith S. Beck, Ph.D. We've stopped using the word "homework" in CBT. Too many clients take exception to that term. It reminds them of the drudgery of assignments they had to do at home when they were at school. So in recent times, we've switched. "Homework" is now called the ...

  11. A Comprehensive Model of Homework in Cognitive Behavior Therapy

    Homework is both a process and a specific task in therapy. Definitions have varied, but those from integrative and non-CBT modalities agree that the concept of "between-session assignments" are relevant and important for the range of psychotherapy approaches (see special issue in Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, Vol. 16, No. 2). One point of differentiation has been the process for ...

  12. When Your Clients Don't Do Their Homework

    A client's success heavily depends on doing homework between sessions. Too many coaches, counselors, and therapists are too nice when a client doesn't. They too readily let the client off the ...

  13. 20 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Techniques with Examples

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands as a powerful, evidence-based therapeutic approach for various mental health challenges. At its core lies a repertoire of techniques designed to reframe thoughts, alter behaviors, and alleviate emotional distress. This article explores 20 most commonly used cbt techniques.

  14. Homework in CBT

    Homework in CBT. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a very practical therapy that involves homework as a huge part of the therapy process. You may think of school when they hear the term "homework", and that's understandable. However, homework in CBT is actually a really good thing. The reason that there is a heavy focus on homework or ...

  15. "HOMEWORK? NOT ME!" (CBT Clinical Tip)

    A common feature of CBT is assigning therapy homework. In 7 minutes, Christine A. Padesky, PhD demonstrates ways to turn "homework" drudgery into learning cl...

  16. Homework in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    CBT conditions with and without homework reported that effect sizes for CBT with homework were significantly greater than CBT comprising entirely of in-session work for anxiety and depression (d 5 0.48).18 Conversely, a study by Burns and Spangler19 observed that there was evidence of

  17. How Much Does Homework Matter in Therapy?

    A meta-analysis is a statistical summary of a body of research. It can be used to identify the average impact of psychotherapy homework on treatment outcomes across numerous studies. The results ...

  18. Homework In Cognitive Behavioral Supervision

    The investigations advocate that adding homework to CBT increases its efficacy and that patients who constantly complete homework have better outcomes. The outcomes of four meta-analyses highlight the value of homework in CBT: Kazantzis et al 10 inspected 14 studies that compared results for patients allocated to CBT without or with homework ...

  19. What is the Status of "Homework" in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 50

    supporting homework is almost wholly derived from dismantling studies that contrast CBT with CBT without homework, or correlational studies of homework adherence and symptom reduction. Findings from our most recent meta-analysis suggest that homework quantity and quality have little difference in their relations with outcome4. As clinicians, we ...

  20. Beyond Worksheets in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

    The worksheets in cognitive-behavioral therapy come in many forms. I tend to use a worksheet called a thought record that helps people identify a stressful situation, their emotions, their ...

  21. CBT Worksheets

    The Cognitive Triangle. worksheet. The cognitive triangle illustrates how thoughts, emotions, and behaviors affect one another. This idea forms the basis of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Perhaps most important to CBT, when a person changes their thoughts, they will also change their emotions and behaviors.

  22. Homework Assignments in CBT: A Close Look with Therapy Now SF

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a transformative approach that intertwines our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. At Therapy Now SF, we're firm advocates of CBT's efficacy, and an essential ingredient in this process is the use of homework assignments. ... In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, homework assignments aren't merely tasks to ...