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Functional Resume Templates

With our functional resume template, you’ll be on your way to interviewing in no time. To get started, just click on a template below and start importing your existing content.

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Single Column

Skill-based resume template. Resume is focused on your abilities gained at different companies, rather than career Timeline.

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Career-change resume template. If you're switching career fields, pick this template.

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Job-hopper resume template. Keep your skills updated when switching jobs.

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Competency-based resume template. A functional design that highlights your skills and competencies, making it suitable for professionals with transferable skills and experience in a variety of industries. Ideal for entry- to senior-level professionals.

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Double Column

Career summary resume template. A functional resume that highlights your career summary and accomplishments, making it easy for employers to understand your strengths and experience. Great fit for mid-level professionals.

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Expertise-focused resume template. A functional resume that focuses on your areas of expertise and the value you can bring to an organization, making it a perfect fit for entry- to mid-level professionals.

What is a functional resume template?

A functional resume template is a fantastic option for anyone who’s starting their career or switching to a different field. The focus is on your professional skills rather than your work history.

Functional resume templates are a format that groups your experience under skill categories instead of job titles to emphasize transferable skills by listing examples of your abilities from both work and personal experiences.

Functional resumes are perfect for highlighting your experience and are easy to write with our already-made template structure .

When to use a functional resume template?

With their specific structure, functional resumes put your skills and achievements front and center and before the work experience. After your contact information, you go straight into your most relevant abilities and accomplishments, and then you can give brief details about your job history.

That’s why this format is preferable to people with employment gaps , military experience, or entry-level.

Functional Resumes are also perfect for jobseekers who are switching industries or want to take a new direction in their career path. The main purpose of this resume template is to put to light your skillset, especially if you apply to a different industry. In this case, emphasizing your transferable skills can help you land a new job.

Unfortunately, a functional resume, as attractive as it can be to some jobseekers, can cause suspicion in recruiters, because of the presented information, which can be taken out of context. That’s why some recruiters prefer a combination of functional and reverse-chronological resumes.

But still, there are so many good reasons to use this formatting if you do it right. Check our guide on how to write a resume .

Tips for building the best functional resume

A functional resume or skill-based structure can be used with the modern design template or the classical one. It will depend only on your personality, experience, and the type of business industry you are applying to. Let’s begin to create the best functional resume, so you can get the job of your dreams:

Take the best from both worlds. You can use some features from the modern design and the traditional one. Keep your resume clean of unnecessary graphics. Use icons only to pop up your skills and achievement sections. Each section on your resume is arranged in blocks to emphasize the important information - your accomplishments and abilities. You can be inspired by some of the best resume designs .

Your resume should be easily readable. That’s why you should choose your font carefully . The best fonts are those that have enough white space to read well on both screens and print, it will make your resume easier to scan/read. Enhancv’s functional resume template uses Lato for all headings, subheadings, and body text. And while the body of the text is consistent throughout, the resume headings are large enough to catch the readers' eye.

Using black, white, and a third color like blue or green is a safe resume color scheme . That’s why we are using a splash of blue to help draw attention without being distracting. The general rule is to make one color dominant, one secondary, and the third to place emphasis. Use white for the background, black for the text, and the third color to highlight important parts like heaters for the different sections.

Select the best layout

A functional resume follows a skill-based structure to emphasize your strengths and achievements, which are one of the first things to list. The resume features several sections: heading, summary, strengths, achievements, experience, and education.

Of course, you start your resume from the header , where you can list your name and contact information. Your name is the biggest thing on the resume to ensure you stand out. It’s always better to add something more about yourself, as a link to your profile in professional networks or if you have a portfolio website that is appropriate to share. Headshot’s not a must to include, but if the recruiters specifically mention it in the job application, you should add it at the header near your name and contact information.

The summary in the functional resume looks a little bit different. The focus here is to highlight your skills and achievements, allowing you to describe your qualifications with more detail using strong action verbs. If you have gaps in your employment history or other problems, here is the place to explain them. Use the summary to illustrate to the recruiters why you're qualified for the position.

The next step is to the key sections on your functional resume. Strengths and achievements are featured first to show recruiters what sets you apart from other candidates. In the first section, list and give examples of your transferable skills like time management, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, organization, leadership, and so on. Emphasize these strengths, giving examples of what you accomplished by applying this skillset to your previous jobs, personal situations, or academic life in the achievement section.

A functional resume is focused on your experience and skills, in the education section you can list the basic facts regarding your degree, including institution name, location, degree, and major. If you don’t have any previous work experience, you should spend more time in the education section by providing more details on your courses if relevant to the job you are applying for. You can check our guide for resumes without work experience .

Another section that you can add to your functional resume is information about your certifications . Especially in the cases in which you decided to career change and took professional retraining courses to enable you to do the job you are applying for. It’s essential to mention this certification on top of your resume in the summary section, or you risk the recruiter just skipping over your resume and missing this information.

Additional sections and information that you can add if applicable to your resume can be - special awards or commendations; testimonials from clients; volunteer work; projects; publications, or special courses. You can list them by importance and significance in separate sections. Name each of your sections, then add a short description below

Number of pages

Keep your resume between one or two full pages . Your application’s length should be determined by the position you’re applying for and the amount of relevant experience you have. If you are an entry-level candidate or a fresh graduate, you can fill up one page effortlessly. It’s your choice how to arrange all the sections - in one or two columns. Functional resumes are very flexible and can give you a lot of freedom to creatively shape your resume on one or two pages.

Functional resume templates pros and cons

  • A functional resume is the right choice for candidates with non-traditional work experience or no work experience entirely.
  • A functional resume emphasizes your skills and accomplishments. It is an effective way to tell your career story if you have a lot of experience and want your goal is to showcase your accomplishments.
  • It is easy to adjust the content to a specific role you’re hoping to land without thinking much about job titles that aren’t relevant to the job application, employment gaps, or lack of experience in the field
  • More experienced recruiters don’t like this type of resume formatting because your skills and achievements are laid out without context.
  • Some recruiters will skip to the part of your work experience and education and entirely miss evening else.
  • Functional resumes aren’t very common, which can lead to confusion, and the recruiter might have a hard time scanning and understanding this alternative formatting

Resume image 1

Frequently asked questions about functional resume templates

Do employers like functional resumes, how do i write a functional resume with no experience, are functional resumes still used.

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How to use abbreviations on your resume, what i learned from creating donald trump's resume, how to write a career change resume summary with examples, how to write a job rejection email response (with bonus examples), matthew, the writer of nearly 500 resumes.

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Functional Resume Template

functional resume template

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Download this free functional resume and customize it in Word

Our functional resume is completely free ! It is a reverse-chronological resume template that focuses on skills honed through professional experiences. It is commonly used when switching careers or just starting one. This free template is perfect for all profiles and job offers and can be customized easily in Word to fit your style preferences. Download for free this resume template !

  • File format:  Word (Microsoft)
  • File size:  329 KB
  • Ready-to-use:  fast, easy, and free


Are you in the process of crafting a functional resume and need some expert guidance? You’re in the right place! A functional resume format can be a valuable tool to highlight your skills and experiences, especially if you’re changing careers or have employment gaps. Let’s dive into some essential tips for creating an effective functional resume:

Tips for Making a Good Functional Resume

Creating a compelling functional resume is the first crucial step towards securing your dream job. This type of resume shines when you know how to choose the right sections and organize your information effectively . To guide you on your journey, we’ll offer valuable insights into the art of crafting a standout functional resume. Learn to select sections that match your unique qualifications, present your skills with impact, and tailor your resume for each job application.

  • Choose Relevant Sections : When selecting sections for your functional resume, focus on those that best highlight your skills and experiences, such as “Profile Summary,” “Experiences,” and “Education.”
  • Use Keywords : Incorporate keywords from the job description to ensure your resume aligns with the employer’s requirements.
  • Prioritize Skills : Place your skills section near the top to draw attention to your qualifications.
  • Quantify Achievements : Use specific numbers and metrics to highlight your accomplishments, making your resume more impactful.
  • Include Transferable Skills : Emphasize skills that can easily transfer to the new role you’re targeting.
  • Customize for Each Job : Tailor your functional resume for each job application to match the job requirements.

Recommended Sections

  • Profile Summary


Optional sections.

  • Certifications
  • Volunteer Work
  • Hobbies and Interests

Profile Summary for a Functional Resume

Your profile summary is the gateway to your functional resume, where you introduce yourself to potential employers. It plays a pivotal role in making a positive first impression . Depending on your career level, your profile summary should reflect your qualifications and set the tone for the rest of your resume. By keeping it tailored, concise, and focused on what you can bring to the table, you’ll capture the recruiter’s attention and encourage them to read further.

Entry-Level Functional Resume

Enthusiastic recent graduate with a background in marketing and strong digital marketing skills. Eager to contribute to a dynamic team and apply my knowledge of SEO, content creation, and social media management to drive online engagement.

Junior-Level Functional Resume

Results-driven marketing professional with 2+ years of experience in developing and executing digital marketing strategies. Proficient in SEO, content marketing, and data analytics. Proven ability to enhance online visibility and increase website traffic.

Experienced Functional Resume

Accomplished marketing manager with 7+ years of experience leading successful marketing campaigns. Adept at developing and implementing comprehensive digital marketing strategies, including SEO, content marketing, and social media. Proven track record of driving business growth through online initiatives.

Check out Resume Objective Examples for more tips

Experiences in a Functional Resume

The “Experiences” section of your functional resume is your canvas to showcase your relevant work history and achievements. This section should demonstrate how your past roles have equipped you with the skills and experience needed for the job you’re applying for. To make this section compelling, be sure to detail your job titles, company names, employment dates, and, most importantly, your achievements. Quantify your accomplishments, and use strong action verbs to create an engaging narrative of your professional journey.

Example of experiences on a functional resume

Digital Marketing Specialist , XYZ Marketing Agency January 20XX – Present

  • Increased website traffic by 40% through SEO optimization.
  • Boosted social media engagement by 50% through targeted campaigns.
  • Generated $500,000 in revenue through successful online ad campaigns.

Content Writer , ABC Content Solutions June 20XX – December 20XX

  • Authored SEO-optimized articles resulting in a 30% increase in organic traffic.
  • Collaborated with the team to develop high-performing content strategies.
  • Maintained a 98% client satisfaction rate by delivering quality content.

Marketing Coordinator , XYZ Tech Solutions March 20XX – May 20XX

  • Orchestrated successful product launches, resulting in a 25% increase in sales.
  • Managed and optimized digital ad campaigns with a $1 million budget.
  • Conducted market research to identify new opportunities, leading to a 15% revenue growth.

Education for Functional Resume

The “Education” section in your functional resume is where you highlight your academic background and relevant coursework. This section is especially important if you’re a recent graduate or if your educational qualifications are closely aligned with the job requirements. List your degrees, institutions, dates of training, and, most importantly, include any courses that are directly related to the job. If you’ve received honors or special recognition during your academic journey, this is the place to proudly display them.

Example of education on a functional resume

Bachelor of Science in Marketing , University of Marketing Excellence September 20XX – May 20XX

  • Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Content Marketing
  • SEO and Analytics

Honors : Magna Cum Laude

Hard Skills for the Functional Resume

In the world of functional resumes, the “Hard Skills” section is your secret weapon for catching the eye of recruiters. Tailoring your list of technical skills to match the job description is essential. Think about the specific skills the job demands and make sure they prominently feature in this section. This not only demonstrates your suitability for the role but also boosts your chances of getting noticed in today’s competitive job market.

Example of hard skills on a functional resume

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Social Media Management
  • Data Analytics
  • Email Marketing
  • PPC Advertising
  • Web Analytics
  • Graphic Design
  • CRM Software

functional resume template

Soft Skills for the Functional Resume

Don’t underestimate the power of your personal qualities. In the “Soft Skills” section of your functional resume, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your interpersonal and behavioral traits . These skills, often overlooked, can set you apart from other candidates. Think about the attributes that align with the job you’re pursuing, such as communication, problem-solving, and leadership, and make them stand out in this section.

Example of soft skills for a functional resume

  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Adaptability
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Organizational Skills
  • Critical Thinking

In the digital age, many jobs require proficiency with specific software . This is where the “Software” section comes into play. Depending on your target job, list the software programs you are proficient in. Mentioning relevant software skills can be a game-changer, as it signals your readiness to hit the ground running and minimizes the employer’s need for additional training.

Example of software programs on a resume

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Google Analytics
  • Microsoft Office Suite

Functional Resume Example

John Doe [email protected] (555) 555-5555 linkedin.com/johndoe

Dedicated administrative professional with over 7 years of experience in office management, document control, and streamlining operations. Proven ability to solve complex problems, optimize workflows, and enhance efficiency. Adept at handling sensitive information and maintaining a high level of confidentiality.

  • Office Management: Restructured departments for a 20% increase in efficiency.
  • Document Control: Developed and implemented a system reducing retrieval time by 30%.
  • Workflow Optimization: Redesigned processes for improved efficiency.
  • Team Leadership: Managed teams and coordinated project deadlines.
  • Calendar Management: Organized meetings and travel for senior management.
  • Records Management: Implemented efficient filing systems.
  • Event Planning: Successfully coordinated high-profile corporate events.
  • Data Entry: Maintained accurate records and data.
  • Travel Coordination: Organized travel arrangements for senior management.
  • Problem Solving: Resolved complex issues to ensure smooth operations.

Administrative Manager , ABC Corporation January 20XX – Present

  • Restructured the administrative department, achieving a 20% increase in efficiency.
  • Led and coordinated a team of administrative staff, ensuring project deadlines were met.
  • Implemented a document management system, reducing retrieval time by 30%.
  • Managed executive calendars, organized meetings, and coordinated travel arrangements.

Executive Assistant , XYZ Company March 20XX – December 20XX

  • Provided comprehensive executive support to the CEO, including meeting organization and report preparation.
  • Designed and implemented an efficient filing system, reducing document search time by 25%.
  • Successfully coordinated high-profile corporate events and conferences.
  • Drafted and edited important communications for the executive team.

Office Coordinator , LMN Organization May 20XX – February 20XX

  • Managed front desk operations, handling phone calls, mail, and visitor inquiries.
  • Redesigned workflow processes and transitioned the office to digital record-keeping, improving efficiency.
  • Coordinated office maintenance, leading to a 20% reduction in operational costs.
  • Conducted onboarding and training for new administrative staff.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Business Administration , NYU Graduated in May 20XX

  • Strong organizational skills
  • Exceptional attention to detail
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Superior time management
  • High level of professionalism
  • Excellent communication abilities
  • Trustworthy and reliable
  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Commitment to maintaining confidentiality
  • Customer service orientation
  • Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)
  • Google Workspace (Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Calendar)
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Reading non-fiction books
  • Volunteering at a local animal shelter
  • Hiking in the great outdoors
  • Participating in community service projects
  • Traveling to explore different cultures
  • Attending business seminars and workshops

Functional Resume FAQs

What’s the main advantage of a functional resume.

The primary advantage of a functional resume is its ability to highlight your skills and qualifications, making it ideal for career changers or individuals with employment gaps.

How can I tailor my resume for a specific job?

To tailor your functional resume, review the job description carefully, identify the key skills and requirements, and ensure your resume includes relevant keywords and experiences.

Are hobbies and interests important in a functional resume?

Including hobbies and interests in is optional. Only add them if they demonstrate skills or qualities relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Also download our Chronological resume template

Charles H.

Resume, CV and Cover Letter Writing Expert

Updated March 13, 2024

  • Free Resume Example
  • Hard Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • Written Example
  • Resume Examples
  • Resume Templates
  • Basic Resume Templates

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Put your best qualities on display with professional, customizable resume and cv templates. no matter your line of work or length of professional history, you'll find resume and cv templates that'll help you get the gig..

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Download free resume templates

Land your dream job with free, customizable resume templates. Showcase your potential to recruiters and stand out from other candidates with a professional template. Whether you're applying to corporate positions or creative roles, go with a sleek design or show your creativity with bold colors .

Resumes don't need to look boring—add flair to your professional experience with a creative resume template. There are plenty of resume designs to choose from, like simple resume templates and modern resume templates. Each resume template is fully customizable in Microsoft Word , so you can personalize each design element and add your own text. Using a template also makes it easier to customize your resume for each position you apply to.

Print out as many copies as you'd like or download the template for free to share digitally when applying online. These professional resume templates are perfect for any stage of life or career. Whether you're a high school student, actor, or seeking a career in nursing, you can find any format for any job type.

There are also a variety of free CV (Curriculum Vitae) templates to choose from. A CV is often longer than a resume and contains an in-depth look at your education and professional accomplishments. Like our resume templates, these CV templates are also customizable in Word.

Remember, your next job is only a template away! Once you've customized your resume, explore free cover letter templates to help you land the job.

Resume Templates

/ 0 - 5 years of experience

Choose a [Free] Resume Template

Pick one of our professional resume templates to get started on your job application. Just fill out your favorite resume template to create a flawless, ATS-friendly resume in under 5 minutes. Try out one of our 8+ free resume templates to make an impressive resume and land your dream job in no time!

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Minimalist Resume Template


General Resume Template


Combined Resume Template

Why Novorésumé?

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We offer both free and premium resume templates, so whatever your budget might be, you can still take advantage of our resume builder.

Creative & Professional Resume Templates

Whether you’re a creative advertiser looking for an outside-the-box creative resume template, or a banker seeking a more professional resume template, we’ve got a template for you!

NO Hidden Fees

If you’ve tried other resume builders, you’ve probably experienced this: You spend hours creating a resume, and when you click “download,” you get hit with a paywall asking you to subscribe.

At Novorésumé, we don’t do that . We have NO hidden fees - upgrade to Premium ONLY if you LOVE our resumes!

ATS Friendly

All Novorésumé resume templates are built with the most popular Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in mind. What this means for YOU is that whichever job you apply for, the CV filtering software they use will be able to read your resume (and NOT automatically discard it).

Expert Reviews

Oana Vintila

Career Counselor

For over 10 years now, I've been on both sides of the fence, career counseling, and recruitment, and let me tell you, the writer's block hits hard when it comes to drafting your resume.

Novorésumé not only offers you a smart and modern template for you to fill in, but their team has also crafted a winning combo of aesthetics and functionality that will inspire you to apply for the job you thought was out of your league. Give it a try!

Biron Clark

Former Executive Recruiter

Novorésumé is one of the few resume builders that I recommend online. Their resume templates are modern and eye-catching, and will grab an employer's attention. As a former Recruiter, if a candidate sent me a resume built with one of these templates, I would take notice and be impressed.

The software also makes it easy to enter your info and handles all of the formatting for you, so you can get your resume ready to send out as quickly as possible. I recommend these templates whether you're a recent graduate or experienced candidate.

Gabriela Tardea

Career Strategist, Coach & Trainer

When I consult people on resume writing, the most common question that I am asked it is about the content and what components to add or avoid, when they have less than 5 years of work experience.

On this platform, you not only have access to many options, but you get guidance on what to choose and why. When the work experience is less than 5 years, the other components such as languages, projects, volunteering experiences, hobbies etc, make a huge difference.

Resume Resources

What is a resume.

A resume is a brief summary of personal and professional experiences, skills, and education history. Its main purpose is to show off your best self to potential employers.

When applying for a job, you’re (in most cases) going to be asked for a resume accompanied by a cover letter.

If you manage to create a “good” resume, you’re going to 2x your chances of getting hired . Want to learn how? Check out our complete guide on how to make a resume .

How to Write a Resume With No Experience?

The process of writing a resume might seem super scary to you. After all, most resume examples you see on the web are 80% about work experience. So, what the heck can you include in your resume if you have none?

Well, here’s some good news. If you’re applying for an entry-level job or an internship, no one expects you to have ANY work experience.

Instead, you should focus on what you DO have: education, projects, volunteering experience, hobbies & interests.

For a complete guide on how to make a resume with no work experience stand out, check out our article.

What to Put on a Resume?

The most common sections on a resume are:

Contact information

Resume summary or objective

Work experience

If you want to personalize your resume a bit more, you can also include the following sections:

Volunteering experience

Hobbies & interests

For more information on how to place these sections on your resume, check out our article on what to put on a resume .

How to Format a Resume?

Here are the three most popular resume formats:

Reverse-Chronological Resume

Functional Resume

Combination Resume

In 99% of the cases, you’ll want to go with the reverse chronological resume format . That’s the format most resumes you’ve seen follow - its main focus is your work experience, written down in reverse-chronological order.

So, unless you’re a student with no professional experience or a career changer, we’d recommend sticking with this format.

If you want to learn more about three resume formats , check out our comparison guide.

How to Write a Resume For a Student?

A good student resume takes advantage of the education section to highlight the candidate’s skills and qualifications.

So, the first thing you should do is talk about all your academic achievements, including any classes you’ve taken that are relevant to the position.

As a student, hiring managers don’t expect you to have extensive professional experience, so you don’t have to worry about the work experience section missing from your resume. Instead, you can focus on highlighting your extracurricular activities , any volunteering you’ve done, and your awards or certifications.

This student resume guide has all the information you need to perfect your resume and land your first real job.

How to Write a Resume For My First Job?

If you’re applying for your first job, chances are you don’t have substantial work experience. That’s fine - hiring managers expect that from entry-level positions.

First things first, go for the reverse-chronological format. Instead of writing a resume summary, use a resume objective to highlight your skills and career aspirations. If you have any work experience, do include it on your resume.

If not, you should put more focus on the following sections:

Internships , where you should focus on what you learned and achieved

Extracurricular activities , where you should highlight your role, responsibilities, and achievements.

Volunteering experiences , where you should mention the organization name, and relevant tasks and achievements.

Projects , where you talk about any personal projects you’ve worked on (that are also somehow relevant to the job you’re applying for).

Check out this guide on writing a resume with no experience to learn more about the topic and get inspired by real-life examples.

How Long Should a Resume Be?

Short answer: one page. If you're a seasoned professional with a lot of work experience that's relevant to the position, you can create a 2-page long resume MAX.

Long answer: check out our guide on how long should a resume be .

P.S. all of our templates are one page long , so you shouldn’t have a lot of trouble sticking to the one-page limit!

How to Write a Resume Summary?

Your resume summary is a “hook” that goes on top of your resume. Think of it as an introduction to the rest of your resume. It should, in 2-4 sentences, explain what your background is, and why it’s relevant for the position you’re applying for.

To learn more about how to create a resume summary that stands out, check out our guide.

How to List Work Experience on a Resume?

Work experience on a resume is one of those things that’s easy to learn but hard to master.

Each work experience entry should contain the following information:

Company name/description/location

Achievements or responsibilities

Dates employed

Now, if you want to create a work experience section that stands out, you want to make your achievements quantifiable. What this means is, instead of creating a responsibility-focused entry, like:

“Carried out sales operations.”

You list your achievements:

“Hit and exceeded monthly sales KPIs for 5 months in a row.”

This shows the employer that you’re not just a random candidate, you’re an A-player! To learn more about how to list achievements in your work experience (and land the job), check out our article.

How to List Skills on a Resume?

Simply create a ”skills” section on your Novorésumé resume template, and list your top skills. We usually recommend going for a mix of hard and soft skills .

Not sure what skills to include in your resume? Check out these 101 essential skills for any resume .

How to Make a Cover Letter for a Resume?

You should always submit a cover letter along with your resume for any job you apply to. Here are some of our top cover letter tips on how to do this right:

Tailor your cover letter to the employer. The more personalized it is, the more likely it is for the recruiter to like you.

Outline your general background (work experience, profession, etc.) and mention your top 2-3 achievements to show off your skills.

If you really want to stand out, create a cover letter that matches your resume template. To do this, you can use one of our cover letter templates here .

If you want to learn more about how to write a convincing cover letter, check out our comprehensive guide.

What Is the Best Resume Template?

There’s no such thing as “the best resume template” - every recruiter/employer has their own personal preference. Our general recommendation is to do your research on the company and its values.

For example, if you’re applying for a position at a bank, you’d want a more traditional resume template. Or, if you want a job in a startup where they value innovation more, you could opt for a creative resume template .

Alternatively, if you want your experience and skills to do all the talking, you can pick one of these minimalist resume templates .

Finally, if you’re still not sure which type of template is right for the job you’re applying for, you can just use a simple resume template just to be safe.

Do I Need to Include a Photo on my Resume?

No, you don’t need to include your photo together with your other contact details. Companies hire based on merit, which means your physical appearance shouldn’t matter to the hiring manager.

Instead, in your contact information section, make sure to include the following:

Professional title

Valid phone number

Email address

Location/where you’re based

Link to website/ LinkedIn /online portfolio, etc.

What’s the Difference Between a Resume and a CV?

In most cases, when people are talking about a CV or a resume, they are referring to the same thing! The only difference is that it's called a resume in the US and a CV in Europe (and most other countries around the world).

Now, in the US, a CV is a very in-depth document that describes your career journey step-by-step, including all sorts of personal information . Depending on your amount of experience, a CV can range between 2 to 8 pages and it’s typically used when you’re applying for jobs in academia.

Check out our guide for a more comprehensive run-down of the differences between a CV and a resume .

6 Tips for Creating a US Resume (That’ll Land You the Job)

Looking to get hired in the US? Check out our tips for creating a US resume below!

Keep your resume between 1-3 pages . A one-page resume is preferable unless you’re a seasoned professional. In such a case, you can go for two or even three, if your experience is really relevant.

Use Standard American English . So, for example, write “color” instead of the UK version, which is “colour.”

Leave out personal information , such as marital status, birthday, gender, photo, number of children, age, religion, personal identification numbers, and ethnicity/country of origin. They can be grounds for discrimination.

Don’t include references, unless the employer specifically asks you to.

Don’t list English as a foreign language.

Don’t list your GPA, SAT, TOEFL, or ACT scores on your US resume unless otherwise stated. Hiring managers usually don’t care.

Check out this guide for the full list of resume tips and tricks !

Get Inspired with Our Resume Examples

Resume templates faq, how to make a resume with novorésumé.

Follow these simple steps:

Choose one of our top resume templates above

Follow the tips & tricks built-in our resume builder

Fill in your work history and other experiences

Hit download and start applying to jobs!

What If I Am a Student?

All of our resume samples are student-friendly! If you’re looking for something a bit more tailored, we’d recommend picking the “college resume template”

Or, if you want to learn how to create a convincing student resume , check out our guide.

Do I Really Need a Resume?

Yes, you definitely need a resume!

Practically every job out there requires that candidates submit a resume and a cover letter, so if you want your application to be considered by the hiring manager, you definitely need a resume .

Are These Resume Templates Free?

Yep, all of the templates listed above are free resume templates.

However, our resume builder comes with a ton of premium features. So if you want to personalize your resume and make it truly yours, you can upgrade!

Who Created These Resume Samples?

At Novorésumé, we put extensive care in creating each resume template.

We interviewed recruiters and analyzed applicant tracking systems to create resume samples that will maximize your chances of getting hired.

Then, our professional graphic designer worked his magic to make the resume samples compelling, well-designed, and easy to read!

Which Template Do Most Employers Prefer for Resumes?

Typically, employers prefer simple, professional-looking resume templates that follow the reverse-chronological format and don’t surpass two pages MAX in length.

All the Novoresume templates above meet these requirements, so rest assured hiring managers will dig whichever one you choose.

Are These Resume Templates ATS-Friendly?

Yes! All Novorésumé templates are ATS-friendly .

Keep in mind, though, that using the right template is step #1. You should also optimize your resume content for applicant tracking systems. For more on that, check out our guide to creating an ATS-friendly resume .

Do You Offer One-Page Resume Templates?

Yep. All the templates you see above are one-page resume templates. They are, however, pretty flexible, so if you decide to go for 2 pages, our templates will get the job done!

Should I Download My New Resume In PDF or Word?

You should always download and save your resume as a PDF .

Here’s why:

PDF formatting never gets messed up.

It’s compatible with practically any system or device.

PDF documents look cleaner and are overall more professional.

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  • Resume Templates
  • Resume Examples
  • Free Resume Builder
  • How to Write a Resume
  • Resume Format
  • Resume Packs
  • Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Free Cover Letter Generator
  • How To Write a Cover Letter
  • CV Templates
  • CV Examples
  • Free CV Maker
  • Resume Help
  • Cover Letter Help
  • Job Interview
  • Career Advice

Free Resume Templates

Download in Word, Google Docs, PDF 

Today is a great day to level up your resume.  Free resume templates in every style, format, and design you can imagine. 

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Discover 180+ Resume Templates

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Professional Resume Templates

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Professional resume templates for job seekers with ample work experience. Showcase your skills and qualifications. Browse our best free resume templates to give your resume the glow-up it deserves. 

  • Sleek, functional layout 
  • “Sells” you as a strong candidate
  • Suitable for all job titles 

Modern Resume Templates

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Modern resume templates for Microsoft Word provide stylish, crisp, fresh design elements that will help you grab a recruiter’s attention in just six seconds. The right resume template for candidates in the tech and startup industry. 

  • Chronological resume templates
  • Made for readability and skimming
  • Instant, free download

Simple and Basic Resume Templates

Classic Resume Template Sleek and Simple

Uncluttered editable resume template with minimal styling. Choose a time-tested basic resume design to avoid any faux pas with employers or applicant screening software. 

  • Editable and printable resume design 
  • Easy customization in Word 
  • Suitable for all resume formats

Creative Resume Templates

The Vintage Rose Resume Template

Don’t want a bland, blank resume template? These creative resume templates offer a perfectly balanced mix of personality, professionalism, and playfulness to make a strong first impression. 

  • Free editable resume templates
  • Unique personal branding
  • Creative layout and formatting

Free CV Templates

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Professional CV templates, perfectly suited for academic and federal jobs in the US and any type of job application in Europe. An impactful selection of the best CV templates with proper layout and formatting. 

  • Full CV layout and formatting
  • User-friendly design 
  • Instant download CV templates 

ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

Job Jive ATS Resume Template

Clean and compelling resume design that sits well with applicant tracking software and hiring managers alike. Optimized fonts, clear formatting syntax, and optimal layout for readability.  

  • Compatible with popular ATSs 
  • One-column layout 
  • Suitable for all experience levels 

Resume Templates With Photo

A la mode Resume Template

Put a face behind the name to make a memorable first impression. Resume templates with photos to land a dream job in acting, modeling, or creative professions. 

  • Editable headshot space
  • Optimized section layout 
  • Brandable styles 

How to Choose The Best  Resume Template? 

Not sure which resume design works for your profession? Go with a professional resume template if you’re an experienced worker applying via email. Or download a basic resume template if the company uses an ATS — this way, your resume won’t get filtered out. 

Gunning up for a job in a creative industry or a hip startup? Try out one of the modern resume templates or a creative resume design to give your job application a unique, brandable flair. Resume templates with photos also work great! 

Or better yet, test-drive several free resume templates to see which one gets you the most positive responses! 

Resume Templates for Different File Formats

Get a free editable resume template in your preferred format — Microsoft Word (.doc), PDF, or Google Docs. 

Free Word Resume Templates 

The best resume templates for Microsoft Word. Our most downloaded and top-rated designs in .doc and .docx format are the ones you have seen on this page until here, so make sure to scroll back to the top if MS Word format is what you are looking for.

Google Docs Resume Templates 

Discover attention-grabbing resume templates for Google Docs. Download and edit your new resume design in the cloud, then share it with others with one click. 

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Free Resume in PDF 

Use our free tool to make a resume online in PDF format. Write your resume faster with contextual tips and instantly generate a PDF copy for free. No account is required. 

Check our free resume builder

Resume Templates By Professions 

Get done with writing faster by downloading a pre-filled resume template for your position. Take advantage of the pointers and sample texts created by a professional team of resume writers.

Our remarkable set of role-based resume templates includes the optimal visual layout paired with text snippets you can use to model your own resume.

Resume Template with No College Degree

How to Use Your Free Editable Resume Template 

  • Select a design you fancy and download a free copy to your computer. 
  • Open the template in Microsoft Word or Google Docs to personalize. 
  • Fill in the blanks using your personal details. Refer to relevant resume examples for ideas and tips. 
  • Review and edit your resume. Include strong verbs and adjectives to add persuasion. 
  • Save and name your document: Resume – First name and Surname. 
  • Create a PDF resume version to send via email. PDFs help avoid formatting issues. 

How To Write A Resume

A resume template is the best cure for the blank page syndrome. You’re halfway done — all that’s left is to fill in the blanks in the resume template and hit save. 

Select The Right Resume Format 

The 3 most popular resume formats are chronological, functional, and combination resumes. 

  • Chronological resume organizes the information like LinkedIn does – from the latest position to the first one, with education, interests, and additional info listed later. It’s the most popular resume format, preferred for recruiters. Go for it unless you’re entry-level or changing careers. 
  • Functional resume keeps the focus on your skills and experience, rather than employment history. It’s the go-to choice for candidates with employment gaps and those without much hands-on work experience.
  • Combination resume takes the best of both worlds and allows you to spice up your “dry” employment history with some juicy details about your skill set and achievements. Startups and edgier companies may prefer this. 

Create a Compelling Summary 

A resume summary is a two-sentence statement highlighting your key qualifications, skills, and value proposition for the role. It sits in the header area, right after your name and contact details. Think of it as a teaser to a movie — you should put your most marketable skills upfront to immediately capture the hiring manager’s attention and get them interested in reading the full copy. 

Add Work History 

List your employers in reverse chronological order. Each entry should include the employment date, job title, company name, key responsibilities, and achievements listed in bullet format . Include 3 to 5 bullet points for each position. Don’t get long-winded — your resume must fit into one page. 

Include Marketable Resume Skills 

With skills-based hiring on the rise, you must demonstrate specific competencies rather than just tenure and educational credentials. Showcase your best hard and soft skills in a featured sidebar section, plus your resume summary and work experience entries.

Check the following posts for ideas:

  • Business acumen skills for resume
  • Critical thinking skills for a resume 
  • Conceptual skills for a resume
  • Leadership skills for a resume 
  • Organizational skills for a resume 
  • Technical skills for a resume  
  • Childcare skills for resume 
  • Nursing skills for a resume 
  • Transferable skills for a resume 
  • Retail skills for a resume  

List Education 

Unless you are a recent graduate, don’t dwell on this section too much. Simply list all your degrees (highest to lowest), the name of your educational institution, and your graduation date. But if you’re still in college, you can also add your GPA , dean’s list , or research .  

Learn more from our ultimate guide to writing, styling, and formatting a resume . 

FAQs about Resume Templates 

Your popular Qs about our free resume templates answered. 

How can I format my resume for free?

Download a free pre-formatted resume template from Freesumes.com in your preferred format (Word or Google Docs). Open a copy in the word processing software and edit the blank sections with personal details. Click save, and you’ll have a professionally formatted resume in no time.

Is there a truly free resume builder?

Yes, Freesumes resume builder is 100% free to use. No account registration is required. Using our free generator, you can make a resume in PDF using one of the six free templates and contextual writing prompts created by expert writers.

What is the most popular resume template?

The most popular resume templates are chronological resume templates. You can find several dozen popular, professional resume templates on Freesumes in Word and Google Doc formats. Our templates have been downloaded over 4 million times! 

How to get a free resume template?

Head to freesumes.com and check our collection of 180+ fabulously free resume templates in different styles and formats. Select a design you like and click the download button to get an instant free copy in .docx format without any account registration. 

Do employers not like resume templates?

Employers don’t mind resume templates as long as they are professionally made and properly formatted. A sloppy or too vivid design, however, will make you look amateurish. Choose a simple, well-structured resume template in neutral colors, and you’ll always get a positive impression from a prospective employer. 

Is it better to make your own resume or use a template?

This totally depends on you. If you have an eye for design and know information architecture best practices, you can make a stellar resume on your own. Otherwise, you can save heaps of time by using a premade professional resume template to avoid any mishaps with layout or font selection.

  • Knowledge Base
  • Free Resume Templates
  • Resume Builder
  • Resume Examples
  • Free Resume Review

Click here to directly go to the complete Functional resume sample.

What is a functional resume?

It is a resume format used by professionals who want to highlight their skills over experience.

Before we dive-deeper into the use and meaning of a functional resume, we need to understand the types of resume formats available to us.

There are 3 standard resume formats used by professionals from different industries. This blog will help you understand how and when to choose a functional resume for your job application.

The following questions will be answered in the article:

  • What is a Functional Resume Template?
  • Difference between Chronological vs Functional Resume
  • Why do we use a Functional Resume Template?
  • Pros & cons of functional and chronological resume formats
  • Who should use a Functional Resume Template?
  • How to make a Functional Resume?
  • How to structure a Functional Resume Template?
  • Tips to write a Functional Resume

Types of Resume Format

There are three different types of resumes that are accepted within the industry. These resume templates are:

Reverse Chronological Resume Layout

In which your information starts from your current/last-held profile and dates back to the beginning of your education. It includes all your major achievements and information listed along with important dates.

The resume template examples follow the below-mentioned structure:

  • Contact information
  • Resume summary or resume objective
  • Work experience
  • Additional Sections

Combination Resume Layout

It is a combination of the reverse chronological resume format and the functional resume format. It allows a candidate to showcase their skills and achievements with evidence from their professional experience.

The points on this format of the resume are grouped based on the skills highlighted.

The resume template examples follow:

  • Skills Summary
  • Additional Skills
  • Work Experience

What Is a Functional Resume Template?

Functional resumes are essentially skill based resumes, wherein professionals expand and highlight their relevant skills rather than their work experience.

This format is recommended by resume experts for people with gaps in their employment history or for ones who have changed their jobs a lot.

To help you understand better, here are a few pointer about functional resume:

  • It focuses on your skill set rather than your work experience
  • It works best for when your work history is not related to your targeted job
  • It works in favor for professionals with gaps in their employment history or those who have frequently changed jobs

The ideal structure of the resume template is:

  • Resume objective
Also Read: What is the best type of resume format?

Functional Resume vs Chronological Resume

Functional resume template: why do we use it.

People who benefit from a functional resume are:

  • Professionals joining creative industries - because your portfolio matters more than your resume.
  • Professionals transitioning Industry - as a detailed job descriptions could be too difficult for unfamiliar recruiters to comprehend.
  • Overqualified or Under-qualified Candidates - who are joining mid-level jobs.

A few key points about the functional resume format:

  • The functional resume can be used by candidates to focus on skills and avoid the work history.
  • Since the focus is on the skills, it helps mask the job shifting trait of the candidate.
  • The functional resume format is not parsed by most ATS since the ATS only looks for points under the relevant work experience.
  • The functional format is not a well accepted resume format as it raises suspicions in the minds of the recruiters that the candidate is trying to hide something.

Functional Resume Template: Who Should Use It and When?

A functional resume template is particularly useful for job-seekers who:

  • Have frequently changed jobs
  • Have gaps in their work history
  • Are reentering the workforce
  • Are transitioning into new careers
  • Under-qualified or Overqualified for particular job posts

The reason functional resumes work well for these people is that most of our acquired skills are transferable despite our careers not standing well.

For example , if you have been a sales manager, you were possibly responsible for training, coaching, and customer relations. These skills could even be used in your functional resume for a Public Relations Manager.

In a chronological resume , this information might not appeal to a recruiter. Essentially you did not hold the title of Public Relations Manager. However, the functional resume format showcases that despite your job profile you have dealt with PR-related issues.

Eventually it comes to how you illustrate yourself. If you give the employers the same information in an improved package you are bound to increase your chances for an interviews. Functional resumes describes more than just background and experience.

How to Make a Functional Resume?

Before we move on to making a functional resume, first we need to understand the format of a functional resume.

How to Format a Functional Resume?

  • Strategically group your key skills into different categories
  • Keep the employment section brief
  • List your previous designations along with the company in your employment section
  • You can omit selective information due to non-compliance with the target profile

Structure of a Functional Resume Format

Follow the order given below to make your resume using the Functional Format:

Contact Information

  • Qualifications Summary
  • Relevant Skills
  • Professional Experience (dates optional)
  • The Additional Section

Key Sections In a Functional Resume

Functional resume summary.

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind while drafting a functional format summary:

  • Spend maximum time on crafting your functional resume summary
  • It should be the last section that you write in your resume
  • Highlight your key skills and achievements that align with your target profile
  • Limit your summary to 3-4 lines
  • Avoid writing boring and elaborate summary, keep it concise and relevant
Also Read : How to write a resume summary

In functional resumes, the candidate’s skills are more important than their work history.

The skills section in a functional resume template should include at least three skills that are significant to the target job. For each skill, group 3 or 4 points which can provide evidence for the same.

Quantifying your skills in your functional resume instills confidence in the employer. It showcases that you are able to fulfill the requirements of the position.

In a functional resume template, skills come after your personal details and before your professional or academic experience. To best highlight your functional resume skills list ensure a combination of

  • Skills listed in the job description
  • Skills you possess

Although adding your contact information looks like the easiest part of the resume writing process yet many functional resumes manage to miss relevant contact details. Include your:

  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Home address (city and state)

You may even include your LinkedIn URL but do not redirect the recruiter to an empty profile.

Your name should ideally be the largest text on the page between 20-24 pt. font size. The rest of your font may correspond to the font style and size of the rest of the page.

Professional Experience

In functional resumes, the professional experience section showcases your experience without prominent display. This shifts the focus on the skills and other qualifications you have for the position.

To conceal your missing work experiences:

Label your period of unemployment

You may have been unemployed for legitimate reasons like being a parent or doing an independent study or being a full-time student. You may describe yourself in the following ways to label your period of unemployment:

  • Full-Time Student
  • Independent Study
  • Full-Time Parent
  • Family Management
  • Adventure Travel
  • Personal Travel

You must always demonstrate on your functional resume that you were doing something during your gaps in employment. Refrain from explaining them as a result of:

  • Rehabilitation, or

Refrain from specific dates

In the functional resume examples you might notice minimal mention of the periods of employment. This creates the impression that even if you were unemployed during the middle of the year 2010, it appears as though you have been consistently working.

This is an acceptable way of “fudging” in functional resumes.

Drafting the education section of functional resume is similar to reverse chronological format resume.

  • Include the name of the university along with the location
  • Name of the course along with the GPA
  • Date of enrollment and graduation

However, if your educational experience corresponds to the job you are applying for then you must mention the skills you have acquired in due process.

In case your degree is not relevant to your field, keep this section short. You may also consider changing the headline to "Training and Education" to incorporate more volume of relevant skills.

Functional Resume Format Template Sample

An example of a free functional resume sample template is attached for a better understanding of how you can proceed with writing your resume.


Tips for Crafting a Functional Resume

  • Employ professional or sans-serif fonts such as, Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet MS, Century Gothic, Calibri, Lucida Sans, Tahoma, etc. over serif fonts
  • Maintain the font size larger than 10 pts. but smaller than 12 pts. for the section points
  • Maintain the font size larger than 12 pts. but smaller than 14 pts. for the section headings
  • Stick to the same date format. The standard date format in functional resumes is (mm/yy)
  • Follow the current trends. Resume examples 2019 may differ from resume examples 2022
  • Refrain from cramming your resume with gimmicky graphics
  • Leave more white space for your recruiters to have a comfortable read
  • Do not include pictures in your functional resumes
  • Do not try to fit every important information on a one-page resume. Do not, however, exclude key details about your career

Functional Resume or Chronological Resume: Which Should You Use?

Pros & cons of using a reverse chronological resumes.

Pros of using a reverse chronological resume

  • It provides a clear view of your career trajectory
  • This format is widely accepted by recruiters
  • It works in your favor if you have an extensive work history related to your targeted job

Cons of using a reverse chronological format

  • It highlights your career gaps in your resume
  • Showcases unrelated work to your targeted job

Pros & Cons of Using Functional Resumes

Pros of using a functional resume format

  • It helps in hiding career gaps in employment history
  • It is advantageous for fresher who have no work experience
  • It is the best choice for professionals changing their career trajectory

Cons of using a functional resume format

  • It send a message to the recruiters that you are hiding something
  • It is not ATS compliant
  • It doesn't cover your entire work history

Why do Recruiters Dislike this Format?

Recruiters usually skip to the work history to figure out what you might be hiding. In the process, if you manage to impress with your skills, you are good to go.

  • Within the context of skills and accomplishments, it gives you a better opportunity to make yourself stand out despite having significant experiences.
  • Recruiters are familiar with that fact that the functional resume format covers gaps in the applicant’s experience.

Use with Caution

Although a functional resume might sound like it could suit your situation yet you must be conscious of the few drawbacks to this approach.

Excluding the dates or titles can raise the recruiter's suspicions that you might be trying to hide something.

It can be frustrating for recruiters to figure out where you performed a particular accomplishment.

So carefully evaluate your situation, weigh the pros and cons and if you consider the functional resume template an the advantage which outweighs the drawbacks you may go ahead with it. The skills-based resume could present you in the best light.

Key Takeaways

  • It is critical to choose the best resume format for the job application. The best best format should ideally employ all the necessary keywords .
  • Picking a proper format ensures focusing on either of the two - your skills or your career progression
  • Make sure that your resume format do not make your recruiters suspicious of your achievements.
  • Your resume format should address two points - how well you can you do the job and If you the company can work with you?
  • Opt for a functional resume template if you have frequently changed jobs or have gaps in their work history
  • Quantify your work experiences with your achievements using the Cause Effect formula
  • Write a strong skills section and boast any certifications or awards you have received

Hiration does not recommend the use of functional resumes.

Go to Hiration's career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

You can also write to us at [email protected] .

free functional resume template 2021

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  4. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    550+ free resume templates to download in Word & Google Docs. Each professional resume template is HR-approved + easy to fill & print.

  5. Free Resume Templates for 2024: Downloadable Templates

    Jobscan's free resume templates are 100% free, professionally designed and recruiter-approved. Downloadable, Microsoft Word compatible files.

  6. Free Resume Templates: Download & Print Easily

    Select from over 40 free resume templates to craft interview-winning resumes. Use our builder to import a template and create your resume quickly!

  7. Functional Resume: Definition, Tips and Examples

    If a standard resume format that shows your work history does not accurately represent you for a job, you can try the functional resume format, which showcases your transferable skills. In this article, we explain how to present your background through a functional resume along with tips and examples for inspiration.

  8. Functional Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Learn how to write a functional resume that showcases your skills and achievements, with examples and templates for different fields and levels.

  9. Functional Resume Templates

    Functional resume templates are a format that groups your experience under skill categories instead of job titles to emphasize transferable skills by listing examples of your abilities from both work and personal experiences. Functional resumes are perfect for highlighting your experience and are easy to write with our already-made template ...

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  11. What Is a Functional Resume? Template, Examples, & Tips

    Find out what is a functional resume and how to write it. Craft the perfect job application with our expert functional resume template and writing tips.

  12. Best Free Functional Skills-Based Resume Templates to Download

    The Free Resume Template comes with infographics that you can use in the skills section of the template. This is simple and clean resume that can be used to apply for any position. 6. Ober CV (Free Functional Resume Template) Ober CV Resume has a creative theme and has a nice pop of color to the resume design.

  13. Best Resume Templates for 2021 (PDF & Downloadable)

    There's no need to create your resume from scratch. Use one of our easily customizable resume templates to quickly design yours and win your next interview.

  14. Functional Resume Template & Writing Guide (Free Download)

    Our functional resume is completely free! It is a reverse-chronological resume template that focuses on skills honed through professional experiences. It is commonly used when switching careers or just starting one. This free template is perfect for all profiles and job offers and can be customized easily in Word to fit your style preferences. Download for free this resume template!

  15. Free Online Resume Builder

    Don't create your resume from scratch. Use one of our proven resume templates and kick start your search from the beginning. Build a resume with a template. Create your resume in minutes with Indeed's free resume builder. Download it to your computer or use it to apply for any job on Indeed.

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    Use Indeed's free resume templates for your new resume. Build a resume with a template. Choose from a library of resume templates and build your resume on Indeed. Download it for free - it's yours. When you're ready, share it on the world's #1 job site.

  17. Functional Resume Writing Guide [Templates, Examples & Tips]

    A functional resume is a resume format that highlights your professional skills. You should use a functional resume format when you lack relevant work experience or have gaps in your employment history. To write a compelling functional resume, you need to include your contact information, use a resume statement, summarize your skills, and list ...

  18. Free resume templates to download and print

    Download free resume templates. Land your dream job with free, customizable resume templates. Showcase your potential to recruiters and stand out from other candidates with a professional template. Whether you're applying to corporate positions or creative roles, go with a sleek design or show your creativity with bold colors.

  19. Free printable resume templates you can customize

    Land your dream job with captivating CVs you can professionally customize to reflect your true potential with Canva's free resume templates and easy-to-use design editor.

  20. Free Modern Resume Templates and Examples

    Review these free modern resume templates, including resume formats that are skill-based, chronological and novice, to help you create the best resume for your experience and career goals.

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    How do you turn an average resume into a job-attracting machine? Use one of our free resume templates for Word and get one step closer to the perfect job application.

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