the first pirate website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers

If it were not for Sci-Hub – I wouldn't be able to do my thesis in Materials Science (research related to the structure formation in aluminum alloys)

Alexander T.

We fight inequality in knowledge access across the world. The scientific knowledge should be available for every person regardless of their income, social status, geographical location and etc.

Our mission is to remove any barrier which impeding the widest possible distribution of knowledge in human society!

We advocate for cancellation of intellectual property , or copyright laws, for scientific and educational resources.

Copyright laws render the operation of most online libraries illegal. Hence many people are deprived from knowledge, while at the same time allowing rightholders to have a huge benefits from this. The copyright fosters increase of both informational and economical inequality.

The Sci-Hub project supports Open Access movement in science. Research should be published in open access, i.e. be free to read.

The Open Access is a new and advanced form of scientific communication, which is going to replace outdated subscription models. We stand against unfair gain that publishers collect by creating limits to knowledge distribution.

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How To Download Research Papers For Free: Sci-hub, LibGen, etc.

One of the biggest problems about accessing research papers is the cost. At times, you may have encountered the right papers for your research, only to be frustrated that it needs to be paid for. 

There are many ways to download research papers for free, using websites like, LibGen, and more. This post will talk about these platforms, so you can go try it out yourself.

– Direct download button
– Requires DOI of the paper
– Articles from nearly every field of research
– Wide range of content
– Free PDF downloads of research papers
– Browser extension
– Legal access to open access research papers
– High-quality, peer-reviewed journals
– Covers many subjects and languages
– Requires DOI of the desired article
– Searches through various open access repositories
– Advanced search algorithms
– Can locate papers based on titles, author names, or keywords
– Aims to democratize access to scientific literature by simplifying the search process
– Books
– Papers

Open Access vs Paywalled Research Papers

There may be many research papers around, but there are some that remain behind paywalls. While the demand for open access to research is undeniable, certain factors contribute to the persistence of paywalled content.

Publishing Companies Need The Funds

Publishers like Elsevier and Wiley operate on a model where subscription fees and paywalls helps to pay for costs such as:

  • peer review,
  • typesetting, and
  • maintaining digital platforms.

This economic structure ensures the sustainability of publishing houses but limits access to those without the means to pay. 

Protect Copyright Laws

Copyright laws further entrench the paywall system. Publishers hold the rights to the vast majority of journal articles, making it illegal to distribute copyrighted material without consent.

This legal framework underpins the operation of paywalls, despite the ethical debate surrounding access to publicly funded research.

In response, platforms like PaperPanda and Unpaywall have emerged, utilizing clever logic and browser extensions to find open access versions of papers, leveraging repositories like the Directory of Open Access Journals.

Paid Papers Seem To Have Higher Value

The perceived value of peer-reviewed journal articles also plays a role. Academic institutions and researchers place high regard on published work, often equating it with career advancement and credibility.

This prestige associated with peer-reviewed publications incentivizes researchers to publish in traditional journals, despite their papers going to be behind a paywall.

Open access platforms and repositories strive to balance this by offering peer-reviewed articles for free, challenging the traditional valuation of scholarly work.

Despite these challenges, the landscape is shifting. Open access initiatives are gaining traction, challenging the traditional publishing model and advocating for free access to research.

As the academic community and the public demand more equitable access to knowledge, the future might see a paradigm shift towards a more open and accessible repository of human understanding.

Best Websites To Download Research Papers For Free

If you are looking to dive into the vast ocean of academic knowledge without hitting a paywall, certain websites are akin to hidden treasures.

These platforms offer free access to millions of research papers and journal articles, covering various areas of science and beyond.

Often dubbed as the “Pirate Bay” of scientific articles, Sci-Hub breaks down the barriers to knowledge by providing free access to research papers that are otherwise locked behind paywalls.

Founded by Alexandra Elbakyan in 2011, this website uses donated institutional logins to bypass publisher restrictions, offering a direct download button for the paper you’re after.

It’s a controversial but popular choice to download papers, with a repository that includes articles from nearly every field of research. Users simply need to find the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the paper they want, and Sci-Hub does the rest.

download this paper

Library Genesis (LibGen)

This is more than just a repository for scientific papers; it’s a comprehensive database of:

  • academic books,
  • comics, and
Library Genesis offers a wide range of academic and non-academic content, making it a versatile resource for researchers, students, and the general public alike. 

The platform operates on the principle of sharing knowledge freely, and you can easily find and download PDFs of the research papers you need.

This is a free browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that provides legal access to millions of open access research papers.

When you stumble upon a paper online, Unpaywall’s clever logic checks various open access repositories and finds you a legal, freely available copy. 

It’s like having a digital detective at your disposal, dedicated to finding open-access versions of paywalled articles.

download this paper

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

The DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to high-quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

It covers all subjects and languages, making it an invaluable tool for researchers worldwide.

The directory is meticulously curated, ensuring that all listed journals adhere to a stringent open access policy. For those seeking reputable sources, this is a go-to place to find open access research papers across disciplines. is a tool designed to facilitate free access to scientific papers that are otherwise behind paywalls.

It operates by leveraging the open access movement’s resources, indexing millions of freely available research papers.

To obtain a paper, you typically need the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the desired article. By entering this DOI into, the platform searches through various open access repositories and databases to find a legally accessible version of the paper.

This service simplifies the process of finding open access versions of research papers, making academic literature more accessible to everyone.

Utilizing some of the most advanced search algorithms, PaperPanda operates by querying various open access repositories to find you the research paper pdfs you need.

It’s especially useful for those who don’t have the DOI of a paper, as PaperPanda’s search capabilities can locate papers based on:

  • author names, or

The platform aims to democratize access to scientific literature by making it as straightforward as possible to find and download research papers for free.

proxy to download research papers

Download Research Papers For Free

Each of these websites plays a crucial role in the ongoing push towards open access, ensuring that scientific knowledge is available to anyone curious enough to seek it out.

Whether you’re conducting a literature review, working on a thesis, or simply indulging in a personal quest for knowledge, these platforms can provide you with the resources you need, free of charge.

proxy to download research papers

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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11 Best Platforms to Download Research Papers [2024]

download research papers

In the digital age, accessing academic knowledge is easier than ever, thanks to a variety of online platforms designed to simplify access to scholarly content. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or simply curious about the latest developments in various fields, these platforms can be your gateway to a treasure trove of academic knowledge.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll introduce you to 11 such platforms, highlighting their features, pros, and cons, and we’ll answer frequently asked questions at the end to help you make an informed choice.

11. ScienceOpen – Elevating Research

Best platforms to download research papers, 1. sci-hub – accessing academic treasure troves.

Sci-Hub is an invaluable resource, boasting a colossal repository of over 64.5 million academic papers and articles available for direct download. What sets Sci-Hub apart is its ability to bypass publisher paywalls, granting access through educational institution proxies.

To facilitate easy access, Sci-Hub stores its vast collection in a repository known as Library Genesis (LibGen) or Library Genesis Proxy 2023. If you’re in need of research papers, Sci-Hub is a game-changer.


  • Bypasses paywalls to provide free access.
  • Extensive collection of academic papers.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Broad coverage across various research fields.
  • Provides free access to otherwise restricted content.
  • Offers a vast repository of academic materials.
  • Simple and intuitive interface for users.
  • Accessible across multiple academic disciplines.
  • Operates in a legal gray area, raising ethical concerns.
  • Reliability and stability issues due to legal battles.
  • Limited metadata and search functionality.
  • May not always have the most up-to-date content.

Also read: 5 Best Reference Management Software for Research [FREE]

2. Unpaywall – Facilitating Open Access

Unpaywall is a dedicated platform for accessing Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories. It simplifies the process of finding, tracking, and using open scholarly materials.

Unpaywall’s integration into numerous library systems and search platforms worldwide enhances accessibility.

Furthermore, this nonprofit initiative, managed by OurResearch, is committed to making scholarships accessible to everyone.

Open access is a fundamental passion, and Unpaywall upholds transparency by keeping its source code open.


  • Identifies and provides legal open-access alternatives.
  • Browser extension for seamless access to open-access content.
  • Integration with other research tools.
  • Accessible across various browsers and platforms.
  • Supports open access principles, making research accessible.
  • Simplifies access to scholarly articles through the browser extension.
  • Enhances research workflow by integrating with other tools.
  • User-friendly and compatible with popular browsers.
  • Limited coverage compared to larger academic databases.
  • Primarily focuses on open-access content, excluding paywalled resources.
  • Reliance on publishers’ data for content availability.
  • May not offer advanced search and filtering options.

3. Z-Library – A Wealth of Knowledge

Z-Library is akin to a sibling of Library Genesis, emerging as a shadow library project. Here, users can share scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books through file sharing, although some materials may be pirated.

Most of the Z-Library’s content originates from Library Genesis, with some contributions from individuals. Impressively, Z-Library boasts over 10,139,382 books and 84,837,646 articles as of April 25, 2023.

This library aspires to be the world’s largest e-book library and scientific paper repository, making it a valuable resource for academic enthusiasts.

Additionally, Z-Library operates as a donation-based non-profit organization, emphasizing its commitment to providing free knowledge.


  • Extensive collection of books, articles, and academic materials.
  • User-friendly and easy-to-navigate platform.
  • Search by title, author, ISBN, and more.
  • Option to download content in various formats.
  • Offers a vast array of academic resources.
  • Simplifies the process of searching and downloading.
  • Provides multiple search parameters for precise results.
  • Wide availability of content in different formats.
  • Legal concerns regarding the copyright status of some content.
  • Limited filtering and sorting options for search results.
  • Limited community and collaborative features.
  • May not cover highly specialized research topics comprehensively.

Also Read: How to Conduct A Literature Review?

4. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): Open Access Hub

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) has been a stalwart in the open-access domain since 2003. It has grown into an independent index housing nearly 17,500 peer-reviewed, open-access journals across diverse fields, including science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

DOAJ’s financial support comes from libraries, publishers, and like-minded organizations, demonstrating a strong commitment to open access and its supporting infrastructure.


  • Curated collection of open-access journals.
  • High-quality academic content from reputable sources.
  • Detailed journal and article metadata.
  • Search by subject, publisher, and ISSN.
  • Promotes open access principles, ensuring free access to research.
  • Offers access to well-established and credible academic journals.
  • Provides detailed information about journals and their content.
  • Allows users to discover open-access resources by subject.
  • Limited to open-access publications, excluding paywalled content.
  • May not cover all academic disciplines comprehensively.
  • Some journals may have limited or irregular updates.
  • Advanced search options could be improved.

5. Dimensions – Mapping Research Insights

Dimensions covers millions of research publications connected by over 1.6 billion citations, supporting grants, datasets, clinical trials, patents, and policy documents.

It offers comprehensive research grants data linked to publications and clinical trials, providing up-to-the-minute online attention data via Altmetric.


  • Advanced research analytics and visualization tools.
  • Integration with various research databases and repositories.
  • Comprehensive search capabilities.
  • Access to research funding and collaboration data.
  • Offers in-depth research analytics for deeper insights.
  • Integrates seamlessly with multiple research tools and sources.
  • Provides comprehensive search capabilities.
  • Access to valuable information about research funding and collaboration opportunities.
  • Primarily focuses on analytics, not content access.
  • Some advanced features may require additional subscriptions.
  • Complexity may be overwhelming for some users.
  • May not have the same level of content coverage as dedicated databases.

6. Citationsy Archives – Your Reference Manager

Citationsy Archives emerged in 2017 as a response to the shutdown of the reference manager, RefMe. It stands out for its clean interface, speed, absence of ads, and user-friendliness.

It simplifies the process of finding research paper PDFs and offers integration with various Open Access repositories.

Citationsy Archives

  • A tool for managing and organizing references.
  • Integration with popular citation styles.
  • Simplified citation and bibliography generation.
  • User-friendly interface for reference management.
  • Streamlines the process of managing and citing references.
  • Integrates with widely used citation styles.
  • Simplifies citation and bibliography generation.
  • User-friendly interface suitable for researchers and students.
  • Specializes in reference management, not content access.
  • May lack advanced search and discovery features.
  • Limited collaboration and sharing capabilities.
  • Focuses on reference management, so content access is not its primary function.

7. PaperPanda – Your Paper Detective

PaperPanda, a Chrome extension, employs clever logic and the Panda’s detective skills to find research paper PDFs effortlessly.

Activating PaperPanda initiates a search for the paper’s DOI from the current page, querying various Open Access repositories like OpenAccessButton, OaDoi, SemanticScholar, Core, ArXiV, and the Internet Archive. It’s a versatile tool for Chrome users seeking research papers with ease.

Paper Panda

  • AI-powered paper recommendations based on user interests.
  • User-friendly paper search interface.
  • Option to create collections and organize research.
  • Integration with reference management tools.
  • Simplifies the process of discovering relevant research papers.
  • User-friendly interface suitable for researchers of all levels.
  • Enables users to create collections for better organization.
  • Integration with reference management tools streamlines the research process.
  • Focuses primarily on paper discovery, not comprehensive content access.
  • May have limited coverage in specific research areas.
  • Recommendations rely on AI algorithms and user data.
  • Advanced features for in-depth research analysis may be limited.

8. Internet Archive Scholar – Preserving Scholarly Knowledge

Internet Archive Scholar (IAS) is a full-text search index containing over 25 million research articles and scholarly documents preserved in the Internet Archive.

This vast collection spans from digitized eighteenth-century journals to the latest Open Access conference proceedings and pre-prints crawled from the World Wide Web. It’s a treasure trove of scholarly knowledge.

Internet Archive Scholar

  • Provides access to archived scholarly materials.
  • Supports long-term preservation of research.
  • Advanced search options and filters.
  • Access to historical and out-of-print academic materials.
  • Helps preserve and access valuable scholarly knowledge.
  • Offers a unique collection of archived research materials.
  • Advanced search options enhance research precision.
  • Access to historical research not readily available elsewhere.
  • Focuses primarily on archived content, limiting access to current research.
  • Search functionality may have limitations compared to dedicated academic databases.
  • Some archived materials may lack full-text access.
  • May not cover all academic disciplines equally.

9. Library Genesis – The Knowledge Collector

Library Genesis serves as a community-driven aggregator dedicated to collecting and cataloging item descriptions in various scientific, and technical directions, and file metadata.

While it primarily contains descriptions and links to third-party resources hosted by users, it remains a valuable resource for accessing scholarly materials.

It’s essential to note that Library Genesis sources its information from publicly available internet resources for informational purposes.

Library Genesis

  • A massive repository of academic texts, including textbooks and research papers.
  • Straightforward search and download functionality.
  • User-contributed content, expanding the database.
  • Access to a diverse range of disciplines and subjects.
  • Houses an extensive collection of educational resources.
  • Streamlined access to textbooks and research materials.
  • Benefits from user contributions, continuously growing.
  • Provides access to a wide spectrum of academic disciplines.
  • Legal concerns associated with copyrighted materials.
  • Limited advanced search and discovery features.
  • Lack of structured metadata for some resources.
  • Occasional downtime and access issues.

10. CORE – The Open-Access Aggregator

CORE is the world’s largest aggregator of open-access research papers from repositories and journals. This not-for-profit service is dedicated to promoting the open-access mission.

CORE offers solutions for content management, discovery, and scalable machine access to research.

It caters to a wide range of stakeholders, including researchers, the general public, academic institutions, developers, funders, and companies across diverse sectors.


  • Aggregates open-access research from various sources.
  • Offers access to a wide range of academic disciplines.
  • Integration with academic repositories and journals.
  • Expands access to a diverse collection of open-access content.
  • Enhances research with robust search and discovery tools.
  • Covers a wide spectrum of academic fields.
  • Facilitates integration with academic repositories and journals.
  • Limited coverage of paywalled content.
  • Quality control may vary across sources.
  • May not offer advanced analytics compared to specialized research tools.
  • User interface may not be as polished as commercial databases.

ScienceOpen is a discovery platform offering interactive features to enhance research in the open. It provides context-building services for publishers, bridging the gap between researchers and content.

Advanced search and discovery functions, combined with post-publication peer review, recommendations, social sharing, and collection-building features, position ScienceOpen as a comprehensive research platform.

Science Open

  • Allows researchers to curate and publish collections.
  • Offers post-publication peer review.
  • Integration with ORCID profiles.
  • Supports author networking and collaboration.
  • Enhances visibility and collaboration for researchers.
  • Enables users to create and share research collections.
  • Promotes transparency through post-publication peer review.
  • Facilitates integration with ORCID profiles.
  • Focuses primarily on open-access content, excluding paywalled resources.
  • Smaller user base compared to mainstream academic platforms.
  • Content quality may vary across user-curated collections.

In conclusion, these 10 platforms cater to different needs in the world of academic research. While some prioritize open access and ease of use, others focus on reference management, analytics, or specific research areas.

Choose the platforms that align with your goals and remember to use them responsibly, considering legal and ethical implications where applicable.

With these tools at your disposal, you can embark on a journey of academic exploration like never before. Happy researching!

Q1: How can I ensure the reliability of open-access content on these platforms?

It’s important to cross-check sources and verify the credibility of publishers and repositories to ensure the reliability of open-access content.

Q2: Are there any restrictions on downloading content from these platforms?

Restrictions can vary, but generally, open-access content is freely downloadable. Pay attention to licensing and copyright information for specific restrictions.

Q3: Do these platforms offer citation and bibliography generation tools?

Some platforms, like Citationsy Archives, offer tools for citation and bibliography generation, but their primary focus is reference management.

Q4: Can I use these platforms for collaborative research?

While some platforms offer collaborative features, such as ScienceOpen, others, like Citationsy Archives, are primarily designed for individual use.

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Top 11 Websites for Free Research Paper Downloads

website for research paper download

For PhD researchers, it’s critical to gather and read research publications that are pertinent to their areas of study. However, downloading a research paper is one of the most challenging chores for any research scholar. To gain access to high-quality research resources, one needs to pay a fee or subscribe to a journal or publication. In this post, We have shown you how to get a research paper for free.

Sci-Hub was originally launched by Alexandra Elbakyan, a Kazakhstani graduate student, in 2011. It is a website known for providing access to various academic articles and papers using educational institution access and its own collection of downloaded articles and papers. In fact, you can download almost 99% of all scientific papers and articles in existence on Sci-Hub.

Many internet service providers (especially in developed countries) have blocked it at present.  Sci-Hub’s own statistics show that the chances of a request for download being successful are 99%. It processes more than 200,000 requests every day.

How to use Sci-Hub?

  • Visit (Use a VPN to access it if blocked.) You can also checkout Visit: Working Sci-Hub Proxy Links – 2022 ( )
  • Enter the full name of the DOI, URL, or URL in the paper that you would like to download.
  • Select”Open” or click the “Open” click.

2. Library Genesis

Library Genesis (Libgen) is a file-sharing based shadow library website for scholarly journal articles, academic and general-interest books, images, comics, audiobooks, and magazines. The site enables free access to content that is otherwise paywalled or not digitized elsewhere. This website was threatened with legal action by Elsevier one of the largest publishing companies of technical, scientific medical and scientific research papers in the year 2015.

You can find a research paper or book on Library Genesis by following the steps given below:

  • Visit Library Genesis’ official website (
  • Type the name of whatever you’re looking for into the search field, and click the “search!” button.
  • Click on the name of a book or research paper in the list of results, and choose one of the available mirrors.
  • Proceed to download the book or research paper and save it to your device.

3. Z-Library

Z-Library is a clone of Library Genesis, a shadow library project that allows users to share scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books via file sharing (some of which are pirated). The majority of its books come from Library Genesis, however, some are posted directly to the site by individuals.

Individuals can also donate to the website’s repository to make literature more widely available. Z-library claims to have more than 10,139,382 Books and 84,837,646 Articles articles as of April 25, 2022.

The steps to download Z-Library books for free are as follows:

Step 1: Go to the Z-Library website ( )  and Sign In.

Step 2: Browse through the categories or use the search bar to find the book you want.

Step 3: Click on the book to open it.

Step 4: Click on the download button to download the book.

4. Unpaywall

This is a huge database that contains more than 21 million academic works from over fifty thousand content repositories as well as publishers. The content in the database is replicated from government resources so downloading them is legal. The authors claim they are able to access around 80-85 percent of all scientific papers accessible on their website. 

You can utilize Google’s Chrome extension to quickly get them at any time. 

In order to do this, you have to follow the instructions listed below:

  • Visit
  • Select on the “Add the Chrome” button. Chrome” option.
  • Simply click “Add the store to Chrome” in the Chrome Web Store page in addition.
  • Keep an eye on the extension until it is installed.
  • After installing the extension, it will work automatically and will appear whenever you go to the site of a paywalled research paper in the database of Unpaywall’s open databases. All you have just click on the green Unpaywall button to allow the article to be displayed immediately.

5. Directory of Open Access Journals

A multidisciplinary, community-curated directory, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) gives researchers access to high-quality peer-reviewed journals. It has archived more than two million articles from 17,193 journals, allowing you to either browse by subject or search by keyword.

The site was launched in 2003 with the aim of increasing the visibility of OA scholarly journals online. Content on the site covers subjects from science, to law, to fine arts, and everything in between. DOAJ has a commitment to “increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, OA scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography or language.”

It can be used to search for and download research papers for free:

  • Visit:
  • Input your keywords in the search field , then hit enter.
  • Choose the research paper you wish to download.
  • Hit on the “Full Text” button that is located just below the abstract.


ScienceOpen offers a professional network platform for academics that gives access to more than 40 million research papers from all fields of science. Although you do need to register to view the full text of articles, registration is free. The advanced search function is highly detailed, allowing you to find exactly the research you’re looking for. You can also bookmark articles for later research. There are extensive networking options, including your Science Open profile, a forum for interacting with other researchers, the ability to track your usage and citations, and an interactive bibliography. Users have the ability to review articles and provide their knowledge and insight within the community.

To search for research papers with the help of Science open:

  • Go to: .
  • Select on the “green “Search” button located in the upper right corner.
  • Enter your search terms into the search box. In addition to the keywords, you can look up authors’ collections, journals publishers, as well as others. is a search engine for academic papers. Whether you are looking for a specific paper, or for research from a field, or all of an author’s works – is the place to find it. Research papers can be found by using by following these steps:

  • Follow the link below:
  • You can enter your keywords or DOI number into the search field that is available there.
  • Select on the “search” button, and wait for results to show up.
  • In the search results Download any research document you require by clicking this link for download.

8.Citationsy Archives

Citationsy Archives allows you to look up journals and papers to download, download them, and (obviously) incorporate them into your work.It is important to note that you can access Citationsy Archives with or without an account. 

All you have to do is make a request, and it will then search for the exact phrase in all research papers around the world and show the pertinent matches to you. Click on each of them to view more information, and then access it directly from the search results. 

The platform also allows you to download the papers using a number of different and totally open access and legal options. 

Use Citationsy Archives from

CORE is the world’s largest aggregator of open access research papers from repositories and journals. It is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open access mission. They serve the global network of repositories and journals by increasing the discoverability and reuse of open access content.

To find a research article using CORE:

  • Visit:
  • Enter your search terms into the search box.
  • Hit the “Search” link.
  • Select on the “Get PDF” button to download any research document you are looking for.

10. PaperPanda

PaperPanda is a Chrome extension that uses some clever logic and the Panda’s detective skills to find you the research paper PDFs you need. Essentially, when you activate PaperPanda it finds the DOI of the paper from the current page, and then goes and searches for it. It starts by querying various Open Access repositories like OpenAccessButton, OaDoi, SemanticScholar, Core, ArXiV, and the Internet Archive. You can also set your university libraries domain in the settings (this feature is in the works and coming soon). PaperPanda will then automatically search for the paper through your library. You can also set a different custom domain in the settings.


Dimensions covers millions of research publications connected by more than 1.6 billion citations, supporting grants, datasets, clinical trials, patents and policy documents. Dimensions is the most comprehensive research grants database which links grants to millions of resulting publications, clinical trials and patents.

Dimensions includes datasets from repositories such as Figshare, Dryad, Zenodo, Pangaea, and many more. It hosts millions of patents with links to other citing patents as well as to publications and supporting grants.


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14 Websites to Download Research Paper for Free – 2023

Z-Library is legal? You can Download 70,000,000+ scientific articles for free

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How to use Sci-hub to get academic papers for free

  • Post author: Emil O. W. Kirkegaard
  • Post published: 10. April 2018
  • Post category: Science

I regularly tell people on Twitter to use Sci-hub when they say they can’t access papers:

Yes you can, use Sci hub like normal people do. — Emil O W Kirkegaard (@KirkegaardEmil) April 10, 2018

However, it seems that people don’t really know how to use Sci-hub. So here is a simple, visual guide.

1. Go to the Sci-hub website

The URL may change to the website because the lobbyists of Big Publish (Elsevier, SAGE etc.) constantly try to get government to censor the website as it cuts into their rent-seeking profits . You can find the latest URLs via this handy website called Where is Sci-Hub now? (alternatively, via Wikipedia ). Currently, some working URLs are:

  • (global)
  • (global)
  • ( São Tomé and Príncipe )
  • (Dominican Republic)
  • (Sweden)
  • (global) [redirects]
  • (global) [redirects]
  • (global) [redirects]
  • (Poland)
  • (Taiwan)
  • (Slovenia)
  • (global)

If your country blocks the website, use one of the many free general purpose proxies. I tested for the purpose of writing this article and it works fine for Sci-hub using the Netherlands exit.

2. Go to the journal publisher’s website

Go to the website of whatever article it is you are trying to get. Here we pretend you want the article in my tweet above:

  • Seeber, M., Cattaneo, M., Meoli, M., & Malighetti, P. (2017). Self-citations as strategic response to the use of metrics for career decisions . Research Policy.

The website for this is which is Elsevier’s cover name. Then, you locate either the URL for this (i.e. or the article’s DOI. The DOI is that unique document identifier that begins with “10.”. It is almost always shown somewhere on the site, so you can use search “10.” to find it. In rare cases, it is in the page’s source code or may not exist. If it doesn’t exist, it means you usually can’t get the article thru Sci-hub. When you have the article’s URL/DOI, you simply paste this into the Sci-hub search box. Like this:

proxy to download research papers

Then you click “open” and you should get something like this:

proxy to download research papers

In some cases, this may not work. The APA journals seem to cause issues using the URL approach, so use the DOI approach. Sometimes Sci-hub returns the wrong article (<1% I should guess).

Finding articles from APA journals

These journals refuse to give a DOI and they don’t work with URL either usually. Example this paper . A workaround is to search Crossref for the title which gives the DOI, then use the DOI to fetch the paper as usual:

proxy to download research papers

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… to remove all barriers in the way of science

Sci-hub mirror, the first pirate website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers.

A research paper is a special publication written by scientists to be read by other researchers. Papers are primary sources necessary for research – for example, they contain detailed description of new results and experiments.

At this time the widest possible distribution of research papers, as well as of other scientific or educational sources, is artificially restricted by copyright laws. Such laws effectively slow down the development of science in human society. The Sci-Hub project, running from 5th September 2011, is challenging the status quo. At the moment, Sci-Hub provides access to hundreds of thousands research papers every day, effectively bypassing any paywalls and restrictions.

Sci-Hub Ideas

Knowledge to all.

We fight inequality in knowledge access across the world. The scientific knowledge should be available for every person regardless of their income, social status, geographical location and etc.

Our mission is to remove any barrier which impeding the widest possible distribution of knowledge in human society!

No Copyright

We advocate for cancellation of intellectual property , or copyright laws, for scientific and educational resources.

Copyright laws render the operation of most online libraries illegal. Hence many people are deprived from knowledge, while at the same time allowing rightholders to have a huge benefits from this. The copyright fosters increase of both informational and economical inequality.

Open Access

The Sci-Hub project supports Open Access movement in science. Research should be published in open access, i.e. be free to read.

The Open Access is a new and advanced form of scientific communication, which is going to replace outdated subscription models. We stand against unfair gain that publishers collect by creating limits to knowledge distribution.

Sci Hub Frequently Asked Questions

What is sci-hub.

Sci-Hub is the democratisation of knowledge – publicly financed research should be freely available to the public. Why are big businesses profiting from scientific research? Use this site to download papers and freely disseminate information. Open Access is supported by Sci-Hub.

How many papers are there in Sci-Hub?

Currently there are 933189871 papers and PDFs in the Sci Hub library.

What is Library Genesis?

Library Genesis , also known as , is a pirate library.

What is SciHub?

Sci.Hub is a website where you may get free access to reference papers and journal articles. Simply paste the DOI of the journal article you wish to read into ScienceHub, and the PDF will be downloaded for free. Journal articles and academic papers are available for free on the site. These sci-hub mirrors are for you if you want to obtain knowledge. Sci Hub is the Internet's largest archive of stolen academic articles. Sci Hub and Library Genesis have made 48 million scholarly publications freely available to anybody with an Internet connection since its inception in October 2011.

Is Sci Hub blocked in India?

Unfortunately, yes. India has blocked Sci-Hub. But there are two ways to unblock Sci-Hub in India: 1. Use Google DNS as your DNS server. See the settings here: How to set Google Public DNS 2. Tor. Download it here. Open up Tor Browser and go to any of the scihub links above or this special Tor-only Sci-Hub link: https://scihub22266oqcxt.onion This should let you access scihub from India.

Is Science Hub down?

Right now, sci hub seems to be up and running. If you cannot access science hub try some of the alternative links above, like whereisscihub. It’s possible your internet provider is blocking sci-hub, in that case an alternative link might still work.

Is there a Sci Hub Extension?

Yes, there is a Chrome Extension

Is Sci-Hub illegal?

Experts tend to agree that strictly speaking Sci-Hub is illegal, yes. But the items in Sci-Hub are not contraband, they are academic articles. There is no known case of anyone getting a fine or penalty for using Sci-Hub.

How can I get free articles?

1. Go to Sci-Hub 2. Type in the article’s DOI in the search field 3. The article will be downloaded for free

Who runs SCI Hub?

Sci-Hub was founded by Alexandra Elbakyan in 2011 in response to the high cost of research papers behind paywalls.


Scihub 2024 Official: Sci Hub Proxy Links in 2024

Updated for 2024: Welcome to the Official Sci Hub Guide! We have listed all the official Scihub Proxy Links :,, and compiled a list of the fake Scihub websites, that you need to avoid.

Please bookmark this page, as we update it every month.

Sci-Hub - Scihub

Official Live Sci-Hub Links – Updated!

As the Sci-Hub article project is still somewhat controversial in many countries, the official Science Hub website domains change often, as some countries or internet providers try to remove the original Sci-Hub domain

This is why I have decided to maintain an updated list of active, working Sci-Hub domains on this page, so that you don’t have to worry about fake copy websites. Simply bookmark this page, and you will always be able to find the official Sci-Hub links.

We have also added helpful How-To guides about Scihub on Telegram, Sci Hub proxy mirrors, and how use Sci-hub, plus a list of the best SciHub alternatives.

Official Sci-Hub Links for 2024:

  • – Working April 2024.
  • – Working April 2024.
  • – Working April 2024.
  • (The Sci-Hub Telegram Bot)

New in 2024:

Official Sci-Hub Social Media Links.

  • (Twitter)
  • (Facebook)
  • (VKontakte)
  • (This is the founder Alexandra Elbakyan’s own blog)

Unofficial SciHub Proxy Links.

These Sci Hub links may still work, and do have free research papers, but they are not official and may contain malware or ads, or they will ask for donations in Bitcoin.

  • (re-directs to
  • (re-directs to

Safe Third-Party Sci-Hub Archives.

Scimag is an extensive archive of 80 million+ Sci-Hub articles that are provided by the Library Genesis (Libgen) project mirrors. Enter a DOI in order to search the Scimag archive. Scimag are archives only, with articles up to the year 2020.


Sci-Hub Scam Websites:

Avoid the following Sci-Hub proxy links:


These websites rank well in search engine, but they are not the official SciHub websites. They will ask for donations, a fee for “Life-Time” membership

If you have have used these websites to log in, then it is best to change the password on other sites where you used the same password/email address combination

Old Scihub Links – No Longer Working.


The and domains are unrelated to the Sci-Hub Project.

Is Sci-Hub down? The links are not working.

If the Scihub links above are not working and you are getting a white screen or a 524 or 503 timeout error, then your Internet Service Provider, University, College, or country have probably censored your internet access to the Sci-Hub websites and blocked the Science Hub domains.

In that case, use a VPN, or manually choose an alternative DNS, or use the Sci Hub Telegram bot. You can also get around restrictions by using the Anonymox browser add-on, or by downloading the TOR browser or Orfox browser and access the Scihub websites through them.

What is Sci-Hub?

In an age where information is more accessible than ever, there remains a critical issue: the accessibility of scientific research papers and academic journals. This is where Sci-Hub, an online repository of scholarly articles, steps in. Sci-Hub has sparked significant controversy, but it has also become an invaluable tool for millions of researchers and students around the world.

Sci-Hub is short for “Scientific Hub,” and is a free-to-use website that offers free access to millions of research papers, academic articles, and scientific journals. It is often referred to as a Shadow Library . It was founded by Alexandra Elbakyan , a Kazakhstani programmer and neuroscientist, in 2011. The website’s mission is to make scientific knowledge freely available to anyone, regardless of their financial or institutional affiliations.

The History of Sci-Hub.

The history of Sci-Hub is closely tied to the challenges of accessing scientific literature. Many reputable academic journals and publishers keep their articles and content behind expensive paywalls or subscription fees. This can be a significant barrier to researchers, students, and the general public who seek to access cutting-edge research.

Alexandra Elbakyan created Sci-Hub to address this issue. Her own struggles to access research papers for her studies, combined with the broader challenges faced by those without access to institutional subscriptions, led to the birth of Sci-Hub. It rapidly gained popularity and became a go-to resource for individuals worldwide. The original Scihub domain address was www.sci-hub-io.

How to Use Sci-Hub.

Using Sci-Hub is relatively straightforward. To access a paper, you’ll need either the paper’s DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or the URL of the paper’s paywalled source. Here’s how to use Sci-Hub:

  • Visit the Sci-Hub website (the domain may vary, as Sci-Hub uses various mirrors and proxies).
  • Enter the DOI or URL of the paper you want to access in the ‘enter your reference’ box. In this example, both and 10.1093/ajae/aaq063 will work.
  • Click the “Open” button.
  • Sci-Hub will then retrieve the requested paper and provide you with a downloadable PDF copy. This process effectively circumvents paywalls and subscription requirements.


How to Use Sci-Hub Search.

While Sci-Hub primarily operates as a paper retrieval tool, it also features a search function. To use Sci-Hub’s search, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Sci-Hub website.
  • In the search bar, enter keywords related to the research paper or topic you’re interested in, o enter the URL of the paper. If you know the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), then type in the DOI.
  • Browse the search results, and click on a paper to access it.

Please note that the search function is less comprehensive than dedicated academic search engines like Google Scholar or databases like PubMed. However, it can still be a helpful way to discover specific research papers on Sci-Hub.

How to Use DOI on Sci-Hub and What to do If you cannot find the Paper on Sci-Hub.

So, I have added this very helpful video on how to find the DOI number, copy and paste it into Sci-Hub, and find the scientific paper. Mid-way through the video there is great tip on what to do, if you cannot find the paper on Scihub (Spoiler alert: Go to and try again). Sci-Hub only has papers up to the year 2021 at the moment.

How to use the Sci-Hub Telegram Bot.

To use the Sci-Hub Telegram bot, follow these steps:

  • Open the Telegram app and tap on the search bar.
  • Type “@scihubot” and tap on the bot that appears, or visit
  • Tap on the “Start” button to start the conversation.
  • Send the bot the DOI, PMID, or arXiv ID of the scientific article that you want to download.
  • The Schub Telegram bot will send you a PDF copy of the article, if it is available.

Tips for using the Sci-Hub Telegram bot:

  • The bot can only download articles that are available on Sci-Hub. If the article is not available on Sci-Hub, the bot will send you a message saying so.
  • You can send the bot the DOI, PMID, or arXiv ID of multiple articles at once. The bot will download all of the articles that it can find.
  • If you are having trouble downloading an article, you can try sending the bot the URL of the article instead.
  • The Sci-Hub Telegram bot is a free service, but it is important to use it responsibly. Please do not download articles that you do not intend to read or use.

Is Sci-Hub Updated?

Sci-Hub continuously updates its database with new research papers. It does this by retrieving papers on-demand from academic publishers and storing them on its servers. This ensures that users have access to the latest research in a wide range of disciplines.

Where is Sci-Hub Now? Is Sci Hub Still Working?

The domain of Sci-Hub frequently changes due to legal challenges and takedowns. This website has faced intense opposition from academic publishers and governments.

Sci-Hub have not uploaded new research papers since 2021, as they are awaiting the outcome of a trial in India. So, research papers up to and including 2021 are still available. Sci-Hub expects to win the case and will  continue to upload papers after the trial.

To find the current domain or mirror proxy for Sci-Hub, please see the updated SciHub links on this page.

What is a Sci-Hub Mirror Proxy?

A Sci-Hub mirror proxy is an alternative web address that replicates the Sci-Hub website. These mirror proxies are set up to circumvent takedowns and domain seizures. They provide access to the same content as the original Sci-Hub website. Users can access Sci-Hub through these mirror proxies when the main site is inaccessible.

Is Sci-Hub Legal?

The legality of Sci-Hub is a subject of significant debate. Academic publishers and organizations argue that Sci-Hub infringes on copyright law, as it provides access to copyrighted research papers without proper authorization.

On the other hand, proponents of Sci-Hub contend that it serves a noble purpose by making scientific knowledge accessible to a global audience. The legal status of Sci-Hub varies by country, with some nations banning or restricting its use, while others tolerate or even endorse it.

Is Sci-Hub Safe?

Using Sci-Hub poses some risks. The website operates in a legal gray area, and its domains are frequently subjected to takedowns and seizures. Users should be cautious when accessing Sci-Hub, especially if they are concerned about potential legal consequences.

To mitigate risks, some users employ virtual private networks (VPNs) to anonymize their online activities. This can help protect their privacy when accessing Sci-Hub and other websites with legal uncertainties.

Is Safe? is one of the mirror proxies for Sci-Hub. However, like other mirror proxies, it operates in a legal gray area, and the website’s safety is contingent on individual circumstances. It is essential to exercise caution and consider legal implications when using or any other mirror proxy.

What to Do If Sci-Hub Is Not Working.

If Sci-Hub is not working or is blocked in your location, you can try the following:

  • Use a different Sci-Hub mirror proxy: Try accessing Sci-Hub through another mirror proxy or alternative web address. New mirrors are frequently set up to bypass restrictions.
  • Use a VPN: A VPN can mask your location and help you access Sci-Hub even if it’s blocked in your region.
  • Use the TOR browser of Orfox browser to access the Sci-Hub websites.
  • Check forums and communities: Online communities often share information about the latest working Sci-Hub mirror proxies and offer assistance in accessing the website.
  • Explore alternatives: If Sci-Hub remains inaccessible, consider alternative methods for accessing research papers, such as open-access journals, institutional subscriptions, or legal research databases.

How to Check If Sci-Hub Is Down.

To check if Sci-Hub is down or unavailable, you can visit a website that tracks the status of popular websites, like “” or “” These services will inform you whether Sci-Hub is currently experiencing downtime. is also a great way to check if Scihub is down, as it checks the website from 6 different world locations.

Best Sci-Hub Alternatives.

While Sci-Hub offers free access to a vast repository of research papers, it’s essential to explore legal and ethical alternatives for accessing scientific literature. Here are the best SciHub alternatives:

  • Google Scholar – Google Scholar is a free search engine that indexes scholarly articles, making it a valuable resource for finding research papers.
  • – Also called Mutual Science Aid. A forum platform where you will get daily tokens for logging in, and you can use tokens to request full paper texts, and other users will supply them.
  • Institutional access – If you’re affiliated with an educational institution, you may have access to academic journals and databases through your library.
  • Open-access journals – Many journals and publishers offer open-access options, making research papers freely available to the public.
  • ResearchGate – ResearchGate is a platform where researchers share their work, and many papers can be accessed for free.
  • Public libraries – Local libraries may offer access to academic databases and journals, allowing you to access research papers legally.
  • Nexus Project – I highly recommmend this new project, as it include the newest articles and research papers from 2022,2023 and 2024, which Sci-Hub at the moment do not have. You can access via Telegram But or at https://standard–template–
  • Annas Archive – Anna’s Archive include a combination of both Library Genesis ebooks, Scihub papers and Z-Library books and artilces, all on one website.

Sci-Hub has revolutionized access to scientific knowledge, providing an invaluable resource for researchers, students, and the public. Long may it live. I am highly grateful that it exists. Add your comments or questions in the comment section.

Thank you very much for 2024 update. much appreciated

thank you, I can make these 2024 update links work, but would you please advice how the Scihub China links work? thank you so much. SciHub 中文版。 Sci Hub中國文章下載。

The Sci-Hub websites work in China. But you will need to use a VPN. We recommend setting up a Scihub Telegram bot, though, if you want to access Scihub regularly from China. Sci-Hub 網站在中國運作。 但你需要一個VPN。 如果您想從中國定期造訪 Scihub,我們建議您設定一個 Scihub Telegram 機器人。

how to join the Nexus Project on Telegram?

2023 published IEEE papers are not found. How can we download?

hi every body I search scientific articles via www or www or www with article title or doi filter but these sites now return no result if they used to work well. please help me. thanks

for example: doi: 10.1080/10412905.2023.2295905 or doi:10.1080/10916466.2024.2337406

The official Sci Hub websites are still working well. if you are getting a blank page or error and the article won’t show up, it may be because the article is from 2021 or late 2020. If so, then the Sci-Hub article will not download. Sci-Hub froze all new downloads globally during the court trial taking place India. So no new papers and articles. You can access all the papers that Sci-Hub has already saved, however. If your government or your ISP is blocking access, then we recommend using a VPN or the TOR browser.

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proxy to download research papers

Since the very beginning Sci-Hub is supported by donations from website users. I do not have other sources: there are no advertisements, mecenate support or government funding although there should be . All information on Sci-Hub is free to access. Users keep the website up and running by donating small sums.

Donate in a decentralized way

Sci-Hub accepts donations in cryptocurrencies: a hi-tech, decentralized version of money.

To donate by Bitcoin use the new address: bc1q7eqheemcu6xpgr42vl0ayel6wj087nxdfjfndf

You can also donate to the old address: 12PCbUDS4ho7vgSccmixKTHmq9qL2mdSns

‐ I do not know how to use or afraid to use cryptocurrencies, do you have other options to donate?

‐ Using cryptocurrency today is very easy, to get started, just install any popular crypto wallet on your mobile phone. At the moment Sci-Hub does not have other options to donate because of legal complications, but these options will be added in future - keep watching for updates!

  • Interesting
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14 Websites to Download Research Paper for Free – 2024

14 Top Websites for Free, Open Access Research Paper Download

Dr. Somasundaram R

Collecting and reading relevant research articles to one’s research areas is important for PhD scholars. However, for any research scholar, downloading a research paper is one of the most difficult tasks. You must pay for access to high-quality research materials or subscribe to the journal or publication. In this article, ilovephd lists the top 14 websites to download free research papers, journals, books, datasets, patents, and conference proceedings downloads.

Free Research Paper Download Websites – 2024

Check the 14 best free websites to download and read research papers listed below:

Sci-Hub is a website link with over 64.5 million academic papers and articles available for direct download. It bypasses publisher paywalls by allowing access through educational institution proxies.  To download papers Sci-Hub  stores papers in its repository, this storage is called Library Genesis (LibGen) or Library Genesis Proxy 2024. It helps researchers to download free articles by simply using Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the article.


Visit: Working Sci-Hub Proxy Links – 2024

2. Z-Library

The Z-Library clones Library Genesis, a shadow library project. Z-Library facilitates file sharing of scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books (including some copyrighted materials). While most of its books come from Library Genesis, further expanding the collection, users can also directly upload content to the site. This user-contributed content helps to make literature even more widely available. Additionally, individuals can donate to the website’s repository, furthering their mission of free access.

Z-Library claims to have a massive collection, boasting more than 10,139,382 Books books and 84,837,646 Articles articles as of April 25, 2024. According to the project’s page for academic publications (at, it aspires to be “the world’s largest e-book library” as well as “the world’s largest scientific papers repository.” Interestingly, Z-Library also describes itself as a donation-based non-profit organization.


Visit Z-Library – You can Download 70,000,000+ scientific articles for free

3. Library Genesis

The Library Genesis aggregator is a community aiming to collect and catalog item descriptions for the most scientific, scientific, and technical directions, as well as file metadata. In addition to the descriptions, the aggregator contains only links to third-party resources hosted by users. All information posted on the website is collected from publicly available public Internet resources and is intended solely for informational purposes.

Library Genesis


4. Unpaywall – Free Research Paper Download

Unpaywall harvests Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories, and makes it easy to find, track, and use. It is integrated into thousands of library systems, search platforms, and other information products worldwide. If you’re involved in scholarly communication, there’s a good chance you’ve already used Unpaywall data.

Unpaywall is run by OurResearch, a nonprofit dedicated to making scholarships more accessible to everyone. Open is our passion. So it’s only natural our source code is open, too.

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5. is an  Artificial Intelligence(AI)  powered search engine for searching and understanding  scientific articles  for researchers and scientists. It was developed as a part of the  Unpaywall  project. Unpaywall is a database of 23,329,737 free scholarly Open Access(OA) articles from over 50,000 publishers and repositories, and make it easy to find, track, and use. ilovephd

Visit: Find and Understand 25 Million Peer-Reviewed Research Papers for Free

6. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) was launched in 2003 with 300 open-access journals. Today, this independent index contains almost 17,500 peer-reviewed, open-access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Open-access journals from all countries and in all languages are accepted for indexing.

DOAJ is financially supported by many libraries, publishers, and other like-minded organizations. Supporting DOAJ demonstrates a firm commitment to open access and the infrastructure that supports it.

Directory of Open Access Journals


7. Researcher

The Researcher is a free journal-finding mobile application that helps you to read new journal papers every day that are relevant to your research. It is the most popular mobile application used by more than 3 million scientists and researchers to keep themselves updated with the latest academic literature.


Visit: 10 Best Apps for Graduate Students 

8. Science Open

ScienceOpen  is a discovery platform with interactive features for scholars to enhance their research in the open, make an impact, and receive credit for it. It provides context-building services for publishers, to bring researchers closer to the content than ever before. These advanced search and discovery functions, combined with post-publication peer review, recommendation, social sharing, and collection-building features make  ScienceOpen  the only research platform you’ll ever need.

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Visit: is a search engine for academic papers. Whether you are looking for a specific paper, or for research from a field, or all of an author’s works – is the place to find it.

oa mg


10. Internet Archive Scholar

Internet Archive Scholar (IAS) is a full-text search index that includes over 25 million research articles and other scholarly documents preserved in the Internet Archive. The collection spans from digitized copies of eighteenth-century journals through the latest Open Access conference proceedings and pre-prints crawled from the World Wide Web.


Visit: Sci hub Alternative – Internet Archive Scholar

11. Citationsy Archives

Citationsy was founded in 2017 after the reference manager Cenk was using at the time, RefMe, was shut down. It was immediately obvious that the reason people loved RefMe — a clean interface, speed, no ads, and simplicity of use — did not apply to CiteThisForMe. It turned out to be easier than anticipated to get a rough prototype up.



CORE is the world’s largest aggregator of open-access research papers from repositories and journals. It is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open-access mission. We serve the global network of repositories and journals by increasing the discoverability and reuse of open-access content.

It provides solutions for content management, discovery, and scalable machine access to research. Our services support a wide range of stakeholders, specifically researchers, the general public, academic institutions, developers, funders, and companies from a diverse range of sectors including but not limited to innovators, AI technology companies, digital library solutions, and pharma.



13. Dimensions

The database called “Dimensions” covers millions of research publications connected by more than 1.6 billion citations, supporting grants, datasets, clinical trials, patents, and policy documents.

Dimensions is the most comprehensive research grants database that links grants to millions of resulting publications, clinical trials, and patents. It

provides up-to-the-minute online attention data via Altmetric, showing you how often publications and clinical trials are discussed around the world. 226m Altmetric mentions with 17m links to publications.

Dimensions include datasets from repositories such as Figshare, Dryad, Zenodo, Pangaea, and many more. It hosts millions of patents with links to other citing patents as well as to publications and supporting grants.



14. PaperPanda – Download Research Papers for Free

PaperPanda is a Chrome extension that uses some clever logic and the Panda’s detective skills to find you the research paper PDFs you need. Essentially, when you activate PaperPanda it finds the DOI of the paper from the current page, and then goes and searches for it. It starts by querying various Open Access repositories like OpenAccessButton, OaDoi, SemanticScholar, Core, ArXiV, and the Internet Archive. You can also set your university library’s domain in the settings (this feature is in the works and coming soon). PaperPanda will then automatically search for the paper through your library. You can also set a different custom domain in the settings.


Visit: PaperPanda

I hope this article will help you to know some of the best websites to download research papers and journals for free. By utilizing open-access databases, free search tools, and potentially even your local university library, you can access a wealth of valuable scholarly information without infringing on a copyright. Remember, ethical practices in research paper downloading are important, so always prioritize legal access to materials whenever possible. Happy researching!

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Dr. Somasundaram R

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thanks for the informative reports.

warm regards

Good, Keep it up!

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the first pirate website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers

If it were not for Sci-Hub – I wouldn't be able to do my thesis in Materials Science (research related to the structure formation in aluminum alloys)

Alexander T.

We fight inequality in knowledge access across the world. The scientific knowledge should be available for every person regardless of their income, social status, geographical location and etc.

Our mission is to remove any barrier which impeding the widest possible distribution of knowledge in human society!

We advocate for cancellation of intellectual property , or copyright laws, for scientific and educational resources.

Copyright laws render the operation of most online libraries illegal. Hence many people are deprived from knowledge, while at the same time allowing rightholders to have a huge benefits from this. The copyright fosters increase of both informational and economical inequality.

The Sci-Hub project supports Open Access movement in science. Research should be published in open access, i.e. be free to read.

The Open Access is a new and advanced form of scientific communication, which is going to replace outdated subscription models. We stand against unfair gain that publishers collect by creating limits to knowledge distribution.

Send you contribution to the Bitcoin address: 12PCbUDS4ho7vgSccmixKTHmq9qL2mdSns

Download Research Papers and Scientific Articles for free (Sci-Hub and Library Genesis links updated August 2022)

people inside library

Many students and researchers need to find a paper for their research, to complete the review of an article, or while writing their thesis. Many papers can be found through your university library, but for those that you may not have access to through your institution, we take a look at the three largest open access sites, as well as sci hub and Library Genesis .

Unpaywall Unpaywall is a website built by Impactstory, a nonprofit working to make science more open and reusable online. They are supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. What they do is gather all the articles they can from all the open-access repositories on the internet. These are papers that have been provided by the authors or publishers for free, and thus Unpaywall is completely legal. They say they have about 50-85% of all scientific articles available in their archive. Works with Chrome or Firefox.

PaperPanda PaperPanda is a free browser extension for Chrome that gives you one-click access to papers and journal articles. When you find a paper on the publisher’s site, just click the PaperPanda icon and the panda goes and finds the PDF for you.

Open Access Button The Open Access Button  does something very similar to Unpaywall, with some major differences. They search thousands of public repositories, and if the article is not in any of them they send a request to the author to make the paper publicly available with them. The more people try to find an article through them, the more requests an author gets. You can search for articles/papers directly from their page, or download their browser extension.

Library Genesis Library Genesis is a database of over 5 million (yes, million) free papers, articles, entire journals, and non-fiction books. They also have comics, fiction books, and books in many non-english languages. They are also known as LibGen or Genesis Library. Many of the papers on Library Genesis are the same as sci hub, but what sets them apart is that Library Genesis has books as well.

OAmg OAmg lets you search for journal articles and papers, download them, and of course cite them in your Citationsy projects. After entering a query it searches through all published papers in the world and shows you the matches. You can then click a result to see more details and read a summary. It will also let you download the paper through a couple different, completely legal open access services.

Sci-Hub (link updated August 2022) Finally, there’s Sci Hub . Science-Hub works in a completely different way than the other two: researchers, students, and other academics donate their institutional login to Schi-Hub, and when you search for a paper they download it through that account. After the articles has been downloaded they store a copy of it on their own servers. You can basically download 99% of all scientific articles and papers on SciHub. Just enter the DOI to download the papers you need for free from scihub. Shihub was launched by the researcher Alexandra Elbakyan in 2011 with the goal of providing free access to research to everyone, not only those who have the money to pay for journals. Many in the scientific community praise hub-sci / sciencehub for furthering the knowledge of humankind and helping academics from all over the world. shi hub has been sued many times by publishers like Elsevier but it is still accessible, for example by using a sci hub proxy.

You can find links to Sci-Hub on Wikipedia ( ) or WikiData ( ).

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proxy to download research papers

The Open Sci


Latest sci-hub working domains.

SCI-HUB website provides mass and public access to tens of millions of research articles.

Often the Sci-Hub pirate page does not work, since the interests of the big companies try to boycott its operation by taking down or deleting the domains. So domain changes or ISP blocks are constant. We collect the new alternative domain of Sci-hub that is updated every 5 minutes.

proxy to download research papers

Sci Hub is currently available at:

How to log in to SciHub?

Any of the above links should work to access scihub. You can also use Library Genesis ( or ) to access the documents.

Are these links up to date?

Yes, we automatically check for the latest links to Sci Hub every 5 minutes, so these links will likely work. Every time Sci-Hub moves to a new server, this page is updated.

What is Science Hub?

Knowledge for all.

Sci-Hub is the democratization of knowledge: publicly funded research should be freely available to the public.

Why do big companies make money from scientific research?

Use this site to download documents and freely spread knowledge. Sci-Hub supports open access.

How many documents are there on Sci-Hub?

There are currently 85,258,448 documents and PDF files in the Sci Hub library.

Other links and mirrors of alternative ski resorts that may work for ski resort access:

Sci Hub Guide

library genesis mirror

SciHub February 2021

What is SciHub?

Sci-Hub is a site to download reference documents and articles for free. Just copy the DOI journal article and retrieve the PDF for free.

The site provides free access to journal articles. If your objective is to access the knowledge, these sci-hub mirrors are for you.

Sci Hub is the first major archive of pirated academic papers on the Internet. Since their launch in October 2011, Sci Hub and Library Genesis have made 48 million scholarly articles freely available even though there was an Internet connection in the world.

What is Library Genesis?

Library Genesis is a little “dark library”, with over five million books and cards. Here , you can find Library Genesis links.

I was interested in the story of this underground library to find interesting the book “ Shadow Libraries ” by Joe Karaganis.

Sci-Hub is a website that provides free access to academic literature. It is commonly known as the Alexandria Library for Scientists. This page will show you the latest mirror, proxy and cloud hosting provider Sci-Hub functions. You will also find information on new Sci-Hub domains and a cast of updated Sci-Hub mirrors from frecuent.

How to unblock Sci Hub in India?

India has blocked Sci-Hub, but there are two ways to unlock Sci-Hub in India:

  • Use Google DNS as the DNS server. See the settings here: how to set Google’s public DNS .
  • Thor. Download it here . Open Tor Browser and go to one of the scihub link above or to this special link Sci-Hub only Tor: https://scihub22266oqcxt.onion

This should allow you to access scihub from India.

How to unblock Sci Hub in France?

France has blocked Sci-Hub, but there are two ways to avoid it:

  • Use Google DNS as your DNS server. See the configuration here: How to configure Google Public DNS .
  • Thor. Download it here . Open Tor Browser and go to any of the above scihub links or this special Tor only Sci-Hub link: https://scihub22266oqcxt.onion

Did Science Hub stop?

At this time, the sci hub appears to be operational. If you can’t access the science hub, try some of the alternative links above, such as whereisscihub. It is possible that your ISP is blocking sci-hub, in which case an alternate connection might still work.

Is Sci-Hub illegal?

Experts tend to agree that Sci-Hub is strictly speaking illegal, yes. But Sci-Hub articles are not contraband, they are academic articles. There are no known cases where someone has received a fine or penalty for using Sci-Hub.

What is the latest URL of the sci hub?

The ski resort URL is constantly changing, but you can always find the latest ski resort link at the top of this page.

Has the sci hub closed?

Despite being involved in several high-profile legal cases, Sci-Hub was never shut down. Sometimes his domains are seized, but he always manages to move to a new location. You can see the latest links to the sci-hub on this page.

Is Sci Hub legal in India?

Running Sci-Hub is almost certainly illegal, but using Sci-Hub to download research papers is not technically illegal and has never been audited.

Can Sci Hub download books?

Sci-Hub cannot download books. But you can try Library Genesis to download books.

Is the Sci hub legal in Germany?

Sci Hub is not legal in Germany as it is copyright infringement. There is no known case of German authorities going after someone to download scientific papers and there is a doubt that they ever would. This places Sci-Hub in a legal gray area.

How can I get free items?

  • Go to Sci-Hub
  • Type the DOI of the article in the search field
  • The article will be downloaded for free

How do I download articles from SCI Hub?

Is b ok org legal.

B OK is no legal.

Who manages SCI Hub?

Sci-Hub was founded by Alexandra Elbakyan in 2011 in response to the high cost of doing research behind paywalls.

How do I log in to Sci Hub?

Sci Hub links change a lot, but if you go to the top of this page, you can see the latest Sci Hub links.

How does SCI Hub work?

Sci-Hub uses a variety of technologies to bypass publisher paywalls and provide access to millions of research articles.

sci hub tw is an alternative proxy link to sci-hub. It is no longer functional, but you can use one of the other links above to access the sci hub in 2020.

The Swedish domain worked to unblock Sci Hub. As of October 2020 it no longer works. There are alternative sci-hub links on this page.

Another alternative proxy link to sci-hub.

The latest sci-hub proxy mirror, you can directly download literature by searching for DOI and URL links.

Sci-hub alternative proxy link. It is no longer functional, but you can use one of the other links above.

Where is the sci hub?

sci hub is currently located at

The HW domain was an old science center domain.

Where is the sci hub now?

The Sci Hub is now found on various changing Sci Hub proxy links. That’s why this site exists, so you can always find the most up-to-date links.

Chemistry Reference Resolver

If you need to find the reference of an article, you can use the “ Chemistry Reference Resolver ” tool.


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“Paywall? What’s that?”

Paperpanda searches the web for pdf s so you don’t have to, i’m here to help, you’ve probably run into this problem – you want to read a paper, but it’s locked behind a paywall. maybe you have access to it through your library or university, maybe it’s available to download for free through an open access portal, maybe the author uploaded a pdf to a website somewhere – but how are you going to find it paperpanda is here to help just click the tiny panda in your toolbar and the panda will run off and find the paper for you., access research papers in one click, save time accessing full-text pdf s with the free paperpanda browser plugin, stop clicking and start reading, stop navigating paywalls, search engines, and logins. paperpanda helps you get that full-text pdf faster.

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Sci-Hub Proxy links in 2023: A Reliable Alternative for Accessing Scientific Research

Sci-Hub proxy links, Scihub working proxy links, Sci-hub proxy servers, 2023

Working Sci-Hub Proxy Links – 2023

Are you a knowledge seeker or a passionate researcher looking for a convenient way to access scientific articles? Look no further than SciHub, a revolutionary platform that has been providing free access to scientific research papers for years. In this article, we will explore SciHub, its working proxy servers links in 2023, and present it as a reliable Sci-Hub alternative for accessing scientific knowledge. Let’s dive in!

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Table of Contents

1. sci-hub introduction: the importance of scientific research.

Scientific research is crucial in expanding our knowledge of the world and promoting progress in different areas. However, the availability of scientific articles can be limited by paywalls and subscription fees set by publishers, which can pose significant challenges for individuals without institutional affiliations or financial means to access these resources. Therefore, it is essential to explore alternative approaches to make scientific research more widely accessible.

2. Understanding SciHub and Its Purpose

SciHub was founded with the noble aim of eliminating obstacles and fostering equal access to scientific knowledge. Its creator, Alexandra Elbakyan, has established it as an extensive online repository of scientific articles, granting free access to anyone with an internet connection. The platform is an invaluable tool for researchers, students, and enthusiasts alike, facilitating the dissemination of knowledge without any hindrances.

3. The Legality Debate Surrounding SciHub

The topic of SciHub’s legality has ignited a fiery discussion among both the academic and publishing spheres. Proponents of SciHub contend that it offers a crucial resource to researchers in less privileged areas or those who cannot afford expensive subscriptions, even if it means circumventing copyright restrictions and paywalls. On the other hand, publishers assert that it infringes on copyright laws and undermines their revenue models.

4. SciHub Proxy Servers: Ensuring Continuous Access

SciHub’s mission is to democratize access to scientific knowledge by using proxy servers to bypass access restrictions imposed by various entities. By acting as intermediaries, these servers enable users to access content from blocked or restricted websites, ensuring uninterrupted access to SciHub’s extensive database of scientific articles. This provides users with an alternative means of obtaining knowledge that would otherwise be inaccessible, empowering them to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of scientific discovery.

5. The Working SciHub Proxy Servers in 2023

As governments and publishers continue to take measures to block or restrict access to SciHub, the platform persists by regularly updating and shifting its proxy servers. Here are some of the working SciHub proxy servers links in 2023:

  • http://sci-hub.vk

Please note that the availability and functionality of these proxy servers may vary over time due to the ongoing efforts to restrict access to SciHub. It is advisable to search for the latest working proxy servers to ensure uninterrupted access.

6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using SciHub Proxy Servers

Using SciHub proxy servers offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides free access to scientific articles that would otherwise require costly subscriptions or institutional affiliations. Secondly, it facilitates global knowledge exchange and collaboration, allowing researchers from all parts of the world to contribute to scientific progress. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks, such as malware and privacy concerns, when utilizing proxy servers.

7. How to Access SciHub Using a Proxy Server

Accessing SciHub using a proxy server is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  • Identify a working SciHub proxy server (refer to Section 5 for examples).
  • Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the chosen proxy server.
  • In the provided search bar, enter the URL or DOI of the scientific article you wish to access.
  • Click on the “Search” or “Fetch” button to retrieve the article from the SciHub database.
  • Enjoy free access to the scientific article and explore the wealth of knowledge available on SciHub.

Remember to exercise caution and ensure that you are using a reliable proxy server to maintain your online security.

8. The Future of SciHub and Open Access

The world of open access to scientific research is in a state of flux, with SciHub constantly evolving to overcome the challenges posed by publishers and authorities. While the future remains uncertain, there are promising discussions taking place within academic and publishing circles about alternative models that could help tackle the issue of restricted access to scientific knowledge. From open access journals to preprint repositories, there are exciting possibilities on the horizon. However, the long-term sustainability of SciHub’s operations remains a topic of much speculation and debate.

proxy to download research papers

9. Conclusion

SciHub has transformed the scientific research landscape by offering a wide range of scientific articles for free. With the help of proxy servers, SciHub provides uninterrupted access, breaking through paywalls and restrictions. While it is important to note the ongoing legal debate and potential risks associated with using proxy servers, the scientific community must continue to push for open access and explore sustainable models that promote the spread of knowledge for the betterment of society.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Is using SciHub legal? Using SciHub to access copyrighted scientific articles without proper authorization is considered a violation of copyright laws in many countries. However, the legality of SciHub remains a subject of debate and varies across jurisdictions.
  • Are there any alternatives to SciHub? Yes, several alternative platforms and initiatives, such as open access journals, preprint repositories, and institutional repositories, aim to provide free or affordable access to scientific articles. Some notable alternatives include arXiv, PubMed Central, and ResearchGate.
  • Are SciHub proxy servers safe to use? While SciHub proxy servers can provide access to scientific articles, they may pose risks such as malware and compromised privacy. It is important to exercise caution and use reputable proxy servers to minimize these risks.
  • How frequently are the SciHub proxy servers updated? The SciHub proxy servers are updated regularly to adapt to access restrictions imposed by publishers and authorities. However, the availability and functionality of proxy servers may vary, requiring users to stay informed about the latest working options.
  • Is SciHub the only solution for accessing scientific articles? SciHub is a prominent solution for accessing scientific articles, especially for individuals who face financial constraints or lack institutional affiliations. However, the academic and publishing communities are actively exploring alternative models, aiming to provide open access to scientific research.

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Is there a simple way to bulk download a large number of papers from a list of references

I've got a library of 1200 references I'm using for a systematic review. Now I need to download the PDFs of all these references, which will take days if I do it manually. Is there a simple way to automatically download as many as possible from pubmed / Google Scholar / (maybe Scihub)? I have institutional access.

Edit: My solution was to load the reference list into multiple reference managers and run the PDF import function in all of them. Some managers succeeded where others failed. I had to do the rest manually.

  • reference-managers

Nereus's user avatar

  • Did you try to ask your librarian? –  EarlGrey Commented May 24, 2023 at 11:56
  • 2 If you want to do a systematic review of these 1200 works I suspect you would need to read at the very least the abstract but presumably significant parts of the text in each of them. Relative to that effort, the downloading is completely trivial. –  quarague Commented May 24, 2023 at 12:43

2 Answers 2

For systematic review, if you're following PRISMA, you'll typically do some preliminary 'checks' before getting to the lists for full text review.

I'm assuming the 1200 odd references are your final list after the duplicate removal and screening, and perhaps your forward-and-reverse literature chaining.

In Zotero, you can enable automatic PDF download in preference. For your purpose, you then bulk import reference using doi or bibtex or ris .

  • Someone recently developed a working script for bulk adding doi and updating metadata

The trick with Zotero is that Zotero is able to download pdf link to an entry from multiple sources. There are limitations though. Beware that most academic database would lock you out if performing large bulk downloads at fast rate. Always a good idea to use proxy. In your case, you already having institutional access which might assist.

With Endnote, you can bulk import PDF files or like you have in Mendeley, you can set a 'watch' on a folder from which Endnote will automatically import entries for PDF files added to the folder. Unfortunately, that does not address your challenge. With Endnote, similar to Zotero, you can import reference list to populate tour Endnote database.

  • simply export reference list from your search (Google, Scopus ...) to a RIS file.

[Technical approach beyond the scope of Academia forum] For other technical solutions beyond the scope of Academia, you can work directly with API of academic database.

  • Science direct and Scopus provide API access, which you register for for free. You'll still need access to perform low-level tasks and download.
  • you can leverage Python to work with academic database API
  • for Google Scholar, use Scholarly: Scholarly pypi , GitHub
  • for Scopus, pybliometrics is well used.
  • Pyscopus claims to be more friendly. I'm yet to use Pyscopus unlike others. More so, it's inactive since 2019!

There's one I've used recently, just can't recall the name offhand. It allows robust analysis and topic search. I'll update in due course.

[Scientific PDF download]

  • RESP: Research Papers Search claims to search and download scientific papers. Yet to try it out.
  • Articledownloader is worth exploring
  • PyPaperBot is well used for downloading scientific articles from DOI or academic database.

I'm busy with a fork of Automated Search Helper . A research project by Lech Madeyski team at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland. I'm yet to upload latest revision which has the

  • pdf downloader working with JSGlue, Jinja2
  • I have it working locally but need some code clean-up and documentation.

NB: with automatic downloaders, beware of captcha and blocking/ban by academic database

SciPDFParser comes across as a good parser of downloaded articles PDF.

semmyk-research's user avatar

I don't know of any tool to specifically scrape academic databases for pdf's. There may be some obscure program out there on GitHub or a web-crawler that could be repurposed. This question is a bit dated but addresses your problem in more detail and proposes some interesting solutions in that vein.

The easiest off the shelf solution is Endnote. It has a feature that allows for automatic search and retrieval of pdf's. If you have access, it works fairly well. Though it doesn't capture everything . I suspect that there are other reference managers with a similar feature. I don't know of free ones specifically, if that is a concern.

If none of those options are workable for you, consider if it is necessary to download all those pdf's. I'm assuming that you are just beginning to conduct your screening and so you likely don't need the full texts right away. I have conducted a handful of systematic reviews and I have always relied on title and abstract for the initial screen. If I could not make a decision from that info, simply navigating to the original online version was sufficient. Since you already have institutional access, why store them on your local device from the get-go? It would be significantly easier to download and store the papers you flag for further review or inclusion. This may not be right in your case, but it's something to consider if all else fails.

sErISaNo's user avatar

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Not the answer you're looking for browse other questions tagged citations reference-managers sci-hub pubmed ..

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EvolutionaryScale Launches with ESM3: A Milestone AI Model for Biology

New York, NY, June 25, 2024 – EvolutionaryScale, a frontier AI research lab for biology, launched today with ESM3, a milestone AI model capable of generating novel proteins. ESM3 generated a new Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), a process that would take 500 million years of evolution to occur naturally. This milestone generative AI model allows interactive prompting to create proteins, empowering scientists to advance applications from drug discovery, and materials science, to carbon capture.

The founding team at EvolutionaryScale and behind ESM3 are pioneers in applying AI to biology, building what is widely considered to be the first transformer language model for proteins ESM1. The ESM models have empowered groundbreaking scientific research, including a breakthrough in protein folding that helped reveal the structures of hundreds of millions of metagenomic proteins; the models have been used by scientists across the world to model and understand proteins.

EvolutionaryScale described ESM3 today in a scientific preprint and released an open version of the model for scientific researchers (links below).

The Frontier Language Model for Biology ESM3 was trained with 1 trillion teraflops – more compute than any other known model in biology – on a dataset of 2.78 billion proteins across the Earth’s natural diversity. It is the first generative model for biology that simultaneously reasons over the sequence, structure and function of proteins. This enables scientists to understand and create new proteins, making biology programmable.

“ESM3 takes a step toward a future of biology where AI is a tool to engineer from first principles, the way we engineer structures, machines, and microchips, and write computer programs,” said EvolutionaryScale co-founder and chief scientist, Alexander Rives. “We’ve been working on this for a long time, and we’re excited to share it with the scientific community and see what they do with it.”

With this capability, the model has the potential to accelerate discovery across a broad range of applications, ranging from the development of new cancer treatments to creating proteins that could help capture carbon. 

Simulating 500 Million Years of Evolution with a Language Model Prompted through a chain of thought to reason over possible sequences and structures of GFP, ESM3 stepped across 500 million years of evolution to create a new fluorescent protein. GFP is one of the most beautiful and unique proteins in nature, responsible for the glowing of jellyfish and the vivid fluorescent colors of coral. It is the only protein that emits light, and the biological mechanism for this is unique – it is a protein that transforms itself forming a light emitting chromophore out of its own atoms.

GFP has become an important tool in molecular biology, helping scientists to see molecules inside cells. The mechanism that powers this phenomenon is incredibly complex, and ‌generating a variant this distant by computational or experimental laboratory techniques has not been scientifically documented. New fluorescent proteins this distant from known ones have only been found through the discovery of new GFPs in the natural world. Our analysis suggests that under natural evolution it could take more than 500 million years for a protein this different to evolve. 

ESM3: A Tool for Scientists ESM3’s success in generating a new GFP underscores the model’s potential for advancements in biological research and life sciences.

EvolutionaryScale will be opening an API for closed beta today and code and weights are available for a small open version of ESM3 for non-commercial use. EvolutionaryScale is also collaborating with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and NVIDIA to accelerate applications from drug discovery to synthetic biology with AI.

By working with AWS, Evolutionary Scale is making the full ESM3 model family easily accessible to hundreds of thousands of researchers around the world and nine out of the top ten global pharma companies, who already use AWS’s generative AI and health services — Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Bedrock, and AWS HealthOmics. This move will make it easier for researchers to fine-tune the ESM3 models using their own proprietary data securely, and at scale.

All versions of ESM3 will be optimized for training and inference performance through the company’s ongoing collaboration with NVIDIA, including NVIDIA BioNeMo NIMs to accelerate runtime performance and support through the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software license and at 

Closes More Than $142 Million in Seed Funding EvolutionaryScale also announced a seed round of more than $142 million, led by Nat Friedman and Daniel Gross, and Lux Capital, with participation from Amazon, NVentures (NVIDIA’s venture capital arm) and angel investors. Funding will be used to further expand the capabilities of its models.

A link to the ESM3 release blog post describing the preprint paper can be found on our website at .

About EvolutionaryScale EvolutionaryScale is a frontier AI research lab and Public Benefit Corporation dedicated to developing artificial intelligence for the life sciences. EvolutionaryScale’s models support groundbreaking research and development in health, environmental science, and beyond. The company was founded in July 2023 and has raised more than $142 million in seed funding led by Nat Friedman and Daniel Gross, and Lux Capital, with participation from Amazon, NVentures (NVIDIA’s venture capital arm) and angel investors. For more information, visit

Working at Meta’s FAIR (Fundamental AI Research) unit, EvolutionaryScale’s founding team built ESM1 in 2019 which is widely recognized to be the first large language model (LLM) for proteins. EvolutionaryScale’s founding team left Meta in April 2023, starting EvolutionaryScale to develop and launch a next generation model, ESM3.

EvolutionaryScale is committed to developing artificial intelligence for the benefit of human health and society, through open, safe, and responsible research, and in partnership with the scientific community. The scientific team behind the ESM models are among the more than 160 signatories across the world, committed to advancing a framework for responsible development. For more information, please visit:


  1. sci-hub proxy search links

    We provide the latest sci-hub proxy mirror, you can directly download literature by searching for doi and url links. the first website in the world to provide mass & public access to research papers. ... At this time the widest possible distribution of research papers, as well as of other scientific or educational sources, is artificially ...

  2. Sci-Hub: to open science

    Sci-Hub is the most controversial project in today science. The goal of Sci-Hub is to provide free and unrestricted access to all scientific knowledge ever published in journal or book form.. Today the circulation of knowledge in science is restricted by high prices. Many students and researchers cannot afford academic journals and books that are locked behind paywalls.

  3. Unpaywall

    Open Source and nonprofit. Unpaywall is run by OurResearch, a nonprofit dedicated to making scholarship more accessible to everyone. Open is our passion. So it's only natural our source code is open, too.

  4. Best Websites To Download Research Papers For Free: Beyond Sci-Hub

    Unlike other websites to download research papers, Google Scholar provides free access to a vast collection of scholarly literature, making it one of the best websites to download research. ... The platform operates via various proxy links and has been the subject of numerous legal battles with publishers and academic institutions.

  5. Working Sci-Hub Proxy Links in 2023

    In this article, we will cover exactly what is working right and I'll endeavor to keep this page up to date so you can always access the best sci hub proxy links. Working Sci-Hub Proxy Links - Download research papers for free: Here are the current working sci-hub links that currently work:;; ...

  6. How To Download Research Papers For Free: Sci-hub, LibGen, etc

    There are many ways to download research papers for free, using websites like, LibGen, and more. This post will talk about these platforms, so you can go try it out yourself. Website. Features. Sci-Hub. - Direct download button. - Requires DOI of the paper. - Articles from nearly every field of research.

  7. 11 Best Platforms to Download Research Papers [2024]

    Best Platforms to Download Research Papers. 1. Sci-Hub - Accessing Academic Treasure Troves. Sci-Hub is an invaluable resource, boasting a colossal repository of over 64.5 million academic papers and articles available for direct download. What sets Sci-Hub apart is its ability to bypass publisher paywalls, granting access through educational ...

  8. Top 11 Websites for Free Research Paper Downloads

    Choose the research paper you wish to download. Hit on the "Full Text" button that is located just below the abstract. 6.ScienceOpen. ScienceOpen offers a professional network platform for academics that gives access to more than 40 million research papers from all fields of science.

  9. How to use Sci-hub to get academic papers for free

    If your country blocks the website, use one of the many free general purpose proxies. I tested for the purpose of writing this article and it works fine for Sci-hub using the Netherlands exit. 2. Go to the journal publisher's website. Go to the website of whatever article it is you are trying to get.

  10. Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science

    A research paper is a special publication written by scientists to be read by other researchers. Papers are primary sources necessary for research - for example, they contain detailed description of new results and experiments. papers in Sci-Hub library: more than 87,977,763 At this time the widest possible distribution of research papers, as ...

  11. Find and Download Scientific Papers

    InstructionsInstall Now →Install Now →. Find scientific papers by searching here or download the Chrome extension. Unlocking Knowledge: Your Gateway to Open Access Scientific Papers and Research Data. Introduction. In the digital era, the quest for knowledge and scientific discovery is no longer confined to the walls of academia and ...

  12. Sci-Hub: science for the people

    Sci-Hub is the most controversial project in today science. The goal of Sci-Hub is to provide free and unrestricted access to all scientific knowledge ever published in journal or book form.. Today the circulation of knowledge in science is restricted by high prices. Many students and researchers cannot afford academic journals and books that are locked behind paywalls.

  13. Working Sci-Hub Proxy Links

    June 14, 2024. 747910. Sci-Hub is a website link with over 64.5 million academic papers and articles available for direct download. It bypasses publisher paywalls by allowing access through educational institution proxies. To download papers Sci-Hub stores papers in its repository, this storage is called Library Genesis (LibGen) or Library ...

  14. SciHub 2024 Official: Sci hub Proxy Links:,

    Sci-Hub is short for "Scientific Hub," and is a free-to-use website that offers free access to millions of research papers, academic articles, and scientific journals. It is often referred to as a Shadow Library. It was founded by Alexandra Elbakyan, a Kazakhstani programmer and neuroscientist, in 2011.

  15. Sci-Hub

    We provide the latest sci-hub proxy mirror, you can directly download literature by searching for doi and url links. the first website in the world to provide mass & public access to research papers. open. Since the very beginning Sci-Hub is supported by donations from website users.

  16. 14 Websites to Download Research Paper for Free

    Check the 14 best free websites to download and read research papers listed below: 1. Sci-Hub. Sci-Hub is a website link with over 64.5 million academic papers and articles available for direct download. It bypasses publisher paywalls by allowing access through educational institution proxies.

  17. Sci-Hub journal:latest sci-hub mirror links

    Sci-Hub 2021:The first pirate website in the world to open mass and public access to tens of millions research papers.sci-hub working link 2022,sci-hub journal,sci hub download,sci hub proxy,sci-hub mirror,sci-hub links,sci-hub download paper,sci hub proxy 2022.

  18. Sci-Hub: Download Research Papers and Scientific Articles for free

    Many students and researchers need to find a paper for their research, to complete the review of an article, or while writing their thesis. Many papers can be found through your university library, but for those that you may not have access to through your institution, we take a look at the three largest open access sites, as well as sci hub and Library Genesis.

  19. Sci-Hub: knowledge to everyone

    Sci-Hub is the most controversial project in today science. The goal of Sci-Hub is to provide free and unrestricted access to all scientific knowledge ever published in journal or book form.. Today the circulation of knowledge in science is restricted by high prices. Many students and researchers cannot afford academic journals and books that are locked behind paywalls.

  20. Sci-Hub Links

    India has blocked Sci-Hub, but there are two ways to unlock Sci-Hub in India: Use Google DNS as the DNS server. See the settings here: how to set Google's public DNS. Thor. Download it here. Open Tor Browser and go to one of the scihub link above or to this special link Sci-Hub only Tor: https://scihub22266oqcxt.onion.

  21. Access millions of research papers in one click

    Stop clicking and start reading. Stop navigating paywalls, search engines, and logins. PaperPanda helps you get that full-text PDF faster. Access millions of research paper PDFs in one click on thousands of academic websites. Save time navigating paywalls, logins and redirects. Paper Panda searches the web for PDFs so you don't have to.

  22. Sci-Hub Proxy links in 2023: A Reliable Alternative for Accessing

    The Working SciHub Proxy Servers in 2023. As governments and publishers continue to take measures to block or restrict access to SciHub, the platform persists by regularly updating and shifting its proxy servers. Here are some of the working SciHub proxy servers links in 2023:

  23. Is there a simple way to bulk download a large number of papers from a

    Always a good idea to use proxy. In your case, you already having institutional access which might assist. ... [Scientific PDF download] RESP: Research Papers Search claims to search and download scientific papers. Yet to try it out. Articledownloader is worth exploring; PyPaperBot is well used for downloading scientific articles from DOI or ...

  24. EvolutionaryScale Launches with ESM3: A Milestone AI Model for Biology

    New York, NY, June 25, 2024 - EvolutionaryScale, a frontier AI research lab for biology, launched today with ESM3, a milestone AI model capable of generating novel proteins. ESM3 generated a new Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), a process that would take 500 million years of evolution to occur naturally. This milestone generative AI model ...