types of thesis binding

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Thesis binding and printing options


  • By DiscoverPhDs
  • November 29, 2020


If you have recently completed your dissertation congratulations are in order! But the work is not finished – you now have to get your dissertation in front of examiners in a professional format. There are a number of factors to consider when producing a physical copy of your thesis :

  • Type of binding (for example: helical or softback)
  • Paper size (are some pages better suited for A3?)
  • Print options (single or double-sided?)
  • Paper quality (a range of gsm options are available)

What is Thesis/Dissertation Binding?

Thesis binding involves fastening the physical pages of your dissertation together to produce a single presentable document. As simple as it sounds, there is a lot to get right, and dissertation binding is important in giving a good impression of your work.

What are the different types of dissertation binding?

Spiral/helical/wired binding.

Spiral binding (also known as helical binding) and wired binding are very common for bachelors and masters dissertations. These options give a professional look and allow pages to be rotated 360 degrees, making for easy reading. Spiral binding uses a plastic coil, whilst wire binding uses a metal wire.


Fastback/softback binding

Fastback binding (also referred to as softback binding) uses glue to keep your dissertation pages together. This is not a very common choice for dissertation binding as it is rather formal for bachelors and masters, and perhaps not formal enough for PhD theses. Fastback binding also comes with a risk of glue losing fixity over time leading to pages falling out.


Thermal binding

Thermal binding is not very common but can be used for bachelors or masters dissertations. This type of binding is permanent (so pages cannot be easily added/removed) but is generally inexpensive. Another disadvantage of thermal bindings is that pages cannot be opened 360 degrees (as with fastback binding).


Plastic comb binding

Comb binding involves punching holes down the side of the page and binding with a plastic comb strip. This binding option is also suitable for bachelors and masters dissertations. It is a cheap option but can sometimes become difficult to navigate as pages become stuck on the plastic combing. One advantage of plastic comb binding is that it is easy to add and remove pages.


Paperback binding

Paperback binding will give your manuscript the appearance of a book and comes with personalisation options i.e. a titled cover page, spine and back. This gives a very professional appearance, too formal for a bachelors or masters dissertation, but ideal for a PhD thesis.


Hardback binding

Hardback binding again gives a book like appearance, but is expensive and typically reserved only for PhD theses. In addition to custom titling, spine and back, there is a range of material and colour options for hardback binding e.g. the gold lettering you may have seen on academic books.


What Paper Size Should I use?

Most universities will provide very clear instruction on paper sizes, most often A4. However, some pages such as technical drawings or maps may be best shown on A3. In these cases ‘fold out’ pages are an option but must be approved by your university guidelines.

Print Options:

Check your university guidelines when deciding whether to print single or double sided. If printing double sided, be careful as some pages should not be printed back to back. For example, new chapters should start on the right hand page (of a double spread) so blank pages may be required.

What Paper Quality is Suitable?

Paper thickness is measured in grams per square metre (gsm). Although there is no ideal paper thickness, too thin and you risk your dissertation feeling low quality. Too high and you risk your dissertation pages feeling like cardboard, and again pointing to low quality.

Popular UK Services:

Ryman is an affordable thesis binding service, with a range of options for dissertations and theses. Ryman often have stored on University campuses or nearby, so you can check the services provided by your local store (as an alternative to ordering online).

Doxdirect is an online service which offers a large amount of customisation when choosing a thesis binding option. The door to door service also offers a wide range of delivery and production options so you get your bound thesis in your hand as quick as possible.

Thesis Online has been around for a long time (established in 1920), and have a very good reputation. They offer an online thesis binding service and have a hand online calculator which allows you to modify your binding, printing, and deliver options and see the impact on cost in real-time.

Things to Note:

Whichever service you use to bind your thesis or dissertation, there are a few important things to remember:

When using an online service check the turnaround time. Most services take around a week to print, bind, and deliver, though faster services are available at a cost. Some universities have an onsite printing service that students can use. These services likely offer binding options which satisfy your department’s dissertation submission requirements.

An electronic copy and physical copy of your dissertation will be read differently. Whilst consecutive pages are easy to compare on a computer screen, a physical copy may have pages printed on opposite sides of a single page (if double page printed) which makes side by side comparisons difficult. This is something to consider if your text frequently refers to images or tables overleaf.

Most thesis printing services only accept PDF file formats. Ensure that when you convert your dissertation to PDF that you review the document to ensure no errors occur during conversion.

Check your university dissertation guidance on margin requirements. It is also important to factor in margins when considering binding options. Typically a minimum margin of 2.5cm is required on the side of the page to be bound.

Although it comes with an additional cost, it may be useful to purchase personal copies of your bound thesis. You can then bring your bound copy to your Viva , and ensure that what you and your examiners are looking at are identical.

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Printing and binding a thesis: your ultimate guide

A printed and bound thesis

You have finally completed your thesis . It has been a long process of getting your bachelor’s thesis or other college paper to completion. Before you can submit it, high-quality printing and binding is essential. Any student has two concerns when it comes to printing and binding their thesis:

  • What is the best way for printing and binding my thesis?
  • Which is the best place to have my thesis printed and bonded?

Here is a detailed guideline on salient issues to keep in mind when going about printing and binding your thesis .

What is the best way for printing and binding your thesis?

Most students have never printed and bound any research paper before their thesis paper. Therefore, it may be a difficult task selecting the ideal printing and binding configurations. This article provides all the information you need for printing and binding a thesis.

What issues do I have to keep in mind when printing a thesis?

Some of the questions that are in the minds of students when it comes to printing their papers include:

  • Do I print in colour or just black and white?
  • Which is the right kind of paper
  • Where do I get the best deal so that I can print at a reasonable price?

We have compiled some guidelines on printing a thesis to make it easier for you.

What issues do you have to watch out when binding your thesis?

Most students just think about the ‘how’ to go about binding as they do not know the best type of binding to pick for the thesis. Your choice depends on the type of thesis. A paper that requires extensive research and work, such as research paper may require better binding than your regular term paper that takes just a fraction of the time.

The weight of these papers also differs. Your term paper counts just a small percentage of your final mark where your thesis, whether masters, bachelors or a research paper takes the higher percentage.

Keep in mind: printing and binding your thesis is a very important thing. You should find a appropriate binding to make your dissertation worthy and unique. Here, a simple spiral binder may not be the best choice. It is best to go for leather book binding as it is sturdy and looks worthy of a major paper.

Essentially, the choice of the binding to use depends on the type of college paper that you would like to submit.

Most tertiary institutions have specific requirements when it comes to the type of binding to pick. Therefore, check with your institution, whether there any regulations on printing and binding your paper.

What is the right binding for my paper?

There are several options out there for your binding. We shall explain each to make it easier for you to make a choice.

Printing and binding your thesis with the leather book binding

A leather bound thesis

Our recommendation for important papers: thesis printing and binding with the high-quality leather book binding . The leather-look gives your thesis a solid look, which is classy and professional-looking. When you decide to use BachelorPrint, you are given a wide choice of customized options that include a bookmark, custom embossing and corner protectors to have a superb look for your thesis.


Leather book binding works great for your final papers such as

  • Research Paper
  • Bachelor thesis
  • Dissertation
  • Master’s thesis

Thermal binding as a classic way for printing and binding your thesis

A thermally bound thesis

Thermal binding is the most versatile type of binding. Its cover is transparent, thereby allowing you to show the title of your thesis right on the cover. Besides, it comes with a leather-like back cover and you get to choose the colour of the cover. A very good way for printing and binding your thesis.

Recommendation :

Thermal binding works great for smaller research papers. It is also ideal for situations where you need various print-outs of the paper.

The softcover as the most flexible way for printing and binding your thesis

A thesis with a softcover

If you would like to have a final paper that looks creative and stands out, consider going for the softcover. This is because it allows you to design the cover in the way you want. There is a wide choice of pictures, fonts and logos available when you need to go wild with your designs, especially if you are quite creative. However, ensure that your paper does not get too cluttered with creative pieces. You are interested in printing and binding your thesis, not a comic – it has to look serious and professional.


The cheapest way for printing and binding your thesis: the spiral binding

A bound thesis

Spiral binding is the simplest binding method and the sleekest. It has similarity to the thermal binding in that you have a transparent front cover and a leather-like back cover with several colour choices. However, unlike other binding types where your pages are glued together, in this case, your papers are held together by spirals. You have a choice of metal or plastic spirals if you decide for printing and binding your thesis with the spiral binding.

Spiral biding works well for small research papers like the term papers. It is not recommended for important, large final papers such as research papers and dissertations.

A quick look at binding methods

We have tabulated the information above about various types of binding to help you determine which would be the best way for printing and binding your thesis.

Where can I get thesis printing and binding services?

We have researched so that you find it easy when going about printing and binding your thesis. We would also like you to know where to get the best quality service. You can consider going to an online printing provider. This allows you to make an order from home, which saves you some time. Even when you are making online orders, it is important that you research on the providers that can offer quality service. In our research, we found one online printer that stood out from many others.

Bachelor Print logo

BachelorPrint is your choice thesis printing and binding provider. This authoritative online printing provider offers you several high-quality binding selections. They also have a free express shipping service that ensures that you have your paper soon after it has been printed.

Here are some of the benefits offered

  • There is free express shipping to all customers
  • There is a 3D preview function where you look at the inside and outside of your thesis in the selected binding using this function on their website.
  • They offer high-quality papers at reasonable prices

Ensure everything goes right in your thesis printing and binding

Writing a good thesis takes much time and effort. We guarantee that these tips shared above on Master’s thesis, term paper or dissertation printing and binding , your paper should get ready without any hiccups.

You are the one to determine where your papers will be printed. There is a choice of going to a copy shop or making an order online. However, if you would like to simplify the process of printing and binding your thesis and go for a high-quality paper and a smooth printing and binding process for your final paper, go for BachelorPrint. They have set up a user-friendly online print shop that not only allows you to put together your final thesis but also see how it looks like before it is completed. These are a few reasons why we recommend their services.

We wish you all the best as you complete your thesis!

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Printing & Binding a Thesis: The Ultimate How-to Guide

You have studied hard to make it this far. All the hard work towards researching and writing your Bachelor’s thesis, research paper or a different final paper is ending. You have completed your write-up and are ready to submit it to your supervisor. However, one important thing remains – Thesis printing and binding (or thesis binding/thesis printing).

You are probably wondering, “how do I print and bind my thesis? What is the best method and material to use? Where can I find the best service provider to print and bind my thesis?”

Almost every student asks these questions. Finding answers to these questions should no longer stress you out. We compiled resourceful tips that can help you navigate this stage successfully. Read on to gain insightful ideas that you can utilize when working on your thesis or any other research paper.

How do I go about printing and binding my thesis?

If this is your first time printing your research paper, it can be challenging to identify the best method and material to use. In this blog, you will find all the necessary information you need to make an informed decision.

What do I have to watch out for when printing my thesis?

When starting, you will likely ask yourself these questions: • Should the printout be coloured or black and white? • What is the best paper size, quality and brand? • Should the printout be single or double-sided? • How do I find the service provider offering the best services at affordable rates? You no longer have to worry about all that since we have put together all the information you need to answer the above questions.

What do I have to watch out for when binding a thesis?

The first thing you should consider is the guidelines given for your thesis or research paper. If your supervisor or institution has issued specific instructions, it is wise you adhere. Adhering to guidelines for content and structure contributes to your final mark.

If there are no instructions on how to bind your thesis, you can opt for different methods depending on your preferences and stage. For example, you can spiral-bind your regular term paper since it is cheaper and doesn’t have many pages. On the other hand, you may opt for leather binding for your major final paper since it has more pages and the leather is sturdier.

Which binding is the right one for my final paper?

There are several options available, and the choice often depends on your personal preference, institutional requirements, and budget. Here are some options for your final paper:

Leather binding for your thesis

types of thesis binding

Leather binding is an elegant method where the cover of your thesis is made from leather. This technique has been used for centuries and is highly regarded for its durability, aesthetic appeal, and luxurious feel. You can request the service provider to add corner protectors or decorations to endpapers and headbands for additional aesthetic appeal and structural support.

Recommendations: Leather binding is an excellent option for your; • Master thesis • Bachelor’s thesis • Dissertation • Research paper

Thermal binding for your thesis

This method uses heat to adhere pages together. The front cover is usually transparent, making your thesis title visible at a glance. You can choose different material designs and colours for the back cover.

Recommendation: It is fast, easy to use, and can bind relatively thick documents. It also creates a clean and polished look, making it an ideal final paper.

Softcover for your thesis

Choose a softcover if you want your thesis to look unique and stand out among your peers. Softcover allows you to design the cover with different pictures, writings, logos, or patterns. Simply put, you can design it the way you want. However, do not clutter it with irrelevant stuff since it’s your final paper and should appear professional.

Recommendation: Softcover binding is versatile since you can use it for different types of final papers. It is also cost-effective and allows for easy printing on the spine, making it simple to include the paper’s title, author, and other information. However, the softcover may not be durable, especially where the paper is stacked and retrieved many times. Additionally, it cannot contain many pages, such as those of a comprehensive dissertation.

Spiral binding for your thesis

types of thesis binding

This method is used to secure multiple pages of a document together. A continuous plastic or metal coil is threaded through small holes punched along the edge of the pages. The coil is then twisted into a tight spiral shape, effectively holding the pages together. Spiral binding utilizes a transparent front cover and a hard back cover.

Recommendation: It is suitable for small projects like term papers.

Where can I go for printing & binding a thesis?

There are several options available for research paper printing and binding, depending on your location. Some common places where you can get your thesis printed and bound include your school print services, local print shops, or order online.

Numerous online platforms specialize in printing. One of the best online prints is BachelorPrint . They offer online services where you can upload your thesis, select printout options, and have the final product delivered to your doorstep through their free express shipping.

How you benefit: • Your document is printed on a high-quality paper at an affordable price • A complete preview of your bound document before shipping • Free express shipping to your location • Your document is delivered on time and in perfect condition

Printing and binding a thesis – making sure nothing goes wrong!

We know that writing and printing your thesis is a serious investment of time, energy, and money. That’s why we have compiled relevant and insightful information that you need to print and bind your Bachelor’s thesis, term paper, or research paper.

We understand that you have the liberty to choose where to print your thesis. However, if you need a tried and tested online service provider, visit BachelorPrint. Their online platform is user-friendly, fast and effective. Once you get in touch with them, you are assured of a stress-free experience.

We wish you success as you finalize your thesis!

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Dissertation Binding and Printing Options | Comparison and Tips

Published on 3 April 2019 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on 10 July 2019.

Your dissertation is finally finished, you got it proofread and checked for plagiarism . The final step is printing your dissertation, which means choosing between:

  • Types of binding
  • Colour vs. black & white

Single vs. double sided

  • Paper type and thickness

You also need to decide which printing and binding service to use. This independent article explains all options and helps you make the right decisions.

Overview of printing services

Table of contents

Types of dissertation binding, dissertation printing options, production and delivery times, last checks before printing, overview of printing and binding services.

Aside from keeping the pages of your dissertation together, the binding is also responsible for your supervisor’s first impression of your dissertation. There are various types of binding, ranging from the cheaper spiral binding to the more expensive hardcover book binding .

The type of binding should depend on:

  • Guidelines from your university or professor
  • Your dissertation’s version (draft vs. final)
  • Type of dissertation (PhD vs. undergraduate dissertation)

Spiral binding (± £7)

Spiral bound

  • Professional appearance
  • Browsing through the pages is easy (can be opened flat)
  • Fairly cheap

Comb binding (± £5)

Comb bound

  • Enables easy browsing of the pages
  • Binding can be opened and closed (not easily)
  • Has a cheap appearance

Fastback binding (± £8)

fastback bound

  • Professional book-like appearance
  • Available in different colours
  • Risk of pages falling out after a while

Paperback binding (£10-20)

paperback bound

  • Durable and professional
  • Book-like appearance
  • Opening and browsing is less smooth than with spiral or comb binding

Hardback binding (£20-40)

hardback bound

  • Customizable cover
  • Quality comes at a price

Colour vs. Black & White

Unless specifically stated in your university guidelines, it is up to you to decide whether to print your dissertation in colour or black & white. Printing in colour is on average two to four times more expensive.

In general, a colour-printed dissertation looks more professional, but it is not required. Does your dissertation contain graphs or figures that rely on colour? Be sure to print at least these pages in colour.

Printing double sided is often cheaper than printing single sided due to the paper savings – it makes your dissertation half as thick. However, some universities require you to print your dissertation single sided. Be sure to check the guidelines.

When printing your dissertation double sided, pay attention to the following points:

  • New chapters should start on the right side. You will need to take this into account and insert “blank pages” when preparing your dissertation.
  • Add a blank page after the title page so that the acknowledgements or abstract are not printed on the back of your title page.
  • The page numbering is often placed bottom right on the right side of the page and bottom left on the left side. You can easily set this in Word by choosing “outside alignment”.

Paper weight

The thickness of the paper (measured in gsm or grams) is something most students don’t think about, but it does have a significant impact on the look and feel of your dissertation.

Standard printing paper has a weight of 75-90 gsm. For a bachelor’s or master’s dissertation this is fine. If you want the paper to look and feel more professional and durable, a paper weight of 100-130 gsm is better. This is often used for PhD dissertations.

Number of copies

It is common to print three to five copies of your dissertation. Depending on your university’s guidelines you might need to submit one to three copies to your supervisor. In addition, you might want to have a copy for yourself or your family.

The production (printing and binding) takes on average two days, and delivery takes another day. For an additional charge (ranging from +20 to +80%), the production and delivery time can be shortened.

Have a looming deadline? Your local printing shop is probably able to print and bind your dissertation faster, and it eliminates delivery time. However, keep in mind that this is often a little more expensive.

Before sending your dissertation to a printing shop, there are three things you should do:

1. Save your dissertation as a PDF By saving your file as a PDF, the formatting will be consistent on every computer. This way you prevent any unpleasant surprises such as offsets when receiving your printed dissertation.

2. Check for language mistakes There’s nothing worse than finding a language mistake in your printed version. Make sure to proofread your dissertation or make use of a professional dissertation proofreading service .

3. Update the contents page Before saving your dissertation as a PDF, update the (automatic) table of contents. Don’t forget to cross-check the page numbers listed in the table of contents with the actual page number.

The table below provides an overview of the most popular dissertation printing and binding shops, both online and offline. The shops are ordered by price, with information on delivery costs and review score.

*Prices are based on a spiral bound dissertation of 40 pages , printed single-sided , in black , on 80-90gsm  paper, including a clear outer front and back cover .

**Prices are based on a hardback bound dissertation of 200 pages , printed single-sided , in black , on 90-100gsm  paper.

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Streefkerk, R. (2019, July 10). Dissertation Binding and Printing Options | Comparison and Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved 27 May 2024, from https://www.scribbr.co.uk/thesis-dissertation/binding-printing/

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Raimo Streefkerk

Raimo Streefkerk

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Exam Study Expert

Printing & binding a thesis: The ultimate how-to guide

by William Wadsworth | Feb 9, 2020

If I’m honest, I only ever had to bind a small handful of assignments for submission, so I never really gave it too much thought. But as I started talking to more different students in different positions, I realised there were actually some important decisions to make when it comes to binding major pieces of work like a thesis or dissertation. So I asked invited BachelorPrint , a popular printing company, to share their take on the options, and what’s going to work best for you. Enjoy ! William, Exam Study Expert Founder

types of thesis binding

You’ve finally made it:

All those hours in the library, all that time bashing away at your keyboard; your big paper is nearing completion. You’ve done your proofreading , and all that remains is to choose the right printing and binding for your thesis or dissertation.

There are three things to think about:

  • What’s the best thesis binding option?
  • What print settings should I choose?
  • Where should I get it printed?

Let’s walk through each of these in turn.

What’s the best binding option for my thesis?

For a big project or thesis, you can’t just stick a staple in it and hope for the best. Your institution might have specific submission guidelines that dictate how your research paper should be bound, which you’d be well-advised to check.

There are four main binding options:

Each method of binding a thesis, dissertation or research paper is best for different reasons, as we’ll explain.

Overview of thesis binding options

Choosing the right option can be confusing, so we’ve put together a handy overview of binding options for your thesis or dissertation, showing you which type of project each is suitable for, how many pages the binding type can accept, what options you have for the cover, and how they compare on cost:

Overview of four main binding options for theses, dissertations and research papers, showing their advantages / disadvantages

Leather binding: go classy

Leather bound thesis

Leather binding is the highest quality binding option for your thesis : perfect for major final research papers such as dissertations, or your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. Some print shops will let you emboss the cover with your title and institutions logo, or add finishing touches such as a bookmark or corner protectors to make your submission really stand out.

Thermal binding: go versatile

Thermal binding for thesis

Thermal binding is the most versatile of all bindings . It’s perfect for smaller research projects, but can handle page counts of up to 450 pages too, more than any other bind type. It has a transparent front cover, which immediately brings the title of your thesis to the forefront. The back is often a leather-effect cover, for a quality finish.

Softcover binding: go creative

Softcover binding for thesis

If you want your dissertation to stand out and look more creative , then we suggest going for a softcover binding. This gives you the option of designing the cover the way you want to. Different fonts, logos, pictures or totally wild designs – when you choose softcover, you can let your creative juices flow!

But go easy on the clipart and don’t let it get too cluttered – you still want to keep a professional-looking finish. In principle, you can use softcover binding for any type of final paper, but the page limit of 300 makes it less suitable for really big projects.

Spiral binding: go low-cost

Spiral binding for research paper

Spiral binding is the simplest and cheapest option , perfect for smaller research projects and term papers. There are two different types of spirals available – plastic and metal – with plastic spiral bind machines often being found in university / college libraries.

Spiral binding is less suitable for larger submissions such as dissertations and theses as page count is often restricted, and with plastic spiral binding in particular, the plastic binding can interfere with a smooth page turn, making for a less polished reading experience.

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What print settings should I choose for my thesis?

Settled on a binding option for your thesis? Great. Now you just need to choose how the interior pages are going to appear.

There are four main things to think about here:

1. Black and white or colour

Printing in colour can be more expensive, but will definitely help your research paper to stand ou t, and may be particularly important in some fields like laboratory science or art history where colour is an essential component of your figures.

Be careful with to avoid gratuitous use of colour in your finished document – overdoing the colour can start to look a little cheesy!

2. Single or double-sided

Opting for double-sided keeps the finished document slimmer, (and is kinder on the planet!) though bear in mind it isn’t necessarily cheaper.

Examiners and assessors sometimes prefer single-sided so they can make notes on one side of the page, so check your institution’s submission guidelines – they often specify whether you must print on both sides of the paper or just one.

3. Paper thickness matters

Paper thickness is measured in “grams per square metre” – “gsm” or “g/m²”.

A higher gsm means a thicker paper and a more premium feel, but typically at a higher price.

Some print shops default to 80gsm. This can cause “bleed-through” when printing double-sided, which is where whatever is printed on the reverse of the page is visible from the front of the page, cheapening the overall feel of your submission.

You’ll see some improvement on bleed-through by upgrading to a thicker paper at 100gsm.

If you’re printing a major submission double-sided, especially if it’s got a lot of ink-heavy figures, you’d be best off opting for a premium 120 gsm paper.

4. Thesis printing and binding: delivery time!

Finally, make sure it arrives in time! At BachelorPrint, we offer free 24-hour express delivery as standard on all orders.

Where to go for thesis binding?

For morning-of-deadline printing and binding panics, you’re left with no alternative than to take your finished thesis, paper or dissertation to your local print shop. Most university towns will have one – though even a physical shop may have a limit on how quickly they can turn a document round, especially if it’s long and you need multiple copies.

So try and plan ahead if you can.

If you’re ready a day or more before the deadline, consider saving yourself some time (and money!), and getting access to a wider range of options through an online provider such as BachelorPrint.

At BachelorPrint , we offer:

  • Free express shipping as standard: place your order by 9am (Mon-Thurs) for next-day delivery by 6pm the following day.
  • A 3D preview of your binding and “look-inside” function, so you know exactly how the finished print is going to look.
  • A wide range of print and bind options at student-budget-friendly prices!

Whatever options you choose for your binding and printing, and wherever you go to get the job done, we’d like to wish you all the best with your thesis!

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BAUCE Magazine

Thesis Printing and Binding: All You Need to Know


It may have felt like there was no end to the sleepless nights spent writing your thesis, but at last you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, is the deadline to hand in your thesis steadily approaching and you have no idea what to do about your thesis printing and binding ? If this is the case, you’ve come to the right place because in this article, we’ll fill you in with all the details you must know about thesis printing. We’ll look at: 

  • The thesis printing configurations 
  • The different thesis binding types
  • How to find the right print shop

Continue reading and you’ll have your completed thesis in your hands in no time! 

The Thesis Printing and Binding Process

If you’re an undergraduate student, then it’s quite possible that you’ve never had a need for professional thesis printing and binding before. Most of your term papers and essays would have been submitted digitally. Getting professional thesis printing and binding can seem like an overwhelming task, but it really doesn’t have to be difficult. 

We’ll quickly run you through the thesis printing configurations before taking a look at the different bindings available. 

Choosing your Thesis Printing Configurations

In the table below, we’ve listed the main thesis printing configurations that you’ll have to decide on. This way, you won’t have to spend more hours researching for the answers to your dissertation printing and binding queries. 

In the end, details such as the type of paper and any add-ons you choose will have an influence on the price of your thesis printing and binding package. Take a look at different providers and compare their offers, as you’ll want something with a good price to quality ratio. 

Choosing Your Thesis Binding 

The next step is choosing your thesis binding. Don’t be alarmed when you see all the choices! Each binding will be suitable for a range of different papers and you can choose whichever one you find to be the most aesthetic, whilst keeping within the guidelines provided by your educational institution.

The suitability of each dissertation printing and binding configuration depends on the academic work you’re submitting. A bachelor’s thesis you’ve spent half a year researching and writing deserves a better binding than the essay you wrote during an all-nighter. The chosen binding should reflect your hard work. 

For example, the standard spiral binding won’t be able to reflect the hard work you’ve put into your undergraduate or postgraduate thesis. Furthermore, the elegant leather binding may be a bit too much for your ten page essay. 

In the end, your dissertation printing and binding decisions come down to the type of academic work you’re submitting.

Tip! Check with your academic institution regarding the thesis printing and binding requirements from their side. There may also be specific requirements depending on your study program.

Introducing the Thesis Binding Types

In this section, we’ll take a look at the different thesis binding types one by one so you can make a well-informed decision regarding which binding is the best for your academic work. 

The Elegant Leather Book Binding

The classy leather book binding is simply perfect for your extensive research paper or bachelor’s thesis. With add-ons such as corner protectors, bookmarks and custom embossing, your professor will certainly be impressed. There’s no doubt that this thesis binding will do justice to what lies inside its covers.

Recommendations: Almost all lengthier academic papers are suitable for leather book binding. These include:

  • Research paper
  • Dissertation
  • Master’s thesis
  • Bachelor thesis

The Timeless Thermal Binding

The classic thermal binding is as versatile as it gets. Present your research paper with this binding or use it for extra copies of your paper that will be going into storage. With the transparent front cover, your title page will be on display and you’re able to choose from several colors for the leather-like back page. You can’t go wrong with the timeless thermal binding.

Recommendation : Use the thermal binding to print a few extra copies of your thesis. Future employers may be interested in your research, so it’s good to always have a few copies in storage.

The Creative Softcover Binding   

The creative softcover binding can be designed exactly how you’ve always envisioned. Pictures, logos, different colors and fonts are all among the possibilities. Thus, this dissertation binding is a great option for those studying creative degree programs. Just ensure that your design is not too cluttered and that it still looks professional.

Recommendation: The softcover binding will make any thesis stand out. However, this binding is unable to hold a large number of pages, so it’s not suitable for lengthy research papers.

The Classic Spiral Binding

The spiral binding is the most cost-friendly option. Just like the thermal binding, it’s great for putting copies of your paper into storage. The main difference is that the pages are bound together with metal or plastic spirals instead of glue. Your title page will be on display and you can choose from several colors for the back cover- so it shares quite a few similarities with the thermal binding.

Recommendation: The spiral binding is great for smaller papers that don’t hold much weight. It’s the perfect cost-effective solution.

The Thesis Binding Types: An Overview 

Here you’ll find all of the information above compiled into one all-inclusive table. We advise you to frequently refer to this table whilst configuring your thesis printing and binding.

types of thesis binding

An Online Shop for Dissertation Printing and Binding

So, you’ve decided on your dissertation printing and binding configurations, your formatting has been perfected and you’re ready to hand it in and be done with it. Your last job is to choose a reliable professional printing service. You’ve put your heart and soul into writing this, so you want only the best thesis printing and binding.

Your choice comes down to online printing services, or your university campus print shop. We advise an online print shop because this way, you can order your thesis printing and binding online and have it delivered to your door. There will be no need to leave the house and wait in line at a print shop with other frantic college students.  

One such online print shop is BachelorPrint . Their free express shipping will be your savior if you’ve left your thesis printing and binding to the last minute.

types of thesis binding

The BachelorPrint online shop has an innovative look inside function and 3D preview so you can perfect your formatting and view your thesis printed and bound, before placing your order. With add-ons like custom embossing, corner protectors and bookmarks, you’ll find everything you could possibly need for a perfect thesis printing and binding experience with the BachelorPrint online shop. 

The BachelorPrint thesis printing and binding benefits

  • Express shipping straight to your door
  • 3D preview and look inside function
  • Assemble your thesis without leaving the couch

Summary: Thesis Printing and Binding

Completing your thesis is a huge milestone! That’s why you deserve nothing less than perfect thesis printing and binding to do justice to what lies inside of the pages. 

Remember to think about your thesis printing configurations first before you get carried away by the different thesis binding types. Only once you’ve decided on the type of paper, whether you need double-sided printing and your formatting, can you then take a look at the thesis binding table above to choose your binding. Research some different providers and think about the advantages and disadvantages of both in-store print shops and online print shops.  

We wish you lots of luck with your thesis printing and binding!


This content was produced via a paid partnership with BAUCE Magazine.

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Smith-Shattuck Bookbinding

Thesis binding styles.

Library Standard Binding (Buckram) The least expensive book we offer is the library standard binding. This is machine oversewn, with a black buckram cloth cover binding of acid-free construction. Your last name and date of degree are gold stamped on the spine. This is the binding style that graduate students need in order to meet the requirements for a Doctorate at Princeton University. It is also attractive enough for presentation to advisors or undergraduate thesis submissions.

Books up to ½-inch thick are made with a square (unrounded) spine. We round and back the spine for sizes above ½ an inch.

View an assortment of doctoral thesis library standard bookbinding here .

Buckram Roundback Binding The buckram roundback binding includes all the features of our library binding process. In addition, we gold foil stamp the book’s title and your full name on the front cover along with a separator line between the title and name. On the spine we will put your last name and date of degree, along with decorative double lines at the top and bottom of the spine. Our stamping design can be varied to meet the requirements of your school. Stamping colors available include gold, silver, copper, white, black, red and blue.


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Printing and Binding a Thesis: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide

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After many months you have finally completed your thesis. You have put everything into making sure it is perfect. Now all you have to do is complete the printing and binding of your thesis before you can finally submit it.

When it comes to printing and binding, students scarcely are experts in the field and therefore always have the same questions:

  • How do I print and bind my thesis?
  • Where can I print and bind my thesis?

We want to help you find the right answers to these questions. Therefore, this is a step-by-step guide to printing and binding your thesis to make it a success.

Printed and bound thesis.

What Should I Consider when Printing my Thesis?

When printing your thesis, you have to consider a few things beforehand:

Black and white or colour?

When printing your thesis, remember that colour is always more expensive than black and white. Printing in colour definitely looks impressive. However, if you have too much colour some people may take your thesis less seriously than they might otherwise. If printing in colour is not essential, you are better sticking with black and white.

Which kind of paper?

When you visit a copyshop, they usually print your thesis on 80 g/m 2 paper. However, this paper type is quite thin. Plus, the print on the paper's reverse side will often shine through which never looks good. Look for a shop with printing options that include 100 g/m 2 paper. Some may even offer this as a default which can save you lots of money.

Where do I get the best prices?

The price of printing your thesis is determined by the combination of your paper weight, the use of black and white or colour ink, and the number of pages. Visit various shops and ask for quotes for the same specifications. X pages in colour printed on 100 g/m 2 paper. Then compare the prices and see if you can find external customer reviews to help you make an informed decision.

Tip: If you order online, try to find a provider with free shipping.

What Should I Consider when Binding my Thesis?

"How" to bind a thesis is something most students do not know. First of all, they usually do not know which binding to use.

The answer to this question depends on the type of thesis being submitted. Research papers tend to be very long and detailed while regular term papers are shorter and completed faster. Regular term papers are worth a small fraction of a grade while a Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis or a research paper make a massive impact.

Simply put, when printing and binding your dissertation you need a superior binding if the paper is worth more. A leather-bound paper is appropriate for a Master's thesis while a spiral-bound paper will do for a regular term project.

Most colleges and universities will have specific binding requirements for you to adhere to. Before you print and bind your thesis, check what guidelines have been provided by your institution.

Which Bindings are Available?

When printing your thesis, it is much easier to bind it correctly if you know what your options are first.

Where can I have my Thesis Printed and Bound?

We have done the research on your behalf so that choosing where to go when printing and binding your thesis is easy. You want to find the best service quality possible so that you end up with the highest-quality product.

We recommend that you use online printing services . This way, you can place your order from your own home or your institute's library which saves a lot of time when compared to searching for a printing shop on foot.

Making sure Nothing goes Wrong

By the time your thesis is complete, you will have spent a lot of time and energy on it. With our tips, you have everything you need to choose the right printing options and then the right style of binding. All of our advice is relevant whether you are visiting copyshops or you are looking at online companies.

However, if you want to save on time and want high-quality printing followed by excellent binding with no stress at affordable prices, then we wholeheartedly recommend an online printing service.

Now that you have everything you need, we would like to wish you all the best with your thesis!

About the Author

Maxime Werner is Business Development Manager at BachelorPrint.

BachelorPrint is your first address for printing and binding your dissertation & co. They offer excellent bindings, a perfect service and free express delivery worldwide.

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See also: Transferable Skills | Essay Writing Academic Referencing | Styles of Writing

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The final steps of your thesis: Finding the right printing and binding services and choosing the right style for you

One of the best things is the feeling you get when you’ve finished writing your thesis. After months of research and writing, at long last, your paper, thesis, or dissertation is finally done. What’s left to do is the printing and binding of your thesis. But still, you need to find out the best printing and binding services and choose a style that makes you proud of the final result of your work. 

There are a few things to consider when choosing how to print and bind your thesis or dissertation: the quality of the paper, the material, and color of the binding. A few other details can be customized, such as the ribbons and corner protectors. To help you decide, we have selected a few options from our partner, BachelorPrint.

Premium Leather book binding

Our pick: Premium Leather book binding

  • Page limit: 10 – 370 pages
  • Color options: Red, green, blue, black
  • Textured, leather-look surface
  • Ribbon bookmark in white, silver, gold, blue or black
  • Corner protectors in black, gold, and silver
  • Customized embossing in gold, silver, and black

BachelorPrint  is your go-to expert when it comes to printing and binding your thesis. The online market leader offers a wide range of bindings and will transform your thesis into a work of art. 

The  ultimate : with their free express shipping they guarantee that your thesis will be in your hands within a few days!

Binding thesis Online Bachelor Print

Leather book binding: a thesis to look like a book

  • Appearance: textured matte (premium bookbinding) or marbled leather-look with a slightly glossy finish (standard bookbinding)

You’ve made it! You’ve finished writing your thesis. Now all that’s left is printing and binding and knocking your examiner’s socks off! That’s why we recommend leather bookbinding . 

A leather book has the best quality for  printing and binding your thesis . Your thesis will look like a classy book. 

Choosing this type of binding will make your thesis stand out from the rest and leave a lasting impression on your examiner. Combine that with additional options such as customized embossing, corner protectors, and a ribbon bookmark, and after that process your thesis you’ll have a one-of-a-kind, sophisticated-looking book.

There are two options available with this leather book: Premium leather book and standard leather book. Whereas the premium leather book has a matte finish, a standard leather book has a glossy finish. However, both are done in leather-look and consist of a solid and sturdy cover. 

Which leather book you choose for your  thesis binding is a matter of personal preference.

Upgrade your binding

Deciding on a leather book when printing and binding your thesis gives you the option to upgrade it to your tastes and create a one-of-a-kind binding. Here are the upgrade options:

Corners protectors

Corners protectors:

Adds a touch of class

Prevents the corners from binding

Available in silver, black & gold

Ribbon Bookmark

Ribbon Bookmark:

Enhance your book’s appearance

Can be used as a bookmark (your examiner will be grateful!)

Available in white, black, blue, silver & gold

Printing binding thesis embossing leather binding

Customized embossing:

E.g.: University logo and title of your dissertation on the cover

Embossed spine optional

Available in black, silver & gold

You can use BachelorPrint preview tool see how your dream binding would look like:

Thermal binding

Thermal binding: a clean and classic style

  • Page limit: 2 – 450 pages
  • Color options: black, red, green, yellow, blue, white, gray
  • Appearance: transparent front cover, colored, leather-look back cover

Of all the different types of binding,  thermal binding  is a classic. One of the features is the transparent front cover: it shows off the title page of your dissertation as well as the title of your thesis. This means that attention is immediately drawn to the topic of your dissertation.


Softcover: A thesis for artists

  • Page limit: 20 – 150 pages
  • Color options: customizable to suit your needs
  • Appearance: satin matte, smooth appearance; design and print your cover to your liking (magazine look)
  • Cover: 300 g/m² premium paper

Looking to make an impact with your thesis? In that case, the softcover is just for you! You have free reign and can decide what you want your cover to look like: Logos, colors, photos, or different fonts – you’re the one who decides what goes on the cover of your softcover. That is why this type is ideal for more creative fields of study. 

Note: Designing a one-of-a-kind binding that looks super original is tempting, but remember to keep it aligned with your field of studies and professional looking.

Spiral binding

Spiral binding: A sleek solution for your thesis

  • Page limit: 1 – 300 pages
  • Color options for cardboard back cover: black, red, green, gray, blue, yellow or white
  • Appearance: Leather-look cardboard back cover, transparent front cover
  • Spiral options: Metal or plastic

Of all the different types of binding, spiral binding is the sleekest and simplest type  BachelorPrint  has to offer. It has a transparent front cover. This allows the examiner to see the topic of your Master’s thesis or dissertation right away. However, spiral binding is better for printing shorter dissertations. 

Some professors will require that you use  spiral binding  for printing your thesis. If your post-secondary institution has no guidelines regarding printing and binding, then you should make sure that the “packaging” of your thesis matches the contents: If you are looking into printing and binding your Master’s thesis, we definitely recommend the leather book over spiral binding. 

Overview of thesis bindings

Tips from printing experts.

It’s one thing to know what thesis binding to choose when printing your thesis. But there are lots of helpful and important tips that you should consider when it comes to printing. We sat down with BachelorPrint to put together some exclusive advice just for you:

Tip #1- Choosing the right paper:  Most printing services use 80 g/m² paper by default. However, 80 g/m² paper is relatively thin and as a result, the print on the reverse side will shine through if you are printing double-sided. 

Tip:  Remember that printing and binding your thesis is not something you do every day – be sure to use high-quality paper and select 100 g/m² paper – if printing double-sided, we actually recommend 120 g/m² paper. BachelorPrint automatically uses 100 g/m² paper.

Tip #2- Printing single-sided or double-sided:  It’s totally up to you whether you print your thesis single-sided or double-sided. Make sure you check the examiner’s guidelines first – if there are none, the choice is yours! 

Tip:  When printing double-sided, make sure your page numbers are formatted correctly. Uneven page numbers should always be on the right-hand page, and even page numbers should be on the left-hand page.

Tip #3- Printing in color:  It’s up to you whether you print in color or black and white. This depends on your thesis. If your dissertation has lots of charts and photos, color printing would look better. 

Tip:  Color printing gives your thesis a classier appearance. But take note! Too much color and your thesis will look less professional.

Tip #4- Number of copies:  You can assume that two members of the examination board will read your thesis. Furthermore, the person or organization you did your internship with might also like a copy of your thesis. Last but not least, you would probably also like to own a copy of your dissertation, Master’s thesis, or  research paper . 

Tip:  Find out beforehand, how many copies you’ll need. We generally recommend making 4 to 5 copies. Of course, the type of binding is up to you.

Tip #5- Cost:  The cost of printing and binding your thesis is based on various factors: Paperweight, color printing, and actual printing. Many service providers often add a surcharge when you opt for color printing or thicker paper.

Tip:  BachelorPrint printing expert automatically uses 100 g/m² paper, and does not even add a surcharge. The same applies for color printing: whether you choose black/white or color, BachelorPrint charges the same.

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Thesis and Dissertation Binding

Click the image of your binding choice for quote or to order, fabric hard cover.

types of thesis binding

Fabric Hard Cover Binding with Gold Embossed Lettering and Gold Seal

Printed Hard Cover

types of thesis binding

Printed Hard Cover Binding with full color design on wrap-around Hard Cover

Soft Cover, Perfect Binding

types of thesis binding

Softcover Perfect Binding with full color design on wrap-around Soft Cover

types of thesis binding

Gold Embossed School Seals

In addition to gold embossed lettering on the spine and cover of your book, you can add your College / University’s Seal or Emblem. Click here for a list of seals and emblems, or to request your school’s seal.

types of thesis binding

Quality Paper Selection

We offer archival-quality paper in 25% Cotton or 100% Cotton, as well as standard 20 lb & 60lb Bond paper. You will only pay color printing rates for your specified color pages. Lots of photos? Consider our 80lb Gloss paper. Your entire book will be printed in stunning full color at a low color printing rate. Click here to view a detailed list of available paper options.

types of thesis binding

Headbands & Archival Endsheets

Our Hard Cover books include top & bottom Headbands – chequered fabric that decorate and protect the edges of the spine of your book. Hard Cover books also use archival-quality Endsheets – the pages which attach your book’s body to its Hard Cover case, as well as heavy blank/fly pages on the front & back cover.

types of thesis binding

Mail-In your paper document for Binding Only

We can print your document from a PDF file (see sidebar), or you can mail your already printed document for Hard Cover Binding. Simply click your Hard Cover binding style above and follow the instructions. You will be prompted to print your order form. You’ll then pack it with your documents and ship us the package.

types of thesis binding

Check your Order Status

Shipping date is available on the day that you order. Tracking Number is available only if your order has shipped. For Printed Hardcover binding, shipping date will change based on the time you approve cover proof.

to Order or get a Quote:

That will take you to a page with the description of the binding style. For Fabric Hardcover binding, you can click on any swatch-rectangle to see a full-size book made with the fabric.

You can stop when you’re done, if a Quote is all you want

You now know the Exact Cost of your order with Shipping. You can stop here if Total Cost is all you want

If you’re Mailing a Paper Document, you will instead be prompted to print a form. Follow the instructions on the printed form for Shipping and Payment instructions

Yes, you will upload your file AFTER payment is made.

That’s it. Your order is now complete!

I’ve highly recommended you guys to the administrators, I’ll recommend you to all my MA and PhD colleagues.

– Bob

I received my theses last week and they look great! Cheers.

– Nic

Our first doctoral graduate has received her bound dissertation copies – our first with your company. They are excellent! Thank you for your quality product.

– Harold

Just got back three bound thesis volumes. Beautiful work. Thank you.

– Fred

Your company gained my trust very quickly. You did such a fast, efficient job.

– Natalia

I just received the two books I ordered — they are wonderful. I am very happy!

– Gianni

The thesis binding and the efforts of your company were excellent in all respects. I truly appreciate the promptness. Thank you for making my experience with your company and my finished project remarkable.

– Kimberly

I am completely satisfied with your service and speed. I would definitely recommend you to the grad students in my department. Thank you again for the wonderful job.

– Abdul

Thanks for taking such good care of my work. I will enjoy presenting them to my dissertation chair and the president of my organization next week.

– Barbara

I just received my dissertations in the mail. They’re perfect! They arrived quickly and in mint condition.

– Joe

I am thrilled with my thesis. You did an excellent job. Thank you. I have recommended you to some of my classmates.

– Tau

You put the finishing touches on a 30-month effort and exceeded my expectations…In terms of quality, speed, and overall "wow" factor. Thank you very much.

– David

I had my thesis bound with your company a few years ago and I have been recommending you to fellow grad students ever since. Thanks again!

– Alison

Everything has exceeded my expectation. Thank you so much for making my thesis so memorable.

– Subhendu

I would like for you to know that I was very pleased with the binding of my dissertation.

– Cora

I love it. Thank you so much for doing such an incredible job!

– Pam

I cannot thank you enough for the excellent work you have done to print my Thesis

– Jay

I can’t say enough about the experience of working with your company. I look forward to doing business again in the future.

– Doreen

You’re the best in the businesss! Keep up the great work.

– Leeanne

Just a quick note to thank everyone who worked on putting my book together. It looks beautiful, I could not be happier.

– Elissa

Can definitely recommend the service! Good quality binding, 2-sided, color and at a very acceptable price.

– Scott

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types of thesis binding

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Amazing finished product. Great service along the way and very professional. Highly recommended!!

DB Bookbinders did a great job printing and binding my thesis. There was an issue with the ordering form's file upload but easily solved via email. Thank you!

With over 30 years of experience, we specialise in providing high-quality thesis and dissertation binding services for universities and colleges in the United States.

Our experienced team of binders can craft beautiful, professional-grade bindings for your thesis or dissertation.

With our easy online thesis uploading platform, you can place your order and have it shipped to you in no time. We also offer a range of binding styles, from buckram, vegan leather, to genuine leather, so you can choose the perfect binding for your thesis or dissertation.

Get started today and craft a binding that you will be proud to submit.

Thesis and Dissertation FAQ's Still have questions? We have answers!

There’s a lot to weigh up! We’ve put together a couple of handy guides to help you know what to look for when you’re getting your thesis, dissertation or design folio bound.

Thankfully, we’ve written a handy guide to knowing what to know before you go to a bookbinder. Have a read of ‘Five Things You Need to Know’ by clicking the button below.

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Dissertations presented professionally.

Compliment your work with the best presentation possible  

It can take years to develop your thesis or dissertation. Looking professional is essential for something this important.  

Bindery work is a craft and we are very critical of the quality of paper, coverings and other materials that contribute to an impressive finish. Our fine-tuned processes ensure construction integrity, precision with all cuts and edges and overall consistency. You can really tell the difference. 

We get the presentation of your thesis or dissertation to a level to impress. Nothing less is satisfactory to us.  

Go to our  dissertation binding form  to place your order. 

Servicing students and professionals from the largest universities in the United States!   

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We are experts in professional binding and would love to assist with your thesis or dissertation binding today.


We enjoy hearing from our happy customers after they’ve received their delivery of bound theses and that ‘magic moment’ of excitement. It’s something to be proud of and we love being part of that.

DB Bookbinders proudly supports university students and academics right across the U.S. with their thesis and dissertation printing and binding needs.

We also provide various other book binding restoration services to a broad range of professional organisations across the United States including colleges, universities and government organisations.

Read more about  our services .

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Dissertation Printing and Binding: A Complete Guide

dissertation printing and binding online with bachelorprint

A Complete Guide to Dissertation Printing and Binding

You’ve spent endless nights researching and writing whilst consuming way too much caffeine. Finally, you’re proud to say that your dissertation is finished. You’ve edited, proofread, and double checked your referencing. The only thing left to do is to find a high-quality dissertation printing and binding provider before the deadline. Unfortunately, this is also no easy feat. You need to consider:

  • The type of binding
  • What your printing configurations will look like
  • Whether to go with an online or in-store dissertation printing provider

But don’t fret! We’ll provide you with everything you need to know in this complete guide to dissertation printing and binding !

The Dissertation Printing and Binding Process

If you’ve just written your bachelor’s thesis, then the whole professional dissertation printing and binding process may be completely new to you. Smaller essays and research papers are generally digitally submitted, so you have probably never required professional printing services before. Choosing the ideal dissertation printing and binding configurations can be tricky, as there’s a few ground rules to follow. We’ll start by breaking down the printing configurations for you.

The Dissertation Printing Configurations

The dissertation printing configurations include:

  • Black and white vs colour printing
  • The type of paper
  • Your layout

Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE

To do justice to your student budget, search for print shops that offer 100g/m 2 paper, as well as colour printing by default. If opting for an online print shop, free delivery is always a bonus, and you should watch out for extra unexpected charges.

The Different Dissertation Binding Types

Once you’ve decided on your dissertation printing configurations, the next step is choosing the best binding. This will depend on what exactly it is you’re submitting. Your bachelor’s thesis deserves a more elegant binding than an essay you’ve spent a few weeks writing. Plus, a major thesis contributes towards a larger portion of your final grade, so you’ll want to impress your professor with a classy dissertation binding.

Don’t undermine your hard work! Completing your dissertation is a huge milestone, so the chosen binding should reflect this.

Remember: what is suitable for thesis printing and binding in one study program may not be suitable for another. Your friend studying an arts degree may have a colourful thesis with a self-designed softcover binding. The dissertation printing and binding for your biology degree will look very different.

In the end, your chosen dissertation binding will depend on what you’re submitting and how much it contributes to your final grade.

Many educational institutions have their own dissertation printing and binding requirements. Double check with your institution to see how much autonomy you have regarding your dissertation’s design.

An Introduction to the Dissertation Binding Types

You have many different dissertation binding types to choose from, but don’t be intimidated by all the choices! We’ll go through the details of each one, so you can make a well-informed decision about your dissertation binding.

The Classy Leather Book Binding Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Normální tabulka"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language:DE; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}

The elegant leather book binding is exactly what you need for important papers like a bachelor’s thesis or a master’s thesis. This professional binding is guaranteed to leave a great first impression on your professors. Plus, you have many extras to choose from. Bookmarks, fold out pages, corner protectors and customized embossing are just a few of the options that will give your thesis a makeover.

Recommendations: Leather book binding is a fantastic option for almost all types of papers.

  • Bachelor‘s thesis
  • Dissertation
  • Master’s thesis
  • Larger research paper

The Classic Thermal Binding Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Normální tabulka"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language:DE; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}

The classic thermal binding is incredibly versatile. It’s a great option for smaller research papers, or for extra copies of your thesis. The front cover is transparent, meaning that readers are immediately able to see your title page. The back cover is available in several colours of a faux leather material. The thermal binding will allow you to keep your dissertation classy, even whilst on a budget.

Recommendation: The thermal binding is exactly what you need for putting copies of your thesis or research paper into storage

The Personally Designed Softcover Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Normální tabulka"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language:DE; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}

You’re able to design the artsy softcove r however you feel is suitable for your dissertation. Include logos, pictures, symbols, and different fonts – there are no limits. As long as your dissertation binding fulfils the requirements of your educational institution and degree program, you’re good to go.

Recommendation: The softcover is a great addition to your paper, particularly if you’re studying an arts degree. It just cannot hold as many pages as the other bindings, so it may not be suitable for a larger thesis.

Spiral Binding on a Budget Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Normální tabulka"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-ansi-language:DE; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}

With the spiral binding , you get the best of both worlds. It won’t be too harsh on your student budget and you’ll still receive high-quality dissertation printing and binding. It’s similar to the thermal binding, as your front cover will be on display and you’re able to choose between several colours for the leather-like back cover. The difference is that the pages are bound together with metal or plastic spirals, instead of glue.

Recommendation: For papers that hold less weight, the spiral binding is what you need. Due to its simple nature, this cost-effective binding is unfortunately not suitable for larger papers like theses or lengthy research papers.

An Overview of the Dissertation Binding Types

Here, the information above has been compiled into one, all-inclusive table. Use this as a guideline whilst preparing your dissertation printing and binding! Don’t forget to check if there’s any specific dissertation printing and binding requirements from your university!

Finding a Dissertation Printing and Binding Provider

You’ve decided on your dissertation printing configurations and you think you know which binding will be perfect, but your work is not done yet. You need to find a dissertation printing service that will supply you with high-quality printing and binding. The first step is to decide whether you’d prefer to have your thesis delivered to your door by an online printing service , or whether you’d prefer to personally go into a print shop.

One advantage to an online print shop is that you can order your thesis from the comfort of your home and have it delivered to you within a few days. Regardless of which print shop you choose, take a look at some reviews to ensure that you’re going to get your money’s worth.

We did a bit of research ourselves and one print shop in particular caught our eye.

bachelorprint online printing and binding services

BachelorPrint is your go-to when it comes to dissertation printing and binding. This market-leading online print shop has an abundance of dissertation binding options for you to choose from along with various add-on opportunities. With free express shipping, your finished paper will be in your hands before you know it.

The benefits:

  • Every order comes with free express shipping
  • 3D preview to check your layout and formatting before ordering
  • High-quality dissertation printing and binding for the student budget

Summary: High-Quality Dissertation Printing and Binding

Researching and writing your thesis may have been a daunting task, but who says the dissertation printing and binding process has to be? Read this dissertation printing and binding guide carefully and you’ll have a flawless piece of academic work to hand to your professors.

Of course, the decision is yours, but if you’re on a tight deadline, we recommend an online print shop like BachelorPrint. With free express shipping, you’re guaranteed to meet those deadlines. The online shop is incredibly user-friendly and with a 3D preview as well as a look inside function, arranging your formatting will be a breeze. These are just a few of the benefits that come with the dissertation printing and binding leader!

We wish you all the best with your dissertation printing and binding!

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Which Paper For Thesis Printing & Binding?

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  • 1 High Quality is Essential
  • 3  100 g/m² Color Copy Premium Paper 
  • 4 Top Quality Thesis Printing 

High Quality is Essential

The more brilliantly and true the reproduction of the colors, the better the quality of the content of your bachelor’s thesis. And in turn, this has a positive influence on the examiner! It is not only the appearance, but also the feel of the paper for thesis printing that plays such a crucial role in getting a good grade. You know the feeling of holding strong, smooth paper in your hands? High value is expressed not only for contracts and important documents, but also in the paper for thesis printing and binding.

Also searched:   Thesis printing and binding

What paper should I print my thesis on?

There are different types and qualities of papers used for printing work, depending on what needs to be printed. Some examples of these paper types are the 80 g/m², 100 g/m² and 120 g/m² papers. At BachelorPrint, we use the 100 g/m² premium paper as our standard for printing. This is because it is of very high quality, robust, and feels nice between the fingers when flipping through pages. Regardless of which type of paper you choose, the print time and cost efficiency of your thesis won’t be changed.

What is the difference between 100g/m² and 120g/m² paper?

The 100g/m² and 120g/m² papers are both used in the printing of high-quality academic writing projects. While they are both of very high quality, the 120g/m² paper is thicker and better for double-sided printing than the 100gm/² paper. As such, the 120g/m² paper is preferred for theses, dissertations and final papers as it is robust and won’t be bent so easily. However, the 100g/m² premium paper is used as a standard and comes at no extra printing and binding cost , unlike in copy shops.

Should my thesis be printed double sided?

When printing a thesis, it is important to produce something of very high quality. Often, it is recommended to print theses double-sided due to the volume of pages they have. However, it is also very important to use the 120g/m² paper for theses in order to avoid seeing through the pages to the other side of the paper. Paired with an elegant leather binding and robust paper for printing, your thesis will be of the highest quality.

What are the types of binding for thesis paper?

There are many different types of binding and which one you choose depends on the importance of the academic writing work you are printing a binding. A bachelor’s thesis or master’s thesis is very important, therefore we always recommend these to be bound using leather binding. However, if you want to hand in your thesis with an application or need it for storage purposes only, other types of binding such as thermal binding or spiral binding would be sufficient.

How much does it cost to print thesis?

Several factors influence the cost of printing and binding a thesis. These factors include but are not limited to:

  • How many copies are required
  • Which types of binding you choose
  • How many pages the thesis has

To save money, you can pick and choose different bindings for each copy of your thesis.

 100 g/m² Color Copy Premium Paper 


“The 100 g/m² Color Copy premium paper for thesis printing […] was specially developed to produce a particular brilliance and value.”

There are very cheap paper grades, the airy and rough quality of which can be seen with the naked eye. Touching the paper for the first time usually confirms this first impression. It just feels cheap, and it is even less fun to hold the paper in your hands longer, let alone deal with the written content. These are normally low-cost papers with a paper thickness of 80g/m².

It’s hardly surprising that the currently advertised printing prices are the lowest we’ve ever seen. But you get what you pay for, and this reflects the quality of the paper for thesis printing.

There are, however, paper types that exhibit a high quality thanks to their greater paper thickness and smooth surface. These papers include, for example, 100g/m² Color Copy premium paper  for thesis printing. This paper has been specially developed to produce a particular brilliance and value. These factors play a special role, in particular in theses.

BachelorPrint   has specifically addressed the requirements of students and graduates and thus only uses 100g/m² Color Copy paper for thesis printing. Together with leather binding, particularly with a premium suede cover, your bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis, or doctoral thesis will stand head and shoulders above the rest!


Top Quality Thesis Printing 

Using the highest quality paper for thesis printing is worthless if the printer’s performance is limited or inferior. Only with powerful brand printers, such as those produced by multi award winning manufacturer Xerox, is the highest print quality achieved, which you can’t only see, but also feel! To make sure that graduates are convinced of the paper quality before printing, they can, of course, come in and feel the 100g/m² Color Copy premium paper  in their hands.

“Only with high performance brand printers […] can the highest print quality be achieved”

Only when you, the customer, are 100% convinced of the paper for thesis printing, the print quality and our service, have we done our job. And we’re looking forward to it!

After the printing of your bachelor’s thesis, Mmster’s thesis or dissertation, the right binding should also be chosen. We’ll give you the support you need to prepare your academic work through the experience and know-how we’ve acquired over many years. Just ask us. We wish you luck!

At BachelorPrint , the 100g/m² paper is the standard paper used for thesis printing.  However, if you have a bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis, PhD thesis or dissertation with a very high page count, we recommend you use the 120g/m² premium paper for thesis printing and have the paper printed on both sides. In doing so, you will save space and the page limit for leather binding is then not exceeded. Thanks to the thickness of the paper for thesis printing, you can’t see the text on the other side.

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Types of binding

6 Most Common Types of Binding Methods

When it comes to information sharing and document presentation, the choice of a binding method serves as the architectural backbone for how we organize and convey our ideas. From scholarly dissertations to corporate reports, creative portfolios, and important legal documents, the binding method employed plays a crucial role in shaping the professionalism, durability, and accessibility of these materials. This article is dedicated to unravelling the diverse landscape of binding techniques, shedding light on the most common methods used across various sectors, including academia, businesses, design, and publishing. By understanding these binding options and their unique advantages, readers from all walks of life can make informed decisions on how best to encapsulate their ideas and make a lasting impact through the presentation of their documents.

Why is Binding Important?

The choice of a binding method isn’t just a technical detail; it’s a decision that directly impacts the user experience and the longevity of the materials. Whether you’re a student preparing a thesis, a marketing professional compiling a client presentation, an artist binding a portfolio, or a legal expert organizing contracts, your choice of binding method can make the difference between a document that leaves a memorable impression and one that falls apart, literally or figuratively. By examining the most common types of binding methods and understanding their applications, readers across various sectors will gain valuable insights into elevating the quality and professionalism of their printed materials, ensuring that their ideas are well-presented and effectively preserved for future reference.

Most Common Types of Binding Methods

Coil/spiral binding.

Coil Binding Products

Coil or spiral binding is a popular document binding method that involves using a continuous plastic or metal coil, often in the shape of a spiral, to hold the pages of a document together. This binding technique is characterized by small, evenly spaced holes punched along the edge of the document’s pages, and the coil is threaded through these holes. Once the coil is in place, it is usually crimped or twisted at the ends to prevent it from unravelling.

  • Documents can lay completely flat, making them easy to read and allowing for effortless note-taking or photocopying.
  • Can be opened and rotated a full 360 degrees.
  • Resilient and can withstand heavy use. The plastic or metal coil is less prone to bending or breaking.
  • It’s relatively simple to add or remove pages from coil-bound documents.
  • While it’s easy to add or remove pages, making edits to existing pages in a coil-bound document can be challenging without disassembling and rebinding the entire document.
  • The front and back covers on coil-bound documents are not as secure as with some other binding methods, and they may be prone to bending or tearing over time.
  • May not be suitable for very thick documents.

Binding Machine Required : Coil Binding Machines

Comb/Cerlox Binding

Comb Binding Products

Comb binding , also known as Cerlox binding, is a popular document binding method that uses a plastic comb spine with multiple, evenly spaced, rectangular-shaped teeth to hold the pages of a document together. The comb spine is inserted through rectangular holes punched along the edge of the document’s pages. Once in place, the comb is opened, and the pages are threaded onto the teeth of the comb. Afterward, the comb is closed, securing the pages in place.

The result is a neatly bound document that allows for easy page-turning and lays flat when opened. Comb binding is commonly used for various applications, including reports, presentations, manuals, and school projects.

  • Flexibility in editing. Pages can be easily added, removed, or reordered without the need to disassemble the entire document.
  • Documents can lay flat when opened, providing a user-friendly reading and note-taking experience.
  • Plastic comb spines are robust and durable.
  • Comb bindings come in various colours and sizes, allowing for personalization and enhancing the visual appeal of documents.
  • Can accommodate a relatively high page count, suitable for documents of varying thicknesses.
  • While comb-bound documents lay flat, they don’t allow for a full 360-degree page rotation like coil-bound documents.
  • The plastic comb spines may be susceptible to breakage if subjected to rough handling or excessive bending.

Binding Machine Required : Comb Binding Machines

Wire Binding / Wire-O Binding

Wire-O Binding Products

Wire binding , often referred to as Wire-O binding, is a document binding method that uses a twin-loop wire spine to hold the pages of a document together. This binding method is characterized by evenly spaced double-loop wires that run along the edge of the document’s pages. The pages have small, round holes punched near the edge, and the wire spine is threaded through these holes. Once in place, the wire spine is crimped at both ends to secure the pages.

The result is a neatly bound document that allows for easy page-turning and lays flat when opened. Wire binding is commonly used for various applications, including calendars, notebooks, presentations, and reports.

  • Provides a sleek and professional look.
  • Can be opened and laid flat.
  • The twin-loop wire spines are robust and resistant to bending.
  • Allows a full 360-degree page rotation, offering exceptional flexibility for referencing specific pages.
  • Making edits to existing pages in wire-bound documents can be challenging without disassembling and rebinding the entire document.
  • Wire spines may be susceptible to scratching, which can impact the overall appearance of the bound document.

Binding Machine Required : Wire Binding Machines

Saddle Stitching

Saddle Stitching

Saddle stitching is a common and cost-effective bookbinding method used to bind booklets, brochures, magazines, and other multi-page publications. The term “saddle stitching” refers to folding a stack of pages in half, creating a crease or fold along the spine. These folded pages are then placed on a saddle-like apparatus, which aligns the folded edges. A length of wire, thread, or staple is driven through the fold (spine) of the pages, securing them together. Saddle stitching is characterized by the staple or stitch along the booklet’s spine, resulting in a simple and functional binding that is especially suitable for publications with a lower page count, typically up to 64 pages.

  • Cost-effective binding method, making it suitable for large print runs.
  • Relatively fast production, allowing for efficient production of publications.
  • Lays relatively flat when opened.
  • Compact and easy to store.
  • Requires fewer materials compared to some other binding methods.
  • Only suitable for documents with a lower page count.
  • May not be as durable as those bound with other methods.
  • Not Suitable for Thick Paper Stocks.
  • Does not allow for custom printing or labelling on the spine of the publication.

Binding Machine Required : Wire Stitchers and Staplers

Perfect Binding/Soft Cover Binding

Perfect binding , also known as soft cover binding, is a popular bookbinding method used to create paperback books, catalogues, magazines, and other publications with a flat spine. It is characterized by the use of adhesive to bind the pages together.

  • Provides a polished and professional appearance.
  • The flat spine allows for clear printing of titles and information.
  • Can accommodate larger page counts.
  • The adhesive used in perfect binding forms a strong and durable bond.
  • Cost-effective for longer print runs but may be more expensive for short print runs compared to saddle stitching or spiral binding.
  • Not suitable for very thin publications, as the adhesive needs sufficient surface area for a secure bond.
  • Perfect-bound books may not lay completely flat when opened.
  • Involves drying time for the adhesive, which can extend production time.

Binding Machine Required : Perfect Binders

Case binding/Hard Cover Binding

Case binding, also known as hardcover binding, is a bookbinding method used to create books with rigid and durable covers, typically made of thick cardboard or binder board. This method results in a book with a sturdy, protective cover that encases the pages, offering enhanced durability and a professional appearance.

  • Highly durable and can withstand extended use and handling.
  • Provide a professional and polished appearance, often making them preferred for novels, textbooks, and premium publications.
  • The rigid cover provides excellent protection to the pages, preventing damage from bending, tearing, or other physical stress.
  • Often associated with higher value and prestige, making them a preferred choice for special editions or collector’s items.
  • Generally more expensive than softcover or other binding methods, due to the materials and labour involved in the process.
  • The binding process can be time-consuming, involving multiple steps such as sewing, drying, and casing-in.
  • Do not lay flat when opened, which can be less convenient for reading and taking notes, especially near the spine.
  • Not ideal for short runs.
  • Bulkier and heavier than softcover alternatives.

By understanding the advantages and applications of these common binding methods, you can make informed decisions when it comes to presenting your documents in a professional and functional manner. Whether you’re a student, a business professional, a designer, or a publisher, the right binding method can enhance the impact of your materials and ensure they stand the test of time.

If you’re a business owner in the office, binding, printing or publishing industry, and you’re seeking the best binding machines to enhance your operations, look no further. Our selection of high-quality binding machines is designed to meet your specific needs. Whether you require the durability of case binding, the versatility of perfect binding, or the cost-effective benefits of saddle stitching, we have the right binding solution for you. Contact us today to explore our range of binding machines and take your business to the next level.

Perfect Binding, Paper Cutter,

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Ultimate Guide for Printing & Binding Your Thesis!

This article is a partnership with BachelorPrint.de.

The joy of every student is completing his or her research paper . Be it a degree or a class project, the result should be presentable. Therefore its presentation is significant to the overall grade, hence the person or firm offering the thesis printing and binding services should be credible, effective and on time.

Before settling on the service provider, the student should understand how and where the printing will be done and which technique will be used to bind. This article will explain what to watch out during the process.

What I Need to Know when Printing and Binding My Thesis

If it is your first time for printing and binding a thesis , this article will provide all the necessary information needed to create a good impression on the presentation. The measurements used to bind and paper size when printings are some of the technical aspects explained.

Key Features When Printing My Thesis

For any thesis printing job, the following are important elements:

  • Printing Color: The printing can either be done in black and white or colored.
  • Paper: Quality and thickness is crucial here.
  • Price: What is the best price for printing your thesis, which is appropriate and what features allow you to save money.

The above printing concerns are summarized in the table below.

Binding a Thesis: What you Need to Know

Binding is a precision technique which most students might not be aware of. The type of binding chosen should be adjusted to the size of the paper, in terms of page number as well as importance. For example: leather book binding is the best option in printing and binding the dissertation as it has the capacity and an attractive presentation. Spiral binding, in turn, is appropriate for term papers, thanks to the smaller size.

Most tertiary institutions have their guidelines on printing and binding. Learners should endeavor to find out if such requirements are applicable for conformity. If your institution does not have any guidelines on the topic, this article will show you the objective way to print and bind your thesis before you hand it over for approvals.

When printing and binding your thesis, you can choose different types of bindings . We want to describe the most frequent ones chosen for theses, so that you can easily decide which type is perfect for you.

1. Leather Book Binding

Leather book binding is the most preferred form for a Research Paper, Bachelor’s thesis, Master’s thesis or a dissertation. It is durable and has a high-class appearance. At BachelorPrint, leather book binding can be embossed, have corner protectors or come with a bookmark. These add-ons make the final product more appealing.

types of thesis binding

2. Thermal Binding

What scores for the thermal binding is its simple & classic design. The top cover is transparent, which enables the reader to see the cover page of your thesis at first glance. The back cover can be in a color of your choosing, with leather-like structure to compliment the look. This type of suits relatively smaller thesis papers and research paper print-outs.

types of thesis binding

3. Softcover

The creativity used on softcover is second to none as the cover of this binding can completely be designed and printed the way you want it. This way, it not only gives enough room to customize the cover page, it has room for logos, different fonts and sizes, pictorials and designs. This open room for creativity should not be overused as too much of variant designs might spoil the intended message. The professional presentation of the research paper must be upheld.

types of thesis binding

4. Spiral Binding

Spiral binding is the simplest to do and the most approachable. Its approach on the cover page is similar to thermal binding. The binding is available in a variety of colours for the back page. The cover page is transparent while the pages are fastened by a spiral bind which allows movement between the individual pages. The spirals are available either in plastic or metal, depending on the look you want to give your paper.

types of thesis binding

Overview of the Types of Bindings

types of thesis binding

Where Do I find a Good Place for Printing and Binding my Thesis?

We have researched possible online service providers for printing a thesis. A lot has been considered; flexibility, quality and a credible supplier. Flexibility touched on the ease in assessing the service provider’s profile and calling in for business at the comfort of your sit. Quality touched on the printing material used and the production process while credibility is vested in time and customers’ feedback.

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  • Express shipping is FREE, allowing delivery of your thesis in good time.
  • There is a 3D preview of how the final binding will look like, including a look-inside function
  • High-quality printing papers and fair pricing.

Getting the Best from Your Thesis

The time spent and energy used when writing a thesis are significant sacrifices. With our insights in getting your research paper or term paper to a good printing service, we ensure every aspect is handled perfectly. The decision on how to do it lies with the thesis owner, but if everything discussed in this article is anything to go by, BachelorPrint is an authority in this field.

Successful thesis creation.

DISCLOSURE: This article is a partnership with BachelorPrint.de. The content is not of responsibility of LiveInnovation.org.

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The Document Centre

Types of Thesis Binding & Optional Extras

by Mark at Pilot | Thesis binding

Binding options

[UPDATED]: In this blog post we thought we’d explain, in a bit more detail, the various  thesis printing and binding  options available at  The Document Centre, London . Here we look at the options in the same order as they appear on  the online order form , so that it’s possible to cross-refer. The photo montage above also illustrates many of the options discussed. So, first up are the options for  printing of the actual pages  …

Standard Printing Options:

For the internal pages of the thesis or dissertation, our standard paper is 100gsm and is excellent quality, suitable for both pin-sharp text and vivid photographs and graphics. The pages are printed digitally using our state-of-the-art digital printers. During the ordering process you can specify how many pages are to be printed in black and white, and how many are to be in full colour (you can have a mix of both and do  not normally need to tell us which pages are which as that is usually self-evident within the PDF you supply). Specifying the correct  quantity  of each, however, will give you an accurate final price for your order.

Unless the ‘ I require double-sided printing ‘ box is checked during the online ordering process, we print internal pages single-sided by default. This is because virtually all universities specify single-sided printing in their thesis/dissertation printing specifications. However you can overrule that, i.e. have double-sided printing, by checking the box if you wish.

Types of Binding Available:

When it comes to thesis  binding , most universities require ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ binding but there are some exceptions so we’ll go through all the various binding options available so that it covers all possible university specifications:

Hard binding  (usually used for final submission of a thesis/dissertation): this is a style of bookbinding which is rather like traditional hard-back books i.e. the covers and spine are strong and very rigid while internal pages are securely bound in. As with hardback books you’d see in a bookshop, the covers extend slightly further than the internal pages. Our hard-bound theses and dissertations come with a ‘library buckram cloth’ covering which has a pleasant texture and is hard-wearing. A large range of colours are available to suit any university specification. On the online order form you can choose to have metallic foil lettering on the front cover should you wish (for university thesis binding it will usually appear on the spine by default).

Soft binding  is a little similar to hard binding (see above) except the covers are not as thick and therefore not as rigid and the internal pages are thermally glued in. However the finished book is still usually able to stand unaided on a book shelf. The covers and spine are covered in a library buckram book cloth although, unlike with hard binding, the outer covers are cut flush with the internal pages. This type of bookbinding is often used for first submission of your thesis or dissertation. The buckram covering is available in a large range of colours to suit any university specification and, for university dissertations, gold or silver foil lettering usually also appears on the spine, by default.

Wiro binding:  this method of document binding uses a wire coil (or spiral) to hold the pages together. The pages are first punched with a series of regularly-spaced holes near the binding edge and then the wire spine is clamped down through the holes in the pages so as to keep them in place. The wire spine comes in several colours and also allows the document pages to be turned through 360 degrees and to open completely flat if required. Usually a transparent cover is included at the front end and a card cover at the back. Wiro binding can usually be done while-you-wait, without an appointment.

Velo binding:  this is another simple and fast method of document binding and, as such, can also be done in-store while you wait, usually without an appointment. Like wiro binding, velo binding also comes with a transparent plastic front cover and card back cover and the pages also have regularly punched holes (but just 12 in number for velo) near the spine. Different, though, is the binding method; with velo binding the document is bound using a 12-pin binding system which is able to bind up to 600 sheets of paper (3 inches max.) which is way beyond the capability of wiro binding. Universities like King’s College have started to specify this binding system for theses and dissertations in recent times.  Learn more about velo binding here .

Thermal binding:  as with velo and wiro binding, thermal binding also usually comes with a clear plastic front cover and card back cover and is quick and easy (so can also usually be done while you wait). The binding mechanism is via thermal (hot) glue rather than any physical ‘spine’ addition. Thermal binding is also known as Glue binding, Fastback, Thermo and Perfect binding.

Optional Extras:

As well as the standard printing and binding options outlined above, other optional  extras  include:

A plastic pocket to hold a CD or DVD.  Usually this is positioned in the inside of the back cover but you are free to instruct us otherwise if you prefer it elsewhere (there is a space for special instructions towards the end of the online ordering process).

A CD can be burned or copied  so that it contains your file(s). This can be housed in a plastic pocket which can be supplied loose or inserted into your binding, as you prefer. As above there is a space for any special instructions towards the end of the online ordering process.

A plastic corner pocket  which can house loose inserts can be glued to the inside back cover, or other location — even left loose if you prefer to position it yourself.

A cloth corner pocket  (suitable for hardbound books only) can be supplied instead of the plastic variety. This is positioned on the inside back cover board and can contain loose inserts etc.

A cloth ‘register’ ribbon  (again for hardbinding only) can be bound into the book, for use as a bookmark. A variety of colours are available.

Foil (shiny metallic) lettering:  For hard and soft binding for university theses, we usually add silver or gold foil lettering to the spines by default. However for hard binding we can also foil on the front cover (as is appropriate for your particular university). Gold is the default so tick the override box if you need silver foil instead. On  the online order form , within the ‘ Binding Style & Presentation ‘ section near the bottom, fill in the appropriate fields for things like the university, degree, first name, family name and so on, and  please check your spelling carefully before submitting your order  because we will print what you supply.

Turnaround Times

You have quite a range of options to choose from, including:

  • 2 hour turnaround  (available during all but our busiest months – orders being processed between 9am and 3pm);
  • 4 hour turnaround  (available during all but our busiest months – orders being processed between 9am and 1pm);
  • Same day turnaround  (orders  must  be received by 10.30am in order to be available from 3.30pm the same working day);
  • 2 working day turnaround  (orders  must  be received by 10.30am for that day to count as the first day);
  • 3 working day turnaround  (orders  must  be received by 10.30am for that day to count as the first day).

Please note that turnaround times are for  week days only ; weekends are not counted as working days.

Example:  Order by 10.30am latest on a Monday morning and, if you ordered a 3 day service, your order will be ready by 3.30pm on the Wednesday.

Free Delivery to many London Universities

Once completed, bound dissertations/theses can be delivered free to certain London universities and institutions. These are: Berkbeck College (WC1), James C Maxwell Building, Franklin-Wilkins Building, SOAS, Imperial College, Gower Street, King’s College (Guy’s and Strand campuses), Courtaulds (Strand), The Institute of Education, the London School of Tropical Medicine, Christie’s Education and Regent’s Business School. More can be seen on the Delivery section of  the online order form .

It is also possible, when ordering, to specify a different 2nd and 3rd delivery address for any duplicate copies being ordered. So we could send one to your university and another to your home address, for example.

So — whatever specification is required, we have it covered at The Document Centre. All dissertations are bound to the exact university specifications required (unless you tell us otherwise) and, as you can see above, there is a huge amount of flexibility regarding optional extras, turnaround times and even delivery. As the first bookbinders to bring in online ordering of thesis binding into the UK, we have things down to a fine art and are a ‘preferred supplier’ for many of the UK’s universities.  To order your thesis binding online click here ,  contact us or see a map of our London location here , here or simply  call us on 0207 928 9738 . Lastly, for more about our printing, bookbinding and thesis binding services and the types of binding available, click  here .

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MyThesis Binding


Hardbound and Softbound Thesis Binding

Arbelave Library Buckram Cloth

The buckram cloth we use to cover your theses is of the highest standard available. We stock 36 colours with a consistent colour match, acrylic coated for a water-resistant / wipe clean finish, colour fast – no fading, excellent foil blocking characteristics for clear text and a durable, smooth, high-quality finish.

Foil Blocking

Standard hard bound thesis.

Also known as a case binding. These are bound with a professional quality library buckram. The binding itself is bound the highest standard, and glued for maximum durability. With thick 3mm boards offering a rigid finish, and solid feel, combined with the spine curvature for ease of opening. This binding is most commonly used for final thesis submission, and for personal copies.

types of thesis binding

Softbound Acetate Cover Thesis

Softbound with an acetate front cover and a card spine and rear.  The Softbound Acetate cover is available in a range of card colour, and with or without spine lettering.

types of thesis binding

Comb Bound Thesis

types of thesis binding

Ready to start your order?

For all enquiries please don't hesitate to get in touch using the contact page or you can phone on

0113 2780353 / 0113 2438642

You are also more than welcome to visit the bindery to discuss your job.

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Athlone Printing

Different types of thesis binding

Jul 4, 2019 | News

Five opened books forms a star-like shape

Your thesis is likely to be one of the most important documents you ever produce. You’ve diligently researched, written and edited your thesis and it deserves to be printed and bound in a manner that reflects the time spent creating the content within it.

When choosing a printing and binding service it is important to consider that many colleges and universities have specific thesis book binding requirements. Ensure you choose an established book binder who can comply with the college’s specifications and deliver a high-quality finished publication that will create the correct impression.

There are four different student book binding styles commonly available, so you can select the finish that is most appropriate for your publication.

A hard bound book offers a rigid and high quality finish to your dissertation. A choice of black, blue, red or green simulated leather covers provides both style and protection for your important document. The look is completed with gold or silver foil block printing to the cover and spine.

Soft binding utilises a flexible book cover and involves the dissertation pages being glued to a rigid black spine. A clear acetate front and back cover offers protection and completes the look.

Wire bound books are another type of soft binding. The dissertation pages are stacked together and hole-punched, before a metal wire coil is inserted through the holes to bind the pages together. An advantage of a wire bound book is that the document will open fully flat making it easier to read. It is finished with a clear acetate front cover and a coloured card back cover.

The comb bound thesis binding method uses a black plastic spine with rings to bind the pages together. As with the wire bound method, the pages are punched down the left hand side and the rings on the spine open and insert into the punched holes. It is also finished with a clear acetate front cover and a coloured card back cover.

With twenty years’ experience in thesis binding, Athlone Printing understands how vital it is to get your thesis or dissertation printed and bound professionally. Speak to our team to find out more about our thesis book binding service.

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    Thermal binding as a classic way for printing and binding your thesis. Thermal binding is the most versatile type of binding. Its cover is transparent, thereby allowing you to show the title of your thesis right on the cover. Besides, it comes with a leather-like back cover and you get to choose the colour of the cover.

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    Thermal binding for your thesis. This method uses heat to adhere pages together. The front cover is usually transparent, making your thesis title visible at a glance. You can choose different material designs and colours for the back cover. Recommendation: It is fast, easy to use, and can bind relatively thick documents.

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    Thermal binding is the most versatile of all bindings. It's perfect for smaller research projects, but can handle page counts of up to 450 pages too, more than any other bind type. It has a transparent front cover, which immediately brings the title of your thesis to the forefront. The back is often a leather-effect cover, for a quality finish.

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    Premium leather binding is the highest quality type when it comes to dissertation binding. In addition, with leather binding, you have extensive options to refine your dissertation with further details. The most aesthetically pleasing refining detail is customized embossing in gold, silver, or black.

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    Binding a Thesis: What you Need to Know. Binding is a precision technique which most students might not be aware of. The type of binding chosen should be adjusted to the size of the paper, in terms of page number as well as importance. For example: leather book binding is the best option in printing and binding the dissertation as it has the ...

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    The binding itself is bound the highest standard, and glued for maximum durability. With thick 3mm boards offering a rigid finish, and solid feel, combined with the spine curvature for ease of opening. This binding is most commonly used for final thesis submission, and for personal copies. Order Hard Bound.

  23. Different types of thesis binding

    The comb bound thesis binding method uses a black plastic spine with rings to bind the pages together. As with the wire bound method, the pages are punched down the left hand side and the rings on the spine open and insert into the punched holes. It is also finished with a clear acetate front cover and a coloured card back cover.