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What Is a Notice of Assignment?

May 28, 2024 | Truck Factoring

what is notice of assignment of receivables

When you assign your receivables to a factoring company in the trucking industry, you agree that your client payments go directly to the factor. The factor ensures that you are paid for each freight you deliver and on signing, they send your clients a notice of assessment (NOA).

The NOA document is basically the letter a factoring company sends to its customers. It informs them that the accounts receivable are assigned and how they can make future payments by directing them to the factoring company. As receivables are not tangible goods, a notice of assignment is how factoring companies can claim financial rights to the invoices you sell to them. 

Exploring the Basics of Notice of Assignment 

When you  sign up with a factoring company  to streamline payment for your freight services, they send out NOAs to protect themselves, ensuring they receive payments from your clients. There is specific information that needs to be included in an NOA to solidify the agreement. According to  the Uniform Commercial Code  (UCC), the notice must follow these rules:

  • It must have the factoring company or client’s signature.
  • It must advise the account debtors, the customer, of the outstanding amount now assigned to the factoring company.
  • It must confirm that the payment is to be made to the factoring company directly.
  • It must include remittance details to inform the debtor how to make payment.

As such, the NOA offers you the following benefits:

  • No more waiting for payments — the factoring company will take on remittance.
  • The NOA helps to ensure there are no misdirected payments, allowing you to access working capital immediately.
  • You can bypass the need for lines of credit when clients fail to pay on time.
  • As this letter makes the factoring transaction official, you can focus on your business’s core operations instead of working to collect payment from clients.
  • The NOA keeps your customers updated, so you need only focus on general relationship management.

what is notice of assignment of receivables

The Significance of NOAs Across Industries

Sending out this legal notification to your client is vital, especially in industries like trucking, where invoice factoring is common practice. It can impact your business and professional relationships in the following ways:

  • Avoiding payment disputes:  With clear communication through NOAs, your business can prevent payment disputes or misunderstandings.
  • Industry-standard compliance:  Cash flow management is crucial for operations in industries like trucking. Sending NOAs helps your business align with industry standards and best practices, demonstrating your commitment to responsible business practices and financial transparency.
  • Legal and contractual compliance:  The NOA formalizes your clients’ notification of invoice factoring, aligning with legal and contractual obligations.
  • Maintains trust and relationships:  Proactively sending NOAs demonstrates your professionalism and honesty, helping to keep the trust you are building with your clients. 
  • Smooth cash flow:  Sending NOAs helps the factoring process run smoothly which leads to timely funding.
  • Transparency and communication:  NOAs allow you to be transparent about your financial operations and let clients know how their invoices are managed. 

Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of NOAs

The primary concern about switching to invoice factoring is about what your clients will think. They may be unfamiliar with this practice, making it essential to reassure them that this is common practice for small and midsize organizations through direct communication. 

In fact,  37% of small businesses outsource  some business processes. Ensure that they understand the benefits of this service, like extended payment terms. Finally, reassure your clients that nothing changes in terms of the service they have come to know and trust from your company. 

Answering Common Questions About Factoring and Invoice Factoring

Now that you understand the NOA role, how do you feel about signing up for freight factoring? Here are  some frequently asked questions  we get about this service and how freight brokers or owner-operators will benefit:

  • What is freight factoring?  With freight factoring, truckers get their payment for work they have done immediately. The freight billing company purchases the trucking company’s invoices to ensure that these are paid as soon as possible.
  • Is invoice factoring a reliable service?  Factoring services in the United States will enjoy a  compound annual growth rate of 8.1%  between 2022 and 2023, showing that these services are common and here to stay.
  • What is better, freight factoring or a bank loan?  Freight factoring ensures that you get cash without going into debt. Taking on a bank loan may stop you from getting another loan for equipment you need or extra trucks as it can indicate credit troubles in your organization. 
  • How are my customers paying their invoices?  The factoring company pays you for each invoice you issue and they make up their money when your clients pay them directly.
  • What if my company received a payment that the factoring company should have gotten?  You assign all of your invoices to the factoring company, but if you receive a payment in error, do not deposit the money into your bank account. Notify your factoring company and send it their way immediately. Follow this up with another NOA to ensure the client knows how to proceed moving forward.

Understanding How FactorLoads Can Help

FactorLoads offers freight invoicing to help improve your trucking business cash flow. Aside from sending out these NOAs, our services include:

  • Freight factoring:  Our services ensure you have accessible cash flow, which you can redirect to other areas of your business. No more waiting for money that is due to you.
  • Recourse and non-recourse:  We pay upfront when you submit bills, but note that this service comes at a higher cost.
  • Spot factoring:  With this flexibility, you take control over your finances by choosing when and with which clients you want to implement factoring. 

Leveraging NOAs for Business Growth With FactorLoads

The NOA paperwork is vital to your organization’s paperwork as it informs clients of the change in invoice ownership, reflecting the information they need to make payments accordingly.

FactorLoads is a freight factoring company that understands the pressure you are under while waiting for load payments. We have years of experience helping companies like yours get their cash the right way. We don’t require contracts and have no hidden fees. You get 24/7 full factoring services so you can access your money as soon as a client is approved. 

Let us take the pressure of invoice remittance off you —  contact us today  to discuss your business needs and start saving money while you improve your daily operations.

what is notice of assignment of receivables

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Notice of Assignment

Table of Contents

Understanding notice of assignment for accounts receivables.

A Notice of Assignment (NOA) for accounts receivables is an essential legal document in the financial world. It serves as a formal notification that a business’s rights to certain accounts receivable have been transferred or assigned to another party. This third party, often a lending institution or a factoring company, then has the right to collect the receivable owed by the business’s customers.

The assignment of accounts receivable is a common practice in business financing. It allows businesses to improve their cash flow by selling their accounts receivable at a discount to a factoring company. The factoring company then assumes the task of collecting the receivable, while the business receives immediate cash.

Why is a Notice of Assignment Important?

The importance of a Notice of Assignment for Accounts Receivables cannot be overstated. It serves several crucial functions in the realm of business finance.

First, it provides legal proof of the transfer of accounts receivables. This is essential in the event of a dispute between the business (original account holder), the factoring company, and the business’s customers. The Notice of Assignment clearly outlines the factoring company’s right to collect the account, preventing potential legal complications.

Second, it notifies the business’s customers of the change in account receivable ownership. This is important as it informs the customers that they must now pay the factoring company, not the original account holder. Without this notification, customers might continue to pay the original account holder, leading to confusion and potential legal issues.

How to Prepare a Notice of Assignment

Preparing a Notice of Assignment for accounts receivables requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the legal requirements. The key to a successful assignment is to clearly state the names and contact information of the business or original account holder of the accounts receivables and the factoring company that is purchasing the accounts receivables. This ensures that there is no ambiguity about who is involved in the transaction.

The factoring company sends the NOA to the business’s customer, or customers (if more than one). The customer(s) must sign and acknowledge receipt of the NOA and agree to the terms of the assignment. The factoring company must receive the approved NOA before commencing factoring for the business.

The Bottom Line

A Notice of Assignment for accounts receivables is a vital document in business finance. It facilitates the smooth transfer of accounts receivables, protects the interests of all parties involved, and helps businesses improve their cash flow. Understanding its purpose and how to prepare it is crucial for anyone involved in business finance.

Related Terms

Non-Recourse Factoring

Credit Facility

Advance Rate

Accounts Receivable

Factoring Broker

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Assignment of Accounts Receivable: Meaning, Considerations

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

what is notice of assignment of receivables

Charlene Rhinehart is a CPA , CFE, chair of an Illinois CPA Society committee, and has a degree in accounting and finance from DePaul University.

what is notice of assignment of receivables

Investopedia / Jiaqi Zhou

What Is Assignment of Accounts Receivable?

Assignment of accounts receivable is a lending agreement whereby the borrower assigns accounts receivable to the lending institution. In exchange for this assignment of accounts receivable, the borrower receives a loan for a percentage, which could be as high as 100%, of the accounts receivable.

The borrower pays interest, a service charge on the loan, and the assigned receivables serve as collateral. If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the agreement allows the lender to collect the assigned receivables.

Key Takeaways

  • Assignment of accounts receivable is a method of debt financing whereby the lender takes over the borrowing company's receivables.
  • This form of alternative financing is often seen as less desirable, as it can be quite costly to the borrower, with APRs as high as 100% annualized.
  • Usually, new and rapidly growing firms or those that cannot find traditional financing elsewhere will seek this method.
  • Accounts receivable are considered to be liquid assets.
  • If a borrower doesn't repay their loan, the assignment of accounts agreement protects the lender.

Understanding Assignment of Accounts Receivable

With an assignment of accounts receivable, the borrower retains ownership of the assigned receivables and therefore retains the risk that some accounts receivable will not be repaid. In this case, the lending institution may demand payment directly from the borrower. This arrangement is called an "assignment of accounts receivable with recourse." Assignment of accounts receivable should not be confused with pledging or with accounts receivable financing .

An assignment of accounts receivable has been typically more expensive than other forms of borrowing. Often, companies that use it are unable to obtain less costly options. Sometimes it is used by companies that are growing rapidly or otherwise have too little cash on hand to fund their operations.

New startups in Fintech, like C2FO, are addressing this segment of the supply chain finance by creating marketplaces for account receivables. Liduidx is another Fintech company providing solutions through digitization of this process and connecting funding providers.

Financiers may be willing to structure accounts receivable financing agreements in different ways with various potential provisions.​

Special Considerations

Accounts receivable (AR, or simply "receivables") refer to a firm's outstanding balances of invoices billed to customers that haven't been paid yet. Accounts receivables are reported on a company’s balance sheet as an asset, usually a current asset with invoice payments due within one year.

Accounts receivable are considered to be a relatively liquid asset . As such, these funds due are of potential value for lenders and financiers. Some companies may see their accounts receivable as a burden since they are expected to be paid but require collections and cannot be converted to cash immediately. As such, accounts receivable assignment may be attractive to certain firms.

The process of assignment of accounts receivable, along with other forms of financing, is often known as factoring, and the companies that focus on it may be called factoring companies. Factoring companies will usually focus substantially on the business of accounts receivable financing, but factoring, in general, a product of any financier.

what is notice of assignment of receivables

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Learn About Notice of Assignment for Invoice Factoring

In a  factoring  relationship, you agree to assign your selected receivables to the factoring company. By advancing your  cash  against your invoices, the factor has purchased the right to collect amounts due from your customers. The Notice of Assignment is a critical part of your factoring paperwork as it reflects the change in invoice ownership.

What is a Notice of Assignment?

The Notice of Assignment is a simple letter the factoring company sends to your customers whose invoices you are factoring. In writing, the notice informs your customers that the accounts receivable is assigned, and future payments should be made payable to the factoring company. The notice will also include a remittance address so your customer can change their payment information.

The Notice of Assignment legally explains to your customers that any payments they make to you instead of the factor will not satisfy their obligation. The factoring company may hold your customers liable for misdirected amounts. This may occur if your customers choose to ignore the notice or fail to update payment information.

Many factors will require your customers to sign and return a copy of the notice to acknowledge receipt. This is not always required, though. Instead, the Notice of Assignment may include language that considers your customer’s continued use of your services to constitute an agreement to the notice. In addition, the factor may only revoke a Notice of Assignment if they send a signed and notarized release notification to your customers. They will do so if you choose not to factor that account any longer or you end your factoring relationship. In either case, the account must have no outstanding balance.

What Programs Don’t Use a Notice of Assignment?

Financing programs that do not use a notice of assignment include non-notification factoring and sales ledger financing.

Non-notification factoring is similar to regular factoring, but with a few key differences. Instead of sending a conventional Notice of Assignment to customers, the factoring company informs them of a new payment address using the company’s regular letterhead. This allows the customer to still send payments to the new address without being aware that it belongs to the factor. To qualify for non-notification factoring, companies typically need to have monthly revenues of at least $300,000, a track record of over a year, reliable financial reports, and no serious financial difficulties.

Sales ledger financing operates like a line of credit based on outstanding receivables. Companies can access up to 90% of their outstanding receivables at any given time without the need to submit a factoring schedule of accounts for each transaction. Although the finance company still handles payments, the customer does not receive a Notice of Assignment. Instead, they receive a letter indicating a change in the payment address. Sales ledger financing offers greater flexibility compared to non-notification factoring, with daily rates allowing for better cost control. The qualification requirements for sales ledger financing usually include monthly revenues of at least $300,000, a track record of 1-2 years, reliable financial reports, good receivables management systems, and no serious financial difficulties.

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Why do Factoring Companies Notify Your Customers?

The Notice of Assignment is a vital form of protection for a factoring company. It protects the factor in case the  business owner  (the factor’s client) receives the payment instead of the factoring company.

In a best-case scenario, the notice serves to inform every party in a factoring transaction of their rights and responsibilities. It also gives your customer the appropriate address to make account payments, allowing your factoring relationship to continue smoothly.

In a worst-case scenario, a factor can recover unpaid amounts from your customer should they continuously pay over notice or not pay at all. A Notice of Assignment is evidence in any legal proceeding — from a demand letter for payment to a full-fledged lawsuit — that asserts the factor’s standing and rights to payment.

What Will Your Customers Think?

Customers may have concerns or questions when they receive a letter regarding the use of invoice factoring. It’s understandable that they may be unsure or unfamiliar with this financing tool. As a business owner, it’s important to address these concerns and communicate with your customers effectively.

First and foremost, it’s essential to acknowledge that invoice factoring is a common practice utilized by many small and midsize companies to finance their operations and facilitate growth. Chances are, your customers are already aware of this financing method and how it works.

When discussing invoice factoring with your customers, emphasize the benefits it provides to them. By using factoring, you can offer them extended payment terms, such as 30- to 60-day terms, while still ensuring excellent service. This enables your customers to utilize their available cash resources more effectively. Without factoring, providing extended payment terms might be challenging, especially for businesses experiencing growth.

It’s crucial to assure your customers that little is changing in terms of the services and support your company provides. Reassure them that they will still have the same level of communication and engagement with you and your employees as before. Highlight that despite factoring being implemented, your commitment to their satisfaction remains unchanged.

Address the misconception that factoring indicates financial trouble within your company. Remind your customers that factoring is a versatile tool used to achieve various goals and objectives, just like other forms of financing such as loans or lines of credit. Factoring simply serves to smooth out your cash flow and support your business’s overall financial stability and growth.

Overall, open communication with your customers is key. Provide them with transparency and reassurance, explaining the benefits of factoring and emphasizing that it is a common and established financing practice. By effectively addressing their concerns, you can foster trust and maintain strong relationships with your valued customers.

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Why a Notice of Assignment Matters To You

You will receive a copy of the Notice of Assignment that the factor sends to your customers. While the notice is to inform your customers, it also has an important implication for you as well.

As your  factoring agreement  explains, payments your company receives from your customers over notice are payable to the factoring company. Even in the smoothest transition, you may receive payments sent before receipt of the notice or released before your customers’ updated their payment system. There will likely be a provision explaining the procedure for sending misdirected payments to the factor in these cases. Misdirected payments are usually sent by overnight check or via bank transfer.

However, you may be responsible for additional penalties and fees if your customers continue to pay over notice, and you deposit those payments into your account. In addition, you may end up owing more, depending on fee structure, due to the extra time it takes for the factor to receive payment. Some factors include a misdirected payment fee in the  factoring agreement  that you will have to pay if you fail to return misdirected payments to the factor. Therefore, fees may be higher if you are responsible for the misdirection.

As with any legal document, be sure to be fully aware of the language used within the Notice of Assignment. Be mindful of your customers’ responsiveness to the notice. Take action immediately if you realize that any of your customers are not sending their payments on time. This transparency solidifies your factoring relationship, builds trust with your factor, and protects your interests.

What if the Payment is for an Invoice I Didn’t Factor?

When you assign your customers’ receivables to your factoring company, you agree to direct all payments to the factor, even for invoices that you did not factor. This eliminates complications for all parties and ensures that the factoring company receives every payment they should. Without an all-inclusive assignment, your customers would receive a notification every single time you factor an invoice. They would have to retain two addresses on file, increasing the likelihood of misdirected payments.

Your factoring company will have a straightforward procedure in place to address non-factored payments. This may include applying those payments to open invoices and sending you the difference or the total amount in a regularly scheduled reserve release. Stay prepared by asking your factor about their policies surrounding non-factored payments.

Factor Finders can help you find the right factoring company  for your  invoice factoring  needs.  Contact us  to learn more about our factoring services for every industry and to get started today.

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13 February 2023

Notice of Assignment in Factoring in the U.S

When a business uses invoice factoring, they transfer ownership of its accounts receivable to a factoring company, which then has the responsibility to collect payment for those invoices.

Therefore, a document is issued to alert its customers of this. This is known as a notice of assignment.

Meaning of Notice of Assignment

A notice of assignment is a document that notifies clients that a factoring company has acquired ownership of their accounts receivable, or invoices, from the original business.

The notice's objective is to alert customers to the ownership change and specify who should receive payments.

Importance of Notice of Assignment

A notice of assignment is vital because it officially notifies customers that the ownership of an invoice has changed hands and that they should now direct payments to the factoring company.

The notice helps ensure that payments are sent to the appropriate parties , avoiding misunderstandings and potential conflicts and preventing uncertainty.

In the event of a disagreement, having a detailed and official notice of assignment can safeguard the legal interests of both the company and the factoring company.

Impact of Notice of Assignment on Businesses

The possible impacts faced by businesses by using a factoring company and sending their customers a notice of assignment are:

1. Enhanced customer relationships: By providing clear and official notification to customers of the change in ownership of invoices, a business can help maintain and strengthen its relationship with them.

2. Improved cash flow: By transferring ownership of invoices to a factoring company, a business can receive payment more quickly and improve its overall cash flow.

3. Increased operational efficiency: By using a factoring company to manage the collections process, a business can free up internal resources and focus on its core operations, leading to increased efficiency.

4. Reduced risk: By transferring the responsibility of collecting payment to a factoring company, a business can reduce its exposure to the risk of non-payment and bad debt.

However, before deciding to utilize factoring , it's crucial to consider any potential drawbacks, such as losing control over the collection process and the expense of the factoring service.

Factors Covered in a Notice of Assignment The main sections covered are:

  • The company's accounts receivable have been transferred to a third-party financial institution, and payment should now be made to them
  • The customer should now send payments to a new address, typically a secure payment processing location
  • The customer will be responsible if they make a payment to the wrong address

Information in a Notice of Assignment

In a factoring notice of assignment, the following details are covered to notify the business’ customer about the transfer of ownership of accounts receivable:

  • Particulars of the accounts receivable being assigned , including the amount and invoice numbers
  • Details of the factor and the client/debtor
  • Specifics of the assignment of the accounts receivable, including the effective date and any conditions of the assignment
  • Instructions for the customer on how to direct future payments to the factor
  • Any other relevant terms and conditions of the factoring agreement

What Happens When an Obligor Doesn’t Receive Notice of Agreement

A business that sells its accounts receivables (invoices) to a third-party factor must send a notice of agreement to its customers.

The purpose of the notice is to inform the customer that the factor has taken ownership of the invoice, and the payments should be made directly to the factor instead of the business.

If the customer does not receive the notice, they may continue to make the payments to the business, leading to confusion, delayed payments to the factor and potential disputes.

In some cases, the customer may have the right to demand a return of the payment made to the factor or stop payment if the notice of assignment was not correctly given.

How to Receive Notice of Agreement

A factoring notice of agreement is typically provided by the factoring company or third-party factor that has purchased the accounts receivable (invoices) from the business.

The notice is usually generated by the factor and given to the business to send to its customers.

The business may also be responsible for ensuring that the notice of assignment is delivered correctly to its customers.

Some factoring companies provide templates or sample notices that the business can use.

Requirements for a Notice of Assignment

To obtain a notice of assignment (NOA) from a factoring company, the following requirements are necessary:

  • Monthly revenue of at least $300,000
  • A stable financial track record of 1-2 years
  • Accurate and trustworthy financial reports
  • Effective management of accounts receivable
  • No significant financial difficulties

1. Who Sends a Factoring Notice of Assignment? A factoring notice of assignment is typically sent by the business that has sold its accounts receivables or invoices to a third-party factor or factoring company.

The factor usually provides the notice of assignment, and the business may have to sign a factoring agreement with the factor to obtain the notice.

The notice informs the business’ customers that the factor has taken over the ownership of the invoices, and the payments should be made directly to the factoring company instead of the business.

2. How Much Does a Notice of Assignment Cost? The cost for issuing a notice of assignment in factor can differ based on various elements, such as the amount assigned, the state where the assignment is taking place and the particular provisions of the assignment agreement.

This cost may include legal fees, filing paperwork fees and other administrative expenses. It's crucial to examine the assignment agreement thoroughly to determine the precise cost and be aware of any additional fees that may be incurred.

3. How Long Does a Notice of Assignment Take? The duration of issuing a notice of assignment in factoring can differ based on particular circumstances. Usually, the process can take anywhere between a few days to weeks.

The length of the time may be influenced by factors such as the state in which the assignment is getting issued, the complexity of the assignment agreement and the accessibility of relevant parties.

Moreover, the time needed for the notice of assignment may be affected by any legal challenges or hindrances.

4. Does Notice of Assessment Mean You Owe Money? In the United States, a notice of assessment usually implies that you owe money to the government.

However, it is contingent on particular circumstances. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sends out the notice of assessment to inform taxpayers of any modification to their tax obligations.

If the notice displays an increase in the amount owed, it implies that the taxpayer has an outstanding balance with the IRS and should pay it promptly to prevent further interest and penalties.

On the other hand, if it shows a decrease in the amount owed, it showcases that the taxpayer has paid more taxes than required and may be eligible for a refund.

It is, therefore, always advisable to thoroughly examine the notice and to get help from a professional.

5. Is Notice of Agreement a Proof of Debt? A notice of agreement alone is not considered proof of a debt. The document merely outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties involved.

It is not enough evidence to confirm the presence of debt but rather serves as a record of the agreement between the parties.

To establish proof of debt, other financial documents such as receipts, invoices or other documentation may be necessary.

The specific requirements for proving a debt depend upon the type of debt and the laws of the jurisdiction where it is being established.

6. What is a Letter of Release? A letter of release from a factoring company is a declaration that a debt has been satisfied and is no longer the company's responsibility.

In factoring, a business sells its accounts receivable to a factoring company for a fee to receive cash quickly.

Upon receiving the payment on the accounts receivable by the business’ customer, the factoring company issues a letter of release, confirming that the debt has been fully paid off and the company is no longer obligated to it.

The letter serves as proof that the debt has been fully resolved. It can be used to clear the debt from the business's financial records.

The specifics of the letter of release, including the terms and conditions, will depend on the particular factoring agreement and the laws in the jurisdiction where it is formed and drafted.

Siddhi Parekh

Finance manager at drip capital.

Table of Content

  • Information in a NOA
  • What Happens When an Obligor Doesn’t Receive NOA
  • How to Receive NOA
  • Requirements for NOA

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Factoring Notice of Assignment (NOA): Everything You Need to Know

A Notice of Assignment (NOA) is one of the most important parts of your factoring relationship. Find out what an NOA is and why it matters here.

A factoring notice of assignment (NOA) is usually required when you factor your invoices. Rest assured, NOAs are quite common in business and aren’t a cause for concern. However, it helps to understand what they are and how they work so that you can explain them to your customers as needed.

Assignment of Debt Explained

Companies transfer debt, along with all associated rights and obligations, to third parties all the time. One example of this occurs with collection companies. In these cases, the business, also referred to as the creditor, sells its uncollectable balances or assigns specific debts to the collection company. The collection company is then authorized to collect those specific balances on behalf of the creditor.

Assignment of debt may also come into play when businesses outsource their receivables and leverage certain types of funding, among other situations.

What Does Notice of Assignment Mean?

The customer, also referred to as the debtor, must be informed when a creditor assigns their debt to a third party. The document used in this process is referred to as a notice of assignment of debt.

What is a Notice of Assignment in Factoring?

When you leverage invoice factoring , you’re selling an unpaid B2B invoice to a factoring company at a discount. In exchange, you receive up to 98 percent of the invoice’s value right away and get the remaining sum minus a small factoring fee when your client pays. This means you’re not waiting 30, 60, or more days for payment. This cash flow acceleration helps businesses bridge cash flow gaps caused by slow-paying customers, seasonality, rapid growth, and more. Plus, the cash can be used for anything the business needs. This unique process means businesses can receive immediate funding without creating debt like other funding sources.

A notice of assignment is required in factoring because you’re assigning debt to a third party – the factoring company – and the customers involved need to know.

The Role of Notice of Assignment for Cash Flow

Invoice factoring stands out as a solution for businesses seeking to improve their cash flow. When a company decides to use invoice factoring, it enters into a factoring relationship, where accounts receivable and financial rights are handled differently than usual. This process involves the NOA, a pivotal document in factoring transactions. Essentially, NOA is a simple letter informing customers that the payment terms have changed and future payments should be made payable to the factoring company.

This notification ensures that there are no misdirected payments, which is a critical aspect when managing accounts payable and securing immediate cash. By using factoring, businesses can access working capital, which reduces the strain of slow-paying customers. It’s important for factoring clients to understand how factoring companies notify your customers and the implications of this process. The factoring contract typically outlines these details, ensuring that every party in a factoring transaction is aware of their responsibilities, especially regarding remittance addresses and payment information.

Factoring services offer an alternative to traditional lines of credit, providing businesses with high advances at low rates. This method is beneficial for companies that demand longer payment terms from their clients. By transferring the right to collect payments to the factoring company, the business can focus on its core operations while the finance company handles the receivables. Understanding the benefits of factoring and effectively communicating them to your customers may improve the factoring process and maintain healthy customer relationships, even when introducing new financial arrangements like invoice factoring.

The Importance of a Notice of Assignment in Factoring

Notice of Assignment in invoice factoring keeps your customers in the loop so they know who is collecting and why. It also lets them know where to send their payments. This streamlines the process and helps ensure there’s no confusion about where payments need to go.

Elements of a Factoring NOA Document

Each factoring company words its NOA a bit differently, but NOAs usually include:

  • A statement that indicates the factoring company is now managing the invoice or invoices.
  • A notice that payments should be made to the factoring company.
  • Details on how payments can be made, including addresses, bank details, or payment portal information.
  • What will occur if payments are sent to the business instead of the third party.
  • A signature from someone at your business to show your customer that the NOA is authentic and a signature space for your customer to sign indicating that they’ve read and understand the document.

How Do Factoring Companies Notify Your Customers

A factoring notice of assignment is usually sent to customers by U.S. mail, though sometimes factoring companies use other delivery services or even digitize the NOA.

What Will Your Clients Think of You Factoring Your Invoices?

Sometimes, businesses that are new to invoice factoring have concerns about how customers will react to factoring or receiving an NOA. However, it’s usually not a cause for concern.

Although your factoring company isn’t an outsourcing company, it behaves quite similarly when collecting invoices. Nearly 40 percent of small businesses outsource at least one business process, Clutch reports. That means a significant portion of your customers already have some experience engaging with third parties. Furthermore, invoice factoring is growing in leaps and bounds and is expected to grow by eight percent in the coming years, per Grandview Research . Many of your customers already have experience with factoring or will very soon. Because most businesses have some exposure to factoring or will in the near future, it’s generally seen as an ordinary business practice – nothing more, nothing less.

However, even if factoring is entirely new to your customers, how they respond to your decision is often determined by how you present it. For instance, it accelerates payments without putting pressure on your customers to pay faster. It has benefits for them, too, and can help improve the relationship. This alone can actually help some businesses win bids or attract new customers. Explaining it to them this way can help soothe any concerns if customers come to you with questions.

How to Ensure Your Customer Relationships Are Protected

Most factoring companies will take good care of their customers because they are a reflection of you. Your repeat business helps ensure they’ll have repeat business. However, reviewing a factoring company’s testimonials and success stories is always a good idea to understand better how they operate before you sign up.

It’s also essential to work with a company like Viva that doesn’t send mass notifications to all its customers. We only notify those who are debtors on the invoices you’d like to factor to eliminate any confusion.

Lastly, it’s better to work with a company that provides you with 24/7 access to your account so you can see what’s paid and outstanding at a glance and can make decisions about orders using real-time data.

Request a Complimentary Invoice Factoring Quote

At Viva Capital, we always provide white glove care to the businesses we serve and their customers.As part of our service, we handle the Notice of Assignment with professionalism. Our collection experts make it easy for your customers to manage their bills and are happy to answer their questions. You’ll also have access to your personal Customer Account Portal so you can make informed decisions on the fly and always know what’s outstanding. To learn more or get started, request a complimentary invoice factoring quote .

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Notice of Assignment of Accounts Receivable Under the PPSA: What Every Factor Should Know

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Factoring is the legal relationship between a financial institution (the “Factor”) and a business (the “Client”) selling goods or providing services to a trade customer (the “Customer”), pursuant to which the Factor purchases the accounts receivable owing to the Client by its Customer. The Courts in Ontario have determined that a factoring agreement creates a security interest and, as such, is subject to the provisions of the Ontario Personal Property Security Act R.S.O. 1990 c.P.10 (the “PPSA”). This means, among other things, that the Factor must register a financing statement against the Client under the PPSA claiming a security interest in the Client’s accounts receivable. A factoring agreement may be on a notification or a non-notification basis.

A factoring agreement on a notification basis requires that the Client’s Customer be notified regarding the purchase of the accounts receivable by the Factor and the assignment of the accounts receivable by the Client to the Factor. One purpose of notifying the Customer is to require the Customer to make payment on the accounts receivable directly to the Factor, instead of to the Client.

A notice of assignment is governed by Section 40(2) of the PPSA, which states that an account debtor (i.e., the Customer) may pay the assignor (i.e., the Client) until the Customer receives notice, reasonably identifying the relevant rights, that the accounts receivable have been assigned. If requested by the Customer, the Factor is required, within a reasonable period of time, to furnish proof of the assignment and, if the Factor fails to do so, the Customer may pay the Client.

What constitutes adequate notice of an assignment of accounts receivable? The PPSA does not set out a statutory form of notice of assignment. In RPG Receivables Purchase Group Inc. v. Krones Machinery Co. Limited , 2010 ONSC 2372, C. W. Hourigan J. of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice was required to review a notification of assignment and to determine whether it was adequate. The Court’s decision is an important guide to the essential elements that should be included in the notice of assignment.

The facts were as follows:

1. On July 14, 2005, RPG Receivables Purchase Group Inc. (“RPG”) entered into a factoring agreement with its client Kennedy Automation Limited (“Kennedy”), pursuant to which RPG agreed to purchase certain of Kennedy’s accounts receivable, including accounts receivable due from its customer Krones Machinery Co. Limited (“Krones”).

2. On July 14, 2005, Kennedy faxed a notification of assignment to Krones, which read as follows:


In order to grow and serve you better, we have retained the services of RPG Receivables Purchase Group Inc. to accelerate and stabilize our cash flow. Through their accounts receivable program, RPG has purchased and we have assigned to them all of our right, title and interest in all currently outstanding as well as all future accounts receivable from your company.

We request that all payments be made payable and mailed directly to:

RPG Receivables Purchase Group Inc. (“RPG”)
Suite 300, 221 Lakeshore Road East
Oakville, ON L6J 1H7
Tel (905) 338-8777 (800) 837-0265
Fax (905) 842-0242

This notice of assignment and payment instructions will remain in full force and effect until RPG advises you otherwise in writing. Please note that their receipt of payment is the only valid discharge of the debt and that RPG’s interest has been registered under the Personal Property Security Act of the Province of Ontario.

Although this notification is effective upon receipt by you, in order to complete RPG’s records, we would appreciate your acknowledgement of this notification and your confirmation that:

  • the invoices on the attached statement are for goods and/ or services completed to your satisfaction (please note any exceptions or simply provide a listing from your accounts payable); and
  • that payments will be scheduled in accordance with the invoice terms and that your accounts payable records have been modified to ensure payment of the full invoice amounts directly to RPG or you will notify RPG of any disputes or potential chargebacks in a timely manner.

Please fax and mail the signed copy of this letter to RPG Receivables Purchase Group Inc., who shall be entitled to rely upon your notification and confirmation as a separate agreement made between you and them. Thanks for your help and cooperation. We look forward to serving you in the future.”

3. On August 5, 2006, Krones executed the notification of assignment and returned the executed copy to RPG.

4. In 2007, Kennedy entered into agreements with Krones for the supply of services and materials to Krones in relation to various projects including projects in Etobicoke, Edmonton, and Moncton.

5. Before Kennedy submitted its invoices to Krones, Kennedy provided the invoices to RPG and RPG stamped each invoice as follows:

“NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT All payments hereunder have been assigned and are to be made directly to:

221 Lakeshore Road East, Suite 300
Any offsets or claims should be reported to:
(905) 338-8777 Ontario
(800) 837-0265
Fax (905) 842-0242”

6. Krones paid 13 of the 16 invoices issued by Kennedy. RPG did not receive any notice from Krones regarding any disputes, off-sets, chargebacks or claims arising out of the Edmonton or Etobicoke projects.

7. At or about the time that the three unpaid invoices were rendered, Kennedy began to experience difficulty in paying its subcontractors on the Moncton project.

8. When the Moncton project ran into difficulty, Krones stopped making payments on the Edmonton and Etobicoke invoices in a timely fashion.

9. RPG commenced an action against Krones in respect of the unpaid invoices for the Moncton project that RPG had factored.

10. Krones also commenced an action for damages against Kennedy relating to the Moncton project.

11. Krones denied liability in respect of the unpaid invoices on the grounds that it had a right to set- off due to alleged overpayments, chargebacks, and damages relating to the Moncton project. It also raised issues with respect to the validity of the assignment of the invoices by Kennedy to RPG and the validity of the invoices.

12. The Court decided in favour of RPG and granted it summary judgment in the amount of $183,172.61, plus interest, for payment of the three outstanding invoices.


The primary defence of Krones was that it had a valid defence of set- off. In reviewing this defence, the Court referred to the legal principle of “mutuality”. In order to establish a valid claim of legal set-off, there must be mutuality which requires that the debts be between the same parties and that the debts be in the same right. The Court stated that this mutuality is lost where the debt has been assigned to another party (i.e., the Factor), unless the rights to set-off have accrued between the debtor (i.e., the Customer) and the original creditor (i.e., the Client) prior to receipt of the notice of assignment by the debtor. At the time that the accounts receivable owing by Krones to Kennedy were assigned to RPG, no right of set- off had accrued in respect of the alleged overpayments, chargebacks, and damages relating to the Moncton property. Therefore, Krones had no legal right to set-off, because the mutuality required for this defence was lost when the accounts receivable were assigned by Kennedy to RPG.

The Court also reviewed the purchase order for the Moncton project to see whether it contained a contractual right of set-off. The Court rejected this claim by Krones and found that there was no contractual right of set-off.

Finally, the Court considered the issue of equitable set-off and concluded that it was not available to Krones.


In its other defences, Krones took issue with the validity of the invoices and the validity of the assignment by Kennedy to RPG. Krones argued that the notification of the assignment was limited to the invoice attached to the notification of assignment. The Court rejected this argument for three reasons:

1. This argument ignored the clear statement in the notice of assignment that “RPG has purchased and we have assigned to them all of our right, title and interest in all currently outstanding as well all future accounts receivable from your company”.

2. Each of the disputed invoices contained a stamped notification of assignment; and

3. Krones paid RPG directly for 13 of the 16 invoices. The Court also rejected a number of other arguments raised by Krones in its defence relating to the validity of the invoices.


In a notification factoring arrangement, a Factor needs to protect its interest in the purchased accounts receivable by giving written notice of the assignment to the Client’s Customer. According to Section 40(2) of the PPSA, the Customer may continue to pay the Client until the Customer receives notice that the accounts receivable have been assigned to the Factor. However, the PPSA does not set out a statutory form of notice, nor does the PPSA deal with any right of set- off that the Customer may claim with respect to the purchased accounts receivable. In general, a Factor can only “step into the shoes” of his Client and assert the same right that his Client has against the Customer. This means that, if the Customer has any right to claim a set-off against the accounts receivable owing to the Client, then the Factor is required to accept the reduction in payment as a result of any legitimate claim asserted by the Customer.

In order to protect its interest in the purchased accounts receivable, the Factor should send a notice of assignment, which when signed by the Customer, should accomplish the following purposes:

1. it should require the Customer to make payment on the purchased invoices directly to the Factor, instead of to the Client;

2. it should request the Customer to verify the accuracy of the purchased invoices;

3. it should eliminate the Customer’s right to claim any set-off or reduction in the amount payable on the accounts receivable in respect of the Client’s obligations arising after the delivery of the notice; and

4. It should create an enforceable direct contract between the Factor and the Customer.

Since the notification of assignment in the RPG case has been given the “judicial seal of approval”, it is recommended that this form be used by a Factor in Ontario. It is also recommended that the Factor follow the procedure referred to in the RPG case pursuant to which the Customer is requested to acknowledge and confirm the terms of the notification of assignment and return a signed copy to the Factor.

The Court in RPG also referred to the “stamped notification of assignment” on each of the disputed invoices as one of the reasons for rejecting the Customer’s defences. For this reason, it is recommended that this form of stamp also be used by a Factor in Ontario on each factored invoice before the invoice is submitted to the Customer.

If a Factor follows the above procedures, then the Factor should be able to collect from the Customer on the invoice, regardless of what issues arise between the Client and the Customer subsequent to the delivery of the notice of assignment. If the Customer refuses to acknowledge and sign the notice of assignment, then the Factor will have limited recourse against the Customer and will have to make a business decision regarding the risk involved in funding the invoice. Even if the Customer acknowledges and signs the notice of assignment, the Factor will still have to be on the alert for any future disputes between the Client and the Customer. For example, the form of notification used in the RPG case requires the Customer to notify the Factor of “any disputes or potential chargebacks” and the stamp on the invoices in this case requires the Customer to report “any offsets or claims”. If the Customer notifies the Factor about any such disputes, chargebacks, offsets, or claims, then the Factor will also have to evaluate the funding of the invoice.

A properly drafted notice of assignment will put the Factor in a stronger position to resist any reduction in payment claimed by the Customer. As a practical matter, however, the Factor should also try to confirm with the Customer prior to funding an invoice that there are no disputes between the Customer and the Client. This extra step could avoid the time and expense of litigation over the purchased accounts receivable.

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what is notice of assignment of receivables

The Role of a Notice of Assignment in Invoice Factoring

  • April 27, 2023

what is notice of assignment of receivables

When using invoice factoring, you sell and assign the rights, title, and interest in your accounts receivable to a factoring company. The rights you assign include the right to receive payment for the accounts receivable. A Notice of Assignment is a document that is used to notify your customers that you have sold accounts receivable to a factor.

What is Included in a Notice of Assignment?

A Notice of Assignment (“NOA”) is a letter sent by the factoring company (“factor”) to your customers (aka “account debtors”) notifying them that the ownership of your accounts receivable, or invoices, has changed hands to the factor, and payments should be made in accordance with the instructions provided.

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) provides guidance on certain information that must be included in the NOA in order to make it effective.  The notice must:

  • Advise your customer, the account debtor, that the amount/ invoice due has been assigned to the factoring company
  • Advise that payment is to be made to the factoring company and not any other party
  • Include remittance details so your customer is informed how payment should be made
  • Be signed by the factoring company or the client

In some cases, the NOA may include language that deems continued use of your services to be consent to the terms of the NOA. The factor can, however, require your customers to sign and return a copy of the NOA to acknowledge receipt. Enforceability of a NOA is reliant on proof of receipt by the account debtor therefore, it is important to send the notice in a manner that provides proof of receipt by the account debtor.

The factor may revoke an NOA by sending a signed and notarized release notification to your customers. They will revoke an NOA if you decide not to factor an account any longer or if the factoring relationship has been terminated. An NOA can only be revoked if the account has no outstanding invoice balances.

The Importance of Sending a NOA to Your Customers

The NOA informs the parties to a factoring transaction of their responsibilities and provides the remittance details needed to make payments, so your factoring relationship flows smoothly without interruption. It also protects the factor in case you, the client, receive the payment instead of the factoring company.

From a legal perspective, a NOA explains to your customers that any payments made to you instead of the factor will not satisfy their obligation to pay outstanding invoices. Your customers may be held liable for payments made to you if they ignore the NOA or do not update accounts payable information.

If your customers continue to pay you for factored invoices, and you deposit those payments into your bank account, it is important to note that you may be responsible for penalties and additional fees for the extra time it takes for the factor to receive payment. Your factoring agreement may also include a misdirected payment fee you will have to pay if you fail to send the misdirected payments to the factor.

The best way to avoid any penalties or additional fees is to monitor customer compliance with the terms of the NOA, and take steps immediately to correct any situations where customers are misdirecting payments to your company instead of the factoring company.

Handling of Payments for Non-Factored Invoices

When you factor your accounts receivable, you agree to direct all payments for all current and future invoices to the factor, including payments for invoices you did not factor. This avoids the confusion that would otherwise occur, ensures the factoring company receives every payment, and streamlines the payment process. It prevents your customer from needing to maintain two vendors in their accounting system with differing payment instructions and reduces the likelihood of misdirected payments.

Your factoring agreement will include a procedure for handling payments for non-factored invoices. This may include sending you the total amount in a reserve release or applying the payments to open invoices and sending you the difference. Typically, when a factor receives payment for a non-factored invoice, the proceeds will be forwarded to you once the funds clear their bank account. Make sure you understand the procedure so that you comply with the NOA and avoid possible confusion affecting your relationship with your customer and the factor.

Explaining Your Decision to Factor to Your Customers

Before you begin a factoring relationship and your customers receive a NOA, it is always a good idea to explain to your customers why you have decided to factor their invoices.

Your customer should understand that your decision to factor is a positive step intended to improve your finances. Factoring is not a loan. Factoring provides access to working capital and cash flow so you can purchase materials/supplies, improve staffing and facilities to meet or exceed customer requirements and take on new or larger projects.

Invoice factoring allows you to continue offering the same payment terms your customers currently enjoy. Furthermore, you may be able to offer better payment terms based on the factoring facility.

It’s important to let customers know that outside of invoicing, their relationship will not change. You will still be providing the highest level of quality products and services. Customers want to be assured their business will not be impacted by your decision. The more you can do to assure customers that most things will not change, the more likely they will be comfortable


The NOA is an important document that facilitates invoice factoring. It explains how payments are to be handled so that transactions flow smoothly between your company, customers and the factoring company.

Capstone is a leading commercial finance company that provides a range of financial products designed to meet the cash flow and working capital needs of nearly any type of business, including trade financing, invoice factoring, and PO financing. Contact Capstone at (212) 755-3636 to learn how invoice factoring can accelerate the conversion of your accounts receivable into immediate cash.

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Bankers Factoring an Employee-Owned Accounts Receivable Factoring Company

July 25, 2023 By Chris Curtin

What is a Notice of Assignment in Factoring?

Why is a factoring notice of assignment (noa) important when selling your a/r.

Notice of Assignment (Invoice Factoring)

Table of contents

What is a notice of assignment letter, what is included in the factor financing noa, how does factoring noa impact my customers, benefits of noa factoring:, factoring arrangement: assignment of accounts receivable, notice of assignment factoring, bankers factoring difference, what is a notice of assignment in factoring.

It is a letter that informs the business owner’s customers of your relationship with a factoring company. The notice of assignment letter is the first communication between the invoice factor company and the account debtor (your customer). The factoring contract spells out the change in invoice ownership.

The invoice factoring companies will send your customers, also known as debtors, a notice of assignment (NOA) letter. It will be sent immediately when you sell your unpaid receivables. The letter is also a standard document in factoring agreements. And accounts receivable (A/R) invoice factoring is a common financial product to accelerate the cash flows of small businesses.

Factoring invoices is a time-tested business funding solution to support operations and fund growth plans. Partnering with factoring companies allows your business to receive fast cash flow by selling invoices. Moreover, sending the NOA letter is a critical step to communicate your A/R has been assigned and is payable to the factoring company.

You can also read how factoring companies buy accounts receivable .

Complete Bankers Factoring online funding application to begin your debt-free funding process including Bad Debt Protection.

Contact Bankers Factoring to learn about the factoring NOA process and how we can provide consistent cash flow funding. We partner with you and your customers to provide an elite program for your business success.

A Notice of Assignment (NOA) is a letter that informs account debtors their creditor (our client) is factoring invoices under the Universal Commercial Code (UCC) . And invoice factoring is an agreement to assign your accounts receivable (A/R) to a factoring company. So the letter communicates that a third party (factoring company) is managing and collecting your A/R. An assignment letter notifies your customers or account debtors of the transfer in ownership.

The NOA letter is the first-time customers will learn that you are utilizing factor financing. But selling your unpaid invoices to a factoring company will not concern your customer. In addition, invoice funding is a popular financing vehicle to cover operating expenses and accelerate sales growth.

Keep reading, Factoring Company: What it is and Your Best Choice .

Factoring NOA letters are standard documents sent to customer (debtor) accounting departments. Assignment letters include language regarding the arrangement:

  • NOA letter informs your customers that a factoring company is managing receivable invoices
  • The notice includes language stating the factoring company has the right to payments
  • Your business A/R has been assigned to a third party, and payment is transferred to them
  • Updated information for making payments (remittance) to factor
  • Notice of assignment letters include legal clauses related to the assignment

Assignment companies send NOA to establish their ownership and management position for your receivables. That’s because letting your customers know about the receivable assignment helps them make timely payments. Moreover, the factor provides specific remittance instructions to ensure an easy transaction for all parties involved.

Keep reading How Does a Factoring Company Work ?

Selling your receivables can cause stress about sending an NOA letter to your customer. However, invoice factoring demonstrates to your customers that you are serious about your operational performance by establishing financing lines. In fact, the US factoring market valued at $3.9 billion in 2022 shows how many companies use invoice services ( IBISWorld ).

  • Streamlined accounting process between your debtor’s accounts payable team and the factoring company.
  • Partnering with a factoring company demonstrates your plans to grow your company and shows you are serious about your finances.
  • Invoice factoring companies enhance customer service relationships by providing highly skilled professionals to communicate with your customers.

If your company works with commercial customers that demand extended credit terms, a factoring facility can help your cash flow.

Keep reading How Factor Financing Impacts Customer Relations .

A/R factoring is a type of business funding that injects working capital into companies with slow-paying customers. However, factoring agreements are not debt-financing like business loans and do not dilute your equity position. To know more, keep reading How to Finance Your Business Without Giving Up Equity .

Assigning accounts receivable lets your account debtors know you have transferred ownership of A/R. By selling your unpaid invoices, you receive two cash installments.

The initial cash advance, the first installment, ranges from 80 to 93% of your total A/R purchase value. And the second and final installment, rebate, or discount releases the remaining balance, less our fee. Therefore, the assignment of accounts receivable removes cash flow obstacles by bypassing the lengthy receivable period.

Factoring your receivables is a great solution to overcome cash flow struggles. Additionally, factoring companies work closely with your customers allowing you to focus on your business. But with over 800 factoring companies in the US, finding a factoring company can be difficult. Bankers Factoring provides the best service with 20 years of experience. We make sure to communicate well with our customers while protecting our client’s interests.  

Notice of assignment letters (NOA) can be scary for business owners unfamiliar with invoice factoring services. Most startups, small businesses, and companies extend credit terms requiring commercial funding. Offering net 30 to 120-day payment terms places cash flow problems for most entities.

Assignment letters should not turn you away from alternative financing. Your customers are familiar with NOA factoring and have other customers working with factoring companies.

Worrying about assignment letters only prevents your business from achieving its full potential. Bankers Factoring provides the best non-recourse factoring services and manages customer relations that enhance your business profile. Furthermore, we take on the credit risk from unpaid receivables while providing up to 93% cash advances. Accelerating your receivables cycle can unleash new sales growth and operational performance. Utilize free cash flow to improve profitability.

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What is a Notice of Assignment?

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When you enter a factoring contract, you agree to sell your invoices, or accounts receivable, to a factoring company or third party that gives you a cash advance. This third party will then become your company’s collection department on these invoices. To notify your clients of this change of invoice ownership, the financial provider will send them a Notice of Assignment (NOA).

If you’re considering factoring your accounts receivable, you may be wondering what an NOA contains and what effects it may have on your customers and business. In this guide, we’ll cover the components of an NOA, how your factoring company sends them, and their role in the factoring process.

What is a NOA in Factoring?

A notice of assignment is a simple letter from a third party to your customers. It legally explains that a change of invoice ownership has occurred, informing your clients that a third party (bank, factoring company, financing company) will now manage and collect accounts receivable. The NOA will provide a remittance address so customers can update their payment information. The purpose of this communication is to notify your customers of a change in the collection process.

What Is a Notice of Assignment?

Understand how implementing a Notice of Assignment with Porter Capital’s factoring services can fast-track your receivables!

Discover Our Factoring Services

How Do Factoring Companies Notify Your Customers?

Factoring is more common than ever and clients range from NYC modeling agencies and namesake branded product line manufacturers, to small startup companies selling gourmet food items. No company is too large or too small to factor their invoices and many work with big box stores that demand longer payment terms to have products on their shelves. These 90 to 120 day payment terms can make factoring a necessity for smooth cash flow.

Your customers will receive the NOA as a letter in the mail to sign and return. Your business will also receive a copy of this letter. Ensure you fully understand the language used in the NOA and your responsibilities in the transition process. Sometimes business owners worry about their customers’ reactions to receiving an NOA. Invoice factoring is becoming an increasingly popular and acceptable means for financing businesses across many industries, so your customers may already be accustomed to the process. You can alert your clients about a coming NOA, proactively resolving any questions or concerns that may arise.

Why Is a NOA in Factoring Important?

When you enter a factoring contract, you agree to sell the intangible financial rights to your invoices and receive cash up front for those invoices. Because the rights are intangible, factoring companies need legal language that outlines ownership of the AR. Once the NOA is completed, a business receives the cash advance while the factor waits for invoice payments. The NOA is a critical part of the financial relationship and protects the financing provider in the event of misdirected payments. An NOA ensures all parties are aware of their responsibilities throughout the factoring process so everyone can enjoy the benefits.

Components of a NOA Document

The NOA document will contain a few vital pieces of information, including:

  • Notification that accounts receivable have been assigned and is payable to a third party
  • An updated payment address.
  • An explanation of customer liability in the event of a misdirected payment.

Each component of the NOA ensures the factoring relationship runs smoothly by giving customers the information they need to make correct payments. It may also outline steps for your company to take if you receive a misdirected payment.

Contact Porter Capital for a Factoring Quote

When you need to improve your cash flow, consider invoice factoring with Porter Capital. With over 30 years in the business, we can offer you and your customers the reliable and trustworthy services you expect and deserve. We will help you find the best solutions for your specific business demands, enabling you to enjoy greater stability and flexibility.

Work with a trusted factoring company to expand your business, get ahead of the competition and increase customer satisfaction. Contact us online today to receive a quote for our factoring services.

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Assignments: why you need to serve a notice of assignment

It's the day of completion; security is taken, assignments are completed and funds move. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. At this point, no-one wants to create unnecessary paperwork - not even the lawyers! Notices of assignment are, in some circumstances, optional. However, in other transactions they could be crucial to a lender's enforcement strategy. In the article below, we have given you the facts you need to consider when deciding whether or not you need to serve notice of assignment.

what is notice of assignment of receivables

What issues are there with serving notice of assignment?

Assignments are useful tools for adding flexibility to banking transactions. They enable the transfer of one party's rights under a contract to a new party (for example, the right to receive an income stream or a debt) and allow security to be taken over intangible assets which might be unsuitable targets for a fixed charge. A lender's security net will often include assignments over contracts (such as insurance or material contracts), intellectual property rights, investments or receivables.

An assignment can be a legal assignment or an equitable assignment. If a legal assignment is required, the assignment must comply with a set of formalities set out in s136 of the Law of Property Act 1925, which include the requirement to give notice to the contract counterparty.

The main difference between legal and equitable assignments (other than the formalities required to create them) is that with a legal assignment, the assignee can usually bring an action against the contract counterparty in its own name following assignment. However, with an equitable assignment, the assignee will usually be required to join in proceedings with the assignor (unless the assignee has been granted specific powers to circumvent that). That may be problematic if the assignor is no longer available or interested in participating.

Why should we serve a notice of assignment?

The legal status of the assignment may affect the credit scoring that can be given to a particular class of assets. It may also affect a lender's ability to effect part of its exit strategy if that strategy requires the lender to be able to deal directly with the contract counterparty.

The case of General Nutrition Investment Company (GNIC) v Holland and Barrett International Ltd and another (H&B) provides an example of an equitable assignee being unable to deal directly with a contract counterparty as a result of a failure to provide a notice of assignment.

The case concerned the assignment of a trade mark licence to GNIC . The other party to the licence agreement was H&B. H&B had not received notice of the assignment. GNIC tried to terminate the licence agreement for breach by serving a notice of termination. H&B disputed the termination. By this point in time the original licensor had been dissolved and so was unable to assist.

At a hearing of preliminary issues, the High Court held that the notices of termination served by GNIC , as an equitable assignee, were invalid, because no notice of the assignment had been given to the licensee. Although only a High Court decision, this follows a Court of Appeal decision in the Warner Bros Records Inc v Rollgreen Ltd case, which was decided in the context of the attempt to exercise an option.

In both cases, an equitable assignee attempted to exercise a contractual right that would change the contractual relationship between the parties (i.e. by terminating the contractual relationship or exercising an option to extend the term of a licence). The judge in GNIC felt that "in each case, the counterparty (the recipient of the relevant notice) is entitled to see that the potential change in his contractual position is brought about by a person who is entitled, and whom he can see to be entitled, to bring about that change".

In a security context, this could hamper the ability of a lender to maximise the value of the secured assets but yet is a constraint that, in most transactions, could be easily avoided.

Why not serve notice?

Sometimes it's just not necessary or desirable. For example:

  • If security is being taken over a large number of low value receivables or contracts, the time and cost involved in giving notice may be disproportionate to the additional value gained by obtaining a legal rather than an equitable assignment.
  • If enforcement action were required, the equitable assignee typically has the option to join in the assignor to any proceedings (if it could not be waived by the court) and provision could be made in the assignment deed for the assignor to assist in such situations. Powers of attorney are also typically granted so that a lender can bring an action in the assignor's name.
  • Enforcement is often not considered to be a significant issue given that the vast majority of assignees will never need to bring claims against the contract counterparty.

Care should however, be taken in all circumstances where the underlying contract contains a ban on assignment, as the contract counterparty would not have to recognise an assignment that is made in contravention of that ban. Furthermore, that contravention in itself may trigger termination and/or other rights in the assigned contract, that could affect the value of any underlying security.

What about acknowledgements of notices?

A simple acknowledgement of service of notice is simply evidence of the notice having been received. However, these documents often contain commitments or assurances by the contract counterparty which increase their value to the assignee.

Best practice for serving notice of assignment

Each transaction is different and the weighting given to each element of the security package will depend upon the nature of the debt and the borrower's business. The service of a notice of assignment may be a necessity or an optional extra. In each case, the question of whether to serve notice is best considered with your advisers at the start of a transaction to allow time for the lender's priorities to be highlighted to the borrowers and captured within the documents.

For further advice on serving notice of assignment please contact Kirsty Barnes or Catherine Phillips  from our Banking & Finance team.

what is notice of assignment of receivables

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  • Assignment of Accounts Receivable
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Assignment of accounts receivable is an agreement in which a business assigns its accounts receivable to a financing company in return for a loan. It is a way to finance cash flows for a business that otherwise finds it difficult to secure a loan, because the assigned receivables serve as collateral for the loan received.

By assignment of accounts receivable, the lender i.e. the financing company has the right to collect the receivables if the borrowing company i.e. actual owner of the receivables, fails to repay the loan in time. The financing company also receives finance charges / interest and service charges.

It is important to note that the receivables are not actually sold under an assignment agreement. If the ownership of the receivables is actually transferred, the agreement would be for sale / factoring of accounts receivable . Usually, the borrowing company would itself collect the assigned receivables and remit the loan amount as per agreement. It is only when the borrower fails to pay as per agreement, that the lender gets a right to collect the assigned receivables on its own.

The assignment of accounts receivable may be general or specific. A general assignment of accounts receivable entitles the lender to proceed to collect any accounts receivable of the borrowing company whereas in case of specific assignment of accounts receivable, the lender is only entitled to collect the accounts receivable specifically assigned to the lender.

The following example shows how to record transactions related to assignment of accounts receivable via journal entries:

On March 1, 20X6, Company A borrowed $50,000 from a bank and signed a 12% one month note payable. The bank charged 1% initial fee. Company A assigned $73,000 of its accounts receivable to the bank as a security. During March 20X6, the company collected $70,000 of the assigned accounts receivable and paid the principle and interest on note payable to the bank on April 1. $3,000 of the sales were returned by the customers.

Record the necessary journal entries by Company A.

Journal Entries on March 1

Initial fee = 0.01 × 50,000 = 500

Cash received = 50,000 – 500 = 49,500

Finance Charge500
Notes Payable50,000

The accounts receivable don't actually change ownership. But they may be to transferred to another account as shown the following journal entry. The impact on the balance sheet is only related to presentation, so this journal entry may not actually be passed. Usually, the fact that accounts receivable have been assigned, is stated in the notes to the financial statements.

Accounts Receivable Assigned73,000
Accounts Receivable73,000

Journal Entries on April 1

Sales Returns3,000
Accounts Receivable Assigned73,000

Interest expense = 50,000 × 12%/12 = 500

Notes Payable50,000
Interest Expense500

by Irfanullah Jan, ACCA and last modified on Oct 29, 2020

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The Difference Between Assignment of Receivables & Factoring of Receivables

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You can raise cash fast by assigning your business accounts receivables or factoring your receivables. Assigning and factoring accounts receivables are popular because they provide off-balance sheet financing. The transaction normally does not appear in your financial statements and your customers may never know their accounts were assigned or factored. However, the differences between assigning and factoring receivables can impact your future cash flows and profits.

How Receivables Assignment Works

Assigning your accounts receivables means that you use them as collateral for a secured loan. The financial institution, such as a bank or loan company, analyzes the accounts receivable aging report. For each invoice that qualifies, you will likely receive 70 to 90 percent of the outstanding balance in cash, according to All Business . Depending on the lender, you may have to assign all your receivables or specific receivables to secure the loan. Once you have repaid the loan, you can use the accounts as collateral for a new loan.

Assignment Strengths and Weaknesses

Using your receivables as collateral lets you retain ownership of the accounts as long as you make your payments on time, says Accounting Coach. Since the lender deals directly with you, your customers never know that you have borrowed against their outstanding accounts. However, lenders charge high fees and interest on an assignment of accounts receivable loan. A loan made with recourse means that you still are responsible for repaying the loan if your customer defaults on their payments. You will lose ownership of your accounts if you do not repay the loan per the agreement terms.

How Factoring Receivables Works

When you factor your accounts receivable, you sell them to a financial institution or a company that specializes in purchasing accounts receivables. The factor analyzes your accounts receivable aging report to see which accounts meet their purchase criteria. Some factors will not purchase receivables that are delinquent 45 days or longer. Factors pay anywhere from 65 percent to 90 percent of an invoice’s value. Once you factor an account, the factor takes ownership of the invoices.

Factoring Strengths and Weaknesses

Factoring your accounts receivables gives you instant cash and puts the burden of collecting payment from slow or non-paying customers on the factor. If you sell the accounts without recourse, the factor cannot look to you for payment should your former customers default on the payments. On the other hand, factoring your receivables could result in your losing customers if they assume you sold their accounts because of financial problems. In addition, factoring receivables is expensive. Factors charge high fees and may retain recourse rights while paying you a fraction of your receivables' full value.

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Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn, LLP

Our Insights

Assignment of Accounts Receivable – Trap for the Unwary

By  Steven A. Jacobson

Most businesses are familiar with the mechanics of an assignment of accounts receivable. A party seeking capital assigns its accounts receivable to a financing or factoring company that advances that party a stipulated percentage of the face amount of the receivables.

The factoring company, in turn, sends a notice of assignment of accounts receivable to the party obligated to pay the factoring company’s assignee, i.e. the account debtor. While fairly straightforward, this three-party arrangement has one potential trap for account debtors.

Most account debtors know that once they receive a notice of assignment of accounts receivable, they are obligated to commence payments to the factoring company. Continued payments to the assignee do not relieve the account debtor from its obligation to pay the factoring company.

It is not uncommon for a notice of assignment of accounts receivable to contain seemingly innocuous and boilerplate language along the following lines:

Please make the proper notations on your ledger and acknowledge this letter and that invoices are not subject to any claims or defenses you may have against the assignee.

Typically, the notice of assignment of accounts receivable is directed to an accounting department and is signed, acknowledged and returned to the factoring company without consideration of the waiver of defenses languages.

Even though a party may have a valid defense to payment to its assignee, it still must pay the face amount of the receivable to the factoring company if it has signed a waiver. In many cases, this will result in a party paying twice – once to the factoring company and once to have, for example, shoddy workmanship repaired or defective goods replaced. Despite the harsh result caused by an oftentimes inadvertent waiver agreement, the Uniform Commercial Code validates these provisions with limited exceptions. Accordingly, some procedures should be put in place to require a review of any notice of assignment of accounts receivable to make sure that an account debtor preserves its rights and defenses.

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Receivables Finance And The Assignment Of Receivables

Tfg legal trade finance hub, receivables finance and the assignment of receivables.

A receivable represents money that is owed to a company and is expected to be paid in the future. Receivables finance, also known as accounts receivable financing, is a form of asset-based financing where a company leverages its outstanding receivables as collateral to secure short-term loans and obtain financing.

In case of default, the lender has a right to collect associated receivables from the company’s debtors. In brief, it is the process by which a company raises cash against its own book’s debts.

The company actually receives an amount equal to a reduced value of the pledged receivables, the age of the receivables impacting the amount of financing received. The company can get up to 90% of the amount of its receivables advanced.

This form of financing assists companies in unlocking funds that would otherwise remain tied up in accounts receivable, providing them with access to capital that is not immediately realised from outstanding debts.

Account Receivables Financing Diagram

FIG. 1: Accounts receivable financing operates by leveraging a company’s receivables to obtain financing.  Source: https://fhcadvisory.com/images/account-receivable-financing.jpg

Restrictions on the assignment of receivables – New legislation

Invoice  discounting  products under which a company assigns its receivables have been used by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to raise capital. However, such products depend on the related receivables to be assignable at first.

Businesses have faced provisions that ban or restrict the assignment of receivables in commercial contracts by imposing a condition or other restrictions, which prevents them from being able to use their receivables to raise funds.

In 2015, the UK Government enacted the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act (SBEEA) by which raising finance on receivables is facilitated. Pursuant to this Act, regulations can be made to invalidate restrictions on the assignment of receivables in certain types of contract.

In other words, in certain circumstances, clauses which prevent assignment of a receivable in a contract between businesses is unenforceable. Especially, in its section 1(1), the Act provides that the authorised authority can, by regulations “make provision for the purpose of securing that any non-assignment of receivables term of a relevant contract:

  • has no effect;
  • has no effect in relation to persons of a prescribed description;
  • has effect in relation to persons of a prescribed description only for such purposes as may be prescribed.”

The underlying aim is to enable SMEs to use their receivables as financing to raise capital, through the possibility of assigning such receivables to another entity.

The aforementioned regulations, which allow invalidations of such restrictions on the assignment of receivables, are contained in the Business Contract Terms (Assignment of Receivables) Regulations 2018, which will apply to any term in a contract entered into force on or after 31 December 2018.

By virtue of its section 2(1) “Subject to regulations 3 and 4, a term in a contract has no effect to the extent that it prohibits or imposes a condition, or other restriction, on the assignment of a receivable arising under that contract or any other contract between the same parties.”

Such regulations apply to contracts for the supply of goods, services or intangible assets under which the supplier is entitled to be paid money. However, there are several exclusions to this rule.

In section 3, an exception exists where the supplier is a large enterprise or a special purpose vehicle (SPV). In section 4, there are listed exclusions for various contracts such as “for, or entered into in connection with, prescribed financial services”, contracts “where one or more of the parties to the contract is acting for purposes which are outside a trade, business or profession” or contracts “where none of the parties to the contract has entered into it in the course of carrying on a business in the United Kingdom”. Also, specific exclusions relate to contracts in energy, land, share purchase and business purchase.

Effects of the 2018 Regulations

As mentioned above, any contract terms that prevent, set conditions for, or place restrictions on transferring a receivable are considered invalid and cannot be legally enforced.

In light of this, the assignment of the right to be paid under a contract for the supply of goods (receivables) cannot be restricted or prohibited. However, parties are not prevented from restricting other contracts rights.

Non-assignment clauses can have varying forms. Such clauses are covered by the regulations when terms prevent the assignee from determining the validity or value of the receivable or their ability to enforce it.

Overall, these legislations have had an important impact for businesses involved in the financing of receivables, by facilitating such processes for SMEs.

Digital platforms and fintech solutions: The assignment of receivables has been significantly impacted by the digitisation of financial services. Fintech platforms and online marketplaces have been developed to make the financing and assignment of receivables easier.

These platforms employ tech to assess debtor creditworthiness and provide efficient investor and seller matching, including data analytics and artificial intelligence. They provide businesses more autonomy, transparency, and access to a wider range of possible investors.

Securitisation is an essential part of receivables financing. Asset-backed securities (ABS), a type of financial instrument made up of receivables, are then sold to investors.

Businesses are able to turn their receivables into fast cash by transferring the credit risk and cash flow rights to investors. Investors gain from diversification and potentially greater yields through securitisation, while businesses profit from increased liquidity and risk-reduction capabilities.


https://www.tradefinanceglobal.com/finance-products/accounts-receivables-finance/  – 28/10/2018

https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2015/26/section/1/enacted  – 28/10/2018

https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukdsi/2018/9780111171080  – 28/10/2018

https://www.bis.org/publ/bppdf/bispap117.pdf  – Accessed 14/06/2023

https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/asset-backedsecurity.asp  – Accessed 14/06/2023

https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2008/09/pdf/basics.pdf  – Accessed 14/06/2023


International Trade Law

1 | Introduction to International Trade Law 2 | Legal Trade Finance 3 | Standard Legal Charges 4 | Borrowing Base Facilities 5 | Governing law in trade finance transactions 6 | SPV Financing 7 | Guarantees and Indemnities 8 | Taking security over assets 9 | Receivables finance and the assignment of receivables 10 | Force Majeure 11 | Arbitration 12 | Master Participation Agreements 13 | Digital Negotiable Instruments 14 | Generative AI in Trade Law

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About the Author

Trade Finance Global (TFG) assists companies with raising debt finance. While we can access many traditional forms of finance, we specialise in alternative finance and complex funding solutions related to international trade. We help companies to raise finance in ways that is sometimes out of reach for mainstream lenders.

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IRS Statement on balance due notices (CP14)

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June 12, 2024

The IRS is aware that some taxpayers are receiving CP14 (Balance Due, No Math Error) notices indicating a balance due even though payments were made with their 2023 tax return.

Who is affected : Taxpayers who paid electronically or by check with their 2023 tax return, may show their accounts as pending, although the IRS has received and processed payment through their banking institution. The notice may have been initiated before the payment was processed on the account, or the payment may have been processed but contained errors and requires additional handling to address the error before updating the tax account.

No immediate action or phone call needed : Taxpayers who receive a notice but paid the tax they owed in full and on time, electronically or by check, should not respond to the notice at this time. The IRS is researching the matter and will provide an update as soon as possible.

Note that any assessed penalties and interest will be automatically adjusted when the payment(s) are applied correctly by the IRS.

Taxpayers who paid only part of the tax reported due on their 2023 return should pay the remaining balance or follow instructions on the notice to enter into an installment agreement or request additional collection alternatives.

For affected taxpayers, the IRS apologizes for the inconvenience this delay in processing your payment has caused.

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    The Notice of Assignment is a simple letter the factoring company sends to your customers whose invoices you are factoring. In writing, the notice informs your customers that the accounts receivable is assigned, and future payments should be made payable to the factoring company. The notice will also include a remittance address so your ...

  6. What is a Notice of Assignment in Factoring Transactions?

    A notice of assignment is a document that notifies clients that a factoring company has acquired ownership of their accounts receivable, or invoices, from the original business. The notice's objective is to alert customers to the ownership change and specify who should receive payments.

  7. Factoring Notice of Assignment (NOA): What You Should Know

    A notice of assignment is required in factoring because you're assigning debt to a third party - the factoring company - and the customers involved need to know. The Role of Notice of Assignment for Cash Flow. Invoice factoring stands out as a solution for businesses seeking to improve their cash flow.

  8. Notice of Assignment of Accounts Receivable Under the PPSA: What Every

    A notice of assignment is governed by Section 40 (2) of the PPSA, which states that an account debtor (i.e., the Customer) may pay the assignor (i.e., the Client) until the Customer receives notice, reasonably identifying the relevant rights, that the accounts receivable have been assigned. If requested by the Customer, the Factor is required ...

  9. The Role of a Notice of Assignment in Invoice Factoring

    The notice must: Advise your customer, the account debtor, that the amount/ invoice due has been assigned to the factoring company. Advise that payment is to be made to the factoring company and not any other party. Include remittance details so your customer is informed how payment should be made. Be signed by the factoring company or the client.

  10. Assignment of accounts receivable

    What is the Assignment of Accounts Receivable? Under an assignment of accounts receivable arrangement, a lender pays a borrower in exchange for the borrower assigning certain of its receivable accounts to the lender. If the borrower does not repay the loan, the lender has the right to collect the assigned receivables.The receivables are not actually sold to the lender, which means that the ...

  11. What is a Notice of Assignment in Factoring? Bankers Factoring

    A Notice of Assignment (NOA) is a letter that informs account debtors their creditor (our client) is factoring invoices under the Universal Commercial Code (UCC). And invoice factoring is an agreement to assign your accounts receivable (A/R) to a factoring company. So the letter communicates that a third party (factoring company) is managing ...

  12. What is a Notice of Assignment in Factoring?

    A notice of assignment is a simple letter from a third party to your customers. It legally explains that a change of invoice ownership has occurred, informing your clients that a third party (bank, factoring company, financing company) will now manage and collect accounts receivable. The NOA will provide a remittance address so customers can ...

  13. Assignment of Accounts Receivable: The Essential Guide

    Assigning accounts receivable is a fairly straightforward business financing option where a company receives a loan using its outstanding invoices as collateral. It is a form of asset-based financing. In general assignment, the company uses all accounts receivable as collateral. In specific assignment, the borrower only puts up select invoices ...

  14. Assignments: why you need to serve a notice of assignment

    An assignment can be a legal assignment or an equitable assignment. If a legal assignment is required, the assignment must comply with a set of formalities set out in s136 of the Law of Property Act 1925, which include the requirement to give notice to the contract counterparty.

  15. Assignment of Accounts Receivable

    Assignment of accounts receivable is an agreement in which a business assigns its accounts receivable to a financing company in return for a loan. It is a way to finance cash flows for a business that otherwise finds it difficult to secure a loan, because the assigned receivables serve as collateral for the loan received.

  16. The Difference Between Assignment of Receivables & Factoring of

    How Receivables Assignment Works Assigning your accounts receivables means that you use them as collateral for a secured loan. The financial institution, such as a bank or loan company, analyzes ...

  17. Assignment of Accounts Receivable

    By Steven A. Jacobson. Most businesses are familiar with the mechanics of an assignment of accounts receivable. A party seeking capital assigns its accounts receivable to a financing or factoring company that advances that party a stipulated percentage of the face amount of the receivables. The factoring company, in turn, sends a notice of ...

  18. Receivables Finance And The Assignment Of Receivables

    Receivables finance, also known as accounts receivable financing, is a form of asset-based financing where a company leverages its outstanding receivables as collateral to secure short-term loans and obtain financing. In case of default, the lender has a right to collect associated receivables from the company's debtors.

  19. FAQs on assignments in finance transactions

    However, whether an assignment of receivables expressed as an outright sale is re-characterised as a secured loan does not depend on whether the sale is a legal assignment of existing receivables or an equitable assignment of future receivables. (Assignments of future receivables are not possible under the laws of some states.) 10.

  20. Notice of Assignment of Accounts Receivable (Assignee to Non-Assigning

    Resource ID w-007-8983. A form letter from an assignee providing notice to the non-assigning party (typically a buyer of goods) that the seller (assignor) has assigned its right to receive payment for the goods (accounts receivable) to the assignee. This Standard Document has integrated notes with important explanations and drafting tips.

  21. PDF What Is a Ban on Assignment? the Business Contract Terms (Assignment of

    absolute assignment by way of security) over the receivables. A ban on assignment is a prohibition contained in a contract of sale or supply (Contract) between a customer and its debtor restricting one or both parties ... question, the debtor may disregard any notice of assignment given to it by a financier and continue to make payment to the ...

  22. Assignment of accounts receivable with recourse template

    This Assignment of Accounts Receivable with Recourse Template can be used to quickly remove valuable receivables from the operating entity. Cash paid to the operating entity for the receivables is then quickly withdrawn as payments to the owner (or the holding entity) as salary, rents, loan payments, etc. Warning.

  23. Notice of Assignment of Accounts Receivable (Secured Party to Account

    This Standard Document is a notice that a secured party who has taken an assignment of its' debtor's accounts receivable may send directly to the parties (the account debtors) who owe amounts to its debtor (the assignor). This notice advises the account debtor that the account has been assigned and directs the account debtor to remit all future payments on the account directly to the secured ...

  24. IRS Statement on balance due notices (CP14)

    June 12, 2024. The IRS is aware that some taxpayers are receiving CP14 (Balance Due, No Math Error) notices indicating a balance due even though payments were made with their 2023 tax return. Who is affected: Taxpayers who filed electronically or by check with their 2023 tax return, may show their accounts as pending, although the IRS has ...