Impact of Merger & Acquisitions (M&As) on Innovation outputs

MIPLC Master Thesis Series (2017/18)

82 Pages Posted: 9 Jul 2019

Raghu Reddy

Meissner Bolte | Patent- und Rechtsanwaltskanzlei

Date Written: September 12, 2018

This thesis examines the impact of merger and acquisition (M&A) on innovation outputs. The focus is on two questions, a. evaluation of pre-acquisition characteristics of intangible asset capability (patent portfolio’s) of target and acquiring companies and b. post-acquisition impact of M&As on the innovation outputs. Metal Oxide Chemical Vapour Deposition (MOCVD) technology, which is one of the primary drivers of semiconductor industry is selected for investigating the M&A trend over past two decades. A summary of the interrelationship between innovation outputs and M&A trends is deduced based on a detailed literature review and this is compared with the patent portfolio changes with time by employing quantitative research of patent data in MOCVD capital equipment domain.

Keywords: M&A, Mergers and Acquisition, Intangible Asset, Innovation output

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

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Meissner bolte | patent- und rechtsanwaltskanzlei ( email ).

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Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: The Case of Merger Control v. Merger Deregulation

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During the last century, not only the legal literature but also the literature in many fields along with government efforts on all levels, were all mainly devoted to the debate of trade liberalization in general, and specifically to the case of the expected gains from using international agreements as a tool to remove the trade barriers. Meanwhile, all the parties have paid little attention to profound questions about identifying the impediments that they are facing and the other possible options that might maximize the general welfare, which are the cross-border merger and acquisition transactions.

This dissertation will address that under-researched question, and it will try to identify some of those impediments that are facing the cross-border merger and acquisition transactions. The dissertation will mainly focus on the different premerger control laws that are adopted around the globe, as an impediment that faces the cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and it will try to identify the drawbacks of those laws and most importantly develop and examine reforming proposals.

The underlying result of this dissertation will reveal that the multijurisdictional premerger control laws across the globe have numerous drawbacks that are actual impediments that face mergers and acquisitions in general, and especially the cross-border transactions. In addition to that, the best reformative option is the abolishing of the premerger control laws, or in other words the deregulation of the cross-border merger and acquisition transactions.

The conclusion of this dissertation is that using the law as a useful tool should be reinvented on two dimensions, at one end of the spectrum the law should enable the state possibilities that are required to give a hand and facilitate the entry to markets, by abolishing the premerger control laws i.e. deregulating mergers and acquisitions, and at the other end of the spectrum the law should grant the state the power to monitor and challenge those practices that might cause harm to employees or consumers, before the courts, along with the primary power to challenge anticompetitive behaviors.

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174 Merger Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best merger topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on merger, ⭐ simple & easy merger essay titles, 💡 interesting topics to write about merger, ✍️ merger essay topics for college.

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  • The Impact of Mergers on Consumers, Industry, and the Society The main difference between the two is that in the merger the company retains a shared interest in the corporation formed after merging.
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  • Emirates and Qantas Airlines Merger Analysis Therefore, this paper attempts to assess the operations of Emirates Airlines and its merger with Qantas Airline Company, and how the movement influenced the function of the corporation.
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  • The Adidas and Patagonia Merger Analysis Companies like Adidas and Patagonia can create a successful merger due to similarities in goals and human resources practices. A merger between Patagonia and Adidas could give them access to new markets and bring diversity […]
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  • Merger & Acquisition: Critical Success Factors The importance of mergers and acquisitions in the corporate world stems from their variable advantages, which include increased economies of scale, expansion of the economy of scope, increased revenues, increased market share, development of synergy, […]
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  • Cadbury and Kraft Merger It is this approach that is used by the management of Kraft and Cadbury to evaluate how the organization performed strategically. A table representing some of the BSC parameters that are used by Cadbury and […]
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  • Understanding and Addressing the Reactions of Peripheral Employees to Mergers The findings presented in the paper contribute to the sensemaking studies by determining the frameworks in which open and honest communication between the top and middle managers and peripheral employees can be established.
  • Impacts of Mergers on Employees The new management identifies the need for renewed departmentalization of the company owing to the increased staff and possible change in business practices within the organization.
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  • Union UK Ltd.’s Merger With HK Carz At the end of the paper, a conclusion is offered to summarize the information and discuss all questions relevant to the case.
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  • The Merger Between Alcatel SA and Lucent Technologies Frances’s Alcatel was the larger of the two companies and had to lead the way. Another reason is to build confidence in the staffs of the target company.
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  • Mergers and Acquisitions in the Current Market Economies In the light of the population of the study, random sampling is the choice for obtaining the sample. Participants in the study will be varied according to the period of acquisitions.
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  • The Aspects of Culture During Mergers of the Firms It is seen that the major aspect of culture during mergers or takeovers is that both the firms in question lose their individual culture characteristics, and are blended into one integrated, composite whole.
  • A Behavioral Finance Perspective on Corporate Mergers and Takeovers Corporate America has been called to task for losing sight of the proper goals of the business: generating economic returns, obtaining the resources and setting strategy for competitiveness and long-run growth, briskly fending off competition […]
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  • “A Merger in the Milk Industry” by Yaffe-Bellany Consequently, the development of a co-op will help to consolidate the community of farmers and build the comparative advantage that larger corporations will not be able to trump. Thus, the interests and needs of farmers […]
  • Leadership Theories & Styles During Company Merger The company’s leaders will have to apply a new style of task performance that is suitable for both teams, and thus play the role of a pacesetting leadership.
  • Mergers & Acquisitions: Mexichem and Dutch Peer For instance, when a car manufacturing company decides to sell its investments and production rights to a fuel exporting company this is called acquisition. This proves the power of acquiring and merging with other companies […]
  • Southwest Airlines and AirTran Airways Merger Analysis In this light, the human resource factor of the company has played a significant role in the enhancement of efficiencies resulting in the need for expansion to widen the scope of operations and success.
  • Market Exit Strategies: IPOs and M&A In the last twenty years the researchers of management and finance have arrived to an immense perception with regard to the function of venture capitalists in the formation of new organizations, the formation and control […]
  • Merger and Acquistion: Terms Definition The kind of merger that existed between Interclean and EnviroTech was a Horizontal merger because Interclean Company and EnviroTech were two separate companies which offered the same products and served the same market.
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  • Microsoft-Yahoo Merger Review The only positive impact would be as a result of competition that their merger would give to Google that would increase the value of their shares.
  • Merger Between InterClean and Environ Tech: Memo This is due to the fact that the employees will demand a comprehensive knowledge of the direction that the organization is taking.
  • International Mergers and Acquisitions: Highs & Lows Market condition indicate that BHP Billiton’s decision to back out of the take over of Rio Tinto was a good decision as if it had followed through the company would have to sell some parts […]
  • The Inbev – Anheuser Busch Merger: A Study in US Political and Business Practices In the backdrop of the strict federal and state legislation for controlling the manufacture, sale, and distribution of beer in the US markets, the company Inbev needed to tailor its business strategy so that its […]
  • Mergers & Acquisitions Effects in Business Ventures Merger combining two companies as one and Acquisition the takeover of one company by another has been one of the major vehicles in the transformation of a key set of economic activities that stand at […]
  • Change Management in Delta-Northwest Merger Pilot unions from both airlines are proving to be the harshest critics of the merger, meaning that respective management should do an extra job of convincing the pilots to embark on supporting the merger.
  • Nokia and Canon: Company Mergers Review Although the form selected to unite two entities is extremely important to both parties of the transaction, companies are not primarily concerned here with tax, legal, and accounting considerations that are involved in a decision […]
  • Vodafone & Mannesmann and Amazon & Netflix Mergers Analysis Specifically, the concept of a merger will be defined, followed by an example of a successful merger performed in the global economy recently.
  • Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Board of Trade Merger In the year 2007, it merged with Chicago Mercantile Exchange and stopped trading as an independent entity On July 12, 2007, Chicago Mercantile exchange bought and merged with the Chicago board of trade to form […]
  • Managing Organizational Change: IPIC and Mubadala Merger The entire structure of the company had to be reinvented to encompass new employees, transform the decision-making apparatus, and enhance the capacity of the organization to handle larger amounts of finances necessary to operate in […]
  • Mergers and Acquisitions in the Oil and Gas Industry The objective of this study is to investigate the changing trends and compare0 mergers and acquisitions in the oil and gas industry over the past decades.
  • Mergers, Acquisitions, and Cultural Dilemmas The incompatibility of business approaches, substantial differences between American and Japanese mentalities, and wrong actions of the protagonist as a leader are directly related to the theme of the paper.
  • Holiday Seekers Travel Agency and Small World Travel Agency: Addressing Merger Needs This report discusses the impact of the merger and creation of the new Broaden Your Horizons company, including leadership, culture, communication, and sustainability issues to ensure that change will be implemented successfully.
  • Merger & Acquisition Effects in the European Union The main purpose of this chapter is therefore to explain the background of the study, the research aim, the research objectives, and the structure of the dissertation.
  • Al Razi and Ibn Sina Hospitals’ Merger Advice The purpose of this report is to highlight the best practices that will facilitate the merger between Al Razi Hospital and Ibn Sina Hospital.
  • Merger and Its Impact on Employee Compensation The head of the benefits team stated that it would take the firm more time to create a new benefits plan than merging the benefits plan of both the companies.
  • United Airlines and US Airways Merger Problems In the case study, the Department of Justice failed to approve the merger between United Airlines and the US airways on grounds that it would reduce competition and affect service delivery.
  • Utah Symphony and Orchestra Merger and Communication In the proposed merger between Utah Symphony and Utah Opera, Utah Orchestra’s director, Anne Ewers was appointed to oversee the merge of two companies.
  • Kimberley-Clark and Scott Paper Companies’ Merger The decision made by Kimberley-Clark to merge with Scott Paper has introduced a major problem in the company because it is difficult to manage the two companies effectively.
  • Information Technology in Mergers and Acquisitions Furthermore, the creation of the configuration management database and assert management tool may be helpful to renew the IT work as soon as possible after the merger and help track the elements put into the […]
  • The Dimension of Masculinity: Upjohn & Pharmacia Merger The smaller index of the mentioned dimension means that the culture is characterized by less significant differences between the sexes and a higher value of the relationships.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Cultural Concerns Despite falling within the comedy genre, the film reinforces the general perception of the Japanese and Americans in the workplace. The merger made the German work culture dominant and resulted in a negative plunge in […]
  • Mergers and Sustainability in Indian Aviation Industry For instance, in the case of the Benz and Chrysler merger, both firms benefited from the expanded market in luxury vehicles and improved efficiency in the cost of production.
  • Agthia Group’s Changes After Merger Consequently, the primary goal of the paper is to conduct the analysis of modifications in the organizational chart before and after the acquisition, describe the departments in charge of the takeover, and introduce the reporting […]
  • Sprint & T-Mobile Merger, Leadership and Decision-Making The questions and their responses are highlighted below: In the case of Masayoshi, it is important to take into consideration the quality of the decision made. The involvement of the team in the decision-making process […]
  • Travel Group Companies Merger: Main Aspects and Analysis When it comes to the organizational structure of the company that is discussed in the case, it is extremely important to analyze it with reference to the key concepts studied within the framework of systems […]
  • The Influence of HR on Mergers and Acquisitions One of the reasons I agree with the premise is the fact that it is the responsibility of HR to scout for potential companies to take over or to merge.
  • General Motors and Elio Motors: M&A Strategies The purpose of this paper is to analyze two companies selected from one industry and evaluate their merger and acquisition strategy, the impact of five forces of competition, and corporate governance mechanisms based on the […]
  • Meetings in Mergers and Acquisitions It is for this reason that meetings between both teams become a crucial element in the process because what eventually matters is what is in the hearts and minds of the people and the culture […]
  • Caracal Light Ammunition’s Merger Preparation In this case, the acquisition’s primary goal is to enhance the flow of the processes within the organization, as the ownership of Expert Future Cargo will assist in the reduction of costs and improvement of […]
  • Sprint and Soft Bank Merger and Its Future The company wants to roll out the LTE services in Japan and the acquisition of the Sprint Corporation is a good starting point.
  • Holiday Seekers and Small World Agencies Merger The remaining administrators will have to adapt to the new conditions, learn the peculiarities of the new business, and provide guidance for the employees of the new company.
  • “The Q-Theory of Mergers” by Jovanovic & Rousseau In their article, the authors argue that the Q-theory can be linked to the purchasing/merging motives of the firms. The author’s theory describes 4 decades of mergers from the prospect of merger waves but does […]
  • US Healthcare Institutions Merger and Nursing The contribution of the project to the nursing profession is in accentuating the necessity of developing preceptorship programs in healthcare organizations in order to guarantee the continuous education of nurses and the improvement of their […]
  • Tesla Motors’ and Volvo Cars’ Companies Merger It dwells on the history of the success of the company, explains the challenges that Tesla faces both internally and externally, and describes the role of organisational culture and leadership in its success.
  • Synergon Capital and Beauchamp Companies Merger However, after the acquisition of Beauchamp, a British financial-services company, the situation is challenging. In case there is a shortage of time, I would choose to concentrate on the recent information about the company and […]
  • Mergers and Acquisitions’ Effect on Shareholders For example, there have been cases of mergers and acquisition in the European market that has characterized lack of activity across the borders of Europe and domestically following the effect of the recession experienced between […]
  • MRA Associates Inc. and Xecodynamics Merger The constraints have been limiting the scope of the company in terms of service provision since the available resources have not been able to ensure the holistic satisfaction of its customer needs.
  • Mergers: Cisco Systems Incorporation and Bay Networks The findings from the study were interpreted to ensure that entrepreneurs understand the importance of addressing cultural differences in the process of forming mergers and acquisitions.
  • Al Bawadi Islamic Bank and Al Shurooq Bank Merge Customers of the two banks and the employees will be brought to the new entity hence they should feel some sense of belonging in the new name that is developed.
  • Detroit Free Press and Detroit Daily News’ Merger The forecasts for the merged firms’ profits are the use of financial resources to implement the latest technologies, develop a new structure of papers, and provide new creative ideas.
  • Business Mergers: Significance and Impacts This has included mergers and acquisition of businesses as opposed to starting new ventures The purpose of the study will be to investigate the significance and impact of the merger between two firms that are […]
  • Mergers and Acquisitions Laws in the UAE The main laws that regulate the formation of M&A are the Competition Law of 2012 and the Commercial Companies Law of 1984, which was amended in 1988.
  • Automotive Industry: Mergers and Acquisition This paper seeks to analyze mergers in the automotive industries with special attention to the factors that led to the mergers and the economic benefits that resulted from them.
  • BRL Hardy Company’s Post-Merger Success A number of issues are associated with the success of the company after the merger. The combination of the two organizational structures was one of the factors behind the success of the new company.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions Implementation Plan Wang and Moini note that researchers reported different data on divestment, but it is clear that from one-third to a half of the companies were divested after M&A.
  • Caracal Light Ammunition’s Merger and Acquisition This will decrease the costs of logistics and will ensure that the organization will provide its products to the customers promptly.
  • Mergers & Acquisitions. Synergy Valuation Models Nonetheless, it is important to take them into account due to the essentiality of the maintenance of the efficiency of the business processes and the lack of knowledge of the synergies applications in the context […]
  • American and British Universities of Al Ain Merger The merging of the two universities can occur through the determination of the leaders who realise the possible advantages of a merger.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Delta Air Lines and Great Lakes Airlines It is possible to say that this company has long tried to increase its share in different markets and become the leading airline company in the United States and in the world.
  • Vertical Integration, Acquisition or Merger Vertical integration involves the amalgamation of the production chain to accommodate the different products that the company deals in line with the market-specific demands.
  • Project Team Involvement in a Merger In this case, the report discusses the use of project team in a merger between Hewlett-Packard and Compaq companies in the computer industry. The integration of both management and cultures was used as the strategy […]
  • Mergers, Acquisitions, and Downsizing This paper will highlight the differences between mergers, acquisitions, and downsizing and extrapolate the circumstances that can lead a company to adopt any of the three measures. The merging of companies in a horizontal arrangement […]
  • Merger, Acquisition, and International Strategies of McDonalds McDonalds took a step of changing the value of its products and modifying their features rather than increasing the number of restaurants globally. This strategy requires a creative method in order to control the manufacturing […]
  • Merger of Air France and KLM The merger of Air France and KLM would lead to significant changes in the market. The merger of Air France and KLM would lead to significant changes in the European airline industry.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions of Chrysler, an American Entity and Daimler-Benz However, the merger failed to meet the expectation of the managers and owners. This period should come prior to the signing of a comprehensive merger and acquisition deal.
  • Management Issues in Mergers: Bancolombia Company The success of this strategy for the case of the merger between Conavi, Bancolumbia, and Corfinsara was realised through communication to shareholders about its value in enhancing the success of the company.
  • Merger Between Utah Opera and Utah Symphony Recommended steps prior to the Merger Before going into the merger, the two leaders should have a talk on their experiences and undergo some workshop experience in which one reveals to the other the secret […]
  • Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions in the Pharmaceutical Industry In reference to most mergers and acquisition in pharmaceutical industries in the United States of America, Kang &Johansson observes that possession of recognized product in some pharmaceutical markets, well renowned market system and the market […]
  • The American Airlines and US Airways Merger However, the practice has presented opportunities and benefits to both the firms and the airline industry. Consumers of the two airlines are expected to be part of the larger clients’ base in the new firm.
  • Merger Between Daimler-Benz and Chrysler Prior to the merger, the management of companies should pay close attention to the competitive positions of each other and the trends that emerged in a certain market.
  • Strategic Analysis of Merger: Skype and Microsoft Increasing the users of Skype to one billion daily was one of the strategic rationales of Microsoft when it acquired Skype.
  • Merger Negotiations Between Boeing and Airbus Company The committee members and negotiators should ensure that the negotiation process yields the required results through identification and addressing the fundamental goals on the onset of the process in order to highlight the key issues […]
  • Implications of the Austar-Foxtel Merger Over the years, the company has been making milestones in the industry that includes, among others, the delivery of up to 20 channels over Telstra’s Hybrid Fibre Coaxial network, the acquisition of Galaxy satellite television […]
  • Negotiations: Addressing the Merger Issue Key to the process of conflict resolution is the use of negotiation tactics and strategies. A goal is defined as a known or presumed commercial or personal interest of all or some of the parties […]
  • Merger of Western Hospital and Academic Hospital In the case of Western Hospital and Academic Hospital, the laboratory services had their costs as; direct incremental costs in the form of labour and supplies costs, the cost was charged at Academic Hospital and […]
  • Merger: Managing the Transition Change in an organization proves to be necessary due to the technology advances and it may be of use to the organization; however, change is not always welcomed with open arms especially by employees, as […]
  • AT&T & BellSouth: Expansion and Merger The basic factors to determine who is to join and not to join the market are determined by the few players with an intention to avoid fair competition or allow natural price setting in the […]
  • Bank Mergers and Cost of Capital Knowledge pertaining to the firm’s culture and systems is essential in determining whether structures of the acquired firm would match that of the acquiring firm.
  • Microsoft Merger Considerations The initial aim of any business is to concentrate on a business growth and expansion strategy in order to maximize business profits.
  • Southwest Airlines-Airtran Merger However, considering Southwest Airlines acquired all the shares of Airtran and a complete re-branding of Airtran is part of the agreement, it is fair to conclude that the transaction was an acquisition.
  • Ethnicity and Self-Representation in Social Media: When Cultures Merge Analyzing the ways in which and the means with the help of which people manifest their ethnicities in the social media, one can comment on the tendencies in the intercultural communication and the changes which […]
  • Air France-KLM Merger and Firm Rivalry Increase in competition of Europe airlines and the harsh financial position of the KLM airline led to this merger. Due to the acquired position of dominance in the industry and bargaining power during the merger, […]
  • The Factors Affecting Mergers and Acquisitions In the process of implementing M&A, managers assess the key cultural differences that exist in the merging/aquiring firm. From the analysis, it is evident that there are a number of factors which motivates firms to […]
  • Merger of the US Airways and American Airlines In addition, the critics of the merger argue that the amalgamation would hinder the prevention of the America Airlines Group Inc.’s anticompetitive consequences. On the contrary, the proponents of the merger argued that the amalgamation […]
  • Mergers, Acquisition and International Strategies This approach has shown sensitivity to the needs of consumers, leading to the phenomenal growth of the company since its inception in 1962, and forcing the company to spread to foreign markers.
  • BP in Russia: Mergers and Acquisitions Considerations Development of a merger plan- To increase the rate of success in mergers and acquisition, it is important for the firms involved to develop a comprehensive merger plan.
  • Daimler-Chrysler Merger: Leadership Issue They failed to motivate employees in one organization while the culture clash resulted in the decline of one of the organizations.
  • Global Mega-Mergers and Failure Risk Reduction
  • Mergers and Acquisitions Effect on Organizational Performance
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 174 Merger Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"174 Merger Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '174 Merger Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "174 Merger Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "174 Merger Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "174 Merger Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Build better mergers and acquisitions with these four questions.

Forbes Finance Council

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Razzak Jallow is the CFO of pre-IPO fintech company FloQast.

The M&A landscape has been quite tumultuous over the past year or so. With high interest rates , major geopolitical tensions , global economic uncertainty and a general lack of confidence in the economy, investors and banks are more cautious than ever, and the M&A market is seeing less action .

While investors and companies alike are eager for an upswing, deal-makers can still secure strong, lucrative opportunities by implementing the right strategy and asking the right questions.

Typically, What Makes A Solid M&A Deal?

When considering a merger or acquisition, investors and leaders will look at the overall state or condition of the transaction and determine how well the deal is progressing and whether it will likely be completed successfully. This assessment considers various factors and metrics such as compliance, stakeholder support, valuation and financing. Each of these factors must be thoroughly evaluated and considered in good standing for a deal to go through.

Assessing the quality of an M&A is an ongoing process throughout the transaction. It helps deal-makers and stakeholders understand the likelihood of success and identify areas that may require additional attention or mitigation.

While these are all still important factors to consider, in the current M&A landscape, business leaders and deal-makers must be more critical to ensure deals are up to par.

Four Questions To Ask In Today’s M&A Landscape

Despite the rocky M&A market, we’re still seeing expert deal-makers succeed by taking a unique approach and diving a bit deeper. As we move further into 2024, these are the four questions business leaders must ask to secure lucrative deals.

1. What Is Your Long-Term M&A Plan?

Will you be an M&A machine with a multi-product offering, like Oracle? If so, the best plan might be to acquire the point product, strip the teams, integrate and move on quickly. Or will you be a more focused organization with a handful of impactful acquisitions? If so, acquiring the best team and talent might be your priority.

2. Is There A Culture Fit And Common Goal?

Bringing together two teams can be challenging, and it’s important to determine whether workplace cultures match and will merge easily or if one will be more dominant. Additionally, ensuring goals are aligned is critical; when target companies have to hit the acquirers’ goals, it can create internal strife. Acquisitions that align with the parent company’s equity often drive more collaborative results.

3. How Long Have The Companies Been Established And Working Separately?

Two long-standing companies will be harder to merge as they’ve been working on separate data platforms and systems for a long time. Trying to bring them together will cause massive organizational chaos. A typical rule of thumb for M&As is that every number must be developed and discussed three times: once in the language of the acquirer, once in the language of the acquiree, and then once in a way that bridges the two. The more data and information each company has, the more times you have to repeat this process.

4. Can You Hit Pause On Bringing In New Customers?

There is going to be internal chaos as systems and processes are converted over. Trying to sell to new customers at the same time can lead to significant damage to your brand and Net Promoter Score. Instead, guide existing customers through the tech transition and thank them for their understanding. Once the transition is complete, you can open the door for new customers.

Building A Strong Deal For Today And Tomorrow

Today’s M&A landscape might be challenging, but that does not mean good deals are impossible to secure. In fact, by asking the right questions, deal-makers can lock in profitable deals. Considering your long-term M&A plan, whether the deal is a culture fit, the life span of the companies, and the impact on your new business pipeline can make or break an M&A.

By embracing a more nuanced and thoughtful approach, companies can not only weather the challenges but also secure lucrative opportunities in the evolving M&A landscape.

Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. Do I qualify?

Razzak Jallow

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merger and acquisition dissertation topics

Snickers maker Mars to buy Kellanova, company known for Pringles, Eggos, in $36B deal

Food company Mars Inc. announced on Wednesday that it has agreed to acquire Kellanova, a global giant in snack, cereal, and noodle manufacturing, in a whopping $35.9 billion deal.

The family-owned company −home to Snickers, Skittles, and M&M's − will pay $83.50 per share in an all-cash deal for Kellanova . This represents about a 33% premium to Kellanova's close on Aug. 2, before Reuters reported that Mars was exploring a deal for the Pringles maker, according to the outlet. Other notable brands under the Kellanova umbrella include Eggo, Cheez-It, Club Crackers, and Pop-Tarts.

 “In welcoming Kellanova’s portfolio of growing global brands, we have a substantial opportunity for Mars to further develop a sustainable snacking business that is fit for the future," Poul Weihrauch, CEO of Mars, said in a statement. "We will honor the heritage and innovation behind Kellanova’s incredible snacking and food brands while combining our respective strengths to deliver more choice and innovation to consumers and customers. We have tremendous respect for the storied legacy that Kellanova has built and look forward to welcoming the Kellanova team.”

Shares of the company rose 8% to $80.45 before the bell, Reuters reported.

More money news: Capital One is acquiring Discover: What to know about the $35 billion, all-stock deal

The deal comes as customers seek less expensive alternatives

The deal for Kellanova comes as sales growth at U.S. packaged food companies including Kraft Heinz , Mondelez, and Hershey, have taken a hit as budget-strapped customers hunt for cheaper, private-label alternatives to pricier branded items. This has spurred dealmaking in the packaged food sector as companies seek scale to weather the impact of price inflation and weight-loss drugs weighing on demand.

The deal dwarfs Mars' $23 billion takeover of Wrigley in 2008, as the recent transaction is considered the biggest in the packaged food industry. The acquisition is not expected to go through too many antitrust roadblocks due to the limited overlap between the two companies' offerings, legal experts had told Reuters.

Kellanova, which split from WK Kellogg Co., last October, is rooted in a salty snacks business in the U.S. and around the world, and selling cereal outside of North America. WK Kellogg was left with the North American cereal business of Kellogg, the original parent company.

The Wall Street Journal reported the terms of the deal earlier on Tuesday.

Kellanova brands

Here's a full list of all of the brands under Kellanova :

  • Kellogg's Club Crackers
  • Kellogg's Eggo
  • Kellogg's Graham Crackers
  • Frozen Breakfast
  • Morning Star Farms
  • Kellogg's Nutri-Grain
  • Pure Organic
  • Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats

Contributing: Anirban Sen, Reuters

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Got $3,000? 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks to Buy and Hold for the Long Term

Looking for Canadian stocks taking advantage of the AI revolution? Here are three to look at if you have some spare change.

Source: Getty Images

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of the hottest topics on the stock market in 2024. The use of AI is expected to help streamline work processes and create business efficiencies. The applications of AI are wide and broad.

While U.S. stocks have been the biggest beneficiaries of the AI excitement, Canada also has some businesses that are benefiting from AI. If you have $3,000 to deploy into the trend, here are three AI stocks to buy and hold for the long term.

A small cap AI stock for the future

If you are looking for an AI stock in its early innings, Zedcor ( TSXV:ZDC ) could be on your list. With a market cap of $167 million, this micro cap stock has significant potential.

Zedcor provides mobile surveillance and security solutions across North America. It has developed mobile surveillance towers that utilize AI to detect and respond to intruders and alarm triggers.

The company can provide a very cost-efficient monitoring program, especially when compared to traditional methods (like security patrol). As a result, it has garnered strong demand from the construction industry, safety-sensitive industries, and equipment/asset heavy workplaces.

It recently announced second quarter results. Revenues rose 20% to $7.4 million. Adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) increased 47% to $2.7 million.

The company is also profitable on a per share basis. With a technological and economical edge, it has a $10 billion market to grab in the years ahead.

A mid-cap financial stock with a long growth runway

Propel Holdings ( TSX:PRL ) has exploded in 2024. Its stock is up 100% year to date! Now, it is not up because it is an AI stock necessarily. It is up because it has delivered extraordinary results. For the first six months of the year, revenues and earnings per share (EPS) increased 48% and 80%, respectively!

Propel provides small-to-medium sized loans to non-prime consumers in the U.S. and Canada. The company utilizes an underwriting platform that is driven by AI. It helps it originate, analyze, and underwrite loans quickly and efficiently.

With its platform, the company can analyze hundreds of different variables that give it an edge in predicting the success of a loan. It also enables the lender to scale quickly around the world. Currently, it only operates in Canada and the U.S., but it could easily expand further with time.

Propel has a market cap of $885 million. However, if it continues to execute , this small cap could become a mid-cap soon.

A large-cap stock with rising AI exposure

If you are looking for a larger cap AI stock, Thomson Reuters ( TSX:TRI ) may one day headline the list. It provides a mix of software services that cater to the legal, accounting, and government sectors.

The information conglomerate has significant amounts of proprietary content and data. It is incorporating AI across its platform so that users can unlock the plethora of research, data, and insight more efficiently and thoroughly.

Thomson Reuters also has a venture fund focused on AI and data infrastructure in the legal and accounting sectors. These two dozen investments lay the groundwork for a robust merger and acquisition program.

Thomson Reuters has delivered stellar returns for many years. Its stock is up 150% over the past five years and 380% over the past 10 years. It is not the cheapest stock.

However, with a high level of recurring revenue, a strong competitive moat, and a great balance sheet, this stock should steadily keep delivering for long-term shareholders.  

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