Essay Papers Writing Online

Learn the best tips and techniques for crafting a compelling and engaging essay about myself.

How to write an essay about myself

When it comes to talking about oneself, it can be quite a challenge to find the right words to express our thoughts and emotions. Writing an essay about oneself is an opportunity to not only showcase our personality, but also our experiences and achievements. It allows us to reflect on our journey and share our unique perspective with the world. Crafting an essay about oneself requires careful consideration of the words we choose and how we structure our thoughts. In this guide, we will explore effective tips and strategies to help you write an exceptional essay that truly captures who you are.

Understanding yourself is the first step. Before diving into writing, take some time to reflect on your experiences, values, and beliefs. Consider the moments that have shaped you and the lessons you have learned along the way. Think about your passions, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding yourself will help you create a more authentic and compelling essay. Don’t be afraid to dig deep and explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. This self-reflection process will provide a solid foundation for your essay.

Show, don’t tell. Instead of simply listing your accomplishments or personality traits, strive to illustrate them through vivid anecdotes and specific details. This will make your essay more engaging and memorable. Use descriptive language and paint a picture for your readers. For example, if you want to showcase your leadership skills, don’t just say, “I am a great leader.” Instead, share a story of how you organized and successfully led a team to accomplish a challenging task. By providing concrete examples, you will leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Tactics for Crafting a Personal Account: Step-by-Step Manual

Constructing a narrative about oneself can often present a challenge. In order to produce an effective personal essay, it is crucial to employ certain strategies that lend authenticity and engage the reader. This section will outline a step-by-step guide for writing a compelling essay that highlights personal experiences and insights.

Use Personal Anecdotes and Examples

When crafting an essay about yourself, it is important to make it engaging and relatable to your audience. One effective way to achieve this is by using personal anecdotes and examples. These storytelling elements can bring your essay to life and make it more memorable.

Instead of just stating facts about yourself, try incorporating specific instances or events from your life that illustrate your qualities, experiences, or perspectives. For example, if you are writing about your leadership skills, you can share an anecdote about a time when you successfully led a group project or organized a community event.

Personal anecdotes not only add depth and authenticity to your essay, but they also help to showcase your unique personality and differentiate you from other applicants. They provide concrete evidence of your abilities, allowing the reader to form a better understanding of who you are as an individual.

Furthermore, using examples is an effective way to support your claims and arguments. Whether you are discussing your academic achievements, personal growth, or career goals, providing specific examples or evidence can strengthen your essay and make it more persuasive.

Remember to choose anecdotes and examples that are relevant to the points you are trying to make in your essay. They should effectively support your main ideas and contribute to the overall coherence of your piece.

In conclusion, incorporating personal anecdotes and examples in your essay can make it more engaging, relatable, and persuasive. By sharing specific instances from your life, you not only showcase your unique qualities and experiences, but also provide evidence to support your claims. So, don’t be afraid to share your personal stories and experiences – they can make your essay truly standout.

Highlight Your Achievements and Accomplishments

Highlight Your Achievements and Accomplishments

When it comes to writing an essay about oneself, it is essential to showcase your achievements and accomplishments. This section allows you to underscore your skills, experiences, and noteworthy moments in your personal and professional life. By highlighting your accomplishments, you not only demonstrate your abilities but also provide evidence of your dedication, hard work, and commitment to success.

Begin by reflecting on your accomplishments in various areas of your life. Look beyond the obvious academic or professional achievements and consider personal milestones, volunteer work, leadership roles, or any significant challenges you have overcome. These accomplishments can range from winning a sports competition to completing a project successfully or receiving recognition for your contributions.

When describing your achievements, aim to be specific and provide relevant details. For instance, instead of simply stating that you won an award, elaborate on the specific award, including the criteria, the competition or event, and possibly how you felt when you received it. This level of detail helps the reader get a clear sense of your accomplishment and its significance.

Moreover, don’t shy away from discussing challenges you have faced during your journey to highlight your accomplishments. Sharing the obstacles you have overcome demonstrates resilience, determination, and the ability to adapt and grow.

In addition to showcasing your accomplishments, it is pivotal to connect them to your personal and professional goals . Highlight how these achievements have shaped you as an individual and how they relate to your aspirations. Discuss how each accomplishment has contributed to your growth, development, and the acquisition of specific skills or qualities that are relevant to your essay’s overall theme or purpose.

Remember, while it is important to present your achievements, do so humbly and avoid sounding boastful. Instead, focus on conveying your passion, the lessons you have learned, and the positive impact these accomplishments have had on your life.

By highlighting your achievements and accomplishments, you will showcase your abilities, experiences, and the unique qualities that make you stand out. This section allows you to provide a well-rounded view of yourself while demonstrating your potential for future success.

Discuss Your Goals and Aspirations

When writing an essay about yourself, it is important to discuss your goals and aspirations. This section allows you to express your hopes and dreams for the future, showcasing your ambition and drive. By sharing your goals, you provide insight into your motivations and what you hope to achieve in life.

One way to discuss your goals is by highlighting specific career aspirations. You can mention the profession or field you aim to pursue and explain why it is meaningful to you. Perhaps you have always had a passion for science and hope to become a research scientist, or maybe you dream of being a lawyer and fighting for justice. By discussing your career goals, you demonstrate your focus and determination.

Furthermore, it is important to discuss personal goals unrelated to your career. These could include aspirations in areas such as personal growth, relationships, and health. For example, you may have a goal to become a better communicator, to build stronger relationships with loved ones, or to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sharing these goals provides a well-rounded picture of who you are and what you value in life.

In addition to discussing your goals, it is beneficial to explain the reasons behind them. What has influenced or inspired you to set these aspirations? Did a personal experience or role model shape your goals? By providing context, you give your readers a deeper understanding of your motivations and what drives you to pursue these aspirations.

In conclusion, discussing your goals and aspirations in your essay about yourself allows you to showcase your ambition, drive, and motivations. By discussing both career and personal goals, you provide a well-rounded perspective of who you are and what you hope to achieve in life.

Be Honest and Authentic in Your Writing

When it comes to writing about yourself, it is important to be truthful and genuine in your words. Being honest allows you to connect with your readers on a deeper level and creates a sense of authenticity in your writing.

Authenticity in writing means presenting your true self and conveying your thoughts and experiences sincerely. It involves revealing your strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures without any embellishment or exaggeration. Your readers will appreciate your genuine approach and will be able to relate to you on a personal level.

Being honest in your writing also means being true to yourself. Don’t try to mold your story or experiences to fit a specific narrative or expectation. Instead, embrace your uniqueness, quirks, and individuality. Your personal voice and perspective are what make your essay stand out and resonate with your readers.

In addition to being honest, it is important to be mindful of the tone and language you use in your writing. Be respectful and tactful when discussing sensitive or challenging topics. Maintain a balance between vulnerability and professionalism to ensure your message is conveyed effectively.

Remember, the purpose of writing about yourself is to share your story and experiences, not to impress or gain approval from others. Stay true to yourself and allow your authenticity to shine through your words. By being honest and authentic in your writing, you will not only create a meaningful essay, but also connect with your readers on a deeper level.

Be truthful, genuine, and authentic in your writing, and your essay about yourself will be compelling and impactful.

Revise and Edit Your Essay for Clarity and Coherence

Once you have completed the initial draft of your essay, it is important to carefully revise and edit it to ensure clarity and coherence. Revising and editing involves carefully reviewing your essay for any errors or areas of confusion, and making necessary changes to improve the overall flow and organization of your ideas.

One important aspect of revising and editing is to ensure that your essay is clear and easy to understand. This involves checking for grammar and spelling errors, as well as refining your sentence structure and word choice. By using clear and concise language, you can ensure that your ideas are communicated effectively to your reader.

In addition to clarity, coherence is another key element to consider when revising and editing your essay. Coherence refers to the logical and smooth flow of ideas within your essay. To achieve coherence, you should ensure that your paragraphs are well-organized and that each paragraph links to the next in a logical manner. Transitions and topic sentences can help to achieve this, providing a clear connection between ideas and guiding your reader through your essay.

When revising and editing, it can also be helpful to read your essay out loud. This can help you to identify any awkward or confusing sentences, as well as to check the overall rhythm and flow of your writing. Pay attention to any areas that seem disjointed or difficult to follow, and make changes to improve the overall coherence of your essay.

Finally, it is important to take the time to review and polish your essay before submitting the final version. This involves checking for any remaining errors, refining your language and style, and ensuring that your essay is well-structured and organized. By thoroughly revising and editing your essay, you can ensure that your ideas are presented clearly and coherently, leaving a strong impression on your reader.

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How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” (17+ Sample Answers)

Learn everything you need to know to ace the question “Tell me about yourself” in your next interview and land the job.

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You’re dressed to impress, your resume is polished, and you enter the interview room. Suddenly, you’re met with the seemingly simple yet pivotal question: “Tell me about yourself.” 

Then you either freeze like a deer in headlights or word barf a version of your life story that includes unnecessary details about the lasagna your mom used to bake you as a kid.

This open-ended question has stumped the best of us. But in this post, we’ll give you a simple formula, a handful of extra tips, and a bunch of sample scripts to hit this question out of the park and ace your interview.

Let’s dive in!

Simple Guide on Responding to “Tell Me About Yourself”

One problem with this question is you never know how much someone wants to know. You can consider asking back:

“Do you want the long answer or the short answer?”

If they say the short answer you can just answer the same way as you would with “What do you do?” Use this script:

I’m a ____, and I enjoy ____. 

If they say they want the long answer, you can use this basic script or read on for a more advanced approach below:

“Originally, I’m from ____. Now I live in ___. I work as a ____. And for fun, I ____.

If you’d like more detailed tips, we’ll get into more nuance below.

And if you’d like tips on another stumper, “What’s your greatest weakness?” then check out this article . 

Tips for How to Respond to “Tell Me About Yourself”

Let’s go over a few more detailed tips on how to summarize your professional background.

Quick formula to answering this question

Who’s asking you the question? If you are being asked in a professional setting, figure out the main skillset required for the role and then talk about your past, present, and future as it relates to the skillset. 

For example, let’s say you’re applying for a role whose main function is strategic planning. In this case, you would talk about your past, present, and future while strategizing.

You might say something like:

[PAST] “I first realized I was interested in strategy when I participated in a university case competition. Analyzing business scenarios was a total blast.

[PAST] My first role exploring strategy was as a junior analyst at a consulting firm. That’s when I realized the power of data-driven decision-making and how it can transform a business’s trajectory. This was a game-changer for me.

[PRESENT] That’s why I’m currently working at Bright Solutions. I love it here because I get to spearhead the business strategy and actually see results.

[FUTURE] But I’ve come to realize I want to work on more complex, company-wide strategies. And it seems like this role might be a great place to apply my skills on a larger stage where I can guide the strategic direction of this organization.”

Boom! Easy as that.

Pick an anchor

Another way to answer this question is with an anchor. This is the main topic that you will center your response around.

When sharing about yourself in an interview, it’s good to pick 1-2 central anchors. This will make your response more cohesive and easy to follow.

Consider anchoring your response around one of the following: 

  • The company’s values and needs
  • The skillset for the role
  • The person interviewing you

Let’s dive into each option.

Tailor your response to the company’s values and needs

If you’re applying for a company that is either culture-forward or in a time of transition, then speak to this.

If they are obsessed with innovation, talk about the cool app you built. If they’re in dire need of marketing support, tell them about how you’re a marketing maestro.

Pro Tip: Study the company’s website and recent news to add relevant references to your answer.

Tailor your response to the skillset necessary for the role

When you’re applying for a position, align your response with the specific skills required for the job. 

If they are looking for a leader, mention how you were president of your college sorority and the amazing project you led in your last role.

If they want tech expertise, then wow them with your vast knowledge of coding languages.

Pro Tip: Carefully review the job description and identify the top skills mentioned. Prepare examples from your career where you’ve effectively used these skills.

Tailor your response to the perspective of the person interviewing you

You should answer the question “So tell me about yourself” differently depending on who is interviewing you.

You want to respond in a way that builds rapport and speaks to the values and perspective of the other person.

So, if you’re speaking with a CEO, you could focus on how your work will help the company’s overall goals. For an HR interviewer, speak to how good of a cultural fit you know you are. 

Pro Tip: Before the interview, research the interviewer’s role and background. Then, think about how to present your response based on their expertise and values.  

Past, present, and future

As we mentioned above, when talking about yourself, consider framing your response in three parts: past, present, and future.

Let’s dive into each one.

  • Talk about your past.

Once you know what you want to anchor your response in (the company, the skillset for the role, or the interviewer), pick one or two examples from your past that speak to this anchor.

If you’re talking about yourself as it pertains to your design skills, for example, try to paint a brief picture of your history with design.

You can do this in two parts.

First, start with an early experience—an “awakening” you had toward design skills. You could say:

“I first discovered my passion for design during a high school art class, where I was fascinated by the ways that colors can express ideas. This led me to pursue a degree in graphic design.”

Then, connect this to a more recent experience that shaped your skills. You might continue, 

“Recently, in a previous role at Designer Pros., I led the rebranding project for a major client. This experience taught me the importance of user-centered design and how to effectively blend creativity with functionality.”

Pro Tip: In your “awakening” story, highlight the emotional or intellectual impact it had on you. For the recent experience, focus on specific skills or insights gained and how they prepare you for the role you’re interviewing for.

  • Talk about your present.

Next, speak to your current role. It “‘s essential to convey not just what you do but also what you love about it. Your passion will go a long way!

In the design example above, start by expressing what excites you about your current leadership role. You might say:

“As a Senior Designer at Creative Designs Inc., I get to immerse myself in creating visual solutions that not only meet our client’s needs but also push the boundaries of my own creativity. It’s an absolute blast. What I love most about this role is the freedom to experiment with new design concepts and the collaborative environment that allows me to learn from my peers.

Then, highlight a specific aspect or project in your current role that you are particularly passionate about:

“Recently, I spearheaded the redesign of a major client’s branding, which involved huge amounts of market research. This project was particularly fulfilling because it allowed me to blend my artistic skills with strategic thinking.”

Pro Tip: When speaking about your current role, focus on elements that you genuinely enjoy and that align with the new role you’re applying for. Then, pick a specific part of your role or project that speaks to your passion.

  • Talk about your future.

In wrapping up your response, talk about your future aspirations and how they align with the potential role at the company. This part of your answer bridges your past and present experiences with your future goals and creates a cohesive narrative that shows how good a fit you are for the role.

For instance, continuing with the theme of design, you might express your future aspirations like this:

“Thinking about the future, I’m excited about the opportunity to expand my design expertise and take on larger, more complex projects. My goal is to work in an environment that continually challenges me and allows me to contribute to groundbreaking design initiatives. I see myself evolving not just as a designer but as a creative leader who can inspire and guide teams towards innovative solutions.

Joining your team would be an exciting opportunity to do just that. With your company’s commitment to cutting-edge design and creative excellence, I feel it’s the perfect place for me to grow and contribute my expertise, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in design.”

Pro Tip: In discussing your future, connect your career aspirations with how they align with the potential role and the company’s direction, showing your enthusiasm and fit for the role.

Keep it to 2 minutes max.

When answering the “Tell me about yourself” question, it’s a good idea to keep your response concise, ideally no longer than two minutes. 

Two minutes is enough time to say what you need to say. It will give openings for the interviewer to get to know you more. But it’s not so long that you’ll lose their attention.

Going much longer than two minutes might start to get monologue-y.

And make sure not to talk to the interviewer. Talk with them! Pay attention to their non-verbal cues. If they start leaning away, looking away, or looking distracted, you might be going too long.  

Pro Tip: Time yourself during practice to get a feel for what two minutes of speaking feels like.

Practice authentically

Try practicing your response ahead of time. 

But don’t memorize it word for word! Because you don’t want to come off as a robot or a performer. The goal is to sound natural and confident.  

To practice effectively, just get to know your key points. You can even write them down. Then, you don’t have to memorize anything; you can just practice riffing off your bullets.

Pro Tip 1: Write out your responses to this question in key bullets.

Pro Tip 2: After each practice session, reflect on what felt most natural and what could be improved. 

Pro Tip 3: You can also try recording your practice sessions to bring more formality to them.

If you’d like tips on how to annunciate and speak clearly, you might enjoy this article.

Make the throughline exciting.  

A “throughline” is an underlying thread that ties together a narrative, story, or speech. For example, one of the main throughlines in Star Wars is good versus evil. 

Similarly, you can tell your story through different emotional throughlines.

If you were responding to the question “Tell me about yourself,” think of how different your response would be with each of the following throughlines: 

  • Sharing about when you’ve felt most inspired in your career journey
  • Sharing about overcoming challenges in your career journey
  • Sharing about annoyances in your career journey

There are lots of good options, but “excitement” is a safe bet to bring enthusiasm into the conversation.

If you speak too negatively, it could hurt your rapport. There’s a psychological term called spontaneous trait transference , which means that if you speak negatively about your old boss, for example, the interviewer’s brain will assign those negative traits to YOU. So if you use words like “hate,” “awful,” or “the worst,” the interviewer will associate those words with you! 

Pro Tip: When asked the question “Tell me about yourself,” reframe it in your mind as “Tell me about how excitement has guided your career journey.”

Bonus tip: offer hooks

A hook is a strategically placed and intriguing piece of information in your response that piques the interviewer’s interest and encourages them to ask follow-up questions. 

It’s like dropping a breadcrumb that the interviewer can choose to follow. And that breadcrumb will lead to a topic you love talking about.

Hooks are designed to make the interview more interactive and memorable. So it’s not just a mechanical Q&A session but a live conversation. 

Here’s how are a few tips on how to offer hooks effectively:

  • Mention a project you’re proud of. If you mention a project you’ve completed in your initial response, you won’t have time to unpack it all, but you’re then giving the interviewer a chance to follow up.
  • Mention the massive impact of an experience. If you say, “This was one of the most important moments in my career,” the interviewer’s ears will perk up.
  • Hint at further discussion. Mention topics you are knowledgeable about and want to discuss more, like recent industry trends or a professional course you completed. You could say, “I recently finished this awesome course on Instagram marketing that I’d love to share more about.”

Offering hooks is a bonus tip because it’s tricky and can take practice and nuance. But it’ll bring your response from an A to an A+!

Pro Tip: Prepare a list of ‘hook’ points before the interview. Think of interesting snippets about your relevant experiences and skills. Practice how to incorporate them naturally into your responses. 

If it feels too confusing and heady to try to practice hooks and weave them in, then you can simplify this tip: respond to the question “Tell me about yourself ” with stories and pieces of information that you want the interviewer to ask you more about.

If you want to do more than ace this question and give a boost of life to all of your career goals, you might be interested in this free training:

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Use our free worksheet to get started on your Professional Development Plan.

Sample Answers to “Tell Me About Yourself”

If you’d like some better ideas on how to frame your response, below are several example answers for different situations.

Peruse these variations and use them for inspiration as you prepare your own answer.

Speaking to a CEO  

When talking to a CEO, it’s a good idea to mention how your skills and experiences align with the company’s strategic goals and vision.

[PAST] “My fascination with strategic analysis began during my university’s case competitions, where I excelled in developing innovative solutions to complex business problems.”

[PAST] “This led to my first role as a Strategic Analyst at XYZ Corp, where I played a key role in market analysis and strategy formulation.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m at ABC Inc., thriving in a dynamic environment that challenges me to leverage data for strategic decision-making.”

[PRESENT] “I’m particularly proud of a recent project where I analyzed emerging market trends to redefine our company’s strategic focus.”

[FUTURE] “I’m now looking to expand my horizons in a role that allows for broader strategic influence, and I believe your company is the perfect place for this growth.”

Speaking to a Potential Direct Report  

When talking to a direct report, you might want to highlight your collaborative and leadership style, focusing on team success and project management.

[PAST] “My leadership path started as a Team Leader at FastPace Solutions, guiding my team through various successful projects.”

[PAST] “This experience solidified my passion for management, especially in high-stakes situations like critical product launches.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m managing a talented team at Rapid Growth Ltd, focusing on delivering high-quality results under tight deadlines.”

[PRESENT] “We’ve just completed a major project that has significantly contributed to our department’s targets.”

[FUTURE] “I’m now looking to bring my leadership skills to your team, aiming to drive success and foster a culture of excellence and innovation.”

Speaking to Human Resources  

If talking to someone in HR, speak about your cultural fit, adaptability, and how your personal values align with the company’s ethos.

[PAST] “My interest in project management sparked during a collaborative university project, where I found my knack for organizing and directing team efforts to achieve our goals.”

[PAST] “This led to my first professional role as a Junior Project Coordinator at a tech firm, where I learned the importance of clear communication and effective resource allocation in project success.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m a Project Manager at Innovative Solutions, where I oversee complex projects and enjoy the challenge of bringing diverse elements together to meet deadlines and exceed expectations.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently leading a cross-functional team on a high-profile product launch, which is both demanding and rewarding, given its scope and impact.”

[FUTURE] “I’m seeking to expand my project management skills in a more diverse and challenging environment. The role at your company excites me as it offers the opportunity to manage larger-scale projects and contribute to your organization’s growth and success.”

Speaking to a Company Valuing Innovation

If the company is big into innovation, this is your chance to talk about your history with innovative projects and your proactive approach to problem-solving.

[PAST] “Innovation has been my career’s driving force since participating in a groundbreaking project at Start-Up Co., where I helped develop a new mobile app.”

[PAST] “That experience shaped my approach to product development, constantly seeking out new and better solutions.”

[PRESENT] “At TechAdvance, I’m fully engaged in integrating the latest technologies into our products, like our recent AI-enhanced software.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently leading a team in developing a user-centric application, which promises to be a game-changer in the industry.”

[FUTURE] “I’m excited about the possibility of bringing my passion for innovation and product development to your company, contributing to cutting-edge solutions that align with your mission.”

Speaking to a Company Undergoing Rapid Growth

If the company is growing like wildfire, then focus on your adaptability, ability to scale operations, and experience in dynamic environments.

[PAST] “My career in business development started at a fast-paced startup, where I quickly learned to identify and capitalize on market opportunities.”

[PAST] “This environment was instrumental in developing my skills in scaling business operations rapidly and efficiently.”

[PRESENT] “At ExpandFast Inc., I’m part of a team driving the company’s growth, and I’ve successfully negotiated key partnerships that have expanded our reach.”

[PRESENT] “One current project involves exploring new market territories, which is both challenging and exhilarating.”

[FUTURE] “I’m now looking to leverage these experiences in a larger context, and your company’s rapid expansion phase seems like the perfect fit for my skills and ambitions.”

Speaking to a Start-Up

When interviewing with a start-up, you can emphasize your entrepreneurial spirit, versatility, and ability to wear multiple hats.

[PAST] “My marketing journey began with a successful social media campaign I led in college, sparking my interest in creative marketing strategies.”

[PAST] “This experience propelled me into various marketing roles, where I honed my skills in developing targeted campaigns.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m a Marketing Specialist at InnovateNow, where I’m immersed in the dynamic world of start-up marketing.”

[PRESENT] “I’m particularly excited about a campaign I’m running that aims to double our online engagement through innovative tactics.”

[FUTURE] “I’m eager to bring this creativity and experience to your start-up, contributing to your growth and helping establish a strong market presence.”

Speaking to a Well-Established Traditional Corporation

If this company is a traditional one, then highlight your respect for established processes and your experience in structured, hierarchical environments.

[PAST] “My interest in financial analysis was kindled during an internship at Big Bank Corp, where I was involved in in-depth market research.”

[PAST] “This led to my current role at Steady Growth Investments, where I’ve refined my skills in financial modeling and analysis.”

[PRESENT] “Here, I’m passionate about developing robust financial strategies that contribute to the company’s stability and growth.”

[PRESENT] “A recent highlight has been my analysis contributing to a 10% increase in our investment efficiency.”

[FUTURE] “I’m now looking to bring my analytical expertise to a well-established corporation like yours, contributing to your ongoing financial success.”

Speaking to a Company with a Focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

If you’re interviewing with a company big on CSR, then you could speak about your commitment to ethical practices and any experience in initiatives that benefit society.

[PAST] “My commitment to CSR began with community development projects, leading me to pursue a career focused on ethical business practices.”

[PAST] “At Green World Initiatives, managing CSR projects, I’ve learned the value of aligning business goals with societal benefits.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I’m leading initiatives that positively impact communities, like our recent support for local businesses.”

[PRESENT] “I’m deeply involved in a project that aims to integrate sustainable practices across all our operations.”

[FUTURE] “I’m excited about the prospect of joining your team to further my passion for CSR and contribute to impactful initiatives that resonate with your company’s values.”

Speaking to a Company Valuing Work-Life Balance

If the company is big on work-life balance , then talk about how you maintain productivity and passion for work while valuing personal time and wellness.

[PAST] “I’ve always believed in the importance of a healthy work-life balance. In my early coding days, I learned to be efficient and focused, allowing me to deliver quality work while pursuing personal interests.”

[PAST] “At TechFlow, I implemented time-saving coding practices in Python, which improved our team’s productivity and work-life harmony.”

[PRESENT] “Currently at Computer Science Solutions, I maintain high productivity while actively engaging in company-sponsored wellness programs.”

[PRESENT] “I’m leading a project that optimizes our software development lifecycle, reducing overtime without compromising quality.”

[FUTURE] “I’m drawn to your company’s commitment to work-life balance and look forward to contributing my efficient coding skills and wellness-oriented mindset to your team.”

Speaking to a Company in a Highly Technical or Specialized Industry

Interviewing in a technical industry? Then, focus on your technical expertise, ongoing learning, and specific skills relevant to the industry.

[PAST] “My fascination with high-tech engineering began at university, where I specialized in advanced robotics. I’ve always been driven by the challenge of mastering complex technical concepts.”

[PAST] “In my previous role at HighTech Solutions, I contributed to pioneering work in robotic automation, constantly learning and applying new techniques.”

[PRESENT] “In my current situation, as a lead engineer at TechFront, I’m deeply involved in developing cutting-edge solutions in artificial intelligence.”

[PRESENT] “I’m working on a project that’s pushing the boundaries of AI in industrial applications.”

[FUTURE] “Joining your company, I see an exciting opportunity to apply my technical skills in a specialized industry, contributing to groundbreaking advancements.”

Speaking to a Company Prioritizing Sustainability

If they’re into sustainability, make sure to talk about your involvement in sustainable practices or projects and your dedication to environmental stewardship.

[PAST] “My commitment to sustainability started during my environmental studies, where I was involved in a campus-wide recycling initiative.”

[PAST] “At GreenTech, I worked on sustainable urban development projects, which deepened my understanding of practical environmental stewardship.”

[PRESENT] “I’m now consulting for EcoSolutions, focusing on sustainable practices in business operations.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently advising on a major project to reduce the carbon footprint of a multinational corporation.”

[FUTURE] “I’m excited about the prospect of joining your company and contributing my expertise in sustainability, aligning with your commitment to environmental responsibility.”

Speaking to a Company Known for Technological Advancements

If the company is impressive in its tech advancements, you might want to talk about your skills in cutting-edge technologies and your passion for staying ahead in tech trends.

[PAST] “I’ve always been drawn to the forefront of technology. My passion for data science began during my master’s program, where I focused on machine learning.”

[PAST] “At DataTech, I developed algorithms that significantly improved data processing speeds, keeping us ahead of tech trends.”

[PRESENT] “In my current job at InnovateAI, I’m exploring the potential of AI in predictive analytics.”

[PRESENT] “I’m leading a project that uses advanced machine learning techniques to forecast market trends.”

[FUTURE] “Your company’s reputation for technological innovation is incredibly appealing, and I am eager to contribute my expertise in data science to continue driving tech advancements.”

Speaking to a Company Emphasizing Diversity and Inclusion

If they care about diversity and inclusion, then underscore about your work experience in diverse teams and how you value inclusive practices.

[PAST] “Diversity and inclusion have been central to my HR career. In my first role at GlobalTech, I helped implement a diversity recruitment strategy.”

[PAST] “This experience taught me the value of a diverse workforce and inclusive company culture in driving business success.”

[PRESENT] “Now, as an HR and Hiring Manager at PeopleFirst, I champion inclusive practices, from hiring to team-building.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently leading a company-wide initiative to enhance our diversity training programs.”

[FUTURE] “I’m excited to bring this passion and experience to your company, furthering your commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.”

Speaking to a Company Focused on Employee Development 

If they care a lot about employee development, then you could speak about your commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.

[PAST] “My dedication to continuous learning began early in my career as a junior trainer, where I saw the transformative impact of ongoing professional development.”

[PAST] “In my last job at SkillBuilders, I developed comprehensive training programs that significantly boosted employee skills and job satisfaction.”

[PRESENT] “Currently, I oversee employee development initiatives at LearnGrow, ensuring alignment with career growth and business objectives.”

[PRESENT] “I’m implementing a new e-learning platform that caters to diverse learning styles and needs.”

[FUTURE] “Your company’s focus on employee growth resonates with me. I look forward to contributing to innovative training strategies that enhance employee skills and drive business success.”

Speaking to a Company that Prides Itself on Customer Satisfaction

If they are big on customer satisfaction, then consider going into experiences where you went above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction and service excellence.

[PAST] “My commitment to customer satisfaction started in my first customer service role at ServiceFirst, where I learned the importance of exceeding customer expectations.”

[PAST] “In this chapter of my work history, I introduced a feedback system that improved our service delivery and customer satisfaction ratings.”

[PRESENT] “As a manager at CustomerCentric, I lead a team dedicated to providing exceptional service, consistently receiving high customer satisfaction scores.”

[PRESENT] “I’m currently overseeing a project to revamp our customer service protocols, enhancing overall experience and efficiency.”

[FUTURE] “I am excited about the opportunity to bring my experience and dedication to your company, contributing to your renowned focus on customer satisfaction and service excellence.”

Key Takeaways on How to Respond to “Tell Me About Yourself” in Interviews

This is an inevitable question in interviews and an easy one to fumble.

Just remember these two steps, and you’ll do great:

  • Figure out the main skillset required for the role
  • Talk about your past, present, and future as it relates to this skillset

Also, note that it’s not just about how you answer the interview questions. According to Harvard Business Review , one of the most common complaints that interviewers have after an interview is:

“I wish they had asked me more questions.”If you’d like to know what questions to ask your interviewer, check out these 45 Great Questions to Ask An Interviewer To Land Your Job .

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72 thoughts on “how to answer “tell me about yourself” (17+ sample answers)”.

about myself essay for job

I am a covid refugee and dog enthusiast. I was a firefighter that started a business to save a small island community and saved my pennies to fall in love in Australia. Now due to covid, I am happily stuck down under working towards helping save the planet.

about myself essay for job

I love your videos. My worst question is when did you graduate? In South Africa we say matriculate and I didn’t matriculate I left school after Grade 10 and did a year at secretarial college. It is very frowned upon here not to have completed matric and I have a successful job now and feel embarrassed about the fact that I didn’t matriculate. Could you help me with a good response to this question that would help me with it? Thank you Janice

about myself essay for job

Love the frame work approach to the question. gonna write a response that I will use. Thanks again for the great education.

about myself essay for job

Thank you so much iam suffered from this question alot

about myself essay for job

Awesome practical tips to succeed in this kind of trap question. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

about myself essay for job

This is wonderful, I never thought about it, but I hate that question too. I have been with my company for 14 years and I have worked in all departments and 4 different towns. “what do you do” is a loaded question and I want to give my guests some information about me without giving the 14 year history.

about myself essay for job

“I’m a lifelong learner, differential thinker and problem solver with a healthy competitive streak.” This is my identity statement… then I use a pattern interrupt something like “I had a pretty normal childhood we went without gas or power multiple months out of every year because we couldn’t afford it. We even celebrated Christmas in February when my mom would get her tax return.” Because they were expecting normal and my life hasn’t been. Then depending on who I’m talking to I frame that in a positive for my situation, “but I wouldn’t trade that for anything. It taught me how to push myself. I was California state all stars in baseball every year, played on a traveling competitive soccer team on scholarship, even played in the men’s National dart tournament when I was 13 and placed in the money. Then someone told my I couldn’t play basketball because I am short and white… I said “f*ck you, watch me.” I played at UNLV…” so that reframes that sad or negative pattern interrupt as a good thing that shows my drive, ability, and effort.

about myself essay for job

I’m a landscape designer, with the benefits and drawbacks of my ADHD traits

about myself essay for job

I love this lesson, Vanessa! I have been practicing all of your valuble tips and they do work. I could not thank you enough!!

about myself essay for job

Really good pointers. It is like you are writing a story, but actually you are formulating your words in a way that your listener won’t be bored and want to poke her eyes out or maybe yours for that matter. Thank you!!

about myself essay for job

Thanks very much for the post! If I understood that correctly, the answer to this question is like writing a very short paragraph. I think it’s a great tip! Have a nice day!

about myself essay for job

I sure wish I had the benefit of this information a few years ago when I was in a group situation and the leader asked each of us to introduce ourself and give a little tidbit about ourself. I was called on first. I was totally unprepared and botched the whole thing, actually giving too little info, rushing, as if I knew the others didn’t want to hear about me. By the time everyone else finished, I wanted a do-over. I’ve thought about that moment a lot and now I have the framework to give a great response next time!

about myself essay for job

I’m that very shy dude that can’t express himself, but me listening to your video will gonna help me improve my ways of expression. Thanks for the experience

about myself essay for job

Great tips over there. I bumped into this site as I was search some information on ‘people skills’. I have enjoyed reading and will continue. Thank you.

about myself essay for job

Thank you for those tips Vanessa, very helpful. I remember that in the first video of you that I watched, you were telling us a story with this lesson : ‘people are only boring because you fail making them interesting’. I still have it in mind and I guess that when we have that kind of question, we have to answer in a way to say what’s interesting about ourselves !

about myself essay for job

Great tips Vanessa! What I share about myself depends on my audience; what facts about me are they likely to be interested in? Why share I’m a violinist if I’m at an ice hockey game, and vice versa, if I’m at a classical music concert, and during interval I’m talking to someone, I’m not likely to bring up ice hockey.

about myself essay for job

These tips are really helpful. I discovered that I am doing them already but without following a sequence. So now I will simply ice up and up my game.

Thank you, Vanessa!

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How to Answer the ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Job Interview Question (With Examples)

It’s not meant to be a resume review.

Jeff Link

The “tell me about yourself” job interview question is not actually a request for you to walk through every item on your resume. Rather, it’s a chance for you to set the stage for the rest of the interview and establish why you’re the right person for the job.

How you respond to the prompt plays a key role in the direction the interview takes. It shapes the interviewer’s perception of your personality, accomplishments and enthusiasm about the position.

3 Steps to Approach the 'Tell Me About Yourself' Question

  • Explain why you’re passionate about your specialization or field of study.
  • Provide specific examples that illustrate your passion.
  • Connect past accomplishments to the potential role.

To give yourself an edge in the interview process, thoughtfully craft a response that’s succinct and yet still provides specific evidence of your qualifications.

Read More 26 Job Interview Tips to Make a Lasting Impression

Why Do Interviewers Ask the ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Question?

Hiring managers usually ask this question to hear what you’re passionate about and the impact you’ve made in previous positions . While you talk, they’ll be assessing whether your interests and accomplishments are relevant and transferable to the position you’re seeking at their company.

It commonly comes up early in an interview, when hiring managers typically form their first impression of a candidate. Jeremy Schifeling, principal product marketing manager at Khan Academy and former career adviser, said the next 25 minutes of the interview are largely spent “collecting evidence to confirm what I’ve already decided.”

“What seems like a throwaway question to both hiring managers and to job interviewees is actually the exact opposite,” Schifeling said. “It’s probably the most important question in the entire conversation.”

Variations of ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

Sometimes the “tell me about yourself” question will be asked other ways, such as:

  • “Tell me about your background.”
  • “Walk me through your resume.”
  • “Describe yourself.” 
  • “I’d love to hear more about your journey/career.” 
  • “Tell me something about you that’s not on your resume.” 
  • “I have your resume in front of me, but tell me more about yourself.” 

How to Answer ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

To answer “tell me about yourself,” focus on overviewing your present career and passions, highlighting your past experiences and then connecting all of these elements to your future goals. Here’s how to do it step-by-step.  

1. Overview Your Career and Why You’re Passionate About It

When answering this question, begin with a thesis statement that expresses your career holistically and, in particular, why you are passionate about your field or specialization.

2. Highlight Skills and Impact and Provide Examples to Support Them

Next, highlight your skills and the impact you made in your previous roles by providing concrete examples. Use these details to illustrate your career passion and emphasize quantifiable outcomes.

3. Connect Your Career Passion to the Role You’re Applying For

Finally, conclude with a remark that connects your passion and accomplishments to the role you are applying to. Express how your experiences have prepared you to take on a new role, and what you hope to contribute to and gain from it.

How to Structure a Response to ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

The goal is not to ramble, but also not to sound too rehearsed. Instead, devise a brief, purposeful response that offers the interviewer specific examples that relate your passions to the job.

'Tell Me About Yourself' Answer Template

  • Open with a brief statement of passion.
  • Offer evidence of relevant experience.
  • Include concrete details to support your examples.
  • Connect examples to the responsibilities of the prospective job.
  • Conclude by linking your passion to the company mission and values.

1. Open With a Thesis Statement

Structure the response as a five-paragraph essay — a formula rooted in storytelling, not a regurgitated checklist of resume items.

“I don’t want to give the employer all the messiness of my career,” Schifeling said. “I want to give them a simple story they can grab onto, just like a journalist uses a hook to grab people’s attention.”

The opening sentence operates much like a thesis statement. Here’s what Schifeling might say, were he asked the “tell me about yourself” question in an interview for his current position:

“All my life, I’ve tried to bring two things together: The power of education and technology to help students in need. From the time I was a kindergarten teacher back in Brooklyn, to doing it every day at Khan Academy as a marketer.”

2. Connect Your Passion and Experience to the Job

The passion, evidence and tie back (PET) method is another way to structure a streamlined response to the “tell me about yourself” question.

It’s an interview response technique that begins with a statement of passion, followed by evidence of that passion and a concluding remark that bridges a candidate’s experience with the company’s mission and the duties of the job description. 

PET is similar to the five-paragraph essay, but with the evidence section condensed to emphasize experiences that are highly relevant to the position and that show the candidate’s enthusiasm and energy.

3. Showcase Your Working Style and Values

Jo-Nell Sieren, a career adviser for design, interactive arts and media students at Columbia College in Chicago , coaches candidates to emphasize how their school and professional experiences showcase their individual working styles and values. 

A software engineering or graphic design student who wishes to differentiate themselves might discuss their contributions to a hackathon, game jam or conference panel. A mid-career UX designer seeking to convey their social values might point to a human-centered design project that emphasizes their empathy for end users.

Whatever the case, keep the executive summary of your professional background brief, typically one minute or so.

‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Example Answers

Answering the popular “tell me about yourself” interview question is different for every person, depending on their level of experience, education and desired career. Here are some examples to steer you in the right direction.  

General Example Answer

“When I was studying business in college, I didn’t necessarily see myself working in HR, but I’m grateful my career led me in that direction. Being part of a people management team has given me valuable insight into how to put together an effective support system for employees. I actually spearheaded the effort at my current employer to expand the company’s benefits package. It had been several years since those offerings had been touched, and so I led a project to modernize things, to ensure our employees had access to things like mental health resources and financial support for professional development. I bring a lot of experience and knowledge to the table that I think have thoroughly prepared me for an HR manager job.”

Example Answer for Recent Graduates

“I’m a writer at my core, and my love for storytelling carried from childhood all the way to university. I started studying marketing because I wanted to be able to help craft meaningful brand narratives. In my coursework, I’ve handled dozens of projects focused on content creation, like writing SEO articles and developing video concepts, but I also have real-world experience from my internship. Even though I was the most-junior person on my team, I made some really significant contributions and got to get hands-on with the creative process. Getting that taste of the professional world has me excited to kickstart my career, and I’m hoping your agency will be a good fit for me to continue learning and growing.”

Example Answer for Switching Industries

“I started working in finance straight out of college. I was able to hit the ground running because the hard work I put into my internship as a student luckily paid off and the company that I was with offered me a full-time position. The four years that I’ve spent in this job have helped me hone my analytics and financial forecasting skills. I’ve always been pretty good with numbers, but what’s really given me an edge is taking the time to develop the patience and resourcefulness to communicate what can be incredibly complex information to people who come from all kinds of educational and professional backgrounds. This work has laid the foundation for my career, but I’m ready to branch out and try something new. So I’m looking forward to stepping out of the financial sector and putting those valuable skills to the test in a different kind of industry as a business analyst.”

Example Answer for Experienced Candidates

“I’ve worked in software development for the past decade and have extensive experience in building and deploying mobile apps. In my current position, I led a recent project to launch what has become one of my company’s most successful games on both Android and iOS. Of course it’s been incredibly rewarding to get to participate in software projects that let me stretch my creative muscles, but it’s also felt really great to be growing into my leadership potential. I’ve enjoyed getting to mentor and coach younger developers as I took the reins on guiding some projects to completion. That’s why I’m looking to move into a role with more leadership and management responsibilities.”

More on Interview Questions How to Answer Tough Interview Questions Like a Pro

4 Tips for Answering ‘Tell Me About Yourself’

1. don’t just walk through your resume.

The classic misguided advice is to walk hiring managers through your resume. Don’t do it.

“Here’s where I went to school. Here’s what I majored in. Here’s my first job. Here’s my second job,” is a boring way to begin the conversation and comes off cold and like a robot going through the motions, Schifeling said.

2. Ask a Check-In Question to Build Rapport

The “tell me about yourself” question is a great opportunity to ask clarifying questions , Marielle Smith, vice president of people at Narvar , said.

“Did I answer your question? Is there an area you’d like to hear more about? I want to make sure I’m answering your question,” Smith said, suggesting several possible approaches.

Touching base with an interviewer is a good way to tease out which, if any, aspects of your professional story they’re interested in exploring further. It also helps establish rapport, suggesting you are empathetic to their concerns and can communicate efficiently in an office environment.

3. Tell an Anecdote that Hooks the Interviewer

Incorporate a good professional story when answering the “tell me about yourself” question. Consider something with a compelling hook, concrete evidence and a touch of warmth that leaves an indelible impression. 

Hiring managers are more likely to be receptive to a refreshing anecdote that entertains them. Really, the answer is less important than what its delivery conveys about the candidate.

Schifeling and other hiring leaders also advise you to respond succinctly while emphasizing your enthusiasm and value to a potential employer.

4. Own Your Story, Even If You’re a Misfit

Perhaps the key takeaway, Schifeling said, is to own your story. That means being unafraid to put yourself out there, even at the risk of appearing as an outlier for a role.

Schifeling tells the story of an entrepreneur he coached who worked in the online education space, helping photographers grow their businesses. She had an impressive track record as a business owner but initially refrained from sharing it in interviews, for fear her unconventional background would scare off potential employers.

“She was trying to take all this incredible stuff she had done and boil it down to seem safe,” he said. “She was actually ruining all her advantages: Running her own business, managing a [profit and loss] statement. Like, she had been responsible for the success of other people around her but she felt she had to put all that to the side.”

When she reframed her strategy to lead with her experience as a business owner, her luck changed.

“In fact, what she was able to do is not only get a job offer at a super competitive firm in the Denver area, but then go back to her existing employer with that offer, and turn it into a $60,000 promotion,” Schifeling said.

In the end, she chose to tell the interviewer about herself — to own her story — rather than model her response after an imagined “right answer” or a perfect candidate she thought they had in mind. And that’s what made the difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best answer for "tell me about yourself".

An effective answer for "tell me about yourself" involves:

  • Outlining your career and why you're passionate about your field or specialization.
  • Using concrete examples to highlight your strengths/skills and the impact you've made in your previous roles.
  • Connecting your accomplishments and passions to the role you're applying for now, and emphasizing what you hope to contribute to and gain from the role.

How do I introduce myself in an interview?

When introducing yourself in an interview, do the following:

  • Greet your interviewer confidently, introduce yourself with your full name and express that it is nice to meet them.
  • Show enthusiasm for discussing the specific role and express gratitude for meeting with your interviewer.
  • Briefly go over your current role or degree, background and expertise you can bring to the open role. 

Dawn Kawamoto and Rose Velazquez contributed reporting to this story.

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8 Examples of How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself”

By Biron Clark

Published: November 16, 2023

In this article, I’m going to walk you through steps and examples of how to answer the “Tell me about yourself” interview question to impress employers and get more job offers . We’ll also cover the  costly mistakes you NEED to avoid if you want to pass this question. 

Here’s exactly what you’re going to get:

  • The most-recommended method of how to answer “tell me about yourself”
  • 8 examples of good answers to “tell me about yourself” for various industries
  • A shorter, newer method for experienced candidates
  • How to practice your answer to make sure you’re 100% ready for the interview

Let’s get started…

Why Do Interviewers Ask “Tell Me About Yourself”

“Can you tell me about yourself ?” is a common interview question that’s generally delivered as an icebreaker or pathfinder question, right at the start of an interview. It can catch you off your guard because it may seem vague, broad, and somewhat tricky. Honestly though, understanding a bit more about why interviewers ask this question (which is often framed as a command) will give you a clear insight into how to answer.

Interviewers ask this question to ease you out of those introductory jitters (that you both feel) and into the nitty-gritty of why you’re there. It’s their way of establishing a direction for the interview because it shows them how you summarize your experience and show its relevance to the job you’re applying for, which in turn tells them what to ask next. Trust me though, your answer needs to be relevant, the interviewer is likely not asking whether you’re a dog or a cat person but rather what background, skills, qualifications and experiences brought you to this interview today. 

Watch: How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself?”

Different ways of asking the same question.

I mentioned how this question can sometimes be framed as a command, i.e: “tell me about yourself,” and so on. There are numerous ways this question might be framed, but all express the same intention on the part of the interviewer, so they should all be answered the same way. Common variants include:

  • “Take me through your resume.”
  • “Tell me about your background”
  • “Describe yourself.”
  •   “Can you tell me more about why you’re here?”
  • “What brings you here today?”

When it comes to describing yourself, you may wonder where to start, how personal to be, and how far to get into it. “Describe yourself” certainly feels a little more personal than the rest. For insight into how to answer that variant, Read This Article .

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in an Interview:

1. choose the right starting point for your story (important).

Your goal when answering, “tell me about yourself,” is to give a brief, concise walkthrough of your career story that will show off relevant pieces of experience. You want to start at a point in the past (like how you began working in this field), and end up in your current situation. So the first thing to decide is where you’ll begin the story… If you’re a recent graduate: Start with the fact that you just graduated, and explain why you chose this career path or field of area of study.  

For example, you might start your answer like this:

“I graduated with my degree in Economics two months ago. I chose that field of study because I’ve always been interested in finance and money, and a couple of family members told me it leads to great career options, too.”

If you have 1-8 years of experience, start with the moment you graduated and walk them through your employment experience since then.

Here’s an example of how you’d start your interview answer in this situation:

“I graduated with my degree in Industrial Engineering six years ago and immediately went to work for a small design firm in Chicago. Since then, I’ve…”

And if you have 8-20+ years of experience, you can start with a mid-point in your career. This will keep your answer from getting too long.

For example, if you’re a manager, you could start with how you first became a manager. If you’ve been working for 25 years but have only been a sales professional for 12 years, you could begin with how you got started in sales.

Here is an example of how to begin your answer to “tell me about yourself” as a very experienced candidate:

“I first started managing people twelve years ago, when I was promoted from Customer Service Associate to Customer Service Supervisor. Since then, I’ve…”

2. Highlight Impressive Experience and Accomplishments

As you tell your career story, explain key accomplishments you’ve achieved, work you’ve done, skills you’ve learned, and key career moves you’ve made.

  • Were you promoted? That’s always a great sign and worth mentioning.
  • Did you accomplish something significant like solving a big problem for your last employer?  That’s great to mention, too.
  • Did you build new skills or overcome challenges? Get specific! Tell details.

But random impressive facts aren’t enough. You should be thinking about how this ties in with the company you’re talking to.

  • You should always research the company before going into the interview . Study their job description in particular so you know what skills THEY care most about.
  • What does this particular job involve? Is there a lot of leadership? Talk about your experiences leading (no matter how small!), how it went, and what you learned.
  • Does the job involve a high level of technical skill? Talk about how you learned and advanced in that area through each step of your career!
  • You need to “tailor” your answer for, “tell me about yourself,” for their job description and their needs. Try to talk about experiences and qualifications that are relevant to this job you’ve applied for.

3. Conclude by Explaining Your Current Situation

Finally, the best way to finish your story is to bring them up to speed on your current situation. Why you wanted to apply for their job , what you’re looking to do next, etc.

For example you might end your answer by saying:

“…and that’s why I wanted to interview with your firm. This position seems like a great opportunity to advance those skills I just talked about, and continue building my career and challenging myself”.

4. Keep Your Answer Work-Related

When employers ask, “tell me about yourself,” in an interview, they usually want to hear about you as a professional. So the safest approach is to keep your answer work-related and share your career story, rather than personal details. You can show more personality as the interview goes on, but it’s risky to share too much personal info when answering, “tell me about yourself.” It could lead to your answer getting too long, or it could cause you to leave out important professional information that the interviewer was looking to know!

5. Be Concise When Answering (2 Minutes or Less!)

When they say “tell me about yourself,” it’s going to be tempting to give a long-winded answer. It’s such an open-ended question. And we covered a lot above, but there’s something just as important as any of that. You need to be concise.  Your communication and ability to stay on track with your answer are two things they are watching closely. The interviewer wants to see that you can tell your story from Point A (the beginning) to Point B (the end) without getting sidetracked, distracted, or scattered. Because it tells them how you’ll communicate as an employee… when there’s a problem, when there’s a disagreement, or when you simply need to share your knowledge or opinion. If you take this answer beyond 2 minutes you are shooting yourself in the foot. In fact, below 90 seconds is ideal. Practice at home with a timer! That’s why I recommend choosing a starting point based on your experience (Step 1 above)… because if you have 25 years of experience and you start at the moment you graduated from college, your answer will be too long.

“Tell Me About Yourself” Example Answers:

Now that we’ve covered the key steps to answering, “tell me about yourself,” let’s look at some full answer examples to this interview question .

Example Answer for Experienced Candidates:

“I graduated with a Business degree in 2010, and was offered an account management position at a telecommunications company I had interned with. I loved working with customers and managing and growing my accounts, but the industry we were in just wasn’t very appealing to me. After that, I stayed a full year and learned a ton about how to build and manage accounts successfully and  I ended up becoming a top performer in my group before leaving. I left at the 1-year-mark to pursue a very similar position within an industry I’m much more excited about- healthcare. I’ve been at this healthcare startup space for 2 years with this company and I feel ready to take my career to the next level so that’s why I’m currently looking for a new opportunity.”

That first example showed you how to answer “tell me about yourself” for experienced job seekers (at least a few years of experience). Now let’s look at an example for entry-level job seekers and job seekers with no experience .

Example Answer With No Experience:

“I graduated with a degree in Engineering two months ago. I chose that field of study because I’ve always been interested in math and physics , and a couple of family members told me it leads to great career options. One of my key accomplishments during my academic career was speaking at a conference on the topic of energy-efficient window design, based on research I had done for one of my senior-level classes. This led to an internship that I just wrapped up, so I’m actively looking for a full-time position now.”

Stand Out by “Tailoring” Your Answer to the Company

The end of your interview answer is a big opportunity to customize your answer for the company and job you’re interviewing for. When you talk about what you’re looking to do next in your career, try to mention whatever you see this company providing for your career (leadership, technical challenges, exposure to new areas, etc.) That shows them why you’re excited about their job, which will help you get hired! (I explain more about why this is true here ). Before we move on to more tips and a HUGE mistake to avoid, here’s one more example interview answer for this question.

Shorter Method for How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” (For Experienced Candidates Only)

The method I gave you above is the standard way most recruiters recommend answering “tell me about yourself.”  It’s how I coached job seekers to answer this question for years. There’s another way you can answer, though… and it has some benefits. I’ll explain…Many experts have pointed out that if the interviewer wanted your career story, they could have looked at your resume or your LinkedIn , or asked a question like, “can you walk me through your background?” So there’s another approach for answering, “tell me about yourself,” that skips the career story and just cuts right to the chase: Why you’re awesome and why they should hire you !

Let’s look at 2 word-for-word templates that accomplish this.

After this, you’ll have two proven methods for answering, “tell me about yourself” in interviews, and in the next section, I’ll reveal how to decide which method is best for YOU.

Example answer if you’re job searching while employed:

“Well, I’m currently working at XYZ Company and I specialize in doing ___. The reason I applied for this job is I saw ___ on the job description and I think I would be able to help you ___ and ___. One of my key accomplishments in my current role was helping my employer do ___, and I’m confident I can help your team get similar results here.”

Example answer template if unemployed:

“In my most recent position at XYZ Company, I specialized in doing ___. The reason I applied for this job is I saw ___ on the job description and I think I would be able to help you ___ and ___. One of my key accomplishments in my last role for XYZ Company was helping them  ___, and I’m confident I can help your team get similar results here.”

Which Method Should You Use for Your Answer?

If you have work experience, both options we’ve covered are very good, and it really depends on what you feel most comfortable with. Choose the one you like best. They’re both excellent ways to answer the question, so don’t stress over it! However, if you are entry-level and have no work experience… or internships at the very least…  then I would go back to the top of this article and use the first, 5-step method for answering, “tell me about yourself.”

This second method we just covered is really best if you want to give a unique, concise answer and you have some relevant work experience to share in the interview!

“Tell Me About Yourself” Example Answers For Different Industries:


“After being licensed six years ago, I immediately entered a busy E.R. setting where I progressed to the point of triaging as many as 50 patients a shift. I’m skilled in patient record-keeping, stabilizing incoming patients, diagnosing injuries, administering meds, doing stitches, starting I.V.s, setting bones and offering emotional support to family members behind the scenes. I’ve adapted to the pressure but feel that, in the long term, I’d be better suited to a slower-paced environment with more focus on establishing lasting patient relationships. I’m ready to take on this post in your busy day clinic and believe that my advanced patient triage skills, along with my empathic nature, would be a great benefit to your team.”

This works because:   This answer outlines your qualifications and extensive background in incoming patient care, triage, diagnosing and record-keeping. Your honesty about long term goals is appreciated. The answer shows how your skills have progressed since you were licensed, and it inspires confidence in your ability to handle a hands-on post at a busy clinic.

Service Industry:

“Having spent eight years in the food and beverage industry, I progressed from head waiter to front of house manager four years ago. I’ve held so many posts in the industry, from runner to waiter to head waiter to manager, but my dedication to quality service has never changed. I believe in knowing my product and process inside and out, uplifting my team members and demonstrating focused positivity throughout. It’s easy to fall into the temper trap when things get busy, but I prefer to knuckle down, smile and get it done. I want my customers to come back for more!”

This works because: This answer makes an impact because of how your personality shines through. The service industry is incredibly stressful, but it’s refreshing to know that you have a proactive, positive attitude to stressful situations, backed up with strong product knowledge and professionalism.

“I’m an accredited software engineer and systems integrator with more than ten years of active development experience. I’m proficient in Ruby, Python, Java, C++ and a wide range of associated languages and frameworks. I’m a team player, and I love bouncing ideas off my colleagues and engaging with diverse perspectives. I like to stay abreast of the latest tech and I’m wildly competitive when it comes to troubleshooting. I’ve also got an eye for detail and clean design and I’m dedicated to delivering a seamless, streamlined experience to the end-user.”

This works because: From this answer, it’s clear that you’re accredited and boast a diversified programming portfolio with plenty of experience in the field. It’s noted that you’re a team player, as teamwork is essential when developing and managing systems for a busy tech enterprise. And your attitude to problem solving , as being competitive will help you find fast and effective solutions.

“I’ve been a retail cosmetic artist and sales assistant for six years and I’m passionate about making clients feel utterly gorgeous! I have a strong knowledge of retail processes, including stock-take, merchandising and sales targeting. If I have to describe my stand-out quality it’s that I love to build up the team, make my colleagues smile and get them motivated to break targets for our department. Above all though, the customer comes first and I’m dedicated to building brand and store loyalty in the customer.”

  This works because: From this answer, it’s obvious you know retail like the back of your hand and that you take pride in breaking targets and boosting the team morale. Your positivity shines through, and you highlight your passion for making clients feel special.

Practice Your Answer Before the Interview

As a final tip – make sure you go practice everything you plan on saying when the interviewer asks, “what can you tell me about yourself?” Nothing comes out perfect the first time, and you don’t want to appear nervous and stumble when they ask.  So I’d recommend grabbing a piece of paper and writing down the key points you want to talk about in your answer. I like to write them in bullet format. Then, use your smartphone’s voice recorder app to record a few practice answers and see how you sound. Don’t look at your notes as you give your answer. The idea is to try to remember what you want to talk about without reading off the paper. Then glance at the paper AFTER to make sure you covered everything. Keep practicing until you can give a smooth answer without forgetting anything important.

Note: If you’re having a phone interview , you can use notes/bullet points to help guide you through your answer. Nobody can see you on the phone, so take advantage!

Biron Clark

About the Author

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12 Expert-Approved Responses to ‘What Makes You Unique?’ in Job Interviews

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Very helpful

The examples and suggestions are very helpful. Thank you so much.

Wonderful guide

Thanks for these answers. They are so helpful, and so professional.

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This helped me a lot….thank you

Perfect help..I being an experienced lecturer in English communication skills, found myself nervous to answer “Tell me about yourself”. This page helped me a lot just to get back my charm. Thank you.

Good information. This will help a lot

Very good and useful site

Very practical and insightful. Great job!!

Great article and examples. Thank you for sharing.

This was very helpful. Thanks

Thank you for the wonderful guide.

it was really good and helpful, motivational and very easy to understand and practice.

It is very helpful

this example is extremely helpful

This article was really helpful. Thank you!

really helpful

It quite precise and to the point. very informative.

Thank you for helping me simple answer

Thanks for the examples they are very helpful.

Very nice and helpful thanks

This is very useful to me and I learned how to answer the question well

Very great article, enjoyed reading it.

I realy enjoyed your article…

Short and precise , Loved it

Great read it really do enjoy your articles they are very insightful..

its really helpful

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How to Write About Yourself

Last Updated: July 31, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lucy Yeh . Lucy Yeh is a Human Resources Director, Recruiter, and Certified Life Coach (CLC) with over 20 years of experience. With a training background with Coaching for Life and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) at InsightLA, Lucy has worked with professionals of all levels to improve the quality of their careers, personal/professional relationships, self marketing, and life balance. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,709,693 times.

Whether you're writing an essay about yourself for a scholarship, a self-introduction, or a personal bio for a job application, coming up with the right words to capture what makes you unique can feel challenging. Fortunately, there are tips and tricks that can make writing about yourself a breeze. Want some help getting across just how impressive, interesting, and skilled you really are? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about putting yourself into words effectively, complete with examples.

about myself essay for job

Writing of the Autobiographical Nature

Step 1 Introduce yourself...

  • Who are you?
  • What is your background?
  • What are your interests?
  • What are your talents?
  • What are your achievements?
  • What challenges have you faced?

Step 2 Start with a...

  • What is your most interesting or unique quality? What word(s) describes you the best? Choose that topic.

Step 4 Use a few good details.

  • Bad: I like sports.
  • Ok: I'm a fan of basketball, football, tennis, and soccer.
  • Good: My favorite sport is football, both to watch and to play.
  • Better: When I was growing up, I would watch Big Ten football with my dad and brothers every Saturday, before we'd go outside and toss the football around. I've loved it ever since.

Step 5 Be humble...

  • Braggy: I'm the best and most dynamic worker at my company right now, so you should want to hire me for my talents.
  • Humble: I was lucky enough to be awarded three employee of the month awards at my current job. Turns out it was a company record.

Writing Personal Essays for School

Step 1 Choose a memorable story to tell.

  • Common themes or prompts for autobiographical essays include overcoming obstacles, great successes or spectacular failures, and what you learned about yourself.

Step 2 Focus on a single theme or purpose.

  • Depending on the assignment, you may need to connect a personal anecdote to a reading or an idea from class. Start brainstorming topics that are connected to that idea, to give yourself a variety of options to choose from.

Step 3 Write about complex topics, not cliches.

  • Common autobiographical essay cliches include sports stories, mission trips, and dead grandmothers. While these can all make for excellent essays if done well, it is difficult to stand out when telling the story of how your lacrosse team lost a big game, then practiced hard, then won. It has been written before.

Step 4 Limit the timeline...

  • If you want to tell the story of your nasty break-up, start with the break-up, do not start with the star-crossed way you met. You have got to get immediately to the tension in the story.

Step 5 Use vivid details.

  • When you have an idea of your topic, start writing a "memory list" of specific things that you remember about the event. What was the weather like? What did it smell like? What did your mother say to you?
  • Your opening paragraph will set the tone for the rest of the essay. Rather than telling the dull biographical details (your name, your place of birth, your favorite food), find a way to express the essence of the story you are going to tell and the themes you are going to explore in your essay.

Step 6 Start in the...

Writing a Cover Letter for an Application

Step 1 Find the prompt.

  • Outline your qualifications and highlight your talents in a cover letter.
  • Write about who you are.
  • In a cover letter, describe how your education and experience qualifies you for this position.
  • Explain how this opportunity will benefit your career goals.

Step 2 Match the style to the purpose.

  • When in doubt, keep it brief and serious. If you are unsure whether or not telling an amusing anecdote about your friend's bachelor party is appropriate in a cover letter, it is probably best to leave it out.

Step 3 Describe why you are writing in the first paragraph.

  • "I'm writing to apply for the entry-level position with Company Inc. advertised on your website. I think my experience and training makes me an ideal candidate for this position."
  • Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to include your name in the body of the letter: "My name is John Smith and I am applying...." Your name will be included in the signature , as well as the header of a cover letter, so there is no need to put it in the text itself.

Step 4 Structure the cover letter as cause and effect.

  • Who you are and where you come from.
  • Where you want to go.
  • How this opportunity would potentially help you get there.

Step 5 Detail your talents and skills specifically.

  • Be as specific as possible. It is alright to note that you are "A passionate leader in all walks of life" but it would be much better to write about an example of a time you lead in a surprising way.
  • Stay focused on skills and talents that connect specifically to the thing you are applying for. Extracurricular involvement, leadership roles, and other types of outstanding achievement may be important to you personally, but it may be totally extraneous. If you include something, ensure to connect it specifically to the goal of the cover letter.

Step 6 Describe your goals and ambitions.

  • Be as specific as possible. If you are writing a university cover letter, it is obvious that you have to have a degree to get a job as a doctor, but how did you come to choose this field? Why did you choose this school? What, specifically, do you want to take away from the experience?

Step 7 Explain how both parties will benefit from your selection.

  • Be careful about using a cover letter to critique a business. It is not the time to describe the suffering of a particular brand over the previous fiscal quarter, then promising that you will be able to turn it around with your ideas. That might not go over well if you are hired, and then you are unable to live up to the promise.

Step 8 Do not mistake...

  • Even if it is impressive, a high GPA or class ranking does not belong in a cover letter. Highlight it on your resume, but do not include it in two different places of the application.

Step 9 Keep it brief.

  • Mailing address
  • Telephone and/or fax number

Lucy Yeh

Expert Trick : Save time and effort by creating one generic format that you can use for many different job applications by tweaking the specific content for each one. Start with a general introductory paragraph , then a section or two fleshing out your resume and expertise as it relates to the job, and finish it off with a closing paragraph and a note of thanks.

Writing a Short Biography Note

Step 1 Write about yourself...

  • Pretend you are writing about someone else. Write your name and start describing that person like a character or a friend: "John Smith is the Executive Vice President of Company Inc..."

Step 2 Explain your position or title.

  • If you are a jack of all trades, say so. Do not be afraid to list "actor, musician, mother, motivational speaker, and professional rock climber" if they all apply equally.

Step 3 Briefly list your responsibilities or accomplishments.

  • It is common to list degrees that you have received. Pay particular attention to anything that ties into the work you are writing about. If you have special training, include it here.

Step 4 Include a bit of your personal life.

  • "John Smith is the Executive Vice President of Company Inc., in charge of marketing and overseas acquisitions. He received an MBA with distinction from Harvard and lives in Montauk with his cat Cheeto."
  • Do not overshare. It can seem funny to immediately start with "John Smith loves rafting and hates eating Cheetos. He's a total boss" and such bio notes can be appropriate for some venues, however be careful to avoid awkward oversharing. Telling everyone about your killer hangover might be best left for after work talk.

Step 5 Keep it brief.

  • Stephen King, who is one of the most successful and popular authors in recent history, has a bio note that just lists the name of his family members, his hometown, and his pets. Consider leaving out the self-congratulation entirely.

Community Q&A

wikiHow Staff Editor

  • Remember that you’re supposed to talk about yourself, it’s the main topic. Don’t talk about your friends or family, even though you may feel tempted to. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are having a difficult time writing about yourself, search online for examples of personal writing, in order to get some ideas and inspiration. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't think about how others feel about you. Everyone thinks from a different perspective. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

about myself essay for job

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About This Article

Lucy Yeh

If you have to write an autobiographical description of yourself, write down a list of your talents, interests, and accomplishments. Use this list to help you choose one specific topic for your description, such as your academic achievements or your leadership qualities. Use specific, unique details to support your topic, such as being awarded an academic scholarship or the fact that you were president of the newspaper in high school. You can list bits of your personal life, but be careful not to overshare. If you want to write about yourself a cover letter or personal essay, keep reading the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Answer “Tell Us About Yourself” in a Job Interview? (5 Sample Responses)

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated October 31, 2023 7 min read

Learning how to answer "tell us about yourself" is a crucial step in preparing for any job interview . It's the most commonly asked interview question and it's usually the very first thing the hiring managers ask.

But don't be fooled. This question isn't just an ice breaker to make you feel comfortable. Instead, they want to see:

  • who you are as a professional;
  • how well you can pitch yourself for the job.

Your answer to this question sets the tone for the entire interview. It’s your chance to showcase your strengths, experiences, and why you’re the perfect fit for the position. 

In this article, we will provide sample answers for practice, help you tailor an answer that best represents your professional journey, and avoid common mistakes. 

Table of Contents

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Understanding the question

How to prepare your answer.

  • How to answer "tell us about yourself"
  • Common mistakes to avoid when answering "tell me about yourself"

Tips for delivering your answer confidently

  • Key takeaways: How to answer "tell us about yourself"

When interviewers ask "tell us about yourself," they're not asking for your life story.

They want a brief but comprehensive summary of your professional journey, tailored to the job you’re applying for.

What they look for:

  • Relevant professional experience. Highlighting past jobs and responsibilities that are pertinent to the role you're interviewing for. Sharing the skills that make you an asset to their team.
  • Confident communication. Clearly and confidently articulate your thoughts, ensuring you provide a well-structured and thoughtful answer, rather than being quiet or unprepared.
  • Cultural fit. Showing traits that prove you'd blend well with the company’s values and work environment.

It’s a simple question, but it’s easy to misstep. Some might think it’s a casual ice-breaker and start delving into personal stories. That’s a common pitfall.

This question is not about making you comfortable; it's a structured opportunity for you to sell yourself from the get-go.

Why it can be tricky:

  • Misinterpretation. Thinking it’s a casual conversation starter when it’s actually a strategic interview question.
  • First impression. It’s usually the first question, so nailing it sets a positive tone for the rest of the interview.
  • Lack of structure. Failing to provide a concise, well-thought-out response.

To ace this question, recognize it for what it is: your moment to shine professionally right from the start, setting a strong and positive first impression.

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Preparing for how to answer "tell us about yourself" question is a step you shouldn't skip. By planning ahead, you gain control over how you present yourself, ensuring clarity and relevance in your response.

Here's how to structure your answer to "tell me about yourself" in 4 steps:

Begin by discussing your current role, explaining why you are a great match for the job, and highlighting your top three qualifications. Example: "I'm a data analyst with seven years of experience, now part of the team at TechSolutions. In this role, I manage extensive datasets and analyze them to guide strategic decisions. I bring to the table strong expertise in R, a solid grasp of data visualization, and the ability to demystify complex data for stakeholders without a technical background."

Next, you want to highlight examples of past successes, ensuring they are relevant to the position you're aiming for. Example: "What I'm really proud of is a project back at DataGen, where we got to unravel customer feedback layer by layer. We put advanced predictive analytics to work, honing in on ways to amp up our product game. It was a huge win, with customer satisfaction scores soaring by 20%"

After that, pick one thing from this particular job or company that excites you. Example: "I am particularly drawn to this role because of your company’s innovative approach to data analysis, and the opportunity to work with big data applications, something I am very passionate about."

Connect your future career aspirations with the potential role. You can also connect this to the previous point. Example: "Looking forward, I’m eager to dive deeper into predictive modeling and I believe this position offers the perfect platform to expand my skills and contribute to innovative solutions."

By preparing your answer and structuring it, you not only showcase your technical expertise but also your enthusiasm for the role.

How to answer "tell us about yourself"

Now that we've walked through how to structure your answer, let’s put theory into practice.

Below are five sample answers tailored to different job positions, applying the strategies we discussed in the previous chapter.

We highlighted the best opener sentences for each part of your answer:

  • Introduction to your current role and top skills
  • Highlighting your past achievements
  • Pin-pointing one thing that excites you about the job/company
  • Discussing your future career aspirations

1. Marketing manager

Example answer:.

“ I’ve been spearheading the marketing team at TrendingNow for over seven years, really honing in on digital advertising and SEO.

I’m particularly proud of how we managed to boost our main product line’s organic traffic by 40% last year, all thanks to a solid strategy and a bit of elbow grease.

When I look at your company, I’m genuinely excited about your commitment to data-driven decisions. It’s right up my alley, especially with my experience in analytics and content creation.

Looking ahead, I’m keen on bringing my skills to your team, growing with a company that’s as forward-thinking and innovative as you guys.”

2. Software developer

“ I’ve dedicated the last five years to honing my software development skills at DevSolutions, primarily working with Python and Java to solve complex challenges.

Just recently, we successfully implemented a new feature that significantly enhanced our user experience, a project I played a key role in.

I’ve been following XYZ’s work closely and am impressed with your dedication to agile methodologies, something I value highly as a developer.

I’m at a stage in my career where I’m looking to elevate my skills and contribute to innovative projects, and I believe XYZ provides the perfect environment for that growth. The challenging and innovative work you do here is precisely what I am seeking in my next role.”

3. Project manager

“ I’ve spent the last six years immersed in project management at BuildRight, where I’ve successfully led teams through the entire lifecycle of numerous projects, always ensuring we stay on time and on budget.

One of my proudest moments was steering a project that was initially behind schedule back on track, ultimately delivering it two weeks early and 15% under budget.

I’m particularly drawn to GlobalInnovate due to your commitment to sustainability and innovative tech. This aligns with my passion for eco-conscious project management.

I see a great opportunity to contribute my skills here, and I’m eager to be part of your innovative journey, further developing as a project manager.”

4. Graphic designer

“ In my four years as a graphic designer at CreativeSolutions, I’ve mastered various design tools and developed a keen eye for aesthetics, which has greatly enhanced our visual content and branding efforts.

A project I’m particularly proud of involved rebranding a client’s visual identity, resulting in a 30% increase in their customer engagement.

I’ve been following your work at DesignInnovate, and I’m really impressed with your commitment to creativity and innovative design solutions.

I’m excited about the chance to bring my unique style and skills to your team, and I believe this role is the perfect opportunity for me to further refine my design capabilities.”

5. HR specialist

“ Over the last five years at PeopleFirst, I’ve honed my skills in employee relations, benefits administration, and talent acquisition, playing a key role in creating a positive work environment and improving our employee retention rate by 25%. I’ve successfully implemented various employee engagement programs that have not only boosted morale but also enhanced productivity across departments.

I’m particularly proud of the mentorship program I spearheaded, which has significantly aided in the professional development of our staff.

I’ve been keeping an eye on the innovative HR practices at TalentInnovate, and I’m thoroughly impressed by your commitment to employee well-being and professional growth.

The chance to bring my expertise to your esteemed team, contributing to your progressive HR initiatives, is an exciting prospect.”

Of course, you need to tailor your answer to "tell us about yourself" according to the job you're applying for. The samples provided are just a guide to show you how you might structure your answer in various roles.

Aim for your answer to be concise yet comprehensive, typically lasting between 1-3 minutes . This length allows you to provide enough detail without losing the interviewer’s attention.

Rehearsing is key – practice your response out loud until you feel confident.

Common mistakes to avoid when answering "tell me about yourself"

Navigating through the "tell us about yourself" question in an interview can be tricky, and even the most confident speakers might find themselves stumbling.

To make sure you don’t fall into common traps, here’s a rundown of mistakes to steer clear of:

  • Being too vague or too detailed: You want to hit that sweet spot. Give them the “just right” amount of information to showcase your qualifications without turning it into a monologue. A rule of thumb is to stay in a 1-3 minute range.
  • Turning it into a personal story-time. While it's nice to add a personal touch, this is not the time to delve deep into your personal life. Share a tidbit if it's relevant, but keep the spotlight on your professional self.
  • Forgetting to tie it back to the job. It’s not just about you; it’s about ‘You + Job’. Every skill or experience you mention should be a breadcrumb leading them straight to why you’re perfect for the role.
  • Saying "I don’t know," "ummm," or "sooo". These filler words are conversation killers. Practice makes perfect, and perfect means no unnecessary 'umms' and 'uhhs.'
  • Memorizing a script. Practice, but don’t memorize. If you sound like you're reading off a teleprompter, it’s not a good look. Remember, it’s a conversation, not a performance.

Delivering your answer with confidence is just as important as the content of your answer.

Here's how to nail it:

  • Master your body language. Stand tall and make eye contact. No slouching or fidgeting; show them you're confident and engaged.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Run through your answer multiple times. Use your mirror; it won’t judge you, but it will help you judge yourself.
  • Watch videos. YouTube is your friend. Watch how others do it, and pick up on their confidence-boosting techniques. Here's a great example .
  • Role-play. Grab a buddy and practice. Let them throw curveballs at you so you’re ready for anything.

Remember, the goal is to seem comfortable and in control, even if your stomach is doing somersaults.

Practice in front of a mirror. It might feel a bit awkward, but it’s a tried-and-true method that really helps in presenting yourself clearly and confidently.

Key takeaways: How to answer "tell us about yourself"

Wrapping up our journey on how to answer "tell us about yourself", it’s clear that this common interview opener is more than just a casual question.

It's a strategic opportunity to present yourself as the ideal candidate.

Here’s a quick recap of the structure for your answer:

  • Introduction to your current role and top skills. Clearly state your current position and emphasize the skills that make you excel in your role.
  • Highlight your past achievements. Showcase specific achievements from your past roles, demonstrating your capability and experience.
  • Pin-point something exciting about the job/company. Express genuine enthusiasm for the job or company, highlighting what specifically excites you about the opportunity.
  • Discuss your future career aspirations. Illustrate how this role fits into your broader career plans, showing alignment and long-term interest.

And while you're at it, don’t forget to prepare for other common interview questions like:

  • Why should we hire you?
  • Why did you leave your previous job?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples

Published on September 21, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

An insightful college admissions essay requires deep self-reflection, authenticity, and a balance between confidence and vulnerability. Your essay shouldn’t just be a resume of your experiences; colleges are looking for a story that demonstrates your most important values and qualities.

To write about your achievements and qualities without sounding arrogant, use specific stories to illustrate them. You can also write about challenges you’ve faced or mistakes you’ve made to show vulnerability and personal growth.

Table of contents

Start with self-reflection, how to write about challenges and mistakes, how to write about your achievements and qualities, how to write about a cliché experience, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Before you start writing, spend some time reflecting to identify your values and qualities. You should do a comprehensive brainstorming session, but here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What are three words your friends or family would use to describe you, and why would they choose them?
  • Whom do you admire most and why?
  • What are the top five things you are thankful for?
  • What has inspired your hobbies or future goals?
  • What are you most proud of? Ashamed of?

As you self-reflect, consider how your values and goals reflect your prospective university’s program and culture, and brainstorm stories that demonstrate the fit between the two.

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Writing about difficult experiences can be an effective way to show authenticity and create an emotional connection to the reader, but choose carefully which details to share, and aim to demonstrate how the experience helped you learn and grow.

Be vulnerable

It’s not necessary to have a tragic story or a huge confession. But you should openly share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to evoke an emotional response from the reader. Even a cliché or mundane topic can be made interesting with honest reflection. This honesty is a preface to self-reflection and insight in the essay’s conclusion.

Don’t overshare

With difficult topics, you shouldn’t focus too much on negative aspects. Instead, use your challenging circumstances as a brief introduction to how you responded positively.

Share what you have learned

It’s okay to include your failure or mistakes in your essay if you include a lesson learned. After telling a descriptive, honest story, you should explain what you learned and how you applied it to your life.

While it’s good to sell your strengths, you also don’t want to come across as arrogant. Instead of just stating your extracurricular activities, achievements, or personal qualities, aim to discreetly incorporate them into your story.

Brag indirectly

Mention your extracurricular activities or awards in passing, not outright, to avoid sounding like you’re bragging from a resume.

Use stories to prove your qualities

Even if you don’t have any impressive academic achievements or extracurriculars, you can still demonstrate your academic or personal character. But you should use personal examples to provide proof. In other words, show evidence of your character instead of just telling.

Many high school students write about common topics such as sports, volunteer work, or their family. Your essay topic doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, but do try to include unexpected personal details and your authentic voice to make your essay stand out .

To find an original angle, try these techniques:

  • Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses.
  • Mention objects that have special significance to you.
  • Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight.

Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality. When read out loud, the essay should sound like you are talking.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

First, spend time reflecting on your core values and character . You can start with these questions:

However, you should do a comprehensive brainstorming session to fully understand your values. Also consider how your values and goals match your prospective university’s program and culture. Then, brainstorm stories that illustrate the fit between the two.

When writing about yourself , including difficult experiences or failures can be a great way to show vulnerability and authenticity, but be careful not to overshare, and focus on showing how you matured from the experience.

Through specific stories, you can weave your achievements and qualities into your essay so that it doesn’t seem like you’re bragging from a resume.

Include specific, personal details and use your authentic voice to shed a new perspective on a common human experience.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay | Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from

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  • Legacy Projects

How to Write a Short Essay About Yourself: Step-By-Step

Updated 06/4/2022

Published 06/19/2020

Yvonne Bertovich

Yvonne Bertovich

Contributing writer

Learn how to write about yourself with confidence, including step-by-step instructions and examples of things to write about yourself.

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Writing or even talking about yourself may not come easily to you. However, for professional or educational reasons, it’s often a necessity. There are other instances when writing about yourself may make more sense, as you can provide the rawest and most honest perspective.

Jump ahead to these sections:

Steps for writing about yourself, tips for writing about yourself creatively or confidently.

  • Examples of Things to Write About Yourself

You should feel empowered—not intimidated—in taking on a writing project about yourself. Use it as a way to challenge how you view your own experiences, talents, and more. We’ll discuss some steps for writing about yourself as well as provide a few examples.  

Writing isn’t for everyone, especially when it’s required. As much as you may dislike it, following the steps below can help the process go that much more smoothly.

If you find that following a different order than what we’ve recommended for you works better for your process, feel free to adjust accordingly. 

Step 1: Determine your purpose 

What’s causing you to write this “thing” about yourself? What exactly are you writing? It may surprise you that people write all kinds of pieces for themselves—even writing your own obituary isn’t out of the question anymore. 

The more specific you can get with yourself about your purpose will help the rest of the process. If it’s something stressful, like a college admission essay or a cover letter, try to frame the project in a different light. 

For example, “I’m writing this essay to show people my heart and how passionate I am about removing disparities and barriers in healthcare. I believe in my abilities, and I want to further my education, so I can help heal people.”

Step 2: Ask yourself some questions 

For any good piece of writing, there has to be fact behind it (if even these facts are abstract in narrative or fiction). The best way to gather facts about any subject is to ask a variety of questions, both soft- and hard-hitting. 

You may ask these questions internally, during research, or directly and literally. Treat this question step as a self-interview.

Here are some questions to ask yourself . You may also ask yourself:

  • What is my goal of writing this piece?
  • What themes or ideas do I want to focus on?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are some important lessons I’ve learned?
  • What do I want others to know or understand about me?

Step 3: Organize your answers 

After asking yourself the example questions above as well as others, you should be sure to write down your answers and begin organizing them if you haven’t already. 

It may be tempting to just answer your own questions in your head as you go—but don’t. This will just make the writing step more difficult. You may think that you’ll remember every good point or profound thought you come up with, but memory is a tricky thing. 

If you’re working through your questions during a time when you’re not ready or able to sit down and type or scribble them out, at least make some notes in your phone or in a journal so you can have some descriptive hints for later. No matter how big of an epiphany you may have, it’s possible you’ll forget it. 

Step 4: Write a draft 

If your ideas are already fairly organized, writing your draft should come fairly easily to you. The draft process, however, is when you can start spicing things up with anecdotes, your own personal voice, themes, metaphors—all that fun stuff. The point in you writing something about yourself for yourself is for the very reason that you can make it unquestionably you .

Dull, watered-down words or even over-hyped language from a thesaurus plug-in isn’t going to impress anyone. Writing something about yourself (unless the assignment is creative or unorthodox) isn’t the time to act like something you’re not.

All of this being said, don’t stress yourself out too much. Letting your ideas flow freely and then editing or revising them later is how you should approach the process anyway. You don’t want to put too many restrictions on your ideas from the get-go. Warring with yourself about your ideas while writing is only going to tire you out sooner. 

Think about it—you may spend hours trying to write a piece while overthinking that’s no better than a draft you could have written in 30 minutes on the fly. Not being totally in love with your first draft is normal. It just allows you that much more room to improve. 

Step 5: Put your progress aside

Much like during the draft process, it’s very possible to overthink your work after it’s mostly done. If you constantly keep re-reading it or rehashing your ideas in your head, they may start to sound odd, or you may try to add where you need to trim. 

For example, the same concept applies to repeating the same word over and over aloud — it’ll likely start to sound strange or even wrong the more you hear it. This also applies to music — ever play a song you love over and over till you hate it? 

You need to give your words and your brain some time to rest away from each other until you try to make any drastic edits or changes. That being said, you may love what you’ve written already and decide you don’t need to change a thing—that’s great!

Step 6: Review and edit

After your break, you can pick up your writing once again. Read it with a critical eye. Go back and think deeply about your purpose and any provided prompts. Have you answered everything you intended to or are required to?

It’s not uncommon—though devastating—to write an entire piece only to realize you wrote from the wrong frame of reference or focused on the wrong issue. For example, if you were asked to write about a challenge you overcame in your life by following an important virtue, but you only wrote about winning a basketball championship and not the struggle behind it, this may miss the mark. 

If you find a good number of issues in your work, don’t feel tempted to scrap the entire thing. What may work instead is to copy and paste your writing line-by-line into a new document. This way, you can save as much as possible while being sure to resolve even small discrepancies.

Step 7: Finalize your work

After you’ve undergone the brutal process of self-editing (or enlisting help from someone else you trust) you can prepare yourself for the home stretch. Finalizing your work shouldn’t take very long.

Y our process may differ; however, it’ll likely come down to reading over your work a few more times just to make sure you haven’t missed words, punctuation, or proper grammar. 

It’s OK to use this step to feel proud of yourself, too. You may not take a lot of time to reflect on your life and everything you’ve been through—it’s important to practice self-love in this way and celebrate your accomplishments.

Talking or writing about yourself may not be everyone’s cup of tea. For example, did you need to provide a fun fact recently but draw a blank? You’re not alone. In fact, many people have a false assumption that they’re boring. 

On the flip side, perhaps you’re used to talking about yourself, or, at least you’ve got the “fake it till you make it” type of confidence down-pat. However, you too can only benefit from adding a bit more razzle-dazzle to your spiels and writing assignments. Here are a few tips for writing about yourself creatively or confidently.  

Allow yourself space

If you have an upcoming project or writing assignment that has you on edge, consider stepping away. Even if you don’t consider yourself an outdoorsy person, a walk around the block may help you breathe and get your creativity flowing. Naturally, the more sound your idea or angle, the more confident you’ll feel about your upcoming performance.  

Keep that ego in check

An underinflated ego is just as bad as an overinflated one. Pay close attention to your internal dialogue when approaching new projects or writing tasks (or, honestly anything that comes up during your day). How much of what swirls around in your mind is fact? How much of it is just fleeting thoughts or opinions? You are not your thoughts, and you always have choices. Make good ones and be kind to yourself. 

Try this: Instead of thinking to yourself, “Wow, this is a really complex writing assignment. I can’t do this.” Or, “How am I ever going to get into my dream school with this essay? I’m not a strong writer.” 

Change your internal dialogue to, “I have good ideas. I may not have my plan figured out right now, but I’ll get it done,” or, “I have so many great skills to bring to the table and I am very passionate about what’s brought me here. I will convey this the best I can.”


Sometimes an outside opinion can give us much-needed perspective. Ask your friends, family, loved ones, or coworkers to describe you in a few words or even in abstract ways. Don’t view this as you’re fishing for compliments. Ask your loved ones for honesty, as this insight can only help you when writing about yourself. 

Build up a fuel bank

Pulling inspiration out of thin air may not always be possible. However, if you build up a few reliable sources of inspiration, the next time a project hits, you’ll be prepared. You can fuel your creativity and confidence in a variety of ways. 

For example, you can create certain playlists for different moods, save favorite art or graphics in a digital folder or keep printed versions in your home or office, write down affirmations or notes-to-self in a journal or app, and so on. 

Reflect on past accomplishments and setbacks

Even if you aren’t a fan of journaling, writing about yourself is far easier if you take the time to reflect, if only mentally. If you know you have a deadline to write about yourself in the near future, you may want to physically or mentally jot down a few real-life examples or experiences that come to mind. 

But how do you get in the right headspace to reflect? What if you only witness recurring thoughts about past events while trying to fall asleep? Be sure to practice the first tip in this section: Give yourself some space to think. For once, limit the distractions, keep all other screens put away or turn on your "do not disturb" feature.

Now, think about some past accomplishments or setbacks that may not even seem relevant to the topic of the assignment. You may have an epiphany about unrelated things or discover something about how you operate. For example, you might realize that you feel less nervous in social and professional settings if you call out your anxiety as being excited. 

Examples of Writing About Yourself

Even if you feel super confident about writing about yourself now, we wanted to provide a few short examples to help you get started. Your tone, word choice, and more may differ depending on which piece you’re working on.

Here are some tips for writing or publishing your life story you may also find helpful. 

In a memoir or essay

Those were probably the best and the worst days of my life. I had never felt more happy and never felt more sad. I felt as though I were so close to having everything I had ever wanted, yet it seemed with every step forward, I had to take two steps back. It was exhausting. How did I get through it? To be quite honest, I have no damn idea. 

Perspective helped. I knew I could have had it way worse; I knew that my struggle wasn’t unique. I knew, too, that even when the small wins would come they’d have yet another loss right on their tails. I paid dearly for having too much heart and optimism, so I regularly had to hose myself down with logic and pessimism. 

On your blog or website

If you’re reading this, it’s too late. Just kidding! That’s just a really good Drake album. I wanted to take some time to talk about what’s been going on in my life lately for those of you who are nosey enough to care. Again, kidding, I know some of you really care. I’m so grateful to have even this small following that I have. It’s wild, really. Who would have thought that people want to know what’s going on in my head at any given time? Joke’s on you guys, though, because I don’t fully know all the time. 

I guess I’ll start off by saying that work has been a whirlwind. As you all know, it isn’t an easy time for anyone, so please don’t take this declaration as a complaint. I’m thrilled to still have a job despite everything going on. However, leaving this reflection at just that would be doing both myself and you all a disservice. It’s weak. It doesn’t really describe what’s been going on. Allow me to continue.  

In a college essay

When I was young, my grandmother told me I couldn’t please everyone — that some people just wouldn’t like me for no reason at all. This was very hard for me to swallow at times. What does this have to do with who I am today and why I plan to attend your university? 

Well, this early lesson demonstrates that in order for this world to keep spinning, we all have to be unwavering in our own pursuits. We are ourselves. We can’t be anyone else. In that, we all have the responsibility to bring our unique talents, wisdom, and heart to the table — even when we’re seated across from people who may not like us. 

Sometimes Only You Can Do It

Writing about yourself may always be challenging for you, but who better to do so than who knows you best? If you work through the process in every situation and give yourself some patience, there’s no question that you can’t craft something amazing. You may also be interested in this article about how to write family stories .

Your written words mean more than you think. This becomes a part of your legacy when you're gone, and it's one of the ways you'll be remembered. While many families choose custom urns from Foreverence or even to craft memorial diamonds from Eterneva , your words are something that live after you're gone.

While it might not seem natural at first, learning to write about yourself, your perspective, and your experiences carries a lot of significance. Who knows who might read these words when you're gone?


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Essays About Myself: Top 5 Essay Examples Plus Prompts

We are all unique individuals, each with traits, skills , and qualities we should be proud of. Here are examples and prompts on essays about myself .

It is good to reflect on ourselves from time to time. When applying for university or a new job, you may be asked to write about yourself to give the institution a better picture of yourself. Self-understanding and reflection are essential if you want to make a compelling argument for yourself.

Reflect on your life: look back on the people you’ve met, the places you’ve been, and the experiences you’ve had, and think about how they have shaped you into the person you have become today. Think of the bigger picture and be sure to consider who you are based on what others think and say about you, not just who you think you are. 

If you are tasked with the prompt, “ essays about myself ,” keep reading to see some essay examples.


1. It’s My Life by Ann Smith

2. how i see myself by leticia woods, 3. the truth about myself by madeline dyer, 4. what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves by sandra brossman, 5. a letter to myself by gladys mclaughlin, 1. introducing yourself, 2. describing your strengths and weaknesses, 3. what sets you apart from others, 4. your beliefs and values, 5. an experience that has defined you as a person, 6. what family means to you, 7. your favorite pasttime.

“Sure, I’ve had bad experiences in my life too, but this is exactly what made me the way I am now: grateful, full of love, with a desire to study well because it will help me become a successful person in future and have a high quality of life. I believe that it is manifesting day by day and I feel even more responsibility for what I do and where I go. With all I already have, I know that I’m on the right path and I will do my best to inspire others to live the way they feel like living as well.”

In her essay , Smith describes her interests, habits, and qualities. She writes that she is sociable, enthusiastic about studying, and friendly. She also touches on others’ opinions of her- that she is funny. One of Smith’s hobbies is photography, which allowed her to meet her best friend. She aims to study hard so she can be successful on whatever path she may follow, and inspire others to live their best life. 

“It is this drive that will carry me through my degree program and allow me to absorb the education that I receive and develop solid practical applications from this knowledge. I feel that I will eventually become highly successful in my chosen field because my past has clearly shown my commitment to excellence in every endeavor that I have chosen. Because I remain incredibly focused and committed for future success, I know that my future will be as rewarding as my past.”

Woods discusses how her identity helps her achieve her career goals. First, her commitment to her education is a great asset. Second, prior education and her service in the US Air Force allowed her to learn much about life, the world, and herself, and she was able to learn about different cultures. She believes that experience, devotion, and knowledge will allow her to achieve her dreams. 

“I’m getting better as I recover from the brain inflammation which caused my OCD, but I want to have a day like that. A day where I can relax and enjoy life fully again. A day where I haven’t a care in the world. And for that, I need to be kind to myself. I need to relax and remove any pressure I place on myself.”

Dyer reflects on an important part of herself- her Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Brain inflammation has made her a perfectionist, and she cannot relax. She is constantly compelled by an inner voice to do things she “should” be doing. She wants to be happy, and will try to shut off this voice by practicing self-affirmation. You might also be interested in these essays about discovering yourself .

“Believe it or not, forgiving YOURSELF is the most effective way to disengage from negative interactions with people.  We can only love and accept others to the degree that we love and accept ourselves.  When you make it a habit to learn from your relationships, eventually you will discover that you can observe negative traits within others without judgment and without getting hooked into someone else’s drama.”

In her essay , Brossman writes how we see what we desire for ourselves in others. Our relationships help us understand ourselves better; we see people’s bad qualities and criticize them, professing that we will not be like them. On the other hand, we see qualities we like and try to imitate them. To become a better version of yourself, you should learn from your relationships and emulate desirable qualities. 

“I never tell anyone that I am tired of work or study. Success will come to those who get up and go far. This is my life motto which always reminds me of how vital it is to be hard-working and resilient towards failures. I learn that no matter what others say (even mother and father) if their

thoughts contradict my goals, I don’t have to listen to them. Nobody will live your life, and nobody should tell you who you are and what you are.”

Mclaughlin writes a letter to her future self, explaining what she envisions for herself in the coming years. She writes about who she is now and describes her vision for how much better she will be in the future. She believes that she will have great encounters that will teach her about life, a loving, kind family, and an independent spirit that will triumph over all her struggles

Writing Prompts For Essays About Myself

Essays About Myself: Introducing yourself

Write a basic description of yourself; describe where you live, your school or job, and your family and friends. You should also give readers a glimpse of your personality- are you outgoing, shy, or sporty? If you want to write more, you can also briefly explain your hobbies, interests, and skills . 

Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on what you are good at and what you can improve on and select 1-2 from each to write about. Discuss what you can do to work on your weaknesses and improve yourself. 

An essential part of yourself is your uniqueness; for a strong essay about “myself,” think about beliefs, qualities, or values that set you apart from others. Write about one or more, but be sure to explain your choices clearly. You can write about what separates you in the context of your family, friend group, culture, or even society as a whole. 

Your beliefs and values are at the core of your being, as they guide the decisions you make every day. Discuss some of your basic beliefs and values and explain why they are important to you. For a stronger essay , be sure to explain how you use these in day-to-day life; give concrete examples of situations in which these beliefs and values are used. 

We are all shaped by our past experiences. Reflect on an experience, whether that be an achievement, setback, or just a fun memory, and explain its significance to you. Retell the story in detail and describe how it has impacted you and helped make you the person you are today. 

Essays About Myself: What family means to you?

More often than not, family plays a big role in forming us. To give readers a better idea of your identity, describe your idea of family. Discuss its significance, impact, and role in your life. You may also choose to write about how your family has helped shape you into who you are. This should be based on personal experience; refrain from using external sources to inspire you.

Our likes and dislikes are an important part of who we are as well; in your essay , discuss a hobby of yours, preferably one you have been interested in for a long period of time, and explain why you enjoy it so much. You should also write about how it has helped you become yourself and made you a better person.  

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How To Answer Tell Me About Yourself (13 Sample Answers Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

about myself essay for job

By Mike Simpson

Updated 6/12/2022.

about myself essay for job

Few interview questions are as deceptively simple as “Tell me about yourself.” After all, you know all about you, right? So, you shouldn’t have any trouble.

While it seems like an open invitation to talk about nearly any aspect of your life, that isn’t what’s happening here. That’s what makes figuring out how to answer “tell me about yourself” so tricky. If you don’t share the right kind of information, your response will miss the mark.

But how do you get it right? By checking out a few tips and tell me about yourself sample answers that you can use as a starting point. Let’s get started.

Why Do Hiring Managers Ask This Question?

So, why do hiring managers ask this question? Do they really want to get to know you better, or do they have another motive?

Well, it’s actually a bit of both. First, they want to see how you react to a question asked casually and without structure. Can you offer up a well-structured, informative response that gives them an idea of who you are as a professional? Or do you ramble about personal details that aren’t relevant to the role?

Second, they want to get a feel for what you deem to be “important.” The aspects of your career that you highlight give them a surprising number of clues about your preferences, priorities, and values, making it easier for them to assess your mentality and determine if you fit in with the company culture.

Overall, hiring managers and recruiters may start making hiring decisions in as little as 90 seconds after meeting you. Since that’s the case, you need to take it seriously when a hiring manager asks you, “Tell me a little about yourself,” as that’s normally one of the first questions you’ll face. Additionally, you want to use a great strategy to create your answers. More about that in a moment.

How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself

Alright, now that you know why this question is asked, it’s time to dive into how to answer “tell me about yourself.” Here’s a quick step-by-step process you can use to craft an outstanding response.

Use the Tailoring Method

First things first, you want to use the Tailoring Method to build your answer. That ensures your response is as relevant to the hiring manager as possible, allowing you to speak to their needs and preferences while you share details about your professional history.

Generally, you can find out a lot about what the hiring manager wants to know with a bit of research. Review the job description to find out more about the skills and traits their after, as well as the duties you might encounter. Then, review information about the company, including its mission, values, and products or services. That way, you can talk about points that will pique the hiring manager’s interest right at the beginning of the meeting.

Use a Chronological Approach

Overall, this is an interview question where your answer should feel like a story. Using a chronological, narrative-style approach lets you show the hiring manager how you’ve grown in your career, highlighting the occasional relevant achievement along the way. It keeps your answer compelling, all while making the details easier to follow.

Avoid These Mistakes

Along with crafting a great answer, you need to make sure you avoid certain missteps. Here are a few mistakes you’ll want to avoid along the way.

1) Regurgitating Your Cover Letter and Resume

The “Tell us about yourself” question isn’t an invitation for you to simply list off the same accomplishments you put on your resume. Yes, it’s important for you to highlight moments in your past when you were successful, but the real power lies in bringing more to the table, providing the hiring manager with relevant details that didn’t fit on your application.

2) Telling Your Life Story

This is probably the most common mistake that people make. Why? Because it’s the easiest way to answer this question.

Don’t start talking about where you were born or what you did as a child. Unless an experience relates to your career, it doesn’t typically belong here.

3) “Well, What Do You Want to Know?”

An answer like this tells an interviewer that you’re unprepared. Plus, it comes off as a bit combative. In either case, it’s a bad first impression and could cost you the job.

4) The 10-Minute Monologue

Don’t go off on a ten-minute monologue all about you when you’re asked, “Tell me a little about yourself.” Instead, keep it short.

For most interview questions , responses between 30 seconds to four minutes are ideal. With this one, something in the 60 to 90-second range is likely best. There are going to be a lot more questions coming down the pipe that will allow you to elaborate on your various experiences, skills, and accomplishments. Don’t feel like you have to answer all of them at once.

Just remember, this is just one question the hiring manager could ask you in your interview! That’s why we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview.

Click below to get your free PDF now:

Get Our Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet!

FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .


Top 13 Tell Me About Yourself Answers

Okay, it’s almost time to dig into the tell me about yourself examples. But before we hop in, there’s something else we need to mention.

When you’re looking at a tell me about yourself sample answer in the list, understand it’s only supposed to be inspiration. Along with showing you what an outstanding answer looks like, it can help you come up with ideas for your own responses.

However, the tell me about yourself answers below are only starting points. You shouldn’t use them as written. Instead, you need to take advantage of the Tailoring Method , too.

With the Tailoring Method, you customize your answer to meet the hiring manager’s needs. That way, your response is as relevant as possible, increasing the odds that you’ll impress.

Since the answers below aren’t tailored to the job you’re after, they shouldn’t be used without some tweaks, at a minimum. Otherwise, just treat them as inspiration, ensuring you’ll know when your own answer is where it needs to be.

So, now that we’ve covered that, here are some tell me about yourself examples, representing a range of experience levels, industries, and roles.

Example 1 – Entry-Level Retail

I’m an enthusiastic, dependable, upbeat high school graduate hoping to take my customer service skills to the next level. I believe that retail is the perfect option for doing that, allowing me to engage with a range of customers and face challenges that will only help me improve.
While I lack prior retail experience, I have volunteered for projects that are highly similar. For instance, I oversaw a quarterly bake sale at my school, allowing me to get cash handling and customer service experience.
This role specifically taught me interest because I’m looking for a fast-paced environment where I can learn and grow. I am not just diligent but highly ambitious and willing to learn, which will let me provide real value to my first retail employer.

Example 2 – Entry-Level Tech

I’m a tech-savvy high school graduate looking to take my first steps into a technology career. Along with being highly familiar with productivity suites – such as Microsoft Office – thanks to my schooling, I’m also incredibly comfortable with Android smartphones and tablets. Additionally, often assist family members with their devices, providing support to individuals of all ages and with varying degrees of technical knowledge.
Since I’m highly passionate about the field, I believe this customer support role is a great fit. It’ll allow me to put my current skills to work, as well as develop new ones that will lead to a strong career.

Example 3 – Entry-Level Trades

I’ve had a passion for cars for as long as I can remember. While I initially explored my interest as many children do – collecting Hot Wheels cars – my continuing interest encouraged me to dig deeper. I began by assisting my father and grandfather with routine maintenance, getting a general overview of common processes. Then, I signed up for autobody in high school, giving me my first real taste for the work involved.
After high school, I transitioned to a trade school, broadening my skills to include a variety of repairs and maintenance activities. Today, I’m looking for an opportunity to put those capabilities to work, as well as continue to grow in my new field.

Example 4 – Recent Social Work College Grad

When I started high school, I already knew that I wanted a career where I could make a real difference in people’s lives. I began volunteering, spending time supporting a range of organizations. However, the experience that fundamentally changed my life was volunteering for an agency that provided support to the elderly.
Many older adults in our communities require far more support than they usually receive. Whether it’s rides to medical appointments, helping getting groceries, or having someone come and cut their grass, it made a dramatic difference in their lives.
After that experience, I decided that social work was my calling, particularly in the area of services for the elderly. I graduated at the top of my class and, during my studies, had an opportunity to intern at a local community support agency. I feel that my education and experience have prepared me well for the career that lies ahead and I look forward to doing my part to support those in my community who need it most.

Example 5 – Recent Engineering College Grad

Nothing quite captures my imagination and sparks my passion like bridges. I’ve long been a fan of these massive feats of engineering, so much so that I often went out of my way to explore as many as possible once I was able to drive.
During high school, I also joined a Rube Goldberg club. It allowed me to explore structures in creative ways, further increasing my interest in the field of engineering.
After my high school graduation, I headed to XYZ University to pursue a degree in structural engineering, ultimately graduating in the top five percent of my class. While studying, I had the opportunity to complete an internship with ABC Co., a leading engineering firm in the area.
Overall, my drive to create amazing structures has only strengthened as I acquired the skills and knowledge required to work in the field. Ultimately, I feel that my passion and capabilities combined make me an asset, and I look forward to securing a position that will help me get my career off of the ground.

Example 6 – Recent Physical Therapy College Grad

During high school, I was unfortunate enough to experience a serious knee injury while participating in after-school sports. While the injury was a challenge, one good thing did come of it; my passion for helping others heal.
As part of my recovery, I spent time with a kind, compassionate, and capable physical therapist. Their poise, knowledge, and ability to motivate me made my recovery far simpler than it would have otherwise been, and that experience made me realize that I want to do the same for others.
I ultimately headed to XYZ College to earn my Bachelor’s before heading to ABC University to complete my physical therapy education. Now that I’m licensed, I’m ready to take the next step and find a position where I can assist others as they walk down the road toward recovery.

Example 7 – Mid-Level Human Resources Pro

As the saying goes, people are a company’s greatest asset. Since that’s the case, I wanted to build a career that allowed me to help organizations manage their workforces more effectively.
I began by completing a Bachelor’s degree, giving me a strong initial foundation. After that, I landed a role as a recruiter, allowing me to dig deeper into hiring processes and providing me with crucial skills that help me spot genuine talent.
After a time, I added benefits administration to my plate. Additionally, I acquired my PHR certification as well as returned to school to secure my Master’s degree. Once that’s complete, I plan on securing my SPHR certification, as well.
Ultimately, my current goal is to find a company where I can provide value today and into the future, particularly as I expand my skills.

Example 8 – Mid-Level Accounting Pro

I grew up as one of those children where numbers simply made sense. As a result, I was fascinated by every mathematics subject as I progressed through my education and quickly decided that a math-oriented field would ultimately be the best fit.
During my studies, I interned with an area company, providing assistance to its accountants. This helped me acquire foundational skills, particularly when it came to reporting. After earning an accounting degree, I began working for a local firm, expanding my involvement to records management for my own set of clients.
Over time, my responsibilities expanded. Along with supporting 40 clients, I began attending strategy meetings, assisting with the development of new processes designed to increase accuracy and boost efficiency.
Today, I’m looking to continue on that growth path, acquiring new skills and expanding my responsibilities. My goal is to work in a management position, so I’m seeking out opportunities that allow me to contribute while also giving me the opportunity to take on projects that’ll send me in that direction.

Example 9 – Entry-Level Marketing Manager

Initially, I entered the world of marketing because of the amount of creativity involved in the field. I had a knack for innovation, coming up with unique ways to position companies to secure more market share. On average, I achieved growth rates of 18 percent, as well as improved customer retention by 200 percent.
However, as my career progressed, I learned that other skills were equally important. Research, organization, and collaboration are all essential, and I found I pulled on those more and more as time passed.
With each successful campaign, my leadership skills were increasingly helpful. I’ve had the opportunity to oversee small teams, ensuring that everyone collaborated effectively to achieve great results. Now, I feel I’m ready for the next step. That’s why I’m currently pursuing a management position.

Example 10 – Entry Level Sales Manager

I’m the kind of person who wants to help others make their lives easier to manage. As a result, I enthusiastically share details when I think a product or service is poised to do just that. Since that’s the case, sales was a natural fit.
However, during my six years in the field, I also discovered that I’m highly adept at motivating others. That’s why I was selected to manage several projects. Along with keeping myself on target, I was able to effectively coordinate the efforts of team members, all while keeping engagement high.
Those experiences allowed me to hone my management skills, giving me a strong foundation that I know will serve me well. I believe this position aligns with my core objectives, giving me an opportunity to provide exceptional value not just to the company but also to the employees I will oversee along the way.

Example 11 – Seasoned Customer Service Manager

I began my customer service career 12 years ago, initially handling calls in a contact center for a leading service provider. That frontline, hands-on time taught me far more than I expected, increasing my interest in key areas like experience management. Additionally, listening to my colleagues’ concerns gave me insights into operational efficiency and engagement, both of which have proven valuable.
Over time, I worked to expand my knowledge and capabilities. I volunteered for special projects, ensuring I could play a role in positive organizational change. In just one year, I was able to oversee my first project, and, a mere six months later, I was promoted to a supervisory role.
As I’ve moved forward, ultimately leading a department, I kept those initial experiences in mind. They allow me to see the situation through the eyes of customers and frontline employees, ensuring that any changes made benefit them both. Ultimately, that’s experience that I want to take to a new company, allowing me to improve new workplaces for everyone.

Example 12 – Seasoned Warehouse Manager

During my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work my way up. I initially began as an order packer with a major online retailer. As time progressed, I gathered new skills, including in critical areas like inventory management and operational safety.
In short order, I began transitioning into supervisory roles. At first, I supervised a small team, though I was soon overseeing an entire department. After two years at that level, I began managing full warehouse floors, directing the work of more than 100 employees. Additionally, I played a key role in advancing our operations, including spearheading an IoT initiative to improve efficiency.
Today, I’m looking to move my career forward by taking on a new challenge. The expanded duties that come with this role genuinely caught my eye, and I’m hoping to secure this position – or one like it – as quickly as possible.

Example 13 – Executive

For the past four years, I’ve had the opportunity to serve as the technology department manager with an industry-leading company. During my time there, I’ve overseen five unique teams, each comprised of 10 to 20 highly skilled employees.
Along with ensuring productivity, I developed approaches to ensure priorities were properly addressed and that everything was accomplished within budget. Additionally, I coordinated with the C-suite to gather input and facilitate its strategic vision, as well as coach employees toward greater levels of success.
Along the way, I completed my Master’s degree in IT, as well as several certifications in key areas. When combined with my leadership experience, I felt it was time to take the next step and seek out a CTO opportunity.

Putting It All Together

At this point, you should have a solid ide of how to answer “tell me about yourself.” All of the tips and tell me about yourself sample answers above show you what it takes to craft a great response. Use them to your advantage, but don’t forget to use the Tailoring Method, too. That way, your answers will be impactful and relevant, increasing the odds that you’ll impress.

FREE : Tell Me About Yourself PDF "Cheat Sheet"

Ok the next thing you should do is Download our PDF Answer "Cheat Sheet" that gives you "word for word" example answers to this dreaded question.

In it you'll find answers to fit a variety of scenarios including: if you just graduated , have no experience and more!


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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Tell me about yourself – Sample answers for fresh graduates

It is easy to interview for a job when you have ten years of professional experience. You can talk about your roles , projects you’ve worked on, milestones you achieved, mistakes you made, and lessons you learned along the way. Experienced professionals can talk for hours about their career. But what to do when you have almost nothing to talk about ? Most fresh graduates face this situation when looking for their very first job. Because “Can you tell me something about yourself?” is still the most popular interview question in the world, regardless of whether you interview for an entry level or senior position. You will simply face it.

As a rule of a thumb, regardless of your age , you should focus on your strengths in your introduction. And since professional experience isn’t your strength once you’ve just graduated from high school or college, you have to focus on something else. And you have many options: Your personal traits and abilities that make from you a good candidate for the job. Your desire to learn and improve and grow in the company, and a strong motivation to do well. Relevant education for the role. You can even talk about hobbies and free time activities that somehow relate to the position you try to get.

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to the question. I tried to include a variety of answers on my list , talking about different things, including some unconventional choices. Go through them, think about your own situation and about the message you want to convey in the interviews , and eventually try to come up with your own perfect answer. Below the list of answers you will find some additional hints on how to deal with the question and make a good impression on the hiring managers.

7 sample answers to “Tell me about yourself” interview question for fresh graduates

  • My name is Jane, I’ve just graduated from finance and investment , and I’ve studied this subject with a clear goal in mind : To get an entry level FP&A job in one of the Fortune 500 companies, and start my career from there. My goal gave me motivation to study hard and become one of the best students in the class, and now I am incredibly excited to interview for this job with your company. When not dreaming about working here or studying, I enjoy cycling and cooking , and spending time with friends from college.
  • I would characterize myself in three words: responsible, motivated, friendly . And I believe it a great combination for any first point of contact job , just like the one I try to get with your hotel. And though I haven’t yet had a chance to work anywhere, because I just graduated from high school and preferred to focus fully on my studies, instead of distracting myself with some part time job, I consider myself ready for this job , both physically and mentally. Apart from that I am just a normal guy who enjoys playing computer games or going out with friends. Is there anything in particular you’d like to know about me or my education?
  • Well, as you can see on my resume, I’ve just completed my bachelor in management . But I did not limit myself to studies only. On the contrary, I tried to gain basic working habits , taking various part time jobs, in a library, fast food restaurant, night club. And though the jobs did not help me with my managerial skills, I’ve learned many important lessons in them. At the end of the day, you interact with people in every job , face challenges and conflicts, and have goals or quota to meet. I believe my experience will help me in my first real job, and perhaps it even gives me an edge when you compare me to other job applicants.
  • 19 years old, fresh graduate, avid programmer and gamer , and someone who prefers work to studies , but at the same time someone who never stops learning. I can code in C++ decently, as well as in Java, and want to learn Python and other languages. Instead of spending years in college learning lot of theory, I prefer to study on my own , learning things I can realistically apply in doing what I enjoy doing for a living–programming. Here I am, hoping to get my first job in your game studio , and from there on sky is the limit really.
  • To be honest, there isn’t much to talk about . I’ve been an average student . In my free time I enjoyed long walks with my dog in the nature, and I’ve never striven for recognition in some competitions. Hence you won’t find much on my resume. Having said that, I really love dogs, and have a special motivation to work in your dog shelter. Because I’ve learned many things by experience with my own dog, and I definitely see a meaningful purpose in what you do here . What’s more, my expectations aren’t high when it comes to salary , career growth, and similar matters. I just want to work with animals, and enjoy every day, seeing purpose in my work.
  • John, 20 years old, just graduated from high school. I would characterize myself as an active person , someone who enjoys straining both his physical and mental limits . Endurance running, chess, and paddle boarding top the list of my hobbies. And I believe that my attitude will help me in any job , especially when dealing with heavy workload or facing deadlines. I know what it means to try really hard , and I am ready to deliver. Hopefully you will give me a chance to prove it in your company.
  • Martina, 23, just finished my studies, and trying to find my place in the world . More than anything else I am eager to learn and try different things,  and a big corporation when one can try a variety of entry level roles and works in a diverse team seems like a perfect place for me at the moment. What more to say? Like everyone else, I have my strengths and weaknesses , and things I like to do in my free time, such as dancing or knitting. And I always try to stick to the following motto: Every day is an opportunity to become better, in whatever we do …

How you talk and express yourself matters more than what you say

You should realize a few things at this point. First of all, your lack of experience is no showstopper . They would not invite you for an interview if it was the case. Feel free to tell them you’ve never worked anywhere, and express your enthusiasm for finally applying for a real job.

Secondly, this is mostly an icebreaker question.  You should not spend ten minutes talking about various subjects you’ve studied at school and grades you’ve earned. Such things do not interest the hiring managers . Focus on your strengths –personal traits and abilities important for the job, relevant education, any working experience (part time, volunteering, student company), your motivation, and how the job you try to get is a good match for all these things.

about myself essay for job

Last but not least, asking “Tell me about yourself” question, most interviewers simply try to get a basic grasp of your personality and communication skills . As long as you talk with enthusiasm about the job and the future , keep an eye contact , and do not struggle to admit your lack of experience, you are good to go.

Remember that your goal with this answer isn’t to win a job contract . Your goal is to simply start an interview well, and make a good first impression on the hiring managers. They will ask you many other questions targeting your goals, motivation, preferences, and skills. And while you should certainly prepare for the “Tell me about yourself” question, it isn’t the most important question in the interviews….

Ready to answer this one? I hope so! Do not forget to check sample answers to other tricky interview questions for fresh graduates :

  • Does your academic record accurately reflect your capabilities?
  • What are your career aspirations – Sample answers for fresh graduates
  • What do you hope to gain from this experience?
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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, tell us about yourself essay examples.

I'm applying to some scholarships, and some of them have a 'tell us about yourself' essay prompt. I'm a little unsure of where to start and how to structure this essay. Can anyone share some examples or tips on how I can write an engaging, effective essay without sounding cliché or braggy?

Sure, I can provide some guidance on structuring a "tell us about yourself" essay and provide tips on making it engaging and effective without sounding cliché or braggy.

1. Start with an attention-grabbing hook: Open your essay with a brief anecdote, piece of dialogue, or thought-provoking statement that reveals something interesting about you.

Example: "As I stood on the roof of my family's house in [hometown], peering through my homemade telescope, I was struck by the vastness of the night sky."

2. Focus on a specific aspect of yourself: Rather than trying to cover every aspect of your life, pick a theme or personal characteristic that plays a major role in your interests, experiences, and goals.

Example: "My curiosity about the universe and the natural world led me to volunteer at a local science center, where I conducted hands-on experiments with visitors of all ages."

3. Provide a brief background: Give some context to the topic you're discussing, such as your upbringing, community, or family background, if it's relevant to the theme.

Example: "Growing up in a small, rural town, I didn't have the same access to resources and educational opportunities as kids in larger cities, but my determination to learn about the world around me never waned."

4. Showcase your growth and accomplishments: Talk about specific experiences, achievements, or events that shaped your development, values, or interests. Be humble but honest about your achievements, and focus on how they've impacted your growth rather than dwelling on the awards themselves.

Example: "Despite the challenges, I pursued my passion for astronomy and managed to secure a coveted summer internship at a renowned observatory, where I worked alongside professionals and contributed to a research project."

5. Connect your past experiences to your future goals: Explain how the things you've learned and accomplished thus far have motivated and prepared you for your future academic and career aspirations.

Example: "My experiences have confirmed my passion for science and astronomy, leading me to pursue a degree in astrophysics and dedicate myself to researching the mysteries of our universe."

6. Close with a memorable statement: Finish your essay by leaving a lasting impression on the reader, perhaps by tying back to your opening hook or sharing an inspiring thought.

Example: "As I continue to explore the cosmos, both academically and personally, I'll never forget those nights spent stargazing in my hometown and the curiosity that propelled me forward."

Remember, a well-rounded and engaging "tell us about yourself" essay will focus on a specific aspect or theme, be genuine and personal, and effectively showcase your growth and future aspirations. Good luck with your scholarship applications!

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

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  •    How to Write an About Myself Essay With Example

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How to write an about myself essay with example.

  • Chloe Daniel
  • Published On: July 09 ,2021

How to Write an About Myself Essay With Example

Getting Started

When you may have to write about yourself.

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How to Write an Essay About Myself?

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Make sure to include your most important professional experience.
  • Talk about significant awards or personal achievements.
  • Introduce details about your personal life.
  • Use a friendly and casual tone unless stated otherwise. 

What Else Do You Need to Include in Your Self Introduction Essay? 

  • The things you want to learn.
  • Your aspirations and dreams.
  • The things you are good at.
  • Your hobbies.

A Sample About Myself Essay

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Essay on Myself: 100 Words, 250 Words and 300 Words


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  • Mar 12, 2024

essay on myself

We are all different from each other and it is important to self-analyze and know about yourself. Only you can know everything about yourself. But, when it comes to describing yourself in front of others many students fail to do so. This happens due to the confusion generated by a student’s mind regarding what things to include in their description. This confusion never arises when someone is told to give any opinion about others. This blog will help students and children resolve the confusion and it also includes an essay on myself. 

about myself essay for job

While writing an “essay on myself” you should have a unique style so that the reader would engage in your essay. It’s important to induce the urge to know about you in the reader then only you can perform well in your class. I would suggest you include your qualities, strengths, achievements, interests, and passion in your essay. Continue Reading for Essays on myself for children and students!

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Table of Contents

  • 1 Long and Short Essay on Myself for Students
  • 2 Tips to Write Essay on Myself
  • 3 100 Words Essay on Myself
  • 4 250 Words Essay on Myself
  • 5 10 Lines on Myself Essay for Children
  • 6 300 Words Essay on Myself

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Long and Short Essay on Myself for Students

Mentioned below are essays on myself with variable word limits. You can choose the essay that you want to present in your class. These essays are drafted in simple language so that school students can easily understand. In addition, the main point to remember while writing an essay on myself is to be honest. Your honesty will help you connect with the reader.

Tell me about yourself is also one of the most important questions asked in the interview process. Therefore, this blog is very helpful for people who want to learn about how to write an essay on myself.

Tips to Write Essay on Myself

Given below are some tips to write an essay on myself:

  • Prepare a basic outline of what to include in the essay about yourself.
  • Stick to the structure to maintain fluency.
  • Be honest to build a connection with the reader.
  • Use simple language.
  • Try to include a crisp and clear conclusion.

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100 Words Essay on Myself

I am a dedicated person with an urge to learn and grow. My name is Rakul, and I feel life is a journey that leads to self-discovery. I belong to a middle-class family, my father is a handloom businessman, and my mother is a primary school teacher .

I have learned punctuality and discipline are the two wheels that drive our life on a positive path. My mother is my role model. I am passionate about reading novels. When I was younger, my grandmother used to narrate stories about her life in the past and that has built my interest towards reading stories and novels related to history.

Overall I am an optimistic person who looks forward to life as a subject that teaches us values and ways to live for the upliftment of society.

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250 Words Essay on Myself

My name is Ayushi Singh but my mother calls me “Ayu”. I turned 12 years old this August and I study in class 7th. I have an elder sister named Aishwarya. She is like a second mother to me. I have a group of friends at school and out of them Manvi is my best friend. She visits my house at weekends and we play outdoor games together. I believe in her and I can share anything with her.

Science and technology fascinate me so I took part in an interschool science competition in which my team of 4 girls worked on a 3-D model of the earth representing past, present, and future. It took us a week to finish off the project and we presented the model at Ghaziabad school. We were competing against 30 teams and we won the competition.

I was confident and determined about the fact that we could win because my passion helped me give my 100% input in the task. Though I have skills in certain subjects I don’t have to excel in everything, I struggle to perform well in mathematics . And to enhance my problem-solving skills I used to study maths 2 hours a day. 

I wanted to become a scientist, and being punctual and attentive are my characteristics as I never arrive late for school. Generally, I do my work on my own so that I inculcate the value of being an independent person. I always help other people when they are in difficult situations. 

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10 Lines on Myself Essay for Children

Here are 10 lines on myself essay for children. Feel free to add them to similar essay topics.

  • My name is Ananya Rathor and I am 10 years old.
  • I like painting and playing with my dog, Todo.
  • Reading animal books is one of my favourite activities.
  • I love drawing and colouring to express my imagination.
  • I always find joy in spending time outdoors, feeling the breeze on my face.
  • I love dancing to Indian classical music.
  • I’m always ready for an adventure, whether it’s trying a new hobby or discovering interesting facts.
  • Animals are my friends, and I enjoy spending time with pets or observing nature’s creatures.
  • I am a very kind person and I respect everyone.
  • All of my school teachers love me.

300 Words Essay on Myself

My name is Rakul. I believe that every individual has unique characteristics which distinguish them from others. To be unique you must have an extraordinary spark or skill. I live with my family and my family members taught me to live together, adjust, help others, and be humble. Apart from this, I am an energetic person who loves to play badminton.

I have recently joined Kathak classes because I have an inclination towards dance and music, especially folk dance and classical music. I believe that owing to the diversity of our country India, it offers us a lot of opportunities to learn and gain expertise in various sectors.

My great-grandfather was a classical singer and he also used to play several musical instruments. His achievements and stories have inspired me to learn more about Indian culture and make him proud. 

I am a punctual and studious person because I believe that education is the key to success. Academic excellence could make our careers shine bright. Recently I secured second position in my class and my teachers and family members were so proud of my achievement. 

I can manage my time because my mother taught me that time waits for no one. It is important to make correct use of time to succeed in life. If we value time, then only time will value us. My ambition in life is to become a successful gynaecologist and serve for human society.

Hence, these are the qualities that describe me the best. Though no one can present themselves in a few words still I tried to give a brief about myself through this essay. In my opinion, life is meant to be lived with utmost happiness and an aim to serve humanity. Thus, keep this in mind, I will always try to help others and be the best version of myself.

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A. Brainstorm Create a format Stick to the format Be vulnerable Be honest Figure out what things to include Incorporate your strengths, achievements, and future goals into the essay

A. In an essay, you can use words like determined, hardworking, punctual, sincere, and objective-oriented to describe yourself in words.

A. Use simple and easy language. Include things about your family, career, education, and future goals. Lastly, add a conclusion paragraph.

This was all about an essay on myself. The skill of writing an essay comes in handy when appearing for standardized language tests. Thinking of taking one soon? Leverage Live provides the best online test prep for the same. Register today and if you wish to study abroad then contact our experts at 1800572000 .

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Kajal Thareja

Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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50 Example Phrases: How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview

By Editorial Team on January 9, 2024 — 9 minutes to read

How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview

When introducing yourself in a job interview, it’s important to tailor your introduction to the specific job you are applying for.

To customize your introduction:

  • Research the company and job position : A successful introduction demonstrates your knowledge about the company and the position you’re pursuing. Take the time to learn about the organization’s values, culture and key accomplishments. Understand the main requirements and duties of the job, and be prepared to discuss how your skills or experience relate to them. Example: “I’m very excited to be here for this marketing coordinator position. I’ve been following your company’s growth and the award-winning campaigns you’ve produced, and I feel strongly aligned with your innovative and results-driven approach.”
  • Highlight relevant skills and experience : You don’t need to list all your skills or work accomplishments. Choose a few that are directly related to the job and will be of interest to the interviewer. Focus on your strengths that match the position’s requirements and explain how they can benefit the company. Example: “In my previous role as a content marketing specialist, I gained experience in writing engaging newsletters, managing multiple social media accounts, and coordinating with freelance designers. I believe my background in content creation and project management would make me a valuable member of your team.”
  • Connect your values to the company’s : Emphasize the shared beliefs that make you a good fit for the organization. Talk about what you admire in their work and demonstrate how your personal values align with the company’s mission or culture. Example: “I value your company’s focus on sustainability and community involvement, as I have been volunteering at a local environmental nonprofit for the past two years. I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to your marketing initiatives and benefit both the environment and our community.”

Examples of Effective Introductions

  • The Classic Approach: Start by briefly mentioning your name, current role, and your key accomplishments. For example, “I’m Alex. I recently completed my degree in Marketing and managed a successful social media campaign for my university’s annual event.”
  • Highlight Your Skills: Mention one or two skills that are relevant to the role you’re applying for. You could say, “I’m a web developer with extensive experience in JavaScript and PHP, and I’ve created several high-performing websites for local businesses.”
  • Connect with the Company: Show your enthusiasm and knowledge about the company by mentioning a specific project or accomplishment that resonates with you. For instance, “I’m a graphic designer with a passion for eco-friendly product packaging. I was impressed by your recent sustainable packaging initiative and would love to contribute my creativity to your team.”
  • Tell a Short Story: Use a brief, engaging anecdote that aligns with the job you’re interviewing for. This can demonstrate your personality and ability to think on your feet. For example, “I’m Emma, last year I organized a charity event where I managed 50 volunteers and raised over $10,000 for a local hospital. I’m excited about the opportunity to apply my project management skills to this position.”
  • Emphasize Mutual Connections: If you have a connection with someone who already works at the company, mentioning it can provide a personal touch. Just make sure to ask for permission first. An example could be, “Hi, I’m Mike. I’ve been working as a data analyst for five years and recently met your colleague, Laura, at a conference. She spoke highly of your company, and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to interview for the team.”

How to Introduce Yourself in a Job Interview: 50 Example Phrases

  • Hi, my name is [Your Name].
  • Thank you for inviting me to interview for [Position Name].
  • I’m excited to be here and learn more about this opportunity.
  • I’ve always been interested in [Industry Name].
  • My background is in [Your Field].
  • I studied [Your Major] at [Your College/University].
  • While attending [Your College/University], I [Relevant Experience].
  • My most recent role was as a [Your Previous Position].
  • I have [Number of Years] of experience in [Your Area of Expertise].
  • I’ve worked with companies such as [Company Names].
  • I’ve held positions like [List Relevant Positions].
  • I’ve successfully managed projects like [Project Names or Descriptions].
  • My skills include [List Relevant Skills].
  • I’m particularly adept at [Specific Skill or Experience].
  • I pride myself on my strong work ethic and dedication.
  • My attention to detail has led to various successes in my career.
  • I’m a strong communicator, both written and verbal.
  • People often describe me as [Positive Personal Trait].
  • I enjoy working in teams and believe in the importance of collaboration.
  • I excel at working under pressure and meeting tight deadlines.
  • I am particularly passionate about [Area of Interest].
  • In my spare time, I like to [Personal Interest or Hobby].
  • I’m always eager to learn new skills and take on new challenges.
  • I have experience with [Software/Tools] commonly used in this field.
  • I’ve taken courses in [Relevant Coursework].
  • My proudest accomplishment in my career so far was [Achievement].
  • I think my experience aligns well with the requirements for this position.
  • I’m drawn to this opportunity because [What Attracted You to the Job].
  • I believe I can make a strong impact in this role by [How You Can Contribute].
  • I have a proven track record of [Positive Outcome].
  • I’m confident in my ability to take on this role and exceed expectations.
  • I understand the importance of [Key Concept in Industry].
  • I’ve kept up-to-date with recent developments and trends in [Industry].
  • I am well-versed in [Industry Knowledge].
  • My experience includes working with [Diverse Groups or Clients].
  • I’ve honed my leadership skills through [Experience or Specific Role].
  • In addition to my professional experience, I have a [Certification or License].
  • I am fluent in [Languages Spoken].
  • My technical skills include [Programming Languages or Other Technical Skills].
  • My expertise covers [Broad Aspect of Your Field].
  • I’m eager to bring my unique perspective and experiences to this position.
  • I’m confident in my ability to work independently and efficiently.
  • I enjoy connecting with others and building strong relationships.
  • My approach to problem-solving is both analytical and creative.
  • My resilience and adaptability have been valuable assets throughout my career.
  • I have experience working with [Specific Demographics or Clientele].
  • I’ve developed a strong understanding of [Industry-Specific Processes].
  • I’m not afraid to tackle complex projects head-on.
  • I am confident that my experience and passion make me an ideal candidate.
  • I’m looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and grow in this role.

Closing Your Introduction

To leave a lasting impression at the end of your introduction, it’s important to emphasize your enthusiasm for the role and tie your experiences to the position. Use a simple yet strong closing statement that reiterates your enthusiasm for the job. For example, you can say:

Thank you for this opportunity, I am really excited about the prospect of joining your team and believe my skills are a great fit for this position.

When closing your introduction:

  • Reiterate your interest : Showing genuine interest in the job lets potential employers know that you are truly passionate about the role.
  • Highlight your skills again : Remind your interviewers of your key skills and how they make you the ideal candidate. You can use a phrase like “ I am confident that my expertise in [your top skills] would make a valuable contribution to [company name] “.
  • Stay positive and upbeat : Maintain a friendly and positive tone at the end of your introduction to give the interviewer a sense of your attitude and energy.
  • Show gratitude : Don’t forget to express your appreciation for the interview opportunity, because it leaves a good impression and shows your respect for the process.

Following Up After the Interview

In order to make the most of your job interview experience, following up is a crucial step that you should not overlook. Here are some key points to remember when it comes to following up after the interview:

Example 1 Hi [Interviewer’s name], Thank you for taking the time to discuss the [job position] with me. I enjoyed learning more about [company name] and the role, and I believe my skills and experience, such as [mention specific skills], would be a great fit for this position. Please let me know if there’s any additional information I can provide. Best regards, [Your name]

Example 2 Hi [Interviewer’s name],

I hope all is well. I was wondering if there’s any update regarding the [job position] hiring process. You mentioned the selection process might take around two weeks, and I wanted to follow up on my candidacy. Please let me know if you require any further information from me.

  • Keep track of your interviews: It’s helpful to maintain a record of all the companies you have interviewed with, including their contact information, interview date, and position you applied for. This way, you can easily monitor your job search progress and organize your follow-ups in a timely manner.
  • Stay connected on LinkedIn: If you had a positive interview experience and you believe there could be future opportunities at the company, consider connecting with the interviewer or relevant team members on LinkedIn. This can help keep you on their radar for potential future openings and strengthen your professional network.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an effective structure for a self-introduction in a job interview.

An effective structure for a self-introduction consists of a greet, stating your name, a brief overview of your background, sharing your relevant experience and skills, and expressing your interest in the position. This format allows you to convey the most pertinent information while displaying enthusiasm for the opportunity.

What are some key points to include in a self-introduction as a student in an interview?

When you’re a student, key points in your self-introduction should focus on your educational background, any relevant coursework or projects you have completed, and your passions or interests that align with the job at hand. Be sure to mention any extracurricular activities, internships, or volunteer work that showcase your skills and enthusiasm for the position.

Can you provide an example of a good self-introduction for a fresh graduate at a job interview?

“Hello, I’m Jane Smith. I recently graduated from (…) University with a degree in (…). During my time in school, I developed my (…) skills and completed an internship at (…) Company, where I worked on (…). I’m excited to apply my knowledge and skills to this position, and I believe my strong work ethic and eagerness to learn make me a great fit for your team.”

How should an experienced professional introduce themselves in a job interview?

“Hi, I’m John Smith. I have over ten years of experience in the marketing industry, with a focus on digital marketing. I’ve had the privilege to work with clients in various sectors, including finance and technology. My expertise in social media marketing has resulted in increased visibility and revenue for those clients. I’m enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your organization and help drive further success.”

What are some tips for crafting a memorable and engaging self-introduction for an interview?

To make your self-introduction memorable and engaging, practice emphasizing your unique qualities and experiences that set you apart from other candidates. You can tell a brief, impactful story about a relevant accomplishment or how you overcame a challenge. Also, tailor your introduction to the particular company and role to demonstrate your genuine interest and understanding of their values and goals.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Myself — About Myself

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Essay Examples About Myself

Engaging prompts for your essay about myself.

Prompt 1: Describe a moment in your life that significantly influenced your personal development. How did it shape the person you are today?

Prompt 2: What are your major achievements, and why do you consider them as such? Discuss what these achievements reveal about your character and values.

Prompt 3: Reflect on a challenge you've faced. How did you overcome it, and what did you learn about yourself in the process?

Brainstorming and Choosing a Unique Essay About Myself Topic

Brainstorming is crucial for uncovering unique aspects of your story. Reflect on memorable experiences, achievements, and lessons learned to find a central theme or unique angle for your essay.

Unique Essay Topics Beyond the Common Narratives

  • The Intersection of Personal Adversity and Academic Pursuit
  • From Hobby to Purpose
  • Cultural Heritage and Identity
  • Innovation in Solitude
  • Navigating the World as a Neurodiverse Individual

Inspirational Writing Samples for Your Essay About Myself

"Facing the mountain, I felt an unprecedented mix of fear and exhilaration. Climbing had always been a metaphor for my life's challenges. Each step upward mirrored my journey of overcoming [specific challenge], teaching me resilience, focus, and the importance of trust. Through this experience, I discovered that perseverance, even in the face of uncertainty, is the key to surmounting obstacles."

Phrases for Inspiration:

  • "Transforming setbacks into comebacks, I learned..."
  • "In the crucible of [experience], I forged..."
  • "Navigating the intricate tapestry of [situation] revealed to me..."
  • "The confluence of [event] and my response to it underscored the importance of..."
  • "Drawing from the well of my experiences, I find strength in..."

Who Am I: Creative Writing

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Who Am I: Discussion of My Personality and Life

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The Void in My Life

Admission to the university of adelaide: describe your background, answer on the large-scale question 'who am i', the way my curiosity defines myself and my desires, understanding myself: exploring the layers of my personality, that's how my personality defines myself, who am i: a glimpse of my personality development, one day i'll be someone's first choice, analysis of my top-5 personal strengths, self-awareness: my experience on path to better me, analysis of a teenager's personality profile, a look at the benefit of personal encouragement, who am i: answering the question through the body theory, memory theory, and illusion theory, a reflection on myself as a writer, the analysis of my personality tests, personal writing: why i love winter, personal narrative: myself as a writer, the analysis of my relationships with the roommate, influence on our individuality and personal development, the struggles of a substance abusing immigrant in the united states, relevant topics.

  • Personal Goals
  • Personal Strengths
  • Self Assessment
  • Self Reflection
  • Personal Beliefs
  • Overcoming Challenges

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Tell Me About Yourself Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Introducing yourself to new people can be exciting and nerve-wracking. After all, people say "first impression is the last impression" and you always want to ensure you're presenting yourself in the best possible way. "Tell me something about yourself?" can be one of the most challenging questions that are asked impulsively. Everyone is different and when you write about yourself, you should show your uniqueness, strengths as well as weaknesses.

100 Words Essay on Tell Me About Yourself

200 words essay on tell me about yourself, 500 words essay on tell me about yourself.

Tell Me About Yourself Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

As a 15-year-old girl, I would describe myself as a curious and creative individual. I have a passion for learning and exploring new things, especially in the fields of art and music. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, painting, and playing on the piano. I am also a keen reader and enjoy getting lost in the pages of a good book. I am a friendly and empathetic person, and I enjoy helping others and making new friends. At school, I am a hard-working student and take pride in my academic achievements. I have aspirations of one day pursuing a career in the arts and making a positive impact on the world.

My name is Aditi Singh, and I am a senior in high school. I am passionate about learning and spreading my knowledge, so I plan to study psychology at university. I have always been interested in how people think and interact with the world. Psychology is the perfect field to explore these interests further. In addition to academic achievement, I am also involved in the dance community, where I train all primary school students in classical dancing and recently joined the school's peer mentoring program. I enjoy helping others, and this experience has made me more caring and selfless.

I am a dedicated person who is always looking for new challenges. I have a strong ethic and am very motivated towards what I do. I enjoy working with others and am always happy to help. I am a fast learner and always want to learn new things. I have a positive attitude and always look for the good in every situation. I am a good communicator and have good interpersonal skills. I am also a very creative person. These are some of the reasons for who I am today. Overall, I am proud of what I have become and excited about what the future holds.

There are different types of people in the world with different personalities. Every individual's personality is unique and makes them stand out from the crowd. That's why it's essential to be able to define your personality on your own.

As a student, I am in elementary school and try my best to attend every class. I have a close group of friends, but Sanika is my best and most loyal friend. As a student, I participate in all of the school's extracurricular activities and am good at all of them. I have outstanding academic performance and am a good athlete. I never left an incomplete assignment or class. I prefer to do it before bed.

It is my habit to read the newspaper every day. I spent most of my time lying in the park with a book in my hand. Even in class, I am usually a very attentive student. Apart from that, I am also very organised regarding my work. I am not only responsible but also considerate of others. If my friends or classmates need help, I will help them too.

I have a friendly personality, and I am a detail-oriented type. I am attentive and quick to recognise the needs of people and situations. For example, I tend to notice people who are left out in groups and make friends with them. They also tend to point out missing connections and blind spots when working on a project. I like to think carefully about issues and how decisions affect people. This behaviour stems from my ability to perceive others' emotions accurately and objectively without necessarily agreeing with them. It's a convenient strength to use.

Another strength of mine is that I am a great abstract thinker. This means an improved ability to deal with complex and multifaceted problems. This strength has yet to be tested in the world of work, but having used it in my mentorship role in the Church, I see its utility. I am inspired by the complex situations people face. There, you can enjoy playing out in your mind how to approach people with different strategies, or showing people new perspectives in the same situation, putting them in a better position to solve a problem.

My interests go hand in hand with my strengths. I love helping, interacting and meeting people's needs. I have a particular kind heart for those left out of the hamster wheel, such as children with learning disabilities, the elderly without close relatives, and the marginalised. I volunteer at a math and science camp for children with learning disabilities during summers.

I live in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. I am from a joint family and live with my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. I am the youngest of only brothers and two sisters. We all go to the same school. My father is a teacher, and my mother is a businessman. Both are passionate about their work.

I am lucky to have an open and outgoing family. My family always encourages me to do my best in all aspects of life. They teach me moral values and help me make crucial decisions. Celebrate the festival with your family, and you will have a good time with them.

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Paragraph on Myself

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about myself essay for job

In crafting a paragraph about myself, I aim for a tone that’s authentic yet engaging. Embracing brevity, I’ll share a snapshot of who I am: a passionate individual driven by curiosity, creativity, and a love for language. This paragraph encapsulates my essence succinctly.

Checkout → Free Paragraph Writer Tool

Short Paragraph on Myself

I am a dedicated and passionate individual who strives for excellence in everything I do. My curiosity drives me to continuously learn and grow, while my determination helps me overcome challenges. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and I am committed to making a positive impact on those around me.

Medium Paragraph on Myself

I am a driven and enthusiastic person who constantly seeks to improve and excel in all aspects of life. My curiosity fuels my desire to learn and explore new ideas, while my determination ensures I stay focused on my goals. I value integrity, compassion, and perseverance, and I believe in treating others with respect and kindness. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether through my professional endeavors, personal relationships, or community involvement. My diverse interests and experiences have shaped me into a well-rounded individual, and I am always eager to take on new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Long Paragraph on Myself

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong desire to excel in all areas of my life. My curiosity and eagerness to learn drive me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences. This quest for learning has helped me develop a diverse skill set and a broad understanding of various subjects. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and these principles guide my actions and decisions. My determination and resilience enable me to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether it is through my professional work, personal relationships, or community service. I believe in the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, and I strive to embody these values in my daily interactions. My diverse interests, from academic pursuits to creative hobbies, have helped shape me into a well-rounded and adaptable individual. I am always open to new opportunities and experiences that allow me to grow and contribute meaningfully to society. With a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am dedicated to achieving my goals and making a difference in the lives of those around me.

Tone-wise Paragraph Examples on Myself

Formal tone.

I am a dedicated and passionate individual committed to achieving excellence in all aspects of my life. My curiosity drives me to seek continuous learning and personal growth, while my determination helps me overcome challenges and stay focused on my goals. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, which guide my actions and decisions. I strive to make a positive impact on those around me through my professional endeavors, personal relationships, and community involvement. My diverse interests and experiences have shaped me into a well-rounded individual, always eager to embrace new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Informal Tone

I’m a pretty driven and curious person who loves learning and taking on new challenges. I believe in working hard, being kind, and staying true to my values. Whether it’s in my job, with friends and family, or helping out in the community, I always try to make a positive impact. My varied interests keep life exciting, and I’m always up for new experiences that help me grow.

Persuasive Tone

Consider the qualities that define a dedicated and passionate individual. I strive to embody these attributes in my daily life. My curiosity fuels my continuous learning, and my determination ensures I overcome challenges and stay focused on my goals. Integrity, compassion, and hard work are at the core of my actions. I am committed to making a positive impact through my professional work, personal relationships, and community involvement. My diverse experiences have shaped me into a well-rounded individual, always ready to embrace new opportunities. By recognizing and nurturing these qualities, I believe I can make meaningful contributions and inspire others.

Reflective Tone

Reflecting on my journey, I realize that my curiosity and determination have been driving forces in my life. These qualities have helped me continuously learn and grow, shaping me into a well-rounded individual. Integrity, compassion, and hard work are values I hold dear, guiding my actions and decisions. I strive to make a positive impact in my professional and personal life, and my diverse interests have enriched my experiences. Looking back, I am grateful for the challenges and opportunities that have helped me develop and contribute meaningfully to the world around me.

Inspirational Tone

Embrace the power of curiosity, determination, and integrity. I strive to live by these values every day, pushing myself to learn, grow, and overcome challenges. My passion for making a positive impact drives me to excel in my professional work, nurture personal relationships, and engage in community service. With a strong sense of purpose and an unwavering commitment to hard work and compassion, I aim to inspire others and contribute meaningfully to the world. Let us all pursue excellence and make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Optimistic Tone

I am a dedicated and enthusiastic individual who believes in the power of curiosity and determination. My passion for learning and growth drives me to seek new knowledge and experiences. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and I strive to make a positive impact on those around me. Through my professional endeavors, personal relationships, and community involvement, I aim to contribute meaningfully to the world. With a positive outlook and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am excited about the future and the opportunities it holds for personal and collective growth.

Urgent Tone

Now is the time to embrace the qualities that define a dedicated and passionate individual. My curiosity drives me to continuously seek new knowledge and experiences, while my determination ensures I overcome challenges and stay focused on my goals. Integrity, compassion, and hard work guide my actions and decisions. I am committed to making a positive impact on those around me through my professional work, personal relationships, and community involvement. It is crucial to recognize and nurture these qualities to make meaningful contributions and inspire others. Act now to harness your potential and make a difference.

Word Count-wise Paragraph Examples on Myself

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong desire to excel in all areas of my life. My curiosity and eagerness to learn drive me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences. This quest for learning has helped me develop a diverse skill set and a broad understanding of various subjects. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and these principles guide my actions and decisions. My determination and resilience enable me to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether it is through my professional work, personal relationships, or community service.

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong desire to excel in all areas of my life. My curiosity and eagerness to learn drive me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences. This quest for learning has helped me develop a diverse skill set and a broad understanding of various subjects. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and these principles guide my actions and decisions. My determination and resilience enable me to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether it is through my professional work, personal relationships, or community service. I believe in the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, and I strive to embody these values in my daily interactions. My diverse interests, from academic pursuits to creative hobbies, have helped shape me into a well-rounded and adaptable individual.

I am a dedicated and passionate individual with a strong desire to excel in all areas of my life. My curiosity and eagerness to learn drive me to constantly seek new knowledge and experiences. This quest for learning has helped me develop a diverse skill set and a broad understanding of various subjects. I value integrity, compassion, and hard work, and these principles guide my actions and decisions. My determination and resilience enable me to face challenges head-on and overcome obstacles. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world around me, whether it is through my professional work, personal relationships, or community service. I believe in the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, and I strive to embody these values in my daily interactions. My diverse interests, from academic pursuits to creative hobbies, have helped shape me into a well-rounded and adaptable individual. I am always open to new opportunities and experiences that allow me to grow and contribute meaningfully to society. With a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am dedicated to achieving my goals and making a difference in the lives of those around me. My passion for learning and my drive to excel inspire me to embrace challenges and seek out opportunities that will further my personal and professional growth.


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20 interview tips to get yourself on the shortlist for a job.

Forbes Human Resources Council

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Your application made it past the applicant tracking software and you've landed an interview for your dream job. Now you just need to make a lasting impression and stand out as one of the top candidates for the role.

In today's crowded job market, this can be easier said than done. To help, 20 Forbes Human Resources Council members offer their best tips for nailing a job interview. From showcasing your unique potential impact to mastering the art of storytelling, these strategies will put you on the hiring manager's shortlist.

1. Understand What You Bring To The Table

Understanding who you are as a candidate and what you bring to the table is critical. Knowing your potential, particularly around skills and aspirations that might not be immediately obvious from your resume, is one way to capture the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. Come to the interview ready to present your whole self. - Caitlin MacGregor , Plum

2. Show Your Understanding Of Company's Long-Term Plans

Go beyond the company’s website and recent news. Review its long-term strategic plans, annual reports and industry forecasts to understand where the company aims to be in five to 10 years. Initiate discussions about its vision and how you can contribute. Ask insightful questions demonstrating your understanding of the company's strategic direction and express genuine interest in being part of its journey. - Katrina Jones

3. Use Specific Examples Of Relevant Skills And Experiences

To stand out in a crowded job market, candidates must thoroughly research the company and the role. By showcasing specific examples of their skills and experiences that align with the job requirements, candidates demonstrate their genuine interest and suitability for the position. This sets them apart and also increases their chances of being shortlisted. - Kshitij Jain , Joveo

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, 4. demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion.

Candidates looking to stand out should demonstrate their enthusiasm and passion for the role, industry and specific company. Seeing this energy and excitement can be the make-or-break factor for many hiring managers who seek employees they know will integrate well into the business and align with its values. Do your research and be prepared to answer questions about why you've applied. - Alex Gillespie , Gillespie Manners

5. Utilize The STAR Method To Talk About Your Accomplishments

One way to help stand out in the job interview process is to have a compelling story. A common framework for developing your stories is the STAR method (situation, task, action, result). Doing so both organizes and emphasizes your professional accomplishments in a meaningful way. Once you've compiled your stories, you can then share those that most align with the job for which you are interviewing - Dr. Timothy J. Giardino

Forbes Human Resources Council is an invitation-only organization for HR executives across all industries. Do I qualify?

6. Show Interest During The Process

For candidates to stand out in the interview process, they need to: 1. Show their interest throughout the process by engagement, enthusiasm and advanced preparation of the role and company; 2. Take the time to follow up with the TA or hiring manager to express their interest and excitement for the opportunity, and convey how they can use their experiences to contribute to the company and team's success. - Janet Vardeman , Avanade

7. Demonstrate How You Could Positively Impact The Organization

Being able to demonstrate how what you will do in this role can have a positive impact on the broader strategic aims of the organization will be a huge advantage. For example, how could you deliver this role effectively to have a positive impact on their wider sustainability aspirations? How could you embed their ethos of equity, diversity and inclusion into your outputs and results? - Charlotte Sweeney OBE , Charlotte Sweeney Associates (CSA)

8. Highlight Your Soft Skills

To stand out, showcase your soft skills. In addition to technical abilities, soft skills like communication, teamwork and adaptability are crucial. A LinkedIn report found that 92% of talent professionals and hiring managers agree that candidates with strong soft skills are increasingly important in today's job market. - CJ Eason ,

9. Research The Company Thoroughly, Then Articulate Your Value Proposition

Potential candidates can stand out by thoroughly researching the company and tailoring their responses to align with the organization's values, strategic plans, goals, challenges and so on. Candidates should articulate their unique value proposition by highlighting relevant skills, experiences and accomplishments that directly relate to the job description and company's mission. - Vinamre Gupta , Moody's Corporation

10. Tailor Both Your Resume And Cover Letter

Tailor both your resume and cover letter to the position. That means reading through the core skills listed on the job post and highlighting the experiences that support your ability to perform the role. A tailored resume can also make a highly positive impression on a recruiter by signaling your interest in the role. - Niki Jorgensen , Insperity

11. Relate Your Skills To The Job

Candidates need to read job postings to see how their skills and knowledge relate to the needs of the company. This way, it can be highlighted on their resumes and cover letters (if applicable) and can be readily discussed during interviews. Finding the right resume keywords is important due to AI and programs reviewing resumes as well. - Erin ImHof , CertiK

12. Prepare Thoughtful Questions

Standing out in an interview often means showcasing soft skills such as resilience, problem-solving, a growth mindset and communication through real-life examples of past achievements that align with the company's goals. Candidates can also make a strong impression by preparing thoughtful questions that demonstrate their knowledge about the company’s culture and recent developments. - Tia Smith , Cognizant

13. Ensure Your Social Media Profiles Are Up-To-Date

Ensure that your LinkedIn and other professional social media profiles are up-to-date and reflect your professional persona. Include endorsements, publications, projects and other professional achievements that can verify your capabilities and fit. - Britton Bloch , Navy Federal

14. Submit Personalized Applications And Display Initiatives Throughout

Candidates can stand out by demonstrating unique soft skills, relevant personal projects and a strong understanding of the company’s challenges and industry trends. Submitting personalized job applications tailored to each position and displaying initiative throughout the hiring process are key strategies to make the shortlist. - Laura Spawn , Virtual Vocations, Inc.

15. Remember To Be Yourself

Be yourself. Nobody can do that as well as you. And the more you are yourself, the more you will stand out. Many will do the research and ask thoughtful questions, but only you can be you, and that has to be your secret sauce for success! - Dr. Lisa Toppin , Input to Action

16. Leverage The Recruiter Connection For Insights

I say lean on recruiters to be the resources that they are. Ask good questions from the beginning to see what hiring managers are looking for and ways you can showcase your skills to be a more appealing candidate. Clarify any take-home assignments. Leverage that recruiter connection as a major insight into the hiring process. - Ursula Mead , InHerSight

17. Use Real Examples Over Hypotheticals

Create bespoke examples tailored to the role and the organization. Candidates can stand out by doing homework; however, that homework should translate into ensuring that answers and examples are as bespoke to the hiring organization as possible. It is far more engaging and helpful to have conversations about real examples instead of strictly operating in the diaspora of hypotheticals. - Jon Lowe , DailyPay

18. Showcase A Genuine Passion For The Company's Mission

Be the "why" candidate. Research the company and showcase a genuine passion for its mission. Practice common interview questions for the role. Be the "why" candidate. Research the company and showcase a genuine passion for its mission. Practice common interview questions for the role. Use the STAR method (situation, task, action, result) to highlight relevant skills and experiences. Ask insightful questions that demonstrate your interest. Follow up with a personalized thank you note reiterating your interest and key qualifications. - Subhash Chandar , Laminaar Aviation Infotech Group

19. Demonstrate Tangible Impacts You've Had In Previous Roles

In today's competitive job market, candidates can stand out by demonstrating tangible impacts they've had in previous roles, tailored specifically to the challenges and opportunities of the hiring company. Effective storytelling in interviews, showcasing problem-solving skills and aligning with the company's values resonates with hiring managers. - William Stonehouse , Crawford Thomas Recruiting

20. Position Yourself As An Asset And Use Company Buzzwords

Become an interview strategist. Speak their language; research the company and its competitors. Use their buzzwords to show you understand their goals. Quantify your impact; don't just list skills. Use numbers and examples to showcase results (e.g., increased sales by 20%). Be a strategic weapon; explain how your personal brand beats the competition. This positions you as an asset, not just a candidate. - Michael D. Brown , Global Recruiters of Buckhead

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Teen looking for a summer job? Here's how to get working papers in NJ

With teenagers finishing high school for the year and entering summer break across New Jersey, many will have an easier time getting working papers — the documents needed before they can get a job — thanks to an online system rolled out last year. 

The online system replaced the prior process that had school districts issue working papers for any teenagers under the age of 18 any time they wanted a job.

Now, teenagers can register directly with the state Department of Labor one time via an online system called , the state agency announced last week. 

In essence, the law removes authority from schools to issue working papers and gives this authority to the Department of Labor, which will create a centralized database to register employers and minors

“The changes that have come to our state's working papers process play an integral role in our mission to advocate for the protection and economic advancement of all Garden State workers — including the hard-working and capable younger members of our workforce,” New Jersey Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo said in a statement last week. 

How to register for work papers

Employers will receive an eight-digit code when they register on the website, which they share with the minor that they hire. The state labor department noted that the teenager should have a job offer before they begin the paperwork process. 

The minor will have to use the code to complete their part of the application. 

Emails will prompt the employer and caregiver to complete their portion of the application — that includes uploading the minor’s birth certificate, passport or other official document to verify the minor’s age. An email will be sent out by the agency once the application has been approved or rejected. 

Anyone who still needs physical working papers can download them from the agency’s website . 

“The NJ Minor Working Papers Program is working effectively because it allows employers to fill jobs, appropriately staff operations and serve their customers while promoting a youth workforce with a skill set and opportunity to succeed,” said Linda Doherty, president and CEO of the New Jersey Food Council, a trade group for grocery stores.  

Business Weed and work: NJ has yet to launch key tool, putting employers in a bind

A controversial law on working papers for teens

The working papers feature is part of a much larger law Gov. Phil Murphy signed in 2022 amid labor shortages that allows teenagers to work longer — up to 50 hours — during the summer breaks. 

That measure was hailed by business groups but criticized by parent advocates and labor experts.

Carmen Martino, a labor professor at Rutgers University, said previously that teenagers should not be required to work long hours without being aware of their rights in the workplace. 

However, teenagers who apply for jobs this summer under the new law are unlikely to be aware of their rights and state lawmakers have neglected to enshrine that requirement in the law, he said.

“The assumption here is that a 16- to 18-year-old knows what falls under the Fair Labor Standards Act and that they’re supposed to get overtime after 40 hours," Martino said. "It's in the law and that’s what employers are supposed to do. But we’re making many assumptions here.” 

Martino said many employers have good intentions, but many others in low-wage industries intentionally skirt the law and this will harm unsuspecting teenagers.

Mary Ann Koruth contributed to this article.

Daniel Munoz covers business, consumer affairs, labor and the economy for and The Record. 

Email:  [email protected] ; Twitter: @danielmunoz100   and  Facebook

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Hillary Clinton: I’ve Debated Trump and Biden. Here’s What I’m Watching For.

Facing away from each other, Hillary Rodham Clinton stands onstage on the left and Donald Trump stands on the right.

By Hillary Rodham Clinton

Mrs. Clinton was the Democratic nominee for president in 2016.

Last week I had the time of my life at the Tony Awards introducing a song from “Suffs,” the Broadway musical I co-produced about the suffragists who won women the right to vote. I was thrilled when the show took home the awards for best original score and best book.

From “Suffs” to “Hamilton,” I love theater about politics. But not the other way around. Too often we approach pivotal moments like this week’s debate between President Biden and Donald Trump like drama critics. We’re picking a president, not the best actor.

I am the only person to have debated both men (Mr. Trump in 2016 and, in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race, Mr. Biden). I know the excruciating pressure of walking onto that stage and that it is nearly impossible to focus on substance when Mr. Trump is involved. In our three debates in 2016, he unleashed a blizzard of interruptions, insults and lies that overwhelmed the moderators and did a disservice to the voters who tuned in to learn about our visions for the country — including a record 84 million viewers for our first debate.

It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather. This has gotten only worse in the years since we debated. I was not surprised that after a recent meeting, several chief executives said that Mr. Trump, as one journalist described it, “could not keep a straight thought” and was “all over the map.” Yet expectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential.

Mr. Trump may rant and rave in part because he wants to avoid giving straight answers about his unpopular positions, like restrictions on abortion, giving tax breaks to billionaires and selling out our planet to big oil companies in return for campaign donations. He interrupts and bullies — he even stalked me around the stage at one point — because he wants to appear dominant and throw his opponent off balance.

These ploys will fall flat if Mr. Biden is as direct and forceful as he was when engaging Republican hecklers at the State of the Union address in March. The president also has facts and truth on his side. He led America’s comeback from a historic health and economic crisis, with more than 15 million jobs created so far, incomes for working families rising, inflation slowing and investments in clean energy and advanced manufacturing soaring. He’ll win if that story comes through.

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Election latest: Farage responds after Reform campaigner filmed making 'very prejudiced' comments

Nigel Farage has responded to footage from a Channel 4 report showing Reform campaigners using racist and homophobic language in Clacton - the constituency where the former UKIP leader hopes to be elected.

Friday 28 June 2024 00:22, UK

  • General Election 2024

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  • Analysis: Labour campaign has a central paradox
  • Reform campaigner said migrants should be used as 'target practice'
  • Hugh Grant backs Greens co-leader in key contest
  • Sunak won't say if he told aide election date before bet
  • Exclusive: PM's top adviser interviewed by Gambling Commission

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  • Read more:  Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Guide to election lingo
  • How to watch election on Sky News

We'll be back at 6am with all the latest from the final week of the general election campaign.

There are just six days of campaigning left until the polls open on 4 July, and political parties from across the House of Commons are busy trying to win your votes.

Join us from the morning for more live updates.

Until then - read all the latest from Sky News below:

The Metropolitan Police has been dragged - reluctantly, as I understand it - into investigating candidates a week out from the election. 

Even 24 hours ago this was not the case - Scotland Yard wanted to take care of their own - the officers probed by the Gambling Commission - and no more.

But as the days have dragged on, it's clear the issue has become more complex, and now gone beyond the scope of the Gambling Commission.

What has changed is a realisation by investigating authorities that they need to look into whether some candidates may have broken the law on misconduct in public office.

This is beyond the remit of the Gambling Commission, which began the initial probe, and now falls to the police.

This means the prospect of mainly Conservative candidates, including the prime minister's closest aide, potentially being interviewed under caution, maybe even this side of election day.

You could see how tetchy the subject made Rishi Sunak in the interview with the broadcast pool earlier today.

Read Sam's full analysis here:

With our coverage here on the Politics Hub drawing to a close, here's everything you need to know as the election campaign entered its final week - and a sneak preview of what we have coming up tomorrow. 

  • Sir Keir Starmer  has told Sky News there is "no evidence" private schools will be forced to close due to  Labour's plans to impose VAT on them ;
  • Speaking to  Sky's Sophy Ridge,  the Labour leader defended his party's education policy to use the money to support state schools;
  • He also vowed to "hit the ground running" should he become prime minister, saying cutting NHS waiting lists would be Labour's first priority in government.
  • A Reform UK campaigner has been filmed saying migrants crossing the Channel should be used as "target practice";
  • In   footage recorded by a Channel 4 undercover reporter , the same campaigner used a racial slur against Rishi Sunak;
  • Another Reform figure was filmed making homophobic remarks ;
  • Party leader Nigel Farage has described comments in the footage as "very wrong".
  • Rishi Sunak  has refused to say if he told one of his closest parliamentary aides the date of the election  before he placed a bet on it ;
  • Craig Williams , who has now been suspended as the Conservative candidate in Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr,  admitted  he "committed a serious error of judgment" but "not an offence";
  • The  Metropolitan Police  have issued an update on their investigation into bets being placed on the date of the election - there are now  seven officers under investigation;
  • Meanwhile, Mr Sunak's most senior adviser in Downing Street has been interviewed in the investigation. Sources have emphasised to Sky News that he is not a suspect.

Join us tomorrow morning for a new episode of Sky's  Electoral Dysfunction   podcast - and this time we've got someone very much outside the Westminster bubble.

Joining our  political editor  Beth Rigby   and  Ruth Davidson  this week is none other than  Rylan Clark .

👉  Tap here to follow Electoral Dysfunction wherever you get your podcasts  👈

The next government is being urged to tackle an "appalling" rough sleeping crisis as new figures show a record high in London. 

A total of 11,993 people were seen rough sleeping in the capital in the year to March, according to the latest Combined Homelessness and Information Network (Chain) statistics.

That is the highest figure ever recorded on the database, and marks a 58% increase compared to 10 years ago.

The "appalling" increase reflects a "crisis, both in the capital and across the country", said Rick Henderson, chief executive of Homeless Link, the membership body for frontline homelessness services in England, which manages the Chain database.

He said the next government "must create a cross-government plan to prevent rough sleeping and homelessness through delivering genuinely affordable and secure homes quickly, whilst making sure there are a diverse range of properly-funded homelessness services to help people address the root causes of their destitution and move on from rough sleeping for good".

The St Mungo's homeless charity said the next government must "treat homelessness as an emergency and prioritise it in their first 100 days".

According to the latest available figures for England, published in February, the estimated number of people sleeping rough on a single night in autumn in 2023 was 3,898 - more than twice that of the figure in 2010.

Racist and homophobic remarks filmed as part of a Channel 4 investigation   during the Reform UK campaign were "inappropriate," chairman of the party Richard Tice has said. 

Speaking at a Reform UK event in Boston with party leader Nigel Farage, Mr Tice said: "We put a statement out and it's all self-explanatory in the statement.

"The reality is that we're a fast-growing movement, and when you've got unpaid volunteers, some people behave inappropriately. And they're gone."

In footage recorded by a Channel 4 undercover reporter, a Reform UK campaigner has been filmed saying migrants crossing the Channel should be used as "target practice".  He also used a racist slur against Rishi Sunak (see previous post).

Another Reform figure was filmed making homophobic remarks.

Mr Farage has described remarks in the footage as "very wrong".

A Reform UK campaigner has been filmed saying migrants crossing the Channel should be used as "target practice". 

In footage recorded by a Channel 4 undercover reporter , the same campaigner used a racial slur against Rishi Sunak. 

The clips were recorded in Clacton, where Reform leader Nigel Farage is a candidate. 

Responding to the footage, Mr Farage has said the comments were "very wrong".

"There was an activist that said some pretty unpleasant things," he said.

"Very very prejudiced, very wrong.

"He's somebody who turned up to help ... all political parties encourage volunteers."

He added that the campaigner in question would "not be welcome back" and that the two other figures featured in the footage would also no longer be working with the campaign. 

In the footage, the undercover reporter captured canvasser Andrew Parker talking about people coming ashore at Deal in Kent.

Mr Parker said: "Army recruitment - get the young recruits there, with guns, on the f****** beach, target practice. F****** just shoot them."

Mr Parker said in a statement, sent to Channel 4 News: "I would like to make it clear that neither Nigel Farage personally or the Reform Party are aware of my personal views on immigration."

He added: "I have never discussed immigration with either Nigel Farage or the Reform Party and that any comments made by me during those recordings are my own personal views on any subject I commented on. At no time before I was sent out to canvass did I discuss my personal views with any representative of the Reform Party UK or Nigel Farage."

Another Reform figure was filmed reacting to a Pride symbol on a passing police car.  

He says: "You see that f****** degenerate flag on the front bonnet? What are the old bill doing promoting that crap?"

The other candidates for the Clacton constituency are:

  • Jovan Owusu-Nepaul, Labour;
  • Matthew Bensilum, Lib Dems;
  • Craig Jamieson, Climate Party;
  • Tony Mack, independent;
  • Natasha Osben, Greens;
  • Tasos Papanastasiou, Heritage Party;
  • Andrew Pemberton, UKIP;
  • Giles Watling, Conservatives.

Our live poll tracker collates the results of opinion surveys carried out by all the main polling organisations - and allows you to see how the political parties are performing in the run-up to the general election.

With just a week to go, the Tories and Labour have taken a drop, while support for Reform UK and the Liberal Democrats is on the rise.

Read more about the tracker  here .

The panel discussion is now turning to the Conservative Party's election campaign. 

Sky's  election commentator  Adam Boulton   says it has been "dreadful", adding Rishi Sunak "hasn't brought anything to this campaign". 

A series of missteps have dominated the headlines from the outset when Mr Sunak announced the election in the pouring rain.

But as the campaign enters its final week there may now be a moment of respite for the Conservatives, Adam says. 

"Almost the best thing about this campaign is the most irritating for a lot of people," Adam says.

"He's timed it to coincide with the Euros, with Wimbledon, with Glastonbury, which actually means the last week, it'll have to be a pretty big gaffe for anyone to notice."

That brings tonight's Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge to an end - the show will return tomorrow with Ali Fortescue . In the meantime, stick with us here for more news and analysis through the evening.

By Ashna Hurynag , news correspondent

The battle for Scottish votes is all to play for.

An exclusive YouGov poll for Sky News has Labour on 35% in Scotland and the SNP on 29%.

The latter are closing the gap, but if all goes this way on the night, such a result would mean big gains for Labour.

But the biggest gutter punch is dealt to the Conservatives who YouGov has on 11% and level with the Lib Dems.

But attitudes change when voters consider where to cast their ballot in the 2026 Holyrood elections.

As of the 18 June, voter intentions shifted to 28% for the SNP, 24% Labour, 10% Conservatives and 7% for the Lib Dems.

This tells us Scots treat UK and Scottish elections differently. 

It also suggests the former creating an opportunity for a protest vote - a cry of frustration at 14 years of Tory governments at Westminster, or the firing of a warning shot at the SNP’s record after 17 years at Holyrood.

But so many are still undecided.

1,059 people over 16 were surveyed by YouGov between the 20 and 25 June, exclusively for Sky News, and 14% of people surveyed have changed how they plan to vote over the past four weeks.

Of those, 37% say it was down to how the parties and their leaders have conducted themselves.

The NHS and health care are the key issues, followed by the cost of living next, the economy in general, immigration, and Scottish independence.

Rishi Sunak's most senior adviser in Downing Street has been interviewed in the investigation into bets by Conservatives on the date of the general election.

Liam Booth-Smith, Downing Street chief of staff, was interviewed last week by senior Gambling Commission officials and questioned about who knew about the timing of the election.

Sources have emphasised to Sky News that Mr Booth-Smith is not a suspect in the gambling investigation and was interviewed as a witness and was "asked for help".

Described as the prime minister's most trusted ally, Mr Booth-Smith has worked for Mr Sunak since he was chancellor, when his fondness for leather jackets earned him the nickname "the Treasury Travolta".

According to a Gambling Commission insider, Mr Booth-Smith was interviewed by "senior officials within the Gambling Commission, more senior than investigators".

Sky News has also been told there are currently no plans to interview the prime minister as part of the investigation into bets on the election date.

Read more here:

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about myself essay for job


  1. Tips for Writing an Essay About Myself

    Think about your passions, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding yourself will help you create a more authentic and compelling essay. Don't be afraid to dig deep and explore your innermost thoughts and feelings. This self-reflection process will provide a solid foundation for your essay. Show, don't tell.

  2. How to Answer "Tell Me About Yourself" (17+ Sample Answers)

    When answering the "Tell me about yourself" question, it's a good idea to keep your response concise, ideally no longer than two minutes. Two minutes is enough time to say what you need to say. It will give openings for the interviewer to get to know you more. But it's not so long that you'll lose their attention.

  3. How to Answer 'Tell Me About Yourself' + Examples

    Sometimes the "tell me about yourself" question will be asked other ways, such as: "Tell me about your background.". "Walk me through your resume.". "Describe yourself.". "I'd love to hear more about your journey/career.". "Tell me something about you that's not on your resume.". "I have your resume in front of me ...

  4. 8 Examples of How to Answer "Tell Me About Yourself"

    Here is an example of how to begin your answer to "tell me about yourself" as a very experienced candidate: "I first started managing people twelve years ago, when I was promoted from Customer Service Associate to Customer Service Supervisor. Since then, I've…". 2. Highlight Impressive Experience and Accomplishments.

  5. How To Write About Yourself (With Example and 5 Tips)

    5. Use a casual and friendly tone. Using your natural voice will often help you maintain a balance of being professional and conversational. A casual and friendly tone will make the content easy to read and increases the likelihood that the audience will read the entire document. See your instant resume report on Indeed.

  6. How to Write an Essay about Yourself

    Time and effort are the two main ingredients needed to get better at it. So, to create an essay about yourself, here are eight guidelines that you can refer to and follow to make essay writing less taxing. 1. Know your audience. Knowing your audience allows you to convey your message effectively.

  7. 5 Ways to Write About Yourself

    Start brainstorming topics that are connected to that idea, to give yourself a variety of options to choose from. 3. Write about complex topics, not cliches. An essay does not need to make you look good, so much as how well you communicate the event.

  8. How to Answer "Tell Us About Yourself"? (5 Sample Responses)

    Here's how to structure your answer to "tell me about yourself" in 4 steps: Discuss your current role and qualifications. Begin by discussing your current role, explaining why you are a great match for the job, and highlighting your top three qualifications. Example: "I'm a data analyst with seven years of experience, now part of the team at ...

  9. How to Write About Yourself in a College Essay

    Focus on a specific moment, and describe the scene using your five senses. Mention objects that have special significance to you. Instead of following a common story arc, include a surprising twist or insight. Your unique voice can shed new perspective on a common human experience while also revealing your personality.

  10. How to Write a Short Essay About Yourself: Step-By-Step

    If it's something stressful, like a college admission essay or a cover letter, try to frame the project in a different light. For example, "I'm writing this essay to show people my heart and how passionate I am about removing disparities and barriers in healthcare. I believe in my abilities, and I want to further my education, so I can ...

  11. How to Describe Yourself: 20 Smart Examples for Job Interviews

    Example 9. "I would describe myself as a highly motivated individual who is always looking for ways to improve and grow. I am a team player who enjoys collaborating with others to achieve common goals. Additionally, I am a quick learner and am always eager to take on new challenges.".

  12. Essays About Myself: Top 5 Essay Examples Plus Prompts

    Here are examples and prompts on essays about myself. It is good to reflect on ourselves from time to time. When applying for university or a new job, you may be asked to write about yourself to give the institution a better picture of yourself. Self-understanding and reflection are essential if you want to make a compelling argument for yourself.

  13. How To Answer Tell Me About Yourself [Samples & Tips]

    Here are 6 sample answers for 'tell me about yourself' if you're: a student seeking a part-time job. a recent graduate. an experienced job seeker. navigating a career change. applying for an internship. applying for work at a startup. 1. Sample answer for a student seeking a part-time job.

  14. Tell Me About Yourself Interview Question (+ Example Answers)

    4) The 10-Minute Monologue. Don't go off on a ten-minute monologue all about you when you're asked, "Tell me a little about yourself.". Instead, keep it short. For most interview questions, responses between 30 seconds to four minutes are ideal. With this one, something in the 60 to 90-second range is likely best.

  15. "Tell Me About Yourself" Interview Question + Answers

    Tell Me About Yourself Interview Answer [Manager Position] Q: Tell me about yourself. A: I love using my talents to bring more business to a worthy product. I worked as marketing manager at Ninequist Interactive for three years. During that time, my team and I presided over a period of 40% revenue growth.

  16. Tell me about yourself

    7 sample answers to "Tell me about yourself" interview question for fresh graduates. My name is Jane, I've just graduated from finance and investment, and I've studied this subject with a clear goal in mind: To get an entry level FP&A job in one of the Fortune 500 companies, and start my career from there. My goal gave me motivation to ...

  17. Tell Us About Yourself Essay Examples?

    Sure, I can provide some guidance on structuring a "tell us about yourself" essay and provide tips on making it engaging and effective without sounding cliché or braggy. 1. Start with an attention-grabbing hook: Open your essay with a brief anecdote, piece of dialogue, or thought-provoking statement that reveals something interesting about you.

  18. How to Write an About Myself Essay With Example.

    The essay can be a part of a personal statement, statement of purpose, or a cover letter for a job interview, university admission, or self-appraisal for advancement opportunities. Learning how to write a few paragraphs about myself can increase your chances of landing a spot in a reputable university or receiving a job interview or promotion.

  19. Sample Essay About Myself For Job Application

    It starts with an interview where you need to demonstrate that you can perform your duties effectively. After the interview, you need tо conduct a thorough background check. During this process, the employer will also conduct an investigation to determine your fіt for thе job. The employer will also look fоr any relevant skills and experience.

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    250 Words Essay on Myself. My name is Ayushi Singh but my mother calls me "Ayu". I turned 12 years old this August and I study in class 7th. I have an elder sister named Aishwarya. She is like a second mother to me. I have a group of friends at school and out of them Manvi is my best friend.

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    A Few Words About Myself. Essay grade: Satisfactory. 1 page / 359 words. "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.-Marilyn Monroe I was born on September 3, 2004. In Delano, California therefore I am 13 years old.

  23. Tell Me About Yourself Essay

    100 Words Essay on Tell Me About Yourself. As a 15-year-old girl, I would describe myself as a curious and creative individual. I have a passion for learning and exploring new things, especially in the fields of art and music. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, painting, and playing on the piano. I am also a keen reader and enjoy getting lost in ...

  24. Paragraph on Myself- 15+ Examples, Tone & Word Count Wise

    A detailed paragraph about myself, showcasing 15+ examples, varied tones, and an optimized word count for depth and self-exploration. ... Personal Narrative about Myself ; Narrative Essay on Being Judged ; Thesis Statement for Personal Essay ... I believe in working hard, being kind, and staying true to my values. Whether it's in my job, with ...

  25. 20 Interview Tips To Get Yourself On The Shortlist For A Job

    3. Use Specific Examples Of Relevant Skills And Experiences. To stand out in a crowded job market, candidates must thoroughly research the company and the role.

  26. How to get your NJ working papers online and land a summer job

    The working papers feature is part of a much larger law Gov. Phil Murphy signed in 2022 amid labor shortages that allows teenagers to work longer — up to 50 hours — during the summer breaks.

  27. Opinion

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  28. Election latest: Love Actually star backs Green candidate in key

    Rishi Sunak's future as Tory leader is already being publicly speculated upon by a minister who could run for the job if the party loses the election. Meanwhile, the Greens have attracted a ...