• Assignment to property of function parameter no-param-reassign


Last updated: Mar 7, 2024 Reading time · 3 min


# Table of Contents

  • Disabling the no-param-reassign ESLint rule for a single line
  • Disabling the no-param-reassign ESLint rule for an entire file
  • Disabling the no-param-reassign ESLint rule globally

# Assignment to property of function parameter no-param-reassign

The ESLint error "Assignment to property of function parameter 'X' eslint no-param-reassign" occurs when you try to assign a property to a function parameter.

To solve the error, disable the ESLint rule or create a new object based on the parameter to which you can assign properties.

assignment to property of function parameter eslint no param reassign

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

The ESLint rule forbids assignment to function parameters because modifying a function's parameters also mutates the arguments object and can lead to confusing behavior.

One way to resolve the issue is to create a new object to which you can assign properties.

We used the spread syntax (...) to unpack the properties of the function parameter into a new object to which we can assign properties.

If you need to unpack an array, use the following syntax instead.

The same approach can be used if you simply need to assign the function parameter to a variable so you can mutate it.

We declared the bar variable using the let keyword and set it to the value of the foo parameter.

We are then able to reassign the bar variable without any issues.

# Disabling the no-param-reassign ESLint rule for a single line

You can use a comment if you want to disable the no-param-reassign ESLint rule for a single line.

Make sure to add the comment directly above the assignment that causes the error.

# Disabling the no-param-reassign ESLint rule for an entire file

You can also use a comment to disable the no-param-reassign ESLint rule for an entire file.

Make sure to add the comment at the top of the file or at least above the function in which you reassign parameters.

The same approach can be used to disable the rule only for a single function.

The first comment disables the no-param-reassign rule and the second comment enables it.

If you try to reassign a parameter after the second comment, you will get an ESLint error.

# Disabling the no-param-reassign ESLint rule globally

If you need to disable the no-param-reassign rule globally, you have to edit your .eslintrc.js file.

disable no param reassign rule globally

If you only want to be able to assign properties to an object parameter, set props to false instead of disabling the rule completely.

The following code is valid after making the change.

If you use a .eslintrc or .eslintrc.json file, make sure to double-quote the properties and values.

If you want to only allow assignment to object parameters, use the following line instead.

Make sure all properties are double-quoted and there are no trailing commas if your config is written in JSON.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

  • eslint is not recognized as an internal or external command
  • Plugin "react" was conflicted between package.json » eslint-config-react-app
  • React: Unexpected use of 'X' no-restricted-globals in ESLint
  • TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value [Fix]
  • ESLint error Unary operator '++' used no-plusplus [Solved]
  • ESLint Prefer default export import/prefer-default-export
  • Arrow function should not return assignment. eslint no-return-assign
  • TypeError: Cannot redefine property: X in JavaScript [Fixed]
  • ESLint: disable multiple rules or a rule for multiple lines
  • Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF' linebreak-style
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Borislav Hadzhiev

Web Developer

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Copyright © 2024 Borislav Hadzhiev


Disallow reassigning function parameters

Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing behavior, as modifying function parameters will also mutate the arguments object. Often, assignment to function parameters is unintended and indicative of a mistake or programmer error.

This rule can be also configured to fail when function parameters are modified. Side effects on parameters can cause counter-intuitive execution flow and make errors difficult to track down.

Rule Details

This rule aims to prevent unintended behavior caused by modification or reassignment of function parameters.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

Examples of correct code for this rule:

This rule takes one option, an object, with a boolean property "props" , and arrays "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" and "ignorePropertyModificationsForRegex" . "props" is false by default. If "props" is set to true , this rule warns against the modification of parameter properties unless they’re included in "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" or "ignorePropertyModificationsForRegex" , which is an empty array by default.

Examples of correct code for the default { "props": false } option:

Examples of incorrect code for the { "props": true } option:

Examples of correct code for the { "props": true } option with "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" set:

Examples of correct code for the { "props": true } option with "ignorePropertyModificationsForRegex" set:

When Not To Use It

If you want to allow assignment to function parameters, then you can safely disable this rule.

This rule was introduced in ESLint v0.18.0.

Further Reading

JavaScript: Don’t Reassign Your Function Arguments

  • Rule source
  • Tests source

© OpenJS Foundation and other contributors Licensed under the MIT License. https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-param-reassign

Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign)

Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing behavior, as modifying function parameters will also mutate the arguments object. Often, assignment to function parameters is unintended and indicative of a mistake or programmer error.

This rule can be also configured to fail when function parameters are modified. Side effects on parameters can cause counter-intuitive execution flow and make errors difficult to track down.

Rule Details

This rule aims to prevent unintended behavior caused by modification or reassignment of function parameters.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

Examples of correct code for this rule:

This rule takes one option, an object, with a boolean property "props" , and arrays "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" and "ignorePropertyModificationsForRegex" . "props" is false by default. If "props" is set to true , this rule warns against the modification of parameter properties unless they're included in "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" or "ignorePropertyModificationsForRegex" , which is an empty array by default.

Examples of correct code for the default { "props": false } option:

Examples of incorrect code for the { "props": true } option:

Examples of correct code for the { "props": true } option with "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" set:

Examples of correct code for the { "props": true } option with "ignorePropertyModificationsForRegex" set:

When Not To Use It

If you want to allow assignment to function parameters, then you can safely disable this rule.

Further Reading

  • JavaScript: Don’t Reassign Your Function Arguments

This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.18.0.

  • Rule source
  • Documentation source

© OpenJS Foundation and other contributors Licensed under the MIT License. https://eslint.org/docs/rules/no-param-reassign

Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign)

Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing behavior, as modifying function parameters will also mutate the arguments object. Often, assignment to function parameters is unintended and indicative of a mistake or programmer error.

This rule can be also configured to fail when function parameters are modified. Side effects on parameters can cause counter-intuitive execution flow and make errors difficult to track down.

Rule Details

This rule aims to prevent unintended behavior caused by modification or reassignment of function parameters.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

Examples of correct code for this rule:

This rule takes one option, an object, with a boolean property "props" and an array "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" . "props" is false by default. If "props" is set to true , this rule warns against the modification of parameter properties unless they’re included in "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" , which is an empty array by default.

Examples of correct code for the default { "props": false } option:

Examples of incorrect code for the { "props": true } option:

Examples of correct code for the { "props": true } option with "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" set:

When Not To Use It

If you want to allow assignment to function parameters, then you can safely disable this rule.

Further Reading

  • JavaScript: Don’t Reassign Your Function Arguments

This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.18.0.

  • Rule source
  • Documentation source

Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign)

Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing behavior, as modifying function parameters will also mutate the arguments object. Often, assignment to function parameters is unintended and indicative of a mistake or programmer error.

This rule can be also configured to fail when function parameters are modified. Side effects on parameters can cause counter-intuitive execution flow and make errors difficult to track down.

Rule Details

This rule aims to prevent unintended behavior caused by modification or reassignment of function parameters.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

Examples of correct code for this rule:

This rule takes one option, an object, with a boolean property "props" and an array "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" . "props" is false by default. If "props" is set to true , this rule warns against the modification of parameter properties unless they're included in "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" , which is an empty array by default.

Examples of correct code for the default { "props": false } option:

Examples of incorrect code for the { "props": true } option:

Examples of correct code for the { "props": true } option with "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" set:

When Not To Use It

If you want to allow assignment to function parameters, then you can safely disable this rule.

Further Reading

  • JavaScript: Don’t Reassign Your Function Arguments

This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.18.0.

  • Rule source
  • Documentation source

Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign)

Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing behavior, as modifying function parameters will also mutate the arguments object. Often, assignment to function parameters is unintended and indicative of a mistake or programmer error.

This rule can be also configured to fail when function parameters are modified. Side effects on parameters can cause counter-intuitive execution flow and make errors difficult to track down.

Rule Details

This rule aims to prevent unintended behavior caused by modification or reassignment of function parameters.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

Examples of correct code for this rule:

This rule takes one option, an object, with a boolean property "props" and an array "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" . "props" is false by default. If "props" is set to true , this rule warns against the modification of parameter properties unless they’re included in "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" , which is an empty array by default.

Examples of correct code for the default { "props" : false } option:

Examples of incorrect code for the { "props" : true } option:

Examples of correct code for the { "props" : true } option with "ignorePropertyModificationsFor" set:

When Not To Use It

If you want to allow assignment to function parameters, then you can safely disable this rule.

Further Reading

  • JavaScript: Don’t Reassign Your Function Arguments

This rule was introduced in ESLint 0.18.0.

  • Rule source
  • Documentation source

优雅解决: assignment to property of function parameter ‘state‘

assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign

在airbnb的eslint规则中,有这样一条规则 no-param-reassign


但有一些情况下,我们必须要这样做,比如在 vuex 中

其实,不仅仅是vuex,再比如express的 req res ,前端事件处理的 e.returnvalue 都需要直接给入参赋值。这时候我们显然不希望直接disable掉这条规则,或者在发生冲突的代码处单独disable。

这时候可以使用 ignorePropertyModificationsFor 这个属性,他可以为这个规则添加一个白名单,即指定的入参名称不予限制。看代码就明白了:


assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign


assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign


assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign

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assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign

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TypeScript Reactjs: Assignment to property of function parameter 'state' #13253


sptGabriel commented May 3, 2020

Hello I have a problem in my estlint:

Assignment to property of function parameter 'state'. eslintno-param-reassign

on this code:

state.sideisOpen = action.payload;

interface SideBar {
sideisOpen: boolean;

const INITIAL_STATE: SideBar = {
sideisOpen: true,

const sideBar = createSlice({
name: 'toggleSide',
initialState: INITIAL_STATE,
reducers: {
toggleSide: (state, action: PayloadAction) => {
state.sideisOpen = action.payload;

export const { toggleSide } = sideBar.actions;
export { sideBar };


anikethsaha commented May 3, 2020

I think it is because of ^ these

can you share your eslint config ?

make sure option is not set to

's parser and plugins/rules as your code is in Typescript.

Sorry, something went wrong.

sptGabriel commented May 3, 2020 • edited Loading

Eu acho que é por causa desses ^

você pode compartilhar sua configuração eslint?

verifique se a opção não está definida como

o analisador e plugins / regras, pois seu código está no TypeScript.

i have this code :

and this is my package.json:

the code which I am suspecting is lint free for js . so I think this rule is working as expected 👍

I think this might be because of interface properties. not sure cause !

Also, i guess, this rule has to be written for TS specific use-case in in order to fix this cause as per eslint's core rules , it is lint-free and working as expected.

let me know if I am missed something,


eslint-deprecated bot commented Jun 4, 2020

Unfortunately, it looks like there wasn't enough interest from the team
or community to implement this change. While we wish we'd be able to
accommodate everyone's requests, we do need to prioritize. We've found
that issues failing to reach accepted status after 21 days tend to
never be accepted, and as such, we .
This doesn't mean the idea isn't interesting or useful, just that it's
not something the team can commit to.

Thanks for contributing to ESLint and we appreciate your understanding.

No branches or pull requests


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Assignment to function parameter 'value' no-param-reassign

I am trying to get rid off the no-param-reassign error from the following code.

Tried with adding the followings:

Nothing has worked. Also tried creating a new variable and assign to it. Still didn't work. I can't commit code due to that error.

I need to update this ( properties.color ) array element with function parameter value.

  • typescript-eslint

PineCone's user avatar

  • See if it helps, stackoverflow.com/a/35637900/13262332 –  DJ Hemath Commented Mar 25, 2022 at 4:20
  • Unfortunately I tried most of the suggestion from the post you suggested. But nothing worked. –  PineCone Commented Apr 4, 2022 at 7:55

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assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign


  1. Assignment to property of function parameter no-param-reassign

    assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign

  2. Assignment to property of function parameter no-param-reassign

    assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign

  3. 解决Vue、vuex报“Assignment to property of function parameter ‘state‘” 的方法

    assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign

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    assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign

  5. Assignment to property of function parameter 'XXX' no-param-reassign 记录

    assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign

  6. Assignment to property of function parameter 'XXX' no-param-reassign 记录

    assignment to property of function parameter 'row'.eslint no param reassign


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  1. Assignment to property of function parameter (no-param-reassign)

    10. This is a common ESLint issue that appears frequently on old codebase. You have modified the result variable which was passed as parameter. This behavior is prohibited by the rule. To resolve it, copy the argument to a temporary variable and work on it instead: export const fn = article => article.categoryValueDtoSet.reduce((res, item) => {.

  2. no-param-reassign

    If you want to allow assignment to function parameters, then you can safely disable this rule. Strict mode code doesn't sync indices of the arguments object with each parameter binding. Therefore, this rule is not necessary to protect against arguments object mutation in ESM modules or other strict mode functions. Version

  3. Assignment to property of function parameter no-param-reassign

    function createEmployee(emp) { // ⛔️ Assignment to property of function parameter 'emp'. eslint no-param-reassign. emp.name = 'bobby hadz'; emp.salary = 500; return emp; } The ESLint rule forbids assignment to function parameters because modifying a function's parameters also mutates the arguments object and can lead to confusing behavior.

  4. no-param-reassign

    A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Maintain your code quality with ease.

  5. No-param-reassign

    Rule Details. This rule aims to prevent unintended behavior caused by modification or reassignment of function parameters. Examples of incorrect code for this rule: /*eslint no-param-reassign: "error"*/ function foo(bar) {. bar = 13; } function foo(bar) {. bar++; } function foo(bar) { for (bar in baz) {} } function foo(bar) { for (bar of baz) {} }

  6. no-param-reassign

    Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign) Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing behavior, as modifying function parameters will also mutate the arguments object. ... Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign) Assignment to variables declared ...

  7. no-param-reassign

    Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign) Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing ... /*eslint no-param-reassign: "error"*/ function foo ... with a boolean property "props" and an array "ignorePropertyModificationsFor". "props" is false by default. If "props" is set ...

  8. no-param-reassign: function type exceptions #6339

    eslint output: Assignment to function parameter 'line' no-param-reassign. In such cases creation an intermediate variable could be overcomplication. May be some additions to the rule like proxyTraps: false, eventListeners: false would be helpful.

  9. no-param-reassign: add option to ignore property assignment for

    Ok but what about: All I care about here is those 2 items the ones with names 'Gender' and 'NewItem' out of a large array... I need to extract those 2 items and sure I could loop through the large array with .find() but it is a large array and why should I? I think in general with reduce you are often assigning to the object basically if you ever use an {} as the aggregator param in reduce you ...

  10. no-param-reassign

    Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign) Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing ... /*eslint no-param-reassign: "error"*/ function foo ... an object, with a boolean property "props" and an array "ignorePropertyModificationsFor". "props" is false by default. If ...

  11. Option to disable no-param-reassign per function scope #8907

    Thanks @ilyavolodin.I meant a function-level comment like // eslint-disable-func no-param-reassign to disable the check for the entire function (or block) that line was found in.. Anyway, compared to your solution, my proposal would only save one line of comments, so probably the current way to wrap the function between /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ and /* eslint-enable */ is good enough.

  12. no-param-reassign

    Disallow Reassignment of Function Parameters (no-param-reassign) Assignment to variables declared as function parameters can be misleading and lead to confusing ... /*eslint no-param-reassign: "error"*/ function foo ... with a boolean property "props" and an array "ignorePropertyModificationsFor". "props" is false by default. If "props" is set ...

  13. 优雅解决: assignment to property of function parameter 'state'

    在airbnb的eslint规则中,有这样一条规则no-param-reassign目的是提醒你不要直接修改函数的入参。因为假如入参是一个对象,修改入参可能会导致对象的属性被覆盖。// 不好的做法function f1(obj) { obj.key = 1; // 可能对象本身就用key的属性,这样会覆盖原有的属性。

  14. Do we want to recommend the `no-param-reassign` eslint rule in the docs

    I just had this idea when another user tried to assign to the state function argument. There is actually an eslint rule for that: no-param-reassign. I'd suggest we either add that rule as a recommendation somehwere in the docs or go even one step farther and create a shareable config package .. That way we could add some more recommended rules in the future.

  15. Why eslint throws "Assignment to property of function parameter

    I started learning javascript a week ago. Started using eslint yesterday and it's very useful. I have been trying this part of the code for sometime now and eslint keeps throwing Assignment to property of function parameter 'element'. Here is the code;

  16. Fixing no-param-reassign Eslint issue in function

    yes exactly. or just a simply change the parameter name to something else and set constvariable name as recurrence. so now you don't have to replace everywhere. - Nazeer Commented Sep 23, 2020 at 8:00

  17. TypeScript Reactjs: Assignment to property of function parameter 'state

    Hello I have a problem in my estlint: Assignment to property of function parameter 'state'. eslintno-param-reassign on this code: state.sideisOpen = action.payload; interface SideBar { sideisOpen: ...

  18. Assignment to function parameter 'value' no-param-reassign

    Assignment to property of function parameter 'a' Eslint. ... Assignment to property of function parameter (no-param-reassign) 2 ... Argument expression expected. eslint" with Typescript map function in React. 0 Fixing no-param-reassign Eslint issue in function. 6 ...

  19. Why eslint throws "Assignment to property of function parameter

    I started learning javascript a week ago. Started using eslint yesterday and it's very useful. I have been trying this part of the code for sometime now and eslint keeps throwing Assignment to property of function parameter 'element'.Here is the code;