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Essay on I Want to Become a Doctor

Most of the children like to become doctor and all of them have different reasons for it. It needs lots of courage to be a doctor because they have to treat others’ wounds and cuts, which really needs courage. Doctors are really great and they have a solution for any kind of disease in our body.

Short and Long Essays on Why I Want to Become a Doctor

Here, I’m providing an essay on Why I Want to Become a Doctor in very simple words. This topic is very useful for students of all classes. You can go through this essay to know various aspects of the topic.

Why I Want to Become a Doctor Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) I want to become a doctor because I love helping others.

2) I like when people come and thank the doctors for their job.

3) My mother (doctor by profession) inspires me to become a doctor like her.

4) I am motivated after seeing some examples where doctors were saviors.

5) Another reason for choosing this profession is that I love their courage, honesty, bravery and polite behavior.

6) I want to be a doctor to save everyone’s life.

7) I love their determination towards the job.

8) The duty of doctors during Covid pandemic has encouraged me to choose this profession.

9) I don’t want any poor to lose their life due to lack of money.                                

10) I also want to make my country fit and healthy.

Why I Want to Become Doctor

Essay 1 (250 Words) – I want to Become a Doctor


A teacher helps us to deal with any kind of problem in learning, the Police help us with a social issue, a monk helps us to heal our soul, similarly, a doctor helps us to deal with any kind of irregularities in our body. Really, they are the heroes because they can make us completely fit and fine.

I love this profession because I have seen many serious cases and they become all right when they visit a doctor. They are magicians and have superpowers therefore I also want to become a doctor.

Who is my Inspiration?

My mother is a doctor and she helps everyone, she also works in an NGO. Many poor and old people come to thank her and it sounds very good. I also love helping people. Doctors are God on earth because they can bring you back from death.

Once one of my classmates was badly injured in an accident and everyone lost their hope but it was the doctor who protected her. I can easily relate this incident with my mother and how she helps others. So, I want to become like her.

There are various professions through which you can help others. As I have seen some live examples of the contribution of doctors, I want to be a doctor. I want my nation to grow healthy and fit so that we will develop as one of the strongest nations. I want to help others like my mother does in the Corona pandemic and want to help my nation.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Why I want to Become a Doctor?

There are different colours in a rainbow but it is not everyone likes white; it depends on us and our likes. Some of us like yellow whereas some like red. Similarly, there are many professions and I want to become a doctor. There are many reasons behind choosing this profession and one of the most important ones is I love being a doctor.

What I Like About Doctors

When I was young, I lost my grandmother, she died because of cancer. I was very sad because I could not do anything, and I decided to be a doctor. I wish to make such a medicine so that no one will die due to cancer. Doctors can treat anyone and they have the power to make new medicines and new life-saving equipment.

Doctors always try their best and never say ‘no’. They start with let’s try and most of the time they succeed. I love the determination they have for their patients. They don’t even know their patient still they treat them as a family.

In the COVID-19 pandemic, all the doctors and other medical staff worked 24×7. They didn’t even think about themselves. It really needs the courage to do so and hats off to the doctors. They also have family and all of us love our own life, still, it was their determination that the recovery rates were so high.

I as a Doctor

As a doctor, I will always make sure that no one dies due to lack of treatment. I want to develop a system that I can fix all the damaged parts and give rebirth to a dead person. Because every year many families lose their loved ones. So, I will develop a system through which no one will die before a normal death.

I want to facilitate all types of medical facilities to the poor. As sometimes they don’t have enough money for treatment, although the government has announced various schemes for them, due to lack awareness they unable to avail of the benefit.

Whatever profession we choose we should do it honestly. It is the duty of a doctor to let his patients know all the schemes and latest plans announced by the government. A doctor should always be of helping minded and should help everyone. Either someone has money to pay him or not.

Essay on I Want to Become a Doctor

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Doctor: as a Profession

Whenever you fall, feel pain or uneasy the only person we remember is a doctor. When you are grown up, you can easily explain what has happened to you, but have you ever thought of infant children. They cannot even explain their problem still, doctors easily treat them. Really, they are geniuses.

Duty of a Doctor

Doctors are next to God on earth and they take care of every human on earth. There are also doctors available for animals. The word doctor sounds like a healer.

  •  A doctor should always help others either someone has money to pay or not.
  • Doctors should always recommend the correct medication because some doctors want to make money and they unnecessarily recommend some tests and check-ups.
  • It is not everyone can be a doctor because it needs some different levels of mind and also money for being a doctor. And if someone has that ability then he should apply it for the sake of people.
  • A doctor should be open to all and should not discriminate his patients as pre-money.
  • They should always make people aware of different schemes and plans because the medication is very costly these days. Although the government has various plans for the poor, due to lack of knowledge they couldn’t get it.
  • A doctor should always be humble and polite because a patient himself be frustrated because of his disease. When doctors treat them in a good way, they feel good.
  • A doctor should always encourage his patients because sometimes encouragement and belief work more than medicine.
  • He should be brave and honest about his profession.
  • A doctor should never be careless because a small carelessness can take a life.

Types of Doctors

Doctors are of different types and depending on their interest and marks in the entrance exam. Those who take care of children are called paediatricians, whereas those who take care of females are known as gynaecologists. Similarly, the brain, heart specialist is known as Neurologist and Cardiologist. There are different doctors available for different parts of the body.

How to Become a Doctor?

Many students every year work hard to become a doctor and they start their preparation from a very early stage. One should take biology as a subject in their academic year 11th and 12th and should be passionate. After academics, one should clear some exams naming NEET which is also known as the All India Paramedical Test. After this one can easily take part in the counselling of various collages as per their rank.

After completing college education, one should work under an experienced doctor and complete their internship, and then he will be a complete doctor. All you need is a strong determination and no one can stop you.

Apart from Allopathy, there are some other branches of medication like Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, etc. One can also be a specialist in these sectors. Ayurveda is an Indian form of medication which was followed by our ancestors.

Being a doctor automatically develops a sense of responsibility and if you are not disciplined and focused don’t become a doctor. A doctor should be brave and should never give up whatever the situation might be. The only motive of a doctor should be to protect others. Whatever profession you choose you should be always loyal and focused. Doctors are a kind of social worker and if needed they also work for the entire day. The COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged many youngsters to be a doctor. The hard work and courage they had shown in this period is really markable and cannot be neglected. And if you are alive today it is just because of them. So, always respect a doctor and pass a smile whenever you meet a doctor.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . A doctor is a person who attains qualification to cure sick people.

Ans . Doctor became a profession at the beginning of the 17th century.

Ans . Hippocrates is regarded as the Father of Medicine in the world.

Ans . Elizabeth Blackwell is stated as the first female doctor in the world.

Ans . The doctor of kids or infants is called a Pediatrician.

Ans . Doctors wear a white coat so that they can be easily identified by the patients and staff.

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Healing with Heart: Essay About My Plans to Becoming a Doctor

Becoming a doctor has been my lifelong dream. Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the medical field and inspired by stories of doctors saving lives and helping people in need. As I have grown up, my passion for medicine has only increased. Helping others is an integral part of who I am, and becoming a doctor would enable me to do just that on a daily basis. Here are the reasons why becoming a doctor is my ultimate goal and why I am writing this essay published on custom essay paper writing service Edusson.

Why I Want to Be a Doctor Essay 

Becoming a doctor requires dedication and hard work, but it is also immensely rewarding. Helping people in need brings me joy, and being able to make an impact on someone’s life is something that cannot be put into words. 

By the way, a career in medicine also will give me the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing people in the world — doctors. Working alongside dedicated professionals will give me the chance to learn from their experiences and gain valuable insight into this field. And lastly, medicine will allow me to use both my scientific knowledge and creative problem-solving skills every day. 

My Desire to Help Others 

Every day, there are countless opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives – from donating money to local charities, volunteering at homeless shelters, or simply offering words of encouragement when someone is feeling down. To me, it’s more than just an opportunity; it’s an obligation. 

When I become a doctor, I will be able to take that sense of responsibility even further by being at the forefront of healthcare and providing direct help to those in need. It’s not just about treating patients; it’s about truly understanding what they are going through and offering comfort as well as physical healing. 

My Love for Medicine 

My interest in medicine goes beyond my desire to help others; I also genuinely enjoy learning about the human body and its various functions. In high school, biology was one of my favorite subjects because it opened up so many intriguing possibilities for exploration. Now that I am studying pre-med courses in college, my fascination with medicine continues to grow as I learn more about how the body works on both microscopic and macroscopic levels. From anatomy and physiology to biochemistry and pharmacology, each course provides a fascinating insight into the world of medicine that reinforces my passion for this field. 

What Skills a Good Doctor Should Have

I think it’s important to have good communication skills, especially when it comes to dealing with patients. The patients need someone who is able to understand their needs and feelings and then explain to them clearly what they should do next. 

The most important part of being a doctor is also patience because you need to be patient with your patients if they don’t understand something or if they are having trouble with something simple like taking their medication correctly or following your instructions on how to take care of themselves better.

What Role a Doctor Plays in Society

Furthermore, doctors are very important people who save lives every day around the world – they help us live longer and healthier lives! When we go to see our doctors, we trust that they know exactly what is wrong with us or how we can get better again. This trust comes from knowing that doctors are highly educated professionals who study hard for many years before becoming certified as physicians!

The Challenges Ahead 

Nevertheless, becoming a doctor involves many years of hard work – including undergraduate studies, medical school applications, licensing exams, residency programs, and internships. Each step presents unique challenges but also incredible rewards, such as gaining knowledge that can be applied directly into practice or building relationships with patients that can last a lifetime. With each challenge comes growth both personally and professionally, which makes me even more eager to pursue this path despite its complexity.  

I want to be a doctor because it offers me the opportunity to make an impact on people’s lives while doing something meaningful with my life — something that will give me personal fulfillment now and for years down the road. It requires hard work but comes with a tremendous reward, and ultimately fulfills my dream of helping others through medicine. For these reasons, becoming a doctor remains my ultimate goal in life!

Becoming a doctor is a lifelong aspiration for many people, and the reasons why someone might choose to pursue a career in medicine are as varied as they are compelling. In the following table, we’ve outlined some of the most common reasons why individuals might want to become a doctor, along with a brief description of each reason.

Note: The reasons listed in the table are not exhaustive, and there are certainly other factors that might motivate someone to become a doctor. These are simply some of the most common and compelling reasons.

Crafting an Essay on Why You Want to Be a Doctor – Tips and Tricks 

Are you looking for tips on writing an essay on why you want to become a doctor? Writing personal statement format essays can be a daunting task, but with the right advice, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips that will provide you with all the information you need to write an effective and compelling essay. Read on to learn more. 

Understand Your Audience 

Before you even begin writing, it’s important to understand who your audience is. Understanding its perspective will help shape the content of your essay. 

Write From Personal Experience 

Your essay should be written from personal experience and not from research or facts that you have gathered from other sources. It should focus on why you personally want to become a doctor and how this profession will enable you to make positive changes in the world or in people’s lives. Using real-life examples of experiences that have shaped your interest in medicine can help make your essay more powerful and memorable. 

Add Specific Details That Showcase Your Understanding of Medicine 

In order to make sure that your essay stands out from the rest, it is important to include specific details related to medicine that show off your knowledge of the field. These details can help demonstrate that you understand what is required of someone who wishes to pursue a career in this field, and why it appeals so strongly to you as an individual.

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i want to be a doctor essay for class 1

Essay on Doctor for Students and Children

500+ words essay on doctor.

Doctors all over the world are given the stature next to God. It happens so mostly because they are lifesavers who work tirelessly for mankind. Moreover, being a doctor is considered one of the most sought-after professions. People want their kids to become doctors and they instill this dream in them from an early age.

Essay on Doctor

Doctors have a very noble profession. In addition, they are equipped with comprehensive knowledge and devices that enable them to diagnose and treat their patients with correct procedures. Doctors require medical staffs that help them in performing their treatment. They are very proficient and have proved their importance time and again for mankind.

The Medical Scenario of India

The medical scenario in India is renowned all over the world. The doctors originating from India are reaching new heights globally abroad. However, when we talk about the medical scenario within the country, we see how it’s quite worrying.

In other words, all capable and talented doctors are moving abroad in search of better job opportunities and facilities. Therefore, we see there is a lack of doctors in the country to cater to the ever-growing population.

But if we see on the bright side, we will notice how Indian doctors are very charitable in comparison to doctors of other countries. As India has been a country of tradition, the qualities are deeply rooted in our culture. This reflects in the medical scenario of the country as well.

i want to be a doctor essay for class 1

Aside from the allopathic doctors, India also has doctors who practice Ayurvedic , Unani as well as Homeopathic system of medicine. These are very famous practices which do not have any side effects. This is so because they are completely herbal making them very popular.

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The Degradation of Doctors

Although the medical field is evolving, there are still immoral practices in the field which makes it tough for patients to get the right treatment. Corruption has not spared this field as well.

India suffers from a high illiteracy rate which results in people fooling the citizens for money. There are many wrongs and unethical medical practices prevalent in India which brings a bad name to the country.

Moreover, the greed for money has resulted in various losses of lives of patients. The hospitals diagnose the patients wrongly and give them the wrong treatment. This results in even more worse results. The public is losing its faith in the medical field and its doctors.

As a result, this impacts the reputation of the medical field. Doctors must be more responsible and vigilant with the lives of their patients. The government must provide the public with good medical facilities which can bridge this gap. In addition, we must also come together to help doctors do their job better.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why do we consider are doctors next to God?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “We give doctors the stature next to God as they save lives and help people become better through their knowledge and treatment.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why are Indian doctors moving abroad?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Indian doctors are settling abroad as they do not find ample opportunities in the country. Lack of goof facilities is also a reason for it. Most importantly, the pay scale in foreign countries is much better than that of India.”} }] }

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Ambition In Life’ For Children

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember: Essay On ‘My Ambition In Life’ For Lower Primary Classes

Essay on ‘my ambition is to become a doctor’, essay on ‘my ambition is to become an engineer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a police officer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become an ias officer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a lawyer’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a nurse’, essay on ‘my ambition in life is to become a teacher’, what will your child learn from an essay on my ambition in life.

To become any professional, one has to devote years to studying. No one can just become a doctor, scientist, engineer, or even businessman in one day! They have to plan for their career, and then study that profession. Most professions need years of education, starting from the subjects chosen in the school. Therefore, teachers and parents keep asking and inspiring young kids to choose a specific profession to guide them accordingly. To make young kids think about their ambition or dream, they are asked to write an essay on ‘My Ambition in Life’ in school. This essay helps the kids dream about what they want to be, and improve their English creative writing, vocabulary and grammar.

Young students of lower primary classes might need guidance with essays on ‘My Ambition in Life’. When writing this essay, there are a few key points that will make it easy to write this about any profession of their choice. Some of these key points to remember when writing an essay on My Ambition in Life are:

  • Write about your ambition with a brief introduction to that profession
  • Write about the positive aspects of that profession
  • Explain what inspires you to pursue that profession
  • Mention any role models of that profession that inspired you

Being a doctor is considered a popular and noble profession. Therefore, when asked to write a short essay on My Ambition, most young kids write about becoming a doctor. Here is a sample essay in English on ‘My Ambition Is To Become A Doctor’ for kids:

My life’s ambition is to become a good doctor. There are many reasons why I want to become a doctor. I admire doctors because they heal sick people and make them healthy. They work tirelessly to serve humankind. Some doctors even treat the poor free of charge. One of my uncles is a doctor and has a hospital. Whenever I go to his hospital, I see him checking patients and making them healthy. I, too, want to ease the pain and sickness of people. To become a successful doctor, I know I will have to study a lot. But after years of studying, when I am able to make people healthy, it will be rewarding!

My life’s dream is to become an engineer. Engineers are responsible for making beautiful buildings, using machinery, and so much more. In short, they make our lives beautiful and easy. Everything is made by an engineer, from a pin to an aeroplane and a bridge to even a tower! Engineers not only make things but also repair and maintain things. If it weren’t for engineers, our world would not have so many inventions. There are several types of engineers, such as mechanical, electrical, civil and aviation. I am fascinated with the working of machinery. So I want to become a mechanical engineer and invent machines to make life simpler.

My life ambition is to become a police officer. The profession of police is brave and interesting. Police officers maintain law and order in our society. They save us from thieves and other criminals. Our society has different types of people, some good and some bad. The bad try to harm the good people physically or by cheating them. Police ensure the bad people are caught and put in prison. They ensure peace and safety in society. When I grow up and become a police officer, I want to catch criminals and make society a safe place for everyone.

Every kid dreams of becoming someone important and successful when they grow up. I too want to be someone important when I grow up. I also want to serve my country and make India the best country to live in. Therefore, I want to become an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer. An IAS officer makes sure the country is functioning properly. They are the people who ensure the government projects, plans and schemes are executed properly. They also ensure the government funds are utilised honestly for the welfare of their fellow citizens. So as an IAS officer, I will make my county proud of my work.

Most kids want to become doctors or engineers when they grow up. But, I dream of becoming a lawyer when I grow up. A lawyer is a professional who helps people fight their judicial battles and win them. In our society, there are many kinds of people. Some people take advantage of others and wrongly cheat them of their property, money or rights. To punish such bad people, the people who are harmed file suits in court against them. Lawyers fight their court cases and ensure they get justice. As a lawyer, I will help the police send criminals to jail, and ensure that good people get justice.

Ever since I was a baby, I have been fascinated with nurses. Every time I visited the hospital with my parents for check-ups, the lovely nurses there pampered me a lot. Their smiling faces and caring attitude always impressed me. They are very helpful and caring. More than doctors, the nurses take care of the patients, and they are the ones who give medicines and injections and look after patients day and night. Therefore, it’s my dream to become a nurse when I grow up. As a nurse, I want to treat and care for people in their sicknesses and see them getting better.

Students are influenced by their teachers in their lives. So, it’s no wonder when asked to write a composition on my ambition in life, most students write that they want to become teachers. Here is a sample essay for class 1, 2 & 3 students on ‘My Ambition in Life is to Become a Teacher:

We become what we are due to the teachings and learnings we get in our lives. Apart from our parents, we learn so much from our teachers. Teachers play the most important part in education, starting from preschool to graduation degrees. Whatever profession we choose, we need a teacher to teach it to us. Whether it’s studying to become a doctor, engineer, or scientist, it would be impossible without a teacher. A teacher is responsible for not only imparting education but for teaching moral values to make their students better human beings and citizens. A teacher’s responsibility is to make the students realise and achieve their potential. A teacher is the one who lays the foundation of a good society. Therefore, my goal in life is to become a teacher.

I want to be a primary school teacher as I love teaching young children. Imparting good education to young kids ensures their foundation is strong. So as they progress in school, they will always be good at their studies. Also, young kids are the best learners and their inquisitive minds make teaching interesting. As their teacher, I want to motivate and inspire them to become good students and fulfil their dreams.

My Ambition In Life is an interesting essay topic to make young kids think about their dream in life. It makes them aware of different professions and gets them interested in learning about them. While writing an essay on my ambition in life, children will know what they want to become in life. Once they start learning about their chosen profession, they will be able to determine what they need to study and what subjects to pursue to realise their dream profession. 

Essay writing helps children learn new words, improve their grammar and expand their thinking. It also improves their general knowledge and English creative writing skills.

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Essay on Doctor: Samples in 200, 300, 400 Words

i want to be a doctor essay for class 1

  • Updated on  
  • Oct 7, 2023

essay on doctor

Essay on Doctor: Doctors all over the world are given the stature of a god. This is because they are known for saving lives and helping people in distress. With each passing day, they work tirelessly for mankind. Additionally, one of the most sought-after careers is that of a doctor. A lot of parents encourage their children to become a doctor because of their stature and role. here are essay on the doctor which highlights their importance in society and much more.  

Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Doctors In a Society
  • 2 Essay on Doctor in 200 Words
  • 3 Essay on Doctor in 300 Words
  • 4 Essay on Doctor in 400 Words 

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Importance of Doctors In a Society

In the past two years, doctors all over the world have played a significant role in saving the lives of people. The importance of a doctor was understood, especially during the time of COVID-19 . All doctors around the world worked really hard to contain the pandemic. 

Similarly, the doctor has other roles, including, shaping the health policy, and creating an economic impact.   

Essay on Doctor in 200 Words

A doctor is a member of the medical community who is essential to preserving and enhancing human health. Due to their proficiency in identifying and managing a wide range of ailments, they are frequently referred to as the saviours of life. Doctors receive considerable training and education to equip them with the knowledge and abilities needed for their vocation.

Numerous social roles are filled by doctors. Through physical examinations, diagnostic tests, and patient interviews, they identify medical issues. Doctors create treatment plans after a diagnosis is made, which may involve medication, surgery, or other medical procedures. They also provide advice on precautions to keep up a healthy lifestyle .

Beyond their knowledge of medicine, good doctors have other traits as well. Since doctors must support patients and their families emotionally during times of illness and hardship, compassion and empathy are vital qualities. They must effectively communicate, breaking down complex medical information for patients.

Along with general practitioners, there are a number of specialists who concentrate on other medical specialities, including cardiologists, surgeons, paediatricians, and psychiatrists. By specialising, doctors can provide cutting-edge care in the field of their choice.

To conclude, physicians are the backbone of healthcare, committed to maintaining and enhancing patient well-being. They are indispensable members of society because of their selfless efforts, compassion, and dedication to the well-being of patients. Doctors are at the forefront of medical discoveries and innovations, which is how the medical profession is continuing to change.

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Essay on Doctor in 300 Words

Doctors are an essential part of society and are crucial to maintaining and improving people’s health. Their profession is a blend of science, compassion, and unwavering dedication. This essay will examine the varied responsibilities of doctors and their significant influence on our lives.

Doctors are trained experts who are primarily responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illnesses. They devote years to perfecting their medical knowledge and skills, learning intricate ideas in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and other fields. Their diagnostic skills, which frequently involve cutting-edge technology and research, are crucial for diagnosing illnesses and creating winning treatment strategies.

Doctors are skilled medical professionals who also have a vast reservoir of compassion. They frequently see patients in vulnerable, frightened, or painful situations. This necessitates not only medical knowledge but also kindness and sensitivity. Patients and their families often find great comfort in a doctor’s reassuring presence, especially during trying times.

To safeguard the health of their patients, doctors put in endless effort, frequently going above and beyond what is required. They put in long hours, make crucial choices, and usually deal with emotionally trying circumstances. They remain steadfast in their dedication to the “do no harm” oath they make, despite the pressure and stress.

Doctors also play a crucial role in the advancement of medical research and knowledge. Their contributions to academic institutions, clinical trials, and medical discoveries are crucial in advancing healthcare. Through their work, previously untreatable illnesses are now treatable, and medical operations are becoming safer and more effective.

Doctors are essential in both preventive care and health education. They inform patients on leading healthy lives, preventing disease, and the value of routine checkups. Doctors assist in lowering the cost of disease in society by educating people and empowering them.

In conclusion, doctors are the foundation of our healthcare system because they combine scientific knowledge with empathy and commitment. All of us benefit from their tireless efforts to comfort, heal, and progress medical research. Let us honour the important role that doctors play in our lives by recognising their invaluable contributions to our health and by thanking them for their unwavering dedication to the protection of human health.

Essay on Doctor in 400 Words 

Doctors, who are frequently called “healers,” occupy a special and highly regarded position in society. They are the keepers of health, the ones who save people’s lives, and the ones who bring hope. In a society where illnesses are rife, becoming a doctor is more than just a decision to pursue a job; it is a calling, a vocation motivated by an unwavering desire to relieve human suffering.

The road to becoming a doctor is a challenging one that demands years of education and training. Typically, it starts with a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline, then medical school, which is nothing short of a test of wills. Medical students spend a lot of time learning about the complexities of the human body, including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and a host of other topics that contribute to the complexity of medicine. Lectures, labs, and many hours of studying fill their days, which frequently go well into the night.

After receiving their medical degrees, doctors enter the world of residency, where they put their expertise to use while being closely supervised by seasoned mentors. This demanding time will put their physical stamina and mental fortitude to the test. They experience the most trying times in life, from hopeful births to urgent situations requiring quick judgements. They become skilled and caring healthcare professionals thanks to the essential experience they obtain during residency.

The duties of a doctor go beyond merely identifying and treating ailments. They assist patients in understanding their health conditions and preventative measures by acting as educators. They are counsellors who provide emotional help to people in need. They are ardent proponents of health equity, working nonstop to guarantee that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, has access to healthcare.

Although medical technology has advanced quickly in the modern era, the doctor-patient interaction is still at the centre of medicine. A doctor’s capacity to successfully listen, empathise, and communicate can be just as therapeutic as any drug. Patients frequently entrust these committed experts with their trust and, in some cases, their lives.

In their field of work, doctors deal with a variety of difficulties. They must commit to lifelong study because medical knowledge is constantly evolving. The rigours of the work can be emotionally stressful because they frequently have to make life-or-death decisions. Given that emergencies don’t adhere to a schedule, juggling work and personal obligations can be difficult.

Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, a doctor’s job is one of incomparable importance. They observe the human spirit’s tenacity and the wonders of contemporary medicine. They acknowledge the patients’ and their families’ sincere thanks as well as the joy of recovery.

To end this, a doctor’s career is more than simply a job; it’s a lifetime commitment to helping people heal and be cared for. They are the unsung heroes of society because of their commitment, selflessness, and knowledge. We must respect and support doctors in their noble goal to relieve pain and advance well-being as recipients of their unflinching service. Doctors exhibit the finest traits of humanity, including wisdom, compassion, and the ability to heal, and they make incalculable contributions to society.

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Some of the basic rules of doctors are: always about the patient; Patients are people; People are neither rational nor predictable; It’s a bond; Use the right tool(s) for the job, etc.

Sir William Osler, the founding member of Johns Hopkins Hospital, described Imhotep as “the first figure of a physician to stand out clearly from the mists of antiquity.”

Doctors are known for saving lives helping people to recover from their injuries and minimising physical pain. Sometimes the job of a doctor goes far beyond this realm, where they not only heal physical injuries but help in recovering from traumatic experiences.

We hope this blog provides you with all the information about doctors and how they are so important to society. For more information related to such interesting topics, visit our essay writing page and make sure to follow Leverage Edu .

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Essay on My Dream To Become A Doctor

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Dream To Become A Doctor in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Dream To Become A Doctor


Since childhood, my dream has been to become a doctor. The idea of healing people and saving lives fascinates me.

Why I Want to Be a Doctor

I want to be a doctor to serve humanity. I believe that being a doctor is not just a profession, it’s a mission to improve health and well-being.

My Preparation

To achieve my dream, I am focusing on my studies, especially in science. I understand that the journey is tough, but my passion drives me.

In conclusion, becoming a doctor is my dream. I am committed to working hard to make it a reality.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on My Dream To Become A Doctor

250 Words Essay on My Dream To Become A Doctor

Every individual harbors dreams that guide their life’s trajectory. One of my long-cherished dreams is to become a doctor, a profession that embodies service and intellect, and is driven by a commitment to alleviate human suffering.

Why a Doctor?

The desire to become a doctor is not merely an aspiration but a mission I have set for myself. Medicine, for me, is the perfect intersection of science, service, and personal interaction. It offers an opportunity to directly impact lives, providing a sense of fulfillment that few careers can match.

The Power of Healing

Being a doctor is not just about diagnosing illnesses or prescribing medications. It is about understanding the human condition, empathizing with people in their most vulnerable moments, and offering comfort alongside treatment. The power to heal is not just a professional duty, but a moral responsibility.

Challenges and Commitment

I am aware that the path to becoming a doctor is fraught with challenges, both academic and personal. The rigorous training, long hours of study, and the emotional toll can be daunting. Yet, I am undeterred. The commitment to my dream fuels my resilience and determination.

In conclusion, my dream to become a doctor is a reflection of my desire to serve humanity. It is a journey that demands dedication and perseverance, but the reward, the ability to heal and make a difference, is worth every sacrifice. This dream is not just a career goal, but a life’s mission that defines my purpose.

500 Words Essay on My Dream To Become A Doctor

Ever since I was a child, I’ve been captivated by the notion of healing. The ability to alleviate pain, to bring comfort, and to restore health has always been an awe-inspiring prospect. This fascination, coupled with a deep-rooted desire to serve humanity, has shaped my dream of becoming a doctor.

Why I Want to Become a Doctor

My aspiration to become a doctor is not merely a professional ambition, but a life mission. I see it as a way to contribute positively to society by saving lives and improving the quality of life for others. The idea of being in a position to offer medical assistance to those in need, especially in underserved communities, fuels my ambition.

Moreover, the field of medicine is a landscape of continuous learning and growth. The prospect of unraveling the mysteries of the human body, understanding the intricacies of diseases, and exploring breakthrough medical technologies is intellectually stimulating.

The Journey Towards Becoming a Doctor

The path to becoming a doctor is arduous and demanding. It requires immense dedication, perseverance, and patience. Medical school is just the beginning of a lifelong educational journey, with years of rigorous training and continuous learning.

Despite the challenges, I am ready to embrace the journey. My passion for biology and my academic prowess in the sciences will serve as a strong foundation for my medical studies. I am prepared to invest the time and effort required to acquire the vast knowledge and skills necessary to become a competent and compassionate doctor.

My Vision as a Doctor

As a doctor, I envision myself as a beacon of hope and a source of comfort for my patients. I aim to practice medicine with empathy, integrity, and respect, always putting the patient’s welfare first.

I am particularly drawn to the idea of working in public health, where I can have a broader impact on communities. I wish to contribute to disease prevention and health promotion initiatives, working towards a healthier society.

In conclusion, my dream to become a doctor is driven by a deep desire to serve, a love for learning, and a commitment to improving health outcomes. I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead, but I am ready to face them head-on. I believe that with hard work, dedication, and a strong moral compass, I can make my dream a reality. I look forward to the day when I can don the white coat, not as a symbol of status, but as a testament to my commitment to serve humanity.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Importance of Prayer in Our Daily Life
  • Essay on My Neighbour
  • Essay on Importance of Yoga in Daily Life

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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My Future Career: Why I Choose to Be a Doctor

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, the 7 steps to becoming a doctor: a complete guide.

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Medicine is one of the most challenging yet rewarding fields a student can enter. But before you decide whether becoming a doctor is right for you, it's important that you know every step you'll have to take along the way.

Here, I'll walk you through exactly how to become a doctor, starting with high school . This career is definitely not for everyone—it requires huge investments of time, money, and effort—but if this path is right for you, this guide is what you should read to start preparing yourself early for a successful career as a doctor.

What Is the Career Outlook for Medical Doctors?

Medicine is a super competitive and rigorous field: doctors have a lot of responsibility and must spend tons of time and money on their training. Healthcare is also a growing field , which means that the demand for doctors will continue to increase in the coming years.

As long as you do all the necessary steps below, you shouldn't have an issue finding a job as a doctor.

Let's take a look at the career outlook for physicians and surgeons using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics :

  • 2020 Median Pay: Greater than or equal to $208,000 per year
  • Job Growth Rate (2020-30): 3%, which is slower than average

Note that pay and job outlook can vary depending on what type of doctor you want to be , so if you have a particular specialty in mind (such as dermatology or rheumatology), I encourage you to do your own research on that field's projected career outlook.

To lend you a hand, we've created the following chart, which presents the median salaries and job outlooks for various types of doctors (arranged in order of highest salary to lowest ):

Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics

As you can see from the chart, all of the above medical specialties make six figures a year. They do have some differences in terms of job growth, however. The job growth rate for psychiatrists is expected to be a well-above-average 14% in the next ten years, but specialties such as surgeons and pediatricians are expected to shrink slightly. There are a lot of jobs in each of these fields though, so don't think there won't be a need for them in several years, even if their numbers are expected to contract a bit.

How to Become a Doctor: 7-Step Career Path Overview

Becoming a doctor is a pretty complex, multi-step process. Here are the seven major steps we'll be covering in more detail below (you can skip around by clicking the links to each step):

Step 1: Do well in high school Step 2: Get into a great college Step 3: Take the MCAT (and get a good score) Step 4: Apply and get into medical school Step 5: Attend medical school and pass your boards to become a licensed doctor Step 6: Choose your specialty and complete your residency Step 7: Take and pass your final boards to practice independently

Still interested in how to become a doctor? Time to get into the nitty-gritty of each major step.

Step 1: Do Well in High School

If you're serious about becoming a doctor, you'll do yourself a big favor by getting focused in high school . As mentioned, this is a pretty competitive field, so the earlier you start distinguishing yourself as a great student, the easier the process will be.

Here's what you can do in high school to help prepare you for later steps.

Focus on Science and Math

To fulfill all pre-med requirements in college (I'll get to that in a bit), you'll have to take quite a few science and math classes. Lay a solid foundation by taking a science and math course every year, and make it a priority to take advanced and/or AP courses . You'll also want to keep your GPA (in these classes and all others) as high as possible .

This is an important step because it gives you a tiny glimpse into what college and medical school will be like. If you don't enjoy science and math courses in high school, it's unlikely you'll enjoy them later on. Use this as an opportunity to think critically about whether you'd like to pursue this career.

Do Plenty of Community Service

Being a good doctor isn't just about being a science and math whiz—it's about being invested in caring for other people. Show how you care about helping others by volunteering consistently in high school.

It's best if you can do volunteer work that's at least somewhat related to healthcare. You might see whether there are any opportunities at a nearby hospital or clinic (for example, I had friends in high school who helped escort people who were visiting family members in the hospital). These volunteer opportunities can also help you decide fairly early whether a career in medicine is something you're actually interested in pursuing.

Of course, you don't have to volunteer exclusively in healthcare environments—any community service opportunity in which you're helping other people is a good fit. Read more about the benefits of community service , and then check out our list of the best places to volunteer .


Is working in healthcare a good fit for you? Volunteering in the field is a great way to find out.

Get a Great Score on the ACT/SAT

To get into a great medical school, it helps to go to a great college. And to get into a great college, it helps to get a high score on the SAT/ACT .

Plan on taking your first test by the end of your junior year—this gives you time to take your test of choice again if you want to try to raise your scores.

Read these guides for more info on how to get a great SAT/ACT score:

  • What counts as a good, bad, or average ACT or SAT score?
  • How can you get a perfect score on the ACT or SAT ?
  • How long should you study for the ACT or SAT ?

Submit Stellar College Applications

Your senior fall will be all about researching and applying to colleges. You don't necessarily need to go to a school with a dedicated pre-med program, but it'll be better if your college or university has strong science and math programs , since these will be more helpful in preparing you for the MCAT and med school.

If you want to go to a top-tier private school, you'll have to submit applications with the following:

  • Impressive SAT/ACT scores
  • Strong letters of recommendation
  • Polished and thoughtful personal essays

Some great public schools might not require letters of rec or applications essays. Nevertheless, it's wise to start preparing these materials early on in the college application process if you think you'll apply to any colleges that do require them.

If you're still working on college research, I suggest checking out these guides:

  • The best pre-med schools for becoming a doctor
  • The best college ranking lists and whether you should trust them
  • Whether it matters where you go to college
  • How to decide where to go to college

Step 2: Get Into a Great College

College is where you really start focusing your studies and preparing for a career in medicine . Here's everything you should do as an undergraduate to prepare yourself for the next major step in becoming a doctor: medical school.

Meet All Pre-Med Requirements

Most medical schools require students to have taken a series of courses as undergraduates. This ensures that they have strong foundational knowledge in math and science and will be well prepared for the more advanced courses they'll have to take as med students.

Here are the core classes that most medical schools require :

  • Two semesters of biology with laboratory
  • Two semesters of inorganic chemistry with laboratory
  • Two semesters of organic chemistry with laboratory
  • Two semesters of math (at least one in calculus)
  • Two semesters of physics with laboratory
  • Two semesters of English and/or writing

This comes to 12 course requirements at minimum, which doesn't give you a ton of wiggle room if you also have to meet requirements for a major without much pre-med overlap (e.g., foreign languages or studio art). Because of this, many pre-med students choose related majors such as biology or chemistry —this makes it much easier to meet both pre-med requirements and the requirements for your major.

If you decide later in college that you'd like to apply to medical school but you know you don't have time to fit in all these requirements, don't panic. It's fairly common for people to wrap up pre-med requirements by taking an extra semester or two in college (some schools call these students "super seniors").

You might also look into full-time post-bac programs if you have more than a few requirements left to fulfill. These options mean extra time and extra expenses, but they're helpful (and sometimes necessary) steps to take before applying to med school.

Keep Your Grades Up

Your transcript will be a very important part of your med school applications, so your academic performance should really be your #1 priority as you work your way through college.

Build Relationships With Professors and Mentors

You'll need a few strong letters of recommendation from respected faculty members when you submit your med school applications—use this fact to motivate you to network with as many people as possible.

Develop relationships with professors and mentors by going to their office hours, actively participating in class, and taking opportunities to work on research projects.


Your nerdy professors will prove to be invaluable resources when you're applying to med school, but only if you have relationships with them!

Get Some Research Experience

Having some research experience under your belt is a big plus for med school applications , especially if you can squeeze in a publication or two. Working in a biology or chemistry lab would probably be most helpful for medical school.

There are a couple ways you can get research experience as an undergraduate:

  • Work as a research assistant (paid or unpaid) in an on-campus lab or at an off-campus research institute. Look at campus job postings or approach specific professors in your department about potential lab openings. If you don't have time during the semester to take on extra work, consider summer opportunities.
  • Complete an undergraduate thesis, which involves research work. This usually requires a professor to officially take you on as their student. Each school (and each department within a school) will have its own procedures and policies for undergraduate theses, so educate yourself early on (i.e., during freshman year) if you're interested in this track.

Continue With Community Service

Medical schools are going to look at your community service record as an important part of your application. You should make time for volunteer work in college just as you did in high school.

The good news is that it should be easier to find relevant advocacy and community service clubs and organizations in college. Here are a few example activities you might be interested in (although this list is by no means exhaustive):

  • Volunteering at a homeless shelter
  • Joining a public health advocacy society or organization
  • Volunteering at a nursing home or engaging in other forms of elder care (e.g., Meals on Wheels)
  • Joining a peer counseling organization

It's better to stick with a few clubs or activities over the long term , as opposed to jumping around between activities year after year. This demonstrates that you're consistent and reliable; it also opens up opportunities for leadership roles, which will prove to be a big plus for your med school applications.

Step 3: Take (and Ace!) the MCAT

The Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT, is used as a predictor of your success in med school, and as such is weighted pretty heavily when compared to other parts of your application.

Most students take the MCAT their junior year—this is arguably the most optimal time to take the test. Why? Because by this point you will have gone through many of your pre-med courses, making studying for the MCAT a lot easier.

MCAT Scoring and Logistics

In total, it takes seven and a half hours to complete the MCAT. The sections on the test include the following:

  • Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
  • Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
  • Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
  • Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills

Each section is scored on a range from 118 to 132, with a median score of 125. You'll receive an individual score for each section in addition to an overall score. Total scores range from 472 to 578 , with the average score sitting at about 500.

This scoring system is still relatively new (since 2015), so there isn't much historical data available we can use to predict what a good or "safe" MCAT score will be for med school admissions. Current percentiles indicate that around 50% of test takers score 500, and 74% score 508, or what calls a "good" MCAT score . As such, the new MCAT encourages admissions officers to look favorably upon students who score around 500 or above .

The MCAT is administered 30 times per year , so you have quite a bit of flexibility when it comes to scheduling the test. Be prepared for some hefty expenses— it costs $325 to register for the test . There are Fee Assistance Programs available for students who might not be able to shoulder these expenses.

After your scores are calculated, they're automatically released to the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS); you won't have to submit them separately to any schools unless they don't use AMCAS .


If you're adequately prepared the first time you take the MCAT, you could save yourself the cost of an extra registration fee.

Studying for the MCAT

Plan on studying 200-300 hours if you want to do well on the test. Since it's a seven-and-a-half-hour exam, you really don't want to have to take it twice.

There are several different ways you can prep for the MCAT:

  • Independent study: This might work for students at schools with strong pre-med support who are also performing well in their classes. Solid foundational knowledge is the most important factor that affects performance on the MCAT, but students would still, of course, need to spend significant time preparing.
  • MCAT prep course: Pre-med students commonly take prep courses when they want a solid review schedule to keep them on track. There's a lot of material to cover, and a good course helps ensure that there aren't any major gaps in your content knowledge or strategy. They can be very expensive, unfortunately, with most costing several thousand dollars . Kaplan and The Princeton Review are a couple of the most popular options.
  • Online prep: Online resources can offer a great combination of structure and flexibility when you're working to cover a lot of material. Khan Academy provides some free study material if you're looking for a place to start, though it won't suffice if you're putting together a full study plan. Dr. Flowers Test Prep is another, more comprehensive resource for online prep.
  • Private tutor: Students whose grades aren't up to par or who have done poorly on the MCAT before might want to consider this option . If you decide to hire a tutor, pick someone with glowing recommendations and years of tutoring experience. They won't come cheap, but they're also less likely to waste your time and money.

You can also buy an official practice test for the MCAT through the Association of American Medical Colleges for $35, in addition to other official study guides and prep materials.

Step 4: Apply and Get Into Medical School

The medical school application process is extremely long . If you want to start med school the fall after you graduate from college, you'll have to start your applications your junior year.

Research Medical Schools

The average student applies to about 13 schools to optimize their chances of getting in —I wouldn't recommend that you put together a list much smaller than that.

The Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR) website is one of the best tools for looking into important medical school information. For a $28 year-long subscription, you can easily access the following:

  • Acceptance rates
  • Average MCAT and GPA of applicants and accepted students
  • Numbers of out-of-state students
  • Application requirements
  • Application deadlines

As with any school or program, there are med school ranking lists . Because US medical schools' admissions criteria and curricula are so stringent and rigorous, though, admission to any school in the country should be considered an accomplishment . If you end up in medical school and follow through with a residency at a good hospital, you'll have no trouble finding work as a doctor.

Know the Different Types of Medical Schools

There are two types of physicians in the US:

  • Allopathic physicians (MDs)
  • Osteopathic physicians (DOs)

Both types are fully licensed physicians and are often very similar in the way that they practice medicine—they just receive degrees from slightly different types of programs.

We're most used to hearing about doctors with MDs, so if you're not familiar with DOs, I encourage you to do more research on these types of programs. DOs receive additional specialty training in certain areas, including using the hands to diagnose/treat illnesses and injuries.

You can read more about osteopathic medicine on the American Osteopathic Association site .


Allopathic or osteopathic: which type of med school is right for you?

Put Together Your Med School Application

There are three parts of the med school application process.

Part 1: Primary Application

You send in your primary application by June the year before your first year of med school. Most med schools use AMCAS, which is like a Common Application for med schools.

This application includes official transcripts, a personal statement, your resume/CV, and your MCAT scores. Start preparing these materials a few months before submission.

Part 2: Secondary Application

This usually happens in July-August on a typical application timeline (i.e., one on which you submit the primary application in June). At this point, a school will either reject your primary application or ask you to complete its secondary application.

The secondary application will differ for each school you apply to. Sometimes, schools just ask you to submit an application fee to continue with the application process. Other times, though, schools send fairly extensive lists of essay prompts (e.g., "Why are you interested in attending this medical school?") for you to answer.

If the medical school is happy with your primary and secondary applications, you'll move on to the next part.

Part 3: Interview

If a school definitely does (or definitely does not ) want to interview you, you'll hear back from them pretty quickly. Some students are left in limbo for a while as schools deliberate over what to do with them.

Interviews are the final decision-making phase. Your interview will either make or break your application. Preparing for interviews is tough because each school (and each interviewer) will have its own priorities and questions.

Overall, you want to come off (1) committed to the medical track, (2) confident in your abilities, (3) eager to learn, (4) warm and empathetic, and (5) grateful for the opportunity to be there.

Step 5: Attend Medical School and Pass Your Boards

After fulfilling all the pre-med requirements and submitting all those applications, you finally arrive here: medical school. You'll spend four years here , but that doesn't mean the experience will be very similar to that of your undergraduate education—there are more decisions to be made, more opportunities for hands-on experiences, and more professional licensing requirements to worry about.

Here's an overview of what these four years of med school will look like:

  • Years 1-2: Primarily classroom-based courses
  • Year 3: Training in each major medical specialty (also known as rotations)
  • Year 4: Primarily elective courses based on preferred specialty

There are some other important steps along the way, such as board exams, that I'll address in this section as well.

Years 1-2: Classroom Work

You won't have much say in what courses you'll take during your first two years of medical school. Your education during this time will be an extension of your pre-med requirements —you'll take many advanced courses that will give you the important biological, anatomical, and chemical foundations you'll need to work as a physician.

These courses will obviously have an important impact on your GPA, which will affect how competitive you are when you're matched for your residency/internship (we'll get to that shortly). As such, it's important to keep your grades up—your future self will thank you!

At the end of your second year, you'll take the United States Medical Licensing Examination , or the USMLE-1. This test assesses your medical competency to see whether you should continue with your education and medical licensure (another name for the USMLE exams is "Boards").

At most med schools, you need to pass this exam in order to progress to your third year of school.

Year 3: Rotations

In your third year, you'll start working with patients in a medical setting (under a supervisor) within different medical specialties. This helps you gain hands-on experience as a physician, but, perhaps more importantly, you'll learn more about what sort of specialty you may be interested in.

After the bulk of your rotations experiences in your third year, you'll have to decide what sort of medicine you'd like to pursue . This decision will dictate what kinds of elective courses you'll take in your fourth and final year of med school, as well as how long you'll spend in your residency (we give more information on this in the Residency section below).


Med school rotations are a bit more productive than the one the hamster's doing on this wheel.

Year 4: Pursuing Your Specialty

As you now know, your fourth year of med school is dedicated mainly to taking elective courses to prepare you for your preferred specialty and continuing gaining hands-on experience. You'll also take the USMLE Level 2 (which is similar to the first examination, except that it simply tests more advanced knowledge); this exam includes a clinical knowledge part and a clinical skills portion.

Step 6: Complete Your Residency

Residencies, also known as internships, are supervised positions at teaching hospitals. You will be matched to an available residency position through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

You'll be able to note your preferences, but you won't have ultimate decision-making power over your matches. Once the NRMP sets you up, you sort of have to take what you're given.

You will spend at least three years in your residency program but may spend more time there depending on your specialty. In your first year, you'll be known as an intern and will be at the bottom of the totem pole—but not for long.

During your residency, you'll also need to pass your final licensing exam (USMLE-3). The third and final licensing exam is taken during the first year of your residency. It tests your ability to utilize your medical knowledge and provide care in an unsupervised setting, which is what you will have to do as a licensed physician.

You'll get a salary as a resident, but it won't be much. The average resident earns about $48,000 a year , which should cover living expenses and your minimum medical school loan payments.

Here are some example specialties and their respective residency requirements:

  • Anesthesiology: 4 years
  • Dermatology: 4 years
  • Emergency Medicine: 3-4 years
  • General Surgery: 5 years
  • Internal Medicine: 3 years
  • Neurology: 4 years
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology: 4 years
  • Pathology: 4 years
  • Pediatrics: 3 years
  • Psychiatry: 4 years
  • Radiology: 4-5 years

Step 7: Take and Pass Your Final Boards

Once you've finished your residency and passed all your boards, you can officially practice independently as a licensed physician! It probably won't take you long to find work. You might want to practice in a hospital, clinic, or private practice.

You'll have to keep up with Continuing Medical Education in order to practice as a physician, no matter your specialty; this ensures that you stay educated and up-to-date on the latest research and best medical practices.


Your education doesn't end here—you'll be working to keep up with new information and best practices for the rest of your medical career.

Summary: The 7 Critical Steps to Becoming a Doctor

This is a ton of information to take in at once, especially if you're at the beginning of this process or if you're still unsure about entering the medical field.

To recap, here are the seven major steps you must take to become a doctor :

  • Do well in high school
  • Get into a great college
  • Take the MCAT (and get a good score)
  • Apply and get into medical school
  • Attend medical school and pass your boards to become a licensed doctor
  • Choose your specialty and complete your residency
  • Take and pass your final boards to practice independently

You should also keep in mind two important takeaways:

  • You don't have to decide at the beginning of college that you want to become a doctor (although it does make it easier to fulfill pre-med requirements). The path to becoming a physician isn't completely rigid, especially if you're interested in other biological and physical science careers.
  • You don't have to think about all these steps at the same time. Once you're in medical school, your peers will be thinking about (and worrying about) the same things—there's no way you'll forget any important steps!

Becoming a doctor is definitely not for everyone—getting into medical school is really tough, and you still have a lot of training to complete even after you graduate. But if you decide you want to enter the medical profession, you now have the info you need to start off on the right foot!

What's Next?

If you want more info on what to do to prepare for med school while you're in high school , you're in the right place. Check out these great medical programs for high school students and our list of the best books every pre-med student should read .

Starting to research different college or med school options? Start off with this complete list of BA/MD and BS/MD programs in the United States . You might also be interested in our step-by-step guide on how to get into a BS/MD program .

Thinking of having a different medical career? Learn how to become a dentist or a veterinarian with our in-depth guides.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Francesca graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and scored in the 99th percentile on the SATs. She's worked with many students on SAT prep and college counseling, and loves helping students capitalize on their strengths.

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