Is Watching Tv A Waste Of Time

The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Is Watching Tv A Waste Of Time. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed.

Nowadays, television has become a major part of our lives. Almost every home has a television. In fact, even restaurants, grocery shop, clinics and also mamak stores have televisions as a way to attract customers. We are now a television nation but this is not something that we should be proud of because television is not a vital necessity in our lives.

Furthermore, too much television is eating our life away. Watching television is a waste of time. When we watch television, we give it our visual and audio attention and there Is very little we can do while watching television.

We may enjoy a snack or two but that only ad up to the television does not allow us to do something else beneficial. A television maybe a source of information but not all that it shows consists of useful information.

We will find more beneficial knowledge from books and other resources compared to television, things like sobe opera, telecommersial, entertainment programs are obviously Junk but many of us seem to enjoy feeding on it every day. Besides that, people like students tend to spend too much time on television and forget that they have other responsibility.

They will not e a good student when televlslon time has occupied most of their time. Consequently, they will have home works not done, revisions forgotten, project incomplete and soon their great will decline.

is watching television series a waste of time argumentative essay

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As a conclusion, watching television maybe a good way to relax our mind but it is never a good thing to overdo the habit. If we spend too much time on television, we will only end up missing out on other good things In life one day. Therefore it is time to switch off the television and start doing something else Instead. Ways of spending leisure time usefully Nowadays. people are getting busier and busier every day.

Write Essay On Television

We can hardly find time to relax and unwind but when we do, there are plenty of ways to spend our leisure usefully. First of all, doing exercise is one of the beneficial things we can do when we are free. When we exercise, we can maintain our health and strength. Therefore, we will not come sick and tired easily. Besides that, we can use our leisure time to read. Reading Is a good habit because we can Increase knowledge and Improve our language. We became more confident from reading. In addltlon to this, we can try gardening during our free time. Gardening can calm our nerves and beautify our iving surrounding.

Therefore, our home can look more beautiful and natural which will further enhance our sense of pleasure. Finally, doing house chores is also one of the beneficial ways to spend our leisure time. We get to understand the hard work and effort needed to maintain appreciate our parents who have been working hard maintaining our home to the tip top condition. As a conclusion, time Is precious, let alone leisure time which are hard to get for some people. Therefore, we must use our time wisely and beneficial so we will not waste our life away. Do you agree watching television is waste of time?

Most people agree that television Is one of the most Important Inventions of the past century. Oplnlons vary as to Its value, but no one can deny the great effect that television. I think watching television can be beneficial if we do not abuse using it. Firstly, television is one of the greatest educational tools of all time. Documentary programmes about foreign countries and their inhabitants, instructional programmes on science, medicine, engineering, natural history and many others are all brought to the homes of ordinary people, who without television would have nown very little or nothing about these things.

In connection to that, special School Television has been introduced in many parts of the world including Malaysia where Astro broadcast an educational channel specially designed for our schools in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. Teachers can make full use of the channel as a teaching aid since many of the programmes are prepared according to the syllabus taught in schools. In these programmes, instructional tools such as pictures, films, and diagrams are used to greatly add to the knowledge of the pupils. What is the entertainment value of watching television?

At best, TV is good form of entertainment which either stimulates or creates an interest in the arts. We can see top line artists cheaply and from comfort of our homes. A concert by Justin Bieber, a movie directed by Steven Spielberg, a tour of Europe visiting all the top draws and an hour with the wild animals from Africa. All these would be beyond the resources of most of us. In the past, movie-going was limited to the rich. Nowadays there are many good movies that can be seen on television with first class actors and actresses.

Consequently, access to entertainment becomes more affordable with television. Watching televisions is one of the most popular hobbies for students nowadays. But some peoples said that television is not important modern inventions for students. But most students have the opinion that the television is important and needed. By watching television, it can provide a good source of information. Examples like National Geographic and Animal Planet TVs show. It tells us about world and animals around us, some students cannot understand if there is Just only learn about theory.

This channel provides some 3D show like how an animal grows so students can understand it easily. Next, students can watch lives events or news on television. In that time, they could spend more time with family by watching the television together. After that, students could watch interesting programs on TV like dramas, comedy and many more with their family. Means students were not only could explore what is going on around them but they can gain more interested to be with their family from their friends.

By watching news or dramas in TV, they could get moral value because every act by ctor in the film, they could be more understanding on why and how to be a good person. Generally, students could fill their time more wisely. Because some students nowadays, they cannot spend their times correctly examples like smoking, loafing gaining frequently nowadays and no wonders, they are lack of moral values and cannot respect anybody that are older than them anymore including their parents. In a nutshell, watching television is not a disaster thing or hobby for students but it was very important for them to gaining more knowledge and new information

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Is Watching Tv A Waste Of Time

Watching TV Is A Waste Of Time

So, ultimately, it comes down to how you personally feel about TV. If you enjoy watching it and find it beneficial in some way, then it probably isn’t a waste of time for you. However, if you feel like you could be doing other things that are more productive or enjoyable, then it might be a good idea to cut back on your TV time.

Many people believe that television is one of the most important inventions of the past century. The debate over its value rages on, but no one can deny how significant television has had on society. Many individuals throughout the world would be unable to live a day without television. I believe watching television may be useful if we use it in moderation.

The main positive point of watching television is that it helps us to be informed about the events happening in the world. It can also be used as an educational tool. There are channels dedicated to news, history, science, and many other topics that can help us learn new things.

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Why binge-watching might actually be good for you

UC Santa Barbara binge watching

Joe Smith (not his real name) cheated on his wife. Up late one night alone, he watched half a season of “Game of Thrones” without her. Not cool, Joe.

Turns out Joe is not alone, though. In a recent Netflix survey, 46 percent of all respondents admit to such infidelity. Worse, 81 percent admit to being repeat offenders, and 45 percent never confess their betrayal at all.

is watching television series a waste of time argumentative essay

This new media “cheating” among streaming couples — watching an episode of a Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu or other series ahead of one’s partner — is in fact three-times more prevalent now than when Netflix first analyzed the concept four years ago. This coincides with the growth in binge-watching — viewing an entire season of, say, “House of Cards,” in one sitting.  

Relationship issues aside, what benefits, if any, does binge-watching offer? Is it really just a waste of valuable time? According to UC Santa Barbara communication professor Robin Nabi, people are fascinated by a drama-filled series — from “Orange Is the New Black” to “Downtown Abbey” — and use them to escape daily stresses through what she described as “narrative transportation,” in which they engage in a story world that seems “real.”  

“Typically, these shows are far more dramatic than our daily lives and the combination of the plot, the acting and the music — all that combines to create this very strong emotional experience,” said Nabi, whose research focuses on the interplay between emotion and the effects of mediated messages. “And emotional experiences keep our attention and we engage with them. We think about them. We talk about them. And then we look forward to having those emotions again.”


is watching television series a waste of time argumentative essay

Research shows that people tend to develop parasocial relationships with media characters, creating one-way bonds. “They feel like they are friends of ours,” Nabi said, referring to people we watch daily such as newscasters and talk-show hosts. “And because we like them, we keep coming back. So we develop those kinds of relationships with fictional characters as well.”

Whether or not “friends” is an apt description for Frank and Claire Underwood, the ruthless characters who will stop at nothing to conquer Washington, D.C., in the Netflix blockbuster series “House of Cards,” they are nonetheless very popular among millions of viewers. Many streaming devotees no doubt logged onto Netflix at the stroke of midnight for today’s release of the series’ fifth season.

While some may consider late-night or weekend binge-watching a waste of precious time, according to Nabi the opportunity it provides for de-stressing is invaluable. “We tend to look at media as a frivolous experience,” she said. “That really undermines the potential benefits that we can get from engaging with the media in ways that help us de-stress, help us escape so we can come back to our real world, to our families, to our jobs — just feel rejuvenated and ready to deal with whatever is happening in our real lives.”

However, Nabi cautioned that such de-stressing can become a problem for those who spend too much time escaping into their favorite series — it should be incorporated into a to-do list, she said, rather than overtaking other duties.

But with episodes typically ending on a cliffhanger — and the next installment beginning in a mere 15 seconds — hitting the “stop” button can be challenging. Viewers want to know what’s going to happen next, like a primal hunting urge to know “what’s around the corner,” Nabi said. “We’re like: ‘I have to find out.’ So there’s that intense curiosity and anticipation that drives us to connect — let me watch the next episode.”

Escapism can be healthy

Though research has been conducted on the value of media consumption, Nabi disagrees with critics who argue that TV watching is a waste of time. “They say you’re ignoring your spouse, you’re ignoring your work and you’re staying up too late, not getting enough sleep — and there’s some truth to that,” she said. “But another way of looking at this is there are times you just really need to do something for yourself to calm down.”

For example, Nabi’s media research with breast cancer survivors showed that people can watch TV to block out their concerns — from talking about illness problems, from engaging with others — and just be someplace where they’re not dealing with that major stressor. “It can be very functional,” she said, adding that people rely on TV for a range of psychological needs: surveillance (to be informed about what’s happening in our environment), social connection, and diversion.

is watching television series a waste of time argumentative essay

“Media happens to be readily available with lots of options and minimal effort,” she continued. “So it ends up serving that need for diversion very well.”

Beyond satisfying basic needs, binge-watching TV is now part of the pop culture ethos, said Jennifer Holt, an associate professor in the Department of Film & Media Studies. Her students “binge-watch everything.” Keeping up on the latest shows is necessary, she said, if you “want to stay in a cultural conversation” with your circle of friends.

Admitting she, too, is a binge junkie, Holt said she “can’t stop” herself when new seasons of her favorite shows are released on Netflix, Hulu, HBO or Amazon Prime. She’s stayed up as late as 3:30 a.m. watching TV, refusing to limit her “media consumption in any way, ever.” It is, after all, her job.

And does she consider herself a binge cheater? “Totally,” Holt blurted with a laugh. “But I’m really bad at it. It’s all over my face. I don't have a poker face. I get busted.”

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is watching television series a waste of time argumentative essay

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IELTS essay, topic: Reading newspapers and watching TV news is a waste of time (agree/disagree)

  • IELTS Essays - Band 8
  • by Simone Braverman

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 January 2024

This essay topic was seen in recent IELTS test in UK .

Some say that reading newspapers and watching TV news is a waste of time, because it has no direct connection with people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the digital era, there is a growing belief that newspapers and TV news are outdated since these traditional news sources have no direct relevance to people’s personal lives. I, however, disagree with this perspective as it overlooks the broader role of news in shaping an informed society.

is watching television series a waste of time argumentative essay

It is crucial to understand that all forms of news offer useful insights into events that add to our overall understanding of the world. This awareness helps people to develop a more profound insight into the world beyond their own country. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, individuals need to be aware of global newsworthy situations as actions in one part of the globe can quickly cause ripple effects elsewhere. For example, during the Brexit negotiations, comprehensive news reports helped people worldwide understand the economic and political ramifications, not just for the UK and Europe, but for global trade and travel.

Another important point to consider is that news media act as watchdogs that hold those in power accountable. By reporting on government policies, societal issues, and public opinions, newspapers and TV news ensure that citizens are well-informed, which is essential for making responsible voting decisions. While it is true that the immediacy of social media and the internet might provide more direct engagement with our immediate interests, it would be a mistake to dismiss traditional news sources as outdated and irrelevant. Newspapers and TV news offer a broader, more in-depth perspective on the world, which is invaluable for developing a well-rounded worldview.

In conclusion, while newspapers and TV news might not always have a direct influence our personal daily experiences, their contribution to our understanding of the broader world, democracy, and social issues is significant. Dismissing them as a waste of time, in my view, overlooks the essential role they play in creating and shaping an informed society.

Teacher’s feedback:

Overall, the essay is a great example of Band 8 writing.

Task Response: Band 8 The essay fully addresses the task, presenting a clear opinion and discussing both the general view and the writer’s own perspective. The argument is well-developed with relevant examples, such as the reference to Brexit negotiations, which effectively illustrate the importance of traditional news sources in providing a global perspective.

Coherence and Cohesion: Band 8 The essay is well-organised and logically sequenced. Ideas are clearly laid out and easy to follow. Cohesive devices such as “Another important point to consider” and “In conclusion.” are used effectively. The summary provided in the conclusion reinforces the coherence in this essay.

Lexical Resource: Band 8 The essay uses a wide range of vocabulary appropriately and accurately. Terms like “interconnected,” “ripple effects,” and “watchdogs” demonstrate a strong command of language. The vocabulary is used precisely, enhancing the clarity of the argument.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Band 8 The essay demonstrates a wide range of complex structures with high accuracy. Examples include: “By reporting on government policies, societal issues, and public opinions, newspapers and TV news ensure that citizens are well-informed.” The grammatical accuracy is consistently high, contributing to the clarity and sophistication of the essay.

Submit your essay for correction and find out how to improve your Writing score.

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Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

Stanford University

TV? Don’t waste your time, says Stanford prez

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A waste of time? Who sez?

“TV is a waste of time,” said John Hennessy .  The Stanford prez added:

“Let’s face it. No one really loves watching TV, though we may do it occasionally.”

He came to that conclusion when he was interviewing, years ago, for a full-time faculty gig at Stanford. His interviewer was Donald Knuth , the “father of computer science.” Hennessy wondered if he was up to the job.  He asked Knuth how he managed his time.  Knuth confessed that he never watches TV.

“It was a great insight about using your time and doing what you really love,”  Hennessy’s told an audience at the Stanford University’s dedication of the new “Jen-Hsen Huang” Engineering building.  His comments were picked up by the Forbes blog here .  And boy, did they hit a pocket of resistance.

This, from Kym McNicholas of “Kym’s Faces of Tech” :

Those of you who bash television, you may talk about books on Picasso or Gauguin with people you want to impress. You may make sad sounds when people talk about the decline of the newspaper industry.  But no one is pulling the plug on TV stations. They’re thriving.  And guess what? We’re thriving online, too, on Hulu, YouTube, and Netflix. People love video! … I also know of several Stanford graduates and Harvard graduates who never miss an episode of “Family Guy.” I hear it’s now preferred over the “Simpsons” for techies looking for a little humor as they decompress after a long day of programming. But are they any less intellectual because of that? No. Everyone needs an outlet. … And one more thought. If television is such a waste of time, why are some of the largest companies such as Google, with Google TV, and Apple, with Apple TV, investing so much money it? Yes, to make it better. And yes, to make it more relevant for today, in terms of our Internet-centric world – a world that brilliant Stanford, Harvard, MIT, and other University graduates (or drop-outs) are helping to create. So, I can imagine that the argument that “TV is a waste of time” is only going to get harder to defend.

Whew!  I guess John Hennessy really stirred the pot with this one. I caught “Family Guy” for the first time while waiting for my sons at their apartment about five years ago. I didn’t know what I was watching, but I was astonished at the crudity of the animation and appalled by the sexism and stereotypes. Do people really “decompress” with this stuff? The episode I watched included a veiled, seductive Arab woman snatching the father away from the mother in some sort of polygamous arrangement, in which the husband was mindlessly acquiescent.  Talk about stereotypes !

As someone who learned to “manage my time” the same way, many years ago, I can only say yes, John, yes, yes, yes, yes !

Tags: Donald Knuth , John Hennessy , Kym McNicholas

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 9th, 2010 at 12:42 pm by Cynthia Haven and is filed under Uncategorized . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “TV? Don’t waste your time, says Stanford prez”

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We let our frail, snowy, black and white TV die a natural death in 1981 when our son was born, and he grew up without TV. We do have a big flat panel thing now. And the difference seems to be more stations with less content. Most of the viewing hours have been repurposed for advertising, partisan political propaganda, and vulgarity beyond belief. I still watch Jeffrey Brown on the PBS News Hour, and am addicted to one show (Hercule Poirot, 7pm Saturday). But my time really goes to the internet, that is an addiction that I cannot control, and the time just evaporates. And it is not always wasted.

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The best BBC stuff can be viewed on DVD later — that way you don’t have to be roped into a whole bunch of worthy programming you didn’t mean to watch, but that winds up eating hours and hours of your time. And print or onscreen media is still a far more comprehensive way of taking in the news.

As for internet addiction, you got me. I don’t know how to deal with that one, either. One can’t just throw out the computer — it’s the way I work.

Nice not to have to deal with the clutter of paper, anyway. I remember years ago when I subscribed to the NYT. It got ahead of me — days and days ahead of me — with the papers stacking up everywhere.

Isn’t it funny, Elena? More and more channels, less and less to watch.

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Watching TV Makes Us Smarter Debate Argumentative Essay

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Why watching tv cannot make you smarter, works cited.

The main inspiration behind the making of TV programs can be considered to a very small extent to be in the best interests of the viewers.

The fact that Stephen Johnson does not even account for the sixteen minutes of commercial breaks per every episode of ‘24’ is a clear indication that his article is basically aimed at luring more and more people to watch TV for the benefit of the producers and the broadcasters. It is only the millions that are made through the adverts that interrupt highly rated shows like ‘24’, which matter to the producers and nothing like improving the minds of the viewers.

To me there is no way that dedicating a number of hours to sit and watch TV is going to be of any intellectual benefit to an individual. In this paper, I will give provide impeccable evidence as to why watching TV as argued by Johnson will not improve anyone’s thinking capacity or knowledge for that matter.

Johnson takes time to clear the controversies that arose after a given episode of the ‘24’ show, which brought heated debates on how Muslims were portrayed as terrorists. After this he proceeds to try and show us how the show helps in improving our thinking through being able to conceptualize the many story threads that are intertwined in the plot.

This is a clear indication that Johnson makes an assumption that the content that makes the story is not as important as the manner in which the story is told. To me, fiction makes sense if it has a clear connection with reality. Johnson tends to assume that the world as portrayed in the ‘24’ has no connection with the real world.

What kind of knowledge then are we compelled to consume if the content we see on prime time TV highlights the endorsement of immoral practices such as the use of torture? With most of the content on television being majorly violence and obscenity, I beg to disagree with Johnson’s arguments.

As in the case of the ‘24’ in relation to how it can make me smarter, I believe that the complexities of plot lines and the quick paced action is an effort to make viewers concentrate less on the content of the show. To me, it is like comparing of worded music and no-worded music in passing some information.

As Dana Stephens puts it, “Johnson’s claim for television as a tool for brain enhancement is deeply, hilariously bogus” (296). There is no way that by watching the numerous confusions presented in most highly rated TV shows you will increase your thinking capacity.

If anything, what watching a lot of TV can do to you is implanting the confusions into your mind. The confusing explanations that Stephen Johnson give about the intertwined story lines in TV shows reflect just how confused you can end up while trying to enhance your brain by watching shows such as the ‘24’ or even ‘The sopranos.’

Johnson (280), talks of there being a pleasure in solving the puzzles, detecting patterns or even unpacking a complex narrative system. I completely disagree with this assumption for a number of reasons. First, it is a mere assumption that has not been backed with any empirical evidence or research.

Secondly, I believe that the reason why a person would want to watch TV is mainly because they need some pleasure as a result of the entertainment they get. One will not watch a show such as ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ to get any medical related knowledge, but to find it entertaining how the seemingly serious medical environment can provide comic relief while the same time addressing serious concerns.

Johnson posits the TV show that does not compel the viewer into thinking a lot about what is happening is relatively uninteresting. He actually states that “not having to think is boring” as effectively follow the plot of the “interesting show he/she has to focus on exercising the parts of the brain that map social networks, that fill in missing information, that connect multiple narrative threads…”(281).

Considering the nature of the audience that watches a show like the ‘24’, what percentage will get anything out of the show if all those requirements as put forth by Johnson hold? As a matter of fact, most of the people are lost in the process of trying to figure out what is happening and the level of knowledge they had in their brains goes down as most of the substantial information they had is replaced by uncertainty and confusion.

Only a small number of viewers are capable of substantiating the happenings and as far as I am concerned, this does not add any new information to them as they already had enough to enable them make meaning out of such shows. As far as the fact that different people perceive meaning s out of a particular TV show differently holds, a particular show can engage the mind s of some people and sedates those of others.

Johnson’s argument that audiences happily embrace the complexity posed by shows such as ‘24’because they have been trained by two decades of multi- threaded drama (279) is unrealistic to me. In fact he should see me watching some of these shows. It is torturous to try and follow the stories that are structured in this manner.

The twists are okay to maintain the suspense but if overdone it makes it hard to achieve any intended meaning if it is there. It is therefore true to conclude from this that such TV shows are generally watched by many people not because they appeal to them intellectually, but because they are trending at a given time.

Some people in certain age groups such as teenagers are easily carried by multitudes into wanting to attach themselves to particular things that are trending not because they are learning anything new but because it is the in thing at the given time.

Watching television just fills the mind with irrelevant things that could otherwise be avoided by engaging the brain with relevant things such as reading appropriate literature. As a matter of fact, relying on the TV to improve your mind can only make one lazier, dumper and confused.

This explains why kids end up performing poorly in academics after dedicating a lot of their time to watch TV rather than reading their books. Johnson’s arguments in support of watching TV be smarter do not put into consideration what kind of smartness a nine year old gets after being exposed to obscene materials on TV.

As a result I totally disagree with them since he pays no concern to explaining the content of the shows and instead chooses to bluff on the structure and form. If the content is at times controversial, then the structure and form in which it is conveyed cannot be a way of adding knowledge.

Johnson, Steven. “Watching TV Makes You Smarter.” In Graff, Gerald, Cathy

Birkenstein, and Russell Durst. They Say-I Say . New York: Norton Publishers. 2008. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 8). Watching TV Makes Us Smarter Debate.

"Watching TV Makes Us Smarter Debate." IvyPanda , 8 June 2018,

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IvyPanda . 2018. "Watching TV Makes Us Smarter Debate." June 8, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Watching TV Makes Us Smarter Debate." June 8, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Watching TV Makes Us Smarter Debate." June 8, 2018.

How to do IELTS

IELTS Essay: Watching TV

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 4 Comments

IELTS Essay: Watching TV

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of whether or not television programmes should be aimed at educating viewers about important social issues from the real IELTS exam.

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Some people say that all popular TV entertainment programmes should aim to educate viewers about important social issues.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Critics of the quality of televisions shows these days argue that more educational programming related to key social issues is needed. In my opinion, though there are legitimate reasons to support such reforms, I believe television should be mainly for entertainment.

Those in favour of raising awareness of social problems claim that television is not currently serving a socially viable purpose. The most popular shows are dramas, comedies, and reality TV, all of which are purely for entertainment. If the time wasted on such shows was diverted towards educational programs, this would have a ripple effect on society at large. For example, more informed news shows about underprivileged segments of society could lead to outpourings of empathy and encourage a nuanced understanding of the causes of poverty. This greater awareness would translate to real action in many cases. Powerful figures and small activists alike could contribute to socially beneficial causes.

Nonetheless, the actual impact of the proposed changes is questionable and most people do not watch TV out of altruism. Raising awareness of social issues, depending on how it is handled and the self-righteousness of the programs, is just as likely to provoke a negative backlash and hinder progress. Moreover, people watch TV in order to relax and let their minds rest or to experience a feeling of excitement. Forcing viewers to think about complex societal problems would simply discourage them and they would instead watch videos on YouTube or Netflix. It would be impossible to regulate all media and there would be public uproar at the attempt.

In conclusion, though it would be ideal for television to inform citizens of social problems, this solution is not practical. Individuals will always seek out the pastimes that entertain, not educate, them the most.

1. Critics of the quality of televisions shows these days argue that more educational programming related to key social issues is needed. 2. In my opinion, though there are legitimate reasons to support such reforms, I believe television should be mainly for entertainment.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Those in favour of raising awareness of social problems claim that television is not currently serving a socially viable purpose. 2. The most popular shows are dramas, comedies, and reality TV, all of which are purely for entertainment. 3. If the time wasted on such shows was diverted towards educational programs, this would have a ripple effect on society at large. 4. For example, more informed news shows about underprivileged segments of society could lead to outpourings of empathy and encourage a nuanced understanding of the causes of poverty. 5. This greater awareness would translate to real action in many cases. 6. Powerful figures and small activists alike could contribute to socially beneficial causes.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific examples.
  • Continue to develop it.
  • State the result.
  • Develop it fully.

1. Nonetheless, the actual impact of the proposed changes is questionable and most people do not watch TV out of altruism. 2. Raising awareness of social issues, depending on how it is handled and the self-righteousness of the programs, is just as likely to provoke a negative backlash and hinder progress. 3. Moreover, people watch TV in order to relax and let their minds rest or to experience a feeling of excitement. 4. Forcing viewers to think about complex societal problems would simply discourage them and they would instead watch videos on YouTube or Netflix. 5. It would be impossible to regulate all media and there would be public uproar at the attempt.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • The more specific, the better.
  • Develop the example fully by stating the result.

1. In conclusion, though it would be ideal for television to inform citizens of social problems, this solution is not practical. 2. Individuals will always seek out the pastimes that entertain, not educate, them the most.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean?

Critics of the quality of televisions shows these days argue that more educational programming related to key social issues is needed. In my opinion, though there are legitimate reasons to support such reforms , I believe television should be mainly for entertainment.

Those in favour of raising awareness of social problems claim that television is not currently serving a socially viable purpose . The most popular shows are dramas, comedies, and reality TV , all of which are purely for entertainment. If the time wasted on such shows was diverted towards educational programs, this would have a ripple effect on society at large . For example, more informed news shows about underprivileged segments of society could lead to outpourings of empathy and encourage a nuanced understanding of the causes of poverty . This greater awareness would translate to real action in many cases. Powerful figures and small activists alike could contribute to socially beneficial causes .

Nonetheless , the actual impact of the proposed changes is questionable and most people do not watch TV out of altruism . Raising awareness of social issues, depending on how it is handled and the self-righteousness of the programs, is just as likely to provoke a negative backlash and hinder progress . Moreover, people watch TV in order to relax and let their minds rest or to experience a feeling of excitement. Forcing viewers to think about complex societal problems would simply discourage them and they would instead watch videos on YouTube or Netflix. It would be impossible to regulate all media and there would be public uproar at the attempt .

In conclusion, though it would be ideal for television to inform citizens of social problems, this solution is not practical . Individuals will always seek out the pastimes that entertain, not educate, them the most.

critics those who argue against it

quality how good it is

these days recently

educational programming shows that are informative

key social issues imprtant problems related to society

legitimate reasons good justifications

reforms changes

those in favour of raising awareness supporters of this opinion

claim argue

not currently serving not helping

socially viable purpose good for society

reality TV shows without scripts about real people

purely entirely

wasted not used properly

diverted towards pushed in a different direction

ripple effect trickle down impact

at large in general

more informed news shows TV shows that report well

underprivileged segments poor parts

lead to outpourings of empathy cause people to feel bad

encourage motivate

nuanced understanding complex understanding of

poverty being poor

greater awareness know more about

translate means

powerful figures famous, rich people

small activists alike individuals as well

contribute add to

socially beneficial causes helps society

nonetheless regardless

actual impact real effect

proposed changes what they want to reform

questionable dubious

out of altruism not for personal gain

depending on has to do with

handled dealt with

self-righteousness feeling superior to others

provoke instigate

negative backlash overreaction

hinder progress hurt the movement

let their minds rest relax

experience watch

forcing have to

complex societal problems nuanced issues in society

discourage not motivate

instead in fact

regulate make laws about

public uproar people angry

attempt try

ideal perfect

inform give information about

not practical impractical, not realistic

pastimes hobbies


ˈkrɪtɪks   ˈkwɒlɪti   ðiːz deɪz   ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃənl ˈprəʊgræmɪŋ   kiː ˈsəʊʃəl ˈɪʃuːz   lɪˈʤɪtɪmɪt ˈriːznz   ˌriːˈfɔːmz ðəʊz ɪn ˈfeɪvər ɒv ˈreɪzɪŋ əˈweənəs   kleɪm   nɒt ˈkʌrəntli ˈsɜːvɪŋ   ˈsəʊʃəli ˈvaɪəbl ˈpɜːpəs ri(ː)ˈælɪti ˌtiːˈviː ˈpjʊəli   ˈweɪstɪd   daɪˈvɜːtɪd təˈwɔːdz   ˈrɪpl ɪˈfɛkt   æt lɑːʤ mɔːr ɪnˈfɔːmd njuːz ʃəʊz   ˌʌndəˈprɪvɪlɪʤd ˈsɛgmənts   liːd tuː ˈaʊtˌpɔːrɪŋz ɒv ˈɛmpəθi   ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ   nju(ː)ˈɑːnst ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ   ˈpɒvəti ˈgreɪtər əˈweənəs   trænsˈleɪt   ˈpaʊəfʊl ˈfɪgəz   smɔːl ˈæktɪvɪsts əˈlaɪk   kənˈtrɪbju(ː)t   ˈsəʊʃəli ˌbɛnɪˈfɪʃəl ˈkɔːzɪz ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs ˈækʧʊəl ˈɪmpækt   prəˈpəʊzd ˈʧeɪnʤɪz   ˈkwɛsʧənəbl   aʊt ɒv ˈæltrʊɪzm dɪˈpɛndɪŋ ɒn   ˈhændld   sɛlf-ˈraɪʧəsnɪs   prəˈvəʊk   ˈnɛgətɪv ˈbæklæʃ   ˈhaɪndə ˈprəʊgrəs lɛt ðeə maɪndz rɛst   ɪksˈpɪərɪəns   ˈfɔːsɪŋ   ˈkɒmplɛks səˈsaɪətl ˈprɒbləmz   dɪsˈkʌrɪʤ   ɪnˈstɛd   ˈrɛgjʊleɪt   ˈpʌblɪk ˈʌprɔː   əˈtɛmpt aɪˈdɪəl   ɪnˈfɔːm   nɒt ˈpræktɪkəl ˈpɑːstaɪmz

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

C_________s of the q_________y of televisions shows t___________s argue that more e____________________________g related to k__________________s is needed. In my opinion, though there are l______________________s to support such r________s , I believe television should be mainly for entertainment.

T_____________________________________s of social problems c_____m that television is n__________________________g a s___________________e . The most popular shows are dramas, comedies, and r_________V , all of which are p________y for entertainment. If the time w________d on such shows was d__________________s educational programs, this would have a r_______________t on society a_________e . For example, m______________________s about u__________________________s of society could l__________________________________y and e_____________e a n___________________________g of the causes of p__________y . This g____________________s would t________________e to real action in many cases. P____________________s and s_______________________e could c______________e to s_____________________________s .

N________________s , the a________________t of the p____________________s is q____________________e and most people do not watch TV o__________________m . Raising awareness of social issues, d____________________n how it is h_____________d and the s______________________s of the programs, is just as likely to p___________e a n_______________________h and h_____________________s . Moreover, people watch TV in order to relax and l________________________t or to e____________e a feeling of excitement. F___________g viewers to think about c___________________________s would simply d___________e them and they would i__________d watch videos on YouTube or Netflix. It would be impossible to r___________e all media and there would be p_______________r at the a_____________t .

In conclusion, though it would be i_________l for television to i__________m citizens of social problems, this solution is n__________________l . Individuals will always seek out the p__________s that entertain, not educate, them the most.

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic in the video below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • Which sport do you like to play?
  • Have you ever been on a sports team?
  • Do you like watching sports on TV?
  • Which sport are popular to watch on TV in your country?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related topic below and then check with my sample answer:

Nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the past and spend less time being active or creative.

What is the reason for this?

What measures should be taken to encourage children to be more active?

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Television (Real IELTS Test)

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student opinion

Does Reality TV Deserve Its Bad Rap?

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is watching television series a waste of time argumentative essay

By Callie Holtermann

Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021.

Do you watch any reality television shows? If so, what are your favorites? What do you like about them?

Do you think of reality television as a time-waster, or a guilty pleasure? Or do you think that TV snobs are the ones missing out?

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The reality TV genre often gets dismissed as irredeemably trashy and filled with fame-starved men and women who’ll stab each other in the back to get more time on camera. But that’s not always the case. Many reality series are more like a cross between a documentary and a game show, featuring a diverse assortment of ordinary people who demonstrate their wits, skills and simple human decency as they compete to win a lot money. And some, like the recent Netflix hit “Floor Is Lava,” are just good, goofy fun, ideal for all ages. The 11 shows below are exciting, funny, moving and educational — and exactly the kind of television that parents should be watching with their kids.

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