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How to Write a Great Engineering School Personal Statement

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You have spent months researching and identifying the best engineering schools, studying for and completing the SATs, GRE, or other standardized tests, and filling out tedious college applications. You are on the verge of burnout when it hits you: you have to write a personal statement.

How important is it to write a great personal statement? Ask the admissions committee, and they’ll tell you that writing a personal statement is like applying for a job. Stephen J Aguilar, an assistant professor of education at USC, reported in 2020 to Inside Higher Ed that a personal statement should be less revealing and more persuasive. At its core, the personal statement needs to answer these two questions:

  • Why are you applying here?
  • How do your interests and experiences align with the program or the faculty you’ve identified?

However, the importance of reading and understanding the question prompts cannot be overstated. For example, the University of Iowa College of Engineering, which places 97 percent of its undergraduates in jobs post-graduation and currently has 284 master’s and doctoral students, goes one step further to differentiate personal statements from statements of purpose .

This institution wants to know in the statement of purpose , “Why is this program a good fit for you?” By contrast, the personal statement elicits answers to the question: “Who are you?” and allows applicants to explain themselves to admissions committees regarding academic achievements and life events that have shaped them and will positively influence the campus community.

That said, a personal statement is not just an essay. It has to be intelligent, engaging, typo-free, and capable of convincing admissions reviewers that you are a better fit for their program. Fret not. With lots of research and preparation, you can submit a college essay that reflects your passion and capabilities.

Read on to learn the what, the why, and the how-to of writing great personal statements to gain admission into engineering school.

How Is a Personal Statement Evaluated?

The title "personal statement" is generally synonymous with college essays. However, some admissions professionals use it to refer more specifically to written statements that explore applicants’ program readiness and intentions if admitted. The purpose of these statements for engineering school applicants is three-fold.

First, colleges want to know that they can write well, and not just from a technical perspective. Of course, grammar matters, but perhaps more important is the ability to communicate ideas.

Second, engineering schools want to know who a student is—the nuggets that are not conveyed through a conventional application or school transcripts. This is the written equivalent of the interview question “tell us about yourself” and is the applicant’s chance to share who they are, what they want to do, and how gaining admission to this program will be mutually beneficial.

Finally, colleges want to ensure applicants are familiar with and committed to the program. The best personal statements fulfill these goals, often in 700 words or less.

Does this sound like a tall order? Here are some tips for getting it right.

Six Tips for Writing a Stellar Engineering School Personal Statement

1. Do the research

It may sound simplistic, but one of the most important (and often overlooked) steps toward getting into the right school is taking the time to research a prospective engineering program, review its admissions policies and—this cannot be overstated—read and reread its application essay prompt. Candidates who don’t sufficiently answer an institution’s question or convey some misunderstanding about the prompt or its expectations are unlikely to be admitted.

Prospective students completing the Common Application should take the time to contact each engineering school they are applying to inquire about additional admissions requirements. The Princeton Review emphasizes that a personal statement should not repeat a previously discussed part of your application, nor should its information contradict another part.

2. Go deep, not broad

Personal statement prompts tend to be targeted. Engineering schools want to know what specific qualities or experiences make each student a good fit for their programs. Common inquiries include recalling a time you solved a problem, explaining why you applied, describing your academic goals and intentions, and addressing any extenuating circumstances that might have impacted your school record. Rather than offering a broad synopsis of your life, choose the experience or intent most relevant to the question and explore it in depth.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduate School offers advice for writing an in-depth personal statement for engineering schools using the “qualified match” approach. The steps include:

  • Make a statement that fits the essay prompt, like “I am a dedicated and hard-working student.”
  • Quantify your statement with specific details about your life. You might, for example, discuss how many hours per week you spend on school work and how you overcome any obstacles to committing that time.
  • Interpret how those details make you a stronger applicant. To continue with the above example, that might include writing about the knowledge you gained during your studies, your time-management skills, your passion for learning, and your commitment to succeed despite challenges.

3. Be relevant

If a personal statement has only one goal, it is to be shown to a review committee that you are the right fit for its school. That’s why applicants to Stanford University’s Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering are asked to specify their personal and professional goals in their statement of purpose, as well as discuss their developments and intentions for study and life beyond their doctoral program.

Read the mission statements of each program to get a feel for what they are looking for and keep that in mind as you write. Rather than getting carried away detailing the hours you log volunteering each week, discuss experiences and activities as they relate to your academic and career goals or scientific interests. Also, be sure not to waste valuable ink rehashing information available elsewhere on your application, such as extracurricular activities or your stellar GPA.

4. Avoid gimmicks and cliches

Did you love playing with Legos as a kid? Did those plastic bricks lay the foundation for your drive to be an engineer? If so, the College of Engineering at the University of Washington suggests you are in good company, but not in a good way. Every year, the committee reads personal essays on how Legos were the building blocks of a student's career in engineering.

To stand out, engineering school applicants should avoid using cliches in their statements. Of course, setting yourself apart from other applicants is imperative, but you must do so in a meaningful and unique way. Admissions review panels have seen it all and are unlikely to be moved by creative gimmicks and attention-grabbers that do not get to the heart of what makes you a great candidate.

5. Mind your mechanics

This tip refers more to the mechanics of writing than any scientific drive, though the latter undoubtedly has a place in an engineering school personal statement. Remember when we said one of the goals of college essays is verifying applicants can communicate effectively? Applicants should consider the following elements as they prepare their outline (more on that next):

  • Voice – Is your voice appropriate for the task? Is it too formal or casual? Are you using active language rather than passive and wishy-washy statements? Do you come across as academic?
  • Structure – Do your ideas flow logically and support one main idea? If you are unsure where to start, know that following the reliable five-paragraph essay format is perfectly acceptable: introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a tidy conclusion.
  • Length – Engineering schools usually have a good reason for requesting personal statements with a specific word count. Those that are too short have too little to say, and those that are too long are likely to repeat the same concepts.
  • Grammar – College students are expected to know and use basic grammar. Edit, edit, and then edit again.
  • Completeness – Have you addressed the admissions essay prompt in full? What about any supplemental school or department-specific requests?

6. Edit, edit, edit

Writing a personal statement may seem like a herculean task, so it is tempting to push it aside when you type that final period and not look back. This is a mistake—and perhaps the biggest one you can make. Sometimes we get so caught up in our thoughts and ideas that we miss lapses in our writing, whether grammatical or contextual. To avoid this:

  • Begin with an outline.
  • Write the first draft.
  • Write a second draft.
  • Read the essay out loud.
  • Review your essay again a day or two later.
  • Ask parents, friends, teachers, and others to read your work.

There is never any excuse for typos, and even the slightest error can turn a committee review member off. Ask a friend or family member to review your essay for grammatical mistakes when in doubt. It may be intimidating, but the process is an excellent way to identify missing words or ideas. What's more, applicants today are blessed with the power of technology. Online tools like Grammarly are free to use and quickly catch any glaring typos.

Starting Your Engineering School Admissions Essay

One of the biggest challenges to writing a stellar college essay is simply getting started in the first place. Personal statements are, by design, personal, and that can be intimidating. Applicants also put significant pressure on themselves to write the perfect essay.

Fortunately, many colleges try to ease the burden by providing tips online. Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab offers examples of successful personal statements. Some engineering schools even post examples of successful personal statements, including MIT , Johns Hopkins University , and Cornell University . While your essay should be wholly original, these resources can guide you through creating a unique and inspirational narrative to impress admissions committees.

Aimee Hosler

Aimee Hosler is a long-time journalist specializing in education and technology. She is an advocate for experiential learning among all ages and serves as the director of communications for a non-profit community makerspace. She holds a degree in journalism from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo.


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Application Instructions: Writing a Strong Personal Statement

——— this content was revised june, 2024 ———————————.

As part of your admissions application to a Penn Engineering Online degree program, you’ll need to write a personal statement—an essay designed to help us get to know the real person behind your grades and test scores. A strong personal statement can tip the scales in your favor, so we encourage you to give it your best effort.

What is the personal statement?

The personal statement is a 1,000-1,500 word essay that answers the following questions for your selected program. We encourage you to include detailed, specific examples from your academic, research or industry work if possible.

  • What makes you interested in this degree program?
  • How will you benefit from the program?
  • Why will you succeed in the program?
  • How will you contribute to the community?
  • How do you plan to incorporate an average of 15 hours per week per course of studies into your lifestyle?
  • Please describe your career goals and how the curriculum will help to achieve them.
  • For MCIT Online applicants only : Given that the program is designed for people without a CS background, if you feel that your resume could be perceived as overqualified, please explain why MCIT Online is right for you.


If you have already applied to a Penn Engineering Online degree program in the past, please address this additional required question in your personal statement essay (250 words): 

  • Please discuss any updates to your candidacy since you last applied (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, extracurricular/volunteer engagements). If after reading our online materials you think your application may have been perceived as overqualified, please explain why this program is right for you.

How can I make my personal statement stand out?

Write authentically, from the heart. Express your passion for computer science and explain why you are a good fit for the program. We won’t have the opportunity to interview you, so the personal statement is your chance to showcase your strengths and explain discrepancies.

  • Address potential weaknesses in your application. Are there gaps or inconsistent grades in your academic history, particularly in quantitative ability ? Use the personal statement to provide context—and to give examples of how you will do better. It’s also an opportunity to explain why you’re a good fit for the program even if you appear to be overqualified.
  • Read the questions carefully. A personal statement that doesn’t fully address the questions could hurt your chances of admittance.
  • Explain how you will manage your time during the program. Each course requires a commitment of about 15-18 hours a week . How will you juggle that with your other commitments, especially if you are currently enrolled in another degree program?
  • Share your accomplishments. Have you done any online learning or taken additional coursework to prepare for the program?  The personal statement is an opportunity to highlight those achievements.
  • Get a second opinion. Once you’ve written a draft, ask someone who knows you well to read it. An extra set of eyes is essential to help you avoid typos and make a clear and compelling case for your candidacy.

Get more tips on letters of recommendation by watching our Application Guide or by browsing our collection of recent Admissions Webinar Recordings . You can find additional support by exploring our comprehensive FAQs . You can also contact us at any time to connect directly with our team for support as you work on assembling your application — we’d love to hear from you!

/images/cornell/logo35pt_cornell_white.svg" alt="masters in engineering personal statement"> Cornell University --> Graduate School

Personal statement, overview .

There are two types of statements included in the Graduate School’s online application, (1) the Academic Statement of Purpose and (2) the Personal Statement, both of which are required for all graduate degree programs. 

What Should the Personal Statement Include?

Your Personal Statement should provide the admissions committee with a sense of you as a whole person, and you should use it to describe how your personal background and experiences influenced your decision to pursue a graduate degree. Additionally, it should provide insights into your potential to contribute to Cornell University’s core value to provide a community of inclusion, belonging, and respect where scholars representing diverse backgrounds, perspectives, abilities, and experiences can learn and work productively and positively together. Within your Personal Statement, you may also share details on lessons learned from any of your lived experiences including but not limited to

  • being a first-generation college student or graduate (no parent/guardian completed a baccalaureate degree)
  • racial, ethnic, and/or cultural background(s)
  • managing a disability or chronic health condition
  • experiencing housing, food, economic, and/or other forms of significant insecurity
  • being a solo parent
  • gender identity and/or sexual orientation 
  • having served in the military
  • holding DACA, refugee, TPS, or asylee status

Your Personal Statement provides you with an opportunity to share experiences that provide insights on how your personal, academic, and/or professional experiences demonstrate your ability to be both persistent and resilient, especially when navigating challenging circumstances. It also gives you an opportunity to provide examples of how you engage with others and have facilitated and/or participated in productive collaborative endeavors. Additionally, it is a place, where if necessary, you can (and should) address any blemishes, gaps, or weaknesses in your academic record. In these situations, you will want to be honest, but brief. It is best to turn negatives into positives by focusing on how you overcame obstacles, remained persistent in the pursuit of your goals, and showed resilience. Share what you learned from the particular experience, and how it led you to become a better researcher/scholar/person, etc.

Content in the Personal Statement should complement rather than duplicate the content contained within the Academic Statement of Purpose, which should focus explicitly on your academic interests, previous research and/or relevant professional experience, and intended area of academic focus during your graduate studies.

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Writing the Personal Statement

Helpful tips and advice for drafting a compelling personal statement when applying for graduate admission.

Make sure to check the appropriate program website to find out if your statement should include additional or specific information.

What does this statement need to accomplish?

The personal statement should give concrete evidence of your promise as a member of the academic community, giving the committee an image of you as a person.

This is also where you represent your potential to bring to your academic career a critical perspective rooted in a non-traditional educational background, or your understanding of the experiences of groups historically under-represented in higher education and your commitment to increase participation by a diverse population in higher education.

What kinds of content belongs here?

Anything that can give reviewers a sense of you as a person belongs here; you can repeat information about your experiences in your research statement, but any experiences that show your promise, initiative, and ability to persevere despite obstacles belongs here. This is also a good place to display your communication skills and discuss your ability to maximize effective collaboration with a diverse cross-section of the academic community. If you have faced any obstacles or barriers in your education, sharing those experiences serves both for the selection process, and for your nomination for fellowships. If one part of your academic record is not ideal, due to challenges you faced in that particular area, this is where you can explain that, and direct reviewers’ attention to the evidence of your promise for higher education.

The basic message: your academic achievement despite challenges

It is especially helpful for admissions committees considering nominating you for fellowships for diversity if you discuss any or all of the following:

  • Demonstrated significant academic achievement by overcoming barriers such as economic, social, or educational disadvantage;
  • attendance at a minority serving institution;
  • ability to articulate the barriers facing women and minorities in science and engineering fields;
  • participation in higher education pipeline programs such as, UC Leads, or McNair Scholars;
  • Academic service advancing equitable access to higher education for women and racial minorities in fields where they are underrepresented;
  • Leadership experience among students from groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education;
  • research that addresses issues such as race, gender, diversity, and inclusion;
  • research that addresses health disparities, educational access and achievement, political engagement, economic justice, social mobility, civil and human rights, and other questions of interest to historically underrepresented groups;
  • artistic expression and cultural production that reflects culturally diverse communities or voices not well represented in the arts and humanities.

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December 14, 2023

How to Write Your Master’s in Engineering Statement of Purpose

masters in engineering personal statement

Top engineering graduate programs expect applicants to have a high GPA, and some schools also expect an impressive GRE score , though in recent years, more schools have made GRE scores optional. However, many of the applicants you will be competing against have high scores. 

Your  statement of purpose  (SOP) is what will allow the adcom to view you as a person with unique goals, potential, interests, values, inspirations, and motivations. It helps adcoms understand what drives you, what your short- and long-term goals are, and how their school can help you realize your dreams. This is the part of the application that enables the adcom to assess whether you are a good match for their program.

Structuring an Engineering Statement of Purpose

Your SOP will ideally include the following:

  • An introductory paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention and sets the stage for the paragraphs to follow
  • A few highlights of your abilities, education, and work accomplishments 
  • Reasons for any gaps in your chronological work history or lower-than-average GRE score or GPA
  • A description of your short- and long-term goals
  • An explanation of your interest in this particular program and school, ideally including courses or professors (and their research) of interest to you and student organizations or research institutes in which you’d like to participate
  • A summary paragraph that highlights key points and ties back to the introductory paragraph

Tell a Story in Your Statement of Purpose

While it’s important to include the elements listed in the previous section,  a winning essay  is also  creative and  interesting  to the reader. It is not formulaic and shouldn’t read like a checklist.

In essence, you are telling a story – your story. An engineer recently said to me in a somewhat panicked voice, “I know how to write facts; I don’t know how to tell a story!” The typical MBA candidate loves to discuss their background and is frequently delighted to relate the many exciting adventures they’ve had. In contrast, if I say to an engineering candidate, “Tell me about yourself,” I am sometimes met with silence and a reluctance to divulge personal information.

Engineers are taught to think logically, rationally, in black-and-white facts and figures where there is a right and a wrong answer. A graduate school application expects you to explore the “gray” in your life. What made you decide on that option? What motivated you to take that action? Why is it important to you? There is no right or wrong, which can be freeing. 

Why Engineering?

Engineering schools want to know what or who inspired you to become an engineer. At what age did you first believe that this was the right career path for you, and why? You need to step away and look at your life with a level of objectivity, so that you can explain your life trajectory and the reasons you took certain turns.

Most schools have a page or word limit for their SOP, but don’t let that inhibit you when you’re first creating your story from your outline. A good engineering admissions consultant can help you  tell your story effectively  and still meet the word limit requirements. Telling that story compellingly sometimes requires multiple drafts, and some of my past clients wrote as many as 12 drafts before they were satisfied with the final product.

As with the other elements of the application, give yourself sufficient time to write your SOP. It can be the reason the adcom at the engineering graduate program you’re targeting decides in favor of your admission.

Dr. Karin Ash

With 30 years of career and admissions experience at four universities, including Cornell’s College of Engineering and Johnson Business School, Dr. Karin Ash facilitated students’ entry into the world’s best companies. As an adcom member, she also evaluated applications and therefore knows what schools and employers seek. Want Karin to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!  

Related Resources:

  • Five Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Grad School Statement of Purpose , a free guide
  • STEM Applicants: Why Your Statement of Purpose Is So Important
  • Application Advice from Accepted Data Science Clients

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Writing a Winning UCAS Engineering Personal Statement: Ultimate Guide w/Analysed Examples

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Engineering Personal Statement: Why It’s Important

With careers in engineering providing  over 20% of the UK’s total economic productivity and with over one-fourth of its workforce working in engineering fields , it’s no surprise that some of  the best and highest-ranked  engineering schools in the world are located in the United Kingdom. So how do you get a spot in one of the best engineering programmes in the world? You need impressive marks, a good resume, and a stellar engineering personal statement.

Before we get to that, though, let’s back up a little and examine everything it takes to get into a good engineering programme.

Engineering Programme Prerequisites

Before you get ready to apply for an engineering programme at any university, there are  several prerequisites  you need to have met first. While these prerequisites may differ slightly from university to university, the majority of them should remain the same.

Completed Coursework

You must have, at a minimum, at least two A-Levels if you expect to get into an engineering programme. In the most popular programmes, you’ll need at least three, with grades of A’s and B’s in each. The exact entry requirements may vary, but they tend to range from CCC to AAA. Most universities prefer you to have ABB.

Additionally, one of your A-Levels needs to be in maths. A second A Level in physics is also encouraged for students hoping to study engineering at Uni. There are other courses that may be accepted in place of physics, such as other science courses, additional maths courses, or design and/or computing courses, but your safest bet will always be maths and physics as two of your A-Levels. If you don’t have an A-Level in maths, you may be required to take a maths and/or mechanics aptitude test before being considered for admission.

Vocational Courses

If you don’t have the required A Levels, another option you can use at some schools is to substitute vocational courses for them. For example, if you have Level 3 or Level 6 qualifications, you might be able to use these as replacements for the A-Level courses. These qualifications include the following:

  • SVQ Scientific, Technical & Formulation Processing (SCQF Level 6)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Engineering or Construction and Built Environment

It’s important to note that not all universities will accept these as substitutes for A-Levels, so check with each school individually.

Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering

If you’re interested in a biotechnology or chemical engineering programme, the required A Levels are a little different. Universities usually require two A-Levels in science or a Scottish Highers with either biology or chemistry as one of the subjects. Additionally, you’ll also be required to have five GCSEs that include English, maths, and a science.

Scottish Highers

The most common range for entry into Highers is between ABBB and AAAAB. The majority of universities require AABBB. If a university requests an Advanced Highers to supplement Highers, they most often ask for an AA.

Additional Qualifications for Admission

The only true prerequisites for admission into an engineering programme are those listed above, but there are some additional things you may want to have on your application to make it more memorable. These include relevant work or apprenticeship experience, volunteer experience, and personal references.

Applying for Admission

To apply for any undergraduate programme at a university in the UK, particularly an engineering programme, you have to fill out an application through the  UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) . If you’ve ever applied to a college or university in the United States using the Common App, the UCAS is very similar.

It’s a centralised location for applying to a multitude of different schools/courses, and you’ll use it whether you live in the UK or are an international student. The actual name of the application is the UCAS Apply. Once you’ve completed it, you can apply to up to five separate universities (or five separate degree programmes if you aren’t set in your engineering course) simultaneously.

Filling out the UCAS Apply: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: register for the ucas site.

This is a simple setup process. You’ll sign up by setting up a username and password. You’ll create some security questions in case you lose your password, and then you’ll be asked some basic information such as your name, birth date, and other personally-identifying information.

Step 2: Verify Your Account, Sign In & Enter the Rest of Your Information

After verifying that you really did create an account, you’ll be asked to sign in using the username and password you just created. Then you’ll fill in the rest of your personal information, including your residency status. You’ll also be asked about how you plan to pay for university and whether or not you’ll be requesting scholarships.

Additionally, you’ll be asked about any special needs you have or the accommodations you’ll need. If you have any type of criminal record, you’ll indicate that in this section. You can also give permission for an adult in your life – parent, adviser, mentor, guardian, etc. – to have access to your UCAS profile. This gives them permission to talk to university staff about you, your university goals, and anything else of note.

Steps 3 & 4: For UK Residents Only

If you’re an international student, you won’t be required to fill out steps three and four. (Note: Residents of the EU might possibly be asked to fill out step 4.) Section three asks about your national identity, ethnic origin, and occupational background. There are some additional questions in this section that are optional. These ask about your religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

You’ll also be provided with space to discuss your own, personal circumstances, especially as they relate to your ability to pay for and succeed at Uni. This could include information about your parents’ education or background, activities in which you’ve been involved, whether or not you’ve been in care, etc.

Section four isn’t always asked and only appears if questions in the personal details section have been answered a certain way. If they do appear, they’ll be asking about your finances.

Step 5: Choose Your Courses/Universities

In this section, you’ll be able to apply for up to five different courses and/or universities. This is where you choose what programmes you hope to be accepted into. You can only choose five though, so choose wisely.

Step 6: Provide Your Educational History

Here you’ll enter your entire educational history beginning at secondary education. You’ll enter your A-Levels as well as any vocational courses you’ve taken. It’s important that you list all of these exactly right, including the marks you received in each.

Step 7: Employment History

This is where you’ll attach your work resume. This is for paid work only. If you have any volunteer experience or other unpaid work, it’ll be listed in your personal statement instead. You can only list five places of employment, so if you’ve had more than five jobs, choose the five most relevant to the programme you’re pursuing (in this case, engineering).

Step 8: Your Personal Statement

We’ll discuss this in-depth a little later on.

Step 9: Review the Details

Once you’ve completed all the above-listed steps, you’ll have a chance to review everything. Review it thoroughly and make any changes necessary. You won’t be allowed to edit it once it’s been submitted.

Step 10: Personal Reference, Application Fee & Submit

Finally, you’ll need at least one personal reference. This should be from someone who knows you in a professional capacity, either from working with you or having had you in class. You’ll also be required to pay an application fee of £20 if you’re applying to only one course and £25 if you’re applying for multiple courses. Then you’ll submit the application.

Once you’ve submitted your UCAS Apply application, you’re all set. You can track it using the UCAS Tracker to see if your desired universities have received it. Then you wait for the university to reach out to you for more information, an interview, or acceptance.

Writing Your Personal Statement

If you’re applying to an engineering programme, you’ll be required to write a  personal statement  as part of step 8 on the UCAS Apply application. We can’t overemphasise how important step 8 truly is. There are very few universities that require you to write an additional essay or personal statement for entrance into their engineering programmes, so this is your one chance to get it right.

So what exactly should you write about?

There isn’t exactly a prompt for writing your UCAS personal statement. Under this same question – “What should I write about?” – on the  UCAS website , the answer given is simply, “You.” In other words, write about yourself.

The admissions team wants to know why they should give you a coveted spot in the engineering programme over every other applicant. You need to tell them why you want a spot at the university, but you also need to tell them why you  deserve  a spot  and  what it is about you that should make them want to  give  you a spot. This means showcasing your strengths, achievements, and drive to succeed.

In case you need a little more guidance, here are some questions to ask yourself to help you get started:

  • Why are you interested in attending university, and what aspects of university life are you most looking forward to experiencing?
  • What are your career goals?
  • What first interested you in engineering, and what about it continues to interest you?
  • What experiences have you had, either in school or in the work environment, that would prepare you for studying at university?
  • Was there anything about your earlier education studies you found to be particularly helpful or interesting?
  • What do you most hope to gain from your time at the university, and what strengths and positive characteristics will you bring with you?
  • What makes you a good candidate for a position at Uni?
  • What elements of your future studies are you looking forward to most?
  • Have you taken any higher education courses already, received any awards or accolades, or been recognised for outstanding academic or professional ability?
  • What can you write about to prove that you’ve researched engineering beyond what you learned in your early education?

If you consider these questions and keep them in mind while writing, you’ll likely cover everything you need to cover to make a good impression on the admissions team. UCAS also provides you with this  personal statement worksheet  to help organise your thoughts and guide your writing.

Standard Engineering Personal Statement Length & Format

One thing to keep in mind while writing your personal statement is that it has to stay within a  certain character limit . No matter how much you have to say, you have to keep it under 4000 characters or 47 lines of text.

While this isn’t an exact word count, that averages out to approximately 500 words, which isn’t a ton of words. It’s about one single-spaced page worth of text. This means that you must be concise. You want to get in all the important information that’ll help your application stand out from all the other applications universities receive, but you have to do it without being too wordy.

Format Requirements

Worrying about the formatting requirements (double-spaced, single-spaced, font size, etc.) is unnecessary for your engineering personal statement because you’ll be typing or pasting it into a text box on the website. As long as your paragraphs are clearly defined and your font is easy to read, you should be fine on formatting guidelines.

However, because you only get 47 lines of text, it’s important that you  structure your paper correctly . This means breaking your personal statement into roughly three sections, with each section answering a specific question. For the sake of clarity, we’ll call these sections the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Now let’s break it down a little further.

A Brief Introduction

The introduction should take up about 15-20% of your personal statement. That’s approximately seven to ten of the 47 provided lines. In your introduction, try to answer the question, “Why do you want to study engineering?” You can talk about the experiences that shaped your love of the subject and the things about it that continue to interest you. You might even touch on why you feel it’s important that people study engineering at all.

Full, Rich Body Paragraphs

Your body paragraphs should make up about 55-65% of your engineering personal statement, or 26 to 30 lines. In these paragraphs, you’ll address the questions, “What have you done that has prepared you for this course?” and “Why do you deserve a spot in the programme?” This is when you go in-depth into your experiences, educational history,  relevant  employment, etc.

Other questions you may want to address in your body paragraphs are:

  • How have you cultivated the knowledge you need to succeed in this field?
  • What did you learn while preparing for this course?
  • Did you receive high marks in the classes relevant to an engineering course?
  • Did you win any awards or receive any other accolades?
  • What about your life experiences that has fully prepared you not just to enrol in the course but to excel in it?

A Brief Conclusion

Your conclusion should make up between 20-25% of your engineering personal statement, which is roughly ten to 12 lines. Here you’ll sum up your personal statement and bring it to a close. This is where you’ll add in any other extracurricular activities that might not be relevant to engineering but are impressive enough that you want the admissions team to know about them. You can also touch briefly on your future career goals in this section.

Other Things to Remember

One statement – five applications.

One of the most important things to remember about your engineering personal statement for your UCAS Apply application is that you can only write one statement, even though you could be applying to five different courses/universities. This means you don’t want to mention any specific university by name. If you do, the four other universities to which you’ve applied may think you aren’t seriously interested in them and disregard your application altogether.

Additionally, if you’ve applied to study different subjects rather than simply applying to five different engineering programmes, you won’t be able to focus your personal statement quite so much on the field of engineering. Instead, you’ll have to take a much more general approach to writing your personal statement, discussing your strengths in general terms as opposed to how they would apply specifically to the field of engineering.

Proofread and Edit

Do  not  submit your application and your included engineering personal statement without first proofreading and editing your statement. It’s even better if you can ask a  mentor, professor, or trusted friend  to look over it for you before you submit it. Having a fresh set of eyes looking over your paper is a great way to find errors you might have otherwise missed. Proper grammar and writing style are important, so don’t rush ahead without a proper amount of time spent editing and cleaning up.

The Website Will Time Out

Another important thing to remember is that the UCAS website will time out after 35 minutes of inactivity. For this reason, it’s better if you write your personal statement ahead of time in a separate document and then simply copy and paste it into the text box once it’s been fully edited and is ready to go.

Engineering Personal Statement Examples

Example personal statement 1.

“I hope a degree from your University will allow me to transfer key abilities from a place of study into, eventually, a place in industry. After much extended research, my admiration for the engineering innovator, Karl Benz, has been truly established. Commonly regarded as the originator of the first automobile powered by an internal combustion engine, his contributions to the vast domain that is engineering are simply colossal. One creation of his that captivated my mind tremendously was the ‘Blitzen Benz’; a vehicle fabricated solely for the purpose of speed. […]

Understandably, I am mindful that the finest engineers must possess a resilient skill-set, which should include the ability to thrive in both collaborative and solo tasks, flourish under pressure and blossom in positions requiring a leadership mentality. Hopefully, a place on this course will allow me to reinforce and augment my previously developed skills whilst allowing me to simultaneously acquire many more essential abilities that will prove beneficial in later life.”

– Read the rest  here

Although this excerpt is a little longer than we usually like to include, we had to include it. It’s just too impressive to ignore. First of all, you’ll notice the author refers to “your University.” This is how you should always speak of the prospective university in your engineering personal statement because it sounds personal, but it doesn’t call any specific school by name, which would alienate the other four universities to which you applied.

Secondly, the author speaks of his admiration for the engineer and inventor Karl Benz. This shows that he’s researched his field of study outside of what he learned in school. It shows he has a genuine interest and passion for engineering, which means he should do well at Uni. The section that’s been removed goes into more detail about the ‘Blitzen Benz,’ using language that shows he has a solid knowledge of the technical terms associated with engineering.

Finally, he smoothly transitions into highlighting his strengths. He mentions many of the qualities that make for a good engineer and then mentions he has those qualities. In the next section, which has also been removed for the sake of brevity, he talks a bit about how he cultivated those qualities. He also says he hopes his time at Uni will help further these necessary qualities in him, and then transitions into talking about his future goals.

It is a powerfully written personal statement that shows the writer to be an excellent candidate for the engineering programme.

Our Verdict:

Image of a star-struck grinning emoji

Example Personal Statement 2

“Engineers build societies. More specifically, mechanical engineers apply fundamental maths and physics laws to construct mechanical devices that we use every day, despite sometimes going unnoticed. For this reason, I would like to pursue a career in engineering, as it is such a key component in societies. It combines my fascination of how things work and the mechanics behind devices, with the ability to apply maths and physics concepts to real-life situations.

Studying Maths Mechanics at A-level has given me experience with calculus and more advanced mathematics, including differential equations, creating a firm grounding for the mathematics I should encounter at degree level. Physics has given me an understanding of fundamental notions and reinforced the mechanical aspects of maths […]”

his is another example of a well-written engineering personal statement. The introductory paragraph, in particular, is superb and covers everything that should be covered. The writer starts by highlighting why engineering is important to society as a whole. In doing so, she also demonstrates a solid knowledge of what engineering is all about.

She transitions smoothly into why she wants to become an engineer and mentions that she has a fascination with both  “how things work”  and  “the mechanics behind devices,”  which are two key elements for a successful engineer. In her next paragraph, she begins talking about her educational history, showing she has the experience and education necessary for a foundation in engineering.

Altogether, she presents herself as someone with passion, clearly defined goals, and a solid foundation that should allow her to hit the ground running when she begins at the university.

Image of a smiling face with heart-shaped eyes emoji

Example Personal Statement 3

“My desire to study Engineering stems from the practical application of Maths and Physics to real world situations to enhance and improve them is a field that I find fascinating and perplexing. After partaking in different engineering-based experiences, I learnt how varied and inclusive this subject is, and that is the reason I want to study Engineering at University.”

In contrast to the first two examples, this is an example of a weak engineering personal statement that wasn’t done well. This is the author’s introductory paragraph, and right from the beginning, it fails to paint the writer in a good light. The first sentence is grammatically incorrect and makes no sense as written. The paragraph is also much too short and vague.

Referring back to the common structure of a personal statement, you’ll remember the introductory paragraph should be about seven to ten lines long. This one is about four. It doesn’t have enough information on it, and the information that’s there is too general. It sounds like a child’s version of what an engineer does and why it’d be fun to be an engineer.

The student mentions  “partaking in different engineering-based experiences”  but doesn’t give any examples to back up that claim. Even his reason for wanting to be an engineer isn’t clearly defined. This is a weak, unmemorable statement that isn’t going to impress anyone on an admissions team.

An image of an unamused face emoji

Example Personal Statement 4

“My extra-curricular activities in and out of school have enhanced my ability to lead a group. I joined stem club at the beginning of year 12 and this has contributed to the improvement of my problem-solving skills which has helped me significantly in my maths modules and physics. […] I play the piano […] piano allows me to improve my thinking skills on the spot. My schedule is very busy and challenges me to manage my time carefully […] I am always challenging my own understanding and I believe that I have the right attitude, skills and personality for this degree. I feel that a career in engineering will make good use of my strengths.”

– Read the rest  here

Let’s look again at the typical structure of a personal statement listed above. You’ll see that the conclusion paragraph should be about ten lines long. It’s also a good place to list all the extracurricular activities that aren’t strictly associated with engineering but that you want the admissions team to know about you.

This author wrote a great conclusion paragraph. Although sections have been removed, you can see it’s close to the right length. Additionally, she uses the conclusion paragraph exactly as it should be used, listing all of her extra achievements she wants the admissions team to know. Beyond that, though, she uses these extracurricular activities as another way to show her strengths – strengths that would make her a good fit for any engineering programme.

She mentions having good leadership skills. She also talks about being part of a STEM (science, technology,  engineering,  and mathematics) club. She talks about playing the piano but then adds that her ability to play has improved her on-the-fly problem-solving skills. She talks about work and her busy schedule, but then stresses that this has helped her learn good time management skills.

Instead of just using her conclusion to provide a list of her extracurricular activities, she uses it as another opportunity to casually and naturally highlight her skills. She ends by saying these skills she learned in all these activities will serve her well in her future career as an engineer, which is a great way to end the personal statement on a relevant note.

Example Personal Statement 5

“During my school life, I have enjoyed taking part in sporting events organised by the French charity “Justice au Coeur” […] My extracurricular activities include athletics […] I also attended a scouts’ club in my neighbourhood, and have passed Grade 7 in drama. […]

I am a native speaker of English and French […] I have also studied Latin at my school for six years, and am going to take it as a subject at the French Baccalauréat.

One of my main hobbies is model rocketry. […]

I completed two weeks of unpaid work experience in a WHSmith bookshop in Wimbledon in June 2012. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there.”

By contrast, this is an example of a writer who didn’t do a good job of adding in her extracurricular activities. First of all, even though it’s not evident here, this information is listed in this author’s body paragraphs, not her conclusion. These sentences, along with several similar ones that have been removed, make up  four paragraphs  of the body of her engineering personal statement.

She used  four paragraphs  talking about things that have absolutely nothing to do with engineering. She wasted those four paragraphs. All this information is nice information to provide, but it should have all been condensed into one small paragraph at the end of the personal statement.

Instead, she took the paragraphs that should have been devoted to what she’s done to prepare her for engineering and why she deserves a spot in the programme and wasted them on extracurricular activities that aren’t really relevant.

Remember: You only have 4000 characters to write your personal statement, and use those characters wisely.

Image of a yawning face emoji

To Sum It All Up…

The main things to remember when writing your engineering personal statement are to be truthful, be concise, and be authentic. It’s also important that you write a 100% unique, “personal-to-you” personal statement. It’s okay to look at other people’s statements for inspiration or to get a feel for what works and what doesn’t, but there are severe consequences for plagiarism ( here’s a plagiarism-checker you can use ) and cheating, including having your entire application trashed at all the universities to which you applied.

Finally, make sure you dedicate enough time to the process. You want to plan your statement out ahead of time and have enough time to write it thoroughly and completely. It’s also important to save time for the  editing and proofreading stages  after you’ve finished your first draft.

Be specific when talking about your interests, goals, and strengths. Remember, this is one of the few times in life when it is okay to sell yourself. You want to make a good impression, and you want to be memorable. The more easily the admissions team can recall you and your engineering personal statement, the more likely you’ll get a spot in a good engineering programme.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Masters in Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement

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Masters in Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement

From a young age, my favourite subjects have always been by far mathematics and technology. This is why I'd like to study Mechanical Engineering at university; I will be able to develop my design and mathematical skills and for it to help me pursue a career in this field.

I have an analytical mind and a natural curiosity for finding out about how things work and how they are built. For example, how does a lift manage to move up and down at a constant speed with different load weights? This has led me to look in depth into what load torque is and its relationship with the velocity of the lift. My ambition is to design and create something revolutionary to change the world for the better.

I get a great sense of achievement from solving intense mathematical equations and seeing how they link into the real world. Upon glancing at the equation for centripetal force can seem like it's just a mathematical concept but what interests me, is understanding how this applies to real life situations and how centripetal force can relate to how the Moon orbits around the Earth. However, Mechanical engineering, in my opinion, is more than just completing mathematical calculations and using formulae in the right context. It is the modelling of what the future will become- discovering new technologies and enhancing the way we already live. This to me is the exciting part about engineering as a subject.

I currently study Mathematics, Physics and Graphic Communications at A Level. Throughout studying mathematics in college it has given me a multidimensional view on how the subject is all linked together rather than just following steps in order to get an answer. Physics is a very significant subject within my studies, as it does not only back up my mathematical work but enhances my general knowledge about the world itself and how technology works; from how an x-ray machine works to how the momentum is linked to the speed of a moving lorry.

Also, studying graphic communication enhances my creative side. I like to draw and use more technology based media to develop my work and create professional graphic designs. As the Head Boy of Leasowes High School in year 11 it played an important role in building my confidence. My main responsibilities were to promote the school by speaking infront of large audiences, sometimes up to 400 people at open events. This was as well as setting an example to the rest of the school and delegating roles to the prefects when needed.

I also took it upon myself to become a mathematics and humanities ambassador as well which gave me a great sense of achievement through helping out the pupils in the years below. In school I also took part in a competition called the 'Make it in Engineering' competition, of which we were put into groups 8 and had to follow a select brief in order to design the new car of the future. Using important leadership skills, I managed to coordinate the group and bring us together as a team, in order to design and come up with the bullet car; this was a single person car that could drive through traffic more efficiently than other vehicles- much like a motorbike would. After pitching this concept to a panel of esteemed judges we managed to place first and win the trophy for us and the school.

I currently work part-time as a supermarket assistant in Waitrose in Stourbridge. I complete a variety of tasks and socialise with a wide variety of people from all sorts of backgrounds. I started off as carrying out transactions on the tills but have been promoted significantly and am now a trained partner on the customer service desk. This involves helping customers and other employees alike with issues that they have whether it be with deliveries or general information about product. This is considered to be quite a sociable and comprehensive role within the branch.

I endeavour to create positive relationships with all the customers and some of which I have created in depth and strong relations with.

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Graduate School Personal Statement

The graduate school personal statement is your chance to show the graduate committee what it would be like to have you in the department. Would you contribute positively to the program, work well with others, and have the necessary skills to undertake important research? Convince them you are worth the investment and that you’re a good match for their program through a compelling story that’s based on your concrete experiences .

If you are in a hurry, you can also check out this short video for quick tips.

1. Before you start

masters in engineering personal statement

1.1. Reflect on your experiences and goals

Reflect on your experience, motivation, and research goals. What drives your research motivations, and how do your motivations link to your background and long-term goals?

Think beyond the technical space when brainstorming ideas for your personal statement. What do you care about and value—besides getting a higher-level degree? Include experiences that demonstrate your leadership, organization, and communication skills as well. Whether it’s growing up on a farm, mentoring high school students, or leading a robotics team, these experiences can be used to demonstrate motivation, commitment, and a good work ethic. These are attributes that can help you be successful in a research lab.

1.2. Do the research on your target program

To demonstrate how well you fit with the program, you must know what they value and what they are working toward. Each department has different goals and missions; some might value fundamental science, others engineering innovation, and others societal impact. Here are initial steps to take while researching a graduate program:

  • Read the program’s website —specifically their mission statement. See what language they use to describe themselves, and echo that language in your personal statement. This is also a good place to see what kind of research is currently being performed. Looking at MIT NSE’s mission statement, what can we notice?

masters in engineering personal statement

  • Look up recent publications from your target research group (if you have one). The department’s website might not be up to date with any group’s new research directions. This will avoid the scenario where you express interest in working on a research project that has been abandoned.
  • Get in contact with faculty in your target program. If you have had a positive discussion with someone at the department, describe how those interactions indicate that you will be a good match.
  • State which professors in the program you would plan to work with and why their research interests you. Show how their research areas align with your background and your goals. You can even describe potential research directions or projects. This is even more effective if you have contacted the professor beforehand and spoken with them about the possibility of doing research for them. However, not naming a specific group of interest is not an automatic “reject.”

1.3. Consider your audience

A graduate committee will review your application and determine if you would make a successful graduate student in the department. Although the determination varies from committee to committee, the reviewers will be looking for the following criteria, which you should specifically address in your statement:

  • Your ability to perform high-quality and independent research
  • Your readiness to complete the expected coursework for your program
  • Your likelihood to be a match in the department (ex: If you are currently in a physics program, you will need to explain why you’re seeking an advanced degree in nuclear engineering).

A graduate committee is usually composed of faculty from the program of interest—and may be the same people who will spend years working with you if you’re accepted. They more than likely have the following:

  • A strong knowledge of the program’s general subject areas and familiarity with your proposed research area
  • Familiarity with the academic setting and some courses, but not necessarily the courses you have taken
  • Access to the rest of your application materials.

If applying to MIT’s Nuclear Science and Engineering department, you can assume your audience knows what a tokamak is, but you cannot expect (all of) them to know every component. Likewise, you need not list all of your courses but could emphasize one or two advanced subjects if they are relevant to your past and intended future research.

Return to Contents

2. Structure of a personal statement

masters in engineering personal statement

As long as you stay within the specifications set by your target program, you have the freedom to structure your personal statement as you wish. Still, you can use the structure shown on the right as a loose guide for demonstrating match.

2.1. Create a personal narrative 

Build a personal narrative that ties together your personal history, experiences, and motivations. In addition to a few paragraphs (2-3) at the beginning of your statement, you can weave your motivation and goals throughout your document to create a cohesive story. This cements your identity into the minds of the graduate committee. If they remember you, they will be more likely to accept you!

When crafting a personal narrative, consider the following:

  • What research directions are you passionate about, and why?
  • Was there a moment that sparked your interest in your proposed field?
  • What do you picture yourself doing in 10 years?

Keep these questions in mind as you are writing other sections of your personal statement.

2.2. Your Experiences

This section is typically 2-4 paragraphs long, with examples to illustrate your point. To decide which experiences to share, ask yourself these two questions: In which ways did this experience help me grow? Why should the review committee care? One common mistake is to describe an experience in great detail and then fail to translate it into relevant strengths that the committee would care about. Therefore, explicitly say what that experience means for your future goals, including your work as a graduate student.

2.3. Specific research interest  

Spend 1-2 paragraphs describing your research goals. Briefly summarize the projects you want to work on (and professors you’d like to work with, if applicable), and how those fit in with your experiences. Describe how your past experiences have prepared you for working on this new project in graduate school. If you’re already in graduate school, you can spend more time on this section, as it is also a part of your past experiences.

2.4. Career goals 

Finally, your long-term career goals should be a logical completion of the personal narrative you’ve built throughout the document, and usually takes up one paragraph. How will this graduate program fit into your future career? How will graduate school in general allow you to pursue these goals? Because your personal statement should show that you are a qualified match, describe how your goals overlap with those of the department or program. Your readers will not hold you to these goals, but they will see you are forward-thinking and have ambitions.

3. Maximize Effectiveness

3.1. use concrete examples.

Make your relevant experiences tangible by stating specific outcomes such as awards, discoveries, and publications. Whenever possible, try to quantify the experience. How many people were on your team? How many protocols did you develop? As a TA, how often did you meet with your students? Here are some examples of vague and concrete experiences:

3.2. Explain the meaning of your experiences

masters in engineering personal statement

  • Why was this experience important to your growth as a scientist?
  • What did you gain from or demonstrate during that experience?
  • How will this make you a better grad student?

Even if it feels obvious to you, you need to explicitly answer these questions to your audience. Here are some examples experiences that have been expanded to contain meaning:

4. Quick Tips and Additional Resources

  • Read the prompt carefully. Each school is unique, and will have unique requirements for their applications. If anything in those requirements contradicts with advice you read here or elsewhere, go with the application guidelines. Make sure your document meets criteria for length, formatting, font, file type, etc. specified in the application, and answers any specific questions asked.
  • Double check your spelling and grammar. A well-written statement demonstrates your communication skills, which are essential for success in graduate school.
  • Triple check that you have the right program and avoid accidentally putting the name of another graduate school into the document. Also check for specific labs or professors that you have mentioned in other statements. Using the search feature of your text editor will catch whatever you miss.
  • Seek feedback from someone who’s not familiar with your work. Departments are diverse and your statement should make sense to someone in your field but outside your specific research area.
  • Be strategic with letters of references. Do not go to professors who you think will write you the most positive letters. Instead, go to those who can write about specific experiences that demonstrates the skills that you want to highlight in your application. Each letter should bring new and complementing insights into who you are as a student and researcher.
  • Check out other resources , such as The Key to Successful Applications (a blog post from MIT Graduate Admissions) and Apply to Grad School from MIT’s Career Development and Professional Development (CAPD).

5. Annotated Examples

Here are examples of graduate school personal statements from students who have been accepted into MIT NSE. Note that prompts vary from program to program, and sometimes from year to year within the same department. Be sure to follow the prompt for your program and your application cycle.

To get started or receive feedback on your graduate school personal statement, make an appointment with one of us. We would love to help you!


How To Write A Personal Statement For Masters (17 PDF Sample Examples)

Published: 14 Mar 2022 Study Abroad 103,803 views

How To Write A Personal Statement For Masters (17 PDF Sample Examples)

A personal statement for masters program is one of the most important parts of your college application and writing a good one is what’s the exception between receiving an offer and being rejected.

If you’ve been tasked with presenting a personal statement, you should keep in mind that whatever you submit must put you forward as the right candidate for the course. Additionally, it should convince the admissions officers that you deserve a place on your program of study.

Achieving the above, is a skill most postgraduate students are yet to acquire but thankfully this article on How To Write A Personal Statement For Masters covers everything you need to know on doing this.

In this article you’ll learn:

  • What is a personal statement?
  • Tips for making your personal statement for masters stand out
  • How to write a personal statement for masters
  • Personal statement for masters sample
  • Examples of personal statement for masters
  • Conclusion – things to avoid when writing a personal statement for masters

Read:  Admission Interview Tips .

What Is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement AKA admissions or application essay or statement of purpose is a type of essay or written statement a candidate presents to a college, university, or graduate school they are applying to, explaining why they want to attend that school, study a particular course, and why they would be a perfect fit for these things.

A personal statement for masters is an essay you submit specifically for your postgraduate application. Writing one presents the opportunity for you to promote yourself to a school and show the admissions teachers that you are the perfect candidate for a course.

Tips For Making Your Personal Statement For Masters Stand Out

Before we get into how you should write a statement of purpose for masters, we would first like to share with you certain tips to include in your essay to make it stand out from that of other applicants and be convincing enough to any admissions officer that reads it. The tips we have mentioned here, cover general things like starting and ending your personal statement, timing, length, and what to include and what not to include in the essay, etc.

1. Starting And Ending A Personal Statement

When starting a personal statement, you would want to right off the bat grab the reader’s attention. To do this, start the statement by writing about your degree of choice, next why you want to study it and then how you got interested in it.

The next 2 sentences after that should cover a summary of your background in the chosen field, and you conclude by saying what you plan to do once you acquire your graduate degree.

Also start with that the evaluators reading want to hear first, then every other information should come second. You will notice we’ve used in the sop examples for masters we will share with you later in this article.

2. Plan Ahead

A personal statement is not something you rush while writing, which means if you want to get something good before you application then you must start to decide things like the length and how long it should take to complete.

Let us throw more light on this…

For length, a personal statement should be brief ranging somewhere between 500 -700 words, although schools often detect how long it should be. So, this is dependent on the institution you are applying to.

In terms of what to say in a statement, you could include personal experiences like why you were driven to apply for the program, an experience you had with a scholar in your chosen discipline, a course you took that inspired you to pursue masters, or a key moment during your studies which further motivated you.

No matter what you decide to write, just keep in mind that you need to take your time to craft something good even if it means creating several drafts before the real thing and do not forget to proofread the statement for errors.

3. Research Your Program Of Study

Researching your program of study is one way to establish that you truly understand the discipline you’re getting into and prove to the admissions officer that you thoroughly thought about it before applying.

And because you want to put yourself forward as a serious candidate, one way to make you research easier is for you to visit the website of the department you are applying to. This page will contain information about faculty members, their specialisation, and publications.

From the intel, you gathered there you can now identify which professors match your interests and which ones you will benefit the most from learning under. After you’ve found this out, relate the same in a sentence or two in your statement of purpose for masters.

Example: “I would be honoured to study under the tutelage of Professor Nadia whose work I found resonated strongly with my beliefs and intended projects in this course”.

4. Avoid Clichés, Junks, And Many Details

When writing a statement of purpose for master degree try to avoid clichés, junks, and unnecessary details so that you don’t lose or bore your readers in between. Be as concise as possible, even if it’s your chance to express yourself.

A personal statement is an opportunity for the admissions committee to get information that tells the that you are suitable for the course. So, when you overpower your statement with too many words, stories, and useless details, you come off as someone who is just trying to meet the word count.

5. Include Your Personal History Only If It Adds To The Statement

Do not include your personal history in your statement of intent for masters if it is not relevant to your purpose of study. This means no need for you to tell that story about that time you helped someone treat a cut and immediately realised that you wanted to be a doctor or nurse or how you developed a taste for reading at a very young age.

We can guarantee you that the hundreds of other applications competing for the same spot you are felt the same way, so saying those things really doesn’t make you unique.

On the other hand, if you are going to add personal history to your statement, you can put in things like an internship you did and the experience you got from the job, a major research project you ran by yourself, publications you’ve read or published, conferences you’ve attended or presentations you’ve done. These experiences are more concrete and are directly related to your program of study. They also set you apart from other applicants.

6. Don't Use The Same Personal Statement For All Your Applications

One common mistake applicant make that you shouldn’t is using the same statement of purpose for master degree for all your applications. Using the same information repeatedly even if you are going to change the university names is risky and could land you in a big mistake on a day you forget to be thorough.

All programmes have their own unique set of questions they want to see answered and information they need in your personal statement.

And even if some of them like extracurricular activities, proposal for project, why you are applying to the school, your unique qualities, and research works you’re doing might appear the same, do not use one statement to respond to all of them.

Write a new unique personal statement every time you want to apply.

Check out:  How to Write a Good CV for Students - Resume Examples for Students (PDF).

How To Write A Personal Statement for Masters

When writing a personal statement for masters there are several steps and ground rules you need to follow to ensure that it comes out good enough to impress the admissions team of a school, and ultimately convince them to give you a spot on your program of study.

If writing one is something you are currently struggling with and can’t seem to get down the process of it right no matter what, this section on how to write a personal statement for masters, discusses in detail everything you need to get help with yours.

There are 4 parts to consider when writing your personal statement and we have listed them below:

1. Planning A Personal Statement

A personal statement is a piece of writing showing your academic interests and is only for application purposes which means there is no room for any autobiographical information in it about your personal life. Be as to-the-point as possible when writing it and stick to telling the school why you are the right person for the course, plus any other extra information detailing your achievements.

Before You Start:

Allot plenty of time to write your msc personal statement so that you don’t rush it. Remember, this simple piece of writing is your one shot at convincing a school that you are the best applicant they’ve seen and as such can either make or break your application.

Read the information expected of you from the university, rules and guidelines given, selection criteria and understand what they mean. Also research the institution.

Do a thorough research on the course you are applying for; this will help you explain better why you want to study it. The tutors interviewing you can tell when you are lying and presenting yourself as uninformed can cost you the admission.

Ensure that you don’t use the same personal statement for all your applications.

When Writing:

When writing the statement there are some questions to ask yourself that can help you plan it better. Those questions are:

  • Why you want to study a master’s and how does it benefit you in future?
  • How does the course you have chosen fit into your pre-existing skill set?
  • How do you stand out from the crowd as an applicant - e.g., work experiences you’ve had in the same field you are applying for?
  • What do you aspire to do or be as a future career and how will the course help you achieve that?
  • How can your work or skillsets contribute positively to the department/ university you are applying to, or society at large?

On the other hand, if you are applying for the masters to change from the field you studied in your undergraduate to another field, you should tell the school why you decided to take a different path in your studies.

Questions to ask yourself for this include:

  • Your reason for deciding to change your discipline.
  • How your undergraduate degree will be material for bringing fresh insights into your masters course.
  • How changing your study path will help you attain your future career.

2. Structuring A Personal Statement

Having good structure for your personal statement for master degree is important because it ensures that everything from the beginning, middle, and ending of the statement is written and equally falls in place perfectly.

We’ve left some tips for you below to help you:

Start your personal statement with an attention-grabbing introduction that is not dramatic or cliché. That means you should not begin with any of these over-used phrases we’ve listed out below:

For as long as I remember…

Since my childhood…

I want to apply to this course because I’ve always felt a strong connection to it…

All my life, I have always loved…

My interest in (course) always ran deeper than…

I’ve always been zealous about…

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always wanted to pursue a career in…

My past educational experiences have always…

You would want to be as snappy as possible with your opening because the admission officer has over a hundred applications to read and can’t waste all their time on yours. This means you should avoid overpowering it with unnecessary facts, quotes, and stories from your life.

The middle part of your ma personal statement is where the main content of the write-up should be. This is where you show your dedication to the course you’ve chosen, what motivated you to choose it, and why you are the right candidate for it.

When writing the middle part of a graduate personal statement, you should:  

  • Give concrete reasons why you want to study a course at the University. The reason could be because of how the course is aligned to your future career or the University’s reputation in teaching that program.
  • Mention relevant things like projects, dissertations, or essays you’ve done, and any work experience you have.
  • Show proof of your core skills like and how they can contribute to the department.
  • Prove what makes you a unique candidate.
  • Discuss who your main influences for wanting to study the course are and why.
  • Add experiences like memberships to clubs that are related to your field, papers you’ve written before, awards, scholarships, or prizes.
  • Draw focus to how the course links to your past and future.
  • Mention your academic and non-academic skills and how they fit the course.

For Formatting:

  • Keep the statement length between 250 -500 words or as directed by the school.
  • Sentences should be no more than 25-30 words.
  • Use headings to break up the content – Why this university? Why this subject? Etc.
  • Make claims and provide evidence to back each of them up. This can be done by discussing your work experience and academic interests.

Language and tone to use:     

  • The tone for your masters application personal statement should be positive and enthusiastic, to show you eagerness to learn and so that you convince the evaluators that you have what it takes to succeed.
  • Use exciting and refreshing language, and an engaging opening line.
  • Ensure you grammar, punctuations, and spellings are accurate.
  • Avoid exaggerated claims you cannot backup.
  • Don’t use cliché generic terms and keep your focus on the course.

Keep the ending of your essay for master degree application concise and memorable, leaving no doubt in the admission officers mind that you deserve a spot on the program.

To create the best ending summarise all your key points without dragging it our or repeating yourself. The ending should be simple, end on a positive note and make it clear that the school will be lucky to have you on their program.

Personal Statement for Masters Sample

In this section, we have left a masters personal statement example for you, which you can use as material to write yours for any course of study you are applying to a school for.

Personal Statement PDF

You can also download this statement of purpose sample for masters degree pdf here and take your time to read it later – Personal Statement For Masters Sample .

See Also:  Student CV Template .

Examples of Personal Statement for Masters

We have taken the time to source for some of the best postgraduate personal statement examples, which you can use in addition to the personal statement for masters program example as a template to write yours.

While you scroll through our list, you will find the perfect masters essay example for any field you wish to apply for, from business administration, to Psychology, to information technology, and lots more.

1. msw personal statement

We have found one of the best msw personal statement examples out there for you.

social work masters personal statement .  

2. personal statement for masters in public health

mph personal statement examples

3. personal statement for masters in management

Personal statement for master degree sample for masters in management .  , 4. personal statement for masters in education example.

personal statement for masters in education example

5. psychology masters personal statement

psychology masters personal statement example

6. sample personal statement for masters in data science data science masters personal statement

7. speech and language therapy personal statement statement of purpose for masters sample: speech and language therapy

8. business administration personal statement personal statement for masters in business administration

9. personal statement for masters in cyber security pdf masters degree personal statement examples for cyber security

10. personal statement for masters in finance msc finance personal statement examples

11. statement of purpose for masters in information technology pdf msc personal statement examples for information technology

12. international development personal statement statement of purpose for masters example

13. msc international business management personal statement international business management personal statement examples

14. computer science masters personal statement

statement of purpose for masters in computer science pdf

15. personal statement for masters in economics statement of purpose sample for masters degree in economics

16. mha personal statement statement of purpose format for masters in health administration    

Conclusion – Things to Avoid When Writing A Personal Statement For Masters When writing a personal statement for university masters, there are some things you should avoid, so that you don’t ruin your essay. We have listed out those things below: •    Avoid negativity. •    Following an online template blindly. •    Do not include unnecessary course modules, personal facts, or extra-curricular activities in your personal statement. •    Do not lie or exaggerate an achievement or event. •    Do not include inspirational quotes to your statement. •    Avoid using clichés, gimmicks, humour, over-used word such as 'passion' or ‘driven’. •    Do not make pleading statements. •    Avoid mentioning key authors or professors in your field without any explanation. •    Avoid using sentences that are too long. •    Avoid flattering the organisation or using patronising terms. •    Do not repeat information in your statement that you have already listed in your application. •    Avoid waffling i.e., writing at length. •    Don’t start writing your personal statement at the last minute.  

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Writing Electrical Engineering Msc. Personal Statements

Table of Contents

Personal statements are a standard part of any application.

They are a way for recruiters and evaluators to gain a deeper understanding of the person behind the credentials .  You can bolster your electrical engineering education and knowledge through a master’s degree. But you’ll need to learn to write a  personal statement for masters in electrical engineering.

This article will help you understand personal statements’ essence and importance. It will also show tips for writing an effective personal statement. Let’s start with a fundamental concept.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a special essay representing an applicant’s skills, experience, and personality . It highlights the qualifications that make an applicant a prime candidate for the job, internship, or special program.

Personal statements are common encounters in professional and academic life. Learning how to write effective personal statements is a universal skill that people must master, regardless of their industry.

The Importance of a Personal Statement

A personal statement provides insight into your background and character . It is a valuable asset to an application for a master’s degree because it helps admissions officers evaluate applicants beyond what’s on paper.

Personal statements are crucial because they allow applicants to express themselves more profoundly. It gives them a chance to inject a more personal touch into their application and to evoke certain emotions in readers.

One of the more overlooked aspects of a personal statement lies in its exposition. The sequence in which we present information significantly impacts the overall experience. When we understand the key information to emphasize, we learn how to build a powerful personality. 

This is especially valuable for professionals who have an extensive experience in the industry.

If you need help crafting an effective personal statement, read the following section carefully and take its tips to heart.

Tips for Writing an Effective Personal Statement

Writing an Effective Personal Statement

Focus on the Experience

Write about your experience as an electrical engineer and how it has shaped you. Showcase any achievements or awards earned along the way, any challenges you faced, and how you overcame them. 

Highlight Special Projects

If you have worked on any noteworthy electrical engineering projects, including details about that in your statement. Explain why this project was significant and what skills you used to complete it successfully. 

Demonstrate Technical Proficiency

Demonstrating a strong understanding of technology and its applications can help strengthen your application. Detail any complex problems you solved and how you did so. 

Showcase Unique Experiences

Have you done anything different than other applicants? Include examples of research, internships, conferences, volunteering activities, etc., that made you stand out. 

Use Strong Descriptors

Use personal anecdotes throughout your essay to show who you are and make the reader connect with your story. Additionally, try to be creative with the language you use. Avoid common words and phrases and strive to find new ways to describe your passions and accomplishments.

Personal Statement for Masters in Electrical Engineering Examples

I am an enthusiastic and hardworking engineer with a great passion for electrical engineering. Having obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in the subject, I have sought out experience to further understand how it works both practically and theoretically. This has included hands-on work in a professional setting as well as internships to gain invaluable insight into the industry. My understanding of electricity, circuitry, and software systems was enhanced through these experiences and enabled me to develop solutions for challenging projects. I would be delighted to apply my knowledge and expertise and hone my skills in areas like renewable energy production and smart grid management. 

With an inquisitive mindset, undaunted enthusiasm, and a penchant for problem-solving, I am confident that I can make significant contributions to the field.

I chose to pursue a Master’s in Electrical Engineering due to my fascination with the subject from an early age. I had open access to the best colleges and high-level design opportunities from my undergraduate years. 

It was this chance to explore that made me look towards further study. In wanting to hold a more meaningful role in electronic development and research, I spent many days researching courses that could offer this experience.

When I discovered this particular course, I knew it would be my ideal opportunity. As such, I am eager to spend time working on new electrical engineering projects and expanding my existing knowledge. This course has opened up so much potential for growth and learning, and I’m thrilled at the prospect of participating in it.

I have always been fascinated with the science of electronics and its vast potential. From a young age, I have worked to understand this ever-evolving field through extensive research. I played around with different projects in my home laboratory and took relevant classes at high school and university. This journey culminated in my receiving my Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from a nationally recognized institute. 

Having solidified my fundamentals in this area, I am ready to take on new challenges involving deeper aspects of the subject. 

I want to apply for a Master’s program in Electrical Engineering where I can further develop and expand my knowledge base and skill set. 

Through such an endeavor, I wish to make substantial contributions to engineering research and development, which will help shape the future of our society. My ultimate ambition is to build a successful career within the industry and become a leader who puts forth innovative ideas.

An effective  personal statement for masters in electrical engineering  is critical to your application because it gives greater context into your qualifications.

It showcases your best and most relevant traits and demonstrates your value to a program. Personal statements are not difficult to write as long as you organize your thoughts and deliver a clear message. 

Writing Electrical Engineering Msc. Personal Statements

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Electrical and electronic engineering personal statement example 1.

I have always had a creative ability and a fascination with how things work. The challenge of solving practical problems inherent in the field of engineering appeals directly to these traits.

I am particularly interested in electrical and electronic engineering (EEE) because it is such a rapidly evolving discipline. The potential to integrate new technologies into real life applications and the opportunity to develop practical skills in this sphere is exciting.

I spent a week within the Electronics Department at the British Geological Survey and was shown the diversity of the work they undertake. Their job is to use electronics to investigate the properties of rocks using invasive and non-invasive techniques. What most enthused me was the freedom the engineers have to use their creativity to solve problems. I observed them designing their own experiments and using their PCB layout and design skills to build circuits to achieve this.

In addition to my school work I have been studying an Open University science short course entitled 'Inside Nuclear Energy'. I chose this course because nuclear energy is a fundamentally important consideration in our future energy supply.

The module debated nuclear energy from an ethical and practical perspective as well as studying the technology and science involved such as calculating nuclear decay and how a nuclear power station works. Studying this module has broadened my scientific reading and helped my time management and independent study skills.

During my academic career I have been house representative and a member of my school council. I was a member of my school team for the national Bar Mock Trials and reached the final in Belfast. I was elected as a member of the UK Youth Parliament for South Lincolnshire where I was very fortunate to attend Stormont and debate in the House of Commons.

I was the Managing Director of a Young Enterprise group. This role involved managing a team of 10 of my peers and maintaining good relations throughout while ensuring that quality and time management was maintained.

As a team we designed our product and I negotiated with a local manufacturer who produced it using recycled plastic bottle tops. I gained valuable team work and management skills and we won both regional and national awards including one for 'Innovation'.

In my free time I play netball where good teamwork is essential. I play clarinet, guitar and have reached grade five in piano. I enjoy watching talks on and I keep up to date with Wired magazine which covers current and future trends in technology.

I believe it is important that an engineer has a wider understanding of the social, political and economic issues to better appreciate the context in which engineering impacts on the community it serves.

In economics I have learnt to consider the effect of negative externalities which include the environmental impact of individual companies. I am acutely aware of the need for science to explore ways of harmonising technology with nature. All engineering henceforth will need to consider its environmental impact.

EEE impacts on almost every aspect of our lives today and will only grow in importance. I want to be part of our technological future and make a positive contribution to future developments.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by AJS for application in 2013.

AJS's university choices Imperial College London University College London University of Bath University of Newcastle Upon Tyne The University of Sheffield

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

This personal statement is unrated

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Writing a Personal Statement

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Preparing to Write

Brainstorming, don't forget, sample prompts.

A personal statement is a narrative essay that connects your background, experiences, and goals to the mission, requirements, and desired outcomes of the specific opportunity you are seeking. It is a critical component in the selection process, whether the essay is for a competitive internship, a graduate fellowship, or admittance to a graduate school program. It gives the selection committee the best opportunity to get to know you, how you think and make decisions, ways in which past experiences have been significant or formative, and how you envision your future. Personal statements can be varied in form; some are given a specific prompt, while others are less structured. However, in general a personal statement should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What are your goals?
  • How does this specific program/opportunity help you achieve your goals?
  • What is in the future?

A personal statement is not:

  • A variation of your college admissions essay
  • An academic/research paper
  • A narrative version of your resume
  • A creative writing piece (it can be creative, though)
  • An essay about somebody else

Keep in mind that your statement is only a portion of the application and should be written with this in mind. Your entire application package will include some, possibly all, of the materials listed below. You will want to consider what these pieces of the application communicate about you. Your personal statement should aim to tie everything together and fill in or address any gaps. There will likely be some overlap but be sure not to be too repetitive.

  • Personal Statement(s)
  • Transcripts
  • Letters of recommendations
  • Sample of written work
  • Research proposal

Preparing to Write A large portion of your work towards completing a personal statement begins well before your first draft or even an outline. It is incredibly important to be sure you understand all of the rules and regulations around the statement. Things to consider before you begin writing:

  • How many prompts? And what are they? It is important to know the basics so you can get your ideas in order. Some programs will require a general statement of interest and a focused supplementary or secondary statement closely aligned with the institution's goals.
  • Are there formatting guidelines? Single or double spaced, margins, fonts, text sizes, etc. Our general guideline is to keep it simple.
  • How do I submit my statement(s)? If uploading a document we highly suggest using a PDF as it will minimize the chances of accidental changes to formatting. Some programs may event ask you to copy and paste into a text box.
  • When do I have to submit my statement(s)? Most are due at the time of application but some programs, especially medical schools, will ask for secondary statements a few months after you apply. In these instances be sure to complete them within two weeks, any longer is an indication that you aren't that interested in the institution.

Before you start writing, take some time to reflect on your experiences and motivations as they relate to the programs to which you are applying. This will offer you a chance to organize your thoughts which will make the writing process much easier. Below are a list of questions to help you get started:

  • What individuals, experiences or events have shaped your interest in this particular field?
  • What has influenced your decision to apply to graduate school?
  • How does this field align with your interests, strengths, and values?
  • What distinguishes you from other applicants?
  • What would you bring to this program/profession?
  • What has prepared you for graduate study in this field? Consider your classes at Wellesley, research and work experience, including internships, summer jobs and volunteer work.
  • Why are you interested in this particular institution or degree program?
  • How is this program distinct from others?
  • What do you hope to gain?
  • What is motivating you to seek an advanced degree now?
  • Where do you see yourself headed and how will this degree program help you get there?

For those applying to Medical School, if you need a committee letter for your application and are using the Medical Professions Advisory Committee you have already done a lot of heavy lifting through the 2017-2018 Applicant Information Form . Even if you aren't using MPAC the applicant information form is a great place to start.

Another great place to start is through talking out your ideas. You have a number of options both on and off campus, such as: Career Education advisors and mentors ( you can set up an appointment here ), major advisor, family, friends. If you are applying to a graduate program it is especially important to talk with a faculty member in the field. Remember to take good notes so you can refer to them later.

When you begin writing keep in mind that your essay is one of many in the application pool. This is not to say you should exaggerate your experiences to “stand out” but that you should focus on clear, concise writing. Also keep in mind that the readers are considering you not just as a potential student but a future colleague. Be sure to show them examples and experiences which demonstrate you are ready to begin their program.

It is important to remember that your personal statement will take time and energy to complete, so plan accordingly. Every application and statement should be seen as different from one another, even if they are all the same type of program. Each institution may teach you the same material but their delivery or focus will be slightly different.

In addition, remember:

  • Be yourself: You aren’t good at being someone else
  • Tragedy is not a requirement, reflection and depth are
  • Research the institution or organization
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread
  • How to have your personal statement reviewed

The prompts below are from actual applications to a several types of programs. As you will notice many of them are VERY general in nature. This is why it is so important to do your research and reflect on your motivations. Although the prompts are similar in nature the resulting statements would be very different depending on the discipline and type of program, as well as your particular background and reasons for wanting to pursue this graduate degree.

  • This statement should illustrate your academic background and experiences and explain why you would excel in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (UMass Amherst - M.S. in Civil Engineering).
  • Describe your academic and career objectives and how the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies can help you achieve them. Include other considerations that explain why you seek admissions to the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and your interests in the environmental field (Yale - Master of Environmental Management).  
  • Please discuss your academic interests and goals. Include your current professional and research interests, as well as your long-range professional objectives. Please be as specific as possible about how your objectives can be met at Clark and do not exceed 800 words (Clark University - M.A. in International Development and Social Change).
  • Write a 500- to 700-word statement that describes your work or research. Discuss how you came to focus on the medium, body of work, or academic area you wish to pursue at the graduate level. Also discuss future directions or goals for your work, and describe how the Master of Fine Arts in Studio (Printmedia) is particularly suited to your professional goals (School of the Art Institute of Chicago - MFA in Studio, Printmaking).
  • Your statement should explain why you want to study economics at the graduate level. The statement is particularly important if there is something unusual about your background and preparation that you would like us to know about you (University of Texas at Austin - Ph.D in Economics).
  • Your personal goal statement is an important part of the review process for our faculty members as they consider your application. They want to know about your background, work experience, plans for graduate study and professional career, qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the program, and any other relevant information (Indiana University Bloomington - M.S.Ed. in Secondary Education).
  • Your autobiographical essay/personal statement is a narrative that outlines significant experiences in your life, including childhood experiences, study and work, your strengths and aspirations in the field of architecture, and why you want to come to the University of Oregon (University of Oregon - Master of Architecture).
  • Personal history and diversity statement, in which you describe how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree. You may refer to any educational, familial, cultural, economic or social experiences, challenges, community service, outreach activities, residency and citizenship, first-generation college status, or opportunities relevant to your academic journey; how your life experiences contribute to the social, intellectual or cultural diversity within a campus community and your chosen field; or how you might serve educationally underrepresented and underserved segments of society with your graduate education (U.C. Davis - M.A. in Linguistics).
  • A Personal Statement specifying your past experiences, reasons for applying, and your areas of interest. It should explain your intellectual and personal goals, why you are interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary degree rather than a more traditional disciplinary one, and how this degree fits into your intellectual and personal future (Rutgers University - Ph.D in Women’s and Gender Studies).
  • Your application requires a written statement to uploaded into your application and is a critical component of your application for admission. This is your opportunity to tell us what excites you about the field of library and information science, and what problems you want to help solve in this field. Please also tell us how your prior experiences have prepared you for this next step toward your career goals and how this program will help you achieve them (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - Master of Science in Library Science).
  • After watching the video, please describe what strengths and preferences as a learner you have that will facilitate your success in this innovative curriculum. What challenges in our curriculum do you anticipate and what strategies might you use to address these challenges? (MGH Institute of Health Professions PT - They recently redesigned their curriculum)
  • Your personal goal statement should briefly describe how you view the future of the field, what your goals are to be part of that future, and what brought you to pursue an advanced education degree in your chosen field. You may include any other information that you feel might be useful. (Northeastern PT)
  • Personal Statement: In 500 words or less, describe a meaningful educational experience that affected your professional goals and growth and explain how it impacted you. The educational experience does not need to be related to this degree. Focus on the educational experience and not why you think you would be a good professional in this field. (Simmons PT)
  • Personal Statement (500 word minimum): State your reasons for seeking admission to this program at this institution. Include your professional goals, why you want to pursue a career in this field and how admission to this program will assist you in accomplishing those goals. (Regis College Nursing)
  • “Use the space provided to explain why you want to go to this type of program.” (AMCAS)
  • Address the following three questions(Though there is no set limit, most statements are 1–2 pages, single-spaced.): What are your reasons for pursuing this degree? Why do you wish to pursue your degree at this institution? How do you intend to leverage your degree in a career of this field? (Boston University MPH)
  • Please submit a personal statement/statement of purpose of no more than 500 words for the department/degree of choice. Professional degree essays require a clear understanding of the _______ field and how you hope to work within the field. Be sure to proofread your personal statement carefully for spelling and grammar. In your statement, be sure to address the following: what interests you in the field of _____ what interests you in a specific degree program and department at this institution and what interests you in a particular certificate (if applicable). Please also describe how you hope to use your ________ training to help you achieve your career goals. (Columbia PhD in Public Health - Epidemiology)
  • Because each Home Program requires significant original research activities in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, we are interested in obtaining as much information as possible about your previous research experiences. Those who already have such experience are in a better position to know whether they are truly interested in performing ______ research as part of a graduate program. Please include specific information about your research experience in your Statement of Purpose. You may also use the Statement to amplify your comments about your choice of Home Program(s), and how your past experiences and current interests are related to your choice. Personal Statements should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). Make sure to set your computer to Western European or other English-language setting. We cannot guarantee the ability to access your statement if it is submitted in other fonts. (Stanford Biosciences PhD)
  • Your statement of purpose should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the Department of ____ at ___ University. It would be helpful to include what you have done to prepare for this degree program. Please describe your research interests, past research experience, future career plans and other details of your background and interests that will allow us to evaluate your ability to thrive in our program. If you have interests that align with a specific faculty member, you may state this in your application. Your statement of purpose should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). (Stanford Bioengineering PhD)
  • Statement of purpose (Up to one page or 1,000 words): Rather than a research proposal, you should provide a statement of purpose. Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at this institution and your relevant experience and education. Please provide an indication of the area of your proposed research and supervisor(s) in your statement. This will be assessed for the coherence of the statement; evidence of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study; the ability to present a reasoned case in English; and commitment to the subject. (Oxford Inorganic Chemistry - DPhil)

Related resources

Combined Degree Program

Program description:.

The combined BS/MS degree is designed to provide exceptional students at Syracuse University with the opportunity to “work ahead” and complete some of their future graduate-level degree requirements as an undergraduate student.

Students accepted into the 5-year BS/MS program will be able share up to 6 credits of 500+ level coursework toward the completion of both degrees. They will also have the opportunity to complete up to 6 credits of graduate-only coursework and transfer those credits toward their MS program of study.

Both shared and flagged credits will appear on the graduate transcript as a block of transfer credits labeled “transferred from SU undergraduate record”. These credits will not count toward graduate GPA calculations. A minimum grade of B is required to share or flag a course for transfer.

This combination of shared and transfer credit will allow the completion of both the Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering and the Masters of Science in Biomedical Engineering in five years.

Students currently enrolled in the Biomedical Engineering BS program are eligible to apply to the 5-year BS/MS program during their junior year (have 3 semesters remaining).

Interested students must submit an internal application packet to the department, as described below, prior to January 15th.

Acceptance into the program is based on academic performance. Notification will be sent to students by February 15th.

Students who are accepted into the 5 year BS/MS program will receive further application instructions at the time of acceptance.

Students who are  not  accepted into the 5 year BS/MS program may still be offered early admission into the regular Biomedical Engineering MS program, at the discretion of the department.

Internal Application Packet

The application packet must consist of the following:

  • Two (2) faculty recommendations forms (described below);
  • The applicant’s personal statement (described below);
  • CV or resume; and
  • Unofficial transcript.

Faculty Recommendation Form

The packet must include two (2) faculty recommendation forms.

Faculty recommendations must be submitted directly from the faculty member to the department.

Recommendations may not come from current program directors.

Personal Statement

Applicants must include a one page personal statement explaining their interest in the 5 year BS/MS program:

  • 12pt. Times New Roman font; and
  • 1 in. margins on all sides.

Year 1 & 2

Enrollment in required undergraduate coursework

Application to program. Continued enrollment in required undergraduate coursework, including at least one shared course.

Enrollment in and completion of final required undergraduate coursework, including any remaining shared coursework. Enrollment in up to 6 credits of additional graduate-level coursework.

Enrollment in and completion of graduate-level coursework.

Large military vehicles carry missiles with pointed tips in a military parade

China’s hypersonic missiles threaten US power in the Pacific – an aerospace engineer explains how the weapons work and the unique threats they pose

masters in engineering personal statement

Director, Center for National Security Initiatives; Professor of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder

Disclosure statement

Iain Boyd receives funding from the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Energy, NASA, and Lockheed-Martin.

University of Colorado provides funding as a member of The Conversation US.

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China’s newest hypersonic missile, the DF-27 , can fly as far as Hawaii, penetrate U.S. missile defenses and pose a particular threat to U.S. aircraft carriers , according to news reports of an assessment from the Pentagon .

Chinese researchers claimed in a May 2023 research journal report that the country’s hypersonic missiles could destroy a U.S. carrier group “with certainty .” This capability threatens to sideline U.S. aircraft carrier groups in the Pacific, potentially shifting the strategic balance of power and leaving the U.S. with limited options for assisting Taiwan in the event China invades.

This shift in the balance of power highlights how the next-generation hypersonic missiles that China, Russia and the U.S. are developing pose a significant threat to global security. I am an aerospace engineer who studies space and defense systems, including hypersonic systems. These new systems pose an important challenge due to their maneuverability all along their trajectory. Because their flight paths can change as they travel, defending against these missiles requires tracking them throughout their flight.

A second important challenge stems from the fact that they operate in a different region of the atmosphere from other existing threats. The new hypersonic weapons fly much higher than slower subsonic missiles but much lower than intercontinental ballistic missiles. The U.S. and its allies do not have good tracking coverage for this in-between region, nor do Russia or China.

Destabilizing effect

Russia has claimed that some of its hypersonic weapons can carry a nuclear warhead. This statement alone is a cause for concern whether or not it is true. If Russia ever operates this system against an enemy, that country would have to decide the probability of the weapon being conventional or nuclear.

In the case of the U.S., if the determination were made that the weapon was nuclear, then there is a very high likelihood that the U.S. would consider this a first strike attack and respond by unloading its nuclear weapons on Russia . The hypersonic speed of these weapons increases the precariousness of the situation because the time for any last-minute diplomatic resolution would be severely reduced.

It is the destabilizing influence that modern hypersonic missiles represent that is perhaps the greatest risk they pose. I believe the U.S. and its allies should rapidly field their own hypersonic weapons to bring other nations such as Russia and China to the negotiating table to develop a diplomatic approach to managing these weapons.

What is hypersonic?

Describing a vehicle as hypersonic means that it flies much faster than the speed of sound, which is 761 miles per hour (1,225 kilometers per hour) at sea level and 663 mph (1,067 kph) at 35,000 feet (10,668 meters) where passenger jets fly. Passenger jets travel at just under 600 mph (966 kph), whereas hypersonic systems operate at speeds of 3,500 mph (5,633 kph) – about 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) per second – and higher.

Hypersonic systems have been in use for decades. When John Glenn came back to Earth in 1962 from the first U.S. crewed flight around the Earth , his capsule entered the atmosphere at hypersonic speed. All of the intercontinental ballistic missiles in the world’s nuclear arsenals are hypersonic, reaching about 15,000 mph (24,140 kph), or about 4 miles (6.4 km) per second at their maximum velocity.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles are launched on large rockets and then fly on a predictable trajectory that takes them out of the atmosphere into space and then back into the atmosphere again. The new generation of hypersonic missiles fly very fast, but not as fast as ICBMs. They are launched on smaller rockets that keep them within the upper reaches of the atmosphere.

a diagram showing earth, the atmosphere and space overlaid by three missile trajectories of different altitudes

Three types of hypersonic missiles

There are three different types of non-ICBM hypersonic weapons: aero-ballistic, glide vehicles and cruise missiles. A hypersonic aero-ballistic system is dropped from an aircraft, accelerated to hypersonic speed using a rocket and then follows a ballistic, meaning unpowered, trajectory. The system Russian forces have been using to attack Ukraine, the Kinzhal , is an aero-ballistic missile. The technology has been around since about 1980.

A hypersonic glide vehicle is boosted on a rocket to high altitude and then glides to its target, maneuvering along the way. Examples of hypersonic glide vehicles include China’s Dongfeng-17 , Russia’s Avangard and the U.S. Navy’s Conventional Prompt Strike system. U.S. officials have expressed concern that China’s hypersonic glide vehicle technology is further advanced than the U.S. system.

A hypersonic cruise missile is boosted by a rocket to hypersonic speed and then uses an air-breathing engine called a scramjet to sustain that speed. Because they ingest air into their engines, hypersonic cruise missiles require smaller launch rockets than hypersonic glide vehicles, which means they can cost less and be launched from more places. Hypersonic cruise missiles are under development by China and the U.S. The U.S. reportedly conducted a test flight of a scramjet hypersonic missile in March 2020.

Defensive measures

The primary reason nations are developing these next-generation hypersonic weapons is how difficult they are to defend against due to their speed, maneuverability and flight path. The U.S. is starting to develop a layered approach to defending against hypersonic weapons that includes a constellation of sensors in space and close cooperation with key allies

With all of this activity on hypersonic weapons and defending against them, it is important to assess the threat they pose to national security. Hypersonic missiles with conventional, non-nuclear warheads are primarily useful against high-value targets, such as an aircraft carrier. Being able to take out such a target could have a significant impact on the outcome of a major conflict.

However, hypersonic missiles are expensive and therefore not likely to be produced in large quantities. As seen in the recent use by Russia, hypersonic weapons are not necessarily a silver bullet that ends a conflict.

This is an updated version of an article that was originally published on April 15, 2022.

  • Ballistic missiles
  • Missile defence
  • Nuclear missiles
  • Cruise missiles
  • The Pacific
  • Hypersonic weapons

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Watch CBS News

Hacking group claims it breached Ticketmaster and stole data for 560 million customers

Updated on: May 30, 2024 / 7:28 AM EDT / CBS/AFP

A hacking group claims it breached global events giant Ticketmaster and stole the details of 560 million customers.

The group, named ShinyHunters, said in an online forum that the stolen data includes the names, addresses, phone numbers and partial credit card details of Ticketmaster customers. The group's post said the data was available for purchase for $500,000 in a "one-time sale."

The Australian government said Thursday it is investigating the claims, and the FBI has offered assistance to Australian authorities, a spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Canberra told Agence France-Presse.

"The Australian Government is aware of a cyber incident impacting Ticketmaster," a spokesperson for the Australia Home Affairs Department said in a statement to CBS News. "The National Office of Cyber Security is engaging with Ticketmaster to understand the incident." The department also urged people with "specific inquiries relating to this incident" to contact Ticketmaster.

Ticketmaster and its parent company, Live Nation, haven't issued statements on the possible breach.

The authenticity of the dataset offered by ShinyHunters couldn't be immediately verified. The alleged hack was first reported by the websites Hackread and Australia-based  CyberDaily .

ShinyHunters' hacking history

ShinyHunters became notorious in 2020-21 when it exposed huge troves of customer records from more than 60 companies, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

In January, a court in Seattle jailed Sebastien Raoult, a French computer hacker who was a member ShinyHunters. He was sentenced to three years in prison and ordered to pay more than $5 million in restitution after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and aggravated identity theft.

Prosecutors said the extensive hacking caused millions of dollars in losses to companies that were victimized and "unmeasurable additional losses" to hundreds of millions of people whose data was sold to other criminals.

Hacks are impacting more people with increasingly severe consequences, Katina Michael, a cybersecurity professor at Australia's University of Wollongong, told AFP. The number of people hacked "will grow, it could be up to one billion in the future," she said.

Governments, companies and consumers aren't doing enough to protect themselves or investing in basic protection mechanisms such as two-factor authentication, Michael warned.

Justice Department suing Ticketmaster and Live Nation  

Ticketmaster, which is based in Beverly Hills, operates one of the largest online ticket sales platforms in the world.

The Justice Department filed a federal lawsuit last week accusing  Ticketmaster  and its parent company Live Nation of illegally monopolizing the live entertainment industry to the detriment of concertgoers and artists alike.

In a  128-page civil suit  filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, federal officials alleged that Live Nation has illegally thwarted competition and unduly burdened consumers in part through its ownership of Ticketmaster, which effectively gives it control over much of the market for live entertainment.

Justice Department officials said they're seeking structural changes to how the company does business, which could include breaking the two entities apart.

In 2022, Ticketmaster's  mishandling of ticket sales for Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour  prompted enormous public outcry over Live Nation's hold on the entertainment and ticketing industries. The Justice Department's Antitrust Division was already investigating the company when the Swift fiasco unfolded, CBS News previously reported.

  • Live Nation
  • Ticketmaster

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What to know about the purported theft of Ticketmaster customer data

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Live Nation confirms Ticketmaster was hacked, says personal information stolen in data breach

Ticketmaster tickets and gift cards are shown at a box office in San Jose, Calif., on May 11, 2009.

Entertainment giant Live Nation has confirmed its ticketing subsidiary Ticketmaster has been hacked.

Live Nation confirmed the data breach in a filing with government regulators late on Friday after the markets closed.

In its statement , Live Nation said the breach occurred on May 20, and that a cybercriminal “offered what it alleged to be Company user data for sale via the dark web.” The company did not say who the personal information belongs to, though it’s believed to relate to customers. It’s unclear why it took the company more than a week to publicly disclose the breach.

Live Nation said in its statement that it “identified unauthorized activity within a third-party cloud database environment containing Company data.” 

The company did not name the third-party cloud database in its statement.

A spokesperson for Ticketmaster, who would not provide their name but responded from the company’s media email address, told TechCrunch that its stolen database was hosted on Snowflake , a Boston-based cloud storage and analytics company.

Ticketmaster’s spokesperson did not say how the data was exfiltrated from Snowflake’s systems. 

Snowflake said in a post on Friday that it had informed a “limited number of customers who we believe may have been impacted” by attacks “targeting some of our customers’ accounts.” Snowflake did not describe the nature of the attacks, or if data had been stolen from customer accounts.

Snowflake spokesperson Danica Stanczak declined to comment on the record about Ticketmaster’s breach.

Amazon Web Services also hosts much of Live Nation and Ticketmaster’s infrastructure, according to a since-removed customer case study on Amazon’s website.

Earlier this week, the administrator of a since-revived popular cybercrime forum called BreachForums claimed to be selling the personal information of 560 million customers, including the alleged personal information of Ticketmaster customers, along with ticket sales and customer card information.

Until now, Live Nation had not commented on the data breach. Earlier this week, Australian authorities confirmed it was assisting Live Nation with a cybersecurity incident, and U.S. cybersecurity agency CISA deferred comment to Live Nation.

TechCrunch on Friday obtained a portion of the allegedly stolen data containing thousands of records, including email addresses. This included several internal Ticketmaster email addresses used for testing, which are not public but appear as real Ticketmaster accounts. TechCrunch verified on Friday that the records we checked belong to Ticketmaster customers. 

TechCrunch checked the validity of these accounts by running the internal email addresses through Ticketmaster’s sign-up form. All of the accounts came back as real. (Ticketmaster displays an error if someone enters an email address that is already a real Ticketmaster account.)

Earlier in May, the Department of Justice and 30 attorneys general sued Live Nation to break up the ticketing conglomerate, accusing Live Nation of monopolistic practices .

Updated with response from Ticketmaster, and Snowflake’s decline.

Do you know more about the Live Nation TicketMaster breach? Get in touch. To contact this reporter, get in touch on Signal and WhatsApp at +1 646-755-8849, or by email. You can also send files and documents via SecureDrop .

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This is not a drill! Today marks the final day to secure your early-bird tickets for TechCrunch Disrupt 2024 at a significantly reduced rate. At midnight tonight, May 31, ticket…

Disrupt 2024 early-bird prices end at midnight

Instagram tests ‘trial reels’ that don’t display to a creator’s followers

Instagram is testing a way for creators to experiment with reels without committing to having them displayed on their profiles, giving the social network a possible edge over TikTok and…

Instagram tests ‘trial reels’ that don’t display to a creator’s followers

Feds tell Zoox to send more info about autonomous vehicles suddenly braking

U.S. federal regulators have requested more information from Zoox, Amazon’s self-driving unit, as part of an investigation into rear-end crash risks posed by unexpected braking. The National Highway Traffic Safety…

Feds tell Zoox to send more info about autonomous vehicles suddenly braking

Canva’s rap battle is part of a long legacy of Silicon Valley cringe

You thought the hottest rap battle of the summer was between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. You were wrong. It’s between Canva and an enterprise CIO. At its Canva Create event…

Canva’s rap battle is part of a long legacy of Silicon Valley cringe

ElevenLabs debuts AI-powered tool to generate sound effects

Voice cloning startup ElevenLabs introduced a new tool for users to generate sound effects through prompts today after announcing the project back in February.

ElevenLabs debuts AI-powered tool to generate sound effects

VC firm Antler’s CEO says Asia presents ‘biggest opportunity’ in the world for growth

We caught up with Antler founder and CEO Magnus Grimeland about the startup scene in Asia, the current tech startup trends in the region and investment approaches during the rise…

VC firm Antler’s CEO says Asia presents ‘biggest opportunity’ in the world for growth

Chinese e-commerce marketplace Temu faces stricter EU rules as a ‘very large online platform’

Temu is to face Europe’s strictest rules after being designated as a “very large online platform” under the Digital Services Act (DSA).

Chinese e-commerce marketplace Temu faces stricter EU rules as a ‘very large online platform’

Spain bans Meta from launching election features on Facebook, Instagram over privacy fears

Meta has been banned from launching features on Facebook and Instagram that would have collected data on voters in Spain using the social networks ahead of next month’s European Elections.…

Spain bans Meta from launching election features on Facebook, Instagram over privacy fears

Stripe curbs its India ambitions over regulatory situation

Stripe, the world’s most valuable fintech startup, said on Friday that it will temporarily move to an invite-only model for new account sign-ups in India, calling the move “a tough…

Stripe curbs its India ambitions over regulatory situation

Voice cloning of political figures is still easy as pie

The 2024 election is likely to be the first in which faked audio and video of candidates is a serious factor. As campaigns warm up, voters should be aware: voice…

Voice cloning of political figures is still easy as pie brings startup ads to billboards and NYC’s subway

When Alex Ewing was a kid growing up in Purcell, Oklahoma, he knew how close he was to home based on which billboards he could see out the car window.… brings startup ads to billboards and NYC’s subway

SpaceX sent Starship to orbit — the next launch will try to bring it back

SpaceX’s massive Starship rocket could take to the skies for the fourth time on June 5, with the primary objective of evaluating the second stage’s reusable heat shield as the…

SpaceX sent Starship to orbit — the next launch will try to bring it back

Billionaire Groupon founder Eric Lefkofsky is back with another IPO: AI health tech Tempus

Eric Lefkofsky knows the public listing rodeo well and is about to enter it for a fourth time. The serial entrepreneur, whose net worth is estimated at nearly $4 billion,…

Billionaire Groupon founder Eric Lefkofsky is back with another IPO: AI health tech Tempus

You’ve spoken! Meet the Disrupt 2024 breakout session audience choice winners

TechCrunch Disrupt showcases cutting-edge technology and innovation, and this year’s edition will not disappoint. Among thousands of insightful breakout session submissions for this year’s Audience Choice program, five breakout sessions…

You’ve spoken! Meet the Disrupt 2024 breakout session audience choice winners

Zero-day flaw in Check Point VPNs is ‘extremely easy’ to exploit

Check Point is the latest security vendor to fix a vulnerability in its technology, which it sells to companies to protect their networks.

Zero-day flaw in Check Point VPNs is ‘extremely easy’ to exploit

Spotify offers Car Thing refunds as it faces lawsuit over bricking the streaming device

Though Spotify never shared official numbers, it’s likely that Car Thing underperformed or was just not worth continued investment in today’s tighter economic market.

Spotify offers Car Thing refunds as it faces lawsuit over bricking the streaming device

Misinformation works, and a handful of social ‘supersharers’ sent 80% of it in 2020

The studies, by researchers at MIT, Ben-Gurion University, Cambridge and Northeastern, were independently conducted but complement each other well.

Misinformation works, and a handful of social ‘supersharers’ sent 80% of it in 2020

Tesla shareholder sweepstakes and EV layoffs hit Lucid and Fisker

Welcome back to TechCrunch Mobility — your central hub for news and insights on the future of transportation. Sign up here for free — just click TechCrunch Mobility! Okay, okay…

Tesla shareholder sweepstakes and EV layoffs hit Lucid and Fisker

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  1. Engineering Masters Personal Statement Sample

    Written by Jennifer Bevan. This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Engineering. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement. With an ever-increasing population, the upscaling of processes to efficiently mass produce food, pharmaceuticals and chemicals is essential to society.

  2. Graduate School Personal Statement : Chemical Engineering Communication Lab

    Criteria for Success. Your personal statement convinces a faculty committee that you are qualified for their program. It convinces them that you a good fit for their program's focus and goals. You show a select group of skills and experiences that convey your scientific accomplishments and interests. Your experiences are concrete and ...

  3. How To Write an Engineering Personal Statement (With Example)

    Related: 6 Tips for Writing a Great Graduate School Personal Statement (With Examples) Example engineering personal statement This is an example engineering personal statement that you can use to inspire your own: As a kid, I decided I would be the person to create the first flying machine. I drew schematics and diagrams reminiscent of da Vinci ...

  4. Statement of Purpose for Graduate School : Mechanical Engineering

    The graduate school Personal Statement (≈ Statement of Purpose ≈ Statement of Intent) is a document that complements your resume and application form, describing your profile in a narrative way and convincing the admission committee that you would be a good match for a particular department or program. Take into account that matching goes ...

  5. Engineering Personal Statement Examples

    Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 3. It is my ambition to work in the engineering industry and gain 'Chartered Engineer' status. Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement Example 4. I am passionate about Engineering and will embrace any opportunity to develop my skills and flourish in my chosen career.

  6. Personal Statement : Civil and Environmental Engineering Communication Lab

    Some graduate schools will also require a Personal Statement as part of your application package. This CommKit article will go over what a Personal Statement is and some strategies to approach writing one. Your Personal Statement can also be revised for future fellowships and scholarships beyond graduate school application. Main takeaways

  7. PDF Writing Personal Statements

    In the description of the Master's or PhD programme it will normally detail the key requirements you will need to be effective on the course, including the types of skills, experiences and technical ability that are important. You can use these as a guide to the various points that you will need to address within your personal statement.

  8. Engineering Personal Statement Tips: Undergraduate or Graduate School

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Graduate School offers advice for writing an in-depth personal statement for engineering schools using the "qualified match" approach. The steps include: Make a statement that fits the essay prompt, like "I am a dedicated and hard-working student.". Quantify your statement with specific details ...

  9. How to Write Your Personal Statement

    A personal statement is a short essay of around 500-1,000 words, in which you tell a compelling story about who you are, what drives you, and why you're applying. To write a successful personal statement for a graduate school application, don't just summarize your experience; instead, craft a focused narrative in your own voice. Aim to ...

  10. Engineering Personal Statement Examples

    Browse our range of Engineering personal statement examples. Gain inspiration & make sure you're on the right track when writing your own personal statement. ... At the University of Brighton engineering degrees allow you to learn through real-world application and collaborative project work that will give you the skills you need.

  11. Application Instructions: Writing a Strong Personal Statement

    As part of your admissions application to a Penn Engineering Online degree program, you'll need to write a personal statement—an essay designed to help us get to know the real person behind your grades and test scores. A strong personal statement can tip the scales in your favor, so we encourage you to give it your best effort.

  12. Personal Statement : Graduate School

    Your Personal Statement should provide the admissions committee with a sense of you as a whole person, and you should use it to describe how your personal background and experiences influenced your decision to pursue a graduate degree. Additionally, it should provide insights into your potential to contribute to Cornell University's core ...

  13. Writing the Personal Statement

    The personal statement should give concrete evidence of your promise as a member of the academic community, giving the committee an image of you as a person. This is also where you represent your potential to bring to your academic career a critical perspective rooted in a non-traditional educational background, or your understanding of the ...

  14. How to Write Your Master's in Engineering Statement of Purpose

    Structuring an Engineering Statement of Purpose. Your SOP will ideally include the following: An introductory paragraph that grabs the reader's attention and sets the stage for the paragraphs to follow. A few highlights of your abilities, education, and work accomplishments. Reasons for any gaps in your chronological work history or lower ...

  15. Best UCAS Engineering Personal Statement: Guide w/Examples

    Example Personal Statement 1. "I hope a degree from your University will allow me to transfer key abilities from a place of study into, eventually, a place in industry. After much extended research, my admiration for the engineering innovator, Karl Benz, has been truly established.

  16. Writing Chemical Engineering Master's Personal Statement

    Chemical Engineering Master's Personal Statement Examples Example 1. I am an enthusiastic and passionate chemical engineering graduate with a wealth of knowledge and experience over the last four years. I have excelled in my studies, earning high marks in all areas, particularly when it comes to laboratory experiments involving complex ...

  17. Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement 3

    Inspire your Masters in Mechanical Engineering personal statement with our UCAS examples and learn from previous students who have already applied to university. ... Mechanical Engineering Personal Statement . Growing up, there was one focus that utterly fascinated my young self; automobiles. As a child, it was the...

  18. Graduate School Personal Statement : NSE Communication Lab

    Structure of a personal statement. As long as you stay within the specifications set by your target program, you have the freedom to structure your personal statement as you wish. Still, you can use the structure shown on the right as a loose guide for demonstrating match. 2.1. Create a personal narrative.

  19. Engineering Personal Statement Advice

    You will need to be enthusiastic about engineering and show evidence of this in the personal statement is the simple advice from University of Dundee. So, here are some ideas on how to do this: Work or extracurricular experiences: This doesn't necessarily have to be directly in an engineering field. Try and give examples of things you've done ...

  20. Engineering personal statements

    Chemical engineering degree personal statement example (1h) Chemical engineering degree personal statement example (1i) work experience, Imperial offer. Chemical engineering degree personal statement example (1j) with year abroad. Civil engineering degree personal statement example (1a) international applicant, Cardiff offer.

  21. Personal Statement For Masters (17 PDF Sample Examples)

    7. speech and language therapy personal statement. statement of purpose for masters sample: speech and language therapy. 8. business administration personal statement. personal statement for masters in business administration. 9. personal statement for masters in cyber security pdf.

  22. Writing Electrical Engineering Msc. Personal Statements

    Personal Statement for Masters in Electrical Engineering Examples Example A. I am an enthusiastic and hardworking engineer with a great passion for electrical engineering. Having obtained my Bachelor's Degree in the subject, I have sought out experience to further understand how it works both practically and theoretically.

  23. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Personal Statement Example 1

    Electrical and Electronic Engineering Personal Statement Example 1. I have always had a creative ability and a fascination with how things work. The challenge of solving practical problems inherent in the field of engineering appeals directly to these traits. I am particularly interested in electrical and electronic engineering (EEE) because it ...

  24. Writing a Personal Statement

    A personal statement is a narrative essay that connects your background, experiences, and goals to the mission, requirements, and desired outcomes of the specific opportunity you are seeking. It is a critical component in the selection process, whether the essay is for a competitive internship, a graduate fellowship, or admittance to a graduate school program.

  25. Program: Biomedical Engineering, BS/MS

    Students currently enrolled in the Biomedical Engineering BS program are eligible to apply to the 5-year BS/MS program during their junior year (have 3 semesters remaining). Interested students must submit an internal application packet to the department, as described below, prior to January 15th.

  26. BME represented at 2024 PCTC CVBE Annual Symposium

    by Hannah Buckelew The eighth annual NIH Progenitor Cell Translation Consortium (PCTC) 2024 Cardiovascular Bioengineering (CVBE) Symposium was held May 22-25 at Houston Methodist Research Institute in Houston, Texas. The event took place in partnership with The George and Angelina Kostas Research Center for Cardiovascular Nanomedicine Symposium ...

  27. China's hypersonic missiles threaten US power in the Pacific

    China's newest hypersonic missile, the DF-27, could sideline US aircraft carrier groups in the Pacific, while missiles in the works in China, Russia and the US threaten global security.

  28. Hacking group claims it breached Ticketmaster and stole data for 560

    Updated on: May 30, 2024 / 7:28 AM EDT / CBS/AFP. A hacking group claims it breached global events giant Ticketmaster and stole the details of 560 million customers. The group, named ShinyHunters ...

  29. Live Nation confirms Ticketmaster was hacked, says personal information

    In its statement, Live Nation said the breach occurred on May 20, and that a cybercriminal "offered what it alleged to be Company user data for sale via the dark web."The company did not say ...

  30. Fall/Spring

    Scholarship Appeal Form - Fall/Spring - 2024-2025 (Dynamic Form) University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid | You may submit a scholarship appeal if you have extenuating circumstances as to why you did not meet your Kent Campus scholarship renewal criteria. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, medical, personal or family emergencies.It is encouraged for students ...