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The ultimate guide to writing a resume as a lawyer

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Embarking on your legal career journey, a robust lawyer resume is your powerful advocate in the job market. In this guide, we'll dispense essential tips, present compelling examples, and provide impactful resume samples to help you craft a resume that can sway any jury.

Professional Lawyer Resume Example

Like a tailored defense, your resume needs to showcase your skills, demonstrate your experience, and highlight your victories. And our guide will help you to do that, and more. 

Keep reading to: 

  • Get inspired by successful lawyer resume examples
  • Pick a resume format that emphasizes experience 
  • Showcase your experience and specializations in your resume summary
  • Highlight your diverse skill sets as a lawyer
  • Prioritize your strengths and accomplishments as a lawyer in your work experience section
  • Use powerful action verbs throughout your resume
  • Accurately list your educational credentials as a lawyer
  • Add relevant extra sections to make your lawyer resume shine
  • Avoid common mistakes in a lawyer resume
  • Pair your resume with a relevant cover letter
  • Explore the average salary and job outlook for lawyers
  • Access top job search resources for lawyers

Professional lawyer resume example

Professional Lawyer Resume Example

Why does this lawyer resume example work?

  • Conciseness: The resume is crisp and to the point, ensuring that hiring managers can readily locate the essential details. This brevity fosters an effective, convenient reading experience. 
  • Comprehensive education section: Academically, the candidate shines. They've not only detailed their high grades and distinctions but also included their broad participation in extracurricular activities, showing a well-rounded candidate capable of balancing multiple commitments. 

What could be improved?

  • Lack of quantifiable achievements: The resume falls short when it comes to demonstrating measurable impact within the work experience section. While it states the candidate's responsibilities, it misses an opportunity to show their direct contribution to positive results or successful outcomes, which is crucial for creating a standout resume.

Litigation assistant resume example

Litigation Assistant Resume Example

Why does this litigation assistant resume example work?

  • Powerful resume summary: The summary does a superb job of outlining the Litigation Assistant's qualifications, accomplishments, and skills at a glance. It gives a comprehensive snapshot that entices hiring managers to keep reading.
  • Proficient in relevant tools: The candidate's command over crucial computer skills and tools used in the industry is highlighted, reinforcing their capacity to perform key tasks efficiently. 
  • Absence of quantifiable achievements: The work experience tends to be more descriptive rather than demonstrating impact. It misses out on quantifying achievements which could otherwise underline the candidate's effectiveness. Although the Employee of the Month award is mentioned, the relevant work to earn this could be outlined with numbers or direct outcomes. For instance, stating the volume of legal research handled or quantity of legal forms prepared could make the content more impactful.

Public defender resume sample

Public Defender Resume Example

  • Detailed skills section: This resume shines in showcasing the candidate's comprehensive skill set. From computer and language skills to interpersonal abilities, these skills assert the candidate's diverse competencies crucial for a Public Defender's job.
  • Quantitative work experience: The work experience shines with quantifiable achievements, giving it a definitive edge. Whether it's the number of cases handled or interns trained, these details help hiring managers gauge the scope and impact of the candidate's work.
  • Sequence of personal information: The resume could improve its flow by placing personal contact details closer to the top, right after the candidate's name. This makes it readily accessible for hiring managers and follows a more conventional order.

1. Pick a resume format that emphasizes experience

When choosing a resume format as a lawyer, you want to select the format that will best emphasize your experience in the field. In this case, your two best options are the reverse-chronological resume or the Curriculum Vitae (CV) . 

The reverse-chronological resume puts the primary focus on work experience, listing your most recent position first and working backward from there. This is the most common resume format and allows you to prioritize your key responsibilities, skills, and accomplishments that you gained from past experiences. 

The CV is a long-form resume that consists of multiple pages. This format is most commonly used within academic or scientific fields. However, for lawyers with 10+ years of experience, the CV gives you the best opportunity to list your extensive background and work history to the fullest extent. 

Typically, an employer will indicate in a job posting whether or not they expect to see a multi-page CV. Always pay attention to these details and make sure to include the proper documents and materials within your application. 

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2. showcase your experience and specializations in your resume summary.

Your resume summary is an essential component of your resume, as it helps to introduce you as a professional to employers. 

A well crafted resume summary should include:

  • Professional persona: A brief portrayal of your professional identity
  • Core skills: Highlight of your most noteworthy abilities
  • Key areas of expertise: Clear and concise outline of your specializations

Let's take a look at two contrasting examples:

Bad lawyer resume summary example

Lawyer seeking an attorney position with an established law firm. Skilled in client relationship management. Good negotiation abilities and experienced in corporate law. 

What's wrong with this example? In this example, the applicant provides very few details that offer specific insights into their professional career. To improve this summary, the applicant needs to offer more quantifiable examples regarding their experience and focus more on their specializations. 

Good lawyer resume summary example

Detail-oriented Lawyer with over 7 years of experience working in corporate law. Specialized in corporate taxes and financial planning, with deep knowledge of evolving government regulations. Highly competent in successful negotiations of substantial corporate contracts. 

Why is this better? This corrected example offers a much higher level of specificity and detail. The applicant establishes their years of experience as well as their specialization in corporate business and affairs. They go on to highlight their negotiation strengths, giving the summary a nice finishing touch that will compel employers to read on.

Lawyer resume summary examples

3. Highlight your diverse skill sets as a lawyer

Working as a lawyer requires you to have many different kinds of skills , from general abilities such as legal research to more complex and specialized areas of expertise. 

Listing your skills on a resume is paramount for several reasons:

  • Demonstrates competency: Your skillset attests to your abilities, showing you're competent in your field.
  • Aligns with job requirements: By outlining relevant skills, you align yourself with the role, proving to hiring managers that you're a perfect fit.

Your lawyer resume likely encompasses both technical and interpersonal skills. But why stop at listing them? Instead, make them shine. Link each skill with an achievement or case where that skill was instrumental. 

Here are 10 examples of technical skills and 10 examples of interpersonal skills that are key to include on a lawyer’s resume:

Best technical skills to put on your lawyer resume 

  • Case Analysis and Research
  • Legal Due Diligence
  • Data Analytics
  • Client Advising and Consultation
  • Extensive Written and Verbal Communication
  • Preparation of Legal Documents
  • File Organization and Management
  • Law Interpretation
  • Court and Trial Proceedings
  • Industry Specializations (Environmental Law, Tax Law, etc.) 

Effective interpersonal skills for your resume

  • Active Listening
  • Empathy and Compassion
  • Negotiation
  • Time Management
  • Organization
  • Confidentiality
  • Dependability

Remember, your skills are your stage to show how you can deliver results. They are more than just a list; they serve as a bridge between your experiences and the job-for-grabs. So, make sure they are well-represented and well-connected in your resume.

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4. Craft a strong work experience section as a lawyer

A key step in perfecting your lawyer resume involves effectively detailing your work experience and key projects . This section provides a critical opportunity for you to underline your proven track record and showcase the contributions you've made in your previous roles.

Here are some tips on how to format and construct this part of your resume:

  • Use bullet points: These enable you to break down and clearly depict your tasks and achievements.
  • Include relevant details: Share what role you held, where, and when. Also illustrate the projects you undertook and their outcomes.
  • Employ dynamic verbs and powerful adjectives: Words like "managed," "supervised," and "implemented" speak volumes about your influential role.
  • Use quantifiable accomplishments: Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments. It signifies the scale of your work and the impact of your contributions. Whether it's the number of cases managed, the percentage improvement in the firm's success rate, or the size of the team supervised, these details help paint a vivid picture of your professional prowess.

Bad work experience entry example 

Lawyer | XYZ Law Firm New Orleans, LA | June 2015 to January 2020

  • Handled various legal cases and worked with interns.

Why does it fall flat? This example lacks specificity and doesn't reveal any quantifiable achievements. "Handled" is a weak verb in this context and "various legal cases" is overly vague. Furthermore, it doesn't clearly define the candidate's interaction with the interns. 

Good work experience entry example from a lawyer resume

Lawyer | M&J Law Associates New Orleans, LA | June 2015 to January 2020

  • Managed more than 25 corporate lawsuits per year , representing clients on cases such as fraud schemes and criminal cases. 
  • Assisted in raising firm’s success rate from 89.7% to 93.9% by implementing new case management strategies. 
  • Supervised a team of 10 legal assistant interns , delegating necessary word-processing and organization tasks to them.

Why does this work? It's specific, uses strong verbs and interesting adjectives, highlights key achievements, and provides a clear picture of the role and responsibilities. 

All in all, the work experience and key projects section is where your previous roles come alive. It's not just a snapshot of your past; it's your stage to demonstrate how you can bring value to your next role. Make it count.

Corporate Counsel Resume Example

5. Use powerful action verbs throughout your resume

Action words , also known as power verbs or action verbs, are the backbone of a compelling resume. Simply stated, they inject energy and clarity into your resume, making your responsibilities and achievements distinctly evident.

Here's why action words are important:

  • They convey initiative: Action words demonstrate that you're a doer and a mover — someone who takes command and gets things done.
  • They add precision: These words precisely detail what you've done in your previous roles, giving the hiring manager a clear perspective of your capabilities.
  • They reflect dynamism: Action words add vigor and variety to your resume, preventing it from sounding too passive or dull. 

Here are some powerful action verbs ideally suited for a lawyer's resume

  • Collaborated
  • Consolidated
  • Implemented
  • Interpreted

When crafting your attorney resume, imagine each bullet point in your experience section as a mini commercial for yourself. Using a powerful action word is like starting the commercial with a bang — it engages the reader and adds momentum to your narrative. Don't underestimate the power of a solid verb — it lifts your resume from average to attention-grabbing.

Action verbs lawyer resume

6. Accurately list your educational credentials as a lawyer  

As a lawyer, you are required to have earned a degree through a law school program and pass the bar examination in your state of residence. These credentials are extremely important to include accurately in your resume’s education section . 

Here's why education matters on a lawyer's resume:

  • It indicates your background: Your educational details help employers understand your knowledge base and skills. 
  • It shows your qualifications: Especially in roles like a lawyer, having the correct qualifications is essential. 
  • It reflects your dedication: Completing your education in a field shows commitment and perseverance, traits cherished in any role. 

Education section example

Juris Doctor Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA | 2017 – 2020

  • Focused coursework: Corporate Law, Criminal Law 
  • Academic achievements: Graduated cum laude, Dean's List all semesters 

Showcasing relevant coursework, projects, or achievements can illustrate your commitment to learning and problem-solving, both essential in law. Remember, how you list your education can be as crucial as what you list under it.

7. Add relevant extra sections to make your lawyer resume shine

In the world of law, where expertise and credibility are essential, incorporating relevant extra sections into your lawyer resume can make a significant difference.

While your education and legal experience hold substantial weight, additional sections provide an opportunity to demonstrate your well-roundedness and dedication to serving the community.

Consider including one or more of the following:

  • Volunteer legal services
  • Publications
  • Speaking engagements
  • Professional memberships
  • Language proficiency
  • Awards and recognitions

Extra section example

Volunteer Legal Services

  • Provided pro bono legal representation to individuals with limited financial means.
  • Managed a wide range of cases, including family law, landlord-tenant disputes, and immigration matters.
  • Advocated for the rights of underprivileged clients, ensuring access to justice and fair legal outcomes.
  • Collaborated with a team of legal professionals to conduct research, draft legal documents, and prepare for court proceedings.
  • Received recognition for outstanding service and commitment to providing legal assistance to vulnerable populations.

In summary, your lawyer resume's core lies in education and experience, but its charm comes from the additional sections. These areas, highlighting volunteer work, memberships, or language prowess, offer a holistic view of you as a professional and as an individual. Enhance your main act with these extras — they might just tip the scale in your favor.

8. Avoid common mistakes in a lawyer resume

Ensuring your lawyer resume is free from common mistakes is vital. After all, as someone in the legal profession, precision is expected of you. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • Overcomplication: Lawyers often deal with complex issues, but that doesn’t mean your resume should be complex. Keep it straightforward and easy to understand. 
  • Lack of specifics: Be detailed about your accomplishments. Using quantifiable achievements helps employers grasp the scope and impact of your work.
  • Typos or grammatical errors: These can signal lack of attention to detail. Proofread your resume multiple times, and consider having a trusted colleague or friend review it as well.
  • Passive language: Use action verbs to describe your activities and achievements. Passive language can make your experiences seem less impressive.
  • Irrelevant information: Stating hobbies or personal details not relevant to the job can dilute the professional content of your resume. Stick to information that shows why you're a solid candidate.

By steering clear of these common errors, you can make sure your resume serves as a compelling testament to your professionalism and competence. Don't let avoidable mistakes stand between your craftsmanship and that coveted job interview.

9. Pair your lawyer resume with a relevant cover letter

While a resume provides an overview of your professional journey through skills, experiences, and education, a cover letter offers a personalized narrative, tying these elements directly to the job and the company's needs.

The inclusion of a cover letter with your lawyer resume is generally a good idea, and here's why:

  • Personal touch: A cover letter gives you the chance to add personality to your application, showing hiring managers who you are as an individual.
  • Tailored fit: It allows you to directly address how your skills and experiences fit the specific job requirements, making the relevance clear and compelling.
  • Motivation: The cover letter is the perfect platform to demonstrate your interest in the company and the role, showing that you've done your research and are genuinely interested.

But when should you include a cover letter? Always, unless the job advertisement specifically asks you not to. Some job postings may state "cover letter optional," but it's usually beneficial to include one anyway. It's another chance to impress and set yourself apart from other candidates.

In essence, while your resume says "this is what I have done," your cover letter says "this is why it matters to you." Use the two in tandem to make a rounded, resonant impression.

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10. average salary and job outlook for lawyers.

The career outlook for lawyers tends to be both promising and lucrative. According to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), lawyers earned an average salary of $145,760 per year in May 2023.

This financial reward is complemented by a positive job growth projection. The employment of lawyers is expected to surge by 8 percent from 2022 to 2032, which is a faster pace than the average growth rate for all occupations.

Furthermore, the field is projected to provide ample opportunities for aspiring lawyers. There are approximately 39,100 openings for lawyers projected annually, on average, over the next decade.

Such statistics indicate a favorable environment for individuals planning to pursue or continue a career in law. As the demand for legal services remains in a foreseeable positive path, choosing a legal profession can be a sound career choice.

Lawyers average salary and job outlook

11. Useful job search resources for aspiring lawyers 

If you're embarking on your legal career journey, you need to equip yourself with top-tier resources to streamline your job hunt and connect with the right opportunities. So, suit up and explore these trusted resources to aid in your job hunt:

  • Legal job sites:  Platforms such as Lawjobs , ABA Legal Career Central , and Simply Law Jobs provide listings specifically tailored for the legal industry.
  • LinkedIn:  Beyond being a general job hunting platform , it provides networking opportunities and insights into law firms and job trends.
  • Legal associations and organizations:  Professional entities like the American Bar Association (ABA) or the National Association for Law Placement (NALP) often provide job postings, career services and networking events.
  • Law school career centers:  Almost every law school has a career services office that offers job listings, resume help, and career advice to its students and alumni.
  • Legal recruiters and headhunters:  Specialized recruitment agencies or independent recruiters in the legal field can provide personalized job search support.

Keep these resources on your digital bookmark bar as you tread your legal career path. Remember, engaging in the job hunt is as dynamic as a trial, and every connection could be your winning evidence.

Which areas should I highlight in my lawyer resume?

Your qualifications, legal skills, and experience should be emphasized. Ensure to include any significant cases you've worked on, your specialized legal expertise, and relevant internships or legal clinician experience.

How can I demonstrate my communication skills in a lawyer resume?

Showcase examples where excellent verbal or written communication was central to the successful outcome of a case. Participation in debate clubs, public speaking events or published law articles can also underscore your communication skills.

I'm a law school graduate with limited professional experience. How can I make my resume attractive?

Highlight academic achievements, law school-related activities such as Moot Court or Law Review, and any internships or voluntary legal work. Show your passion for law and readiness to learn and grow.

How technical should my language be in my lawyer resume?

Stick to clear, professional language. While demonstrating your knowledge of legal terms is important, overusing jargon can take away from the clarity of your resume.

Should I tailor my lawyer resume for each job application?

Absolutely! Tailoring your resume shows the employer that you've invested the time to understand their specific needs and how you can meet them. Customize your objective statement, skills and experiences to match each job description.

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) and an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC™). She is also a passionate translator and graphic designer. Julia holds degrees in translation and interpretation and has international work experience in various countries across Europe, as well as in China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and contributed as a graphic designer to outlets such as The Business of Business. You'll often find her with a book in one hand and a specialty coffee in the other, always on the lookout for new insights.

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As a lawyer, your resume is often the first impression you make on potential employers.

A report by TheLadders shows that recruiters spend an average of just 7.4 seconds reviewing a resume before deciding whether to move forward with a candidate or not.

So you know now why it is essential to create a lawyer resume that stands out from the crowd.

If you are applying for legal jobs in 2023, you will need a resume that showcases your skills, experience, and accomplishments compellingly.

In this guide, we will provide you with tips and examples for writing a strong lawyer resume and share lawyer resume samples to help you see our suggestions in action.

We will also cover the resume sections to focus on in your lawyer resume, such as education, professional experience, and skills, that can make a big difference in your job search.

So, whether you are a law student or an entry-level attorney, read on to learn how to create a resume that will help you advance your legal career.

  • How do I write a resume for a lawyer?
  • What are crucial sections in a lawyer's resume?
  • What are some lawyer resume samples to refer to in 2023?

How Do I Write a Resume for a Lawyer?

Your lawyer resume has the potential to unlock excellent job opportunities in the United States. However, it depends on how well you can showcase your skills, experience, and professional achievements in it.

But with only a few seconds to wow a recruiter and make your case, your overall presentation needs to be top-notch.

In this section, we will provide you with 3 pointers to look out for when crafting a compelling lawyer resume.

Tailor Your Lawyer Resume

  • Research your target law firm or organization and customize your resume accordingly
  • Highlight your relevant experience and skills that match the requirements of the role
  • Use keywords from the job posting and your industry to increase its compatibility with the ATS
  • If you are applying for a litigation position, emphasize your experience with trial preparation and court appearances.
  • If you are applying for a transactional position, highlight your experience in drafting contracts and agreements.

Make Use of Action Verbs

  • Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb to create impact and grab the recruiter’s attention
  • Mention concrete and quantifiable results to demonstrate the impact of your work instead of only using buzzwords
  • Instead of writing "Responsible for managing a caseload," try "Managed a caseload of 50+ cases, resulting in a 25% increase in successful outcomes."

Keep Your Lawyer Resume Concise

  • Stick to a one-page resume especially when you have an entry-level or mid-level experience
  • Use bullet points and white space along with a clear and legible font to make your promote readability
  • Use font styles like Arial or Times New Roman in size 11 or 12, and keep 1” margin on all sides. Use bold text for section headings and bullet points to make them stand out.
Check out our law enforcement resume templates

Important Sections of a Lawyer Resume

In the previous part, we discussed the important factors that can enhance the overall presentation of your lawyer resume.

Now, we will discuss some of the crucial resume sections to focus on when creating a lawyer resume that will help you stand out in the competitive US job market.

Lawyer Resume: Education

A strong educational background can help you stand out in the legal job market.

Consider highlighting your law school and undergraduate degrees, as well as any relevant coursework or academic achievements.

For instance, when applying for a litigation position, one must highlight relevant coursework or experience they possess in trial advocacy or evidence.

Also, if you have completed any certifications or are undergoing some courses, be sure to include them in your resume as well.

Lawyer Resume: Professional Experience

Your professional experience is likely the most important section of your lawyer resume.

Consider highlighting your specific experience in the practice areas relevant to the job you are applying for. Highlight any high-profile cases, significant settlements, or verdicts you have achieved.

Be sure to also include any pro bono or community service work that demonstrates your commitment to the legal profession.

And as discussed earlier, make sure to tailor your information to the job description. Here’s an instance:

If you are applying for a corporate transactional position, highlight any experience you have in drafting and negotiating contracts, mergers, acquisitions, or securities filings.

Lawyer Resume: Skills

In addition to your education and professional experience, your skills can set you apart from other candidates.

Highlight skills like legal research and writing, client management, and communication. Be sure to also include any language proficiency, technical skills, or experience with legal software. Here’s a specific example:

If you are applying for an immigration position, highlight any language proficiency you have in languages other than English that may be relevant to the position.

Additionally, highlight any experience you have with immigration-specific software such as e-immigration or case management software.

Check out our public administration resume templates

Lawyer Resume Samples

In this section, we will provide you with 2 lawyer resume samples and briefly analyze what makes them a good reference for you.

These resumes are designed by Hiartion for college students and entry-level job seekers across the United States who are looking to jumpstart their legal careers.

Lawyer Resume: Sample 1


This resume is an excellent example of how to highlight practical legal experience, including internships and other relevant work.

The candidate's experience in criminal litigation is particularly relevant, and they do an excellent job of showcasing their skills and achievements in this area.

Lawyer Resume: Sample 2


This resume is an excellent example of how to showcase legal skills and experience, even if you don't yet have a law degree.

The candidate's undergraduate education in justice and law administration is particularly relevant, and they do an excellent job of highlighting their skills in drafting legal documents and resolving client disputes.

Check out the top simple resume examples of 2023

Key Takeaways

When writing a lawyer resume, be sure to focus on your education, professional experience, and skills, and customize your resume to the specific position.

If you are just starting in your career, consider including internships and other practical legal experience to demonstrate your involvement in and commitment to the legal profession.

It always is a good idea to analyze lawyer resume samples to get an idea of what works and what doesn't.

Is this all becoming overwhelming? Are you looking for something stronger than written tips and suggestions? Fret not!

Check out Hiration’s ChatGPT-powered resume builder consisting of 30+ ATS-friendly resume templates, making the task of building your lawyer resume easy-breezy.

Contact us at [email protected] for any concerns, queries, or feedback.

resume lawyer examples

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resume lawyer examples


Lawyer Resume Example and Writing Guide

‍ As the digital age continues to transform the way we work, job-seekers are now faced with a new challenge: how to market yourself in an extraordinarily crowded and digital marketplace? Resumes are no longer just handed out to potential employers. Instead, you must proactively sell your skills, education, and experience as part of your resume. This article will help you understand why creating a lawyer resume is essential, what makes a great lawyer resume, and tips on how you can create one of your own. With more than 1.2 million registered attorneys in the United States alone and an increasing number of law firms advertising their services online, competition for positions as a lawyer is intense. To stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of being shortlisted for interviews, your resume must communicate why hiring you would be beneficial to any potential employer.

Lawyer Resume Example

Lawyer Resume Example

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Immigration Attorney Resume Example

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Family Law Attorney Resume Example

Family Law Attorney Resume Example

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Employment Attorney Resume Example

Download This Employment Attorney Resume as PDF

What’s the Importance of a Resume for Lawyers?

How you present yourself and your skills on your resume will significantly impact whether you get shortlisted for job interviews. With so many lawyers competing for jobs, you need to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd. A resume is your opportunity to showcase your skills and past achievements and explain how you can contribute to an employer’s business. It’s also the first chance for you to make a positive first impression on hiring managers, so it’s crucial that your resume is straightforward to read and that it uses industry-standard language and formatting. A well-written lawyer resume will ensure that your skills and experience are highlighted and that you’re not just looking for any job but the right one. A resume will also help you gauge your preparedness for interviews and increase your confidence.

Which Is The Best Format For a Lawyer Resume?

There are two main formats for resumes: the chronological resume and the combination resume. The chronological resume is the traditional resume format. It lists your skills, education, and work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. The combination resume format, on the other hand, combines the skills and achievements section with the work history section. While there’s no “right” format for creating a resume, it’s essential to be aware of the various options available to choose the one that best showcases your skills. Once you’ve decided on a format, it’s vital to consistently use it for all of your future resume and cover letter creations.

What Goes Into A Great Lawyer Resume?

A great lawyer resume will communicate your skills and experience and why an employer should hire you. It’s not enough to list your skills and experience, though. Your resume must also demonstrate how you can use your skills to benefit employers. Your resume should be data-driven and highlight relevant information, such as your degree, GPA, work experience, honors and awards, and language skills. It should also be scannable and easy to read. When it comes to formatting, avoid using fancy font styles, and stick to plain and simple fonts, such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. Limit your resume to one page, and avoid going over five paragraphs. The best resume is the one that gets read, so remember to keep it simple and easy to read.

Tips To Create An Effective Lawyer Resume

If designing a resume from scratch still seems intimidating, don’t worry. You can also use resume templates to help you create your resume. If you decide to use a template, make sure it’s a legal resume template designed to showcase your skills and experience. Make sure your resume presents accurate information. This includes checking and correcting your grammar and spelling. Avoid using fancy fonts, and use spaces wisely to make your resume easier to read. Include your contact details at the top of your resume, and sign your resume at the end. Don’t forget to include your education, professional licensing, and certifications. Make sure your resume has a clear focus and is tailored to the job you’re applying for.

Your resume is your ticket to securing job interviews, and a great resume will put you ahead of the competition. With more than 1.2 million registered attorneys in the United States alone, competition for positions as a lawyer is intense. When designing a lawyer resume, the most important thing is to make sure it expresses your personality, skills, and experience and why hiring managers should hire you. It’s also essential to make sure your resume is easy to read and visually appealing. How you present yourself and your skills on your resume will significantly impact whether you get shortlisted for job interviews. With so many lawyers competing for jobs, you need to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd.

1 Lawyer Resume Example for Your 2024 Job Search

Lawyers are experts in the law and have a deep understanding of the legal system. As a lawyer, your resume should be just like a legal case. It should be well-researched, well-argued, and persuasive enough to convince the reader. In this guide, we'll review X lawyer resume examples to help you craft a winning resume.

lawyer resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Lawyer Resumes:

  • Drafting and reviewing legal documents, such as contracts, wills, and leases
  • Negotiating settlements and representing clients in court
  • Researching and analyzing legal issues
  • Advising clients on legal matters
  • Interpreting laws, rulings, and regulations
  • Preparing legal briefs and opinions
  • Representing clients in administrative hearings
  • Appearing in court to argue motions and defend clients
  • Advising clients on business transactions
  • Filing legal documents with the court
  • Keeping up to date with changes in the law
  • Developing strategies to resolve legal disputes

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Lawyer Resume Example:

  • Successfully represented a high-profile client in a complex litigation case, resulting in a favorable settlement and saving the client over $2 million in potential damages.
  • Developed and implemented a legal compliance program for a multinational corporation, resulting in a 30% reduction in legal risks and avoiding potential fines and penalties.
  • Advised a startup company on legal matters related to their initial public offering (IPO), resulting in a successful IPO and raising $10 million in funding.
  • Negotiated a favorable settlement for a client in a high-stakes contract dispute, resulting in a 25% increase in revenue for the client.
  • Conducted extensive legal research and analysis on a complex regulatory issue, resulting in a successful appeal and saving the client over $1 million in fines.
  • Advised a non-profit organization on legal matters related to their fundraising activities, resulting in a 50% increase in donations and successful compliance with state and federal regulations.
  • Drafted and reviewed legal documents for a major real estate development project, resulting in a successful closing and generating over $5 million in revenue for the client.
  • Represented a client in an administrative hearing, successfully arguing for a favorable outcome and saving the client over $500,000 in potential penalties.
  • Developed and implemented a legal strategy for a startup company, resulting in successful acquisition by a larger corporation and generating $20 million in value for the client.
  • Litigation and dispute resolution
  • Legal research and analysis
  • Contract drafting and negotiation
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Legal strategy development
  • Intellectual property law
  • Corporate law and governance
  • Real estate law
  • Administrative law
  • Legal risk management
  • Legal advice and counseling
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Securities law and initial public offerings
  • Non-profit law and fundraising compliance
  • Client relationship management
  • Communication and negotiation skills
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Time management and organization
  • Attention to detail
  • Adaptability and staying current with legal trends

High Level Resume Tips for Lawyers:

Must-have information for a lawyer resume:.

Here are the essential sections that should exist in an Lawyer resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other Lawyer candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Lawyers:

Lawyer resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

  • Accomplished Corporate Lawyer with 15+ years of experience advising Fortune 500 companies on complex legal matters
  • Skilled Litigator with a proven track record of winning high-profile cases in the healthcare industry
  • Dynamic Intellectual Property Lawyer with expertise in patent law and a passion for protecting innovation in the tech sector

Why these are strong: These resume headlines are strong for Lawyers as they highlight key strengths and accomplishments that are relevant to their roles. The first headline emphasizes the candidate's vast experience in advising large corporations, which is a crucial factor that hiring managers look for in Corporate Lawyers. The second headline showcases the candidate's litigation skills and success in winning high-profile cases, which is important for Litigators. Finally, the third headline highlights the candidate's expertise in a specialized area of law (patent law) and passion for protecting innovation, which is a valuable asset for Intellectual Property Lawyers.

Weak Headlines

  • Experienced Lawyer with Expertise in Litigation and Contracts
  • Skilled Attorney with Strong Communication and Negotiation Skills
  • Legal Professional with a Focus on Corporate Law and Compliance

Why these are weak: These resume headlines need improvement for Lawyers as they lack specificity and fail to highlight the candidate's unique value or accomplishments. The first headline mentions experience and expertise, but doesn't provide any context or results, such as successful cases or settlements. The second headline highlights skills, but doesn't showcase any examples of how those skills have been applied in practice. The third headline mentions a focus on corporate law and compliance, but fails to provide any measurable achievements or certifications that could strengthen the candidate's profile.

Writing an Exceptional Lawyer Resume Summary:

Resume summaries are crucial for Lawyers as they provide a brief yet powerful way to showcase their skills, experience, and unique value proposition. A well-crafted summary can immediately capture the attention of hiring managers, setting the tone for the rest of the resume and positioning the candidate as an ideal fit for the role.

For Lawyers specifically, an effective resume summary is one that highlights their ability to provide legal counsel and representation, consistently.

Key points that Lawyers should convey in a resume summary include:

Relevant Experience: Clearly mention the number of years of experience you have in practicing law, highlighting any notable achievements or career highlights. If you have experience with different types of law or industries that are particularly relevant to the job, mention that too.

Legal Expertise: Showcase your knowledge of legal principles, procedures, and regulations, as well as any industry-specific knowledge that would be beneficial to the role (e.g., corporate law, intellectual property law, etc.).

Leadership and Teamwork: In any legal role, leadership and collaboration are going to be core components. Emphasize your ability to lead teams, collaborate with clients and stakeholders, and create a shared vision for the legal matter at hand, as these are key attributes that every hiring manager will want to see in a Lawyer.

Client-Centric Mindset: Highlight your ability to identify client needs, empathize with their situation, and provide tailored legal solutions that meet their objectives.

Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills: Show that you can analyze legal issues, identify trends, and make informed decisions to optimize legal performance and drive success.

To nail the resume summary, use your best judgment to choose the right combination of these that align closest with the individual role you’re applying for. Remember, your resume summary will be one of the first things that a potential employer will see about you and your legal career.

Here are some key writing tips to help you make the most of it:

Tailor the Summary: Customize your summary for each job application, ensuring that it aligns with the specific requirements and expectations of the hiring company.

Be Concise: Keep your summary brief and to-the-point, ideally within 3-4 sentences. Avoid using legal jargon, and focus on concrete skills and accomplishments.

Use Metrics and Tangible Outcomes: Whenever possible, include quantitative data to back up your claims, such as successful case outcomes, client satisfaction rates, or legal cost savings.

Begin with a Strong Statement: Start your summary with a compelling statement that captures your unique value proposition as a Lawyer, and then build on that foundation with your key attributes and experiences.

Proofread and Revise: Ensure your summary is free of grammatical errors and typos, and refine the language to make it as clear and impactful as possible.

Lawyer Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

Accomplished corporate lawyer with 10 years of experience advising Fortune 500 companies on complex legal matters, including mergers and acquisitions, securities offerings, and regulatory compliance. Skilled in managing high-stakes negotiations and collaborating with cross-functional teams to achieve business objectives.

Strategic litigator with a proven track record of successfully representing clients in high-profile cases, including class actions and white-collar criminal defense. Adept at developing creative legal strategies and leveraging strong analytical skills to navigate complex legal issues.

Experienced intellectual property lawyer with expertise in patent and trademark law, including prosecution, licensing, and litigation. Skilled in managing large patent portfolios and advising clients on IP strategy to protect their valuable assets.

Why these are strong: These resume summaries are strong for Lawyers as they highlight the candidates' specific areas of expertise and accomplishments in their respective legal fields. The first summary emphasizes the candidate's experience advising large corporations on complex legal matters and their ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams. The second summary showcases the candidate's success in high-profile litigation cases and their ability to develop creative legal strategies. Lastly, the third summary demonstrates the candidate's expertise in intellectual property law and their ability to manage large patent portfolios, making them highly appealing to potential employers.

Weak Summaries

  • Lawyer with experience in various legal areas seeking a challenging role in a reputable law firm to utilize my skills and knowledge.
  • Experienced attorney with expertise in litigation and contract law, seeking a position in a dynamic legal environment to further develop my legal skills.
  • Lawyer with a focus on corporate law and compliance, committed to providing excellent legal advice to clients and ensuring legal compliance.

Why these are weak: These resume summaries need improvement for Lawyers as they lack specific accomplishments, skills, or areas of expertise that would make the candidate stand out to potential employers. The first summary is too general and doesn't provide any details on the candidate's legal experience or achievements. The second summary mentions expertise in litigation and contract law, but doesn't provide any examples of successful cases or contracts that the candidate has worked on. The third summary mentions a focus on corporate law and compliance, but doesn't provide any details on the candidate's experience in these areas or any quantifiable results that they have achieved. Overall, these summaries need to be more specific and provide concrete examples of the candidate's legal expertise and accomplishments.

Resume Objective Examples for Lawyers:

Strong objectives.

  • Seeking an entry-level position as a Lawyer to utilize my strong research and analytical skills, as well as my passion for advocating for justice, to provide effective legal representation for clients and contribute to the success of a reputable law firm.
  • Recent law school graduate with a focus on corporate law and experience in contract drafting and negotiation, seeking a position as a Junior Associate to apply my knowledge of legal principles and business strategy to provide comprehensive legal solutions for clients and contribute to the growth of a dynamic law firm.
  • Goal-driven and detail-oriented legal professional with experience in litigation and alternative dispute resolution, seeking a position as a Litigation Associate to leverage my skills in legal research, case analysis, and negotiation to provide effective representation for clients and contribute to the success of a prominent law firm.

Why these are strong: These resume objectives are strong for up and coming Lawyers because they showcase the candidates' passion, education, and relevant skills, while also highlighting their eagerness to learn and contribute to the success of the organization. The first objective emphasizes the candidate's research and analytical skills, which are important attributes for a Lawyer. The second objective showcases the candidate's educational background and knowledge of legal principles and business strategy, demonstrating a strong foundation for success in the role. Lastly, the third objective highlights the candidate's experience in litigation and alternative dispute resolution, making them a promising fit for a Litigation Associate position where they can further develop their skills and contribute to the company's success.

Weak Objectives

  • Seeking a position as a Lawyer where I can utilize my legal knowledge and skills to contribute to the success of the firm.
  • Recent Law School graduate seeking an entry-level position in a law firm to gain experience and develop my legal career.
  • Passionate about the legal field and seeking a challenging role as a Lawyer to further my knowledge and skills.

Why these are weak: These resume objectives need improvement for up and coming Lawyers because they lack specificity and don't effectively showcase the unique value or skills the candidates possess. The first objective is generic and doesn't provide any information about the candidate's background, passion, or relevant experience. The second objective hints at being a recent graduate, but it doesn't mention any specific achievements, education, or areas of law the candidate is interested in. The third objective, although it mentions being passionate about the legal field, doesn't elaborate on the candidate's expertise, skills, or any particular area of law they are interested in, which would make their profile more appealing to potential employers.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your lawyer work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Focus on specific cases or projects you have worked on, and highlight your role in them.
  • Use quantifiable metrics to showcase your impact, such as the number of cases won or settlements reached.
  • Emphasize your ability to research and analyze complex legal issues, and provide examples of how you have applied this skill in your work.
  • Highlight your communication skills, both written and verbal, and provide examples of how you have effectively communicated legal concepts to clients or colleagues.
  • Demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively with other lawyers, paralegals, and support staff to achieve successful outcomes.
  • Mention any awards, recognition, or unique accomplishments associated with your legal work.
  • Ensure that the language you use is clear and concise, avoiding legal jargon that may not be familiar to HR, recruiters, and hiring managers.

Example Work Experiences for Lawyers:

Strong experiences.

Successfully represented a client in a high-profile intellectual property case, resulting in a favorable settlement and saving the client $5 million in potential damages.

Drafted and negotiated complex commercial contracts, including licensing agreements and joint venture agreements, resulting in a 25% increase in revenue for the client.

Conducted extensive legal research and analysis to advise clients on regulatory compliance issues, resulting in the avoidance of potential legal liabilities and penalties.

Led a team of attorneys in a large-scale merger and acquisition transaction, managing due diligence, drafting and negotiating transaction documents, and ensuring successful closing of the deal.

Developed and implemented a comprehensive legal training program for a Fortune 500 company, resulting in increased legal compliance and risk mitigation across the organization.

Successfully defended a client in a criminal trial, securing a not guilty verdict and protecting the client's reputation and freedom.

Why these are strong:

  • These work experiences are strong because they demonstrate the candidate's expertise in various areas of law, including litigation, transactional work, and regulatory compliance. The use of specific outcomes and achievements, such as successful settlements and verdicts, highlights the candidate's ability to deliver tangible results for clients. Additionally, the candidate's leadership and training abilities are showcased through their experience managing teams and implementing legal training programs.

Weak Experiences

Conducted legal research and drafted memos on various topics related to corporate law.

Assisted in the preparation of legal documents, including contracts and agreements.

Attended client meetings and provided support to senior attorneys during negotiations.

Managed a caseload of clients, providing legal advice and representation in court.

Conducted legal research and drafted pleadings and motions for various cases.

Collaborated with other attorneys and legal staff to prepare for trials and hearings.

  • Reviewed and analyzed contracts and agreements for potential legal issues.
  • Provided legal advice to clients on matters related to intellectual property law.
  • Assisted in the preparation and filing of trademark and patent applications.

Why these are weak:

  • These work experiences are weak because they lack specificity, quantifiable results, and strong action verbs. They provide generic descriptions of tasks performed without showcasing the impact of the individual's work or the benefits brought to the company. To improve these bullet points, the candidate should focus on incorporating metrics to highlight their achievements, using more powerful action verbs, and providing clear context that demonstrates their leadership qualities and direct contributions to successful outcomes.

Top Skills & Keywords for Lawyer Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for lawyers, hard skills.

  • Legal Research and Analysis
  • Contract Drafting and Negotiation
  • Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  • Case Management and Trial Preparation
  • Legal Writing and Communication
  • Client Counseling and Representation
  • Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Corporate Law and M&A Transactions
  • Employment Law and Labor Relations
  • Tax Law and Estate Planning
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Techniques

Soft Skills

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
  • Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership and Team Management
  • Research and Investigation Skills
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Decision Making and Strategic Planning
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Persuasion and Advocacy Skills

Go Above & Beyond with a Lawyer Cover Letter

Lawyer cover letter example: (based on resume).

As a Lawyer, you understand the importance of attention to detail and presenting a strong case. Similarly, pairing your resume with a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in landing your dream job. A cover letter is an extension of your resume, an opportunity to showcase your legal expertise and passion for the role. Contrary to common belief, crafting a compelling cover letter doesn't have to be a daunting task, and the benefits far outweigh the effort required.

Here are some compelling reasons for submitting a cover letter as a Lawyer:

  • Personalize your application and showcase your genuine interest in the law firm and the specific role
  • Illustrate your unique value proposition and how your legal skills align with the job requirements
  • Communicate your understanding of the law firm's needs and how you plan to address them
  • Share success stories and achievements that couldn't be accommodated in your resume, such as notable cases you have worked on or legal publications you have contributed to
  • Demonstrate your legal writing and communication skills, which are essential for Lawyers
  • Differentiate yourself from other applicants who might have opted not to submit a cover letter, showing your dedication and attention to detail in your job search.

In summary, a cover letter is a powerful tool for Lawyers to showcase their legal expertise, passion, and dedication to the role they are applying for. By taking the time to craft a tailored cover letter, Lawyers can set themselves apart from the competition and increase their chances of landing an interview.

Resume FAQs for Lawyers:

How long should i make my lawyer resume.

Based on industry standards and best practices, a Lawyer resume should ideally be one to two pages long. This length allows for a concise and focused presentation of the Lawyer's qualifications, experience, and achievements. It is important to note that the resume should highlight the most relevant information and accomplishments, tailored to the specific job or opportunity being applied for. Additionally, it is crucial for Lawyers to ensure that their resume is error-free, well-organized, and easy to read, as attention to detail and strong communication skills are highly valued in the legal profession.

What is the best way to format a Lawyer resume?

The best way to format a Lawyer resume is to keep it simple, professional, and easy to read. Use a clear and legible font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, and keep the font size between 10 and 12 points. Use bullet points to highlight your achievements and skills, and make sure to include relevant keywords that match the job description. In terms of structure, start with a brief summary or objective statement that highlights your experience and skills. Follow this with a section on your education, including your law degree and any relevant certifications or licenses. Next, include a section on your work experience, starting with your most recent position and working backwards. For each position, include your job title, the name of the company or organization, and the dates of employment. Use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and achievements in each role. Finally, include a section on your skills and accomplishments,

Which Lawyer skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

When highlighting skills in a resume, it is important for Lawyers to focus on those that are relevant to the specific job they are applying for. However, some skills that are generally important for Lawyers to highlight include: 1. Legal research and analysis: Lawyers should highlight their ability to conduct thorough legal research and analyze complex legal issues. 2. Communication skills: Lawyers should highlight their ability to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders. 3. Writing skills: Lawyers should highlight their ability to write clear and concise legal documents, such as briefs, memos, and contracts. 4. Negotiation skills: Lawyers should highlight their ability to negotiate effectively on behalf of their clients. 5. Time management skills: Lawyers should highlight their ability to manage their time effectively and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced legal environment. 6. Attention to detail: Lawyers should highlight their ability to pay close attention to detail and ensure accuracy in all legal documents and communications. 7. Teamwork: Lawyers should highlight their ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and other stakeholders to achieve common goals. Overall, Lawyers should focus on highlighting skills that demonstrate

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Lawyer?

If you have no experience as a lawyer, it is important to focus on highlighting your relevant skills and education in your resume. Here are some tips to help you write a resume: 1. Start with a strong objective statement: Begin your resume with a clear and concise objective statement that highlights your career goals and aspirations. This will help the employer understand your motivation and focus. 2. Highlight your education: As a new lawyer, your education is your biggest asset. Be sure to include your law degree, any relevant coursework, and any academic honors or awards you have received. 3. Emphasize your skills: Even if you don't have experience as a lawyer, you likely have developed skills that are relevant to the legal profession. Highlight your research, writing, and analytical skills, as well as any experience you have working with clients or in a legal setting. 4. Include relevant experience: While you may not have experience as a lawyer, you may have relevant experience in other fields. For example,

Compare Your Lawyer Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Lawyer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Lawyers:

Lawyer resume example, more resume guidance:.


  • Lawyer Resume: Examples, Template, and Resume Tips

resume lawyer examples

Featured in:

resume lawyer examples

Did you watch the latest season of “Suits” and finally decided to apply for a new lawyer job?

If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place! Today we will cover a topic that could help you get a lawyer job you want.

In today’s business environment there is a lot of legal practice, whether it is in crime and justice area or in corporate law.

Because of that, there are a lot of law schools and a lot of people decide to follow that path and become a lawyer.

Along with that comes the need for more lawyer jobs.

However, there are usually more lawyers than available jobs, so if you want to walk that path, you need to find a way to distinguish yourself from the competition.

And right here comes the importance of a well-written professional resume because it could make all the difference to a recruiter who is tasked with finding the perfect candidate for the job.

So, in order to write a perfect lawyer resume, first, we need to ask some questions that should be answered by that same resume.

  • Find the best way to distinguish yourself from the competition
  • Define the main parts of a lawyer resume
  • Pick or make the perfect lawyer resume template
  • Optimize the resume size

Every good resume should consist of these four elements. Once you figure them out, you will easily be able to write a perfect lawyer’s resume.

Note that resumes shouldn’t be too long since they are simply the short biography of your business and partly personal life.

Therefore, you shouldn’t make your resume longer than 2 pages at max.

Everything above that would make your resume look unprofessional, which is what we are trying to avoid here.

Before we begin with the main guide, we will show you a couple of examples of how a perfect lawyer resume should look like.

After that, we will analyze each individual part of a lawyer’s resume and explain how to write them, in order to make your resume look good.

In the end, we will focus on some tips that could help you pass the interview and get the lawyer job you want, as well as some tips that could make your resume even better.

So, are you ready to roll?

For those who are, without any further due, we may begin!

Corporate Associate Lawyer Resume Example

resume lawyer examples

Associate Attorney Resume Example

resume lawyer examples


Now that we’ve seen some functional resume samples , let’s move on to the guide which will help you to write your own lawyer resume.

The very first thing you should write in your resume is, of course, some sort of personal information section, which should contain basic personal and contact information.

This is done because you want to make it easier for recruiters to get a quick overview of you, such as your name, home address and contact information like phone number and email address.

And since we live in the age of the internet and social media, it is common to put some information about your social media accounts.

So, without any further delay, let’s talk about all of these individual things and discover the best way to include them in your resume.

How to Properly Write Your Name in a Lawyer Resume?

Of course, the very first information everyone tends to write in their resume is their name. It’s like when meeting someone.

We can consider a resume to be a sort of a business letter or even better, a bit larger business ID, which allows companies to learn something about you and decide whether you could be a perfect person for the job or not.

And just like with any business letter, you should open up with your name. However, since this is not a casual meeting, there are some tips to follow.

Note that you should always write your full name in your resume, without using nicknames or short version of your name.

That would look unprofessional and wouldn’t be good to put in a business letter. Let’s take a look at the example.

James Allen

Jaime allen, including profession in your lawyer resume.

Next to your name, you should add your current or past profession, so recruiters could see if you are experienced or not.

The proper way to do this is to write your professional title right under your name, which would easily be seen by recruiters.

By looking at your previous title, they will be able to see whether you are already an experienced individual and whether you are fit for the job they are offering.

“But what if I don’t have any experience, because I just graduated?”

Worry not! We got you covered on that one too!

If you are a fresh graduate, who hasn’t been working during studies, then you probably don’t have a professional title to include in your lawyer’s resume.

However, don’t let that discourage you! In this case, you should put your highest education title, such as ‘Master of Laws’ if you have acquired Master’s Degree or even a ‘Bachelor of Law’ if that has been your highest point in education so far.

In case you are still finishing your bachelor’s studies, then you can simply put ‘Law Student’, so recruiters would know what to expect from your resume.

The Perfect Photo to Share on Your Lawyer Resume

In some countries, sharing a photo on your resume is pretty common, while in some others not so much, but we’ll cover it here.

Even though it might not be necessary to add a photo in your resume, there is really no harm in doing it, if you do it properly.

And by properly, we mean choosing the right photo to add.

There are several important characteristics a resume photo should include, so let’s take a look.

Photo instructions

  • Natural smile
  • Combed and neat hair
  • Naturally open eyes
  • For women – without too much makeup
  • For men – trimmed and neat beard
  • A white or neutral environment
  • Nice formal clothes
  • Upright stature
  • Forced smile
  • Staring or closed eyes
  • Messed up hair
  • For women – tons of makeup
  • For men – messy beard
  • Too colorful or environment full of people
  • Casual or sport clothes
  • Sluggish stature

In order for your lawyer resume photos to look professional, you should follow these simple tips we provided above.

This means that you should probably avoid using random photos from your Instagram or Facebook profiles since most of them probably won’t meet the criteria.

So, no random photos with friends, drinking on the beaches and everything else that might look a bit unprofessional, which is what you’re trying to avoid.

Instead, you should take a new photo, perhaps even go to a professional photo studio if you find some that are not expensive.

Yes, you might think that is a bit too much to do simply to write a resume, but remember, you want to distinguish yourself from other job applicants, and investing some time in making your resume look perfect is a good way of doing it.

Shall I Add Phone Number to My Resume?

Now, let’s move on to adding some contact information, so recruiters could get in touch with you if they decide to give you a chance and invite you to an interview.

The most common way they tend to do it is by directly talking to you via the phone calls. Therefore, it is pretty much recommended to include your phone number in your lawyer’s resume.

Also, even though emails are very used, they tend to bug, so it is a good idea to have several alternative ways to communicate with job applicants.

Another thing is that, for some jobs, where it is necessary to communicate with clients, recruiters like to talk to their applicants over the phone, to evaluate their interpersonal skills a bit.

Sharing Home Address – Yay or Nay?

When it comes to writing home addresses in a resume, a lot of people are not sure whether to do it or not, so let’s answer that, shall we?

Sharing your home address is usually optional in most job applications, even though it may have some benefits.

First of all, some jobs are only available in certain states, so perhaps if you are not from that state, you should let the company’s office know that.

They might be able to help you with finding the place to live or even pay for it if you are an expert in your area.

Also, there is a question about transportation costs. If you live a bit farther from the company, then you might be given a paid bonus, which you can use to pay your transportation costs.

Apart from that, large companies often have their own organized transportation service for people who don’t live close to the job.

Last, but not least, if recruiters know your home address, they might be willing to offer you a job position that is closer to your home, so you wouldn’t have to spend too much time in traffic.

Therefore, there is really no reason not to write your home address in your resume, since it can only help you get certain benefits or even better job position.

Pro Way of Writing E-Mail Address in Your Lawyer Resume

Apart from a phone number, the most important contact information you should always include in your resume is, of course, your email address.

Communication via emails is the most commonly used way of communication in business, between companies, between employees and employers and also between recruiters and job candidates.

Apart from that, 99% of a job application is done via emails nowadays, so even if you don’t include your email address in your resume, people will still know what email to contact you.

But, it would make things easier if you just wrote it anyway because it would reduce time recruiters would have to go through dozens of emails just to find the right one.

However, you should keep in mind that not all types of emails are good to be shared in a lawyer’s resume, or in general in every resume.

[email protected]

[email protected].

As shown in the example, you should avoid using random emails you had created for things like Netflix account and such.

Instead, you should create a new email, which you will only use for things like job applications or anything else related to business.

When doing so, you should use your full name, or a bit shorter version if your full name is too long, but make sure not to use funny nicknames.

It would look unprofessional and could reduce your chances of getting the job you want. So, avoid using emails like the one shown in the example, where there are a lot of random numbers.

When it comes to selecting a good email provider, the choice is yours. However, our advice is to use the most known email providers, such as Google or Yahoo.

Including Your Social Media Profiles in Lawyer Resume

Truth be told, imagining a world without social media platforms is near to impossible nowadays because they have such a great impact on almost every part of life, from personal to business side.

Social media started as a way to get people from around the world together on the internet, to meet each other and talk about various subjects.

Over time, this concept evolved into something much bigger. Nowadays, social media platforms are not just used for socializing people and making new friendships, but they are pretty much used in business as well.

Companies invest millions in making social media marketing strategies that could help them get more customers for their products and services.

Because of that, sharing some of your social media accounts in your resume has become a pretty common thing.

Sometimes, it is also needed to be done, depending on the job you’re applying for, such as social media marketing manager or similar.

However, before you go to your social media accounts, copy the links and paste them to your resume, you should slow down and read what we advise.

Simply copying your account’s links would look a bit sloppy, with all those random letters and numbers present in the links.

So, before doing that, make sure to edit links a bit and remove parts that are not necessary for the browser to open your account page. Let’s see how that would look.

As you can see, your profile links would look more professional without these random letters and numbers, as shown above.

Also, if you want to share, for instance, your Twitter or Facebook accounts, make sure to edit them so they would look more professional.

So, remove some unnecessary and kind of stupid posts and photos and focus on making your profile look like you are a true professional.

Sharing all of these is optional, so if you don’t want to mess with your social media profiles, then don’t and simply don’t include them in your lawyer’s resume.

However, the only really important social media account you should always share is your LinkedIn account, since it is the social media made for business people to connect to each other and companies.


After you have successfully written something about your personal and contact information in your lawyer’s resume, it is time to include something about your competencies, skills, and achievements.

However, since that usually includes a lot of detail, even though you are trying to keep your lawyer resume as short as possible.

Therefore, you should create a small section dedicated to summarizing the most relevant information about your previous jobs, education, skills, and potential personal achievements.

This section shouldn’t be bigger than just a couple of short sentences, describing what kind of jobs you were on, what kind of skills you had to use to perform well on those jobs and whether you’ve had some noteworthy achievements in your business or student history.

Corporate Associate with over 10 years of experience in working on numerous cases both in corporate practice and criminal area. Has extensive knowledge of the law and all law practices that are used to settle criminal cases and capable of finding loopholes that could help newly-found startups to stay on their feet and expand further.

Corporate Associate with over 10 years of experience.

If you compare two summaries from the table, you will see that even though they both state that a candidate has over 10 years of experience, the first one looks much better.

This is because the summary labeled with ‘Wrong’ looks kind of generic, and you can see similar summaries in a lot of lawyer’s resumes.

The problem with this is that they don’t tell you much about the applicant’s experience, only that he has some, which is a pretty shallow explanation.

On the other hand, the summary labeled with ‘Right’ is much more detailed and it includes a lot of information about activities this person performed on different jobs.

By writing a summary section like this, you will literally stand out of the crowd of generic resumes, which would make your resume look a bit more professional and increase your chance of being invited to a job interview, which is something you should always try to achieve.


Now when your lawyer resume summary is ready, it is time to start writing the main part of your resume, which is your experience section.

People often wonder how far back should you go on a resume .

If you are a person with a lot of experience, it might not be possible to simply write all your previous jobs, without making the resume too long.

In that case, you should only put the most relevant jobs you’ve ever had or jobs that are the most relevant for the position you’re applying for.

That way, you will avoid having a too large resume, while also maintaining the most relevant information you have to include in it.

When it comes to the proper way of writing the experience section of a lawyer resume, let’s take a look at the example to get a better insight.

resume lawyer examples

The first thing you can see in this example is that jobs are not written in chronological order, but in the exact opposite way, by listing the most recent jobs first and then moving back to the past.

Also, for every job, there is a brief description of what kind of job activities were performed and what were some of the results that came out of those activities.

This way, potential employers will learn something about your capabilities and things you have experienced in previous jobs, which will give them a better insight into how well you could be able to perform if they hired you.


There are several important factors to consider if you want to become a lawyer , among which have the proper education is one of the crucial factors.

Because of that, you need to think about the best way to write about education in your lawyer resume, so it would look as professional as possible.

Normally, you would write this part of the resume similar to the previous one, with several differences, which will be mentioned after the example.

resume lawyer examples

As said, the concept is similar to writing the experience section. You should also start with the most recent education, then move back to the past.

However, in the case of really experienced people, they often have a lot of jobs to put in their resume, so putting a lot of information about schools and universities would simply make the resume too big, which is something you need to avoid.

Therefore, for people with a lot of experience, they can simply write their highest education, for example, their master’s degree if that is the highest level of education they’ve achieved.

Also, similar to listing jobs, make sure to write a couple of points about the activities you did during your studies or some accomplishments you’ve achieved.

For example, if you had good grades, make sure to include your GPA score because, even though grades are not the most important factor, they are pretty useful when it comes to distinguishing yourself from other candidates, especially in lawyer jobs.

Apart from that, make sure to write some accomplishments, such as participating in case studies, or getting onto the Dean’s list, in case the criteria for it were high.


The last part of a lawyer resume is reserved for your skills. People often ask how to write a resume skills section and what skills to add , especially if they have a lot of different skills to add.

While it is true that having a lot of different kinds of skills is good and a lot of skills that are not directly related to jobs we have might be actually useful for doing other jobs, that doesn’t mean we should list all of our skills in the resume.

Remember, you need to keep resume size to a minimum, without adding too much unnecessary information, even though it may seem useful.

Because of that, you should only list those skills that are closely related to the job you are applying for, and exclude those jobs that are not important for this job.

That way, you will make it easier for recruiters to read your resume and compare the skills you have with the skills they need from a person who would do the job they are offering.

resume lawyer examples


As for now, we had covered all individual sections of the resume that are important and learned how to write them one by one.

Now you know what personal information to include in your lawyer resume and how to write a short summary section, without making it too extensive, and yet very informative.

You are aware of the best way to list your jobs and education in the resume and you know what skills are important for a lawyer.

Now, let’s focus on several things that could be helpful in making your lawyer resume more professional and appealing to the eyes of the reader.

1. Perfect Font Style to Make Your Lawyer Resume Beautiful

One of the things that could make your resume look very pretty and a bit more professional is basically the very first thing you need to select when you open a word document, which is, of course, font style.

Now, we can’t say that there are several best fonts for your resume , simply because every resume should be unique and, in a way, personal.

What you should have in mind though, is to try to pair up the font you choose with other elements of the resume in that way that they fit together well.

For example, think about the profession or the job position you’re applying for and then try to select the font style that goes well with it.

Also, the template you make or download could also be a deciding factor, as well as your own personality, since you want to make your resume personal, you should think about the font you like.

2. Optimize Your Lawyer Resume Size

One of the most important things that could help your lawyer resume to look more professional and easier to read is excellent organization and optimal size for the amount of content you have to share.

There are a lot of people who are very experienced and have a lot of jobs to list in their resumes. Because of that, they tend to make resumes that are even 3 or 4 pages long.

That way of thinking is somehow wrong since resumes should only be around 1 or a maximum of 2 pages long, even with a lot of content.

If you organize everything right, you will easily be able to fit that on those 2 pages, even if you have a lot of experience.

There are several ways of doing that, which will all be covered a bit later. For now, the important thing is that you should only add the most important content in your resume and use some tricks to reduce the number of words, without losing any relevant information.

3. Using Bulleting Lists to Organize Your Resume

One of those ways that could help you to reduce the number of words, without losing actual content is, of course, the use of bulleting lists.

Not just they could help you beautify your lawyer resume, but they could also help recruiters’ jobs easier because they would be able to read your resume much faster and compare skills you have with the skills needed for the job they offer.

Also, instead of writing everything in paragraphs and sentences, you can easily shorten the content by writing it as different points.

That look, along with the practical use of bulleting lists can easily transform your resume from messy text to a perfectly-organized resume.

4. What File Formats are Suitable for Writing Lawyer Resume?

When selecting the file format to use for your resume, there are two things to think about: practicality and professionality.

Basically, there are two main types of text formats that are widely used for, not just writing the resume, but for almost writing everything.

The most common type is .txt file format, which is used for writing everything, either via Word or some other software.

It is very easy to edit or update this file format, which is why our recommendation is to keep one copy of your resume in this file format.

On the other side, there is a .pdf file format, which is a bit harder to edit, but it does look a bit more professional than documents in .txt file format.

Therefore, you should also keep one copy of your resume in .pdf file format and use it when you decide to apply for a job because it looks more professional and prettier to read than documents in .txt format.

5. Selecting Well-Made Resume Template

Apart from font style and bulleting lists, another very useful tool that could make your resume look more professional is having a pretty nice template.

The best solution would be to make your own template, which would give your resume a soul and make it more personal.

However, it can be time-consuming and it requires a bit of knowledge in using MS Office package, especially Word.

Therefore, a lot of people choose to download and use custom online resume templates , with which you can easily make a resume in a couple of minutes.

If you decide to do that, however, make sure to download a resume template that would go well with the job position you’re applying for, as well as with your personality, to make the resume more personal.

6. Importance of E-Mails and Why You Should Check Your E-Mails on a Daily Basis

As stated above, emails are one of the most important ways of communication in the business world, especially because they are the main way of applying for a job.

However, sometimes there are problems with emails, like occasional bugs and messages that are not received or even sent.

Also, a lot of messages tend to end up in the Spam folder, which doesn’t send notifications when new message arrives there.

Therefore, you can easily miss really important messages if you don’t check your messages regularly, which could ruin your chances of getting the job.

7. Reading Your Lawyer Resume After You Finish Writing It

Let’s imagine that you finished writing your lawyer resume and thought that finally, it’s the time to send it, but there is something that simply doesn’t feel right and you want to know what that is.

If you think this way, you are completely right! Even after writing your resume, your job is not over because you need to go through it again and try to find if there are any types of mistakes, whether in content or simply some grammar mistakes.

To do that, you should imagine that you are tasked with recruiting people for that same position and read your resume as it is a resume of some other applicant.

That way, you will notice anything that could potentially be wrong and think of a way to fix those mistakes before you send the resume and apply for a job.

8. Is Including Political Opinions in My Lawyer Resume Good Idea?

Some people tend to think that we still live in communism. Some people do since there are some communist countries.

However, in most cases that is not true and therefore, including your political opinion in your resume could be useful, but it could also bring more harm than good.

For example, if recruiters had the same political opinions as yourself, or if they are in the same political party, then you would probably be safe and sound for the job.

On the other hand, if that is not true, and if they belong to a different political body, then you might have a problem because they could choose not to be completely objective and remove you from the race, even before it started.

Therefore, it is better not to share your political activities and opinions in a resume, because you want that recruiters stay objective most of the time.

9. Fixing Your Grammar Mistakes Is Very Important!

Everyone likes people who are polite and who use proper grammar. Don’t listen to those who say otherwise.

Leaving a bunch of grammar errors in your lawyer resume would make it look very unprofessional, which could completely destroy your chances of being invited to a job interview.

Therefore, always try to re-read your resume, so you could find any potential mistake, or simply use software like Grammarly, for example, which is capable of automatically detecting your grammar errors and fixing them.

That would make your resume look neat and more professional, which simply goes well with the lawyer profession, doesn’t it?

10. Always Update Your Lawyer Resume

We live in a very fast-changing world, which is not only true in private and social areas, but also in the field of doing business.

People change jobs faster than ever, so it’s needless to say that you always need to be ready to apply for some other job if a great opportunity pops up.

In order to do that, you need to keep your resume updated all the time. That means if you learn something new, acquire a new skill or simply do some new important job, you should update your resume with it.

That way, you will always be ready to send your resume to various companies and apply for different jobs, because you never know when you might stumble on a great job.

11. Putting False Information in Your Resume Is a Bad Idea

We are sure that you know A LOT of people who lied about something in their resume, whether it is just a simple skill or even something larger, such as adding fake courses.

Some of those people might even get the job they want, but eventually, the truth will come out and if people who lie don’t acquire the skill they lied about by then, there is always trouble ahead.

For instance, you might say that you know how to handle divorce cases, but you had never done it before, nor learned about it.

Then you get the divorce case and completely fail your client, simply because you lied about something trivial, rather than accepting the truth and learning more about things you don’t actually know.

So, if you want to avoid being called a fraud and incompetent lawyer, you should definitely write only the truth in your resume.

That way, potential employers will know if you perhaps need a starter training before fully committing to the job they’re offering.

12. Preparing for a Job Interview is Crucial

As a final step before getting the job, you will most likely need to pass the job interview, where you will be asked a lot of questions, which sometimes can seem a bit weird.

A lot of people make a mistake here and simply go to this meeting without any preparation and then they fail because they weren’t ready.

So, to avoid that, you should prepare yourself, by learning something more about the company you’re going to and even try finding something about the recruiter in charge of you.

Some of this information is not always accessible, but when it is, it can be a great help, so don’t hesitate to check it out.

Also, it is a good idea to learn more about the job itself and to prepare for questions that recruiters might ask you.

To give you an example of how to ace a job interview, let’s see what Thomas Frank has to say about it and perhaps you will have a better understanding of how things are done.

There you go, folks! We’ve finally finished our guide on how to write a perfect lawyer resume in order to get the job you want.

Here you learned why it is important to have a good resume, especially in the field of law, since the competition is great there.

Apart from that, now you know what are all important parts of a good lawyer resume and how to write them without having to worry too much.

What remains now is for you to step on it and write your own lawyer resume, by following our tips and tricks we had shared here.

If you are still feeling a bit unsure about that, you can always use our resume template creator and make your resume in a few moments.

Lawyer Resume: Examples, Template, and Resume Tips

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Employment Lawyer Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Employment Lawyer Roles

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  • Employment Lawyer
  • Labor and Employment Attorney
  • Junior Employment Lawyer
  • Employment Counsel

Get advice on each section of your resume:

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  • Employment Lawyer Resume Tips

Employment Lawyer Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., employment lawyer resume sample.

As the name suggests, employment lawyers deal with all legal matters pertaining to employment. Some tasks you can expect include drafting contracts, negotiating on behalf of a client, and representing clients in court in employment cases. You need to be an expert in employment law, especially in the state or country that you want to practice in. Ensure you include any qualification that proves your expertise in your resume. Recruiters will also want to see a long history in employment law so focus your resume on that area of the law. Take a look at this recruiter-approved resume sample.

An employment lawyer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s employment law specialization.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your employment lawyer resume in 2024,    include all industry standard tools..

Ensure that your skills section includes all the industry standard tools used to perform legal tasks like case research, legal document writing, and electronic signing. Make sure you periodically update this section of your resume as new tools are developed and become industry standards.

Include all industry standard tools. - Employment Lawyer Resume

   Use employment law keywords to bypass ATS filters.

Many recruiters use ATS filters to narrow in on the most promising resumes. Ensure yours is among that group by including employment law keywords that will help your bypass the filters. These keywords could include ‘labor’, ‘employment lawyer’, and ‘contract’.

Use employment law keywords to bypass ATS filters. - Employment Lawyer Resume

Labor and Employment Attorney Resume Sample

Junior employment lawyer resume sample, employment counsel resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited employment lawyers at top law firms like Littler Mendelson and Fisher Phillips, I have seen many resumes come across my desk. The best ones always stand out by showcasing the candidate's relevant skills, experience, and impact in a clear and compelling way. Here are some tips to help you create a strong resume that will catch the attention of hiring managers in the employment law field.

   Highlight your experience in employment law

Employers want to see that you have specific experience in employment law. Instead of just listing your responsibilities, focus on the impact you made:

  • Represented clients in 25+ employment law cases, including discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination claims
  • Advised 10 companies on compliance with state and federal employment laws, reducing potential legal risks
  • Conducted 15 internal investigations into employee misconduct, resulting in successful resolution of issues

Avoid being too general or vague about your experience, like this:

  • Worked on various employment law matters
  • Assisted with legal research and writing

Bullet Point Samples for Employment Lawyer

   Showcase your knowledge of relevant laws and regulations

Demonstrating your deep understanding of employment laws and regulations is crucial. Highlight specific laws you have worked with:

  • Expert in Title VII, ADA, FMLA, and state anti-discrimination laws
  • Advised clients on compliance with FLSA, including classification of exempt and non-exempt employees
  • Conducted training for 500+ managers on sexual harassment prevention under AB 1825

Don't just say you have 'knowledge of employment laws' without any specifics to back it up.

   Emphasize your litigation and trial experience

Many employment law positions involve litigation, so it's important to showcase your experience in this area. Quantify your experience wherever possible:

  • Represented clients in 8 jury trials and 20+ arbitrations, securing favorable verdicts in 90% of cases
  • Took and defended 75+ depositions of plaintiffs, witnesses and expert witnesses
  • Drafted and argued 15 summary judgment motions, prevailing in 80% of cases

Avoid just saying you have 'litigation experience' without providing any details or examples.

   Include your counseling and advice experience

Employment lawyers often provide counseling and advice to clients on a wide range of issues. Show the value you provided in this area:

  • Advised 25 clients on employment policies, handbooks, and contracts, ensuring legal compliance
  • Counseled executives on sensitive personnel issues, including performance management and terminations
  • Provided on-site training to 1000+ employees on topics such as diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias

Don't overlook this aspect of your experience in favor of just focusing on litigation.

   Highlight your industry expertise

If you have experience working with clients in particular industries, be sure to highlight that on your resume. This can help you stand out to employers in those fields. For example:

Represented clients in the technology, healthcare, and financial services industries in employment law matters, developing deep expertise in the unique challenges facing these sectors.

You can also list specific clients you have worked with (if permitted) to showcase your industry experience.

   Showcase your leadership and management experience

If you have experience managing junior attorneys, paralegals, or support staff, be sure to include that on your resume. Employers value leadership skills. For example:

  • Managed a team of 5 junior associates, providing mentorship and guidance on employment law matters
  • Supervised 2 paralegals and 3 legal assistants, ensuring efficient and effective support for litigation team

Even if you don't have direct management experience, you can highlight leadership in other ways, such as taking the lead on projects or mentoring summer associates.

Writing Your Employment Lawyer Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for an Employment Lawyer position is optional but can be a valuable addition to your application. It gives you the opportunity to provide context about your career journey, highlight your most relevant qualifications, and showcase your unique value proposition. While an objective statement is outdated and should be avoided, a well-crafted summary can help you stand out from other candidates and grab the attention of hiring managers.

When writing your Employment Lawyer resume summary, focus on your key strengths, experiences, and achievements that align with the requirements of the role. Avoid simply repeating information that's already covered in other sections of your resume. Instead, use this space to provide additional insights and context that demonstrate your fit for the position.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for an Employment Lawyer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Employment Lawyer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Employment Lawyer Resume Summary Examples , or Employment Lawyer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the employment law role

When crafting your Employment Lawyer resume summary, it's crucial to tailor it specifically to the role you're applying for. This means highlighting your most relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments that align with the key requirements and responsibilities of the position.

For example, instead of using a generic summary like this:

  • Experienced attorney with a strong work ethic and attention to detail. Proven track record of success in various legal roles. Seeking a challenging position that allows me to utilize my skills and expertise.

Tailor your summary to the Employment Lawyer role:

Results-driven Employment Lawyer with 5+ years of experience representing clients in complex labor and employment matters. Skilled in conducting investigations, providing legal advice, and developing effective litigation strategies. Committed to ensuring compliance with federal and state employment laws while protecting the interests of both employers and employees.

When tailoring your resume summary, carefully review the job description and identify the key skills, qualifications, and experiences the employer is seeking. Incorporate relevant keywords and phrases to demonstrate your fit for the role and increase your chances of passing applicant tracking systems (ATS).

2. Quantify your achievements in employment law

To make your Employment Lawyer resume summary more impactful, quantify your achievements whenever possible. This helps hiring managers understand the scope and scale of your contributions and demonstrates your ability to drive results.

For instance, instead of simply stating:

  • Experienced in representing clients in employment disputes and litigation.

Quantify your achievement:

  • Successfully represented clients in 20+ employment disputes, achieving favorable outcomes in 90% of cases through effective negotiation and litigation strategies.

Other examples of quantifiable achievements for an Employment Lawyer resume summary might include:

  • Conducted 50+ internal investigations into employee misconduct and discrimination claims, resulting in a 30% reduction in potential legal liabilities for the organization.
  • Provided legal guidance to HR teams, managing up to 15 concurrent projects while ensuring 100% compliance with labor laws and regulations.

To ensure your resume summary showcases your most impressive and relevant achievements, consider using a tool like Score My Resume . This AI-powered platform provides instant feedback on your resume, checking it against 30+ key criteria that hiring managers look for. It can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your summary for maximum impact.


When writing your work experience section as an employment lawyer, focus on showcasing your relevant skills, accomplishments, and career progression. Provide specific examples of how you've contributed to your previous employers' success and highlight any notable cases or projects you've worked on. Use industry-specific language and quantify your achievements whenever possible to demonstrate your value as a candidate.

1. Use strong legal action verbs

When describing your work experience, use powerful action verbs that are specific to the legal industry. This helps showcase your expertise and grabs the attention of potential employers. Consider using verbs such as:

  • Litigated complex employment law cases, resulting in favorable outcomes for clients
  • Negotiated settlement agreements, saving clients over $500,000 in potential legal fees
  • Advised executives on employment law compliance, mitigating risk for the organization
  • Drafted comprehensive employment contracts, ensuring legal protection for both parties

Action Verbs for Employment Lawyer

2. Highlight notable cases and achievements

As an employment lawyer, your work experience section should showcase your most impressive cases and achievements. Provide specific examples of how you've helped clients or employers navigate complex legal issues. For example:

  • Successfully represented a Fortune 500 company in a class-action lawsuit, resulting in a dismissal of all claims
  • Obtained a favorable ruling in a high-profile wrongful termination case, setting a precedent for future cases

Avoid using vague or generic descriptions of your work, such as:

  • Worked on various employment law cases
  • Assisted clients with legal issues

3. Demonstrate career progression

Employers want to see that you've grown and developed throughout your career. Use your work experience section to showcase your progression from entry-level positions to more advanced roles. For example:

Associate Attorney, Smith & Associates (2015-2018) - Conducted legal research and drafted memoranda on various employment law issues - Assisted senior attorneys in preparing for trials and depositions Senior Associate, Johnson & Partners (2018-2021) - Managed a caseload of 20+ employment law matters, from intake to resolution - Mentored junior associates and provided guidance on complex legal issues

By showing your progression, you demonstrate your ability to take on increasing responsibility and leadership roles.


The education section of your employment lawyer resume is key. It shows hiring managers if you have the required legal training. It also sets you apart from other candidates.

Here are some tips to make your education section stand out:

How To Write An Education Section - Employment Lawyer Roles

1. Put your law degree first

As an employment lawyer, your law degree is the most important part of your education. Put it at the top of your education section, like this:

Juris Doctor (J.D.), Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA Graduated: May 2015

If you have other degrees, list them below in reverse chronological order. Only include degrees from accredited colleges or law schools.

2. Add honors and relevant coursework

Did you graduate with honors like cum laude or make the Dean's List? Be sure to include that to make your education stand out more:

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA Graduated summa cum laude, May 2012 Relevant coursework: Employment Law, Labor Relations, Dispute Resolution

You can also add any relevant classes you took, especially ones related to employment law. This gives hiring managers more insight into your training.

3. Keep it short if you're experienced

If you have more than 5 years of experience practicing employment law, you don't need to include as many details. Hiring managers will be more interested in your work history at that point. Just list your degrees, schools, and graduation years:

  • Juris Doctor, Columbia Law School
  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, NYU

Compare that to an example that provides too much unnecessary info:

  • Juris Doctor, Columbia Law School, New York, NY, 2005-2008
  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, New York University, New York, NY, 2001-2005
  • Relevant coursework: Intro to Sociology, Social Theory, Research Methods, Senior Thesis on Workplace Discrimination


The skills section of your employment lawyer resume is a critical component that hiring managers and applicant tracking systems (ATS) scan to determine if you have the right qualifications. In this section, you'll want to showcase your most relevant technical skills, industry knowledge, and certifications that match the job description.

Here are some key tips to keep in mind as you write your skills section:

1. Highlight your legal expertise

As an employment lawyer, you'll want to emphasize your knowledge of labor and employment laws, as well as your experience handling various legal matters. Some key skills to include:

  • Employment law
  • Labor relations
  • Contract negotiation
  • Risk management

Be specific about the areas of employment law you specialize in, such as discrimination, harassment, or wage and hour issues. If you have experience with particular industries or sectors, mention that as well.

2. Incorporate relevant tools and technologies

While employment law is not as technology-heavy as some other legal fields, there are still some key tools and platforms you'll want to include if you have experience with them:

  • Legal research databases (Westlaw, LexisNexis)
  • Document management systems
  • E-discovery platforms
  • Case management software

Listing these skills shows that you are tech-savvy and able to efficiently manage your caseload and research. However, avoid listing outdated or generic tools like Microsoft Office, which are assumed skills for all lawyers at this point.

3. Showcase your soft skills

While it's important to focus on your hard technical skills, don't neglect the soft skills that are essential for success as an employment lawyer. Some key ones to consider:

  • Negotiation
  • Client counseling
  • Oral and written communication
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving

However, simply listing these skills is not enough. You need to provide concrete examples of how you've demonstrated these abilities in your work. For example:

Negotiated settlement agreements in 90% of cases, saving clients over $500K in potential litigation costs.

This shows the impact and results of your negotiation skills, making them much more compelling.

4. Tailor your skills to the job

While it may be tempting to create a 'master' resume with all your skills and use it for every job application, this is not an effective strategy. Instead, you need to customize your skills section for each position you apply to.

Start by carefully reading the job description and highlighting the key skills and qualifications they are looking for. Then, make sure to include as many of those skills as possible on your resume (assuming you actually have them).

For example, if a job posting emphasizes experience with labor union negotiations and NLRB proceedings, your skills section might look like this:

Labor relations Union contract negotiation Collective bargaining NLRB proceedings Grievance arbitration

By aligning your skills with the employer's needs, you have a much better chance of getting an interview.

Skills For Employment Lawyer Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Employment Lawyer job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Corporate Law
  • Legal Writing
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Data Privacy
  • Privacy Law
  • Corporate Governance
  • Legal Research

Skills Word Cloud For Employment Lawyer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Employment Lawyer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Employment Lawyer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Employment Lawyer Resumes

  • Template #1: Employment Lawyer
  • Template #2: Employment Lawyer
  • Template #3: Labor and Employment Attorney
  • Template #4: Junior Employment Lawyer
  • Template #5: Employment Counsel
  • Skills for Employment Lawyer Resumes
  • Free Employment Lawyer Resume Review
  • Other Legal Resumes
  • Employment Lawyer Interview Guide
  • Employment Lawyer Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Commercial Lawyer
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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  • • Led a team of 5 junior attorneys to manage over 40 active employment litigation cases, achieving a 90% success rate.
  • • Spearheaded a landmark class-action lawsuit against a major tech company, resulting in a $5M settlement for the plaintiffs.
  • • Devised comprehensive case strategies for complex employment disputes, reducing case duration by 25%.
  • • Regularly conducted legal research on updated employment laws, ensuring adherence to the latest legal standards.
  • • Negotiated favorable settlements in over 30 cases, directly contributing to a 20% increase in client satisfaction ratings.
  • • Authored and submitted appellate briefs leading to 3 precedential rulings that benefitted workers' rights.
  • • Handled the full spectrum of employment cases, with an emphasis on wrongful termination, accumulating a record of 25 favorable verdicts.
  • • Streamlined the discovery process through meticulous data management, leading to a 30% improvement in efficiency.
  • • Drafted and argued multiple winning motions for summary judgment, reflecting a strong grasp on litigation techniques.
  • • Engaged in active client communication, effectively doubling our client referral numbers.
  • • Implemented firm-wide training on new employment law developments, enhancing the firm's legal acumen.
  • • Successfully managed and resolved 15 wrongful dismissal claims in a single year, establishing a record of excellence.
  • • Developed persuasive written and verbal arguments, leading to a noteworthy 15% reduction in case resolution times.
  • • Built trusted relationships with clients, guiding them through complex legal scenarios with empathy and expertise.
  • • Contributed to legal research efforts that underpinned the firm's strategic approach to labor law.

5 Employment Lawyer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your employment lawyer resume must showcase your in-depth understanding of labor laws and employee rights. Prove your adeptness in negotiating employment contracts and handling discrimination cases. Demonstrate on your resume the capacity to litigate effectively and provide comprehensive legal advice. Your track record should reflect successful outcomes in employment disputes and regulatory compliance achievements.

All resume examples in this guide

resume lawyer examples


resume lawyer examples

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Employment Lawyer resume example

As an employment lawyer, articulating your unique legal expertise and case successes on a resume without breaking client confidentiality can be a daunting challenge. Our comprehensive guide provides strategic advice on showcasing your professional accomplishments while ensuring you stay within ethical boundaries.

  • Format your employment lawyer resume to ensure that it balances professionalism with creativity, and follows the best practices.
  • Match the employment lawyer job requirements by including industry keywords on your resume.
  • Use various resume sections to showcase your skills and achievements to answer why you're the best candidate for the employment lawyer role.

Take inspiration from leading employment lawyer resume examples to learn how to tailor your experience.

  • Attorney Resume Example
  • Paralegal Resume Example
  • Patent Lawyer Resume Example
  • Criminal Lawyer Resume Example
  • M&A Lawyer Resume Example
  • Legal Assistant Resume Example
  • Litigation Lawyer Resume Example
  • Real Estate Lawyer Resume Example
  • Counsel Resume Example
  • Immigration Lawyer Resume Example

Is there a correct way to format your employment lawyer resume?

This is a tricky question. While skimming over your resume, recruiters will be looking at your experience and the message your profile conveys. That's why your resume format needs to be clear and concise, serving to supplement and organize your experience. Professional best practices point that the best employment lawyer resumes:

  • Follow the reverse chronological order, where the most recent experience items are presented first . This is to keep your expertise succinct and to show recruiters your career growth over the years;
  • Have a clearly defined header that includes all relevant contact information and a portfolio or a LinkedIn link. In some countries, it is acceptable to include a professional photo , so that your application is more memorable;
  • Feature the most important employment lawyer resume sections towards the top, e.g. summary, skills, and experience. That way, recruiters can immediately find information that is relevant to the role;
  • Take up no more than two pages - and two pages are the exception for more experienced professionals. Keep your expertise to the point and use your employment lawyer resume real estate wisely .
  • Selecting modern, yet simple fonts, e.g. Rubik, Lato, etc., would help your application stand out;
  • Many candidates stick with the tried-and-tested Arial or Times New Roman, but you'd want your employment lawyer resume to be a bit more unique;
  • The ATS can read all serif and sans-serif fonts, so you should avoid fancy, formal script (or cursive) fonts.

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Showcase any ongoing or recent educational efforts to stay updated in your field.

The five (plus) definite sections your resume for a employment lawyer job should include are:

  • Header with your headline, contact details, and/or a preview of your work
  • Summary (or objective) to pinpoint how your success aligns with the role
  • Experience with bullets of your most relevant achievements in the field
  • Skills to integrate vital job requirements (both technical and personal)
  • Your further dedication to the field, showcased via relevant higher education and/or certifications

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Demonstrated experience in labor law, including specific cases or types of cases handled, such as wrongful termination, discrimination, wage and hour disputes, and union negotiations.
  • Expertise in federal, state, and local employment regulations, showing a deep understanding of laws like the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
  • Success rate in litigation and dispute resolution, indicating experience with trials, arbitrations, mediations, and administrative hearings.
  • Ability to advise and train employers on legal compliance and risk management, including drafting employee handbooks, policies, and contracts.
  • Membership in professional legal organizations, certifications, or continuing legal education in employment law, highlighting commitment to staying current in the field.

Advice for your employment lawyer resume experience section - setting your application apart from other candidates

Your resume experience section needs to balance your tangible workplace achievements with job requirements.

The easiest way to sustain this balance between meeting candidate expectations, while standing out, is to:

  • Select really impressive career highlights to detail under each experience and support those with your skills;
  • Assess the job advert to define both the basic requirements (which you could answer with more junior roles) and the more advanced requirements - which could play a more prominent role through your experience section;
  • Create a separate experience section, if you decide on listing irrelevant experience items. Always curate those via the people or technical skills you've attained that match the current job you're applying for;
  • Don't list experience items from a decade ago - as they may no longer be relevant to the industry. That is, unless you're applying for a more senior role: where experience would go to demonstrate your character and ambitions;
  • Define how your role has helped make the team, department, or company better. Support this with your skill set and the initial challenge you were able to solve.

Take a look at how real-life employment lawyer professionals have presented their resume experience section - always aiming to demonstrate their success.

  • Advised on and negotiated complex executive employment agreements for C-suite level employees for multinational corporations, increasing client satisfaction by 20%.
  • Spearheaded a defense case for a Fortune 500 company facing a class action lawsuit involving 5,000 plaintiffs which was settled favorably, saving the company an estimated $30M.
  • Developed and implemented revised compliance training programs regarding workplace discrimination laws across subsidiaries, improving company-wide adherence by 35%.
  • Led a team of associates providing legal counsel on employment law matters, including wage claims and wrongful termination cases, reducing client liabilities by 25% annually.
  • Managed legal aspects of corporate restructuring, including RIFs, WARN Act compliance, and severance package negotiations, protecting client interests during transition.
  • Crafted and reviewed company policies for over 50 corporate clients to ensure regulatory compliance and minimize potential legal exposure.
  • Successfully litigated over 100 employment cases pertaining to FLSA, discrimination, and harassment, achieving favorable outcomes in 90% of the cases.
  • Advised tech startups on the implementation of compliant remote work policies, effectively navigating the changes brought by emerging telecommuting laws.
  • Conducted internal investigations into allegations of workplace misconduct, providing detailed reports and recommendations that significantly reduced risks of escalation to litigation.
  • Oversaw employment contract negotiations and dispute resolutions for a diverse range of clients, ensuring fair terms and mitigating future disagreements.
  • Collaborated in a cross-functional team to develop AI-based analytics tools for predicting litigation risks, which cut research time by 40% and improved case outcome predictions.
  • Provided pro bono legal counsel to non-profit organizations on employee handbooks and policies, which enhanced the organizations' HR practices and reduced legal challenges.
  • Conducted extensive due diligence for a $2 billion company merger, identifying and mitigating employment law risks leading to a smooth transition and integration of personnel.
  • Played a critical role in advising on the complexities of cross-border employment issues associated with international M&A activities.
  • Implemented a series of workforce training modules on EEO laws that were subsequently adopted as part of the mandatory company-wide training program.
  • Navigated a broad range of employment-related issues, such as ADA compliance and FMLA claims, for clients in the healthcare sector, reducing litigation risk by 30%.
  • Educated corporate clients on the legal implications of social media policies in the workplace, leading to enhanced digital conduct codes and fewer incidents of policy breach.
  • Facilitated mediation and arbitration sessions for high-conflict employment disputes, resolving over 80% of cases without the need for costly litigation.
  • Orchestrated the defense strategy for numerous wage and hour audits by the Department of Labor, resulting in a substantial decrease in penalties for the client companies.
  • Played a key part in the successful navigation of union negotiations for a regional hospital network, ensuring continued operations without workforce interruptions.
  • Authored thought leadership articles on emerging employment law issues which positioned the firm as an authoritative voice in employment law community.
  • Advised on the formulation of employee benefit programs that conformed to legal standards while meeting strategic business objectives, enhancing employee retention by 15%.
  • Collaborated on a large-scale audit of I-9 compliance for multinational corporations, significantly reducing the risk of government fines and sanctions.
  • Managed sensitive whistleblower claims ensuring both legal compliance and protection for the claiming employees, resulting in a commendation from the board.
  • Spearheaded the development of a cutting-edge digital compliance system that tracked employees' work hours and leave, greatly diminishing wage and hour disputes.
  • Guided several startups during rapid growth phases through the creation of scalable employment structures that support sustained expansion and minimized litigation risks.
  • Effectively coached C-level executives on negotiation strategies for labor disputes, often resulting in amicable settlements without escalation.
  • Provided expert counsel on the implications of the Affordable Care Act for employee benefits, allowing clients to adjust their policies ahead of enforcement deadlines.
  • Facilitated the harmonious resolution of high-stakes wrongful dismissal claims for several venture-backed tech firms, averting negative publicity and fostering an environment of trust.
  • Designed and enacted preventative litigation strategies for international labor law issues, proactively addressing potential disputes in areas such as expatriate assignments and global workforce management.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of successful employment cases you have litigated to showcase your track record of success.
  • List the percentage of cases settled favorably out of court to demonstrate negotiation skills and cost-efficiency.
  • Specify the total dollar amount of settlements you've secured for clients to highlight financial impact.
  • Detail the number of employment law training sessions you've conducted to show expertise and industry recognition.
  • Mention the size of the largest client company you've counseled to indicate your ability to handle complex, high-stakes matters.
  • Quantify the amount of employment contract reviews completed to underscore meticulousness and experience.
  • Include any published articles or papers with their citation counts to exhibit thought leadership and authority in the field.
  • Highlight the number of jurisdictions you are licensed to practice in to illustrate your range and versatility.

Action verbs for your employment lawyer resume

Target Illustration

What can candidates do about their resume, if they have no experience

Job requirements can sometimes be answered by other elements you could make more prominent in your employment lawyer resume.

Thus, you'd be substituting your lack of experience with your relevant:

  • Education with details of skills you've obtained that align with the job
  • Internships and short-term jobs that are once more dedicated to putting your expertise in the spotlight
  • Skills section answering basic and - potentially - more specific job qualifications
  • Strengths or accomplishments to show the unique value you present, even as a candidate with less or no professional experience in the industry.

Recommended reads:

  • How to List GPA on Your Resume
  • When You Should (And Not) Add Dean's List On Your Resume

The more trusted the organization you've attained your certificate (or degree) from, the more credible your skill set would be.

Employment Lawyer resume skills: the essential hard skills and soft skills checklist

Ultimately, your Employment Lawyer resume should hint to recruiters that you possess an array of talents that are indispensable to the role.

For example, listing the technologies and software you're apt at using (or your hard skills) and how you apply them in your day-to-day responsibilities would ensure you meet the technical requirements of the role.

But is this enough to ensure that you make a good impression on recruiters?

Go a step further by detailing the soft skills or personality traits you've attained thanks to your work and life experience.

The best way to balance hard skills and soft skills on your Employment Lawyer resume is by:

  • Highlighting up to three of your most noteworthy career accomplishments in a separate section.
  • Listing at least one hard skill and one soft skill you've used to solve a particular challenge or problem.
  • Feature niche skills and technologies that would help you stand out amongst candidates.
  • Think back on the social impact your efforts have had towards improving the work environment - were you able to always maintain a professional ethic, while enhancing the team culture? Write about your contribution to the role, department, or organization itself as a metric of success.

The skills section of your resume provides you with plenty of opportunities to detail your technical and personal traits.

All you have to do is select the talents that best fit your application and expertise. Make note of some of the most prominent hard and soft skills across the industry from our list:

Top skills for your employment lawyer resume:

Knowledge of employment law

Contract drafting and review

Litigation and arbitration expertise

Legal research

Regulatory compliance

Employee relations


Mediation and alternative dispute resolution

Understanding of labor unions and collective bargaining

Employment discrimination law knowledge

Analytical thinking


Attention to detail

Strong communication

Client service orientation

Time management



Always remember that your employment lawyer certifications can be quantified across different resume sections, like your experience, summary, or objective. For example, you could include concise details within the expertise bullets of how the specific certificate has improved your on-the-job performance.

The basics of your employment lawyer resume certifications and education sections

Improve the education and certification sections of your employment lawyer resume by:

  • Dedicating more prominent space to certificates that are more recent and have helped you update your skill set
  • Keeping all the information you list to the basics: certificate/degree name, institution, and graduation dates
  • Writing supplementary information in the details of your certification or education section, only if you lack experience or want to show further skill alignment
  • Including your credential or license number, only if the information is valid to your application or certification

Within employment lawyer job adverts, relevant education, and certification are always listed within the key prerequisite for the role.

Ensure you meet all job requirements with some of the leading certificates in the industry:

The top 5 certifications for your employment lawyer resume:

  • Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) - Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI)
  • Society for Human Resource Management Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) - Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
  • Certified Labor Relations Professional (CLRP) - Labor Relations Institute
  • Professional in Human Resources (PHR) - Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI)
  • Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Employment Law - Various accredited law schools

Mention specific courses or projects that are pertinent to the job you're applying for.

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Choosing between a employment lawyer resume summary or objective

Many may argue that, in recent times, the employment lawyer resume summary or objective has become completely obsolete.

But the reality is different as both of these resume sections provide you with an opportunity to :

  • integrate employment lawyer-vital keywords
  • showcase your accomplishments
  • answer why you're applying for this particular role.

The difference (between the summary and the objective) is that the:

  • Resume objective puts your career goals in a more prominent position.
  • Resume summary focuses more on career milestones.

We recommend you select the summary if you happen to have plenty of experience you'd like to spotlight from the very start of your employment lawyer resume.

Meanwhile, the objective is ideal for those candidates who'd like to further prove their suitability for the role with their goals and soft skills.

We've featured some industry professional employment lawyer resume samples to the best resume summary and objective structures:

Resume summaries for a employment lawyer job

  • With over 8 years of dedicated experience in employment law, I have honed my skills in workplace disputes, labor relations, and anti-discrimination laws at a renowned New York legal firm. My advocacy has led to precedent-setting victories in wrongful termination cases, bolstering my reputation as a pivotal player in employment litigation.
  • As a seasoned HR professional transitioning into employment law, my 12-year expertise in employee relations and compliance equips me with a unique perspective. My strategic oversight in developing HR policies aligns seamlessly with legal principles, having successfully navigated complex workforce issues for a multinational corporation.
  • A former business executive with a 10-year track record, I am pivoting to employment law armed with an in-depth understanding of corporate operations and employee management. My successful negotiation of multimillion-dollar contracts provides a foundation for resolving high-stakes employment disputes with a commercial sensibility.
  • Eager to contribute my robust analytical and litigation skills as a freshly credentialed JD graduate, I am deeply committed to advocating for workers' rights and ethical employment practices. My academic excellence, coupled with internships at top labor law firms, prepped me to make meaningful impacts in employee justice.
  • Seeking to apply my exceptional research abilities and passion for labor laws, I aim to advance in the dynamic field of employment law. My recent law degree, bolstered by academic accolades and a meticulous internship, has prepared me to tackle complex legal challenges and uphold the rights of the workforce.

Showcasing your personality with these four employment lawyer resume sections

Enhance your employment lawyer expertise with additional resume sections that spotlight both your professional skills and personal traits. Choose options that not only present you in a professional light but also reveal why colleagues enjoy working with you:

  • My time - a pie chart infographic detailing your daily personal and professional priorities, showcasing a blend of hard and soft skills;
  • Hobbies and interests - share your engagement in sports, fandoms, or other interests, whether in your local community or during personal time;
  • Quotes - what motivates and inspires you as a professional;
  • Books - indicating your reading and comprehension skills, a definite plus for employers, particularly when your reading interests align with your professional field.

Key takeaways

  • All aspects of your resume should be selected to support your bid for being the perfect candidate for the role;
  • Be intentional about listing your skill set to be balanced with both technical and people capabilities, while aligning with the job;
  • Include any experience items that are relevant to the role and ensure you feature the outcomes of your responsibilities;
  • Use the summary or objective as a screenshot of your best experience highlights;
  • Curate various resume sections to showcase personal, transferable skills.

employment lawyer resume example

Looking to build your own Employment Lawyer resume?

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  • Resume Objective Examples: A...

Resume Objective Examples: A Career Objective Guide

20 min read · Updated on June 03, 2024

Ken Chase

The formula and some good examples for creating a resume objective to get you noticed

You're searching for a new (or perhaps your first) job, and you know your objective. However, do you know how to communicate it effectively on your resume? A resume objective is a great way to let employers see a snapshot of your skills and experiences and ensure that you stand out from other candidates. However, as our great resume objective examples will demonstrate, your objective matters less than the employer's needs.

In this post, we'll explain the resume objective and how it has evolved. We'll also offer insight into the differences between an objective statement and a summary statement - and how to know which one to use. Then we'll offer some tips to help you craft an objective for your resume and look at 27 great resume objective statement examples that you can customize for your own resume.

What is a resume objective?

The resume objective used to be the gold standard of resume introductions. This brief, three or four-sentence paragraph had long been used to capture employers' attention by focusing on a job seeker's skills, experiences, and achievements while also highlighting the candidate's career goals. These days, it's less common to find professional resume objective examples since most job seekers rely on a resume summary instead.

The basic components of a good resume objective statement

A good resume objective provides three kinds of information to employers:

Who you are, which is generally a statement of your current job title as well as any skills, education , or certifications relevant to the job you're after

What you will bring that's of value to that company, such as your years of experience or specific training

 How you will use your talents to help the company reach its goals

resume lawyer examples

Resume objective vs summary statement

It's important to understand how these two career statements differ from one another. On the surface, they would seem to have much in common. After all, they're both designed to serve as introductions that summarize your main qualifications for the job. Moreover, each is intended to capture the reader's attention and inspire them to continue reading the resume .

The differences, however, can be stark. For example:

Resume summaries focus primarily on the candidate's past record of achievements; objective statements emphasize future goals

Resume summaries provide quantifiable results, using real numbers to demonstrate value; objective statements rarely do that since it is difficult to quantify goals

Resume summaries are designed to align achievements with the company's needs; objective statements have traditionally focused more on the candidate's priorities and needs

Resume summaries are great for people who have experience and achievements; objective statements can be useful for those who lack that experience

Which one should you use?

If you've been following our resume guidance in recent years, you're probably aware of the fact that we recommend the resume summary for most job seekers. And make no mistake: if you're an experienced professional who is still moving ahead in the same field and industry, the resume summary is almost certainly your best option. However, there are two situations in which you might find that a resume objective statement will serve your interests better.

If you're new to the workforce. Recent graduates will rarely have the type of real-world experience needed for an effective summary statement. In most instances, a newcomer to the working world will likely need to rely on a resume objective to highlight skills and demonstrate how their goals align with the company's vision.

When you're interested in switching careers . In most cases, you'll have the transferable skills needed to do the job, but may struggle to align your quantifiable achievements with the company's needs. If that's the case, a resume objective can help you to showcase your skills in a way that demonstrates how they can positively benefit the company.

Tips for writing your own resume objective

Because resume objectives have lost some of their luster in recent years, many job seekers may not be familiar with the best way to craft them. To assist you in that process, we've compiled some simple tips you can use to make sure that your objective statement achieves your goals.

State how you'll help the company, not just how qualified you are. While you may not have the experiences or achievements needed to directly convey that value, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't still focus on what the company needs rather than your own desires and goals.

Use specific facts, numbers, and details whenever possible, without bragging or generalizing.

Keep it simple. Don't use flowery or expansive words, as they can sometimes make you appear arrogant. Make it as easy as possible for a recruiter to quickly see you as a qualified candidate.

Review the job posting to ensure that you have the information you need to make your resume objective specific to the job and company.

Tailor your objective to the specific job, career, and industry you're applying for. This means that you should create a separate, customized resume for each application.

Expert tip: Don't make the mistake of creating an outdated resume objective centered on your own goals. Instead, incorporate the best elements of a resume summary into your objective statement by taking the time to tie your goals to the company's needs.

Great resume objective statements you can use for your resume

With all this in mind, here are some good resume  objective examples to help you create a great career objective of your own. If your job isn't listed, don't panic. While these examples don't cover every job out there, they should help you to build a strong, targeted objective for your specific needs. As we said, each objective should be tailored to a specific role - that's why you won't find any resume objective examples for multiple job types. 

1.     Resume objective examples for a new jobseeker

You might not have a ton of experience, but creating a good resume objective will absolutely help to differentiate you from other applicants in a recruiter's eyes. The trick here is to emphasize your strongest personal skills and characteristics, as well as any educational successes, since you can't provide specific work experience or accomplishments.

Here are two general resume objective examples for new jobseekers:

“Organized, fast-learning, and hard-working employee looking to join [company name] as an Administrator. Looking to take advantage of skills in Microsoft Word and QuickBooks to help [company name] meet their objectives through organization and team support.”

“Recent graduate with a B.A. in Accounting, looking to start a career in finance at [company name]. Experienced in creating annual reports and analyzing financial statements for several university activities. Seeking to combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience to help [company name] continue their strong market presence.”

2.     Resume objective examples for those looking for a career change

Your goal here is to clearly show how your skills and experience from your previous career can be effective in your next job. Do this by mentioning your talents and knowledge that are relevant to the new job and stating how your previous career background will help you to succeed and excel in the role.

“Customer Service Associate with over four years of experience in accounting technical support, looking to leverage Excel skills and Great Plains knowledge as a Staff Accountant with [company name]. Proven customer satisfaction record solving complicated technical and accounting issues while in a remote role.”

3.Resume objective examples for finance roles

“Experienced individual with solid analytical and quantitative skills and 5 years of experience seeks the job of Financial Analyst with [company name], to leverage outstanding knowledge of financial analysis and modeling to provide accurate and sound financial decision-making at all levels.”

“Experienced Junior Financial Analyst seeking role of Senior Financial Specialist with [company name]. Skills include making targeted and time-sensitive financial decisions by merging solid analytical, accounting, and quantitative skills with a strong passion for the finance industry.”

4.     Resume objective examples for Accountant roles

“Detail-oriented graduate with an AS degree, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills seeking the role of Accounting Associate with [company name], to effectively apply exceptional knowledge of tax and accounting software for accurate budgeting and forecasting.”

“Current CPA looking to fill the role of Accounts Manager at [company name]. As well as being disciplined and self-motivated, I have extensive experience with financial reporting and modeling along with a proven knowledge of various accounting software models, all of which contribute to effective financial operations.”

5.     Resume objective examples for banking roles

“Highly talented Head Teller with 8 years of experience in the banking sector, seeking a position as a Relationship Manager with [bank name] to increase revenue by combining a banking background with excellent interpersonal and communication skills to bring in new clients, maintain relationships with existing clients, and develop effective media campaigns.”

“Seasoned banking professional seeking a Bank Manager position with [name of bank], where I can use my business and banking experience along with strong communication skills to provide effective problem-solving, customer service, and employee retention and interact with bank customers in a positive, beneficial manner.”

“Self-motivated, reliable, number-loving individual looking for a position as a Bank Teller with [bank name] to apply exceptional math and customer service skills for customers. Key traits include trustworthiness, efficiency, and willingness to learn new tasks.”

6.     Resume objective example for Computer Engineer roles

“Highly motivated individual with 7 years of solid computer engineering experience and proven leadership skills seeking the position of SharePoint Administrator at [company name] where I hope to use demonstrated SharePoint expertise, knowledge of SharePoint solutions architecture, and advanced knowledge of Microsoft SQL Server to ensure exceptional technical performance.”

7.     Resume objective example for a Network Administrator

“Experienced IT professional with BA in Computer Science and proven technical, management, and communication skills seeking the position of Network Engineer at [company name] to use proven experience in systems management and configuration to benefit both internal staff and external customers.”

8.     Resume objective example for IT professionals

“Talented Information Technology Specialist in search of a Senior IT Manager position at [company name], where proven technical and team management skills can help to improve existing processes for handling IT requests and efficiently delivering various technical projects.”

9.     Resume objective example for a Programmer

“Technical and database professional seeks the role of SQL Programmer within [company name] where I will use my excellent programming and organizational skills to enhance company market presence while also gaining a deeper understanding of the newest IT trends.”

10.  Resume objective examples for customer service roles

“Smart and creative Customer Service Representative desires similar position with [company name]. Brings strong communication abilities, proven organizational skills, and a supportive, patient personality to help the company retain and grow its customer base in both existing and new markets.”

“Experienced customer service professional seeking a position at [company name] as a Customer Support Analyst, where I can apply excellent communication and organizational skills to provide customers with effective and efficient support which ensures ongoing retention.”

“Credentialed and experienced Sales Administrator seeks the post of a Contact Center Agent at [company name] where I can provide exceptional verbal, listening, and analytical abilities to ensure clients reach their desired objectives by correctly using [company name]'s products.”

“Diligent Customer Service Agent with 5+ years of experience at a high-volume call center seeks a career move to a similar role at a company such as [company name]. I thrive in a fast-paced work environment and am committed to delivering the top-rated customer service you provide. My organization and support skills can help to meet current and future customer demand.”

11.  Resume objective examples for Engineers

“Graduate of [school name] with a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and two years of work experience at ABC Company seeks a Mechanical Engineer role with [company name]. Possess excellent skills in research, data analysis, and time management. Hold patents for several innovative mechanical devices.”

“Experienced individual with 7+ years of experience managing engineering operations seeks a Civil Engineer role at [company name]. Proven ability to handle simultaneous projects with minimal supervision and bring a committed focus on health, safety, and the environment to the position.”

12.  Resume objective example for human resources positions 

“Human resource management professional looking for the opportunity to augment the overall strategic plan and market direction of [company name] as VP of Human Resources. Over nine years of experience in managing staff, handling employee relations, and deliveirng projects. Strong skills in HRIS.”

“Established, successful HR recruiter seeks a Human Resources Coordinator position with [company name] where I can use my experience and in-depth knowledge of hiring processes, negotiation, conflict resolution, and policy development for payroll and benefits.”

“Experienced and approachable Human Resources Coordinator with four years of experience seeks position as Human Resources Manager with [company name], where I can use my industry knowledge and HR experience to implement employee satisfaction policies and improvements, develop hiring protocols, and create an environment where employees feel valued and satisfied.”

“Results-driven graduate with a degree in psychology (GPA: 3.8) and a minor in business operations looking for a role as a Junior HR Recruitment Agent at [company name]. Prior experience in interviewing and providing feedback as part of college projects in business classes. I will bring well-honed soft skills and strong knowledge of workplace psychology to assist overall HR operations, while fine-tuning my skills in the recruitment process.”

13. Resume objective examples for internships

“Hard-working student (3.5/4.0 GPA) majoring in [specific area] seeks the Intern role with [company name]. Abilities include proven leadership and organizational skills and strong attention to detail. Dedicated team player who can be relied upon to help [company name] achieve its goals as I learn more about your market space.”

“Energetic, talented college student at [school name] working toward a Marketing Degree, seeks to fill the Marketing Intern role at [company name]. General experience and knowledge of PR, advertising, consumer research, and product development strategies to help build customer base in emerging markets.”

14.  Resume objective example for legal roles

“Accomplished Corporate Attorney with 8 years of direct experience, seeking a top-level Lawyer role at [name of legal firm]. Brings skills including legal drafting, arbitration, corporate affairs, and labor laws to assist clients both inside and outside the courtroom.”

“Current Public Legal Advocate seeks position as Senior Legal Researcher for [name of court district/city/legal firm]. I have two years of experience working in district and session courts in the areas of home development, land development, and commercial property development, that will allow me to take on more challenging research projects to meet client needs in these areas.”

15.  Resume objective examples for marketing positions

“Technically oriented graduate with a B.A. in Internet Marketing seeking a Junior SEO Specialist position at [company name]. Possesses a working knowledge of SEO, as well as some hands-on experience with Google Analytics. Looking to further develop online marketing skills as part of the [company name] team.”

“Certified Digital Marketer with strong content writing skills, SEO experience, and 5 years of proven online marketing experience seeking the role of Digital Marketer with [company name] to help expand customer base into new markets.”

“Enthusiastic Marketer skilled in copywriting and graphic design looking for a Social Media Marketing position at [company name]. Personally started and grew an Instagram page to 5,000+ followers and a Facebook page to 8,000+ likes. I believe my skills will help [company name]'s clients improve sales via social media marketing through a strong online presence.”

16.  Resume objective example for Physical Therapist roles

“Licensed, experienced Physical Therapist seeking similar role at [hospital or clinic name]. With 6+ years of experience in treating children and adults with physical disabilities, injuries, and illnesses, I can contribute to the healing of each person's physical challenges and help them learn to navigate them successfully.”

17.  Resume objective example for nursing roles

“Registered Nurse seeking a new career as a Neonatal Nurse Specialist at [hospital name]. Ten years of general nursing combined with a certification in neonatal nursing will allow me to provide outstanding care for both infants and their families, educating them about different health conditions and how to handle them. Working nights and weekends is not a problem.”

“Experienced Home Health Aide seeks to obtain a position as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at [name of home health agency] applying my course knowledge and proven healthcare skills to support and care for home-bound patients with various health needs.”

18.  Resume objective example for pharmacy role

“Licensed Pharmacy Technician with 8 years of experience, in search of a similar position at [pharmacy or hospital name]. Assists patients by successfully applying extensive experience and knowledge of pharmacy operations, technology, and drug distribution.”

19. Resume objective examples for office and administrative roles

“Former Nurse seeking a part-time job as a Receptionist at [company name]. Experience in working directly with people in nursing and for the last five years as an Avon Representative. Organized, with strong computer skills and professional presence.”

“Business-savvy office employee looking to work at [company name] as an Administrative Assistant. Experience as an Executive Assistant (1 year) and as a Department Secretary (3 years). Supported several key projects through strong organizational skills, timeliness, and solid computer abilities.”

“Freelance VA (Virtual Assistant) looking to transition to an on-site role as an Executive Assistant. Worked with 10+ online businesses, helping with everything from creating training documents to customer service and management support. Excellent organizational abilities and strong attention to detail. Proficient in Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud. Strong copywriting skills.”

20.  Resume objective example for an Office Manager position

“Experienced Office Manager seeking a leadership role to help [company name] provide outstanding customer satisfaction. Experienced in managing teams of 15+ at [current or former company names], handling responsibilities from hiring new staff to managing data input groups.”

21.  Resume objective examples for operations roles

“Experienced MBA graduate with outstanding time and project management skills and 10+ years of experience seeks the position as Director of Operations with [company name]. Can ensure the company's ongoing success through exceptional interpersonal and negotiation skills and the ability to lead large multi-departmental operations.”

“Dynamic individual with exceptional leadership and interpersonal skills looking to fill the role of Manager of Clinical Operations at [company name]. I bring experience and expertise in overseeing clinical operations and managing technical and professional staff, as well 8+ years of clinical research and supervisory experience in the medical field.”

22.  Resume objective example for Project Manager positions

“Deadline-focused professional with proven experience in project administration, searching for a project management position where I can use my knowledge and skills in the areas of leadership, problem solving, team management, and budget control to help [company name] exceed targets.”

23.  Resume objective examples for real estate roles

“Real Estate Broker with a passion for organization and excellence seeks a similar role with [company name], using experience with the sale and lease of commercial and residential properties in [location]. Recurrent sales and leasing of properties to large corporations in the last 5 years allowed me to increase revenue to 12% on a year-over-year basis, significantly contributing to the growth of the company.”

“Successful Salesperson seeks high-level position as Real Estate Broker at [company name]. Recent experience handling a customer base of over 150 clients at another reputable real estate firm [or name the company]. Skill set includes creating daily and monthly sales reports and assisting the implementation of customer retention strategies for senior management.”

24.  Resume objective examples for service industry roles

“Excellent communicator and multi-tasker with experience in massage and esthetic services, interested in the position of Front Desk Wellness Sales Executive with [company name]. I bring various strengths including a professional phone manner, bookkeeping knowledge, and customer service skills that will help your front desk to run smoothly.”

“Hardworking, organized, and reliable Housekeeper looking for a janitorial position at [company name] to clean interior spaces. Possesses knowledge of efficient and safe cleaning practices, the use of cleaning equipment, and environmentally sound cleaning agents, as well as excellent customer service.”

25.  Resume objective examples for food service positions

“Entrepreneurial and highly experienced Caterer with 7+ years in the foodservice sector seeking the position of Catering Manager at [company name]. Brings proven management experience, culinary expertise, interpersonal skills, and a strong customer service approach to the role.”

“Friendly, upbeat, and detail-oriented individual looking for an entry-level, fast-paced Line Cook position at [restaurant name], where I can use my outstanding food preparation skills safely and efficiently.”

26.  Resume objective examples for education workers

“Talented Preschool Teacher with 3 years of experience seeking the role of Kindergarten Teacher at [school name]. I have excellent skills and connections with special needs students and collaborated with my Superintendent to create and implement effective teaching practices for these children that can be used throughout the district.”

“Experienced elementary school English Teacher looking to fill the role of Reading Specialist at [school name.] This position in a progressive institution like [school name] would allow me to use my sound teaching skills to assist students in reaching their full potential by helping them to become strong readers.”

“Passionate, enthusiastic and experienced Teaching Assistant seeking the position of Para-Educator at [school name]. Brings interpersonal skills and classroom experience to aid in the development of each student by interacting with them, providing support and resources, and directly supporting the Teacher's lessons in the classroom.”

27.  Resume objective examples for Writers and Editors

“Articulate recent graduate with a B.A. degree in Media and Mass Communication desires a Content Creator Role at [company name]. Hoping to use writing skills and experience in writing articles for local newspapers and online magazines to improve [company name]'s blog, expanding current industry presence.”

“Editor with extensive writing and management experience looking to fill the position of Senior Editor with [company name], using time-management skills to ensure all projects meet deadlines and supervisory experience to effectively manage a team of Writers and Editors.”

Key things to remember

As you can see from the resume objective examples that we've included throughout this post, there's a right way to create this type of professional summary. As you craft your own objective, keep these keen insights in mind:

Try to include some measurable achievements in your statement, to show how you can add value to the employer's bottom line. If you're new to the workplace, however, focus instead on highlighting the benefits that your skills can provide to that employer.

Keep it short, focused on relevant details, and packed with keywords from the job description. 

Make sure that everything you write in your objective statement is supported by the information included in your skills and work experience sections .

Always put yourself in the employer's shoes and try to imagine what kind of information they might be looking for as they review your resume.

Try to only rely on an objective statement if you have little or no real-world experience in the industry you're trying to join. If you do have experience, you'll probably be better served by a summary statement.

Wrapping it up

Once again, this is by no means a complete list of resume objective examples, but it should help you to understand the formula for creating a specific resume objective for whatever job you're after.

Take the time to do this right. Create a tailored objective for each position you want and you'll be easily found by both recruiters and applicant tracking systems searching for the keywords that are right there at the top of your resume.

The result? You'll be starting your new job well ahead of the crowd!

Still not sure about your resume objective or other aspects of your resume? Make sure that it's submission-ready with a free resume review or professional rewrite .

This article was originally written by Lisa Tynan and has been updated by Marsha Hebert and Ken Chase.

Recommended reading:

How to Tailor Your Resume to a Specific Job Description

How to Use Action Verbs in a Resume

How to Write a Resume Headline (With Examples)

Related Articles:

Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

See how your resume stacks up.

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    The first of these lawyer resume examples is irrefutable: right. Litman, Day, & Phair. Attorney. 2014-2018. Carried 37 case files from concept through trial and sometimes appeal. Conducted 100+ mediations with a 93% settlement rate. Scored a 95% on client satisfaction exit surveys.

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    Look into this sample resume to guide you in presenting your information compellingly, making you a strong candidate. Monika Paul. Pune, Maharashtra | (91) 92544-59888 | [email protected] Summary. Experienced, detail-oriented legal manager with proven expertise in legal documentation, case management, team leadership and regulatory ...

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    Here are three examples like the professional summaries the builder may suggest for your lawyer resume: Lawyer with three years of experience in family law, with a focus on amicable divorce and child custody. Knowledge of mediation techniques, and connected with local therapists for clients in need of mental health support.

  24. Criminal Lawyer Resume Example

    Francis Rogahn. Criminal Lawyer. (555) 123-4567. [email protected]. Los Angeles, California. 1. Brand Yourself. Your name isn't just a label, it's the title of your professional story. Ensure it's prominent and professional, setting the stage for the narrative that follows.

  25. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  26. Law Lawyer Resume Examples for 2024: Templates & Tips

    Use measurable achievements to describe your lawyer abilities and work experience. For example, "Developed and implemented effective legal strategies in over 250 cases.". Use action words such as negotiate, council and litigate to make an impact on your lawyer resume. Tailor your lawyer resume to your target job.

  27. ChatGPT

    Write a message that goes with a kitten gif for a friend on a rough day (opens in a new window)

  28. Employment Lawyer Resume Example

    Teresa Renner. Employment Lawyer. (555) 987-6543. [email protected]. New York City, New York. 1. Brand Yourself with Your Name. Think of your name as the legal firm's signboard: prominent and proud. Use a clear, professional font that stands out, setting the foundation for the rest of your resume.

  29. Immigration Lawyer Resume Example

    Marguerite Borer. Immigration Lawyer. (555) 789-0123. [email protected]. Los Angeles, California. 1. Embrace Your Professional Identity. Start strong with your name in a clear, professional font. Position it proudly at the top, symbolizing your personal brand.