SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022

SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022

SSC 8th week Assignment 2021 & 2022 question and answer are available here. The Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has just published the SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 & SSC 8th Week Assignment 2022 . Today I will discuss how the answers of the 8th week can be presented beautifully. 2021 and 2022 SSC candidates have the talent to answer a total of twenty-four questions. The 8th-week assignment has been published in its continuation.

Students of SSC 2021 & 2022 are currently going through different situations. On the one hand, they have assignment activities going on and on the other hand, they have to prepare for the exams. Getting fully prepared for the course is a bit of a challenge.

এসএসসি ২০২১ এবং ২০২২ (বর্তমানে দশম শ্রেণী) উভয় পরীক্ষার্থিদের ৮ম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট প্রশ্ন ও সমাধানের লিঙ্ক এই পেজেই রয়েছে। এই পেজের প্রথম দিকে এসএসসি ২০২১ সালের পরীক্ষার্থিদের জন্য প্রশ্ন ও উত্তরের লিঙ্ক এবং নিচের দিকে এসএসসি ২০২২ সালের পরীক্ষার্থিদের জন্য প্রশ্ন ও উত্তরের লিঙ্ক রয়েছে।

SSC 2021 8th Week Assignment

The Department of Education has fixed a total of eight subjects for SSC 2021 students in the 8th week. For example, Accounting, Business Entrepreneurship, History and World Civilization of Bangladesh, Politics and Citizenship, Geography and Environment, Physics, Advanced Mathematics, and Chemistry. This assignment for the 8th week of 2021 has two for the Department of Business Education. Three for the human or art moment. And a total of eight questions were asked on three topics for the science department. This assignment will continue for one week. Specific guidelines have been formulated for resolving SSC 2021 8th week assignment. If you can solve according to the instructions, it will be possible to get the best.

SSC 2021 8th Week History of Bangladesh and World Civilization Answer

History and World Civilization of Bangladesh is for Humanities Department of SSC 2021 8th week. So now I will discuss what topics are covered in this assignment and what are the specific instructions. So that you can complete the history and world civilization of the 8th week of Bangladesh properly within the stipulated time.

The twelfth chapter of the book History and World Civilization of Bangladesh for 8th week SSC 2021 has been taken from Military Rule and Independence Movement. A total of four questions have been asked here. In the 8th week, a report titled “War of Independence from the freedom movement” has to be prepared.

SSC 2021 8th Week History of Bangladesh and World Civilization Answer

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SSC 2021 8th Week Physics Assignment Answer

Physics subject SSC 2021 for 8th week science department students. This is the 2021 Assignment No. 6 in Physics for the students of Science Department. You have already done five assignments in this regard. Assignment No. 6 has been published in the 8th week following this.

In this assignment you have to explain the reflection of light. A total of four questions have been asked in the 8th week physics subject. SSC candidates of 2021 have to recognize the mirror. The reflection has to be explained. And must demonstrate reflective creation.

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SSC 2021 8th Week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment Answer

This assignment has been prepared for the 8th week of HSC 2021 on the subject of business on the basis of ownership. The business initiative is for students in the Department of Business Education. The 8th week Business Entrepreneurship assignment has been taken from the sixth chapter. A total of four questions have been asked here. Which includes the concept of monopoly business, features of monopoly business, etc. 8th week business initiative has come to solve the issue 2021 students have to solve in a creative and accurate way.

SSC 2021 8th Week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment Answer

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SSC 2021 8th Week Geography and Environment Assignment Answer

This is the fifth time that the humanities students of the 8th week of HSC 2021 have been given assignments on geography and environment. The assignment is taken from the human settlement of the 8th chapter. In order to solve the 8th week geography and environmental assignment, descriptions have to be given about rural settlements and urban dwellers. In order to bring the SSC candidates of 2021 under the appropriate syllabus, questions on geography and environment have been specifically included.

SSC 2021 8th week Geography and Environment Assignment Answer

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SSC 2021 8th Week Chemistry Assignment Answer

Chemistry is one of the most important subjects for the science department. Now I will discuss how to solve the chemistry issue of SSC 2021 8th week. To solve the chemistry issue you have to follow the instructions given in the assignment. Must be appropriately relevant and accurate. The creative attitude must have the correct spelling. This SMS is taken from the chemical bond of the fifth chapter. This is the fifth assignment on the chemistry of the 8th week of 2021 SSC candidates as a series of phases.

SSC 2021 8th Week Chemistry Assignment Answer

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SSC 2021 8th Week Accounting Assignment Answer

The most important part of the commerce department is accounting. This is considered to be the main issue of the Commerce Department. The subject of accounting has been included in the 8th week of HSC 2021. A total of four announcements have been made here. For example, ledger, tee table and running j table, rewamil for mathematical accuracy verification. This assignment of 8th week has to be solved according to the prescribed and correct rules. In the 8th week of 2021, there have been 6 transactions for the subject of accounting.

SSC 2021 8th Week Accounting Assignment Answer

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SSC 2021 8th Week Civics Assignment Answer

Politics and Citizenship is for the Humanities Department of the 2021 SSC candidates. This SMS has been provided to describe the functions and powers of the judiciary in Bangladesh. The 8th week assignment on the subject of politics and citizenship has been taken from the government system of the sixth chapter of Bangladesh. In 2021, the issue of citizenship and citizenship of SSC candidates has come up four times before. Serial No. 5 of the current 8th week of Politics and Citizenship.

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SSC 2021 8th Week Higher Mathematics Assignment Answer

The fourth subject in the science department of 2021 SSC candidates is Advanced Mathematics. This 8th week math subject is included. 8th week SSC 2021 candidates have to solve four mathematical problems in higher mathematics. The solution must be accurate with proper explanation. This is the fifth time SSC students have been assigned this assignment. Assignments are taken from the trigonometry of Chapter 8.

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SSC 2022 8th Week Assignment

Things that are given as assignments in the 8th week are very important. In the next step we will discuss how to write the answer to all the issues of SSC 2022 8th week assignment. Students who are looking for answers to assignments can also download PDF of SSC 2022 8th week assignments answers from our website. So interested students follow the next step.

SSC 2022 8th Week Bangla 2nd Paper Assignment Answer

This is the third determining task of the Bangla Second Paper of the 8th week of 2022 SSC candidates. SSC 2022 8th week Bangla Second Paper Assignment has been asked to describe the way to form Bangla words. Also need to analyze the words derived from Mamata’s story. SSC 2022 8th week Bangla Second Paper Assignment discusses how to create word structure in Bengali language. So, any student can get detailed knowledge about word formation in Bangla language if he/she can complete the Bangla Second Paper Assignment of SSC 2022 VIII week properly.

Detailed information is given in the Assignment Guide to provide correct answers to the SSC 2022 8th week Bangla Second Paper Assignment. Properly follow the instructions and answer the SSC 2022 8th week Bangla Second Paper Assignment. We will now discuss all the issues that need to be properly presented in the answer sheet of SSC 2022 8th week Bangla Second Paper Assignment. In the answer sheet, the ways of forming Bangla words must be mentioned and described. It also needs to be analyzed by identifying the prefixes, suffixes from the Mamtadi story. It will be possible to ensure the highest marks if the above subjects can correctly present the answer sheets of SSC 2022 8th week Bangla Second Paper Assignment.

SSC 2022 8th Week Bangla 2nd Paper Assignment

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SSC 2022 8th Week Physics Assignment Answer

This is the second assignment of Physics for the 2022 SSC 8th week. Thus, previously 2022 SSC examinees have given the answer to an assignment in Physics. Therefore, SSC examinees have prior experience of answering SSC 2022 8th week physics assignments. So today we will only discuss making the answer sheet of SSC 2022 8th week physics assignment. A number of questions and helpful information have been provided to answer the SSC 2022 8th week Physics Assignment. An illustration is also provided to illustrate the work of the assignment. SSC 2022 8th week Physics Assignment needs to be well looked at in order to provide correct answers.

As part of the SSC 2022 8th week physics assignment, a cyclist is asked to mathematically determine how force, wind resistance, kinetic energy and efficiency work. The figure here shows the horizontal part of the ball as the cyclist moves forward. There is a lot to learn from the SSC 2022 8th week physics assignment. For example, the ball will know about the friction ball. Will also be able to measure kinetic energy. Lastly, be able to diagnose efficiency. To complete the 8th week physics assignment of SSC 2022, you are asked to follow the sections described on pages 7, 8, 102 and 119-120 of the textbook.

SSC 2022 8th Week Physics Assignment

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SSC 2022 8th Week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment Answer

This is the second assignment of the 8th week of Business Entrepreneurship. SSC 2022 8th week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment has been given about Social Development. SSC 2022 has been asked to assess the role of Business Entrepreneurship in the socio-economic development of the country as part of the 8th week Business Entrepreneurship assignment. That is to discuss how Business Entrepreneurship plays a role in the socio-economic development of a country. So in order to answer the SSC 2022 8th week Business Entrepreneurship assignment one must first acquire detailed knowledge about Business Entrepreneurship. Also, the correct knowledge about all the subjects required to provide correct answers to the SSC 2022 8th week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment is given below.

We need to know about the importance of Business Entrepreneurship in the socio-economic development of Bangladesh. It is also important to understand the relationship between business venture and risk. Last but not least, the business environment is conducive to growth. There are several guidelines for answering SSC 2022 8th week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment. As such, the answer sheet must accurately represent at least four steps of the importance of the business venture. It is also necessary to describe at least five favorable environments for developing business ventures. We need to analyze what kind of relationship there is between business venture and risk. The last thing that must be mentioned is the concept of socio-economic development.

SSC 2022 8th Week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment

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SSC 2022 8th Week Geography and Environment Assignment Answer

SSC 2022 8th week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment is selected from the second chapter. The title of the second chapter is The Universe and Our Earth. So through the SSC 2022 8th week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment students are able to gain detailed knowledge about the universe and the earth. This is the second determining work of geography and environment. So earlier the candidates of SSC 2022 have given the answer to an assignment on Geography and Environment. SSC 2022 8th week Geography and Environment Assignment Two questions need to be answered. The first question is – in the case of the movement of the earth to the west or east, the effectiveness of date, bar, time in 180 longitude lines has to be explained. Second, the United States has been asked to calculate the time in Bangladesh when it is eight o’clock in the morning.

SSC 2022 8th Week Geography and Environment Assignment

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SSC 2022 has a lot to learn about geography and environment from the 8th week geography and environment assignment. For example, if the SSC 2022 8th week geography and environment assignment can be answered correctly, students will be able to gain detailed knowledge about various lines including axis, longitude line. Also, characters will be able to identify different places on the map using longitude lines. SSC 2022 has several guidelines for answering the SSC 2022 8th week Business Entrepreneurship Assignment. As per the instructions, all the subjects have to present the answer sheet of SSC 2022 8th Week Geography and Environment Assignment correctly. Below are the topics that must be mentioned in the answer sheet of SSC 2022 8th Week Geography and Environment Assignment. Explain the importance and significance of important lines and international date lines. Latitude and longitude should be determined by the axis and longitude line. The last thing that must be mentioned is to calculate the time using the international date line.

SSC 8th Week Assignment PDF Download

The question and answer of SSC 8th week assignment pdf download option is available only on Below, you can download SSC 8th week assignments 2021 and 2022 question pdf files.

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Top 50 Chemistry Questions For SSC Exams PDF (GD, CGL, CHSL, JE, CPO, MTS)

Top 50 Chemistry Questions For SSC Exam

Top 50 Chemistry Questions For SSC Exams (GD, CGL, CHSL, JE, CPO, MTS)

Download SSC Chemistry questions with answers PDF based on previous papers very useful for SSC GD, CGL, CHSL, JE, Stenographer, MTS, CPO, JE exams. 50 Very important Chemistry objective questions (MCQ’s) for SSC exams.



Question 1:  What is the common characteristic of the elements of the same group in the periodic table?

a) Electrons in outer most shell

b) Total number of electrons

c) Total number of protons

d) Atomic weight

Question 2:  What happens when one S and one P orbital is hybridized?

a) We get three orbitals in a plane

b) We get two orbitals at 180 degrees

c) We get two mutually perpendicular orbitals

d) We get four orbitals directed tetrahedrally

Question 3:  Atomic bomb is based on which principle?

a) Nuclear fusion

b) Nuclear fission

c) Natural radioactivity

d) All options are correct

Question 4:  Which is used to treat Indigestion?

b) Antiseptic

c) Analgesic

d) Antibiotic

Question 5:  What does a catalyst do in a reaction?

a) A catalyst is nothing but the final product of a reaction

b) Does not alter the rate of reaction

c) Speeds up chemical reaction

d) Slows down chemical reaction



Question 6:  Why metals conduct electricity?

a) Because of low melting point

b) Because of high tensile strength

c) Because of free electrons

d) Because of high atomic density

Question 7:  On a clean glass plate a drop of water spreads to form a thin layer whereas a drop of mercury remains almost spherical because ________

a) Mercury is a metal

b) Density of mercury is greater than that of water

c) Cohesion of mercury is greater than its adhesion with glass

d) Cohesion of water is greater than its adhesion with glass

Question 8:  The (O-H) bond in C H 3 OH is which type of bond?

a) polar covalent

c) non polar covalent

d) cationic

Question 9:  Adding which substance gives blue colour to glass?

a) Manganese oxide

b) Cobalt oxide

c) Chromium oxide

d) Iron oxide

Question 10:  Terylene is a condensation polymer of ethylene glycol and which acid?

a) Benzoic Acid

b) Salicylic acid

c) Phthalic acid

d) Terephthalic acid

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Question 11:  The conversion of hard water into soft water by boiling or adding calcium hydroxide is called _______.

a) Baker’s process

b) Temp’s process

c) Clarke’s process

d) Lake’s process

Question 12:  When cathode rays strike a target of high atomic weight, they give rise to

b) 13 and y rays

d) positive rays

Question 13:  Biofertilizers convert nitrogen to _________ .

a) nitrates

c) nitrogenase

d) amino acids

Question 14:  Which drug is used as an Anti-Inflammatory?

a) Metformin

b) Diazepam

c) Latanoprost

d) Prednisone

Question 15:  In the periodic table of elements, on moving from left to right across a period, what happens to the atomic radius?

a) decreases

b) increases

c) remains unchanged

d) does not follow a definite pattern

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Question 16:  The radio-active element used in heart pacemakers is?

a) Plutonium -238

b) Deuterium

c) Plutonium

Question 17:  Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by

a) oxides of nitrogen and sulphur

b) oxides of nitrogen and phosphorous

c) oxides of carbon and nitrogen

d) oxides of nitrogen and methane

Question 18:  The common name of hydrogen peroxide is

b) bleach (liquid)

c) baking soda

Question 19:  Which element gives hardness to stainless steel?

Question 20:  ……………are a group of chemicals that influence cell division and shoot formation.

a) Cytokinins

b) Gibberellins

Question 21:  What is the name of the acid in an ant’s sting?

a) Acetic acid

b) Citric acid

c) Formic acid

d) Lactic acid

Question 22:  __________ is the movement of chemical in the upper layers of soil into lower layers or into groundwater by being dissolved in water.

a) infiltration

b) salinisation

c) eutrophication

d) leaching

Question 23:  ______ is used for making chemical apparatus like beakers, flasks etc.

a) Potash glass

b) Hard glass

c) Soda glass

d) Jena glass

Question 24:  The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is called ___________.

a) Electroplating

b) Galvanisation

d) Crystallisation

Question 25:  The element which is commonly used in nuclear for producing electricity by nuclear fission is?

b) Plutonium

d) Deuterium

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Question 26:  Which base is present in soap?

a) Sodium hydroxide

b) Silicon dioxide

c) Calcium hydroxide

d) Ammonium hydroxide

Question 27:  Which gas is produced due to incomplete combustion of fuel?

a) Carbon Dioxide

b) Carbon Monoxide

Question 28:  Magnesium oxide (MgO) + Water (H2O) = ?

a) [Mg(OH)]

b) [Mg2(OH)]

c) [Mg(O2H)2]

d) [Mg(OH)2]

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Question 29:  Anions are formed through which process?

a) losing of electrons

b) gaining of electrons

c) gaining of neutrons

d) losing of neutrons

Question 30:  The anode in a dry cell consists of?

d) Graphite

Question 31:  If water smells bad, then that odour can be removed by adding

c) activated carbon

d) deactivated nitrogen

Question 32:  Which bond is weakest in nature?

a) Single bond

b) Double bond

c) Triple bond

d) Hydrogen bond

Question 33:  What is the chemical name for baking soda ?

a) Sodium carbonate

b) Sodium bicarbonate

c) Sodium Nitrate

d) Sodium Nitrite

Question 34:  NaCl has which kind of bonds?

a) nonpolar bonds

b) polar covalent bonds

c) Metallic bonds

d) ionic bonds

Question 35:  Which chemical is used to generate light, to weld metals?

a) Ethylene

b) Acetylene

d) Oxalic acid

Question 36:  Ethane gas has a slightly …………taste.

Question 37:  Turquoise is an ore/mineral of

b) Manganese

Question 38:  Process of gaining electrons is known as _____.

a) oxidation

b) reduction

c) radiation

d) both oxidation and reduction

Question 39:  What does Trypsin do?

a) Breaks down Carbohydrates

b) Synthesizes proteins

c) Breaks down fats

d) Breaks down proteins

Question 40:  During which operating conditions of an automobile, carbon monoxide content in exhaust gas is maximum?

a) Acceleration

b) Cruising

c) Idle running

d) Deacceleration

Question 41:  What is the viscosity of an ideal fluid?

a) Equal to its mass

b) Equal to its weight

Question 42:  The most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust is

c) aluminium

Question 43:  Name the source from which Aspirin is produced?

a) Willow bark

b) Oak Tree

d) Eucalyptus

Question 44:  What is Heavy water?

a) Monoterium oxide

b) Polyterium oxide

c) Deuterium oxide

d) Trisium oxide

Question 45:  In a compound the elements are always present in definite proportions by

d) No option is correct.

Question 46:  What is nature of pH of Milk?

a) Slightly Acidic

b) Slightly Basic

c) Highly Acidic

d) Highly Basic

Question 47:  Which is the best fire-extinguisher?

c) Carbon-dioxide

Question 48:  Marble is a metamorphic rock of ………….

a) Sandstone

b) Limestone

Question 49:  Which chemical is also known as Carbolic Acid?

b) Hydroxide

c) Sulphuric Acid

Question 50:  What is dehydration?

a) Removal of acid from a molecule

b) Removal of base from a molecule

c) Removal of water from a molecule

d) Removal of alkali from a molecule

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

2) Answer (B)

3) Answer (B)

Nuclear fission

4) Answer (A)

5) Answer (C)

6) Answer (C)

7) Answer (C)

8) Answer (A)

9) Answer (B)

10) Answer (D)

11) Answer (C)

12) Answer (C)

13) Answer (B)

14) Answer (D)

15) Answer (A)

16) Answer (A)

17) Answer (A)

18) Answer (B)

19) Answer (C)

20) Answer (A)

21) Answer (C)

22) Answer (D)

23) Answer (B)

Hard Glass is used for making chemical apparatus like beakers, flasks etc.

=> Ans – (B)

24) Answer (A)

25) Answer (C)

26) Answer (A)

27) Answer (B)

28) Answer (D)

29) Answer (B)

30) Answer (B)

31) Answer (C)

32) Answer (D)

33) Answer (B)

34) Answer (D)

35) Answer (B)

36) Answer (A)

37) Answer (A)

38) Answer (B)

39) Answer (D)

40) Answer (C)

41) Answer (C)

42) Answer (C)

43) Answer (A)

44) Answer (C)

45) Answer (A)

46) Answer (A)

47) Answer (C)

48) Answer (B)

49) Answer (A)

50) Answer (C)


We hope this Chemistry questions for SSC Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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SSC Chemistry notes 8th Chapter Chemistry and Energy

SSC Chemistry notes 8th Chapter Chemistry and Energy . In fact, a chemical bond is a store of energy. Energy is associated with formation and breaking of chemical bonds. As the number of changing in chemical bond happened in the world, in all cases transformation of energy happened. We perform us every day works using the energy of the changes which occur spontaneously. The amount of this energy is finite in the world and is decreasing day the by day. So it is necessary to think about the alternative source of energy. In the meantime, the attempt is gone on to increase the number of lighting, making solar panels, using the power of the sun. On the other hand, an effort has been started to make use of nuclear power in our country like developed countries.

SSC Chemistry notes 8th Chapter Chemistry and Energy

We have known that elements in a molecule joined together by mutual energy between them. The energy by which the elements are joined together is chemical bonds. Besides these molecules or ions of a compound comes closer by energy named intermolecular force composed of various energy and create a particular state as solid, liquid and gaseous. The intermolecular force of ions or molecules of any solute, if high forms solid, if low forms liquid and if lower forms gaseous states. That is intermolecular force differs at different states of the same compound. is such a website where you will get all kinds of necessary information regarding educational notes, suggestions and question patterns of schools, colleges, and madrasas. Particularly, you will get here special notes of physics that will be immensely useful to both students and teachers. The builder of the website is Mr. Md. Shah Jamal who has been serving for 33 years as an Assistant Professor of Physics at BAF Shaheen College Dhaka. He expects that this website will meet up all the needs of Bengali version learners /students. He has requested concerned students and teachers to spread this website home and abroad.

SSC Chemistry Note

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ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week Answer PDF Download

SSC Assignment 2021 Answer Now 8th Week Answer, 8th Week publish Now Online. You can other weeks sus as the 8the week and 3rd, 4th-week assignment. Only Groups subject History of Bangladesh and World Civilization, Physics, Business Entrepreneurship, Economics Biology, Finance, and Banking has been selected for the 2021 SSC assignment. SSC Assignment Publish for Science, Business Studies( Commerce), and Humanities Groups. Although only Groups subject Will be taken Assignment so that Compulsory subjects sus as bangle English Mathematics, Social Sciences Agricultural Education General Science Religion, and moral education subject will not be taken assignment now this time. Groups subject Assignment start 18 th July and it will continue before 30 Assignment. Now we have given you the 6th and 7th Week SSC Assignment 2021.

Dear Students Already Know That 2021 SSC Assignment Only Elective Subject Will Provide from The author of DSHE. So, Each Group of Students Will get an Elective, and the Optional Subject SSC Assignment has to be Complete. The SSC 2021 Exam Will be Start from the of November, It the covid situation brought under control.

SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week Answer

SSC Assignment 2021 Board is completely responsible to hold the 11th board exam on time. The SSC Assignment Exam 2021 will be provided by officials of the All Education board before the exam. As we know all applicants want to know All Board History of Bangladesh and World Civilization, Physics Business Entrepreneurship, economics, Biology, Finance, and Banking Board as soon as possible. Bangladesh Education Board is planning to issue all Gov and Non-Govt. There is a possibility for the release exam in the coming December month. Now completed solution of 8th week SSC Assignment. Today Publish SSC 8th Week question and answer.

SSC Assignment 2021

SSC Assignment 2021 Answer

Dear examiner of For 2021 SSC Exam,  Now we have given your subject 8th Week Answer. You know Education Board already Published Cluster System Assignment Task. You know already Education Ministry Dr. Dipu Mone Diglar this year only Groups wish subject will be taken Assignment. However, 8th week and 3rd week publish SSC 8th Week Assignment Published from SSC All Groups Subject. Now, Check below for The task. Now found your subject assignment answer on this page. Already all subject questions are found now we have given your subject question solution by this page. Now given all groups assignment answers.

8th Week SSC Assignment Subject Answer

Finance and Banking

  • SSC Business Entrepreneurship Assignment

Physics Assignment

  • History Assignment

Subject To Complete the SSC 2021 7th Week Assignment Answer Now Given Below

SSC 2021 Science Groups Assignment Answer

Higher Math

SSC Business Studies Groups Assignment Answer

Business Entrepreneurship

SSC Huminitus Groups Assignment Answer 

History and World Civilization

Geography and Environment

Civics & Good Governance

SSC Assignment Answer  2021 8th week

If you completed Your 8th Week assignment work you can download the 8th week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 7th week. We have given here a 2nd-week answer. As candidates may find it difficult to download the 11th Board Examination Marking Scheme, we are providing a direct link to the SSC Assignment 2021 PDF File on our website at the end of this article. Students regular or private would be able to check or download the file as soon as it gets updated on the official website.

SSC Assignment Answer Commerce

We have also given an 8th-week answer on this page. If you completed 1st and 2nd now you can complited the 3rd-week assignment answer. Which Subject publish the 8th-week assignment we found this subject answer by this page. We publish assignments related to all updated info on this page. We were given by this post here. Now given all here.

SSC Week Assignment Subjects 

Business Entrepreneur

History of Bangladesh and World Civilization

Economics Assignment

Biology Assignment

Finance & Banking Assignment

SSC Exam 2021 8th Week Assignment Subjects

✓ History of Bangladesh and World Civilization ✓ Physics ✓ Business Entrepreneurship ✓ Geography & Environment ✓ Chemistry ✓ Accounting

SSC Exam 2021 Assignment

Weekly Assignment Task Published For Geography & Environment, Chemistry and Accounting subject Subject from Cluster 2. They Also published Economics, Biology, and Finance & Banking from Cluster 3. There are thousands of government and private schools are affiliated with SSC Assignment. Bangladesh Education Board is the sole authority that has the right to conduct SSC Examination for the candidates affiliated to Bangladesh All Board. If you are searching for the latest information regarding SSC Assignment 2021 then my friends you have reached the right place. Generally, Education Board announces or declares SSC Assignment 2021 in the month of July. We inform all students to stay with us to get all the latest updates and information regarding SSC Assignment We have provided an official link to download all Subject SSC Assignment 2021.

SSC 8th Week Assignment Subjects

✓ Geography & Environment ✓ Chemistry ✓ Accounting ✓ Economics ✓ Biology ✓ Finance and Banking

SSC 2021 Assignment Cover Page Download

Students have to Submit Assignment With the Formatted SSC Exam 2021 Assignment Cover page. The SSC 2021 Assignment Cover Page is Provide by The DSHE. All the information on the cover page should be written in an English Block letter. You can download and print this cover page.

How to Download SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week Answer

SSC Assignment 2021 8th-week Answer Fount my post We advise students to visit the official website of the Education Board to check and download all the latest information regarding the upcoming 11th board final examinations. Candidates can bookmark our website so that they do not miss any updates. Kindly click on the link below to download the 8th week SSC Assignment 2021 PDF File for Science, Business Studies( Commerce), and Humanities Groups. Board of Secondary Education,  will release the SSC SSS assignment answer in the month of July 2021. Now we were given this assignment online on this page. Now download your 5th-week assignment answer on this page.

Final Word Of SSC Assignment 2021

Dear ssc examiner, You know this year your exam will be held on only Groups subject. Already 5th-week assignment Completed. We found this assignment answer on this page. We try to best answer your subject assignment answer. Now we have given Science Humanities groups and Commerce Groups assignment answers on this page.

SSC Assignment 2021 PDF Download

SSC Assignment 2021 PDF Download: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education releases the SSC 2021 Assignment Question on official website in pdf file format.

On 18th July, 2021 The Government of Bangladesh is published a notice for Class 10 students Evaluation Process of SSC Exam 2021. According to the notice, they will be evaluated based on MCQ tests, assignment marks, and JSC results and this was decided by the Bangladeshi government.

To Complete the Assignment Process, DSHE will publish a total of 24 Assignment for 12 Weeks. The students of class 10 must need to complete the assignments posted in the official website assignments section every week.

They have published 1st, 2nd and 3rd Week Assignment for Class 10 on 18th July, 2021. The 4th Weekly Assignment Question will be published as a PDF file by DSHE on August 9th, 2021.

SSC Assignment 2021

The Directorate of Secondary Education publishes each week’s assignments in PDF files on their website- The SSC assignment 2021 in pdf file is also available here. When schools closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the decision to evaluating candidates on SSC Candidates 2021 was made. They will be evaluated on the basis of assignment, mcq test and JSC result.

Due to the government’s concern that more students may catch the disease and also because the government wants to prevent further spreading of the disease, all students will be graded based on SSC Assignment 2021.

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education issued urgent instructions for both the teachers and the students, encouraging them to take part in the upcoming week’s Assignment. The document makes it clear that all parties, particularly students, teachers, parents, and other educational institutions, should follow the guidelines to avoid unpleasant and unwanted situations.

On the 18th of July, samples of the SSC assignment 2021 were made available to the public, marking the beginning of the first phase of the assignments that the students would be required to complete. Moreover, instructions and guidelines have also been published regarding these assignment on the same day.

SSC Assignment 2021 pdf download

SSC Assignment 2021 PDF File

There will be a total of 24 assignments that the students will be expected to complete. These assignments will be based on the subjects of the respective groups that the students have chosen for themselves, as well as the students’ own interests. Students will only have to complete for two assignment per week in order to avoid adding to their workload, and they will only have 12 weeks to complete all 24 SSC assignments in 2021.

The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education has issued guidelines for the SSC assignment 2021, which include rules and regulations for accepting, distributing, and evaluating these 24 assignments. The guidelines are available here. Those who do not adhere to the rules and regulations will be barred from taking the assignment, which will have a negative impact on their overall performance.

Consequently, students are encouraged to work hard and submit their completed assignments on or before the due date. In a similar vein, teachers are asked to provide students with any relevant materials or instructions that will assist them in preparing for the SSC assignment 2021.

The routine for Class 10 Assignment 2021 has also been published and can be viewed by members of the public who are interested. Physics, biology, economics, banking, finance, business entrepreneurship, and Bangladesh history and world civilization are the subjects covered in the first week’s assignments. Physics, biology, economics, banking, finance, business entrepreneurship, and Bangladesh history and world civilization follow in the second week. Chemistry, physics, accounting, business entrepreneurship, world civilization, geography and the environment, and Bangladesh history are among the subjects covered in the second week’s assignments.

Students will be expected to complete six assignments in each group-based subject, with the exception of the fourth subject, in order to pass the course. As an added bonus, students are not required to write and complete assignments for their optional subjects.

SSC 2021 Assignment PDF Download

The activities for the SSC 2021 Assignment began on the 18th of July. Candidates for the SSC exam in 2021 will be given a total of 24 assignments. This assignment will last for a total of 12 weeks. Every week, students will be assigned two assignments to complete. Assignments will be given not on all subjects, but on three subjects that are grouped together. These assignments will be made available in accordance with the short syllabus that has already been made available.

Neither compulsory nor fourth subjects such as Bangla or English nor mathematics nor social sciences nor Agricultural Studies or General Science nor Religious or Moral Education will be assigned any projects. Results will be prepared for those subjects that have been identified as mapping from the JSC outcome. Only three elective subjects will be evaluated through the use of an Assignment and a multiple-choice test.

Students will be required to complete two assignments per week on three subjects that will be assigned to them in groups. Students will be required to complete a total of 24 assignments. The students must complete a total of eight assignments in each elective subject they choose. The short syllabus that was previously published will be completed through this assignment.

The SSC Assignment Program will prepare students for the SSC Exam 2021 through this 2021 SSC Exam Assignment. Students of Class 10 will receive the SSC 2021 assignment. DSHE will give assignment for Three elective subjects (i.e. science, humanities, and business studies) have been chosen for each group Compulsory and fourth-subject assignments will not be provided.

ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

How to Download SSC Assignment 2021

Class 10 students have until the end of the current assignment week to submit their assignment answers to receive a marks. Assignment information will be provided to students each week, through the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education’s Assignment Website. To download the SSC Assignment 2021 Question, follow the steps provided below, making sure to avoid making any mistakes.

Visit the web page of the government education website – be sure to check everything you can notice. In the future, keep your eyes open for assignments that will be made available to SSC candidates in 2021. Additionally, candidates can make use of the assignments they have been sent via email or the College Notice Board and Campus. Regional study centers may provide the SSC 2021 assignments as well.

SSC 2021 6th Week Assignment PDF Download

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish the 6th Week Assignment Question in pdf file on

They will publish Geography & Environment / Chemistry / Accounting / Economics / Biology / Finance & Banking / Politics & Citizenship / Higher Mathematics as the 6th Week Assignment work.

SSC 2021 5th Week Assignment PDF Download

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish the 5th Week Assignment Question in pdf file on

They will publish History and World Civilization of Bangladesh / Physics / Business Organization / Geography & Environment / Chemistry / Accounting / Politics & Citizenship / Higher Mathematics as the 5th Week Assignment work..

SSC 2021 4th Week Assignment PDF Download

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish the 4th Week Assignment Question in pdf file on

They will publish History and World Civilization of Bangladesh / Physics / Business Organization / Economics / Biology / Finance & Banking / Politics & Citizenship / Higher Mathematics as the 4th Week Assignment Subjects.

SSC 2021 Assignment All 12 Weeks

সপ্তাহএ্যাসাইনমেন্ট বিবরণএ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ডাউনলোড
প্রথমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা, অর্থনীতি, পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান, জীব বিজ্ঞান, ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ, ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং
দ্বিতীয়বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা, পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান, ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ, ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ, রসায়ন, হিসাব বিজ্ঞান, অর্থনীতি, জীব বিজ্ঞান, ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং
তৃতীয়ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ, রসায়ন, হিসাব বিজ্ঞান, অর্থনীতি, জীব বিজ্ঞান, ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং
চতুর্থবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত
পঞ্চমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ/রসায়ন/হিসাব বিজ্ঞান/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
ষষ্ঠভূগোল ও পরিবেশ/রসায়ন/হিসাব বিজ্ঞান/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
সপ্তমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
অষ্টমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/ভূগোল ও পরিবেশ/রসায়ন/হিসাব বিজ্ঞান/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
নবমভূগোল ও পরিবেশ/রসায়ন/হিসাব বিজ্ঞান/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
দশমবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
একাদশবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত ডাউনলোড করুন/দেখুন
দ্বাদশবাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা/পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান/ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ/অর্থনীতি/জীব বিজ্ঞান/ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং/পৌরনীতি ও নাগরিকতা/উচ্চতর গণিত

Sources of this information: DSHE

5 thoughts on “SSC Assignment 2021 PDF Download”

Ssc 4th-6th week er assignment question gula bar hoica r bar holeo paoa jaina kno

akhono publish hoi nai tobe publish hobe, hole ai post a update kora hobe,, post ti bookmarks kore rakhun

Nice system.

SSC 2021 assignment arts

yes,, it is published on this website, you can download pdf or image file from here

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SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 Answer

/ By Jagobahe

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 is announced a few days ago. রসায়ন অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর. Rosayon Assignment Answer publish. রসায়ন অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট 2 উত্তর is also publish on our site. After publish the science group assignment on their website. As well as they also publish the Science Chemistry all week assignment question 2021. on their website. So, we collect all the Chemistry assignment question from the website and make SSC chemistry assignment solution 2021. All the examines of chemistry assignment papers must submit their assignment.

In this post, we are going to publish all the Chemistry assignment sheet 2021 on our website. So that all the students from class 10 assignment and SSC examines 2021 can easily solve the question. In this post, we’ll discuss all the maters of chemistry assignment form in details. So, SSC students who has a lot of confusion about chemistry assignment table can get all the answer from this post. You just need to follow all the questions carefully. After reading the question, you’ll find all the answers from this post. Step by step we are going to publish all the method of SSC chemistry assignment board.

Biology All Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 [Article] Physics All Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 Higher Math All Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 5th Week Question

SSC Chemistry 2nd step assignment is published today. As before the authority only publish the 2nd and 3rd week assignment question last week. So, in this step they publish the 5th week chemistry assignment question. As all we know that this is the SSC Chemistry Assignment 3 2021. because there is not chemistry 4th week assignment is available. In the 4th week authority didn’t announced any assignment. So, this is the chemistry assignment 3. Now wee need to discuss about the Chemistry assignment 5th week assignment answer. Follow the next section for the chemistry assignment question 5th week 2021 ssc.

So, 5th week chemistry ssc assignment question is little different. This is from the one of chapter from textbook. This question is belongs to chemical structure of the atoms. So, you need to carefully read the question before start writing answer 2021. Because you may need to write some mathematical calculation of their chemical reaction. So, read the 5th week chemistry assignment 2021 question before you start the writing of the solution. And please keep all the instruction in mins. See the image version of the SSC Chemistry Assignment question 5th week 2021.

ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

Download SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 5th Week Question

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 5th Week Answer

Now we already clearly know the chemistry 5th week question about. So, you have to listen carefully our instruction. Because in the last 3 week assignment answer we discuss the matter very well. So, the students of the SSC Assignment 2021 who follow our instruction get highest mark. So, if you have to plan to get a highest mark on the 5th week chemistry assignment answer then please do all the things we’ve asked for. An this step could help you to reach your goal. In the next section we make a 5th week Chemistry assignment solution written in details. So, read the next assignment answer very closely.

So, this is the most important part of the post. Because here is this section we are going to publish ssc chemistry 5th week assignment answer 2021. As we already learn about chemistry assignment question 5th week 2021 from the section above. So, now this is the time for answer the assignment answer. Let’s start the solution making part. Because this question is very important. So, you need to carefully follow all the rules and instruction of the question. Then follow your text book page number and you’ll able to easily write your 5th week chemistry assignment 2021 answer easily.

ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

Download SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 5th Week Answer

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 6th Week Question

After a long waiting of 2 days, Directorate of secondary and higher education just publish the Chemistry 6th week assignment question 2021. Now, we are happy to see the question that there is a lot of opportunity. We are continuously trying to solve all the subjects and papers assignment question. In its continuity, we are going to publish the 5th week ssc chemistry assignment 2021. From the morning a lot of students are requesting us to publish the chemistry assignment question 2021 6th week. So, we planed to publish the assignment question in below.

According to the ssc chemistry assignment 2021 question 6th week, we can see that, this is the question based on the text book chapter. So, there is all the question listed in the text book. So, chemistry 6th week assignment question is little different and much harder than last week. So, you must be careful when you are try to answer this 6th week chemistry assignment question 2021. If you feel you need to know all the instruction and mark distribution of ssc assignment then please check the attach ssc chemistry 6th week assignment answer below.

Download SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 6th Week Question

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 6th Week Answer

After complete the discussion on the chemistry assignment question 6th week. Now in this section we’ll talk about the details answer of the chemistry assignment answer 6th week 2021. So, carefully read the full question and all the instruction first. Before we publish the 6th week chemistry assignment answer 2021. You need to know all the guidelines. Because if you didn’t follow all the instruction while writing assignment answer. You’ll be get low mark on the final assignment result. So, follow al lthe rules of ssc chemistry assignment 2021 6th week. In below see the whole answer of the assignment.

Now this is the part for the 6th week ssc chemistry assignment answer 2021 making time. Please keep in mind that this is the ssc chemistry assignment 4 for exam 2021. Though it is publish on the 6th week but this is the ssc chemistry assignment 4. Because in this 2nd steps, There is no chemistry assignment on 4th week. So, you get your ssc chemistry assignment answer. Now write the whole answer in the paper and complete the cover page fill-up. After that attach the cover page of chemistry 6th week assignment to assignment paper. Then submit it to school.

Download SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 6th Week Answer

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 3rd Week Question

Last week we solve the SSC Chemistry assignment 2nd week answer. A lot of the students follow our Chemistry 2nd week assignment answer and they get high mark on that. So, there are also requesting this week to publish Chemistry 3rd week assignment answer. Though this is a very difficult task, but only for welfare of the SSC 2021 candidates we plan to make a chemistry 3rd week assignment solution. So, in this post we are going to publish the 3rd week chemistry assignment question and answer. Read the whole article.

Now we’ll discuss about chemistry 3rd week assignment answer 2021. So, this is the chemistry assignment 2 for submit. Chemistry 3rd week assignment question is Li, Be, Na, Mg মৌল চারটির ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাসের আলোকে পর্যায় সারণিতে অবস্থান, তুলনামূলক আয়োনিকরণ শক্তি এবং মৌল সংশ্লিষ্ট গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণীর বৈশিষ্ট সম্পর্কিত একটি প্রতিবেদন প্রণয়ন। So, the 3rd week answer is very clear to answer. This is very easy to do. In below we already publish this chemistry 3rd week assignment answer 2021. You just need to follow all the instruction and guide to complete your SSC Chemistry assignment 2021.

ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

Download SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 3rd week Question PDF

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 3rd Week Answer

Finally, we got the 3rd week ssc chemistry assignment question. As like before a lot of candidates follow your previous 2nd week chemistry assignment question and answer from our website. So, they submit their assignment following the question and answer guide. So, they get highest mark on the ssc chemistry assignment. That’s why they again request us to solve their ssc chemistry assignment 3rd week answer also. Though this is not the very easy task. But we still plan to make the answer for the students for great welfare.

According to the chemistry 3rd week question we can see that, there is a lot of atoms question. Li, Be, Na and Mg. We need to specify their present role on the periodic table. We also need to discuss about the relative ionization energy and finally we need to make a report on the the characteristics of the group or class corresponding to the element. So, the answer is very clear now. So, you can now write your assignment answer from this section. Follow all the instruction here and write your 3rd week ssc chemistry assignment answer 2021.

Download SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 3rd week Answer PDF

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 2nd Week Question

Now lets talk about the SSC Chemistry 2021 2nd week question. We already know about there are three week’s assignment is publish already. But in this three week, SSC Chemistry assignment need to submit only on 2nd week and 3rd week. There is no need to submit the SSC Chemistry assignment 2021 1st week. Because there is no syllabus for 1st week on assignment table. So, SSC Chemistry assignment 2021 2nd week question is now publish. In below check the question.

SSC Chemistry 2nd week question is প্রতীকের পাশে উল্লেখিত ভরসংখ্যাবিশিষ্ট মৌলের নিউট্রন সংখ্যা, বোর মডেল অনুসারে পরমাণু গঠনের চিত্র, শক্তিস্তরে ইলেক্ট্রন বিন্যাস এবং উপশক্তিস্তরে ইলেক্ট্রন বিন্যাস সংশ্লিষ্ট একটি প্রতিবেদন প্রণয়ন। So, check the question carefully. And the selected materials is Na(11), P(15), K(19) and Cu(29). According to the question below, this is the chemistry assignment 2nd week assignment from thirt chapter of textbook. So, open the chapter of the book and find answer for complete SSC Chemistry assignment answer 2021 2nd week.

ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 2nd week answer

SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 2nd Week Answer

So, from the above question we can see that, there we can see the Chemistry assignment question is from 3rd chapter of the text book. So, First lets discuss about the 3rd chapter. This is the chapter depend of The structure of matter. So, in this chapter all the subject are detailed on matter. How matter work, how its created etc is the topic of the chapter. Bohr model is one of the part of this chapter. Mass of the matter is also the part of this chapter. So, you have to keep that info mind when you are writing chemistry assignment answer on this chapter.

Now come to the question. 2nd week SSC Chemistry assignment question is one the matter of Sodium(Na), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) and Copper(Cu). So, first to make the answer of this chemistry assignment, read about this atom. After that you’ll be only able to write the answer of chemistry 2nd week answer. So, started reading the 3rd chapter of the textbook and start writing chemistry 2nd week assignment answer 2021.

Download SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 2nd week Answer PDF

SSC Science Group Assignment Question 2021

Before discuss about the SSC assignment 2021 chemistry, talk a little about the science group assignment 2021. Because all the students of the same group need to submit all the mandatory subjects assignment answer. So, if you are a student who submitting ssc chemistry assignment 2021, then you must submit all other physics, biology and higher mathematics ssc assignments also. We already make answer for these all science group assignment’s answer. So, link are listed in the below. Click on the specific link which subject you need assignment answer 2021.

So, there are 3 different group on the SSC exam. Example, Science, Arts and Commerce. Most importantly, mandatory subjects are different from each other group. And the authority only asked for mandatory subjects. So, SSC assignment will be different from each other group. Science group has only 4 compulsory subjects. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Higher Mathematics. So, you must submit all the subjects assignment answer 2021 if you are student of science. From the ssc chemistry assignment table, see details of subjects.

ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

SSC Chemistry All Week Assignment 2021

From the ssc chemistry assignment grade, we see that there are total 12 week for assignment. But Chemistry is listed on ssc chemistry assignment on guccho 2. So, you need to follow guccho 2 for assignment answer. On the guccho 2 there is only 8 week for submit assignment. So, there are 4 week interval in the middle for complete other week’s assignment answer. In this post, all the details information about SSC Chemistry assignment is discuss. All week chemistry assignment answer is also answer on the below.

As we see on the SSC Assignment notice that, there is 3 phase for submit the total 12 assignment. In the first phase, students needs to submit their 1st 3 week chemistry assignment answer. But in the 3 week of first week, chemistry assignment answer need to submit only on 2 week. SSC Chemistry 1st week assignment answer don’t need to submit. Chemistry assignment only need to submit only on 2nd week and 3rd week. After that, on the 2nd phase, chemistry assignment will be submit on 5th and 6th week. Finally at the 3rd and last phase Rosayon ssc assignment solution need to submit on 8th and 9th week.

All Week SSC Chemistry Assignment Question 2021

According to the assignment grid, you need to know the structure of the assignment. Because there are several topic on submit assignment for all week. Every SSC Assignment has two paper in different. So, you first clear that, when which paper need to submit. As there are total 12 week but 8 week chemistry assignment need to submit. So, plan is very important. As, Chemistry ssc assignment is not so easy to submit. Because this is one of the hard subject to make assignment solution.

Whatever, the good news is you didn’t need to submit your all ssc chemistry assignment at a time. You have a lot of time. Because they didn’t publish chemistry all week assignment question yet. In the first phase, they publish 2nd and 3rd week assignment. This is count as ssc chemistry assignment 1. Also they publish 3rd week chemistry assignment question. Which is count as chemistry ssc chemistry assignment 2. So, you need to make answer for Chemistry assignment answer 2021 step by step. Follow out chemistry assignment answer writing method below.

SSC All Week Chemistry Assignment Answer 2021

This is the most important part of the post. Because only for this section all the ssc students are searching for these article. Though above we already talk about SSC Chemistry assignment’s table, syllabus, mark distribution, all the subjects and chapters etc. We also talk about Chemistry Assignment all week question above. But all the students need to make answer for chemistry assignment. Though this process is already discussed above, but a few topic is rest yet. So, in this section we’ll talk details about SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer making for exam 2021.

Now, come to the point. How to make ssc chemistry assignment paper solution easily. Because you need to submit the assignment with answer of rosayon subject. If you follow our all the instruction in details you can easily complete the chemistry assignment answer. Though all of you know there is a weekly table for ssc chemistry subject answer. So, we need to discuss the Chemistry assignment answer making on week by week. SSC Chemistry assignment question is different from each week 2021. So, in below discuss about weekly chemistry assignment answer 2021.

Weekly Chemistry SSC Assignment Answer 2021

However, in this section we are going to publish the weekly Chemistry assignment answer. So, you can write your require SSC assignment answer from this article. We’re going to publish all the week’s assignment answer is this post. We follow the weekly chemistry assignment answer from the table of assignment. Now talk about the weekly schedule of chemistry assignment 2021. Chemistry subject has 8 week assignment schedule for SSC examines of 2021. Chemistry ssc chemistry assignment 2021 1st week answer is not needed. Because there is no assignment for 1st week.

SSC Chemistry assignment assignment answer is start from 2nd week. Because every week has only 1 assignment for every subject. And between total of 3 week every subject need to submit assignment only on 2 week. So, on this phase SSC Chemistry assignment need to answer for only 2nd and 3rd week. Letter, 5th and 6th week assignment need to submit. So, this week is already completed with 2nd and 3rd week assignment. This ssc chemistry assignment 2021 2nd week answer and ssc chemistry assignment 2021 3rd week answer already publish. Follow the post below.

All Week SSC Chemistry Assignment PDF Answer Download 2021

So, you already get all of your SSC Chemistry assignment answer from our post. Now you just need to type the assignment on your assignment. Please keep in mind when writing assignment in the papers that, you follow all the rules. We already discuss all the rules. If you have still any confusion please read the article again. You can follow our assignment answer and write it on your paper. After that, must fill up the SSC Chemistry assignment cover page and attach it with. If you have no idea about cover page please read our SSC Assignment 2021 all information and answer post in our blog.

Though some of candidates has problem to write the assignment answer on your paper. So, you can follow our guides. You may also download Chemistry Assignment answer 2021 from here. After download the chemistry all week assignment answer pdf please print from local computer shop. After that print the assignment cover page. Carefully fill up all the information on the cover and attach it to the assignment. So, now your assignment is ready to submit. If all the steps are done then please submit it to the school and authority to get high marks.

Need any help to solve Chemistry Assignment?

We already discuss about everything on this post. How to write chemistry assignment answer. Also what are the SSC Chemistry assignment syllabus and table. How to make a solution of Chemistry assignment question. How to download SSC Chemistry assignment question pdf file. Most importantly, how to make the answer for chemistry assignment. So, all the student and examines of SSC exam 2021 will get benefited from this post. Though all the things is ready, you may found any information missing from the blog.

So, after read the whole article and the time of writing SSC Chemistry assignment if you found some info missing. Or there something is inappropriate of chemistry question or answer, then please comment in the below. Whatever if you found any wrong answer and you have the correct one. Please comment the answer in comment. So, many of candidates can get right chemistry assignment answer 2021. Please follow our Facebook page for more update. You can also join our Facebook Group to stay connected with other students. Thanks for reading the answers.

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Chakrir Khobor

SSC Chemistry 2022 Assignment Solution PDF File – 14th Week

Secondary School Certificate had to be submitted for SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2022 for 14th weeks. There website has been published chemistry assignment ssc full question solution 14th week. We also posted and you can get here your SSC ten class Chemistry assignment solution pictures and PDF files at You want to get SSC Assignment questions and answers to keep reading below. You can get the ssc chemistry Assignment 2022 all Board.

Chemistry assignment atoms and particles: their organization, structure, properties. We try a full assignment solution for class SSC. Most of the Assignment finder many time fine Chemistry Assignment ten Class pdf download. Like different classes, the position will uncover ninth week Chemistry Assignment Answer.

SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2022- 14th Week

All Education Board start all subject Assignment and will end on maybe December 2022. SSC Chemistry assignments start in June and end in December 2022. Students can also check their SSC Chemistry 1st paper assignments question solve on these websites. This year newly start Assignment answer 2022 all board on their website.

How to do Chemistry Assignment Answer 2022?

It would be ideal if you’re Assignment and ensure you are following the procedure appropriately. Here you go. On the off chance that you don’t think about the SSC Class Chemistry Assignment process, this area will improve your insight in a matter of seconds.

Chemistry Assignment Solution Download 2022

All candidates who are filled the ssc Assignment application form can download your Assignment 2022 . SSC Chemistry Assignment 2022 PDF Download. SSC Education Board has recently released the notification regarding the ssc Assignment Exam solution 2022 exam dates check on the official Website. I realize who lost his employment because of lockdown. Nonetheless, since the understudies need to offer their own input, they need to reply.

ssc chemistry assignment

How to install Chemistry Assignment for 2022?

So all People Keep read this article and know all details here. See here SSC Class Chemistry Assignment Answer, Pdf question solution; full off Marks all details given on this Page. Check also ssc Chemistry Assignment submit Date 2022 and Download link on this page. Check assignment Date Of School 2022. So all Applicants continue to read our article and know all details.

How to get Chemistry paper Assignment Answer?

Well, it’s quite obvious most of the students in Chemistry are belongs from all area, they may not have the facility of Computer, Laptop or Android MOBILE, if you are not able to check your Assignment, then you can get your schools. All education Board facilities get SSC Chemistry Answer.

When Chemistry Assignment will be Start 2022?

To whom it may concern & get bet Class Ten class Chemistry Assignment of All board and you try to see here. You cannot know to check and follow these rules.

14th Week Ten class Chemistry Assignment answer

In conclusion, Every Assignment seeker knows published all type of Assignment with an answer pdf file. This Notice also found on my website. Finally, you can understand get the total subject Chemistry Assignment all board 2022. So you have to connect for their address. In conclusion, for the next update about update assignment Notice. Finally 14th Week Class Chemistry Assignment etc. So stay with us.


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SSC Chemistry Assignment 2022 Answer 9th week

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ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

SSC 6th Week Assignment Question & Sample Answer 2021

Sixth-week assignment question & sample answer for SSC candidates 2021. SSC 6th week Solution 2021 is available on our website. IIn this article, you will find all homework topic sample solutions published in the current week. Additionally, you can download all assignment answer as a PDF file.

SSC 6th Week Assignment Question & Sample Answer 2021

Class 10 assignment is essential for the evaluation of the SSC students. So, every student should complete their SSC assignment 2021 carefully so that they can get a good evaluation for their assignment.

On 23rd August 2021, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) published a notice about the SSC assignment question for 2021. DSHE announced SSC 6 th week assignments of these following subjects:

  • Geography & Environment
  • Finance & Banking
  • Civics and Citizenship
  • Higher Mathematics

SSC Assignment 2021 6th Week Question & Solution

In total, there are 8 assignments are given in the notice. In this post, we are going to provide you all of them and if you are tired of finding SSC week assignment answer 2021 for 6th week, you can expect them here as well.

If you are following our posts from earlier, you should receive detailed SSC assignment 2021 updates regularly with sample answers.


Assignment Question PDF

Note: Every student has to complete a total of 24 assignments for the given subjects according to their groups/sections. The sixth assignment was published on 23 August and you have to complete it all before the deadline. Then, you should submit your assignment to your class teacher by maintaining covid-19 safety protocols. However, let’s check out the 6 th -week assignments.

Geography & Environment Assignment

Here is the SSC 6 th week assignment for the History of Geography & Environment subject. An important subject for the students. Many students have some problems with this subject. Many students do not know the import geography. That’s the reason, you have to complete this subject’s assignment with proper knowledge.


  Chemistry Assignment

Here is the assignment for the SSC 6 th week for the Chemistry subject. Chemistry is a compulsory subject for the SSC science group students. As Chemistry is an important and compulsory subject for the SSC science group students, science students should carefully complete this assignment.


Biology Assignment


Accounting Assignment

DSHE published the following 6 th -week assignment for the Accounting subject. Accounting is a major subject of the SSC business studies group.


Finance & Banking Assignment

Here is the assignment for the 6 th week for the Finance & Banking subject published by DSHE officials. You are requested to complete it with a careful mind because this is an important subject from the business studies group.


Economics Assignment

Economics is a relatively difficult subject for SSC humanities students than any other subject. DSHE allotted economic assignments for the 6th week for  Arts groups students. Here we have added 6th week SSC economics assignment question & sample answer link.


Civics and Citizenship Assignment


  Higher mathematics Assignment

An optional subject for the students of the science group. But it is a significant subject for a science student. Check the 6 th -week assignment for the Higher mathematics subject provided by DSHE. If you are finding it hard to solve, don’t worry. Take help from our sample answers.


We hope all students will complete the SSC 2021 6 th week assignment cordially and submit the assignment in time by maintaining covid-19 safety issues. Keep eyes on our website for the SSC 2021 assignment and the other assignments with their answer. Further updates about SSC assignment 2021 will be provided soon.

Important tips for the SSC 2021 students

  • Gain proper knowledge about a topic.
  • Solve tricky math problems.
  • Read your NCTB books and try to develop the habit of reading books.
  • Try to get a good sleep at night.
  • Keep patience when you are learning something.
  • Do exercise in the morning.
  • Be a pious person.

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SSC Chemistry Assignment 3rd Week Answer 2021

SSC Chemistry Assignment 3rd Week Answer 2021 – SSC assignment 2021 chemistry 3rd week – SSC assignment chemistry 3rd week answer

SSC Chemistry Assignment 3rd Week Answer 2021

SSC Chemistry 3rd Week Assignment 2021. SSC 2021 Chemistry Assignment Answers have been assigned for SSC Candidates 2021 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, and 12th week’s assignment. A total of 8 Assignment answers have to be submitted for SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021. The full Marks for these eight assignments will be 50. SSC 2021 Chemistry Assignment for 2nd and 3rd week has already been published. The next week’s assignment will be published after the submission of these two weeks’ solutions.

SSC Chemistry 3rd Week Assignment 2021

Chemistry assignment for 3rd week has been published for the candidates of SSC science branch of 2021. The “Chapter Three: The Structure of Matter” section is scheduled for the second week. Read the scheduled chapter well and practice and write the answer to the assigned question for the assignment. If you want, you can take a look at the chemistry assignment solution we have created.

SC Chemistry Assignment 3rd Week Answer 2021, Dear Examiners of the SSC 2021 Science Department, The SSC Exam 2021 Chemistry 1st Week Assignment for you has been selected. SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 & 2022 question and answer is available here. SSC 2021 exam candidates and SSC 2022 exam candidates, both Chemistry 2nd week, the 3rd-week assignment has been published. So we give all the solutions to the SSC Chemistry Assignment.

SSC candidates have their first assignment in the Chemistry subject in the 3rd Week. Chemistry is determined from the third chapter of the first assignment. The title of the third chapter is the structure of matter. SSC chemistry assignment 3rd week. How a substance is formed and the different states of matter are discussed in this chapter. Thus, from the 3rd-week chemistry assignment of SSC, we will learn about the composition of matter. In order to solve the SSC 3rd week chemistry assignment correctly, one has to acquire detailed knowledge about substances and the basics of matter. chemistry assignment SSC 2021 1st week answer

Otherwise, it is not possible to give the answer to SSC 3rd week chemistry assignment correctly. So before writing the solution or answer of the SSC 3rd week chemistry assignment one must acquire knowledge about the content of the assignment.SSC assignment 2021 3rd week answer

SSC Chemistry Assignment

Here the structure of the atom according to the Bohr model should be mentioned along with the diagram and also the electron configuration of energy level and sub-energy level should be discussed. So those examinees who are worried about SSC 3rd Week chemistry assignment should follow our instructions. We will provide guidance on the solution of the 3rd Week assignment of chemistry or writing the answer sheet. Also for the convenience of students, we will upload the solution or answer of SSC 3rd Week chemistry assignment in PDF format. If anyone wants to download the solution or answer to 3rd Week chemistry assignment then visit our website. SSC assignment 2021 chemistry 3rd week

chemistry assignment SSC 2021

Students need to follow a number of guidelines for writing the solution or answer of the 3rd Week chemistry assignment. Creating a solution or answer to the assignment by following the instructions below will definitely yield excellent results. As a result, it will be helpful to make the results of SSC 2021 better. Now I will give the instructions so that the students can create chemistry assignments in a good way by following them. The answer must be the number of neutrons of 4 elements. SSC assignment chemistry 1st week

Chemistry 3rd Week Assignment

Also the structure of the atom according to the model of 4 elements has to be described with diagrams. Electron arrangement should be shown in the energy level of 4 elements. It is also necessary to show the electron configuration of the sub-layer of 4 elements. If you follow the above guidelines and create a solution or answer sheet for the chemistry assignment, you will definitely get very good results. SSC chemistry assignment 2021 answer SSC assignment 2021 3rd week answer

SSC 3rd week assignment answer

We can learn a lot from the chemistry assignment of SSC 3rd Week. For example, we can calculate the number of electrons, protons and neutrons in an atom. Rutherford and Bohr will also be able to describe the atomic model of atomic structure. I can arrange the electrons of the atom in different orbits of the atom and in different layers of the orbit.

SSC 2021 Chemistry Assignment 3rd week Answer

এসএসসি ২০২১ অ্যাসাইনমেন্টের ৩য় সপ্তাহে রসায়ন বিষয়নি নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে। রসায়ন বিষয়ে এটি দ্বিতীয় অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট। তৃতীয় সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনেমেন্ট চতুর্থ অধ্যায়েল পর্যা সারণি নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে। অধ্যায়টি ভালোভাবে পড়ো এবং অনুশীলন করে তোমার সমাধান তৈরি করো। তোমার রসায়ন ৩য় সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান করার সময় অবশ্যই ইলেক্ট্রন বিন্যাস করে মৌল চারটির পর্যায় সারণির পর্যায় নির্ণয় করতে হবে, ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস করে মৌল চারটর পর্যায় সারণির গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণি নির্ণয় করতে হবে, পর্যায় সারণির একই পর্যায় এবং একই গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণিতে পাশাপাশি অবস্থিত আয়নিকরণ শক্তির তুলনা করবে এবং মৌল সংশ্লিষ্ট গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণির বৈশিষ্ট উল্লেখ করবে। তুমি চাইলে আাদের তৈরি করা রসায়ন ৩য় সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট দেখে নিতে পারো।

SSC assignment 2021 chemistry 3rd week Answer 2021

স্তরঃ এস.এস.সি পরীক্ষা ২০২১

বিভাগঃ বিজ্ঞান

বিষয়ঃ রসায়ন

বিষয় কোডঃ ১৩৭

মোট নম্বরঃ ১৬

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট নম্বর-০২

অধ্যায় ও শিরােনামঃ চতুর্থ অধ্যায়: পর্যায় সারণি

অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ Li, Be, Na, Mg মৌল চারটির ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাসের আলােকে পর্যায় সারণিতে অবস্থান, তুলনামূলক আয়নিকরণ শক্তি এবং মৌল সংশ্লিষ্ট গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণির বৈশিষ্ট্য সম্পর্কিত একটি প্রতিবেদন প্রণয়ন;


১. মৌলের সর্ববহিঃস্তর শক্তিস্তরের ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাসের সাথে পর্যায় সারণির প্রধান গ্রুপগুলাের সম্পর্ক নির্ণয় করতে পারব (প্রথম ৩০ টি মৌল)

২. একটি মৌলের পর্যায় শনাক্ত করতে পারব।

৩. পর্যায় সারণিতে কোনাে মৌলের অবস্থান জেনে এর ভৌত ও রাসায়নিক ধর্ম সম্পর্কে ধারণা করতে পারব।

৪. মৌলসমূহের বিশেষ নামকরণের কারণ বলতে পারব।

৪. পর্যায় সারণি অনুসরণ করে মৌলসমূহের ধর্ম অনুমানে আগ্রহ প্রদর্শন করতে পারব।

নির্দেশনা (সংকেত/ধাপ/পরিধি):

১. ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস করে মৌল চারটির পর্যায় সারণির পর্যায় নির্ণয় করতে হবে ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস করে মৌল চারটির পর্যায় সারণির গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণি নির্ণয় করতে হবে।

২. পর্যায় সারণির একই পর্যায় এবং একই গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণিতে পাশাপাশি অবস্থিত মৌলের আয়নিকরণ শক্তির তুলনা করতে হবে।

৩. মৌল সংশ্লিষ্ট গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণির বৈশিষ্ট্য উল্লেখ করতে হবে।

অধ্যায় ০৪ পর্যায় সারণি অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট :

Li Be Na Mg

মৌল চারটির ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাসের আলোকে পর্যায় সারণিতে অবস্থান, তুলনামূলক আয়নিকরণ শক্তি এবং মৌল সংশ্লিষ্ট গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণির বৈশিষ্ট্যদ সম্পর্কিত একটি প্রতিবেদন প্রণয়ন।

নমুনা সমাধান

(ক) মৌলগুলাের ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস লক্ষ্য করলে দেখা যাবে যে, লিথিয়াম (Li) এর ক্ষেত্রে সর্বশেষ ইলেকট্রন দ্বিতীয় শক্তি স্তরে প্রবেশ করেছে। তাই আমরা বলতে পারি, Li(3) এর পর্যায় হচ্ছে 2।

অনুরূপভাবে, FT বেরিলিয়াম (Be) এর ক্ষেত্রে সর্বশেষ ইলেকট্রন দ্বিতীয় শক্তি স্তরে প্রবেশ করেছে। তাই আমরা বলতে পারি, Mg(12) এরপর যায় হচ্ছে 3।

(খ) গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণি নির্ণয় :

প্রশ্নে উল্লেখিত মৌলগুলাের ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস :

ssc chemistry assignment 8 week

মৌলগুলাের ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস লক্ষ্য করলে দেখা যাবে যে, লিথিয়াম (Li) এর ক্ষেত্রে সর্ববহিঃস্থ শক্তিস্তরে একটিমাত্র ইলেকট্রন রয়েছে। তাই আমরা বলতে পারি,Li(3) এর গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 1।

অনুরূপভাবে, বেরিলিয়াম (Be) এর ক্ষেত্রে সর্ববহিঃস্থ শক্তিস্তরে দুইটি ইলেকট্রন রয়েছে।

তাই আমরা বলতে পারি, Be(4) এর গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 2। সােডিয়াম (Na) এর ক্ষেত্রে সর্ববহিঃস্থ শক্তিস্তরে একটিমাত্র ইলেকট্রন রয়েছে। তাই আমরা বলতে পারি, Na(11) এর গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 1। ম্যাগনেসিয়াম (Mg) এর ক্ষেত্রে সর্ববহিঃস্থ শক্তিস্তরে দুইটি ইলেকট্রন রয়েছে। তাই আমরা বলতে পারি, Mg(12) এর গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 2।

(গ) তুলনামূলক আয়নীকরণ শক্তি :

আমরা জানি, একই পর্যায়ে যত বাম দিক থেকে ডান দিকে যাওয়া যায়, অর্থাৎ পারমাণবিক সংখ্যা যত বাড়তে থাকে পরমাণুর আকার ততােই হ্রাস পেতে থাকে। আর পারমাণবিক আকার হ্রাস পেলে পরমাণুর আয়নীকরণ শক্তি বাড়ে। কারণ, এতে একটি করে ইলেকট্রন যুক্ত হয় এবং নিউক্লিয়াসের সাথে আকর্ষণ বেড়ে যায়।

আবার, একই গ্রুপে উপর থেকে নিচে আসলে একটি করে নতুন শক্তিস্তর যুক্ত হয়। এর ফলে পারমাণবিক ব্যাসার্ধ বেড়ে যায়। ফলে আয়নিকরণ শক্তি কমে যায়। অর্থাৎ এখানে বেরিলিয়ামের (Be) আয়নীকরণ শক্তির মান সবচেয়ে বেশি।

আয়নিকরণ শক্তির ক্রম হবে নিম্নরূপ : 𝐵𝑒>𝐿𝑖>𝑀𝑔>𝑁𝑎 ।

(ঘ) মৌল সংশ্লিষ্ট গ্রুপ বা শ্রেণির বৈশিষ্ট্য :

প্রশ্নে উল্লেখিত মৌলগুলাের ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস লক্ষ্য করলে আমরা দেখতে পাই যে, Li(3) এর গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 1। Be(4) এর গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 2। Na(11) এর গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 1। Mg(12) এর গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 2।

অর্থাৎ লিথিয়াম (Li) এবং সােডিয়াম (Na) একই গ্রুপে অবস্থিত এবং তাদের গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 1। আবার বেরিলিয়াম (Be) এবং ম্যাগনেসিয়াম (Mg) একই গ্রুপে অবস্থিত এবং তাদের গ্রুপ হচ্ছে 2.

গ্রুপ -1 (ক্ষার ধাতু)

পর্যায় সারণির ১নং গ্রুপে ৭টি মৌল আছে। এদের মধ্যে হাইড্রোজেন ছাড়া বাকি ৬ টি মৌলকে (লিথিয়াম, সােডিয়াম, পটাশিয়াম, রুবিডিয়াম, সিজিয়াম এবং ফ্রানসিয়াম ) ফ্রানসিয়াম) ক্ষারধাতু বলে।

এই ছয়টি মৌলের প্রত্যেকটি পানিতে দ্রবীভূত হয়ে এই ছয়টি মৌলের প্রত্যেকটি পানিতে দ্রবীভূত হয়ে হাইড্রোজেন গ্যাস এবং ক্ষার তৈরি করে বলে এদেরকে ক্ষারধাতু (Alkali Metals) বলা হয়।

এ ধাতু গুলাে খুবই সক্রিয়। এরা আয়নিক বন্ধন গঠন করে। এরা নরম ও চকচকে হয়।

গ্রুপ- 2 (মৃৎক্ষার ধাতু)

পর্যায় সারণির ২নং গ্রুপে বেরিলিয়াম, ম্যাগনেসিয়াম, ক্যালসিয়াম, স্ট্রনসিয়াম, বেরিয়াম এবং রেডিয়াম এই ৫ টি মৌল আছে। এই মৌলগুলােকে মৃৎক্ষার ধাতু বলে।

এই ধাতুগুলােকে মাটিতে বিভিন্ন যৌগ হিসেবে পাওয়া যায়।

আবার, এরা ক্ষার তৈরি করে। এজন্য সামগ্রিকভাবে এদের মৃৎক্ষার ধাতু (Alkaline Earth Metals)।

এদের হাইড্রোক্সাইড গুলাে এসিডের সাথে বিক্রিয়া করে লবণ ও পানি উৎপন্ন করে। এরা আয়নিক বন্ধন গঠন করে।

SSC Chemistry 2nd Week Assignment 2021

SSC candidates have their first assignment in the Chemistry subject in the 2nd Week. Chemistry is determined from the third chapter of the first assignment. The title of the third chapter is the structure of matter. SSC chemistry assignment 2nd week. How a substance is formed and the different states of matter are discussed in this chapter. Thus, from the 2nd-week chemistry assignment of SSC, we will learn about the composition of matter. In order to solve the SSC 2nd week chemistry assignment correctly, one has to acquire detailed knowledge about substances and the basics of matter. chemistry assignment SSC 2021 1st week answer

Otherwise, it is not possible to give the answer to SSC 2nd week chemistry assignment correctly. So before writing the solution or answer of the SSC 2nd week chemistry assignment one must acquire knowledge about the content of the assignment.SSC assignment 2021 2nd week answer

SSC 2nd week assignment answer

We can learn a lot from the chemistry assignment of SSC 2nd Week. For example, we can calculate the number of electrons, protons and neutrons in an atom. Rutherford and Bohr will also be able to describe the atomic model of atomic structure. I can arrange the electrons of the atom in different orbits of the atom and in different layers of the orbit.

assignment SSC 2021 2nd week answer chemistry

ssc assignment 2021 chemistry 2nd week

মোট নম্বরঃ ১০

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট নম্বর-০১

অধ্যায় ও অধ্যায়ের শিরােনামঃ  তৃতীয়, পদার্থের গঠন।

অ্যাসাইনমেন্টঃ  প্রতীকের পাশে উল্লেখিত ভরসংখ্যাবিশিষ্ট মৌলের নিউট্রন সংখ্যা, বাের মডেল অনুসারে পরমাণুর গঠনের চিত্র, শক্তিস্তরে ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস এবং উপশক্তিস্তরে (অরবিটালসমূহে) ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস সংশ্লিষ্ট একটি প্রতিবেদন প্রণয়ন।

Na(11), ভরসংখ্যা -23 P(15), ভরসংখ্যা -31 K(19), ভরসংখ্যা -40 Cu(29), ভরসংখ্যা -63

১. পরমাণু ইলেকট্রন, প্রােটন ও নিউট্রন সংখ্যা হিসাব করতে পারব। ২. পরমাণুর গঠন সম্পর্কে রাদারফোর্ড ও বাের পরমাণু মডেলের বর্ণনা করতে পারব। ৩. পরমাণুর বিভিন্ন কক্ষপথ এবং কক্ষপথের বিভিন্ন উপস্তরে পরমাণুর ইলেকট্রনসমূহকে বিন্যাস করতে পারব।

৪টি মৌলের নিউট্রন সংখ্যার হিসাব বের করতে হবে। ৪টি মৌলের বাের মডেল অনুসারে পরমাণুর গঠনের চিত্র অংকন করতে হবে ৪টি মৌলের শক্তিস্তরে ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস করতে হবে ৪টি মৌলের উপশক্তিস্তরে (অরবিটালসমূহে) ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস করতে হবে।

অধ্যায় ৩ পদার্থের গঠন

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট :  প্রতীকের পাশে উল্লেখিত ভরসংখ্যাবিশিষ্ট মৌলের নিউট্রন সংখ্যা, বোর মডেল অনুসারে পরমাণুর গঠনের চিত্র, শক্তস্তরে ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস এবং উপশক্তিস্তরে (অরবিটালসমূহে) ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস সংশ্লিষ্ট একটি প্রতিবেদন প্রণয়ন।

(ক) নিউট্রন সংখ্যা হিসাব : Na মৌলের নিউট্রন সংখ্যা =23−11=12 P মৌলের নিউট্রন সংখ্যা =31−15=16 K মৌলের নিউট্রন সংখ্যা =40−19=21 Cu মৌলের নিউট্রন সংখ্যা =63−29=34

বোর মডেল অনুসারে পরমানুর গঠনের চিত্র অঙ্কন :

𝑁𝑎Na এর ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস-

বোর মডেল অনুসারে পরমানুর গঠনের চিত্র অঙ্কন

(গ) শক্তিস্তরে ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস

শক্তিস্তরে ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস

উপশক্তিস্তরে (অরবিটাল সমূহে) ইলেকট্রন বিন্যাস –

আমরা জানি, n=1 এর জন্য উপশক্তিস্তর ০ থেকে (n−1) পর্যন্ত। তাই প্রথম শক্তিস্তরে একটি উপশক্তিস্তর বিদ্যমান =1𝑠 𝑛=2 হলে, উপশক্তিস্তর হল = 2𝑠, 2p n=3 হলে, উপশক্তি স্তর হল = 3𝑠, 3p, 3d n=4 হলে, উপশক্তি স্তর হল = 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f

s উপশক্তিস্তরে থাকে সর্বোচ্চ ২টি ইলেকট্রন। 𝑝 উপশক্তিস্তরে থাকে সর্বোচ্চ ৬টি ইলেকট্রন। d উপশক্তিস্তরে থাকে সর্বোচ্চ ১০টি ইলেকট্রন। f উপশক্তিস্তরে থাকে সর্বোচ্চ ১৪টি ইলেকট্রন।

পরমাণুর অরবিটালের ক্রমবর্ধমান শক্তিগুলো : 1𝑠 <2𝑠 <2𝑝 <3𝑠< 3𝑝 <4𝑠 <3𝑑

পরমাণুর অরবিটালের ক্রমবর্ধমান শক্তিগুলো

এসএসসি প্রথম সপ্তাহের এসাইনমেন্ট ২০২১

 ১ম সপ্তাহের পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান 

বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস ও বিশ্বসভ্যতা 

ফিন্যান্স ও ব্যাংকিং 

ব্যবসায় উদ্যোগ

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ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর

বিজ্ঞান এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর

বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্বপরিচয়  এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর

ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর হিসাব বিজ্ঞান এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর অর্থনীতি এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর পৌরনীতি ও সুশাসন এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর যুক্তিবিদ্যা এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর

তাছাড়া আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে  (  Class 6  )  ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণীর অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট  , (  Class 7  )  সপ্তম শ্রেণীর অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট  (  Class 8  )  অষ্টম শ্রেণীর অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট  , ( Class 9 )  নবম শ্রেণীর অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট , ( SSC  )  দশম শ্রেণীর অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট  (  HSC  )  একাদশ শ্রেণীর অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট  উত্তর দেওয়া হয়ে থাকে আপনারা চাইলে দেখতে পারেন ।

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  1. SSC 8th Week Assignment Question 2021 PDF

    Anyway, here is the 8 th week assignment of the Chemistry subject for the science group students of SSC 2021. You should revise the 5th chapter. Otherwise, you may find it hard to complete this assignment. Higher Math. Here is the 8 th week assignment of the Higher Math subject for the science group students of SSC 2021. Go to your main book ...

  2. SSC Chemistry Assignment 2022 Answer (9th, 8th, 6th, 5th Week)

    SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 & 2022 question and answer is available here. SSC 2021 exam candidates and SSC 2022 exam candidates, both Chemistry 2nd week, 3rd week, 5th week, 6th week, 8th week, 9th week assignment has been published. So we give all the solutions to the SSC Chemistry Assignment. SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 is for SSC Exam ...

  3. SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022 Answer PDF Download

    SSC 2021 8th Week Assignment. The Department of Education has fixed a total of eight subjects for SSC 2021 students in the 8th week. For example, Accounting, Business Entrepreneurship, History and World Civilization of Bangladesh, Politics and Citizenship, Geography and Environment, Physics, Advanced Mathematics, and Chemistry.

  4. SSC 8th Week Assignment 2022 Question Answer (PDF Download)

    Answer for SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 Science Group: Three elective subjects have been chosen for the Science Group's for SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021. Physics, Chemistry and Higher Math Assignment work to SSC candidates for the Science Department in the Eighth Week is assigned to students by DSHE for all education board in Bangladesh.

  5. 14th Week SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2022 Pdf

    Given below 6th Week Question and answer. 14th Week SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2022 is given in this post which will be helpful for the SSC candidates 2022. On, 6th September 2022 9th week assignment has been published so students get Chemistry assignment question pdf and answer download.

  6. 24Teach BD

    September 8, 2021 · # SSC 2021 # 8th week # Chemistry Assignment Solve # এসএসসি 8th week # রসায়ন এসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান।

  7. Top 50 Chemistry Questions For SSC Exams PDF (GD, CGL, CHSL ...

    Download TOP 50 SSC CHEMISTRY QUESTIONS. FREE SSC EXAM YOUTUBE VIDEOS. Question 1: What is the common characteristic of the elements of the same group in the periodic table? a) Electrons in outer most shell. b) Total number of electrons. c) Total number of protons. d) Atomic weight.

  8. SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week chemistry|| SSC 2021 assignment ...

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  9. SSC 2022 Chemistry Assignment Answer (9th Week)

    SSC 2022 Chemistry Assignment Answer: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the SSC 2022 Assignment Answer for the Chemistry Subjects.The Assignment work, Questions with solutions are available at DSHE is published the SSC Chemistry 9th Week Assignment on 25th January 2022.Students now can check the assignment question and answer from the below ...

  10. NRoll Academy

    SSC Assignment 2021 Chemistry 8th Week English Version Answer!! Is this Useful?? #8thweekssc #chemitryassignment

  11. Worksheets / Assignments

    Assignment/ Worksheet: English: ASSIGNMENT 1.pdf ASSIGNMENT 2.pdf ASSIGNMENT 3.pdf Assignment 4 .pdf ASSIGNMENT 5.pdf ASSIGNMENT 6.pdf ASSIGNMENT 7.pdf ASSIGNMENT 8 .pdf ASSIGNMENT 9.pdf: Accountancy: XII_Accountancy_assignmnent no.1_fundamentals.pdf XII_Accountancy_assignment no.2_Goodwill & Change in profit sharing ratio.pdf

  12. SSC Chemistry notes 8th Chapter Chemistry and Energy

    SSC Chemistry notes 8th Chapter Chemistry and Energy. In fact, a chemical bond is a store of energy. Energy is associated with formation and breaking of chemical bonds. As the number of changing in chemical bond happened in the world, in all cases transformation of energy happened. We perform us every day works using the energy of the changes ...

  13. SSC Assignment Question & Answer For 2021 Exam

    SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2021. ... Science group students have been published biology assignment for a total of 8 weeks. SSC 1st week biology assignment answer 2021 is available on our website. Science students will submit assignments on biology subjects as their departmental subject. The topics of the assignments are taken from the ...

  14. 8th Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 Science Art,s Business

    SSC 2021 Assignment Answer Chemistry 8th week. SSC Chemistry is one of the difficult subjects for many students because of the formulas that most people feel. Most of the candidates fail to qualify in the exam due to a lack of guidance in knowing the pattern and solving the problems. Here comes the use of the SSC 2021 Chemistry Assignment ...

  15. SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2021 All weeks

    SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2021 has been Published. Solutions has been Published for SSC Science Group Students 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th Weeks.

  16. SSC Assignment 2021 Answer PDF 8th Week Answer

    Kindly click on the link below to download the 8th week SSC Assignment 2021 PDF File for Science, Business Studies ( Commerce), and Humanities Groups. Board of Secondary Education, will release the SSC SSS assignment answer in the month of July 2021. Now we were given this assignment online on this page. Now download your 5th-week assignment ...

  17. Dakhil All Class Assignment Answer 2021

    Dakhil class 8 assignment syllabus has been uncovered. All Subject assignment is given below. ... SSC 8th Week Assignment Question 2021 PDF. Class 9 Assignment Question 2021 (15th Week) ... HSC Chemistry 1st Paper Question Solution 2023- All Board August 19, 2024; HSC Higher Math 1st Paper Question Solution 2023 August 19, ...

  18. SSC 2021 (4th Week) Assignment PDF Download

    The SSC Assignment Program will prepare students for the SSC Exam 2021 through this 2021 SSC Exam Assignment. Students of Class 10 will receive the SSC 2021 assignment. DSHE will give assignment for Three elective subjects (i.e. science, humanities, and business studies) have been chosen for each group Compulsory and fourth-subject assignments ...

  19. SSC Chemistry Assignment 2021 Answer

    Now talk about the weekly schedule of chemistry assignment 2021. Chemistry subject has 8 week assignment schedule for SSC examines of 2021. Chemistry ssc chemistry assignment 2021 1st week answer is not needed. Because there is no assignment for 1st week. SSC Chemistry assignment assignment answer is start from 2nd week.

  20. SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2022- 14th week pdf

    SSC Chemistry 2022 Assignment Solution PDF File - 14th Week. March 3, 2022 by Desk Job. Secondary School Certificate had to be submitted for SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2022 for 14th weeks. There website has been published chemistry assignment ssc full question solution 14th week. We also posted and you can get here your SSC ten class ...

  21. SSC Chemistry Assignment 2022 Answer 9th week

    SSC Chemistry Assignment 2022 Answer has been Prepared. It has been Published for SSC Examination 2022 Candidates who are in Class Ten right Now. ... SSC Chemistry Assignment 2022 Answer 9th week. There is currently no content classified with this term. Zircon ...

  22. SSC 6th Week Assignment Question & Sample Answer 2021

    Sixth-week assignment question & sample answer for SSC candidates 2021. SSC 6th week Solution 2021 is available on our website. IIn this article, you will find all homework topic sample solutions published in the current week. Additionally, you can download all assignment answer as a PDF file. SSC 6th Week Assignment Question & Sample Answer 2021

  23. SSC Chemistry Assignment 3rd Week Answer 2021

    Thus, from the 2nd-week chemistry assignment of SSC, we will learn about the composition of matter. In order to solve the SSC 2nd week chemistry assignment correctly, one has to acquire detailed knowledge about substances and the basics of matter. chemistry assignment SSC 2021 1st week answer