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20 Funny Quotes About Writing

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Hey friends! I’ve always been a fan of inspirational quotes about writing, and sometimes, funny quotes can be the most inspirational of all. I thought you might enjoy some of these quotes for writers. Writing can be challenging, but there’s a comfort in knowing that most of us are dealing with the same things.

It’s funny, but just putting this post together made me feel more like writing. I’m just finishing up a nonfiction project, and I’m feeling excited about making fiction writing part of my life again!

I hope you’ll find one or two motivational writing quotes in here, too…or maybe they’ll just make you smile.

"20 FUNNY QUOTES ABOUT WRITING; See if you can relate!" smiley post it note on keyboard

“Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.”

– Gene Fowler

When I worked at the writing studio at Hallmark Cards, a mixed media art piece featuring this quote hung in one of the conference rooms. A similar quote has been attributed to Ernest Hemingway, though there’s no evidence whatsoever that he said it. You can’t always be positive about Internet attributions! One greeting card quote I wrote while at Hallmark is now popularly attributed to Angelica Jolie, and I doubt Ms. Jolie ever claimed it for her own.

“The first draft of anything is s***.”

– Ernest Hemingway

I bet he actually did say this. In a weird way, it’s one of the great inspirational quotes for writers, because it’s so reassuring!

“You must keep sending work out; you must never let a manuscript do nothing but eat its head off in a drawer.”

– Isaac Asimov

That’s such a great image, isn’t it? He goes on to encourage writers to keep sending out their work, saying persistence will lead to success.

“Once you get to naming your laptop, you know that you’re really having a deep relationship with it.”

– Cory Doctorow

I’ll be honest: I love my laptop (a rose gold Mac) and this quote made me want to name it. You can check out Cory’s website here .

“Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women – and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do.”

– John Keating (played by Robin Williams), Dead Poets Society, screenplay by Tom Schulman

Of course, women aren’t the only people getting wooed by writers!

“Sure, it’s simple, writing for kids… Just as simple as bringing them up.”

– Ursula K. LeGuin

I think any writer of children’s books or YA can appreciate that one.

“Nothing’s a better cure for writer’s block than to eat ice cream right out of the carton.”

– Don Roff

I don’t know if this is true, but it sounds like it’s worth a try.

“A person who publishes a book appears willfully in public eye with his pants down.”

– Edna St. Vincent Millay

It does take a lot of confidence to be that vulnerable.

“When writing a novel, that’s pretty much entirely what life turns into: ‘House burned down. Car stolen. Cat exploded. Did 1500 easy words, so all in all it was a pretty good day.”

– Neil Gaiman

This is one of those funny quotes about writing that’s so motivational, too.

“Easy reading is damn hard writing.”

– Nathaniel Hawthorne

It’s probably not surprising that as an editor, I quote this one all the time. Clear prose takes a lot of work!

“When someone is mean to me, I just make them a victim in my next book.”

– Mary Higgins Clark

We’ve all done it…right?!

“Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted.”

– Jules Renard

I never thought about this before I read this quote, but it’s true.

“You always get more respect when you don’t have a happy ending.”

– Julia Quinn

This is so true! I see this in book reviews and in the way some critics and readers dismiss whole genres. The truth is, a convincing happy ending is much harder to write than a tragic or inconclusive one.

“Writing is the most fun you can have by yourself.”

– Terry Pratchett

Well, it’s one of the most fun things you can do, anyway. I can’t believe that I still haven’t read anything by Terry Pratchett. I know his fans still miss him!

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”

– Douglas Adams

I believe a line in Pirates of the Caribbean echoed this. I’ve never even seen the movie—just the memes. If someone else sets a deadline for me, I hit it. If it’s a self-imposed deadline, though? Ehh.

“When in doubt, have a man come through the door with a gun in his hand.”

– Raymond Chandler

Not recommended for every story, of course.

“Use your imagination. Trust me, your lives are not interesting. Don’t write them down.”

– W.P. Kinsella

Actually, I know a lot of writers with interesting lives, but I am not one of them, so I think this is pretty funny.

“If you can’t annoy somebody, there is little point in writing.”

– Kingsley Amis

“A blank piece of paper is God’s way of telling us how hard it is to be God.”

– Sidney Sheldon

I felt like this belonged on any list of funny quotes for writers. When I used to teach beginning poetry classes, I would tell the students they could write about anything at all… except how hard it was to write a poem! That’s because I would always get about ten poems with first lines like, “Blank screen, staring back at me.” So I know the struggle is real. Personally, though…I like writing longhand for a first draft , and there is almost nothing I love better than a blank page. Unless it’s a whole blank notebook!

“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.”

– W. Somerset Maugham

Did you find some new favorite writing quotes here? Did any of them annoy you? Let us know in the comments section! If you know of any other funny quotes about writing, I’d love to read them. For that matter, share any motivational quotes for writers that you like, even if they’re serious. We could all use more inspiration!

And if you want to write a novel—or have a messy first draft that needs editing—consider getting my book Blank Page to Final Draft . A lot of authors can use more structure, so this is a step-by-step guide to planning, writing, and editing a novel—without falling into any of the pitfalls I see all the time at my publishing house. Check it out!

Blank Page to Final Draft by Bryn Donovan ebook free pdf

Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

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30 thoughts on “ 20 funny quotes about writing ”.

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Just what I needed on a rainy Monday! Thanks, Bryn! 🙂

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Aw, glad you liked them, Felicia—thank you. Hope you have a good week!

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These are great Bryn. I have used several of them in the writing classes I teach. But not the Kinsella quote, because I teach my students that the ordinary can be extraordinary, depending on how we write about it. 🙂

Well, you have a very good point there about how the ordinary can be extraordinary! I appreciate the reminder!

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I like easy reading is damn hard writing. Nothing could be more true! Great list!

It really is true! Thanks, Naomi—I’m so glad you liked them!

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These are all so great, Bryn. My favorite writing funny came from my son when he was about 13. (Sorry about the gender references, this happened a long time ago.) I followed a publisher’s guidelines to the letter. Son Dave asked me, “Why are the margins so big?” Fishing for a reasonable answer, I ventured, “Well, maybe if a publisher accepts my manuscript, he’ll have room to write comments.” “Comments?! He could write a whole book in those margins.”

Hahaha! I love that, Jessie. (I’m sure some of the writers I’ve worked with would say I practically DID write a whole book the margins!)

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These are great. I like the one you found by Sidney Sheldon best: “A blank piece of paper is God’s way of telling us how hard it is to be God.” There are a lot of great quotes on Pinterest for writers as well that I’ve found both enlightening and amusing. I’d contribute my own but my brain just woke up. Thanks for sharing these!

Hi Chris! That one is so relatable. Thanks for reading. I hope your week is going well!

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Thanks. These are great. I’m going to steal some for my blog.

Great! I’m so glad you liked them!

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“If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.”

― Benjamin Franklin

I love this, Cece! Hopefully, we can all do a little bit of both. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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Hi, Vinita! I’m so glad. 🙂 Thanks for reading!

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I have to admit, my laptop is named. Iris and I spend a lot of time together. Then again… I named my stand mixer too. Phasma fits well in my Star Wars themed kitchen.

Iris is such a great name for a laptop. 🙂 I seriously need to name my laptop now! And…a Star Wars themed kitchen! I’ve known you so long now—how is this the first time I’ve heard of this? That is awesome.

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Ha ha, great post ? The one about making someone the next victim made me smile. And yes to the laptop name, I think I may have to do this ?

I’ve heard so many writers talk about literary revenge! Of course, they have to be sneaky about it 🙂 Thanks for reading, Kellie!

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Fantastic quotes.

Thanks for reading, Denise! Hope you have a good week 🙂

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Loved those, though must confess that I’m glad I haven’t had to take the advice given by Raymond Chandler, being a memoir author! 😀

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The Gaiman quote about hitting your word count is so true for me! I write in the mornings, and if I hit my word goal, the rest of my day doesn’t seem to matter. Though I’m sure my other work suffers as a result 😛

I really think that one might be my favorite! 🙂

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These are hilarious! My favorite is the one by Neil Gaiman. It’s so true, how wordcount affects us so much, haha! thanks for the post!

The Neil Gaiman one is definitely my fave…and it makes me want to write! 🙂 Thanks for commenting, E.G.!

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Wonderful post I love it! Feel free to check out my post. 5 Best Quotes for Success and tell me what you think

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Hi Bryn. I’ve been reading your blogs for years and have found many of them very helpful and inspirational. I just subscribed to your website. I find myself quoting so e of tips you’ve given over the years. Keep up the great work. PS I’m a first time writer of historic romance, one of the hardest, yet rewarding categories of writing. Love ya.

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85 Funny Writing Quotes

I recently laughed and felt motivated by these writing quotes.

Writers are inspiring as well as funny.

Some have a way of making fun of their craft.

Sometimes when I need a hard laugh, I read these quotes.

1.” Learn to write. Never mind the damn statistics. If you like statistics, become a CPA.”

– Jim Murray

—-Ketrina Monroe.

—–Thomas Mann

4.”There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately no one knows it.”  W.Somerset Maugham

5.”A bad review may spoil your breakfast, but you shouldn’t allow it to spoil your lunch.”

– Kingsley Amis

6.”Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.”– Mark Twain

8.”I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”

– Douglas Adams

– Edna St. Vincent Millay

10.”Unless a reviewer has the courage to give you unqualified praise, I say ignore the bastard.”

11.”It takes an awful lot of time to not write a book.”

– Mark Twain

14.”autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last installment missing.”

15.”I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.”

– Steven Wright

16.”Practically everybody in New York has half a mind to write a book, and does.”

17.”Having been unpopular in high school is not just cause for book publications.”

– Stephen King

Dorothy Parker

20.”The funny thing about writing is that when you are doing it well or doing it poorly,It looks the exact same that is actually one of the main ways that writing is different from ballet dancing”

– Joanie Levenson

23.”It’s splendid to be a great writer, to put men into the frying pan of your imagination and make them pop like chestnuts.”

– Paulo Coelho

25.”There are two kinds of people who sit around all day thinking about killing people. Mystery writers and serial killers. I’m the kind that pays best.”

26.”I can’t understand why a person will take a year to write a novel when he can easily buy one for a few dollars.”—Fred Allen

28.”Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.”

– Anonymous

30.“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”

31.”I can write better than anybody who can write faster, and I can write faster than anybody who can write better.”

– William Zinsser

34.”It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn’t give it up because by that time I was too famous.”

35.”When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am a grown-up they call me a writer.”

– Isaac Bashevis Singer

37.”Never, ever use repetitive redundancies. Don’t use double negatives. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.”

40.”Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.”

42.”I hate the rhetoric of politicians, but I love it when writers lie to me. If the novelist ran for office. I would vote for their characters. ”   

– Tom Robbins

45.”When Thoreau wrote: “Simplify, simplify, simplify!” shouldn’t he have edited it down to “Simplify!”?”

– Rebecca West

48.”I am a writer. If I seem cold, it’s because I am surrounded by drafts.”

– Norman Mailer

50.”The only time I’ll get good reviews is if I kill myself.”

51.”I write funny. If I can make my wife laugh. I know I’m on the right track-But yes, I don’t like to get maudlin, And I have a tendency towards it “-

– C.J. Cherryh

54.”A synonym is a word you use when you can’t spell the other one.”

55.”I get a lot of letters from people. They say: “I want to be a writer. What should I do?” I tell them to stop writing to me and get on with it.”

– Ruth Rendell

57.” when people share a little light on their monster we find out how similar most of our monsters are”

– Josh Billings

60.”Writing is like prostitution. First, you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money’.’ – Ashish Chauhan

Now we are procrastinating together”

62.”Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up.”

– Ernest Hemingway

64.”An autobiography usually reveals nothing bad about its writer except his memory.”

– Franklin P. Jones

– Clare Booth Luce

67.”I’m not a very good writer… but I’m an excellent rewriter.”

One to make more coffee,

Wait, that’s only five — that’s why they need editors.”

– Mary Heaton Vorse

71.”Autobiography is an unrivaled vehicle for telling the truth about other people.”

– Gene Fowler

73.”I try to leave out the parts that people skip.”

78.”The average Ph.D. thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another.”

82.”No author dislikes to be edited a much as he dislikes not to be published.”

If you know of any funny Writing quote.

Feel free to share with me in the comments section.

By Onyemechi Nwakonam

Hi ,I write poetry and short prose. I am excited to help you organise your writing journey.

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20+ Funny Writing Quotes to Make You Feel Better About Being a Writer

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As an aspiring writer (or a well-established one), staring at a blank sheet of paper (or screen) is quite intimidating. Sometimes, you need a kick of inspiration or a glug of motivation to get you on the right track. Well, that’s the beautiful part of writing; you need not look very far to find the best quotes about writing.

Personally, I am a huge fan of comedy and appreciate anyone who works hard to inject funny stuff into their work. The same goes for funny quotes about writing. Nothing makes me feel less like an amateur and more like a fellow artist sharing the writing life with other writing friends.

I searched high and low (seriously, I stumbled across a webpage from 1995 with a few gems) for the best funny writing quotes to make you laugh, inspire you, and, at the very least, get you back to the keyboard (or blank page).

Top 20 Funny Writing Quotes (to Motivate You)

The following quotes are in no specific order. Some are laugh-out-loud, hilarious quotes as if comedians wrote them. Others are simply a good laugh or chuckle. Whatever the case is, this collection of funny quotes about writing will make you think. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

“The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with.” – Marty Feldman
“I can’t understand why a person will take a year to write a novel when he can easily buy one for a few dollars.” – Fred Allen
“There’s nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.” – Red Smith
“All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery.” – George Orwell
“The secret of popular writing is never to put more on a given page than the common reader can lap off it with no strain whatsoever on his habitually slack attention.” – Ezra Pound
“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” – Douglas Adams
“The road to hell is paved with adverbs.” – Stephen King
“I do not like to write – I like to have written.” – Gloria Steinem
“I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.” – Steven Wright
“A synonym is a word you use when you can’t spell the other one.” – Baltasar Gracián
“Easy reading is damn hard writing.” – Nathaniel Hawthorne
“The best time for planning a book is while you’re doing the dishes.” – Agatha Christie
“The beautiful part of writing is that you don’t have to get it right the first time; unlike, say, a brain surgeon.” – Robert Cormier
“If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second-greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of ‘The Elements of Style.’ The first-greatest, of course, is to shoot them now while they’re happy.” – Dorothy Parker
“I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork.” – Peter De Vries
“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.” – Thomas Mann
“The only thing I was fit for was to be a writer, and this notion rested solely on my suspicion that I would never be fit for real work, and that writing didn’t require any.” – Russell Baker
“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.” – E.L. Doctorow
“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” – W. Somerset Maugham
“Cut out all these exclamation points. An exclamation point is like laughing at your own joke.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Famous Authors and Their Funny Writing Quotes

Some writers are synonymous with their wit and unique views about the art of written word. I have to mention them here because, well, these people have clearly mastered the art of writing.

Mark Twain’s Humorous Take on Writing

“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very’; your editor will delete it, and the writing will be just as it should be.”

“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”

“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.”

Oscar Wilde’s Witty Writing Quotes

“I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.”

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train.”    

“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.”

Kurt Vonnegut’s Unique Thoughts on Writing

“This is what I find encouraging about the writing trades: They allow lunatics to seem saner than sane.”

“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.”    

“Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.”

“Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.”

Neil Gaiman’s Good Omens on Humor

“This is how you do it: you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it’s done. It’s that easy, and that hard.”    

“The main rule of writing is that if you do it with enough assurance and confidence, you’re allowed to do whatever you like. So write your story as it needs to be written.”

“Finish what you’re writing. Whatever you have to do to finish it, finish it.”

Virginia Woolf Will Leave You Howling

“Writing is like sex. First, you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money.”

Ernest Hemingway’s Earnest Observations

“The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in shock-proof shit-detector.”

“The first draft of anything is garbage.”

Ray Bradbury’s Quotation Chronicles 

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”

“I don’t believe in being serious about anything. I think life is too serious to be taken seriously.”

“You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.”

Impact of Funny Writing Quotes on Readers

I’m assuming you’re here to find inspiration to keep writing (aren’t we all) or looking for that one quip that’ll fit nicely into your latest writing piece. But who said you need to quote the greats? You have everything you need to write your own classic material!

It is a well-established fact that humor has a positive effect on memory recall. However, the exact reason for this effect is unknown. It is speculated that humorous content tends to be more memorable because it triggers emotional responses and engages people’s attention. When information is presented in a humorous or entertaining way, it can enhance the encoding and retrieval processes in memory. #Science

So, it is safe to assume that adding humor to your writing tickles the happy glands in your readers, thus making them more susceptible to your story/message. (And yes, I’m well aware there are no such things as happy glands–work with me here.) But how exactly do you implement humor into your writing? 

Keep reading to find out.

How to Implement Humor in Your Writing

If you’re sweating at this point, fear not. No one is asking you to stand on stage at your local coffee shop’s open mic night. Implementing humor into your writing is a lot less hard work than you think. Here are five examples to elicit some laughter from your readers:

  •   Puns and Wordplay : You don’t need to be the next Dr. Seuss to sprinkle a little wordplay into your work. Incorporating a pun or two adds a playful element to your writing. Just make sure that the wordplay is relevant and fits the context. (You have no idea how hard I am restraining myself from adding a pun here.)
  •   Analogies and Metaphors : Make a point to give your readers visual cues with analogies and metaphors. Sometimes, taking complex information and relaying it in a more familiar sense helps your readers to grasp what you are saying. And to save you the Google search: an analogy uses a structured format to show how two sets of things are alike, while metaphors directly assert that one thing is similar to another without using “like” or “as.”
  •   Satire and Self-deprecation : David Sedaris is a master at this form of humor. You can employ satire to criticize or mock human flaws, society, institutions, or even yourself. In doing so, you can tackle subjects that seem insurmountable or taboo. As always, be mindful of your tone and context. You don’t want to come across as offensive.
  •   Exaggeration and Hyperbole : Taking a fact and stretching it juuuuust a bit helps make details or situations much more memorable to your readers. How far you stretch the truth is up to you, the writer. 
  •   Anecdotes and Personal Stories : Sharing funny anecdotes or real-life experiences can help connect you with readers personally. How much you insert yourself into your work is dictated by the medium of your writing. I’m sure an academic advisor wouldn’t want to read about your night out with friends in your thesis. Then again, what’s stopping you?

Importance of Timing in Funny Writing

Humorous writing can be deployed in one of two ways: 1.) breaking tension or 2.) disrupting expectations.

Both methods require proper timing to implement. I will use two of my favorite (British) writers/comedians to demonstrate each.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a master at comedic timing. In her hit series Fleabag, a dark and vulgar comedy, PWB uses humor to diffuse countless difficult situations. Here’s one brief exchange of Fleabag and the Priest discussing a heavy-handed topic, the purpose of life:

The Priest : Why would you believe in something awful when you can believe in something wonderful!? Fleabag : Don’t make me an optimist; you will ruin my life.

It’s a subtle joke but effective in diffusing further tension around a taboo subject. Now, what about disrupting expectations? For that, I’ll let James Acaster demonstrate:

Notice when Acaster earns that very big laugh from the audience. Yes, he earned a few chuckles throughout this anecdote about a childhood car trip. However, after he announces the time of death of an airplane passenger on whom he attempted heart surgery with a spork–a completely unexpected disruption to the bit–that’s when the audience bursts out in their biggest laugh.

Both Phoebe and James are working for laughs; that’s the entire point of their work. For you and your writing, look for those moments that are too heavy or intense and relieve your reader a bit with properly timed humor. Just don’t over do it or make it feel forced.

Influence of Humor on Reader Engagement

I can’t remember the last time I read a serious article or book that didn’t use humor. I can’t remember because humor makes ideas stick in your brain. If your goal as a writer is to gain more followers, write a best-seller, or at the very least, foster a decent writing career, you will need engaged readers. And engaged readers, like most humans, enjoy humor.

I’m not saying you need to be a comedic writer or humorist. However, wielding the comedic pen from time to time will not only turn you into a great writer, but it will also leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Take, for example, when you were young and in school. To this day, anytime my wife asks me how many cups are in a half gallon, my brain automatically sings: “One gallon, four quarts, eight pints, sixteen cups, Purple People Eater!”

Why a Purple People Eater? I have no clue. But that silly, ridiculous image and catchy tune I learned in second grade is so far lodged in my brain that I will never not know my units of volume conversion rates. It is also another argument for adopting the metric system. But I digress.

The point is humor is a powerful tool for writers. Use it.

Conclusion: The Power of Humor in Writing

If you know of a better way to make the writing and reading process enjoyable for both parties involved, I’m all ears. Sure, this article is a list of my favorite quotes about writing. But–I hope–it’s something much more helpful than that.

I hope these funny sayings motivate and inspire you to practice your craft.

Who knows, maybe one day a funny thing you wrote will make this list of famous quotes.

  • Birthdays and Specific Year Birthdays: 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65, 80
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  • Bedroom / Politics / Religion
  • Men / Women / Marriage / Kids / Dates / Seniors / Grandparents
  • Clean Jokes About Everything
  • Doctor / Nurse / Dentist / Boss / Lawyer / Cop / Teacher / Geek / Engineer / Musician / Drummer
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  • Short Jokes plus Funny T-shirts / Funny Signs / Tombstones / Bumper Stickers
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  • Funny Zoom Meeting
  • MilkSnort! Joke Game

Funny Quotes About Writing

Funny quotes about writing, writers, and the whole crazy world of words. Humorous quotes that’ll inspire you to write either a great piece of prose....or your last will and testament.

Humorous Quotes About Writing, Group 1

thesis writing funny quotes

From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. - Winston Churchill I wrote a few children's books. Not on purpose. - Steven Wright

I get a lot of letters from people. They say: "I want to be a writer. What should I do?" I tell them to stop writing to me and get on with it. - Ruth Rendell If writers were good businessmen, they’d have too much sense to be writers. - Irvin S. Cobb If Moses were alive today he’d come down from the mountain with the Ten Commandments and spend the next five years trying to get them published. - Anonymous

Funny Quotes About Writing, Group 2

The road to hell is paved with adverbs. - Stephen King If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers. - Doug Larson Writers don’t have lifestyles. They sit in little rooms and write. - Norman Mailer Learn to write. Never mind the damn statistics. If you like statistics, become a CPA. - Jim Murray The dubious privilege of a freelance writer is he’s given the freedom to starve anywhere. - S.J. Perelman

Image of cartoon bookworm on stack of books with caption by William Safire: "Never ever use repetitive redundancies. Don't use no double negatives. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out."

Funny Quotes About Writing Group 3

Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. - Gene Fowler

If you can't annoy somebody, there's little point in writing. - Kingsley Amis Real seriousness in regard to writing is one of two absolute necessities. The other, unfortunately, is talent. - Ernest Hemingway Writing is so difficult that I often feel that writers, having had their hell on earth, will escape all punishment thereafter. - Jessamyn West I was sorry to hear my name mentioned as one of the great authors, because they have a sad habit of dying off. Chaucer is dead, so is Milton, so is Shakespeare, and I am not feeling very well myself. - Mark Twain

Funny Quotes About Writing Group 4

All autobiographies are alibi-ographies. - Clare Booth Luce The art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair. - Mary Heaton Vorse The world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering. - Tom Waits The average Ph.D. thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another. - J. Frank Dobie An autobiography usually reveals nothing bad about its writer except his memory. - Franklin P. Jones

Funny Quotes About Writing, Group 5

Long, hard slog today writing the Great American Tweet. (That was it...what do you think? Pulitzer?) - Greg Tamblyn

A bad review may spoil your breakfast, but you shouldn't allow it to spoil your lunch. - Kingsley Amis

Unless a reviewer has the courage to give you unqualified praise, I say ignore the bastard. - John Steinbeck Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about dogs. - Christopher Hampton The only time I'll get good reviews is if I kill myself. - Edward Albee

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Humorous Quotes: "Writing" Group 6

As far as I'm concerned, "whom" is a word that was invented to make everyone sound like a butler. - Calvin Trillin Listen up, Internet: there is no "h" in "wacky." Got that? THERE IS NO "H" IN "WACKY." Thank you. - Dave Barry Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up. - Ernest Hemingway About the most originality that any writer can hope to achieve honestly is to steal with good judgment. - Josh Billings Alimony is the curse of the writing class. - Norman Mailer

Funny Quotes About Writing, Group 7

Autobiography is an unrivaled vehicle for telling the truth about other people. - Philip Guedalla

An autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last installment missing. - Quentin Crisp Practically everybody in New York has half a mind to write a book, and does. - Groucho Marx Having been unpopular in high school is not just cause for book publications. - Fran Lebowitz Revising a story down to the bare essentials is always a little like murdering children, but it must be done. - Stephen King

Writing Jokes, Group 8

Never let a bad memory get in the way of a good memoir. - Joanie Levenson Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a best-seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher. - Flannery O’Connor It's splendid to be a great writer, to put men into the frying pan of your imagination and make them pop like chestnuts. - Gustave Flaubert Writing is a socially acceptable form of getting naked in public. - Paulo Coelho All literature is gossip. - Truman Capote

Humorous Quotes About Writing, Group 9

Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good. - Dr. Samuel Johnson, to an aspiring writer

I can write better than anybody who can write faster, and I can write faster than anybody who can write better. - A. J. Liebling There's not much to be said about the period except that most writers don't reach it soon enough. - William Zinsser

It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up because by that time I was too famous. - Robert Benchley

When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am a grown up they call me a writer. - Isaac Bashevis Singer

thesis writing funny quotes

Funny Quotes About Writing, Group 10

Never, ever use repetitive redundancies. Don't use no double negatives. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out. - William Safire

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we." - Mark Twain

Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for love, and then for a few close friends, and then for money. - Ashish Chauhan ‏@4shish

Did you hear about the little boy who ended a sentence with 5 prepositions? He said, "What are you bringing that book that I don't want to be read to out of up for?"

Let me see if I can put it in words that even the inebriated might understand. - Tom Robbins

Funny Quotes About Writing, Group 11

When Thoreau wrote: "Simplify, simplify, simplify!" shouldn't he have edited it down to "Simplify!"? - CrankyPappy ‏@CrankyPappy He does not so much split his infinitives as disembowel them. - Rebecca West I am a writer. If I seem cold, it 's because I am surrounded by drafts. - (Unknown Author) How many writers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Six: One to screw it in, One to sharpen all the pencils in the house, One to make more coffee, One to call a friend to chat, And one to complain that there's never time to do any writing. Wait, that's only five — that's why they need editors.

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220 Phd Puns: A Hilarious Break from Academic Stress

phd puns

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of academia? Don’t worry, we have just what you need to tickle your funny bone and give your brain a much-needed break. Introducing our collection of over 200 PhD puns that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and lighten the load of your academic stress. From hilarious wordplay to clever jokes, we’ve got it all. So sit back, relax, and prepare to have your intellect amused. Whether you’re a student, researcher, or professor, these puns are sure to resonate with your scholarly side and provide a much-needed dose of laughter. Let’s dive into the world of PhD humor and relieve some of that academic tension.

The Top PhD Puns That Will Make You “Doctor” With Laughter (Editors Pick)

1. Why did the PhD student bring a ladder to class? To reach new heights in their studies! 2. What did one PhD student say to the other? “Let’s make this research project a deep dive!” 3. Why did the PhD student become a meteorologist? They wanted to specialize in the study of high degrees. 4. Why did the PhD student become a chef? They wanted to earn a degree in culinary arts. 5. What do you call a PhD student wandering around aimlessly? A “dissertation on wheels.” 6. How did the PhD student feel after successfully defending their thesis? Re-“search”-ed! 7. Why did the PhD student bring a compass to the library? They were looking for a “dissertation-north.” 8. How did the PhD student make their research more visually appealing? They added “graphs-ics.” 9. Why did the PhD student become a gardener? They wanted to specialize in “growth and plant data analysis.” 10. Why did the PhD student always carry a calculator ? To “sum” up the data quickly. 11. What’s a PhD student’s favorite type of pet? A “lab”rador. 12. What’s a PhD student’s favorite type of music? “Bach”-ground music for concentration. 13. What did the PhD student do when they couldn’t find relevant research articles? They went to the “library-hay.” 14. Why did the PhD student go to the therapist? They had a case of “data-aggravation.” 15. What’s a PhD student’s favorite type of drink? A specialty “brew”-sing. 16. How does a PhD student like their pizza? “Well-documented” with extra toppings. 17. Why did the PhD student always carry a notebook? To take “note-verifiable” observations. 18. What did the PhD student say to their friend who started a Master’s program? “Welcome to the ‘research’-tangle!” 19. Where do PhD students go for inspiration? The “cite-seum” of knowledge. 20. Why did the PhD student become a detective? They had a knack for “uncovering” new discoveries.

Punnily Polished PhD Puns

1. My PhD research on the effects of caffeine just keeps percolating. 2. I’m getting a PhD in geography because I’m really good at finding my way around. 3. My thesis on the history of stairs is really taking me step by step. 4. Studying cognitive psychology for my PhD is really a no-brainer. 5. I’m writing my dissertation on puns because it’s a play on words. 6. My PhD in chemistry is really fusing all my passions together. 7. I’m getting a PhD in music theory so I can finally hit all the right notes. 8. Researching marine biology for my PhD is definitely making some waves. 9. I’m getting a PhD in astronomy because the sky’s the limit. 10. My PhD in art history is really painting a bright future for me. 11. I’m studying linguistics for my PhD because I have a way with words. 12. My thesis on the psychology of humor is really a joke that keeps on giving. 13. I’m getting a PhD in genetics because I’m naturally inclined. 14. Studying environmental science for my PhD is really planting seeds for a better future. 15. I’m writing my dissertation on the history of clocks because time flies when you’re having fun. 16. My PhD in economics is really paying dividends. 17. I’m getting a PhD in biology because I like to branch out. 18. Studying literature for my PhD is really a novel idea. 19. I’m writing my dissertation on the effects of laughter because it’s contagious. 20. My PhD in physics is really attracting a lot of positive energy.

Pun-tastic PhD Q&A (Question-and-Answer Puns)

1. Why did the PhD student become a chef? Because they wanted to earn a degree in culinary science! 2. What did the PhD student say when they won a research grant? “I’ve finally cracked the code!” 3. How did the PhD student organize their research notes? They used pi-cards! 4. Why was the PhD student always calm in stressful situations? Because they had a doctorate in chill-ology! 5. What subject did the PhD student study when they were feeling sour? Lemon-strating! 6. Why did the PhD student always carry a pencil and paper? They were always ready for a docu-mentary! 7. How did the PhD student know they were getting close to a breakthrough? They could finally sniff out some thesis-scent! 8. What did the PhD student say when they found a solution to a complex problem? “Eureka, I’ve dis-covered it!” 9. How did the PhD student communicate? They were fluent in academi-languages! 10. Why did the PhD student prefer to work in the library? It had the best study peer-review! 11. How did the PhD student feel after successfully defending their thesis? They were on top of the world – doctorate Everest! 12. Why did the PhD student always carry a ruler? They were always measuring up to expectations! 13. How did the PhD student ensure their experiments were accurate? They used science-sational precision! 14. What did the PhD student say when they found a research gap? It was like finding a hole in one’s knowledge! 15. Why was the PhD student so good at multitasking? They had an advanced degree in juggling responsibilities! 16. What did the PhD student say when their research was published? “My name is in-print-tastic!” 17. How did the PhD student make mathematical calculations? They were the master of numeri-calculations! 18. Why did the PhD student love hiking? It was a great way to explore new heights of knowledge! 19. What did the PhD student say when they solved a complex equation? “Now that’s what I call math-terpiece!” 20. How did the PhD student navigate through academic challenges? They had a compass of knowledge and perseverance!

PhDoodles: The Witty World of PhD Puns

1. I’m pursuing a PhD in philosophy, or as I like to call it, a “Pondering How Deeply” degree. 2. Did you hear about the PhD candidate who believed that the key to good dental health lies in flossophy? 3. My friend’s PhD research in music theory is really striking a chord with the academic community. 4. I recently completed my PhD in geography, but let’s just say I really enjoyed exploring more than just maps. 5. As a PhD student studying astronomy, I’m always reaching for the stars… and for funding. 6. They say getting a PhD in psychology is a mind-boggling experience. I couldn’t agree more! 7. My friend’s PhD research in linguistics is all about the language of love. Talk about a bilingual heartthrob! 8. My PhD thesis in mathematics is quite the equation: long, complex, and can make your head spin if you’re not careful. 9. They told me my PhD in chemistry would require a lot of testing, and boy, were they right! There’s never a shortage of experiments to try. 10. I thought getting a PhD in archaeology would be a bit of a drag, but it turns out it’s quite the excavation! 11. I’m studying marine biology for my PhD, a field where every day feels like a tidal wave of excitement! 12. My friend’s PhD in literature is like a never-ending novel—full of analysis, suspense, and plot twists. 13. Sometimes I feel like a mad scientist in my PhD lab, dissecting data and brewing up some intriguing results. 14. I’m studying social work for my PhD, turning empathy into a science and kindness into a career. 15. Getting a PhD in physics is like diving into the unknown; you never know what mind-blowing discoveries you’ll make. 16. My friend’s PhD research in neuroscience requires a lot of brainpower… and maybe a few brain cells too! 17. I always have a “theory” that getting a PhD in economics will make me rich, but I think I might need to rethink that. 18. My PhD research in environmental science involves a lot of digging for the truth, quite literally! 19. My friend’s PhD in political science is all about finding the right balance between power and diplomacy. Quite the politician! 20. I’m studying animal behavior for my PhD, and boy, studying those cheeky monkeys can be quite an amusing experience!

PHD Puns: Doctorate Doodles

1. My friend’s dissertation on tree growth really branches out. 2. I gave up on my PhD in math because I couldn’t count on it. 3. The professor’s jokes during lectures are always a real scholarly “page-turner.” 4. My friend’s PhD research on aquatic life really made a splash in the scientific community. 5. He wrote his thesis on gravity but never really fell for it. 6. Getting a PhD in art history can really frame your career. 7. Studying psychology for a PhD can really mess with your mind. 8. Our friend’s PhD in linguistics is a real “wordsmith.” 9. My friend’s thesis on solar energy is truly enlightening. 10. The physicist’s groundbreaking research left everyone in a state of quantum “awe.” 11. My friend with a PhD in archeology is always digging up new information. 12. Applying for a PhD program in literature was a novel idea. 13. My friend’s PhD in astronomy literally reached for the stars. 14. Studying marine biology for a PhD can leave you feeling a little “crabby.” 15. After completing her PhD in history, she really made her mark on academia. 16. Our friend’s research on renewable energy really sparked a lot of interest. 17. Getting a PhD in psychology can really mess with your head. 18. My friend’s PhD in computer science really programmed him for success. 19. The biologist’s research on insects really caused a “buzz” in the scientific community. 20. My friend’s research on climate change is really a breath of fresh air.

Ph.D. Fun (Pun Juxtaposition)

1. He became a doctorate in philosophy, but could never figure out the meaning of life. 2. The physicist was a genius but struggled to tie his own shoelaces. 3. The mathematician loved numbers but couldn’t count on his fingers. 4. The archaeologist had a PhD but couldn’t find his own car keys. 5. He studied psychology, but couldn’t understand why people kept calling him crazy. 6. The biologist had a PhD but couldn’t keep a houseplant alive. 7. The linguist got a doctorate but couldn’t speak a second language fluently. 8. The historian was an expert on ancient civilizations but couldn’t remember their names. 9. The geologist studied rocks but couldn’t find his way around town. 10. He had a PhD in literature but struggled to write a simple email. 11. The computer scientist had a doctorate but couldn’t fix his own printer. 12. The economist was well-versed in financial markets but couldn’t balance his own checkbook. 13. The chemist had a PhD but always forgot to put on deodorant. 14. He studied physics but couldn’t figure out how to open a jar. 15. The art historian knew all about famous paintings but couldn’t draw a stick figure. 16. The sociologist had a PhD but rarely left the house to interact with people. 17. She specialized in genetics but couldn’t solve a simple crossword puzzle. 18. The political scientist studied governments but couldn’t navigate a voting booth. 19. The neurologist had a doctorate but couldn’t remember where he parked his car. 20. The engineer had a PhD but struggled to assemble basic Ikea furniture.

The Doctorate Discourse (Ph-Delightful Puns)

1. The Write Doctor 2. The Research ProFESSOR 3. The Thesis Whisperer 4. The Data Genie 5. The Lab Rat 6. The DigiTutor 7. The Scholarly Scribe 8. The Knowledge EnGEEk 9. The Intellectual ThinkTank 10. The Dissertation Dynamo 11. The Science Nerd 12. The Wise WordMaster 13. The Academic Guru 14. The Education Sage 15. The Intellectual Sage 16. The Study Sage 17. The Academic Artist 18. The Degree Wizard 19. The Brainy Bookworm 20. The Lecture Lover

“PhD Puns Flipping Words for Fun”

1. Quad of the Ph.D. – God of the Qh.D. 2. Philosophical Sh.D. – Sophie’s Physical Ph.D. 3. Thesis supervision – Sisisth supervision. 4. Academic research – Academic researth. 5. Peer-reviewed articles – Ear-peeved pureticles. 6. Doctoral dissertation – Doctoreal dissertation. 7. Ph.D. defense – D.PH defence. 8. Tutoring sessions – Suturing tosions. 9. Thesis committee – Seesis thommittee. 10. Research methodology – Methology researcody. 11. Doctoral program – Pectoral drogram. 12. Academic conferences – Comicademic conferemes. 13. Educational psychology – Psydicational educology. 14. Doctoral studies – St. Ductopathic dudies. 15. Graduate students – State growdent sutements. 16. Dissertation proposal – Positation dissero

PhD-larious Puns (Tom Swifties)

1. “I just defended my PhD thesis today,” Tom said confidently. 2. “Writing my dissertation was a real struggle,” Tom said painstakingly. 3. “I’m finally done with my PhD coursework,” Tom said academically. 4. “I need to edit my research paper,” Tom said studiously. 5. “I don’t know if I’m ready for my oral defense,” Tom said nervously. 6. “I have to present my findings at the conference,” Tom said confidently. 7. “I got a scholarship to pursue my PhD,” Tom said thankfully. 8. “I have so many deadlines to meet for my dissertation,” Tom said urgently. 9. “I need more references for my literature review,” Tom said extensively. 10. “I spend most of my days in the lab,” Tom said experimentally. 11. “My research methodology is quite unique,” Tom said innovatively. 12. “My advisor gave me some valuable feedback,” Tom said constructively. 13. “I’m presenting my research at an international symposium,” Tom said globally. 14. “I’m passionate about my field of study,” Tom said enthusiastically. 15. “I’m considering pursuing a PhD in a different discipline,” Tom said thoughtfully. 16. I landed a teaching assistantship to support my studies,” Tom said gratefully. 17. “My research topic is quite complex,” Tom said intellectually. 18. “I’m writing a book based on my PhD research,” Tom said creatively. 19. “I need to attend more academic conferences,” Tom said actively. 20. “I want to make a significant contribution to my field,” Tom said ambitiously.

Contradictory Doctorate Jokes (PhD Punny Paradoxes)

1. A PhD dropout, seeking higher education. 2. A PhD candidate, conducting a study on procrastination. 3. A PhD in relaxation therapy, always stressed out. 4. A PhD in time management, never enough hours in the day. 5. A PhD in decision-making, unable to choose what to have for breakfast. 6. A PhD in organization, constantly misplacing things. 7. A PhD in silence, always speaking their mind. 8. A PhD in financial planning, broke as a joke. 9. A PhD in linguistics, struggling to find the right words. 10. A PhD in patience, constantly running out of it. 11. A PhD in creativity, always experiencing writer’s block. 12. A PhD in motivation, feeling unmotivated. 13. A PhD in happiness, constantly fighting off the blues. 14. A PhD in multitasking, preferring to do one thing at a time. 15. A PhD in humility, always showing off their achievements. 16. A PhD in sleep studies, constantly awake. 17. A PhD in problem-solving, always encountering new challenges. 18. A PhD in comedy, never telling a good joke. 19. A PhD in time travel, always late for appointments. 20. A PhD in nutrition, indulging in unhealthy food choices.

Recursive Riddles (PhD Puns)

1. Did you hear about the mathematician who got his PhD in doughnuts? He made great pi rings! 2. My friend was awarded his PhD in dentistry. Now he’s always in a cavity! 3. My friend just completed his PhD in botany. Now he’s branching out! 4. My friend got his PhD in marine biology. Now he’s always making waves! 5. My friend received his PhD in music theory. Now he’s always hitting the right notes! 6. Did you hear about the chef who got his PhD in cooking? He’s really taking the spice to the next level! 7. My friend just got his PhD in astronomy, and now he’s over the moon! 8. Did you hear about the doctor who completed his PhD in medicine? He’s always prescribing a healthy dose of laughter! 9. My friend just obtained his PhD in psychology. Now he’s analyzing my dreams! 10. Did you hear about the scientist who earned his PhD in genetics? He’s always making new discoveries in his genes! 11. My friend received his PhD in history. Now he’s always turning the page! 12. Did you hear about the engineer who achieved his PhD in civil engineering? He’s always building a solid foundation! 13. My friend just completed his PhD in literature. Now he’s a real bookworm! 14. Did you hear about the mathematician who got his PhD in Geometry? He’s always getting his angles right! 15. My friend just earned his PhD in physics, and now he’s all charged up! 16. Did you hear about the artist who received his PhD in painting? He’s really making masterpieces brush by brush! 17. My friend just obtained his PhD in linguistics. Now he’s always speaking in tongues! 18. Did you hear about the economist who completed his PhD? He’s always calculating the value of a good pun! 19. My friend just earned his PhD in computer science. Now he’s coding his way to success! 20. Did you hear about the biologist who got his PhD? He’s always exploring new species and branching out!

“PhD’s Guide: Pundamentals for Academic Wits”

1. I got my PhD in philosophy, but it didn’t bring me any enlightenment. It just left me with a lot of student loans. 2. The best piece of advice I received during my PhD was to always take notes, because some day they might fetch a pretty penny at a research garage sale. 3. They say a PhD is just a fancy piece of paper, but I prefer to think of it as a passport to endless job applications. 4. A PhD is like a marathon – it’s an exhausting journey that goes on for years, and the finish line seems to always be just out of reach. 5. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a committee to approve a PhD dissertation. 6. My PhD was like a rollercoaster ride – filled with ups and downs, and at some point, I just wanted to scream. 7. They say a PhD is like being married to your research – you dedicate your life to it, and there’s no escape until the day you defend. 8. Getting a PhD is like climbing Mount Everest – it’s a long and treacherous journey, and you might lose a few brain cells along the way. 9. They say a PhD is just a piece of paper, but it’s the most expensive piece of paper I’ve ever owned. 10. My PhD was like a puzzle with missing pieces – I spent years trying to find them, and in the end, some are still lost. 11. They say a PhD is the ultimate achievement, but sometimes it feels like you’ve just unlocked a higher level of unemployment. 12. My PhD was like a never-ending maze – just when I thought I found the way out, I stumbled upon another dead end. 13. They say a PhD is like a badge of honor, but it’s more like a permanent scar on your psyche. 14. My PhD was like a complex math problem – it had multiple solutions, but my professor only accepted one. 15. They say a PhD is like a piece of art – it’s a masterpiece you create with your mind, but it’s not guaranteed to sell. 16. My PhD journey was like a never-ending dark tunnel – I kept moving forward, hoping to find the light at the end, but it was always just out of reach. 17. They say a PhD is like a marathon – you may hit a wall at some point, but the key is to keep pushing through. 18. My PhD was like a game of chess – I had to strategically plan each move, and if I made the wrong one, it could lead to checkmate. 19. They say a PhD is like a rite of passage – you endure trials and tribulations, and in the end, you come out stronger (and with an immeasurable amount of stress). 20. My PhD was like a never-ending puzzle – just when I thought I had all the pieces, I realized I was missing a whole section.

In conclusion, if you’ve been drowning in academic stress, these 200+ PhD puns are just the ticket to lighten the mood and tickle your funny bone! But don’t stop here, there are even more puns waiting to bring a smile to your face on our website. We hope you’ve had a great time with us and thank you for taking the time to visit!

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Thesis Quotes

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thesis writing funny quotes

It is part of my thesis that all our knowledge grows only through the correcting of our mistakes.

The average Ph.D. Thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another.

Writing, therefore, is also an act of courage. How much easier is it to lead an unexamined life than to confront yourself on the page? How much easier is it to surrended to materialism or cynicism or to a hundred other ways of life that are, in fact, ways to hide from life and from our fears. When we write, we resist the facile seduction of theses simpler roads. We insist on finding out and declaring the truths that we find, and we dare to out those truths on the page.

The use of thesis-writing is to train the mind, or to prove that the mind has been trained; the former purpose is, I trust, promoted, the evidences of the latter are scanty and occasional.

I wrote my thesis on the benefits of war and very near got thrown out of college. But I can show you where the greatest advancement of mankind comes under stress and strain, not comfort.

Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.

Fortunately for me, I know well enough what I want, and am basically utterly indifferent to the criticism that I work to hurriedly. In answer to that, I have done some things even more hurriedly theses last few days.

Well the basic thesis is that there's a god in heaven who is all powerful who wants to help people. And that - he will answer prayer, and does miraculous things in people's lives. And so I've documented some of these wonderful things.

thesis writing funny quotes

You should have an investment thesis that essentially says why you think this is potentially a good idea.

I wrote my thesis on welfare policy.

People will be discovering that the Internet helps their career. One of my theses is that every individual is now a small business; how you manage your own personal career is the exact way you manage a small business. Your brand matters. That is how LinkedIn operates.

My thesis in terms of all my art is finding the beauty in the ugly truth. Just find the beauty in realism and what's there.

I've always felt so grateful that I dropped out of school, that I never had to do a thesis. I wouldn't know how to organise and structure myself to film so that B follows A and C follows B.

You have to take those concepts and prove them, a little bit like you do a PhD thesis.

Truth is found neither in Marxism nor in traditional capitalism. Each represents a partial truth. Historically capitalism failed to see the truth in collective enterprise, and Marxism failed to see the truth in individual enterprise. Nineteenth century capitalism failed to see that life is social and Marxism failed and still fails to see that life is individual and personal. The Kingdom of God is neither the thesis of individual enterprise nor the antithesis of collective enterprise, but a synthesis which reconciles the truths of both.

In 1947 I defended my thesis on nuclear physics, and in 1948 I was included in a group of research scientists whose task was to develop nuclear weapons.

I'm not sure I agree with the thesis, because I think that even though something grotesque or gross has been part of film since way back, what we accept or what we can get away with on the screen is broader now.

The fundamental idea of modern capitalism is not the right of the individual to possess and enjoy what he has earned, but the ;thesis that the exercise of this right redounds to the general good.

Determinism is the thesis that is true at every moment that the way things then are determines a unique future, that only one of the alternative futures that may exist relative to a given moment is a physically possible continuation of the state of things at the moment. Or, if you like, we may say that determinism is the thesis that only one continuation of the state of things at a given moment is consistent with the laws of nature.

And this thesis is somewhat connected with general social and political observations, because it establishes the fact that the number of consumers is considerably larger than the number of producers, a fact which exercises a not inconsiderable social and political pressure.

It is generally my thesis then to insist on the importance of imagination in sex, to insist that the practice of sex, as performed among human beings, be accorded the same deliberate and playful application of fancy, imagination and intelligence as any other significant human activity.

Of course we're all programmed genetically to some extent. But the "selfish gene" thesis doesn't explain everything.

My thesis [is] that in order to design a tool, we must make our best efforts to understand the larger social and physical context within which it is intended to function

My zoology thesis was a functional analysis of the thyroid gland of the three-toed sloth. I chose the sloth because its demeanour - calm, quiet and introspective - did something to soothe my shattered self.


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Opinions of “inspirational / humorous” quotes in PhD theses

I am currently in the process writing a PhD thesis in Applied Mathematics. The thesis consists of several published papers, the preface of one of the papers contains an "inspirational" quote from some old poem that happened to nicely capture some results. I will keep the paper more or less completely as one of the (in total 5-6) chapters of the thesis, and will therefore also keep the epigraph to this chapter.

Looking through some other theses, I saw that some authors use (more or less) topical epigraphs/quotes at the beginning of chapters, so I have been thinking about whether or not to do something similar myself to augment the already existing quote.

Therefore, I would be interested in your general opinion on quotes at chapter beginnings in PhD theses. These would be more or less topical quotes of some famous scientists, references to which could be included in the chapters without problems. Additional to that, there might be some more "humorous quotes", for example, putting something like

at the beginning of the introduction. This could be used to "guide though" the main questions the thesis aims to answer.

101 Inspirational Quotes for Thesis: Finding the Words

Inspirational Quotes for Thesis Finding the Words

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of inspirational quotes to help you stay motivated and inspired as you work on your thesis. From words of encouragement to motivational reminders, these quotes are perfect for inspiring you to stay focused, positive, and productive throughout the writing process. So, if you’re looking for some inspiration to help you write your thesis or know someone who is, keep reading for 101 uplifting quotes that will inspire and empower you to achieve your academic goals.

101 Inspirational Quotes for Thesis

1. “In the pursuit of knowledge, one finds the courage to redefine possibilities.”

2. “A thesis is not just a conclusion; it’s a journey of self-discovery and growth.”

3. “Through the lens of perseverance, the thesis unveils its true brilliance.”

4. “Doubt not your abilities, for within a thesis lies the power to transform minds.”

5. “In the face of challenges, a thesis becomes a testament to unwavering determination.”

6. “The thesis is the symphony of ideas, harmonizing the rhythm of academia.”

7. “To write a thesis is to sow seeds of wisdom, nurturing the fields of innovation.”

8. “Amidst the darkest doubts, the thesis illuminates the path to enlightenment.”

9. “In the pursuit of truth, a thesis unveils the beauty of intellectual honesty.”

10. “A thesis is the manifestation of dreams woven into scholarly reality.”

11. “The thesis is the mirror reflecting the researcher’s soul.”

12. “Within the labyrinth of knowledge, the thesis becomes the guiding star.”

13. “Like a phoenix rising, the thesis transforms the ashes of uncertainty into knowledge.”

14. “A thesis stands tall on the pillars of curiosity and resilience.”

15. “Through the valleys of research, the thesis climbs mountains of understanding.”

16. “A thesis whispers the language of change, echoing across generations.”

17. “The thesis is the bridge connecting the realm of questions to the land of answers.”

18. “A thesis is a garden where ideas bloom and bloom again.”

19. “In the face of ambiguity, the thesis paints clarity with words.”

20. “Within the binding of a thesis, dreams ascend to new heights.”

21. “The thesis is the constellation of ideas, mapping the universe of knowledge.”

22. “A thesis is the masterpiece of dedication and intellectual artistry.”

23. “Through the storm of doubt, a thesis emerges as a beacon of certainty.”

24. “Within the crucible of research, the thesis forges diamonds of understanding.”

25. “A thesis is the whisper of knowledge, shared through the corridors of time.”

26. “In the symphony of academia, the thesis is the crescendo of brilliance.”

27. “A thesis is not just an end, but a beginning of limitless possibilities.”

28. “Through the tapestry of research, the thesis weaves the fabric of progress.”

29. “The thesis is the elixir of wisdom, nurturing minds for generations to come.”

30. “A thesis is a road less traveled, where innovation finds its way.”

31. “In the garden of academia, the thesis blossoms like a rare and precious flower.”

32. “The thesis is the compass guiding explorers through the seas of knowledge.”

33. “A thesis is the echo of countless voices, shaping the future of understanding.”

34. “Through the dance of words, the thesis paints portraits of enlightenment.”

35. “The thesis is the flame that ignites the torch of wisdom in others.”

36. “A thesis stands firm, an everlasting monument to intellectual achievement.”

37. “In the silence of contemplation, the thesis speaks volumes of insight.”

38. “The thesis is the heartbeat of curiosity, pulsing with the rhythm of discovery.”

39. “A thesis is the symphony of thoughts, composed with the pen of wisdom.”

40. “Through the tunnel of research, the thesis emerges into the light of knowledge.”

41. “The thesis is the lighthouse that guides scholars through uncharted waters.”

42. “A thesis is the constellation of ideas, illuminating the sky of academia.”

43. “In the realm of academia, the thesis reigns as the king of enlightenment.”

44. “The thesis is the gateway to new worlds, unlocked by the key of knowledge.”

45. “A thesis is the river that flows through the valleys of understanding.”

46. “Through the crucible of challenges, the thesis emerges as a beacon of triumph.”

47. “The thesis is the chisel that sculpts the statue of academic brilliance.”

48. “A thesis is the seed that germinates into forests of innovative ideas.”

49. “In the tapestry of research, the thesis weaves the threads of brilliance.”

50. “The thesis is the orchestra, harmonizing the melody of knowledge.”

51. “A thesis is the compass, guiding explorers through the uncharted territory of knowledge.”

52. “Through the dance of ideas, the thesis orchestrates the symphony of enlightenment.”

53. “The thesis is the beacon of light, leading others out of the darkness of ignorance.”

54. “A thesis is the catalyst that sparks the wildfire of curiosity.”

55. “In the garden of academia, the thesis blooms like a rare and exquisite flower.”

56. “The thesis is the constellation of insights, mapping the vast universe of knowledge.”

57. “A thesis is not just an end, but the beginning of a journey into unexplored realms.”

58. “Through the labyrinth of research, the thesis finds the hidden treasure of wisdom.”

59. “The thesis is the heartbeat of scholarly pursuit, pulsing with the rhythm of progress.”

60. “A thesis is the mirror reflecting the soul of the researcher, forever imprinted in ink.”

61. “In the symphony of ideas, the thesis is the crescendo of brilliance.”

62. “The thesis is the bridge that connects the realm of questions to the land of answers.”

63. “A thesis is the seed that sprouts into forests of innovation and progress.”

64. “Through the storm of doubt, the thesis emerges as a beacon of certainty.”

65. “The thesis is the symphony of thoughts, composed with the pen of wisdom.”

66. “A thesis is the whisper of knowledge, shared across generations.”

67. “In the dance of words, the thesis paints portraits of enlightenment.”

68. “The thesis is the compass that guides explorers through the uncharted seas of knowledge.”

69. “A thesis is the lighthouse that shines light on the path of understanding.”

70. “Through the crucible of challenges, the thesis emerges as a beacon of triumph.”

71. “The thesis is the chisel that sculpts the statue of academic brilliance.”

72. “A thesis is the seed that germinates into forests of innovative ideas.”

73. “In the tapestry of research, the thesis weaves the threads of brilliance.”

74. “The thesis is the orchestra, harmonizing the melody of knowledge.”

75. “A thesis is the compass, guiding explorers through the uncharted territory of knowledge.”

76. “Through the dance of ideas, the thesis orchestrates the symphony of enlightenment.”

77. “The thesis is the beacon of light, leading others out of the darkness of ignorance.”

78. “A thesis is the catalyst that sparks the wildfire of curiosity.”

79. “In the garden of academia, the thesis blooms like a rare and exquisite flower.”

80. “The thesis is the constellation of insights, mapping the vast universe of knowledge.”

81. “A thesis is not just an end, but the beginning of a journey into unexplored realms.”

82. “Through the labyrinth of research, the thesis finds the hidden treasure of wisdom.”

83. “The thesis is the heartbeat of scholarly pursuit, pulsing with the rhythm of progress.”

84. “A thesis is the mirror reflecting the soul of the researcher, forever imprinted in ink.”

85. “In the symphony of ideas, the thesis is the crescendo of brilliance.”

86. “The thesis is the bridge that connects the realm of questions to the land of answers.”

87. “A thesis is the seed that sprouts into forests of innovation and progress.”

88. “Through the storm of doubt, the thesis emerges as a beacon of certainty.”

89. “The thesis is the symphony of thoughts, composed with the pen of wisdom.”

90. “A thesis is the whisper of knowledge, shared across generations.”

91. “In the dance of words, the thesis paints portraits of enlightenment.”

92. “The thesis is the compass that guides explorers through the uncharted seas of knowledge.”

93. “A thesis is the lighthouse that shines light on the path of understanding.”

94. “Through the crucible of challenges, the thesis emerges as a beacon of triumph.”

95. “The thesis is the chisel that sculpts the statue of academic brilliance.”

96. “A thesis is the seed that germinates into forests of innovative ideas.”

97. “In the tapestry of research, the thesis weaves the threads of brilliance.”

98. “The thesis is the orchestra, harmonizing the melody of knowledge.”

99. “A thesis is the compass, guiding explorers through the uncharted territory of knowledge.”

100. “Through the dance of ideas, the thesis orchestrates the symphony of enlightenment.”

101. “The thesis is the beacon of light, leading others out of the darkness of ignorance.”

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