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College Essays


If you grow up to be a professional writer, everything you write will first go through an editor before being published. This is because the process of writing is really a process of re-writing —of rethinking and reexamining your work, usually with the help of someone else. So what does this mean for your student writing? And in particular, what does it mean for very important, but nonprofessional writing like your college essay? Should you ask your parents to look at your essay? Pay for an essay service?

If you are wondering what kind of help you can, and should, get with your personal statement, you've come to the right place! In this article, I'll talk about what kind of writing help is useful, ethical, and even expected for your college admission essay . I'll also point out who would make a good editor, what the differences between editing and proofreading are, what to expect from a good editor, and how to spot and stay away from a bad one.

Table of Contents

What Kind of Help for Your Essay Can You Get?

What's Good Editing?

What should an editor do for you, what kind of editing should you avoid, proofreading, what's good proofreading, what kind of proofreading should you avoid.

What Do Colleges Think Of You Getting Help With Your Essay?

Who Can/Should Help You?

Advice for editors.

Should You Pay Money For Essay Editing?

The Bottom Line

What's next, what kind of help with your essay can you get.

Rather than talking in general terms about "help," let's first clarify the two different ways that someone else can improve your writing . There is editing, which is the more intensive kind of assistance that you can use throughout the whole process. And then there's proofreading, which is the last step of really polishing your final product.

Let me go into some more detail about editing and proofreading, and then explain how good editors and proofreaders can help you."

Editing is helping the author (in this case, you) go from a rough draft to a finished work . Editing is the process of asking questions about what you're saying, how you're saying it, and how you're organizing your ideas. But not all editing is good editing . In fact, it's very easy for an editor to cross the line from supportive to overbearing and over-involved.

Ability to clarify assignments. A good editor is usually a good writer, and certainly has to be a good reader. For example, in this case, a good editor should make sure you understand the actual essay prompt you're supposed to be answering.

Open-endedness. Good editing is all about asking questions about your ideas and work, but without providing answers. It's about letting you stick to your story and message, and doesn't alter your point of view.


Think of an editor as a great travel guide. It can show you the many different places your trip could take you. It should explain any parts of the trip that could derail your trip or confuse the traveler. But it never dictates your path, never forces you to go somewhere you don't want to go, and never ignores your interests so that the trip no longer seems like it's your own. So what should good editors do?

Help Brainstorm Topics

Sometimes it's easier to bounce thoughts off of someone else. This doesn't mean that your editor gets to come up with ideas, but they can certainly respond to the various topic options you've come up with. This way, you're less likely to write about the most boring of your ideas, or to write about something that isn't actually important to you.

If you're wondering how to come up with options for your editor to consider, check out our guide to brainstorming topics for your college essay .

Help Revise Your Drafts

Here, your editor can't upset the delicate balance of not intervening too much or too little. It's tricky, but a great way to think about it is to remember: editing is about asking questions, not giving answers .

Revision questions should point out:

  • Places where more detail or more description would help the reader connect with your essay
  • Places where structure and logic don't flow, losing the reader's attention
  • Places where there aren't transitions between paragraphs, confusing the reader
  • Moments where your narrative or the arguments you're making are unclear

But pointing to potential problems is not the same as actually rewriting—editors let authors fix the problems themselves.

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Bad editing is usually very heavy-handed editing. Instead of helping you find your best voice and ideas, a bad editor changes your writing into their own vision.

You may be dealing with a bad editor if they:

  • Add material (examples, descriptions) that doesn't come from you
  • Use a thesaurus to make your college essay sound "more mature"
  • Add meaning or insight to the essay that doesn't come from you
  • Tell you what to say and how to say it
  • Write sentences, phrases, and paragraphs for you
  • Change your voice in the essay so it no longer sounds like it was written by a teenager

Colleges can tell the difference between a 17-year-old's writing and a 50-year-old's writing. Not only that, they have access to your SAT or ACT Writing section, so they can compare your essay to something else you wrote. Writing that's a little more polished is great and expected. But a totally different voice and style will raise questions.

Where's the Line Between Helpful Editing and Unethical Over-Editing?

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether your college essay editor is doing the right thing. Here are some guidelines for staying on the ethical side of the line.

  • An editor should say that the opening paragraph is kind of boring, and explain what exactly is making it drag. But it's overstepping for an editor to tell you exactly how to change it.
  • An editor should point out where your prose is unclear or vague. But it's completely inappropriate for the editor to rewrite that section of your essay.
  • An editor should let you know that a section is light on detail or description. But giving you similes and metaphors to beef up that description is a no-go.


Proofreading (also called copy-editing) is checking for errors in the last draft of a written work. It happens at the end of the process and is meant as the final polishing touch. Proofreading is meticulous and detail-oriented, focusing on small corrections. It sands off all the surface rough spots that could alienate the reader.

Because proofreading is usually concerned with making fixes on the word or sentence level, this is the only process where someone else can actually add to or take away things from your essay . This is because what they are adding or taking away tends to be one or two misplaced letters.

Laser focus. Proofreading is all about the tiny details, so the ability to really concentrate on finding small slip-ups is a must.

Excellent grammar and spelling skills. Proofreaders need to dot every "i" and cross every "t." Good proofreaders should correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. They should put foreign words in italics and surround quotations with quotation marks. They should check that you used the correct college's name, and that you adhered to any formatting requirements (name and date at the top of the page, uniform font and size, uniform spacing).

Limited interference. A proofreader needs to make sure that you followed any word limits. But if cuts need to be made to shorten the essay, that's your job and not the proofreader's.


A bad proofreader either tries to turn into an editor, or just lacks the skills and knowledge necessary to do the job.

Some signs that you're working with a bad proofreader are:

  • If they suggest making major changes to the final draft of your essay. Proofreading happens when editing is already finished.
  • If they aren't particularly good at spelling, or don't know grammar, or aren't detail-oriented enough to find someone else's small mistakes.
  • If they start swapping out your words for fancier-sounding synonyms, or changing the voice and sound of your essay in other ways. A proofreader is there to check for errors, not to take the 17-year-old out of your writing.


What Do Colleges Think of Your Getting Help With Your Essay?

Admissions officers agree: light editing and proofreading are good—even required ! But they also want to make sure you're the one doing the work on your essay. They want essays with stories, voice, and themes that come from you. They want to see work that reflects your actual writing ability, and that focuses on what you find important.

On the Importance of Editing

Get feedback. Have a fresh pair of eyes give you some feedback. Don't allow someone else to rewrite your essay, but do take advantage of others' edits and opinions when they seem helpful. ( Bates College )

Read your essay aloud to someone. Reading the essay out loud offers a chance to hear how your essay sounds outside your head. This exercise reveals flaws in the essay's flow, highlights grammatical errors and helps you ensure that you are communicating the exact message you intended. ( Dickinson College )

On the Value of Proofreading

Share your essays with at least one or two people who know you well—such as a parent, teacher, counselor, or friend—and ask for feedback. Remember that you ultimately have control over your essays, and your essays should retain your own voice, but others may be able to catch mistakes that you missed and help suggest areas to cut if you are over the word limit. ( Yale University )

Proofread and then ask someone else to proofread for you. Although we want substance, we also want to be able to see that you can write a paper for our professors and avoid careless mistakes that would drive them crazy. ( Oberlin College )

On Watching Out for Too Much Outside Influence

Limit the number of people who review your essay. Too much input usually means your voice is lost in the writing style. ( Carleton College )

Ask for input (but not too much). Your parents, friends, guidance counselors, coaches, and teachers are great people to bounce ideas off of for your essay. They know how unique and spectacular you are, and they can help you decide how to articulate it. Keep in mind, however, that a 45-year-old lawyer writes quite differently from an 18-year-old student, so if your dad ends up writing the bulk of your essay, we're probably going to notice. ( Vanderbilt University )


Now let's talk about some potential people to approach for your college essay editing and proofreading needs. It's best to start close to home and slowly expand outward. Not only are your family and friends more invested in your success than strangers, but they also have a better handle on your interests and personality. This knowledge is key for judging whether your essay is expressing your true self.

Parents or Close Relatives

Your family may be full of potentially excellent editors! Parents are deeply committed to your well-being, and family members know you and your life well enough to offer details or incidents that can be included in your essay. On the other hand, the rewriting process necessarily involves criticism, which is sometimes hard to hear from someone very close to you.

A parent or close family member is a great choice for an editor if you can answer "yes" to the following questions. Is your parent or close relative a good writer or reader? Do you have a relationship where editing your essay won't create conflict? Are you able to constructively listen to criticism and suggestion from the parent?

One suggestion for defusing face-to-face discussions is to try working on the essay over email. Send your parent a draft, have them write you back some comments, and then you can pick which of their suggestions you want to use and which to discard.

Teachers or Tutors

A humanities teacher that you have a good relationship with is a great choice. I am purposefully saying humanities, and not just English, because teachers of Philosophy, History, Anthropology, and any other classes where you do a lot of writing, are all used to reviewing student work.

Moreover, any teacher or tutor that has been working with you for some time, knows you very well and can vet the essay to make sure it "sounds like you."

If your teacher or tutor has some experience with what college essays are supposed to be like, ask them to be your editor. If not, then ask whether they have time to proofread your final draft.

Guidance or College Counselor at Your School

The best thing about asking your counselor to edit your work is that this is their job. This means that they have a very good sense of what colleges are looking for in an application essay.

At the same time, school counselors tend to have relationships with admissions officers in many colleges, which again gives them insight into what works and which college is focused on what aspect of the application.

Unfortunately, in many schools the guidance counselor tends to be way overextended. If your ratio is 300 students to 1 college counselor, you're unlikely to get that person's undivided attention and focus. It is still useful to ask them for general advice about your potential topics, but don't expect them to be able to stay with your essay from first draft to final version.

Friends, Siblings, or Classmates

Although they most likely don't have much experience with what colleges are hoping to see, your peers are excellent sources for checking that your essay is you .

Friends and siblings are perfect for the read-aloud edit. Read your essay to them so they can listen for words and phrases that are stilted, pompous, or phrases that just don't sound like you.

You can even trade essays and give helpful advice on each other's work.


If your editor hasn't worked with college admissions essays very much, no worries! Any astute and attentive reader can still greatly help with your process. But, as in all things, beginners do better with some preparation.

First, your editor should read our advice about how to write a college essay introduction , how to spot and fix a bad college essay , and get a sense of what other students have written by going through some admissions essays that worked .

Then, as they read your essay, they can work through the following series of questions that will help them to guide you.

Introduction Questions

  • Is the first sentence a killer opening line? Why or why not?
  • Does the introduction hook the reader? Does it have a colorful, detailed, and interesting narrative? Or does it propose a compelling or surprising idea?
  • Can you feel the author's voice in the introduction, or is the tone dry, dull, or overly formal? Show the places where the voice comes through.

Essay Body Questions

  • Does the essay have a through-line? Is it built around a central argument, thought, idea, or focus? Can you put this idea into your own words?
  • How is the essay organized? By logical progression? Chronologically? Do you feel order when you read it, or are there moments where you are confused or lose the thread of the essay?
  • Does the essay have both narratives about the author's life and explanations and insight into what these stories reveal about the author's character, personality, goals, or dreams? If not, which is missing?
  • Does the essay flow? Are there smooth transitions/clever links between paragraphs? Between the narrative and moments of insight?

Reader Response Questions

  • Does the writer's personality come through? Do we know what the speaker cares about? Do we get a sense of "who he or she is"?
  • Where did you feel most connected to the essay? Which parts of the essay gave you a "you are there" sensation by invoking your senses? What moments could you picture in your head well?
  • Where are the details and examples vague and not specific enough?
  • Did you get an "a-ha!" feeling anywhere in the essay? Is there a moment of insight that connected all the dots for you? Is there a good reveal or "twist" anywhere in the essay?
  • What are the strengths of this essay? What needs the most improvement?


Should You Pay Money for Essay Editing?

One alternative to asking someone you know to help you with your college essay is the paid editor route. There are two different ways to pay for essay help: a private essay coach or a less personal editing service , like the many proliferating on the internet.

My advice is to think of these options as a last resort rather than your go-to first choice. I'll first go through the reasons why. Then, if you do decide to go with a paid editor, I'll help you decide between a coach and a service.

When to Consider a Paid Editor

In general, I think hiring someone to work on your essay makes a lot of sense if none of the people I discussed above are a possibility for you.

If you can't ask your parents. For example, if your parents aren't good writers, or if English isn't their first language. Or if you think getting your parents to help is going create unnecessary extra conflict in your relationship with them (applying to college is stressful as it is!)

If you can't ask your teacher or tutor. Maybe you don't have a trusted teacher or tutor that has time to look over your essay with focus. Or, for instance, your favorite humanities teacher has very limited experience with college essays and so won't know what admissions officers want to see.

If you can't ask your guidance counselor. This could be because your guidance counselor is way overwhelmed with other students.

If you can't share your essay with those who know you. It might be that your essay is on a very personal topic that you're unwilling to share with parents, teachers, or peers. Just make sure it doesn't fall into one of the bad-idea topics in our article on bad college essays .

If the cost isn't a consideration. Many of these services are quite expensive, and private coaches even more so. If you have finite resources, I'd say that hiring an SAT or ACT tutor (whether it's PrepScholar or someone else) is better way to spend your money . This is because there's no guarantee that a slightly better essay will sufficiently elevate the rest of your application, but a significantly higher SAT score will definitely raise your applicant profile much more.

Should You Hire an Essay Coach?

On the plus side, essay coaches have read dozens or even hundreds of college essays, so they have experience with the format. Also, because you'll be working closely with a specific person, it's more personal than sending your essay to a service, which will know even less about you.

But, on the minus side, you'll still be bouncing ideas off of someone who doesn't know that much about you . In general, if you can adequately get the help from someone you know, there is no advantage to paying someone to help you.

If you do decide to hire a coach, ask your school counselor, or older students that have used the service for recommendations. If you can't afford the coach's fees, ask whether they can work on a sliding scale —many do. And finally, beware those who guarantee admission to your school of choice—essay coaches don't have any special magic that can back up those promises.

Should You Send Your Essay to a Service?

On the plus side, essay editing services provide a similar product to essay coaches, and they cost significantly less . If you have some assurance that you'll be working with a good editor, the lack of face-to-face interaction won't prevent great results.

On the minus side, however, it can be difficult to gauge the quality of the service before working with them . If they are churning through many application essays without getting to know the students they are helping, you could end up with an over-edited essay that sounds just like everyone else's. In the worst case scenario, an unscrupulous service could send you back a plagiarized essay.

Getting recommendations from friends or a school counselor for reputable services is key to avoiding heavy-handed editing that writes essays for you or does too much to change your essay. Including a badly-edited essay like this in your application could cause problems if there are inconsistencies. For example, in interviews it might be clear you didn't write the essay, or the skill of the essay might not be reflected in your schoolwork and test scores.

Should You Buy an Essay Written by Someone Else?

Let me elaborate. There are super sketchy places on the internet where you can simply buy a pre-written essay. Don't do this!

For one thing, you'll be lying on an official, signed document. All college applications make you sign a statement saying something like this:

I certify that all information submitted in the admission process—including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials—is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented... I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation, expulsion, or revocation of course credit, grades, and degree, should the information I have certified be false. (From the Common Application )

For another thing, if your academic record doesn't match the essay's quality, the admissions officer will start thinking your whole application is riddled with lies.

Admission officers have full access to your writing portion of the SAT or ACT so that they can compare work that was done in proctored conditions with that done at home. They can tell if these were written by different people. Not only that, but there are now a number of search engines that faculty and admission officers can use to see if an essay contains strings of words that have appeared in other essays—you have no guarantee that the essay you bought wasn't also bought by 50 other students.


  • You should get college essay help with both editing and proofreading
  • A good editor will ask questions about your idea, logic, and structure, and will point out places where clarity is needed
  • A good editor will absolutely not answer these questions, give you their own ideas, or write the essay or parts of the essay for you
  • A good proofreader will find typos and check your formatting
  • All of them agree that getting light editing and proofreading is necessary
  • Parents, teachers, guidance or college counselor, and peers or siblings
  • If you can't ask any of those, you can pay for college essay help, but watch out for services or coaches who over-edit you work
  • Don't buy a pre-written essay! Colleges can tell, and it'll make your whole application sound false.

Ready to start working on your essay? Check out our explanation of the point of the personal essay and the role it plays on your applications and then explore our step-by-step guide to writing a great college essay .

Using the Common Application for your college applications? We have an excellent guide to the Common App essay prompts and useful advice on how to pick the Common App prompt that's right for you . Wondering how other people tackled these prompts? Then work through our roundup of over 130 real college essay examples published by colleges .

Stressed about whether to take the SAT again before submitting your application? Let us help you decide how many times to take this test . If you choose to go for it, we have the ultimate guide to studying for the SAT to give you the ins and outs of the best ways to study.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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Timely Delivery Guarantees timely delivery of completed essays, even under tight deadlines.
24/7 Customer Support Provides round-the-clock customer support to address any queries or concerns you may have.
Satisfaction Guarantee Offers a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring revisions until you are fully satisfied with the work.

When your professors are indifferent or unavailable to assist you, or when time constraints prevent you from completing your tasks, our essay writing services are the solution you need. You can hire our experienced writers to work on your essay according to your specific requirements. Just specify your needs clearly, and we'll take care of the rest.

EduBirdie: Professional Essay Writers

Choosing an essay writing service that meets all your requirements can be challenging. At EduBirdie, we employ individuals who are passionate about their work and strive to deliver the best results. For example, our law essay writing service is 100% dedicated to helping you improve your skills, stay on track with your studies, and achieve high grades.

When you're overwhelmed with tasks and struggling to meet deadlines, we're here to support you. Modern learners often lack the time to create articles on difficult topics, conduct research, or spend hours in libraries. The easy way out is to hire an online essay writer or find appropriate speech writers for hire and order your paper.

Guarantees of Our Essay Writing Service

  • Quality Assurance: We hire writers with college degrees and writing experience. All papers are written after thorough research and review of educational sources. Our essay writing services collect only relevant information and adhere to high education standards to ensure quality.
  • Confidentiality Policies: We value and respect clients' privacy, ensuring that confidentiality is protected at all times.
  • Affordable Prices: We offer fair prices without compromising quality. Compare prices on the market and see how EduBirdie cares about its buyers.
  • Experienced Paper Writers: Our tutors complete up to 150 essays per day, continuously improving their skills to deliver top-quality papers to clients from different countries.
  • Around-the-clock Customer Support: Rely on our support representatives to address any issues or questions you may have. Contact us to find the best essay writer, clarify prices, and learn about payment methods.
  • Money-back Guarantee: We offer a money-back guarantee in case your requirements have not been followed or we miss the deadline.

When looking for an essay writer, whether for academic purposes or content creation, it's essential to find a reliable and skilled professional who can meet your specific needs.

Don't leave without trying our essays for sale. Make an order, hire professional essay writers online, and wait until the essay is ready. Enjoy a perfect result by receiving a top grade and hearing praise from your teacher.

Is it Legal to Hire an Essay Writer on EduBirdie?

At EduBirdie, we understand the importance of academic integrity and compliance with legal standards. We are committed to providing a platform that operates within the bounds of the law and upholds ethical practices.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Academic Integrity: Using an essay writing service like EduBirdie for guidance and reference purposes can be a valuable learning aid, helping students improve their writing skills and understanding of the subject matter.
  • Local Laws and Regulations: The legality of hiring an essay writer may be subject to local laws and regulations governing academic assistance services. We know to relevant laws and guidelines in your area to ensure compliance.

Hand-picked essay writers for your papers

EduBirdie essay writing service is an established platform partnered with acclaimed authors. Our writing services are high quality and connect students with qualified writers. Several of the writers are sorted according to the results they've written and the customer's review. Browse through our expert profile and choose the best essay writing for your task.

At EduBirdie, we understand the diverse needs of students when it comes to academic essay writing.

Our team of professional essay writers for hire is dedicated to providing high-quality, customized papers tailored to your specific requirements. Here are some of the types of paper writing services we offer on our platform:

  • Essay Writing : Whether you need a persuasive essay, argumentative essay, narrative essay, descriptive essay, or any other type of essay, our writers are well-equipped to deliver compelling and well-researched content on any topic.
  • Research Paper Writing : Our writers can assist you in conducting thorough research and crafting well-structured research papers that meet the highest academic standards. From literature reviews to empirical research, we cover a wide range of research paper formats and subjects.
  • Term Paper Writing : Need help with a term paper? Our experienced writers can create original and engaging term papers that demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter and showcase critical thinking skills.
  • Thesis and Dissertation Writing : For graduate and postgraduate students, we offer thesis and dissertation writing services . Our writers can help you with all aspects of the writing process, from formulating a research question to conducting data analysis and writing up the results.
  • Admission Essay Writing : Applying to college or graduate school? Our writers can help you craft compelling admission essays that highlight your strengths, accomplishments, and aspirations, helping you stand out from the competition.
  • Creative Writing : Whether it's a short story, poem, or any other form of creative writing, our writers can bring your ideas to life with their creative flair and storytelling expertise.
  • Editing and Proofreading, text AI humanize : In addition to writing services, we also offer editing and proofreading services to help you polish your papers and ensure they are free of grammar errors, typos, and inconsistencies.

At EduBirdie, we prioritize quality, originality, and customer satisfaction. Our team of skilled writers works tirelessly to deliver papers that meet your exact specifications and exceed your expectations. With our paper writing for hire, you can rest assured that your academic success is in good hands.

Which kind of paper writing can offer EduBirdie

At EduBirdie, we understand the diverse needs of students when it comes to academic writing. Our team of professional essay writers is dedicated to delivering high-quality papers tailored to your requirements. Whether you need assistance with essays, research papers, or any other type of academic writing, our expert writers are here to help.

Explore the various types of online essay writing service we offer below.

Paper Writing Services Offered by EduBirdie

Type of Paper Description
Essays From argumentative to descriptive, our writers can craft well-researched essays on any topic.
Research Papers We provide assistance in conducting thorough research and composing research papers tailored to your requirements.
Term Papers Our writers excel in creating term papers that demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Thesis/Dissertation We offer comprehensive support in writing theses and dissertations, ensuring adherence to academic standards.
Book/Movie Reviews Our writers can analyze and critique books or movies, providing insightful reviews.
Case Studies We specialize in crafting detailed and well-analyzed case studies across various disciplines.
Admissions Essays We assist students in creating compelling admissions essays that reflect their unique qualities and aspirations.

Why Choose EduBirdie?

Once i hire a writer to write my paper, will it be possible for me to monitor their progress.

Once you hire a writer through our platform to ask paper writing service, you will indeed have the capability to monitor their progress. We understand the importance of transparency and communication throughout the writing process. Our platform provides built-in features that allow you to stay updated on the status of your paper.

Once you've selected a writer for your project, you'll have direct communication with them through our messaging system. This enables you to discuss any details, provide additional instructions, and track the progress of your paper in real-time. You can inquire about drafts, request revisions, and address any concerns you may have directly with your assigned writer.

Furthermore, our platform also offers a user-friendly interface where you can view the status of your essay request, including milestones reached and upcoming deadlines. This transparency ensures that you are always in the loop and can monitor the progress of your paper from start to finish.

At EduBirdie, we prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to provide a seamless and transparent experience throughout the entire creative writing process. So rest assured, you'll have the tools and visibility needed to monitor your writer's progress every step of the way.

Don’t drown in assignments — ask an essay writer to help!

Feeling overwhelmed by your academic workload? Don't let assignments consume all your time and energy. EduBirdie offers a solution to help you stay afloat.

Our team of skilled essay writers is here to lighten your load and ensure your academic success. Whether you're struggling with a challenging topic, pressed for time, or simply need assistance polishing your work, our experts are ready to assist.

Why struggle alone when you can have professional support at your fingertips? With our pro essay writer for hire, you can:

  • Save time: Focus on other priorities while our writers tackle your assignments.
  • Reduce stress: Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your papers are in capable hands.
  • Improve grades: Benefit from expertly crafted essays that meet academic standards.
  • Gain insights: Learn from experienced writers and enhance your own writing skills.

Get Started Today!

Don't let academic writing stress you out. Hire expert essay writers from EduBirdie and experience academic success without the hassle. Reach out to us today to get started!

Order any essay or paper

  • Research paper
  • Essay (any type)
  • Admission essay
  • Scholarship essay
  • Annotated bibliography
  • Research proposal
  • Presentation
  • Capstone project
  • Dissertation
  • Personal statement
  • Nursing paper

You can make an order at any moment you want but bear in mind the fact that a minimal deadline at our website is 3 hours.

Our experienced writers will deliver you a paper of the highest quality before the set deadline. So, yes, our service is definitely worthwhile.

No, our service pays much attention to the privacy of our customers. Our writers review the final product for plagiarism and adhere to an appropriate style of writing. Also, we never publish our papers online.

You can pay for our work with your credit card or pay directly by connecting your credit card to our application.

Have more questions?

Mary , Head of Support

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  • Get original papers written according to your instructions
  • Save time for what matters most

Essay writing service

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Our essay writers team

No AI usage, only human essay writers. Our team is standing by to assist you.

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We provide essay writing services and more

Student-friendly pricing, safety above all, meeting your deadlines, 24/7 availability, free plagiarism report, refund policy, customers are talking about essayhub.

See what other students have to say about our service. Once your order is complete, feel free to leave a review about your experience!

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Lydia has been very responsive and helpful. I will definitely use this resource in the future.

Quick and efficient process. I like the variety of writers provided.

I am very pleased with my research paper. And what makes it great is the writer got done (HOURS) before time. You totally rock! I will definitely be back when I need some else done. Now I can take a breath of fresh air, due to not being so stressed out. THANKS AGAIN!!!

Do not look for another writer. Mr.Bill will do it for you fast and you will never be disappointed. He is my favorite writing essays service writer

I always ask for Jordan P. because I know the work will be completed way before my deadline and the work is thorough!

Tom does outstanding work. I challenge you to use him...he will not disappoint you.

I absolotely love working with Lillian. She delivers quality work each and every time. I pass with flying colors.

Exceptional writer. Goes above and beyond to produce original paper at any level. will be coming back to this online essay writing service

she is a great writer. I have now used her for multiple assignments and all have turned out great she is one of my favorite writers.

wrote my essay up to a high standard . she listens with patience and delivers what u ask for....

A great writer pays attention to ever bullet point in assignment requirements

wow so fast so good i like the work and the writing that you do please always keep up the good work =)

Wesley got my piece done within 1 week. He is awesome!

Great work! She finished the essay before the deadline and after reading the essay, is very thorough with her work. will definitely be using her again!

He did very well and wrote essay for me in 45 minutes. Great work !!

He wrote my essays, got my paper done early and also great quality

This writer did a fabulous job on the paper and bibliography- exactly what was required and in a very good time. Communication was clear and easy to work with- thank you for high quality work. Highly recommend, would give 10 stars if I could!

Absolutely one of my favs. He helped me with 3 projects all on short notice. I received an "A" on all 3. He is very thorough and pays great attention to detail. I recommend him 100%.

Did an amazing job on an essay. very happy with the work and plan on working again in the near future and ask him to write my essay online again

Thank you Kelvin for the great work. Very fast, this writer delivers work way before the deadline. I highly recommend Kelvin as your writer.

I am in a post Masters program. Anna wrote as if she was an expert in the field! She delivered the paper before it was due, and exceeded my expectations! I would 100% recommend her!

Essay writing service on any subject

Let us write an essay for you in 3 easy steps.

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Budget-friendly writing services.

  • Academic paper writing from $10.80 /page
  • Proofreading from $3.00 /page
  • Dissertation services from $12.35 /page
  • Editing from $5.00 /page
  • Rewriting from $7.99 /page

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Ready to get professional help from EssayHub?

How does the essayhub team work.

Reviewing your instructions

Once we receive your "write my essay for me" order, your writer thoroughly checks your assignment's requirements. Make sure to attach detailed instructions from your educator, a list of your preferred sources, and all the necessary study materials. The more info you share with your writer, the easier it is for them to craft a paper that meets your needs precisely.

Clarifying order details

If your essay writer helper has any questions about your assignment, they'll contact you via direct chat. This one-on-one communication allows you to keep in touch with your writer and ask for updates, drafts, and edits whenever you like.

Researching the topic

After your writer thoroughly checks your instructions and clarifies every detail, they get started with their research. Your helper will meticulously analyze every source related to the assignment's topic. Our essay writers often browse limited-access databases to ensure your paper is everything you've been looking for.

Finalizing the paper

Once the research phase is over, your expert crafts the paper from the ground up, considering all your suggestions in their process. The writer proofreads and checks the content for plagiarism before sending it to you. Rest assured, you'll receive a high-quality, original piece that meets all your initial instructions. And if you want to change anything about your assignment, feel free to ask your writer. They'll amend your paper for free, even 14 or 30 days after completing it, depending on your order details.

Frequently asked questions

Does your essay writing service ensure unique, quality essays, are all your writing services provided with a money-back guarantee policy, are there any complimentary features included in your essay services, how fast can your writer write my essay, will assigned essay writers follow my order guidelines, what formatting styles does essayhub offer for essay writing, how do i add files and instructions to essayhub orders, why is a deposit required before receiving essay help, can my essay writer make changes to the finished essay, how to proceed with payment for paper writing, featured in.

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A user-friendly essay writing service

✍️ Exceptional writers

500+ professionals

✅ Originality-focused content

Originality report

⏰ Deadline compliance

Instant delivery

🥇 Personalized approach

Papers from scratch

💯 Task complexity

50+ types of papers

💎 Quality assurance

5,000+ glowing reviews

Our highest priority is providing students with an exceptional customer experience that is both straightforward and exceptional. This commitment is evident in our meticulous attention, care, and effort we invest in both our ordering process and the usability and security of our essay writing services.

In just three simple steps, customers promptly receive an essay made from a commitment to originality. We have designed our customer experience to ensure a delightful and hassle-free ordering process.

Apart from that, our website embodies simplicity and efficiency, but we go even further to enhance your experience. We have implemented a fully encrypted direct chat system that facilitates seamless communications between you, the support team, and the people who write an essay for you.

Our features are designed solely with your convenience in mind, ensuring that everything works harmoniously to meet your needs.

EssayHub - flexible writing solutions for students

EssayHub offers a wide variety of services designed to cater to diverse student needs. With a large team of esteemed writers, we can fulfill any customer request in no time. If you're wondering, "Who can write an essay for me?" or are looking for someone to edit your messy draft, our skilled writers are standing by. Here's what we can help you with:

  • Essay writing service. Get a custom-made paper crafted from scratch just for you. Our skilled writers will follow your instructions precisely, creating a compelling academic piece that feels and reads like you.
  • Rewriting assistance. Submit the drafts of your essays and let our seasoned experts turn them into masterpieces.
  • Expert editing support. Polish the structure and wording of your paper to perfection.
  • Proofreading. Ensure there are no grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors in your essay.
  • Problem-solving. Our tutors can promptly and accurately answer short- and long-form questions.
  • Calculations. Hire genuine experts to solve complex equations for you.

That's not all! Our adept writers provide expert assistance with 50+ assignment types, including lab reports, research papers, case studies, and other writing services.

Affordable writing service for students

Financial stress is a common problem for students. That's why our online essay writing service aims to be high-quality and budget-friendly at the same time. We genuinely want to be a beacon of relief to your wallet and the many financial responsibilities you juggle, like student loans, monthly bills, and rent.

Prices for our quality essay writer help start at just $10.80 per page. While all EssayHub rates are fair, the exact cost depends on various factors. You can customize the price of your order by entering the due date, number of pages, and your level of study. Once you've entered all the assignment details and chosen a writer, the price is locked. There won't be any additional costs or hidden charges.

Want to save even more? Place your order at least two weeks in advance to get an early-bird discount. The same goes for bulk orders and long assignments. You can also follow our social media, where we regularly post promo codes and inform you about seasonal discounts.

Do writers who write my essay for me offer chat support?

Our essay service emphasizes the crucial role of direct communication between clients and their writers. Open conversation ensures top-notch essays tailored to your needs.

You're not just getting an essay when you ask us for essay help online. You can contact your writer anytime through our secure chat if you have extra instructions or want to see a draft. Quick replies and close attention to your needs are what make us a favorite among students.

EssayHub is more than just an essay writing company. We're about building a genuine connection with you, understanding your requirements, and shaping our service accordingly. We aim to exceed your expectations every time you choose us to write your essay.

From the moment you first reach out with a "write my essay" request to the delivery of your final paper, we're committed to ensuring your paper meets all your initial instructions. Your peace of mind is what we aim to deliver, and we're here to support you throughout the process.

Find professional essay writers with ease

Struggling with your essay? Overwhelmed by the number of essay writing services available? Look no further - our service is the key to securing the best outcome when you need essay help.

Our first goal is to ensure your experience with us is as smooth and effortless as possible.

Students often require swift essays with quality references. They typically search for a service that best offers speed and quality.

Whether you're searching for easy payment options, a secure document environment, or a comprehensive hub for all your academic writing needs, we're the essay writer service for you.

Our intuitive platform facilitates direct interactions with writers and unlimited revisions. You'll have complete control over your final essay, ensuring it precisely meets your expectations.

If you're in a rush to find an essay helper, contact us. We're here to expedite the process by making it fast and convenient.

Direct communication is key in our essay writer service

Maintaining effective communication with your assigned essay writer is vital for achieving the best results. By engaging in two-way communication, you can ask questions, request progress updates and drafts, and receive prompt responses.

If you need to add a source or specify an unconventional formatting guideline you may have forgotten, just send them a quick message! Our essay writing service online ensures that an expert is available to assist you round the clock. Therefore, if you require urgent modifications to your order, simply inform them in the chat.

We prioritize the protection of your personal data and communications with us and our professional essay writers. Moreover, our chat feature guarantees complete encryption, ensuring that only you and the writer can access your  conversation.

In summary, effective communication is critical for optimizing your collaboration with EssayHub. Feel free to utilize the chat to interact with your writer.

Improve your academic performance with top essay writers online

We've all been there. You receive an assignment, do a bit of research, and are confident about the topic. You think, "This won't take long!" Yet, once submitted, it comes back littered with feedback and corrections. It hits you: delivering quality is essential.

For many students, there's a breaking point when their mountain of assignments seems too high, but their desire for success never diminishes. Turning to our essay writer service means entrusting your work to a knowledgeable expert. Our essay writers for hire are well-versed in various academic criteria and are committed to refining your essay until it shines. They'll meticulously align every aspect of your paper to your professor's requirements.

By choosing EssayHub, you're investing in superior quality and increasing your chances of academic success. Every essay we assist with is crafted to meet and exceed your expectations.

EssayHub's guide to choosing the perfect writer

Picking the right paper writer from our extensive list can seem daunting. That's why we've taken steps to simplify the process. On EssayHub, each expert we collaborate with has a detailed profile showing their ratings, qualifications, and even feedback from others like you.

Here are a couple of ways to zero in on the best fit:

  • Do it yourself : Dive into profiles of writers who've shown interest in your "write a paper for me" request. Review their expertise related to your area of study. This way, you're in the driver's seat and ready to pick the writer that best fits your needs.
  • Let us lead the way : If scrolling through profiles isn't your thing or you're pressed for time, just hit up our always-ready support team. They're super clued into our essay writing service and will connect you with a top-notch expert tailored to your task. No need for guesswork!

We're all about ensuring you have a smooth ride and land that perfect match for your project.

Achieve excellence with our paper writing service

Our paper writers create essays from scratch, using their own wording and research. To verify the integrity of your essay, request the free plagiarism report with your order.

The success of our paper writer service hinges on three crucial attributes and competencies of our experts:

  • Mastery of academic writing standards : Our writers are well-versed in the specifics of academic writing, including structure, citation, formatting, and other guidelines. Their proficiency ensures every paper written meets the highest standards.
  • Rigorous research and effective arguments : Each writer is diligent in researching your topic, presenting compelling arguments, and substantiating them with evidence. Their meticulous approach guarantees a well-informed and convincing paper writing.
  • Process transparency : Our service promotes open communication. You can monitor your "write my paper for me" order's progress around the clock and request updates from your writer as needed. This ensures you're constantly in the loop and your paper is ready when you need it.

How fast can you write an essay for me?

Our service is marked by punctuality and unwavering commitment to quality. Each of our essay writers is dedicated to ensuring your assignment, regardless of its nature or complexity, is completed on time. Even when faced with tight deadlines, we never compromise on quality. To provide room for potential revisions, we advise you to set your "write my essay" task's completion time earlier than its actual submission date.

We consistently work towards reducing the time it takes to complete your "write essay for me" order, with our fastest turnaround time being three hours. However, the exact timeframe may depend on the specifics of your assignment. Regular progress updates can help accelerate the completion of your "do my essay" order, ensuring you easily meet your deadlines. Maintain open communication with your assigned helper to streamline the process and get your work done faster.

And most importantly, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Can you write my essay for me in any format I need?

Essay formatting can be a challenging task, so when you think, "I need help write my essay," we've got your back! EssayHub is here to simplify the process. Every one of our expert writers is well-versed in popular styles like MLA, APA, Harvard, and Chicago/Turabian. Simply list your preferences to your assigned writer while placing your "write essay for me" order and they will customize your paper accordingly.

What sets our service apart is its adaptability and promptness. Over the years, we've perfected our craft to effortlessly handle a wide range of academic challenges. So, whether you have questions about our different types of services or if you need more information, simply drop us a line and we'll get right back to you.

Our friendly customer support team is standing by to assist. Whether you need guidance on our process or simply want to touch base, they are at your service. Your satisfaction is our priority and we are committed to providing the "write me an essay" assistance you need.

Quality essay writing services, delivered promptly

We are dedicated to providing an exceptional experience for our clients. This includes combining quality, affordability, and comprehensive support. When you entrust us with your "write my essay for me" request, we exceed your expectations.

We take pride in our rigorous selection process, partnering with essay writers online that have specialized knowledge in various fields. All of them undergo careful scrutiny to ensure they are competent and adept at delivering top-notch papers.

Moreover, at EssayHub, we understand that clear communication is vital, which is why our responsive support team is available around the clock to address any queries or special requirements you may have. We value your satisfaction and strive to create a seamless experience.

With our essay writing service, you can rest assured that your academic needs will be met with precision, excellence, and unwavering commitment. We're here to deliver authentic, well-researched content within your deadline.

EssayHub - it's an expert essay writing service tailored to your needs

We understand that entrusting your assignment to someone else can be daunting. It's natural to feel that way. That's why our dedicated writers are always available to support you throughout the process.

Your assigned writer becomes your reliable partner. Feel free to reach out at any time if you need clarification before you ask us, "help with my essay!" They are here for you 24/7, alongside our support team, ready to provide drafts and promptly address any questions or concerns you may have.

We partner exclusively with dedicated freelancers who tirelessly follow your instructions when they write your essay. They conduct multiple rounds of research while adhering to strict academic standards to produce completely unique wording.

We recognize the importance of your assignment and are committed to delivering a premium quality, highly original paper. Our writing service is here to support you.

How do I ask you to do my essay?

Wondering, "Who can do my essay for me without extra hassle?" Then, EssayHub is just what you need! Our service was designed with your comfort in mind. Follow these easy steps to get the most out of your order:

  • Register and share your assignment details. First things first, you have to create an EssayHub account if you don't have one already. You can also sign up using your Google Account, AppleID, or Facebook. Then, fill out the order form, asking us to "write an essay for me." Specify your assignment's topic, volume, due date, and your level of study. Don't forget to submit instructions from your professor. We suggest attaching all the files relevant to your assignment, like your preferred sources or your lecture notes.
  • Select a writer.  Once you've submitted your request, you'll start receiving bids from our esteemed writers. Don't choose blindly! Get to know your potential helpers first. Our essay writing service publishes all the info about our tutors openly. So, check out the writers' fields of study, success rates, bios, and reviews first. View a writer's order history to check if they've dealt with assignments similar to yours before. This way, you can easily find the perfect match for your academic needs.
  • Place a deposit. Fund your account using Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Discover, or Diners Club International. Don't worry! Your deposit will stay in your account until you approve the writer's work, it just serves as a guarantee to your academic helper.
  • Review and approve. Keep track of your writer's progress and download your assignment when it's ready. Take time to thoroughly review the work and ask for edits if necessary. You get 14 or even 30 days of free unlimited edits, depending on your assignment's type.

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  • Experts who will understand your assignment
  • Assure your paper’s complete originality
  • Deliver papers based on your deadlines

150,000 students trusted PapersOwl

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Read through profiles and reviews to find your ideal match. PapersOwl expert writers are online and available for hire.

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Effort to Improve Handling and Training on Sexual Assault in Army

  • Paper Type: Essay (Any Type)
  • Subject: Literature


Completed orders: 844

Social media impact

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Why choose us?

Privacy policy.

We take the utmost care in keeping our customers’ private data safe. Complete and strict confidentiality is our number-one priority

Professional Writers

We have 400+ writers with only the highest ratings, great testimonials, and many years of writing experience.

Plagiarism-Free Policy

We make sure that all papers are double-checked and screened through plagiarism scanners to ensure that you always receive entirely original academic papers.

On-Time Delivery

We can meet strict deadlines and guarantee that you’ll get quality papers when you need them.

Prices start at $13.5 for writing and $8.5 for editing . The final price depends on the number of pages and the deadline.

Our Essay Writers Will Meet All Your Requirements

You may be worried that your subject is too unique or specialized. You may feel that there couldn’t possibly be a writer who can complete your essay. That isn’t the case! Our essay writer for hire can cover a multitude of subjects – practically any discipline or topic you can think of, we have covered. The below is an example of some of the subjects our top essay writer team can tend to:

  • Computer Sciences
  • Natural Sciences

As you can see, there are some truly diverse subjects. If you want to hire essay writers for an obscure subject then you have come to the right place. Don’t forget that this list is not exhaustive – it contains only a sample of what topics we can write for.

Many other students are already using writing services to help with their increasing workload. We know students have a hard deal today in college and university. You have an ever-increasing amount of work and assignments to get through. This is why using a customer essay writer is a popular choice and can really help you out.

PapersOwl Writing Service Main Advantages

✍️ Professional Writers

500+ top-notch authors

✅ Plagiarism-Free Policy

Only original work

⏰ On-Time Delivery

Strict deadlines compliance

☝️ Safe Payments

Secure SSL encryption

❎ No Hidden Charges

Without extra fees

Don't Delay - Make Your Studies Easier Today With Our Top Writers

Hopefully, you can now see the benefit our service provides. By using a top essay writer you can alleviate some of your own stress and troubles. We really do take pride in the quality of our writers and this is one of the cornerstones of our business.

We know that to provide a writing service to you, we must have a qualified and dedicated team of professionals who can tend to your every need.

This is exactly what you will get by using Papersowl. You can gain help with your assignments and concentrate on other areas of your college work knowing that your papers are taken care of!

How Can PapersOwl Essay Writers Help You

The ultimate goal of PapersOwl is to provide you a hand and share your workload. Whether it’s your school project or a whitepaper at college, PapersOwl has the perfect set of writers for your needs.

If you search on the internet, you may find many professional essay writers for hire. But there is a catch. Most of those services fail to deliver high-quality work because the writers are not a professional in the respective topics.

That’s not the case with professional writers at PapersOwl. As you already know, our writers are often MA or Ph.D. holders who can ensure maximum accuracy, something that doesn’t come easy when you hire writers for essays.

Although the internet world is moving away from written content, the appeal and importance are still the same for academic needs. It’s especially hard to find research paper writers for hire due to the saturation of the content writers’ market.

To tackle this very problem, we’ve assembled a team of paper writers for hire who possess astounding knowledge regarding any industry. If you have a niche in mind, we’ve got a writer for you. We are very proud of our offerings because we’ve housed some of the best writers that money can hire!

Another big reason to share your workload is your lifestyle. We live in an era where all of us work besides our studies. Whether it’s to support ourselves or our families, it often becomes hard to balance between work life and academic life. You are not alone if you remember that you have a paper to submit on the eleventh hour.

And when you do, you can simply outsource your work to one of the writers after evaluating his/her capabilities.

Hire Professional Essay Writers Right Now

The reason you should hire writers for essays is that we hire them for you. We check each resume very carefully and only appoint the most credible ones. Depending on their area of expertise, you can hire a professional writer within minutes.

The process to hire essay writers consists of only four steps.

  • The first step is placing an order. On our website, you’ll find a bright orange button labeled ‘Order Now’. Just press it right now to get started! You can select your type of assignment, length, tentative deadline for the project, detailed brief on the topic, and so on.
  • The next step is choosing the writer. This is the most important step of the entire process as well. You need to be logged in through your email or your Facebook account to select the writer. Depending on your selection of topic and assignment type, you’ll find a list of writers to choose from.

You’ll find testimonials under each writer's profile to see what our users have to say about them. You can even chat with the writer in real-time discuss your project with them to see whether they are a good fit or not.

  • Once you have a writer selected, you have successfully entered the third phase. From here, you can supervise the project and feed information to the writer to improve the results. The communication is always open at PapersOwl and we recommend you utilize its full potential.
  • Lastly, it’s time to review the results. If it’s not satisfactory, you are welcome to ask the writer to incorporate changes you define. Once the project is ready, accept it and make the payment.

The process of hiring college essay writers has been revolutionized by PapersOwl. You can choose a dedicated writer depending on your needs and communicate with them directly via our interface.

What are you waiting for? Place an order now to get help from our professional essay writers.


Simply fill out the form, click the button, and have no worries!

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Count on our essay writing service for tailored and timely solutions to your scholarly woes.

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Why customers choose our essay writing service

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Time-saving solution

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Human-written content

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A boost for your GPA

Native essay writers for error-free assignments.

We take great pride in our stellar expert team, who are perfectly capable of acing your assignment

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Most popular orders

Pricing for guided assistance starts from $10/page and varies depending on the assignment length, deadline, or the writer's proficiency. Here are some of our most-requested services:

Essay (any type)

Discussion post, homework (any type), research paper, powerpoint presentation, why students trust us with their assignments.

Read unbiased feedback about our essay service and learn why students rely on us for prompt and high-quality help.

Absolutely blown away! These folks transformed my messy draft into a polished gem. Two thumbs up! 👍👍

Legit the best! Handed in my bio essay and was shocked. these peeps r next level. No cap absolut game changers. 10/10 recommend! 🚀💯

These guys are the real deal!!! got me my lit essay in a breeze 👍

Just WOW!!! These guys are sooo fast it's like magic lol. I got my sociology essay in one day and the quality was just bomb 💣

LOVE this service! They came thru and turned my sketchy essay in a true masterpiece.

Kudos to the writing team for fast delivery and fire content 🔥 🔥 🔥

The writer did a stellar job on my research paper. My prof was shocked at how good the paper turned out. Mad love all the way ❤️❤️❤️

These peeps straight up saved my grade! I was hella nervous about my nursing essay but the writer slayed my paper! Thanks!!!

Using this service is like having a personal assistant in your pocket. Defo worth trying!!!

How to use our paper writing service

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Paper writing service centered on your needs.

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Round-the-clock customer support

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Original content commitment

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Highly-qualified academic authors

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Competitive pricing & freebies

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Impeccable writing speed

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Money-back guarantee

Essay writing service that protects your privacy.

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NDA contracts with experts

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Looking for someone to do your essay but worried they wouldn't deliver on time? With Studyfy, that's not a problem. We understand that students deal with time constraints and numerous deadlines every day. So, we do all within our power to lift that heavy burden off their shoulders, delivering A-worthy papers even before your due date.

When you pay for essay writing with us, the minimum turnaround is just 3 hours, but we can deliver smaller orders even sooner.

Our essay writers are not only masters of their craft but also dedicated professionals with exceptional deadline ethics. Before working with us, every author has to pass multiple tests and undergo interviews with our QA specialists to prove their qualifications and communication skills. Plus, with our convenient one-to-one chats with your human essay writer and round-the-clock support, you'll never feel left hanging.

Online essay writing service with quality guarantee

Studyfy is a game changer for your academic life. We offer qualified online essay help that won't put you out of pocket. Thousands of students have already put their trust in us and experienced the ease of academic excellence firsthand.

With a large team of writing professionals and rigorous quality checks, we can deliver an A-worthy paper tailored to your specific instructions. Moreover, if you share samples of your work, your paper writer will meticulously study them and mimic your academic style. Thanks to their profound skills and vast expertise, our pros can make your ideas truly shine.

Just pay for essays online with us, and let our pros craft an academic masterpiece for you. Stop worrying about lengthy research, pressing deadlines, and lack of motivation. Opt for our service and lift your grades to new heights.

Ask us to "write an essay for me" and ditch your academic troubles

High prices don't always equal outstanding quality. Many services offer subpar content that'll cost you a fortune. We at Studyfy believe that professional academic aid should be attainable to everyone.

Considering that many students are on a limited budget, our paper writing service has adjusted its pricing model to match all needs. At Studyfy, you can hire a top-class essay helper from just $10 per page. Moreover, we offer early bird discounts for customers who place their orders in advance. The same goes for voluminous orders, as you get 30% off for every paper of 7+ pages.

You can also use our price calculator to find out the precise cost of our assistance or consult our support reps.

With us, it is possible to hire essay writers without spending your last dime. Rely on Studyfy for timely and wallet-friendly help!

Place a "write a paper for me" order and enjoy these freebies

Our paper writing service offers much more than general assignment assistance. When you hit us up to pay for essay, we take care of all your academic edits. For a very modest price, you get access to a bunch of cool features:

  • Help from most in-demand online essay writers. All of our pros are MA or Ph.D. graduates with vast experience in academic writing.
  • Limitless edits. Request all the amendments you want for 30 days after your paper completion.
  • Formatting according to your educator's standards. Our pros can tackle MLA, APA, Chicago, and other citation styles.
  • Proofreading. Get your perfectly polished paper in a breeze.
  • Referencing
  • Outline and title page
  • Plagiarism report. Don't worry about originality checks at your uni, as we've taken care of it for you.

And the best part? We're upfront about our paper prices and don't tolerate any hidden costs.

Studyfy safeguards your privacy

When you ask for essay writer help, confidentiality shouldn't be among your concerns. Studyfy gets the importance of anonymity for students looking to hire a seasoned essay helper. That's why we create a safe and comfortable space for all learners. Thanks to our rigid privacy policy, no one will ever find out you asked us to "write my papers."

Trust us with confidence, as we guarantee you a safe experience every step of the way. We don't ask for any of your private data from the get-go. We only need your name and email address to get started. And even this info is never revealed to third parties.

Furthermore, every transaction on our website is protected by 256-bit SSL encryption. You can also be certain that all your conversations with your expert are confidential. Request help from Studyfy and expect nothing less but the utmost quality and safety.

Hire a well-versed paper writer and save hours of time

With dozens of tasks and other commitments on their plates, students often feel burnt out and stressed. Not to mention that they rarely have time for rest, social events, or non-academic pursuits. Studyfy is here to fix that, offering a time-saving solution for any learner in need!

Let a highly skilled pro write essays for you and have the time of your life. Attend that party you've wanted to go to, catch up with your friends, or focus on your favorite subject, all the while our wordsmiths write a paper for you.

With our service, you never have to worry about content quality. Our well-versed paper writers have completed thousands of orders, creating A-worthy academic pieces tailored to every client's needs. Rest assured, we'll ace your task in no time, bringing you the joy of free time.

Essay writing service for any academic level

We understand the diverse needs of students who come to us with requests like "write essay for me." Our commitment is to provide top-notch services tailored to every academic level. Qualified writers from the USA meticulously craft each order we receive. This ensures that the language standard in your review is impeccable.

When students approach us with "do my paper" requests, we take pride in our rigorous hiring process. Every time we expand our team, we prioritize bringing professional writers who hold MA or PhD degrees on board. Whether you're in high school, college, or university, rest assured that our dedicated helper will craft an original essay exclusively for you, adhering to your specific requirements.

Every paper we produce is written from scratch, ensuring that we never reuse or recycle previously written content. Our approach is comprehensive. Your academic success is our top priority.

Pay to write an essay and get top-notch services from our expert writers

Studyfy is your ultimate ally when you pay for an essay. Our exceptional team is the answer to your woes. We stand as the premier hub where your essay-related predicaments find solutions.

What sets us apart? The credit undeniably goes to our proficient writers – a cadre of seasoned professionals who've mastered the art of providing top-notch services. Their expertise isn't just a claim. It's substantiated by their academic qualifications, certifications, and a proven track record of addressing diverse academic writing challenges. Paying someone to write my essay has never been easier.Whether it's a simple essay or complex research, rest assured that our experts can handle it all!

Are you thinking, "Who can do my paper for me to improve my GPA?"

Studyfy is the solution you've been searching for all along. A perfect mix of professional and friendly, our service is an answer to your scholastic woes.

Hire one of our stellar essay writers and forget about sleepless nights spent in the company of your textbooks. With over 500 accomplished scholars on our team, we can provide A-class essay writing help that'll help you succeed stress-free.

On top of that, our service is fully legal, as we provide high-quality writing samples that you can draw inspiration from. Combine that with a well-established reputation and dedicated support, and you've got an ideal academic solution for students looking to pay to write essay.

✍️ Professional academic helpers

500+ well-versed writers

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100% unique essays

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Prices from $10/page

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Paper aid from A to Z

⏱️ On-time submission

Outstanding deadline ethics

🤝 Compassionate support

Round-the-clock customer service

How do I ask you to write my paper?

Using our service is as easy as pie. On our website, you can hire a cream-of-the-crop paper writer in just a few clicks:

  • Fill out the order form to get started. Don't forget to share all the info about your task for the best outcome.
  • Choose your pro. We'll match you with a well-versed expert who's perfectly equipped to ace your unique essay.
  • Get your task. Review the content and request all the edits you want. We offer free revisions for the first thirty days after paper completion. Release the payment to your helper only when you're absolutely satisfied with their work.

It's just that simple! With Studyfy, you can get expert support in a breeze and never worry about your grades again. What's more, you can stay in contact with your writer every step of the way via our encrypted messenger.

Choose our essay writing services and never worry about funds

Are you looking for paper writers for hire but anxious about the safety of your funds? It's true that some paper writing services scam students out of hundreds of dollars, delivering poorly composed essays in return.

Luckily, with Studyfy, that's not the case. Throughout the decade of our operation, we've established a reputation as a trustworthy brand that cares about its customers.

We handle all kinds of "write my paper" requests, doing our absolute best to match your unique needs. Our talented wordsmiths will carefully study your instructions, making your thoughts sparkle like never before.

On top of that, we ensure you're never out of pocket with us. We maintain one of the lowest prices in the market and offer full refunds for every order. If you have any issue with us, we'll give you 100% of your money back.

Paper writing service with round-the-clock support

Hire one of our highly-skilled essay helpers instead of dealing with your daunting task on your own. Studyfy offers caring support and professional assistance every step of the way. With a 98% success rate, we know how to take care of the most urgent student needs.

Just say, "write a paper for me" and let our well-versed writers take care of everything else. Stay in touch with your personal academic pro with our one-to-one chat.

Monitor your writer's progress, ask for updates, and request edits. Rest assured, your pro will respond to your messages on the shortest notice.

If you have any more queries about your order, feel free to contact our customer support reps. Our client service works 24/7/365 to satisfy your every request. Opt for Studyfy and enjoy personalized care from top-tier experts!

How our wordsmiths write an essay for you

Our service highly values your trust and satisfaction. That's why we let you peek behind the scenes and find out how our pros work their essay magic. So, here's what happens after you file a "write paper for me" request:

  • You complete the form on our website. To get started on your task ASAP, our helpers need to know the deadline, paper topic and volume, and, most importantly, your educator's requirements.
  • You select your writer. Check out the experts' bios and ratings to find your perfect match.
  • Your expert gets to work. The pro you've chosen studies your instructions and proceeds to research your topic. After that, they craft a paper highlighting your ideas and unique voice.
  • After the writer makes the final edits, our quality assurance team checks the essay for plagiarism and grammar errors.

And voila! Now you have a professionally written paper in your inbox.

Who is the expert who will write my essay?

Academic perfection is no longer an unattainable goal with our qualified help. With Studyfy, you'll always have a skilled helper by your side to write essays, conduct research, and deal with formatting intricacies.

Assisting students with their "help me do my essay" requests is not an easy task. It required dedication, profound knowledge of the subject, years of expertise, and a deep understanding of academic requirements. Luckily, every professional essay writer online on our team is a bag of chips and all that.

We've gathered a team of talented wordsmiths with MA or Ph.D. degrees and at least 3 years of professional background. Our seasoned professionals never miss a single deadline and pay great attention to every detail of your order.

Delegate your mind-numbing assignments to our pros and get an academic masterpiece in a whizz!

Entrust your "write me an essay" request to our seasoned pros

Are you overloaded with assignments and looking to hire a essay writer? Studyfy is just what you need! We're your one-stop shop for reliable and timely academic assistance.

With over a decade of experience, we know how to cater to every student's needs. And our vast network of accomplished pros allows us to satisfy any "write essays for me" request. Here's just a part of what the writing essays service has to offer:

Professional essay aid. Turn your dream essay into reality with our help. Our team of talented authors can craft an engaging academic piece that'll boost your grades and save you time.

Support with research and writing. Our stellar experts create every paper from scratch, conducting profound research before outlining the arguments. You can also count on our pros for immaculate formatting and outlining.

Help with any writing task. Apart from academic essays, our writing pros can assist you with a business proposal, corporate communication, etc.

Choose Studyfy for qualified and timely academic help!

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  • how it works
  • Our guarantees
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Writers Department

Hire Advanced Essay Writers for Immediate Results

Dare to face your academic battles with the same vigor as the 300 Spartans at the gates of Thermopylae. Each assignment can feel like an advancing army, but with our cadre of fearless, resourceful advanced writers online, there's no need for panic or surrender. Our expert writers stand ready to champion your academic success. With the precision of a Spartan spear, they cut through the complexity of any topic, irrespective of its field or discipline.

When students hire advanced essay writers, they get powerful support and can handle any tasks with ease. Our writers not only have in-depth knowledge of a variety of academic disciplines, but they also understand the rules and regulations of academic writing. This knowledge allows them to shape your assignment following the precise guidelines, ensuring that each piece is both stylistically impeccable and technically sound. Every essay writer is skilled in conducting extensive research, proficient in applying critical analysis, and versed in structuring a compelling argument. With their adept editing and proofreading skills, they can refine any content to perfection, thereby eliminating any fear of plagiarism or grammatical mistakes. As a Spartan's shield protected him in battle, so does our team of writers shield you from low grades and missed deadlines.

Customers can choose their experts when they place an order. Notably, we constantly monitor the work of every writer and have a rating system for them based on general performance, reviews, number of completed orders, and more. As such, you can get help from a top advanced essay writer for hire, choose a preferred expert, and indicate their background (UK or US professionals). Owing to different options that improve every aspect of our writing and editing assistance, our advanced essay writing service remains a leading resource for high school, college, and university students.

All papers are guaranteed to be completed on time and students will not be penalized.

No other writing service lets students buy papers of quality this high for prices this low.

No plagiarism is allowed! Our Quality Control department ensures the originality of every paper.

Brave and noble Spartans were famous for reliable help with essay writing. They were always ready to save you from academic disaster and write an essay even on the last night

According to ancient myth, Corinth was founded by a descendant of the God of the Sun – Helios. That’s why they were always shining and were helpful to assist you with your thesis.

Very attentive to details, Elises never let mistakes hide in your paper. They were polishing your paper brilliantly. “No more mistakes in customer paper” their logo was.

Only the most highly skilled and academically trained professional editors were living and working here. They were enthusiastic helpers of academic and scientific editing solutions for any kind of work.

The capital – Athens created perfect conditions for wise and experienced dissertation writers. Writing a dissertation completely or partly always was an interesting task for them.

Argolis citizens - capable coursework writers were so proficient and dexterous that composing a Ph.D. coursework was not a large deal for them.

Situated in the mountain region Arcadia was not the easiest place to get. But after passing this long and exhausting way future scientists already know what to include in their research proposal. Our writers continued that tradition, so we always work in accordance with customer's requirements and guidelines.

Messenians, living near the sea, were the real masters of life. They preferred to dedicate their free time to chilling with good wine, that’s why they were only rewriting papers instead of creating them. But, still, their works were perfect.

Every order is accomplished by an advanced writer with BA/MA or Ph.D. degree, long experience in the custom writing industry, and expertise in various spheres.

You can count on us because our services are the most reliable as we guarantee complete confidentiality for all our clients.

Our company has a huge experience in the custom writing industry. We have proved our reputation, so you can be sure of the high quality of your order.

We guarantee that cooperation with our company will be beneficial for you. So, do not hesitate to buy the original paper now!

for 30-50 pages

for 51-100 pages

for more than 101 pages has so much to offer our customers, even to those with particular difficult requirements. At, customers can get 24/7 assistance and find full customer satisfaction. Customer care representatives work round the clock to provide excellent client support regarding any issues that pertain to academic writing.

Leading Writers in the Industry Involved

We exist as the number #1 online essay writing service. As evidenced by our increasing worldwide fan base, our customers (first-time and returning) are pleased with the fact that they have found the best writing center. Our website has a great reputation and gives essay help to anyone who needs it. Annually thousands of students buy essays from our service because we offer the highest quality writing for the lowest prices. Our advanced writers are ready to give a hand to any customer struggling with professional academic writing. We assure, that the best essays online are produced in our company, which has involved only talented and experienced essay writers.

Why do students order essays from so frequently, knowing that their papers will not be sold anywhere else online? Time reveals all! Students have been able to buy essays from for many years. Thus, our essay writing is highly regarded as the best in the industry. The key to our success is our outstanding writers and our customer-friendly service.

We hire writers who are exclusively English native speakers. Each essay writer has at least one academic expertise in a certain field of study. Therefore, when a customer makes their order with our essay writing service, we assign the paper to the best writer for the job! This makes all the difference between our writing service and the services offered by our competitors. To make things even better for our customers, we also provide professional editing services.

Just like everybody else, you are looking for a custom essay that will make your presence in the classroom memorable. A student who is doing great in writing assignments is always remembered by instructors. It is not their fault that he/she is popular amongst the professors. If as a student you are showing exemplary performance in your custom essay assignments, expect that you will leave a long-lasting impression on your professors and classmates. The student who has the best essay always does.

Efficient Writing Assistance from Advanced Authors

Like everybody else, if you need essay help, do not have second thoughts and address us for writing assistance. Students with have troubles connected to their academic writing assignments are always welcome to Here, they can place orders and get custom papers. The very essence of the existence of our company lies in the fact that so many students all over the world need good essay writing. Our company gives it to them. It is the objective of to share its expertise in custom writing with students. What else will you do if you have managed to gather the best writers online in the industry? Yes, is brilliant enough to put all advanced authors and in one setting. What is the result? As expected, it is a continuous stream of amazingly written, original, and impressive custom essays that we provide for every customer.

The chance to experience the stellar essay writing services of always awaits you. When you buy custom essays from our company, you instantly have the opportunity to work with our essay writers side by side. As a rule, allows direct contact to happen between clients and writers. However, the content of the communication is purely about the assignment only. Whenever there are changes in the order or additional information that the client fails to include in the instruction, she/he still has the time to convey it to the writer assigned. This way, the essay is written in the same way the customer wants it. Delays will be avoided, for sure.

Apart from the strength of our essay writers in their job, they work quickly. Moreover, rush orders are not a problem for us at all. Customers can buy absolutely authentic essays and ask to deliver them on the same day. If the seemingly high costs of writing services give you doubts over, then you have gotten the wrong information. Apparently, has a cheap price listing. If you cannot believe it, then try to check the price listing personally on our website. You will see that our prices are fairly set and cheap taking into account the world-class quality of our services.

Where else can you find an online writing center that mixes great services with a cheap price listing? has that! Thus, do not miss the chance of to make our company your writing partner. Give your writing assignments to our progressive writers and your paper will get a remarkable rate afterward.

Solutions Our Advanced Essay Writing Service Can Offer Students Now

There are many challenges students face when preparing homework. Our company specializes in helping customers overcome them and achieve progress based on solid academic support. Feel free to get in touch with 300 advanced essay writers and learn how to get help when you face these obstacles:

  • Heavy Workload: Students often juggle multiple assignments with varying deadlines. This can lead to stress, burnout, and lackluster performance. Our service can alleviate this burden by taking on some of your writing tasks, allowing you to focus on other assignments without compromising on the quality of your work.
  • Complex Topics: Sometimes, you may encounter subjects or topics that are difficult to understand or write about. Our experienced writers, knowledgeable across various academic disciplines, can break down these complex subjects into comprehensible content.
  • Lack of Research Skills: Research can be a time-consuming process, especially if you're not sure where to find reliable sources. You can hire advanced essay writers skilled in conducting efficient and thorough research to get the best results.
  • Difficulties with Proofreading and Editing: Overlooking grammatical errors or style inconsistencies is common when you're proofreading your own work. Our professional editors can meticulously review your writing, ironing out any mistakes and improving the overall readability.
  • Poor Writing Skills: Even if you have a good understanding of the subject matter, putting it into words can be a challenge if writing is not your strong suit. Every advanced essay writer for hire at our service can translate your ideas and knowledge into clear, coherent, and compelling writing.

Hire an Advanced Essay Writer: Leave Important Tasks to People, not AI

The emergence of our advanced essay writing and editing company has changed how many students approach and navigate their academic journeys. It can be said that just like the stand of the 300 Spartans heralded a new era of military tactics and resilience, our company is one of the factors that have shifted the paradigm of academic success and support. Currently, there are certain aspects of a writing service where the human touch of our experts still significantly outperforms ChatGPT and other AI tools. We are the first choice for students who appreciate the best assistance with multiple assignments and recognize the following benefits:

  • Help with Confusing Instructions: Essay writers can more easily comprehend and adapt to nuanced, complex, or vaguely expressed assignment instructions. They can infer meaning from context or seek clarification.
  • Write Based on Critical and Creative Thinking: You can hire an expert to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information in ways that few can match. Professionals can present innovative arguments, challenge existing theories, and add a unique perspective.
  • Adapt to Different Styles: Each piece of writing has its own tone, style, and voice. Students should get help from essay writers to adapt their writing style to match the requirements of different assignments.
  • Spot Inconsistency in a Text: Experienced essay writers and editors can see logical inconsistencies, bias, and other aspects that need fixing. While AI can point out technical errors, it lacks the ability to guide students on how to express their ideas more clearly, compellingly, or persuasively.
  • Work with Multiple Sources and Create an Impressive Reference List: A paper without sources and proper citation can never get a high grade. Entrust writing to experts who can develop ideas based on research and use books, articles, and other sources to offer arguments and explanations.

Every one of our 300 advanced writing warriors is better than ChatGPT and other language-based models because they have experience, academic degrees, and a clear understanding of students' needs and expectations. Essay writers are great assets for students and can advance academic performance without the risks of plagiarism and other issues.

Our company and professional essay writers have democratized access to academic excellence. Not all students possess the same set of skills or resources, and it's a reality that some may struggle more than others with certain subjects or aspects of academic writing. By providing an extra layer of support, we've made academic success a more achievable and less stressful goal for students worldwide. You can be a part of an environment where every student, regardless of their starting point, has the opportunity to conquer their academic battles and thrive together with excellent essay writers.

First, a customer service representative examines the order, taking note of the requirements.

Second, the order is assigned to the writer who is best qualified in a certain field.

Third, the professional writer starts working on the assignment immediately.

Fourth, the paper is returned for customer approval.

Michael, UK

Your company really saved me from failing the whole course. I combine work and studying so I simply cannot write essays by myself. I have no time to do these assignments and honestly even don't want to. Thanks a lot!

I never was able to get even C. I envied those students that got B all the time. With the help of your company, I got an A for the first time in my life! Now I am inspired to study better with the help of your experts. Many thanks!

Richard, US

I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the delivered paper. It was exactly what my professor requested. I will touch base with you as soon as I have another assignment. Protection Status

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"I usually work on all the papers myself, but during the last exam week, I got slammed and forgot about one three-page essay, for which I had absolutely no time. But thank god for A-Writer and my wonderful writer Cassidy who finished it in three hours!"

"My friend recommended Gary at A-Writer, who helped him with his dissertation. I got Gary’s ID, and customer support assigned him to my order. This was the best paper I’ve ever seen - well-researched, structured, and altogether impeccable! "

"My previous experiences with writing services were as bad as they can get - plagiarism, hidden fees - you name it! When a friend of mine referred me to A-Writer, I was super skeptical but still gave it the benefit of the doubt. And I did the right thing, my essay was perfect!"

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"Personally, I want to thank A-Writer’s customer service for their diligence. I ordered a paper in the middle of the night, and it was already in my inbox in the early morning. Special thanks to Martha, my customer service representative :) "

"It’s usually hard to tell if a writing service is trustworthy, but you don’t have to worry about that with A-Writer. They got my paper on molecular biology ready in five hours. And the paper had to include a lab report, which normally takes forever to complete. Amazing job, A-Writer! "

"I ordered an admission essay from A-Writer mostly because I didn’t know how to write one myself. My writer Andy was of great help - he asked many personalized questions and paid attention to my needs."

"I personally want to thank wonderful editors and proofreaders at A-Writer. The editing was ready in just a day, and I got many insightful recommendations from the editor. Thank you!"

Our Unique Not-to-Miss Features

Be sure your papers are 100% original

Use our free plagiarism checker to ensure that your papers are super original

Each Essay Writer Has MA or Ph.D. deg.

With our essay service, you will find an essay writer for any academic challenge.

Choose a deadline that suits you

Need essay writer help ASAP? Pick up your subject and don’t worry about the deadline!

Super Friendly Team of Support

The A-Writer team believes that qualified help should be available at any time

Direct Contact With Your Writer

Communicate directly with the writer you hire to get the best results

Order Any Subject and Complexity

It doesn't matter your topic and its complexity. We are ready to do any task!

780+ writers, 110k+ customers. Hight satisfaction rate. Do you have questions?

What Is an Essay Writer Service?

Every student has been in a downward spiral at least once. You’re running out of time, assignments are accumulating, and you have to force yourself into a no-sleep mode to get everything done.

But why do this to yourself?

Outsourcing your assignments to a writing service can turn your life around. You’ll finally rest a bit, have all your homework complete, and get the best grades in class.

Wait, what is a writing service?

An essay writer service is an online company that offers assignment help to students for a fee. It has a team of professional and experienced writers who work on orders and complete them by any deadline.


Let’s explore more how an essay service can help you.

All You Need Is a Good Team of Writers

Now every student can boast about having excellent writing skills. Moreover, not all students can say they are good at research.

If you recognize yourself here, an essay service is what you need. Such services have teams of academic essay writers with verified expertise and years of experience. They can complete a paper of any complexity, and it’s guaranteed to be well-researched.

A professional writing service usually hires native speakers exclusively. So, there won’t be any embarrassing grammatical or stylistic mistakes in your assignment.

What Are the Benefits of Using an Essay Service?

Alright, let’s say you’ve decided to hire a paper writing service. But what will you get out of it?

Working with a professional writing service comes with quite a few amazing benefits. Let’s review them one by one.

Writing tasks are notorious for being very time-consuming. Only research alone can take you several months, depending on the assignment.

If you hire an essay writer, they will do all the research and writing for you. You can sit back and relax, enjoying your free time to yourself. Or, sign up for that internship or start working on your professional skills.

Pay for the Highest-Quality Content

A top essay service guarantees 100% original, plagiarism-free content. But these are not the only components of the assignment’s high quality.

The research that goes into the paper also matters a lot. It should be in-depth and use only authoritative resources. Besides, the paper must be well-proofread and edited according to the stylistic requirements.

Reduce Your Workload and Avoid Stress

Students often have to function under a lot of stress. Exam weeks, theses, dissertations, presentations - all these activities take a lot of your energy.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you have a professional writer complete your assignments, you can take this free time to have a rest. Just try it - it will take a big chunk of responsibilities off your shoulders.

Get Better Grades

If you aren’t proud of your writing skills but still want to get a good grade, hire a writing service. This way, you’ll get more time to work on your skills while still receiving As.

Enjoy Affordable Prices and Excellent Results

Ordering a paper from a writing service is not that expensive. You can get your essay written for as low as $20.

Will the paper’s quality suffer from it? Of course, not. No matter your assignment’s size and complexity, you will still receive an excellent result worth the best grade in your class.

Let Us Meet All Your Writing Needs!

Wonder where you can find a reliable writing company online?

Look no further - A-Writer is at your service!

Whatever assignment you have, we will do it for you, even if the deadline is a couple of hours away. Our team of professional writers has years of experience and excellent writing skills, so the best result is guaranteed.

Here are some of the perks of ordering a paper from A-Writer.

Essays and Papers of Any Complexity

Have you been slaving away over a dissertation or have an essay on a complicated topic that’s impossible to research?

No matter how complex your assignment is, we’ve got your back. Our essay writers have the expertise to complete any academic task and write comprehensive research, no matter the topic and size of the paper.

Exact Compliance with Deadlines

Students have to deal with dozens of assignments, so its only natural to forget about the deadlines for some of them.

If you have an urgent paper and absolutely no time to complete it, outsource it to us! Our experienced writers can do it for you even if the deadline is an hour away.

We Care About Your Privacy

Many students are afraid of personal data being compromised, and that’s what keeps them away from ordering an assignment.

However, it’s nothing to worry about. At A-Writer, we have an immaculate Privacy Policy that protects your personal and payment data. The fact that you’ve outsourced your paper to us will also remain a secret.

Plagiarism-Free Papers

It goes without saying that all our clients receive 100% original papers. We have a strict zero-plagiarism policy and check all orders via several plagiarism checkers.

If you still need confirmation of your papers uniqueness, we can issue a report.

Friendly Support Team at Your Service

Theres nothing worse than having to check in every time just to make sure that the job is getting done. Don’t worry; our customer service team would never do it to you - we care too much about delivering the best result possible.

Once you place your order, we will contact you and assign a writer right away. You will get notifications about the paper’s progress and an email once it is ready.

What Do I Get if I Hire an Essay Writer Online?

If you’re a newbie to the world of essay writing services, you might not know what to expect from hiring an essay writer. Here’s what you should be getting:

A paper with no plagiarism

Ongoing contact with the client

In-depth research into the subject

Compliance with paper requirements

Respect for the deadlines

Many writing companies don’t allow direct communication between a writer and a client. At A-Writer, we believe that such an approach can create unnecessary misunderstandings. Thus, you can text your writer straight and avoid confusion.

What Should I Do if I Am Not Satisfied with the Papers I Received?

This is a frequent question we receive from our first-time clients. It’s a legit concern, considering how much bad rap online writing services have.

Thats why every client at A-Writer is guaranteed free revisions. You need to provide objective reasons for the paper’s dissatisfactory performance, and our writers will get to improving it as soon as possible.

The Types of Papers We Write

Most of our clients love A-Writer for the abundance of services we offer. You can order essay writer help of any kind and receive a stellar result. Here are some of the most popular assignment types we do:

Research papers

Case studies

Literature reviews

Scholarship and admission essays

Research proposals

What if you just need to proofread your paper? You can order this feature from us too. We have a team of professional editors who will gladly work on making your writing task perfect.

We Don’t Shy Away from Challenging Tasks

If you’re struggling with a complex and time-consuming task, we feel your pain. Some writing assignments take months of in-depth research, and you still might not be sure if you’ve done the best job.

Thats why our A-Writer team of authors also has professionals specializing in challenging academic tasks, such as:


Research paper

Of course, it will take our writers a while to finish a complex task such as a dissertation, so if you want to order one, its better to do it at least a month in advance.

With other assignments, including coursework or a research paper, our writers can do it within one day.

Is Essay Writer Service Legal?

Its absolutely legal.

First of all, when you purchase a paper, you buy the intellectual rights for it. So, its your property, and you’re free to use it however you want.

Is It Safe to Buy Essays Online?

Its completely safe.

The A-Writer website is protected by several security protocols. We use HTTPS and SSL to keep your payment information secure. We’ve also got our website verified, so all payment operations are safe and protected.

Can Anyone Discover That I’ve Ordered a Paper from Essay Writer Services?

Of course, not. As we’ve mentioned, we have a Privacy Policy that keeps us away from sharing your personal details. Besides, all your interactions with writers and customer service are encrypted, so nothing will slip out.

We also make sure to deliver an original paper free from plagiarism. It passes several checks, so you can rest assured, knowing that no one will discover that you’ve ordered it online.

Will My Papers Pass Turnitin?


Our paper writer service uses Turnitin to check orders for plagiarism. Apart from that, we also use other systems verified by the top universities in the US and the UK. Don’t worry - your paper will be flawless.

How Do I Get My Paper Once Its Done?

Thats easy - we send you an email, and you download your assignment.

When placing an order, every client gets a personal account to track the progress and talk to essay writers. Once your paper is ready, it will be available there.

Writer Services for Students with Any Budget

Are you running on a shoestring budget, not sure whether you can afford writing services? At A-Writer, we have the most lucrative deals fit for every pocket! You won’t have to worry about hidden costs or surprise expenses - everything is clear and transparent.

Heres what we offer.

What Discounts Do We Have?

Every new client can get 15% off their first order. This is a wonderful deal since youll only have to pay $22 for your paper.

Note: your order needs to be no less than 50 pages to use this discount.

Flexible and Clear Pricing

All the prices are divided into three groups based on the quality of services - Standard, Premium, and Platinum. No matter which quality you pick, you’ll get an essay writer with an extensive academic background, free add-ons (bibliography, title page, formatting, outline, and other amendments), and a plagiarism check.

Premium and Platinum orders are high-priority and also include an advanced plagiarism check. If you pick the Platinum quality, you’ll get an author with 5+ years of experience. Such a pricing policy helps calculate the exact cost of a paper and contains no hidden fees.

What Payment Methods Do We Have?

You can use whatever payment method is suitable. Visa, Mastercard, and Maestro are the most preferred among our clients. It’s also possible to use Discover, American Express, and Wire Transfer.

What Does the Cost of Writing Essays Depend On?

Since every assignment we work on is different, the prices will also differ significantly.

There are some factors that impact the final cost of the paper. Let’s take a look at each of them individually.

By complexity, we mean the assignment type, subject area, and academic level.

Basically, what were talking about is the difficulty of research. Some subjects are more popular and researched than others. The same comes to the academic level and assignment types - a Master-level paper requires more time and effort than Bachelor-level assignments.

If you have an urgent paper, its cost will naturally go up.

The price depends on the paper’s difficulty and the writer who will complete it. Sometimes, we have only a Platinum-level online essay writer available. Thus, their services will be more expensive.

Number of Pages

The bigger the assignment, the higher the price. Voluminous assignments take time for research. For instance, a dissertation will take no less than a couple of weeks of intense work. But it’s nothing our writers cant handle.

What to Consider Before Placing Your Order?

Ready to hire an essay writer online? Wonderful! Our amazing authors at A-Writer are here to help you.

But before you proceed with placing your order, make sure you collect the following assignment details:

The topic of your paper

Subject area

Assignment type

Number of pages

Number of sources

Style (APA, MLA, etc.)

If you’ve already worked with one of our writers and liked the experience, you can include their ID in the order form. Well, make sure to connect you with them immediately.

Having as many order specs as possible helps our writers complete the orders faster. In case you forget to add something, you can also contact your writer directly.

How to Order Paper Writing at A-Writer?

It won’t take you long to order a paper from A-Writer. All you need is a couple of minutes to fill in the form.

If you’re new to the process, here’s what you need to do:

Click on the ”Order Now” button on our website.

Fill in the order form with the details we mentioned earlier.

Make your payment - choose one of the suitable payment options.

Download your paper.

Once your paper is ready, we will notify you with an email. Our essay writer service also has customer support that will guide you from the moment you order your assignment. Well still keep in touch with you even after you download your paper to make sure everything is alright.

What if you remember about an upcoming paper in the middle of the night?

No worries, our client support works 24//7. So, no matter where you are, we’ve got you covered.

Always Remain Anonymous on Our Platform

You might be wondering - how will we protect your privacy?

We understand the concern since you’ll be sharing personal information with us. But rest assured that there are no security threats.

The A-Writer website is protected by the McAfee protocol and we’ve been verified by, confirming the legality of our services. So, when you order papers from us, you don’t have to worry about sharing your personal data.

Consider the Guarantees We Provide

You know about the benefits of buying papers from A-Writer, but which guarantees do we actually provide?

Heres what you’ll get:

A 100% original, plagiarism-free paper

Free add-ons and revisions

Direct contact with your writer

Highly experienced authors

Complete confidentiality

24/7 customer service

You can ask your client support representative more about how we ensure the guarantees and what to do in case you’re not satisfied with your paper. We approach each order individually to make sure you get the best treatment you deserve.

Why Should I Hire A-Writer?

If you’re on the hunt for the best essay writer services, look no further - A-Writer has got everything you need.

Weve been helping students get better grades for over a decade and got thousands of loyal clients along the way. Here are a few reasons customers choose us over and over again:

Zero tolerance towards plagiarism. All papers go through a meticulous plagiarism check, including through Turnitin.

Writers with expertise. All our authors have an academic background, a degree and are native English speakers.

Affordable prices. You can order an essay for as low as $20.

A wide range of services. We do assignments of any difficulty, from admission essays to theses and dissertations.

24/7 customer service. Whatever questions you have, you can contact us at any time.

However, the best perk of working with us is direct contact with your writer. It helps avoid any misunderstandings and ensures the best result.

Who Will Write My Papers?

Weve got some of the best essay writers online. Each of them has gone through several tests before joining our team.

First of all, we check their academic background in specific subjects, with which they are going to work later.

Next, we verify their degree to make sure their knowledge and skills are legit.

Finally, every writer has to complete a series of trial tasks. If they succeed, they become a professional essay writer at A-Writer.

Needless to say that every writer is a native English speaker. You can order your paper in the UK or US English, and we will complete it for you.

Why Writing an Essay Is So Hard?

Most students have a hard time with essays and similar assignments because they require good writing and research skills. These skills take a while to form, so while you work on them, it makes sense to hire an online essay writer to get a good grade.

Essays also can be challenging because you lack expertise in a specific subject area. In this case, you cant go without help from a professional author who knows the subject well and can help you pick the right resources for your paper.

You Can Order Papers and Enjoy Studying

Do you have too many assignments on your hands?

Let us take some weight off your shoulders!

You can order a few papers from A-Writer and let us deal with the hardest assignments while you can work on the projects you enjoy. You can also use this time to work on practical skills or apply for an internship to get more experience.

Personalized Approach to Every Order and Customer

Although we deal with many orders daily, it doesn’t affect the way we treat our clients.

From the moment you place your order, our customer service will contact you to confirm it. You can voice your requests and concerns, and well figure out how to cater to your needs.

We will also keep in touch with you after the order is ready. If you have any revisions and changes to the paper, we will have them done in no time.

Need a specific writer to work on your order?

No problem, just mention their ID in the order form or to the customer service representative, and we will assign your essay to them.

Can I Contact My Writer if I Have Questions?

Yes, absolutely, the writer we assign to you remains at your disposal up until the paper is ready. You can message them directly, ask questions, request revisions, or send additional paper details if necessary.

If the writer doesn’t respond for some reason, our customer service will help you out.

Get Essay Writing Help From Leaders on the Market!

Do you have an urgent paper?

Are you looking for an experienced essay writer online to get it done?

Then you’re at the right place!

At A-Writer, we help students complete writing assignments and get better grades. Here is what you’ll get from working with us:

100% original papers

High-quality writing help

Wide range of assignment types

Full confidentiality

It won’t cost you a fortune to get your assignment done - we have some of the most affordable prices and a bunch of lucrative deals for every student.

Hurry up, place your order, and get a 15% discount!

What's next?

  • Fill in the order form. Give precise instructions.
  • Include your payment details. Start receiving proposals from our writers within minutes and chat with them live.
  • Watch as a writer working on your essay. Ready to select one of the writers? Deposit funds into your EssayShark balance for writer to start on your order.
  • Get completed work to email. Watch your paper being written and pay your writer step-by-step.

Essay writers for hire

DoMyEssay helps improve your academic performance and saves you time! Hire a professional writer from our service possesses strong writing skills and is perfectly equipped to handle challenges, allowing you to enjoy your college life to the fullest.

hire a writer for an essay

Essay writers for hire to help you succeed

How do we select our essay writers for hire.

DoMyEssay carefully selects only professionals. The strictest screening policies help us recruit new authors in a way that maintains our quality.

‍ Verification . We validate the authenticity of our potential writer’s qualifications. If they are a BA student, we require writing samples and grades/GPA.

‍ Testing . The writer receives a test task to complete in their field of online essay writing. This task allows us to check the language level of the writing applicant.  We also ask for samples of their previous writing and require a new sample of original writing to ensure they can write articles to a sufficient standard.

‍ Quality Assurance . Interviews are conducted and our quality assurance team assess the tasks and writing samples. Only those with flawless writing, grammar and style are taken on board and those that fail can not proceed further. Around 50 per 1000 applicants are hired.

‍ First Orders . The writer completes their first 10 orders under the control of the QA team and in-house professional writers. This ensures that we can guarantee top-notch papers from all our essay writers for hire.

Get the most out of DoMyEssay and choose your perfect essay writer for hire

Not only does our writing service give you excellent essays, but you can learn to improve your own essay writing.

In case you suffer from any of the following issues: ‍

  • Never sure where to start with an essay
  • Uncertain of what to write about
  • Don’t know what a good essay looks like
  • Unsure how to make an argument
  • We can help. Sometimes you need a bit of guidance and that’s just what our service does, by giving you an example of a model essay.

When you hire essay writers, you receive a sample of the best quality and you can utilize this to ensure your writing ability improves in the future!

This is how to get the most from your essay:

First, analyze the task and identify the key questions the writer addressed. You need to know what you should answer in your essay, what you can use and what you need to research. Check for keywords and the operative words in the question i.e. analyze, argue etc. as this shapes what type of essay you should be writing.

Then take a look at how our essay writers for hire fulfilled the essay question. So often, it’s easy to miss the target of the task and write off-topic. But the task of following instruction is a key part of any good essay and it’s an essential skill to learn.

Next, see what arguments the writer provided, what evidence they gave, follow the flow and observe how they convince the reader. Learn how to adopt the logical structure of the essay given as argument structure is the backbone of any essay.

Inspect the controversial points and how the writer addressed them. The strongest essays are always aware of controversy, potential objections and problems it may have (in methodology, relevance etc.) and try to confront and address them.

If you can take on board all of these points, you will not only increase your grades when you order " do my assignment " service but learn how to be a great writer all by yourself!

Find your perfect writer for essay writing

DoMyEssay presents an array of proficient experts, all of whom are ready to assist you in your academic pursuits. Selecting an ideal expert from our service has been made straightforward for you, ensuring that your needs are met precisely.

The process is uncomplicated. You have the liberty to review our writers based on their area of specialization, a wealth of experience, and other important factors. By exploring their professional bios, success metrics, customer feedback, and overall ratings, you can effectively hire a writer who suits your requirements.

Moreover, our interactive platform allows you to converse with potential writers who are vying for your order. This engagement offers you additional insight into their capabilities before they undertake your essay task.

And if you ever require further guidance to hire an essay writer, our dedicated support team is accessible around the clock. They'll guide you through the process of securing the most compatible writer.

Unburden your academic load with DoMyEssay

Balancing academics, sports, extracurricular activities, and perhaps even a job can be overwhelming, right? That's where DoMyEssay comes in!

Our professional essay writers for hire are here to lighten your load. Whether you're juggling demanding job commitments, managing family affairs, or simply yearning for a well-deserved break, we're here to cater to your needs. With our support, you can effortlessly navigate your academic journey, trading stress for a smoother path to success.

From tackling challenging essays to handling intricate papers, our writer has got you covered. Facing a time crunch? Don't fret. Whether you have a week or just six hours, our expert writers ensure timely delivery.

So, why wait? Hire writers from DoMyEssay today, regain control of your busy life, and easily experience academic success. Let us be your trusted assistant, always by your side!

Our writers tailored to your needs

Our commitment to delivering quality services is realized through our meticulous selection of college essay writers for hire. Here are the benefits you can expect from this approach:

  • ‍ Native English speakers: Unlike many companies that opt for low-cost writers from developing nations, we take a different route. We work exclusively with native English speakers to maintain high linguistic standards in our essays. This ensures the language used is both impeccable and natural, guaranteeing the quality of your paper. ‍
  • Highly educated writers: We hire writers for essay only with advanced degrees from esteemed universities. Our thorough HR process verifies each educational credential, ensuring that only genuine Master's or Ph.D. degree holders join our team. These individuals, honed by years of rigorous academic endeavors, can address college assignments easily and proficiently. ‍
  • Direct communication: We champion a direct relationship between our clients and writers. As such, we offer you the chance to engage with a professional essay writer before determining the best fit. We don't auto-assign writers. Instead, we let you browse our writers' profiles and review their qualifications, track records, and customer feedback. This transparent approach allows you to gauge each writer's communication style and methodology.

By adhering to these stringent criteria, we ensure that the writer you select will meet and surpass your expectations. We remain steadfast in our commitment to offering you unparalleled service.

How your essay is made by our writer?

You hire essay writer, then our expert follow specific steps. Such an approach ensures that our authors are the best.

Checking your essay instructions to ensure clarity in the task.

Analyzing your previous essays to comprehend and adopt your writing style for the essay writing.

Undertaking all relevant research. For admission essays this stage involves understanding the institution’s requirements.

The writers may contact you for clarifications if necessary.

Checking the final text for plagiarism to ensure it is a unique essay. The plagiarism report by a professional writer is available upon request.All of our writers follow certain stages: This approach ensures that our workers are the best.

Stay anonymous with DoMyEssay

One of the most common and biggest fears facing students, especially when they find a writing service, is whether anyone can ever find out they turned for academic help. Our team knows this, and we put your privacy at the core!

Using DoMyEssay, customers get brilliant papers and, at the same time, remain anonymous and protected through all stages of cooperation.

First of all, we don’t request any personally sensitive information from you. To choose essay writer for hire, all you need is a valid email and a password. Secondly, we handle all payments through secure gateways to ensure the security of your financial data.

Lastly and most importantly, we give a guarantee privacy. That is, we never disclose customer information to any third parties!

Why do all our writers have the highest ratings possible?

As previously stated, we have a strict hiring policy to help us choose excellent essay writer for hire, ensuring we only have the best-qualified writers from the many applicants. We also have a whole team of staff working to guarantee the best quality.

This all means our work is of a high quality and this is reflected in the costs of hiring experts. Ultimately, the highest rates merely reflect the highest quality, so you shouldn’t be concerned to not get value for money, because we have such strong quality control measures in place.

Not only do we have this stringent hiring process, but additionally we also constantly monitor all customer feedback and reviews and then adjust our team. This is to ensure that our clients will always get the best quality essays given to them. Feedback and reviews are important to us and of course the clients needs are a focus of ours.

To summarize, the costs reflect the quality of the service, we hire only the best and take many actions to constantly  monitor quality to guarantee you top-notch essays. Also, we take feedback seriously, because we wish to please our clients.  Finally, we not only provide you with quality essays from excellent and qualified academic writers suited to your niche, but they give you the ability to grow yourself as a writer.

Hire an essay writer with ease

Let us escort you through an effortless journey of using the power of professional writers.

Are immediate essay solutions your need of the hour? Brace yourself for the revelation of a lifetime. DoMyEssay swoops in to make that pressing deadline a cakewalk. Whether you have a week or just a day, you can hire professional essay writers got you covered!

Here's how you can unlock the magic of our online essay writing service:

‍ Create your account : Begin by creating a personal account. A simple exchange of your name and email address or phone number is all it takes. Voila! You are now a proud member of the DoMyEssay community.

‍ Post your assignment : Next, share your assignment details directly from your dashboard.

‍ Choose paper writers for hire : Browse our database and select an expert who fits your needs based on their field of expertise, rating, and customer reviews. Our customer support can also assist in selecting the right expert.

‍ Stay connected : Use our chat feature to convey any last-minute inputs or inquiries to your chosen author.

‍ Revel in your masterpiece : Finally, when your intellectual trophy is ready, you'll receive a notification in your mailbox. You can download the final draft, review it, and ensure that it meets your expectations. Happy with the results? Proceed to payment. Not quite there yet? Request for amendments.

Scripting success: professional writers, student prices

🔝 Writer Ida M.

⭐ (3461 reviews)

🔝 Writer Daniel Ma.

⭐ (9496 reviews)

🔝 Writer Sarah T.

⭐ (3920 reviews)

👨‍🎓 Writer Albert F.

⭐ (1901 reviews)

👨‍🎓 Writer George E.

⭐ (3223 reviews)

Need to hire essay writer? You're at the right place! Our globally recognized platform has got you covered. With our expertise, we put together meticulously crafted papers that meet your unique requirements. Whether your demand is Chicago, APA, Harvard, or MLA style, rest assured our skilled writers will nail it!

We take pride in our squad of experienced authors, rigorously tested to consistently deliver quality academic papers. Our promise? Genuine, plagiarism-free content! Your paper isn't just unique but also polished with our top-tier editing services.

Think high-quality services are costly? Not with us! We offer unbeatable rates and tempting deals to fit even the most modest budgets. Avail of our frequent discounts and you’ll see, we're not just affordable, we're your wallet-friendly academic partner.

In a nutshell, for a mix of quality, authenticity, and affordability, our service is your perfect match! Join us and make your academic journey a smooth sail.

Essay writing service - your education, our expertise

Every essay writer is skilled in creating custom essays, addressing complex topics, and completing your homework within tight deadlines.

Hand-picked essay writers for your papers

EssayService is a highly respected platform that teams up with top-rated writers. We offer top-notch writing services that link students with hand-picked experts. Our writers are ranked by their performance and customer reviews. Peruse our experts' profiles to identify the most qualified writer for your project.

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How our paper writing service works

1. create a private user profile, 2. fill out the order form, 3. choose an essay writer, 4. give your paper a thorough review, 5. request modifications.

To get started, you'll need to create an account – it's a quick and easy step. This brief process involves providing a valid email address and choosing a secure password. In just a few moments, you'll be all set to access our services.

hire a writer for an essay

In order to create a request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Submit detailed guidelines, specify your favored sources, and set a due date. If you'd like the writer to match your writing style, please attach an example of your past work.

At EssayService, we use a bidding system to assist you in finding your match. You can evaluate bids from various essay writers online and select one based on their qualifications, order history, and feedback. Once you've made your choice, place a deposit to initiate the writing process.

After getting your essay, spend a little time checking if it satisfies your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for your writer. Don't forget that EssayService provides free revisions within 14 or 30 days after a paper's completion.

When you opt to write your essay with EssayService, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We guarantee original, top-notch content and offer a full refund in case of plagiarism. When you choose EssayService, you get a team that is committed to meeting your needs.

Customers are talking about our EssayService

The writer has followed my specific instructions and was able to provide the paper earlier than the deadline. The writer is very communicative and answers all your concerns. Highly recommend.

Goes above and beyond. He completed the assignment ahead of schedule and the work was exceptional.

The best writer here, always on time. Very proactive to read your assigment first for corrections, if they are needed he do that inmediatelly. If you want to have good grades or you are in trouble and need to pass a class this is your writer.

Impressive writer. Paid attention to detail, was very conscientious and timely, and adequately integrated theory and empirical evidence in his writing.

This writer continues to provide quality work, he is thorough, diligent, and communicates timely. Hire him, I have hired him again and will continue to only use him. Best writer on this site in my experience.

Frank has been the MOST helpful writer on this site and you would be making an incredible mistake if you do NOT hire him. His prices have been the MOST reasonable, and he communicates timely and effectively. I appreciate you, Frank. If I could give you 20 stars I would. Folks, Frank is your guy trust me. I tried maybe 5 others and Frank is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am beyond eager to write this review for this writer. I will shout to the rooftops ENCOURAGING you to hire him. I have used other writers but NONE have delivered such awesome work as this writer and NONE of their prices can compare to his. He does not try to "break the bank" and he works hard. He is simply,THE BEST HERE!!!

There were too many writers to have to sort through, would be nice if I was able to sort by how many medical/health science paper they have written.

SO far everything seems to be professional, this is my first time using this kind of online service to get an assignment done.

This service is very easy and efficient. When you are overloaded with tasks, you're up to your ears in paperwork, this is the best help!

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Being able to see the finished product prior to making the full payment is what made me choose this site. Great idea!

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Even though I wrote a similar paper once last year, I already forgot how to do this analysis and understand that it will take too much time to reread the theory and then write the paper based on it. Thanks for making my life easier!

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The reaction paper was written, bearing in mind all the necessary structural elements of the essay. I am happy the writer used quite complex vocabulary, so the essays sounds persuasive.

I am very happy with the services they provide, excellent work. Since I am always busy working they come through when I do not have time to finish.

Great company to work with they get the job done one time and correct.

I would like to thank your marketing assignment expert for editing my assignment so well. It’s completely error-free now.

So caring about what I expect, offered revision in case it's not what i needed. Everything was good

It was my first time using such a service. Essay was good and nicely formatted.

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Your experts helped me to better understand the task I couldn't complete for a long time! Thanks!

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Research papers can be complex, so it is best to give our paper writer service a bit more time on this one. Luckily, a longer paper means you get a bigger discount.

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No matter what assignment you need done, whether it's math or the English language, our service covers them all. Assignments require time and acquired knowledge to complete. If you're concerned about meeting these demands, our writers can assist with any subject. With EssayService, stress-free academic success is within reach.

Are you struggling with understanding your professors' directions when it comes to homework assignments? Hire professional writers with years of experience to achieve your academic goals and impress your parents. Send us the instructions, choose your writer, and make payment once you're satisfied.

Sharing educational goals Our service is a helping hand for those who want to reach academic success without extra hassle.

Advocate educational integrity Our mission is to help you grow as a student and not cheat your academic institution. We suggest you use our work as a study aid and not as finalized material. Order a personalized assignment to study from.

Service is a study guide Our paper writer service aims to help you achieve your desired academic excellence.

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EssayService safeguards your data We are here to help you with essays and protect your personal information. Your safety is our priority, as we know it is yours. We adhere to strict privacy policies to ensure your information is stored securely at all times. Your communications with writers are encrypted and private, and we email your work directly to you.

Work with a paper writer – Sharing academic integrity Hire an expert from our services to learn from and ace your next "do my essay" task. We are your one-stop shop for academic success. Our essay writers can handle all your "write essay for me" requests.

Pick your paper writer from our skilled professionals

EssayService boasts a catalog of writers. Our writers come from various fields of study, starting with physics and ending with history. As a result, we are able to take on a variety of assignments that come our way, ranging from simple reviews to more difficult thesis papers. If you want real professionals or even some current university professors to write an essay at an adequate price, you've come to the right place!

Securing a professional writer as a newcomer might not be the easiest thing to do. It's crucial to be careful and avoid services that collaborate with underqualified individuals from developing countries. This often results in subpar work, enriches the company owners unfairly, and exploits the writers in conditions akin to intellectual slavery. Our "write my paper" platform, on the other hand, gives you a chance to work with an expert writer. We partner only with native English speakers, so you can confidently entrust your "do my essay" assignment to EssayService.

Moreover, to be a part of our team, it is imperative that a person possess a Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. In addition, years of experience in a respective field are required. While language proficiency is important, other essential skills are necessary to achieve success in writing papers. If the writer in question has complied with all the above-mentioned criteria, successfully completed mock tasks, and passed several interviews, they are welcome on our team.

How EssayService stands among other writing services

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Tolerance Our service suggests using the work as prep material and a study aid, and not as final material for your professors. You can also take advantage of this work by using it to perfect your own knowledge.

Stay in touch with your professional essay writer Take direct advantage by chatting with your writer. Direct your questions, ask for clarifications, send them your previous work, or request drafts, and you will get your answers in no time.

Essay writer online 24/7 at your disposal

Quality over quantity is a motto we at EssayService support. We might not have as many writers as any other service, but our team is the cream of the crop. On top of that, we collaborate with writers based on their qualifications, allowing us to expand our overall range of subjects.

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Feeling overwhelmed by an upcoming research proposal assignment? Our paper writing service is here to help! No need to worry about devoting your Sunday night to reading and dissecting long, 100-page academic articles. We have the experience and expertise to make sure you understand your professors' instructions and can complete your "do my essay for me" project quickly and effectively.‍

Hire writers with years of experience to improve your performance and impress your parents. To make a "write my paper for me" request with EssayService, simply send us your assignment's instructions, your deadline, and you're good to go. We have paper writers with the skills to complete practically any assignment for you. Every writer in our team has experience in different academic disciplines and can complete assignments on time, providing you with the highest quality of research, grammar, and formatting.

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After you submit your "write essay for me" request, a variety of writers will bid, giving you a choice of the best fit for your project. Research your options to make an informed decision. Read their profiles, evaluate their order records, and peruse the customer reviews to ensure you're making the right choice.‍

Our writers are required to identify their areas of interest so you know which professional has the most up-to-date knowledge to do your essay. Just choose one of our experienced writers, set a deadline, and we will get started on your project.

Once I hire a writer to write my paper, is it possible for me to monitor their progress?

If you are using our services, you can always keep in touch with your essay writer online via chat and ask them to provide you with regular progress updates or address any questions and concerns about your "write paper for me" order.

Furthermore, a writer working on your “write me an essay” request might contact you in chat if some clarifications are needed. If the communication is good enough, your job will be done on time and with good results.

When working with us, rest assured you'll be assisted and supported every step of the way. Never hesitate to ask for an update when needed, and be sure to allow for enough time to correct errors! This way, you can work together with your writer to guarantee your paper is exactly what you need!

We analyze the work of our essay writers for hire

Because EssayService is an honest and well-paying essay writing service, writers tend to flock to our platform. Nonetheless, in the writers' community, we are known for our strict selection process. You, as a client, can be sure that you will be working with a quality online essay writer no matter your subject or your assignment's level of difficulty. Our writers are put through testing and have their degrees checked. Our strict screening criteria ensures that we only partner with the best writers.

We are a company that values experience, reputation, and past performance in essay writing. As a result, we have managed to track down the top university writers. They do their absolute best to complete your task on time and provide you with study assistance of the highest level.

Nonetheless, being a professional "write my essay" company has its challenges. For example, as our writer expectations are high, not all experts can handle the challenge of creating highly unique content in a short time frame, so as leading services go, we are tasked with keeping everything under control.

How our essay writing service is used

The paper writing we provide is in no way supposed to be submitted as a completed piece of work. As a "help me with my essay" service, our key role is to serve as research material for study purposes. We stand for academic honesty and obey all institutional laws. Therefore, EssayService strongly advises its clients to use the provided work as a study aid, as a source of ideas and information, or for citations.

17 Places to Hire a Writer in 2022 (Tested and Reviewed)

hire a writer for an essay

With so many places to hire a writer, how do you know which one to use?

To find out, I tested 17 different freelance platforms, content services and writing job boards.

In the process, I reviewed 359 articles from hundreds of writers.

34% of the articles were either plagiarized or “spun.” (Which could have been a legal risk if I published them.)

Another 18% were AI-written nonsense.

Plus, many writers hid links to spammy blogs in their articles.

But in the end, I found a few excellent websites for hiring writers and outsourcing content.

The Best Places to Find Writers Online: 5 Top Picks

Based on all my testing and experience, here are the very best places to hire a writer online.

(Along with links to my full review of each.)

Best freelance platform: Upwork.


Upwork probably has the single largest pool of writing talent in the world.

As a freelance platform, its rating system and built-in payment processing make it easier to use than job boards. Plus you can find other types of freelancers there too. (Like proofreaders and graphic designers.)

I’ve hired dozens of freelancers on Upwork over the years.

In my research for this article, I hired two writers to each write a 1,200-word blog post. One charged $0.10 per word and the other charged $0.40 per word.

The cheaper writer was actually the better one: I’d give his content quality of 3.5 out of 5. That’s good enough for most blogs. And $0.10 per word is a great price for that quality.

Writing quality: I’d rate the best writer I found at a 3.5 out of 5 (for $0.10 per word).

Price: Most writers on Upwork charge $0.01 – $0.40 per word. 

Speed: You can easily receive 100+ applications within days of your job listing. 

See my experience with and full review of Upwork below, here .

Best writing jobs board: ProBlogger Jobs.

Problogger logo 3x

ProBlogger Jobs is one of the most popular writing jobs boards available.

Like other job boards, using ProBlogger Jobs is very DIY.

There is no rating system for applicants, and its system for managing applications is very basic. So the hiring process with ProBlogger Jobs is harder than with freelance marketplaces.

You also need to watch out for plagiarism and “spun” content when you use ProBlogger Jobs.

But it’s a great place to find quality freelance and full-time writers. 

Note: Reddit’s writing jobs board, r/HireaWriter , is a great free alternative. If you’re going to post a job on ProBlogger Jobs, I would take the extra 10 minutes to post it on r/HireaWriter also.

Writing quality: Ranges from 1 to 3.5 out of 5.

Price:  $75 for a 15-day job post. Writers expect fees of $0.05 – $1 per word (mostly toward the lower end).

Speed:  I received 32 applications in 24 hours, and 53 in 7 days.

See my experience with and full review of ProBlogger Jobs below, here .

Best high-quality writing service: Express Writers.

Express writers logo

Based on my testing, Express Writers is the best way to access high-quality writers without having to hire and manage them directly.

I found their higher-end “Authority Content” offered 4 out of 5 quality for a cost of $0.30 per word.

That’s more expensive than most options. But it’s also far better quality. It’s good enough to meet or exceed the standards of most blogs.

In fact, it’s the highest-quality writing I’ve found on any platform.

The only catch is that your project can get delayed if you don’t stay on top of the approvals process. Which isn’t always clear.

Writing quality: 4 out of 5.

Price:  From $0.09/word for general blog posts, up to about $0.30/word for well-researched authority content. Or $0.40 – $1 per word for other content types, like conversion copywriting and video script writing.

Speed: Delivered in four days (if you review and approve things quickly).

See my experience with and full review of Express Writers here .

Best cheap and fast writers: WriterAccess.

Writeraccess png walogo1200x1200

WriterAccess is a good bet for businesses that want decent-quality content without having to manage individual writers. It’s my favorite mid-tier content mill/service.

It also lets you add writers you like to your “love list” in order to work with them again. Which can help keep production quality consistent.

I found WriterAccess’s top-tier, “6-star” content offered 3 out of 5 quality for a cost of $0.15 per word. That’s a bargain price for content that’s good enough for most blogs.

But since a $39/mo account is required to access the platform, WriterAccess works best when you have ongoing content needs.

Writing quality:  3 out of 5.

Price:  $0.02 – $0.15 per word for basic blog content, up to $1 – $2 per word for technical writing and conversion copywriting. Plus a required $39/mo membership.

Speed:  Delivered in 4 days.

See my experience with and full review of WriterAccess below, here .

Best low-budget content mill: iWriter.

Iwriter logo

For an even cheaper option than WriterAccess, iWriter gets my recommendation.

As a budget content mill, iWriter’s focus is on quantity — definitely not quality.

But the price is hard to beat.

And if you find someone you really like working with on iWriter, the platform lets you invite them to fulfill future orders.

I found iWriter’s most expensive “Elite Plus” content to be 1.5 out of 5 quality. At a cost of $0.07 per word. So it’s a good fit for affiliate blogs that don’t have strict quality requirements.

Writing quality: 1.5 out of 5.

Price:  From $0.008 (under a penny) to about $0.07 per word.

Speed:  Delivered in 5 days.

See my full experience with and review of iWriter below, here .

Full Reviews: All 17 Places to Hire a Writer

Now, keep reading for my detailed experiences with all 17 places to hire writers online.

Including excerpts of the writing I received from them.

For a step-by-step process for hiring writers, see the last section of this post . It features a job post template for attracting top-notch talent, a method for quickly filtering out bad writers and plagiarists, and more.

Freelance Marketplaces for Hiring Writers

Freelance sites are some of the most popular places to hire writers online.

They make the hiring process easy:

  • Large pools of talent = lots of applicants to most jobs.
  • Freelancer star ratings and reviews help you choose between candidates.
  • You can pay and hire directly through the freelance site.

But some sites are much better than others.

Here are my reviews of the top freelance sites for hiring writers.

Upwork content writers for hire

Upwork  is the largest online freelance marketplace, with over 12 million freelancers.

It has writers for pretty much any need you could have.

Including SCUBA-diving SEO copywriters, comedy writers from The New Yorker, Emmy-winning script writers, former Fortune 500 C-level executives who now ghostwrite, and more.

But because it’s so big, using Upwork is like finding a needle in a haystack. Luckily, there are tricks to make that much easier.

Overall, it’s a great place to hire a writer — ​if you know how to use it.

Pros and cons of Upwork:  

✅ Huge, diverse pool of writers, editors and proofreaders.

✅ Lots of applicants to every job.

❌ Every job receives lots of low-quality applicants.

❌ Can be hard to compare prices, since most freelancers don’t list their per-word fees.

❌ Some freelancers simply post your job on a content mill, plagiarize, or use an AI writing tool.

Price: Writers on Upwork list their hourly rates, but the majority prefer to charge by the project or word. Most charge between $0.01 – $0.40 per word (or $5 – $100 per hour) for blog posts and articles. Or up to $5+ per word or $200+/hour for conversion copywriting or specialized content that requires technical expertise.

Verdict: Upwork is my favorite place to find freelance writers. But to use it effectively, you need a process for filtering out low-quality applicants. (See the “How To Hire a Writer” section below for my process.)

Full Upwork review and experience:

When I tested Upwork for this review, I posted a job for a 1,200-word blog post on the subject “how to write a content brief.” With the promise of ongoing work if I found a writer I liked.

Upwork recommends paying $30 – $60/hour for expert-level content writing. I offered $400 as a flat fee (which comes out to $0.33 per word). And I set my job post to allow U.S. applicants only. ​​

I received 30 applications within 48 hours of posting the job.

(Note: you can receive 100+ applications in that time if you don’t limit your job to U.S. applicants. But naturally it will take longer to sift through them.)

Only seven applicants followed the instructions in my job post, which made it easy to filter out the other 23.

I hired the two best applicants to complete the project. Both had job success ratings of over 95%.

The first writer delivered his article in seven days. He said his rate for ongoing work would be $0.10 per word.

The article:

  • Was full of good information, delivered via concise sentences and simple paragraphs.
  • Used examples to make its recommendations more clear.
  • Even included some good screenshots, which I didn’t ask for.

It was also 1,903 words long: well beyond my 1,200-word minimum. Giving me plenty of room to edit it down if needed.

  • The writing didn’t always flow naturally from one point to the next.
  • For a how-to article, too much of the guidance was vague or incomplete. Making it less actionable.
  • And it didn’t include contextual links to related resources (which would have helped make up for the vague guidance).

Overall, the first writer’s content quality was a solid 3.5 out of 5 . It would fit right in on the average blog. But I’d want to make heavy edits before publishing it on GrowthBadger.

Here’s an excerpt from his article:

Upwork writer 1 excerpt

The second writer delivered her article in three days.

And she said her rate for ongoing work was $0.40 per word.

But even though she was 4x as expensive as the first writer, this second writer was quite a bit worse.  

Her article covered the very basics of the subject well enough for a low-quality blog to publish.

It wasn’t organized in a logical way.

Its focus bounced around.

It included a lot of “fluff,” and often circled back to make the same points again. While just barely meeting my 1,200-word minimum, so I didn’t have enough wiggle room to cut the fat.

And although it was supposed to be a how-to article, a lot of the content was spent describing how to  think about the subject. Rather than giving actionable guidance.

Finally, there were a couple of places where the content was “spun” from other articles. Most of the article was original, but to me any plagiarism or article spinning  immediately disqualifies a writer.

I’d give her content quality a 2 out of 5. Many content services offer better quality for cheaper.

Here’s an excerpt from her article:

Upwork writer 2 excerpt

2. Freelancer article writers is another general online freelancing marketplace. It’s not quite as big as Upwork, but it still offers access to millions of freelancers.

Pros and cons of Freelancer:

✅ Large pool of freelance writers, editors and proofreaders.

✅ Lots of applicants to each job.

❌ Somewhat lower-quality talent pool compared to Upwork.

❌ All the same weaknesses as Upwork, without any additional strengths. (The “contest” feature is terrible for writing projects.)

❌ Additional $25 “privacy fee” to make a project only visible to logged-in users.

Price: Like on Upwork, writers on Freelancer list their hourly rates, but usually prefer to charge per project (or per word). Most content writers on the platform charge $0.01 – $0.30/word or $5 – $50/hour.

Verdict: I wouldn’t recommend Freelancer. Contests are the only thing Freelancer offers that Upwork doesn’t. And as I found out, contests aren’t a good way to hire writers. So when it comes to freelance marketplaces, I would stick with Upwork (or People Per Hour).

Full Freelancer review and experience:

Freelancer offers one thing that Upwork doesn’t: contests. In which multiple freelancers create something for you “on spec” — you only pay for the best one.

But when I tested this feature, it was a huge waste of time.

I posted two writing contests on Freelancer:

  • One $100 contest for a 500-word blog post ($0.20 per word).
  • And one $25 contest for a shorter blog post outline.

The $100 blog-post contest received 71 entries in 5 days. And the $25 blog-post-outline contest received 24 entries in 5 days.

That sounds like a great outcome. The problem is that it’s EXTREMELY time-consuming to go through that many pieces one by one.

But how was the quality?

Most of the articles were plagiarized. Either directly copy and pasted, or slightly tweaked with article-spinning software to make the plagiarism harder to detect.

Only a small handful of them were original content. And of those, the best content quality was a 1.5 out of 5. Most entries were even worse. Many were AI-generated.

Here’s an excerpt of one article:

Freelancer article excerpt

The results of the contest for an article outline weren’t any better.

To be clear:

I wouldn’t expect top-quality writers to write a 500-word article for the chance of getting paid $100.

So a higher rate might have attracted some better writers. But it also would have brought in additional bad writers, making it harder to find the good submissions in the pile.

From using Freelancer in the past, I already knew the talent pool wasn’t quite as good as Upwork’s. But I wanted to see if the contest feature might be useful enough to use it.

The answer is no.

Fiverr content writers and gigs

Fiverr  is a different kind of freelance marketplace.

It’s organized like an ecommerce store. Except that each “product” is a specific service you can buy from someone.

You can see the ratings and reviews for each service, a description of that service, and optional add-ons or different tiers you can choose. Along with estimated delivery times and frequently asked questions.

Pros and cons of Fiverr:

✅ Buying individual services is faster than using traditional freelance platforms.

✅ Clear what you’ll be getting up-front. And for what price.

❌ Most writing services are low quality.

❌ Hard to embed Fiverr writers into your team.

Price: Writers on Fiverr charge per project. It usually comes out to $0.01 – $0.50 per word (mostly on the lower side).

Verdict: I don’t recommend Fiverr for hiring writers. If you want a writer for ongoing work, job boards and other freelance platforms like Upwork and People Per Hour are better options. While if you just need to outsource a single project, content services offer better quality for the price.

Full Fiverr review and experience:

Using Fiverr is a streamlined process, since you don’t have to create a job post and screen applicants. But you still get control over who you’re working with.

On the other hand:

It’s not as easy to create a long-term working relationship with someone from Fiverr. Or to embed them into your team. After all, most Fiverr providers are there to sell “take it or leave it” productized services — not to reach a deep understanding of your business.

I’ve used Fiverr many times for design projects, voiceovers, video transcriptions and more. And it’s usually gone well.

But when I’ve had writing projects done on Fiverr, the results have never impressed me.

For my test this time, I hired an “SEO content writer” to write a 1,000-word article for $135.

At 13.5 cents per word, that’s more expensive than about 80% of the other writers on the site. But it’s still affordable.

The writer promised a seven-day delivery time. But ended up requesting two extensions and turning in the article after nine days.

The content quality was a 2 out of 5 : better than the cheapest content mills, like Textbroker. But worse than you can find on other freelance platforms or mid-tier content services.

It wasn’t organized very well.

It contained small grammatical errors and typos, like missing punctuation.

And a lot of it seemed fine at first, but then actually didn’t make sense after a close reading.

Here’s an excerpt:

Fiverr article excerpt

4. People Per Hour

Content writers for hire on people per hour

People Per Hour  is like a cross between Fiverr and Upwork. You can buy individual services like on Fiverr, or post your own gig for freelancers to apply to like on Upwork.

Pros and cons of People Per Hour:  

✅ On average, freelancers on People Per Hour are higher quality than on other platforms.

✅ Flat-fee individual services are also available, Fiverr-style.

❌ Most People Per Hour freelancers use British English.

❌ Fewer freelancers (and therefore applicants) than Upwork.

❌ Flat-fee individual services are lower quality.

Price: People Per Hour writers typically charge between $0.05 – $0.40/word or $15 – $70/hour for articles. While the flat-fee, Fiverr-style individual services tend to be cheaper (but lower quality), at $0.01 – $0.15/word.

Verdict: People Per Hour is a good platform for hiring freelance writers. (Especially if you don’t mind British English, mate.) Compared to Upwork, People Per Hour has far fewer freelancers. But the overall average talent quality is a little higher, and so is the price.

Full People Per Hour review and experience:

When I tested People Per Hour, the writer I hired plagiarized… but only one sentence. (She copy and pasted the definition of a term without citing the source.)

That’s enough to set off alarm bells. But she said it was accidental: she meant to link to the source.

Other than that, the content quality was a 3 out of 5 . 

The information was fine, and it was organized well. But the writing wasn’t polished at all.

For example, it rambled frequently. Plus that one copy-and-pasted sentence made it hard to trust the rest of the article.

Also, there were one or two Britishisms (like “reckon”).

The quality would be acceptable for the average site with medium-low editorial standards. But I would need to heavily edit or rewrite it before I’d want to publish it on GrowthBadger.

She charged $290 for a ~1,000-word article: $0.29 per word. 

Content Services, Agencies and Mills

Content services, content agencies and content mills are basically the same thing. Just at different pricing tiers.

Some offer more services than others. And some have subscription plans for ongoing content outsourcing.

But they all have one main benefit over freelance marketplaces:

They let you order content directly — without the need to evaluate, hire or manage individual freelancers.

However, there’s a huge amount of variation in content quality from these services. And in the pricing, too: the ones I tested charged between $0.005 (half a cent) and $2+ per word.

As you’ll see, there’s a lot of plagiarism and content spinning at the lower tiers in particular.

Read on for my reviews of Textbroker, iWriter, HireWriters, WriterAccess, Scripted, Express Writers,, Verblio and Constant Content.

5. WriterAccess

Writeraccess content order form

WriterAccess can be used as a content mill or a project-based freelance writing marketplace.

You can let the platform’s “smart match” system automatically choose someone to fulfill your order (like a content mill). Or post a project and have freelancers apply for it (like Upwork).

Pros and cons of WriterAccess:

✅ Inexpensive, but with decent quality.

✅ 5-day turnaround is standard (I got mine in 4).

✅ Can use as a freelance marketplace or as a content mill.

❌ Lower talent “ceiling” than pure freelance platforms like Upwork and People Per Hour.

❌ Requires a $39/month client account, in addition to writers’ fees.

Price: Rates start at $0.02 – $0.15 per word for basic blog writing, up to $1 – $2 per word for technical writing and conversion copywriting. WriterAccess also offers a monthly content creation service for $349 – $749 per month. No matter how you use WriterAccess, you’ll need to pay $39/month for a client account.

Verdict: WriterAccess strikes a great balance of affordability, speed, and quality. It’s not as cheap as budget-oriented content mills. But WriterAccess’s content quality is better. 

Full WriterAccess review and experience:

I tested WriterAccess with an order of their top-tier, “6-star” content. I ordered a 1,600-word article for $240.70 ($0.15 per word). And I used their “smart match” system, so they chose the writer automatically.

It took four days to receive a 1,565-word article back.

The content quality was a 3 out of 5 .

It was organized well with H2 and H3 subheadings. And it was structured in a logical order, with genuinely useful information.

(And even a good pun or two.)

But there were a few grammatical errors and typos. And many paragraphs rambled, making it hard to follow at times.

Like this sentence:

“By sending writers a thorough and effective content brief, it significantly increases your chances of getting a draft requiring minimal revisions or none at all, and minimizes time spent going back and forth.”

So the article had decent “bones,” but I’d need to do a lot of editing if I wanted to publish it on GrowthBadger. That said, it would fit in with the average blog post on many sites.

6. Scripted

Scripted order page

Scripted  is a mid-tier content writing service.

It’s positioned as a freelance marketplace, but it automatically matches each content order with a writer. More like a content mill.

Pros and cons of Scripted:

✅ No need to assess and hire individual writers.

✅ 18 different types of content are available. Including blog posts, emails, landing pages, ad copy and video scripts.

✅ Includes an editorial review, and visibility into how your content is progressing through Scripted’s workflow.

❌ Requires a $199 per month membership, which only gets you access to the platform. Ordering content costs extra on top.

❌ Subpar content quality for the price.

Price: Scripted starts at $199 per month for access to the platform, plus additional fees for the actual content. Writing fees depend on the content type. For example, blog posts cost $0.13 – $0.19/word, ad copy costs about $0.22 – $0.26/word, and video scripts cost $0.15 – $0.17/word.

Verdict:  In this price range, WriterAccess offers better content quality without the $199/month membership fee.

Full Scripted review and experience:

I tested Scripted’s standard blog post length (800 – 1,000 words), which normally costs $134. But I paid an additional $14 to allow only “top rated writers” to work on the project, bringing the total to $148. ($0.18 per word.)

I received an 821-word article four days after placing my order.

I would give the content quality a 2 out of 5 .

On the plus side, the article didn’t have any grammatical errors or typos — probably thanks to the editorial review that Scripted includes.

But the information was all surface-level and vague. Despite being a short article, it was mostly fluff.

It also had some advice that didn’t really make sense.

The topic of the article was “how to write a content brief.” But one of the recommendations was:

“When you start to get your method down, it’s easy to plug these content briefs into a content delivery system, or CDS, that will keep everyone on the same page as you build your library of content collateral for digital and print outreach.”

…That’s not what a CDS is for.

And it’s strange to assume the content would be used for “digital and print outreach.”

So while it’s nice that Scripted has a proofreading process to remove typos from their articles, that isn’t enough to make the content good.

7. Express Writers

Express writers content writing options

Express Writers is a higher-end content-writing service.

Pros and cons of Express Writers:

✅ The best content-writing service I’ve found.

✅ Optional add-on services like keyword research and custom illustrations.

✅ Dozens of options for à la carte content at different prices. Plus a few subscription plans.

❌ More expensive than most content services.

❌ Somewhat confusing reviews and approvals process. 

❌ Unreliable email notification system: three approval requests never made it to me, causing a long delay.

Price: $0.09 per word for general blog posts, up to about $0.30 per word for well-researched authority content. Or $0.40 – $0.50 per word for conversion copywriting, or about $1 per word for video script writing. Monthly plans are also available.

Verdict: Express Writers is easily the best content-writing service I found in all my testing. Particularly the more expensive “Authority Content” option. Just keep an eye on your project dashboard to avoid delays.

Full Express Writers review and experience:

I tested the upgraded “Authority Content” tier of Express Writers, which costs $0.30 per word.

That option also includes keyword research, an editorial review, and custom header images.

I ordered a blog post of 1,500 – 2,000 words for $600. It took four days to get an article back. (Not counting a two-week delay while they waited for my approval. More on that below.)

The final article clocked in at 2,014 words.

And the content quality was an impressive 4   out of 5.

It was organized well, had useful information, and included links to helpful resources.

The writer included a good number of clarifying examples. Most of the advice was specific and actionable, and it seemed to be written by an expert.

It was also pretty concise, for the most part. (Which isn’t usually the case when you’re paying per word.)

Was the article exactly how I would’ve written it?

But it had the best content quality of all the outsourcing options I tested.

Most sites could publish it without any changes. And with some moderate editing and additional screenshots, I could publish it here on the GrowthBadger blog.

Express writers authority content excerpt

There was one issue with Express Writers.

The content you order from the company can consist of multiple stages. Like keyword research, graphic design and more.

Each time one piece is delivered, your project basically gets paused until you approve it.

Here’s the problem:

I didn’t receive any email notifications to let me know they were waiting on my approval. (Nothing in my spam filter, either.)

This happened three different times. Even after reporting the issue, it happened again.

Since I wasn’t notified that parts of my project were awaiting my approval, the article got delayed by over two weeks. I only found out about it when I manually logged in to check my project dashboard out of curiosity.


About our writers is a content outsourcing site that’s geared toward white-label work for agencies.

(In other words, marketing agencies outsource their clients’ content work to

The company boasts U.S.-based writers with expertise ranging from science and technology to travel, lifestyle, government, nonprofit organizations, law, food, finance, real estate and more.

You can use on a self-serve, per-project basis. Or as a subscription service that starts at $999 per month and includes an editorial review for grammar and SEO.

Pros and cons of

✅ As a content service, there’s no need to evaluate or manage individual writers.

✅ Multiple brand profiles are a useful feature for agencies.

❌ You can’t choose who to work with.

❌ The article included irrelevant links to other sites.

❌ Not the best content quality.

Price: charges $0.15/word for à la carte articles. Or $999/month and up for their managed service subscription.

Verdict:’s “brand profiles” feature may be useful if you need content for multiple websites on an ongoing basis. But WriterAccess offers better content quality in this price range.

Full review and experience:

When you sign up for a customer account with, you’re prompted to add one or more “brand profiles.” These include your (or your client’s) brand name, industry, description, domain, target audience, preferred tone and more.

Then when you request new content, you’ll choose which brand it relates to.

After that, the company gives your assignment to one of their writers to fulfill.

I tested with an order of one 750-word blog post. Which cost $112.45 ($0.15 per word).

It took 6 days to receive a draft back.

The content quality was a 2.5 out of 5 .

The subheadings were all good. And the writer mostly used short sentences and paragraphs, which is rare to see at this price level.

But the majority of the article was filler and fluff. As you can see in this paragraph (about content briefs):

“The content length is a very important factor as it determines the number of words to be used. In order to state the word count, you can include a line like this: ‘Your content should be around 500-600 words long.’ ”

The article also linked to some low-quality blog posts that weren’t very relevant. Which makes me think the writer was also working as a link-builder.

Verblio content pricing and plans

Verblio is a subscription-based content production service.

It’s basically a content mill like Textbroker or iWriter (both reviewed below). The difference is that Verblio is focused on monthly plans.

When you sign up, you choose how many articles you want per month, and of what length. You can provide your own topics, or have the company suggest ideas.

Verblio will also ask for the tone you’re looking for, who your audience is, and examples of content you like. Then their writers will submit drafts that you can approve, reject, or ask for revisions.

Pros and cons of Verblio:

✅ Subscription plans designed to let you take a “set it and forget it” approach to content development . (In theory.)

✅ Integrations with WordPress and HubSpot.

✅ Optional add-on services like keyword research, proofreading, adding photos, and even creating a basic summary video (using stock footage with article text overlaid).

❌ Both articles I received were plagiarized.

❌ More expensive than other content mills.

❌ You can’t really choose who to work with. (Though you can select preferred writers.)

Price: Verblio’s monthly plans work out to $0.12 – $0.18 per word without add-ons. The base tier includes 300 words of content per month from their regular writers for $34.95. While the top-end tier includes 2,000 words/mo from their “elite” writers for $359.95.

Verdict:  Due to the plagiarism issues I encountered, I would definitely avoid Verblio. It’s also more expensive than other content mills.

Full Verblio review and experience:

When I tested Verblio with a 1,000-word article request, two different writers submitted drafts in the first 24 hours.

Both articles were plagiarized.

More specifically, the articles were “spun.” Meaning, they were slightly rewritten in order to make the plagiarism harder to detect. There are many article-spinning tools and AI rewriters for this purpose.

Here’s an excerpt from one submission (bold added for emphasis):

“In simple  terms, a content brief is a document  in Word  or Google doc , or even an email that you send the writer . It includes information  the writer requires to produce high-quality articles . When sending the brief, make sure it has all the details about your product , its benefits , and the tone of voice you want .”

Compared to the original article  it was stolen from:

“Put simply , the content brief is a document — Google doc , Word  document, email , etc — that you send over to your writer  which should include all the information  they need to produce a high quality article .

Ideally, you want your brief to include details about your product , the benefits  of using it, details on the tone of voice you want …”

I emailed Verblio support to report the writers.

They told me they had a “zero tolerance” policy on plagiarism, and a few days later let me know they’d suspended both writers. They also refunded me.

Verblio writers can hide individual customer reviews on their profiles.

So assuming the writers who plagiarized are only suspended temporarily, their next clients will never know it happened.

10. Constant Content

Constant content freelance writers

Constant Content  lets you outsource your content in two main ways:

  • Buying individual pre-written articles  from their catalog. Topics vary, and most are 500 – 1,000 words long. The majority cost $0.05 – $0.15 per word.
  • Ordering custom articles . You can let the company pick a writer for you, or choose one yourself. This costs $0.13 – $0.18 per word. (They also offer a subscription version for enterprises.)

The company offers a few different ways to order custom articles.

There’s a 99designs-style contest option, a freelance marketplace option, and a couple of different ways to get matched to a specific writer.

Pros and cons of Constant Content:

✅ Multiple ways to outsource writing projects.

✅ Catalog of immediately available, pre-written articles.

✅ Decent content quality.

❌ Confusing interface, order process and review process.

❌ No star ratings for writers, making it hard to use as a freelance marketplace.

❌ You have to buy credits before ordering content or posting a gig. So if you don’t find a freelancer you like, your money is stuck with Constant Content.

Price: Varies, but generally as follows. Freelancer marketplace: $0.13 – $0.18/word. Pre-written articles: $0.05 – $0.18/word. Managed service (enterprise): $0.15 – $0.20/word.

Verdict:  Constant Content is a decent mid-tier platform for outsourcing your content. But WriterAccess is faster and easier to use, at the same level of quality and price.

Full Constant Content review and experience:

Like I said, Constant Content offers several ways to order content.

I tried the contest method first, which the platform calls “call for articles.” But I only got one submission. And it quickly expired before I could review it.

So next, I tried the “targeted request” function. With this option, the company matches you with a writer with experience in your industry.

Following the platform’s pricing recommendations, I offered $150 – $250 for a 1,500-word article: $0.17 per word. (Strangely, “$250+” is the maximum you can offer for an article of any length.)

After six days, I received a 1,655-word article draft with a quote of $248.

The content quality was a 3 out of 5.

At a high level, it was organized well and hit all the major points I would expect.

However, it tended to ramble and repeat itself.

And some of the guidance was pretty vague. As a how-to article, it would have been better with more specific tips and/or examples.

Constant content article excerpt

11. iWriter

Iwriter content order screen

iWriter  is a self-service, budget content mill.

The site also gives you the option of inviting specific writers to fulfill your order.

Pros and cons of iWriter :

✅ Streamlined and easy to use. No need to vet or manage individual writers.

✅ 5-day delivery, and cheap.

✅ Standardized pricing across the platform based on skill level.

❌ Low-quality writing, even at the most expensive tier. Probably partly AI-written.

❌ Requires close proofreading and editing.

Price: iWriter’s pricing ranges from $0.008 (under a penny) per word for the cheapest skill level of writing, up to about $0.07 per word for their top-tier “elite plus” writers.

Verdict: I would only use iWriter if you’re okay with low-quality writing. For example, if you run an affiliate websites in a non-competitive niche. It’s fast and cheap, but you get what you pay for.

Full iWriter review and experience:

I tested iWriter by ordering a 2,000-word blog post. I selected their most expensive “Elite Plus” tier, which cost $145. (About $0.07 per word.)

I received a draft article back five days later.

The content quality was a 1.5 out of 5 : not good at all. 

The article contained:

  • Vague, rambling paragraphs that seemed designed to hit the word count
  • Two somewhat unnatural links to low-quality content on other sites
  • Grammatical issues and Randomly Capitalized Letters

As well as a general lack of understanding of the topic (how to write a content brief).

However, it did contain a few good nuggets of information.

Here’s an excerpt (the subject was “how to write a content brief”):

Iwriter article excerpt

12. HireWriters

Hirewriters ordering an article is another inexpensive content mill. In fact, it’s even cheaper than iWriter.

Beyond blog posts, HireWriters offers different rates for different types of content. Including Facebook page posts, poetry, rewritten articles, and ebooks.

Pros and cons of HireWriters :

✅ Easy to use. No need to vet or manage individual writers.

✅ Very fast and incredibly cheap.

❌ The article I received was plagiarized (“spun”).

❌ Pricing isn’t 100% clear up front.

Price:  HireWriters pricing ranges from $0.005 (half a cent) per word for the cheapest “beginner writers” tier, up to about $0.04 per word for the most expensive “expert writers” tier.

Verdict:  Due to the plagiarism issue I encountered, I can’t recommend HireWriters.

Full HireWriters review and experience:

I tested HireWriters’s most expensive pricing tier with an order of one 2,000-word article. It cost $90: 4.5 cents per word.

I received a “spun” article back. (Plagiarized from another article, but with minor wording changes.)

Here’s an excerpt from the article I received from HireWriters:

“A content brief is more or less a bridge between content strategist and writer. Because writers cannot read the minds of editors or content strategists…”

And here’s an excerpt from the original  article it was stolen from:

“I like to think of the content brief as the bridge between the content strategist/editor/marketing manager, and the writer. Writers cannot read the minds of strategists/editors…”

So I have to give the content quality of HireWriters a 0 out of 5 .

Getting plagiarized work is the worst possible result of outsourcing your writing. Since publishing stolen work can get you into legal trouble and damage your reputation.

It’s possible that this was an isolated incident. But I doubt it.

First, HireWriters actually offers content spinning as a service to clients.

Second, I encountered this problem with their most expensive tier of writing. If anything, I have to imagine it’s even more common at cheaper tiers.

13. Textbroker

Textbroker create order page

Textbroker  is yet another budget content mill.

Textbroker’s main business is self-service content, like iWriter and HireWriters. And like those platforms, Textbroker is very cheap, but low quality.

Unlike those other content mills, Textbroker also offers an agency-style, fully managed service for a higher monthly rate.

Pros and cons of Textbroker:

✅ No need to vet or manage individual writers.

❌ Extremely low-quality writing. The article I got was probably AI-written.

❌ Slower and harder to manage than iWriter (and HireWriters).

Price: A 3,000-word article from Textbrokers costs $45.40 (1.5 cents per word) at the basic level, or $216.40 (7 cents per word) at the most expensive level.

Verdict: Textbroker is basically like iWriter, but with more hassle. So if you want cheap, low-quality content, I would go with iWriter instead.

Full Textbroker review and experience:

I tested the main self-service side of Textbroker, and I wasn’t impressed with the results. The most expensive pricing tier ($0.07/word) got me an article that didn’t really make sense.

I would give the content quality from Textbroker a 1 out of 5 .

It had all the same problems as iWriter, but even worse. I’m certain that the article I got from Textbroker was actually written by an AI writer.

And from past experience, Textbroker also requires more monitoring than other content mills do.

Orders aren’t always fulfilled as quickly on Textbroker as they are on iWriter. And if your order takes too long to fulfill, it gets removed from the queue and you have to re-submit it.

Writing Job Boards

Many of the best freelance writers don’t use freelance platforms or work for content services.

But they do apply to gigs on job boards.

Compared to freelance platforms, job boards are a lot more DIY. 

  • You need to evaluate each candidate without any ratings or reviews to rely on.
  • Most job boards offer only very basic, inefficient features for managing writer applications. So it’s usually best to use your own off-site application process. (More on how to create one in the how-to section of this article.) 
  • The hiring and management logistics are on you, from providing a contract to setting up a payment method.

However, some of the best talent I found was on job boards for writers.

Read on for my reviews of ProBlogger Jobs, Freelance Writers Den, Mediabistro, and Reddit’s r/HireaWriter.

14. ProBlogger Jobs

Problogger jobs open positions

ProBlogger Jobs  is one of the most popular writing jobs boards in the world.

It’s used by news publications, marketing agencies, niche blogs and more.

Most of the listings on ProBlogger Jobs are for ongoing gigs, rather than for small one-time projects. But you can use it for either.

You can also use it to hire part-time or full-time employees, as well as contract writers and freelancers.

Pros and cons of ProBlogger Jobs :

✅ Large pool of freelancers and full-time writers.

✅ Offers a basic on-site application process (though I recommend linking to your own application instead, which you can create with Google Forms).

✅ Searchable database of candidates you can also reach out to directly (for an additional $10 fee per contact).

❌ You need to evaluate and manage each writer yourself — without any ratings or reviews to rely on.

❌ All the logistics are on you, from the applications process to providing a contract and setting up a payment method.

Price: ProBlogger Jobs charges $75 per standard job post, or $150 for a featured listing. Both post types last for 15 days. Freelance content writers on ProBlogger Jobs expect $0.05 – $1 per word. (Most toward the lower end.)

Verdict: ProBlogger Jobs is a good place to find decent writers quickly. But that doesn’t mean the average writer there is very good.

Full ProBlogger review and experience:

I tested ProBlogger Jobs with a standard $75 job post.

I received 32 applications in the first 24 hours my job post was live, and 53 in the first week.

For ongoing work, the writers quoted prices ranging from $0.05 to $1 per word. Most were at the low end: fewer than 10% quoted over $0.20 per word.

The content quality ranged from 1 to 3.5 out of 5.  

Most applicants were toward the lower end of that scale too. Many submitted content that didn’t make much sense and seemed partly written by AI. Several writers also submitted plagiarized, “spun” content.

(That said: I couldn’t hire every applicant. So those numbers are based on the sample articles the writers submitted when they applied.)

The best applicant (with 3.5 content quality) quoted an ongoing rate of $0.70 per word. That level of quality is good enough for most blogs. 

Her writing was concise and well-structured. But it included a few strange leaps in logic. As well as three minor typos.

15. Freelance Writers Den

Freelance writers den job board

Freelance Writers Den  is a writing community with a free job board.

It’s also free to search the profiles of the site’s 1,200 members. That way, you can reach out directly to the writers that fit what you’re looking for.

Pros and cons of Freelance Writers Den:

✅ Free to post job listings.

✅ Job listings last for a year.

❌ You can’t edit a job listing once it’s live.

❌ Far fewer applicants than other job boards. (I only received three.)

Price: Job listings on Freelance Writers Den are free and stay live for a full year. The site only allows jobs that pay at least $0.20 per word or $30 per hour. But the writers who applied to my job quoted only 1.5 cents – $0.10 per word.

Verdict: Even though it’s free, the Freelance Writers Den job board wasn’t worth the time it took to post a job listing. I only received three applications from three writers, and none of them wrote very well.

Full Freelance Writers Den review and experience:

I received three applications in the first week after posting my job to Freelance Writers Den.

Strangely, even though I offered “$0.30+ per word” in my job listing, all three applicants quoted lower rates than that for ongoing work.

One writer quoted only 1.5 cents per word, one quoted $0.04 per word, and the third writer quoted $0.10 per word.

And one of them submitted a “spun” (plagiarized) article.

Other than that, the articles’ content quality ranged from  2 to 2.5 out of 5. Most larger blogs would not want to publish them without significant edits.

16. Mediabistro

Mediabistro job board

Mediabistro has a job board for recruiting media professionals including writers, editors, TV videographers, producers and more.

Most of the job listings on Mediabistro are from large media companies like NBCUniversal, Fox, and Penguin Random House. And the majority are for full-time employment. (But part-time and contract jobs are allowed.)

Pros and cons of Mediabistro :

✅ Employer dashboard shows how many candidates viewed and clicked through your listing.

✅ Decent level of talent, on average.

❌ More expensive than other job boards, both in terms of the job listing price and the fees writers expect.

❌ Geared more toward full-time jobs at major media companies.

Price: $297 for a basic 30-day job post. Upgrade options and multi-post packages are also available. Most writers on Mediabistro expect fees of around $0.40 per word, but I saw quotes ranging from $0.05 to $1.

Verdict: For part-time, contract writing jobs, Mediabistro isn’t my top pick. ProBlogger Jobs brought in more than twice the applicants for half the fee. And the r/HireaWriter subreddit brought in even more than that, for free. But for large media organizations looking for full-time employees, Mediabistro seems like a good bet.

Full Mediabistro review and experience:

I tested Mediabistro’s basic $297 tier to post a job listing for an ongoing freelance writer.

From that listing, I received 19 applications in the first week.

I used a Google Form for the application process, and asked for two writing samples from each applicant. I didn’t receive any plagiarized or “spun” content.

For ongoing work, the applicants quoted prices ranging from $0.05 to $1 per word.

However, the average quote was much higher than I received from the other job boards. Seven out of 19 applicants quoted $0.40 or more per word. The best writer quoted $0.55 per word.

The content quality ranged from 2 to 3.5 out of 5 .

So the worst writers from Mediabistro were a little better than the worst writers from ProBlogger Jobs. But the best writers were about equal. And ProBlogger Jobs drove more than twice as many applicants, for half the price.

17. Reddit’s r/HireaWriter

Reddit r:hireawriter

r/HireaWriter  is a subreddit for posting freelance job listings for writing gigs. It’s also a place where writers post about their own availability.

It has nearly 59,000 subscribers at the moment and it’s growing quickly, at a rate of about 50% per year.

According to the moderators, many scammers respond to job posts on the subreddit. They combat this by maintaining an extensive ban list and making a verification process available. There is also a public feedback feature for both employees and freelancers.

Unlike most jobs boards, r/HireaWriter requires you to specify the pay rate up front. But you are allowed to offer a range.

Pros and cons of r/HireaWriter :

✅ Free to post writing jobs.

✅ Public feedback system. (Though many applicants don’t have any feedback.)

✅ Lots of applications — I received 85 in a week.

❌ Expect to get direct messages from scammers, which the subreddit’s tips and rules post  also warns about. (Just ignore them.)

❌ More plagiarized and “spun” content than on other job boards.

Price: It’s free to post a job on r/HireaWriter. The subreddit requires job posts to include the pay rate, and it must be at least $0.05 per word or $15 per hour. The moderators recommend $0.10+ per word for most jobs, and $0.15+ per word for more advanced work.

Verdict: r/HireaWriter is one of the best, most popular job boards for finding writers. It brings in lots of applicants, and it’s free. The biggest downside is that many writers on r/HireaWriter use content spinning software, outright plagiarize, or use AI writing tools. 

Full r/HireaWriter review and experience:

I tested r/HireaWriter with a blog-writing job post offering $0.30+ per word. And I received 85 applications within a week of posting it.

They quoted prices for ongoing work ranging from $0.06 to $0.70 per word. The majority were between $0.25 – $0.35. And the best writer quoted $0.35 per word.

Overall, the content quality ranged from 0 to 3.5 out of 5.  

Most of the applicants’ writing samples were low quality. More than a third of them were plagiarized or “spun.” And at least 10 seemed AI-written.

AI Writing Tools

I also tested several of the most popular AI writers.

Unfortunately, none of them can write decent long-form content yet.

When you give a writing prompt to an AI writer, the text it generates will typically make sense — at first. But after the first paragraph or two, things fall apart.

For example, here’s some content generated from the prompt “how to write a content brief”:

Ai writer excerpt

I got similar results from every AI writer I tested.

Of course, they can still be useful.

AI writers can generate content ideas. And tools like Frase  and Surfer can create outlines or content briefs as a jumping-off place for human writers. 

But you can’t rely on AI writers to create full blog posts that make sense.

At least, not yet.

How Much Do Writers Charge Per Word?

The rates writers demand depend on the type of writing project, where the writer is located, and their experience level.

Freelance content writers typically charge between $0.01 – $0.50 per word. Most charge under $0.25.

However, true domain experts and highly-skilled professionals may charge $1.00 per word or more.

While conversion copywriters, social media post writers, and technical writers can charge even more. Or insist on hourly, monthly, or project-based fees. (For example, it isn’t uncommon for a seasoned copywriter to charge $5,000 to write a single landing page.)

Generally speaking, you get what you pay for.

But here’s a secret:

Most freelance writers will accept lower fees from great clients.

Specifically, writers want to work with clients who:

  • Offer consistent, ongoing work
  • Pay quickly
  • Don’t change their minds or require too many edits
  • Communicate clearly and efficiently (e.g. great content briefs, no phone calls)
  • And give credit to the writer on the published work (though some prefer the opposite)

So offering one or more of those things can allow you to get a discount on writers’ rates.

You’ll usually need to pay a little more if you want them to do anything beyond simply writing the main assignment.

For example, if you want the writer to do keyword research, include images, create meta tags for the content, or write social posts to promote or distribute it.

Many writers don’t offer those additional services. Or charge separate fees for them on top of their base writing rates.

So if you’ll need anything beyond the content writing itself, it’s best to ask up front.

How to Hire a Writer Online (Step by Step)

Hiring and outsourcing writers is tricky.

If you don’t have a good process for it, you’ll waste a lot of money and time. And you’ll still get bad results.

I’ve personally hired more than 60 freelancers over the years.

And after lots of trial and error, here’s the best method I’ve found for hiring a writer online.

Step 1: Decide where to hire from.

The type of site you should hire from depends on what you’re looking for.

Specifically, whether you want to build an ongoing, direct relationship with one or more writers… or just outsource some one-off projects.

Content services, agencies and mills are best for one-off projects.

They’re very easy to work with. When you use one, you don’t have to evaluate or manage individual writers.

But you usually can’t develop ongoing relationships with specific writers from content services, either. 

If you decide to use a content service, agency or mill, you don’t really need the rest of this guide. Just check out my reviews of the top picks for this category above: Express Writers (higher-end), WriterAccess (mid-tier), and iWriter (cheap).

iWriter, WriterAccess, Express Writers logos

Freelance platforms are a nice middle ground between content services and job boards.

Unlike most content services, freelance platforms let you develop ongoing relationships with individual writers. You can even recruit them onto your team full-time. 

Freelance platforms are also easier to use than job boards, thanks to features like freelancer ratings and payment processing.

On the down side, freelance platforms are harder to use than content services because they require you to post a job, vet the applicants, and manage the writers you hire.

And after you hire someone from a freelance platform, they’ll keep getting offers from other potential clients. Which can make it harder to hold onto talent in the long term, compared to regular job boards.

My top picks for freelance platforms are Upwork and People Per Hour .

hire a writer for an essay

Job boards take more time to use than either freelance platforms or content services. 

They typically don’t include a ratings system, full-featured application process, or built-in payment processing. 

But writing job boards have some of the best writers around, and they’re all looking for ongoing work. This makes them better than freelance marketplaces for hiring in-house, full-time writers.

My top picks for writing job boards are ProBlogger Jobs and Reddit’s r/HireaWriter .

hire a writer for an essay

Finally, directly reaching out to writers is the highest-touch method of all. This usually consists of looking at who is writing good articles in your industry. And then reaching out via email, LinkedIn or Twitter.

Step 2: Write your job description.

Now that you know where you’ll be posting it, it’s time to write your job listing.

In my job listings, I always ask for links to two different writing samples. 

But the truth is, you can’t rely on anyone’s portfolio.

It might not really be their work. Or an editor may have made huge changes to get to the final product.

The only reliable way to gauge someone’s writing ability is to give them an actual assignment .

So the job you post should actually be for a short, paid test project. As a trial for ongoing work.

For example:

If you want someone who can write 4k+ word blog posts, start with a 500-word assignment.

And hire several writers to complete the same assignment.

Or use Glen Allsopp’s approach:

Rather than giving writers a specific length to hit for your test project, just ask them to deliver as much as they can for your budget . That way, you can see how efficient the different writers are when they turn in their work.

Either way, you can offer anywhere from under $50 to $300+ for the test project.

The more you offer, the more they’ll be able to write (and research, if needed). Giving you more information about their skills. 

Most writers don’t like to charge by the hour. So if you’re using a freelance platform, it’s a good idea to set your job up as a fixed-fee project.

Upwork project based vs hourly

But it’s important to make it clear that this one-time project will lead to an ongoing job (if it will). Since freelancers usually prioritize ongoing work.

So I like to put that info right in the title of the job listing. Along with the type of writer I need.

Upwork writing job listing title

Then in the body of the job listing, you can go into more detail. 

Here are the most important things to cover: 

  • For freelance platforms, an explanation that this first gig is for a paid test assignment — but one that will lead to ongoing work.
  • How long the test assignment will be.
  • How much ongoing work you’ll have for them later. For example, four monthly articles of 3,000 words each.
  • The topic or topics you’re going to need content on.
  • The style you’re after, and any other general guidelines.
  • Anything that makes you a great client . (Like quick pay, consistent ongoing work, or offering author bylines/credit.)
  • Any additional things you’ll need them to do, like keyword research or including screenshots.
  • Ask how much experience they have in your industry or subject area.
  • Ask for links to two writing samples . (Preferably in your subject area.)
  • Ask what their fees for ongoing work  are.

If you want, you can also include links to your existing content to show them what you’re looking for. I would do that on a job board, where you’re expected to name your company anyway.

But with freelance platforms, I prefer to save that info for a little later in the process. Otherwise people will spam your site’s contact form with lots of follow-up messages. 

Here’s a job description I posted on Upwork:

Upwork freelance blog writer job description example

This works a little differently if you’re using a job board.

Job boards tend to have bad systems for managing applications. Using them makes it hard to quickly compare candidates.

So if you’re using a job board, I strongly recommend linking applicants to your own application form elsewhere.

If you don’t already have an application form, no problem: you can easily create one for free with Google Forms.

Just pop over to Google Forms .

And click the button to start a new blank form.

Google Forms new blank form

Then start adding questions.

Be sure to ask for their name and email address or other contact info. As well the other questions I mentioned above (like amount of experience, required pay, and links to writing samples).

Google Forms writing job application example

You should also add a long-answer field for their cover letter, or a question like “why are you a great fit for this role?” This is important because in the next step, you’ll tell them to write your “filtering test word” there. 

Finally, add a link from your job listing to your Google Form application. Like this:

“To apply, click here to fill out the form: [link]”

Then save it as a draft — don’t publish anything yet.

Step 3: Add a “filtering test word” and a “plagiarism trap.”

There’s one major challenge with hiring from a freelance platform or job board:

Choosing the best candidate.

It’s easy to get 100+ applications to a single job posting on Upwork or ProBlogger Jobs. But evaluating that many writers takes a LONG time.

Luckily, you can use a “ filtering test word ” to eliminate 80% of those applications. 

Lots of people mass-apply to jobs without reading the descriptions. Others are just bad at following directions.

Your filtering test word will weed all those people out.

All it takes is to ask them to write a specific word in all caps at the beginning of their application.


It’s best to mention this toward the middle of the job description. Don’t put it at the very beginning or end, where it’s easy for skimmers to spot.

Then as the applications roll in, you can filter out anyone who didn’t write ABSOLUTELY at the beginning of their cover letter.

On freelance platforms like Upwork, you can see whether they followed your instructions without even clicking through to their applications. Like this:

Filtering out upwork applicants

If you had writers apply via Google Forms, you can skim through those results just as quickly. You just have to display their answers in a spreadsheet first.

To do that, simply click on the Google Sheets icon in your Google Form questionnaire. It looks like this:

Google forms sheets icon

Each question from your Google Form will now be displayed as a column in a Google Sheet. With the candidates and their answers in the rows underneath.

Google Forms example of filtering test word for hiring writers

And that’s how you can use a filtering test word to quickly eliminate 80% of bad applicants.

But there’s one more trick to get rid of even more of them.

More specifically, to get rid of plagiarists .

I reviewed hundreds of articles in my research for this post. And a full 34% of them were plagiarized.

In other words, more than a third of the content that businesses are outsourcing can potentially get them into legal trouble. Or seriously damage their reputation.

Which is why I also include a “plagiarism trap” in every job listing.

To set a plagiarism trap, simply include a separate question in your application form that asks candidates to define a term. It should be a term that’s loosely relevant to the work… but that most writers will need to look up.

“What is search intent?”

Most of the plagiarists will Google the answer. And then copy and paste the top result into their application.

What is search intent - google result 1

To catch them, all you have to do Google it yourself. And eliminate anyone who copied the top result.

(As well as anyone who couldn’t write a decent answer.)

Step 4: Publish your job listing, then hire the best applicants for your test project.

With all of that set up, it’s time to publish your job listing.

After 5-7 days (or more if you want to be patient), you should have a good number of applicants. 

Like I said, there’s no way to know who the best writer is until you have them complete an actual assignment. 

So now you’ll hire multiple candidates to do exactly that.

Here’s how to choose which ones to hire for the test assignment.

First, if you’re using a freelance platform, look at the candidates’ ratings. I automatically decline anyone with under 4.5 stars or 90% job success.

Next, eliminate any candidates who failed your filtering test word or plagiarism trap.

After that, look at the remaining candidates’ applications and writing samples. And decide which ones to hire for the test project.

Aim to hire at least two.

Better yet, around 4-5. (Assuming you have the budget and there are enough promising candidates.)

When you hire them, it’s time to give them the test project assignment.

I like to send everyone a link to the same Google Doc with all the details, like this one:

Google doc test assignment for hiring a writer

Here’s a link to the full Google Doc , if you’d like to use it as a template.

Be sure to include these details:

  • The format  you want them to use. I like to ask for a Google Doc with their name and date in the document name.
  • The topic and/or title  of what you want.
  • One or two links to example pieces of content  in the style you’re looking for. For example, past blog posts you’ve published on your site.
  • Any other pointers or guidelines .
  • Optionally, you can also give them a detailed content brief or outline of the content you want them to write. You’ll generally get the best work that way. But I would only do that if that’s how you plan to work with them in the future. If you need a writer who can come up with their own ideas, then don’t provide them for the test project.
  • And ask them what date they’ll have it done . You can let them set their own deadline, but make sure they tell you a date. That way you can gauge their reliability when they turn it in.

Step 5: Evaluate the test projects.

Once you have the test assignments back, it’s time to evaluate them.

If you’ve been writing your own content up to this point, you probably know good writing when you see it.

And of course, the style of writing you’ll want depends on the publication and audience.

But here are some things I look for personally:

  • Is it easy to read , skim, and understand?
  • Does it flow logically and make clear points?
  • Can it hold your attention ? Is it concise, or does it ramble and repeat itself?
  • Is it accurate and trustworthy ? (Does it back up its arguments with statistics and link to sources when necessary?)
  • Would your readers find it useful ?
  • Is it original, non-plagiarized content?

On that last point, lots of freelancers use article spinning  software or AI writers to make small changes to content from other sites. And then try to pass it off as their own.

The worst offenders give themselves away with odd phrasing or sentences that don’t make sense. Or words with randomly capitalized letters in the Middle of sentences Like This.

But more advanced plagiarists hide it much better.

Like this example from my Verblio review above:

Spun vs original content example

The best way to detect plagiarism is to copy and paste several different sentences from the work into Google. And see how similar the wording is compared to what’s already out there.

Try it with metaphors or creatively-worded sentences, especially.

(Tools like Copyscape , Grammarly  and SpinMeNot  can also help you detect plagiarized content. But they aren’t as reliable as Google.)

Step 6: Create a contract and move forward with the best writer.

The final step is to let the best writer know you’d like to continue working with them, and start giving them regular assignments.

It’s a good idea to have them sign a contract, too. If you don’t already have a standard contract, RocketLawyer’s free template  can get you started.

Rocketlawyer freelance writer contract

But what if you’re still not sure which writer to hire?

Three options:

A) Have them do another test project.

B) Move forward with more than one.

C) Pass on all of them, and start the hiring process over with a new job listing.

If you decide to start over, you can either post your job in the same place again, or try another job board or freelance platform .

That wraps up this guide.

To recap, we covered:

  • The 5 best places to hire and outsource writers.
  • The detailed results of my testing 17 different freelance platforms , writing services and writing job boards .
  • And finally, my proven step-by-step process for hiring great writers online.

Now I’d love to know what you thought.

Are you planning to hire a writer soon? Did this guide help, or is there something else you wish I’d covered?

Let me know in the comments below.

8 thoughts on “ 17 Places to Hire a Writer in 2022 (Tested and Reviewed) ”

Great article Kyle, Hope you got some decent articles to publish out of all that time and money.

I tried iwriter once and could not use any of them, at all, so walked away quickly.

Good to see there’s some that are still focussed on quality like Express Writers (assuming that was the highest rated one?). I’ll check them out.

Sometimes the research, outline and critique process takes so long that one is better off writing the full article anyway. Or maybe I’m expecting too much.

Hey Orlando, thanks for the comment.

“Sometimes the research, outline and critique process takes so long that one is better off writing the full article anyway.” ⬅ You’re exactly right. Running into that issue over and over again is what made me want to figure out a solution.

Yeah Express Writers is the top-rated site from all my testing. It’s definitely the best turn-key option I found. And it was also much better than most freelancers.

That said, if you are able to find a good individual writer and work with them consistently with plenty of feedback, they should be able to do even better than Express Writers over time.

I also agree with you about iWriter. I would only recommend iWriter for someone who doesn’t have high standards. It’s better than the other budget content mills, which is why it’s my “best of” for that category. But at the end of the day, it’s still all about quantity over quality. (I rated its most expensive writing tier only a 1.5 out of 5.)

The thing is, a huge proportion of the businesses that are outsourcing their content are low-quality affiliate sites. And they want dozens of new articles per month. So iWriter is the perfect fit for them.

Good points mate.

After using many sources, I came across two individuals the last couple of years I could accept their quality/ value. One went towards link building and less about writing so I eventually found another that I’ve given about a doz articles too so far. Slowly improving (or at least more my style and taste) and we have a good working relationship now I feel. And he’s a nice fella in a not so fortunate country I feel that I’m helping out the whole family as well.

But sometimes having a higher quality writer is needed for when things get busy and I can’t write or rewrite so much.

I’m assuming Express Writers also has tiered experienced writers. I’ll find out sometime in the not too distant future.

When I read your email about this topic I was hoping you had covered Niche Website Builders, but I understand there’d be hundreds out there and can’t try them all.

Again, well done with the article.

That’s great, Orlando.

Yes Express Writers has different pricing tiers based on level of expertise, etc. But you raise a good point: the biggest drawback to content services like that is that they make it hard to build an ongoing relationship with an individual writer. So the quality might start out a little higher, but it’s not going to improve over time as much as working and growing with one person can.

(Plus what you said about being able to help people in less fortunate places. That’s a great feeling.)

Will add Niche Website Builders to my list to maybe check out in the future.

Holy hell Kyle, this was a big one. And it came at the perfect time since I’ve been trying to find someone to help me build up my content. I tried Textbroker first but the prices were too good to be true and like you said the writing was really bad. I’m sure it was written by AI. Maybe without the “I”!

I’m going to try UpWork next because I want to hire someone to learn about my business and eventually join my team part time.

I’m glad you found it useful, Lauren. And Upwork sounds like a good bet for that. Using the “filtering test word” and “plagiarism trap” techniques will save you a ton of time there.

This was a very good article. I appreciate the research. What do you think of as it wasn’t in your experiment? Thanks, Noel

Thanks, Noel. I hadn’t heard of that site before so I didn’t try it out.

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We offer cost-effective solutions that fit your budget. Our affordable rates, along with high-quality work, ensure you get the best value for your money. You don’t need to spend on expensive services and adopt smart spending with our trusted service.

From research papers and case studies to academic essays and projects, we do it all. You can get reliable help from our essay writer service!

Have a Look at Our Writing Process

Step 1: Check Your Requirements

Your writer takes your requirements carefully into consideration, ensuring the finished product meets all of your expectations.

Step 2: Discuss Them With You 

Your designated writer will get to know you and your needs better. This will help them craft an essay perfectly suited to your writing style and expectations.

Step 3: Conduct Relevant Research

Our experts search the web thoroughly to find relevant sources, ensuring each reference is accurately and properly cited. 

Step 4: Outline & Write 

Our writers craft your paper to perfection! We'll structure it properly and make sure the introduction, body, and conclusion all come together seamlessly.

Step 5: Quality Assurance Check 

Our QA team checks each order to ensure they are free from plagiarism and any grammatical or structural mistakes. We always provide 100% original content!

Step 6: Submit and Revise 

You get your order, on time! When you receive the final draft we've crafted for you, feel free to request as many revisions as needed - all FREE of charge.

Get Help from the Best Essay Writing Service Now!

Our skilled writers are experts in various subjects, ensuring that your writing request is handled by someone knowledgeable in the field. From research and outlining to drafting and editing, we take care of every step of the writing process. 

Plagiarism is never an issue – we provide original papers tailored to your specific instructions. We deliver work that not only meets your expectations but also helps you excel in your studies. 

So, why struggle with your writing tasks when you can hire professional essay writers and achieve academic success with ease? 

Common Questions You May Have About Our Services

Can you write essays on any topic?

Yes, our experts can write on any topic or subject and for any academic level. We have a team of over 250 writers who have expertise in over a hundred subjects. So rest assured, you will get help from a knowledgeable professional to complete your assignments.

Are your prices affordable?

Yes, we offer affordable prices starting from just $11/page.

We understand that students may have limited funds. This is why we strive to make our services accessible to as many students as possible. Our prices are determined by the complexity of the assignment and its urgency. So, if you need more discounts, try to order as early as possible.

Can I talk to the writer assigned to write my essay online?

Yes! You can communicate directly with the paper writer assigned to you through live chat, message, call, or email. You can easily communicate any requirements you have or inquire about your order status whenever you want.

Is my personal and payment information secure?

Yes! We ensure 100% privacy and confidentiality guaranteed. This is because we never share your personal identity or assignment data with another customer, your peers, teachers, or anyone else. No one will ever know that you placed an order with us. Moreover, we never retain a copy of your work. So there is no chance of reselling your work or getting you caught.

Can you help me write my essay for me cheaply?

Yes, we offer generous discounts. Right now, you can take advantage of a limited-time promotion and get 50% off your purchase. This promo is available to both new and existing customers alike, so don't hesitate to enjoy the savings!

How do you ensure the quality of the written material that you provide?

Our team of experienced proofreaders and editors reviews all orders for accuracy, clarity, and grammar before they are sent to you. Additionally, each paper must pass our strict plagiarism check to ensure originality.

Can you do my essay for me on a tight deadline?

Yes, we have a team of fast essay writers dedicated especially to meeting the tight deadlines of our clients. We are able to deliver papers within 6 hours, at a minimum. So you can rely on us for your crunch deadlines.

Does your online essay writing service offer revisions and refunds?

Yes, we offer free revisions and a complete refund.

The policy in place states that you can get your paper revised as many times as you like for a period of 14 days after the delivery of the order. Moreover, if we do not deliver your paper within the deadline promised, we will give you a complete refund, no questions asked!

What is the privacy policy of your college paper writing service?

Our privacy policy is provided in detail to inform you about the following factors:

  • How is your personal information collected?
  • How is your personal information stored?
  • How is your personal information used?
  • What options do you have regarding the use of your data?
  • Which security features are in place to protect your information?

How is my order delivered to me?

You can receive your completed order in two ways:

  • Download it from your email
  • Download it from your account on our website

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Disclaimer: All client orders are completed by our team of highly qualified human writers. The essays and papers provided by us are not to be used for submission but rather as learning models only.

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Home » Hire a Writer

Hire a Writer

Creating high-quality written content is crucial. But with constantly evolving algorithms and audiences, it can be tough to keep up. That’s where hiring a professional writer comes in.

Whether you need engaging blog posts, website copy, captivating social media content, or even a full-fledged eBook, a skilled writer can elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression.

Hire a Writer

Top 7 Sites to Hire a Blog Writer in 2024

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Top 5 Sites to Hire a Freelance Writer in 2024

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Top sites to hire a writer.

So, where do you hire writers for your project? Here’s a curated list of the top 10 websites to hire a writer, catering to diverse needs and budgets:

WriterHire is a platform renowned for its curated talent pool of professional writers specializing in various content marketing needs. Their stringent vetting process ensures clients are matched with highly qualified writers capable of delivering exceptional results, be it blog posts, website copy, articles, or ebooks.

Additionally, WriterHire is a user-friendly platform that facilitates seamless project management, making it an excellent choice for those seeking high-quality, reliable writing services.

  • Rigorous vetting ensures you hire writers that you need
  • Easy to find a more experienced writer
  • A diverse place to hire a writer, such as blog writers, technical writing professionals, etc
  • During high demand, you might wait a bit to hire a writer

Contently distinguishes itself by focusing on building enduring content marketing partnerships. They provide access to a network of experienced writers across diverse industries and offer content strategy and project management services.

This comprehensive approach makes Contently a valuable solution for businesses seeking to hire freelance writers, ensuring organizations receive well-rounded support in their content endeavors.

  • Comprehensive content marketing solutions
  • Experienced writers across industries
  • Content strategy and project management services
  • Minimum project spend required when hiring a content writer
  • May not be ideal for smaller needs where you’re looking for a freelance writer for a single project

Upwork , a prominent freelance platform, boasts an extensive pool of professionals who write content, from generalists to specialists in specific niches. While the quality can vary, Upwork’s vast talent pool of content writers and competitive pricing make it a favored choice for cost-conscious clients.

However, conducting thorough portfolio screening and reviewing past client feedback is crucial to ensure the right fit for your project’s writing process.

  • A massive pool of writers with diverse content writing skills
  • Post job ads or browse portfolios
  • Flexible project terms and payment options
  • Quality can vary, requiring careful screening of profiles and reviews

Fiverr operates as a gig-based marketplace, offering a convenient way to find writers for small, one-off projects such as search engine optimization, social media posts, or copy editing gigs.

Clients can browse pre-packaged gigs or create custom requests to hire high-quality content writers.

  • Fast and easy for small, one-off projects like product descriptions or social media posts
  • Pre-packaged gigs or custom requests
  • Affordable pricing
  • Limited customization for larger projects
  • Quality can be inconsistent

Guru , another established freelance platform, emphasizes building lasting client-freelancer relationships. They provide secure escrow systems and project management tools, ensuring a secure and dependable platform for hiring writers who create content, particularly for long-term collaborations.

  • Emphasis on long-term client-writer relationships
  • Secure escrow system and project management tools
  • Experienced writers across various industries
  • Not as extensive a writer pool as some other platforms
  • May not be ideal for highly specialized needs

ProBlogger Jobs

ProBlogger Jobs writers focus on writing for the blogging community, offering quality writers who excel in writing content for blogs. Their services encompass content creation, editing, and SEO optimization, making them a go-to choice for bloggers seeking tailored support for their content needs.

If you’re looking for the best blog writers, this is the website to check.

  • Niche job boards targeted to the blogging community
  • Find a blog writer specializing in various blogging niches
  • Services offered include professional writing, editing, and SEO optimization
  • Limited scope to non-blogging projects
  • May not be suitable for general content needs

iWriter iWriter operates on a pay-per-word pricing model. If you want to hire writers, you can do so based on the number of words generated for your content. While this model can offer cost-effectiveness and affordability, it is important to note that iWriter’s focus is primarily on quantity rather than the highest quality.

One of the key advantages of iWriter lies in its ability to cater to high-volume content creative writing requirements. Businesses or individuals seeking to hire writers for a large volume of written material, such as product descriptions or blog comments, can benefit from the platform’s streamlined process.

  • Budget-friendly pay-per-word model for high-volume content needs like product descriptions or blog comments
  • Quick turnaround times due to a large pool of writers
  • Quality can be inconsistent, not ideal for complex projects requiring in-depth research or creative writing

Textbroker is a platform offering a diverse content writer pool skilled in catering to a wide array of content needs while maintaining actual writing rates. The platform leverages a sophisticated quality rating system, designed to assist clients in identifying and selecting the most suitable writer for their specific project requirements.

One notable feature that sets Textbroker apart is its extensive network of writers with expertise in diverse subjects and writing styles. Whether clients seek technical writing, creative content, blog articles, or marketing copy, Textbroker aims for a writer who can meet their demands. This breadth of expertise makes Textbroker an attractive choice for clients seeking versatility and adaptability in content production.

  • Competitive rates for various content needs
  • Quality rating system to help choose writers
  • A large pool of writers for quick project turnaround
  • Similar to iWriter, quality may not always be top-notch
  • Not suitable for highly specialized or creative projects

Freelancer is a versatile general freelance platform, offering a diverse selection of writers. They provide features like project milestones and escrow payments to enhance security, making it a viable choice for larger writing projects.

  • General freelance platform with a good selection of writers suitable for larger projects
  • Project milestones and escrow payments for added security
  • Requires careful screening of writer profiles due to diverse skillsets
  • May not have the same level of specialization as niche platforms serves as a niche job board exclusively for freelance writers. This platform enables clients to post projects, peruse writer profiles, and even interview potential candidates before hiring.

  • Niche job board specifically for freelance writers, giving you control over finding the right fit
  • Post projects, browse writer profiles, and interview potential candidates before hiring
  • A smaller pool of writers than some other platforms
  • May not be ideal for urgent projects requiring immediate turnaround

How to Hire a Writer

With so many great options, how do you snag the ideal writer for your project? Here are some key steps to guide you:

  • Define your needs: What kind of content do you require? Blog posts, website copy, social media captions, or something else? Knowing your specific needs will help you narrow down your platform search.
  • Set your budget: How much are you comfortable spending? When setting your budget, consider the project scope, writer’s experience, and platform fees.
  • Explore writer profiles: Dive into writer profiles, including portfolios, past client reviews, and experience levels. Look for writers with expertise in your niche and a writing style that aligns with your brand voice.
  • Request writing samples: Don’t be shy about asking for samples relevant to your project. This gives you a taste of the writer’s skills and ensures they can deliver the expected quality.
  • Communicate: Be upfront about your expectations, deadlines, and communication preferences. Open communication sets the stage for a successful collaboration.
  • Consider a trial project: Consider a test run before fully committing to larger projects. This allows you to assess the writer’s quality and work style before diving into the bulk of the project.
  • Trust your gut: Ultimately, choose a writer who feels right. Pay attention to your instincts and prioritize building a positive working relationship.

Hiring the right writer is an investment in your brand’s success. Take your time, research, and feel confident you’ve chosen the perfect wordsmith to transform your vision into compelling content.

Here are the most frequently asked questions about hiring writers.

Can I hire a writer for ongoing content creation?

Many platforms offer long-term partnerships or retainer agreements with skilled writers. This can be a great option for businesses needing consistent content for blogs, social media, or email marketing campaigns. Consider specifying your ongoing needs in your job post or contacting platforms directly to inquire about writer availability for long-term projects.

What legal considerations are there when hiring freelance writers?

Always clarify copyright ownership and usage rights for the content your writer creates. Platforms often have built-in terms and agreements, but reviewing individual contracts with your chosen writer is recommended. Ensure you have the right to use the content for your desired purposes.

Can I provide feedback and revisions to improve the content?

Most professional writers welcome constructive feedback and revisions to ensure the content meets your expectations. Platforms typically offer communication tools and revision processes, so don’t hesitate to discuss changes with your writer until you’re satisfied with the final product.

Where can I find additional resources for content creation and working with freelance writers?

Many writing communities, blogs, and online resources offer valuable information on content marketing, SEO best practices, and managing freelance relationships. Consider exploring platforms like ProBlogger, Writer’s Digest, or even online courses and workshops to enhance your understanding of the content creation process and effective collaboration with freelance writers.


Money-Saving Services for Writing College Essays Online

Writing argumentative essay like an expert.

Having big plans for the future? Willing to enter the best college that will develop your skills and talents? Unfortunately, thousands of other students think the same. Writing college essay is the first step to understanding that your career will be bright!

On the basis of your work, admission committee will decide whether you’re worthy to be enrolled in the college. Just imagine how many application they receive annually. Some of them are brilliant, others are commonplace and naive. But your task here is not to turn writing a persuasive essay into a nightmare by thinking about it.

What should you start with? The first step to write college essay is think about the main idea you want to describe. There should be something important, impressing, heartwarming in your work. And, of course, it should be truthful and original as well. Even if you know how to write an argument essay, there’s also a necessity to follow the right structure and composition. And here, you might need help of professionals.

Special services that help students in writing college essays exist all over the world. You can see it for yourself. Type “write my essay” and scroll through the results – the amount of websites will surprise you. Be careful when choosing a cheap service: you might end getting your paper done by a non-native English speaker. Do you actually want to waste your money on that? Make a little research before you start writing an argument essay, read the examples you find on the Internet, make notes and try to write down all the thoughts you have during the day (not when you actually seat in front your PC).

In attempt to write a college essay, people are spending countless night drinking one cup of coffee after another and rotating thousands thoughts in their heads. However, it might not be enough. People who write a persuasive essay also seeking help on the side. There’s no shame in that.

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