Developing Stronger Leaders , Leadership Development

Stretch Assignments that Develop Strategic, Interpersonal, and Personal Skills

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Given that most development occurs through experience (McCall, Lombardo, & Morrison, 1988), stretch assignments can provide a great vehicle for driving employee learning and/or leadership development. Stretch assignments are essentially short-term projects or assignments that provide unique and challenging experiences for the purpose of developing employee/leader skills and abilities. Although the use of on-the-job development is clearly on the rise, it is often applied without consideration of the necessary planning and support mechanisms.

The first thing to keep in mind if you’re thinking about leveraging stretch assignments for developmental purposes is the common-sense notion that different stretch assignments develop different abilities (e.g., public speaking skills cannot be developed through writing policy statements or crunching numbers). Because of this, it is important to first identify the specific skill(s) to be developed. Once you have a list of skills, the next step is to identify the available assignments that provide relevant exposure. This article will help you with this first critical stage of using stretch assignments – that is, thinking about competencies and identifying assignments. Below is a list of stretch assignments that have been shown to develop competence in the following three areas: strategic skills, interpersonal skills, or personal effectiveness.

If you would like to share this list, check out our reference guide which contains the same information in a PDF format.

Strategic Skills

These assignments will help develop competencies related to expanding one’s awareness of organizational functions and strategy ( e.g., coping with ambiguous situations, gaining a strategic perspective, influencing others, working with customers, problem solving )

  • Spend 3 days with clients and report back (presentation or written report)
  • Conduct a customer-needs analysis
  • Write a policy statement
  • Interview external stakeholders about their opinions of the organization
  • Analyze and compare a competitor’s product or service
  • Put together a presentation for a senior employee (i.e., supervisor or manager)
  • Evaluate a training program
  • Join a cross-functional team
  • Join work on a project that has been unsuccessful
  • Put together a task-force to solve a tough problem
  • Monitor a new product or service through its entire life cycle

Interpersonal Skills

These will help develop competencies that increase one’s effectiveness to work with and manage other employees or teams ( e.g., communication, listening, managing conflict, managing relationships, teamwork, negotiation, trust, approachability, delegation, leadership )

  • Lead a team meeting
  • Become a mentor to a new employee
  • Train a new employee in a particular skill
  • Represent team concerns to supervisor
  • Join a team that’s dealing with conflict
  • Negotiate a new customer contract
  • Take responsibility in resolving a team conflict
  • Troubleshoot a performance issue
  • Become a campus recruiter
  • Interview customers and report back
  • Work with a peer on a developmental opportunity
  • Delegate 2 tasks to a peer and ask him/her to delegate 2 to you

Personal Effectiveness

These are oriented around competencies most closely related to your performance and personal development ( e.g., organizing, planning, intellectual acumen, creativity, composure, time management, work/life balance, decision quality, customer service )

  • Help launch a new product or service
  • Re-launch a product or service that previously failed
  • Learn a new tool, process, or approach and give a presentation on it
  • Work with someone from another department on a tough issue
  • Handle a difficult negotiation with an internal or external client
  • Take on a project that others have failed in
  • Write a press release
  • Teach a seminar on an unfamiliar topic
  • Create a customer satisfaction survey
  • Take on a task that you do not like to do
  • Take on an employee’s tasks who is on vacation
  • Conduct interviews with employees on their work/life balance experience & present findings

Note: This list is informed by research presented in Lombardo & Eichinger’s (1989) book entitled “Eighty-eight assignments for development in place,” and Yost & Plunkett’s (2009) book entitled “Real time leadership development.” I highly recommend both books as resources for any organization that currently applies stretch assignments or plans to in the future.

Going Forward…

Going forward, keep in mind that this is only a single piece in effective use of stretch assignments for developmental purposes. There are a number of mechanisms that are critical for actually translating experience into learning and development. Employees who will be given stretch assignments need the active support ant participation of their supervisor before, during, and after:

  • Before – to meet with the employee and discuss what skills to develop, then chose a stretch assignment and identify learning goals
  • During – to give immediate feedback, support and encouragement, and provide access to resources (e.g., time to participate in assignments, introductions to other people who can provide guidance)
  • After – to reflect and debrief on what was learned during the assignment and how that can be applied to their current job or future development

Happy Development!

– Scontrino-Powell

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Stretch Assignments 101: Maximize Opportunities for Growth With Thoughtful, Guided Supervision

Challenging workers with new assignments and responsibilities is good for both the employee and the employer. But it requires a well-considered process.

Stretch Assignments 101: Maximize Opportunities for Growth With Thoughtful, Guided Supervision

Stretch assignments are well understood to enhance individuals’ skills and experience. But how is it done right — without the career version of a pulled muscle?

The vice president of life sciences at Iterative Health , Laura Mantell, shared her methods and techniques for doing this safely and effectively. It starts with training the individual to give them technical proficiency as well as to give them self-confidence. She also advises assigning the employee a project area and client with whom that person is familiar. 

Provide close supervision and plenty of support at the beginning of the stretch assignment, tapering back as the trainee scores more points in the win column, said Mantell. And always offer support, even in the latter stages.

  Built In Boston spoke with Mantell to discover how Iterative Health is able to attract some of the best talent because of this culture and approach to growing its people.  

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Iterative Health uses AI to transform gastroenterology treatment and improve patient outcomes.

Please share an example of when you extended a stretch assignment to a direct report. What was the assignment, and how did you know the individual was ready to take it on?

Recently, a member of my team had an opportunity to take on more of an active role in managing an important client relationship, which was a critical relationship for the business. This team member had spent several months getting to know more junior members of the client company and established a strong rapport with them, making him a trusted partner. The team member's diligence, thoughtfulness and high-quality work product clearly demonstrated that he was ready for more of a challenge. He met it head on, becoming a well-regarded partner across the client's organization, which led to continued success and growth today.

It was important to me that my teammate felt set up to succeed and grow individually.”

How do you ensure that team members are not overburdened by stretch assignments and are supported throughout its completion? 

In the previous example, it was important to me that my teammate felt supported throughout this stretch opportunity and that he was set up to succeed and grow individually. As a result, I worked closely with him — giving him space to run and manage the client with increasing independence and space while also providing feedback, answering questions, reviewing materials, etc. In this way, my team member was positioned to grow as a result of this opportunity, while also being able to learn from the team and those around them in the process.

How can managers make sure that they take a thoughtful approach to stretch assignments so that they lead to growth — and not stress — for their assignees?

In my experience, the best way for managers to stretch their employees without causing undue stress is to spend and invest significant time and training upfront, ensuring and building confidence that the team member can continue to grow with increasing independence. When done well I've seen team members be able to grow faster and with more autonomy as they feel well prepped and trusted by their team. 

I also believe that building trust is critical to this process. There needs to be a strong level of trust between manager and teammate so that the teammate feels that the manager has their back. Also, the manager knows the teammate can handle opportunities independently and doesn't feel the need to micromanage.

Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and Iterative Health

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HR Mavericks

Stretch Assignment

Brandi M Fannell, Ph.D.

What Are Stretch Assignments?

Why are stretch assignments beneficial.

  • Catalyzes growth. These dynamic projects or tasks are designed to propel employees out of their comfort zones and catapult them into the realm of professional growth. By taking on unfamiliar responsibilities, employees are exposed to fresh challenges and opportunities to develop new skills and knowledge. It's like strapping a rocket to their career trajectory.
  • Supercharges engagement and motivation. We all know that engaged employees are the heart and soul of any thriving organization. Stretch assignments inject a much-needed dose of excitement and purpose into the work lives of your employees. By entrusting them with challenging projects, you're sending a clear message: We believe in you. Their commitment, initiative, and creativity skyrocket, resulting in a turbocharged organization firing on all cylinders.
  • Builds confidence and resilience. Stretch assignments give employees the perfect training ground for building confidence and resilience. As they conquer challenges and complete demanding projects, their sense of accomplishment skyrockets, boosting confidence levels and fueling a can-do attitude. Plus, the resilience developed through stretch assignments equips employees to navigate change and uncertainty with ease, making them valuable assets to your organization.

Types of Stretch Assignments

The skill-building extravaganza, the cross-functional adventure, the project of epic proportions, the innovation challenge, the client-facing expedition, how to implement stretch assignments in the workplace, step 1: align assignments with development goals, step 2: provide support and resources, step 3: set clear objectives and expectations, step 4: recognize and celebrate achievements, challenges associated with stretch assignments, challenge 1: the comfort zone conundrum.

  • Understand the employee's perspective. Recognize that employees may be hesitant to take on stretch assignments due to various reasons such as fear of failure, lack of confidence, or concerns about work-life balance. Take the time to listen and understand their concerns before addressing them.
  • Communicate the value . Clearly explain how the assignment can enhance their skill or broaden their experience and highlight the positive impact it can have on their career trajectory.
  • Provide support and resources. Assure employees that they will receive the necessary support, guidance, and resources to succeed in the stretch assignment. Offer training, mentorship, and coaching to help them build the skills and confidence required for the task. Reassure them that you are invested in their success.
  • Set realistic expectations .Ensure that employees understand the expectations and scope of the stretch assignment. Clearly define the goals, deliverables, and timelines involved. Break down the assignment into manageable steps and provide a roadmap for success. This will help alleviate concerns and make the assignment less daunting.

Challenge 2: Time and Resource Crunch

Challenge 3: skills gaps, challenge 4: balancing act, challenge 5: ensuring equity, evaluation and reflection, assess progress and outcomes, support reflection, refine and improve.

Brandi M Fannell, Ph.D.

Brandi M Fannell, Ph.D.


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How to Use Stretch Assignments to Support Social Good

  • Mark Horoszowski

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Advance your career and give back at the same time.

A proven way to get ahead in your career is to take on stretch assignments. These projects can develop your skills and confidence, as well as prove to leaders that you can succeed at the next level. Many companies go to great lengths to create these assignments for employees as part of a retention and development strategy, and for good reason – if employees can’t find stretch opportunities, they leave. In fact, the number one reason people leave their jobs is because they lack a career path, according to recent  research . This fact is especially relevant for Millennials, who often value meaning in their careers and are actively looking for the opportunity to become leaders .

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  • Mark Horoszowski is the cofounder and CEO of He also serves as a volunteer with the American Cancer Society, cochairing its National Volunteer Leadership Advisory Team.

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Stretch mindset: why you need it for personal and professional growth.

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Imagine what a growth mindset can do for you.

By Renee Goyeneche

Working to become better versions of ourselves is key to making progress in life, whether that means improving relationships, acquiring new skills, or broadening our perspectives. With our ongoing need for learning and development, one powerful strategy for promoting growth is to take on challenges that push us beyond our comfort zones. However, it's not just about climbing the career ladder or achieving personal milestones; it's about evolving, adapting, and learning to embrace discomfort and uncertainty in the name of growth.

While the term stretch opportunity is most commonly associated with a professional challenge, the mindset also applies to our personal lives. Regardless of how and where we leverage it, a stretch mindset allows us to continually learn and grow.

Stretch Opportunities In Our Professional Lives:

Professional growth hinges on our ability to embrace challenges and seize opportunities for advancement. By actively seeking challenges, we become proactive agents of our own career development. Stepping up to present at an industry conference is one example of a professional stretch opportunity. It requires thorough preparation, a deep understanding of the subject matter, and the ability to communicate effectively to a potentially large and diverse audience. While the prospect may feel daunting, the experience develops critical skills such as public speaking, research, and professional networking. By undertaking such a challenge, you demonstrate your willingness to grow, adapt, and take on higher levels of responsibility, which are crucial for career advancement.

Professional benefits:

  • Expanded Skill Sets: Engaging in stretch opportunities exposes us to new skills and knowledge that may not be readily available within our current roles. Whether it's learning a new technology, mastering a new process, or refining leadership skills, these experiences expand our skill set and make us more versatile and valuable contributors.
  • Career Advancement: By demonstrating initiative, ambition, and a willingness to take on new challenges, we position ourselves as high-potential candidates for advancement. Additionally, successfully navigating stretch assignments enhances our professional visibility and reputation, opening doors to new opportunities and responsibilities.
  • Increased Network and Exposure: Stretch opportunities often involve collaborating with colleagues from different departments or working on cross-functional projects. These experiences broaden our professional network and expose us to diverse perspectives , ideas, and approaches. Building relationships with a wide range of colleagues improves our chances for collaboration and growth.

Stretch Opportunities In Our Personal Lives:

In our personal lives, pursuing stretch opportunities helps us develop adaptability, resilience, and a sense of adventure. Whether it's overcoming fears, exploring new hobbies, or forging deeper connections, embracing stretch opportunities fuels contentment and self-actualization. For example, traveling solo to a foreign country is a profound stretch opportunity. The experience requires careful planning, adaptability, and problem-solving as you navigate new cultures, languages, and environments. Immersing yourself in a different culture broadens your horizons, enhances your cultural awareness, and often leads to a greater appreciation for diversity. It enriches your life with unique experiences and memories and significantly contributes to personal growth, confidence, and resilience.

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  • Personal Growth and Discovery: We uncover hidden talents, interests, and previously unrecognized passions by pushing ourselves and embracing new challenges. These experiences also deepen our understanding of ourselves and contribute to self-discovery and fulfillment.
  • Personal Confidence and Self-Esteem: Engaging in stretch opportunities outside of work can significantly boost personal confidence and self-esteem. Whether learning a new hobby, taking on a physical challenge, or overcoming a fear, successfully navigating unfamiliar territory reinforces our belief in our abilities and strengthens our sense of self-worth.
  • Sense of Adventure and Exploration: Pursuing stretch opportunities allows us to inject excitement and adventure into our lives. Stepping outside our comfort zones requires curiosity and a desire for exploration that enriches our lives with new discoveries.
  • Improved Resilience and Mental Toughness: Facing and overcoming challenges outside our comfort zones strengthens our resilience and mental toughness. Overcoming setbacks, navigating unfamiliar situations, or persevering through difficult circumstances builds our capacity to bounce back from adversity and thrive in the face of challenges.
  • Expanded Social Connections and Relationships: Engaging in stretch opportunities often involves interacting with new people and forming meaningful connections. Whether we're joining a new club, participating in group activities, or volunteering for community projects, stretch opportunities broaden our social network and expose us to people with different perspectives and backgrounds.

Embracing stretch opportunities is not just about seizing moments—it's about adopting a lifestyle of continuous growth and exploration. By actively seeking challenges in our careers and personal lives, we expand our skill sets and networks while cultivating resilience, confidence, and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Renee Goyeneche: I am a writer and research editor focusing on information that benefits women, children, and families. Find me on Twitter.


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employee upskilling stretch assignments

4 Stretch Assignment Examples for Upskilling Your Workforce

Jocelyn Ho

There’s a reason why doctors and fitness experts encourage regular stretching. Doing so improves your performance, increases your range of motion, and builds flexibility. 

Likewise, employees can improve their performance and expand their skills when they stretch their abilities in the workplace. 

This can be done by taking on stretch assignments: projects or tasks that are beyond their current skill set or expertise. Stretch assignments play a critical role in upskilling programs by strengthening employees’ career prospects, enhancing performance in the workplace, and extending an individual’s range of knowledge.

Here are several types of stretch assignments you can assign employees to help them upskill for career development and internal mobility :

  • Teaching a class or developing a course
  • Leading or working on a cross-functional project
  • Coaching or mentoring a teammate 

Sound interesting? Next we'll jump into more detail on each type of stretch assignment and what kinds of skills they help employees develop.

Mentorship asset

Scale your L&D program with peer mentoring.

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1. Ask subject-matter experts to teach peers

The protégé effect states that the best way for a person to learn is to teach. Therefore, empowering your internal subject matter experts to teach a class or create a course allows them to refresh existing knowledge and learn new skills in the process.

These employees learn how to better communicate their thoughts clearly and precisely, so colleagues who are taking the course can pick up the material quickly. This type of exercise also requires subject-matter experts to use their imagination and creativity to work out how to best deliver the content in an engaging and effective manner.

Take for example, a senior graphic designer who is creating a beginner Photoshop course for her organization. Even though she knows how to navigate the software like the back of her hand, she will still need to learn how to explain design concepts in a manner that non-designers can easily and quickly pick up.

To encourage more frequent peer training in your organization, consider investing in an LMS with an authoring tool that enables anyone to create internal courses in minutes. The most flexible employee training programs enable users to create and participate in both employer and employee-led learning remotely and asynchronously. 

Google, for example, has a formal employee-to-employee training system called “G2G” (Googler-to-Googler), in which employees volunteer to teach and train their peers. They can create a course on any topic that they’re interested and experienced in, which has covered topics as diverse as coding, cooking, and ballroom dancing.

This initiative has also created tangible benefits for volunteer teachers, such as improved performance and new hard and soft skills. A Google engineer even taught his co-workers how to fly airplanes , and in the process, he largely improved his skill and confidence in public speaking and presentation.

2. Assign employees to work on cross-functional projects

Although online learning and remote work give employees greater autonomy on how they learn and work, they can also be isolating . One way to offset this is to have your employees upskill and challenge themselves by participating in or leading cross-functional projects within your organization. For example, you could have an employee in product management work with the marketing and customer success teams on a new product launch. 

When employees collaborate with other teams or departments, they can share their expertise and learn from fellow colleagues, while expanding their own knowledge and skills. This could mean gaining tactical skills and discovering helpful new tools, but also developing communication and interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and teamwork. This transfer of knowledge and expertise also allows team members to exchange ideas and share different perspectives, which can help stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving.

3. Have experienced employees coach junior team members

Becoming an effective leader isn’t as easy as just reading a book or taking a course. It requires hands-on experience acquired through interpersonal interactions in the workplace. Help your employees gain this experience with an internal program teaching them how to coach their peers .

In the workplace, a coach is a person involved in the instruction, direction, or training of an individual or team to help them grow and develop their skills. A leadership coaching survey showed that 72% of companies offer some type of leadership coaching to improve the leadership skills of their employees. This type of stretch assignment is well-suited for employees who want to guide others in reaching specific goals, and to develop leadership skills like emotional intelligence, empathy, and self-awareness. 

There are two ways to support your employees with a coaching program:

  • One-on-one coaching : This occurs when a more knowledgeable or skilled employee works with a more junior team member in the same field to guide them on their professional development. This method allows the coach to follow their trainee’s work and habits to determine how they can help improve their performance. For example, in a design agency, a lead designer can coach a junior designer and help them plan and strategize their work.
  • Peer-to-peer coaching : This is a more informal method where two or more employees with similar levels of experience and seniority work together to help each reach their goals. It can be as simple as connecting to ask questions, review work, provide feedback, or help someone join a new project or team. For example, assigning onboarding buddies to new hires helps the latter acclimate to the company and their role–and gives the former an opportunity to take on more responsibility and engage with their work in a new way. 

4. Increase workplace engagement with a mentoring culture

Research from Gallup found that a whopping 60% of workers are emotionally detached at work. Giving your employees rewarding opportunities to become mentors can increase their engagement and satisfaction in the workplace. A study from the Harvard Business Review revealed that employees who served as mentors “described their job as more meaningful than those who did not mentor.” And mentors also experienced lower levels of anxiety than their non-mentoring counterparts.

Like coaching, mentoring is a relationship in which employees learn from someone else’s experience. Coaching is more performance-driven and often designed to help trainees reach milestones and achieve specific goals. On the other hand, mentoring is more focused on passing a mentor’s knowledge onto the mentee, rather than following direct instructions.

For example, desired outcomes of a mentor-mentee relationship are often: helping an individual realize their potential, accelerating their development, or supporting them in furthering their career. A mentor looks at their mentee’s holistic improvement, rather than specific skills that can be learned through practice. 

Mentorship also enables mentors to transform their individual knowledge into institutional knowledge . And this process of sharing their skills and ideas with others helps them improve their interpersonal and communication skills.

To make your mentorship program a greater success, pair mentors with mentees who have different experiences, knowledge, and skill sets. This encourages mentors to get outside their comfort zone and challenges them to think or see things differently. As part of its four-step mentorship program , Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution matches mentees with mentors who work in different locations. This approach creates more opportunities for interesting conversations and fresh perspectives because employees can interact with team members they wouldn’t normally encounter in their day-to-day work.

"Stretch" your employees to strengthen your organization

It’s easier for employees to excel at stretch assignments in a collaborative learning environment. A collaborative learning culture ensures that your employees are regularly sharing knowledge and building new skills, whether through peer-learning opportunities or mentorship and coaching programs.

Investing in a comprehensive learning platform like 360Learning allows employees to declare their learning needs in real-time–enabling L&D teams and SMEs to create courses that address the most immediate skills gaps within your organization.

Want to read about more upskilling strategies to develop a highly skilled, engaged, and loyal workforce that’s ready to take on new challenges and propel your business to greater heights? Explore more articles on the topic below, or book a personalized demo of 360Learning here .

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What are stretch assignments and why should you care.

March 20, 2024


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stretch, assignments, why?, how

What are stretch assignments and why should you care?

  • 1.1. Benefits of Stretch Assignments
  • 2.1. Tips for Completing Stretch Assignments

Common Mistakes to Avoid with Stretch Assignments

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Stretch assignments are challenging tasks that are designed to help employees develop new skills and grow in their careers. They are often given to employees who are ready for a challenge and who have the potential to learn and grow from the experience.

Stretch assignments can benefit employees in a number of ways. They can help employees to develop new skills, increase their confidence, and take on more responsibility. They can also help employees to see their own potential and to set ambitious goals for themselves.

In this article, we will discuss what stretch assignments are, why they are important, and how to create and complete them successfully. We will also provide tips for avoiding common mistakes with stretch assignments.

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Stretch Assignments: What Are They?

Stretch assignments are challenging tasks that are designed to help employees develop new skills and grow in their careers. They are often given to employees who are ready for a new challenge or who are looking to take on more responsibility.

Stretch assignments can be used to improve employee performance, increase employee engagement, and help employees achieve their career goals. They can also be used to identify high-potential employees and develop them into future leaders.

When creating stretch assignments, it is important to consider the employee's skills, experience, and interests. The assignment should be challenging, but it should also be achievable. It should also be relevant to the employee's current role and future goals.

Stretch assignments can be given to employees in a variety of ways. They can be assigned as part of the employee's regular work duties, they can be given as part of a special project, or they can be offered as part of a formal development program.

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Benefits of Stretch Assignments

Stretch assignments offer a number of benefits for employees, including:

  • Increased skill development
  • Improved job performance
  • Greater job satisfaction
  • Increased career opportunities
  • Enhanced motivation
  • Greater sense of accomplishment

When employees are given the opportunity to stretch themselves and take on new challenges, they are more likely to develop new skills and knowledge. This can lead to improved job performance and greater career opportunities. Additionally, stretch assignments can help employees to feel more challenged and engaged in their work, which can lead to greater job satisfaction.

It is important to note that stretch assignments should be challenging, but not impossible. If an assignment is too difficult, it can lead to frustration and burnout. However, if an assignment is too easy, it will not provide the same benefits. The key is to find the right balance of challenge and difficulty.

How to Create Stretch Assignments

Stretch assignments can be a valuable tool for employee development, but it's important to create them in a way that is challenging and rewarding. Here are a few tips for creating stretch assignments:

  • Start with the end in mind. What do you want the employee to learn or achieve from the assignment?
  • Make sure the assignment is challenging, but not impossible. The employee should be stretched, but not overwhelmed.
  • Provide the employee with the resources they need to be successful. This may include training, mentorship, or access to experts.
  • Set clear expectations and deadlines. The employee should know what is expected of them and when they need to complete the assignment.
  • Provide feedback throughout the process. This will help the employee stay on track and make sure they are meeting the expectations of the assignment.

By following these tips, you can create stretch assignments that will help your employees grow and develop in their careers.

Tips for Completing Stretch Assignments

Here are some tips for completing stretch assignments successfully:

  • Set realistic goals for yourself.
  • Break down the assignment into smaller, more manageable steps.
  • Seek out support from your manager or colleagues.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
  • Stay focused and motivated.
  • Celebrate your successes, big and small.

While stretch assignments can be a valuable tool for employee development, there are some common mistakes that can be made when creating or assigning them. Avoiding these mistakes can help ensure that stretch assignments are effective and beneficial for employees.

Here are six common mistakes to avoid with stretch assignments:

  • Not providing enough support
  • Setting unrealistic expectations
  • Micromanaging
  • Failing to provide feedback
  • Not recognizing success
  • Creating a culture of fear

By avoiding these mistakes, you can help ensure that stretch assignments are a positive and productive experience for employees.

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Stretch assignments can be a valuable tool for employee development and growth. By providing employees with challenging opportunities, stretch assignments can help them to learn new skills, take on new challenges, and grow in their careers. When used effectively, stretch assignments can benefit both employees and employers.

If you are an employer, consider offering stretch assignments to your employees as a way to help them develop their skills and grow in their careers. If you are an employee, be open to taking on stretch assignments as a way to challenge yourself and learn new things.

Stretch assignments can be a great way to achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

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MLB Trade Rumors

Mariners Outright Luis Urías

By Darragh McDonald | June 4, 2024 at 2:40pm CDT

The Mariners announced today that they have signed outfielder Víctor Robles to a major league deal, a move that was reported yesterday. To open a spot on their 40-man roster, they announced that infielder Luis Urías was outrighted to Triple-A Tacoma, suggesting he has already passed through waivers unclaimed. He has the right to elect free agency but would have to forfeit his salary in order to do so.

Urías, who just celebrated his 27th birthday yesterday, was once a solid regular in the big leagues but has fallen on hard times lately. He hit 39 homers for the Brewers over the 2021 and 2022 seasons, while also drawing walks at a 10.8% clip. He slashed a combined .244/.340/.426 over that two-year stretch, production which translates to a 111 wRC+.

But last year, he missed a couple of months due to a strained left hamstring. He produced a dismal line of .145/.299/.236 in 20 games for the Brewers when healthy, which got him optioned to the minors and traded to the Red Sox at the deadline. He had a bit of a resurgence in Boston, hitting .225/.361/.337, then was flipped to Seattle in the offseason.

After becoming a Mariner, his struggles continued. He hit just .152/.264/.316 for Seattle and was optioned to the minors just over a week ago, though has now been bumped off the 40-man roster entirely.

Players with more than three years of service time can reject an outright assignment in favor of electing free agency. However, a player needs five years of service in order to do so without forfeiting the remainder of his salary. Urías came into this year with four years and 98 days of service, leaving him 74 days shy of the five-year mark. Since he was optioned in late May, he added just under 60 days to that tally but is still not quite at the five-year mark.

Getting to five years of service also allows a player to refuse an optional assignment, so it’s perhaps not coincidental that Urías was sent down when he was, though his performance clearly justified the decision from the club. He and the M’s had agreed to a $5MM salary for 2024, with about $3.4MM left to be paid out. Urías likely doesn’t want to walk away from that kind of money and will almost certainly accept his fate with Tacoma and look to get back in form. For the Mariners, they are able to keep an experienced player around as depth without using a roster spot.


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Crazy Urias hit over 20 homers once

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Bring back the juiced balls

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Nice to get him off the 40 man, he’s cooked and definitely not worth the valuable roster spot

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Cooked at 27 years old??

“Cooked at 27″…”Cooked” as in was never anything but a league average player. There’s a reason he’s on a new team seemingly every year.

I think it’s something between the ears, rather than talent. He also never looks engaged, never changes his expression, always appears miserable. I watched him make some dandy plays at third though, and got a couple choice knocks. Just not enough of them.

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honestly he wasn’t even that bad in his career.

Lol happy birthday Luis

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Sucks to see that happen. Hopefully he can bounce back,

I suggested Robles when he became available. The M’s might be able to band aid this together yet. unless they decide to go with duct tape.

Wouldn’t mind seeing the Reds give Urias a shot.

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It’s simple what his problem is. He trying to hit every pitch out instead of just taking what the pitcher is giving him.

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Cubs recall OF Pete Crow-Armstrong after he heats up during minor league assignment

Chicago Cubs' Pete Crow-Armstrong rounds the bases after hitting a triple in the eighth inning of a baseball game against the Atlanta Braves Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Chicago Cubs’ Pete Crow-Armstrong rounds the bases after hitting a triple in the eighth inning of a baseball game against the Atlanta Braves Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

Chicago Cubs’ Pete Crow-Armstrong hops back to first base after hitting a single during the third inning of the team’s baseball game against the San Diego Padres, Tuesday, May 7, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Erin Hooley)

Chicago Cubs’ Pete Crow-Armstrong grounds out but scores a run during the second inning of a baseball game against the New York Mets at Citi Field, Thursday, May 2, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

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MILWAUKEE (AP) — Chicago Cubs outfielder Pete Crow-Armstrong is back in the majors after going on a tear during a brief minor league assignment.

The Cubs announced before their Thursday afternoon game with the Milwaukee Brewers that they had recalled Crow-Armstrong and optioned infielder Luis Vázquez to Triple-A Iowa.

Crow-Armstrong, 22, is regarded as an outstanding defender and one of the Cubs’ top prospects. He has batted .236 with a .295 on-base percentage, one homer, nine RBIs and five steals in 23 games with Chicago this season.

After getting sent to the minors, Crow-Armstrong heated up at Iowa. He was named the International League player of the week for the period of May 21-26 after going 12 of 27 with three homers, 10 runs, four doubles, seven RBIs and five steals during a six-game series with Indianapolis.

“He certainly had a good 10-game stretch, 10-day stretch,” Cubs manager Craig Counsell said.

For the season, Crow-Armstrong has batted .255 with a .299 on-base percentage, five homers, 14 RBIs and 10 steals in 26 games with Iowa.

Crow-Armstrong was in the Cubs’ starting lineup batting eighth and playing center field Thursday. Counsell stopped short of committing to Crow-Armstrong as the Cubs’ primary center fielder and noted that “I think Pete has to earn playing time.”

Players of the UK baseball team London Mets arrive clubhouse for a training session at the Finsbury Park in London, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Baseball at the highest club level in Britain is competitive. Teams are mélange of locals and expats some with college and minor league experience. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

“There’s going to be days when Pete doesn’t play,” Counsell said. “We obviously brought Pete to be a part of this and I think it gives us some more choices kind of throughout the game. That will evolve.”

Counsell said Crow-Armstrong’s return meant that Cody Bellinger could play some different positions at times. Bellinger made his sixth start at DH on Thursday. Bellinger also has started 35 games at center field and one each at right field and first base this year.


stretch assignment proz


WNBA power rankings: Is Chennedy Carter gambling with bright future despite strong start?

WNBA power rankings: Is Chennedy Carter gambling with bright future despite strong start?

Happy Commissioner’s Cup! Over the next two weeks, the WNBA’s regular-season tournament takes over, as every game through June 13 will also be a qualifying game for the Cup. This is the fourth year of the competition, and unlike previous seasons, when qualifiers have been spread out over the first half of the season, the group stages have been condensed into a sprint, making it even more fun to follow along.


Previously, every team played 10 qualifying games, two against each conference opponent. In 2024, the group stage is half as long, introducing some variability into the outcomes. Whereas it was impossible to imagine any team but the Las Vegas Aces winning the West in 2023, with five games and the Aces hosting only two of them, a meaningful chance exists for another team upending the conference hierarchy, especially with the Seattle Storm’s and Minnesota Lynx’s strong start.

With five games, there is a home/road imbalance, giving certain teams a potential advantage. The Atlanta Dream, Chicago Sky, Connecticut Sun, Dallas Wings, Phoenix Mercury and Los Angeles Sparks will have three home qualifying games apiece. The Sun have excelled wherever they have played, but for the Mercury — whose home court is arguably the best in the W — that extra game in front of their home fans could be an X-factor (pun intended).

Rookie Connection 🤩 Cameron Brink lays in the lob from Rickea Jackson for the easy 2 🫡 LAS-PHO | WNBA Commissioner's Cup presented by @coinbase — WNBA (@WNBA) June 2, 2024

If it seems like the stakes of the Cup aren’t relevant for fans, rest assured, they matter to the players. The winning team earns $500,000. Divided evenly among 12 players, a bonus of more than $40,000 dramatically exceeds the $11,356 payout given to the league’s champions.

As Minnesota coach Cheryl Reeve said before Minnesota’s first Cup game: “It’s the first time in a while that we’ve had a chance to actually think about getting in contention for some money for the players, so I am thrilled to be able to be excited.”

After winning their first Cup contest, the Lynx jumped back into second in the power rankings. Despite beating Minnesota, the Aces simply haven’t played enough to be in the top two right now. After three more games this week, they still will have played fewer games than the Indiana Fever did in May alone. For now, the overall body of work of the Sun and Lynx stand out.

Three standout performances

How is brionna jones already this good again.

Jones tore her Achilles on June 20, 2023, and missed the rest of the regular season for Connecticut. Less than a year after that devastating injury, however, Jones is back in All-Star form. The Sun have kept her on a minutes restriction to aid in her recovery, but they haven’t needed to stretch those limits because of how well they’ve played when she’s on the court. Jones ranks third in the league in overall plus-minus despite playing 23 minutes per game.

Jones began this past week by steadying Connecticut against Phoenix; she was the lone Sun player with more than one field goal in the first quarter during a slog of a game that saw both teams shoot below 40 percent. She followed up with a game-high 22 points in a 2-point win over the Wings. Her pristine footwork — again, one year out from an Achilles tear — allowed her 6-foot-3 frame to find openings within the Dallas frontcourt’s trees. Jones’ defense also helped limit the three-headed Wings center tandem of Teaira McCowan, Kalani Brown and Stephanie Soares to 23 total points. Jones ended the week with a ho-hum 19 points against Atlanta while her defensive assignment, Tina Charles, shot 5-of-18.

#BringTheHeat — Connecticut Sun (@ConnecticutSun) June 2, 2024

It’s impressive how light on her feet Jones has been, able to move in space even though she’s a traditional back-to-the-basket center. Jones might not stretch the floor on offense beyond the free-throw line, but she does cover ground defensively on the perimeter, allowing Connecticut to vary its defensive schemes. She collected three steals this week outside the 3-point line, whether that was coming out to blitz the ballhandler, racing back in transition to intercept a pass or deflecting a potential entry pass.

The Sun have started the season 8-0, the seventh team to do so in WNBA history. All six others made the finals, though those runs came in regular seasons that were shorter than 40 games. Nevertheless, it’s hard to imagine Connecticut being any worse if Jones’ minutes and impact keep increasing as the season goes on.

Chennedy Carter is too talented to mess up her second chance

Carter has been in the news for committing a flagrant foul on Caitlin Clark, but her return to the WNBA after a year out has been most notable for her quality of play. She remains impossible to contain in the open court and even on drives; she is devastatingly quick with the ball in her hands and has a mean crossover. In Chicago’s win over Los Angeles on Thursday, she spurred the game-breaking run in the first quarter, scoring or assisting on 10 points in 2 1/2 minutes as the Sky turned a tie game into a double-digit lead. Nearly every play involved Carter breaking down the defense by getting into the paint.

When Kamilla Cardoso made her regular-season debut Saturday, Carter was responsible for getting her rookie center on the board. Carter had multiple drives that led to dump-offs for Cardoso, allowing the No. 4 pick to focus exclusively on finishing instead of putting the ball on the floor. As the broadcast talked about the challenge guards face learning how to play with such a tall center, Carter needed no adjustments to make Cardoso’s life as easy as possible. Few guards in the league can match Carter’s playmaking ability.

Chicago definitely has something special with this Carter-Cardoso connection. Looking forward to seeing that on-court chemistry grow over the course of the season. — Sean Hurd (@seanahurd) June 1, 2024

Of course, the game against Indiana was also memorable for the aforementioned foul, which gave the Fever their 1-point margin of victory at the foul line. The Sky guard’s postgame comments, both in the news conference and on social media afterward, betrayed some of the questionable decision-making that has dotted her WNBA career. Carter already has been cast away by two franchises, getting suspended and then traded by the Dream and getting cut by the Sparks before training camp even though she had a guaranteed contract. She has been so good to start the season, but with her history, she can’t have a repeat of any extracurricular activities, not when opportunities in this league are so hard to come by.

Dearica Hamby remains a bright spot for the flickering Sparks

Hamby was an All-Star in her last two years in Las Vegas before being traded to Los Angeles. Even though she played 40 games in a season that started two months after she gave birth to her second child, Hamby consistently expressed disappointment with her performance. She didn’t want grace; she wanted excellence.

The All-Star version of Hamby is back and then some. She is the leading rebounder in the league and the sixth-leading scorer despite having limited help, and her shooting efficiency exceeds that of all the players in front of her. Opponents put their best frontcourt defender on Hamby, and she powers through centers and power forwards alike. She’s dynamic in transition, shooting the ball well from 3-point range, and that’s before considering her defense, which is her more impactful end of the floor. She led the W in steals this week, and it’s a delight to watch her deflect entry passes away from poor, unsuspecting bigs.

The Sparks crater when Hamby isn’t on the floor, forcing her to play more than 37 minutes per game. Hamby made it a goal to get MVP votes this season, and though that will be tough on a lottery-bound team, she has been outstanding. If the trade deadline mattered in the WNBA, contenders would be clamoring to get a hyper-athletic, high-motor forward with championship experience.

Rookie of the week

Alissa pili, minnesota lynx.

Three rookies have scored at least 20 points in a game this season, and Friday against the Mercury, Pili became the first to reach the mark in a win. Entering the game, Pili had played 26 minutes in six games, scoring 5 points. She obliterated that total against Phoenix, tallying 20 points on 7-of-9 shooting, including making all four of her 3s.

It feels strange to say this about a player who was among the most versatile scorers in college, but Pili’s performance was surprising because of how she got her points. She didn’t get any post-ups, which were her bread and butter at Utah; rather, she made quick decisions off the ball. She scored as the roller on ball screens, cut to the basket and even drew free throws on a rim run when she beat every Phoenix frontcourt player down the court. Pili always has been able to lose defenders with her craft, but north-south speed wasn’t on her scouting report.

She also added a nice touch pass to Dorka Juhász in the paint and a one-handed offensive rebound — a true rarity in the W — that led to a putback. Heading into the draft, Pili was already touted for her unique skill set, but she seems to be adding more tricks to that bag. To show so much in her first extended minutes makes me excited about what’s to come with Pili, even if she won’t see the court on most nights because MVP candidate Napheesa Collier takes up most of the power forward minutes.

Reeve said this moment was coming, as Pili got more assertive and confident in practice, but it was extra special for the rookie’s coming-out party to happen on Native American Heritage Night in Minnesota. As Pili said after the game, “To have a night like this and have all those fans come out, that means a lot to represent for them, because representation has been a huge thing for me as my platform has grown.”


What Utah star Alissa Pili represents to the fans who flock to see her

Game to circle

New york liberty at chicago sky, 8 p.m. (et) tuesday.

It’s simple: The Sky destroyed the Liberty in a preseason game and followed up with a convincing victory in New York in their third regular-season game. If the Liberty fancy themselves a contender, they have to figure out how to deal with an active and athletic defense like Chicago’s. New York also doesn’t have a win this season against an opponent with a positive net rating.

(Photo: Ron Hoskins / NBAE via Getty Images)

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Sabreena Merchant

Sabreena Merchant is a women's basketball Staff Writer for The Athletic. She previously covered the WNBA and NBA for SB Nation. Sabreena is an alum of Duke University, where she wrote for the independent student newspaper, The Chronicle. She is based in Los Angeles. Follow Sabreena on Twitter @ sabreenajm


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