R Programming Week 3 Programming Assignments 2: Lexical Scoping

The following function calculates the mean of the special “vector” created with the above function. However, it first checks to see if the mean has already been calculated. If so, it gets the mean from the cache and skips the computation. Otherwise, it calculates the mean of the data and sets the value of the mean in the cache via the setmean function.

Assignment: Caching the Inverse of a Matrix

Matrix inversion is usually a costly computation and there may be some benefit to caching the inverse of a matrix rather than compute it repeatedly (there are also alternatives to matrix inversion that we will not discuss here). Your assignment is to write

Write the following functions:

makeCacheMatrix: This function creates a special “matrix” object that can cache its inverse. Answer:

A pair of functions that cache the inverse of a matrix.

This function creates a special “matrix” object that can cache its inverse..

cacheSolve: This function computes the inverse of the special “matrix” returned by makeCacheMatrix above. If the inverse has already been calculated (and the matrix has not changed), then the cachesolve should retrieve the inverse from the cache. Computing the inverse of a square matrix can be done with the solve function in R. For example, if X is a square invertible matrix, then solve(X) returns its inverse. Answer:

For this assignment, assume that the matrix supplied is always invertible.

In order to complete this assignment, you must do the following:

Fork the GitHub repository containing the stub R files to create a copy under your own account. Clone your forked GitHub repository to your computer so that you can edit the files locally on your own machine. Edit the R file contained in the git repository and place your solution in that file (please do not rename the file). Commit your completed R file into YOUR git repository and push your git branch to the GitHub repository under your account. Submit to Coursera the URL to your GitHub repository that contains the completed R code for the assignment. In addition to submitting the URL for your GitHub repository, you will need to submit the 40 character SHA-1 hash (as string of numbers from 0-9 and letters from a-f) that identifies the repository commit that contains the version of the files you want to submit. You can do this in GitHub by doing the following:

Going to your GitHub repository web page for this assignment Click on the “?? commits” link where ?? is the number of commits you have in the repository. For example, if you made a total of 10 commits to this repository, the link should say “10 commits”. You will see a list of commits that you have made to this repository. The most recent commit is at the very top. If this represents the version of the files you want to submit, then just click the “copy to clipboard” button on the right hand side that should appear when you hover over the SHA-1 hash. Paste this SHA-1 hash into the course web site when you submit your assignment. If you don’t want to use the most recent commit, then go down and find the commit you want and copy the SHA-1 hash. A valid submission will look something like (this is just an example!)

Matrix inversion is usually a costly computation and there may be some benefit to caching the inverse of a matrix rather than computing it repeatedly (there are also alternatives to matrix inversion that we will not discuss here). Your assignment is to write a pair of functions that cache the inverse of a matrix.

makeCacheMatrix: This function creates a special “matrix” object that can cache its inverse. cacheSolve: This function computes the inverse of the special “matrix” returned by makeCacheMatrix above. If the inverse has already been calculated (and the matrix has not changed), then cacheSolve should retrieve the inverse from the cache. Computing the inverse of a square matrix can be done with the solve function in R. For example, if X is a square invertible matrix, then solve(X) returns its inverse.

Suggested Solution —

##Please include your own comment to explain your code (Required in Rubric)

#Tips for submitting assignment:

  • Download GitHub Desktop
  • Fork the GitHub repository containing the stub R files to create a copy under your own account.
  • Clone your forked GitHub repository to your computer so that you can edit the files locally on your own machine. Clone or Download, revise it in R or Rstudio
  • Commit(or Copy) your completed R file into YOUR git repository and push your git branch to the GitHub repository under your account. *Or you can do pull request on Github.
  • Submit with the URL to your GitHub repository that contains the completed R code for the assignment. Remember to include SHA-1 hash identifier in your submission.
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On coursera R-programming course Assignment 2 Lexical Scoping [duplicate]

I'm Using Win7 64x Rstudio Version 3.3.2.

The following functions is assignmet2 solution that other people submitted.

First in the function makeCacheMatrix, why does 'set function' use variable 'y'? Is it simply used to tell us how to use '<<-'?

Secondly, In 'get function', why is variable 'x' followed by the parentheses of the function? ( 'setInverse function - inv<<-inverse' , 'getInverse function - inv' are the same. )

JeongHansol's user avatar

2 Answers 2

x <<- y creates x , which is then retrieved by get() . Note that get is also a base function and is being overwritten here. I would advocate in avoiding this, even though it's confined to a function. An ad hoc solution would be to reach base get function through base::get .

Line get <- function() x is a "short" version of

Short version will work if you have only one line or separate statements using ; . The biggest beef I have with this piece of code is no use of argument. This may be fine with Java or some other language, but I don't consider that an R way. Modifying objects like this can lead to unintended behavior which could lead to painstaking debugging.

setInverse and getInverse are not the same. What they do is set inverse or get it.

Roman Luštrik's user avatar

  • Thanks to your detailed explanation, I understand the problem. Thank you very much. :) –  JeongHansol Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 12:59

You know that the goal of this task is to create a super matrix that can store it's content and it's inverse as well. So it has to have 2 variable x the matrix, and inv the inverse. Each variable has 2 functions set and get . So, set is a function that takes an argument and do something inside it, in this code set takes y as an argument (dummy variable could be any other name) and assign it to the matrix x . The same for inv .

This will make the only access for these variables is through set and get .

Note that:(R documentation) The operators <<- and ->> are normally only used in functions, and cause a search to be made through parent environments for an existing definition of the variable being assigned

Now, if we want to use this function:

Fadwa's user avatar

  • 1 I understand how to use the operator '<<-' for your help. Thank you very much :) –  JeongHansol Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 13:23
  • glad i can help :). This specialization is very useful I am currently taking it. Good luck. –  Fadwa Commented Mar 29, 2017 at 13:29

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coursera r programming assignment 2 lexical scoping

R Programming Assignment 2: Lexical Scoping


This second programming assignment will require you to write an R function is able to cache potentially time-consuming computations. For example, taking the mean of a numeric vector is typically a fast operation. However, for a very long vector, it may take too long to compute the mean, especially if it has to be computed repeatedly (e.g. in a loop). If the contents of a vector are not changing, it may make sense to cache the value of the mean so that when we need it again, it can be looked up in the cache rather than recomputed. In this Programming Assignment will take advantage of the scoping rules of the R language and how they can be manipulated to preserve state inside of an R object.

Example: Caching the Mean of a Vector

In this example we introduce the <<- operator which can be used to assign a value to an object in an environment that is different from the current environment. Below are two functions that are used to create a special object that stores a numeric vector and caches its mean.

The first function, makeVector creates a special “vector”, which is really a list containing a function to

  • set the value of the vector
  • get the value of the vector
  • set the value of the mean
  • get the value of the mean
(x = numeric()) {
m <- NULL
set <- function(y) {
x <<- y
m <<- NULL
get <- function() x
setmean <- function(mean) m <<- mean
getmean <- function() m
list(set = set, get = get,
setmean = setmean,
getmean = getmean)

The following function calculates the mean of the special “vector” created with the above function. However, it first checks to see if the mean has already been calculated. If so, it gets the mean from the cache and skips the computation. Otherwise, it calculates the mean of the data and sets the value of the mean in the cache via the setmean function.

m <- x$getmean()
if(!is.null(m)) {
message("getting cached data")
data <- x$get()
m <- mean(data, ...)

Assignment: Caching the Inverse of a Matrix

Matrix inversion is usually a costly computation and there may be some benefit to caching the inverse of a matrix rather than compute it repeatedly (there are also alternatives to matrix inversion that we will not discuss here). Your assignment is to write a pair of functions that cache the inverse of a matrix.

Write the following functions:

  • makeCacheMatrix: This function creates a special “matrix” object that can cache its inverse.
  • cacheSolve: This function computes the inverse of the special “matrix” returned by makeCacheMatrix above. If the inverse has already been calculated (and the matrix has not changed), then the cacheSolve should retrieve the inverse from the cache.

Computing the inverse of a square matrix can be done with the solve function in R. For example, if X is a square invertible matrix, then solve(X) returns its inverse.

For this assignment, assume that the matrix supplied is always invertible.

My Solution


## Matrix inversion is usually a costly computation and there may be some
## benefit to caching the inverse of a matrix rather than compute it repeatedly.
## Below are a pair of functions that are used to create a special object that
## stores a matrix and caches its inverse.

## This function creates a special "matrix" object that can cache its inverse.

makeCacheMatrix <- function(x = matrix()) {
inv <- NULL
set <- function(y) {
x <<- y
inv <<- NULL
get <- function() x
setInverse <- function(inverse) inv <<- inverse
getInverse <- function() inv
list(set = set,
get = get,
setInverse = setInverse,
getInverse = getInverse)

## This function computes the inverse of the special "matrix" created by
## makeCacheMatrix above. If the inverse has already been calculated (and the
## matrix has not changed), then it should retrieve the inverse from the cache.

cacheSolve <- function(x, ...) {
## Return a matrix that is the inverse of 'x'
inv <- x$getInverse()
if (!is.null(inv)) {
message("getting cached data")
mat <- x$get()
inv <- solve(mat, ...)

Testing My Functions

> my_matrix <- makeCacheMatrix(matrix(1:4, 2, 2))
> my_matrix$get()
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 3
[2,] 2 4
> my_matrix$getInverse()
> cacheSolve(my_matrix)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -2 1.5
[2,] 1 -0.5
> cacheSolve(my_matrix)
getting cached data
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -2 1.5
[2,] 1 -0.5
> my_matrix$getInverse()
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -2 1.5
[2,] 1 -0.5
> my_matrix$set(matrix(c(2, 2, 1, 4), 2, 2))
> my_matrix$get()
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 2 1
[2,] 2 4
> my_matrix$getInverse()
> cacheSolve(my_matrix)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.6666667 -0.1666667
[2,] -0.3333333 0.3333333
> cacheSolve(my_matrix)
getting cached data
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.6666667 -0.1666667
[2,] -0.3333333 0.3333333
> my_matrix$getInverse()
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.6666667 -0.1666667
[2,] -0.3333333 0.3333333

Another Useful Example

A good example for getting a better understanding of differences amount formal parameters, local variables and free variables . And it is also helpful for learning the <<- operator.


.account <- function(total) {
deposit = function(amount) {
if(amount <= 0)
stop("Deposits must be positive!\n")
total <<- total + amount
cat(amount, "deposited. Your balance is", total, "\n\n")
withdraw = function(amount) {
if(amount > total)
stop("You don't have that much money!\n")
total <<- total - amount
cat(amount, "withdrawn. Your balance is", total, "\n\n")
balance = function() {
cat("Your balance is", total, "\n\n")

Simple tests for open.account function:

> mm <- open.account(200)
> peter$withdraw(30)
30 withdrawn. Your balance is 70

> peter$balance()
Your balance is 70

> mm$balance()
Your balance is 200

> peter$deposit(50)
50 deposited. Your balance is 120

> peter$balance()
Your balance is 120

> peter$withdraw(500)
Error in peter$withdraw(500) : You don't have that much money!
> mm$balance()
Your balance is 200

> mm$withdraw(12)
12 withdrawn. Your balance is 188

> mm$balance()
Your balance is 188

> peter$balance()
Your balance is 120

More information about Scope .


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Example: Caching the Mean of a Vector
  • 3. Assignment: Caching the Inverse of a Matrix
  • 4.1. Functions
  • 4.2. Testing My Functions
  • 5. Another Useful Example

Johns Hopkins University

R Programming

This course is part of multiple programs. Learn more

This course is part of multiple programs

Roger D. Peng, PhD

Instructors: Roger D. Peng, PhD +2 more


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714,777 already enrolled

(22,206 reviews)

Recommended experience

Intermediate level

Familiarity with regression is recommended.

What you'll learn

Understand critical programming language concepts

Configure statistical programming software

Make use of R loop functions and debugging tools

Collect detailed information using R profiler

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coursera r programming assignment 2 lexical scoping

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There are 4 modules in this course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples.

Week 1: Background, Getting Started, and Nuts & Bolts

This week covers the basics to get you started up with R. The Background Materials lesson contains information about course mechanics and some videos on installing R. The Week 1 videos cover the history of R and S, go over the basic data types in R, and describe the functions for reading and writing data. I recommend that you watch the videos in the listed order, but watching the videos out of order isn't going to ruin the story.

What's included

28 videos 9 readings 1 quiz 7 programming assignments

28 videos • Total 129 minutes

  • Installing R on a Mac • 1 minute • Preview module
  • Installing R on Windows • 3 minutes
  • Installing R Studio (Mac) • 1 minute
  • Writing Code / Setting Your Working Directory (Windows) • 7 minutes
  • Writing Code / Setting Your Working Directory (Mac) • 7 minutes
  • Introduction • 1 minute
  • Overview and History of R • 16 minutes
  • Getting Help • 13 minutes
  • R Console Input and Evaluation • 4 minutes
  • Data Types - R Objects and Attributes • 4 minutes
  • Data Types - Vectors and Lists • 6 minutes
  • Data Types - Matrices • 3 minutes
  • Data Types - Factors • 4 minutes
  • Data Types - Missing Values • 2 minutes
  • Data Types - Data Frames • 2 minutes
  • Data Types - Names Attribute • 1 minute
  • Data Types - Summary • 0 minutes
  • Reading Tabular Data • 5 minutes
  • Reading Large Tables • 7 minutes
  • Textual Data Formats • 4 minutes
  • Connections: Interfaces to the Outside World • 4 minutes
  • Subsetting - Basics • 4 minutes
  • Subsetting - Lists • 4 minutes
  • Subsetting - Matrices • 2 minutes
  • Subsetting - Partial Matching • 1 minute
  • Subsetting - Removing Missing Values • 3 minutes
  • Vectorized Operations • 3 minutes
  • Introduction to swirl • 1 minute

9 readings • Total 90 minutes

  • Welcome to R Programming • 10 minutes
  • About the Instructor • 10 minutes
  • Pre-Course Survey • 10 minutes
  • Syllabus • 10 minutes
  • Course Textbook • 10 minutes
  • Course Supplement: The Art of Data Science • 10 minutes
  • Data Science Podcast: Not So Standard Deviations • 10 minutes
  • Getting Started and R Nuts and Bolts • 10 minutes
  • Practical R Exercises in swirl Part 1 • 10 minutes

1 quiz • Total 30 minutes

  • Week 1 Quiz • 30 minutes

7 programming assignments • Total 1,260 minutes

  • swirl Lesson 1: Basic Building Blocks • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 2: Workspace and Files • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 3: Sequences of Numbers • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 4: Vectors • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 5: Missing Values • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 6: Subsetting Vectors • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 7: Matrices and Data Frames • 180 minutes

Week 2: Programming with R

Welcome to Week 2 of R Programming. This week, we take the gloves off, and the lectures cover key topics like control structures and functions. We also introduce the first programming assignment for the course, which is due at the end of the week.

13 videos 3 readings 2 quizzes 3 programming assignments

13 videos • Total 90 minutes

  • Control Structures - Introduction • 0 minutes • Preview module
  • Control Structures - If-else • 1 minute
  • Control Structures - For loops • 4 minutes
  • Control Structures - While loops • 3 minutes
  • Control Structures - Repeat, Next, Break • 4 minutes
  • Your First R Function • 10 minutes
  • Functions (part 1) • 9 minutes
  • Functions (part 2) • 7 minutes
  • Scoping Rules - Symbol Binding • 10 minutes
  • Scoping Rules - R Scoping Rules • 8 minutes
  • Scoping Rules - Optimization Example (OPTIONAL) • 9 minutes
  • Coding Standards • 8 minutes
  • Dates and Times • 10 minutes

3 readings • Total 30 minutes

  • Week 2: Programming with R • 10 minutes
  • Practical R Exercises in swirl Part 2 • 10 minutes
  • Programming Assignment 1 INSTRUCTIONS: Air Pollution • 10 minutes

2 quizzes • Total 60 minutes

  • Week 2 Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Programming Assignment 1: Quiz • 30 minutes

3 programming assignments • Total 540 minutes

  • swirl Lesson 1: Logic • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 2: Functions • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 3: Dates and Times • 180 minutes

Week 3: Loop Functions and Debugging

We have now entered the third week of R Programming, which also marks the halfway point. The lectures this week cover loop functions and the debugging tools in R. These aspects of R make R useful for both interactive work and writing longer code, and so they are commonly used in practice.

8 videos 2 readings 1 quiz 2 programming assignments 1 peer review

8 videos • Total 61 minutes

  • Loop Functions - lapply • 9 minutes • Preview module
  • Loop Functions - apply • 7 minutes
  • Loop Functions - mapply • 4 minutes
  • Loop Functions - tapply • 3 minutes
  • Loop Functions - split • 9 minutes
  • Debugging Tools - Diagnosing the Problem • 12 minutes
  • Debugging Tools - Basic Tools • 6 minutes
  • Debugging Tools - Using the Tools • 8 minutes

2 readings • Total 20 minutes

  • Week 3: Loop Functions and Debugging • 10 minutes
  • Practical R Exercises in swirl Part 3 • 10 minutes
  • Week 3 Quiz • 30 minutes

2 programming assignments • Total 360 minutes

  • swirl Lesson 1: lapply and sapply • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 2: vapply and tapply • 180 minutes

1 peer review • Total 60 minutes

  • Programming Assignment 2: Lexical Scoping • 60 minutes

Week 4: Simulation & Profiling

This week covers how to simulate data in R, which serves as the basis for doing simulation studies. We also cover the profiler in R which lets you collect detailed information on how your R functions are running and to identify bottlenecks that can be addressed. The profiler is a key tool in helping you optimize your programs. Finally, we cover the str function, which I personally believe is the most useful function in R.

6 videos 4 readings 2 quizzes 3 programming assignments

6 videos • Total 42 minutes

  • The str Function • 6 minutes • Preview module
  • Simulation - Generating Random Numbers • 7 minutes
  • Simulation - Simulating a Linear Model • 4 minutes
  • Simulation - Random Sampling • 2 minutes
  • R Profiler (part 1) • 10 minutes
  • R Profiler (part 2) • 10 minutes

4 readings • Total 40 minutes

  • Week 4: Simulation & Profiling • 10 minutes
  • Practical R Exercises in swirl Part 4 • 10 minutes
  • Programming Assignment 3 INSTRUCTIONS: Hospital Quality • 10 minutes
  • Post-Course Survey • 10 minutes
  • Week 4 Quiz • 30 minutes
  • Programming Assignment 3: Quiz • 30 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 1: Looking at Data • 180 minutes
  • swrl Lesson 2: Simulation • 180 minutes
  • swirl Lesson 3: Base Graphics • 180 minutes

coursera r programming assignment 2 lexical scoping

The mission of The Johns Hopkins University is to educate its students and cultivate their capacity for life-long learning, to foster independent and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.

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coursera r programming assignment 2 lexical scoping

Learner reviews

Showing 3 of 22206

22,206 reviews

Reviewed on Aug 12, 2019

Very challenging, but good course. I've been programming in R for over a year, but there were still some things for me to pick up in this class. Assignments were a challenge, but satisfying to tackle.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2017

I am pleasantly surprised with the quality of this course. For a beginner, the Swirl exercises are incredibly helpful and I was able to build confidence in working with R because of them. Thank you!

Reviewed on May 27, 2017

This was very engaging, however, the level of expectation and effort needed is much greater than course 1 - ToolBox.

This is perhaps the best course on R Programming designed for a small duration.


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coursera r programming assignment 2 lexical scoping

R Programming (JHU Coursera, Course 2)

Michael Galarnyk

Michael Galarnyk

Towards Data Science

The second course in the data science specialization, “R Programming” is an introductory course teaching users the basics of R. While I did think it went over the basics well, the assignment difficulty was a bit too much for true beginners to R. In result, I decided to post all my code on my github .

I did this course with a bit of a twist. Instead of working purely with data.frames, I decided to use the highly popular data.table package instead of just relying on data.frame which isn’t as widely used as data.table for large datasets.

Week 1 Highlights: Removing and Subsetting Data is a highly useful skill. The teaching of vectors, lists, matrices, and factors was superb. Wasn’t too difficult.

Week 2 Highlights: Lexical scoping as the reason why all objects must be stored in memory. Programming assignment is useful. As seen below, I have decided to do as much of the specialization in data.table syntax as possible since it is widely used in industry.

Week 2 Horrors: Lots of users have complained about the considerable increase in difficulty for this weeks project. That is partly why I decided to put all my work on my github.

Week 3 Highlights: Opportunity to Practice my data.table skills (or lack thereof) on the quiz below. It is good to see the use of common datasets used as they are easy to manipulate. The assignment wasn’t too bad.

Week 4 Highlights: The quiz wasn’t bad. Lectures on R Profiler. There was a good note on optimization being a priority when the code is designed, working, and understandable. Figuring out best hospital by state by ordering, groupby etc was fun. The assignment was a bit much in my opinion considering it is a beginner specialization. The thumbnail image is what I generated in the early portion of this assignment.

Overall, this was a highly useful course for industry as it teaches people to take data files and manipulate them. It did however expect too much too fast for beginners. Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment!

Also, please see my Course 3 Getting and Cleaning Data Review !

Michael Galarnyk

Written by Michael Galarnyk

Data Scientist https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelgalarnyk/

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  • Programming Assignment 2: Lexical Scoping JHU
  • by [email protected]
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Programming Assignment 2 Lexical Scoping Coursera Instructions

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Fundamentals of R

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  • R Operators
  • R - Keywords
  • R Data Types
  • R Variables - Creating, Naming and Using Variables in R
  • Scope of Variable in R
  • Dynamic Scoping in R Programming

Lexical Scoping in R Programming


  • Taking Input from User in R Programming
  • Printing Output of an R Program
  • Print the Argument to the Screen in R Programming - print() Function

Control Flow

  • Control Statements in R Programming
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Data Structures

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  • R - Data Frames

Object Oriented Programming

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  • R - Inheritance
  • Abstraction in R Programming
  • Looping over Objects in R Programming
  • S3 class in R Programming
  • Explicit Coercion in R Programming

Error Handling

  • Handling Errors in R Programming
  • Condition Handling in R Programming
  • Debugging in R Programming

File Handling

  • File Handling in R Programming
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Data Interfaces

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  • Working with XML Files in R Programming
  • Working with Excel Files in R Programming
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  • Working with Databases in R Programming
  • Data Visualization in R
  • R - Line Graphs
  • R - Bar Charts
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  • Scatter plots in R Language
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  • R - Statistics
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  • Descriptive Analysis in R Programming
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Machine Learning

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  • Classification in R Programming
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  • KNN Classifier in R Programming
  • Clustering in R Programming
  • Decision Tree in R Programming
  • Random Forest Approach in R Programming
  • Hierarchical Clustering in R Programming
  • DBScan Clustering in R Programming
  • Deep Learning in R Programming

Lexical Scoping in R programming means that the values of the free variables are searched for in the environment in which the function was defined. An environment is a collection of symbols, value, and pair, every environment has a parent environment it is possible for an environment to have multiple children but the only environment without the parent is the empty environment. If the value of the symbol is not found in the environment in which the function was defined then the search is continued in the parent environment. In R, the free variable bindings are resolve by first looking in the environment in which the function was created. This is called Lexical Scoping .

Why Lexical Scoping?

Lexical Scoping is a set of rules that helps to determine how R represents the value of a symbol. It is an in-built rule in R which automatically works at the language level. It is mostly used to specify statistical calculations. Lexical scoping looks up to symbol based on how functions were nested initially when they were created and not on how they were nested when they called upon. When we use lexical scoping we don’t have to know how the function is called and to figure out where the value of the variable will be looked upon. We only have to look at the function’s definition.

Lexical meaning in lexical scoping is completely different from usual English definition which means relating to words or vocabulary of a language which is distinguished from grammar and construction rather it comes from computer science term lexing meaning by which process that converts code represented as text to meaningful pieces which is comprehensible by programming language. Consider the following example:

  • x and y are formal arguments
  • z as the free variable

Therefore, the scoping rules of the language determine how values are assigned to free variables. Free variables are not formal arguments and not local variables that are assigned inside of the function body.

Principles of Lexical Scoping

There are four basic principles behind R’s implementation of lexical scoping:

Name Masking

  • Functions vs variables
  • A fresh start

Dynamic Lookup

Let’s discuss each principle one by one.

The following example illustrates the most basic principle of lexical scoping, and you should have no problem predicting the output.

It takes the c value as 10 and then adds these numbers and finally we are having 23 as output.

Functions vs Variables

The same principles apply regardless of the type of associated value — finding functions works exactly the same way as finding variables: Example:

A Fresh Start

When a function is called, a new environment is created every time. Each acknowledgement is completely independent because a function cannot tell what happened when it was run last time. Example:

Lexical scoping controls where to look for values not when to look for them. R looks for the values when the function is executed not when it is created. The output of the function can be different depending on objects outside its environment. Example:

There is a function in R which is findGlobals() from codetools and it helps us to find all global variables being used in a function and lists all the external dependencies of a function. findGlobals() find the global variables and functions which are used by the closure. Example:


We can manually change the environment to the empty environment emptyenv() . emptyenv() is a totally empty environment.


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## I simply set the input x as a matrix
## and then set the solved value "s" as a null
## then I changed every reference to "mean" to "solve"
makeCacheMatrix <- function(x = matrix(sample(1:100,9),3,3)) {
s <- NULL
set <- function(y) {
x <<- y
s <<- NULL
get <- function() x
setsolve <- function(solve) s <<- solve
getsolve <- function() s
list(set = set, get = get,
setsolve = setsolve,
getsolve = getsolve)
## Same here, changed "mean" to "solve" and "m" to "s"
cacheSolve <- function(x, ...) {
s <- x$getsolve()
if(!is.null(s)) {
message("getting inversed matrix")
data <- x$get()
s <- solve(data, ...)


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  20. Peer-graded Assignment: Programming Assignment 2: Lexical Scoping · GitHub

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