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The ultimate guide to creating a winning RFP presentation

An RFP is a Request for Proposal. An RFP is an official request for proposals that allows an organization to solicit bids from vendors who want to provide goods and services (i.e., proposals). The organization then makes a selection based on the best proposal. In some cases, an organization may issue an RFP without having determined exactly what they need yet. In this case, they may ask companies to offer their best ideas or solutions so they can determine which one best meets the company’s needs. Once they’ve made this decision, they can issue another RFP for the actual procurement of the goods or services requested in the original proposal.

Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Types of RFP presentations

creative rfp presentations

There are two types of RFP presentations.

1) Pre-Planned or Ad Hoc RFP Oral Presentations

This type of presentation is what most people think of when they think of presenting to a group of people. The presenter has time to prepare and practice their material and present it to the audience. This type of presentation works best when there are only a few people in the audience, but can be difficult for groups with more than twenty people.

2) In-Person or Virtual RFP Presentations

In this type of presentation, the presenter stands in front of all members of the group at once and presents their materials verbally and visually (through slides). This type of presentation works well when you have more than twenty people in your audience, but it can be awkward if there are fewer than ten people present.

Here are some tips for creating your own winning RFP presentation:

creative rfp presentations

  • Have a clear purpose in mind The first step to creating an effective RFP presentation is to know what you want the audience to take away from it. Do you want them to understand the nature of your business? To get excited about working with you? Or do you just want to convince them that they should give you their business? Whatever your goal, make sure that you start with a clear sense of what it is.
  • Tell a story that’s relevant to the client and their audience Every seller needs to tell a story about their company and product or service that will resonate with the buyer. Start by identifying the buyer’s problems and goals, then demonstrate how your product or service solves these problems and helps them achieve these goals. Focus on how your solution is different from others on the market, and why this makes it better than what they are currently using or considering using. If you can show how your solution could help them solve multiple problems at once, even better!
  • Use visuals to support your key messages The best way to do this is by using charts, graphs and infographics. These tools allow you to make complex information easy to understand, which is critical in an RFP presentation. If you have access to valuable information that can help illustrate your benefits but isn’t included in the RFP, bring it up during the Q&A session at the end of your presentation.
  • Keep it short and sweet The more concise your RFP is, the better chance you have of winning business. Make sure every sentence counts and avoid fluff and filler words like “and,” “the” and “that.” Be specific in your requirements and make sure they align with what your customer is looking for. If there’s anything unclear or confusing, ask questions until it’s clear how to approach the project.
  • Showcase your expertise in a compelling way The best way to do this is to think about the audience for whom you’re writing. What do they care about? What’s their pain point? Then, use that insight to frame your presentation around those topics. For example, if you’re writing an RFP for a manufacturing client, they probably care about cost reduction and efficiency. So instead of just saying “Our team is very efficient,” try explaining how your team can save money by reducing waste or reducing overtime hours worked by employees. That’s much more compelling than just stating that “we are efficient.”
  • Don’t be afraid to share some personality and passion It’s true that the response document is an official document, but it doesn’t have to feel like one. You can still add some of your personality to it. For example, if you have a great story about how you met an important client or saved the day with a last-minute project, use it! The more interesting you are as a person, the better the chance that the person reading your proposal will remember who you are and what you do.

Final words

First impressions are important. An RFP is a sales pitch to your potential clients, so keep that in mind when deciding how you should present your company, your proposal, and all of the awesome things that you can offer. In addition, the RFP presentation template is easy and simple to use, you can edit it using any text editor. This template is well organized and commented on, which makes it very easy to modify and customize.

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Request for proposal (RFP) presentation: A comprehensive guide

We cover everything from planning your presentation to delivering it with confidence.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

girl explaining rfp presentation

Hey there, fellow presentation enthusiasts!

Are you ready to dive into the world of Request for Proposal (RFP) presentations?

Well, you're in for a treat. In today's digital age, creating a winning RFP presentation is crucial for businesses aiming to secure contracts, land new projects, and ultimately, thrive in their respective industries.

So, grab your digital pens and pointers, because we're about to embark on a journey through the ins and outs of RFP presentations.

What is a request for proposal (RFP) presentation?

Before we get too deep into the nitty-gritty of RFP presentations, let's ensure we're all on the same page. An RFP presentation is a key component of the proposal process. It's your opportunity to visually communicate your company's qualifications, expertise, and the proposed solution to potential clients or stakeholders. In essence, it's your digital pitch, aimed at convincing decision-makers that you're the best fit for the job.

Different types of RFP presentation

As you embark on your journey to master the art of Request for Proposal (RFP) presentations, it's crucial to understand the diverse types of presentations you might encounter. RFP presentations come in various forms, each designed to suit different scenarios and preferences. Let's dive into the world of RFP presentation formats:

Pre-planned vs. ad hoc RFP oral presentations

Pre-planned presentations : These are the most common type of RFP presentations. Typically, they are scheduled well in advance, allowing you ample time to prepare, rehearse, and fine-tune your material. Pre-planned presentations follow a structured format and are ideal for showcasing your expertise in a methodical manner.

Ad hoc presentations : While less common, ad hoc presentations may be requested when clients have specific questions about your proposal or when there are multiple highly competitive finalists. These presentations are typically shorter, less formal, and delivered on the spot. Ad hoc presentations demand quick thinking and the ability to adapt to unexpected inquiries.

In-person vs. virtual RFP oral presentations

In-person presentations : Traditional in-person RFP presentations require you to travel to the client's location, providing a face-to-face interaction. These presentations are often favored for their personal touch and the opportunity to establish a strong rapport with the audience.

Virtual presentations : In today's digital age, virtual RFP presentations have gained prominence, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are delivered online using platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Virtual presentations offer the flexibility to connect with clients remotely, saving time and resources.

In addition to these primary RFP presentation types, you may also come across the following formats:

Demo Presentations: Are a powerful tool for showcasing your product or service in action. They provide a visual and interactive demonstration, allowing the client to gain a deeper understanding of how your solution can precisely meet their needs. This type of presentation can be especially effective in industries where visual representation is key.

Q&A Sessions: Are typically held at the conclusion of an RFP presentation. They provide clients with the opportunity to ask questions about your proposal, seek clarifications, and address any concerns they may have. This is an invaluable chance to demonstrate your expertise and show that you have a thorough understanding of your solution.

No matter which type of RFP presentation you are tasked with, the key to success lies in preparation and professionalism. Take the time to thoroughly understand the client's requirements, tailor your presentation to meet their specific needs, and approach each presentation with confidence and expertise. Your ability to adapt to different presentation styles and connect with your audience will be a significant factor in winning bids and securing valuable contracts.

What should a request for proposal (RFP) presentation include?

Now that we know what an RFP presentation is, what exactly should it include to leave a lasting impression? Here's a breakdown:

  • Introduction : Start by introducing your company. Who are you, and why are you a top-notch choice for this project?
  • Company background : Provide background information about your company, its history, mission, and values.
  • Team members : Highlight the key team members who will be involved in the project.
  • Qualifications : Showcase your qualifications, including relevant certifications and previous successful projects.
  • Presentation slides : Discuss the structure of your presentation. What are you going to cover, and how will it be organized?
  • RFP process : Explain the process you'll follow to respond to the RFP, including deadlines and milestones.
  • Bid details : Specify the bid details, such as pricing and payment terms.
  • Problem-solution statement : Clearly outline the problem your proposal addresses and how your solution solves it.
  • Evaluation process : Describe how your proposal will be evaluated and the criteria that will be used.
  • Conclusion : Sum up your proposal and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

How to structure an effective request for proposal (RFP) presentation

Structure is crucial for creating an impactful RFP presentation. Here's a suggested structure:

1. Introduction: Grab the audience's attention. Introduce your company and its mission. State the purpose of your presentation.

2. Company background: Provide an overview of your company's history and values. Highlight your company's strengths.

3. Team members: Introduce the key team members involved in the project. Emphasize their expertise and qualifications.

4. Qualifications: Showcase your company's qualifications and certifications. Mention past successful projects and clients.

5. Presentation slides: Explain the structure of your presentation. Detail what each slide will cover.

6. Rfp templates: Stress the importance of professional presentation design, visually appealing templates. Discuss how they enhance your presentation's impact.

7. RFP process: Describe the process you'll follow to respond to the RFP. Include deadlines and key milestones.

8. Bid details: Specify pricing, payment terms, and any other financial details.

9. Problem-solution statement: Clearly define the problem and how your solution addresses it. Provide evidence of your solution's effectiveness.

10. Evaluation process: Explain how your proposal will be evaluated. Detail the criteria and metrics that will be used.

11. Conclusion: Summarize your proposal's key points. Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Do's and don'ts on a request for proposal (RFP) presentation

So, what should you do and what should you avoid when creating your RFPs presentation? Here's a handy list of do's and don'ts:

  • Do research : Thoroughly understand the client's needs and expectations.
  • Do be concise : Keep your presentation focused and to the point.
  • Do use visuals : Incorporate compelling visuals to enhance your message.
  • Do customize : Tailor your presentation to the specific RFP and client.
  • Do practice : Rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery.


  • Don't overload : Avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive information.
  • Don't ignore design : Neglecting the visual aspect can detract from your message.
  • Don't skip proofreading : Typos and errors can make your proposal appear unprofessional.
  • Don't miss deadlines : Always meet submission deadlines.
  • Don't overpromise : Be honest and realistic about what your company can deliver.

Summarizing Key Takeaways

  • Understanding RFP presentations : RFP presentations are a crucial part of the proposal process, serving as a digital pitch to communicate a company's qualifications and proposed solutions to potential clients or stakeholders.
  • Types of RFP presentations : There are various types of RFP presentations, including pre-planned vs. ad hoc and in-person vs. virtual presentations, each suited to different situations and preferences.
  • Additional presentation formats : Other formats include demo presentations and Q&A sessions, which offer opportunities to showcase products or services and address client inquiries.
  • Components of an RFP presentation : A comprehensive RFP presentation should include an introduction, company background, team members, qualifications, presentation slides, details of the RFP process, bid specifics, problem-solution statement, evaluation process, and a conclusion.
  • Effective presentation structure : A suggested structure for RFP presentations includes an introduction, company background, team members, qualifications, presentation slides, RFP process, bid details, problem-solution statement, evaluation process, and a conclusion.
  • Do's and don'ts : Follow best practices, such as thorough research, conciseness, visual elements, customization, and practice. Avoid overloading, neglecting design, missing deadlines, and overpromising in your RFP presentation.

1. What is the importance of a request for proposal (RFP) presentation in the bidding process?

A well-crafted RFP presentation is crucial to winning the bid. It allows you to showcase your company's background, expertise, and services in a persuasive manner, potentially attracting bidders to fund the project. An impactful RFP presentation can make the difference between success and failure.

2. How can I create an effective RFP presentation using powerpoint or google slides?

To create an impactful RFP presentation, you can utilize customizable content-ready RFP powerpoint templates or themes. These templates come with pre-designed slides and visuals that can help you give a clear idea of your company's capabilities and proposal. Whether you choose prezent, powerpoint or google slides, these templates can save you time and effort in creating a winning presentation.

3. What are the essential components of an RFP presentation?

An effective RFP presentation should include components such as the company's background information, a clear problem-solution statement, and the services offered. It should be based on the best practices for RFP presentations to attract the attention of your potential client and meet the specific criteria and metrics outlined in the original RFP.

4. How can I make sure my RFP presentation stands out from the competition?

To stand out in the RFP bidding process, it's a good idea to use professionally designed RFP powerpoint visuals and present an impactful proposal to your client. The presentation slides should look professional and align with the customer's RFP process. Additionally, you should believe in your business and ensure that your RFP presentation reflects your commitment to achieving the desired goal within the project.

5. How should I handle the oral proposal presentation at the end of the RFP process?

The oral proposal presentation, often the RFP finalist presentation, is a critical step. It's essential to use powerpoint or google slides to create a compelling presentation. You may request a sample RFP or RFP powerpoint template to guide you in creating a winning presentation. Make sure to follow the outline provided in the original RFP, including the presentation timeframe and content requirements, to maximize your chances of winning the bid.

Create your request for proposal presentation with prezent

Creating a compelling request for proposal (RFP) presentation is a critical aspect of any research project, and Prezent offers an invaluable tool to streamline this process. With Prezent's AI presentation tool, you can elevate your RFP presentations and achieve full brand compliance effortlessly. This innovative platform combines several elements crucial for an effective RFP presentation.

One of the standout features of Prezent is its brand-approved design capabilities. The platform allows you to manage documents with ease, ensuring that your RFP presentation aligns perfectly with your corporate brand and marketing guidelines. This ensures that every RFP you create is 100% on-brand, approved by your marketing team, and consistently reflects the values and identity of your organization. With Prezent, you can say goodbye to the challenges of creating RFPs that match your brand standards, as this platform simplifies the process, making it efficient and hassle-free.

In addition to the fantastic suite of features, Prezent can also help you save valuable time and resources. It can cut down presentation creation time by 70%, thanks to its extensive library of 35,000+ slides in your company's brand-approved design. You can master structured storytelling with access to over 50 storylines commonly used by business leaders. By instantly sharing and standardizing your RFPs, you can collaborate seamlessly with colleagues, both within and outside your company, all while reducing communication costs by a staggering 60%. Prezent truly empowers research professionals to create personalized RFP presentations that impress, reflect their brand, and streamline the process from start to finish.

So, go ahead and start crafting your RFP presentation masterpiece with the knowledge you've gained here.

Sign up for our free trial or book a demo today!

Happy presenting!

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Top 10 Creative Services RFP presentation templates


Having a Creative Services RFP (Request for Proposal) template is crucial for businesses and organizations seeking to streamline their creative project procurement process. It allows marketing teams, advertising agencies, and other creative professionals to clearly outline project requirements, expectations, and deliverables, ensuring a smooth collaboration between all parties involved. Utilizing a presentation template, like the examples provided, simplifies the process even further by offering a visually appealing and easy-to-follow format, making it more efficient for both the requester and the potential service providers to understand and evaluate the project's scope and objectives.

What makes a good Creative Services RFP?

  • Clear objectives:  Clearly state the goals and desired outcomes of the project, ensuring that potential service providers understand the purpose and can tailor their proposals accordingly.
  • Comprehensive scope:  Provide a detailed description of the project, including the target audience, timeline, and any specific deliverables, to give a complete picture of what is expected from the service provider.
  • Budget and payment terms:  Outline the available budget for the project and any preferred payment terms, allowing potential providers to determine if the opportunity aligns with their financial expectations.
  • Selection criteria:  Specify the factors that will be used to evaluate proposals, such as relevant experience, creative approach, and cost, so that potential providers can focus on addressing these aspects in their submissions.
  • Submission guidelines:  Clearly explain the format and requirements for proposal submissions, including any necessary documentation, deadlines, and contact information, to ensure a smooth and efficient evaluation process.

1. Tome's Creative Services RFP Template

creative rfp presentations

The  Tome's Creative Services RFP template  is specifically crafted to streamline the process of conveying your vision and requirements to potential creative partners.

  • Slides : Contains 10 slides that thoroughly cover all essential details for potential partners.
  • Format : Template accessible via on the web, with options to export as a PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint file.
  • Pricing : Free to use, facilitating the inclusion of comprehensive references to brand assets and project scopes.

2. Creative Hand Shaking Shapes for PowerPoint Template

creative rfp presentations

The Creative Hand Shaking Shapes for PowerPoint Template facilitates presentations on negotiation or proposals.

  • Slides: Includes customizable handshaking illustrations.
  • Format: Available in 16x9 size for PowerPoint, supported by versions from 2007 onwards and Google Slides.
  • Pricing: Access via subscription with SlideModel.

3. Partnership Marketing Plan Template

creative rfp presentations

The Partnership Marketing Plan Template is perfect for crafting detailed marketing strategies and building business partnerships, especially useful for marketing teams looking to present collaboration proposals.

  • Slides: Various sections to showcase business partnership potential.
  • Format: Google Slides and PowerPoint, facilitating easy editing.
  • Pricing: Free to download.

4. Negotiation PowerPoint Template 

creative rfp presentations

Negotiation PowerPoint Template is tailored for presentations on negotiation tactics and strategies, making it ideal for business negotiations and training workshops.

  • Slides: 11 slides focused on negotiation principles.
  • Format: Compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • Pricing: Available for purchase or through a subscription at SlideModel.

5. Project Proposal PowerPoint Template

creative rfp presentations

The Project Proposal PowerPoint Template is suitable for detailed project proposals and pitches, offering a comprehensive tool for businesses to outline project scopes and secure stakeholder approval.

  • Slides: 187 animated slides with a variety of editable elements.
  • Format: PPTX, KEY, and Google Slides formats.
  • Pricing: $20 for personal use and $40 for commercial use.

6. Business Partnership PowerPoint Template 

creative rfp presentations

The Business Partnership PowerPoint Template is excellent for establishing and presenting new business partnerships, ideal for meetings where collaboration terms are defined.

  • Slides: Infographic and illustration-based design to showcase partnerships.
  • Format: Available in PPTX format for PowerPoint.
  • Pricing: Users may download the template with a SlideModel subscription.

7. Briefing Revision Meeting Template

creative rfp presentations

For concise and impactful project updates, the Briefing Revision Meeting Template is perfect, especially suited for internal team meetings where project progress is discussed.

  • Slides: Modern design with clear data presentation features.
  • Format: Google Slides format for easy access and editing.

8. Business Partnership for Corporate Improvement Presentation Template

creative rfp presentations

Ideal for detailed discussions on corporate partnerships, the Business Partnership for Corporate Improvement Presentation Template is best used in strategic meetings focused on long-term collaboration benefits.

  • Slides: Strategic layout for business partnership discussions.
  • Format: PPTX format compatible with PowerPoint.

9. Gradient Business Plan with Timeline Infographics Presentation Template 

creative rfp presentations

The Gradient Business Plan with Timeline Infographics Presentation Template is ideal for visually capturing a company’s strategic direction, useful in investor meetings or strategic planning sessions.

  • Slides: Modern design with timeline infographics.
  • Format: Supports Google Slides and PowerPoint.

10. Strategic Partnership Infographics Template

creative rfp presentations

For illustrating the advantages of strategic business alliances, the Strategic Partnership Infographics Template is best utilized in presentations aimed at securing new business relationships.

  • Slides: Customizable infographics for strategic partnership portrayal.
  • Format: Available in Google Slides format.

Create the best presentations with Tome!

As a creative professional, you understand the importance of crafting polished and engaging presentations. That's where we come in. At  Tome , we empower users like you to effortlessly create stunning presentations and documents with the help of AI. Our intelligent platform offers structured starting points for various presentation needs, including Creative Services RFP templates. With Tome, you can easily integrate web references and ensure your finished output is both compelling and clear, making it an essential tool for professionals across various fields.

Our AI capabilities not only enhance productivity but also provide a seamless experience in articulating ideas, improving tone and phrasing, creating images, and structuring work with added depth and clarity. Plus, Tome integrates with platforms like Figma, Spline, Twitter, YouTube, Framer, and Miro, further enriching your presentations.

Ready to see what you can create with Tome?  Sign up for free  and start shaping your ideas into polished presentations today.

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Blog Business How To Create A Winning Business Proposal Presentation

How To Create A Winning Business Proposal Presentation

Written by: Krystle Wong Jun 28, 2023

How to create a business proposal presentation

In the corporate landscape, a good business proposal presentation can be a game-changer to seal the deal with your prospective client or investors.  

Think of your business proposal presentations as your chance to showcase your groundbreaking ideas, products or services to potential clients, investors and stakeholders. Whether you’re convincing investors to fund your dreams or clients to choose your services, creating a compelling presentation can make them go, “You know what? I’m sold!”

A good presentation simplifies the complex. It breaks down complicated concepts into bite-sized pieces that even those who are not in the industry can understand. I know I know, it’s no easy work and you’ve got enough on your plate — so let our selection of pitch deck templates take the load off the design work. 

Customizing a compelling business proposal presentation takes only minutes thanks to Venngage’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor. Just so you know, some of our presentation templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign-up is always free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor.

Now that you’ve got one less thing to worry about, let’s get back to business on how to create and deliver a winning proposal presentation. 

Click to jump ahead:

What makes a good business proposal , 10 tips to create an effective business proposal presentation, 8 steps to deliver a winning business proposal presentation, create a business proposal presentation that will win over your clients with venngage.

If you’ve read our guide on how to write winning business proposals , you’ll know that a successful business proposal is one that answers the following questions: 

  • Who you are and what your company does
  • The problem your buyer is facing
  • The solution your company offers to alleviate the problem
  • How your company will implement this solution effectively
  • An estimate of resources (time, money, etc) required to implement the solution

Well, picture this: you’ve spent countless hours crafting a comprehensive business proposal that has the potential to revolutionize your industry. But here’s the catch – you need to condense all that information into a presentation that grabs attention, engages your audience and leaves a lasting impression. 

It’s not easy, but it’s also not impossible. If you have an important proposal presentation coming up, I highly recommend you check out this guide on how to summarize information for presentations . 

A good presentation gets things moving! Check out the top qualities of awesome presentations and learn all about how to make a good presentation to help you nail that captivating delivery.

Now, before we dive deep into the tips and tricks of creating and delivering a successful business proposal presentation, here are some business pitch examples to help you get inspired and win over new clients and investors. Alright, let’s get started!

Still working on your business proposal? Check out our selection of business proposal templates designed by our professional team.

In this competitive business environment, a good presentation gives you an edge over your competitors. It allows you to showcase your unique selling points, competitive advantages and differentiates you from others in the industry.  

Whether it is securing a new client, securing funding or obtaining a favorable business agreement, a successful presentation can ultimately bring significant opportunities and long-term business growth. 

Tip number one: always start with a solid presentation layout . Your presentation should emphasize the most important aspects of your business proposal, ensuring that they stand out and resonate with your audience. To do that, here are 10 tips along with some professionally crafted business proposal presentation templates to help you ace your next business proposal presentation. 

1. Crafting a compelling storyline

A strong narrative structure is the backbone of any successful proposal presentation. Start with a captivating opening that grabs attention and clearly articulates the problem or opportunity at hand. Present your solution with confidence, providing solid evidence and data to support your claims. Finally, conclude with a powerful call to action that leaves your audience inspired and ready to take the next steps.

A timeline graph can help you organize your ideas as you create a compelling storyline for your presentation and make your content more engaging.  Determine the important events or milestones that are relevant to your presentation topic. This will provide a sense of direction and structure for your storyline.

creative rfp presentations

2. Focusing on the problem and solution

One of the keys to an effective business proposal presentation is highlighting the problem or challenge your audience is facing. Clearly communicate how your proposal provides a viable solution in bullet points, emphasizing the benefits and advantages it offers. Show your audience that you understand their pain points and present your proposal as the ideal answer to their needs.

This example of proposal presentation talked about the challenges that beginners face when going to the gym and how they provide the solution for it.

Problem Agitate Solution Pitch Deck Template - Problem

3. Using a consistent and professional template

To create a polished and cohesive visual experience, choose a clean and professional slide template that aligns with your brand colors. Consistency in design throughout the presentation not only enhances the overall look but also reinforces your professionalism and attention to detail.

creative rfp presentations

Last-minute presentations are the worst, but don’t panic! Customize one of our professionally designed business presentation templates to save time and hassle.

4. engaging with visuals.

A picture is worth a thousand words and in the case of your proposal presentation, visuals can be your secret weapon. Visuals play a crucial role in capturing your audience’s attention and making complex information more digestible. Utilize charts, graphs, images and diagrams strategically to support your key points and reinforce your message. 

As a business owner, a well-thought-out finance pitch deck provides a platform to outline the business’s strategic direction and growth plans. It allows you to highlight your unique value proposition, competitive positioning, marketing strategies and expansion plans. Here’s a template I figured you could use:

creative rfp presentations

No idea what goes into your financial pitch deck? This guide on how to make successful pitch decks for start ups might help. 

5. addressing potential objections.

Many business proposal presentations fail to anticipate potential objections or concerns audiences might have. Showing that you’ve considered challenges and providing persuasive counterarguments or solutions boosts your preparedness and increases the credibility of your proposal. Addressing objections head-on demonstrates your ability to handle potential hurdles and builds trust with your audience.

6. Using multimedia elements in your slides

To add depth and variety to your presentation, consider incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, audio clips, interactive charts or animations. These elements help illustrate concepts, showcase product demonstrations or provide real-life examples, making your proposal more engaging and memorable.

creative rfp presentations

7. Incorporating interactive elements

Depending on the platform or setting of your presentation, incorporating interactive elements can enhance engagement. Live polls, Q&A sessions or group exercises encourage active participation, clarification and a deeper understanding of your proposal. Creating opportunities for interaction keeps your audience engaged and invested in the presentation.

8. Testing the readability and accessibility of your slides

Ensure that your slides are easily readable on different devices and screen sizes. Test for color blindness accessibility by using tools or viewing your presentation in grayscale. Consider incorporating alt text for images to make your presentation accessible to visually impaired individuals. Ensuring readability and accessibility demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and professionalism.

creative rfp presentations

Sometimes, using a simple presentation template makes all the difference as they promote effective communication, minimizes confusion and ensures that the audience can grasp the main points effortlessly. Try it out for your next presentation!

9. practice, practice and practice again.

Even the most well-prepared presentation can fall flat if you stumble through it. So, practice, practice and practice some more. Rehearse your presentation until you feel comfortable and confident. Pay attention to your tone, pace and body language. Incorporate pauses for emphasis, maintain eye contact and engage with your audience. I promise — the more you practice, the more comfortable and effective you’ll become as a presenter.

10. Ending with a memorable closing statement

Leave a lasting impression by crafting a memorable closing statement. Summarize the key benefits of your proposal, reinforce its importance or leave your audience with a thought-provoking quote. End your presentation with a call to action that inspires action and demonstrates the urgency of taking the next steps.

creative rfp presentations

Ready to get started? Pick from these engaging presentation templates that can get your audience hooked on your presentation till the end.

Your business proposal presentation can be the key to securing new clients, partnerships or investment opportunities. That said, delivering a winning presentation requires careful planning, effective communication and a deep understanding of your audience’s needs. 

Follow these 8 essential steps to deliver a persuasive and impactful business proposal presentation:

Step 1: Understand the requirements

Before diving into your business proposal presentation, take the time to clearly understand the requirements. Familiarize yourself with the format, time limit, submission date and any specific guidelines provided by the audience or client. This ensures that you meet their expectations and deliver a presentation that aligns with their needs.

Step 2: Research your audience

To make a lasting impact, conduct thorough research on your audience. Gain insights into their industry, needs, challenges and goals. This information allows you to tailor your presentation to their specific interests, speak their language and demonstrate the relevance of your proposal. It will also help you show that you understand their pain points and present your solution as the perfect fit for their requirements.

For example, this business proposal presentation targets food entrepreneurs and manufacturers who are passionate about the plant-based lifestyle to attract franchisees for their local green ingredients franchise. 

creative rfp presentations

Step 3: Plan your content

A well-organized presentation keeps your audience engaged and makes your proposal more compelling. Develop a clear and logical structure to help strengthen your message and deliver a winning business proposal presentation. Define the key points you want to convey and outline the flow of information and make sure your content effectively addresses the audience’s pain points and emphasizes the benefits of your proposal. 

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

Step 4: Create compelling slides

Design visually appealing slides that support your content and enhance its impact. Use a consistent template that aligns with your branding and maintains a professional look. Incorporate high-quality visuals such as relevant images, charts or graphs to convey information effectively. 

Creativity is important but keep the design clean, uncluttered and focused on conveying your message clearly. Remember, visually engaging slides capture attention and reinforce your professionalism.

creative rfp presentations

Don’t know where to start? Here are 5 ways how you can design winner presentation slides . Or you could browse our library of creative presentation templates that’ll easily set your presentation apart from competitors.

Step 5: engage your audience.

Active audience engagement is key to a successful business proposal presentation. Encourage interaction throughout your presentation by asking thought-provoking questions, seeking input or incorporating interactive elements like polls or group exercises. Show genuine interest in your audience’s feedback and questions as this builds rapport and demonstrates that you value their perspective. Engaging your audience creates a dynamic and memorable experience.

Giving an online presentation? Here are some tips on how to adapt your in-person presentation into a virtual presentation that will leave a lasting impression. 

Step 6: communicate with clarity.

Focus on the key messages and benefits of your proposal. Clear communication is vital to conveying your ideas effectively, so be sure to use language that is easily understandable and free from jargon. Support your points with concrete examples or stories that resonate with your audience. By communicating with clarity, you ensure that your message is easily comprehensible and memorable.

creative rfp presentations

Step 7: Adapt and respond

Flexibility is crucial when delivering a business proposal presentation. Pay close attention to your audience’s reactions, questions and feedback. Be prepared to adapt your presentation on the fly to address their specific needs and concerns. 

The trick is to listen attentively and respond thoughtfully, demonstrating your ability to cater to their requirements. This flexibility and responsiveness build trust and show that you genuinely care about meeting their expectations.

Step 8: Follow up

After concluding your presentation, don’t let the momentum fade away. Follow up with your audience to address any remaining questions, provide additional information or clarify any points. 

Following up with your audience helps maintain the relationship and keeps the conversation going. By staying in touch, you demonstrate your commitment to their success and increase the chances of moving forward with your proposal.

Have another round of presentations coming up? Give it your best with these tips on how to improve your presentation skills . 

A business proposal presentation is not just a chance to present your business idea; it’s a prime opportunity to showcase the unique value, potential and profitability of your business concept 

By following the tips and tricks in this article, I’m confident that business professionals like you can easily win over potential investors and prospective clients.

Venngage offers a wide range of pre-designed templates specifically tailored for business proposals. With the help of Venngage’s presentation maker , creating visually appealing and professional business proposal presentations becomes easier than ever.

Step 1: Sign up for a Venngage account (P.S. It’s free!). 

Step 2:  Browse through Venngage’s template library and choose a business presentation template that suits your needs (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Replace the placeholder text in the template with content from your business proposals.

Step 4: Customize your business presentation in just a few clicks with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor tool. Modify various elements such as text, colors, fonts, backgrounds and layout. Enhance your presentation with visual aids such as images, icons, charts and graphs.

Step 5: Share your presentation publicly or upgrade to a business account to export the presentation to PowerPoint or PDF. You can also choose to present straight from Venngage’s presentation software.

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RFP Presentations Are Back: 5 Tips To Tell Your Story (And Win)

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For the last few years, your team likely hasn’t done a ton of RFP presentations. Between health precautions, supply chain disruptions and a desire to accelerate the purchasing process, the oral presentation stage of the RFP process has often been either altered significantly or abandoned altogether.

But, now it may be time to refresh your presentation and storytelling skills. As travel restrictions relax and organizations prepare for global economic changes, buyers are bringing the RFP oral presentation back into their process for high-value, strategic projects. The reason? Decision makers and procurement teams are facing increasing organizational pressure to maximize the big-picture value of vendor engagements while minimizing risk.

For them, this means exploring each offer from multiple angles to make the right choice and form a long-term, innovative and mutually beneficial partnership. For you, it means an opportunity to share a compelling vision of the future, create a stickier relationship and higher customer lifetime value.

While intimidating, the revival of the RFP presentation offers you an opportunity to tell a story that stands apart from the competition and seal the deal.

What buyers hope to get from an oral presentation

Before exploring tips for memorable RFP presentations, it’s important to understand why buyers find them valuable. Indeed, after spending hours composing a detailed, written RFP response, you may wonder what more they could possibly need to know to make a decision.

There could be a variety of reasons for a buyer to request a presentation. For example, it can be a way to get buy-in and final approval from all the key decision makers at once. Alternatively, it may be the most expedient approach to dig into specific differentiators between shortlisted vendors.

Regardless of exactly why a buyer requests an oral presentation, it’s crucial to remember what they’re really looking for — connection and understanding. While the RFP itself is designed to be data-based and objective, it’s incredibly dry.

The presentation format is more engaging. It tells a story where the buyer is the main character that gets the perfect happy ending they’re hoping for with your company’s help. It also gives the buyer confidence that your company doesn’t just look good on paper, but that you can also walk the walk.

Indeed, success or failure of a strategic partnership may hinge (at least in part) on intangible factors like communication style, team chemistry, collaborative ideation, company vision and culture, creative problem solving and responsiveness. Accordingly, the RFP presentation enables decision makers and stakeholders to see your team in action, ask specific, situational questions and get more information. Essentially, it’s the final “gut check” for many buyers.

5 tips for a successful RFP presentation

1. prepare by asking a lot of questions.

Before you fire up Powerpoint to start pulling slides together, it’s important to ask questions. Certainly this isn’t new advice. However, it would be unwise to assume your old checklist of prep questions is compatible with a postpandemic world.

This list of suggested questions will help you create an environment that feels safe and respectful while establishing expectations. Remember to check the RFP for any details it may provide before adding these to your question list.

  • Who will attend the presentation? What are their names, titles and project or user roles?
  • Will attendees be in person, remote or hybrid?
  • What is the presentation setting? Will a large screen, projector or other technology be used?
  • Are masks and social distancing preferred?
  • Would it be helpful for us to bring additional key team members in person? Or can they participate remotely?
  • Which other companies will be presenting? How much time will each have?
  • Within the allowed time, what would you like us to cover?
  • Should we leave time for Q&A or will we be permitted additional time if there are questions?
  • Will all attendees have existing knowledge of or access to our RFP response?
  • Can we provide helpful supplementary documents or leave-behind materials?
  • Are there any specific topics or questions that are important to individual members of the group?
  • What criteria will be used to evaluate the presentations?
  • What are the expected next steps, assuming the presentation is successful?

Ideally, the answers to these questions will help you visualize the setting and plan how to present your solution in a way that best suits the client’s specific needs and tells the tale of your partnership.

2. Create an outline using RFP requirements

Using an outline to plan your presentation is a great way to ensure you don’t miss anything. Fortunately, you can use the RFP requirements and criteria to help with this step.

Review the RFP to outline your presentation, adding a bullet point for each potential slide and subpoints for what those slides should contain. By using the original RFP as a guide, your presentation will follow the same structure and topic chronology that the evaluators are already familiar with. This will improve memory and focus while also making it easier for attendees to follow along and score in real time.

Sample of a simplified presentation outline

  • Cover slide
  • Full overview/contents
  • Project goals
  •  Who are we?
  •  Background and history
  •  Introduction of presentation team and expertise
  • Similar case studies
  • Past performance data
  • Expected benefits for client
  • Differentiators
  • Vision for partnership
  • Implementation timeline

Using an outline helps you maintain a clear message. Then, you can use your most impactful RFP content to add color to your slides and script. Naturally, you should pay special attention to the criteria with the highest weights as well as areas where your organization excels. Remember, it’s okay to highlight your ability to scale in the future and add ongoing value, but it’s not the right time to try to upsell. As with all the other elements of winning an RFP , focus exclusively on the client’s stated needs.

3. Use visuals to your advantage

Written RFP responses are jam-packed with information. For visual learners, it can be a difficult format to digest. Consequently, the visual aspect of the RFP presentation is another one of its benefits. So, be sure to make the most of it and follow presentation best practices.

Your slides should be both written and designed. Avoid filling the entire slide with words that will overwhelm the audience and tempt them to read ahead. This takes away from actively listening to the presenter as they paint the picture of what your partnership will look like. White space is important for readability and recall.

For each slide, identify no more than three things you want the attendees to remember from it. Then, use short text prompts and visuals to support that message. For example, if you want to spend a slide talking about your superior customer service, you might include an engaging header like “Custom, caring support from day one,” accompanied by a short customer quote and a recent satisfaction statistic. Then, use your talk track to echo language used in their RFP requirements and offer more detail. Include infographics, charts and graphs when it enhances your message. Additionally, it’s wise to engage your marketing team in the review process. Let a designer and copywriter bring fresh eyes to the presentation. They can ensure your brand, message and visuals are clear, impactful and consistent.

4. Pick the right presentation team

A good presenter can make even the most boring topic interesting and engaging. Of course, charisma isn’t everything and presentation skills can be learned, so it’s also important to pick knowledgeable subject matter experts to present. When building your team, consider natural speaking or storytelling ability as well as these questions.

  • Who is most familiar with the client’s business, goals and challenges?
  • Which team members have the most expertise related to the RFP criteria?
  • Is there anyone with an existing rapport with the prospect?
  • Who will work with the client once the contract is signed?
  • Can team members speak to experiences with similar clients?

Even among small presentation groups, it’s wise to designate a primary speaker. This person will facilitate the flow of the conversation, manage introductions, present material and be responsible for time management. However, during the Q&A, the leader should defer questions to the team member most qualified to answer. This highlights your company’s collective expertise, cohesive vision and ability to effectively collaborate. With your team now assembled, you can rehearse and refine each member’s skills.

5. Review, rehearse and refine

Once you’ve made it to this step, you should have: a clear idea of expectations; a comprehensive but concise, visually-appealing presentation; and a knowledgeable team. Bring all of these elements together and practice.

Rehearse your presentation from beginning to end as a team. Provide positive feedback as well as suggestions for improvement. Throughout this step, keep the client’s experience in mind. Use their company name when it fits naturally, and express your genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Once you feel comfortable with the material, invite a panel of peers to review your presentation in a dress rehearsal. Have them observe, ask follow-up questions from the client’s perspective and take notes.

  • A beginning with background information to set the stage?
  • A middle that explores and overcomes the clients’ challenges?
  • An end that helps them envision their ideal future state?
  • In a few words, what is the core message of each slide?
  • Are the slides clear, concise and easy to follow?
  • Do the slides follow the RFP requirements?
  • Is the presentation focused on the client, their benefits and goals?s
  • Does the presentation help the client envision a partnership with your company?
  • Is the transition from one speaker to the next smooth?
  • Are there any distracting gestures or placeholder words?
  • Do presenters stay focused, concise and engaging?

Review feedback and refine your presentation. Practice a few more times, but don’t overdo it. You want to appear confident and prepared without becoming overly rehearsed or robotic.

Hopefully these tips help to refresh and revamp your presentation preparation practices and storytelling skills. So, the next time you’re called to make an oral presentation, you can set aside any hesitation and embrace the opportunity to tell a tale that connects, persuades and wins.

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Why Your Sales Team’s RFP Presentations Should be Design-Driven?

June 7, 2024 / Blog

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A Request for Proposal (RFP) presentation is a high-stakes document that can be a game-changer for your sales team. While content and strategy are vital, the design aspect of your RFP presentation is equally important.

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Let’s explore why your sales team’s RFP presentations should be design-driven and how this approach can give you a significant edge over your competitors .

The Power of First Impressions

First impressions are formed within seconds, and in the context of an RFP presentation, they can significantly influence the decision-makers’ perception of your company. A well-designed presentation captures attention and sets the tone for the rest of the pitch. It signals professionalism, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality—all attributes that clients look for in a potential partner.

Design-driven presentations leverage visual elements to create a polished and cohesive look that immediately impresses the audience. This can include the use of brand colors, professional graphics, and clean, modern layouts. When your presentation looks as good as it sounds, it builds credibility and trust right from the start.

Enhancing Clarity and Comprehension

RFP presentations often contain complex information that can be challenging for the audience to digest. A design-driven approach helps in breaking down this information into manageable and understandable chunks. Through the use of visual aids such as infographics, charts, and diagrams, you can present data in a way that is both engaging and easy to comprehend.

For instance, instead of presenting raw data in a table, a well-designed chart can illustrate trends and patterns more effectively. Infographics can simplify complicated processes or workflows, making it easier for the audience to grasp key concepts. By enhancing clarity and comprehension, design-driven presentations ensure that your message is not only heard but also understood.

Storytelling Through Design

Effective storytelling is at the heart of any successful presentation. Design-driven RFP presentations use visual storytelling techniques to create a narrative that resonates with the audience. This involves more than just adding images or graphics; it’s about creating a visual flow that guides the audience through the presentation logically and compellingly.

Consider using a combination of visuals and text to build your story. Start with an engaging introduction that sets the stage, followed by a series of slides that build on each other, leading to a powerful conclusion. The visual elements should support and enhance the narrative, helping to convey your key messages more powerfully.

creative rfp presentations

Keeping the Audience Engaged

Keeping the audience engaged throughout an RFP presentation can be challenging, especially when dealing with lengthy and detailed content. Design-driven presentations are more likely to hold the audience’s attention due to their visual appeal and interactive elements.

Interactive features such as clickable links, embedded videos, and animations can make your presentation more dynamic and engaging. These elements can break the monotony of static slides and provide a more immersive experience for the audience. By maintaining high levels of engagement, you increase the likelihood of your key messages being remembered.

Reflecting Brand Identity

Your RFP presentation is an extension of your brand, and its design should reflect your brand identity. Consistency in branding across all touchpoints, including presentations, reinforces your brand image and helps build recognition and trust. Design-driven presentations ensure that your brand colors, fonts, and logo are consistently applied, creating a cohesive and professional look.

Moreover, a presentation that reflects your brand identity can differentiate you from competitors. It showcases your company’s personality and values, making a memorable impression on the audience. In a competitive bidding process, this differentiation can be the deciding factor in winning the deal.

Demonstrating Innovation and Creativity

In many industries, demonstrating innovation and creativity is a key differentiator. A design-driven RFP presentation can showcase your company’s innovative approach and creative problem-solving skills. This is particularly important in industries where innovation is a critical factor in decision-making.

For example, using cutting-edge design techniques, such as 3D visuals or augmented reality, can set your presentation apart and highlight your company’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve. This not only impresses the audience but also reinforces your position as a forward-thinking and dynamic company.

Streamlining the Decision-Making Process

A well-designed RFP presentation can streamline the decision-making process for your audience. When information is presented clearly and compellingly, it reduces the cognitive load on the decision-makers, making it easier for them to evaluate your proposal. This can accelerate the decision-making process and increase your chances of success.

A design-driven presentation also demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively, a crucial skill in any business relationship. It shows that you value your audience’s time and are committed to making their evaluation process as smooth as possible.

By embracing a design-driven approach, you ensure that your RFP presentations are informative and impactful, leaving a lasting impression on your audience and setting your company up for success.

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8 Best Tips for Business Proposal Presentations [+Examples]

John Hall

Updated: May 24, 2022

Published: February 16, 2022

Business proposal presentations are the culmination of a long sales process between you and your clients. If you don’t structure it correctly or take the time to craft one with care, you risk losing the client’s buy-in for your solution. So getting it right is essential.

consultant creating a business proposal presentation

In this article, we’ll look at several ways to improve your business proposal presentation (and pitch) and increase the odds that you’ll walk away with a new customer.

→ Download Now: Free Business Proposal Template

Business Proposal Presentation

A business proposal presentation is a document that outlines a business solution for a customer after a lengthy consultation process. It is presented to the customer in either PDF or PowerPoint format, and can be paired with a contract for immediate signing.

Other formats that may be accepted include Google Docs or Google Slides, but PowerPoint is the industry standard. The presentation is then delivered in person or through a video conferencing tool such as Zoom.

Rarely, if ever, is a business proposal presentation sent to the customer for asynchronous perusal. Rather, it’s presented live in a customer meeting . That will give you the opportunity to sell them even more on the solutions you offer and persuade them to make a decision within a reasonable time frame.

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Free Business Proposal Template

Propose your business as the ideal solution using our Free Business Proposal Templates

  • Problem summary
  • Proposed solution
  • Pricing information
  • Project timeline

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If you let the customer review the presentation on their own, it’s likely that they’ll lengthen the sales process and even put off making a decision.

When crafting your proposal presentation, there are a few quick best practices to keep in mind.

  • Personalize the presentation . While it’s totally fine to reuse a PowerPoint presentation template , you don’t want to accidentally include another business’ name on the deck. So be sure to go through every slide and personalize it for the customer’s goals and pain points.
  • Send a pre-meeting email with an agenda. To prepare your customer for the presentation, it’d be wise to send a pre-meeting email with a quick, scannable sales agenda detailing how the meeting will go. That way, you can set the right expectations and keep you both on track.
  • Plan your in-person customer visit. If you’re meeting the customer in person, there will be a few more elements at play, such as an office tour and even a colleague introduction. That can quickly lead to lost time, so use this guide to plan a customer visit that stays on track and helps you effectively sell your solution.
  • Pay attention to the design of the deck . Your clothes and demeanor may be in tip-top shape, but if your deck is messy and poorly designed, then the effectiveness of your points will be diminished. Use a PowerPoint template and check out a few sales presentation examples to inspire you.
  • Keep the presentation short and precise. Keep your presentation as short as possible, about 15 to 20 minutes. The longer you speak to your clients, the less they’ll remember.

Now, it’s time for your presentation. Let’s go over how you can execute it flawlessly.

How to Present a Business Proposal

  • Optimize your meeting time from the start.
  • Have a clear agenda.
  • Open up with the customer’s problems and challenges.
  • Pause and ask questions.
  • Lead with stories, not data.
  • Don’t read off of your PowerPoint slides.
  • Present your solution — and sell them a vision.
  • Establish a clear follow-up timeline at the end of the meeting.

1. Optimize your meeting time from the start.

When presenting a proposal, it’s important to remember that your clients are busy. They have other meetings to attend, phone calls and emails to return, and problems to solve. Time is their most precious asset. Here are a few tips to optimize the time you spend with your customers:

  • Arrive early . This is a no-brainer, but arrive to the meeting with at least ten minutes to spare, especially if it’s in person. Use this buffer to use the bathroom, rehearse your introduction, and even set up the meeting space.
  • Rehearse setting up the projector or sharing your screen before the meeting . If you’re carrying out a meeting in person, you don’t want to waste ten minutes figuring out how to project your laptop’s screen. Carry several adapters with you and have a fail-safe plan, such as bringing a tablet with a copy of the presentation. If the meeting is over Zoom, practice sharing your screen so that your notes aren’t visible.
  • Keep your introduction short. Leave space for banter and rapport, but keep your personal introduction short. Small talk should be reduced as much as possible — you shouldn’t spend twenty minutes talking about the weather, unless you sell a weather-related solution.

2. Have a clear agenda.

Your presentation must have a clear and compelling agenda, which you can share right at the start (in addition to having shared it over email before the meeting).

The meeting should begin with compelling reasons to consider your proposal and culminate with a specific request for the business. Here’s an agenda template you can use to structure your meeting:

  • Challenge/Opportunity. Begin your presentation by illustrating the opportunity or challenge that your client is overlooking. Make sure it’s compelling enough to motivate your client to listen to the rest of your presentation.
  • Benefits . Discuss the benefits that your client will achieve by adopting your solution. Use a customer case study or testimonial to support your point.
  • Plan . Present your plan or options to resolve the client’s challenge/opportunity.
  • Company . Briefly share your company’s background, including who your company helps with these issues.
  • Recommend . Before closing your presentation, be sure to ask for the client’s business. You might close by asking the client, “Do you believe that the solution that I’ve presented will effectively help you overcome your challenges and achieve your goals?”

In the presentation, include a few bullet points that outline these parts of the meeting, so that the client knows what to expect.

3. Open up with the customer’s problems and challenges.

As mentioned, you’ll begin the meeting with a challenge or opportunity. Don’t walk into the meeting and immediately start talking about yourself or your company or your products. If you do this, your client will immediately focus on cost and product features, often ending the meeting before you’ve had a chance to finish.

Instead, focus on re-emphasizing the customer’s challenges and pain points. Your clients want to know how they can beat their competitors, reach new customers, retain existing customers, and increase profit margins. But before you can sell them your product, you have to emphasize the graveness of the issue they’re facing and illustrate how their challenges will prevent them from achieving these goals.

For instance, if 30% of their customers are churning, and you sell a business solution that can help reduce churn, you might open up your presentation with how their revenue will continue to be impacted by this loss. This will emphasize the urgency of the problem and help you create a stronger pitch later.

4. Pause and ask questions.

After you’ve spoken for a few minutes, stop and ask your client a question. This is a great way to stay in control of the meeting while allowing your client to interact with the sales presentation.

Here are some questions that you might ask:

  • Have I summarized your challenges correctly?
  • Is there anything I’ve missed that you’d like to add?
  • Am I right in saying that you want to solve this problem in the next quarter?

5. Lead with stories, not data.

While clients value data, they are also realistic about what data can — and cannot — tell them. They’ve seen many projects fail despite the glowing research results, and they’ve seen projects succeed despite the lack of any data to back it up.

So, introduce stories first, then the data to back it up. Come to the presentation armed with customer experiences and competitor moves. Your clients are far more interested in what other businesses like them have experienced and what their competitors are doing. They’re not all that interested in the latest research study, but you can use a study to support your points and lend credence to an anecdote.

6. Don’t read off of your PowerPoint slides.

Let the deck complement your points. If you read directly off the slides, you’ll quickly bore your customer, and the impact of what you’re saying won’t land.

Keep your slides simple, too, so that you’re not tempted to read off of them. Most slides are far too complex — too much text, distracting designs, and unrelated images.

You should only put one picture and one line of text on a slide. No more. Your clients can only absorb so much at once, and if they’re too busy trying to sort out paragraphs upon paragraphs on the screen, most of what you’ll say will be missed.

7. Present your solution — and sell them a vision.

After you’ve re-established the business challenge and spoken to the customer’s pain points, it’s time to present your product or service as a solution. But it’s important to not stop here — you have to also sell them a vision of what their business will look like after they take care of the problem.

Will they experience increased sales? Streamlined processes? Better customer retention? And what will that look like a few years from now? Don’t exaggerate, but don’t be afraid to show them how your product can create a much positive future for their business.

8. Establish a clear follow-up timeline at the end of the meeting.

This is maybe the most important part of your business proposal presentation. Tell your customer what will happen after the presentation, so that there’s no ambiguity regarding next steps.

We highly recommend establishing a clear follow-up date. Don’t say, “I’ll follow up in about a week.” Instead, try, “Is it okay if I call you on Friday, May 10th?”

We also recommend creating a timeline after the follow-up call. For instance, you might say you’ll call on a certain date, and then you’ll send the contract over using a tool such as PandaDoc , Qwilr , or Proposify . Your contract will be in your customer’s hand for a week, and then on the following Wednesday, you’ll follow-up once again to see if the customer has any questions.

Adjust this timeline depending on your customer, sales cycle length , and industry. Such a short timeline might not suit a product that costs thousands of dollars and requires a yearly commitment. However, it might suit a product that only costs a few hundred dollars a year.

Feeling stumped? No worries. Below, we share some business proposal examples you can glean inspiration from.

Business Proposal Presentation Examples

1. moving malta forward.

business proposal presentation example: moving malta forward

This compelling presentation proposes a metro system for the city of Malta. It opens with a “Case for Change” and uses graphics and visuals to argue for the creation of a metro in the city. While it is text heavy, it includes plenty of information for Malta’s government to make a decision. That’s why it’s important to know your audience. If you’re proposing to a gubernatorial entity, then being comprehensive is important.

2. The Big Picture

business proposal presentation example: the big picture

This is another presentation that argues for the urban development of a district. Its most notable feature is its “At a glance” spread, which shows an overview of the plan from top to bottom, down to the impact the proposed changes will have on the city. In the same way, you can include at an at-a-glance slide in your presentation.

3. AMW Tech

business proposal presentation example: amw tech

This deck presents a business as opposed to a product, but it does everything right: It opens with an agenda and closes with a call-to-action (“Keep in touch with us”). Even something as simple as providing your contact information can be enough to prompt your customer to continue the conversation.

4. Microsoft Advertising

business proposal presentation example: microsoft advertising

This deck by Microsoft Advertising takes a slightly different approach: It starts with a quote from the Microsoft CEO, and then provides details about how the brand helps its customers. This works for a major brand like this one because the client may be interested in Microsoft as a whole as opposed to just one service. It’s important to know your audience in this respect, as well.

Creating a Compelling Business Proposal Presentation

Being able to effectively present proposals is key to your success. To be effective, get to the point and focus on vision and stories. Use PowerPoint or Keynote as supporting material and be sure to keep it short. Finally, your presentation should begin with compelling reasons to consider your proposal and culminate with a specific request for the business.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Propose your business as the ideal solution using this free template.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Business PowerPoint Templates RFP Proposal PowerPoint Template

RFP Proposal PowerPoint Template

The RFP Proposal PowerPoint Template is a presentation tool to respond to RFPs and secure project bids. It is designed for companies to craft a proposal based on organization’s request for proposal document. This is a document that provides details about a specific project. The potential supplier companies offer their bid for proposals and create a competitive market for vendors. The PowerPoint RFP proposal response will increase your chances of scoring a project. It will help brief the procurement team with highlights of your business solution and company’s overview. The engaging contents of presentation will effectively communicate the proposed solution, hence increasing the chances to win.

The request for proposal template is a generic slide deck. Therefore, it could be used for all types of product and service proposals. This presentation is a collection of eye-catching diagrams, shapes, and timeline slides. These PowerPoint templates will help you effectively communicate all necessary components of RFP response. Such as cover letter, scope of project, deliverables, timeline, and budge. The additional slides display business overview including introduction, team, services, terms, and conditions. The suppliers can download RFP proposal PowerPoint to demonstrate their solution. It will brief the organization on cost, time, and expertise of human resources.

The RFP Proposal PowerPoint Template gives a creative outlet to make a difference in a competitive market. It will also increase the probability of securing bids over the competition. Responding to RFP with an impressive presentation deck means serious business. Documenting an RFP response is time-consuming and complex procedure, and so is reading it. The presentation along with documentation will help organizations to shortlist project proposal bid by referencing specifications overview in PowerPoint.

RFP Response Agenda Presentation

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creative rfp presentations

33 of the best RFP examples: Explore sample RFPs by industry

Kelly Barnard

RFP examples

  • Advertising and marketing RFP examples

Business operations RFP examples

Construction rfp examples, financial rfp examples, healthcare rfp examples, technology rfp examples, best practices and examples for writing competitive rfp responses.

  • Tell your why
  • Show you’re human
  • Share a testimonial
  • Customize answers with specific deliverables
  • Be succinct and real
  • Make life easier for the issuer
  • Elaborate when appropriate
  • Say no with style

Advertising and marketing RFP examples 

Agency rfp example for creative and media buying services.

Inside this request for proposal, you’ll find a great example of how to provide plenty of background and project information to guide interested agencies. Issued by the Monterey County Convention and Visitors Bureau, the RFP seeks an agency of record for a long-term relationship. Accordingly, the document includes links and details about the county’s business plan, target market and team structure.

Branding RFP example

Most of the RFP examples you’ll see have a very formal tone with lots of official-sounding jargon. Consequently, that’s why this branding RFP example stands out. The Children’s Defense Fund, a nonprofit organization, uses approachable, conversational language to convey their goals and values. Not only does this make the RFP stand out from others, but it also gives potential vendors a sense of what it’s like to work with the Children’s Defense Fund.

Communications consultant RFP example  

The town of University Park’s RFP for a communications consultant includes a number of requested services. From creating content to social media management, the town outlines their needs in the document. This sample communications RFP strikes a nice balance between background, participation guidance and questions. 

Digital advertising services RFP example

This helpful request for proposal sample comes from Lake Land College. Easy to navigate and read, the RFP clearly outlines the services needed, submission requirements and RFP scoring criteria. Indeed, the document contains a helpful and easy-to-follow grid.  

Digital media RFP example

This RFP from the City of Savannah, Georgia, offers a good example of a detailed scope of work, RFP questions tailored to the project, reference requirements and a list of required capabilities. In addition, the RFP makes the evaluation process and timeline clear. The City of Savannah seeks a marketing firm to help recruit qualified police officers. While the beginning of the RFP includes a lot of standard terms and conditions, the rest of the RFP delivers crucial information for interested vendors. This is a great example of how to write a thorough scope of work, customized RFP questions and a capability/need overview.

Graphic design and copy editing services RFP sample

When you open this RFP from WE ACT for Environmental Justice, you’ll see that they get right down to business without delay. Indeed, this RFP for graphic design research report is very direct — they outline the scope of services on the very first page. Furthermore, this no-nonsense approach translates to their proposal criteria which is only three items. Specifically, the RFP requests that the proposal detail the candidate’s qualifications, examples of their work and proposed fees. 

Graphic design services RFP example

As a counterpoint to the short, project-based RFP example above, this RFP for ongoing design services is considerably longer. At 57 pages, the RFP includes background information, proposal and submission instructions, their RFP timeline and scoring criteria.

Public relations RFP sample

In this RFP example, the attention to detail, visual appeal and thoughtful approach convey the high expectations of the organization. In addition, the document itself reflects The Brand USA’s style and values. The subtle but impactful approach will attract the attention of marketing firms with similar high standards.

Social media RFP example

Generally, RFPs for social media services are either for ongoing management or campaign-specific projects. In this sample social media RFP, Newcap, Inc. seeks a partner for a year-long partnership. Helpfully, the document clearly specifies the company’s goals and the help they need to achieve them. However, the RFP questions are relatively general which may make vendor evaluation difficult.

Data analytics RFP example for consultant and solutions

When New Jersey City University (NJCU) decided to leverage their data to better understand their big-picture impact, they created this RFP. In the RFP, you’ll find details about the university’s desired outcomes as well as their requirements including a supplier diversity policy . Additionally, this RFP has a thorough list of RFP questions to inspire your own RFP.

Legal services RFP example

Great Rivers Greenway District is a political division in the state of Missouri. As such, they require a wide variety of legal services including legal research, drafting, regulatory advice and litigation. This sample RFP provides a useful list of RFP questions that are unique to legal service procurement. In addition to the standard proposal evaluation process, the organization will invite shortlisted candidates to interviews with RFP presentations.

Insurance broker RFP example

When you’re looking for an insurance broker, you want to work with someone who can serve all your needs. For the Public Health Institute, that means finding a broker with a wide-range of carrier relationships. For example, they maintain policies that cover crime, inland marine and cyber liability, in addition to more common coverages. In this RFP example, the organization makes their needs clear. Additionally, they share their RFP weighted scoring values to help vendors focus on the most important factors.

Project management RFP example

Ahead of a potential remodel, Morrow County issued this sample RFP for project management services. Specifically, they issued the RFP to seek help determining the facility needs, potential options and merits of remodeling versus new construction. Not often seen in other RFP examples, this RFP clearly states three pass/fail criteria: on-time submission, proposal completeness and the number of copies included. While these things may seem minor, they communicate to potential vendors the seriousness of the project and the sense that the organization has no time to waste.

Architectural services RFP example

The City of Urbana used this sample RFP for architectural services to identify the best firm for three specific projects as well as potential future work. Consequently, you’ll find this detailed RFP helpful whether you need to issue an architecture RFP for a one-time project or for a long-term partnership.

Architecture and engineering services RFP example

When you face a one-of-a-kind procurement project, specificity is key. Certainly, that’s the case with this sample RFP for the Metropolitan School District of Washington Township in Indianapolis, Indiana. The RFP outlines the goal of ensuring equitable access throughout the school district. It specifies the desired qualifications and experience and offers visual elements to help interested firms develop their proposals.

Commercial real estate brokerage RFP example

After operating from a communal office space, the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California was ready to find a new location for their 40 employees. They subsequently issued this real estate RFP, which serves as our next example. The RFP includes a timeline, proposal requirements, evaluation criteria and a detailed scope of services.

Construction management services RFP sample  

While this RFP example is relatively short at only seven pages, it’s packed full of information without being overwhelming. Indeed, on the first page, you’ll find Incourage Community Foundation’s vendor priorities for their Tribune Building remodel. They’re looking for a local company that prioritizes diversity, talent development and sustainability. Additionally, they provide plentiful background information and history about the building and site.

Design-build RFP example

This design-build request for proposal example is from the city of Summit County, Colorado for a public shooting range. The RFP establishes a deliverable timeline and provides a detailed list of evaluation criteria.

Engineering services RFP

The County of Caroline, Virginia created this sample RFP for engineering services to find the right vendor for a three-year contract. Indeed, the document specifies the county’s engineering needs including responsibilities throughout research, planning, design, negotiation and construction phases. Each phase is broken down into bullet points with detailed responsibilities.

Asset management RFP example

Banking services rfp example, endowment manager rfp example, investment management services rfp example, electronic medical record (emr) support services rfp example.

Digital transformation is driving rapid change in the healthcare sector. Indeed, one of the most noticeable aspects of this change is the prevalence of electronic medical records. Because these systems are constantly evolving as needs change, hospitals and health systems often need to find support services for their EMR systems. This RFP template from CNY Care Collaborative is a great example because of its detailed and comprehensive guidelines, RFP criteria and background information.

Health clinic services RFP example

This RFP for health clinic services covers a variety of services required by Deschutes County, Oregon. From employee health clinic marketing to pharmacy operations, you’ll find an extensive list of vendor requirements specific to healthcare services. To standardize pricing proposals, this RFP provides an attached RFP pricing table form for vendors to complete.

Health portal RFP example

Making the right choice in procurement is crucial. Indeed, it’s particularly important in healthcare, where the impact can literally be the difference between life and death. Luckily, there are a lot of health portal RFP samples including this one from the National Learning Consortium. The template allows for in-depth explanations, background, vendor requirements and scope expectations for vendors. 

Hospital strategic planning consultant RFP example

For hospitals, successful strategic planning often requires an outside perspective. Indeed, the goal of this RFP example, from the University of New Mexico Hospital, is to find the right consultant team to evaluate the hospital’s current state, major competitors, new opportunities and potential future trends. The evaluation criteria include an emphasis on the consultancy’s technical approach, management approach, experience and overall cost — a common trio of measures for consultant service RFPs.

Pharmacy benefits manager (PBM) RFP example

This sample RFP from the Employees Retirement System of Texas solicits bids from pharmacy benefits managers. It is notable for the tools it includes to help vying vendors submit proposals that are complete and compliant. For example, the document includes a helpful deliverables checklist, pricing tables, and a fillable RFP response.

Everything you need to know about healthcare RFPs

Case management software RFP example

As you might expect, this RFP for a legal software solution, from the city of Duluth, Minnesota, is detailed and comprehensive. The document includes additional forms to speed the contracting process. As with many in the government sector, this software RFP requires a paper response in addition to a digital one.

Information systems risk assessment RFP example

Like many modern organizations, the National Association of State Workforce Agencies manages a lot of data, including potentially sensitive information. Consequently, this RFP explores the scope as well as the expected deliverables to help them identify the right partner for this project. It’s a great start for anyone looking to engage a third-party for a systems security assessment.

Mobile app development RFP example

Of all the RFP examples, this one may be the most unusual. Issued by the Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation, this RFP seeks to find a partner to develop an augmented reality mobile app. Specifically, the goal is to provide visitors a one-of-a-kind experience while walking through a park filled with trees planted in memory of donors’ loved ones. Because of the unique nature of the need, the RFP includes a general vision of the project, maps of the area and specific functionality required.

Software development RFP example

From project planning to implementation, this RFP example from Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County seeks a partner to provide the full range of services. The RFP breaks down into two primary projects. Specifically, the RFP identifies the need for a meeting tracking system and a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request system. While the document doesn’t identify specific scoring weights, it does provide very specific directions for vendors as well as a detailed timeline for the project.

Website design and development RFP example

Thorough and detailed, this RFP for website design and development from Design Lights Consortium is a great example of how to set your prospective vendors up for success. The project-specific questions in the RFP are direct and will make it easy for the organization to compare the results. In addition, the RFP asks a number of project-specific direct questions that will enable the organization to easily compare their options.

We probably don’t need to mention that RFP response storytelling is not about making up characters and plotlines. Your job is to use the company’s story to sell a product or service. Write for your audience, not award committees or even yourself.

The following are some of our recommended best practices.

1. Tell your why

As every middle school journalism teacher will tell you, there are six elements to a good story: who, what, where, when, why, and how. It’s the same with RFP response.

“Who,” as we mentioned above, is about your company, not your founder (with an exception we’ll talk about in a moment).

“What” is the product or service. “Where” is less about your location than the product or service (e.g., Where will onboarding take place? Where are your products manufactured?). “When” should outline deliverable dates. “How” is pretty self-explanatory, but what about “why?”

“Why” is an opportunity to genuinely resonate with your audience. Perhaps your company began because your founders were once in the customer’s shoes, or they saw a need that they were in a position to fill.

It might be tempting to include “why” when responding to a question about your company’s founding date or one that asks about product specs, but you’ll run the risk of annoying your customers by using valuable space for what they might see as superfluous information in those contexts. Also, you might have character and space limits.

Unless the RFP offers organic opportunities to present your “why,” save it for the cover letter.

RFP response example:

If, for example, a company wanted to improve efficiency. Here at Responsive, we might say something like:

“We understand your desire to improve efficiencies in your organization. We founded Responsive for that very reason. Our platform helps you take back time to spend with your customers, family, and of course, on yourself.”

2. Show you’re human

Individuals and company decision-makers all want to feel good about their buying decisions. Highlight the good that your company does.

At Responsive, we’re proud of our workplace ideals and culture. But simply patting ourselves on the back might seem inauthentic. We let our employees speak for themselves. In our RFP responses, we often include something like:

“Responsive is committed to a diverse and inclusive work environment. Our employees voted this year, and we were honored as a Comparably Award winner for Best Outlook, Best CEO for diversity, and Best Leadership team.”

3. Share a testimonial

Who better to speak for your company’s quality and customer service than your customers?

We might, for example, use the words of Responsive user Brian Z. :

“Hundreds of hours saved in responding to questionnaires and RFPs. Responsive offers very competitive cost savings over most of the larger RFP software providers. The same functionality at a fraction of the cost of the big guys. Customer support is top-notch — all questions or requests for help are addressed within the same day (or within 24 hours at most). Great, direct support from the management team — no call centers, no outsourced product support. You get assistance from people who helped build the product.”

4. Customize answers with specific deliverables

When an RFP asks about deliverables, the customer wants more than just a timeline. They want to know that you understand their needs. If you sell a product, how long will it take for the customer to receive it? If you sell a service, what is the onboarding process? Sure, it’s easy to answer these questions with dates or predicted time from purchase, but remember, you’re telling a story.

Let’s pivot from Responsive for a moment. Perhaps your company offers SEO services. Rather than simply listing timelines, say something like:

“At ____ SEO Consultants, we value partnership with our clients. First, we’ll meet with your content strategists to help devise a plan to leverage your strengths and highlight your values. 

On average, we will deliver a detailed SEO strategy within X months.

By month Y, we will begin weekly strategy meetings with content writers and key stakeholders. Implementation will be ongoing but expect your first results within Z months.”

5. Be succinct and real

Most products or services are relatively dry. If you’re in tech, things can get rather *um* technical. If you sell a product, you might have to explain its manufacturing or logistics.

Odds are, the procurement person looking at your proposal has high-level knowledge of what they are seeking, but their eyes might start getting bleary if you go into too much detail, especially technical detail. Avoid jargon as much as possible.

If, for example, the RFP asks about your approach to project management. Rather than describing your methodology or Gantt chart, say something like:

“Our project management team is agile. We tailor our proven process to each client’s unique needs with the main steps remaining consistent: build, test, and deploy to deliver value.”

6. Make life easier for the issuer

Reviewing a (long) proposal is a tedious enough process, don’t also make the issuer do extra work digging to find answers. Rather than directing them to an attachment or a URL to find the answer they’re looking for, answer their question within the proposal itself. In addition, you can always provide an attachment to expand on your answer or offer supporting evidence for it.

“We practice secure application design and coding principles. Engineers are required to undergo security training for security awareness and secure coding.

We use third-party services to perform vulnerability/application security scans annually.

The most recent penetration report is attached to this package.”

7. Elaborate when appropriate

You don’t want to be too wordy or provide unnecessary information, but there are instances where a bit of elaboration is valuable. Sometimes you have to read between the lines to determine what the customer needs. Rather than just providing the most direct answer to the question, try to understand what the buyer is actually trying to learn. If a more detailed response fits better, go for it.

The customer may want to know how you communicate new features to clients. Sure, you could respond with something like, “Upcoming platform enhancements are communicated to customers via email. You can also access them from the Help Center.”

Yes, that answer is succinct, but does it set you apart from your competitors? Maybe they asked that question because their current vendor doesn’t listen to suggestions or communicate new features. Instead, try something like:

“Our roadmap is heavily influenced by our customers through a feedback/enhancement request feature within the application. Customers can interact with one another’s requests, as well as with the development team. Their comments, voting, and status reports all influence future enhancements.

We then communicate enhancements to our customers via email release announcements. This email will have the major highlights from the release, a document outlining all the release details, and a link to the release details that can be accessed 24/7 in the Help Center.”

8. Say no with style

No one likes to pass up a business opportunity, but there are times when your company won’t be the right fit, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Rather than responding to an RFP and misleading the customer into believing that yours is the right solution, tell them “no” but do it the right way.

A well-composed “no” response might help open doors to future opportunities with the issuer.

Imagine the customer is looking for a specific integration you don’t currently offer. Instead of a simple “No, we do not integrate with that tool,” say something like:

“Currently, the solution does not integrate with XYZ tool. However, a potential integration is on our 6-12 month product roadmap. We would love the opportunity to partner with you in identifying the best path forward to build an XYZ tool integration.”

Procurement and response professionals are two very distinct sides of the same coin. While that is true, both their jobs require a wealth of company and customer knowledge, ideally contained in one single source. 

Request a Responsive demo to explore how you can transform those two disparate teams into integral parts of a sales cycle, ensuring that you have the tools you need to create your products or services, and drive growth and profitability. 

  • Competing under pressure: Empower sales reps to deliver winning responses in less time
  • Why RFPs are a cornerstone in the enterprise sales cycle
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creative rfp presentations

Kelly Barnard

Kelly Barnard is the Response Management Strategist at Responsive. With nearly 20 years of experience working in sales and RFP response management, Kelly is passionate about improving processes and leveraging the power of RFPs to help organizations meet revenue goals.

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Top 10 RFP Response Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 RFP Response Templates with Examples and Samples

Taranjeet Singh


In the business world, RFPs (Request for Proposal) are like golden opportunities, and your response is the key that unlocks the door to new ventures.

RFP Response Templates are powerful tools that can help you streamline and enhance your proposal development process. They are the foundation for building persuasive, well-organized, and professional responses to RFPs. Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the world of RFPs, having access to tried-and-tested templates can be a game-changer.

Select the best vendors, impress your clients, and win more projects with our splendid RFP templates .

The beauty of RFP Response Templates lies in their adaptability and flexibility. These templates are not rigid moulds; instead, they are 100% customizable to meet the specific requirements of each RFP. From tailoring your messaging to align with the client's goals to showcasing your team's strengths and experiences, these templates are your blank canvas, waiting for your creative touch.

Make a winning first impression with our must-have proposal cover page templates .

Imagine the time you can save and the consistency you can achieve by starting your RFP responses with a well-crafted template. The templates provide a structured framework, ensuring that you address all the vital elements of the RFP without missing critical details.

Let’s begin!

Template 1: Agile Approach for RFP Response in IT PowerPoint Bundle

This power-packed presentation comprises over 40 slides crafted to address the persistent challenges posed by ineffective project delivery proposals. Explore topics, from adapting agile and traditional methodologies to identifying the tangible benefits of embracing agile principles in your bid and proposal development processes. Dive deep into practical insights and actionable strategies that can revolutionize your RFP responses.

How Bid Teams Can Adopt Agile Approach to RFP Response (IT)

Download Now!

Template 2: Overcoming Agile Implementation Challenges PPT Preset

Discover a pragmatic solution to conquer the hurdles hindering Agile Methodology Implementation with our PPT. This resource is your key to optimizing budgets, harnessing a diverse talent pool, and leveraging expert insights and tools for a seamless transition. Discover actionable strategies to tackle the unique challenges faced in agile adoption. Navigate budget constraints effortlessly, tap into a wealth of talent and expertise, and harness powerful tools to elevate your agile journey. Get it today!

Addressing Present Challenges Faced while Implementing Effective Agile Methodology

Template 3: Agile Bid and Proposal Development Benefits PPT Preset

This PPT Preset explains how agile principles can transform your bidding and proposal creation approach. Learn how agile methodology fosters collaboration and quick response to changing requirements, ensuring your proposals remain competitive and effective. In this PPT Theme, you get insights into efficient project management, ensuring deadlines are met without compromising quality.

Benefits Associated to Bid and Proposal Development through Agile Methodology

Template 4: Effective Team Proposal Strategies PowerPoint Layout

Go through this dynamic PPT presentation, which presents key tactics for seamless proposal creation, including backlog management, a strategic process for prioritizing tasks, focusing on user experience, ensuring proposals align with client needs, and building requirements, emphasizing precision in project details. Get actionable insights, practical tips, and proven strategies that empower teams to craft winning proposals efficiently.

Different Strategies for Teams for Effective Proposal Development

Template 5: Agile Approach for Effective RFP Response PowerPoint Deck

This extensive deck comprises over 20 slides, offering valuable insights into the traditional and Agile approaches to supplier selection and contracting processes. Go through the nuances of Agile versus traditional RFP methodologies, uncover agile strategies for crafting winning responses, and gain a profound understanding of the agile mindset. Our PPT Set equips you with the knowledge and tools required to navigate the complexities of modern RFPs efficiently. With straightforward and informative content, this resource is your key to mastering the art of RFP response in today's dynamic business landscape.

Agile Approach for Effective RFP Response

Template 6: Agile Responses to RPF PowerPoint Slide

This presentation is crafted to facilitate swift and effective RFP handling. It offers a comprehensive approach that simplifies complex processes, making your responses sharp and to the point. Our PowerPoint Layout equips your team with the agility to navigate RFPs seamlessly. It's a robust resource for strategizing, organizing, and presenting your proposals. This versatile tool contains practical slides and content that ensure your responses are concise, targeted, and impactful. Its easy-to-use format lets you quickly adapt to varying RFP requirements and deadlines.

Agile Response to RFP

Template 7: Benefits and Determinants of RPF PPT Theme

Explore the intricacies of RPF PPT in Agile as this PPT Framework breaks down its essential components, helping you grasp the fundamentals effortlessly. Unlock the potential of agile methodologies with our comprehensive guide, equipping you with the knowledge needed to navigate complex projects quickly.

Benefits and Determinants of RFP

Template 8: RFP PowerPoint Presentation Bundle

This powerful PowerPoint Bundle is designed to simplify the complex response process to Requests for Proposals. It comprises over 15 carefully-crafted slides, each dedicated to providing essential information for your RFP submission. It covers everything from outlining the project goals and detailing the required services to elucidating the key elements of your proposal and presenting the budget and anticipated schedule. We've incorporated slides that facilitate accessible communication of your strategy, ensuring your RFP response is thorough and well-structured.


Template 9: Services Required for RPF PPT Template

This informative PPT showcases a diverse range of vital services necessary for your Request for Proposal. Our presentation provides a clear and straightforward overview, ensuring you understand what is needed. It simplifies the complex task of identifying and presenting these services, making your RFP process more efficient.

Services Required for RFP

Template 10: Elements of Proposal for RFP PPT Set

This PPT Template outlines key components for RFP success, including the Problem Solution Statement, Your Service Process, Action Timeline, and Investment details. This PPT Slide empowers you to convey your ideas effectively and persuasively. The Problem Solution Statement section lets you clearly define the issues and showcase how your offering fits perfectly. Our Your Service Process segment outlines your approach, ensuring potential clients understand the value you bring. Moreover, the Action Timeline keeps everyone on track with project milestones, and the Investment section provides transparent cost breakdowns.

Elements of Proposal for RFP

Over To You

In conclusion, RFP Response Templates offer a strategic advantage in the competitive business world. They provide structure, consistency, and a collaborative platform for crafting compelling proposals. Harnessing the power of these templates can help you save time, showcase your strengths, and increase your chances of securing lucrative contracts. Mastering the art of RFP responses can open doors to exciting opportunities and propel your organization towards tremendous success.

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Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

  • Generate ready-to-use presentations from a text prompt.
  • Select a style and Visme’s AI Presentation Maker will generate text, images, and icon.
  • Customize your presentation with a library of royalty-free photos, videos, & graphics.

Generate a presentation with AI

Free AI Presentation Maker for Generating Projects in Minutes

Brought to you by Visme

A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands.

Penske Truck Leasing

Presentations Engineered With Visme’s AI Presentation Maker

Ai presentation maker prompt 1.

Craft a presentation outlining a leading company’s cutting-edge innovations in AI-powered hardware, emphasizing their impact on enhancing workplace productivity and efficiency.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 2

Generate a comprehensive presentation highlighting the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on strategies for enhancing brand visibility and customer engagement across diverse platforms.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 3

Create a detailed presentation elucidating a company’s diversified investment portfolio, emphasizing its robust performance, risk mitigation strategies, and the potential for sustainable long-term growth.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 4

Develop a compelling presentation showcasing a company’s groundbreaking medical devices and software solutions, emphasizing their role in revolutionizing patient care, treatment efficacy, and healthcare accessibility worldwide.

AI Presentation Maker Prompt 1

How it works

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

Save time and create beautiful designs quickly with Visme AI. Available inside the Visme template library, this AI Powerpoint generator is ready to receive your prompts and generate stunning ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

How to generate AI presentations with Visme

  • Log in to the Visme dashboard, and open the template library by clicking on Create New button -> Project -> Presentations. Inside the template library, scroll down and click on the Generate with AI option.
  • In the popup that opens, type in a prompt and describe in detail what aspects your presentation should feature. If you don’t provide enough information, chatbot will ask you follow-up questions.
  • Visme Chatbot will suggest template styles; choose the most relevant for your presentation, and wait for the AI to create the design. Preview, regenerate or open your project in the Visme editor.
  • Customize your project in Visme: Pick a color theme or create your own, edit text, and use assets from Visme’s royalty-free library of photos, videos, and graphics, or create your own with AI tools.

Features of the AI Presentations Maker

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes.

Starting is often the hardest part of a project. Visme’s free AI presentation maker helps you overcome this block and generates results within minutes. Create AI PowerPoint online presentations quickly with a good first draft that is ready to use with minimal or no customization.

Ready-to-use presentations in minutes

Customize every part of your presentation

Visme editor is easy to use and offers you an array of customization options. Change the color theme of your AI-generated presentation, text, fonts, add images, videos and graphics from Visme royalty-free library of assets or generate new ones with AI image generator, AI image touchup tools, or add your own. For more advanced customization, add data visualizations, connect them to live data, or create your own visuals.

Customize every part of your presentation

Add your branding

Stay on-brand even with AI-generated presentations. Quickly and easily set up your brand kit using AI-powered Visme Brand Wizard or set it up manually. Use your brand colors and fonts in AI-generated presentations. Add your logo and upload your brand assets to make a presentation match your company’s branding.

Add your branding

Download, share or schedule your presentation

Share your presentations generated with Visme AI Designer in many ways. Download them in various formats, including PPTX, PDF and HTML5, present online, share on social media or schedule them to be published as posts on your social media channels. Additionally, you can share your presentations as private projects with a password entry.

Download, share or schedule your presentation

More than just an AI Presentation Maker

Unique Elements & Graphics

Beautify your content

Unique Elements & Graphics

Browse through our library of customizable, one-of-a-kind graphics, widgets and design assets like icons, shapes, illustrations and more to accompany your AI-generated presentations.

Charts & Graphs

Visualize your data

Charts & Graphs

Choose from different chart types and create pie charts, bar charts, donut charts, pyramid charts, Mekko charts, radar charts and much more.


Make it engaging


Share AI-generated presentations online with animated and interactive elements to grab your audience’s attention and promote your business.

More AI tools in Visme

Ai image generator.

The Visme AI Image generator will automatically create any image or graphic. All you need to do is write a prompt and let AI magic do the rest.

AI Image Generator

Visme AI Writer helps you write, proofread, summarize and tone switch any type of text. If you’re missing content for a project, let AI Writer help you generate it.

AI Writer

Save yourself hours of work with AI Resize. This feature resizes your project canvas and adjusts all content to fit the new size within seconds.

AI Resize

AI TouchUp Tools

The Visme AI TouchUp Tools are a set of four image editing features that will help you change the appearance of your images inside any Visme project. Erase and replace objects that you don’t want in your photos.

AI TouchUp Tools

The Brand Wizard

The AI-based Visme Brand Wizard populates your brand fonts and styles across a beautiful set of templates.

The Brand Wizard

Make the most of Visme’s features

Choose the perfect visual from our extensive photo and video library . Search and find the ideal image or video using keywords relevant to the project. Drag and drop in your project and adjust as needed.

Incorporate 3D illustrations and icons into all sorts of content types to create amazing content for your business communication strategies. You won’t see these 3D designs anywhere else as they’re made by Visme designers.

When you share your Visme projects, they’ll display with a flipbook effect . Viewers can go from page to page by flipping the page like a digital magazine. If you don’t want the flipbook effect, you can disable it and share as a standard project.

Remove the background from an image to create a cutout and layer it over something else, maybe an AI-generated background. Erase elements of the image and swap them for other objects with AI-powered Erase & Replace feature.

Create scroll-stopping video and animation posts for social media and email communication. Embed projects with video and animation into your website landing page or create digital documents with multimedia resources.

With Visme, you can make, create and design hundreds of content types . We have templates for digital documents, infographics, social media graphics, posters, banners, wireframes, whiteboards, flowcharts.

Design and brainstorm collaboratively with your team on the Visme whiteboard . Build mind maps and flowcharts easily during online planning and strategy sessions. Save whiteboards as meeting minutes and ongoing notes for projects.

Edit your images , photos, and AI image-generated graphics with our integrated editing tools. On top of the regular editing features like saturation and blur, we have 3 AI-based editing features. With these tools, you can unblur an image, expand it without losing quality and erase an object from it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i get better results with the ai presentations maker.

Like any AI generator from a text tool, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Presentation maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the presentation to cover. As for style elements, there’s no need to include it in the prompt. Focus on choosing the style that you like from the Chatbot suggestions. Try to select the style that already features the color palette and shapes that you like. AI will change icons and photos based on text it generates.

How many AI Presentations can I generate?

Visme AI Presentation Maker is available in all plans and works on a per-credit basis. Every free account gets 10 credits, Starter accounts get 200, Pro gets 500 and Enterprise is unlimited. Every design generation costs 2 credits and usage of other AI tools costs 1 credit.

Is the Visme AI Designer a third-party API?

No, Visme AI Presentation maker was developed in-house and is a unique tool. However, it does use third-party APIs: ChatGPT and Unsplash.

Are the AI-generated presentations I make copyright-free?

All designs you create with AI Presentation are copyright and royalty-free. You can use them both for personal and commercial use without any problems.

What can Visme AI Designer do?

Visme’s AI design generator can:

  • Generate full designs for various content types, including presentations, documents, printables, and social media graphics. Click here to view the full list of document, printable, and social media graphics subcategories.
  • Follow your instructions for the text you want in your projects, although not word for word.
  • Adapt photos and icons to complement the generated text.
  • Create charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Handle one project at a time.
  • Include animations in projects only if the selected style features animation.
  • Generate designs with a maximum length of 10 pages.

What can’t Visme AI Designer do?

Visme’s AI design generator can’t:

  • Generate infographics, charts/graphs, whiteboards, web graphics, videos, or GIFs.
  • Reproduce your text verbatim.
  • Customize based on your specifications for color, shapes, graphics, and design style. Select a style that already resembles what you want in your project, and you can manually edit all design elements in the Visme editor.
  • Create or modify diagrams, data widgets or infographics.
  • Crawl external websites and gather information from them.
  • Handle multiple projects at once.
  • Generate designs more than 10 pages in length.

creative rfp presentations

  • Testimonials
  • RFP Writing
  • RFP Policies
  • Proposal Ready
  • RFP Project Management
  • Discover Elite

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10 Creative Text Box Templates for Presentations

Free Text Box Templates for Powerpoint and Google Slides

For your text boxes, think outside the box! You don’t have to use the same old rectangle to highlight your text: there are hundreds of fun and original ways to display your information. This article introduces you to 10 creative text box templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. So use your think-box to choose the text box that will best suit your needs!

Text boxes are one of the most common features on presentation slides. Unfortunately, they can be quite dull and hackneyed. If you really want your audience to grasp your message, an attractive and eye-catching design is what you need. Your toolbox for text boxes must include bright colors, unusual shapes, and easy-to-read layouts.

The main purpose of text boxes is to draw attention to specific text, whether it is facts, information, numbers, or ideas. Depending on your communication objective, you can use the shape that helps you best to get your message across: blocks, banners, horizontal or vertical lists, speech bubbles, specific shapes such as door hangers or traffic cones, etc. Remember this selection is just a tiny part of all the free text box templates you can find on our website!

1. Colored Pencil Vertical List

Free Colored Pencil Vertical List for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Do you need to make a list of 5 items that your audience will remember? This free template offers you an attractive design illustration of a colored pencil. Moreover, the vertical list is a fun alternate option for your classic bullet list, especially for topics linked to creativity, writing, and education. The pencil stands in the center and you can include numbers on it. On the left side, you can write your titles and include icons too. On the right side, you will find colorful text boxes to specify your information. This infographic is also ideal for tables of contents or the steps of a process.

2. Door Hangers

Free Door Hangers Text for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Don’t leave your audience hanging! Show them your ideas thanks to the 3 door hangers of this original template for PowerPoint and Google Slides. It consists of a gray horizontal banner, over which you can find colorful door hang tags. Inside them, you can include your titles, numbers, text and icons. To draw people’s attention, there is nothing like a door hanger. So use this slide to illustrate your ideas, concepts, or lists of information. No doubt you will open doors for yourself!

3. Cascading Text Blocks

Free Cascading Text Blocks for PowerPoint and Google Slides

An idea usually leads to another, which leads to a new one, and so on. To visually represent these connections, this free Cascading Text Blocks template is the tool you need. Thanks to the arrows, you can use it to showcase a descending sequence of 3 stages, tasks, or events. It is also perfect to illustrate proportional, interconnected, or hierarchical relationships. Indeed, the text blocks become bigger as we go down, just like a pyramid. Since you have 2 sets of three blocks, it is useful to compare groups of information at different levels. Enjoy this multipurpose template and go down the river of success!

4. Split Banners

Free Split Banners for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Thanks to this free Split Banners template for PowerPoint, you will charm your audience in a split second! The 3 ribbons of this design present joyful colors and a shadow effect. Besides, they are diagonally cut in the center for you to show two ideas on the same banner. You can either compare and contrast them, or associate them. You can therefore display up to 6 ideas, concepts, or groups of information. In addition to your text, icons and titles can also be included.

5. 4 Text Boxes with Hands Counting

Free 4 Text Boxes with Hands Counting for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Forget about plain black and white text boxes and color up your presentation with this free 4 text boxes template! Your information will be conveyed clearly thanks to the horizontally-aligned banners that allow you to include numbers, titles, and a fair amount of text. Furthermore, you can find illustrations of finger-counting hands for each text box (1-2-3-4). That’s why this slide is suitable for a wide range of purposes. You can indeed show and compare 4 ideas, concepts, or groups of information and display a progression in a task, process, or workflow. It also works perfectly as a pricing table or a timeline.

6. Abstract Fluid Bubbles

Free Abstract Fluid Bubbles for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Let your ideas flow thanks to this free Abstract Fluid Bubbles template for PowerPoint and Google Slides! It is a perfect way to share basic information with your audience in a stylish way. You can indeed use this set of 3 colorful liquid bubble shapes to display ideas or non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The 3 independent bubbles, which also look like paint splatters, include a white inset circle to include icons or numbers. Thanks to such a slide template, your bubble of success will never burst!

7. Speech Bubble List

Free Speech Bubble List for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Most presentations include simple information that you wish to show in an attractive manner. This free Speech Bubble List offers you the creative touch you need to reach your audience efficiently. You can actually enjoy the beautiful gradient color of each one of the 4 vertical blocks to highlight your information. Besides, the text blocks include a double header shaped like a speech bubble to display an icon, number, and title. Let your ideas be your spokesperson!

8. Step-up Vertical Banners

Free Step-Up Vertical Banners for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Here goes another highly original template for you to display your information, your list of events in chronological order, or even ascending steps in a progression. This attractive and colorful design is indeed made up of 5 folded banners that go up from left to right. Each one of the vertical banners includes text placeholders and spaces for icons at the bottom. Step up the quality of your presentations with this free Step-up Vertical Banners template!

9. 3D Blocks and Text

Free 3D Blocks and Text for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Put your ideas on the starting blocks and let them race as fast as they can! This 3D design can indeed remind us of a racing track with 5 lanes, each one with its bright color and final block where you can insert icons or numbers. It is therefore ideal to illustrate up to 5 ideas, concepts or groups of information, but also to show a progression or 5 steps in a task, process, or workflow. Time to share your ideas in 3 dimensions!

10. Vertical List with Traffic Cone

Free Vertical List with Traffic Cone for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Traffic cones usually warn us about possible threats or dangers. Thanks to their white and orange colors, they are easy to see and draw everybody’s attention. The specific traffic cone of this design includes 5 vertical parts (5 stripes) in which you can include icons. Each part is linked to a text placeholder thanks to an orange arrow. Use it to show a list of 5 elements or a descending/ascending process with 5 steps.

We hope you like our selection of the 10 Creative Text Box Templates for Presentations .

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Handmade Crafts Business Project Proposal

It seems that you like this template, handmade crafts business project proposal presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Download the Handmade Crafts Business Project Proposal presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A well-crafted proposal can be the key factor in determining the success of your project. It's an opportunity to showcase your ideas, objectives, and plans in a clear and concise manner, and to convince others to invest their time, resources, and support in your vision. Think of it as your chance to make a case for your project and to motivate others to join you on your journey. Well, that journey begins here, with our editable template for Google Slides and PowerPoint presentations. Download it and start working on your proposal.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

How can I use the template?

Am I free to use the templates?

How to attribute?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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Create designs that inspire

Trending searches, productivity, social media, generate stunning ai-powered visuals.

A girl rides a skateboard while walking her dog. The girl is wearing a purple sweatshirt, baggy jeans and boots. She has expressive, round brown eyes and a look of determination. The background is an out of focus park and the girl is in a 3d illustrated animation style.

A girl rides a skateboard while walking her dog. The girl is wearing a purple sweatshirt, baggy jeans and boots. She has expressive, round brown eyes and a look of determination. The background is an out of focus park and the girl is in a 3d illustrated animation style.

A watercolor hummingbird, centered, in red and yellow with a soft cream, watercolor background.

A watercolor hummingbird, centered, in red and yellow with a soft cream, watercolor background.

A banana with sunglasses surfing a blue wave.

A banana with sunglasses surfing a blue wave.

Front-facing view of a mountain with floral decorative elements, papercraft quilling style, in pastel pink, blue and purple colors.

Front-facing view of a mountain with floral decorative elements, papercraft quilling style, in pastel pink, blue and purple colors.

An abstract background of melting liquid with a metallic sheen, dark purple and gold colors with reflective studio light.

An abstract background of melting liquid with a metallic sheen, dark purple and gold colors with reflective studio light.

Illustration of a man playing a decorated steel pan drum.

Illustration of a man playing a decorated steel pan drum.

A macro, detailed portrait of the face of a Dalmatian dog staring straight ahead with bright blue eyes on a solid pastel blue, out of focus background. The portrait is realistic with studio lighting.

A macro, detailed portrait of the face of a Dalmatian dog staring straight ahead with bright blue eyes on a solid pastel blue, out of focus background. The portrait is realistic with studio lighting.

A yellow sun with orange rays rises over white and purple clouds in a pop art style. There should be a halftone effect and screen printing aesthetic. The orange rays radiate outward and fill the background.

A yellow sun with orange rays rises over white and purple clouds in a pop art style. There should be a halftone effect and screen printing aesthetic. The orange rays radiate outward and fill the background.

A group of assorted donuts in a pink bakery box.

A group of assorted donuts in a pink bakery box.

A portrait of a man in a digital collage style. The man is wearing thick red glasses with circular patterns in blue and orange on the inside of the frames. The man is in a red polka dot shirt with a background of thick, brightly colored lines in pink, blue, and red. Collaged into the background is a ferris wheel and a circus tent.

A portrait of a man in a digital collage style. The man is wearing thick red glasses with circular patterns in blue and orange on the inside of the frames. The man is in a red polka dot shirt with a background of thick, brightly colored lines in pink, blue, and red. Collaged into the background is a ferris wheel and a circus tent.

A profile view of a caterpillar crawling on a moss-covered rock with the lush, green forest in the background, macro view, detail, close-up.

A profile view of a caterpillar crawling on a moss-covered rock with the lush, green forest in the background, macro view, detail, close-up.

Cartoon style woman with a blue hat, fishing on a river near a forest.

Cartoon style woman with a blue hat, fishing on a river near a forest.

A colorful street scene in the style of Mexican mural art. The street has adobe-colored shops on both sides with striped awnings. There is a fountain in the center and trees and mountains in the distance.

A colorful street scene in the style of Mexican mural art. The street has adobe-colored shops on both sides with striped awnings. There is a fountain in the center and trees and mountains in the distance.

A single pink ranunculus in the style of a vintage botanical drawing.

A single pink ranunculus in the style of a vintage botanical drawing.

A unicorn stands on a wooden pier looking out over clouds below, with a starry night sky above.

A unicorn stands on a wooden pier looking out over clouds below, with a starry night sky above.

Create and edit in an instant with Microsoft Designer

A castle made of gumdrops and lollipops on a pink background, 3D hyper-surrealism, shiny, metallic, pastel colors

Image generator

Generate any image you can imagine with just a text description.

Side by side of the same image of a young person doing a skateboard trick, with the background removed from the image on the right

Background remover

Remove the background from your image in one click.

5 examples of stickers: "Wow!" in red and yellow comic book style, an illustration of an airplane that says "Travel" in gray and brown, a blue and brown suitcase, a pink and blue camera, and the Eiffel tower in a circle in pastels and grays

Sticker creator

Describe the sticker you want, and our AI will generate it for you.

Browse thousands of customizable templates

Fresh picks.

Hitting the beach blue modern-simple

Celebrate an occasion

Rainbow clout white modern-geometric-&-linear

Food and drink

Treat yourself to a smoothie Orange Modern, Bold, Abstract

How it works

Image of various 3D stacked browser windows with organic elements

1. Start with the perfect template

Image of 3D browser windows and design tools

2. Customize it with help from AI

See the templates for:

Image of 3D elements and stacked web pages

3. Share your creation with the world

creative rfp presentations

  • Announcements

Microsoft Copilot Studio: Building copilots with agent capabilities

  • By Omar Aftab

Copilot Studio homepage user interface

  • Copilot category
  • Copilot Studio

At Microsoft Build 2024 , we’re excited to announce a host of new powerful capabilities in   Microsoft Copilot Studio —t he single conversational AI tool you can use to create your very own custom copilots or extend Microsoft C opilot experiences with your own enterprise data and scenarios. The first of these are c opilots that can now act as independent agents— ones that can be triggered by events— not just conversation— and can automa te and orchestrate complex, long-running business processes with more autonomy and less human intervention.

For instance, consider the potential of a copilot that can react when an email arrives, look up the sender’s details, see their previous communications, and use generative AI to trigger the appropriate chain of actions in their response. From understanding the intent of the email, to look ing up the sender’s details and account , see ing their previous communications, checking inventory,   responding to the sender asking for their preferences, and then taking the appropriate actions to close a ticket — orchestrating and shepherding an entire process over days.  

  • IT help desk .  IT support is complex, involving tickets, order numbers, approvals, and stock levels . O pening and closing a ticket can be a long-running task that spans days. A copilot can now handle this process, interfacing with IT service management applications, resolving IT tickets with context and memory, creating purchase orders for device refresh, and reaching out and getting managers approvals — all independently .
  • Employee onboarding . Onboarding new employees is often expensive and slow. Now, imagine you’re a new hire. A copilot greets you, reasons over HR data, and answers your questions. It introduces you to your buddy, provides training and deadlines, assists with forms, and sets up your first week of meetings. Throughout all of this, the copilot is in touch, guiding you through the weeks -long onboarding and account set up processes.  
  • Personal concierge for sales and service . Balancing exceptional customer experience while meeting ambitious revenue goals can be challenging. When a copilot serves guests, i t can use the memory of previous conversations with guests to remember their preferences, make reservations, handle complaints, and answer questions related to the products and services on offer. The copilot learns from its interactions and proposes new ways of handling customer scenarios. By doing so, copilots can increase upsell and attachment rates, driving revenue for the resort while simultaneously enhancing guest experience, satisfaction rates, and repeat business.

Let’s dig deeper into a few of the underlying capabilities that make all this possible:

  • Asynchronous orchestration of complex tasks . The first is the ability to use generative AI- powered   planning and reasoning to manage complex, multi step, long-running tasks. For example, reacting to a new order means determining the need to verify inventory, trigger ing the right payment processes, pinging a supervisor for approval if the amount is above a certain threshold, and replying with a confirmation. Many of these events can take hours—or even days— to complete, but the copilot will run through them , maintaining the necessary state and context to do so.
  • Memory and context . One of the frustrating things about support has traditionally been having to repeat information: who you are, what your policy number is, what your address is. There is no continuity of conversation. Copilots will now learn from previous conversations from the users and utilize this knowledge to continually personalize interactions . A copilot may not need to ask you for your laptop model or your address when you call again for the same issue. Conversations will thus become long-running, contextual, and deeply personalized.
  • Monitor, learn, and improve . Copilots can now learn and adapt, offering monitoring and teaching capabilities to make their interactions better. Each copilot records a comprehensive history of its activities, providing transparency into its performance, including user interactions, actions taken, and feedback received, and you can see what decisions it made — and correct and teach them — with just a few clicks.


  • Delegation with confidence and guardrails . When developing copilots with agent capabilities, establishing clear boundaries is paramount. Copilots operate strictly within the confines of the maker-defined instructions, knowledge, and actions. The data sources linked to the copilot adhere to stringent security measures and controls, managed through the unified admin center of Copilot Studio. This includes data loss prevention, robust authentication protocols, and more.

The se advanced new capabilities in Copilot Studio are currently accessible to customers participating in an Early Access Preview where organizations such as Centro de la Familia are excited to explore agent capabilities that support teachers and case workers, allowing them to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time working with children, ultimately leading to better child outcomes . Based on feedback from program participants, we will continue to iterate and refine these capabilities for broader access in a preview planned for later this year .  

Additional innovations with Copilot Studio

There’s a lot more to share at Microsoft Build with Copilot Studio, and we’ll touch on just a few of our new capabilities here. To learn more — just sign up and try it out for yourself here .

Screenshot of the homepage of Microsoft Copilot Studio

Here are a few examples of how Copilot connectors can transform copilot experiences for specific personas or functions:

  • Legal and Compliance . Navigate complex legal landscapes with a Copilot extension that queries specific legal datasets, ensuring controlled and compliant responses without overwhelming users with extraneous information.
  • HR Helper . Assist employees with accessing essential resources for benefits and PTO policies, and even book time off directly through Copilot.
  • Incident Report Coordinator . Workers can locate the right documentation, report incidents, and track them efficiently, all within the context of the chat.

Starting in June 2024, developers can access the public preview for Copilot connectors and stay informed on updates here .

Conversational analytics (private preview) : One of the most common asks from customers has been the need for deeper insight into what their copilot is doing, how generative AI is responding, when it was unable to give the right answers and why — and recommendations on what to do to improve it.

Screenshot of the conversational analytics experience in Microsoft Copilot Studio

Enhanced security and controls (public preview ) : Administrators can now configure advanced settings beyond the default security measures and controls. With Microsoft Purview , Copilot Studio administrators gain access to more detailed governance tools, including audit logs, inventory capabilities, and sensitivity labels. They will be able to review comprehensive audit logs that cover tenant-wide usage, inventory (with API support), and tenant hygiene (such as data loss prevention violations and inactive copilots), enabling them to effectively monitor business impact. Both creators and end-users will be able to view sensitivity labels when responses are generated using AI-powered answers based on SharePoint documents.

With all the amazing innovations, numerous organizations are using Copilot Studio to build transformative generative AI-powered solutions. Check out this story from Nsure on how they are using Copilot Studio:

Get started today with Copilot Studio

This is just a glimpse of all the exciting innovation around copilots and Copilot Studio — we have a host of exciting new capabilities to share in our sessions at Build. So, join us in watching the sessions below, and try out Copilot Studio yourself and build and share your very own copilot in minutes.

Watch the sessions at Microsoft Build:

  • “ Microsoft Build opening keynote ”
  • “ Next generation AI for developers with the Microsoft Cloud ”
  • “ Shaping next-gen development: the future of Copilot in Power Platform ”

Deeper dives:

  • Breakout: “ What’s new with Microsoft Copilot Studio ”
  • Breakout with demos: “ Build your own copilot with Microsoft Copilot Studio ”
  • Breakout with demos: “ Build Microsoft Copilot extensions with Copilot Studio ”
  • Demo (live only): “ Build your own Copilot extension with Microsoft Copilot Studio ”


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  • Eastern Europe
  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Altitude, Area, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
8 June02:43 - 11:25 - 20:0701:43 - 21:0701:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
9 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0801:42 - 21:0801:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
10 June02:42 - 11:25 - 20:0901:41 - 21:0901:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
11 June02:41 - 11:25 - 20:1001:41 - 21:1001:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
12 June02:41 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1101:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
13 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1101:40 - 21:1201:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
14 June02:40 - 11:26 - 20:1201:39 - 21:1301:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

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  2. RFP PowerPoint Templates & Presentation Slides (Request for Proposal)

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  3. 30+ Best PowerPoint Proposal Templates for Business PPT Presentations

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  4. Creative Business Proposal Template

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  5. RFP Proposal PowerPoint Template

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  6. RFI, RFP, And RFQ Presentation Template

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  1. The ultimate guide to creating a winning RFP presentation

    There are two types of RFP presentations. 1) Pre-Planned or Ad Hoc RFP Oral Presentations. This type of presentation is what most people think of when they think of presenting to a group of people. The presenter has time to prepare and practice their material and present it to the audience. This type of presentation works best when there are ...

  2. How to Prepare for an RFP Presentation

    The RFP presentation, sometimes called the oral proposal presentation or RFP finalist presentation, is a live presentation of your proposal. ... For instance, in government, creative, construction, technology and other large-scale projects, the RFP presentation is the last step of the evaluation process. What they're looking to learn from the ...

  3. Request for proposal (RFP) presentation: A comprehensive guide

    An RFP presentation is a key component of the proposal process. It's your opportunity to visually communicate your company's qualifications, expertise, and the proposed solution to potential clients or stakeholders. In essence, it's your digital pitch, aimed at convincing decision-makers that you're the best fit for the job.

  4. Top 10 Creative Services RFP presentation templates

    The Tome's Creative Services RFP template is specifically crafted to streamline the process of conveying your vision and requirements to potential creative partners. Slides: Contains 10 slides that thoroughly cover all essential details for potential partners.; Format: Template accessible via on the web, with options to export as a PDF or Microsoft PowerPoint file.

  5. How To Create A Winning Business Proposal Presentation

    Step 2: Research your audience. To make a lasting impact, conduct thorough research on your audience. Gain insights into their industry, needs, challenges and goals. This information allows you to tailor your presentation to their specific interests, speak their language and demonstrate the relevance of your proposal.

  6. RFP Presentations Are Back: 5 Tips To Tell Your Story (And Win)

    5. Review, rehearse and refine. Once you've made it to this step, you should have: a clear idea of expectations; a comprehensive but concise, visually-appealing presentation; and a knowledgeable team. Bring all of these elements together and practice. Rehearse your presentation from beginning to end as a team.

  7. Design-Driven RFP Presentations: A Winning Strategy

    A design-driven RFP presentation can showcase your company's innovative approach and creative problem-solving skills. This is particularly important in industries where innovation is a critical factor in decision-making. For example, using cutting-edge design techniques, such as 3D visuals or augmented reality, can set your presentation apart ...

  8. 8 Best Tips for Business Proposal Presentations [+Examples]

    2. Have a clear agenda. Your presentation must have a clear and compelling agenda, which you can share right at the start (in addition to having shared it over email before the meeting). The meeting should begin with compelling reasons to consider your proposal and culminate with a specific request for the business.

  9. RFP PowerPoint Templates & Presentation Slides (Request for Proposal)

    A request for proposal (RFP) is a document issued by organizations like government agencies or enterprises for suppliers to bid. The potential suppliers/vendors submit their formal bid in response to the proposal with details of desired solutions. RFP is a business document outlining the bidding process, terms of the contract, and high-level ...

  10. 15 Tips for a Great Business Proposal Presentation

    3 Plot your presentation with an audience journey map.. An audience journey map helps you structure your business proposal presentation. It works very much like creating your buyer's journey in that it takes your prospects—in this case, your audience—down your marketing funnel. Each of the four types of audience journey maps commonly used by sales reps helps you deliver your business ...

  11. RFP Proposal PowerPoint Template

    The RFP Proposal PowerPoint Template gives a creative outlet to make a difference in a competitive market. It will also increase the probability of securing bids over the competition. Responding to RFP with an impressive presentation deck means serious business. Documenting an RFP response is time-consuming and complex procedure, and so is ...

  12. 33 of the Best RFP Examples by Industry (Updated 2024)

    Agency RFP example for creative and media buying services. ... the organization will invite shortlisted candidates to interviews with RFP presentations. Insurance broker RFP example. When you're looking for an insurance broker, you want to work with someone who can serve all your needs. For the Public Health Institute, that means finding a ...

  13. 105+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

    2 Be Minimal. Using a minimal design composition is one of the unique presentation ideas. The trick is to have just enough information and visual details for the viewer to feel comfortable seeing the slides. A minimal design can instill calm and awe in your audience when done right.

  14. 5 Elements of a Winning RFP Presentation

    Here are five elements of a winning RFP presentation, to help you when preparing for an RFP or bidding for projects sized $20,000 to $500,000 on ThunderQuote, as well as other platforms like ...

  15. Top 10 RFP Response Templates with Examples and Samples

    Template 1: Agile Approach for RFP Response in IT PowerPoint Bundle. This power-packed presentation comprises over 40 slides crafted to address the persistent challenges posed by ineffective project delivery proposals. Explore topics, from adapting agile and traditional methodologies to identifying the tangible benefits of embracing agile ...

  16. 5 Elements of a Winning RFP Presentation

    Written proposals are meant to inform and detail the 'what' and the 'how' of your offerings (i.e. Capabilities of your company, services provided etc.) so that prospects understand in detail, while presentations are meant to communicate the 'why' and sell them the solution. If you'd like to increase your chances of winning an RFP ...

  17. How to Write a RFP or RFQ (Template Included!)

    Rather, it should be formal, direct and to the point. It should give your vendor everything they need to know about you, while helping to guide all the important information you need to know about them. The average RFP win rate is set at 44%, with small companies winning typically winning 38% of proposals. — Loopio.

  18. Free Online AI Presentation Maker

    Craft a presentation outlining a leading company's cutting-edge innovations in AI-powered hardware, emphasizing their impact on enhancing workplace productivity and efficiency. AI Presentation Maker Prompt 2. Generate a comprehensive presentation highlighting the latest digital marketing trends, focusing on strategies for enhancing brand ...

  19. Creative RFPS & BIDS

    Need help with writing an RFP? Our portal is still in development but our team at our sister company, Hudson Succeed, can help you start winning work right now. They proudly hold an 87% bid success rate, and their experience spans 60-years collectively, including almost two decades in the creative industry. Get a free RFP writing quote. Get a Quote

  20. Free PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes

    Free PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes - PresentationGO

  21. Handmade Crafts Business Project Proposal Presentation

    Minimalist Creative Simple Illustration Vintage Aesthetic Cute. By featured content ... Download the Handmade Crafts Business Project Proposal presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A well-crafted proposal can be the key factor in determining the success of your project. It's an opportunity to showcase your ideas, objectives, and plans ...

  22. Free templates for social media, documents & designs

    Use our free tools and customizable templates to craft presentations, videos, graphics, social media designs, and much more—no design expertise required.

  23. Creative Cloud for education

    Adobe delivers everything schools and students need to develop essential creative and soft skills. Bring powerful creative tools to the classroom. From critical thinking and creative problem solving to communication and collaboration, Adobe Creative Cloud helps students build the skills they need to succeed in K-12, higher education, and the ...

  24. Microsoft Copilot Studio: Building copilots with agent capabilities

    With these new capabilities, here are some examples of the kinds of copilots our customers can build: IT help desk. IT support is complex, involving tickets, order numbers, approvals, and stock levels. O pening and closing a ticket can be a long-running task that spans days. A copilot can now handle this process, interfacing with IT service management applications, resolving IT tickets with ...

  25. Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers

    Students and Teachers. Introductory Pricing Terms and Conditions Creative Cloud Introductory Pricing Eligible students 13 and older and teachers can purchase an annual membership to Adobe® Creative Cloud™ for a reduced price of for the first year. At the end of your offer term, your subscription will be automatically billed at the standard subscription rate, currently at (plus applicable ...

  26. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  27. Elektrostal

    city in Moscow Oblast, Russia

  28. PDF 2025 Legislative Session Agency Request Proposals

    Agency Request Proposals 1 Tom McBride, Legislative Director June 21, 2024. Department of Fish and Wildlife Agency Request Proposals 1. Increase the renewal fee for personalized license plates - dedicated to nongame species preservation. 2. Increased efficacy of enforcement for fish and wildlife violations.

  29. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  30. PDF Pre-RFP Meeting

    Send questions regarding the Pre-RFP meeting to Chris Franco at [email protected] using the Subject Line: FY24 Wave 4 CEI Pre-RFP Meeting Question All questions must be received by Friday, May 24, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. (CST) Pre-RFP meeting PowerPoint, Sign-In Sheet and relevant questions and answers will be posted to website by Wednesday,