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How to Start a Debt Counseling Business in 14 Steps (In-Depth Guide)

Updated:   April 1, 2024

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The debt counseling industry has grown rapidly in recent years as consumer debt levels continue to climb. The global debt counseling services market earned $311.95 million in 2022. It continues to grow with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.12% from 2022 to 2028.

debt counseling business plan pdf

If you have experience in finance, a debt counseling service may be an ideal small business idea to pursue. Not only can you potentially tap into a multi-billion dollar industry, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of helping everyday Americans get out of debt.

This guide will walk you through how to start a debt counseling business. Topics include market research, registering an EIN, obtaining business insurance, sourcing equipment, organizing startup and ongoing costs, and more. Here’s everything to know about starting a certified credit counselors business.

1. Conduct Debt Counseling Market Research

To determine if a debt counseling business is viable, the first step is conducting thorough market research. This will shed light on industry trends, target demographics, competitive forces, startup costs, and revenue potential.

debt counseling business plan pdf

Some details you’ll learn through market research on your debt consolidation business include:

  • Driving this growth is the alarming fact that U.S. consumer debt continues ballooning year after year.
  • Since the Great Recession, Americans with credit card debt climbed back up to 176 million citizens carrying over $930 billion in revolving balances.
  • Total household debt recently hit a record $16.15 trillion according to the New York Federal Reserve.
  • With high debt burdens persisting nationwide, the target market for debt counseling is enormous.
  • Over 100 million adults admit their debt load is unmanageable.
  • 45% report their balances prevent them from saving money or investing for the future.
  • When sizing up the competitive landscape, debt counselors face obstacles from debt settlement agencies, credit counseling non-profits, debt collection agencies , and debt consolidation lenders.
  • There are still abundant prospects of not receiving adequate services from these options.
  • As for startup costs, overhead expenses often range from $2,000-$5,000 when first launching.
  • This covers items like certification/licensing fees, a reliable computer and software, website hosting, and office basics.
  • Ongoing monthly expenses tally around $500 for website maintenance, advertising, insurance, etc.
  • It’s also wise to keep at least 3 months of savings to cover personal living costs while establishing your clientele.

The next step after reviewing these metrics is drafting a formal business plan. Crunching the numbers will verify if a debt counseling venture aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. But the market opportunity and societal need make for a compelling case.

2. Analyze the Competition

Carefully scrutinizing your competition is imperative when launching a debt counseling venture. This gives insight into prevailing rates, services, marketing tactics, and unmet consumer needs.

For area brick-and-mortar practices, search online directories and drive around town to identify providers. Take notes on locations, office aesthetics, posted hours, and first impressions of websites if available. Also, document what counseling packages and payment options are advertised.

To gauge competitive rates, you can call and ask questions anonymously. Inquire about intro sessions, monthly retainers, additional fees, qualifications of counselors, and what outcomes they guarantee. Take detailed notes of all pricing plans and offerings.

Online competitors can be trickier to analyze. But focus first on other counselors’ marketing services in your state. Search engines, online ads, and social media are good places to uncover these businesses.

Vet each online competitor’s website and social media presence. Check for testimonials, company history, founder/staff bios, press features, community involvement, session formats, and contact options. Also, note their web traffic via SimilarWeb data or Alexa rankings.

For larger national chains, research their headquarters location, leadership team, number of centers, client results, and brand reputation. News articles can also provide insight into their financial backing, business model, past controversies, etc.

Regularly repeat this competitive analysis to see new entries in your area. And track whether existing providers adjust rates, offerings, or marketing messages over time. This helps you ensure your counseling business always stays ahead of consumer needs and local rivals.

3. Costs to Start a Debt Counseling Business

When embarking on a new debt counseling venture, prudent financial planning is a must. Carefully projecting both initial and recurring expenses ensures you budget adequately. This helps safeguard personal finances while allowing your practice to grow on firm fiscal ground.

debt counseling business plan pdf

Startup Costs

  • Licensing or credentials required in your state. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling charges $695 for individual certification.
  • A new computer/laptop, printer/scanner combo, accounting software, cybersecurity programs, and website hosting account generally tallies $2,500 – $3,000 upfront.
  • Renting temporary hourly slots at a shared workspace at around $250/month or leasing a small private office for around $400-$800 monthly.
  • On average, most new counselors need around $10,000-$15,000 in personal savings when starting.

Ongoing Costs

  • Set aside $3,000-$5,000 for insurance, marketing, accounting services, legal retainers, office supplies, and software subscriptions.
  • Budget around $1,000-$2,000 per month for a blend of digital promotions, local print ads, event sponsorships, direct mailers, etc.
  • Plan for website hosting, content creation/SEO services, email/CRM platforms, and social media management to cost around $500 monthly.
  • Payroll for any administrative assistants or counselors could tally another $2,500+ depending on staff size.
  • Recurring costs of rent, utilities, insurance, accounting help, office supplies, software, etc. These generally add up to around $1,500 per month.

Keep close tabs on precise expenses and sales revenues with accounting software. This allows tweaking budgets as needed while scaling your profits month-to-month and year-over-year.

4. Form a Legal Business Entity

When establishing a debt counseling practice, properly structuring your legal business entity is critical. This impacts liability protection, taxes, operational processes, investor options, and more. Weighing the pros and cons of each framework steers most new counselors towards launching as a limited liability company (LLC).

Sole Proprietorship

Sole proprietorships offer simplicity but leave you personally responsible if sued. All company debts and legal judgments are attached to your assets. This is a good choice for a single owner, or a married couple owning a business together.


Partnerships allow sharing operations and expenses with a co-owner but still lack liability safeguards. Incorporating brings limited protection, but mandates extensive record-keeping and double taxation.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

LLCs provide the best of all worlds for fledgling debt counselors. You get the flexibility of a management structure akin to a partnership. Tax burdens and filings also mirror a sole proprietorship based on pass-through status. Most vitally, an LLC shields your assets if professional liabilities arise.


A corporation also protects your assets. This business formation is the most complex and expensive. Most small businesses choose an LLC formation over a corporation, which is better suited to large enterprises.

5. Register Your Business For Taxes

Before accepting any payments from debt counseling clients, you must legally register your business for federal and state tax purposes. This requires applying for an employer identification number (EIN) and sales tax permits.

An EIN acts like a social security number for your business. It uniquely identifies your company and allows opening business bank accounts, paying employees, and filing tax returns. EINs are free and easy to obtain from the IRS in minutes.

Simply navigate to the EIN Assistant page on IRS and answer a few questions about your LLC’s structure and activities. On the final page, provide your personal information for verification. Instantly receive your EIN and a PDF of your confirmation notice.

Save this EIN confirmation document along with your LLC paperwork. Lenders often require both when financing office space, equipment purchases, business credit cards, and more.

You must also register with your state revenue department for sales tax collection. Most states charge no fee and the application takes under 15 minutes online. Submit basic data on your counseling business like name, address, EIN, and projected revenues.

In return, you get a state tax ID number or sales permit. Now you can legally charge sales tax on any services billed to local clients. You simply remit collected sales tax to the state each month or quarter when filing business tax returns. Most states also let you pay sales tax online for convenience.

6. Setup Your Accounting

Meticulous financial tracking is imperative when launching a debt counseling venture. This not only wards off IRS scrutiny but equips you with data to optimize profits over time. Investing in robust accounting infrastructure from day one establishes healthy fiscal practices as you scale.

Accounting Software

Begin by purchasing small business accounting software like QuickBooks . The basic QuickBooks package starts around $15/month and syncs directly with your business bank/credit card accounts. In seconds it imports all transactions so you have a centralized ledger.

Hire an Accountant

But for maximum accuracy, partner with an accountant specializing in counseling practices. Expect to invest around $200 per month for standard bookkeeping and reconciliation work. They’ll ensure 100% of credits/debits are properly coded. This gives you clean quarterly financials to analyze.

Open a Business Bank Account

A key pillar of solid accounting is separating business and personal finances. Never comingle funds by paying vendors from a personal account or covering household bills from business earnings. Open a dedicated business checking account using your EIN and LLC paperwork.

Apply for a Business Credit Card

Apply for a business credit card. Lenders determine limits based on your LLC’s projected revenues, not personal credit scores. A business card builds commercial credit history and keeps purchases easy to classify. Just link it to accounting software for seamless tracking.

7. Obtain Licenses and Permits

Before seeing your first debt counseling client, ensure your practice complies fully with all federal and state credentialing regulations. Find federal license information through the U.S. Small Business Administration . The SBA also offers a local search tool for state and city requirements.

At the federal level, the FTC’s Telemarketing Sales Rule mandates that any firm charging advance fees for debt relief services must maintain minimum bonding requirements. While rules vary by state, most mandate bonds between $50,000 to $100,000.

Work with your insurance agent to secure an appropriate surety bond for your locale. Submit required paperwork to verify coverage including your EIN confirmation, business license, operating agreement, etc. Bonds generally cost 1%-3% of the total coverage amount as an annual premium.

Several states also enforce special licensing around debt adjusting and settlement advice. For example, New York requires a debt adjuster license from the Department of Financial Services involving an exam, training courses, and application fees totaling $1,200+.

Research if your state has similar red tape around debt counseling/modification services. If so, schedule test prep plus budget for license costs. Renewals with required continuing education also tally a few hundred dollars annually.

An additional permit relates to protecting client information. All practices must comply with Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act mandates around securing sensitive data. This means implementing cybersecurity software, encrypted storage/emails, confidentiality agreements with any staff or contractors, and transparent privacy policies.

Consult an attorney to ensure your cyber protection protocols and customer notifications meet state and federal regulations. Penalties for compromised client data start around $100 per violation.

8. Get Business Insurance

Though not legally mandated, securing adequate insurance defends your hard work as a debt counselor against financial threats. Policies shield your practice from heavy losses whether facing minor mishaps or major lawsuits.

Imagine slipping on a slick office floor and breaking your writing arm a week before tax deadlines. Without disability coverage, you cannot work or collect income for months. Or envision a creditor accusing you of mismanaging a past client’s repayment plan.

Other scenarios like fire damage destroying your office or computer files getting hacked have severe consequences without proper coverage. Just one disastrous event can permanently close unprotected practices.

Start by bundling general liability with professional liability, cyber insurance, and small business property coverage. Ballpark $150 monthly for robust protection including damages from mistakes, disasters, or lawsuits. Though costs vary based on business size, location, and policy limits.

An insurance agent guides securing the optimal bundle. Reach out to various brokers requesting quotes on debt counselor policies. Provide your business license, corporate documents, and forecasts. Brokers tailor coverage/premiums to your situation.

Carefully review all policy documents before signing to ensure adequate coverage levels and reasonable deductibles if claims arise. Also, confirm whether insurer payouts cover legal defense bills or just awards/settlements. Such fine print prevents nasty surprises during crises.

With bespoke insurance backing your practice, you safely advise clients through financial recoveries without jeopardizing your stability. This peace of mind fuels focusing completely on your counseling work rather than distracting liability woes.

9. Create an Office Space

A dedicated office space lends legitimacy when meeting sensitive clients seeking financial guidance. It also provides quiet, confidential environments facilitating open money conversations. Weigh options come down to budget, growth goals, and counseling session formats.

Home Office

Home offices offer autonomy and ultra-low overhead. Expect around $2,000 in upfront costs for a desk, chair, computer, secure locking cabinetry, and basic office supplies. Monthly bills tally under $200 for internet, software, phone service, etc. This frees capital for marketing efforts to drive client traffic.

Coworking Office

Coworking spaces like WeWork provide modern officing flexibility starting around $350 monthly. You only pay for the exact office hours needed rather than signing long leases. Coworking staff handle facility management, security, mail reception, and more so you focus on your practice.

Commercial Office

For the most professional experience, rent a private office in a commercial building. Expect all-in monthly rents of around $1,000 for a modest 150 sq ft office in most regions. Top amenities like custom branding displays, sound insulation, and client reception areas project success. You also control data and physical security protocols.

10. Source Your Equipment

Launching a debt counseling venture demands minimal supplies like office furniture, technology, branding elements, etc. Strategize the most affordable routes based on expected client volumes and revenue forecasts.

Buying brand-new equipment from retailers allows customizing configurations but carries higher upfront costs. Shop mainstays like Office Depot , Staples , Best Buy , and Amazon for the latest ergonomic chairs, standing desks, desktops/laptops, printers, office phones, etc. Expect roughly $3,000 altogether buying new.

Gently used and open box items found online slash initial investments substantially. Scan for liquidation listings on Facebook Marketplace , Craigslist , eBay , and OfferUp in your area. If willing to thoroughly clean and sanitize items, secondhand furniture and tech provide major savings. Budget $500-$1,500 buying used equipment.

Rent or Lease

Renting or leasing major assets adds flexibility as your business evolves. Copier/printer leases through vendors like Xerox run $30-$75 monthly including toner and maintenance. Finance essential tech like computers for 0% interest around $100 per month through Dell . This preserves capital for marketing and operations.

11. Establish Your Brand Assets

Crafting a distinctive brand identity fuels recognition, referrals, and retention as you start counseling debt-laden clients. Invest time upfront in branded touchpoints projecting expertise.

debt counseling business plan pdf

Get a Business Phone Number

Begin by acquiring a dedicated business phone line using a service like RingCentral . Toll-free numbers with custom greetings run just $30 monthly. This enhances professionalism when prospects call your practice.

Design a Logo

Create a sleek logo reflecting your debt expertise. Services like Looka offer unlimited DIY designs starting at $20 monthly. Upload Inspiration and Looka’s AI generate tailored logo options using elements like financial symbols and calming colors. This visual identity anchors all branding.

Print Business Cards

Print new letterhead, business cards, brochures, and office signage displaying the logo through convenient online print shops like Vistaprint . Share cards when meeting prospects to spur follow-ups. And post bold exterior signage so visitors can easily find your office.

Design a Website

Concurrently, establish an online presence and content hub with a dedicated website. User-friendly builders like Wix facilitate quick launch with 500+ template styles from $14 monthly. Or hire an affordable web developer on freelance sites like Fiverr starting at around $500 in total.

Buy a Domain Name

Anchor the site with a custom domain name purchased through registrars like Namecheap for around $20 annually. Choosing an exact match name like DebtHelpExperts improves SEO and memorability.

12. Join Associations and Groups

Joining local professional groups and associations jumpstarts networking among regional peers also navigating financial advisory ventures. This facilitates sharing best practices plus generating referral partnerships over time.

Local Associations

Search online directories for a national association or debt counselor alliance in your state, like the American Association of Debt Resolution . Annual dues (around $300) grant access to conferences, compliance insights, ethical standards, and insider connections.

Local Meetups

Local Meetup groups also abound for money-minded entrepreneurs like financial advisors, CPAs, bankers, and alternative lenders. Meetups organize informal peer meetups at local cafes plus annual trade shows. Join relevant groups and attend events to exchange business cards with compatible professionals.

Facebook Groups

Peer input gets candid within dedicated industry forums on Facebook. Groups like, Let’s Talk About Debt and Debt Help & Tips Group pose questions on regulations, techniques, marketing tactics, and workplace issues relevant to a new debt consolidation business.

13. How to Market a Debt Counseling Business

Implementing an omnichannel marketing strategy is vital for attracting new debt counseling clients while reinforcing trust with existing ones. Combine digital promotions, community networking, and client referrals to achieve rapid, profitable growth.

Personal Marketing

Tap your inner circle excited to support a new local business. Offer incentives like free consultations to colleagues, friends, and family seeking financial advice. Satisfied early customers organically spread your brand if pleased with transparency and results.

Digital Marketing

  • Launch Google Ads campaigns to appear atop search results for related keywords like “debt counselor near me” or “credit card consolidation help”
  • Run Facebook/Instagram ads targeted locally featuring client testimonial videos
  • Start an educational YouTube channel answering common debt questions
  • Host a financial advice blog with SEO-optimized articles bringing organic visitors
  • Provide free downloadable debt calculator/workbook tools in exchange for emails

Traditional Marketing

  • Print client testimonial rack cards for waiting areas of strategic partners like CPAs, banks, and realtors
  • Sponsor community events and host debt-focused seminars at local libraries
  • Advertise on public radio during drive-time shows aligned with fiscally-minded listeners
  • Claim localization listings on directory sites like Yelp highlighting rave reviews

While digital channels enable scalable outreach, local partnerships, and promotions also steadily expand awareness. The hybrid approach nurtures a recognizing client base within surrounding neighborhoods over time.

14. Focus on the Customer

All debt consolidation businesses require customers to be successful. Your debt consolidation services should cater to your target audience, and every personal touch you add does just this. To draw in high-risk merchants looking for debt help, use your customer service talents.

Some ways to improve customer focus as you develop your financial counseling brand include:

  • Follow-up phone calls: After working with a client, follow up to see how they’re doing and whether any further services are required of your debt consolidation company.
  • Thank you cards: On top of follow-up calls or emails, a tangible thank you card goes a long way to make customers feel appreciated.
  • Maintain consistency: Train any staff on your team with the same guidelines to maintain consistency among credit counselors on your team.
  • Special offers: Provide exclusive offers to the local market to build loyalty and foster referrals.
  • Partner: Network and partner with community organizations to extend your reach and show locals you care.

The debt reduction business has plenty of room for newcomers. Build your mark on the industry by living up to your mission statement. Show potential customers, and returning clients why you’re the best choice in the local area for debt counseling.

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Table of contents, how to start your own debt counseling business.

  • 8 June, 2024

how to start a debt counseling business

Setting Up Your Debt Counseling Business

Before diving into the world of debt counseling, it’s essential to lay a strong foundation for your business. This section will guide you through the initial steps of setting up your debt counseling business, including establishing your business mission and defining your services.

Establishing Your Business Mission

Developing a clear and concise mission statement is a crucial part of a successful business plan for a debt counseling business. Your mission statement should answer essential questions such as “What is my purpose? What do I want to achieve? How do I want to impact the populations I work with?” It serves as a guiding principle for your business, providing direction and clarity.

When crafting your mission statement, consider the unique value you bring to the debt counseling industry and the specific goals you aim to accomplish. Emphasize your commitment to helping individuals navigate financial challenges and achieve long-term financial stability. A well-defined mission statement not only helps you stay focused but also communicates your purpose to potential clients and partners.

Defining Your Services

The services section of your business plan plays a crucial role in defining your debt counseling business and showcasing the value you provide to clients. This section should outline the who, what, when, where, and why of the services you offer or intend to offer.

Start by identifying the types of debt counseling services you specialize in, such as debt consolidation, budgeting assistance, or credit counseling. Clearly articulate the benefits clients can expect from your services, such as reduced debt, improved credit scores, and increased financial literacy.

Consider including a table that highlights the specific services you offer, along with their corresponding features and benefits. This table can serve as a quick reference for potential clients and help differentiate your business from competitors.

Service Features Benefits
Debt Consolidation Consolidation of multiple debts into a single payment Simplified debt management and reduced interest rates
Budgeting Assistance Personalized budget creation and guidance Improved spending habits and increased savings
Credit Counseling Credit report analysis and strategies for improving credit Enhanced credit scores and access to better financial opportunities

By defining your services clearly, you establish your identity as a debt counseling professional and make it easier for potential clients to understand how you can assist them on their financial journey.

Remember that setting up your debt counseling business is just the beginning. Continuously revisit and update your business plan to ensure alignment with your goals and adapt to changing circumstances. Regularly reviewing your plan, revisiting your business mission, and refining your services will help you stay focused, motivated, and prepared for success in the debt counseling industry.

Building Trust and Reputation

Establishing trust and building a solid reputation are crucial steps in starting and growing a successful debt counseling business. Clients seeking debt relief services value trustworthiness and reliability in the companies they choose to work with. In this section, we will explore the importance of trustworthiness and how to leverage word of mouth to enhance your reputation.

Importance of Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is a key trait that customers seek in a debt counseling company. Building trust can be achieved through various strategies that increase your online presence and position your business as a leader in the field. Here are a few effective approaches:

  • Online Presence: Create a professional website that offers valuable resources and information for individuals seeking debt relief. Utilize social media platforms and maintain an active presence by sharing informative content, engaging with followers, and addressing their concerns. This demonstrates your expertise and commitment to helping clients navigate their financial challenges.
  • Blogging: Regularly publish blog posts that address common debt-related issues and provide practical solutions. By sharing valuable insights, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of information in the debt counseling industry. Encourage readers to engage with your content and share it with others.
  • Interacting with Customers: Actively engage with your clients by promptly responding to their inquiries and providing personalized support. This level of interaction not only helps build trust but also shows that you genuinely care about their financial well-being.

By consistently demonstrating trustworthiness and reliability, you can establish a positive reputation that attracts more clients seeking debt relief services. Encouraging satisfied customers to share their positive experiences online or provide testimonials can further enhance your credibility. Positive reviews and testimonials serve as powerful endorsements and can significantly contribute to the growth of your business.

Leveraging Word of Mouth

Word of mouth referrals play a significant role in the success of a debt counseling business. Satisfied clients who have experienced positive outcomes from your services are likely to recommend your business to others facing similar financial challenges. Here are a few strategies to leverage word of mouth:

  • Encourage Reviews and Testimonials: Ask your clients to share their experiences and write reviews on platforms such as your website, social media pages, or industry-specific review sites. Positive testimonials can help build trust and credibility with potential clients who are researching debt relief options.
  • Referral Programs: Implement a referral program that incentivizes clients to refer your services to their friends, family, or colleagues. Offer discounts or rewards for successful referrals, which can motivate clients to spread the word about your business.
  • Provide Exceptional Service: Delivering exceptional service is essential to generating positive word of mouth. By providing personalized attention, demonstrating empathy, and offering effective debt management solutions, you can create satisfied clients who are more likely to refer your business to others.

Remember, building a strong reputation takes time and effort. Consistently delivering excellent service, maintaining a trustworthy online presence, and nurturing positive relationships with clients will help establish your debt counseling business as a trusted authority in the industry.

As you build trust and reputation, it’s important to consider other aspects of starting and operating a debt counseling business. Developing a comprehensive business plan , researching the local market, ensuring staff qualifications and training, and adhering to compliance and accreditation standards are all essential components of a successful debt counseling business.

Marketing Strategies for Success

When starting a debt counseling business, effective marketing strategies are essential to attract clients and establish a strong presence in the industry. Two key strategies for success are purchasing quality leads and implementing marketing campaigns.

Purchasing Quality Leads

To reach potential clients who are seeking debt counseling services, it is advisable to invest in purchasing high-quality leads. This allows your business to focus on nurturing relationships with fresh leads without interference from competitors. By purchasing exclusive leads, you can ensure that you have the opportunity to make the first contact and build a personalized connection with potential clients.

Purchasing quality leads helps your debt counseling business target individuals who are actively seeking assistance with their financial challenges. By focusing on fresh leads, you increase the likelihood of engaging with potential clients who are more receptive to your services.

Implementing Marketing Campaigns

Developing and implementing effective marketing campaigns is crucial for the success of your debt counseling business. It is essential to create a comprehensive marketing plan that aligns with your business goals and target audience.

Start by identifying your target market and crafting messages that resonate with their needs and concerns. Utilize various marketing channels to reach your potential clients, including online platforms such as social media, blogs, and email marketing. Sharing valuable information and interacting with followers can position your business as a trusted leader in the field.

Implementing marketing campaigns requires persistence and consistency. It is important to commit to a campaign for a few months to gather accurate feedback and make necessary adjustments. Continuity allows for the resolution of any issues or missing elements, leading to stronger and more effective future campaigns.

By consistently marketing your debt counseling business, you can build trust with prospective clients and differentiate yourself in a competitive industry. Honesty, showcasing expertise through relevant content, and committing to purchasing quality leads are key elements in establishing a strong and reputable presence.

To learn more about the profitability and industry trends in the debt counseling business, refer to our articles on debt counseling business profitability and debt counseling industry trends , respectively.

By implementing these marketing strategies, your debt counseling business can effectively reach and engage with individuals in need of your services, helping them overcome their financial challenges and achieve a path to financial freedom.

Operational Aspects

When starting a debt counseling business, it’s crucial to consider the operational aspects that will contribute to the success of your venture. This includes developing a comprehensive business plan and conducting thorough research on the local market.

Developing a Business Plan

A solid business plan is essential when transitioning into a debt counseling private practice. This plan not only serves as a roadmap for your business but also provides crucial information for potential creditors and investors. It outlines your strategy for success, minimizes risks, and helps secure funding if needed ( GoodTherapy ).

When creating your business plan, consider including the following components:

  • Executive Summary: Provide an overview of your business, including your mission, target market, and competitive advantage.
  • Services: Clearly define the services you will offer as a debt counselor, such as debt management plans, budgeting assistance, and financial education.
  • Market Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the local market, identifying potential clients, competition, and trends in the debt counseling industry (debt counseling industry trends).
  • Marketing Strategy: Outline your marketing and advertising strategies to attract clients to your debt counseling business. This may include digital marketing, networking, and partnerships with other professionals in related fields.
  • Financial Plan: Calculate the operating costs of your business, determine the minimum income required to sustain the practice, and set appropriate fees for your services. Consider whether you will accept insurance or offer a sliding scale fee structure. Also, outline strategies for obtaining necessary funds (debt counseling business profitability).
  • Future Goals: Set specific and focused goals for the growth and evolution of your debt counseling business. Include a timeline and actionable steps to achieve these goals ( GoodTherapy ).

Researching the Local Market

Conducting thorough research on the local market is vital for making informed decisions about your debt counseling business. Understanding the needs and preferences of your target audience will help you differentiate yourself from existing counselors and tailor your services accordingly ( GoodTherapy ).

When researching the local market, consider the following:

  • Niche: Identify a specific niche within the debt counseling industry that you can specialize in. This will help you stand out and attract clients who have unique needs or preferences.
  • Office Location: Choose a location that is accessible and convenient for your target audience. Consider factors such as proximity to public transportation, parking availability, and the presence of potential referral sources.
  • Competition: Thoroughly analyze the competition in your area. Identify other debt counseling businesses and understand their services, pricing, and reputation. Differentiate yourself by offering unique value propositions or targeting underserved segments of the market.
  • Target Clients: Determine the characteristics of your target clients, such as age, income level, and specific debt-related challenges they may face. This will help you tailor your marketing efforts and services to meet their needs.

By developing a comprehensive business plan and conducting thorough market research, you will be well-equipped to start your debt counseling business. These operational aspects lay the foundation for a successful and sustainable practice, allowing you to provide valuable support to individuals struggling with debt.

Staff Qualifications and Training

To ensure the success and effectiveness of your debt counseling business, it is essential to have well-trained and qualified staff. Credit counsellors play a crucial role in assisting individuals and providing them with the guidance and support needed to overcome their financial challenges. In this section, we will explore the training requirements and qualities of effective credit counsellors.

Training Requirements

While credit counsellors are not legally required to have specialized training, many professionals in the industry choose to pursue relevant training to acquire the unique skills necessary to help individuals with their personal finances ( Financial Consumer Agency of Canada ). Training programs offered by reputable organizations can provide credit counsellors with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively assist clients.

For example, the Credit Counselling Society requires their credit counsellors to become certified through the Accredited Financial Counsellor Canada Program, administered by the Association for Financial Counselling and Planning Education. This certification process includes completing the AFC course, passing two exams, and accumulating 1,000 hours of financial counselling ( Credit Counselling Society ). By completing such programs, credit counsellors can enhance their expertise and demonstrate their commitment to professional development.

Qualities of Effective Credit Counsellors

In addition to formal training, effective credit counsellors possess a range of personal qualities that contribute to their success in assisting individuals with their financial challenges. Some of these qualities include:

Empathy : Effective credit counsellors demonstrate empathy, understanding the struggles and emotions individuals face when dealing with financial difficulties. They create a safe and supportive environment for clients to share their concerns and fears.

Care : Credit counsellors genuinely care about the well-being of their clients. They are dedicated to helping individuals improve their financial situation and achieve their goals. Their care is evident in the guidance and support they provide throughout the counseling process.

Solution-focused mindset : Effective credit counsellors approach each client’s situation with a solution-focused mindset. They analyze the client’s financial circumstances, identify potential options, and work collaboratively to develop practical strategies to overcome debt and improve financial literacy.

Ability to find real solutions : Credit counsellors excel at finding real solutions to people’s financial difficulties. They possess the knowledge and expertise to navigate complex financial situations, explore debt repayment strategies, and provide personalized recommendations tailored to the client’s unique circumstances.

Positive impact : The best credit counsellors are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of the individuals they serve. They strive to empower clients by equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage their finances effectively and achieve financial stability.

By ensuring that your credit counseling staff possesses the necessary training and qualities, you can provide clients with a high-quality experience and increase the likelihood of positive outcomes. Investing in ongoing professional development opportunities and maintaining a supportive work environment will further enhance the capabilities and effectiveness of your credit counseling team.

Remember, accreditation standards and ethics play a crucial role in ensuring the quality of service and consistency in the debt counseling industry. Organizations such as Credit Counselling Canada monitor and maintain accreditation through compliance reporting to ensure the highest standards of practice ( Credit Counselling Canada ).

Compliance and Accreditation

When starting a debt counseling business, it is essential to prioritize compliance and accreditation to ensure the highest standards of service and ethical practices. By adhering to accreditation standards and implementing ethical practices, you can establish credibility and build trust with your clients.

Accreditation Standards

Accreditation is a mark of quality and professionalism in the debt counseling industry. Organizations such as Credit Counselling Canada offer accreditation programs to ensure that members meet rigorous standards and continuously improve their services. The Accreditation Program focuses on areas such as organizational integrity, risk management, financial stewardship, human resources, and program delivery. By adhering to these standards, you can guarantee compliance with the highest ethical standards and best business practices ( Credit Counselling Canada ).

To become accredited, you may need to complete an accreditation program within a specific timeframe after joining an organization like Credit Counselling Canada. This program is designed to promote continuous improvement, growth, and change to meet consumer needs. Accreditation not only ensures that your business operates at a high standard but also demonstrates your commitment to providing quality services to your clients.

Ethical Practices

Maintaining ethical practices is paramount in a debt counseling business. Accreditation programs often require credit counseling staff to achieve specific designations, such as the Accredited Financial Counsellor Canada®, and comply with a code of ethics and standards of practice. These standards establish guidelines for professional behavior and ensure that consumers receive a top-quality credit counseling experience ( Credit Counselling Canada ).

Ethical practices encompass various aspects of your business, including confidentiality, transparency, and client-centered decision-making. It is essential to prioritize the best interests of your clients and provide them with accurate and unbiased information. By maintaining ethical practices, you can build trust with your clients and establish a reputation for integrity and professionalism.

Adhering to accreditation standards and ethical practices not only benefits your clients but also contributes to your long-term success as a debt counseling business. Clients are more likely to engage with a business that demonstrates credibility, professionalism, and a commitment to ethical behavior. By prioritizing compliance and accreditation, you can differentiate your business, attract clients, and contribute to the overall growth and reputation of the debt counseling industry.

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How To Start A Debt Counseling Business

As the economy struggles, debt is on the rise, and many are fighting to restore their credit, the industry needs Debt Counselors. 

Opening a Debt Counseling Business is rewarding, as it fills an essential gap in the marketplace, and you'll be helping worried individuals in need of good advice. Debt counseling has been a lucrative business since the mid-'60s and is showing no signs of slowing down. If you're looking to start a Debt Counseling Business, it takes educating and certifying yourself before opening up your practice. This blog will tell you everything you need to know about starting your own Debt Counseling Business.

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What is a Debt Counseling Business?

A Debt Counseling Business helps debtors (consumers) who struggle to pay unsettled credit card debts on time. Therefore, a Debt Counselor is tasked with renegotiating payment rates to lower and spread out over a more extended period. 

A Debt Counseling Business will supervise consumers' repayments while delivering support, after-care services, and budget guidance to reduce their anxieties and financial burdens. Debt counselors do this by negotiating a personalized financial plan acknowledged by all the creditors involved. They will also acquire validation from the bankruptcy court who consents to the new repayment terms while allowing debtors to retain their assets. 

How To Start A Debt Counseling Business? 

1) educate yourself .

You must understand the basics of what starting a Debt Counseling Business entails before jumping into things. Each state has its own rules and regulations, meaning you should search up the minimum requirements to see if you meet them. 

Research the reasons people become indebted, how to obtain credit facilities/loans, advise clients about their financial situations, and other topics concerning debt, credit, and counseling. Often, classes or workshops are provided on credit repair and responsible credit usage by colleges, financial institutions, libraries, and business schools. Books, articles, and publications offer additional information about reducing financial debt and negotiating with creditors.

Because you are working with people and their problems, human psychology, active listening, communication skills, and empathy will also be part of the job. The majority of individuals coming for help will be depressed, anxious, and helpless because of their financial situation. Educating yourself on making your clients feel heard and understanding their emotions is equally as important as the financial aspects of debt counseling. However, since debt counselors are not lawyers or mental health professionals, they cannot offer legal advice or a medical diagnosis. 

2) Get Training and Certification

Once you decide that opening a Debt Counseling Business is right for you, it's time to prove you're dedicated to your business. Enrolling in a course certified by the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies or the National Foundation for Credit Counseling will help you help learn and gain respect. 

There are certification programs offered online or in-person by universities, colleges, and debit/credit associations. You will build your confidence by acquiring the skills and knowledge to be an effective Debt Counselor who adheres to industry standards, which consumers will appreciate.  

3) Work Experience

Having the education and certification is not enough in a regulated industry like Debt Counseling. Gaining valuable experience in a company while receiving constructive feedback from a qualified supervisor/mentor is necessary. Practicing your new skills with various real clients from diverse backgrounds and situations will offer you a taste of what the job is really like. Putting together case studies while gathering resources/organizational systems will earn your future client's trust once you open up your Debt Counseling practice. 

You can also volunteer for friends/family by helping to spot any discrepancies in their credit reports and giving sound advice on maximizing their financial wellness, which gives you additional experience.

4) Register Your Business

Come up with your business name/brand/logo and write a business plan for your Debt Counseling Business. This will involve a mission statement, SWOT analysis, methods of achieving goals, identifying clients/competition, branding, marketing strategies, technology/staffing/office equipment and space, profit margin, and more. Registering a business means abiding with federal/state/local tax laws and receiving a Federal Tax Identification Number from the IRS. Insurance coverage programs will protect your Debt Counseling Business, so make sure to do risk assessments and find a reputable licensed agent.

5) Network and Form Partnerships

Get the word out there that your Debt Counseling Business is ready to take on clients by appearing at financial, social events, and conventions. Contacting and networking with bankers, credit bureaus, lenders, lawyers, counselors, real estate agents, and social workers will send potential clients who need debt settlement services your way. Credit repair is important if consumers want to be eligible to apply for loans, which is where your business overlaps with others in your networking ring.

How to Market A Debt Counseling Business?

There are several ways to promote your Debt Counseling Business and build a good reputation via strategic marketing. 

Build a Website/Blog

Writing on subjects relating to your profession will show others that you are an expert who knows what they're talking about. A high-quality website with a subscription box where guests can give their names and contact information allows accessible communication and turns visitors into clients. 

Social Media

Having an online presence will help establish your brand and bring traffic to your website/blog. Posting videos on Youtube, uploading images/photos on Instagram, and using Facebook/Twitter to reply to messages or post relevant content are all key to pulling in clients.

Print Media

Although it's "old school," having your column or making contributions where you write about money management and debt targets your local market. In addition, you can distribute brochures, leaflets, business cards or even have your own ad space in phone books or billboards. 


Leading free workshops/seminars or giving presentations to consumers on financial planning and credit/debt will raise your credibility as a professional in your industry.

Contact debtors

Reaching out to individuals and offering reduced fees or pro bono services can be beneficial because it attracts future clients and gains your exposure for your business.  

Positive reviews and testimonials left by former clients are evidence of your first-rate services, so try to include them on your website. 

What Should you Charge for Debt Counseling Services?

The salary range for each certified Debt Counselor per year can be anything from $69k to $86k. However, this amount varies due to location, education, training/certifications, additional services/skills, and years of experience spent in your profession. 

There are limits on the amount debt counselors can charge, and these vary by state. In California, for example, monthly fees may not exceed 8% of the amount paid to creditors or $35, whichever is less.

Most Debt Counseling Businesses offer a free initial consultation. If the client decides to move forwards, then a consumer agreement is signed, which discloses the terms of service and the fees of services your business provides per client. The agreement includes a disclosure that allows your client several days (depending on the state) to cancel after signing it.

Debt Counseling Businesses charge consumers for applications, debt-repayment negotiations, and monthly after-care services for supervising credit repair/debt. If you do well, you'll work with the client until a clearance certificate is issued (when the debt is officially paid off). 

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How Debt Management Plans Work

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Debt Management Plans: Everything You Need to Know

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Ward Williams is an Editor focused on student loans and other financial products and services. He has five years of professional editing, proofreading, and writing experience. Ward regularly contributes to stories about government policy and company profiles. He received his B.A. in English from North Carolina State University and his M.S. in publishing from New York University.

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A debt management plan is a tailored strategy to help you repay outstanding debt and financial obligations without using a new loan. Typically, credit counseling agencies work with creditors on your behalf to determine a debt management plan that fits your financial circumstances. Here’s how debt management plans work and how to decide if one is right for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Debt management plans are structured repayment plans to help you repay outstanding debt.
  • In most cases, credit counseling agencies negotiate payment plans on your behalf.
  • It also involves you restructuring your budget to pay off old debt, manage your current finances, and find other ways to become financially secure.

Pros and Cons of a Debt Management Plan

A debt management plan can help reduce your debt and strengthen your finances, but it’s not for everyone. This strategy has both upsides and downsides to keep in mind when determining if it’s right for you.

Structured repayment plan

Pay off debt sooner

Potentially lower interest rates or save on fees

No new credit allowed

Takes time to complete

Not all debt is included

Pros Explained

  • Structured repayment plan : You’ll receive a tailored plan that takes into account your specific financial situation, ensuring you'll be making payments you can afford. That way, you can get your finances on track.
  • Pay off debt sooner : With a new payment plan, you can pay off your debt sooner than if you were to only make minimum payments or pay when you could. This can help improve your credit score as well as save you money on the total interest you pay.
  • Potentially lower interest rates or save on fees : When your credit counselor crafts your plan, they may negotiate the terms of your debt. That includes working on your behalf to lower interest rates, get charges removed, or have fees waived. This helps in reducing the total amount you owe to your creditors.

Cons Explained

  • No new credit allowed : Most debt management plans have a requirement that you don’t open new lines of credit or loans while repaying your debt. So if you want to take out a car loan or mortgage, you may not be able to under a debt management plan.
  • Takes time to complete : While you could pay your debt off sooner than you would without a plan, it could still take time to pay off all your debt in full. This may hold you back from other financial goals, like buying a home or making another large purchase.
  • Not all debt is included : While some of your creditors may agree to your plan, not all of them will—nor are they required to. This means while you might have a structured plan for some of your outstanding debt, it may not include all of it. For instance, credit card debt may be included, but home or auto loans may have to be paid separately.

Credit counseling agencies review your finances and then help you negotiate and potentially reduce your outstanding debt. You’ll make one monthly payment to the agency, and then they will pay your creditors. Generally, you will have to pay an initial and monthly fee. 

With a debt management plan, it can take a few years until all your outstanding debt is paid in full. You usually won’t be able to open new lines of credit or take out new loans, including credit cards, auto loans, and mortgages while under the plan. In some cases, you may have to close your accounts.

Eligibility for a Debt Management Plan

Not all debt is eligible for a debt management plan. Often, only unsecured debt , such as personal loans or credit card debt, is eligible for a debt management plan. Other types of debt, like a mortgage or auto loan that are backed by collateral , may not qualify.

Creating and Implementing a Debt Management Plan

Not all credit counseling agencies are accredited and trustworthy. If a company is promising quick results and requires an upfront payment, look elsewhere. You can often find a nonprofit credit counseling agency through your bank or local consumer protection agency. A good counselor will spend significant time reviewing your personal situation and offer you several options.

Here are the main steps to take to establish a debt management plan with a reputable credit counseling agency:

  • Check eligibility : Consult with a credit counseling agency to see if you’re a good fit for a debt management plan. A credit counselor will review your financial situation to see if you can qualify. Even if a debt management plan isn’t the right fit for you, a credit counselor should help you find other debt relief options and offer you educational resources.
  • Create a debt management plan : Your counselor will craft a plan that fits your finances. You’ll make one payment every month to the credit counseling agency, which will distribute it to all of your outstanding creditors. That amount may include an administrative fee for your counselor. Read over your agreement to make sure it actually suits your needs before you agree to anything.
  • Put your plan to work : Your agency will contact creditors and lenders on your behalf and negotiate outstanding fees or charges to try to lower the total amount you owe. While not all creditors are required to agree with the negotiations, your credit counseling agency will work on compromises.
  • Pause or cancel credit obligations : You’ll likely have to close any credit cards that are in your debt management plan. You may also have limited access to opening up new lines of credit or loans.
  • Make your payments : You’ll make monthly payments as required. It could take a few years to repay all of your outstanding debt, depending on the size of your debt and payments.

Is a Debt Management Plan Right for You?

You might want to get a debt management plan if:

  • You have a lot of outstanding unsecured debt, like credit card debt.
  • You’re carrying a lot of debt with high interest or fees.
  • You are making minimum payments, but your debt is not decreasing due to interest.
  • You have trouble making minimum payments on your outstanding debt each month.

You may want to look into other types of debt relief if:

  • You have secured debt or other types of debt that wouldn’t qualify for a debt management plan.
  • You have some credit card debt but can afford the minimum payments every month.
  • You want to make a large purchase within the next few years, like a home or car.
  • You aren’t ready to stop using credit cards.

Alternatives to Debt Management Plans

While debt management plans can offer significant help with reducing your debt, they are not necessarily the best solution for everyone. Consider some alternatives as you work on your debt repayment strategy.

Debt Consolidation

If you have many different types of outstanding debt, like credit cards and secured loans, you may want to try debt consolidation .

Debt consolidation is when you take out a loan to pay off your outstanding debt and then make payments on your new loan. This may be helpful if you know how much to borrow as a lump sum and can get a lower interest rate than what you’re paying right now on your outstanding debt. 

If you have credit card debt, you may want to look into 0% annual percentage rate (APR) balance transfer credit cards . With a balance transfer, you move over funds from one credit card (or more) onto a card that has a promotional 0% APR for a set amount of months, such as 12 or 24 months. With no interest growing on your balance, you can pay off your credit card faster because your full payment will go toward your principal. You’ll also save more in total interest.

If your new credit card or loan limit won’t cover all your outstanding debt, you’ll have to repay both your new card and any remaining amount that didn’t transfer over

If your debt is too much to handle, you may want to explore bankruptcy . While bankruptcy won’t wipe out all your debt obligations, it could help get it restructured and set up a repayment plan.

There are a few different options for bankruptcy, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 . Chapter 7 is liquidation, where all your assets are liquidated to pay off your outstanding debt. Some other debts may be wiped out completely. Chapter 13 reorganizes your debt, but you’ll get to keep your assets, such as your home, in the process.

Chapter 7 can take a few months to get through, whereas Chapter 13 could take a few years to finish. A bankruptcy can stay on your credit report for seven–10 years, depending on the option you choose.

What Are the Benefits of a Debt Management Plan?

Debt management plans can help you implement a strategy to repay a large amount of debt. You’ll receive tailored advice and support for your financial circumstances. Your interest rate may also be reduced or fees may be waived to help lessen the total amount you owe.

Will a Debt Management Plan Hurt My Credit?

A debt management plan can hurt your credit in a few different ways. You might be required to close some credit cards while you’re in a debt management plan. Closing accounts can lessen your total credit history and your total credit utilization , which causes your score to drop.

What Are the Alternatives to Debt Management Plans?

Rather than getting a debt management plan, you can look into alternatives like a debt consolidation loan, a balance transfer credit card, or even bankruptcy. If none of those are viable options for you, look into setting up your own debt repayment plans, using strategies like the debt avalanche or debt snowball . Or, you could take a do-it-yourself approach by negotiating with your creditors directly, instead of using a credit counseling agency.

A debt management plan can provide substantial debt relief to many people without the need for a new loan, but it’s not necessarily the best option for everyone. The best method for reducing your debt load will depend on a number of factors, including your income, amount of debt, and credit score. Weigh the pros and cons of all your options for paying off debt, perhaps with the help of a financial advisor, before you determine which one is best for you.

National Council on Aging. “ What Is a Debt Management Plan? ”

Federal Trade Commission. “ How to Get Out of Debt .”

myFICO. “ What Is a Credit Score? ”

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Counseling Private Practice Business Plan

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If you are a counselor and thinking about starting or expanding your counseling business, then a business plan is necessary.

A business plan helps you build a roadmap for your business and will help you persuade investors about why they should invest in your firm.

Need help writing a business plan for your counseling private practice business? You’re at the right place. Our counseling private practice business plan template will help you get started.

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Download our free counseling private practice business plan template now and pave the way to success. Let’s turn your vision into an actionable strategy!

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How to Write A Counseling Private Practice Business Plan?

Writing a counseling private practice business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ready and summarizes each section of your plan.

Here are a few key components to include in your executive summary:

  • Market Opportunity: Summarize your market research, including market size, growth potential, and marketing trends. Highlight the opportunities in the market and how your business will fit in to fill the gap.
  • Marketing & Sales Strategies: Outline your sales and marketing strategies—what marketing platforms you use, how you plan on acquiring customers, etc.
  • Financial Highlights: Briefly summarize your financial projections for the initial years of business operations. Include any capital or investment requirements, associated startup costs, projected revenues, and profit forecasts.
  • Call to Action: Summarize your executive summary section with a clear CTA, for example, inviting angel investors to discuss the potential business investment.

Ensure your executive summary is clear, concise, easy to understand, and jargon-free.

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2. Business Overview

The business overview section of your business plan offers detailed information about your company. The details you add will depend on how important they are to your business. Yet, business name, location, business history, and future goals are some of the foundational elements you must consider adding to this section:

Describe what kind of counseling practice you run and the name of it. You may specialize in one of the following counseling practice businesses:

  • Individual counseling
  • Couples counseling
  • Family Counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Career counseling
  • Mental health counseling
  • Trauma counseling
  • Describe the legal structure of your counseling practice business, whether it is a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or others.
  • Explain where your business is located and why you selected the place.
  • Owners: List the names of your counseling private practice business’s founders or owners. Describe what shares they own and their responsibilities for efficiently managing the business.
  • Mission Statement: Summarize your business’ objective, core principles, and values in your mission statement. This statement needs to be memorable, clear, and brief.
  • Future Goals: It’s crucial to convey your aspirations and vision. Mention your short-term and long-term goals; they can be specific targets for revenue, market share, or expanding your services.

This section should provide a thorough understanding of your business, its history, and its future plans. Keep this section engaging, precise, and to the point.

3. Market Analysis

The market analysis section of your business plan should offer a thorough understanding of the industry with the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. You should include the following components in this section.

For instance, adults seeking therapy or families & parenting would be an ideal target audience for a private practice business.

  • Competitive Analysis: Identify and analyze your direct and indirect competitors. Identify their strengths and weaknesses, and describe what differentiates your counseling private practice business from them. Point out how you have a competitive edge in the market.
  • Market Trends: Analyze emerging trends in the industry, such as technology disruptions, changes in customer behavior or preferences, etc. Explain how your business will cope with all the trends.
  • For instance, the integration of technology or digital tools has a booming market; explain how you plan on dealing with this potential growth opportunity.
  • Regulatory Environment: List regulations and licensing requirements that may affect your counseling private practice business, such as licensing & certificate, ethical guidelines, privacy & confidentiality, insurance & billing, etc.

Here are a few tips for writing the market analysis section of your counseling practice business plan:

  • Conduct market research, industry reports, and surveys to gather data.
  • Provide specific and detailed information whenever possible.
  • Illustrate your points with charts and graphs.
  • Write your business plan keeping your target audience in mind.

4. Products And Services

The product and services section should describe the specific services and products that will be offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

  • Assessment and evaluation
  • Individual therapy
  • Couples therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Psychoeducation
  • Crisis intervention
  • Consultation and workshops
  • Additional services: Include a separate section to describe your counseling practice’s other services if you provide any, such as workshops, group therapy, crisis intervention, or consultation, in addition to regular counseling.
  • Customized approach: Emphasize how dedicated your practice is to providing individualized, client-centered service. Highlight how you customize your services to each client’s unique demands, goals, and preferences. It might include customized interventions, treatment strategies, or therapeutic approaches according to the particular needs of the clients.
  • Expertise or specialization: Highlight any areas of specialty your practice has or counselors who have experience with certain disorders (such as trauma, addiction, or anxiety). Mention any specialized training, accreditations, or experience that distinguish your business from others.

In short, this section of your counseling practice plan must be informative, precise, and client-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

For example, a client-centered approach, holistic approach, or personalized treatment plans, could be some of the great USPs for a counseling private practice business.

  • Marketing Strategies: Discuss your marketing strategies to market your services. You may include some of these marketing strategies in your business plan—social media marketing, Google ads, brochures, content marketing, and print marketing.
  • Sales Strategies: Outline the strategies you’ll implement to maximize your sales. Your sales strategies may include providing free consultations, offering packages and deals, partnering with businesses, offering referral programs, etc.
  • Customer Retention: Describe your customer retention strategies and how you plan to execute them. For instance, introducing loyalty programs, discounts on annual membership, personalized service, etc.

Overall, this section of your counseling private practice business plan should focus on customer acquisition and retention.

Have a specific, realistic, and data-driven approach while planning sales and marketing strategies for your counseling practice business, and be prepared to adapt or make strategic changes in your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

The operations plan section of your business plan should outline the processes and procedures involved in your business operations, such as staffing requirements and operational processes. Here are a few components to add to your operations plan:

  • Staffing & Training: Mention your business’s staffing requirements, including the number of employees, trainers, or counselors, needed. Include their qualifications, the training required, and the duties they will perform.
  • Operational Process: Outline the processes and procedures you will use to run your counseling private practice business. Your operational processes may include appointment scheduling, counseling sessions, treatment planning, billing & insurance, etc.

Adding these components to your operations plan will help you lay out your business operations, which will eventually help you manage your business effectively.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of your counseling private practice business’s management team. This section should provide a detailed description of each manager’s experience and qualifications, as well as their responsibilities and roles.

  • Founders/CEO: Mention the founders and CEO of your counseling private practice business, and describe their roles and responsibilities in successfully running the business.
  • Organizational structure: Explain the organizational structure of your management team. Include the reporting line and decision-making hierarchy.
  • Compensation Plan: Describe your compensation plan for the management and staff. Include their salaries, incentives, and other benefits.

This section should describe the key personnel for your counseling private practice services, highlighting how you have the perfect team to succeed.

8. Financial Plan

Your financial plan section should provide a summary of your business’s financial projections for the first few years. Here are some key elements to include in your financial plan:

  • Profit & loss statement: Describe details such as projected revenue, operational costs, and service costs in your projected profit and loss statement . Make sure to include your business’s expected net profit or loss.
  • Cash flow statement: The cash flow for the first few years of your operation should be estimated and described in this section. This may include billing invoices, payment receipts, loan payments, and any other cash flow statements.
  • Balance Sheet: Create a projected balance sheet documenting your counseling private practice business’s assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Financing Needs: Calculate costs associated with starting a counseling private practice business, and estimate your financing needs and how much capital you need to raise to operate your business. Be specific about your short-term and long-term financing requirements, such as investment capital or loans.

Be realistic with your financial projections, and make sure you offer relevant information and evidence to support your estimates.

9. Appendix

The appendix section of your plan should include any additional information supporting your business plan’s main content, such as market research, legal documentation, financial statements, and other relevant information.

  • Add a table of contents for the appendix section to help readers easily find specific information or sections.
  • In addition to your financial statements, provide additional financial documents like tax returns, a list of assets within the business, credit history, and more. These statements must be the latest and offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.
  • Provide data derived from market research, including stats about the industry, user demographics, and industry trends.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Include any additional documentation related to your business plan, such as product brochures, marketing materials, operational procedures, etc.

Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the necessary information.

Remember, the appendix section of your counseling private practice business plan should only include relevant and important information supporting your plan’s main content.

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This sample counseling private practice business plan will provide an idea for writing a successful counseling private practice plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you still need clarification about writing an investment-ready business plan to impress your audience, download our counseling private practice business plan pdf .

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Frequently asked questions, why do you need a counseling private practice business plan.

A business plan is an essential tool for anyone looking to start or run a successful counseling private practice business. It helps to get clarity in your business, secures funding, and identifies potential challenges while starting and growing your business.

Overall, a well-written plan can help you make informed decisions, which can contribute to the long-term success of your counseling private practice business.

How to get funding for your counseling private practice business?

There are several ways to get funding for your counseling private practice business, but self-funding is one of the most efficient and speedy funding options. Other options for funding are

Small Business Administration (SBA) loan

Crowdfunding, angel investors.

Apart from all these options, there are small business grants available, check for the same in your location and you can apply for it.

Where to find business plan writers for your counseling private practice business?

There are many business plan writers available, but no one knows your business and ideas better than you, so we recommend you write your counseling private practice business plan and outline your vision as you have in your mind.

What is the easiest way to write your counseling private practice business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any counseling private practice business plan example and edit it as per your need. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our business plan software .

About the Author

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Vinay Kevadiya

Vinay Kevadiya is the founder and CEO of Upmetrics, the #1 business planning software. His ultimate goal with Upmetrics is to revolutionize how entrepreneurs create, manage, and execute their business plans. He enjoys sharing his insights on business planning and other relevant topics through his articles and blog posts. Read more

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Debt counselling is a service provided to consumers who can no longer afford to pay the monthly installments on their debts and is being threatened with legal action by their creditors. A debt counsellors job is thus to help their clients keep the wolf from the door by negotiating lower payment terms, while this usually mean their debt will be strung out over a longer period, the goal is ultimately to let them keep their assets and get them debt free.

Requirements Debt councelling is a regulated industry, you cannot just open an office and be a debt counsellor. In order to become a debt counselor you need to complete a training course and register with the National Credit Regulator (NCR) which costs R500. You also need to meet the following requirements:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Have a grade 12 (Matric) or equivalent certificate (can can still qualify if you can prove you are studying towards a grade 12 or equivalent certificate)
  • Must successfully complete a debt counselling course approved by the National Credit Regulator and provided by an institution approved by the National Credit Regulator
  • Have a minimum two years working experience in a business, education, accounting, legal, consumer or counselling field
  • Must not yourself be subject to an administration order
  • Must not be under debt counselling yourself
  • No adverse credit record (“blacklisted”), in other words you must be able to show you can manage your own finances before you can help others with theirs
  • Must not be in a conflict of interest position. Example: you cannot refer your customers to loan companies for a commission, as this will indebt your customers further and be at conflict with your work.

Now as you have read above, there are some requirements to be met, I’m not usually one for over regulation but I agree with all of them. Debt counselling is a serious matter and you are dealing with people that might be depressed or in a bad or fragile state of mind. This is where the two years work experience comes in, you need to be cognizant of people’s feelings and how to deal with people and listen to them. Also the conflict of interest is a no-brainer, you are in a position where you can abuse the trust of people and you must be scrupulous in your advice.

Business Model When a client comes to you with all their debts. You will firstly run a credit check on them as well as ask about other debts, some debts such as vehicle finance may not show up on the credit bureau report. You also need to explain to them the whole process (this is very important; you don’t want people renegade on the payment plan later on claiming you misled them).

How you make money  A debt counsellor is allowed to charge certain fees: Once off: Application and restructuring fee. (You can also charge a rejection fee) Monthly: After care fee, how debt counselling remains a sustainable business is the monthly “after care fee” for the services they provide. A debt counsellors job is essentially not done until the client has paid off their debt and then they have to be supplied with a clearance certificate.

If you are still confused, how you can get paid and creditors get paid let me give you a simplified example of the whole process:

Let’s say you have a client with R120 000 in debt repayable over 12 months, but cannot afford their R10 000 a month repayments. A debt counselor will then renegotiate that debt to be paid back over 24 months, so instead of paying R10 000 a month, the client will pay R6000 a month, freeing up R4000 a month for the client in the process. So as the debt period has been extended by double, the client will now be paying R5000 a month towards the debt, R500 in interest and R500 a month in your fee (R6000 in total). That is how you make your money with numerous clients. That is obviously just a rounded down example so you can understand there is no mystery as to why creditors will back off (for one they are required by law to if the debtor has followed procedure) but they will eventually get their money back.

In the above scenario, the debt counsellor is entitled to the following fees: Application fee: R50 (once off) Restructuring fee: R6000 (once off, usually the first month) After care: R500 (monthly for 24 months)

As you research you will see the various fees and what they are for. You can also charge a payment distribution fee if you are using such a service. Lets say your client above have 10 creditors that is each getting R550 a month. Ain’t nobody got time to pay the 10 creditors individually, what if you have hundreds of clients? That means thousands of creditors may need to be paid. So you use a  payment distribution agency to disperse the funds.

It is imperative that the client stick to this arrangement to the end, if they break it their creditors can go after them (you need to explain this to your clients). Also people need to seek a debt counsellors intervention before they are served with papers.

So the debt counsellor at the end of the day, can prevent legal action, make people keep their cars, stop debt collectors from hounding them (basically just say “don’t talk to me talk to my debt counselor”). Basically bringing people peace of mind. Your job isn’t perfect, as your clients will now be in debt even longer and pay interest on it. Also they won’t be able to get finance if under debt counselling. And that is why the requirements are a bit strict, you need to be able to advise your people about all this, you need to be supportive and compassionate, I cannot stress this enough, Do not get into this business if you cannot conduct yourself in a professional manner required in this industry.

Getting Started The first thing to do is to complete the course. Damelin has a part time course . But remember you have to meet the requirements. The course will teach you the whole process of debt counselling.

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What Is a Debt Management Plan, and How Does It Help?

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First things first, a debt management plan is NOT a loan. However, it is a tool offered by nonprofit credit counseling agencies to get you back on the road to a financially stable, debt-free future. A dedicated NFCC certified credit counselor can also help you determine if entering into a debt management plan is the best option for you, and if not, lay out all your available options

Benefits of a Debt Management Plan

It’s time to get your bills back on track.

When you work with an NFCC agency on a debt management program, you may benefit from reduced or waived finance charges or fees, fewer collection calls, and your accounts will be credited with 100 percent of the amount you send in. When you have completed your payments, the fact that you did repay your debt in full and according to plan, may help you re-establish credit.

How Does it Work?

First, an NFCC certified credit counselor helps set up a voluntary agreement between you and your creditors. People who sign up for a debt management plan make one lump payment each month to the nonprofit agency who then sends those funds directly to their creditors. Having a set monthly payment, that is now lowered, takes the pressure off of your budget and enables you to build your personal savings or even purchase your first home.

Sometimes all it takes is having someone walk through your situation with you and show you where to cut costs, help create a budget and bring hope with a plan for a better financial future.

How Debt Management Plans Impact Your Credit

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Participating in a debt management program won’t have any negative effect on your credit score. Though there will be a note in your credit report that says you’re enrolled in a debt management plan, it’s not something FICO uses when determining a credit score.

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Certain aspects of a debt management plan have a positive impact on your credit score. Your timely payment history, which accounts for 35% of a FICO credit score, will positively impact the score along with the decline in the amount you owe, which makes up 30% of the score.

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Because you are involved in a debt management plan, there won’t be any inquiries for new credit, which is 10% of the score. Opening a lot of new accounts in a short period of time has a negative effect on your score. In the end, participating in a debt management plan will be a positive factor in terms of your credit.

Debt Management Plans vs. Debt Settlement

It’s important to know that these relief options are not the same. As a simple overview, debt management is carried out by nonprofit counseling agencies that help you lower your interest rates and monthly payments without affecting your credit score. Debt settlement can be a risky option that involves paying a for-profit company to negotiate on your behalf, but can affect your credit score while waiting for the company to negotiate a lower payment.

The Positive Impact of Debt Management Plans

Independent research from The Ohio State University has demonstrated the positive financial impact of financial counseling that accompanies a debt management plan administered by NFCC Member agencies. Most of these plans allow participants to repay all their unsecured debt within a period of only three to five years, thanks to the cooperation of creditors who can reduce interest rates and eliminate fees on the enrolled accounts.

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  • Debt Relief

Your Guide To Credit Counseling Services

Rebecca Lake

Updated: Aug 3, 2021, 7:00am

Your Guide To Credit Counseling Services

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Consumer credit counseling services are designed to help people get their debt under control. If you’re having trouble making and sticking to a budget, or you need advice on how to pay off debt, a certified credit counselor could help.

Nearly six in 10 people say they struggle with paying down debt, according to a survey conducted by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling ( NFCC ). That same survey found that 27% of Americans don’t always pay their bills on time.

When you’re ready to tackle your debt and get your personal finances back on track, consumer credit counseling may be your best option. Learn more about how credit counseling services work, to help decide if credit counseling is right for you.

What Is Credit Counseling?

Credit counseling is a process in which you work with a credit counselor to develop a plan for managing your finances. The end goal is to improve your financial situation, supported by instilling better financial habits you can apply in the future.

How that happens can depend on what type of credit counseling services you need. For example, the NFCC and its member agencies offer these services:

  • Debt management plans
  • Student loan counseling
  • Financial coaching for small business owners
  • Credit report reviews
  • Homeownership counseling
  • Reverse mortgage counseling
  • Foreclosure prevention
  • Bankruptcy counseling

Credit counselors can also help you to develop a realistic budget , if that’s something you’re struggling with. The solutions offered through credit counseling services can be tailored to your situation and needs.

How Credit Counseling Works

Credit counseling is designed to help you create a game plan for managing your finances. This involves having a credit counselor look over your finances and use their expertise to help you create a strategic plan.

The kind of help you can get through credit counseling services will vary, depending on the agency. The member agencies of the NFCC, for example, can help you:

  • Eliminate late fees and over limit charges
  • Stop collection calls
  • Lower your interest rates
  • Consolidate bills into a single monthly payment
  • Pay off debt faster
  • Improve money habits

Credit counseling is designed to be personal, not one size fits all. So, if you’re meeting with a credit counselor, you should be walking away with a plan that fits you specifically.

How to Choose the Right Credit Counselor for You

Credit counseling services aren’t identical, and it’s important to do some research beforehand when choosing a credit counseling agency. The first thing to consider is whether you should work with a nonprofit or for-profit credit counselor.

Nonprofit vs. For-Profit Credit Counseling

Nonprofit credit counselors charge no or minimal fees for their services. The NFCC certifies nonprofit credit counselors and typically recommends that consumers choose nonprofit credit counseling.

For-profit credit counseling agencies can charge fees for their services. Examples of for-profit credit counseling include debt settlement companies, debt relief companies and companies that offer credit repair services.

If you don’t want to pay fees for credit counseling and you want reassurance that you’re working with a reputable company, a nonprofit credit counselor is likely the better fit. With for-profit credit counseling services, you have to be aware of the potential for scams.

Services Offered

Aside from weighing the nonprofit versus for-profit question, it’s also important to consider the range of services offered by a credit counseling agency. This is where it helps to understand what you need help with most.

Again, credit counseling can offer assistance with:

  • Debt management and payment
  • Helping you break the paycheck to paycheck cycle
  • Improving credit scores
  • Avoiding bankruptcy
  • Developing positive money habits

As you compare credit counselors, look at the full range of services offered. This can help you narrow down the list of agencies to ones that are best suited to providing the kind of solutions you need.

What You Can Expect From a Credit Counseling Session

If you decide to pursue credit counseling, you’ll meet with a credit counselor to discuss your finances. This meeting can take place either online or in person, depending on which credit counseling agency you’re using. Credit counseling sessions typically last 30 minutes to an hour.

During the meeting, your credit counselor will ask you questions about your finances and what you need help with. This can include questions about:

  • Your income
  • How much debt you have
  • Whether you have a budget
  • How often you pay bills on time versus paying late
  • Your credit score

A credit counselor may review your current budget and income, as well as your credit reports and scores. After getting the details of your situation, they’ll consider what options may be best.

For example, if you’re seeking out nonprofit debt counseling, a credit counselor may suggest a debt management plan first. If that’s not feasible, they may move on to other, more last resort, options like pursuing debt settlement or declaring bankruptcy.

Once you and your credit counselor agree on a solution, it’s up to you to implement it. And your counselor may follow up with you periodically to see what kind of progress you’re making.

How to Get the Most From Credit Counseling Services

If you’re interested in using credit counseling services, three things can help you get the most out of your experience:

  • Being prepared
  • Being transparent
  • Being committed

In terms of preparation, it’s helpful to have certain information organized and ready to share when it’s time to meet with your credit counselor. This includes a list of your debts, estimates of your monthly spending and a copy of your budget.

Transparency is key at this step. Your credit counselor needs the full details of your situation to come up with a financial plan. Don’t leave anything out, even if it seems trivial. And answer any questions the credit counselor asks honestly.

Finally, credit counseling can only work if you’re prepared to follow through on whatever plan you decide to put in place. So, consider how committed you are to following your counselor’s advice to improve your financial situation.

What Is a Debt Management Plan?

A debt management plan is a structured plan for repaying debt. Nonprofit debt counseling services may suggest a debt management plan, or DMP, as an alternative to investigating debt settlement or filing for bankruptcy.

Here’s how debt management plans generally work with consumer credit counseling:

  • You tell your credit counselor about your debts, including balances owed, interest rates and minimum payments
  • Your credit counselor attempts to get interest rates reduced and/or fees waived
  • You make a single payment to the credit counseling agency each month
  • The credit counseling agency distributes that payment among your creditors

A debt management plan could be a good fit if you have multiple credit card debts to pay off. Instead of making multiple payments each month, you’d just make one. And you could reduce your interest rates or fees in the bargain.

Debt management is not the same as debt consolidation . When you consolidate debts, you take out a loan or line of credit. You then use that loan or line of credit to pay off the other debts. Going forward, you’ll just make payments on the debt consolidation loan.

The difference between debt consolidation and debt management plans is that you don’t need to go through a credit counselor to consolidate your debt. You can apply for debt consolidation loans online and use the proceeds to pay off the balances yourself. But a debt management plan could result in a lower interest rate and fewer fees, depending on what your credit counselor is able to negotiate with your creditors.

Is Credit Counseling Right for You?

Credit counseling services could be right for you if you want to get your finances in shape, and you need some help to do so. Even if you’re behind on bills and debt payments, a credit counselor may be able to help you get caught up so you can avoid a more serious situation like bankruptcy.

And, if you’re not struggling with debt, a credit counselor could still help with other things like budgeting or improving your credit score. Boosting your score may be important to you if you have financial goals that include borrowing money, such as buying a car or a home.

If you want to get started with credit counseling, the NFCC is a good place to start. You can learn more about the credit counseling services offered and find an accredited nonprofit credit counselor near you.

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Rebecca Lake is a certified educator in personal finance (CEPF) and a banking expert. She's been writing about personal finance since 2014, and her work has appeared in numerous publications online. Beyond banking, her expertise covers credit and debt, student loans, investing, home buying, insurance and small business.

Daphne Foreman is a former Banking and Personal Finance Analyst for Forbes Advisor. She has worked as a personal finance editor, writer, and content strategist covering banking, credit cards, insurance and investing. As a small business owner and former financial advisor, Daphne has first-hand experience with the challenges individuals face in making smart financial choices.

If you are receiving unsolicited phone calls from an entity pretending to be ACCC (a trusted non-profit credit counseling agency), please be assured that ACCC’s policy is NEVER to contact you unless you’ve explicitly requested us to call you. Also be cautious of emails from an unusual or unfamiliar domain. ACCC’s domain extension is @consumercredit.com, and any emails using a different extension should be treated with suspicion.

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ACCC offers debt relief options to individuals and families that are suffering from stress related to credit card debt by providing effective credit counseling, helping to consolidate debt, and advising on debt management.

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Financial Workbook

The Personal Financial Workbook is a tool that you can use to organize your finances and gain an understanding of how you are spending your money. By using the worksheets, you’ll be able to paint a clear picture of your financial situation and make better decisions for the future. We recommend that you photocopy worksheets before using them so that you may revise the information, and reuse the worksheets as needed.

  • Financial Community Guideline Worksheet
  • Daily Expense Tracking Worksheet  ( pdf ) ( Excel )
  • Household Budgeting Worksheet
  • Household Budgeting Worksheet (Excel)
  • Bill Paying Worksheet
  • Personal Asset Worksheet
  • Net Worth Worksheet
  • Financial Records Organization Worksheet
  • Debt-to-Income Ratio Worksheet


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Debt Management Programs

Debt management program.

The Debt Management Program is designed to pay off your debt in 3-5 years, while helping you develop sound financial literacy.

Enter your current balance below to see how much you can potentially save.

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  • One Single Payment

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Get Started with Free Debt Counseling

Drowning in debt? You are not alone. GreenPath’s certified counselors offer cost-free, judgment-free support, wherever you’re at. Start the conversation and see why so many people have said “I wish I had called sooner.”



Spencer of Boulder, CO via ConsumerAffairs.com

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“Greenpath saved me from years of suffering and provided an intuitive and supportive solution to get me out of overwhelming credit card debt.”

Carolyn of Aurora, IL via ConsumerAffairs.com

“I had to use Greenpath twice in my life after debt levels that I was drowning in. The people are helpful and the lower interest rates from companies while I’m in debt management helped too.”

Madelene of Kentwood, MI via ConsumerAffairs.com

“I had a great experience with GreenPath. They helped me get my credit in order. They answered any questions I needed. I would recommend them to anybody.”

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How a Debt Management Program Works

Stress-free payment.

Say goodbye to frustrating statement juggling each month. Automatically deposit funds into your GreenPath account on your preferred schedule, and we use those funds to pay debts on your behalf.

GreenPath proudly partners with nearly 600 financial institutions across the country. Through these partnerships, we arrange lower interest rates and monthly payments. Translation? You save money and pay off debt faster.

End to Collection Calls

Once creditors agree to GreenPath’s Debt Management Program, collection calls drop and so do your balances. You’re officially on the path toward financial wellness!

Why Choose a Debt Management Plan?

Because Debt is Expensive : Today’s cost of living is too high. Inflation and high interest rates make meaningful progress on credit card debt payoff feel impossible. GreenPath’s Debt Management Program is designed to save you interest so you save money.

Because Debt is Lonely : People don’t often discuss personal debt. As a result, you might feel alone…but you’re not. Your Debt Management Program connects you to a community of certified financial experts and other DMP clients eager to show up and support you.

Because Debt is a Barrier : What could you achieve without credit card debt standing in your way? Saving for retirement A down payment on a home? Starting a business? Join now and take the first step toward making your financial goals a reality.


Client Lavell

Lavell Saved $22,600

“I had so many questions, so many doubts. He [the counselor] offered some amazing solutions amazing solutions .”

Client Tammy

Tammy Finds Her Superpower

“It was freeing to have a plan, especially with such supportive counselors supportive counselors .”

Greenpath Client John

Debt is Personal to John

“Debt is personal personal . It’s not just about finances. It’s about overall well-being.”

Ongoing Support

When you enroll in GreenPath’s Debt Management Program, your dedicated Client Success Team will answer your questions, cheer you on, and keep you updated through your client portal. But that’s not where support ends.

You’ll also gain exclusive access to a private community of other Debt Management Program clients where you can:

  • Ask any DMP-related questions you have.
  • Celebrate real-time payoff progress and money milestones.
  • Find motivation by connecting with others on a similar journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which creditors do you work with.

We work with most creditors throughout the U.S., including banks, credit unions, retailers, medical providers, auto finance and collection agencies.

How much does it cost for a debt management program?

Debt Management Program set up fees and monthly fees vary based on your state of residence and debt amount. On average, GreenPath clients are charged a one-time enrollment fee of $35 and a $28 monthly fee. This is minimal considering the amount of money our clients typically save in waived late fees, waived over limit fees, and reduced credit card interest charges.

Can I still use my credit cards on a debt management plan?

Since the goal of a debt management program is to pay off debt, the credit cards enroll in the program will be closed. Most creditors will usually allow you to continue using one card for emergencies and travel.

Does GreenPath work for the banks?

GreenPath is a neutral third-party that works in your best interest. Many creditors support our work because they believe it results in positive, long-term outcomes.

Will a Debt Management Plan hurt my credit score?

GreenPath does not contact the credit bureaus when you enroll in a debt management program. However, because you will be closing lines of credit during the enrollment process, your score may dip. But over time, most people see their scores increase, because they are making payments in-full and on-time each month.

Are debt management programs different from debt settlement?

Yes, they are different. Debt management plans are designed to pay off the entire amount you owe in 3 to 5 years. If we can lower your interest rates, the total amount you pay to your credit card company is typically less than if you paid on your own. Debt settlement typically involves requesting credit card companies to forgive a portion of your debt in exchange for a lump sum payment.

What is the difference between Debt Management and Debt Consolidation?

Debt management involves renegotiating terms with creditors through a credit counseling agency, offering benefits such as a structured repayment plan and reduced interest rates. Unlike debt consolidation, which combines debts into a single loan, debt management focuses on creating a manageable repayment strategy tailored to your financial situation.

Get started with a free debt counseling consultation. Chat with an expert!

When you call, you’ll talk to one of our NFCC-certified credit and debt- counselors. We’ll review your financial situation together, and make a personalized plan to get your finances back on track. We’ll explain the options and give you the information you need to make a choice that works for you.

Contact a GreenPath counselor today for a free debt counseling session. 100% confidential.

Take the First Step It Is Free and 100% Confidential

Contact GreenPath to conduct a free debt counseling session to see if our debt management plan is right for you.

NOTE: This is an example. It helps you see how a debt management plan might help you. IT IS NOT AN ACTUAL QUOTE.

How Your Debt Is Calculated

  • The pay “on your own” example assumes you make only the minimum payment.
  • We use an interest rate of 24 percent. The GreenPath debt management plan example shown is based on getting rid of your debt within five years.
  • We use an average interest rate of 8 percent .

In most cases, we can work with your creditors to reduce your interest rate. Actual interest rates will vary by client and creditor.

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Debt Restructuring with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Pros and Cons

  • June 24, 2024 1:04 PM / Updated: June 24, 2024 1:04 PM

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According to the Administrative Office of the United States Courts , the total bankruptcies filed during the October 2022 to September 2023 period increased by 13%. It also indicated that bankruptcy filings exceeded 433,000 for the same year.

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Mounting debts with an unsteady revenue or personal income stream can push you to the verge of bankruptcy. But, is bankruptcy something that you should dread? According to Chapter 13 Bankruptcy laws and regulations, you might find a way out of backbreaking debts.

Let’s take a more detailed look at Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to understand its pros, cons, and eligibility criteria to understand whether you can apply for it.

Introduction to Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a common approach among individuals facing mounting debts with unstructured repayment plans. It can help regain financial stability while offering a structured approach to managing debt repayments.

Its counterpart, Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also allows debt repayment and restructuring to reclaim financial stability. However, it involves the liquidation of assets, including non-exempt assets, to pay off priority debts.

Definition of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Here’s the simplest definition of bankruptcy Chapter 13 to help you understand:

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a strategy to reorganize debt repayment for individuals who are constantly struggling to pay off debts despite a steady income stream.

It allows individuals to pay off their debts with a more manageable and flexible repayment plan over 3 to 5 years. Therefore, it also helps them avoid wage garnishment and foreclosure of properties or income assets.

Reorganization Bankruptcy

Lawyers and other legal professionals often use the term “reorganization bankruptcy” synonymously with “bankruptcy Chapter 13”. It is a strategic tool that helps people regain financial stability and navigate mounting debts with court-approved repayment plans. Typically, a restructured debt repayment plan after filing Chapter 13 usually spans 3 to 5 years.

Eligibility for Chapter 13 Reorganization Bankruptcy

Before filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy to clear the majority of your debts, you need to meet the specified eligibility criteria.

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It involves the consideration of the following factors which help with assessing whether an individual can or can’t file for bankruptcy Chapter 13.

Income Requirements

If you’ve researched “how to file Chapter 13”, you may already know that having a regular income is necessary to qualify for bankruptcy Chapter 13. To file for it, you must have a regular income that covers your living expenses but prevents you from meeting debt obligations in full.

Debt Limits

You must be within a certain limit of the total debt amount after combining different types of debts (secured and unsecured) to qualify for bankruptcy Chapter 13.

As of 2024, if the total amount of secured and unsecured debts is more than $2,750,000 , you aren’t eligible for Chapter 13. However, the total amount may vary depending on periodic adjustments or state laws.

Credit Counseling Mandate

Before filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, you will also undergo credit counseling with an accredited agency. During credit counseling, you will discuss all the available options for debt management. By searching “Chapter 13 layers near me” you can contact a reputable professional to understand the requirements and implications of bankruptcy Chapter 13 early on.

Steady Employment History

Furthermore, you need to have a stable employment history in addition to a steady income flow. Individuals who want to file for Chapter 13 are required to show their employment and income report with evidence to get approval on flexible repayment plans.

Prior Asset Evaluation (Exemption Compliance)

The accurate disclosure of all assets under the possession, authority, and control of the debtor is another requirement before filing Chapter 13. The courts assess the debtor’s ability to repay by assessing asset value after compliance with exemption regulations based on bankruptcy laws. 

Process for Filing Chapter 13 Reorganization Bankruptcy

Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a simple process that follows a common structure across most states and jurisdictions. Here’s how to file Chapter 13 bankruptcy:

  • Organizing Paperwork – All necessary financial documents, including asset inventories, debt details, income reports, and expense records should be available with full accuracy to begin the process.
  • Attending Credit Counseling- Legal guidelines require individuals to participate in a credit counseling session to explore possible alternatives to Chapter 13 for repaying debt. After a 180-day counseling period, you’ll be eligible to file for bankruptcy Chapter 13.
  • Bankruptcy Attorney – Next you will need to consult with a bankruptcy attorney, preferably one who has experience with Chapter 13 cases. They will determine your eligibility and review the paperwork.
  • Repayment Plan – With the attorney you will develop a realistic debt repayment plan that includes income, debt and expense obligations and repayment plan duration.
  • File Chapter 13 (With Repayment Plan) – After you have developed a repayment plan with all the necessary financial documents you will file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Then you will be reviewed and approved by the court.

With the guidance of legal professionals you will follow all the legal rules and plan carefully before you file Chapter 13.

Chapter 13 Repayment Plans

There are several repayment plans available to you through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition. But the type of repayment plan recommended for you will depend on your financial situation and the bankruptcy court’s decision. They are:

  • Standard Repayment Plan – You will repay creditors through monthly payments calculated based on your income, expenses and debt obligations for 3 to 5 years.
  • Disposable Income Plan – You will repay creditors in the same way but with your take home or ‘disposable’ income as determined by the court.
  • Priority Debt Plan – In this plan all priority debts and obligations must be paid in full before you can focus on other debts.

There are other types of repayment plans like Hybrid Plans and Cramdown Plans but your attorney will advise on which one is best for you.

Repayment Plan

An attorney can help you develop the repayment plan. A plan like this will tell you which debts to pay and up to what extent over what period. Here are the factors to consider when developing a repayment plan:

  • Debtor’s financial situation
  • Debt prioritization
  • Repayment plan flexibility
  • Repayment duration
  • Plan structure
  • Legal requirements and code

Priority Debts

Priority debts are child support, alimony, tax obligations, administrative expenses and other domestic obligations. When you file Chapter 13 bankruptcy you will pay these debts in full.

Secured Debts

Secured debts are backed by collateral and include car loans and mortgages. According to Chapter 13 bankruptcy rules you can keep secured assets like those by including their debts in the repayment plan. But regular payments must be made on secured debts to prevent foreclosure or repossession.

Unsecured Debts

Unsecured debts are medical bills, personal loans, credit card debt etc. They can be paid in full, in part or exempted.

Repayment Plan Duration

Repayment plan duration in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition is 3 to 5 years. But, it can be longer based on the debtor’s financial situation. Here are a few more factors that will affect your repayment plan:

  • Debtor’s income
  • Total debt amount
  • Types of debts
  • Living expenses and financial obligations
  • Changes in the debtor’s financial situation
  • Court’s assessment
  • Exemptions or special circumstances

Conclusion of Chapter 13 Reorganization Bankruptcy

Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves a structured approach to regaining financial stability by reorganizing or restructuring debts. To make sure you comply with the legal requirements and are eligible, you will need the help of an experienced bankruptcy attorney. So, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance from an accredited agency for debt relief.

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Completion and Discharge

You can get a discharge on your outstanding debts. However, that will only happen if you fulfill the legal requirements carefully. Note, you will still have to complete the court-approved repayment plan. It will offer you a fresh start to rebuild your financial life.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy has an impact on your credit score. More so, the chapter 13 regulations adhere to strict budgetary constraints. However, it is still a highly preferred option for debt relief among financially distressed individuals.

So, don’t hesitate to reach out to a certified lawyer. You can contact Attorney Debt Fighters for helpful counsel if you need further assistance before filing Chapter 13.

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Washington State Department of Commerce

CRP Economic Development - Washington State Department of Commerce

Community reinvestment project - economic development.

Economic development addresses wealth disparities by promoting asset building such as home ownership and expanding access to financial resources such as grants and loans for small businesses and entrepreneurs. This program area also invests in workforce development, financial literacy education, and other training and support activities

Multiracial couple looking into the blueprints of their future home and making a financial plan for that investment. Romantic diverse couple working together at home. Redecorating and relocation.

Strategic Investment Areas

The Community Reinvestment Plan recommends four strategic sets of economic development investments: subsidized lending, financial assistance/payments, outreach and support, and workforce development. The plan prioritizes a focus on existing, successful asset-building and economic development activities of the Department of Commerce and the Employment Security Department.

Increasing Assets and Income: Workforce Development

The Economic Security for All (EcSA) initiative is a poverty reduction model that coordinates existing programs to increase their collective ability to support low-income Washingtonian residents in their pursuit of equity, dignity and sustained self-sufficiency. A combination of intensive program navigation, local innovation, and flexible support fills gaps and meets needs within existing programs and regulations. At the local level, EcSA is run by partnerships of community service providers, includes the voices of those who have experienced poverty, and is convened and coordinated by local workforce development boards. EcSA’s innovative approach to equitably reduce poverty focuses on historically marginalized populations and people with multiple obstacles to self-sufficiency.

Grant Programs

Ecsa career accelerator incentives – $10 million..

The Economic Security for All (EcSA) Career Accelerator Incentives grant program is designed to support individuals as they work towards economic security and stability, with a focus on justice-involved individuals (and their families) impacted by the racial, social and economic disparities caused by the war on drugs. Underemployed job seekers can receive training, support payments, financial coaching, and financial incentives of up to $1,000 as they achieve specific goals such as obtaining an industry-recognized or post-secondary credential, gaining measurable skills, finding employment, or reaching a certain median wage. Local Workforce Development Boards will conduct outreach and help interested EcSA participants engage with other Community Reinvestment programs as they work towards economic security and stability.

EcSA Business Support – $15 million.

The Economic Security for All (EcSA) Business Support program funds Black, Triba;, and Latine businesses participating in the Workforce Innovations and Opportunity ACT (WIOA) while also providing job seekers with the necessary skills and experience to secure long-term employment.

Are you an individual or small business? Excited to learn more about how you can benefit from these programs? Learn more by contacting your local workforce development board. Download the map (PDF).

Increasing Assets and Income: Financial Assistance/Payments

The Community Reinvestment Plan recommends strategies for equitable income growth and wealth-building opportunities for children, adults, and families with low incomes. Among those strategies are establishing Individual Development Account programs for children and adults to encourage savings and investments in their future, like education, purchasing a home, or saving for retirement.

Individual Development Accounts – $25 million.

The Individual Development Accounts (IDA) program is aimed at helping individuals save for specific assets, such as education, housing, or starting or growing a business. The program provides matched savings accounts up to $10,000 to participants. The match will come from savings from earned income. To participate in the program, individuals must participate in financial education and coaching, developing skills and knowledge necessary to effectively manage their finances and achieve their savings goals.

Blended Capital Investments – $25 million.

The Blended Capital Enhancements program can assist beneficiaries in acquiring or securing assets through loans, matched savings, and asset journey acquisition enhancement. This enhancement is the capital that comes after matched savings and loans reach their limit, providing beneficiaries with additional funding to acquire and secure their assets. The program is managed by a central entity or regional entities, and financial technical assistance providers are required to provide a case statement for the amount requested for the asset journey enhancement, describing the asset being acquired or secured, how the enhancement will help secure the asset, the amount saved in the beneficiary’s Individual Development Account, the loan amount, if applicable, and the expected date of use. The maximum amount can be set for each asset journey.

Cannabis Business Grants – $3 million.

The Cannabis Business Grants program is a financial assistance initiative aimed at supporting social equity-qualified license holders to provide early-stage financial support and technical training to cannabis licensees who meet the social equity definition. To be eligible for the grant, an applicant must have majority ownership and control by at least one individual who has either resided in a disproportionately impacted area for five of the last 10 years or has been convicted of a misdemeanor marijuana offense or has a family member who has.

Increasing Assets and Income: Subsidized Lending

This strategy encompasses three programs aimed at expanding grants and loans to small businesses and entrepreneurs. A comprehensive, best practices approach integrates financial coaching and small business training and support activities to provide holistic implementation.

Loan Guarantee Fund – $17 million.

This fund is a pool of resources that provides funding and loan loss reserves to lenders across the state, including Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), local municipalities, and non-profit organizations. Loan Guarantee funds are often used to encourage small businesses, startups, individuals and other entities that might be traditionally considered “high-risk” borrowers.

Black, Latino, Indigenous-Led Lending Agency Support – $15 million. 

The Black, Latino and Indigenous-Led Lending Agency Support Program aims to support existing and emerging Black, Latino and Indigenous-Led lenders who are or are not currently Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), by providing grants for lending capital as well as capital for operations and salaries. This program recognizes the importance of providing robust investment to CDFIs, as they often operate with limited resources and staff. By enhancing their capacity, these CDFIs can serve a greater number of individuals and communities, access the risk pool, and gain access to additional training opportunities to effectively address wealth gaps.

Homeownership Capital Accelerator – $15 million.

The Homeownership Capital Accelerator grant program provides loan capital to lending agencies for increased leverage to help reduce buyers’ monthly mortgage payments and/or increase purchasing power. This may include options like secondary mortgages to eliminate mortgage insurance to facilitate home purchases.

Increasing Assets and Income: Outreach and Support

The Community Reinvestment Plan recognizes the importance of financial literacy, credit counseling, and investment education and coaching, to developing the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage finances and achieve savings goals. The Plan focuses on integrating financial coaching and other support and training alongside the other Community Reinvestment programs to provide holistic implementation.

Asset Building Initiatives – $3 million.

The Asset Building Initiatives grant program will provide funding to groups of organizations and individuals that come together to promote practices and advance policies to build assets and achieve financial stability. These coalitions can focus on issues such as increasing access to affordable housing, improving financial education and counseling, and promoting savings and asset building programs like Individual Development Accounts (IDA).

Financial Coaching and Mentorship – $10 million.

The Financial Coaching and Mentorship program provide grants for community organizations and financial institutions to hire employees to provide trauma-informed financial coaching, business coaching, and homebuyer education to households in a culturally responsive manner. The financial coaching and technical assistance will be integrated to include workforce development goals, home ownership, startup/scale-up lending, construction loans, detached accessory dwelling unit loans, and debt remediation. Some of the expected results include obtaining or maintaining employment, obtaining a vocational credential or degree, receiving additional public benefits for income support, improving credit ratings, opening savings and checking accounts, reducing debt, contributing to monthly savings, and saving for retirement or children’s education. As an intermediate goal, families will work towards improving credit, increasing their income to narrow the gap between their current income and self-sufficiency, and initiating the building of savings or assets.

Learn more about CRP

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Four Primary Funding Categories

  • Economic Development
  • Violence Reduction
  • Reentry Services
  • Legal Assistance
  • Economic Development Grant Programs flyer (PDF)
  • Community Reinvestment Plan Report (PDF)
  • Saporta Report, Homelessness: An income-first approach promotes transition to stable housing.
  • California Housing Finance Agency, ADU Grant Program
  • Portland KOIN 6 News Article: Portland’s backyard ADU program quietly launches
  • Contracting Barrier and Factors Affecting Minority Business Enterprises
  • Incorporating Race into the Illinois Community Reinvestment Act
  • Blueprint For a Just & Equitable Future. The 10-Year Plan to Dismantle Poverty in Washington
  • Improving Homeownership Rates for Blacks, Indigenous, and People of Color in Washington
  • Black Home Initiative: Connecting Capital and Community
  • Center for Community Investment
  • Civic Commons
  • Center for Working Families
  • WA State Small Business Training & Education Center
  • Find Ventures & Dept of Commerce Open Applications for New Equitable Innovations Accelerator
  • Building Supportive Ecosystems for Black-Owned US Businesses


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    1. Conduct Debt Counseling Market Research. To determine if a debt counseling business is viable, the first step is conducting thorough market research. This will shed light on industry trends, target demographics, competitive forces, startup costs, and revenue potential. Source.

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    When starting a debt counseling business, it's crucial to have a well-crafted business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, and financial considerations. A solid business plan not only helps you stay organized but also serves as a roadmap for success. In this section, we will explore two essential components of a debt counseling ...

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    5) Network and Form Partnerships. Get the word out there that your Debt Counseling Business is ready to take on clients by appearing at financial, social events, and conventions. Contacting and networking with bankers, credit bureaus, lenders, lawyers, counselors, real estate agents, and social workers will send potential clients who need debt ...

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    RUN A HIGH-TECH, LOW COST PRACTICE. Focus efforts on things you can do yourself--forget the fancy furniture! Less screen time/ more sweat! Avoid death by paper cuts. Online scheduling software. www.TherapyAppointment.com ($30-57.50/ month) Online scheduling (can see your availability) Online payment.

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    A debt management plan is a tailored strategy to help you repay outstanding debt and financial obligations without using a new loan. Typically, credit counseling agencies work with creditors on ...

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  11. PDF Planning to become debt-free?

    To get started, you can try the Financial Counseling Association of America, at www.fcaa.org or (800) 450-1794, and the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, at www.nfcc.org or (800) 388-2227. Then check on the organization with the Better Business Bureau or your state's attorney general or consumer protection agency.

  12. PDF For People on Debt Management Plans: A Must-Do List

    Lists must-dos for anyone with a Debt Management Plan, and the steps to take if the credit counselor handling your DMP has gone out of business. Also offers a list of questions to ask when choosing a credit counselor. Keywords: debt management plans; credit counseling; budget; debt Created Date: 3/24/2005 4:10:45 PM

  13. Start a Debt Counselling Business

    Debt councelling is a regulated industry, you cannot just open an office and be a debt counsellor. In order to become a debt counselor you need to complete a training course and register with the National Credit Regulator (NCR) which costs R500. You also need to meet the following requirements: Be 18 years or older.

  14. What Is A Debt Management Plan?

    The debt management plan generally aims to pay off all the unsecured debts within three to five years. Four years is a typical time to complete payoff. Debt management plans are only for unsecured ...

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    A debt management plan is a way to pay off high-interest unsecured debt - mostly credit cards - without having to take out a bank loan. Debt management plans reduce the interest rate on credit cards to around 8% and make monthly payments affordable, so consumers can pay off debt in 3-5 years. The plans are offered by nonprofit credit ...

  16. PDF Coping With Debt

    Dealing with Debt Collectors. Federal law dictates how and when a debt collector may contact you: not before 8 a.m., after 9 p.m., or while you're at work if the collector knows that your employer doesn't approve of the calls. Collectors may not harass you, lie, or use unfair practices when they try to collect a debt.

  17. What is a Debt Management Plan

    Call us at 833-715-1148. A debt management plan is a tool offered by nonprofit credit counseling agencies to get you on the path to getting and staying out of debt.

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    Credit counseling is designed to help you create a game plan for managing your finances. This involves having a credit counselor look over your finances and use their expertise to help you create ...

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    The Personal Financial Workbook is a tool that you can use to organize your finances and gain an understanding of how you are spending your money. By using the worksheets, you'll be able to paint a clear picture of your financial situation and make better decisions for the future. We recommend that you photocopy worksheets before using them ...

  20. Debt Collection Agency Business Plan Template

    Debt Collection Agency Business Plan Template - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

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    If you can't get out of debt on your own, but you can aford to pay of your debt in full in 60 payments or less, they will recommend a debt management program. 4. You and your counselor will ind a monthly payment you can aford. 5. Then the credit counseling team contacts your creditors to reduce or eliminate interest and stop fees. 6.

  22. Debt Management: A Debt Program Designed Around You

    We'll review your financial situation together, and make a personalized plan to get your finances back on track. We'll explain the options and give you the information you need to make a choice that works for you. 888-860-4227. GreenPath can support you in paying off your debt faster. Learn more about how a GreenPath Debt Management Program ...

  23. PDF Debt Management Plan

    A Debt Management Plan is designed to help you save and get out of debt responsibly. *Interest rate deductions are ˚xed and dependent on the creditor. DEBT MANAGEMENT PLAN ˚ BY THE NUMBERS WITHOUT A DEBT MANAGEMENT PLAN INTEREST RATE MONTHLY PAYMENT NUMBER OF PAYMENTS TOTAL INTEREST PAID WITH A DEBT MANAGEMENT PLAN 14.9 percent 1.9 percent ...

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    Repayment Plan - With the attorney you will develop a realistic debt repayment plan that includes income, debt and expense obligations and repayment plan duration. File Chapter 13 (With Repayment Plan) - After you have developed a repayment plan with all the necessary financial documents you will file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

  25. CRP Economic Development

    Community Reinvestment Project - Economic Development Economic development addresses wealth disparities by promoting asset building such as home ownership and expanding access to financial resources such as grants and loans for small businesses and entrepreneurs. This program area also invests in workforce development, financial literacy education, and other training and support activities ...

  26. 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report

    Debt Bondage "Debt bondage" is focused on human trafficking crimes in which the trafficker's primary means of coercion is debt manipulation. U.S. law prohibits perpetrators from using debts as part of their scheme, plan, or pattern to compel a person to work or engage in commercial sex.

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    The debt load also is significantly lower than national and statewide averages. The average debt load for 2023 graduates was $20,655 among students who took out loans, according to data compiled by WT's Office of Student Financial Services for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's Accountability System.