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Why You Should Visit Islamabad, Pakistan's Capital City

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Calm, quiet, peaceful, green: these adjectives describe the essential makeup of Islamabad, capital of Pakistan . The moderately populated city, situated on the Potohar Plateau, offers a tranquil option for those who prefer to explore at a leisurely pace without the need to time their schedule according to traffic. Read on to find out why a trip to Pakistan is incomplete without a stint in Islamabad. Did you know – Culture Trip now does bookable, small-group trips? Pick from authentic, immersive Epic Trips , compact and action-packed Mini Trips and sparkling, expansive Sailing Trips .

It’s home to the shah faisal mosque.

The Shah Faisal Mosque holds a special place in the Muslim community of Pakistan due to its ties with Saudi Arabia (the mosque was named after one of the kingdom’s monarchs). It can accommodate over 100,000 worshipers in its main hall and courtyard. Besides its religious significance, the mosque is famed for its architecture, which is a departure from traditional domes and arches. The building mimics a desert tent, and is situated between four pencil-like minarets. A guided tour of the mosque is usually an important part of the itinerary of tourists visiting Islamabad.

The stunning Shah Faisal Mosque

It’s the safest of Pakistan’s major cities

As Islamabad is the seat of government in Pakistan, the city by default is a focal point of excellent security and law and order facilities. The capital’s physical size (around 906 sq km) makes it easier to monitor and regulate safety for citizens and tourists alike. There is hardly any need to think twice before venturing out for a midnight stroll or driving on even the quietest roads.

There are museums galore

For history and nature buffs, the city is home to a number of museums. For those seeking a pictorial history of Islamabad, the photo museum at Saidpur Village that chronicles the city through the ages. The Lok Virsa Museum depicts the culture of Pakistan; the Golra Sharif Heritage Museum tells the story of the country’s railways; the Pakistan Natural History Museum offers insight into the local flora and fauna; and the Pakistan Monument Museum houses wax figures that narrate the Pakistan Movement.

The hiking trails

A well-constructed road winds around the Margalla Hills in Islamabad, leading to scenic places like Daman-e-Koh and Pir Sohawa. However, the more adventurous can scale any of the hills’ hiking trails to visit the spots on foot. Trails 1 and 2 take about two hours to reach the summit; Trail 3 is for those who wish to undertake a challenging hike; Trail 5 is the easiest, albeit the longest; and Trail 6 is the most recently discovered path to the summit.

Islamabad offers most of the major cuisines in demand in the region. Continental, Chinese, American, English, Italian and Pakistani food are widely available. From high-end restaurants to tiny food stalls, the city has something for everyone and won’t let any visitors go hungry for lack of variety.

The Monal Restaurant deserves a special mention, both due to its extensive menu and ideal location. A 30-minute drive from central Islamabad up to Pir Sohawa in the Margalla Hills leads to Monal, where one can enjoy stunning views of the city while having a fulfilling meal.

people cheering on a mountain

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The Monal Restaurant

Whether you’re looking to splurge on luxurious local and foreign brands or are in search of cultural artifacts and handicrafts to take back home, you can find it all in Islamabad. Besides Centaurus Mall and Safa Gold Mall, you can find something to your liking in the various markets throughout the city. The F-6 Markaz and the picturesque Saidpur Village are particularly popular for quality souvenirs.

It’s well-planned and structured

Islamabad was constructed in the 1960s according to a grid plan. The city’s sectors are organised systematically, with each sector possessing its own markaz, or commercial centre, set well apart from the residential areas. One does not have to rely on Google Maps or other navigation systems to find their way about, due to the well-placed signboards at almost every traffic intersection and the general methodical arrangement of all sectors.

The gardens and parks

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The city – already interspersed with green belts and plentiful trees – is dotted with numerous parks and gardens open to the public. Among the more famous ones, the Fatima Jinnah Park covers an entire sector, while Shakarparian Park is where most of the ceremonial tree plantations take place. The relatively new Lakeview Park offers a pleasing view of the Rawal Lake, and is a favourite picnic spot. For those interested in flower gardens, the Rose and Jasmine Garden not only boasts over 250 different kinds of roses and jasmine but also hosts annual flower shows.

It’s a base for nearby destinations

Visitors intending to travel to the renowned northern areas of Pakistan almost always make a stopover in Islamabad to break their journey. Besides being the gateway to the splendid north, the city is close to historical sites such as Taxila, home to a number of erstwhile civilizations and believed to have one of the earliest universities in the world. The Gurdwara Panja Sahib, a sacred site for Sikhs, is located in Hasan Abdal, about 40km from Islamabad.

It’s host to all four seasons

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Not all cities in Pakistan have the fortune of witnessing the transition of seasons, with summer and winter dominating most of the country the whole year round. Islamabad, on the other hand, is host to blazing summers, balmy springs, nippy autumns and chilly winters, along with a month or two of monsoon rains. Tourists usually plan their visit to the city in the milder seasons.

The Diplomatic Enclave

Sector G-5 in Islamabad is the Diplomatic Enclave, home to all the embassies and high commissions of countries with diplomatic ties with Pakistan. In case of any unforeseen problems, foreign tourists can seek guidance from their embassies.

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essay on my city islamabad

7 reasons to love Islamabad, the beautiful capital city of Pakistan

“This is the heaviest pre-winter rainfall in Pakistan’s history and has affected more than 80 per cent of country,” said Dr Muhammad Hanif, spokesperson for the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD).

Islamabad – a stunning and trendy capital city I fell in love with

By Umana Khan

Pakistan has the most striking, must-visit cultural, religious and historic sites in Pakistan, from Lahore to Karachi to Islamabad. However, the capital city of Pakistan indeed takes top honors for being the most beautiful and amazing city. But before you Karachites and Lahoris charge at me with a debate on which city is the best, let’s get one thing straight: All cities have their distinct set of attractions and flaws that make them equally unique – So no comparisons, please.

But what makes Islamabad so different, stunning and unique is that the capital city is blessed with breathtaking natural wonders alongside great infrastructure which is an added attraction for foreigners and tourists. This is what makes it an incredibly attractive and exciting place to visit.

Here are some of the reasons that made me love Islamabad profoundly:

1. Beautiful Islamabad Rain

If you think Islamabad is pretty in the mist-filled winters, try visiting it in the monsoons. The pouring rain over the glorious hills makes the city mesmerizingly beautiful.

Winter chill has engulfed Islamabad, leading to a marked drop in temperature after the rainfall on Sunday, 25 October, 2015.

2. This city is way too clean

While the rest of Pakistan is busy complaining about pollution in all its heinous forms, Islamabad enjoys a clean and scenic, aesthetic environment that is indeed a treat for the eyes.

Aiwan-e-Quaid building in Fatima Jinnah Park Islamabad

3. It’s a small city so everyone is socially connected

The population of Islamabad is 2 million, while Karachi alone inhabits as many as 10 million people (according to the last census). Islamabad is therefore not overcrowded but well connected. One is always guaranteed to bump into someone they know whenever they step out of the house; be it a teacher, a relative, a friend, or a friend of a relative – Everybody knows everyone in one way or another!

people greet in Islamabad

4. You can visit the stunning Margalla Hills every other weekend

Others may have to travel miles to be among the marvelous mountains. But the people of Islamabad have an unparalleled advantage of exploring amazing natural beauty right in their backyard. How can anyone get weary of such an amazing view?

Margalla Hills and Pir sohawa received light snowfall after almost ten years on 11 Feb. 2016.

5. Every Friday Prayer feels like Eid in Faisal Mosque

The beauty and majesty of the Faisal Mosque is sure to enthrall you. The novel design of the Mosque, the expansive open spaces, symmetry and white pillars against the backdrop of Margalla is an unparallel sight. Besides, every Friday prayer at the Faisal Mosque feels like Eid.

Faisal Mosque - the biggest Mosque of Pakistan

6. Shopping at the awesome Centaurus Mall

This world-class Centaurus Mall located in the heart of the city is a great place to go shopping, and the amazing architecture particularly draws the attention of all its visitors.

Centaurus Islamabad

7. Islamabad is very, very Green and clean

One thing that a person can’t seem to get over when visiting Islamabad is how green this city is! The greenery is bound to mesmerize and stay in your head long after you are gone. While Karachi and Lahore are plastered with huge billboards and building, Islamabad is decorated with luscious green scenery throughout.

Lake View Park in Islamabad

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Short Note/Essay on My favorite city in Pakistan

My favorite city in Pakistan is Islamabad. I think it is a place where a person can find the ultimate peace. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan for that reason it has a lot security. I had the chance of living in Islamabad for 2 years. Islamabad is a city which was made on mountains so it is a steep area. You would actually amazed by the kind of discipline which is ingrained in to the people living in Islamabad. Most people regard Islamabad as the place which helps them become a healthier human being as most people over there sleep early and wake up early in the morning.

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At Least 750,000 on Brink of Starvation and Death in Sudan, Experts Warn

A devastating civil war is pushing the country toward a full-blown famine, according to the international body that measures hunger.

A small child on a hospital bed, clasping a hand as medics insert a cannula.

By Declan Walsh

Reporting from Nairobi, Kenya

At least 750,000 people are on the brink of starvation and death in Sudan, where a devastating civil war has left over half the country’s 48 million people in a situation of chronic hunger, the global authority on famine said on Thursday.

At least 14 areas across the country are near famine, including some in the capital, Khartoum, according to the latest figures from the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, a group of experts from U.N. bodies and major relief agencies that measures hunger and formally declares famine.

The dire update appeared to confirm warnings from aid experts that Sudan is hurtling toward a humanitarian disaster on a scale not seen in decades.

“This is possibly the crisis of a generation,” said Edouard Rodier, Europe director for the Norwegian Refugee Council, who was in western Sudan last week. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

In a report issued on Thursday , the group said that 25.6 million Sudanese, or over half the population, were in a food crisis. Of them, 8.5 million are acutely malnourished or scrambling to survive while 755,000 are in a “catastrophe” — essentially, famine conditions.

When the group, known as the I.P.C., last issued estimates for Sudan in December , the number of people facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity was zero. The latest figures exceed even those of Gaza, where the group said on Tuesday that 495,000 people were in the same situation.

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