How to Write a Great Synopsis for Thesis

A synopsis is a structured outline of a research thesis and the steps followed to answer the research question. The goal of writing a synopsis is to clearly and thoroughly explain the need to investigate a certain problem using particular practical methods to conduct the study. One of the main components of this written work is an extensive literature review containing strong evidence that the proposed research is feasible.

Establishing the Background

A supervisor may ask you to write a synopsis for one or more reasons:

  • to help you improve your critical thinking and writing skills
  • to help you understand how to design a comprehensive synopsis
  • to encourage you to write a comprehensive literature review to make sure that the research problem has not been answered yet
  • to make you conduct a logical analysis of the steps that should be followed to meet the objectives of the research

A synopsis should be coherent in terms of research design. Thus, you should ensure that the research problem, aims, and research methods are logically linked and well-considered. Note that all synopses should contain answers for several crucial questions:

  • Why should research on the proposed problem be undertaken?
  • What is expected to be achieved?
  • What has been done by other researchers on the proposed topic?
  • How will the objectives of the study be achieved?

The Writing Process

Before proceeding, consider answering the following questions:

  • Why am I going to study this topic?
  • Why do I consider it to be important?
  • Have I conducted an extensive literature review on the topic?
  • What problem will the research help to solve?
  • How do I incorporate previous studies on the topic?

The structure of a synopsis should correspond to the structure of qualifying research work, and the word count should be 2,500–3,000 words (Balu 38). The basic elements of a synopsis include a title page, contents page, an introduction, background, literature review, objectives, methods, experiments and results, conclusions, and references.


As this comprises the first part of the main text, the introduction should convince readers that the study addresses a relevant topic and that the expected outcomes will provide important insights. Also, this section should include a brief description of the methods that will be used to answer the research question. Usually, the introduction is written in 1–3 paragraphs and answers the following questions:

  • What is the topic of the research?
  • What is the research problem that needs to be meaningfully understood or investigated?
  • Why is the problem important?
  • How will the problem be studied?

In this section, you should set the scene and better introduce the research topic by proving its scientific legitimacy and relevance. It is important to establish a clear focus and avoid broad generalizations and vague statements. If necessary, you may explain key concepts or terms. Consider covering the following points in this section:

  • Discuss how the research will contribute to the existing scientific knowledge.
  • Provide a detailed description of the research problem and purpose of the research.
  • Provide a rationale for the study.
  • Explain how the research question will be answered.
  • Be sure to discuss the methods chosen and anticipated implications of the research.

Literature Review

A review of existing literature is an important part of a synopsis, as it:

  • gives a more detailed look at scientific information related to the topic
  • familiarizes readers with research conducted by others on a similar subject
  • gives insight into the difficulties faced by other researchers
  • helps identify variables for the research based on similar studies
  • helps double-check the feasibility of the research problem.

When writing the literature review, do not simply present a list of methods researchers have used and conclusions they have drawn. It is important to compare and contrast different opinions and be unafraid to criticize some of them. Pay attention to controversial issues and divergent approaches used to address similar problems. You may discuss which arguments are more persuasive and which methods and techniques seem to be more valid and reliable. In this section, you are expected not to summarize but analyze the previous research while remembering to link it to your own purpose.

Identify the objectives of the research based on the literature review. Provide an overall objective related to the scientific contribution of the study to the subject area. Also include a specific objective that can be measured at the end of the research.

When writing this section, consider that the aim of the research is to produce new knowledge regarding the topic chosen. Therefore, the research methodology forms the core of your project, and your goal is to convince readers that the research design and methods chosen will rationally answer the research questions and provide effective tools to interpret the results correctly. It may be appropriate to incorporate some examples from your literature review into the description of the overall research design.

When describing the research methodology, ensure that you specify the approaches and techniques that will be used to answer the research question. In addition, be specific about applying the chosen methods and what you expect to achieve. Keep in mind that the methods section allows readers to evaluate the validity and feasibility of the study. Therefore, be sure to explain your decision to adopt specific methods and procedures. It is also important to discuss the anticipated barriers and limitations of the study and how they will be addressed. Specify what kind of contribution to the existing knowledge on the topic is expected, and discuss any ethical considerations that are relevant to the research.

Experiments and Results

Logically present and analyze the results of the study using tables or figures.

In this section, you should again state the significance of the research and summarize the study. Be sure to mention the study objectives and methods used to answer the research questions. Also, discuss how the results of the study contribute to the current knowledge on the problem.

A synopsis should contain a list of all references used. Make sure the references are formatted according to the chosen citation style and each source presented in this section is mentioned within the body of the synopsis.

The purpose of writing a synopsis is to show a supervisor a clear picture of a proposed project and allow him or her to find any gaps that have not been considered previously. A concisely written synopsis will help you gain approval to proceed with the actual research. While no rigid rules for writing this type of paper have been established, a synopsis should be constructed in a manner to help a supervisor understand the proposed research at first glance.

Balu, R. “Writing a Good Ph.D Research Synopsis.” International Journal of Research in Science and Technology, vol. 5, no. 4, 2015, pp. 38–48.

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A synopsis is a brief summary which gives readers an overview of the main points. In an academic context, this is usually a summary of a text (a journal article, book, report etc) but in some instances you might be writing a synopsis of a talk, film or other form of presentation. A synopsis is a neutral summary, objectively capturing the main points, rather than your own perspective or critique, and it focusses directly on the text you’re summarising rather than being a wider discussion of a topic, as an essay might be.

A synopsis aims to give the reader a full, if brief, account of the whole text so that they can follow its main points without having to read it themselves. It’s not a ‘trailer’ designed to tempt your audience to read the text itself, so you don’t have to worry about ‘hooking’ them in with hints and high points or ‘spoiling the ending’ - give the whole text equal coverage, including the conclusions. You could add some commentary which gives the reader a bit of context about the text, including the authors and circumstances it was written in (for example, if it is part of a debate, particular school of thought or its significance and what impact it’s had).

Writing a good synopsis is a skill, and there are a number of challenges: 

  • Separating the main points from the minor detail
  • Knowing what to leave out as well as what to include
  • Giving a sense of the overall narrative as well as listing the key points
  • Covering the whole text within a small word limit
  • Knowing how closely to stick to the original, especially in terms of the wording
  • Whether to give all key points equal treatment, or cover some more briefly, even combining them
  • Rephrasing things concisely without losing the meaning or misrepresenting it
  • Not leaving out anything crucial to understanding the whole overall message

A good synopsis will allow the reader to feel as if they’d skimread the whole text themselves, understanding the overall gist and highlighting what they need to know. A poor synopsis will get bogged down in detail, giving a confused account of the whole story by just listing points, miss out major points or give an inaccurate or one-sided account or stick so closely to the original that it becomes plagiarism without demonstrating a real understanding by the person summarising it.  

How to prepare a synopsis

Boiling down the key points and overall narrative of the original means good reading and note-taking skills which aim to identify and boil down key points to their essence. You could try some of the following approaches: 

  • Read the whole text, and afterwards, without re-reading, jot down your first initial summary in 50 words to capture its overall point. You can check it back for accuracy or anything you left out, but stick within ca 50 words
  • Read the introduction and first line of each paragraph to get a sense of the overall structure and key points within it
  • Highlight one sentence in each paragraph that you think is essential detail to understanding that section
  • Alternatively, with a marker pen, cross out anything that isn’t essential to an understanding of the whole section or text 
  • Jot down only key words as a summary of each point rather than whole sentences
  • Read each paragraph and summarise it without looking, in one sentence of your own 
  • Consider how many points you can make within your word count, and reduce or combine your list of summarised points down to this number

You could start small, identifying just keywords or sentences at first and then work them up into phrases, bullet points and sentences as a rough plan or draft, or you could start big with the original text and reduce each section, paragraph and sentence summary again and again until you have boiled it down to its essence.  

When you start to prepare your first plan or draft, try to use your notes or memory and step away from the original as much as you can. You can go back and check it afterwards, but you need to create some distance to be able to create your own account and have confidence in the points you have identified as essential.

Writing a synopsis

The main decisions facing you as you write up your summary are about how closely to stick to the original in terms of structure and style, and how much attention to give to each point. 

  • You could begin your synopsis with a brief context, explaining who the authors are, the context and significance of their work, as well as anything you think might help the reader to understand the following summary
  • The most common structure is to follow that of the original text, to give a sense of its narrative flow as well as the key points within it. You could choose to depart from it a little though, perhaps glossing over some points faster than others, combining two sections which go together or aren’t enough in their own right, possibly even changing the order a little where it helps to combine two similar points. Careful use of signposting language will help the reader clearly follow the structure (and note anywhere you’ve changed it from the original) so they can identify the bit you’re talking about in the original if they want to
  • The style will naturally be strongly influenced by the original wording, but you should phrase it in your own words wherever possible. It’s harder to nibble away words from a much longer original than it is to start again and use your own concise phrasing, and you want to demonstrate your own understanding to the reader. You could use the odd original phrase or quotation here or there, but the synopsis needs to be more than a collage of quotations; it’s a thing in its own right rather than a cut-down version of the original
  • You can also show your own response to the text in the way you use language to guide the reader to what you feel are the key points and (briefly) why. Your own voice doesn’t need to be very obvious in the synopsis, as it’s about the text rather than your reaction to it, but you have made analytical decisions about what is important, and might want to explain to the reader why these points are significant in understanding the whole
  • What is the main purpose of this text? What did it aim to discover, explain or prove?
  • Why was this research done? How significant is it?
  • How was the research conducted? What kind of research is it?
  • What were the three (or four, five) main things I should be aware of from this paper?
  • What is their line of argument?
  • What is their overall conclusion, recommendation, finding? Why is that important?

Managing word count

The trick to writing a concise synopsis which keeps within your word limit is not to start from the much bigger original text, but from your own boiled down notes. If you’re over the word count, you could start cutting out words that don’t seem essential, but if you go too far, you end up with a text which does not read well and doesn’t hang together. It might be better to remove whole sentences and perhaps whole points, than nibble away at words here and there.

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Research Summary – Structure, Examples and Writing Guide

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Research Summary

Research Summary


A research summary is a brief and concise overview of a research project or study that highlights its key findings, main points, and conclusions. It typically includes a description of the research problem, the research methods used, the results obtained, and the implications or significance of the findings. It is often used as a tool to quickly communicate the main findings of a study to other researchers, stakeholders, or decision-makers.

Structure of Research Summary

The Structure of a Research Summary typically include:

  • Introduction : This section provides a brief background of the research problem or question, explains the purpose of the study, and outlines the research objectives.
  • Methodology : This section explains the research design, methods, and procedures used to conduct the study. It describes the sample size, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • Results : This section presents the main findings of the study, including statistical analysis if applicable. It may include tables, charts, or graphs to visually represent the data.
  • Discussion : This section interprets the results and explains their implications. It discusses the significance of the findings, compares them to previous research, and identifies any limitations or future directions for research.
  • Conclusion : This section summarizes the main points of the research and provides a conclusion based on the findings. It may also suggest implications for future research or practical applications of the results.
  • References : This section lists the sources cited in the research summary, following the appropriate citation style.

How to Write Research Summary

Here are the steps you can follow to write a research summary:

  • Read the research article or study thoroughly: To write a summary, you must understand the research article or study you are summarizing. Therefore, read the article or study carefully to understand its purpose, research design, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  • Identify the main points : Once you have read the research article or study, identify the main points, key findings, and research question. You can highlight or take notes of the essential points and findings to use as a reference when writing your summary.
  • Write the introduction: Start your summary by introducing the research problem, research question, and purpose of the study. Briefly explain why the research is important and its significance.
  • Summarize the methodology : In this section, summarize the research design, methods, and procedures used to conduct the study. Explain the sample size, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • Present the results: Summarize the main findings of the study. Use tables, charts, or graphs to visually represent the data if necessary.
  • Interpret the results: In this section, interpret the results and explain their implications. Discuss the significance of the findings, compare them to previous research, and identify any limitations or future directions for research.
  • Conclude the summary : Summarize the main points of the research and provide a conclusion based on the findings. Suggest implications for future research or practical applications of the results.
  • Revise and edit : Once you have written the summary, revise and edit it to ensure that it is clear, concise, and free of errors. Make sure that your summary accurately represents the research article or study.
  • Add references: Include a list of references cited in the research summary, following the appropriate citation style.

Example of Research Summary

Here is an example of a research summary:

Title: The Effects of Yoga on Mental Health: A Meta-Analysis

Introduction: This meta-analysis examines the effects of yoga on mental health. The study aimed to investigate whether yoga practice can improve mental health outcomes such as anxiety, depression, stress, and quality of life.

Methodology : The study analyzed data from 14 randomized controlled trials that investigated the effects of yoga on mental health outcomes. The sample included a total of 862 participants. The yoga interventions varied in length and frequency, ranging from four to twelve weeks, with sessions lasting from 45 to 90 minutes.

Results : The meta-analysis found that yoga practice significantly improved mental health outcomes. Participants who practiced yoga showed a significant reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as stress levels. Quality of life also improved in those who practiced yoga.

Discussion : The findings of this study suggest that yoga can be an effective intervention for improving mental health outcomes. The study supports the growing body of evidence that suggests that yoga can have a positive impact on mental health. Limitations of the study include the variability of the yoga interventions, which may affect the generalizability of the findings.

Conclusion : Overall, the findings of this meta-analysis support the use of yoga as an effective intervention for improving mental health outcomes. Further research is needed to determine the optimal length and frequency of yoga interventions for different populations.

References :

  • Cramer, H., Lauche, R., Langhorst, J., Dobos, G., & Berger, B. (2013). Yoga for depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Depression and anxiety, 30(11), 1068-1083.
  • Khalsa, S. B. (2004). Yoga as a therapeutic intervention: a bibliometric analysis of published research studies. Indian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 48(3), 269-285.
  • Ross, A., & Thomas, S. (2010). The health benefits of yoga and exercise: a review of comparison studies. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16(1), 3-12.

Purpose of Research Summary

The purpose of a research summary is to provide a brief overview of a research project or study, including its main points, findings, and conclusions. The summary allows readers to quickly understand the essential aspects of the research without having to read the entire article or study.

Research summaries serve several purposes, including:

  • Facilitating comprehension: A research summary allows readers to quickly understand the main points and findings of a research project or study without having to read the entire article or study. This makes it easier for readers to comprehend the research and its significance.
  • Communicating research findings: Research summaries are often used to communicate research findings to a wider audience, such as policymakers, practitioners, or the general public. The summary presents the essential aspects of the research in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for non-experts to understand.
  • Supporting decision-making: Research summaries can be used to support decision-making processes by providing a summary of the research evidence on a particular topic. This information can be used by policymakers or practitioners to make informed decisions about interventions, programs, or policies.
  • Saving time: Research summaries save time for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders who need to review multiple research studies. Rather than having to read the entire article or study, they can quickly review the summary to determine whether the research is relevant to their needs.

Characteristics of Research Summary

The following are some of the key characteristics of a research summary:

  • Concise : A research summary should be brief and to the point, providing a clear and concise overview of the main points of the research.
  • Objective : A research summary should be written in an objective tone, presenting the research findings without bias or personal opinion.
  • Comprehensive : A research summary should cover all the essential aspects of the research, including the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  • Accurate : A research summary should accurately reflect the key findings and conclusions of the research.
  • Clear and well-organized: A research summary should be easy to read and understand, with a clear structure and logical flow.
  • Relevant : A research summary should focus on the most important and relevant aspects of the research, highlighting the key findings and their implications.
  • Audience-specific: A research summary should be tailored to the intended audience, using language and terminology that is appropriate and accessible to the reader.
  • Citations : A research summary should include citations to the original research articles or studies, allowing readers to access the full text of the research if desired.

When to write Research Summary

Here are some situations when it may be appropriate to write a research summary:

  • Proposal stage: A research summary can be included in a research proposal to provide a brief overview of the research aims, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  • Conference presentation: A research summary can be prepared for a conference presentation to summarize the main findings of a study or research project.
  • Journal submission: Many academic journals require authors to submit a research summary along with their research article or study. The summary provides a brief overview of the study’s main points, findings, and conclusions and helps readers quickly understand the research.
  • Funding application: A research summary can be included in a funding application to provide a brief summary of the research aims, objectives, and expected outcomes.
  • Policy brief: A research summary can be prepared as a policy brief to communicate research findings to policymakers or stakeholders in a concise and accessible manner.

Advantages of Research Summary

Research summaries offer several advantages, including:

  • Time-saving: A research summary saves time for readers who need to understand the key findings and conclusions of a research project quickly. Rather than reading the entire research article or study, readers can quickly review the summary to determine whether the research is relevant to their needs.
  • Clarity and accessibility: A research summary provides a clear and accessible overview of the research project’s main points, making it easier for readers to understand the research without having to be experts in the field.
  • Improved comprehension: A research summary helps readers comprehend the research by providing a brief and focused overview of the key findings and conclusions, making it easier to understand the research and its significance.
  • Enhanced communication: Research summaries can be used to communicate research findings to a wider audience, such as policymakers, practitioners, or the general public, in a concise and accessible manner.
  • Facilitated decision-making: Research summaries can support decision-making processes by providing a summary of the research evidence on a particular topic. Policymakers or practitioners can use this information to make informed decisions about interventions, programs, or policies.
  • Increased dissemination: Research summaries can be easily shared and disseminated, allowing research findings to reach a wider audience.

Limitations of Research Summary

Limitations of the Research Summary are as follows:

  • Limited scope: Research summaries provide a brief overview of the research project’s main points, findings, and conclusions, which can be limiting. They may not include all the details, nuances, and complexities of the research that readers may need to fully understand the study’s implications.
  • Risk of oversimplification: Research summaries can be oversimplified, reducing the complexity of the research and potentially distorting the findings or conclusions.
  • Lack of context: Research summaries may not provide sufficient context to fully understand the research findings, such as the research background, methodology, or limitations. This may lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the research.
  • Possible bias: Research summaries may be biased if they selectively emphasize certain findings or conclusions over others, potentially distorting the overall picture of the research.
  • Format limitations: Research summaries may be constrained by the format or length requirements, making it challenging to fully convey the research’s main points, findings, and conclusions.
  • Accessibility: Research summaries may not be accessible to all readers, particularly those with limited literacy skills, visual impairments, or language barriers.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How To Write A Research Summary

Deeptanshu D

It’s a common perception that writing a research summary is a quick and easy task. After all, how hard can jotting down 300 words be? But when you consider the weight those 300 words carry, writing a research summary as a part of your dissertation, essay or compelling draft for your paper instantly becomes daunting task.

A research summary requires you to synthesize a complex research paper into an informative, self-explanatory snapshot. It needs to portray what your article contains. Thus, writing it often comes at the end of the task list.

Regardless of when you’re planning to write, it is no less of a challenge, particularly if you’re doing it for the first time. This blog will take you through everything you need to know about research summary so that you have an easier time with it.

How to write a research summary

What is a Research Summary?

A research summary is the part of your research paper that describes its findings to the audience in a brief yet concise manner. A well-curated research summary represents you and your knowledge about the information written in the research paper.

While writing a quality research summary, you need to discover and identify the significant points in the research and condense it in a more straightforward form. A research summary is like a doorway that provides access to the structure of a research paper's sections.

Since the purpose of a summary is to give an overview of the topic, methodology, and conclusions employed in a paper, it requires an objective approach. No analysis or criticism.

Research summary or Abstract. What’s the Difference?

They’re both brief, concise, and give an overview of an aspect of the research paper. So, it’s easy to understand why many new researchers get the two confused. However, a research summary and abstract are two very different things with individual purpose. To start with, a research summary is written at the end while the abstract comes at the beginning of a research paper.

A research summary captures the essence of the paper at the end of your document. It focuses on your topic, methods, and findings. More like a TL;DR, if you will. An abstract, on the other hand, is a description of what your research paper is about. It tells your reader what your topic or hypothesis is, and sets a context around why you have embarked on your research.

Getting Started with a Research Summary

Before you start writing, you need to get insights into your research’s content, style, and organization. There are three fundamental areas of a research summary that you should focus on.

  • While deciding the contents of your research summary, you must include a section on its importance as a whole, the techniques, and the tools that were used to formulate the conclusion. Additionally, there needs to be a short but thorough explanation of how the findings of the research paper have a significance.
  • To keep the summary well-organized, try to cover the various sections of the research paper in separate paragraphs. Besides, how the idea of particular factual research came up first must be explained in a separate paragraph.
  • As a general practice worldwide, research summaries are restricted to 300-400 words. However, if you have chosen a lengthy research paper, try not to exceed the word limit of 10% of the entire research paper.

How to Structure Your Research Summary

The research summary is nothing but a concise form of the entire research paper. Therefore, the structure of a summary stays the same as the paper. So, include all the section titles and write a little about them. The structural elements that a research summary must consist of are:

It represents the topic of the research. Try to phrase it so that it includes the key findings or conclusion of the task.

The abstract gives a context of the research paper. Unlike the abstract at the beginning of a paper, the abstract here, should be very short since you’ll be working with a limited word count.


This is the most crucial section of a research summary as it helps readers get familiarized with the topic. You should include the definition of your topic, the current state of the investigation, and practical relevance in this part. Additionally, you should present the problem statement, investigative measures, and any hypothesis in this section.


This section provides details about the methodology and the methods adopted to conduct the study. You should write a brief description of the surveys, sampling, type of experiments, statistical analysis, and the rationality behind choosing those particular methods.

Create a list of evidence obtained from the various experiments with a primary analysis, conclusions, and interpretations made upon that. In the paper research paper, you will find the results section as the most detailed and lengthy part. Therefore, you must pick up the key elements and wisely decide which elements are worth including and which are worth skipping.

This is where you present the interpretation of results in the context of their application. Discussion usually covers results, inferences, and theoretical models explaining the obtained values, key strengths, and limitations. All of these are vital elements that you must include in the summary.

Most research papers merge conclusion with discussions. However, depending upon the instructions, you may have to prepare this as a separate section in your research summary. Usually, conclusion revisits the hypothesis and provides the details about the validation or denial about the arguments made in the research paper, based upon how convincing the results were obtained.

The structure of a research summary closely resembles the anatomy of a scholarly article . Additionally, you should keep your research and references limited to authentic and  scholarly sources only.

Tips for Writing a Research Summary

The core concept behind undertaking a research summary is to present a simple and clear understanding of your research paper to the reader. The biggest hurdle while doing that is the number of words you have at your disposal. So, follow the steps below to write a research summary that sticks.

1. Read the parent paper thoroughly

You should go through the research paper thoroughly multiple times to ensure that you have a complete understanding of its contents. A 3-stage reading process helps.

a. Scan: In the first read, go through it to get an understanding of its basic concept and methodologies.

b. Read: For the second step, read the article attentively by going through each section, highlighting the key elements, and subsequently listing the topics that you will include in your research summary.

c. Skim: Flip through the article a few more times to study the interpretation of various experimental results, statistical analysis, and application in different contexts.

Sincerely go through different headings and subheadings as it will allow you to understand the underlying concept of each section. You can try reading the introduction and conclusion simultaneously to understand the motive of the task and how obtained results stay fit to the expected outcome.

2. Identify the key elements in different sections

While exploring different sections of an article, you can try finding answers to simple what, why, and how. Below are a few pointers to give you an idea:

  • What is the research question and how is it addressed?
  • Is there a hypothesis in the introductory part?
  • What type of methods are being adopted?
  • What is the sample size for data collection and how is it being analyzed?
  • What are the most vital findings?
  • Do the results support the hypothesis?


  • What is the final solution to the problem statement?
  • What is the explanation for the obtained results?
  • What is the drawn inference?
  • What are the various limitations of the study?

3. Prepare the first draft

Now that you’ve listed the key points that the paper tries to demonstrate, you can start writing the summary following the standard structure of a research summary. Just make sure you’re not writing statements from the parent research paper verbatim.

Instead, try writing down each section in your own words. This will not only help in avoiding plagiarism but will also show your complete understanding of the subject. Alternatively, you can use a summarizing tool (AI-based summary generators) to shorten the content or summarize the content without disrupting the actual meaning of the article.

SciSpace Copilot is one such helpful feature! You can easily upload your research paper and ask Copilot to summarize it. You will get an AI-generated, condensed research summary. SciSpace Copilot also enables you to highlight text, clip math and tables, and ask any question relevant to the research paper; it will give you instant answers with deeper context of the article..

4. Include visuals

One of the best ways to summarize and consolidate a research paper is to provide visuals like graphs, charts, pie diagrams, etc.. Visuals make getting across the facts, the past trends, and the probabilistic figures around a concept much more engaging.

5. Double check for plagiarism

It can be very tempting to copy-paste a few statements or the entire paragraphs depending upon the clarity of those sections. But it’s best to stay away from the practice. Even paraphrasing should be done with utmost care and attention.

Also: QuillBot vs SciSpace: Choose the best AI-paraphrasing tool

6. Religiously follow the word count limit

You need to have strict control while writing different sections of a research summary. In many cases, it has been observed that the research summary and the parent research paper become the same length. If that happens, it can lead to discrediting of your efforts and research summary itself. Whatever the standard word limit has been imposed, you must observe that carefully.

7. Proofread your research summary multiple times

The process of writing the research summary can be exhausting and tiring. However, you shouldn’t allow this to become a reason to skip checking your academic writing several times for mistakes like misspellings, grammar, wordiness, and formatting issues. Proofread and edit until you think your research summary can stand out from the others, provided it is drafted perfectly on both technicality and comprehension parameters. You can also seek assistance from editing and proofreading services , and other free tools that help you keep these annoying grammatical errors at bay.

8. Watch while you write

Keep a keen observation of your writing style. You should use the words very precisely, and in any situation, it should not represent your personal opinions on the topic. You should write the entire research summary in utmost impersonal, precise, factually correct, and evidence-based writing.

9. Ask a friend/colleague to help

Once you are done with the final copy of your research summary, you must ask a friend or colleague to read it. You must test whether your friend or colleague could grasp everything without referring to the parent paper. This will help you in ensuring the clarity of the article.

Once you become familiar with the research paper summary concept and understand how to apply the tips discussed above in your current task, summarizing a research summary won’t be that challenging. While traversing the different stages of your academic career, you will face different scenarios where you may have to create several research summaries.

In such cases, you just need to look for answers to simple questions like “Why this study is necessary,” “what were the methods,” “who were the participants,” “what conclusions were drawn from the research,” and “how it is relevant to the wider world.” Once you find out the answers to these questions, you can easily create a good research summary following the standard structure and a precise writing style.

example of synopsis in research

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How To Prepare A Synopsis | How To Write A Synopsis

How To Prepare A Synopsis

If you are a beginner or just starting your research or Ph.D. journey and come across the step of synopsis wiring,

You’re on the right track, and we’ll walk you through the process of creating a synopsis and synopsis structure.

Actually, I have to choose this topic because I got lots of messages and mail that how to write a synopsis and it is really difficult for me to tell them all how to prepare a synopsis for them.

I better decided to prepare an article over this and I am going to prepare this in the English language only, but there is a language translation plugin in my blog and one who has any problem in English can switch to that language in which he/she is compatible with the description of synopsis writing.

What is a synopsis

It is an outline or summary of your research work to be conducted and this is the first stage of your research where you can start your research or your experiment or your work it is the most important step of research and the foremost thing in the synopsis is your topic you should choose the topic as of your interest because if you were not interested in the particular topic then it will be very difficult for you to experiment with that.

If you have no deep knowledge of that topic then it’s difficult for you to work on that particular topic and after choosing that relevant topic as per your the interest you should get an irrelevant guide and the guide should pick sport on that topic and it can be easier for you because, without a guide, it is just like you can’t easily conduct your research work.

So it’s better to choose a topic as per your convenience and your interest in the better guidance of export on that topic and when you provide the title for your topic.

The topic of research should be catchy and whenever you are talking about your topic with someone then they should express it oh wow you are working on this topic it’s a very good topic very interesting topic and if such types of expressions you must get for your topic you can get positive energy to work on that topic.

Different portions in a synopsis structure

  • Introduction
  • Review Of Literature
  • Scope of topic
  • Research Methods
  • Bibliography

Introduction in synopsis

Introduce your research topic in a very brief manner in an explanatory way so that even a student can easily understand or the one who doesn’t have any link with that topic can also understand and say oh you have chosen this topic.

This is your purpose of study all these points would be through very clear in your introduction your interests would be reflected in that topic and the positive point should be reflected in what you are going to face a problem it should be quite thoughtful from your introduction after introduction you will come to the literature review.

Literature review in a synopsis

After introducing your topic now the time you will explain, what has been done on the particular topic, and what were the outcomes or drawbacks of the topic with proper referencing.

What were the steps or techniques used to improve the results of the work which has already been conducted, and if any contradictory point is there on that topic then you should also explain it because it always creates an interest in your mind that yes this is contradicted.

How we can conduct our work on this topic and how to overcome this contradictory point should be well explained in them and while explaining the literature review you will also add the significance of your topic by comparing your literature review then after this, the most important thing about your synopsis is the objective

Objective in synopsis

The objective itself explains the whole process and road map of your work with a stepwise procedure in it. All the experiments are conducted stepwise in your research you will note that in the objective and from the objective points themselves viewers or a reader of your synopsis can easily understand what you are going to conduct and what you are going to get.

Like you have started with the first objective that which was going for the data collection or the sample collection in the next objective you have introduced and analyzed the data and samples from different sources and conclusions will perform in the third objective and after that your outcomes respectively. How you are going to continue your hypothesis and how you can get a result of your hypothesis?

Hypothesis in synopsis

Suppose you’re planning for some tool at that time, what do you do? we give the hypothesis, For example, if that will be the rainy season then we should be our reserve car or a sort of reserve vehicle to travel for sampling or instead of going with the hired one in such types of hypotheses you keep in your mind for your research work.

You will also take such a hypothesis that who much amount of sample is expected and this area is very much drawn to particular data or particular sample and you must focus on this particular area and after it is supposed that you will get a good result from that particular sampling or particular data .

In such type of hypothesis, you first came about that, and after you say that after analyzing a sample we can conclude this must of things.

Actually, you are enhancing without or with your imagination that how you can get how you are conducting your experiment in your imaginations you will give a certain hypothesis and after hypothesis, this is your synopsis.

After putting your hypothesis you will then perform your work on that particular hypothesis and then we are either accept or reject your hypothesis.

Scope of the topic in a synopsis

The scope of your topic is what you can get. What is the scope? Why you are conducting this research you are going to answer all why you were conducting this experiment and what is the scope of this experiment. If you are doing this research what are the positive results you are going to come and how it will affect you economically or socially to the environment?

Research methods in the synopsis

This is we can say the techniques you are going to use for your research and what are instrument you are going to apply on that path. When you are going to represent all these things and going to offer any experiment or any research work at that time you are associated with a particular Institute to get the result from the research methods with the help of tools and techniques.

During the research work, you decide whether the expert faculty in that Institute or not or whether you have to turn to an export of your tools from anywhere or whatever the financial status for your research is either you can get from your institute or not. These things can be cleared from the research methods and design .

You can frame a schedule that I am going to complete my first objective in this the first year or in six months and for other objects, you are going to give a tentative duration respectively and it will become specific to you to complete your work in that decision time and if you will not have any tentative durations or any limitations of timing in your research then what will happen you will keep on working on one thing and you will keep on doing out spend lots and lots of time at that particular topic.

You have a tentative duration of research and it should complete your work at that particular time and you should be very attentive to your research work for that, we then finally come to the bibliography

Bibliography in synopsis

This is the referring session and you can also provide a list of all sources you have used in the process of referring or design of your synopsis or writing your synopsis including the research papers, books, academic studies, etc.

All sources you have gone through during the synopsis preparation and updated about your topic and these all kinds of stuff should be included in the synopsis.

So this is all about “How to write a synopsis” and hopefully, this article helps you during the synopsis preparation and it would be easier for you to write a synopsis in the future. KRS is an academic collaborative research platform that regularly updates its information to aid in your professional development.

If this is your first visit to our site, we encourage you to share and subscribe in order to assist us in spreading the word. To gain additional assistance with electronic content and research, please visit our website or contact us via email at [email protected] to schedule a complimentary consultation.

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General FAQ Related to Synopsis

Q 1. what is a synopsis in research.

A synopsis provides readers with a concise outline of the key ideas and progression of the proposed work.

Q 2. What are the main parts of the synopsis

The meaning and significance of the research

Q 3. Type of synopsis

Two types first is a research synopsis, and the second is a project synopsis.

3 thoughts on “How To Prepare A Synopsis | How To Write A Synopsis”

Very informative and helpful content for making synopsis.

Very informative sir.

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How to Write a Summary | Guide & Examples

Published on November 23, 2020 by Shona McCombes . Revised on May 31, 2023.

Summarizing , or writing a summary, means giving a concise overview of a text’s main points in your own words. A summary is always much shorter than the original text.

There are five key steps that can help you to write a summary:

  • Read the text
  • Break it down into sections
  • Identify the key points in each section
  • Write the summary
  • Check the summary against the article

Writing a summary does not involve critiquing or evaluating the source . You should simply provide an accurate account of the most important information and ideas (without copying any text from the original).

Table of contents

When to write a summary, step 1: read the text, step 2: break the text down into sections, step 3: identify the key points in each section, step 4: write the summary, step 5: check the summary against the article, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about summarizing.

There are many situations in which you might have to summarize an article or other source:

  • As a stand-alone assignment to show you’ve understood the material
  • To keep notes that will help you remember what you’ve read
  • To give an overview of other researchers’ work in a literature review

When you’re writing an academic text like an essay , research paper , or dissertation , you’ll integrate sources in a variety of ways. You might use a brief quote to support your point, or paraphrase a few sentences or paragraphs.

But it’s often appropriate to summarize a whole article or chapter if it is especially relevant to your own research, or to provide an overview of a source before you analyze or critique it.

In any case, the goal of summarizing is to give your reader a clear understanding of the original source. Follow the five steps outlined below to write a good summary.

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example of synopsis in research

You should read the article more than once to make sure you’ve thoroughly understood it. It’s often effective to read in three stages:

  • Scan the article quickly to get a sense of its topic and overall shape.
  • Read the article carefully, highlighting important points and taking notes as you read.
  • Skim the article again to confirm you’ve understood the key points, and reread any particularly important or difficult passages.

There are some tricks you can use to identify the key points as you read:

  • Start by reading the abstract . This already contains the author’s own summary of their work, and it tells you what to expect from the article.
  • Pay attention to headings and subheadings . These should give you a good sense of what each part is about.
  • Read the introduction and the conclusion together and compare them: What did the author set out to do, and what was the outcome?

To make the text more manageable and understand its sub-points, break it down into smaller sections.

If the text is a scientific paper that follows a standard empirical structure, it is probably already organized into clearly marked sections, usually including an introduction , methods , results , and discussion .

Other types of articles may not be explicitly divided into sections. But most articles and essays will be structured around a series of sub-points or themes.

Now it’s time go through each section and pick out its most important points. What does your reader need to know to understand the overall argument or conclusion of the article?

Keep in mind that a summary does not involve paraphrasing every single paragraph of the article. Your goal is to extract the essential points, leaving out anything that can be considered background information or supplementary detail.

In a scientific article, there are some easy questions you can ask to identify the key points in each part.

Key points of a scientific article
Introduction or problem was addressed?
Results supported?

If the article takes a different form, you might have to think more carefully about what points are most important for the reader to understand its argument.

In that case, pay particular attention to the thesis statement —the central claim that the author wants us to accept, which usually appears in the introduction—and the topic sentences that signal the main idea of each paragraph.

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example of synopsis in research

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Now that you know the key points that the article aims to communicate, you need to put them in your own words.

To avoid plagiarism and show you’ve understood the article, it’s essential to properly paraphrase the author’s ideas. Do not copy and paste parts of the article, not even just a sentence or two.

The best way to do this is to put the article aside and write out your own understanding of the author’s key points.

Examples of article summaries

Let’s take a look at an example. Below, we summarize this article , which scientifically investigates the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Davis et al. (2015) set out to empirically test the popular saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples are often used to represent a healthy lifestyle, and research has shown their nutritional properties could be beneficial for various aspects of health. The authors’ unique approach is to take the saying literally and ask: do people who eat apples use healthcare services less frequently? If there is indeed such a relationship, they suggest, promoting apple consumption could help reduce healthcare costs.

The study used publicly available cross-sectional data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Participants were categorized as either apple eaters or non-apple eaters based on their self-reported apple consumption in an average 24-hour period. They were also categorized as either avoiding or not avoiding the use of healthcare services in the past year. The data was statistically analyzed to test whether there was an association between apple consumption and several dependent variables: physician visits, hospital stays, use of mental health services, and use of prescription medication.

Although apple eaters were slightly more likely to have avoided physician visits, this relationship was not statistically significant after adjusting for various relevant factors. No association was found between apple consumption and hospital stays or mental health service use. However, apple eaters were found to be slightly more likely to have avoided using prescription medication. Based on these results, the authors conclude that an apple a day does not keep the doctor away, but it may keep the pharmacist away. They suggest that this finding could have implications for reducing healthcare costs, considering the high annual costs of prescription medication and the inexpensiveness of apples.

However, the authors also note several limitations of the study: most importantly, that apple eaters are likely to differ from non-apple eaters in ways that may have confounded the results (for example, apple eaters may be more likely to be health-conscious). To establish any causal relationship between apple consumption and avoidance of medication, they recommend experimental research.

An article summary like the above would be appropriate for a stand-alone summary assignment. However, you’ll often want to give an even more concise summary of an article.

For example, in a literature review or meta analysis you may want to briefly summarize this study as part of a wider discussion of various sources. In this case, we can boil our summary down even further to include only the most relevant information.

Using national survey data, Davis et al. (2015) tested the assertion that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and did not find statistically significant evidence to support this hypothesis. While people who consumed apples were slightly less likely to use prescription medications, the study was unable to demonstrate a causal relationship between these variables.

Citing the source you’re summarizing

When including a summary as part of a larger text, it’s essential to properly cite the source you’re summarizing. The exact format depends on your citation style , but it usually includes an in-text citation and a full reference at the end of your paper.

You can easily create your citations and references in APA or MLA using our free citation generators.

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Finally, read through the article once more to ensure that:

  • You’ve accurately represented the author’s work
  • You haven’t missed any essential information
  • The phrasing is not too similar to any sentences in the original.

If you’re summarizing many articles as part of your own work, it may be a good idea to use a plagiarism checker to double-check that your text is completely original and properly cited. Just be sure to use one that’s safe and reliable.

If you want to know more about ChatGPT, AI tools , citation , and plagiarism , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

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A summary is a short overview of the main points of an article or other source, written entirely in your own words. Want to make your life super easy? Try our free text summarizer today!

A summary is always much shorter than the original text. The length of a summary can range from just a few sentences to several paragraphs; it depends on the length of the article you’re summarizing, and on the purpose of the summary.

You might have to write a summary of a source:

  • As a stand-alone assignment to prove you understand the material
  • For your own use, to keep notes on your reading
  • To provide an overview of other researchers’ work in a literature review
  • In a paper , to summarize or introduce a relevant study

To avoid plagiarism when summarizing an article or other source, follow these two rules:

  • Write the summary entirely in your own words by paraphrasing the author’s ideas.
  • Cite the source with an in-text citation and a full reference so your reader can easily find the original text.

An abstract concisely explains all the key points of an academic text such as a thesis , dissertation or journal article. It should summarize the whole text, not just introduce it.

An abstract is a type of summary , but summaries are also written elsewhere in academic writing . For example, you might summarize a source in a paper , in a literature review , or as a standalone assignment.

All can be done within seconds with our free text summarizer .

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

McCombes, S. (2023, May 31). How to Write a Summary | Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 27, 2024, from

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how to write a synopsis

How to Write a Synopsis

If you’re a writer, you definitely need to know how to write a synopsis for a book. Why? Because when you query an agent or publisher, you’ll need to include a synopsis with your submission.

But writers aren’t the only people who need to know how to write a synopsis. From students to scientists, all kinds of people will find themselves having to write one at some point. Thankfully, the process isn’t complicated. By following a few basic steps and guidelines, you’ll know how to write a synopsis in no time.

What a Synopsis Is

Forget about how to write a synopsis. First, you need to know what a synopsis is! Put simply, a synopsis is a detailed summary of all the important aspects of a book, project, or study. There are different types of synopses, but a book synopsis briefly explains the key points from the plot as well as things like setting, characters, tone, and any important themes.

What a Synopsis Isn’t

Knowing how to write a synopsis for a book means knowing not just what a synopsis is, but what a synopsis isn’t. Below, we’ll discuss some other types of summaries that differ from synopses.

Synopsis vs. outline

It’s important to know the difference between a synopsis and an outline. An outline is like a “skeleton” for your book that you can create to help you write by then fleshing out your outline with details. A synopsis, on the other hand, is a complete summary of your book that you use to give agents and editors an in-depth, complete account of all the key details from beginning to end.

Synopsis vs. abstract

An abstract is a short and general book summary and doesn’t include every detail. The goal of an abstract is to give a brief and general summary of the book. A synopsis goes into every detail, with a deeper dive into specifics.

A good synopsis vs. abstract rule of thumb is to consider whether you need a very general summary or a specific and detailed one. If you need a detailed one, then you need to know how to write a synopsis.

Synopsis vs. pitch

When considering the question of synopsis vs. pitch, remember that a pitch is the shortest type of summary, and a synopsis is one of the longest. A pitch is designed to make your book sound appealing in just a few sentences, so it’s designed for maximum impact—sort of like a marketing tagline or log line. Pitches are quick and impactful, whereas synopses give all the important details.

Sometimes a synopsis is a dry, straight summary that is written for informational purposes rather than emotional impact. Other times, it is written to be entertaining and showcase the writer’s creative voice. This will depend on the target audience of your synopsis.

Types of Synopsis

There are several different types of synopses, depending on what you are writing about.

Project synopsis

A project synopsis is often used in science and engineering fields and summarizes a project’s goals, processes, and conclusions. It often starts with a statement summarizing the problem that the project aims to solve. It delves into methods used and other details that are important to the project, such as relevant details about the project’s participants.

Research synopsis

Of the three main types of synopses, research and project synopses are most often used by research and scientific institutions. Like a project synopsis, a research synopsis summarizes the problem or question the research is attempting to solve and then describes how the research was conducted.

Research synopses also give details on the researchers themselves, such as any relevant academic degrees they hold.

Literary synopsis

A literary synopsis is a synopsis of a work of fiction. It summarizes all the critical elements of a book so that an agent or publisher understands, to a high level of detail, what a book is about without having read it.

stack of books

How to Write a Synopsis for Your Finished Manuscript in Five Easy Steps

  • Make a list of your book’s key elements.  These include the most critical story and plot points, conflict, characters, settings, themes, and tone. For the plot, go through each chapter, and write down one to three of the most important plot developments from each. Then flesh out each item on your list with any other important details.
  • Write a good opening sentence.  This should summarize your character, setting, and the immediate conflict, ensuring you make it clear what’s at stake. Then link together your detailed list from step 1 to form a first draft of your synopsis.
  • Read through the synopsis.  Then add any details you may have forgotten. Also, look for details you included that are not critical—and cut them.
  • Read through it again.  Ensure that the plot and character arcs are clearly defined.
  • Give it a final edit and proofread. A one-page synopsis is often ideal, but publishers may request a synopsis of three to five pages or specify some other length.

That’s it! Now you know how to write a synopsis.

One-Page Synopsis

A one-page synopsis has to be even leaner than a three- or four-page synopsis, so it’s important that it contain only the most important details. If you find that your synopsis is too long, find ways to be more succinct, cutting out any information that isn’t absolutely critical to understanding the book. For example, did you describe characters that aren’t essential to the most important plot plots? Did you include details that do nothing to move the actual story along? Cut them out to strengthen—and shorten—your synopsis.

Once you know how to write a synopsis for a book, research project, or study, the process is the same every time. So whether you’re a budding novelist or a student working on an English-class project, use the information in this post to build a formula for writing different types of synopses.

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Guidelines for writing a research project synopsis or protocol

Betkerur J. Guidelines for writing a research project synopsis or protocol. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2008;74:687-690

"Success is often the result of taking a mis - step in the right direction. "

Al Bernstein

A protocol or a synopsis of a research project is a document submitted to an authority or an institution for the purpose of

  • Ethical clearance
  • Formal registration to universities for the award of a degree or doctorate
  • Peer review
  • Financial assistance from organizations like ICMR, DST, NACO, DGHS, and MHRD

Synopsis is the gist of your planned project submitted for approval from competent authorities. It gives a panoramic view of your research for quick analysis by the reviewers.

Thus, a protocol or a synopsis forms an integral part of a research project or a thesis. Many universities have made it mandatory for the postgraduate degree student to prepare a thesis as a part of their postgraduate training. A good knowledge about how a protocol or a synopsis is written is imperative to all people involved in medical research.

Literally, protocol (Greek word, protokollon - first page) means a format procedure for carrying out a scientific research. Synopsis (Greek word, sun - together, opsis - seeing) means brief summary of something. Frequently, both the terms are used as synonyms but the term ′synopsis′ is used more often.

A synopsis should be constructed in a manner that facilitates the reviewer to understand the research project at a glance. It should be brief but precise. A synopsis can be structured in the following manner:

  • Statement of the problem and hypothesis
  • Aims and objectives
  • Review of literature
  • Research methodology
  • Official requirements

Title The title of the research project should be brief but informative; sensationalization of the title is best avoided. It should neither be too short nor too long. Any name of the institution, the number of cases to be studied should not be included. The hypothesis to be studied can be included.

a. "Study of ectopic pregnancy"

This was a title chosen for university registration. The title is too short. It does not state the problem or the hypothesis and is least informative. More meaningful title shall be, "Study of ectopic pregnancy in relation to morbidity, mortality, and intervention in a referral hospital".

b. "A novel sustained release matrix based on biodegradable poly (esteramides) and, impregnated with bacteriophages and an antibiotic shows promise in management of infected venous stasis ulcer and other poorly healing wounds", (Int. J Dermat vol 8 2002). The title is long and ill conceived. It gives a confusing picture about the study problem. Such long titles are best avoided. Certain amount of sensationalization is also present by using term ′novel′. More meaningful title shall be, "Response of venous stasis ulcers and other poorly healing wounds to a biodegradable matrix impregnated with bacteriophages and an antibiotic". The other details about the new method can be mentioned while stating the problem.

c. "Fine needle aspiration, as a diagnostic tool for papulonodular skin lesions". This is an acceptable, informative, and precise title. It states the hypothesis correctly.

Statement of the problem or hypothesis The problem being studied should be mentioned in precise and clear terms. Understanding the problem aids the researcher in constructing the research proposal. It also allows the person to formulate the hypothesis. The problem under study should be relevant to the present. A brief account of its utility at the local or national level has to be discussed. The present status of the problem and the necessity for taking up the study needs to be mentioned.

Hypothesis is mentioned as a tentative prediction or explanation of the relationship between two or more variables. Hypothesis should not be a haphazard guess but should reflect the knowledge, imagination, and experience of the investigator. Hypothesis can be formulated by understanding the problem, reviewing the literature on it, and considering other factors. A researcher can state the problem and the hypothesis in about 200 words covering all the aspects described above.

Aims and objectives All research projects should have objectives and aims and every effort should be made to achieve them. The objectives and aims should be only a few (2-3). They must pertain to the study problem. Usages of terms like "first study", "the only study", etc. should be avoided.

Review of literature Review of literature is a very important part of a research project. It achieves the following:

  • Familiarizes the reader to the problem under study.
  • It describes the work done by others either at local or international level on it or similar subject.
  • It helps the researcher to understand the difficulties faced by others and the corrective steps taken or modifications made by them. The researcher can anticipate similar or additional problems during the study and review of literature helps him in anticipating them.
  • Research methodology of the researcher can be structured and modified after reviewing the literature.
  • The review assists in identifying various variables in the research project and conceptualizes their relationship.
  • Review of literature in a synopsis helps the reviewer in assessing the knowledge of the researcher. The reviewer can assess the work put in by the researcher and also assists in assessing the feasibility of the study.

The review of literature in a synopsis need not be exhaustive. The relevant information should be covered in about 300 words quoting 8-10 authentic, easily retrievable references. Literature can be reviewed by using various scientific-information-gathering methods. These are journals, national or international; bulletins of organizations like WHO, CDC, and ICMR; books; computer-assisted searches like Medline and Medlar; and personal communications with other researchers. Internet provides a vast avenue for information gathering. Care must be taken to retrieve only relevant information. In this era of information technology review of literature is literally "just a click away".

Research methodology In a synopsis the research methodology adopted should be mentioned in about 150-200 words. The research methodology forms the core of the research project. The methodology should cover the following aspects:

  • Study design

Study settings

  • Study methods - examinations or investigations
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis

Study design The methodology starts with selection of study design. A single study design or a combination can be selected e.g.:

Descriptive designs

Cross-sectional study or survey

Epidemiological description of disease occurrence

Community diagnosis

Study of natural history of a disease

Observational analytical designs

Prospective study

Retrospective study

Follow-up study

Experimental designs

Animal studies

Therapeutic clinical trials - drugs

Prophylactic clinical trials- vaccines

Field trials

Operational designs

A mention about the research setting should be made. This includes information about the institution, facilities available, time of study, and population of study.

Sampling Sampling is selecting a sample of appropriate size for the study. The sample size depends on the study design. The study population can be population of cases, population of people, or population of recipients of certain treatment.

There are many methods for sampling like simple random, systemic and stratified sampling, cluster sampling, etc. Care should be taken to ensure that the sample size is adequate to produce meaningful results. The sample size should be adequate to apply all relevant tests of statistical significance. The samples should be representative of the population and should be reliable. This minimizes sampling errors.

Variables Variables are the factors that can change. These changes can affect the outcome of a research project. Thus, it is important to identify the variables at the planning stage. They should be quantified with a measurable unit. Knowledge of the various variables in a research project will assist in refining the objectives. Usually, objectives of a research will be to see the effect of independent variables on dependent variables. There are four types of variables.

Independent variables

These are the variables that can be manipulated by the researcher and the effects of that are observed on the other variables. For example, predisposing factors, risk factors and cause.

Dependent variables

The changes occur as a result of independent variables. For example, disease and outcome.

Intervening variables

These may influence the effect of independent variables on the dependent variables. For example, while studying the response of HIV-AIDS to HAART the outcome may be influenced by the presence of antitubercular drugs.

Background variables

These are changes that are relevant in the groups or population under study. These need to be included in the study. For example, age, sex, and ethnic origin.

Controls Control groups increase the validity of the research project. They usually consist of units of same population but differ in some respects. Controls are not necessary for all research projects. As far as possible they should be used in all analytical studies, drug trials, and intervention programs.

Study methods Here the researcher will have to describe the method of data collection, which may be in the form of:

  • Questionnaire
  • Medical examination
  • Laboratory investigations
  • Screening procedures

A sample of the proforma should be prepared and attached. The possible cost involved and any financial assistance received must be mentioned.

Data collection A brief note on how data are collected should be included. The information should be about:

  • The organizational setup
  • Training to data collecting team
  • Logistic support
  • Plans for collaboration with other organization should be included

Data analysis Data analysis is an important part of a research project. A good analysis leads to good results. The plans for data analysis should be mentioned under the following heads Statistical methods, Computer program used, and Data sorting method. A general statement "appropriate statistical methods will be used." must be avoided.

Ethical clearance Wherever necessary, ethical committee clearance from the institute should be obtained. The certificate must be attached. Ethical clearance is required in all human and animal studies.

References All references quoted in review of literature and anywhere else in the synopsis should be listed here. There are two styles for writing references, Vancouver style and Harvard style. Vancouver style is easy to follow as it depends on the numbers as quoted in text.

Official requirements A synopsis is incomplete if it does not contain the following information:

  • Name of the researcher and designation
  • Name and designation of the guide
  • Name and designation of head of department\institution
  • Name of the institution
  • Signatures of all with official seal

Synopsis writing is an important step in a research project. A good synopsis will give maximum information in minimum words. A well-conceived synopsis will go a long way in convincing the reviewer about the ability of the researcher to conduct the project. In cases of need for financial assistance, the request will be considered favorably. Thus, all research workers should make efforts to prepare a well-structured synopsis.


The author is thankful to M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers for their permission to reproduce this article from the "Handbook on Health Professional Education" published by them. [21] [Table 1]

ed. London: Pergmon Press; 1994.
ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1983.
ed. New Delhi: 1985.
ed. Churchill Livingstone; 2000.

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© Copyright 2024 – Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology – All rights reserved. Published by Scientific Scholar on behalf of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (IADVL), India.

ISSN (Print): 0378-6323 ISSN (Online): 0973-3922

Scientific Scholar

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How to Write a Synopsis

Last Updated: April 18, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Richard Perkins . Richard Perkins is a Writing Coach, Academic English Coordinator, and the Founder of PLC Learning Center. With over 24 years of education experience, he gives teachers tools to teach writing to students and works with elementary to university level students to become proficient, confident writers. Richard is a fellow at the National Writing Project. As a teacher leader and consultant at California State University Long Beach's Global Education Project, Mr. Perkins creates and presents teacher workshops that integrate the U.N.'s 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the K-12 curriculum. He holds a BA in Communications and TV from The University of Southern California and an MEd from California State University Dominguez Hills. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 364,877 times.

A synopsis is an in-depth summary of a written work that describes the content of that work from beginning to end. Unlike a summary, which just gives a general overview of a story, a synopsis contains all of the plot details, including the end. Typically, synopses are submitted to publishers or agents after you have written a novel, screenplay, or other long work. A good synopsis will cover the main conflict and the resolution of the story while describing the emotional development of the main character. It is important to edit your synopsis carefully, as it will usually be included as part of a larger proposal.

Outlining Your Synopsis

Step 1 Start the synopsis after you have finished the project.

  • Established authors who have published before may be able to get away with submitting an incomplete book proposal, but most new authors will need a full manuscript.
  • You will need to know how the story ends to write the synopsis, as a synopsis will include the resolution of the story.

Richard Perkins

  • Make sure each of your characters is dynamic, rather than flat. They all need to be well-rounded and capable of change. Additionally, each character should impact the story in a significant way.

Step 3 Sketch out the major plot points in your story.

  • If you wrote a screenplay or play, make a list of what happens in each act. You can write, "Rory enters the warehouse, and a shootout ensues."
  • If you have a collection of short stories or poetry, identify the main themes of each work. For example, you might state, "This collection explores memory, childhood, and innocence."

Step 4 Identify what is unique about your story.

  • Does your story have an interesting point of view? If so, be sure to mention it. You can say, “This story centers around the last dwarf in the underground kingdom.”
  • Does your story have a unique twist? You can mention the twist while still leaving some mystery. For example, you might say, “Jean Paul soon realizes that the murderer may be closer to him than he thinks.”
  • Does your story fulfill a certain niche in the market? You might want to demonstrate who might be interested in this story. For example, you can write, “This memoir explores what it means to be a member of the lost generation.”

Step 5 Research how long the synopsis must be.

  • Novel synopses are usually between two and twelve pages long.
  • Screenplay synopses are usually one page long. Most are no more than 400 words long.

Drafting the Synopsis

Step 1 Write in third person.

  • Most film production companies and some book publishers may ask you to capitalize every letter of a character's name. For example, you would write "JENNA" instead of "Jenna."

Step 2 Introduce your main characters and conflict at the beginning.

  • For example, you might start the paragraph by saying, “When her plane crashes in the isolated reaches of the Amazon rainforest, Laura realizes that to survive, she must first overcome her inner demons.”
  • As you introduce other characters, you should introduce them in relation to the main character. For example, you might write, “Laura is joined by the only other survivor, a mysterious archaeologist named Terry.”

Step 3 Summarize the main events of the plot.

  • Don't go into too much detail about subplots and minor actions. You don't want your synopsis to be confusing, so focus on the main story line.
  • For example, you might write, "After James beats the river monster, he continues on to find the magic crystal. When he locates the cave, he finds it blocked. He agrees to trade his sword to a goblin in exchange for help."

Step 4 End with resolution of the book.

  • You might say, "Jun discovers that Ginny had stolen the diamond. The movie concludes with the police arresting Ginny."

Step 5 Include only necessary information.

  • Don’t include dialogue in your synopsis. Instead, just summarize what the characters said.
  • Refer to minor characters by their role, not by their name. Instead of saying, “Lewis, a saxophonist who Joe encounters one night” you might write, “Joe meets a saxophonist.”

Step 6 Demonstrate character development and emotion.

  • For example, you might write, “Invigorated by her new discovery, Cecilia rushes to contact Horatio, only to be shocked when she learns that he is already dead.”

Step 7 Avoid complimenting your own writing.

  • Do not use phrases like “in one tear jerking scene” or “in a stunning flashback.” Simply describe the scenes as they happen. If you want to describe emotions you're hoping to convey in your work, focus on how your characters react to certain events, not how you expect the reader to react. For example, "When Claire realizes the truth, she becomes disillusioned."
  • Don’t assume what readers will feel. For example, don't say “Readers will gasp as they discover what Lord Melvin has in store for Lady Betty.” Instead, you might write, “As Lady Betty travels through the castle, she slowly realizes Lord Melvin’s intentions.”

Editing Your Synopsis

Step 1 Format your synopsis according to the publisher's guidelines.

  • If you don't have guidelines, you should include your name and the title of your work at the top of every page.
  • Always use one-inch margins when submitting work for publication.

Step 2 Proofread your synopsis.

  • Try reading your entire synopsis out loud to catch any mistakes.
  • You can hire a copyeditor to proofread it for you.

Step 3 Ask someone else to read over it for you.

  • For example, one publishing house may require you to cut down your synopsis to one page. In this case, focus on just the main conflict. Another may ask for four pages. In this one, you can go into more detail.
  • If you do not tailor your synopsis to a publisher, they may not read your submission.

Step 5 Send out your synopsis with a query letter and samples.

  • A query letter should contain a short summary of your work, a brief paragraph explaining your credentials, and a reason why the agent should accept your submission.
  • A sample may include one or two chapters, one act of a screenplay, or one short story out of a collection. In most cases, it will be the first scene or chapter.

Nicholas Sparks

Put time and effort into pitch materials. "Above all, a query letter is a sales pitch and it is the single most important page an unpublished writer will ever write. It's the first impression and will either open the door or close it. It's that important, so don't mess it up. Mine took 17 drafts and two weeks to write."

Sample Synopses

example of synopsis in research

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Richard Perkins

To write a synopsis, start by creating an outline that includes main characters and plot points so that you can cover the narrative arc of the story. Then, in the first paragraph of your synopsis, introduce your main characters and a general summary of the entire plot, like the conflict the main character must overcome. Next, summarize the main events, like obstacles the character faced and how they overcame them, and be sure to write your synopsis in the third person. Finally, leave the reader with a resolution of the story so they know how it ends. To learn how to edit your synopsis using general guidelines, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Posted on Sep 12, 2018

How to Write an Incredible Synopsis in 4 Simple Steps

Your novel is fully written, edited, and polished to perfection — you’re ready to pitch it to agents! But you’re missing a critical piece of persuasion: the synopsis. Even after putting together your entire book, you may have no idea how to write one, or even how to approach it.

Luckily, we’ve got answers for you. Read on for our best tips on writing a synopsis that’s clear, concise, captivating… and may even lead to an all-out agent battle over your novel!

What is a synopsis?

A synopsis is a summary of a book that familiarizes the reader with the plot and how it unfolds. Although these kinds of summaries also appear on the pages of school book reports and Wikipedia, this guide will focus on constructing one that you can send out to agents (and eventually publishers).

Your novel synopsis should achieve two things: firstly, it should convey the contents of your book, and secondly, it should be intriguing!

While you don’t need to pull out all the marketing stops at this stage, you should have a brief hook at the beginning and a sense of urgency underlying the text that will keep your reader going. It should make potential agents want to devour your whole manuscript — even though they’ll already know what happens.

While writing your synopsis, make sure that it includes:

  • A complete story arc
  • Your own voice and unique elements of your story
  • The ending or resolution ( unlike in a blurb )

As for the ideal length for this piece, it varies from project to project. Some authors recommend keeping it to 500 words, while others might write thousands. However, the standard range is about one to two single-spaced pages (or two to five double-spaced pages). And if you're interested in knowing how to format the whole of your manuscript for submission, we recommend downloading this manuscript format template. 



Manuscript Format Template

Get your manuscript ready for submission to agents and publishers.

You may also want to have an additional “brief” summary prepared for agents who specifically request a single page or less. Remember: as hard as it will be to distill all your hard work into that minimal space, it’s crucial to keep your synopsis digestible and agent-friendly.

How to write a novel synopsis in 4 steps

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1. Get the basics down first

When it comes to writing a synopsis, substance is the name of the game. No matter how nicely you dress it up, an agent will disregard any piece that doesn’t demonstrate a fully fleshed out plot and strong narrative arc. So it stands to reason that as you begin writing, you should focus on the fundamentals.

Start with major plot points

Naturally, you want agents to be aware of your story's plot . So the best way to start summarizing your story is to create a list of those plot points, including:

  • The inciting incident — what sparks the central conflict of your story?
  • The events of the rising action — what happens in the interlude between the inciting incident and the climax, and how does this build tension ?
  • The height of the action, or climax , of your story — this one is the most important, as it should be the most exciting part of your book !
  • The resolution or ending — again, unlike a blurb, a synopsis doesn’t need to dangle the carrot of an unknown ending to the reader; you can and should reveal your story’s ending here, as this brings the plot and narrative arc to a close.

Listing these points effectively maps out the action and arc of your story, which will enable the reader to easily follow it from beginning to end.

Include character motivations

The key here is not to get too deep into characterization, since you don’t have much room to elaborate. Instead, simply emphasize character goals and motivations at the beginning and end of your synopsis — first as justification for the inciting incident, then again to bring home the resolution. For example:

Beginning: “Sally has spent the past twenty years wondering who her birth parents are [motivation]. When a mysterious man offers her the chance to find them, she spontaneously buys a ticket to Florence to begin her journey [inciting action].”

Ending: “She returns to the US with the man who was her father all along [resolution], safe in the knowledge that she’ll never have to wonder about him again [restated motivation].”

Also note how the text here is written in third person, present tense, as it should be regardless of the tense or POV of your actual book. Writing a synopsis in first or second person doesn’t really work because it’s not meant to be narrated — just summarized. Basically, the present tense works to engage the reader while the third person allows the story to be told smoothly.


Query Submissions Tracker

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2. Highlight what’s unique

Now it’s time to spice up your synopsis by highlighting the elements that make it unique. Agents need to know what’s so special about your book in particular — and moreover, is it special enough to get readers to pick it up? Below are some features you might employ to grab an agent’s attention and assure them of your book’s appeal.

Your writing voice is an essential tool here: it conveys your novel’s tone and is one of the most important factors in making your work stand out. However, it’s also one of the most difficult elements to evoke in such a small amount of space.

The best way to capture voice in a synopsis is through extremely deliberate word choice and sentence structure. So if you were Jane Austen, you’d use clever words to magnify your wit: “When Darcy proposes to her apropos of nothing, Elizabeth has the quite understandable reaction of rejecting him.” You may not be able to use all the elaborate prose of your novel, but your synopsis should still reflect its overall feeling.

Plot twists

Even though they’re one of the oldest tricks in the book, readers will never tire of juicy plot twists. If your novel contains one or more of these twists, especially at the climax, make sure your synopsis accentuates it. But don’t hint too much at the twist, as this will make it seem more dramatic when it comes; a couple of words in the intro will suffice as foreshadowing.

For instance, if you were writing a summary of Gone Girl , you might open with “Nick Dunne wakes up one morning to find that his wife, Amy, has apparently disappeared. ” This implies that she may not be as “gone” as we think she is, setting the stage for the later reveal.

how to write a synopsis

Point of view

Another aspect that might set your book apart is a distinctive point of view . Since you’ll be giving your synopsis in third person, you can limit this inclusion to an introductory sentence: “This book is narrated from the point of view of a mouse.”

Although this strategy works best for books with a highly unusual point of view (such as The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, in which the story is told by Death), it can also be very helpful to remember for seemingly bog-standard narrators. If one of your characters narrates in first person, make sure to address their individual narrative quirks as well as any biases or limitations; highlighting a narrator who's not the most reliable  can really add to your novel’s intrigue!

3. Edit for clarity and excess

Don’t shroud your synopsis in mystery; this is very frustrating to agents who just want to know what happens in your book! With that in mind, after you’ve written the bulk of your summary, it’s time to edit for clarity. You also may have to delete some text, so you can get it right in that couple-page sweet spot.

Editing for clarity

The paramount rule of synopses is a real doozy: tell, don’t show. It’s the opposite of that classic adage that writers have heard their whole lives, and it’s exactly what you need to write a successful synopsis. 

As you return to what you’ve written, scan for sentences that are vague or unclear, especially toward the beginning. Many writers fall into the trap of trying to hook agents by opening with a sentence akin to the first murky line of a literary novel. Again, though you do want your intro to be intriguing, it has to cut to the chase pretty quickly.

When it comes to opening a synopsis, you need to think like Tolkien, not Tolstoy. “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” Crisp, clear, and to the point: one of the very few times you should tell, rather than show.

Editing excess words

If your synopsis is longer than a couple of pages at this point, you need make some serious cutbacks. Read through what you have, scrutinizing every sentence and word, even if you think you’ve chosen them carefully. Reduce any run-on sentences or subordinate clauses that unnecessarily lengthen your piece.

Finally, eliminate irrelevant details — anything that doesn’t lead to the next plot point or directly contribute to your voice or other distinctive elements. It’s unlikely you’ll have included any of these in the first place, but just in case they’ve slipped through, cut them. Save the frills for your book; remember, your synopsis is all about substance .

4. Make sure it flows

By the time it’s finished, your synopsis should read like a summary from an excellent book review — or at the very least SparkNotes or Shmoop. This means not only clearly and concisely hitting every important point, but also reading in a smooth manner, placing just the right amount of emphasis on the critical moments and unique aspects we’ve discussed.

Get test readers

A great way to ensure that your synopsis is paced precisely and flows well is to give it to test readers, either someone you know or a professional editor . You’ve spent way too much time with these words to be objective about them, so pay attention to what other people suggest: possible word substitutions, transitions, and which details to emphasize versus delete.

Use professional synopses as models

You don’t want to look at examples of other synopses too soon, otherwise yours will come out sounding formulaic and stale. That said, professional synopses can be a very valuable tool for refining toward the end of the process! Compare and contrast them to the synopsis you’ve written, and adapt any techniques or turns of phrase you feel would enhance it.

Here’s an example of a strong (albeit brief) synopsis of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens , courtesy of the Oxford Companion to English Literature:

Phillip Pirrip, more commonly known as “Pip,” has been brought up by his tyrannical sister, wife of the gentle Joe Gargery. He is introduced to the house of Miss Havisham who, half-crazed by the desertion of her lover on her bridal night, has brought up the girl Estella to use her beauty as a means of torturing men. Pip falls in love with Estella and aspires to become a gentleman.

Money and expectations of more wealth come to him from a mysterious source, which he believes to be Miss Havisham. He goes to London, and in his new mode of life meanly abandons the devoted Joe Gargery, a humble connection of whom he is now ashamed.

Misfortunes come upon him. His benefactor proves to be an escaped convict, Abel Magwich, whom he as a boy had helped. Pip’s great expectations fade away and he is penniless. Estella meanwhile marries his sulky enemy Bentley Drummle, by whom she is cruelly ill treated.

In the end, taught by adversity, Pip returns to Joe Gargery and honest labor. He and Estella, who has also learnt her lesson, are finally reunited.

how to write a synopsis

This synopsis works well because it includes:

  • The inciting incident (Pip moving in with Miss Havisham), the rising action (him being in London), the climax (returning to Joe Gargery), and the resolution (reuniting with Estella)
  • Character motivations (Miss Havisham wants to punish all men because her fiancé betrayed her; Pip wants to become a gentleman so Estella will fall in love with him)
  • A plot twist (Pip’s benefactor being a criminal — whom he knows from his childhood!)
  • Distinctive voice (formal yet engaging, doesn’t detract from the plot) and smoothly written style (events are chronological and progress quickly)

Your synopsis is one of the biggest deciding factors in whether an agent wants to see more from you or not. No matter how chipper your query letter , the bottom line is that this summary tells agents (and later publishers) what they really need to know: what your book is about, what makes it unique, and most importantly, if they can sell it. 



How to Write a Query Letter

Learn to grab agents’ attention with 10 five-minute lessons.

That’s why it’s vital that you make your synopsis airtight. Fortunately, if you’ve followed these steps, yours will be chock full of plot details with a touch of your own special writing sauce: a synopsis that any agent (hopefully) won’t be able to resist. 

Many thanks to Reedsy editors (and former agents) Sam Brody and Rachel Stout  for consulting on this piece!

Do you have any tips for writing an irresistible synopsis? Leave them in the comments below!

2 responses

Elizabeth Westra says:

12/09/2018 – 22:10

This looks interesting, and I will read every word, but this would be different for a picture book. You only get one page to query for many children's books.

Dorothy Potter Snyder says:

14/10/2018 – 20:11

I am curious if anyone has ideas on how translators can write a synopsis for agents / publishers of works in translation? Might there be something about why this author is important in his/her country of origin and literary tradition? Which authors more known to English language readers might relate to this author (they've never heard of before)?

Comments are currently closed.

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Data Analysis in Research

Ai generator.

example of synopsis in research

Data analysis in research involves systematically applying statistical and logical techniques to describe, illustrate, condense, and evaluate data. It is a crucial step that enables researchers to identify patterns, relationships, and trends within the data, transforming raw information into valuable insights. Through methods such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and qualitative analysis, researchers can interpret their findings, draw conclusions, and support decision-making processes. An effective data analysis plan and robust methodology ensure the accuracy and reliability of research outcomes, ultimately contributing to the advancement of knowledge across various fields.

What is Data Analysis in Research?

Data analysis in research involves using statistical and logical techniques to describe, summarize, and compare collected data. This includes inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to find useful information and support decision-making. Quantitative data provides measurable insights, and a solid research design ensures accuracy and reliability. This process helps validate hypotheses, identify patterns, and make informed conclusions, making it a crucial step in the scientific method.

Examples of Data analysis in Research

  • Survey Analysis : Researchers collect survey responses from a sample population to gauge opinions, behaviors, or characteristics. Using descriptive statistics, they summarize the data through means, medians, and modes, and then inferential statistics to generalize findings to a larger population.
  • Experimental Analysis : In scientific experiments, researchers manipulate one or more variables to observe the effect on a dependent variable. Data is analyzed using methods such as ANOVA or regression analysis to determine if changes in the independent variable(s) significantly affect the dependent variable.
  • Content Analysis : Qualitative research often involves analyzing textual data, such as interview transcripts or open-ended survey responses. Researchers code the data to identify recurring themes, patterns, and categories, providing a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • Correlation Studies : Researchers explore the relationship between two or more variables using correlation coefficients. For example, a study might examine the correlation between hours of study and academic performance to identify if there is a significant positive relationship.
  • Longitudinal Analysis : This type of analysis involves collecting data from the same subjects over a period of time. Researchers analyze this data to observe changes and developments, such as studying the long-term effects of a specific educational intervention on student achievement.
  • Meta-Analysis : By combining data from multiple studies, researchers perform a meta-analysis to increase the overall sample size and enhance the reliability of findings. This method helps in synthesizing research results to draw broader conclusions about a particular topic or intervention.

Data analysis in Qualitative Research

Data analysis in qualitative research involves systematically examining non-numeric data, such as interviews, observations, and textual materials, to identify patterns, themes, and meanings. Here are some key steps and methods used in qualitative data analysis:

  • Coding : Researchers categorize the data by assigning labels or codes to specific segments of the text. These codes represent themes or concepts relevant to the research question.
  • Thematic Analysis : This method involves identifying and analyzing patterns or themes within the data. Researchers review coded data to find recurring topics and construct a coherent narrative around these themes.
  • Content Analysis : A systematic approach to categorize verbal or behavioral data to classify, summarize, and tabulate the data. This method often involves counting the frequency of specific words or phrases.
  • Narrative Analysis : Researchers focus on the stories and experiences shared by participants, analyzing the structure, content, and context of the narratives to understand how individuals make sense of their experiences.
  • Grounded Theory : This method involves generating a theory based on the data collected. Researchers collect and analyze data simultaneously, continually refining and adjusting their theoretical framework as new data emerges.
  • Discourse Analysis : Examining language use and communication patterns within the data, researchers analyze how language constructs social realities and power relationships.
  • Case Study Analysis : An in-depth analysis of a single case or multiple cases, exploring the complexities and unique aspects of each case to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon under study.

Data analysis in Quantitative Research

Data analysis in quantitative research involves the systematic application of statistical techniques to numerical data to identify patterns, relationships, and trends. Here are some common methods used in quantitative data analysis:

  • Descriptive Statistics : This includes measures such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and range, which summarize and describe the main features of a data set.
  • Inferential Statistics : Techniques like t-tests, chi-square tests, and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) are used to make inferences or generalizations about a population based on a sample.
  • Regression Analysis : This method examines the relationship between dependent and independent variables. Simple linear regression analyzes the relationship between two variables, while multiple regression examines the relationship between one dependent variable and several independent variables.
  • Correlation Analysis : Researchers use correlation coefficients to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables.
  • Factor Analysis : This technique is used to identify underlying relationships between variables by grouping them into factors based on their correlations.
  • Cluster Analysis : A method used to group a set of objects or cases into clusters, where objects in the same cluster are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters.
  • Hypothesis Testing : This involves testing an assumption or hypothesis about a population parameter. Common tests include z-tests, t-tests, and chi-square tests, which help determine if there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis.
  • Time Series Analysis : This method analyzes data points collected or recorded at specific time intervals to identify trends, cycles, and seasonal variations.
  • Multivariate Analysis : Techniques like MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) and PCA (Principal Component Analysis) are used to analyze data that involves multiple variables to understand their effect and relationships.
  • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) : A multivariate statistical analysis technique that is used to analyze structural relationships. This method is a combination of factor analysis and multiple regression analysis and is used to analyze the structural relationship between measured variables and latent constructs.

Data analysis in Research Methodology

Data analysis in research methodology involves the process of systematically applying statistical and logical techniques to describe, condense, recap, and evaluate data. Here are the key components and methods involved:

  • Data Preparation : This step includes collecting, cleaning, and organizing raw data. Researchers ensure data quality by handling missing values, removing duplicates, and correcting errors.
  • Descriptive Analysis : Researchers use descriptive statistics to summarize the basic features of the data. This includes measures such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and graphical representations like histograms and pie charts.
  • Inferential Analysis : This involves using statistical tests to make inferences about the population from which the sample was drawn. Common techniques include t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and regression analysis.
  • Qualitative Data Analysis : For non-numeric data, researchers employ methods like coding, thematic analysis, content analysis, narrative analysis, and discourse analysis to identify patterns and themes.
  • Quantitative Data Analysis : For numeric data, researchers apply statistical methods such as correlation, regression, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and time series analysis to identify relationships and trends.
  • Hypothesis Testing : Researchers test hypotheses using statistical methods to determine whether there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. This involves calculating p-values and confidence intervals.
  • Data Interpretation : This step involves interpreting the results of the data analysis. Researchers draw conclusions based on the statistical findings and relate them back to the research questions and objectives.
  • Validation and Reliability : Ensuring the validity and reliability of the analysis is crucial. Researchers check for consistency in the results and use methods like cross-validation and reliability testing to confirm their findings.
  • Visualization : Effective data visualization techniques, such as charts, graphs, and plots, are used to present the data in a clear and understandable manner, aiding in the interpretation and communication of results.
  • Reporting : The final step involves reporting the results in a structured format, often including an introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. This report should clearly convey the findings and their implications for the research question.

Types of Data analysis in Research

Types of Data analysis in Research

  • Purpose : To summarize and describe the main features of a dataset.
  • Methods : Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, frequency distributions, and graphical representations like histograms and pie charts.
  • Example : Calculating the average test scores of students in a class.
  • Purpose : To make inferences or generalizations about a population based on a sample.
  • Methods : T-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), regression analysis, and confidence intervals.
  • Example : Testing whether a new teaching method significantly affects student performance compared to a traditional method.
  • Purpose : To analyze data sets to find patterns, anomalies, and test hypotheses.
  • Methods : Visualization techniques like box plots, scatter plots, and heat maps; summary statistics.
  • Example : Visualizing the relationship between hours of study and exam scores using a scatter plot.
  • Purpose : To make predictions about future outcomes based on historical data.
  • Methods : Regression analysis, machine learning algorithms (e.g., decision trees, neural networks), and time series analysis.
  • Example : Predicting student graduation rates based on their academic performance and demographic data.
  • Purpose : To provide recommendations for decision-making based on data analysis.
  • Methods : Optimization algorithms, simulation, and decision analysis.
  • Example : Suggesting the best course of action for improving student retention rates based on various predictive factors.
  • Purpose : To identify and understand cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Methods : Controlled experiments, regression analysis, path analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM).
  • Example : Determining the impact of a specific intervention, like a new curriculum, on student learning outcomes.
  • Purpose : To understand the specific mechanisms through which variables affect one another.
  • Methods : Detailed modeling and simulation, often used in scientific research to understand biological or physical processes.
  • Example : Studying how a specific drug interacts with biological pathways to affect patient health.

How to write Data analysis in Research

Data analysis is crucial for interpreting collected data and drawing meaningful conclusions. Follow these steps to write an effective data analysis section in your research.

1. Prepare Your Data

Ensure your data is clean and organized:

  • Remove duplicates and irrelevant data.
  • Check for errors and correct them.
  • Categorize data if necessary.

2. Choose the Right Analysis Method

Select a method that fits your data type and research question:

  • Quantitative Data : Use statistical analysis such as t-tests, ANOVA, regression analysis.
  • Qualitative Data : Use thematic analysis, content analysis, or narrative analysis.

3. Describe Your Analytical Techniques

Clearly explain the methods you used:

  • Software and Tools : Mention any software (e.g., SPSS, NVivo) used.
  • Statistical Tests : Detail the statistical tests applied, such as chi-square tests or correlation analysis.
  • Qualitative Techniques : Describe coding and theme identification processes.

4. Present Your Findings

Organize your findings logically:

  • Use Tables and Figures : Display data in tables, graphs, and charts for clarity.
  • Summarize Key Results : Highlight the most significant findings.
  • Include Relevant Statistics : Report p-values, confidence intervals, means, and standard deviations.

5. Interpret the Results

Explain what your findings mean in the context of your research:

  • Compare with Hypotheses : State whether the results support your hypotheses.
  • Relate to Literature : Compare your results with previous studies.
  • Discuss Implications : Explain the significance of your findings.

6. Discuss Limitations

Acknowledge any limitations in your data or analysis:

  • Sample Size : Note if the sample size was small.
  • Biases : Mention any potential biases in data collection.
  • External Factors : Discuss any factors that might have influenced the results.

7. Conclude with a Summary

Wrap up your data analysis section:

  • Restate Key Findings : Briefly summarize the main results.
  • Future Research : Suggest areas for further investigation.

Importance of Data analysis in Research

Data analysis is a fundamental component of the research process. Here are five key points highlighting its importance:

  • Enhances Accuracy and Reliability Data analysis ensures that research findings are accurate and reliable. By using statistical techniques, researchers can minimize errors and biases, ensuring that the results are dependable.
  • Facilitates Informed Decision-Making Through data analysis, researchers can make informed decisions based on empirical evidence. This is crucial in fields like healthcare, business, and social sciences, where decisions impact policies, strategies, and outcomes.
  • Identifies Trends and Patterns Analyzing data helps researchers uncover trends and patterns that might not be immediately visible. These insights can lead to new hypotheses and areas of study, advancing knowledge in the field.
  • Supports Hypothesis Testing Data analysis is vital for testing hypotheses. Researchers can use statistical methods to determine whether their hypotheses are supported or refuted, which is essential for validating theories and advancing scientific understanding.
  • Provides a Basis for Predictions By analyzing current and historical data, researchers can develop models that predict future outcomes. This predictive capability is valuable in numerous fields, including economics, climate science, and public health.


What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

Qualitative analysis focuses on non-numerical data to understand concepts, while quantitative analysis deals with numerical data to identify patterns and relationships.

What is descriptive statistics?

Descriptive statistics summarize and describe the features of a data set, including measures like mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.

What is inferential statistics?

Inferential statistics use sample data to make generalizations about a larger population, often through hypothesis testing and confidence intervals.

What is regression analysis?

Regression analysis examines the relationship between dependent and independent variables, helping to predict outcomes and understand variable impacts.

What is the role of software in data analysis?

Software like SPSS, R, and Excel facilitate data analysis by providing tools for statistical calculations, visualization, and data management.

What are data visualization techniques?

Data visualization techniques include charts, graphs, and maps, which help in presenting data insights clearly and effectively.

What is data cleaning?

Data cleaning involves removing errors, inconsistencies, and missing values from a data set to ensure accuracy and reliability in analysis.

What is the significance of sample size in data analysis?

Sample size affects the accuracy and generalizability of results; larger samples generally provide more reliable insights.

How does correlation differ from causation?

Correlation indicates a relationship between variables, while causation implies one variable directly affects the other.

What are the ethical considerations in data analysis?

Ethical considerations include ensuring data privacy, obtaining informed consent, and avoiding data manipulation or misrepresentation.


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How to Write a Beginner Resume Summary with No Experience [Examples]

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When you’re diving into the job market with limited experience, writing a strong resume is key to landing your dream job. A well-written resume starts with a resume summary —the elevator pitch that shows the reader your greatest accomplishments, skills, and passions. A beginner summary for your resume is the starting point to wow-ing the hiring team and proving you’re the best candidate for the job.

An entry-level or beginner resume isn’t about listing everything you’ve accomplished or can do. Instead, it’s a strategic dance of weaving together your enthusiasm, soft skills, and unique experience. Then, you connect it to the job description and what the hiring manager is looking for.

  • What a resume summary is.
  • The critical components of a resume summary.
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to write an entry-level or beginner summary for resumes.
  • Examples and templates of successful resume summaries.

Understanding the resume summary for beginners

Your resume summary is a snapshot of your professional life—only 3 to 5 sentences—curated with each job description in mind. Job seekers include their professional title, years of experience, skills , and measurable achievements to entice the recruiter to read the rest of the resume.

As you navigate the job search, you’ll see how your resume summary is one of the most valuable sections of your resume.

What is an entry-level resume summary?

When you’re an entry-level applicant, the snapshot summary likely isn’t full of accolades, impactful accomplishments, or advanced skills. Rather, an effective resume summary for a beginning job seeker highlights an eagerness to learn, adaptability, and growth potential.

For entry-level applicants, “It’s not just about bullet points and job titles; it’s about weaving together the threads of your journey, painting a picture of resilience, ambition, and growth,” says Harleny Vasquez , a visionary Career Coach and CEO of yourEVOLVEDmind. “It’s a chance to showcase not just what you’ve done, but who you are and where you’re headed. Each section is a story, each accomplishment a milestone on the path you’ve forged with passion and purpose.”

The purpose of an entry-level summary

A professional summary is the attention-grabbing highlight reel. A successful summary keeps the hiring team reading your resume to learn more about you. In a hot job market where standing out is critical, resume summaries can be a positive differentiator.

Resume summaries provide key context to your resume. It helps the hiring manager frame your candidacy in their mind—they learn why you’re applying, how your skill set translates to the job, and key accomplishments that show you off in the best light. Many other applicants are jumping from the resume headline into the work experience, losing out on the opportunity to capture the hiring team right away.

Want to see examples of resume summaries for any stage of your career? Read 86+ Resume Summary Examples to Inspire You

Resume summary vs. objective

Resume summary and resume objective are often used interchangeably, but the two are very different. They serve different purposes and are used to convey different types of information.

Resume objective

A resume objective states your career goals and the type of position you are seeking. It is forward-looking and focuses on what you want to achieve in your career.

Primarily, it includes your career aspirations and what you aim to contribute to the employer.

For example, a resume objective could say something like:

Seeking a position as a Marketing Coordinator to utilize my skills in digital marketing and content creation in a dynamic, growth-oriented company.

Recruiters and career coaches argue against the resume objective because it’s more focused on the applicant, rather than the company you’re applying to.

Kelli Hrivnak , Founder of the boutique recruitment firm, Knack Digital shares, “I never like to see a resume objective on a resume. An employer is seeking an employee who will solve their problem, as opposed to prioritizing the wants and needs of the applicant.”

Jazlyn Unbedacht , Resume Writer and LinkedIn Optimizer argues we should just get rid of resume objectives altogether. “I’m not sure why they ever were a thing to begin with. Harness expertise from other experiences in your life, like education, volunteer work, hobby pursuits, and more and use that to create a short summary of what you can bring to the table as an employee.”

Resume summary

A resume summary provides a brief overview of your professional background, highlighting your key achievements and skills. It is backward-looking, summarizing what you have already accomplished in your career.

The short paragraph includes your key qualifications, experience, and major achievements. A summary is designed to quickly give employers an idea of your expertise and the value you can bring to their organization.

Resume summary

Many entry-level applicants and those writing beginner summaries for their resumes tend to default to objectives. They worry they have nothing impressive to highlight in their summary.

But Kelli Hrivnak urges you to think outside the box. “For job seekers who don’t have relevant work experience, can you include other experience or skills acquired in your project work instead?”

For example, Kelli suggests writing something like:

Google-certified Marketing graduate with 4 months of experience as an Audience Development intern at a nationally recognized publication firm. Grew audience engagement on Facebook by 30% by developing social strategy and initiatives.

Key pieces of a beginner resume summary

Think of your resume summary like a formula. Just like a math equation has values that you need to solve the problem, your resume summary has critical components that make it impactful to the hiring team.

Follow the formula below to write a standout summary:

Versatile [Your Professional Title] with over [X Years] of experience in [Field/Role]. Skilled in [Skill 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill 3]. Proven success in [Measurable Accomplishment 1] and [Measurable Accomplishment 2].

Tailor your resume summary

You can’t write your resume summary once and use it for every application. Your resume—including the summary—should be tailored to each job description.

To tailor your resume summary, you should read the job description closely and pick out keywords and skills to integrate into your resume. This process can take a few hours per job posting, but you can do it quickly with Jobscan’s resume optimization tools.

If you don’t have a resume and are starting from scratch, the Resume Builder tool can help you create a base resume, then you can move directly into Power Edit to tailor your resume to the job description.

tips on how to write a job description section on a resume that's tailored for a job

Quantify your achievements

Numbers and percentages showing time or money saved, revenue generated, or team members managed can show the hiring team how you help an organization thrive, rather than telling them what you’ve done.

For example, you can write:

Boosted sales by 30% through innovative product displays and promotions, and successfully managed inventory turnover, reducing excess stock by 20%.

Use Power Words and Action Verbs

Boring word choices make it easy for the hiring team to gloss over your resume. Inspire emotion and paint a picture with the words you use. Ditch common resume words and use more powerful words instead.

Discover the best power words and action verbs to integrate into your resume: 500 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume Today

Step-by-step guide to writing an entry-level resume summary

Even if you know the resume summary formula, how can you ensure you’re making a successful impact on the hiring team? There are a handful of steps you can follow to knock your resume summary out of the park every time.

Step 1: Do a self-assessment

Before you write your resume summary, you first have to have a firm understanding of your strengths, skill set, and achievements. Take time to think about a few dimensions of your professional journey.

Using education in your resume summary

Consider your degrees or certifications and any projects and coursework. If you’re short on hands-on experience, using experience from school or other learning can show off your experience and professional growth.

Draw on untraditional experience for your resume summary

When you’re writing a beginner summary for your resume, your experience is limited. But you can draw on volunteer work, part-time jobs, clubs, or even hobbies to link to skills the hiring manager is looking for.

Highlight your transferable skills in your summary

At the start of your career, highlight your transferable skills —or soft skills . These skills are interpersonal skills or behavioral traits you bring to every workplace. Unlike hard skills —job-specific technical skills—transferable skills are difficult to measure, but they’re still incredibly valuable at work.

Add metrics to your resume summary

Numbers and figures show concrete impact and quantify your contributions to an organization. You can use time-based metrics, efficiency metrics, growth comparisons, and more. If you’re a new grad or entering employment for the first time, draw on your other experiences of clubs, school, or volunteering to make an impact.

Increased readership by 15% during tenure as Editor-in-Chief of university magazine.

For more insights about adding metrics to your resume, read 67 Resume Accomplishments Examples to Show Your Value

Step 2: Conduct your research

To create an effectively optimized resume, you need to conduct research about the role, company, and industry.

  • Dive deep into the job description : The job description always has insights into the responsibilities and qualities of the role. Often, there are details about the company’s values.
  • Add the right keywords: By integrating keywords in your resume summary tailored to the company’s mission and values, you can make a powerful impression on the hiring team.
  • Familiarize yourself with industry keywords, skills, and tools : Stay up to date on evolving trends and tools in your field to position yourself as the strongest candidate.

Power Edit features AI technology that not only scans your resume for keywords and skills, but provides ideas you can use to integrate them into your resume seamlessly.

Step 3: Draft your entry-level resume summary

Writing your beginner resume summary for an entry-level role can feel daunting, but you have more to offer an employer beyond traditional work experience. Think beyond your past roles and draw on other experiences to show off your value as a candidate.

Remember, you can use the following template to guide your writing:

Start with a strong introduction sentence

The first sentence needs to capture attention, so choose strong power verbs and open with the information you need the hiring manager to know.

Some examples of powerful resume summary openers include:

Recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from XYZ University, where I maintained a 3.8 GPA. Proven leadership skills as the President of the Business Club, organizing events attended by over 200 students. Passionate about project management, I completed a capstone project that improved campus event efficiency by 25%. Seeking an entry-level role in business operations.

Enthusiastic computer science graduate with hands-on experience in developing mobile apps as a hobby, resulting in over 10,000 downloads on the Google Play Store. Skilled in Java, Python, and Swift, with a keen interest in UI/UX design. Looking to leverage my self-taught programming skills and creativity in an entry-level software development position.

Dedicated environmental science graduate with a strong background in community service, having volunteered over 300 hours with the Green Earth Initiative. Led a tree-planting campaign that resulted in 1,000 new trees being planted in urban areas. Highly organized and committed to sustainability, seeking to start a career in environmental consulting.

Diligent Marketing graduate with over two years of part-time retail experience at ABC Store, where I consistently exceeded sales targets by 15%. Recognized for excellent customer service and awarded ‘Employee of the Month’ twice. Eager to apply my sales and marketing skills in an entry-level marketing role.

Versatile communications graduate with a strong foundation in public speaking and writing, honed through coursework and as a volunteer tutor at the local literacy center. Part-time experience as a social media coordinator, where I increased engagement by 40% across platforms. Adept at content creation and community engagement, seeking a role in public relations.

Recent graduate with a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology, combining academic excellence with leadership as the captain of the university soccer team. Coordinated training schedules and team-building activities, leading to a 30% improvement in team performance. Passionate about health and fitness, aiming to start a career in sports management.

Ambitious psychology graduate with hands-on research experience, having assisted in a faculty-led study on cognitive behavior that was published in a peer-reviewed journal. Strong analytical and statistical skills, with proficiency in SPSS. Seeking an entry-level research assistant role to further develop my expertise in psychological research.

Integrate keywords from the job description

A keyword-rich resume summary boosts your chances of showing up in ATS search results. The ATS , or applicant tracking system, houses every submitted resume for a job listing. When the hiring team looks for candidates to interview, the ATS helps them rank applicants based on keywords and skills from the job description.

“A professional summary is an amazing resource to optimize your resume with keywords and catch an employer’s attention,” claims Professional Resume Writer, Jazlyn Unbedacht .

Jobscan’s Power Edit can find keywords in the job description and help you find places to naturally integrate keywords. Below you can find an example of a keyword-rich resume summary example for inspiration.

Creative marketing graduate with strong skills in social media management and content creation . Successfully managed a university campaign that boosted social media engagement by 30%. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and familiar with SEO strategies . Seeking an entry-level marketing position to leverage creativity and analytical skills to support brand growth.

Avoid keyword stuffing. Adding keywords for the sake of having them can have a negative impact. If your summary isn’t authentic or personal and feels forced, your summary can be difficult to read. Strike a balance by finding other resume sections to integrate keywords.

Highlight your strengths

Your resume summary is the ideal place to humbly brag about your accomplishments . Stay honest and avoid embellishing, but put your best foot forward to make it impossible for the hiring manager not to invite you for an interview.

For example, include projects, assignments, or internships to make your beginner resume summary shine.

Natural leader and recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Management, achieving a 3.8 GPA. Led a student project team to complete a market analysis that was presented to local businesses, resulting in increased partnerships. Proficient in project management and team coordination. Seeking an entry-level management position to apply leadership and strategic planning skills to contribute to organizational success.

Use a resume summary generator

Include a resume summary, even when you have writer’s block. The resume summary generator in premium Power Edit can write the perfect resume summary, using content from your resume and keywords from the job description.

Here’s how it works.

If you don’t have a resume summary, you can go into the Editor and click “Generate Summary.” Using AI, the tool will write a customized resume summary highlighting all your key skills and accomplishments for the job. The AI draws on your education, skills, work experience, and certifications to create a tailored resume summary in seconds.

screenshot of the resume summary generator tool in Jobscan's Power Edit

You can use the generated summary, or rephrase the summary until you find the variation you like best.

screenshot of resume summary generator in jobscan's Power Edit

By the end, you’ll have an optimized resume to impress the hiring team and boost your chances of getting an interview invite.

Generate your resume summary in seconds with Power Edit and create a perfectly tailored resume for each job application.

Beginner summary for resume: Examples

Resume summary based on education

Recent high school graduate with a 3.8 GPA and a passion for technology. Completed a capstone project in computer science, developing an app that improved classroom attendance tracking by 20%. Seeking to apply technical skills and problem-solving abilities in a software development role.

Resume summaries based on volunteering

Enthusiastic volunteer with over 150 hours dedicated to community service at local food banks and shelters. Organized weekly meal distributions, aiding over 500 families. Passionate about social work and eager to contribute to a supportive team environment.

Multilingual individual fluent in English, Spanish, and French, with experience volunteering as a translator at community events. Assisted over 100 individuals in accessing services. Seeking to leverage language skills in a customer service or administrative role.

Community-focused graduate with a 3.9 GPA and extensive volunteer experience at local non-profits. Organized community clean-up events, improving local park conditions by 15%. Eager to bring organizational and community engagement skills to a professional setting.

Resume summaries based on certifications

Certified in Basic First Aid and CPR, with hands-on experience from part-time babysitting jobs. Known for reliability and excellent communication with parents. Managed schedules and provided educational activities for children, seeking to bring caregiving skills to a full-time position.

Certified in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through online courses. Developed a personal website showcasing photography projects, increasing online portfolio traffic by 40%. Seeking to apply web development skills in a tech-related role.

Resume summary focused on extracurricular activities

Team-oriented individual with leadership experience as captain of the high school soccer team. Led the team to two state championships and organized weekly training sessions. Seeking to leverage leadership and teamwork skills in a dynamic work environment.

Learn how to incorporate extracurricular activities into your resume and read: Top Extracurricular Activities to Add to Your Resume (Samples)

Resume summary based on a mix of experience

Motivated recent graduate with a 4.0 GPA and a strong foundation in customer service from part-time work at a retail store. Volunteered at local animal shelter, managing 2 adoption events per month, increasing adoption rate by 15%. Eager to apply multitasking abilities and customer service skills to a professional role.

Resume summaries based on creative projects

Creative content creator with experience in managing a personal blog, growing its readership to 1,000 monthly visitors. Developed strong writing and content creation skills. Seeking to bring creativity and attention to detail to a marketing or content creation role.

Artistic graduate with experience in graphic design, having completed online courses in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Designed promotional materials for school events, increasing attendance by 25%. Excited to bring artistic skills to a design or marketing team.

Resume summary based on sports activities

Dedicated and disciplined athlete with experience in competitive swimming. Managed rigorous training schedules while maintaining a 3.8 GPA. Developed time management and resilience, aiming to apply these skills in a professional setting.

Resume summaries based on academics

Recent graduate with honors in Mathematics, achieving top marks in advanced calculus and statistics courses. Participated in math competitions, placing in the top 10 regionally. Seeking to apply analytical and quantitative skills in a data analysis role.

STEM enthusiast with a strong academic background in physics and chemistry. Completed a science fair project on renewable energy, earning first place at the district level. Seeking to apply analytical and research skills in a scientific or engineering role.

Resume summary based on part-time work

Passionate about fitness and health, with part-time experience as a gym assistant. Assisted with client schedules and maintained equipment, enhancing customer satisfaction survey results to a 4.7 star average rating. Looking to bring organizational skills and passion for health to a fitness-related role.

Resume summary based on leadership in clubs

Active member of the debate club with strong public speaking and research skills. Led the team to win regional championships and mentored new members. Looking to utilize leadership and communication skills in a challenging work environment.

A summary statement for a resume is a brief introduction that highlights your key skills, experiences, and what you aim to achieve in your career. For a beginner, this statement should focus on your education, any relevant skills, internships, volunteer work, and a clear career goal. It provides a snapshot of who you are and what you bring to the table, making it easier for hiring managers to quickly see your potential. Example: “Recent Marketing graduate with a strong foundation in social media management, content creation, and data analysis. Proven ability to increase engagement and brand visibility through innovative strategies, increasing social media followers by 30% in six months. Seeking to leverage skills and knowledge to contribute to a dynamic marketing team.”

The beginning of your resume summary should immediately grab the reader’s attention. Start with a strong descriptor followed by your job title, relevant experience, or education. Mention a few key skills or achievements that align with the job you’re applying for. Example: “Highly motivated and results-oriented Computer Science graduate with hands-on experience in software development and database management. Skilled in Java, Python, and SQL, with a passion for developing efficient and scalable solutions. Developed a web application that improved process efficiency by 25%.”

A good resume profile summary is concise, focused, and tailored to the job description. It should clearly state your professional identity, highlight your key strengths and achievements, and convey your career aspirations. Use action words and quantify achievements whenever possible to make a stronger impact. Example: “Certified Project Manager with over 5 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams to deliver complex projects on time and within budget. Expert in Agile methodologies, risk management, and process optimization. Successfully managed a project portfolio worth $2 million, achieving a 95% on-time delivery rate.”

Introducing yourself in a resume summary involves providing a brief yet comprehensive overview of who you are professionally. Start with your current role or recent educational achievement, followed by your most relevant skills and a statement of your career goals. Example: “Enthusiastic and creative Graphic Designer with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and 2 years of experience in creating visually compelling digital and print media. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, with a keen eye for detail and a strong commitment to delivering high-quality work. Designed marketing materials that boosted client sales by 15%. Looking to contribute my design expertise to a forward-thinking company.”

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Kelsey is a Content Writer with a background in content creation, bouncing between industries to educate readers everywhere.

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