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How Smartphones Are Killing Conversation

What happens when we become too dependent on our mobile phones? According to MIT sociologist Sherry Turkle, author of the new book Reclaiming Conversation , we lose our ability to have deeper, more spontaneous conversations with others, changing the nature of our social interactions in alarming ways.

Turkle has spent the last 20 years studying the impacts of technology on how we behave alone and in groups. Though initially excited by technology’s potential to transform society for the better, she has become increasingly worried about how new technologies, cell phones in particular, are eroding the social fabric of our communities.

In her previous book, the bestselling Alone Together , she articulated her fears that technology was making us feel more and more isolated, even as it promised to make us more connected. Since that book came out in 2012, technology has become even more ubiquitous and entwined with our modern existence. Reclaiming Conversation is Turkle’s call to take a closer look at the social effects of cell phones and to re-sanctify the role of conversation in our everyday lives in order to preserve our capacity for empathy , introspection, creativity, and intimacy.

mobile communication essay

I interviewed Turkle by phone to talk about her book and some of the questions it raises. Here is an edited version of our conversation.

Jill Suttie: Your new book warns that cell phones and other portable communication technology are killing the art of conversation. Why did you want to focus on conversation, specifically?

Sherry Turkle: Because conversation is the most human and humanizing thing that we do. It’s where empathy is born, where intimacy is born—because of eye contact, because we can hear the tones of another person’s voice, sense their body movements, sense their presence. It’s where we learn about other people. But, without meaning to, without having made a plan, we’ve actually moved away from conversation in a way that my research was showing is hurting us.

JS: How are cell phones and other technologies hurting us?

ST: Eighty-nine percent of Americans say that during their last social interaction, they took out a phone, and 82 percent said that it deteriorated the conversation they were in. Basically, we’re doing something that we know is hurting our interactions.

I’ll point to a study. If you put a cell phone into a social interaction, it does two things: First, it decreases the quality of what you talk about, because you talk about things where you wouldn’t mind being interrupted, which makes sense, and, secondly, it decreases the empathic connection that people feel toward each other.

So, even something as simple as going to lunch and putting a cell phone on the table decreases the emotional importance of what people are willing to talk about, and it decreases the connection that the two people feel toward one another. If you multiply that by all of the times you have a cell phone on the table when you have coffee with someone or are at breakfast with your child or are talking with your partner about how you’re feeling, we’re doing this to each other 10, 20, 30 times a day.

JS: So, why are humans so vulnerable to the allure of the cell phone, if it’s actually hurting our interactions?

ST: Cell phones make us promises that are like gifts from a benevolent genie—that we will never have to be alone, that we will never be bored, that we can put our attention wherever we want it to be, and that we can multitask, which is perhaps the most seductive of all. That ability to put your attention wherever you want it to be has become the thing people want most in their social interactions—that feeling that you don’t have to commit yourself 100 percent and you can avoid the terror that there will be a moment in an interaction when you’ll be bored.

Actually allowing yourself a moment of boredom is crucial to human interaction and it’s crucial to your brain as well. When you’re bored, your brain isn’t bored at all—it’s replenishing itself, and it needs that down time.

We’re very susceptible to cell phones, and we even get a neurochemical high from the constant stimulation that our phones give us.

I’ve spent the last 20 years studying how compelling technology is, but you know what? We can still change. We can use our phones in ways that are better for our kids, our families, our work, and ourselves. It’s the wrong analogy to say we’re addicted to our technology. It’s not heroin.

JS: One thing that struck me in your book was that many people who you interviewed talked about the benefits of handling conflict or difficult emotional issues online. They said they could be more careful with their responses and help decrease interpersonal tensions. That seems like a good thing. What’s the problem with that idea?

ST: It was a big surprise when I did the research for my book to learn how many people want to dial down fighting or dealing with difficult emotional issues with a partner or with their children by doing it online.

But let’s take the child example. If you do that with your child, if you only deal with them in this controlled way, you are basically playing into your child’s worst fear—that their truth, their rage, their unedited feelings, are something that you can’t handle. And that’s exactly what a parent shouldn’t be saying to a child. Your child doesn’t need to hear that you can’t take and accept and honor the intensity of their feelings.

People need to share their emotions—I feel very strongly about this. I understand why people avoid conflict, but people who use this method end up with children who think that the things they feel aren’t OK. There’s a variant of this, which is interesting, where parents give their children robots to talk to or want their children to talk to Siri, because somehow that will be a safer place to get out their feelings. Again, that’s exactly what your child doesn’t need.

JS: Some studies seem to show that increased social media use actually increases social interaction offline. I wonder how this squares with your thesis?

ST: How I interpret that data is that if you’re a social person, a socially active person, your use of social media becomes part of your social profile. And I think that’s great. My book is not anti-technology; it’s pro-conversation. So, if you find that your use of social media increases your number of face-to-face conversations, then I’m 100 percent for it.

Another person who might be helped by social media is someone who uses it for taking baby steps toward meeting people for face-to-face conversations. If you’re that kind of person, I’m totally supportive. 

I’m more concerned about people for whom social media becomes a kind of substitute, who literally post something on Facebook and just sit there and watch whether they get 100 likes on their picture, whose self-worth and focus becomes dictated by how they are accepted, wanted, and desired by social media.

And I’m concerned about the many other situations in which you and I are talking at a dinner party with six other people, and everyone is texting at the meal and applying the “three-person rule”—that three people have to have their heads up before anyone feels it’s safe to put their head down to text. In this situation, where everyone is both paying attention and not paying attention, you end up with nobody talking about what’s really on their minds in any serious, significant way, and we end up with trivial conversations, not feeling connected to one another.

JS: You also write about how conversation affects the workplace environment. Aren’t conversations just distractions to getting work done? Why support conversation at work?

More on Technology

Read Jill Suttie's review of Reclaiming Conversation .

How healthy are your online and offline social networks? Take the quiz !

five ways to build caring community on social media .

Take Christine Carter's advice to use technology intentionally and stop checking your freaking phone .

Learn how technology is shaping romance .

ST: In the workplace, you need to create sacred spaces for conversation because, number one, conversation actually increases the bottom line. All the studies show that when people are allowed to talk to each other, they do better—they’re more collaborative, they’re more creative, they get more done.

It’s very important for companies to make space for conversation in the workplace. But if a manager doesn’t model to employees that it’s OK to be off of their email in order to have conversation, nothing is going to get accomplished. I went to one workplace that had cappuccino machines every 10 feet and tables the right size for conversation, where everything was built for conversation. But people were feeling that the most important way to show devotion to the company was answering their email immediately. You can’t have conversation if you have to be constantly on your email. Some of the people I interviewed were terrified to be away from their phones. That translates into bringing your cell phone to breakfast and not having breakfast with your kids.

JS: If technology is so ubiquitous yet problematic, what recommendations do you make for keeping it at a manageable level without getting so hooked?

ST: The path ahead is not a path where we do without technology, but of living in greater harmony with it. Among the first steps I see is to create sacred spaces—the kitchen, the dining room, the car—that are device-free and set aside for conversation. When you have lunch with a friend or colleague or family member, don’t put a phone on the table between you. Make meals a time when you are there to listen and be heard.

When we move in and out of conversations with our friends in the room and all the people we can reach on our phones, we miss out on the kinds of conversations where empathy is born and intimacy thrives. I met a wise college junior who spoke about the “seven-minute rule”: It takes seven minutes to know if a conversation is going to be interesting. And she admitted that she rarely was willing to put in her seven minutes. At the first “lull,” she went to her phone. But it’s when we stumble, hesitate, and have those “lulls” that we reveal ourselves most to each other.

So allow for those human moments, accept that life is not a steady “feed,” and learn to savor the pace of conversation—for empathy, for community, for creativity.

About the Author

Headshot of Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie, Psy.D. , is Greater Good ’s former book review editor and now serves as a staff writer and contributing editor for the magazine. She received her doctorate of psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1998 and was a psychologist in private practice before coming to Greater Good .

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Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society

Students are often asked to write an essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society

Communication changes.

Mobile phones have changed the way we talk to each other. Before, we had to use landlines or write letters that took days to reach. Now, we can call or send a message to someone far away and they will know it in seconds. This makes keeping in touch with family and friends easier.

Information at Our Fingertips

Entertainment everywhere.

Phones are not just for calls; they are also for fun. We can play games, watch videos, and listen to music whenever we want. This is great for passing time, but it can also make us spend too much time on our phones instead of playing outside or reading books.

Safety and Help

Mobile phones can help us feel safer. If we are in trouble or get lost, we can call for help. Parents can also check where their children are, which helps them worry less. But, it is important to remember that we should not share our location with strangers.

Changes in Manners

250 words essay on impact of mobile phones on society, changes in communication.

Mobile phones have changed the way we talk to each other. Before, people would write letters or use landlines to chat. Now, with mobiles, we can send messages, make calls, and even see each other on video anytime and anywhere. This makes staying in touch with friends and family much easier.

Information at Your Fingertips

With mobile phones, we can look up facts, news, and other information quickly. They are like small computers in our pockets. We can learn new things, do schoolwork, and satisfy our curiosity just by tapping on the screen.

Mobile phones are not just for talking; they are also for fun. We can play games, listen to music, and watch videos. This means we can enjoy ourselves while waiting for a bus or during a break at school.

Mobile phones can make us feel safer. If we get lost or need help, we can call our family or the police. Parents also feel better knowing they can reach their children anytime.

Not Always Good

Even though mobile phones have many good points, they can also cause problems. People sometimes pay more attention to their phones than the world around them. This can make them less aware and even cause accidents.

500 Words Essay on Impact Of Mobile Phones On Society

Introduction to mobile phones.

Mobile phones have changed the world. These small devices that we carry in our pockets allow us to talk to anyone, anywhere, at any time. They have become a part of our daily lives. Many people cannot imagine a day without their phone. This essay talks about how mobile phones affect society.

Communication Made Easy

The first big change that mobile phones brought is in the way we talk to each other. Before mobile phones, we had to use landline phones that were stuck in one place. Now, we can call or send a message to our friends and family no matter where we are. This has made staying in touch with loved ones much easier.

Mobile phones give us access to a lot of information. With the internet on our phones, we can look up anything we want to know. This is very helpful for students who can now find facts for their homework easily. It’s also good for anyone who needs to find out something quickly.

Entertainment in Our Hands

Work goes mobile.

Phones have also changed the way we work. Many jobs now allow people to use their phones to do their work. This means that some people can work from anywhere. They do not have to be in an office. This can make work more flexible, but it can also mean that people are working more since they can always be reached.

Problems Caused by Mobile Phones

Even though mobile phones have many good points, they can also cause problems. For example, people can spend too much time on their phones and not enough time talking to people face to face. This can hurt relationships. Also, using phones too much can be bad for our health, like causing eye strain or bad posture.

In conclusion, mobile phones have a big impact on society. They make communication, getting information, working, and entertainment easier and better. They can also help keep us safe. But we must be careful not to let our phones take over our lives. We should remember to spend time with people in real life and not just on our phones. It is important to find a good balance.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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mobile communication essay


Essay on Mobile Phone

Essay generator.

In the digital age, the mobile phone has transitioned from a luxury to a fundamental necessity in people’s lives. It serves not just as a means of communication but as a gateway to the world, encapsulating functionalities that span from basic telephony to advanced computing. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of mobile phones, examining their evolution, impact, benefits, and challenges, while offering insights for students participating in essay writing competitions.

Mobile Phone

The advent of the mobile phone has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves. With its inception in the late 20th century, the mobile phone was a bulky, expensive device limited to making and receiving calls. However, the relentless pace of technological advancement has transformed it into a sleek, versatile tool that fits in the palm of our hands, capable of performing a multitude of tasks beyond mere voice communication.

Evolution of Mobile Phones

The evolution of mobile phones is a testament to human ingenuity and technological progress. From the first generation (1G) that introduced analog voice communication, through the second generation (2G) that brought in digital networks and the concept of SMS, to the third generation (3G) which made internet access on-the-go a reality. The fourth generation (4G) elevated the speed and quality of wireless communications, paving the way for high-definition mobile TV, video conferencing, and advanced gaming. Currently, the fifth generation (5G) promises unprecedented speeds, reduced latency, and the capacity to connect a vast network of devices, heralding a new era of innovation and connectivity.

Impact on Society

The mobile phone’s impact on society is profound and multifaceted. It has democratized access to information, bridging the digital divide by providing internet access to remote areas. Mobile phones have also revolutionized industries, from e-commerce and finance, where mobile banking and payment systems have flourished, to healthcare, where telemedicine and health tracking apps offer new ways to manage health. Furthermore, mobile phones have become pivotal in emergency response and disaster management, facilitating faster coordination and information dissemination during crises.

  • Communication Revolution : Mobile phones have revolutionized communication, making it easier and more convenient for people to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. They have virtually eliminated geographic barriers to communication.
  • Accessibility : Mobile phones have increased accessibility to telecommunication services, even in remote and underserved areas, connecting people who previously had limited access to communication networks.
  • Information Access : Mobile phones provide instant access to vast amounts of information through the internet. This has transformed the way people access news, research, and educational resources.
  • Economic Impact : Mobile phones have contributed to economic growth by enabling businesses to reach a wider customer base, facilitating mobile banking and financial services, and creating job opportunities in the mobile technology sector.
  • Social Connectivity : Social media platforms and messaging apps on mobile phones have reshaped social interactions and relationships, allowing people to connect, share, and communicate on a global scale.
  • Emergency Services : Mobile phones provide a lifeline during emergencies. They allow people to call for help, share location information, and receive emergency alerts and warnings.
  • Healthcare : Mobile phones have the potential to improve healthcare through telemedicine and health monitoring applications. Patients can consult with healthcare professionals remotely and access health information easily.
  • Education : Mobile phones have become tools for learning, with educational apps, e-books, and online courses readily available. They are particularly valuable in supporting distance and online education.
  • Entertainment : Mobile phones offer a wide range of entertainment options, including gaming, streaming video, music, and e-books, providing users with entertainment and relaxation.

Benefits of Mobile Phones

The benefits of mobile phones are manifold. They enhance communication by enabling instant messaging, emails, and video calls, thus keeping people connected across the globe. Mobile phones serve as powerful educational tools, offering access to online courses, e-books, and research platforms. They support navigation through GPS services, provide entertainment through games, music, and videos, and enable users to capture life’s moments through high-quality cameras. Moreover, mobile phones have become indispensable in managing daily tasks through apps for shopping, banking, booking services, and more.

Challenges and Concerns

Despite their numerous benefits, mobile phones also present challenges and concerns. Privacy and security issues arise with the potential for data breaches and unauthorized surveillance. Health concerns, such as the risk of addiction and the impact on mental well-being, particularly among younger users, are increasingly being recognized. Furthermore, the environmental impact of mobile phones, from the extraction of raw materials to electronic waste, poses significant challenges for sustainability.

Responsible Use and Digital Literacy

Addressing the challenges associated with mobile phones requires promoting responsible use and enhancing digital literacy. Users should be educated on privacy settings, secure online practices, and the importance of taking regular breaks from screen time to mitigate health risks. Encouraging the recycling of electronic devices and supporting sustainable production practices are crucial steps towards minimizing the environmental footprint of mobile phones.

In conclusion, the mobile phone is a remarkable technological achievement that has transformed every aspect of human life. Its evolution from a simple communication device to a multifunctional tool reflects the rapid pace of technological innovation. While the benefits of mobile phones are undeniable, it is imperative to address the accompanying challenges through responsible use, digital literacy, and sustainable practices. For students participating in essay writing competitions, understanding the complexities of mobile phones offers a rich topic that touches on technology, society, and the environment, providing ample material for a compelling and insightful essay.


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English Aspirants

Essay on Mobile Phone for Students [100, 150, 250, 400 Words]

Essay on Mobile Phone: Mobile Phone is a wonderful gift of science. In this article, you are going to learn to write an essay on Mobile Phone in English (100, 150, 250 and 400 Words). So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words

The mobile phone is one of the greatest gifts of modern science. It is also called cell phone or smart phone.  It is a great medium of communication. In earlier times mobile phones were used only for communication. But now-a-days a mobile phone is used as an entertainment device. We can use it for watching videos, listening to music, capturing pictures, web browsing, calculating, navigating and many more purposes.

The mobile phone has many advantages but we should use it in moderation. Excessive use of mobile phones can affect our physical and mental health. Students often misuse it and their study is affected badly. We should use our mobile phones very wisely.

Essay on Mobile Phone in English

Mobile Phone Essay: 150 Words

The mobile phone is a miracle of science. From a minor student to an ordinary Worker, everyone possesses a cell phone. Indeed, this is a very popular item today. It is truly, a mark of modern living, a part of the modern life-style. Of course, its usefulness is undeniable. Now a man can have communication anywhere, anytime to anyone sitting thousands of kilometers from him.

Today it is not only a communication device. It can be used for a number of purposes like online ticket booking, navigation, playing video games, taking pictures, recording videos, web browsing, video calling etc. In fact, now we use mobile phone for taking online classes. Hence it is called a Smart Phone. At the same time, the excessive craze for this is not desirable and may even prove dangerous. Mobile phone is to be taken as an utility service, and not as a show-piece.

Mobile Phone Essay in English

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Essay on Mobile Phone: 250 Words

A mobile phone or cell phone is a hand-held portable radiophone that uses the cellular or satellite network for voice or data communication. Unlike landline phones, which are fixed, mobile phones can be easily carried, and one can contact a person anywhere whether at home, on the bus, in street, or in a meeting. Apart from talking, it can be used for sending SMS, e-mail and for taking photos and videos.

High-end mobiles act as mini computers, offering services like internet, diary, music, iPod, calculator, alarm clock, etc. It is extremely useful in emergencies. But there is a tendency to abuse it. To many, it is an Addiction rather than a necessity. A cell phone ringing in an auditorium is most annoying. Using a mobile phone while driving a car or a motorbike and crossing a road or a railway track had led to many accidents.

Teleshopping is a great nuisance. Privacy is often violated, as most mobile users are unaware that they could be photographed or tracked. Terrorists use this gadget to trigger bombs and achieve their ends. Mobiles can also cause health hazards. The radiations from mobiles may cause injury to the brain. Cellphones on vibration mode put in front pocket may damage the heartbeat system. With all its advantages, what is, therefore, needed is moderation in the use of mobile phones.

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Essay on Mobile Phones: 400 Words

When telephone was first introduced in the world in the 1950s, people were keenly interested in it. As an easier way of communication, telephone has its own merit. Of late, the introduction of mobiles makes an easy access to communication. It is in fact inevitable in the present day of hurry and business. People have warmly accepted mobiles as the blessing of science. There is little doubt that without the use of mobiles none is nowadays able to lead one’s life quite normally. One is capable of communicating with people, staying far away very quickly. Thus many a problem can be well- solved by way of using these mobiles.

But everything has its merit and demerit. As science is a bane as well as a boon, mobiles are to some extent to be cursed. People, especially the young generation, have been abusing mobiles. They not only chat in an unexpected way but also indulge themselves in leading immoral life by abusing mobiles. Apart from this, several mercenary companies exploit the advantage of mobiles to meet their selfish ends. They do business through mobiles. As a result, young people have been misguided. To use mobiles is for them to be up to date. They avail themselves of the opportunity of the internet connection in their mobiles and do whatever they like to do. Obscene video clippings and some other versions of immoral entertainment are now available in mobiles. Therefore, the students have now tremendous fascination for the mobiles. Consequently, instead of studying, concentrate on using mobiles for sheer fun.

Another demerit is that because of the excessive use of the mobiles different companies plunge themselves into doing profitable business. Consequently, numerous towers have been erected for the network of mobiles. It is well known that a particular wave which is responsible for the mobile network does harm to the ecological balance of the environment. It is evident in the pale colors of the trees and fruits adjacent to the mobile towers.

Thus, it is the time to be conscious of the abuse of the mobiles. The concerned authority should take immediate steps to stop immoral business which is proliferating in abusing mobiles. All should remember that the sole purpose of mobile is to communicate. Entertainment may be available in the network of mobiles. But there should be no immoral design. Above all, the government should restrict the use of mobiles, so much so that anti-social activities may not be done through mobiles.

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mobile communication essay

I really enjoyed reading your blog post on the benefits of using a mobile phone for students. I think it is a great idea to have students use mobile phones to stay connected and organized. I also think it is important for students to be

mobile communication essay

I really like your thinking on Mobile phones thanks

mobile communication essay

Alot of good information on this blog, thanks!

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Technological Generations of Mobile Communications Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


The distinct life of the mobile communications has taken different phases. This can be traced from the 1G to the most rest 4G. G, 2G, 3G and 4G are a wireless phone or a cellular phone standard way of classification based on generations/ cellular phone evolution. This paper is a critical comparison of all these technological generations with an aim of tracking the trend that is followed in the developments.

Grandpa and Grandma 1G

Grandpa and Grandma 1G was the very first generation of wireless technology that originated around 1980’s. The cellular phones of this time were big in size (handbag phones) and used a high power voltage. Communication in the first generation cellular phones was enhanced by use of analog radio waves/ signals; use of radio antennas (a radio transmitter on one end and receiver on the other end.

Analogue technology could only accommodate voice communication the passing of analogue signals. While this was the best technological developments at the time, it had a couple of limitations. The first generation wireless technology covered a relatively small area. Communication was only possible between parties of the same nation/within a nation’s boundary’s/ within the grounds of a particular nation (Fendelman).

This first generation wireless technology supports only one way communication at a time. For instance the intended recipient has to be calm till the sender finishes talking then he/she can begin answering incase he/she speaks before then, his/her message won’t be delivered.

All the above services are possible through a technology that interprets voice calls called circuit switching -Circuit switching is easily distorted by a simple physical noise thus destroying the quality of a conversation. All these limitations lead the players in the industry to look for more advanced technology which could fill the loopholes in communication (News from Rohde and Schwarz, 2002).

2G – The second generation of the wireless digital technology

1G was later thrown out/replaced by 2G that came with greater and better technological benefits like the additional data services. At this level people could send text messages on top of the voice communication they initially had.

The radio signals were digital and the conversations digitally encrypted unlike the initial analog. This therefore allowed the mobile phone services to be passed over a wider area (great service penetration levels).The wireless digital network use brings more voice clarity to the conversation being carried out.

This enhanced intercontinental communications, more privacy in communication as well as storage of communication. The messages sent through this technology could easily be referred to later.

The second generation phones are however, costly compared to the first generation wireless cellular phones. Unlike the first wireless technology where communications were only possible within a nation, 2G ventures into a wide area in terms of service coverage area due to the additional roaming facility.

3G – The third wireless telephone / cellular phone generation

The second generation is however overthrown by this third cellular phone evolution which uses a wide band width. This big band width in turn came with a more clear voice communication that is almost perfect (very minimal distractions and cases of eavesdropping- a situation where the signals sent are lost to the surrounding environment).

Communication in this case is possible through a technology packet switching; a situation where data is addressed like the IP addressing then sent over and on reaching its destination, its again recollects in the order sent then decoded/ interconnected to have the conversation (News from Rohde and Schwarz, 2002)..

3G wireless services are widely spread and now almost in all parts of the world. 3G has an added advantage of the global roaming facility which allows communication across the world. One can send text messages, video conference, and chat, download 3dimentional games, and talk to any one and anywhere in this world without distractions like they are having real conversation (News from Rohde and Schwarz , 2002).

3G uses a higher band width also a wide band voice channel compared to the 1G and 2G generations which greatly attributes to high voice clarity and people can talk without any disturbance or with very minimal distractions.

There is an additional multimedia facility brought about by this third generation cellular phones like very fast communication (conversations and text messaging), video conferencing (hold video meetings with people in different locations), internet (surfing/browsing/online chatting), mobile television (watch television’s favorite programs on phone), video calls (like Skye), multi media messaging service (MMS) (sharing of photos and music), etc are now available on 3G phones (Arshad, Farooq, Shah, 2010)

The 3G phones are costly compared to the first and second wireless cellular phone generation. Currently 3G is widely in use. Almost everyone is moving or has moved to 3G technology for its interesting features and high speed wireless service.

Despite the numerous advantages to using this kind of phone and very interesting features, 3G wireless telephones however have short battery life compared to the second and first generation phones. Thus the use of this technology is dependent on the proximity to power supply. In remote areas thus, persons are forced to use less advanced technologies to avoid frustrations.

However, some wireless technology users use both technologies concurrently (Arshad, Farooq, Shah, 2010). 3G technology is usually common for users who depend on the wireless communication in internetworking. Most of the service providers carry out promotional advertisements encouraging users to use the technology based on its speed and coverage.

4G – The fourth generation wireless telephones / cellular phone service also known as a complete 3G replacement.

4G operates more like 3G much as it is a step up from 3G. It appears to operate in a hopeful state, like providing its clients with very speedy wireless services. Being the new born baby this fourth generation wireless technology is availed in limited places/areas.

It’s not widely spread and only in use in very few regions like Japan. 4G is anticipated and designed to deliver very high speed internet and generally high wireless services. Also a high network capacity-allowing more people to operate/ access its resources simultaneously (Fendelman,).

They too have the multimedia added feature but with very clear voice and video output compared to the initial generations just like the normal television. The fourth generation cellular phones are damn expensive (high cost) compared to the previous generations. The costs mentioned here are the installation costs. However, the technological requires less maintenance costs.


All the above mentioned technologies are wireless technologies. They all are able to pass/enhance analog communication. They all can pass voice communications. The first and Second generation covers a relatively small area in terms of geographical boundaries. Each of the technological development has come with increased area coverage than the preceding development.

Both the first and Second generation use a narrow band width, while the third and fourth generation uses wide band width. Both 1G and 2G deal/ are good in voice calls and in the process need to utilize the maximum bandwidth provided (Ashiho, 2003)

The technological development in the wireless communication has grown from one phase to another. As each phase is introduced, it leads to changes in other industries that depend on this technology for communication and other purposes. It is paramount to note that each of the above technologies has its own specifications.

Thus, there is always a need for any firm to have a technician who shall introduce the members of the institutions on how to operate the different technological developments. The ability of a firm to use the most modern technology is for its advantage as this leads to less maintenance costs. The only additional costs in the generational growth are the initial installation costs (Ashiho, 2003).

The developments that have been discussed in this paper have been enhanced by various firms and individuals. The need for the improvements has always rendered the players in the wireless communication busy with efforts of improving each of the development.

While the current technology is viewed by many as perfect, it is expected that a need will arise for the provision of services that it does not offer. Thus, it is arguable to conclude that the development in the wireless communication cannot be optimum.

Arshad, j., Farooq, A., Shah, A., (2010) Evolution and Development Towards 4th Generation (4G) Mobile Communication Systems . Web.

Ashiho, L. S. (2003). Mobile Technology: Evolution from 1G to 4G . Web.

Fendelman, A. (n.d). Cell Phone Glossary: What is 1G vs. 2G vs. 2.5G vs. 3G vs. 4G? Web.

News from Rohde and Schwarz (2002). Measuring the Acoustic Characteristics of 3G Mobile Phones . Web.

Peter, K. (n.d). Analysis and Comparison of 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G Telecom Services . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, March 21). Technological Generations of Mobile Communications.

"Technological Generations of Mobile Communications." IvyPanda , 21 Mar. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Technological Generations of Mobile Communications'. 21 March.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Technological Generations of Mobile Communications." March 21, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Technological Generations of Mobile Communications." March 21, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Technological Generations of Mobile Communications." March 21, 2019.

Home — Essay Samples — Information Science and Technology — Mobile Phone — Global System for Mobile Communication


Global System for Mobile Communication

  • Categories: Mobile Phone Telephone

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Words: 825 |

Published: Jan 4, 2019

Words: 825 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

  • Improved spectrum efficiency
  • International roaming
  • Compatibility with integrated services digital network (ISDN)
  • Support for new services.
  • SIM phonebook management
  • Fixed dialing number (FDN)
  • Real time clock with alarm management
  • High-quality speech
  • Uses encryption to make phone calls more secure
  • Short message service (SMS)

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Registration Is Currently Open - NMOCT 2024

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10th International Conference on Networks, Mobile Communications and Telematics (NMOCT 2024) is a forum for presenting new advances and research results in the fields of Network, Mobile communications and Telematics. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field. Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to.

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Essay on Importance of Communication for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of communication:.

Communication is one of the important tools that aid us to connect with people. Either you are a student or a working professional, good communication is something that will connect you far ahead. Proper communication can help you to solve a number of issues and resolve problems. This is the reason that one must know how to communicate well. The skills of communication essential to be developed so that you are able to interact with people. And able to share your thoughts and reach out to them. All this needs the correct guidance and self-analysis as well.

essay on importance of communication

Meaning of Communication

The word communication is basically a process of interaction with the people and their environment . Through such type of interactions, two or more individuals influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other.

Such interactions happen through the exchange of information through words, gestures, signs, symbols, and expressions. In organizations, communication is an endless process of giving and receiving information and to build social relationships.

Importance of Communication

Communication is not merely essential but the need of the hour. It allows you to get the trust of the people and at the same time carry better opportunities before you. Some important points are as follows –

Help to Build Relationships 

No matter either you are studying or working, communication can aid you to build a relationship with the people. If you are studying you communicate with classmates and teachers to build a relationship with them. Likewise in offices and organizations too, you make relationships with the staff, your boss and other people around.

Improve the Working Environment 

There are a number of issues which can be handled through the right and effective communication. Even planning needs communication both written as well as verbal. Hence it is essential to be good in them so as to fill in the communication gap.

Foster strong team

Communication helps to build a strong team environment in the office and other places. Any work which requires to be done in a team. It is only possible if the head communicates everything well and in the right direction.

Find the right solutions

Through communication, anyone can find solutions to even serious problems. When we talk, we get ideas from people that aid us to solve the issues. This is where communication comes into play. Powerful communication is the strength of any organization and can help it in many ways.

Earns more respect

If your communication skills are admirable, people will love and give you respect. If there is any problem, you will be the first person to be contacted. Thus it will increase your importance. Hence you can say that communications skills can make a big change to your reputation in society.

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Don’t Go Overboard With Your Point

The conversation is about to express your thoughts. And to let the other person know what you feel. It is not mean to prove that your point is correct and the other person is wrong. Don’t Overboard other With Your Point.

Watch Your Words

Before you say something to Watch Your Words. At times, out of anger or anxiousness, we say somethings that we must not say. Whenever you are in a professional meeting or in some formal place, where there is a necessity of communicating about your product or work then it is advised to practice the same beforehand

Communication is the greatest importance. It is important to sharing out one’s thoughts and feelings to live a fuller and happier life. The more we communicate the less we suffer and the better we feel about everything around. However, it is all the more necessary to learn the art of effective communication to put across ones point well.

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