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Temporary Appointment Letter Samples (Writing Tips)

A temporary appointment letter is a document that offers a person employment status within an organization for a limited period. It is, however, not an employment contract but simply a means of informing the concerned party of their duties under certain terms and conditions. It also leaves the employer with the mandate to terminate this employment at any time that they deem fit, even without prior notice.

As such, it is important when you are looking to bring in some employees or outside help temporarily.

There is nothing better than being in charge of your own business, property, or even enterprise. This gives you the ability to run things as per your specifications. However, everything has a downside, and the head that wears the crown is heavy. There are times when you might need to bring in some employees or outside help temporarily. For this task, you need a letter. This is a document that offers a person employment status within an organization for a limited period. It also leaves the employer with the mandate to terminate this employment at any time that they deem fit, even without prior notice.

This letter is just as binding as an employment contract. Thus, if not done right, it may leave your enterprise open to litigation or lawsuits from disgruntled employees. This is where templates come in handy. They provide you with a collection of samples that will guide you on how to properly deliver the message and ensure that each person gets the right message from the beginning while having all your bases covered.

Temporary Appointment Letter Templates

Free Temporary Appointment Letter Template 01 for Word File

How This Letter Works

But, how exactly do these letters work? A work contract stipulates duties and responsibilities while at the same time specifying a certain duration of employment during which you cannot be terminated from employment without repercussions. However, the letter offers no such job security. This means that you are employed and have a specific set of duties but the employer still reserves the right to terminate your status as an employee at any time without any consequence to them or their organization. He is also not obligated to give you prior notice, discuss the matter with you at length, or give valid reasons.

Appointment Letter For Employee Contract

Suitable for those scenarios when you need to outsource some contract employees to perform specific tasks that are limited to a certain setting

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Temporary Appointment Letter for Staff

Best suited for employing replacement staff for open vacancies that may require immediate filling. These are low or mid-level positions for which it may take time to find a permanent employee or which can be temporarily filled by new staff while they are being vetted for permanent employment.

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Temporary Non-Faculty Employee Appointment Letter

Best fit for the educational environment when a department seeks to outsource help with duties within the faculty. The employee does not become a fully-fledged member of the faculty and, as such, does not get the perks of such a position, just the salary, and responsibilities.

editable temporary appointment letter

Temporary Appointment Letter for Teacher Sample

This is a letter sample for the employment of a teaching staff member in a certain capacity and it states all the terms and conditions of their current employment status.

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Temporary Appointment Letter Format

This template finds the best use when it comes to re-delegation of duties within the company. An employee can be sick, on leave, or indisposed for an unknown period. This letter serves best to appoint another employee within the company who has the skills to carry out their duties and fill their gap while temporarily leaving their position, which they will return to once the absent employee can resume their duties.

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Designer Temporary Appointment Letter Sample

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Temporary Appointment Letter to a Part Time Employee

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Temporary Appointment Letter Example

format of temporary appointment letter

How do I Format a Temporary Appointment Letter?

A good temporary employment letter should contain all the following:

Name of employee

To ensure that it goes to the right person and that qualified personnel get the job.

States the position that they will be filling temporarily.

Date of employment

Defines the date on which their status as a temporary employee begins.

Clearly, it outlines the salary that they will be receiving during their employment. This helps prevent haggling after the position has been accepted by the employee.

Employment period

States the period that the person is expected to fill the previously stated position. This is a courtesy that allows them to prepare for the termination of their status.

Duties and responsibilities

States the roles that the employee is expected to fill within the organization so that they only accept the position if they feel like they can adequately fulfill the expected requirements.

Other necessary terms and conditions of employment

States extra terms and conditions, responsibilities, or conditions that the employee is expected to fulfill while acting in the position that they are about to accept. Extra duties can be detailed here.

Date of termination

States a date during which the employee can expect their employment to end. This is, however, amenable to change at the discretion of the employer.

Details of employer

Details of the employer allow for easy contact and correspondence between the employer and the temporary employee.

The best way to ensure that you capture all of these elements in detail is to opt for one of our freely available templates that will offer you the necessary guidelines, ensuring that you come up with the best possible letter.

Template for Appointment Letter

[Company’s Letterhead]

[Company’s Name]

[Company’s Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Employee’s Name]

[Employee’s Address]

Dear [Employee’s Name],

Subject: Offer of Temporary Employment

We are pleased to extend to you the offer of a temporary position with [Company’s Name], in the capacity of [Position Title]. This position will commence on [Start Date] and is expected to conclude on [End Date], unless earlier termination occurs as outlined in this letter.

Role and Responsibilities:

In your role as [Position Title], you will be expected to undertake the following responsibilities:

  • You will coordinate and manage [specific tasks or projects].
  • You are responsible for ensuring [specific outcomes or deliverables].
  • It will be your duty to communicate effectively with [teams, departments, clients, etc.].


Your compensation for this position will be a gross salary of [Amount], which will be payable [monthly/weekly/etc.] before deductions as per company policy. Additionally, [mention any bonuses, overtime rates, or other compensation details].

Working Hours:

Your standard working hours will be [number of hours] per week, specifically from [start time] to [end time] on [days of the week].

Terms of Employment:

Please be advised that this position is temporary and your employment with us will automatically end on [End Date], without the need for either party to issue notice. Should either party wish to terminate the employment before the end date, [mention any notice period requirements]. Furthermore, you will be expected to adhere to our standard confidentiality and non-compete agreements, which are [briefly describe any legal obligations].

During your temporary employment, you will be eligible for [list any benefits the employee will receive]. Please note that some benefits available to permanent employees may not be available to you due to the temporary nature of your position.

To accept this temporary appointment, please sign and return a copy of this letter by [Reply Deadline]. We are excited about the possibility of you joining our team and believe that you will make a significant contribution to our company.

Should you have any questions or require further details, please feel free to contact [Contact Person’s Name] at [Contact Information].

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position Title]


Copy of the Appointment Letter

[Any other relevant documents]

Sample Temporary Appointment Letter

Dear Alex Rivera,

We are delighted to offer you the temporary position of Software Development Project Manager at Innovative Tech Solutions. This position is scheduled to begin on March 15, 20XX, and will end on September 14, 20XX, unless terminated earlier as per the terms outlined in this letter.

As a Software Development Project Manager, you will have the following responsibilities:

  • You will oversee the development and implementation of software projects, ensuring they meet our quality standards and deadlines.
  • You are required to facilitate communication between the software development team and stakeholders to ensure project objectives are clearly understood and met.

It will be crucial for you to provide regular project updates to senior management and suggest adjustments as needed to achieve project goals.

Your compensation will be a gross salary of $7,000 per month, payable bi-weekly before deductions as per our company policy. This position also includes overtime compensation at 1.5 times your regular hourly rate for any hours worked beyond the standard 40-hour workweek.

You will work 40 hours per week, typically from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

This temporary position will conclude automatically on September 14, 20XX, without requiring a notice period from either party. In the event that either party wishes to terminate the employment before this date, a notice period of two weeks will be required. Additionally, you will be bound by our confidentiality and non-compete agreement, which restricts the sharing of proprietary information and engaging in competing activities during and after your employment with us.

You will be eligible for health insurance coverage throughout the duration of your temporary employment. Please be aware that some benefits offered to permanent employees may not be accessible to you.

Please indicate your acceptance of this temporary appointment by signing and returning this letter by March 5, 20XX. We are excited about the prospect of you joining our team and are confident in your ability to contribute to our ongoing projects.

For any questions or further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at [email protected].

Innovative Tech Solutions

This offer of temporary employment is effectively structured and comprehensive. It clearly outlines the terms of the position, including start and end dates, responsibilities, compensation details, and working hours. The inclusion of specific responsibilities for the role enhances clarity and sets clear expectations for the employee. The letter also addresses termination procedures and the confidentiality agreement, ensuring legal compliance and protecting the company’s interests. Offering health insurance coverage demonstrates consideration for the employee’s well-being. 

The tone is professional yet welcoming, conveying enthusiasm for the candidate’s potential contribution to the team. Enclosing a copy of the appointment letter adds transparency and helps the recipient keep a record of the agreement. 

Overall, this letter effectively communicates the terms of the temporary employment offer while fostering a positive impression of the company and its commitment to its employees.

Dos and Don’ts (of Temporary Appointment Letter)

Accuracy and precision are paramount in the drafting of appointment letters to mitigate any confusion and prevent the emergence of any legal actions against you as an employer.

Here are some of the things to watch out for when writing the letter.

  • Make the appointment letter simple and to the point so that no information is lost or mistranslated once the potential employee reads it.
  • Ensure that the temporary’ stipulation of employment is brought out in every element of the letter. Use a readable font and proper formatting to make the letter legible to all and sundry
  • Avoid the use of vague terms, poor sentence structure, or jargon that may be hard for the potential employee to understand, as this is bound to lead to some problems later on.

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Zhaniece Hill

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How to Resign From a Temporary Job

temporary assignment letter sample

Audtakorn Sutarmjam / Getty Images

Do you need to quit a temporary job? There are many reasons why a temporary work position in a company may have been the ideal fit for you. Accepting a temp job enables you to gain experience in a particular field, learn more about a career that interests you, gain experience to add to your resume, or put you first in line for a permanent opening in the company. 

Businesses can also benefit from having temporary workers. They may need to fill a spot quickly if they experience an unexpected loss of an employee, or need more employees during busier seasons. Some employers hire on a temporary basis with the option of making temp or contract workers permanent employees in the future.

However, you may decide it's time to move on. The job, even though it's temporary, might not be a good fit, or you may have secured permanent employment.

What's the best way to handle it when you're ready to resign? Here's information on the best way to quit if you need to move on sooner than you expected, with an example of a resignation letter for a temporary or contract position.

Tips for Quitting a Temporary Job

Before you decide to resign, you should have an idea of how long your position will be needed, especially if you sign a contract or agreement before starting. Some temporary positions have a clear beginning and end date, but you may find you need to resign from the job early. 

This scenario can come about if you are looking for a permanent position somewhere else, with the plan to resign from the temporary job once you secure a permanent position. Make it clear to your future employer when you can commit yourself to start.

If you signed a contract, be sure to give the proper notice stated in your contract or discuss options for ending the contract early with your employer. Your contract is mostly likely legally binding, unless the employer agrees to an early termination of the agreement.

How Long Should You Stay?

It is important to remember that, as the name says, the job is temporary, and you should not feel obligated to stay if you are offered a new job somewhere else or if it isn’t the right fit for you. If you follow the guidelines of your contract, you can gracefully give notice and move on to your next opportunity. 

Contract vs. Temp Workers

If you are a contractual worker, it is your responsibility to know what is expected of you when it comes to resigning. If you work for a temp agency , there may be more flexibility in the guidelines on how to excuse yourself from the position. No matter what the situation, you want to be sure to conduct yourself in a professional manner, especially if you used or plan to use your temporary employer as a reference.

What to Include in the Resignation Letter

Every scenario is unique when it comes to temp work. Many different factors play into both why you took a temporary job and why the company was looking for temp employees. Whatever the situation is, always conduct yourself in a professional way.

Treat the resignation as you would if the job were permanent. Prepare a respectful resignation letter or email thanking them for the opportunity to work with them and stating when your last day will be.

You can also include why you are not able to complete the temporary job assignment, but you do not have to. It can be awkward if you are leaving for negative reasons. Regardless of the reason, be respectful and professional .

Temporary Job Resignation Letter Sample

Use this resignation letter sample to formally notify an organization where you have been temping that you are submitting your resignation and will not be completing the assignment. In some cases, you can email a letter, especially if you are working remotely from home or another office.

Subject: Your Name - Resignation

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

I have enjoyed working at ABC Manufacturing. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to complete this temporary assignment. I have secured a full-time permanent position. My last day of work will be August 20, 2021.

I appreciate the opportunities you have provided me during my time with the company.

Your Typed Name

SHRM. " Can Employers Require Workers to Give Notice Before They Quit ?" Accessed July 12, 2921.

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Temporary Position Job Offer

[Candidate Name] [Street Address] [City, State, Zip code]

Dear [Candidate Name]:

On behalf of [Company Name], I am pleased to offer you a temporary short-term position as [job title], expected to last from [beginning date] to [end date].

As we discussed, in this position your compensation will be $[amount] per hour. This position is considered a nonexempt position for purposes of federal wage and hour law, which means that you will be eligible for overtime time pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a given workweek.

This position is regularly scheduled to work approximately [number] hours per week. Your work hours are from [time] to [time], Monday through Friday.

Under the terms of [Company Name]’s benefits plan and policies, you are eligible for [insert information on available benefits].

This offer of temporary short-term employment, if not previously accepted by you, will expire seven days from the date of this letter. If additional time for consideration is necessary, please make this request as soon as possible. If you wish to accept the offer, please sign below and return the letter to me within the prescribed time.

We recognize that you retain the option, as does [Company Name], of ending your employment with [Company Name] at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. As such, your employment with [Company Name] is at will, and neither this letter nor any other oral or written representations may be considered a contract.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [contact information].

[Name] [Job title]

I accept the offer of temporary employment set forth above.

_________________________                              __________ Signature                                                                    Date

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Regular appointments, lateral transfers, auxiliary or limited term (under 31 days) appointments, auxiliary extension, auxiliary layoff letters, temporary appointments (permanent employees only), project employees, articling students, secondment agreements, competition status letters, confirmation of employment and salary letter.

If the Hiring Centre has assisted with your hiring action, all necessary letters will be created for you.

For hiring done without the assistance of the Hiring Centre:

  • Please use the appropriate template
  • Scan and send a completed and signed copy to AskMyHR  (IDIR restricted) by submitting a service request using the category Myself (or) My Team or Organization > Submit a Form or Document > Offer Letters
  • If the person is a new employee, include their SIN and date of birth with the confirmation letter
  • For existing employees, please include the employee ID number
  • Change to Part-Time Status (DOCX, 94KB)
  • Confirmation of Offer (DOCX, 257KB)
  • Corrections officer
  • Community program officer
  • Social program officer
  • Training consultant
  • Commercial transport inspector
  • Offer Where Employee is the Successful Applicant (DOCX, 268KB)
  • Offer Where Non-Employee is the Successful Applicant (DOC, 133KB)
  • Relocation Assistance and/or House Hunting Expense Report and Assignment of Wages Agreement (PDF, 159KB)
  • Lateral Transfer Regular (DOCX, 47KB)
  • For use when an employee will temporarily transfer to another base position (for which they're qualified) within the same maximum salary range as their current base position
  • If the employee is still linked to their original base position, use the Temporary Appointments template
  • See more information about lateral transfers
  • Auxiliary Recall (DOCX, 94KB)
  • New Auxiliary Appointment (DOCX, 471KB)
  • Auxiliary Extension (DOCX, 89KB)
  • Extension of Under 30 Day Appointment to Auxiliary (DOCX, 94KB)
  • BCGEU: Notice of Layoff (DOCX, 44KB)  (with and without benefits)
  • BCGEU: 4 Declines or More than 9 Months on Layoff (DOC, 48KB)
  • BCGEU: Unable to Contact Employee or Declined Work (DOC, 50KB)
  • Temporary Appointment Letter (DOCX, 96.4KB)
  • An agreement between two ministries or organizations
  • Temporary Extension Letter (DOCX, 91KB)
  • Temporary Appointment Conclusion Letter (DOCX, 89KB)
  • Project Employee Hire Proposal (DOCX, 745KB)
  • Project Employee Offer Letter (DOCX, 32KB)
  • Articling Student Offer Letter (Regular and Temporary/Summer) (DOCX, 32KB)

If you have questions about secondment agreements, please submit an AskMyHR  (IDIR restricted) service request by using the category My Team or Organization > Employee & Labour Relations > Interpretation Services.

  • Applicant not short-listed
  • Applicant not qualifying
  • Competition cancellation and/or re-posting
  • Applicant not eligible on temporary appointment
  • Applicant not eligible on geographically restricted competition
  • Eligibility list
  • Advising Successful Applicant: Staffing Review Requested (DOC, 41KB)
  • Eligibility List Extension (DOC, 43KB)
  • Confirmation of Employment and Salary Letter (DOC, 93KB)
  • Completion of Probation (DOCX, 41KB)
  • Completion of Probation and Pay Increase (DOCX, 90KB)  (excluded)

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The B.C. Public Service acknowledges the territories of First Nations around B.C. and is grateful to carry out our work on these lands. We acknowledge the rights, interests, priorities, and concerns of all Indigenous Peoples - First Nations, Métis, and Inuit - respecting and acknowledging their distinct cultures, histories, rights, laws, and governments.

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Letter Templates , Request Letter

12 Best Transfer Request Letters Samples

Are you moving to another city or state but don’t want to quit your job? Does your current employer have a branch in your new location? You can request a transfer to continue your employment within the same company, as long as you have a valid reason. The same goes when changing your position or moving to another department without relocating.

A job transfer is an excellent chance for professional growth, as it uncovers career advancement opportunities. Asking to move to another role or location in a formal letter will supercharge your chances of approval.

Learn how to write a transfer request letter to ensure your manager takes you seriously and gives approval.

What is a Transfer Request Letter?

A transfer request letter is a formal document that an employee must submit when looking to relocate to another position, department, or branch within the same company. That branch can be in another city or state. You can submit the transfer request letter to your HR department or manager, stating the reason for the request and providing valid arguments to improve your chances of approval.

Relocating to another city or state opens the door to more career opportunities. However, you don’t have to leave your stable job just because you have to move. If commuting isn’t an option and you can keep your current employment in your new location, you can seize that opportunity by requesting a transfer.

That request can also help you switch to another position or department in your current location. Whether you seek new challenges or a lighter workload, you can express your desire to make the switch anytime.

Before submitting a request, talk to your manager or HR representative about the transfer. Ask if moving to another position or location is possible and gather the necessary information on career opportunities at a specific branch.

Informing them beforehand will eliminate surprises and confusion as they’ll expect your letter. They can also walk you through the process and explain your responsibilities in a new position or location.

Once you know what to do, write a transfer request letter to formally ask your manager or HR representative to consider your move.

Reasons for Requesting a Transfer

Here are some of the most prevalent reasons for requesting a job transfer.

Personal or family circumstances

These circumstances can be life-changing, including your spouse’s job relocation, an educational opportunity, a family illness, or your child’s admission to a school in another location. Shifting to another branch would eliminate the need to commute daily (if the distance allows) and help advance your education or be there with your family. Your employer might also approve your request if you’re moving to another city or state due to marriage.

Career advancement opportunities

Advancing your career to earn a higher salary is an excellent reason for asking for a job transfer. For instance, you can request to move from accounting to finance management or fill any other vacant position that helps you acquire new skills and grow with the company.

More exciting responsibilities

It’s not uncommon for a job to become mundane after years of performing the same daily tasks. If you’re unhappy with your current duties, you can ask to pivot to a position or department with new or additional responsibilities. Your employer will likely approve because they don’t want you to be discontent, negatively affecting productivity and overall performance.

Asking for more exciting responsibilities will show you’re eager to take on new challenges, which might secure you a raise.

Preserving job security

Corporate restructuring due to mergers, downsizing, changes in business direction, or new technology often leads to redundancies. Asking for a transfer if you suspect your job is at risk is a brilliant way to maintain your current employment. The key is to showcase your skills and achievements and make an irrefutable argument for taking a different position.

Workplace conflicts

HR professionals should try to resolve workplace conflicts, but their efforts don’t always bear fruit. Moving to another position, department, or branch might be the best solution if you constantly disagree with a specific teammate or experience problems with a supervisor.

Medical reasons

You can apply for a job transfer if your age or a health problem makes it difficult to continue working in the current position. Reducing your workload might accommodate your needs better and reduce the risk of underperformance, burnout, resignation , or termination .

Regardless of the reason, the format of the transfer request letter should resemble a resume cover letter . Highlight your experience, skills, and expertise and explain the benefits the company and the manager will experience from moving you to another position, department, or branch. One page would suffice the need.

What to Include in a Transfer Request Letter?

Here are the essential elements to include in your transfer request letter and examples to help you better understand how to write it.

The purpose of the letter

State why you’re writing the transfer request letter after formally addressing the recipient. Be concise and specific, mentioning that you would like to move to a particular position, department, or branch.

Dear Mr. Williams, I am writing to request a transfer from my current position as an account manager at Aspire Enterprises to the same or similar role at the company’s Seattle branch.

The reason for your request

You don’t have to go into detail to explain why you wish to transfer. Instead, you can outline the reason in one or two sentences.

My wife has been promoted to another position in Seattle, so it would be difficult for me to commute daily. Moving to our Seattle branch would enable me to continue my career at Aspire Enterprises.

My daughter has received an acceptance letter from Lakeside School in Seattle, so that we will move there in three months. Transferring to our branch in Seattle would enable me to stay close to my family and support my daughter’s education.

Your history with the company

Highlighting your experience at the company, dedication to the job, and significant accomplishments in your current role will show you’re an indispensable employee who brings real value to the company.

I have worked as an account manager in the sales department for the past seven years, gaining expert knowledge in the field and promoting Aspire Enterprises’ growth. I believe that my experience here would make me a valuable asset to the Seattle office. While on the sales team, I helped cut costs to 25%, increase efficiency by 56%, and improve customer satisfaction to 43%, thus contributing to the company’s bottom line.

Arguments for your decision

When making a case for your possible transfer, explain why it would be an excellent move, highlighting the mutual benefits. The reader should instantly understand why it makes sense for you to switch to the desired position, department, or branch.

I have shown excellent organizational and analytical skills as an account manager here. I am confident that my in-depth knowledge and experience would further boost productivity and revenue for the Seattle branch. I wish to continue my professional growth with Aspire Enterprises once my family moves to Seattle, investing the same enthusiasm and excellence into our branch there.

An appreciation note for your manager

A transfer request letter is a formal document that requires proper business etiquette. Show gratitude for working with your manager and colleagues, thanking them for contributing to your professional growth. Don’t forget to thank your manager for taking the time to read and consider your request.

Working here at Aspire Enterprises and learning from brilliant mentors and colleagues has been a pleasure. I am eager to continue the hard work and build relationships with our Seattle team. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Your resume

Including a resume copy in your transfer request letter isn’t necessary. Still, it will remind your manager of your skills and expertise and serve as additional support for approval. If you attach your resume, mention it before the complimentary closing.

Please refer to the attached resume for more details on my qualifications.

Sincerely, Liam Davis Account Manager, Sales Aspire Enterprises 123 Business Road Boston, Massachusetts [email protected]

Sample Job Transfer Request Letter

Mrs. James Head of the Human Resource department Database technologies, California

{Date on which the letter was written}

From, Clinton, treasurer,

Sub: Requesting for transfer

Dear Mr. James,

I am writing to bring to your attention that I have been one of the best employees in your company for the past five years. I remained a committed and dedicated worker. Recently, my kids got admitted to a school in Atlanta. Getting admitted to St. Mary’s Convent is a chance, a one-time chance that is not worth wasting. This is the reason I am humbly requesting you to give me a transfer to our company branch in Atlanta. I would like to transfer next month when school starts.

If you transfer me to that branch, I will work hard without worrying about being away from my children. All my attention will be shifted to completing the tasks assigned to me in the right way.

I confidently believe that you will understand my position. I am looking forward to you considering my request and getting a positive response from you.

Free Templates And Examples


Tips for Writing a Transfer Request Letter

Here are additional tips for writing a letter to ask for a job transfer and improving your chances of getting the green light:

Use professional language

Professional language is necessary because you’re writing a formal business letter . Use correct grammar and spelling, avoid contractions (e.g., I’ve or I’ll), and include a formal greeting and closing.

Don’t be too casual

This tip nicely ties to the previous point, but it’s worth mentioning if you have a close relationship with your manager. Even if that’s the case, you should keep the request formal because your employer or other HR representatives might read it.

Forget about slang, text abbreviations (e.g., TBH – to be honest, LMK – let me know, etc.), inside jokes, and other informal words and phrases.

Research sample letters

Sample letters are fantastic inspiration sources when you don’t know where to start or how to format your request. Your reason for requesting a change in position, department, or location might be unique, but available samples can help you understand the ins and outs. You might also find an identical case and draw inspiration from it.

We offer free transfer request templates that you can customize to your needs. Download them to explore different cases and ensure you respect the formal formatting requirements.

Proofread your letter

Proofreading is crucial before submitting any business document. You wouldn’t want typos, grammatical or spelling mistakes , or formatting errors to hinder your chances of approval of your transfer request.

Quick Summary

  • Discuss your transfer possibilities with your hiring manager or employer to inform them about your consideration and gather the necessary information.
  • Write a formal transfer request letter explaining why you wish to move to another position, department, or branch.
  • Highlight your accomplishments and the mutual benefits of your possible move to improve your chances of approval.
  • Be professional, concise, compelling, and appreciative.
  • Use samples or templates for inspiration and formatting guidelines, modifying them to your unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i request a transfer.

You must write a formal letter to express your desire to pivot to a different position, department, or location. Address it to your HR manager and explain why the move would support your continued development and the company’s growth.

What are good reasons for a transfer request?

Valid reasons include life-changing personal or family circumstances, career advancement opportunities, more challenging and exciting responsibilities, workplace conflicts, medical reasons, and preserving job security.

What are the types of employee transfers?

They can be lateral, voluntary, and involuntary. A lateral transfer includes moving an employee to the same position in another department or location or a similar role with the same pay grade. A voluntary transfer includes an employee asking for a lateral move. Its involuntary counterpart involves reassigning an employee due to business changes like staff reductions or budget cuts.

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  • Sample Contracts

FREE 10+ Temporary Assignment Contract Samples in PDF

Temporary Assignment Contract featured

If your business deals with a lot of special projects to work on or you suffering from workload fluctuations and staff shortages, one way to address these concerns is to employ temporary employees to help you complete the necessary tasks and responsibilities to get your business operations back to being efficient. Since many people are looking for jobs, this type of hiring strategy is effective for employers. Temporary employment can also benefit the employee as well since they have more flexibility on when and where they want to work. If you’re interested in hiring employees for a specific period, you must know how to create a temporary assignment contract for them to agree on. This type of contract is created differently compared to other types of employment contracts, so it’s important to know what details should be put in it. This article will guide you on how to make a temporary assignment contract.

Temporary Assignment Contract

Free 18+ sample employment contracts, free 16+ deed of assignment samples, free 10+ employment agency agreement samples, 10+ temporary assignment contract samples, 1. temporary assignment agreement contract.

temporary assignment agreement contract

Size: 11 KB

2. Temporary Work Assignment Contract

temporary work assignment contract

Size: 205 KB

3. Temporary Assignment Policy Contract

temporary assignment policy contract

Size: 105 KB

4. Temporary Business Assignment Contract

temporary business assignment contract

Size: 109 KB

5. Temporary Assignment Relocation Contract

temporary assignment relocation contract

Size: 74 KB

6. Temporary Assignment Storage Contract

temporary assignment storage contract

Size: 169 KB

7. Temporary Employment Assignment Contract

temporary employment assignment contract

Size: 350 KB

8. Temporary Assignment Program Contract

temporary assignment program contract

Size: 29 KB

9. Temporary Assignment Transportation Contract

temporary assignment transportation contract

Size: 20 KB

10. Temporary Assignment Labor Contract

temporary assignment labor contract

Size: 844 KB

11. Temporary Worker Assignment Contract

temporary worker assignment contract

Size: 35 KB

What is a Temporary Assignment Contract?

A temporary assignment contract also called a temporary employment contract  is a written legal agreement signed between an employer and an employee in which both parties have decided that the employee is employed in the company or organization only for a specific period. This contract will regulate the working relationship between the employer and employee.

Details to Include in a Temporary Assignment Contract

  •  Information of the Parties Involved:  The first part of the contract must include the names and addresses of both parties involved in the contract. You must also identify who is the employer and who is the employee in the contract as well.
  • Employment Terms: This section must state the main subject of the contract which is that the employee is under a temporary assignment contract and they are   legally bound to follow the regulations of the contract.
  • Salary and Compensation : Don’t forget to state the amount of money that will be paid for the temporary employee, how the payment will be given to them, and how often they will receive it.  If the employee is eligible to receive compensation, don’t forget to present all useful information regarding this such as their leave entitlement, health care, insurance , etc.
  • Employment Period: State the employment start and end date of the temporary employee. If you present an option to extend the employment contract, state the requirements needed for it.
  • Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties: Describe all the rights and responsibilities that both parties are entitled to have and to observe within the agreement.
  • Additional Terms: Include other important terms necessary to include in an employment contract such as severability, jurisdiction, governing law, termination of the contract , etc. to help protect both parties from legal hitches.
  • Contact Information: Provide all the necessary contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses of both parties to ensure that each party can be reached anytime in case of any important instances.
  • Signature Lines: Conclude the contract by providing lines where both parties can sign the contract and include the date that signifies the legality of the contract has taken place.  

How long can an employee be on a temporary contract?

The maximum period for an employee to have a temporary contract usually varies from company or organization, but it is a general rule that a temporary contract must not extend beyond six months from their first day of work.

What are the benefits of having a temporary assignment contract?

For employers, having temporary assignment contracts is useful for them, especially if they need to hire employees on a whim. Some benefits include:

  • When the employer hire a temporary replacement for an employee on leave
  • For peak seasons, employers hire temporary workers to help with the workload increase that regular employees can no longer effectively manage
  • If the company have different temporary projects to do and their employees won’t suffice to work on those projects, they hire temporary additional staff to help cover the projects

What rights does an employee have on a temporary contract?

The following rights a temporary employee has that they should exercise and the employer should respect:

  • Entitled to a day off after a week’s work
  • Only work to a maximum of 48 hours a week
  • Entitled to leaves such as sick leave, maternity, or paternity leave

Once you’re done drafting the contract proposal, review it for any grammatical or spelling mistakes, the language and tone of the proposal, and the conciseness of its content. Revise it if needed. Encourage the employee to discuss the contract with you (make sure you’re open to answering their questions truthfully and openly) before you sign the contract. To help you get started making the contract, download our free sample  templates  above to use as your guide!

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Letter Templates & Example

Temporary Employment Letter Sample: How to Write an Effective Contract

If you’re a temporary worker, you might need to provide a temporary employment letter to prove your employment status to landlords, lenders, or other entities. But writing a letter from scratch can be daunting, especially if you’re not familiar with the format. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll provide you with a temporary employment letter sample that you can use as a template. You’ll also find examples of how to customize the letter to fit your specific needs. With these samples, you can easily create a professional-looking letter that will make a solid impression. So, let’s get started!

The Best Structure for a Temporary Employment Letter Sample

When you’re putting together a temporary employment letter sample, you want to make sure that your structure is strong and clear. After all, this letter is going to be the first impression that you make on a new employee, and you want to make sure that it’s a good one.

So, what should your temporary employment letter sample look like? Here are the key components:

1. Introduction – Start off by introducing yourself and your company. This should include a brief description of what your company does and what the employee’s role will be.

2. Employment Details – Next, you’ll want to outline the terms of employment. This should include the employee’s start and end dates, as well as their hourly wage or salary. You should also include any information about benefits or overtime pay.

3. Expectations – Now it’s time to set expectations. What are the specific tasks that the employee will be responsible for? What are the company’s policies and procedures? Be sure to include all of this information.

4. Contact Information – Finally, make sure that the employee knows how to get in touch with you. Include your contact information, as well as any other relevant information such as the HR department’s phone number or email address.

In terms of formatting, you’ll want to keep it simple and easy to read. Use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial, and make sure that the text is easy to read. Use headings and bullet points to break up the text and make it more scannable.

Overall, the key to a great temporary employment letter sample is to be clear, concise, and informative. With the right structure and formatting, you can create a letter that will help you attract and retain top talent.

Temporary Employment Letter Samples

Temporary employment letter for resume building.

Dear [Employer Name],

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] for a temporary employment opportunity at your organization. [Employee Name] has recently graduated from college and is seeking to build experience in [field of work].

During [Employee Name]’s time as a student, they have demonstrated exceptional academic performance in relevant coursework and have also been involved in [relevant extracurricular activities]. [Employee Name] is highly motivated and eager to gain practical experience in [field of work] in order to further their career development.

I believe that [Employee Name] would be an asset to your organization and would benefit greatly from this opportunity to gain hands-on experience in [field of work]. Thank you for considering this recommendation.

[Your Name]

Temporary Employment Letter for Seasonal Work

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] for a temporary employment opportunity at your organization. [Employee Name] is seeking seasonal work for [season] and I believe that they would be an excellent fit for your team.

At [previous place of employment], [Employee Name] demonstrated strong work ethic and a willingness to learn. They consistently exceeded expectations and worked collaboratively with their colleagues to ensure the success of the team.

[Employee Name] is reliable, punctual, and has excellent communication skills. I am confident that they would be a valuable addition to your team and would contribute to the overall success of your organization.

Thank you for considering this recommendation.

Temporary Employment Letter for Internship Approval

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] for the [internship position] at your organization. [Employee Name] is seeking to gain practical experience in [field of work] and I believe that your organization would provide an excellent opportunity for professional growth.

[Employee Name] has demonstrated exceptional academic performance in relevant coursework and has also been involved in [relevant extracurricular activities]. They are highly motivated and eager to gain hands-on experience in [field of work].

I am confident that [Employee Name] would be a valuable addition to your team. They have strong communication and problem-solving skills, and the ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.

Temporary Employment Letter for Maternity Leave Coverage

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] to fill the temporary position required to cover for my maternity leave. [Employee Name] has been working with me for [number of years] and I am confident that they have the skills and experience necessary to ensure a smooth transition during my absence.

[Employee Name] has demonstrated strong work ethic and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment. They are reliable, punctual, and have excellent communication skills. With their extensive knowledge of our organization and processes, I am confident that they will ensure the continued success of [department] during my absence.

Temporary Employment Letter for Disability Accommodation

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] to fill the temporary position required for disability accommodation purposes. [Employee Name] has been working with our organization for [number of years] and has demonstrated strong work ethic and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment.

During my recent leave of absence due to disability, [Employee Name] stepped in and took on additional responsibilities to ensure the continued success of [department]. Their flexibility and willingness to assist in any way possible was greatly appreciated and contributed to the overall success of our team.

I am confident that [Employee Name] would be an asset to your organization and would ensure the continued success of [department] during my absence.

Temporary Employment Letter for Vacation Coverage

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] to fill the temporary position required to cover for my upcoming vacation. [Employee Name] has been working with our organization for [number of years] and has demonstrated strong work ethic and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment.

They are reliable, punctual, and have excellent communication skills. Their knowledge of our organization and processes will ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I am confident that [Employee Name] would be an asset to your organization and would ensure the continued success of [department] during my absence.

Temporary Employment Letter for Project-based Work

I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] for a temporary employment opportunity to work on [project name]. [Employee Name] has extensive experience in [relevant field] and has demonstrated exceptional project management skills.

[Employee Name] is highly motivated and would be an asset to your team in delivering successful project outcomes. They have strong communication and problem-solving skills, and the ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.

I am confident that [Employee Name] would be an excellent fit for your organization and would contribute to the overall success of [project name]. Thank you for considering this recommendation.

Tips for Writing a Temporary Employment Letter Sample

When writing a temporary employment letter sample, it’s important to keep a few key tips in mind to ensure that your letter is clear, concise, and effective. These tips can help you create a strong, professional document that will impress potential employers and demonstrate your value as a temporary worker. Here are some of the most important tips to keep in mind:

Be Clear and Specific

One of the most important things to keep in mind when writing a temporary employment letter sample is the importance of clarity and specificity. Make sure that your letter clearly outlines the nature of the temporary work you are seeking, including the job title, start and end dates, and any other relevant details. Be clear about your availability and any specific requirements you have, such as scheduling preferences or special skills you possess.

Highlight Your Skills and Experience

Another important tip for writing a temporary employment letter sample is to highlight your skills and experience as a temporary worker. Use your letter to showcase your expertise in your field, including any relevant certifications or training you have completed. Be sure to emphasize your flexibility, adaptability, and willingness to learn new skills, as these are all key traits that employers look for in temporary workers.

Be Professional and Polite

When writing a temporary employment letter sample, it’s important to maintain a professional tone and demonstrate politeness and professionalism throughout your document. Use a formal salutation, such as “Dear Hiring Manager,” and keep your language polite and respectful. Avoid using slang, casual language, or humor, as these can be off-putting to potential employers.

Keep It Concise

Finally, make sure that your temporary employment letter sample is clear, concise, and to the point. Be mindful of the reader’s time and attention, and avoid including unnecessary details or information. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and straightforward, and use bullet points or numbered lists to break up your text and make it easier to read.

By following these tips and taking the time to create a strong, professional temporary employment letter sample, you can increase your chances of landing a great temporary job and demonstrating your value to potential employers. Good luck!

Temporary Employment Letter Sample What is a temporary employment letter?

A temporary employment letter is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of temporary employment, including the duration, job responsibilities, and other employment details.

Do I need a temporary employment letter?

Yes, if you are working for a company on a temporary basis, it is important to have a temporary employment letter to ensure that both you and your employer are aware of the employment arrangement.

What should be included in a temporary employment letter?

A temporary employment letter should include the dates of employment, job duties, compensation, and any other terms and conditions related to the temporary employment.

Can I negotiate the terms of a temporary employment letter?

Yes, you can negotiate the terms of a temporary employment letter with your employer, including the duration, compensation, and other terms and conditions of employment.

Can a temporary employment letter be used as proof of employment?

Yes, a temporary employment letter can be used as proof of employment for purposes such as applying for a loan or a visa.

What happens when the term of a temporary employment letter ends?

When the term of a temporary employment letter ends, the employment arrangement comes to an end as well. You should discuss with your employer whether there are any opportunities for an extension or a permanent position.

What should I do if my employer does not provide a temporary employment letter?

If your employer does not provide a temporary employment letter, you should request one in writing and document your request. If your employer still refuses to provide a letter, you may consider seeking legal advice.

Thanks for considering these temporary employment letter samples!

Whether you’re an employer drafting a letter or an employee looking for guidance, we hope these examples have offered some inspiration. Remember, each letter should be tailored to your specific situation, including the job title, dates of employment, and reasons for termination. We’re happy to have provided a starting point, and we encourage you to revisit our site for more resources on employment letters and other work-related topics. Thanks for stopping by, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

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All Formats

9+ Temporary Appointment Letter Templates

In employing people, you will need to create employment letters as proof of you hiring a specific person to do the job, be it either a full-time or part-time job. It is important to create records for formality and legal purposes. The same application goes for temporary employment as well in which you will need to create temporary appointment letters.

temporary assignment letter sample

Temporary Employment Appointment Letter

temporary employment appointment letter

Temporary Staff Appointment

temporary staff appointment letter

Temporary Non Faculty Employee Appointment

temporary employee non faculity appointment letter

Temporary Appointment

temporary appointment letter format

Temporary Teacher Job Appointment

temporary job appointment letter

Benefits of Having Appointment Letters

Different temporary employment examples.

  • Temporary Appointment Letter Templates – These types of templates are used for most job positions wherein, they contain the simple details of when the employment will start and end, the name of the person to be employed, and company contact details.
  • Temporary Non Faculty Employee Appointment – These types of templates are used to notify nonteaching employees about their job description and appointment to a certain job position.
  • Temporary Teacher Job Appointment – This template is specifically used for temporary teaching employment purposes, which is to inform the employees on the tasks needed to be achieved in a short span of time.

Temporary Worker Appointment

temporary worker appointment letter

Temporary Designer Appointment

temporary designer appointment letter

Part-Time Temporary Employee Appointment

part time employee temporary appointment letter

Temporary Appointment in PDF

temporary appointment letter

Dos and Don’ts of Making Appointment Letters

  • Make sure to place all the information needed for the employee to know like placing all the details in the job description, the date when the employee will start, and when his or her employment will end.
  • You should also make sure to place your contact details for the employee to contact you whenever he or she may have additional concerns or have some inquiries regarding the contract or employment letter.
  • Never use any disturbing fonts as it can be disturbing to look at on the viewers’ end and would be informal to write a letter with disturbing-looking fonts with improper formatting.
  • As much as possible, try to keep your words simple and concise. Avoid placing too many jargon, which the viewer will have a difficult time in processing the letter and will delay both you and your reader’s time.

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Education and science

10 Examples of Good and Right Assignment Letters (Latest)

  • July 06, 2021
  • In Miscellanea

After previously discussing about formal letter sample The following will discuss in more detail related to an example of an assignment letter.

Table of contents

Definition of Letter of Assignment

sample job assignment letter psbb

Assignment letter is a letter made by an agency or company to give a special task to its employees.

As the name implies, this assignment letter is generally made by a superior or someone with a higher rank in order to assign tasks to his subordinates to do certain tasks.

This assignment letter is also one of the types of official letters, although the use of this assignment letter is internal (only within the scope of the agency/institution).

Function and Purpose of Assignment Letter

sample job assignment letter at psbb

Unlike an official letter or power of attorney, an assignment letter has several specific functions and purposes, such as:

  • For an official or formal sign if someone is indeed from a recognized agency/company.
  • To help the smooth running of a job if the one given the task wants to get in touch with other institutions/agencies outside the company.
  • Facilitate work in the community.
  • As an official sign in avoiding the occurrence of crimes against others.

Characteristics of Assignments

sample teacher assignment letter

To distinguish an assignment letter from other types of letters, there are several special characteristics of an assignment letter, including:

  • Have an explanation regarding the assignment of leaders from an agency/company to staff who will be given an assignment.
  • Do not use casual language, but use standard language and have brief, solid and clear explanations.
  • Have letterhead, signature from the authorizing authority and official stamp from an agency/company.
  • Does not have a double meaning.
  • Writing neatly and sequentially.
  • Use firm and polite language.
  • Easy to understand.

Parts of the Letter of Assignment

sample letter of assignment for covid

Assignments can be in the form of narratives, columns, and tables.

To make your own assignment letter, there are several important parts that must be in it, including the following:

1. Headmaster

The head of the letter consists of:

  • Official letterhead. In this section the contents are in the form of a logo or symbol of an agency and are written using capital letters symmetrically.
  • Assignment said. Written using capital letters symmetrically.
  • Reference number.

2. Letter Body

The body of the letter consists of:

  • Opening paragraph. This section covers the considerations / basis of the letter. These considerations include the reasons for the assignment letter.
  • Fill in the assignment letter. It includes the word assignment to whom, the name and position of the employee who gets the assignment and writes down what tasks must be done.

3. Letter Closing

In the closing part of the letter / foot of the assignment letter, it consists of:

  • Name and position of the signatory officer. The name is written using a capital letter in each element and ends with a comma.
  • Full name of the official who signed the assignment letter. It is written in capital letters for the beginning of each element.
  • The signature of the official giving the assignment.
  • Place and date the assignment letter was made.
  • Service stamp.

4. Distribution and Copy

Assignment letter is given to the person who gets the assignment. A copy of this assignment letter will be sent to the relevant officials/agencies.

5. Things to Show

If the assigned task is a collective task, then the list of assigned employees will be included in the attachment containing the serial number, name, main number, position, rank and information.

The Assignment Letter is not valid after the assigned task has been completed.

Types of Assignments

sample letter of assignment during psbb

Here are some types of assignment letters that are often encountered, including:

1. Employee assignment letter

In general, this type of assignment letter is issued by an authorized official with a position above the one assigned.

3. Letter of assignment in charge of the event

For this type of assignment letter, it is usually given to individuals, collectives or individuals who have a special position to become a committee.

This assignment letter is an official assignment letter in which it also contains the jobdesk of the person who was given the letter.

2. Teacher assignment letter

There are many kinds of assignments for teachers, such as: Letters of assignment to attend training and guidance, letters of assignment to become a substitute teacher.

5. Organizational assignment letter

Organizational assignments are issued by the chairman of an organization, be it student organizations or other organizations.

The contents of the organizational assignment letter are generally intended for members of the organization or one of the members who are given the mandate to be able to regulate the activities of the organization's work program.

Example: Being the chairman of the organization's birthday, being the committee of the big day.

4. Company assignment letter

A company assignment letter is almost like an employee assignment letter.

But what distinguishes it is where the company's letter of assignment explains in more detail what tasks will be done.

While the employee assignment letter will not usually be explained in detail because it is still on a company/small business scale.

How to Make a Letter of Assignment

how to write mail letter

Here is a short way to make a good and correct assignment letter, including:

  • The writing of the head of the assignment letter is the same as writing the head of the official letter. Be it in the form of a description, narrative or table.
  • The word in the assignment letter uses capital letters, is symmetrical and is 4 hooks from the bottom line of the letterhead.
  • The assignment letter number is typed using a distance of 1 jarak hooks.

Important points that must exist in writing a letter of assignment:

  • The name of the official giving the assignment is typed by mentioning the name of the position, spaced 4 hooks below the word number.
  • The name of the recipient of the assignment is spaced 3 hooks from the bottom of the space with the name and job title giving the assignment.
  • If the assignor and assignee have an Employee Identification Number (NIP) then write down their NIP and title.
  • If the person giving and receiving the assignment has a NIP, state the group. This one is not required, depending on the agreement of the institution, agency members, companies and also the community.
  • The purpose of the letter, date and place of assignment is typed and spaced 3 hooks below the position word. And prioritize the word for.
  • Use a good closing greeting, standard, and not pushy.

The following is the order of making a good and correct assignment letter:

  • Letterhead.
  • No Letter, Attachment and Page.
  • Task Points and Time.
  • Job Desk / Assigned tasks.
  • Signature, Full Name and Agency Stamp.

Sample Letter of Assignment

mail letter

After knowing some important points about the assignment letter, here are some examples of the assignment letter, including:

a. Sample Company Assignment Letter


Number: 1906/ST/BS/V/2018

In connection with the construction of the Sri Ratu Hotel, which is located at Jalan Cibubur No. 345 Lembang Regency, West Java Province, hereby assign to:

Name Zaidan Putra
Position Field officer

In order to supervise the construction work of the Sri Ratu Hotel, starting from 19 June 2020 to 02 January 2021.

All costs incurred from carrying out this task will later be charged to the cost of the development project. Applies to the party concerned in accordance with the existing rules.

Thus, this assignment letter is issued truthfully. Participants are expected to be able to carry out with full responsibility.

Bandung, 15 June 2020 Project Manager,

Gilang Setiawan, ST

b. Sample Employee Assignment Letter

Employee Assignment Surat

The undersigned as Operational Manager on behalf of PT. Forward Jaya:

Information Explanation
Name Widia Setyo
Gender Man
Position Operational manager
Address Jl. Raya Seri Ratu No. 365 Bantul

Hereby has given the task to the employees of PT. Maju Jaya with:

Information Explanation
Name Sustiyono
Gender Man
Position Head of Engineering
Address Jl. Jasmine Flower No. 123 Bantul

In order to immediately work on and complete the fiber optic network installation project in the Bantul area. Not only that, he is also responsible for cleanliness, security, order and all matters related to his duties.

Thus this Letter of Assignment is given, to be used properly with full responsibility.

Bantul, 19 June 2020 Knowing, Operational manager,

c. Sample Teacher Assignment Letter




Pandjaitan District, South Purwokerto Regency, Central Java

Number: 09/154/SMA-1/III/2020

The undersigned is the Principal of the State Junior High School 1 Purwokerto, Pandjaitan District, South Purwokerto Regency, Central Java:

Name: Tiyas Safira, M. of

ID: 37764899910

Place, date of birth: Jakarta, December 08, 1986

Rank / goal. Room: Young Stylist/ IIB

Work Unit: SMP Negeri 1 Purwokerto

To take part in the "Training for Quality Improvement of Foreign Language and Indonesian Subject Teachers" which will be held at the General Sudirman University Meeting Building on 6 to 9 April 2018.

Thus, we convey this assignment letter so that it can be used properly and we ask the government to make a written report after participating in the activity.

Purwokerto, 27 March 2018

Principal of SMP Negeri 1 Purwokerto,

Drs. Gilang Setiawan, M. Ag

ID: 75846197658947225939

d. Example of a Temporary Substitute Teacher Assignment Letter

Number: 10/17-SM/XII/2017

The undersigned below :

Name: Setiawan Putra, M. Sc

ID: 7584357931929

Rank/ Goal.: Coach/ IV A

Position: Head of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara

Name: Tiyas Safira, S. Pd

Position: Physical Education and Health Teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara

To carry out the task as a temporary substitute Physical Education and Health (Penjaskes) teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara during the even semester of the 2017/2018 academic year starting from June 19 to October 17, 2020.

Thus this Letter of Assignment is made, hopefully it can carry out its duties properly and responsibly.

Banjarnegara, 15 May 2017

Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara,

Setiawan Putra, M. Sc

e. Sample Organizational Assignment Letter



That I, the undersigned:

  • Name: Gina Wanda
  • Address: Jalan Simpang Jaya Ijen No 75
  • Position: Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association

Give mandate to:

  • Name: Aulia Rahma
  • Address: Jalan Patimura No. 209
  • Position: Chief Executive Officer

To coordinate all members of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association throughout the city of Jogja in preparation for the organization's anniversary. This task is expected to be done on June 25, 2020 until the event is completed, namely On June 28, 2020.

Thus this letter is made so that it can be done with full responsibility. Thank you for your attention.

Yogyakarta, 22 June 2020 Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association

f. Sample Letter of Assignment in Charge of Events

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE WONOSOBO REGENCY SMA 2 WONOSOBO REGENCY Jalan Mawar No 17, Ijen, Wonosobo Tel: 0221976357 Fax. 737432842658

No: 10/SMA2/IIII/2020 Subject: Letter of Assignment

I, the undersigned below:

  • Name: Drs. Ade Prasetya
  • Position: Principal

Has Assigned Assignments To:

  • Name: Sagita Mondesya
  • ID: 949374359489
  • Address: Jalan Maju Jaya Number 76 Wonosobo
  • Position: Religion Teacher
  • Work Unit: SMA 1 Wonosobo Regency

To do a task, namely to be the chairman of the even semester Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) committee in the 2020/2021 school year at SMA 1 Wonosobo Regency. The activity will be held from March 30 to April 07 2019.

Thus this letter of assignment is made to be carried out properly with full responsibility. After the training and guidance activities end, it is expected to make a written report.

Wonosobo, 15 May 2020

Principal of SMA 2 Wonosobo Regency

Drs. Ade Prasetya

g. Example of a Training Assignment Letter

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo Jalan Manguwoharjo IV No. 100 Depok Sleman

Number: 011/SMAN-17/SRTF/01/20 Subject: Training

In order to improve the quality of high school teachers in the Sleman area and efforts to be successful in carrying out official learning work programs Sleman district government and for the sake of realizing it as a learning city, hereby the Principal of SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo will give the task to:

Name: Dwi Setyani, S.Pd ID: 3528324216232 Position: Islamic Religion Teacher at SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo

To participate in the certification teacher training education event which will be held on January 04, 2020 to January 10, 2020 at the Teacher Training Center, District Government Education Office Sleman.

Thus this training assignment letter is made so that it can be used properly and with full responsibility. Please submit a report on the results of these activities in writing after this task is carried out.

Sleman, 27 December 2019

Principal of SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo,

Vishnu Putra, M.pd

h. Sample Job Assignment Letter

PT. NUSA JAYA Jln. Ahmad Yani No.19, Wonoboyo 57998

Subject: Work Assignment Letter Attachments: – Number: 002/SSK-PI/IX/2020

I, the undersigned, as Warehouse Manager in this matter act on behalf of PT. Jaya shades:

Name: Setia Budi Male gender Position: Warehouse Manager Address: Jl. Ahmad Yani No.19 Wonoboyo

Hereby declare to assign tasks to employees of PT. Nuances Jaya, namely:

Name: Laskar Santoso Male gender Position: Head Driver Address: Jl. Soekarno II No. 35 Wonoboyo

In order to be able to immediately complete the task of sending goods from the main warehouse in the Jayabaya area. But also responsible for discipline, cleanliness, security, and all matters relating to the tasks above.

Thus, I have made this work assignment letter so that it can be used properly and with full responsibility.

Wonoboyo, May 12, 2020 Knowing ,

Warehouse Manager,

Ivory Commander

i. Sample Letter of Assignment from the Education Office

PATI DISTRICT GOVERNMENT EDUCATION AUTHORITIES SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta Jalan Soekarno Hatta 19 Surakarta


The undersigned as the Head of the Surakarta National Vocational School assigns tasks to:

Name Gilang Setiawan, S. Pd
NIP 3448773987
Date and place of birth Banjar/ 25/ June/ 1978
Rank/Goal. Room Young Coach/ IV B
Position School teachers
Work unit SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta

To be able to take part in the Quality Improvement Training for English Subject Teachers which will held at the Central Java Provincial Education Office starting from March 25 to April 10, 2020.

Thus, this assignment letter is given to be carried out with full responsibility and is requested to submit a written report after participating in the event.

Surakarta, March 20, 2020 Assignor, Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta,

Gunawan Mulyono, M. Pd


Temporary Job Resignation Letter

Resignation letter maker.

temporary assignment letter sample

A temporary job or a “temp job” is usually a job intended to replace permanent employees on leave. Temp jobs can last can last a day up to several months. Employers need need to quickly fill a position when the company experiences a sudden loss of employee or needs additional employees for busier times. It can also mean that the company is considering you as the first in line for a permanent spot.

  • 50 Resignation Letter Examples
  • 9+ Dos and Don’ts for Quitting your Job

A temp job can be of advantage to you as well. You gain additional experiences, and learn new skills and techniques in the industry. The experiences you gain can be then added to your resume before applying for that dream job. Regardless, temp jobs are still a good starter for a career you’re starting build. Also see  47 Application Letter Examples & Samples

However, if you find another job that ensures a permanent position for you, how do you resign from your temporary job? Especially when you’re a temporary worker or contractor that wants to resign earlier than the expiration of your employment, how do you leave with positive recommendations? Here are some tips and samples for a temporary job resignation letter.

Temporary Job Resignation Letter Examples

Mr. A. Employee 1, My House Any Street This Town PO57 3DE

1st January 2017

Mrs. A. Manager The Company Employment Street That Town PO57 3DE

Dear Sir/Madam, or by name (if you know it) or To Whom it May Concern,

I would like to resign from my role as Temporary (Job title).

In accordance with my terms and conditions I am giving you (how much notice and therefore my final day will be (name that date once you have worked out your notice).

I have enjoyed my time with (Name Company) and feel that being here on a temporary basis has taught me a lot and built upon my experience for which I am very grateful. I have now found a more permanent role to which I have accepted and to where I feel my career now lies.

I would like to thank you for the experience and opportunities you have given me during the (how long you have been there) and to wish you all the best for the company’s future.

Please forward my final pay slip and P45 to my address (as above or detail here where you would like it sending to). I understand that my final pay will include any holiday pay that I have not taken and any monies owing from this final months work.

Best Wishes.

Yours faithfully/sincerely

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

I have enjoyed working at ABC Marketing. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to complete this temporary assignment.I have secured a full-time permanent position. My last day of work will be May 15.

I appreciate the opportunities you have provided me during my time with the company.

Your Signature   (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email

Name Title Organization Address City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

I have really enjoyed working in (Name of the company or organization), however, I really regret that I won’t be able to complete the given temporary assignment.

I have got full-time work job position in (Name of company), and my last date of work with the (Name of the current company or organization) will be on (Date of resignation).

I really appreciate and thank full for the opportunities which I got during my working period, it helped me to enhance my skills and helped me develop techniques of my own.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Signature (If it is printed or hard copy resignation letter)

Unfortunately, sometimes you need to r esign from your post earlier than expected . And it’s just not possible to provide the standard two weeks notice before resigning. Perhaps you have personal circumstances you need to look into or the working environment has become uncomfortable and you decide to leave immediately. However, it is best to weigh in the positive and negative impact of resigning without a two weeks notice before resigning.

Sample 4 – Short Notice

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my temporary position with ABCD Company on Friday, March XX, 20XX.

I understand that two weeks notice is standard; however, personal circumstances require that I leave my position at this company by the end of this week.

I am glad to provide any assistance I can during this transition.

Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me during the last five years.

I have enjoyed working for the agency and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure with the company.

Your Signature  (hard copy letter)

Sample 5  – Emailed Resignation Letter (Short Notice)

Subject Line: Resignation on October XX, 20XX

Please accept this letter as my resignation from ABC Company. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I won’t be able to provide the standard two weeks notice. My last day at the company will be next Friday, October XX, 20XX.

I apologize for the short notice. Although it was only a temporary position, I’ve enjoyed working together tremendously and have learned so much from your management. Please let me know what I can do in the next few days to help ease the transition.

Thank you for your understanding.

temporary assignment letter sample

Temporary jobs are helpful when you want to have a job before that permanent position or when you just want to work for a short period of time.  So, it is expected for you to leave your temporary position for a permanent one.

However, do not leave your job abruptly and without notice. Explain the situation with your employer. Formally discuss the circumstances as to why you can no longer complete the temporary job position. You may also see  Career Goals to Help You Achieve Your Dream Job

As for your future employer, inform them of the situation first hand. If you sign the contract , indicate the date you would join their company. It is only right to discuss to them in advance that you are currently with a temporary job to help your future employer adjust and give you enough time to reach an amicable agreement with your current employer.

Temporary jobs, be it for a few days, weeks or months are helpful for your resume . Always inform your employer of the professional direction you are about to take. When you decide to leave, inform them in advance to help them find a replacement for you and help them transition with a new employee smoothly. Always exit the job graciously and on a positive remark. You may also see How to Write a Job Resignation Letter


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Compose a resignation letter for a teacher leaving to pursue further education

Develop a resignation letter for a school librarian retiring after years of service.


  1. Temporary Appointment Letter Samples (Writing Tips)

    Subject: Offer of Temporary Employment. We are pleased to extend to you the offer of a temporary position with [Company's Name], in the capacity of [Position Title]. This position will commence on [Start Date] and is expected to conclude on [End Date], unless earlier termination occurs as outlined in this letter.

  2. 10 Free Temporary Appointment Letter Examples

    This letter of appointment may be revised, extended, or waived in any manner except both parties agree. All matters relating to this temporary appointment should be handled by the law of [insert your state]. This letter of appointment entails the entire agreement of all parties concerned. Employee Date. Director Date.

  3. 12 Samples of Temporary Appointment Letters

    Step 1: Provide the date and candidate's information. Write the current calendar date followed by the name, address, and contact information of the candidate to whom you are addressing the letter, as shown in the example below: July 13, 2023. Claire Bundy. 13 Woodstone Dr. Mandeville, Louisiana (LA), 70471.

  4. How To Write a Temporary Employment Offer Letter (With ...

    The letter's upper part should also include the date, the candidate's first and last name, as well as their full address. 2. Add a formal salutation and congratulate the potential employee. The best way to greet the letter's recipient is usually with "Dear," followed by their first and last name.

  5. Appointment Letter for Temporary Position Templates

    Top 5 Appointment Letter for Temporary Position Writing Takeaways. 1. Be clear about the terms of the appointment. When hiring for a temporary position, it is especially important that the employee understands the length and scope of the work. Don't imply that the position might become permanent just to get a candidate to accept the job.

  6. How to Resign From a Temporary Job

    Temporary Job Resignation Letter Sample. Your Name - Resignation. Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: I have enjoyed working at ABC Manufacturing. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to complete this temporary assignment. I have secured a full-time permanent position. My last day of work will be August 20, 2021.

  7. 5+ Temporary Appointment Letter Templates

    5+ Temporary Appointment Letter Templates. Temporary appointments basically apply to employees. When an employee is granted temporary appointment, he or she is good as employed however for a limited period of time only. ... 29+ Sample Free Letter of Intent Templates - PDF, Word: Complaint Letter - 37+ Free Word, PDF Format Download!

  8. Editable Temporary Appointment Letter

    Editable Temporary Appointment Letter. Download this Editable Temporary Appointment Letter Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. A letter of appointment that is designed to inform someone of a temporary assignment. This template is free to download and perfect for making a formal and effective letter.

  9. Temporary Work Appointment Letter

    If so, we recommend our Temporary Work Appointment Letter Template. It has pre-written content that allows you to quickly make the letter and explain the details of their employment right away. This is ideal if you need to temporarily hire someone on short notice. Know more about this Template. Business Download Template. Word. Google Docs. PDF.

  10. PDF Sample Offer Letter

    Page 2 of 2 Attachments for Appointment Letter: 1. Extra Copy of Offer Letter 2. Request for Pre-Placement Physical Examination form (if applicable) I accept the temporary position/assignment under the terms and conditions stated above.

  11. PDF Sample Offer Letter

    Temporary position/assignment in our department. This offer of temporary assignment with the University of Nebraska Medical Center is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check prior to your start date. You will be receiving an email communication from One Source, The Background Check Company.

  12. Temporary Position Job Offer

    Dear [Candidate Name]: On behalf of [Company Name], I am pleased to offer you a temporary short-term position as [job title], expected to last from [beginning date] to [end date]. As we discussed ...

  13. Hiring letter templates

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    Example: Dear Mr. Williams, I am writing to request a transfer from my current position as an account manager at Aspire Enterprises to the same or similar role at the company's Seattle branch. The reason for your request. You don't have to go into detail to explain why you wish to transfer.

  15. FREE 10+ Temporary Assignment Contract Samples in PDF

    A temporary assignment contract also called a temporary employment contract is a written legal agreement signed between an employer and an employee in which both parties have decided that the employee is employed in the company or organization only for a specific period. This contract will regulate the working relationship between the employer ...

  16. What To Include in a Temporary Job Resignation Letter (With ...

    Here's an example of a resignation letter for an employee who's leaving their temporary job: December 20, 2021 Whitney Smith. (973) 293-4849. [email protected] Dear Mrs. Johnson, As we spoke about earlier this week, this letter is my formal notice of resignation from my position as the temporary receptionist at Associated Market Strategies ...

  17. Temporary Employment Letter Sample: How to Write an Effective Contract

    Temporary Employment Letter for Seasonal Work. Dear [Employer Name], I am writing to recommend [Employee Name] for a temporary employment opportunity at your organization. [Employee Name] is seeking seasonal work for [season] and I believe that they would be an excellent fit for your team. At [previous place of employment], [Employee Name ...

  18. 9+ Temporary Appointment Letter Template

    9+ Temporary Appointment Letter Templates. In employing people, you will need to create employment letters as proof of you hiring a specific person to do the job, be it either a full-time or part-time job. It is important to create records for formality and legal purposes. The same application goes for temporary employment as well in which you ...

  19. Temporary Letter of Assignment Sample Letter of Jobs ...

    304 Temporary Letter of Assignment Sample Letter of jobs available on Indeed.com. Apply to Public Health Nurse, Public Affairs Specialist, Administrative Specialist and more! ... Cover letter, résumé, writing sample portfolio, completion of the provided online application (AO 78) and testing modules.

  20. 10 Examples of Good and Right Assignment Letters (Latest)

    Types of Assignments. Here are some types of assignment letters that are often encountered, including: 1. Employee assignment letter. In general, this type of assignment letter is issued by an authorized official with a position above the one assigned. 3. Letter of assignment in charge of the event.

  21. Temporary Job Resignation Letter

    Here are some tips and samples for a temporary job resignation letter. Temporary Job Resignation Letter Examples Sample 1. Mr. A. Employee 1, My House Any Street This Town PO57 3DE. 1st January 2017. Mrs. A. Manager The Company Employment Street That Town PO57 3DE. Dear Sir/Madam, or by name (if you know it) or To Whom it May Concern, I would ...

  22. PDF Sample Offer Letter

    temporary position/assignment in our department. This offer of temporary assignment with the University of Nebraska Medical Center is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check prior to your start date. You will be receiving an email communication from One Source, The Background Check Company.

  23. End-of-Temp-Assignment-1-49

    View Homework Help - End-of-Temp-Assignment-1-49 from BUSINESS 101 at Toronto Metropolitan University. END OF TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT LETTER DATE STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEE NAME STREET. AI Homework Help. Expert Help. Study Resources. ... this letter is to confirm that your temporary assignment in the role of TITLE, will end effective