Ralph Ellison’s “Battle Royal” Essay

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In the story Battle Royal, the author Ralph Ellison depicts vividly the situation in American for African Americans as they struggled to find a place in the American society. The protagonist, a black African American youth just about to graduate from high school struggles to fit into the society and faces racial discrimination. This discussion will look at the struggle of African Americans with the issue of racism.

The young black man is invited to give a speech at an exclusive white men’s club because he was good speaker. The setting symbolizes the white man’s environment that is new to the black man. The white man is willing to let the black man in to his space but not to benefit the black man but to humiliate him.

The ring in which game of battle royal takes place denotes the space that the black man is enclosed in and thus faces isolation from the society. The white man also shows that help will only be offered to the blacks that know their place. For example, the narrator goes to an African American college so that he can remain in his place and continue in isolation after he gets a scholarship at the club.

The American society discriminates against the African Americans due to racism. The main character envisions an inclusive society. In his speech, he dwells on humility and urges that humility is the only way the society can develop. However, the atmosphere he finds in the club is anything but peaceful.

Racism still rears its head and the blacks are asked to participate in a battle royal before he delivers his speech. Together with other nine blacks, are blindfolded and asked to fight each other in a ring. The battle had no order and everyone fought each other blindly. Likewise, racism has blindfolded the blacks and instead of keeping together, they fight against one another when they should unite and fight against the oppression of the white man.

The fight symbolizes the methods that the white men used in order to control and suppress the blacks. Blindfolding the young men depicts the inability of the African Americans to see in the society due to racism.

They do not see the reality of the situation just as the protagonist had no idea of the real behavior of the white men who he always thought were respectful until he saw their brutality in the club. The white men humiliate the young black men by arousing them sexually through a naked white woman and if they did not look and frowned upon for not looking.

Yet many black men had faced imprisonment on allegations of raping white women. This activity depicts the place of a black man in this society. He is a servant who is required to do what the white man asks of him. On the other hand, the black man is used as a source of white man’s entertainment as we see the white men laughing at the

The two black men left standing in the ring face further humiliation and have to jump on an electrified rag to get the coins and bills for their payment. The narrator asks the other man to fake as if he had been knocked out so that the fight could end but he refuses.

The fighter shows that some black men have resigned to their fate and will do anything the white man asks if it helps them to get ahead in the society. The protagonist later gets a chance to give his speech and as he does so he keeps swallowing blood as he was bleeding from the fight, which is humiliating. The crowd does not pay attention to his speech except when he mentions equality because they want the blacks to remain under oppression.

Finally, the speech delivered by the narrator shows the harsh treatment that the African Americans endure from the whites. He knows that there is no equality and from the harsh reaction to his speech, it shows that attaining equality is a tall order for the African Americans.

He makes a decision to speak about racial situation because he is not willing to continue living under the rules of the white man to be successful. Racism is a reality that African Americans have to go through as they try to find their identity in a society that does not recognize them. They have to make a decision to fight and be free and play by their own rules in the society.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 21). Ralph Ellison's "Battle Royal". https://ivypanda.com/essays/ralph-ellisons-battle-royal/

"Ralph Ellison's "Battle Royal"." IvyPanda , 21 July 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/ralph-ellisons-battle-royal/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Ralph Ellison's "Battle Royal"'. 21 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Ralph Ellison's "Battle Royal"." July 21, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/ralph-ellisons-battle-royal/.

1. IvyPanda . "Ralph Ellison's "Battle Royal"." July 21, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/ralph-ellisons-battle-royal/.


IvyPanda . "Ralph Ellison's "Battle Royal"." July 21, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/ralph-ellisons-battle-royal/.

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“Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

Originally published in 1948 by Ralph Ellison, “Battle Royal” is a short story that has become a cornerstone of American literature.

"Battle Royal" by Ralph Ellison

Introduction: “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

Table of Contents

Originally published in 1948 by Ralph Ellison, “Battle Royal” is a short story that has become a cornerstone of American literature. Part of Ellison’s influential novel Invisible Man , the story follows a young Black man invited to deliver a speech at a gathering of wealthy white men. However, upon arrival, he’s forced to participate in a humiliating and brutal “battle royal” with other Black youths. Blinded by sacks, they fight for the amusement of the white audience.

Famous for its powerful themes of racism, identity, and the fight for social justice, “Battle Royal” has been widely anthologized. A stark portrayal of the ongoing struggle for equality faced by Black Americans, the story remains a relevant and popular work even today.

Main Events in “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

  • Invitation and Dreams: A young Black man, striving for acceptance and recognition, receives a formal invitation to give a speech at a gathering of the town’s most important white men. He imagines this will be his chance to finally break through the barriers of race.
  • Degrading Spectacle: Upon his arrival at a hotel ballroom, he becomes an uncomfortable spectator to a degrading spectacle: a blonde woman, adorned with an American flag tattoo, dances provocatively to entertain the raucous white audience.
  • Surprise Announcement: Before giving his speech, the young man is informed that he’ll participate in a “battle royal” – a brutal entertainment for the white men. He and other Black youths are blindfolded and thrown into a boxing ring.
  • Blindfolded Fight for Survival: Forced to fight for the amusement of the crowd, the blindfolded boys punch wildly and viciously at each other. The young man, driven by anger and fear, attacks the largest of his opponents.
  • Pain and Mockery The fight turns into a bloody mess, the white men shouting and jeering. The protagonist endures punches and kicks, the pain intensifying with each blow.
  • Electrified “Reward”: Beaten but determined, the young man finally emerges as the last one standing. His “reward” turns into further humiliation as the coins he’s given spill onto an electrified rug, causing him to writhe in pain.
  • Distorted Speech: Battered and shaken, he rises to give his carefully prepared speech on humility and social responsibility. But the experience warps his words, filling them with the bitterness of betrayal.
  • Unexpected “Prize”: Surprisingly, he is awarded a briefcase containing a scholarship to a Black college. However, this unexpected opportunity brings little comfort after the night’s events.
  • Shattered Illusions: The protagonist leaves the gathering disillusioned and broken. His dreams of acceptance are shattered, replaced by a painful awareness of the deep racial divisions within his society.
  • Invisible Yet Seen: The night’s trauma haunts him, forever shaping his worldview. He sees himself as both invisible in the eyes of white society, yet painfully visible as a target of their cruelty and manipulation.

Literary Devices in “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

  • Allusion : A reference to a well-known person, place, or event. Example: The protagonist’s speech contains allusions to famous historical figures such as Booker T. Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
  • Foreshadowing : A hint or clue about events that will occur later in the story. Example: The protagonist’s dream of his grandfather foreshadows the theme of the story’s ending.
  • Imagery : The use of descriptive language to create vivid mental images. Example: The description of the protagonist’s bloody and bruised face after the battle royal creates powerful imagery.
  • Irony : A contrast between what is expected and what actually occurs. Example: The protagonist’s speech on the importance of education is ironic, given the violent and dehumanizing events of the story.
  • Metaphor : A comparison between two unlike things without using “like” or “as.” Example: The protagonist’s blindness during the battle royal is a metaphor for his inability to see the true nature of his situation.
  • Motif : A recurring symbol or theme that is used throughout the story. Example: The motif of the protagonist’s briefcase symbolizes the promise of education and opportunity.
  • Onomatopoeia : Words that imitate the sound they represent. Example: The sound of the protagonist being knocked to the ground during the battle royal is described with onomatopoeic language.
  • Paradox : A statement that contradicts itself but is nevertheless true. Example: The idea of “an invisible man” is a paradoxical statement that underscores the theme of invisibility and marginalization in the story.
  • Personification : Giving human qualities to non-human things. Example: The description of the electric carpet-shocker as a “sadistic bastard” is an example of personification.
  • Repetition : Repeating words or phrases for emphasis. Example: The phrase “social equality” is repeated throughout the protagonist’s speech to emphasize his message.
  • Satire : Using humor to criticize and expose societal flaws and vices. Example: The story’s depiction of the white audience’s enjoyment of the violent and dehumanizing battle royal is a satirical commentary on the racism and hypocrisy of American society.
  • Simile : A comparison between two unlike things using “like” or “as.” Example: The protagonist’s feeling of being “like a dog” during the battle royal is a simile.
  • Symbolism : Using an object or action to represent an abstract idea. Example: The protagonist’s briefcase symbolizes the promise of education and opportunity that is denied to black Americans.
  • Tone : The author’s attitude towards the subject matter of the story. Example: The story’s tone is one of anger and frustration at the dehumanizing effects of racism and oppression.
  • Verbal Irony : A contrast between what is said and what is actually meant. Example: The white men’s praise for the protagonist’s speech is an example of verbal irony, as they do not truly believe in the message he is conveying.

Characterization in “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

(Narrator)A young Black man in the American South, eager to gain acceptance and opportunityIntelligent, ambitious, initially naiveSymbolizes the struggle of Black Americans seeking a place in a society rigged against them
The protagonist’s deceased grandfather whose deathbed words haunt himSubversive, resistant to oppression, carries guilt over compromises madeRepresents an older generation’s complicated relationship to white power structures
Wealthy, powerful white men in the town who organize the eventSadistic, racist, hypocriticalRepresent the oppressive power structures of white society
A scantily clad dancer meant to entertain the white menObjectified, used as a toolEmbodies the exploitation and sexualization of women, also highlighting the men’s warped views of race and gender
Participants in the battle royalVictims of circumstance, fearful, some fueled by desperationRepresent the diversity within the Black community and how systemic oppression can pit individuals against one another

Major Themes in “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

  • The entire premise of the “battle royal” as entertainment for white men exposes their deep-seated racism and disregard for the humanity of Black people.
  • The electrified rug incident further emphasizes the white men’s cruelty and their view of Black people as objects for their amusement.
  • The initial invitation and the scholarship offer create a false sense of hope for the protagonist, demonstrating how opportunity is often dangled as a cruel illusion for Black Americans.
  • The scholarship takes on a bitter meaning after the humiliation, highlighting the false promise of “reward” within a racist system.
  • The protagonist’s struggle to be seen and recognized as an individual, in contrast to the white audience seeing him only as a stereotype.
  • The blindfold during the fight symbolizes the blindness of white society to the true complexity and humanity of Black people.
  • The protagonist’s naive belief in the sincerity of the invitation is shattered by the night’s events.
  • This leads to a deep sense of disillusionment with the possibility of acceptance and equality within the current social order.
  • The grandfather’s deathbed warning about undermining from within highlights the long history of struggles for Black liberation.
  • The protagonist inherits this burden, carrying both the pain of oppression and a lingering spirit of resistance.

Writing Style in “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

  • Vivid Depictions: Ellison uses graphic descriptions of violence (the chaotic brawl), psychological torment (the protagonist’s humiliation), and the electric shock to create a visceral experience for the reader.
  • Exploring Complexity: The story goes beyond physical violence to delve into the protagonist’s complex inner world. We witness his initial hope, confusion during the fight, and ultimate disillusionment.
  • Powerful Symbolism: Objects like the blindfolds and the electrified rug become symbolic of larger societal issues – the blindness of racism and the electric shock of oppression.
  • Precise Language: Ellison’s word choice is sharp and deliberate, creating an atmosphere of tension and unease. For example, the term “battle royal” itself is a twisted joke, highlighting the barbarity of the event.
  • Stream-of-Consciousness: The narrative style puts readers directly in the protagonist’s mind, experiencing his thoughts and feelings as they unfold. This creates a sense of immediacy and allows for a deeper understanding of his emotions.
  • Social Commentary: “Battle Royal” is not just about a singular event. It’s a powerful critique of American racism and the dehumanizing treatment of Black Americans.

Literary Theories and Interpretation of “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

Economic class struggle, power dynamics, exploitation, alienationExamines the power imbalance between wealthy white men and the Black youths. The battle royal is a display of power, reinforcing class division. The scholarship is an empty promise, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation.
Unconscious desires, dream analysis, repression, symbolismExplores the protagonist’s repressed anger, the grandfather’s dream as a subconscious warning symbol, and the psychological trauma inflicted by the events.
Gender roles, objectification of women, patriarchal power structuresAnalyzes the blonde dancer as a tool to reinforce toxic masculinity and the white men’s power. It highlights the intersection of race and gender oppression.
Systemic racism, challenging white-centric narratives, lived experiences of marginalized groupsCenters the story within the larger context of American racism. The events are not isolated but part of a system designed to maintain white supremacy. Prioritizes the Black protagonist’s perspective.
Legacy of colonialism, power imbalances, identity formation under oppressionExplores the lingering impact of historical oppression on the Black community. The protagonist’s struggle for identity mirrors the larger struggle for Black self-determination in a post-colonial world.

Questions and Thesis Statements about “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

Marxist Theory

  • Original Thesis: “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison can be interpreted through the lens of Marxist theory, which exposes the exploitative nature of capitalism and highlights the power dynamics at play between the wealthy white men and the poor black boys in the story.
  • Revised Thesis: “Battle Royal” depicts the ways in which capitalism exploits and dehumanizes Black Americans for the benefit of the white ruling class, revealing the inherent class conflict within American society.
  • How does the initial invitation and promise of opportunity serve to manipulate the protagonist and obscure the exploitative nature of the event?
  • How does the “battle royal” itself function as a microcosm of capitalist competition, emphasizing the way the system pits the oppressed against each other?
  • In what ways does the “reward” of the scholarship perpetuate, rather than disrupt, the existing power structures and economic inequalities?

Critical Race Theory

  • Original Thesis: The themes of critical race theory are evident in “Battle Royal,” as the story exposes the institutionalized racism and power structures in American society, highlighting the pervasive nature of racism and the physical and psychological violence experienced by black Americans.
  • Revised Thesis: “Battle Royal” demonstrates how racism isn’t merely individual prejudice but rather a system designed to uphold white supremacy; the story reveals how this systemic racism manifests in both overt violence and insidious psychological manipulation.
  • How does the setting of the story (the hotel, the gathering of powerful white men) itself embody the institutional power structures of white supremacy?
  • In what ways do the events of the “battle royal” serve as a ritualized reinforcement of racial hierarchy, even if some white attendees don’t consciously view it that way?
  • How does the language used by the white men and the protagonist’s forced speech expose the psychological violence inherent within a racist system?

Short Question-Answer “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

  • What is the significance of the “battle royal” scene in the story?

The “battle royal” scene in Ralph Ellison’s story is significant in several ways. It serves as a metaphor for the struggle of black Americans to gain equality and dignity in a society that denies them these basic human rights. It also highlights the brutal and dehumanizing nature of racism and the psychological trauma it inflicts upon its victims. The scene is also significant in that it serves as a turning point for the protagonist, who realizes the futility of trying to win the approval of the white men and recognizes the need to fight for his own identity and self-worth.

  • How does Ellison use symbolism to convey the themes of the story?

Ellison employs several symbols throughout the story to convey its central themes. For example, the blindfold worn by the protagonist during the “battle royal” can be seen as a symbol of the blindness of American society to the injustice and violence faced by black Americans. Similarly, the protagonist’s speech about the importance of education can be seen as a symbol of the power of knowledge and the need for black Americans to empower themselves through education.

  • How does the narrative structure of “Battle Royal” contribute to its meaning?

The nonlinear narrative structure of “Battle Royal” contributes to its meaning by highlighting the fragmented and disjointed nature of the protagonist’s experiences as a black American in a racist society. The story is told in a series of flashbacks and memories, reflecting the protagonist’s own fragmented and confused sense of self. This narrative structure also emphasizes the importance of memory and history in understanding the struggles of black Americans and the need for them to reclaim their own history and identity.

  • How does Ellison’s use of imagery contribute to the story’s themes?

Ellison’s use of vivid imagery throughout the story helps to convey its central themes, such as the violence and brutality of racism, the struggle for identity and self-worth, and the importance of education and knowledge. For example, the scene in which the protagonist is forced to fight other black boys while blindfolded is depicted in brutal and graphic detail, emphasizing the dehumanizing nature of racism. Similarly, the imagery of the protagonist’s grandfather’s dying words, which call for resistance against oppression, serves as a powerful symbol of the need for black Americans to fight against the oppressive forces that seek to deny them their humanity.

Suggested Readings: “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

  • Baker, Houston A., Jr. “On Knowing Our Place: A Meditation on Ralph Ellison’s ‘Battle Royal’.” Blues, Ideology, and Afro-American Literature: A Vernacular Theory . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984, pp. 140-160.
  • Butler, Robert. “The Power of Consciousness in Ralph Ellison’s ‘Battle Royal’.” Contemporary Literary Criticism , edited by Jeffrey W. Hunter, vol. 104, Gale, 1998. Gale Literature Resource Center.
  • Callahan, John F. “Frequencies of Eloquence: The Ritual of Rhetoric in ‘Battle Royal’.” In the African-American Grain: The Pursuit of Voice in Twentieth Century Black Fiction . University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp. 49-83.
  • Fabre, Michel, and Robert G. O’Meally, editors. History and Memory in African-American Culture . Oxford University Press, 1994, pp. 194-212.
  • Scott, Nathan A. Jr., “Judgment Marked by a Cellar: The American Negro Writer and the Dialectic of Despair.” Denver Quarterly , vol. 12, no. 2, Summer 1967, pp. 5-35.

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Battle Royale Ralph Ellison Analysis Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Literature , Speech , Animals , Violence , Racism , Rhetoric , War , Society

Words: 1100

Published: 12/02/2019


A Literary Analysis

‘Battle Royal’ is a powerful and evocative story that Ellison later made the opening chapter of his novel, Invisible Man (1952) ‘Battle Royal’ was originally written in 1947 and is, therefore, set in 1927 in an unnamed state in the American South.. It is an engaging text, not only because of its content and subject matter, but also because of Ellison’s writing – especially his manipulation of point of view and his meshing of past and present. Hos perspective as narrator looking back twenty year allows him to criticize the cruelty and hypocrisy of the Sooth’s segregationalist policies – which had not changed when the story and then the novel were published. Ellison loses little figurative language, but when he does it usually is used to de-value the humans in the story, so ther are several similes comparing men to animals or to worthless inanimate objects: one of the whit men present at the Battle Royal is an “intoxicated panda” 24); the narrator feels as if he is in a room “filled with poisonous cottonmouths” (25); the boys involved in the fight are “blind, cautious crabs” (25); their fist grope around in the darkness “like the knobbed feelers of hypersensitive snails” (22); the men watching the final two are “howling” like animals in their violent excitement (25). The effect of this use of figurative language is to dehumanize all the characters, black and white, and present them as animals. This is certainly appropriate to the Battle Royal which caters for the most basic impulses human beings can have: lust (the naked white woman); greed (the frantic scrambling for cash by the African Americans); and violence (the battle itself). Another pattern if imagery is drawn from the world of warfare and international confrontation: in a way it is the basis of the story given the title ‘Battle Royal,’ but it is also apparent in the narrator’s thoughts about his grandfather’s death bed words: “traitor, “spy” and “treachery” (17) suggest the world of international espionage. As the story progresses we start to have a sense that the narrator’s younger self mis-interpreted hos grandfather’s words. He thinks he is betraying the dominant white culture which is responsible in the South for segregation and for the appallingly violent treatment of the African Americans in the Battle Royal, but by the end of the story the reader can see that his grandfather meant that to co-operate with racist white people was an act of betrayal of his own people. The narrator’s younger self is hard-working and complies with the segregationist society he lives in – he plays by the rules of white southern society and is, therefore, a “traitor” to his own race. The story is a first person narrative by an African American. However, he is looking back on his younger self with the hindsight of twenty years’ experience, and, therefore, there is an element of irony in what he describes, because his older self and the readers see some the events that are described differently from the narrator’s younger self. He admits in the first paragraph, “I was naive” (17), which suggests his views have changed radically, and he introduces a concept that readers will not immediately understand. He says that to lose his naive way of looking things, he “had to discover that I am an invisible man.” (17) The first paragraph is important too si establishing that the narrator is intelligent and articulate with an educated vocabulary: “contradiction”, self-contradictory," “expectations,” “realization.” (17) Because the narrator is looking back twenty years, there is an ironic distance between him and his younger self, which allows us to interpret the story more profoundly than if it had been written in the third person. The vents described would still have been seen as racist and abusive and shocking, but the older, first person narrator is used to set up a clear moral viewpoint which implicitly criticises what goes on in this segregationalist’s society. In one sense, the real theme of this story is the narrator’s slow growth and realization of the real meaning of his grandfather’s words. However, on the surface, the real theme is the inhumanity and hypocrisy of the south’s segregationalist policies and the virulent racism that existed beneath the surface of southern society. At the Battle Royal the narrator is surprised to see some of the town’s most distinguished white citizens – businessmen, merchants, lawyers, teachers and even a pastor! They all condone and encourage the black-on-black violence that occurs in ten boxing ring and either react with amusement or hysterically violent encouragement. Ellison does not convey this through directs statements or the characters thoughts: the narrator, we already know is naive, and goes along with the humiliation given to him. Ellison does not tell us; he shows us and the fact that this is being narrated by an educated, older narrator aids our understanding of how to interpret the story. Perhaps the most painful and ironic part of the story is the fact that the narrator is allowed to make his graduation day speech again. However, the second time he delivers this speech the context is completely different and he is being condescended to by the powerful white élite of his town. He has just taken part in the violent and humiliating blindfolded boxing game and the scramble for money from the electrified rug, but, patronizingly, because he is clever they allow him to make his speech, although it is clear that some of the audience are not listening. He body is battered from the fight and the blood from his cuts is almost choking him. Because of this some the phrases from his speech takes on a profound irony: “Social responsibility” and “social equality” – two phrases that surely are hollow in the society he lives in and which are openly mocked by his audience. The older narrator does interject at one point to make clear the naive attitude of his younger self: “(What powers of endurance I had during those days! What enthusiasm! What a belief in the rightness of things!)” (26). The final patronizing and hypocritical humiliation is the presentation of the briefcase containing a “scholarship to the state college for Negroes.” (27). Rather than being angered at the system of segregation which keeps him in his place, the narrator’s younger self is “overjoyed.” (27) This story is a well-written indictment of the institutionalized racism that existed in the South in the first half of the twentieth century.

Ellison, Ralph. ‘Battle Royal’ (1947’. Pages 17 – 32 in Ellison, Ralph. The Invisible Man. (1952). London: Penguin.


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Battle Royal

Meaning of “battle royal”, origin of “battle royal”, examples in literature.

All prospects were grim to say but the least, my short life would end just after the feast. Invited to dine by King Hugo De’vear, I knew the kind offer was not that sincere. The table was set with all kinds of food, to quench appetites of the King and his brood. The fare looked delicious, fresh on the plate, no hope of finding A piece of stalemate. De’vear ate so much his stomach did bulge, although I was hungry, I chose not to indulge. The guests all gathered to witness the kill, whilst first making sure, all had their fill. My Queen had run off with A Knight of the realm, white army defeated, only me at the helm. By my side an old Bishop, haggard and worn, A Knight that was wounded and one tiny Pawn. The dark Queen held her hand out and asked me to dance, but I knew to survive, I must keep from her stance. Her Knight came toward me, her Bishop my side, twas that moment I realised, their was nowhere to hide. I walked to the corner of the black and white checkered floor, hoping to make my way to the door. Black King gave the order, his Queen her move made, very soon I would face executioners blade. Black Bishop my left, black Knight to my right, dark Queen stood in front, A daunting sight. Then raising her sword as if to seal my fate, she proclaimed with passion, game over checkmate.
Everyday our love’s a battle royal Dear, it seems that fighting’s all we do But if I let you know how much I love you You’ll do things to me you shouldn’t do so
“So, you’ve come back,” murmurs the grey-haired Senator languidly. “Possibly not the best idea in the world.” “Battle Royal!” shouts a woman in the crowd. “Battle Royal! Battle Royal!” comes the call from the other voices . “BATTLE ROYAL! BATTLE ROYAL! BATTLE ROYAL!” the whole bloodthirsty crowd begins to chant.

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The developer supported, community run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Battle Royale game mode by Epic Games.

The Essay: Why to bring back old Battle Passes.

How many OG player's use the old battle pass skins? Almost none, even to the point that seeing one is a mythic event. Here this essay will break down the major reason to bring back battle passes, consider the argument for keeping them exclusive, and finally offer a solution that can make everyone a little less... steamy. Here is why old battle passes should be brought back.

The first reason is that especially pre rocket launch, Fortnite wasn't that popular so many people missed out on participating in these making these skins rare but seldom used. When was the last time anyone saw a Royal Knight or Blue squire running around? The next problem is with skin variant challenges. From around seasons, 4 - 5 skin challenges were... rough, to say the least, and even fewer people than the number who participated in seasons 1 - 2 were even able to unlock them. Now the question of whether these challenges should be adjusted or not should be saved for a separate essay, but having a second chance isn't a bad idea. The final argument will help transition into the counterargument. The wildfire of blowback from the community is really more of a potted plant on fire than anything actually significant.

The number of people who will complain is in the minority and from gathering opinions they tend to be OG players and from older crowds, not the target demographic of kids. Also when presented with the opportunity to acquire the skin/item again, almost all said they wouldn't bother because they didn't earn it the first time. Note: One shouldn't take advice for car laws from someone who refuses to drive. This doesn't seem to apply to players who didn't have an opportunity before. Next, the issue with social media and why it's blowing smoke. Again this is just a small minority of players who raise a big fuss but don't actually back up the foundation of their arguments for keeping them exclusive. The only problem now is the very real possibility of people who haven't played the game for seasons and aren't active in-game or haven't played the game at all and raise a stink regardless. Moving on to the "They made a promise. It's on their website." Stop crying and pull your fingers out of your ears. A promise in today's society means nothing and Epic is free to go against it and remove it from their website at their discretion. Also, this will never classify as a false advertisement claim in any court, because most countries don't even have laws against such things, but even in stricter countries such as America. A false advertisement claim has to deal with final products which Fortnite is not classified as such. Fortnite is still in a beta state and due to changes. This disqualifies it from classifying as a final product. No lawyer would take the case. If epic decides to sell old battle passes for MASSIVE PROFIT they are fully free to do so at their discretion and they would make a LARGE PROFIT. However, it stands to reason that being able to sell a battle pass right after a season ends is less incentive to play the game so here is a proposal for how this could work.

First putting a cap on the battle passes sold, so the only options would be Seasons Chapter 1 - 6. Giving it about a 10 chapter gap. This is enough of a gap for players to mostly forget about skins from these seasons. Next would be selling this ONLY after someone completes the current season's battle pass and as an alternative for grinding for the metallic variants. It is a pure bonus. As stated earlier only a small minority would be truly angry with this decision, but the majority would be happy and willing to pay for it.

Finally to reiterate. The small minority is blowing smoke in anger and there is tons of fair profit to be made from the younger Fortnite generation. EPIC IF YOU SEE THIS, SERIOUSLY CONSIDER IT.

One who just wants to watch the world burn.

The Deadliest Conflict: the Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War

This essay about the Battle of Gettysburg outlines its profound significance in American history. It describes the three days of intense conflict in July 1863, where Union and Confederate forces clashed, resulting in immense casualties and acts of bravery. The Union’s victory at Gettysburg marked a turning point in the Civil War. The battlefield, now a site of remembrance, honors the sacrifices made and underscores the enduring spirit and resilience of the nation.

How it works

In the intricate tapestry of American history, the Battle of Gettysburg holds a place of profound significance. Over the course of three scorching summer days in July 1863, the peaceful Pennsylvania countryside was transformed into a battleground, determining the fate of a divided nation and leaving an indelible imprint on its collective consciousness.

As the sun rose on July 1, 1863, an overwhelming sense of anticipation permeated the air, foreshadowing the imminent confrontation between Union forces under General George G. Meade and the determined Confederate army led by General Robert E.

Lee. The stage was set for a monumental clash.

The initial shots echoed across the rolling landscape of Gettysburg, marking the beginning of a battle that would challenge the endurance and bravery of all participants. The thunderous boom of artillery and the sharp crack of muskets merged into a grim symphony, enveloping the fields in chaos and destruction.

Throughout the first day, Union and Confederate troops clashed in brutal combat, with neither side willing to cede ground without a fierce fight. Casualties mounted steadily as soldiers on both sides sacrificed their lives for their respective causes.

Amid the carnage, moments of exceptional bravery shone through, casting brief beams of light into the darkness of war. Whether through the daring tactics of Union regiments or the bold charges of Confederate cavalry, acts of valor punctuated the relentless conflict.

However, it was the overwhelming scale of loss that came to define Gettysburg. Over three harrowing days, tens of thousands of lives were lost, turning the once tranquil fields and forests into a grim testament to the human cost of conflict.

The climactic third day was marked by Pickett’s Charge, a desperate and devastating Confederate assault. Confederate troops surged forward, only to be met with a devastating hail of Union gunfire that decimated their ranks within moments. The battlefield was soon littered with the bodies of the fallen, stark evidence of the high price of allegiance to one’s cause and country.

Yet amidst the devastation, a glimmer of hope emerged. The Union’s victory at Gettysburg delivered a decisive blow to the Confederate effort, altering the course of the Civil War and paving the way for Northern triumph. Gettysburg stands as a pivotal moment in history, where the nation’s fate was precariously balanced, and the resolve of its people was profoundly tested.

The legacy of Gettysburg transcends mere military achievement. In the ensuing years, the battlefield was consecrated as a site of remembrance and honor, where the sacrifices of those who fought and died are eternally commemorated. Today, the fields of Gettysburg serve as a solemn reminder of the enduring spirit and sacrifice that have shaped the United States, a tribute to the resilience and courage of those who have come before us.


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The Deadliest Conflict: The Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War. (2024, Jun 17). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/the-deadliest-conflict-the-battle-of-gettysburg-in-the-civil-war/

"The Deadliest Conflict: The Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War." PapersOwl.com , 17 Jun 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/the-deadliest-conflict-the-battle-of-gettysburg-in-the-civil-war/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Deadliest Conflict: The Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-deadliest-conflict-the-battle-of-gettysburg-in-the-civil-war/ [Accessed: 17 Jun. 2024]

"The Deadliest Conflict: The Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War." PapersOwl.com, Jun 17, 2024. Accessed June 17, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/the-deadliest-conflict-the-battle-of-gettysburg-in-the-civil-war/

"The Deadliest Conflict: The Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War," PapersOwl.com , 17-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-deadliest-conflict-the-battle-of-gettysburg-in-the-civil-war/. [Accessed: 17-Jun-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). The Deadliest Conflict: The Battle of Gettysburg in the Civil War . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/the-deadliest-conflict-the-battle-of-gettysburg-in-the-civil-war/ [Accessed: 17-Jun-2024]

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For These Games, a Release Date Is Just the Beginning

More and more video games are building player bases with perpetual updates and seasonal content. Fans of Destiny 2 just completed a 10-year story arc.

In a video game screenshot, tall robot creatures appear to be covered with lightning in a frozen landscape.

By Calum Marsh

The release last week of The Final Shape, a long-awaited expansion to the multiplayer shooter Destiny 2, was billed as the epic conclusion to the “Light and Darkness” saga, a 10-year story arc that began with the release of the first Destiny. But the studio, Bungie, has made clear to the game’s fans that there are plenty of stand-alone stories to come.

This era of video gaming prioritizes marathon storytelling and vast, multi-chapter experiences. Games used to be released like movies, but many now roll out like TV shows, keeping an audience hooked with a steady flow of new episodes and seasons.

The live service model, in which players are offered a never-ending buffet of new maps, modes, weapons and more, has been prominent for at least a decade, allowing games like Fortnite Battle Royale and Apex Legends to become major hits. One of this year’s most popular games, the co-op sci-fi shooter Helldivers 2, engages its audience with a tantalizing drip-feed of narrative development, conveyed via game-altering quests and bitingly satirical orders .

The success of the live service model has led to a crowded marketplace, meaning that games like Helldivers 2 often rely on a unique approach to stand out. For studios invested in their titles, it’s not enough to have people playing now — the objective is to keep them playing for years to come.

Bungie and Arrowhead Game Studios, which made Helldivers 2, declined to comment about their games and the live service model. Aaron Keller, the director of Overwatch 2, the team shooter by Blizzard Entertainment, said that the demand for new content was sometimes influenced by what other games are doing.

“We also try to create new things because it serves the greatest cross-section of our players,” he said. “At the same time, because this is a business, we have competitors. You can get compared to some games that are also running a service, and they’re putting things out, and you don’t want to be perceived as a game that isn’t supporting your community as well as other ones do.”

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