Granny's Little Laptop

2. Granny’s Little Laptop

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Explanation of Granny’s Little Laptop

This poem is about a granny’s little laptop. It is written by Roann Mendriq. She gets a new laptop and is excited to explore the world of technology. Let’s break it down stanza by stanza in simple terms:

1. “Granny has a laptop,

it’s sleek and shiny new;

She gazes at it fondly,

and wonders…what to do?”

Granny has a new laptop that looks very nice. She likes it a lot and is thinking about what she can do with it.

2. “She keeps it gently on her lap,

she really thinks it’s nice,

She doesn’t like the mouse at all,

she’s very scared of mice!”

Granny holds the laptop on her lap because she finds it comfortable. She likes it a lot but doesn’t like the mouse (the computer device, not the animal!) because it makes her nervous.

3. “But soon she’ll start blogging

and take the world by storm,

With precise posts on ecology,

and why our globe is warm!”

Granny plans to start writing blogs and share her thoughts with the world. She wants to write about things like nature and why the Earth is getting warmer.

4. “She’ll be in touch on email,

with family friends on the net;

And keep us all enthralled,

with her global tête-à-tête!”

She’ll use email to talk to her family and friends online. She’ll keep us all interested in her conversations with people from all over the world.

5. “She’ll engage in quirky forums,

and have a million fans,

Asking for her recipes,

of fish curries and flans!”

She’ll join interesting online groups and have many people who like her. They’ll ask her for her recipes for dishes like fish curries and flans.

6. “She’ll keep the world begging,

for her poetry and prose,

For her masterpiece in Egyptology,

for the stories that she knows!”

People will want more of her writing, like poetry and stories. They’ll be curious about her knowledge of Egyptology (the study of ancient Egypt).

7. “So, get set darling Granny,

we’re so happy you’re online,

You’re a Granny in a million,

I’m so glad you’re mine!”

Everyone is excited that Granny is online. She’s a special granny, and the speaker feels lucky that she’s a part of their life.

In short, it’s a sweet poem about an elderly woman embracing technology and using her new laptop to connect with people and share her interests with the world.

Summary of Granny’s Little Laptop

Sure, the poem is about Granny getting a new laptop. She’s a bit unsure about it at first and doesn’t like the computer mouse because it makes her nervous. But soon, she plans to do amazing things with it! She’ll write blogs about nature and talk to people from all around the world. The poet imagines she’ll have many fans who’ll love her cooking recipes, stories, and even her knowledge about ancient Egypt. Everyone is really excited that Granny is going to do so many cool things online!

Theme of Granny’s Little Laptop

The theme of the poem revolves around embracing technology, especially for the elderly, and the power of connectivity it brings. It celebrates the potential for anyone, regardless of age, to explore and contribute to the digital world. Additionally, it highlights the excitement of discovering new interests, sharing wisdom, and forming connections with a global community through online platforms.

Message from Granny’s Little Laptop

The poem conveys a message of encouragement and celebration for embracing new experiences, especially in the digital realm. It encourages individuals, even older ones like Granny, to adapt and explore technology, showcasing the potential for learning, connecting with others globally, and sharing one’s unique interests and knowledge. It emphasizes the idea that age should not be a barrier to discovering and engaging with the possibilities offered by modern technology.

Poetic Devices used in Granny’s Little Laptop

Here are some poetic devices used in the poem:

1. Rhyme : The poem follows a rhyming pattern, with end rhymes in each stanza. For instance:

   – “Granny has a laptop, it’s sleek and shiny new”

   – “And keep us all enthralled, with her global tête-à-tête!”

2. Repetition : The repetition of the phrase “Granny” reinforces the focus on the central character throughout the poem, emphasizing her significance.

3. Imagery : Vivid descriptions like “sleek and shiny new” create mental images of the laptop’s appearance, enhancing the reader’s visualization.

4. Alliteration : The use of repetitive consonant sounds, such as in “precise posts on ecology” and “fish curries and flans,” adds a musical quality to the poem.

5. Hyperbole : Exaggeration is used to emphasize Granny’s potential impact online, like when it’s mentioned she’ll “take the world by storm” with her blogs.

6. Metaphor : The phrase “Granny in a million” is a metaphorical expression emphasizing Granny’s uniqueness and significance.

7. Personification : The line “She gazes at it fondly, and wonders… what to do?” attributes human-like qualities to the laptop, making Granny’s interaction with it more relatable.

These devices enhance the poem’s imagery, rhythm, and emphasis on Granny’s journey into the digital world.

A. Answer these questions with reference to the context from Granny’s Little Laptop

1. And keep us all enthralled,

with her global tête-à-tête!

a. Who is being talked about?

b. Explain the phrase ‘global tête-à-tête’.

c. How would the family react to the tête-à-tête?

2. But soon she’ll start blogging

and take the world by storm…

a. What is blogging?

b. What is the significance of ‘but soon’?

c. What, according to the poet, will be the effect of blogging?

3. She keeps it gently on her lap

a. What does ‘it’ refer to?

b. What does ‘gently’ tell us about how she feels about it?

c. For her, is it something to be proud of? Give reasons.

Answer (Granny’s Little Laptop)

1. “And keep us all enthralled, with her global tête-à-tête!”

   a. The poem refers to Granny here.

   b. “Global tête-à-tête” means worldwide conversations or discussions. Granny will engage in conversations with people from around the world.

   c. The family would likely be excited and fascinated by Granny’s global conversations. They’d probably find it interesting to see Granny interacting with people from different places and cultures.

2. “But soon she’ll start blogging and take the world by storm…”

   a. Blogging is like keeping an online diary or journal where someone shares their thoughts, stories, or information on a website.

   b. “But soon” implies that Granny hasn’t started blogging yet but will do so in the near future.

   c. According to the poet, Granny’s blogging will have a significant impact. It suggests that Granny will become very popular and will gain a lot of attention and influence once she starts blogging.

3. “She keeps it gently on her lap”

   a. “It” refers to the laptop Granny received.

   b. “Gently” shows that Granny handles the laptop carefully and with tenderness, indicating she values and appreciates it.

   c. Yes, it’s something Granny is proud of. The way she handles the laptop gently reflects her fondness for it. She may not be familiar with all its functions, as seen with her fear of the mouse, but she cherishes having and using it.

B. Answer these questions from Granny’s Little Laptop

1. Why does the poet refer to her grandmother being scared of a mouse?

2. Do you think this will be the first time that Granny works on the computer? Support your answer with examples from the text.

3. What do we get to know about Granny’s interests from the poem?

4. Why do you think the poet says that Granny will engage in quirky forums?

5. According to the poet, what are the things that Granny can do on the laptop?

6. Do you think the poet hero-worships her/his grandmother? Give reasons.

7. What are Granny’s feelings towards the laptop?

8. Why was Granny initially puzzled and staring at the laptop when she first encountered it?

9. What’s the reason behind Granny’s fondness for the mouse?

10. How does the poet envision Granny making a significant impact on the world?

11. Which two specific dishes is Granny recognized for preparing?

12. Does the poet hold affection for Granny? Which lines in the poem suggest this?

13. As per the poet, what activities can Granny engage in using the laptop?

1. The poet mentions Granny’s fear of a mouse to playfully highlight her unfamiliarity with the computer mouse, creating a humorous contrast between the device and the animal.

2. It seems likely that using the laptop might be a new experience for Granny. The text suggests her unfamiliarity as she “doesn’t like the mouse at all,” indicating she’s not accustomed to using computer peripherals.

3. Granny’s interests span various areas: ecology, global warming, cooking (fish curries and flans), poetry, prose, Egyptology, and staying in touch with family through email.

4. The poet suggests Granny will engage in quirky forums to show her diverse interests and interactions. These forums might align with her unique hobbies and thoughts, enhancing her online experience.

5. According to the poet, Granny can blog about ecology, the Earth’s warming, write poetry and prose, share recipes, discuss Egyptology, engage in global conversations, and connect with family and friends through email.

6. Yes, the poet seems to greatly admire and praise Granny. The enthusiastic descriptions of Granny’s potential accomplishments and the excitement expressed about her online presence showcase a sense of admiration and pride in her abilities and interests.

7. Granny feels affectionate and appreciative towards the laptop.  

8. Granny was initially puzzled and staring at the laptop because she was unsure about how to use it and what to do with it.

9. Granny doesn’t like the computer mouse because she’s afraid of it, mistaking it for the small animal, a mouse.

10. The poet envisions Granny making a significant impact on the world by writing blogs on ecology, engaging in global conversations, sharing recipes, poetry, stories, and discussing topics like Egyptology.

11. Granny is known for preparing fish curries and flans.

12. Yes, the poet seems to hold affection for Granny. The line “You’re a Granny in a million, I’m so glad you’re mine!” suggests a deep sense of affection and pride in Granny.

13. As per the poet, Granny can engage in various activities on the laptop such as blogging about ecology and global warming, sharing recipes, writing poetry and stories, discussing Egyptology, participating in online forums, and staying connected with family and friends through email.

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Teacher’s Pest Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share Teacher’s Pest Questions & Answers. This poem is written by Roann Mendriq. In this poem, the poet talks about an unusual occurrence that takes place in a class room. It created frightening situation not only for students but also for the teachers. The poet talks about a school day where the teacher is ready to teach the students the multiplication sums. Everything is calm and restful until they see a spider dangling from the ceiling of the class room. The students as well as the teacher are taken aback at the sight of the spider. In fact, the teachers face turns into a pure white mask. Her eyes look dull and lifeless as the spider peers at her. The gist of the poem is that the poet tries to tell us that teachers are also humans. They too have a fear factor within them. In my previous posts, I have shared the questions and answers of The Mice That Ate Iron and The Friendship so, you can check these posts as well.

Teacher’s Pest Questions & Answers

Word galaxy.

  • Gloomily – here, feeling distracted and bored
  • Transfixed – here, too frightened to move
  • Affright – old English word for frightened
  • Glazed – here, dull and lifeless

Question 1: Choose the correct option:

(a) twiddling both my thumbs……………...

i. moving my thumbs mechanically out of boredom ii. feeling nervous and unwell iii. playing a game with my thumbs

(b) my heart filled with glee……………..

i. My heart filled with love. ii. My heart filled with happiness. iii. My heart ached.

(c) Her face turned into a pure white mask……………..

i. She had a fair complexion. ii. The teacher was wearing a white mask. iii. She was white with fear.

Question 2: Why did the speaker’s heart fill with glee?

Answer: The speaker’s heart filled with glee when he saw that the teacher was afraid of the spider.

Question 3: Write a few pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

Answer: Thumbs-sums, Nose-froze, Ceiling-feeling & Me-glee. So, these were Teacher’s Pest Questions & Answers.

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