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online assignment ne demek

assignment Kelimesi [Döküman]

Assignment kelimesi ile i̇lgili örnek cümleler.

English Turkish
I have an assignment to finish tonight. Bu gece bitirmek için bir ödevim var.
He was assigned to manage the project. Projeyi yönetmek için ona atandı.
We are assigned to work together on this task. Bu görevde birlikte çalışmak için bize atandı.

Assignment Kelimesi Kullanım Alanları ve Bilgilendirme

Assignment kelimesi tamamlama durumlarında; present, past, future zamanlarda kullanılır. Örneğin:

  • I assigned my friend the task of cleaning the garden.
  • My friend is assigning me a task.
  • My friend will assign me the task tomorrow.

Ancak assignment kelimesi oluşturma durumlarında kullanılmaz. Bu durumlarda create, make, form gibi kelimeler kullanılır. Örneğin:

  • I created a new garden in the backyard.
  • My friend made a cake for the party.
  • We formed a new club at our school.

Assignment Kelimesi ile İlgili Eş Anlamlı Kelimeler

English Synonym of Assignment Turkish Equivalent
Allocate Ayırmak
Appoint Atamak
Delegate Görevlendirmek
Entrust Güvenmek
Assign Vermek

Lütfen hata raporu göndermek için oturum açın.

online assignment ne demek

online assignment ne demek

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İngilizce - Türkçe

ad / noun 1

Ad / noun 2, ad / noun 3, ad / noun 4 – education, ad / noun 5 – law, ad / noun 6 – law, ad / noun 7 – telecommunication, ad / noun 8 – law, ad / noun 9 – law.

ASSIGNMENT = [ı'saynmınt] noun 1 görev, ödev * eşanlamlı : task, charge, duty, job, mission İngilizce örnek : I have got to do this assignment by tomorrow. Türkçe çevirisi : Yarına kadar bu ödevi yapmak zorundayım. 2 ayırma * eşanlamlı : allocation, allotment

ASSIGNMENT = (assignment nedir; assignment Türkçesi) Hak, alacak ve menfaatlerin resmi olarak başkasına devri. Temlik.

ASSIGNMENT = (assignment nedir; assignment Türkçesi) Konşimento yada kıymetli evrakı tahsis etme. Mülkiyet veya sair bir hak tesisi için kıymetli evrakın devri. Emre yazılı senetlerde (konşimentolarda) ciro; nama yazılı senetlerde yazılı bir devir beyanı.

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İngilizcede assign 'ın anlamı

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assign verb [T] ( CHOOSE )

  • Every available officer will be assigned to the investigation .
  • The textbooks were assigned by the course director .
  • Part of the group were assigned to clear land mines .
  • Each trainee is assigned a mentor who will help them learn more about the job .
  • We were assigned an interpreter for the duration of our stay .
  • accommodate
  • accommodate someone with something
  • administration
  • arm someone with something
  • hand something around
  • hand something back
  • hand something down
  • hand something in
  • re-equipment
  • reassignment

Konuda ayrıca ilgili kelimeleri, ifadeleri ve eşanlamlıları da bulabilirsiniz:

assign verb [T] ( SEND )

  • She was assigned to the Paris office .
  • All the team were assigned to Poland.
  • advertisement
  • employment agency
  • recruitment drive
  • reinstatement
  • relocation expenses

assign verb [T] ( COMPUTING )

  • 3-D printing
  • adaptive learning
  • additive manufacturing
  • hexadecimal
  • hill climbing
  • techno-solutionism
  • word processing

assign verb [T] ( GIVE LEGALLY )

Deyimsel fiil, assign | amerikan i̇ngilizcesi sözlüğü, assign | i̇ş i̇ngilizcesi, karşılaştırın, assign örnekleri, assign in çevirisi.

Hızlı ve ücretsiz çeviri alın!


Günün Kelimesi

long weekend

Saturday and Sunday with at least one extra day added, either Friday or Monday.

It’s not really my thing (How to say you don’t like something)

It’s not really my thing (How to say you don’t like something)

online assignment ne demek

Yeni Kelimeler

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  • İngilizce–Lehçe Lehçe–İngilizce
  • İngilizce–Portekizce Portekizce–İngilizce
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  • Sözlük Plus Sözcük Listeleri
  • assign (CHOOSE)
  • assign (SEND)
  • assign (COMPUTING)
  • assign (GIVE LEGALLY)
  • Amerikan    Verb
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İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük


Sözlük Anlamı Nedir?

assignment ne demek

Assignment, bir görevi veya görevi tamamlamak için bir kişiye veya gruba verilen bir görevdir. Genellikle eğitim veya iş bağlamında kullanılır. Bir assignment, bir makale, proje, sunum veya başka bir tür çalışma olabilir. Assignment’ler, öğrencilerin belirli bir konuyu anlamalarını, eleştirel düşünme becerilerini geliştirmelerini ve iletişim becerilerini geliştirmelerini sağlamak için kullanılır. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin zaman yönetimi ve organizasyon becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olabilir.

Assignment Türleri

Birçok farklı türde assignment vardır. En yaygın assignment türlerinden bazıları şunlardır:

  • Makaleler: Makaleler, belirli bir konuyu araştıran ve analiz eden yazılı çalışmalardır. Genellikle öğrencilerden belirli bir uzunlukta ve belirli bir biçimde makale yazmaları istenir.
  • Projeler: Projeler, öğrencilerin belirli bir konuyu araştırmak ve bir ürün veya sunum oluşturmak için birlikte çalıştıkları uzun vadeli çalışmalardır. Projeler genellikle öğrencilerin yaratıcılıklarını ve problem çözme becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmak için kullanılır.
  • Sunumlar: Sunumlar, öğrencilerin belirli bir konuyu bir grup insanın önünde sundukları sözlü çalışmalardır. Sunumlar genellikle öğrencilerin iletişim becerilerini ve özgüvenlerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmak için kullanılır.
  • Diğer assignment türleri: Diğer assignment türleri arasında sınavlar, ödevler, tartışmalar ve portföyler bulunur.

Assignment’lerin Önemi

Assignment’ler, öğrencilerin öğrenme sürecinde önemli bir rol oynar. Assignment’ler öğrencilere şunları sağlar:

  • Belirli bir konuyu derinlemesine araştırma ve analiz etme fırsatı: Assignment’ler öğrencilere belirli bir konuyu derinlemesine araştırma ve analiz etme fırsatı sağlar. Bu, öğrencilerin konuyu daha iyi anlamalarına ve eleştirel düşünme becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olur.
  • Yaratıcılıklarını ve problem çözme becerilerini geliştirme fırsatı: Projeler ve diğer yaratıcı assignment’ler öğrencilere yaratıcılıklarını ve problem çözme becerilerini geliştirme fırsatı sağlar. Bu, öğrencilerin daha yenilikçi ve yaratıcı düşünürler olmalarına yardımcı olur.
  • İletişim becerilerini ve özgüvenlerini geliştirme fırsatı: Sunumlar ve diğer sözlü assignment’ler öğrencilere iletişim becerilerini ve özgüvenlerini geliştirme fırsatı sağlar. Bu, öğrencilerin daha etkili iletişimciler olmalarına ve daha özgüvenli olmalarına yardımcı olur.
  • Zaman yönetimi ve organizasyon becerilerini geliştirme fırsatı: Assignment’ler öğrencilere zaman yönetimi ve organizasyon becerilerini geliştirme fırsatı sağlar. Bu, öğrencilerin daha verimli çalışmalarına ve daha iyi organize olmalarına yardımcı olur.

Assignment’lerin Değerlendirilmesi

Assignment’ler genellikle öğretmenler veya diğer değerlendiriciler tarafından değerlendirilir. Değerlendirme kriterleri assignment’in türüne göre değişebilir. Ancak, genel olarak değerlendiriciler şunları dikkate alır:

  • Assignment’in içeriği: Assignment’in içeriği doğru, eksiksiz ve iyi organize edilmiş olmalıdır.
  • Assignment’in yazımı ve sunumu: Assignment iyi yazılmış ve iyi sunulmuş olmalıdır.
  • Assignment’in yaratıcılığı ve özgünlüğü: Assignment yaratıcı ve özgün olmalıdır.
  • Assignment’in zamanında teslim edilmesi: Assignment zamanında teslim edilmelidir.

Assignment’ler, öğrencilerin öğrenme sürecinde önemli bir rol oynar. Assignment’ler öğrencilere belirli bir konuyu derinlemesine araştırma ve analiz etme, yaratıcılıklarını ve problem çözme becerilerini geliştirme, iletişim becerilerini ve özgüvenlerini geliştirme ve zaman yönetimi ve organizasyon becerilerini geliştirme fırsatı sağlar.

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Popüler Sonuçlar

Assignments ne demek, assignments ne demek assignments ne anlama gelir assignments i̇ngilizce örnek cümle. assignments eş anlamlıları., assignments sesli dinle, assignment (n) ingilizce örnek cümle.

His assignment in England was successful.

İngiltere'deki görevi başarılı oldu.

Assignment (n) Eş anlamlıları

Assignment (n) collocations.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quaerat, quos.



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assign - Turkish English Dictionary

Meanings of "assign" in Turkish English Dictionary : 60 result(s)

Category English Turkish
1 Common Usage
Agenda 2000 assigns an annual amount of EUR 41 million for the combating of infectious animal diseases.
Gündem 2000, bulaşıcı hayvan hastalıklarıyla mücadele için yıllık 41 milyon Euro tahsis etmektedir.

2 Common Usage
He assigned me a new job.
O, beni yeni bir işe atadı.

3 General
The attempt to assign sites for various new EU bodies also descended into farce.
Çeşitli yeni AB organları için yer belirleme girişimi de saçmalığa dönüştü.

4 General
A number was assigned to each spare part.
Her yedek parçaya bir numara verildi.

5 General
They will assign a guardian for him.
Onun için bir vasi atayacaklar.

6 General
Imagine that a major disaster strikes in the spring, to which the Commission assigns EUR 700 million from this Fund.
İlkbaharda büyük bir felaket yaşandığını ve Komisyon'un bu Fon'dan 700 milyon Avro tahsis ettiğini düşünün.

7 General
We will assign five classes to each lecturer.
Her okutmanı beş dersle görevlendireceğiz.

8 Trade/Economic
He assigned me a new job.
Bana yeni bir iş verdi.

9 Politics
They will assign a guardian for him.
Ona bir vasi tayin ederler.

10 Common Usage
11 General
12 General
13 General
14 General
15 General
16 General
17 General
18 General
19 General
20 General
21 General
22 General
23 General
24 General
25 General
26 General
27 General
28 Trade/Economic
29 Trade/Economic
30 Trade/Economic
31 Trade/Economic
32 Trade/Economic
33 Trade/Economic
34 Trade/Economic
35 Trade/Economic
36 Trade/Economic
37 Trade/Economic
38 Law
39 Law
40 Law
41 Law
42 Law
43 Law
44 Law
45 Law
46 Law
47 Law
48 Politics
49 Politics
50 Politics
51 Politics
52 Politics
53 Politics
54 Technical
55 Technical
56 Technical
57 Computer
58 Computer
59 Military
60 Military

Meanings of "assign" with other terms in English Turkish Dictionary : 74 result(s)

Category English Turkish
1 General
I've been assigned to work with you.
Seninle çalışmak için görevlendirildim.

2 General
He was assigned a task.
Kendisine bir görev verildi.

3 General
4 General
5 General
6 General
7 General
8 General
9 General
10 General
11 General
12 General
13 General
14 General
15 General
16 General
17 General
18 General
19 General
20 General
21 General
22 General
23 General
24 General
25 General
26 General
27 General
28 Phrasals
29 Phrasals
30 Phrasals
31 Phrasals
32 Phrasals
33 Phrasals
34 Phrasals
35 Phrasals
36 Phrasals
37 Phrasals
38 Phrasals
39 Phrasals
40 Phrasals
41 Phrasals
42 Phrasals
43 Phrasals
44 Phrasals
45 Trade/Economic
46 Trade/Economic
47 Trade/Economic
48 Trade/Economic
49 Law
50 Law
51 Law
52 Law
53 Law
54 Politics
55 Computer
56 Computer
57 Computer
58 Computer
59 Computer
60 Computer
61 Computer
62 Computer
63 Computer
64 Computer
65 Computer
66 Computer
67 Computer
68 Computer
69 Computer
70 Computer
71 Computer
72 Computer
73 Physics
74 Physics

Pronunciation in context ( out of )

Term options.

Çevrimiçi Dil Sözlükleri

'; audChoice = audChoice.replace(/ selected=["']selected["']/gm, '');var audT = document.getElementById('audT');if ((audT) && (audPref)) { //Parse the content if(audPref.indexOf(':') > -1) { var audPrefAccent = audPref.split(':')[0]; var playbackRate = audPref.split(':')[1]; } else { var audPrefAccent = audPref; var playbackRate = 1; } var re = new RegExp('( UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/əˈsaɪn/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/əˈsaɪn/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(ə sīn ) | | | | |
WordReference English-Turkish Dictionary © 2024:

(task: give) ( )vermek
 The history teacher frequently assigns massive amounts of homework.
to [sb] (task: give to [sb]( )vermek
 The manager assigned the task of interviewing job candidates to her assistant.
[sth] (charge with a task)görev vermek
  iş vermek
 Sarah's supervisor assigned her the task of writing the company newsletter.
to do [sth] (charge with a task)görev vermek, görevlendirmek
 They assigned Cheri to bake cookies for the luncheon.
(allocate)ayırmak, tahsis etmek
 The volunteers at the refugee camp worked on assigning rations fairly.
to [sb] (allocate to [sb])tahsis etmek
 City council has assigned resources to five new charity groups this year.
to [sb] (law: transfer) ( )devretmek
  havale etmek
to [sth] (allocate [sth] to [sth])tahsis etmek
 Theodore assigned numbers to the items on the list based on the order of importance.
as [sth] (categorize [sth])sınıflandırmak
  olarak belirlemek
 The councilman assigned the upcoming campaign as the top priority.
(law: assignee) ( )kendisine mal/hak devredilen kimse, devir alan

assign' sözcüğü/sözcükleri ile ilgili forum tartışmaları:

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assignment ne demek Türkçe anlamı

İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük

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(i). atama, tayin etme; tayin edilen şey; (huk). feragat etme, feragat senedi, havale senedi; davanın görulmesi için gün tayin edilmesi; müflisin malınl bir vekile emaneten teslim ve havale; temlik; okul ödevi, evde hazırlanacak ders assignment clause bir sigorta poliçesinde sahibine ciro hakkını veren madde.

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assignment ne demek?

İngilizce - türkçe, "assignment" için örnek kullanımlar, yakın kelimeler.

  • assignation
  • assignment nedir?
  • assimilation


Turkce ASSIGNMENTS - çeviriler ve kullanım örnekleri

Assignments ingilizce kullanımına örnekler ve bunların turkce çevirileri, ayrıca bakınız, assignments eşanlamlıları, en çok sorulan sözlük sorguları, ingilizce - turkce.

number of research papers published in india

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number of research papers published in india

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Which topics are India’s researchers publishing papers on?

While india, like the rest of the world, focuses on coronavirus, deep learning, and photocatalysis, it also pays significant attention to nanotechnology.

Updated - July 16, 2024 05:55 pm IST

Published - July 16, 2024 05:52 pm IST

Research on different types of corona variants at the Genetic Analysis Laboratory  in Chennai.

Research on different types of corona variants at the Genetic Analysis Laboratory in Chennai. | Photo Credit: JOTHI RAMALINGAM B

Research publications are widely used as a measure of scientific and technological progress. Analysing trends in research also helps guide policy. A brief comparative study of the most researched topics in the Web of Science, a scholarly publication database, over the last 20 years and the last five years highlights the research focus of scientists in different countries.

The chart-topper

‘Coronavirus’ was the most published research topic in the world in the last five years and in the last two decades. The sheer volume of papers on this subject shows the capacity of the global scientific community to produce relevant scientific knowledge that will help people respond quickly to a crisis.

‘Coronavirus’ was the most researched topic in India in the last five years and among the top five research topics in the last two decades. It was the most published research topic in the U.S. over the last five years and in the last two decades. But it was conspicuously absent from China’s top research topics. This is surprising for two reasons: the SARS-CoV-2 virus was first reported from this country in late 2019; and China, which has emerged as a global scientific superpower in the last two decades, has been contributing an increasing share of the world’s papers on several research topics.

Chart 1 | The chart ranks the five topics under which the highest number of papers were published (2019- 2023) in select nations.

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Some of the other topics that are widely researched are deep learning, and clean and green energy topics such as photocatalysis, supercapacitors, and oxygen reduction reactions. Deep learning refers to a class of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms characterised by the use of multiple ‘layers’, where each layer transforms and/or manipulates the input data in specific ways. Engineers have built facial recognition on phones, speech recognition in digital assistants, and recommendation engines on streaming services using deep learning.

The focus on AI-related research worldwide corresponds to the increasing importance of AI technologies in various sectors. Chinese researchers have produced more than twice as many papers on the topic of AI as have researchers in the U.S., and more than 45% of the world’s research output on this subject in the last five years. India’s share remains low even if the topic features among the country’s top five.

Photocatalysis refers to the acceleration of chemical reactions using light. Scientists are studying it to make new materials and generate clean energy; a particularly important contemporary focus area is green hydrogen. Supercapacitors are energy storage devices that trap and hold energy as electrostatic charge. In contrast, conventional batteries store chemical energy. Supercapacitors are super-powered batteries that can store much more energy and also release it faster. Their applications include electric vehicles, where fast charging is required, and the renewable energy sector. The oxygen reduction reaction is an important process in electrochemistry with a starring role in next-generation energy conversion devices such as fuel cells and metal-air batteries. Research on these topics is evidently driven by researchers in China.

Comparing the U.S. and China

Overall, China has focused significantly on high-impact technological fields and on the development of new materials. In contrast, the U.S. appears to be facilitating a more diverse approach, addressing health and social well-being through research on topics such as parenting, the human immuno-deficiency virus, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, gut microbiota, and programmed cell death (PD-1). Research on PD-1 has the potential to revolutionise how we treat cancer and other diseases by understanding, and then manipulating, the immune system’s response. The U.S. National Institute of Health provides more funding for life science and health research than all other civilian research funding agencies of the country. U.S. researchers are also devoting attention to astronomy and astrophysics, presumably because they enjoy greater access to the data produced by NASA missions.

Chart 2 | The chart ranks the five topics under which the highest number of papers were published (2004- 2023) in select nations.

India’s nano focus

The single largest fraction of India’s research output is focused on nanotechnology. In particular, nanofluids have applications in heat transfer; silver nanoparticles have applications in antimicrobial and anticancer therapy; and zinc oxide nanoparticles are essential semiconductor materials with applications in electronics, optoelectronics, ceramics, and cosmetics.

The large volume of papers about nanotechnology can be attributed at least in part to the success of the Nano Mission that the Indian government launched in 2007 with the aim of making the country a top research destination on this topic. Other research focus areas are deep learning, photocatalysis, and coronavirus.

India’s significant focus on nanotechnology is a sign of a concentrated allocation of resources in areas that may not directly address the immediate needs in health or climate change — at least not yet. Policymakers may examine the agenda-setting process in Indian research or, alternatively, guide nanotechnology towards solutions more closely related to India’s Sustainable Development Goals and energy-transition targets.

Suryesh Kumar Namdeo is a Senior Research Analyst, Avinash Kumar is a Project Scientist, and Moumita Koley is a Research Associate at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Source: Web of Science

Also read: For India’s scientists, academic publishing has become a double-edged sword

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Data Point / science (general) / research / China / Coronavirus

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Position by research output Share

Global Asia Pacific

Position by research output Share in subject areas

Global Asia Pacific
Biological sciences
Earth & environmental sciences
Health sciences
Physical sciences

Overall research output

Count Share
Overall 1587.20

Overall Count and Share for '' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above.

View all articles

Research outputs by subject area

Subject Count Share
Biological sciences 111.16
Chemistry 905.74
Earth & environmental sciences 45.40
Health sciences 57.65
Physical sciences 544.49

Note: Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area, as a result the sum of the subject research outputs may not equal the overall research outputs.

Note: Hover over the donut graph to view the Share for each subject.

Share output for the past 5 years

  • Biological sciences
  • Earth & environmental sciences
  • Health sciences
  • Physical sciences
  • Natural sciences
  • Nature & Science

Country/territory benchmarking

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Collaborations between countries/territories

Collaboration by percentage of Share

Country/territory Share
USA 32.7%
Germany 13.8%
China 11.2%
UK 9.6%
Italy 6.4%
France 6.3%
Japan 6.3%
South Korea 4.8%
Switzerland 4.6%
Australia 4.2%

Note: Hover over the graph to view collaboration by percentage of Share.

Top 10 collaborators with India by Share

Top 10 institutions from india by share.

Institution Count Share
1.    105.88
2.    67.43
3.    66.99
4.    64.04
5.    63.16
6.    59.08
7.    55.01
8.    50.81
9.    48.86
10.    44.90

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Nature index 2024 china.

China's status at the summit of the Nature Index remains unrivalled as the gap between it and the United States grows. The key question is where Chinese research will go next. As the nation seeks international recognition for its scientific achievements, betting big on large-scale experiments, it is also carving its own path in publishing and partnerships. Time will tell how these strategies will shift the status quo of the global research landscape.

Nature Index 2024 China

Numerical information only is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .

India's research output grows, but quality of papers remains a challenge

However, the country trails neighboring China, which experienced a growth rate of just over 60% between 2017-22. However, the gap between the two countries appears to be closing as, between 2019 and 2022, India’s research output grew by 20% while China’s grew by 24%.


Mumbai: Indian entries in QS 2023-24 subject rankings saw an 18.7% rise making India the second most represented Asian country with 66 ranked universities and the fourth most represented country for the overall number of entries across the 54 narrow subjects.

The rankings also observed that between 2017 and 2022, India's research output grew by around 54%, taking it to the fourth position globally in producing academic papers, a recent study has found.

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However, the quality and relevance of many of these papers remain questionable, as only 15% of them have been cited in top academic journals, revealed the study.


The report, released on Wednesday, was conducted by the British higher education analyst Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) with the help of data from the research analytics platform SciVal.

According to the report, the growth in India's research output is more than double the global average and far greater than that of its more academically established western counterparts.

China also continues to be the World leader in the total number of research papers published ((4.5 million) in the five-year period, followed by the United States (4.4 million) and the United Kingdom (1.4 million). However, the study predicts India is poised to surpass UK in the near future, due to the country's higher growth rate.

But when it comes to citations generated by the research work, India at the ninth place globally. According to QS, this indicates that the country should focus on high-quality, relevant research and ensuring this research is disseminated among the scholarly community.

"India’s challenge of generating high-impact research is made more apparent by its percentage of research papers to receive citations in top global journals. From 2017 to 2021, India saw 15% of its publications cited in top journals. Meanwhile, its closest competitors in terms of research output volume, the United Kingdom and Germany, boast top journal citation percentages more than double that, 38% and 33% respectively," reads the report.

India’s leading field of research is Engineering & Technology, accounting for 52.6% of total research output. Within the broader faculty, the primary focus of scholarly work is evenly split between Petroleum Engineering and Computer Sciences (24% of research output within the field).

The country's next predominant research fields are split between Natural Sciences (36%) and Life Sciences & Medicine (35%).The study also found that India produces 19% of its research output alongside cross-border collaborators, in keeping with the global average of 21% and aligned with that of its closest competitors. This is one of the key indicators considered by QS in its annual ranking of higher education institutes and courses.



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number of research papers published in india

India is world's third largest producer of scientific articles: Report

The other countries which made it to the top 10 list are Germany (1,04,396), Japan (98,793), UK (97,681), Russia (81,579), Italy (71,240), South Korea (66,376) and France (66,352).

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India is world's third largest producer of scientific articles: Report

With over 1.35 lakh scientific papers published, India has become the world's third largest publisher of science and engineering articles, according to a US government agency data, topped by China.

As per the statistics compiled by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), the number of scientific papers published worldwide increased from 17,55,850 in 2008 to 25,55,959 in 2018.

The global research output, as measured by peer-reviewed science and engineering (S&E) journal articles and conference papers, grew about four per cent annually over the last 10 years.

The data, which was released on Tuesday, stated that in 2008, India published 48,998 science and engineering articles. This increased to 1,35,788 articles in 2018 at an average annual growth rate of 10.73 per cent and the country now accounts for 5.31 per cent of the total world publications in science and engineering.

China, which accounts for 20.67 per cent of all global publications in scientific articles, is at the top position, followed by the US at 16.54 per cent.

In China, the number of global scientific publications increased from 2,49,049 in 2008 to 5,28,263 in 2018, at a growth rate of 7.81 per cent per annum.

The US, the total global publications in science and engineering articles grew at a rate of 0.71 per cent from 3,93,979 in 2008 to 4,22,808 in 2018.

Though a long way to go, as compared to the US and China in terms of the number of scientific article publications, India's emergence as third largest publisher is mainly due to a phenomenal double-digit growth rate in the last one decade from 2008 to 2018, the report noted.

According to the report, China's rate of research output has grown almost twice as fast as the world's annual average for the last 10 years, while the output of the US and the European Union (EU) has grown at less than half the world's annual growth rate.

Research papers from the US and the EU continue to have the most impact; however, China has shown a rapid increase in producing impactful publications, as measured by references to journal articles and conference papers.

Specialisation in scientific fields differs among countries, with the US, the EU and Japan more specialised in health sciences and China and India more specialised in engineering, as measured by journal articles and conference papers.

"China and India have increased their share of the growing world output," the report said.

China produced five per cent of the global output in 2000 and grew to 21 per cent in 2018; India's share rose from two per cent to five per cent during this period.

In the News • December 13, 2023

How high-impact papers from indian researchers are shaping science.

AQLI data ranks India as the second-most-polluted nation in the world in terms of air quality, behind only Bangladesh, and refers to Delhi as “the most polluted city in the world”.

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Ashirbad s raha [email protected] .

India was the world’s third-most-prolific publisher of research papers in 2022, but it was ranked only 153rd for the number of citations it received per paper. Indeed, in 2020, about 30% of papers from India were not cited at all, compared with 20% in both the United States and China. These trends are mirrored in many other low- and middle-income countries whose researchers struggle to get published in high-impact journals.

But despite this challenging publishing environment, some Indian scientists have produced influential, highly cited studies in a number of fields in the past few years. Here  Nature  highlights several of these key areas of research that have the potential to improve public health and quality of life both domestically and globally.

Strategies to reduce air pollution

Many parts of India have highly polluted air. The University of Chicago’s Air Quality Life Index ranks India as the second-most-polluted nation in the world in terms of air quality, behind only Bangladesh, and refers to Delhi as “the most polluted city in the world”.

number of research papers published in india

The countries with the highest share of articles published in scientific journals according to the Nature Index 2024, which is valid for the calendar year 2023. The "count" is the total number of articles to which nationals of the country have contributed.

search from Indian s. it was ranked only 153rd for the number of citations it received per paper. Indeed, in 2020, about 30% of papers from India w. re not cited at all, compared with 20% in both...

Chart 1 | The chart ranks the five topics under which the highest number of papers were published (2019- 2023) in select nations. Some of the other topics that are widely researched are...

India was the world’s third-most-prolific publisher of research papers in 2022, but it was ranked only 153rd for the number of citations it received per paper. Indeed, in 2020, about 30% of...

India’s 11 public and private Institutes of Eminence have produced more than 1 , 50,000 academic papers , generated 1.4 million citations and recorded an average research growth rate of 35% since 2017.

Updated monthly, the Nature Index presents research outputs by institution and country. Use the Nature Index to interrogate publication patterns and to benchmark research performance.

From 2017 to 2021, India saw 15% of its publications cited in top journals. Meanwhile, its closest competitors in terms of research output volume, the United Kingdom and Germany, boast top...

With over 1.35 lakh scientific papers published, India has become the world's third largest publisher of science and engineering articles, according to a US government agency data, topped by China.

India was the world’s third-most-prolific publisher of research papers in 2022, but it was ranked only 153rd for the number of citations it received per paper . Indeed, in 2020, about 30% of papers from India were not cited at all, compared with 20% in both the United States and China.

Research Publication. CSIR has published 5769 research papers during 2021 in SCI journals of repute. The new knowledge generated from CSIR laboratories is reflected in terms of high average Impact Factor (5.401).

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How To Transform Your Sales Strategy To Make A Lot Of Money

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Sales can be a challenging aspect of business. Whether you're just starting out or you've been in the game for a while, struggling with sales can feel like you're floundering in deep water, unsure of how to find your footing.

It's crucial to get over the struggle with sales and make money because, at its core, sales are the lifeblood of any business. Without consistent and effective sales, even the most innovative products or services can fail to reach their potential.

For women entrepreneurs, mastering sales is not just about increasing revenue; it's about securing the financial independence and stability necessary to continue growing, reinvesting in the business, and making a meaningful impact . Overcoming the sales hurdle means taking control of your financial future, ensuring that your business not only survives but thrives, and ultimately allowing you to achieve your larger goals and aspirations.

Here are some tips to help you improve your sales skills:

1. shift your mindset.

Many women entrepreneurs struggle with sales because they view it as pushy or uncomfortable. However, shifting your mindset is the first step toward flourishing in sales. Understand that selling is not about forcing someone to buy; it’s about solving problems, providing value, and offering solutions that can genuinely improve your customers' lives. Embrace the role of helping solve problems.

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Today’s nyt mini crossword clues and answers for wednesday, august 28th, trump staffers reportedly had physical altercation with arlington national cemetery official, 2. build authentic relationships.

In a world where consumers are more informed and selective, authenticity is key. Women naturally excel in building relationships so it’s wise to use this to your advantage in sales. Focus on developing genuine connections with your customers. Understand their needs, listen to their concerns, and offer solutions tailored to their unique situations. When you build trust and show that you care, sales will follow naturally.

3. Command Your Value

A common pitfall for women in sales is undervaluing their products or services. It's crucial to have a clear understanding of what makes your offering unique and why it's worth the price you’re asking. Take the time to articulate your value proposition. Think about what problem you solve, and why is your solution the best. Confidence in your value is contagious; when you believe in what you're selling, your customers will too.

4. Know Your Numbers

To move from floundering to flourishing, it's essential to understand how much you need to sell each month to hit your net profit margin goals. Many entrepreneurs focus on revenue without considering the profitability of their sales. Calculate your monthly sales targets based on your desired net profit margin. This helps you focus on your sales goals to ensure that every sale contributes meaningfully to your bottom line. When you know your numbers , you can sell with purpose and direction, rather than just hoping for the best.

5. Leverage Your Network

Women often underestimate the power of their networks. Your network is not just a support system; it's a goldmine of potential leads, referrals, and partnerships. Ask for introductions and referrals. Reach out to your network regularly with updates on what you're offering and how you can help. Many people love to help others succeed, so make it easy for them to support you.

6. Practice Persistence

Sales can be tough, and rejection is part of the process. However, persistence is key to success. That said, persistence doesn't mean being overly aggressive or pushy. It’s about following up with potential clients in a way that shows you're committed to helping them, not just making a sale. Develop a follow-up strategy that is consistent and respectful. Often, the sale comes after several interactions, so don’t give up too soon.

The bottom line is that floundering in sales doesn’t have to be your story. By following these tips you can transform your sales strategy and flourish in your business. Sales is not about perfection; it’s about progress and persistence.

Melissa Houston, CPA is the author of Cash Confident: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business and the founder of She Means Profit . As a Business Strategist for small business owners, Melissa helps women making mid-career shifts, to launch their dream businesses, and also guides established business owners to grow their businesses to more profitably.

The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace any professional or expert accounting and/or tax advice whatsoever.

Melissa Houston

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    An assignment (Latin cessio) is a term used with similar meanings in the law of contracts and in the law of real estate . the assignment. Kaynak: Assignment (law) Designated for assignment is a contractual term used in Major League Baseball . A player who is designated for assignment is immediately. Kaynak: Designated for assignment.

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    3. Command Your Value . A common pitfall for women in sales is undervaluing their products or services. It's crucial to have a clear understanding of what makes your offering unique and why it's ...