online masters in creative writing programs

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Master's in Creative Writing Online MA Degree Program

Mariel Embry, who earned her degree from SNHU in 2022, sitting on a beach with her laptop open  and wearing a grey SNHU sweatshirt.

Cost per credit $637

Total courses 12

Term length 10 weeks

Program Overview Why get a master's in English and creative writing?

Ignite your imagination and jump-start your professional writing career with a Master of Arts (MA) in English and Creative Writing online at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). Learn to use the written word to effectively tell your story and share your ideas with the world. By studying literature and the way accomplished authors have perfected their art, you'll be prepared to enter a number of industries as a creative writer.

Skills you'll learn:

  • Integrate form, language and literary works into writing style and voice
  • Expand upon your own creative process
  • Create original literary works of publishable quality
  • Reflect on goals, process and ethos as a creative writer
  • Use technology as a tool to stylize and promote creative work

Mariel Embry, who earned her degree from SNHU in 2022, sitting at a table outside and usinsg a stylus to write  on a tablet computer.

Courses & Curriculum Online creative writing courses that foster your imagination

The master's in creative writing online exposes you to powerful examples of writing and provides you with an outlet to refine your skills as a writer. All of our courses were also created by subject matter experts in their field, many of whom are critically acclaimed writers themselves.

English & creative writing degree concentrations

Choose the general track or add one of 4 specializations to your master's degree.

Literature has long been a source of inspiration, both for readers and writers. In Southern New Hampshire University's online MA in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in Fiction degree, you can find your creative voice and tell your story.

Your knowledge can grow beyond a basic understanding of plot building, narrative, voice and character as you push your creative boundaries. Hone your craft for the kind of fiction you've always dreamed of bringing to life through novels, short stories, children's literature and more. In this degree program, you'll have the opportunity to explore whichever genres in fiction pique your interest, from horror and sci-fi to fantasy, young adult, romance and more.

The art of storytelling has deep historical and societal roots, and it is critical to cross-cultural communication. In your MA in Creative Writing online degree program, you’ll study the work of published writers to help you develop your own creative writing skills. You’ll focus on why authors make specific creative decisions to develop a deeper understanding of fiction in all of its forms, all while writing your own works of fiction.

If you decide to pursue this concentration, you'll take a capstone course designed around completing your thesis in your fiction genre of choice. At the culmination of your coursework, you’ll create your own manuscript and apply what you've learned about your own creative voice to your work. If you feel it's time to put pen to paper to tell a tale, this program is for you.

Career outlook:

Whether you're looking to write the next great fiction novel or you'd like to specialize in short stories that capture the imagination for a period of time, this concentration can give you the tools needed to become successful in your field.

The MA in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in Fiction can also lead to numerous career opportunities, as this program does more than just expose you to literature and help you develop new writing skills. You can apply the creative skills you gain to numerous professions, from scriptwriting to marketing.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the median annual wage for writers and authors was $73,690 in 2023. 1

Courses include:

  • Fiction Fundamentals
  • Genres: Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Other Popular Fiction
  • Fiction Thesis Writing
  • Fiction Thesis Completion

In the MA in English & Creative Writing with a concentration in Nonfiction degree, you'll learn how and why writers craft nonfiction narratives. These tools can help you develop factual material based on research and experiences of your own – or someone else's. The creative writing master's degree can help you gain insights into publishing, broadcasting and professional production, while you explore your creative boundaries.

At the culmination of the program, you'll develop your own professional-quality piece of nonfiction, one that takes you deep into subjects that matter to you and helps you develop the skills needed for great storytelling.

MA English & Creative Writing nonfiction graduate Alec Biron '17 '21G particularly enjoyed the combined emphasis on creative writing and literature.

"While the curriculum allowed me to select a unique genre of creative writing to develop my nonfiction thesis," he said, "it also allowed me to explore traditional forms of literature that I love, such as medieval British and feminist genres."

Nonfiction is the art of telling real stories – ones that people can learn from, relate to and understand. It covers a wide range of styles and subjects, encompassing everything from personal essays, autobiographical writing and memoirs, to marketing, travel writing and magazine features.

Given the many career paths you could take by adding a concentration in nonfiction writing to your degree, it's worth noting some you could explore. During a time when remote work is on the rise, you might consider a career writing freelance nonfiction stories for traditional print magazines and digital publications. Or, if telling stories for brands excites you, you could work in advertising as a copywriter and see your words on websites, billboards, emails, commercials and other types of advertisements.

"Employers have been impressed by not only my achievement of a master’s degree, but also by the publications I've subsequently written for following my education," Biron said.

If you like finding ways to make factual yet complex topics more digestible, you may enjoy the role of technical writer. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, technical writers earned a median annual salary of $80,050 in 2023. 1

  • Non-Fiction Fundamentals
  • Non-Fiction Thesis Writing
  • Non-Fiction Thesis Completion

Develop the skills you need to convey your poetic vision with a MA in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in Poetry . The poetry concentration within our online creative writing graduate program can take you to a new level of analysis, appreciation and understanding of this art form.

Foster your love of verse with the inspiration, passion and creative peer collaboration that only SNHU's concentration in poetry can bring. This curriculum focuses your study of literature on a genre where every word and line counts. Here, you'll be able to use your imagination to create imagery that moves and inspires readers and writers alike.

This creative writing graduate program challenges you to gain an appreciation for how the unique craft and vision of poetry is critical to learning to think, understand and communicate with the world at large. Throughout this online program, you’ll broaden your understanding of the art of poetry. You'll also dive deeper into structure, tone and rhythm while analyzing the work of renowned poets.

Upon completion of the program, you’ll develop your own manuscript of poetry, one that allows you to expand on subjects you're passionate about.

Whether it's getting your own poetry published or becoming the next great poet laureate that interests you, a career in poetry is sure to be one filled with passion for your work. You could work for nonprofits to promote local poetry in your area, or become the poetry curator for an array of journals, magazines and even bookstores. And the ability to write clever, concise and compelling copy is also a great fit for advertising and marketing positions.

  • Poetry Fundamentals
  • Poetry Thesis Writing
  • Poetry Thesis Completion

We live in an increasingly visual society. The online Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in Screenwriting program at Southern New Hampshire University is an advanced exploration of the world of film and video, from shorts and episodic serials to feature-length blockbusters and documentaries.

This concentration is based on a comprehensive study of film, with a special focus on story structure, character development and creative writing. At the culmination of the degree program, you'll have developed your own screenplay that you can then share with others and put out into the world if you so choose.

While an understanding and analysis of literature – whatever the genre – is at the core of this MA degree, the screenwriting concentration places a special emphasis on visual storytelling. Designed by experienced and distinguished faculty, this master’s in screenwriting program can give you a powerful understanding of how story, character, theme, action, visuals and dialogue intertwine to create an immersive experience. In this concentration, you'll also have the opportunity to work closely with peers and faculty to workshop your pieces, which can help push your creative work to new heights.

Take it from José Roldan Jr. '17G who – with the support of his friends, family and SNHU advisor – was able to enroll in the online MA in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in Screenwriting program while balancing his full-time job and performance schedule, along with additional acting gigs and auditions.

"That support just allowed me the strength to say, 'You know what? I can get this done. There are so many people who believe in me to do it, that I can get it done,'" Roldan said. "It wasn't easy, but it's possible. It's possible."

Whether you dream of writing for the big screen one day or writing scripts at a regional level, in the screenwriting concentration you can hone your craft for television, commercials, news, feature films, short films and even video games. There are multiple ways you could use this degree in the media world, from adapting an existing work into a movie or writing your own script, to working closely with producers on funding and producing projects.

While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the median annual wage for writers and authors was $73,690 in 2023, it also reports that producers and directors earned a median annual wage of $82,510 the same year. 1

  • Screenwriting Fundamentals
  • Fiction and Film
  • Screenwriting Thesis Writing
  • Screenwriting Thesis Completion

Creative writing courses

In addition to working on your writing craft, you'll take several literary courses that focus on analysis and reflection while learning about the history of the publishing industry. This can give you the chance to sharpen your editing and professional communication skills, while also giving you the edge you need to advance your writing career.

Courses may include:

Visit the course catalog to view the full MA in English & Creative Writing curriculum .

PC (Windows OS) Technical Requirements

Component Type PC (Windows OS)
Operating System Currently supported operating system from Microsoft.
Memory (RAM) 8GB or higher
Hard Drive 100GB or higher
Antivirus Software Required for campus students. Strongly recommended for online students.
SNHU Purchase Programs
Internet/ Bandwidth 5 Mbps Download, 1 Mbps Upload and less than 100ms Latency

Apple (Mac OS) Technical Requirements

Component Type Apple (Mac OS)
Operating System Currently supported operating system from Apple.
Memory (RAM) 8GB or higher
Hard Drive 100GB or higher
Antivirus Software Required for campus students. Strongly recommended for online students.
SNHU Purchase Programs
Internet/ Bandwidth 5 Mbps Download, 1 Mbps Upload and less than 100ms Latency

Additional Information:

  • Laptop or desktop?   Whichever you choose depends on your personal preference and work style, though laptops tend to offer more flexibility. 
  • Note:   Chromebooks (Chrome OS) and iPads (iOS) do not meet the minimum requirements for coursework at SNHU. These offer limited functionality and do not work with some course technologies. They are not acceptable as the only device you use for coursework. While these devices are convenient and may be used for some course functions, they cannot be your primary device. SNHU does, however, have an affordable laptop option that it recommends: Dell Latitude 3301 with Windows 10. 
  • Office 365 Pro Plus  is available free of charge to all SNHU students and faculty. The Office suite will remain free while you are a student at SNHU. Upon graduation you may convert to a paid subscription if you wish. Terms subject to change at Microsoft's discretion. Review system requirements for  Microsoft 365 plans  for business, education and government. 
  • Antivirus software:  Check with your ISP as they may offer antivirus software free of charge to subscribers. 

Licensure and Certification Disclosures

SNHU has provided additional information for programs that educationally prepare students for professional licensure or certification. Learn more about what that means for your program on our licensure and certification disclosure page .

Apply for free in minutes

Our no-commitment application can help you decide if SNHU is the right college for you and your career goals. Apply up until 2 days before the term starts!

Upcoming term starts: January 06, 2025 | March 24, 2025

Next term starts: Oct. 14, 2024

Online student experience what’s it like going to snhu.

Attending college online at SNHU can be a life-changing experience. In fact, 93.2% of online students would recommend SNHU according to a 2023 survey with 21,000+ respondents.

What to expect:

.b{fill:#21386d;}.c{fill:#21386e;} 10-week terms, .cls-1 { fill: #21386e; } learn around your schedule, .st0{fill:#f1f2f2;} .st1{fill:#f2bb44;} .st2{fill:#23386e;} .st3{fill:none;stroke:#23386e;stroke-width:2.5;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st4{fill:none;stroke:#f1f2f2;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st5{fill:#25396a;} .st6{fill:#21386d;} .st7{fill:none;} .st8{fill:#f1bb45;} .st9{fill:#21396d;} .st10{fill:#22356b;} .st11{fill:none;stroke:#23386e;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st12{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#21376d;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st13{fill:none;stroke:#21376d;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st14{fill:#21376d;} .st15{fill:none;stroke:#21376d;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st16{fill:none;stroke:#23386e;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st17{fill:none;stroke:#21386d;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st18{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#21386d;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st19{fill:none;stroke:#23386e;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st20{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#21376d;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st21{fill:none;stroke:#21376d;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st22{fill:none;stroke:#21376d;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st23{fill:none;stroke:#21386e;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st24{fill:none;stroke:#091c38;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st25{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#23386e;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st26{fill:#091c38;} .st27{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#21376d;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st28{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#23386e;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st29{fill:#ffffff;stroke:#21376d;stroke-width:2;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-miterlimit:10;} .st30{fill:#ffffff;} 24/7 online support, what does an online course look like.

You’ll take your courses within SNHU’s Brightspace platform. This is where you’ll find your:

  • Schedule of weekly assignments
  • Discussion boards
  • Instructor announcements

How to Take an Online Class at SNHU

What support services are available?

  • Chat with your advisors Get hands-on help from dedicated academic and career advisors.
  • Drop in for tutoring Work with a tutor, any time of the day or night – no appointment necessary.
  • Learn from industry professionals Instructors lead discussions and offer guidance – and they’re just an email away.
  • Use the online library Access 600,000+ resources or chat with a librarian 24/7.
  • Reach out for accessibility help Receive accommodations as an eligible student with disabilities.
  • Focus on your well-being Connect with professionals to improve your health and wellness.

Jacob Powers

Associate dean of liberal arts

Joined SNHU

  • MFA in Creative Writing – Fiction from Boise State University
  • BA in Creative Writing with a minor in English Literature from Grand Valley State University

"The program provides peer and instructor dialogue through workshops and gives students the ability to strengthen technical skills in editing and proofreading, which transfer to a variety of careers including content and freelance writing, copyediting and strategic and institutional communications."

Read more about Jacob Powers and other online faculty at SNHU .

At Southern New Hampshire University, you'll have access to a powerful network of more than 400,000 students, alumni and staff that can help support you long after graduation. Our instructors offer relevant, real-world expertise to help you understand and navigate the field. Plus, with our growing, nationwide alumni network, you'll have the potential to tap into a number of internship and career opportunities.

Recently, SNHU has been nationally recognized for leading the way toward more innovative, affordable and achievable education:

  • U.S. News & World Report Named SNHU the 2024 Most Innovative University in the North
  • The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) Awarded SNHU the 21st Century Distance Learning Award for Excellence in Online Technology
  • Gave SNHU a $1 million grant to explore soft skills assessments for high-need youth

Founded in 1932 , Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit institution with over 180,000 graduates across the country. SNHU is accredited by the regional accreditor New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), which advocates for institutional improvement and public assurance of quality.

Get involved in the writing community

You'll have the chance to share your work with the vibrant creative writing community at SNHU:

  • The Penmen Review, our online journal that accepts submissions 12 times a year
  • Word for Word, a bimonthly livestream event featuring published writers reading from their work
  • Fall Fiction Contest, a short-story competition that offers SNHU scholarships among its prizes
  • Student Writers Spotlight, a live-stream reading showcasing the best of SNHU's creative writing students

5 ways SNHU makes the admission process "easy-peasy" #shorts

Admission Applying to SNHU is fast and free

No application fee. No test scores. Just a simple form with basic information. It’s another way SNHU helps you reach your goals sooner.

All it takes is 3 simple steps

It's easy, fast and free.

Whether you're applying for an undergraduate or graduate degree, you’ll fill out a form to verify your previous education experience. As part of our admissions process, we'll help you request transcripts from your previous school(s) to see if you can transfer any credits into your SNHU program! (Also for free!)

Additional Requirements:

Master's degree candidates must also submit a personal statement. Students with an undergraduate GPA below 2.75 are eligible for provisional acceptance.

After reviewing your official evaluation, you can decide if SNHU is right for you! If you choose to enroll, just pick your start date and get ready for classes to begin.

Talk to an admission counselor: 888.327.SNHU  | [email protected]


SNHU is accredited by the regional accreditor the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) , which means we meet certain standards of academic quality, and have the tools and resources necessary for students to be successful. The university also carries specialized accreditations for some programs.

New England Commission of Higher Education Logo

Tuition Cost & Savings College can be more affordable than you think

As a nonprofit university, SNHU offers some of the lowest online tuition rates in the country. And when you work with our Financial Services team, we'll explore ways to help you save even more on your education – and customize a payment plan that works for you.

Online graduate tuition

*before previously earned credits are applied

Tuition rates are subject to change and are reviewed annually.

**Note: Students receiving this rate are not eligible for additional discounts.

Additional costs: Course materials vary by course.

Transfer credits and lower your cost by:

If 3 of your prior learning credits ($637/credit) are accepted toward your master’s degree.

Your remaining tuition cost: $17,199

If 6 of your prior learning credits ($637/credit) are accepted toward your master’s degree.

Your remaining tuition cost: $15,288

If 9 of your prior learning credits ($637/credit) are accepted toward your master’s degree.

Your remaining tuition cost: $13,377

If 12 of your prior learning credits ($637/credit) are accepted toward your master’s degree.

Your remaining tuition cost: $11,466

How we estimate your tuition cost:

We look at the cost per credit multiplied by the number of credits you need to earn for a master's degree. Most master's degrees require 36 credits. SNHU allows you to transfer in up to 12 credits, requiring a minimum of 24 credits to be taken at SNHU. This is only a tuition estimator and doesn't account for other fees that may be associated with your program of choice.

Ways to save on online tuition

Transfer credits toward your master's degree program at SNHU. If you’ve taken one course or many, we’ll evaluate them for you.

Fill out the FAFSA to see if you’re eligible for grants or work-study. (You could also be offered loans, though you’ll have to pay those back later.)

Earn credits in leadership, technology and more – while taking advantage of an online graduate tuition discount for active-duty service members and spouses.

Getting free money for college – from SNHU or an outside organization – could help you save hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Bring in credits from popular options like CLEP, Sophia Learning, Google and other common credit for prior learning (CPL) experiences.

Receive an online tuition discount if your organization has partnered with SNHU for educational benefits. And consider asking your employer about tuition reimbursement.

Career Outlook What can I do with a creative writing master's?

Whether it's telling your story or someone else's, your online master's in creative writing can equip you with detailed knowledge about the worlds of publishing, communications, copywriting and the role of the professional writer.

Graduates of the online master's in English and creative writing program will find that, according to the BLS 1 , there is opportunity for employment in a variety of fields, including:

Write creatively in a variety of genres for publication. Freelance for websites, blogs, newspapers or social media.

Research and write articles for print and online news sources. Use effective communication to increase audience understanding of material.

Proofread writing for spelling, grammar and formatting errors. Edit content to enhance flow and clarity.

Create how-to guides, operating instructions and FAQ pages for users of specific products. Translate complex information into digestible content.

Develop clear, catchy advertising copy that works to promote a product or service.

Write rhetorically sound speeches for organizational leaders, politicians and others who appear in front of an audience.

online masters in creative writing programs

Median annual wages for writers and authors, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – higher than the median annual wages for all occupations. 1

Understanding the numbers When reviewing job growth and salary information, it’s important to remember that actual numbers can vary due to many different factors—like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions. Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth.

Joshua Yarbrough, who earned his degree from SNHU in 2021.

Great and imaginative storytelling is always needed, and by having the fiction concentration, it's opened doors and avenues in a wide range of projects.

Joshua Yarbrough '21G

Alec Biron, who earned degrees from SNHU in 2017 and 2021.

The skills that I learned in nonfiction writing have helped me to build a career in freelance journalism and content writing.

Alec Biron '17 '21G

NaBeela Washington, who earned her degree from SNHU in 2021.

I chose a poetry concentration because I am a poet at heart. I wanted to make sure that my studies preserved time to truly focus on poetry and developing my manuscript and network and connection to other authors.

NaBeela Washington '21G

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s rarely too late to learn something new. One of the best things about online education is the flexibility to learn something that has always interested you at your own pace. All you need to become a writer is a little imagination, a lot of hard work and the commitment to get started.

One of the biggest requirements to becoming a writer is the ability to accept and apply critical feedback, no matter your age. With Southern New Hampshire University's master's in creative writing degree, you’ll learn about story and craft, the English language and literary theory. Each of these elements can help create the foundation from which you can develop your own writing style.

Remember, international bestseller John Grisham practiced law for nearly a decade before he sold his first novel. J.K. Rowling was in her 30s before she sold the first Harry Potter book. If you become a professional writer as a second or third career (or just later in life), you'll be in good company.

Any writer will tell you that a successful career is the result of hard work, learning the craft and more hard work. While earning a master’s in creative writing is not a requirement to become a working writer, the skills you'll learn in this degree program are invaluable.

A formal writing education – whether it be an undergraduate creative writing degree  or an advanced degree like a master's in creative writing – can help you learn how to give and receive critical feedback. It can also help you learn to write in different styles and genres. Perhaps more importantly, you can receive practical advice from faculty about how to work as a writer.

It’s important to keep in mind that being a working writer isn’t just about being a novelist. A career in writing can lead you to become a marketing copywriter, a screenwriter or a technical writer. You may become a development writer and use your writing skills to raise money for nonprofit causes. Perhaps you'll teach the craft of writing to others.

Because strong writing skills are necessary for most professions, an advanced writing degree can help you succeed in just about any career field you choose. And an online advanced writing degree like SNHU's master's in creative writing can help provide the flexibility to make it possible.

"I think SNHU's MA in English & Creative Writing program is perfect for anyone who works full time or has other obligations that restrict them from (face-to-face) instruction," said Joshua Yarbrough '21 . "As the world changes in how we educate and learn due to the pandemic, programs such as SNHU’s will become more important in opening educational doorways to students from all walks of life."

Writing just may be one of the most versatile career fields around. With a master’s in creative writing, you can sharpen your skills and abilities and eventually pursue careers in the copywriting, editing or publishing industries. Perhaps you’ll write policy or fundraising pieces for government organizations and nonprofits, or pick up an adjunct position at a local community college. And, during a time when working from home is on the rise, many people decide to act as freelance writers and create content for websites and blogs.

Some great examples of careers for writers and authors are:

  • Content writing: Content writers create long- and short-form articles for a variety of print and digital media. They often work as freelancers or as part of a marketing team.
  • Copywriting: Similar to content writing, copywriting is geared more toward advertising and marketing. Copywriters use words to help sell products or ideas for brands and advertising agencies.
  • Speechwriting: People in the public eye need someone to write their speeches. It takes someone skilled in written communication to craft words that will have the greatest effect.
  • Technical writing: As the name implies, this style of writing focuses on technical materials, such as white papers, manuals and supporting documents. Technical writers share complex ideas in an accessible way.
  • Editing: A master’s in creative writing gives you the skills needed to be a wordsmith in every way. This includes helping others strengthen and revise their writing while checking for grammatical and spelling errors.

Like with any degree, only you can decide if a master's in creative writing is the right path for you. Having strong writing skills can set you apart in just about any career field. There are endless opportunities to work professionally as a writer in business, government or in creative fields. Marketing and advertising, for example, are fields where strong writing skills and a creative mind are highly valued.

Jobs for writers and authors are expected to increase 4% (about as fast as average for all occupations) through 2032, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1 Writing as a career field is both diverse and competitive. Having a master's in creative writing has the potential to give you an edge over the competition. 1

If you're leaning toward a career in media, marketing, public relations, business or copywriting, a master’s in creative writing is probably the way to go. You can learn about literature, literary theory and literary analysis while working on your own creative process. A master’s in creative writing may be faster to complete than an MFA, with fewer credits required.

An MFA program is more focused on the single goal of helping students pursue creative writing as a profession. Thus, an MFA degree is best for people who want a career as a writer or as a writing teacher. MFA programs typically point you toward creative work in fiction or nonfiction and involve more intensive work on completing a finished novel or manuscript.

You can earn either degree online with Southern New Hampshire University. Our MA in English & Creative Writing allows for a number of course options, so you can customize your pathway. We also have one of the only fully online MFA  programs in the country, as well as a low-residency MFA .

The MA in Creative Writing degree at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) can be completed in as few as 15 months, or you can take as long as you need. The courses are fully online, so you can learn at a pace that's right for you. All students can take courses in studying the craft of writing, story and concept. The program also provides instruction in the English language and literary theory. And with a choice of 4 genre concentrations or the opportunity to study multiple genres, you can enjoy customizing the coursework as well.

With our fully online programs, SNHU offers 24/7 access, academic advisors available to assist you around the clock and the flexibility to learn at your own pace.

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Graphic treatment of a creative writer sitting at a laptop working with letters coming out of the laptop and a lightbulb behind them.

Sources & Citations (1)

1 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, on the internet, at:

  • (viewed July 8, 2024)
  • (viewed July 8, 2024)
  • (viewed July 8, 2024)

Cited projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth.

The 20 Best Online Master’s in Creative Writing

online masters in creative writing programs

Krystle Dodge

Managing Editor

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As any writer will know, the craft of the scribe is one that requires a lifetime of honing skills and directing efforts at self-improvement. Few writers in the history of our species were granted such raw talent as to require no tutelage or training. So statistically speaking, chances are that you or I will need to work at the craft to become a top tier writer. 

Thankfully in 2021 there are more options than ever before to hone the writer’s craft–no matter the level of your skill. Online writer’s bootcamps, fully digital undergraduate, graduate, and even doctorate programs empower writers from all walks of life to pick up the pen professionally. But even as an indulgence of hobby or passion, the quality and variety of creative writing programs available is sure to meet the needs of your desires. 

Particularly for writers interested in graduate-level education, a staggering number of the country’s best programs have moved program offerings online. Whether in response to the unique demands and challenges of the world pandemic, or as a demonstrative embrace of the digital age, more top-tier creative writing programs have online options than ever before. 

Thankfully, our researchers provide the assist when it comes to sorting through all your available options–they have done the legwork and compiled 20 of the most promising options available. The below programs all offer fully-online graduate creative writing degrees that have been ranked according to metrics we believe will be most meaningful to prospective students–that is, overall prestige of the institution, graduating rate, tuition cost, specialization options, as well as aggregate scores from parallel education rankings. 

1 Harvard University

online masters in creative writing programs

Harvard University is one of those schools whose name carries the weight of tremendous achievement just by the merit of having earned a degree there. Harvard University is one of the most formidable entities in higher education in the world–it’s faculty and students represent the best of the best, and are often positioned at the forefront of their fields, conducting paradigm shifting research and establishing benchmarks for the rest of the higher education industry.

Harvard University’s Extension Program offers a number of creative writing programs at the undergraduate and graduate level. And surprisingly, the cost of Harvard’s online programs are extremely reasonable after factoring in financial aid, which makes this the premier option on this ranking–given the prestige and professional clout conferred by a degree from Harvard.

Any student holding a four year bachelor’s degree is welcome to apply. It should be noted that the curriculum does avoid–to some extent–discussions surrounding poetry and any thesis work concerning it, as it is not a primary focus of the program.

Net Price : $16,000

Learn more about Harvard’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing degrees here

2 National University

online masters in creative writing programs

National University was founded on the idea of providing career-centric programs to students interested in quality, efficient, affordable professional advancement amidst full-time employment. As such, National University has become a leader in online education, whose specialty is servicing adult and distance learners who wish to progress through top notch degree programs without sacrificing a healthy work-life balance. 

National University’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing can be completed entirely online, and at a pace that best accommodates the busy lives of individual students. Moreover, National University was the first program of its kind in the nation–so students can enjoy the confidence that National University is a successful innovator in this area. 

Students of the program will learn from published authors and acclaimed authors who have demonstrated continued professional success. Instructors look to pass on their skills and knowledge to help aspiring writers actualize their goals and professional aspirations–whatever they might be. 

Net Price : $18,319

Learn more about National University’s top online Masters of Creative Writing degrees here.

3 University of Houston – Victoria

online masters in creative writing programs

The University of Houston at Victoria is a well-respected branch of the University of Houston system. UH Victoria specializes in offering students a selection of degree programs designed to offer both flexibility and affordability. The University’s earned accolades demonstrates the success of this chosen specialization. 

UH Victoria offers a fully online Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing, which is designed around a student-centric ideal. Students of the program will note that the program’s systems have been designed with convenience in mind–so that students can complete the program without the burden of unwanted stress. 

Students of the program will be able to progress through coursework on a schedule that best matches individual circumstances and goals, which is probably ideal for creatives who are notoriously poor micromanagers of schedules and time.

Net Price : $10,000

Learn more about University of Houston’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

4 University of Denver

online masters in creative writing programs

The University of Denver is a prime example of a school that has devoted its resources to meeting the diverse array of needs of students in vastly different life-circumstances. On the one hand, the University of Denver displays the large network and resources of a state institution, but on the other hand it demonstrates the level of personalized care and attention you might expect from a small liberal arts college. 

This is particularly true for the University of Denver’s professional creative writing program. Students can choose from a variety of program format options in order to choose the one that best matches their intent and goals. For example, students can choose from any of three following program paths: 

  • 4 course certificate that can be completed in as little as 6 months ($11,680 before aid)
  • 6 course certificate that can be completed in as little as 12 months ($17,520 before aid)
  • Master’s degree track that can be completed in as little as 18 months 

Net Price : $10,319

Learn more about University of Denver’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

5 Bay Path University

online masters in creative writing programs

Bay Path University is an upcoming independent, not-for-profit university that is a formidable member of the feminist community, and is an active member in the Women’s College Coalition. The University prides itself on being able to provide women with the necessary skill set needed to succeed in a challenging world. 

This is particularly true for the Master of Fine Arts in Nonfiction Creative Writing that can be completed entirely online. The program’s focus on nonfiction writing allows instructors to narrow their focus to only the most meaningful information, as the nonfiction and fiction industries play by totally different rules. 

To this end, the program’s instructors are all at the top of their game as memoirists, food and travel writers, journalists, editors, and publishers with years of real world experience. Graduates of the program will be armed with a repertoire of skills and tools to succeed in bringing their written work to the masses. 

Net Price : $20,000

Learn more about Bay Path University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

6 Mount Saint Mary’s University

online masters in creative writing programs

Mount Saint Mary’s University has been offering graduate degrees since the 1930’s and have carried forth the rich history into meaningful modern policies and practices. MSMU’s degree programs are designed to propel men and women into the next phase of their careers and goals. As such, programs are designed to cultivate a sense of leadership and service to society in students. 

MSMU offers a fully online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing that is designed to support writers with a variety of interests and professional aspirations. A distinguishing component of this program is that it supports study in a variety of genres and writing-formats under the belief that writers can succeed in multiple genres–something on which not all MFA creative writing programs will agree.

Students will progress through the program’s following coursework in order:

  • Fiction 
  • Writing for Screen and Television
  • Creative Nonfiction Writing
  • Advanced Screenwriting
  • Playwriting I 
  • Fiction Writing II
  • Poetry Writing II
  • Screenwriting II
  • Creative Nonfiction Writing II
  • Playwriting
  • Publishing Seminar
  • Thesis Continuation

Net Price : $28,000

Learn more about Saint Mary’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

7 Oregon State University Cascades

online masters in creative writing programs

Oregon State University Cascades is a school that invests in each of its students by fostering the unique strengths of the individual while teaching students how to compensate for weaknesses. This is particularly valuable for aspiring writers whose entire craft is based off of cultivating the unique strengths that make up their writing talent.

Oregon State University Cascades offers a fully online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. A distinguishing element of this program is commitment of program faculty to cultivating the unique development of each student. In the program description, it states that students will be developed professionals across all the complex vectors that make up an individual–including the social, aesthetic, spiritual, physical, and political.

Students will be asked to commit to a genre, but will be free to study cross-genre and to engage a cross-genre thesis. Coursework and thesis options can be organized in the following categories: 

  • Creative Nonfiction

Learn more about Oregon State University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here

8 University of Texas El Paso

online masters in creative writing programs

The University of Texas El Paso offers a robust catalogue of online degree programs that are designed with convenience and flexibility in mind. Even graduate programs can be completed online from anywhere in the world. The University of Texas El Paso designs its graduate programs to reflect market needs, so that graduates of these programs can capitalize on the needs of the job market. 

The University of Texas El Paso offers a fully online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. The degree’s program format can be broken up into the following components: 

  • 48 hours of coursework
  • 42 hours of workshops 
  • 14 hours of literature classes 
  • 6 hours of thesis

Students progress through coursework in a variety of topics that is meant to adequately represent the depth and complexity of literature and its vast array of subjects. As such, coursework covers radically different topics from “Form of the Short Story” to topics in “Asian American Poetry.”

Net Price : $9,000

Learn more about University of Texas El Paso top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

9 Bennington College

online masters in creative writing programs

Bennington College is a private, not-for-profit, nonsectarian college that is fully accredited by the appropriate governing bodies, specifically the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE). Bennington distinguishes itself through a demonstrable commitment to building a strong understanding of theory combined with practical skills and execution. 

Bennington College is a prestigious school known specifically for producing skilled and successful professional writers and novelists, and offers a fully online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing in a rigorous two-year exploration of the writing craft. Students can direct their studies in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, and may work in a dual-genre as well. 

It should be noted that this program does have low-residential requirements, so some campus visits will be required to maximize the value of the program. 

Net Price : $29,000

Learn more about Bennington College top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

10 Fairfield University

online masters in creative writing programs

When evaluating potential degree programs, prospective students often look to recent graduates to demonstrate what the program has to offer. In the case of Fairfield University, alumni go to demonstrate a high level of professional success, particularly in the writing industry. In the past three years alone, graduates of Fairfield’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing have published over 80 books–not to mention hundreds of articles, stories, poems, and essays. 

Fairfield University’s low-residential Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative program offers a number of degree paths that will cater to a variety of unique career aspirations. The program’s studies can be organized into the following areas: fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and screenwriting. 

Within these genres, students can further fine tune specialization by pursuing one of the following concentration tracks–some of which are not found in many, if any, other programs: 

  • Publishing/Editing
  • Spiritual Writing
  • Literary Health
  • Healing 

Net Price : $40,000

Learn more about Fairfield University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

11 Emerson College

online masters in creative writing programs

Emerson College offers hospitable degree programs for students at every level of skill and professionality with many of its online graduate programs forgoing GRE requirements. Among these is a Master of Fine Arts in Popular Fiction Writing and Publishing. The program is ideal for aspiring novelists who want an education that informs a strong understanding of publishing dynamics. 

One of the biggest roadblocks for new writers is bringing their work to the masses. Self-publishing was a boon in many ways but it has also led to a highly congested market, meaning traditional publishing can be superior in many situations. This program is designed specifically to help students understand how to take advantage of the current market’s environment to maximize one’s chances for success. 

This is one of the few programs that builds in publishing to the program itself. If students are working on a piece of work, they will be paired with an advisor who will assist in lining up a publishing process. In this case, the high tuition could pay for itself if students have a promising piece of work to build off of. 

Net Price : $44,000

Learn more about Emerson College’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

12 University of Nebraska at Omaha

online masters in creative writing programs

University of Nebraska at Omaha combines a number of flexible degree programs to accommodate students from different backgrounds and circumstances. As such programs are delivered in residential, online, and low-residential formats. Low-residential means that programs are completed online for the most part, but will require some on-campus components. 

The University of Nebraska at Omaha offers a Master of Fine Arts in Writing with low-residential requirements. The majority of courses are completed through 4 semesters of 16 weeks that are completed online at-home, combined with 5 ten-day conference-style residencies. 

Students of the program will be able to build speciality in poetry, playwriting, screenwriting, fiction, creative nonfiction, or young adult genres. 

Net Price : $14,000

Learn more about University of Nebraska’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

13 Lindenwood University

online masters in creative writing programs

Lindenwood University has earned many accolades over the years, most notably grouped into recognition of its affordability and flexibility. Programs can be completed online, on-campus, or through a combination of formats designed to offer the most flexibility for students who might be working full-time or have equally demanding commitments. 

Lindenwood University offers a Master of Fine Arts in Writing program that can be completed entirely online, on-campus, or in a hybrid format. Classes are led by instructors who are published authors, journalists, and editors with demonstrable real-world success. 

Countless ranking institutions have recognized this program as one of the best of its kind. And given its reasonable tuition costs, this program is an ideal consideration for any aspiring writer looking for graduate education. 

Net Price : $18,000

Learn more about Lindenwood University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

14 Queens College of Charlotte

online masters in creative writing programs

The Queens College of Charlotte College of Arts and Sciences offers top-tier programs helmed by award-winning faculty who have demonstrated success in the real world, and bring their unique experiences to the classroom for the benefit of students. The College’s curriculums are designed to offer research opportunities, innovative coursework, and mentorship. 

The Queens College of Charlotte College of Arts and Sciences offers an online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program that has some low-residency requirements. The program offers an amazing selling point of a 4:1 student:faculty ratio, so that students can receive the level of attention and care befitting a true mentorship program.

This level of care is exceedingly rare in higher education unfortunately, so this factor alone makes it a tremendous option for aspiring writers who want a little more investment on the part of program faculty and instructors. 

Net Price : $21,000

Learn more about Queen College’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

15 Eastern Kentucky University

online masters in creative writing programs

Eastern Kentucky University offers a unique approach to tutelage of aspiring writers. Beyond a host of traditional writing degree programs, the University hosts a graduate level program through the Bluegrass Writers Studio™ that seeks to develop innovative solutions to historical shortcomings of similar programs. 

Students pursuing a program through the studio will participate in a variety of group web-classroom discussions, community engagement projects, residency workshops, and even international cultural experiences. Faculty at the studio take an active role in facilitating the success of students, and will help aspiring writers make the necessary connections to actualize their dreams and professional desires. 

Learn more about Eastern Kentucky University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

16 Drexel University

online masters in creative writing programs

Drexel University is a premier player in the online education space, and was among the first universities to build a university entirely based on the distance education model. As such, Drexel has one of the most robust catalogues of online degree offerings at every level–associate’s, bachelor’s, and graduate degrees. Among these are several english and writing degree programs to consider. 

Specifically, Drexel offers a fully online Master’s of Creative Writing that is completed through four 10-week quarters per year, which means students take more courses in a shorter time period than similar programs. Students work closely with peers and faculty, many of whom are esteemed authors, established film industry screenwriters,  and successful writers. 

Net Price : $34,000

Learn more about Drexel University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

17 Lesley University

online masters in creative writing programs

Lesley University brandishes a unique commitment to developing the humanitarian component in students. The University’s programs are most notably located at the intersection of education, counseling, and the visual arts–with particular attention allocated to those in the fine arts, particularly those in english and creative writing. 

Lesley University offers a mostly online Master of Fine Arts with some low-residential requirements in the form of on-campus workshops and conference-style residencies. Students of the program will learn from top-tier instructors who are award-winning writers themselves. 

Students at the program will work closely with highly invested faculty, who will function as mentors in the cultivation of students. 

Net Price : $32,000

Learn more about Lesley University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

18 Fairleigh Dickinson University

online masters in creative writing programs

Fairleigh Dickinson University has demonstrated continued success in producing top-tier writers who go on to achieve the goals that many of us dream of. Despite the relatively small size of the program and resulting alumni groups, over the past five years alone graduates have produced 28 book-lengths of award-winning fiction. Graduates of Fairleigh Dickinson University’s have landed the following awards and accolades for their works: 

  • New York Times Bestseller
  • African American Book Prize
  • Colorado Book Prize for Biography

Fairleigh Dickinson University offers a low-residency Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing which can be completed mostly online. Students will want to evaluate the residential components because they do have some unique values. 

The close proximity of the school to New York City which is the publishing heart of the world means that students will be plugged into the ideal environment for professional networking. 

Net Price : $22,000

Learn more about Fairleigh Dickinson University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

19 Savannah College of Art and Design

online masters in creative writing programs

SCAD is a school that is a well-known and respected name in any field relating to arts and design, as chances are there is an influential SCAD graduate in that field. This is likely due to the fact that SCAD has chosen its niche and speciality, and continually invests in delivering the best education programs in this capacity. SCAD is an ideal candidate for consideration for aspiring writers who want a career-centric program with industry-awareness outside the bounds of traditional writing programs. 

SCAD offers an online Master of Fine Arts in Writing that covers an array of subject matter in the arts. This unique approach is positioned in such a way so that students learn to view writing as an artform, and as such will delve into topics surrounding the history and nuance surrounding all the various elements of a career as a professional artist. 

For example, students will delve into coursework organized into the following curriculum:

  • Contemporary Art
  • Art Criticism
  • Writing for Digital Communication
  • Nonfiction I: Analysis of Creative Nonfiction
  • Nonfiction II: Mastery of Style, Voice, and Subject
  • Persuasive Writing
  • History of Rhetoric
  • Professional Writing for Business Applications
  • Freelance Writing for Publication
  • The Publishing Process
  • Public/Media Relations Writing and Strategy
  • Graduate Internship
  • Writing M.F.A. Thesis

Net Price : $42,000

Learn more about Savannah College of Art and Design’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

20 Southern New Hampshire University

online masters in creative writing programs

Southern New Hampshire University is a premier institution in the online education space, and brandishes one of the largest online student bodies in the world. SNHU is a private, non-profit university that holds more than 130,000 online students currently. As such, SNHU was named one of the most innovative universities in the country in 2020. 

Among its other degree program offerings in english and writing are a fully online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. No application fees or GRE scores are required for admission. The program is 100% online without any residential requirements and is completed through a total 48 course credits.

Throughout the program students will learn how to excel in the following areas of professional writing:

  • Business and technical aspects of professional writing 
  • Navigation of the publishing ecosystem
  • Brand development
  • Marketing work to decision makers
  • Book promotion
  • Identify agents, editors or other industry professionals for publishing
  • Teaching writing

Learn more about New Hampshire University’s top online Master’s in Creative Writing here.

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  • Best Online Creative Writing Degree Programs

Best Online Creative Writing Degree Programs Of 2024

Mariah St. John

Updated: May 16, 2024, 10:45am

Joan Didion once wrote, “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.” Her sentiment captures the power of storytelling and the fundamental role it plays in the human experience. Language, writing and literature shape our world and our experiences in remarkable ways. These forces converge within the field of creative writing, allowing us to push the boundaries of language and structure, explore new perspectives and stretch our imaginations to create worlds of our own.

Beyond storytelling, creative writing offers a breadth of tools and skills transferable to many fields and industries, including healthcare, technology, business and education. Pursuing a degree in creative writing online can help you sharpen your written and verbal communication skills, develop robust research practices and enhance your critical thinking abilities.

In this article, we explore all 10 schools with online degrees in creative writing that met our ranking criteria. We highlight each program’s standout features and key considerations to help you narrow down your search.

Why You Can Trust Forbes Advisor Education

Forbes Advisor’s education editors are committed to producing unbiased rankings and informative articles covering online colleges, tech bootcamps and career paths. Our ranking methodologies use data from the National Center for Education Statistics , education providers, and reputable educational and professional organizations. An advisory board of educators and other subject matter experts reviews and verifies our content to bring you trustworthy, up-to-date information. Advertisers do not influence our rankings or editorial content.

  • 6,290 accredited, nonprofit colleges and universities analyzed nationwide
  • 52 reputable tech bootcamp providers evaluated for our rankings
  • All content is fact-checked and updated on an annual basis
  • Rankings undergo five rounds of fact-checking
  • Only 7.12% of all colleges, universities and bootcamp providers we consider are awarded

Our Methodology

We ranked 10 accredited, nonprofit colleges offering online bachelor’s degree programs in creative writing in the U.S. using 17 data points in the categories of credibility, affordability, student outcomes, student experience and application process. We pulled data for these categories from reliable resources such as the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ; private, third-party data sources; and individual school and program websites. Data is accurate as of February 2024.

We scored schools based on the following metrics:

Student Outcomes:

  • Graduation rate within eight years of normal time
  • Median earnings 10 years after graduation
  • Pell Grant recipient graduation rate within eight years of normal time
  • Retention rate
  • Pell Grant graduation rate vs. overall graduation rate


  • Average in-state undergraduate tuition and fees
  • Median federal student loan debt
  • Student loan default rate
  • Percentage of students who take out loans

Student Experience:

  • Student-to-faculty ratio
  • Socioeconomic diversity
  • Program’s coursework (excluding student orientations, field experiences and labs) is available 100% online
  • Portion of undergraduate students enrolled in at least some distance learning courses


  • Fully accredited
  • Nonprofit status

Application Process:

  • Acceptance rate
  • Uses Common App

We listed all 10 schools in the U.S. that met our ranking criteria.

Find our full list of methodologies here .

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Best Online Creative Writing Degree Options

Should you enroll in an online degree program in creative writing, accreditation for degrees in creative writing online, how to find the right online degree in creative writing for you, frequently asked questions (faqs) about degrees in creative writing online, university of central florida, texas tech university, regent university, central washington university, university of iowa, colorado christian university, liberty university, southern new hampshire university, weber state university, savannah college of art and design.

University of Central Florida

Undergraduate Tuition

$179.19/credit (in-state)

Overall Student Retention Rate

Overall Graduation Rate

Based in Orlando, the University of Central Florida , offers a fully online Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing. Learners explore communication, rhetoric, literary structure and script writing through poetry, fiction and nonfiction texts.

The curriculum provides a theoretical and practical framework that encourages students to construct sound arguments, develop original creative content across genres and enhance their critical thinking abilities. This program covers topics such as communication, rhetoric and literary structure.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn on Your Schedule
  • School Type: Public
  • Application Fee: $30
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 120 credits
  • Program Enrollment Options: Part time (mandatory for first-time students in their first semester), full time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Fiction writing workshop, history of prose style, advanced poetry writing workshop
  • Concentrations Available: N/A
  • In-Person Requirements: No

Texas Tech University

$284/credit (in-state)

At Texas Tech University , based in Lubbock, learners can pursue an online B.A. in English with a concentration in creative writing. The comprehensive curriculum provides a strong foundation in creative writing and rhetoric while delving into a rich array of global, American and British literature.

Through the diverse elective selection, learners can explore genres like drama, film, linguistics, science fiction and fantasy. Students seeking hands-on experience can opt to complete an internship in literature, creative writing and linguistics. This program is designed for aspiring writers, students planning to attend graduate school and those interested in teaching college-level writing or literature.

  • Our Flexibility Rating: Learn Around Your 9-to-5
  • Application Fee: $75
  • Program Enrollment Options: Part time, full time
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Essentials of college rhetoric, language and community, studies in literary topics
  • In-Person Requirements: Optional internship

Regent University

$450/credit (part time), $395/credit (full time)

Regent University , a private Christian institution in Virginia Beach, Virginia, offers an online B.A. in English with a focus in writing. The curriculum emphasizes the development of creative, professional and technical writing abilities. During the program, students gain a foundational overview of U.S., British and world literature, while honing fundamental writing skills across disciplines, including business, media and web writing.

Students can tailor their studies to their interests with courses like writing for animation, creative nonfiction and feature writing, and writing for strategic communication.

  • School Type: Private
  • Application Fee: N/A
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Business and professional writing, narrative concept and development, personal and professional editing

$222/credit (in state)

You can pursue an online professional and creative writing major at Central Washington University (CWU), based in Ellensburg, Washington. This comprehensive program takes a practical and collaborative approach to writing, literary analysis and critical thinking. You’ll explore writing techniques and technologies in the workplace and develop skills for creative, technical, professional and business writing, editing and publishing.

You’ll participate in writing workshops with your peers, providing and receiving feedback to develop your craft. Customize your degree with career-focused electives like freelance writing, screenwriting fundamentals and accessible information design. This program requires students to complete at least two practicum credits.

  • Application Fee: $60
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 180 quarter credits
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Writing and editing for publication, visual rhetoric and document design, multi-genre writing workshop

University of Iowa

$376/credit (in-state)

The University of Iowa , based in Iowa City, offers an online Bachelor of Applied Studies with a focus in creative writing. This program is designed for community college grads who want to complete a four-year program. Applicants can transfer 60 college credits from their associate degree. First-year students are not eligible to enroll in this program.

The creative writing track requires learners to complete 18 credits, including three core courses and three electives. Students explore the many facets of written communication, including writing strategies, novel writing and the art of revision. The curriculum covers creative writing across genres, including fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, poetry and professional writing.

  • Application Fee: $55
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Professional and creative business communications, the art of revision: writing for clarity, the sentence: strategies for writing

Colorado Christian University


Colorado Christian University (CCU), located in Lakewood, offers a 100% online B.A. in creative writing. Through a Christian framework, learners hone their written and verbal communication skills, research practices and critical thinking abilities.

Students delve into the structure and function of publishing entities and their audiences. They also develop the tools to navigate opportunities and challenges in creating, publishing and marketing their work.

You can accelerate your timeline by transferring up to 90 credits toward your bachelor’s degree. CCU also offers credits for life experience.

  • Application Fee: Free
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Introduction to self-publishing, author and book marketing, advanced creative writing

Liberty University

$390/credit (full time)

Liberty University , a private evangelical Christian college in Lynchburg, Virginia, offers a fully online Bachelor of Science in creative writing. Throughout the program, students learn creative writing practices and principles across multiple genres, including memoir, poetry, film and theater. In addition to developing fundamental writing skills, learners study research practices, editing for publishing, and print and digital publishing.

This program offers specializations in English, journalism and Christian literature, allowing students to pursue a degree that matches their career goals.

  • Application Fee: $50
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Writing for theater and film, editing for publishing, writing for cultural engagement
  • Concentrations Available: Journalism, English, Christian literature

Southern New Hampshire University


Southern New Hampshire University , in Manchester, New Hampshire, offers an online B.A. in creative writing and English. This program helps learners develop their writing and storytelling talents through. It features an overview of genre-specific conventions and techniques, approaches to literary analysis and literary form, style and structure. Writers present their work and collaborate with their peers in advanced workshops.

When enrolling in this program, you have the option to choose the general track or select a concentration in fiction, nonfiction, poetry or screenwriting.

  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Writing with digital media, critical approaches to literature, popular and contemporary fiction
  • Concentrations Available: Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, screenwriting

Weber State University

$2735.38/term (full time, in state)

Weber State University , based in Ogden, Utah, offers an online B.A. in English with an emphasis in creative writing. This program is designed to help students hone their craft in writing original fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Learners collaborate with their peers in workshops and receive one-on-one mentorship from faculty.

The curriculum overviews American, British, global and contemporary literature, writing forms, and editing and publishing. Students can choose from a variety of courses to customize their coursework to their interests, and the program requires a minor.

  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Contemporary literature for creative writers, professional and technical writing, notebooks and journals forms and crafts
  • In-Person Requirements: Yes, meet with a faculty advisor twice annually for course and program advisement

Savannah College of Art and Design


Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), based in Savannah, Georgia, offers an online Bachelor of Fine Arts in dramatic writing. This program focuses on storytelling for visual and performance-based media.

Students explore the conventions of storytelling for various mediums, including the screen, stage and digital platforms. The workload includes crafting screenplays, scripts and other forms of dramatic writing, honing essential skills for careers in television, theater, film and digital media.

  • Application Fee: $100
  • Degree Credit Requirements: 180 credits
  • Example Major-Specific Courses: Visual culture in context: making modernities, improvisation for writers, digital film production: story to screen

Pursuing a creative writing degree online can be a convenient option for learners seeking more flexibility to meet the needs of their busy schedules or learning preferences. With the freedom to study from anywhere, online learning allows students to access programs they otherwise wouldn’t be able to, allowing them to personalize their education to align with their academic and professional interests.

Still, while online learning offers flexibility in some areas, it also presents unique challenges. Distance learning doesn’t provide the same structured learning environment as in-person instruction; therefore, learners must have strong time management abilities to stay on top of their studies.

Institutional accreditation should be at the forefront of your research as you consider prospective online creative writing degrees. Institutional accreditation is a rigorous evaluation process that colleges and universities undertake to ensure they meet established standards. Accrediting bodies assess a school’s program offerings, faculty, support services and student outcomes.

Enrolling in an accredited institution ensures that your degree is recognized by employers, other higher education institutions and credentialing bodies. Plus, you must be enrolled in an accredited school to qualify for federal student aid. To verify a school’s accreditation status, search the Database of Postsecondary Institutions and Programs, managed by the U.S. Department of Education.

Consider Your Future Goals

Before enrolling in an online creative writing degree program, consider your academic and professional goals carefully. Each program has its own scope and focus, which can set you up for different writing careers . Some programs offer a broad curriculum, while others specialize in specific genres like poetry, screenwriting, fiction or nonfiction. You might also consider faculty expertise if you’re interested in being taught by someone with experience in a specific area.

Whether you’re planning to enter the workforce immediately or earn a master’s in creative writing , building a solid portfolio of work is crucial. You might prioritize programs that offer publication or professional development opportunities through internships or practicums.

Understand Your Expenses and Financing Options

The cost of earning an online creative writing degree can vary significantly by school. The semester-based schools on our list range from $180 to $494 per credit. Over a 120-credit degree, this translates to $21,600 to $59,280.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics , the average undergraduate tuition in the 2022–23 academic year cost $9,750 for public schools and $38,421 for private nonprofit colleges. In comparison, our programs cost between $5,400 and $41,130 per year.

Many financing options are available for distance learners, including scholarships, grants and loans. Submitting the FAFSA® can help you determine your eligibility for federal financial aid.

Can you get a creative writing degree online?

Yes, it’s possible to earn a creative writing degree online. Every creative writing degree featured in this article can be earned online.

Are creative writing degrees worth it?

A creative writing degree can be worth it, depending on your interests and career goals. Creative writing degrees can be versatile and equip you with in-demand transferable skills across multiple industries, including business, technology, healthcare and education.

Is creative writing a hard degree?

Earning a creative writing degree can be challenging. Producing original work, completing assigned readings and participating in collaborative workshops can create a demanding workload.

Mariah St. John

Mariah is a Berlin-based writer with six years of experience in writing, localizing and SEO-optimizing short- and long-form content across multiple niches, including higher education, digital marketing and travel. Her writing expertise extends to brand strategies and driving small business growth through targeted content. In the last three years, she's primarily produced education-focused content, writing on topics like degree programs, trade schools and career pathways.

Best Master’s in Creative Writing (MFA) Online

TBS Staff Writers

Are you ready to discover your college program?

Best Master’s in Creative Writing Online

Master’s in creative writing programs are ideal for students who love writing and aspire to make a living through the craft.Creative writers build worlds, develop stories, and create characters that engage and entertain readers. Writers often choose genres and stories that relate to their own interests. For instance, a traveler may write creative nonfiction pieces about tourist locations, and writers who are interested in the American West often write western novels.

Creative writing graduates can also pursue careers in other fields. For example, they may write marketing advertisements, political speeches, or technical pieces for instructional manuals. Over half of writers and authors are self-employed.

These careers require editing, writing, and research skills. Editors must also have an understanding of genre fundamentals. To gain the necessary knowledge, students can earn a master’s in creative writing online.

The following guide provides information about the top online writing programs in the country and what you can do with a creative writing degree after graduation.

Featured MFA Programs

Best master’s in creative writing programs online, the university of texas at el paso.

  • Campus + Online
  • In-State $7,193
  • Out-of-state $22,556
  • Retention Rate 75%
  • Acceptance Rate 100%
  • Students Enrolled 25,177
  • Institution Type Public
  • Percent Online Enrollment 40%
  • Accreditation Yes

University of Nebraska at Omaha

  • In-State $6,224
  • Out-of-state $19,488
  • Retention Rate 74%
  • Acceptance Rate 83%
  • Students Enrolled 15,153
  • Percent Online Enrollment 53%

Saint Leo University

  • In-State $23,100
  • Out-of-state $23,100
  • Retention Rate 69%
  • Acceptance Rate 72%
  • Students Enrolled 10,912
  • Institution Type Private
  • Percent Online Enrollment 72%

Central Washington University

  • In-State $6,318
  • Out-of-state $21,999
  • Retention Rate 71%
  • Acceptance Rate 85%
  • Students Enrolled 11,658
  • Percent Online Enrollment 92%

What Is an Online Master’s in Creative Writing Degree?

A master’s in writing develops research, writing, and editing skills and explores story elements in different genres. For example, poetry learners study rhyme and meter, while children’s writers explore child psychology and common writing techniques. Required courses often cover character development, setting research, and publishing.

Creative writing programs often include literature courses in which learners analyze famous works for writing insights. Students also create new pieces and critique classmates’ work in writing workshops. These workshops hone writing, editing, and proofreading skills and increase students’ professional networks. Additional requirements may include a thesis, portfolio, or internship.

Admission requirements often include writing samples and personal statements. Ideal applicants have previous writing experience.

Choosing an Online Program

Prospective students should consider program quality and flexibility when choosing a master’s in writing. Learners may prefer departments with published authors as faculty, or they may prefer a program that offers the flexibility of asynchronous courses. They should also consider concentration options, completion times, and tuition costs.

The following guide provides more tips on finding the right program.

What Else Can I Expect From a Master’s in Creative Writing Program?

Online MFA in creative writing programs usually offer concentrations in poetry, fiction writing, and creative nonfiction. Most programs include workshops and lectures on writing concepts like character building and plot development. These programs also introduce learners to different genres and often require a thesis.

Below are three common courses in online writing programs.

Master’s in Creative Writing Curriculum

Literary genres for writers.

This course covers fiction and related subgenres, such as fantasy, romance, and historical fiction. Students explore the structures and general expectations of these genres. The course may also focus on a single type of writing, such as poetry, memoir, or nonfiction.

Character Development

This course trains students to create effective, believable characters. Coursework may prioritize character realism, consistency, and psychology within the story’s context. Students examine the necessary traits of major and minor characters and build a portfolio of several character outlines.

Writing a Short Story

Learners in this course study short stories and analyze elements of writing styles. Additional topics may include syntax and short story structures. Students create a short story and undergo peer review to receive feedback. Programs may offer similar classes focused on other forms of writing, like nonfiction, poetry, or television writing.

Association of Writers and Writing Programs

AWP provides an online tool that allows users to search for writing programs by location, genre, and degree. The association connects website visitors with writing contests, funding, job opportunities, and avenues to publication. Professionals can also attend the annual AWP book fair and conference or browse the online database to find other meetings.

The Authors Guild

The Authors Guild supports writers by offering panels, book launches, and book expos. Website visitors can browse contests in fiction, poetry, and translations, or they can seek out fellowships and workshops. Members receive legal assistance for book contracts, access to writing resources, and insurance against copyright disputes.

The Writer’s Center

The Writer’s Center offers writing workshops for specific age groups, including adults, teenagers, and children. Members can also attend book launches and an annual poetry reading. This organization offers editing and project advising and maintains a blog that covers industry topics like publication practices, genre word counts, beta readers, and author experiences.

Careers in Creative Writing

Earning a master’s in creative writing online prepares students to craft creative messages for books, articles, advertisements, speeches, scripts, and social media posts. Graduates can pursue any field that involves message creation and delivery.

The best candidates for writing careers are creative and have a strong grasp on writing structure and effective communication. Creative writers should also understand research methods, work well within deadlines, and be able to accept constructive criticism from editors. Below are a few creative writing jobs that graduates can pursue.

Writers and Authors

Writers and Authors research and write pieces for magazines, websites, publishing houses, and blogs, and may also create scripts for television, movies, or plays. They may write books for traditional or self-publishing in genres like fantasy, romance, mystery, and nonfiction.

Authors often polish their works based on editor critiques and may need to market their work as well. Companies usually expect writers to have a college degree and writing experience.

Median Annual Salary

Projected Growth Rate

make publication decisions for companies and help writers develop stories into polished products. These professionals may review small writing issues, like spelling and grammar, or larger issues, like structure, factual accuracy, continuity, and clarity.

Specific job titles include copy editor, publication assistant, and executive editor. Editors often work at newspaper and book publishing companies, or they work freelance.

Earning a master’s in creative writing online gives prospective editors an advantage when competing for jobs.

Public Relations Specialists

help organizations create and uphold a positive image for the public, affecting their relationship with customers and investors. These professionals create press releases, write speeches, and research consumer preferences through social media. Public relations specialists may also review advertisements and communicate with media outlets about publicity opportunities.

These professionals can find work at advertising, educational, business, and government organizations. They need a bachelor’s in a field like English, journalism, or communication. Employers may also require a portfolio and field experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete a master’s in creative writing program.

Most students can earn a master’s in writing in around two years.

What Can I Do With a Master’s in Creative Writing?

This degree prepares students for careers as authors, editors, reporters, and public relations specialists. Graduates can also teach creative writing at colleges.

Is a Master’s in Creative Writing Worth It?

Many writing careers do not require a master’s degree. However, online writing programs help students polish writing skills, which can improve their salary and career prospects.

Can I Teach English With a Creative Writing Degree?

Earning a master’s in writing online qualifies graduates to teach English courses at many colleges, as an MFA is often the minimum qualification for these roles. However, some schools require a doctorate for teaching positions.

What Is a Master’s in Creative Writing?

Online MFA in creative writing programs explore brainstorming, writing, and editing practices for different genres. These programs often culminate in a thesis or portfolio.

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University of New Orleans Logo

  • university of new orleans
  • creative writing online mfa

Creative Writing Online MFA

The Creative Writing Workshop Online MFA is our non-resident graduate program in fiction writing, nonfiction writing, and poetry writing, which culminates in the MFA degree. The Online MFA is taught by the same award-winning faculty of writers as the resident program. 

 Creative Writing Online MFA

About Creative Writing Online MFA

How it works.

UNO's innovative Online MFA program gives students from all over the world a chance to study with our award-winning faculty through online courses in spring and fall semesters. A highly ranked studio/research program, UNO's MFA degree trains students through writing workshops and literary studies. With 45 required hours, students can complete the degree by going full time for 5 semesters. Students also have the ability to go part time if work and or other obligations do not allow for full time study. As all Online MFA students pay "in state" tuition, and are not responsible for "non-resident" fees, UNO's program remains one the most flexible and affordable options for serious writers to earn the terminal degree in their field.

How It's Different

Unlike many Low Residency or distance learning MFA programs in which students are paired with a single faculty member for the duration of their studies, UNO's Online MFA is organized into standard semesters, providing students the benefit of exposure to a variety of professors in each genre over the course of their studies as well as continuous interaction with their classmates. Strong, often life-long writing relationships result from this approach, so that students leave the program with a writing community to support their growth after graduation.

  • Degree Requirements
  • Financial support
  • How to Apply
  • UNO Graduate School
  • Creative Writing Workshop (Resident) MFA
  • Creative Writing Books
  • Bayou Magazine

FALL COURSE REGISTRATION  is open through August 29. Explore courses today.

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Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Degree Program

Unlock your creative potential and hone your unique voice.

Online Courses

11 out of 12 total courses

On-Campus Experience

One 1- or 3-week residency in summer

$3,340 per course

Next Start Term: Fall 2024

Registration open through August 29

Program Overview

Through the master’s degree in creative writing and literature, you’ll hone your skills as a storyteller — crafting original scripts, novels, stories, and works of creative nonfiction.

In small, workshop-style classes, you’ll master key elements of narrative craft, including characterization, story and plot structure, point of view, dialogue, and description. Rigorous literature courses, many of them taught by Harvard College faculty members, will deepen your skills as a writer and scholar.

Program Benefits

Instructors who are established screenwriters, novelists, and nonfiction writers

A community of writers who support your growth in live online classes

Writer's residency with agent & editor networking opportunities

Personalized academic and career advising

Thesis or capstone options that lead to publishable creative work

Harvard Alumni Association membership upon graduation

Customizable Course Curriculum

As you work through the program’s courses, you’ll enhance your creative writing skills and knowledge of literary concepts and strategies.

You’ll hone your voice as a writer in courses like Writing the Novel and Advanced Memoir. You’ll explore the possibilities of the screen in courses such as Advanced Screenwriting and Comedy Sketch Writing.

Within the creative writing and literature program, you will choose between a thesis or capstone track. You’ll also experience the convenience of online learning and the immersive benefits of learning in person.

11 Online Courses

  • Primarily synchronous
  • Fall, spring, January, and summer options

Writers’ Residency

A 1- or 3-week summer master class taught by a notable instructor, followed by an agents-and-editors weekend

Thesis or Capstone Track

  • Thesis: features a 9-month independent creative project with a faculty advisor
  • Capstone: includes crafting a fiction or nonfiction manuscript in a classroom community

The path to your degree begins before you apply to the program.

First, you’ll register for and complete 2 required courses, earning at least a B in each. These foundational courses are investments in your studies and count toward your degree, helping ensure success in the program.

Enroll for your first admission course this fall. Course registration is open July 22–August 29.

To get started, explore degree requirements, confirm your initial eligibility, and learn more about our unique “earn your way in” admissions process.

A Faculty of Creative Writing Experts

Studying at Harvard Extension School means learning from the world’s best. Our instructors are established and award-winning writers and scholars. They bring a genuine passion for teaching, with students giving our faculty an average rating of 4.7 out of 5.

Bryan Delaney

Playwright and Screenwriter

Talaya Adrienne Delaney

Lecturer in Extension, Harvard University

Elisabeth Sharp McKetta

Our community at a glance.

Most of our creative writing and literature students are enrolled in our master’s degree program for either personal enrichment or to make a career change. Over half are employed full time while pursuing their degree and work across a variety of industries.

Download: Creative Writing & Literature Master's Degree Fact Sheet

Average Age

Courses Taken Each Semester

Work Full Time

Would Recommend the Program

Professional Experience in the Field

Pursued for Personal Enrichment

Career Opportunities & Alumni Outcomes

Graduates of our Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Program have writing, research, and communication jobs in the fields of publishing, advertising/marketing, fundraising, secondary and higher education, and more.

Some alumni continue their educational journeys and pursue further studies in other nationally ranked degree programs, including those at Boston University, Brandeis University, University of Pennsylvania, and Cambridge University.

Our alumni hold titles as:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Director of Publishing
  • Senior Research Writer

Our alumni work at a variety of leading organizations, including:

  • Little, Brown & Company
  • New York University (NYU)
  • Bentley Publishers

Career Advising and Mentorship

Whatever your career goals, we’re here to support you. Harvard’s Mignone Center for Career Success offers career advising, employment opportunities, Harvard alumni mentor connections, and career fairs like the annual on-campus Harvard Humanities, Media, Marketing, and Creative Careers Expo.

Your Harvard University Degree

Upon successful completion of the required curriculum, you will earn the Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) in Extension Studies, Field: Creative Writing and Literature.

Expand Your Connections: the Harvard Alumni Network

As a graduate, you’ll become a member of the worldwide Harvard Alumni Association (400,000+ members) and Harvard Extension Alumni Association (29,000+ members).

Harvard is closer than one might think. You can be anywhere and still be part of this world.

Tuition & Financial Aid

Affordability is core to our mission. When compared to our continuing education peers, it’s a fraction of the cost.

Our Tuition (2024–25 rate) $3,340 per course
Average Tuition of Peer Institutions $4,330 per course
Average Total Cost $40,080

After admission, you may qualify for financial aid . Typically, eligible students receive grant funds to cover a portion of tuition costs each term, in addition to federal financial aid options.

Learn more about the cost of attendance .

What can you do with a master’s degree in creative writing and literature?

A master’s degree in creative writing and literature prepares you for a variety of career paths in writing, literature, and communication — it’s up to you to decide where your interests will take you.

You could become a professional writer, editor, literary agent, marketing copywriter, or communications specialist.

You could also go the academic route and bring your knowledge to the classroom to teach creative writing or literature courses.

Is a degree in creative writing and literature worth it?

The value you find in our Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Degree Program will depend on your unique goals, interests, and circumstances.

The curriculum provides a range of courses that allow you to graduate with knowledge and skills transferable to various industries and careers.

How long does completing the creative writing and literature graduate program take?

Program length is ordinarily anywhere between 2 and 5 years. It depends on your preferred pace and the number of courses you want to take each semester.

For an accelerated journey, we offer year round study, where you can take courses in fall, January, spring, and summer.

While we don’t require you to register for a certain number of courses each semester, you cannot take longer than 5 years to complete the degree.

What skills do you need prior to applying for the creative writing and literature degree program?

Harvard Extension School does not require any specific skills prior to applying, but in general, it’s helpful to have solid reading, writing, communication, and critical thinking skills if you are considering a creative writing and literature master’s degree.

Initial eligibility requirements can be found on our creative writing and literature master’s degree requirements page .

Harvard Division of Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education (DCE) at Harvard University is dedicated to bringing rigorous academics and innovative teaching capabilities to those seeking to improve their lives through education. We make Harvard education accessible to lifelong learners from high school to retirement.

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Best Online Master’s in Creative Writing Degree Programs of 2024 Badge

Best Online Master’s in Creative Writing Degree Programs of 2024

Written by Chris Snellgrove

Updated: April 28, 2024

Compare School Options

Most schools have rolling admissions and financial help so you can start your degree in a few weeks!

Students who participate in an online master’s in creative writing program will further their knowledge of existing literature and the composition of new poetry and prose. The collaborative environment helps to perfect the craft of storytelling.

These programs typically require 36 credit hours to complete, so full-time students can usually earn their degree within two years. According to the National Center for Education Statistics , the average annual tuition for graduate degree programs is $20,513.

How to Choose an Online Master’s in Creative Writing Program

Choose your area of study.

Typically, creative writing master’s programs award a Master of Fine Arts (MFA), which is a terminal degree in fine arts-related fields. Many programs will allow you to select a concentration and focus your studies on a particular niche in this field, such as fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or screenplay writing. If you already know what you would like to do after you graduate, look for programs that closely match these career goals.

Research schools and programs

Aspiring master’s in creative writing students have many online programs to choose from, so it’s important to narrow down the list of prospective schools as soon as possible.

You should only apply to institutions that have been approved by a  DOE-recognized  regional accrediting organization, such as the New England Commission of Higher Education or Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. These organizations evaluate schools to ensure they provide students with a high-quality education. Those who attend a school that isn’t regionally accredited may be unable to access financial aid or transfer credits to another institution if needed.

Students can immediately eliminate any schools that are not accredited and should strongly consider eliminating those that are too expensive for their budget. While such schools may offer a good education, it’s important to minimize the amount of post-graduation debt. It’s also helpful to research which professors will teach the courses online. Professors who are successful writers may offer important insight into skills such as marketing and publication, as well as writing and editing stories.

To learn more about any schools that you’re interested in, you can visit the school’s website, contact an admissions counselor, follow the school on social media, or attend an in-person or virtual open house.

Prepare for tests and applications

Application requirements vary by school and program. While many online master’s in creative writing programs do not require students to submit GRE test scores , these scores are still a prerequisite for admission at many schools. Students should carefully consider whether the GRE is required. It can take up to three months to study and 15 days to receive test results, which may make a difference in whether students can meet application deadlines.

It’s also important to carefully review the application for other requirements, which may include undergraduate transcripts, letters of recommendation, writing samples, and a personal statement. Before submitting an application, always contact an admissions counselor to ensure you have the most accurate information regarding requirements and deadlines.

Select your program

Most students only have so much time and money and must be selective about which online master’s in creative writing program(s) they apply to. Students should consider which programs are most affordable and which seem to be led by the most prominent writers. Because creative writing is very collaborative, prospective students may favor classes that offer digital writing workshops and other ways to interact with fellow writers regularly.

Before making your final decision, review your needs and goals again. Do you plan to attend school full-time or part-time? Do you want your program to be as online as possible, or are you fine with a hybrid program that has a fair amount of in-person requirements? Some programs offer asynchronous courses, which can be completed at your own pace, while others only offer synchronous courses, which involve remotely attending lectures and completing assignments at the same time as other students — which of these two online learning formats do you prefer? Your school should accommodate your scheduling needs and learning preferences.

Determine how you’ll pay for your degree

To help pay for an online master’s in creative writing program, students should fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. After completion, students may be able to use federal loans to help pay for their educational costs. Filling out the FAFSA may also be required to qualify for additional grants, scholarships, or other aid available through the school or the state.

Because it can be challenging to research all potential aid opportunities, students should contact the financial aid offices of schools they are interested in to get the most accurate and up-to-date answers regarding aid. Those who already work in the field should see if their employer offers tuition assistance benefits as well.

Best 50 Accredited Online Master’s in Creative Writing Programs

Best Online Master's in Creative Writing Degree Programs

intelligent score 99.74

#1 Best Colleges #1 Degree Query

School Information

Cambridge, MA

Graduation Rate: 98%

Admission Rate: 5%

Urbanicity: City

School Size: Medium

Delivery Format Online, On-Campus

Required Credits to Graduate 48

Estimated Cost per Credit $775

accreditation New England Commission of Higher Education

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 617-495-4024

intelligent score 99.25

#2 Best Colleges #17 Degree Query

Graduation Rate: 63%

Admission Rate: 84%

School Size: Small

Required Credits to Graduate 49

Estimated Cost per Credit $875

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 617-349-8300

intelligent score 99.08

#2 Degree Query #5 Best Colleges

La Jolla, CA

Graduation Rate: 34%

Admission Rate: 89%

Required Credits to Graduate 58.5

Estimated Cost per Credit $442

accreditation WASC Senior College and University Commission

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 619-563-7123

intelligent score 99.07

#4 Best Colleges #13 Degree Query

Saint Charles, MO

Graduation Rate: 54%

Admission Rate: 92%

Delivery Format Online, On-Campus, Hybrid

Estimated Cost per Credit $550

accreditation Higher Learning Commission

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 636-949-2000

intelligent score 99.01

#5 Degree Query #6 Best Colleges

Longmeadow, MA

Graduation Rate: 55%

Admission Rate: 78%

Urbanicity: Suburban

Delivery Format Online

Required Credits to Graduate 39

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 413-565-1331

intelligent score 98.84

#3 Best Colleges

Wilkes-Barre, PA

Graduation Rate: 59%

Estimated Cost per Credit $675

accreditation Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 570-408-4527

intelligent score 98.3

#3 Degree Query #8 Best Colleges

Victoria, TX

Graduation Rate: 53%

Admission Rate: 67%

Required Credits to Graduate 36

Estimated Cost per Credit Resident: $367 Non-Resident: $775

accreditation Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 361-570-4110

intelligent score 98.07

#7 Best Colleges #18 Degree Query

Madison, NJ

Graduation Rate: 57%

Admission Rate: 86%

Required Credits to Graduate 60

Estimated Cost per Credit $623

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 973-443-8632

intelligent score 96.76

#4 Degree Query #5 OnlineU

Graduation Rate: 74%

Admission Rate: 61%

Delivery Format Hybrid

Estimated Cost per Credit $766

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 303-871-2706

intelligent score 95.12

#2 The Best Schools #10 Best Colleges #12 Degree Query

Graduation Rate: 51%

Admission Rate: 82%

Estimated Cost per Credit $514

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 402-554-3857

intelligent score 94.88

El Paso, TX

Graduation Rate: 49%

Admission Rate: 100%

School Size: Large

Estimated Cost per Credit Resident: $855 Non-Resident: $1,947

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 915-747-5237

intelligent score 94.27

Los Angeles, CA

Graduation Rate: 67%

Estimated Cost per Credit $1,108

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 310-954-4000

intelligent score 93.92

Graduation Rate: 66%

Admission Rate: 77%

Required Credits to Graduate 54-74

Estimated Cost per Credit Resident: $539 Non-Resident: $1,011

accreditation Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 541-322-3100

intelligent score 92.45

Bennington, VT

Graduation Rate: 72%

Admission Rate: 60%

Urbanicity: Town

Required Credits to Graduate 64

Estimated Cost per Credit $366

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 802-442-5401

intelligent score 92.33

Fairfield, CT

Graduation Rate: 80%

Admission Rate: 56%

Estimated Cost per Credit $715

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-254-4000

intelligent score 90.14

Florence, AL

Admission Rate: 83%

Estimated Cost per Credit $350

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 256-765-4238

intelligent score 89.05

Graduation Rate: 81%

Admission Rate: 41%

Estimated Cost per Credit $338

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 617-824-8500

intelligent score 87.69

Charlotte, NC

Admission Rate: 68%

Delivery Format Online, Hybrid

Estimated Cost per Credit $759

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 704-337-2200

intelligent score 86.82

Richmond, KY

Graduation Rate: 50%

Admission Rate: 98%

Estimated Cost per Credit $617

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 859-622-2106

intelligent score 85.69

Lynchburg, VA

Admission Rate: 50%

Estimated Cost per Credit $565

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 800-424-9595

intelligent score 85.28

Manchester, NH

Graduation Rate: 40%

Admission Rate: 94%

Estimated Cost per Credit $627

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 888-387-0861

intelligent score 85.17

Saint Leo, FL

Graduation Rate: 44%

Admission Rate: 73%

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 800-334-5532

intelligent score 84.74

Philadelphia, PA

Graduation Rate: 68%

Estimated Cost per Credit $671

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 215-895-1285

Pensacola, FL

Graduation Rate: 52%

Admission Rate: 58%

Required Credits to Graduate 33-36

Estimated Cost per Credit In-State: $384 Out-of-State: $1,044

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 850-474-2230

intelligent score 83.38

Savannah, GA

Graduation Rate: 65%

Required Credits to Graduate 30

Estimated Cost per Credit $1,335

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 800-869-7223

intelligent score 82.43

Ellensburg, WA

Graduation Rate: 62%

Required Credits to Graduate 45

Estimated Cost per Credit Resident: $224 Non-Resident: $525

more program information Email: [email protected] Phone: 509-213-1813

Discover More Options

How we rank schools.

We set out to find the best online programs in creative writing to ensure accessibility for all students, regardless of location and availability. In these programs, most coursework can be completed online, with minimal on-campus or in-person requirements.

All of the institutions on this list are regionally accredited schools, which are widely recognized as meeting high standards for postsecondary education.

Once we narrowed our list of programs, we evaluated each based on reputation, flexibility, cost, faculty, and outcomes. We then calculated an Intelligent Score for each program on a scale of 0 to 100. For a more extensive explanation, check out our ranking methodology .

What Can You Expect from an Online Master’s in Creative Writing Program?

Students entering into an online master’s in creative writing program can expect a workshop-based approach that centers around receiving regular writing critiques from both the teacher as well as other students in the class. In addition to various writing and editing exercises in different courses, this graduate degree typically requires students to complete a longer-form writing thesis before graduating. The form of the thesis may vary by area of study. For example, fiction writers may have to complete a short story of 30 pages, whereas poets may need to complete a miniature chapbook consisting of 15 poems.

Because of the workshop-based approach and the need to have enough time to create good work, most master’s in creative writing programs can be completed in two years by full-time students. However, some students might be able to participate in accelerated programs and graduate in as little as one year.

Potential courses you’ll take in an online master’s in creative writing program

Technical Seminar in Poetry: Urban Image and Poetic Play. This course helps familiarize students with the literary canon and the historical importance of urban poets throughout history. From the 19th century to the present day, this course reviews the development of urban poetics and how economic and cultural forces have shaped it. Technical Seminar in Fiction: 3D Character Builder. This course teaches aspiring writers how to create complex characters that resonate with readers long after they have finished the story. To this end, students will study famous works of literature to identify and understand how authors use conflicts to create the struggles from which great characterization is born. Advanced Nonfiction Workshop: The Trouble With Trauma. This course helps students learn more about psychology and how the human mind is shaped by trauma so that they can write more honestly and authentically about the subject. The goal is to help writers craft stories in which the exploration of trauma leads to personal epiphanies for readers and writers alike. Thesis/Major Projects in Poetry. This course is for students working towards completing a thesis in poetry. Because of this, classes focus on practical strategies for completing a major project, including organizing it, establishing a proper poetic sequence, and actually publishing a chapbook of collected poetry.

What Can You Do With an Online Master’s in Creative Writing?

Career outlook.

Those with a master’s degree in creative writing have many different industries where they may find work, including publishing, advertising and marketing, journalism, education, and more. In addition, many jobs outside the writing field require individuals with superior communication skills, making it possible for those with this degree to work in just about any industry or business sector.

Here are a few possible career paths a person may take when they earn a master’s degree in creative writing:

Writer or author — Develop novels, screenplays, advertisements, and other pieces of writing. Median annual salary: $73,690 Projected employment growth (through 2032): 4% New job openings projected: 15,500 annually News analyst, reporter, or journalist — Research topics, conduct interviews, and write stories to keep the public updated on noteworthy information. Median annual salary: $57,500 Projected employment growth (through 2032): -3% New job openings projected: 6,000 annually Advertising, promotions, or marketing manager — Plan promotional campaigns and supervise marketing staff. Median annual salary: $156,580 Projected employment growth (through 2032): 6% New job openings projected: 34,000 annually

Online Master’s in Creative Writing Degree Frequently Asked Questions

How do i apply to an online master’s in creative writing degree program.

To apply to an online master’s in creative writing degree program, students must first visit the university website. From there, they can complete the application, and reviewing all the requirements is essential. For example, the application will specify if students must submit GRE scores , letters of recommendation, and writing samples or application essays along with their undergraduate transcripts.

Prospective students should consider contacting the admissions counselors for the schools they are interested in to verify the exact application requirements and to receive answers to other questions about the school or program.

How much does an online master’s in creative writing degree cost?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics , the average tuition for graduate degree programs is $20,513 per year.

Students may end up paying more or less than that depending on several different factors, including whether they attend a private school or public school and whether they are considered an in-state student or an out-of-state student. Additionally, the number of credits required by the program and how long the student stays enrolled in courses will ultimately impact how much they have to pay for their graduate education.

How long does it take to earn an online master’s in creative writing degree?

In most cases, an online master’s in creative writing program is designed to be completed in two years by full-time students.

While students can complete the required coursework in an accelerated program in as little as one year, many students and professors recommend the traditional approach because it allows for more time to compose stories and poems and receive feedback from others in the workshop. As always, the most important thing for prospective students is to find an online program flexible enough to accommodate their existing schedule, no matter how busy it is.

Is an online master’s in creative writing worth it?

Earning an online master’s in creative writing can be a worthwhile investment for those passionate about writing. It enhances writing skills and opens doors to various writing-related careers. The degree’s value depends on individual goals and aspirations, but it can certainly lead to fulfilling and financially rewarding opportunities in the world of words.

The adaptability of creative writing skills means graduates can explore opportunities in diverse sectors, leveraging their storytelling abilities to communicate effectively and creatively in various professional contexts. From ghostwriting to video game writing, there are many professional options for a person with a degree in creative writing.

Earning a degree online allows for increased flexibility over on-campus programs, as students can study from anywhere, often at their own pace and at times that are convenient to them. There can be financial benefits since there is no need for on-campus housing or transportation costs. Job candidates with online degrees may also stand out because of their demonstrated time management and networking skills.

Read More about Online Master’s in Creative Writing Degrees

  • Creative Writing Degree Program Guide

Related Degrees

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Creative Writing MA/MFA

Are you a writer with a story to tell? Do you dream of publishing or producing it? Join the more than 1000 writers from around the globe who have chosen Wilkes to pursue their passion and advance their craft in a variety of genres. Earn your MA/MFA in creative writing with limited campus visits. 

Why Study Creative Writing at Wilkes?

At Wilkes, we focus on the craft, community, and career of writing. Industry feedback is an incredible benefit to aspiring writers. That is why each creative thesis is read and evaluated by a working agent, editor, publisher, or producer. These outside readers provide detailed notes about your work and review them with you during a one-on-one residency meeting.

This focus on the profession of writing, along with the dedication of our faculty (who "stay with you" even after you graduate), has propelled our creative writing MA/MFA students to an exceptional level of success after graduation, resulting in hundreds of published or produced works.

The Maslow Family Graduate Program in Creative Writing encourages students to find their voices and tell their stories while making meaningful connections. Creative writers across genres will find a flexible program where they can complete courses online in between in-person residencies held twice a year on the Wilkes University campus in Wilkes-Barre, PA. Focus on fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, writing for television, poetry, spoken word, or publishing under the mentorship of accomplished writers and faculty members. 

  • Loading...  external website
  • Admission Requirements
  • Course Sequences  (.pdf)

Low-Residency Program

Come together twice a year to attend workshops, connect with your cohort, check in with your mentor and expand your craft.

Complete your coursework online between residencies with the support and guidance of accomplished writers.

Enjoy readings from nationally-acclaimed writers, program alumni, faculty and mentors.

View Our Residency Schedule and Apply

What Will You Learn?

  • Learn how to live like a writer, building a writing plan, schedule and practice that encourages discipline and supports and sustains your creative process.
  • Discover how to tell your story in a way that engages the audience—exploring genres, experimenting with writing conventions, and mastering the presentation of your work so it can be shared with the world.
  • Focus on developing your craft with concentrations in fiction, creative nonfiction, playwriting, screenwriting, writing for television, poetry, spoken word, or publishing.
  • Revise with intention—for that's where the “real writing” begins. Process notes and feedback, translating them into actionable edits that make your project shine through revision.
  • Explore how to get published/produced. Learn ways to share your finalized manuscript with editors, publishers and producers, and how to pitch your project when given the opportunity. We do this by offering you that training and practice while you’re in the program!

Program Highlights

Accomplished alumni.

Our creative writing MA/MFA program boasts of not just several but hundreds of published or produced alumni. That’s because our faculty don’t say good-bye when you leave our program; rather, as they put it, “We stay with you.”

Review by Agents and Editors

Every student’s thesis is read by a professional agent, editor, director or producer, providing valuable feedback, advice for the manuscript's eventual publication/production, and insight into the publishing world.

Scholarships and Graduate Assistantships

Most low-residency MFA programs can’t offer scholarships, but our program has six of them, and six graduate assistantships (with Etruscran Press, Kaylie Jones Books and Blue Moon/HaveScripts) to help make our already low tuition more affordable.

Alumnus wins the Man Booker Prize

Wilkes alumnus Marlon James MA ’06 won the 2015 Man Booker Prize for A Brief History of Seven Killings . He is the first Jamaican author to win the prize, considered one of the most prestigious prizes in literature.

Read the Story

Marlon James

Careers & Outcomes

In addition to publishing and producing hundreds of literary works, our creative writing MA/MFA graduates go on to work as professors, editors, teachers, literary agents, directors of reading series, script writers for video games, high school teachers, book reviewers, freelance writers/editors, public relations or marketing directors, and in a variety of writing or writing-related jobs.

online masters in creative writing programs

Marlon James MA '06, Fiction  external website

online masters in creative writing programs

Brian Fanelli MFA '10, Poetry  external website

online masters in creative writing programs

Adrienne Pender MFA '11, Playwriting  external website

online masters in creative writing programs

Morowa Yejide MFA '12, Fiction  external website

online masters in creative writing programs

Nisha Sharma MFA '14, Fiction  external website

online masters in creative writing programs

Leah Vernon MFA '15, Nonfiction  external website

I arrived for the January residency and the community experience was as advertised. I was able to engage with faculty on day one in a way I would not have dreamed of. My writing cohort sealed the deal. Andre Lewis Carter MFA ’18 Author of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, published by Kaylie Jones Books, 2022.

Vibrant Writing Community

Our writing community is incredible. Successful writers in their own right, our faculty members , outside readers and advisory board members come together to support and mentor students in the program.

Notable names include:

  • Ibrahim Ahmad, Executive Editor at Viking Press
  • Beverly Donofrio, Riding in Cars with Boys
  • Susan Cartsonis, Resonate Entertainment
  • Kaylie Jones, Kaylie Jones Books
  • Ken Liu, winner of the Nebula, Hugo, Locus, World Fantasy, and FantLab Awards
  • Tim Seibles, Poet Laureate of Virginia
  • Johnny Temple, Publisher at Akashic Press
  • Chris Tomasino, The Tomasino Agency
  • William J. Kennedy, Pulitzer Prize Winner
  • Ross Klavan, Tigerland
  • Marlon James MA ’06, A Brief History of Seven Killings
  • J. Michael Lennon, Norman Mailer: A Double Life

In addition to our talented faculty, board members and outside readers, Wilkes has created partnerships with several nationally known organizations .

Nationally Renowned

Our program regularly ranks as one of the top Creative Writing programs in the nation.

  • Best Colleges ' Best Online Master’s in Creative Writing Programs (2023, #3)
  • College Rank 's Best Online Master’s in Creative Writing Programs (2023, #10)
  • College Choice ' Best Online MFA in Creative Writing Programs (2023, #4)

online masters in creative writing programs

  • Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (Distance) (MFA)
  • Graduate School
  • Prospective Students
  • Graduate Degree Programs

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Creative Writers are at the heart of our cultural industries. Poets, novelists, screenwriters, playwrights, graphic novelists, magazine writers: they entertain, inform and inspire. For more than 15 years, UBC's Creative Writing program has been educating writers through distance education in a program which complements our long-standing on-campus MFA program.

A studio program with the writing workshop at its heart, the distance MFA focuses on the work created by students as the primary text. Through intensive peer critique and craft discussion, faculty and students work together with the same goal: literary excellence.

The MFA granted to distance students is the same degree as granted to on-campus students, and the same criteria of excellence in multiple genres of study apply.

For specific program requirements, please refer to the departmental program website

What makes the program unique?

UBC's Optional-Residency (Distance) MFA was the first distance education MFA program in Canada and remains the only full MFA which can be taken completely online. It is designed to be uniquely flexible, allowing students across Canada and around the world to study writing at the graduate level while still living in their local communities and fulfilling career and family obligations.

The program is unique globally for its multi-genre approach to writing instruction: students are required to work in multiple genres during the course of the degree. As a fine arts program rather than an English program, students focus on the practice of writing rather than the study of literature. Students may work on a part-time basis, taking up to five years to complete the degree.

My time in the Creative writing grad program at UBC has given me the discipline and focus I need to complete long-form writing pieces and larger poetry projects.

online masters in creative writing programs

Kwaku Darko-Mensah Jnr.

Quick Facts

Program enquiries, admission information & requirements, program instructions.

The optional residency MFA (distance) program only has a July intake.

1) Check Eligibility

Minimum academic requirements.

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies establishes the minimum admission requirements common to all applicants, usually a minimum overall average in the B+ range (76% at UBC). The graduate program that you are applying to may have additional requirements. Please review the specific requirements for applicants with credentials from institutions in:

  • Canada or the United States
  • International countries other than the United States

Each program may set higher academic minimum requirements. Please review the program website carefully to understand the program requirements. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission as it is a competitive process.

English Language Test

Applicants from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of their application. Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of your application.

Minimum requirements for the two most common English language proficiency tests to apply to this program are listed below:

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language - internet-based

Overall score requirement : 90

IELTS: International English Language Testing System

Overall score requirement : 6.5

Other Test Scores

Some programs require additional test scores such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Test (GMAT). The requirements for this program are:

The GRE is not required.

2) Meet Deadlines

3) prepare application, transcripts.

All applicants have to submit transcripts from all past post-secondary study. Document submission requirements depend on whether your institution of study is within Canada or outside of Canada.

Letters of Reference

A minimum of three references are required for application to graduate programs at UBC. References should be requested from individuals who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and qualifications.

Statement of Interest

Many programs require a statement of interest , sometimes called a "statement of intent", "description of research interests" or something similar.

  • Supervision

Students in research-based programs usually require a faculty member to function as their thesis supervisor. Please follow the instructions provided by each program whether applicants should contact faculty members.

Instructions regarding thesis supervisor contact for Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (Distance) (MFA)

Citizenship verification.

Permanent Residents of Canada must provide a clear photocopy of both sides of the Permanent Resident card.

4) Apply Online

All applicants must complete an online application form and pay the application fee to be considered for admission to UBC.

Tuition & Financial Support

FeesCanadian Citizen / Permanent Resident / Refugee / DiplomatInternational
Tuition *
Tuition per credit$679.79$1,322.47
Other Fees and Costs
Student FeesVary

Financial Support

Applicants to UBC have access to a variety of funding options, including merit-based (i.e. based on your academic performance) and need-based (i.e. based on your financial situation) opportunities.

Scholarships & awards (merit-based funding)

All applicants are encouraged to review the awards listing to identify potential opportunities to fund their graduate education. The database lists merit-based scholarships and awards and allows for filtering by various criteria, such as domestic vs. international or degree level.

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA)

Many professors are able to provide Research Assistantships (GRA) from their research grants to support full-time graduate students studying under their supervision. The duties constitute part of the student's graduate degree requirements. A Graduate Research Assistantship is considered a form of fellowship for a period of graduate study and is therefore not covered by a collective agreement. Stipends vary widely, and are dependent on the field of study and the type of research grant from which the assistantship is being funded.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA)

Graduate programs may have Teaching Assistantships available for registered full-time graduate students. Full teaching assistantships involve 12 hours work per week in preparation, lecturing, or laboratory instruction although many graduate programs offer partial TA appointments at less than 12 hours per week. Teaching assistantship rates are set by collective bargaining between the University and the Teaching Assistants' Union .

Graduate Academic Assistantships (GAA)

Academic Assistantships are employment opportunities to perform work that is relevant to the university or to an individual faculty member, but not to support the student’s graduate research and thesis. Wages are considered regular earnings and when paid monthly, include vacation pay.

Financial aid (need-based funding)

Canadian and US applicants may qualify for governmental loans to finance their studies. Please review eligibility and types of loans .

All students may be able to access private sector or bank loans.

Foreign government scholarships

Many foreign governments provide support to their citizens in pursuing education abroad. International applicants should check the various governmental resources in their home country, such as the Department of Education, for available scholarships.

Working while studying

The possibility to pursue work to supplement income may depend on the demands the program has on students. It should be carefully weighed if work leads to prolonged program durations or whether work placements can be meaningfully embedded into a program.

International students enrolled as full-time students with a valid study permit can work on campus for unlimited hours and work off-campus for no more than 20 hours a week.

A good starting point to explore student jobs is the UBC Work Learn program or a Co-Op placement .

Tax credits and RRSP withdrawals

Students with taxable income in Canada may be able to claim federal or provincial tax credits.

Canadian residents with RRSP accounts may be able to use the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) which allows students to withdraw amounts from their registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to finance full-time training or education for themselves or their partner.

Please review Filing taxes in Canada on the student services website for more information.

Cost Estimator

Applicants have access to the cost estimator to develop a financial plan that takes into account various income sources and expenses.

Career Options

Graduates of the MFA program have found success in varied fields related to writing and communication. The MFA qualifies graduates for teaching at the university level and many graduates have gone on to teach at colleges and universities in Canada, the United States and overseas as well as holding writing residencies. Many publish books and win literary awards. Others go on to work in publishing, and graduates have become book and magazine editors.

Although the MFA is a terminal degree, some graduates go on to further study in PhD programs in the US, UK and Australia.

The Optional-Residency MFA is particularly well suited to teachers: our teacher-students have been able to gain an advanced degree while continuing their careers.

  • Research Supervisors

This list shows faculty members with full supervisory privileges who are affiliated with this program. It is not a comprehensive list of all potential supervisors as faculty from other programs or faculty members without full supervisory privileges can request approvals to supervise graduate students in this program.

  • Belcourt, Billy-Ray (Fiction; Nonfiction; Poetry)
  • French, Whitney (memory, loss, technology, and nature)
  • Hopkinson, Nalo (Creative writing, n.e.c.; Humanities and the arts; Creative Writing: Speculative Ficton, Fantasy, Science Fiction, especially Other Voices)
  • Irani, Anosh
  • Koncan, Frances
  • Leavitt, Sarah (Autobiographical comics; Formal experimentation in comics; Comics pedagogy)
  • Lee, Nancy (Fiction; Creative Writing)
  • Lyon, Annabel (Novels, stories and news)
  • Maillard, Keith (Fiction, poetry)
  • Marzano-Lesnevich, Alex (Nonfiction)
  • McGowan, Sharon (Planning of film productions from concept to completion)
  • Medved, Maureen (Fiction, writing for screen)
  • Nicholson, Cecily (Languages and literature; Poetry)
  • Ohlin, Alix (Fiction; Screenwriting; Environmental writing)
  • Pohl-Weary, Emily (Fiction; Writing for Youth)
  • Svendsen, Linda (Script development; Novels, stories and news; Writing for Television; Fiction)
  • Taylor, Timothy (fiction and nonfiction)
  • Vigna, John (Novels, stories and news; Fiction, Literary Non-Fiction, Creative Writing)

Related Programs

Same specialization.

  • Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (MFA)

Same Academic Unit

  • Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Theatre (MFA)
  • Master of Fine Arts in Film Production and Creative Writing (MFA)

At the UBC Okanagan Campus

  • Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Further Information


Creative Writing combines the best of traditional workshop and leading-edge pedagogy. Literary cross-training offers opportunities in a broad range of genres including fiction, poetry, screenplay, podcasting, video game writing and graphic novel.

UBC Calendar

Program website, faculty overview, academic unit, program identifier, classification, social media channels, supervisor search.

Departments/Programs may update graduate degree program details through the Faculty & Staff portal. To update contact details for application inquiries, please use this form .

online masters in creative writing programs

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The metropolitan area is known for its diversity and UBC is one of the most international universities in Canada. This multicultural community means we have a wide range of restaurants, grocery stores, and events to provide a sense of belonging.

  • Why Grad School at UBC?
  • Application & Admission
  • Info Sessions
  • Research Projects
  • Indigenous Students
  • International Students
  • Tuition, Fees & Cost of Living
  • Newly Admitted
  • Student Status & Classification
  • Student Responsibilities
  • Managing your Program
  • Health, Wellbeing and Safety
  • Professional Development
  • Dissertation & Thesis Preparation
  • Final Doctoral Exam
  • Final Dissertation & Thesis Submission
  • Life in Vancouver
  • Vancouver Campus
  • Graduate Student Spaces
  • Graduate Life Centre
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  • Meet our Students
  • Award Opportunities
  • Award Guidelines
  • Minimum Funding Policy for PhD Students
  • Killam Awards & Fellowships
  • Dean's Message
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  • Vision & Mission
  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
  • Initiatives, Plans & Reports
  • Graduate Education Analysis & Research
  • Media Enquiries
  • Newsletters
  • Giving to Graduate Studies

Strategic Priorities

  • Strategic Plan 2019-2024
  • Improving Student Funding
  • Promoting Excellence in Graduate Programs
  • Enhancing Graduate Supervision
  • Advancing Indigenous Inclusion
  • Supporting Student Development and Success
  • Reimagining Graduate Education
  • Enriching the Student Experience


  • Public Scholars Initiative
  • 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)
  • PhD Career Outcomes

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Find a home for your poems, stories, essays, and reviews by researching the publications vetted by our editorial staff. In the Literary Magazines database you’ll find editorial policies, submission guidelines, contact information—everything you need to know before submitting your work to the publications that share your vision for your work.

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Our series of subject-based handbooks (PDF format; $4.99 each) provide information and advice from authors, literary agents, editors, and publishers. Now available: The Poets & Writers Guide to Publicity and Promotion, The Poets & Writers Guide to the Book Deal, The Poets & Writers Guide to Literary Agents, The Poets & Writers Guide to MFA Programs, and The Poets & Writers Guide to Writing Contests.

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MFA Programs Contact Form

Help us keep this database current. If you have updated information on one of the programs listed in the MFA database, let us know.

MFA Programs Database

  • Help Keep This Database Current

Our MFA database includes essential information about low- and full-residency graduate creative writing programs in the United States and other English-speaking countries to help you decide where to apply.

Adelphi University

Poetry: Jan-Henry Gray, Maya Marshall Prose: Katherine Hill, René Steinke, Igor Webb

Albertus Magnus College

Poetry: Paul Robichaud Fiction: Sarah Harris Wallman Nonfiction: Eric Schoeck

Alma College

Poetry: Leslie Contreras Schwartz, Jim Daniels, Benjamin Garcia Fiction: Karen E. Bender, Shonda Buchanan, Dhonielle Clayton, S. Kirk Walsh Creative Nonfiction: Anna Clark, Matthew Gavin Frank, Donald Quist, Robert Vivian

American University

Poetry: Kyle Dargan, David Keplinger Fiction: Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Stephanie Grant, Patricia Park Nonfiction: Rachel Louise Snyder

Antioch University

Poetry: Victoria Chang Prose: Lisa Locascio

Arcadia University

Poetry: Genevieve Betts, Michelle Reale Fiction: Stephanie Feldman, Joshua Isard, Tracey Levine, Eric Smith Literature: Matthew Heitzman, Christopher Varlack, Elizabeth Vogel, Jo Ann Weiner

Poetry: Genevieve Betts, Michelle Reale Fiction: Stephanie Feldman, Joshua Isard, Tracey Levine, Eric Smith

Arizona State University

Poetry: Sally Ball, Natalie Diaz, Alberto Álvaro Ríos, Safiya Sinclair Fiction: Matt Bell, Jenny Irish, Tara Ison, Mitchell Jackson, T. M. McNally Creative Nonfiction: Sarah Viren

Ashland University

Poetry: Dexter Booth, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, Adam Gellings, Tess Taylor, Vanessa Angélica Villareal Fiction: Kirstin Chen, Edan Lepucki, Sarah Monette, Nayomi Munaweera, Vi Khi Nao, Naomi J. Williams, Kyle Winkler Nonfiction: Cass Donish, Kate Hopper, Lauren Markham, Thomas Mira y Lopez, Lisa Nikolidakis, Terese Mailhot

Augsburg University

Poetry: Michael Kleber-Diggs Fiction: Stephan Eirik Clark, Lindsay Starck Nonfiction: Anika Fajardo  Playwriting: Carson Kreitzer, TyLie Shider, Sarah Myers Screenwriting: Stephan Eirik Clark, Andy Froemke

Ball State University

Poetry: Katy Didden, Mark Neely Fiction: Cathy Day, Sean Lovelace Nonfiction: Jill Christman, Silas Hansen Screenwriting: Rani Deighe Crowe, Matt Mullins

Bard College

Jess Arndt, Shiv Kotecha, Mirene Arsanios, Hannah Black, Trisha Low, Christoper Perez, Julian Talamantez Brolaski, Simone White

Bath Spa University

Poetry: Lucy English, Tim Liardet, John Strachan, Samantha Walton, Gerard Woodward Fiction: Gavin James Bower, Celia Brayfield, Alexia Casale, Anne-Marie Crowhurst, Lucy English, Nathan Filer, Aminatta Forna, Samantha Harvey, Philip Hensher, Steve Hollyman, Emma Hooper, Claire Kendal, Natasha Pulley, Kate Pullinger, C.J. Skuse, Gerard Woodward Nonfiction: Celia Brayfield, Lily Dunn, Richard Kerridge Scriptwriting: Robin Mukherjee

Poetry: Lucy English, Tim Liardet, Gerard Woodward Fiction: Gavin James Bower, Celia Brayfield, Anne-Marie Crowhurst, Nathan Filer, Aminatta Forna, Samantha Harvey, Philip Hensher, Claire Kendal, Natasha Pulley, Kate Pullinger, Gerard Woodward Nonfiction: Lily Dunn, Richard Kerridge

Bay Path University

Mel Allen, Leanna James Blackwell, Jennifer Baker, Melanie Brooks, María Luisa Arroyo Cruzado, Shahnaz Habib, Susan Ito, Karol Jackowski, Yi Shun Lai, Anna Mantzaris, Meredith O’Brien, Mick Powell, Suzanne Strempek Shea, Tommy Shea, Kate Whouley

Bennington Writing Seminars at Bennington College

Poetry: Jennifer Chang, Michael Dumanis, Randall Mann, Craig Morgan Teicher, Mark Wunderlich Fiction: Peter Cameron, Jai Chakrabarti, Stacey D’Erasmo, Monica Ferrell, Rebecca Makkai, Stuart Nadler, Téa Obreht, Moriel Rothman-Zecher, Katy Simpson Smith, Taymour Soomro Nonfiction: Garrard Conley, Sabrina Orah Mark, Spencer Reece, Lance Richardson, Shawna Kay Rodenberg, Hugh Ryan, Greg Wrenn

Binghamton University

Poetry: Tina Chang, Joseph Weil Fiction: Amir Ahmdi Arian, Thomas Glave, Leslie L. Heywood, Claire Luchette, Liz Rosenberg, Jaimee Wriston-Colbert, Alexi Zentner Nonfiction: Amir Ahmdi Arian, Leslie L. Heywood

Bluegrass Writers Studio at Eastern Kentucky University

Poetry: Julie Hensley, Young Smith Fiction: Julie Hensley, Robert Dean Johnson Nonfiction: Robert Dean Johnson, Evan J. Massey Playwriting: Young Smith

Boise State University

Poetry: Martin Corless-Smith, Sara Nicholson, Taryn Schwilling Fiction: Mitch Wieland (Director), Anna Caritj Creative Nonfiction: Chris Violet Eaton, Clyde Moneyhun

Boston University

Poetry: Andrea Cohen, Karl Kirchwey, Robert Pinsky Fiction: Leslie Epstein, Jennifer Haigh, Ha Jin

Boston University—MFA in Literary Translation

Odile Cazenave, Yuri Corrigan, Margaret Litvin, Christopher Maurer, Roberta Micaleff, Robert Pinsky (advising), Stephen Scully, Sassan Tabatabai, J. Keith Vincent, William Waters, Dennis Wuerthner, Cathy Yeh, Anna Zielinska-Elliott

Bowling Green State University

Poetry: Abigail Cloud, Amorak Huey, Sharona Muir, F. Dan Rzicznek, Larissa Szporluk, Jessica Zinz-Cheresnick Fiction: Joe Celizic, Lawrence Coates, Reema Rajbanshi, Michael Schulz

Brigham Young University

Poetry: Kimberly Johnson, Lance Larsen, Michael Lavers, John Talbot Fiction: Chris Crowe, Ann Dee Ellis, Spencer Hyde, Stephen Tuttle Nonfiction: Joey Franklin, Patrick Madden

Brooklyn College

Poetry: Julie Agoos, Ben Lerner Fiction: Joshua Henkin, Madeleine Thien Playwriting: Dennis A. Allen II, Elana Greenfield

  • College of Liberal Arts
  • Creative Writing
  • Academic Programs

The University of Texas at El Paso is proud to offer a fully online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. Writers can complete the entire degree from anywhere in the world, as there is no residency requirement.

Our goal is to prepare serious writers for publishing and teaching careers. The degree plan consists of 48 hours of coursework - 42 hours of workshops and literature classes (14 courses), followed by 6 hours of thesis during which students complete a publishable manuscript in poetry or fiction.

We offer a workshop-heavy M.F.A., but we believe in the necessity of a background in theory and form. Our candidates enjoy a wide variety of graduate courses in literature, from the “Form of the Short Story” to “Asian American Poetry.”

We believe that the excellent reputation of our M.F.A. program is created by our faculty and the writers we graduate. Therefore, our primary goal is to connect our students with solid writers who will aid in their artistic and intellectual development.

The main criterion for admission is a writing sample in either fiction or poetry. We look for writers with distinctive or developing voices, a sense of cultural or social awareness, and a yearning to expand one’s use of the craft. It’s simple; if you’re good at what you do, we want you to study with us.

We encourage but do not favor undergraduate degrees in Creative Writing or English. Our students and graduates come from various fields, from physics to theater, and all of them enrich the writing experience. Some of our applicants are establishing themselves as writers, while some already have books published, but need the M.F.A. degree to advance in their teaching careers. Whatever level you find yourself at, we welcome your work.

Our classes and discussions are held in English, however if you feel more comfortable, or feel like exploring language, you may submit your creative assignments in Spanish.

We look forward to hearing from you.

No matter where you are in the world, write with us.

Sylvia Aguilar-Zéleny, Advisor for the Online MFA

For questions concerning the M.F.A. curriculum itself, please write us at [email protected]

For questions about the application process, please contact  [email protected]

Maestría en Escritura Creativa en Línea de UTEP

La Universidad de Texas en El Paso se enorgullece en ofrecer la Maestría en Escritura Creativa en línea completamente en español. Ahora también los escritores latinos podrán realizar sus estudios de posgrado con nosotros en tu idioma y desde cualquier lugar del mundo. 

El programa consta de 48 créditos académicos a completar en el curso de tres años. Nuestras materias cubren un amplio rango de tópicos como traducción literaria, guión, crónica, novela corta y prosa poética, entre otros. Además, si eres bilingüe puedes optar por llevar materias en inglés.

Nuestro objetivo es preparar a los escritores para que publiquen y emprendan una carrera como maestros a nivel licenciatura y posgrado. La tesis a desarrollar dentro del programa es un libro en los géneros de poesía, ficción, o no ficción. Así que al graduarte estarás listo para el mundo editorial.

Aceptamos postulantes de cualquier parte del mundo y de diversas carreras. Aunque la gran mayoría de ellos vienen del área de literatura, nuestros alumnos y graduados provienen también de áreas como física, comunicación, y teatro, consolidándose así un diálogo enriquecedor.

Buscamos escritores que tengan conciencia intercultural y social, así como un deseo por ampliar la técnica de su oficio. Todos nuestros profesores son escritores activos y destacados en la escena literaria de las Américas. Cada uno de ellos habrá de contribuir en tu desarrollo artístico e intelectual. Esta es tu oportunidad de discutir tu trabajo con voces experimentadas y consolidar tu progreso literario.

Nuestras clases son impartidas en inglés, sin embargo, nuestro profesorado es bilingüe, esto te permite escribir en el idioma que más te sientas cómodo, español o inglés, como prefieras.

Envíanos tu solicitud, queremos que estudies con nosotros, no importa en qué parte del mundo estés.

Sylvia Aguilar-Zéleny

Consejera del MFA en Línea

Universidad de Texas en El Paso. Para preguntas sobre el programa, por favor contactar a [email protected]

Preguntas sobre el proceso de admisión, por favor contactar a Samantharai Yrigoyen [email protected]

Program Information:

For prospective students, faq’s, step by step process, application check list, for current students, online mfa faculty, connect with us.

The University of Texas at El Paso Department of Creative Writing Education Building, Room 901 Additional Emails English: [email protected] Español: [email protected] MFA Online: [email protected] Undergrad: [email protected] 500 W University Ave El Paso, Texas 79968

E: [email protected] P: (915) 747-5237


online masters in creative writing programs

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Online

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Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing

Grow your passion for writing into a career with liberty’s online mfa in creative writing.

Do you want to become the best creative writer you can be and get your work into the hands of readers? Liberty’s 100% online Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing can help you develop your writing passion into a career so you can set your works free to impact culture and the world.

Our online MFA in Creative Writing is designed to help you build on your writing skills with specific workshops dedicated to the craft of fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, or screenwriting. With a progress-focused approach to writing practice combined with mentorship from our faculty of experienced writers and scholars, you can learn the specific skills you need to make your writing stand out.

What Will You Learn in Our Online MFA in Creative Writing?

  • How to market your projects and receive new writing opportunities
  • How to write compelling stories that engage readers
  • Organizing writing and adapting it to different types of writing
  • Tailoring writing to specific audiences and markets
  • What makes art effective, compelling, and impactful

The MFA in Creative Writing program is designed to help you learn to be an excellent creative writer across the genres of creative fiction, non-fiction, screenwriting, and poetry. You will learn how to produce aesthetically and culturally engaging creative works while gaining professional knowledge and practice. You will also study foundational contemporary literature so that you have a background in studying important works to draw on for your writing. To help you in your professional writing, you will also study many essential skills like editing, layout, and the business of publishing so that you can best position yourself for success in the market.

Through your creative writing courses and workshops, you will develop your craft so that you will be ready for your capstone project. This capstone will demonstrate your writing achievements and provide you with a guided process to help you complete a creative work you can be proud of.

Career Opportunities for Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Graduates

  • Book and magazine writer
  • Business communications specialist
  • Creative writing instructor
  • Publications editor
  • Screenwriter
  • Website copy editor and writer
  • Writing manager

Highlights of Our Online MFA in Creative Writing Degree

As a leader in distance education since 1985, we understand what it takes to create a flexible and affordable education for busy people. Since we have been investing in distance and online learning for decades, our experience has taught us how to streamline our degree options so you can focus on what really matters to you. While many schools offer online degrees, we believe Liberty stands out.

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • We are recognized by multiple institutions for our academic quality, affordability, and accessibility . Our commitment to excellence also helped us rank in the top 10% of’s best online schools in America . Earning your online MFA degree from a nonprofit university with this kind of recognition can help set you apart from others in your field.
  • Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.
  • Liberty University has partnered with New York Times bestselling author and Christian novelist Karen Kingsbury to create the Karen Kingsbury Center for Writing. Your curriculum includes content developed by Kingsbury herself.
  • With creative writing workshops and a capstone that will guide you through the completion of a major work of writing, you will have support and guidance to become the best writer you can be.
  • You can complete the MFA in Creative Writing in as little as 2 years!

Master’s in Creative Writing Military Benefits

Service is important to us, so whether you’re currently serving in the Armed Forces, have served, or are married to someone who serves, we’re here to serve you.

Liberty’s military benefits are available to:

  • Active duty service members of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/retirees
  • Spouses of service members and veterans/retirees
  • Current Department of Defense employees

We are proud to support you in your pursuit of a flexible and affordable online education by offering you the following benefits:

  • Tuition discounts – $275 per credit hour for graduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who serve in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $625 per course)
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)

Credit Hours

online masters in creative writing programs

Available Online

100% online, 8-week courses

Transfer Credits

Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total

Next Start Date

Sep 16, 2024


Liberty University is accredited by SACSCOC

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The Online MFA: Creative Writing

Online MFA Creative Writing

Students in National University’s 100% online MFA in Creative Writing program grow into professional writers in a rigorous program — without the residency expense — to complete their industry-ready script or publishable manuscript

For writers who aspire to be published authors, the structure of online MFA programs can be exactly what they need to finish their manuscript and open doors to a writing career. A writer’s struggle, however, isn’t always in generating creative ideas or artistic ambition, but with tapping into the momentum to finish a project while managing a busy life. National University’s online MFA Creative Writing program was the first in the nation to offer a completely online MFA with no residency requirements, recognizing that many aspiring writers have the inspiration, if not the time and resources, to bring their work to its full potential.

“The typical student is someone who has been writing for years, really enjoys it, and recognizes this inner potential. They might have a career in another field, but they want a plan to take their writing to the next level. That’s the story I often hear from new students in our MFA program,” says Frank Montesonti , Academic Program Director of National University’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program. The program, he emphasizes, is designed specifically for working adults who want to complete and publish their novel, poetry, script, or creative nonfiction work.

Start the Next Chapter of your Life, From Home.

Next Career Chapter

Writers with a goal of finishing a publishable manuscript, stresses Montesonti, often don’t have the time or money to participate in the residencies that many online MFA programs in creative writing require. National University’s online MFA in Creative Writing provides the full benefits of a writing career incubator without asking students to take time away from their jobs and families to travel to a campus residency.

“There are a lot of low-residency master’s in fine arts programs which force you to travel somewhere for two weeks or a month, and lots of people can’t do that with kids, jobs, or active military duty. It can be unrealistic economically, or for many reasons,” explains Montesonti.

National University has been consistently ranked as one of the best universities to earn an online master’s in creative writing. In 2005, it was the first to recognize that working adults with the motivation to become published writers didn’t need to spend thousands of dollars each year on residencies like many online MFA programs.

In addition to this cost savings, National University’s online MFA curriculum offers accelerated courses that students complete in one to two months. In addition to the core curriculum, students choose from elective courses including multicultural literature, historical literary periods, film theory, or critical study of a single renowned author, from Jane Austen to Gabriel García Márquez.

MFA students take one course or workshop at a time, allowing them to focus, to build creative relationships with their peers and faculty, and to fit achievable writing goals into their busy lives. Writers can enter the program at any point and it’s possible to finish your MFA online — and thesis work of a completed manuscript or feature-length script — in less than two years.

“Students tell me they feel want to improve in the craft of writing,” says Montesonti. “Our goal is to help you not just produce that first manuscript, but to take it to the next level.” To transform their craft and become stronger writers, creative writing students need perspective to shift their mindset about writing, a supportive and experienced community, and program content that challenges them to become professional writers.

Writing is, without question, a time-intensive craft, and online MFA programs should equip students with the skills they need to get words on the page every day. It also requires inner resources such as mental discipline, structured creativity, and training to maintain momentum. Finishing that first draft can feel like a daunting task. Revising a story and enduring the rewrite process takes practice and encouragement — an experience the National University MFA faculty members understand as published authors, screenwriters, and poets themselves.

“It’s frustrating when you don’t know who to talk to about your writing,” Montesonti says. “It’s hard to know if you’re doing the right thing and not wasting your time.” He relates to the online MFA students he teaches and mentors who enter the program with a great story or script in mind and want guidance that will make a perceptible difference in their writing.

Faculty members who teach in National University’s master’s in literature and MFA programs are published, produced, and active writers who both encourage their students to grow as writers and can have frank discussions about how to leverage an MFA education. Students personally choose their thesis advisor from the dozens of experienced faculty members, and this person provides close mentorship while you finish your manuscript, Montesonti explains.

“When an aspiring writer is exploring MFA programs, they’re trying to make sense of the progress they’ve made on their own,” he says. “They’re formulating a plan to achieve their writing goals.”

Getting your master’s in creative writing can be an empowering step toward becoming a professional writer or teaching creative writing to others. Prospective students can think of their MFA as a home you plan to live in—and write in—in order to complete your thesis. It’s important to know the layout, how it’s furnished, and whether the décor suits your style. Become familiar with the layout: what are the learning outcomes, requirements, and coursework for the program? In terms of “furnishings,” does it offer close mentorship by experienced, published writers? To know whether your personal writing “style” is a match for the MFA program, ask the admissions advisors which faculty specialize in your area of interest and can give you specific career advice.

For the sake of master’s thesis work, online MFA creative writing students at National University ultimately focus on one genre, but they’re not expected to decide before they test the waters. Unlike some online MFA programs in creative writing, genre-switching is not only encouraged, it’s required. Students complete five core classes, three of which are explorations of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, or screenwriting. Advanced workshops and specialized electives allow students to take a deeper dive into their thesis preparation.

“When you find this craft you’re really passionate about, you want to pursue it,” asserts Montesonti. A published author and poet himself, Montesonti recounts how lucky he was to realize his passion at a young age. He’s always had a love for writing and storytelling, something he feels many of National University’s students have in common, regardless of their current career. “We’re going to be the community and support for an aspiring writer to get that first book written – and published.”

For someone who has been in another career field most of their life, wondering, “Can I do this?” Montesonti feels strongly that the evidence speaks for itself: absolutely.

“History is full of stories about writers who had different careers and didn’t write their first books until later in life – and who were wonderfully successful,” he quips. One of the most productive things writers can do when considering an MFA writing program is to denounce the myth of the writer emerging fully-talented, without practice, from their youth. Life experience, he points out, provides us with stories.

“We have students from all walks of life, experience, and backgrounds: nurses with twenty years of experience, retired doctors and teachers. I’ve had students who were soldiers, writing poems on the ground in Afghanistan for their poetry workshop,” he says.

Online MFA Programs Can Help You Leverage Your Support Network

While students entering the National University online MFA creative writing program typically have an idea of which types of stories they want to write, the top concern Montesonti hears is: Am I going to fit in?

“Once they know most of our students are just like them, they feel immediately at home,” says Montesonti. “Writing students want to be in a community of like-minded people. They want to get advice from published writers. You can sit down and write a draft, but without any kind of structured feedback it’s difficult to be confident your work is succeeding.”

A sense of community is critical to success as a published writer. It’s also integral to the National University online MFA program’s approach to supporting students. “Students tell me they feel comfortable in our MFA community, that it frees them to be bolder in their own writing.”

That “at-home” feeling is important for an MFA experience where students participate in a “writers’ studio” style learning environment — sharing weekly writing projects for critique and praise from writers on similar journeys, and from experienced faculty members.

National University’s online MFA program builds a community of support around each student in several ways. Students take one course at a time — two months for a workshop or one month for an elective course — and every week the students submit their writing, whether that’s a short story, a poem, or a chapter or scene from a longer piece of work. Professors and students discuss each submission, giving MFA students the chance to know what’s working and where they can strengthen their skills. This sounding board environment is how MFA students absorb readers’ reactions, praise, and constructive advice for improvement.

“All of the courses are led by published writers, our faculty. You turn in a story, the class discusses it, and the professor also provides critique and encouragement,” explains Montesonti. Online MFA creative writing students work toward completing a publishable manuscript or screenplay as their master’s thesis. “You will be working closely with published faculty talking about your work. When it comes to your thesis project, you choose a faculty member as your thesis advisor, and you work one-on-one together.”

According to National University surveys, more than a quarter of their graduates report they found publication for their master’s thesis project, from published novels to literary journals. For many alumni of the MFA in Creative Writing program, their thesis work was just the beginning of a career as a professional writer.

Leverage Your Support Network

With more than 1,000 graduates from across the country and around the world, National University’s online MFA program alumni community is a vibrant and diverse network that benefits students for years after graduation. National University holds MFA in Creative Writing alumni workshops and events for students and alumni to network and exchange knowledge.

“Online degrees with no residency requirement is the only format that works for many people,” Montesonti explains. “Some of our MFA students are in Guam, some are in New York.” Alumni of National University’s online MFA live and work all over the world. This translates into an open environment where a community of writers are turning their life experiences and creative inspiration into written works. And it creates bonds that continue beyond the MFA degree process. “People really do make friends in the program,” comments Montesonti. “And they keep in touch after graduation. I had two students who met in the program and got married.”

The diversity of experience is what makes National University’s online MFA creative writing program work as a global community — and what leads to compelling writing. Asynchronous learning — meaning, students complete coursework on their own schedules — makes it possible for MFA students to complete the program from anywhere. Some of their MFA students living with disabilities, Montesonti explains, only would consider a completely online format.

About twenty percent of National University’s creative writing students are active military who need the flexibility and accelerated coursework the program offers. National University was founded by retired U.S. Navy Captain David Chigos. As a Yellow Ribbon school , the university accepts the post 9/11 GI Bill®, making the online MFA program a welcoming choice for Veteran and active-duty students and their families.

“We’ve worked with the largest number of active duty military students of any MFA program around,” comments Montesonti. “There’s such a broad range of compelling stories to tap into.” From more accurate and positive portrayals of soldiers with PTSD to fiction that gets at the heart and vulnerability of extreme situations, these MFA students find storytelling a powerful tool.

“I like helping people tell their stories and express themselves,” Montesonti reflects. “Telling your story helps you make sense of your own life and your own experience. That’s valuable.”

Write to Build Skills and Stamina (your muse will thank you)

One of the strongest but intangible benefits of an online MFA program is perspective, adds Montesonti. “In an MFA program, you’ll get perspective from professors who have experience, and from your peers learning the same thing you are. You’ll get a ton of practice.”

The online MFA in Creative Writing at National University is a studio program. Through workshops, activities, and craft lessons — in addition to reading and coursework — MFA students can expect to make writing a daily habit. In the words of bestselling author Jane Green, “Writing is a muscle that needs to be exercised every day: the more you write, the easier it becomes.”

This practice, often outside the normal comfort zone, helps a writer explore new possibilities for their poetry, screenwriting, or fiction writing craft. Screenwriting for fiction writers, for example, can help a published author understand how their book might be adapted for the screen.

Learning from the Pros and Writing Like a Pro

Learning from the Pros and Writing Like One

All of the faculty members who teach screenwriting in the online MFA creative writing program live and work in Los Angeles and are actively involved in the film and television industry, says Montesonti. MFA students who want to focus on or explore screenwriting benefit from this close affiliation and direct experience. “It’s very LA-centered. If you want to study screenwriting in depth, our faculty are produced, professional screenwriters.” As an elective, MFA students passionate about film narrative can take a course focusing on a filmmaker who has inspired them.

Many students, Montesonti shares, are surprised to learn that the writing faculty doesn’t look down on a student’s aspirations to become a bestselling author or genre fiction writer. The program places high esteem on well-written fiction, including horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and romance, as MFA thesis projects. Writers interested in genre writing and young adult fiction will find several faculty members who specialize in these areas.

One of the opportunities master’s in creative writing students have at National University is to work as a student editor of The GNU, the university’s online literary journal. GNU is a student-run literary publication that accepts submissions from all over the country. The process of editing a literary journal and vetting submissions from writers and MFA alumni helps students understand what editors are looking for, and the range of work that a typical literary journal receives.

Adding value to the MFA experience, Montesonti and other experienced faculty members strongly encourage their students to complete electives in writing pedagogy. Earning your MFA qualifies writers to teach creative writing at the college level, and about 36% of National University MFA alumni pursue higher education teaching opportunities. Courses in Writing and Composition Pedagogy help prepare writers to teach others along the way.

Write Your Story

The MFA in Creative Writing at National University is a 100% online MFA program designed for writers, by writers, with no residency requirement, which means more time for writers to build their skills, finish their novel or script, and build a network of like-minded writers.

Regardless of your current career, or the location of your writing station, the program is designed for people with busy lives who want to complete and publish their novel, poetry, script, or creative nonfiction work.

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Ma in writing.

You bring the passion for storytelling, we’ll help you develop your craft, tap into your creativity, and increase your network. Our goal is that you will leave our program ready to write, publish, and edit at the highest levels possible.

MA in Writing Program Overview

The Johns Hopkins MA in Writing program reflects our university’s international reputation for academic rigor and creative innovation. Rooted in craft and led by working writers, our high-quality program is both challenging and supportive: We’re here to offer clear, straightforward, thoughtful feedback while creating a culture that encourages risk-taking.

At JHU, you will not only boost your writing, revision, and editing skills, but also learn how to read like a writer, to give and receive feedback, to find publishing opportunities, and to live the writing life.

Explore Many Genres and Styles

We offer areas of concentration in nonfiction or fiction writing, each offering its own core courses and required electives that will explore craft elements like form, voice, structure, and style.

  • Nonfiction: pursue long-form literary journalism, personal essays, and memoir
  • Fiction: focus on short stories, novellas, and novels in a variety of genres

In addition to classes in your selected concentration, you’ll get to dabble in other genres like poetry, drama, playwriting, and screenwriting. Flesh out your schedule with classes from across genres, eras, themes, craft elements, and even from our science writing graduate programs.

Live the Writing Life: Summer Residency

The optional residency courses bring together our community for a week of sessions, workshops, readings, outings, receptions, and, of course, personal writing time. After all, you’re likely to be inspired by your surroundings!

Residency locations vary from year to year. We’ve been to Bar Harbor, Maine; Dublin, Ireland; and Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. Sometimes our writing residencies are integrated with the JHU science writing master’s program, giving you a chance to connect with even more writers and faculty members.

Complete a Manuscript, Build Your Portfolio

You will leave JHU with a solid, publishable portfolio. You’ll bring together the best of you for your thesis project. This could be part of a novel or memoir, or a collection of essays or short stories. You will work under the guidance of a faculty mentor to revise your project, while also taking a capstone workshop where you’ll discuss the writing life and practice and conduct public readings.

Learn on Your Terms

The MA in Writing program is one of the most flexible at JHU. You can complete your degree online in a dynamic and interactive learning environment, with the option to incorporate residency experiences into your studies.

What It’s Like to Study Writing at AAP

Upcoming Events

online masters in creative writing programs

MA in Writing Information Session

Ma in science writing information session, student insights.

MA in Writing students share their perspectives about the program:

online masters in creative writing programs

Torrence Boone  '22

“I had written a novel and struggled, but since coming to the program I feel empowered, with a new set of tools and approaches to writing and work. ”

online masters in creative writing programs

Elissa Collins '23

“I knew I wanted to go back to grad school, and with Johns Hopkins I knew you could work full time and complete the program. So I was very excited about that. ”

online masters in creative writing programs

Anne Haddad '24

“With its thought-provoking methods and structure, this program has empowered me to feel confident to return to writing the stories I’ve always wanted to write.“

online masters in creative writing programs

Catherine Smart  '24

“Every professor is accessible and candid and wants to see you develop. I have never had that in a program before, which is why I would stay here above any other program. ”

Why to Pursue an MA in Writing at Hopkins

Surround yourself with other creative writers: Your classmates and faculty members all have a story to tell.

online masters in creative writing programs

Study With Prolific Writers

Our faculty has been published in Education Week, The New York Review of Books, Time, and many literary journals and major newspapers. Research interests include pop music, Icelandic literature, digital media, creative writing, and multilingual writers.

online masters in creative writing programs

Grow Your Writing Community and Network

Meet emerging and established writers from all professional backgrounds. Join a successful network of alumni with work in esteemed literary journals, major magazines and newspapers, and on the shelf at your local bookstore.

online masters in creative writing programs

Write on Location: Travel Opportunities

Our exciting summer residency option rotates locations. You could write near our campus in D.C. or Baltimore, on the rocky shores of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine, near Acadia National Park, or in the mountains near Shenandoah National Park, or even Dublin, Ireland.

online masters in creative writing programs

Customize Your Studies Based on Writing Goals

Choose from a variety of workshops and electives, such as Children's Book Writing, Screenwriting, Sentence Power: From Craft to Art, The Essence of Place, Writing the Other, Travel Writing, Completing the Novel, Memoir and Personal Essay – plus a variety of fiction and nonfiction workshops.

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We love to share updates about our students and faculty, as well as links to new publications.

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Study creative writing online or on campus at Johns Hopkins University, among a community of writers dedicated to their craft.

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Master of Humanities

  • Creative Writing

improve your writing for publication

30 credit, 18-month program.

If you have a passion for writing and seek to publish your work, Tiffin University’s Master of Humanities in Creative Writing can help you improve your writing skills and reach your goals. In our program, students work in writing workshops with fellow students and instructors who themselves have published texts. You will learn to write in different genres and explore your writing voice as you develop a portfolio working towards your capstone project.

The Master of Humanities in Creative Writing is designed to improve your writing skills and help you work towards publication. It will also prepare you to lead creative writing workshops or other teaching opportunities open for creative writers. You will learn how theory turns into practice by participating in writing workshops with instructors and other students. In addition to improving your writing skills, our students enjoy creative assignments that build critical thinking and analysis skills in all courses.

As a graduate of the program, you will be prepared to inspire others and continue your creative endeavors as you seek publishing opportunities. Our faculty will guide you through courses and help you reach your potential.

Tiffin University’s MH in Creative Writing was designed for anyone who enjoys writing and seeks to publish their work and anyone who wants to share that knowledge and love of writing with others.

professional Creative writing training

  • All faculty within the program hold a terminal degree (M.F.A. or Ph.D.) in the field.
  • Class sizes are small, allowing professors to provide timely, productive feedback and interactions with students.
  • A graduate advisor is specific to the program and will work one-on-one with you to determine your individualized pathway to graduation.
  • The program prepares you for writing and publishing your own work or for further graduate study.
  • 100% online, with a combination of 7-week courses
  • Students have options to begin their program at three different times throughout the year (January, May, and August).
  • As a full-time student, you can complete your program in less than two years.

Each instructor within the Master of Humanities program brings experience in their field of study. They bring this real-world knowledge to their teaching, to the building of our curriculum as subject matter experts and to their interactions with students on a daily basis.

As part of our professional program, you’ll learn career-ready skills that will prepare you for a job within the field of Creative Writing. Courses are relevant, and all content is focused on practical skills. You’ll apply your knowledge as you engage in creative assignments, working both individually and in group discussions and projects.

The program will prepare you to be an effective communicator in the field, as well as an accomplished creative writer in a variety of genres who can share their knowledge effectively with others. If you enjoy writing, then the MH in Creative Writing is for you.

Within the Creative Writing program, you’ll actively engage through discussions with your peers and instructors. Each week, you’ll engage with classmates and complete a creative writing assignment. You’ll apply your learning as you participate in writing workshops and discuss ideas with others.

Within the program, you’ll continuously work on your communication and problem-solving skills as you take part in weekly discussions and assignments. These assignments, focused on writing in multiple genres, will require you to critically think about how texts are created and how ideas are communicated.

You’ll participate in a capstone project that allows you to create more texts and/or revise work you’ve already completed. By the end of the capstone project, you will have a polished writing sample that you can use for future graduate applications and/or seek to publish.

Online – Offered in 7-week courses, starting in January, May and August


  • Creative Writing: The Novel (Parts 1 and 2) (ENG542 and ENG642) – This course is the a two-part sequence. The focus of both course will be on writing an original novel or a good portion of a novel over the course of the two classes, using the creative writing workshop tradition, with the advantage of being online. Students will write and criticize each other’s work with suggestions for improvement.
  • Creative Writing: Screenwriting (ENG545) – This course develops skills in the art and craft of telling stories through film, e.g., screenwriting. Through writing tightly focused exercises, scenes, and a script for short a film, students will learn correct screenplay format, develop a “feel” for screenwriting style, enhance their powers of description, their skills in writing dialogue and action, and in constructing scenes and plot. The overarching emphasis of the course is on learning how to translate mental moving images (the film that the writer sees in his or her head and all it encompasses or evokes), to words on the page in a way that those words create approximately the same (or at least very similar) moving images in the reader’s mind.
  • Business of Publication (ENG654) – This course will discuss options for publishing students’ work. Approaches to the market will be discussed, including networking, approaching publishers and agents, trends in publishing, and alternative areas and modes of publishing. Students will also explore different types of publishing such as book publishers, magazine publishing, vanity presses, self-publishing, etc.
  • Marketing for Publication (ENG652) – This course will focus on how students can market their own work in the world of publishing. There are many different options for writers to publish their work, and each option requires a different marketing strategy. Therefore, students will build on what they learn from the Business of Publishing class to decide on appropriate marketing and networking strategies for their particular strengths.

All MH concentrations offered:

  • Art & Visual Media
  • Film Studies
  • Rhetoric & Composition

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of writers and authors is projected to grow 9 percent from 2020 to 2030. The median annual wage for writers and authors was $67,120 in May 2020.

The online Masters in Humanities in Creative Writing program prepares you for positions related to:

  • Community College & CCP Education – English & Creative Writing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Publication Assistance
  • Public Relations/Advertising
  • Technical Writing

what is creative writing?

Creative writing is any form of writing that exists outside of journalism, business writing or academic writing. Creative writing expresses an author’s unique voice, writing style, thoughts and ideas in an imaginative and engaging manner.

what is a master’s in creative writing?

A master’s in creative writing helps students improve writing skills and reach writing goals. In this program, students work in writing workshops with fellow students and instructors who themselves have published texts. Students will learn to write in different genres and explore their writing voice as they develop a portfolio working toward their capstone project.

what can i do with a degree in creative writing?

With a degree in creative writing, you will be qualified for a variety of career opportunities, including community college and CCP Education – English and Creative Writing, authoring, editing, freelance writing, journalism, publication assistance, public relations and advertising, technical writing and more.

MH Creative Writing Program Requirements

Master’s programs.

  • MBA Data Analytics

MBA Finance

  • MBA Forensics & Fraud Examination

MBA Healthcare Administration

Mba human resource management, mba international business.

  • MBA Leadership & Change

MBA Sports Management

  • MBA Strategic Brand & Digital Marketing
  • M.Ed. Higher Education Administration
  • M.Ed. Instructional Design
  • MH Art & Visual Media

MH Creative Writing

Mh film studies.

  • MH Rhetoric & Composition

MS Clinical Exercise Physiology

Ms cybersecurity, ms psychology, ms in cj crime analysis, ms in cj crime science, ms in cj criminal behavior, ms in cj forensic psychology, ms in cj homeland security, ms in cj homeland security administration, ms in cj justice administration, calculate your monthly tuition payment, mba data & analytics, mba forensics & fraud examination, mba leadership & change, mba strategic brand & digital marketing, med higher education administration, med instructional design, mh art & visual media, mh rhetoric & composition, at a glance.

  • Prepare to be an author
  • Emphasis on creative writing workshops
  • All faculty hold a terminal degree (M.F.A or Ph.D.) and have worked and/or published in the field
  • Hands-on curriculum provides career-ready skills

“The courses are very interactive, giving students many opportunities to get to know their professors and classmates. While the courses are not in person or live, I have had excellent conversations with my professors and peers.”

What Can You Do with a Master of Humanities Degree?

Where a Master of Humanities Degree Can Take You

Alumni Spotlight: Christina Chilelli, Master of Humanities in Creative Writing

Featured Video

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  Aug 20, 2024  
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025    
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025


The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, offered by the Thomas Wolfe Center for Narrative at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Asheville, is designed to help students with a passion for writing hone their skills and develop their vision. Students can specialize in fiction, poetry or creative nonfiction. Students may also select classes from the Narrative Healthcare Certificate Program, also offered by the center.

Program Overview

The MFA in creative writing combines literary study and writing workshops to help students develop their skills as critical readers, hone their craft as writers and expand their abilities to improve their own and others’ work.  At the heart of the program are small, supportive, intensive writing workshop experiences facilitated by experienced writers and teachers.  Classes are offered through online, synchronous sessions, allowing students to join the program in Asheville or from elsewhere.

All faculty in the program are appropriately credentialed. In addition to established writers, a variety of community professionals employed in various relevant settings will provide instruction and guidance.

Program Structure

This program is flexible enough to fit the schedule of anyone, whether entering directly from an undergraduate program, in mid-career or considering a career change. Courses are held in the evenings for the convenience of working students. The length of time to complete this program varies based on class load and the scheduling of classes. The program can be completed on average in three years or can be taken at a pace conducive to the student’s schedule.

Program Admission Requirements

Visit Graduate Admission for the most current Program Admission Requirements .

Literary Study: (18 hours)

  • ENG 505 - Literary Studies Seminar 3 Credits. (repeated six times with different subtitles.)

Writing Workshops (21 hours)

Choose one of the following writing content focus areas - to be repeated 3 times for a total of 9 hours:

  • WRI 520 - Workshop in Writing Fiction 3 Credits.
  • WRI 521 - Workshop in Writing Creative Nonfiction 3 Credits.
  • WRI 522 - Workshop in Writing Poetry 3 Credits.
  • Writing Workshop - Outside area (one of the above, not the focus area) 3 credits.
  • Writing Workshop -  WRI 583    - Special Topic in an area related focus 3 credits.
  • Writing Workshops - two additional workshops, in any of the areas above 6 credits.

Theses Workshops (6 hours)

  • WRI 560 - Creative Theses 3 Credits. (to be taken twice for a total of six hours.)

Total Credit Hours: 45

*Each student will take three workshops ( WRI 520   ,  WRI 521   , or  WRI 522    ) in their area of concentration, one special topics workshop in a related area, one workshop in an area outside his or her concentration, and two additional workshops from the above offerings.  MFA students with an interest in Narrative Healthcare may take  WRI 545   ,  WRI 546   , and  WRI 547     in place of the “outside” and “additional” workshops.

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Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

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Students in the program gain experience, confidence, and mastery as writers with the goal of completing excellent work worthy of publication. They do so in an intellectual setting that will deepen their understanding of art and beauty and give them a broad grasp of the western literary tradition especially as it has been shaped by the great Catholic authors of past and present.

A First of Its Kind

Students will complete three semesters of workshops in their chosen genre (poetry or fiction) and a thesis, while taking exciting, well-integrated seminars in subjects directly related to their work as writers. All MFA courses are conducted as traditional graduate seminar discussions. Each course meets one evening a week for live and lively communal engagement in the study of literature, the improvement of each writer's work, and the building up of a convivial literary community.

The MFA in Creative Writing seeks to transform the life and spirit of contemporary literature.  This program is committed to the renewal of serious craft in contemporary literature and the continued revival of the Catholic literary and intellectual tradition.


The MFA program at the University of St. Thomas offers several fellowships that provide tuition assistance and help students toward the completion of their degree. All applicants and enrolled students are automatically considered for one of several fellowships including:

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*Please note: This is an online program and international students cannot maintain or obtain F-1 student visa status or I-20 form through this program.

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Awesome! Please select one of the options below: Apply Now, Schedule Visit, or Request Info.

Required Application Materials:

  • University of St. Thomas graduate application: Application can be found here .
  • Bachelor’s degree with undergraduate GPA 3.0 or better, or master’s degree (applicants with lower GPA may appeal based on relevant work experience) through plans available.
  • Each applicant should submit a roughly 1,000 word statement of purpose that discusses their influences, motives, and ambitions for pursuing the MFA in creative writing. What works and themes have inspired your work to date? What is the source and shape of your interest in the Catholic literary tradition? There is no need to rehearse one's whole biography or first encounters with good books, but please help us understand what has shaped you as an artist and what kind of work do you hope to accomplish as a writer?
  • Applicants should submit either 10-15 pages of poetry or 15-25 double-spaced pages of fiction. The fiction can be either an excerpt from a longer, novel-length work or a longer short story, or several short stories. Please include your full name as a header on each page of the MS.
  • Official Transcripts from all institutions of higher education attended.

University of St. Thomas Office of Graduate Admissions 3800 Montrose Blvd., Box #6 Houston, TX 77006-4626 Email: [email protected]

The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program offers degrees specializing in fiction and poetry, please take a look at the degree plans for each:

Fiction Degree Plan   Poetry Degree Plan

CRTW 6312 Foundations of the Catholic Literary Tradition A close reading of foundational and seminal works that form the Catholic West: Virgil, The Aeneid ; St. Augustine, Confessions ; Dante, Divine Comedy ; Manzoni, The Betrothed.

CRTW 6303 The Art and Metaphysics of Fiction : An inquiry into the nature and aim of fiction ranging from classic to contemporary works: Aristotle’s Poetics ; Henry James’ The Art of Fiction; Flannery O’Connor’s Mystery and Manners ; William Lynch’s Christ and Apollo: The Dimensions of the Literary Imagination ; Caroline Gordon’s How to Read a Novel ; James Wood’s How Fiction Works ; Douglas Bauer’s The Stuff of Fiction: Advice on Craft, Joan Silber’s The Art of Time in Fiction, and Charles Baxter’s The Art of Subtext.

CRTW 6302 The Craft of Poetry : An introduction to the theory and practice of prosody with particular attention to stanzaic and genre forms. Students will study and compose poems in the various major forms of the English Poetic Tradition.

CRTW 6306 The Poetry of Meditation: A study of lyric poets alongside texts of philosophy and theology that deepen and complement poetic theory. Students will write imitations of the authors read as exercises in addition to completing scholarly analysis.

CRTW 6309 The European Catholic Literary Revival : Study of major European literary works which embody, in exemplary ways, what makes the Catholic imagination distinctive, expansive, beautiful, and true. Catholic literary tradition. Prospective authors include: Leon Bloy, Georges Bernanos, Paul Claudel, Francois Mauriac, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Muriel Spark, Evelyn Waugh, J.RR. Tolkien, G.K. Chesterton, and Sigird Undset.

CRTW 6310 The Catholic Imagination in Modern American Literature: A study of the major American writers of the Catholic Literary Revival and the contemporary authors who succeeded them. Prospective authors include: George Santayana, Allen Tate, Robert Lowell, Caroline Gordon, Flannery O’Connor, Thomas Merton, Walker Percy, J.F. Powers, Helen Pinkerton, John Finlay, Alice McDermott, Christopher Beha, and Dana Gioia.

CRTW 6305 The Philosophy of Art and Beauty : This course would grant students a philosophical understanding of the nature of beauty and the fine arts. Principal texts include: Plato’s Symposium and Phaedrus ; Jacques Maritain’s Art and Scholasticism, Etienne Gilson’s Arts of the Beautiful ; Pseudo-Dionysius’ Divine Names.

CRTW 6300 Graduate Poetry Workshop . Course will be devoted to the exploration of craft techniques and revision processes of poetry with student drafts as the primary texts and the workshop model of compliment and critique as the mode of education. 

CRTW 6301 Graduate Fiction Workshop . Course will be devoted to the exploration of craft techniques and revision processes of short stories and novel excerpts with student drafts as the primary texts and the workshop model of compliment and critique as the mode of education.

CRTW 6304 Non-Fiction Writing Workshop Course will be devoted to the exploration of craft techniques and revision processes of non-fiction with student drafts as the primary texts and the workshop model of compliment and critique as the mode of education. 

CRTW 6313 Advanced Fiction Seminar:  Students will learn to identify the aspects of craft at work in exemplary fiction. ELECTIVE.

CRTW 6314 Advanced Poetry Seminar:  Students will learn to identify the aspects of craft at work in exemplary poetry. ELECTIVE.

CRTW 6398/6399 Directed Thesis in Poetry or Fiction: Students will complete an individuated tutorial, working with a faculty mentor, to complete a publishable manuscript (a poetry or short story collection, novel, or other comparable work).

CRTW 6308/6307 The Residency in Poetry or Fiction: An intensive course consisting primarily of a 10-day residency, during which time students convene for morning workshops in their chosen genres (poetry or fiction); engage in an intensive afternoon seminar on an annual theme (e.g. major authors in contemporary literature; Catholic literature of eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia; the Sacramental imagination); and attend evening lectures and readings by distinguished writers and scholars complementary of the seminar theme.

James Matthew Wilson Founding Faculty, Poetry

James Matthew Wilson has published ten books, among them four collections of poems, including The Strangeness of the Good . His poems, essays, and reviews appear regularly in a wide range of magazines and journals. The winner of the 2017 Hiett Prize from the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, Wilson also serves as Poet-in-Residence of the Benedict XVI Institute for Sacred Music and Divine Worship, poetry editor of Modern Age magazine, and series editor of Colosseum Books, a new imprint that publishes the best contemporary poetry and literary criticism of serious craft and spiritual depth.

Wilson was educated at the University of Michigan (B.A.), the University of Massachusetts (M.A.), and the University of Notre Dame (M.F.A., Ph.D.), where he subsequently held a Sorin Research Fellowship.

 Joshua Hren Founding Faculty, Fiction

Joshua Hren is the founder and publisher of Wiseblood Books, perhaps the most distinguished and ambitious small literary press of our day. Joshua regularly publishes essays and poems in such journals as First Things , America, Public Discourse, Commonweal, National Review, Catholic World Report, The Englewood Review of Books , University Bookman, Law & Liberty, and LOGOS . Joshua has written seven books: the short story collections This Our Exile and In the Wine Press ; a book of poems called Last Things, First Things, & Other Lost Causes ; Middle-earth and the Return of the Common Good: J.R.R. Tolkien and Political Philosophy ; How to Read ( and Write) Like a Catholic ; a novel Infinite Regress ; and the theological-aesthetical manifesto Contemplative Realism.

Hren is a graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (B.A, M.A, Ph.D.).

Dana Gioia  Visiting Faculty

Dana will deliver a keynote reading for the Summer Literary Series on July 10, 2023 from 7:15pm – 8:45pm in the UST Cullen Auditorium. This event will also be available as a live stream.

Sarah Cortez Visiting Faculty

Randy will deliver a keynote reading for the Summer Literary Series on July 15, 2023 from 7:15pm – 8:45pm in the UST Cullen Auditorium.

Christopher Beha  Guest Lecturer

A.M. will deliver a keynote reading for the Summer Literary Series on June 13, 2024 at 7:15pm in the UST Cullen Hall Auditorium.

Kevin Hart

Catharine will deliver a keynote reading for the Summer Literary Series on July 7, 2023 from 7:15pm – 8:45pm in the UST Cullen Auditorium. This event will also be available as a live stream.

Frederick Turner

Angela will deliver a keynote lecture on “'The World Is Almost Rotten': Flannery O'Connor & the Hot Pursuit of The Real” on June 24, 2024 and a keynote reading for the Summer Literary Series on June 25, 2024.  Both events will be at 7:15pm in the UST Cullen Hall Auditorium.

Adam Kirsch

Adam will deliver a keynote reading for the Summer Literary Series on June 17, 2024 at 7:15pm in the UST Cullen Hall Auditorium.

Ryan Wilson

For more information about the Master of Fines Arts in Creative Writing, please contact one of the founding faculty:

James Matthew Wilson Poetry [email protected]

Joshua Michael Hren Fiction [email protected]

Phil Klay

He has hosted two 13-part television series about Shakespeare on EWTN, and has also written and presented documentaries on EWTN on the Catholicism of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit . His verse drama, Death Comes for the War Poets , was performed off-Broadway to critical acclaim. He has participated and lectured at a wide variety of international and literary events at major colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada, Britain, Europe, Africa and South America.

He is editor of the St. Austin Review ( ), series editor of the Ignatius Critical Editions ( ), senior instructor with Homeschool Connections ( ), and senior contributor at the Imaginative Conservative . His personal website is .

Sally Read

Katy Carl is the author of  As Earth Without Water, a novel  (Wiseblood, 2021) and  Fragile Objects  (Wiseblood, 2023, forthcoming). She is a senior affiliate fellow of the Program for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society through the University of Pennsylvania and editor in chief of  Dappled Things  magazine in partnership with the Ars Vivendi Initiative of the Collegium Institute.

Brigid Pasulka

Brigid Pasulka's debut novel  A Long, Long Time Ago and Essentially True  (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) won the PEN/Hemingway Award, the Barnes & Noble Discover Award, and the Polish American Historical Society Creative Arts Award. It was translated into six languages, including Polish.  Her second novel,  The Sun and Other Stars  (Simon & Schuster) was a  Chicago Tribune  Editor's Choice and an Indie Next Pick. Pasulka’s short stories have been published in various literary journals. She lives with her husband and son in Northern Michigan.

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Why English and Communications at PennWest?

Comprehensive curriculum.

Our programs cover a wide array of topics including Arabic, Corporate Communications, Creative Writing, Professional Writing, and Speech-Language Pathology. This diverse curriculum ensures that you gain a robust understanding of language and effective communication strategies across various contexts.

Experienced Faculty and Personalized Support

Learn from dedicated faculty who bring both academic and industry expertise to the virtual classroom. Our instructors are committed to providing personalized support and mentorship, helping you navigate your academic journey and achieve your goals.

Real-World Application and Career Preparation

Our English and Communication programs emphasize practical experience through internships, projects, and real-world applications. You'll have opportunities to develop your skills in writing, public speaking, media production, and more, preparing you for a successful career in a variety of fields.

Unlock Your Potential

PennWest Global Online's English and Communication programs prepare you for a wide range of career opportunities. With a degree from PennWest, you'll be equipped to excel in roles that require strong communication skills and creative thinking. Here are some potential career paths you can pursue:

Career Paths

  • Writer/Author
  • Corporate Communications Specialist
  • Speech-Language Pathologist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Marketing and Communications Manager
  • Media Producer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Translator/Interpreter
  • Language Instructor

Brian Roberts '91

Education Programs

Associate, Bachelor's

  • Allied Health, AS
  • Human Services

Master's, Certificate or License

  • Arabic Language and Linguistics, MA
  • Arabic Language and Linguistics, Certificate
  • Conflict Resolution, MA
  • Corporate Communication, MA

Certificate or License

  • Creative Writing, Certificate
  • Speech-Language Pathology, Certificate
  • Speech-Language Pathology, MS
  • Criminal Justice and Criminology, MA
  • Concentrations
  • Behavioral Crime Analysis
  • Criminal Justice Studies
  • Forensic Linguistics

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More About PennWest Global Online

PennWest Global Online offers flexible, high-quality online education designed to fit your busy lifestyle. Our programs provide the same rigorous curriculum and expert faculty as our on-campus offerings, ensuring you receive a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. With a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, PennWest Global Online empowers you to advance your education and career from anywhere in the world.

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The Princeton Review’s Top 50 Online MBA Rankings Released for 2024

MBA Students in Classroom, Top 50 Online MBA Princeton Review, 2024 Text

Saunders College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology is ranked 43rd nationally in The Princeton Review’s Top 50 Online MBA Programs as part of its Best Business Schools 2024 rankings. This ranks #3 among New York State programs and is only one of two Executive MBA programs included in the ranking. The Princeton Review’s yearly rankings are based on student surveys, career outcomes, admissions selectivity, and academic rigor, among other categories.

Saunders’ online executive MBA program is a rigorous program meant to push professionals to reach their full potential. The curriculum includes high-level courses on topics such as effective team leadership, economics, marketing strategy, and international business. 

The online Executive MBA is accredited by AACSB and is intended for seasoned professionals who want to put their creativity and innovation to the test to propel themselves into higher leadership roles.

Saunders’ undergraduate and graduate programs are internationally ranked and recognized . Visit our events page to view graduate information session opportunities and other events

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  1. 13 Best Online Master's in Creative Writing Programs

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  2. The Best Online Master's in Creative Writing Programs

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  4. 14 Best Online Master's in Creative Writing Programs

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  1. 2024 Best Online Master's Degrees in Creative Writing

    There are four concentrations to choose from within the creative writing master's: (1) Fiction, (2) Nonfiction, (3) Poetry, and (4) Screenwriting. Southern New Hampshire University Online (SNHU) is a private university offering a Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing that requires 36 credit hours. This online program is designed to ...

  2. Online MFA in Creative Writing Degree Program

    Southern New Hampshire University's online MFA in Creative Writing is one such practical, business-focused program. It teaches students to revise and reflect on their art while learning the print and digital business models — even digital tools — they need to support their creative endeavors.

  3. Compare Online MFA In Creative Writing Programs

    Online + Campus. Avg. Cost per Credit: In-State | $849. Out-of-State | $849. Credits to Graduate: 36. In Albertus Magnus College's MFA in creative writing program, you can choose between a fully online master's program or a blended learning environment. This program can be completed full- or part-time.

  4. Master's in Creative Writing Online

    The online Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in Screenwriting program at Southern New Hampshire University is an advanced exploration of the world of film and video, from shorts and episodic serials to feature-length blockbusters and documentaries.

  5. The 20 Best Online Master's in Creative Writing

    SNHU is a private, non-profit university that holds more than 130,000 online students currently. As such, SNHU was named one of the most innovative universities in the country in 2020. Among its other degree program offerings in english and writing are a fully online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.

  6. Best Online Creative Writing Degree Programs Of 2024

    The cost of earning an online creative writing degree can vary significantly by school. The semester-based schools on our list range from $180 to $494 per credit. Over a 120-credit degree, this ...

  7. Best Online Master's In Creative Writing

    Below are three common courses in online writing programs. Master's in Creative Writing Curriculum. Literary Genres for Writers. This course covers fiction and related subgenres, such as fantasy, romance, and historical fiction. Students explore the structures and general expectations of these genres. The course may also focus on a single ...

  8. Online Master of Fine Arts

    Liberty's 100% online Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing can help you develop your writing passion into a career so you can set your works free to impact culture and the world ...

  9. Creative Writing Online MFA

    The Creative Writing Workshop Online MFA is our non-resident graduate program in fiction writing, nonfiction writing, and poetry writing, which culminates in the MFA degree. The Online MFA is taught by the same award-winning faculty of writers as the resident program. UNO Online MFA earns #1 ranking as best online program in the country from ...

  10. Creative Writing and Literature Master's Degree Program

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  11. MFA in Creative Writing

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  12. Best Online Master's in Creative Writing Degree Programs of 2024

    Here are a few possible career paths a person may take when they earn a master's degree in creative writing: Writer or author — Develop novels, screenplays, advertisements, and other pieces of writing. Median annual salary: $73,690. Projected employment growth (through 2032): 4%. New job openings projected: 15,500 annually.

  13. Creative Writing MA/MFA Program

    Low-Residency Program. Come together twice a year to attend workshops, connect with your cohort, check in with your mentor and expand your craft. Complete your coursework online between residencies with the support and guidance of accomplished writers. Enjoy readings from nationally-acclaimed writers, program alumni, faculty and mentors.

  14. Online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

    The online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing is a highly competitive program that requires a total of 48 semester credit hours; this includes 42 semester credit hours of workshops and literature classes, and six hours of thesis during which students complete a publishable manuscript in poetry or fiction.

  15. Creative Writing

    Creative Writers are at the heart of our cultural industries. Poets, novelists, screenwriters, playwrights, graphic novelists, magazine writers: they entertain, inform and inspire. For more than 15 years, UBC's Creative Writing program has been educating writers through distance education in a program which complements our long-standing on-campus MFA program. A studio program with the writing ...

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  17. Writing with Us The Online MFA in Creative Writing

    The University of Texas at El Paso is proud to offer a fully online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. Writers can complete the entire degree from anywhere in the world, as there is no residency requirement. Our goal is to prepare serious writers for publishing and teaching careers. The degree plan consists of 48 hours of coursework - 42 ...

  18. Master of Fine Arts Online

    Liberty's 100% online Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing can help you develop your writing passion into a career so you can set your works free to impact culture and the world. Our ...

  19. The Online MFA: Creative Writing

    The MFA in Creative Writing at National University is a 100% online MFA program designed for writers, by writers, with no residency requirement, which means more time for writers to build their skills, finish their novel or script, and build a network of like-minded writers. Regardless of your current career, or the location of your writing ...

  20. Online Masters in Creative Writing Programs in America

    University of Texas - El Paso ·. Graduate School. ·. 6 reviews. Master's Student: UTEP's Online MFA program is flexible and allows students to do the program at their own pace. It is perfect for Full time workers and families. The professors are experts in their craft and are always available for their students. ...

  21. MA in Writing

    MA in Writing Program Overview. The Johns Hopkins MA in Writing program reflects our university's international reputation for academic rigor and creative innovation. Rooted in craft and led by working writers, our high-quality program is both challenging and supportive: We're here to offer clear, straightforward, thoughtful feedback while ...

  22. Creative Writing Master's Degree Online

    30 Credit, 18-Month Program. If you have a passion for writing and seek to publish your work, Tiffin University's Master of Humanities in Creative Writing can help you improve your writing skills and reach your goals. In our program, students work in writing workshops with fellow students and instructors who themselves have published texts.

  23. Online English Master's Degree

    The online Master of Arts in English program at UWF is home to a vibrant community of scholars and creative writers who are passionate about the study of literature, discourse and print culture. ... In addition, for those interested in the creative writing concentration, submission of a creative writing sample (2500 words of fiction/non-fiction ...

  24. Program: Creative Writing, MFA

    The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, offered by the Thomas Wolfe Center for Narrative at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Asheville, is designed to help students with a passion for writing hone their skills and develop their vision. ... Program Admission Requirements. Visit Graduate Admission for the most current Program Admission ...

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  29. The Princeton Review's Top 50 Online MBA Rankings Released for 2024

    Saunders College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology is ranked 43rd nationally in The Princeton Review's Top 50 Online MBA Programs as part of its Best Business Schools 2024 rankings. This ranks #3 among New York State programs and is only one of two Executive MBA programs included in the ranking.