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what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Applying to grad school means having to write a killer statement. This statement can be either a statement of purpose or a personal statement (or both, as we’ll explain later). But what exactly is the difference between these two types of essays?

In this guide to the statement of purpose vs personal statement, we take an in-depth look at the unique purposes of the grad school statement of purpose and personal statement, how the two essays are different and alike, and what you can do to ensure you produce an essay that’s guaranteed to get you into grad school.

What’s the Difference Between a Personal Statement and a Statement of Purpose?

First off, what is the main difference between a statement of purpose and a personal statement for grad school?

The short answer is that a statement of purpose is about what you want to do, while a personal statement is about who you are. Each essay has its own goals in what it’s supposed to do for you and the program you’re applying to.

Whereas the statement of purpose showcases your academic strengths and background, career goals, research interests, and fit with the program, the personal statement highlights your personal motivations for applying to the program and any major accomplishments you’ve had or challenges you’ve faced along the way.

In spite of these big differences, both statements essentially serve the same overarching purpose: to make the admissions committee think you are a good fit and will be successful in the program to which you’re applying.

Here’s a brief overview of the biggest differences between a personal statement and a statement of purpose:

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Statement of Purpose vs Personal Statement: Which Do You Need to Write?

Now that you know the main difference between a personal statement and a statement of purpose, which one will you have to actually write for your grad school applications?

The answer to this question depends on what documents your school requires and how it defines the two types of essays.

While some grad schools, such as  Michigan State University and the UC system , clearly distinguish between the two essays and require two separate statements for admission, other schools don’t distinguish at all between the personal statement and statement of purpose. In fact, many grad programs use the terms interchangeably!

Meanwhile, some grad schools combine qualities from both statements into one comprehensive statement.  Notre Dame’s Creative Writing MFA program , for instance, requires an essay that’s really a combination of the personal statement and statement of purpose: it asks applicants to talk about their future academic and professional goals as well as any personal aspects of their identity that influence their writing.

Generally, most grad programs will require at least one essay. For research-based programs, this will likely be the more academic, more formal statement of purpose.

To figure out which essay you’ll need to write for your program (and whether you’ll need to write more than one), check the program’s official website. You should be able to find details on either the program’s application requirements page or the application itself.  I also advise checking the FAQ page to see whether anyone has asked a question about the program’s essay requirements.

If you’re still confused about what your grad school admissions essay should focus on and/or what type of essay you’re required to write for your application, contact the program directly by email or phone.

How to Approach the Statement of Purpose vs Personal Statement: 11 Tips

In light of these major differences between the personal statement and statement of purpose, it’s important that you also know the differences in how you approach each essay.

In this section, we give you our top tips for how to write a truly effective and compelling personal statement and statement of purpose for grad school. We also give you some general tips you can use for both essays.

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

How to Write a Statement of Purpose

We’ll start with the statement of purpose—the more formal, more academic essay.

Tip 1: Consider Your Future Goals

Most statements of purpose will require you to introduce your future goals (academic, professional, or both) and describe how this particular program will help you achieve these goals. Therefore, it’s important that you clearly lay out in your essay the ambitions you have, and explain how these relate to the field you want to enter and the program to which you’re applying.

Think deeply about what you hope this grad program will do for you, academically and/or professionally. For example, if you’re applying for a master’s program in computer science, you could talk about how you plan to leave your career as a real estate agent to become a freelance web developer.

Make sure that you also explain why this program in particular will help you. Perhaps you enjoy the grad program’s emphasis on internships and believe these will let you more easily enter the professional world upon graduation, for example.

Tip 2: Research the Program and Its Professors

You likely already did some research on the program—why else would you be applying?—but it’s important to dig even deeper so you can write about specific aspects of the program that interest you.

Here are some examples of features you could write about:

  • Professors with whom you wish to work
  • Certain classes you hope to take
  • Internships, networking events, and/or other professionally oriented events offered by the program or school
  • The program’s emphasis on a certain topic, idea, or skill
  • Any other attributes of the program, such as its small class sizes, its emphasis on group projects, its contests or competitions in your field, etc.

Note that it’s best NOT to mention these things in your essay:

  • The program’s selectivity or acceptance rate
  • The program’s ranking

The best way to begin research on your program is to simply look at the program’s official website. This should give you all the information you need on what the program requires, what it focuses on, what types of students it’s geared toward, and so on.

I also recommend visiting websites such as The Grad Cafe and Reddit . With these websites, you can get the inside scoop by reading what real students have to say about the program you’re applying to.

Tip 3: Explain How You’re a Good Match

Grad programs must make sure that the applicants they admit will be able to study what they want to research and will fit well with the program’s overall focus and its faculty members’ areas of expertise.

This point is especially important for those applying to doctoral programs, since you’re most likely going to be working one-on-one with a specific faculty member on a major research project or dissertation.

Here are some things you can write about in your statement of purpose to highlight your “fit” with the program:

  • A professor whose research areas and expertise align with your research interests, background, and/or skills
  • The academic or professional focus of the program and how this matches your future goals (see Tip 1)

For example, maybe you hope to work with a professor whose research areas match the general topic you want to write about for your dissertation.

Tip 4: Emphasize Your Accomplishments

The statement of purpose isn’t just for explaining your goals and fit but also for talking about your (relevant) academic and professional accomplishments.

You don’t want to repeat what’s already on your undergraduate transcript or CV/resume, so try to be extremely specific  here about what you’ve done and how this achievement has influenced your decision to get a graduate degree in this field.

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

How to Write a Personal Statement

Now that we’ve covered how to write a statement of purpose, let’s look at how your approach might differ for the personal statement.

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Tip 5: Tell a Story

Since the personal statement is less formal and more personal, you’ll want to ensure you’re telling a compelling story. In other words, you have more free rein to be creative with the personal statement than you do with the statement of purpose.

The personal statement is the one part of your grad school application where you can really flex your creative muscles. For instance, you don’t need to stick with the conventional chronological format (though there’s nothing wrong with this, of course).

A good way to show off your creativity is to use a variety of literary techniques , from imagery and metaphors to dialogue and colloquialisms. It’s also OK to write a little less formally than you would in a statement of purpose. So go ahead and tell that joke, or share that eccentric story!

Just be careful to not go overboard with informalities,  and make sure you’re still clearly presenting yourself as a serious applicant who is an ideal fit for the program.

Tip 6: Focus On Your Personal Motivations

Since the personal statement allows you to be a bit more personal than the statement of purpose does, it’s best to use this space to focus more on your own personal reasons for developing an interest in this field and applying to this grad program specifically.

Take time to consider what motivated you to apply to grad school and to continue schooling in this particular field. Don’t just focus on grad school in general but on the specific program you are applying to. What initially drew you to this program and at this time?

Tip 7: Explain Any Weaknesses/Challenges You’ve Overcome

You can also use your grad school personal statement to discuss any major weaknesses in your application or any challenges or barriers you’ve overcome in recent years. These can be personal struggles with things such as your career, school, health, money, etc.

For example, maybe your undergraduate GPA wasn’t that high your freshman year because you struggled with living away from home and not knowing anyone at your college. In your personal statement, you could discuss how joining your school’s badminton team helped you make friends and more easily adjust to college life.

Regardless of the challenge you write about,  put a positive spin on it. This will prove to the grad admissions committee that you’re able to overcome challenges on your own and can push forward to be successful.

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

General Tips for Both the Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement

In this final section, we give you some general tips you can use for both grad school statements.

Tip 8: Read the Instructions Carefully

The #1 most important rule for any statement for grad school is that you follow all the instructions for the essay.  Specifically, this means you should do the following:

  • Answer the prompt and all the questions in it —some prompts won’t require you to answer every single question it asks, though it’s best to answer most if you can
  • Adhere to the length requirements —most grad school essays will give you either a word limit (e.g., 500 words) or a page limit (e.g., two to three double-spaced pages), so don’t go over this!
  • Include any information the program requires you to put on each page of your essay —this will most likely be your full name and might also include the document type, page number, etc.

If you have any questions about the requirements for your personal statement or statement of purpose, contact the grad program directly to ask.

Tip 9: Use Specific Details

In any essay you write, it’s important to be as specific as possible. And in a grad school personal statement and statement of purpose, it’s critical that you  include the names of people and places, as well as vivid descriptions of people, ideas, events, and emotions.  Doing this will make your essay not only more realistic but also more relatable to the admissions committee.

Moreover,  try to touch on specific aspects of the grad program, including your research interests and what drew you to this field of study. Don’t just write, “I developed an interest in psychology after taking an introductory psychology class in college.” Tell us who taught the class, the topics you studied that were most fascinating to you, and why you initially decided to enroll in this class.

Tip 10: Be Authentic

While a statement of purpose is more formal than a personal statement is, you still want to sound authentic in both essays. So  make an effort to write in your real, honest voice.  Don’t feel the need to grab a thesaurus to look up difficult vocab words to include in your essay—the admissions committee will be able to tell you’re just trying to sound smart!

Ultimately, you want to write in a sophisticated yet natural-sounding voice that shows off your personality while also highlighting your intelligence and maturity.

Tip 11: Edit and Proofread

Finally, give yourself plenty of time to edit and proofread your essays for your grad school applications. A big part of the personal statement and statement of purpose is showing off your superior, grad-level writing skills, so take your time to craft a compelling (and technically correct!) statement.

Once you’ve got a rough draft completed, look it over for any typos; errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation; and awkward or irrelevant areas. After you’ve done your own edit, give your essay to someone else to read, such as a former professor (if he or she has agreed to look at it   for you),   and ask for some feedback on what you could improve or change.

Conclusion: The Critical Difference Between a Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement

When it comes down to the statement of purpose vs personal statement for grad school, how exactly are the two different—and how are they alike? While both essays are meant to make the grad admissions committee want to admit you, they each contain pretty different information.

The statement of purpose is the more formal of the two, highlighting your academic/professional background and accomplishments, your future goals, and how you see yourself fitting with the program you’re applying to.

By contrast, the personal statement is less formal and focuses more on who you are as a person, including what motivated you to apply to grad school (and this program) and what kinds of obstacles you’ve faced in life.

Most grad programs require at least one statement; this could be either a personal statement, a statement of purpose, or a statement that’s some sort of combination of the two. And some programs require both essays.

Because a statement of purpose differs from a personal statement, the way you approach each statement is also different.

Here’s what you want to do for a statement of purpose:

  • Consider your future goals
  • Research the program and professors
  • Explain how you’re a good match
  • Emphasize your accomplishments

For a personal statement, on the other hand, you’ll want to do the following:

  • Tell a story
  • Focus on your personal motivations
  • Explain any weaknesses or challenges you’ve overcome

Finally, for both statements, be sure to take these four steps:

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  • Read the instructions carefully
  • Use specific details
  • Be authentic
  • Edit and proofread

Now that you understand the major difference between a statement of purpose and personal statement, you can get started on writing an amazing grad school admissions essay!

What’s Next?

Still not sure how to approach the grad school statement? Then check out our collections of real examples of statements of purpose and personal statements .

For even more tips on how to write a killer grad school essay, take a look at our expert guides to how to write the statement of purpose and how to write the personal statement .

What does a grad school application look like? Learn more about grad school application requirements , and get tips on how to find acceptance rates for the grad programs you’re applying to .

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what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Author: Hannah Muniz

Hannah graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a bachelor’s degree in English and East Asian languages and cultures. After graduation, she taught English in Japan for two years via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel. View all posts by Hannah Muniz

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose: Key Differences

Person writing a personal statement

Reviewed by:

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 4/15/24

What is the difference between a personal statement vs statement of purpose? Keep reading as we differentiate between the different types of statements you might have to write for your application. 

Scholars wanting to take the next step in their academic career and apply to grad school will most likely have to write personal statements and statements of purpose in the application process. 

The big question is: what is the difference between a personal statement vs a statement of interest? Is a statement of purpose the same as a personal statement? Which one should you submit? 

To best stand out on applications and impress admissions officers, understanding the expectations of each statement is key. 

If you’re getting your grad school applications together and are unsure of which statement to write or the differences between the two, we’ve got you covered! 

Keep reading as we outline the differences between the two statements and answer some of your frequently asked questions. 

What is The Difference Between a Personal Statement and a Statement of Purpose?

A personal statement and a statement of purpose serve distinct purposes in the admissions process. 

The personal statement is typically a concise one-page document where you reflect on your academic journey and personal growth. It's an opportunity to share how your experiences have shaped your character and influenced your decision to pursue further education.

In contrast, the statement of purpose is a longer, more detailed document that focuses on your qualifications, motivations, and aspirations related to the specific program or field of study you're applying to.

Ultimately, both statements have similar goals. They both require the applicant to demonstrate why they are a great candidate for the chosen program and institute and why they should be accepted into the program. 

Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose: Which One To Write?

First and foremost, ensure that you read the instructions on the school’s webpage! The webpage will clearly list and define what each school is asking for. Look at the program’s FAQ page for more information as well. 

Some schools will clearly define which type of statement they require hopeful students to submit. Some schools, however, ask for a mix of the two. 

For example, the University of Notre Dame’s MFA in Creative Writing program asks applicants to write a statement of intent that describes both personal goals and motivations for applying to the program. Make sure you know exactly what the program is asking for before you begin writing. 

If you need to make the call on which statement to submit on your own, there are a few things you should consider. One thing to keep in mind is the program you are applying to. 

Typically, research-based programs will be looking for more professional essays. In this case, submitting a statement of purpose may be the better choice.

If you are applying to a creative writing program or a grad program in the humanities, writing a personal statement may be more fitting. Typically, humanities programs want to know more about you as a person and how your experiences have shaped you into the person you are now. 

Humanities programs, like English or Gender Studies, want to see that students can be reflective, as the research topics pursued in these programs often require self-reflection and critical thought. In cases like this, you should write a personal statement as it often provides more insight into who you are. 

Tips on How to Write a Personal Statement

Your personal statement is a necessary element of many college applications. It may seem like a daunting task, but here are some tips to help you tackle it: 

  • Start with a hook : If you want your personal statement to stand out from the rest, you’ll need to start with a bang . Consider using a descriptive or action-packed hook to grab your reader’s attention right off the bat and keep them reading. 
  • Stay away from clichés : Admissions officers have to read tens of thousands of personal statements; they hear the same things over and over again. It’s okay to talk about an experience that may be considered cliché, but make it your own. Include details that are unique to your personal story. 
  • Use engaging language : Your personal statement should draw the reader in. Paint a picture with your words. Use sensory language and descriptive details to convey your emotions and experiences. If you’d like, you can take a look at some personal statement examples to give you inspiration. 

Some other details to include in your personal statement include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Personal information 
  • Specific courses that changed your perspective or inspired you 
  • Your passions 
  • Your hobbies and extracurricular activities

Remember to stay focused while writing. Your personal statement should answer the question, “What do I want the college admissions team to know about me?” Don’t get off-track and make your statement any longer than it needs to be . 

If you’re still overwhelmed by this task, there’s nothing wrong with seeking help. You can get expert help with personal statements to make your application stand out from the crowd!

Tips on How to Write a Statement of Purpose

Your statement of purpose, while similar, should be more direct than your personal statement. As you write, remember that you’re trying to answer the question, “What do I intend to do with this degree?” 

  • Provide specific examples : Show, don’t tell. You can make many claims about your skills or abilities, but you need to back up these claims with specific evidence. UC Berkeley advises students to use examples for everything - “don’t say directly that you’re a persistent person, show it.”
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the school : Be specific about why you want to attend this particular school. This shows passion and a sense of direction and motivation. Avoid writing a generic, lackluster statement of purpose to reuse for multiple schools. Instead, include certain classes or professors that intrigue you. 
  • Look toward the future : Make sure to end your statement of purpose with a glimpse into your future at the school and beyond. How will attending this particular school and program help you to make strides in your career and the world around you? 

Some other achievements to highlight in your statement of purpose include:

  • Extracurricular activities that you participated in
  • Community service or volunteer hours 
  • Long-term career goals

Of course, having good grammar and spelling applies to both statements. Make sure that your work is error-free by proofreading multiple times and asking friends or family members to read it over for you. 

FAQs: Personal Statement Vs. Statement Of Purpose

Now that we’ve answered “is a statement of purpose the same as a personal statement?”, let’s move on to answering some of your other frequently asked questions about personal statements vs statements of purpose. 

1. What is the Difference Between a Personal Statement and SOP?

Simply put, a personal statement should include your motivations and interests–speaking more to who you are as a person. Meanwhile, a statement of purpose focuses more on why you want to study in the program you’re applying to and your academic abilities. 

While writing a statement of purpose, make sure to write what the admissions committee wants to hear. Writing a persuasive statement of purpose can help your college application stand out amongst your competition.

2. Can I Submit a Statement of Purpose as a Personal Statement?

As the two statements differ a lot from each other, it won’t be the best idea to submit your statement of purpose as a personal statement. You can, however, tweak your SOP a bit to make it fit into the criteria of a personal statement. 

Your statement of purpose should outline your academic achievements and credentials. You can change up the wording and alter the content a bit to take a more personal approach for a personal statement. 

In showing off your academic prowess and attention to detail, you should pay close attention to how you’re writing your statement. College admission committees will notice if your statement is vague or does not follow what they asked for. 

While it may be time-consuming to write multiple statements (if you are applying for various programs), it is in your best interest to take the time and write a specific statement for each program. 

Don’t cut corners for your college applications.  

3. Is a Personal Statement the Same as a Statement of Purpose?

A personal statement is not the same as a statement of purpose. As we have discussed throughout the article, the two take different tones and have different objectives. 

A personal statement is more of a storytelling piece that reveals how you got to where you are today. It can be less formal and a bit more poetic and intimate than a statement of purpose. 

You can be a bit more creative with your personal statement as well! Try starting it off with a relevant quote or a clever opening line to engage your audience right away. 

A statement of purpose is more traditionally academic in its tone and structure. A statement of purpose should be more formal and focused on your credentials and accomplishments compared to a personal statement.

Final Thoughts

College admissions are no joke. Even if you are a strong applicant, there will also be tons of other applicants that have all the qualifications. Understanding the difference between a personal statement and a statement of purpose is crucial to standing out amongst thousands of other college applicants . 

If you are applying to a research-based program, a statement of purpose will probably fit the requirements more. If you are applying to a humanities program, something more personal and less formal, like a personal statement, would be more fitting. 

Use your own judgment to decide whether a personal statement or a statement of purpose would be most appropriate for the program. 

Best of luck!

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what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose


Personal Statements and Statements of Purpose: What’s the Difference?

Ivy Divider

So you’ve decided to apply for grad school—hooray! Now comes the fun part: more standardized testing, accumulating transcripts, and drafting essay after essay. As you go through your schools’ requirements, you may see requests for “personal statements” or “statements of purpose.” They’re the same thing, right? Not quite. 

As the names suggest, the personal statement focuses on who you are as a person, your background, and what inspired you to pursue your chosen field, while the statement of purpose focuses on your career goals, your academic and professional qualifications, and what you hope to get out of your graduate program. 

Some schools may require one essay combining these topics, some may ask for just one of these essays, and some may ask for both. So, as always, do your research! One way schools evaluate applicants is by how well they follow directions during the application process, so be absolutely sure you understand the prompt, the word count, and any other instructions. 


The personal statement is similar to what you may remember writing for your undergraduate applications . This essay should be vulnerable, personal, and unique to you and your own life experiences. What are your interests? What personal, academic, or professional challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them? What inspired you to pursue graduate work in your chosen field? How did you decide to apply to this program? Perhaps you majored in chemistry in undergrad but did an internship in biochem that prompted you to shift your focus in your graduate work. Maybe a classroom debate in high school sparked a love of ethical philosophy, leading you to major in English and now apply for law school. 

The goal of this essay is to understand what has shaped you, including your family, your background, your interests, and your personal journey. Admissions should walk away from your essay feeling like they have a sense of who you are as a person. Make sure you mention your undergraduate major and any specific courses, professors, internships, or experiences that motivated you to apply for graduate studies. The most compelling personal statements weave your challenges and accomplishments into a unique narrative charting your personal growth. 


The statement of purpose should be more formal and more focused on your academic and professional background, as well as your goals for the program and your future career. Rather than recounting your personal journey, tell admissions about your research, coursework, internships, and jobs. How have these experiences led you to this specific program? This document should help the reader understand how you will fit into their cohort and what you will bring both to the school and to the field upon graduation. Be sure to discuss your research interests (particularly for STEM fields) and describe how the program will support you to pursue your research. 

This essay should also outline what qualities you possess that make you a good fit for the program and how you will use your education for your future career. Most importantly, make sure you have done your research on each school so you can say exactly what attracts you to each program. Specificity is key here! List the professors, courses, research experiences, and other specific aspects of the program that excite you. How will this program prepare you for your chosen career? Maybe there’s a particular lab you can’t wait to join or perhaps you’re excited by the industry internships the program offers. 

For both essays, remember the three Rs: Research, Reflection, and Revision

  • Research each school to understand exactly how your interests, background, and goals align with their offerings, highlighting specific faculty, courses, and program offerings.
  • Reflect on your personal journey, your motivations for applying, and your career goals to clearly and persuasively articulate your fit for each program and the field at large.
  • Revise your writing! It’s always easier to cut content than to add, so allow your first draft to be a word-dump of every vaguely relevant thought you have. Then go back through with your research and reflection in mind (see what we did there?) and edit your essay to best answer the prompt.

As always, your friendly neighborhood College Essay Advisors are here to help guide you through every stage of the writing process for your personal statement, statement of purpose, and any other supplemental essays that come your way! 

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Tags: grad school , grad school applications , graduate essays , graduate school admissions , graduate school applications , law school admissions , MBA admissions , personal statement , PhD admissions , postgrad applications , postgrad essays , statement of purpose


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Statement of purpose vs. personal statement: knowing the difference

If you’re applying to graduate school, then you might remember the headaches of that application process that you encountered many years ago. Maybe you struggled to decide on a topic for the personal statement, maybe you debated which extracurriculars were worth listing, or maybe you were torn between taking the ACT or SAT. But for all the anxieties induced by college applications, at least those applications (especially, if you remember, those sent through the Common App) spoke the same language: that is, most schools needed the same essential materials, asked the same kinds of questions, and expected the same kinds of answers.

Graduate school applications, by contrast, are far less universal. Since many programs are highly specialized, you may be applying to several programs that each require their own unique statements and supporting materials. Even if you are applying to seemingly identical programs, one school may ask for a one-page statement while another asks for three pages, one school may ask for five recommendations while another asks for three; the variations are endless! Just wrapping your head around the different application requirements can be tiring. 

In this post, I want to de-mystify one difference that I found particularly disorienting when I applied to graduate school: the distinction between the “statement of purpose” and the “personal statement.” Most graduate schools will ask for a statement of purpose, and only some will ask for a personal statement, so in the majority of cases, the statement of purpose is considerably more important. But pointing out the difference between the two statements also emphasizes what exactly a statement of purpose is (and what it is not!).

As I mentioned earlier, the confusing lack of common terms across graduate school applications means that the following distinction might not even hold for all applications. You may, for example, come across a program that asks for a “personal statement,” but the actual essay prompt essentially describes the more standard “statement of purpose.” Or you might encounter a request for a very specific kind of personal statement--one that, for example, only focuses on your ethnic background. Be sure to fully read each application and any accompanying resources so that you address exactly what each application requires. With that important caveat aside, here are the distinctions for what are most commonly called the “statement of purpose” and the “personal statement:”

Statement of Purpose

Think of the statement of purpose like a cover letter. You might start off with something autobiographical or anecdotal, but most of the essay should be about your relevant training and technical career goals.

A strong statement of purpose should:

  • Focus on your specific research interests within a particular field
  • Detail how your academic and professional experiences have developed those research interests and prepared you to pursue them at a higher academic level
  • Explain how those research interests can be pursued at this particular institution in this particular program

Here are some tips for writing an effective statement of purpose:

  • Spend at least a paragraph discussing your interest in the specific program to which you’re applying. List specific professors whose work aligns with your own academic experience or research interests (and explain that connection). List specific institutions, programs, and opportunities associated with the program and explain how you would utilize them.
  • Be as specific as possible about your research interests. This doesn’t mean you should know exactly what your dissertation topic will be in five years, but you should be able to identify a specific field within the department and professors who work in that field. Often admissions decisions are based on specialties (an English department probably doesn’t want an entire class studying Victorian literature and a biology department probably doesn’t want an entire class researching genetics), so narrowing your field can be essential.
  • Anecdotes and autobiography can be effective in your introduction, but make sure the bulk of your statement is technical and academic. Only include extra-curriculars if they directly relate to your research interests. In all likelihood, your personal history has shaped your research interests, and your statement of purpose shouldn’t sound like a generic, lifeless script. But you primarily want to prove to the committee that you can succeed in coursework, excel in lab, finish a dissertation, or teach an undergraduate class.

Personal Statement

Think of the personal statement, by contrast, as more of a bio. You still want to mention your research interests and the specific program you’re applying to, but you also have an opportunity to flesh out your personal history. 

A strong personal statement should:

  • Focus on the intersection of your personal, academic, and professional lives
  • Detail various life experiences that have developed your character, work-ethic, and perspective
  • Explain how your background particularly suits your for this program and/or will allow you to contribute a unique perspective to the community 

Some tips for writing an effective personal statement:

  • Some institutions use the personal statement to assign various fellowships based on students’ backgrounds. If you’ve overcome or still face any barriers to education, this is an opportunity to explain those experiences.
  • If you haven’t overcome any significant barriers, don’t stretch the truth. Instead, you might talk about how certain experiences have shaped your perspective or widened your understanding of the barriers that others face. Maybe you haven’t experienced any significant hardships but are still driven to help others who do, and you can discuss how this program will help you to achieve that goal. Or you might explain how you look forward to learning from a diverse and dynamic academic community.
  • Though the personal statement is an opportunity to share information about yourself that might not directly map onto your academic career, you should still explain how your personal experiences ultimately make you a stronger student, colleague, and/or teacher.

Hopefully these distinctions have helped to clarify some key terms you’ll encounter while applying to graduate school. While these essays are usually the hardest part of applications, they can also be the most rewarding. If you think carefully about why exactly you want to apply to a program, what exactly you would study while there, and how that experience fits into your larger personal history, you’ll be both a stronger candidate and graduate student.

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Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: [6] Differences Between the Two

statement of purpose vs personal statement

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

In this article, we compare a statement of purpose vs a personal statement .

We also added six things to think about while writing your statement of purpose and six tips for writing a winning statement of purpose.

Table of Contents

What is a statement of purpose, what is a personal statement, what are the important differences between a statement of purpose and a personal statement, six points to consider when writing a statement of purpose, six steps to writing a winning statement of purpose.

It’s an essay written by an applicant, usually for a graduate program.

It aims to tell the admissions committee about your academic and professional goals, professional interests, and how they can provide value to the graduate program.

It can also be called a research statement or a letter of intent. It should be one to three pages long, depending on the program’s guidelines.

The statement of purpose should be written in a formal tone and should include a brief overview of the applicant’s educational and professional experience as well as any other information that makes them a good candidate for the course and a good fit for that specific program.

It’s an essay used by applicants to introduce themselves to an admissions committee, usually for an undergraduate degree.

Personal statements usually focus on the applicant’s identity, personality and skills.

These are often short narratives or stories that show why a particular candidate is right for a particular program.

You can also include personal and academic experiences, as well as explain your motivation and enthusiasm for the field you are applying for.

1. Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: Format

Both are types of documents used to apply for graduate programs, however, a statement of purpose is more commonly used especially where research is involved.

The format of a Statement of Purpose is more formal and should highlight your academic strength and background, research interests, long-term goals, and why you are fit for that particular program.

A personal statement can be informal in format and should showcase your personal motivation for applying to that program or any achievements or challenges that you faced as well as learning from those experiences.

2. Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: Purpose

Both statements are used to provide insight into the applicant’s personal background, academic/professional experience, and future goals.

The Statement of Purpose typically calls for greater emphasis on the applicant’s purpose for applying to graduate school as it relates to their interests, academic/professional experience, and future goals compared to a Personal Statement which may focus more on the applicant’s personal background or story.

3. Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: Content

The main difference between the two types of statements is that a personal statement focuses more on who you are as an individual while a statement of purpose emphasizes what you want to study and what you plan to do with your degree.

Additionally, personal statements often include stories from applicants’ lives that help readers get to know them better, whereas statements of purpose usually don’t have this type of personalization in them.

4. Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: Accomplishments

Both the statement of purpose and personal statement can highlight accomplishments and achievements.

However, the statement of purpose focuses more on how the student wants to enhance his/her professional profile through their time at university.

For example, it may mention specific fields of interest as well as incubators or membership of networks that will help build their professional base.

On the other hand, a personal statement tends to focus more on personal achievements rather than professional ones.

It usually highlights a student’s dedication towards a certain field or activity they have been involved in for some time now – such as volunteering or participating in competitions.

It also allows them to showcase any awards they may have won along with any other notable achievements related to their hobbies or interests outside school hours.

5. Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: Creativity

Both a statement of purpose and a personal statement can be creative in their tone and structure.

A personal statement is usually more individual and informal than a statement of purpose which takes on a more traditional academic tone.

While both types of statements should focus on the author’s credentials and accomplishments, personal statements may also focus on other aspects such as relationships with others or life lessons learned along the way.

6. Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: Resources & Tools

Both should be checked carefully but for a statement of purpose, you should use a writing guide and samples to be sure you are organising your writing in the correct way. These include:

  • The Write Ivy PhD and Master’s Guide: This FREE (and helpful) guide will help you, step-by-step.
  • Sample Statements of Purpose: These can provide inspiration for your own statement of purpose and help you understand the format and structure to write your own document.
  • Writing Tips: Writing tips from experts can help guide you through the process of crafting a powerful statement of purpose that stands out from the rest!
  • Grammar Checker/Spell Checker Software: It is important that your statement is written correctly in order for it to be taken seriously by admissions officers; grammar checkers/spell checkers can help with this task!

1. Goals: What do you want to achieve?

Think about:

  • Your goals and objectives: What do you hope to achieve after completing the program of study? Be specific and clearly outline your medium- and long-term goals.
  • How the program fits with your career plans: Does the program suit your interests, professional goals, and academic background well? Will it provide opportunities for further specialization or research in your field of interest?
  • The reputation of the college or university offering the program: do your research to be sure you’ll receive a quality education as well as a chance of a good job.
  • How you will pay for it? Be sure to check out scholarships or financial aid available for this particular program.

2. Information: What do they need to know?

  • Write concisely and clearly, with a focus on your career goals and objectives.
  • Your strengths, achievements, and potential for success in your chosen field or profession.
  • Your qualifications for the desired program of study.
  • You should emphasize any relevant experience that would add value to your application package and future research.

3. Word Length: How long should it be?

It should usually be between 1-2 pages (single-space pages in 12-point font). Some schools may provide a word limit, in which case you must keep to it.

4. Type of Statement: Should it be a purpose or a personal statement?

A purpose and a personal statement both serve as an introduction to the candidate.

However, a purpose is more formal and objective, while a personal statement can be more creative, using a narrative style with the candidate’s voice.

Additionally, a purpose focuses on qualifications and accomplishments while a personal statement can reveal how the candidate got to where they are today.

A purpose is more traditionally academic in its tone and structure than a personal statement.

A personal statement can be less formal than a purpose and may start off with relevant quotes or clever opening lines to engage the audience right away.

Additionally, while both pieces should be proofread for grammar and spelling mistakes, they differ in that personal statements may have an additional layer of creativity not found in statements of purpose.

5. Writing Style: How should it be written?

  • Make sure your statement of purpose is unique and focuses on your skills and achievements. Add concise detail to leave a lasting impression.
  • Write in a more formal way: Ensure that your statement of purpose directly and clearly communicates your goals, motivations, and aspirations.
  • Consider your audience: Before writing your statement of purpose, consider who will be reading it (for example, faculty members or admission officers) so that you can keep it focused, with relevant information about yourself or the subject you want to study
  • Proofread carefully before submitting.

6. Writer’s Voice: What tone should be taken?

When writing a statement of purpose, it is important to focus on the positive (what you can do, what you want to learn) rather than gaps in your experience and skill set.

If you are adding example experiences to demonstrate your skills and suitability for the course, the story you choose should be interesting, with concise detail that will interest a reader.

Step 1: Explain why you want to pursue this graduate degree

When writing a statement of purpose for a graduate degree in business, it is important to explain why you are passionate about pursuing this degree, what inspires you to achieve your professional goals, and how the program aligns with your career aspirations.

Add motivating factors such as transitioning from the corporate world or completing an MBA to progress within your company.

Additionally, be sure to explain any relevant experience or qualifications that qualify you for admission into this program, with supporting data.

For example, ‘I trained new staff in using software to improve sales’ may be true, but ‘I trained 28 team members using the XYZ software package, and their sales increased 9.2% within a week’ is much better.

Step 2: Share your motivation and your dreams but be brief

  • Start by brainstorming and writing down your goals and ambitions. What motivates you? What are your dreams?
  • Identify your strengths (that will help you achieve these goals), as well as experience or skills that will be relevant.

Step 3: Define your research interests

  • Identify your research interests: What are you interested in studying, and why? Which topics or questions are you hoping to explore?
  • Name the professors at the school who you are interested in working with, explaining how their specialist research topics could fit in with your objectives. Do the same for any other programs such as work experience placements that are part of the course. For example, ‘I received an award for my presentation on the Hall Lock (used in anaesthesia) and am thrilled to have the opportunity to complete my work placement with Professor Hall’s team at Cardiff University, where this equipment was developed’.
  • Provide specific examples of your interests related to the course. For example, if you’re applying for a PhD program in Clinical Psychology then it would be important to highlight what specific topics within clinical psychology interest you most (e.g., psychotherapy techniques) and why they resonate with your personal values/beliefs/experiences.

Step 4: Outline your strengths and suitability for the program

  • Create an outline before you start writing the statement of purpose.
  • Write down your thoughts in an organized manner and ensure that your essay is coherent.
  • Find personal reasons that motivate you to apply for the program, then spend some time reflecting on what motivates you specifically for this course of study.
  • Discuss any challenges that you have overcome in recent years to highlight your problem-solving abilities.
  • Conclude on a positive note by assuring the admission committee that you can tackle any challenges ahead successfully.

Step 5: Show by example how you have achieved goals in the past

Showing by example how you have achieved goals in the past can help with writing a winning statement of purpose because it provides the admissions committee with an insight into your strengths and achievements.

You can also demonstrate that you have the determination and drive to succeed in this graduate program.

Additionally, these examples show that you are able to take initiative and make a positive impact on whatever situation or project you are involved in, building trust between yourself and the admissions committee.

Step 6: Follow all instructions!

  • Check all the instructions and requirements for writing a statement of purpose.
  • Follow all instructions to the letter, without trying to be smart or creative to get them.
  • Once again, make sure that your essay meets six basic requirements: it should be concise, well-structured, coherently organized, grammatically correct and free from spelling mistakes, and coherently written in perfect academic English without any slang or typos.
  • Make sure you have included all the necessary information such as name/surname/contact details/college applied to/date submitted etc., at the end of your essay before submitting it online or via an email attachment if instructed to do so by the admissions team.

FAQs – (Some of these are covered in more detail above)

What is the difference between a statement of purpose and a personal statement in terms of undergraduate and post-graduate programs.

Both a statement of purpose and a personal statement can be used for undergraduate admission or graduate/post-baccalaureate programs.

A statement of purpose usually places greater emphasis on an applicant’s reasons for applying to graduate school as it relates to their interests, academic/professional experience, and future goals.

A personal statement often calls for applicants to discuss their personal background (not necessarily academic or professional).

How long should a Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement be?

When writing a statement of purpose or personal statement, it is important to consider the length of the document.

Generally, both types of essays should be between 1-2 pages (single-space pages in 12-point font).

Some schools may provide a word limit, in which case you should strictly adhere to it. Brevity is key, so try to focus on only the most relevant information and make every word count.

What format should I use for a Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement?

The format for a statement of purpose or personal statement depends on the program you are applying to.

For graduate studies, business or law school, it is usually best to write in story form and use a more narrative style with your voice.

For medical programs, it is typically more formal and objective. Regardless of the program, you are applying for, it is important to proofread your essays for grammar and spelling before submitting them.

What are the requirements for a Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement?

The requirements for a Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement include:

  • It should be well-written, coherent, and clear.
  • It should be concise and focused on the topic at hand.
  • It should address why you are applying to the program or university in question and why you would be a good fit for it.
  • It should highlight relevant experiences, achievements, or skills that make you an ideal candidate for the program or university’s graduate degree program/scholarship/fellowship award/etc..
  • It should demonstrate your ability to succeed in the chosen field of study by providing examples of past successes related to that field of study (e.g., research papers).

What strengths should I highlight in my Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement?

When writing a Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement, it is important to highlight your strengths. Some examples of strengths you can include are:

  • Leadership skills
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Dedication and perseverance
  • Initiative and drive to succeed
  • Communication skills
  • Persuasive speaking abilities
  • Multicultural understanding and awareness

How do I make sure my Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement stands out?

  • Research the field you are applying to and find out what they are looking for in a statement of purpose or personal statement.
  • Make sure your statement is personalized and focused on why you want to pursue that particular degree/field of study/career path, rather than just listing your qualifications and experience.
  • Make sure it is concise, clear, and easy to read – use simple language that will not distract from the main message of your statement or bore the reader with unnecessary details or long sentences.
  • Proofread carefully for any grammar or spelling mistakes before submitting it as this can make a bad impression on the admissions committee from the start!
  • Make sure it has an interesting opening sentence or paragraph that will capture their attention right away; this could be something related to their field of study/research topic if possible since they will be more likely to take notice if they recognize what you’re referring to right away!

What resources are available to help me write my Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement?

There are a variety of resources available to help you write your Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement. These include:

  • Sample statements and templates to guide you in composing your own statement
  • Tips and advice from experts on how to write an effective statement
  • Guidance on how to format and structure your document for maximum impact
  • Resources such as dictionaries, thesauruses, and style guides for enhancing the quality of your writing

What mistakes should I avoid when writing my Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement?

When writing your Statement of Purpose or Personal Statement, you should avoid the following mistakes:

  • Not clearly stating your purpose or goal in writing the statement.
  • Using clichés or overused phrases in your statement. Phrases such as ‘I passed the exam with flying colours’ tend to come up quite regularly in statements so it’s better to write, ‘I received four A grades and achieved a 3.9 GPA’
  • Trying to fit too much into one statement, results in it becoming convoluted and difficult to read and understand.
  • Failing to proofread thoroughly for grammar and spelling errors before submitting your statement for review or acceptance into a program of study/scholarship/funding opportunity etc.

Is a personal statement the same as a statement of purpose?

A personal statement and a statement of purpose both provide an opportunity for applicants to introduce themselves and explain why they are qualified for the position they are applying for.

Both types of statements should be well-written, concise, and compelling.

Personal statements typically focus on an applicant’s background, accomplishments, skillset, and goals while the statement of purpose focuses more on what motivates the applicant to pursue a particular career path or program at a specific university or institution.

Personal statements are often used in applications for graduate school or scholarships whereas the statement of purpose is used more often in applications for jobs or internships.

When it comes down to the statement of purpose vs personal statement for grad school, how exactly are the two different—and how are they alike?

The statement of purpose is the more formal of the two essays, highlighting your academic/professional background and accomplishments, your future goals, and how you see yourself fitting in with the program you’re applying to.

By contrast, the personal statement is less formal and focuses more on who you are as a person, including what motivated you to apply to grad school (and this program) and what kinds of obstacles you’ve faced in life.

The way you approach each essay is also different: for a statement of purpose, consider your future goals; research the program and professors; explain how you’re a good match; emphasize accomplishments; while for a personal statement tell a story focus on your personal motivations to explain any weaknesses or challenges overcome

More Personal Statement Tutorials

  • Guide to Writing a Winning Personal Statement for University

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Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Varonika Ware is a content writer at Scholarships360. Varonika earned her undergraduate degree in Mass Communications at Louisiana State University. During her time at LSU, she worked with the Center of Academic Success to create the weekly Success Sunday newsletter. Varonika also interned at the Louisiana Department of Insurance in the Public Affairs office with some of her graphics appearing in local news articles.

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what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose

An important part of applying to college is getting started on your personal statement…or is it the statement of purpose? Fortunately, this guide gives you a walkthrough of the difference between the personal statement vs statement of purpose, and what each means for your application. Keep reading below to find out more!

Personal Statement

One of the main differences between the personal statement and the statement of purpose is that the personal statement is focused entirely on you . The personal statement is the ideal place to talk about your skills and what makes you the ideal applicant for the college you’re applying to. 

It’s important that you include personal elements in your statement. Tell the admissions committee more about yourself and your connection to their institution. Ideally, you want the reader to walk away understanding your personality and achievements. 

Tips for your personal statement

  • Reflect on yourself, your experiences and the story you want to tell
  • Outline your thoughts before you start writing to maintain clarity
  • Start your essay with an engaging hook that captivates the reader
  • Don’t be afraid to offer up details about yourself and obstacles you’ve overcome

Statement of Purpose

In your statement of purpose, you should clearly state your goals for the future. In this essay, colleges look forward to hearing about your research interests, career goals, desired program, and academic/professional skills.

The statement of purpose essay is more formal, so it can be helpful to connect your skills with your desired major or program of study. Be sure to present yourself as a promising student that will contribute to the college’s community.

Tips for your statement of purpose

  • Assess your academic strengths and how they can be applied to your desired major
  • Start thinking about your career goals and what you hope to accomplish
  • Ask a mentor, teacher or family member to review your essay
  • Research the college’s curriculum for your desired program of study

Also see: How land an internship

Key differences between personal statement and statement of purpose

When choosing which type of statement to write for your application, there are a few differences that you should keep in mind. For example, the personal statement is conversational and focused on who you are now. The statement of purpose is forward-thinking about your career and should be written in with a more formal tone. 

The statement of purpose also should mention a specific area of interest or a degree program that you’re hoping to pursue. On the other hand, a personal statement explains your connection with your school of choice. Be sure to check the prompt and requirements your school mentions, so you know how to approach your essay!

Also see: Top Tips for Formatting Your College Application Essay

Key Takeaways

  • The personal statement and statement of purpose ask for different information 
  • For the personal statement, talk about your skills and what makes you an ideal applicant 
  • For the statement of purpose, state your goals for the future
  • Always carefully read the prompt so you know exactly what a particular college is looking for 

Also see: How to respond to this year’s Common App essay prompts

Additional resources

Once you’ve got the difference between statement of purpose vs personal statement down-pat, congratulations! But remember, your application process is far from over. Luckily, we’re here to help you through it.

Whether you need help writing a personal essay, a statement of purpose, a 250 word essay , or a 500 word essay, we have you covered. If you need to write from a personal perspective, read this article on writing about yourself first. Learn how to write winning scholarship essays and maximize your chances to earn scholarships to fund your education. 

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Home / Blog / Grad Schools / Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose – What’s the Difference? Is there one?

Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose – What’s the Difference? Is there one?

Student working on applying to school

As you work to complete your graduate school applications, your program will likely ask for a personal statement, a statement of purpose, or even both. The program might give you detailed instructions on what should be included in the statement or leave you to figure it out on your own with an enigmatic ‘Include a Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose’.

If you are applying to multiple graduate programs, you might be wondering if you can use the same general content regardless of whether the program asks for a ‘personal statement’ or a ‘statement of purpose’. The good news is there is significant crossover between to the two, but there are subtle differences. Shaping the essay the right way can greatly enhance the essay’s effectiveness by providing the admissions officers with the information that they want to know about you.

Here are some hints on how to submit the right essay to your graduate program.

Personal Statement Only

A personal statement gives you more leeway than a statement of purpose. However, this can also be more challenging in that you need to show your readiness for a graduate program both in terms of skills and character. The majority of the essay needs to be about your passion for your chosen field and why you have chosen to apply to a particular program. If you have space left over in the essay, you may want to write about an experience not directly related to your field, such as volunteer service. Even so, end the passage with a clear statement about how that experience has better prepared you for graduate studies.

Statement of Purpose Only

A statement of purpose should have a sharper focus than a personal statement. It should show that you have a strong sense of, well, purpose in applying to the program. In your statement of purpose, place the emphasis on all of the reasons that you are applying to graduate school. You may want to write about experiences directly related to the graduate program and go into detail about why you are choosing a specific program. Information about particular classes, professors whose work you admire or whose work aligns with your own research goals, and other factors like location of the school or internship opportunities should be included. Avoid writing about anything not directly related to the program. For example, if you are applying to a program in Materials Science, don’t start the essay with an anecdote about running a marathon or spend a paragraph writing about your experience volunteering at a homeless shelter.

Both a Personal Statement and a Statement of Purpose

Seeing the request for both a ‘personal statement’ and a ‘statement of purpose’ can instill dread in the hearts of applicants. If this is the case, write your statement of purpose first to write about your research skills and experience, internships, and reasons for choosing the program. In your personal statement, you can go more into detail about the path you took to choosing your field, significant experiences not directly related to your field, and other aspects of your life that demonstrate your character and potential.

Need help getting started on your grad school search? Search by location, major, admission difficulty, and more with Peterson’s Graduate School Search .

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Statement of Purpose Vs. Personal Statement – A Guide for Early Career Researchers

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You were busy gathering information on how to apply for PhD programs abroad and you came across terms like Statement of Purpose (SOP), personal statement, letter of recommendation, etc. You are aware of these documents but how is one different from another, is still confusing. Your peers did mention how important these documents are while seeking admissions!

Among the researchers there always was confusion in understanding the difference between these academic documents . Moreover, many have a notion that statement of purpose and personal statement are the same. In this article, we will discuss statement of purpose vs. personal statement , why they are important, and which one to write when?

What is a Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

The statement of purpose is a letter that explains your rationale for applying to a graduate program and why an early career researcher is good for the program. The admission panel is interested to know why the candidate is interested in the program. This statement acts as a bridge to a possible candidate’s past and future in academics.

The early career researcher should have a substantial amount of experience in the field of research they are applying for. However, the program one applies to defines whether the early career research must mention their past experiences in the field of study. For example, it does not solve the purpose to mention the research experience in detail if they are applying for an MBA program.

Writing a statement of purpose requires understanding the academic journey. It is good to observe all the past events and life-changing turns in the career. This will help the candidate create strong reasoning for wanting to apply to the necessary program. Furthermore, once the candidate understands the academic past and possible future and does thorough background research, he/she must focus on how to create an original story.

A Well-Written Statement of Purpose

A well-written Statement of Purpose (SOP) could convince the admission panel to accept your application. The statement of purpose should have believable responses to questions such as –

  • Why did you choose this school/university?
  • Which field of research you are passionate about?
  • Why you can’t pursue it in your country?
  • Which Professor(s) is pursuing this field? And how does their work align with your interest?
  • What do you want to gain from this academic experience?
  • How has your background prepared you to develop this interest?
  • What are your career goals?
  • Why did you not score well on certain tests and what did you learn from that failure?
  • And finally, what is special about you, and how does it set you apart from the rest?

What is a Personal Statement?

The personal statement is a personal note wherein the applicant writes about the personal as well as the academic background. The essay lets you share personal and professional experiences along with your academic experiences. However, there is less emphasis on research or future intent as compared to statement of purpose, in a personal statement.

In a personal statement, you are promoting yourself based on your skills as to why you are the right applicant for the particular course. Furthermore, it is essential to mention your readiness for the course and enthusiasm for the field you are applying for.

A candidate should add the following details while writing a personal statement –

  • Candidates’ goals and values
  • A personal story based on acquired skillset
  • Discussion over what motivates the candidate
  • Importance of the chosen course in today’s world.

statement of purpose vs. personal statement

Difference Between Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement

A statement of purpose explains why you want to study a given subject topic (it could be for a program) and a personal statement explains why you are a right candidate for a program. Furthermore, the statement of purpose discusses the area of interest while a personal statement discusses your motivation for applying.

An SOP focuses on highlighting the early career researcher’s credentials and qualifications. A personal statement focuses on the candidate’s acquired skills. Finally, a statement of purpose discusses how the candidate plans to achieve academic or professional goals. While a personal statement focuses on candidate’s relevant experiences, challenges, or accomplishments.

Statement of Purpose Vs. Personal Statement – Which One to Choose?

Choosing the right essay depends on the requirements of the universities because some institutions ask for a statement of purpose while others instruct for writing a personal statement . Some global graduation institutes would ask for separate statements and during admission they combine the qualities of both essays and may ask applicants to write a comprehensive essay. To find out which essay to write, it is good to check the university website, the requirement page will give details on the program.

statement of purpose vs. personal statement

Tips for Statement of Purpose Vs. Personal Statement

For statement of purpose –.

  • Help the admission committee to analyze your aptitude and motive for taking admission to their university. Thus, write what the admission committee wants to know.
  • Admission officers read hundreds of SOPs in each academic session. Then can find flaws quite efficiently. However, a genuine statement of purpose that talks about realistic achievements and thoughts of the future will intrigue their interest.
  • All applicants are equally worthy. For your application to stand out, you must write a statement that stands out from the others. Start with an interesting introduction to capture the admission officer’s attention. Starting with an incident or a real-life experience would be the best way to write an introduction for your statement of purpose.
  • Introduce your career goals. Be specific about how the program will help you attain your career objective. Mention your objectives related to the program you are applying to.
  • Don’t be boastful but mention your academic and professional achievements. Try to be precise about the achievements and your decision in choosing the particular program.

For Personal Statement –

  • Create an outline before you start writing the personal statement . Write down your thoughts in an organized manner and ensure that your essay is coherent and flows smoothly.
  • You need to find personal reasons that motivate you to apply for the particular program. Spend some time to check what motivated you and apply for the course specifically.
  • Talk to your friends and family members to find out about your unique qualities. You could also ask for an honest opinion from your siblings, they will be a better judge of your qualities.
  • Discuss your weaknesses or challenges that you overcame in recent years. Also, mention your struggles during school or college. In the end, conclude on a positive note, this will tell the admission committee that you can tackle any challenges and succeed in any field.

When it comes to statement of purpose vs. personal statement , they are written to influence the admission committee by presenting the most important information about your life in words. A statement of purpose is more formal, highlighting your academic or professional background. Meanwhile, a personal statement is a bit informal and focuses on your qualities as a person.

Did you know the difference between statement of purpose vs. personal statement ? Did you write a statement of purpose or a personal statement? What ways did you follow to write these essays? Do write to us or leave a comment below!

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great article to read

Your website provided alot of insight into the two keywords which are not found in many websites,however it will do good to include examples to further highlight the differences in the two words.Thanks

Great read. Thanks. It’d be perfect to add some samples to further highlight the application of the differences.

Very well received with thanks.

I loved the information and I am willing to learn more

What is the difference between a Statement of Purpose (SOP) and a Personal Statement when applying for PhD programs abroad?

This is really a good guide. Thank you

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what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

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what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

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Differences between statements of purpose and personal statements

Statement of purpose.

The focus of a statement of purpose is typically what you have accomplished academically in the past and what you plan to accomplish academically and professionally in the future.

This document focuses primarily on the purpose you have for applying to a specific program. It is less about your character and more about your previous experiences, your goals, and the connections to the program to which you are applying.

The goal of the statement of purpose is to demonstrate your understanding and preparation for the academic pursuits and rigors of a graduate program, including the coursework, research, and possibly teaching expectations.

Be specific about research interests. While no one will hold you accountable to pursuing the research you describe in your Statement of Purpose, a specific research focus allows the admissions committee to evaluate whether your interests are a good match for their program.

This document is more technical and academic and less biographical.

Personal statement

The focus of the personal statement is typically on personal thoughts, feelings, and reflections. This document is more biographical than the statement of purpose.

A good way to understand the personal statement is as a document that shows your passion for the field to which you are applying. You will want to demonstrate personal characteristics that show your readiness for graduate school.

This document encourages a discussion of your background, perspectives of diversity, and how your experiences have shaped you as a person and a learner.

You can discuss overcoming significant barriers, but try to stay positive, focusing on what you learned and gained from overcoming the barriers.

Both documents are used to determine if you are a good investment and match for the program to which you are applying. Sometimes schools may ask for a personal statement that does the work of a statement of purpose—Read carefully what you are being asked to do in the document.

Jenna. (2016). Statement of purpose versus personal statement: Knowing the difference. Cambridge Coaching. Retrieved from http://blog.cambridgecoaching.com/statement-of-purpose-versus-personal-statement-knowing-the-difference

Peterson’s. (2013). Personal statements vs. statement of purpose—What’s the difference? Is there one? Retrieved from: https://www.petersons.com/blog/personal-statement-vs-statement-of-purpose-whats-the-difference-is-there-one/

Swales, J.M., Feak, C.B. (2011). Navigating academia: Writing supporting genres, Volume 4 . Ann Arbor, MI


Statement of Purpose (SoP) vs Personal Statement vs Letter of Motivation (LoM)

Tanmoy Ray

  • December 3, 2020
  • Study Abroad

Statement of Purpose (SOP), Personal Statement, and Letter of Motivation (or Letter of Intent) are the three things that people often struggle to differentiate between, or rather they just confuse one with another. No worries. We are here to put each one of them into their respective perspectives so as to give you a clear understanding SOP vs Personal Statement vs Letter of Motivation, and how one of them is different from the other.

SOP vs Personal Statement vs Letter of Motivation

Co-authored by Parinita Gupta

Statement of Purpose (SoP) vs Personal Statement

The majority of US and UK universities ask for a statement of purpose (aka SOP) or a Personal Statement. However, sometimes the US schools ask for both an SOP and a Personal Statement (popular for schools like UC Berkeley, UCLA, University of Michigan, etc.).

In simple words, the Statement of purpose defines what you want to do, in contradiction with the Personal statement which defines you and who you are as a person. Both of them have a unique role to play in the enrollment in the grad college program that you are applying for.

When it comes to a Statement of purpose vs a personal statement for grad/ug school, the two are very different yet very alike. While both of them cater to the same purpose of making the grad admission committee believe in you, each of them contains quite different information.

The statement of purpose lies on a little more of a formal end in contrast to a personal statement. A personal statement is rather less formal and focuses more on who you are as a person and a student.

A statement of purpose showcases your academic background and your skills relevant to the program you are applying for. It specifically lists your career goals and exactly what you are aiming for, maybe a year down the line or five. It lets the college know what your research and extra curriculum interests are and helps it decide whether you are a complete fit for the program that you are enrolling in or not.

A personal statement on the other hand highlights more on what motivates you personally, what truly drives you to pursue a grad/undergrad program, and brags about all the major accomplishments you have or any major challenges that you have faced along the way and have successfully overcome.

Here is an example, where applicants need to submit both SoP and Personal Statement:

SoP vs Personal Statement

Similar Objectives of SOP and Personal Statement

Even though a personal statement and Statement of purpose are completely different from each other, both of them essentially have the same overarching purpose, of making the admission committee believe that you are the best fit for their institution and the selected program and that you’ll be successful in completing the program with flying colors. Assuring them of the things mentioned above is your goal, bear that in mind.

What is the statement of purpose, and what is it used for?

The statement of purpose (SoP) is an integral part of your application for graduate admission and consideration for merit-based financial support.

It is used to understand your academic interests, and to evaluate your aptitude and preparation for graduate work, as well as your fit with the proposed program of study. It is also used to assess your ability to write coherent and convincing prose.

What to Write in a Statement of Purpose (SOP )?

  • What is your purpose in applying for graduate study in your specified degree program? Describe your area(s) of interest, including any subfield(s) or interdisciplinary interests.  
  • What experiences have prepared you for advanced study or research in this degree program? What relevant skills have you gained from these experiences? Have your experiences led to specific or tangible outcomes that would support your potential to contribute to this field (examples: performances, publications, presentations, awards or recognitions)?  
  • What additional information about your past experience may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at the particular university? For example, you may wish to describe research, employment, teaching, service, artistic or international experiences through which you have developed skills in leadership, communication, project management, teamwork, or other areas.  
  • Why is this graduate program to which you are applying is the best place for you to pursue your academic goals? If you are applying for a research master’s or doctoral program, we encourage you to indicate specific research interests and potential faculty mentors.  
  • What are your plans for your career after earning this degree?

What is a Personal Statement and what is it used for?

The Personal Statement is an opportunity for you to provide additional information that may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at a particular school. It will also be used to consider candidates for specific scholarship or fellowship schemes.

What to Include in a Personal Statement?

  • Are there educational, personal, cultural, economic, or social experiences, not described in your Statement of Purpose, that have shaped your academic journey? If so, how? Have any of these experiences provided a unique perspective(s) that you would contribute to your program, field, or profession?  
  • Describe the challenge(s) or barriers that you have faced in your pursuit of higher education. What motivated you to persist, and how did you overcome them? What is the evidence of your persistence, progress, or success?  
  • How have your life experiences and educational background informed your understanding of the barriers facing groups that are underrepresented in higher education?  
  • How have you been actively engaged (e.g., through participation, employment, service, teaching, or other activities) in programs or activities focused on increasing participation by groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education?  
  • How do you intend to engage in scholarly discourse, research, teaching, creative efforts, and/or community engagement during your graduate program that has the potential to advance diversity and equal opportunity in higher education?  
  • How do you see yourself contributing to diversity in your profession after you earn your advanced degree at a particular university?

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Tips for Writing SoP and Personal Statement for a Single Application

Since a statement of purpose (SOP) is different from a personal statement , your approach toward each statement in these essays also has to be different.

To quickly summarize, here are a few things to keep in mind while writing a statement of purpose (SOP):

  • Take your future goals into consideration
  • Research well about the program and the faculties
  • Explain how both of these two points mentioned above are a good match
  • Emphasize your accomplishments and all the challenges which you’ve overcome

And, here are a few things to keep in mind before writing a Personal statement:

  • Make it sound like you’re telling a story
  • Emphasize more what your personal motivations are
  • Explain in detail your weaknesses and the challenges that you’ve overcome.

Finally, keep these things in mind for either of these essays:

  • Use specific details
  • Edit and proofread
  • Be authentic

SoP vs Personal Statement vs Letter of Motivation

Statement of Purpose (SoP) vs Letter of Motivation

On the other hand, one might get confused between a Statement of purpose and a Letter of Motivation. Generally, European universities (Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, etc.) ask for a letter of motivation.

So, there’s a fine line between both of them. Letter of motivation vitally focuses on the future aspects, and your career goals, specifically how your presence in the college/ grad program is going to affect you, your skills, or any professional work or internship experience that you have.

However, a statement of purpose, apart from focusing on all of these things mentioned above, in a LOM, also allows you to focus on, or rather brag about your past qualifications, grades, internships, work experience, volunteering experience, and other activities. A statement of purpose must explain how you are in your academic field of study, how your choice of subject affects you, and how your previous experiences have influenced your career choices, etc.

Even though a statement of purpose (SOP) and a Letter of motivation are used interchangeably, an SOP is more of something to write to an employer while applying for a job whereas a letter of motivation is something more of an application letter to write to a university or a college when applying. It’s pretty common to find universities, colleges, and employers to use these 3 terms interchangeably, you may also find them referring to LOM (letter of motivation) as a personal statement, but a letter of motivation is not alike a personal statement or statement of purpose (SOP).

How is a Letter of Motivation Different from SoP or Personal Statement?

The difference lies in the fact that how long each of these letters is supposed to be and what intention it serves. Generally, personal statements tend to get more personal, and in-depth with the candidate’s personal life, enigmas, strengths, weaknesses, etc., and even past achievements and failures, whereas letters of motivation have personal elements to it.

However, LOMs are much more focused on the applicant’s future plans and aspirations. A letter of motivation, allows the candidates to refer to their past achievements only as proof of their commitment to their future aspirations.

Before you start writing your letter of motivation, make sure that you have enough time to complete it. Important and crucial letters such as this one cannot be written in a hurry.

Therefore, make sure that you reserve some time beforehand. Also, make sure that you research well your university and its program in-depth and what their requirements and expectations are from their future pupils.

Knowing a little more about their main activities, projects, personal philosophy, and interests will help you figure out what the letter should contain and how you can frame your letter in a way that can make you look like a perfect fit for their institution.

Related Articles:

How to Write a Statement of Purpose (SOP) for Graduate School (MS/MBA)?

How to Write an MS SOP for Ivy League Schools?

What do Admission Officers and Universities Look for in SOP and Personal Statements?

About Parinita Gupta:

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Parinita is a full-time banking professional. Additionally, she is also a passionate blogger and digital marketer.

She mostly writes about the Banking & Finance, Technology, and FinTech sector. But, she also enjoys writing on other topics as well.  You can follow her on  Twitter .

References: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 .

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[…] don’t treat it like outsourcing. Consultants are not going to write the SoP or essays for you. That’s your […]

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Difference between SOP and Personal Statement

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Updated on 09 November, 2023

Akansha Semwal

Akansha Semwal

Study abroad expert.

Akansha Semwal

Most reputed universities ask for a statement of purpose (SOP) or a personal statement. Although the Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement contain different information, the two are very alike. A student must know the difference between a personal statement and a statement of purpose if they plan to study overseas. It will help them to answer effectively according to the university’s requirements, which can increase your possibilities of selection into the university. Thus, a student should know the difference between the two before drafting one.

Table of Contents

Personal statement, understanding the difference between sop and personal statement, understanding the key similarities between sop and personal statement, plan the structure:, write their motivational instances:, find unique qualities:, tell about weakness or challenges that they succeeded in:.

  • Objectives of Personal Statement

Frequently Asked Questions

In the SOP (Statement of purpose), a student needs to tell the admission committee about their intention of pursuing a particular program and how they make the right fit for the program. It is indispensable to understand a student’s academic interests and evaluate their aptitude and preparation for graduate work, as well as their fit with the proposed program of study. It is also used to assess their ability to write convincing and coherent prose.

A well-written SOP could convince the admission officers to accept their applications. Additionally, to make an impeccable SOP, a student must include the following aspects:

1) Career goals

2) Academic excellence

3) Education background

4) Professional recognition

5)What is their purpose when applying for graduate study in a specified program? A student’s area(s) of interest, including any subfield(s) or interdisciplinary interests.

6) What experiences have prepared you for advanced study or research in this degree program? What skills have you gained from these experiences? 

7) Share essential past experiences that may aid the selection committee in examining a student’s preparation and aptitude. 

8) Long-term and short-term goals after acquiring the degree 

9) Why that particular country (for undergraduate students

A personal statement is an opportunity for a student to mention additional details that may aid the selection committee in examining their aptitude and preparation for graduate study. In a personal statement, they need to explain why they are the right applicant for the particular course. In it, they need to prove their readiness for taking admission to particular courses. They need to demonstrate their enthusiasm for the field they are applying for.

A few details they need to add to their statement include

  • Are their economic, personal, educational, cultural, or social experiences, not mentioned in their Statement of Purpose, that have shaped their academic journey? If so, elucidate. Have any of these experiences provided unique perspective(s) that they would contribute to their program, field or profession?
  • How have their life experiences and educational background informed their understanding of the barriers facing groups that are underrepresented in higher education?
  • Describe predicament(s) or barriers they have faced in pursuing higher education. What was their motivation to persist? And how did they surpass those challenges? Share the evidence of their progress. 
  • How do they intend to engage in scholarly discourse, creative efforts, research, teaching, and/or community engagement during their graduate program that has the potential to advance diversity?

1) The statement of purpose is all about what you want to achieve in your career and is more focused on your academic/ professional qualities while the personal statement is about your present achievements and personal motivation that make you the right candidate for the program.   

2) The statement of purpose consists of educational excellence, career goals, and how well you fit in the program while the personal statement expresses your motives for applying for the specific programs and any other major challenge or accomplishment you have faced till now. 

3) The SOP is a forward-looking essay in which admission officers are keenly watching every detail you present to them related to future career plans and research goals. On the other hand, the personal statement is a reflection of your happenings which is more concerned with your prior studies.

4) SOP can be a two-page essay, a much more detailed version. While a personal document is usually a crisp and one-page essay.

Although an SOP and a personal statement share a common goal, still, both essays dictate how meritorious a student is to get success in the program. In both essays, a student needs to carefully read all the directions, use a professional tone, be honest, and proofread many times. Both types of essays need to be written between 1-2 pages. Moreover, students should ensure to avoid cliches while writing both. 

SOP or Personal Statement: Which One to Write?

Choosing the right essay completely depends on the conditions of universities as some institutions would want you to write an SOP while others would instruct you to write a personal statement. Some global grad institutes ask for separate statements for admission while some combine the qualities of both essays and want applicants to write a comprehensive essay. For instance, a combination of SOP and personal statement is like talking about the academic and professional goals with a personal touch of successes and motivation. To find out which essay a student needs to write, check the website of the university, they will find the details on the program application requirements page. 

Tips to write an impactful personal statement

Students should outline the structure before they start writing the personal statement. Write down their thoughts in an organized manner and ensure that the essay flows smoothly. 

They should specify the personal reasons that motivate them to apply for the particular program. Spend time checking what motivated them and to apply for the course specifically. 

Students should talk to their friends and family members and ask them about their unique qualities. Sometimes, it is difficult to list down their strengths so it is better to ask their friends. Ask them if they remember any story and these situations will set you apart from other aspirants.

They can discuss their weaknesses or challenges that they overcame in recent years. They can talk about personal struggles they encountered during school or college. Despite any challenge, write a positive conclusion, in the end, that will tell the admission committee that they can tackle any challenge and get success in any field or situation.

Objectives of Personal Statement 

Let us look at some of the main objectives of a personal statement:

  • A student must demonstrate their writing skills personally when applying to a graduate program. Remember, their personal statement will help the authorities evaluate their nature and qualities as a person.
  • They must also discuss their career, personal, and educational goals clearly and answer general questions as laid down by the university’s admission committee.
  • They should gauge their analytical and critical thinking and their editing skills, writing, and general reasoning. Moreover, they need to share their work experience and educational qualifications.
  • Their writing must give an insight that will help the university’s admission committee to determine whether they are a good fit or not.

The personal Statement vs. Statement of purpose will give us a detailed understanding of both documents. It is important to understand their importance and topic of focus for best results.

Comparison: Personal Statement Vs. SOP

Difference between Statement of purpose and personal Statement:

Personal Statement vs. SOP will help all new applicants to write them better and have a powerful impact on the admission committee of the universities.

Both SOP and personal statements are meant to influence the admission committee by presenting important information in the applicant’s words. The SOP is more formal, which highlights their academic or professional background, recognitions, realizations, future goals that tells if they are a worthy candidate for the program. In contrast, a personal statement is a document that focuses on their qualities as a person. Most grad courses require a personal statement or SOP or a combination of both, however there are some universities which require both.

For more information about writing an exceptional SOP, check out our other blogs. Leave your comments below!

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What should you write in a personal statement?

A personal statement should act as a snippet of a student’ s past achievements and focus on their intent to pursue the course. Moreover, what more they can add to the field, once they complete the course. Now, let us look at the other elements that should be included or taken care of when drafting a personal statement:

  • First of all, be yourself and focus on being as genuine as possible when writing a personal statement.
  • Avoid using cliché statements to come across as real.
  • Do not forget to proofread what you have written before sending it.
  • You can use your personal experiences to create an impact and better your points of getting shortlisted. But do not make the whole document overly focused on your experiences alone.
  • Use simple and easy-to-understand words. A student should be able to get their message across. 
  • If a student is asked a question, they should answer it completely and confidently with specific examples and details. 
  • Always write new unique experiences in your Statement for every college a student decides to apply to.

What is an example of a personal statement?

An ideal personal statement explains a student’s attributes as a deserving candidate for the institution. They must be able to explain in detail their past experiences and how it has helped them grow emotionally and mentally as a person. Human values are best learned through personal experiences, and thus it is important to show what values they hold to become a part of a specific social circle or community. For example, they can say, “I have attended various social awareness programs that discuss and work against sexual assault in society.” This experience has helped them understand the trauma a person goes through and how society reacts to it.

How do you write a personal statement?

Writing a personal statement that helps a student’s application stand out is not an easy job. Thus, one needs to focus on their reason for applying when writing a statement of purpose. They should elucidate intellectual & professional & research interest and the expertise they have gained. 

Akansha Semwal is a content marketer at upGrad and has also worked as a social media marketer & sub-editor. Experienced in creating impressive Statement of Purpose, Essays, and LOR, she knows how to captivate the attention of Admissions Committee. Her research-driven;study-abroad articles helps aspirants to make the prudent decision. She holds a bachelor's & master's degree in Literature from the University of Delhi.

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what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Aspirants who wish to study abroad often have this question in mind: what is the difference between a statement of purpose vs personal statement? Most of us don't care enough to understand and use the two terms interchangeably. However, there’s much more to the two being different; they have different forms, structures, and intentions. 

In this article, we explore the differences between the two key documents at the time of registration to colleges: difference between personal statement and statement of purpose . And, by the end of this article, you should be able to craft your masterpiece without external aid. 

Let us have a look at the meanings of a statement of purpose vs personal statement, their differences and similarities, ending with an overview of which is the best choice for you. Stay tuned. 

What is a Statement of Purpose?

A statement of purpose is usually a two-page essay encompassing your virtues as an academic candidate. You put forth various details like personality traits, achievements, goals, aspirations, background, challenges, etc. and draw a vivid picture of yourself as an individual. An SOP encompasses every aspect of your life that other official documents might have overlooked. 

An SOP is an important document for studying abroad. Be it a bachelor’s or a master’s program, every university requires you to write an SOP for them that helps them decide if you’re the better candidate in a group of options.  

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What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is keenly different from a statement of purpose. You can consider it a summary, a brisker version of your SOP, that focuses mainly on your personal information, skills and talents, and professional strengths. A personal statement should be engaging, and crisp, and should convey to the reader exactly what they’re looking for. Minus all the unnecessary details. 

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Moving on, let us understand the difference between SOP and personal statement: 

What is the Difference between SOP and Personal Statement?

We now have a basic understanding of what an SOP and a Personal Statement individually are. Let us go through the difference between personal statement vs SOP in a table:

SOP for PhD

In a gist, the situation you’re in and the program you’re applying to will decide whether you have to write an SOP or a personal statement. 

SOP vs Personal Statement: Similarities 

After seeing the difference between sop and personal statement, we know that while the two terms are distinct, there are certain similarities that compel users to use the two terms as synonyms. Here are a few aspects where the two closely resemble each other. 

  • Both reflect on your virtues and values, just in different tones
  • Both are required when applying to a university/immigration program
  • Both documents are smartly crafted
  • Both should be engaging and should compel the reader to read more
  • The documents often remain in a second-person tonality

Making the Choice: Personal Statement vs SOP

An SOP is used to apply to graduate or undergraduate programs of study. These revolve around your virtues, academic achievements, talents, and why you should get admission. These will usually be more in demand for most of the programs you apply to. Any full-time degree course usually calls for an SOP, and you can always summarise and edit the SOP to make a personal statement.

On the contrary, a personal statement is used in gaps between employment, jobs, apprenticeships, internships, and a few academic fields. Personal statements might also be useful for certification and diploma courses. The program you apply to will usually clarify the nature of the document you need. 

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

It is advisable for students to go for a statement of purpose when choosing between a personal statement vs SOP. The latter is far more versatile and flexible and replaces a personal statement more often than vice versa.  

Tips to Write the Best SOP and Personal Statement

Now that we’re acquainted with the differences between an SOP and a personal statement, let us look at the tips you should keep in mind while crafting them to maximise your intake chances. 

Tips to write an SOP:

  • Start with your introduction
  • Talk about your achievements
  • Talk about your talents and aspirations
  • Give the reader a reason to consider you an able candidate
  • Make the SOP look professional
  • Use good vocabulary, structure sentences neatly, avoid fluff
  • Break the content into paragraphs
  • Make a connection with the reader and engage them 

Tips to write a personal statement:

  • Talk about your personal inclinations, motivations, talents, etc.
  • Switch between tones as it feels natural
  • Don’t overfill the content with uncommon words
  • Keep gaps in between
  • End and begin strongly

How to Write an SOP for USA?

An SOP and a personal statement are briefly distinct terms. Often misunderstood to be the same, the difference can be quite significant if you pay enough attention. While most people pass them to be the same, understanding the difference and crafting your letters specifically make a better impression of your profile as an able candidate. 

If you need professional assistance with your SOP or PS drafting and want to maximise your acceptance chances, enrol on our top-notch expert assistance for free now! Talk to experts, get your profile evaluated, and find more tips and tricks to make your SOP or PS groundbreaking.

Read More: 

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Frequently Asked Questions about SOP vs Personal Statement

What is better: personal statement vs SOP?

An SOP is more versatile and can be used to craft a personal statement. A personal statement is only applicable in a few places.

What is the difference between SOP and personal statement? 

An SOP is more comprehensive, while a PS is largely very crisp. Additionally, an SOP is less personal than a PS. 

Is an SOP necessarily in English?

Most of the time, yes. But otherwise, Hindi and other languages are also acceptable. 

Can someone else write my SOP?

Although this is a common practice, you should write your SOP yourself. The amount of affection, personal touch, and details you enter into your SOP or PS will never be paralleled to anybody else who does it. 

How important is SOP vs personal statement? 

An SOP vs personal statement, both are fairly important. At least one of these documents is required at all times, and you should have these ready. Other than that, the choice between a personal statement vs SOP is absolutely dependent on your situation and field. 


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Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose: Comparative Analysis

EssayEdge > Blog > Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose: Comparative Analysis

Applications for graduate school include writing samples, particularly a personal statement or a statement of purpose. But what is a personal statement, and what is a statement of purpose? You must know the difference between these two types of statements in order to respond effectively to the university’s instructions and to improve your chances of admission to a competitive program.

Briefly, a personal statement looks back and a statement of purpose looks forward, or, in other words, a personal statement explains who you are, while a statement of purpose describes what you want to do. Both focus on your experience and knowledge, but the first tells the reader about you as a person and the second emphasizes what you want to study and what you plan to do with the degree you hope to earn. Personal statement/statement of purpose, no matter what essay you write, both of them should be written perfectly.

Table of Contents:

A good personal statement should contain

  • Your personal motivations for applying to the program
  • Your accomplishments and success-stories
  • The challenges you’ve faced and overcome

A personal statement is less formal and more personal, as it is written in a way that lets the reader get to know you – your background, your hopes and dreams, your practical experience, your challenges and the hardships you have overcome.

Three main points to remember about the personal statement:

1. tell a story..

Often written in ‘story’ form, the personal statement format gives you an opportunity to show why you are a good candidate for graduate study or medical, business or law school, for instance. The personal statement is a great opportunity to show off your writing skills as well as your determination to succeed while telling the reader why you are applying to their program – and why you should be accepted.

2. Add details to engage the reader’s interest.

Share a well-told story about your life – be funny or sad but, above all, be compelling and memorable. The more concise details that you can add to your personal statement, the better it will be. Consider sharing your triumphs and fears, your motivation to study medicine based on your father’s illness, your long-term desire to study law to right wrongs experienced or witnessed by your family or your interest in robotics or AI research. Be personal and unique.

3. Share your motivation and your dreams but be brief.

Be crisp in writing about yourself. Use strong verbs and avoid hackneyed phrases, such as “the experience opened my eyes” or “to make a long story short.” Write as if you were speaking directly to the reader and make each word count. Do not use a thesaurus in hopes of upgrading every other word in your essay because that can make the flow of ideas awkward and will not appear to be written in your own voice and style. Given the large number of applications received by most schools today, the admissions committee reader will appreciate a succinct, well-written story to introduce your candidacy. Focus on your dreams as if you only had a few minutes to convince the reader of your value to their program – because that is the truth. Make these moments count.

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An impressive statement of purpose should demonstrate

  • Your academic strengths and background
  • Your research interests
  • Your career goals
  • The way you fit with the program

Alternatively, schools that request a statement of purpose format want you to tell them about your reasons for pursuing this field of study and your long-term goals in the field. A statement of purpose is more formal and academic, as it is supposed to show your academic background and professional experience in this specific field.

So, now you can deeper understand personal statement vs statement of purpose difference.

1. tell the reader why you want to pursue this graduate degree..

Do you have a natural affinity for scientific research or a commitment to teaching at the university level that will require an advanced degree? Perhaps you need an advanced business degree to be competitive in the corporate world or want to be a physician to help the underserved population in a specific country.

2. Describe how your interest developed in this discipline.

Again, briefly detail your experience in the classroom, in volunteer work, in shadowing opportunities, in internships. Cite mentors, if you were lucky enough to have expert guidance on your journey. Highlight your preparedness for study in this academic discipline.

3. What do you plan to do with this degree?

Emphasize that you are committed to this field and to a specific long-term goal, such as a career in research, teaching, human rights work, policy development, international affairs, finance, healthcare, or any of the many other compelling fields of study. Be specific.

So, the difference between these two types of essays is that the Personal Statement focuses on your individual background and your own special reasons for pursuing the degree while the Statement of Purpose spotlights your career goals and preparedness for this degree program. You have to know the difference between statement of purpose and personal statement to succeed, but it is also important to be aware of the things that are common for a personal statement and a statement of purpose.

Things you should know about writing a Personal Statement or SOP

  • You have to read the instructions carefully and answer the prompt accurately. Don’t forget to add any information required by the program or university you are applying to.
  • Try to use specific details and write in your real, authentic voice. Such an approach to writing will make your personal statement or statement of purpose more realistic and relatable to the admissions committee. Don’t just write that you are interested in sociology because you had a sociology class before. Tell the admission officer more about the topics you studied or your extracurricular experiences.
  • Edit and proofread thoroughly. A big part of a personal statement or statement of purpose is your ability to demonstrate excellent writing skills. Take your time to craft a compelling statement.

Don’t confuse these two notions, although they have similar names. A statement of purpose is similar to a motivation letter since they both address the future. And the latter paper is sometimes even more difficult to tackle. That’s why students prefer to order motivation letter editing on EssayEdge to protect themselves from failure.

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  • Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, and Writing Sample

Details about submitting a statement of purpose, personal statement, and a writing sample as part of your degree program application

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Statement of Purpose 

The statement of purpose is very important to programs when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Your statement should be focused, informative, and convey your research interests and qualifications. You should describe your reasons and motivations for pursuing a graduate degree in your chosen degree program, noting the experiences that shaped your research ambitions, indicating briefly your career objectives, and concisely stating your past work in your intended field of study and in related fields. Your degree program of interest may have specific guidance or requirements for the statement of purpose, so be sure to review the degree program page for more information. Unless otherwise noted, your statement should not exceed 1,000 words. 

Personal Statement

A core part of the Harvard Griffin GSAS mission is to identify and attract the most promising students to form a dynamic and diverse community. We are committed to educating individuals who reflect the growing diversity of perspectives and life experiences represented in society today and who will contribute to our commitment to sustain a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive environment. Please share how your experiences or activities will advance our mission and commitment. Your statement should be no longer than 500 words.

Writing Sample 

Please visit Degree Programs and navigate to your degree program of interest to determine if a writing sample is required. When preparing your writing sample, be sure to follow program requirements, which may include format, topic, or length. 

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Writing a personal statement or statement of purpose.

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

Pieter Brueghel the Elder [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

My pretentious statement worked, kinda. At least, it wasn’t fatal. I was admitted to two of the five or so programs that I applied to. But today, as a former Graduate Program Director for my department and occasional member of the admissions committee, I’d certainly advise prospective applicants against the approach I took. So here are some suggestions and resources:

Although “personal statement” and “statement of purpose” are often used interchangeably, there is a distinction between the two genres. The  FAQ page   for applicants to the  American Cultures program at the University of Michigan  (which requires both) explains:

What is the difference between the Academic Statement of Purpose and the Personal Statement?
Academic Statement of Purpose:  The statement of purpose should be a concise, well-written statement about your academic and research background, your career goals, and how Michigan’s graduate program will help you meet your career and educational objectives. Personal Statement (500 word limit):  The personal statement should describe how your background and life experiences including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan.

Our Graduate School application requests a “personal statement,” but I really prefer a statement of purpose. Less personal, more purposeful.  

There’s a lot of advice out there about what a statement should look like. Two of the resources I like are “ Writing the Statement of Purpose, ” by the  UC Berkeley Graduate Division  and “ Graduate School Applications: Statements of Purpose ,” from the best and most comprehensive online resource for academic writing, the  Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).  According to the first, the Statement of Purpose should have 4 parts. According to Purdue OWL, it should address 4 questions. Here’s what the conversation between them looks like:

what is difference between personal statement and statement of purpose

You don’t need to make all of the connections suggested by the two-way arrows, but ideally your essay should include each of the parts on the left, and should answer each of the questions on the right. You can use the questions to make sure that the components of your essay are functional, and to decide what material to emphasize and what to eliminate in each of the four parts:

  • In describing your interests and motivations, the question “How are you unique from the other candidates?” can be a filter. If you’re applying to a graduate program in English, then you can bet that a childhood immersed in books won’t set you apart. You might instead treat your love of literature as a premise or assumption. Get more specific – when and how did it occur to you that literary study might become a professional endeavor?
  • Another characteristic that won’t set candidates apart is success in your previous studies. If you did well, you can largely let your transcript speak for itself. (If you have a spotty record, especially within the English major, you may want to give some context.) You may use this section to trace the development of your current academic interests – to address question 3, and set up your answer to question 4.
  • You may have relevant extra- or post-curricular activities to tell us about – perhaps you already work in education, or in publishing, or in some related field? – or perhaps not. Does the description of your current activities address any of the 4 questions? If not, you may minimize or eliminate this component. It’s perfectly OK to stick to academics.
  • If you refer to individual faculty members, don’t just demonstrate that you’ve spent a few minutes looking at the website. Be specific and substantive – “I’m especially excited about Dr. Santa Ana’s work on transnational cultural memory, because…”
  • If you’re not sure if there’s a potential match for your interests among our faculty, it’s perfectly appropriate to email the graduate program director or individual faculty members with an inquiry. We have information that isn’t available on the department website, such as who may be coming or going, who might not be able or willing to take on new students, and who might be developing a new research interest that s/he would be excited to share.
  • In describing your own interests and what you hope to do in graduate study, it’s a good idea to find a pitch that’s somewhere between the extremes of complete flexibility and generality, at one end, and single-mindedness and specificity, on the other. It can be really useful to say that you’re really interested in early American studies and the digital humanities, and would like to develop a research agenda that integrates those fields. It’s less appealing if you describe your planned dissertation; a predetermined dissertation project indicates that you’re not open to advisement.
  • If you’re not sure about your intended specialization, it’s fine to say so. We expect applicants to have some ideas about what research they hope to pursue, but the statement of purpose is not a contract. We anticipate that some students will change fields, sometimes radically (from contemporary American to early modern British, for example) as they work with our faculty and discover new interests.
  • Remember, when imagining yourself in our program, to use the conditional mood: “I would do the advanced certificate in cultural studies…” The use of future tense (“I will) comes across as presumptuous.

Like all academic genres, the personal statement has relatively fixed conventions for organization and content that readers expect writers to follow. Upon completion of your graduate studies, if you pursue an academic career, you’ll be confronted with a similar genre, the so-called “job letter:” a pretty strict two-page template, with each paragraph designated for a particular purpose, within which the candidate is expected to demonstrate his or her originality and excellence. Don’t try to redefine the genre, but do try to use it as a medium for sincere personal expression.

Of course, your statement is also a writing sample, and a poorly written one is probably a fatal flaw in a selective application process. Vet it with people who are able and willing to give critical feedback (a category that may or may not include your parents). The sooner you can begin drafting it, the better. Professors who are writing letters of recommendation often appreciate having a draft of the statement of purpose to work with, and they are well positioned to comment.  Don’t forget to read it out loud. Even better, have someone read it to you, or record it and play it back. Does it sound like you?

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3 Responses

' src=

Writing a Personal Statement and Statement of Purpose is a big deal for everyone who needs it for their university. I had a problem with it, no one told me how to write it right, and I didn’t understand the difference between them. So I got some help from this website , asked to review my writing, and it’s worked. After it, I started asking to review all my work. Your article is so helpful for everyone like me. Thanks!

' src=

Studying abroad basically in the UK, USA, and Canada means you have to write an SOP/ Personal statement to get yourself selected for the university. We, AIMS Education , a student consultancy firm in Bangladesh deal with many overseas education aspiring students every day willing to study in the UK, USA, and Canada. Most people don’t know the difference between an SOP/ Personal statement. Hopefully, this blog will help them out.

' src=

Interesting post, Writing a Personal Statement and Statement of Purpose is a major undertaking for anyone applying to university. Anyway, I am looking for a psychology dissertation examples I need some help with my studies. I will also share this post with my friends. Thanks for sharing them.

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Research proposal or statement of purpose.

Second only to the Personal Statement, is your Research/Project Proposal or Purpose Statement, which you can also expect to include in nearly every national scholarship or fellowship application.  And, you can certainly anticipate some variation of this particular kind of statement to be an expected part of your graduate school applications as well.  As with your Personal Statement, it needs to reflect something of you but with a much more specific focus on your academic plans and preparation.  A Purpose Statement will also be relatively short, at most two-pages in length, and is your opportunity to make a well-substantiated case for what you are proposing to do in the future. Most students will find the Purpose Statement, Research or Project Proposal surprisingly comfortable to write as opposed to the Personal Statement because it is expected that your Purpose Statement is written from a largely academic focus.  Your statement should include the following:

  • A clear, early (as in the first sentence or two) introduction of what you intend to do and/or study;
  • A well-substantiated (through your CV, transcripts, other essays, writing sample, and letters  of recommendation) case for your exceptional preparation for what you are proposing to pursue and/or study;
  • A description of the institution, program, department, research group, faculty and resources that you are interested in being a part of and engaging with in your advanced studies.  Note: the more specific, the better.  It is appropriate, perhaps even expected, to name the individual faculty you would like to work with and make every effort to contact those individuals in advance of submitting your application.  Keep in mind that you are making a case for the following:
  • Why you have to be at that particular location or institution;
  • With whom you must study in order to be most successful in your efforts;
  • What resources will support and sustain your efforts (research and lab facilities, archives, special collections, field-work opportunities, etc.

In short, try to convince your reader that what you are proposing to research or work on can only be done in that particular part of the world and that you, simply, must be there to be the most successful. 

As with your Personal Statement, the more time you devote to careful planning, thought, and writing, the stronger your Purpose Statement will be.  Make sure to ask your faculty mentors and advisors to review your Purpose Statement and/or Research Proposal as they will be able to best guide you in refining your subject and even providing you with further contacts and resources.  Give yourself time to revise, edit, and revise some more. 

NOTE: Some national scholarship and fellowship opportunities require an actual Research Essay ( Goldwater  and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship ).  In this case, expect to submit a very detailed description of your undergraduate research efforts and how you expect to see the work continue in the coming years.  Successful Goldwater research essays often include graphs, charts, notes and bibliographies to give evidence not only to the quality of the research but also to the quality of the students’ ability to put it in writing. 

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program’s research- and study-grants also requires a similar effort in crafting a highly specific project-proposal based on what an applicant intends to pursue in a foreign country.  The proposal needs to be a specific and targeted articulation on research and project plans while still attending to the Fulbright’s ultimate concern of cultural exchange. 

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Purpose Statement Examples: Crafting Impactful Statements for Brand Success

Sudarshan Somanathan

Head of Content

June 7, 2024

What sets your favorite brands apart from the rest? Is it their products, marketing campaigns, or something deeper—a sense of purpose that resonates with you? 

A brand’s purpose statement is more than just a tagline; it’s a compass guiding its every move. 

But what exactly makes a purpose statement impactful? And how can you craft one that captures the essence of your brand and captivates your audience?

Let’s explore these answers with some examples of purpose statements. 

What Is a Purpose Statement?

Understanding purpose statements, how to write impactful purpose statements, purpose statement examples from influential companies, implementing purpose statements in your strategy, rewriting and evolving your purpose statement, craft a compelling purpose statement for your company.

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A purpose statement is a brief declaration that defines why a company or brand exists beyond just turning a profit. 

It describes the higher ideals, values, or goals the brand seeks to fulfill or contribute to in society.

Just like each of us has a unique purpose in life—whether it’s to create something, inspire someone, or serve others—organizations also have distinctive reasons for being.

So, why bother with purpose statements? Well, they serve a multitude of purposes. 

First, they provide clarity and direction, helping everyone understand the ‘why’ behind a company’s initiatives . 

When you know why you’re doing something, staying motivated and focused is easier, like aiming for a target you can see clearly in the distance.

Essence and intention of a purpose statement

But purpose statements aren’t just for internal consumption. They also serve as a badge of honor, proudly displayed to the world. 

Imagine it as your company’s way of saying, “ This is who we are, and this is what we stand for .” It’s like wearing your values on your sleeve and inviting others to join you on your journey.

Purpose statements and corporate social responsibility

Now, let’s talk about the bigger picture. Today, businesses are expected to do more than just turn a profit.

They’re supposed to be good corporate citizens, contributing positively to society and the environment , creating a better world in the process. 

This is one neighborhood where corporate purpose and mission statements intersect with concepts like corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

By including values such as sustainability, diversity, and community engagement in your purpose statements, your company can signal its commitment to making a difference beyond the bottom line. 

It’s not just about doing well financially; it’s about doing good in the world.

Writing a purpose statement that truly resonates requires a thoughtful approach that blends ethics, motivation, and goal setting . 

Let’s dive into how you can create purpose statements in your own words and leave a lasting impact:

1. Start with the ‘why’

Reflect on the core values and beliefs driving your company’s actions. Consider the ethical principles guiding your decisions and the positive impact you aspire to make.

2. Be clear and concise

Your purpose statement should be succinct yet powerful, capturing the essence of your mission and vision statements in just a few words or sentences. Avoid vague or ambiguous language and strive for clarity that leaves no room for misinterpretation.

3. Focus on action and impact

A purpose statement is not just a lofty ideal; it’s a call to action. Use language that conveys a sense of urgency and determination , inspiring others to join you in pursuing your shared goals. 

Highlight the tangible outcomes or changes you aim to achieve, demonstrating your commitment to making a difference.

4. Consider your audience

Consider who will read your purpose statement and what will resonate the most with them . Tailor your language and messaging to appeal to your potential audience, whether they’re employees, customers, investors, or the broader community

5. Integrate tools for collaboration and creation

Using collaboration tools like ClickUp can simplify the process of crafting your purpose statement.

ClickUp Docs

With ClickUp Docs , you get a centralized platform for brainstorming ideas, drafting purpose statements, and gathering feedback from team members. 

Its features such as real-time editing, comments, and version history ensure everyone stays on the same page throughout the purpose statement writing process.

And that’s not all. ClickUp also has the ultimate AI assistant that aligns seamlessly with your organization’s purpose: ClickUp Brain

At its core, ClickUp Brain is more than just a tool; it’s a catalyst for purposeful action. By automating tasks, progress updates, and stand-ups, ClickUp Brain enables you to focus on what truly matter s—fulfilling your mission and making a positive impact.

ClickUp Brain

Imagine a workplace where tedious administrative tasks are a thing of the past, and every action is aligned with your organization’s purpose . 

With ClickUp Brain, you can automate everything from action items to subtask planning, allowing every team member to work smarter, not harder.

But ClickUp Brain isn’t just about increasing productivity—it’s also about ensuring alignment and connection across your organization. Providing quick summaries and automated updates ensures everyone is on the same page and working toward a shared purpose .

And the benefits don’t stop there. By consolidating your AI tools with ClickUp Brain, you can cut costs by up to 75%, freeing up resources to invest in initiatives that drive meaningful change.

6. Seek inspiration and templates

Don’t hesitate to draw inspiration from existing purpose statements or use templates as a starting point 

For example, the ClickUp Project Manager-Statement of Purpose Template can be a helpful framework for articulating your purpose statement. 

Draft a strategy for creating a purpose statement with the ClickUp Project Manager-Statement of Purpose Template

ClickUp’s Project Manager-Statement of Purpose Template makes crafting purpose statements easier by defining goals clearly and assigning roles to team members. 

It sets timelines and milestones, helping you track progress and stay on schedule, and you can communicate details effectively with other stakeholders and ensure consistency across teams.

This template also helps build trust with clients by showcasing a well-organized plan. Its features like custom task statuses and different views make tracking progress simple. 

To use it effectively, start by clearly understanding the purpose statement’s goals, listing objectives and needed resources, and reviewing everything with your team.

Many influential companies have recognized the importance of having a clear purpose statement that goes beyond profit-making and resonates with their employees, customers, and stakeholder management goals. 

Documents like purpose and vision statements are guiding principles that inform decision-making and shape the company’s culture. 

Here are some examples of purpose statements from well-known companies:

1. Google 

Google’s purpose statement reflects its commitment to organizing information and making it accessible to people worldwide, aligning with the company’s core values and mission of providing users with valuable and relevant information.

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

2. Tesla 

Tesla’s purpose statement embodies its vision of driving the adoption of sustainable energy solutions to address environmental challenges. It underscores the company’s focus on innovation and sustainability in the automotive industry.

“To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy through increasingly affordable electric vehicles in addition to renewable energy generation and storage.”  

3. Patagonia 

Patagonia’s purpose statement emphasizes its dedication to producing high-quality products while minimizing environmental impact. It reflects the company’s ethos of environmental activism and using business as a force for positive change.

“We’re in business to save our home planet. ” 

4. IKEA  

IKEA’s purpose statement sums up its commitment to offering affordable, well-designed products that improve the daily lives of its customers. It highlights the company’s focus on accessibility, affordability, and design excellence.

“To create a better everyday life for the many people.” 

5. Microsoft

Microsoft’s purpose statement underscores its mission of empowering individuals and organizations through technology. It reflects the company’s ambition to drive innovation, productivity, and societal impact globally.

“To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.”

Crafting a purpose statement is just the first step; the real magic happens when you effectively implement it into your strategy. 

Here’s how you can integrate your purpose statement into various aspects of your business strategy:

Incorporating purpose statements in marketing strategy

Your purpose statement should be at the heart of your marketing goals , guiding everything from brand messaging to campaign development. 

Here’s how you can incorporate it into your marketing roadmap :

  • Use your purpose statement as the foundation for telling your brand’s story . Highlight how your values and mission drive everything you do, resonating with consumers who share those values
  • Develop content that aligns with your purpose statement and reinforces your brand’s identity. Whether it’s through blog posts, social media campaigns, or videos, consistently communicate your purpose to your audience
  • Align your brand with causes that reflect your purpose statement. Partner with nonprofit organizations or launch initiatives that support causes related to your mission, showcasing your commitment to making a positive impact
  • Ensure your products or services reflect your purpose statement . Innovate with sustainability, social responsibility, or other aspects of your brand’s mission in mind, appealing to consumers who prioritize these values

Importance and role of onboarding and employee retention

Onboarding and employee retention are key in bringing your purpose statement to life within your company culture. 

Here’s why they’re essential:

  • Align from the get-go: Effective onboarding helps new employees understand and internalize the company’s purpose, facilitating alignment with its values and mission from the start. Engaged employees who believe in the company’s purpose are more likely to contribute meaningfully to its success
  • Nurture a sense of belonging: By consistently emphasizing the importance of the purpose statement in onboarding processes, you reinforce the company’s culture and create a sense of belonging among employees. This, in turn, strengthens their commitment to the organization and its mission
  • Build brand advocacy: Engaged employees who feel connected to the company’s purpose are natural brand advocates. They’re more likely to share their positive experiences with others, both internally and externally, contributing to a positive employer brand and attracting top talent
  • Long-term employee retention : Employees who feel a sense of purpose in their work are more likely to stay with the company long-term. Investing in their development, recognizing their contributions, and providing opportunities for growth and fulfillment can enhance employee retention and loyalty

Your purpose statement shouldn’t be set in stone but an evolving document that adapts to your brand’s growth and the changing market. 

Here’s why and when you should consider revisiting and refining your purpose statement:

  • Lack of alignment: If your current purpose statement no longer mirrors the values, objectives, or trajectory of your brand, it’s a signal for an update. Trust and credibility with stakeholders can suffer when there’s a disconnect between your purpose and actions. Conduct SOAR analysis to craft strategic goals for your company
  • Market changes, shifts in objectives, or company vision : Changes in consumer preferences, industry dynamics, or competitive landscapes, along with shifts in your company’s goals or objectives as well as vision, may call for a reassessment of your purpose statement. It needs to stay relevant amidst evolving market conditions and align with your strategic direction
  • Organizational growth: Your purpose statement should evolve in tandem as your company expands and evolves. What resonated with a small startup may no longer capture the essence of a larger, globally-reaching organization

A purpose statement makes you unique and guides your journey toward success. When you notice it needs a refresh or when your goals or vision change, it’s time to revise it. 

Purpose-driven brands connect with people on a deeper level, building trust and loyalty. So, as you craft or update your purpose statement, remember it’s more than just words—it’s the soul of your brand. 

For a smoother, more human-centered collaboration experience, why not consider using ClickUp? With ClickUp, you can simplify communication, track progress, and keep everyone on the same page as you shape your purpose statement. 

Ready to get started? Sign up for ClickUp today!

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  1. Statement of Purpose vs Personal Statement: The 2 Big Differences

    The short answer is that a statement of purpose is about what you want to do, while a personal statement is about who you are. Each essay has its own goals in what it's supposed to do for you and the program you're applying to. Whereas the statement of purpose showcases your academic strengths and background, career goals, research ...

  2. Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose: Key Differences

    A statement of purpose is a short essay written by an applicant that tells the admissions committee what their academic and professional goals are. It may also highlight professional interests and how the applicant can provide value to the graduate program. Like a personal statement, a statement of purpose is typically one to three pages long.

  3. Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose: Key Differences

    In contrast, the statement of purpose is a longer, more detailed document that focuses on your qualifications, motivations, and aspirations related to the specific program or field of study you're applying to. Personal Statement. Statement of Purpose. Purpose: Explain why you are the right candidate for the program you are applying to.

  4. Personal Statements vs. Statements of Purpose: The Difference

    As the names suggest, the personal statement focuses on who you are as a person, your background, and what inspired you to pursue your chosen field, while the statement of purpose focuses on your career goals, your academic and professional qualifications, and what you hope to get out of your graduate program. Some schools may require one essay ...

  5. Statement of purpose vs. personal statement: knowing the difference

    Most graduate schools will ask for a statement of purpose, and only some will ask for a personal statement, so in the majority of cases, the statement of purpose is considerably more important. But pointing out the difference between the two statements also emphasizes what exactly a statement of purpose is (and what it is not!).

  6. Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement: Six Differences

    However, a purpose is more formal and objective, while a personal statement can be more creative, using a narrative style with the candidate's voice. Additionally, a purpose focuses on qualifications and accomplishments while a personal statement can reveal how the candidate got to where they are today. A purpose is more traditionally ...

  7. Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose

    Once you've got the difference between statement of purpose vs personal statement down-pat, congratulations! But remember, your application process is far from over. Luckily, we're here to help you through it. Whether you need help writing a personal essay, a statement of purpose, a 250 word essay, or a 500 word essay, we have

  8. Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose

    Both a Personal Statement and a Statement of Purpose. Seeing the request for both a 'personal statement' and a 'statement of purpose' can instill dread in the hearts of applicants. If this is the case, write your statement of purpose first to write about your research skills and experience, internships, and reasons for choosing the program.

  9. 4 Major Differences: Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement

    A personal statement focuses on the candidate's acquired skills. Finally, a statement of purpose discusses how the candidate plans to achieve academic or professional goals. While a personal statement focuses on candidate's relevant experiences, challenges, or accomplishments. Statement of Purpose Vs.

  10. Personal statement vs statement of purpose: a guide

    The main difference between the personal statement and statement of purpose is that a personal statement is more about you, your fit, your background and your 'story' of suitability, whereas the statement of purpose is a forward-facing personal sales pitch that defines why you're a good fit for the graduate programme.

  11. Differences between statements of purpose and personal statements

    The focus of a statement of purpose is typically what you have accomplished academically in the past and what you plan to accomplish academically and professionally in the future. This document focuses primarily on the purpose you have for applying to a specific program. It is less about your ...

  12. Statement of Purpose (SoP) vs Personal Statement vs Letter of ...

    Generally, personal statements tend to get more personal, and in-depth with the candidate's personal life, enigmas, strengths, weaknesses, etc., and even past achievements and failures, whereas letters of motivation have personal elements to it. However, LOMs are much more focused on the applicant's future plans and aspirations.

  13. Statement of Purpose vs Personal Statement

    Understanding the Difference between SOP and Personal Statement. 1) The statement of purpose is all about what you want to achieve in your career and is more focused on your academic/ professional qualities while the personal statement is about your present achievements and personal motivation that make you the right candidate for the program.

  14. What's the difference between a personal statement and a ...

    A statement of purpose is usually more formal, focusing on your academic or professional goals. It shouldn't include anything that isn't directly relevant to the application. A personal statement can often be more creative. It might tell a story that isn't directly related to the application, but that shows something about your ...

  15. Statement of Purpose vs Personal Statement: What is the Difference

    Statement of Purpose. Personal Statement. Purpose . Application to graduate, post graduate, and other academic fields. Application for jobs, internships, certificate programs, diplomas, etc. How to Write . Remain formal and follow a chronological order of writing. Good command of English and an expansive vocabulary is the way to go.

  16. Statement of Purpose vs. Personal Statement

    Briefly, a personal statement looks back and a statement of purpose looks forward, or, in other words, a personal statement explains who you are, while a statement of purpose describes what you want to do. Both focus on your experience and knowledge, but the first tells the reader about you as a person and the second emphasizes what you want to ...


    Like the personal statement you wrote to get into UCLA, the graduate school personal statement allows you to give a more complete picture of yourself than can be gleaned from your transcript and CV or resume. However, unlike your UCLA personal statement, the personal statement or statement of purpose for graduate or professional school should ...

  18. A Guide to Personal Statement vs. Statement of Purpose

    Below are a few key differences between the two: A personal statement can explain what motivates you to apply for a graduate programme, while a statement of purpose may focus on why you're a suitable candidate for the programme. A statement of purpose is often more formal than a personal statement. A personal statement may highlight who you are ...

  19. Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement & Study Plan

    An SOP describes why you want to attend a university while offering some details about your fit for the program, whereas a personal statement or study plan is all about representing yourself, your skills and accomplishments, and why this university should choose you. It is always useful to read other people's work to get a sense of what good ...

  20. Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement, and Writing Sample

    Personal Statement A core part of the Harvard Griffin GSAS mission is to identify and attract the most promising students to form a dynamic and diverse community. We are committed to educating individuals who reflect the growing diversity of perspectives and life experiences represented in society today and who will contribute to our commitment ...

  21. PDF What Is the Difference Between a Letter of Intent and Personal Statement?

    : The biggest difference between a statement of purpose and a personal statement is the intent. While also an essay, a statement of purpose generally focuses specifically on your reasons for applying to a program. The content should focus on the program itself and the specific achievements and experience that make you a good candidate. A ...

  22. Writing a Personal Statement or Statement of Purpose

    According to the first, the Statement of Purpose should have 4 parts. According to Purdue OWL, it should address 4 questions. Here's what the conversation between them looks like: You don't need to make all of the connections suggested by the two-way arrows, but ideally your essay should include each of the parts on the left, and should ...

  23. Research Proposal or Statement of Purpose

    As with your Personal Statement, the more time you devote to careful planning, thought, and writing, the stronger your Purpose Statement will be. Make sure to ask your faculty mentors and advisors to review your Purpose Statement and/or Research Proposal as they will be able to best guide you in refining your subject and even providing you with ...

  24. Purpose Statement Examples: Crafting Statements for Success

    5. Microsoft. Microsoft's purpose statement underscores its mission of empowering individuals and organizations through technology. It reflects the company's ambition to drive innovation, productivity, and societal impact globally. "To empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.".