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Last updated on Feb 07, 2023

The 50+ Best Writing Websites of 2024

The Internet is full of writing websites and blogs to help people reach their creative goals . If you’ve always dreamt of writing your own book, but don’t know how to get there — or if you’re in the process of writing, but feel unsure about what to do next — then it’s your lucky day! Here we have all the best writing websites of 2024 in one single place for your convenience. They’re also organized by category, and alphabetically within each of those categories, to make each one easier to find. Enjoy!

Best writing websites for writing craft and inspiration

writing websites

1. Almost an Author

Offering up new content every day, Almost an Author covers a grand scope of writing topics. From genre-specific advice to emotional support on your writing journey, there's tons of useful info here for beginner and veteran writers alike.

2. Association of Writer & Writing Programs

Having just marked their 50th anniversary, AWP is one of the premier authorities on writing. The AWP website provides resources and ample opportunities for authors, teachers, and students at every point in their career. Here you’ll be able to find information about writing programs, career options, and conferences all over the world. Keep in mind, though, that access to some of these features is restricted to members only.

3. Creativity Portal

This is a wonderful hub for creative resources that has been around for a whopping nineteen years! Here you can find writing prompts , creative coaching, printable writing templates, and interviews with authors that will help nourish the right side of your brain.

4. Daily Writing Tips

As the name suggests, this site offers daily writing tips ranging from open-ended prompts and exercises to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary. It also covers all writing levels and professions, so it doesn't matter how far along you are in your writing career — DWT is sure to help you out.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on a master’s degree, you can get your own "DIY MFA" right here! This site (founded by Gabriela Pereira ) aims to cover everything you would learn in a graduate program, while giving you the freedom to choose your own areas of concentration and allocate your time as you please. 

6. Electric Literature

While not exactly a craft-focused website — so no straight-up writing advice or prompts — this nonprofit digital publisher showcases literature-related essays, criticism, and recommended readings. If you're looking to brush up on both literary theory and recent literary trends, Electric Lit is the place for you.

7. Fiction University

This virtual university, run by award-winning author Janice Hardy, contains tons of advice and concrete examples to help authors build a strong writing foundation. It's full of blog posts by professionals who share their own processes and techniques, providing tips not just on what you should do as a writer, but on how  to make it happen.

8. Helping Writers Become Authors

Longtime author K.M. Weiland offers writing advice that ranges from outlining and structuring to characterization and dialogue — plus all the little details in between. She updates her blog faithfully with topical posts that would pique any writer's (or non-writer's) interest.

9. Insecure Writer's Support Group

Writing is intimidating for everyone , whether you're a multi-published author or you're just starting out. That's why getting support, guidance, and motivation throughout the process is vital! On IWSG, you'll discover a wealth of information on writing, publishing, marketing, and anything else you might need to ultimately overcome your insecurities.

10. Literary Hub

LitHub boasts a superb selection of content for all things literary. Here you can get all the latest book-related news, posts on design and the craft, your daily dose of fiction, and sparkling reviews of new works. One of this site's best features is its section on literature in translation — a great resource for those who want to read books and authors from around the world.

11. LitReactor

The LitReactor blog consists of writing classes, workshops, and a myriad of posts on writing and books ( some of which are even written by us! ). There’s also an online magazine that includes interviews, criticism and analysis, and seasonally appropriate reads and recommendations.

12. LitRejections

An unfortunate occupational hazard of with writing is rejection. This is where a site like LitRejections comes into play! It offers personal stories to help discouraged writers persevere through rejection, and maintain hope and motivation as they move forward in their careers.

13. Live Write Thrive

In this website by professional writer and editor C.S. Lakin, you’ll find plenty of nuanced writing anecdotes and tips. Lakin also supplies annotated critiques that can help you prep your book for publication.

14. NaNoWriMo

Besides serving as the official information hub for NaNoWriMo , this site also lends constant support for those struggling to "win" National Novel Writing Month. Make sure to check out the NaNoWriMo forums, which are chock-full of other people's personal writing tips and strategies to get you through November — and every other month of the year — as a writer.

15. Now Novel

This comprehensive website, founded by author Bridget McNulty , is a go-to for just about every writing-related question you might have. Here you'll also find advice, courses, and even an author dashboard where you can keep track of your own writing progress.

16. Positive Writer

If you often feel uncertain about your creative abilities, this is the site for you. Bryan Hutchinson created Positive Writer to encourage and inspire all those who want to write, no matter how much experience or confidence they have.

17. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid offers a fantastic manuscript editing software that analyzes your writing and creates reports for you to learn from! This tool also includes a thesaurus, grammar checks, style suggestions, and more — you can learn all about it on the ProWritingAid blog, or in our review of the app !

18. She Writes

A well-established writing website with a feminist bent, She Writes is "the largest online community and content site for women writers... all around the world." The site features thoughtful posts and resources to help writers on their journeys, as well as a personal She Writes blog page for every user who signs up.

19. Well-Storied

Here you can find recent articles, workbooks, tutorials, and fascinating discussions on writing. Kristine Kieffer has an extensive archive of posts as well, where you can procure information on just about any topic related to books and writing.

20. The Write Practice

Fulfilling the promise of their name, every single post on this site emphasizes putting theory into practice! There's simply no better way to become a writer than by creating a routine, and that’s exactly what The Write Practice helps facilitate.

21. Writer’s Digest

Writer's Digest is one of the most encyclopedic writing websites out there — after all, the print magazine has been around for almost a century now! Here you’ll find genre and vocation-organized articles, events and competitions, webinars, templates, tutorials, and so much more.

22. Writer Unboxed

Writer Unboxed features articles by authors and industry professionals, focused specifically on the craft and business of fiction writing.

23. The Writing Cooperative

Plain and simple, this is a group of people who want to help each other become better writers. On Writing Cooperative, you will find articles that cover just about every aspect of the writing life. They also have monthly writing challenges to keep you incentivized, and there’s even a space where you can submit your own article to the blog!


This is an absolutely all-inclusive community for writers . It’s open to all levels and provides a creative, supportive environment for all members, as well as portfolios to store and display their writing. Like most writing websites, it also includes a plethora of writing tools , contests, and rewards.

25. Catapult: Don’t Write Alone

Don’t Write Alone is a blog written by the Catapult team dedicated to helping writers grow their skills. As a publisher and magazine founded in 2005, Catapult has seen a lot of works and now they’re spilling all the details. From interviews, to craft essays, to writer lifestyle essays, Catapult covers it all.

26. Kirkus Review’s Writers’ Center

Kirkus Review is known for its prestigious $50,000 dollar annual prize and its bi-monthly issues where they critique hundreds of recently published books. But, did you know they also have a section of their website devoted to helping emerging writers grow their skills and navigate the publishing industry? They’re always up to date on the latest trends — if they aren’t creating new trends themselves.

27. Writers Write

An invaluable resource for creative writers, business writers, or bloggers, Writers Write offers over 1400 articles, courses, and workbooks to help you take your writing practice to the next level. Alongside their educational content, they offer book reviews, trivia on famous authors, and prompts. Sign up for their inspirational newsletters for regular hits of motivation that will keep you writing.

28. The Narrative Arc

Beginning as a home to Andie R. Cranford’s writing journey, The Narrative Arc is now a treasure trove of practical tips and prompts to inspire your creativity. Breakdowns of popular books are particularly handy for the budding author — but whether exploring writing for the first time or tightening the bolts on your Franken-novel, the site's ideas on craft are elegant and inspiring.

Best writing websites in the publishing industry

writing websites

29. Agent Query

This database allows authors to perform in-depth searches for literary agents . You can narrow your search by genre and keywords, view agents’ full profiles, and see if they are currently accepting queries — all for free!

30. The Creative Penn

Besides being a bestselling author on various topics, Joanna Penn is also a leading voice in self-publishing . On her punnily named site, you’ll find abundant information related to writing, self-publishing, marketing, and everything else you mind need to make a living as a writer.

31. Digital Pubbing

Digital Pubbing provides industry news, interviews with indie authors, and resources for learning all about ebooks and the publishing industry. In accordance with the name, this is the perfect site for any author hoping to absorb some serious digital knowledge.

32. The Independent Publishing Magazine

We know it might seem like we're repeating ourselves, but this website really is all about publishing (both independent and traditional, despite what the name indicates). Whatever info you need about self-publishing, trad pub, or hybrid publishing , you’ll definitely be able to find it here.

33. Publishers Weekly

And if you have a specific question about the publishing world, you’ll most likely find the answer here. This weekly magazine is packed full of news, reviews, announcements, and many other resources on the industry. It has been dubbed as "the Bible of the book business" and with its extensive archive, it’s easy to see why.

34. Publishing Perspectives

Publishing Perspectives is another leading source of publishing info, specializing in industry news and topical articles. Aimed at publishers, agents , and authors alike, it features a variety of posts that cover book fairs, distribution, education, and much more.

35. Query Shark

Not sure where your query letter is up to snuff? Query Shark offers the opportunity to have your query critiqued, and to read detailed query critiques of other authors' letters, so you can get the best possible results for your book. Be warned, though, that this sharp-toothed feedback isn't for the weak of heart.

36. Writer Beware

This amazingly thorough site compiles information on schemes and scams that affect authors , especially those run through email and the Internet. It’s sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, but obviously applies to authors everywhere. If you're a fresh-faced author trying to get published, definitely check it out — it could save you from losing thousands of dollars in an elaborate scam.

37. The Darling Axe

When the industry professionals at The Darling Axe aren’t working on manuscripts, they flock to the internet to share their hot takes on the publishing industry. They also host writing contests throughout the year to build a writing community and give unpublished authors the chance to get feedback from professionals.

Best writing websites for marketing and design

writing websites

38. David Gaughran

An experienced author of historical adventures, short stories, and popular books for writers , David Gaughran is one of the definitive writing experts out there. His eponymous blog contains plenty of info on marketing and self-publishing, plus workshops to help aspiring authors. And similar to Writer Beware, he's the noble opposition of online publishing scams and scammers — so if you're frustrated by these issues, you'll discover a blissfully sympathetic voice on his blog.

39. Kikolani

Focused specifically on marketing, Kikolani offers tips and strategies for bloggers who want to grow their presence and attract more readers. Here you’ll find information on brand development , social media, customer retention, and other useful tips that you can put to good use as a blogger. (If you're just getting started, though, we'd recommend this course .)

40. Kindlepreneur

Dave Chesson is — in his own words — a “digital marketing nut.” His blog has all the information you could ever need about Kindle book publishing , how to write to market, increasing your rankings on Amazon, and lots more practical tips and advice.

41. Storiad

Storiad is a marketing platform that helps authors and publishers sell books. Go here for essential information on writing apps , databases, tools, and budgeting to help you run your own publishing campaign from start to finish.

42. Writers & Artists

Part of the distinguished Bloomsbury, Writers & Artists has quite a few articles on writing and the self-publishing process. They also offer editorial services and events on many different topics, like genre-specific writing courses and how to get connected with agents .

43. Your Writer Platform

Naturally, this site is dedicated to building your very own writer platform. There are tons of tips, resources, tools, how-tos, and even individual consulting services to help you build the platform that works best for you and your marketing needs.

Best writing blogs by industry professionals

writing websites

44. Goins, Writer

Bestselling author Jeff Goins created this blog to share his thoughts on writing and to inspire others to chase their creative dreams. He's especially good at breaking complex topics down into digestible bits — new writers, go here for your primers.

45. Jane Friedman

With copious experience in the publishing industry, Jane Friedman offers online classes and articles on the entire process of book publishing. She's a real goldmine of business knowledge, so keep her in mind for when you're ready to publish your book.

46. Nail Your Novel

As a bestselling former ghostwriter who now publishes under her own name, Roz Morris provides advice about writing, self-publishing, and of course, ghostwriting . If you're interested in becoming a ghostwriter, be sure to check out her courses!

47. Nathan Bransford

Nathan Bransford is a former literary agent who posts all about the inner workings of publishing, as well and information on agents and self-publishing. He also does consultations, edits, and critiques . 

48. Rachelle Gardner

Skillful agent Rachelle Gardner has negotiated over 200 contracts with over twenty publishers and helped more than 100 authors fulfill their dreams of publishing. On her blog, she offers writing, publishing, and social media coaching, along with general writing and publishing tips.

49. Kris Writes

For regular insights from a New York Times bestselling author, look no further than Kristine Kathryn Rusch's blog. On Mondays, she posts free short stories for authors to find inspiration in, and Wednesdays she posts in her “Business Musings” collection where she breaks down news from the publishing industry and offers her inside opinions. 

50. The Marginalian  

Maria Popova describes her site as “a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually, poetically — drawn from my extended marginalia on the search for meaning across literature, science, art, philosophy, and the various other tendrils of human thought and feeling.” She sends out a Sunday newsletter with thoughtful deconstruction of the week’s best liberal arts goings-on to help broaden her readers’ appreciation of the creative world.

51. John August

For all the screenwriters out there, John August co-hosts a weekly podcast with fellow screenwriter Craig Mazin discussing both the craft and business of screenwriting while breaking down popular movies. To help screenwriters really get a feel for the process of working with a studio, John has posted multiple versions of scripts from different stages in the production process on films and series he’s written, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , Big Fish , and Chernobyl .

What are some of your favorite writing websites? Let us know in the comments below!

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Home » Blog » The 17 Best Writing Websites to Become a Better Writer

The 17 Best Writing Websites to Become a Better Writer



In the competitive world of writing, no one is perfect. Even the best of the best can make improvements to their craft. No matter how accurate you think you are, there are always things to learn.

This can be done in a few ways, with writing websites being one. These websites exist with the sole purpose of helping writers of all levels and types.

Writing websites can provide many things to a writer looking to improve themselves:

  • Tips to strengthen your stories.
  • Tighten up your publishing knowledge and skills.
  • Empower writers to work hard and do a good job.
  • Improve your methods of writing and storytelling.
  • Provide daily motivation, inspiration, and general advice.

These are resourceful places to get all the information we might need as writers. The owners of these websites are, usually, genuine people who want to help growing writers become the best they can be.

Writing websites are a comfort zone for writers. You can go to them in times of distress, writer’s block, or uncertainty around your plotting. You will be able to find resources to help you know how to write a novel or a helpful nonfiction book.

Benefits of Using Writing Websites

  • Writing websites give specific pieces of writing advice to all writers – established and aspiring.
  • Writers get the ultimate guidelines from successful authors, whether they are looking for help writing or publishing.
  • These sites offer literary techniques to help writers reach their full potential in their writing endeavors.
  • Writers will learn how to correct mistakes and create credible work.
  • Writing websites will provide resources, exercises, and things you can do to improve your writing skills.
  • They offer writers free courses on a variety of subjects, so you are sure to learn a lot.
  • Writing websites help writers learn how to market themselves and their work. This can help them get both published and hired.
  • All the learning, whether from people or courses, is (mostly) free.
  • Writing prompts are posted daily on some writing sites which can be useful for many writers struggling to find inspiration.
  • Writing sites help a writer to keep on writing; it can give writers a boost and a push when they are feeling down and unmotivated.

Classification of Writing Websites

There are numerous writing websites online and of course, they all offer something a little different. You will need to look around a little to find what you are looking for, specifically.

Writing websites are generally classified into five categories, depending on the content.

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The 1 7 Best Writing Websites

There are so many helpful writing websites online. They all help writers learn different things. Listed below are some of the best ones.

The guides, tools, and advice on these writing websites are fantastic when used in conjunction with quality writing software. A good example of this is Squibler.

Squibler helps a writer do the actual writing. Organization, research, development, settings – it can help you put into practice everything you learn from these resources.

Daily Writing Tips

This writing website helps writers improve their grammar construction and word usage. The site gives writing tutorials and advice to writers.

The tips provided here are free, but if you want to gain some additional features, a $5 monthly price can be paid to get premium access. This includes comprehensive courses to help you improve your writing. 

Janice Hardy’s Fiction University

This website will help a writer that has a rigorous weekly schedule. You will be able to develop the discipline that can help you get through the week without giving up on your writing halfway through.

This blog publishes articles about writing, with a focus on novels. There are many areas in which you can find advice:

  • Planning your novel
  • Writing your novel
  • Common writing problems
  • Editing your novel
  • Selling your novel
  • The general life of a writer

With over 2500 articles published, there is a lot of good information here. In addition to their own articles, they also offer a comprehensive list of other resources. Some of these include:

  • Other writing sites
  • Agents and querying resources
  • Writer’s conferences
  • Editing and writing services
  • Publishing-themed websites
  • Communities
  • Critique sites
  • Writing blogs
  • Book review blogs

The website is run by Janice Hardy, a writing teacher who is passionate about helping everyone learn to write. She offers her own expertise as well as plenty of posts and articles from guests who offer a different perspective.

Helping Writers Become Authors

This writing website is run by K.M Weiland, who has written a number of books – both fiction and nonfiction. She strives to help writers make the transition to authors.

She has many articles about the most basic elements of writing a novel. These include:

  • Story structure
  • Character arcs

She has published several books that are also written to help writers become authors. These books are an extension of the information found on the blog.

She offers a couple of freebies to start, with the rest being available for purchase on her website. 

Kristen Lamb

Best-selling author Kristen Lamb runs a blog that offers tips, advice, and help for writers. She has a fun and casual demeanor that is welcoming for readers.

Her posts are relatable and easy to understand.

She also offers a number of courses where she will teach on different aspects of writing. Some of these are downloadable courses while others are live classes.

At its core, Reedsy wants to create beautiful books. They do this by giving authors and publishers access to quality professionals, useful tools, and educational content.

If you are looking for a professional to help you make your book better, Reedsy offers a diverse team including:

  • Ghostwriters
  • Web designers

In addition to this they also offer a free writing tool that helps you with the actual process of writing your book. The software provides a space to create and organize your different sections and elements – such as characters, research, etc.

You can use the software yourself, but it also has a fantastic collaboration feature. With this, you can seamlessly write with others. This is especially useful for new writers who are still learning how to write a book .

Lastly, Reedsy offers a large database of writing prompts to get you started.

writing websites

You can pick from a list of different genres, and get some specific ideas start writing about. You can use these to begin your next big novel, or to do some practice.

Write to Done

Write to Done is a writing website that covers many different areas of writing. They have sections for:

  • Freelancing
  • Copywriting

They have articles from several different writers who all have different perspectives and opinions to offer.

Writers in the Storm

This is a unique writing blog that focuses on inspiration and motivation. If you are in a metaphorical writing “storm” this is a good place to go before deciding to give up.

The blog is run by a few different writers who all come from separate genres. This offers a wide range of perspective.

They also have some articles and information on improving your writing craft itself.

The Book Designer

This site is one that focuses more on the physical book itself and the publishing process.

It is run by Joel Friedlander who uses his own extensive experience to create articles on design and self-publishing. His wealth of information has already helped thousands of writers.

Jerry Jenkins

Jerry Jenkins is a 21-time New York Times best-selling author who is revealing his secrets.

One thing he offers on his site is an extremely helpful free guide: How to Become an Author: Your Complete Guide.

Once you’ve downloaded this, you can join his network of thousands of other writers and sign up for his newsletter which sends writing advice right to your inbox.

He also offers a list of writing tools to help you learn how to write a book. These are tools that assist with editing, organization, and distraction. These are programs that he endorses personally, so you can be sure they offer a quality service.

Lastly, his blog covers pretty much everything you need to know to learn how to write a novel or nonfiction book . From ideas, to characters, to plot, you can find advice right from the mouth of a seasoned writer.

Writers Helping Writers

This writing website does exactly what it says – it has writers helping other writings. They offer coaching services in addition to their articles on writing and publishing.

They also have a series of writing tools available for download. These are designed to help writers in a few different areas:

  • Character arc progression
  • Setting planner
  • Character profile questionnaire
  • And many more

The website is run by two women: Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. n addition to running the site, they have co-authored a series of books to help writers.

The books are all part of the “thesaurus” series. It includes titles such as The Emotion Thesaurus and the Positive Trait Thesaurus.

Language is a Virus

Here you will find some articles on the writing craft. However, this is not their focus. This website contains several tools to help you either get started or keep going in your writing.

Their home page itself has a writing prompt right on it, with the option to generate another if you don’t like it.

They have a series of writing games, exercises, and generators to help you get inspired and motivated.

This is a fantastic resource for writers who may be feeling stuck or defeated.

Story a Day

Story a Day is an initiative that hopes to inspire creativity. They run two month-long challenges each year – one in May and one in September. The challenge is to write a short story every day.

This alone can be inspiring for writers, but they offer many extras:

  • Accountability group. On the first of each month you can publicly post your commitments for the coming month.
  • Weekly writing lessons and prompts.
  • A blog with regular posts on writing and creativity.
  • Twice-monthly podcasts with writing prompts and pep talks.

This writing website provides a community based challenge. this not only stimulates a writer’s imagination, but it does so with the support and accountability that others can provide.

The Intern Archives

While no longer an active blog, this archive can be extremely helpful to those embarking on a publishing journey. “The intern” also known as Hillary Smith, worked as an intern for several years.

In these archives, she shares insider information about the publishing industry that she thinks will be helpful to new and aspiring authors.

Positive Writer

This site was created to help writers stay positive. The blog contains posts on many positivity themed categories:

  • Writer’s doubt
  • Positive thinking
  • Goal setting

In addition to these inspiring and motivational articles you can also find information on writing, blogging, and publishing

Writer’s Digest

 This site is for writers who want to be successful. The website is vast and extensive, but a few of the key features include:

  • Writing Prompts
  • Competitions
  • Online writing workshops

From poetry, fiction, and nonfiction,you can find advice, tips, and resources to help you. The workshops and communities available will only serve to enhance your ability by connecting you to others.

Poets & Writers

Poets and Writers is a non-profit that looks to serve creative writers of all kinds. In addition to their helpful and informative website they offer a number of other services:

  • A magazine.
  • Financial support for readings and other events.
  • sponsorship of writing prizes and awards.

The website offers articles on writing itself, as well as publishing, agents, awards, and writing news.

Writer Beware

Everyone appreciates getting help with their writing and publishing efforts. There are many people out there telling writers what they should do, or at least consider doing.

Authors everywhere choose some programs or websites to endorse, and they send their readers on their way. Writer Beware has taken it upon themselves to warn writers and authors of scams, schemes, and fraud they should be avoiding in the writing world.

Founded in 1998, they have been around long enough to see a lot of shady things go down. They know what they’re talking about.

Especially if you are close to publishing, take a look around this website. Make sure you don’t fall victim. This would make your experience learning how to write a book more negative, where you should only be doing positive things to move forward.

Improve Your Craft with These Writing Websites

This collection of writing websites should be enough to get you going. With a combination of advice, tips, insight, prompts, inspiration, and tools, you have more than enough to start learning how to write a novel or book of any kind.

Josh Fechter

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Home » Designing Websites » The 15 Best Writer Websites: Inspire Your Portfolio

The 15 Best Writer Websites: Inspire Your Portfolio

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We’ve researched the 15 best writer websites to gather some inspiration to help you put together a writer portfolio. We’ve looked at a mix of writers from different industries, and cherry-picked our top choices that you can reference when making your very own portfolio .

The 15 best writer websites in this article were made with builders like Wix, Shopify, Squarespace, WordPress, and even third-party graphic designers. No matter how you choose to build your website, you’ll be able to take your ideas with you.

Whether you’re starting a freelance writer website or selling your book, your website is an extension of your brand – and a way to share your individual story.

So grab a coffee and let’s take a peek at some of the best writer websites!

1 Meria Ogawa

Website made with Wix

writers websites best

The humble contact page is usually left as an afterthought, with a typical title like “ Contact Me .” Notice how Meria Ogawa has shifted the focus to “ Better Together .” This “Contact” page is inviting and warm, and Meria doesn’t just assume the customer is going to get in contact right away.

Gently nudging your potential writing clients to contact you is more effective than trying to urge them too much. Her copy is almost an offering – “If you want” begins each of her contact details.

So, don’t leave your “Contact” page to the side without trying to put your spin on it like Meria has.

Website made with Shopify

writers websites best

Mimochai is an independent studio that creates art and stories, crafting kids’ books that weave in mindfulness. Mimochai’s Shopify-made website features its artistic creations and leads us nicely into its shop.

The soothing website imagery is all done in the same style as its book covers and merchandise – almost leading potential customers along for the adventure as though inside one of Mimochai’s books.

writers websites best

If your book or writing field has lovely imagery within it, it might be worth incorporating into the design of your website. There’s something almost 3D about Mimochai’s visuals – it takes us back to being a kid and reading a pop-up book.

We asked the two-person Mimochai team for their thoughts on creating their website with Shopify, and here’s what they had to say:

Advice from the Users

[shopify] offers a good balance between functionality and design. in the time we’ve been on shopify, it has added the features that were initially missing, and many of these improvements are included at no extra cost..

Mimochai Team

They talk about Shopify’s improvements, and express their excitement at its email services improving too.

3 Zadie Smith

Website made with Squarespace

writers websites best

The website for novelist, essayist, and writer Zadie Smith is clean and highlights the book Intimations in bold red. It grabs our attention and draws us to the book cover straight away.

Notice that she doesn’t clutter the page, from her menu to the words beneath – her book of essays has room to breathe. One effective method is to use words sparingly!

Take care to choose words that give readers a flavor for your writing – without creating huge paragraphs that take away from your work.

4 Rupi Kaur

Website made with a web designer ( Laurie Codes )

writers websites best

Canadian poet Rupi Kaur’s website reflects herself as her brand – especially her artistic expression. Each page has different elements of art, poetry, and photography.

Rupi’s website is full of exciting things to read, listen to, and watch. Scrolling through each section is like a delightful explosion of paint, color, and Rupi’s drawings (and her live poetry readings!).

Her website also has an ecommerce shop, where she doesn’t just offer her poetry books. Rupi has expanded on her writing with a world tour, along with a shop for art, clothing, stationery, and more.

writers websites best

Hiring a web designer or web developer has its pros and cons – the cost will be higher than with a website builder, however, there may be more room for personalizing your website with one.

If you don’t have the budget though, website builders can still be highly personalized, as you will see in this article.

5 Caroline Gibson

Website made with WordPress

writers websites best

Caroline Gibson does more than just say hello with her website copy – she shows a flair for her craft as a copywriter. Caroline’s freelance writer website mixes her humor and her professionalism effortlessly onto the page. We love the line “like the chocolate flake in a 99 ice cream, I add more.”

Creating a portfolio or website for your writing is always about tone first and foremost. What copy do you create? What is your natural tone? And what is the tone your clients are looking for?

Once you’ve answered these questions you can build your portfolio around a balance of the three.

writers websites best

The website’s “About” page focuses more on what Caroline creates as a freelancer than on Caroline as an individual. This adds credibility to the website – try to ask yourself what your ideal client wants and how your service can help them.

We asked high conversions sales copywriter Alyson Lex for some thoughts on WordPress:

My WordPress website is essential to generating leads, building credibility, and closing new clients. Bar none. My clients frequently mention my website when booking calls (i.e. I love your site!)

I’m even showing up in Google for specific services despite my complete lack of SEO know-how.

It’s not beginner friendly… but if you’re a writer and you sell writing services of any kind – not having a website is absolutely hurting your income.

6 Martha Hayes

writers websites best

Martha Haye’s work is incredibly cohesive and is captivating to look through. Going through this website is like flicking through a magazine’s pages.

Everything feels well organized, from the website’s typewriter font to the covers. Squarespace has proven to be one of the frontrunners for visual mediums.

This website has a plain white background – but when the work is so bright and colorful, that’s great. Otherwise, a textured or bright background might take away from the work itself.

Remember to put your work center stage, and think of the website as supporting your creations.

But what if I haven’t created much work yet? No need to fret, the example below might offer an alternative idea.

7 Tyler J Koenig

writers websites best

“Bright” and “fun” are how we’d describe the feel of Tyler J Koenig’s website. You instantly learn who he is, and get an idea of the type of content he creates. It feels fresh and lighthearted. This Squarespace-made website gets right to the niche.

Tyler writes: “ Basketball raised me. Tech and storytelling made me. Now I’m bringing them all together.” He clearly shows us the two sides of his personality and the two parts of his career: tech and basketball.

writers websites best

As a content strategist and writer in the basketball sector, his “About” page is wholesome, a little nostalgic, and athletics-focused. Tyler understands the target audience well – applying the niche throughout the pictures and copy.

Tyler’s “About” page feels like part blog, part 90’s movie. Here he delves into his life, his basketball knowledge, and fond Limewire and AIM messenger memories.

His copy is genuine, fun, and conversational – he throws in the odd “kinda” and a “see ya around!” closing. It allows Tyler’s personality to shine through the page.

This makes a great alternative to showing your work – if you can bring your authentic self to your writer’s website, then like-minded clients will be interested!

Website made with Webflow

writers websites best

If you’re looking to create a more professional website, then you’ll need to use clear CTAs ( calls to action ). In case you’re unfamiliar with a CTA, it’s the button or design that leads your customers to buy your product or services.

Notice the Scripted agency has two blue buttons that move the client towards hiring a freelance writer. Here they’ve written “Get Started,” but you can write anything, like Say Hi, Learn More, Hire Me, I’m In, or Subscribe .

Even if you’re not setting up an agency, you can experiment with CTAs on your website. You can test out different colors and wording to see what gets you the most customer clicks over time.

The Scripted website inspires trust and credibility – it understands the customers’ pain points.

writers websites best

Scripted also has well-designed icons that add to the UX (user experience) and make it as easy as possible to find information. It uses the data it has, like 200k+ Content Orders, to help develop customer trust – adding data to your website can boost the value.

9 Matt Phil Carver

writers websites best

This WordPress website by Matt Phil Carver is another one that thrives on clean and crisp UX. We love the little avatar of Matt, which isn’t just on the homepage, but runs throughout the website – even into the blog!

Matt’s friendly and conversational tone can be felt in the content – even in the menu bar, where he’s written phrases like “What I Do” rather than “ Services” or “ Portfolio.” 

Another great thing about Matt’s website is that throughout it he mentions the lovely testimonials he’s had. If you have a lot of great reviews from clients, sprinkle one in on every page, or even create a reviews page ( or as Matt has: “What my clients say” page).

10 Haruki Murakami

writers websites best

Haruki Murakami’s website has a great feature in its community page. If you have fans of your work, consider putting together a place for them to share their opinions.

Create a buzz by getting them involved with what you create – it doubles up as a nice testimonial page, too!

11 Ann Handley

writers websites best

Ann Handley , author of Everybody Writes has a great WordPress-made website. Particularly, take a look at her “Work with Ann” page. Ann adds some information for potential clients alongside some great examples of CTAs.

Another great feature of the website is the “Newsletter” section. When putting together your portfolio, try adding a free newsletter or resource that the reader can take with them – it can add value to your website and help convert readers to your services.

12 Frankie Ratford

writers websites best

We might be cheating with Frankie Ratford , but we’re not sorry about it.

Technically, Frankie Ratford is a traveling Graphic Designer and Director of The Design Kids – so it’s sort of cheating to include his site in this list of writer websites. But we had to add it because it’s full of inspiring bits!

Little design features, like the way elements on the page move, are what make this website pop.

Frankie’s photo and the text elements that move behind and in front of the image are a great way to show off copy. The feel of the page you land on is warm with its bold yellow design, and the Wix-made website showcases Frankie’s awards, achievements, and work.

writers websites best

The website shows Frankie’s nomadic lifestyle alongside showcasing her creative projects. The main takeaway from this website is that sometimes you only need one page!

13 Brandon Sanderson

writers websites best

Brandon Sanderson’s website has a really neat feature for authors – a progress bar. To keep fans in the loop with what projects you’re creating, a progress bar also helps fuel the excitement!

Keeping readers up to date might be a fun addition to your writer portfolio – whether that’s a progress bar or news updates!

14 Maverick Words

writers websites best

The WordPress-made website Maverick Words is effective at helping customers imagine how André might solve their pain points. Every page leads the client gently to the CTAs.

This “About” page is a great way to showcase freelance writing skills because it feels like an article on the five factors that set André apart from the competition.

15 Tara Westover

writers websites best

Tara Westover displays her book Educated on the homepage, and the surrounding text feels super down-to-earth – along with the book cover that’s surrounded by white space.

Here, she creates a sense of intrigue. The unfamiliar reader will begin to wonder why publishing this book is the most insane idea she’s had?

Adding a little mystery to your copy is a great way to get readers to want to read your book. It also makes them want to delve into a writer’s website to discover what the result of publishing the book was.

If you’re looking to see what it’s like to build a website for writers, make sure to read our interview with Vicky Weber , a children’s author and co-founder of At Home Author, a company that provides coaching for aspiring writers.

After exploring these websites, one thing is clear – there are many ways to put together a writer website! We hope this article has given you some ideas on how to take your writer business online.

If you’re thinking I’ll never be able to put together a portfolio like this, not to worry!

Here are nine actionable tips that can help:

  • Establish your ideal customer or client
  • Put yourself in their shoes – what are their main pain points?
  • Incorporate those pain points into the website and help them imagine how you can solve those points
  • Add any visuals that go along with your writing to the website
  • Bring your tone or personality into the mix
  • Use icons to showcase information clearly and quickly for readers
  • Use CTAs to move your customer toward contacting you or buying your services
  • Create a great contact page or sales page to highlight how working together will benefit customers
  • Create a community with the fans of your writing

Many of these amazing-looking freelance writer websites were made with website builders – which open up the realm of possibility for your writing business. Not every builder is made equal though, so take advantage of our research-backed article on the best website builders to make a confident choice.

We’re sure you’ll find the perfect website builder to boost your writing career! Let us know in the comments how it’s going.

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The 25 Best Writing Websites for Authors in 2024

POSTED ON Feb 12, 2024

Linda Cartwright

Written by Linda Cartwright

There are many writing websites that are useful hubs of information for aspiring authors of all types and genres.

Apart from the desire to become an author and a bit of determination, what makes a successful writer? According to veterans of the industry, it’s lots of reading, writing, and a supportive community . 

The writing websites in this blog can provide you with all three. So, without further ado and in no particular order, let me introduce these top book writing websites to learn more about the craft, stay up-to-date with industry news, and find fellow writers in your network.

The blog on the best writing websites will cover:

The 25 best writing websites.

Here are our favorite writing websites that can help you perfect your craft:


What kind of writing website would we be if we didn't include ourselves in this list of writing websites?

At , we are proud of our educational blog and are always creating new content to help writers turn their dream of publishing a book into reality.

If you're looking to improve your writing skills, learn how to self-publish a book , market a book , or even create your own author website – this is the ideal place to learn.

2. Self-Publishing School

Self-Publishing School is the leading educational self-publishing company . It's our second choice for the best writing websites to keep on your radar.

If you're interested in learning all about Amazon self-publishing to how to create an online course to build your author brand, Self-Publishing School produces informational articles, videos, and podcast content on a variety of topics.

In addition, there are several author education programs offered, depending on what your goals look like.

3. Self-Publishing Advice

Self-Publishing Advice is a watchdog community organized by the Alliance of Independent Authors. It aims to protect self-publishing writers from untrustworthy publishers. It also reviews other writing websites (mostly in the independent and self-publishing services spaces).

The site has a collection of reviews on various publishers, with rating scores ranging from “excellent” to “watchdog advisory”. The authors themselves report dishonest publishers and regularly update their base. However, the site’s usefulness isn’t restricted to that. 

There is also a blog with loads of advice on self-publishing (obviously!), audiobook creation, inspiration, and everything of interest to an indie author.

4. The Book Designer

Joel Friedlander is a graphic designer with an extensive background in book design and advertising. He has created The Book Designer , which is a treasure trove of articles on book marketing, self-publishing, and, of course, book design (including book covers , typography basics, and text layout).

His series “eBook Cover Design Awards” is particularly instructive, since every nominated book cover is dissected with respect to genre aesthetics, intended audience, and all the minute details that can make a difference between a bestseller and an obscure title no one notices.

Even if you don’t create covers yourself, it’s always good to know what to look for when you outsource the task to a designer, which is what makes this one of the best writing websites.

Apart from valuable advice, Friedlander shares free book cover templates, a book launch toolkit, and a media kit for authors to optimize the marketing of your book.

5. Paper Help

Typos are the worst. I have yet to meet a writer who could be 100 percent sure their text was absolutely typo-free, even after rounds of editing. Because it never is.

Authors are notorious for their typo blindness because by the third draft, they know the text like the back of their hand and familiarization handicaps your ability to pick out mistakes.

That’s why we need editors – or at least editing services that will comb through the text for misspelled words and other pesky oopsies. 

Paper Help is a service that specializes in writing and editing of all sorts of papers. If you need a second pair of eyes to go through your manuscript before its debut, it can be a nice low-cost compromise between a literary editor and doing it yourself, which has earned it a spot on our list of the best writing websites.

6. Grammar Girl

Of course, to make your editing less of a struggle, it’s better to make fewer mistakes in the first place. That’s why one has to have go-to writing websites for all things grammar. Mignon Fogarty’s blog is just the right sort of resource for that. 

Grammar Girl is a section on the Quick and Dirty Tips portal devoted to everything that a writer needs to know about spelling and grammar.

You can read your daily dose of nicely summed-up linguistic wisdom and build your competency bit by bit – and have lots of fun in the process.

7. AutoCrit

Okay, with grammar off the table, you still need to edit your drafts with regard to consistency, adverbs, repetition, readability, useless filler words, etc. Here is where AutoCrit comes in.

This is not so much a book writing website, but a word-processing tool with editing features and guidance based on real-world publishing standards.

AutoCrit makes our list of writing websites because it analyzes your text and gives recommendations on how to improve it. For example, it can flag poor dialogue , misuse of adverbs, or relying on clichés. This tool has subscription plans with more robust professional features, but they also offer a free option with essentials that every author needs. 

Plus, the site has a collection of articles with tips about the craft and the business of writing, from adding depth to your characters to DIY proofreading techniques.

8. Janice Hardy’s Fiction University

Janice Hardy, a teen fantasy novelist, is the founder of Fiction University . With the help of fellow writers and guest contributors, she has amassed more than 2,500 articles on fiction writing. They deal with every stage of penning a novel – from brainstorming ideas and developing a story to self-publishing your finished opus.

Starting soon the creators of the website plan to organize workshops where they will introduce some practice to go with the theory. Still, the scope of the material on the website is impressive as is, making it one of the best writing websites.

Fiction University is comprehensively organized by relevant topics, making it a true writing encyclopedia and a go-to place for anyone who starts their writing career or simply wishes to improve their skills.

9. 750 Words

You know what makes you a better writer? More writing. 750 Words is a simple website for writers that has just one goal – helping you to build a good habit of writing every day. 

You have probably heard about the technique called “morning pages”. Morning pages are three pages of text (or 750 words) that you write, preferably in the morning to get everything distracting out of your head and shift focus on putting thoughts into words.

With gamification devices like badges and competitiveness (via anonymous statistics), 750 Words encourages you to stick to a schedule and write those pages every day. It’s minimalistic and private – no one will see your writing but you.

10. Build Book Buzz

Marketing strategy is often overlooked by self-publishing authors. Too bad, even the best books don’t sell themselves.

This website for writers has some tips on how to prepare the launch and how to promote a book when it’s already out and about. The blog section is full of detailed how-to guides on working with beta readers, coming up with promotion strategy, boosting sales via various social media channels, partnering up with influencers, and more.

Build Book Buzz is one of the best writing websites with just the right ratio of figures and statistics vs. insider tips on how to build an online presence.

11. Language is a Virus

With writing games and exercises galore, Language is a Virus makes a perfect playground for word enthusiasts. It never fails to spark imagination and get your creative juices flowing.

From the prompt of the day greeting you on the homepage, to avant-garde techniques of Jack Kerouac and Salvador Dali, this is one of those writing websites that is truly committed to getting you writing.

Poem visualization, surrealistic word definitions, generating reverse poetry from your text, or adding your line to a never-ending story by thousands of other writers – not one bizarrely mesmerizing activity here will leave you indifferent.

So next time you need a little writer's block help , don’t waste your time and head here straight away.

12. Six-Words Memoirs

Six-Word Memoirs is a charming little project with a big goal. It aims to inspire the participants to get to the essence of who they are and what matters most. To do that, they have to answer some pretty existential questions in six words – no more, no less.

This can be quite a challenge even for experienced writers, which means it's a great writing tool to get down to the basics. Sci-fi and fantasy stories in six words, seismic shifts in six words, your personal paradise in six words – a nice exercise in eloquence and one of the best writer’s block remedies I’ve seen. 

13. The Writing Cooperative

The Writing Cooperative is a diverse resource for writers by writers. A piece of advice on any situation under the sun from writer’s block to existential crisis and burnout. Everything is specifically tailored for a fellow writer like yourself, so this is a true hub for diverse topics.

Anyone with something to say can submit a post and the community is quite diverse and supportive. There are also some secrets of the craft shared here, from where it is best to share your writing to why digression can sometimes be a boon for your story. These tips make The Writing Cooperative one of the best writing websites.

14. The Write Life

At first glance, The Write Life seems geared more towards bloggers and freelancers, yet it has much to offer to anyone whose livelihood depends on their writing talent. How to come up with great titles, how to find a critic to improve your text, how to self-publish your book, how to market it, how to hire a freelance editor , how to prevent burnout, and other secrets of the craft.

In the tools section, there are eBooks and courses for writing professionals as well as some handy tools, such as editing apps, invoicing software, marketplaces, and communities for freelance writers.

15. Helping Writers Become Authors

For those of you who have long been creating content for a living but never dipped your toes into long-form prose, Helping Writers Become Authors is a perfect boot camp.

Award-winning author K.M. Weiland tells how to create a compelling character with a story arc, what mistakes authors most often make, how to make readers love every page of your novel, and why even movies falling short of our expectations is always a bad writing problem.

If for some reason blog is not your preferred format, there are instructional eBooks, vlogs, and a podcast.

16. Association of Ghostwriters

If you want to find a ghostwriter or are just curious to know more about this particular specialization, Association of Ghostwriters has answers to your questions. Although it has paid membership plans, lots of valuable information is free for grabs, making it one of the best writing websites.

How to write a memoir , what to do when your work on a big project slows down, and why ghostwriting might be an intermediate step between freelancing and getting a good publishing deal on your own book. If you want to learn how to publish a book traditionally, Association of Ghostwriters has you covered. 

17. NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo (National Novel-Writing Month) is an epic creative writing event where participants work towards writing a 50,000-word novel in the month of November. Although professional writers are ambiguous about this marathon, it can work for some authors who understand how speed drafts fit into the entire writing process.

The NaNoWriMo website was created especially for the event. Here you can track your progress, set milestones, and get pep talks and support from other writers in an ever-growing community. There are online and offline events that help you finish your novel.

Whether you are a seasoned writer or an enthusiastic beginner, NaNoWriMo is one of the best writing websites, with inspirational posts, a company of fellow contestants, tips, tools, resources, and encouragement. Just remember, if your word count is lower and you didn’t get that badge – you are still a writer. It’s only a game!

18. Scribophile

Every writer needs feedback to improve, and it’s always better when this feedback is detailed, informed, and comes from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Better still, if you get this feedback before you publish your work and start receiving bad reviews from underwhelmed readers. (That’s what beta-readers and writing workshops are for.)

At Scribophile , you will find a supportive community of writers like yourself. Here, they are willing to give you feedback to improve your text with their critique instead of tearing you down.

If you are still tentative, there are writing tutorials and publishing tips available without even signing in.

Do clichés and passive voice actually have a place in your prose?

How to start writing poetry if you never had done it before?

Come and have a look at one of the best writing websites.

19. Self-Publishing Formula

Mark Dawson is an author who makes a living by self-publishing . On Self-Publishing Formula , he shares his journey with other writers who want to take this path.

Blog posts with valuable tips, resources, and guides are available for everyone and there are free, paid, or limited-access courses you can subscribe to.

Mark also co-hosts weekly free podcasts with James Blatch where they interview top-selling indie authors, successful debutants from traditional publishing , and industry insiders to shed light on the process of publishing and promoting a book independently.

20. Almost An Author

Almost An Author provides a wealth of resources for writers at various stages of their careers. It has new content every day, from writing tips and craft advice to publishing insights and author interviews. You can get genre-specific advice or emotional support to get you through your publishing journey.

21. Creativity Portal

As the name suggests, Creativity Portal is a treasure trove of inspiration and resources for writers looking to tap into their creativity. It offers writing prompts, exercises, and articles on topics like mindfulness and overcoming creative blocks, making it an invaluable resource for writers and one of the best writing websites around.

22. Writer's Digest

Writer's Digest might just have more resources than any of the other writing websites on this list. It's like an encyclopedia of knowledge for writers, after all, the magazine has been around for almost a century! You'll discover a plethora of articles, events, competitions, webinars, templates, tutorials, and various other resources neatly organized by genre and vocation.

23. Insecure Writer's Support Group

Writing can be a solitary and often daunting endeavor, and the Insecure Writer's Support Group aims to provide a supportive community for writers grappling with self-doubt and insecurity.

Through blog posts, forums, and online events, members of the group can connect with fellow writers, share their experiences, and receive encouragement and advice, creating a nurturing environment for writers to grow and thrive.

24. LitReactor

With its focus on the craft and business of writing, LitReactor offers a range of courses, workshops, and articles designed to help writers hone their skills and navigate the publishing industry. Whether you're looking to improve your writing craft, learn about the latest trends in publishing, or connect with other writers, LitReactor provides a valuable platform for writers at all levels.

25. Now Novel

Now Novel is a comprehensive platform that helps writers plan, outline, and write their novels. With tools like step-by-step writing courses, personalized feedback from experienced coaches, and a supportive community of fellow writers, Now Novel provides the structure and guidance that writers need to turn their ideas into finished manuscripts.

Make use of the best websites for writers

So there you have it! Those are 25 writing websites that you should absolutely be following.

Of course, in the sea of online blogs, there are plenty of other valuable writing websites to follow. We just had to choose our favorites.

writers websites best

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33 Best Author Websites Examples (2024 Update)

February 2024.

writers websites best

I am going to show you EXACTLY how to create your own best author website.

We will address for you the “Dos” and “Don’ts” of creating an author website.

Examples of effective and ineffective author websites will be shared and how to improve the ineffective components as well. 

In the end, you will know for certain that you can create an effective author website that will enhance your image and branding!

The Purpose of this Article

In this article, we will see some nicely done author websites. These websites can provide inspiration and guidelines to make the best author websites.

By the way, to learn how to create, manage and market your author website, you have to read more articles on our blog .

Characteristic of best author websites

These are the things your author site must have no matter what genre or type of writer you are.

Your Website’s Landing Page Should :

  • Include a list of your published work (books, novels, eBooks, articles etc)
  • Promptly shows upcoming and new releases
  • Have a separate page about yourself
  • Provide a way to contact you or hire you.
  • Include links to your social media accounts.
  • Easy to navigate
  • A blog to showcase your personality and/or writing process
  • Has a unique, clean and eye-catching design
  • Must run perfectly on Mobile and PC

We analyzed 500+ authors’ sites!

We have analyzed more than 500 author websites on the net to write this article.

We update this post in the future by adding new author sites to this list. We may remove some of them though. There’s no guarantee!

But did you really analyze 500+ sites?!

Yes, we did. Here’s the proof!

Let’s start with the list of best author websites

Simple and minimal examples of authors websites,

writers websites best

Linda Tharp

Children's Books

Shadows Into Light, Karla

What they did well:

  • She utilizes an attractive background.
  • The minimalist design keeps the user focused on the imagery and tab options.
  • Website upload speed is quick, allowing for ease of use. (the image speed is different)
  • Author name is the central focus of the page driving her brand.
  • Her bio adds to the focus of her branding.
  • The focus lies on the author and not the books.
  • Upcoming works are included leaving the reader in anticipation of the next book.
  • Blog section is included allowing for media integration.
  • Social media is included at the bottom of the website.
  • Along with social media is a contact me section located in the same area.

What to consider changing:

  • The format is best for authors: more than one book published and established fans.
  • Books published are limited in their appearance on the site.
  • If a new author, not having books advertised can be hurtful to your branding.
  • There’s no link to buy books on Amazon or other book stores.
  • Blog isn’t up-to-date.

writers websites best

Shel Silverstein

Children's Books and Poetry

Bookman Old Style, sans-serif

  • The design according to book types plays in favor of the author’s theme.
  • Library editions and hardcovers available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart.
  • Image gallery on about page enhances the appearance.
  • Logo could be at the center of the header on the desktop version.
  • No contact form nor social media links on the site. (The author died many years ago though.)
  • CTA buttons should be in red as this draws the focus.
  • Book reviews can be added to the books pages.

writers websites best

Ann Voskamp

Parenting & Families and Religion & Spirituality

Cinzel, Merriweather, Montserrat

  • Theme of the author is conveyed.
  • Background provides a feeling of this being an author’s website.
  • Promotes current work and upcoming books.
  • Interactive tabs for short reading material/blog posts to pull in new audiences.
  • Seamless and fluid transitions from one section of the website to the next.
  • Author bio could include a bit more information about the genre of writing.
  • Images start to blend together, it could use fragmentation for easier reading and interpretation.

writers websites best

William Golding

Literature & Fiction

Merriweather, Flareserif 821

  • Minimalist website at its best.
  • Interpretation of author is easy with less to navigate.
  • Menu tab allows for seamless navigation.
  • Limited menu options allows for quick decisions on where to next travel to.
  • News and articles section can be easier to navigate as it is based on date of news.
  • Social media links need to be more noticeable, the gold blends in with the white.

writers websites best

Playfair Display, Lato

  • Minimalistic design of the website filled with informative blogs make this website a perfect Author website.
  • The About Me and Bio link is present on the Homepage of this website which helps readers to have a full understanding of the author.
  • Direct purchasing links are present on each section of the book plus the audiobook format is present along with translated versions and international orders.
  • The speed of the slider on the home page is not smooth and the quality of images aren’t captivating to make viewers enamored.
  • The footer doesn’t have navigation links to Homepage, Contact, Books.

writers websites best

Jack Kerouac

Biographies & Memoirs, Fiction, and Poetry

Futura, ITC Clearface

  • Website domain name is the same as the name of author and the overall style is smooth, pleasant.
  • The site has browser push notifications plus a newsletter signup option.
  • More navigation links can be added to the footer.
  • The homepage doesn’t have any information related to the books.

writers websites best

James Clear

Continuous Improvement, Decision-Making, and Habits

Europa, Minion Pro

  • Bewitching website with fluid UI design filled with attractive colours and font style.
  • Numerous articles are present on the website , divided into respective categories which are really helpful for readers to feed minds with proper information.
  • Testimonials are uploaded for books and those can be purchased directly from different platforms in numerous languages.
  • Smart email marketing strategy by sending a free chapter of the book to visitor’s email address.
  • Contact page is not present which is a must for an author website.

writers websites best

Sally Thorne

Playfair Display, Avenir, Lato

  • The website domain is on the same name of Author, Sally Throne.
  • Colour scheme and loading speed are well maintained.
  • Books can be purchased from different platforms including Amazon and reviews are also given on the website.
  • The Blog Section isn’t present on the website . Footer does not contain the navigation menus.
  • Homepage is very short and it doesn’t have any info about the author, Sally Throne.
  • The newsletter sign-up form can be added to the footer.

writers websites best

When you talk about contemporary romance and adult fantasy, you cannot miss out on mentioning Jennifer L.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, and Young Adult

Raleway, Suranna

  • The books section is very simple yet attractive. It gives you an easy browning experience.
  • A good range of “where to buy” platforms are incorporated with the description of each book.
  • The homepage says nothing about the author herself. It may leave a not-so-good impression on the potential buyers.
  • The website should include an active contact page to reach out to the author.

writers websites best

Veronica Roth

Science Fiction & Fantasy and Young Adult

Montserrat, Roboto Condensed

  • A website for a book should always have the latest release on the homepage like this website.
  • The homepage shows the author signing a book copy at an event which feels so wonderful.
  • The books could be displayed in a more appealing manner.
  • The biography of the author should be a little more detailed.

writers websites best

Jason Reynolds

Fiction and Poetry

Futura PT, Minion Pro

  • The contemporary design of the website is very eye-catching and interesting.
  • The initials of the author’s name look very classy on the main page.
  • The best websites for authors like this should avoid lengthy descriptions.
  • Social media links should be more noticeable with bigger fonts or icons.

writers websites best

Ocean Vuong

Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry

Georgia, Palatino

  • The sections for novels and poems are displayed individually, making it one of the best book website samples.
  • There is a reading tour for the book time is a mother, which all author websites should have.
  • The homepage is only limited to the information of one book, which is not taken as a good impression for websites for authors.
  • The lack of literature gives the initial impression that this might not be an author’s website.

writers websites best

Timothy Keller

Christian and Religion & Spirituality

Proxima Nova, Adobe Garamond

  • The loading speed and the layout are well maintained.
  • Books are placed individually instead of creating categories which is a less-seen thing among other websites for authors.
  • There is no navigation menu at the footer, and the social media links are also missing.
  • There should be a newsletter sign-up option at the end of the website.
  • A contact page is necessary for all author websites.

writers websites best

Angela Duckworth

Decision-Making and Self Help

  • The author’s interpretation is placed with the video on its left, making it a great book website sample.
  • The homepage layout is very basic and needs a lot of work.
  • The purchase option of the books is missing on the homepage.

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Modern, graceful and iconic author website examples,

writers websites best

The first look on Miriam Monfredo’s website shows a picture of a dark forest with mist surrounding the area. This gives a sense of mystery to the reader and tells the writing style of the author. The first image on the landing page is the most important. It can be a slider but most often we see a still image. Marketing experts’ advice for authors is to set the mood of the website according to their writing style.

Miriam Grace Monfredo

History and Mystery & Thrillers

Barlow, Open Sans

  • Miriam provided an excellent background in hero which sets the mood and tone for mystery as her focus is on historical mysteries.
  • The layout is easy to follow and flows from the reader’s perspective.
  • The tag line for Miriam within the hero is excellent and provides a succinct summary of her work.
  • Miriam draws the reader’s attention to the books by utilizing images
  • Economy of language is utilized well here.
  • There’s a specific page for each book with reviews and links to buy the book on Amazon and Smashwords.
  • 3-D book design enhances website appearance, drawing attention to her books.
  • There could be a greater focus on the books that Miriam has produced as its location is distant from the focal point of the website.
  • Website upload speeds can be improved with limited images and features. Miriam’s books could also be larger in their image and her about me section should follow.
  • The focus needs to be on promoting a book or books in general.
  • Miriam should promote an upcoming book if she has one in the works because this will build anticipation for her fans and audience.
  • She must keep the blog up-to-date.

writers websites best

  • The background design is visually appealing and speaks to the brand.
  • Navigation Links draw the user to the characters, books, and experiences tabs.
  • The news & events add more extensions to interact with the author’s works.
  • The shop option allows for further advertising and exposure of the author.
  • Parents and Educators have a special link just for them.
  • The design is cluttered, this works for this author as it is characteristic of them.
  • The books and author are not the focus and the focus is entirely on the brand.

writers websites best

Beatrix Potter

  • The flow of design is key and this site has a natural flow from start to end
  • The minimalist design in the beginning sets the tone for a children’s book
  • Four navigation links makes choosing simple and direct
  • Highlights special events/topics such as nature events linking kids to nature.
  • Highlights upcoming book as well as film giving fans excitement for what’s to come.
  • Social media is linked at the end of the site with contact information as well.
  • Bring the focus of upcoming works to the beginning as this is an established author.
  • The crafts are a fun concept but should be placed after upcoming work.
  • Meet the characters could also be placed higher up to draw in more fans.

writers websites best

Children's Books, Literature & Fiction, and Young Adult

Playfair Display, Open Sans

  • Beautiful design in the beginning which draws you in with slides of new events.
  • Highlights upcoming works and also includes netflix adaptations of books.
  • Navigation links are in a proper sequence of importance with contact being last.
  • The books section uses the covers in a collage formatting to draw in readers.
  • Biography section is detailed and styled well conveying a sense of familial ties.
  • Welcome section is very plain and uninviting even though she is inviting us in.
  • Welcome section could be improved with warmer text.

writers websites best

Ray Bradbury

Horror, Literature & Fiction, and Science Fiction & Fantasy

  • Including a banner helps to promote the author and works.
  • Sectioning of the website allows for the transition from one part to the next.
  • Theme of the author is conveyed throughout using the orange writing and images.
  • Scrolling banner is often confusing and takes up far too much space.
  • Scrolling banner content should be conveying the author or the product.
  • There is randomness to the sequence on the website content on the homepage.
  • The navigation bar needs to decrease options.

writers websites best

Ransom Riggs

Arts & Photography, Mystery & Thrillers, and Young Adult

Europa, FilosofiaOT

  • Background is beautiful and leads to the author’s adventure and explorer genre.
  • Navigation bar is specific in where the user will be taken and less options is better.
  • Footer contains social media links.
  • Slow upload speeds for both computers and mobile devices.
  • The home page lacks advertisements of upcoming books and past works.
  • Very minimalist and lacks conveying this as author’s website instead of personal blog.

writers websites best

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Tungsten Comp A, Georgia, Gotham SSm A

  • Advertising of upcoming books is phenomenal and eye-catching.
  • Author’s name is the first segment of wording to be seen by the viewer.
  • Navigation bar is easy to use, simplistic but efficiently directs the user.
  • Shopping access for the books is easily seen below the upcoming book’s intro.
  • Social media links are included at the bottom of the site and accessible.
  • About the author is short, succinct, and complete.
  • Negative space is used perfectly to bring focus to the key elements of the site.
  • Excessive book advertising by including the “Also from Taylor” section on homepage.
  • No blog post is on the website and no links available to a blog site either.

writers websites best

Yuval Noah Harari

History and Nonfiction

  • Very inclusive of the various aspects of Yuval Noah Harari.
  • Rolling banner allows for continual advertising of Yuval and his events and books.
  • Social Media is easily accessible next to the navigation bar.
  • Upload speeds are quick for desktop and mobile versions.
  • Events are provided in chronological upcoming order.
  • The homepage is cluttered and starts to blend together not in a cohesive manner.
  • Initial impression is not that this is an author’s website due to the lack of literature.
  • Books are not presented in any particular order.
  • No upcoming books are being advertised, only events are current.

writers websites best

Stephen King

Horror, Literature & Fiction, and Mystery & Thrillers

Source Sans Pro, Spectral

  • Scrolling banner advertises upcoming works and other events.
  • Navigation bar provides key choices to navigate to.
  • Background is changeable in the bottom right corner from light to dark to set the mood.
  • Mood of the webpage is consistent with Stephen King’s persona and works.
  • Upload speeds on both mobile and desktop are very fast allowing for ease of use.
  • The background of the site is relatively simple and could have more to draw in a reader.

writers websites best

Maggie Stiefvater

Exlibris, Mackinac, Avenir

  • Blog section is added in the website which contains some phenomenal content to feed the brain and get pleasure.
  • Direct link for purchasing Novels is available which is an admirable functionality to save time for readers.
  • The layout of the website is great and all of the books are classified into different genres.
  • The News section isn’t up to date and readers really want to listen, grasp their favorite Author’s newest updates.
  • T he loading speed of the website isn’t fast enough which can be more fluid and responsive.
  • More testimonials or reviews can be uploaded as readers can have a look at those reviews and finalize if they want to purchase the Novel or not.

writers websites best

Brené Brown

Health, Mind & Body, and Nonfiction

Helvetica Neue, Georgia

  • The loading speed is really negligible though so many books, podcasts, and blogs are running on the website.
  • Visitors can purchase their favorite books easily by using the drop downs in the hero.
  • Some brilliant videos are also present on the website including TED TALK and many other inspirational programs.
  • Novels aren’t divided into respective genres which is a downside for visitors coming to take a look at numerous books/novels.
  • Blogs aren’t regularly updated.
  • There’s no contact form on the site.

writers websites best

Rachel Hollis

Chick Lit, Cookbooks, and Self Help

DIN Condensed, Essonnes, PT Sans Narrow

  • This author website has a proper format in respect of colour and section-wise breakdown of topics in each page layout.
  • Rachel has uploaded lots of blog posts on different niches which are great to read.
  • Sticky social media links on all pages of the site helps followers to get engaged with Author.
  • Top Menu Bar can be well-formatted , make brighter and font size should be increased.
  • The promotion of books isn’t admirable with respect to other author’s sites.

writers websites best

Christopher McDougall

Roboto Slab, Roboto Condensed

  • There is a picture of the author that makes it more interesting as compared to other authors’ websites.
  • About section of the website does all the justice to the writer.
  • It could be made the best author website design with a books relevant theme.
  • There is a lot of blank space on the home page that could be otherwise utilized beautifully.

writers websites best

Christian and Religion

  • The quotation of the author on the main page makes it a captivating website for a book.
  • The color scheme of the website is very soothing to the eyes.
  • There’s a large picture of the author in the hero section on the home page.
  • The email newsletter is not visible in the footer and it pops up by clicking on subscribe link which isn’t good for conversion rate.
  • The contact details and social media handles are missing.

writers websites best

The website can be counted as one of the best author websites 2022 for comic fans.

Comics & Graphic Novels

Oswald, Raleway

  • This author’s website has a huge variety of content which is always updated from time to time.
  • The most important pages of the site are visible in the hero on the home page.
  • The footer has no newsletter forms, quick links, or social media buttons.
  • The layout is very common among author website examples.

writers websites best

Michelle Obama

Biographies & Memoirs, Nonfiction, and Social Sciences

GT Eesti, Earth Rich

  • The word “Becoming” is so beautifully incorporated throughout the website.
  • The most unique thing about this website is it includes an audio clip which is found very rarely on authors’ websites.
  • The website is more focused on the books than the author.
  • She could consider shortening the paragraphs on the main page of the website.

writers websites best

Helen Hoang

Chick Lit and Romance

Montserrat, Lora

  • The Author’s signature added more value to the page.
  • The boxed layout made this website different from other authors’ websites.
  • The site includes links to all translations of the books.
  • There are no blog posts or any links to the blog site available on the website.
  • A contact form works better than sharing email addresses.

Beautiful Dark Authors Websites for Inspiration

writers websites best

David Platt

Montserrat, Roboto Mono

  • Video banner draws the audience in with an easy to access video.
  • The navigation bar stands out using the white text against a dark background
  • Consistent color patterns created continuity on the site.
  • Mobile and PC upload speeds remained consistent and high.
  • The focus of the website is evident, it is a site for christian fellowship not just books.
  • Accessibility and navigation on the site is easy to follow and natural for the user.
  • Books could be advertised more if that is the focus, but here it is not.
  • The theme of this does not appeal as an author site.
  • Imagery is portraying an experience, in this case a christian experience.
  • The focus of the site is not on literature or the author.

writers websites best

Biographies & Memoirs

Graphik, Merriweather

  • Simplicity in design is used well as the images are the navigation bar.
  • As a Holocaust icon , having a change language option is crucial.
  • Color use keeps with the theme of history and feeling of the holocaust.
  • Limited information is provided on the website’s homepage.
  • As a minimalist style , it is missing substance to draw in new audiences.
  • For an author’s website it does not advertise any text such as her famous diary.

writers websites best

Robert Galbraith

Crime, Suspense, and Thriller


  • Homepage is well-made in a very creative manner and while using this website viewers will feel like they are flying in the sky due to the smoother experience.
  • Newsletter section is present at the bottom with social media links too .
  • Website domain is created according to his name , where he has described different characters too which make his website unique from other author websites.
  • The news section is not up to date.
  • Placement of purchasing links for books is troublesome.
  • The contact page is absent.

writers websites best

Stephen Hawking

Nonfiction and Science

Bebas Neue, InterFace

  • The animation of the book covers makes this website one of the best author website designs.
  • The website is very easy to use and has no unnecessary options.
  • The background of the site is relatively very dark and gloomy.
  • The menu options should be made brighter, and the font size of the text should be increased a little.

After Thoughts

These were some great looking best author websites which can provide inspiration for your future websites. Check out our more helpful guides to learn how to make your author website from scratch or about important ingredients to rank it on top of Google. Furthermore, you can contact us, our skillful team can help you design and market a perfect author website for you.

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Laurie Neumann

You have chosen some beautiful author websites! As I looked through many of them, it’s interesting to note the difference in style. Your website style will depend on what type of books you are selling and who your audience is that you are marketing to.

I also found some new authors I want to check out! Thanks for sharing this.

David Evans

The kevin hearne site is close to being perfect except for a couple of issues like the logo top being cut off on opera browser , great image though and a nice example of design apart from that

Love the tigner site too , nice to see people having well designed sites and no the usual garbage , nice list

Ric Colter

Excellent looking sites and reflect on the quality of the author and writing skills. Besides a beautiful site, good reviews are essential and a critique of the author would be good to post on the first page. TeamGolfwell does free book or author reviews >


Your activity and inspirational work are good. Authors have to see this article only once to increase their knowledge of writing skills.


Hi How can we improve this site and what would be the cost. Thank you. Mary


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23 Inspiring Examples Of Writer Websites

Last Updated January 5 2024

writers websites best

Written By Steve Benjamins

Whether you are a freelance writer, copywriter, blogger or social media writer— your website should serve one purpose: showcase a portfolio of past work for potential clients. 

Beyond your portfolio, you’ll also want to make it easy for potential clients to get in touch with you— have an easy and obvious contact page. It’s also a great idea to sprinkle in testimonials from past clients.

Tip: Use ← and → arrow keys to browse.

‘My First Website’ Challenge

  • • Build your first website in one week.
  • • One 10-minute lesson per day.
  • • Free email course.

writers websites best

1. Createfully

Joanna is the talented freelance writer behind the brand Createfully. After a lifetime of writing experience, she started Createfully in 2015 and offers writing services for startups and tech companies.

2. Marlen Komar

Freelance writer and fashion enthusiast Marlen Komar is located in Chicago. Her writing, for many different companies, has been featured in Bustle, Time and Vox to name just a few.

3. Beth Demmon

Currently in San Diego, Beth is an award winning writer. She’s a beer and cider fanatic, two topics that land at the forefront of her writing and podcasts.

4. Catherine Conelly

Professional writer Catherine Conelly has a true love for words. Lifestyle and Editorial, Content Writing and Interviews are a few of her specialties that continue to get her hired.

5. Matt Phil Carver

This self proclaimed “Word Nerd” goes by the name of Matt Phil Carver. Copywriting, blog writing and improving brand image overall with his clever words are all a part of his services.

6. Ally Denton

Ally Denton is a freelance writer located in Indianapolis with a portfolio in editorial, copywriting and content writing. She’s also a musician that performs at live events and a yoga teacher offering both group and private lessons.

7. Kate Hogg

Dr. Kate Hogg is a freelance writer, marine conservation consultant and environmentalist. She appreciates the opportunity to write about unique pieces that she is very passionate about.

8. Jeremy Herriges

Sports journalist Jeremy Herriges is the writer behind the website That Boxing Writer. For many years, his focus has been on the sport of Boxing and his resume is filled with articles in and Boxing News Magazine.

9. Locke Hughes

Freelance writer and health coach Locke Hughes, is the author of “Melatonin: The Natural Supplement for Better Sleep.” Her wellness articles have been featured in popular publishing’s such as Shape and Women’s Health Magazine.

10. Brandecdote

Chris Ayan is the founder and writer behind Brandecote. His services include copywriting and telling a brands story in a unique and engaging way that will determine the ideal customer.

11. Camryn Rabideau

Since 2016, Camryn Rabideau has been a solo freelance writer working from Rhode Island. She loves to write about a wide range of topics, keeping her articles light hearted and positive in tone.

12. Blake Hester

Currently working for Game Informer Magazine, Blake Hester is a seasoned writer for the gaming industry. His freelance articles and opinions have been featured in Rolling Stone and Game Spot among many others.

13. Natasha Writes

Natasha is a freelance writer with a service menu that includes blog creation, article and copywriting. Technology is one of her favorite topics to write about, and she’s helped tech companies fine tune their message through the use of words.

14. Shanley Cox

Shanley Cox is the talented writer and photographer behind her company Shanley Cox Creative. Brands can hire Shanley to help form their message using her words in copywriting, blog writing and social media content.

15. Amanda Loudin

The Washington Post, ESPN and NBC are just a few outlets you may find Amanda’s award-winning articles. Her passion for telling a great story combined with years of experience, have earned her amazing reviews from clients.

16. Meredith Hoffa

As a writer and an editor, Meredith Hoffa works in Los Angeles on several different types of projects. Her freelance work has been featured in the New York Times, Entertainment Weekly and many other outlets.

17. Reed Tucker

Reed Tucker is a writer with a niche in Pop Culture and Entertainment. You can find his work often within the New York Post, but his list of clients and endless articles range much further.

18. Martha Hayes

The Los Angeles based British writer by the name of Martha Hayes creates articles in a variety of different industries ranging from entertainment to personal grief. She also has a passion for interviews and bringing them to life for her readers.

19. Monica Reinhard

Freelance writer Monica Reinhard applies her proofreading and writing skills to legal documents, blog posts, resumes and more. Her professionalism with words aims to save her clients time and money while perfecting their image.

20. Andy Barton

Andy Barton is a writer and musician currently living in Georgia. His freelance writing work includes copywriting and writing bios for bands and musicians which combines both of his specialties.

21. Joakim Book

Joakim Book is a freelance writer and financial fanatic. Historical and current economics are a couple of his favorite topics to write about, adding his unique personality to his writing.

22. Leslie Osmond

Content creator and freelance writer Leslie Osmond, combines writing and financial topics for much of her content. Her lifestyle growing up in Colorado as well as life experiences, have landed her in this specific niche that is meaningful to her.

23. Joanne Carew

Joanne Carew has been freelance writing for many different types of companies for over five years. Her services include article writing, content creation and transforming ideas into organized words on paper.

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writers websites best

15 Best Author Websites & What They Do Well

Anna Fitzgerald

Published: January 05, 2024

Whether they write fantasy, fiction, or non-fiction, are self-published or published by one of the “ Big Five ,” authors need a website.

Reader looking at rupi kaur's author website

The internet is one of the — if not the  — first place readers and publishers will look to learn more about you and your work. A website is also a great way to connect to your audience, inform them of upcoming releases and events, and let them know more about you personally and professionally.

If you’re an author in need of a website, or just like looking at cool website designs, then check out some of the best author websites below for inspiration.

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Best Author Websites

  • N. K. Jemisin
  • Leigh Bardugo
  • Rick Riordan
  • Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • Joan Didion
  • Ibram X. Kendi
  • Miquel Reina
  • Helen Hoang
  • Jennifer Egan
  • Sandra Cisneros
  • Mark Dawson

The author websites below are categorized by the genre they write in (fantasy, non-fiction, and fiction) and whether they're self-published or not. It's important to note that many of these authors work in multiple genres, and have been self-published and traditionally published.

Fantasy Author Websites

1. n. k. jemisin.

best author website: N.K. Jemisin

N. K. Jemisin has one of the best minimalist websites that exemplifies how powerful a few words and details can be.

On the homepage, visitors immediately see her name, the typography of which matches the typography used on the cover of her latest book, The City We Became (a great touch!). Above that is a testimonial which informs new readers, diehard fans, publishers, and movie scouts alike that she's a widely-known and popular sci-fi and fantasy writer. Below that are three CTAs inviting visitors to read her bio, learn more or purchase one of her books, or read her blog.

What We Like

  • Minimalist design 
  • Clear CTAs across site
  • Blog is frequently updated and tone is casual and intimate

2. Neon Yang

best author website: Neon Yang

Neon Yang's website immediately grabs visitors' attention with its neon green accent color and bold typography. But it avoids looking crowded by striking a balance between text and images. In fact, it provides only the most essential information, starting with who Neon Yang is, what awards they've been nominated for, and some praise they've gotten in the press. At the bottom of the homepage, you'll find out how to connect with them over email or on social. 

  • Accent color and animations keep users engaged as they scroll
  • Clearly lays out Yang's books, stories in anthologies, and standalone fiction so visitors can browse or find a specific work they're looking for 
  • Offers multiple ways to connect with author

3. Leigh Bardugo

best author website: Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo's website is a great example for prolific writers with lots of work. It features a carousel slider to promote multiple books, including her latest release Ninth House , recent sequel Rule of Wolves , and collector’s edition of Shadow and Bone , as well as a link to her author bio. It also includes a link to a reading order, which can help first-time readers figure out which book to start with, as well as the "Grishaverse." This microsite is designed to provide visitors with a more in-depth look at the fictional universe Bardugo has created.

  • Carousel slider on homepage promotes multiple works and author bio
  • Can't miss newsletter opt-in form
  • News page outlining releases, acclaim, and TV adaptations

4. Rick Riordan

best author website: Rick Riordan

Visiting Rick Riordan's website takes you on a mini quest, like many of his characters embark on. Starting at the "Explore" CTA on the homepage, you can scroll down to learn about the many different series and books Riordan has written. As you scroll, the yellow-dotted line will turn solid and change color. It's a unique twist on the traditional reading orders you find on most author websites. 

  • Interactive reading order
  • Lots of images and drawings make his website feel "bookish"
  • Book pages include audio files, YouTube clips, reading guides, and other resources

Non-fiction Author Websites

5. ta-nehisi coates.

best author website: Ta Ne-hisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates's website is an excellent example of user-centricity. It immediately tells you a little bit about the author and promotes his latest book, The Water Dancer , with clear and colorful CTAs. The homepage ends with a simple email opt-in form. If visitors are hoping to take another action on his site, the sticky navigation menu makes it easy for them to find info about his books, graphic novels, speaking engagements, and events.

  • Color scheme and typography inspired by cover design of best-selling work, Between the World and Me
  • Email opt-in form appears in different variations on different pages, including as a parallax section and in the sidebar

6. Roxane Gay

best author website: Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay's website is designed to showcase her work first. On the homepage, her latest release, The Selected Works of Audre Lorde , is promoted above the fold. Next is a larger selection of her recent books with a CTA encouraging readers to view all her work. Only after does she have an About section that's linked to her bio page. Notice this order is reflected in the navigation menu: "Books" is listed first, whereas "About" is listed last. 

  • Design tailored to promote and sell her work
  • Masterful use of whitespace and accent color
  • Images are engaging and informative

7. Joan Didion

best author website: Joan Didion

Joan Didion has won several awards, been the poster girl of Céline, and the subject of a Netflix documentary — so most people know who she is. That's why her website can focus on promoting her work first, just like Roxane Gay's.

Didion's homepage starts with a quote and title of an anthology of her work, "We tell ourselves stories in order to live." Below that is a carousel slider showcasing her large collection of work while taking up little space. Next there is an excerpt from her work The Year of Magical Thinking , with a CTA to read more. At the bottom of the page there is a short section about who she is with a CTA to read her complete bio. 

  • Promotes collection of work before herself
  • Unique page dedicated to excerpts from her writing
  • Each book page includes a short description, reviews, quotes, and a longer excerpt to help readers make decision to buy

8. Ibram X. Kendi

best author website: Ibram X Kendi

Ibram X. Kendi is a best-selling and award-winning author, podcast host, contributor writer at The Atlantic and CBS News, professor, and Founding Director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. Instead of having to go to one place to purchase his books, another to read his essays, and another to listen to his podcast, his website clearly displays and organizes all of his content, media appearances, and events so you can find exactly what you're looking for, or spend time browsing. 

  • Website is a hub for all his works and accomplishments
  • His books, essays, pod, and press pages have grid layouts to display a lot of content in a clean and easily digestible way
  • Two easy ways to donate to BU's Center for Antiracist Research in header and footer

Fiction Author Websites

9. miquel reina.

best author website: Miquel Reina

When landing on Miquel Reina’s website, it looks deceptively simple. There's his logo to the left, some navigation items to the right, and what appears to be an image of his book Lights on the Sea in the center. But if you stay on the page, then the book at the center is replaced by different translations and covers of his novel. This is an engaging and informative technique for visitors looking for the book in a particular language.

  • Animated GIF displays each translation and cover of his book Lights on the Sea
  • Offers discussion guide, free excerpts, and signed copies that you can purchase directly on site
  • Simple email opt-in form and social media icons

10. Helen Hoang

best author website: Helen Hoang

Helen Hoang's website shows how authors can promote not just one, but multiple pieces of their work. Thanks to their position above the fold and colorful cover art, Hoang's trilogy immediately captures visitors' attention. Visitors can click to learn more about one of these books, or scroll down to learn about the author. You can find these options in the navbar as well. Here, you can also find a page dedicated to the many translations of her books and a page showing all the different places you can purchase her work. 

  • Multiple ways for readers to learn more about her work and purchase
  • Page dedicated to translations of her books that are available for purchase
  • Color scheme based on cover of her first bestseller, The Kiss Quotient

11. Jennifer Egan

best author website: Jennifer Egan

Jennifer Egan's website is unlike any other author website on this list. It offers a completely immersive experience to visitors. Those landing on the page will see the title of her latest book Manhattan Beach . Encouraged to scroll down the page by the vertical lines, visitors feel as if they submerge into the ocean thanks to a parallax scrolling effect. As readers continue to scroll, excerpts from the book float to the surface. Once they're done reading an excerpt, they can click to reveal the next in the series. Photographs are included as well.

  • Interactive website invites visitors to immerse themselves in her latest book, Manhattan Beach
  • Excerpt for each book available with clear CTA button
  • Reviews and testimonials throughout site help convince readers to buy

12. Sandra Cisneros

best author website: Sandra Cisneros

Sandra Cisneros is an international best-selling author whose won multiple awards, fellowships, and honors. Her website offers a more intimate look into who she is, with photos of her swimming, posing with her dogs, and traveling. She also includes a "guestbook," where she displays messages she's received and responded to. This includes a contact form so you can send your own message as well. 

  • A very personal author website
  • Guestbook shows letters she's received from readers and responded to
  • Section for letters to her readers as well

Self-published Author Websites

13. rupi kaur.

best author website: rupi kaur

rupi kaur has one of the best interactive websites that carefully guides the reader toward different resources and pages on her site. When visitors land on the page, they see a hero image with rupi holding a copy of her latest poetry collection, home body . As readers scroll, the navar transitions from transparent to solid so visitors who know exactly what they're looking for can click on one of those links. The rest can just keep scrolling.

A section featuring her latest collection of poetry with a CTA to buy slides in first. Then, videos of rupi on The Tonight Show and a trailer of her stand-up poetry special appear. Next is a link to her shop, books, and bio. At any point, readers can click on one of the links in the sticky navbar at the top of the screen. 

  • Super easy to navigate and fun to browse
  • Unique layout with different text alignment and lots of whitespace so it looks like one of her poems
  • Includes shop with stationary, art, and other goodies

14. LJ Ross

best author website: LJ Ross

  • Animated background image and hover animations engage visitors
  • Fly-out menu with hamburger menu perfect for mobile
  • Unique grid layout for book archive pages

15. Mark Dawson

best author website: Mark Dawson

Looking like one of the covers from his best-selling John Milton series, Mark Dawson's homepage perfectly encapsulates his brand. Only two elements are overlaid on top of the background image. The most eye-catching is the email newsletter opt-in form, which pops thanks to its white shadow effect. There's also the navigation bar, which is split into primary navigation items (on left) and secondary items (on right). Notice that "Books" comes first, since they're the main focus of the website. 

  • Consistent branding so readers can easily recognize relation to his book series
  • Multiple ways to connect, including email opt-in form and social follow buttons
  • Built-in shop for purchasing books directly on site instead of being redirected to third-party site

The Online Presence of Authors

Authors can use a website to attract new readers, inform their existing audience of new releases and events, and share some more personal and professional details about themselves. The websites above are all unique but they have one thing in common: like the best bookstores, they’re easy to browse for hours.

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20 Best Freelance Writing Sites for Serious Writers

  • 16 min read

Tips to Land Writing Gigs on Freelance Websites

  • best freelance writing sites in 2023

As a freelance writer, finding the right platform to showcase your skills and connect with potential clients can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s important to know which sites are worth your time and effort.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your client base, we’ve rounded up the 20 best freelance writing sites for serious writers. From job boards to content marketplaces, these platforms offer a range of opportunities for writers to find high-quality, paying gigs. So, grab your laptop and get ready to take your writing career to the next level!

Certain platforms will be easier than others to jump into and begin making money, as some are more competitive than others or have a more rigorous vetting process for freelancers. Here are some tips to help you land writing gigs as you get started:

  • Create a strong profile. Your profile is often the first thing potential clients will see, so make sure it showcases your skills and experience. Include a clear and concise bio, relevant writing samples, and any relevant certifications or education.
  • Be selective with the freelance jobs you apply for. It’s important to apply for gigs that align with your skills and interests. Don’t waste your time on low-paying or irrelevant jobs. Instead, focus on applying for gigs that you're qualified for and genuinely interested in.
  • Customize your proposals. Don't send the same generic proposal to every job. Take the time to read the job description and tailor your proposal to the specific project and client. Show that you’ve done your research and understand what the client needs.
  • Highlight your unique selling points. What sets you apart from other writers? Maybe you specialize in a specific niche, have extensive experience in a certain industry, or have won writing awards. Whatever it is, make sure to highlight it in your proposals and on your profile.
  • Follow up. Don't be afraid to follow up on proposals or applications. A polite email or message can show that you’re serious about the job and can help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Deliver quality work. Once you land a gig, make sure to deliver high-quality work that meets or exceeds the client’s expectations. This can lead to repeat business and positive reviews, which can help you land more gigs in the future.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of landing high-quality writing gigs on the best freelance writing sites. Remember to stay patient and persistent, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there!

20 best freelance writing sites in 2023

It’s possible to create a full-time income with freelance writing if you’re dedicated to creating high-quality work and willing to put in some upfront work. Our advice is to get started with one or two platforms to feel out which ones will work best for you, and don’t get discouraged if any particular platform or project doesn’t work out.

Here are our picks for the best freelance writing sites in 2023:

Upwork freelance writing jobs

Upwork is a marketplace that connects freelancers with companies and individuals looking for freelance talent. From writing and translation to design and creative, there are many types of jobs available for hire. You simply bid on the jobs you’re interested in working on, complete with a proposal where you describe why you’re the best person for the job and set your desired rate. If you’re selected, you then complete the work according to the client’s specifications and get paid through the platform.

To get started on Upwork, create a profile where you highlight your skills, your portfolio of work, and your ideal pay rate. Search for jobs in the Talent Marketplace, submit proposals, get a contract on winning bids, and check off the steps to complete the work. Clients may choose to pay you for reaching certain milestones during the course of the project, or they pay you when the job is done. They can also submit feedback, which helps you secure future jobs and build lasting relationships with new clients. A word of advice as you get started: Get your feet wet with a few simple jobs where you earn positive feedback before demanding higher rates, as Upwork is a highly competitive platform with thousands of skilled writers and other professionals.

  • Pricing: It’s free to join Upwork, build a profile, search for work, and post your own projects. Upwork charges a service fee based on your earnings, with a sliding scale that rewards long-term client relationships. The Freelancer Plus upgrade gives you more advanced tools to market your services and submit attention-grabbing proposals.

2. Best Writing

Best Writing freelance writing jobs

A relatively new platform, Best Writing got its start in 2020 when two friends decided writers needed a better way to find great work. Subscribe to the Best Writing newsletter, and you’ll receive weekly emails packed with hand-picked writing opportunities. The site aggregates writing jobs from online job portals, social media, newsletters, and selected partners, serving up everything from remote freelance gigs to full-time positions.

Best Writing is also a talent marketplace; for a small fee, you can gain access to a daily newsletter with the latest writing jobs and create a public writer profile. If you’re looking to be more proactive and make sure you don’t miss out on an opportunity, the Writer Membership might be the way to go. Because Best Writing is a newer platform, there may be less competition, although that could change as the platform grows — so get in while the getting’s good.

  • Pricing: Free to subscribe to the weekly newsletter, browse jobs, and apply on external sites; Writer Membership is $9 per month or $90 annually.

3. Superpath Jobs

Superpath Jobs

Another larger platform with thousands of writers, Superpath Jobs is an online jobs aggregator that caters to content strategists, creators, editors, and freelance writers. Browse jobs by category, location, company, and more — and apply externally to any positions of interest.

While Superpath may look like just another job site, there’s more to it: Not only are you only seeing jobs in your desired field, but the platform also has a Slack community to which writers can apply to join. Once approved, you can connect with other like-minded creators, share tips and tricks, and support one another on your writing journeys. Additional tools like a blog, a podcast, and a regularly updated salary report keep you in the know.

  • Pricing: Free to create a profile and post your resume. You decide whether to make your profile visible to employers.

Draft freelance writing jobs

Draft offers clients quality content writers on demand; for you as a freelancer, it offers you unlimited work that matches your interests, availability, and skills. Once you’re approved to write for Draft, you can view available projects on your dashboard, claim anything you want to work on, complete the work, and upload it onto the project portal. Clients can then submit feedback or request revisions, as well as set people as preferred writers if they like their work (this is what you want, so you can get first dibs on projects).

To get started as a writer, you’ll need to apply on the Draft site and complete a test writing project. If you pass, you’ll have access to the project dashboard, where you can not only claim projects but also track any projects you’ve claimed and completed. Writers get paid weekly via direct deposit and can track their payments through the platform.

  • Pricing: Free to join as a writer once you’re approved; Draft charges a small payment processing fee that gets subtracted from your weekly payment.

5. ProBlogger

ProBlogger freelance writing jobs

Over 300,000 bloggers rely on ProBlogger as their go-to resource for blogging education and resources, from blog posts and podcasts to courses in blog creation and growth. Blogger Darren Rowse launched the site after turning his blogging hobby into a paying profession, and now he’s paying it forward in an effort to help other bloggers make money doing what they love.

If you’re serious about starting a blog and turning it into a money maker, ProBlogger is the place to go for blogging advice, trends, and in-depth tutorials. There’s also a Facebook community where you can connect with fellow bloggers. To get started with ProBlogger, add your email to their subscriber list to receive blogging hacks right in your inbox.

  • Pricing: Free to join; only pay for additional courses and other resources you want.

6. Textbroker

Textbroker freelance writing jobs

Like Draft, Textbroker provides quality, SEO-driven content of all kinds, including blog articles, product descriptions, advertising copy, translation services, and more. Clients include small businesses, e-commerce websites, publishing houses, publicly traded companies, and more. As a writer, you’ll be part of an established community connecting authors and clients where you can showcase your talents and expertise in your niche. You choose when and how much to write based on your interests and needs.

It’s free to register as an author on Textbroker, and you can earn more on projects based on the quality of your work, and the helpful Textbroker team provides feedback to help you hone your skills. Weekly payouts make it easy to access your earnings. To get started, complete your author registration and activate your account; you will then need to submit a short writing sample and connect your payment method.

  • Pricing: Free to register

Contena freelance writing jobs

Contena is an invite-only online program and a suite of job-search tools aimed at helping budding writers land freelance writing and remote work. The site says that its self-paced program has helped its members earn millions from remote writing. Yes, it’s a membership, so the program isn’t free; pricing isn’t readily available on the site, but this review — based on the writer’s experience in trying out the onboarding process — states that membership costs $497 for one year or $997 for two years.

While there are many positive reviews of Contena, the same writer above states these reviews are driven by affiliate income. However, the site offers a 30-day guarantee that should put your mind at ease, and the online course could be worthwhile if you’re just getting started with freelance writing. Our best advice? Do some thorough vetting before shelling out any money, but don’t be afraid to invest in your education if the material is worthwhile.

  • Pricing: Reportedly $497 per year

8. LinkedIn

Freelance writing jobs on LinkedIn

You may be familiar with LinkedIn as a place to create a professional profile and connect with colleagues in your industry. However, it’s also a job marketplace where you can upload your resume and browse job listings. As you apply to roles of interest, LinkedIn may recommend adding certain skills to your profile, such as search engine optimization or WordPress. You can also take quizzes to have skills badges added to your profile, helping you stand out from the crowd.

Having your resume ready to send can be helpful when you’re applying to multiple jobs at once; jobs marked as “EasyApply” let you apply directly on the platform. Be sure to build out your LinkedIn profile to highlight your achievements, request recommendations from people you know, and showcase your best professional self.

  • Pricing: Free; Premium membership starts at $29.99 per month, with access to more advanced career tools.

9. Writer Access

Writer Access freelance writing jobs

More than 40,000 brands use Writer Access to connect with freelancers and scale their content marketing. That means as a writer, you have access to a vast array of companies looking for quality content of all kinds, from technical writing to presentations and white papers.

When you apply to write for Writer Access, expect a thorough vetting, as the site hand-reviews your work and experience and only invites the best freelancers to move through the screening process. Once you’re approved, you’ll go through an onboarding program in which you’ll develop your CV and profile alongside the Writer Access team. From there, you can start taking advantage of cool perks like free stock images, portfolio promotion, content marketing tools, and a ticket to their annual content marketing conference.

  • Pricing: Free to apply

10. FlexJobs

Freelance content writing jobs on FlexJobs

FlexJobs is a jobs marketplace aimed at helping people find flexible work that aligns with their lives. If you’re seeking a work-from-home role, flexible working hours, or the ability to dictate your own schedule, this site can help you find such jobs and apply. You can also utilize skills tests, expert content, checklists, and courses to uplevel your search.

While there are many job sites out there, FlexJobs appears to be one of the most helpful as far as weeding out any scams. The site offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and helpful customer support reps, ensuring you’ll have a great user experience. Be sure to check out the career coaching services, webinars, and other resources to put your best foot forward with potential employers.

  • Pricing: $9.95 for a week; $59.95 for a year.

11. freelance writing jobs touts itself as being one of the highest-paying platforms in the market, with writers averaging 10 to 14 cents per word. With no membership fees, a sleek user interface, consistent payments, and a supportive writer community at your fingertips, can be a great source of regular income. Work as much or as little as you like, and only choose projects that sound like a great fit.’s rigorous selection process could mean you will have less competition for jobs. However, you’ll need to pass the application process, which includes a brief assessment, to begin accepting jobs on the platform. pays bimonthly, so while not as regular as some of the other platforms on our list, it’s still a great source of income. To get started, create an account and apply to be a writer.

  • Pricing: Free

12. Scribly

Scribly freelance writing jobs

Founded by ex-copywriters, Scribly is a content marketing agency whose team knows what it’s like to work as freelancers. That’s why they’ve created a platform designed to empower freelancers to do the work they love while getting paid fairly and on time. Clients pay a monthly fee to tap into content creation, content strategy, and social media management services from a pool of quality, native-English writers.

To get started as a writer, you’ll need to send a message to the Scribly team telling them a little about yourself. Once you take that step, you’ll get a message letting you know they’ve received your message — so you may not have the instant gratification of knowing where you stand with Scribly. However, should you make it through the initial hiring steps, you’ll have access to flexible, scalable income you can earn whenever and wherever you want.

  • Pricing: No pricing information is listed but appears to be free for freelancers.

13. Blogging Pro

Blogging Pro freelance writing jobs

Blogging Pro features a job board that’s updated daily with new blogging jobs, freelance writing jobs, and other writing positions. You can also subscribe to the newsletter to get jobs delivered to your inbox weekly. In a nutshell, Blogging Pro does the heavy lifting to locate hand-picked writing opportunities that let you work how and where you want. Search for remote, freelance, part-time, full-time, and contract opportunities, and apply externally to any jobs of interest.

If you’re looking for aggregated job opportunities with a side of blogging tips and advice, Blogging Pro could be a useful resource. The site has been around since 2006, making it one of the longest-standing resources for bloggers. The site also has an array of educational articles to help you get up and running as a blogger and hone your craft.

14. The Urban Writers

Write for The Urban Writers

The Urban Writers platform connects authors with high-quality writers and editors capable of working on a variety of writing projects, including e-books, fiction and nonfiction books, SEO articles, content translation, and more. There’s something for every kind of writer, editor, illustrator, and designer on the platform, making it one of the most versatile freelance opportunities on our list.

You can apply to be a writer or editor on the platform, and should you make it through the selection process, you will then complete an assessment to determine if you’re a good fit. The Urban Writers then allows approved creatives to submit proposals on posted jobs. If you’re new to the platform, it could be more challenging to get assignments; however, the platform is supportive and includes a Slack community where you can pick up tips and advice from seasoned writers.

15. Crowd Content

Crowd Content freelance writing jobs

If you’re a native English speaker from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, you can create an account on Crowd Content and seek out a variety of writing and editing roles. Clients seek content marketing at all skill levels, so whether you’re a full-time freelancer looking for more work or a novice getting started, you’re likely to find roles that are a good fit. You choose the jobs you want and work at your own pace on a variety of assignments.

As you work with clients, you have a chance to earn feedback and get added to their list of favorite writers, leading to more future assignments. Easy access to the Crowd Content staff and a user forum ensures you always can get answers to your questions and tap into additional resources like coaching and exposure to managed services clients. To get started, create a Crowd Content account, pass the writing assessment, start applying for jobs, and do great work to access higher-paying projects. Payments go out twice a week.

16. iWriter

iWriter freelance writing jobs

Clients pay iWriter for quality content at different tiers, from AI-driven to expert-level content with native-English writers. Once approved as a writer, you can earn up to $40 per 500 words as you produce high-quality work and promote up the ranks. You can write as much or as little as you want, build a client base, and choose the topics that best fit your background and interests.

To get started on iWriter, complete the writer application, which includes writing prompts that ask you to write a brief writing assignment. If you pass the assessment, you’ll get an email with next steps within five to seven business days. As with any similar platforms, patience, persistence, and attention to detail will get you far.

17. Freelancer

Freelancer freelance writing jobs

Freelancer aggregates a wide range of writing jobs, including content writing, brand development, copywriting, and script writing. The platform allows writers to bid on jobs that clients post and set their rates, giving them control over how much they earn. It also has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create a writer profile and navigate and find jobs that match your skills and interests. offers a secure payment system that ensures writers get paid for their work, providing peace of mind and financial security. Overall, is a great option for freelance writers looking for a flexible and reliable platform to find writing jobs at the rates you want. To get started, create a freelancer account, set up your profile, and start bidding away. As with Upwork, keep in mind that you may find a hefty amount of competition; stick with it and try to get those first few jobs under your belt.

18. People Per Hour

People Per Hour freelance writing jobs

Over 1 million businesses worldwide use People Per Hour to access freelancers in a variety of categories, including content writing, SEO, website development, and more. Clients can build relationships with trusted, expert-level freelancers who deliver quality work on demand. As a freelancer, you can create a profile and set your rates and areas of expertise, then work with the clients that best match your requirements.

Once you create an account, you can browse jobs and submit proposals. Take your time as you create proposals to make yourself stand out and start accessing the work you want to do, whenever you want. People Per Hour handles the logistics like payment processing and managing communications, so you can focus on doing what you do best: creating great content.

Fiverr freelance writing jobs

Similar to People Per Hour and some of the other platforms on our list, Fiverr connects clients with freelancers in all different disciplines. You can create a writer profile, set your rates, and start selling your services and bidding on writing jobs. With work ranging from blog posts to product descriptions, you’re able to find work that best matches your skills and interests. The platform is easy to use and allows writers to set their own rates, work on their own terms, and get paid as soon as you complete a job. provides a secure payment system that ensures writers get paid for their work. It’s a large and active community, providing opportunities for writers to network, collaborate, and develop their skills. The more projects you complete and great feedback you earn, the easier it is to get new jobs.

20. Writers Work

Writers Work freelance writing jobs

Writers Work connects writers with the companies that need them the most, with thousands of writing jobs available on the platform. You can also access training, tools, and support to help you land the writing jobs you want, set your own hours, and work remotely on your schedule. From general content such as website content to copywriting and blog writing, there’s something for everyone on the platform.

The Writers Work platform is designed to help freelancers succeed, with built-in writing tools that check your documents for grammar and spelling. Even writers with no experience can join, as Writers Work will train you via live support, video training, and course. Earn $20 to $65 per hour, and continue building your skills to earn money as a writer. To get started, create an account and get up and running within 30 minutes.

  • Pricing: Free to create an account

As you can see, there are numerous freelance writing websites available for serious writers to find high-quality and lucrative gigs — and we think the 20 freelance writing sites above are an excellent place to get started. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your client base, these platforms offer a range of opportunities for writers to showcase their skills and connect with potential clients. Remember to create a strong profile, be selective with the jobs you apply for, customize your proposals, highlight your unique selling points, follow up, and deliver quality work.

With these tips in mind, you can maximize your chances of landing great writing gigs and building a successful freelance writing career. As you get up and running, be sure to create a Copilot account to access all the tools you need to run your business like a pro, complete with a professional-looking client portal to manage tickets, messages, payment processing, and more. It’s free for 14 days, with paid plans starting at just $29 per month. The platform grows with you, so as you scale, you can access even more advanced tools and dedicated expertise.

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Top 20 Author Websites Every Author Must See (in 2024)

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Getting readers to notice you in a sea of online sameness is hard. An author website helps you stand out online while positioning you as a writer worth reading.

But creating an engaging, professional author website isn’t easy. And a website that makes you look like an amateur, can be worse than no site at all.

A great author site needs to be:

  • appealing to your audience
  • quick-loading
  • mobile-friendly
  • and designed to grow your readers

To give you some direction and inspiration, we’ve put together a list of our top 20 favorite author websites in 2024. Take a page from the book of these authors and give your website the literary love it deserves.

Author Website Examples:

1. Chunka Mui 

Carry your book branding into your website.

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We had the pleasure of building this website for Chunka and I think it sells his platform perfectly. Not that my opinion is skewed or anything…

What makes this author website stand out is the bold colors contrasted by the white space design. It emphasizes the author’s brand and the content laid out.

There is plenty of useful, groundbreaking content for readers to learn more about Chunka and his work.

Actionable Tips: If you have a book that you want as the main feature, consider using the style and colors from the book cover to dictate the design of the website. And if you have information to share about your cause or core message, make sure to give that content plenty of room to breathe on the page.

2. Leigh Bardugo

Create rich, fan-focused content.

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Leigh’s site has got that rich graphic novel-type feel.

The use of illustrations, textures, decorative fonts, and fan resources all come together really well and complement her edgy fantasy brand.

It’s engaging and well-made, catering to her fans and encouraging readers to jump on board and become fans.

Actionable Tips : Planning an intricate universe for your novels? Use what you have to create some fun resources for your fans to explore on your site.

3. Austin Kleon

Keep your website fresh and worthy of revisiting.

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Austin Kleon’s blog is the main focus of his author website. This makes his website feel fresh all the time because he literally posts almost every day! 

His books are also tastefully displayed in the sidebar. The longer you’re on his blog the more likely you are to check them out.

What makes his blogs successful is that he links to other resources and encourages others to link to his site. His blog is one of the most respected in the author blogging field – so what he’s doing is definitely working.

Actionable Tips : If your platform thrives on blogs, podcasts, and other content media, then we suggest building your website with those elements at the forefront. Don’t forget to keep it up to date! Your website will garner visitors that are super into your work and you can promote your work to them conveniently.

4. Helen Hoang

Make it easy for all types of people to read your books.

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Helen has a tab on her menu just for translated editions of her books. They come in many languages, catering to a wider audience.

Her website carries her book branding nicely into an online format. Similar feminine color schemes with white space, yet still punchy and fresh. 

Actionable Tips : If your book covers stand out, then let your website design sit in the background as a supporting character. Keep your books in the spotlight.

5. Mike Michalowicz

Build a lovable personal author brand.

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Mike pulls off what few business authors can: a cheeky, enjoyable brand of business education that makes you want to dive deeper.

Hover over his books on the home page and he transforms accordingly. And scroll to the bottom and click “I can’t stand this guy” for a laugh.

Actionable Tips : Let your website match your personality if that’s your selling point. Excite visitors with an online experience that makes them stay on the site longer, like fun animations, quirky pictures of yourself, and content with a friendly tone.

6. T.A White

Showcase your series.

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This is another one of our own author websites. We concentrated on representing each of her book series while keeping the main mystical feel. 

The blend of fantasy and Sci-Fi is seamless with the genre-specific, clear fonts and color palette.

There are even a few deleted scenes for fans to sink their teeth into. 

Actionable Tips : You could frequently change your intro image to fit your latest book release, but have an overall design theme that suits all your potential genres. Be sure to leave room for each of your series to be displayed without overshadowing any of them.

7. Mark Dawson

Focus on growing your email list.

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More than anything, Mark wants you on his mailing list. It’s hard getting readers to take the leap and just purchase a book.

Mark believes he can convince readers over time, through his author newsletter. And with a glowing opt-in box, and nothing else much to do on the home page at first glance, it’s hard to resist the urge to put your email in!

When it comes to the design of his author website, it’s characterized by high contrast and dark, moody pages that fit his genre.

Actionable Tips : If you want to focus on growing your mailing list, it needs to be front and center on your website. But you can still give your books the stage they deserve by featuring them on other pages of your website. This is a great way to have each portion of your website fulfill a specific purpose.

8. Miki Taylor

Showcase your illustrations.

writers websites best

With characters as cute as Miki’s, we had to use them on her author website.

Even though the website is designed with children in mind, adults will have a blast exploring it, appreciating the conversational, quirky tone used.

The menu style is accented by colored bubbles, emphasizing the playfulness of this author website.

Every little extra has a story behind it, giving more value to kids.

Actionable Tips : Your cute illustrations with unique designs and colors should be celebrated on your website! From the backgrounds to the intro imagery, and even your menu design – you can stray from the conventional while creating a succinct online experience for your readers.

9. Mark Manson

Let your content do the talking.

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Mark’s site is fun! Much like his writing in general, you just kind of love his insouciant attitude and the website reflects this well while still being quite organized. 

He has clearly worked out his funnel very well, both in terms of customer journey and SEO. There are various tiers of membership to his content. 

He’s getting an estimated 250K organic visits a month! He definitely understands SEO and content marketing. All-round this is a brilliant site that is no doubt a huge success for its author.

Actionable Tips : If you want readers to enter your funnel, you should provide as much gripping, premium content for them to subscribe to. Utilize SEO and other content marketing strategies to make your site a hub for gathering interested readers for your platform.

10. Daniel Gibbs

Bring your books’ world-building to life online .

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Another one of our author websites! Daniel Gibb’s site loads with an engaging full-screen background video.

Daniel went to a huge effort to create a fully fleshed-out world for his readers using interactive star maps and ship diagrams. He’s even got a full-on encyclopedia of his universe!

His author funnel is very slick, offering books for both his series. With such professionally produced high-value lead magnets , his email list grows rapidly.

Actionable Tips : Create an intro that is as action-packed as the novels you’ve written. And if you have a complex universe, laying out timelines for your books will give fans and newcomers a better understanding of your world. They’ll also feel more confident that they’re in the right place – given that this genre is their jam!

Want To Give Your Readers An Engaging Online Experience?

Get an author website that showcases your books, grows your list, and attracts publishers and promoters.

11. George Weigel

Organize your content better than a news site ever could.

writers websites best

We think the author website we designed for George aligns well with his genre and work as an author. It is content-focused, holding true to the message it is getting across. 

This is a great balance to achieve on a website as less is more and you allow your work to speak for itself.

Actionable Tips : If you have heaps of content to display, don’t be afraid to let less important site features like CTA’s play second fiddle. You need to decide what you want out of your website and let the rest become neat peripherals.

12. Brené Brown

Engage with your community.

writers websites best

This website is well-designed, easy to navigate, and feels smooth and sleek. High-quality photography helps sell the value behind the words. Has a ton of great-looking downloadables and shareables.

Actionable Tips : You can professionally display your works while still keeping your personality vibrant throughout the website. Keep the language conversational and the colors warm and welcoming.

13. Charlie Cochet

Display your massive collection of books and related content.

writers websites best

We built this behemoth of a website for Charlie. Her website is jam-packed with books and content yet a breeze to navigate through. 

There’s no shortage of things to see with the exclusive content like playlists, signed copies of books, interviews, etc.

Not to forget the mix of stand-out and cursive fonts with bright colors that keep the eyes entertained.

Actionable Tips : Fans of the romance genre don’t shy away from the seductive and quirky, so neither should you. Let your genre dictate the atmosphere proudly. And if you have merchandise to sell, you can include a Shop page to display it.

14. Wilbur Smith

Use your books’ themes to create ambiance.

writers websites best

The homepage you land on is fantastic with striking colors and clean navigation. 

The website feels alive with the engaging animated elements, making you feel like you’re about to embark on an adventure of Wilbur’s choice.

Actionable Tips : Instead of a flashy intro, you can go for alive and realistic. And you can have each page have a theme that goes along with the specific book’s concept to serve as the gripping element.

15. The Winter Skye Series – Valencia Weaver

Create a vibrant playground for your younger readers.

writers websites best

When you get to make a fun site like this, you’ll enjoy every second of it. And we definitely did!

Amusing animations pop and excite across this website, making it an entertaining experience for the user. The extras for kids make your stay on this website rewarding.

Actionable Tips : If your books are vibrant, your website should be too. It gives readers an idea of what’s to come. And don’t forget to tailor your reader magnet offering to your target reader – like coloring pages for kids in the case above.

16. Gary Vaynerchuk

Showcase all the ways readers can stay connected.

writers websites best

Everything Gary is on his author website. It feels so easy to sink into his world and get engaged with his many facets of entertainment.

Fans will feel welcome here and newcomers will have a new obsession.

Actionable Tips : If you have many streams of media that some fans may not know about, create a user journey on your website to introduce them to it. You can expand your following in each venture by sharing it with your audience on your website.

17. R.J. Palacio

Let your book do the talking.

writers websites best

A fun and cute layout, Palacio’s author site uses a simple color scheme to focus on her playful character art. She’s created a whole bunch of downloadable resources and even some merchandise.

Actionable Tips : If you have one successful book that you want every new reader to start with, make that the main focus of your website. This doesn’t make you a one-hit wonder (excuse the pun) but rather lets your best work strut and collect a following.

18. Tim Sullivan

Use video to set the right atmosphere to attract your target readers.

writers websites best

This is another author website designed by yours truly. 

The background video creeps you out in the best ways possible. Plus, there are transitioning icons that continue the ominous atmosphere and keep the visitor on their toes. 

The dark colors with pops of blood-like pigments are enough to make your skin crawl, and that’s how you know you’re exactly where you need to be. 

Actionable Tips : If your intro creeps out a website visitor and they leave, they were never your target reader anyway. Embrace your genre completely when designing your website as potential readers that love your genre will eek with excitement when the find your site. And don’t forget to back your books up with stunning testimonials that sing your praises in a meaningful way.

19. Good Life Project – Jonathan Fields

Create an entry point to grow your community.

writers websites best

A site that stylishly broadcasts “feel good” vibes. Combines warm colors with professionally shot uplifting background video which gives it some class. 

This is an all-around very professional and engaging site. The Opt-in bar is perfectly aligned with what the book promises and sends you to a quiz. 

This site does all the right things and does them well while keeping true to its brand.

Actionable Tips : If you want to foster a community, then make sure your opt-in hints at the type of community it will be. You can use a quiz, like the example shows, to discover more about your audience and how you can make your community happier.

20. Maggie Carpenter

Let your genre and personality shine through.

writers websites best

We’re in love with this author website…and not just because we built it!

Maggie’s author website has a tone that’s emphasized by the images that are revealed as you scroll. 

But what leaves a lasting impression is Maggie’s voice atop the sultry design.

She’s conversational, cheeky, and admirable. She knows the less desirable tropes that can be assimilated with her genre and she squashes them, saying you’re in for something even better with her books.

Actionable Tips: You can use your voice as the driving factor of your website, keeping the target reader locked in and enticed from beginning to end. Even if it’s in a genre like romance, you can still be friendly while maintaining the desired atmosphere.

Author Website Must-Haves

Your Author Website…

These stunning author websites weren’t built overnight. They took time, effort, and website-building expertise to get it just right.

If you don’t feel like figuring out how to build your own awesome author website yourself, then we can help!

We’re a professional web design agency that specializes in working with authors. Fill in this inquiry form and take one step closer to your dream online presence.

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Top leading ai detector tools for writers and web publisher.

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Artificial intelligence has drastically changed how industries operate since ChatGPT launch year 2022, including content creation and analysis.

The main reasons for the increased use of AI tools are their growing importance in solving problems for writers and educators. Among these AI tools, AI detectors come in handy to prevent the excessive infiltration of AI-generated information in the digital content era. AI detectors are used to check the authenticity of content in today’s world of AI-generated text, whether it is from ChatGPT, Bard, or other AI tools.

We will explore the best AI detector tools through this article, and check their features, pros and cons, pricing, and their impact on various sectors. Before moving toward the top and best AI detection tools review list, you may have some query related to AI detectors, here it is.

What do AI detectors look for?

The AI detector is an AI Tool that looks for ai text within content. It can check if a text content was generated by an AI model like ChatGPT, Google Bard or written by a real human. The purpose of an AI content detector is to differentiate between content created by humans from those that are AI generated, thus ensuring its originality and authenticity.

The Best Leading AI Detector Tools:

Many AI detector tools are known for their accuracy, user-friendliness, and wide range of features. Here is a list of the best AI detector tools available in 2024, along with their features, pros, cons, pricing options.

For: Content writers, Marketers, Educational institutional.

Highlighted Features: AI detection, AI-powered plagiarism checker, support for multiple file formats, detailed similarity reports, API integration.

  • Pros: High accuracy, AI detection with detailed analysis on text content, AI plagiarism checks, AI humanizer, and user friendly.
  • Cons: Can mistake human text for AI content occasionally, may be buggy.

Pricing: Free version and cheapest premium plans at $4.99 for more advanced features and access to tools like AI plagiarism, AI Humanizer with higher limit.

For : Web publisher, academic institutions.

Highlighted Features : AI detection, plagiarism checking, real-time fact-checking, readability analysis.

  • Pros: AI detection sentence by sentence analysis, comprehensive content quality and plagiarism checks, user-friendly interface.
  • Cons: Primarily focused on English, and few more languages.

Pricing: Free and Affordable plans with low rates​.

Ideal Users: Educators, academic institutions, organisations.

Highlighted Features : Detects AI-generated text from ChatGPT, GPT-4, and others, provides perplexity and burstiness scores, batch file upload.

  • Pros : High accuracy, detailed analysis, free plan available.
  • Cons : Limited to detecting certain AI models, presentation of scores can be confusing, not detailed analysis for ai-generated text.

Pricing : Free for basic use, with paid plans starting at $10 per month​​.

For: Educators, and content writers.

Highlighted Features: Sentence-by-sentence analysis, multi-language support, OCR for handwritten text, API integration.

  • Pros: High accuracy, supports multiple languages, comprehensive detection and plagiarism checks.
  • Cons: Free plan is limited, requires sign-up.

Pricing: Paid plans starting at $12 per month​​.

  • Content at Scale

For: Content writers, businesses.

Highlighted Features : AI detection for ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, supports up to 25,000 characters per check, content optimization.

  • Pros: Dual functionality for AI detection and content improvement, user-friendly.
  • Cons: Learning curve due to comprehensive features.

Pricing: Free, and for premium, check the official website for details​.

Importance of AI detector:

With AI generating information all over the internet, it is important to have an AI detector tool to check and identify source of content origin. Nowadays, AI detectors should be able to detect and warn about AI-generated texts in view of the increasing generative AI Tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard.

For Educators: AI detectors GPTZero and ZeroGPT help educators to maintain academic integrity by detecting AI-generated essays and assignments. They provide detailed reports in all cases of suspected academic integrity violation to allow for equitable evaluation and reduce the risk of false findings and accusations.

For Writers and Content Creators : Undetect AI and Content at Scale are key tools for maintaining original content. They not only serve to inform that AI has been detected, but also provide suggestions to improve the quality of content, readability, and authenticity: how we interact with the text, making them imperative for content marketers or publishers.

For Businesses: AI detectors ensure that marketing materials, reports, and communications are original, enhancing brand credibility. AI-powered tools like and GPTZero​ can seamlessly integrate with an existing system to ensure trust of brand credibility with reliable processes for plagiarism-detection and content validation​.

Who will benefits from AI detector:

Educational Institutions: AI detector tools use AI algorithms support academic integrity by preventing students from submitting papers written by AI, thus supporting educational practices that are rooted in learning and creativity.

Recruitment: Employers can scan candidate documents to ensure that the resumes and cover letters are authentic creations by checking their originality and not using AI tools for that.

Content Platforms : For content platforms that rely heavily on user-generated content, AI detectors ensure the originality and authenticity of articles, blogs, and social media posts. This way content platforms are able to maintain the platform’s credibility and trustworthiness.

How does an AI detector work?

AI detectors use advanced machine learning techniques to evaluate texts and compare the text with large datasets of both human-written and AI-generated texts to identify subtle variations in style, diction, and syntax. Additionally, these systems analyze identical repeating words, patterns, content structure, and writing patterns to detect AI-generated text.

Do AI detectors also check for plagiarism?

Some AI detectors can also check for plagiarism. For example, ZeroGPT allows you to scan your text content for both AI detection and plagiarism. This dual functionality helps ensure that your work is both original and free of copied content.

Are AI detectors accurate?

It works great to identify AI-generated text. But no AI tool is perfect 100%. They can sometimes misclassify human-written text as AI-generated. It’s essential to use these tools as one part of a broader strategy to ensure content authenticity and should not be used to punish its creator.

In summary , these tools play a very important role in maintaining content authenticity across the internet and this digital era, ensuring that both content creators, educators and consumers can trust the integrity and authenticity  of digital content.

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⛳️ Hiroshi Tai claims individual golf title

⚾️ DI baseball championship bracket released

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NCAA | May 26, 2024

  • Sixteen regional sites selected for the 2024 NCAA DI baseball championship

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INDIANAPOLIS – The NCAA Division I Baseball Committee announced the 16 regional sites for the 77th annual NCAA Division I Baseball Championship.

The 16 regional sites, with host institutions and records are as follows: 

  • Athens, Georgia – Georgia (39-15)
  • Chapel Hill, North Carolina – North Carolina (42-13)
  • Charlottesville, Virginia – Virginia (41-15)
  • Clemson, South Carolina – Clemson (41-14)
  • Bryan-College Station, Texas – Texas A&M (44-13)
  • Corvallis, Oregon – Oregon State (42-14)
  • Fayetteville, Arkansas – Arkansas (43-14)
  • Greenville, North Carolina – East Carolina (43-15)
  • Knoxville, Tennessee – Tennessee (50-11) 
  • Lexington, Kentucky – Kentucky (40-14) 
  • Norman, Oklahoma – Oklahoma (37-19) 
  • Raleigh, North Carolina – NC State (33-20) 
  • Santa Barbara, California – UC Santa Barbara (42-12) 
  • Stillwater, Oklahoma – Oklahoma State (40-17) 
  • Tallahassee, Florida – Florida State (42-15)
  • Tucson, Arizona – Arizona (36-21)

By being awarded a regional, all 16 host institutions have also been selected to the 64-team championship field.

Each regional field features four teams, playing in a double-elimination format. All 16 regionals are scheduled to be conducted from Friday, May 31 to Monday, June 3 (if necessary).

UC Santa Barbara is hosting for only the second time and for the first time in Santa Barbara (it hosted at a neutral site at Lake Elsinore in 2015).

Florida State is hosting a baseball regional for the 36th time in tournament history, the most by any school. Oklahoma is hosting for the first time since 2010.

Arkansas, Clemson, Kentucky, Oklahoma State and Virginia each hosted regionals in 2023 and Oklahoma State is hosting for a third consecutive season.

The full 64-team field, top-16 national seeds, first-round regional pairings and site assignments will be announced at Noon (ET), on Monday, May 27. The one-hour program will be shown live on ESPN2. The committee will set the entire 64-team bracket through both the super regionals and the first round of the Men’s College World Series and will not reseed the field after play begins. 

Selection of the eight super regional hosts will be announced on , Tuesday, June 4 at 10 a.m. (ET). 

There are 30 Division I Conferences which will receive an automatic berth in the field of 64, along with 34 at-large selections. The Men’s College World Series begins play Friday, June 14, at Charles Schwab Field Omaha in Omaha, Nebraska.  

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Final NCAA baseball tournament bracket predictions, by D1Baseball

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  • 2024 NCAA baseball bracket: Men's College World Series scores, schedule
  • Championship Info
  • Game Program

Men's College World Series

  • 🗓️ 2024 schedule
  • 🔮 Future dates
  • 🤔 How the MCWS works
  • 🏆 Programs with the most MCWS titles
  • 💪 Coaches with the most MCWS wins
  • ⚾ Every champion in tournament history

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Everything you need to know about how the Men's College World Series works

Di baseball news.

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College baseball career home run leaders

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Here are the baseball programs with the most Men's College World Series titles

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The 7 longest home runs in MCWS history (that we know of)

Follow di baseball.

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A lightning bolt

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Run more apps, all at the same time.

A folder with a plus sign

High-capacity drives for advanced AI features

Store more of your stuff safely with built-in encryption on your PC.

A computer chip

Turbocharged NPU

Why follow when you can set the pace? With the NPU on the Snapdragon® X Series processor, you’ll have 45 trillion operations per second (TOPS) to work with.

Specialized for AI

Trillions of operations per second, all to power your productivity and creativity.

Make the right impression

NPUs power tools that enhance lighting in video calls and refine writing in documents.

Copilot+ PC features: Your new superpower

Accelerate your productivity and creativity with unique Copilot+ PC experiences, powered by Snapdragon® X Series.

A PowerPoint window, and two Microsoft Edge windows

Find it instantly

An artist rendering and image of a turtle

Create your vision

Cocreator 5

A man on a video call holding up his hand with many different languages floating around him

Real-time subtitles

Live captions 1

A woman on a video call

Better video calls

Creative Filters

A man lounging on an orange couch using his laptop

Built-in peace of mind

Uniquely designed for secure AI performance, Copilot+ PCs safeguard your most sensitive information so you can be in control of protecting what’s yours.

Shop Copilot+ PCs

See the selection of Copilot+ PCs powered by Snapdragon® X Series processors. Or, get right into finding the one that fits your lifestyle best.

Microsoft Surface Laptop 13.8 inch Sapphire

Microsoft Surface Laptop (13.8 inch)

  • Memory: Up to 32 GB
  • Storage: Up to 1 TB SSD
  • Battery life: Up to 20 hours of video playback 11
  • Processor: Up to Snapdragon® X Elite

Dell XPS 13 sits open with a decorative screen


  • Memory: Up to 64 GB
  • Storage: Up to 2 TB SSD
  • Battery life: Up to 15 hours 4

An ASUS Vivobook laptop sits open with a colorful bloom background

ASUS Vivobook S 15

  • Battery life: Up to 18 hours 4

Microsoft Surface Laptop 15 inch Black

Microsoft Surface Laptop (15 inch)

  • Battery life: Up to 22 hours of video playback 11
  • Processor: Snapdragon® X Elite

A Samsung Galaxy Book 4 with a Windows Bloom on screen

Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge

  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Battery life: Up to 22 hours 4

The back of a Dell Inspiron 14 slightly open

DELL Inspiron 14 Plus

  • Processor: Up to Snapdragon® X Plus

An HP Omnibook sits open with a Windows start screen

HP OmniBook X 14

  • Battery life: Up to 26 hours 4

Microsoft Surface Pro Sapphire

Microsoft Surface Pro

  • Battery life: Up to 14 hours of video playback 11

A Samsung Galaxy Book 14 PC with a Windows screen on it

  • Storage: 512 GB SSD

Two Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 PCs with a space background

Lenovo Yoga Slim 7x

An Acer Swift 14 with a Windows screen on it

Acer Swift 14 AI

  • Memory: Up to 16GB
  • Storage: Up to 1TB SSD
  • Battery life: Up to 12 hours 4

Multiple laptops sitting on a coffee table and couch

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Copilot+ PCs are a new class of Windows 11 PCs that are powered by a turbocharged neural processing unit (NPU)—a specialized computer chip for AI-intensive processes like real-time translations and image generation—that can perform more than 40 trillion operations per second (TOPS).

Copilot+ PC experiences are advanced AI features unique to Copilot+ PCs that accelerate your productivity and creativity: Recall, Cocreator, Windows Studio Effects, Super Resolution, and live Captions.

These features require powerful neural processing units (NPUs)—a specialized computer chip for AI-intensive processes—that are unique to the Copilot+ PC class of devices.

Available starting on June 18, Copilot+ PCs running a Snapdragon X Series processor will have Copilot+ PC experiences pre-installed. You should be able to access all Copilot+ PC experiences after you start your device for the first time. To use Cocreator for the first time, you will need to click on the feature, acknowledge you want to use AI to create art, and download the AI model. We are continuing to update and enhance our Copilot+ PC experiences, so you may need to download and install the latest Windows Updates to get new features and experiences available for these devices.

Everyone who uses a computer. The unique experiences that come with Copilot+ PCs were made to accelerate the productivity and creativity of all users.

Copilot+ PCs are available in most global markets.

You can purchase them online or at a local authorized retailer.

Copilot+ PC models will start at $999. This is an estimated retail price; actual prices may vary.

A valuable resource to you may be the " Help me choose a PC " tool. This will help you find devices that best fit your needs, lifestyle, and budget.

Yes. We are partnering with Intel and AMD to bring Copilot+ PC experiences to PCs with their processors in the future.

Copilot+ PC features

You can use Recall on Copilot+ PCs to find the content you have viewed on your device. Recall is currently in preview status; during this phase, we will collect customer feedback, develop more controls for enterprise customers to manage and govern Recall data, and improve the overall experience for users. On devices that are not powered by a Snapdragon® X Series processor, installation of a Windows update will be required to run Recall. Recall is currently optimized for select languages, including English, Chinese (simplified), French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. This means Recall is able to retrieve snapshots from your PC’s timeline based on more sophisticated searches in these languages. During the preview phase, we will enhance optimization for additional languages. Recall can also retrieve snapshots from your PC’s timeline based on text-to-text searches in more than 160 languages.

Recall uses Copilot+ PC advanced processing capabilities to take images of your active screen every few seconds. The snapshots are encrypted and saved on your PC’s hard drive. You can use Recall to locate the content you have viewed on your PC using search or on a timeline bar that allows you to scroll through your snapshots. Once you find the snapshot that you were looking for in Recall, it will be analyzed and offer you options to interact with the content. Recall will also enable you to open the snapshot in the original application in which it was created, and, as Recall is refined over time, it will open the actual source document, website, or email in a screenshot. This functionality will be improved during Recall’s preview phase. Copilot+ PC storage size determines the number of snapshots that Recall can take and store. The minimum hard drive space needed to run Recall is 256 GB, and 50 GB of space must be available. The default allocation for Recall on a device with 256 GB will be 25 GB, which can store approximately 3 months of snapshots. You can increase the storage allocation for Recall in your PC Settings. Old snapshots will be deleted once you use your allocated storage, allowing new ones to be stored.

Recall is a key part of what makes Copilot+ PCs special, and Microsoft built privacy into Recall’s design from the ground up. On Copilot+ PCs powered by a Snapdragon® X Series processor, you will see the Recall taskbar icon after you first activate your device. You can use that icon to open Recall’s settings and make choices about what snapshots Recall collects and stores on your device. You can limit which snapshots Recall collects; for example, you can select specific apps or websites visited in a supported browser to filter out of your snapshots. In addition, you can pause snapshots on demand from the Recall icon in the system tray, clear some or all snapshots that have been stored, or delete all the snapshots from your device. Recall also does not take snapshots of certain kinds of content, including InPrivate web browsing sessions in Microsoft Edge. It treats material protected with digital rights management (DRM) similarly; like other Windows apps such as the Snipping Tool, Recall will not store DRM content. Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. That data may be in snapshots that are stored on your device, especially when sites do not follow standard internet protocols like cloaking password entry. Learn more.

Recall snapshots are kept on Copilot+ PCs themselves, on the local hard disk, and are protected using data encryption on your device and (if you have Windows 11 Pro or an enterprise Windows 11 SKU) BitLocker. Recall screenshots are only linked to a specific user profile and Recall does not share them with other users, make them available for Microsoft to view, or use them for targeting advertisements. Screenshots are only available to the person whose profile was used to sign in to the device. If two people share a device with different profiles they will not be able to access each other’s screenshots. If they use the same profile to sign-in to the device then they will share a screenshot history. Otherwise, Recall screenshots are not available to other users or accessed by other applications or services.

Live captions allow you to translate audio and video content into English subtitles from 44 languages: Arabic, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maltese, Norwegian, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Serbian, Slovenian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and Welsh.

With Cocreator, you can use text or image prompts to generate an interpretation of your vision. Cocreator works by translating your prompt into English, and prompts in Standard American English are likely to generate the most accurate images. Prompts in other languages may not work as well.

Auto super resolution (Auto SR) seamlessly integrates with Windows to automatically enhance the frame rates of existing games in real-time while also providing detailed visuals on screen, offering a balance that exceeds what your PC hardware can achieve on its own. At initial launch, this feature will be exclusive to Copilot+ PCs equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon® X Elite processor and a curated set of games that can be found at a third-party open-source site that Microsoft has contributed compatibility data to.

Windows Studio Effects is the collective name of AI-powered video call effects that are available on Copilot+ PCs and select Windows 11 devices with compatible NPUs. They include Creative Filters, Portrait Light, Eye Contact, Portrait Blur and Voice Focus, and all involve modifying the outbound and inbound audio and video feed to enhance communication. Some Windows Studio Effects features, like Voice Focus and Portrait Blur, are unique to Copilot+ PCs.

  • Screens simulated, subject to change.
  • 1 Currently supports translation for video and audio subtitles into English from 40+ languages.
  • 2 Optimized for select languages (English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Japanese, and Spanish). Content-based and storage limitations apply.
  • 4 Battery life varies significantly based on device, settings, usage, and other factors.
  • 5 Optimized for English text prompts.
  • 11 Surface battery life varies significantly based on usage, network and feature configuration, signal strength, settings, and other factors. See Surface battery testing and estimated performance - Microsoft Support for details.

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‘stellar blade’ patch: boss rush mode and ‘uncensored’ outfits.

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Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade has gotten its first major patch which adds some significant new challenging content and ends what was one of its most bizarre controversies at launch. Here’s what’s been added:

Boss Rush Mode: This is a new challenge where players are tasked with fighting all the game’s bosses in different settings as a new pursuit. This challenge rewards, what else, a brand new outfit in the game, the Neurolink set seen below:

Quality of Life: They’ve added a few things like auto-lock-on when exiting ranged mode, an option to show the compass in the HUD, and they’ve increased the time limit for puzzles. There are also some balance and control improvements, but I’m not sure we know all the specifics yet.

Kunoichi Outfits: These are two new outfits that the game says can be obtained at Adam’s Safehouse, but I just got a prompt they were auto-added to my inventory when I logged in. You do not have to buy the patterns or pay to craft them. They’re very good! (one is the lead image up there, the other is a grey variant).

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“Uncensored” Outfits: Here we go. After months of complaints that Stellar Blade had been “censored,” presumably at Sony’s behalf, in regard to two of Eve’s outfits in particular, well, they’ve ended that dispute.

SHIFT UP maintained that the on-disc outfits were not the “intended” final outcome for those outfits, so the tiny amount of extra fabric added was not out of censorship concerns, it was just a design choice (there are plenty of even more revealing outfits in the game).

That did not satisfying a particular crowd who maintained this was purposeful censorship, something they believe was demanded by Sony for release, despite there being no evidence that this was the case. This resulted in a #FreeStellarBlade social media campaign mostly focused on the outfits.

Now, Stellar Blade has released two outfits that are not patching or changing the old outfits which still look the same, but they are variants with the “censored” bits removed. Aka, they are very revealing in the pelvis and chest regions, as apparently nature intended. Essentially everyone who was upset about this is considering it a win, though some are still saying “uncensor the original outfits!” like that even matters anymore with the release of these. You pick these up from Roxanne, the black market dealer. They cost 10 Vitcoin each and must be crafted. Still, easy to acquire.

One of the outfits

I said when this was all unfolding that I figured SHIFT UP would eventually do something like this, either changing the original outfits or doing what they’re doing here. They are a company that is absolutely forthright about their intention to make sexy characters, and demands that outfits weren’t sexy enough in a game full of extremely sexy outfits was probably always going to lead them to go “okay sure whatever, here are sexier versions,” so here we are.

The bad part of this is that the “culture war” folks here have been rewarded for their frankly ridiculous campaign lambasting this game, the developers, Sony, everyone for the original outfit changes as some sort of conspiracy which did not exist. The outfits themselves are fine (again, there are a dozen outfits at least this revealing in the game), but this being a “reward” for this group and their behavior is not a great look.

Anyway, the big thing is the boss rush mode, and that sounds like a fun thing to go and try now that I’ve maxed out Eve in every other way.

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People Lost Their Marbles Over Sydney Sweeney's Hooters SNL Sketch, But It Didn't Even Crack The Top 5 This Year

What do you think cracked the Top 5?

Saturday Night Live wrapped its 49th season last week, and it produced some great sketches that will go down in the history books. The NBC mainstay boosted some all-star hosts and musical guests during Season 49 , and it kept fans laughing, with sketches finding life on YouTube. There were many highlights this season, including a hilarious segment in which Sydney Sweeney and Bowen Yang play Hooters waiters at Hooters. But, even with the sketch’s viral popularity, it apparently didn’t even crack the top five when it comes to most popular SNL sketches on YT this year. 

Sydney Sweeney and Bowen Yang in SNL Hooters Sketch

What Happened In Sydney Sweeney's Hooters Sketch? 

The Sydney Sweeney sketch in question takes place at a Hooters restaurant, where the waitresses are comparing their tip earnings for the evening. Sweeney's character ends up making an insane amount of money compared to her colleagues. The joke of the whole skit is what goes unsaid, as none of them can figure out why Sweeney's hostess makes the most money despite not being as good of a waitress. However, it's painfully obvious that it’s because the customers are attracted to her. Check it out:

The sketch went viral on YouTube, with many calling it hilarious and complimenting the Anyone But You star on her sense of humor. However, it apparently takes more than having the starlet in a Hooters uniform for a sketch to become one of the most popular bits of the season. According to Decider , the Hooters act only landed at No. 8 compared to other popular moments from Season 49.

Scarlett Johansson in State of the Union SNL Sketch/Bad Bunny and Pedro Pascal in Protective Mom 2 SNL sketch (side by side)

Let's Talk About The Top 5 SNL Sketches Of Season 49

Coming in at No. 5 was a political cold open that parodied President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. While Mikey Day’s Biden impression was stellar, and the recreation was pitch perfect , it was Scarlett Johannson that stole the show. She played Senator Katie Britt, who gave the Republican response to the SOTU. She was absolutely hilarious, and her performance made the satirical piece one of the best political sketches of the season . This sketch was only slightly behind “Protective Mom 2,” which featured Bad Bunny in drag, and Pedro Pascal hilariously reprising his role as Marcello Hernandez’s over-the-top mother. 

Nate Bargatze in Washington's Dream SNL Sketch/Pete Davidson in "Im Just Pete" SNL sketch (side by side)

The top three sketches all went viral for the right reasons: being flat-out clever. The “Washington’s Dream” skit sits at No. 3, and it featured host Nate Bargatze playing George Washington establishing a nonsensical measurement system for the United States. It's observational humor with perfectly timed comedy and jokes. This segment is a comedy writer’s dream, and it resonated with the public as well. This sketch is behind Pete Davidson's "I’m Just Ken” parody , in which the lyrics of the Barbie movie ballad are replaced by scandalous details from Davidson’s personal life. "I'm Just Pete" is just another example of how SNL plays to fans' love of self awareness. 

Mikey Day and Ryan Gosling dressed as Butt-Head and Beavis on Saturday Night Live.

And, probably unsurprising to anyone, coming in at No. 1 on the list most popular SNL sketch of the year was the hilarious Beavis and Butt-Head sketch . The skit sees Keenan Thompson play an AI expert giving an informational talk for NewsNation, before he's quickly distracted by the presence of Ryan Gosling and Mikey Day, who play Beavis and Butt-Head look-alikes. The randomness and ridiculousness is absolutely hysterical, and gets even better when Heidi Gardner loses it completely and the whole sketch goes off the rails. People love to watch the SNL cast break, and this sketch will be in the pantheon of breaking character moments on the sketch show. 

Though it didn't make it into the Top 5, Sydney Sweeney should still be proud that the "Hooters Waitress" sketch managed to strike a chord with viewers and go viral. Considering her performance on the show, one might wonder if she'll give hosting another try and aim to produced yet another hilarious piece of work. In the meantime, you can stream full episodes from this season of Saturday Night Live now with a Peacock subscription .


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