Written Samples

15 ireland visa application letter samples.

Are you planning a trip to the Emerald Isle but feeling overwhelmed by the visa application process?

Look no further!

Ireland Visa Application Letter Samples

In this article, we have compiled fifteen sample letters that will help you craft the perfect visa application letter for your Ireland adventure.

From student visas to work permits, we have got you covered.

Let us explore these examples and discover how to make your visa application stand out from the crowd.

Letter One: Student Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Student Visa Application – [Your Name]

Dear Visa Officer,

I am writing to apply for a student visa to pursue my [degree] at [university name] in Ireland. I have been accepted into the [program name] program, commencing on [start date].

I have attached all the necessary documents, including my acceptance letter, proof of financial support, and a copy of my passport. I am excited about the opportunity to study in Ireland and immerse myself in its rich culture and academic excellence.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to your favorable response.

[Your Name]

Letter Two: Work Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Work Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a work visa to join [company name] in Ireland as a [job title]. I have been offered a position with the company, and I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to their team.

Enclosed, please find my employment contract, a letter from my employer confirming my job offer, and all other required documents. I am confident that my experience and qualifications make me an excellent candidate for this role.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I appreciate your attention to my application.

Best regards,

Letter Three: Family Reunion Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Family Reunion Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a family reunion visa to join my [relationship] in Ireland. My [relationship], [name], is a legal resident of Ireland, and we have been separated for [length of time] due to my inability to secure a visa.

I have included all the necessary documentation, including proof of our relationship, my [relationship]’s residence permit, and evidence of my financial stability. I am longing to reunite with my family and start a new chapter in our lives together in Ireland.

Thank you for your consideration. I hope for a positive outcome to my application.

Letter Four: Tourist Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Tourist Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am excited to apply for a tourist visa to visit Ireland for [length of stay]. I have always dreamed of exploring the stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture of Ireland.

During my stay, I plan to visit [list of places/attractions]. I have attached my detailed itinerary, proof of accommodation, and evidence of sufficient funds to support my trip.

I assure you that I will abide by the terms of my visa and return to my home country upon its expiration. Thank you for reviewing my application.

Letter Five: Business Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Business Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a business visa to attend [business event/purpose] in Ireland from [start date] to [end date]. I am a [job title] at [company name], and this trip is essential for my professional development and the growth of our company.

I have enclosed an invitation letter from the event organizers, proof of my employment, and a letter from my company sponsoring my trip. I am confident that this visit will be beneficial for both my company and the business relationships we hope to establish in Ireland.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to a positive response.

Letter Six: Short Stay Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Short Stay Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a short stay visa to visit Ireland for [purpose of visit] from [start date] to [end date]. During my stay, I will be [activity/purpose].

I have attached all the required documents, including proof of accommodation, travel insurance, and evidence of sufficient funds to cover my expenses during the trip. I assure you that I will respect the conditions of my visa and depart Ireland before its expiration.

Thank you for your time and attention. I eagerly await your decision.

Letter Seven: Medical Treatment Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Medical Treatment Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a medical treatment visa to receive [medical procedure/treatment] in Ireland. I have been diagnosed with [medical condition], and after extensive research, I have chosen to seek treatment at [hospital/clinic name] under the care of [doctor’s name].

Enclosed, please find my medical records, a letter from my treating physician, and confirmation of my appointment with the Irish medical facility. I have also included proof of financial means to cover my treatment and stay in Ireland.

I understand the importance of this visa, and I am grateful for your consideration. I look forward to your positive response.

Letter Eight: Research Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Research Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a research visa to conduct [research topic] at [institution name] in Ireland. I am a [position] at [university/organization], and this research opportunity is crucial for my academic growth and the advancement of my field.

I have attached an invitation letter from the host institution, a detailed research proposal, and proof of funding for my stay in Ireland. I am excited about the prospect of collaborating with Irish researchers and contributing to the academic community.

Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly await your decision.

Letter Nine: Volunteer Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Volunteer Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a volunteer visa to participate in [volunteer program] in Ireland. I am passionate about [cause/field], and I believe that this volunteer opportunity will allow me to make a meaningful contribution to the Irish community.

Enclosed, please find an acceptance letter from the volunteer organization, a detailed description of my volunteer duties, and proof of my financial ability to support myself during my stay. I am committed to dedicating my time and energy to this worthy cause.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to a favorable response.

Letter Ten: Internship Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Internship Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for an internship visa to participate in [internship program] at [company name] in Ireland. I am currently pursuing my [degree] at [university name], and this internship aligns perfectly with my academic goals and future career aspirations.

I have attached an offer letter from the company, a detailed internship plan, and proof of my academic standing. I am thrilled about the opportunity to gain practical experience and learn from industry experts in Ireland.

Thank you for considering my application. I eagerly await your positive decision.

Letter Eleven: Language Course Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Language Course Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a language course visa to attend [language course name] at [school name] in Ireland. As a language enthusiast, I am eager to immerse myself in the Irish culture and improve my [language] skills.

Enclosed, please find my acceptance letter from the language school, proof of course payment, and evidence of my financial capacity to support my stay in Ireland. I am committed to dedicating myself to my language studies and making the most of this educational opportunity.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your favorable response.

Letter Twelve: Conference Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Conference Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a conference visa to attend [conference name] in Ireland from [start date] to [end date]. As a [profession/field] expert, I am excited to participate in this prestigious event and share my knowledge with fellow professionals.

I have attached an invitation letter from the conference organizers, proof of my registration, and a detailed agenda of the event. I am confident that attending this conference will contribute significantly to my professional development and network.

Letter Thirteen: Religious Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Religious Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a religious visa to participate in [religious event/program] in Ireland from [start date] to [end date]. As a devout [religion] follower, this opportunity holds great spiritual significance for me.

Enclosed, please find an invitation letter from the religious organization, a detailed itinerary of the event, and proof of my religious affiliation. I am committed to respecting the laws and customs of Ireland during my stay.

Letter Fourteen: Journalist Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Journalist Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for a journalist visa to cover [event/story] in Ireland from [start date] to [end date]. As a [media organization] journalist, I have been assigned to report on this significant event for our audience.

I have attached my press credentials, a letter of assignment from my organization, and a detailed coverage plan. I assure you that I will adhere to all journalistic ethics and respect the privacy and security of those involved in the event.

Letter Fifteen: Artist Visa Application

Subject: Ireland Artist Visa Application – [Your Name]

I am writing to apply for an artist visa to participate in [artistic event/program] in Ireland from [start date] to [end date]. As a [artist type], I am thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase my work and collaborate with Irish artists.

Enclosed, please find an invitation letter from the event organizers, a portfolio of my work, and a detailed itinerary of my artistic activities in Ireland. I am confident that this experience will enrich my artistic growth and foster cultural exchange.

Crafting a compelling Ireland visa application letter is essential to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

By using these sample letters as a guide and tailoring them to your specific circumstances, you can create a strong case for your visa application.

Whether you are pursuing academic goals, business opportunities, or personal enrichment, Ireland offers a wealth of experiences waiting to be explored.

So, take the first step towards your Irish adventure and submit a well-crafted visa application letter today.

May the luck of the Irish be with you!

Total Law

Mon - Sun, 8.30 am - 6pm

Invitation Letter for Irish Visa

If you’re applying for a visa to come and stay with friends and family in Ireland, you will need to supply an invitation letter with your application.

For more information about visiting Ireland, including expert advice on what you have to do to be eligible, and more information about Irish visas, reach out to one of our immigration lawyers today. Call us on +353 (0) 61 518 025 , or contact us  online  today.

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  • Overview of the Irish Visa Invitation Letter

If you’re from a visa-required country as mandated by the Irish Immigration Service Delivery (ISD), you will need a short stay ‘C’ visa (also known as a tourist visa) in order to come and visit Ireland.

If you intend to stay with friends or family during your stay, you will specifically have to apply for the short stay ‘C’ visit (family/friend) visa , which has a number of requirements that are specific to it.

One of these requirements is supplying a letter of invitation with your application.

This letter should be written by the friend(s) or family member(s) you will be staying with in Ireland. It should also include a range of information to help the ISD process your visit visa application.

The invitation letter must be signed and dated by the friend or family member who wrote it.

Page Contents

What should the invitation letter state, additional information to be included in the invitation letter, who should write the invitation letter, what documents should be included with the invitation letter, sample invitation letter, how can total law help.

At its most basic, an Irish visa invitation letter should include a statement from the friend(s) or family member(s) that they are inviting you to come to Ireland to visit them.

It must also include:

  • The reason why you’ve been invited to Ireland by the friend(s) or family member(s)
  • The dates they’ll be seeing you in Ireland
  • Details of how they know you
  • Confirmation that they are inviting you to stay with them in their home (if applicable)
  • The dates you are invited to stay with them and their full postal address, including EirCode (if applicable)

The letter must also include a statement from the friend(s) or family member(s) that they understand you must:

  • Obey the conditions of your visa in full
  • Not rely on public services (such as public hospitals) or become a burden on the State
  • Leave Ireland before your immigration permission expires

In addition to the information already stated, the friend(s) or family member(s) should also include additional information in some cases.

For example, if your friend(s) or family member(s) have agreed to help pay for your trip to Ireland, the invitation letter must include

  • A cost estimate and a description of what they will pay for (if appropriate), such as the cost of airline tickets in euros, cost of accommodation and living expenses for your stay in Ireland
  • Documents that prove they can afford to pay (see documents section below)

As previously stated, an Irish visa invitation letter should be written by whichever friend(s) or family member(s) you will plan to stay with in Ireland.

You will not have to include an invitation letter with your visa application if you don’t plan to stay with any friends or family members during your trip.

If you’re staying with multiple friends or family members in separate addresses, you must provide an invitation letter from each individual for each address. You may provide one letter per address you’ll be staying in.

Contact us today if you require assistance with preparing your Irish visit visa application. Contact Us

You must also ensure that certain supporting documents are included with the invitation letter.

For example, if the person writing it is an Irish citizen, a clear and legible colour photocopy of the picture page of their National Identity Card or valid passport must be included.

Meanwhile, if the person inviting you to Ireland is a non-EU/EEA citizen, the letter must include the following documents:

  • A clear legible colour photocopy of their current valid Irish Residence Permit
  • A clear legible colour photocopy of the current valid immigration permission stamp in their passport

In addition, you must provide other supporting documents if the friend(s) or family member(s) are helping to pay for your trip. These include the following:

  • An up-to-date bank statement
  • Their 3 most recent payslips
  • Their most recent tax return document, such as an employment detail summary from Revenue
  • A letter from their employer that confirms they are employed
  • A description of their business and the products or service they provide
  • Their most recent financial accounts
  • Recent tax return
  • Confirmation of payments from customers from within the last 6 months

You must also include your own personal bank statement.

Below is an example of what an Irish visa invitation letter may look like. Note that this is only a rough template, and sections may be added, taken away, or edited as needed according to your own personal circumstances.

<Writer’s Name>

<Writer’s Address>


To whom it may concern,

I am writing to confirm that I am inviting <visa applicant’s (VA’s) name> to come and stay with me in my home at <address> during the dates of <dates>. This will form the entire duration of <VA’s name>’s stay.

<VA’s name> is an old university friend of mine, and we met while we were studying at University College Cork. We have known each other for 10 years in total.

The purpose of <VA’s name>’s visit will be to catch up with myself and a few other friends from university, as we have not seen each other for several years. I will also be showing him around some of the local sights in the area, and some tourist spots in Cork and Dublin, including the English Market and the Guinness brewery.

I am not helping to pay for any of the costs of <VA’s name>’s trip, and he has confirmed that he will be funding the travel to and from Ireland himself.

I also understand that <VA’s name> must obey the conditions of his visit visa in full, that he mustn’t rely on public services during his stay, and that he must leave Ireland before his visa expires.

I am an Irish citizen, and attach a copy of my National Identity Card.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you require any further information.

Yours faithfully,

<Writer’s name>

<Writer’s signature>

Providing an invitation letter with your Irish short stay visa application is an important part of the application process.

Not only does it verify important details about you and your own trip, but also confirms with an immigration officer that you will have adequate accommodation during your trip, and that you’ve been invited to Ireland for a legitimate reason.

If you need further assistance with your Irish visa invitation letter, Total Law can help.

We are a team of expert immigration lawyers who are well-versed in Irish immigration and Ireland visas. Whether you need further clarification on what needs to be included in your invitation letter, need help liaising with your local Irish embassy, or need assisting with obtaining an entry visa or re-entry visa, we can help.

We can also help should you need to obtain a UK visa paying the visa fee for such visas, should you wish to visit Northern Ireland or the UK during your trip to Ireland also.

For more information about the services we provide and what we could do for you, reach out to us today on +353 (0) 61 518 025 , or contact us  online .

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Disclaimer: Total Law operates under different capacities in the various countries we cover, including as immigration consultants or lawyers; We connect clients with our network of immigration lawyers if we are not registered as a law firm in a particular country

Irish Visa Types Irish Visa for Tourism Irish Visa for Visitors Irish Visa for Business Trip Irish Visa for Airport Transit Irish Visa Fees Irish Visa Application Form Irish Visa Invitation Letters Travel Advice for Ireland Irish Embassies Around The World Flight Reservation for Visa to Ireland Hotel Booking for Visa to Ireland Travel Insurance for Irish Visa

Irish embassies generally ask for documents that seem confusing, especially to travelers that apply for the first time for a visa. A visa letter of invitation Ireland is among the documents that most first time visa applicants have difficulties understanding its purpose.

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Visa Invitation Letters for Ireland

A Visa Invitation Letter for an Irish is a letter that the applicant has to submit to the Irish embassy or consulate where they are applying for a visitor visa and needs to be addressed either to the applicant or to the consular officer, confirming that they will accommodate the applicant in their home for the whole period of their stay in the country where the host lawfully resides.

What are the important details which should be in a Visa Invitation Letter?

The visa invitation letter must contain the following information about the host:

  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • Type of home (owned / rent house / flat / room)
  • Host’s residential status in the host country

On the other side, the letter must also include the following information about the guest:

  • Full name as shown on their International Passport
  • The person’s address and telephone number
  • Relationship between the host and the guest
  • The purpose of the trip (friendly visit, holiday, wedding, birthday party.)
  • Exact entry date and exit date
  • If the letter is addressed to the guest do not make it sound too official. It is better if it sounds more personal and friendlier rather than formal, so that the consular officer can have a better sight of the relationship between the host and the guest.

Who can provide a Visa Invitation Letter?

The person providing the visa inviation letter must fulfill the following requirements in order for the letter of invitation to be valid:

  • Must be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the Ireland
  • Must be your family member / relative or friend, boyfriend / girlfriend
  • Must have a registered place (appartment or house) in Ireland
  • Must have enough room for the applicant or the applicant and his or her family members if the applicant is travelling to Ireland with his or her family
  • On some occations, the Letter of Invitation is not required by the Irish embassy, but it is strongly recommended to submit one even if not required.

Steps to Applying for Irish visa To apply for an Irish visa follow the steps given below:

  • Check if you need to apply for an Irish Visa.
  • Know when is the right time to apply!
  • Figure out what type of Irish visa you need.
  • Find out where you should lodge your application.
  • Fill in the right Irish visa form.
  • Collect the documents required for Irish visa.
  • Make a visa appointment.
  • Attend the visa interview.
  • Submit your biometrics.
  • Pay the visa fee.

Please Note: Please consult Irish embassy in your country as visa regulations for Ireland can and often change overnight. In individual cases, additional documents required for Irish visa. We accept no responsibility as we have no affiliation with the embassy of Ireland or their visa section.

Going for a visa interview at the embassy? The visa officer at the Irish consulate will look over your application and ask you questions if they wish to clarify anything. It is best to answer these questions honestly.

  • What is your purpose of your trip to Ireland?
  • Do you know anyone living in Ireland?
  • What is your current occupation?
  • How long have you been in your current occupation?
  • If you are a student, when will the studies finsh?
  • How will you suuport yourself whilst in Ireland?
  • Have you ever travelled to other countries?
  • Who will pay for your trip to Ireland?
  • What are your plans when you return from your trip?
  • What will you do if your visa application is rejected?
  • What is your marital status?
  • Will you be involved in business in Ireland?

Common reasons why your Irish visa application got rejected include:

  • Lack of funds – you must be able to afford your trip Ireland and you must provide documents to show that you can.
  • Proof of accommodation not provided – you must be able to show where you will be staying in Ireland and you can easily do this by providing a hotel reservation in Ireland.
  • The visa officer thinks you will not return to your home country – you must make it clear that you intend to leave Ireland and return to your home country before the expiry of your visa. You can do this by providing documents that show you have ties where you live, such as an employment letter or proof that you own your home etc.
  • No proof of residence – you must be able to prove that you can live in the country of your residence legally, so you must provide proof of residence.

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Visas for tourists visiting Ireland

Who needs a short-stay visa for ireland, how to apply for a short-stay visa, documents to send for a short-stay visa, decisions and appeals, can i stay longer than 3 months, further information.

If you plan to visit Ireland, you should check if you need a visa .

This page has information on how to apply for a short-stay visa. This is also called a ‘C’ visa and is usually valid for up to 90 days from the issue date of the visa. You apply for a C visa if you plan to come to Ireland:

  • For tourism
  • To visit family or friends
  • To get married
  • For medical treatment
  • For short-term study

If you are not a citizen of the EU, EEA, Switzerland or UK and you do not need a visa to come to Ireland, you still need to have documents with you to show the reason for your visit. You must present yourself at immigration when you enter Ireland.

Having a visa does not guarantee that you will be allowed to enter Ireland .

You apply for a visa online. You complete a separate application for each person travelling, including children. After you have submitted the visa form, you have 30 days to send the supporting documents. It’s a good idea to prepare your documents before completing the form.

You pay a fee of €60 for each application. A multiple entry visa costs €100.

When you have submitted the form, you will get a summary of your application. This includes:

  • Your visa application transaction number
  • Your application summary sheet
  • Details of the application office where you should send your documents

You send the signed summary sheet with your documents.

You must send documents in support of your application. This section has information on the main documents you need to send. You can get more information about documentation on the Irish Immigration Delivery website.

You must send original documents (not photocopies). If your documents are not in English, you must send a certified translation and the original document.

Birth, marriage and death certificates will be returned to you. If you want other pages returned to you, you should include a note with your application that says this. Send a photocopy (in addition to the original) of the page you want returned to you.

If your visa is approved, you must get travel insurance before you travel to Ireland.

Letter of application

You must write a letter that explains why you want to come to Ireland. You should give the details of your trip, including the dates you plan to be here, where you will stay and how you will pay for things while you are here.

You must say in your letter that you will:

  • Obey the conditions of your visa in full
  • Leave Ireland before your visa expires
  • Not rely on public services or become a burden on the State

If you are visiting friends or family your letter should also have:

  • Their names and addresses
  • The names and addresses of any of your family who live in Ireland or another country in the EEA or Switzerland, even if you do not plan to visit them

Letter of invitation

If you are visiting someone in Ireland, you should send a letter of invitation written by them. The letter should have information about how they know you, the dates you are visiting them and why they are inviting you to Ireland.

They should include a colour copy of their passport or national identity card. If they are from outside the EEA, Switzerland and UK, they must include a copy of their Irish Resident Permit and the current immigration stamp in their passport.

The letter must also say that they understand you must:

Information about where you will stay

You must include the details of where you will stay. You should include printouts of your booking confirmations. If you are staying with friends, family or colleagues, see ‘letter of invitation’ above.

You must send your current passport. It must be valid for at least 6 months after the date you plan to leave Ireland. You must also send a photocopy of each page of all of your previous passports.

Proof of finances

You must show that you have the money you need for your trip. If someone else is paying for your visit (for example a family member), you should send documents to show that they can afford to pay for you.

You don’t need to have a particular or set amount of money to qualify for a short-stay visa.

Passport photos

Include 2 passport photos. You must sign your name and put your visa application transaction number on the back of each photo.

Show that you must return home

You must show that you have strong ties to your home country and that you must return home. This could be family responsibilities, work, education or something else. You should send proof of these responsibilities. For example, if you are working you should send a letter from your employer and recent payslips.

You can read more details of the documents you need on the Immigration Service Delivery website.

If you sent your application to Dublin, you can check visa decisions and waiting times . If you sent your application somewhere else, you can contact the embassy or consulate you sent your documents to for updates on your application. Applications take around 8 weeks, but may take longer.

If your visa application is successful, the visa office will post your passport back to you with the visa attached. The visa will be valid for a particular period. Having a visa does not guarantee that you will be allowed to enter Ireland .

You will get a letter that says why your visa application was refused. You can appeal this decision within 2 months.

You are expected to leave the State on or before the date which has been stamped on your passport by the Immigration Officer when you entered.

You can only extend your visa if there is an unexpected change in your circumstances since you entered Ireland.

You cannot get an extension if:

  • There is no change in circumstances from the time you entered Ireland
  • There is no change in circumstances from the time you were granted a travel visa
  • You are in Ireland to seek medical attention
  • You are seeking a permission to marry in Ireland
  • You are in Ireland to provide childcare facilities
  • You wish to live in Ireland full time

Some people do not have to pay the visa fee .

A visa costs:

Single-journey visa : €60

Multiple-journey visa : €100

If you require a visa in order to visit Ireland, your application must be made online .

Irish embassies and consulates

Visa Office

Immigration Service Delivery Department of Justice 13-14 Burgh Quay Dublin 2 D02 XK70 Ireland

Related documents

  • Visas for people visiting Ireland on business Certain people who wish to travel to Ireland for business purposes require visas. Find out more. 1933.2145
  • Student visas to study in Ireland People from certain countries who wish to study in Ireland require visas. Find out more. 1061.2756
  • Working Holiday Visas in Ireland Ireland has working holiday agreements with a number of different countries. 959.2125

If you have a question about this topic you can contact the Citizens Information Phone Service on 0818 07 4000 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm).

You can also contact your local Citizens Information Centre .

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sample irish visa application letter

Ireland Visa Requirements

Detailed list of documents that you need to submit to support your Ireland visa application, and guidelines of each document

If you want to travel to Ireland, depending on your country, you may be required to apply for an Ireland visa.

The Irish visa is a pre-entry requirement, which people from certain countries have to get in order to be allowed to travel to Ireland. In addition, after arriving, they have to get permission to stay from an Immigration Officer before they can enter Ireland. When you apply, you must have several documents to support your application.

When you submit an Ireland visa application, you must have the following documents:

  • Ireland Visa Application Form.
  • A valid passport.
  • Passport-sized pictures.
  • Proof you have paid the Ireland visa fee.
  • Proof of legal residence in the country from which you are applying.
  • Letter about your purpose of travel.
  • Proof of accommodation in Ireland.
  • Details of your family or friends in Ireland.
  • Details of previous visas.
  • Employment or study documents.
  • Proof of sufficient funds.
  • Proof you will return to your country.
  • A self-addressed, pre-paid envelope.

Ireland Visa Application Form

When you apply for an Ireland visa, you have to fill in an online application form via AVATS , the Irish Online Application facility. Upon completion, you have to print the application, sign it, and date it.

A valid passport

You must submit your original passport which:

  • Is valid for another six months starting from the date you intend to leave Ireland.
  • Has at least two blank visa pages.

In addition, you must also submit photocopies of the bio-data pages of your passport and any previously issued visas.

If this is not your first passport, you must include any other previous or existing passports in your application. If you cannot, include a letter explaining the reason why.

You have to include two passport-sized pictures of yourself, which:

  • Are taken in the last 6 months.
  • Are in line with Ireland photo requirements.

Make sure the pictures meet the Ireland visa requirements, otherwise it could delay the processing time.

Proof You Have Paid the Ireland Visa Fee

When you submit the Ireland visa application, you must pay an Ireland visa processing fee. You have to include proof of payment if you are applying by post. If you are applying directly at an Irish Embassy or Consulate, you will pay in cash, therefore no proof of payment is required.

Learn more about Ireland visa fees here.

Proof of Legal Residence in the Country From Which You are Applying

You have to include documents that prove you are a legal resident in the country from which you are applying. You must also have the right to remain there for at least another three months starting from the date you leave Ireland.

Include a front and back photocopy of the document allowing your legal residence in said country (such as a residence card or a sticker/stamp).

Letter About Your Purpose of Travel

You have to write a detailed letter explaining the reason for which you are traveling to Ireland.  If you have any family and friends there, mention them in the letter as well, regardless of whether you are staying with them or not.

If you are traveling for business purposes or to attend a conference/training, also provide evidence.

Proof of Accommodation in Ireland

Depending on where you are staying for the duration of your trip, you have to include proof you have made a reservation . It must include your name, the dates in which you are staying, and the address of the venue.

Details of Your Family or Friends in Ireland

If you have been invited and will be staying with a friend/family member in Ireland, including the following:

  • A signed letter of invitation from them, which includes their address.
  • A photocopy of their passport personal details page and signature.
  • If your family member/friend is not an EU national, a photocopy of their permission to legally reside in Ireland.
  • Details of how you and them know each other. Provide evidence if necessary/possible.

Details of Previous Visas

If you have ever applied for an Irish visa before, you must include details of the application, even if they were refused.

Also include details of all other visas (from any country) that you were refused, as well as photocopies of any documents related to the refusal.

Employment or Study Documents

Depending on whether you are employed or a student, you must submit a letter from your employer/school which:

  • Is written on a headed letter and includes their contact details (name, address, phone number, email).
  • States the details of your position in the company, or of your course of study.
  • Confirms that you will return to work/school after the end of your trip to Ireland.
  • If you are applying for a business visa: The letter must also state you are taking the trip on behalf of the company.

For self-employed individuals

If you are self-employed, include these documents:

  • A letter from your solicitor, accountant, or tax consultant which is written on a headed paper. The letter has to be dated and signed by them.
  • Your company’s letter/certificate of incorporation.
  • Bank statements of your business bank account from the past six months.
  • Correspondence you have had recently with the appropriate government authority in your country regarding your self-employment.

Proof of Sufficient Funds

There is no predetermined amount of sufficient funds you must have. It is the officers handling your application who decide whether you meet the requirements, depending on the case.

If you are funding yourself

You must submit the following documents:

  • The three most recent payslips
  • Show recent transactions, such as your salary.
  • Are dated up to the date of your application.
  • Are original, issued by the bank and hold their stamp.
  • State your current address.
  • Show you have sufficient funds to cover your stay.

If a sponsor if funding your stay

If someone else in Ireland or your employer such as in the case of Ireland Business Visa, will fund your stay in Ireland, submit the following documents:

  • A signed and dated letter from them which confirms that they will fund you.
  • Show recent transactions, such as their salary.
  • Are dated up to the date of the application.
  • State their current address.
  • Show they have sufficient funds to cover your stay.
  • Proof of your relationship.

Proof You Will Return to Your Country

The Irish authorities need to have proof that you will return back to your country after your trip to Ireland ends. This could include a letter from your employer/school (as stated above), or marriage certificate, birth certificates of your children, proof of property, home rental contract etc.

Self-addressed envelope

If you are applying by mail, you have to include a pre-paid and self-addressed Special

A delivery envelope which the Irish visa officers will use to return your passport and original documents back to you.

Ireland Visa Requirements for Minors

If you are traveling with a minor, you must include the following documents in the Ireland visa application:

  • Original and a photocopy.
  • A letter from the child’s school which states they are enrolled there.
  • If you have sole custody of the child, documents proving this (original and a copy).

Keep in mind: There may be additional visa-specific requirements based on your purpose of travel, so check the relevant Ireland visa page to find more information.

Guidelines of Irish Visa Documents

All of the documents you submit have to be in English. If they are not, they must be translated by an official translator and notarized.

For any documents that have been translated, you must include both the original and the translation.

You have to submit the originals of all the documents  unless it is stated otherwise. Therefore, you have to include a return address for your submitted documents.

Any letters you include have to be dated no earlier than 4 weeks from the date you submit your application.

The officers in charge of processing your application may require additional documents, depending on the case.

You must gather all of these documents and place them in a large, strong envelope before you submit them for processing.

Clinical psychology

Psychotherapy, personality, cover letter for ireland tourist visa(3 samples).

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Samples of cover letters for an Ireland Tourist Visa

When applying for an Ireland tourist Visa, your cover letter is an opportunity to show your recipient why you qualify. The best format for writing a cover letter is as follows:

Immigration and Citizenship Division

Department of Justice Equality and Law Reform

Dublin 2, Ireland

Mr. Smith visited me in the (mention country) last September 21 to October 7, 2006 and stayed in my town for sometime. We have been together for two weeks and enjoy each company. Mr. Smith was able to experience my country, its culture, the people and the climate. While he was here, we were engaged and will get married on June 30, 2007.

I hereby promise that, I will observe the conditions of my visa and that I will not become a burden on the State, and that I will leave the State on the expiration of my permission to remain. I promise to return to (mention your country) after my one month vacation from April 2, 2007 until May 1, 2007 and to return to my work on May 2, 2007 and to prepare for our wedding on June 30, 2007.

I am hoping for your generous and kind hearted assessment to my application.

Please find the following documents to support the legitimacy of what is outlined in this letter:

Subject: <FULL-NAME> Indian Passport No: XXXXXXXX, Schengen Visa for Tourism

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please, find the following documents to support my visa application:

· Visa application form, duly dated and signed with attached passport-size pictures

· Copies of Passport

· E-ticket reservation for flights

· Confirmed Hotel bookings

· Bank statements and Payslips as proof of my income

<DATE1>– Arrive in <DESTINATION1> from <SOURCE-PLACE> [ Flight No: XXXXXX] and check into Airbnb [ Booking Id: XXXXXXXXXX ]

<DATE2> – Travel to <DESTINATION2> via bus and check into Airbnb [ Booking Id: XXXXXXX ]

<DATE3> – Travel to <DESTINATION3> via bus and check into Airbnb [ Booking Id: XXXXXXX ]

<DATE4> –Travel to <DESTINATION4> via booked flighted [Flight No: XXXXXX ] and check into Airbnb [ Booking Id: XXXXXXX ]

<DATE6> – Travel to <DESTINATION6> via bus and check into Airbnb [ Booking Id: XXXXXXX ]

<DATE7> – Return back to New Delhi from <DESTINATION6> [ Flight: XXXXXXX ]

Confirmed bookings for the above itinerary including lodging and flight details are enclosed in order with this application for your kind perusal

I trust that you will find everything is in order. For any questions or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

Thanking you in advance for a favourable reply to my application.


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Business Schengen Visa Cover Letter Sample

When you apply for a Business Schengen Visa , you must submit a cover letter that outlines your reason for traveling to the specified country. You must describe your intended itinerary and the duration of your stay. You must also demonstrate your commitment to complying with Schengen visa regulations and returning to your home country after the trip.

How Do I Write a Business Visa Cover Letter?

Your business visa application cover letter should be concise and include the following information:

Your Personal Information:

  • Date of Birth.
  • Passport Details.
  • Current Address.
  • Email Address.
  • Phone Number.
  • Date of Writing.

Recipient's Information:

  • Embassy or Consulate Name.
  • Embassy or Consulate Address.


  • State the purpose of your trip clearly and concisely, e.g., business meetings, conferences, negotiations, and potential investments. Detail your reasons for needing a business visa as much as possible.
  • If you are meeting with a business partner (individual or company), state clearly who you are meeting with and the type of business you will be doing.

Travel Details:

  • Entry and Exit Dates
  • Detailed itinerary of your trip, including countries to be visited, accommodations, flights, meetings, etc.

Financial Capacity:

  • Briefly describe your financial capacity to cover trip expenses, including proof of sufficient funds or if you are being sponsored by another third party.
  • Express appreciation for considering your application.
  • Assure the recipient of your compliance with visa regulations and intention to abide by all rules during your stay.

Please note that if you are being invited for business purposes in Germany, your cover letter must be accompanied by an invitation letter written by the person/company who is inviting you.

Business Schengen Visa cover letter samples:

Sample 1 (attending a business conference):

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for a Schengen Business Visa to attend a tech expo in Berlin, Germany, from April 15, 2024, until April 30, 2024, for a total duration of 16 days.

As a Senior Technical Engineer at TechSolutions Inc., I have been invited to participate in the International Business Expo, a prestigious event in the technology industry. The conference will span 16 days and will be held at the Berlin Conference Center, 789 Summit Avenue, Berlin, Germany.

Additionally, I will attend a meeting with our business partner Global Connections GmbH, located at 123 Business Street, Berlin. I will be meeting with Mr. Thomas Müller, Managing Director of Global Connections GmbH to discuss potential new collaborations between our companies.

Below is my travel itinerary for your reference:

●     Departure from Lagos on April 9th, 2024 at 10:00 AM

●     Arrival at Berlin on April 10th, 2024 at 2:00 PM

●     Flight Number: ABC123

●     Airline: TechAir

●     Departure from Berlin on April 14th, 2024 at 4:00 PM

●     Arrival at Lagos on April 14th, 2024 at 9:00 PM

●     Flight Number: XYZ456

●     Airline: GlobalJet

During my stay, I will be accommodated at the Grand Hotel Berlin, located at 456 Business Avenue, Berlin, Germany. Furthermore, I would like to confirm that my company, TechSolutions Inc., will also provide full financial support as needed to ensure a smooth and successful participation in the conference.

I assure you of my intention to comply with all the requirements and regulations associated with the Schengen Business Visa. I am fully prepared to provide any additional documentation or information necessary to support my visa application, should it be required.

Please find enclosed all the required documents, including my passport details, travel itinerary, conference invitation letter, and proof of accommodation.

Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at +234 XXX-XXX-XXXX or .

Thank you for considering my application,

Yours sincerely,

Sample 2 (written by your employer if requested by the embassy):

Dear Consul General,

I am writing to confirm the travel arrangements of Mr. Chinedu Okonkwo, a Technical Engineer at TechSolutions Inc. Mr. Okonkwo who has been an esteemed member of our organization since 2012. He will be traveling to Berlin, Germany, from April 15, 2024, until April 30, 2024, for a total duration of 16 days.

The purpose of Mr. Okonkwo’s visit to the Schengen Area is to participate in the International Business Expo scheduled to take place in Berlin during the aforementioned dates. Additionally, he will be visiting our partner company, Global Connections GmbH, located at 123 Business Street, Berlin. He will be meeting with Mr. Thomas Müller, Managing Director of Global Connections GmbH, to discuss important business matters.

Mr. Chinedu Okonkwo will be accommodated at the Grand Hotel Berlin, situated at 456 Business Avenue, Berlin, with a contact number of +49 XXX-XXX-XXXX, for the entire duration of his visit. We would like to point out that we and we ensure his dedication to complying with the Schengen visa rules.

Should you require any further information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me at +234 XXX-XXX-XXXX or .

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.



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  5. The British Irish Visa Scheme🇬🇧🇮🇪|Travel to both Ireland & UK on one visa

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  1. 15 Ireland Visa Application Letter Samples

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    r person/organisation will cover].[OPTION 1 (DELETE AS APPROPRIATE)]: I declare that I do not have any family members residing in Ir. ng in the EU, EEA, or Switzerland]I hereby undertake to obey the conditions of my visa in full, not rely on public service. , or become a burden on the State. I will leave Ireland before. Yours faithfully,

  3. Invitation Letter for Irish Visa

    If you're applying for a visa to come and stay with friends and family in Ireland, you will need to supply an invitation letter with your application. 0204 502 8582 (local rate) Mon - Sun, 8.30 am - 6pm


    The original letter issued to you by the authorities of that country must be provided with your application. Your application for an Irish visa will be refused if you do not include information about past visa refusals. 12. Travel/ medical insurance: (not the European Health Insurance Card)

  5. PDF to come to Ireland from [start date] to [return date]

    to come to Ireland from [start date] to [return date]. Your name Your address. Telephone no: +xx xx xx xx xx. sert the AVATS reference number of the applicant here]Dear Visa Officer, I write to formally invite APPLICANT'S NAME. to come to Ireland from [start date] to [return date]. [OPTION 1 (DELETE AS APPROPRIATE)]: The purpose of their ...

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    ☐ ☐ Visa application form 3.2 Travelling for tourism If not visiting friends or family, lease provide evidence of accommodation bookings in Ireland. ☐ ☐ 3.3 Visiting family or friends Provide a signed letter of invitation from a reference in Ireland, a copy of the reference's passport and a copy of their Irish residence Permit (IRP), if

  7. Irish Invitation Letters

    The person providing the visa inviation letter must fulfill the following requirements in order for the letter of invitation to be valid: Must be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the Ireland. Must be your family member / relative or friend, boyfriend / girlfriend. Must have a registered place (appartment or house) in Ireland.

  8. Ireland Visa

    Gather any documents you believe are necessary and could help your appeal. Submit only originals of the documents. Include your passport in the appeal only if the refusal letter states you should. Put all your documents in a strong envelope and submit the appeal at the address stated in the letter of refusal.

  9. PDF Visit Visa

    The letter must include a statement from your contact person that they understand that you must observe the conditions of your visa, that you will not become a burden on the State, and that you will leave the State on the expiration of your visa NOTE: The letter should be dated within the 4 week period immediately prior to your date of

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    Visit family/friend visa - Immigration Service Delivery. In This Section Introduction About this visa Who needs to apply? How to apply Create your visa application online Pay the visa application fee Document guidance Document required Applications for young people (aged under 18) Submit your documents After you apply.

  11. PDF Documentation required when applying for a visa to VISIT Ireland

    • Online summary application form, signed and dated by you, the applicant • Signed application letter outlining your full name and postal address, reason you want to come to Ireland, dates you plan to arrive and leave, names and addresses of any members of your family who currently live in Ireland 2. Passport(s):

  12. Visas for tourists visiting Ireland

    You complete a separate application for each person travelling, including children. After you have submitted the visa form, you have 30 days to send the supporting documents. It's a good idea to prepare your documents before completing the form. You pay a fee of €60 for each application. A multiple entry visa costs €100.

  13. Writing an Invitation Letter for a Visa Application

    The [country] Embassy, [Address] Letter of Invitation for [Visitor's Name]: Passport No:XXX77777. Dear Sir/Madam. I am writing this letter to support the visitor visa application for [Visitor's Name]. She / he is fully resident in [country], and is my [relationship].

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    When you submit an Ireland visa application, you must have the following documents: Ireland Visa Application Form. A valid passport. Passport-sized pictures. Proof you have paid the Ireland visa fee. Proof of legal residence in the country from which you are applying. Letter about your purpose of travel. Proof of accommodation in Ireland.

  15. PDF Required Documents

    e link to Additional Documents on that page.Please provide the following documents w. You must provide: Application summary form (from AVATs) Passports or Travel Document. 2 X passport photographs. Proof of fee payment/fee exemption. All previous passports. Biometrics (where required) If you are resident in a country outside of the country ...

  16. PDF Documentation required when applying for a visa to visit Ireland

    Embassy of Ireland; applications submitted at our public office may be paid for by cash, postal order or bank draft . No card payments can be accepted. Purpose of Travel: A letter giving full details of the reason for your visit to Ireland (holiday, visiting family/fri ends etc.) Applications being submitted by post:

  17. Cover letter for Ireland student visa (4 samples)

    When applying for an Ireland student Visa, your cover letter is an opportunity for you to show your recipient why you qualify. The best format for writing a cover letter is: Address the recipient with a formal salutation. For example, "Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).". If you do not know the recipient's name, you can refer to them as ...

  18. Cover letter for Ireland tourist visa (3 samples)

    When applying for an Ireland tourist Visa, your cover letter is an opportunity to show your recipient why you qualify. The best format for writing a cover letter is as follows: Address the recipient with a formal salutation. For example, "Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).". If you do not know the recipient's name, you can refer to them ...

  19. Business Schengen Visa Cover Letter Sample

    [Letterhead of TechSolutions Inc.] [Date] [Embassy/Consulate Name] [Embassy/Consulate Address] [City, State, Zip Code] Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for a Schengen Business Visa to attend a tech expo in Berlin, Germany, from April 15, 2024, until April 30, 2024, for a total duration of 16 days.

  20. PDF Documentation required when applying for a visa to visit Ireland

    Application form completed in full, signed and dated by you, the applicant. 2. Your original passport, or a full copy of your passport (all pages), valid for 6 months after your date of departure from Ireland. 3. 4. Original Aufenthaltstitel or a certified copy, valid at least 3 months after your date of departure from Ireland.


    Ambassade d'Irlande Service des Visas. 4 Rue Rude. 75116 Paris. TEL: (15h- 17h) FAX: EMAIL [email protected]. 7. Letter of invitation: (if staying in Ireland with family or friends) The letter must be signed and dated, with full address and names in Ireland. • Outlining the reason of invitation.

  22. PDF Contents

    following completion of the project in Ireland o The details of the contract (duration should be specified) o The name and contact details for the Irish based company. 2. A Letter from the Irish based host company which gives: o Details of the contract (duration should be specified) and reasons why the employee is required). 3.