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Home Assignment Agreement

Assignment Agreement Template

Use our assignment agreement to transfer contractual obligations.

Assignment Agreement Template

Updated February 1, 2024 Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

An assignment agreement is a legal document that transfers rights, responsibilities, and benefits from one party (the “assignor”) to another (the “assignee”). You can use it to reassign debt, real estate, intellectual property, leases, insurance policies, and government contracts.

What Is an Assignment Agreement?

What to include in an assignment agreement, how to assign a contract, how to write an assignment agreement, assignment agreement sample.

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Partnership Interest

An assignment agreement effectively transfers the rights and obligations of a person or entity under an initial contract to another. The original party is the assignor, and the assignee takes on the contract’s duties and benefits.

It’s often a requirement to let the other party in the original deal know the contract is being transferred. It’s essential to create this form thoughtfully, as a poorly written assignment agreement may leave the assignor obligated to certain aspects of the deal.

The most common use of an assignment agreement occurs when the assignor no longer can or wants to continue with a contract. Instead of leaving the initial party or breaking the agreement, the assignor can transfer the contract to another individual or entity.

For example, imagine a small residential trash collection service plans to close its operations. Before it closes, the business brokers a deal to send its accounts to a curbside pickup company providing similar services. After notifying account holders, the latter company continues the service while receiving payment.

Create a thorough assignment agreement by including the following information:

  • Effective Date:  The document must indicate when the transfer of rights and obligations occurs.
  • Parties:  Include the full name and address of the assignor, assignee, and obligor (if required).
  • Assignment:  Provide details that identify the original contract being assigned.
  • Third-Party Approval: If the initial contract requires the approval of the obligor, note the date the approval was received.
  • Signatures:  Both parties must sign and date the printed assignment contract template once completed. If a notary is required, wait until you are in the presence of the official and present identification before signing. Failure to do so may result in having to redo the assignment contract.

Review the Contract Terms

Carefully review the terms of the existing contract. Some contracts may have specific provisions regarding assignment. Check for any restrictions or requirements related to assigning the contract.

Check for Anti-Assignment Clauses

Some contracts include anti-assignment clauses that prohibit or restrict the ability to assign the contract without the consent of the other party. If there’s such a clause, you may need the consent of the original parties to proceed.

Determine Assignability

Ensure that the contract is assignable. Some contracts, especially those involving personal services or unique skills, may not be assignable without the other party’s agreement.

Get Consent from the Other Party (if Required)

If the contract includes an anti-assignment clause or requires consent for assignment, seek written consent from the other party. This can often be done through a formal amendment to the contract.

Prepare an Assignment Agreement

Draft an assignment agreement that clearly outlines the transfer of rights and obligations from the assignor (the party assigning the contract) to the assignee (the party receiving the assignment). Include details such as the names of the parties, the effective date of the assignment, and the specific rights and obligations being transferred.

Include Original Contract Information

Attach a copy of the original contract or reference its key terms in the assignment agreement. This helps in clearly identifying the contract being assigned.

Execution of the Assignment Agreement

Both the assignor and assignee should sign the assignment agreement. Signatures should be notarized if required by the contract or local laws.

Notice to the Other Party

Provide notice of the assignment to the non-assigning party. This can be done formally through a letter or as specified in the contract.

File the Assignment

File the assignment agreement with the appropriate parties or entities as required. This may include filing with the original contracting party or relevant government authorities.

Communicate with Third Parties

Inform any relevant third parties, such as suppliers, customers, or service providers, about the assignment to ensure a smooth transition.

Keep Copies for Records

Keep copies of the assignment agreement, original contract, and any related communications for your records.

Here’s a list of steps on how to write an assignment agreement:

Step 1 – List the Assignor’s and Assignee’s Details

List all of the pertinent information regarding the parties involved in the transfer. This information includes their full names, addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant contact information.

This step clarifies who’s transferring the initial contract and who will take on its responsibilities.

Step 2 – Provide Original Contract Information

Describing and identifying the contract that is effectively being reassigned is essential. This step avoids any confusion after the transfer has been completed.

Step 3 – State the Consideration

Provide accurate information regarding the amount the assignee pays to assume the contract. This figure should include taxes and any relevant peripheral expenses. If the assignee will pay the consideration over a period, indicate the method and installments.

Step 4 – Provide Any Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of any agreement are crucial to a smooth transaction. You must cover issues such as dispute resolution, governing law, obligor approval, and any relevant clauses.

Step 5 – Obtain Signatures

Both parties must sign the agreement to ensure it is legally binding and that they have read and understood the contract. If a notary is required, wait to sign off in their presence.

Assignment Agreement Template

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Assignment Agreement Template

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Contract Assignment Agreement

Used 5,046 times

Download the Contract Assignment Agreement to transfer your duties, obligations, and rights. An agreement between two parties outlines the conditions of a contract assignment.

e-Sign with PandaDoc

Prepared by:

​ [Assignor.FirstName] [Assignor.LastName] ​

​ [Assignor.Phone] [Assignor.Email] ​

​ [Assignor.StreetAddress] [Assignor.City] ​ [Assignor.State] [Assignor.PostalCode] ​

Contract Assignment Agreement Template

Image 1

Prepared for:

​ [Assignee.FirstName] [Assignee.LastName] ​

​ [Assignee.Company] ​

​ [Assignee.Phone] ​

​ [Assignee.Email] ​

​ [Assignee.StreetAddress] [Assignee.City] [Assignee.State] [Assignee.PostalCode] ​

This Contract Assignment Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") made and entered on [Document.CreatedDate] , by and between:

Name: [Assignor.FirstName] [Assignor.LastName] [Assignor.Company] (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor"), and

Name: [Assignee.FirstName] [Assignee.LastName] [Assignee.Company] (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee"), and

Assignor and Assignee are hereinafter referred to as “Parties” collectively in this Agreement.

A. Assignor assigns and transfers the Assignee all of its rights, title, and interest in and to the contract, named (insert name of the original contract) (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract"), dated (insert date of the original contract), and expires on (insert the date when the original contract expires).

In consideration for the assignment, the Assignee will pay the Assignor the sum of (insert amount).

B. Assignor desires to assign the Contract to Assignee and Assignee desires to accept the assignment of the Contract.

C. The terms of this Assignment Agreement shall supersede the terms of the original Contract to the extent that there is any conflict between the terms of the original Contract and the terms of this Assignment Agreement.

This Agreement is subject to the following conditions:

Both Parties have all necessary rights and authority to enter into this Agreement and to assign the Contract to Assignee;

This Agreement does not and will not be construed to violate any agreement to which either the Assignor or the Assignee is a party or by which they are bound; and

Parties have had the opportunity to seek independent legal counsel prior to signing this Agreement and have either done so or have voluntarily waived their right to do so.


The Assignee agrees to indemnify and hold the Assignor harmless from and against any and all costs, losses, damages, claims, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with any claims or suits based on allegations that arise.


This Agreement may be executed in counterparts (and by different Parties hereto on different counterparts), each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute the same instrument.


Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement are not assignable or transferable, neither whole nor in part.


Subsequently, this Agreement may not be terminated except by mutual agreement of the Assignor and the Assignee. In the event of termination, any sums paid by Assignee to Assignor under this Agreement shall be reimbursed to Assignee within (insert number of days) of the termination of this Agreement.


Assignee shall maintain all information regarding the Contract in the strictest confidence and shall not reveal such information to any person or entity without the express written consent of Assignor.

Governing Laws

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of [Assignor.State] ​.

Agreed and Accepted

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date written below.

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Contract Assignment Agreement

Jump to section, what is a contract assignment agreement.

A contract assignment agreement is a document that transfers the contractual rights and duties of one party to another. The other party involved in the contract must agree to the terms of the transfer as well as they will now be in a contractual agreement with a different party.

Contract of assignment agreements must not violate any other laws or statutes in order to be enforced. The original contract must also allow assignments, or at least not explicitly prohibit them. Contract of assignment agreements cannot alter what is expected from the original contract.

Contract Assignment Agreement Sample

Reference : Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database, EX-10.45 61 dex1045.htm ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT , Viewed October 27, 2022, View Source on SEC .

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ContractsCounsel is not a law firm, and this post should not be considered and does not contain legal advice. To ensure the information and advice in this post are correct, sufficient, and appropriate for your situation, please consult a licensed attorney. Also, using or accessing ContractsCounsel's site does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and ContractsCounsel.

Meet some of our Contract Assignment Agreement Lawyers

Howard B. on ContractsCounsel

Berkson is a dedicated, practical, and detail-oriented attorney licensed to practice in every state court of Oklahoma and the United States Northern and Eastern District Courts. He graduated from the University of Tulsa College of Law with Honors. While there, he received awards for highest grade in trial practice, legal research, and civil procedure. He was also the Executive Notes and Comments Editor for the Energy Law Journal, the official journal of the Energy Bar Association in Washington, D.C. The Energy Law Journal is one of the few peer-reviewed journals in the legal profession. Prior to becoming an attorney, Howard Berkson held executive positions involving a wide range of business and human resources management functions. He has in-depth knowledge of both business and HR practices. During his business career, Berkson negotiated, wrote, red-lined, and disputed contracts. He has answered charges, handled inspections, and supervised audits involving numerous agencies including the Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and various state agencies. Berkson honed his analytical and writing skills while earning his Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from the University of Washington. He went on to obtain a Master of Arts in Labor and Industrial Relations from the University of Illinois. Berkson’s work can be found in such publications as The Energy Law Journal, Human Resource Management Review and Personnel Psychology. He is a member of Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity and of Phi Kappa Phi honor society.

Gill D. on ContractsCounsel

Erik has been a practicing attorney in Florida for over a decade. He specializes in employment and real estate contracts. He has represented clients big and small and can assist with any contract issue.

Travis D. on ContractsCounsel

Travis counsels individuals and businesses on a broad range of complex topics. His practice centers on producing efficient, client-driven results. He concentrates his practice on real estate, construction, and general business matters with an emphasis on assisting clients both before and after problems occur by drafting contracts designed to best position clients to avoid disputes and litigating matters to a final resolution if problems emerge. Born and raised in Oklahoma, Travis is a triple graduate of the University of Oklahoma, having obtained his Bachelor of Arts, Master of Business Administration, and Juris Doctor degrees from OU. Prior to practicing law, Travis managed the finances and business operations of a successful construction supply company for several years. This insight into sophisticated business dealings, contractual issues, and strategic planning makes him uniquely qualified to handle a wide range of legal matters. Travis lives in Norman with his wife, Haley, dogs, Walter and Poppy, and cat, Ernest. Outside of the office, Travis enjoys playing golf and reading.

Domonick G. on ContractsCounsel

Domonick G.

I am a licensed attorney who specializes in business law, personal injury and contracts.

Gayle G. on ContractsCounsel

Gayle is an experienced International Corporate and Technology Transactions lawyer who "speaks geek" and began her career in Private Equity. She enjoys working with management to provide creative, efficient solutions to grow the company. She created her company, GGorvett Consulting, in Paris, France to serve the need of a client. She provides Fractional General Counsel and legal advisory services to growth stage and mid-cap companies seeking to expand. Specialties include: Complex contracts, Cross border negotiations, Technology transactions, Corporate Finance, Negotiations with strategic partners, governance/compliance (including privacy and AI), IP audits and International expansion. She is an active member of the Association of Corporate Counsel, the Georgia State Bar and French Tech.

Deborah W. on ContractsCounsel

Williamson Health Law is an established and trusted law firm focused on representing hospitals, health plans, physician groups, physicians, physical therapy businesses, psychologists and other health care providers and businesses in all aspects of health law. including the Stark law, the Anti-Kickback Statute (“AKS”), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), regulatory compliance, Medicare and Blue Cross audits and overpayment appeals, payer departicipation and disaffiliation appeals, payer and provider disputes, reimbursement and billing, compliance plans, health care industry contracts and professional licensure. We represent clients throughout Michigan and the U.S. with certain federal matters such as federal regulatory analysis and Medicare audits.

Bolaji O. on ContractsCounsel

Bolaji O. Okunnu is an entertainment lawyer and founder of the Okunnu Law Group, PLLC based in New York, New York. His practice includes work in the area of copyright, trademark, contract, intellectual property and business law. As an entertainment attorney, Bolaji represents a diverse roster of celebrities, record labels, music publishers, artists, bands, entrepreneurs, authors, songwriters, artist managers, record producers and entertainment executives concerning their intellectual property, business affairs and creative assets. He is an expert at solving complex and sophisticated legal and business issues relating to contracts, copyrights and trademarks. With his background in both the law and the music business, he brings a broad perspective to problem-solving and business plan strategies. He also has an extraordinary ability to speak to the hearts of creatives while helping them discover their voice and clarify their creative dreams and assignments.

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Contract Assignment Agreement

Select the name of the state whose law will govern the interpretation of this contract and will be the location of any future disputes related to this contract. This is usually the state where at least one of the Parties resides or does business related to the contract. If this Agreement involves the transfer of land, this would be the state where the land is located.


State of Alabama

This Assigment Agreement (the "Agreement) is entered into by and between ________ (the "Assignor"), having their principal address located at ________ , and ________ (the "Assignee"), having their principal address located at ________ , both of whom agree to be bound by this Agreement, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, witnesseth:

WHEREAS , Assignor entered into a Contract, included as an attachment to this Agreement, with ________ (the "Obligor"), referred to hereinafter as "Contract with ________ ";

WHEREAS , the Contract with ________ has an original expiration date of ________ as may be extended as permitted therein;

WHEREAS , Assignor wishes to assign all of their rights and obligations under the Contract with ________ to Assignee; and

WHEREAS , the necessary verbal consent was obtained from the Obligor on ________ ;

NOW THEREFORE , Assignor and Assignee agree to the following:

I. Assignor and Assignee hereby agree that the Assignor shall assign all their rights, titles, and interests, and delegate all of their obligations, responsibilities, and duties, in ad to the Contract with ________ , to Assignee.

II. Assignee hereby accepts the assignment of all of Assignors obligations, responsibilities, and duties under the Contract and all of Assignors rights, titles, and interests in and to the Contract with ________ .

III. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Assignor agrees to defend and indemnify the Obligor from any and all claims,actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignors performance prior to the assignment of the contract and resulting from Assignees performance after the assignment of the Contract with ________ , provided, however, that after the assignment of the Contract with ________ , the State shall first look to Assignee to satisfy all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorneys fees and ot her costs of defense and damages resulting from Assignee's performance.

IV. Assignee agrees to indemnify the Obligor from any and all claims, actions, judgments, liabilities, proceedings, and costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignee's performance after the assignment of the Contract with ________ .

V. No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and agreed upon by all relevant Parties.

VI. 52 252 28222 522 252888822 22 2588 825222222 88 5285 22 8285885, 8882258, 25 5222225825882 225 522 525822, 2522 252 2552828 52522 2552 8585 252888822 85588 82 522225 22 82 825582 525 252 522582525 22 252 825222222 85588 82 22225825 58 82 252 825582 252888822 8252 22825 82885525 82 252 825222222.

VII. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Alabama and both Parties expressly consent to jurisdiction in such courts.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties execute the Agreement as follows:

______________________________________________ ________

______________________________________________ Date


Answer the question, then click on "Next."

The document is written according to your responses - clauses are added or removed, paragraphs are customised, words are changed, etc.

At the end, you will immediately receive the document in Word and PDF formats. You can then open the Word document to modify it and reuse it however you wish.

Free Assignment Agreement Template for Microsoft Word

Download this free Assignment Agreement template as a Word document to officially facilitate the assignment of goods, IP, etc to another person.

Assignment Agreement

[Insert name] of [Insert address] (the “Assignor “)

assigns to [Insert name] of [Insert address] (the “Assignee “) the following: [Insert details of what is being assigned]

In consideration thereof, the Assignor acknowledges receipt of $__________ paid by cash by the Assignee.

It is agreed that this Assignment will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties to this Assignment, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, respectively.

This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of [Insert country]

SIGNED BY THE ASSIGNOR ________________________________ Assignor: _________________________

in the presence of (Name of witness) _______________________

(Signature of witness) ___________________________________

SIGNED BY THE ASSIGNEE ________________________________ Assignee: _________________________

in the presence of (Name of witness) ___________________

(Signature of witness) _______________________________

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Contract Assignment Agreement Free

The transfer of rights and obligations under the original contract from a party known as the Assignor to another party known as the Assignee is subject to this Contract Assignment Agreement.

Contract Assignment Agreement preview

Template Overview

The transfer of rights and obligations under the original contract from a party known as the Assignor to another party known as the Assignee is subject to this Contract Assignment Agreement. The party from the original contract called the Assignor can use this document to assign their rights under the original contract to the Assignee. He can also delegate their duties under the initial agreement to that Assignee. For example, a handmaid who was hired to clean her client's home but is no longer able to due to a move could assign their rights and responsibilities under the original service contract to a new handmaid.  

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

How to use this template

Before using this document, make sure that the assignment has all the necessary permissions from another party called the Obligor. The agreement contains important information about the identity of all the parties, the duration of the original agreement, and whether the Obligor's consent is required before the original agreement can be granted. If consent is required, indicate the form in which the Assignor obtained it and when.

If the Agreement involves a transfer of the land between parties, the document will include information on where the property is located, as well as for the document to be recorded in the county's official records, and the notary page customized for the land's location so that the material can be notarized.

The completed document should be signed, dated, and all Parties should keep a copy by themselves. If the Agreement concerns the transfer of the land, the Agreement is then notarized and taken to be recorded so that there is an official record that the property was transferred.

Applicable law

Common law in the Second Restatement of Contacts (the Restatement) governs the assignment of contracts that include the provision of services. The Restatement is a non-binding authority in all of U.S common law in the area of contracts and commercial transactions. Though the Restatement is non-binding, it is frequently cited by courts in explaining their reasoning in interpreting contractual disputes.  

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An Assignment Agreement is a legal document that outlines the assignment of rights and responsibilities under an original contract from one party (the assignor) to another (the assignee). It can be drafted whenever the assignor wants the assignee to assume all the contractual obligations and rights.

Alternate Name:

  • "Contract Assignment."

This type of agreement is popular in construction and real estate. A "Contract Assignment" means that the assignee complies with all the duties established in the original contract and receives benefits that should have gone to the assignor for an assignment fee.

If you need an Assignment Agreement , you can download a template below or create a more personalized document using our online form builder.

Follow these steps to properly assign a contract:

  • Find a party that is willing to become an assignee - it can be an individual or, more likely, an entity to which you will delegate your rights and obligations under the original contract. For example, an IP Assignment Agreement allows the transfer of ownership of any intellectual property from the employee (the creator or inventor) to the employer when this intellectual property was created in the scope of the employment. This document should indicate the consideration paid by the assignee.
  • Before you start preparing an Assignment Agreement, read the original contract thoroughly and make sure it does not specifically prohibit the use of the assignment - some agreements include a non-assignment clause that will automatically make your supplemental contract invalid. It is also recommended to contact the other party to the original agreement and obtain their explicit permission to assign rights and responsibilities in order to avoid potential misunderstandings in the future.
  • Identify the person or company that hands over contractual obligations and their recipient. You must also name the party to the original contract - the obligor. When you compose a Lease Assignment Agreement to transfer the interest in the lease from one tenant to another, you need to name the original tenant, new tenant, and the landlord.
  • Describe the original contract and add its expiration date . You may list the obligations the assignee has to fulfill if the assignor, for instance, has already performed most of the responsibilities.
  • State when the Assignment Agreement goes into effect.
  • Specify the assignment fee.
  • Sign and date the document. It can be signed by the obligor to confirm they are not against the assignment if the original contract is vague about this particular condition. You can also obtain a notarization for this agreement to add an extra layer of protection to it.

The assignment fee - a sum of money that compensates the assignor for the rights given up in the contract - is required when you assign property, cash, and other assets to the assignee. The fee amount depends on the type and value of the subject matter of the contract. An assignment fee can be calculated as a percentage of the value (typically, it is between 1% and 5%) or you can agree on a set amount when signing the contract. As long as you meet other legal requirements for the assignment, you are free to negotiate any fee - and do not forget to put it in writing as a separate clause.

Not the form you were looking for? Check out these related documents:

  • Trademark Assignment Agreement ;
  • Contract Termination Letters ;
  • Business Purchase Agreement .

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Contract Assignment Agreement

(This may not be the same place you live)

  What Is a Contract Assignment?

In a contract assignment, one of the two parties may transfer their right to the other’s performance to a third party. This is known as “contract assignment.” Typically, all rights under a contract may be assigned. A provision in the agreement that states the contract may not be assigned usually refers to the delegation of the assignor’s (individual who assigns) obligations under that agreement, not their rights.

In modern law, the term “assignment of contract” usually means assigning both rights and duties under a contract.

What Is a Contract Assignment Agreement?

Who are the various parties involved in a contract assignment, how is a contract assignment created, when is a contract assignment prohibited, what should a contract assignment agreement contain, what are some common disputes related to assignment agreements, what is a breach of contract, what are the ways you can breach a contract, do i need a lawyer for help with a contract assignment agreement.

A contract assignment agreement may be created in cases involving a contract assignment. An assignment is where the recipient of products, services, or other rights transfers (assigns) their rights to another party. The party transferring their rights is the assignor, while the party performing the services is dubbed the obligor. The party obtaining the transferred rights is called the assignee.

Contract assignments are often utilized in cases similar to beneficiary and gift-giving situations. Yet, there is frequently a substantial business or commercial component to contract assignments (such as those projects involving commercial building and contracting).

There are two parties to the agreement in a contract, X and Y. The parties may agree to let X assign X’s rights to a third party . Once the third party enters the picture, each party has a particular name. For example, suppose X, a seller of bookmarks, contracts with Y, a purchaser of bookmarks. Y wants to have Y’s right to X’s performance (selling bookmarks every month) to another individual.

This third individual, Z, is dubbed the assignee. X is named the obligor , and Y is named the assignor since Y has assigned its right to X’s performance . X, the obligor, is bound to continue to perform its duties under the contract.

There are no “magical words” required to make an assignment. The law demands that the would-be assignor intend to wholly and immediately transfer their rights in the agreement. In addition, writing is generally not needed to make an assignment. As long as X and Y adequately comprehend what right is being assigned, an assignment is formed.

Comments that demonstrate a transfer is to take place suffice, such as “I plan to transfer my rights under this agreement,” “I plan to give my rights to Z,” or “I plan to confer an assignment on Z.” In addition, consideration, which is a bargained-for exchange needed for a contract to be proper, is not needed for the assignment.

In specific examples, an assignment of contract rights can be restricted. If the agreement includes a clause forbidding assignment of “the contract” without establishing more, the law construes this language as banning only delegation of the assignor’s duties, not their rights.

If the assignment language states “assignment of contractual rights is forbidden,” the obligor may sue for damages if the assignor tries to assign the agreement. If the contract language says that attempts to assign “will be null,” the parties can ban the assignment of rights.

Under current contract law, the expression “I assign the contract” is usually interpreted to mean that one is assigning rights and duties. What is an assignment of duties? An assignment of duties emerges where Y, dubbed the obligor or delegator, promises to perform for X, the obligee. Y then entrusts their duty to perform to Z, the delegate. Under the law, most duties can be delegated.

A contract assignment should include:

  • Names of the parties involved
  • Depictions of the rights or contract benefits being assigned
  • When the assignment takes effect, and whether or not it lapses
  • Conditions regarding legal action if a breach or violation of contract should ensue

Most jurisdictions don’t demand a contract assignment to be in writing. Of course, it’s always best to put the agreement in writing to create a record of the transaction if there are any future problems.

Some typical legal problems involving contract assignments include:

  • Failure to transfer the rights to the assignee
  • Refusal to cooperate with the contract assignment terms
  • Use of deception, misrepresentation, or force when dealing with assignment agreement documents
  • Blunders or mistakes concerning definitions of the assignment subject

Conflicts oftentimes require legal action in a court of law to settle the legal problems. This can result in a monetary damages award to cover losses caused by a breach of contract. Alternatively, some courts may enforce other remedies such as cancellation or rewriting of the agreement.

A breach of contract may arise when a party to a good agreement has failed to fulfill their side of the deal.

For example, the terms of a contract guide the parties in what they must do and how they should do it to maintain their promise. If a party does not do what the agreement instructs them to do, then the non-breaching party will be entitled to take legal action and file a lawsuit against them in court.

A breach of contract can arise as either a partial or a complete breach. A court will also consider whether the breach was substantial or only a minor one. This will allow the court to decide what type of damages the breaching party should have to expend.

There are three major ways for which a party can be held liable for breach of contract. This includes when:

  • There is an anticipatory breach: Often referred to as anticipatory repudiation, this kind of breach happens when the breaching party tells the non-breaching party that they will not be fulfilling the terms of their contract. Once the other party is informed, they can sue for breach of contract.
  • A party has committed a minor breach: A minor breach of contract happens when a party fails to perform a small contract detail. The total contract has not been violated and can still be substantially performed in this circumstance. This also comes up when there is a technical mistake with the agreement (e.g., a false date, price, or typo within the terms of the agreement).
  • If there is a material or fundamental breach: These are the most standard sorts of breaches cited as the basis of a breach of contract action. When the breach is so substantial, it essentially cancels the contract because it renders performance by either party impossible.

Some other ways that a contract can be breached include when the contract is dishonest, if the contract was formed illegally or is unconscionable, and when there is a mistake of fact present in the agreement terms. The parties may also include conditions unique to their respective agreement, which specify when a party’s actions can be deemed a breach.

Further, state regulations and the type of contract (e.g., lease agreement, sales contract, government contract, etc.) may indicate other ways a contract can be breached.

Contract agreements often require much attention to detail and foresight for anticipating future events. It’s in your best interests to hire a contract lawyer if you need help with any contract matters. Your lawyer can help you with your records and represent you if you ever need to file a claim in court for damages.

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How to Draft an Assignment of Contract

Last Updated: January 23, 2022

This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD . Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 5,676 times.

A contract is an agreement between at least two parties—A and B. However, one party might want to transfer the contract to someone else. For example, B might want to assign its rights and obligations to C. Sometimes, a contract prohibits assignment, in which case B can’t assign the contract to anyone. In other contracts, the other party to the original contract (here Party A) must also agree to the assignment from B to C. If the contract allows assignment, then an assignment can take place once a proper assignment agreement has been created.

Starting the Assignment Agreement

Step 1 Format your document.

  • If you are printing the agreement on letterhead, make sure to leave enough room at the top.

Step 3 Identify the parties.

  • Sample language could read, “This Assignment (‘Assignment’), dated as of [insert date] (‘Effective Date’), is made between [insert your name] (‘Assignor’) and [insert the name of the assignee] (‘Assignee’).” [1] X Research source

Step 4 Include your recitals.

  • Sample recitals could read, “Whereas, Assignor entered into the following Contract with [the name of the party you contracted with, called the ‘obligor’] on [insert date of the contract] (‘Contract’); and whereas Assignor wishes to assign all of its rights and obligations under the Contract to Assignee. Now, therefore, Assignor and Assignee agree as follows.”

Granting the Assignment

Step 1 Assign all rights and obligations.

  • A sample grant could read: “Assignor and Assignee hereby agree that the Assignor shall assign all its title, right, and interest, and delegate all its obligations, responsibilities, and duties, in and to the Contract to Assignee.”

Step 2 Include an acceptance by the assignee.

  • “Assignee hereby accepts the assignment of all of Assignor’s obligations, responsibilities, and duties under the Contract and all of Assignor’s right, title, and interest in and to the Contract.”

Step 3 Explain how to modify the assignment.

  • A sample modification provision could read: “This Agreement may only be modified if the modification is made in writing and executed by both Assignor and Assignee. No verbal agreement is allowed.”

Step 4 Allocate indemnification.

  • The assignor could agree to indemnify the obligor: “Assignor agrees to defend and indemnify [insert name of the obligor] from any and all claims, judgments, actions, proceedings, liabilities, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignor’s performance prior to the assignment of the Contract and resulting from Assignee’s performance after the assignment of the Contract. However, after the assignment of the Contract, [insert name of the obligor] shall first look to Assignee to satisfy all claims, actions, judgments, proceedings, liabilities, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs of defense and damages resulting from Assignee’s performance.”
  • The assignee should also agree to indemnify the obligor: “Assignee agrees to indemnify the [insert name of obligor] from any and all claims, judgments, actions, proceedings, liabilities, and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs of defense and damages, resulting from Assignee’s performance after the assignment of the Contract.”

Finalizing the Agreement

Step 1 Identify the governing law.

  • You could write, “This Assignment shall be construed and interpreted, and the rights of the parties determined by, the laws of the State of Maine (without regard to the conflicts of law principles thereof or any other jurisdiction).” [2] X Research source

Step 2 Include a severability clause.

  • A sample clause could read, “If any part of this Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement shall continue to be valid and enforceable.” [3] X Research source

Step 3 Add a signature block.

  • Just above the signature line, insert: “In witness whereof, the parties have caused this Assignment to be duly executed as of the date first written above.” [4] X Research source

Step 4 Show the agreement to an attorney.

  • If you don’t have an attorney, then you should contact your local or state bar association and ask for a referral.
  • When scheduling the consultation, ask how much the attorney charges.

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  • ↑ http://contracts.onecle.com/annies/baking-assignment-2014-03-20.shtml
  • ↑ http://www.contractstandards.com/clauses/severability

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Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD

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Luciana Alencar

Luciana Alencar

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Understanding an assignment and assumption agreement

Need to assign your rights and duties under a contract? Learn more about the basics of an assignment and assumption agreement.

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Belle Wong, is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She ...


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The assignment and assumption agreement

The basics of assignment and assumption, filling in the assignment and assumption agreement.

While every business should try its best to meet its contractual obligations, changes in circumstance can happen that could necessitate transferring your rights and duties under a contract to another party who would be better able to meet those obligations.

Person presenting documents to another person who is signing them

If you find yourself in such a situation, and your contract provides for the possibility of assignment, an assignment and assumption agreement can be a good option for preserving your relationship with the party you initially contracted with, while at the same time enabling you to pass on your contractual rights and duties to a third party.

An assignment and assumption agreement is used after a contract is signed, in order to transfer one of the contracting party's rights and obligations to a third party who was not originally a party to the contract. The party making the assignment is called the assignor, while the third party accepting the assignment is known as the assignee.

In order for an assignment and assumption agreement to be valid, the following criteria need to be met:

  • The initial contract must provide for the possibility of assignment by one of the initial contracting parties.
  • The assignor must agree to assign their rights and duties under the contract to the assignee.
  • The assignee must agree to accept, or "assume," those contractual rights and duties.
  • The other party to the initial contract must consent to the transfer of rights and obligations to the assignee.

A standard assignment and assumption contract is often a good starting point if you need to enter into an assignment and assumption agreement. However, for more complex situations, such as an assignment and amendment agreement in which several of the initial contract terms will be modified, or where only some, but not all, rights and duties will be assigned, it's a good idea to retain the services of an attorney who can help you draft an agreement that will meet all your needs.

When you're ready to enter into an assignment and assumption agreement, it's a good idea to have a firm grasp of the basics of assignment:

  • First, carefully read and understand the assignment and assumption provision in the initial contract. Contracts vary widely in their language on this topic, and each contract will have specific criteria that must be met in order for a valid assignment of rights to take place.
  • All parties to the agreement should carefully review the document to make sure they each know what they're agreeing to, and to help ensure that all important terms and conditions have been addressed in the agreement.
  • Until the agreement is signed by all the parties involved, the assignor will still be obligated for all responsibilities stated in the initial contract. If you are the assignor, you need to ensure that you continue with business as usual until the assignment and assumption agreement has been properly executed.

Unless you're dealing with a complex assignment situation, working with a template often is a good way to begin drafting an assignment and assumption agreement that will meet your needs. Generally speaking, your agreement should include the following information:

  • Identification of the existing agreement, including details such as the date it was signed and the parties involved, and the parties' rights to assign under this initial agreement
  • The effective date of the assignment and assumption agreement
  • Identification of the party making the assignment (the assignor), and a statement of their desire to assign their rights under the initial contract
  • Identification of the third party accepting the assignment (the assignee), and a statement of their acceptance of the assignment
  • Identification of the other initial party to the contract, and a statement of their consent to the assignment and assumption agreement
  • A section stating that the initial contract is continued; meaning, that, other than the change to the parties involved, all terms and conditions in the original contract stay the same

In addition to these sections that are specific to an assignment and assumption agreement, your contract should also include standard contract language, such as clauses about indemnification, future amendments, and governing law.

Sometimes circumstances change, and as a business owner you may find yourself needing to assign your rights and duties under a contract to another party. A properly drafted assignment and assumption agreement can help you make the transfer smoothly while, at the same time, preserving the cordiality of your initial business relationship under the original contract.

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