Daily Writing Tips

16 substitutes for “because” or “because of”.

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Many words or phrases can be used to set up an explanation. The most common is because (or “because of”), but others have their uses. Here are alternatives and a discussion of their uses and their merits.

1. As : As is a direct synonym for because (for example, “He opted not to go see the movie, as it had gotten poor reviews”), but it’s inferior.

2. As a result of : This phrase is a substitute for “because of,” not because , as in “As a result of his intervention, the case was reopened and they were ultimately exonerated.”

3. As long as : This informal equivalent of because is used to express the thought that given that one thing is occurring or will occur or is true, another is possible, in such statements as “As long as you’re going, could you pick some things up for me?”

4. Being as (or being as how or being that): This phrase has the same sense — and the same formality — as “as long as.”

5. Considering that : This phrase is essentially identical in meaning to “as long as” and “being as” and its variants.

6. Due to : Like “as a result of,” “due to” is a preposition, rather than a conjunction like because , and is used in place not of because alone but instead of “because of.” It applies specifically to an explanation of why something occurred or will or will not occur, as in “Due to the large number of applications, we cannot respond individually to each applicant.”

7. For : This substitute for because is reserved for poetic usage, as in “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”

8. Inasmuch as : This phrase is a very formal equivalent of because , as in “Inasmuch as his account has been discredited, I wouldn’t believe anything else he says.”

9. In view of the fact that : This phrase is identical in sense to “inasmuch as.”

10. Now that : This phrase informally connotes cause and effect, as in “Now that you’re here, we can proceed.”

11. Out of : This phrase applies to explanations of emotion or feeling — for example, “She asked out of compassion” or “Out of spite, I refrained from passing the message along.”

12. Owing to : This phrase is equivalent to “due to”; the two choices are more formal than “because of.”

13. Seeing that : This phrase is identical to “considering that.”

14. Since : This alternative to because is informal and is considered inferior because since primarily refers to elapsed time and the usage might be confused, as in “Since it had rained, we didn’t need to water the garden”; the reader might not realize until reading the second half of the sentence that the sense is causal rather than temporal.

15. Thanks to : This equivalent of “because of,” despite the wording, can apply to either a positive or a negative outcome; “Thanks to your meddling, we’re receiving much unwanted attention” demonstrates the latter sense.

16. Through : Through is a preposition; it takes the place of “because of,” as in “Through the efforts of these charities, the city’s homeless services have been reinstated.”

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11 thoughts on “16 Substitutes for “Because” or “Because Of””

I like “allowing as how” — it has a sort of folksy twang, useful in certain contexts.

Mark, could you please explain why “as” is inferior to “because”?

I don’t have time to comment as much as I’d like, but my mother would have yanked my tongue out of my throat if I had said “being as,” “seeing as,” (or any of the variations) in range of her ears. Maybe that is a north vs south kind of thing, I don’t know.

Also, I know you’ve already posted about “due to” and “owing to,” and I feel those phrases should be reserved for the specific occasions when they are correct. Otherwise, IMHO I would use “secondary to” or something like that, when something is not actually “due” (i.e. owed) to anyone/anything.

“In view of the fact that” should NOT even be mentioned because it is WORDY, WORDY, WORDY, UNNECESSARILY WORDY. Please do not even consider such wordy concatenations!

Also, as far as I am concerned, “owing to” is strictly British English and it must be avoided in North America on that basis. “In light of the fact that” has the same two problems as the above.

I would rather see a string of Latin and French phrases than to see any of the above. E.g.: That is “prima facie” evidence of the “a priori” fate that the Blue Bird should pull your tongue and uvula out “en masse”! D.A.W.

Here is another example of (American Southern) dialects replacing “because”: “Give me $4.00 now: I’m standing in the need of a beer.” D.A.W.

It’s just a matter of degree of acceptance in standard English usage; as in the sense of because is considered colloquial, and not appropriate for formal writing.

“Because” is actually a golden word in copywriting. It’s one of the strongest hooks in the profession, because it’s a great setup to prove whatever claims you’re making about a product or service.

The list above, while handy for term papers and proposals, would be death for any sales-focused or marketing writing.

The word “as” is one of those favorite words from British English, and I think that Amercian and Canadian English do a lot better with “because” and “since”.

Isn’t it probable that “as” wormed its way into use because of the ridiculous tabloids? I think that American tabloids are horrid, and the British ones are even worse! D.A.W.

Sorry for the typographical error: American. Mea culpa.

to D. A. W. you need to chill the list above can be very useful for high school essays

Few of those 16 examples are of any real usefulness to a writer. “I guess you could substitute a stick for a 2×4, but why would you?”

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different ways to say because in an essay

30+ Alternatives for “Because”: A Word List for Writers

Alternatives for Because

Because Overuse: A Challenge to Overcome

Readers may raise their eyebrows if they encounter multiple repetitions of because within a short passage . Although finding replacements for a building block of the English language is tricky, it’s not impossible.

This post contains more than thirty alternatives for because.

Does This News Item Irritate You?

Because of the prevailing political climate, those in office avoid encounters with the press. They say it’s because of busy schedules, but their constituents say it’s because the politicians don’t want to stand up for “what’s right.”

Can we rewrite to exclude because ?

With the prevailing political climate, those in office avoid the press. They blame busy schedules, but their constituents disagree, accusing the politicians of not standing up for “what’s right.”

The succinct version relays the same message in a more engaging manner.

Let’s Review a Statement Made by an Ecological Group

Because of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), humans may one day find themselves facing extinction. We need to act now, because waiting is not an option, because procrastination puts us and future generations at risk, because soon every crop and every animal species used for food will have been genetically modified. Do you want to tell your children and your grandchildren that you didn’t act because you were afraid of the GMO bullies?

Can we lower the word count and strengthen the message like we did in the previous example?

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) may one day cause the extinction of humans. Soon, every crop and animal species used for food will have been genetically modified. Prompt action is crucial; procrastination endangers us and future generations. Do you want to tell your children and grandchildren that your fear of the GMO bullies resulted in apathy rather than action?

Fewer words. More direct message. Engaged readers.

However, some writers might prefer the repetitions in the sentence that begins with We need to act now . Like the lyrics of “We’re Off to See the Wizard,” which repeats because multiple times as an intentional literary device, the sentence could function as it stands.

Wilbur Faces a Smelly Dilemma

Because Wilbur’s cologne had offended the noses of all partygoers in the banquet hall, he slipped into the men’s bathroom for a quick wash. Truth be told, he looked forward to removing the cologne from his pits, because it burned. He stripped to the waist. Unfortunately, his efforts were thwarted somewhat, because he couldn’t find any soap. Because of that, he splashed generous quantities of plain water over his upper body.

When he returned to the banquet hall a few minutes later, he couldn’t figure out why everyone was gawking at him. Until he looked down and realized it was because his crotch was dripping wet.

Poor Wilbur. Can we tighten the narrative?

Wilbur’s cologne had offended the noses of all partygoers in the banquet hall. No problem. He slipped into the men’s bathroom for a quick wash, looking forward to removing the burning cologne from his pits. After stripping to the waist, he couldn’t find any soap. Oh well, plain water is almost as good.

When he returned to the banquet hall a few minutes later, he couldn’t figure out why everyone was gawking at him. Until he glanced down and realized his crotch was soaked.

Which version do you prefer? Note the addition of two internal-dialogue snippets.

Perhaps a Colon, Semicolon, Em Dash, or Period Would Solve the Problem

She had no reason to be disappointed , because he showed up on time.

She had no reason to be disappointed: He showed up on time.

She walked to work because her car was out of gas.

She walked to work; her car was out of gas.

I need to go to the meeting because my boss isn’t available.

I need to go to the meeting — my boss isn’t available.

He was confused because the test didn’t make any sense.

He was confused . The test didn’t make any sense.

Direct Replacements for Because

My preference for replacing because, or short phrases including it, is to reword. However, the following suggestions will help if you don’t have the time or desire for more extensive edits. Beware: Some alternatives will contribute to word bloat . Others might be best suited for dialogue, awkward narrators, or period fiction.

as Because As the woman had no friends, she walked alone.

as a consequence Obesity has soared in many countries because as a consequence of poor diet and lack of exercise.

as a result Because As a result of his impudence, the teacher gave him a detention.

as long as Because As long as she studied, she received excellent marks.

as things go Because As things go , if he thinks he can win, he will.

being that (not my favorite phrase, folks) Because Being that he arrived late, he missed the appetizer tray.

by reason He was found not guilty because by reason of insanity.

by virtue He received a medal because by virtue of his bravery.

consequently She works out every day. Because of that Consequently , she is well-toned and healthy.

considering Because of Considering the extenuating circumstances, I will forgive his absence.

due to Because of Due to a tornado warning, everyone evacuated the fairgrounds.

for He loved her because of for her enthusiasm and loyalty.

for the reason that (another phrase I dislike) The process is tedious, because for the reason that every step must be verified by three people.

for the sake The government must reduce its spending because for the sake of the economy.

forasmuch as The stable boy readied the horse and carriage because forasmuch as the mistress desired to drive into town. (Archaic; useful for historical novels. Forasmuch as also appears in some legal documents.)

given that Because Given that herbicides were banned, the landscaper had to search for other means of weed control.

in light Because In light of her excellent references, we decided to hire her.

in that His essay was believable, because in that he supported his arguments with comprehensive data.

inasmuch as Because Inasmuch as the patient had contracted a contagious infection, visitors were required to wear gowns and masks.

in view Because In view of the overwhelming evidence that pollution causes so many deaths, the government passed a new Clean Air Act.

in view of the fact that Because In view of the fact that nobody RSVPed to the invitations, the organizers cancelled the concert.

knowing as how (yet another iffy phrase) He decided to pack his bags and leave, because knowing as how she didn’t want him around anymore.

now that We can begin the staff meeting because now that the boss has arrived.

on account He can’t run the marathon because on account of his sprained ankle.

on the grounds that We are rejecting your story because on the grounds that it doesn’t fit the theme of our publication.

out She trembled because out of fear .

owing to Because of Owing to her poor interpersonal skills, she was demoted.

owing to the fact that Because Owing to the fact that a violent storm swept over the stadium, the game was cancelled.

seeing Because of Seeing her anger, he decided to keep his mouth shut.

seeing that Because Seeing that the woodpecker had hammered on the window every morning for a week, she set up a motion-sensitive alarm to scare it away.

since Because Since the warp drive was damaged, they stopped for repairs.

so (often requires rewording) Because my tooth ached, I booked a dental appointment. My tooth ached, so I booked a dental appointment.

thanks to Because of Thanks to his diligence, the project was completed ahead of schedule.

therefore I think; because of that therefore I am.

through Because of Through union bargaining, the employees received a 5 percent raise.

Exercises to Test Your Because -Cognition

Remove most instances of because by substitution or rewording.

Millie knew she’d never pass the biology test, because she hadn’t studied enough. But the lack of studying wasn’t because of anything she had done. It was because she was exhausted. Every night for two weeks, her sleep had been disturbed because Mr. Clarke’s dogs barked. And barked. And barked. It isn’t fair. Why should I fail just because the idiot mutts next door can’t keep their yaps shut?

Suggested solution

Millie knew she’d never pass the biology test — she hadn’t studied enough. But the lack of studying wasn’t her fault: She was exhausted. Every night for two weeks, Mr. Clarke’s dogs had barked. And barked. And barked. It isn’t fair. Why should I fail just because the idiot mutts next door can’t keep their yaps shut?

Notes: Adjustments in punctuation eliminate two instances of because . The colon in the edited version could have been changed into a semicolon, with She becoming she — or two sentences could have been created by replacing the colon with a period. Rewording removes all other repetitions, except for one in Millie’s internal monologue. Leaving it in makes her thoughts seem more natural.

Because of antibiotic abuse, many bacteria have become resistant to even the most powerful drugs. Because of this, pharmaceutical companies have been asked to produce new drugs. However, because of many factors, including insufficient financial incentives for research and development, the number of new drugs entering the market is inadequate.

Antibiotic abuse has facilitated significant bacteria resistance to even the most powerful drugs. Health professionals and governments have asked pharmaceutical companies to produce new drugs. However, many factors, including insufficient financial incentives for research and development, have resulted in an inadequate number of new drugs entering the market.

Notes: Edits are straightforward, replacing instances of because rather than rewording sentences . Note the reduction in passive voice.

Len bought the biggest, most expensive TV he could find: one with all the bells and whistles. Because he could afford it. Because he deserved it. But as he was setting it up, he discovered that he couldn’t read the instructions because they were written in what looked like Cantonese.

Undaunted by this hiccup, he called the local Chinese restaurant. Unfortunately, he had a problem communicating with the person who answered the phone, because she spoke in broken English with a heavy Cantonese accent. Because he couldn’t make her understand what he wanted, he decided to drive to the restaurant, instructions in hand. When he showed her the instructions and explained via a combination of sign language and English, she laughed at him.

“You no understand,” she said.

“Exactly. I can’t understand the words because they’re Cantonese.”

“No, no, no, you no understand words because they Japanese and you hold page upside down.”

Len bought the biggest, most expensive TV he could find: one with all the bells and whistles. He could afford it. He deserved it. But as he was setting it up, he discovered he couldn’t read the instructions, which were written in what looked like Cantonese.

Undaunted by this hiccup, he called the local Chinese restaurant. Unfortunately, the woman who answered the phone spoke in broken English with a heavy Cantonese accent. She had no idea what he wanted.

So Len drove to the restaurant , instructions in hand . When he showed her the instructions and explained via a combination of sign language and English, she laughed at him.

“You no understand,” she said .

Notes: Extraneous instances of because in the exercise are gone. No need to have Len decide to drive to the restaurant. In the solution he drives there, period, without the instructions in hand ; steering would be difficult if he’s clutching something while trying to navigate. Once again, dialogue remains the same.

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4 thoughts on “ 30+ Alternatives for “Because”: A Word List for Writers ”

Hi Kathy, great piece as usual. However, I disagree with the GMO example. That paragraph intentionally uses the repetition of ‘because’ as a tool to drum home the point. I wouldn’t necessarily want to change this, especially if it’s for spoken delivery.

Happy blogging, Sandi (or Nyamazela if you’re following my blog).

Thanks for stopping by, Sandi.

The rule of threes works well for many pieces, and as long as readers are happy with what they see, the writer can be too.

Thanks for that. I have you book, The Writers’ Lexicon and it’s most useful.

Thanks, Vivienne! If all goes well, I’ll have a second volume of Lexicon ready for release early in 2018.

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conjunction as in on account of

Weak matches

  • as a result of
  • as things go
  • by cause of
  • by reason of
  • by virtue of
  • considering
  • for the reason that
  • for the sake of
  • in as much as
  • in behalf of
  • in the interest of
  • on the grounds that

preposition as in on account of

Discover More

Example sentences.

Because he's joined the colors—he's not dead!Because he's found his duty—he's not lost!

I will drive you over-because it is rather a lonesome walk for you.

He was silent; and presently she said: "I—the reason of it—my crying—is b-b-because I don't wish you to be unhappy."

Can you picture a room where the portires are all of different lengths?because the decorator had no sense of line value?

At length she stammered: "I did not come b-because I simply couldn't stand it!"

Related Words

Words related to because are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word because . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

conjunction as in because

  • inasmuch as
  • seeing that

adjective as in taking everything in mind

  • all things considered
  • everything being equal
  • forasmuch as
  • in consideration of
  • in light of
  • insomuch as
  • taking into account

conjunction as in in consequence of the fact that

conjunction as in in view of the fact that

  • making allowance for

adverb as in to such an extent

Viewing 5 / 11 related words

When To Use

What are other ways to say  because .

The conjunction because introduces a direct reason for an occurrence or action: I was sleeping because I was tired. As and since are so casual as to imply merely circumstances attendant on the main statement: As (or since ) I was tired, I was sleeping. The reason, proof, or justification introduced by for is like an afterthought or a parenthetical statement: I was famished, for I had not eaten all day. The more formal inasmuch as implies concession; the main statement is true in view of the circumstances introduced by this conjunction: Inasmuch as I was tired, it seemed best to sleep.

On this page you'll find 61 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to because, such as: as, as a result of, as long as, as things go, being, and by cause of.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Five Alternatives to “Because”

“Because” is a common conjunction that can be found often throughout various types of texts. If you’re seeking alternatives to help you avoid repetitiveness, continue reading.

Looking for replacement words for because? Keep reading for five alternatives.

Quick Summary on Words You Can Use in Place of “Because”

Five other ways to say because are:

  • Inasmuch as

What Does “Because” Mean?

Before we dive into the synonyms and examples of because, we want to first go over what it means. Because is a conjunction —a word that connects other words or groups of words together—that means “for the reason that.” Here’s an example:

I cried because my friend yelled at me.

I cried for the reason that my friend yelled at me.

Now that we’ve covered what type of word because is and what it means, let’s go over a few alternatives.

Five “Because” Alternatives

Similarly to because, as is a conjunction “used to state the reason for something.”

I took the bus home because I thought you forgot to pick me up.
I took the bus home as I thought you forgot to pick me up.

Although since is a common alternative, some people consider it second-rate to because. This is because it can also function as a preposition that refers to elapsed time, and could cause confusion.

Because it was sunny, we decided to go to the beach.
Since it was sunny, we decided to go to the beach.

You can find for as an alternative to because in poetic writing. It is not commonly found in either casual or professional writing.

Let’s eat because I am hungry.
Let’s eat, for I am hungry.

4. Inasmuch as

This alternative is as formal as they come, but can be used exactly as because. If you do want to use it, keep in mind it’s uncommon, and usually found in professional and academic settings.

She was a famous and unique artist because she was considered legally blind.
She was a famous and unique artist inasmuch as she was considered legally blind.

5. As long as

This alternative to because expresses that because something is happening, will happen, or is true, then another thing can happen too.

Because you’re going to the store, can you bring back some cookies?
As long as you’re going to the store, can you bring back some cookies?

These Alternatives Are Helpful Because You Should Avoid Repetitiveness

This list is useful because whether you’re writing an essay, a book, or any other type of text, it’s always a good idea to switch up your vocabulary to avoid repetitiveness. Just remember to keep context in mind. For example, if you’re writing about something casual or funny, you might not want to use inasmuch as.

Another thing to keep in mind while writing is how important proper spelling and grammar are. LanguageTool is a multilingual text editor that can detect (and correct) various types of errors. It can also provide synonyms and formatting suggestions. Try it today because/as/since it’s free and user-friendly.

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Word Choice: Alternatives to ‘Said’ and ‘Because’

3-minute read

  • 29th November 2015

Our research shows that ‘said’ and ‘because’ are two of the most overused words in academic writing . This is understandable, as both are useful for explaining research and the results of studies.

However, excessive repetition of common words can detract from the flow of your written work, so it helps to know a few alternatives.

Alternatives to ‘Said’

The word ‘said’ is mostly used when reporting speech. This includes quoting research (e.g. in you literature review) or reporting what participants have said in an interview or survey. For example:

One respondent said that the process was ‘too complicated’.

There are lots of alternatives to ‘said’, all of which attribute the thought being reported to the person named. These include ‘claimed’, ‘suggested’ and ‘remarked’:

One respondent claimed that the process was ‘too complicated’.

One respondent suggested that the process was ‘too complicated’.

One respondent remarked that the process was ‘too complicated’.

There are also words you can use in place of ‘said’ when the person you’re quoting is doing something specific, such as arguing or clarifying a point:

Jones (1994, p.16) argues that ‘previous policies are now outdated’.

The CEO clarified that ‘company policy has changed since the incident’.

With these, make sure the word you use fits the context: it would not make sense, for instance, to say that ‘the CEO argued that company policy has changed’ as this is a factual claim (i.e. either policy has changed or it hasn’t), not an argument.

Alternatives to ‘Because’

The word ‘because’ means ‘due to the fact that’. As such, it’s handy for explaining your reasoning and commonly used when describing the consequences of something.

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There are two main ways to use ‘because’. One is as a conjunction, where ‘because’ is followed by a subject and a verb:

A qualitative approach was chosen because it enables collection of in-depth data.

In these cases, alternatives include ‘since’ and ‘as’, both of which are also conjunctions:

A qualitative approach was chosen since it enables collection of in-depth data.

A qualitative approach was chosen as it enables collection of in-depth data.

The phrase ‘because of’, meanwhile, is a preposition, so needs to be followed by a noun phrase or an ‘-ing’ verb:

The results are unreliable because of the limited sample size.

The business failed because of falling prices.

In this case, your alternatives include phrases like ‘due to’ and ‘as a result of’:

The results are unreliable due to the limited sample size.

The business failed as a result of falling prices.

Remember to check whether you’re using ‘because’ or ‘because of’ before selecting an alternative word.

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6 Better Ways Of Saying “This Is Because” (Complete Guide)

Sometimes, we use phrases all too often in essays and formal writing, making them less impressive when it comes to writing them. That’s why it’s important to use synonyms for phrases like “this is because” to make sure you’re keeping your writing fresh with every new sentence.

What Can I Say Instead Of “This Is Because”?

This is due to.

Let’s start by looking through the alternative methods a little closer. We’ll start with the most popular choice, “this is due to,” and work our way down from there.

The Reason For This Is That

The next phrase we want to show you that works better than “this is because” is “the reason for this is that.” Generally, this one is a little less popular because it requires more wording to get right. Still, people use it comfortably in most forms of essay writing.

As A Result

“As a result” is the next phrase we want to talk to you about. It’s also closely linked to the other ones we’ve mentioned here, but it is slightly different in that we’re talking about a direct impact of the information we provided rather than a causal link.

“As a result” is used when we want to share the resulting information that links to the previous sentence. It is more of a final result and summary of things rather than a direct synonym of “this is because.”

“Owing to” is another example that follows the same trend as “as a result.” It refers to a result of something but also works well to replace “this is because” since it carries on from the previous information.

As you can see, we don’t have to start a new sentence when we’re using “owing to,” which is different from how we use the other examples throughout this article.

Thanks To This

As you can see, “thanks to this” is used in much the same way as “this is because” and directly refers to the previous points made.

Sometimes, it works if you make it a new sentence, but you never have to do so if you prefer the flow of keeping it as one sentence.

What Is The Difference Between “It Is Because” And “This Is Because”?

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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  • considering
  • inasmuch as

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'Since' vs. 'As' vs. 'Because'

Which conjunction should you use to show cause?

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“Because.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/because. Accessed 26 Jun. 2024.

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Nglish: Translation of because for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of because for Arabic Speakers

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12 Ways To Replace The Word ‘BECAUSE’

avoid the word because

Many words or phrases can be used to set up an explanation. The most common and really REALLY overused one is “because”. Please encourage your child to stop using that word in his school compositions if he wants to score a little bit higher.

Here are 12 alternatives to replace “because” and their merits.

“As” is a direct synonym for “because” (for example, “He decided not to go see the movie, as he found out his nemesis was going as well”), but it’s not exactly much better.


This phrase is a substitute for “because of”, not because, as in “As a result of his insatiable appetite, all the dishes on the table were wiped clean within seconds.”


This informal equivalent of “because” is used to express the thought that given that one thing is occurring or will occur or is true, another is possible, in such statements as “As long as you’re going to the supermarket, could you help me buy 5 watermelons?”


This phrase has the same sense — and the same formality — as “as long as”.


This phrase is essentially identical in meaning to “as long as” and “being as” and its variants.

This substitute for “because” is reserved for poetic usage, as in “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”


This phrase informally connotes cause and effect, as in “Now that Mrs Tan here, we can submit our homework.”

This phrase applies to explanations of emotion or feeling — for example, “She asked out of compassion” or “Out of spite, I refrained from passing the message along.”


This phrase is identical to “considering that.”

“Since” primarily refers to elapsed time, as in “Since it had rained, we didn’t need to water the garden.”


This equivalent of “because of,” despite the wording, can apply to either a positive or a negative outcome; “Thanks to your involvment, the teacher is now watching our every move” demonstrates the latter sense.


Through is a preposition; it takes the place of “because of,” as in “Through the efforts of the teachers, all the students did well in the final year exams.”

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Words and Phrases to Use Instead of “Because”

Published by my lingua academy on 4 feb 2022 4 feb 2022.

Hi dear English learners! Here we are again with a new lesson and today we will be learning different words and phrases to use instead of “because”. We normally use it to give the reason for something.

  • I’m packing my bag because we are going on a city break to Rome for the weekend.
  • I’m sorry I can’t babysit for you tonight because I’m having some friends round.

Words and phrases to use instead of “because”

Let’s see what other words and phrases we can use instead of because :

  • Due to / owing to
  • Given / given the fact
  • By virtue of
  • On account of

Because of is a preposition phrase normally followed by a noun or a noun phrase. It means as a result of.

  • The tennis player had to retire because of the injury.
  • They didn’t go to the seaside this summer because of financial issues.
  • The boy started to cry, not because of the pain but because of humiliation.

These two phrases are mostly used in a formal context and they mean because of.

  • Public transport is rather slow this morning due to heavy snow.
  • Owing to the Coronavirus pandemic, the concert is being delayed until further notice.
  • A famous actress died this morning due to an illness.

Through is a preposition. Use it to indicate why someone has succeeded or failed in doing something.

  • Martha was proud of being successful through her own efforts.
  • They lost much money in their fields through bad weather conditions.
  • Through its geographical location, the island is a transit point for illegal activities.

These phrases mean because of a certain fact .

  • They were sent to the orphanage , given that their father was arrested.
  • Given that their financial situation was a bit unstable, they’ve built a remarkably spacious house.
  • You’ve done a good job given the fact that you were on your own, without anybody’s help.

By virtue of 

By virtue of something means as a result of something.

  • They were excluded from their father’s will by virtue of their mother’s expenses.
  • Sandra became an American citizen by virtue of her marriage.
  • The area, by virtue of its topography, has been less adversely affected by the rainy season.

Use the phrase instead of because of, especially if it has to do with a problem of some kind.

  • The politician was forced out of the country on account of his disagreements with the regime.
  • On account of the high rates of infections, multiple treatments are often required.
  • The king was described as the “First Gentleman” on account of his style and manners.

Use the phrase to say that something good happened because of someone’s effort .

  • Thanks to Simon, we have the tickets for the concert.
  • Milly is recovering after the operation , thanks to the doctor.
  • Thanks to my teachers, I understand very well what’s going on on the planet.

Use since and as to give the reason why someone decided to do something or that something is true. Since is more formal than as .

  • Since there were no clouds in the sky, Debbie decided to open the windows widely.
  • As it was not easy to say when Martin will come home for lunch, Sarah decided to prepare the meal and heat it when he returns.
  • She decided to download the app as it had very good reviews.

This is a formal phrase meaning because of a certain thing .

  • In view of the ongoing negotiations, several things need to be considered as a matter of utmost importance.
  • He decided to compensate in view of the fact that he had fasted the previous day.
  • In view of the situation, I suggested that you take a break or a day off .

Out of is a preposition phrase to show the reason why somebody is doing something .

  • She wasn’t very fond of movies, but she watched this one out of curiosity.
  • Peter didn’t like talking to strangers but he asked the man how he was doing out of politeness.
  • Her reaction made him incapable of making decisions other than those made out of impulse.

For is a preposition meaning because of or as a result of .

  • I’m so happy for seeing you again! How have you been doing?
  • They don’t eat food that contains gluten for health reasons.
  • Everyone in the village loved him for his kindness.

To sum up, let’s look at the words and phrases we’ve been through today and which are alternatives to “because”:

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Other ways to say "because"

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Because, As and Since - My Lingua Academy · 27 Feb 2024 at 7:51 am

[…] Words and Phrases to Use Instead of “Because” […]

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How to Say “Because of This” in an Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to effectively express the phrase “because of this” in your essays. Whether you are writing a formal or informal essay, it is crucial to use appropriate wording to convey your meaning accurately. In this guide, we will explore various ways to express this phrase, offering tips, examples, and even regional variations if necessary. So, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Formal Ways to Express “Because of This”

When writing a formal essay, it is essential to use language that is clear, concise, and appropriate for an academic or professional setting. Here are several formal expressions you can use to convey the meaning of “because of this”:

  • Due to – This phrase is often used in formal writing to explain the cause and effect relationship. For example: “The decrease in sales was due to the recent economic downturn.”
  • Owing to – Similar to “due to,” “owing to” is another formal expression used to discuss the cause and effect relationship. For instance: “The cancellation of the flight owing to bad weather caused significant delays.”
  • As a result of – This phrase is commonly used to indicate the consequence of a particular event or action. To illustrate: “The company’s profits decreased as a result of the recent decline in consumer spending.”
  • Because of – Although less formal than the expressions mentioned above, “because of” is still appropriate for most formal essays. For example: “The project was delayed because of unforeseen technical difficulties.”

Informal Ways to Express “Because of This”

If you are writing an informal essay, such as a personal narrative or a blog post, you have more flexibility to use colloquial language and expressions. Here are some informal ways to convey the meaning of “because of this”:

  • Thanks to – This casual expression is widely used to indicate that something positive or beneficial happened as a result of a particular situation. For instance: “Thanks to the team’s hard work, we won the championship.”
  • On account of – Although slightly more formal than other informal options, “on account of” is still an acceptable way to convey causation informally. For example: “We had to cancel the picnic on account of the rain.”
  • Seeing as – This informal phrase is often used to introduce a reason or justification for something. To illustrate: “Seeing as it is your birthday, let’s go out and celebrate.”
  • Given that – While slightly more formal than other informal expressions, “given that” can be used in less formal essays to indicate a cause-effect relationship. For instance: “Given that it was their first performance, they did exceptionally well.”

Regional Variations

The English language is remarkably versatile, with different expressions and colloquialisms used in various regions. While “because of this” is a fairly universal phrase, regional variations do exist. Here are a couple of examples:

Due to this – This expression is commonly used in British English as an alternative to “because of this.” For instance: “The train service has been disrupted due to this unforeseen maintenance issue.” Owing to this – Similar to “due to this,” “owing to this” is also used in British English as a regional variation. For example: “The football match had to be rescheduled owing to this unexpected storm.”

While regional variations can add an interesting touch to your essays, it is important to consider your audience and whether using these specific expressions is suitable.

Tips for Using “Because of This” in an Essay

Now that we have explored various formal and informal ways to express “because of this,” let’s dive into some essential tips to enhance your overall essay writing:

  • Context is key: Before using any expression, ensure that it fits naturally in the overall context of your essay. Consider the tone, style, and formality required.
  • Vary your vocabulary: While “because of this” is a useful phrase, avoid overusing it. Opt for other expressions to maintain diversity in your writing.
  • Example sentences: It is often helpful to provide examples when explaining the consequences or reasons behind a particular situation. This adds clarity to your essay.
  • Proofread meticulously: After completing your essay, proofread it carefully to ensure that your chosen expression effectively conveys your intended meaning.
  • Seek feedback: Ask a friend or professor to review your work and provide feedback on the usage of expressions, ensuring that they are coherent and appropriate.

In conclusion, expressing “because of this” in an essay requires an understanding of formal and informal language, along with regional variations if necessary. By using expressions such as “due to,” “owing to,” “as a result of,” or “because of,” you can effectively convey the causative relationship in your writing. Additionally, depending on the tone and context of your essay, you can consider informal expressions like “thanks to,” “on account of,” “seeing as,” or “given that.” Remember to tailor your language choice to your intended audience and proofread your work diligently to ensure clarity and coherence. By following these tips and examples, you will be well-equipped to incorporate the phrase “because of this” seamlessly into your essays.

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  • How to Say “Also” in an Essay
  • Guide on How to Say “Anyway” in an Essay
  • Ways to Indicate Agreement without Using the Pronoun “I” in an Essay
  • Guide: How to Say “In This Essay”
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Taylor Danielle

Improve Your Writing With these Words to Use Instead of Because

Words to Use Instead of Because

One of the biggest issues, when you are writing an essay or an article, is using the word because too many times. This word connects two sentences and is called a conjunction. It helps present arguments, reasons and shows the relationship between two sentences. Of course, there are other words for because that have the same effect but can improve the stylistic outcome of your writing.

Why Choose Other Words for Because

Finding the right words to use instead of because can help you refine your language. It also prevents repetition in your vocabulary. When it comes to college papers and assignments, especially, good writing helps you earn better grades.

Sometimes, replacing the word because or eliminating it entirely can even help you manage the word count of your writing. This is crucial when you have to write shorter essays and make an impact with the content. You can use fewer words, be more direct with your messaging and keep the readers engaged.

Words to Use Instead of Because

The simplest way to prevent reusing the word is to use a direct replacement word for because. Here is a list of other words to use instead of because:

  • As: She walked alone because as she had no friends.
  • Being that: Because Being that he was late, he missed the beginning of the movie.
  • Since: He became slimmer because since he started cycling regularly.
  • Given that: Life expectancy has increased because given that medical care is better today.
  • Now that: We started the show because now that the band had arrived.
  • On the grounds that: Your story was rejected because on the grounds that it wasn’t suited to our theme.
  • For: He did not perform well because for he did not study well.
  • Since that: These flowers are expensive because since that they are rare.
  • Considering that: Because Considering that he wakes up late, he will not make it at 6AM.

Words Like Because

There are some words instead of because that can be used when you are writing. However, these words cannot replace the word exactly. These words allow you to imply the same meaning of the sentence without using the word because. Although the following are more words for because, you may have to reframe the sentence for it to retain its meaning:

With because: I passed the test because I studied. With so: I studied. So I passed the test.
With because: We left early because it was a long drive. With so: It was a long drive. Hence, we left early.
With because: Because she is tall, she can reach the higher shelves. With therefore: She is tall, therefore she can reach the higher shelves.

When to Use Because And its Synonyms

The word because is used to point out the reason for an action. It is also used to connect sentences, hence serving as a conjunction. However, the various appearances or synonyms of because can’t be used just anyhow. Due to its various uses, Some are acceptable in an informal way while others are acceptable only in formal settings. In view of the facts stated before, check the following example

For example,

Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow will die

The use of for in this statement cannot be easily substituted for other forms of because.

If words like hence and as a result of were used, it changes the meaning as well as the grammatical accuracy of the statement.

Let us eat and drink, hence we die tomorrow Let us eat and drink, therefore we die tomorrow

Due to the number of examples stated before, it should be noted that the various use of because and its synonyms must be carefully used.

Other Words For Because Of

Because of also signifies a consequence like the word because. However, it is a two-word proposition. The difference between ‘because’ and ‘because of’ is that the former is followed by a subject and a verb while the latter is followed by a noun or noun phrase.

For example:

He had to run faster because he was being chased by the dog. He had to run because of the dog chasing him.

Here are some of the most common phrases or other words than because of that can be used to replace it directly in a sentence:

  • On account of
  • As a consequence of
  • As a result of
  • Considering
  • For the sake of

The Best Because Transition Words

Because and because of are known as transition words because they are able to connect two sentences. Transition words are used to make content more readable. Using because transition words help prevent overusing the word.

When choosing transition words that mean because, you need to remember that they must signify a consequence or a reason. You can connect two sentences effectively by using the following that mean because in other words:

  • Forasmuch as
  • Consequently
  • Under these circumstances
  • As a result
  • For that reason
  • For this reason

All the words to use besides because that are mentioned in the previous can also be considered transition replacement words for because. However, you need to make sure that the sentences are structured and used in the right format so that the replacement words are able to convey the same meaning.

Can You Start a Sentence With Because?

A formal sentence does not permit the use of because at the beginning of a sentence, owing to so many reasons. Inasmuch as it is in informal writings only, with the right use of prepositions, it is very acceptable.

However, owing to some reasons like the context of the word and the various synonyms of because. The word because and its synonyms can fit some forms of formal writing at the beginning.

In the use of because or it’s equivalent, Either a positive or negative outcome of using it at the beginning of formal writing lies in how the reader or the examiner views the writing.

Choosing Words To Replace Because

When you are choosing words that replace because you need to make sure that they are chosen correctly.  The goal should not be to merely pick words that mean because since you wish to avoid repetition. You need to take care of two more details:

  • Avoid redundancy: Sometimes, you cannot just find words that replace because. You may have to use phrases. They tend to cause redundancy and unwanted use of extra words that can make reading less pleasurable.
  • Increase readability: This is one of the primary goals of choosing other words instead of because. It helps you break down the sentences to make them easier to read. Because connects sentences but can also make them very complex.

Whenever you choose words for your writing, you need to think of making the text targeted effectively. Second, the content should be optimized for better reach and interest among readers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Alexa Donne is an exceptional online writer who is skilled and passionate about her work. She creates high-quality content that captivates the readers’ attention and ensures you get the best grade in your research papers and essays.

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Formal synonyms of 'BECAUSE'

Below are the formal and polite equivalents (synonyms) of ' because ' which you can use in your business or professional pieces of writing:

Due to the fact that

Is used in exactly the same way as 'because'.

'The date of this week's meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, due to the fact that the results of the testing will not be availble until then.'

You can also just use ' due to '. But if you do, it should only be followed by a noun or noun phrase (e.g. 'the heavy rain').

' Due to a prior arrangement, I am afraid that I will not be able to attend the presentation.'

Owing to the fact that

' Owing to the fact that three of the attendees are unable to attend, the date of next week's meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday.'

You can also just use ' owing to '. But if you do, it should only be followed by a noun or noun phrase (e.g. 'the heavy rain').

'The delay in the delivery of your order was owing to an issue with our ordering software.'

On account of the fact that

' On account of the fact that three of the attendees are unable to attend, the date of next week's meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday.'

You can also just use ' on account of '. But like the two previous synonyms, if you use this shortened version, it has to be followed by a noun or noun phrase (e.g. 'the heavy rain').

' On account of a prior arrangement, I am afraid that I will not be able to attend the presentation.'

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This is me, Chris Clayton, the owner and main writer for Blair English. I'm also a part-time English teacher in sunny Spain. I have a love of history and the web. I hope you find the website useful.


10 Formal Ways to Say “This Is Because”

Alex Velikiy

In writing or speaking, especially in formal situations, it’s important to explain why things happen or why we do certain things. One common way to do this is by saying “This is because.”

However, using the same phrase over and over can get boring and repetitive. This article lists 10 formal alternatives to “this is because,” helping you make your communication clearer and more varied.

Is It Formal to Say “This Is Because”?

Yes, it is generally formal to say “This is because.” This phrase commonly appears in academic writing, formal presentations, and professional settings. It serves as a bridge to introduce the reason or cause behind a statement or observation.

Here’s an example:

Let’s look at the pros and cons of using this phrase.

  • It clearly introduces a reason or explanation.
  • Works well in formal settings.
  • Useful for structured writing or speaking.
  • Can be overused, making writing or speech seem repetitive.
  • May not fit well in more casual or creative contexts.

Sometimes, someone might want to use an alternative phrase to “this is because.” This can help to vary language and keep the audience’s interest. Using synonyms or different expressions can also make writing or speech sound more dynamic and engaging.

10 Other Ways to Say “This Is Because”

Exploring alternatives can add variety to your language. Here are ten formal ways to express the same idea as “this is because.”

  • Due to the fact that
  • As a result of
  • On account of
  • In light of
  • Attributable to
  • By virtue of
  • On the grounds of

1. Due to the fact that

This phrase is a close formal synonym for “this is because.” It’s used to introduce a direct reason or cause for something. However, it can feel a bit wordy compared to the original phrase.

We recommend using “due to the fact that” in written reports or documents where a formal tone is needed. It’s especially useful when you want to emphasize the reasoning behind a statement.

Here are two examples:

2. As a result of

“As a result of” shifts the focus slightly to the outcome of a situation. It’s a formal alternative that is commonly used in professional writing. It slightly differs from “this is because” by highlighting the effect before stating the cause.

This alternative is better suited when the emphasis is on the outcomes of actions or events. It works well in reports, presentations, and documents where the consequences are as important as the reasons.

3. On account of

“On account of” is another formal synonym that is used to explain reasons or causes. It’s straightforward and less wordy than some other alternatives.

This phrase is particularly suited to formal documents and speeches where brevity and clarity are important. It’s a good choice when the causal relationship is straightforward.

4. Owing to

“Owing to” is a concise, formal alternative that conveys a direct cause-effect relationship. It is similar to “because of” but maintains a more formal tone.

“Owing to” is particularly effective in formal writing where space is limited, such as in executive summaries or policy documents. It succinctly links causes with their effects without extra words.

5. Given that

“Given that” introduces a precondition or a rationale in a formal and sometimes a slightly more subjective manner. It’s akin to saying “Taking into consideration that.”

Use “given that” when you’re laying out conditions or reasons that are assumed to be known or accepted by the audience. It’s great for arguments or discussions where you’re building upon established facts or common understanding.

6. In light of

“In light of” is a polished, formal way to introduce information that has influenced a decision or viewpoint. It suggests that the reasoning provided is a significant factor.

This alternative shines in discussions, reports, and presentations where the intent is to show thoughtful consideration of factors or events leading to a conclusion. It’s especially useful when these factors are recent or reveal new insights.

7. Attributable to

“Attributable to” is technically precise and carries a formal tone, ideal for scientific or analytical writing. It points directly to causation, often implying a clearer, more defined relationship than “this is because.”

It’s best used when you want to explicitly state that one thing is a direct cause of another, such as in research findings or causal analyses in formal reports.

8. By virtue of

“By virtue of” implies a cause-and-effect relationship through the inherent qualities or conditions of something. It’s a formal and somewhat sophisticated way to show why something occurred.

This phrase works well in legal, academic, and professional contexts where you’re citing underlying principles or inherent characteristics as reasons for outcomes.

9. On the grounds of

“On the grounds of” is used to cite specific reasons or evidence supporting a decision or belief. It’s a formal phrase that’s often used in legal and policy-related discussions.

Opt for this alternative when the justification of an action or judgment is based on specific, usually solid, grounds. It’s appropriate for situations where you need to underscore the legitimacy of reasoning.

10. Thanks to

“Thanks to” is somewhat less formal than other alternatives but still acceptable in many professional settings. It conveys gratitude or positive acknowledgment of a cause or reason.

This expression is well-suited when a positive outcome or a favorable cause is to be highlighted. It adds a tone of appreciation, making it great for acknowledgments or when citing beneficial contributions.

Final Thoughts

Changing up the way you explain reasons in your writing or speaking makes your message stronger and keeps your audience engaged. The 10 formal alternatives to “this is because” we discussed offer a variety of options to fit different contexts and tones. By mixing these into your communication, you’ll sound more polished and professional.

Alex Velikiy

CMO of Rontar. I’m interested in entrepreneurship, sales and marketing. As part of my day-to-day routine I do everything from creating marketing strategy to starting advertising campaigns. Sometimes I write for our marketing blog. When not at work, I do sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and keep up on everything that is connected with this.

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10 Other Ways to Say “This Is Because”

different ways to say because in an essay

So, you keep using “this is because” in your essay and want a better alternative. After all, you don’t want to sound repetitive in academic writing because you want your work to get you the best grades.

Luckily, this article is here to help. We’ve gathered the best synonyms showing you what to say instead of “this is because.”

Other Ways to Say “This Is Because”

  • The reason is
  • Simply because
  • This is due to
  • Due, in part, to
  • With thanks to
  • As a result of


  • “This is because” is suitable in essays, but it’s far too common and overused.
  • “The reason is” gives you another way to write it and mix things up formally.
  • You could say “after all” in informal essays to keep things interesting.

Read on to learn more about these synonyms. We’ve explained how the best variations work and all you need to know before writing them yourself.

We’ve also touched on whether “this is because” is correct. You can skip to the final section if you’d like to learn more about it.

The Reason Is (Formal)

“The reason is” is a great formal alternative to “this is because.” You should use it in an essay to explain the reason behind a choice from the previous sentence.

You will always start a sentence with “the reason is.” It needs to follow straight from the previous sentence for it to make sense.

Generally, you’ll write “the reason is” when trying to explain your methods in academic writing . It helps the reader to follow along with your ideas and understand your thought process behind something.

You can use “the reason is” instead of “this is because” in most written contexts. It’s not as overused, making it slightly more effective. However, we do recommend switching between them to keep your writing as interesting as possible.

Check out these essay sentence examples to show you how it works:

We did not account for all of the variables. The reason is that we thought the results would be too skewed.

I made sure to check for errors. The reason is that so many other experiments went wrong before they even began.

After All (Informal)

“After all” is a great informal alternative to “this is because.” You can use it conversationally or when you do not need a formal writing tone in an essay .

Generally, you should only use “after all” once or twice in your writing. The more you use it, the less impact it has. It’s a great way to explain a choice from the previous sentence, but you should only do it a handful of times.

“After all” is also an introductory clause . Therefore, you must place a comma after the phrase whenever it starts a sentence.

We don’t recommend using “after all” in formal essays or academic writing, though. “This is because” is still more effective in formal situations. “After all” should only apply to informal ones.

These examples will help you understand more about it:

I tried to find the most effective way to complete the task. After all, that would give me the best results for the situation.

There were a few errors along the way. After all, it’s not a foolproof system. I left a lot up to chance.

Is It Correct to Say “This is Because”?

“This is because” is correct and acceptable . However, you should avoid using it too much. It is overused , which can be problematic when you want to explain yourself in formal writing.

Generally, people reading your essay will find a phrase like “this is because” boring . It doesn’t add anything special to your academic writing. You should avoid using it more than once (or avoid it entirely since there are so many good alternatives).

You need to punctuate it correctly, though. For example:

  • Correct: I did it like this. This is because I wanted to.
  • Incorrect: I didn’t listen. This is because, there was no reason to.

Writers do get confused with the comma placement of “this is because.” It is not an introductory clause . Therefore, it does not need a comma after it. You should avoid placing one.

Feel free to bookmark this page to remind yourself of the best synonyms for “this is because.” Then, you’ll always have something useful to replace it with in formal writing.

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Because, Because, Because (How to Prevent Repetition)

3-minute read

  • 24th September 2016

When Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion head off to see the Wizard of Oz , they do so ‘because, because, because, because, because, because, because of the wonderful things he does.’

This is undeniably a catchy tune to hum while walking a yellow brick road. From a proofreading perspective , however, it’s hard to get past the unnecessary repetition of ‘because’.

different ways to say because in an essay

If Dorothy had used ‘because’ that often in an essay, we’d definitely suggest she make a few changes, as repetition can make your work seem monotonous. And since ‘because’ is a common term in academic writing , we recommend learning a few alternatives.

Synonyms for ‘Because’

There are plenty of words and phrases you can use in place of ‘because’ when introducing an explanation or justification in an essay. To demonstrate, we’ll work with this example sentence:

I went to see The Wizard of Oz because I love musical theatre.

Single words that can replace ‘because’ here include ‘as’, ‘since’ and ‘for’ (note that some terms require adding a comma to avoid ambiguity):

I went to see The Wizard of Oz , as I love musical theatre.

I went to see The Wizard of Oz since I love musical theatre.

I went to see The Wizard of Oz , for I love musical theatre.

However, ‘as’ and ‘since’ are both sometimes considered informal, while ‘for’ is quite old-fashioned. Thus, in academic writing, you may want to use a phrase instead:

I went to see The Wizard of Oz due to my love of musical theatre.

I went to see The Wizard of Oz as a result of my love for musical theatre.

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I went to see The Wizard of Oz on account of my love for musical theatre.

I went to see The Wizard of Oz in view of my love of musical theatre.

Many of these are actually replacements for the phrase ‘because of’ rather than just ‘because’, which is why the sentence is slightly changed in some cases.


Rearranging Sentences

Alternatively, you could get around overusing ‘because’ by rearranging sentences. For instance, we could say:

The Wizard of Oz was cancelled because the theatre burned down.

Sometimes, the show really can't go on.

However, we could restructure the sentence to remove the ‘because’:

The theatre burned down, so The Wizard of Oz was cancelled.

Here, the conjunction ‘so’ is used to indicate that the second clause (‘ The Wizard of Oz was cancelled’) results from the first clause (‘the theatre burned down’). It thereby explains the situation without using ‘because’. Other possibilities include:

The theatre burned down; thus, The Wizard of Oz was cancelled.

The theatre burned down, which meant that The Wizard of Oz was cancelled.

There are, in fact, dozens of ways you could express the same idea without using ‘because’. The crucial thing is maintaining the sense of explaining or justifying something. Keep this in mind and it should be easy to avoid overusing words like ‘because’!

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What Is Another Way to Say “This Is Because”?

October 24, 2023

George O'Connor

different ways to say because in an essay

Are you tired of repeating this is because in an essay?

It’s no secret that it’s a repetitive phrase, and it’s time for you to explore your options.

Thankfully, that’s where we come in.

This article will teach you other words for this is because . We will help you to spice up your essays and ensure you always capture your readers’ attention.

7 Alternative Ways to Say “This Is Because”

You should also review these 7 alternatives to learn how to say this is because formally:

  • This results from
  • The reason for this is
  • One factor contributing to this is
  • This can be attributed to
  • The cause behind this is
  • This is a consequence of
  • This is due to

1. This Results From

The first synonym we want to go over is this results from . This is a great way to spice up your essays when you’d like to talk about how one thing causes another.

Generally, it’s a good formal synonym that explains something to the reader.

Your reader will understand more about what you’re writing about when you make it clear and direct with a phrase like this.

If you’re still unsure, you can check out these examples:

We can establish the findings from that. This results from being able to look at the variables listed.

I find it difficult to understand the outcome. This results from not being clear enough with the parameters set initially.

2. The Reason for This Is

You can use the reason for this is as another word for this is because in an essay.

It’s formal and to the point . So, it’s a great way to keep your readers in the loop and let them know what you expect to get out of an essay.

Generally, this is a great way to engage the reader . However, you should be careful because it’s a little wordier than this is because .

Perhaps these essay samples will also help you to understand it:

We can control three of the factors. The reason for this is because they are more open to manipulation.

The company’s stock crashed quickly. The reason for this is they made some poor business decisions.

3. One Factor Contributing to This Is

Try using one factor contributing to this is instead of this is because .

The one thing you have to remember is that you can only talk about one reason for something happening. Using one factor shows that only one thing is important enough to note.

However, this is a great way to engage your reader. It keeps things simple and direct , which should help to make your essay more streamlined and easier to navigate.

Most readers will appreciate this synonym over this is because , which is why we recommend it.

You can also check out these examples:

It’s clear why things went wrong for them. One factor contributing to this is that people didn’t know how to act accordingly.

I didn’t know what else to do to change the results. One factor contributing to this is a lack of understanding.

4. This Can Be Attributed To

Next, you can use this can be attributed to as another way to say this is because .

It’s a professional synonym that shows how something connects to the following piece of information.

Generally, this is a great phrase to include in your writing.

It’s clear and distinct , which will help your reader to understand why you’ve mentioned something.

You certainly can’t go wrong with using this when trying to spice up your essays.

Feel free to review these examples if you’re still unsure how it works:

We can follow the change in marketing targets. This can be attributed to the company’s desire to stay on top of things.

It’s clear why they decided to do this. This can be attributed to the choices made by the business early on.

5. The Cause Behind This Is

Feel free to use the cause behind this is as a formal synonym for this is because . It works really well in your essays, which is why it’s a useful one to sub in from time to time.

Generally, this works wonders when you can directly correlate something to a cause .

It lets people know that you’ve thought through your options and have found a reason for something to occur. For instance, you might be able to explain why a project was incomplete.

Also, you can review these examples to find out more:

The trajectory was quite negative. The cause behind this is related to people not understanding what was required.

I could not continue the project. The cause behind this is there not being enough resources to conclude anything.

6. This Is a Consequence Of

You will also benefit from writing this is a consequence of instead of this is because .

It’s highly effective in professional situations. However, you should be careful because it’s a bit wordy and can take away from the impact of your essay if you use it too much.

Use it once to ensure you don’t oversaturate your essay with wordy phrases. That way, you can guarantee that you retain your reader’s attention when you want it.

Here are some great examples to show you more about how it works:

It had to happen that way. This is a consequence of the choices made by the company at the time.

It’s clear that this is the only acceptable variable. This is a consequence of other results compounding over time.

7. This Is Due To

Finally, you can use this is due to instead of this is because .

This is a great one to use in formal writing. It keeps things direct and informative when letting the reader know why one thing led to another.

Generally, this is a better way to say this is because , but you should only use it once. Again, it can be quite repetitive if you’re not careful!

You can also refer to these essay samples to learn more:

It’s clear why they chose to do it this way. This is due to them wanting to find the most efficient way to continue.

We shouldn’t have looked into the options. This is due to finding something that wasn’t beneficial to any of us.

Is It Correct to Say “This Is Because”?

This is because is correct to use in essays, but you should only use it once.

It’s a repetitive phrase that a lot of people rely too heavily on.

There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with it, but you should stick to using it just once (if at all) to ensure you don’t bore your readers.

You can refer to the following essay samples to learn more about how it works:

We cannot continue working on this project. This is because there are too many variables complicating things.

I’m afraid this is the outcome I went with. This is because it’s the one that made the most sense.

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    owing to the fact that. seeing that. 'cause. for the reason that. whereas. as long as. forasmuch as. insofar as. insomuch as.

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