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Speech on Good Manners for Students in English [3 Minutes*]

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Good Manners Speech: Good manners play a vital role in shaping the personality of children. Good habits and manners reflect on a person’s upbringing, culture, social behaviour and value towards society. They lead to success in life and inculcate values of honesty, truthfulness, loyalty and sincerity in individuals.

Speech on Good Manners 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Good Manners Speech in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students.

Good morning everyone presents here. Respected teachers & my dear friends. Today I am going to tell you all about good manners & its importance. We all live in a society, where the way of thinking, talking & acting must be following social norms. Right Manner is a part of human nature & life. We all must know how to behave well & perform good manners. It helps us to earn respect & dignity in society. People always love a man of good manners.

Good manners are incorporated by parents to their children so that they start adapting to it from a very young age. They teach them how to behave with the family, friends, neighbours, relatives & people around them. Modesty, humbleness & kindness are few of the essential traits of a good manners person. Greeting people with a ‘Namaste’ or handshake with a smile is one of the primary manners which all of learning from a very young age.

Reverting people with ‘thank you’ is one of sweet gesture. Saying ‘sorry’, ’excuse me’ are very common which we practice in our lives. Besides all these treating elders with respect & juniors with love & care is also a trait of good manners. We must take permission from other before using any property of others, offering seats to elders in public transport, being humble & polite, not using any offensive or abusive language are also the characters of a well-mannered person.

Good manners always open up the new doors for good connections in life. It also helps us ease of living life. It allows a new conversation with people which is essential for success in life. Good manners create an effective interaction & healthy discussion. Good manners create positivity in the environment. It is a vital part for the individual as well as for society. However, it is observed that the new generation is forgetting the importance of good manners day by day.

They are becoming rude & arrogant. The cases of indiscipline & irregularity are on hike. Good manners are the rudiment elementary education which starts from home. We all must stress on the fact that children are learning it from the very beginning itself. It is a part of life which impacts our existence in society. So we all must practice & follow good manners in our day to day life.

Short Speech on Good Manners

Below we have provided a short speech Good Manners, written in easy and simple words for class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 school students.

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I ……. of class….. is going to deliver my speech on good manners.

Good manners are an integral part of our life & society. We all learn it from a very young age from our home. Teachers also teach us all good manners in school. It is essential for all of us as it helps in having a good impression on people around us. Being respectful, humble, caring, kind is few of the example of traits which is included in good manners. I will tell you a few of the traits which we all must practice in our day to day life.

Firstly wishing & greeting people whenever we meet them. We must acknowledge people with ‘Thank You’ whenever anyone does any favour for us. If we are wrong somewhere, we must say ‘sorry’. We all must respect our parents, teachers & all elders as well as must show care & love to the juniors. Maintaining cleanliness must be practised not only in-home or school but everywhere we go to. We must not use any offensive or abusive word ever.

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  • English Essay for Students – Importance of good manners


Essay on Importance of Good Manners

How a person behaves towards the other can be termed ‘manner’. Manners play an important part in everyone’s life. Someone’s manners can tell us so many things about that person, like their background, their education etc. But ‘Manner’ is a general term, that is to say, it does not necessarily mean that manners are always good, though they always should be good, if not cultivated properly they can be bad, which is generally termed as ‘bad – Manners’. And therefore, manners, that is to say, ‘Good Manners’ are cultivated in every child from childhood.

The learning of manners starts from the home since parents are the first teacher of the child, the parents also become the first to teach manners to the child. But one thing to understand here is that the mind of a human is receptive, and hence we, the human, receive or rather learn and grasp so many things that happen in our surroundings. And this surrounding also up to an extent plays a role in the cultivation of manners in the child.

Hence, good surroundings cultivate good manners and vice-versa.

Afterwards, the parents and the surrounding school and teachers play an important part in teaching good manners to the students. For instance, the students must greet the teacher good morning, or good afternoon (according to the time) whenever the teacher enters the classroom, also the use of phrases such as “may I come in” and “may I go” are taught to be used in the school. And these phrases remain with the students for the rest of their life.

Understanding Good Manners

The one thing to understand here is that good manners are not formalities, neither are they social protocol or the rules, which one has to follow to avoid the fine. But it is something that comes from the inside most naturally and by itself, it is something that should not be forced or faked. The way in which we want others to behave with us is also how they want us to behave to them, it can be the simplest way to understand good manners.

People with good manners are liked by everyone, while on the other hand, those who do not possess good manners are more often than not despised by others. It does not matter how wealthy one is, how well educated one is, or how great marks one managed to score, if the person does not possess good manners people are not going to admire him. But if the person knows how to act and behave with others, then everyone likes that person. Also, good manners turn into good nature, and a person who has a good nature is liked by everyone.

Writing an Essay on the Importance of Good Manners

As discussed, good manners are important in life, writing about the same helps it in a better manner. And hence students are required to write an essay on the importance of good manners. Because for writing an essay students have to think about it, and therefore it also in a way allows the students to check their manners.

But one thing is also important which is, essay writing should be good, and hence Vedantu provides the essay on the “importance of good manners” for free to guide the students in writing the same.

From our childhood, good manners have been cultivated as a major part of every being's life. Being a human it plays an important role in every one day to day life. Our parents nurtured us since our childhood with good mannerism, good behavior and discipline. These three features are a vital part of good manners. Manners either its bad or good can't be imposed to the child, some basically inherited from their parents and other social mannerism etiquettes will be taught by parents itself at home first, since a home is the first school of any child to start its learning process where parents both mother and father plays an important role in developing good social etiquette or good manners to enhance the child’s upbringing in a good shape. 

Good manners has its own definition. If a person needs to be liked by someone then he or she needs to act like a good person with good behavior or manners. No matter what level of studies you did, either highly qualified or simply 10th passed out doesn’t make a difference if a person knows how to act or behave in front of others. 

Respect and courtesy are the major assets in developing good manners. One should be polite and courteous to others, even while communicating we need to be kind, calm and patient enough to listen to others, which means he or she should be a good listener. These qualities even makes life problems more simple and makes the person think more broadly.   

Types of Good Manners:  

Here are some specific mentioned good manners which helps a person in enhancing

Speak politely to others

Say thank you always wherever needed in conversation.

Open doors for others.

 Maintain eye contact while shaking hands. 

Stand up while elders enter the room. 

Polite phone manners.

Serve people when any guest enters your home. 

Highlights of Good Manners

Good manners can differentiate between in two aspects that is one in school and other at-home itself.

At Home: Home is the first place where child traits develop from, the parent is the first teacher who makes them (child) understand the differences between good and bad manners. Keeping in mind future aspects, a child needs to develop traits as polite, calm, and patient. Since childhood, we have taught of maintaining hygiene habit after having lunch or dinner, while eating or drinking not to make bad sound, say THANKYOU and SORRY are the important words to use while making in conversation, keeping own belonging in exact place after taking out from the place, brushing off teeth and bath daily, do not disturb others while working something important task, always take permission for picking up thing while visiting any neighbor place, always mention PLEASE word for requesting or asking for something and so on.

There are various add on traits which give support in child mannerism to act as disciplined and good nature human beings. These are basic traits and habits which a child develops from childhood by learning and observing the parents. 

At School: School manners consist of some different patterns of ethics that need to be followed by the child. Respecting teachers is the most important quality of good manners, here (School) environment also develops hygiene habits as such maintain a distance of put hands while sneezing or coughing, to carry a handkerchief, washing off hands after having lunch, always asks permission to the teacher for going to washrooms, daily completion of homework, maintain focus in class, talk politely to classmates and obey class monitor or teachers instructions, not to push children while standing in a queue. These are some major qualities that help children in enhancing good manners in all aspects.

Good Manners vs Discipline

There is a thin line between these two words which makes a big difference, generally, we cannot identify these differences. Good manners is completely associated with a  person's act or behavior such as politeness, patience, good listener, courtesy, helping nature and so on are some of the traits that signify good manners. Whereas Discipline describes a person's own set of rules and standards which he/ she follows throughout their life for example if a person is a smoker but here his discipline says not to smoke in front of parents or any elders this follows as same by any means. 


FAQs on English Essay for Students – Importance of good manners

1. What is Good Manners? 

Good manners are expressed by our behavior and implemented on others. Being polite and courteous is good manners. The cultured and well-mannered person was always demanded in the society and appreciated by all. And the person who doesn’t know how to behave and act to others will not be liked by anyone and he or she loses its respect. This quality (good manners) has been developed since childhood to take firm roots. 

2. What are the Advantages of Good Manners? 

Good manners make a person civilized to live in society, it maintains peaceful relations among people and builds up social relations between person to person.

3. What Types of Good Manners Child Learns in School? 



Always keep a good smile on your face while talking. 

Maintain eye contact while asking any question to the teacher 

Shows respect to others.

Always encourage classmates in any difficult task performance. 

Helping classmates. 

Building up communication with others and classmates as well. 

 4. What are the basic behaviors which are regarded as good manners?

There is much such behavior, below given are some of them.

Greeting others good night, good day, good morning etc, according to the time.

Thanking others when someone helps us.

Saying phrases like “you are most welcome” or “mention not” when someone thanks us after receiving our help.

Serving the guests at home.

Maintaining eye contact when someone is talking with us.

Behaving politely and respectfully on the phone.

Always be polite and humble to others.

The list is endless, but the first and foremost thing is that it has to come from the inside by itself.

5. Why should I use the essay on “the importance of good manners” that Vedantu provides?

Vedantu believes in delivering top-quality content to all the students and to fulfill this promise the team of expert teachers at Vedantu works very hard to provide the students with the best material. And the same goes for the essay on the importance of good manners. Also, this essay is written in such a manner that it exactly matches the level of students, the sentence formation, the vocabulary use, everything is chosen by considering the level of students. Last but not least, it is available for a free of cost download.

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Good Manners Speech

Speech on good manners -.

Good manners are always welcomed by the people in society. Good manners are nothing but to treat the people in a polite way and good behaviour in public. Likewise bad manners are impolite—bad or rude behaviour can be referred to as a discourteous way to treat people in public. Every parent must teach their children to behave in a good manner wherever they may be in public or at home.

Good Manners Speech

10 Lines on Good Manners

The base of every relationship is manners. Whether it's a friend or a family member, your manners decide whether it will be a good or bad relationship with the person in front of you.

To win someone's heart you have to maintain good manners as it helps to keep the relationship smooth and positive.

A person with good manners is polite, respectful and shows feelings for the people around him.

A person with good manners will never be proud or arrogant about something which is not based on a proper reason. And always takes care of the feelings of the person in front.

Manners play an important role in every single stage of our life. It matters a lot for living a social life.

Manners say that be thankful for others, be kind to all living beings and give respect. These are 3 mantras for good manners.

Good manners also helps to maintain or improve physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being. It leads to sensibility and dignity.

Saying hurtful things to the person is not a sign of good manners. It will hurt the feelings of a person and will make the relationship negative.

Yelling at every point and giving excuses are part of bad manners. Instead we can talk in a lower voice and can say sorry if we are wrong at some point.

Good manners will help to improve our image and make us a good person.

Short Speech on Good Manners

Possessing good manners refers to one's ability to behave properly in social situations. Living a social life depends greatly on having decent manners. Particularly in youngsters, it should be instilled from an early age. The most crucial aspect of our nature and life is how we behave, whether it is in a good or negative way. While bad manners disgrace us, good manners assist us in gaining respect and dignity in society. Good manners give a proper shaping to a personality.

Good manners makes every person extraordinary in their own way. In everyday life, manners are crucial. Our body language, temperament, demeanour, civility, and manners are all reflected in them. We do our duties in every aspect of life, and our moral character is put to the test. Here are some examples of good manners.

Helping people.

Greetings others respectfully.

Say thank you after receiving something.

Say sorry after making any mistake.

Don't talk back.

We must constantly stand for people who are suffering.

Before touching or utilising someone else's property, we must obtain their consent.

When someone speaks to us, we should pay close attention.

We should always compliment individuals on their positive traits and actions.

To leave a positive impression on others in daily life, good manners are crucial. They aid in enhancing your sense of self-worth and identity. Good manners should be used anywhere you go, including at home with children, at work with coworkers, and with friends.

Long Speech on Good Manners

Our character is created by our manners. Both good and bad manners are possible. Our reputation is ruined by bad manners. It is referred to as bad manners when we treat people poorly, such as when we are impolite or fail to communicate with them appropriately.

Children should start learning manners at a young age.We rarely lose the virtues and conduct that were instilled in us as children. Good manners are a set of characteristics that support us in life. A person should always act politely. That demonstrates moral integrity. A person's good manners are not truly a part of them if they are only used when there is a profit to be gained or to make others think well of them.

Practicing Good Manners

I believe that using excellent manners is essential for success in daily life. The modern man is hard-pressed and impatient. In order to function in society, one must also develop social graces. These are frequently referred to as manners or etiquettes. For instance, if there isn't another seat available, one must offer one to an elderly person. One must cover their lips with a handkerchief or at the very least their hand when they cough or sneeze in public.

Additionally, when in a social setting, one must wait their turn to speak. It's impolite to interject in other people's conversations. Students who behave well benefit from their own personal development and become better people overall. Anyone who is kind to us deserves our gratitude. Being polite is essential to having a great and honourable personality in society. It supports our soul's and mind's positivity. Our admirable conduct demonstrates the strength of our character. To foster constructive contact, we ought to reverence and respect others.

Examples of Good Manners

When you first meet someone, introduce yourself by name. Introduce yourself by name and ask the person you are meeting with their name if you haven't met them previously.

For example, You may say, "Hello, my name is James. Which is yours?" When it comes to introductions, different cultures and nations have distinct customs, so be sure you are aware of them where you are.

Use the words "please" and "thank you" while making requests. Start with saying "please" whenever you need to make a request or need anything. In this manner, it won't appear as though you are expecting the other person to perform tasks for you.

For instance, you might ask, "Could you hand me that book please?" Upon receiving the book, "Would you kindly hand the book to me?" Say "Thank you" after receiving the book.

To demonstrate that you are kind and considerate, offer to assist others. Ask if there is anything you can do for someone if you see them in need.

Take the time to help the other person if the request is reasonable and you can complete it without difficulty. You might not always need to ask someone for aid. You can give your seat on a bus to someone who needs to sit down, or you can hold a door open for someone who is approaching from behind.

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Essay on Good Manners in 250 Words, in 500 Words

write a speech on the importance of good manners

  • Updated on  
  • Mar 15, 2024

Essay On Good Manners

Good manners are known as the social lubricant that makes our interactions with others easy and respectful. These etiquettes and behaviors are an important way of shaping our relationships and personal character. Since our teachers and parents are continuously striving to teach the young ones about good etiquette, students often receive an essay to write on this topic. In this article, we will be sharing some samples to help you a little with this little essay of yours. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Importance of Good Manners in Our Lives
  • 2 Essay on Good Manners in 250 Words
  • 3 Essay on Good Manners in 500 Words

Importance of Good Manners in Our Lives

Good manners are very essential in the life of an individual. Every student should understand the value of the same. Good manners should be taught from the very beginning of childhood because they help us develop a good personality and become a better person. They help us in staying positive all through the day. Wherever required, we should say the words like “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “excuse me”, etc. These words make us humble and polite. Good manners open doors to new opportunities and new conversation. They teach us to show kindness to everyone. Parents should teach their kids the value of good manners.

Some of the good manners are mentioned below:

  • Punctuality
  • Being Honest
  • Asking for Permission
  • Using the words like “sorry” and “excuse me”
  • Being compassionate and kind
  • Always speaking the truth
  • Greeting elders

Essay on Good Manners in 250 Words

When you interact with others outside people, good manners play a vital role. An individual’s upbringing, character, and respect for others are the foundation of good manners. All these habits contribute to a more sophisticated and civilized society. The most important aspect of good manners includes politeness. It means that whenever you are having a conversation with anybody, use polite words, as these words convey consideration and respect toward the other person. It also means to listen actively when the other person is when they are speaking or conveying anything. Doing this will show your empathic behavior toward their feelings. 

Being on time is another sign of respecting other people’s time. Being present on time for appointments, meetings, or social gatherings shows consideration for others’ schedules and commitments. It also reflects your responsible and reliable behavior of yours. 

One more aspect of good manners is having Kindness and empathy. They are an inseparable part when we talk about good manners. Treating other people with kindness and understanding their opinions leads to building positive relationships. The simplest acts of kindness, like holding the door for somebody or helping someone unknown in need, promote a sense of community and good integral behavior . 

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Essay on Good Manners in 500 Words

Good manners are important for having positive social interactions and having strong social relationships. It includes polite behavior, respect for others, and respect for their feelings. Good manners also include having simple gestures like saying “please” and “thank you,” showing patience, and having etiquette in various situations of life. The two important factors of good manners include politeness and courtesy. Having them two in your conversation makes people feel valued and respected. Respecting other one’s personal space, actively listening to them, and not interfering in their personal decisions are collectively known as good manners. Respecting people and behaving appropriately is the short mantra of good manners.

This is the main foundation of civil society, shaping the way individuals will react, communicate, and relate to each other. These behaviors ensure that our interactions are respectful, considerate, and harmonious. Good manners are a broad range of good behaviors and etiquette. They are not just a set of rules but are also a reflection of our character and upbringing. These manners are essential for multiple reasons.

First and foremost, good manners leave a positive and welcoming effect on our daily environment. When the other person is calm and polite it conveys a sense of ease and comfort, which makes a conversation interactive and joyful without any hesitations. Politeness conveyed with simple pleasing and comforting gestures sets a tone of consideration and appreciation.

Additionally, it also contributes to making strong and lasting relationships. Kindness, empathy, and understanding are all the foundation of good manners. Small acts of kindness, such as helping a friend in need or listening to a friend going through a tough time, strengthen the bonds between individuals. Good manners are an important factor in both professional and social success. In the business world, individuals who are well-have, such as they are punctual, and having decent communication skills are more likely to be perceived as reliable and trustworthy. In social gatherings, individuals with good manners are generally more approachable to form friendships and social networks.

Respect the physical boundaries and ensure that others feel comfortable in your presence. Avoid breaching other one’s personal space, and stand at an appropriate distance while you are communicating with others.

Table manners, particularly during meals, are a specific set of good manners that are very important during various social situations. Table etiquette includes using utensils correctly, chewing with one’s mouth closed, and avoiding conversing while you are chewing food. These behaviors not only convey a pleasant dining experience but also reflect respect for other people at the table. Having good manners is a lifelong behavior that starts in childhood and goes up to adulthood. Parents and teachers constantly try to teach these important life lessons to young individuals. 

They are important for building good relations and achieving personal and professional success. In short good manners include politeness, respect for personal space, punctuality , kindness, and proper table etiquette. By including and practicing these manners in our day-to-day lives, we contribute to a more respectful and considerate society.

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It is essential to form a sophisticated society, to promote respect, courtesy, and harmony in social interactions.

Good manners are the base of respectful and harmonious interactions, including politeness, respect for personal space, punctuality, and kindness.

Yes,  they are an integral part of good manners.

Hence, we hope that this blog has assisted you in comprehending what a essay on a good manners must have. For more such essays, check our category essay writing .

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Parul Aggarwal

Parul Aggarwal is a skilled content writer with a focus on creative writing. She has a strong understanding of her subject matter and a genuine enthusiasm for it. Parul is known for crafting informative and captivating content that simplifies intricate topics, establishing her as a reliable expert in her field. She dedicates a significant portion of her time to thorough research and honing her writing abilities.

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Essay on Good Manners

Students are often asked to write an essay on Good Manners in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Good Manners


Good manners are important for maintaining harmony in society. They are a set of behaviors that show respect for others.

Importance of Good Manners

Good manners help us make a positive impression. They reflect our character and upbringing.

Examples of Good Manners

Saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, respecting elders, and not interrupting are examples of good manners.

Everyone should practice good manners. They make the world a better place.

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250 Words Essay on Good Manners

Good manners are a fundamental part of human interaction, embodying a code of behavior that promotes respect, consideration, and empathy towards others. They are the unspoken rules that govern our conduct in society and are essential for maintaining harmonious relationships.

The Essence of Good Manners

Good manners are not just about following set rules. They are an expression of our inner character and values, reflecting our respect for others. They embody virtues such as humility, kindness, and patience. Good manners are the manifestation of emotional intelligence, demonstrating our ability to understand and respond to the feelings of others.

Importance in Professional Life

In professional life, good manners are indispensable. They facilitate effective communication, foster a positive work environment, and contribute to personal growth. They can be a strong determinant of success, as they influence how others perceive us.

Role in Society

Good manners play a crucial role in society. They help in maintaining social order and fostering a sense of community. They promote mutual respect and understanding, thereby reducing conflicts and enhancing social harmony.

In conclusion, good manners are more than just a social obligation. They are a reflection of our character, a tool for success in professional life, and a catalyst for social harmony. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate good manners, not just for personal growth but also for the betterment of society.

500 Words Essay on Good Manners

Good manners are not just about following set rules. They are a critical aspect of human communication and social interactions. Good manners convey respect, kindness, and consideration to others. They are an outward reflection of one’s inner self, showcasing one’s respect for others as well as for oneself.

Good manners are fundamental to the fabric of modern society. They signify more than just a proper way of behaving; they are the expression of an understanding and respect for the feelings of others. Good manners are a demonstration of respect for the social contract that we live by, an acknowledgment of the shared dignity inherent in all of us.

The Importance of Good Manners

Good manners are essential in maintaining harmony and good relationships across our personal and professional lives. They play a pivotal role in building strong relationships. In professional settings, good manners can mean the difference between success and failure. They create an environment of respect, making it easier for individuals to communicate effectively.

Good Manners in the Digital Age

In the digital age, good manners take on a new dimension. With the advent of technology, our interactions have become more impersonal. However, the principles of good manners remain the same. Being respectful, considerate, and honest in our virtual interactions are as important as they are in face-to-face conversations.

The Role of Education in Instilling Good Manners

Education plays a significant role in instilling good manners. As students, we learn not only from textbooks but also from the social environment around us. Educational institutions should prioritize the teaching of good manners, as they are as important as academic knowledge.

In conclusion, good manners are not just about etiquette and rules; they are a reflection of our respect and consideration for others. They play a crucial role in maintaining social harmony and personal relationships. In this digital age, it is important to uphold the principles of good manners in both our real and virtual interactions. As a society, we must prioritize the teaching of good manners, recognizing their importance in shaping a respectful and considerate community.

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write a speech on the importance of good manners

Good Manners Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on good manners.

Since our childhood, we were always taught good manners . Our parents always insisted us to enlist good manners. Moreover, they always tried their best to teach us everything to become a good human being . Good manners are important for a person to live in a society. Furthermore, if a person wants to be liked by everyone then he must know how to behave. The difference between an educated person and an illiterate person is not of knowledge. But the way he speaks and acts. So the presence of good manners can make a person gentleman. Yet if a person is lacking it then even the most educated person will not be a good man.

write a speech on the importance of good manners

Good manners hold great importance in a persons’ life. In order to become successful in life, one should always take care of how he interacts. Various businessman and successful people are achieving heights. This is because of their good manners and skills. If a boss does not speak properly with his employees then they will leave the job. Therefore good manners are essential in any field of life.

Our parents have always taught us to respect our elders . Because if we won’t respect our elders then our Youngers will not respect us. Respect also comes in good manners. Respect is one of the most essential needs of a person. Moreover, many people work really hard to earn respect. Since I was a child I have always heard from my parents that respect is the utmost thing you should aim for. Therefore everyone deserves respect in life.

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Division of Good manners can be done under two categories:-

Good Manners at School

In-School, a child should respect his teachers and seniors. Furthermore, he should listen to what the teacher is saying because they are his mentors. Moreover, the child should be well dressed and hygienic.

Furthermore, a child should always carry a handkerchief, in order to maintain hygiene . The child should always be punctual. So that he may not waste others time. Also, you should never take others’ things without permission. Since there are many children studying in the school, you should not push each other while standing in a queue.

Good Manners at Home

Most importantly, you should respect your parents at home. Always wish them “GOOD MORNING” and “GOOD NIGHT” at the beginning and end of the day. Moreover, you should brush your teeth and take a bath daily. So, you may maintain proper hygiene.

Wash hands before eating your meal, chew your food well and eat with mouth closed. Also, you should take permission from parents before going out of the house Above all, you make use of the words ‘Thank you’ and ‘Please’ in your speech.

Good manners at work for elders. You should respect your Co-workers. Also, you should try to complete yours on time. Furthermore, you should be punctual in the office. Do not gossip while working and do not distract others.

Moreover, you should not interfere in others’ work. Consider your junior employees and help them if they have any problem. At last, do not fall into corruption and do your work with honesty and diligence.

FAQs on the Good Manners

Q1.Why is the importance of good manners?

A1. In order to live in a society, one should have good manners. This maintains a peaceful environment and people will like you as a human being.

Q2.How can we enlist good manners in us?

A2. We can enlist good manners by reading books and learning from it. Moreover, you can also join personality development classes. They teach all the good manners and make you a better person.

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The importance of good manners

By Your Headspace Mindfulness & Meditation Experts

Good manners cost nothing. These are wise words that we probably remember being taught as children, and those who are now parents probably repeat to their own kids.

But while these gifts are free to give, the simple offerings of being polite and kind — like saying please and thank you, listening carefully, and making eye contact with people — can bring huge benefits to ourselves and those around us.

In this article

Mindfulness your manners, how to teach kids good manners.

They can help us appear more confident, maintain more fulfilling personal relationships, lead to us prospering at work and generally enjoying happier and healthier lives.

But what we probably didn’t realize when we were being taught to be well-mannered as children — and perhaps those teaching it didn’t recognize either — is that when we were learning about good manners, we were often learning about mindfulness .

By living more mindfully, it can lead to us naturally having better manners and help us to live a more prosperous life — without spending a cent.

What are good manners?

By practicing basic good manners, we are showing those around us that we respect them and are considerate to their feelings. This makes them feel better, and us too.

Most of us have heard the old adage: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This wisdom is so ingrained in our life lessons, it has become known as “the golden rule.”

Examples of good manners can manifest themselves in seemingly small actions and rewards — like holding the door open for someone and receiving a silent smile of recognition in return. But it can also make or break crucial relationships and be the difference between harmony and conflict at home, at work, or even between countries and cultures on the world stage.

Like any rule, there are some exceptions , and we must appreciate that others’ experiences, needs, and boundaries can be different from our own.

But it is a concept with solid and natural roots. And Kristen Monroe, director of the University of California Irvine Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality, says : "There is a lot of good, if emerging, scientific work suggesting people have an innate sense of fairness built into them and that the golden rule captures much of that innate moral sense. A lot of people instinctively follow it.”

So if that moral sense of respect and fairness is already built into us, let’s look at how to unlock it naturally to benefit ourselves and others around us.

Meditation can be a great training ground for mindfulness . We meditate to practice being more present in the moment and then develop the ability to use these skills in our day-to-day lives, and that is living mindfully.

Being more present is crucial when it comes to looking at how to get good manners. That could mean being focused on one thing — or person — without being lost in the thoughts in your head. If we are present when we meet someone, for example, we are more likely to remember their name, which is an admirable skill associated with well-mannered people.

Empathy is another of the most important building blocks of a healthy relationship and treating others with kindness. And being able to understand how someone else is feeling — and having a spirit of generosity — is an important component of how to improve manners.

Headspace co-founder and former Buddhist monk Andy Puddicombe says , “Empathy does not require that we have been through the same thing as another person, simply that we meet them where they are now.”

Meditation for compassion — or loving kindness meditation — can help to nurture and release our natural empathy. This meditation encourages us to direct good will first onto ourselves, and then to others. The more we practice this meditation, the more we can let go of judgment and hostility, and apply this kindness to our everyday interactions.

Researchers from Emory University discovered that compassion meditation could improve our ability to empathize with those around us and to activate the areas of the brain associated with compassion.

And an important way to make those around you feel happy, positive, and at ease is to embrace that state of mind yourself. Headspace offers guided meditations to help us change our relationship with the thoughts that can sometimes cloud our happiness and reconnect with our underlying sense of contentment; it includes a 10-day happiness course. A study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies found 10 days of Headspace increased happiness by 16%.

Another example of where we can be more present in our lives — and where a lot of our life lessons on social etiquette are taught from an early age — is having good table manners.

Mindful eating encourages us to remove distractions and sit uninterrupted with our food and fellow diners. This encourages a healthier relationship with our food and with those eating with us.

The dinner table is often one of the key places we discuss manners with our children – but we also know there are many other elements to encouraging good manners for kids.

Headspace offers specific meditation for kids that can help nurture a kind, focused, and calm young mind. Headspace for Kids splits its content into three age groups: 5 and under, 6-8 and 9-12 and features collaborations with Sesame Street to teach kids about mindfulness.

Among the specific themes are helping children to be calm with simple breathing exercises, using their imagination to practice a relaxed, precise kind of focus, and encouraging kindness using visualization exercises to teach children about openness and generosity.

Headspace founder Andy says, “It’s almost as though meditation was designed for kids. They just get it – there is this elasticity and freedom in their minds which allows them to be present in the moment and free from any external thoughts or pressures.”

“By introducing meditation and mindfulness at an early age, not only can we build on this and help nurture their mind development, but we are also making meditation simple and accessible.”

And, of course, a good first step in showing kids the importance of good manners is to be a positive role model with our own behavior. Mindful parenting involves being fully present with our children, free from distractions and judgment, and with a soft and open mind.

Join more than 66 million people who have downloaded the Headspace app, which features hundreds of guided meditations to help us live with empathy, compassion, and to be more present in the moment. Be kind to your mind. Start with a free trial of Headspace.

READ NEXT: How to be more empathetic

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Speech On Good Manners [1-3 Minutes]

Are you looking for a guide to draft a speech on good manners? The good news for you is here below I have provided some engaging speeches on the same topic. You can take an idea on how to formulate an influential speech that is worth appreciation and recognition.

Speech on Good Manners | 1 Minute | 100 Words

Very First, I would like to thank you all for having me a chance to deliver this speech. And I wish you all greetings and best wishes.

Good manners will carry you where money won’t go. – Margaret walker

This is the quote that always inspired me to pursue good manners. But have you ever brainstormed about what good manners are? It is actually a set of good behaviours towards others. These good manners are taught to us by our parents and family members first and then by our school teachers.

The next question is -why do good manners hold so much weight in society? That is because Good Manners give shape to personality and behaviour oneself. In fact, Good manners are characteristics of a gentleman . Everyone should adopt good manners in life in order to make a distinct identity in society. Good manners bring us respect and appreciation in society.

My speech on good manners is done.

Thank you all

Speech on Good Manners

Speech on Good Manners | 2 Minutes | 150 Words

Before I get started I would like to wish you all greetings and good wishes. And I want to thank you all for having me this great opportunity to deliver a speech about good manners.

Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. Clarence Thomas

This line is written by Clarence Thomas and I personally believe that it is true. All the successful people in the world possess extraordinary good manners that make their personalities very distinct from others. As we all know good manners decide the personality and behaviour of a person. This is why good manners hold intense significance in one’s life.

Everyone likes a person who shows good manners. Don’t you? It is human nature to like someone who treats everyone with love and respect. In fact, most people that are very famous and loved by all are because of having self-confidence and good manners.

Everyone must know the power of words in relation to good manners. Thank You “, “ Sorry “, “ Excuse Me “, “ Good Morning ” and “ Good Evening “. These words can make you liked and well-recognised in society. Using these words in daily life will shine your character and this will strengthen brotherhood and relations.

There is a lot to say but we should respect time as time is limited. So, I sum up this speech here.

Thank you all.

Speech on Good Manners | 3 Minutes | 250 Words

Good manners are the fundamental lesson taught to any child. A person with good manners is forever loved and cherished. These sorts of people hold a magnetic attraction in society. The quality of having good manners is the ladder to achieving success. So, Everyone must practise and follow good manners because they decide the character of a person.

How we can improve good manners to become gentle people? Good manners develop over time and we understand that observation has a higher weight than teaching. Kids use to observe and replicate the styles of people all around them. So, it is also vital for parents to adopt good manners rather than only training their kids about good manners.

Good manners assist us to enhance our personality and offer a good position in society. Plus, these practices render us a chance to be liked and loved by everyone. Whether at home, school , college or any area of the world we should always respect our elders irrespective of appearance, creed or caste. Apart from respect, always speak politely to everyone be it a kid, youth or senior.

Moreover, generosity and helpfulness are also features of a gentleman. These qualities cause a person to be a true human. Words leave a magical influence on human beings. So always use “ Thank You “, “ Sorry “, “ Excuse Me “, “ Good Morning ” and “ Good Evening “. Using these words in daily life will shine your character and this will strengthen brotherhood and relations.

You can use some quotations on good manners to make your writing project more personalised and unique.

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10 Paragraphs: Good Manners

Understanding and practicing good manners is an essential aspect of interpersonal communication and social interaction. Good manners reflect our respect, consideration, and empathy towards others, and they play a crucial role in creating a harmonious and pleasant environment. When it comes to writing a paragraph on good manners, it provides an opportunity to explore the importance of courteous behavior, etiquette, and the positive impact it can have on our relationships and society as a whole. 

Table of Contents

Tips On Writing A Paragraph On Good Manners

Define good manners: Begin by providing a concise definition of good manners. Explain that good manners are a set of social behaviors and etiquettes that reflect respect, consideration, and politeness towards others. Emphasize that good manners are not merely a set of rules, but a genuine display of kindness, empathy, and cultural awareness.

Highlight the importance: Discuss the significance of good manners in our daily lives. Explain how practicing good manners fosters positive relationships, enhances communication, and creates a harmonious environment. Mention that good manners promote empathy, tolerance, and understanding, allowing individuals to navigate social interactions with grace and respect.

Discuss key elements: Identify and elaborate on key elements of good manners. These may include behaviors such as saying “please” and “thank you,” using polite language, offering assistance, practicing active listening, being punctual, respecting personal space, and showing appreciation for others. Illustrate these elements with real-life examples to make the paragraph more relatable and impactful.

Address cultural and situational contexts: Acknowledge that good manners can vary across different cultures and situations. Explain the importance of being aware and respectful of cultural norms and customs when interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, highlight the adaptability of good manners in different contexts, such as formal settings, social gatherings, and digital communication.

Emphasize positive outcomes: Conclude the paragraph by emphasizing the positive outcomes of practicing good manners. Discuss how good manners contribute to building trust, fostering healthy relationships, and creating a positive social atmosphere. Explain that good manners promote empathy, reduce conflict, and enhance overall well-being, both for individuals and society as a whole.

Paragraph 1

Good manners are the cornerstone of positive social interactions. They encompass behaviors and etiquettes that reflect respect, consideration, and politeness towards others. Simple acts like saying “please” and “thank you,” holding the door for someone, or offering a warm smile can make a significant difference in creating a harmonious environment. Good manners demonstrate our values and character, enhancing communication, fostering empathy, and building strong and meaningful relationships.

Paragraph 2

Practicing good manners is not just about following a set of rules; it is a genuine display of kindness and empathy towards others. It involves actively listening to others, showing respect for their ideas and opinions, and refraining from interrupting or speaking over them. Good manners also include giving others the space to express themselves, being patient and understanding, and treating everyone with dignity and courtesy, regardless of their background or social status.

Paragraph 3

Good manners extend beyond face-to-face interactions and also apply to our digital communication. In this era of technology, it is important to be mindful of our online behavior. Using polite language, refraining from offensive or disrespectful comments, and practicing digital etiquette, such as responding promptly to messages, are all part of exhibiting good manners in the virtual world. Being respectful and considerate online helps build trust and fosters a positive online community.

Paragraph 4

Good manners play a crucial role in formal settings, such as the workplace or educational institutions. They include arriving on time for meetings or classes, being attentive and engaged, and respecting the opinions and contributions of others. Good manners also involve professional communication, such as using appropriate language, maintaining a polite tone, and expressing gratitude towards colleagues and superiors. Demonstrating good manners in professional settings can enhance productivity, teamwork, and overall job satisfaction.

Paragraph 5

Cultural awareness is an essential aspect of good manners. Different cultures may have varying customs and social norms, and being respectful and sensitive to these differences is crucial. Good manners involve educating ourselves about different cultures, traditions, and practices, and adapting our behavior accordingly. This includes understanding appropriate greetings, gestures, and customs when interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds and showing appreciation for their cultural heritage.

Paragraph 6

Good table manners are a significant aspect of demonstrating respect and consideration during meals. They include using utensils correctly, chewing with your mouth closed, not talking with food in your mouth, and waiting for everyone to be served before starting to eat. Good table manners create a pleasant dining experience, foster a sense of unity, and show respect for the efforts of those who have prepared the meal.

Paragraph 7

Practicing good manners also involves being mindful of personal space and boundaries. Respecting someone’s personal space means maintaining an appropriate physical distance and refraining from touching others without consent. It is important to be aware of cultural differences in personal space preferences and to always prioritize the comfort and well-being of others.

Paragraph 8

Being a good listener is an integral part of good manners. It means giving our full attention to the person speaking, maintaining eye contact, and refraining from distractions such as using our phones. Actively listening allows us to understand others’ perspectives, show empathy, and respond thoughtfully. It is a sign of respect and consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others.

Paragraph 9

Good manners also involve showing appreciation and gratitude towards others. Saying “thank you” when someone does something kind or helpful, expressing gratitude for a gift or gesture, and acknowledging the efforts of others are all essential components of good manners. Gratitude not only strengthens relationships but also cultivates a positive outlook and fosters a sense of well-being.

Paragraph 10

In conclusion, good manners serve as a foundation for positive social interactions and contribute to a harmonious and respectful society. They involve behaviors such as being polite, respectful, and considerate towards others, both in person and online. Good manners transcend cultural boundaries, adapt to different contexts, and enhance communication and relationships. By practicing good manners, we show empathy, build trust, and create a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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write a speech on the importance of good manners

English Compositions

Short Essay on Good Manners [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, I will show you how to write short essays on Good Manners . These essays will be written in very simple words for a better understanding of all kinds of students. 

Table of Contents

  • Short Essay on Good Manners in 100 words 
  • Short Essay on Good Manners in 200 words 
  • Short Essay on Good Manners in 400 words 

Feature image of Short Essay on Good Manners

Short Essay on Good Manners in 100 words

A person’s outward bearing and his behaviour towards another person is described as his manner. Someone with good manners will be polite, and respectful and care about how others feel. While someone else who has bad manners is going to be rude, disrespectful, irresponsible and inconsiderate. A person learns his manners when he is still a child.

Our parents, grandparents, family members and teachers help us understand the right way to be and behave, and thus, help us cultivate good manners. Some examples of good manners are saying “please”, “thank you” and “sorry”, holding doors open for others and helping elders cross the road. A person who has good manners is going to be well-liked by his friends, colleagues and employers. Good manners take a person far in life. 

Short Essay on Good Manners in 200 words

Manners stand for a person’s outward bearing, his demeanour and the way he behaves towards another person. Someone who has good manners is going to be polite, respectful and care about how others feel. He would be gentle in his demeanour and would help others. Someone else who has bad manners is going to be rude, disrespectful, irresponsible and wouldn’t bother about how others feel. He would be harsh, inconsiderate and ungrateful. 

Having good manners is very important. A person learns his manners when he is still a child. His parents, grandparents, school teachers as well as the society in which he grows up play an important role in his behavioural development. A child should always be taught good manners like respecting his elders, being honest, being kind, gentle and compassionate as well as being giving and helping. A child with good manners grows up into a good adult who is well-liked and respected amongst his friends and colleagues. 

Good manners take a person far in life. Some examples of good manners are saying “please”, “thank you” and “sorry”, holding doors open for others, helping elders cross the road, being disciplined and punctual as well as treating everyone with respect irrespective of their social status. When we are respectful and kind towards others, other people also respect us and treat us kindly. Manners tell a lot about a person and his upbringing. Hence, we must always focus on cultivating good manners. 

Short Essay on Good Manners in 400 words

A person’s outward bearing and his behaviour towards another person is described as his manner. A person who is kind, gentle, polite, respectful and who cares about how others feel has good manners. On the other hand, a person who is rude to others is irresponsible, inconsiderate and disrespectful, and has bad manners.

The manners of a person can tell us a lot about them as well as their upbringing. A person learns his manners when he is still a child. His parents, grandparents, school teachers as well as the society in which he grows up play an important role in his behavioural development. 

Having good manners is important. A child learns how to be and behave by copying his parents and other elders. So, parents and family members of a child need to be mindful of their own behaviour. When parents treat other people with kindness and respect, the child learns to do the same. When parents are abusive and disrespectful, the child copies their negative behaviour.

A child should always be taught good manners like respecting his elders, being honest, being kind, gentle and compassionate as well as being giving and helping. Not using bad words, not abusing others, being tolerant of others and being warm and welcoming are good manners. A child with good manners grows up into a good adult who is well-liked and respected amongst his friends and colleagues. After all, no one likes to hang out or work with people who are rigid and rude or who say offensive things without caring about other people’s feelings. 

Good manners are not the things one does in a forced manner. It is not about social protocols or rules that need to be followed. Instead, it is about the kindness and respectful attitude that comes naturally to a person, that the person displays in his day-to-day life while dealing with other people.

Some examples of good manners are saying “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me” and “sorry”, holding doors open for others, helping elders carry their luggage or cross the road, being disciplined and punctual as well as treating everyone with respect irrespective of their social status. When we are respectful and kind towards others, other people also respect us and treat us kindly. This creates a joyful atmosphere and makes everyone happy. 

Good manners take a person far in life. We must always try to cultivate good manners and let go of our bad habits and manners. 

In this session, three essays have been written on the same topic covering different word limits relevant for various exams. Hopefully, after going through this session, you have a holistic idea about this very topic. You can let me know your doubts through some quick comments below. Join us on Telegram to get all the latest updates on our upcoming seasons. Thanks for being with us. 

  • Essay On Good Manners

Good Manners Essay

500+ words essay on good manners.

Good manners mean the behaviour of a person towards other people. Good manners leave a positive impression on others and confidence in oneself. We all must learn good manners from childhood, with our parents’ and guardians’ guidance. We should always behave well at school, at home, office, or friend’s place.

Good manners are not restricted to writing thank you notes and opening doors to others. When we give respect to others, we attract their attention and mind. We encourage them to behave well and show good manners by acting well. Our actual behaviour, thinking, and mindset can be measured by how courteous we are to others. It is not easy to follow all the good manners for everyone; however, it can be quickly followed after practising well.

Our parents taught us to respect our elders in our childhood because our younger generation will not respect us if we don’t. Respect is also counted in good manners and is one of the essential needs of a person. Moreover, people work hard to earn respect, and every individual deserves respect in life.

Importance of Good Manners in Our Lives

In our daily lives, good manners are essential, and every parent should teach their kids good manners and their significance. We need to learn good manners to interact with friends and make a good impression effectively. It helps us to be positive throughout the day. Whenever required, we should use words like “sorry”, “please”, “thank you”, “excuse me”, etc., to maintain a happy relationship. Using these words, you can show you are sorry, appreciative, glad, and respectful of the people. Parents must help their kids practise such words to behave well in everyday life.

Good manners open the door to new conversations with people and opportunities in life. If someone talks to you rudely, do not reciprocate it. Instead, show them kindness.

Good Manners at Home

A home is a significant place, and we spend most of our time at home with our parents, and learning good manners will improve our family life. By following the rules mentioned below, we can become good and reasonable people.

Let’s learn about a few manners you should maintain at home. The first thing you should do at home is keep yourself neat and clean. Clean can be your clothes, dishes, house, etc. Make sure you clean it before putting it back whenever you use anything, and always you have to get up early in the morning.

Before going out, take permission from your parents. At that time, you can study better because it allows you to focus better. You also need to take good food. Don’t eat fast food or junk food.

Learn to say ‘sorry’ when you make any mistakes. Never lie to your parents; respect your elders. Always make sure to take care of your health and love your younger ones.

It is necessary to practise good manners to be a noble and respectable personality in society. Our good behaviour shows our superior force of character. It maintains positivity in our souls and minds. We should show respect and reverence to people to create positive interactions.

These good manners have much importance in our life. It adds so much productivity and makes us optimistic about everything. Everyone needs to follow these properly to get good characteristics in the future. By changing ourselves, we can change the entire world.

We hope you found this good manners essay helpful. Check BYJU’S to find more CBSE Essays on different topics. Referring to these essays will give you an idea of how to write an essay and improve your writing skills.

write a speech on the importance of good manners

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Good Manners In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on good manners. Parents teach good manners to their children so that they might begin to pick them up at an early age. They instruct kids on how to act around their neighbors, family, friends, and other nearby individuals. A person with good manners must possess a number of qualities, including modesty, humility, and kindness. One of the fundamental etiquettes that everyone learns from an early age is to shake hands with a smile and say “Namaste” to people.

One kind act is to respond to someone by saying “thank you.” We frequently use the words “sorry” and “pardon me” in daily life. In addition to all of this, proper manners include treating juniors and elders with love and respect. The traits of a well-mannered person also include asking permission before using anybody else’s property, giving older passengers a seat on public transportation, being modest and polite, and refraining from using vulgar or harsh language.

Good manners are always the key to making new contacts in life. Additionally, it makes life easier for us. A new conversation with others is made possible, and this is crucial for success in life. Good manners enable successful communication and fruitful debate. Positive attitudes improve the surroundings. It is essential for both the individual and society. However, it appears that the younger generation is losing sight of the value of manners on a daily basis. Thank you.

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write a speech on the importance of good manners


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Being polite means being aware of and respecting the feelings of other people.  We may not always notice politeness but we usually notice rudeness or inconsiderate behaviour.

This page takes a step back and covers some of the fundamentals of building and maintaining relationships with others.  We provide examples of the most common behaviours that are considered polite.

Politeness can and will improve your relationships with others, help to build respect and rapport, boost your self-esteem and confidence, and improve your communication skills.

Many of the points raised on this page may seem obvious (in most cases they are common-sense) but all too often social manners are overlooked or forgotten.  Take some time to read through the following points and think about how being polite and demonstrating good social etiquette can improve your relationships with others.

It is easy to recognise when people are rude or inconsiderate but often more difficult to recognise these traits in yourself. Think carefully about the impressions you leave on others and how you can easily avoid being considered ill-mannered or ignorant.

Politeness Guidelines

You can apply the following (where appropriate) to most interactions with others – friends, colleagues, family, customers, everybody!

Always use common sense and try to behave as appropriately as possible, taking into account any cultural differences.

Say hello to people – greet people appropriately, gain eye contact and smile naturally, shake hands or hug where appropriate but say hello, especially to colleagues and other people you see every day. Be approachable. Do not blank people just because you’re having a bad day.

Take time to make some small talk - perhaps mention the weather or ask about the other person’s family or talk about something that is in the news. Make an effort to engage in light conversation, show some interest, but don’t overdo it. Remain friendly and positive and pick up on the verbal and non-verbal signals from the other person.

Try to remember things about the other person and comment appropriately – use their spouse’s name, their birthday, any significant events that have occurred (or are about to occur) in their life.  Always be mindful of others’ problems and difficult life events.

Always use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.   Make sure you thank people for their input or contribution and always include ‘please’ when asking for something. If somebody offers you something use ' Yes please ' or ' No thank you '.

Praise and/or congratulate others on their achievements.  Praise needs to be seen as genuine – this can be difficult if you feel jealous or angry.

At work be polite and helpful to your subordinates as well as your bosses.  Respect and acknowledge the positions, roles and duties of others.

Use appropriate language – be respectful of gender, race, religion, political viewpoints and other potentially controversial or difficult subjects.  Do not make derogatory or potentially inflammatory comments.

Learn to listen attentively - pay attention to others while they speak – do not get distracted mid-conversation and do not interrupt. (See our pages on Listening Skills for more.)

Respect other people's time.   Try to be precise and to-the-point in explanations without appearing to be rushed.

Be assertive when necessary but respect the right of others to be assertive too.  (See our pages on Assertiveness for more.)

Avoid gossip.  Try to have positive things to say about other people.

Apologise for your mistakes.  If you say or do something that may be considered rude or embarrassing then apologise, but don’t overdo your apologies. (See our page: Apologising | Saying Sorry )

Avoid jargon and vocabulary that may be difficult for others to understand – explain complex ideas or instructions carefully.  Do not appear arrogant.

Respect , and be prepared to listen to, the ideas and opinions of others.

Dress appropriately for the situation.  Avoid wearing revealing clothing in public and avoid staring at others who are wearing revealing clothing. Avoid being dressed too casually for the situation. (See our page: Personal Appearance )

Use humour carefully.   Aim not to cause any offence and know the boundaries of appropriate language for different situations. (See our page: Developing a Sense of Humour )

Practise good personal hygiene.   Wash and brush your teeth regularly, change your clothes and use deodorant. Avoid strong perfumes, after-shaves or colognes.

Be punctual.   If you have arranged to meet somebody at a certain time make sure you are on time, or even a few minutes early.  If you are going to be late let the other person/people know as far in advance as you can.  Do not rely on feeble or exaggerated excuses to explain lateness.  Respect other people’s time and don’t waste it. (See our page: Time Management for more information.)

Always practise good table manners. When eating around others avoid foods with strong odours, do not talk with your mouth full or chew with your mouth open, and eat quietly.

Do not pick your nose or ears, chew on your fingers or bite your fingernails in public. Also avoid playing excessively with your hair.

Good manners cost nothing but can make a big difference to how other people feel about you, or the organisation you are representing. When you’re polite and show good manners others are more likely to be polite and courteous in return.

You can improve your face-to-face or interpersonal relationships with others in many different ways – SkillsYouNeed has numerous pages providing in-depth advice and discussion on specific topics related to interpersonal skills.

Advanced Communication Skills - The Skills You Need Guide to Interpersonal Skills

Further Reading from Skills You Need

Our Communication Skills eBooks

Learn more about the key communication skills you need to be an effective communicator.

Our eBooks are ideal for anyone who wants to learn about or develop their communication skills, and are full of easy-to-follow practical information and exercises.

Continue to: Balancing Politeness with Honesty The Art of Tact and Diplomacy

See also: How to Charm Everyone, Even Your Future Boss Being Good Tempered Charisma | Building Rapport Understanding Others


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