Legal Research Strategy

Preliminary analysis, organization, secondary sources, primary sources, updating research, identifying an end point, getting help, about this guide.

This guide will walk a beginning researcher though the legal research process step-by-step. These materials are created with the 1L Legal Research & Writing course in mind. However, these resources will also assist upper-level students engaged in any legal research project.

How to Strategize

Legal research must be comprehensive and precise.  One contrary source that you miss may invalidate other sources you plan to rely on.  Sticking to a strategy will save you time, ensure completeness, and improve your work product. 

Follow These Steps

Running Time: 3 minutes, 13 seconds.

Make sure that you don't miss any steps by using our:

  • Legal Research Strategy Checklist

If you get stuck at any time during the process, check this out:

  • Ten Tips for Moving Beyond the Brick Wall in the Legal Research Process, by Marsha L. Baum

Understanding the Legal Questions

A legal question often originates as a problem or story about a series of events. In law school, these stories are called fact patterns. In practice, facts may arise from a manager or an interview with a potential client. Start by doing the following:

Read > Analyze > Assess > Note > Generate

  • Read anything you have been given
  • Analyze the facts and frame the legal issues
  • Assess what you know and need to learn
  • Note the jurisdiction and any primary law you have been given
  • Generate potential search terms


Legal rules will vary depending on where geographically your legal question will be answered. You must determine the jurisdiction in which your claim will be heard. These resources can help you learn more about jurisdiction and how it is determined:

  • Legal Treatises on Jurisdiction
  • LII Wex Entry on Jurisdiction

This map indicates which states are in each federal appellate circuit:

A Map of the United States with Each Appellate Court Jurisdiction

Getting Started

Once you have begun your research, you will need to keep track of your work. Logging your research will help you to avoid missing sources and explain your research strategy. You will likely be asked to explain your research process when in practice. Researchers can keep paper logs, folders on Westlaw or Lexis, or online citation management platforms.

Organizational Methods

Tracking with paper or excel.

Many researchers create their own tracking charts.  Be sure to include:

  • Search Date
  • Topics/Keywords/Search Strategy
  • Citation to Relevant Source Found
  • Save Locations
  • Follow Up Needed

Consider using the following research log as a starting place: 

  • Sample Research Log

Tracking with Folders

Westlaw and Lexis offer options to create folders, then save and organize your materials there.

  • Lexis Advance Folders
  • Westlaw Edge Folders

Tracking with Citation Management Software

For long term projects, platforms such as Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley, or Refworks might be useful. These are good tools to keep your research well organized. Note, however, that none of these platforms substitute for doing your own proper Bluebook citations. Learn more about citation management software on our other research guides:

  • Guide to Zotero for Harvard Law Students by Harvard Law School Library Research Services Last Updated Sep 12, 2023 314 views this year

Types of Sources

There are three different types of sources: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary.  When doing legal research you will be using mostly primary and secondary sources.  We will explore these different types of sources in the sections below.

Graph Showing Types of Legal Research Resources.  Tertiary Sources: Hollis, Law Library Website.  Secondary Sources:  Headnotes & Annotations, American Law Reports, Treatises, Law Reviews & Journals, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Restatements.  Primary Sources: Constitutions, Treatises, Statutes, Regulations, Case Decisions, Ordinances, Jury Instructions.

Secondary sources often explain legal principles more thoroughly than a single case or statute. Starting with them can help you save time.

Secondary sources are particularly useful for:

  • Learning the basics of a particular area of law
  • Understanding key terms of art in an area
  • Identifying essential cases and statutes

Consider the following when deciding which type of secondary source is right for you:

  • Scope/Breadth
  • Depth of Treatment
  • Currentness/Reliability

Chart Illustrating Depth and Breadth of Secondary Sources by Type.  Legal Dictionaries (Shallow and Broad), Legal Encyclopedias (Shallow and Broad), Restatements (Moderately Deep and Broad), Treatises (Moderately Deep and Moderately Narrow), American Law Reports (Extremely Deep and Extremely Narrow), Law Journal Articles (Extremely Deep and Extremely Narrow)

For a deep dive into secondary sources visit:

  • Secondary Sources: ALRs, Encyclopedias, Law Reviews, Restatements, & Treatises by Catherine Biondo Last Updated Apr 12, 2024 5146 views this year

Legal Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Legal dictionaries.

Legal dictionaries are similar to other dictionaries that you have likely used before.

  • Black's Law Dictionary
  • Ballentine's Law Dictionary

Legal Encyclopedias

Legal encyclopedias contain brief, broad summaries of legal topics, providing introductions and explaining terms of art. They also provide citations to primary law and relevant major law review articles.  

Graph illustrating that Legal Encyclopedias have broad coverage of subject matter and content with shallow treatment of the topics.

Here are the two major national encyclopedias:

  • American Jurisprudence (AmJur) This resource is also available in Westlaw & Lexis .
  • Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS)

Treatises are books on legal topics.  These books are a good place to begin your research.  They provide explanation, analysis, and citations to the most relevant primary sources. Treatises range from single subject overviews to deep treatments of broad subject areas.

Graph illustrating that Treatises are moderate in scope and relatively deep.

It is important to check the date when the treatise was published. Many are either not updated, or are updated through the release of newer editions.

To find a relevant treatise explore:

  • Legal Treatises by Subject by Catherine Biondo Last Updated Apr 12, 2024 4401 views this year

American Law Reports (ALR)

American Law Reports (ALR) contains in-depth articles on narrow topics of the law. ALR articles, are often called annotations. They provide background, analysis, and citations to relevant cases, statutes, articles, and other annotations. ALR annotations are invaluable tools to quickly find primary law on narrow legal questions.

Graph illustrating that American Law Reports are narrow in scope but treat concepts deeply.

This resource is available in both Westlaw and Lexis:

  • American Law Reports on Westlaw (includes index)
  • American Law Reports on Lexis

Law Reviews & Journals

Law reviews are scholarly publications, usually edited by law students in conjunction with faculty members. They contain both lengthy articles and shorter essays by professors and lawyers. They also contain comments, notes, or developments in the law written by law students. Articles often focus on new or emerging areas of law and may offer critical commentary. Some law reviews are dedicated to a particular topic while others are general. Occasionally, law reviews will include issues devoted to proceedings of panels and symposia.

Graph illustrating that Law Review and Journal articles are extremely narrow in scope but exceptionally deep.

Law review and journal articles are extremely narrow and deep with extensive references. 

To find law review articles visit:

  • Law Journal Library on HeinOnline
  • Law Reviews & Journals on LexisNexis
  • Law Reviews & Journals on Westlaw


Restatements are highly regarded distillations of common law, prepared by the American Law Institute (ALI). ALI is a prestigious organization comprised of judges, professors, and lawyers. They distill the "black letter law" from cases to indicate trends in common law. Resulting in a “restatement” of existing common law into a series of principles or rules. Occasionally, they make recommendations on what a rule of law should be.

Restatements are not primary law. However, they are considered persuasive authority by many courts.

Graph illustrating that Restatements are broad in scope and treat topics with moderate depth.

Restatements are organized into chapters, titles, and sections.  Sections contain the following:

  • a concisely stated rule of law,
  • comments to clarify the rule,
  • hypothetical examples,
  • explanation of purpose, and
  • exceptions to the rule  

To access restatements visit:

  • American Law Institute Library on HeinOnline
  • Restatements & Principles of the Law on LexisNexis
  • Restatements & Principles of Law on Westlaw

Primary Authority

Primary authority is "authority that issues directly from a law-making body."   Authority , Black's Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019).   Sources of primary authority include:

  • Constitutions
  • Statutes 


Access to primary legal sources is available through:

  • Bloomberg Law
  • Free & Low Cost Alternatives

Statutes (also called legislation) are "laws enacted by legislative bodies", such as Congress and state legislatures.  Statute , Black's Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019).

We typically start primary law research here. If there is a controlling statute, cases you look for later will interpret that law. There are two types of statutes, annotated and unannotated.

Annotated codes are a great place to start your research. They combine statutory language with citations to cases, regulations, secondary sources, and other relevant statutes. This can quickly connect you to the most relevant cases related to a particular law. Unannotated Codes provide only the text of the statute without editorial additions. Unannotated codes, however, are more often considered official and used for citation purposes.

For a deep dive on federal and state statutes, visit:

  • Statutes: US and State Codes by Mindy Kent Last Updated Apr 12, 2024 3457 views this year
  • 50 State Surveys

Want to learn more about the history or legislative intent of a law?  Learn how to get started here:

  • Legislative History Get an introduction to legislative histories in less than 5 minutes.
  • Federal Legislative History Research Guide

Regulations are rules made by executive departments and agencies. Not every legal question will require you to search regulations. However, many areas of law are affected by regulations. So make sure not to skip this step if they are relevant to your question.

To learn more about working with regulations, visit:

  • Administrative Law Research by AJ Blechner Last Updated Apr 12, 2024 630 views this year

Case Basics

In many areas, finding relevant caselaw will comprise a significant part of your research. This Is particularly true in legal areas that rely heavily on common law principles.

Running Time: 3 minutes, 10 seconds.

Unpublished Cases

Up to  86% of federal case opinions are unpublished. You must determine whether your jurisdiction will consider these unpublished cases as persuasive authority. The Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure have an overarching rule, Rule 32.1  Each circuit also has local rules regarding citations to unpublished opinions. You must understand both the Federal Rule and the rule in your jurisdiction.

  • Federal and Local Rules of Appellate Procedure 32.1 (Dec. 2021).
  • Type of Opinion or Order Filed in Cases Terminated on the Merits, by Circuit (Sept. 2021).

Each state also has its own local rules which can often be accessed through:

  • State Bar Associations
  • State Courts Websites

First Circuit

  • First Circuit Court Rule 32.1.0

Second Circuit

  • Second Circuit Court Rule 32.1.1

Third Circuit

  • Third Circuit Court Rule 5.7

Fourth Circuit

  • Fourth Circuit Court Rule 32.1

Fifth Circuit

  • Fifth Circuit Court Rule 47.5

Sixth Circuit

  • Sixth Circuit Court Rule 32.1

Seventh Circuit

  • Seventh Circuit Court Rule 32.1

Eighth Circuit

  • Eighth Circuit Court Rule 32.1A

Ninth Circuit

  • Ninth Circuit Court Rule 36-3

Tenth Circuit

  • Tenth Circuit Court Rule 32.1

Eleventh Circuit

  • Eleventh Circuit Court Rule 32.1

D.C. Circuit

  • D.C. Circuit Court Rule 32.1

Federal Circuit

  • Federal Circuit Court Rule 32.1

Finding Cases

Image of a Headnote in a Print Reporter

Headnotes show the key legal points in a case. Legal databases use these headnotes to guide researchers to other cases on the same topic. They also use them to organize concepts explored in cases by subject. Publishers, like Westlaw and Lexis, create headnotes, so they are not consistent across databases.

Headnotes are organized by subject into an outline that allows you to search by subject. This outline is known as a "digest of cases." By browsing or searching the digest you can retrieve all headnotes covering a particular topic. This can help you identify particularly important cases on the relevant subject.

Running Time: 4 minutes, 43 seconds.

Each major legal database has its own digest:

  • Topic Navigator (Lexis)
  • Key Digest System (Westlaw)

Start by identifying a relevant topic in a digest.  Then you can limit those results to your jurisdiction for more relevant results.  Sometimes, you can keyword search within only the results on your topic in your jurisdiction.  This is a particularly powerful research method.

One Good Case Method

After following the steps above, you will have identified some relevant cases on your topic. You can use good cases you find to locate other cases addressing the same topic. These other cases often apply similar rules to a range of diverse fact patterns.

  • in Lexis click "More Like This Headnote"
  • in Westlaw click "Cases that Cite This Headnote"

to focus on the terms of art or key words in a particular headnote. You can use this feature to find more cases with similar language and concepts.  ​

Ways to Use Citators

A citator is "a catalogued list of cases, statutes, and other legal sources showing the subsequent history and current precedential value of those sources.  Citators allow researchers to verify the authority of a precedent and to find additional sources relating to a given subject." Citator , Black's Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019).

Each major legal database has its own citator.  The two most popular are Keycite on Westlaw and Shepard's on Lexis.

  • Keycite Information Page
  • Shepard's Information Page

Making Sure Your Case is Still Good Law

This video answers common questions about citators:

For step-by-step instructions on how to use Keycite and Shepard's see the following:

  • Shepard's Video Tutorial
  • Shepard's Handout
  • Shepard's Editorial Phrase Dictionary
  • KeyCite Video Tutorial
  • KeyCite Handout
  • KeyCite Editorial Phrase Dictionary

Using Citators For

Citators serve three purposes: (1) case validation, (2) better understanding, and (3) additional research.

Case Validation

Is my case or statute good law?

  • Parallel citations
  • Prior and subsequent history
  • Negative treatment suggesting you should no longer cite to holding.

Better Understanding

Has the law in this area changed?

  • Later cases on the same point of law
  • Positive treatment, explaining or expanding the law.
  • Negative Treatment, narrowing or distinguishing the law.

Track Research

Who is citing and writing about my case or statute?

  • Secondary sources that discuss your case or statute.
  • Cases in other jurisdictions that discuss your case or statute.

Knowing When to Start Writing

For more guidance on when to stop your research see:

  • Terminating Research, by Christina L. Kunz

Automated Services

Automated services can check your work and ensure that you are not missing important resources. You can learn more about several automated brief check services.  However, these services are not a replacement for conducting your own diligent research .

  • Automated Brief Check Instructional Video

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This guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License .

You may reproduce any part of it for noncommercial purposes as long as credit is included and it is shared in the same manner. 

  • Last Updated: Sep 21, 2023 2:56 PM
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How to do legal research in 3 steps

Knowing where to start a difficult legal research project can be a challenge. But if you already understand the basics of legal research, the process can be significantly easier — not to mention quicker.

Solid research skills are crucial to crafting a winning argument. So, whether you are a law school student or a seasoned attorney with years of experience, knowing how to perform legal research is important — including where to start and the steps to follow.

What is legal research, and where do I start? 

Black's Law Dictionary defines legal research as “[t]he finding and assembling of authorities that bear on a question of law." But what does that actually mean? It means that legal research is the process you use to identify and find the laws — including statutes, regulations, and court opinions — that apply to the facts of your case.

In most instances, the purpose of legal research is to find support for a specific legal issue or decision. For example, attorneys must conduct legal research if they need court opinions — that is, case law — to back up a legal argument they are making in a motion or brief filed with the court.

Alternatively, lawyers may need legal research to provide clients with accurate legal guidance . In the case of law students, they often use legal research to complete memos and briefs for class. But these are just a few situations in which legal research is necessary.

Why is legal research hard?

Each step — from defining research questions to synthesizing findings — demands critical thinking and rigorous analysis.

1. Identifying the legal issue is not so straightforward. Legal research involves interpreting many legal precedents and theories to justify your questions. Finding the right issue takes time and patience.

2. There's too much to research. Attorneys now face a great deal of case law and statutory material. The sheer volume forces the researcher to be efficient by following a methodology based on a solid foundation of legal knowledge and principles.

3. The law is a fluid doctrine. It changes with time, and staying updated with the latest legal codes, precedents, and statutes means the most resourceful lawyer needs to assess the relevance and importance of new decisions.

Legal research can pose quite a challenge, but professionals can improve it at every stage of the process . 

Step 1: Key questions to ask yourself when starting legal research

Before you begin looking for laws and court opinions, you first need to define the scope of your legal research project. There are several key questions you can use to help do this.

What are the facts?

Always gather the essential facts so you know the “who, what, why, when, where, and how” of your case. Take the time to write everything down, especially since you will likely need to include a statement of facts in an eventual filing or brief anyway. Even if you don't think a fact may be relevant now, write it down because it may be relevant later. These facts will also be helpful when identifying your legal issue.

What is the actual legal issue?

You will never know what to research if you don't know what your legal issue is. Does your client need help collecting money from an insurance company following a car accident involving a negligent driver? How about a criminal case involving excluding evidence found during an alleged illegal stop?

No matter the legal research project, you must identify the relevant legal problem and the outcome or relief sought. This information will guide your research so you can stay focused and on topic.

What is the relevant jurisdiction?

Don't cast your net too wide regarding legal research; you should focus on the relevant jurisdiction. For example, does your case deal with federal or state law? If it is state law, which state? You may find a case in California state court that is precisely on point, but it won't be beneficial if your legal project involves New York law.

Where to start legal research: The library, online, or even AI?

In years past, future attorneys were trained in law school to perform research in the library. But now, you can find almost everything from the library — and more — online. While you can certainly still use the library if you want, you will probably be costing yourself valuable time if you do.

When it comes to online research, some people start with free legal research options , including search engines like Google or Bing. But to ensure your legal research is comprehensive, you will want to use an online research service designed specifically for the law, such as Westlaw . Not only do online solutions like Westlaw have all the legal sources you need, but they also include artificial intelligence research features that help make quick work of your research

Step 2: How to find relevant case law and other primary sources of law

Now that you have gathered the facts and know your legal issue, the next step is knowing what to look for. After all, you will need the law to support your legal argument, whether providing guidance to a client or writing an internal memo, brief, or some other legal document.

But what type of law do you need? The answer: primary sources of law. Some of the more important types of primary law include:

  • Case law, which are court opinions or decisions issued by federal or state courts
  • Statutes, including legislation passed by both the U.S. Congress and state lawmakers
  • Regulations, including those issued by either federal or state agencies
  • Constitutions, both federal and state

Searching for primary sources of law

So, if it's primary law you want, it makes sense to begin searching there first, right? Not so fast. While you will need primary sources of law to support your case, in many instances, it is much easier — and a more efficient use of your time — to begin your search with secondary sources such as practice guides, treatises, and legal articles.

Why? Because secondary sources provide a thorough overview of legal topics, meaning you don't have to start your research from scratch. After secondary sources, you can move on to primary sources of law.

For example, while no two legal research projects are the same, the order in which you will want to search different types of sources may look something like this:

  • Secondary sources . If you are researching a new legal principle or an unfamiliar area of the law, the best place to start is secondary sources, including law journals, practice guides , legal encyclopedias, and treatises. They are a good jumping-off point for legal research since they've already done the work for you. As an added bonus, they can save you additional time since they often identify and cite important statutes and seminal cases.
  • Case law . If you have already found some case law in secondary sources, great, you have something to work with. But if not, don't fret. You can still search for relevant case law in a variety of ways, including running a search in a case law research tool.

Once you find a helpful case, you can use it to find others. For example, in Westlaw, most cases contain headnotes that summarize each of the case's important legal issues. These headnotes are also assigned a Key Number based on the topic associated with that legal issue. So, once you find a good case, you can use the headnotes and Key Numbers within it to quickly find more relevant case law.

  • Statutes and regulations . In many instances, secondary sources and case law list the statutes and regulations relevant to your legal issue. But if you haven't found anything yet, you can still search for statutes and regs online like you do with cases.

Once you know which statute or reg is pertinent to your case, pull up the annotated version on Westlaw. Why the annotated version? Because the annotations will include vital information, such as a list of important cases that cite your statute or reg. Sometimes, these cases are even organized by topic — just one more way to find the case law you need to support your legal argument.

Keep in mind, though, that legal research isn't always a linear process. You may start out going from source to source as outlined above and then find yourself needing to go back to secondary sources once you have a better grasp of the legal issue. In other instances, you may even find the answer you are looking for in a source not listed above, like a sample brief filed with the court by another attorney. Ultimately, you need to go where the information takes you.

Step 3: Make sure you are using ‘good’ law

One of the most important steps with every legal research project is to verify that you are using “good" law — meaning a court hasn't invalidated it or struck it down in some way. After all, it probably won't look good to a judge if you cite a case that has been overruled or use a statute deemed unconstitutional. It doesn't necessarily mean you can never cite these sources; you just need to take a closer look before you do.

The simplest way to find out if something is still good law is to use a legal tool known as a citator, which will show you subsequent cases that have cited your source as well as any negative history, including if it has been overruled, reversed, questioned, or merely differentiated.

For instance, if a case, statute, or regulation has any negative history — and therefore may no longer be good law — KeyCite, the citator on Westlaw, will warn you. Specifically, KeyCite will show a flag or icon at the top of the document, along with a little blurb about the negative history. This alert system allows you to quickly know if there may be anything you need to worry about.

Some examples of these flags and icons include:

  • A red flag on a case warns you it is no longer good for at least one point of law, meaning it may have been overruled or reversed on appeal.
  • A yellow flag on a case warns that it has some negative history but is not expressly overruled or reversed, meaning another court may have criticized it or pointed out the holding was limited to a specific fact pattern.
  • A blue-striped flag on a case warns you that it has been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court or the U.S. Court of Appeals.
  • The KeyCite Overruling Risk icon on a case warns you that the case may be implicitly undermined because it relies on another case that has been overruled.

Another bonus of using a citator like KeyCite is that it also provides a list of other cases that merely cite your source — it can lead to additional sources you previously didn't know about.

Perseverance is vital when it comes to legal research

Given that legal research is a complex process, it will likely come as no surprise that this guide cannot provide everything you need to know.

There is a reason why there are entire law school courses and countless books focused solely on legal research methodology. In fact, many attorneys will spend their entire careers honing their research skills — and even then, they may not have perfected the process.

So, if you are just beginning, don't get discouraged if you find legal research difficult — almost everyone does at first. With enough time, patience, and dedication, you can master the art of legal research.

Thomson Reuters originally published this article on November 10, 2020.

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A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Do Legal Research

Sharon Miki

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When it comes to the practice of law, we often think about court appearances. But crafting a winning legal argument requires a lot of research.

Well-conducted legal research empowers your arguments and gives substance to your legal work, leading to a better outcome for your clients.

To become a pro, you need to understand the tools available to you, and developing a research strategy. Learning to conduct effective legal research isn’t glamorous. That said, it will save you time while helping you conduct stronger outcomes.

This guide reviews the fundamentals of the legal research process, including what sources you should turn to—and when. We’ll also discuss how and why you should check that you’re using “good” law, and offer tips for how you can improve your legal research skills—at any stage in your career.

Click here to watch our on-demand webinar with our lawyer in residence, Joshua Lenon, to learn how to take your legal research to the next level. 

What is legal research?

Legal research involves identifying, finding, and cite-checking information and applicable laws needed to support your legal decision-making. The primary and secondary legal sources for this research include statutes, constitutions, regulations, court orders, and more.

How to do legal research

While the techniques and tools you use may vary, the goal of legal research is simple: You want to find the relevant information and resources (i.e. laws) that apply to the facts of your case, so you can support legal decision making.

With this in mind, the legal research process can be broken down into three basic elements:

  • Understanding the key details and questions of your legal issue
  • Finding laws and information to support your legal argument checking that what you’ve found is still relevant
  • Achieve your research goals in seven easy to follow steps:

Gather critical information about your legal issue

When presented with a legal issue, it’s natural to want to dive in and start looking for cases. But it’s in your best interest to first collect key details about the legal issue at hand.

Pausing to gather and record critical details (like the who, what, when, where, and how of your case) lays the foundation for a more focused, streamlined legal research process.

Establish your legal issue and your goal

A dart on the bullseye, representing a legal research goal

Next, use your case’s critical information to pinpoint your legal issue. By establishing legal issues and your client’s ideal outcomes before you start researching, you can construct a well-defined framework that allows you to:

  • See what you know about your legal issue—and what you need to find out
  • Narrow the field of potential search terms
  • Identify the jurisdiction you need to focus your research within

Learn and understand the precedent in your jurisdiction

While researching, pay special attention to the geographical location where your legal issue will be resolved. Is the precedent controlling already in your jurisdiction? Or is it merely a persuasive precedent that has not yet been adopted in your jurisdiction?

Determine the type of legal sources you need

Each of the three types of legal sources you’ll work with has a purpose in the legal research process. Here’s a quick overview:

Primary legal sources are key to legal research because they establish the current law on whatever legal issue you’re working with. You can find primary sources by searching legal research databases like Fastcase or Casetext , include:

  • Federal and state constitutions
  • Statutes or legislation (such as laws enacted by legislative bodies like Congress and state legislatures)
  • Regulations (such as rules or regulations made by either federal or state agencies)
  • Annotations
  • Case law (such as court opinions or decisions issued by federal or state courts)

Secondary legal sources explain or interpret legal principles in detail, or summarize the current state of the law—giving a better understanding of a particular area of law. These sources are also useful for identifying primary sources for your case (more on that later). Examples include:

  • Law review articles and journals
  • Practice guides
  • Legal treatises

Learn more about the best free legal research tools available.

Begin your legal research with secondary sources

When it comes to legal research sources, start in the middle with secondary sources.

In addition to providing important background information on your legal issue, secondary sources save time: Instead of starting from scratch, you can leverage the expert work that’s already been done.

Think of it this way: In order to create and publish the material, experts had to go through a legal research process themselves. If a secondary source is reputable, the writer reviewed all of the available primary resources to determine what was most applicable. So, by noting the primary sources that are cited in law reviews, law journals, and case-law documents, you can take advantage of the research already done.

Note: Also keep in mind that useful cases don’t necessarily have to have the same legal outcome as your goal. If you find relevant case law where the outcome didn’t match your client’s desired outcome, you shouldn’t necessarily disregard it. If the laws are aligned, you can use that case to show how the fact patterns in your client’s case are different to strengthen your own argument.

Check that you’re using “good” law

Another key step to legal research is verifying that any cases and statutes you come across in your legal research are still “good” law—that is, that any legal decision you’re looking to is still valid and relevant. Using an overruled or unconstitutional statute won’t help you win your case.

Can older cases be “good” law?

While more recent cases are preferred (after all, they’re more likely to reflect the current legal changes that could impact the case law—and are thus less likely to have been rendered obsolete), recency isn’t mandatory.

A decades-old case could be considered “good” law—if it hasn’t been overruled in court or otherwise made irrelevant, an older case that fits with your case’s fact pattern and applicable law could be helpful.

Verify you’re using “good law” with a citator

How can you check if you’re using “good” law? Use a citator. Citators let you verify a case’s authority by giving you a cataloged list of cases, statutes, and legal sources—along with a history and precedential value for those sources—so you can then check that it hasn’t been overruled, questioned, or made irrelevant.

When using a citator, focus on the negative material (by checking a case in a citator, you can look for flags that indicate any negative history). Specifically, use a citator to check that you don’t miss a case that invalidates your argument—which could undermine your credibility.

Major legal databases all have their own citator tools. For example, Casetext offers SmartCite , which “uses a system of flags to indicate the treatment of cases.” Casetext can also “help you evaluate whether a case is good law and find other relevant cases citing that opinion.”

Report your results to check for gaps

Compiling your research into a legal memorandum is a necessary part of conducting legal research, as it allows you to identify any gaps in information that may present consequences at a later stage. Legal writing presents challenges within itself, and it’s not a bad approach for you to supplement your legal case research with a book from a local law library on how to present your findings. Generally speaking, a legal memorandum does five things:

  • States the facts of the case
  • Identifies the issue
  • Applies “good” law to the facts
  • Predicts any counterpoints
  • Makes an assessment of the outcome of the case

How can I improve my legal research skills?

Lawyer conducting legal research on a laptop

Whether you’re new to legal research or you’ve conducted legal research for years, once you have a solid understanding of the process, take advantage of strategies and tools to maximize legal research efficiency. Here are three strategies to consider:

Conduct more efficient research remotely

In the past, the legal research process was arduous—partly because it tied the researcher to a physical location—whether that was a local law library or a law office computer—to access resources through legal databases.

Today, online legal research software can be used remotely when integrated with a cloud-based practice management software like Clio Manage. Having the flexibility to research from anywhere streamlines the legal research process and enhances efficiency. Here are a few examples:

App partner - Fastcase

  • By signing into an online legal research service like Fastcase with Clio, for example, you can remotely access resources and primary sources like cases and statutes, as well as secondary sources like law review articles. CourtTrax provides real-time online access to State and Federal courts across the United States. With CourtTrax’s Clio integration, you can link your search results to specific client matters, and have the results injected directly into Clio as a document.
  • Cloud-based online research software like Tracers lets you search for pertinent information (such as contract information or social media activity) remotely. You can also request a Tracers search directly from a matter in Clio for an even more efficient process.

Double-check your memos and briefs with advanced legal research AI

how to start a business law research paper

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Effective legal research needs to be thorough and accurate—which, traditionally, is time-consuming. Legal research AI can help speed that process up without sacrificing the quality of your research.

Here are a few tools to help streamline your legal research process:

  • ROSS Intelligence is an AI-driven legal research platform with an automated review tool that allows you to do more thorough research in a fraction of the time. ROSS lets you highlight statements in your pleadings and briefs to instantly search for cases and statutes discussing similar points of law. You can also use ROSS to identify negative case treatment in your pleadings and law briefs—without the manual searching.
  • Casetext’s CARA artificial intelligence search technology and automated review tool enhance and speed up your legal searches. You can use Casetext to start your research with a complaint or legal brief from a matter in Clio to find highly relevant, tailored search results and resources. Casetext will not just find authorities on the same facts and legal issues—it will also find them in the same jurisdiction. Casetext’s citator functionality also makes it easier to check and flag any bad law.

Document your research with secure, cloud-based fact management software

Don’t let your research go to waste or let facts slip through the cracks because of a poor documentation system. By using secure, cloud-based fact-management software, you can record your research in an efficient, organized, and accessible way.

Software like Clio Manage and apps like FactBox , for example, keep you organized by connecting all the facts, notes, and ideas in your cases. Using this type of tool helps you prepare for depositions, hearings, client briefings, and trials faster—and with more confidence that you aren’t missing facts.

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What is an e-discovery lawyer, what is a motion hearing, a guide to post-trial motions, lawyer depression: recognizing the signs and dealing with it, final thoughts on how to conduct legal research.

Whether you’re a student in law school or an experienced attorney, learning how to do thorough legal research (or how to enhance your existing legal research process) is a skill that can give you a competitive advantage.

Learning great legal research techniques—from developing a more efficient research process to adopting cloud-based tools to conduct better, faster, and smarter legal research—helps you better support your cases, and clients.

Explore how you can conduct more efficient legal research with Clio Manage and the host of Clio software integrations .

How do you do legal research?

Lawyers conducting legal research often consult online legal databases, such as LexisNexis and Westlaw. They might also pore over print resources, case law reports, statutes and regulations, and secondary resources (such as legal encyclopedias, dictionaries, and treatises). That said, there’s no one-size-fits-all process.

How do I start a legal research paper?

Start by determining your topic—this should be specific and something you find interesting. Then, conduct the necessary research to form a well-supported thesis. Create an outline to structure your thoughts before writing an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Finally, edit and proofread.

How to do legal research as a paralegal

First, ensure you understand what you’re researching. Then, start with secondary sources (law reviews, practice guides, and treatises), consulting a citator to ensure it’s “good” law. Lastly, fill in any gaps with primary sources, including constitutions, treaties, regulations, and case law.

We published this blog post in October 2020. Last updated: November 15, 2023 .

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how to start a business law research paper

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5 Key Steps to Writing an Effective Law Research Paper

5 Key Steps to Writing an Effective Law Research Paper

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Written by admin

Updated on: April 7, 2024

Table of Contents

5 Key Steps to Writing an Effective Law Research Paper: Our Legal World

Writing a law research paper is much different and complex than crafting a research paper for other fields. That’s because it involves methodological research, which further requires familiarizing yourself with the current legal precedents, principles, and regulations. So, due to such complexities, students often get overwhelmed when asked to write a law research paper. And if you happen to know any such students, this blog post is for them.

Here, we’ll simplify the art of writing a persuasive research paper for law students with the help of 5 key steps. So, without prolonging this intro, let’s get to those steps.

1.    Select a Relevant and Narrow Topic

Whether you want to write a research paper for law or any other field, the first step you need to perform is to select a relevant topic. This step is paramount to writing an effective research paper because it will help you form the foundation for a compelling and well-researched paper. Therefore, the earlier you complete it, the better it will be for the overall quality of your law research paper.

But choosing a topic for a law research paper is different from selecting a topic for any other writing form. That’s because broader topics are challenging to cover. Therefore, your chosen topic should be specific and relevant to your interest. For instance, you can narrow your research for a topic to a particular point that aligns with your interest or has significance in law.

Sometimes, colleges or universities assign the research paper’s topic to students. So, if this situation represents your use case, all you need to do is pick a topic according to your interest from the assigned ones.

2.    Perform a Thorough but Methodological Research

Like other writing forms and research papers, thorough research is essential to write an effective law research paper. In fact, it’s the backbone of a research paper. Therefore, you should perform it, which is the second step in this guide.

But unlike other writing forms, the research for writing a law paper must be methodological. So, how can you conduct such research?

Well, existing literature can be a great starting point for the research phase of a law research paper. But other than that, you can use a plethora of sources, such as

  • Legal databases.
  • Scholarly articles.

Thus, looking for relevant data should be your priority while exploring the above-mentioned resources. But other than that, you should also familiarize yourself with the current legal precedents, principles, and regulations. Doing so will help you collect compelling evidence, arguments, and counterarguments, ultimately supporting your research paper and providing an overall comprehensive analysis.

3.    Create a Well-Thought-Out Outline

Suppose you have collected a lot of information and read all the existing written material regarding your research topic. In that case, you might crown your research paper with a lot of information and get carried away. Therefore, to cope with such a situation, we recommend creating a detailed outline, which is the third step of this guide.

Creating an outline and dividing your research paper into logical sections and subsections will help you formulate a coherent and organized structure. So, do that because this way, you can convey your ideas effectively. But remember that each section and subsection you create should relate to your research question and support your thesis.

Thus, once you’ve maintained a clear flow of ideas through the logical sections and subsections, it will ultimately improve your paper’s readability, which means readers can follow your point quickly.

4. Write in a Clear and Precise Legal Language

Documents related to law are famous for their complex and intricate language. But since a law research paper doesn’t intend to educate people having a legal background only, understanding convoluted language can be challenging for readers. And this situation is especially valid when you have to discuss arguments or concepts that are intricate and nuanced. To cater to this, we recommend writing the law research paper in clear and precise language.

Whether you are developing a solid thesis statement or writing your research paper’s introduction, body, and conclusion sections, it is essential to communicate the ideas clearly. And to do that, first of all, you must avoid using complex sentences and wording. Doing so will make your law research paper accessible to the experts and novices in the field.

But if writing content in a simple and easy-to-read manner is challenging for you, you can reword your complex content with any AI-based rephrase tool . Such tools use advanced NLP and AI technologies to paraphrase sentences and simplify their complexities in no time. This will ultimately save you time in simplifying the research paper manually and improves the overall quality of the paper as well.

5.    Don’t Forget to Revise, Edit and Polish Your Work

You’ve got the research and outline, which means, by now, you will have crafted a first draft of your research paper. And if you have, then it’s time to polish that draft by revising and editing it. But how can you do that?

Well, you can perform the following checks:

  • Carefully proofread your paper and look for formatting mistakes.
  • Besides formatting, don’t forget to check for grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors. But if you need any assistance, we recommend using an AI writing assistant.
  • Your research paper will have a plethora of arguments. So, make sure that every one of them flows logically and cohesively throughout your research paper. And also, analyze whether you’ve supported every idea with relevant details.
  • The first draft often contains repetitions of ideas. Therefore, you must trim them to polish your work.
  • Perform a check for plagiarism on the content of your research paper.
  • Remember to cite every source you’ve assisted in formulating your research paper’s data.
  • Remember to use the same citation style throughout the research paper.

Thus, by implementing these tips, you can easily polish your research paper and prepare it for the final submission.

Writing a law research paper requires dedication, meticulous research, and thoughtful organization. However, with the proper guideline, you can enhance your chances of producing a compelling and impactful paper.

So, remember to choose a relevant and focused topic, conduct thorough research, structure your paper effectively, and meticulously revise and edit your work. Thus, with practice and persistence, you can master the art of writing an outstanding law research paper that engages readers and contributes to the legal discourse.



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How to write a legal research paper: All you need to know

This article on “How to write a legal research paper: All you need to know” was written by Vridhi Rai, an intern at Legal Upanishad.


Law is all about analysis, critical thinking, and interpretation. Your capability to put together the analysis of the study of the issues in written form is essential in the practice of law. The research paper is one such way to express your creative and analytic thought process, your vision of the theme, and the originality of your content. The word ‘research’ means a systematic examination of material facts. It can be complex and daunting for law students. But research helps in enhancing your knowledge and cultivating your writing skills. This article will help you understand what is research paper all about and how to write a research paper.

What is a research paper?

A research paper is a piece of academic writing which is based on an author’s original composition in the research and the findings on a given theme or topic. The writing should be owned by the author himself or herself. A good research paper strives to convey the information traced by the author crisply and concisely. The paper is written to examine the theme or the provisions, present your stand on it, and showcase evidence in support in a systematic manner. The true nature of the paper shows you the purpose of the theme or topic. 

What is the aim of the legal research paper?

The aim of the legal research paper can be a subjective question since the writing will indicate what the intended outcome is. There are kinds of writings that would pave a way for courts because it geared toward a certain kind of doctrinal analysis of the court’s interaction with theory and practice. The writings are done for better interpretation of the law. It could also be used to influence policy-making and generate debates. The author has a specific objective and intended audience in mind to serve.

How to write a legal research paper

How to write a legal research paper?

Step-1 choose a theme or topic:.

The foremost step in writing a  legal research paper is to select a theme or topic for the research. Select topics that catch your attention or interest. You can pick topics addressing contemporary issues or topics for the intended audience you wish to cater to. It should be novel, innovative, and interesting. While choosing a topic, read pertinent issues from different sources.  You can follow legal news to search for pertinent topics.

In case, you find difficulty selecting a topic, it will be wonderful for you to approach your professors, colleagues, and friends for consultation. Also, never feel hesitant to change the theme or topic of the research, if you feel it is not the right topic or you will not able to research the topic effectively.

Step-2 Research on your topic:

Now, your next task is to research the topic extensively on your selected topic from credible sources. You can refer to different sources by reading legal research pieces from books to online sites like SCC online, Manupatra, and Kluwer Arbitration. Always remember don’t just goggle. Use conventional sources like books and articles, these will give you a broader perspective. Read as much as you can. Reading helps you understand the nitty-gritty of the law provisions. Please beware of the research as this task can be very monotonous. You might lose motivation to perform this task. But hang in there and stay motivated to find interesting facts.

Step-3 Examine and Make a plan:

After researching, your very next step is to examine and make a plan to execute writing a legal research paper. Your research will be comprehensive with ideas. Please develop a detailed outline. Try adding notes to your research work. It can be possible that you might end up adding too much information to your paper. Highlight the key findings from your study. At this stage you are required to identify the goal of your research work, it can be either argumentative or analytic. You have to determine the masses you are wishing to address. The focus and the tone of the paper should b according to the audience you are intending to reach.

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Step-4 writing the paper:.

The next step is to draft the research paper. Make a final outline of the research work. The outline must have the points to describe the overview of the paper. The basic mantra of legal research is the structure of the paper. The research paper writing should be creative, clear, concise, and comprehensive. The language of your research paper should be easy to interpret. The legal terminologies and material facts are generally very sophisticated and complex. The facts, you are mentioning must be backed by shreds of evidence.

The format of the legal research paper:

The paper should have a proper format that consists of writing styles, referencing styles, page numbering, spacing, and margins. It should also include the headlines, sub-headlines, citations, or credits to the authors and the scholars.

The content of the legal research paper:

The content consists of the following:

Acknowledgment : the content of the paper should include an acknowledgment section that appreciates all the contributors to the research paper for their efforts and encouragement.

Table of contents: it includes the list of the things that you have written in your research paper.

Scope of the research: the scope or object of the research includes the reason for your study. It shows you the skeleton of your research paper. You have stated the problem or issue of the paper.

A literature survey or the sources used in the study: it includes the sources you have referred to in your study. It can be primary or secondary resources. The primary resources include books, statutes, and case laws. The secondary sources include the material you have collected from law articles, journals, and compendiums online or offline.

The hypothesis of the research: the hypothesis is the idea that is suggested to explain the objective of the research conducted by the researcher. It conveys the expectations of the researcher on what basis he started studying the issues, he raised in his paper.

Abstract : abstract shows the gist of the theme you have mentioned in your study. It is like the summary of the findings in your research regarding the theme. It should be written clearly and concisely.

Introduction: the introduction should be well-written to attract the attention of the audience toward the theme you mentioned in your thesis. A glance over the initial paragraphs gives an insight to the readers of your work. The introduction determines whether the research paper is worth reading or not. It should express the research problem, the purpose of your thesis, and background details about the issue you are referring to. It should be short, crisp, and comprehensive.

The main body of the study: the main focus of the paper is the main body of the thesis. The body should be divided into paragraphs along with sub-headings for a better understanding of the facts. Each paragraph should draw the main points of your study. It should begin with the topic’s sentences and should conclude extensively. In the main body, you can add the case laws and judgments.  

The conclusion of the study: the finale of the study should include a summary of the main pointers discussed in the study, it should express your stand or viewpoint towards the research problem. The concluding para of your research can be affirmative or negative in tone. In the end, you can add some suggestive measures to your study.

References or bibliography: at the end of the paper mention the references or the sources links or sites from which you have researched the material facts.

Step – 5 edit and proofread the final draft of the research paper:

Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Proofreading will help you to find errors in your content. If you need, to make changes to the paper, check and find the logic and legality of the statement. At this stage, you check the plagiarism of your content.

The things that should be considered carefully before drafting the paper:

you need to check the validity of the judgments before mentioning them in the research paper. The validity of the bills mentioned in your study should be carefully considered. The errors related to applicability or jurisdictions should be carefully verified.


Legal research is not an easy task to perform. It takes a lot of time to conduct it. Constant hard work, attention, motivation, and patience are the factors required to examine and analyze the details. It can be boring. But it will help you in brushing your skills. Your efforts and dedication toward finding more and more material facts will help in shaping you into a good researcher.

It is beneficial for law students for interpreting law provisions, policies, and judgments. It can be used as a medium to influence policy-making procedures and as a tool to aware the masses. Publication of your research papers will act as a stimulating force to your law career. It will help you build your confidence and help them transform into law professionals.


  • How to write a legal research paper: guide: how to write a winning research paper?- Legal Desire. Retrieved:
  • A helpful guide on writing a law research paper- Writing help. Retrieved:
  • How to begin with writing a legal research paper- Manupatra- youtube channel-(video file)
  • How to write a legal research paper law?|research paper- Eminent law classes-(Video file)
  • The aim of writing a legal research paper- the art of writing a legal research paper-Rohini Sen-letter of the law-(video file)

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Directed Research Projects

  • Getting Started
  • Preparing to Research
  • The Research Process

Structuring Your Paper

Writing tips, writing resources.

  • Checking your Sources
  • Getting it Published

There is no strict structure to writing a legal research paper.  Unlike legal memos written for class or documents prepared for court proceedings that require formatted headings such as "Question Presented," "Statement of Facts," etc., legal research papers are not required to contain prescribed content or abide by a particular structure.

That said, below is a typical approach to organizing the content of your research project.

  • Introduction (clear statement of your thesis)
  • Background information (what is the existing law, if any)
  • The problem (explain why the status quo does't work)
  • Recommendation for change (what can be done to improve the field and how)
  • Conclusion (tie back to your thesis)

If you have any questions about formatting your research project, you should seek advice from your faculty advisor.  Below are some basic guidelines, but keep in mind formatting requirements set forth by your faculty advisor will always supersede instructions provided here.

Generally, directed research papers are formatted as follows:

  • 12-point font (Times New Roman or similar)
  • Double-spaced lines
  • One-inch margins on both sides, top, and bottom
  • 10-point font for footnotes (same font as text)
  • Bluebook style and rules for all footnotes citations
  • Roman numerals and/or letter headings and subheadings (same font as text but bolded and/or underlined)
  • Numbered pages in the footer (same font as text)

Table of Contents

Although not required (unless your faculty advisor states otherwise), a table of contents can be helpful to provide your reader with an overview of your research paper and direct them to certain sections.  Your table of contents should mirror your headings and subheadings.  Below is an example of a table of contents.

how to start a business law research paper

When to Cite

You must include a citation every time you refer to, paraphrase, or quote a law, case, or another's work.  Most of your sentences will include a citation.  Additionally, when you cite to a law, always cite to the primary source.

How to Cite

The Bluebook, formally titled  The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation , is the style manual for citing to legal documents within the United States.  You should use the Bluebook for all your citations in your legal paper.  The white page section contain the citation rules for legal academic publications.

Cover Art

Writing a Strong Introduction

Your introduction is arguably the most important section of your paper because many people will decide to continue reading based on the introduction.  It must grab the reader's attention and explain why what you are writing about is important.

Essentially, the reader should be able to skim the rest of your paper after reading your introduction and have a good understanding of its layout and arguments.  A good introduction should present the theme of the paper in a succinct manner while providing an overview of your paper.

Generally, a strong introduction will

  • State the legal problem/issue;
  • Describe why it is important and how your paper contributes to the discussion;
  • Provide a road map of your paper; and
  • State your conclusion.

Being Objective & Subjective

After your introduction, you should discuss background information on the issue you chose to write about.  This should be an objective overview of the relevant facts and existing law.  Your objective background information section should not be an all encompassing.  Keep this portion of your paper focused on the essential law and relevant facts that support your recommendation for change. 

The bulk of your paper lays in your discussion of the problem and recommendation for change.  This is the subjective portion of your paper.  In this section you should extract the relevant objective material to support your subjective analysis.

Writing a Strong Conclusion

Your conclusion should restate your thesis, summarize your major points, and remind the reader why the issue you've chosen is important.  The conclusion should essentially reword your introduction in a condensed fashion. 

how to start a business law research paper

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Business Law Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page presents a comprehensive list of business law research paper topics , offering students studying law valuable insights and opportunities to explore the diverse landscape of this dynamic discipline. From contract law to intellectual property rights, these topics are divided into 10 categories, each encompassing various legal principles and regulations that govern business interactions. In addition to the extensive list, students will discover valuable tips on selecting the most suitable research topic and employing effective strategies to craft a well-structured business law research paper. Furthermore, for students seeking professional support in their academic journey, iResearchNet offers custom writing services, featuring a team of expert writers committed to delivering personalized solutions and top-quality work. Embark on this scholarly journey to explore the intricate intersections of legal scholarship and practical applications within the realm of business and commerce.

100 Business Law Research Paper Topics

In the realm of business law, a plethora of legal issues and topics demand exploration and analysis. As students embark on their research paper journey, the challenge lies in selecting a compelling and relevant topic that aligns with their interests and academic goals. This section presents a comprehensive list of 100 business law research paper topics, thoughtfully divided into 10 categories, to aid students in navigating the diverse landscape of business law. From corporate governance to international trade law, each category delves into specific aspects of business legalities, offering a wealth of opportunities for students to engage in legal scholarship and address real-world business challenges.

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Corporate Governance and Ethics

  • The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Contemporary Business Practices.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Corporate Governance on Business Performance.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Executive Compensation in Corporations.
  • Shareholder Activism: Balancing Rights and Responsibilities.
  • The Role of Boards of Directors in Corporate Decision-Making.
  • Corporate Fraud and its Impact on Stakeholders and the Economy.
  • Insider Trading: Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Perspectives.
  • The Role of Independent Directors in Ensuring Corporate Accountability.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Whistleblower Protection Laws in Corporations.
  • The Intersection of Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Theory.

Contract Law and Commercial Transactions

  • Unconscionability and Its Application in Contract Law.
  • The Legal Implications of E-Signatures in International Commercial Transactions.
  • Analyzing the Legal Enforceability of Clickwrap and Browsewrap Agreements.
  • The Doctrine of Frustration in Contract Law: A Comparative Analysis.
  • The Role of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Contractual Relationships.
  • The Legal Implications of Force Majeure Clauses in Business Contracts.
  • The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and Its Impact on Global Trade.
  • The Validity and Enforcement of Liquidated Damages in Commercial Contracts.
  • A Comparative Study of Common Law and Civil Law Approaches to Contract Law.
  • The Legal Implications of Breach of Contract and Remedies Available to Injured Parties.

Intellectual Property Law

  • Patent Law and the Protection of Innovations in the Technological Era.
  • Copyright Infringement in the Digital Age: Challenges and Solutions.
  • Trademark Dilution: Balancing the Rights of Trademark Owners and Free Speech.
  • The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Promoting Innovation and Creativity.
  • The Intersection of Intellectual Property Law and Biotechnology.
  • Trade Secrets Protection: Legal Mechanisms and Challenges.
  • The International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: TRIPS Agreement.
  • Patent Trolls and their Impact on Innovation and Competition.
  • The Legal Implications of Open Source Software in Business.
  • The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Technology Transfer and International Trade.

Employment and Labor Law

  • Discrimination in the Workplace: Legal Protections and Challenges.
  • The Gig Economy and Its Implications on Labor Law and Worker Rights.
  • Workplace Privacy: Balancing Employer Interests and Employee Rights.
  • The Legal Implications of Non-Compete Agreements on Employee Mobility.
  • The Intersection of Labor Law and Collective Bargaining.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Regulations: Ensuring Employee Protection.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Employee Monitoring.
  • The Gig Economy: Reimagining Employment Law in the Age of Freelancing.
  • Workplace Harassment Prevention and Legal Compliance.
  • The Role of Labor Unions in Shaping Labor Law and Worker Rights.

Business and Competition Law

  • Antitrust Laws and Their Impact on Market Competition.
  • The Role of Merger Control in Preventing Anti-Competitive Practices.
  • Vertical Restraints in Business Contracts: Legal Analysis and Enforcement.
  • The Intersection of Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law.
  • The Legal Implications of Price Fixing and Bid Rigging.
  • The Role of Competition Law in Regulating Online Platforms and Marketplaces.
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Leniency Programs in Antitrust Enforcement.
  • The Impact of Big Tech Companies on Competition and Consumer Welfare.
  • The Challenges of Regulating Global Mergers and Acquisitions.
  • The Role of Competition Authorities in Promoting Fair Competition and Market Efficiency.

Banking and Financial Regulation

  • The Role of Central Banks in Financial Regulation and Stability.
  • The Legal Implications of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology in Banking.
  • Financial Derivatives: Legal Issues and Regulatory Challenges.
  • The Impact of Basel III Accords on Banking Regulation and Risk Management.
  • The Intersection of Financial Regulation and Fintech Innovation.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Insider Trading in the Financial Markets.
  • Credit Rating Agencies: Their Role in Financial Regulation and Investor Confidence.
  • The Challenges of Cross-Border Banking Regulation in the Globalized Economy.
  • The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: A Critical Assessment.
  • The Legal Framework of Bank Resolution and Systemic Risk Management.

Taxation and Business Transactions

  • Transfer Pricing in International Business Transactions: Legal and Regulatory Aspects.
  • The Legal Implications of Corporate Tax Avoidance and Evasion.
  • Tax Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment: Promoting Economic Growth or Unfair Competition?
  • The Impact of Tax Treaties on Cross-Border Business Activities.
  • Tax Compliance and Enforcement: Balancing Taxpayer Rights and Government Revenue Collection.
  • The Role of Tax Havens in International Tax Planning.
  • The Legal Implications of Digital Economy Taxation.
  • The Challenges of Regulating E-Commerce and Cross-Border Taxation.
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Tax Planning and Avoidance Strategies.
  • Tax Policy and Its Impact on Business Decisions and Investment Behavior.

Environmental and Energy Law

  • The Legal Framework for Environmental Protection and Conservation.
  • Environmental Impact Assessments: Balancing Business Interests and Ecological Preservation.
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: The Role of International Law.
  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Fracking and Hydraulic Fracturing.
  • The Intersection of Environmental Law and Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Renewable Energy Regulation and Incentives: Promoting Sustainable Development.
  • The Legal and Regulatory Challenges of Waste Management and Pollution Control.
  • The Legal Implications of Environmental Justice and Community Rights.
  • The Role of International Agreements in Addressing Transboundary Environmental Issues.
  • The Impact of Energy Regulation on the Transition to Clean and Renewable Energy Sources.

International Trade and Investment Law

  • The Legal Framework of International Trade and Investment Agreements.
  • Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Mechanisms: Balancing Investor Protection and State Sovereignty.
  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) and Its Impact on Global Trade.
  • Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs): Assessing Their Effectiveness in Promoting Foreign Investment.
  • Trade Wars and Tariffs: Analyzing the Legal and Economic Implications.
  • The Intersection of Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade.
  • The Legal Implications of Trade Sanctions and Their Impact on Global Commerce.
  • Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Regional Economic Integration.
  • The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Import-Export Controls and Trade Embargoes.
  • The Role of Trade Remedies in Safeguarding Domestic Industries.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

  • The Legal and Ethical Implications of Data Breaches and Cybersecurity Incidents.
  • Data Protection Laws and Privacy Rights: A Comparative Analysis.
  • The Intersection of Cybersecurity and Intellectual Property Protection.
  • The Role of International Law in Addressing Cybercrimes and Cyber Espionage.
  • The Legal Challenges of Cross-Border Data Transfers and Data Localization.
  • The Regulation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms in Business.
  • Cybersecurity Compliance and Risk Management in the Corporate Sector.
  • The Legal Implications of Internet of Things (IoT) Devices and Data Privacy.
  • The Role of Cyber Insurance in Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks.
  • The Legal and Regulatory Challenges of Digital Identity and Biometric Data.

In conclusion, the comprehensive list of 100 business law research paper topics presented in this section offers a diverse array of subjects for students to explore and engage with. From corporate governance and contract law to cybersecurity and data privacy, each category represents critical aspects of business law that intersect with real-world legal challenges faced by businesses and individuals alike. By selecting a research topic from this list, students can delve into the multifaceted world of business law, contribute to legal scholarship, and gain insights into the practical implications of legal principles on commerce and society.

As students embark on their research journey, they are encouraged to consider their interests, expertise, and academic aspirations while choosing a research topic that aligns with their individual goals. Additionally, a well-defined research question and a structured approach to the research process will help students navigate the complexities of business law and produce an insightful and impactful research paper. Whether examining the legal implications of emerging technologies or analyzing the role of regulations in shaping business practices, each chosen topic presents an opportunity to contribute to the advancement of legal knowledge and influence the ever-changing landscape of business law.

For those seeking professional support in their research endeavors, iResearchNet’s custom writing services are readily available, offering expert assistance from degree-holding writers who understand the intricacies of business law and can deliver customized solutions tailored to students’ specific needs. The journey to explore the world of business law through research and academic inquiry awaits, and with iResearchNet’s support, students can confidently navigate the complexities of legal scholarship and unveil the legal intricacies that shape the dynamic world of commerce.

Business Law: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

Business law, also known as commercial law or corporate law, is a multifaceted field that governs the legal aspects of business transactions, operations, and interactions. It provides the regulatory framework necessary to ensure fair competition, protect consumer rights, uphold contractual obligations, and maintain the integrity of financial systems. As students delve into the world of business law, they uncover a rich tapestry of legal principles and doctrines that underpin the intricate workings of modern commerce.

This section aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse range of business law research paper topics. From corporate governance and intellectual property to employment law and environmental regulations, each aspect offers unique insights and opportunities for legal scholarship. By exploring the following key themes, students can gain an appreciation for the multifaceted nature of business law and its profound impact on both the business world and society at large.

  • Corporate Governance and Ethics : One of the central pillars of business law is corporate governance, which deals with the internal structure, rules, and practices that guide the management and decision-making of corporations. Topics in this area often revolve around the roles and responsibilities of boards of directors, executive compensation, shareholder activism, and the legal and ethical implications of corporate actions. Understanding how corporate governance mechanisms operate is crucial for maintaining transparency, accountability, and responsible business conduct.
  • Contract Law and Commercial Transactions : Contract law is fundamental to business transactions, as it governs the legally binding agreements between parties involved in commercial dealings. Research in this domain explores various aspects, such as contract formation, interpretation, breach, and remedies. Additionally, students can delve into specific types of contracts, such as sales agreements, employment contracts, and international trade agreements. Examining how contracts are structured, enforced, and regulated allows for a deeper understanding of the legal framework that underpins business relationships.
  • Intellectual Property Law : Intellectual property (IP) rights play a critical role in protecting innovations, creative works, and proprietary assets within the business realm. Research topics in this area may cover patent law, copyright law, trademark law, and trade secret protection. Understanding the legal mechanisms that safeguard intellectual property fosters innovation, promotes creativity, and ensures fair competition in the global market.
  • Employment and Labor Law : The relationship between employers and employees is governed by employment and labor law, which aims to protect workers’ rights, ensure fair treatment, and regulate labor practices. Topics in this domain encompass discrimination in the workplace, labor unions, workplace privacy, and the legal implications of emerging work arrangements such as the gig economy. Researching employment law allows students to explore the evolving dynamics of the modern workforce and the legal protections that safeguard employee welfare.
  • Business and Competition Law : Business law intersects with competition law to maintain fair market competition, prevent anti-competitive practices, and protect consumers. Topics in this category may include antitrust laws, merger control, trade practices, and regulations related to monopolies and market dominance. Investigating the legal mechanisms that foster competitive markets ensures a level playing field for businesses and safeguards the interests of consumers.
  • Banking and Financial Regulation : The financial sector operates within a complex legal framework to ensure stability, transparency, and consumer protection. Research topics in this area may encompass banking regulations, financial derivatives, securities laws, and the role of central banks in monetary policy. Understanding the legal aspects of financial regulation is vital for maintaining financial stability and investor confidence.
  • Taxation and Business Transactions : Taxation is a crucial aspect of business operations, impacting financial decisions and strategies. Research topics in this domain may include corporate taxation, international tax planning, tax incentives, and the legal implications of tax evasion and avoidance. Understanding the complexities of tax law allows businesses to navigate the regulatory landscape while contributing to government revenue collection.
  • Environmental and Energy Law : Environmental and energy law focuses on regulating the impact of business activities on the environment and promoting sustainable practices. Topics in this area may cover environmental impact assessments, climate change mitigation, renewable energy regulations, and waste management policies. Exploring the legal aspects of environmental protection empowers businesses to align their operations with sustainable practices and social responsibility.
  • International Trade and Investment Law : As businesses increasingly engage in global markets, international trade and investment law become crucial for understanding the legal framework that governs cross-border transactions and investments. Topics in this domain may include trade agreements, investor-state dispute settlement, and regulations pertaining to international trade and foreign direct investment. Researching international trade and investment law facilitates a broader understanding of the interconnectedness of the global economy.
  • Cybersecurity and Data Privacy : In the digital era, cybersecurity and data privacy have become paramount concerns for businesses. Research topics in this area may cover data breaches, cybercrime legislation, data protection laws, and the legal implications of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. Understanding the legal and ethical aspects of data protection helps businesses safeguard sensitive information and protect user privacy.

Business law encompasses a vast array of legal principles and regulations that govern the multifaceted world of commerce. By exploring the diverse range of business law research paper topics presented in this section, students can gain a deeper understanding of the legal challenges, complexities, and opportunities that arise within the business landscape. Whether investigating corporate governance practices, analyzing contract law implications, or exploring environmental regulations, each research topic provides a window into the intricate workings of the business world.

As students engage in their research journey, they are encouraged to critically examine the legal issues, implications, and real-world applications of their chosen business law research paper topics. By employing rigorous research methodologies and legal analysis, students can contribute to legal scholarship, influence business practices, and address contemporary challenges faced by businesses and society alike. Additionally, for those seeking expert guidance and support in their research endeavors, iResearchNet’s custom writing services offer tailored solutions from experienced writers, facilitating a seamless and successful research experience.

As the study of business law continues to evolve in response to societal and technological advancements, students embarking on this academic pursuit will find themselves at the forefront of shaping the legal landscape that underpins global commerce. By embracing the complexities of business law and leveraging the power of legal research, students can unlock new insights, foster innovative solutions, and contribute to the advancement of legal knowledge within the context of business and beyond.

How to Choose Business Law Research Paper Topics

Selecting a suitable research paper topic is a critical step in the academic journey, especially for students studying business law. The chosen topic sets the foundation for the entire research process and determines the scope and depth of the paper. As the field of business law encompasses a wide range of legal principles and industries, students may find it challenging to identify the most relevant and compelling research area. This section aims to guide students through the process of choosing business law research paper topics that align with their interests, academic goals, and the practical implications of their research.

  • Identify Your Interests and Passions : The first step in selecting a research paper topic is to reflect on your personal interests and passions within the field of business law. Consider which aspects of business law intrigue you the most and which topics evoke curiosity. Whether you are fascinated by corporate governance, intellectual property, or international trade, choosing a topic that resonates with your interests will fuel your motivation and engagement throughout the research process.
  • Analyze Current Legal Issues and Developments : Business law is a dynamic field, constantly evolving to address emerging legal challenges and changes in the business landscape. Stay updated with current legal issues, landmark court cases, and regulatory developments within the business world. Analyzing current events and legal debates can spark ideas for research topics that contribute to ongoing discussions and address contemporary concerns.
  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Before finalizing a research paper topic, conduct preliminary research to understand the existing literature and scholarship on potential areas of interest. Reading academic articles, books, and research papers related to your preferred topics will give you insights into the gaps in knowledge and areas that warrant further investigation. This step will also help you refine your research question and define the scope of your study.
  • Consider Practical Relevance : Business law research often extends beyond theoretical exploration, with practical implications that impact real businesses and individuals. Consider topics that have practical relevance and address legal issues faced by businesses, entrepreneurs, consumers, or society at large. Research papers that offer practical solutions or insights into legal challenges tend to be more impactful and resonate with a wider audience.
  • Evaluate the Feasibility of the Topic : As you assess potential research topics, consider their feasibility in terms of data availability, research resources, and time constraints. Some topics may require extensive data collection or access to specific legal cases, while others may demand specialized expertise. Ensure that the chosen topic is feasible within the scope of your research capabilities and academic timeline.
  • Seek Inspiration from Coursework : Reviewing your coursework and class materials in business law can be a valuable source of inspiration for research topics. Reflect on the topics covered in your lectures, seminars, and coursework assignments. You may find a particular area or legal concept that sparks your interest and inspires you to delve deeper into its legal intricacies through independent research.
  • Consult with Professors and Peers : Discuss your research ideas with professors, academic advisors, and fellow students. They can provide valuable feedback, offer suggestions for potential research directions, and help you narrow down your options. Collaborating with others in the academic community can lead to unique perspectives and enhance the quality of your research paper.
  • Think Beyond Traditional Topics : While traditional business law topics like contract law and corporate governance are essential, consider exploring niche areas or emerging legal issues. Topics related to technology, artificial intelligence, digital currencies, and environmental sustainability are gaining prominence in the business world and present exciting opportunities for cutting-edge research.
  • Consider Cross-Disciplinary Approaches : Business law often intersects with other disciplines such as economics, sociology, ethics, and environmental studies. Consider adopting a cross-disciplinary approach to your research, which allows you to draw insights from various fields and enriches the depth of your analysis.
  • Craft a Well-Defined Research Question : Once you have identified a potential research topic, transform it into a well-defined research question. A clear and specific research question will guide your investigation, focus your research efforts, and ensure that your paper remains coherent and organized. Strive to develop a research question that is both original and relevant, contributing to the existing body of knowledge in business law.

Choosing a business law research paper topic requires careful consideration of your interests, academic goals, and the practical implications of your research. By identifying areas of personal interest, analyzing current legal issues, and conducting preliminary research, you can discover business law research paper topics that excite and inspire you. As you evaluate the feasibility and practical relevance of your chosen topic, seek guidance from professors and peers to refine your research question and direction.

Selecting a compelling and well-defined research topic sets the stage for a rewarding research journey that contributes to the advancement of legal knowledge within the dynamic realm of business law. By embracing innovative approaches, exploring emerging legal challenges, and delving into cross-disciplinary perspectives, students can unveil new insights, provide practical solutions, and make a meaningful impact within the ever-evolving landscape of business law.

How to Write a Business Law Research Paper

Writing a business law research paper requires a structured and systematic approach to effectively convey your ideas, arguments, and findings. As a student delving into the complexities of business law, you must not only demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of legal principles but also showcase critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to communicate complex legal concepts concisely. This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to write a compelling business law research paper that engages your readers, advances legal scholarship, and reflects your expertise in the field.

  • Select a Well-Defined Research Topic : Before you begin writing, ensure that you have a well-defined research topic or question that aligns with your interests and academic objectives. Your research topic should be specific, focused, and capable of addressing legal issues or gaps in knowledge within the realm of business law. A clear research question will guide your research and structure your paper, ensuring a coherent and logical flow of ideas.
  • Conduct Thorough Research : Once you have a research topic, embark on a comprehensive research journey to gather relevant and credible sources. Utilize academic databases, legal journals, books, and reputable online resources to access primary and secondary materials related to your topic. Carefully evaluate and critically analyze the literature to develop a strong theoretical foundation for your research.
  • Create an Outline : Organize your ideas and research findings into a well-structured outline. An outline serves as the skeleton of your research paper and helps you maintain a logical progression of arguments. Include an introduction, literature review, methodology (if applicable), main body sections, analysis of findings, and a conclusion in your outline.
  • Write a Captivating Introduction : Begin your research paper with a captivating introduction that introduces your research topic, provides context, and presents your research question or thesis statement. Engage your readers with a thought-provoking opening, outlining the significance of your research and its relevance to the field of business law.
  • Conduct a Thorough Literature Review : The literature review section should demonstrate your understanding of existing scholarship related to your research topic. Summarize and critically evaluate relevant studies, legal cases, and academic works. Identify gaps in the literature and highlight how your research will contribute to filling those gaps.
  • Define Your Methodology (if applicable) : If your research involves empirical data collection or qualitative analysis, outline your research methodology in this section. Describe your research design, data collection methods, sample selection, and data analysis techniques. Justify your chosen methodology and explain how it aligns with your research objectives.
  • Present a Comprehensive Analysis : In the main body sections of your research paper, present a comprehensive analysis of your research topic. Use clear and concise language to articulate your arguments and support them with evidence from legal cases, statutes, and scholarly sources. Address counterarguments and demonstrate your ability to critically assess different perspectives.
  • Use Legal Citations and Referencing : Incorporate accurate legal citations and references throughout your research paper. Use the appropriate legal citation style, such as Bluebook, APA, MLA, or Chicago, to ensure proper attribution of sources and maintain academic integrity.
  • Maintain Clarity and Conciseness : Business law research papers can be complex, but strive to maintain clarity and conciseness in your writing. Avoid jargon and use clear language to communicate legal concepts effectively. Keep paragraphs focused on specific ideas and avoid unnecessary repetition.
  • Craft a Compelling Conclusion : In the conclusion, restate your research question or thesis and summarize the key findings and arguments presented in your paper. Reflect on the implications of your research and its potential impact on the field of business law. Leave readers with a lasting impression by emphasizing the significance of your work and suggesting avenues for further research.

Writing a business law research paper requires a methodical approach that includes selecting a well-defined research topic, conducting thorough research, and creating a structured outline. A compelling introduction should draw readers into your research, while a literature review showcases your understanding of existing scholarship. Whether your research involves empirical data or legal analysis, maintain clarity and conciseness throughout your paper. Use accurate legal citations and references, and craft a compelling conclusion that highlights the contributions of your research and sets the stage for future scholarly endeavors.

As you progress through the process of writing your business law research paper, remember to seek feedback from professors and peers. Embrace the challenges of legal research and writing, and view each stage as an opportunity to enhance your critical thinking, communication skills, and expertise in the field of business law. By adhering to this comprehensive guide and approaching your research paper with dedication and enthusiasm, you will produce a well-crafted, insightful, and impactful contribution to the world of business law scholarship.

iResearchNet’s Custom Research Paper Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the demands and complexities faced by students studying business law. Writing a high-quality research paper in this field requires a deep understanding of legal principles, critical analysis, and effective communication skills. As a leading academic writing service, we are committed to providing students with the support they need to excel in their academic endeavors. Our custom business law research paper writing services offer expert assistance from experienced writers, ensuring that students receive top-notch papers tailored to their unique requirements. In this section, we highlight the key features and benefits of our services, ensuring that students can confidently embark on their research journey with our dedicated support.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : At iResearchNet, we take pride in our team of expert writers who hold advanced degrees in business law and related fields. Our writers have a comprehensive understanding of legal principles, ensuring that your research paper is in the hands of a qualified professional who can provide valuable insights and in-depth analysis.
  • Custom Written Works : We recognize the importance of originality and academic integrity in research papers. Our custom business law research papers are crafted from scratch, tailored to your specific instructions and research topic. We do not tolerate plagiarism and guarantee 100% unique and authentic papers.
  • In-Depth Research : Research is at the heart of every high-quality research paper. Our writers conduct thorough and comprehensive research to gather relevant and credible sources for your business law research paper. They delve into legal databases, academic journals, and reputable resources to ensure that your paper is well-supported with evidence and references.
  • Custom Formatting : Different academic institutions and journals may require specific formatting styles for research papers. Our writers are well-versed in various formatting styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. Rest assured that your research paper will be formatted according to the prescribed guidelines.
  • Top Quality : Quality is our utmost priority. Our team of experienced editors meticulously review and polish each research paper to ensure that it meets high academic standards. We pay attention to the clarity of ideas, coherence of arguments, and adherence to academic conventions.
  • Customized Solutions : We understand that every research paper is unique, with its own set of requirements and objectives. Our custom business law research paper writing services offer personalized solutions to cater to your specific needs and academic goals.
  • Flexible Pricing : As a student-oriented writing service, we are mindful of the budget constraints faced by students. Our pricing model is designed to be affordable and transparent. We offer flexible pricing options to accommodate varying academic levels and deadlines.
  • Short Deadlines : We recognize that research paper deadlines can be tight, and students may find themselves in urgent need of assistance. Our writers are capable of delivering high-quality research papers within short deadlines, with a turnaround time as fast as three hours.
  • Timely Delivery : We value punctuality and understand the importance of meeting academic deadlines. Our writing team works diligently to ensure that your custom business law research paper is delivered on time, allowing you sufficient time for review and revisions.
  • 24/7 Support : Our customer support team is available round the clock to address your queries and provide assistance at any stage of the writing process. Feel free to reach out to us anytime, and we will be more than happy to help you.
  • Absolute Privacy : We prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of our clients. Your personal information and details of the services provided will be kept strictly confidential, ensuring a secure and safe experience with iResearchNet.
  • Easy Order Tracking : With our user-friendly platform, you can easily track the progress of your research paper. Stay informed about each stage of the writing process and communicate with your assigned writer as needed.
  • Money Back Guarantee : Your satisfaction is of paramount importance to us. In the rare event that you are not satisfied with the final paper, we offer a money-back guarantee to ensure your peace of mind.

At iResearchNet, we take pride in our commitment to excellence and the provision of custom business law research paper writing services that cater to the unique needs of students. With expert writers, in-depth research, and a dedication to quality, we ensure that your research paper reflects your academic proficiency and meets the highest standards of business law scholarship. Whether you need assistance with topic selection, research, or writing, our team is here to support you throughout the entire process. Embark on your research journey with confidence and unleash the potential of your business law research with iResearchNet’s custom writing services.

Empower Your Business Law Journey with iResearchNet

As you navigate the intricate world of business law, iResearchNet stands as your dedicated partner, ready to empower your academic journey with unparalleled support and expertise. Our comprehensive range of services is tailored to meet the unique needs of students studying business law and seeking excellence in their research papers. With a team of expert writers, in-depth research capabilities, and a commitment to quality, we are here to guide you through the challenges of academic writing and elevate your research to new heights. Embrace the opportunity to excel in your studies and achieve academic success with iResearchNet’s custom business law research paper writing services.

Embark on your business law journey with the assurance that iResearchNet is here to empower and support you at every step. Our custom business law research paper writing services offer a seamless blend of expertise, personalized assistance, and dedication to your academic success. By choosing iResearchNet, you unlock a world of opportunities to excel in your studies, demonstrate your legal prowess, and make a lasting impact in the field of business law. Embrace the journey to academic excellence with iResearchNet as your trusted partner in business law research.


how to start a business law research paper

Introduction to Legal Research: How to Start

  • Home: Introduction to Legal Research
  • How to Start
  • Secondary Sources
  • Regulations
  • Updating Case Law
  • Getting Help

Research Strategies

  • Use secondary sources to learn about the law and get references to primary law.
  • Use a known case to find citations to other cases and statutes.
  • Use a known statute to find citations to cases.

Key Questions

  • Be sure you have the basic facts . Ask the "who, what, when, where, why and how" questions.  You have to be sure you understand the facts surrounding your legal issue before you start.
  • Articulate the legal issue . What jurisdiction is involved? Federal or state? Is this a civil or criminal matter? Who are the parties and what relief is sought?
  • Consider which of three groups may have established the law on this issue : the legislature, the courts, or the executive branch. It is quite possible that two and possibly all three groups have touched on the topic. Then look for to the statute, case, or regulation that applies.

Search Terms

To begin to research, you need a list of search terms . Here are three ways to come up with search terms:

  • Brainstorm by jotting down as many synonyms and related words as you can because different resources use different terminology to refer to the same topic. For example, "children" could be listed under "infants," "minors," or "parent and child."
  • Use a dictionary, especially a legal dictionary (see Secondary Sources ).
  • Ask a librarian or other person familiar with the topic for suggestions.
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  • Next: Secondary Sources >>
  • Last Updated: Jan 12, 2024 12:19 PM
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Writing a law school research paper or law review note

  • Books and articles

Examples of student papers

The three documents listed below were written by 2Ls for the Indiana International & Comparative Law Review. If you are writing for a seminar or an independent study, your parameters might be a little different, but these serve as good examples of general expectations for what can satisfy the advanced writing requirement.  

  • Ancient Water Law in a Modern Crisis: An Analysis of Australian Water Law Reform in the United States Context
  • Seizing the Initiative on Sexual Assault in the United States Military: The Way Forward
  • Striking a Balance: Extending Minimum Rights to U.S. Gig Economy Workers Based on E.U. Directive 2019/1153 on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions
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Guide on How to Write an Abstract for a Law Research Paper with Examples

O'connor PhD Law Writers

O'connor PhD Law Writers


Abstract in the law research paper help is important for representing the summary of the whole paper and it provides a scope to the readers to understand the law research topic for further analysis and evaluation. An abstract is a concise summary of a loner's work such as a dissertation and research paper. It allows the researchers to decide whether to read the full paper or not.

Writing an Abstract for Law Research Paper

The abstract is hereby written about 250 to 300 words in one or two paragraphs. It should include a statement of the problem where the individual tries to resolve the problem and ensure the purpose of the research, review the research methods utilized to find solutions. In the abstract, it is also important to discuss the results and implications of the findings, so that the readers can understand the research topic and analyses the findings successfully.

It is hereby a powerful summary of the law assignment help , which also contains the keywords. The main element of the abstract in a law research paper is the purpose of the research, methodology, results and conclusion. Writing the paper, in summary, is crucial in order to develop the abstract. After conducting the whole research, the researchers develop the abstract by creating a good summary of the whole paper. The abstract is hereby important for the researchers or the law students to represent the whole study by creating a good summary.

Summarizing the findings is hereby crucial for developing abstract an in this regard the researchers or the law students are also concerned about reviewing the requirements. Specific requirements of the law assignment and criteria are necessary to be reviewed before writing the powerful abstract. Considering the audiences and publications are also important to develop appropriate abstract and it is designed to help the readers determine the facts quickly and continue reading the whole work.

Explaining the problem is also effective for abstracts where the writers or law students try to review the background of the study and clearly develop the problem statement for further data analysis and evaluation. Identifying the main claim and the scope of the study should be clearly stated for further development of the abstract. Explaining the methodology is important in the abstract, where the law students are trying to review the research methodology and clearly state the methods in the abstract.

The readers can understand the ways of collecting data and fruitful information as well as the data analysis methods that have been chosen for conducting the study critically. After that clear conclusion should be made so that the readers are able to understand the whole paper and also explore the scope of future research. Developing abstracts for the law dissertation or research paper is mandatory for the successful completion of the paper and influence future researchers for further in-depth critical research.

For example, if the law dissertation topic idea is the influence of human rights in society, the researchers develop a good abstract for a successful representation of the study. The researchers or the law students are trying to review the project instruction and also meet the criteria for further achievements. The research is about analysing the implications of human rights in society, where individuals have the right to access public services and get a safe environment for healthy living.

The right to human need to be maximized in order to ensure social development. However, the major problem in recent years is associated with a lack of fulfilment of human rights, poor transparency and accountability as well as a lack of access to public services. These are the major problems for which the research will be conducted. As per the research methods, the researcher chooses the positivist research philosophy and deductive research approach.

The study is mainly primary research that has been conducted by gathering authentic data sources. The researcher also selects the primary and secondary data collection methods. The primary data is being gathered by market survey and the secondary data is being gathered through reviewing different sources of information like books, journals, articles and published news. The survey is being conducted to involve the social communities in evaluating their satisfaction level in enjoying the rights of individuals.

Descriptive statistics and tabular representation and analysis are being conducted in the research. As per the findings, most of the individuals agree that they enjoy the right to access public services and they are able to maximize their standard of living. However, some of the participants are not satisfied with the rights of individuals and they are vulnerable in the society. The study is hereby effective for analyzing the implications of human rights in society and recommends some suitable suggestions for maximizing the rights of individuals to ensure economic growth and social sustainable development.

For Example, the law research topics are related to equality and diversity management. The study's aim is to analyses the execution of equality and diversity in the workplace. The aim of the study is to analyse the implications of equality and diversity in the workplace. The theories and concepts related to Equality Act 2010 as well as nondiscrimination practices are being gathered for better understanding. The researcher selects both the primary and secondary data and as per the data analysis methods, the researcher selects the thematic analysis.

The primary data is gathered by arranging interviews and for secondary data collection, the researchers review books and journals, related to law. As per the findings, there is a lack of quality ad discrimination in the workplace for which the individuals suffer a lot. However, some of the employees review that, it is effective to perform under quality and diversity management. The findings reveal that equality and diversity are important to manage the scope with equal opportunities ad fair treatment.

O'connor PhD Law Writers

Written by O'connor PhD Law Writers

At O’connor — PhD Law Writers, we provide law assignment help to students who have difficulty writing their law assignments.

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Sustaining a Legacy of Giving in Turkey

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  • 10 May 2022

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  • 03 May 2022

Can a Social Entrepreneur End Homelessness in the US?

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Celebrate Juneteenth at these Maine events

The holiday is Wednesday, but events start this weekend and run through the end of the month.

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Westbrook Middle School students Bella Zollarcoffer, Priscila Nzolameso and Sarikong Oak held tables educating and informing the community on Black hair history at Westbrook’s Juneteenth celebration last year. Cullen McIntyre/Staff Photographer

Juneteenth, which became both a federal and state holiday in 2021 , celebrates the anniversary of federal troops’ arrival in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, to ensure all enslaved people had been freed. This year, the holiday falls on Wednesday, but celebrations are happening over the next two weeks.

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. –  Indigo Arts Alliance presents The Welcome Table, an intergenerational symposium celebrating global cultural and culinary histories. Activities include art, movement and meditation workshops led by activists and cultural workers. 60 Cove St., Portland.

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. –  Victoria Mansion is hosting a community day with free admission and a recitation of the Emancipation Proclamation by local actors. 109 Danforth St. Portland.

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. –  Space and the Tate House Museum are putting on a Juneteenth community day with free admission and tours of Ashley Page’s “Imagining Freedom” exhibit at the museum. The historical art piece puts viewers into the shoes of an enslaved woman named Bet. 1267 Westbrook St., Portland. Advertisement

1-6:30 p.m. –  The first event of “The City that Carries Us: Pain, Streets, and Heartbeats” will take place at the Public Theatre in Lewiston. The celebration will have a parade and a block party with performances, as well as scheduled activities and rituals throughout the day. It is hosted by the organization Maine Inside Out. 31 Maple St., Lewiston,

2-3 p.m. –  Through “Poems of Reckoning and Resilience,” the Portland Museum of Art and Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance seek to honor the legacy of Black Americans. Featured poet Nathan McClain will join local poets in the Great Hall at the museum to celebrate Black liberation and creativity. The museum is also offering free admission Saturday through Monday, in celebration of both Juneteenth and Pride Month. 7 Congress Square, Portland.

11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. –  The fifth annual Juneteenth Celebration on House Island in Casco Bay will focus on Black joy, as well as nature, health and economic opportunity. Guests can stay for one or two days, and partake in activities like camping, hiking, yoga and games, all led by BIPOC leaders. Fortland, House Island, Portland.

4:30-7 p.m. –  The Community Organizing Alliance is putting on an event with speakers, live performances, poetry readings, a voter registration drive and catering by Bab’s Table. There will also be opportunities to get involved in the racial justice movement. The Atrium at Bates Mill, 36 Chestnut St., Lewiston.

1-3 p.m. –  Riverbank Park in Westbrook will host a community event with art, poetry, music and guest speakers. There will also be a barbecue picnic, a student fashion show, hair braiding, pick-up soccer and more activities sponsored by the city. 667 Main St., Westbrook.  On Facebook.

7-8 p.m. –  The Portland Yoga Project is putting on a class called “Liberated Breath: A Juneteenth Yoga Experience” that seeks to reflect on the holiday through yoga. The class is free for BIPOC community members and is sponsored by the Portland Public Library. 7 Bedford St., Portland,

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how to start a business law research paper

Quantinuum’s Genon Braiding Technique Adds Another Stitch in Company’s Fault-Tolerant Research Tapestry

Matt swayne, june 18, 2024.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

quantinuum research

Insider Brief

  • Quantinuum releases a research paper introducing an innovative technique of “genon braiding” to execute fault-tolerant gates using efficient codes.
  • Genon braiding is a brand new method that leverages the unique properties of topological order to perform robust quantum operations.
  • This is the latest in a string of papers that shows the company’s progress toward quantum computers that can be used for real-world problems.

Quantinuum — which has been on a quantum AI and fault tolerance research roll this month —  report on yet another research development, this time detailing an advanced quantum error correction technique that the team says is pushing the industry ever closer toward practical quantum computing. The work also hints at the way the company is tying together its multiple research approaches — from topological quantum computing to record-breaking fidelity that takes advantage of mid circuit measurement  to quantum error correction — to build quantum computers that can make calculations in spite of environmental noise.

This latest work, detailed in a company blog post and fully covered in a complementary research paper posted on ArXiv , focuses on the innovative technique of “genon braiding” to execute fault-tolerant gates using efficient codes.

The work aims right at quantum computing’s Achilles heel — errors. In classical computing, hardware robustness and error correction methods like bit duplication make achieving fault tolerance relatively straightforward. However, quantum computing faces unique challenges. Quantum hardware is far more delicate, requiring precise control of quantum states, and the no-cloning theorem prohibits direct copying of qubits, the team explains.

Ilyas Khan, Quantinuum founder and Chief Product Officer writes in an email interview: “One of the more interesting developments that I would highlight here is the emerging — and very obvious — point that theoretical ideas can only really be instantiated with full access to the ‘metal’ and that real acceleration will benefit from an early push into genuine ‘co-design’. The Genon code is astonishingly impactful and we will be hearing a lot more about its ability to lift performances across the board, and this will be highlighted alongside all our other work in this field ranging from error mitigation all the way through to examining natively fault tolerant qubits that we create through the exploitation of our hardware and generate non-abelian anyons’.”

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Genon Braiding: A New Approach

Quantinuum’s advance focuses on genon braiding — a method that leverages the unique properties of topological order to perform robust quantum operations.

In this braiding technique, researchers manipulate genons , which are twists or defects in topological codes. By braiding these genons around each other, logical quantum information can be encoded and manipulated fault-tolerantly, which then makes it easier to implement high-rate error-correcting codes and that, eventually, means less physical qubits per logical qubit.

This advance can significantly impact scaling, making quantum computers more practical and efficient,  and demonstrates low overheads compared to quantum error correction approaches in the current literature, according to the team at Quantinuum, a full-stack quantum computing company formed from Honeywell and Cambridge Quantum in 2021.

The Theory Behind Genon Braiding

To take a step back: the research paper delves into the theoretical foundations of genon braiding. It explains that one of the main challenges in quantum error correction is balancing the protection of quantum information from errors with the ability to manipulate this protected information. Achieving this balance is essential for performing computational tasks, the paper notes.

The concept of genons or twists in topological codes plays a central role in this technique. It’s also a point where the beauty of scientific discovery meets the efficiency of practical computational power, according to the team.

The scientists write in the post: “What exactly ‘genons’ are, and how they are braided, is beautiful and complex mathematics – but the implementation is surprisingly simple. Inter-block logical gates can be realized through simple relabeling and physical operations. ‘Relabeling’, i.e. renaming qubit 1 to qubit 2, is very easy in Quantinuum’s QCCD architecture, meaning that this approach to gates will be less noisy, faster, and have less overhead. This is all due to our architectures’ native ability to move qubits around in space, which most other architectures can’t do.”

To dive deeper, the genons are associated with 3-valent vertices — or three-pointed connections — in topological codes and can be manipulated through braiding to perform logical Clifford gates. These gates are a set of operations that can be performed on encoded qubits within a quantum error-correcting code. They are important because they can be implemented fault-tolerantly, in other words they can function correctly even when there are small errors.

According to the scientists, genons are not arbitrary constructs but are derived from specific symmetrical properties in the quantum system, according to the paper. The team explains that genons arise from the properties of domain walls in topological order, which exhibit symmetry that can be exploited for fault-tolerant operations.

Practical Implementation on Quantinuum’s H1-1 Quantum Computer

Quantinuum has successfully demonstrated genon braiding on their H1-1 quantum computer, a trapped-ion device that allows for high connectivity through ion transport. This capability is essential for efficiently realizing the permutations required for implementing fault-tolerant gates without significant overhead, according to the blog post and the research paper.

The H1-1 device uses 20 ytterbium ions for physical qubits and 20 barium ions for sympathetic cooling, executing gates via stimulated Raman transitions with high fidelity. This setup enables the realization of genon protocols with minimal noise and high efficiency, showcasing the potential of genon braiding for practical quantum error correction, the team writes in their ArXiv paper.

Experimental Results and Proof-of-Concept

Quantinuum’s team conducted a series of proof-of-concept experiments on the H1-1 system. They demonstrated all single-qubit Clifford operations using genon braiding and performed two types of two-qubit logical gates equivalent to CNOTs. These experiments demonstrate that genon braiding works in practice and is complementary to and therefore enhancing well-understood codes such as the Steane code, according to the blog post.

The research also includes the construction of a ‘symplectic double’ — which effectively doubles the number of qubits involved — allowing logical Clifford operations on the base code to be lifted to logical operations on the total code. This method enhances fault tolerance and demonstrates the versatility of the genon braiding technique, the paper states.

Implications for Quantum Computing

Scientifically beautiful and practically important — there’s still more.

The work demonstrates the importance of co-design, where error correction codes are tailored to specific hardware capabilities. Quantinuum’s approach leverages their unique hardware architecture to implement these advanced error correction techniques efficiently.

“This is part of a larger effort to find fault-tolerant architectures tailored to Quantinuum’s hardware. Quantinuum scientist and pioneer of this work, Simon Burton, put it quite succinctly: ‘Braiding genons is very powerful. Applying these techniques might prove very useful for realizing high-rate codes, translating to a huge impact on how our computers will scale,'” the team explains in their blog post.

The Quantinuum Connection

There is some sense that the 370+ scientists and engineers at Quantinuum are engaged in a little scientific “braiding” of their own, tying multiple research strands from across the organization together to knit a multilayered  approach to fault tolerance.

For example, this work is directly related to and inspired by Quantinuum’s prior research on non-Abelian anyons , which are particles that exhibit unique quantum statistics and are essential for certain topological quantum computing approaches.  By leveraging insights from these previous studies, Quantinuum has been able to advance the understanding of genon braiding.

This new research also fits into Quantinuum’s broader effort in error mitigation and correction, showcasing their ongoing commitment to developing robust and scalable quantum computing solutions that can withstand errors and enhance computational reliability.

Quantinuum researchers involved in the work include Simon Burton, Elijah Durso-Sabina and Natalie C. Brown, who report to Khan.

For a fuller and more technical explanation of the work than this summary can provide, please review the paper in its entirety .

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The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year

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The latest annual McKinsey Global Survey  on the current state of AI confirms the explosive growth of generative AI (gen AI) tools . Less than a year after many of these tools debuted, one-third of our survey respondents say their organizations are using gen AI regularly in at least one business function. Amid recent advances, AI has risen from a topic relegated to tech employees to a focus of company leaders: nearly one-quarter of surveyed C-suite executives say they are personally using gen AI tools for work, and more than one-quarter of respondents from companies using AI say gen AI is already on their boards’ agendas. What’s more, 40 percent of respondents say their organizations will increase their investment in AI overall because of advances in gen AI. The findings show that these are still early days for managing gen AI–related risks, with less than half of respondents saying their organizations are mitigating even the risk they consider most relevant: inaccuracy.

The organizations that have already embedded AI capabilities have been the first to explore gen AI’s potential, and those seeing the most value from more traditional AI capabilities—a group we call AI high performers—are already outpacing others in their adoption of gen AI tools. 1 We define AI high performers as organizations that, according to respondents, attribute at least 20 percent of their EBIT to AI adoption.

The expected business disruption from gen AI is significant, and respondents predict meaningful changes to their workforces. They anticipate workforce cuts in certain areas and large reskilling efforts to address shifting talent needs. Yet while the use of gen AI might spur the adoption of other AI tools, we see few meaningful increases in organizations’ adoption of these technologies. The percent of organizations adopting any AI tools has held steady since 2022, and adoption remains concentrated within a small number of business functions.

Table of Contents

  • It’s early days still, but use of gen AI is already widespread
  • Leading companies are already ahead with gen AI
  • AI-related talent needs shift, and AI’s workforce effects are expected to be substantial
  • With all eyes on gen AI, AI adoption and impact remain steady

About the research

1. it’s early days still, but use of gen ai is already widespread.

The findings from the survey—which was in the field in mid-April 2023—show that, despite gen AI’s nascent public availability, experimentation with the tools  is already relatively common, and respondents expect the new capabilities to transform their industries. Gen AI has captured interest across the business population: individuals across regions, industries, and seniority levels are using gen AI for work and outside of work. Seventy-nine percent of all respondents say they’ve had at least some exposure to gen AI, either for work or outside of work, and 22 percent say they are regularly using it in their own work. While reported use is quite similar across seniority levels, it is highest among respondents working in the technology sector and those in North America.

Organizations, too, are now commonly using gen AI. One-third of all respondents say their organizations are already regularly using generative AI in at least one function—meaning that 60 percent of organizations with reported AI adoption are using gen AI. What’s more, 40 percent of those reporting AI adoption at their organizations say their companies expect to invest more in AI overall thanks to generative AI, and 28 percent say generative AI use is already on their board’s agenda. The most commonly reported business functions using these newer tools are the same as those in which AI use is most common overall: marketing and sales, product and service development, and service operations, such as customer care and back-office support. This suggests that organizations are pursuing these new tools where the most value is. In our previous research , these three areas, along with software engineering, showed the potential to deliver about 75 percent of the total annual value from generative AI use cases.

In these early days, expectations for gen AI’s impact are high : three-quarters of all respondents expect gen AI to cause significant or disruptive change in the nature of their industry’s competition in the next three years. Survey respondents working in the technology and financial-services industries are the most likely to expect disruptive change from gen AI. Our previous research shows  that, while all industries are indeed likely to see some degree of disruption, the level of impact is likely to vary. 2 “ The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier ,” McKinsey, June 14, 2023. Industries relying most heavily on knowledge work are likely to see more disruption—and potentially reap more value. While our estimates suggest that tech companies, unsurprisingly, are poised to see the highest impact from gen AI—adding value equivalent to as much as 9 percent of global industry revenue—knowledge-based industries such as banking (up to 5 percent), pharmaceuticals and medical products (also up to 5 percent), and education (up to 4 percent) could experience significant effects as well. By contrast, manufacturing-based industries, such as aerospace, automotives, and advanced electronics, could experience less disruptive effects. This stands in contrast to the impact of previous technology waves that affected manufacturing the most and is due to gen AI’s strengths in language-based activities, as opposed to those requiring physical labor.

Responses show many organizations not yet addressing potential risks from gen AI

According to the survey, few companies seem fully prepared for the widespread use of gen AI—or the business risks these tools may bring. Just 21 percent of respondents reporting AI adoption say their organizations have established policies governing employees’ use of gen AI technologies in their work. And when we asked specifically about the risks of adopting gen AI, few respondents say their companies are mitigating the most commonly cited risk with gen AI: inaccuracy. Respondents cite inaccuracy more frequently than both cybersecurity and regulatory compliance, which were the most common risks from AI overall in previous surveys. Just 32 percent say they’re mitigating inaccuracy, a smaller percentage than the 38 percent who say they mitigate cybersecurity risks. Interestingly, this figure is significantly lower than the percentage of respondents who reported mitigating AI-related cybersecurity last year (51 percent). Overall, much as we’ve seen in previous years, most respondents say their organizations are not addressing AI-related risks.

2. Leading companies are already ahead with gen AI

The survey results show that AI high performers—that is, organizations where respondents say at least 20 percent of EBIT in 2022 was attributable to AI use—are going all in on artificial intelligence, both with gen AI and more traditional AI capabilities. These organizations that achieve significant value from AI are already using gen AI in more business functions than other organizations do, especially in product and service development and risk and supply chain management. When looking at all AI capabilities—including more traditional machine learning capabilities, robotic process automation, and chatbots—AI high performers also are much more likely than others to use AI in product and service development, for uses such as product-development-cycle optimization, adding new features to existing products, and creating new AI-based products. These organizations also are using AI more often than other organizations in risk modeling and for uses within HR such as performance management and organization design and workforce deployment optimization.

AI high performers are much more likely than others to use AI in product and service development.

Another difference from their peers: high performers’ gen AI efforts are less oriented toward cost reduction, which is a top priority at other organizations. Respondents from AI high performers are twice as likely as others to say their organizations’ top objective for gen AI is to create entirely new businesses or sources of revenue—and they’re most likely to cite the increase in the value of existing offerings through new AI-based features.

As we’ve seen in previous years , these high-performing organizations invest much more than others in AI: respondents from AI high performers are more than five times more likely than others to say they spend more than 20 percent of their digital budgets on AI. They also use AI capabilities more broadly throughout the organization. Respondents from high performers are much more likely than others to say that their organizations have adopted AI in four or more business functions and that they have embedded a higher number of AI capabilities. For example, respondents from high performers more often report embedding knowledge graphs in at least one product or business function process, in addition to gen AI and related natural-language capabilities.

While AI high performers are not immune to the challenges of capturing value from AI, the results suggest that the difficulties they face reflect their relative AI maturity, while others struggle with the more foundational, strategic elements of AI adoption. Respondents at AI high performers most often point to models and tools, such as monitoring model performance in production and retraining models as needed over time, as their top challenge. By comparison, other respondents cite strategy issues, such as setting a clearly defined AI vision that is linked with business value or finding sufficient resources.

The findings offer further evidence that even high performers haven’t mastered best practices regarding AI adoption, such as machine-learning-operations (MLOps) approaches, though they are much more likely than others to do so. For example, just 35 percent of respondents at AI high performers report that where possible, their organizations assemble existing components, rather than reinvent them, but that’s a much larger share than the 19 percent of respondents from other organizations who report that practice.

Many specialized MLOps technologies and practices  may be needed to adopt some of the more transformative uses cases that gen AI applications can deliver—and do so as safely as possible. Live-model operations is one such area, where monitoring systems and setting up instant alerts to enable rapid issue resolution can keep gen AI systems in check. High performers stand out in this respect but have room to grow: one-quarter of respondents from these organizations say their entire system is monitored and equipped with instant alerts, compared with just 12 percent of other respondents.

3. AI-related talent needs shift, and AI’s workforce effects are expected to be substantial

Our latest survey results show changes in the roles that organizations are filling to support their AI ambitions. In the past year, organizations using AI most often hired data engineers, machine learning engineers, and Al data scientists—all roles that respondents commonly reported hiring in the previous survey. But a much smaller share of respondents report hiring AI-related-software engineers—the most-hired role last year—than in the previous survey (28 percent in the latest survey, down from 39 percent). Roles in prompt engineering have recently emerged, as the need for that skill set rises alongside gen AI adoption, with 7 percent of respondents whose organizations have adopted AI reporting those hires in the past year.

The findings suggest that hiring for AI-related roles remains a challenge but has become somewhat easier over the past year, which could reflect the spate of layoffs at technology companies from late 2022 through the first half of 2023. Smaller shares of respondents than in the previous survey report difficulty hiring for roles such as AI data scientists, data engineers, and data-visualization specialists, though responses suggest that hiring machine learning engineers and AI product owners remains as much of a challenge as in the previous year.

Looking ahead to the next three years, respondents predict that the adoption of AI will reshape many roles in the workforce. Generally, they expect more employees to be reskilled than to be separated. Nearly four in ten respondents reporting AI adoption expect more than 20 percent of their companies’ workforces will be reskilled, whereas 8 percent of respondents say the size of their workforces will decrease by more than 20 percent.

Looking specifically at gen AI’s predicted impact, service operations is the only function in which most respondents expect to see a decrease in workforce size at their organizations. This finding generally aligns with what our recent research  suggests: while the emergence of gen AI increased our estimate of the percentage of worker activities that could be automated (60 to 70 percent, up from 50 percent), this doesn’t necessarily translate into the automation of an entire role.

AI high performers are expected to conduct much higher levels of reskilling than other companies are. Respondents at these organizations are over three times more likely than others to say their organizations will reskill more than 30 percent of their workforces over the next three years as a result of AI adoption.

4. With all eyes on gen AI, AI adoption and impact remain steady

While the use of gen AI tools is spreading rapidly, the survey data doesn’t show that these newer tools are propelling organizations’ overall AI adoption. The share of organizations that have adopted AI overall remains steady, at least for the moment, with 55 percent of respondents reporting that their organizations have adopted AI. Less than a third of respondents continue to say that their organizations have adopted AI in more than one business function, suggesting that AI use remains limited in scope. Product and service development and service operations continue to be the two business functions in which respondents most often report AI adoption, as was true in the previous four surveys. And overall, just 23 percent of respondents say at least 5 percent of their organizations’ EBIT last year was attributable to their use of AI—essentially flat with the previous survey—suggesting there is much more room to capture value.

Organizations continue to see returns in the business areas in which they are using AI, and they plan to increase investment in the years ahead. We see a majority of respondents reporting AI-related revenue increases within each business function using AI. And looking ahead, more than two-thirds expect their organizations to increase their AI investment over the next three years.

The online survey was in the field April 11 to 21, 2023, and garnered responses from 1,684 participants representing the full range of regions, industries, company sizes, functional specialties, and tenures. Of those respondents, 913 said their organizations had adopted AI in at least one function and were asked questions about their organizations’ AI use. To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP.

The survey content and analysis were developed by Michael Chui , a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute and a partner in McKinsey’s Bay Area office, where Lareina Yee is a senior partner; Bryce Hall , an associate partner in the Washington, DC, office; and senior partners Alex Singla and Alexander Sukharevsky , global leaders of QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, based in the Chicago and London offices, respectively.

They wish to thank Shivani Gupta, Abhisek Jena, Begum Ortaoglu, Barr Seitz, and Li Zhang for their contributions to this work.

This article was edited by Heather Hanselman, an editor in the Atlanta office.

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