A True Muslim Essay with Quotations – Pakilminfo.com

A true Muslim Essay with quotations

This is a very simple and easy Essay on a True Muslim with quotations. This essay is for all the classes students like middle, 10th class and 12th. So you don’t need to go anywhere else.

A True Muslim Essay (Easy)

A man who lives according to the teachings of Islam is called a Muslim. A true Muslim has a firm belief in Allah and His last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). He knows that Allah is the Creator of everything in this universe. Allah is aware of even every impulse taking place in our minds.

Therefore, a true Muslim speaks the truth and does right. He believes that he will be held answerable for his deeds in the next world. A true Muslim says his prayers five times a day. He tries to share the sorrows and sufferings of his relatives, friends and neighbors.

The life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a model for him. Islam is a practical and universal religion. Like all ages, its rules and conducts can be practiced in the present also. He believes that Islam is a perfect religion. It offers a solution to all his problems. Islam lays stress on the just distribution of wealth in society.

A system of Zakat has been set up by Islam. It reduces poverty. A true Muslim pays Zakat to the poor once a year A true Muslim believes that the Holy Quran is the last message of Allah. There can be no change in it up to the day of judgment. It was revealed by Allah to Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). It is full of knowledge and wisdom.

It shows the path of peace and salvation. A true Muslim recites it daily with care and love. Hajj is a duty binding on every Muslim who has enough money to perform it.

A true Muslim surrenders himself to Allah and promises to obey Him whole-heartedly. He is always ready to shed his blood for the sake of Islam. He respects the faith of other people. He is clean in his thoughts and words. He always prays to Allah to show him the right path.


“Indeed, the religion to Allah is Islam.” Al-Imran, 3:19

Who is A Muslim?

He, who believes in Islam as his religion is called a Muslim. He is one who has a firm belief in ALLAH and his Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). He believes in Angles, on the day of resurrection and the Holy Quran. All the followers of Islam are called Muslims. Being a Muslim is a great blessing of Allah but there is little difference between a Muslim and a true Muslim.

Who is A True Muslim

He who believes in the five pillars of Islam is a Muslim. But a true Muslim is one who follows the teachings of Islam in a true sense. He surrenders himself completely in obedience to Allah. He lives life according to the Sunnah of the Rasool (PBUH) and the commandment s of the Holy Qur’an.

He knows that the joys and sorrows of this world are temporary He never does things that Islam forbids. He spends his life according to the teachings of the Quran. He knows if he does anything wrong. He will be held answerable.

Characteristics of a True Muslim

A true muslim has a firm belief in allah and his last prophet (pbuh).

A true Muslim firmly believes in Allah and Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). It is his belief that Allah has created everything in this universe. Allah is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. He created the whole world. Nothing is possible without his permission.

He knows that Allah is watching over his deeds. He always bows his head to Allah. It is his faith that Allah is the creator of everything. That is why he does good deeds and avoids evils . He follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

A True Muslim is Clean and Pure:

A true Muslim never defiles himself. He is a clean and pure human being. If he considers himself unclean, the first thing to do is to clean himself.

The cleanliness is half the faith. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

The Rasool of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized a lot on cleanliness, A person cannot be faithful if he does not pay attention to personal cleanliness. A true Muslim knows that he cannot worship until he has cleansed himself. But there are some exemptions under certain circumstances .

A True Muslim Leads a Simple Life:

A true Muslim leads a simple life. The “simple way of life” is the hallmark of Islam and the essential component of the believer of Islam. Human nature has abominable attributes like malice and envy. That is why mutual enmity and hatred arise. In such a situation, a person keeps an eye on others’ property and wants to get all this either.

When you bowed before others than Allah, neither your body nor your soul is yours Allama Muhammad Iqbal

But a good Muslim never desires such things. He earns his livelihood by honest means. He believes that God will never starve him.  He does not beg for things. He does not bow down his self-respect. The followers of Islam live like a family. They give zakat to poor people so they can live a good life.

A True Muslim Never Harms Others:

A Muslim does not harm anyone. He takes care of his family, relatives and neighbors.

“A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe” Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

All the social teachings of the Quran revolve around this basic principle that every Muslim be careful in his every word and deed. His movements did not cause any physical, mental, emotional, or financial harm to anyone.

But this does not mean that it is permissible to cause harm by any means other than the hand and the tongue. Obviously, the real purpose is to prevent all kinds of harm. But since most of the suffering comes from the hands and the tongue, they are specifically mentioned.

Do good to others, definitely, Allah loves those who do good to others.

He Does not Take Revenge upon Anyone:

A true Muslim never takes revenge. He always takes the initiative to forgive others. He does not kill people as he knows it is forbidden in Islam. He always loves everyone.

A true Muslim is one with whom people are satisfied in their blood and wealth Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

He Never Indulges in Ambiguities:

It is undoubtedly wrong for a Muslim to suffer from evils and sins. But to accuse someone of sins and evils is far worse.  One of the evils that are spreading like a plague in our society is slander and false accusation . False accusations such as theft, bribery , immorality , betrayal , and murder have ruined the peace of our domestic, business, and office life.  

But a good Muslim never indulges in ambiguities . He does not comment before a complete search or knowledge. He always thinks before talking. He always speaks with authenticity. He knows that his one wrong word can harm the whole life of a person. He himself always speaks the truth.

Those who harm Muslim men and women by accusing them of no crime. Surely they bear the burden of great slander and open sin. Al- Quran سورہ احزاب:58

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Essay a True Muslim in English class 10

Essay a True Muslim in English class 10

The word Islam meaning ‘‘surrender’’, is related to Arabic Islam or peace. Islam is a religion that came down to offer humanity a life filled with peace and well-being in which Allah’s external mercy and compassion are manifested in the world. Allah invites people to accept the moral teachings of the Quran as a model whereby mercy, tolerance, and peace may be experienced in the world.  

“You who believe, enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is true, to you a clear enemy.” (Quotation)

The follower of Islam is called a Muslim. A true Muslim has a firm belief in Allah and his last Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w), he fears nine but Allah Almighty. The fear of Allah guides him and helps him stay away from evil and empowers him to resist satanic temptations. His belief is that Allah is the Lord of the Day of Judgment and the creator of the universe. Because he is aware that he will be held accountable for his actions, he avoids evil behavior. He gives the five times prayers on a regular basis, on time, with a lot of joy and proper concentration.

“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” (Quotation)

A true Muslim loves Hazrat Muhammad (s. a. w), the last prophet of Islam, more than his own life, for he believes that his faith remains incomplete unless he loves his Prophet (s.a.w.w) above everyone else. Having an unshakeable belief in the holy Quran, he also has a firm belief in the saying of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s. a. w).

“Obey Allah and the messenger of Allah and the one who is placed above you.” (Quotation)  

A true Muslim lives in purity and simplicity. He is content with the way he is able to support himself. He knows what he wants. He never begs for anything. He does not damage his self-worth. He lives his life in accordance with Islamic teachings. He always bows his head before Allah in all matters of his life. He reads the Holly Quran and feels great joy. He gives alms to the poor. His belief is that Allah is the Lord of the Day of Judgment and the creator of the universe.

“According to the sutras, evil deeds result in hardship and good deeds result in blessings.” (Quotation)

In Islam, Haqooq Allah means the rights of Allah Almighty. Offering prayers, fasting and hajj are the forms of Haqooq Allah. Haqooq-ul-Ibaad means the rights of man. The rights of men, children, parents, friends, neighbors, poor, and needy, and the rights of labors are the forms of Haqooq-Ullah. It is the compulsion of true Muslims that he should practice the Haqooq-ul-Ibaad because, In Islam, great emphasis is laid on Haqooq-ul-Ibaadand the Muslims are those who follow these principles.

“To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.” (Quotation)

A true Muslim is far from the treacherous of telling a lie. He is the speaker of the truth and nothing else. He does not use flattering words but speaks according to the laws laid down by Islam.

“A hypocrite is the one who tells a lie whenever he fast offers prayer and considers himself a Muslim.” (Quotation)

Islam preaches peace. It is indeed a religion of peace. Its true followers are all peace-loving people. A true Muslim hates violence and extremism. Ironically and regrettably, Muslims are being labeled as terrorists these days because of some gross misconceptions among Western media, which needs to understand the true picture or reality before it goes ahead to say something about Islam and its followers. Due to a few misguided Muslims, one cannot blame all the Muslims in the world. To conclude, the heart of Muslims is free from hatred, bias, prejudice, grudge, and ill will. He lives all irrespective of his caste, color or creed, and religion. Equality, brotherhood, unity, and love for all are his beliefs. A sincere Muslim always seeks Allah’s help for salvation.  The worldly failures or success is immaterial to him. He aims at ultimate success to win the pleasure of Allah and his apostle to be successful, herein and the hereafter.

“Our sins are more easily remembered than our good deeds.” (Quotation)

Download Essay a True  Muslim in English class 10

Translation of Essay a True Muslim in English class 10 in Urdu/Hindi

Essay a True Muslim in English class 10انگریزی کلاس 10 میں ایک سچے مسلمان کا مضمون لکھیں۔
The word Islam meaning ‘‘surrender’’, is related to Arabic Islam or peace.لفظ اسلام جس کا مطلب ہے ”ہتھیار ڈالنا”، عربی اسلام یا امن سے متعلق ہے۔
Islam is a religion that came down to offer humanity a life filled with peace and well-being in which Allah’s external mercy and compassion are manifested in the world.اسلام ایک ایسا مذہب ہے جو انسانیت کو امن و سلامتی سے بھرپور زندگی پیش کرنے کے لیے نازل ہوا جس میں دنیا میں اللہ کی ظاہری رحمت اور شفقت کا ظہور ہوتا ہے۔
Allah invites people to accept the moral teachings of the Quran as a model whereby mercy, tolerance, and peace may be experienced in the world.اللہ لوگوں کو قرآن کی اخلاقی تعلیمات کو ایک نمونہ کے طور پر قبول کرنے کی دعوت دیتا ہے جس کے ذریعے دنیا میں رحمت، رواداری اور امن کا تجربہ کیا جا سکتا ہے۔
“You who believe, enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is true, to you a clear enemy.” (Quotation)’’اے ایمان والو اسلام میں پورے پورے داخل ہو جاؤ اور شیطان کے نقش قدم پر نہ چلو۔ وہ سچا ہے، تمہارا کھلا دشمن ہے۔‘‘ (اقتباس)
The follower of Islam is called a Muslim.اسلام کا پیروکار مسلمان کہلاتا ہے۔
A true Muslim has a firm belief in Allah and his last Prophet Muhammad (s. a. w), he fears nine but Allah Almighty.ایک سچا مسلمان اللہ اور اس کے آخری نبی محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر پختہ یقین رکھتا ہے، وہ نو سے ڈرتا ہے لیکن اللہ تعالی سے۔ 
The fear of Allah guides him and helps him stay away from evil and empowers him to resist satanic temptations.اللہ کا خوف اس کی رہنمائی کرتا ہے اور اسے برائی سے دور رہنے میں مدد کرتا ہے اور اسے شیطانی فتنوں کا مقابلہ کرنے کی طاقت دیتا ہے۔
His belief is that Allah is the Lord of the day of judgment and the creator of the universe.اس کا عقیدہ یہ ہے کہ اللہ ہی روز جزا کا مالک اور کائنات کا خالق ہے۔
Because he is aware that he will be held accountable for his actions, he avoids evil behavior.کیونکہ وہ جانتا ہے کہ اس کے اعمال کے لیے اسے جوابدہ ٹھہرایا جائے گا، اس لیے وہ برے رویے سے بچتا ہے۔
He gives the five times prayers on a regular basis, on time, with a lot of joy and proper concentration.وہ پانچ وقت کی نماز باقاعدگی سے، وقت پر، بہت خوشی اور مناسب توجہ کے ساتھ ادا کرتا ہے۔
“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” (Quotation)“اچھی ساکھ بنانے کے لیے بہت سے اچھے اعمال کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے، اور اسے کھونے کے لیے صرف ایک برے کام”۔ (اقتباس)
A true Muslim loves Hazrat Muhammad (s. a. w), the last prophet of Islam, more than his own life, for he believes that his faith remains incomplete unless he loves his Prophet (s.a.w.w) above everyone else.ایک سچا مسلمان اسلام کے آخری نبی حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے اپنی جان سے بھی زیادہ محبت کرتا ہے کیونکہ اس کا ایمان ہے کہ اس کا ایمان اس وقت تک ادھورا ہے جب تک کہ وہ اپنے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے محبت نہیں کرتا۔
Having an unshakeable belief in the holy Quran, he also has a firm belief in the saying of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s. a. w).قرآن پاک پر غیر متزلزل اعتقاد رکھنے کے ساتھ ساتھ حضور اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے ارشاد پر بھی پختہ یقین رکھتے ہیں۔
“Obey Allah and the messenger of Allah and the one who is placed above you.” (Quotation)“اللہ کی اور اللہ کے رسول کی اور اس کی اطاعت کرو جو تم پر غالب ہے۔” (اقتباس)
A true Muslim lives in purity and simplicity.سچا مسلمان پاکیزگی اور سادگی میں رہتا ہے۔
He is content with the way he is able to support himself.وہ جس طرح سے اپنے آپ کو سہارا دینے کے قابل ہے اس سے مطمئن ہے۔
He knows what he wants. He never begs for anything.وہ جانتا ہے کہ وہ کیا چاہتا ہے۔
He does not damage his self-worth.وہ اپنی عزت نفس کو نقصان نہیں پہنچاتا۔
He lives his life in accordance with Islamic teachings.وہ اپنی زندگی اسلامی تعلیمات کے مطابق گزارتا ہے۔
He always bows his head before Allah in all matters of his life.وہ اپنی زندگی کے تمام معاملات میں ہمیشہ اللہ کے سامنے سر جھکاتا ہے۔
He reads the Holly Quran and feels great joy.وہ قرآن پاک پڑھتا ہے اور بہت خوشی محسوس کرتا ہے۔
He gives alms to the poor.وہ غریبوں کو خیرات دیتا ہے۔
His belief is that Allah is the Lord of the day of judgment and the creator of the universe.اس کا عقیدہ یہ ہے کہ اللہ ہی روز جزا کا مالک اور کائنات کا خالق ہے۔
“According to the sutras, evil deeds result in hardship and good deeds result in blessings.” (Quotation)“ستروں کے مطابق، برے اعمال کے نتیجے میں مشکلات اور اچھے کاموں کے نتیجے میں برکت ہوتی ہے.” (اقتباس)
In Islam, Haqooq Allah means the rights of Allah Almighty.اسلام میں حق اللہ کا مطلب اللہ تعالی کے حقوق ہیں۔
Offering prayers, fasting and hajj are the forms of Haqooq Allah.نماز، روزہ اور حج حق اللہ کی صورتیں ہیں۔
Haqooq-ul-Ibaad means the rights of man.حق العباد کا مطلب ہے انسان کے حقوق۔
The rights of men, children, parents, friends, neighbors, poor, and needy, and the rights of laborers are the forms of Haqooq-Ullah.مردوں، بچوں، والدین، دوستوں، پڑوسیوں، غریبوں اور مسکینوں کے حقوق اور مزدوروں کے حقوق حق اللہ کی شکلیں ہیں۔
It is the compulsion of true Muslims that he should practice the Haqooq-ul-Ibaad because, In Islam, great emphasis is laid on Haqooq-ul-Ibaadand the Muslims are those who follow these principles.سچے مسلمانوں کی مجبوری ہے کہ وہ حق العباد پر عمل کرے کیونکہ اسلام میں حق العباد پر بہت زور دیا گیا ہے اور مسلمان ان اصولوں پر عمل کرنے والے ہیں۔
“To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.” (Quotation)’’نیک کام کرنا انسان کا سب سے بڑا کام ہے۔‘‘ (اقتباس)
A true Muslim is far from the treacherous of telling a lie.سچا مسلمان جھوٹ بولنے والے خیانت سے دور ہوتا ہے۔
He is the speaker of the truth and nothing else.وہ سچ بولنے والا ہے اور کچھ نہیں۔
He does not use flattering words but speaks according to the laws laid down by Islam.وہ چاپلوسی کے الفاظ استعمال نہیں کرتا بلکہ اسلام کے وضع کردہ قوانین کے مطابق بات کرتا ہے۔
“A hypocrite is the one who tells a lie whenever he fast offers prayer and Considers himself a Muslim.” (Quotation)’’منافق وہ ہے جو روزے کے وقت جھوٹ بولے اور اپنے آپ کو مسلمان سمجھے۔‘‘ (اقتباس)
Islam preaches peace.اسلام امن کی تلقین کرتا ہے۔
It is indeed a religion of peace.یہ واقعی امن کا مذہب ہے۔
Its true followers are all peace-loving people.اس کے حقیقی پیروکار تمام امن پسند لوگ ہیں۔
A true Muslim hates violence and extremism.ایک سچا مسلمان تشدد اور انتہا پسندی سے نفرت کرتا ہے۔
Ironically and regrettably, Muslims are being labeled as terrorists these days because of some gross misconceptions among Western media, which needs to understand the true picture or reality before it goes ahead to say something about Islam and its followers.ستم ظریفی اور افسوس کی بات یہ ہے کہ مغربی میڈیا کی بعض غلط فہمیوں کی وجہ سے ان دنوں مسلمانوں کو دہشت گرد قرار دیا جا رہا ہے، جنہیں اسلام اور اس کے پیروکاروں کے بارے میں کچھ کہنے سے پہلے اصل تصویر یا حقیقت کو سمجھنے کی ضرورت ہے۔
Due to a few misguided Muslims, one can not blame all the Muslims in the world. چند گمراہ مسلمانوں کی وجہ سے دنیا کے تمام مسلمانوں کو مورد الزام نہیں ٹھہرایا جا سکتا۔
To conclude, the heart of Muslims is free from hatred, bias, prejudice, grudge, and ill will. نتیجہ یہ نکلتا ہے کہ مسلمانوں کا دل نفرت، تعصب، تعصب، بغض اور بغض سے پاک ہے۔
He lives all irrespective of his caste, color or creed, and religion. وہ اپنی ذات، رنگ یا عقیدہ اور مذہب سے قطع نظر ہر طرح کی زندگی گزارتا ہے۔
Equality, brotherhood, unity, and love for all are his beliefs. مساوات، بھائی چارہ، اتحاد اور محبت سب کے لیے ان کا عقیدہ ہے۔
Equality, brotherhood, unity, and love for all are his beliefs. مساوات، بھائی چارہ، اتحاد اور محبت سب کے لیے ان کا عقیدہ ہے۔
A sincere Muslim always seeks Allah’s help for salvation. ایک مخلص مسلمان ہمیشہ نجات کے لیے اللہ سے مدد مانگتا ہے۔
The worldly failures or success is immaterial to him. دنیاوی ناکامیاں یا کامیابیاں اس کے لیے بے معنی ہیں۔
He aims at ultimate success to win the pleasure of Allah and his apostle to be successful, herein and the hereafter. اس کا مقصد اللہ اور اس کے رسول کی خوشنودی حاصل کرنے کے لیے حتمی کامیابی ہے، یہاں اور آخرت کی کامیابی۔
“Our sins are more easily remembered than our good deeds.” (Quotation) “ہمارے گناہ ہمارے نیک اعمال سے زیادہ آسانی سے یاد کیے جاتے ہیں۔” (اقتباس)

Essay a True Muslim in English class 10

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A True Muslim Essay In English

Before the advent of Islam, humanity faced the worst conditions. People were unaware of moral values, and good character. They worshipped gods and goddesses. They were far away from religion. They were cruel and lived barbaric lives. They are inferior to animals. They buried their young girls. Women had no life and no respect. (A True Muslim Essay in English).

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A True Muslim Essay In English For 10th, 2nd Year

In the QURAN Allah describes a believer?

 The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel fear in their hearts and when His Verses (this Quran) are recited unto them, they (i.e. the Verses) increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone); Who perform As-SALAT and spend out of that We have provided them. QURAN SURAH AL-ANFAL.

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A true Muslim should believe in the sovereignty of Allah Almighty, and follow the teachings of RASOOL S.A.W.W. He follows the Five pillars of Islam in his entire life. He does not mainly focus on this-worldly matters. His main focus is on AKHIRAH. He leads his life in the right manner, earning HALAL and content on it. He respects others. He does not let down his self-respect. He always speaks the truth. He follows QURAN and SUNNAH in every step of life. His ideal is HAZRAT MUHAMMAD S.A.W.W. He serves humanity. He takes care of their neighbors and family. He is a true follower of QURANIC teachings.

2nd Year English Essay Topics 

“I lead no party; I follow no leader. I have given the best part of my life to the careful study of Islam, its law and polity, its culture, its history, and its literature”. (ALLAMA DR.MUHAMMAD IQBAL)

A true Muslim is living a simple and plain life like our Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. A true Muslim has good character and has a positive impact on society. He plays a basic role in the development of the Muslim nation. He should be modest and humble. No power other than Allah can change his firm belief.

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In this materialistic world, Muslims are trying to achieve Worldly pleasures, luxuries, and easy life. We forget all the teachings of QURAN and SUNNAH. Being Muslim QURANIC teachings emphasize simplicity. Instead of claiming and only thinking, that we are good Muslims should follow QURAN and SUNNAH at every step of life.

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A True Muslim Essay

A True Muslim Essay With Quotations 2023

by Pakiology | Aug 20, 2024 | Essay , English | 0 comments

A true Muslim essay is about the qualities of a true Muslim and how they embody the teachings of Islam in their daily lives. Discover the importance of faith, character, knowledge, compassion, humility, patience, and gratitude in becoming a true Muslim.

The teachings of Islam emphasize the qualities of a true Muslim. A true Muslim is someone who is honest, trustworthy, respectful towards others, seeks knowledge, compassionate, humble, patient, and grateful. In addition, a true Muslim is someone who brings peace, love, and happiness wherever he goes. Let us all strive to become true Muslims and make this world a better place to live in.

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600 Words Essay on A True Muslim

Quotations for a true muslim essay, 400 words essay on a true muslim.

Islam is a religion that emphasizes the importance of being a good human being, and a true Muslim is someone who embodies the teachings of Islam in his daily life. A true Muslim is someone who is not only religious but also has a strong moral character and is a source of inspiration for those around him. In this essay, we will discuss in detail the qualities of a true Muslim.

Faith is the foundation of Islam, and a true Muslim has complete faith in Allah and the teachings of the Holy Quran. He understands that Allah is the only source of guidance for mankind and that the Holy Quran is the ultimate source of knowledge for all aspects of life. His faith reflects in his actions and behavior toward others, and he strives to be the best version of himself in all aspects of life.

A true Muslim has a strong character. He is honest, trustworthy, and respectful toward others. He treats everyone with kindness and compassion, regardless of their race, religion, or social status. He always speaks the truth and follows the principles of justice. He is someone who is always willing to help others and is a source of inspiration for those around him. He upholds the values of integrity, honesty, and morality, and is a role model for others.

A true Muslim is always seeking knowledge. He understands that knowledge is the key to success in this world and the hereafter. He reads the Holy Quran and other Islamic books to gain knowledge about Islam and the world around him. He also seeks knowledge from knowledgeable people and scholars. A true Muslim is someone who is always learning and growing, and he recognizes that the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey.

Compassion is an essential quality of a true Muslim. A true Muslim is someone who is always willing to help those in need. He is someone who is empathetic toward others and is a source of comfort and support for those around him. He is someone who is always looking for ways to improve the lives of those around him, and he is a source of inspiration for those who aspire to be like him.

Humility is another quality of a true Muslim. A true Muslim is someone who is humble and modest. He recognizes that everything he has is a blessing from Allah, and he is grateful for all the blessings in his life. He is someone who is always willing to learn from others and is not afraid to admit his mistakes. He is someone who is always striving to be a better person and is constantly working on improving himself.

Patience is an important quality of a true Muslim. A true Muslim is someone who remains patient in the face of adversity and hardship. He understands that Allah tests those whom He loves, and he faces every challenge with patience and perseverance. He is someone who is always looking for ways to overcome his difficulties and is a source of strength and inspiration for those around him.

Gratitude is a quality that is highly valued in Islam, and a true Muslim is someone who is grateful for all the blessings in his life. He recognizes that every blessing is a gift from Allah, and he is thankful for all the good things in his life. He is someone who is always looking for ways to express his gratitude to Allah and is a source of positivity for those around him.

In conclusion, a true Muslim is someone who has faith in Allah, has a strong character, seeks knowledge, is compassionate towards others, and is humble, patient, and grateful. He lives his life according to the teachings of Islam and follows the example of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). A true Muslim is a blessing to the world, as he brings peace, love, and happiness wherever he goes. Let us all strive to become true Muslims and make this world a better place to live in.

“The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
“He who knows himself knows his Lord.” – Hazrat Ali (RA)
“The best way to show gratitude to Allah is to love His creatures.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
“One who has faith in Allah and the Last Day should speak good or remain silent.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
“The strong man is not the one who can overpower others. The strong man is the one who can control himself when he is angry.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

A true Muslim is someone who follows the teachings of Islam and strives to live their life in accordance with the religion’s principles. These principles include belief in one God and the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as his messenger, as well as adherence to the Five Pillars of Islam: the declaration of faith, prayer, charitable giving, fasting, and pilgrimage.

A true Muslim is also someone who is compassionate and kind, and who treats others with respect and dignity. This includes treating members of their own community with compassion and respect, as well as those of other faiths and backgrounds.

A true Muslim is also someone who is always striving to improve themselves and become a better person. This means constantly working on their own personal growth and development, and seeking knowledge and wisdom in order better to understand their faith and the world around them.

A true Muslim is also someone who is committed to justice and fairness. This means standing up for what is right and advocating for the rights of those who are oppressed or marginalized.

It is also important to note that being a true Muslim involves more than just following the principles and practices of Islam. It also consists in being an active and engaged member of the Muslim community and participating in the religious and social activities that are a crucial part of the religion. This can include attending regular prayers at the mosque, participating in community service and charitable work, and engaging with other Muslims to learn from and support each other.

Additionally, being a true Muslim involves being committed to upholding the principles of Islam in all aspects of one’s life. This means not just following the teachings of the religion in private, but also in public, and being an example to others of what it means to be a good Muslim.

In short, a true Muslim embodies the core values of Islam and seeks to live their life in accordance with these principles. They are compassionate, kind, and always striving to improve themselves and the world around them.

In conclusion, being a true Muslim involves following the principles and practices of Islam, being compassionate and kind, and constantly striving to improve oneself and the world around one. It also involves being an active and engaged member of the Muslim community and upholding the values of Islam in all aspects of one’s life.

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A True Muslim Essay in English {outstanding}

July 26, 2019 by Muhammad Faisal 29 Comments

A True Muslim Essay

The Holy Prophet (S. A. W) describes a true Muslim in these words;

” A true Muslim is one who does not defame or abuse others; but he becomes a refuge for mankind, their lives and their properties”

To be a good Muslim is true, a great blessing of Allah. The follower of Islam is called Muslim. A true Muslim has a belief in Allah and his last prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him). He believes that Allah is the light of heaven and earth. It is his faith that Allah is the Creator of everything in the World and is the lord of the Day of judgment. He believes that Allah is aware of his doings and actions. He morally bad or wrong behaviour avoid because he knows that he will be held answerable for his deeds.Those who trust Allah never lose hope and does not do anything wrong. It is his belief that Allah is alone. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S. A. W) describes the true Muslim in his sermon as;

” Blessed is he who earns his living through lawful ways and he whose inward status is good, outward is decent; spends his surplus wealth in charity; abstains from excessive talking; people remain safe of ( any ) evil from him; he treats others with justice. Surely whoever believes in Allah fears Him, and whoever fears Allah guards himself against the evil of this world.”

A true Muslim leads a simple and wants to live a pure life. He wears simple clothes. He strictly follows the commandments of Allah as mentioned in the Holy Quran;

”Purify your garments and shun uncleanness.”

He earns his livelihood through honest means and is contented with it. He controls his desires. He does not beg for worldly things. He does not bring down his self-respect. He invests his life according to the teachings of Islam. He devotes his life to help others in time of need and adversity. The Holy Quran highlights it as;

” Do good to others, definitely, Allah loves those who do good to others.”

He always bows his head before in all the matters of his life. He condemns evil ways of aggression.

” Help one another in good and righteous works, and do not help one another in sin and hostility.”

He recites the Holy Quran and feels great joy. He gives alms to the poor. He is good at heart. He is not afraid of anything except Allah and does not what is right. He offers prayers regularly, keeps fast, gives Zakat and performs Hajj. He believes in the Day of judgment and the life hereafter. A true Muslim has regard for his neighbour and relatives. He never does anything that goes against their matters. He respects their rights. He shares their joys and sorrows. He is interested in their welfare and happiness. He does his best to help them whenever he can. He is always prepared to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of his neighbour and relatives. The Holy Quran mentions it as;

”Give to the near relative his due, and also to the needy and to the traveller.

He is well-behaved. He is graceful in everything that he does. He tries to be sweet to others. He has a smile on his face while dealing with others. Holy Propet Muhammad (S. A. W) says;

”It is an act of charity to meet your fellow with a cheerful face.”

A true Muslim seeks knowledge and acts upon it. He leads a life of diligence, discipline and deep study. knowledge is obligatory in Islam. A true Muslim learns from the lap of his mother to his grave. He is always broadminded. He ponders over the secrets of nature. He studies diligently to understand the true spirit of Islam. Allama Iqbal expressed this in these words;

” I have given the best part of my life to careful study of Islam, its law and policy, its culture, its history and its literature”. (Muhammad Iqbal)

He educates his children well and develops them into good citizens. He tries to create a healthy atmosphere in his family. he solves his problems in a very intelligent manner. He is clean and pure in thought and deeds. There is no difference between his action and preaching. He is fearless and courageous. The life of a Muslim reflects the true spirit of Islam. A true Muslim is neither a miser nor a spendthrift. He maintains the balance between these two extremes. He is thankful to Allah in prosperity. He shows patience in adversity. He knows that the joys and sorrows of this world are temporary. He knows that the purpose of his life is to please Allah. A true Muslim takes great care of the rights of his fellow beings. He does not deceive others. He always speaks gently and politely. He is sincere, true and kind at heart. He wins to the hearts of others by his good dealings. He always fulfils his promise. He is an optimist by nature and never worries himself over trifles.

He often prays to His lord,

”Oh Allah, bless us in this worldly life as well as save us from the hellfire in the hereafter (Ameen)

He is a man of rare qualities of head and heart. He is a symbol of integrity and honesty. Even his worst enemies admit that he is a man of principles. He is reliable, loveable and sociable. He guides and direct his fellow beings to do the right. Consideration for others is the main aim of his life. In short, he provides himself to be what a true Muslim should be. Another quality of such a person is that he is humble, free from any sort of pride and arrogance. The Holy Prophet (S. A. W) says;

” The best amongst you is the one whose manners are the best”

He walks humbly, talks humbly, and behaves humbly hence humbleness is a part of his life. In short, a true Muslimpossesses all the positive and constructive qualities. He is beneficial and useful to his family, society and humanity. The Holy Quran highlights true Muslims in these words;

”You are the best of people evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong” ‘

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August 3, 2020 at 6:31 PM

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November 12, 2020 at 5:51 PM

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November 15, 2020 at 2:34 AM

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January 27, 2021 at 2:05 PM

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January 27, 2021 at 3:26 PM

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January 27, 2021 at 3:31 PM

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February 2, 2021 at 4:27 AM

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February 7, 2021 at 9:55 PM

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March 19, 2021 at 4:29 PM

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April 18, 2021 at 9:21 PM

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This essay is very excellent.It helps me in schedule tests and in exams

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May 1, 2021 at 10:48 AM

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Essay On A True Muslim

Essay on a true muslim 200 words.

A true Muslim believes in the oneness of Allah, follows the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and upholds the principles of Islam. A true Muslim is honest, humble, compassionate, and respects the rights of others.

A true Muslim is always ready to help others and works to improve society. They practice kindness and generosity towards everyone, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. A true Muslim follows the five pillars of Islam: declaration of faith, prayer, charity, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca.

A true Muslim also shows respect towards other religions and their followers. They understand Islam teaches tolerance and peaceful coexistence with people of different faiths. True Muslims are not only concerned with their well-being but also care for the well-being of others.

In conclusion, being a true Muslim is not just about performing religious rituals or observing the commandments of Allah. It is also about having a kind heart, showing empathy towards others, and contributing to the betterment of society. A true Muslim is a role model for others and strives to make the world a better place for all people.

Essay On A True Muslim 500 words

A True Muslim

Islam is a religion that emphasizes the importance of faith, morality, and compassion. A true Muslim is someone who not only believes in the teachings of Islam but also follows them in their daily life. They have a deep understanding of the principles of Islam and strive to apply them in every aspect of their lives.

One of the essential qualities of a true Muslim is their devotion to Allah. They strongly connect with Allah and constantly strive to improve their relationship. They perform their daily prayers and observe other religious obligations with sincerity and dedication. They also read and reflect on the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith to gain a deeper understanding of their faith.

A true Muslim is also someone who practices compassion and kindness towards others. They understand Islam teaches them to treat others respectfully, kindly, and fairly. They strive to be helpful and supportive to their family, friends, and community members. They are always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need and never hesitate to go out of their way to help others.

In addition, true Muslims live their life with integrity and honesty. They understand that Islam teaches them to be truthful in all their dealings and always act honestly and honestly. They take great care to avoid lying, cheating, or deceiving others, even in minor matters.

A true Muslim is also someone who respects and values the diversity of humanity. They understand that Islam teaches them to treat all people respectfully and kindly, regardless of race, religion, or cultural background. They strive to be inclusive and accepting of others and work to promote harmony and understanding in their community.

Moreover, a true Muslim is committed to self-improvement and personal growth. They understand that Islam teaches them to constantly strive for self-improvement and work on developing their character and improving their behavior. They are open to learning from others and always looking for ways to improve themselves.

In conclusion, a true Muslim is someone who embodies the teachings of Islam in their daily life. They have a deep devotion to Allah, practice compassion and kindness towards others, live their life with integrity and honesty, respect the diversity of humanity, and are committed to self-improvement and personal growth. They are an asset to their community and a source of inspiration to others.

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essay on a true muslim for class 10

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.


A true muslim essay with quotations for class 10th students (300 - 400 words).

essay on a true muslim for class 10

               A person who believes Islam as his religion is called a Muslim. A true Muslim has firm belief in Allah and His last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is his faith that Allah is the creator of everything in the universe. He believes that he is aware of his doings and actions. He knows that he will be held answerable for his deeds and actions. Therefore, he fears only from Allah and does not do anything wrong. It is his belief that Allah is present everywhere and sees everything.

“Good actions are a guard against the blows of adversity.” – Abu Bakr Siddique (RA)

         He spends his life according to the teachings of Islam. He does not let his desires to rule over him. He always bows his head before Allah and His Prophet (PBUH) in all the matters of his life. He offers prayers regularly, keeps fast, gives zakat, and performs Hajj. He believes in the Day of Judgment and the life hereafter. 

            The life of a Muslim reflects the true spirit of Islam. A true Muslim is neither a miser nor spendthrift. He maintains balance between these two extremes. He is thankful to Allah in prosperity. He shows patience in adversity. He knows that the joys and sorrows of this world are temporary. He knows that the purpose of his life is to please Allah. 

        Knowledge is obligatory in Islam. A true Muslim learns from the lap of his mother to his grave. He is always broadminded. He ponders over the secrets of nature. He ever struggles to discover the hidden treasures of the universe. He never feels hesitant in adopting and utilizing the modern technology.

“Knowledge is the life of the mind.” Abu Bakr Siddique(RA)

         In short, a true Muslim possesses all the positive and constructive qualities. He is beneficial and useful to his family, society and humanity. But in doing all this, he never ignores the true spirit of Islam.

“If you expect the blessings of God, be good to His people.” – Abu Bakr Siddique (RA)

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A True Muslim Essay in English for 10th Class

A true muslim essay in english.

The follower of Islam is called Muslim. To be a Muslim is a great blessing of Allah. A Muslim who sincerely acts upon all the teachings of Islam is called a true Muslim. A true Muslim has firm belief in the oneness of Allah and His revelations.

He is aware of this fact that God knows his every action either hidden or open. He leads a simple and pure life. He avoids evil actions. He believes in the day of judgement. He prepares for the life hereafter. He says his prayers regularly. He observes fasts in the month of Ramazan. He pays Zakat and other Islmic taxes. If he affords, he performs Hajj.

A true Muslim is a responsible citizen of Islamic society. He does not harm the other members of his society with his hands or tongue. He gives alms to the needy and the helpless. A true Muslim seeks knowledge. He is clean in habits and pure in thoughts. He does not deceive anybody. He treats every person with kindness and love. He is enemy of the evil.

He fights for the cause of Islam. In fact, a true Muslim is far better than an angel.

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Angrezi PK

Quotations For Essay True Muslim

True Muslim is an essay at the matriculation level, which is frequently asked by the examiner.

Students prepare it really well by using their aptitudes and utilizing the helping books, including the PTB composition guide. But they always find problems when it comes to adding quotes in True Muslim Essay. Though they find some true Muslim essay quotes to add; but, adding those quotes becomes bumble for them.

Here are the top quotations for the essay True Muslim. These true Muslim quotes are easy to learn by heart and, as they are in poetic form, they can be added with ease at the end or start of any paragraph.

These easy quotations for a true Muslim essay are not randomly spoken words by the intellectuals. These are the self-created quotations that originate from the Quran and the rest of the moral teachings. The version of these quotes is poetry which you will find convenient to learn by heart.

Quotations on True Muslim Essay in Pakistan For Matric – 10th

Here are the best quotations on a True Muslim essay in English. You can use these quotes about essay true Muslim in your test or paper with confidence.

True Muslim is the one, By whom’s hand and tongue, Nobody gets hurt, In his own heart, He has no dirt. Calym Nush

quote a true muslim essay quotations

Being apostle of morality, Crystal clear in reality, Unmatched in nobility, All above his ability, Of a true Muslim, It is the quality, He never cheats, Neither gets heat, To the elders and small, He is loved by all. Calym Nush

true muslim essay quotes

Keen listener, polite in speech, When others need, easy-to-reach, Through his sayings and the deeds, A true Muslim is there to preach. Calym Nush

essay true muslim quotations

Also, Check: Quotations For Essay Health For 10th Class

Says prayers and he fasts, In his words are never contrasts, A true Muslim holds his words, What he says at that he lasts. Calym Nush

quotation of true muslim essay

If a believer says, There is no order but Lord, But nothing it pays, Neither will he get reward, Until his heart and soul, Does not accept Lord’s rule. Calym Nush

true muslim essay quotations

A true Muslim is a dewdrop, That gives life to the crop, In his heart is too a flame, To lay his life in Lord’s name. Calym Nush

easy quotation about true muslim

A true Muslim has a sign, Even in distress, he is fine, As in view he is broad, He is happy with the God. Calym Nush

a true muslim essay quotes

A true Muslim is the Lord’s arm, From his person no one gets harm, As to peace is the dove, For the humanity he is love. Calym Nush

10th class quote a true muslim essay quotations

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Sep 4, 2015

essay on a true muslim for class 10

Essay on A True Muslim

essay on a true muslim for class 10

"Religion has been of pivotal significance since the start of civilization. Islam is a true religion. It is also a complete code of life. The followers of Islam are called MUSLIMS. A true Muslim is one who follows the principles of Islam. He possesses the following traits.

A muslim has a firm faith in ALLAH. His angels,book,prophets and the day of re-surrection. He also believe in good or bad fate. After having a firm faith, he performs the prayers five times a day. He pays zakat and perform hajj. He fasts during the whole month of Ramazan.

The life of the Muslim reflects the true spirit of Islam. He show faith in his doings. He never violates the golden principles of Islam. His dealings and conduct with the people are always even-handed and fair. His manners and behaviour with the people are always exemplary. He holds high standard of morality. He always remain polite and never harms other. He performs his duties magnificently. He meet all his obligations in respect of his parents,family,relatives and country. A true Muslim never a miser nor spendthrift. He maintains balance between these two extremes. He is thankful to ALLAH in prosperity. He shows patience in adversity. He knows that the joys and sorrows of this world are temporary.He knows that the purpose of his life is to please ALLAH. Knowledge is obligatory in Islam. A true Muslim learns from the lap of his mother to his grave. He is always broad minded. He ponders over the secrets of nature.He never hesitant in adopting and utilizing the modern technology

In short a true Muslim possesses all the positive and constructive qualities. He is beneficial and useful to his family,society and humanity. But in doing all this, he never ignores the true spirit of Islam."


essay on a true muslim for class 10

Thanks Mirza

fabulous essay

Thanks for your good comments. Your feedback is very important for us.

i like this essay aneela

Thanks for your good comments.

Azra ahmed you had been write the Prophet spell like that (prohet) so please correct it always (p) is capital i hope that you can't mind. Thanku

Amazing essay

commendable essy

Indeed, its a very good essay. THANKS for this great help... i scored full in my final examination as this essay helped me. THANKS A LOT....

Hahah this essay is from sunshine guide

Good essay! I'm reading this for my exam. It's easy and understandable.

Beautiful Words ... Thank you very much .. :) ... I was in search of some concepts , Now I have done ... :) .

Beautiful words

good and thanks

fantastic essay

Nice but add quotations plzzz

Fabulous essay but its length is very small😯😯

I loved this essay because it used very simple word which did not cause me difficulty in learning and making my concept clear It was very effective and brilliant essay

Nice essay but quotetion is only one plzz add more quotation and essay also too short essay

How many words it consists of?

Really good essay

thanks for this essay

essay on a true muslim for class 10

Thanks I want to find it

It's good but not enough for 10th class

Sir essay is nice bit add some quotations

Bro long hy

Good but short essay

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Write an essay about "A True Muslim" (150-200 words)

A True Muslim

A man who lives according to the teachings of Islam is called a Muslim. A true Muslim does never tell a lie and avoids backbiting. He treats the neighbors well. A true Muslim has a firm belief in God and his last Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is his faith that God is the Creator of everything in the universe. He believes that he is aware of his deeds and actions. He knows that he will be held answerable for his deeds and actions. Therefore, he fears only God. He believes that God is present everywhere. He does not harm the other members of society. A true Muslim does not let his desires rule over him. He always bows his head before God and his Prophet (SAW) in all matters of life. He offers prayers regularly, keeps fast, gives Zakat, and performs Hajj. He believes in the Day of Judgement and the life hereafter. A good Muslim seeks knowledge and acts upon Judgement and the life hereafter. A good Muslim seeks knowledge and acts upon it. He is clean and pure in thoughts and deeds. He does his duty honestly. He does not tell a lie. He does not deceive others. He takes great care of the rights of his fellow beings. He is better than an angel if she is a true Muslim.


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