Essay on My Favorite Personality Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W

Photo of nabeel zahid

Lots of students are looking at the Essay on My Favorite Personality Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W for their academics. In this way, we are writing an essay about our favorite personality Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W. So, let’s start our essay with the name of our holy prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Many people have different favorite personalities in their lives. They believe them as their ideals to achieve their goals.

In fact, they follow the commands that they call to do in their lives. They think that if they want to become big they should follow the way of their favorite personality. However, sometimes they get success for a short time or in this life.

On the other hand, my favorite personality is Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W. in my life. I follow the instructions and commands to achieve the goals in my life. This is the entity by which great people have succeeded in their worldly and hereafter life. However, Hazrat Muhammad’s S.A.W. life is a perfect example and model for us.

My favourite personality Hazrat Muhammad Essay Quotations

Firstly, the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W was born in the City of Makah to clear the sins from the valley of Makah. However, the name of the prophet’s father is Abdullah as well as the mother’s name is Amina. Prophet’s father passed away before the birth of Muhammad S.A.W.

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In fact, when he reached the age of seven his mother also passed away. The life of the Prophet gives us a lesson in every age of life to achieve things. The example is here, when he was young people call them honest and trustworthy. That’s why it is an example for us to stay always with honesty and truth.

This personality is a mercy sent to us by Allah. Before the Prophet came, people were misguided and did wrong things. Then He came and showed them the straight path. However, lots of people became Muslim by the teaching of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

That’s why, we also should make our favorite personality Hazarat Muhammad S.A.W. The reason is very simple, he is the favorite of God as well. On the other hand, he is a brave and role model as well as the greatest personality for every Muslim. We should follow the message that the Prophet was delivering to us. God gave us Hidaya to follow the instructions of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

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Essay On My Favorite Personality Prophet Muhammadﷺ

“Essay on My Favorite Person H azrat Muhammad ﷺ “: Prophet Muhammad    ﷺis a person whom millions of people around the world, including myself, deeply love and respect. His life story, the things he taught, and the way he worked continue to inspire many people today. In this article, I will talk about the Prophet of Islam.

Table of Contents

Essay On My Favorite Personality Prophet Muhammadﷺ in 100 easy and simple words:

The Holy Prophet ﷺ is my favorite person. He was born in Mecca and is highly respected in Islam. He exemplified kindness, integrity and compassion. His teachings emphasize peace, justice and equality. The Prophet of Islam ﷺ dedicated his life to helping others and spreading the message of Islam. He is respected and loved by millions around the world for his exemplary character and unwavering devotion to Allah. His life serves as a guiding light for Muslims, inspiring them to follow in his footsteps and strive for goodness in all aspects of life.

Essay On My Favorite Personality Prophet Muhammadﷺ in 200 words:

The Prophet (PBUH) holds a special place in my heart as my favorite person. Born in Mecca, he emerged as the last Messenger of Allah in Islam. His life story is a testament to his remarkable character and teachings that continue to inspire millions of people around the world.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) embodied the qualities of mercy, honesty and compassion. He treated everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their background. His teachings emphasized peace, justice and equality, making him a beacon of guidance for humanity.

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) devoted his entire life to serving others and spreading the message of Islam. He led by example, demonstrating humility and integrity in all he did. His unwavering devotion to Allah and determination to help the needy earned him the love and admiration of his followers.

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is not only a historical figure but a role model for all Muslims. His life is a source of guidance and inspiration, leading believers to follow in his footsteps and strive for righteousness in their lives.

Finally, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is my favorite person because of his exemplary character, teachings and devotion to Allah. Her life story continues to resonate with people of all backgrounds, reminding us of the importance of compassion, justice and faith.

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500 Words Essay On My Favorite Personality Prophet Muhammadﷺ

As the last Messenger of Allah in Islam, the Prophet ﷺ is loved and respected by millions of people around the world. He was born in Mecca around 570 AD, and his life tells us a lot about his amazing character, teachings and devotion to Allah.

The Prophet ﷺ showed us how to be compassionate, humble and honest. Even when the situation was tough, he never gave up on his mission to share the teachings of Islam. Since he was young, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ displayed kindness and honesty, so much so that his friends called him al-Amin, meaning the trustworthy. His family taught him to always do what was right, and it stayed with him as he grew up, guiding how he acted and what he taught others.

When Hazrat Muhammadﷺ was 40 years old, Allah sent him a message through Gabriel. The message was about believing in one God and sharing Islam with everyone. Although at first people disagreed with him and were rude to him, he continued with strong determination. He used patience, wisdom and kindness to change the hearts and minds of people.

The Prophet of Islam ﷺ always talked about being kind, forgiving and merciful. He treated everyone well, no matter who they were or what they believed. He was understanding and caring when he spoke to people, making his followers feel like they were all part of one big family.

The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) taught that it is really important to do justice and treat everyone equally. He ensured that the society was fair and everyone had equal rights. He stood up for people who weren’t as strong or powerful, and he wanted everyone to feel empowered and respected. As a leader, the Prophet of Islam ﷺ demonstrated leadership skills. He talked to other people and listened to them. He made fair decisions and used his wisdom to govern well. With his help, the early Muslim community became a good example of how to treat each other with justice, kindness and respect.

The Prophet of Islam ﷺ truly inspired those who followed him. His teachings still inspire many people today to live a good life, be kind and help others. Her story is a great example for anyone who wants guidance in their life, whether it’s about doing things or believing in something big.

Finally, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ is my favorite person because of his exemplary character, teachings and devotion to Allah. Her life story is a source of inspiration and guidance for people of all backgrounds, reminding us of the importance of compassion, justice and faith.

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Wao Study

My Favorite Personality Essay in English: Inspiring Humanity

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Today, I am so excited to share a PDF with you on My Favorite Personality Essay in English, who is the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. In this PDF, we’ll explore why Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ life is so inspirational and how his teachings also guide us today.

Understanding Prophet Muhammad ﷺ:

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was known for his honesty and kindness from a young age. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born into a respected family. He ﷺ got the trust of other people, getting the title “Al-Amin,” meaning “the trustworthy.”

His Message of Kindness:

As a messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) brought a message of believing in one God and behaving to everyone with kindness and respect.

My Favorite Personality Essay in English:

The PDF includes:

  • An Essay on My Favorite Personality.
  • Kindness of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
  • Power of Forgiveness.

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To download the PDF about My Favorite Personality, just click the “Download” button given above.


In conclusion, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was an extraordinary person whose life and teachings continue to inspire millions worldwide. His example of kindness, fairness, and forgiveness teaches us valuable lessons on how to live a better life.

Thanks for reading and taking the time to this article. I hope you learn valuable lessons about forgiveness, kindness, and fairness from the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). So, feel free to download and share the PDF with your relatives, friends, and everyone who wants to learn about the kindness and fairness of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

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Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Prophet Muhammad was an Islamic leader who is considered and believed to be a messenger from God (Adair 36). Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet that God sent to redeem humankind from their evil ways. Other religions consider Muhammad the founder of Islam while Muslims consider him as the true prophet who restored the ancient faith of predecessors such as Abraham, Noah and Moses (Adair 37).

His characteristics (values and manners) form the foundation of Islam. These characteristics that include his dressing style, mode of living, manners and disposition, his absolute trust in Allah and his daily routines have immense influence in the Islamic religion. In addition, his other characteristics such as kindness, justice, equality and love for the poor explain why Muslims consider him as a true prophet who was sent by God to save a corrupted human race.

Muhammad had great love for the poor and urged all Muslims to treat them with kindness and help them in all ways (Effendi 44). He taught that a person who feeds himself and lets his neighbor go hungry is not a good example of how a Muslim should be. In addition, he taught that in order to love Allah, one must begin by loving fellow human beings.

His core teachings that include unbelief in monopoly, the lawful acquisition of wealth and generosity reveal his loving nature. His teachings encouraged all people to work hard in order to improve their lives (Effendi 46). In his profound love for the poor, he encouraged the rich to help those who had little. He loved the poor so much that he always prayed to Allah to keep him in poverty in both life and death. In addition, he asked Allah to raise him among the poor on the resurrection day.

Just and kind

Throughout his life, Muhammad had to deal with people who were seeking justice. This was in connection to his roles as the people’s leader, judge, apostle and arbiter. In executing these roles, he never deviated from the path of justice. He always ensured that everyone received justice.

His belief in justice was so strong that he did not consider factors such as religious affiliation, friend or enemy in awarding justice (Khan 83). He preached against all crimes, was always impartial in handling matters of justice, and he never favored his supporters. Muhammad always overlooked other people’s faults. He was polite, sincere, compassionate and courteous.

Faithful and dependent on God

Muhammad had strong faith that enabled him remain faithful to his calling and that encouraged him to depend on God entirely. Even though he faced tough times in his life, he always taught that God would deliver him and all who followed his teachings (Rodinson 50).

The nonbelievers were against Muhammad’s teachings. However, he did not give up or lose hope. He reminded them that the will of God would prevail and would come to be fulfilled. His strong faith and dependence in god enabled him to overcome all the trials he encountered.

Muhammad never bore false witness against anyone. He stood by the truth and encouraged liars to repent (Sina 28). His truthful nature was so apparent that even his enemies attested to it. Abu Jahl was an influential critic and opposer of Islam. However, he attested to Muhammad’s truthfulness (Sina 29). He claimed that Muhammad was not a liar, but his teachings were misleading the people.

Honest, reliable and trustworthy

Muhammad was honest, reliable and trustworthy. Muhammad demonstrated his honesty by keeping the valuables of the Makkah pagans safely. His honesty was evident from his reaction after being mistreated by the pagans of Makkah together with his companions. After being tortured and sent away by the pagans, Muhammad did not carry their valuables that were in his custody (Sina 34).

Instead, he told his cousin to postpone his journey in order for them to return the valuables to the pagans. Another example of these values is evident from the signing of the Truce of Hudaibiyah. He agreed to the unjust conditions that allowed the return of people who ran away from Makkah but did not allow the return of people who ran away from the prophet (Sina 35).

The prophet was humble, and it was difficult for anyone who did not know him to distinguish him from his companions (Syed 79). His actions did not distinguish him from his companions. In addition, his love for the poor revealed his humility. He always helped orphans, widows and the poor whenever they needed his help. He did not consider the social, religious or economic class of people.

Forgiving and patient

The prophet was a paragon of patience and forgiveness. He always gave people a chance to practice their beliefs before converting them to Islam. He was patient with them even though they neglected his teachings and turned to the worship of idols. He forgave the people of Makkah despite the fact that they had ill-treated him and his companions (Syed 82). In addition, he was tolerant with the people of Makkah even though they were sinners.

For example, when they abused hypocrites at Madeenah, Muhammad did not hold a grudge against them. Instead, he forgave them. All these instances were a test of his forgiving nature. In all cases, he forgave them and did not seek revenge for the evils they inflicted on him and his companions (Syed 85). His patience was severely tested when he lost his wife and children during his lifetime. Despite the loses, Muhammad was patient with God and evoked his assistance and strength.

Muhammad was devoted to prayer, and spent a considerable amount of time on personal and public worship of Allah daily. After saying his morning prayers, he spent additional time in the mosque reciting passages that praised Allah while waiting for people to gather for sermons (Sina 43). Afterwards, he would preach to them about the goodness of Allah. In the afternoon, he would go back to the mosque for afternoon prayers, and a session with the people during which he offered them spiritual guidance.

Evening and night prayers followed afterwards. Before going to bed, he always recited some verses of the Quran (Sina 46). He ensured that he spent some considerable amount of time after midnight reciting the Tahajjud prayers. Prayers were the central point and source of strength and solace for Muhammad. He encouraged his companions to pray to Allah for strength and solace every day in order for them to overcome evil.

Prophet Muhammad was an Islamic leader, who is considered and believed to be a messenger form God. Muslims consider Muhammad as the true prophet who restored the ancient faith of predecessors such as Abraham, Noah and Moses. Other religions consider him as the founder of Islam.

His characteristics form the foundation of Islam. These characteristics include justice and kindness, faithfulness, prayerfulness, love, dependence on God and forgiveness. These characteristics made Muhammad a role model for Muslims. He always tried to instill these values in his companions through his teachings and by being an example because he possessed them.

Works Cited

Adair, John. The Leadership of Muhammad . New York: Kogan Page Publishers, 2010. Print.

Effendi, Birgivi, Birgivi, Imam and Bayrak, Tosun. The path of Muhammad . New York: World Wisdom, 2005. Print.

Khan, Maulana. Muhammad: A Prophet of All Humanity . New York: Goodword, 2000. Print.

Rodinson, Maxime. Muhammad: Prophet of Islam . New York: Tauris Parke paperbacks, 2002. Print.

Sina, Ali. Understanding Muhammad . New York:, 2008. Print.

Syed, Amir. The Spirit of Islam or the Life and Teachings of Mohammed . Georgia: Gorgias Press, 2002. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 20). Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics.

"Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics." IvyPanda , 20 Nov. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics'. 20 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics." November 20, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics." November 20, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Prophet Muhammad and His Characteristics." November 20, 2018.


35 Inspirational Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ﷺ Quotes

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Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last messenger of God. He is the best of creation, he is a role model on how to be of exemplary character, kindness, compassion, mercy, gratitude, thankfulness, abundance, courage, fearlessness, self-reflection, and an unwavering belief in his mission. May these Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Quotes have a profound impact on you to be the best that you can possibly be.

Do not judge people based on what the media portrays them to be. Do your own research and find out what makes this man the finest of men to have graced the earth.

1.  “Be kind, for whenever kindness becomes part of something, it beautifies it. Whenever it is taken from something, it leaves it tarnished.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

2.  “The best among you is the one who doesn’t harm others with his tongue and hands.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

3.  “A good man treats women with honour.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

4.  “The greatest of richness is the richness of the soul .” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

5.  “There is reward for kindness to every living thing.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

6. “Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

7.  “The greatest jihad (struggle/striving) is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

8.  “The strongest among you is the one who controls his anger.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

9.  “ God does not look at your forms and possessions but he looks at your hearts and your deeds.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

10. “Riches are not from an abundance of worldly good but from a contented mind.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

11.  “Exchange gifts, you will love one another.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

12.  “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

13.  “No two things have been combined better than knowledge and patience .” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

14.  “Tell people of glad tidings and do not push them away.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

15.  “The best of houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

16.  “The believer does not slander, curse, or speak in an obscene or foul manner .” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

17.  “A kind word is a form of charity.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

18.  “A father gives nothing better than good education.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

19.  “Feed the hungry and visit a sick person, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed whether Muslim or non-Muslim.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

20.  “Seek knowledge from cradle to the grave.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

21.  “Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

22.  “A white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good actions.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

23.  “When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart give it up.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

24.  “You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with forgiveness and kindness.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

25.  “He is not a true believer who eats his fill while his neighbour is hungry.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

26.  “However much the faith of a man increases, his regard for women increases.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

27.  “What has reached you was never meant to miss you, and what has missed you was never meant to reach you.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

28.  “When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty. Look to those, who have been given less.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

29.  “Speak good or remain silent.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

30.  “Make things easy for people and not difficult. Give people good news and bring them joy, and do not turn them away.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

31.  “Remember your own faults when you want to mention of others.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

32.  “Those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs are the doers of excellence.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

33.  “Modesty brings nothing except good.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

34.  “The most perfect man in his faith among the believers is the one whose behaviour is most excellent, and the best of you are those who are the best to their wives.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

35.  Happy is the man who avoids hardship, but how fine is the man who is afflicted and shows endurance.” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

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My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin. I am a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and personal development over the past five years through self-education. My mission is to inspire millions of people to become entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.

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Bro Yasir Abdullah from philippines

July 26, 2023 at 9:57 am

May Allah grant and increase you of that what is good in dunya wal akhira my dear brother

August 1, 2023 at 12:31 pm

Aameen, wa iyyak my brother I appreciate your kind comment

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July 21, 2023 at 6:51 pm

Assalamualaikum.. Jazakallah khair bro.. i have a request, can i use it as reference for my writing on other social media? The mercy of Allah be on you. Barakallah fiikum

salam from Indonesian

July 24, 2023 at 12:58 pm

Wa’alaikum As’salaam, Wa iyyak. Yes, you can use it. If you can link back to the site, that would be great. Have a good day.

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Muhammed Suhail

June 22, 2023 at 4:39 pm

*اَلّلـــهُمَّ صَـــلِّ* *عَلـَى سَـيِّـــدِنَـا* *مُحَـمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِه* *وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَــلِّم*

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Mohammed Basha

June 8, 2023 at 7:43 am

Great, Thank you for sharing.

June 8, 2023 at 10:40 am

You’re welcome

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Abubakar modibbo mobali

June 23, 2021 at 12:21 pm

Masha Allah. May Allah continue to give you more wisdom and knowledge.

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Almazhar Academy

March 1, 2021 at 12:29 pm

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W is the role model for all the people. We should follow his habits in our daily life as well.

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March 1, 2021 at 12:27 pm

Very informative article. Love to see a good thing from this platform

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Er. Ibrahim Syed

December 14, 2020 at 10:13 pm

Beyond doubt Prophet Mohammed is the icon of righteousness. He was sent as a mercy to the worlds……Rahmatul Lil Aalameen. a A good job Asad. Kudos.

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Hasan Al-Jarrah

January 24, 2021 at 10:22 pm

You’re welcome, Ibrahim.

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Sk Sabir Ali

October 10, 2020 at 7:31 am

Sour refreshing words are always anchored us in the blessing sea of Allah…… Valuable & great work

January 24, 2021 at 10:50 pm

Thanks, Ali

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August 26, 2020 at 11:47 am

So beautiful teachings, and great meanings and it’s great they’re translated in english, thank you

January 24, 2021 at 11:31 pm

You’re welcome.

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August 9, 2020 at 5:42 am

Good Intention and Deeds never go to waste. Your efforts are reaching many hearts and minds and reminding them of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Sayings and profile.

Good Job and may allow rewards you for this!

January 24, 2021 at 11:19 pm

Alhamdulillah. Thanks

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Deep Inder Singh

August 7, 2020 at 6:32 pm

Thank you for sharing these wonderful quotes. I will be using some of them in my book which is likely to be published in the next 1-3 months. The book talks about how and why many politicians and preachers misinterpret what the scriptures and the prophets say.

January 24, 2021 at 11:21 pm

Thanks pal.

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sheidu sheidu

July 10, 2020 at 10:12 am

May the peace and blessings of Allah be with the holy prophet! Beautiful and lovely quotes!

January 24, 2021 at 10:05 am

Aameen. Thank You.

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alvina zahra

July 2, 2020 at 10:40 am

Very nice Masha Allah.

July 2, 2020 at 7:57 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Alvina

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April 14, 2020 at 4:07 pm

Masha Allah brother may Allah make you neighbour of prophet Muhammed(PBUH) in jannah!

April 15, 2020 at 7:44 am

Assalamualaikum, Aameen. Jazak’Allah

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Abdul Hameed Yousuf

April 9, 2020 at 10:44 am

JazakaAllah khaira for this beautiful collection.

April 15, 2020 at 7:58 am

Barakallahu Feekum.

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March 23, 2020 at 10:42 am

Mashallah…its make my day….good job Asad…

April 15, 2020 at 8:14 am

Assalamualaikum, Jazak’Allah. May Allah grants you ease and success in your life, Aameen.

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July 5, 2020 at 4:12 am

Yah Rabb ( O Lord ) guide me and the whole human race to the truth. By Allah (God), prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was sent with the truth and as a mercy to the creation. Search with open heart and it will lead you to the truth. Thank you Asad for sharing

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March 3, 2020 at 9:30 am

prophet Muhammad S.A.W is the best forever and ever not only in this world but even in the hereafter

March 3, 2020 at 4:46 pm

Yes indeed Nunguli Glad you liked the article

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February 29, 2020 at 7:43 am

Beautiful and inspirational- thanks!

March 2, 2020 at 6:56 pm

Glad you liked the article SNC

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February 20, 2020 at 8:51 am

Allhamdulillah 🙂

March 2, 2020 at 7:17 pm

Alhamdulillah Glad you liked the article Mussarat

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Abdullah Duala Muhammed

February 18, 2020 at 12:51 am

Masha Allah. May Allah reward you with Jannah. A good work

March 2, 2020 at 7:20 pm

Glad you liked the article Abdullah May Allah reward us with Jannah – Aameen

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February 15, 2020 at 11:43 am

Selu alenebiy peace be upon him the best of creation may Allah Resurrect as with him ameen

March 2, 2020 at 7:25 pm

Glad you liked the article Selman Yes indeed Aameen

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January 30, 2020 at 9:50 pm

Jazakallahu Khair, These are the best ones for a student who wanna write on the life of HOLY PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (S. A. W.). You are doing great, keep it up. THANKS….

March 2, 2020 at 9:10 pm

Glad you liked the article Ahsan

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January 30, 2020 at 5:02 am

It’s very inspiring Good to see that even in today’s world people like you are spreading good

March 2, 2020 at 9:08 pm

Glad you liked the article Mahraz Thank you

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Moselantja Monaheng

June 23, 2020 at 1:31 pm

Iam not a muslim but i love Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ,enjoyed the Qoutes

June 23, 2020 at 10:02 pm

Truly Amazing words, thanks!

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January 26, 2020 at 11:28 am

I Love Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him )

March 2, 2020 at 9:02 pm

Glad you liked the article Khan We will be with those with love Insha Allah

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December 30, 2019 at 1:53 pm

OMG!!!!How difficult it is to become a human being..Got to know only after reading Quran and life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).But for sure HIS MERCY ONLY CAN BAIL US OUT OF OUR BEASTLY TRAITS.AMEN.

March 2, 2020 at 8:56 pm

Yes indeed Let us learn from the Prophet (pbuh) and be the best that we can be Glad that you liked the article Cyn

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Tarannum Ara

December 29, 2019 at 8:09 am

I’m inspired and thanks for piling his quotes and messages together, we can learn alot from his life and his messages ,sunnah are the blessings of Allah for the believers. Thanks for the work, liked it, May Allah bless you with more knowledge and patience.

January 20, 2020 at 2:05 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Ara May Allah bless you too

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December 18, 2019 at 8:43 am

The Last Prophet Muhammad(SAW)of Omnipotent and Omnipresent Almighty Allah was and is a role model for all humanity. He was sent as a mercy to All mankind. All humans but basically Muslims should be aware themselves of such pious sayings of Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(SAW). Thank you brother for such a good collection for us on this site. We all pray for your long lifeness and succes in every walk of life.

December 22, 2019 at 6:44 pm

Yes indeed, all of mankind should be aware of the message of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) Thank you for your dua, brother Junaid, May Allah bless you abundantly

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Tauqeer Ali

December 11, 2019 at 7:37 pm

Asad Meah you are doing great work for giving us knowledge about our beloved prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam…may Allah fulfill your dream and give mercy upon you.

December 11, 2019 at 8:31 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Tauqeer I appreciate your kind words and dua May Allah fulfill your dream too and may He have mercy upon you – Aameen

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Nabil Yar khan

December 2, 2019 at 2:10 pm

Bhai you did great work. I needed this quotes. I love prophet muhammad sallallaho alaiwasallam. I daily wake up and look at these quotes . These quotes make my day daily.. Allah bless you insha Allah

December 5, 2019 at 11:17 pm

Thank you Nabil Glad you like this article and it has had a positive impact on your life May Allah bless you too

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November 25, 2019 at 1:53 am

Beautiful collection. I stumbled upon your site looking for Rumi quotes (found many — thank you!), glad I stayed and looked around.

November 28, 2019 at 7:33 pm

Glad you enjoyed the articles Fauziyah

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November 20, 2019 at 2:49 am

Good quotes Good teachings

November 28, 2019 at 7:35 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Thiago

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Aqeedat Fatima

November 15, 2019 at 1:04 am

I needed these quotes these reminders. Jazak Allah

December 5, 2019 at 11:20 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Aqeedat

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November 11, 2019 at 8:10 am

I love the prophet S.A.W

December 7, 2019 at 8:00 pm

We will be with those whom we love – Insha Allah

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Mohammed Ali

November 9, 2019 at 7:51 pm

Assalamualaikum Allhamdulilla we are ummati of prophet Mohammed mustafa sellellahu alaihiwasallam Brother how our prophet used to be with labourer and the person works under

December 8, 2019 at 3:54 pm

Walaykum As-salaam Mohammed Alhamdulillah The prophet (saw) was kind and fair to everyone Many YouTube videos talk about his conduct with others – search for it, you can find it

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November 7, 2019 at 3:32 pm

My hero and my love is prophet Muhammad nabi (saw). Thank you brother…. Allah will bless you for sharing his valuable message to us. Have courage and be kind.

December 5, 2019 at 11:26 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Shamna Thank you May Allah bless you too Yes, indeed – Have courage and be kind, I love that!

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November 4, 2019 at 4:47 pm

May you be blessed.

December 5, 2019 at 11:33 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Ibrahim May Allah bless you too

November 4, 2019 at 4:45 pm

Jezaka-allahu khaira! May Allah reward you And your entire family!

Your welcome Ibrahim May Allah bless you and your entire family too

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Abdul Shahid

October 31, 2019 at 1:41 pm

Excellent approach of the author

November 28, 2019 at 7:43 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Shahid

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October 19, 2019 at 10:21 am

Bismillah as-salam alykum

The quotes of him are very truth full I did not read something like that only this and QURAN AL KAREEM and I love him apone all of my heart and you people.

October 26, 2019 at 4:03 pm

Walaykum Salaam Glad you enjoyed the article Lolga Thank you – we love you too

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October 16, 2019 at 3:11 pm

We love HAZRAT MUHAMMAD(S.A.W.) till our death or last breath

October 26, 2019 at 4:08 pm


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Abu bakar Mila

September 28, 2019 at 7:52 pm

salam aleikum war matulillai wa barakatu. you are blessed brother in service to humanity, to the seeker of the knowledge blessed is he ,,,I love your work may Allah open for you the gates of His favor and Mercy,any page to subscribe?

October 2, 2019 at 1:21 pm

Walaykum As-salaam brother Abu Bakr May Allah bless you too I have the subscription box on the right side of the articles or the pop-up

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September 13, 2019 at 7:44 pm

They are very useful. Thank you for translating and publishing them.

September 18, 2019 at 9:17 am

Yes indeed Glad you enjoyed the article Mahdi

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Forbang Gerald

September 4, 2019 at 8:18 pm

Thanks for these beautiful quotes may Allah reward you

September 18, 2019 at 9:43 am

Glad you enjoyed the article May Allah reward you too Forbang

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August 16, 2019 at 9:30 am

MashaAllah brother Islam n our prophet( pbuh) have always shown respect n regard for women. May Allah help all of us to follow the path of love n peace

August 26, 2019 at 12:25 pm

Yes indeed Ameen Love and peace for all is the way

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Rashida Anwar

August 5, 2019 at 2:00 am

I was searching for leadership qualities of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(sallal-laa-hoo-alaihi-wa-sallam) and I found here what I wanted. He is our true Leader who can bring success to us in this world and who will lead us into Jannah-our final destination.

August 26, 2019 at 12:38 pm

Glad you found what you were looking for Rashida Yes! Indeed Insha Allah

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August 1, 2019 at 1:05 pm

These words are the same as the Buddha or Jesus or Krishna… all the prophets are one.

The greatest Jihad is “within”. Defeat the Infidel, the Ego. Your Ego is Satan.

We can only kill the Ego by Loving Allah.

Do NOT fear Allah, Love Allah.

August 26, 2019 at 12:43 pm

Thanks for sharing James In my opinion, all the prophets are not one There is one message Muhammad (pbuh) is the greatest prophet of all Yes, we must strive to fight the evil that is within our souls And yes indeed, Loving Allah is the key

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July 7, 2019 at 5:04 am

Masha Allah Brother, got exactly what was needed thanks a lot. Excellent job collecting and sharing most precious sayings on this earth.

July 18, 2019 at 8:38 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Moyin

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Shayk irfan

June 2, 2019 at 11:42 am

I love my beloved prophet muhammad (saw)

June 5, 2019 at 7:30 pm

We will be with those whom we love Insha Allah

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Samirah Mamode

May 27, 2019 at 5:03 pm

Masha Allah. Really beautiful and humble quotes. Touches the heart..

June 5, 2019 at 7:34 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Samirah. Yes it does, I agree.

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Rubina Anjum

May 9, 2019 at 12:15 pm

I love my (beloved prophet Muhammad) peace be upon him…and I am proud to be Muslim …Allahu Akbar

May 18, 2019 at 5:11 pm

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Muhammed suhail

April 21, 2019 at 9:39 am

What beautiful quotes. The mercy of Allah be on you.

April 22, 2019 at 8:55 pm

The mercy of Allah be upon you too Muhammed

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March 24, 2019 at 5:28 am

I’m a Christian, but these are all lovely. They’re reminiscent of everything we’re taught as Christians about respecting our neighbours, being moral, etc.

March 28, 2019 at 5:59 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Jannah (Your name means Paradise in Islam) No matter what religion people are, we should show them Love and Respect

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February 6, 2019 at 5:50 pm

JazakAllah khair bro….for reminding us the sayings of our beloved prophet Muhammad(PBUH)….

February 22, 2019 at 11:37 am

Barakallahu Feekum Ayesha

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Muhammad Abdullah Agha

January 31, 2019 at 4:23 pm

the quotes are amazing and inspirational may we be with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and the ones we love the most (family) the quotes which you have posted were very useful to me and the others who saw it Thank You Very Much!!!!

February 22, 2019 at 11:41 am

Glad you enjoyed the article Muhammad

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Dahiru Babayo (D.Art)

January 26, 2019 at 10:52 am

I love prophet Muhammad (S A W)

January 29, 2019 at 10:27 pm

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January 2, 2019 at 5:28 am

Jazakaallah al khair brother, may Allah reward you for this. When we read Rasulilah’s words we see that any extremist claiming that Islam is his religion is as far away from Islam as the earth is from the planet Pluto!

January 3, 2019 at 7:47 pm

BarakAllahu Feekum Good point brother Yes, it is all about helping each other no matter what religion you may be We are all from Allah so we should love one another

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December 6, 2018 at 9:12 pm

Mashallah this is a very inspiring and insightful collection of quotes. Thank you.

December 17, 2018 at 8:26 pm

Glad you enjoyed the quotes Riz

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Kamila Mohammed Dabo

November 20, 2018 at 8:12 am

Masha Allah. May he reward you for writing this inspirational quotes that touched the heart!

December 1, 2018 at 8:38 pm

Glad you enjoyed the quotes Kamila May Allah reward you too

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November 10, 2018 at 3:38 pm

These beautiful and truthful quotes are valid for all humans not only for Muslims. There should be a big book about all the most famous quotes of all the enlightened people and then all people should be educated based on them.

November 15, 2018 at 11:46 am

I agree In regards to the book – that is a great idea

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December 11, 2018 at 7:38 pm

Many cultures have distanced themselves from the wise quotes, such as these. I have noticed this in my multicultural family. Peru, for instance, I notice the difference of when I was a teen living there and how many times these types of quotes were brought up in conversation. Today, not so much. What a shame that my generation has failed.

August 1, 2019 at 9:03 pm

Be the change you wish to see Colleen

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Jehad Aboumourad

November 18, 2019 at 5:44 pm

This is why Muslims believe that The Prophet (peace be upon him) was sent to the humankind.

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Benazir shaikh

November 9, 2018 at 7:11 pm

Our prophet is best in all manners

December 1, 2018 at 8:49 pm

Yes indeed Benazir

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Abdul Manan Zargar

October 25, 2018 at 4:09 pm

Masha Allah brother. May Allah reward you for this and may he cause us all and whole humanity to walk according to his noble ways. Aameen. Please pray for me to live this life fully according to what the prophet has taught and to achieve my ambitions. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has said One who prays for others angels pray for him.

October 30, 2018 at 12:28 am

May Allah bless you too and help you to be successful in all areas of your life.

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Afzal Sheikh

October 25, 2018 at 11:37 am

A brilliant contribution, worth to recite quotes also. Such contribution by individuals will help to spread beneficial information.

October 30, 2018 at 12:32 am

Thanks I agree

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Anum Mudassar

October 2, 2018 at 1:07 am

Ma shaa Allah, may Allah bless you with Jannah. Ameen. c:

October 3, 2018 at 8:56 pm

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Sijal shaikh

September 17, 2018 at 3:24 am

Most pious soul is the soul of my beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his companions)

September 25, 2018 at 7:04 pm

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Abraham Z. Kalilu

September 2, 2018 at 7:19 pm

Comment: there is no way of life other than the one Allah has completely given us.

September 3, 2018 at 11:06 am

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August 20, 2018 at 1:45 pm

August 22, 2018 at 12:41 pm

Glad you enjoyed the quotes Ahmed. The mercy of Allah be upon you too.

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November 10, 2018 at 3:34 pm

These very true and beautiful quotes are not for Muslims only but for all human beings.

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November 9, 2019 at 7:27 am

Glory be to Almighty Allah.. peace and blessings be upon Holy prophet muhammad..

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February 22, 2020 at 12:11 am

You’re right. The Prophet was sent as Mercy for the entire humankind.

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July 21, 2018 at 11:45 am

I Love Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam.

October 4, 2018 at 2:05 am

We will be with those whom we love

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Azaz Nazir Ahmed

January 5, 2019 at 4:45 am

Beautiful and great work bcoz I needed these quotes .

January 10, 2019 at 5:26 pm

Glad you enjoyed the article Azaz

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Sayed Shamshad Husain

August 4, 2019 at 8:08 pm

I love sooòooo much my Mohammad Mustafa Sallallahoalehewasallam

August 26, 2019 at 12:39 pm

Amazing stuff Sayed Let our love lead to living in the true Way Insha Allah

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July 17, 2020 at 1:59 pm

Assalamualaikum JAZAKALLAH khair brother. Brother I have a request can u provide us the links of ahadith… BarakAllah feekum!

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Top 37 Quotations on My Hero in History or My Favourite Personality

Quotations for my hero in history essay in english for fsc students.

Are you searching for My Hero in History Quotations in English for FSC? This post contains almost 37 Quotations for Essay my Favourite Personality. If you need more quotations for other essays, you should visit Quotes for Essays . There you will find almost all the required essay quotations which a students of Class 12 needs. If you already have an essay and you are looking for only quotations, note down all the quotations and choose the most appropriate 4 to 5 quotes for your content. The basic key is relevance. Try to choose the most relevant quotations for your Essay.

One more important thing on ilmihub I have shared a post with complete English essays for 2nd-year students. So, you can visit this post if you want English Essays for your 2nd year notes. Essay on My Favourite Personality or Essay on My Hero in History is one of the most important essays for FSC students. They can write this essay on the Life of Hazrat Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) , on the life of Muhammad Ali Jinnah , on the life of Allama Muhammad Iqbal or any other personality which they like.

Quotations for My Hero in History Essay, My Favourite Personality Essay Quotations, My Favourite Personality Quotes

My Favourite Personality Essay Quotations in English for 2nd Year – Class 12 Notes

  • “Greatness by nothing unless it be lasting.” (Napoleon)
  • “Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.” (Thomas Edison)
  • “All history is the biography of great men.” (Carlyle)
  • “Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.” (Boorstin)
  • “Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.” (F.Satt)
  • “A good man never dies.” (Callimachus)
  • “The hero is one who kindles a great light in world who sets to blazes torches in dark streets of life for men to see.” (Felix Adler)
  • “Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.” (Bob Riley)
  • “Heroism is the divine relation which, in all times, unites a great man to other men.” (Thomas Carlyle)
  • “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” (Christopher Reeve)
  • “Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.” (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  • “A hero is someone who has given his life to something bigger than himself.” (Joseph Compel)
  • “A hero is someone who can be admired without apology.” (Kitty Kelly) “I think that we all do heroic things, but hero is not a noun, it’s a verb.” (Robert Downey, Jr.)
  • “The hero living his own life being true to himself radiates a light by which others may see their own way.” (Laurence G Boldt)
  • “Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story.” (John Barth)
  • “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.” (Bob Dylan)
  • “Show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy.” (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  • “The hero draws inspiration from the virtue of his ancestors.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
  • “Heroes aren’t born, they’re cornered. Oh, I was cornered. And I found out that I was no hero.” (James Belushi)
  • “The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else.” (Umberto Eco)
  • “A mentor enables a person to achieve. A hero shows what achievement looks like.” (John C. Mather)
  • I like this quote I dislike this quote “Not the glittering weapon fights the fight, but rather the hero’s heart.” (Proverb)
  • “We are the hero of our own story.” (Mary McCarthy)
  • “A hero is a man who is afraid to run away.” (English Proverb)
  • “The difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways.” (Gene Hackman)
  • “The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference.” (Henry Miller)
  • “Everybody is a hero in their own story if you just look.” (Maeve Binchy)
  • “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” (Joseph Campbell)
  • “A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer.” (Novalis)
  • “Hero shows you how to solve the problem – yourself.” (Jet Li)
  • “A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • “True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life, in whatever shape they may challenge us to combat.” (Napoleon)
  • “A hero cannot be a hero unless in a heroic world.” (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
  • “A hero is a man who does what he can.” (Romaine Rolland)
  • “To be born with a personality is a gift from your parents. But to die as a personality is an achievement of your own.” (Unknown)
  • “It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.” (Norman Schwarzkopf)
  • “Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.” (Gerard Way)

My Hero in History Essay Quotes for Class 12

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my favourite personality hazrat muhammad essay with quotations

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my favourite personality hazrat muhammad essay with quotations

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my favourite personality hazrat muhammad essay with quotations


my favourite personality hazrat muhammad essay with quotations

Hazrat Muhammad S A W

By mohammad from karachi.

Every  person has a favorite personality and as well as an idol person. Like this I also have an favorite person and he is my idol too. I want to follow him and I try to follow him. The personality i am talking about is our lovely Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S A W , for whom the world is created. In a Hadis Allah says to Hazarat Adam "i muhammad would not be created you also not be created"

Hazrat Muhammad was born in Makah the city of Saudi Arabia . His father's name is Abdullah and his mother's name is Bi Bi Amna. Before his birth his father passed away and when he became seven his mother passed away . When his mother died he was nourished under the supervision of Bi Bi Halima . When he was young he was famous for his honesty and truthfulness. Allah send him to teach people and to show then the right path. He was 40 year old when he was rewarded by the throne of Prophet . 

Now coming to the main topic why Hazrat Muhammad S A W  is my favorite personality. He is my favorite personality because he was very brave, honest and holy man . he was a favorite person of Allah . He was so much honest that Allah has discuss about his honesty in Quran . He was a poised man . He had a greatest personality in the history of word and Islam . He was so much honest that even his enemy insured their valuable things with him. He is a role model for every Muslim. When he became 63 year old he died.

Page created on 2/9/2016 10:48:33 AM

Last edited 4/7/2023 12:18:21 AM

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my favourite personality hazrat muhammad essay with quotations

My Favourite Personality – Hazrat Muhammad (sm)

My Favourite Personality – Hazrat Muhammad (sm)

All men are the best creations of the Almighty Allah. Yet the qualities of each and everyone are not the same and similar. A man within his short span of life may come in touch with many men, but all are not admired equally. Up to the very moment of my life, I have found many men and studied the life and works of many men both alive and dead. Amongst them, I admire Hazrat Muhammad (sm) — the last prophet of the Muslims.

He was born in the famous Quraish family of Macca in 570 AD. His father was Abdullah and mother was Amina. He was a posthumous child because he lost his father before he was born. Then he was brought up by Abdul Mutaleb – his grandfather and later by Abu Taleb — his uncle.

His early life was quite different from other men in the world. Truly speaking, he was a class by himself from all times to come. He was very thoughtful. He was the lover and worshiper of truth and beauty. He never told lies but spoke the truth at all costs. People in Arabia either friend or foe called him AlAmin – the trustworthy.

His youth: My admired man was very honest to the penny since his boyhood. He liked living a very plain life. At the age of 25, he married Khadija Begum — a 40 years old lady by dint of his stainless character. She was the then richest lady in Arabia. He got immense wealth from her but he spent it on the well-being of the poor.

My admired man declared the Oneness of Allah. He contemplated in the Mount Hera. He attempted to preach Islam all over Arabia. Then people in Arabia were very ignorant and dunderheaded. They hated Hazrat Muhammad (sm) and did not believe in his teachings the dictates of Allah. They believed in many gods and goddesses. He faced a lot of Troubles in preaching Islam. It was his only target of life to declare the oneness of Allah and to preach Islam and its teachings. When he attained the age of forty, the holy Quran was revealed on him. Ile taught the common people the dictates and ideals of the Quran. Ile preached, “He is the best of you who reads the Quran and Teaches others.”

The Arabs in those days were the worshipers of many gods and goddesses. They did not believe in the teaching of my admired man. The period was known or called the Day of Ignorance. Whatever he told the people about God and Islam, they took it otherwise. It made them annoyed more seriously. The Arabs pelted at stones him, wanted to have killed him and drive him away from the country. For the sake of his life, he with some of his followers left for Medina from Mecca. The day of Hizri Year began on and from his leaving Mecca. The people of Medina received him warmly. Many of them accepted Islam. Then he conquered Medina. In Islamic history, this is known as a conquest of Medina.

My admired man-made reformations in all respects. He was a dedicated person to the services of mankind without making any distinction between caste and creed. He treated all equally. He made social, religious and other reformations in the then Arab society. He attempted hard or made frantic efforts to build up an exploitation-free society. During the Dark Age, the Arabs buried their daughters alive as a token of poverty. He made people understand that the burying of a living being is a great sin. He called upon the people of Medina to be united in order to maintain peace, harmony, multi-relation, and discipline among them. Then he made a Magna Carta with 47 sections. Once the people of Macca promised to kill him. They appeared before him with an apology. The Prophet (sm) asked how they would like to be treated. They replied in one voice, “Akhun karimun wabnuakhin karim”. — “Ye, our brother of kindness. We expect a kind behavior from you.” Then he forgave and set them free.

Hazrat Muhammad (sm) had a unique character. His character was stainless, spotless and perfect in quality. His character was a more unmixed blessing than that of the moon. The holy scriptures still bear the testimony of his character. His kindness was unique. He showed kindness even to his dead enemy who wanted to have killed him. He forgave the old wicked woman who put thrones on his way secretly.

Hazrat Muhammad (sm) died in 623 AD. at the age of 63 years only. The whole world mourned for his sudden demise. My admired man is the best of a lot of all men and women. We are also fortunate to be his ummat. He dedicated his life to the whole Muslim world. He is the last prophet.

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My Favourite Personality Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC Examination

My Favourite Personality Composition : My favourite personality composition is important for any public examination. Many personalities of such nature have come to this earth to liberate people from the curse of ignorance and to lead them to the way of happiness and prosperity. But of them, I think Hazrat philanthropist. Today I have written here two composition about "My Favourite Personality". Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) is my favourite personality. So, I have written composition about him as he is my favourite personality.


Write a composition on " Your Favourite Personality "

My favourite personality.

My Favourite Personality Composition   

Great people make history. They inspire us with their deeds and greatness of their characters. 'Favourite Personality'. They are the leaders of the world.

Now, write a composition in 200-250 words on 'Your Favourite Personality'

Shahabuddin Hridoy

Posted by: Shahabuddin Hridoy

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Completing Story

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  • Androcles and the lion completing story
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  • Failure is the pillar of Success completing story
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  • Robert Bruce and his kingdom story wih bangla meaning
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  • Unity is strength Completing Story
  • Where there is a will there is a way Completing Story
  • A Book Fair I have Visited Paragraph
  • A Book Fair Paragraph
  • A day labourer Paragraph
  • A Moonlit Night Paragraph
  • A PICNIC Paragraph
  • A Railway Station Paragraph
  • A Rainy Day Paragraph
  • A School Library Paragraph
  • A Street Accident Paragraph
  • A Tea Stall Paragraph
  • A Village Doctor Paragraph
  • A Village Fair Paragraph
  • A Winter Morning Paragraph
  • Adolescence Paragraph
  • An Ideal Student Paragraph
  • Auto Paragraph
  • Bangabandhu Satellite Paragraph
  • Child Labour Paragraph
  • Climate Change Paragraph
  • Copying in the examination paragraph
  • CoronaVirus Paragraph
  • Corruption Paragraph
  • Danger of smoking paragraph
  • Deforestation Paragraph
  • Dengue Fever Paragraph
  • Diaspora Paragraph
  • Discipline Paragraph
  • Dowry System Paragraph
  • Drug Addiction Paragraph
  • Early Marriage Paragraph
  • Effect of Television Paragraph
  • Environment Pollution Paragraph
  • Etiquette and Manner Paragraph
  • Female Education Paragraph
  • FIFA World Cup 2022 Paragraph
  • Folk Music Paragraph
  • Gender Discrimination Paragraph
  • Global Warming Paragraph
  • Globalization Paragraph
  • Good Health Paragraph
  • Green House Effect Paragraph
  • Higher Education in Bangladesh Paragraph
  • Historic 7th March Speech Paragraph
  • HSC 2023 Paragraph suggestion
  • Human Rights Paragraph
  • Importance of Learning English Paragraph
  • Important Paragraph for HSC
  • International Mother Language Day Paragraph
  • Load-shedding Paragraph
  • Lockdown Paragraph
  • Metro Rail Paragraph
  • Mobile Phone Paragraph
  • Modern Technology Paragraph
  • Mujib Year / Mujib Borsho Paragraph
  • My Best Friend Paragraph
  • Newspaper Paragraph
  • Our Country Bangladesh Paragraph
  • Padma Bridge Paragraph
  • Pahela Baishakh Paragraph
  • Peace And Conflict Paragraph
  • Peace Movement Paragraph
  • Physical Exercise Paragraph
  • Population problem paragraph
  • Price Hike Paragraph
  • Road Accident Paragraph
  • Rohingya Crisis Paragraph
  • Sound Pollution Paragraph
  • SSC important Paragraph
  • Street Children Paragraph
  • Superstition Paragraph
  • Terrorism in the campus paragraph
  • Terrorism Paragraph
  • The 21st February Paragraph
  • The Importance of Learning English Paragraph
  • The Life of a Farmer Paragraph
  • Tree Plantation Paragraph
  • Victory Day Paragraph
  • An email to your friend describing how to use internet
  • Email to Your Friend Condoling at His Father’s Sudden Death
  • Write an email inviting your friend to come to visit the Sundarbans
  • Write an email to your father about your progress in studies and preparation for the exam
  • Write an email to your father describing your exam
  • Write an email to your father informing him of your result that has been published recently
  • Write an email to your foreign friend telling him about beauty of Bangladesh
  • Write an email to your friend about the duties and responsibilities of a good citizen
  • Write an email to your friend about the experience of visiting the Shat Gambuj Mosque
  • Write an email to your friend about the importance of games and sports
  • Write an email to your friend about your experience of a train journey
  • Write an email to your friend congratulating him for his good performance in a cricket match
  • Write an email to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her brilliant success
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  • Write an email to your friend describing about your country and its natural beauty
  • Write an email to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college
  • Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your college
  • Write An Email To Your Friend Describing Your Native Village
  • Write an email to your friend greeting him/her happy new year
  • Write an email to your friend inviting him to attend the wedding ceremony of your elder brother/ sister
  • Write an email to your friend inviting him to spend the summer vacation with you in your village home
  • Write an email to your friend narrating the sufferings of the flood affected people
  • Write an email to your friend telling him about taking food in a Chinese restaurant
  • Write an email to your friend telling him about your recent visit to Paharpur
  • Write an email to your friend telling him/her about the benefits of reading newspaper
  • Write an email to your friend thanking him whose home you have visited recently
  • Write an email to your mother about how you physically feel after recovery from an ailment
  • Write an email to your pen friend asking him/her to visit Bangladesh
  • Write an email to your pen friend informing him about the experience of visiting a book fair
  • Write an email to your younger brother about the importance of learning English
  • Write an email to your younger brother advising him not to adopt unfair means in the examination
  • Write an email to your younger brother advising him to be regular in studies
  • Write an email to your younger brother describing him the importance of ICT knowledge
  • Write an email to your younger brother describing the importance of physical exercise

Informal Letter

  • Write a letter about your preparation for the coming SSC exam
  • Write a letter describing how you have celebrated the Pohela Boishakh
  • Write a letter describing the importance of physical exercise
  • Write a letter of sympathy to your sick friend in hospital
  • Write a letter on how to improve proficiency in English
  • Write a letter to pen friend about food and food habit of Bangladesh
  • Write a letter to your father informing him of your mother’s illness
  • Write a letter to your friend about the annual prize giving ceremony of your school
  • Write a letter to your friend about your aim in life
  • Write a letter to your friend condoling him on his father’s death
  • Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant result
  • Write a letter to your friend consoling him at his failure in the SSC examination
  • Write a letter to your friend describing the accident you have witnessed
  • Write a letter to your friend describing the bad effect of smoking
  • Write a letter to your friend discussing the importance of learning English
  • Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic
  • Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to spend a few days with during the summer vacation
  • Write a letter to your friend telling him about the importance of reading newspaper
  • Write a letter to your friend telling him how you have spent the summer vacation
  • Write a letter to your friend thanking him for a birthday gift
  • Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be sincere and attentive to his study


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  • Essay on Favourite Personality

500 Words Essay On Favourite Personality

There are a lot of people all over the world who have achieved greatness and people look up to them. Many celebrities, leaders and artists serve as inspiration for a lot of people. Thus, everyone has a favourite personality whom they admire. In most cases, it is usually a well-known person. But, for me, my favourite personality is not someone famous throughout the world, but famous in our family, my father .

favourite personality

My Father- My Favourite Personality

I used to look up to celebrities growing up and many of them were my role models. But, as I got older, I realized that my favourite personality is right in front of me. My father with whom I live, eat and sleep.

He is the one who has helped me become a better human being. Moreover, my father is the one I thank for my healthy and protected life. My father is a kind man who is very polite. He always likes helping out others.

Moreover, he also teaches us good manners and helps us feel grateful for all we have. As he is very polite, my neighbours also love him. He knows how to make others feel comfortable.

Most importantly, my father always helps out those in need. He will go out of his way to help strangers when they need it. As he is a God-fearing person, I have learned to have faith in my father.

My father is the pillar of my family . He holds us together and makes us strong. I have always seen him sort everything out between us members if we ever get into a fight. He does not show any biases to anyone but loves everyone equally.

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What Makes My Father a Great Personality

I have realized that you don’t have to be super famous to have a great personality. You can be an ordinary person and still have the greatest personality. My father is a great personality as he considers everyone’s feelings in my family.

He makes us feel equally important and takes the advice of every one of us, no matter the age. He follows the simplest of rules and never refuses those who come seeking help at our door.

My father has a soft heart and that is something I strive to have. He does not raise his voice ever and treats everyone with kindness. In addition, my father is a unique personality who serves as a good citizen too.

He never ever breaks any laws or rules. Also, my father never spoils us by buying unnecessary things. He makes sure we learn the value of things so that we turn out to be humble people.

Conclusion of Essay on My Favourite Personality

All in all, my father is like a guide who cares about his family. His personality makes me admire and respect him the most. He acts like a friend and as a parent when he needs to. To conclude, my father is my favourite personality and my biggest support.

FAQ on Essay on Favourite Personality

Question 1: What is meant by favourite personality?

Answer 1: A favourite personality is someone whom you like in a special way for who they are and how they carry themselves.

Question 2: Why are fathers the most influential person in our lives?

Answer 2: Fathers acts as our parent as well as a friend . They push us to do better no matter what happens and always guide us on the right path to help us succeed.

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Allama Iqbal

My Favourite Personality Allama Iqbal Essay in English

Allama iqbal is my favourite personality.

Hero is man of outstanding character and matchless genius. He must be a man of unique qualities. though the Muslim History is full of great men, my hero in history is Allama Iqbal. I think, he is really a man worthly of the title ‘Hero’.

Allama Iqbal  was born in Sialkot in 1877.  He came to Lahore for learning after completing his primary education.  At that time the English were the rules of India. They were very cunning. They did not like the Muslims. They tried their best to keep the Muslims backward and ignorant. Iqbal, who was a great well-wisher of the Muslims, tried to awaken the Muslims from their sleep of ignorance through his poetry. He wrote a number of poems and verses to make the Muslims realize their negligence. He taught them a lesson of ‘self-esteem’. He made them realize the achievements of their forefathers. He wrote many letters to the Qauid-e-Azam to urge him to work for his nation.

In the session of Muslim League at Illahabad in 1930, he suggested the solution to the discontent of India. He showed a sure way of peace and happiness for the people living in India. Iqbal’s speech demonstrates his concern for his nation. He said that the Muslims were different in their religious, beliefs and traditions from the other nations living in the sub-continent . He said that the concept of nationality of the Muslims is quite different from those of other nations of the world. He said that India be divided into two nation states. The territories of the Muslims majority should be made a new Muslim state.

Iqbal was a great Muslim poet. His poetry was aimed at teaching the Muslims what they had forgotten. It was a lesson of their golden traditions and matchless achievements. He wrote his poetry urging the Muslims to break the slavery chain. His poetry is a permanent source of joy and inspiration for the Muslims. It is full of national feeling and sentiments.

Iqbal’s poetry places him in the sky of immortal fame high among the stars. he wrote poetry both in Urdu and Persian. Many reference to the Holy Quraan can be found in his poetry. Some critics go even to the extent that his poetry is the true explanation of the Holy Quraan. It elevates us spiritually and morally.

In this age when the Muslims are being insulted and crushed throughout the world, it is necessary that we should get guidance and inspirational from his poetry. If we study his poetry and follow his advice, we will surely regain our lost glory. His poetry is not for one time. It is for everyone and for every age. What a perfect code of ethics and morality his poetry is! May the Muslims of today read his poetry and get an urge to gain their golden past. Aameen!

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7 thoughts on “My Favourite Personality Allama Iqbal Essay in English”

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Or kia chahye bhai

Nice essay i love it

Mashallah Great and very easy But found in Last day of my Preparation 20/6/2022 12 Class

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