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Tips for Tackling the STAAR Persuasive Essay

staar english 2 persuasive essay prompts 2012

The clock is ticking and your hand is cramping. You have limited time and space to convince your reader of your opinion. No, you aren’t arguing in your BFF group text—You’re writing your STAAR persuasive essay!

Previously on our B2A Blog , we’ve given you guidance on how to tackle State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) expository essays. But what about persuasive essays? Preparing for these English II-level STAAR writing tests will also help you prepare for similar timed writing tests in the future, such as in-class assignments and the SAT or ACT Essay.

Building a tight skillset to effectively produce a persuasive five-paragraph essay will serve you throughout high school. Given that the STAAR essay only allows you to fill one 26-line page, you can even condense this down to four paragraphs: an intro, two strong body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Given the multifaceted purpose of the STAAR persuasive essay, an efficient essay that features arguments and nuance will be the winning combination.

So, how do you follow this formula successfully and score that perfect 4 on the STAAR written composition? Luckily, most of our tips for the STAAR expository essay still apply to the persuasive essay: You’ll want to pre-write (brainstorm and draft an outline), edit as you go and upon re-reading your work, and have solid supporting examples and go in-depth with them.

But what does that look like for the persuasive essays? All STAAR essays are graded on the same three domains: Organization/Progression, Development of Ideas, and Use of Language/Conventions. However, the details within this rubric are a bit different for argumentative essays.

STAAR Persuasive Essay: Development of Ideas

To get a coveted 4 in this domain, your development of ideas will need to be “highly effective.” This means your argument will need to be compelling and your reader will need to be convinced by your well-chosen and specific reasons and evidence. Your essay will also need to be “thoughtful and engaging.”

What the graders are also looking for here is nuance. They want to see you not only support your argument with sound reasoning, but also acknowledge the complexity of the issue, consider opposing perspectives, integrate your own unique experiences, or connect ideas in a fresh or interesting way.

You can achieve this by integrating one (or more!) of these aspects into your two body paragraphs, or even by creating a third body paragraph for this purpose. But how do you decide what goes into a body paragraph? Let’s find out!

How to Decide What Goes into a Body Paragraph

The very first thing you need to do after carefully reading the prompt is brainstorm. Think about the complex issue presented. Brainstorm arguments both FOR and AGAINST the issue.

Then, write out the logical reasoning behind each argument. Which side do you feel you can best argue? This will be your position, which you will make clear in your thesis. Which ideas can you expand upon most? Each reason will correspond to a body paragraph in your essay, so you’ll want to pick the two for which you can articulate the strongest support. Think about which idea (or both!) could work to highlight the nuance we mentioned above: acknowledging a counter argument or the issue’s complexity, relating to your own experiences, or presenting an unconventional take.

Now that you’ve honed in on your choices, let’s get into where to present them in your essay.

STAAR Persuasive Essay: Organization/Progression

In order to get full marks in Organization/Progression on the persuasive essay, you’ll need to focus on two aspects: structure and flow.

Structure: by organizing your essay in a clear and logical way (i.e., by following the four- or five-paragraph essay formula), your grader will be able to clearly understand your position, follow your ideas, and easily digest your supporting details.

Flow: by following a straightforward structure and utilizing meaningful transitions, you’ll be able to maintain focus throughout your essay and cohesion in your points—achievements your grader will notice and appreciate.

So, how do we do this?

Introduction Paragraph

Your introductory paragraph serves two key purposes: to introduce the topic and to assert your position clearly. You’ll want to open with what we call a “hook.” Pull the reader in by asking them a big picture question that will make them consider the issue.

For example, if the prompt ends with “Should schools require students to wear uniforms?” and you’re arguing against them due to their limitations on expression, your hook might be, “Have you ever struggled to stand out?”

Then, provide context. What is the issue articulated in the prompt? Explain the background, then hone in on your thesis. To write your thesis, you’ll want to turn the position question into a statement, ending it with your answer incorporating your main supporting points.

For our school uniform example, your thesis could be this: “Schools should not require students to wear uniforms because it restricts developmentally necessary personal expression and does not meaningfully curb bullying.”

Body Paragraphs

As we mentioned, your body paragraphs will be where you individually articulate and support your main points mentioned in your thesis. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that clearly states your point (and, if possible, provides meaningful transition from the previous paragraph).

Then, provide one to three sentences supporting your point. (Why do uniforms stifle expression? Why does that matter?) Finally, finish each body paragraph with a concluding sentence, reiterating your point and connecting it back to your thesis.

Using the uniform example, you could say this as your concluding sentence: "Because of their critical limitations on personal expression, youth should not be mandated to wear school uniforms."

One way to satisfy the “nuance” requirement is to have a body paragraph that features a counter argument. The purpose of this is to show that you understand there are other sides to the issue AND that you can refute them with your sound logic.

In our uniform example, your counter-argument paragraph could first say, “While they acknowledge that uniforms prevent self-expression, proponents claim that these strict dress codes reduce bullying. However, …” Once you’ve articulated your arguments against that claim, you’d similarly connect your point back to your thesis: uniforms don’t prevent bullying, and thus should not be mandated.

Your conclusion can and should be concise; it will likely be your shortest paragraph. First, reiterate your thesis statement. You don’t want to repeat it word-for-word; paraphrase your point and vary your sentence structure. Then, you’ll want to remind the reader of your supporting details and nuance, call them to action, and conclude with a succinct remark that helps remind the reader why your argument matters. Ideally, this will connect back to your hook.

For our school uniforms example, you may end your essay with a reminder that students don’t just go to school to learn, but to grow as people—and learning how to express themselves is a key part of that.

STAAR Persuasive Essay: Use of Language/Conventions

Finally, something you’ll want to make sure you’re doing all along in your essay is choosing your words purposefully and precisely. Vary your sentence structure, adeptly use strong vocab words, and maintain an appropriate tone. Mind your grammar and spelling; minor errors may be overlooked, but anything distracting from the essay’s flow or clarity will cost you. This is where re-reading your work comes in handy.

Always go back and read (Don’t skim! Read “out loud” in your head.) your entire essay, micro-editing as you go. Once you’ve verified you’ve checked all the boxes and have finished polishing—congrats! You’ve conquered the STAAR persuasive essay.

Want personalized guidance on how to approach the STAAR essays (or any section of the STAAR test)? Contact us for a free consultation. We’ll connect you with a tutor to help you address how best to prepare for these state exams and even strategize for the future.

For help with general writing, test taking, or college readiness, check out our many services , including 1:1 college admissions counseling. We can help make sure you’re on track for your goals inside, outside, and beyond school!


Translated by Nikki Qiao







评分者在这里寻找的是细微差别。他们希望你不仅能够通过合理的推理来支持你的论点,还会认识到问题的复杂性,考虑反对观点,结合你自己独特的经历, 或以新鲜有趣的方式结合你的想法。




然后,写出每个论点背后的逻辑推理。 你认为哪一方最能胜辩呢? 这将是你的立场,你将在论文中阐明。 你可以扩展哪些想法? 每个理由都与你论文中的正文段落相对应,所以你要选择两个可以表达最强支持的部分。 想想哪个(或两个!)可以突出我们上面提到的细微差别:提出一个与你自己的经历有关的反驳论点或问题的复杂性,或提出非常规的看法。





流畅度:通过遵循简单的结构并运用有意义的过渡,你将能够在整个文章中保持你的重点,并在你的论点中坚持你的论点 - 你的评分者将会注意到并欣赏你的成就。






然后,提供支持你观点的一到三句话。 (为什么制服会扼杀表达?为什么这很重要?)最后,用一个结尾的句子完成每个段落,重申你的观点并将其与你的论文联系起来。




对于我们校服的例子,你可以以提醒学生不是只去学校学习来结束你的文章,而是要像人一样成长 - 学习如何表达自己是这关键的一部分。



总是回去读一读(大声阅读出来!别只浏览!)你的整篇文章,微观编辑。一旦你确认你已经检查了所有的注意事项并完成修改- 恭喜!你已经完成了STAAR有说服力的论文。

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English I and II STAAR EOC Test Prep- Writing

I have taught both English I and English II in Texas. Both grades have an English STAAR EOC test that includes a writing portion. On the English I test students have to write an expository essay. On the English II test they have to write a persuasive essay. I’ve put together the strategies and models I’ve used in my classroom into these materials that you can use. They can purchased in my TPT store. You can either buy a bundle for both ENG I and ENG II or purchase the one you need.

I am in Texas and originally created this for my English II students to help prepare them for the persuasive  or expository essay they would have to write on the STAAR English II or I EOC test. The advice and common mistakes are aimed towards the goal of passing that writing test. However, I have a PhD in Composition and have tried to create this unit to fit best practices for persuasive essay writing in any situation (whether for a standardized test or a dual credit class or in general).

I did not include a rubric because what you are evaluating can change greatly between standardized test, dual credit courses, or general classroom writing goals. If you are using this to prepare students to write a persuasive essay on a standardized test go to your state testing website and look for a rubric. Texas STAAR has a rubric and lined writing paper for the English I expository EOC essay or English II EOC persuasive essay. You can find released Texas STAAR tests here on the state website. You can find the rubrics for the writing portion of the STAAR English I and II EOC here along with other state writing resources .

Here is a preview of what it is in the persuasive bundle: This writing kit is good for any persuasive essay needs, not just the Texas STAAR test! It has been updated and is now 27 pages long.

It includes: – 5 pages of writing instructions handouts with detailed examples. It goes paragraph by paragraph. – It has two versions on the example. One version has notes about the organizational structure. – Tips & Common Mistakes to Avoid – A list of transition/linking words – A persuasive essay outline map for students who need a short structure guide – Outline with the organization structure labeled – Blank outline (some states allow blank organizers to be used on standardized tests) – A list of types of evidence with definitions – A list of 12 persuasive writing prompts – 12 Persuasive Essay Writing Prompt Cards – Notes for the teacher on how to use this kit

Here is a preview of what it is in the expository bundle: This expository essay writing kit is 25 pages.

It includes: – 4 pages of instructions on how to write the essay. It breaks the essay down paragraph by paragraph with examples. Includes the introduction with an attention getting device and thesis statement, body paragraph structure, transitions, conclusion, etc. – An example essay with and without a dissection of its parts – An outline graphic organizer with the components labeled – A blank copy of the graphic organizer (some states allow this on state tests) – A list of common mistakes and advice – A handy outline map to briefly remind students of the structure (handy for students with IEPs for additional handouts) – A list of transition (linking) words for student reference – A list of 12 expository prompts – A set of 12 expository prompt cards that can be printed and laminated for student use – Notes for the teacher with tips on how to use this kit.

+More about the writing prompt cards+ The prompt cards allow for practice with various prompts. You can print each prompt on a different color paper (the duplicate of that prompt should be the same color as the original). You can laminate them then have students choose a topic at random to write about. The second time around they merely pick a different color to ensure they get a different topic. Included is a blank set of cards for your own prompts.

  • Click here to buy the Expository Writing Kit for the English I STAAR EOC
  • Click here to buy the Persuasive Writing Kit for the English II STAAR EOC
  • Click here to save money by buying them both in one bundle

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