Gratitude is Great – Essay for Students and Children in 1000+ Words

In this article you will read Gratitude is Great Essay for Students and Children in 1000+ Words. It includes benefit, importance, and 10 lines on this phrase.

Table of Contents


Gratitude is necessary because it is good for our bodies, our minds, and our relationships. The importance of gratitude has been revealed by the world’s leading scientific expert Robert Emmons that gratitude motivates us and keeps our mind fresh and helps to build strong relationships with others.

Benefits of using the phrase’ gratitude is great’

Scientists proclaim that by paying gratitude, people can have many benefits. They have conducted many tests and studies about more than one thousand people, from the age ranging from eight to 80. They found that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits:

1. Physical Benefits

2. psychological benefits, 3. social benefits.

Most importantly, gratitude is a social emotion. The benefits that we are getting from social behavior by showing genuine gratitude are quite helpful for us.

Showing gratitude can develop a positive aspect among us and help us to build a better social relationship. People who love to admire each other’s work are nothing but exchanging their gratitude. Positive thinking has been developed between them.

Celebrate the Present by Showing Gratitude

Indirectly, we are helping each other to develop positive psychology by showing gratitude. In another way, gratitude allows us to participate more in life. Gratitude magnifies more positive approaches from life and grants us the pleasure to enjoy our lives with simple and noble social behavior.

Gratitude Keeping Away the Negative Emotions and Toxic Behavior

How to show gratitude to others.

Showing gratitude to others is not a big deal when you have a cherished mind and in a pleasant mood. Gratitude signifies about the token of appreciation. We see gifts in life that are new and exciting. People who live their lives by thanking others do experience life differently from the people who cheat for feeling grateful.

Ten Lines on Gratitude is Great

In people’s lives, they face so many ups and downs, but the phrase ‘gratitude is great’ remains firm at a peak stage. It not only gives someone happiness but also improves your social relationships.

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Essay on Gratitude – Examples, 10 Lines to 1200 Words

Short Essay on Gratitude

Essay on Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can transform our lives in profound ways. In this essay, we will explore the importance of practicing gratitude on a daily basis and how it can improve our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. From boosting our mood and enhancing our relationships to increasing our resilience and overall happiness, gratitude has the ability to shift our perspective and help us appreciate the abundance in our lives. Join me as we delve into the transformative power of gratitude.

Gratitude Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by defining gratitude and its importance in daily life. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation for the good things in life. It is a powerful emotion that can improve mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

2. Share personal experiences or examples of moments when you felt grateful. This could be a simple act of kindness from a stranger, a supportive friend during a difficult time, or a beautiful sunset that brought you joy. These examples can help illustrate the impact of gratitude in your own life.

3. Discuss the benefits of practicing gratitude regularly. Research has shown that expressing gratitude can lead to increased happiness, improved physical health, stronger relationships, and reduced stress. By focusing on the positive aspects of life, you can cultivate a more optimistic outlook and attract more positivity into your life.

4. Explore different ways to cultivate gratitude in your daily routine. This could include keeping a gratitude journal, writing thank-you notes, practicing mindfulness and meditation, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the small joys in life. By incorporating these practices into your life, you can train your mind to focus on the good and develop a more grateful attitude.

5. Address any challenges or obstacles that may prevent you from feeling grateful. It’s important to acknowledge that life is not always perfect and there will be times when it’s difficult to find things to be thankful for. However, even in the midst of challenges, there are still opportunities to practice gratitude and find moments of joy.

6. Reflect on the impact of gratitude on your relationships with others. Expressing gratitude towards loved ones can strengthen bonds and create a sense of connection and appreciation. By showing gratitude towards others, you can also inspire them to cultivate a more positive and grateful mindset.

7. Conclude your essay by emphasizing the importance of gratitude in leading a fulfilling and meaningful life. Gratitude is a powerful tool that can help you navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience. By practicing gratitude regularly, you can cultivate a more positive and optimistic outlook, leading to greater happiness and well-being.

Essay on Gratitude in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation for the good things in life. 2. It helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives and fosters a sense of contentment and happiness. 3. Practicing gratitude can improve our mental and emotional well-being by reducing stress and anxiety. 4. It strengthens relationships by fostering a sense of connection and mutual appreciation. 5. Gratitude encourages us to see the good in others and acknowledge their contributions to our lives. 6. It can help us overcome challenges and setbacks by shifting our perspective to focus on what we have rather than what we lack. 7. Gratitude promotes a sense of abundance and fulfillment, leading to a more positive outlook on life. 8. It encourages us to pay it forward and spread kindness and generosity to others. 9. Gratitude can improve our physical health by reducing inflammation and boosting our immune system. 10. Overall, cultivating a mindset of gratitude can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Sample Essay on Gratitude in 100-180 Words

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our lives. When we practice gratitude, we are acknowledging the good things in our lives and expressing appreciation for them. This simple act can help us shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, leading to increased feelings of happiness and contentment.

Gratitude also has the power to strengthen relationships and build connections with others. When we express gratitude towards someone, we are showing them that we value and appreciate them, which can deepen our bond with them.

In addition, practicing gratitude can improve our mental and emotional well-being. Research has shown that people who regularly practice gratitude experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Overall, gratitude is a powerful tool that can help us lead happier, more fulfilling lives. By taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate the good things in our lives, we can cultivate a positive mindset and create a ripple effect of positivity in our relationships and communities.

Short Essay on Gratitude in 200-500 Words

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our lives. It is the act of being thankful and appreciative for the good things in our lives, both big and small. When we practice gratitude, we are able to shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, leading to increased happiness and overall well-being.

One of the key benefits of gratitude is its ability to improve our mental health. When we take the time to acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of our lives, we are able to reframe our thoughts and see things from a more positive perspective. This can help to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve our overall mental well-being. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can lead to increased levels of happiness, optimism, and life satisfaction.

Gratitude also has a positive impact on our physical health. Studies have found that people who regularly practice gratitude have lower levels of inflammation, improved heart health, and stronger immune systems. This is because gratitude can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which in turn can have a positive effect on our physical health. By focusing on the good things in our lives, we are able to cultivate a sense of peace and contentment that can benefit our overall health and well-being.

In addition to its mental and physical health benefits, gratitude can also improve our relationships with others. When we express gratitude towards others, we are able to strengthen our connections and build trust and rapport. Gratitude can help to foster a sense of appreciation and mutual respect, leading to more positive and fulfilling relationships. By showing gratitude towards others, we can create a cycle of positivity and kindness that can have a ripple effect on those around us.

Practicing gratitude is a simple yet powerful way to cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life. There are many ways to incorporate gratitude into our daily routine, such as keeping a gratitude journal, expressing thanks to others, or simply taking a moment to reflect on the good things in our lives. By making gratitude a regular practice, we can experience the many benefits it has to offer and cultivate a greater sense of happiness, well-being, and fulfillment.

Essay on Gratitude in 1000-1500 Words

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our lives. It is the feeling of being thankful and appreciative for the blessings and positive aspects of our lives. When we practice gratitude, we are able to shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, which can lead to greater happiness, fulfillment, and overall well-being.

Gratitude is often overlooked in today’s fast-paced and materialistic society. We are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us we need more in order to be happy and successful. This mindset can lead to feelings of discontent and dissatisfaction, as we are always striving for the next big thing without taking the time to appreciate what we already have.

However, research has shown that practicing gratitude can have a multitude of benefits for our mental, emotional, and physical health. Studies have found that individuals who regularly practice gratitude experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. They also have stronger immune systems, better sleep quality, and improved relationships with others.

One of the reasons why gratitude is so powerful is that it helps us to shift our perspective from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we are able to see the positive aspects of our lives more clearly and appreciate the abundance that surrounds us. This can help us to feel more content and satisfied with what we have, rather than constantly striving for more.

Gratitude also has the power to improve our relationships with others. When we express gratitude towards others, whether through a simple thank you or a heartfelt gesture, we are able to strengthen our connections and foster a sense of mutual appreciation. This can lead to greater trust, understanding, and empathy in our relationships, as we are able to recognize and value the contributions of others.

In addition, gratitude can help us to cultivate a more positive outlook on life. When we focus on the things we are grateful for, we are able to see the good in every situation, even in the face of challenges and adversity. This can help us to develop resilience and optimism, as we are able to find silver linings and opportunities for growth in difficult circumstances.

Practicing gratitude can be as simple as keeping a gratitude journal, where we write down three things we are thankful for each day. This can help us to cultivate a habit of gratitude and train our minds to focus on the positive aspects of our lives. We can also express gratitude through acts of kindness, such as volunteering or helping others in need, which can not only benefit those we are helping but also bring us a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a profound impact on our lives. By practicing gratitude, we are able to shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, leading to greater happiness, fulfillment, and overall well-being. Gratitude can help us to cultivate a mindset of abundance, improve our relationships with others, and develop a more positive outlook on life. It is a simple yet transformative practice that can bring joy and contentment into our lives. So let us take a moment each day to pause, reflect, and express gratitude for the blessings and positive aspects of our lives.

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Gratitude Essay Examples

An essay on gratitude can be an excellent opportunity to reflect on the things in life that we often take for granted. It’s a chance to acknowledge the people, experiences, and things that have made a positive impact on our lives. If you’re struggling to get started, here are some gratitude essay examples and tips to help you craft a perfect essay on gratitude.

One way to approach an essay on gratitude is to reflect on specific instances where you’ve experienced gratitude in your life. For example, you might write about a time when someone went out of their way to help you or when you received unexpected kindness from a stranger. These examples can help you illustrate the power of gratitude in our lives and show how it can change our perspective on the world.

Another approach is to write about the benefits of gratitude. Research has shown that practicing gratitude can improve mental health, boost happiness, and even enhance physical health. You can explore these benefits in your essay and provide examples of how you’ve experienced them in your own life.

If you’re a college student, consider writing a gratitude college essay. In this essay, you can reflect on how college has shaped you and the opportunities it has provided. You might write about a professor who inspired you or a project that challenged you in new ways. By expressing gratitude for your college experience, you’ll be able to showcase your growth and appreciation for the opportunities you’ve had.

Overall, an essay on gratitude can be a powerful tool for personal growth and reflection. By exploring gratitude in your life, you’ll be able to recognize the good things that are often overlooked and find ways to cultivate more gratitude in your daily life. Use the gratitude essay examples and tips above to craft a perfect essay on gratitude and let your gratitude shine through your words.

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Best topics on Gratitude

1. The Power Of Gratitude In Our Lives

2. Being Thankful And Expressing Gratitude

3. Gratitude: Knowledge of Giving Thanks in Life

4. Gratitude and the Act of Giving on Valentine’s Day

5. Thank You Day: Remembering the Feeling of Gratitude

6. How Can the Virtue of Gratitude Enchanse Your Career Growth

7. What Practicing Gratitude Taught Me

8. How the Power of Gratitude Can Change Your Life

9. Living with Gratitude: Opening the Door for Self-Improvement

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Essay on Gratitude (it brings happiness in life)

Essay on Gratitude

1) What is gratitude?

Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful. Gratitude helps with healing past wounds, developing empathy, and keeping a positive outlook on life.

It is a feeling of appreciation, and it can make your life more joyful. It’s about looking for the good in your life rather than focusing on the negative.

2) The benefits of gratitude

Gratitude can improve your physical health because it helps you cope with stress. Studies have shown that gratitude improves your immune system, decreases blood pressure, and boosts happiness levels. You may even be able to live longer just by being grateful!

The positive effects of gratitude can be experienced both psychologically and physiologically. With a grateful mindset, you’ll feel more positive about yourself and life in general. You’ll have increased energy levels, improved sleep, and a stronger immune system.

3) How to practice gratitude in your life

4) gratitude makes you happy.

Gratitude is an action, not a feeling, and there are scientific studies that prove it. Researchers at the University of California recently found that people who report higher levels of gratitude report feeling happier than those who don’t.

The benefits of gratitude don’t end there. Regular practice can lead to better relationships and a more positive outlook on life. In a recent poll of more than 3,000 Americans, happiness expert Adam Grant found that many of the people who said they were the happiest had what you might think are positive traits—for example, they were more helpful and forgiving.

5) Practicing gratitude in your work

I believe that some of the best jobs that people can have are teaching others about gratitude and encouraging others to look for the good in their lives.

6) Ways To Show Gratitude

You don’t need a lot of money, time, or effort to make your life happier and healthier. Here are different easy ways to start practicing gratitude.

7) Conclusion

It’s important to constantly practice gratitude because it’s a skill we all need to develop if we want to truly be happy in our lives.

Keeping a gratitude journal is a great way to practice gratitude, and if you have an electronic device with a camera, you can take a picture of a leaf and put it in your journal to count your blessings.

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Essay About Being Grateful: 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Looking at life in a more appreciative way is key to success and happiness. Read this guide if you want to write an essay about being grateful .

Keeping a positive outlook on life can be challenging in a world where we constantly hear bad news. However, it is important to stop focusing on the negative and become more grateful for what we have.

Being grateful is a principal practice to follow to live a healthy, productive life. Even when you feel like nothing good has happened, think of the simpler aspects of life, things as commonplace as having a meal, a bed to sleep on, and even waking up to another day. Being grateful can help you focus your energy on something more positive, lightening your load when life gets too heavy. 

If you want to write an essay about being grateful , here are some essay examples for inspiration. 

For help with your essay , check our round-up of best essay writing apps .

1. 7 Things That I Am Grateful For. What About You? by Steve Spring

2. how gratitude can help you through hard times by robert emmons, 3. feel and express gratitude by dr. hyder zahed, 4. the importance of being grateful by deborah jepsen, 5. choose to be grateful. it will make you happier. by arthur c. brooks, 1. what is gratitude to you, 2. what are you grateful for, 3. why should you be more grateful, 4. is gratitude still “good” even if you don’t mean it, 5. why has gratitude become such a hot topic.

“I have a lot to be grateful for. If I had been born in another time or place my life might have been very different. I might not have had been blessed with the life I have now. I have an amazing life. It is great to be focused on my goals and trying to improve my life…But, I need to make sure that I am taking some time to be grateful for everything and everyone that I have in my life. If you want to be happy you need to learn to be grateful. What are you grateful for today?”

Spring lists seven things he is grateful for and explains why he is thankful for each. These include his home, food, and, most significantly, the mistakes he has made in the past. He provides excellent insight into why he is grateful for these seemingly basic items and does an excellent job of justifying his points. Ultimately, the takeaway from this article is that while life is not perfect, we always have a lot to be grateful for. Gratitude is a choice.

“Being grateful is a choice, a prevailing attitude that endures and is relatively immune to the gains and losses that flow in and out of our lives. When disaster strikes, gratitude provides a perspective from which we can view life in its entirety and not be overwhelmed by temporary circumstances. Yes, this perspective is hard to achieve—but my research says it is worth the effort.”

This essay reflects on being grateful even when experiencing tough times. It is easy to be grateful when all is well in our lives.

Robert Emmons suggests performing a comparison between good times and bad times. You may then realize that your situation is better than you thought. He also says that rather than thinking about a difficult time or a particular challenge in a negative light, we can think about it in the sense that it has helped us grow, making it something to be grateful for. 

Embracing gratitude can be a challenge in itself, but it is ultimately self-serving. Being grateful makes you count your blessings and makes you feel good.

“For, whatever you genuinely feel grateful for, you will have multiply in your life. Think about it, if you gave a gift to another and that person told you, ‘I am so grateful for the gift. I can’t believe how kind you were to give it to me. You have made me so very happy,’ you’d want to give that person another gift. So you could be feeling genuinely appreciated while at the same time bring a little happiness to another.”

Zahed, in his essay , reminds us to be grateful for everything that contributes to our happiness and wellbeing, no matter how small. Similar to Emmons, he also discusses turning sorrow and disaster into something to be grateful for, in a sense. Being grateful is a commitment that we must choose to enhance our lives. It’s all about how you measure your success .

“Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. It lets us pause for a moment to reflect on something we have in our life right now instead of always striving for more … the next goal , the new dress, the new toy, the new car, or the house renovation …Gratitude is simply cultivating a genuine appreciation for what we already have.”

From a more scientific perspective, Jepsen discusses the health benefits of gratitude, both psychological and physical. Gratitude makes us more optimistic and helps us reflect on what we have rather than constantly wanting more. She also encourages readers to share their appreciation with others, even through something as simple as a smile. 

“Be honest: When was the last time you were grateful for the spots on a trout? More seriously, think of the small, useless things you experience — the smell of fall in the air, the fragment of a song that reminds you of when you were a kid. Give thanks.”

This opinion piece by Arthur C is similar to the other works on this list. Brooks encourages readers to choose gratitude. He says that acting grateful can help you feel grateful and that being grateful can uplift the mood of those around us. Gratitude offers benefits for the individual and the collective. Finally, he says to find gratitude in everything, no matter how small it is. 

Essay Prompts About Being Grateful

Essay about being grateful: What is gratitude to you?

Consider how you were introduced to the concept of gratitude as a child. Was it discussed with you, and were you encouraged to express gratitude, or is it something you have come to understand and appreciate in adulthood? How do you personally feel about being grateful? Are there any experiences in which you wish you acted more gratefully? Explore gratitude through your own experience.

As illustrated by Steve Spring, it can be beneficial to list the things you are grateful for and maybe discover a few more you had not considered along the way. Categorize aspects of your life and the parts for which you are grateful. You could then perform a comparison with someone from a different background or country and speculate on how your lists may differ. Finally, consider how quickly a person’s life can change. Should tragedy befall you, would you still be able to find things to be grateful for?

This angle allows you to showcase inspirational examples of the benefits of gratitude. Why is it important to be grateful and maintain a positive outlook on life? And what do people get out of it? The essay examples above offer excellent sources for this prompt. There are measurable benefits.

Some would say it is important to show gratitude even if you don’t mean it sincerely. Others argue that it would be worse to be insincere. What do you think? Does insincerity qualify as gratitude, even if you try to be polite or act kindly to spare someone’s feelings? Or is genuine gratitude something else altogether? If we cannot offer sincere thanks, are we actually being grateful?

In recent times people are talking more about the benefits of gratitude and researching to prove its merits. The popularity of gratitude journaling is vast; you can purchase bespoke gratitude journals to record your thoughts on the topic daily and even take a course to learn how to do it. Investigate where this trend originated and examine how it has been embraced throughout society.  

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Common Application Essay Option 4—Gratitude

Tips and Strategies for the 2021-22 Common App

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One major change to the Common Application in the 2021-22 admissions cycle is the addition of a new essay prompt. Option #4 now reads, "Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?"

This new prompt replaces the earlier question about solving a problem : "Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma--anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution." Keep in mind that colleges and universities still want to learn about students interested in solving significant problems, and you still have the "Topic of Your Choice" option if you feel your essay would fit well under the former option #4.

According to Common App , the new prompt serves a couple purposes. First, it replaces a prompt that wasn't very popular among college applicants. More importantly, it gives applicants the opportunity to write about something positive at a difficult time in world history. Rather than write about significant problems, challenges, and anxieties, the new prompt #4 invites you to share something heartfelt and uplifting.

The Importance of Gratitude and Kindness

During the college application process, it's easy and tempting to focus entirely on your personal accomplishments: good grades, challenging AP courses, leadership experiences, athletic ability, musical talent, and so on. Even community service can sometimes come across as focused on your self—hours spent to bolster your application credentials.

Gratitude, however, is a largely selfless feeling. It's about your appreciation for someone else. It's recognizing that your growth and success wouldn't be possible without others. When you express gratitude, you aren't saying "look at me!" Rather, you are appreciating those who have helped you become you.

The folks at Common App have expressed that the new prompt allows students to write about something positive. This is true, but the prompt serves a bigger purpose in the admissions selection process. Highly selective schools end up rejecting thousands of well-qualified applicants, and those decisions will often come down to questions of character rather than GPA and SAT scores.

Think of it this way: when a college is choosing between two students who are academically strong and impressive on the extracurricular front, they will choose the student who seems to be the most kind and generous. Admissions officers are building a campus community with their admissions decisions, and they want to create a community filled with students who appreciate others, build each other up, and recognize the contributions of peers, staff, and professors. They want to admit students who will be kind roommates, collaborative lab partners, and supportive team members.

Chris Peterson, an assistant director of admissions at MIT, wrote a blog post in which he identified three essential qualities for getting into one of the world's most selective schools: do well in school, pursue your passion, and be nice. He notes that this last quality "cannot be overstated." MIT is not a Common Application member, but the point applies perfectly to the value of prompt #4. A winning essay doesn't say "me, me, me!" It shows that you are not only an accomplished person, but also someone who knows how to say "thank you."

Breaking Down the Essay Prompt

Before crafting your essay on prompt #4, it's essential to understand everything that the prompt is asking you to do as well as what it is not asking. The prompt is just 28 words long:

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

The prompt has several important elements to consider.


The very first word in the prompt is one of the most significant. "Reflect" means much more than "write about" or "describe." When you reflect on something, you look inward and reveal self-awareness. You employ critical thinking skills to explain why something is important. Reflection is an act of self-discovery as you examine what you have learned and why it was meaningful.

Here's a quick example:

Unreflective writing: Coach Strauss always taught the team the value of hard work. We practiced hours every day regardless of the weather. The coach's strategy paid off when we won the state championship. The effort we put in wasn't always enjoyable, but the team's success showed that the path to success requires sacrifices.

Reflective writing: I used to resent those miserable and seemingly endless soccer practices in the rain or even snow. Looking back, I now recognize the value of what Coach Strauss was teaching the team. To succeed, we need to work through small obstacles. We need to persevere even when motivation is hard to find. We need to recognize that we always have room for improvement, and we need to support each other as we work towards that goal. I can now see that her lessons were about much more than soccer, and thanks to her I am not just a better athlete, but a better student, peer, sister, and community member.

The first example describes the writer's soccer experience. Nothing in the passage looks inward to analyze the importance of Coach Strauss to the writer's personal awareness and development. The second passage succeeds on this front—it expresses gratitude for Coach Strauss and the way that her lessons helped the writer grow.

"Something" and "Someone"

A nice feature of the Common Application is that all of the essay prompts are designed to give you a lot of latitude in how you respond. The words "something" and "someone" in the new prompt #4 are deliberately vague. You can write about anyone and anything. Possible choices for the person you focus on include

  • A teacher who helped you realize your potential or see the world in a new way.
  • A coach who taught you valuable skills.
  • A family member whose support, love, or guidance helped you become the person you are today.
  • A peer who was always there for you in challenging times.
  • A student you mentored or tutored who ended up teaching you something valuable in the process.
  • A member of your church or community who had a meaningful and positive impact on your life.

The wording of the prompt implies that the "someone" is a living person, so you'll want to avoid writing about an author, God, a pet, or a historical figure (but feel free to use prompt #7 for these topics).

As you think about the "something" that the person did for you, make sure it is meaningful. It needs to be something that has changed you in a positive way.


When the prompt states that you should write about something that has made you "happy or thankful in a surprising way," don't get too hung up on that word "surprising." This doesn't mean that you need to be shocked or overwhelmed by whatever it is that a person did for you. Don't think of the term "surprising" as something that made you speechless and caused an adrenalin rush. It does not need to be something earth-shattering or even unusual. Rather, the "surprise" can simply be something that expanded your world view, made you think about something you hadn't considered before, or caused you to appreciate something new. Some of the best essays focus on something small or subtle that changed you in a meaningful way.


The essay's focus on "gratitude" and thankfulness means that you absolutely must show appreciation for someone other than yourself. One main purpose of this essay, in fact, is to show that you recognize the contributions that others have made to your personal journey. Be generous. Be kind. Show that you value the people who have made you into the person you are.

"Affected" and "Motivated"

Here's the tricky part. Essay #4 is all about recognizing someone else and showing gratitude for the way in which that person has enriched your life. That said, every college application essay needs to be about you. The admissions folks aren't really interested in learning about someone else. They are interested in learning about the student they are considering for admission.

This means you have a careful balancing act to perform with essay option #4. You need to write about the person who contributed to your life in a meaningful and surprising way, but you also need to be introspective and present why that person was so important to you. What did you learn from the person? How did you grow? How did that person change your world view, strengthen your convictions, help you overcome an obstacle, or give you a new sense of direction?

When you answer questions like these, you are writing about yourself. The true goal of this essay is to show that you are a grateful, kind, thoughtful, introspective, and generous person. The focus isn't so much on the person you are writing about, but your ability to cherish that person.

Avoid These Mistakes

You can write about anyone who was important to you, and your gratitude can be for something large or small as long as it affected you in a meaningful way. There are, however, several mistakes you want to avoid when responding to the prompt:

Don't display ego . Prompt #4 is about acknowledging the important contributions others have made to your life, so a boastful or egotistical tone will be entirely out of place. If at its heart your essay says "Coach Strauss helped make me into the award-winning national champion I am today," you've missed the mark.

Do more than describe . Make sure you "reflect" and explore how the person "affected" and "motivated" you. A winning essay needs to be thoughtful and introspective. If you spend the entire essay describing the person who has made you grateful, the admissions folks won't get to know you better and your essay won't have done its job.

Don't be clever with the "someone." Write about a real living human being who has enriched your life in a direct way. Don't write about yourself, God, Abe Lincoln, or Harry Potter. You also don't want to write about a sports idol or musician—while they may have influenced you, they didn't actually do something specifically "for you."

Attend to the Writing

Never forget that your Common Application serves not just to help the admissions folks get to know you, but also to show that you are a capable writer. No matter what your major is, a significant part of your college GPA is going to stem from writing. Successful college students can write clear, engaging, error-free prose. You'll want to pay careful attention to your essay's style , tone, and mechanics. At a highly selective university with more qualified applicants than can be admitted, the difference between an acceptance and rejection can come down to some glaring grammatical errors in the essay.

If you aren't confident in your writing ability, seek help. Have multiple people read your essay. Get feedback from parents and peers, Even more valuable will probably be feedback from your high school counselor and English teacher, for they have more experience with personal essays.

A Final Note for Common Application Option #4

This essay prompt can be approached is so many different ways, but at its heart, the essay needs to accomplish one thing: it needs to show that you are the type of person the college wants to join their campus community. Make sure you come across as someone who is kind, generous, and thoughtful. Show that you care about good writing by crafting an engaging essay that is free of any significant errors. Finally, don't be afraid to let your personality shine. Don't hold back (within reason) if you are a quirky or humorous person. The essay needs to sound like you.

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Gratitude Essay

500 words essay on gratitude.

Gratitude is a beautiful way of enriching our lives. It refers to the feeling and attitude of appreciation and thankfulness for the good which we receive in life. It has been proven scientifically that when we express our gratefulness to other people, we feel happier and calmer. Thus, it allows goodness to enter our lives. For instance, when a stranger holds the door for you or greets you, it makes you feel happy. Thus, a gratitude essay will teach us how advantageous gratitude is.

gratitude essay

Advantages of Gratitude

Gratitude can have a lot of advantages to our personal as well as social life. First of all, it strengthens our relationship with others. When you have a thankful feeling, it will strengthen the bond with the other party and enhance the trust factor and feeling of respect and love .

Moreover, it also makes us happy. When we express gratitude or receive it, we feel happy either way. As a result, people who have gratitude do not stress out a lot. Similarly, being full of gratitude makes society sensible.

In other words, people become considerate and never leave a chance to say thank you to others. Thus, it helps society to progress in the right direction with the right tools needed for the development of it.

Most importantly, gratitude reduces comparisons and promotes acknowledgement. When we become thankful, we do not compare ourselves to others. Thus, it helps us acknowledge our own achievements and blessings and remain content.

How to Practice Gratitude

There are a lot of ways through which we can practice gratitude. Some of the most effective ones include making a note of every good thing which happens to us every day. Moreover, also note the people behind it.

This will help you to return the favour at an appropriate time. Never forget to return this favour as they deserve it too. Moreover, always make sure to appreciate everything in life ranging from nature to animals .

We are lucky enough to have animals, green plants, fresh air and much more. Thus, never stop acknowledging the importance of these essential things. Moreover, always remember to say thank you to different community helpers.

It can be anyone, whether your gardener or sweeper or even the police officers. Make sure you thank them for their service whenever it is possible for you. Remember that to wake up every day is no less than a blessing itself.

So, make sure to be grateful for a new day and thank the almighty for making you wiser and stronger with each passing day. Most importantly, try to avoid complaining about things when they don’t go your way. You don’t know about the blessing behind it.

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Conclusion of Gratitude Essay

All in all, gratitude is the most essential human expression which proves that humans are sensible and have emotions. Moreover, this emotion does not just limit to humans but also animals. Often, we see then express their gratitude and return the favour. Thus, we must always express our gratitude.

FAQ of Gratitude Essay

Question 1: Why is gratitude important?

Answer 1: Gratitude is strongly and constantly connected with greater happiness. It is what helps people feel more positive emotions, appreciate good experiences, advance their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

Question 2: How can gratitude change your life?

Answer 2: Gratitude can change your life as it makes you appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t have. It can change your life  because it is the single most powerful source of inspiration that any individual can tap into if they simply stop and pay attention to the simplistic beauty and miracle of life.

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Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

Why Gratitude Is Good

With Thanksgiving approaching, we’ll all soon be taking time to acknowledge what we’re grateful for. It’s a nice gesture, of course, but why do we do it? What good is gratitude?

For more than a decade, I’ve been studying the effects of gratitude on physical health, on psychological well-being, and on our relationships with others.

In a series of studies, my colleagues and I have helped people systematically cultivate gratitude , usually by keeping a “gratitude journal” in which they regularly record the things for which they’re grateful.

gratitude essay 1000 words

Gratitude journals and other gratitude practices often seem so simple and basic; in our studies, we often have people keep gratitude journals for just three weeks. And yet the results have been overwhelming. We’ve studied more than one thousand people, from ages eight to 80, and found that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits:

  • Stronger immune systems
  • Less bothered by aches and pains
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Exercise more and take better care of their health
  • Sleep longer and feel more refreshed upon waking


  • Higher levels of positive emotions
  • More alert, alive, and awake
  • More joy and pleasure
  • More optimism and happiness
  • More helpful, generous, and compassionate
  • More forgiving
  • More outgoing
  • Feel less lonely and isolated.

The social benefits are especially significant here because, after all, gratitude is a social emotion. I see it as a relationship-strengthening emotion because it requires us to see how we’ve been supported and affirmed by other people.

Indeed, this cuts to very heart of my definition of gratitude, which has two components. First, it’s an affirmation of goodness. We affirm that there are good things in the world, gifts and benefits we’ve received. This doesn’t mean that life is perfect; it doesn’t ignore complaints, burdens, and hassles. But when we look at life as a whole, gratitude encourages us to identify some amount of goodness in our life.

The second part of gratitude is figuring out where that goodness comes from. We recognize the sources of this goodness as being outside of ourselves. It didn’t stem from anything we necessarily did ourselves in which we might take pride. We can appreciate positive traits in ourselves, but I think true gratitude involves a humble dependence on others: We acknowledge that other people—or even higher powers, if you’re of a spiritual mindset—gave us many gifts, big and small, to help us achieve the goodness in our lives.

What good is gratitude?

So what’s really behind our research results—why might gratitude have these transformative effects on people’s lives?

I think there are several important reasons, but I want to highlight four in particular.

1. Gratitude allows us to celebrate the present. It magnifies positive emotions.

Research on emotion shows that positive emotions wear off quickly. Our emotional systems like newness. They like novelty. They like change. We adapt to positive life circumstances so that before too long, the new car, the new spouse, the new house—they don’t feel so new and exciting anymore.

But gratitude makes us appreciate the value of something, and when we appreciate the value of something, we extract more benefits from it; we’re less likely to take it for granted.

In effect, I think gratitude allows us to participate more in life. We notice the positives more, and that magnifies the pleasures you get from life. Instead of adapting to goodness, we celebrate goodness. We spend so much time watching things—movies, computer screens, sports—but with gratitude we become greater participants in our lives as opposed to spectators.

gratitude essay 1000 words

The Gratitude Project

What if we didn't take good things for granted? Learn how gratitude can lead to a better life—and a better world—in this new GGSC book.

2. Gratitude blocks toxic, negative emotions , such as envy, resentment, regret—emotions that can destroy our happiness. There’s even recent evidence, including a 2008 study by psychologist Alex Wood in the Journal of Research in Personality , showing that gratitude can reduce the frequency and duration of episodes of depression.

This makes sense: You cannot feel envious and grateful at the same time. They’re incompatible feelings. If you’re grateful, you can’t resent someone for having something that you don’t. Those are very different ways of relating to the world, and sure enough, research I’ve done with colleagues Michael McCullough and Jo-Ann Tsang has suggested that people who have high levels of gratitude have low levels of resentment and envy.

3. Grateful people are more stress resistant . There’s a number of studies showing that in the face of serious trauma, adversity, and suffering, if people have a grateful disposition, they’ll recover more quickly. I believe gratitude gives people a perspective from which they can interpret negative life events and help them guard against post-traumatic stress and lasting anxiety.

4. Grateful people have a higher sense of self-worth . I think that’s because when you’re grateful, you have the sense that someone else is looking out for you—someone else has provided for your well-being, or you notice a network of relationships, past and present, of people who are responsible for helping you get to where you are right now.

Once you start to recognize the contributions that other people have made to your life—once you realize that other people have seen the value in you—you can transform the way you see yourself.

Challenges to gratitude

Just because gratitude is good doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Practicing gratitude can be at odds with some deeply ingrained psychological tendencies.

One is the “self-serving bias.” That means that when good things happen to us, we says it’s because of something we did, but when bad things happen, we blame other people or circumstances.

Gratitude really goes against the self-serving bias because when we’re grateful, we give credit to other people for our success. We accomplished some of it ourselves, yes, but we widen our range of attribution to also say, “Well, my parents gave me this opportunity.” Or, “I had teachers. I had mentors. I had siblings, peers—other people assisted me along the way.” That’s very different from a self-serving bias.

Gratitude also goes against our need to feel in control of our environment. Sometimes with gratitude you just have to accept life as it is and be grateful for what you have.

Finally, gratitude contradicts the “just-world” hypothesis, which says that we get what we deserve in life. Good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad people. But it doesn’t always work out that way, does it? Bad things happen to good people and vice versa.

With gratitude comes the realization that we get more than we deserve. I’ll never forget the comment by a man at a talk I gave on gratitude. “It’s a good thing we don’t get what we deserve,” he said. “I’m grateful because I get far more than I deserve.”

This goes against a message we get a lot in our contemporary culture: that we deserve the good fortune that comes our way, that we’re entitled to it. If you deserve everything, if you’re entitled to everything, it makes it a lot harder to be grateful for anything.

Cultivating gratitude

Partly because these challenges to gratitude can be so difficult to overcome, I get asked a lot about how we can go beyond just occasionally feeling more grateful to actually becoming a more grateful person.

I detail many steps for cultivating gratitude in my book Thanks! , and summarize many of them in this Greater Good article . I should add, though, that despite the fact that I’ve been studying gratitude for 11 years and know all about it, I still find that I have to put a lot of conscious effort into practicing gratitude. In fact, my wife says, “How is it that you’re supposed to be this huge expert on gratitude? You’re the least grateful person I know!” Well, she has a point because it’s easy to lapse into the negativity mindset. But these are some of the specific steps I like to recommend for overcoming the challenges to gratitude.

First is to keep a gratitude journal, as I’ve had people do in my experiments. This can mean listing just five things for which you’re grateful every week. This practice works, I think, because it consciously, intentionally focuses our attention on developing more grateful thinking and on eliminating ungrateful thoughts. It helps guard against taking things for granted; instead, we see gifts in life as new and exciting. I do believe that people who live a life of pervasive thankfulness really do experience life differently than people who cheat themselves out of life by not feeling grateful.

Similarly, another gratitude exercise is to practice counting your blessings on a regular basis, maybe first thing in the morning, maybe in the evening. What are you grateful for today? You don’t have to write them down on paper.

gratitude essay 1000 words

Gratitude Practice for Nurses

offers research-based strategies to support your well-being and help build a culture of gratitude in your organization.

More on Gratitude

Watch videos of Robert Emmons discussing the power of gratitude.

Check out Emmons' list of "10 Ways to Become More Grateful" --and print it for your refrigerator!

Read Christine Carter's Raising Happiness post about how to encourage teenagers to practice gratitude.

Learn more about the science of gratitude in Emmons' book, Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier .

You can also use concrete reminders to practice gratitude, which can be particularly effective in working with children, who aren’t abstract thinkers like adults are. For instance, I read about a woman in Vancouver whose family developed this practice of putting money in “gratitude jars.” At the end of the day, they emptied their pockets and put spare change in those jars. They had a regular reminder, a routine, to get them to focus on gratitude. Then, when the jar became full, they gave the money in it to a needy person or a good cause within their community.

Practices like this can not only teach children the importance of gratitude but can show that gratitude impels people to “pay it forward”—to give to others in some measure like they themselves have received.

Finally, I think it’s important to think outside of the box when it comes to gratitude. Mother Theresa talked about how grateful she was to the people she was helping, the sick and dying in the slums of Calcutta, because they enabled her to grow and deepen her spirituality. That’s a very different way of thinking about gratitude—gratitude for what we can give as opposed to what we receive. But that can be a very powerful way, I think, of cultivating a sense of gratitude.

About the Author

Headshot of Robert Emmons

Robert Emmons

University of california, davis.

Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D. , is the world's leading scientific expert on gratitude. He is a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, and the founding editor-in-chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology . He is the author of the books Gratitude Works!: A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity and Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier .

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It’s true - counting our blessings is a great way to be happier. Sometimes we focus too much on what we don’t have instead of what we do have. Excellent, excellent article!

Steven | 3:43 pm, November 21, 2010 | Link

Exactly like Steven said Sometimes we focus too much on what we don’t have instead of what we do have.

Sometimes we always being negative towards our selfs.

asalah | 9:48 pm, September 24, 2011 | Link

Such a wonderful wake up call this article gives. I have spent so many years dealing with anxiety and stress thinking of so many different ways to overcome my demons but the simple notion of Gratitude is so powerful and enlightening. I vow to become an enriched, happier individual by practicing the techniques of this article and look forward to a more fulfilling life chock full of gratitude, faith and hope.

Sandra | 6:05 pm, February 20, 2012 | Link



Essay on Gratitude

Narayan Bista

Introduction to Gratitude

Gratitude, a profound and transformative emotion, is key to unlocking a myriad of positive impacts on our well-being. In a world often characterized by haste and challenges, cultivating gratitude emerges as a beacon of light. Gratitude is more than just a fleeting feeling; it is a practice that can improve resilience, empathy, and overall well-being. This essay will examine the value of gratitude and how it affects our lives on a psychological, cultural, and individual level. We will examine how gratitude can enrich our lives by allowing us to appreciate the big and small blessings we encounter.

Essay on Gratitude

The Importance of Practicing Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a powerful remedy for discontentment. It is an intentional practice that significantly improves our lives.

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  • Positive Effects on Mental Health: Researchers have linked gratitude to numerous mental health benefits. Numerous studies have demonstrated that those who actively practice gratitude express being less stressed, anxious, and depressed. By redirecting attention from what is lacking to what is present, gratitude fosters a positive outlook, contributing to emotional well-being and resilience.
  • Impact on Emotional Well-being: Positive emotions intricately connect to the practice of gratitude. Regular acknowledgment of the good in one’s life cultivates a sense of joy, contentment, and fulfillment. It protects against unfavorable feelings by causing people to see things differently and concentrate on the positive parts of their experiences.
  • Enhanced Relationships: Gratitude serves as a relational glue, strengthening bonds between individuals. When expressed genuinely, gratitude fosters a sense of connection, trust, and mutual appreciation. In both personal and professional relationships, acknowledging the contributions and support of others creates a positive feedback loop, promoting a harmonious and supportive environment.
  • Fostering Empathy and Compassion: Practicing gratitude benefits the individual expressing thanks and creates a ripple effect in social dynamics. Recognizing and appreciating others’ kindness promotes empathy and compassion, contributing to a more compassionate and interconnected society.
  • Improved Physical Health: Beyond its psychological and emotional benefits, researchers have associated gratitude with positive physical health outcomes. Individuals who regularly practice gratitude may experience lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and better overall health.

Historical Significance

From ancient civilizations to modern societies, expressions of gratitude have been woven into the fabric of human interaction, serving as a fundamental aspect of social cohesion and moral virtue.

  • Ancient Civilizations: In ancient cultures like Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, gratitude intertwined with religious and spiritual practices. People made offerings and sacrifices to gods and deities as expressions of thanksgiving for blessings received. Ancient texts and inscriptions abound with hymns and prayers of gratitude, highlighting its central importance in the lives of individuals and communities.
  • Philosophical Teachings: Gratitude was prominent in the philosophical teachings of ancient thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics. For these philosophers, gratitude was a social nicety and a moral virtue essential for leading a virtuous and fulfilling life. Gratitude was viewed as a sign of humility, acknowledging one’s dependence on others and the interconnectedness of human existence.
  • Religious Traditions: Virtually every major religious tradition strongly emphasizes gratitude as a cornerstone of spiritual practice. In Christianity, believers extol gratitude as a virtue that reflects an individual’s recognition of God’s grace and providence. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of shukr (gratitude) to deepen one’s relationship with Allah and foster contentment with one’s circumstances.
  • Cultural Practices: Rites and ceremonies dedicated to expressing gratitude have been commonplace across cultures and civilizations. Harvest festivals, religious ceremonies, and communal gatherings serve as occasions for individuals to come together and give thanks for the abundance of nature, the support of the community, and the blessings of life.
  • Literary and Artistic Expressions: Throughout history, gratitude has found expression in literature, art, and music. Poets, writers, and artists have sought to capture the essence of gratitude in their works, celebrating the beauty of the natural world, the joys of human relationships, and the wonders of existence itself.

Gratitude and Personal Growth

Gratitude catalyzes profound personal growth, fostering a mindset that cultivates resilience, self-awareness, and a deeper connection with oneself and others. The relationship between gratitude and personal growth is dynamic, creating a transformative journey that unfolds in various dimensions:

  • Mindset Shift: Gratitude initiates a fundamental shift in mindset from focusing on what is lacking to appreciating what is present. This change in perspective is foundational for personal growth, as it allows individuals to approach challenges with optimism, view setbacks as opportunities for learning, and embrace a positive outlook on life.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: Practicing gratitude encourages self-reflection and heightened self-awareness. As individuals express gratitude for their experiences, achievements, and relationships, they develop a deeper understanding of their values, strengths, and areas for growth. This self-awareness becomes a compass for personal development and meaningful goal-setting.
  • Resilience in Adversity: Gratitude contributes to emotional resilience by encouraging individuals to find silver linings even in difficult circumstances. People who practice gratitude can better handle setbacks with a resilient attitude instead of giving in to negativity during difficult times. This resilience becomes a cornerstone for personal growth and overcoming obstacles.
  • Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: The practice of gratitude nurtures emotional intelligence by fostering an appreciation for one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. As individuals express gratitude for supportive relationships and positive experiences, they develop empathy, self-regulation, and effective interpersonal skills—all essential components of emotional intelligence that contribute to personal growth.
  • Cultivation of Positive Habits: Regularly expressing appreciation becomes a habit that shapes behavior, encouraging individuals to actively seek out positive experiences, engage in acts of kindness, and maintain a positive mindset. These habits contribute to personal growth by reinforcing positive thinking and behavior patterns.
  • Deeper Connection with Others: Gratitude strengthens social bonds, leading to a deeper connection. As individuals express appreciation for the contributions of friends, family, and colleagues, they cultivate a sense of belonging and mutual support. These meaningful connections provide a foundation for personal growth through shared experiences, collaboration, and collective learning.
  • Goal Setting and Achievement: Gratitude plays a role in goal setting by helping individuals align their aspirations with their values. As individuals express gratitude for their progress and accomplishments, they clarify their priorities and the direction they want to pursue. This alignment facilitates more purposeful goal setting and a pathway to personal growth .
  • Cultivating a Growth Mindset: Since individuals can develop their skills through work and education, gratitude and a growth mindset go hand in hand. When individuals express gratitude for opportunities to learn and grow, they embrace challenges as stepping stones rather than obstacles. This growth mindset becomes a driving force behind continuous personal development .

Gratitude in Relationships

Gratitude is a cornerstone of healthy and fulfilling relationships, fostering connection, appreciation, and mutual support between individuals. Whether in friendships, romantic partnerships, family dynamics, or professional collaborations, the practice of gratitude enriches the quality of relationships in numerous ways:

  • Strengthening Bonds: Expressing gratitude strengthens the emotional bonds between individuals. The connection and commitment to a relationship strengthen when people feel their contributions are respected and appreciated. Gratitude creates a positive feedback loop, nurturing trust and intimacy over time.
  • Enhancing Communication: Gratitude fosters open and positive communication within relationships. When individuals express appreciation for each other’s efforts, it encourages constructive dialogue and reinforces a culture of respect and understanding. Effective communication becomes the cornerstone for resolving conflicts and navigating challenges together.
  • Promoting Empathy and Understanding: Gratitude cultivates empathy and understanding between individuals by encouraging them to recognize and acknowledge each other’s perspectives and experiences. When individuals express gratitude for the support and kindness they receive, it fosters a deeper understanding of each other’s needs and emotions.
  • Creating a Culture of Appreciation: Establishing a culture of appreciation within relationships creates an environment where individuals feel seen, heard, and valued. Regular expressions of gratitude for big and small gestures foster a sense of validation and validation, nurturing a positive emotional climate that strengthens the relationship’s foundation.
  • Building Resilience: Gratitude plays a crucial role in building resilience within relationships. Expressing gratitude during challenging times reinforces their bond and collective ability to overcome obstacles. When people go through difficult times together and express gratitude, they become stronger and more resilient, enabling them to face challenges head-on.
  • Fostering Forgiveness and Resolving Conflicts: Gratitude promotes forgiveness and conflict resolution within relationships. Expressing gratitude for each other’s efforts to repair and reconcile after conflicts fosters forgiveness and understanding. Gratitude helps shift focus from past grievances to the present moment, paving the way for healing and renewed connection.
  • Deepening Intimacy and Romance: In romantic relationships, gratitude enhances intimacy and romance by creating moments of appreciation and affection. Expressing gratitude for each other’s love, support, and presence strengthens the emotional bond and deepens the romantic connection. Gratitude serves as a reminder of the value and significance of the relationship in each other’s lives.
  • Fostering Teamwork and Collaboration: In professional relationships and collaborations, gratitude promotes teamwork and collaboration by recognizing and celebrating individual contributions to shared goals and objectives. When colleagues express gratitude for each other’s expertise and efforts, it enhances the team’s morale, motivation, and productivity.

Different Cultural and Spiritual Contexts

The practice of gratitude transcends cultural and spiritual boundaries, manifesting in various forms across diverse traditions worldwide. While the expressions and rituals may differ, the underlying theme of recognizing and appreciating blessings remains a universal aspect of the human experience.

Here’s a glimpse into how different cultural and spiritual contexts weave gratitude into their fabric:

  • Eastern Philosophies: In Eastern philosophies like Buddhism and Hinduism, karma, dharma, and connection interweave with gratitude. Viewing gratitude as a natural response to the interconnected web of relationships and experiences that shape one’s life is common. Practices such as mindfulness meditation and offerings of thanks during rituals embody the spirit of gratitude and reverence for the interconnectedness of all beings.
  • Indigenous Traditions: Indigenous cultures often incorporate gratitude into ceremonies, rituals, and daily life. Expressions of gratitude for the land, nature, ancestors, and communal bonds are integral to these traditions. Gratitude serves to honor the interconnected relationship between humans and the natural world.
  • Abrahamic Religions: In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, expressions of gratitude occur through prayer, thanksgiving rituals, and acts of charity. Gratitude toward the divine is a central theme, with believers expressing thanks for blessings and seeking guidance during challenges. The concept of “Barakah” in Islam emphasizes the importance of gratitude for the abundance provided by Allah.
  • Confucianism and Taoism: In Confucianism, emphasizing gratitude as a fundamental virtue underpins harmonious societal relationships. Filial piety, a key Confucian value, entails showing gratitude and respect to parents, ancestors, and elders. Taoist philosophy encourages gratitude for the natural order of the universe and the flow of life, cultivating acceptance and contentment with the present moment.
  • African Traditions: Various African cultures express gratitude through ceremonies, dance, and communal rituals. Communities honor ancestors and extend gratitude to the land, spirits, and the community that connects individuals. The Ubuntu philosophy, emphasizing interconnectedness, underscores the importance of gratitude in fostering community bonds.
  • Japanese Culture: In Japanese culture, “on” or indebtedness is intertwined with gratitude. Social interactions deeply ingrain expressions of thanks, and rituals like gift-giving and bowing convey appreciation. The Shinto tradition involves rituals of gratitude for nature, ancestors, and spirits.
  • Native American Traditions: Indigenous peoples in North and South America incorporate gratitude into ceremonies, dances, and storytelling. Expressions of thanks for the earth, animals, and the interconnected web of life are integral to their spiritual practices. People see gratitude as a reciprocal relationship with nature.
  • Sikhism: In Sikhism, expressing gratitude occurs through daily prayers of thanks and appreciation for the divine teachings of Guru Nanak. “Dhan Dhan” emphasizes acknowledging and being grateful for the divine grace and blessings in one’s life.

Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude is a deliberate practice that involves actively incorporating moments of appreciation and acknowledgment into daily life. By adopting intentional strategies, individuals can nurture a mindset of gratitude that extends beyond occasional thankfulness to become a transformative and ongoing aspect of their lives.

  • Keep a Gratitude Journal: Start a daily or weekly gratitude journal where you record things you are thankful for. Reflect on big and small blessings, from significant achievements to simple pleasures. Writing down moments of gratitude helps anchor positive experiences in your consciousness.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate awareness and presence in the current moment through mindfulness. Paying attention to your surroundings, sensations, and experiences without judgment allows you to appreciate the richness of life. Mindfulness helps shift focus from past regrets or future worries to the present, fostering gratitude for the “now.”
  • Express Gratitude to Others: Take the time to express your appreciation to those around you verbally or in writing. Whether it’s a friend, family member, colleague, or even a stranger who made a positive impact, expressing gratitude benefits others and enhances your sense of connection and well-being.
  • Create a Gratitude Jar: Start a gratitude jar where you can place written notes expressing moments of gratitude. This tangible representation serves as a visual reminder of the positive aspects of your life. Periodically revisit the notes to reinforce a sense of appreciation.
  • Gratitude Rituals: Integrate gratitude into your daily routine through rituals. Whether it’s saying thanks before meals, expressing gratitude before bedtime, or incorporating moments of reflection during your morning routine, establishing rituals reinforces the habit of recognizing and appreciating positive aspects of life.
  • Shift Perspective in Challenges: In adversity, consciously shift your perspective by seeking lessons or silver linings. Even under challenging circumstances, individuals can cultivate gratitude by viewing obstacles as opportunities for development and education.
  • Acts of Kindness: Do good deeds for people without anticipating anything in return. Contributing positively to someone else’s life fosters a sense of connection and fulfillment, reinforcing gratitude for the ability to make a positive impact.
  • Gratitude Meditation: Incorporate gratitude into meditation practices. Dedicate a few minutes daily to focus on things you are grateful for, cultivating a sense of appreciation and tranquility.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate personal achievements and milestones. Whether big or small, recognizing your accomplishments fosters gratitude for your abilities, efforts, and journey.
  • Limit Complaints: Challenge yourself to limit complaints and reframe challenges as opportunities for growth. This shift in mindset encourages a more positive outlook and enhances gratitude for the ability to overcome obstacles.

Overcoming Challenges in Gratitude Practice

While the benefits of cultivating gratitude are substantial, integrating this practice into daily life may pose challenges, especially in the face of adversity or ingrained negative thought patterns. Recognizing and addressing these obstacles is essential for fostering a sustainable attitude of gratitude.

  • Negativity Bias: Negativity bias is the term used to describe the way the human brain is wired to concentrate more on negative than positive situations. Overcoming this bias requires consciously redirecting attention toward positive aspects of life. Practice mindfulness and cognitive reframing techniques to challenge negative thoughts and cultivate a more balanced perspective.
  • Cultural Influences: Cultural norms and societal pressures may downplay the importance of gratitude or emphasize individual achievement over appreciation for collective support. Counteract these influences by actively seeking out and celebrating moments of gratitude within your cultural context. Surround yourself with individuals who value gratitude and encourage its practice.
  • Comparison Trap: Constant comparison to others’ achievements or material possessions can breed feelings of inadequacy and diminish gratitude for what one already has. Combat the comparison trap by focusing on personal growth and progress rather than external benchmarks. Embrace a mindset of sufficiency, recognizing that true fulfillment comes from within, not from external validation.
  • Consistency Challenges: Maintaining a consistent gratitude practice can be challenging amidst the busyness of daily life. Make sure your routine and goals are in line with your lifestyle. Whether dedicating a few minutes each morning or keeping a gratitude journal before bedtime, find a practice that feels sustainable and meaningful to you.
  • Lack of Awareness: Sometimes, a lack of awareness or attention causes people to miss blessings or good experiences. Cultivate a habit of paying attention to the present moment and actively seeking out moments of gratitude throughout the day. Engage your senses and savor the small pleasures that often go unnoticed.
  • Feeling Unworthy: Individuals may struggle with unworthiness or guilt when acknowledging blessings in their lives, especially if they perceive others as less fortunate. Remember that experiencing gratitude does not diminish empathy for others’ struggles; instead, it amplifies compassion and motivates acts of kindness and service.
  • Unrealistic Expectations: Sometimes, individuals may expect gratitude to bring immediate and dramatic changes to their lives. Understand that cultivating gratitude is a gradual process that requires patience and persistence. Focus on the journey rather than the destination, embracing small victories and incremental progress.
  • Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself on your gratitude journey. Understand that obstacles and setbacks are normal parts of the process. Practice self-compassion and self-kindness, acknowledging your efforts and celebrating moments of growth, however small they may seem.

Real-World Case Studies

Here are a few examples:

  • Google’s “Search Inside Yourself” Program: Google’s “Search Inside Yourself” program integrates mindfulness and emotional intelligence training into its workplace culture. Part of the program emphasizes cultivating gratitude to enhance employee well-being and productivity. Employees report feeling more engaged, resilient, and connected to their colleagues through workshops and practices like gratitude journaling and appreciation circles.
  • The Gratitude Visit Experiment: Martin Seligman conducted a study wherein participants wrote and delivered letters expressing gratitude to someone who significantly impacted their lives. The study revealed that those who completed the gratitude visit experienced a substantial increase in happiness and a decrease in depressive symptoms. This experiment demonstrated the profound impact of gratitude on mental and emotional well-being.
  • The University of California, Davis Gratitude Project: The University of California, Davis conducted research. Participants maintained a gratitude journal for two weeks and wrote about three daily things they were grateful for. The results showed that participants who practiced gratitude reported higher happiness levels, improved sleep quality, and greater overall well-being than the control group. This study highlights the tangible benefits of incorporating gratitude practices into daily life.
  • The Impact of Gratitude in Healthcare: Practicing gratitude can improve patient outcomes and provider well-being. Studies have demonstrated that expressing gratitude towards patients can strengthen the therapeutic relationship, increase patient satisfaction, and improve treatment adherence. Additionally, healthcare providers who practice gratitude report lower levels of burnout and greater job satisfaction.
  • The Gratitude Movement in Education: Schools and educational institutions worldwide incorporate gratitude practices into their curriculum to promote social-emotional learning and student well-being. Research has demonstrated that implementing gratitude interventions in schools can lead to positive outcomes, including improved academic performance, reduced behavioral problems, and stronger social connections among students and teachers.

Gratitude emerges as a transformative force that enriches every facet of our lives. Through its practice, we unlock the profound potential for personal growth, resilience, and interconnectedness. Practicing gratitude regularly, we develop a positive outlook that strengthens bonds with others, improves mental health, and propels us toward fulfillment. With each expression of thanks, we contribute to a ripple effect of kindness and positivity that reverberates through our communities, shaping a brighter and more compassionate world.

Test your Gratitude

Choose the response that best reflects your likely reaction in each scenario:

1. You encounter unexpected traffic on your way to an important meeting. How do you react?

  • Frustration and annoyance, dwelling on being late.
  • Mild annoyance, but you try to stay calm and accept the situation.
  • Acceptance of the delay, using the time to reflect on positive aspects.
  • Gratitude for the opportunity to listen to a podcast or enjoy the scenery.

2. A colleague praises your work on a project. What is your immediate response?

  • Downplay the compliment, attributing success to luck or external factors.
  • Express a modest “thank you” but feel a bit uncomfortable.
  • Graciously accept the compliment, recognizing your effort.
  • Feel genuinely grateful for the acknowledgment and express appreciation.

3. You face a setback or failure in a personal goal. What is your initial reaction?

  • Disappointment and dwelling on the failure.
  • Frustration but quickly seeking solutions.
  • Acceptance of the situation, seeking lessons and growth.
  • Gratitude for the opportunity to learn and improve.

4. Someone offers to help you with a task you find challenging. How do you respond?

  • Decline the help, feeling like you should handle it alone.
  • Accept the help reluctantly, feeling a bit indebted.
  • Accept the help with gratitude, recognizing the support.
  • Feel genuinely grateful and express sincere appreciation.

5. You receive a thoughtful and unexpected gift from a friend. Your immediate reaction is:

  • Wondering what they want in return.
  • Feeling a bit uncomfortable with the attention.
  • Appreciating the gesture and expressing thanks.
  • Feeling deeply grateful and touched by their kindness.

6. Your plans for a weekend getaway get canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. Your reaction is:

  • Frustration and disappointment, dwelling on the missed opportunity.
  • Acceptance of the situation, looking for alternative plans.
  • Gratitude for the chance to rest and relax at home.
  • Excitement about unexpected free time and new possibilities.
  • Mostly A’s: There may be opportunities to cultivate a more grateful mindset in challenging situations. Consider exploring gratitude practices to shift your perspective.
  • Mostly B’s: You have some elements of gratitude, but there’s room for growth. Focus on acknowledging and appreciating positive aspects in various circumstances.
  • Mostly C’s: You exhibit a healthy level of gratitude in various situations. Continue embracing and enhancing this positive mindset.
  • Mostly D’s: Congratulations! Your responses reflect a strong gratitude mindset. Keep nurturing and sharing this positive outlook in different aspects of your life.


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Be Grateful Essay

Gratitude can change your life by teaching you to appreciate what you have rather than what you don't. Experiencing gratitude is a wonderful way to improve our lives. It describes the attitude of being grateful and showing appreciation for all the good things in life. Here are a few sample essays on ‘Gratitude’ for students of all classes can refer while writing their school assignments and projects.

100 Words Essay On Gratitude

200 words essay on gratitude, 500 words essay on gratitude.

Be Grateful Essay

In today’s uncertain times, being grateful for one’s surroundings is imperative. In the pursuit to move ahead in life, we often forget to express gratitude. This leads to a degree of dissatisfaction in one’s life. Being grateful can mean different things to different people; for some, it may involve expressing gratitude and for others, it may include writing their feelings or verbalising their feelings. Gratefulness allows a person to have a free mind and operate from a position of abundance, it changes the frame of mind. Greater happiness is consistently and firmly linked to gratitude. It is what enables people to appreciate experiences, feel more positive emotions, improve their health, and build solid relationships.

Practising gratitude can be a life changing experience if practised actively. Operating from a mindset of being grateful and counting your blessings puts you in a position of power in any interaction you might have. When you are experiencing gratitude, you express your appreciation for something or someone in your life by being kind, pleasant, and generous in various ways. Being grateful in life is essential because it helps people to appreciate and balance the good and bad while working to improve each day over the last one.

How To Feel Grateful | The first step to being grateful is to realise how we are a product of our surroundings, we are a product of our work and the work we actively put into developing ourselves. It is difficult to be grateful for your own actions and yourself. Once you develop the habit of gratitude consciously within yourself, you shift your world view and allow yourself to be aware of the progress you are making. As with everything, this practice needs time to be cultivated to your being. One of the most effective ways of developing this habit is by journaling your thoughts and identifying times where you are grateful to yourself and to others. As time passes, this will become second nature to you which will allow you to be at peace with yourself.

The key to leading a happy, fulfilling life is to practise gratitude. Even when you feel like nothing positive has occurred, consider the less complicated aspects of life, such as having a meal, a bed to sleep in, or even waking up to a new day. When life becomes too difficult, being grateful might help you direct your attention toward something more uplifting and lighten your load.

How To Practise Gratitude

There are many approaches for us to express our gratitude. Making a list of every positive thing that occurs to us each day is among the most beneficial ones. Also, it's important to take note of who is responsible for it. This will make it easier for you to repay the favour at the proper moment. Don't forget to reciprocate the favour since they deserve it as well.

3 Things Each Day | Every day, make it a habit of writing down 3 things that you are grateful for. It could be anything small or big. You don't have to elaborate but just recall at the end of the day any 3 things that made you happy. For instance—friends, family and nature.

Appreciate Daily Comforts | We don’t realise what we have until we lose it. We often take our everyday comforts for granted and that is why it’s important to recognise and appreciate what you have— a warm bed to sleep in, a healthy body, family to come home to. It's remarkable what you notice when you give gratitude your full attention.

Create A Journal Of Gratitude | It is more probable that we will notice nice things as they happen if we make a commitment to write down pleasant things every day. So, make a ritual of writing down in your gratitude journal weekly or bi-weekly.

Advantages Of Gratitude

Gratitude frees us from toxic, unfavourable feelings and the rumination that frequently goes along with them. Our attention is "shifted" when we write a letter, enabling us to concentrate on pleasant feelings.

Writing a gratitude letter has advantages that get stronger over time. Daily or weekly practices may not immediately yield results, but after a few weeks and months, it will.

Gratitude encourages appreciation and lessens comparisons. We stop comparing ourselves to others when we are grateful. As a result, it assists in our acceptance of our own successes and blessings and promotes contentment.

Things I Am Grateful For

It was only during the time of COVID-19 pandemic that I came to realise what it felt like to be grateful. I expressed my appreciation for my family and friends for being there every step of the way. I contracted COVID-19 and it took me quite some time to recover. My family, even though, could not be in close proximity, took care of me and made sure I was feeling better at the end of the day. My friends video called me every day and spent time with me virtually. I also realised how I took everyday comforts for granted—such as shelter, good food, clothes. People were struggling to make their ends meet during the pandemic and I had the comfort of staying at home and also earning a living. It was after 2020 that I started maintaining a gratitude journal and also contributed to society through social work.

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Essays about Gratitude

Gratitude Essay 1 (100 words)

Gratitude essay 2 (200 words).

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Gratitude Essay 3 (300 words)

Gratitude essay 4 (400 words), introduction, advantages of gratitude, how to practice gratitude, gratitude essay 5 (500 words), what is gratitude, importance of gratitude, how to practice gratitude at college.

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal to write down things you are thankful for each day. It could be as simple as a good grade, a helpful classmate, or a beautiful sunset. This practice helps to shift your focus from stressors to positive aspects.
  • Express Appreciation: Don’t hesitate to thank your professors, classmates, and others who make a difference. Expressing gratitude enhances relationships and fosters a positive environment.
  • Mindful Moments: Incorporate mindfulness into your routine. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the experiences you’re grateful for. This can be done during a quiet morning or before bed.
  • Gratitude Meetings: Organize gratitude-sharing meetings with your friends or dorm-mates. Everyone can share what they're thankful for, cultivating a culture of appreciation.

Gratitude Essay 6 (600 words)

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Essays on Gratitude

<span data-sheets-value="{" data-sheets-userformat="{">We all feel gratitude sometimes, but how does one define it for purpose of a gratitude essay? Most essays on gratitude explain it as follows: if something turned out to be useful or helpful, we recognize and evaluate it with our positive thoughts, words, or actions. However, this description of gratitude often featured in gratitude essays is rather simplified. Our gratitude essay samples below provide a more complex definition – gratitude is a feeling and a state of being thankful for the kindness, care, attention, relations, help, and everything desirable. Note in your essay that a feeling of gratitude is the ability to see and acknowledge the good in people, in their actions, and the world. Gratitude should not always require a specific reason – we can choose to be grateful for waking up in the morning and being able to breathe and live. Take a look at samples of essays below for more insight on gratitude. </span>

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Essay on Gratitude

Gratitude is the feeling that compels you to return a favour and express gratefulness. It could arise for anyone – God, society, persons, animals, etc. In the essays below we will cover various topics on gratitude to help you understand the subject deeply.

Short and Long Essays on Gratitude in English

You can select anyone of the essays given below as per your requirement.

Gratitude Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) When people help us, the return thankful feeling for them is called gratitude.

2) “Gratus” is the root origin of the word gratitude which means thankful.

3) Gratitude helps in maintaining a good relationship.

4) Accepting and giving gratitude both make people happy.

5) Gratitude can be shown to family, friends, instructors, nature, animals, or God.

6) Gratitude encourages the helping nature in society.

7) Gratitude creates peace, unity, and harmony in society.

8) Gratitude helps us to remain happy by improving our quality of living.

9) Helping is a positive quality of humans that needs to be appreciated through gratitude.

10) Humans should always be grateful for life, resources, and help.

Essay on Gratitude 1 (250 Words) – Meaning and Importance of Gratitude


We all hear the word ‘gratitude’ too often in normal conversations or while reading a book, etc. In this essay, we will discuss the definition of gratitude and its importance.

What is Gratitude

In a lay man’s term, gratitude is the quality of expressing gratefulness to someone for an act of kindness or help. It is the same quality that lets you remember the kindness someone has shown for you and urges you to return the favour.

If you feel an urge to help back someone who has helped you; this feeling or longing is nothing but gratitude. It is only gratitude that compels you to say thank you or send a thank you note to your teacher.

Gratitude can be expressed to living beings as well as to God and nature. We can express our gratitude to the nature for providing us so many essential things – water, air, food, etc.

Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude is a very important quality that improves the quality of life, making the existence more sensible. It establishes social harmony and induces an environment where everyone is appreciating each other and providing support.

It also improves the quality of our personal lives and strengthens our bonds with family and friends. In a family where everyone is grateful to everyone, has a deep emotional attachment.

Gratitude is the best way to return the favor to society, nature, God, friends, relatives, and relatives for thousands of good things all of them have done to us.

Essay on Gratitude 2 (400 Words) – Advantages of Gratitude and How to Practice It

Gratitude is the feeling to be grateful for an act of kindness done onto you by someone. Being grateful also means that you should be willing to return the favour in whatever way possible. In the essay below we will go through some of the benefits of gratitude and the ways to practice it.

Advantages of Gratitude

Gratitude has several benefits on your personal as well as social life. I have listed below some of the important benefits of gratitude for your knowledge :

1) Strengthens Relationship

Gratitude strengthens your relationship with others. Being thankful is a wonderful feeling and an experience that strengthens the bonds between both the parties. It improves the trust factor and the feeling of being respected and acknowledged.

2) Makes You Happy

The quality of gratitude also makes you feel happy. When you express gratitude or receive it from someone, in both cases you feel happy for doing something good or for something good that has been done to you. Persons with gratitude are known to have reduced stress.

3) Makes the Society Sensible

A society that expresses gratitude for each other is the happiest and sensible society. People are considerate and never leave a chance to be thankful for others. A sensible society is bound to make progress in the right way.

4) Reduces Comparisons and Promote Acknowledgement

When you are thankful for others you don’t compare them on the basis of their financial status or other factors. You are just thankful to everyone and appreciate their achievements.

How to Practice Gratitude

There are some effective ways to practice gratitude that I will list below-

  • Make note of every good thing that happens to you every day and who was responsible for it.
  • Plan to return the favour at an appropriate time.
  • Appreciate everything – nature, animals, and plants around us and acknowledge their importance.
  • Say thanks to various community helpers – washerman, gardener, policeman, sweepers, etc, whenever possible.
  • While waking up every day, thank God for such a beautiful day.
  • Thank God again for all the day’s ordeals that have made you wiser and stronger.
  • Refrain from complaining about something or someone.

Gratitude is a wonderful and the most beautiful feeling that strengthens human psychology and society as well. A society where everyone is grateful is the happiest and the loveliest of all.

Essay on Gratitude

Essay on Gratitude 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Types of Gratitude and Their Use

Gratitude is that quality in you that lets you be thankful to someone for help. Showing gratitude means showing appreciation to the person who has helped you and be kind in return. It is a very important quality of humans and is essential when it comes to social recognition and harmony.

Types of Gratitude

There could be different types of gratitude depending on to whom it is expressed and for what; however, the basic feeling behind gratitude is the same in most cases and it is to be thankful.  Below I have mentioned some types of gratitude to the best of my understanding.

1) Gratitude Expressed to a Person

This is the gratitude that you express in your everyday interaction with others. We do a number of activities every day and interact with several people – colleagues, co-passengers, community helpers, etc. We interact with several parsons in a day and sometimes couldn’t even recall the nature of it. Many persons might be doing a simple act of kindness on us for which we should be thankful.

You should be thankful to that co-passenger of yours who shifted his/her seat so that you don’t have to travel standing or that vegetable vendor who just gave you extra vegetable; or a colleague who helped you in a critical meeting. These all are examples of simple acts of kindness that we should be grateful for. A simple thank you in return will do but what is more important is that you should remember their kindness and spread it.

2) Gratitude to the Almighty

This type of gratitude is expressed to God for all the good things happening in your life and the abundance of life providing elements around you. We should be thankful to the almighty for everything he has given us – food, water, air, soil, mountains, flowers, animals, waterfalls, clouds, etc the list could go on and on.

The point is that we should be thankful to God for giving us such a beautiful planet that abounds in food and beauty. We can express our gratitude to God by thanking him with folded hands before every meal or trying not to damage the beautiful earth or to harm any of the creatures that the almighty has created for us. We need to understand that the more we will be grateful to nature and God, the more they will shower us with abundance.

3) Gratitude to Family and Friends

This kind of gratitude is expressed to the closest people around you – family, friends, etc. They play an essential role in your life by giving love and support. It wouldn’t be able to go through the ups and downs of life, without the support of your family and friends. We should always keep this in mind and be grateful to our close ones.

Though they might not help us every day, they sure help us at times when we need help the most. We must always keep this in mind and be willing to return the gratitude when time demands. Sometimes, our physical presence and guidance, suggestions, etc might just be enough to return the favor. Being grateful to family and friends is an act that strengthens not only your personal relationship but also results in a happy and content society.

Gratitude is the most important human expression that proves that humans are sensible and have emotions. Not only humans but sometimes animals are also seen as expressing gratitude and returning a favor, which is as beautiful as it is surprising. We must always express gratitude whenever required and must also return the gesture whenever the opportunity arises.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Gratitude is the value that makes us feel thankful to others for their help.

Ans . Gratitude is a unique quality because it fills us with positivity and makes us happy.

Ans . We can express our gratitude to thank god and nature for providing us everything we need.

Ans . Gratitude is a powerful quality as it helps in strengthening the bond of relationships.

Ans . Gratitude has the power to turn every refusal to approval and therefore is a secret of happiness.

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Gratitude Essay

500+ words essay on be grateful.

During difficult times, it’s easy to feel frustrated or drained by life. Negative feelings and thoughts can creep in, which can make it difficult to see the positive things in life. However, one simple practice of gratitude can help to eliminate these feelings. We take a look at the importance of being grateful through this being grateful essay. Students can also use this essay to practise more essays on similar topics like gratitude, being grateful, being grateful etc. Doing so will improve their writing section and increase their scores in the English exam.

What is Gratitude?

The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness. The word gratitude encompasses all of these meanings. Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation or thanks. It is defined as “a sense of thankfulness and joy in response to receiving a gift, whether the gift is a tangible benefit from a specific other or a moment of peaceful bliss evoked by natural beauty”. With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives.

There are different ways of expressing one’s thanks. Gratitude is one such emotion. People feel and express gratitude in multiple ways. Some of them apply it to the past by retrieving positive memories and being thankful for elements of childhood or past blessings. Some people are grateful for the present as they do not take good fortune for granted. Some people show gratitude for the future as they hope for a better future and maintain an optimistic attitude.

Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude enhances the quality of life and makes existence more worth living. It opens the human heart and carries the urge to give back-to do something good in return, either for the person who helped us or for someone else. It establishes social harmony and creates an environment where everyone is appreciating and providing support to each other. It also improves the quality of personal lives and strengthens the bond with family and friends. Expressing gratitude keeps us happy, healthy and stress-free.

Feeling grateful reminds people of a joyous event, and expressing gratitude to others often strengthens relationships. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. When we are grateful for others, we do not compare ourselves with others based on their financial situation or other factors, we simply appreciate their achievements. Thus, it helps in elevating the feeling of comparison, jealousy and hate. Being grateful also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or supreme power.

How to Practise Gratitude

Everyone can benefit from making an effort to practise gratitude in day-to-day life. It can be achieved simply by paying attention to the good things that happen to us. We must appreciate and accept the importance of everything in nature and our surroundings. Also, we should not forget to return the favour at an appropriate time. Whenever possible, we should thank the people around us, who make our lives comfortable, such as washermen, gardeners, security guards, sweepers, delivery men, etc. We should make a habit of thanking God when we wake up in the morning and before sleeping at night.

Gratitude is the best way to return the favour to God, nature, society, friends and relatives for the thousands of good deeds that they do for us.

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Frequently asked Questions on Gratitude Essay

How to show gratitude towards others.

You can show gratitude by thanking people who help you and being courteous and friendly. You can iInvite people over for lunch/dinner to thank them for something they did for you. Always listen intently to what others are saying to show appreciation and care.

Why is showing gratitude so important?

Psychologists show that there is a positive impact on the brain and body of people who show gratitude.

What are the benefits of showing gratitude?

Showing gratitude helps in emotional regulation by reducing stress and burnout. It also increases your mental resilience because you are able to build meaningful relations with others.

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Essay on Gratitude is Great | Gratitude is Great Essay for Students and Children in English

May 18, 2023 by Prasanna

Essay on Gratitude is Great:  In a layman’s term, gratitude is the nature of communicating thankfulness to someone for a thoughtful gesture or help. A similar quality allows you to recall the graciousness someone has appeared for you and urges you to give back.

On the off chance that you want to help back someone who has encouraged you, this inclination or longing is only gratitude. It is only gratitude that propels you to say thank you or send a card to say thanks to your instructor. Gratitude can be communicated to living creatures just as to God and nature. We can offer our thanks to nature for giving us such countless fundamental things – water, air, food, and so forth.

Long and Short Essays on the Gratitude is Great for Students and Kids in English

We are providing the students with essay samples on an extended Essay on Gratitude is Great of 500 words and a Short Essay on Gratitude is Great of 150 words on the topic of Gratitude is Great.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long Essay on Gratitude is Great of 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Gratitude is Great is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Gratitude is that quality in you that leaves you alone grateful to someone for help. Showing gratitude implies showing appreciation to the person who has caused you and is thoughtful consequently. It is a vital nature of people and is fundamental with regards to social recognition and harmony. There could be various sorts of gratitude relying upon whom it is communicated and for what; in any case, the fundamental inclination behind gratitude is the equivalent in the vast majority of the cases. It is to be grateful.

This is the gratitude that you express in your ordinary interaction with others. We do various exercises each day and associate with a few groups – partners, co-travelers, local area assistants, etc. We collaborate with a few parsons in a day, and now and again couldn’t remember its idea. Numerous persons may be making a basic thoughtful gesture on us for which we ought to be grateful.

You ought to be appreciative to that co-traveller of yours who moved his/her seat, so you don’t need to travel standing or that vegetable merchant who just gave you additional vegetables; or a partner who caused you in a basic gathering. These all are instances of straightforward, thoughtful gestures that we ought to be appreciative of. A straightforward thank you will do, yet what is more significant is that you ought to recollect their generosity and spread it. This sort of gratitude is communicated to God for all the beneficial things occurring in your life and the bounty of life-giving components around you. We ought to be grateful to the omnipotent for all that he has given us – food, water, air, soil, mountains, blossoms, creatures, cascades, mists, and so on the list could continue endlessly.

The fact of the matter is that we ought to be grateful to God for giving us a particularly excellent planet with large amounts of food and magnificence. We can offer our thanks to God by saying thanks to him with collapsed hands before each dinner or doing whatever it takes not to harm the delightful earth or to hurt any of the animals that the omnipotent has made for us. We need to comprehend that the more we will appreciate nature and God, the more they will give us abundance.

This sort of gratitude is communicated to the nearest individuals around you – family, companions, and so forth. They assume a fundamental part of your life by giving affection and backing. It wouldn’t have the option to experience the high points and low points of life without your loved ones’ help. We ought to consistently remember this and be appreciative of our shut ones.

Even though they probably won’t help us consistently, yet they sure assist us on occasion when we need assistance the most. We should consistently remember this and return the gratitude when time requests. Some of the time, our actual presence and direction, suggestion, and so on may very well be sufficient to give back. Being appreciative to loved ones is a demonstration that reinforces your relationship and results in a cheerful and content society.

Short Essay on Gratitude is Great

Short Essay on Gratitude is Great of 150 Words In English

Short Essay on Gratitude is Great is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Gratitude is the main human expression that demonstrates that people are reasonable and have emotions. People and seen as offering thanks and restoring some help, which is however excellent as it seems to be surprising. We should, in every case, offer thanks at whatever point required and should likewise restore the motion at whatever point the chance arises. Gratitude fortifies your relationship with others.

Being grateful is a wonderful inclination and an encounter that reinforces the bonds between both gatherings. It improves the trust factor and the sensation of being regarded and recognized. The nature of gratitude likewise causes you to feel cheerful. At the point when you offer thanks or get it from someone, in the two cases, you feel glad for accomplishing something great or for something great that has been done to you.

Persons with gratitude are known to have diminished pressure. When you appreciate other people, you don’t analyse them based on their monetary status or different elements. You are only grateful to everyone and appreciate their accomplishments.

10 Lines on Gratitude is a Great Essay

  • Make a note of each beneficial thing that happens to you consistently and who was responsible for it.
  • Plan to give back in kind at a fitting time.
  • Value everything – nature, creatures, and plants around us and recognize their significance.
  • Express profound gratitude to different local area assistants – washerman, landscaper, police officer, sweepers, and so forth, at whatever point conceivable.
  • While awakening each day, express gratitude toward God for a particularly delightful day.
  • Express gratitude toward God again for all the day’s difficulties that have made you wiser and stronger.
  • Shun griping about a person or thing.
  • Gratitude is a wonderful and the most excellent inclination that fortifies the human brain, science, and society.
  • A general public where everyone is appreciative is the most joyful and the loveliest of all.
  • A general public that offers thanks for one another is the most joyful and reasonable society.

Gratitude is Great Essay

FAQ’s on Gratitude is Great Essay

Question 1. What is the significance of gratitude?

Answer: Gratitude is a vital quality that improves personal satisfaction, making existence more reasonable. It establishes social harmony and instigates an environment where everyone is valuing one another and offering help.

Question 2. What is Gratitude?

Answer: In a layman’s term, gratitude is the nature of communicating thankfulness to someone for a thoughtful gesture or help. It is a similar quality that allows you to recollect the generosity someone has appeared for you and urges you to give back.

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Essay on Gratitude 500+ Words

Gratitude is like a magic potion that can make our lives better and brighter. In this essay, we will explore the incredible benefits of gratitude and why it’s essential for all of us, including 5th-grade students.

Understanding Gratitude

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation for the good things in our lives. It’s about recognizing the kindness of others and the positive aspects of our world. Gratitude can be directed towards people, events, nature, and even the simple pleasures of life.

The Science of Gratitude

Did you know that science has studied the effects of gratitude on our brains and bodies? Research shows that when we feel grateful, our brains release chemicals that make us feel happy and reduce stress. It’s like a natural mood booster!

Gratitude and Happiness

One of the most significant benefits of gratitude is that it makes us happier. When we focus on the things we’re thankful for, we tend to see more goodness in our lives. It’s like putting on a pair of happiness glasses that help us see the positive side of things.

Improved Relationships

Gratitude also plays a crucial role in our relationships. When we express gratitude to others, it makes them feel appreciated and valued. This strengthens our bonds with family and friends. Grateful people often have more harmonious relationships.

Coping with Challenges

Life can be tough sometimes, but gratitude can help us cope with challenges. When we face difficulties, focusing on the things we’re grateful for can provide comfort and resilience. It reminds us that there is goodness even in difficult times.

Gratitude in School

Gratitude isn’t just for home; it’s also essential in school. When we appreciate our teachers, classmates, and the opportunity to learn, it creates a positive and supportive learning environment. Gratitude can even improve our academic performance.

A Grateful Perspective

Gratitude changes the way we see the world. Instead of complaining about what we don’t have, gratitude helps us appreciate what we do have. It’s like having a treasure chest of joy right inside our hearts.

Practicing Gratitude

So, how can we practice gratitude in our daily lives? It’s as simple as keeping a gratitude journal, where we write down things we’re thankful for each day. We can also express our gratitude through kind words and deeds.

Conclusion of Essay on Gratitude

In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful and positive force that can make our lives better in many ways. It boosts our happiness, strengthens our relationships, helps us face challenges, and even improves our school experience. Gratitude is not just for adults; it’s something 5th-grade students like us can embrace too. As we practice gratitude, let’s remember that it’s a gift we can give ourselves and others, making our world a brighter and more joyful place. So, let’s start each day with a thankful heart and watch the magic of gratitude unfold in our lives.

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Essay on Gratitude For Parents

Students are often asked to write an essay on Gratitude For Parents in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Gratitude For Parents

Understanding gratitude.

Gratitude is saying “thank you” for the good things in your life. It is a feeling of being thankful. We should have gratitude for many people in our life. But, our parents deserve it the most. They do so much for us.

Parents Love

Parents love their children more than anything. They work hard to give us a good life. They make sure we are safe, healthy, and happy. They teach us important things. They help us when we are in trouble. For all these things, we should be grateful.

Showing Gratitude

Showing gratitude to our parents is easy. We can say “thank you” often. We can help them with their work. We can listen to their advice. We can respect them. By doing these things, we show our gratitude.

Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude is not just good for our parents. It is good for us too. It makes us feel happy. It helps us see the good things in our life. It reminds us of how much we are loved. So, let’s be grateful to our parents every day.

250 Words Essay on Gratitude For Parents


Gratitude means to be thankful. It is about recognizing the good things in life and appreciating them. When we talk about gratitude for parents, it means to be thankful for all that our parents do for us. They work hard to provide us with a safe and comfortable life. They guide us, protect us, and love us unconditionally.

Showing Gratitude to Parents

There are many ways to show gratitude to our parents. Small gestures can mean a lot. We can say thank you to them for the little things they do. We can help them with their work. We can listen to them and respect their advice. We can also show our gratitude by doing well in our studies and activities, as this makes them happy and proud.

The Importance of Gratitude

Feeling and expressing gratitude for our parents is very important. It makes them feel loved and appreciated. It also helps us to understand the value of their efforts. Gratitude helps us to build a strong bond with our parents. It also makes us better people, as it teaches us to be thankful and respectful.

Our parents do so much for us. They deserve our love, respect, and gratitude. Let’s always remember to say thank you to them, for everything they do. Let’s show them that we appreciate their love and care. Let’s make them feel special, every day. After all, our parents are our biggest blessing.

500 Words Essay on Gratitude For Parents

Gratitude for parents is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation towards our parents. They are the ones who bring us into this world and take care of us with immense love and kindness. They guide us, teach us, and shape us into the individuals we become. This essay will explore the importance of expressing gratitude towards our parents.

Role of Parents

Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation for the kindness and benefits we have received. When we express gratitude, we acknowledge the efforts and sacrifices made by others for our benefit. Expressing gratitude towards our parents is important because it acknowledges the love, care, and effort they put into raising us. It shows them that we value and appreciate everything they do for us. It also helps us develop a positive attitude and a sense of contentment in life.

Ways to Express Gratitude

There are many ways to show gratitude towards our parents. We can express our gratitude through words, by telling them how much we appreciate their love and care. We can also show it through actions, by helping them with household chores, spending quality time with them, or doing something special for them. We can also express gratitude by being obedient, respectful, and considerate towards them. By doing so, we not only show our appreciation, but also make them feel loved and valued.

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Formatting, font choice, and spacing can turn your essay into a quick read or a mini-novella. In this post, we’ll break down the magic (and madness) behind word count, giving you the insider tips to nail your next writing project. 

Ready to conquer the page? Let’s go!

Contents Toggle What Does the Number of Pages Depend on? Handwriting or Typing? Font Margins Line Spacing Indents and Paragraph Breaks Different Types of Content Frequently Asked Questions How Long Does it Take to Write 1000 Words? How Long Does it Take to Read 1000 Words? Is 1000 Words a lot for a Paper? How Much Should You Write per Day? How to Start Writing Faster? How Many Words Should a Novel Be? How Do You Choose the Right Word Processor? Conclusion

What does the number of pages depend on.

How Many Pages is 1000 Words

You’ve guessed it. The number of pages 1000 words would occupy depends on multiple factors. Nevertheless the simple answer is around 2 pages . This comes with a bunch of dependencies. Did you include any fancy formatting? What about images, graphs and tables? Let’s see the different scenarios of the amount of pages you can expect your content to take up.

Handwriting or Typing?

Even though most writing nowadays is done digitally on a computer or a smart device, there are still those hardcore writers who prefer to do it by hand. While this is great for jotting down the creative sparks that cross your mind, most writers use a digital word processor . Anyhow, if you prefer writing by hand, it can be a little challenging to say exactly how many pages 1000 handwritten words would take. 

The general rule of thumb is that handwriting takes up around twice as much space as a 12 pt Times New Roman text. Therefore 1000 words written by hand would take up roughly 4 pages . There are a few more things you should consider, though.

  • What’s your pen’s nib size? If you’re using a sharpie or a thicker pen, these 4 pages could grow to 4 and a half or even 5, depending on how generous you are with space when writing.
  • What’s your handwriting? Do you like taking up all the space available? Or are you more of the “make every line count” type of writer? In case your handwriting is bulky you should also take that into consideration. Additionally, the font of your handwriting may add or remove some pages from your final piece.
  • Do you cross things out? This is an obvious one. The more words you cross out, the more space you would need.

To sum up, 1000 words of single spaced handwritten text will generally take around 3,5 to 4,5 pages. Double spaced this goes up to 7-9.

Enough about hand writing word count. Let’s talk typing.

Here things are a bit simpler. As we said in the start, 1000 words of typed text will take up around 2 pages as the rule of thumb here is 500 words per page. If you like double spacing your work, this will double at around 4 pages (or roughly 250 words per page).

As with handwriting, typing your text can be done in a number of different fonts. As you also know, you can additionally adjust the font size for your text. The 2 pages per 1000 words that we previously mentioned would be true for a standard size 12 Times New Roman text. If you go down to a size 10 font, this would decrease them by around 1/3 of a page. 

If, on the other hand, you need a piece of clearly visible content, and increase the font size to a 20 or even a 24, this would drop the average number of words that can fit in a single page. A size 20 would need 3 and 1/3 pages and a 24 would stretch out to 4 pages.

In addition the different font types can take up a different amount of space, even if the same size.

Here you can see how much space a sample text uses when typed regularly with no italics and bolding.

This is how much space a piece of text with the same number of characters would use up when bolded.

While both of these pieces of text are exactly 99 characters long, even when using the same font, they could take up a different amount of space on your page, depending on the specific letters you’re using.

How Many Pages is 1000 Words

The next thing you can personalize when writing an essay or an article are the margins. Understandably, increasing their size from the standard 1″ margins will mean that the same amount of words will take up more space on a page. On the contrary, if you decrease the margins you could write more words on a single page.

Line Spacing

Most writing software will let you change the spacing between the lines. This is especially useful for textbooks, manuscripts and academic papers. Bigger spacing between the lines could give a teacher, an editor or an academic supervisor the space they need to leave notes.

Naturally, the larger spacing you set up, the fewer words will fit per page. With 1.5 spacing 1000 words will generally take around 3 pages and with double line spacing, this would go up to 4 .

Indents and Paragraph Breaks

Just like line spacing, adding paragraph breaks or indents, can increase the amount of pages 1000 words would take up. 

Generally an indent (added using the tab-key), will let you start typing around an inch deeper into the line. It may come to good use when you want the next section of a text to be a part of a poem or if you simply want to have it formatted differently.

A paragraph break (hitting the enter button twice) will leave an empty row in your text. Again, there are a whole lot of different cases when you could use this.

The main advantage is the ease of reading and understanding this will give your reader. If you are writing a fictional story with a lot of descriptions of the environment, a paragraph break could be used to differentiate between the different rooms or objects. If you are working on an academic paper, it would serve to show the introduction of a new idea or the start of a new theory.

Different Types of Content

One of the key things you should consider when writing a piece of text is what it will be used for. A page of a standard word processor document comes in one size and a web page in another. 

As we previously mentioned, 1000 words of a standard document would take up around 2 pages. If you are writing new articles, a blog post or web page copy, things could look a lot different. Here you could have more freedom when it comes to fonts, formatting and different types of content (images, links and charts). This is why you should also keep in mind where your piece will go.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to write 1000 words.

As with most questions in the article, the easiest answer is it depends. If you are working on your bachelor or master’s thesis, it may take days. In case you’re writing a story, the answer may be forever. 

Generally speaking, though, it should take around 4-6 hours to write a decent piece. This is with no editing of course. Editing included you can add up to an hour to the sum.

How Long Does it Take to Read 1000 Words?

It will take an average reader around 1.5 to 3.5 minutes depending on the complexity of the text.

Is 1000 Words a lot for a Paper?

It depends on the paper. If you are in high school or in the first semesters of a university degree, it may be enough. In any case, check with your teacher or lecturer to make sure.

How Much Should You Write per Day?

Most writers claim they usually write around 1000 words per day. This can vary, though, depending on how inspired you are feeling, how busy you are with side projects and – of course – how interested you are in what you are writing about.

How to Start Writing Faster?

Generally we would recommend you do not aim to write faster. This will likely decrease the quality of what you are creating. 

However if you want to improve your writing speed here are a few things you can try to:

  • Set goals. Setting writing goals and rewarding yourself as you reach them may push you to write faster.
  • Time your writing. Timing yourself while you write will give you valuable information on how long it takes you to write a certain number of words. You can use that information as a starting point and try to beat it later.
  • Skip some sections. If you are finding a specific section of your paper, story or novel tedious to write, you can skip it and complete it at a later time. Just make sure you don’t forget to go back to it.
  • Edit at a later stage. Most writers will agree that the magic happens when you edit, not with your first draft. This is why, to increase your writing speed you might want to try putting off the editing for later.
  • Write with a friend. Just like doing sports with a buddy will help you stay motivated and push yourself harder, this can also be true for writing. Keep yourself accountable for your work.

How Many Words Should a Novel Be?

An average 300-400 page novel is around 70 000-100 000 words. You can keep it slightly shorter if you are writing a nonfiction book (60 000-90 000).

How Do You Choose the Right Word Processor?

This is a tough one. The best word processor is the one that suits all your needs. You can see what your considerations should be in our beginner’s guide to word processing .

Writing can be challenging. Especially if the topic of your work is not something you are particularly interested in reaching a mere 1000 words can be a pain. This is why it is always important to make sure you are using a writing software that suits your needs and has all the writing features you might want.

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