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NIOS Class 10th English (202): NIOS TMA Solution


Tutor Marked Assignment

Max. Marks: 20

(i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the question.

(ii) Write your name, enrollment number, AI name and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.

  • Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. 2

(a) It is aptly said, “Work is worship.” In the light of the story, describe how the squirrel’s small yet significant act of labour of carrying small pebbles is a reflection of his devotion to Lord Rama.  

Ans: Though tiny, the squirrel’s pebble-carrying embodies immense devotion. He tirelessly works, unfazed by mockery, driven by love for Rama, showing that even small acts, done with a pure heart, hold great value.

(b) Describe APJ Abdul Kalam’s Third Vision for India and how as a nation we can be a global strength to reckon with.

Ans: APJ Abdul Kalam’s Third Vision for India emphasizes the need for the nation to assert itself on the global stage. He believes that India must stand up to the world, being strong not only militarily but also economically. According to Kalam, strength commands respect, and for India to be respected globally, it must develop both as a military and economic power simultaneously.

(a) Recycling rubbish not only helps save money, it also helps the environment. In view of this, mention four advantages of recycling to justify your answer.

Ans: Recycling provides multiple benefits: cost savings through reduced raw material extraction and processing, environmental protection by minimizing pollution, conservation of valuable resources like trees and metals, and enhanced energy efficiency. It addresses waste issues while promoting economic and environmental sustainability, making it a crucial practice for both financial and ecological well-being.

(b) Caring and loving allows you to have empathy for others and to live a life of love, compassion and togetherness. How do love and care help bind people together?

Ans: Love and care create a sense of empathy, fostering connections and unity among individuals. In the case of Mother Teresa, her compassionate care for the poor reflects a deep sense of love, making the destitute feel wanted and valued. Similarly, in Janaki Iyer’s Ananda Bharati school, her caring approach attracts volunteers and forms a supportive community. The story of Bhagya exemplifies how love and care, as seen in her selfless choice, can bind people together, creating a sense of shared purpose and understanding.

  • Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.               

(a) How did Kezia begin to see her father as a human being who needed her sympathy more than the love of a child to a parent?

Ans: Kezia’s perception of her father shifted when, during her mother’s illness, he comforted her fears and displayed vulnerability. Seeing him exhausted and without someone to care for him, she empathized with his humanity. This experience made her recognize that he, too, needed sympathy, altering her view from a fearful figure to a person deserving of understanding and compassion.

(b) The ‘wonder tree’, Neem has agro-friendly and eco-friendly properties. Mention some ways by which these qualities of the Neem tree are reflected in the chapter, The Village Pharmacy.

Ans: The chapter illustrates the Neem tree’s agro-friendly and eco-friendly attributes. It serves as a medicinal wonder, combating ailments, and promoting oral and skin health. With insect-repelling and pesticide properties, it supports sustainable agriculture. Neem’s fallen leaves act as organic manure, contributing to eco-friendly farming. Its longevity, fast growth, and versatile usage, including termite-resistant timber, highlight its multifaceted benefits for the environment and agriculture.

  • Answer any one of the following questions in about 100–150 words. 

(a) People change over the years, they become cold hearted and indifferent. With the passage of time, there is a loss of identity from innocence and genuineness to untrustworthiness and an uncaring attitude. Comment on this central idea of the poem, ‘Once Upon A Time’ penned by Gabriel Okara.

Ans: “Once Upon A Time” by Gabriel Okara explores the profound transformation of human nature over time. The poet laments the shift from heartfelt laughter and genuine connections to a superficial existence where people only “laugh with their teeth.” The loss of authenticity is depicted through the speaker’s learned behaviors, wearing various faces for different occasions, masking true feelings, and engaging in insincere social niceties. The poem suggests a societal erosion of warmth and empathy, replaced by a cold and indifferent demeanor.

The speaker expresses a desire to reclaim the innocence and genuineness of the past, emphasizing the need to unlearn the societal expectations that lead to a loss of identity. Overall, Okara’s poem serves as a poignant commentary on the dehumanizing impact of societal expectations and the yearning to rediscover one’s true self amidst the artificiality of modern existence.

(b) The story, My Elder Brother is a human saga of two brothers who are a contrast in personalities and opinions.

(i) Discuss the qualities of Valodya highlighted by the author.

(ii) Comment on the relationship that the two siblings shared in their childhood.

(iii) Describe the incident that brought about a change in the relationship.

Ans:  (i) Valodya is depicted as superior in various aspects, excelling in studies, arguments, and manners. His diverse interests and passionate pursuits, from painting to collecting curios and reading novels, showcase his dynamic personality. Despite his occasional impulsiveness, Valodya exhibits a happy-go-lucky, large-hearted nature that endears him to others.

(ii) In their childhood, the relationship between the two siblings is characterized by camaraderie, shared activities, and a lack of distinction based on age. However, the narrator’s growing awareness of Valodya’s superiority causes internal conflict and a sense of inferiority.

(iii) The incident involving the accidental breaking of Valodya’s ornament triggers a quarrel that changes their relationship. Valodya’s large-heartedness and sincere apology, coupled with the narrator’s realization of his own stubbornness, lead to a moment of reconciliation. This incident marks a shift in their dynamic and emphasizes the genuine affection that underlies their bond.

  • Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words. 4

(a) The Shoeshine is a touching tale that drives home the message that dignity of labour must be respected. No work is small or unworthy. It is hard work and dedication that gives one respect and credibility in life. Describe the relationship between Sasthi Brata and Shovan Lal in your own words.

Ans: The relationship between Sasthi Brata and Shovan Lal in “The Shoeshine” reflects a mutual understanding and support born out of shared circumstances. Sasthi Brata, facing unemployment and financial constraints, approaches Shovan Lal, a shoeshine, seeking an opportunity for work. Despite societal norms and expectations, Shovan Lal, along with his shoeshine union, accepts Sasthi Brata into their fold.

The initial skepticism gradually transforms into camaraderie as Shovan Lal and his friends recognize the common struggle for livelihood. Their willingness to collect funds for Sasthi Brata’s shoeshine equipment underscores the solidarity among workers facing challenges in a society that often disregards their dignity. The tale highlights the resilience and cooperation that emerge when individuals unite in the face of adversity, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the value of every form of labor.

(b) The poetess Eileen Mathais has presented trees with human like traits. They have been picturesquely described with physical human qualities as well as emotional attributes. Describe in your own words the poetic parallel between the tall trees and human beings .

Ans: The poetess, Eileen Mathais, draws a poetic parallel between tall trees and human beings by attributing anthropomorphic qualities to the trees. Describing the trees with “feet in the earth” and “heads in the sky” creates a vivid image, personifying them with a posture reminiscent of humans. The use of the term “tall trees” evokes a sense of grandeur and stature, akin to human dignity and presence.

The portrayal of the trees watching “the clouds go by” suggests a contemplative nature, as if the trees possess a form of awareness or consciousness. The description of the trees providing shelter to birds, creating a safe nest, reflects a nurturing and protective quality, akin to human caretaking. Furthermore, when the night falls, and the moon shines down, the

trees are depicted as “peeping,” implying a sense of curiosity or observation, similar to human curiosity about the world.

In essence, the poetess seamlessly intertwines physical and emotional attributes to create a poetic connection between the majestic tall trees and the human experience, highlighting shared qualities of strength, contemplation, nurturing, and curiosity.

  • Prepare any one project out of the following in about 500 words. 6

(a) Reading is essential. It serves as a basic building block for learning. It is an important life skill as it opens doors for global citizenry. Reading a variety of texts like essays, biographies or journals is not only informative and strengthens skills of concentration and reasoning, but it also improves language and thereby helps in confidence building. Keeping in view these advantages, prepare a project on the multiple benefits of acquiring good reading skills for a Project Paper to be read on the occasion of World Book Day, the theme for which is, “Read….so you never feel alone!”

Ans: Project: The Power of Words: Unlocking Worlds through Reading


Imagine a world where words become doorways, each book a portal to new experiences, and stories your companions. This is the magic of reading, a vital skill that unlocks a treasure trove of knowledge, fosters empathy, and empowers us to navigate the world and ourselves. In the spirit of World Book Day, themed “Read… so you never feel alone!”, we embark on a journey to explore the multifaceted benefits of acquiring good reading skills.

Building Blocks of Learning:

Reading forms the bedrock of education. It equips us with the ability to decode, comprehend, and analyze information. From grasping complex scientific concepts to understanding historical narratives, reading serves as the bridge between knowledge and understanding. It hones critical thinking skills, allowing us to question, analyze, and form informed opinions.

Doors to Global Citizenship:

In today’s interconnected world, reading transcends geographical boundaries. It grants us access to diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences, fostering empathy and understanding. Through the pages of a book, we walk in the shoes of others, learn from their struggles, and celebrate their triumphs. This fosters global citizenship, promoting tolerance and respect for differences, making us responsible and informed members of the world community.

Unlocking Confidence and Language:

Reading is not a passive act; it’s a conversation between author and reader. As we delve into complex texts, our vocabulary expands, grammar sharpens, and writing skills flourish. This newfound command of language empowers us to express ourselves clearly and confidently, boosting self-esteem and communication skills.

Concentration and Reasoning:

Navigating the intricacies of a text demands focus and concentration. Reading strengthens these cognitive skills, training our minds to stay attentive and process information efficiently. This enhanced ability to focus spills over into other aspects of life, improving learning, productivity, and problem-solving skills.

A Companion for Life:

Beyond the academic benefits, reading offers solace and companionship. In times of joy or sorrow, a book can be a refuge, a friend who always understands. Stories inspire, motivate, and offer wisdom, providing comfort and escape from daily challenges. Reading fosters a lifelong love of learning, igniting curiosity and a thirst for knowledge that enriches our lives in countless ways.

World Book Day and Beyond:

Celebrating World Book Day is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of reading. However, the journey shouldn’t end with this one day. Let’s pledge to cultivate a culture of reading in our communities, homes, and schools. Let’s encourage children and adults alike to explore the vast universe of books, embracing their diverse voices and perspectives. Let’s make reading not just a skill, but a shared passion, a bridge to connect, learn, and grow together.


In a world often characterized by isolation and division, reading offers a beacon of hope. It empowers us to reach beyond ourselves, to connect with others, and to discover the richness and beauty that lies within each page. So, let us open a book, embark on a journey of exploration, and embrace the joy of reading, for it is in the quiet corners of a story that we find solace, connection, and ultimately, ourselves.

(b) Health is the most precious wealth for a human being in his / her entire life time. One can survive without excess money, but without good health, survival can be difficult. It is obvious then that one can feel content and complete with good health and contribute positively and meaningfully to the community and the nation. Write a project report on the topic “Health is Wealth”. You may incorporate the following guiding points:

  • Importance of fresh, nutritious food and balanced diet.
  • Adequate exercise and sleep
  • Positive mind
  • How to lead a healthy life!
  • Impact of social media
  • Change in life style patterns
  • Individual health contributes to the health of a nation

Ans: Health is Wealth: Building Our Most Valuable Currency

“Health is the real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver,” Mahatma Gandhi wisely declared. This enduring truth resonates deeply, for without good health, life becomes a struggle, and our ability to contribute to society diminishes. This project delves into the multifaceted concept of “Health is Wealth”, exploring its crucial components and analyzing its impact on individual and national wellbeing, all within 500 words.

The Cornerstones of Well-being:

  • Nourishing the Body: A balanced diet is the bedrock of health. Imagine it as colorful bricks building a resilient fort – fresh fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals, whole grains offer sustained energy, and lean proteins keep us strong. Conversely, a diet heavy in processed foods and sugary drinks weakens our defenses, leaving us vulnerable to illness.
  • Moving Well: Exercise is not a luxury, but a vital investment. Think of it as a tune-up for our physical engine – regular activity strengthens muscles and bones, boosts cardiovascular health, and lifts our spirits. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a gym session, or dancing to our favorite tunes, consistent movement keeps our bodies humming and adds years to our lives.
  • Resting Deeply: Sleep is not indulgence, but a biological necessity. During sleep, our bodies repair and recharge, preparing for the next day. Imagine sleep as a nightly spa treatment for our minds and bodies – adequate rest strengthens our immune system, sharpens our minds, and fuels our emotional well-being. Conversely, chronic sleep deprivation leaves us drained and vulnerable.
  • Cultivating a Positive Mind: Our mental health is intricately woven with our physical health. Think of it as the invisible sun illuminating our lives – a positive mindset, nurtured by practices like gratitude and mindfulness, strengthens our resilience against stress, enhances our sense of well-being, and empowers us to lead fulfilling lives. Conversely, chronic negativity and stress cast a shadow on our health.

Building a Healthy Lifestyle:

Achieving optimal health requires a holistic approach, fusing these four cornerstones. Imagine it as a personalized masterpiece:

  • Fuel your body with nutritious meals: Plan and prepare dishes using fresh, seasonal ingredients.
  • Get moving: Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s a team sport, solo workouts, or simply dancing in the kitchen.
  • Prioritize sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.
  • Mind your well-being: Practice stress management techniques like meditation or mindfulness.
  • Build a supportive network: Surround yourself with people who inspire and encourage healthy habits.

The Modern Landscape:

While technology and connectivity offer tremendous benefits, they also pose challenges. Social media can be a double-edged sword, promoting unrealistic beauty standards and encouraging sedentary lifestyles. We must be mindful of how we interact with it and prioritize information from credible sources. Similarly, modern work patterns and urbanization can disrupt sleep and limit physical activity. We must consciously create environments that support healthy habits within our busy schedules.

Health: A National Investment:

A healthy individual is the bedrock of a thriving nation. Imagine a society where people are vibrant, productive, and contributing actively – this is the power of prioritizing individual health. A healthy population translates to reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, and a more empowered citizenry. Therefore, promoting individual health through education, accessible healthcare, and supportive policies becomes crucial for national development.

“Health is Wealth” is not just a slogan, but a call to action. By prioritizing a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a positive mindset, we invest not only in ourselves but in the future of our nation. Let us move forward, building a foundation of well-being for ourselves and our communities, for in doing so, we build the most valuable currency – a healthy and vibrant society.

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English 202 Solved Assignment 2021 - 22 | NIOS Secondary Solved Assignment (2021 - 22)

Nios solved assignments ( 2021-22) english 202 solved assignment 2021 - 22 tutor marked assignment max: marks 20.

(i) All questions are compulsory. The Marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name, enrollment numbers, AI name and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.

english 202 solved assignment

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. 2

(a) What was the squirrel doing and why did Lord Rama take the squirrel into his hands?

Ans: Squirrel was going up and down the seashore with little pebbles in his mouth. The little squirrel could carry only little pebbles at a time in his small mouth. He carried the pebbles from the seashore and dropped them into the sea.

The monkeys were angry and one of them picked up the squirrel by his tail and threw him far away.

The squirrel, crying out the name of Rama, fell into his hands.

The Rama held the squirrel close to him. He said to the monkeys, “Do not make fun of the weak and the small. Your strength or what you do is not important. What matters is your love? This little squirrel has love in his heart.”

(b) Mention the role of school children to reduce noise pollution. (See lesson 10)

Ans: Answer any one questions

2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. 2 (a) The little girl was left alone in the house with Alice the cook. That was alright in the day time, but while Alice was putting her to bed she grew suddenly afraid.

• Why was the little girl left all alone at home?

• What was the mental state of the girl at that time?  

Ans: One day Kezia’s mother became ill, and she and grandmother went to hospital. The little girl was left alone in the house with Alice the cook. That was all right in the daytime, but while Alice was putting her to bed she grew suddenly afraid.

The mental state of the girl at that time was - What’ll I do if I have a nightmare?” she asked. “I often have nightmares and then Grannie takes me into her bed- I can’t stay in the dark - It all gets ‘whispery’….”

(b) Feel at home! Come again

they say, and when I come

again and feel

at home, once, twice,

there will be no thricefor

then I find doors shut on me.

• Who says “Feel at home” and to whom?

• What was the reaction of speaker when the poet visited again? (See lesson 25)

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. 2 (a) What was the financial condition of the Cattle – owning farmers and how was it improved by Dr. Kurien?

Ans: The people of Gujarat were mostly farmers. They reared cattle but remained poor. Despite their hard work, they always remained in want.

Dr. Verghese Kurien developed the Amul Dairy Unit into the largest co-operative dairy in India. As a result of Dr. Kurien’s relentless efforts, the poor milk producers were protected from being exploited. The farmers came to appreciate the spirit of co-operation in addition to acquiring marketing skills. He introduced various reforms in the administration of Amul Dairy. He proposed to distribute half of its profits to the milk producers as dividend. Dr. Kurien’s reforms improved the rural economy considerably. This proves the saying, “The woman who owns a buffalo celebrates Diwali every day.”

(b) Why did the squirrel go into the sea again and again? How did it justify its action? (See lesson 2)

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words. 4 (a) Floods are devastative and destructive. Many houses get tumble down in flood water. People face many troubles and are devoid of food and shelter. Give details of what you know about it & discuss the measures that should be taken during floods. (See lesson 24)

(b) Read the following information about APJ Abdul Kalam and write 150 – 200 words about him. (see lesson 15)

Born – 15 October 1931 in Tamil Nadu.

Died - 27 July 2015 (aged – 83) in Meghalaya

Nationality – India

Alma Mater – St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli, Madras Institute of Technology.

Profession – Aerospace Scientist, Author

Notable Works – Wings of fire, India 2020, Ignited Minds, Indomitable Spirit,

Career – Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Political Career – 11th President of India in 2002.

Ans: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in full Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul kalam, (born October 15, 1931, Rameswaram, India died July 27, 2015, Shillong), Indian scientist and politician who played a leading role in the development of India’s missile and nuclear weapons programs. He was president of India from 2002 to 2007. Kalam earned a degree in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology and in 1958 joined the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

He soon moved to the Indian Space Research organization, where he was project director of the SLV-III, India’s first indigenously designed and produced satellite launch vehicle. Rejoining DRDO in 1982, Kalam planned the program that produced a number of successful missiles, which helped earned him the nickname “ Missile Man,” From 1992 to 1997 Kalam was scientific adviser (1999-2001) to the government with the rank of cabinet minister. His prominent role in the country’s 1998 nuclear weapons tests established Kalam as a national hero, although the tests caused great concern in the international community.

In 1998 Kalam put forward a countrywide plan called Technology Vision 2020, which he described as a road map for transforming India from a less-developed to a developed society in 20 years. The plan called for, among other measures, increasing agricultural productivity, emphasizing technology as a vehicle for economic growth, and widening access to health care and education.   

APJ Abdul Kalam has a THIRD VISION. India must stand up to the world. Because he believes that unless India stands up to the world, no one will respect us. Only strength respects strength. We must be strong not only as a military power but also as an economic power. Both must go hand-in-hand. His good fortune was to have worked with three great minds. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, of the Dept. of Space, Professor Satish Dhawan, who succeeded him and Dr. Brahm Prakash, father of nuclear material. He was lucky to have worked with all three of them closely and consider this the great opportunity of his life.

Kalam was in Hyderabad giving this lecture, when a 14 year-old girl asked him for his autograph. He asked her what her goal in life is. She replied that she want to live in a developed India. For her and you, he would have to build developed India. You must proclaim India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation.

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words. 4

(a) You must have seen that Indian farmers commit suicide and live their lives under poverty line. They are doomed to live a life of obscurity. Make a list of problems and causes of those problems faced by the farmers. Discuss ways to eliminate their problems and what role should government play to support farmers. (See lesson 24)

(b) “There is enough in the nature for human need but not for human greed”. Discuss the statement taking ideas from the lesson “The Village Pharmacy “. Also discuss the importance of trees and the natural resources that we are blessed with to support our life. (See lesson 21)

Ans: The journey started after the creation of human being in this world. As man got matured he kept on inventing new things to get a better life and for a good living. His wants were not restricted, desires were boundary less and his doggedness of finding reason for everything made him an undefined creature. And that’s how an environment has been created in which we are living now. If we see this in a broader perspective, all this happened because of greed. It’s the man’s greed, which made him the richest man in the world, at the same time it’s his greed, which made the society unbalanced and unequal.  He is not bothered about the limitations of one’s actions and breaching the rules of nature for self-fulfillment. His desire of becoming bigger than others has changed the destiny of mankind.

Plant/trees play a very important role in our life. They fulfil our food, fodder fuel, timber, fibre and medicinal needs. Plants/trees are helpful in mitigation of environmental pollution. They are the source of oxygen and sink of carbon dioxide Trees such as Tamarind (Tamarindus indicus) Ashok (Polyalthialongifolia) and Neem (Azadirachta indica) are very useful in control of noise pollution. Plants/trees are also helpful in restoration of degraded lands. Furthermore, plants are useful in removal of heavy metals from the contaminated sites. Trees are helpful in the maintenance of ground water level.

6. Prepare any one project out of the given below: 6

(a) We hear and read about female foeticide in remote areas of our country which is an evil practice. In some areas, females are tortured for giving birth to a girl child. Take up a project and find out the causes behind this evil practice and the measures to uproot this wrongful practice from our society.

Ans: Female foeticide in remote areas of India

An estimated 50 million girls and women alive today have been subjected to female foeticide, female infanticide, or gendercide.

The practice of aborting female fetuses is largely considered a violation of the basic human rights of women and girls. It is a form of violence that has affected many communities in India and around the world. Female foeticide occurs when couples selectively abort females for two major reasons: to make sure sons are born; and because sex selection was believed to be more likely due to male children being seen as more valuable than daughters in Indian society. The practice continues despite a ban on sex-selective abortion, which was enacted by India's Supreme Court in 1994.

Reasons for female foeticide in remote areas of India

It’s not easy to pinpoint the causes of female foeticide, but there are a few factors that contribute to the issue such as:

1) Lack of awareness about reproductive rights and responsibilities

2) Cultural norms that discourage women from pursuing higher education and careers

3) Lack of education and opportunities for women in India

Measure to solve the problem of female foeticide in remote areas of India

Female foeticides are an issue that is prevalent in India, with the number of girls born decreasing every year. This is largely due to the preference for boys over girls. The government has taken steps to prevent this but many people still feel there isn't enough being done. There are many solutions to female foeticide, but here are some of the most common ones:

- Educate parents on gender differences and encourage them not to have so much anxiety about daughters

- Focus on female education and empowerment, giving girls opportunities for success

- Promote awareness about female genital mutilation and educate people on why it's not good for the health

What Should Government Do to Ease the Problems with Female Foetic ?

Government should take coordinated, comprehensive steps to address the problems faced by female foeticide. This will make government more inclusive and reduce instances of discrimination.

A recent survey revealed that one-fourth of women in their twenties do not feel safe walking outside alone at night. They are very much afraid of being harassed or raped on the streets. The survey also revealed that about half of these women feel unsafe online as well. This makes it difficult for them to pursue their career goals and be productive members of society.

The government should take measures to protect these young women and create a safe environment for them so they can develop skills, explore career options, and thrive in life without fear of harassment or assault.

Beti bachao beti padhao Initiative

Beti bachao beti padhao is an initiative that aims to reduce female foeticide in remote areas of India. It focuses on empowering the girl child by educating her and helping her get an education.

Beti bachao beti padhao has not only seen success in the number of girls who are born, but also in the number of girls enrolled in school. The program has saved 4 million girls from being abandoned or killed since 2005, according to a 2016 UN report.

The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao program is one of the most successful initiatives tackling female foeticide or killing baby girls through abandonment, infanticide, and abortion.

(b) You all must have seen the young children as rag pickers in your society, this is the age when they should get education and develop themselves physically, mentally and intellectually so that they can also prove themselves as instruments of development for the nation. Prepare a project on these children, covering their lifestyles, family backgrounds and the role of government. The project should include some government schemes and child development programmes which lead to creating awareness about good health and education.

Ans: Answer any one project

Posted by Kumar Nirmal Prasad

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NIOS Class 10th English TMA 2020

English (202) tutor marked assignment ,      max marks: 20 .

New TMA- NIOS Class 10th English TMA 2021-22 1. Answer any one of the following question in about 40-60 words.   (2)  (b) What difference has come about in the behaviour of the people yester years and the present generation? Illustrate your answer with two example? 


The people of past uses to laugh with heart and the people of present laugh with their teeth.

In the past children are very sorted and know that what we have to do in our life and in school they attentively study but now our generation have not concentrated on studies only they thought that study is noting and in school they not talks about useless thing an don’t respect their teachers

2. Answer any one of the following question in 40-60 words. (2)  (a) But believe me son I want to be when I was like you. I want to unlearn all these muting innings. Most of all I want to relearn how to laugh.”  (i) What qualities/traits of his childhood does the poet want to have once again?  (ii) What does he want to unlearn? 

3. Answer any one of the following in 40-50 words (a) Comment on the role of the grandmother in trying to make the family atmosphere warm and comfortable.

Grandmother is the kind heart of family which bounds it with her love and care.

She cooks delicious food and gives useful remedies and solutions at the time of emergency with her experience. She makes us feel secure and cares for us when we are sick or suffering from hard time.

If there is grandmother in a family then it is quite true that she always try to keep the families intact with love and care. As she has seen very different things in life, she also known how to deal with different things in life. She also works in linking the bonds among the family members.

If there is any coldness in the relationship then she is the one who can easily handle all these disputes.

4. Answer any one of the following question in 100-150 words. 

(b) Write about the three vision Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam had for India. 

The visionary is our EX President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Being a true nationalist he gives the three main visions, protecting development and position. In the world. He says we are blessed by nature to do anything in our country. But we have no confidence, courage and spirit. We only criticize if we decide to do there are many possibilities. Through his three vision kalam wants to open the eyes of Indians and it is his try to aware the country men.

5. Answer any one of the following question in 100-150 word. (b) What kind of relationship did kezia have with her father? Did the father and daughter come up to each other’s expectations? Illustrate your answer Answer

Although it appear kezia and her father did not have a very warm relationship, but it was not true.The father came to kezia’s expectations, but kezia did not.

The father’s real nature came to light when kezia’s mother fell ill and was hospitalized she was left alone at home under the care of the cook, at night she had a nightmare and woke up screaming. She found her father standing by her bedside. He picked her up and took her to her room, He tucked her up in his bed and soon fell asleep, kezia felt secure lying near her. She realise her father was not as big as a giant. She felt the beating of her father’s loving and large heart finally she realised her father also very loved.

6. Prepare any one project out of the following  (b) modern towns are getting overcrowded because of urbanisation we find that the village people are migrating to towns in Big numbers of various reason. Take up a project to find out the reason of this urbanisation. Visit at least 05 house holds of people who have migrated Sahi from your locality.

• Find out the reason for migration • What difference it’s made in their live  • Whether they find City life better  • What is is it that they miss in cities  • What greater facilities they find in cities that weren’t available in villages.  • Weather this great imbalance in the rural and urban population besed on you findings write a report. Also suggest what steps should be taken by the govt to prevent imgration.

Reason of migration : work & livelihood.

Difference in their life : fast life

Weather City life better : better for livelihood and earnings

What they miss in city : closeness of people

Facilities in city : transport / food / better life

Rural and urban population: make total mis balance in these

The main reason of migration is that of their goods, lives, and most important of their comfort.   

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