
Best Man Toasts, Wedding Speech Closing Lines

End your wedding speech with a bang.

Use these best man toasts to wrap up your wedding speech and deliver a mic-drop moment. Or take a sincere approach to your closing remarks and leave the wedding party touched by your thoughtfulness.

Any way you choose to approach your best man speech, we’ve got you covered!

Simple best man toasts and groomsmen’s toasts

1.) To the happy couple, Mr and Mrs [name]!

2.) Ladies and gentlemen, to the bride and groom!

3.) Now please join me in raising your glasses as we toast to the Bride and the Groom. I give you Mr. and Mrs. [name]!

4.) May you share all your dreams on the same pillow.

5.) May the rest of your lives be filled with magical moments.

6.) To my best friend and his beautiful bride: the new Mr and Mrs [name].

7.) May you both live as long as you want, And never want as long as you live.

8.) Please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple — to [bride] and [groom].

9.) I would like to wish you a lifetime of health, wealth, happiness and love. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s toast to the bride and groom.

10.) May you always be friends as well as lovers.

11.) Here’s is to a lifetime of love and happiness!

12.) When the husband drinks to the wife, all would be well; when the wife drinks to the husband, all is. – English proverb

Even more short wedding toasts.

Best Man Toasts visual

Tactful best man toasts

13.) May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.

14.) I’d like you all to join me in wishing the happy couple all the wealth, health and happiness in the world. To the bride and groom!

15.) Let us all wish [bride] and [groom] years and years of happiness. May you be friends to each other only as lovers can, and may you love each other only as best friends can.

16.) May neighbors respect you, Trouble neglect you, The angels protect you, And heaven accept you.

17.) I’d like you all to join me in wishing the new Mr and Mrs [name] all the wealth, health and happiness in the world. To the bride and groom.

18.) What an honor it has been to serve as [groom’s] best man. And it’s even more of an honor to ask you all to join me in toasting the newlyweds. Cheers!

Get inspiration from these movie quotes for your wedding speech.

VIDEO: How to give a wedding toast in 6 easy steps

Sincere best man toasts.

19.) Here is a toast to a perfect couple — to a long life together filled with happiness, adventure and lots of wonderful memories.

20.) Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife. – Franz Schubert

21.) For this is [bride] and [groom]’s time. And it’s time to raise your glass high in the air. To the bride and groom! We wish you a long and happy marriage.

22.) May you live as long as you like, And have all you like as long as you live.

23.) Congratulations on this big step in your lives. Let’s all raise our glasses and toast to the happy couple. May years of happiness and amazing memories await you!

Check out these Marriage Quotes and Sayings.

Perfect couple best man toast image

Useful best man toasts

24.) May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, The foresight to know where you are going, And the insight to know when you have gone too far.

25.) To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with. – Mark Twain

26.) To keep your marriage brimming, With love in the loving cup, Whenever you’re wrong, admit it; Whenever you’re right, shut up. – Ogden Nash

27.) A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. – Mignon McLaughlin

28.) Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. – Barnett R. Brickner

29.) Always keep the lid down.

30.) A good marriage is at least 80 percent good luck in finding the right person at the right time. The rest is trust. – Nanette Newman

31.) Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that. – Michael Leunig

32.) Never go to bed angry… always stay up and argue.

33.) Don’t marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can’t live without. – James C. Dobson

More popular toasts for any occasion.

Marriage advice toasts

34.) Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threaded, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years. That is what makes a marriage last. – Simone Signoret

35.) Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly. – Rose Franken

36.) The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. – Audrey Hepburn

37.) The grand essentials of happiness are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. – Allan K. Chalmers

38.) The best way to remember your anniversary is to forget it once.

39.) Always remember the three little words…”You’re right dear.”

40.) The capacity to love is tied to being able to be awake, to being able to move out of yourself and be with someone else in a manner that is not about your desire to possess them, but to be with them, to be in union and communion. – Bell Hooks

41.) Love is everything it’s cracked up to be. That’s why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more. – Erica Jong

42.) Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. – Victor Borge

43.) In a great romance, each person plays a part the other really likes. – Elizabeth Ashley

115 Bridesmaid Toasts for Weddings

VIDEO: 7 Easy Wedding Toasts

Funny best man toasts.

For a best man speech ending in a joke, try these on for size:

44.) To the two things that make a great marriage — having a good sense of humor and selective hearing.

45.) Love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener. – Pauline Thomason

46.) Today has been a very emotional day — even the cake is in tiers.

47.) This toast will be like a mini skirt: long enough to cover the essentials, but short enough to hold your attention.

48.) It’s not as great a day for the bride as she thinks. She’s not marrying the best man.

49.) Marriage is like a cage; one sees the birds outside desperate to get in, and those inside equally desperate to get out. – Michel de Montaigne

50.) [Bride] and [groom], before I finish, I’d like you to turn to face each other. You’re now looking into the eyes of the person who is statistically most likely to murder you. To the bride and groom!

51.) It’s a funny thing that when a man hasn’t anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married. – Robert Frost

52.) By all means, marry if you get a good wife, you’ll be happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher. – Socrates

53.) A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him. – Brendan Francis

54.) Before we raise our glasses to the happy couple, I’d like to make a toast to wives and lovers everywhere — may they never, ever cross paths!

55.) The man who says his wife can’t take a joke, forgets she took him. – Oscar Wilde

More funny wedding toasts and cheers.

Best man toasts for a brother

56.) To my very best friend and brother, and to his beautiful new wife, we salute you! Now let’s dance, drink and have a slice of cake!

57.) [Bride], I’ve never seen my brother happier and I know that’s because of you. May the Lord bless you with many, many happy years. Welcome to the family!

58.) To my brother and his new wife, may today be the beginning of a wonderful new and long-lasting chapter in your lives, and may you always love, honor and cherish each other, just as you do today.

59.) Apparently, as best man, I’m supposed to sing my brother’s praises and talk about his good qualities. Unfortunately, I can’t sing and I won’t lie.

60.) You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this day. My brother has finally admitted that I am in fact the best man.

61.) We all knew my brother had found the one when he started spending more time with [bride] than he did playing on his Xbox!

The best wedding toasts for raising a glass to the new couple.

Quotes to use for best man toasts

62.) There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage. – Martin Luther

63.) We love because it’s the only true adventure. – Nikki Giovanni

64.) Love, be true to her; Life, be dear to her; Health, stay close to her; Joy, draw near to her; Fortune, find what you can do for her, Search your treasure-house through and through for her, Follow her footsteps the wide world over, And keep her husband always her lover. – Anna Lewis

65.) Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner. – Amy Bloom

66.) There’s nothing more admirable than two people who see eye to eye keeping house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends. – Homer

67.) My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years your love for each other will so deepen and grow, that years from now you will look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least. – Anonymous

68.) The best marriages, like the best lives, were both happy and unhappy. There was even a kind of necessary tension, a certain tautness between the partners that gave the marriage strength, like the tautness of a full sail. – Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Check out the top ten best wedding songs.

Love quotes

69.) Love is a fire that feeds our life. – Pablo Neruda

70.) It is written, when children find true love, parents find true joy. Here’s to your joy and ours from this day forward. – Unknown

71.) Where there is great love, there are always miracles. – Willa Cather

72.) Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. – 1 Corinthians 13:7

73.) To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao Tzu

74.) The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. – John Green

75.) Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. – Maya Angelou

76.) But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. – Kahlil Gibran

77.) Insomuch as love grows in you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul. – Saint Augustine

78.) Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible — it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could. – Barbara De Angelis

Wedding blessings and wishes.

Love sayings

79.) There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. – George Sand

80.) Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, and the blossom when we love the one we married. – Sam Levenson

81.) When love reigns, the impossible may be attained. – Indian proverb

82.) You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes are everywhere in the world. – David Levesque

83.) There is no remedy for love but to love more. – Henry David Thoreau

84.) True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. – Anonymous

85.) We never live so intensely as when we love strongly. We never realize ourselves so vividly as when we are in full glow of love for others. – Walter Rauschenbusch

86.) Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination. – Voltaire

87.) Love is the sum of our choices, the strength of our commitments, the ties that bind us together. – Emily Giffin

88.) He who wants to do good, knocks at the gate: he who loves finds the door open. – Rabindranath Tagore

89.) One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love. – Sophocles

90.) Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

91.) Where there is love there is life. – Mahatma Gandhi

Check out the best disco songs for weddings.

Romantic quotes

92.) Grow old with me. The best is yet to be — the last of life for which the first was made. – Robert Browning

93.) My heart is ever at your service. – William Shakespeare

94.) Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. – Emily Bronte

95.) You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because your reality is finally better than your dreams. – Dr. Seuss

96.) What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined…to strengthen each other…to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories. – George Eliot

97.) The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman’s heart. – Josiah G. Holland

98.) To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow—this is a human offering that can border on miraculous. – Elizabeth Gilbert

99.) We are each other’s harvest, we are each other’s business, we are each other’s magnitude and bond. – Gwendolyn Brooks

100.) After all these years, I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her. – Mark Twain

101.) There is no greater happiness for a man than approaching a door at the end of a day, knowing someone on the other side of that door is waiting for the sound of his footsteps. – Ronald Reagan

Wrapping it all up

We hope this list has been useful in finding the right best man toasts for you to use at a wedding. Whether you choose a long or short speech, these lines will have you closing on a high note!

By Greg Johnson | Published 3/4/2020

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Greg Johnson is a website editor, writer, and content designer. For over 10 years, he has covered subjects like pop culture, music, sports, history, famous quotes, and kids jokes. He is co-founder and editor of ListCaboodle.

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How to End a Best Man Speech: Memorable Closures

How to End a Best Man Speech: Memorable Closures

Table of Contents

Understanding the importance of a strong conclusion, creative ways to end your best man speech, incorporating humor and emotion in your closing, crafting a toast that resonates with the couple, final tips for delivering your best man speech with confidence.

Delivering a best man speech is a significant honor, but it can also be a daunting task. The pressure to make a lasting impression on the couple and their guests can be overwhelming. However, with the right approach, you can craft a memorable conclusion that resonates with everyone in the room. This article will guide you through impactful closings and heartfelt toasts, ensuring your speech is unforgettable.

When it comes to delivering a best man speech, the ending is just as crucial as the beginning. A strong conclusion not only wraps up your thoughts but also leaves a lasting impression on the couple and the guests. Think of it as the final note in a beautiful song; it’s what people will remember long after the music has stopped.

Why a Memorable Conclusion Matters

A well-crafted ending can elevate your best man speech from good to unforgettable. It’s your chance to summarize your sentiments, express your wishes for the couple, and even inject a bit of humor or emotion. According to a survey conducted by wedding planners, 70% of guests remember the speeches more than any other part of the wedding, making it essential to nail that conclusion.

Tips for Crafting a Strong Conclusion

Reiterate Key Points : Before you wrap up, briefly touch on the main points you’ve discussed. This helps reinforce your message and reminds everyone of the journey you’ve taken them on during your speech. For instance, if you shared a funny story about the groom, you might say, "And that’s just one of the many reasons we all love him!"

Express Good Wishes : A heartfelt wish for the couple’s future is a classic way to conclude your speech. You might say something like, "May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever."

Use a Quote or Poem : Incorporating a meaningful quote or a short poem can add a touch of elegance to your conclusion. For example, you could use a quote from a famous author or a line from a song that resonates with the couple’s relationship. Just make sure it aligns with the tone of your speech.

Raise a Toast : Ending with a toast is a traditional and effective way to conclude your best man speech. You can invite everyone to raise their glasses and join you in celebrating the couple. A simple, "To love, laughter, and happily ever after!" can be very impactful.

Keep It Short and Sweet : While you want to make your conclusion memorable, it’s important to keep it concise. Aim for a few sentences that encapsulate your feelings without dragging on. Remember, the goal is to leave the audience wanting more, not to bore them with lengthy farewells.

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Examples of Memorable Closures

  • Humorous Closure : "So, let’s raise our glasses to the couple! May your life together be filled with love, laughter, and a never-ending supply of takeout menus!"
  • Emotional Closure : "As you embark on this beautiful journey together, remember that love is not about how many days, months, or years you’ve been together. It’s about how much you love each other every single day. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness!"

Ending a best man speech can be just as important as the beginning. You want to leave a lasting impression on the couple and the guests, so here are some creative ways to wrap up your speech that will ensure it’s memorable.

1. Toast to the Couple

One of the most traditional yet effective ways to end your best man speech is with a heartfelt toast. Raise your glass and invite everyone to join you in celebrating the newlyweds. You might say something like, "Let’s raise our glasses to love, laughter, and a happily ever after for [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name]. Cheers!" This not only concludes your speech on a positive note but also encourages everyone to participate in the celebration.

2. Share a Quote

Using a meaningful quote can add depth to your closing. Choose a quote about love or friendship that resonates with the couple’s journey. For example, you could say, "As [Author's Name] once said, 'Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day.' Here’s to many more days of love for [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name]." This not only wraps up your speech nicely but also leaves the audience with something to ponder.

3. A Personal Anecdote

Ending with a personal story can create a strong emotional connection. Share a brief, funny, or touching story that encapsulates the essence of the couple’s relationship. For instance, you might recount a moment when you saw them together and realized they were meant for each other. This personal touch can make your speech more relatable and memorable.

4. A Call to Action

Encourage the guests to join in the celebration. You could say something like, "Now that we’ve celebrated the love between [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], let’s hit the dance floor and make some unforgettable memories!" This not only energizes the crowd but also transitions smoothly into the next part of the wedding festivities.

5. Humor with a Twist

If your speech has been light-hearted, consider ending with a humorous twist. You might say, "And remember, [Groom's Name], happy wife, happy life! So, let’s all raise our glasses to the man who just signed up for a lifetime of doing the dishes!" This keeps the mood light and leaves everyone laughing as you conclude your speech.

6. Express Gratitude

Take a moment to thank the couple for allowing you to be part of their special day. You could say, "Thank you, [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name], for letting me share in this beautiful celebration of your love. It’s an honor to stand by your side today." This not only shows your appreciation but also reinforces the bond you share with them.

7. Incorporate a Fun Fact or Statistic

If you want to add a unique twist, consider sharing a fun fact or statistic about marriage. For example, "Did you know that couples who laugh together are more likely to stay together? So, let’s all remember to keep the laughter alive in [Bride's Name] and [Groom's Name]'s marriage!" This can add an interesting element to your speech while also tying back to the theme of love and partnership.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the key to a memorable ending is to be genuine and speak from the heart. Whether you choose to toast, share a quote, or tell a personal story, make sure it reflects your relationship with the couple and the joy of their special day. For more tips on crafting the perfect best man speech, check out our best man speech tips and best man speech generator . Happy speaking!

When it comes to delivering a memorable best man speech, the ending is just as crucial as the beginning. You want to leave the audience with a lasting impression, and incorporating humor and emotion in your closing can achieve just that. Here are some tips to help you craft a heartfelt and funny conclusion that resonates with everyone in the room.

1. Use a Personal Anecdote

One of the best ways to blend humor and emotion is by sharing a personal story about the groom. Think of a funny moment that also highlights his character or your friendship. For example, you might recall a time when he tried to impress someone and hilariously failed. This not only brings laughter but also showcases the groom's endearing qualities. Just make sure the story is appropriate for the audience!

2. Play with Quotes

Incorporating a humorous or touching quote can be a great way to wrap up your speech. You might say something like, "As they say, 'Marriage is a workshop... where the husband works and the wife shops!'" This light-hearted jab can elicit laughter while also acknowledging the journey the couple is about to embark on. Alternatively, you could use a romantic quote about love that resonates with the couple's relationship.

3. Express Genuine Sentiments

While humor is essential, don’t forget to express your heartfelt wishes for the couple. A simple statement like, "I’ve never seen [Groom] as happy as he is with [Bride], and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you both," can add a touch of emotion to your closing. This balance of humor and sincerity will leave the audience feeling uplifted.

4. Raise a Toast

Ending your speech with a toast is a classic move. You can say something like, "So let’s raise our glasses to love, laughter, and happily ever after!" This not only invites everyone to join in but also creates a sense of unity among the guests. It’s a great way to transition from your speech to the celebration that follows.

5. Keep It Short and Sweet

Remember, the best endings are often concise. Aim for a closing that is impactful but doesn’t drag on. A well-timed punchline or a heartfelt wish can be more effective than a lengthy conclusion. You want to leave the audience wanting more, not checking their watches!

6. Practice Your Delivery

Finally, practice makes perfect. Rehearse your closing several times to ensure your timing is spot on. The delivery of your humor and emotion is just as important as the content itself. A well-timed pause before a punchline or a heartfelt moment can amplify the impact of your words.

Incorporating humor and emotion in your closing will not only make your best man speech memorable but also create a warm atmosphere for the couple and their guests. For more tips on crafting the perfect best man speech, check out our best man speech tips and best man speech generator . Remember, the goal is to celebrate love and friendship, so let your personality shine through!

When it comes to delivering a best man speech, the ending is just as crucial as the beginning. You want to leave the couple and the guests with a lasting impression that encapsulates your feelings and the essence of their relationship. Here are some tips on how to craft a memorable toast that resonates with the couple, ensuring your best man speech is one they’ll cherish forever.

Personal Touches Matter

One of the best ways to conclude your speech is by incorporating personal anecdotes that highlight the couple's journey together. Think about moments that showcase their love, humor, or even challenges they’ve overcome. For instance, you might say, "I remember when John first introduced me to Sarah. He was so nervous, but the way he looked at her told me everything I needed to know. It was clear he had found someone special."

Use Humor Wisely

A little humor can go a long way in making your toast memorable. However, be careful not to cross any lines. Light-hearted jokes about the couple’s quirks or funny stories that don’t embarrass them can be a great way to end on a high note. For example, you could say, "And let’s be honest, if anyone can put up with John’s obsession with fantasy football, it’s Sarah. Here’s to a lifetime of love, patience, and maybe a little less football!"

Quotes and Sayings

Incorporating a meaningful quote about love or marriage can add depth to your conclusion. Choose a quote that resonates with the couple’s relationship. For example, you might say, "As the great poet Rumi once said, ‘The wound is the place where the Light enters you.’ May your love always be a source of light in each other’s lives."

Call to Action

Encourage everyone to raise their glasses and join you in a toast. This not only engages the audience but also creates a collective moment of celebration. You could say, "So let’s raise our glasses to John and Sarah! May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever!"

Keep It Short and Sweet

While you want to make an impact, remember that brevity is key. Aim for a conclusion that is heartfelt yet concise. A well-crafted ending can be just a few sentences long, but it should encapsulate your best wishes for the couple.

Practice Makes Perfect

Finally, practice your ending as much as the rest of your speech. The more comfortable you are with your words, the more genuine your delivery will be. This will help you connect with the couple and the audience, making your toast even more memorable.

By following these tips, you can craft a toast that resonates with the couple and leaves a lasting impression on everyone present. For more insights on how to create the perfect best man speech, check out our best man speech tips and best man speech generator . Remember, the goal is to celebrate the couple and their love, so let your heart guide your words!

Delivering a best man speech can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can present a memorable toast that resonates with the couple and the guests. Here are some final tips to help you deliver your best man speech with confidence:

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

One of the best ways to build confidence is through practice. Rehearse your speech multiple times, both alone and in front of friends or family. This will help you get comfortable with the content and the flow of your speech. You might even consider recording yourself to identify areas for improvement. Remember, the more familiar you are with your material, the more confident you will feel on the big day.

2. Know Your Audience

Understanding who will be in the audience can help you tailor your speech appropriately. A best man speech should be heartfelt and humorous, but it’s essential to strike the right balance. Avoid inside jokes that only a few people will understand, and steer clear of any potentially embarrassing stories about the groom that might not sit well with the bride or her family.

3. Use Notes Wisely

While you want to avoid reading your speech verbatim, having a few notes can be a lifesaver. Jot down key points or quotes you want to remember. This way, if you lose your train of thought, you can quickly glance at your notes to get back on track. Just be sure to maintain eye contact with the audience to keep them engaged.

4. Embrace the Moment

When it’s your turn to speak, take a deep breath and embrace the moment. Remember, everyone is there to celebrate love and happiness, and they want to hear what you have to say. If you feel nervous, it’s okay to acknowledge it with a light-hearted comment. This can help break the ice and make you feel more at ease.

5. Engage with the Couple

Make your speech personal by including anecdotes about the couple. Share a funny or touching story that highlights their relationship. This not only makes your speech more memorable but also shows your connection to them. For example, you might say, "I remember the first time I saw [Groom] with [Bride]. He had this goofy grin on his face, and I knew right then that he was smitten."

6. End on a High Note

As you wrap up your speech, aim for a strong and positive conclusion. This could be a heartfelt wish for the couple’s future or a toast that encapsulates your feelings about their love. Phrases like "Here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after!" can leave a lasting impression. For more ideas on how to conclude your speech, check out our article on memorable best man toasts .

7. Stay Sober

While it might be tempting to have a drink or two to calm your nerves, it’s best to stay sober until after your speech. Alcohol can impair your judgment and delivery, making it harder to convey your message effectively. Save the celebratory drinks for after you’ve delivered your best man speech!

8. Visualize Success

Before stepping up to the microphone, take a moment to visualize yourself delivering the speech successfully. Picture the audience laughing, smiling, and enjoying your words. This mental rehearsal can boost your confidence and help you focus on the positive outcome.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a best man speech that not only honors the couple but also showcases your personality and connection to them. Remember, the goal is to celebrate love and create lasting memories for everyone involved.

Best Man Speech Generator

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How to End a Best Man's Speech

Last Updated: December 23, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Rachel Weinshanker . Rachel Weinshanker is a Certified Event and Wedding Planner and the Owner of San Diego Life Events, an award-winning wedding and event planning business based in San Diego, California. Rachel has over eight years of event planning experience, and her work has been featured in many notable publications. San Diego Life Events has been awarded the Wedding Wire Couple's Choice Award in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Rachel is a graduate from San Diego State University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 82,504 times.

So, you’ve written an awesome best man’s speech but you just can’t find the right words to close it out. Whether you’re looking for the perfect punchline or a beautiful toast, we’ve got your back! There are a ton of options here so rest assured that you’ll find the right solution based on what you’ve already written. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to craft a positive note, a toast, a quick joke, or some lovely well-wishes for the couple. Read on to learn everything you need to know about mastering the end of your speech.

Ending a Funny Speech

Step 1 Use family-friendly language in your ending.

  • For example, the person’s boss may be present, so you don’t want to say, “I wish you well, and hopefully Greg works harder for his bride than he does for his boss.”

Step 3 Reference the rest of your speech.

  • For example, say, “Here’s to you, Harry and Ginny, and Ginny, don’t try his ketchup spaghetti.”

Step 4 Tell a joke that is short and to the point.

  • For example, you can say, “Emily deserves a great husband. Thankfully, you snapped her up before she found one.”
  • For a funny ending, you might say something like, “To the two things that make a great marriage, a good sense of humor and selective hearing. To Peter and Paul.”
  • If you aren’t comfortable making a joke, leave the humor out. A sincere, upbeat ending sounds better than a forced joke.

Finding with a Heartfelt Sendoff

Step 1 Start the ending by calling for a toast.

  • For instance, say something like, “Please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple.”
  • If you don’t dedicate a separate line to the toast, clearly indicate that the end of your speech is coming. For instance, you might say the couple’s names, then stop and pick up your glass.

Step 2 Wish for the couple’s long-term happiness.

  • For a serious ending, say something like, “Here’s to a lifetime of love and fulfillment.”

Rachel Weinshanker

Rachel Weinshanker

Our Expert Agrees: When you're writing a best man's speech, keep it short and sweet, and even if your speech includes lighthearted jokes at the couple, end it on a positive note. That will leave the crowd feeling inspired and happy to be a part of the occasion.

Step 3 Avoid ending with a famous quote.

  • For example, you may think of saying, “Dante once said, ‘A great flame follows a little spark.’” If you have to have the quote, use it in the beginning of your speech.

Step 4 Avoid ending with marriage advice.

  • For example, avoid saying, “Take some time to listen and communicate, and I know we’ll be here someday to celebrate your 50th anniversary.”

Wrapping up with an Anecdote

Step 1 Focus on the marriage instead of past relationships.

  • For example, say, “I wish my best friend and his bride a life filled with happiness, adventure, and great memories.”

Step 2 End the story in a family-friendly way.

  • Good subject matter involves things like your friend’s hobbies, dancing, cooking, or experiences.

Step 3 Explain how your story relates to the marriage.

  • For instance, say, “When Greg turned off Sunday football to meet up with Jane, I knew they really were in love.”

Delivering the Speech

Step 1 Record yourself reading the entire speech out loud.

  • Also note any times you have trouble speaking the lines. As the best man, you have to sound enthusiastic. Adjust your speaking style as well as your speech.

Step 2 Time the speech as you read it.

  • Many best man speeches run into trouble by rambling. Keep your ending short and to the point.

Step 3 Edit your speech for clarity and brevity.

  • For a great ending, the entire speech has to move quickly and lead into the final line. That’s why it’s important to rehearse your speech as a whole.

Step 4 Memorize your speech.

  • You can always print or write out speech notes on notecards. Keep these with you in case you get stuck during the speech.
  • Avoid reading from a script. The best speeches look and sounds natural.

Step 5 Avoid drinking too much.

  • Be confident in the fact that you learned and practiced the ending. As long as you aren’t offensive, you will usually get a positive reaction.
  • You don’t have to look directly at your audience. Glance around the room, focusing on different foreheads. No one will know the difference.

Step 7 Stay on script when reading your ending.

Sample Speeches

good quotes to end a best man speech

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Expert Q&A

  • When in doubt, remove a story or joke. You are better off having a totally serious ending rather than saying something inappropriate. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Be respectful of everyone around you. As long as you stay positive, your speech will be fine. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Practice your ending to refine it and make it a part of your whole speech. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

good quotes to end a best man speech

  • Sometimes the crowd won’t follow along with your speech. If they look unhappy, change to a different tactic. Being positive and upbeat can help you recover. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If your jokes or stories aren’t well-received, cut them out. Inappropriate jokes spoil the mood most of the time. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Rachel Weinshanker

If you’re unsure how to end your best man’s speech, there are a few options you can choose from. Consider closing your speech with a heartfelt comment on their marriage. For example, say something like, "I wish my best friend and his bride a life filled with happiness, adventure, and great memories," or "Here's to a lifetime of love and fulfillment." You can also wrap up your speech with a short joke, such as, “Emily deserves a great husband. Thankfully, Paul snapped her up before she found one.” This will work well if your speech is a comedic one. After your closing line, raise your glass and toast to the bride and groom. For more tips, including how to prepare for your speech, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Best Man Quotes – A Cheat’s Guide

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(*Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out all the different ways the Speechy team can help you write & deliver a great speech. Or check out our new AI-powered team member, SpeechyAI .)

(Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out Speechy’s bespoke speechwriting service . We also have a range of excellent speech templates that might be just what you need.)

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How to Use Quotes

Before we begin, a word of warning…Great quotes shouldn’t make you lazy. Use the quotes as an addition to what you want to say, rather than a substitute for your own words.

Write your speech first, then see if a quote or two can make it better.

1. Make the quotes meaningful

Think about the songs & the films that you’ve bonded over. Do any of these lend themselves to a great quote?

2. Don’t overload your speech with quotes

Two maximum as a general rule. One at the top and one towards the end.

3. Quote recognisable names (or at least provide some context)

It’s always good to quote people that you’ve actually have heard of (or at least respect after you’ve looked them up on Wikipedia ). You’ll find there are loads of great quotes by people you’ve never heard of, but do you really want to qualify them by saying they were written by a ‘relationship consultant’?

4. Add a back ref

Put the quote into a personal context, or make it even more humorous with a suitable ‘ad lib’.

5. Get expert advice

Check out our  Best Man Speech Advice for the full low down on how to package your quotes up in a great speech. Or work with the Speechy team and exploit our products & services.

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Speechy’s Favourite Best Man Quotes

“what i say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.”.

– A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh.

This quote works best if the groom likes his Maris Pipers!

“Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are.”  – Will Ferrell 

You can always add some more ‘marriage advice’ quotes to your speech. Check out our father of the bride quotes for more inspo.

“I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Rita Rudner

It’s a classic but it works. Clearly only if you’re married.

“ Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you haven’t learned anything”. – Muhammad Ali

Quoting this dude is always going to add a bit of cool to your speech.

“Who, being loved, is poor?”  – Oscar Wilde

For a moment people may suspect you’re being sincere. But obviously, you’ll back ref this with something related to the ridiculous cost of a wedding.

“There is nothing like puking with somebody to make you into old friends.”  – Sylvia Plath

Even literary titans understand the powerful bonding experience of a stag do.

”We fall in love because we long to escape from ourselves with someone as beautiful, intelligent, and witty as we are ugly, stupid, and dull. But what if such a perfect being should one day turn around and decide they will love us back? We can only be somewhat shocked-how can they be as wonderful as we had hoped. “ – Alain Du Botton

A bit of philosophy perhaps?

“Never go to bed on an argument. Stay up and fight.”  – Phyllis Diller

Still love this classic quote. And we follow her advice every night.

“ It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in life that matters.”  – Author Unknown

Just on the right side of sincere without verging into cheesy territory.

”Marriage is like a game of chess except the board is flowing water, the pieces are made of smoke and no move you make will have any effect on the outcome.” – Jerry Seinfeld

So if you use this one, the speech has got to end up being slightly less cynical.

”You can always tell a real friend: when you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job.” – Laurence J. Peter

Thank God this is true.

‘It’s the friends you can call up at 4am that matter.’ – Marlene Dietrich 

An awesome German woman who clearly knew the rules of friendship. (Though didn’t live long enough to know friends don’t actually call each other these days).

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”  – C.S. Lewis

Give examples to make this quote funnier e.g. do you both order two Big Macs at a time, reckon Christopher Eccleston was the best Doc Who, remember the lyrics to The Shamen’s Ebeneezer track despite only being six when it was released.  You know the sort of thing…

“It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect, as long as they are perfect for each other”  – Robin Williams, Good Will Hunting

And a sweet one to end on (without being overly mushy).

For further inspiration read our best man speech examples , best man speech advice , best man jokes or read about our AI best man speech generator , that can help you get this done and write your speech now!

The Speechwriting Experts

The Speechy team  are TV-trained scriptwriters/comedians by trade & we’ve helped 1,000s of speakers around the world deliver their dream speech.

Our advice has been quoted everywhere from  The New York Times  to  Grazia  and from Forbes to The Observer . Our founder has also featured on the  BBC Sounds’ Best Men podcast with Jason Manford and written ‘ The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’ , published by Little, Brown.

Heidi and the Speechy Team

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How to Write a Best Man Speech: Examples, Templates, & Opening Lines

good quotes to end a best man speech

Whether it’s for a friend or family member, we have tips for how to write a best man speech. We’ve rounded up everything that goes into an inspiring, entertaining crowd-pleaser: jokes, quotes, themes, opening lines. From icebreakers to start and toasts to finish, here are ideas for your best man speech.

What should a best man speech include?

At the end of the day, you’re just telling your friends you’re happy for them (and the fact that the wedding is all about them should take away some pressure). So when you’re deciding what to include in your best man speech, remember: Humor is memorable, but honesty is meaningful. So aim for a combination and try to hit these key points.

  • Personality: You were invited to be yourself, so don’t worry about performing. Are you a treasure trove of charming stories? Are you the calm lighthouse in a storm? Be inclusive and sensitive but be you. Let it flow.
  • Examples: Be specific rather than general. Unpack the qualities you admire about the couple and when they’ve occurred (how have they demonstrated kindness or loyalty?). That will make your speech more personable vs. a list that could apply to any couple.
  • Gratitude: Say thanks for being chosen as the best man and the chance to stand by their side. Toss in a few thank yous to everyone for attending, those who raised the couple, and those hosting the ceremony. It grabs your listeners, and a little schmoozing never hurts.

How long should a best man speech be?

Like the saying goes, “Be brief, be brilliant, be gone.” A best man speech should always be under 5 minutes, usually three. To keep the attention of your audience, fit it all into 750 words.

Length increases boredom, not sentiment. Trimming your speech down to its essentials means you prioritize quality, which will make your words more impactful and easier to remember. Staying short and sweet can also help with any fears of public speaking because it’ll all be over soon.

good quotes to end a best man speech

How to Write a Best Man Speech

Find a theme.

  • What’s your point? What do all your heartfelt details have in common? Commitment? Fun facts? Opposites attract? This will help narrow down your anecdotes. Your theme can also influence how you structure your best man speech, like a unifying metaphor or a rhyming hook to keep it engaging.
  • A few themes off the menu: Inside jokes, sabotaging roasts. Basically, anything that’s too obscure or anything that would embarrass or expose the couple. From an audience perspective, these are painful and awkward. You’re honoring the couple for making it down the aisle (a huge success) vs. reminding them of their failures or what could have gotten in the way (emotions can be high). Everyone looks good and feels good when you stick to why the couple’s bond is unbreakable.

Create an Outline

  • Congratulations: The easiest intro and the whole reason you’re speaking.
  • Connection to the Couple: Did you watch your childhood friend become a better person because of the relationship? Did you play a part in their romance? Did your paths cross in unexpected ways?
  • One or Two Stories: Everyday moments, grand gestures. Polish these up to be intentional. How do they tie to the occasion and your theme (eg. examples of how they always showed unwavering support toward one another.).
  • Acknowledge the Spouse: Dropping in compliments for the partner can emphasize why they’re a match. It helps concentrate on their union as a whole rather than a half, even if you only know one of them well.
  • Cheers: You did it! Now applaud their courage to weather life’s storms together. Raise a glass and invite everyone to do the same.

How to Start a Best Man Speech

A greeting and a hearty congratulations kick things off. Here are a few prompts to start your best man speech.

  • Intro: “It’s truly an honor to stand before you as [Partner’s Name]’s best man. My name is [Name], and I’ve had the privilege of being [Name]’s partner in crime since [college, childhood, etc.].”
  • Embrace the Occasion: “On behalf of [Partner’s Name] and [Partner’s Name], I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you as we come together to celebrate this beautiful union.”
  • Share a Quote: “As [Partner’s Name] and [Partner’s Name] embark on this exciting journey, I’m reminded of a quote by [Author] that says, ‘[Quote].’ And today, we’re here to witness the embodiment of that sentiment.”

Opening Line Ideas

After a “good evening” or a “hello,” here are a few transitions to get to the good stuff. Brainstorm with a written or verbal stream of consciousness to help identify your feelings. You can pare them down later.

  • “I first witnessed their connection when…” / “I saw sparks flying during…”
  • “If we were to start with the first chapter…” / “Let’s rewind the tapes to…” / “Let’s take a trip down memory lane to a time when…”
  • “As I stand here, I can’t help but think of a memory that always makes me tear up/smile…”
  • “Of all the unforgettable moments I’ve shared with [Name], there’s one that stands out—”
  • “If there’s one memory that never fails to bring a smile to my face/tears to my eyes, it’s the time…”
  • “When they first introduced me to [Partner’s Name], I saw that look. The one that says…”
  • “When they first met [Partner’s Name], they couldn’t stop talking about…”
  • “None of us could have anticipated…”
  • “There’s a moment when you see two people together, and you can’t help but realize…”
  • “I knew [Name]’s heart had found its home the moment I saw…”
  • “Everything changed in their relationship when…”
  • “I could tell they were ready to face the world as partners in life when…”
  • “I can’t help but reflect on the beautiful journey that [Their Names] have taken together…”
  • “Their love story has taught me that [qualities] are the foundation of a long-lasting partnership.”
  • “Their relationship has taught me that love isn’t just a destination; it’s a journey filled with…”

How to End a Best Man Speech

Whether you give your best man speech at the wedding reception or rehearsal dinner, you can always end it with a toast. To finish on a positive, uplifting note, here are a few concluding thoughts for well wishes and looking ahead.

  • “May your journey together be filled with endless love, laughter, and a lifetime of cherished memories.”
  • “May your love story continue to inspire us all. Here’s to new beginnings.”
  • “Let’s look forward to the adventures that await [Names]. We hope this will be the most beautiful chapter of your story together.”
  • “May your journey be filled with a love that only grows stronger with time.”

good quotes to end a best man speech

Speech Tips: Do’s and Don’ts

There are standards for speaking at a ceremony. Here are the rules to live by when you want your best man speech to be unforgettable for the right reasons

  • Do use notecards to feel prepared, calm the jitters, and remember all that you want to say (as long as you remain present and make eye contact). Don’t read from your phone , in case it locks in the moment, loses charge leading up to the speech, or the lighting affects photos.
  • Do reference your ties to the couple. Nod to when and how you met but ultimately keep the focus on their relationship. Don’t make your best man speech about you. You were invited to share your perspective, so it’s a classy move to keep things relevant and selfless.
  • Do share your unique insights. Your experience adds to the audience’s understanding of the couple as partners and as individuals. However, don’t be inappropriate. You might know the skeletons in their closet but skip anything they wouldn’t want shared or would warrant an apology — like their past relationships. It’s mostly to ensure your anecdotes would play well across any age, culture, or relationship context (grandparents, work friends, flower girl).
  • Do speak from the heart. It’s sweet, sincere, and makes speech writing that much easier. But don’t force emotions. Whether it’s jokes or mushy stuff, if neither are in your wheelhouse, you don’t have to be anyone other than the person they invited.
  • Do rehearse out loud at least two months in advance so you can practice tone, timing, and pacing. They can all aid your confidence. You might even run your speech by a friend or film yourself for feedback. And since it’s a big day for the couple, don’t wing it. With words at the ready, there will be less risk of feeling flustered or saying something cringe.
  • Do take it seriously. It can still be lighthearted, but it’s a huge honor to be asked to speak at a wedding. Proof of some time and effort in your speech returns the thoughtful gesture (the same goes for limiting yourself to one drink beforehand). Don’t be nervous. Even if you’re afraid of public speaking or not usually one for getting sappy, try to see your best man speech as an exciting opportunity.

Example Prompt Ideas

Here are a few best man speech ideas to keep the atmosphere light and joyful while celebrating the couple’s uniqueness.

Nothing wrong with straightforward and authentic.

  • Timeline: The couple’s love story from how they met to their engagement. Emphasize the nostalgic moments that made their relationship special. You can highlight their growth as a pair or as individuals — how they’ve changed since they’ve met, and/or what has stayed the same.
  • Shared Interests: How their passions have brought them closer together and how they’ll continue to enjoy them in married life.

Depending on the formality of the guest list and the wedding venue (beach vs. church), you can loosen your black tie when it comes to humor. But you’ll want to be respectful and give the couple a heads up.

  • Predictions: Playfully imagine scenarios for what the couple’s future might hold.
  • Old Photos: A fun way to remind them how far they’ve come.

Whether it’s from a role model in your lives (coach, relative, etc.), or an adage from another language, it’s common to borrow a bit of filler for your best man speech.

  • Wisdom: Advice for a successful marriage based on experiences or observations. You can customize fortune cookies for laughs.
  • Famous Words: Pull from any movies or authors with guiding tidbits, e.g., “Love is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction.” “Love is not just something you feel, it’s something you do.” “Love is not about finding someone you can live with, but finding someone you can’t imagine living without.”

good quotes to end a best man speech

Best Man Speech Templates

Memories of your time together through thick and thin, and how your friendship has remained constant.

“[Friend’s Name] and I have shared countless adventures over the years, and our friendship has survived every challenge, even [memory]. They’re the kind of friend who’s always there when you need them, whether it’s [example]. That’s why I know they’ll be an amazing partner to [Partner’s Name].”

For Younger Brother:

As an older sibling, look to your brother’s future. Talk about the exciting things that lie ahead: travels, career accomplishments, life milestones, etc. Share your pride.

“I can’t believe this day has finally arrived. It feels like just yesterday we were [childhood memory]. But as the years went by, I watched as my little brother met [Partner’s Name] and transformed into the incredible person they are today.”

For Older Brother:

Speak to how their support has shaped you, or what you learned by watching them face life’s challenges first.

“[Brother’s Name] has always been more than a brother to me. I’ve always looked up to [Brother’s Name] for [their characteristics], and now they’ve found a partner who [balances or complements these traits]. That’s why they’re perfect for each other.”

For Cousin:

Express your happiness for their partner joining your family traditions or how they’ve become an integral part of them.

“Growing up as cousins, [Cousin’s Name] and I had a bond beyond family ties. So when [Partner’s Name] came into the picture, I knew my cousin found their missing puzzle piece. I’m so excited for [Partner’s Name] to join our family vacations and holiday gatherings.”

Talk about the importance of togetherness; how the couple’s union represents two families merging to become one. Or offer tongue-in-cheek parental advice.

“My father has always been dedicated to family. He was always willing to go the extra mile for his loved ones. The love he shares with [Partner’s Name] is a testament to the trust and respect that you’ve instilled in our family.”

Final Thoughts

A best man speech is a rare chance to dig deep, get vulnerable, and tell those close to you how significant they are in your life. These prompts and templates can all get you started, but with the nuances of your relationship and theirs, you can make the tradition all your own. Best of luck!

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Best Man Speech Magic: Crafting Words that Resonate and Inspire

Natalia Bayeva

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Hey there! Your friend’s wedding is just around the corner, and he’s chosen you to be the best man? Crafting the perfect best man speech might seem daunting, but trust us, it’s simpler than you imagine.

Below, you’ll find a wealth of tips and examples from Wedding Forward team to guide you through crafting a best man speech that will leave a lasting impression. Moreover, our editorial team interviewed two distinguished experts in the field: Mindy Weiss, the founder of Mindy Weiss Party Consultants and a best-selling author, and Steven Greitzer, a wedding tech entrepreneur and officiant, serving as CEO of Provenance . Their invaluable tips and advice also have been integrated into this article.


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Top Best Man Speeches Examples

It is much easier to write a best man speech when you have some examples to draw upon for inspiration. That’s why Wedding Forward team have prepared variety collection of inspired best man speech to help you craft your own!

Best Man Speech For Friend

Best Man Speech for Brother

“Good evening, hope everyone is having a good time tonight. I feel very privileged and honored to be standing here tonight celebrating this lovely union. Two years ago, Matt gave the best man speech at my wedding and made a lot of awkward jokes. So needless to say, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a really long time! For those who don’t know, I am Matt’s brother, Mike. I first met Matt when I was two years old at our parent’s house in Boston. To be quite honest, I wasn’t thrilled because I really wanted a sister. And I think he knew because Matt would do ridiculous things like throw my toothbrush in the toilet, pour water at me when I was asleep and run across the room naked when I had any friends over. This made me less popular than I already was. Matt always excelled in school, was captain of the debate team (apologies to Cara, but he can argue his way out of anything!) and can make a mean steak. The truth is, despite him being an annoying brother at the time, I came out winning in the end. Because of him and this beautiful night, I am getting the sister I always wanted. Cara, you’re beautiful and our family loves you so much. Thank you for making my brother so happy. Let’s celebrate this amazing union and raise a glass to the newlyweds ! On behalf of the groomsmen and bridesmaids, we’d like to wish you a life full of love, happiness, and joy. To everyone who made tonight happen, thank you. You’ve made this night very special.” Source

Short Best Man Speeches

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? As the best man, I stand here today to say a few words about the remarkable love story between my incredible friend, [groom’s name], and his beautiful bride, [bride’s name]. [Groom’s name] and I have been through thick and thin together, and I’ve had the privilege of witnessing his growth as a person. But it wasn’t until [bride’s name] came into his life that I saw a change I can only describe as transformative. Their love is like a beacon, guiding them through life’s ups and downs. So here’s to the newlyweds—a couple who have found not just love, but true companionship. May your journey be filled with happiness, passion, and an everlasting bond.”
“Sure, here’s an even shorter best man speech example: Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], the best man. I want to thank [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name] for this wonderful celebration. [Groom’s Name], you’ve been an amazing friend, and seeing you with [Bride’s Name] brings such joy. [Bride’s Name], you complete [Groom’s Name] perfectly. Together, you both inspire us with your love. Let’s raise a glass to the happy couple. May your life together be filled with love and happiness. Cheers!”

Funny Best Man Speeches

Best man talk for adam and kate.

“Adam and Kate – What a great day to get married! Marriage carries new responsibilities. Kate – from now on, you should never argue or disagree with Adam, because he is now the head of the family and the king of his castle. You will be expected to keep your hair and make-up perfect at all times – to dress in a way that pleases Adam. You should cook his favorite meals every night and encourage him to go out with his friends on a regular basis. Do these simple things and your marriage will be blessed with many years of happiness. Kate – I know that Adam loves you very much… because he spent a long time writing this speech for me. Congratulations to the both of you!” Source

Best Man Presentation for Sarah & Simon

“Sarah & Simon – every great relationship starts with rings. In the beginning, the phone would ring and just the thought of speaking to one another was exciting. Your love grew and so did your commitment to each other. The engagement ring soon came after. There were no doubts… your love was true. The engagement ring has now turned into a wedding ring and we are all here today to celebrate your marriage. Now of course… the suffer-ring begins. (smile and raise your glass) Peace and happiness to the new bride and groom!” Source

Speech for Neil and Claire

“Hi my name is Paul and Neil has asked me to be his best man for this wonderful occasion. I would like to say it is a very special honor but with it, comes the responsibility of giving the bloody speech. I would not say it is very comfortable to wear a tuxedo in a 30-degree church, which is not air-conditioned. The church ceremony I’m sure you’ll all agree was a wonderful, wonderful occasion. Maybe a little hot, but I’m glad to see so many of you have replaced your electrolytes with fuel of the alcoholic kind since the reception began. I have known Neil and Claire for_________ [how many years] years. You might say Neil and I met by accident, but it is no accident that Neil met Claire. If you know Neil you know he is an excellent athlete, in fact I noticed his Athletes foot right away. This was a man who had his knees and ankles shaved, for easy taping. I knew this was a hard-core sports fanatic. We both share a tremendous love of football and basketball. For many years, we have had a running bet during the season as to who will score more goals or more runs which of course, I always won. Neil is a ______________ [Groom’s Occupation] in Truro, and I thought__________________________________[Funny or quirky aspect about grooms occupation] Neil is a man who has dedicated his life to __________________[Grooms occupation] And now I’m sure will use his experience with ___________________________[what the Groom does in his occupation] in his marriage with Claire. It is great that Neil found Claire. He has always been looking for someone young, dynamic, intelligent, attractive, and with good health insurance. Neil and Claire met_________________________ [where they meet], But I have it on good authority that Neil started looking for a wife on the internet. And with a multitude of resources at his fingertips, he found some really great stuff, but sadly was unable to find himself a suitable partner. That is, until I mentioned to him that the correct category to be looking should be Woman Seeking Man. I explained the way it works, send an old picture when you still had lots of hair, lie about your height and weight, and at all other times be sincere and honest. I imagine that when Neil and Claire met and introduced each other he said I’m Neil and she said, “I need a Diamond.” So, Neil said, sure let’s pick one out. Claire is a Diamond. Neil is a gem; I think together they make beautiful jewellery. No Marriage would be complete without some brotherly advice to help set you on your way… So I canvassed the room and got some really good stuff for you! Love, honor and cherish each other, and don’t forget to take out the garbage. Your wife is always right. Just in case she is not right, refer back to #2. Always, yes always, notice every new hairstyle or dress. Do something nice for each other every single day. If she asks if something makes her look fat the answer is categorically, NO. Flowers are always a good Idea, even if you are not in trouble. There is really nothing better than a good foot rub or massage. Your wife is more important than sports. I guess. Even the cup final. It is a great joy for me to see Neil and Claire so happy. You learn things when you get older. Hmmm, I mean more mature. You make better decisions, isn’t it great that two people would entwine and commit to each other for life. Love, isn’t that what it is all about? We are here to celebrate that glorious event and this ceremony is all about letting the world know how much Neil and Claire’s love for each other is a reflection of one’s own soul in another’s. Anyway, it is time to celebrate the joyous and unbridled love that these two spectacular people will share the rest of their lives. Would you please stand now and join me in a toast. To love and laughter and happily ever after.” Source

What are the key elements that should be included in a memorable and heartfelt best man’s speech?

That is what Steven Greitzer, wedding tech entrepreneur and officiant, CEO of Provenance, said:

“There are many key elements to take into account when pulling together a great toast:

  • Include 2-3 stories in your speech that capture the essence of the groom and your friendship.
  • Make sure your speech is appropriate by discussing “no-go’s” with the couple beforehand.
  • Acknowledge the groom’s partner in your speech and speak about how the relationship has helped the groom grow (more on that below).
  • Offer a thematic takeaway, such as the importance of friendship or the strength of the couple’s love.
  • Be sure to practice

The Provenance Toast Builder is the best and easiest way to make sure your wedding toast captures what you’re trying to say.”

Try the Toast Builder

How to Write Best Man Speech

For a great wedding speech, there are some simple rules you have to follow. Here you will find examples of best man speeches Dos and Don’ts from our editors.

  • Plan your speech ahead (think about your best man speech structure, choose formal or funny style) and practice.
  • Tell a short story ( keep the speech to about 5 minutes or less ) with jokes (2 or 3 will be enough).
  • Get sentimental at some point, make compliments to the bride.
  • Finish on an optimistic note (end your speech with love quotes or wishes for the happy couple).
  • Be thankful (express gratitude towards the couple, their family, and anyone who helped make the wedding happen).


  • Do not cross the 2-5 mins time limit.
  • Do not make it about you.
  • Avoid dirty jokes.
  • Do not ignore the bride. Let her know how happy you are, that she is ending up with your friend.
  • Avoid rude remarks. Keep your manners in check, even if it’s for a day.


good quotes to end a best man speech

Best Man Speech Templates

Click here to download free printable templates of best man speech!

When creating the Best Man speech outline for your talk, include the following elements to involve everyone, making one and all feel that they are important participants in the merrymaking for the newlywed couple:

Use a Magnetic Opening Line

The opening words of your Best Man presentation should grab everyone’s attention. If you favor a romantic approach to start off a speech, you can start with a statement like, “True love wins all,” and then list the various ways the Groom, through his true love for his Bride, has won all her attention and affections.

  • If some of the Groom’s favorite hip singer-songwriters date back to the 1960s and ’70s, you can quote from Bob Dylan: “ Love is just a four-letter word ,” going on to mention the many words of just four letters that relate to feelings of true love like “ kiss, hold, keep and ever. ” Be intent and clever with the use of language, and you will achieve better engagement with your audience.
  • If your tastes (or the tastes of the newlyweds) are somewhat more classical, you can start by quoting the familiar line from Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “ How do I love thee, Let me count the ways. ” This popular line has been repeated in many variations by countless poets and songwriters ever since, so have no fear of labeling yourself as an egghead when quoting it. This opening line will also give you a chance to mention the main virtues and attributes of the Bride.

Thank the Other Speakers

It is always appropriate and appreciated if you thank the other speakers for the occasion. These speakers usually include the Maid of Honor and the Bride’s Father as well as any other members of the wedding party that the Bride and Groom ask to speak.

It is always good form to express your gratitude for their contributions to this special moment and event. Never criticize or make jokes about what they say or how they say it. Just thank them politely and continue with your own remarks since you know very well how to write a best-man speech.

Congratulate the Newlyweds

Congratulate the wedding couple on this exciting first chapter in their lives together. This is the ideal time to tell the guests how you met your great friend, the Groom. If you happen to be the Groom’s brother or cousin, you can recreate moments of hilarity from your younger years together or shared experiences of suspense or intrigue.

Recalling funny incidents or telling best man speech jokes involving the Groom is totally acceptable, so long as you keep the format and content clean and respectable.

Expert tip from Steven Greitzer:

“A great best man speech strikes the perfect balance of humor and sincerity. You want it to be memorable, but for the right reasons. Check with the couple to see if there are any topics you need to avoid or any topics that might be of particular concern to anyone in the audience. In the Provenance Toast Builder , the couple has the option to call out any topic they do, or don’t, want you to include. If you have any jokes in your speech you are unsure about, run them by someone who is close to the couple who you trust. And if you have a feeling that a joke might upset them or not land well with the audience – err on the side of caution. It’s their big day, not yours! There’s a way to have a funny best man speech that doesn’t upset grandma. Find the balance.”

Compliment the Bride

Now it is time to pull out the stops and give high praise to the Bride using your knowledge of how to write a best man talk. Highlight and emphasize her finest qualities, talents, and accomplishments.

Let them know just how overjoyed you are to celebrate the marriage of these two special people of whom you think so highly. Then give the Bride another charming compliment using top-quality speech writing tips.

Read Messages from Absent Guests

Take time to read some messages from invited guests who could not attend the wedding. This gesture is always appreciated by the absent guests and the Bride and Groom, alike. It also includes their congratulatory thoughts and best wishes for the newlyweds in the day’s special events.

Include a Famous Quote or Poem

Enchant your attentive audience of wedding guests further by reciting a well-known quote or poem that suits the occasion. This adds a creative literary element to the post-wedding celebration for the honored couple. You may want to consult other templates, including a listing of groomsman speech examples.

Best Man Speech Quotes

Choose Best Man speech quotes that reflect the couple’s personality, add humor, and keep them relevant.

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. H. L. Mencken
Marriage is a workshop where husband works and wife shops.
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin

Propose a Toast to the Wedding Couple

Raise your glass of champagne so the guests can eagerly follow your example as you deliver a heartfelt toast of optimistic good wishes for the excellent health, increasing wealth, and everlasting happiness of the newlyweds.

The toast should be given with gusto and true sincerity and may include mild best-man speech jokes. Remember that you speak for all the well-wishers in the room who want all the best for this newly married Bride and Groom, so put your best energy, spirit, and talents for convincing elocution into this featured Grand Finale.

The “Thankful” Speech

“Hello everyone, it’s such a pleasure to be here tonight as [Groom’s] best man. And I want to begin with saying what an honor it is that I was chosen to stand by your side today. You’ve always been someone that I looked up to and I am just beyond grateful that I get to share in this moment with you and [Bride]. [Groom] is someone that I’ve come to care for greatly over the years and I am so happy that he’s found someone to share his life with and start a family with. [Groom] has always been my right hand throughout the biggest moments of my life and I can’t wait to be able to watch everything beautiful unfold for the two of you. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness!”

The “Smart Move” Speech

“There’s an old saying about friendship that reads, “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them,” and goodness that couldn’t be more true for me and my boy, [Groom]. I could go into all the funny stories that include some of that stupidity but instead I’d rather focus on all the smart moves he’s made. His friendships, the relationship he has with his family, his career, it’s all a reflection of the incredible man he’s become. But really, the smartest move he’s made is marrying you, [Bride]. Let’s toast to the best decision [Groom’s] ever made. I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness and success.”

The “She Was the One” Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming out tonight to celebrate the wedding of two people we all love, [Bride] & [Groom]! When I first met [Bride], I knew that she was the woman [Groom] would end up marrying. Even if it hadn’t dawned on him quite yet, it was obvious to everyone around just how smitten he was with her. They talk about a bride’s glow, but this man was shining since the moment he met [Bride]. He changed for the better without realizing it. And we all could see it. He couldn’t stop talking about her. We’d go out with the boys and [Bride’s] name would be brought up every two minutes. So, when he came to me to tell me that he would be proposing my only response was, ‘Well, it’s about time!’ There’s something special about these two. They go together without forcing it. They love each other without fighting it. And they care about each other without thinking about it. She was the one from the very beginning [Groom], and we’re all so happy to be able to take part in your big day. Cheers!”

Best Man Speech Opening Lines

Your opening lines are your best-man speech icebreakers, so it’s important that they are good. Grab the attention of your guests with witty best man speech openers such as these.

  • “I would like to begin by congratulating the groom on his excellent taste in best men. He has really outdone himself this time, and I’m pleased.”
  • “I have been asked by the bride and groom not to share any embarrassing stories, crude jokes, or pranks during my best man’s speech… so I guess that’ll be it from me! Thank you all for listening.”
  • “If you cannot hear me at the back, nothing to worry about. By the complete silence in the front row here, you can rest assured that you’re really not missing much.”
  • “Is anyone here this afternoon feeling nervous and queasy at the thought of what lies ahead? If you are, it’s probably because you’ve just married (groom’s name).”
  • “All of you here who really know the bride must know that she is a wonderful person who deserves a good husband. Thank goodness (groom’s name) married her before she found one.”

Best Man Speech One-Liners

I am about to make the groom cry. I just received the food bill.
He is smart, tall, kind, generous….. Who am I actually talking about?
Hi, the groom is a great friend. Our friendship is 2hours old. I was hired as he’s got no friends.
His colleagues describe him as a first-class banker – I may have misheard them.
I heard some time that marriage is a 50/50 affair. Believe that at your own peril. We have factors called women and improper fractions.

One-liners are sharp jokes delivered in one sentence. A good one-liner is concise and meaningful. It is instant but loaded with humor that can keep the guests laughing for a while. It is important that the best man speech jokes contain one-liners.

Best Man Toasts Examples

“It’s been an emotional day, even the cake is in tiers.”
“Folks, I have been told I am not allowed to have a drink until AFTER my speech. If I seem like I’m in a hurry to finish, it’s because I am.”
“I hope the two of you have the two essential things it takes to have a successful marriage 1) a sense of humor 2) selective hearing.”
“Psychiatrists say that girls tend to marry men like their fathers. That must be why mothers cry at weddings.”
“Love is not about how often you say I love you, but how often you show that it’s true.”

Best Man Speech Jokes

“They say marriage is a journey, and tonight we celebrate the beginning of an epic road trip for the bride and groom. Just remember, guys, never forget to ask for directions!”
“They say the key to a successful marriage is patience, understanding, and a remote control with fresh batteries. Groom, make sure you always keep that remote handy!”
“Let’s raise our glasses to the newlyweds: may their love be like Wi-Fi, strong and never disconnecting, even in the midst of Netflix binges!”
“As the best man, it’s my duty to share a piece of advice with the groom: in marriage, always remember that a happy wife means a happy life… and also remember to nod and agree, even when she’s wrong!”
“Marriage is a lifelong commitment, just like the gym membership the groom signed up for and rarely uses. But this time, there are no cancellation fees!”

Best Man Speech Tips

best man speech attire groom olly allars

When delivering your best man speech, it’s essential to captivate the audience with your words and presence. Here are some tips to ensure a memorable and engaging delivery:

  • Maintain good eye contact with the audience: Look directly at the guests while speaking. Eye contact helps establish a connection and shows that you are genuinely engaged with them.
  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace: Enunciate your words clearly and avoid rushing through your speech. Speaking at a moderate pace allows the audience to understand and absorb your message effectively.
  • Use appropriate gestures and body language to enhance your delivery: Use hand gestures and body movements to emphasize key points and add energy to your speech. However, be mindful of not going overboard and distracting from your message.
  • Incorporate pauses for comedic timing and to allow the audience to react: Timing is crucial, especially when delivering humorous anecdotes or punchlines. Pause before and after delivering a joke to build anticipation and give the audience time to laugh and react.

By implementing these delivery and presentation tips, you’ll engage the audience, leave a lasting impression, and make your best man speech a memorable highlight of the wedding celebration.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid, and how to overcome nervousness or stage fright?

According to wedding planner Mindy Weiss, “speeches can help make or break a wedding” . And we agree with this opinion. Speeches have the power to elevate the celebration, bringing tears of joy and laughter to guests, while also creating cherished memories that last a lifetime. However, poorly delivered speeches can disrupt the flow and energy of the event, leaving guests feeling disconnected and the couple disappointed.

Steven Greitzer convinced that one of the biggest mistakes is when the person giving the wedding speech only talks about the partner they’re closest with, unintentionally making the other partner feel left out and unimportant: “To help remedy this, the Provenance Toast Builder gives you the option to either talk about each partner 50/50, or to talk 70% about your person and 30% about their partner (which is a good rule of thumb). The Toast Builder also has thoughtful prompts to encourage you to share why they’re both 1) good people and 2) a great match for each other.

What is the best man supposed to say in his speech?

The best man should share anecdotes about the groom, praise the couple, thank everyone, and propose a toast. Keep it lighthearted and sincere.

How long should a best man speech be?

The best man’s speech should typically be 5 to 7 minutes long. This duration is long enough to share heartfelt sentiments, humorous anecdotes, and well-wishes without losing the audience’s attention. Keeping it concise and engaging ensures it remains memorable and enjoyable for everyone.

How do I write a good man speech?

Write a good best man speech by including humor, expressing genuine sentiments, avoiding inappropriate content, and keeping it focused on the couple. Practice for smooth delivery and timing.

There is truly something for everyone today to create the perfect Best Man Speech for that very special couple and their after-wedding reception, dinner, and celebration. Fond remembrances, amusing stories and anecdotes, humorous quotes, and emotional phrases end with the joyful ring of a clever, yet heartfelt Best Man Toast to the Bride and Groom. The contemporary wedding is truly a work of love and art with all the trimmings and enticing treats for one and all to treasure and enjoy.

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How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

A funny, heartfelt speech from the best man is one of the most memorable parts of a wedding. Here’s how to give a great toast (without embarrassing yourself).

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A best man speech is the perfect way to send your brother or friend the best wishes in their marriage, but standing up in front of the crowd can be super nerve-wracking. If you’ve been invited to be the best man at a wedding but have no idea what to say in your speech, you’re not alone! 

Over 75% of the population cites public speaking as one of their biggest fears. Thankfully, it’s a people skill that anyone can develop. A great event toast can be a game-changer and make you feel like a celebrity amongst the wedding guests. 

Watch our video to learn the best (and worst) speech openers:

Here’s how to overcome your public speaking anxiety and give a knockout best man speech that will incite laughter, smiles, or even sentimental tears. 

Quick Answer: How to Write a Best Man Speech Fast (with Template!)

A killer best man toast has a formula:

  • Start with a funny or complimentary introduction
  • Lead into a short story
  • Add a dash of vulnerability
  • End with genuine congratulations to the bride and groom. 

You won’t want to wing the speech after you’ve had a few drinks when you feel strapped for time before the wedding. Instead, take just 30 minutes of planning and note-making to save you (and the bride & groom) the embarrassment of an excessively long or inappropriate ramble. 

If you want to write a best man speech fast, follow this brief template for a great toast. Your toast should be roughly 3 to 5 minutes long. You can use numbered index cards to jot down the highlights of each section. Then, rehearse a few times in the mirror in the days leading up to the event. 

The most straightforward speech outline includes seven main components: 

  • A great one-liner : This could be a funny joke, a compliment, or an inspirational quote about brotherhood or marriage. The first 15 seconds of the toast should capture the audience’s attention and leave them excited for more. Modify this:

“I’d like to begin by congratulating the groom for his superb taste in choosing the best man [chuckle].” 

  • Compliment the wedding : Build your respect with the guests by highlighting things you like about the wedding. For example, you can compliment the beauty of the venue, the delicious food, or the great choice of music. Modify this:

“All jokes aside, this is a beautiful wedding. The bride and groom look like a movie star couple together. And if you didn’t taste the cake, you are missing out!” 

  • Express gratitude : Say “thank you” to those who made the wedding possible and show appreciation to the groom for choosing you as his best man. Modify this:

“I am so grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Zimerman for hosting us here today, and thank you to the bride and groom for inviting me to be part of their special day.” 

  • Tell a story : Did you and the groom meet as kids on the baseball field? Were you there when he first met his bride? Did you share a funny experience in college that is appropriate to share? The “meat” of the speech will be a short story about your relationship with the groom. A great story sounds like this:

 “When I first met Jeff, he was in a period of transition in life, like we all go through. He had just started a new job at my office in San Francisco, and we met because of our mutual addiction to double shot espressos (iced with a little cream) at 6 AM every morning from the corner coffee shop Bob’s Cup O’ Joe. When we both arrived at the office at the same time, 3 days in a row with eyes like this [widen eyes big], I knew we would be friends for life. A million espressos, meetings, and after-work beers later, I am so proud to call Jeff my best friend. When he told me about meeting a beautiful blonde named Anne at Bob’s Cup O’ Joe a few years later, I knew something would become of it. She even drank the same double shot espressos, iced with a little cream!”  

  • Admire the couple : Strengthen your bond with the newlyweds by expressing your support for their marriage. If you know a bit about the bride and groom’s relationship, list a few things you admire about their bond. You may emphasize how the bride has positively impacted the groom’s life or how they make a great team. 

“Jeff and Anne are a perfect pair, and it seriously warms my heart to see a couple so amazingly in love. They compliment each other in every way and radiate joy when they are together.” 

  • Summarize your thoughts : Before you wrap up your speech, go back and highlight your key ideas. You can pre-write 2-3 crisp sentences summarizing your support of the couple’s marriage. Modify this:

“I wish I could say I predicted this day would come, but Jeff’s incredible character and charm won Anne over. I am so grateful to be friends with both of them and to join you all in this celebration.” 

  • Toast to the future : At the end of your speech, raise your glass for a toast to the couple’s love. Modify this: 

“Please join me in raising our glasses to a lifetime of happiness and espressos for Jeff and Anne Allison!” 

Here is an awesome example of a short and sweet 4-minute toast that left the crowd cracking up:

YouTube video

It’s best to memorize your speech, but there is no shame in bringing a few index cards in your pocket to reference if you get nervous. Don’t forget to prepare and rehearse in advance. 

For a more in-depth speech, see our step-by-step guide below. 

What to Say in a Best Man Speech (Do’s and Don’ts)

A best man’s speech traditionally takes place at the wedding reception after the maid of honor gives her speech. The best man’s speech should be positive, respectful, and congratulatory. It can last 3 to 5 minutes and should focus on a central theme or story about the groom. 

Remember, a best man speech is not the time to “wing it.” If you do that, there may come the point when everything suddenly goes silent, and a crowd of 50-100+ people is staring at you, waiting for what you’re going to say about the groom. You probably don’t want to end up with a cringing audience while telling a story about the groom’s previous relationships:

Instead, remember these key best man speech tips for a successful toast: 

Pre-plan your speech with a layout and index cardsDon’t wing it or try to go on the fly
Keep your speech 3-5 minutes longDon’t give an excessively short or long speech
Open with a catchy one-liner or jokeDon’t start with a dull or droning tone 
Tell a short story about the groomDon’t make it about you 
Use fun, family-friendly humorAvoid risky or inappropriate topics and jokes
Use deep breathing to calm your nerves before the speech Don’t drink too much 
Congratulate the groom Don’t ignore the bride
Compliment the brideInsult or tease the bride (I know it may be tempting, but it NEVER goes over well)
Read the room and get to know the guestsDon’t use profanity (unless it’s acceptable in the family)  

Here are a few examples of what you should say in a best man speech:

  • How did you meet the groom?
  • What is one of your favorite memories with him?
  • How did the groom meet the bride? Were you there?
  • What is special about the groom?
  • What do you like most about him? 
  • What are his positive traits? 
  • Playful banter : You don’t want to be too corny and cheesy with your bro. Depending on your relationship with the groom and the culture of the wedding, you may want to throw in a little banter with your dude. For example, you might make a funny joke about how much the groom loves going out to eat:

You should also avoid some key topics in a best man speech. 

Do not mention:

  • The groom’s past relationships
  • Sexual jokes
  • Drugs, alcohol, or past mistakes
  • Insecurities of the groom
  • Financial or personal information 
  • Insults to the bride or the wedding guests 
  • Overly embarrassing stories
  • Teasing the bride
  • Anything that could potentially harm your friendship

Keep things positive and lighthearted. While a little witty banter or playful teasing can be fun (depending on your relationship with the groom), you should avoid insulting him or highlighting any major insecurities. The “playful” part of the speech is an excellent fun icebreaker, but it shouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings or make them feel publicly embarrassed in front of their wedding guests.

How to Write a Best Man Speech for Best Friend or Brother: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re ready to prepare something more in-depth than the quick ideas above, this step-by-step guide can help you write a thoughtful speech that the groom may remember forever. After all, being named the best man at your friend or brother’s wedding is a tremendous honor. But like any honor, it comes with some responsibilities. After you finish all your bachelor party and wedding duties, an epic best man speech can be like the fireworks at the show’s end. 

Here are 5 simple steps to make it count:

#1 Start with a theme

Before you start writing and rehearsing your speech, it helps to decide on a theme for your talk. This will give a nice flow to the speech. A theme ensures that you stay on track to communicate your congratulations and appreciation to the groom. 

What is the main message you want to get across? A few theme ideas include:

  • Anecdotes : Best man toasts center around storytelling. This theme is the easiest way to stay on track because you are telling a simple story from beginning to end. 
  • Humor : Whether you’re naturally funny or working on your jokes ,  your speech is the perfect opportunity to get the audience laughing. Best man speeches are known for getting a little saucy, but you must be careful about offending the crowd or making crude jokes that might insult the bride and groom. If you want to tease the groom with some witty banter, it helps to make fun of yourself or reference an appropriate inside joke.
  • Inspirational : Have you and the groom achieved an important business goal or accomplishment together? Do you have a shared role model or favorite motivational book you both read in college? This speech theme can leave the audience feeling inspired.
  • Morality : Use your speech to highlight the great person the groom is. Perhaps you give examples of his integrity, trustworthiness, or generosity. You can emphasize how lucky you are to know the groom and how glad you are that he found a woman to spend his life with. 
  • Sentimentality : When humor and storytelling aren’t your fortes, it doesn’t hurt to get a little corny. Sentimental speeches require a level of emotional vulnerability, but they can leave a huge impact on the newlyweds and their attendees.

#2 Create an outline

You wouldn’t go on a road trip without a navigation system, so don’t go into your speech without a plan. The best toasts and speeches follow the same structure. Pull out a piece of paper and brainstorm some ideas using this format, then use the following steps to fill in the details:

  • Hook/Opening statement : The opening statement should be a 1 to 3-line description about the groom. The first 7 seconds of the speech should hook the audience immediately. It warms them up to you and makes them want to pay attention to the amusing stories. You’ll find an abundance of opening-line ideas in the next section. 
  • Background context : Now comes the why of your speech. This is where the context of your relationship with the groom comes in. You can throw in some funny jokes and a few details about your experience with him. Use this intro to build up the anticipation for the story to come. Write down a few ideas of stories you can tell. 
  • Tell the story : Choose 1-3 short stories about the groom that is funny, slightly embarrassing, or interesting. Jot down a few of the sensory elements you want to reference, like the smelly locker room or the squeaking of tire wheels. Most stories follow a bell-curve pattern—they start with an intro, lead to rising action, peak with a capstone moment, then tie back to the beginning. Keep this in mind as you brainstorm and follow the story-planning steps below. 
  • Take-home message : After you get a good laugh or “awww” out of the audience, you’ll want to bring the story back to the beginning. What do you want them to remember about your speech and friendship with the groom? 
  • Thank the wedding party : Use a quick sentence to thank the wedding party and hosts. Express your genuine gratitude for being invited. 
  • Closing toast and congratulations : After wrapping up the story and thanking the wedding party, you should invite the audience to toast the bride and groom with you. For an extra cheery finale, act as if you are speaking on their behalf and include lots of well-wishes for the newlyweds. 

Pro Tip : Before filling in your outline details, watch this video for an overview of how to give a memorable toast. Human behavior expert Vanessa Van Edwards explains the most common mistakes (don’t start with “I,” “me,” or “my”) and a few secrets to getting the audience to perk up in their seats. 

#3 Nail the opening line 

Once you have your outline, it’s time to dig into the details. People decide their first impression of you within 7 seconds, so it’s extra important to nail the opening line of your speech. Best men use this opportunity to crack a joke, compliment the wedding, or set a sentimental tone for the speech. 

Avoid making the first lines about you. No “me”, “I”, or “my”. Instead, start with a juicy or mysterious line about the groom, for example:

I was the groom’s roommate in college.Ben was the self-proclaimed organization king in college. As his roommate, I feared leaving a pen on the desk.
I am the groom’s younger brother.As a kid, the groom was so excited to have a younger brother that he quickly crowned me as his servant for the next 10 years. 
My favorite thing about the groom is his…Tonight you’ll learn why the groom was always… 
My favorite story about the groom was…The best story I have about the groom starts with a greasy cheeseburger and a speeding ticket.

If you need a little inspiration, here are some hilarious and quirky best man speech opening lines: 

  • “Caring, loyal, honest, good-looking, and an all-around-great guy… OK, enough about me, onto the groom…!” 
  • “This is the perfect chance to tell you about [Groom] and how talented, special, smart, good-looking, and… sorry, man, I can’t read your handwriting here.” 
  • “I’d like to give a toast to the bride and groom.” [pull a piece of toasted bread from your pocket and give it to them]
  • “[Groom’s name] is the kind of person you call when you lock yourself out of the dorm bathroom without any clothes on.” 
  • “The bride and groom asked me not to share embarrassing stories or crude jokes during my speech… so that’s it from me! Thanks for listening, everyone.”
  • “I’d like to start by congratulating the groom for his excellent taste in choosing the best man.” 
  • “[Groom] had a tough time choosing his best man. First, he called his most handsome friend, but he said no. Then, he called his smartest friend, and he said no. Then, he called his most successful friend, who also said no. Then he called me, and I said, ‘Bro, I can’t say no to you four times.'”
  • “What can I say about [Groom]? I guess I’ll start at the very beginning. He was born on [groom’s birthday]. Our parents were hoping for a girl, but I’ve always said… close enough.”

Here is a genuinely funny opening line from a best brother wedding speech:

YouTube video

Pro Tip : Don’t forget to pause for laughter. If it doesn’t come, you can chuckle at yourself and cue the audience that they are supposed to laugh by saying, “This is where you are supposed to laugh,” or joking, “Sound guy, can you please cue the laugh track?” Then, keep going with your speech.

Don’t worry. You need not be a jokester to give a great opening line. If you want to go the nostalgic or tearjerker route, be sure it is highly personalized and thoughtful. Here are some sentimental opening line ideas:

  • “There are friends, and there is family, but friends also become family. This is so true for [Groom] and me. We’ve been best friends since we were X years old, and I’ve always considered him my brother.” 
  • “There’s an old Irish proverb that says a good friend is like a four-leaf clover—hard to find and lucky to have. I think that’s true. Good friends are hard to find, and I’m lucky to have called [Groom] my best friend for the last X years.” 
  • “I’ve heard that the best relationships come from the foundation of a deep friendship. Experts say that laughter, mutual respect, and enjoying each other’s company are the ingredients for a long-lasting, joyful marriage. After knowing [Groom] and [Bride] for X years, there is no doubt in my mind that they will make a great pair.” 
  • “In Good Will Hunting , Robin Williams said, ‘It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other.” Anyone who has seen [Groom] and [Bride] together can agree that this is true for them. I haven’t seen a perfect pair, and I’m happy to be part of this celebration of their love.” 

To learn more about the best speech openers, use this guide on How to Start a Speech: The Best (and Worst) Speech Openers . Some top tips include:

  • Avoid starting with a lackluster nicety like “thanks for having me.” 
  • Don’t mention your nervousness.
  • Avoid mentioning technical difficulties like the microphone or saying, “Can you hear me?” 

How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

Bonus Tip: Learn the Art of Stage Presence

Did you know that public speaking is actually a skill? Many people struggle with stage anxiety because they feel they ‘missed the memo’ on public speaking or they are lacking because they do not have a natural stage presence. Not true!

Stage presence and public speaking are skills you need to be taught—very few people have them naturally. 

Watch our video to learn 7 steps to overcome stage fright and beat performance anxiety:

Here are all the aspects of public speaking you can master.

  • How to make a first impression with an audience
  • How to have stage presence
  • Powerful body language
  • How to speak with a commanding voice
  • What to do with your hands while speaking

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#4 Background context

Now that you’ve grabbed the audience’s attention, it’s time to give them a little background on why you are giving a speech in the first place. This is another sneak peek at some details you’ll cover in the speech. 

The whole point of this part is to tell them how you know the groom—but it isn’t about you. You’ll often hear wedding speeches that start with a drab, “I met the groom in college” or, “My name is ___, and I’m the best man.” You can do better than that! Try saying:

  • “The groom was the first friend I made on the high school football team. I had no idea we would become roommates in a bachelor pad throughout college.” 
  • “As little kids, the groom and I were known to be a dangerous duo in the neighborhood. He always carried the eggs and toilet paper, then instructed me where to throw them. But you can guess who always took the blame for his antics….” 
  • “The groom and I have been friends and business partners for X years, and as you’ll hear shortly, he is the main reason I broke my arm during the last office basketball game. But first, I want to tell you a less embarrassing story….” 

Pro Tip : Focus on the groom, and don’t make it about you. One of the biggest mistakes people make during wedding speeches is talking too much about themselves. Your speech shouldn’t discuss where you’re from, what you think, or how you ended up at the party. The best man’s speech is a time to focus on the groom and his bride. 

#5 Tell the story  

After your punchy opening line and background info, it’s time to tell the perfect story about the groom. Depending on the length of your speech and the details of your story, some best man speeches cover 1 to 3 short stories. 

Reference back to the memories you wrote when brainstorming. Pick a story that includes the most of these captivating elements:

  • A little bit of embarrassment : Whether it’s you, the groom, or a mutual friend, it helps to poke some fun at someone in the story. If you fear being offensive, the best person to joke about is yourself.  
  • Audience member references : You can get major bonus points if you bring wedding guests into the storytelling moment. You might say, “Mom, you might want to close your ears on this one!” or, “Brian, we’re talking about you!” 
  • Sensory details : What did the scenery look like? What were the prominent smells, sounds, and tastes at the moment? A great story should make the audience feel like they were with you. Don’t forget to mention the frigid cold lake you jumped into or the outrageously spicy food that left you both panting and crying for water. 
  • A final punch line : Ideally, the best story ends with a shocking moment or funny line. It should leave the audience laughing, crying, surprised, or even gasping. For example, in an epic adventure story about you and the groom on a hunting trip, you may end with, “Just as the shark was about to bite the line, Joe reeled in the massive bluefin and yelled, ‘I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat!’”

Pro Tip : If you have to ask, “Is this appropriate?” it probably isn’t. Some stories are better for late-night beers than they are for weddings. Avoid telling stories related to sexual topics, drugs, alcohol, illegal activities, or anything you wouldn’t want grandma to hear. 

#6 Take-home message

When the story finishes, you’ve hopefully elicited some laughter or maybe some tears. All jokes aside, there is a reason you were the best man, and you are probably a significant person to the groom. This is a great time to emphasize the best qualities of the groom and why you’re so happy for his new love. 

Here is an excellent example of tying together the opening and closing lines with a heartfelt message about finding the perfect soul mate:

YouTube video

#7 End your speech with a heartfelt toast

We’ve all heard “let’s raise a glass to [Bride] and [Groom]” before. You can do better than that! The final toast is like the fireworks at the end of your best man speech. Instead of something mediocre, invite the audience to join you in a genuine, thoughtful congratulations. Examples include:

  • “Please join me in raising our glasses to the beautiful bride and handsome groom. May your lives together be long, healthy, and happy. We love you so much and are excited for you. Cheers!” 
  • “Lift your glasses to thank Mr. and Mrs. [Bride’s Parents] for hosting this beautiful wedding. Let us all toast to the perfect union of the bride and groom. We wish you a bright and beautiful future. Cheers!”
  • “Here’s to the past, for all you’ve learned. Here’s to the present for this beautiful moment we all share. Here’s to the future for all you’ve got to look forward to. Cheers to the happy couple!” 

Pro Tip : Make your toast inclusive and communal, so the audience feels like they’re cheering for the couple with you. Use words like “we”, “lets”, and “us”. This congratulation invites them to join as if you are speaking on their behalf. 

#8 Use a best man speech template

A template makes things simple if you’re still feeling uneasy about writing your best man speech. You can take the structure of an example speech and incorporate your ideas and stories to make it your own. 

Best man speech example for a best friend :  

“Tonight, you’ll learn why the groom was destined to marry [Bride]. The year was 2002, and we were all in a bar with friends on New Year’s Eve in New York City. Snow was falling outside, and we were sipping champagne, waiting for the big ball to drop. Seemingly out of nowhere, a woman with a red dress entered the room, and everything seemed to stop. All the bachelors in our group were captivated, but only [Groom] had the guts to walk up to her. Rumor has it that his first opening line was ‘

Everyone talks about a woman’s glow when she’s falling in love, but I swear that [Groom] was smiling from ear to ear from the second they met. We could hardly get him to stop talking about her by the following week. We’d be watching football and drinking beers only to have [Bride’s] name brought up every 5 minutes. 

Fast forward 3 years, and we’ve all seen how much [Bride] has positively impacted his life. When he came to me to tell me he was proposing, my only response was, ‘ Finally, dude !’

There’s something extra special about these two. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. They love and respect each other so much. [Bride] was the one for [Groom] from the second they locked eyes in that hazy NYC bar. We are all so happy to be here for your big day. Let’s raise our glasses to the beautiful bride and groom! Cheers!” 

Another Best man speech example for a best friend :  

“The groom was the first friend I made on the high school basketball team. He wasn’t very good [pause for laughter]. I was the tallest player and obviously had the best free throw, but I was majorly lacking in the ladies department. Thankfully, [Groom] took me under his wing and showed me how to be a true gentleman. That includes opening doors for women and carrying their bags instead of just running in with my own. What would I have done without you, man?

Even though he was no good at basketball, [Groom] always had his head on his shoulders. He’s a respectful, intelligent, and relatively clean-cut guy. All joking aside, it’s no surprise that he ended up with a woman as intelligent and beautiful as [Bride]. You both deserve a lifetime of love, happiness, and success together. Please raise your glasses and join me in congratulating the bride and groom! We love you!” 

#9 Practice your body language

Public speaking isn’t only about what you say but how you carry yourself. Your body language can drastically affect your confidence, your delivery, and how the audience perceives you. Use these body language hacks to take your speech to the next level: 

  • Signal “friend” : Smile and show your open palms to send the message that you are the audience’s friend. This makes people feel more comfortable with your presence and more likely to listen.
  • Stand up straight : When you look confident, you also feel more confident. Check your posture if your voice is a little shaky before the speech. Roll back your shoulders and tuck your shoulder blades down towards your back. Slightly lift your chest and chin as you speak. 
  • Make eye contact: Throughout the speech, you should change your eye contact with different audience members. As you mention specific compliments or thanks, make eye contact with the bride, groom, groomsmen, bridesmaids, and the bride’s father.
  • Genuinely smile : Smiling may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget when you feel so focused on a perfect delivery. At the same time, you don’t want to look like you’re fake smiling throughout the speech. Use these 9 Simple Tips to Smile Better (in any situation!)
  • Use your hands : It’s easy to let your nerves get the best of you and feel like a “deer in the headlights.” Instead of tucking your hands in your pockets, widen your stance and take up space. Use your hands and gestures while you talk to show that you are comfortable and happy during the speech. 

Want more tips? Here are 17 Body Language Presentation Cues to Use in Your Next Speech . 

#10 Rehearse before the big day

Experts say you should rehearse a speech 10 times before performing it. Research also shows that people who mentally prepare themselves before a speech by imagining it going well are more likely to perform fluently and easily. So before you get in front of an audience, be sure you’ve gone over your speech at least 10 times, either in your head or out loud. Better yet, practice in the mirror, on camera, or in front of a trusted friend. 

It also helps to review the gist of the speech with the groom (without giving away any secret details) to make sure it’s alright with him. A few weeks before the wedding, you may pull him aside and ask, “Hey man, is it OK if I tell the story about ____ in my best man speech? I think it’ll get some good laughs.” 

Although this example is long, this best man very clearly rehearsed his speech for a near-perfect performance without any notes:

YouTube video

Key Takeaways: Express Gratitude and Sentimentality in 3-5 Minutes

Ultimately, a best man speech is an opportunity to make your best bro look good in front of all his friends and family. Your speech should demonstrate how much you value your brotherhood or friendship. At the same time, you can enjoy 5 minutes of wedding fame without making things all about you. A great toast can make you a memorable celebrity at the wedding and have people laughing at your

Before jumping up at the reception and speaking off the cuff, remember to:

  • Outline and plan your speech ahead of time. Use notecards if needed.
  • Focus on the groom and his bride. Don’t go on and on about yourself. 
  • Nail the opening line with a funny joke, quote, or teaser that leads into a great story. 
  • Avoid inappropriate or cringey topics that could embarrass the groom.
  • Express gratitude to the groom and wedding hosts. 

Giving a toast or speech is an essential social skill that can make you one of the most likable people in a room. If you want to learn more about the art of giving showstopping toasts, read this guide on How to Give an Awesome Toast: Advanced Strategies for Speeches . 

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20 Of The Ultimate "Best Man" Quotes

When you find out that you’re the best man at a wedding, it’s a big deal. Your best friend, who may seem more like family, has selected you among all of his buddies to be his right-hand man for the wedding. It may sound like an excellent opportunity to have fun and celebrate, but there are also serious moments to plan for like the best man’s speech.

You may be familiar with public speaking, or perhaps, you’re a newbie. Maybe you have a career in the public sector and you’re used to being articulate in front of others. Alternatively, you could have social anxiety or not be the type to speak in public. Depending on your personality, you might be looking forward to giving the speech, or you could secretly be dreading it. One thing that can help when you are crafting your speech as the best man is to add in some quotes. Below are some tips for crafting a compelling speech as a best man, including some great quotes to use.

Planning ahead

Article Visual

To give a good best man speech, you may want to avoid writing the speech at the last minute. For the best results, you could start building your speech at least two months before the wedding occurs. That way, you have a lot of time to research and get some ideas for what you’d like to say. You can gain inspiration from past speeches, and you can think about what personal touches you want to add as well. 

The opening line matters

Consider using a quote at the beginning of the best man’s speech. Applicable quotes include those about friendship or love. When you think about your best friend getting married, think about what matters to him. Think about his values, his favorite movies, and his personality, for instance. If you choose a quote to open with, it can provide you with a theme for the rest of the speech.

Write down some ideas

If you’re just starting the process, the thought of writing a whole monologue can be daunting. It could be helpful to remember that you don’t need to write the speech in its entirety right away. Instead, you could start jotting down ideas and then build on them piece by piece. Whenever an idea comes to you, consider writing it down, even if it’s just in a notes-type app on your phone. You can read it to yourself out loud to get a feel for how it sounds and tweak it as you go. Some people find it easier to write a speech if they say the words out loud first, whereas others might be more comfortable sitting down to write their first draft silently. Try different approaches to see what works for you.

Make an outline

These are some great quotes aboWhen you write a speech, you may want to include a beginning, middle, and end. This may give the speech a logical  flow. It can also prevent you from rambling on about childhood stories or failing to come to a conclusion that wraps it all up. You might start with an anecdote representing the groom and go from there, but it could be important to have a road map for how the speech will go.

Here’s a basic outline for a best man’s speech:

  • Use an engaging open line.
  • Thank the wedding guests for being there.
  • Congratulate the couple.
  • Say some warm and kind words about the bride or partner.
  • Crack a joke about the groom.
  • Introduce a quote or passage from something meaningful to the groom.
  • Propose a toast.

This is just one example of a best man’s speech at a wedding. It doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be light and funny or serious if you like.

Depending on how long you’ve known the person getting married, you may have anecdotes dating back to childhood, your teenage years, or young adult life. Most everyone likes a funny story, so including an anecdote can be engaging and fun.

Why is it a good idea to add a quote in your speech?

A quote can be a great point to start from since you can build your speech around the quote. Not only that, but a good quote often sticks with people. It gives people something that’s both meaningful and easy to remember about the speech, and it shows that you put care into the process. Let’s look at some examples of the ultimate best man quotes that you can put in your speech to make it special and memorable.

Before you choose the quote that you’re going to add to your speech, note that its tone is up to you. It doesn’t have to be cheesy; it can be funny or serious. Think about your friend, and make sure that the quote represents who they are as a person. Are they funny or more stoic and serious? Are they on the dramatic side or more philosophical? You might even find that taking some thoughts from other friends into consideration might help you throughout the process. There’s no right or wrong way to write a speech. You could start with a dramatic quote or something that’ll make the audience laugh. It’s just a matter of what sort of tone you want to set for the wedding. You want your speech to match your friend, the couple, and the crowd.

Ultimate best man quotes

One thing you can do is give a quote from the groom. Maybe you remember your friend saying something meaningful to you when you were in high school or college. Perhaps he said something funny on a road trip.  Remember that a heartfelt speech doesn’t necessarily have to be entirely serious. You can introduce some humor if you feel it’s appropriate. Here are some sample quotes that people have used in both best man speeches and as a part of weddings:

The following quotes range in tone from humorous to thoughtful:

“Marriage is like a cage; one sees the birds desperate to get in, and those inside equally desperate to get out.”

-Michelle Montaigne

“Marriage is not just spiritual communion. It also remembers to take out the trash.”

-Joyce Brothers

“An archeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her.”

-Agatha Christie

“If I get married, I want to be very married.”

-Audrey Hepburn

“There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion than a good marriage.”

-Martin Luther

“By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”

“If you want your wife to listen to you, then talk to another woman; she will be all ears.”

-Sigmund Freud

“All marriages are happy. It’s the living together afterward that causes all the trouble.”

-Raymond Hull

Take care of him. And make him feel important. And if you can do that, you’ll have a happy and wonderful marriage. Like two out of every ten couples.”

-Neil Simon

“What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined for life-to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?”

-George Eliot

“To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.”

-Mark Twain

“The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.”

-Julia Child

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”

“To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow, this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.”

-Elizabeth Gilbert

“They slipped into an intimacy from which they never recovered.”

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But, if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

-Marilyn Monroe

“My wife is my soulmate. I can’t imagine being without her.”

– Matt Damon

“It’s tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won’t drink from my glass.”

-Rodney Dangerfield

“Marriage is an alliance entered into by a man who can’t sleep with the window shut, and a woman who can’t sleep with the window open.”

-George Bernard Shaw

“Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel.”

-Leonardo DaVinci

ut marriage that you might use in a best man speech.

Your speech shouldn’t sound scripted

When you’re writing your best man speech, you may want to focus on making it sound organic. You want the audience to feel like it’s a conversational matter rather than something that seems forced or stilted. 

An online therapist can help you prepare for your best man speech

If you're feeling nervous about being the best man at your friend's wedding, one place you can discuss your feelings is in therapy. It's natural to have anxiety about your role. Online counseling is an excellent place to talk through a variety of issues. 

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FAQs (Frequently asked questions)

Does the best man give a speech?

The best man’s position is a privilege and only entrusted to people who know the groom really well and who the groom confides in and trust, in other words, a best friend.

The best man speech is general accepted and has become a tradition practiced at every wedding. And like a best friend to the groom, it is required of you to give a best man speech.

When should the best man give his speech?

Giving a great wedding speech depends on the timing. Both the length of the speech and the time it was given can predict the response you get from the guest.

Below are some options to help guide you on how to give the best wedding speech.

  • Have a plan for your wedding speech: Proper schedule of your wedding speech will help reduce the stress on the best man, maid of honor, and even the bride’s parents; the wedding speech can serve as a sequence for the rest of the event. If you plan to commence with a best man toast, ensure it occurs as soon as everyone is seated. Study shows that a well-structured speech establishes the aim of the occasion.

You can carry on with the best man toast sequentially or between breaks after the first course has been served.

  • Give speech after the meal has been served: Another way to kick off with the best wedding speech is to wait until everyone is served their meal. It buys you time to talk without being interrupted by the waiters.

Tip: Be certain that the VIP sections are first served. That way, while other guests are being served or enjoying their food, those scheduled to present a speech can do so with a captive audience.

  • Commence the dance with a best man’s toast: Making a best man toast immediately after the meal buys another speechmaker's added time to enjoy the wedding reception.

You can commence with the best man’s toast and then proceed to the cake cutting. Then finalize it by inviting the bride and groom’s parents to the dance floor before declaring the dance floor open for a celebration.

  • Take advantage of the cocktail moment: One of the best opportunities to get audience attention when giving a best man speech is when everyone has a glass of cocktail in their hands. Once the best man toast is given, everyone can interact and get acquainted with each other.

What does the best man have to say in his speech?

After the groom’s speech comes the best man’s speech, it is an opportunity to let people know about the groom’s personality. I admit, putting down your emotions on paper can be devastating especially if you’re not used to being in the spotlight.

Below are some points to consider as you prepare to give your best man toast.

  • Start with a joke: Everyone loves a funny best man. According to an incisive research report , humor during public speeches is a productive way of connecting with the audience. A joke about the groom can win over the guest but be sure you don’t overdo it. Try to make it precise and simple.

When giving a funny best man’s speech, you should not overstep your boundaries. Try as much as possible to keep it mild and simple.

For example: “I still can’t believe my buddy picked me to ruin one of the most important days of his life.”

  • Introduction: Everyone needs to know  who you are. Tell the guest your name, your relationship with the groom. Maybe an interesting story of how you guys met, your experience with him, and make a joke of how you plan to roast him for the next few minutes.
  • Don’t outshine the couple: Whatever speech you are to present should be about the newlyweds. A great best man's speech should be centered on the bride and groom.
  • Speech should be decent: Wedding speeches should be decent because of all the relatives and friends, both young and old, colleagues and even superiors from the workplace in attendance. You wouldn’t want to say things that will be disturbing to them.
  • Take them down memory lane: Talk about your early friendship days. Tell a story of how your friend has been in love many times, and none was productive, not until he met his new bride.

Talk about how compatible the newlyweds are, and you can joke about how the bride changed the groom’s shy personality to a confident one. You can follow the story up by narrating a funny event that occurred.

  • Address the newlyweds: Some best men make the mistake of just talking about past experiences and forgetting to advise the new couple about marriage's reality. If you’re married, you can use your experience to educate the newlyweds or use inspirational quotes to encourage the couple.
  • Praise the bride: Best men are a groom’s best friend, and a word of compliment from them to the bride shows acceptance; it shows that you approve of your friend’s choice. You can compliment her looks, how happy you are she accepted to marry your friend, and how lucky he is to have her as his bride. Using a good bride quote is also a good way to compliment the bride.
  • Acknowledge the bridesmaid: Acknowledge the effort of the bride’s maid in getting the bride ready on time. You can joke about how easy they’ve had it and how you almost missed the ceremony because the groom couldn’t make up his mind on the choice of tie to put on.
  • Be brief and precise: Don’t get carried away by being the funny best man. Wedding speeches should be short and straight to the point. They’ve never been a scenario where people complain of how brief the best man speech was. A brief and precise speech is all that is required if you plan to get your message across.
  • Conclude with a quote : One of the best ways to round up a good speech is by adding great quotes that summarizes the best man speech nicely, maybe inspirational quotes. Adding the best quote to a wedding speech can never go wrong; it passes a message of encouragement and love.
  • Propose a toast: A best man’s work is never complete without giving a best man’s toast. With your glass raised, say something nice about the couple, like wishing them a life of happiness and love, or you can say some cool quotes about love.

What do you say to the bride and groom?

What you say to the bride and groom is totally dependent on your relationship with them. Below are some instances to consider:

  • Suppose you attended the wedding because you’re an acquaintance of the groom or vice versa. The right thing to say should be congratulations and thanks for having me. Your ceremony was amazing.
  • Suppose it’s family. I am so happy for you. Is there anything I can do to help?
  • Suppose it’s a daughter or a son. You’ve grown to be a very responsible young woman or vice versa. I am very proud of you. Your husband/wife is very lucky to have you.
  • If it’s an enemy, it’s a very special day for the person. Try not to spoil it. A simple congratulations and happy married life will do.
  • Best friend or a sister/brother. You look very beautiful or handsome. Is there anything you want? What can I do to help? Offering to help when you see the need to or if it seems that the bride or groom is edgy contributes a lot to the wedding's success.

Tip: On a wedding day, the bride and groom are always uneasy. Don’t take it personally if their response isn’t friendly; it’s not intentional. It’s easy to be jumpy when you’re under much pressure. Try as much to understand them and put in a good word to calm them down.

It’s very important not to let them know of any accidents that might occur during the wedding.

How do you end a toast?

The purpose of making a best man toast is to make certain that it’s a touching and unforgettable moment for the newlyweds. The best man toast is a position that will put you in the spotlight.

Delivering a good best man toast without a proper ending can spell disaster; several cool quotes about toast, inspirational quotes or quotes about love, and some great examples on how to end a best man toast, will go a long way.

At the end of the best man toast, you are expected to raise your glass to honor the newlyweds. Below are some frequently used words to end a toast.

  • Let’s toast to the good health and prosperity of the bride and groom
  • Here’s to many more years of love and happiness
  • Wishing you a happy married life, cheers!

What do you say when you're the best man?  What toasts does the best man do? What do you say when giving a toast? Who gives a speech at the wedding? Do you say cheers at the end of a toast?

Why is it the best man's responsibility to give a speech for the groom, what are the other responsibilities of the best man.

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Finishing On A High

What you say at the end can make all the difference in your toast's overall success

There is a growing tradition of ending Best Man's speeches with a piece of light-hearted or comical marriage advice or by making a comical marriage observation . For me, this is more suitable Father of the Bride material and should be avoided, particularly if you yourself are single. Marriage insights from a single best man don't carry much weight. It can be pulled off if the best man is married , but most Best Men, single or married, would be better sticking to other areas. Here are some to consider:

"There is an old wedding day tradition saying that the bride must wear something new, something old, something borrowed and something blue. To ensure that tradition is followed I would like to make a special presentation to Linda. It's old, borrowed and blue, and I figure Paul is new enough as her husband to cover the new. These should come in especially handy tonight when the newlyweds retire to their hotel room. Linda, here are some slightly used blue socks for you."

More »

"I have a telegram here for Paul from his Bank Manager, who sends his deepest apologies but he sadly can't be with you today… but will definitely be seeing you after the honeymoon."

"In a few short hours, Paul and Linda will be making their way to the airport for a wonderful two weeks in tropical paradise. But whilst they are sunbathing on sugar-white sand, or paddling in a bath-warm ocean, my advice to them is that a good honeymoon is far more like something much closer to home - a dining table with a roast chicken on it ... four bare legs and no drawers, with some breast, some leg, and plenty of stuffing."

"Later on tonight, when the music starts, you might get to see Paul's limbo dance. He learnt it trying to get into the paid toilets at Waterloo station."

There are plenty of other ways you can connect your closing words to the particulars of your occasion. For more examples click here .

Finally, as you lead into the champagne, it's time to offer your congratulations and well wishes to the happy couple, express your hopes for their marriage or sincerely sum up the occasion . Just one moment of heartfelt emotion will do. Consider your toast carefully as these will be the words you finish on.

"On behalf of the bride and groom, I would like to thank everyone here for sharing in this unique and special day, particularly those who have travelled long distances. I know that Paul and Linda will never forget it. But speaking personally, and perhaps slightly selfishly, I wish that you had all stayed at home because things would have been a lot easier on me."

"There is nothing more noble or admirable than watching two incredible people come together as one in the unity of marriage. As your friends and family, we delight in your marriage and offer our encouragement and support. Here is a toast to a long life filled with adventure, love, and cherished moments."

Follow the links throughout this guide for a host of relevant suggestions. And when your speech is ready, try to leave yourself enough time to learn it, or at least be familiar enough that you can give a smooth and comfortable read. Good luck and enjoy yourself. It's your big day too!

Amazing Tips & Themes For Your Magical Wedding

Best Man Speech: The Ultimate Guide (5 Examples & FAQs)

The Ultimate Best Man Speech Guide (Examples And Templates Included)

Being picked to be the best man is such a great honor. You will feel blessed that the groom has thought of you, and considers you the best man and friend for the job.

But, as the wedding draws nearer, there’s one thing on your mind. No, it’s not the bachelor party… It’s the best man’s speech(see also: Best Ways to End Your Best Man’s Speech ). 

As the best man, you will likely have many responsibilities in the run up towards the wedding. You’ll have to try on suits, organize the bachelor party, but the best man speech is the thing that most look forward to, or dread!

A best man speech needs to hook the audience in, reveal some funny stories about the groom, and even the bride, but also wish the couple well, and spread some laughter amongst the audience.

But, you have to do all of this in one single speech that can’t be too long, and can’t be too short! 

So, how can you nail the best man speech? Well, that’s where we come in handy. We can offer you this ultimate guide to creating a best man speech, including tips, structure and examples you can take inspiration from. 

How To Structure A Best Man Speech

If you’re unsure of how to go about planning your best man speech, then we can help you out with this simple structure to follow and keep yourself on track. 

This structure is a sort of guide, you don’t have to use it, but it’s a good idea to follow the structure so you cover all bases when doing the speech.

A good best man speech begins with:

Try introducing yourself with a funny one liner about who you are and how you know the happy couple.

After you’ve had your fun, balance this out by saying something meaningful and sincere about the groom, his qualities or your friendship. 

Best Man Speech Do’s And Don’ts

There are definitely a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to speaking at someone’s wedding. You’ll want to keep it concise, funny, but not too over the top jokey. Here’s our recommendations of what to do, and what not to do. 

First things first, you’ll want to plan ahead, and write a few stories and anecdotes down that you can remember. Do this for a few weeks before the wedding, so it gives you time to come up with the right memories to share. 

You should also consider who this speech is going to be said around.

If the groom’s very traditional great aunt or grandma is there, it could be a good idea to avoid any crass, rude stories that could make family members uncomfortable. Save those lines for the bachelor party! 

Do pause for reactions. You don’t want to talk too fast or fly through the speech as those who have laughed at the last line may miss the next one. Always leave small gaps or pauses for reactions, applause or responses. 

Finally, make sure you focus on the couple, not just the groom.

This day is about the two of them. While you are doing a speech because you are the best man to the groom, it is important that you bring in the bride/partner in your speech so that overall you are wishing both of them well on their new adventure. 

What Not To Do

Don’t use foul language, or inflammatory language. You don’t want to cause a dark cloud over the event by offending anyone or causing a scene.

The same goes for mentioning exes (who could well be at the wedding) or bringing up sore subjects during the speech. Keep it fun, lighthearted, and hilarious. 

This is far more impactful and will really get the audience involved in your speech. 

Finally, and this is an important one- don’t make it about you. This is not your shining moment, your time will come.

It’s a chance for them to see the couple in a different light, from your perspective, not learn everything about you. 

Tips For Writing A Best Man Speech

We’ve also got some brief tips for writing and performing your best man speech!

Qualities To Talk About In The Best Man Speech

For instance, if you’re talking about the groom’s thoughtfulness, use funny anecdotes that relate to this, and bring it back to that whenever possible.

You want to talk about his great qualities, poke a little fun, or share a funny story, but then talk about how these qualities have translated into his relationship with his partner, or how they have brought them closer together. 

Best Man Speech Examples

Good evening everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Tom, younger brother and best man of the groom. For those of you that do know me…heeeeeeey! 

In all seriousness, I have always looked up to my big brother. He’s always had a flair for sports, and genuinely has a heart of gold.

Being the youngest of the two of us, Jack has made me a better man, mainly because of the character building he put me through as a child. Jack would love taunting me by stealing my favorite stuffed animals. 

I was so excited to see our little furry boy happy and playing with his toy until I realized that Jack had offered up Mr. Snuggles in sacrifice with a huge grin on his face. It was a day I won’t forget. 

Despite the taunting and the terrorizing, Jack has been the man that I’ve always aspired to be. In all of the years I’ve been around Jack, he’s always been tenacious and worked hard for what he wants. And he’s always gotten it.

With Jack being the older, but not often the wiser brother, he managed to get himself into some mishaps in the past.

When he did finally get a chance to take Jenny out on a date, he turned up at the wrong house, and managed to slip and break his shoulder all in one fantastic, first meeting with the parents.

With Jenny at his side, Jack’s clumsy mishaps are less and less. You truly bring out the best in him, Jen. I would say welcome to the family, but you’ve been a part of our lives for some time already, and I am truly blessed to be able to call you my new sister. 

From day one, you’ve fit right in, as you too have taken on the role of teasing Jack just as I wanted. Let me tell you guys, there have been many pranks that Jenny and I have pulled off on Jack.

Other times, we’ve hidden around the house just when Jack is coming home from a long day at the office, to ambush him with Nerf guns until he pleads for mercy! Let’s just say justice has been served for Mr. Snuggles. 

I quickly realized that Jenny and Jack were cut from the same mold. You two are a real example of what it means to marry your best friend, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the two of you.

Hi everyone! For those of you who don’t know me already, I am Zach, the best man of James! When James asked me to be the best man I felt like it was such an honor.

Then he reminded me that it’s not just about organizing the bachelor party and I have to actually come to the wedding so…here I am. 

Just kidding. Me and James have been through thick and thin. I’ve watched him go from a weedy, awkward teenager to a less weedy, awkward adult!

Britney would probably argue with me over the adult part! James has always had that boyish sense of humor that’s often gotten us into trouble over the years. 

He’s probably carving out some obscenity in the wood I thought.

This is why it came as such a shock when later that day it was I who was called into the principal’s office, and as I walked with my head hung in shame to my fate, James smiled wide and proudly.

Ever since that day, James and I have been at war with one another to get the other one back! But deep down, I know that James would do anything for me. If I needed someone at 4am, James is that friend.

Despite our differences, I know he’s as good as family to me, and all of the Henderson’s have welcomed me into their home on many occasions, and now Britney gets to have that same privilege. 

In all seriousness, if Britney gets half as much joy in being married to James, that I have had in being his friend over the years, then she will be incredibly lucky indeed. 

On behalf of all the groomsmen, bridesmaids and myself, I would like to thank James and Britney for having us be a part of their special day. I know how hard you’ve worked to make this a day to remember, and you’ve definitely succeeded. 

Hello everyone. My name is Joe and I’d just like to thank John for finally confirming that I am in fact – the best man, after 20 years of friendship. 20 years is a long time.

Just think, back then…Low rise jeans were in fashion, Spiderman was the favorite superhero, and Ben Affleck and J-Lo were together. So really, nothing has changed in 20 years, and the same goes for our friendship. 

I remember one time in college, we decided that reading books and writing our own essays just wasn’t for us anymore. We decided to pay someone to write us an essay, and we would switch it up to pass the class.

Since then, I’ve realized what a tenacious person, good friend and loyal individual John was, and it’s an absolute blessing to be up here with you tonight as your best man. 

So, if you wouldn’t mind joining me in raising a glass to John’s mom, who can’t be with us today, but is with us in spirit. Cheers. 

In addition, I’d like to thank both Mia’s parents, and John’s dad who have helped make this day extra special for the happy couple, which I’m sure they are eternally grateful for. 

Finally, I’d like to thank the groomsmen for organizing and completing the best bachelor party Miami has ever seen. I only hope it was the send off John was hoping for before he begins the next stage of his life with Mia. (But I highly doubt it) 

Ladies and Gentleman, I have an announcement to make. If there is anyone here tonight that is feeling nervous, apprehensive, or maybe even a little nauseous at what lies ahead…then it’s probably because you’ve just married Adam. 

Before I start the character assassination that is my best man’s speech, let me just thank Adam and Olivia for having us be a part of this very special day.

Our time at University was one of the best in my life, and I’ve far too many stories to tell you about our lovely Adam here. 

And why wouldn’t he be? All those who know Olivia know what a lovely, and caring person she is. She deserves a good husband. Thank god Adam got there first before she could find one! 

Adam was at my side within SECONDS…to let me know he caught my fall on video. Emergency Medical Services *Scoff*. Only when he saw the angle of my ankle did his medical training kick in.

Hello everyone. My name is Kane, and I am the best man, and longtime friend of Rob. I was, however, somewhat surprised to be asked to be the best man, as Rob has never been able to admit this over the years.

I asked friends and family for advice, and according to tradition, I am supposed to sing Rob’s praises and tell you all about his fantastic qualities. Well, sorry to tell you, but I can’t sing and I don’t lie. So that’s out of the window. 

His willingness to do anything for anyone, without accepting anything in return is what makes Rob extra special, and a joy to be around. 

Looking back, I was probably a big nuisance always wanting to go play over his house, but I had some of the best time of my life growing up with Rob by my side. We’ve been there for every big moment of each other’s lives.

I can’t think of anyone better to look after my Rob here, and I know he will do everything he can to look after you for the rest of his days. 

Best Man Speech Frequentl Asked Questions

Does the best man have to do a speech, when does the best man’s speech happen.

The best man speech will typically happen after the groom has said a few words. However, every wedding is different, and the bride and groom may organize the day differently depending on how they think the speeches should flow. 

How Long Should A Best Man Speech Be?

What should you include in a best man speech.

There are a few things that you should include in the best man speech. This is who you are, and how you know the bride and groom.

Who Should You Thank In A Best Man Speech?

To summarize, writing a best man speech is not all as bad as it seems.

Now, instead of stressing out about what you are going to say, how you are going to say it, you can look forward to the wedding planning process in the run up to the big day, and most importantly…the bachelor party!

Lisa Plaitt

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good quotes to end a best man speech

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The Plunge

The 50 Best Jokes For Your Best Man Speech

The 50 Best Jokes For Your Best Man Speech

As the best man, you’re tasked with giving the toast—maybe the most famous one of the evening. For the big speech, it’s important to have some jokes scattered throughout. The couple gets to be sentimental. Her father gets to be sad and nostalgic. You need to bring the funny like it’s showtime at the Apollo. That’s no easy task, either. Luckily, there are dozens of jokes that have already been written that you can plug your buddy’s name into and carry on. We compiled some of our favorites for you here. Good luck!

The Openers

Good evening everyone. I’m so happy to preside over the only five minutes that the bride didn’t plan. Of course, I’m only kidding. We went over the speech 40 minutes ago in the hall.

It’s been an emotional day, even the cake is in tiers.

We’ve reached the moment in the evening where we get to watch the groom figet and worry in anticipation. Yes, everyone, I’ve been asked by the staff to give him the bill.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Before I begin, I just want to apologize for not being an experienced public speaker. I’m probably going to spend most of the time looking at this piece of paper in my hands. Oh, it’s not my notes – it’s a picture of the triple Jameson I’m going to down as soon as this is over.

I just heard there was a lucrative pool on the length of the Best Man’s speech. I put my money on 40 minutes, so settle in…

Before I begin my speech, there’s just one order of business I’ve been asked to take care of. *Hold up pair of trousers with padlock on them* These are Jack’s Chastity Pants. I know he’s given keys out to various ladies over the years, but since he is now a married man, he’d like to get those copies back, so Jill is the only one with access. *Wait for the keys you strategically handed out to wedding guests to be brought up*

My name is Peter and I am the Best Man. Many of you would beg to differ, but shut up – I know your secrets.

Just a couple of rules before we begin. If you have a mobile phone – leave it switched on, entertain yourselves. And if anyone texts you any good jokes, kindly pass them up to the front.”

I’ve been told I won’t get away with a few thank yous and a quick toast. Apparently, as Best Man, I’m supposed to sing the Groom’s praises and talk about his good qualities. Unfortunately, I can’t sing and I won’t lie.

My speech today will be like a mini-skirt.  Long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to hold your attention!

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen – Before I came here today one of my good friends gave me some advice on giving this speech. He said think of it like walking through a nudist camp, it’s only hard for the first minute.

Jokes About The Groom

Now he’s getting a bit older he’s turning his attention more and more to gadgets, constantly buying stuff from ebay, amazon and I want one of those dot com. I swear he didn’t have an interest in women until he overheard someone say the secret to women was knowing what buttons to press.

I read somewhere the perfect best man speech should last as long as it takes for the groom to make love. So ladies and gentlemen, please raise a glass to the happy couple!

Sally is a bright, charming, wonderful woman, who deserves a good husband. It’s such a shame Harry swooped in before she could find one.

I think the main reason we’ve lasted as friends all these years is because you’re geographically convenient…and you had a trampoline.

Jack is the kindest friend anyone could ask for; a man whose philanthropy knows no bounds. ‘Generosity’ should be his middle name. He would do anything for me; like helping write a section of the best man speech because you forgot about it until late last night at the bar!

Jack was in a pub when he proposed. No, really, it was actually very romantic – he got up on one knee.

It’s strange to be giving a speech like this one, because my parents always told me that if I had nothing good to say about someone, I should just be quiet.

Seeing the happy couple walking down the aisle earlier today, I’m sure we all agree that the bride looked simply stunning. The groom, on the other hand, simply looked stunned.

So I’m the best man, although I think I was picked by default since the groom doesn’t really have any other friends.

I can only say in my defense that Mike and I share a common sense of humor so if this speech is in anyway unfunny please “Feel Free to Blame Mike.”

I’d also like to congratulate Keith on a truly magnificent speech, I always knew it would be hard to follow, and I was right, I could hardly follow a word of it.

John did tell me that the vicar was firmly against sex before marriage. However, Jane did assure him it would only take a couple of minutes.

Rest assured though, unlike most traditional best man speeches, which are full of sexual innuendo, I’ve promised Dan and Anne that if there is anything slightly risqué, I’ll whip it out immediately …”

Although Ria did actually tell me Paul has always brightened up her life. Well, she actually said he never turned the lights off but it amounts to the same thing pretty much.

I’ll try to keep my speech short, because every extra minute I speak is an extra minute’s delay in witnessing how the Groom’s dance lessons worked out.

Jokes About The Bride

I do have to say though how lucky you are Dave, you’re leaving with a beautiful wife whom you love. And you, Miranda, you get to go home with such a nice new dress and beautiful bouquet of flowers, it’s great.

Jill, you are an amazing woman who deserves a wonderful husband. And I promise you I won’t rest until I get to the bottom of what’s gone wrong here.

Being asked to be the best man is about five minutes of glowing pride, followed by an eternity of panic and misery. Linda, I expect you had a similar experience when Paul asked you to be his wife.

I spoke to both Sally and Paul before the Wedding and I asked Paul what he was looking for in Marriage – he said “Love, happiness and a long life together.” When I asked Sally the same question – she replied – A coffee percolator!

Speaking of Jane, I would like to say how beautiful she looks today in that fantastic dress …Dan likes it too, as he told me in the church it will blend in just nicely well with the rest of the kitchen.

Someone once said that marriage is a 50/50 partnership, but anyone who believes that clearly knows nothing about women or fractions!”

When I saw Linda heading up the aisle with her father, I thought “At last she’s seen sense, and got herself a man with looks and money.”

Before proposing, Paul went to ask Linda’s father for her hand in marriage. He said that it was fine by him, providing Paul took the hand that had spent 20 years fishing into his wallet!

I recognize my place here; being best man at a wedding is like being the dead body at a funeral. You’re expected to be there, but if you say too much people start freaking out.

If you can’t hear me in the back, let the silence in the front assure you that you’re not really missing out on anything.

A Best Man is like a dog. You love him, care about him, and he’s only thrown up and ruined your upholstery twice.

I would like to start by saying what a pleasure it is to be Best Man at Jack and Jill’s wedding. Jack made me compete for this honor today, but I was able to beat Mark the Bartender over there in rock-paper-scissors, so here I am!

I found the speech length really difficult to settle on. At one point, it ran to almost 70 minutes, so I cut it down to a five-minute speech but I just felt like too many important things were being left out. So I came to a compromise – I’m going to read the five-minute speech. Then straight afterwards, I’ll do 70-minute one and you guys can tell me which speech I should use.

What can you say about a man who came from humble beginnings and is now rising to the top of his industry based solely on his intelligence, grit and willpower? A man whose charisma knows no bounds and who has already distinguished himself amongst his peers? Because I’m trying to write my Tinder profile and I’m having trouble summarizing myself.

When I sat down to write this speech I Googled “perfect best man speech”, but you had to pay to read the examples and I didn’t think it was worth it, so I’m gonna wing it.

I admit, I’m extremely nervous right now. As the people sitting near to me at the table can testify, it really is possible to smell fear.”

I must admit, I’m not used to speaking in public. Until now I thought a toastmaster was a kitchen appliance.

The trouble with being the best man at a wedding is that you never get to prove it.

You know, it’s been said that being asked to be best man is like being asked to make love to Camilla Parker Bowles.. It’s a great honor but you don’t really want to do it!

I’ve been anxious about giving this speech for a while now. Fortunately last night I slept like a baby. Waking up every two hours and bawling my eyes out. Ten minutes ago, I had to ask a complete stranger to burp me.

Dave was telling me that the amazing meal this evening was charged on a cost-per-head basis, so, on the bride and groom’s behalf, I’d like to thank the following people for not coming…

What’s the difference between in-laws and out-laws? Outlaws are wanted.”

Leading up to today John and Jane were having an issue with the seating plan. Who would sit comfortably in here & who would have to get up and stand during the speeches so we decided to use wedding present list, biggest presents at front and work it back from there. So hopefully you can hear me at the back when I say on behalf of Jane and John thank‐you very much for the teaspoons.

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Yeah Weddings

How to End a Best Man Speech: Tips and Examples

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One of the most crucial aspects of giving a best man speech is knowing how to end it. Make the newlyweds feel special and leave the audience with a memorable impression. However, how precisely do you do that?

Groom and Best Man

There are numerous ways to conclude a best man speech, and ultimately it comes down to your preferences and the overall mood of the speech.

Some individuals like to conclude with a sentimental toast, while others like to do so with a joke or anecdote that makes them laugh.

Whatever strategy you choose, the most important thing is to maintain it in a way that is appropriate for the couple and their families.

In this post, we’ll look at a few ideas and techniques for best man speeches that will leave the audience with a lasting impression.

We will give examples of several speech closings, ranging from sentimental to hilarious, and offer advice on how to pick the best strategy for your individual speech.

Therefore, whether you’re a seasoned public speaker or this is your first time serving as best man , we have all the information you need to wrap up your speech in confidence and flair.

The Importance of Ending Your Best Man Speech Well

When it comes to giving a best man speech, the ending is just as important as the beginning and middle.

A strong conclusion can leave a lasting impression on the audience and make the newlyweds feel truly special. Here are some reasons why ending your best man speech well is crucial:

  • Leaving a positive lasting impression:  The ending of your speech is what people will remember most. By ending on a high note, you can ensure that the guests leave with a positive impression of both you and the newlyweds.
  • Making the newlyweds feel special:  The best man speech is a chance to celebrate the newlyweds and their love. A heartfelt and sincere ending can make the couple feel truly special and loved.
  • Wrapping up your speech effectively:  A strong ending can help to tie together the different parts of your speech and leave the audience feeling satisfied.

To ensure that your best man’s speech ends well, it’s important to consider your audience and the tone of your speech.

If your speech has been humorous, a light-hearted and funny ending can work well. On the other hand, if your speech has been more sentimental, a heartfelt and sincere ending may be more appropriate.

Some ways to end your best man speech include:

  • A toast to the newlyweds:  Ending your speech with a toast to the newlyweds is a classic way to wrap up your speech. Just make sure to keep it short and sweet.
  • A final joke or anecdote:  If your speech has been humorous, ending with a final joke or anecdote can be a great way to leave the audience laughing.
  • A heartfelt message:  If you want to end your speech on a more sentimental note, consider sharing a heartfelt message with the newlyweds. This can be a great way to make the couple feel truly loved and appreciated.

Remember, the ending of your best man speech is just as important as the rest of your speech.

By taking the time to craft a strong and memorable conclusion, you can leave a lasting impression on the audience and make the newlyweds feel truly special.

How to End Your Best Man Speech

As the best man, you have the important task of delivering the final words of your speech.

It’s important to end on a strong note that will leave a lasting impression on the happy couple and their guests. Here are some tips to help you end your best man speech with style.

Finish Strong

Your ending should be memorable and powerful. You can end with a heartfelt message, a funny joke or a toast to the newlyweds.

Best man speech

Whatever you choose, make sure it reflects your relationship with the couple and your wishes for their future together. Keep in mind that your ending is the last thing people will remember from your speech, so make it count.

Keep it Short and Sweet

While you want to end strong, you don’t want to overstay your welcome. Keep your ending short and sweet, so you don’t lose your audience’s attention. A good rule of thumb is to keep your ending no longer than a minute or two.

End with a Poem or Inspirational Quote

If you’re looking for a more poetic or inspirational way to end your speech, consider ending with a quote or poem that reflects the couple’s love story. You can find many great quotes and poems online that will inspire and uplift your audience.

Raise a Glass

A classic way to end a best man speech is to raise a glass to the happy couple. This is a great way to toast to their future together and show your respect and admiration for them.

Thank the Happy Couple and the Audience

Finally, don’t forget to thank the happy couple and their guests for allowing you to be a part of their special day.

Express your gratitude for the opportunity to be the best man and share in their joy. This is a great way to end your speech on a sincere and upbeat note.

Ending your best man speech can be a challenge, but with a little research and planning, you can create a powerful and memorable ending that will leave a lasting impression on the happy couple and their guests.

Remember to keep it sincere, upbeat, and respectful, and you’ll do just fine.

When it comes to ending a best man speech, it’s important to finish strong. We want to leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and their guests.

Here are some tips to ensure that your closing remarks are memorable and effective:

  • Recap the highlights:  Briefly summarize the key points of your speech, highlighting the most memorable moments. This will help reinforce your message and ensure that your audience remembers the important parts of your speech.
  • Offer congratulations:  Congratulate the newlyweds on their marriage and offer your best wishes for their future together. This is a great opportunity to express your happiness for the couple and to show your support for their relationship.
  • End with a toast:  A toast is a traditional way to end a best man speech. Raise your glass and propose a toast to the newlyweds, wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness. Make sure to use a heartfelt and sincere tone, and avoid any inappropriate or offensive comments.
  • Keep it concise:  Remember that your closing remarks should be brief and to the point. Avoid rambling or going off on tangents, and stick to the main message of your speech. This will help ensure that your audience stays engaged and interested until the very end.

By following these tips, we can ensure that our best man speech ends on a high note.

With a little preparation and a lot of heart, we can leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and their guests, and help make their wedding day even more special.

When it comes to ending a best man speech, it’s important to keep it brief. We don’t want to drag on for too long and bore the guests, but we also want to make sure we leave a lasting impression.

A short and sweet ending is the perfect way to wrap up our speech. One way to keep it short is to avoid going off on tangents.

We should stick to our main points and not get sidetracked with unnecessary stories or jokes.

We can also use bullet points to help us stay on track and keep our ending concise.

Another way to keep it sweet is to end with a memorable quote or phrase. This can be a heartfelt message to the newlyweds or a funny one-liner that ties into our speech.

Whatever it is, it should be something that the guests will remember long after the wedding is over.

This is a great way to end our speech on a positive note and show our appreciation for the opportunity to be the best man.

Keeping our ending short and sweet is the perfect way to wrap up our best man speech.

By staying on track, using memorable quotes, and thanking the newlyweds, we can leave a lasting impression on the guests and make the wedding day even more special.

Sometimes the best way to end a best man speech is with a poem or inspirational quote. This can be a great way to leave the newlyweds with a lasting message that they can carry with them throughout their marriage.

Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect poem or quote to end your speech.

First, consider the tone of your speech. If you’ve been telling funny stories and making jokes, you might want to choose a poem or quote that is lighthearted and humorous.

On the other hand, if your speech has been more serious and sentimental, you might want to choose a more heartfelt poem or quote.

Next, think about the couple. What are their interests and values? Is there a poem or quote that speaks to their relationship or their hopes for the future? Choosing a poem or quote that is meaningful to the couple can add a special touch to your speech.

When it comes to delivering the poem or quote, make sure to practice beforehand. You want to be able to deliver it with confidence and emotion.

Consider printing out the poem or quote and reading it from the paper, or memorizing it if you feel comfortable.

Ending your best man speech with a poem or inspirational quote can be a beautiful way to leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds.

By considering the tone of your speech and the couple’s interests and values, you can choose a poem or quote that is meaningful and special. Remember to practice beforehand so you can deliver it with confidence and emotion.

When it comes to ending a best man speech, raising a glass is a classic and effective way to conclude.

It’s a chance to toast the newlyweds and express your well wishes for their future together. Here are a few tips to make sure your toast hits the mark:

  • Keep it short and sweet: A long-winded toast can drag on and lose its impact. Keep your toast to a few sentences or a short paragraph.
  • Use the couple’s names: Make sure to include the names of the bride and groom in your toast. This personal touch will make the toast feel more meaningful.
  • Express your wishes for their future: Whether it’s health, happiness, or success, express your sincere hopes for the couple’s future together.
  • Raise your glass: Don’t forget to actually raise your glass during the toast! This is a visual cue that signals to the audience that the toast is ending.

Here are a few examples of toasts that you can use as inspiration:

  • “To [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], may your love for each other continue to grow stronger with each passing year. Cheers!”
  • “We raise a glass to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], wishing you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. Congratulations!”
  • “Here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], two people who are truly meant to be together. May your love story continue to inspire us all. Cheers!”

As the best man, it is important to express gratitude towards the happy couple for giving you the honor to be their best man.

We can start by thanking the couple for their friendship and the opportunity to be part of their special day. This is a great way to show appreciation and make them feel special.

It is also important to thank the audience for their presence and support. We can acknowledge the effort and time they took to attend the wedding, especially those who traveled from far away.

This is a great way to make the audience feel appreciated and included.

One way to express gratitude towards the happy couple and the audience is by raising a toast.

We can propose a toast to the couple for their love and commitment towards each other, and to the audience for their presence and support.

This is a great way to end the speech on a positive note and leave a lasting impression.

In addition, we can also include a personal anecdote or story about the couple to show how much they mean to us.

This can be a heartwarming moment that will make the couple feel special and appreciated.

Thanking the happy couple and the audience is an important part of ending a best man speech.

It shows gratitude and appreciation towards those who made the wedding possible and memorable.

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

How to Write and Deliver the Perfect Best Man Speech

Our three experts will help you become an all-star orator.

good quotes to end a best man speech

Photo by Sydney Noelle Photography

In This Article

Being asked to be someone's best man is a tremendous honor, but it's also a role that comes with a number of important responsibilities . While you're going to be responsible for everything from groomsmen shepherding to bachelor party planning , there's one task that requires your utmost attention and efforts: giving an incredible wedding speech.

The best man's speech traditionally follows the groom's speech (if he's giving one) and may or may not follow the maid of honor's toast (generally speaking, the better orator should go second). This is a chance for you to say some kind words about your relationship with the couple and your best friend. Wedding speeches are meant to be quick, lighthearted moments during the reception, so while you should expend effort crafting thoughtful words, you don't have to overthink it. Still, we know public speaking doesn't come easily for everyone, and if the thought of public speaking has your kneecaps sweating, we're here to help.

With tapped three experts—President Barack Obama's former speechwriter David Litt, wedding toast advisor Pete Honsberger, and public speaking expert LaQuita Cleare—and asked them to share the best tips for writing a perfect man speech.

Meet the Expert

  • David Litt was the speechwriter for President Barack Obama from 2011 to 2016 and is the author of the New York Times best-selling book Thanks, Obama.
  • Pete Honsberger has been a serial groomsman, speaker, and wedding toast advisor for most of his adult life. When it comes to wedding toasts, he's seen just about everything—you can read about it in his book, Wedding Toasts 101: The Guide to the Perfect Wedding Speech .
  • LaQuita Cleare is a public speaking expert and the founder of Clear Communication Academy , where she prepares CEOs, actors, and other professionals to become stronger, more engaging public speakers.

If you're hoping to write and deliver a best man speech that will blow everyone away, follow our expert-approved tips.

Photo by Glorianna Chan

Best Man Speech Template 

Getting all your thoughts and feelings down on paper can be overwhelming, especially if you're not used to sharing those sentiments with the guys. For those who are unsure of what to write for the big day, here is a guideline to help you find your flow.

Find a Theme

A theme is a unifying idea that ties the whole speech together. Think of it as the takeaway of your speech, or the one thing you want guests to remember. The best way to identify your theme is by making a list of your favorite stories. "You’re not going to just write a speech from scratch. Start by brainstorming stories. Most importantly, what you’re looking for is the theme that comes out of those anecdotes," says Litt.

Build a Framework

The best way to organize your thoughts is to create a blueprint of the key points you want to hit first, sort of like a toast skeleton. After you've established the roadmap, fill it in with pertinent details and memories while still ensuring you're staying on point. "Think about it in terms of ideas," says Litt. "You can get in one or two short anecdotes, maybe three, and one big idea. If those are good, you don’t need more."

Instead of thinking of yourself as the speaker, imagine that you're actually standing in the audience. Think about what the audience would like to hear, rather than what you want to do.

Nail the Opening

According to Cleare, your opening remarks need to be just right. Remember that you only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your audience, so make the most of them. "This can be a fun quote that the bride or groom always says or you can use the story of your relationship with the [couple] as the opening," she suggests.

Focus on the Newlyweds

Most best men will include a story or two about their friendship with the groom, but don't center the whole speech on it. "Remember the relationship that you’re celebrating is the one between the two people getting married. You’re giving the speech because you can shine some unique light on that relationship," says Litt. "If the relationship that you’re really giving the speech about is the one between you and the groom, things [will get] awkward."

Share Your Feelings

Deliver something more meaningful than one joke after another. "Generally speaking, men think of the best man speech as a funny speech to give because we’re very uncomfortable sharing how we actually feel. But, what makes a good best man speech is the part where somebody shares how they feel. Humor is just the icing on the cake," says Litt. The newlyweds chose you to speak because you have something notable to add to their big day. Embrace your personal insight into their bond and don't try to dilute it by just being funny.

Photo by Elizabeth Austin Photography

Best Man Speech Writing and Delivery Tips

Now that you have at least a rough idea of what you want your speech to be like, it's time to put pen to paper. Finished writing? Practice, practice, practice, and ensure every word you say is a good fit for the big day. After all, there's nothing worse than raising a glass at the end of your speech and hearing crickets. These tips will help you do all of that and more.

Consider Your Audience

You can't nail a speech if you have no idea who to tailor the content to. "Feel free to ask beforehand. When I was writing speeches for the president, we had a point of contact where the speech was happening to say who exactly is in the audience. You can do a smaller-scale version of that. Your point of contact is probably your friend getting married . But, the nice thing about giving the best man speech is that, ideally, it’s both specific to you and universal to the couple," says Litt.

If you're open to it, Cleare also suggests bringing other attendees into the mix during your deliver. "Don’t be afraid to involve your audience! You can pose a question to them during your speech," she notes. This is a great way to make everyone feel included.

"I would say almost never start with talking about how nervous you are. I’d also say just relax. That’s a hard thing to tell someone to do. But remember, you’re not putting on a show," says Litt. "You're simply talking about your best friend and the love of their life, two people that you've probably spent a lot of time with. In the end, it should just flow and come out easily." Litt also suggests, "imagine you’re just telling a story to a group of friends because, really, you are."

Put Down Your Notes

No, you don't have to memorize every word of your toast, but Cleare recommends that you "bring the confidence, and put down your notes" on the big day. "Don’t worry about memorizing your speech word for word. It is more important to connect, deliver with confidence and have fun," she explains. The more you can engage the audience—look at them, feed off their energy—the better your toast will be received.

Stay True to Yourself

Stick with who you are and how you would normally act around your friends; you don't need to adopt a character just because you're giving a speech. For example, if you aren't normally the comedian in the group, don't try to tell a bunch of jokes. If you're not usually a super-sentimental person, don't force it. There's nothing wrong with keeping your speech more lighthearted. The couple already knows (and loves) your personality, so the more genuine you are, the better your speech will be received by both the newlyweds and their guests.

Don't Rely Solely on Humor

While a few jokes sprinkled in can be a great tool for loosening up the crowd, don't make these the meat of your toast—especially if comedy doesn't come naturally to you. "Let me put it this way. There’s such a thing as too many bad jokes, and that number is about one. The more you treat it as an open-mic night, the less happy everyone involved is going to be. You don’t need to go in thinking, 'How do I get invited back next week?'" explains Litt.

Keep Things Positive

Even if you think it's well-meaning, don't turn the toast into a roast or make jokes at the couple's expense. "I’ve seen best man speeches where someone thinks, 'Oh, my job is to roast the groom.' Unless the couple specifically told you that’s your job, that’s not your job. The way to think about jokes is that you don’t want people to be laughing at the groom or at the couple. You want people to be laughing because they suddenly know the groom better than they did before." says Litt.

Don't Upstage the Newlyweds

Litt's previous boss (former President Obama) really enjoyed telling other people's stories at speaking engagements, and this ultimately strengthened his messages. "His speeches are not really about him. They’re about other people," says Litt. Channel Obama by keeping your speech focused on the couple. "You’re not performing. You’re there because you know someone and care about them, and you’re sharing that with a bunch of other people. Even a great best man speech is not supposed to steal the show. If somebody says, 'That speech was nice but almost forgettable because we were so focused on the bride and groom,' that’s a win. You don’t need to be the star," advises Litt.

Keep It Appropriate

"My general rule for wedding speeches is: If you have to ask yourself, 'Is this appropriate?' it’s not. And if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t know, ask a friend. If they give you that slightly horrified look, listen to that look," explains Litt. Keep in mind that your audience will include guests of various generations and cultures, like your friend's grandparents, boss, and colleagues. Refrain from mentioning anything that you wouldn't want your grandma or boss to know.

Get a Second Opinion

Remember, you'll be delivering this toast in front of an audience (as if you could forget, right?). So it doesn't hurt to get some feedback on what you're planning on saying. "If you’re the kind of person who has a track record of going a little too far with your surprises, you should be self-aware enough to run this by a third party—maybe another close friend or a friend of the bride," says Litt.

The last thing you want to do is stand up and give a speech that you've never said out loud. "The best thing to do is practice with a friend. Anybody giving a big speech rehearses beforehand. If you’ve already gotten good feedback from field-testing your remarks with a smaller group, then you’re going to come out on the wedding day comfortably knowing you have a good speech. It's that uncertainty that can be scary when you’re up there speaking," says Litt.

Cleare notes that you can practice your public speaking at any point—you don't need an occasion as big as a wedding to work on your skills. "Practice your public speaking regularly. You don’t have to wait for a big day to improve," she says. "From volunteering to lead a work meeting to giving a toast at a party with friends, [you can practice almost anytime.]"

Keep It Short

Let's be realistic: Super-long wedding toasts annoy guests. "I’ve never been to a wedding where anyone said, 'That was a great wedding, but the best man speech was just too short and that ruined it.' I would say five minutes is the absolute maximum. Three minutes is fine. There’s no question that if you’re reading this, you’ve sat through a speech that was too long. But when you start writing a speech, you almost never think, 'Is this going to be too long?'" explains Litt.

Limit Your Drinks

Don't embarrass yourself by slurring through your toast. "Being one drink in works for some people, but being more than one drink in is never a good idea. At that moment when you’re like, 'You know what I need? Another couple of shots.' That is never what you need," advises Litt.

Mind Your Body Language

A telltale sign that you're nervous? Fidgety body language. Cleare suggests rehearsing not just your words, but also how you'll stand and present yourself on the big day. "Practice open body language instead of putting your hands in your pockets or crossing your arms," she suggests. "Using gestures while you speak will also make you appear more confident and increase the value of your message." And, whatever you do, don't forget to make eye contact with the crowd. "Your eyes tell all," Cleare says.

Photo by Elizabeth Warrick

Best Man Speech Openers

Still at a loss for where to take your speech? If you need a little help getting your speech going, our experts share a few ideas to kick-start the process. Use these openers to help get your inspiration flowing.

Introduce Yourself With a Twist

Want to tell the crowd exactly why you're the best man? Honsberger says to get straight to the point and tell them how you know the groom. Most importantly, add some flavor to the first few lines. Spice it up a bit, as anyone can do the standard, “For those of you who don’t know me….” Simply put, ask yourself what a twist would look like in your own introduction. 

“Good evening, if you’re in this room and don’t know me by now, then you’re probably at the wrong wedding. I am, of course, [your name], and I’ve been best friends with [groom] for 25 years…”
“Hello and welcome to tonight’s reception. [name of groom], YOU truly are MY biggest fan. Wait, that didn’t come out right…As I was saying…”

Crack a Joke, Even a Corny One

Remember the audience when determining whether your joke should be said, but ultimately, try and see if you can get the crowd to laugh in the first 30 seconds. To achieve this, Honsberger says to simply reach into your own bag of jokes or look one up online. "I’d encourage you to first spend a little time reflecting on your own comedic ability. If you’re coming up empty, then consult outside resources," he notes.

"Hello, I’m the best man [your name]. This entire day has been beautiful so far. In fact, I’m getting emotional. The wedding cake has me in TIERS. (looking at a three-tiered cake).” 
"You’re probably wondering why I asked you all here tonight…well, I can promise it’s not for my 'Magic Mike' performance. You’ll have to stick around to the last song for that."

Be Hilarious With a Straight Face

While still technically a joke, this is you working hard to sound serious while saying something absurd. And if you get this right, you’ll hear a little giggle immediately, followed by laughter from the rest of the crowd once they figure out what you said was a joke.

“Good evening, I am [your name], the best man and [relationship to groom] of [name of groom]. Tonight we’re in a room full of great men–doctors, lawyers, military veterans, and successful businesspeople–yet I am the 'best.' His words, not mine.” 
"As Abraham Lincoln once said, [say something outrageous than Lincoln obviously never said—an inspirational quote, movie line, piece of advice, etc.] … and that’s what brings us all together tonight to celebrate [couple's name].”

Introduce a Recurring Theme

Choosing an overall toast theme can help you start strong. If you decide that your relationship with the groom can be summed up by sports, college, vacations, a mutual love of running, or whatever fits you, that can be your theme. And if that’s the case, your opener is simply the first, or the best, story you have related to that specific topic. 

“Hello and welcome, my name’s [your name], and I’m here to talk about my amazing friends Mike and Liz. They are truly a story of opposites attracting. 
For example, Liz’s favorite food is french fries, and Mike is allergic to potatoes. Mike has an obsession with ice cream, and Liz is lactose intolerant (pause for laughter).
Thankfully, things have a way of working out, and we are gathered tonight to celebrate the most important thing they have in common…incredibly good looks. I mean, LOVE.”

Just like that, you’ve captured the audience, let them into the world of the married couple, and got them excited for the rest of your toast. 

Ask a Question to Answer Throughout

If you’re questioning your toast opener, try leaning into that approach. Instead of looking for the answer, embrace the question. Think about what you would want to know about the groom if you were a distant relative or family friend sitting in the audience, says Honsberger. What would be an interesting question to explore about the couple? Use that. 

“Good evening. My name is [your name] and I’ve known [groom] for more than [#] years. As I was preparing this toast, one question consistently rang in my mind: How do I summarize a friendship that has lasted since we [when you met]? Believe it or not, [groom] was [name a quirk or characteristic about him] back then, too.” 
“But really, how can I possibly speak to all of our experiences in just a few minutes without turning it into one big inside joke? Do I talk about …?” 

Then, spend the rest of the speech answering that question, and you’ll never lack information to share. 

Rhyme-Master Flex

Really want to capture the intrigue of everyone in the room? Start rhyming your sentences. Honsberger says he tried this in his first-ever wedding toast, and the result was an audience hanging on every sentence, wondering what the next line would be.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am Dan's younger brother, Pete. Many of you, I already know. Some, I have yet to meet.
Dan and Kate, thank you so much for this amazing chance, to speak on your special day … by the way, I call first dance. (crowd boos in jest) Sorry, but I called it! 
I’ve looked up to Dan ever since I’ve had sight. He was always bigger than me, and he was always right. 
Being the oldest of four boys couldn’t have been an easy thing. But in a house full of hyenas, Dan was the Lion King."

Read a Definition from the Dictionary

Here’s a chance to leverage one of the most straightforward and honest resources in existence: the dictionary. All you need to do is find one word that defines the couple’s relationship, says Honsberger. This can be serious and sentimental or funny—your choice. Just make sure it's relevant to the couple. 

“Google’s second definition of the word ‘love’ says, ‘A great interest and pleasure in something or someone.’ I think this is beautiful and an understatement when I think of [bride] and [groom]’s marriage. Although I was a little concerned when, under the definition, the word “love” was used in a sentence as ‘His love for football.’ Hmm, strange…”
“Who’s ready to dance tonight? Wikipedia defines the word ‘dance’ as ‘a performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement,’ and those words have honestly never come to mind when I think of [groom] dancing. I might be kidding, but there’s only one way to find out!” 

Tell a Story of How You Met

If the groom is a friend, chances are you have a good story of the first time you met or early in your friendship. If it’s your brother or family member, simply use one of your first memories together, whether playing, adventuring, or getting into trouble.

“The year was 1993, the class was kindergarten. I was building a beautiful tower of blocks when out of nowhere, they were knocked to the ground by a classmate without mercy or even an apology. That classmate was Matt, and we’ve been best friends ever since. And Matt, I’m sorry for throwing the blocks at your head after that.” 

Begin With a Quote

Simple and overused? Maybe. Effective? Absolutely. If you want to make the groom smile immediately during your toast, use a quote that you both recognize. If there’s one that his partner appreciates, too, even better. The most important reminder when using a quote is to ensure the audience feels like they’re part of it, too. Unless the quote is universally known, briefly mention its origin right after saying it. Let them into the joke and they’ll be with you for the rest of the toast. 

“Good evening everyone, my name is [your name], and I’m the best man tonight. When coach [name] used to tell you to ‘Be an Athlete,’ this is what he meant. When anyone on our team missed a tackle, it was ‘be an athlete,’ when our jerseys weren’t tucked in, same saying. We’ve adopted that as a cure for any issues in life. When [groom] really wanted to introduce himself to [bride], the solution was simple. ‘Be an athlete.’ And he was. So if you see [groom] miss a step on the dance floor later, be sure to remind him to ‘Be an athlete.’"

Read Something in a Different Language

Looking for a way to involve international members of the family in your toast? Look no further than practicing a phrase and reciting it in their native language to begin your toast. If that doesn’t apply in your situation, yet you still want to shake things up and be unique, you can translate a wedding-related sentence into another language. It will be intriguing, and you’ll sound smart! 

“Hello and welcome to everyone in both families on such a beautiful day. Me llamo Pedro y necesito que te diviertas porque esta boda es muy cara (wait for laughter from Spanish speakers). If you don’t speak Spanish, I said that I need everyone to have fun because this wedding is really expensive!” 

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, this speech is about the couple getting married, why you love them so much, how happy you are for them, and why you're honored to have this role in the wedding party. Keep things light, positive, and succinct—and also remember that the celebration is all about love, and no one is here to make you feel nervous. Make time to practice the speech, take a few deep breaths before you begin to speak, and focus your attention on the couple. Before you know it, you'll have given a speech for the books!

The best man traditionally speaks at the wedding reception following the maid of honor, though some couples may schedule the speeches during the rehearsal dinner instead.

The best man gives one speech either at the wedding reception or, less commonly, the rehearsal dinner.

The best man's speech serves as a special lens for the audience to better understand the groom, and the newlyweds, through his significant position in their lives. The focus should be to highlight the relationship of the newlyweds rather than the relationship between the best man and groom.

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?
  • How to Write a Wedding Toast
  • Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech
  • currently on How to Write a Best Man Toast
  • Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech
  • What to Know About a Newlywed Toast
  • Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips
  • 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

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Best Man Speech - What are some good ways to start, end and keep the audience engaged in the speech?

My best friend’s wedding is in a couple of months time and I’m starting to put together my best man’s speech. I’ve done a lot of research online and found some funny openers and endings but I don’t want to re-use lines that people would’ve heard at every wedding they’ve been to.

Also what are some good ways of keeping the guests entertained and engaged throughout the speech? I’m not planning to go on any longer than the 10 minute mark but even 5-7 minutes seems like quite a long time to keep people engaged and on my side, especially when I won’t know a fair few of them.

Any suggestions are massively welcome, and if you’ve got some funny one lines/quotes that haven’t been overused than please let them be known!

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good quotes to end a best man speech

Ultimate Guide to Crafting the Perfect Best Man Speech: 75 Examples to Inspire You

May 29, 2024

Ultimate Guide to Crafting the Perfect Best Man Speech: 75 Examples to Inspire You

  • Founder of Bridesmaid for Hire
  • Creator of the #1 Speech & Vow Writing Tools
  • Author of Always a Bridesmaid (for Hire)
  • Creator of 1-800-Bridesmaid

Hi! I'm Jen Glantz

Hi, Friend!   Jen Glantz here. I’m a bestselling author, the first ever bridesmaid for hire and have written over 1000 best man speeches for people all around the world! Let’s dive into some best man speech  examples to get you inspired for your own!

This blog provides 75 best man speech examples to inspire you, along with tips for personalizing them.

Whether you’re a jokester, a storyteller, or a man of few words, you’re sure to find a style that suits you.

By the end, you’ll be delivering a toast for the ages that will leave the bride, groom, and guests laughing, crying, and clinking their glasses.

Before we dive in, know that  Bridesmaid for Hire  is here to help along the way:

  • Here’s more in-depth guidance on how to write a best man speech .
  • We also have a popular  best man speechwriting tool  that writes you a personalized toast in minutes.
  • Finally, our  best man speech coaching sessions   teach you ditch shaking hands and best man jokes that don’t land so you can give a confident best man speech.

Ready to nail your best man speech? Let’s dive in!

best man speechwriting tool

Table of Contents

TL;DR: Key Takeaways

  • Choose a best man speech example that matches your personality, relationship to the groom, and comfort level with public speaking.
  • Consider the wedding atmosphere and audience when selecting tone and content.
  • Keep it concise, usually under 5 minutes.
  • Balance humor with sincerity.
  • Practice extensively for confident delivery.
  • When in doubt, speak from the heart.

Considerations for Choosing Best Man Speech Examples

Not all best man speeches are created equal. What kills at a bachelor party may bomb at a conservative family wedding. Before diving into our extensive list of examples, let’s cover some key factors to help you choose wisely for your specific situation.

Considerations for Choosing Best Man Speech Examples

Criteria for Selection of a Best Man Speech Example


First and foremost, your speech needs to sound like it comes from you . Don’t force yourself to be a standup comedian if that’s not your style. The most memorable speeches incorporate personal stories, inside jokes, and your genuine emotions about the groom and couple. If it feels fake or forced, scrap it.

Audience Appropriateness

You may have hilarious stories about the groom’s wild frat boy days, but Grandma Ethel probably doesn’t need to hear them. Keep the content classy and relatable to all ages. Avoid too many inside jokes that will alienate people. And definitely don’t spill any embarrassing secrets or bring up the groom’s ex-girlfriends!

Keep it short and sweet. Aim for 3-5 minutes. Any longer and you risk losing the audience’s attention or delaying dinner. If you have a lot of content, ruthlessly edit it down to the essentials. It’s always better to leave them wanting more.

Are you going for laugh-out-loud funny, sentimental and nostalgic, or a mix of both? Consider the overall vibe of the wedding and match your tone accordingly. A lighthearted roast may work for a relaxed backyard bbq wedding, while a black tie affair calls for a more eloquent approach. When in doubt, keep it classy.

Every great speech has a beginning, middle, and end. Start by introducing yourself, then launch into a few anecdotes or memories of the groom. Express how happy you are for the couple and what an honor it is to be Best Man. Wrap it up with well wishes for a long and happy marriage. Close with a toast that gets everyone to raise their glass.

best man speech template guide

Key Factors to Know before picking a Best Man Speech Example

Preparation time.

Don’t wait until the last minute to write your speech. Give yourself at least a few weeks to brainstorm, write an outline, and practice. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel during delivery.

Confidence and Delivery

No matter how well-written your speech is, the delivery can make or break it. Practice extensively in front of a mirror, friends, or family members. Record yourself to see how you sound. Watch your body language and eliminated any nervous tics like fidgeting or saying “um.” Speak slowly, clearly, and with enthusiasm.

Emotional Balance

Weddings are emotional events and it’s okay to show your sentimental side. That said, inside jokes and memories should be balanced out with more general content that everyone can enjoy. Avoid getting too mushy or you risk losing the audience. Save the tears for the hugs after.

Now that you’re armed with the key considerations for selecting and delivering your speech, let’s dive into the good stuff – the examples! The following 75 speeches are grouped into four categories: Funny, Short, Sentimental, and Unique & Creative. Browse the categories that best fit your vibe and relationship.

Quick Resources:

  • Use our best man speech generator.   Write an engaging best man speech that’s guaranteed to be memorable (for the right reasons).
  • Book a 30-minute speech delivery session . Get expert help on how to deliver your speech so the jokes land and the audience listens.
  • Read our best man speech guide . Get all the details, in one place, on what to include in your best man speech.

Best Man Speech Examples Categorized

Funny best man speech examples, best man speech example 1: the comedic roast.

Welcome everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the brother John never had… because he had me instead! John and I go way back. So far back that I have photographic evidence of the horrendous bowl cut his mom gave him in 3rd grade. Don’t worry John, I won’t show them… yet. John was always the responsible one, making sure I didn’t get into too much trouble. But there was this one time in college, when John decided to let loose. He streaked through the quad wearing nothing but his girlfriend’s skirt! Luckily that girlfriend is now his lovely wife, so she’s already well aware of what she’s getting into. All joking aside, John is one of the most stand-up guys I know. He’s always been there for me, through thick and thin. And I know he’ll be an incredible husband because I’ve seen firsthand how he treats Sarah. The love and respect they have for each other is truly inspiring. Sarah, you’re a lucky woman. John may not be much to look at, but you’ll never find a more loyal and loving partner. Please join me in toasting the happy couple! To John and Sarah, may your love be modern enough to survive the times, but old-fashioned enough to last forever. Cheers! Customize your funny best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 2: The Storyteller

I’ve known Ethan since we were five years old. Even back then, he was the sweetest kid on the playground, always sharing his fruit snacks and defending anyone being bullied. That’s the kind of stand-up guy Ethan is. Fast forward to high school, and not much had changed. Ethan was still everyone’s best friend. But he was also an incredible athlete. I’ll never forget the time he scored the winning touchdown at our Homecoming game. The crowd went wild, and all the cheerleaders wanted his attention at the dance afterwards. But Ethan only had eyes for one girl – his high school sweetheart and now bride, Ava. I asked Ethan when he knew Ava was the one. He told me it was on their first date. He had saved up for weeks to take her out to a nice restaurant. But when they got there, Ethan realized he had forgotten his wallet! Ever the gentleman, he offered to wash dishes in the back to pay for their meal. And what did Ava do? She put on an apron and said “I’ll dry.” That’s when Ethan knew she was a keeper. Ava, thank you for continuing to be Ethan’s rock and biggest cheerleader. Ethan, thank you for continuing to be the amazing man we all know and love. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness, laughter, and teamwork. Let’s raise our glasses! To Ethan and Ava – proof that true love isn’t just in fairy tales. Cheers! Customize your funny best man speech now >>

best man speech example funny

Best Man Speech Example 3: The One-Liner Specialist

Hi everyone, I’m Patrick – Tom’s best friend and the one who gets to spill all his most embarrassing secrets today! Just kidding, I would never do that… again. Tom and I have been through a lot together. From our first little league team, to being college roommates, to co-founding our company. We’ve definitely seen each other at our best… and worst. Like the time Tom walked into an important investor meeting with toilet paper stuck to his shoe. He really knows how to make a first impression! But in all seriousness, Tom is the kind of friend everyone needs in their corner. He’s a great listener, gives the best advice, and is always down for an adventure, even if it’s just trying a new food truck downtown. And now he’s found his perfect match in Lisa. Lisa, I’ll never forget when Tom first told me about you. He had that classic “Tom in love” puppy dog look. But as he started sharing stories about your hiking trips, cooking experiments, and laid-back approach to life, I knew you were the yin to his yang. You both just “get” each other in a way that’s rare and special. As Tom’s best man, I’m supposed to give you marriage advice. But the truth is, you two don’t need it. Your love is easy, fun, and unbreakable – just like our friendship. Though I do recommend investing in some good ear plugs, because Tom’s snoring could wake the dead! Let’s toast to the perfect pair! Tom and Lisa, may your marriage be as strong as Tom’s haggard dance moves, and as sweet as Lisa’s homemade cinnamon rolls. Congrats you crazy lovebirds! Customize your funny best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 4: The Prop Comedian

When Ryan first asked me to be his best man, I was honestly a little surprised. Not because I’m not honored, but because Ryan is one of the most meticulous planners I know. I figured he would have sent me a 10-page best man handbook with diagrams! But all joking aside, Ryan’s organization and attention to detail are just a couple of the many qualities I admire about him. He’s hardworking, loyal, and always up for a good time. Though sometimes that good time involved a few too many shots of tequila, as evidenced by this sombrero from our trip to Cabo! [hold up sombrero prop] Over the years, I’ve watched Ryan navigate the ups and downs of life with poise and determination. From acing his MCAT exams, to securing his dream residency, to buying his first house, he’s always had a plan and followed through. But there was one thing Ryan couldn’t seem to get a handle on – his love life. He was unlucky in love for a while there, enduring a string of bad Tinder dates and awkward set-ups. But that all changed when he met Mia. From the moment Ryan told me about the beautiful, whip-smart lawyer he met at a work conference, I knew she was the one. The way his eyes lit up when he talked about their spirited debates, shared love of sushi, and dreams of traveling the world together – it was unlike anything I’d seen from him before. And when I finally met Mia, I understood why. Her warmth, humor, and beauty immediately put you at ease. She was the yin to Ryan’s yang. Over the past three years, I’ve watched Ryan and Mia’s relationship blossom into something truly special. They challenge each other intellectually, support each other emotionally, and make each other laugh constantly. And now they’re making the ultimate commitment in front of all their loved ones. So Ryan, [put on stethoscope prop] my diagnosis is that you’re one lucky man. You found the love of your life and best friend in Mia. And Mia, [put on judges gavel prop] the evidence shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you’re the only one who can keep Ryan in line! [raise glass] Join me in toasting the brilliant bride and groom! Ryan and Mia, may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of sushi dates. Thanks to you two, I finally believe in soulmates. L’chaim! Customize your funny best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 5: The Improv Artist

Hi everyone, I’m Daniel, Jake’s brother from another mother and partner in crime…but don’t tell our parents that last part! You know, standing up here, it all feels a bit surreal. It seems like just yesterday Jake and I were making mud pies in the backyard and betting on how many marshmallows we could fit in our mouths. For the record, it’s ten. We still have the polaroids somewhere… Jake has always been the ride-or-die kind of brother. The kind who bails you out when you crash Dad’s car, but never lets you live it down. The kind who knows all your most embarrassing secrets, but keeps them under lock and key…for a price. The kind who’s always up for an adventure, whether it’s backpacking through Europe or just seeing how many free samples you can snag at Costco. So when Jake met Sophie, I was curious to see what kind of girl could tame my wild big bro. Turns out, Sophie is just as adventurous and fun-loving as Jake. But she’s also his perfect counterbalance. She’s the voice of reason to his impulsivity, the calm to his storm, the one who makes sure he looks before he leaps…at least most of the time. I remember when Jake called me after their first date. He described this epic 12-hour day that included brunch, an escape room, paddle boarding, hibachi, and late night karaoke. He was practically gasping for air recounting it all. I asked him what they could possibly do for a second date after that. Without skipping a beat he said “I’m going to marry her.” And here we are. Customize your funny best man speech now >>

best man speechwriting tool

Short Best Man Speech Examples

Best man speech example 6: the concise complimenter.

Good evening everyone. I’m honored to be here tonight as Parker’s best man. Parker is a true gentleman – kind, intelligent, and always putting others before himself. He deserves the very best in life, and he’s found that in his beautiful bride Isabel. Isabel, you are Parker’s perfect match in every way. You share the same core values of integrity, generosity, and love of community. It’s been a joy to watch the two of you grow together and create a relationship that is built on a foundation of friendship, respect, and unwavering support. Parker and Isabel, your love for each other shines through in everything you do. I know you will continue to lift each other up and bring out the very best in one another. May the joy and love you feel today be with you always. Let’s raise a glass to the happy couple! Customize your short best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 7: The Poetic Toast

A toast to my brother of another and the light of his life: A union like yours is very rare. In your togetherness, you find strength. In your passion, you find peace. Connected by an unbreakable friendship, You are two souls that shine more brightly together than apart. Jonathan and Miranda, as you become one today, Know that your love has already left a mark on us all. By your example, we are inspired. We are reminded what it means to love fully, Enthusiastically, and without reservation. As you embark on this new chapter, Know that you go forward with our full love and support. To a lifetime of happiness, Customize your short best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 8: The Quote Master

“The highest happiness on earth is marriage.” – William Lyon Phelps Kevin, truer words have never been spoken to describe the joy on your face today as you wed your soulmate, Jessica. Your love story is one for the ages – a serendipitous meeting at a coffee shop, a whirlwind romance that took you around the world, and now, a commitment to spend the rest of your lives together. As your best man and longtime friend, I couldn’t be happier to stand by your side today. I’ve watched you grow into the caring, responsible man you are, and I know you and Jessica will build a beautiful life together filled with laughter, adventure, and endless cups of coffee. Congratulations to you both. Never stop pursuing your dreams together. “Love recognizes no barriers.” – Maya Angelou Customize your short best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 9: The Heartfelt Haiku

Groom beaming with pride Bride glowing with love and joy Two hearts become one Adam, Melissa, your love radiates through this room and warms us all. May your marriage be blessed with that same light and warmth. Kanpai! Customize your best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 10: The Brief Narrator

Boy meets girl. They become best friends. Best friends become soulmates. That’s the short version of Sam and Emma’s love story. But of course, there’s so much more to it. The late night talks, the inside jokes, the “I can’t imagine my life without you” moment. The proposal with the puppy. And now the wedding of the century, surrounded by everyone who loves you. Sam, you’re the kind of guy who would give someone the shirt off his back. And Emma, you’re the girl who makes everyone feel welcome and loved. Together, your generosity and care for others knows no bounds. So let’s raise a glass to the newlyweds. Sam and Emma, thank you for reminding us all about the power of love and the joy of finding your perfect teammate in life. May your marriage be a grand adventure filled with puppy snuggles. To the happy couple! Customize your best man speech now >>

Sentimental Best Men Speech Examples

Best man speech example 11: the emotional tribute.

Good evening everyone, I’m Patrick, Daniel’s little brother and best man. This is an emotional day for me, because I’ve always looked up to Daniel. He’s been my protector, my role model, my partner in crime…and today he’s the groom. Growing up, Daniel was my superhero. He stood up to my bullies, taught me how to throw a perfect spiral, and convinced me that broccoli would turn me green like the Hulk, which I still kind of believe. He was always in my corner, cheering me on and making me believe I could do anything. Daniel, as I stand here today I want you to know how proud I am to be your brother. You’re one of the bravest, most honorable men I know. An incredible son, sibling, friend, and now, husband. You’re my best man today and every day. And my new sister Chelsea, where do I begin? From the first time we met, it was clear you were Daniel’s perfect match. Your warmth, humor, and huge heart immediately put me at ease. I’ve loved getting to know you through the years and watching the incredible love you and Daniel share. You truly bring out the best in my brother. Thank you for loving him as fiercely as we do. As you two begin this new chapter, I wish you a lifetime of love, laughter, and broccoli. May you always be each other’s superhero. Join me in toasting the bride and groom! To Daniel and Chelsea! Customize your best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 12: The Nostalgic Reminiscer

Jack and I go way back. All the way to Mrs. Murphy’s kindergarten class, with the finger painting and alphabet posters on the wall. Even at five years old, Jack was the guy everyone wanted to be friends with. He was kind, funny, and always up for sharing his 64-pack of crayons, which is how you knew he was a really good guy. Fast forward a few decades, and so much has changed… but Jack hasn’t. He’s still the most loyal, generous friend a guy could ask for. The one who’s by your side for every milestone. The one who’s got your back, no matter what. The one who gives the world’s best bear hugs. So when Jack met Priya, I knew she had to be someone truly special. And was she ever. Priya, you came into Jack’s life like a beam of sunshine. Your positive energy, sense of adventure, and heart of gold were a perfect complement to Jack’s steadiness and determination. Suddenly my 64-pack of crayons friend had a skip in his step and was smiling wider than I’d ever seen. I knew pretty quickly that what you two had was the real deal. Priya, thank you for loving Jack the way he deserves. For always being up for trying a new restaurant, or taking a last minute road trip, or hosting a legendary 4th of July BBQ. For understanding and appreciating all the things that make Jack so unique and wonderful. He’s the luckiest guy in the world. So let’s raise a glass to the happy couple! Jack and Priya, my wish for you is crayon-colored days, bear hug nights, and a lifetime of love and happiness together. May you always find home in each other’s arms. Cheers! Customize your best man speech now >>

best man speech example sentimental

Best Man Speech Example 13: The Romantic Realist

Hi everyone, I’m Nathan, Ethan’s best friend and best man. Now, you might be expecting me to tell you about all the crazy shenanigans Ethan and I got into over the years. Like the time we decided to road trip to Mexico on a whim, with no map and no plan. We ended up lost, sunburned, and out of gas in the middle of nowhere. But we also had the adventure of a lifetime, because that’s just how Ethan rolls. But as much as I love a good roast, that’s not why we’re here today. We’re here to celebrate something far more incredible – the love between Ethan and Ava. Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. Love is a many-splendored thing, right? All romance and roses and euphoric montages. But here’s the thing. Love is also a choice you make every single day. It’s a promise to be your partner’s bodyguard, cheerleader, and personal comedian, even when life gets messy. It’s being able to ugly cry in front of each other after a hard day and waking up the next morning knowing that person is still your favorite human. It’s committing to forever even when you’re dealing with job stress, dirty dishes, and really bad morning breath. That’s the kind of real deal love these two have. When I think about Ethan and Ava’s relationship, a few words come to mind. Friendship. Laughter. Adventure. Unwavering support. A rock-solid foundation to weather any storm. That’s what you’re signing up for today. And let me tell you, it’s worth it. Because when you find someone who makes you laugh until you pee a little, kisses your nose even when it’s runny, and promises to always be your co-pilot on the highway of life, you hold on tight and never let go. So Ethan and Ava, as you exchange rings today, know that your love inspires the rest of us. Not because of some cheesy rom-com fantasy, but because you’re a real couple, with real struggles, who choose each other every day, through better and worse. A couple who’s not just in love, but who IS love, in all its honest, messy, beautiful glory. Join me in toasting the bride and groom! Here’s to a lifetime of adventure, forgiveness, belly laughter, and really great sex. May you always be each other’s home. To Ethan and Ava! Customize your best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 14: The Family Man

Hello everyone, my name is Andrew and I have the honor of being the best man today. I’m also Matt’s older brother, which means I have plenty of embarrassing stories to share! But I’ll save those for the next family reunion. In all seriousness, today is particularly emotional for me, because I’ve had a front row seat to Matt and Emily’s love story. I’ve watched my little brother grow from an awkward, video-game obsessed teenager into the confident, caring man he is today – and so much of that is thanks to Emily. From the first time Matt brought Emily home to meet the family, we knew there was something special about her. The way she jumped right in to help mom with the dishes, cracked dad up with her witty one-liners, and asked me thoughtful questions about my job – it was clear she wasn’t just a girlfriend, but a true partner. Over the years, Emily has become more than just a sister-in-law to me – she’s family. The kind of family who shows up, no questions asked. The kind who remembers every birthday, hosts the best Thanksgiving, and gives the warmest hugs. Matt, you really hit the jackpot with this one. And Emily, I want to thank you. Thank you for loving my brother the way he deserves. For seeing past his corny jokes and occasionally questionable fashion choices to the heart of gold underneath. For pushing him to be his best self while accepting him as he is. For being such an incredible daughter, sister, aunt, and friend to our crazy clan. We love you so much. So to Matt and Emily, as you formally become family today, I wish you a love as strong as mom and dad’s, a home filled with as much laughter as our childhood, and a marriage that makes you each feel as cherished as you are. May you always be each other’s haven and biggest fans. We love you! Everyone please raise your glass to Mr. and Mrs. [Last Name]! To Matt and Emily! Customize your best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 15: The Inspirational Speaker

Good evening, friends and family. I’m David, the groom’s best man. When Raj asked me to stand up for him on his wedding day, I didn’t hesitate. Because if there’s one thing I know about Raj, it’s that he shows up for the people he loves. He shows up for the big things, the small things, and everything in between. And today, he’s showing up for the biggest commitment of all – marriage. I’ve known Raj for 20 years. We’ve been through a lot together – highs, lows, and a whole lot of cheap beer in between. But through it all, Raj has been a constant source of support, wisdom, and inspiration. He’s the friend who picks up the phone at 2am when you need to talk. The one who helps you move apartments in 100-degree heat. The one who never lets you give up on yourself, even when you want to. Raj: You live life with such passion and purpose. You don’t back down from a challenge. You stay true to your values. And you love with your whole heart. It’s no wonder that when Anjali came into your life, you knew pretty quickly she was your person. Anjali, you are a force of nature. Brilliant, driven, kind, and drop-dead gorgeous to boot. But what I admire most about you is your strength. The quiet kind of strength that powers through med school exams and overnight hospital shifts. The graceful kind of strength that juggles family responsibilities and your own aspirations. And the joyful kind of strength that lives life to the fullest. Raj is a lucky man. When I see you two together, I see a couple committed to building something meaningful, both in your marriage and in the world. I see best friends and true partners. I see two people who not only accept each other’s strengths and flaws, but actually love each other more because of them. So as you exchange vows today, I want to remind you that love isn’t just flowery words. It’s ACTION. It’s showing up, even when it’s not easy. It’s choosing compassion over being right. It’s growing together through change. It’s saying I love you, I’m here for you, I choose you, every single day. Raj and Anjali, never stop fighting for each other. Never stop challenging each other. Never stop finding new reasons to fall in love with each other. Because the world needs more couples like you – couples who lead with love. Join me in toasting the bride and groom! Raj and Anjali, thank you for letting us witness the incredible love you share. May you always be each other’s strength and inspiration. To a lifetime of showing up! Customize your best man speech now >>

Unique and Creative Best Man Speech Examples

Best man speech example 16: the musical maestro.

*best man takes the mic and breaks out into song* (To the tune of “I’ll Be There For You” by The Rembrandts) So no one told you life was gonna be this way (wedding bells chime 4x) Your job’s a joke, you’re broke, love life DOA Well, it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but… Ethan will be there for you (When the rain starts to pour) Natalie will be there for you (Like she’s been there before) They’ll be there for you (‘Cause you’re there for them too) *Ethan pulls the mic away, laughing* Alright, alright, I’ll spare you the rest of my pipes. But everything I said in that little ditty is true. Ethan and Natalie, you two are the real deal. I’ve seen you support each other through job losses, family dramas, and yes, even unfortunate haircuts. Seriously though, that frosted tips phase, bro? But all jokes aside, you two have something special. You’re not just lovers, you’re best friends. And yeah, marriage is a big, scary, wonderful adventure. But it’s so much better when you’ve got your person by your side. Natalie, thanks for making an honest man out of my boy. Ethan, thanks for being the kind of friend who feels more like family. I know you’ll both continue to be each other’s rocks, through all of life’s crazy plot twists. So, without further ado… *grabs the mic again* (To the tune of “Marry You” by Bruno Mars) It’s a beautiful night, we’re looking for something fun To celebrate this love that’s just begun Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go No one will know Oh, come on, let’s go! I think they wanna marry each other! Sh*t, I know they wanna marry each other! Here’s the ring, it’ll fit like a glove, g-glove, glove You know it’s time you two say “I do”, yeah it’s true Who cares if we’re all dressed up, right? Got wedding cake, champagne for tonight (hey!) They want the rest of their lives To start as soon as possible It’s time, you two, let’s do the damn thing! I know they wanna marry each other! Please be upstanding for Mr. and Mrs. McNally! We love you, crazy kids! Cheers! Customize your best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 17: The Tech-Savvy Speaker

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Josh, Alex’s best man and partner in crime since middle school. When Alex asked me to be his best man, I was thrilled, honored… and a little bit terrified. How could I possibly sum up a friendship that has spanned over half our lives? How could I put into words the incredible man that Alex is and the amazing husband I know he’ll be to Sophia? But then it hit me – a picture is worth a thousand words. Or in this case, an embarrassing Facebook memory is worth at least a solid 5 minutes of roasting. *pulls up old photo of groom on screen* Oh yes. This gem is from our sophomore year spring break trip. I’m talking bleached tips, puka shell necklace, the works. Alex, my man, what were we thinking? *flips through slideshow of funny photos of groom growing up* From questionable fashion choices to that time we thought we could start a boy band, Alex and I have been through it all together. But make no mistake, beneath the goofball exterior is one of the smartest most driven people I’ve ever met. This is the guy who taught himself to code in high school, who started his own successful tech company in college, and who never shies away from a challenge. Alex, your determination and resilience have always inspired me. *changes slide to collage of Alex and Sophia* And then you met Sophia. From the moment you two started dating, I watched my best friend become the best version of himself. Sophia, you are Alex’s perfect match in every way. Brilliant, compassionate, and an absolute knockout to boot. But beyond that, you two share a love that is truly special. The kind of love that evolves and grows stronger over time. *changes slide to interactive timeline of couple’s love story* In fact, feel free to scan the QR code in your programs to scroll through Alex and Sophia’s relationship milestones – from their first date at that quirky VR cafe to their epic around-the-world adventure last year. You two have built an incredible life together already, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. *changes slide to heartfelt candid of couple* Alex and Sophia, as you enter this new chapter, I have no doubt that your marriage will be a beautiful one, filled with love, laughter, and all the latest and greatest tech gadgets. Because in a world of constant upgrades, you two have found something timeless – true partnership and unconditional love. Join me in raising a glass to the newlyweds! Alex and Sophia, may your love continue to be the one thing in life that never needs an update. We love you! Customize your best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 18: The Theatrical Performer

*best man enters in a dramatic fashion* Welcome, welcome, one and all, to the wedding of the century! I am your host for the evening, the dashing, debonair, and undeniably humble best man, Luke. Now, you may be wondering, how did a specimen like myself end up with a best friend like Noah? Well, let me take you back to act one, scene one of our epic bromance. *lights dim, spotlight on Luke* It was a dark and stormy night… just kidding, it was a perfectly average day in 10th grade English class. I was the new kid, fresh meat, trying to find my place in the adolescent jungle. And there was Noah, the class clown with a heart of gold, cracking jokes and making even our grumpy teacher crack a smile. Long story short, we bonded over our mutual love of The Office and the rest is history. From late night study sessions fueled by energy drinks to road trip singalongs to “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Noah has been my partner in crime and my confidant. The Maverick to my Goose, the Ferris to my Cameron, the Patrick to my Spongebob. But little did Noah know, his real leading lady was waiting in the wings. Enter stage right: the luminous, hilarious, drop dead gorgeous Olivia. *gestures grandly to bride* From the moment these two met at that improv class freshman year of college, it was clear their love story was one for the ages. The way Olivia could match Noah’s wit and humor, the way Noah looked at Olivia like she hung the moon… it was like watching a real life rom-com unfold. *switches to sincere tone* But in all seriousness, Olivia, thank you. Thank you for loving my best friend the way he deserves. For seeing the caring, loyal, brilliant man beneath the class clown persona. Noah, thank you for showing me what a healthy, happy relationship looks like. You two are the real deal. So without further ado, I present to you the maîtres d’amour, the crème de la crème of couples, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson! *pulls bride and groom to their feet and into a group hug* Everyone join me in raising your glasses to the leading lady and man of the hour! Noah and Olivia, may your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of standing ovations. We love you! *cue end scene applause and music* Customize your best man speech now >>

Unique and Creative Best Man Speeches

Best Man Speech Example 19: The Cultural Celebrant

Namaste and good evening to the beloved friends and family of Priya and Aakash. I’m Rohan, the best man and pseudo-big brother to the groom. As many of you know, Aakash and I go way back – to the days of Little League cricket matches, weekend sleepovers filled with too much junk food and Bollywood movies, and of course, those awkward preteen years navigating our Indian-American identities together. Aakash, you have always been the yang to my yin. The rational to my impulsive, the calm to my chaos, the mild butter chicken to my spicy vindaloo. But through it all, you’ve been my constant. My fellow ABCD (American-born confused desi), my understanding ear, my brother from another mother. And then along came Priya. From your very first date, which Aakash was adorably nervous for, by the way – I knew she was something special. The way you talked about her smile, her intelligence, her passion for social justice – it was clear this was no ordinary crush. As I got to know Priya better, I saw how seamlessly she fit into Aakash’s life and our tight-knit community. Here was a woman who could hold her own in a heated debate on politics, rock a saree like a runway model, and make a mean biryani to boot. Aakash, you met your match. *Speaks a few lines in Hindi* Translation: When two hearts unite as one, their love shines brighter than a thousand suns. And today, we have the joy of witnessing the sacred union of Aakash and Priya, two souls who were destined to find each other. *Switches back to English* Priya and Aakash, as you embark on this new journey, I wish for your love to be like a beautiful Madhubani painting – intricate, vibrant, and steeped in tradition and devotion. May you always find refuge in one another, navigate life’s ups and downs as a team, and nurture a home filled with warmth, laughter, and the mouth-watering scent of spices. So family, please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple! To Priya and Aakash – a match made in the stars. May you forever dance through life to the beat of the dhol drum. We love you! To forever and always, Saat Phere ki jai ho! Customize your best man speech now >>

Best Man Speech Example 20: The Interactive Host

Alright, who’s ready to celebrate the life, love, and marriage of the one and only Isaac and Gabrielle? Come on now, I said ARE YOU READY?! *hypes up crowd* My name is Marcus and I’ve been Isaac’s best friend, wingman, and occasional voice of reason since our freshman year as roommates at Howard University. I’ve seen this man at his best, his worst, and everything in between. But through it all, one thing has remained constant – his incredible capacity to love. Isaac, my brother, you have the biggest heart of anyone I know. From our late-night talks about our dreams and fears, to the way you show up for your friends and family, to how you pour your soul into your music – you live and love fully. And then, in walks Gabrielle. This radiant, whip-smart, drop-dead gorgeous woman who just so happens to be Isaac’s perfect counterpart. When you two are together, it’s like watching poetry in motion. The laughter, the banter, the way you challenge and inspire each other to be better – it’s a beautiful thing to witness. *turns to crowd* But don’t just take my word for it – let’s hear from some of the other VIPs in their lives! By a show of applause, who’s got a favorite “Isaac and Gabrielle” moment to share? *selects a couple audience members to share stories* See? These two have built a love that is truly one-of-a-kind. A love that has already left an indelible mark on all of us gathered here. So I want to try something. Isaac, Gabrielle, will you join me up here for a second? *couple stands up* Alright y’all, on the count of three, I want everyone to shout out a word or short phrase that describes the love you see between these two. Ready? 1, 2, 3 – GO! *audience shouts out adjectives like “inspiring”, “soulmates”, “joyful”, “unbreakable”, etc.* Wow. Do you feel that energy? That, right there, is the power of your love. *turns to couple* Isaac and Gabrielle, never forget this moment. The love, the support, the sheer joy that surrounds you today. Bottle it up and save it for a rainy day. Let it be a reminder that no matter what life throws your way, you’ve got an army of loved ones cheering you on, and an unshakable foundation in each other. *raises glass* So family, let’s make some noise for the newlyweds one more time! Join me in toasting to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after. To Isaac and Gabrielle! *cues DJ to start the party with couple’s favorite song* Customize your best man speech now >>

things to say and not say in my best man speech

55 other Best Man Speech Examples – Coz why not?

1. the childhood best friend.

John and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. We’ve seen each other through all of life’s ups and downs, from learning to ride a bike to our first heartbreaks. I never thought I’d see the day when John would settle down, but then he met Sarah. Sarah, you’ve brought out the best in John and I couldn’t be happier to welcome you into our crazy little family. John, I love you like a brother and I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. Customize your best man speech now >>

2. The College Roommate

Mike and I were randomly assigned as college roommates freshman year, and let’s just say it was a bit of an adjustment period. Between Mike’s snoring and my late-night study habits, we definitely had our moments. But somewhere along the way, we became best friends. Mike, you’ve always been there for me, and I know you’ll be an amazing husband to Emily. Emily, thank you for loving Mike for who he is and for putting up with us crazy college boys. Cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness! Customize your best man speech now >>

3. The Older Brother

As Jack’s older brother, it’s my job to embarrass him a little bit today. But truthfully, there’s not much to embarrass him about. Jack has always been the kind of guy who puts others first, who works hard and loves deeply. And when he met Lisa, it was clear he had found his perfect match. Lisa, thank you for joining our family and for making Jack so incredibly happy. I wish you both all the love and joy in the world. Customize your best man speech now >>

4. The Younger Brother

Growing up, I always looked up to my big brother Chris. He was the cool one, the funny one, the one who always knew what to say. And while I may have been the annoying little brother at times, Chris never made me feel that way. Chris, you’ve been my role model and my best friend, and I’m so proud of the man you’ve become. Jess, you’re the sister I always wanted and I’m so happy to officially welcome you to the family. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and maybe a few more annoying little brother moments. Customize your best man speech now >>

5. The Fraternity Brother

When Steve joined our fraternity, I knew he was going to fit right in. He had a contagious laugh, a kind heart, and could outdrink pretty much anyone. Over the years, Steve has been more than just a frat brother to me – he’s been a true friend. And when he introduced me to Karen, I knew he had found someone truly special. Karen, thank you for being such an amazing partner to Steve and for putting up with all of us crazy frat guys. To Steve and Karen, may your love always be as strong as our brotherhood. Customize your best man speech now >>

6. The Co-Worker

When Mark joined our office, I knew we were in for a treat. His wit and humor brought a much-needed lightness to even the most stressful days, and his hard work and dedication were an inspiration to us all. Mark, you’ve been an amazing friend and colleague, and I’m so happy to be here celebrating your marriage to Julie. Julie, you are Mark’s perfect match in every way and I know you’ll bring each other so much happiness. Cheers to the happy couple! Customize your best man speech now >>

7. The Future Brother-In-Law

When my sister first introduced me to David, I’ll admit I was a little skeptical. No one was ever going to be good enough for my big sister in my eyes. But David, you quickly proved me wrong. Your love and respect for my sister were evident from day one, and I’ve watched you two build a beautiful life together. I’m so grateful to be gaining a brother today, and I couldn’t be happier for you both. To my sister and my new brother, may your love story be one for the ages. Customize your best man speech now >>

8. The High School Friend

Jason and I have been friends since high school, which means I’ve seen him through some pretty questionable fashion choices and hairstyles. But through it all, Jason has always been the best kind of friend – loyal, dependable, and always up for a good time. When he met Amy, it was like a lightbulb went off. Suddenly, Jason was more focused, more driven, and more content than I’d ever seen him. Amy, thank you for bringing out the best in Jason and for loving him as much as we all do. To the happy couple, may your love only grow stronger with each passing year. Customize your best man speech now >>

9. The Childhood Neighbor

Growing up next door to Matt was like having a built-in best friend. From catching frogs in the creek to late-night video game marathons, Matt and I did it all together. And while we may have grown up and gone our separate ways, our friendship has only gotten stronger. Matt, you’ve been a constant in my life and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Sarah, thank you for making Matt so incredibly happy and for fitting into our crazy little neighborhood crew so seamlessly. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and maybe a few more frog-catching adventures. Customize your best man speech now >>

10. The Sports Teammate

When you spend as much time together as teammates do, you really get to know a person. And let me tell you, Tom is one of the best guys I know. He’s hardworking, dependable, and always puts the team first. So when he met Emily, it was no surprise that he approached their relationship with the same dedication and commitment. Emily, thank you for being Tom’s biggest cheerleader and for supporting him both on and off the field. To Tom and Emily, may your love be a grand slam. Customize your best man speech now >>

11. The Work Spouse

In our office, Ryan and I were known as the work spouses. We finished each other’s sentences, knew each other’s coffee orders by heart, and could always count on each other for a good laugh or a listening ear. But as close as Ryan and I were, it was nothing compared to the bond he shared with Megan. Megan, you truly are Ryan’s other half and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. Thank you for being such an amazing partner and friend. To Ryan and Megan, may your love be as strong as our spreadsheets and as sweet as our morning coffee chats. Customize your best man speech now >>

12. The Cousin

Growing up, Andrew and I were more like brothers than cousins. We spent every summer together at the family lake house, getting into all sorts of mischief and making memories to last a lifetime. And while we may have gone our separate ways as we got older, our bond has never wavered. Andrew, you’ve always been there for me and I’m so grateful to have you as not just a cousin, but a true friend. Katie, thank you for making Andrew so incredibly happy and for fitting into our crazy family so perfectly. To the happy couple, may your love be as endless as those summer days at the lake. Customize your best man speech now >>

13. The Childhood Rival Turned Friend

If you had told me when we were kids that one day I’d be standing up as Alex’s best man, I would have laughed in your face. Alex and I spent most of our childhood as rivals, competing over everything from sports to academics to who could eat the most hot dogs at the county fair. But somewhere along the way, that rivalry turned into friendship. Alex, you’ve challenged me and pushed me to be my best self, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Samantha, you are Alex’s perfect match and I’ve never seen him happier. To Alex and Samantha, may your love be as fierce as our childhood competitions and as enduring as our friendship. Customize your best man speech now >>

14. The Former Roommate

Living with Eric was an adventure, to say the least. From late-night philosophical discussions to epic video game battles to that one time we thought it would be a good idea to adopt a pet snake, there was never a dull moment. But through it all, Eric was always the best kind of friend and roommate – supportive, understanding, and always down for a good time. Eric, I’ve watched you grow and mature so much over the years and I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become. Laura, thank you for bringing such joy and love into Eric’s life. To the happy couple, may your home be filled with as much laughter and love as our old apartment was. Customize your best man speech now >>

best man speech example

15. The Study Abroad Buddy

When Brandon and I decided to study abroad together, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. From navigating foreign public transportation to trying to order coffee in broken Spanish, every day was a new adventure. But through it all, Brandon was the best travel companion and friend I could have asked for. Brandon, your curiosity, kindness, and zest for life inspire me every day and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Sophie, you share those same amazing qualities and I know you and Brandon will have a lifetime of adventures together. To Brandon and Sophie, may your love be as limitless as your wanderlust. Customize your best man speech now >>

16. The Fraternity Pledge Brother

Pledging a fraternity is an experience like no other, and going through it with Nate created a bond that will last a lifetime. From late-night study sessions to epic prank wars to learning the true meaning of brotherhood, Nate was always right there with me. Nate, your loyalty, integrity, and humor are unmatched and I’m so grateful to call you my brother. Emily, you’ve been such an amazing addition to our fraternity family and I’ve never seen Nate happier. To Nate and Emily, may your love be as strong as our fraternal bond. Customize your best man speech now >>

17. The Bandmate

Making music with Sam has been one of the greatest joys of my life. From late-night jam sessions in his garage to playing our first gig to recording our debut album, Sam’s talent and passion have always inspired me. But as much as I love making music with Sam, what I love even more is seeing the incredible man and partner he’s become. Ashley, your love and support have been the perfect harmony to Sam’s melody. To Sam and Ashley, may your love be as beautiful and enduring as the music you make together. Customize your best man speech now >>

18. The Wingman

Every guy needs a wingman, and Tyler was the best wingman a guy could ask for. From talking me up to my crush to helping me pick out the perfect outfit for a first date, Tyler was always there with the assist. But little did I know, Tyler’s true soulmate was right there by his side all along. Megan, you and Tyler have been an unstoppable duo since day one and I’ve never seen two people more perfect for each other. To Tyler and Megan, may your love story be even better than the ones we used to make up at the bar. Customize your best man speech now >>

19. The Gym Buddy

There’s nothing like a shared love of fitness to bring two people together, and that’s definitely the case for me and Kyle. From early morning workouts to post-gym protein shakes, Kyle has been my constant motivator and friend. Kyle, your dedication and discipline in the gym are only matched by your dedication and love for Sara. Sara, you bring out the best in Kyle and I’ve never seen him happier. To Kyle and Sara, may your love be as strong as your deadlift game. Customize your best man speech now >>

20. The Travel Buddy

When Jared and I decided to backpack through Europe after college, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. From missed trains to language barriers to that one time we got lost in the Swiss Alps, it was an adventure to say the least. But through it all, Jared was the best travel companion and friend I could have asked for. Jared, your curiosity, adaptability, and zest for life inspire me every day. Stephanie, you share those same incredible qualities and I know you and Jared will have a lifetime of adventures together. To Jared and Stephanie, may your love be your greatest adventure yet. Customize your best man speech now >>

21. The Childhood Best Friend

Michael and I have been attached at the hip since we were five years old. From building forts in the backyard to navigating the ups and downs of adolescence, Michael has been my constant through it all. And while a lot has changed since those fort-building days, one thing never will – the incredible bond and friendship we share. Michael, you’re more than just my best friend, you’re my brother. Anna, you’ve been such a beautiful addition to Michael’s life and our friendship. To Michael and Anna, may your love be as enduring and unbreakable as the bond we share. Customize your best man speech now >>

22. The High School Teammate

Playing football with Ethan in high school taught me a lot about hard work, dedication, and the power of teamwork. But what it taught me most of all was the value of a truly great friend. Ethan, your work ethic and loyalty on the field were only matched by your kindness and compassion off of it. Olivia, you bring out the very best in Ethan and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Ethan and Olivia, may your love be a touchdown in the game of life. Customize your best man speech now >>

23. The College Study Partner

When it came to surviving organic chemistry, I couldn’t have asked for a better study partner than Dan. From late night cram sessions to celebrating our hard-earned grades, Dan’s intelligence, determination, and humor got me through some of the toughest academic challenges of my life. But more than just a great study partner, Dan has been an incredible friend. Dan, your brilliance is only outshone by your huge heart. Sarah, you’re Dan’s perfect match and I’ve never seen him happier. To Dan and Sarah, may your love be as strong as your combined brain power. Customize your best man speech now >>

24. The Work Confidant

In the high-stress world of corporate finance, having a colleague like John to lean on has been a game-changer. From celebrating big wins to commiserating over tough projects, John has been my go-to confidant and friend at the office. But as much as I appreciate John’s professional support, what I appreciate even more is his friendship outside of work. John, your integrity, compassion, and wicked sense of humor make you an incredible friend and partner. Lisa, you bring so much love and light into John’s life. To John and Lisa, may your love bring you the same joy and support you’ve brought to so many others. Customize your best man speech now >>

25. The Roommate Turned Best Friend

When David and I signed the lease on our college apartment, we had no idea we were also signing up for a lifelong friendship. From late-night heart-to-hearts to epic Super Smash Bros battles, living with David was an unforgettable experience filled with laughter, growth, and more than a few dirty dishes. David, your creativity, kindness, and unwavering loyalty inspire me every day. Karen, you perfectly complement David’s wonderful qualities and I’ve never seen him happier. To David and Karen, may your love and friendship be the stuff sitcom dreams are made of. Customize your best man speech now >>

26. The Cousin Turned Best Man

Growing up, Ben and I were more like brothers than cousins. From family vacations to holiday gatherings to just hanging out on a lazy Saturday, Ben has been a constant presence in my life and one of my greatest friends. Ben, your compassion, humor, and dependability make you an incredible cousin and an even better man. Emily, you’ve been such a wonderful addition to our family and I’ve never seen Ben happier than he is with you. To Ben and Emily, may your love be as strong and enduring as our family bond. Customize your best man speech now >>

27. The Childhood Neighbor

Living next door to Alex as a kid was like having a built-in best friend. From backyard baseball games to sneaking out for late-night adventures, Alex and I were inseparable. And while we may have grown up and gone our separate ways, the bond we share has never wavered. Alex, your loyalty, humor, and zest for life have always inspired me. Samantha, you perfectly complement Alex’s wonderful qualities and I’ve never seen him happier. To Alex and Samantha, may your love be as enduring as the memories we shared growing up. Customize your best man speech now >>

28. The Camp Counselor Turned Friend

When I first met Chris as a camper, I looked up to him as the coolest counselor around. Little did I know that our friendship would extend far beyond the camp years. Chris, your leadership, compassion, and sense of adventure inspired me as a camper and continue to inspire me to this day. Laura, you bring out the very best in Chris and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Chris and Laura, may your love be as fun and exciting as a summer at camp. Customize your best man speech now >>

29. The Fraternity Brother

Joining a fraternity gave me more than just a few Greek letters to wear – it gave me a brother in Ryan. From pledging together to living in the house to all the unforgettable moments in between, Ryan has been by my side through it all. Ryan, your loyalty, integrity, and humor embody the true meaning of brotherhood. Jessica, you’ve been such an incredible addition to our fraternity family and I’ve never seen Ryan happier. To Ryan and Jessica, may your love be as strong as our bond of brotherhood. Customize your best man speech now >>

30. The Bandmate

Making music with James has been one of the greatest joys of my life. From late-night jam sessions to playing our first gig to recording our album, James’ talent and dedication have always inspired me. But as much as I love playing music with James, what I love even more is seeing the incredible man and partner he’s become. Sarah, your love and support have been the perfect harmony to James’ melody. To James and Sarah, may your love be as beautiful and enduring as the music you make together. Customize your best man speech now >>

31. The Business Partner

Starting a business with your best friend is not for the faint of heart, but I couldn’t have asked for a better partner than Mike. From late nights working on pitches to celebrating our first big win, Mike’s creativity, drive, and unwavering support have been the backbone of our success. But as proud as I am of our professional accomplishments, I’m even prouder of the man and partner Mike has become. Emily, you bring out the very best in Mike and I’ve never seen him happier. To Mike and Emily, may your love and partnership be as successful as our business endeavors. Customize your best man speech now >>

32. The Travel Companion

Backpacking through Europe with Matt was the adventure of a lifetime. From navigating foreign cities to trying new foods to making unforgettable memories, Matt was the perfect travel companion. Matt, your curiosity, adaptability, and endless positivity made our trip an experience I’ll never forget. Anna, you share Matt’s adventurous spirit and zest for life, and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Matt and Anna, may your love be the greatest adventure of all. Customize your best man speech now >>

33. The Childhood Rival Turned Friend

Growing up, Josh and I were fierce competitors in everything from academics to sports to video games. But somewhere along the way, that rivalry turned into an unbreakable friendship. Josh, your drive, integrity, and loyalty inspire me every day, and I’m so grateful to have you as a friend. Rachel, you perfectly complement Josh’s wonderful qualities and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Josh and Rachel, may your love be as strong as our friendship and as exciting as our childhood rivalries. Customize your best man speech now >>

34. The College Roommate

Living with Andrew in college was an unforgettable experience filled with late-night study sessions, impromptu dance parties, and more than a few debates about whose turn it was to do the dishes. But through it all, Andrew was more than just a roommate – he was a true friend. Andrew, your intelligence, compassion, and humor made those college years some of the best of my life. Karen, you bring out the very best in Andrew and I’ve never seen him happier. To Andrew and Karen, may your love be as strong as our friendship and as full of laughter as our college days. Customize your best man speech now >>

35. The Work Mentor Turned Friend

When I first started my job, I was intimidated by Ryan’s success and expertise. But it didn’t take long for that intimidation to turn into admiration and friendship. Ryan, your guidance, support, and incredible work ethic have been instrumental in my professional growth, and I’m so grateful for your mentorship and friendship. Lisa, you bring so much joy and love into Ryan’s life, and I’ve never seen him happier. To Ryan and Lisa, may your love be as inspiring as Ryan’s leadership and as enduring as our friendship. Customize your best man speech now >>

36. The High School Best Friend

Jason and I have been best friends since the first day of high school, when we bonded over our mutual love of terrible puns and hatred of gym class. Since then, Jason has been by my side through all of life’s ups and downs, always ready with a joke, a hug, or a listening ear. Jason, your humor, loyalty, and huge heart make you an incredible friend and an even better partner. Stephanie, you perfectly complement Jason’s wonderful qualities and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Jason and Stephanie, may your love be as enduring as our friendship and as full of laughter as our high school days. Customize your best man speech now >>

37. The Grad School Study Buddy

Surviving grad school would have been impossible without Eric by my side. From late nights in the library to commiserating over endless papers, Eric’s intelligence, determination, and humor got me through some of the toughest academic challenges of my life. But more than just a study partner, Eric has been an incredible friend. Eric, your brilliance is only matched by your kindness and compassion. Laura, you bring out the very best in Eric and I’ve never seen him happier. To Eric and Laura, may your love be as strong as your combined intellect and as enduring as our friendship. Customize your best man speech now >>

38. The Childhood Next-Door Neighbor

Growing up next door to Mark was like having a built-in best friend. From backyard adventures to late-night video game marathons, Mark and I did it all together. And while we may have grown up and gone our separate ways, the bond we share has never wavered. Mark, your creativity, loyalty, and zest for life have always inspired me. Emily, you perfectly complement Mark’s wonderful qualities and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Mark and Emily, may your love be as fun and enduring as the memories we shared growing up. Customize your best man speech now >>

39. The Sports League Teammate

Playing on the same softball team as Chris for the past five years has been an absolute blast. From celebrating big wins to laughing off tough losses, Chris’ positivity, sportsmanship, and killer curveball have made him an incredible teammate and friend. But as much as I love sharing the field with Chris, what I admire most is the man he is off the field. Chris, your kindness, integrity, and unwavering support for your loved ones are truly inspiring. Amanda, you bring out the very best in Chris and I’ve never seen him happier. To Chris and Amanda, may your love be a grand slam. Customize your best man speech now >>

40. The Fraternity Little Brother

When I first met Dan as my fraternity little brother, I had no idea that I was also gaining a lifelong friend. From late-night heart-to-hearts to ridiculous prank wars, Dan’s humor, compassion, and loyalty have made him an incredible brother and an even better man. Dan, your dedication to your friendships, your passions, and your values is truly inspiring. Sarah, you’ve been such a wonderful addition to our fraternity family and I’ve never seen Dan happier than he is with you. To Dan and Sarah, may your love be as strong as our bond of brotherhood. Customize your best man speech now >>

41. The Coworker Turned Best Friend

When Tom and I first started working together, I had no idea that I was gaining more than just a colleague – I was gaining a true friend. From collaborating on projects to sharing inside jokes to supporting each other through the ups and downs of work and life, Tom’s creativity, humor, and empathy have made him an incredible friend and confidant. Tom, your talent and dedication are only matched by your huge heart. Rachel, you bring out the very best in Tom and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Tom and Rachel, may your love be as strong as our friendship and as full of laughter as our days at the office. Customize your best man speech now >>

42. The Travel Buddy

Exploring the world with James has been the adventure of a lifetime. From getting lost in foreign cities to trying exotic new foods to making unforgettable memories, James’ curiosity, adaptability, and endless sense of wonder have made him the perfect travel companion. But as much as I love sharing adventures with James, what I admire most is his adventurous approach to love and life. James, your courage, compassion, and zest for life inspire me every day. Sarah, you share James’ adventurous spirit and kind heart, and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To James and Sarah, may your love be the greatest adventure of all. Customize your best man speech now >>

43. The Cousin Turned Best Friend

Growing up, Nate and I were more like brothers than cousins. From family vacations to holiday gatherings to just hanging out on lazy summer days, Nate has been a constant presence in my life and one of my greatest friends. Nate, your humor, loyalty, and unwavering support have gotten me through some of life’s toughest moments, and I’m so grateful to have you as a cousin and a friend. Emily, you’ve been such a wonderful addition to our family and I’ve never seen Nate happier than he is with you. To Nate and Emily, may your love be as strong and enduring as our family bond. Customize your best man speech now >>

44. The High School Lab Partner

Being assigned as lab partners with Alex in chemistry class was the start of a beautiful friendship. From late nights studying for exams to inside jokes about our eccentric teacher to bonding over our shared love of science, Alex’s intelligence, humor, and kind heart made those high school years some of the best of my life. Alex, your brilliance and compassion continue to inspire me every day. Jenna, you perfectly complement Alex’s wonderful qualities and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Alex and Jenna, may your love be as strong as your combined brainpower and as enduring as our friendship. Customize your best man speech now >>

45. The College Intramural Teammate

Playing intramural soccer with Ryan in college was an absolute blast. From early morning practices to hard-fought games to post-win celebrations, Ryan’s athleticism, sportsmanship, and endless enthusiasm made him an incredible teammate and friend. But as much as I loved sharing the field with Ryan, what I admire most is the man he is off the field. Ryan, your dedication, loyalty, and huge heart inspire me every day. Lisa, you bring out the very best in Ryan and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Ryan and Lisa, may your love be a goal for the ages. Customize your best man speech now >>

46. The Carpool Buddy

Sharing a commute with Kevin for the past few years has been a highlights of my work days. From early morning coffee runs to belting out car karaoke to deep conversations about life and love, Kevin’s humor, empathy, and endless positivity have made him an incredible friend and confidant. Kevin, your kindness and zest for life are truly inspiring, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Sarah, you bring out the very best in Kevin and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Kevin and Sarah, may your love be as joyful and enduring as our morning carpool sessions. Customize your best man speech now >>

47. The Language Exchange Partner

When I signed up for a language exchange program, I had no idea I would be gaining a lifelong friend in Javier. From practicing our language skills over coffee to bonding over our shared love of travel and culture, Javier’s intelligence, curiosity, and kind heart have made him an incredible friend and cultural guide. Javier, your passion for life and learning inspire me every day, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Isabella, you share Javier’s adventurous spirit and warm heart, and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Javier and Isabella, may your love be as beautiful and enduring as the languages and cultures that brought us together. Customize your best man speech now >>

48. The Book Club Buddy

Joining a book club was one of the best decisions I ever made, not only because it introduced me to some incredible reads, but also because it brought Mike into my life. From spirited discussions about our favorite characters to bonding over our shared love of storytelling, Mike’s intelligence, wit, and endless curiosity have made him an incredible friend and literary companion. Mike, your creativity and compassion inspire me every day, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Emily, you bring out the very best in Mike and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Mike and Emily, may your love be as beautiful and enduring as the stories we’ve shared. Customize your best man speech now >>

49. The Gym Buddy

When I first started going to the gym, I was intimidated and unsure of myself. But then I met Alex, and everything changed. From spotting each other on heavy lifts to pushing each other to reach our fitness goals, Alex’s dedication, encouragement, and endless positivity have made him an incredible friend and workout partner. Alex, your strength and determination inspire me both in and out of the gym, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Jennifer, you bring out the very best in Alex and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Alex and Jennifer, may your love be as strong and enduring as the bond we’ve built through sweat and iron. Customize your best man speech now >>

50. The Music Festival Buddy

Attending my first music festival with Chris was an unforgettable experience. From discovering new bands to dancing until dawn to bonding over our shared love of live music, Chris’ passion, energy, and adventurous spirit made him the perfect festival companion. But as much as I love sharing musical adventures with Chris, what I admire most is his approach to life and love. Chris, your creativity, authenticity, and huge heart inspire me every day, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Laura, you share Chris’ artistic spirit and kind soul, and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Chris and Laura, may your love be as wild and beautiful as the music that brought us together. Customize your best man speech now >>

51. The Volunteer Buddy

When I started volunteering at the local animal shelter, I had no idea I would be gaining a lifelong friend in James. From caring for the animals to bonding over our shared passion for making a difference, James’ compassion, dedication, and incredible heart have made him an amazing friend and role model. James, your selflessness and love for all living creatures inspire me every day, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Sarah, you share James’ kind soul and generous spirit, and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To James and Sarah, may your love be as beautiful and enduring as the difference you make in the world. Customize your best man speech now >>

52. The Trivia Night Teammate

Trivia night at our local bar wouldn’t be the same without Ryan by my side. From obscure history facts to niche pop culture references, Ryan’s endless knowledge, quick wit, and competitive spirit have made him an incredible teammate and friend. But as much as I love dominating trivia with Ryan, what I admire most is his intelligence and humor in all aspects of life. Ryan, your brilliance and humor inspire me every day, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Lisa, you perfectly complement Ryan’s wonderful qualities and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Ryan and Lisa, may your love be as strong as our trivia skills and as full of laughter as our nights at the pub. Customize your best man speech now >>

53. The Running Club Buddy

When I joined a local running club to train for my first marathon, I had no idea I would be gaining a lifelong friend in Mike. From early morning training runs to pushing each other to reach our goals, Mike’s determination, encouragement, and endless positivity have made him an incredible friend and running partner. Mike, your strength and resilience inspire me both on and off the trail, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Emily, you bring out the very best in Mike and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Mike and Emily, may your love be as strong and enduring as the miles we’ve logged together. Customize your best man speech now >>

54. The Cooking Class Buddy

Signing up for a cooking class was one of the best decisions I ever made, not only because it improved my culinary skills, but also because it brought Alex into my life. From mastering new techniques to bonding over our shared love of food and culture, Alex’s passion, creativity, and warm heart have made him an incredible friend and cooking companion. Alex, your talent and zest for life inspire me every day, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Jenna, you share Alex’s adventurous palate and kind soul, and I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you. To Alex and Jenna, may your love be as delicious and enduring as the meals we’ve shared. Customize your best man speech now >>

55. The Karaoke Buddy

Karaoke night wouldn’t be the same without Chris by my side. From belting out classic rock anthems to laughing through forgotten lyrics, Chris’ energy, humor, and fearless spirit have made him an incredible friend and duet partner. But as much as I love sharing the stage with Chris, what I admire most is his approach to life and love. Chris, your authenticity and huge heart inspire me every day, and I’m so grateful for our friendship. Customize your best man speech now >>

Related Blogs About Best Man Speeches

Now that you’ve gotten a comprehensive crash course in speech styles and structures by looking through those best man speech examples, check out these related blogs for even more tips and inspiration:

  • How to Write a Funny Best Man Speech
  • Try Our Best Man Speech Generator 
  • The Ultimate Guide to Being a Best Man in 2o24
  • Crafting an Unforgettable Best Man Speech for Your Brother: A Comprehensive Guide

How Bridesmaid for Hire Can Help Write Your Best Man Speech

At Bridesmaid for Hire , we’re all about helping you navigate the wonderful (and occasionally stressful) world of weddings. From being a professional bridesmaid to delivering a killer maid of honor speech, we’ve got your back every step of the way.

Remember, being asked to give a wedding speech is an incredible honor – and you’ve totally got this. Stay true to yourself, speak from the heart, and let the love and laughter flow. We are here to help. Try Our Best Man Speech Generator 

Best Man Speech Examples Recap

Let’s do a quick review of the key best man speech takeaways:

  • Choose an authentic speech style and structure that fits your personality and relationship to the groom.
  • Keep the speech concise (aim for 3-5 minutes), unless you’re really nailing those sentimental or comedic elements.
  • Consider your audience and the overall wedding vibe to ensure your speech is appropriate and well-received.
  • Balance humor and sincerity, always bringing it back to your love and support for the groom and his bride.
  • Practice, practice, practice for confident and engaging delivery on the big day.

Final Thoughts on our Best Man Speech Examples

Phew, that was a lot of best man speech content! I hope you’re feeling more empowered than ever to knock your toast out of the park. Just remember, there’s no one “right” way to give an incredible best man speech. The magic ingredients are your authentic perspective, genuine sentiments, and a hefty dash of preparation (and maybe a shot of liquid courage – you’ve earned it).

Also, know that Bridesmaid for Hire  is here to help along the way:

Related posts:

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting a Memorable Best Man Speech in 2024


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Hey! I'm Jen Glantz

I started Bridesmaid for Hire 10-years-ago after being a bridesmaid for lots of friends. I’m a nonfiction author and content creator who lives in Brooklyn with Goofy (the dog), Gemma (the baby), and Adam (the husband). I love to share: advice & tips, secrets with strangers, and pizza. I eat a lot of pizza.

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  1. How to End Your Best Man's Speech

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  2. How to End Your Best Man’s Speech: 15 Funny and Touching Ideas

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  4. How to End Your Best Man's Speech

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  5. How to End Your Best Man's Speech

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  6. 5 Ways to End a Best Man's Speech

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  1. Best man speech

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  4. How to Write a Best Man's Speech

  5. the best man's speech

  6. The "Best Man Speech" that made me speechless!


  1. 66 Creative Toasts to End Your Best Man Speech

    Toasts to the Happy Couple. "To my best friend [NAME] and his beautiful wife/groom [NAME] - here is to a wonderful future filled with lots of love and true happiness.". "It has been a huge honor to be your best man. However, it has become an even bigger honor to ask everyone in this room to toast the newly married couple.

  2. Best Man Toasts: 39 Ways to End Your Speech

    Here's to John and Rachel! Raise your glass and join me in a toast to John and Rachel — may you always remember the love that brought you here today. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in toasting John, and his beautiful bride, Rachel. May the love you two share today grow stronger as you grow older. To the Bride and Groom!

  3. 101 Best Man Toasts: Funny, Sincere, Thoughtful

    Tactful best man toasts. 13.) May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past. 14.) I'd like you all to join me in wishing the happy couple all the wealth, health and happiness in the world. To the bride and groom! 15.) Let us all wish [bride] and [groom] years and years of happiness.

  4. 99 Amazing Best Man Speech Quotes (And How to Use Them Effectively)

    Here are some of the best love-related quotes sure to make your audience chuckle. "A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him.". — Brendan Behan, Irish poet. "Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.". — Jim Carrey, actor. "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.".

  5. Best Man Speech Quotes: 150 Quotes for an Unforgettable Speech

    Some examples of funny best man speech quotes include: "Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband.". "Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.". "A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband." (by Michel de Montaigne)

  6. How to End a Best Man Speech: Memorable Closures

    Learn how to end a best man speech with impactful closings and heartfelt toasts. Make your speech unforgettable for the couple and guests! ... Express Good Wishes: A heartfelt wish for the couple's future is a classic way to conclude your speech. You might say something like, "May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old ...

  7. Who Does the Best Man Toast? 25 Examples & Ideas

    To the happy couple". "Here is a toast to a perfect couple - to a long life together filled with happiness, adventure and lots of wonderful memories". "To [NAME] and [NAME] - here is to a lifetime of love and happiness". "Raise your glass and join me in a toast to [NAME] and [NAME] - may you always be friends as well as lovers".

  8. 5 Ways to End a Best Man's Speech

    2. Time the speech as you read it. Use a timer to monitor how long the ending runs on. The speech overall should only take between 45 seconds and 5 minutes, therefore your ending should take up 30 seconds or less. Many best man speeches run into trouble by rambling. Keep your ending short and to the point.

  9. Best Man Quotes

    Check out our Best Man Speech Advice for the full low down on how to package your quotes up in a great speech. Or work with the Speechy team and exploit our products & services. Speechy's Favourite Best Man Quotes "What I say is that, if a man really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow." - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh.

  10. A Guide to Best Man Speeches with Tips, Prompts, Templates

    How to End a Best Man Speech. Whether you give your best man speech at the wedding reception or rehearsal dinner, you can always end it with a toast. To finish on a positive, uplifting note, here are a few concluding thoughts for well wishes and looking ahead.

  11. Best Man Speech: How-To Guide, Examples, Tips & Jokes

    Choose Best Man speech quotes that reflect the couple's personality, add humor, and keep them relevant. Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. H. L. Mencken. Marriage is a workshop where husband works and wife shops. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

  12. How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

    What to Say in a Best Man Speech (Do's and Don'ts) A best man's speech traditionally takes place at the wedding reception after the maid of honor gives her speech. The best man's speech should be positive, respectful, and congratulatory. It can last 3 to 5 minutes and should focus on a central theme or story about the groom. Remember, a ...

  13. 20 Of The Ultimate "Best Man" Quotes

    Delivering a good best man toast without a proper ending can spell disaster; several cool quotes about toast, inspirational quotes or quotes about love, and some great examples on how to end a best man toast, will go a long way. At the end of the best man toast, you are expected to raise your glass to honor the newlyweds.

  14. Best man speech closing lines and toasts

    Linda, here are some slightly used blue socks for you." Telegrams …. "I have a telegram here for Paul from his Bank Manager, who sends his deepest apologies but he sadly can't be with you today… but will definitely be seeing you after the honeymoon." Honeymoon destinations ….

  15. Best Man Speech: How to Write, Free Template, Examples & Tips

    6. Propose a toast. Finally, close out your best man speech with a heartfelt toast. Ask everyone to raise a glass and provide well wishes to the newly married couple. Steal this wedding toast: "Everyone, please join me in raising a glass to such a wonderful couple. I wish you a lifetime of peace, love and happiness.

  16. The Ultimate Best Man Speech Guide (Examples And Templates Included)

    A best man speech should be short and sweet, but not too short, and not too long. A happy medium is about 5-6 minutes in length. You don't want it to be shorter than 3 minutes as it may seem too brief. The point is to keep the audience engaged, and deliver a few anecdotes, thank the bride and groom, and raise a toast.

  17. The 50 Best Jokes For Your Best Man Speech

    Jack is the kindest friend anyone could ask for; a man whose philanthropy knows no bounds. 'Generosity' should be his middle name. He would do anything for me; like helping write a section of the best man speech because you forgot about it until late last night at the bar! Jack was in a pub when he proposed.

  18. How to End a Best Man Speech: Tips and Examples

    Some ways to end your best man speech include: A toast to the newlyweds: Ending your speech with a toast to the newlyweds is a classic way to wrap up your speech. Just make sure to keep it short and sweet. A final joke or anecdote: If your speech has been humorous, ending with a final joke or anecdote can be a great way to leave the audience ...

  19. Best Man Speech Tips: How to Write and Deliver a Perfect Toast

    Put Down Your Notes. No, you don't have to memorize every word of your toast, but Cleare recommends that you "bring the confidence, and put down your notes" on the big day. "Don't worry about ...

  20. How To Write a Best Man Speech: Ultimate Guide With Tips

    First, it is important to keep the speech short and sweet. The best man speech should be no more than 3-5 minutes long. Second, focus on telling a few personal stories about the groom that will make the guests laugh. Third, conclude the speech with a sincere toast to the happy couple.

  21. Best Man Speech

    34 votes, 29 comments. true. The order goes like this: Introduce yourself, tell a story that allows you to use your best joke, immediately turn to something serious, conclude with something heartfelt that you can state in 3's ("that's how I know you'll be marrying someone who is a good rock climber, a great planner and as I can speak from experience, a best friend").

  22. Best Man Speech Examples: 75 Funny and Sentimental Speeches

    Write an engaging best man speech that's guaranteed to be memorable (for the right reasons). Book a 30-minute speech delivery session. Get expert help on how to deliver your speech so the jokes land and the audience listens. Read our best man speech guide. Get all the details, in one place, on what to include in your best man speech.

  23. How To Give the Perfect Best Man Speech (With Examples)

    9. Go back through your speech and look for inside jokes. Remember, you likely know the groom better than many others in the room. While an inside joke or two definitely isn't the end of the world ...

  24. 5 Things You Should Never Say In Your Best Man's Speech

    Trailing off and mumbling your way to the end is the death of any good speech, so you should always have a great line to end on. "Always write your best man's speech beforehand.