
Why Is It Important To Engage Young People In Decision-Making?

Young people bring a new perspective to the concept of leadership. Their age suggests limitations to what is seen as conventional markers of leadership, however they still have the ability to lead or influence others within a given context. Freire argues that knowledge gained from ‘living experience’ should not be rejected or valued less than ‘developed’ knowledge. Living experience plays a valid part in understanding the larger context. Young people may not understand the complexities of the democratic system and broader contexts, but this does not invalidate their worldview and living experience of how the decisions made impact them. Moreover, their living experience brings detail and richness to the decision-making process. However, young people can be easily marginalized in the decision-making processes, largely due to the lack of legal standing when under the age of eighteen. Young people who are unable to vote are largely left to other measures such as protests and petitions (Freire). Empowerment is, therefore, critical to the participation for them to become active in the context and power relationships they are involved in. Empowered young people hold elected representatives and other delegates accountable for the decisions they make, and the power they have been …show more content…

Is it under the constitution that the government is obligated to engage young people in decision-making? Has the government ratified a strategic action plan unique for young people? In order for young people to be decision-makers on policies that affect them, the government, young people and community organizations need to increase awareness of the importance of youth engagement and participation. Once the positive effects of youth participation are acknowledged, negative stereotypes of young people will be eliminated, helping young Americans climb higher on the ladder of youth participation in local

Park 16-Year-Old Savors His History-Making Moment At The Polls

In the article “Takoma Park 16-year-old Savors his History-Making Moment at the Polls,” written by Annys Shin, the author focuses on whether or not lowering the voting age from 18 is a good idea towards politics, by looking at the benefits and the disadvantages of both sides. In 2013, the city of Takoma Park was the first to lower the voting age to 16 and change the 26th Amendment in their municipal. Ben Miller and other 16- and 17-year-olds were capable of stepping into a booth and casting their vote at the Takoma Park Community Center. Allowing this age group to cast a vote will lead more teenagers to vote than their older peers, it will get them into the habit of voting for the rest of their lives, and it will also increase their personal

Young Canadian Voters Summary

In Margaret Adsett’s article on young voters in Canada, she discusses the growing problem of low youth involvement in politics. In the paper, she tries to explain why the number of young voters has gone down from 70 per cent to 40 per cent between 1970 and 2000.

Rhetorical Analysis Of Not By Math Alone

In the article “Not by Math Alone” published by the Washington Post, Sandra Day O’Connor and Roy Romer, uses rhetorical strategies such as appealing to logic and credible figures, through the help of factual evidence and reputable leaders, in which it supports the author’s concern of the youth not being well educated about their country’s government. The evidence used in the article aids in gaining the reader’s trust and helps accentuate on the need for more political and economic participation from the youth. As it states in the article, in the national civic assessment in 1998, “two-thirds of 12th –graders scored below proficient” and “only 9 percent” of the students could actually explain how they can positively affect their democracy. Although, in our modern societies, many of the adolescence are very nationalistic and loyal to their country, they still lack knowledge of what is really going on in our world and, because of this they are usually isolated from the events and issues that the U.S is facing.

Vote16usa Campaign Analysis

For most teenagers turning 16 means an opportunity to drive without supervision and starting college. A new campaign is hoping to give these teenagers the ability to vote in local elections. The Vote16USA aims to reduce the age of voting from the current age of 18 to 16. The objective of this campaign is to promote the participation of youth in politics. The campaign has ignited debate over issues such as the competency of their decision making and whether allowing people as young as 16 is the best way to engage the youth.

Persuasive Essay On The 26th Amendment

Since 1972, youth voter turnout has been on the decline. According to the Child Trends Databank, 50 percent of Americans aged 18 to 24 participated in the 1972 presidential election (2015). Nearly three decades later, the percentage of young adults aged 18 to 24 who voted in the 2000 presidential election had dropped eighteen

Stossel Essay

In order to have a government that doesn’t fear innovation, the youth’s unlimited opinions would be an appreciable resource. For youth to understand the power and abilities they have, something needs to be done about the education system. As mentioned in the “Education” video, John Stossel said, “It’s the people my age, who are in charge, are holding you people back” in regards to youth not reaching their full potential. How are youth supposed to understand their worth is more than a grade when the same old education system is telling them different? How can youth, who are the future of the country, change the government when no one tells them that they are capable to create innovational breakthroughs? Government oversight is hurting the people that it is trying to help the most because they do not know what to do to help

Voting Age in Canada Essay

Thousands of these young adults are politically informed, politically active and have the concerns and demands many of the people who actually vote have. However, the youth of Canada also have concerns of their own which they are unable to address substantially. People under the age of eighteen for the most part are concerned in matters much different than say an employed thirty five-year-old. The youth under eighteen still are in high school they are concerned about as a grade 10 student from Western Canada High School put "class sizes, teacher disputes, and minimum wage", (Thompson) among other things. He later goes on to state the fact that by the time he has indeed graduated and become eighteen years old, he will no longer be interested in class sizes nor teacher disputes, therefore he will not address them in his decision on who he decided to vote for. This is a very valid argument and it is also true for the most part to say that the voices of these concerned children should be heard via the vote of their parents. The government of Canada sees the parents as a voice for their children, however parents inevitably will vote in a bias towards their needs such as tax cuts. Without the availability and opportunity to vote and voice their opinions in an electoral system the youth of Canada are left to impact the political process in other ways. Thousands of youth are involved in political parties, political rallies and interest groups

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Explain The Importance Of Involvement In Decisions For Children And Young People

For children and young people involvement in decisions, they must first be given the sense of control and choice as appropriate. This is allowing them to own the process of planning from the commencement to implementation. However, the professionals must offer support but with little interference. Their needs must be listened to and ideas should inform planning as this may give them control. Professional support can be through discussing targets for work or behaviour. Children and young people may need the support to sail through with their own live. The supports need to emanate from a range of people especially the parents. Also, professionals including parents and carers must ensure to give constructive feedback. Negative comments can demoralize

A Brief Note On The Ways Of Congress

I believe that the college-age generation in America should be more active in public and political life, particularly regarding the policies of the United States Congress that concern important issues such as women’s rights, workplace discrimination, and healthcare.

Monkey Cage Summary

My article from the Monkey Cage is titled “What makes young people more excited about politics? Deciding how to spend municipal budgets”. This article talked about how much the young adult voter turnout rate is very low, but is beginning to rise due to the topic of participatory budgeting. I learned that participatory budgeting is basically a type of democracy, in which ordinary people get to decide where the public budget goes to the reason that youth are interested in participatory budgeting, is because they feel like their voice is actually being heard. In addition, youth like it when young people approach them about politics better when someone older does so because they feel like their more equal. It also states that youth think, it is

Teenage Declaration Of Independence

You are an American teenager who has joined forces with other teenagers who have been dissatisfied with “the powers that be”. You and your colleagues do not feel “the powers that be” are representing you and your interests. As a result, you have decided to rebel against the tyrannical “adultarchy” and declare your independence. The goal of this declaration is to ensure that the interests and rights of teenagers are recognized and protected.

Interest Group Research Paper

Most of the members of the group are of the age below 25. As many political institutions require a candidate to verify the certain criteria for experience and some qualifications, a young American may not acquire all of those requirements. At this stage of life, the foremost priority of them is education, and they don’t want to hamper those getting involved in a political conflict. Politics is believed to be monotonous which does not offer variety or interest. Young people think and are aware that, by getting involved in politics they are limiting their career opportunities which will refrain them from competing and succeeding in a political matter. But they can influence a political party to develop a particular

Reduce Voting Age to 16 Essay

  • 2 Works Cited

At 16 we are considered as young adults – accepting responsibilities of our own action – should we not then be treated as one too and hold a position in the political world to prove that we can be trusted to cast our vote wisely. Who is to say at what age we have entered the adulthood mentally and are mature enough, responsible enough to finally be able to vote. Giving the vote to young adults would force politicians to take our needs and desires more seriously instead of it being neglected. By not allowing

Essay on The Role of Youth in Politics

Throughout the history of America young people have always played a crucial role in politics. The famous writer Srirangam Srinivas wrote, “Our country is not in the hands of lazy and corrupted old politicians, this country is ours i.e. youth”. Young people between the ages 18 to 25 are the future of this country and its political system. The young people of America have a responsibility to be involved with politics and with their civic duties. The youth in America must be involved in politics to ensure that America stays a country of freedom, and to combat the corruption in politics, they must also be involved with their civic duties in order to give back to their country and to leave a legacy of political and civic participation

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Camden Giving

Why it's important to involve young people in decision-making!

In this blog Jannah - Chair of the Future Changemakers Fund - shares why, now more than ever, we should put young people at the heart of decision-making.

There is a stigma about young people – that we are too nonchalant about our futures and that we have no true ambition– when in fact, this is far from the truth. Having been part of the Future Changemakers, I am now more than ever convinced that young people truly want the opportunity to be involved in decision-making that will affect us. 

The Future Changemakers is a youth-led panel created by Camden Giving, as a response to the deaths of two young men who had been involved in knife crime. As part of the panel, we were given the opportunity to decide for ourselves, how we would like to use the funding we had been provided, in order to tackle youth crime in Camden. We as a panel, had decided that we’d like to fund youth programmes that met the objectives of educating young people in youth safety, drug abuse – and providing young people with relatable mentors.

The Future Changemakers was an opportunity for young people to take full control over the decisions in funding youth programmes – and we had taken to our roles and responsibilities with ease. Having understood the work that goes into youth programmes, as well as how the charity sector functions – we were better equipped with the knowledge we required in order to make positive changes. It felt amazing to see our ideas and decisions make real, visual changes to the lives of other young people.

I currently work as a young leader at Coram’s Fields Youth Centre and at the time of applying I thought that the experience was purely for my CV and that my interest in my community was simply a bonus – having been part of the Future Changemakers, my perspective has met a great deal of change. Talking to young people who live lives similar to mine – and coming up with solutions to issues that we face within our community was eye opening, and I now feel like I am truly part of my community and wish to continue contributing to it.

As Chair of the panel, it definitely felt daunting to have a large amount of responsibility, but I  was grateful for the opportunity to learn about the issues that other young people face in Camden. It was really refreshing to have understood the different situations that other youths live in, and the perspectives they have. It was definitely difficult to take into consideration, the different issues that we face and then coming up with solutions to prevent, and alleviate them, but I genuinely believe that the difficulty in such tasks are worth it. Although we had to spend some time thinking of plausible solutions to problems, the outcome is that in the long term, we will have funded projects that provide young people with the mental and social support that they need, and are deserving of.

Young people are increasingly portrayed in a negative light in the media, and with this comes an increased need - more now than ever, for young people to have a voice, and become involved in the decision making and programmes that directly affect us. Not only for the purpose of having a say, and exercising the right to participate in programmes that aim to help us – but to destroy the negative perception of young people that we continue to face decade, after decade. I only hope that more youth become involved in programmes like the Future Changemakers so that they can have a positive impact on their own futures.

The Future Changemakers Debate

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3 Reasons why we MUST involve young people in decision-making

From the  Youth Strikes 4 Climate movement , to the  March for Our Lives  and  Global March against child labour , student-led, youth movements provide a powerful message that their future is too important to be entrusted to adults who have failed to deliver.

While this is exciting, the danger is that adults continue to ignore the voices of young people and fail to recognise the role that they have to play in decision-making.

This is an age-old issue, and one that I have repeatedly encountered while working on  The Social Change Agency’s Young Trustee Movement . It has led me to reflect on the common biases and perceptions of young people. Here I outline some of my thoughts around why it is critical to involve young people in meaningful decision-making.

1. Promoting inter-generational learning

Bringing together people across the age spectrum can promote greater understanding and learning across generations, and can increase mutual respect. Young people can learn from the experiences and knowledge of older people and vice versa. This will also create a virtuous circle where more youth participation challenges traditionally negative stereotypes of young people and at the same time, ageist assumptions about younger people, to help break down barriers between adults and young people to build positive connections and stronger communities.

2. Who knows best? Young people in service design and delivery

By including young people in designing policies and programmes that affect them, it is likely to be more effective and reflects and meet their needs. This avoids wasting time and money on services that young people don’t want to use. Too often, young people are treated as recipients when, in fact, they often know what is best for themselves.

For example, Our Minds Our Future Movement  is led by young people in the UK  who are fighting for age-appropriate care in mental health services and a seat at the table in decisions about their care as well as what the mental health system looks like.

3. A better future for all

Ultimately, the youth of today are paving the way for the foundations of a better world. This does not only apply to policies that affect them directly now e.g. education but to decisions that impact the future such as the environment, culture and language, and representation.

In 2016 a series of controversial pipelines designed to deliver oil through the United States often running through or near Native American land drew opposition by youth organisers such as the  International Indigenous Youth Council  fighting for their future to access clean water and air.

Young language revitalization activists in Canada are fighting to keep indigenous languages and culture from dying out, demanding policy priorities to focus on more funding for language revitalization for future generations. While in the UK,  Legally Black  a London-based campaign group are fighting to highlight issues such as under representation and misrepresentation of black people in the media.

From anti-corruption in Slovakia to Thailand’s student activism movement fighting for free speech, you can read more about the young activists shaping the future  here.

Far from only being engaged in the 21st century, the youth have historically been involved in changing the world, read more about movements young people were instrumental in  here.

Want to explore how to get more young people involved in your work?

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5 Reasons Why Decision Making Is Important for Students

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing Theodore Roosevelt

Students are the future of both humanity and the current generation. Today’s young people in educational institutions need to be instilled with the required skills to function well in society and do their utmost to make the community a better place for tomorrow. Though all skills are necessary, some skills get neglected in favor of others with more face value and appeal. An example of such a skill is the art of decision-making.

What is a decision-making skill?

Simply put, it measures the ability of an individual to assess all possible outcomes and choose the most viable and favorable option out of all those available. This particular ability, the one to select the most feasible path, depends on a myriad of other factors.

The factors can range from the student’s self-esteem to the prior experiences of the student when faced with similar decision-making moments. Dealing with these factors in a way that reinforces, rather than degrades, a student’s decision-making skill can significantly aid them in accurately assessing a situation, analyzing the possible outcomes, and then determining the single most favorable outcome.

However, before dealing with the “how” of reinforcing a student’s decision-making skill, we must first address the “why” extensively. Why should one make an extensive effort in developing a student’s decision-making skills when other skills seem more favorable, such as intelligence and comprehension?

Are Decision-Making Skills Important for Students?

While it’s a well-established fact that decision-making plays a pivotal role in one’s life, regardless of their profession, the same isn’t usually said for students. The widespread perception is that learning and hard work play the most critical part in a student’s life. Their decision-making skills don’t matter as much as other such skills.

The world is changing rapidly, and so is education. We don’t live in the 90s anymore, and students’ lives are much more challenging now. They have a variety of paths they can take, each with a different destination.

The ability to make crucial decisions plays a vital part in a student’s life and can make or break it. Hence, a student’s decision-making skills should be given as much importance as other technical skills, if not less.

While this is just a brief overview of how students should ignore decision-making skills, further on in the article, we will see some concrete reasons why it plays such a huge role.

Reasons Why Decision Making is Important for Students

Let’s move on to see what specific benefits students can enjoy if they work on their decision-making skills as they do on their studies.

The following are some of the few reasons that justify the effort in developing decision-making skills of the students:

1. Prepares Them for The Future

While one may argue that students are already presented with decisions multiple times each day, those decisions rarely have a lasting impact on the life of either the student or others. Decisions such as choosing the classes for the current year seem trivial and limited in their scope, as the impact of that decision rarely extends beyond the students’ lives and consequently rarely affects others.

Even when students are faced with situations where their choice might have lasting consequences, the lack of experience with such cases can be devastating to all those involved. Responsible decision-making, if taught earlier and with a particular focus, might have come in handy in tackling the situation. An ideal and optimal solution would have been found after considering all those involved and analyzing all possible outcomes analytically.

2. Core SEL Competency

Introduced by the CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), this concept is fast gaining popularity and being shown to work by increasing the academic performance of students taught, keeping this model in mind. It consists of 5 main core competencies, each of which must be developed in students to aid in their emotional and social development. The central core competencies are as follows:

Decision-making is a core concept of SEL. It allows individuals to make mature choices, keeping in mind the interest of all parties involved alongside all moral and ethical concerns.

SEL has been shown to work. According to  research , SEL has been shown to improve students’ academic performance (by 11 percentile points), lower stress levels ( for up to 24% of the students), improve management, and make decisions that have a higher tendency of leading to a positive outcome.

3. Psychological Benefits

According to the theory, there exist five primary levels of needs of individuals. A brief introduction and overview of these levels are given below:

4. Refines Other Important Skills

A vast collection of other skills that a student might need to progress physically, emotionally, and socially to prepare them to deal with the challenges that come with dealing with the real world. Other skills, such as comprehension and analytical thinking, are instrumental in helping a student become more accepting of the other’s point of view and generally being more open-minded and curious about things that seem alien to them.

5. Improves Mental Well-Being

A significant source of stress for many students is their inability to make decisions. This indecisiveness can lead to considerable stress, especially if the result of the decision to soon be expected. This is unhealthy and can hamper a student’s academic performance and social life. Peer pressure is a perfect example. The indecisiveness of a student may soon then be overcome by an overwhelming need to please others to be accepted. 

It can also improve their academic performance,  as proven by research.

How Can Students Improve Their Decision-Making Skills?

Yet another method is to set up a new activity from scratch without adults being a part of it. This can allow students to develop their thinking and decision-making capabilities using their thought processes. As time passes, they will gain valuable experience.

Consequently, students can use that experience to refine their thought processes and be more likely to pick a path that leads to a viable and positive outcome. Though slower due to the lack of guidance and experience from an adult, it can lead to students developing their own unique analytical thinking process without external input.

There are still more ways to explore how a student’s decision-making can be improved, but these are more than enough for the scope of this article. Let’s wrap things up in the next section.

The Decision-Making Model Explained (In Plain Terms)

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Educational institutions should incorporate the system (either stand-alone or as part of an SEL curriculum) at the earliest to prepare their students to be better able to deal with future challenges and develop skills that will carry over with them into adulthood.

Teachers, educators, and parents all can take a hand in enabling the students to make decisions that result in a favorable outcome not just for the students themselves but also for the other people directly related to the decision.

As an IT Engineer, who is passionate about learning and sharing. I have worked and learned quite a bit from Data Engineers, Data Analysts, Business Analysts, and Key Decision Makers almost for the past 5 years. Interested in learning more about Data Science and How to leverage it for better decision-making in my business and hopefully help you do the same in yours.

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The concept of personality has numerous definitions (Fatahi, Moradi, & Kashani-Vahid, 2016). Schultz and Schultz (2009), define personality in its broad sense as the manner of an individual’s behaviour in different situations. This essay explores the nature of personality, with the intention of highlighting its flexibility. The results of numerous empirical research studies are examined in order to investigate if, and how personality changes over time. It will be argued that an individual’s personality has the ability to change throughout their life.

Importance of the Decision Making Concept:

Decision making is one of the most important aspects in life and work because of its strong link to success and effectiveness. Actually, successful people achieve their goals in life and work through effective and efficient decision making. The decision making process is usually guided by an individual’s beliefs, values, and attitudes as well concepts. While a person can use various concepts in making decisions, they should be very careful to select a concept that is effective and contributes to huge success. Nonetheless, these concepts exist to help an individual become a better decision maker in the world around him/her.

Importance Of Study Essay

Study is necessary to succeed. Study is a good way to develop our mental. Study can increase our experience and knowledge. Study can also train our mind to understand the complexities of the subject chosen and then apply that understanding in practical terms. Through study, we can learn how to discipline ourselves to do something you don’t want to do, which will help us succeed in anything in our life.

Ethical Decision Making Essay

Although traditionally applied to business ethics, the ethical decision-making process is of vital importance in law enforcement as well. Research recognizes several ethical decision-making models and factors believed to influence the process of decision-making. A history of ethical decision-making, including various theories, models and influential factors demonstrates the importance of the ethical decision-making process and how it can be applied to law enforcement.

More about Importance Of Decision Making Essay

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Youth in Politics: Challenges, Importance, Role (Essay and Debate)

Political participation: overview and faced challenges

“Where few take part in decisions there is little democracy; the more participation there is in decisions, the more democracy there is” (Verba & Nie, 1972). The present statement proves that the political presence of different individuals has a huge impact on democracy and policy. Hence, the present article will attempt to tackle the political participation of youth in the field of politics.

What is youth political participation?

Must the youth participate in politics.

Youth constitute a large portion of the population in every community. Consequently, it is imperative to give them a voice and include them in political decision-making. Not only is inclusiveness “a fundamental political and democratic right” but it is also “crucial to building stable and peaceful societies and developing policies that respond to the specific needs of younger generations.”(Goudie et al, 2018).

According to the OECD’s guide, many benefits can come from “putting youth at the heart of the government’s strategies and initiatives”:

Bárta (2021) points out that there are four main aims of youth political participation:

Obstacles to youth in politics

According to The ACE Electoral Knowledge Network website, youth political engagement occurs at several levels and in various contexts, namely on structural, individual, and organizational levels:

On the structural level, the following elements are included: age requirements to vote or run for office, age restriction in campaigning in some countries, lack of political finance, Social and cultural traditions, and women’s discrimination based on their age and gender.

On the organizational level, there is limited data on youth political participation and a lack of an exclusive EMB youth policy and sustainable funding.

Meaningful political participation

Also referred to as ‘effective practice or participation’, meaningful political participation is a concept with many definitions across the literature. However, the following aspects are common in most definitions according to Bárta et al (2021):

Information and communication : in order to achieve favourable results, young people should have access to the latest information at all times. This fosters their knowledge and hones their awareness about different matters. The implementation of youth-focused conferences, workshops and other capacity-building formats can also facilitate a great deal achieve meaningful political participation.

Authority and voice: giving young people the authority to express their ideas and thoughts publicly is not enough. Other stakeholders in political involvement procedures must also hear and respect their voices.

Power sharing : young people should also have the opportunity where they can actively participate in decision-making processes alongside stakeholders. This obviously should be executed in a transparent environment to attain efficiency.

Material and non-material support : no matter what their background, status, gender, or identity, young people should be able to participate freely and safely. They should also feel welcomed and appreciated during their political activities. Stakeholders should also recognise their efforts and engage them.

So, what is the role of youth in politics after all?

According to the Palestinian News and Info Agency ( Wafa ), conforming to democratic standards, young people are to fulfil their role in politics as follows:

To conclude, creating a legitimate, accountable, democratic system requires parity of the political presence of its members. The more all parties in society are involved in the political aspects, the more the country will strive. Young people, who make up an important party usually in countries, play a huge role in the future of politics. Not only do they come up with innovative solutions, but also one can notice a number of positive outcomes such as enhanced social skills, better conduct, higher academic performance, higher self-esteem, and higher self-efficacy. As a result, it is time for decision-makers to act in order to involve the youth in policy-making, enabling them to participate meaningfully.

Bárta, O. et al (2021). Meaningful Youth Political Participation In Europe: Concepts, Patterns And Policy Implications. Council of Europe and European Commission.


Essay on Making Decisions

Students are often asked to write an essay on Making Decisions in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Making Decisions

Understanding decision making.

Decision making is choosing between two or more options. It’s like picking between chocolate or vanilla ice cream for dessert. You think about which one you like more, and then you choose.

The Importance of Decision Making

Making decisions is important because it helps us move forward in life. Decisions like what to study, what job to take, or where to live shape our future. Just like choosing the right path in a maze, good decisions help us reach our goals faster.

Steps in Making Decisions

Making decisions involves several steps. First, we identify the options. Second, we evaluate each option. It’s like weighing the pros and cons. Third, we choose the best option. Lastly, we act on our decision.

Challenges in Decision Making

Sometimes, making decisions can be tough. It’s like standing at a crossroads, not sure which way to go. We may fear making the wrong choice or disappointing others. But remember, it’s okay to make mistakes. They help us learn and grow.

Improving Decision Making

250 words essay on making decisions, what is decision making.

Decision making is a process where you choose one option from many. It is like picking one ice cream flavor from many choices. It is an important skill in life. We make decisions every day, like what to wear or what to eat.

Types of Decisions

There are two types of decisions: big and small. Small decisions are easy, like choosing a pencil color. Big decisions are harder, like choosing a school subject.

Steps in Decision Making

There are four steps to make a good decision. First, know what you have to decide. Second, think of all the options. Third, think about the good and bad points of each option. Fourth, choose the option that has more good points.

Importance of Decision Making

Making decisions is important because it helps us in life. It helps us choose the right things. It also helps us solve problems.

In conclusion, decision making is a key part of life. It is like a compass that guides us. So, we should learn to make good decisions. Remember, even if you make a wrong decision, it is okay. You can always learn from it and make a better decision next time.

500 Words Essay on Making Decisions

The importance of making decisions.

Decisions are important because they shape our lives. Every choice we make can lead us down a different path. For example, deciding to study hard can lead to good grades, which can open up more opportunities for us in the future. On the other hand, deciding not to study can lead to poor grades, which might limit our options. So, decisions, big or small, can have a big impact on our lives.

Making a decision is not always easy. It can be tough when the decision is important or when there are many choices. Here are some steps that can help:

2. Gather Information: Once the decision is clear, the next step is to gather information about the different options. This could involve reading, asking others for advice, or doing some research.

3. Consider the options: After gathering information, it’s time to think about the different options. What are the pros and cons of each choice?

5. Take action: Once the decision is made, it’s time to act on it. This means doing whatever is needed to make the decision a reality.

6. Review the decision: After some time, it’s good to look back and think about the decision. Was it a good choice? If not, what can be learned for next time?

In conclusion, making decisions is a crucial skill in life. It involves understanding the problem, gathering information, considering the options, making the choice, taking action, and reviewing the decision. While it can be tough, practicing these steps can make decision making easier and lead to better outcomes in life. So, the next time you’re faced with a decision, remember these steps and make the best choice you can.

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Youth participation in decision-making

Effective youth participation is about creating opportunities for young people to be involved in influencing, shaping, designing and contributing to policy and the development of services and programmes. These opportunities are created through developing a range of formal and informal mechanisms for youth participation from youth advisory groups to focus groups, from ongoing consultation work to supporting youth-led projects. There are many reasons for including young people in decision-making.

On this page:

About Youth Participation

Youth participation means better decisions and increased efficiency.

Evidence shows that policies and programmes designed after consultation with users are more likely to be effective. By using youth participation you are more likely to get it right the first time and avoid wasting time and money on services young people don't want to use.

Youth participation strengthens community capacity 

Giving young people a place in decision-making builds a broader base of citizen involvement and creates stronger, more inclusive communities. Youth participation is necessary in the development of active citizenship because it balances young people's social rights with their responsibilities.

Youth participation contributes to positive youth development

Research shows that young people who are supported to participate in decision-making are more likely to have increased confidence and self-belief, exercise positive career choices and have greater involvement and responsibility in the future.

Youth participation enhances your organisation's relationship with young people

Youth participation challenges negative stereotypes of young people and help break down barriers between adults and young people. Involving young people in decision-making can improve attitudes towards understanding about young people and create a greater awareness of youth issues in an organisation.

Youth participation is a right

Aotearoa New Zealand became a part of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) in 1993. UNCROC states that all young people under the age of 18 have the right to participate in decision-making. It recognises their rights to express their opinions, to have their opinions considered in decisions that affect them and to receive and give information and ideas.

Principles of Youth Participation - Step One

Organisational commitment, principles of youth participation - step two, create space for young people's involvement, principles of youth participation - step three, create a youth-friendly environment, models of youth participation.

Hart’s Ladder can be useful when developing and reviewing youth participation projects. It can help you decide the most suitable level of youth participation for your project, and can be used to evaluate and improve youth participation in your organisation.

Hart's Ladder

Hart's Ladder provides an easy way to evaluate the quality of youth participation in any project. Using Hart's Ladder can help organisations to identify and get rid of non-participation practices. It encourages people to climb off the lower levels of non-participation and think of ways to genuinely engage young people in the higher levels of participation.

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importance of youth in decision making essay


Electoral participation, electoral management, electoral integrity, electoral operations.

To make a difference in the longer term, it is essential that young people are engaged in formal political processes and have a say in formulating today’s and tomorrow’s politics. Inclusive political participation is not only a fundamental political and democratic right but also is crucial to building stable and peaceful societies and developing policies that respond to the specific needs of younger generations. For young people to be adequately represented in political institutions, processes, and decision-making, and in particular in elections, they must know their rights and be given the necessary knowledge and capacity to participate in a meaningful way at all levels.

When there are obstacles to participating in formal, institutionalized political processes, young people can rapidly feel disempowered Many tend to believe that their voices are not going to be heard or that they will not be taken seriously even if they are heard. The problem becomes circular as politicians may lose interest in responding to the aspirations of young people if they cannot win their votes. This in turn leads to young people being increasingly excluded from taking part in decision-making, or in debates about key socio-economic and political issues, despite their sensitivity to the demands for social equity and justice, environmental protection and cultural diversity.

In new and emerging democracies, the inclusion of young people in formal political processes is important from the start. See Annex: A Spotlight on Countries in Transition. Young people’s active contributions can bring democratic values to life, leading to the overturning of authoritarian practices. In countries where young people have led protests that have forced authoritarian regimes from power, they are likely to feel significant frustration if they are not included in new formal decision-making procedures. This can destabilize democratization and accelerate conflict dynamics.

EMBs and other electoral stakeholders have a role to play in promoting young people’s participation in formal decision-making processes. For this role to be effective, it is necessary to understand the interconnected nature of the obstacles to participation in these processes that young people encounter.

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Decision Making Essay | Difference Between a Good Decision and a Bad Decision

October 18, 2021 by Prasanna

Decision Making Essay: Making decisions is an essential skill for many professions, but it’s also a skill that we need in our personal lives. We need to be able to make decisions not just for ourselves, but also for the people around us. The ability to make decisions is a skill that is mostly learned through experience. However, other ways to improve decision-making skills also exist – such as reading, researching, talking to other people as well as analyzing different sources of information.

Regardless, it is important to make decisions on your own. The first thing that you should do is to define the problem that you are trying to solve. You want to know why a decision is needed, what it will change about your life, and what’s important to you about the decision. After reviewing all of these factors, you should come up with some options for which way you want to go about solving the problem. In this essay, we shall explore the factors that influence the process of decision making as well as the repercussion of poor decision making.

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Difference Between a Good Decision and a Bad Decision

One of the most important things to do when making decisions is to know the difference between a good decision and a bad decision. The primary difference between a good decision and a bad decision is the impact that it has on your life. As the name suggests, a good decision is one that has a positive impact on your life, while a bad decision will have a negative impact on your life.

Moreover, good decisions will usually lead to more opportunities. However, when you make bad decisions, it can have repercussions which are not immediately apparent, but can have long lasting consequences. To sum up, a good decision is one that achieves the desired goal. A bad decision is one that does not achieve the desired goal or achieves it in an undesirable way.

Why is Being Able to Make Decisions Essential for Success?

If you are able to make decisions quickly, you are more likely to be successful. The ability to make decisions quickly has always been an important part of being a successful professional. One of the most important skills required for making decisions is the ability to accept uncertainty.

There will always be unknowns when it comes to making decisions. As much as we try, there may never be enough information when it’s time to make a choice. However, making successful decisions requires you to process and interpret large volumes of data. Doing so is an effective way to ensure that the decisions made are well-educated and informed. Moreover, in a world of increasing complexity, it can be overwhelmingly hard to make the right decisions, hence, data analysis is an excellent tool for decision makers to use.

How to Become a Better Decision Maker?

Each day we make a series of decisions, from what we have for breakfast to which job to apply for. But how can we make better decisions?

Here are a few tips to consider when making important decisions:

Define the Problem

Before you can make a decision, you need to understand the issue at hand. When faced with a problem, take some time to figure out what is going on and why this is an issue. Moreover, learn to think critically about the problem you are trying to solve.

Be Aware Of Your Personal Biases And Beliefs

One of the most dangerous biases we have as humans is our confirmation bias. This bias happens when we selectively search and interpret information to confirm our preexisting beliefs. Unfortunately, this bias is very common and can lead to poor decisions, such as not hiring a new employee because they don’t fit into a desired archetype.

Gather information

You need to gather all the information you can on the problem. This starts with understanding the problem, but also includes your understanding of the context for this problem.

Consider alternatives and different perspectives

There are many benefits to being decisive, but there are also drawbacks. Remember to consider all points of view when making a decision. For example, you may think your idea is the best for the company, but if you provide feedback or ask others for their thoughts, they may give you new ideas that will better suit the company’s needs.

Take time to analyse and evaluate your decision

It can be difficult to think objectively and analyze your decision when you’re in a hurry, but it’s often helpful to take a step back and evaluate things more carefully. This is important because we might find new insights or different perspectives.

Decision Making

Tips to Consider When Making Decisions

Following are a few tips and points to consider when making an important decision:

  • Ask yourself what outcome you require
  • Consider what happens if you take action and also if you don’t
  • Think about how much time and energy would be needed for the decision you need to make
  • Consider the probability of achieving your desired outcome or goal if you take this course of action or if don’t take any action at all
  • Think about the pros and cons associated with your chosen decision.

Biological Process and Mechanisms of Decision Making

Our brain controls most biological processes in our body. It is also responsible for controlling external factors like our intuition, past experiences, learning as well as decision making. Human emotional response is governed by two information-processing systems:

  • Affective system: The affective system is a part of the human nervous system that is responsible for emotional arousal. Mechanisms in this system are not always logical and therefore less controllable. In other words, it’s the part of the brain that says “I’m hungry!” when you see a picture of a pizza or make you laugh when someone trips over their shoelace.
  • Cognitive system : The cognitive system is activated when the person has to make a decision based on their thoughts. This system is more controlled and can override the affective system when making decisions. It’s vital to help control emotions, since it can affect how people make decisions.

These two systems are deeply intertwined with one another and impact cognition and the decision making process.

How the Environment Shapes our Decisions

Since the 1960s, environmental psychologists have proposed that our surroundings can affect our decisions, behaviors, and thoughts. These scientists have found that the physical environment may be an important factor in decreasing crime rates, increasing recycling, and improving academic performance. For instance, a study of 54 third graders found that children who were given a messy desk to work at were less likely to do their homework than children who were given perfectly neat desks. Many studies also showed that the environment in which an individual is brought up can influence certain behaviour. For example, a study by researchers from Cornell University found that there is a positive correlation between the wealth of an individual’s family and their academic performance. The study showed that families with incomes of $250,000 or more had an average GPA of 3.5 while the national average was 3.1. Other factors such as political uncertainty, economic instability or natural disasters can also hamper decision making processes.

Decision making skills are important for life, it is a skill that can help shape our futures. It influences how we spend our time, who we spend our time with, and what we do with the limited resources that we have. Moreover, we need to be able to make decisions not just for ourselves but also for the people around us. Hence, it is always better to be prepared and well-informed before making an important decision.

FAQ’s on Decision Making Essay

Question 1. What are the 5 stages of decision-making?

Answer: When making decisions, humans go through 5 specific stages. These stages are:

  • recognition of the problem
  • defining the problem
  • generating possible solutions
  • evaluating possible solutions
  • choosing a solution

Question 2. Why is decision-making important?

Answer: Decision-making is one of the most important skills that everyone needs to have. It is the process of choosing between two or more things. Moreover, the decision that you make will have an effect on your life, so it’s important to do your research before making a decision.

Question 3. How to make a good decision?

Answer: In order to make a good decision, the individual should have the knowledge and skills to break down a problem into its constituent parts. They need to be creative in order to generate a range of possible solutions. They also need to be able to weigh the consequences of each solution and identify potential trade-offs. Finally, they need to implement a decision which is deemed feasible for the current problem.

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importance of youth in decision making essay

Childhope Philippines, on the Importance of Tapping the Youth’s Potential to Empower our Future

  • February 10, 2022

According to the United Nations, the youth comprises 16 percent of the world’s population. Here in the Philippines, 28 percent of our country’s population is composed of the youth sector or those belonging to the age range of 10 to 24 years. With that number, it’s safe to say that indeed, the youth is important when it comes to shaping and developing the society we live in. They have the capability to determine the future, not only of a community and a nation; they can also shape future of the world.

The youth sector has this role of making the change that needs to be done in order to have a better community. If something is working for a certain outcome, there is a high dependence on youth for its maintenance. Simply put, they are in charge of making changes that matter and maintaining cultures that positively impact our communities. The youth is the backbone of the nation and the youth is indeed our future.

With these being said , the youth need to be empowered in order to play their role in the development of the society. Youth empowerment is one of the things that a community should look into in order to engage and involve the youth, especially in making the decisions for the future—the future that the youth will live in.

What is Youth Empowerment?

Youth empowerment is the process of involving the youth and the young population in the decision-making of a community. As the realization that the youth has a voice that a community should listen to; it also presents an avenue through which they can make their voices heard and recognize the power that they have.

Youth empowerment is characterized by efforts that help them be involved, whether in their education, community programs, and support services. We can also show youth empowerment by enhancing and strengthening their capabilities and role in the youth sector. There is this innate power within them that is capable of making this world a much better place, and through youth empowerment, we recognize this power and strengthen it more. We ignite the flame of their power towards the development of our society through youth empowerment.

Why is Youth Empowerment Important?

Empowering the youth is important because we need to give them the push they need in order to take control of their future. We need to equip them with the right tools in order to make better decisions for their future. Another reason is that this will help them cultivate their skills and discover their potential that will be beneficial to their personal and professional development. If they were able to unleash their best qualities, they have better chances of a better future.

Be it in the form of better judgment and wisdom when it comes to making decisions for their personal lives or by having a stellar career that not only helps them financially but also allows them to be an asset to the economy; youth empowerment also helps them better understand their roles and duties to the society. Through this, long-term effects of youth empowerment may lead to better perception of the youth sector towards education, poverty alleviation, even crime reduction and decrease in juvenile delinquency.

Childhope Philippines provides psychosocial support to street children

What are Examples of Youth Empowerment?

There are many ways and approaches to empower today’s youth. The communities they belong to must also recognize their roles when it comes to youth empowerment to allow them to reach their full potential. Formation of training and development initiatives that directly involve the youth should be present in their programs within their communities. Here are a few.

Knowledge Development

Youth empowerment may be done by presenting how education and knowledge help when it comes to having a better future. It is very important that the youth are educated. Literacy and having proper knowledge is also important. By making sure children have access to quality education or that we develop programs that cater to their knowledge needs, we are already a step toward the right direction.

Personal Development Trainings and Programs

Youth empowerment goes beyond formal education and knowledge development. Other training and programs such as vocational training, workshops, and leadership seminars will also help the youth realize their full potential. Through these initiatives, we can also target those areas, for instance, their creativity, that may not be addressed by education alone.

Another approach in empowering youth is through coaching and mentoring. Through these, we guide and assist the youth on a more personal level, making them better understand their roles and duties to the society as well as their capabilities.

Socio-civic Involvement

Youth empowerment may also be done by introducing the youth sector to socio-civic organizations and encouraging them to take part in programs that help the communities. Through this, we are making them realize that they can contribute greatly to their community and that they are capable of making a change. Their strengthened connection and partnerships with organizations also gives them the sense of community engagement.

Other than these concrete examples of youth empowerment, it is also necessary to make other steps in order to make the youth feel empowered. Whenever they have the opportunity to make decisions, encourage and support them. Let them contribute and decide for the common good. Make it known to them that you trust their decision and that you believe that their decision is factual and beneficial, while keeping them grounded by providing guidance and leadership if needed.

Another way of practicing youth empowerment is by exposing them to role models they can look up to. Push them to step up, and encourage them to take on new challenges and lead others.

What are the Current Issues Related to Youth Empowerment?

There are still issues up to this day that hinder or affect youth empowerment or their involvement as a whole, and one of them is poverty. With poverty come other issues that include one’s limited or lack of access to basic and quality education and other resources. Poverty also comes into picture when an individual has to focus on making sure that they have access to necessities before making sure that they engage in programs that support youth empowerment.

Other issues worthy of note are lack of exposure and involvement in community programs and the absence of role models and mentors. Being oppressed when it comes to decision making is also among the problems hampering youth empowerment. The society’s stereotype that the youth are still too young to actively participate and to collaborate is still another challenge. Other sectors of the communities’ rejection of the capabilities and the youth also pose issues related to youth empowerment.

Childhope Philippines' KalyEskwela program

Childhope Philippines’ Programs and Projects to Empower Youth

Notwithstanding the challenges at hand, we at Childhope Philippines strongly believe in youth empowerment and what they can do for our community. Because of that, we make sure that we do what we can in order to give the youth the push that they need in order to realize their full potential. We implement programs and projects that enable the youth to develop and be the leader that they are. Our programs are geared toward making the youth be drivers of change and development in our communities.

Our Street Education and Protection (STEP) Program is divided into 4 major components; through which we implement activities that aim to ensure holistic development for the children and youth that we meet.


Our school on the streets. Recognizing education as one of the approaches to empowering youth, we make sure that we educate the children under our care through Alternative Learning System (ALS) wherein we use modules and audiovisual equipment to conduct classes and trainings. Our KalyEskwela uses a mobile van for a wider reach.

Psychosocial Interventions

Youth empowerment also encompasses the well-being of the youth. We provide counseling for those who might have trouble dealing with stress and challenges that they encounter, especially while learning.

Health and Medical Services

KliniKalye, our mobile health clinic, provides primary preventive medical care , consultations, and treatments to make sure that our youth is in optimum health condition to learn.

Skills Development

We provide leadership trainings, computer literacy trainings, sports and arts clinics, among others. We ensure that we also nurture their values and personalities as part of our youth empowerment programs. In line with our KalyEskwela efforts, we also do livelihood trainings for those who are capable and educational aid for those who might need help with going back to the formal school system.

To know more about our initiatives, check out our other youth empowerment projects .

Childhope Philippines is committed to youth empowerment

What You Can Do

You can be the hope of our future leaders by joining us in our cause and supporting our efforts to empower our youth through education. You can share and send donations to help us in what we do for our youth. Join us by being a volunteer ! You can be an advocate of change and be a driver of youth empowerment. Together, we can ensure that our youth are being honed into the leaders that they are.

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Modern Nonprofits

Empowering Youth for the Future: The Role of Youth Organizations in Developing the Next Generation of Leaders

by Anita Gagovska | Mar 7, 2023 | Nonprofits | 4 comments

importance of youth in decision making essay

In today’s rapidly changing world, empowering youth to become future leaders is crucial for the growth and development of our society. As the next generation of leaders, young people have the potential to make a positive impact on the world and drive social change. However, many young people face barriers to leadership, including lack of opportunities, mentorship, and resources. To address these challenges, it is essential to provide young people with the necessary support, education, and opportunities to develop their leadership skills and become effective leaders. In this article, we will explore practical ways to empower youth to become future leaders, including the role of youth organizations and European programmes in facilitating youth projects. By investing in the development of young people, we can create a more inclusive and prosperous society for all.

importance of youth in decision making essay

Leadership, Empowerment, and Facilitation are three essential elements for the development and growth of young people. In today’s fast-paced world, young people are the future leaders and decision-makers. Therefore, it is crucial to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead and make informed decisions.

Leadership is an important trait that every youth should possess. It is the ability to influence, motivate, and guide others towards achieving a common goal. Leadership skills can be developed through training, mentoring, and hands-on experience. As a leader, it is important to lead by example, set clear goals, and communicate effectively. It is also important to be empathetic, respectful, and open-minded. Effective leaders are those who can inspire and bring out the best in others.

Empowerment is another critical element in youth development. Empowerment means providing young people with the necessary tools, resources, and support to take charge of their lives and make decisions that affect their future positively. Empowerment also means giving young people a voice and involving them in decision-making processes. This can be achieved by providing training and education, creating safe spaces for dialogue and discussion, and providing opportunities for young people to take on leadership roles.

importance of youth in decision making essay

Facilitation is the third essential element in youth development. Facilitation means providing guidance and support to young people to help them achieve their goals. Facilitation involves creating an environment that fosters learning, growth, and development. It is important to create a safe and supportive environment where young people can express their opinions and ideas freely. Facilitation also involves providing feedback, encouragement, and support.

In conclusion, Leadership, Empowerment, and Facilitation are essential elements in the development and growth of young people. These three elements help young people develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to become effective leaders and decision-makers. By investing in youth development, we are investing in the future of our society. Therefore, it is important for parents, educators, policymakers, and community leaders to prioritize youth development and provide the necessary resources, support, and opportunities for young people to thrive.

importance of youth in decision making essay

How to Empower Youth to Become Future Leaders?

Empowering youth to become future leaders is essential for the growth and development of our society. Here are some practical ways to empower youth to become future leaders:

  • Provide Opportunities for Leadership Roles: Providing young people with opportunities to lead and take on responsibilities is one of the most effective ways to empower them. This can be done through volunteering, participating in clubs or organizations, or starting their own initiatives.
  • Mentorship: Mentors can provide guidance, support, and advice to young people as they navigate their way towards leadership roles. Mentors can also serve as role models and provide opportunities for networking and skill-building.
  • Education and Training: Providing education and training on leadership skills and practices can help young people develop the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective leaders. This can include training on communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

importance of youth in decision making essay

  • Encourage Self-Expression: Encouraging young people to express their opinions, ideas, and beliefs is crucial for their development as future leaders. Providing safe spaces for dialogue and discussion can help young people develop their confidence and communication skills.
  • Foster a Sense of Community: Creating a sense of community among young people can help foster a sense of belonging and connection. This can be achieved through community service projects, team-building activities, and social events.
  • Recognize Achievements: Recognizing and celebrating young people’s achievements can help boost their self-esteem and motivation. This can be done through awards, certificates, and public recognition.

In summary, empowering youth to become future leaders requires a multi-faceted approach that includes mentorship, education, training, community-building, and recognition of achievements. By investing in the development of young people, we are investing in the future of our society.

importance of youth in decision making essay

Youth Organizations in Support of Youth Empowerment

  • Provide Opportunities for Leadership Roles: Youth organizations can provide young people with opportunities to take on leadership roles within the organization. This can help young people develop leadership skills, gain hands-on experience, and build their confidence.
  • Foster a Sense of Community: Youth organizations can create a sense of community and belonging among young people. This can be done through team-building activities, social events, and community service projects.
  • Provide Education and Training: Youth organizations can provide education and training on leadership skills and practices. This can include workshops, seminars, and training programs on communication, decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

importance of youth in decision making essay

  • Offer Mentorship: Youth organizations can provide mentorship programs that match young people with experienced leaders who can provide guidance, support, and advice.
  • Encourage Self-Expression: Youth organizations can provide safe spaces for young people to express their opinions, ideas, and beliefs. This can help young people develop their communication skills and confidence.
  • Advocacy and Activism: Youth organizations can encourage young people to become advocates and activists on issues that they care about. This can help young people develop their leadership skills and gain practical experience in creating social change.

In summary, youth organizations can provide a range of opportunities and support systems that can help young people develop the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective leaders. By investing in youth organizations, we can invest in the future of our society and create a generation of young leaders who are equipped to make a positive impact on the world.

importance of youth in decision making essay

European Programmes that Support Youth Projects

  • Erasmus+: This is the EU’s flagship programme for education, training, youth, and sport. Erasmus+ provides funding for youth projects, including youth exchanges, volunteering projects, and training courses.
  • European Solidarity Corps: This programme provides opportunities for young people to volunteer or work on projects that benefit communities across Europe. The programme supports a wide range of projects, including environmental conservation, social inclusion, and cultural heritage.
  • European Youth Foundation: This is a fund that provides financial support for youth-led projects that promote human rights, democracy, and cultural diversity in Europe. The foundation supports projects that involve young people from different countries and encourage their active participation in society.
  • Horizon Europe: This is the EU’s research and innovation programme, which supports research projects that address societal challenges, including those related to youth development.

In summary, there are several European programmes that can be used to facilitate youth projects, including Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, European Youth Foundation, and Horizon Europe. These programmes provide funding and support for a wide range of youth projects, including youth exchanges, volunteering projects, and research initiatives.

importance of youth in decision making essay

In conclusion, empowering youth to become future leaders is crucial for the growth and development of our society. By providing young people with the necessary support, education, and opportunities, we can help them develop their leadership skills and become effective leaders. Youth organizations play a critical role in this process by fostering a sense of community, providing education and training, and encouraging self-expression and advocacy. In addition, European programmes such as Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, and Horizon Europe offer funding and support for a wide range of youth projects, including youth exchanges, volunteering projects, and research initiatives. By investing in the development of young people, we can create a more inclusive and prosperous society for all. Let us work together to empower young people to become the future leaders our world needs.

Hey there, Modern Nonprofits team!

I just finished reading your article about the importance of youth organizations in developing the next generation of leaders. 

I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that empowering youth is vital for the sustainability and growth of any community. In order to create a better tomorrow, it’s essential to invest in our youth today. Youth organizations offer a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters personal and professional growth, allowing young people to develop valuable skills, build meaningful connections, and gain confidence in themselves and their abilities. By providing young people with opportunities to engage in leadership, volunteerism, and community service, youth organizations help develop the next generation of responsible and proactive citizens.

One aspect that particularly stood out to me in your article was the importance of collaboration between youth organizations and other community organizations. By working together, these organizations can share resources, knowledge, and expertise, creating a more cohesive and supportive community for young people. It’s heartening to see that so many youth organizations are committed to collaboration and partnership, as it shows a dedication to serving the greater good and creating a brighter future for all.

Overall, I want to thank you for highlighting the critical role that youth organizations play in shaping the future, and for reminding us all of the importance of investing in our youth. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to reading more from Modern Nonprofits in the future!

I appreciate your kind and motivating feedback. It’s wonderful to learn that you value cooperation between youth organizations and other associations. Certainly, by working together, a community can become more encouraging and united, which is advantageous for all of its members, especially young people. It is encouraging to see that so many organizations are committed to working together to bring about meaningful and long-lasting change in our communities.  I appreciate you reading and responding to my article. I am passionate to highlighting the vital work done by nonprofits and other youth organizations, and I aim to continue inspiring.

Thank you for sharing this informative and insightful article on the importance of empowering youth for the future. The points made about leadership, empowerment, and facilitation are crucial elements for the development and growth of young people, and the practical ways to empower youth to become future leaders are helpful for parents, educators, policymakers, and community leaders.

It is great to see the focus on providing opportunities for leadership roles, mentorship, education and training, self-expression, fostering a sense of community, and recognizing achievements. Youth organizations also play a vital role in empowering young people, and the suggestions for how they can help in this process are excellent. Overall, this article is a great resource for anyone interested in supporting youth development and investing in the future of our society.

All the best,

Fred, I appreciate your thoughtful comment. I’m happy to hear that you found the article thought-provoking and educational. The future of our society depends on empowering youth, therefore it’s critical that parents, educators, policymakers, and community leaders collaborate to give youngsters the assistance they need to grow as leaders and realize their full potential. I concur that crucial strategies for empowering youngsters include giving them the chance to take on leadership roles, mentorship, education and training, and self-expression. Youth organizations can be instrumental in this process by giving young people a secure environment in which to develop.

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importance of youth in decision making essay

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