
100+ Black Book Project Topics For Marketing [Updated]

black book project topics for marketing

Black Book Projects are like the hidden gems of marketing education. If you’re a student in the field, you’ve probably heard about them, but you might not fully understand their importance. Fear not! We’re here to shed light on this mysterious concept and help you navigate the process of selecting the ideal black book project topics for marketing.

Understanding Black Book Projects in Marketing

Table of Contents

  • Purpose: Black Book Projects bridge theoretical marketing knowledge with real-world applications.
  • Scope: They cover various marketing domains, including traditional, digital, and consumer behavior analysis.
  • Topics: Students choose topics aligned with their interests, such as market research, branding, or social media marketing.
  • Research Methods: Utilize primary methods like surveys or interviews, alongside secondary methods like literature reviews or case studies.
  • Execution: Follow a structured process from topic selection to report writing, emphasizing thorough research and analysis.
  • Outcome: Students gain practical insights, enhance critical thinking skills, and contribute valuable recommendations to the marketing field.

100+ Black Book Project Topics For Marketing: Category Wise

Traditional marketing.

  • Comparative analysis of marketing strategies: McDonald’s vs. Burger King.
  • Impact of packaging on consumer perception and buying behavior.
  • Effectiveness of radio advertising in local markets.
  • Brand loyalty: A case study of Nike vs. Adidas.
  • Analyzing the role of product placement in movies and TV shows.
  • The influence of color psychology in marketing and branding.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of direct mail marketing campaigns.
  • Exploring the evolution of Super Bowl commercials and their impact on brand awareness.
  • Consumer perception of luxury brands and its implications on purchasing decisions.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of loyalty programs in retaining customers.

Digital Marketing

  • Social media influencer marketing: ROI analysis and best practices.
  • Mobile marketing strategies for reaching Gen Z consumers.
  • The impact of user-generated content on brand engagement.
  • Optimizing website conversion rates through A/B testing.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of video marketing on platforms like YouTube and TikTok.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of email marketing automation in nurturing leads.
  • Strategies for leveraging user data to personalize online shopping experiences.
  • The role of augmented reality (AR) in enhancing consumer engagement with brands.
  • Measuring the effectiveness of online display advertising campaigns.
  • Investigating the rise of voice search and its implications for SEO.

Consumer Behavior Analysis

  • Understanding the influence of cultural factors on consumer buying decisions.
  • The psychology of pricing: How pricing strategies affect consumer perceptions.
  • Analyzing the impact of online reviews and ratings on consumer purchasing behavior.
  • Exploring the role of nostalgia marketing in influencing consumer preferences.
  • Investigating the effects of scarcity and urgency tactics on consumer decision-making.
  • Brand personality and its influence on brand loyalty and purchase intent.
  • The role of social proof in shaping consumer perceptions and behavior.
  • Investigating the impact of environmental sustainability on consumer preferences.
  • Exploring the phenomenon of impulse buying and its drivers.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of influencer endorsements on consumer trust.

Market Research and Analysis

  • Identifying emerging market trends in the health and wellness industry.
  • Consumer perception of plant-based alternatives in the food and beverage sector.
  • Market segmentation analysis for luxury travel experiences.
  • Assessing the demand for electric vehicles in the automotive market.
  • Exploring the growth opportunities in the global e-commerce market.
  • Analyzing consumer preferences and trends in the beauty and cosmetics industry.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on consumer shopping behavior and preferences.
  • Understanding the rise of the sharing economy and its implications for traditional industries.
  • Market penetration strategies for entering emerging markets in Asia.
  • Assessing the potential for sustainable fashion brands in the apparel industry.

Product Development and Branding

  • Brand extension strategies and their impact on parent brand equity.
  • The role of storytelling in brand building and emotional connection with consumers.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of celebrity endorsements in brand building.
  • Product innovation and its impact on market competitiveness.
  • Exploring the phenomenon of brand communities and their role in brand loyalty.
  • The impact of brand authenticity on consumer trust and loyalty.
  • Rebranding strategies: Case studies of successful and unsuccessful rebranding efforts.
  • Assessing the role of packaging design in brand differentiation and consumer appeal.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of cause-related marketing campaigns.
  • Analyzing the role of brand ambassadors in shaping brand perceptions.

Advertising and Promotion Strategies

  • The effectiveness of social media advertising platforms: Facebook vs. Instagram.
  • Assessing the impact of humor in advertising on consumer engagement.
  • Exploring the use of nostalgia in advertising and its impact on consumer emotions.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of influencer partnerships in brand promotion.
  • The role of experiential marketing in creating memorable brand experiences.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of native advertising in online media.
  • Assessing the impact of gender stereotypes in advertising on consumer perceptions.
  • Exploring the use of viral marketing campaigns in creating buzz around brands.
  • The role of guerrilla marketing tactics in unconventional brand promotion.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of sponsorship in sports marketing.

Retail Marketing

  • Exploring the impact of online marketplaces on traditional brick-and-mortar retail.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of omnichannel marketing strategies in retail.
  • Analyzing the role of store atmospherics in influencing consumer behavior.
  • The impact of in-store displays and visual merchandising on purchase decisions.
  • Investigating the rise of subscription-based e-commerce models.
  • Exploring the phenomenon of impulse buying and its drivers in retail environments.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of loyalty programs in driving repeat purchases.
  • Analyzing the role of customer service in creating positive retail experiences.
  • The impact of technology integration in retail stores on consumer engagement.
  • Exploring strategies for reducing cart abandonment in online retail.

International Marketing

  • Assessing cultural differences in consumer behavior across international markets.
  • Exploring market entry strategies for multinational corporations in emerging markets.
  • The impact of globalization on consumer preferences and brand perceptions.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of localization strategies in international marketing campaigns.
  • Investigating the role of geopolitical factors in international marketing decisions.
  • Assessing the challenges and opportunities of standardization vs. adaptation in global marketing.
  • Exploring the role of international trade agreements in shaping marketing strategies.
  • The impact of cultural sensitivity in global advertising campaigns.
  • Analyzing the influence of country-of-origin effects on consumer perceptions.
  • Exploring ethical considerations in international marketing practices.

Services Marketing

  • Assessing customer satisfaction and loyalty in the hospitality industry.
  • Exploring the role of employee training and development in service quality.
  • Analyzing the impact of word-of-mouth marketing on service businesses.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of loyalty programs in service industries.
  • The role of service recovery strategies in retaining dissatisfied customers.
  • Assessing the impact of technology on service delivery and customer experiences.
  • Exploring the challenges and opportunities of service marketing in the healthcare sector.
  • Analyzing the role of trust in building long-term relationships with service providers.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of pricing strategies in service industries.
  • Exploring the role of branding in service marketing and differentiation.

B2B Marketing

  • Assessing the impact of relationship marketing in B2B industries.
  • Exploring the role of content marketing in B2B lead generation .
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of trade shows and industry events in B2B marketing.
  • Investigating the role of customer relationship management (CRM) in B2B sales.
  • The impact of social selling strategies on B2B customer acquisition.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of account-based marketing (ABM) in B2B industries.
  • Exploring the challenges and opportunities of B2B e-commerce.
  • Analyzing the role of thought leadership in establishing credibility in B2B markets.
  • Investigating the impact of digital transformation on B2B marketing strategies.
  • Exploring the role of partnerships and alliances in B2B marketing.
  • Assessing the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on marketing automation and personalization.

Methodologies for Black Book Projects

Once you’ve chosen your topic, you’ll need to decide how you’re going to approach your research. Here are some common methodologies:

  • Primary Research Methods:
  • Surveys: Gather data by asking people questions about your topic.
  • Interviews: Conduct one-on-one conversations with experts or consumers.
  • Focus Groups: Gather a small cohort to engage in discussions about their viewpoints and personal encounters.
  • Secondary Research Methods:
  • Literature Review: Dive into existing research and publications related to your topic.
  • Data Analysis of Existing Market Reports: Extract insights from industry reports and market data.
  • Case Studies: Examine real-life examples of companies implementing marketing strategies.

Steps in Executing a Black Book Project

Now that you have a topic and a methodology in mind, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work! Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Topic Selection and Proposal Submission: Select a subject that captivates your attention and corresponds with your professional aspirations. Once you have your topic, submit a proposal outlining your research objectives and methodology.
  • Research Design and Methodology Planning: Determine how you’ll gather and analyze data to answer your research questions. Create a detailed plan outlining the steps you’ll take and the resources you’ll need.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Gather information through your selected methodologies and examine it thoroughly to derive valuable insights. Seek out recurring patterns, emerging trends, and significant observations that can guide your proposed actions or suggestions.
  • Report Writing and Presentation: Write up your findings in a clear and concise report, making sure to include supporting evidence and actionable recommendations. Hone your presentation abilities to ensure you can effectively communicate your discoveries to both your classmates and teachers with confidence.

Black Book Projects are an invaluable opportunity to gain hands-on experience in marketing and make a meaningful contribution to the field. By choosing the right topic and following a systematic approach, you can create the black book project topics for marketing that showcases your skills and knowledge to future employers. So, go forth and embark on your Black Book Project journey—you’ve got this!

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The Black Book Project: What kinds of important research questions are we asking?

"A collection of books laid on the flat surface"

Based on our collection of some 2000 novels, most of which are neither widely read nor taught, we see the digital medium as a way to provide new levels of access, consolidate a large amount of data and invite new questions. What patterns exist among book titles, word count and chapter structure of the novels? What are the terms and examples do authors use to describe race and racial tension, and how does this shift over time? Which African American authors are inclined to use unique words and phrases? How many and which prominent historical figures make appearances in the novels? How much do the novelists represent variations of standard and African American vernacular English in their works? What physical environments and distinct regions are described in the novels, and what common words and phrases are used to describe those places? How do stylistic preferences differ from writer to writer? How do these questions alter current organizing premises/theories about black novels?

Black Literature and DigitalHumanities: The Black Book Interactive Project

Tags: Black book , Digital Humanities

Databases & Digital Archives for Researching Black History

This blog post is part of the Woodson Project —a series of events, posts, and book lists on subjects including empowering Black families, amplifying Black voices, exploring Black identity and intersectionality, and discovering Black influencers in STEAM. The project was created by branch staff from across NYPL to honor Dr. Carter G. Woodson, who in 1926 created Negro History Week—the precursor to Black History Month.

woman using a desktop computer

The New York Public Library is an invaluable resource for writers, scholars, students, and creators seeking knowledge  through lifelong learning and community citizenship. Explore NYPL’s wide array of digital resources and find both primary documents and scholarly sources in our online databases. Below is a list of databases highlighting historical maps, oral histories, archived newspapers and magazines, peer-reviewed journals, and much more that are particularly useful for learning about Black history.

Africana Age via Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture : Retrace the turbulent history of challenges, tragedies and triumphs of the diaspora. Discover essays, images,  multimedia and maps on Du Bois, Garvey, Parks, Decolonization, the Harlem Renaissance, Mandela, Pan Africanism and more. 

African American Experience : The African American Experience is the widest ranging and easiest-to-use online database collection on African  American history and culture. Explore time periods of the African American Experience from 500’s to the New  Millennium. 

African American Historical Serials Collection :  Documents the history of African American life and religious organizations from materials published between 1829 and 1922. Over 170 titles from 75 different institutions are fully text-searchable. 

African American Newspapers 1827-1998 :  Documents the history of African American life and religious organizations from materials published between 1829 and 1922. Over 170 titles from 75 different institutions are fully text-searchable.

African Journals Online (AJOL):   African Journals Online (AJOL) is a database of African-published journals, published in a range of  academic disciplines. AJOL includes information about each participating journal, including aims and  scope, contact details and general information. It also provides tables of contents and abstracts (where  available) for all articles published within these journals. Some full text articles are also available.

Digital Public Library Of America : The Digital Public Library of America hosts curated sets of primary sources for subjects relating to history, culture, and literature. Perfect for anyone looking for a starting point in their research and educators. Featured sets include African American Soldiers in World War I, Fannie Lou Hamer and the Civil Rights Movement in Rural Mississippi, and Ida B. Wells and Anti-Lynching Activism.

The History Makers :  The History Makers database is a video collection of oral histories documenting African American life,  history & culture. Over 148,163 stories are assembled here from life oral history interviews with 2,691  historically significant African Americans as of December 28, 2020.

Independent Voices : Independent Voices is a growing digital collection of the magazines, journals & newspapers of the  alternative & small press archives of participating libraries. Search independent publications including  Freedomways: A quarterly review of the Negro freedom movement, Black Dialogue: The rainbow  community news service & much more!

In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience : Organized around thirteen defining migration narratives over 400 years of African American history, this resource makes available 16,000 pages of text, 8,300 illustrations, and more than 60 maps, with lesson  plans, bibliographies, and primary and secondary research resources.

International Index To Black Periodicals : This platform draws its current content from more than 150 international scholarly and popular periodicals in Black studies. IIBP covers a wide array of humanities-related disciplines including art, cultural criticism, economics, educations, health, history, language, and literature among others.

NAACP Papers :  Fully-searchable database of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)'s archives.  Contains nearly two million pages of internal memos, legal briefings, and direct action summaries from national, legal, and branch offices.

New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993) :  Searchable full-text and page images of the leading Black newspaper of the 20th century.

Schomburg Center For Research In Black Culture, Photographs And Prints Division :  The Photographs & Prints Division contains both documentary and fine art photographs, which document the  history and culture of people of African descent worldwide as well as the work of photographers of African descent. The collection of over 300,000 images ranges from mid-eighteenth century graphics to  contemporary documentary and art photography; all of the major photographic processes are represented.

Digital Resources for Children

Scholastic Teachables (Pre-K–6th Grade): Scholastic Teachables offers teaching resources for every subject such as lesson plans, mini-books and  activity sheets to help educators plan for the school year. Teachables content extends from Pre-K to 6th  grade. Simply search “African American” in the keyword box and retrieve packets related to black  intellectuals, activists, entertainers, cultural experiences, and more! 

World Book Student - Online Reference Center ( Pre-K–6th Grade ):  Receive comprehensive access to encyclopedia articles, web links, periodical articles, animations, maps and more. Retrieve resources guides related to African American political figures, athletes, activists, educators, entertainers, government officials, intellectuals, artists, organizations, and much more!

Contributors: Ramon Carela, Asuncion Cora, Whitney Davidson-Rhodes, Esther Jackson, Carolyn Lawerence, Dhariyah Luqman, Allison Nellis, Micheal Okoli, Rachel Roseberry, Wayne Walters


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Black Book Research is a full-service healthcare-centric market research and public opinion research company and premier provider of competitive intelligence, market research, opinion mining, sentiment analysis, services evaluation and strategic consulting services to Fortune 2000 companies worldwide. We offer complete quantitative and qualitative research services, excelling in the design of customized surveys and research approaches to meet specific needs in healthcare.

Since 2002, Black Book has been recognized as a Top 25 international market research niche firm, specializing in the technology, healthcare, pharmaceutical, procurement, higher education, finance and business services sectors. We have served over 12,000 clients including all of the nation's top 100 financial institutions, 300 largest hospitals, 50 top insurers, 100 top universities, and the world's 400 largest technology firms. Our merited reputation for extreme accuracy and passionate customer service is something of great value to us, and our clients, who continue requesting our services year after year.

Black Book is committed to continuing research and analysis of strategic issues in the global marketplace. We've developed specialized surveying tools, opinion mining and knowledge management systems that enable our consultants to create and share innovative approaches worldwide.

Black Book Rankings conducts multi-scale research projects to measure many items of interest, including: image, attitudes, opinions, awareness and market share. Our staff will be glad to discuss your research needs with you, refine your research objectives and make recommendations regarding optimal research methods. We will share our experience relevant to your project and develop a proposal to fit your budget. Black Book Rankings is a full-service research company that conducts the following types of surveys:

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Black Book Survey: New Generation CDI Enhances Patient Care and Reduces Financial Risk

CDI is the key to better ICD-10 coding and reimbursement accuracy, but it's also vital for preparing organizations for population health.

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Oct 19, 2018, 14:00 ET

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TAMPA, Fla. , Oct. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Nearly a quarter of all U.S. hospitals now outsource some or all coding functions. Ninety-one percent of hospitals over 150 beds currently outsourcing their clinical documentation improvement (CDI) processes reported in Q3 to have realized significant increases (over 2.1M minimally) in appropriate revenue and proper reimbursements. CDI programs have been heavily implemented in this past year after ICD-10 transition, according to the latest Black Book survey of 2,920 health leaders.

"Because of this increased patient engagement, the need for proper clinical documentation improvement driving quality outcome scores has never been more essential," says Doug Brown , managing partner of Black Book. "At the same time, the shift in care settings challenges financial leaders who are managing a far more complex enigma centered on optimizing the revenue cycle and reimbursements."

93% of hospital and physician financial executives state they are actively seeking ways to link care with analytics and outcomes to support the consumerism of healthcare and shift to value-based payments through vendor solutions.

"CDI is a key step in dramatically improving operational efficiency in healthcare organizations," Brown says. "Failing to address flaws in documentation processes has resulted in higher incidences of errors, financial losses and diminished patient care, and struggling hospitals will not survive on that old path."

CDI, delayed as a high priority prior to ICD-10, has risen to the top of 2019 budget priorities, whether outsourced end-to-end coding or purchasing coding software solutions by 84% of those late to adopt, according to the survey results.

An impressive 88% of hospitals confirm documented quality improvements and increases in case mix index within six months of CDI implementation. The survey of hospital technology, financial and physician leaders found coding and clinical documentation improvements are now imperative.

Currently, 65% of hospitals over 200 beds surveyed now outsource CDI audit, review and programming, increased from 24% in 2015.

"CDI solutions are the critical link in ensuring full and timelier reimbursements from insurers and payers, as well as avoiding costly penalties for non-compliance," Brown says. "This is why hospital chief financial officers have become the greatest advocates for outsourced end-to-end coding."

89% of hospital financial officers claim that the biggest motivator for adopting additional CDI situations is to provide improvements in case mix index, resulting in increased revenues and the best possible utilization of high-value specialists.

A replacement market of pre-ICD-10 CDI and coding solutions and services is also trending, according to current users. 35% of those hospitals and physician groups presently outsourcing CDI and coding are contemplating a switch to a second- or third-generation CDI vendor as physician acquisitions and EHR replacement go-lives have threatened the sustainability or effectiveness of their current CDI programming, including both software and service.

90% of hospitals still not executing a positive impact CDI strategy and/or those using an less-than-effective coding results plan on partnering with a CDI vendor to assist them with the post ICD-10 fallout.

"EHRs are certainly playing a role in the industry-wide movement to increase clinician collaboration and communications," said Brown. "Half of acute-care respondents in the 2016 Black Book survey were not confident that their EHRs effectively captured the patient data to meet developing clinical documentation needs for population health and big data initiatives, which has improved to a current confidence level of 70%."

About Black Book

Black Book™, its founders, management and staff do not own or hold any financial interest in any of the vendors covered and encompassed in the surveys it conducts. Black Book reports the results of the collected satisfaction and client experience rankings in publication and to media prior to vendor notification of rating results and does not solicit vendor participation fees, review fees, inclusion or briefing charges, consultation requirements, and/or vendor collaboration as Black Book polls vendors' clients.

Since 2000, Black Book™ has polled the vendor satisfaction across over 30 industries in the software/technology and managed services sectors around the globe. In 2009, Black Book began polling the client experience of now more than 606,000 healthcare software and services users. Black Book expanded its survey prowess and reputation of independent, unbiased crowd-sourced surveying to IT and health records professionals, physician practice administrators, nurses, financial leaders, executives and hospital information technology managers. For methodology, auditing, resources, comprehensive research and CDI, coding and medical transcription outsourcing ranking data, see: .

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New York’s First Black Librarians Changed the Way We Read

How the women who ran libraries during the Harlem Renaissance built collections and, just as important, communities of writers and readers.

A black-and-white photograph of Black men and women gathered around a desk at a library. Two women are seated behind a wooden counter and facing away from the camera. The others are either reading books or filling out forms. In the background are high windows and shelves of books.

By Jennifer Schuessler

It was a banner day in the history of American libraries — and in Black history. On May 25, 1926, the New York Public Library announced that it had acquired the celebrated Afro-Latino bibliophile Arturo Schomburg’s collection of more than 4,000 books, manuscripts and other artifacts.

A year earlier, the library had established the first public collection dedicated to Black materials, at its 135th Street branch in Harlem. Now, the branch would be home to a trove of rare items, from some of the earliest books by and about Black people to then-new works of the brewing Harlem Renaissance.

Schomburg was the most famous of the Black bibliophiles who, starting in the late 19th century, had amassed impressive “parlor libraries” in their homes. Such libraries became important gathering places for Black writers and thinkers at a time when newly created public libraries — which exploded in number in the decades after 1870 — were uninterested in Black materials, and often unwelcoming to Black patrons.

Schomburg summed up his credo in a famous 1925 essay , writing, “The American Negro must remake his past in order to make his future.” In a 1913 letter, he had put it less decorously: The items in his library were “powder with which to fight our enemies.”

But powder needs someone to load it. That is, books need librarians.

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Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS): Guidelines for Project Work (Blackbook): University of Mumbai

April 5, 2022 by studymumbai Leave a Comment

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Guidelines for Project Work ( Blackbook project ) for Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) programme students (University of Mumbai) at Third Year Semester VI.


Inclusion of project work in the course curriculum of the Bachelor of Management Studies programme is one of the ambitious aspects in the programme structure. The main objective of inclusion of project work is to inculcate the element of research analyse and scientific temperament challenging the potential of learner as regards to his/ her eager to enquire and ability to interpret particular aspect of the study. It is expected that the guiding teacher should undertake the counselling sessions and make the awareness among the learners about the methodology of formulation, preparation and evaluation pattern of the project work.


Hire us as project guide/assistant . Contact us for more information

There are two modes of preparation of project work:

  • 1. Project work based on research methodology in the study area
  • 2. Project work based on internship in the study area

Guidelines for preparation of Project Work

General guidelines for preparation of project work based on Research Methodology.

The project topic may be undertaken in any area of Elective Courses. Each of the learner has to undertake a Project individually under the supervision of a teacher-guide. The learner shall decide the topic and title which should be specific, clear and with definite scope in consultation with the teacher-guide concerned. University/college shall allot a guiding teacher for guidance to the students based on her / his specialization.

The project report shall be prepared as per the broad guidelines given below:

  • Font type: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12-For content, 14-for Title
  • Line Space: 1.5-for content and 1-for in table work
  • Paper Size: A4
  • Margin: in Left-1.5, Up-Down-Right-1
  • The Project Report shall be bounded.
  • The project report should be 80 to 100 page

Project Structure

Structure to be followed to maintain the uniformity in formulation and presentation of Project Work (Model Structure of the Project Work)

Chapter No. 1: Introduction

In this chapter Selection and relevance of the problem, historical background of the problem, brief profile of the study area, definition/s of related aspects, characteristics, different concepts pertaining to the problem etc. can be incorporated by the learner.

  • Executive summary
  • Objectives of the study
  • Methodology used to collect data
  • Scope of the study
  • Limitation of the study

Chapter No. 2: Research Methodology

This chapter will include Objectives, Hypothesis, Scope of the study, limitations of the study, significance of the study, Selection of the problem, Sample size, Data collection, Tabulation of data, Techniques and tools to be used, etc can be incorporated by the learner.

Chapter No. 3: Literature Review

This chapter will provide information about studies done on the respective issue. This would specify how the study undertaken is relevant and contribute for value addition in information/ knowledge/ application of study area which ultimately helps the learner to undertake further study on same issue.

Review of Books, periodicals, journals, articles etc. Write your interpretation about others work.

Chapter No. 4: Data Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation

This chapter is the core part of the study. The analysis pertaining to collected data will be done by the learner. The application of selected tools or techniques will be used to arrive at findings. In this, table of information’s, presentation of graphs etc. can be provided with interpretation by the learner.

  • Techniques used to Interpret Data (Pie charts, Bar Diagram etc.)
  • Explanation in accordance with the Questionnaire

Chapter No. 5: Recommendations, Suggestions, Conclusions

In this chapter of project work, findings of work will be covered and suggestion will be enlisted to validate the objectives and hypotheses.

List findings, conclusions, recommendation, suggestions.

Note: If required more chapters of data analysis can be added.


Guidelines for Internship based project work

Minimum 20 days/ 100 hours of Internship with an Organisation/ NGO/ Charitable Organisation/ Private firm.

The theme of the internship should be based on any study area of the elective courses

Experience Certificate is Mandatory

A project report has to be brief in content and must include the following aspects:

Executive Summary:

A bird’s eye view of your entire presentation has to be precisely offered under this category.

Introduction on the Company:

A Concise representation of company/ organization defining its scope, products/services and its SWOT analysis.

Why it was selected, Work Culture, What type of Organisation, Organisation Structure, Types of product & Service offered by organisation.

Statement and Objectives:

The mission and vision of the organization need to be stated enshrining its broad strategies.

Your Role in the Organisation during the internship:

The key aspects handled, the department under which you were deployed and brief summary report duly acknowledged by the reporting head.

  • Work done by the student- Department, product handled, timing
  • Department visited & his observation about those department.
  • Learner’s experience and whether he feels those objectives have been achieved


The challenges confronted while churning out theoretical knowledge into practical world.


A brief overview of your experience and suggestions to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

The project report based on internship shall be prepared as per the broad guidelines given below:

  • Line Space : 1.5-for content and 1-for in table work
  • Margin : in Left-1.5, Up-Down-Right-1
  • The project report should be of minimum 50 page

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Researching Black History at the BPL

Introduction, general primary sources, academic research.

  • Black Newspapers
  • Black Magazines and Journals
  • Black History Collections on Microfilm
  • Slavery and the Antebellum Period (1630-1860)
  • The Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877)
  • Jim Crow and the Great Migration (1878-1945)
  • Civil Rights and Black Power (1946-1979)
  • Post-Movement to the Present (1980-2024)
  • Black Historic Sites in New England
  • Research Services

A Note on Terminology

This guide focuses on Black history in what is now the United States. This guide uses the term "Black" and "African American" interchangeably to refer to Black people in the U.S. However, in modern terminology, "Black" is often used to refer to members of the African diaspora and "African American" to the specific U.S. ethnic group. There have never been clearly delineated boundaries between different Black communities, and historical resources may or may not refer to immigrants from the Caribbean as African American. Because of the time periods covered in the guide, most resources will not include recent immigrants from Nigeria, Somalia, or other African countries.  

Some resources also use the words "negros" or "blacks" in their title. While generally offensive now, this was considered the appropriate term for much of United States history. These resources are reflective of the time in which they were produced.

  • Related Research Guides
  • Using Subject Headings

Curious about how to start researching Black history? Want to learn more about what resources the BPL has? Check out this guide!

A logo with a green circle is inside a larger red circle with the words "Boston Black United Front." Two illustrated brown hands grasp each other.

On this page: 

  • Research guides to help you get started
  • Digitized primary sources and collection directories for researching Black history across the country
  • Places to find archives and academic articles
  • Black research centers in New England

Image Right : A sticker of the logo for the Boston Black United Front. The Boston Black United Front was founded as a power-oriented organization with the goal of developing Boston’s Black community into a united base of economic and political power, ultimately improving the living conditions of community residents. Operating between 1968 and 1972 , it advocated for the safety and well-being not only of the Boston Black community, but also for that of allied communities in Cairo, Illinois, and New Bedford, Massachusetts. The entire archival collection for the BBUF has been digitized . Text and image courtesy of the Roxbury Community College Library Special Collections.

Note : The Black history resources on this page have information and archives from across the country and can work as a jumping off point for further research. They are not specific to Massachusetts, though they very well may have information about it. In order to find resources dedicated to Massachusetts, check out the Black History in Boston page in this guide or search for Massachusetts directly in the databases below. And don't forget to check our library catalog for past and current books about Black history!

This guide is to help you get started researching at the Boston Public Library. Whether you live in Boston or are visiting, find out how to use the resources available. 

An illustrated postcard from the 1930s or 1940s depicting the outside of the Central Library at Copley Square

A guide to search techniques and developing a search strategy for assignments, literature reviews and research. From University College London.

Newspaper resources at the Boston Public Library and beyond.

This guide explains what primary sources are and demonstrates how to find them.

Guide to the Archives Department of Boston Public Library's Special Collections

A how-to for HathiTrust Digital Library, a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries now preserving 18+ million digitized items.

How-to for JSTOR, which provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

Image Above : An illustrated postcard from the 1930s or 1940s depicting the outside of the Central Library at Copley Square. This is part of the Tichnor Brothers Collection , which contains approximately 25,000 office proofs of postcards of the United States published by the Boston firm Tichnor Brothers Inc.

What is a subject heading?

A subject heading is like a tag, or a label, which describes what the item (book, article, etc.) is about. Subject headings are useful because they provide a  consistent  way of describing the subject matter of the item. When an item is added to a database, an indexer will decide which topics are covered by the article, and choose several subject headings to apply. The subject headings used are selected from a standardised list, or thesaurus; this is known as a ‘controlled vocabulary’. This means that all items about a particular subject would be tagged with the same, standard subject heading, regardless of the words and phrases the author used in the title or abstract. (From University College London )

Image of the BPL website circling how to change to a subject heading search on the catalog search drop down menu

Image of the search bar. To search the catalog by subject, click the second drop down and change from "Keyword" to "Subject."

  • Primary Sources
  • Primary Sources (Library Card Required)
  • Collection Directories
  • Oral Histories

This resource features select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. It is designed to support a wide range of students, as well independent researchers and anyone interested in learning more about the foundation of ongoing racial injustice in the U.S.—and the fights against it.

Yellow, blue, and brown poster saying "Books are weapons" with various things you can read at the Schomburg Collection of the New York Public Library

Digitized photographs, manuscripts, books and other material of local and historical interest from the Boston Public Library and other libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies in Massachusetts.

Primary source collections exploring topics in history, literature, and culture developed by educators — complete with teaching guides for class use.

Digital collections of the NMAAHC. 

The Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division collects, preserves, and makes available for research purposes rare, unique, and primary materials that document the history and culture of people of African descent throughout the world, with a concentration on the Americas and the Caribbean.

The Photographs and Prints Division contains both documentary and fine art photographs, which document the history and culture of people of African descent worldwide as well as the work of photographers of African descent. The collection of over 300,000 images ranges from mid-eighteenth century graphics to contemporary documentary and art photography; all of the major photographic processes are represented.

The Civil Rights Digital Library Initiative represents one of the most ambitious and comprehensive efforts to date to deliver educational online content on the Civil Rights Movement. via the Web. The initiative promotes an enhanced understanding of the Movement through its three principal components: 1) a digital video archive of historical news film allowing learners to be nearly eyewitnesses to key events of the Civil Rights Movement, 2) a civil rights portal providing a seamless virtual library on the Movement by connecting related digital collections on a national scale, and 3) a learning objects component delivering secondary Web-based resources - such as contextual stories, encyclopedia articles, lesson plans, and activities--to facilitate the use of the video content in the learning process.

This 13,000 page reference center is dedicated to providing information to the general public on African American history and on the history of the more than one billion people of African ancestry around the world.

  • In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience

The New York Public Library's "In Motion: The African-American Migration Experience" presents more than 16,500 pages of texts, 8,300 illustrations, and more than 60 maps. The Web site is organized around thirteen defining migrations that have formed and transformed African America and the nation. 

Image Above : A yellow, blue, and brown poster saying "Books are weapons," advertising collections at the Schomburg Collection (now Center) of the New York Public Library. 

Manuscript image of the Constitution of the Anti-Slavery Society, Boston

Primary sources on the transatlantic slave trade and the global abolitionist movement, including contemporary books and periodicals, British, Spanish, and American colonial and legal records, manuscripts, correspondence, the papers of abolitionist organizations, and other materials from the collections of research institutions around the world. Includes essays, chronologies, reference and biographical articles, and bibliographies to support and contextualize the primary source material. Note: You must be signed in with your BPL card and access this resource through our website. 

  • Civil Rights and Social Justice

Containing hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislations, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights, this database allows users to educate themselves on the ways our civil rights have been strengthened and expanded over time, as well as how these legal protections can go further still.

  • Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law

Primary and secondary legal and historical materials on the institution of slavery, primarily in the United States and the English-speaking world. Includes every relevant colony, state, and federal statute and all reported state and federal cases on slavery, as well as historical and current periodical articles and commentaries, book reviews, and an extensive bibliography of additional print and electronic sources.

  • Sabin Americana (1500-1926)

Searchable reproductions of 29,000 books, pamphlets, periodicals, and other documents about the Americas, providing original accounts of exploration, trade, colonialism, slavery and abolition, westward expansion, Native Americans, military actions, and much more.

Black Drama, Second Edition contains approximately 1,462 plays by 233 playwrights (600 published here for the first time), with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, production companies, and more. The database also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays.

Image Above : This printed booklet contains Preamble and Constitution (with space left for the name of particular societies), Declaration of the Anti-Slavery Convention in Philadelphia, Dec. 4, 1833, Constitution of the American Anti-Slavery Society, and Constitution of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. This item is part of the Anti-Slavery Collection at the Boston Public Library.

Daguerreotype cased photograph of Charles Lenox Remond, a dark skinned Black man in a suit with an afro on the right side of his head.

This website is a free, searchable directory for online history projects that can help further Black History research. This ongoing project was created to collect information about these digital Black History projects in order to benefit historians, genealogists, and family historians who are researching the lives of Black individuals and families.

Umbra Search is a digital library and widget that aggregates materials documenting African American history and cultural life from archives, libraries, museums, and other US repositories. Umbra Search features thumbnail images and descriptive information about photographs, manuscripts, documents, books, sound files, video files, and other freely available resources

Image Right : A cased daguerreotype Charles Lenox Remond, taken by Samuel Broadbent in the 1850s. Based in Massachusetts, Remond was an orator, activist, and abolitionist who extensively lectured against slavery. This photograph is part of the Cased Photographs Collection at the Boston Public Library.

  • Black Women Oral History Project

Former U.S. Senator Carol Moseley Braun is seen shoulders up in a brown coat. She is smiling while speaking to a person facing away from the camera

The HistoryMakers records and preserves video oral history interviews highlighting the accomplishments of individual African Americans and African-American-led groups and movements.

Image Right : Former U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun is seen here after speaking at the University of Illinois at Springfield on February 4th, 2009. At the time of her election in 1993, she was only the second African American to serve in the Senate. Her biography, photographs, and interviews are all part of the HistoryMakers digitized collections.  

  • Finding Archives
  • Academic Articles
  • Black Research Centers in New England

A black and white photo of Amiri Baraka and Maya Angelou dancing at an event at the Schomburg Center

This database contains over a million collection descriptions from thousands of libraries, museums and archives. Searches can be done by keyword, title, subject, date, personal, organization, or geographic name, genre and repository.

As a multi-disciplinary resource, Archives Unbound greatest value lies in the wealth of facts and insights that they provide in connection with the political and military, economic and business, literary, music, and social history of America and a whole host of foreign countries.

Image Right : A black and white photo of poets Amiri Baraka and Maya Angelou dancing at an event at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Image via James Nova on Flickr. 

The JSTOR logo featuring a large white J on a dark red background

Full-text access to over 850 core scholarly journals covering 44 specialized subject areas. Complete back runs of many titles are available. Coverage: spread out over the last 150 years but no current coverage for last 3-5 years.

Gale Power Search – Publication Search

Cross-search all Gale databases to which BPL subscribes.

OmniFile Full Text Select

Full-text journal articles in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, including ethnic studies, women’s studies, history, and more. Coverage from 1972-present.

  • Gale Academic OneFile Select

Full-text news and scholarly journal articles, audiovisual materials, reports, and primary source material covering all academic disciplines.  Includes translation and citation tools and a TopicFinder to expand your research.  Coverage:  1980-present.

Located at Harvard University, The Hutchins Center for African & African American Research supports research on the history and culture of people of African descent the world over and provides a forum for collaboration and the ongoing exchange of ideas. Institutes include the W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute, the Hip-Hop Archive & Research Institute, the Afro-Latin American Institute, the Black Film Project, the Image of the Black Archive & Library, the Institute on Policing, Incarceration & Public Safety, and the Project on Race & Gender in Science & Medicine. Harvard is also home to the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, which includes numerous archival collections dedicated to Black women's history. 

A photo of a young Black woman holding and reading a book. She stands between bookshelves in a library.

Located at Brown University, Founded in 2012, the Ruth J. Simmons Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice at Brown is a hub of dynamic research on historical racial slavery and how its legacy shapes the contemporary world.

The mission of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research is to convene researchers and practitioners from various disciplines to figure out novel and practical ways to understand, explain, and solve seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity and injustice. We foster exhaustive racial research, research-based policy innovation, data-driven educational and advocacy campaigns, and narrative-change initiatives.

Based out of UMass Amherst, the Center’s mission is to foster and integrate scientific research on language in African American communities and application of that research in educational, social, and cultural realms. The Center has a commitment to serving as a resource for communities by furnishing information and providing training to students and educators who address language- and dialect-related issues.

The mission of RITM is to advance rigorous, innovative research and teaching on key topics of historical and contemporary importance.

  • Next: Black Newspapers >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 29, 2024 12:39 PM
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  25. Getting Started

    Black research centers in New England; ... British, Spanish, and American colonial and legal records, manuscripts, correspondence, the papers of abolitionist organizations, and other materials from the collections of research institutions around the world. ... book reviews, and an extensive bibliography of additional print and electronic ...