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skills to put on college application resume

10 Skills to Highlight on Your College Applications

What’s covered:, what are colleges looking for, and why.

  • Key Skills to Emphasize on Your College Apps

How to Highlight Your Strengths In Your College Application

How to show your skills in your college essays.

As part of their holistic review of your application, colleges want to consider your personality and character alongside your grades and extracurriculars. Skills like these can’t always be quantified in the same way as your grades can; nevertheless, they can help determine whether you’ll be able to flourish in a college environment. While top colleges certainly do want students who have a track record of academic success, they’re also interested in bringing in students who have qualities that will allow them to use their academic skills to do great things on campus and throughout their lives.

Highlighting these so-called ‘intangibles’ may seem less important than a stellar academic record and impressive list of extracurriculars, but they can be a powerful way to make your application stand out from the crowd, and present you as a strong and self-aware candidate. In this post, we’ll go over ten skills that deserve starring roles in your college applications, and why demonstrating these skills helps to show that you’re a qualified applicant for your colleges of choice.

Colleges want to know who you are beyond your grades and your activities. A college isn’t just a place where you go to school — it’s also where you work, socialize, build communities, and live your life for four years. Similarly, you don’t attend college alone, so how you interact with the people around you is important, whether they’re peers, instructors, or others. Each college has a different culture and different priorities, so looking around on your school’s website and examining what their particular values might be can help you personalize your application for that institution. 

You’ll also need to demonstrate that you have the potential to grow by making full use of the college’s resources. Obviously, colleges aren’t looking for students whose hard work and high performance are limited to their high school years. They’re interested not only in your past, but in your future, and whether you’re likely to become a student whose presence will enrich the campus environment.

10 Key Skills to Emphasize on Your College Apps

It’s clear that colleges are looking for more than high scores and lists of awards when they evaluate applicants, but you may be wondering what particular qualities will impress admissions committees. Here are ten specific skills that can help you to stand out as a strong candidate when it comes time for you to apply to colleges.

1. Commitment

Commitment is important to colleges because it’s a key ingredient to success both in and outside the classroom. Showing commitment means following through on obligations, maintaining focus and effort, and engaging with academics and activities in deep and lasting ways. These are all attractive attributes that will help colleges see you as a person who can add to a college environment throughout the four years that you’re on campus. One of the best ways to show commitment in an application is through an activity or subject that you’ve put significant time and effort into. Demonstrating your involvement with the drama club all four years of high school or your personal decision to take four years of language classes when your school only requires two proves to admissions officers you stick with things and follow through.

If you don’t have an activity or academic effort that you’ve put significant time and effort into, that doesn’t mean that you can’t show commitment in your application. Consider mentioning in your essay a time that it took particular effort, will, or sacrifice to participate in or remain involved with an extracurricular or academic activity. This can be another way of showing commitment without the months or years of participation. So, commitment can look like playing on the Frisbee team for two years, but it could also be a story about a time you gave up going on a weekend trip so that you could focus on finishing a presentation. 

2. Creativity

At its heart, demonstrating your creativity means showing that you’re able to think outside the box (to use a particularly uncreative metaphor) and come up with new concepts, approaches, and interpretations. Creativity can be expressed in your involvement with the arts, of course, but it’s also a quality that can show up in many different situations, from technical innovation to problem solving, in any field.

When colleges consider your application, your creativity is a quality that can really set you apart as an individual—and suggest your great potential to have an impact on the world. Whether you’re making a breakthrough argument in an academic paper, resolving an issue for an extracurricular group, or dreaming of your future startup, this skill will definitely come in handy as you plot your future.

What does creativity look like on a college application? As we mentioned above, the good news is that you don’t need to be an artist to show it. Talking about a creative hobby, like writing, painting, or singing is one clear way of showing creativity, but creative problem-solving or a unique approach to accomplishing tasks can make your point just as clearly. Maybe you didn’t participate in the school play, but you sold bouquets outside of it to raise money for your sports team. This would certainly stand out to admissions officers as an expression of your innovative thinking. Creativity could also look like combining lines of code to try out a new feature on the app you built.

3. Critical Thinking

For most students, the college academic experience will be much different from that of high school. One of the biggest differences is that in college, you’ll be expected to not only absorb and integrate factual information, but also to think more critically about sources, perspectives, contexts, and intellectual frameworks you encounter—including the assumptions you hold yourself.

When colleges evaluate applicants, they’re considering in part whether those applicants will be able to handle the demands of college coursework. Demonstrating that you’re able to investigate and interrogate academic material in a sophisticated way will speak highly of your academic skill, maturity, and potential. This can look like self-reflection or thoughtfulness about any number of topics. The important thing is that you show that you’re able to consider information and evaluate it without automatically accepting it. 

When it comes to highlighting critical thinking in your application, our recommendation would be to focus on your essays. Essays that demonstrate critical thinking tend to be focused on times when your mind, or someone else’s mind, was changed, or you learned something new that altered your view of a situation. One example that we’ve seen that was particularly effective was a student who wrote about what happened when she and her best friend had radically different opinions on gun control. Her essay evaluated how they each arrived at their position, and how two people with similar values could believe such different things about this critical issue. 

4. Initiative

Coming up with brilliant, creative ideas is a great thing, but it’s only half the battle. In order to have an impact, no matter what scale you’re acting upon, you also need to be able to turn those ideas into realities. Your skill in getting projects that matter to you off the ground will reflect well on you when it’s time to apply to colleges.

Colleges always like to see applicants who have not only taken advantage of available opportunities, but also put extra effort into creating viable opportunities where none seemed to exist. Your proven initiative can show that you not only have great ideas, but also the practical skills to back them up. Maybe you started a fundraiser at your school for a new community center, or improved your Chinese grade by asking your teacher for extra material to study on the weekends. Prove initiative on your college applications by talking about projects that you’ve begun and led, the drive that led you to go beyond what was asked of you, or original ideas that sparked something bigger than yourself. 

It’s a good idea to highlight your initiative in the descriptions of your extracurriculars (for example, to describe your position as president of the Model UN team say “organized and hosted a one-day conference for local Model UN teams in the county”). For activities where you showed really large initiative, consider writing about that in a personal statement or supplemental essay.

5. Intellectual Curiosity

When it comes to academic performance, colleges aren’t just interested in your grades and test scores. They also want to know that you’re genuinely invested in your intellectual development and that you actively enjoy the experience of investigating the world around you. Many colleges use the phrase “a love of learning” to express the quality that they’re looking for in applicants.

Demonstrating this love of learning communicates to colleges that whatever you choose to study, you can be counted upon to continue seeking knowledge and understanding in your academic work. After all, the main purpose of going to college is to get an education, and by showing your intellectual curiosity, you’re telling colleges that you’ll take that educational opportunity seriously.

In the past, applicants have talked about reaching out to authors they love just to see if they’ll respond, writing articles that were published in local newspapers, conducting independent research on a topic they are infatuated by, or volunteering with museums to learn more about a subject or topic they loved. Do any of these stories sound like you? How has intellectual curiosity shown up in your life?

6. Good Judgment

Showing good judgment means demonstrating to colleges that you’re able to plan ahead, understand and accept consequences, and make choices that support your goals. It also means showing that you’re responsible and respectful in the way you handle the college application process.

It’s important to minimize talking about bad judgment in your application. What may be a funny story to share with friends may not paint you in the best light to an admissions committee. This doesn’t mean that an instance of bad judgment is a death sentence, though. If you have a disciplinary record, or something negative on your application, it’s best to be straightforward and honest. Our post about explaining exceptional personal circumstances can help you write about incidents of poor judgment in a way that is truthful and clear, but also focuses on the ways that you have learned and grown from this moment. 

How can you show good judgment? This one is more commonly assumed when there is no evidence to contradict it, but you can still emphasize it in your application by talking about times that you made the right choice when easier options were available. This can be a tough line to walk, as talking about the temptation to cheat, lie, or otherwise exercise bad judgment is not a good idea, even if you made the right choice in the end. Instead, we recommend focusing on stories of times that you went the extra mile to demonstrate strength of character, when the easier option might’ve been to let someone else deal with the situation. Maybe you tutored a peer or a younger sibling that was struggling. Maybe you chose editing that English paper instead of accepting a last minute concert invite. The best part of demonstrating good judgment is that usually, other qualities shine alongside it, like in these two examples, where generosity of spirit and commitment to academics are folded in with good judgment. 

7. Leadership

Leadership skills can encompass your ability to plan and oversee projects, your capability to provide substantive praise and criticism, and your power to inspire others and help them achieve their goals. Being a good leader doesn’t mean taking on all the work yourself; effectively delegating tasks and recognizing others’ useful talents are key skills as well.

Of course, one way to demonstrate your leadership ability is to have taken on leadership roles in your extracurricular activities. If you’re the captain of a team or leader of a club, this is absolutely worth emphasizing. However, how well you do as a leader matters just as much as whether you can get elected or selected for one of these positions. If you can demonstrate that you were a truly effective leader, that may really help you to stand out among the applicant pool. Something as seemingly small as taking the leading role in a group project can demonstrate leadership skill, as long as you write effectively about the ways in which you were able to guide your team to success. 

8. Open-Mindedness

One of the best aspects of attending college is that it introduces you to new things. Between the individuals you interact with and the contents of your courses, you’ll encounter an incredible and diverse range of people, ideas, and perspectives on campus, and many of these will likely be unfamiliar to you.

Being open-minded doesn’t mean that you have to agree with every new idea you encounter. What it does mean is that you’re willing and able to respectfully consider and interact with the full range of perspectives that you’ll be exposed to in college, and to appreciate the richness of that experience. 

You can talk about open-mindedness directly, by exploring times that you encountered ideas, beliefs, or experiences that were different from your own, or you can talk about it more broadly, by focusing on a particularly diverse environment you found yourself in and how that place positively affected you. The key to highlighting your open-mindedness is to write an essay appreciating the importance of diversity . 

9. Social Consciousness

Being socially conscious means you’re aware of issues and concerns that stretch beyond your immediate surroundings and into the lives of others, both on a global level and within the communities of which you’re a part. This knowledge will inform both the way you understand your academic work and the way you live. Competitive colleges will want to see that you’ve spent time thinking about issues like these.

In addition to mere awareness, colleges want to know that you’re working on having an effect on the world beyond yourself. There are many ways to do this; you don’t need to win a Nobel Prize or be elected president to be doing important work. What’s most important is that your goals involve some kind of larger impact. Consider writing about what causes inspire you, and why. Maybe your passion is biodiversity, and you want to talk about the impact that rare moth extinction will have on the environment. This may sound small, or overly specific, but that doesn’t matter. The key is to show that you are knowledgeable about and passionate about things outside of yourself. 

Another way to highlight social consciousness could be through your extracurriculars or awards and recognitions. If you’ve gotten involved in an extracurricular activity because it addresses a global issue you care about, make sure to highlight that activity and the actions you’ve taken on your application. Some students might have even earned awards for their dedication to humanitarian work which is another great thing to highlight.

10. Teamwork

While your individual accomplishments and qualities are of the highest importance when applying to colleges, your ability to work with others shouldn’t be glossed over. In the classroom and outside of it, you’ll never be truly alone in college, so it’s important that you know how to interact and collaborate with your peers effectively.

Group projects still exist in college, and most extracurricular activities are community-based. Internships, working in a scientific lab, and many other activities will likely involve working with others on a task that’s not your own — that’s often how people gain the skills and experience to later become innovators and leaders. Sometimes, this requires putting the needs of the group or a decision you may not agree with over your individual needs and ideas.

No matter what field you eventually enter, collaboration is everywhere, and great things come from embracing it. Colleges need to be sure that your individual skills are paired with the ability to work well with others and, when necessary, prioritize the team’s success over your own. One example that stands out from past essays is a student who played for the opposing team in a rec league kickball game. The other team was down a player, and was going to have to forfeit, meaning no one got to play. This student joining the other team gave everyone a chance to play and enjoy the game, even though it wouldn’t officially count. The student was able to showcase his ability to meld seamlessly onto a new team, learning new skills and strategies along the way. 

The best place to highlight your more subjective traits and abilities are your essays, and along with assessing your writing abilities, this is what they’re designed for. Make sure that in choosing anecdotes and topics for your essays, you’re selecting stories that showcase the best of your qualities. This can be a powerful way of showing without explicitly telling admissions teams about these traits.

Along with your essays, an interview can be a great place to demonstrate these qualities. Not every school offers an interview, but if they do, and you are able to participate, this is another opportunity where your intangible traits can shine. As you prepare for your interview, along with going over common questions and answers, consider what impression you want your interviewer to have of you. What aspects of your personality do you want to shine in this interview, and how can you make sure they do?

Finally, your recommendations are another place where colleges can learn about your personal qualities. If you have a quality that you want to make sure colleges hear about, consider talking to your recommenders about what you hope they’ll highlight in their letters. Remember to choose qualities that that recommender has seen you demonstrate and can talk about specifically.  

Your essays are a great place to showcase your intangible skills and abilities. You can share these skills through the stories you tell.

After rereading your essays countless times, however, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. You can even request that your reviewer focus on helping you highlight a particular trait or two. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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skills to put on college application resume

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Resume for College Application – Examples & Template

July 8, 2024

College application resumes are different from professional resumes. There’s a certain way your resume for college applications should be to ensure your profile stands out. In one page, your resume will need to cover your academics, background, extracurricular activities and achievements. So to be asked to complete a resume, on top of everything else that goes into the college application? We know, it sounds like a lot. If you’re not sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. Down below, we’ll dive right into what a college resume is and how to write a college resume. You’ll even find three college application resume examples and a college application resume template to help you start your own.

Let’s have a look at how to begin your resume for your college applications.

What goes into a college application resume?

A resume for your college application, otherwise known as your high school resume, should be one page long. It’s a space for you to show colleges all of your most important activities and achievements that they wouldn’t necessarily know in other parts of your college application. The overall objective of the college application resume is to demonstrate the bigger picture of who you are. It’s essentially a summary of what you’ve done, assembled in a way that serves as a snapshot of your greatest achievements.

There are a few core sections that will go into your college application resume:

– Contact information: Your full name, home address, email and phone number should be at the very top of your college application resume. The header of your resume should have all of this information. This includes any LinkedIn page or personal website that showcases your achievements. – Educational details and academic accomplishments: The full name of your high school and the dates of when you attended should go here. This is where you’ll include your GPA, your AP or IB courses, your ACT or SAT scores and your class ranking, if it’s significant.

College Resume Template (Continued)

Extracurricular activities and work experience: Any special volunteering, internships, part-time jobs, or even had a unique experience studying or working abroad? You should mention those moments here. This section of the resume will amplify what kind of person you are in the community around you. To better understand you as an applicant, admissions officers want to know where you spend your time outside of school. Did you have any leadership positions? Was there a special job or position you had? – Awards and honors: If you have any accomplishments that you’re proud of, you should list them here. This is the part of the college application resume to list achievements like your first prize in a district-wide writing competition or your Most Valuable Player award in your tennis team. Remember, both academic awards and extracurricular awards can be mentioned, so be sure to include any relevant recognitions. – Special skills and interests: Let’s say you speak more than one language and you’re passionate about all things student leadership. Perhaps you know everything about computers. This part of the college application resume is where you should list those unique skills. Think of strong skills and interests you possess, while making sure they reflect your overall college application profile and ambitions. If you have any particular interests or even hobbies that can strengthen your application, then go for it.

Putting together the resume for your college applications can be a tedious process, so it’s best to pay careful attention to every line. You’ll want to focus on the format , style of language , brief but concise descriptions and crucial details .

Resume for College Application – Examples & Templates

College resume template #1.

Here are three different resume examples for college applications. They’ll go from the most basic college application resume to the most detailed:

1) For a standard college application resume, take a look at this student interested in studying anthropology or literature in college. The following is a very standard college application resume:

Dakota Lee 909 Park Avenue Portland, Oregon (012) 345-6789 [email protected]

Bloomington High School, Class of 2024 GPA: 3.85

  • Lead students (K-6) in all camp-related activities relating to literature immersion.
  • Organize art projects three days a week with senior counselors.
  • Coordinate students’ final art show for parents.
  • Assisted graduate students in their anthropology research 4 hours every week.
  • Presented at the end of every month my own research findings between literature and anthropology.
  • President, Student Anthropology Club: 2021-Present
  • Vice President, Bloomington Book Club: 2022-Present
  • Team Captain, JV Tennis Team: 2021-Present
  • First Chair Violinist, Symphony Orchestra: 2022-Present
  • High Honors List: 2024
  • Principal’s List: 2023-2024
  • National Honors Society: 2021-2024
  • Most Valuable Player, JV Tennis Team: 2023-2024
  • Languages: Spanish, French, Japanese
  • Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop

College Resume Template #2

2) The next college application resume includes more details than the resume above, with a different layout. You’ll find that there is a short description of the student’s character and interests under a section called “Educational Goal” at the top:

Jon Jackson 678 Orange Street Austin, Texas (123) 456-7890 [email protected]

Educational Goal

Diligent, driven student with a passion for business and economic development. Dedicated to improving the livelihood of small businesses across the state of California. Focused on collaborating with business leaders, community organizers and students across the country to create a stronger, more sustainable economy.

High School Diploma                                                                                                                    2024 Springfield High School Austin, Texas GPA: 3.98 Courses: AP Calculus, AP Physics, AP Macroeconomics, AP US History, AP Spanish

Austin Chamber of Commerce – Student Representative                                                     2021-2024 Austin, Texas – Served as representative of public schools across the city of Austin, advocating for student perspectives on Austin’s economic initiatives. – Developed campaigns and city-wide initiatives to encourage more student involvement in local elections, distributed pamphlets door-to-door to invite neighborhoods to participate in city-wide census polls. – Relayed information from commerce meetings back to our school district. – Advocated for the support of small businesses. – Created a bimonthly “Student Visit Day” to continue open communication between decision makers and high school student leaders across Austin.

  • President, Business Club 2021-Present
  • Treasurer, Young Economists 2022-Present
  • Student Volunteer, Save the Children 2022-Present
  • Editor, Springfield Student Gazette 2022-Present
  • High Honors List 2024
  • Principal’s List     2023-2024
  • National Honors Society     2021-2024
  • Best Student Entrepreneur, Business Club     2023-2024
  • Languages: Spanish, German, Arabic
  • Advocacy, Debate, Public Speaking
  • Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop

College Resume Template #3

Now let’s look at a college application resume that has a different structure and even more details. Keep in mind the first two resumes you just saw above:

Cassandra Zimmerman Los Angeles, CA ✦ (012) 987-6543 ✦ [email protected]

Driven student with a track record of community and student leadership. Passionate about women’s rights and girls’ education, eager to make a difference through service and mentorship. Committed to applying my leadership and communication skills to contribute to my college community, I am excited to major in business marketing and sociology to create a better working environment for women around the world.

High School Diploma                                                                                       Expected in June 2024 Valley High School Los Angeles, CA GPA: 3.88 – Awards: Academic Achievement Award (2021-2023), Community Service Excellence Award (2022-2023), Student Role Model Award (2024) – Courses: AP Microeconomics, AP Literature, AP European History, AP Spanish, AP French – Clubs: Journalism Club, UNICEF Club, Girls Empowerment Club, Entrepreneurial Club – Sports : Track and field team captain

  • Critical thinking
  • Innovation and adaptability
  • Project management
  • Organization and coordination

Professional Skills

Leadership – Led a team of 10 senior students across the Los Angeles School District to meet with the Mayor of Los Angeles and discuss our hopes for women in business. – Steered the track and field team as team captain, maintaining a positive spirit throughout every season. – Initiated the weekly column of our student newspaper to focus on areas of local community improvement. Communication – Showcased results from community polling to 50 members of the school district leadership. – Proactively participated in journalism club, leading student investigation pieces on local incidents affecting women-led businesses. – Collaborating across different school clubs to foster an interdisciplinary education and promote a united community. Computer and Technology Proficiency – Highly skilled in Microsoft Excel to aggregate and process data, while also proficient in the entire Microsoft Office Suite applications. – Adept in creating social media campaigns on X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram and TikTok.

Work History

University of Southern California, Young Leaders Internship                                      2022-2024 Los Angeles, CA YMCA Girls Leadership                                                                                                 2021-2024 San Francisco, CA

Volunteer Experience

UNICEF Local Chapter Volunteer                                                                             2021-2024 Volunteered as a student leader UNICEF member for our local chapter every month. Disseminated pamphlets and helped organize Los Angeles events that focused on girls’ education. Mentoring freshmen with All Hands On Deck                                                            2022-2024 Served as a mentor to freshmen students across the Los Angeles Unified School District. Coordinated activities with arts organizations and businesses across the city to help struggling students have more access to educational and extracurricular resources. Dog Rescue Volunteer                                                                                                 2021-2024 Participated as a weekly volunteer at the local animal shelter to help clean, feed and walk dogs. Promoting adoption events and animal rescue awareness across the city.

College Application Resume Styles

By looking at the resumes for college applications above, you’ll see that the three are quite different from each other. The first was a very simple college application resume example, while the second was a bit more informative, though not entirely. The third college application resume example provided more background information and relevant details. However, it’s always important to keep in mind that you’ll want your college application resume to be around one page.

The top general tips for writing your resume for college applications are:

1) Write your contact information and professional email address. Make sure your email address is something that colleges won’t have to think twice about.

2) Begin with education . Colleges know that you won’t have a lot of work experience. They’re academic institutions, so first and foremost, they’re interested in your academic performance. Start your college application resume with your education.

3) Bulleted lists over paragraphs. Elaborate on your achievements and experiences with brief descriptions in bullet points, not in lengthy paragraphs . Admissions officers will want to read clear and concise descriptions that are straight to the point.

4) Use strong action verbs that empower you. If you led a group of children at camp or presented your research in front of a committee, use an action verb that encapsulates your responsibilities. This means that instead of writing “It involved leading groups of children…” try something like “Directed groups of children to…”

5) One page does the trick. It’s tempting to want to make your resume as long and informative as possible. But the moment that happens, the quicker the reader will lose interest. College admissions offices are looking through thousands of applications. Keeping your college application resume concise will only work in your favor. Doing so is also a great exercise for future job applications and helps you decide what you really want to focus on sharing.

As seen from the examples above, you can personalize the style of your college application resume. But a general college application resume template will look like the following:

Your name Home address, City, State (Your) phone number | [email protected]

The name of your high school                                                                City, State, Year of Graduation

GPA: Your score ■  SAT: Your score  ■  ACT: Your score

Relevant Coursework : The names of any relevant, important classes

Your role, The name of your experience                                                                      City, State, Year

  • Description of your experience.


  • The name of your award: Date you were awarded

Description of your award. Any specific numbers and information that provides more context.

Additional Skills

List your skills that are relevant to your overall college application. They can be both professional and unique skills.

Resume for College Application – Examples & Template – Additional Resources 

  • How to Complete the Common App Activities Section
  • How to Complete the Honors Section on the Common App 
  • 300 Best Colleges in the US
  • Common App Essay Prompts 2024-25
  • 10 Instructive Common App Examples 
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay 
  • Application Strategies

Joanna Hong

With a BA from Pitzer College and an MA from University College London, Joanna has worked in London, Berlin, and Los Angeles covering many cultural and political issues with organizations such as Byline Media, NK News, and Free Turkey Media. A freelancer for The New York Times, her work has also appeared in Newsweek, Dazed and Confused Magazine, and The Guardian, among others. In addition, Joanna was the recipient of the 2021 PEN America Emerging Voices Fellowship in Fiction and is currently completing her first novel.

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The 7 Things That Really Look Good on a College Application

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College Admissions , College Info


What looks good on a college application? It's the question nearly every high school student will ask at some point while applying to college. But is there a clear answer?

Fortunately, the answer is yes! Read on to learn what colleges look for in applicants, what looks really good on a college application, and what kinds of myths there are about good things to put on a college application.

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What Are Colleges Looking for in Applicants?

Everyone applying to college has wondered, "What exactly are colleges looking for in applicants?" In other words, what looks good on a college application?

While all colleges are different, of course, with some valuing certain qualities or skills more or less than other schools, all colleges generally look for smart, studious, ambitious, and passionate students.

Therefore, your college application should emphasize your best, most impressive qualities. For example, if you play the violin and want to study music in college, you'll want to touch on this interest you have in different areas of your application.

A good college application will also showcase your sincere interest in the school. You wouldn't be applying to a college unless you had a reason to want to go there, right? Make sure to explain (especially if you need to write a "Why This College" essay ) exactly how you became interested in the school and why you think it's a good fit for you and your goals.

You don't need to be the next Marie Curie or Stephen Hawking, but you should be open to new opportunities and willing to challenge yourself.

Overall, the basic point of a college application is to make you stand out from other applicants in a positive, memorable, and unique way.

This fact is especially important in light of how many first-year applications colleges receive each year. According to the 2019 report by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) , the number of first-year applications received by US colleges increased by 6% from fall 2017 to fall 2018.

The report found that "the average number of applications for each admission office staff member (excluding administrative staff) for the Fall 2017 admission cycle was 1,035 for public institutions and 461 for private institutions."

These trends indicate that your application will definitely need to leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee if you hope to get into that school.

The degree by which you must stand out from other applicants will depend on how selective a particular school is. In general, the more selective a college is, the more impressive and unique your application will have to be.

Finally, what looks good on an application will vary depending on the college and what the college values. For instance, at colleges that don't place a big emphasis on standardized tests, a high SAT score likely won't be much of a factor in admissions.

This is just a general overview of what colleges look for in applicants. So what looks really good on a college application? Up next, we look at the specific qualities you should strive to include on your application so you can raise your chances of getting accepted.


What Looks Good on a College Application? 7 Key Elements

In addition to key personality traits, such as ambition, passion, genuine interest, and academic curiosity, what looks really good on a college application?

In general, a great application will have most or all of the following elements:

  • A high GPA (relative to what admitted students have) and a rigorous curriculum
  • Strong test scores (relative to what admitted students have)
  • A specific, honest, and well-written personal statement and/or essays
  • A unique extracurricular interest or passion (a "spike," as we like to call it)
  • Volunteering experience with measurable impact
  • Compelling letters of recommendation written on your behalf
  • Work experience, particularly jobs related to your academic or professional interests

It's OK if you don't have every single quality listed above, but if you do, your chances of getting accepted to the college of your dreams will go way up!

Now then, let's take a look at each of these qualities in more detail.

#1: Excellent Grades in Challenging Courses

The first important part of the college application is the transcript, which consists of your GPA and the names and types of classes you've taken in high school.

Most people believe a high GPA (the definition of which can vary at different colleges) will make an application stronger. And this is true!

According to NACAC, 75% of colleges ranked grades in high school classes considerably important. In fact, this factor was ranked the most important of any in the report.

What's truly important, though, isn't that you simply have a high GPA overall but rather that you have a GPA that's higher than the average GPA of admitted students at the college you're applying to.

To find a college's average GPA, search "[School Name] PrepScholar admission requirements" on Google and then click our database link to that school. This page will show you what the school's average GPA is, in addition to other admission requirements.

For example, if you want to apply to Notre Dame, you would search for "Notre Dame PrepScholar admission requirements" and click the link to our Notre Dame admission reqs page , which looks like this:


As you can see, Notre Dame's average (weighted) GPA for admitted applicants is 4.06. As a result, if you're applying here, you'll want to have a GPA of at least 4.06, preferably higher so you will be an above-average applicant.

It's not just about getting a high GPA, though; you must also take a range of challenging courses throughout high school if you really wish to impress an admissions committee. According to the NACAC report, 73 percent of colleges rated grades in college prep courses as considerably important. This means you'll want to take not just basic-level classes but also some AP, honors, and/or IB courses, particularly in subjects you are good at and might want to continue to study in college or major in.

The 2019 NACAC report found that a whopping 84% of colleges ranked an applicant's rigor of curriculum moderately or considerably important.

Think about it: though a perfect 4.0 might look great at an initial glance, if you got this high GPA by only taking the easiest classes available and didn't challenge yourself with higher-level coursework, your transcripts aren't likely to impress college admissions officers that much.

Even if you started high school with lower grades, an upward grade trend is a great point to emphasize on your application. This suggests that you're capable of bouncing back from any difficulties you might face and are willing to put in the work necessary for excelling in college.


#2: High Test Scores

Test scores, mainly SAT/ACT scores, are another key part of college applications (unless, of course, you're applying to colleges that don't require test scores ).

On the NACAC report, 83% of colleges believe admission test scores are at least moderately important. This is why it's vital that you try to get as high an SAT/ACT score as you can, ideally one in at least the 75th percentile for your colleges.

The 75th percentile means that 75% of admitted students at a particular school achieved this score or lower. Reaching (or surpassing) this threshold means that you're scoring higher than most other admitted applicants are—and well above that college's average score.

To find the middle 50% (that is, the 25th and 75th percentile SAT/ACT scores) for a school, search on Google for "[School Name] PrepScholar admission requirements." Click the link to our page for the school to see its requirements, including its average SAT/ACT scores.

For example, say you're planning to apply to NYU. Here's what the SAT scores section on NYU's PrepScholar admission reqs page looks like:


Here, we can see the average SAT score for NYU is 1440—that's pretty high, in the 95th percentile nationally !

To really stand out as an applicant, though, you'll want to aim for at least the 75th percentile. For NYU, that's 1510, which corresponds to the 98th percentile, or the top 1% of test takers.

Since you're likely applying to more than just one school, you'll need to set an SAT / ACT goal score , that is, a score high enough to get you into all the colleges you're applying to.

To set a goal score, start by making a chart of all the schools you're applying to. You can make your own chart or download a blank template .

Below is a sample SAT goal score chart:

Marquette University    
University of Wisconsin—Madison    
Michigan State University    
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign    

Next, look up the 25th and 75th percentile SAT scores for each of the schools you're applying to using our PrepScholar admission requirements pages. (Follow the steps above for NYU to learn how to do this.)

Once you've got these scores, write them in your chart as so:

1150 1320
1300 1480
1120 1310
1220 1480

Now, look at all the 75th percentile scores in your chart. The highest score will be your goal score, as this is the one most likely to get you into all the schools you're applying to.

With our example chart, the highest score is 1480, or the 75th percentile score for the University of Illinois and UW Wisconsin. By getting a 1480 or higher, you'll be getting an impressive score not just for these two schools, school but also for Marquette and MSU, thereby raising your chances of getting into all colleges you're applying to.


#3: Sincere, Specific, and Well-Written Essays

The personal statement is an important part of your college application as it's one of the only areas where you can really showcase your personality.

According to the 2019 NACAC survey, 56% of schools consider application essays moderately or considerably important. While some colleges don't require essays , those that do usually place at least moderate importance on them.

So how can you ensure your essay will impress the admissions committee? Generally, colleges are looking for three main qualities in a personal essay:

  • Honesty: What you write about should have actually happened to you and should be how you actually feel. Exaggerating details and outright lying are big no-nos here!
  • Specificity: Using concrete details to effectively convey your thoughts, views, and experiences will make your essay a lot more memorable, personable, and—most importantly—unique.
  • Eloquence: Don't expect to get accepted anywhere if your essay is poorly written and full of grammar and spelling errors. A great personal statement has a sensible organization, tells a compelling story, and is completely free of technical errors.

Below are some steps you can take to guarantee that your essay will have all three qualities.

Step 1: Brainstorm Significant Moments From Your Life

What you write about for your college essay will vary depending on the prompt(s) you're given from your school or the prompt you choose (for example, the Common App and Coalition App allow you to choose from among several prompts for your essay).

In general, you'll want to pick a topic that meets the following criteria:

  • It really happened and was significant to you: If you're writing about a specific incident, it should be something that actually happened and that had a large impact on how you define yourself, your goals, and/or your interests.
  • It's specific and interesting: Don't write about a broad, universal topic that can apply to tons of other applicants as well. Instead, focus on an event, issue, person, or struggle that's unique to you and your life.
  • It reveals something important about you: The essay is meant to highlight something you think the admissions committee should know about you, such as a personality trait you have, how you overcame some sort of challenge, or how you became interested in a field of study.
  • It has a positive lean: While you don't need to pick a topic that's overly light or cheery, it should still have an ultimately positive lean that reveals something good about you rather than something bad, controversial, or immoral.

Step 2: Write Your Essay

The next step is to actually begin writing your essay. Don't worry too much about grammar and flow at this point; just get down your ideas and start deciding which details and examples might work well in your essay.

As you write, remember to channel your inner voice. This essay should sound like the real you, not an imitation of what you think colleges want to hear. So if you're the sarcastic type, you might want to include a joke or two, for instance. Don't forget that the essay is a way for the admissions committee to learn more about you, so don't shy away from your true self!

On that same note, it's OK to get creative here. The essay isn't an academic essay you'd write for English class—it's a story. Feel free to inject your writing with various literary techniques , such as a non-chronological organization, realistic dialogue, and memorable imagery.

Lastly, make sure you're sufficiently answering the prompt and are abiding by all technical requirements (such as length). You can check a college's essay requirements by referring to its application requirements page or by reading the instructions on the Common App, Coalition App, or Universal College App websites (if submitting your application through one of these platforms).

An essay that's too long might get cut off when you submit it electronically, so be sure it adheres to all the requirements.

Step 3: Edit and Proofread Several Times

Once you have a rough draft of your college essay, it's time to polish it up for submission.

The best way to edit is to put your essay away for a few days. This will give you some distance away from your writing, allowing you to look back at your essay later with a fresher perspective.

As you reread your essay, mark any areas in it that are unclear, awkward, or irrelevant to the main point you're trying to make with it. You should also correct any obvious typos or errors, such as mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

Once you've done this process a few times, give your essay to someone to read. Ideally, this will be a person you trust, such as a parent, teacher, counselor, or tutor. Have the person you choose offer clear feedback on your essay and check that you've met all requirements. Edit your essay as needed in accordance with the comments you get.

After you've finished all of this, you should now have a perfect college essay to submit with your application!


#4: A Spike in Your Extracurriculars

Almost every college will want to know what kinds of extracurricular activities you do or have done in your spare time.

Indeed, 49% of colleges surveyed regard students' extracurricular activities moderately or considerably important. Ask yourself: what are your interests outside of school and how do you engage in them?

The trick here is to provide not a list of all the random activities you've done but rather a detailed overview of one to two of your most passionate interests and any big achievements you've made in them.

In other words, you need to figure out what your "spike" is, a concept which PrepScholar co-founder and Harvard alum Allen Cheng describes in his expert guide on how to get into the Ivy League .

To put it simply, a spike is deep accomplishment in and knowledge of a particular field.

As an example, say you plan to major in biology. You'll stand out as an applicant if you have tons of biology- or science-related experiences under your belt. Maybe you're part of your school's biology club, or maybe you volunteered at a local research lab, which taught you the basics of handling lab equipment.

In addition to having a variety of experiences and sufficient background knowledge in the field, you want to highlight any relevant major accomplishments you have. For instance, maybe you won a science fair your sophomore year of high school; most recently, you submitted an award-winning invention idea to a national science contest. All of these accomplishments illustrate your deep accomplishment and knowledge in the field of science!

As you can see, this concept of the spike is the opposite of being well rounded, which most students assume they need to be (read the next section to learn more about this myth).

If you're not sure what your spike is just yet, take some time to try out new activities and explore any interests you have, both in and outside of school. Over time you should start to get a feel for what you're passionate about and what you can see yourself committing to in the future.


#5: Compelling Letters of Recommendation

Most colleges require at least one letter of recommendation from either your high school counselor or a high school teacher (or both).

The 2019 NACAC survey indicates that 54% of colleges consider teacher recommendations at least moderately important, while a higher 55% consider counselor recommendations the same. Therefore, we can say it's pretty important to secure great recommendation letters for your application.

If you're asking for a letter from a teacher , make sure to choose someone whose class you got a high grade in (ideally an A) and who is familiar with your abilities, ambitions, and interests. Typically, you'll need to submit at least one letter from a teacher who taught a core class (so math, English, science, or social studies/history).

It's a good idea to also get a letter from a teacher who works in the field you plan to major in. So if you got an A in AP English and plan to major in English, asking that teacher for a recommendation letter would give a great boost to your application.

While you don't have to be best buddies with the teacher you ask, they should definitely know you well , beyond the classroom, so they can effectively explain to admissions committees what makes you special, that is, what makes you worth admitting.

For example, if you did research with a particular teacher, are part of a club this teacher coaches or leads, or helped out this teacher with a project, this would be a good person to ask to write a letter for you.

Once you've secured a recommendation letter writer, be sure to provide them with any materials or information they might need to help them craft a compelling letter .

#6: Volunteering Experience With Measurable Impact

Colleges love it when an applicant has not simply volunteered but has also made a measurable impact with their volunteering efforts. What does this mean exactly? If you have volunteered somewhere or for an organization, your assistance should have resulted in a noticeable, positive change to the group, community, or area you were aiming to help.

For instance, say you volunteered at a local library. Maybe the library was struggling to get funds to continue operating, and you came up with the idea to hold a 24-hour reading marathon in order to raise money. The fundraiser ended up making more than $5,000, a figure that would be a concrete indicator of the positive impact your service had on the library. With your college application, then, you could specifically mention how your initiative allowed the library to remain open.

Note that you don't need to have assumed a leadership role in order to have made a positive impact through your service. That said, college admissions committees are often very big fans of students who show evidence of their budding leadership skills.


#7: (Relevant) Work Experience

Although you're certainly not required to work a part-time job in high school, having some work experience on your college applications, especially any jobs that are related to what you want to study or do professionally, will help you stand out in a positive way.

Even if your job isn't connected to a long-term academic or career goal you have, any (part-time) work experience you have will be great to put down on your application because it emphasizes your sense of responsibility, maturity, and willingness to work for your goals, key qualities that are usually considered important for success in college.

Also, if you have any room on the application to elaborate on your job, I suggest explaining why you initially took the job and what values or skills it's taught you, such as the importance of responsibility or how to work with certain equipment that you'll likely use again in the future.

4 Myths About What Looks Good on a College Application

What looks really good on a college application? Many students think they know, but the truth is that there are a lot of myths out there about what you should include on your application.

Below, we introduce to you the top four myths about what looks good on college applications.

Myth 1: Being Well Rounded Is Critical for Success

One of the most pervasive myths out there about what looks good on a college application is the idea of being well rounded.

Many students assume they'll need to have tons of extracurricular activities on their applications; this, they believe, will emphasize their array of interests as well as their knowledge of a variety of fields. But all this really tells admissions committees is that you're stretching yourself too thin and (most likely) lack focus on a specific endeavor in your life.

What colleges actually want to see is a spike, that is, a single passion. This allows colleges to get a clearer feel for who you are, what you're interested in, and what your goals are. Having a spike lets you stand out in a truly meaningful way, whereas being well rounded will make you forgettable and seem too similar to other applicants.

Spikes are especially important at highly selective colleges and universities , such as Harvard, Yale, and other Ivy League-level schools . You can read more about how to develop a spike in our guide to getting into the Ivy League . Alternatively, if you're interested in pursuing education at a liberal arts school , check out our article on how to figure out what to go to college for .


Myth 2: Essays Aren't That Important

After Time published a 2014 article on why college application essays don't actually matter all that much , students began to fear that all their hard work on their statements wouldn't mean much in the end, if at all.

But while some colleges don't require personal essays , most colleges do require at least one or two essays—and will place a decent amount of emphasis on it, especially if it is being used as a deciding factor between two otherwise equally qualified applicants.

Even though you should approach the essay seriously, it's still generally rare for an exceptionally well-written essay to make up for tons of low grades and poor test scores. On the flip side, if you have a great application but a badly written essay, that essay alone could get you rejected!

Therefore, make sure that you are following all the steps listed above so you can craft the perfect statement for your application.

Myth 3: An A in an Easy Class Is Better Than a B in a Hard Class

Many students believe it's better to stick to the classes you know you'll get As in, but this piece of advice is misguided when it comes to college applications.

In general, colleges prefer students who challenge themselves by taking an array of difficult classes, such as AP and honors classes. And you don't have to get perfect grades in them. If you get a B in a tough AP class, for example, this will emphasize to the admissions committee that you are willing to take on new challenges and test your limits, traits that are necessary for succeeding in and after college.

On the other hand, getting As in all easy classes, though not totally unimpressive, is not nearly as interesting to colleges, as it suggests you're unwilling to push yourself and further hone your higher-level critical thinking skills.

All of this being said, try to avoid getting very low grades in any classes you take (regular or honors/AP). C and D grades obviously won't look great to an admissions committee, even if you got these grades while challenging yourself in AP classes.

If you can't get at least a B or B+ in a difficult class, it'll probably be better for you to drop it and switch to either the regular version of that class or an entirely different class altogether.

Myth 4: Only Perfect Applicants Get Admitted

Many students assume that if they have one little flaw in their application, such as a below-average test score or slightly low grade in a class, their chances of getting admitted to college will be slim to none.

This just isn't true.

Yes, a very low test score or a very poor transcript may cause you to get rejected from a college, but many colleges use a holistic admission process, meaning they look at and consider each individual applicant as a whole. So even if your application has a not-so-stellar component on it, this doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a reject.

In fact, at particularly selective colleges, such as the Ivy League , you'll often hear of cases in which ostensibly "perfect" applicants got rejected. This is most likely because they didn't have a spike in their applications (i.e., something that made them stand out).

Overall, just try your best to produce the best application you can, and then hope for a good result!


Takeaways: What Looks Good on a College Application

Applying to college is tough, and knowing what to put on your applications to make yourself stand out is even tougher. What looks really good on a college application?

Generally speaking, colleges want to see your passion, intellectual curiosity, willingness to challenge yourself, and academic accomplishments.

More specifically, though, colleges typically prefer applicants who have most or all of the following characteristics:

  • Good grades and a challenging course load
  • Strong test scores
  • Honest, specific, and eloquent essays
  • A spike in your extracurricular activities
  • Compelling letters of recommendation
  • Volunteer experience with clear impact on the groups or places you've helped
  • Any relevant or impactful work experience

Finally, as you apply to college and try to think of good things to put on a college application, make sure you're aware of the following truths about the application process:

  • It's better to have a spike than to be well rounded
  • Essays are important!
  • A B in a hard course is more impressive than an A in an easy course
  • You can still get into your dream school even if your application isn't perfect

What's Next?

A great college application will get you admitted. Use our college acceptance calculator to get an estimated percentage of your chance of getting into your dream school, based on your SAT or ACT score and GPA.

One thing a great college application can have is a high SAT or ACT score. Get expert tips in our guides on how to get a perfect 36 on the ACT and how to get a perfect 1600 on the SAT .

Need help figuring out which colleges to apply to? Our guide teaches you how to narrow down your college choices so that you're applying to the best schools for you.

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

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Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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100 Good Skills to Put on a Resume [Complete Guide]

Jeff Gillis 0 Comments

skills to put on college application resume

By Jeff Gillis

Updated 6/4/2022.

skills to put on college application resume

When you’re adding skills to a resume, you don’t just want to focus on what you’re good at. Instead, relevancy has to be part of the equation. After all, every job you’re trying to land requires a very specific skill set, one that you need to show that you have.

Choosing the skills to put on a resume when you’re applying to a role isn’t something you should do haphazardly. Instead, you want to use the job description, company mission, and company values as a guide, creating a sense of alignment.

Additionally, it never hurts to have a handy list of skills by your side, making it easier to explore your options. So, if you’re on the hunt for good skills to put on a resume, here’s what you need to know.

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

There are two basic types of skillsets that a job seeker can have and include on their resume: hard skills or soft skills.

Hard skills are the skills or abilities for a resume that are easily quantifiable…that can be learned through classroom work, apprenticeships, or other forms of learning. These include things like operating tools, computer programming, speaking foreign languages, or different kinds of technical prowess.

Soft skills are more subjective and harder to quantify and are often grouped together by what we know as “people skills.” Some examples of soft skills include communication, relationship building, self-awareness, and patience.

Which Skills Are More Important?

The debate rages on about which of these two types of skills is more important.

According to executive consultant and Forbes contributor Naz Beheshti , “…There is an ongoing debate about the relative importance of soft and hard skills that imply a competition between the two. However, they are both necessary and complementary to one another.”

On the one hand, job seekers with proficiency in a specific hard skill may get hired more quickly. Many employers want to hire people that can deliver value with fewer resources (ex., the need for training, etc.), making hard skills their priority.

However, we are also seeing that many hiring managers are choosing to hire candidates with highly developed soft skills.

In the end, as Indeed puts it, “soft skills are necessary to create a positive and functional work environment.” Plus, hiring managers feel that they can always train the candidate in the hard skill that is required to complete the job, but soft skills are often skills that cannot necessarily be taught.

So, what does this mean for you? Mainly that you can’t simply just pick one or the other and cross your fingers. Instead, the best strategy is to take a balanced approach and make sure that your resume contains both hard and soft skills.

How Do You Choose the Skills to List on a Resume?

Here’s the deal; there’s a good chance you know what you’re good at in a professional sense. Often, you can use your experience, duties, training, and education as a guide, giving you a strong foundation. Then, it’s about diving a bit deeper, looking at traits that could help you stand out, and comparing it all to the job description.

By using a simple process, you can make progress faster. Here’s a quick way to get started.

1. Make a List of the Skills You Know You Have

As mentioned above, the easiest way to get a grip on your current skills is to reflect on your academic and professional experiences. Consider the tasks you’ve taken on, the training you’ve completed, and the courses you had in school. In most cases, that’ll give you some solid ideas about your hard skills.

After that, it’s time for soft skills. Here, you want to think of traits or capabilities that help you engage with others and navigate professional relationships. Often, these are reflections of your personality, so use that as a jumping-off point.

2. “Mine” the Job Descriptions for Must-Have Skills

The next step is to take a look at the job description for the position you are applying for and make a list of the required skills it includes. Then, compare it to your capabilities. Are any of the skills on both of the lists you just created? If so, these are must-haves for your resume.

Now, notice if there are any skills on the job description that you don’t have. If there aren’t any, great!

But if there are…don’t panic. There are things you can do, which we’ll dig into shortly.

If you’re dealing with a vague job description, you aren’t stuck either. Here is a link to a ton of job descriptions that can give you an idea of the skills needed.

3. Tailor Your Skills to the Company/Position

As you may have read in our other blog articles, it is always very important to “tailor” your resume to the company and position you want to land. For an in-depth look into how to make that happen, check out our Tailoring Method article. 

If you want a quick overview, the idea is to focus on capabilities the company wants to find. Every job requires a unique skill set, and you want to show you have it. As a result, it is absolutely essential that skills from the job description make an appearance on your resume.

However, you also want to dig deeper. Spend some more time researching the company, including going through all of their various web properties, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages.

Why? Because they will leave clues about the types of people they hire. That gives you more ideas about the best skills to put on a resume to land a job there, particularly when it comes to soft skills you may not find in a job description.

100 Resume Skills Examples

If you’re struggling with coming up with a list of skills based on your past experience, it can be easier if you have existing resume skills lists to work with. You don’t have to think up every possible skill; you can simply review the list and find the matches.

Here is a list of resume skills examples, divided into hard skills and soft skills, that you can use when applying for a job.

Hard Skills for a Resume

  • Advanced Bookkeeping
  • Appointment Setting
  • Automotive Repair
  • Cold Calling
  • Computer Programming
  • Conversion Testing
  • Copywriting
  • Customer Engagement
  • Customer Service
  • Data Analysis
  • Digital Marketing
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Cleanup
  • Forklift Operating
  • Graphic Design
  • Heavy Machinery Operation
  • Installation
  • Landscaping
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Coding
  • Paid Online Traffic
  • Patient Care
  • Photo Editing
  • Picking and Packing
  • Project Management
  • Schedule Management
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Server Maintenance
  • Social Media
  • Spanish Fluency
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Systems Analysis
  • Technical Support
  • Telecommunications Systems
  • Travel Booking
  • Video Editing
  • Website Design
  • Word Processing

Soft Skills for a Resume

  • Accountability
  • Active Listening
  • Adaptability
  • Brainstorming
  • Business Etiquette
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Contextualizing
  • Critical Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Goal-Setting
  • Handling Pressure
  • Influencing
  • Insightfulness
  • Interpreting
  • Negotiation
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Organization
  • Prioritization
  • Problem Solving
  • Relationship Building
  • Reliability
  • Resource Management
  • Responsibility
  • Self-Confidence
  • Strategical Thinking
  • Strong Work Ethic
  • Time Management

What If I Don’t Have the Required Skill?

Whether you need to possess a specific skill depends on the job and the skill in question. Usually, here’s where you have to be honest with yourself. If the skills required are part of the core competencies of doing the job, you may want to reconsider your application.

For example, if a golf course posts a job posting for a golf pro, you probably shouldn’t apply if you’ve never swung a golf club.

However, you will come across situations where what you bring to the table is close. In this case, moving forward might be okay.

You need to be able to demonstrate, using examples from your past, that you are capable of doing the required skill, even if you haven’t specially done it. So, go over your work history with a fine-tooth comb and try to come up with a few examples of you doing something in the right ballpark.

They are going to ask about it in your interview, so don’t think you can just wing it, and everything will be fine.

Also, many job descriptions have “nice-to-have” skills on the list. If you happen to possess them, great. But if not, don’t assume you shouldn’t apply if you have the must-have skills. In the end, those capabilities aren’t outright requirements, so don’t screen yourself out based on them.

How To List Skills on a Resume

There are a few different schools of thought when it comes to deciding where to put (or how to list) the skills on your resume.

According to our friends over at online resume-builder Zety.com , “…skills are so very, very important that they should show up all over your resume. Not just in the resume skills section.” In other words, it is imperative that there are elements of your skills throughout your resume, including your resume objective/summary and experience sections.

In addition, there isn’t one right answer for where to include your skill section because that depends on the industry, company, and position you’re trying to land. For example, for a job where technical competencies are of the utmost importance, it is often beneficial to list the skills closer to the top of the resume, right underneath the resume objective or resume summary statement.

However, if through your research you determine that the hiring manager will put more weight into your experience, you may want to lead with your experience. Then, put the skills section further down your resume.

At the end of the day, the selection of the skills themselves is the most important thing. After all, most hiring managers will easily find your skill section regardless of where it is on your resume.

What About Skills for My Job Application?

When you’re looking for skills to put on a job application, you do have to treat it a little differently than skills for a resume. Usually, you’re working with a finite amount of space on an application, not just in an overall sense but in each applicable section.

Since that’s the case, you need to lean heavily on the job description. Look for any capabilities that are listed as must-haves or that are repeated through the job ad. Then, make sure those skills are featured prominently in several areas, including in work history descriptions and skills areas.

If you have to answer essay questions, discuss those skills there, too, whenever possible. Use any other relevant capability as a supplement, treating it as supporting information instead of the primary point you’re sharing.

However, if an essay question asks about a skill that’s not in the job description, feel free to dig in a bit. It’s a capability that’s clearly on the hiring manager’s mind, so touch on it occasionally to show you shine in that area.

Putting It All Together

If you were wondering, “What are some good skills to put on a resume?” you should now have a solid answer. The most important thing to remember is to select skills that are relevant to the position you are interviewing for and, more important than that, skills that your company puts a tremendous amount of value in.

Once you get your skills straightened out, you should make sure that the rest of your resume is congruent with the skills you just selected, namely, that your experience shows that you both used those skills in a work environment and developed the skill with on-the-job tasks.

skills to put on college application resume

Co-founder and CTO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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Co-founder and CTO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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College Admissions Resume Example & Writing Guide for 2024

skills to put on college application resume

In a highly competitive college admissions landscape, a college admissions resume can be crucial in setting an applicant apart from the rest. It offers admission officers a concise and clear picture of a student’s achievements, skills, and experiences.

C. Tips for Writing an Effective Resume

Writing an effective college admissions resume can be overwhelming, but with the right tips, it can become a manageable task. Some of the essential tips to keep in mind when crafting your resume include highlighting your accomplishments, showcasing your skills and experiences, avoiding ambiguity and vagueness and paying attention to formatting, and using appropriate keywords. By incorporating these tips, your resume will stand out and resonate with the admission officer.

This guide provides detailed information on each of these tips with examples to help you create an impactful and winning college admissions resume.

In the rest of this article, we will discuss each section of the college admissions resume and provide useful tips and examples to help you create a winning one.

Understanding the College Admissions Resume Format

When it comes to applying for college, the admissions resume is an essential component of your application package. This document provides admissions officers with a snapshot of your academic and extracurricular achievements, professional experiences, and personal accomplishments that set you apart from other applicants.

To create a stand-out admissions resume, it’s crucial to understand the basic elements and guidelines of the college admissions resume format, as well as how to avoid common pitfalls.

skills to put on college application resume

A. Basic Elements of a College Admissions Resume

The following basic elements should be included in your college admissions resume:

Contact Information: Include your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Objective Statement: Provide a brief statement describing your career or academic goals.

Education: List your most recent education first, including your high school name, location, GPA, and anticipated graduation date.

Extracurricular Activities: Highlight your involvement in clubs, sports teams, music or theater groups, volunteer work, or other community activities.

Awards and Honors: Showcase any academic, athletic, or artistic honors you have received.

Work Experience: Detail any relevant internships, part-time, or full-time work experience, including job title, company name, dates of employment, and responsibilities.

Skills: List any relevant skills, including computer proficiency, foreign languages, or certifications.

B. Guidelines for Formatting

To ensure that your admissions resume is easy to read and visually appealing, follow these formatting guidelines:

Use a consistent font and size throughout the document, such as Times New Roman 12 point.

Use bullet points and bold or italic text to highlight important information and make the document easy to scan.

Keep the resume to one page by avoiding unnecessary details and focusing on the most important information.

skills to put on college application resume

Include white space between sections to make the document easier to read.

C. Avoiding Common Mistakes

When creating your admissions resume, it’s important to avoid some common mistakes that can detract from its effectiveness:

Don’t list irrelevant information or include personal data, such as age or marital status.

Use specific examples of accomplishments or experiences, not vague statements.

Don’t exaggerate or falsify your achievements.

Proofread your resume carefully and have someone else review it to catch any errors or inconsistencies.

By following these guidelines and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a compelling and effective college admissions resume that showcases your strengths and helps you stand out from the crowd.

How to Choose the Right Resume Template

Creating a college admissions resume can be a daunting task, but choosing the right template can make the process easier and more efficient. Here are the steps to consider when selecting the right template for your college admissions resume:

A. Types of Resume Templates

There are several types of resume templates available that cater to different formats and purposes. Some of the common types of resume templates are:

  • Chronological Resume Template: This type of template is ideal for showcasing the candidate’s work experience in chronological order, where the most recent job is listed first.
  • Functional Resume Template: This type of template focuses on the candidate’s skills and abilities, highlighting the relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Combination Resume Template: This type of template combines the features of both chronological and functional resume templates, showcasing the candidate’s skills and experience in a structured format.

B. Criteria for Choosing a Template

When selecting a resume template, it is essential to consider the following criteria:

  • Relevancy: The template should be relevant to the job position and the industry. This will help to create a positive impression on the employer.
  • Simplicity: A simple and clean template is easy to read and understand. A complicated design may not be suitable for a resume.
  • Customization: The template should allow customization, enabling the candidate to highlight relevant information and omit unnecessary details.
  • Practicability: The template should be suitable for the online application process, as the majority of the job applications happen online.

C. List of Recommended Templates

Here are some of the recommended templates for creating a college admissions resume:

Simple and Clean Resume Template: This template is a classic and straightforward design that presents the candidate’s information in a well-structured format. It is easy to read and understand and can be customized according to the candidate’s needs.

Modern Resume Template: This template showcases a modern design that highlights the candidate’s creativity and uniqueness. It is suitable for job positions that require creativity and innovation.

Professional Resume Template: This template presents a professional layout that is perfect for job positions that require formal attire. It is structured in a way that makes it easy to read and understand.

Selecting the right resume template plays a crucial role in creating a compelling college admissions resume. By considering the types of resume templates, the right criteria for choosing the template, and the recommended list of templates, candidates can create an outstanding resume that showcases their skills, experience, and achievements.

Sections to Include in a College Admissions Resume

When it comes to creating a college admissions resume, it’s important to include all relevant information that showcases your skills, experiences, and achievements. Admissions officers want to see who you are beyond your grades and test scores. In this section, we’ll discuss the seven essential sections to include in your college admissions resume.

A. Heading and Personal Information

The first step in creating any resume is to include a header with your name, address, phone number, and email address. This information should be easy to find and visually appealing. You can also include your LinkedIn profile or portfolio website if you have one. Make sure your contact information is accurate, up-to-date, and professional.

B. Educational Background

In this section, you should include details about your academic background, including your GPA, class rank, and standardized test scores. You should also list any relevant coursework, academic awards, and honors. If you are currently in college, include your major, expected graduation date, and any relevant academic achievements.

C. Extracurricular Activities

Admissions officers want to see that you are a well-rounded individual who is involved in extracurricular activities outside of the classroom. List any sports teams, clubs, organizations or volunteer groups that you are a part of. Provide details about your roles and responsibilities, as well as any leadership positions you hold. Emphasize those activities that demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.

D. Honors and Awards

If you have received any awards, recognition, or honors for your achievements in any area, be sure to list them in this section. Examples include academic or athletic scholarships, awards for community service, or recognition for outstanding performance in music, drama, or art.

E. Relevant Experience

Include any relevant work experience, internships, or part-time jobs you have had. Focus on jobs that align with your academic and personal interests. Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments in each role, including how you made an impact on the company you worked for.

F. Volunteer Work and Community Service

Your volunteer work can demonstrate your civic-mindedness and leadership abilities. List any volunteer work, community service projects, or activism-related initiatives that you have participated in. Describe your roles and responsibilities, and how your actions made a positive impact.

G. Skills and Abilities

Finally, include any skills, languages, certifications or licenses you have acquired that are relevant to your education and career goals. Focus on skills that are transferable to multiple fields, such as communication skills, problem-solving, collaboration, or digital literacy.

By including all these seven sections in your college admissions resume, you will create a well-rounded picture of yourself, and demonstrate to admissions officers that you are someone with not just good grades, but also a range of experiences, accomplishments, and interests.

Tips for Writing the Perfect College Admissions Resume

As you work on creating your college admissions resume, there are several important tips to keep in mind to ensure that your document reflects your strengths, achievements, and experiences in an engaging and effective way. Here are four key areas you should focus on as you draft your resume:

A. Highlighting Strengths

One of the primary goals of your college admissions resume is to showcase your strengths and unique qualities to potential schools. Think about what sets you apart from other applicants and use your resume as a platform to highlight those things.

For instance, if you’ve pursued a particular extracurricular activity for several years and achieved significant success in it, be sure to include those achievements on your resume. Similarly, if you’ve been the recipient of any awards or recognition outside of school, don’t hesitate to showcase those accolades as well.

B. Selecting the Right Verbiage

The language you use on your college admissions resume is just as important as the content itself. Be sure to choose strong verbs that accurately describe your accomplishments and experiences.

For example, instead of saying “Participated in the school’s volunteer program,” try using language like “Coordinated and led volunteer efforts with the school’s community service group.” This not only shows a greater level of involvement but also highlights your ability to lead others.

C. Showcasing Achievements

Your college admissions resume should highlight your achievements both in and out of the classroom. This may include academic honors, leadership roles, community service, or athletic accomplishments.

When discussing your achievements, be sure to quantify them as much as possible. For example, instead of simply stating that you volunteered at a local food bank, try to include details about the number of hours you contributed or the number of meals you helped serve.

D. Formatting Dos and Don’ts

Finally, when it comes to formatting your college admissions resume, there are several best practices to keep in mind.

  • Keep your resume concise and organized. Stick to one or two pages at most and use clear headings to separate different sections.
  • Use a professional font such as Times New Roman or Arial and keep the font size between 10-12 points.
  • Proofread your document carefully and ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.


  • Use an overly creative or colorful design. Keep your resume simple and professional.
  • Include any irrelevant information or experiences. Stay focused on highlighting your strengths and achievements in the areas that matter most to potential schools.
  • Use slang or casual language. Your college admissions resume should be written in a formal, professional tone.

By following these tips and guidelines, you’ll create a college admissions resume that effectively showcases your unique strengths and accomplishments and sets you apart from other applicants.

Sample College Admissions Resumes

When applying to college, one of the most important things students will need is a strong resume. This document serves as their personal marketing tool, highlighting their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and leadership experience. In this section, we will provide some examples of college admissions resumes and analyze their key elements to see what makes a successful one. We will also offer suggestions for improvement.

A. Resume Examples for Different Fields of Study

Depending on their chosen field of study, students may need to tailor their resumes to showcase specific skills and experiences. Here are some sample resumes for different fields of study:

Business/Management:  This resume includes relevant coursework and leadership experience in business clubs, as well as internships and part-time jobs in the industry. It also highlights the student’s proficiency in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint, which are essential skills for anyone pursuing a career in business.

STEM:  For STEM fields, resumes should emphasize technical skills and relevant coursework. This sample resume includes research experience, coding skills, and participation in science and engineering clubs. The student also lists achievements such as winning a science fair and publishing a paper in a scientific journal.

Arts/Humanities:  Resumes for arts and humanities students should showcase creativity and critical thinking skills. This sample resume highlights the student’s experience in theater productions, writing and editing for the school newspaper, and community service in the arts.

B. Analysis of Sample Resumes

All three sample resumes have different styles and focus areas, but each accomplishes its goal of presenting the student in the best possible light. Here are some key elements to look for in a successful college admissions resume:

Clear organization:  Resumes should be visually appealing and easy to read. The most important information should be at the top, and each section should be labeled clearly.

Relevance to field of study:  Resumes should be tailored to the student’s intended major or career path. They should showcase experiences and skills that are relevant to that field.

Quantifiable achievements:  Students should state their achievements in concrete terms. For example, instead of saying they “participated in a science fair,” they should specify that they “won first place in the physics category at the regional science fair.”

Active language:  Resumes should use strong action verbs to describe the student’s achievements and responsibilities. For example, “led a team of volunteers” is more impressive than “assisted with volunteering events.”

C. Suggestions for Improvement

Even the strongest resumes can be improved. Here are some suggestions for students looking to revise their college admissions resumes:

Consider the audience:  Admissions officers may have limited time to review each application. Students should make sure their most impressive achievements are highlighted near the top of the resume.

Be specific:  Students should provide concrete details about their experiences and achievements.

How to Tailor Your Resume to Different Colleges

When it comes to applying to colleges, a one-size-fits-all approach just won’t cut it. Each institution has unique admissions criteria, and applicants must tailor their resumes to showcase their strengths and experiences that align specifically with each college. Here are the key steps to take when customizing your resume for each college:

A. Researching the College

Before crafting a tailored resume for a particular college, it is important to conduct thorough research about the institution. Look for information on the school’s mission, values, academic programs, extracurricular activities, and any specific initiatives or projects that align with your interests. This information will provide valuable insights for tailoring your resume to showcase your fit with the college’s culture and goals.

B. Reviewing the College’s Admissions Criteria

Carefully review the admissions criteria for each college you plan to apply to, paying close attention to the key qualifications and experiences that are emphasized. Look for trends or patterns in the admissions requirements, as well as any unique or distinctive qualities that the college seeks in its applicants. This information will help you identify the most relevant and impactful experiences to include on your tailored resume.

C. Crafting a Tailored Resume

Finally, use the insights gathered in your research and review of admissions criteria to craft a tailored resume that speaks directly to the college’s priorities and expectations. Consider using a targeted objective statement or summary section that explicitly highlights your fit with the college and its values. Also, be strategic in selecting and presenting your experiences, focusing on those that most clearly demonstrate your alignment with the college’s admissions criteria.

When tailoring your resume for different colleges, keep in mind that the goal is not to simply make minor tweaks or adjustments to the same document. Rather, a truly tailored resume will reflect a deep understanding of each college’s unique priorities and expectations, and will showcase the applicant’s fit with the college’s culture and mission. By putting in the time and effort to customize your resume for each college, you can greatly increase your chances of standing out and securing admission to your top-choice schools.

How to Write an Effective Personal Statement

A. understanding the importance of a personal statement.

A personal statement is a crucial part of the college admissions process. It’s where a college applicant gets to showcase their unique qualities, achievements, and experiences that make them stand out as a candidate. Admissions officers use personal statements to get a sense of who an applicant is beyond their grades and test scores.

B. Brainstorming and Outlining

Before beginning the writing process, it’s important to spend some time brainstorming and outlining your personal statement. Start by reflecting on your experiences and accomplishments and identifying what you want to highlight in your statement. Consider what makes you unique and how you would like to present yourself to the admissions committee.

Once you have a general idea, outline your statement to create a structure for your writing. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction, followed by a couple of paragraphs outlining your experiences and achievements, and concluding with a strong statement of purpose.

C. Writing Tips and Techniques

When it comes to the actual writing process, there are several tips and techniques that can help you craft an effective personal statement:

  • Be concise and to the point. Admissions officers read hundreds of personal statements, so make sure yours is clear and easy to understand.
  • Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points. Show, don’t tell.
  • Be authentic and honest. Don’t try to be someone you’re not – admissions officers can tell when an applicant is trying too hard to impress.
  • Edit, edit, edit. After you’ve written your statement, take a break and come back to it later with fresh eyes. Read it out loud and make any necessary revisions.

By following these tips and techniques, you can write an effective personal statement that showcases your unique qualities and experiences. Remember to be authentic, concise, and specific, and always take the time to proofread and edit your work.

Your personal statement is a chance to shine and show admissions officers why you would be a great addition to their college community. Use this opportunity wisely and let your personality and achievements shine through.

The Dos and Don’ts of College Admissions Resumes

When it comes to crafting the perfect college admissions resume, there are certain mistakes that can greatly diminish your chances of getting accepted. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

A. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Providing irrelevant or outdated information: Your resume should only include information that is relevant to the college admissions process. Leave out any information that is not recent or does not relate to your academic achievements and experiences.

Failing to highlight achievements: Be sure to highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant work experience. These will be crucial in demonstrating why you would be a valuable addition to the college community.

Being too general: Avoid using generic language and instead provide specific details and examples of your accomplishments and experiences.

Failing to proofread: Simple spelling and grammar mistakes can leave a negative impression on admissions officers. Be sure to triple-check your resume for any errors before submitting it.

B. Examples of Bad Resumes

Here are a few examples of bad college admissions resumes:

A resume that is too long and includes irrelevant information.

A resume that is too generic and does not highlight any unique experiences or achievements.

A resume that is poorly formatted, making it difficult to read or comprehend.

C. Guidelines for Effective Resumes

To craft an effective college admissions resume, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Tailor your resume to the specific college or program to which you are applying. Highlight experiences or achievements that are particularly relevant to the college or program’s values and priorities.

Use bullet points and headers to make your resume easy to read.

Be concise and specific, using action verbs to demonstrate your achievements and experiences.

Use a professional and legible font, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and be sure to proofread for any errors.

By following these guidelines and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a strong college admissions resume that highlights your achievements and demonstrates why you would be a valuable addition to any college or university.

Frequently Asked Questions

As you create your college admissions resume, you may be wondering about certain details. Below are a few frequently asked questions to keep in mind:

A. Should I include a picture on my resume?

In general, it is not necessary to include a picture on your college admissions resume. The focus should be on your academic and extracurricular achievements, not your appearance. In fact, some colleges may even discourage applicants from including photos, as this could inadvertently lead to discrimination based on appearance, race, or other factors.

However, there may be some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you are applying to a performing arts program and your appearance is a factor in the evaluation process, you may wish to include a headshot along with your resume. Similarly, if you have a professional social media presence (such as on LinkedIn) and your profile picture is appropriate, you could consider including a link to your profile within your resume.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to include a picture on your resume should be based on your individual circumstances and the expectations of the colleges or programs to which you are applying.

B. Can I include non-academic achievements?

Absolutely! In fact, including non-academic achievements can be an excellent way to showcase your character, leadership abilities, and diverse interests.

When compiling your list of achievements, be sure to include any extracurricular activities (such as sports, clubs, or community service), volunteer work, internships, part-time jobs, or other relevant experiences. These may not be directly related to your academic coursework, but they can demonstrate your dedication, work ethic, and ability to balance multiple responsibilities.

Remember that college admissions officers are not just looking for students with high GPAs and test scores; they want to see well-rounded individuals who are passionate about their interests and have the potential to contribute positively to their campus community.

C. How long should my resume be?

The length of your resume will depend largely on your level of experience and the number of achievements you wish to highlight. In general, a college admissions resume should be no more than one to two pages in length.

If you are a high school student or recent graduate with limited experience, your resume may be shorter (one page is typically sufficient). Focus on providing a clear overview of your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any honors or awards you have received.

If you are a college student or have relevant work experience, your resume may be longer (up to two pages). Be sure to include detailed descriptions of your job responsibilities, relevant coursework, and any research or publications you have participated in.

Remember to prioritize the most important and relevant information on your resume, and format it in a clear and concise manner. This will allow admissions officers to quickly and easily understand your qualifications and achievements.

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skills to put on college application resume

20 good skills to put on resume for new grads

Looking for the top skills to include on your resume as a new grad? This guide highlights 20 essential skills to showcase your value to employers.

As a new graduate, it can be challenging to know which skills to highlight on your resume. Employers are looking for candidates who can bring a diverse set of skills to the table, and it's essential to show that you have the skills that are in demand in today's job market. Here are the top 20 skills that new grads should consider including on their resumes:

1. Critical thinking

Employers expect candidates to have strong critical thinking skills to solve problems and make informed decisions. Demonstrate your ability to analyze complex situations, evaluate different perspectives, and develop creative solutions that meet business goals. Provide examples of how you have used critical thinking to improve processes, increase efficiency, or solve complex problems.

2. Creativity

Employers appreciate candidates who can bring fresh ideas to the table and find innovative solutions. Highlight your creativity by sharing examples of how you have solved problems in unconventional ways or how you have introduced new processes that have led to positive results. Provide specific examples of how your creative approach has positively impacted your previous roles or projects.

3. Leadership

Leadership skills are highly sought-after by employers as they demonstrate the ability to motivate and manage others effectively. Highlight your experience in leading teams or projects, and provide examples of how you have inspired team members to achieve common goals. Share specific examples of how you have created a positive work environment, delegated tasks, and provided constructive feedback to team members.

4. Teamwork

Employers value team players who can collaborate, communicate effectively, and support their colleagues. Highlight your ability to work in a team by sharing examples of how you have contributed to a team's success and how you have handled conflicts or disagreements. Demonstrate how you have actively participated in team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and collaborative projects.

5. Time management

Effective time management is crucial in the workplace, and employers look for candidates who can manage their workload efficiently. Demonstrate your ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and handle multiple projects simultaneously. Share specific examples of how you have managed your time effectively to complete projects on time and handle unexpected challenges.

6. Organization

Employers seek candidates who are organized and can manage multiple tasks and projects effectively. Highlight your organizational skills by providing examples of how you have kept track of details, managed projects, and met deadlines consistently. Share specific examples of how you have organized your workday, kept track of project timelines, and prioritized tasks to meet deadlines.

7. Attention to detail

Employers look for candidates who pay attention to detail, especially in industries such as healthcare, finance, and law. Showcase your ability to catch errors, maintain accuracy, and deliver high-quality work. Highlight specific instances where your attention to detail has resulted in positive outcomes, such as catching errors before they become costly mistakes, ensuring compliance with regulations, or improving the quality of deliverables.

8. Adaptability

The job market is constantly evolving, and employers want candidates who can adapt to new situations and challenges. Highlight your flexibility by sharing examples of how you have adjusted to changes in your previous roles or how you have learned new skills quickly. Demonstrate your ability to be open to new ideas, take on new responsibilities, and adjust your approach to achieve results in a changing environment.

9. Customer service

Employers want candidates who can provide exceptional customer service to build strong relationships with clients. Highlight your experience in providing customer service and showcase how you have handled challenging situations to ensure customer satisfaction. Share specific examples of how you have handled difficult customers, resolved complaints, and exceeded customer expectations.

10. Communication

As a new graduate, it's essential to showcase your communication skills through your resume and interview. Employers seek candidates who can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, to convey ideas, collaborate with team members, and interact with clients. Highlight your ability to tailor your communication style to different audiences, use active listening skills, and convey complex information in an easy-to-understand manner. Share specific examples of how you have effectively communicated in your previous roles or projects.

11. Data analysis

Data analysis is becoming increasingly important in many industries. Highlight your ability to collect and analyze data by showcasing your experience in data analysis tools and techniques. Share specific examples of how you have used data analysis to inform decision-making, identify trends, and solve complex problems.

12. Technical skills

Depending on your field, you may need to have technical skills, such as coding or proficiency in specific software programs. Highlight your technical skills by providing examples of how you have used them in previous roles or projects. Showcase your ability to learn new technical skills quickly and adapt to changes in technology.

13. Project management

If you've managed projects in the past, be sure to highlight your experience. Employers want candidates who can manage projects from start to finish. Showcase your project management skills by sharing specific examples of how you have planned, executed, and monitored projects, managed resources, and delivered successful outcomes. Highlight your ability to collaborate with stakeholders and communicate project progress effectively.

If you've worked in sales, highlight your experience. Sales skills are valuable in many industries. Showcase your sales skills by providing examples of how you have achieved sales targets, built relationships with customers, and closed deals. Highlight your ability to prospect, negotiate, and communicate effectively with clients.

15. Marketing

If you've worked in marketing, highlight your experience. Marketing skills are valuable in many industries. Showcase your marketing skills by providing examples of how you have developed and executed marketing campaigns, managed social media platforms, and analyzed market trends. Highlight your ability to create compelling content, work with cross-functional teams, and measure the success of marketing initiatives.

16. Public speaking

Public speaking is a valuable skill that requires confidence, preparation, and effective communication. Showcase your ability to speak in front of an audience by highlighting your experience in delivering presentations, leading discussions, or participating in public speaking events. Emphasize your ability to connect with the audience, deliver messages with impact, and handle questions and feedback.

17. Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are essential in the workplace and involve communication, collaboration, and relationship-building. Highlight your ability to build positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders by providing examples of how you have worked with diverse teams, managed conflicts, and demonstrated empathy and respect. Emphasize your ability to listen actively, provide feedback constructively, and communicate effectively in different settings.

18. Research

Research skills are valuable in many industries and involve gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to inform decisions and solve problems. Highlight your ability to conduct research by showcasing your experience in designing and implementing research studies, collecting and analyzing data, and synthesizing information. Emphasize your ability to use various research methods, tools, and technologies, and to present findings in a clear and compelling way.

19. Writing

Writing skills are essential in many industries and involve communicating ideas, information, and messages through various media. Highlight your ability to write by showcasing your experience in writing different types of documents, such as reports, proposals, emails, or social media posts. Emphasize your ability to write clearly and concisely, adapt to different audiences and purposes, and use correct grammar, syntax, and punctuation.

20. Presentation skills

If you've given presentations in the past, highlight your experience in delivering effective and engaging presentations. Emphasize your ability to plan and prepare presentations, use visual aids and multimedia effectively, and deliver messages with clarity and impact. Provide examples of how you have adapted your presentation style to different audiences, managed time effectively, and received positive feedback.

Hard Skills vs soft skills

When crafting your resume or preparing for an interview, it's important to understand the difference between hard skills and soft skills. Both types of skills are valuable, but they serve different purposes in the workplace. Here's a breakdown of hard skills vs. soft skills and how to showcase them effectively:

Hard Skills:

Hard skills are specific, technical skills that can be taught and measured. Examples of hard skills include programming, data analysis, or graphic design. These skills are typically learned through formal education, training programs, or on-the-job experience. Hard skills are often used to demonstrate proficiency in a particular area or to qualify for a specific job.

To showcase your hard skills, it's important to be specific and provide concrete examples of how you have used these skills in past roles or projects. Use relevant keywords and include any certifications or training programs you have completed to demonstrate your expertise in these areas. You can also highlight any technical tools or software programs you are proficient in.

Soft Skills:

Soft skills, on the other hand, are personal attributes that are often harder to measure or quantify. Examples of soft skills include communication, teamwork, and leadership. Soft skills are often considered to be just as important as hard skills because they can affect how well you work with others and adapt to new situations.

To showcase your soft skills, provide examples of how you have used them to achieve specific goals or overcome challenges. Use specific examples to demonstrate your ability to work well with others, communicate effectively, or lead a team. Soft skills can also be highlighted in your cover letter or personal statement, where you can discuss your personal values and work ethic.

Common Questions

What skills should i include on my resume.

It depends on the job you are applying for and the industry you want to work in. Generally, you should include skills that are relevant to the job and showcase your strengths and abilities.

How many skills should I include on my resume?

You should include the skills that are most relevant to the job, but try to keep it to around 10-15 skills. Including too many skills can make your resume look cluttered and unfocused.

Should I include soft skills on my resume?

Yes, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and time management are highly valued by employers. These skills can demonstrate your ability to work well with others and adapt to new situations.

How should I format my skills section on my resume?

You can format your skills section as a bullet list or a table. Use bullet points to list your skills and highlight the ones that are most relevant to the job. You can also group similar skills together and use subheadings to make the section more organized.

How can I showcase my skills on my resume?

You can showcase your skills by providing examples of how you have used them in past roles or projects. Use action verbs and specific examples to demonstrate your achievements and show how your skills can benefit the company.

Can I include skills that I don't have much experience in?

It's okay to include skills that you are still developing, but make sure to be honest about your level of experience. You can also highlight your willingness to learn and improve in these areas.

Should I customize my skills section for each job application?

Yes, you should customize your skills section for each job application to highlight the skills that are most relevant to the job. Use keywords from the job description to ensure that your resume passes the initial screening process.

Should I include certifications or training in my skills section?

Yes, you can include relevant certifications or training in your skills section to demonstrate your expertise in a particular area. This can also show that you are committed to continuous learning and professional development.

In conclusion, as a new graduate, it's essential to highlight the skills that are in demand in today's job market. By including the skills listed above on your resume, you'll be able to show employers that you have the skills and abilities they're looking for in a candidate. Good luck with your job search!

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Top 12 Admissions Counselor Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today's competitive college admissions landscape, standing out as an admissions counselor requires a unique set of skills that showcase your expertise in guiding students through the intricate process of college applications. Crafting a resume that highlights these essential skills is key to demonstrating your ability to navigate and influence the future of prospective students effectively.

Top 12 Admissions Counselor Skills to Put on Your Resume

Admissions Counselor Skills

  • Interpersonal
  • Multitasking
  • Data Analysis
  • Recruitment
  • Microsoft Office

1. Salesforce

Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps organizations manage communication and interactions with prospective students, streamline admissions processes, and enhance engagement strategies.

Why It's Important

Salesforce is important for an Admissions Counselor because it streamlines student data management, enhances communication with prospective students, and automates administrative tasks, improving efficiency and enabling a personalized recruitment approach.

How to Improve Salesforce Skills

To improve Salesforce for an Admissions Counselor, consider the following concise strategies:

Customize the CRM: Tailor Salesforce to fit the specific needs of admissions by customizing fields and layouts to track student interactions, applications, and enrollment status efficiently.

Automate Tasks: Use Salesforce's automation tools like Process Builder and Workflow Rules to automate repetitive tasks such as email follow-ups, task assignments, and application status updates.

Integrate with Communication Platforms: Integrate Salesforce with email and social media platforms to streamline communication with prospective students and to keep all interactions in one place.

Leverage Analytics: Utilize Salesforce’s reporting and analytics to track the effectiveness of different recruitment strategies and to make data-driven decisions.

Implement Training: Ensure all users undergo Salesforce training to fully leverage the CRM's capabilities, focusing on features most relevant to admissions counseling.

Use Salesforce Communities: Create a Salesforce Community for prospective and admitted students to foster engagement, provide information, and answer queries, making the admissions process more interactive and accessible.

By focusing on these strategies, an Admissions Counselor can effectively use Salesforce to streamline processes, improve communication with applicants, and make data-informed decisions to enhance recruitment efforts.

How to Display Salesforce Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Salesforce Skills on Your Resume

Slate is a comprehensive platform used by admissions counselors for managing and automating various aspects of the college admissions process, including applications, communications, and data analysis.

Slate is important because it streamlines the admissions process by providing a comprehensive platform for managing applications, communications, and data analysis, thereby enhancing efficiency and decision-making for admissions counselors.

How to Improve Slate Skills

Improving your Slate CRM as an Admissions Counselor involves optimizing its features to enhance prospective student engagement and streamline the admissions process. Here are concise strategies:

Automate Communication : Use Slate's communication plan features to automate personalized emails and text messages based on applicant actions or status changes.

Optimize Query Tool : Utilize the Query tool to segment your prospect and applicant pools for targeted communication, ensuring relevant information reaches the right audience.

Enhance Landing Pages : Create engaging, mobile-friendly Slate-hosted landing pages for events, programs, or campaigns, incorporating multimedia elements to attract prospective students.

Leverage Slate Reader : Streamline application review by fully utilizing Slate Reader, including rubrics and scoring, to make the process more efficient and comprehensive.

Implement Slate Scheduler : Use Slate Scheduler for easy appointment, interview, and event scheduling, reducing administrative tasks and improving the applicant experience.

Utilize Reports and Dashboard : Regularly analyze Slate's reporting tools and dashboards to monitor the effectiveness of your strategies, make data-driven decisions, and adjust your approach as needed.

Continuous Training : Engage in ongoing learning through Technolutions Academy and Slate Innovation Festival workshops to stay updated on new features and best practices.

By strategically utilizing these features, you can enhance your efficiency as an Admissions Counselor and provide a more personalized, responsive application experience for prospective students.

How to Display Slate Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Slate Skills on Your Resume

3. PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft is a comprehensive software suite used by organizations, including educational institutions, to manage various administrative and business processes. For an Admissions Counselor, PeopleSoft provides tools for managing student information, admissions applications, communications, and reporting, streamlining the enrollment and admissions process.

PeopleSoft is important for an Admissions Counselor because it streamlines the management of applicant data, enhances communication with applicants, and automates enrollment processes, thereby improving efficiency and decision-making in admissions.

How to Improve PeopleSoft Skills

To enhance PeopleSoft for an Admissions Counselor, focus on customization, integration, and user training.

Customize the interface and workflows to streamline admissions processes. Tailor forms and reports to meet specific needs. PeopleSoft Customization

Integrate with CRM systems for better applicant tracking and communication. This ensures seamless data flow and improved engagement strategies. CRM Integration Guide

Enhance User Experience through regular training sessions and support for the admissions team, ensuring they can leverage all PeopleSoft features effectively. PeopleSoft User Learning

Incorporating these strategies can significantly improve efficiency and user satisfaction in the admissions process.

How to Display PeopleSoft Skills on Your Resume

How to Display PeopleSoft Skills on Your Resume

4. Interpersonal

Interpersonal refers to the ability to effectively communicate, interact, and build relationships with others, crucial for an Admissions Counselor to guide and support prospective students and their families through the admissions process.

Interpersonal skills are crucial for an Admissions Counselor as they enable effective communication, build strong relationships with prospective students and their families, and facilitate a supportive, understanding, and persuasive environment that guides students through the admissions process successfully.

How to Improve Interpersonal Skills

Improving interpersonal skills, especially for an Admissions Counselor, involves enhancing communication, empathy, active listening, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are crucial for effectively interacting with students, parents, and colleagues. Here are concise strategies with resources for further exploration:

Active Listening : Focus intently on the speaker, acknowledge their message, and respond thoughtfully. MindTools offers tips on refining active listening skills.

Effective Communication : Clearly convey your thoughts and feedback in a respectful manner. The Harvard Business Review provides insights on improving communication skills.

Empathy : Strive to understand and share the feelings of others. This Greater Good Magazine article by the University of California, Berkeley, explores the importance of empathy and how to develop it.

Problem-Solving : Develop the ability to find solutions to challenges in a calm and efficient way. The American Psychological Association offers strategies for better problem-solving.

Conflict Resolution : Learn techniques to manage and resolve disputes effectively. The PON - Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School provides resources on conflict resolution strategies.

By focusing on these areas, Admissions Counselors can significantly enhance their interpersonal skills, leading to more productive and positive interactions.

How to Display Interpersonal Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Interpersonal Skills on Your Resume

5. Multitasking

Multitasking involves simultaneously managing multiple tasks, responsibilities, or projects efficiently to achieve goals or meet deadlines, essential for an Admissions Counselor to effectively handle diverse applicant queries, documentation, and administrative duties.

Multitasking is crucial for an Admissions Counselor as it enables efficient handling of multiple applications, prompt response to student inquiries, and effective management of deadlines, ensuring a smooth and responsive admissions process.

How to Improve Multitasking Skills

Improving multitasking, especially for an Admissions Counselor, involves honing organizational skills, prioritizing tasks, and leveraging technology to streamline processes. Here's a concise guide:

Organize Your Work : Begin by organizing tasks by priority and deadline. Tools like Trello or Asana can help visualize tasks and timelines.

Focus on Time Management : Allocate specific time blocks for different tasks. The Pomodoro Technique is effective for managing time efficiently.

Limit Interruptions : Use tools like Freedom to minimize digital distractions and maintain focus.

Develop Strong Communication Skills : Efficient communication minimizes misunderstandings and streamlines work. Resources like Toastmasters International can enhance your communication skills.

Leverage Technology : Automate repetitive tasks with software. For instance, Zapier can automate workflows between different apps.

Practice Mindfulness and Stress-Management : Techniques such as meditation can improve focus and cognitive flexibility. Apps like Headspace offer guided sessions.

Continuous Learning : Stay updated with the latest in education and counseling by following resources like NACAC for professional development.

By systematically organizing tasks, managing time, and utilizing technology, an Admissions Counselor can significantly improve multitasking abilities.

How to Display Multitasking Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Multitasking Skills on Your Resume

A Banner in the context of an Admissions Counselor refers to a comprehensive computer information system used by colleges and universities for managing applicant and student data, including applications, enrollments, grades, and financial aid information.

Banner is crucial for an Admissions Counselor because it provides a comprehensive database for managing applicant information, streamlining enrollment processes, and facilitating effective communication with prospective students.

How to Improve Banner Skills

To enhance your banner for an Admissions Counselor role, follow these concise strategies:

Use Clear and Compelling Text : Keep your message brief and to the point. Highlight key benefits or unique selling points of the admissions process or institution. For example, "Transform Your Future at [University Name]".

Incorporate High-Quality Images : Choose images that resonate with your target audience, such as campus life, happy students, or a prestigious landmark of your institution.

Apply Your Brand Colors and Logo : Ensure your banner aligns with your institution's branding for instant recognition.

Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA) : Use action-oriented language that prompts the viewer to take the next step. For example, "Apply Now" or "Discover More", linking directly to the application page or more information.

Optimize for Mobile : Ensure your banner looks great and functions well on mobile devices, as many users will view it on their phones.

Test and Iterate : Use A/B testing to see which versions of your banner perform the best and adjust accordingly.

For reference and further reading on creating effective ads and banners, you might find these resources helpful:

  • HubSpot’s Guide to Creating Ads
  • Canva’s Banner Design Tips

Remember, the goal of your banner is to capture attention, convey your message quickly, and encourage potential students to take the next step in their educational journey.

How to Display Banner Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Banner Skills on Your Resume

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a tool or system used by Admissions Counselors to manage and analyze interactions with prospective students throughout the enrollment process, aiming to improve relationships and increase enrollment rates.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is crucial for an Admissions Counselor as it enables personalized, efficient communication with prospective students, streamlines the application process, and helps in maintaining relationships, ultimately improving enrollment rates and student satisfaction.

How to Improve CRM Skills

To improve CRM as an Admissions Counselor, focus on:

Personalization : Customize communication based on prospective students' interests and previous interactions. Utilize data within your CRM to tailor emails, texts, and calls. Personalization Strategies.

Automation : Implement automated workflows for follow-ups, appointment scheduling, and reminders to increase efficiency and ensure timely communication. Tools like Zapier can connect your CRM to other applications for seamless automation.

Segmentation : Group prospects based on criteria like program interest, geographic location, or engagement level for more targeted outreach. HubSpot's Guide on segmentation offers useful strategies.

Data Analysis : Regularly review CRM data to identify trends, track conversion rates, and adjust strategies accordingly. Google Analytics can complement CRM data for deeper insights.

Training : Ensure all users are fully trained on CRM features and best practices for data entry and management to maintain data integrity and maximize CRM potential. Salesforce Trailhead offers comprehensive training modules.

By focusing on these areas, you can enhance your CRM's effectiveness in supporting recruitment efforts and improving prospective student engagement.

How to Display CRM Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CRM Skills on Your Resume

8. Data Analysis

Data analysis involves systematically examining, cleaning, and interpreting data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights, aiding in informed decision-making, a crucial practice for an Admissions Counselor to optimize recruitment strategies and student success initiatives.

Data analysis is crucial for an Admissions Counselor as it enables informed decision-making by uncovering trends and insights from application data, improving student recruitment strategies, and enhancing student success rates by identifying areas for support and intervention.

How to Improve Data Analysis Skills

Improving data analysis for an Admissions Counselor involves enhancing the accuracy, speed, and effectiveness of analyzing student data to make informed decisions. Here are concise steps with relevant resources:

Enhance Excel Skills : Master advanced Excel features for data analysis. Visit Excel Easy for tutorials.

Learn Data Visualization Tools : Use tools like Tableau or Power BI for insightful visuals. Explore Tableau Learning and Microsoft Power BI Learning .

Understand Statistics Basics : Improve decision-making with a solid foundation in statistics. Khan Academy’s Statistics and Probability offers free learning resources.

Adopt CRM Software : Use CRM systems tailored for education sectors for better data management. Salesforce for Education provides a comprehensive suite.

Engage in Professional Development : Participate in webinars and courses specific to admissions counseling. The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) offers resources and training.

Practice Data-Driven Decision Making : Implement a culture of making decisions based on data analysis findings. The book “Data-Driven Decision Making” available at Amazon can be a good resource.

Network with Peers : Exchange knowledge and best practices with peers through forums and LinkedIn groups. LinkedIn is a great platform for professional networking.

By focusing on these areas, an Admissions Counselor can significantly improve their data analysis skills, leading to better student engagement and enrollment outcomes.

How to Display Data Analysis Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Data Analysis Skills on Your Resume

9. Recruitment

Recruitment, in the context of an Admissions Counselor, involves identifying, engaging, and attracting prospective students to apply and enroll in an educational institution.

Recruitment is crucial for an Admissions Counselor as it ensures the selection of qualified and diverse candidates, helping to maintain and enhance the institution's academic standards and reputation, while also supporting its growth and financial sustainability through tuition revenues.

How to Improve Recruitment Skills

Improving recruitment, especially for an Admissions Counselor, involves strategic planning and leveraging technology. Here's a concise guide:

Understand Your Audience : Deeply research your target demographics to tailor your messages effectively. Pew Research Center offers valuable insights into various demographic trends.

Optimize Digital Presence : Ensure your institution's website is user-friendly and informative. Platforms like WordPress can help improve website design and functionality.

Leverage Social Media : Use platforms like LinkedIn , Instagram , and Facebook to engage with potential students and share success stories.

Implement CRM Tools : Use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like Salesforce for Education to streamline communication and maintain relationships with prospective students.

Personalize Communication : Tailor communications to address the interests and concerns of prospective students. Email marketing tools like Mailchimp can help segment and personalize messages.

Host Virtual Events : Utilize platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams for webinars and virtual tours to engage with prospects remotely.

Engage in Community Outreach : Participate in local and online community events to raise awareness. Tools like Meetup can help find relevant events and groups.

Continuous Training for Staff : Ensure your team is well-trained in the latest recruitment strategies and technologies. Online learning platforms like LinkedIn Learning offer courses on various relevant subjects.

By integrating these strategies, Admissions Counselors can significantly enhance their recruitment efforts, making the process more efficient and effective.

How to Display Recruitment Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Recruitment Skills on Your Resume

10. Advising

Advising, in the context of an Admissions Counselor, involves guiding prospective and current students through the college admission process, helping them understand application requirements, select suitable programs, and make informed decisions about their educational paths.

Advising is crucial for an Admissions Counselor as it helps guide prospective students through the application process, ensuring they make informed decisions about their educational journey, aligning their goals with the right programs, and maximizing their chances for success and satisfaction in their chosen field of study.

How to Improve Advising Skills

Improving advising as an Admissions Counselor involves enhancing communication, updating knowledge, and leveraging technology. Here are concise strategies:

Develop Active Listening Skills : Ensuring you fully understand prospective students' needs and concerns. Active listening techniques can enhance your ability to understand and address queries effectively.

Stay Informed : Keep up-to-date with admission policies, program changes, and educational trends. The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) offers resources and updates relevant to admissions professionals.

Utilize CRM Software : Employ Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools to manage and analyze interactions with prospective students efficiently. Salesforce.org provides solutions tailored for higher education.

Offer Personalized Advising : Tailor your advice to meet the individual needs and aspirations of each student. Techniques for personalized advising can significantly impact student decisions and satisfaction.

Engage in Professional Development : Participate in workshops, webinars, and conferences to hone your advising skills. ACAC’s Professional Development section offers numerous opportunities for admissions counselors.

Leverage Social Media and Technology : Use social media platforms to communicate, inform, and engage with prospective students. Sprout Social offers insights on how to effectively use social media for engagement.

Implementing these strategies can significantly improve the quality of advising provided by Admissions Counselors, leading to better student experiences and outcomes.

How to Display Advising Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Advising Skills on Your Resume

11. Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a suite of productivity software that includes Word for document creation, Excel for spreadsheets, PowerPoint for presentations, and Outlook for email and calendar management, essential for administrative tasks and student communication in an academic setting.

Microsoft Office is essential for an Admissions Counselor as it provides comprehensive tools for creating professional documents, managing data, and streamlining communication, crucial for efficiently handling admissions processes and maintaining organized records.

How to Improve Microsoft Office Skills

Improving Microsoft Office for an Admissions Counselor involves focusing on customization, automation, and efficiency enhancements. Here's a concise guide:

Customize the Ribbon : Tailor the Microsoft Office Ribbon by adding frequently used commands and creating custom tabs relevant to admissions tasks. Customize the Ribbon.

Use Templates : Utilize and create templates in Word and Excel for common documents and spreadsheets, such as admission forms or communication templates. Templates in Office .

Learn Quick Access Toolbar : Add your most-used commands to the Quick Access Toolbar for one-click access in any document. Quick Access Toolbar.

Master Keyboard Shortcuts : Increase efficiency by learning and using keyboard shortcuts for frequent actions. Keyboard Shortcuts for Office.

Automate with Power Automate : Use Power Automate to automate repetitive tasks, like data entry and email notifications, saving time for more strategic work. Power Automate.

Integrate Microsoft Forms : Use Microsoft Forms for creating surveys, quizzes, and feedback forms to streamline the collection of information from applicants. Microsoft Forms .

Leverage Excel's Advanced Features : Utilize Excel's advanced features, such as PivotTables, to analyze and visualize admissions data effectively. Excel PivotTables .

Collaborate with Teams and OneDrive : Use Teams for communication and collaboration with your team and OneDrive for storing and sharing documents securely. Teams and OneDrive.

By focusing on these areas, Admissions Counselors can significantly enhance their productivity and efficiency in managing admissions processes with Microsoft Office.

How to Display Microsoft Office Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Microsoft Office Skills on Your Resume

Zoom is a video conferencing platform that facilitates virtual meetings, webinars, and real-time communication for educational, business, and personal use.

Zoom is crucial for Admissions Counselors as it enables efficient, personal, and accessible virtual interactions with prospective students, facilitating interviews, information sessions, and guidance from anywhere, enhancing the recruitment and decision-making process.

How to Improve Zoom Skills

To improve Zoom as an Admissions Counselor, focus on enhancing interaction, streamlining scheduling, and securing privacy:

Enhance Interaction : Utilize Breakout Rooms for smaller group discussions or one-on-one sessions with students. Zoom Help Center: Breakout Rooms

Streamline Scheduling : Implement Zoom's Scheduling Assistant for coordinating meetings or interviews with prospective students efficiently. Zoom Help Center: Scheduling Meetings

Secure Privacy : Apply Waiting Rooms and Password Protection to ensure meetings are secure and accessible only to intended participants. Zoom Help Center: Meeting and Webinar Passwords

By focusing on these areas, you can create a more engaging, efficient, and secure virtual environment for prospective students.

How to Display Zoom Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Zoom Skills on Your Resume

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Blog Resume Help Resume Skills Section

How to List Skills in Your Resume Skills Section

The skills section of your resume gives hiring managers a snapshot of your abilities, allowing them to see if you match the job’s requirements at a glance

skills to put on college application resume

As featured in *

How to find skills to put in your resume skills section

Where to list skills on your resume, types of skills to list on your resume, frequently asked questions about resume skills sections.

In this article, we’ll share the three keys to writing an effective resume skills section: how to identify the best skills to include on your resume , where to put them, and what types of skills you should include.

Follow these four steps, and choosing which skills make the cut will be straightforward.

skills to put on college application resume

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1. Brainstorm your skills

You have your own distinct set of marketable skills. Making a list of your skills and then deciding which of these abilities are relevant to the job you want helps you create the best possible resume skills section.

Some work-related abilities are learned in school, others are mastered on the job, and sometimes they’re picked up through extracurricular activities or volunteer work . These types of skill are known as hard skills .

Soft skills relate to your personality, and you can list these skills on your resume to round out your skills section.

Write down every skill you possess in a Google Doc . Then, organize these skills into hard and soft skills . A combination of these skills should be put in the skills section of your resume to show employers you’re a well-rounded applicant.

2. Check the job ad

To create a job-winning resume skills section, list skills that are:

  • relevant to the position
  • mentioned in the job description

While job descriptions often explicitly mention skills that are required or preferred, job ads sometimes hint at desired skills as well.

Take this certified nursing assistant job listing, for instance. Yellow highlights denote soft skills; orange signals hard skills:

CNA skills to be used on a certified nursing assistant's resume skills section.

You can figure out what the hiring manager wants if you look close enough — particularly when it comes to desirable soft skills.

Check out these four examples:

  • “Reporting observations of the patient”  → Oral communication skills
  • “Completing forms, reports, logs, and records” → Written communication skills
  • “Prepare rooms” → Organizational skills
  • “Answering patients’ … requests” → People skills

Some of your skills will match the ones on the job description, and others will be loosely related. So indicate how your skills can help you do the job by providing more detail in your work history section .

Depending on your industry, the number of hard and soft skills you list should differ. For instance, the best engineering skills include many technical skills , and technical skills are hard skills.

By contrast, if you’re a bartender, you need well-rounded interpersonal skills to deal with customers and colleagues. In this case, soft skills should feature in your resume skills section (except for the number of cocktails you know how to make — definitely display that hard skill).

3. Get more ideas for skills online

If you still need skills to fill up your resume’s skill section, here are some more sources for ideas:

  • LinkedIn : Look at the LinkedIn page of employees working in similar roles as the job you’re applying for and check whether you have skills in common. If you do, use them on your resume.
  • O*Net Online and similar sites : O*Net Online lets you view skills by occupation. Type a job into its search bar, and it shows you a list of skills to add to your resume.
  • Other job ads (for similar roles) : You can also look at job sites for similar roles and use skill keywords on your resume if they apply to you.

Additionally, if you want to save time, use a resume maker to fill out your skills section . Some resume builder software automatically pulls from a database to suggest relevant skills for your resume, saving you the effort of searching yourself.

To help your job search even more, add some job-relevant skills to your LinkedIn to help your profile stand out and show up in more searches.

4. Cut irrelevant skills

Now you’ve listed your skills and checked the job ad, decide which skills to put on your resume.

If you’re writing a bank teller resume , your time management skills and number skills should be emphasized.

However, if you’re writing a sports coach resume , you should instead focus on your sports certifications and teaching-related soft skills.

Once you’ve narrowed down your list to only skills related to your target job, you’re close to creating a good skills section.

Here’s more advice on what to include in your skills section:

@resumegenius Your skills section is an important part of your resume. To write a strong skills section, you first need to know how to choose the right skills to add and learn how to highlight them effectively. 📝 Watch this video to learn what to put in your skills section. Read more tips on how to list your skills on your resume here: 🔸 resumegeniusDOTme/skills-section-resume #resumetips #resumegenius #skills #careeradvice #resumewriting #jobsearchtips ♬ Campfire – Charmer & Klay

How many skills you end up putting on your resume depends on you. If you have an impressive number of job-relevant skills, spread them across your resume in places like your work experience section and resume introduction .

skills to put on college application resume

How to make a resume

Read our guide to learn everything you need to know about how to make a resume that highlights your skills and impresses employers.

However, your resume’s skills section has limited space. Each skill you list should be related to the job you’re applying to, or else hiring managers will pass over your resume in favor of resumes more targeted to the position.

There are three types of skills sections you can use to highlight your key skills, and the type you choose determines how many skills you list:

  • Additional skills section
  • Technical skills section
  • Relevant skills section

1. Additional skills section

An additional skills section (or skills section) is a standard component of a resume. Hiring managers expect to see at least a basic skills section, so you’ll see it on most resume templates you see online.

On a traditional chronological resume , your additional skills section should be small, while your work experience section should take up the most space.

Because you use your experience section to showcase your skills-based accomplishments on your resume , you can rely on your work history section to market your skills.

However, you should still put anywhere from three to eight or nine relevant skills in your skills section, and each one can help make a strong case as to why you’re the perfect hire.

Here’s an example of an additional skills section on a server resume :

An additional skills section on a server resume.

  • Entry-level positions
  • Customer- or client-focused roles
  • Career change resumes

2. Technical skills section

If your skill-set is equally as important to the job as your work experience, then having a dedicated technical skills section on your resume is an effective way to impress hiring managers by highlighting your technical prowess.

A technical skills section is paired with an additional skills section. Your technical skills section should be more prominent because hiring managers need to see you have these skills.

Check out this example of a technical skills section from a machine learning resume :

Languages: Python, R, SQL ML Frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn Deep Learning: CNNs, RNNs, Transformers Big Data: Apache Spark, Hadoop Cloud Platforms: AWS SageMaker, Google Cloud AI Platform

Because machine learning work demands a specialized set of abilities, this applicant includes their technical skills on their resume. They also break their machine learning skills down into core areas like languages, frameworks, and platforms, which organizes an extensive list into easy-to-read chunks of skills for the hiring manager.

  • Jobs that require many technical skills
  • Applicants with many years of experience
  • Candidates in the IT, medical, marketing, and research sectors

To showcase your skill set, use a skills bar or other visual element to highlight skill levels for your resume .

3. Relevant skills section

A relevant skills section is used on a functional resume or a skills-based resume , which you can use to downplay your work experience if you have extensive work history gaps or are transferring into a new industry.

Using a relevant skills section allows you to demonstrate how past achievements and work have helped you hone specific skills.

If you use a relevant skills section, it should be larger than your work experience section, as you can see on these resume samples :

Server Resume

Welder Resume

Sales Clerk Resume

  • Job seekers switching industries
  • Workers with gaps in their work history
  • Applicants with skills they want to detail in depth

Still unsure how to fill out the skills section of your resume? Consider using a combination of these types of skills:

Transferable skills

While some skills are specific to certain industries, many are transferable across industries. Transferable skills are especially relevant on career change resumes because you might not have many skills related to your new field.

Use a career change cover letter to explain why you’re changing industries and reassure the hiring manager you’re prepared for the switch.

Transferable hard skills

Many people want to know how to list Microsoft skills on their resume because many companies have made using Microsoft Office Suite a fundamental part of their employees’ daily routine.

In addition to adding the various Microsoft skills you’ve mastered to your resume, you should consider listing some of these other key transferable hard skills:

  • Language fluency
  • Computer skills (G Suite, Microsoft Office 365, HTML, cloud management)
  • Writing (technical writing, copywriting, blogging)
  • Spreadsheets (Excel, Google Sheets)
  • Marketing (search engine optimization, Google AdWords, Google Analytics)

Transferable soft skills

Most soft skills are transferable, so you should try to develop these skills during your time at every company.

Time management, communication, people skills — all of these skills and more can be honed and developed in any job, and can be conveyed on a resume and in interviews.

Some key transferable soft skills include:

  • Leadership skills (conflict resolution, delegation, problem solving)
  • Organizational skills (goal setting, dependability, scheduling)
  • Management skills (forecasting, public speaking, mentoring)

Industry-specific skills

Depending on the field you’re applying to, you need to add industry-specific skills to your resume.

Most industry-specific skills are hard skills, but certain jobs require even more well-developed soft skills than others.

For example, an undertaker will need perfect interpersonal skills, and the CEO of a company will need to have better leadership skills than 99% of people.

  • Administrative assistant skills
  • Project manager skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Marketing skills
  • Nursing skills
  • Sales skills
  • Sales associate skills
  • Cashier skills
  • Bartender skills
  • Server skills
  • Accounting skills
  • Medical assistant skills
  • Graphic design skills

If you still have unanswered questions about listing skills on your resume, check out these commonly asked questions:

How do you categorize skills on a resume?

Here’s how you categorize skills on a resume:

List your hard skills first. You can categorize these skills under the heading “hard skills.” Hard skills are the skills or certifications necessary to do the job. For example, you need a driver’s license to be a taxi driver.

List your soft skills next. You can categorize these skills under the heading “soft skills” or “additional skills.” Soft skills are linked to your personality. For example, if you’re outgoing, you likely have great interpersonal skills. Employers want to hire people with strong soft skills because they work better within a team.

How can I describe my skills on my resume?

Describe your skills on your resume by focusing on your accomplishments and using action-oriented language.

Instead of just listing skills, provide specific examples of how you’ve applied those skills to achieve results in the professional experience section of your resume. Use your bullet points to describe achievements and connect them to relevant skills, and quantify achievements by using metrics to demonstrate the impact of your skills.

What should not be listed in a resume skills section?

Things that shouldn’t be listed in your resume skills section are irrelevant or overly generic skills.

Skills that aren’t related to the job you’re applying for clutter your resume and dilute its focus. Additionally, omit skills that are too basic or assumed for the role. For example, basic computer skills or proficiency in Microsoft Office are assumed for a lot of jobs and probably don’t need to be listed unless specifically mentioned in the job ad.

Prioritize skills that directly align with the job description to demonstrate that you’re a perfect match for the role.

Headshot of Samuel Johns, CPRW

Samuel Johns, CPRW

Senior Content Editor & CPRW

Samuel Johns is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Career Coach at Resume Genius. In his 5 years of experience in the careers space, he has helped hundreds of job seekers craft high-quality resumes and cover letters, ace interviews, and land their dream jobs. Born and raised in County Durham, UK, Sam graduated with a bachelor’s degree in French Language and Literature from the University of Bristol, UK in 2013. Samuel’s job-hunt advice has been published in numerous online outlets, including Dollar Sprout, The Enterprisers Project, and Tech Crunch. Feel free to reach out to Samuel through his LinkedIn if you’d like to collaborate. Please note, we don’t accept guest posts and won’t reply to such requests.

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Resume Skills Section

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24 College Student Resumes That Landed Jobs in 2024

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Writing Your College Student Resume

Companies sometimes require that entry-level candidates have experience, but how do you get experience when even entry-level jobs make it difficult to apply?

Getting that first job or internship can be the most challenging part of your career. Fortunately, as a college student, you’re in a great position to get that first break you need. Once you get your degree, you’ll have the experience employers are seeking, but until then, how can you build an effective resume or write a cover letter as a college student?

After reviewing countless  resume samples , we’ve determined what types employers want to see from college students. Furthermore, we used that knowledge to create  24 college student resume examples to help inspire your resume in 2024 .

College Student Resume Example

or download as PDF

College student resume example

Why this resume works

  • This lets employers know when you can work full-time. Whatever you do, be honest. Stretching the truth won’t get you any points with employers. It’s better to be upfront and willing to learn a skill rather than try to succeed by the skin of your teeth.
  • The golden rule on your college student resume is to lead with your strengths. If you’ve got a relevant internship, add it. If you’ve done any related class projects, list them. No matter what you include, make sure to highlight transferable skills.

Undergraduate Student Resume

Undergraduate student resume example with project experience

  • To impress the recruiter, demonstrate the dedication you have had in your previous posts despite minimal experience.

University Student Resume

University student resume example with internship experience

  • In that case, your university student resume can capitalize on your analytical skills, which helped identify cost-saving opportunities and cut overall expenses by six percent.

College Student No Experience Resume

College student no experience resume example

  • Luckily, there are a host of  resume templates  you can use to format your experience well, so long as you adjust based on your qualifications.
  • For example, you can add or remove sections based on the amount of work history you have (or don’t have).
  • For example, being on the club basketball team may feel irrelevant to business analysis. But by focusing on how you’ve organized practices and led a local volunteer effort, your  college student no experience resume  can point to qualities that might appeal to a thoughtful employer.

Current College Student Resume

Current college student resume example

  • A reverse-chronological format is still the most accepted, but if you want to highlight your skills, try using a functional format instead.
  • Adding relevant metrics shows that you know what matters to your employer and you’ve positively impacted your previous workplace.

College Student for Internship Resume

College student for internship resume example with 8 years of experience

  • That’s okay—you can weave in other things, like projects and part-time jobs. Of course, if you do have internship or job experience, put that at the top.
  • It’s as easy as checking the  job description . Then just list your relevant abilities according to what matches the keywords listed by the employer.

College Student Assistant Medical Laboratory Technician Resume Example

College student assistant medical laboratory technician resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Do you have a unique interest related to science? Are you involved in a sport? Do you volunteer? All of these hobbies are great additions to your resume.
  • If you’ve just graduated, you can bulk up your education section.
  • Feel free to add any college awards you won and your GPA (if it’s higher than 3.5).

College Student HR Executive Assistant Resume

College student hr executive assistant resume example

  • As a rule of thumb, we recommend including one if you’re light on experience or are going through a substantial career change. Otherwise, leave it out in favor of work experience. 
  • Good skills to include on an HR executive assistant resume are “talent acquisition,” “conflict resolution,” “legal compliance,” and “compensation/benefits.”
  • An even more effective way to breathe life into your skills is to weave them into your work history or project bullet points.

College Student Case Assistant Resume

College student case assistant resume example

  • Show off your personality using contrasting colors, classic fonts, and well-organized layouts. Our ready-to-build  resume templates  or handy  Google Docs interactive resumes  can help you keep your resume both tasteful and personable.
  • If you don’t have certification, then now’s the best time to get it. Better late than never!

College Student Resident Assistant Resume

College student resident assistant resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Though an objective isn’t required, it can help employers see your skills and experience straight away.
  • Just make sure to tailor it for every job you apply for by including the name of the employer, the position you’re seeking, and some matching keyword skills (that are true about you) gleaned from the  job description . 
  • You also shouldn’t feel limited by your work experience. If you’ve done any relevant projects or have volunteered, include them! Employers love to see transferrable skills like collaboration, a good work ethic, and organization.

College Student Warehouse Worker Resume

College student warehouse worker resume example

  • If you’re struggling to get going, consider using a  resume outline  to help you structure your experience—just don’t forget to fill out all the sections thoroughly!
  • While it’s not impossible to land an excellent job without internships or experience, having some kind of work history, even in the form of projects, will allow you to be more picky and skim from the top of warehouse positions.

College Student Teacher Assistant Resume

College student teacher assistant resume example with 2 years of experience

  • Adjusting formatting details, like the layout and header colors, can make your resume pop and reveal a bit about yourself. (Red and pink are bold, daring colors, while blue and green are calming.)
  • Adding a  hobbies and interests section to your resume  can also help catch the eye of employers, provided you list hobbies that are relevant to the desired job, such as creative pursuits, volunteering, or research.
  • Even if you’ve never had experience as a teacher assistant, you can instill confidence by demonstrating the impact of your communication skills. Did you effectively resolve an issue using negotiation? Write something that added helpful clarity? Show how you used communication to affect others positively!

College Student Biology Lab Technician Resume

College student biology lab technician resume example

  • Don’t get too carried away here; after all, it’s still a resume and not a flier for a Wednesday Night Disco. But, one to two colors can be appropriate for all but the most conservative working environments. 
  • Numbers can be frustrating to calculate and add to your resume, but trust us when we tell you that they make a world of difference. Hiring managers are consistently more willing to interview people with metrics on their resumes, as they convey job competence and confidence.

College Student English Tutor Resume

College student english tutor resume example

  • Breaking up each work experience into bullet points can make your resume both easier to read (with fewer blocks of dense text) and easier to write.
  • Instead of writing one big chunk of cohesive text, you can focus on pulling out as many highlights about your work history at each job as possible. 
  • A project can be anything. Seriously, your final group project from that writing seminar counts, or you could highlight a blog you’ve been working on in your free time.
  • Hint: Projects also make great stories to discuss on your college student cover letter .

College Application Resume

College application resume example with community service experience

  • Suppose you’re applying for a Bachelor of Arts in education. Express your passion for teaching and eagerness to advance your knowledge of education theories and practices. Even better, emphasize your long-term ambition to shape future generations through innovative education methods.

College Admission Resume

College admission resume example with project experience

  • Take a leaf from how Brian narrates his stints as a restaurant server, project presenter, and volunteer. Well-described, such experiences paint a picture of a well-rounded character who can take on varied challenges of an engineering program, enhancing their appeal in the eyes of the college admissions committee.

College Freshman Resume

College Freshman resume example with soccer playing experience

  • Use past projects to advantage here even if they’re only a year long. Clearly state how you used skills such as Canva and Microsoft Teams to make specific impacts during this time. Another great addition to your college freshman resume is any work experience under your belt.

Harvard College Resume

Harvard college resume example with tutoring experience

  • You see reputable (and free) spell checkers like Grammarly? They’re your backstage crew making sure that your Harvard college resume is polished—no typos, grammatical mistakes, or punctuation errors in sight. And getting a friend or family member to take a peek? It’s always a brilliant move.

College Level Resume

College level resume example with project experience

  • It’s a piece of cake. Maybe you’ve been a superstar nanny or the quickest cashier around. Identify competencies from these gigs, whether communication, time management, or leadership, and then blend them into your work experience. Simply put, connect the dots in your college level resume, and you’re golden.

College Student Academic Highlights Resume

College student academic highlights resume example

  • Say you have some work experience, but it’s not relevant to the job. That’s okay—instead of trying in vain to match the  job description , focus on transferable skills like customer service, organization, event planning, public speaking, and computer literacy.
  • If you lack much work history, adding projects, coursework, or volunteer experience is the next best way to showcase your potential. You can also list your involvement in clubs, organizations, or peer mentorship.
  • Write them like you’d write work experience by using active verbs and incorporating metrics (numbers).

First Year College Student Resume

First year college student resume example with project experience

  • Your time contributing to a project is tangible evidence of your skills and experiences. Depending on what you include, it could showcase your communication and organizational skills or more technical abilities, like your proficiency with Microsoft Office.

Freshman College Student Resume

Freshman college student resume example with project experience

  • Do you love gardening or nature photography? Awesome, it shows you’re inherently passionate about biology. Do you spend your time baking as well? It’s a sign that you know how to follow instructions and observe changes over time—skills that will come in handy as a lab assistant.

College Student Education Resume

College student education resume example with gas station attendant experience

  • A career objective statement is typically a brief 1-3 sentence pitch that highlights your inspiration for the role (internship, in this case), but with a twist—it’s better custom-fitted to match the hiring company’s needs. Plus, it’s a sweet spot for reiterating your enthusiasm to contribute to the potential employer’s goals.

College Student Social Work Resume

College student social work student resume example with restaurant server experience

  • In your college student social work student resume, right after your work experience, slide in your Projects section. It’s a good spot to detail experiences like that community outreach workshop or mental health seminar you attended. And when you talk about your wins, throw in some numbers to beef up your credibility.

Related resume guides

  • College Graduate
  • Grad School
  • Entry level

Job seeker in purple shirt reviews past accomplishments and statistics to include in job materials

Before we dive into the difference between a  resume objective  vs. a  resume summary , let’s get some definitions out of the way:

  • Resume objective : A statement of your qualifications, interests, and skills that make you a good fit for the role to which you’re applying.
  • Resume summary : A summary of your past experience detailing your high-level accomplishments and projects.

When you’re applying for a job or internship as a college student, you likely won’t have extensive work experience. So, we’d recommend including a resume objective instead of a resume summary.

The goal of your resume objective is to set the stage for your resume. It should highlight your skills applicable to the job at hand, and it should be specific for each job to which you’re applying.

Most resume objectives are boring and generic. By taking the time to craft a customized and effective resume objective, you give yourself an edge over other applicants and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Before we dive into the rules for creating a strong resume objective, let’s look at some examples.

Sample college student resume objectives

  • “Recent college graduate with a degree in marketing looking for a full-time role where I can utilize my experience in social media and paid advertising to help an up-and-coming brand like Club Z! Inc. spread awareness and acquire more users.”
  • “Diligent college student at the University of Pittsburgh who is equally committed to academic excellence (3.8 GPA) and service (student leader at the local food shelter) looking for an opportunity at Unidos as a part-time employee to utilize these talents to improve customer satisfaction.”
  • “Recent graduate with a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) seeking an opportunity within an established management organization to utilize my organizational and quantitative abilities. Epic seems to have a culture of empowering employees to have ownership over their problems, and that culture fits my work style perfectly.”

You can see that all of these resume objectives specifically mention the company that the student is applying to. Tailoring is the golden rule of resume objectives.

Here are some other rules to make your objective the best it can be:

  • Again, take the time to  customize your resume objective for each company to which you’re applying .
  • Don’t be afraid to inject your personality. Making an impression will help you stand out among the hundreds of other applicants.
  • Keep it to two to three sentences.
  • Mention any relevant skills or certifications you have for the role to which you’re applying.

College Student Resume Formats

Job seeker reviews qualifications and accomplishments to build job application for next role

One of the hardest parts of using a resume maker  as a college student is the blank page. The “getting started” part is overwhelming—you’re unsure what your resume should look like, let alone what should be in it!

When it comes to formatting your resume, the best advice is to keep it  simple . You need to convincingly make the case that you deserve an interview for the role to which you’re applying.

In short, your resume should likely contain the following sections:

  • Header: This is your name and job title. Have your job title match the job title to which you’re applying.
  • Resume objective: We talked about this above, a quick summary of your skills and what you’re seeking.
  • Education: As a college student, this should include your anticipated graduation date, the field of study, and relevant classes.
  • Skills: List six to ten technical skills relevant to your career.
  • Work experience: If you have any relevant internships or part-time jobs, mention them here.
  • Projects: Did you do any side projects that demonstrate your competency? Include them!

Not all of these sections need to be included in your resume.  Your resume should focus on your strengths.

If you don’t have much relevant work experience, you can omit that section in favor of discussing your projects or classwork.

However, no matter what format you choose, there are a few writing guidelines you should adhere to throughout your resume.

Formatting guidelines for your resume

  • Keep your resume to one page! Your resume should only extend to a second page when you have 10+ years of experience.
  • Avoid any spelling or grammar errors by double-checking your text and having a friend review your resume. Don’t let typos be the reason why you don’t get an interview.
  • Break up your work experience into small, consumable bullet points. Nothing is harder to read than a big wall of text.
  • Use reverse-chronological order to keep your most recent experience/projects at the top.
  • Don’t include fancy images or graphics. It’s highly likely a computer will read your resume before a human ever does, and images are hard for computers to scan.
  • Don’t list more than ten skills on your resume. (We’ll expand on this below.)

Skills to pay the bills

When building your skills section, it can be tempting to list any and every skill you know. You’ll have to resist this temptation.

Before a human reviews your resume, an automated system called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) will score your resume based on whether or not it includes the “right” keywords. These filters are largely screening for specific skills.

Doesn’t this mean that you should include as many skills as possible to beat the ATS? Unfortunately, you need to make your resume appealing to both the ATS and a human, and nothing is a bigger red flag to a hiring manager than a candidate with a laundry list of skills!

You’re much better off focusing on  six to ten skills you’re an expert in  than including more that you kind of know. Generally, if you wouldn’t be comfortable being interviewed on a given skill, don’t include it on your resume. 

Work Experience and Projects

Portfolio of past work experience proving impact on the job with statistics, graphs, and examples

In any resume, no matter the career stage, your work experience and projects should take up at least 70 percent of the overall space. These will decide whether you get an interview or not.

Once you have a few years of experience, then the size of your projects section will decrease as the size of your work experience section expands.

If you have an internship relevant to the job you’re applying for, this should be listed in your “work experience” section. As a college student, your work experience can also contain any part-time jobs you had while in school, even if they don’t seem relevant to the position to which you’re applying.

It’s not easy to balance work and school, so having a part-time job demonstrates responsibility and drive.

When talking about your work experience, there are a few key tips you should follow:

  • Mention the skills you demonstrated on the job.
  • Quantify the impact of your work whenever possible.
  • Talk specifically about your role; avoid being too general.
  • Use action verbs like “owned” or “led” to highlight your leadership abilities.

Numbers truly speak louder than words, especially on your resume. By providing numerical context around your work, you show your ability to contribute meaningfully to your workplace.

Compare these two descriptions of an internship. Which do you think would be more compelling to a hiring manager?

WRONG – general work experience descriptions

Marketing Science Associates April 2020 – Current, New York NY Digital Marketing Intern

  • Created testing plan for Facebook ad copy
  • Built key reports for the executive team around KPIs
  • Oversaw the creation of the blog for SEO purposes
  • Worked closely with clients to understand their product positioning to incorporate into ad copy

RIGHT – specific, quantified descriptions

  • Created A/B testing plan for Facebook ad copy, improving ROI by 15%
  • Built key reports for the executive team around KPIs such as marketing spend, new leads, revenue generated, and ROI
  • Oversaw the creation of the blog for SEO purposes which grew from 1,000 to 5,000 monthly organic visitors
  • Worked closely with clients to understand their product positioning to incorporate into ad copy, leading to client satisfaction of 99%

Projects can be anything

If you don’t have much (or any) relevant work experience for your resume, don’t fret. You can still  create a highly effective resume  by showcasing your projects.

As a college student, you’ve likely done a lot of class projects that are relevant to the job or internship you’re looking to get. This is the perfect place to talk about those projects. You can even mention projects you completed outside of class. Talk about your goals, the methods/skills you used, and the project’s outcome.

The key is to include anything that will convince the hiring manager you have the drive, skills, and ability to translate your academic knowledge to the real world and contribute to the roles for which you’re applying.

Here are some potential projects you can work on for different majors:

Project ideas for college students

  • Are you a business student? Detail a case study that you analyzed and presented in a class.
  • If you’re a marketing student, you can write a short blog post about how you’d improve the paid marketing strategy for a company you admire.
  • As a graphic designer, this is a great opportunity to talk about some of the projects in your portfolio.
  • If you’re looking for a data analyst role, talk about how you analyzed stock data to determine areas of opportunity.
  • As a human resources major, you’ve likely created processes for companies as part of a class, so talk about that.
  • Software engineering students complete meaningful coding assignments all the time. Discuss one of those or talk about your side project.
  • If you’re looking to break into product management, discuss a hackathon you were part of or create a case study for a feature your favorite product is missing.

Basically, the projects you include on your resume can be just about anything. They simply have to demonstrate you know what is required of the kind of role you’re applying to, and that you can meet those requirements.

Your Education Section

Two hands rearranging sections on job application materials

As a college student, it should go without saying that you need to include an education section on your resume.

Here’s what you need to include in your education section no matter what:

  • The school you’re currently attending (or recently graduated from). You do not need to include your high school.
  • Your graduation date (or expected graduation date). You can give just the month and year.
  • The kind of degree you’re working toward (bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, master’s, etc.).
  • Your field of study.

Once you include all that, there’s more flexibility. If you have a strong GPA (greater than 3.5), you should include it, too.

If you don’t have much experience yet, then you can add relevant courses or awards to your education section, provided they’re relevant to the job for which you’re applying.

For example, if you’re applying for a role as a data scientist, then it makes sense to include any math, economics, or programming classes you completed.

Here’s an example of an effective education section for a college student looking for a marketing role:

College student resume - education section example

If you received any awards or honors during your time in college, list them here. These can include getting on the Dean’s List, any department-specific awards relevant to your major, or formal recognition for your work or volunteer efforts.

Resume Builder for College Students

Yellow and purple computer screens depict career document builders on BeamJobs

There you have it—we’ve discussed the building blocks to help you land a job or internship as a college student!

In summary, here are the keys to making an effective resume as a college student:

  • Inject your personality into your resume objective and customize it for each company to which you apply.
  • Your resume format should include a header, resume objective, skills section, education, and work/ project experience.
  • Include any relevant internships or part-time jobs you’ve had during college and quantify the impact of your work.
  • If you don’t have much working experience, include relevant projects you’ve completed either in the classroom or on your own time.
  • Your education section is your chance to highlight classes you’ve completed that will convince the hiring manager you have the right tools for the job.

Finding a job or internship as a college student can be incredibly stressful. Building an AI resume  is a huge first step, so pat yourself on the back. After you’re done with the writing, you can  check your resume  against our AI-powered tips to see how your resume matches up.

Just remember, it does get easier after you get some experience first. We can’t wait to see where you’ll go!

Create my free resume now

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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • 17 Best Skills to Put on Your...

17 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume (with Examples)

20 min read · Updated on September 11, 2024

Ronda Suder

Everything you need to know about adding the right skills to your resume

Whether your resume has been through 19 revisions lately or you're just revisiting it for the first time in years, spending some time taking stock of your skills section can generate more interest in your candidacy and be the key to winning interviews . 

However, there's a lot of conflicting information online and in books about maximizing the effectiveness of this section. 

Do you simply list all of your key skills on the resume? 

What are the right skills to put on a resume? 

What order is best? 

How will a jumble of technical qualifications help you stand out? 

And what about those soft skills ?

Let's tackle those questions one at a time and learn the 17 best skills to put on your resume – starting at the beginning.

Why is the resume skills section there in the first place?

The number one reason to spend a fair amount of time crafting your skills list is employability. Being employable means that you have the right skills to put on a resume – academic skills, applied knowledge, technology skills, vertical and lateral thinking abilities, and interpersonal skills – that employers value and are willing to pay you for. 

When the hiring manager picks up your resume to determine whether you're a fit for the role they have open, one of the first things they'll look at is your skill level. Having the right skills to put on your resume is also important to ensure it pops up in recruiter searches. 

There are three key reasons to include the skills section in your resume and to organize it well:

To list your skills and abilities in one place for easy reference and scanning

To highlight the match between your background and the job requirements for the position you're interested in

To get your well-crafted resume through keyword screening by applicant tracking systems

The right mix of resume skills will get you past the first hurdle and towards a conversation. Here's a blueprint for making the most out of your skills section:

Relevancy is critical

Including a jumble of skills to put on your resume, beefed up with some basics that pretty much everyone knows (like Microsoft Office, as an example), won't help you to stand out. In fact, listing out skills that are considered to be a common baseline can actually hurt your candidacy by making you look like you're scrambling to establish credibility. 

PRO TIP: As a general rule, basic user-level proficiency with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and email applications is assumed to be a given . However, if you have advanced Excel skills (expert-level proficiency with macros and advanced analysis capabilities, for example), you should list those.  

Rather than go back to basics, you'll want to focus only on skills that look good on a resume.

So how can you tell that a skill is relevant? That's easy! Read the job description . 

Interpret the job description

As you dissect the job description to learn what will be required of you if you're hired for the position, pay special attention to the “requirements” and “qualifications” bullets, as that's where you'll find the majority of the keywords your resume will need. Again, the goal is to ensure that your resume speaks to that particular job so you can impress the hiring manager. 

Let's say you're applying for a job as an Account Manager. You may see these bullets under the “requirements” part of the job description:

Build lasting relationships with new and existing clients

Maintain client records, including contract renewals 

Develop sales plans to meet key performance indicators

Understand product offerings to meet customer needs and upsell when available

The keywords you need to focus on in each bullet are:

Client relationships

Client records and contract renewals

Sales plans and KPIs

Product offerings, customer needs, and upsell

The question you then need to ask yourself is, “Do I have the skills to back up these keywords?” If the answer is “Yes,” then these are some of the skills to put on your resume. 

This is called tailoring your resume and should be done with every job that you apply to. For example, if you are applying to be a Floor Manager at a store that sells musical instruments, your proficiency with inventory management and your ability to play guitar would both be relevant for the job.

The four main types of skills for your resume

As a human being, you have technical and interpersonal skills in a broad range of areas. You might be an expert whitewater rafter, or maybe you have advanced a World of Warcraft character all the way to level 80. Both of those accomplishments require dedication, practice, and technical proficiency, but they're probably not going to help you land a job. 

The general recommendation on standout skills for a resume is to only list skills that will, directly or indirectly, help you to be more effective in your job. 

To do this, you have to understand the different types of skills that employers look for. 

1. Hard skills for a resume

These are learned abilities that you've picked up during your career, either through education, training, or experience. They can be honed over time. When you add hard skills to your resume, you'll want to include numbers –  measurable accomplishments – as often as possible. 

2. Soft skills for a resume

Soft skills are characteristics you possess that improve your ability to get along with others, solve problems, and communicate effectively. You'll find that hiring managers love soft skills. 

No matter how technical your position is, it will require interacting with people, dealing with deadlines, and adapting to change. It's not as easy to quantify soft skills as it is hard skills, but employers still want you to prove that you possess these traits.

While most skills can be categorized as hard or soft skills, there are other types of skills, too!

3. Transferable skills for a resume

In addition to hard and soft skills, you might consider whether you have any transferable skills. This becomes especially important if you're changing careers, as they allow you to provide tangible proof of your ability to adapt to new circumstances and use lateral or vertical thinking to apply knowledge about one thing to something else. 

When you're leaning on transferable skills to sell your qualifications to the hiring manager, you must take the time to relay how those skills will benefit them and their new team. So, rather than saying that you have good time management skills, prove it by demonstrating what you do to manage time and how this has benefitted previous employers. 

4. Adaptive skills for a resume

You can also show resiliency through skills in your resume if you're not changing careers. Let's face it, if there's one thing that's certain in life and work, it's that things change. If you're the type of person to leverage change as a learning opportunity, then you should definitely be highlighting your adaptability on your resume. 

When you talk about adaptive skills on your resume, be sure to provide specific examples as they can be the powerhouse statements that win you an interview .

skills to put on college application resume

The 17 best skills to put on your resume

Now that we've defined what types of skills to put on your resume, let's explore some specific examples of different skills you can include.

1. Computer skills and programming languages

When the job description wants you to prove that you possess programming skills, you can add “ Proficiency in Python, Java, or HTML, ” for example. This signals to employers that you can do everything from coding to automation and makes you a valuable candidate in the tech space.

Some roles that require an understanding of computer languages include:

Software Engineer

Computer Scientist

2. Data analysis

Saying that you possess data analysis skills allows you to demonstrate that you can interpret raw data and draw actionable insights to fuel change. It's adaptable across industries and can be easily backed by quantifiable data. 

Some roles that require an understanding of data analysis include:

Data Scientist

Marketing Consultant

Senior Accountant

3. Project management

You don't have to be a Certified Project Management Professional to include an ability to manage projects on your resume. If you're good at leading, organizing, and delivering successful outcomes, then you should add that you know how to manage projects. 

Some roles that require an understanding of project management include:

Construction Contractor

Industrial Engineer

IT Project Manager

4. Creativity

Creativity is one of the most highly sought-after skill sets. Not only can you leverage it to create tangible marketing pieces that connect with target audiences, but it can also be used to solve problems and bring fresh perspectives to projects. Creativity also signals that you're adaptable to dynamic environments. 

Some roles that require you to be creative include:

Graphic Designer

Digital Marketing Manager

Brand Manager

5. Languages

The world gets smaller every day, so being able to speak more than one language is a skill that you should definitely include on your resume. Adding multiple languages to your application makes you highly valuable in a globalized, connected working world.

Some roles that require you to be speak other languages include:

International HR Director

Foreign Exchange Investment Banker

Some Teacher roles

6. Communication

Every job everywhere requires employees to have good communication skills. But instead of simply saying that you are a good communicator, be prepared to demonstrate that you understand the value of everything from active listening to properly articulating complex concepts. 

Some roles that require great communication include:

Sales Representative

Public Relations

Nurse Practitioner

7. Teamwork

A lot of people will throw the word “teamwork” into the skills list on their resume without giving it much thought. However, given the vast amount of hybrid and remote working environments, teamwork is more important than ever. A happy team that works together reduces burnout and increases morale. 

Some roles that require good teamwork include:

Sports Fitness Coach

Product Manager

Scrum Master

8. Leadership

If you're applying for a role that will involve guiding others, then including leadership skills is a must. When you add leadership to your resume, you highlight that you're not afraid to take the initiative to make decisions that drive outcomes. 

Some roles that require you to be a leader include:

Director of IT

Sales Manager

9. Critical thinking

When you're known for making well-informed decisions by analyzing information and evaluating situations objectively, you possess critical thinking skills. You may see this pop up in job descriptions where the employer is seeking someone with high emotional intelligence. Basically, if you can navigate your way logically through problems, then critical thinking is probably something you should add to your resume.

Some roles that require critical thinking include:

Data Engineer

Telecommunications Professional

10. Cultural competence

Diversity, equity, and inclusion have become buzzwords in today's workforce. People want a voice and value having a psychologically safe place in which to get things done. This is even more true when you have people coming together from different cultures. 

Some roles that require you to have cultural competence include:


11. Quality assurance

Quality assurance has implications across a number of fields, including software development and cybersecurity. There is an emphasis on quality assurance in roles that require you to maintain compliance with regulations or particular guidelines and best practices. 

Some roles that require an understanding of quality assurance include:

Aviation Mechanic

Cyber Security Specialist

12. Time management

Ranking right up there with creativity as far as top-rated skills go, being able to properly manage time is critical in today's workforce. It's not only something that's found in professional settings, but across industries and jobs worldwide. A simple search of job descriptions will reveal that the majority of them want people who can meet deadlines, at the minimum. 

Some roles that require good time management include:

Administrative Office Assistant

Finance Director

Project Manager

13. Conflict resolution

Being able to de-escalate situations with irate clients by demonstrating empathy and clearly defining options for a resolution means you're probably good at conflict management. However, conflict management isn't only demonstrated in client interactions. You may also be able to showcase conflict resolution skills if you've solved problems within team environments, too. 

Some roles that require conflict resolution skills include:

Retail Merchandising

Insurance Agent

Information Technology

14. Sales and upselling

Sales is all about employing active listening to ascertain customers' needs, to sell the right product or service at the right time. Whether you're connecting with target audiences to get them to buy something through a digital marketing campaign or you're trying to sell someone a product, meeting client needs is critical to demonstrating that you're good at sales and upselling. 

Some roles that require you to be able to sell and upsell include:

Marketing Manager

Consulting Manager

Real Estate Manager

15. Data entry

As you progress in your career, showcasing that you're good at data entry will become less and less important, however, there are still some roles that value candidates who can quickly and accurately input data into a system. 

Some roles that require data entry include:

Recent Graduate

Mid-Career Professionals

16. Tech-savviness 

Being tech–savvy means that you're always on the cutting edge and consistently keep up with emerging technologies. It helps you to deliver innovative solutions that help your company remain competitive in the ever-changing IT landscape.

Some roles that require candidates to be tech-savvy include:

DevOps Engineer

Technical Project Manager

Senior Software Engineer

17. Continuous learning

Today's employers value job seekers and employees who are fastidiously committed to ongoing education and skill development. Most even provide some sort of knowledge bank or in-house professional development courses to allow you to engage in continuous learning. 

Some roles that value a commitment to continuous learning include:

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Electrical Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

How to add skills to your resume

Keep your skills specific and clear.

A common pitfall when it comes to resume skills is to list broad categories of abilities without going into sufficient detail. The problem with that approach is that it won't get your resume found in keyword searches, because they are looking for specific proficiency statements.

So, instead of writing “familiarity with accounting software,” list “Quickbooks, Quicken, Sage, and Xero.” 

Use numbers and descriptive words where appropriate: 

How many projects have you managed using Teamwork Projects? 

How many people have you trained to use Salesforce? 

A few well-placed quantifiers can position you as a serious candidate with supported qualifications.

Organize your skills list

When creating a long list of skills for a resume, consider how you organize everything. Ordering your skills strategically will make your resume easier to read and call the right attention to the right skills in the right place. 

This is especially true considering that our brains look for patterns. A well-organized skill section on your resume will improve the aesthetics and help the hiring manager to skim through it to find just what they're looking for. 

PRO TIP: There isn't a hiring manager alive who is reading your resume. They're scanning through it in just a few seconds . This makes keeping things organized all the more important.

Another organizing tip is to list the most important skills for the job first. Specifics will vary by industry, but think through the critical technical skills that will drive your effectiveness and success in the role and put them at the top.

When you're starting to group the skills to put on your resume together, deciding which is most important depends on the job description. While most employers want employees who are good communicators and can solve problems, you have to take the industry and employer preferences into consideration. 

Job relevance: This goes back to tearing the job description apart to find the relevant keywords

Industry trends: Stay on top of things that may be changing in your industry and highlight any new skills that come into demand

Employer preferences: Take some time to research the company and learn what they do, why they do it, and for whom – this will help you to get a feel for their company culture, so you'll know which soft skills will impress them the most

The best place to put skills on your resume

The placement of the resume skills section itself on the page is up to you. Many people prefer to have it positioned near the top of their resume, but it works at the bottom too.

PRO TIP: If you have a lot of skills to list, consider breaking them up (for example, technical skills at the top and additional skills at the bottom).

No matter where you place the skills section, the layout is critical in catching the eye of hiring managers and showcasing your qualifications in a way that helps you to stand out from the crowd. 

At the top of your resume

Technically speaking, your skills list shouldn't be at the top. The first things on your resume should be your contact information , headline , and summary paragraph . So, when we say “at the top of your resume,” we mean beneath the summary paragraph. 

When you put your skills list at the top of your resume, you call immediate attention to some key selling points. It's an effective technique if you have a strong set of skills that directly align with the job requirements. 

Here's what a skills list at the top of your resume would look like:


City, ST 12345 • LinkedIn URL • [email protected] • 111-222-3333


Operations Management | Project Management | Sales Management | Business Analysis

Innovative and ambitious executive-level management professional offering extensive experience and an accomplishments-driven career in sales, marketing and operations, and key account management. Leverages an entrepreneurial spirit to orchestrate tactical business plans that challenge the status quo, allowing for reformation of process. Intuitive business acumen and skilled strategist who uses the most up-to-date business practices to create, implement, and oversee business continuity. Naturally assumes leadership roles to oversee and achieve organizational success.

Business Development • Executive Leadership • Strategic Business Planning • Data Analysis • Team Training & Development • Policy & Procedure Development • Marketing & Territory Expansion • Procurement, Sourcing, & Negotiation • Relationship-Selling • Customer Relations

This resume example actually has two skills lists. One just beneath the title and then the regular one beneath the summary paragraph. It's an effective way to separate out the skills that are most important – the specialized abilities that you want to call immediate attention to. However, if you do it like this on your resume, the skills listed beneath the title should only be one to two lines max!

At the bottom of the resume

If you've reached a point in your career where your work history and career achievements outshine your skills, then it's a good idea to place the skills list at the bottom of your resume. 

Here's what your skills could look like at the bottom of your resume:


[List your career history in reverse-chronological order, starting with the most recent and working backward about 10 years]

[List the degrees you've earned and the schools where you obtained your degrees. You can also mention any professional development classes you've taken and certifications or licenses you possess]

Core proficiencies:

Project Management | Lean Management | Change Management | Operations Management | 3PL | Inventory Management | Inventory Control | Inventory Planning | Logistics Management | Distribution & Processing | Budgeting | Procurement | Purchase Orders

Soft skills:

Team Leadership | Coaching | Persuasion | Creative Problem Solving | Negotiation

Technical skills:

Epicor | PeopleSoft | XAL(Concorde) | HighStage | Deltek (Costpoint) | KBM | Syteline | Kinaxis | Glovia (Oracle-based) | Oracle | Adept | Workflow | Data Vault (Oracle-based) | Intralink

English |  Spanish |  French

Throughout your resume

Since your resume is more than a list of skills, you should know that your master list of abilities and the keywords you've culled from the job description aren't limited to being placed only in a skills list. You can – and should – include hard, soft, adaptive, and transferable skills throughout your entire resume. 

After your contact information, the first thing that should appear on your resume is a headline. A lot of people will simply put a title, but if you take a moment to spruce it up and turn it into a headline, you'll be able to inject a few keywords on the top line of your resume. 

For example, if you're applying for a role as a Real Estate Broker, here's the difference between a title and a headline:

Title: Real Estate Broker

Headline: Real Estate Broker with Expertise in Property Valuation and Team Management

Put yourself into the shoes of a hiring manager and ask yourself, which of those would give you more information about the job seeker? The headline not only indicates which role you want, but also includes two keywords – property valuation and team management. 

Summary paragraph

As you move on to write your career summary, which appears just beneath the headline, you'll want to continue adding relevant skills from your career that are mirrored in the job description. Doing this will ensure that your resume presents a cohesive and powerful message that your experience and achievements will serve the new company well. 

In sticking with the example of Real Estate Broker, perhaps you find that the new company wants you to coordinate marketing events and client activities, write weekly reports, and have a solid understanding of the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) platform for listing properties. 

The keywords to include in your profile paragraph would be:

Marketing events

Client activities

Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Thus, your profile paragraph could look like this:

Veteran real estate professional with a strong background in orchestrating impactful marketing events for single and multi-family residences. Specializes in managing client activities that turn passive consumers into active clientele. Proficient in maximizing MLS to enhance property visibility and streamlining documentation and reporting processes. Known for creating a culture of excellence and client satisfaction by maintaining an open-door policy that encourages communication among team members.

As you can see, the profile paragraph isn't a long and drawn-out diatribe of things you've done in your career. Rather, it's a short paragraph that matches your skills to the job you're applying for. 

Work experience

Let's move on to the meat of your resume - the part the hiring manager is going to spend the most time on – your career history . You may be wondering how you can put future-facing keywords into the historical part of your resume, but all it takes is a bit of finesse. 

For example, if you have a history of closing multi-million-dollar deals in high-end neighborhoods, you could work a few keywords into an achievement bullet like this:

Closed 5 multi-million-dollar property sales per month by leveraging MLS for property exposure

While you could stop after you say how many multi-million-dollar deals you closed, because that's a great achievement statement, expanding the bullet to include a keyword makes your overall resume all the more compelling. 

TopResume wants to do more than write your resume. We want to give you the tools you need to succeed in your job search and career. Click on the following link for more resume and career advice .

Stand out from the crowd

When you master including the best skills in your resume, you reach a level of job search preparedness that propels your resume to the top of the pile. The whole idea is to make it easy for potential employers to see how you'll fit within the folds of their organization and team. That's where tailoring the skills to put on your resume comes in – wherever you include them. 

Want to see how your resume stacks up? Try out our free resume review today!

This blog was originally written by Marsha Hebert and has been updated by Ronda Suder.

Recommended reading:

How to Write a Powerful LinkedIn Summary

How to Format a Resume for Multiple Jobs at One Company

The Best Resume Format to Get Hired  

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101 Essential Skills to Put on a Resume in 2024 [For Most Jobs]

Background Image

Skills make a huge chunk of a potential employer’s decision to hire you. 

You might think this section of your resume is easy - you just list your skills and you’re good to go.

But listing your skills the right way is a bit trickier.

How do you know if you’re mentioning the necessary skills for the job or if you’re just giving the hiring manager irrelevant information? 

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

In this guide, we’re going to walk you through the process of putting skills on your resume from start to finish.

You’re going to learn:

What Are the Different Types of Skills?

  • Why Should You List Your Skills on Your Resume?
  • How to List Skills on a Resume
  • 12 Best Skills to Put on Any Resume 
  • 400+ Skills to Put on a Resume for Different Professions

Let’s dive in!

Skills are the various abilities and attributes that you bring to the table when you’re applying for a job.

Your skills can be your ability to do a specific task or solve a problem with some level of proficiency, and they’re typically divided into hard skills and soft skills.

If you want to create an effective resume that catches the hiring manager’s attention, you need to mention both hard and soft skills.

Let’s break down what each means:

Hard Skills

Hard skills involve the technical knowledge or know-how one can gain through experience, training, or education. 

While hard skills are essential for completing tasks in just about any job, they’re also teachable and easily measurable. 

For example: 

  • Machinery skills. Some fields require operating specialized machinery or equipment. (E.g., operating a road roller, pallet-stalker, forklift, or others.)
  • Software skills. Depending on the field, you need to know how to use different software, such as the Adobe Creative Suite for designers or the Ableton Live Suite if you’re a DJ.
  • Tools. If you’re a digital marketer , you’ll need to know how to use tools like Stethoscope, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Ahrefs, and SEMrush.
  • Languages. Being able to communicate in more than one language is an extremely useful skill. The more customers or teams you can communicate with, the more valuable you are as an employee. Some of the most sought-after languages today include German, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic.
  • Computer skills. Most jobs will require that you have at least some basic computer knowledge in MS Office and G-Suite, emailing, and presentations. If you’re a web developer , your hard skills will likely include more specialized software knowledge or proficiency in coding languages such as Python, C++, or PHP.
  • Techniques. Different specialized techniques you’ve learned can be listed as individual skills. (E.g.: frequency analysis, crystallization, gamification, or even CPR and first aid.)
  • Mathematics. A lot of professions, such as accounting and finance, require mathematical skills. If you’re applying for a position in a field that uses advanced mathematics, such as a research assistant , you should be more specific with the types of mathematical skills you have. (E.g.: statistics, trigonometry, calculus, algebra, etc.)
  • Data analysis. Businesses are always looking for professionals who can gather and analyze data for various stakeholders and help make strategic decisions, making different types of data analysis a very in-demand hard skill.

…so, just about any field-specific skill is a hard skill you can list on your resume.

Soft Skills

The attributes and habits that describe how you work individually or with others are known as soft skills .

Generally speaking, soft skills aren’t job-specific, so they’re transferable skills that indirectly help you adapt to the work environment and company culture. 

Some examples of the most in-demand soft skills include: 

  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Conflict resolution
  • Stress management
  • Critical thinking
  • Organization

Soft skills are essential for just about any job out there.

While some soft skills can be critical to doing your job well, such as communication with a customer support representative , others ensure that you get along with your coworkers and foster a positive work environment.

Like hard skills, you can also learn how to develop soft skills, but it’s significantly harder. 

While you can acquire computer skills through a technical course, you’ll need to put in a lot more effort to develop your communication skills. 

For example, you would need to practice active listening in the workplace, learn how to notice nonverbal cues and practice your oral communication skills as much as possible to improve.

best soft skills

What’s the Difference Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills?

There are three main differences between hard skills and soft skills.

  • How you obtain them. You can obtain hard skills through work experience , education, training, and certifications. Soft skills, on the other hand, can be gained through life experience, both in and out of work.
  • How you use them. While you apply hard skills directly to the job, soft skills usually come into play indirectly and may often complement your hard skills. For example, you may be a communicative marketer or an office manager with great leadership qualities.
  • How you list them. Hard skills and soft skills should be listed separately on your resume, but unlike soft skills, hard skills can include your level of proficiency. You can say you’re an advanced user of Adobe Photoshop, but you can’t measure how creative you are in the same way.

When it comes to your employability, both sets of skills are crucial for your resume.

If a hiring manager is on the fence about two candidates with the same hard skills, it’s the soft skills that are going to tip the scales in someone’s favor.

Why Should You List Skills on Your Resume?

The skills section is one of the two most important resume sections , with the other being your work experience.

In fact, 41% of hiring managers notice skills on your resume first.

Let’s look at an example of a well-written skill section:

skills section in a resume

At first glance, listing some skills on your resume looks easy.

In reality, though, putting skills on your resume the right way is a bit more nuanced than that, and here’s why:

Most companies nowadays use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to help them go through the hundreds and thousands of resumes they receive every day.

ats skills in a resume

This software scans your resume for keywords relevant to the job you’re applying for, and if it doesn’t find them, the ATS automatically rejects your resume.

For example, let’s say you’re applying for a job as a software engineer , and the job requires an expert level of proficiency in Javascript.

If you focus on other programming languages and don’t mention Java as a skill on your resume, the ATS will probably discard it immediately.

Resume statistics show that nearly 75% of resumes are rejected at this first screening stage, and they never make it to a hiring manager .

But let’s assume the company doesn’t use an ATS, and your resume ends up on a hiring manager’s desk.

There’s a good chance the hiring manager is only going to skim through your resume in less than six seconds , looking for the right set of skills.

So, regardless of whether you’ll need to breeze past the ATS or the hiring manager, you have to mention the right skills.

How to List Skills on a Resume (And Stand Out)

Now that you have a clear understanding of how important skills are, let’s talk about how you should list them on your resume.

We’ve divided the process into a step-by-step guide you can follow, starting with:

#1. Tailor Your Skills to the Job

The key to an effective skills section is making sure the skills you list are relevant to the job.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as a backend developer, the customer service skills you gained working as a server during college don’t belong on your resume.

So, only list skills that are useful for the job you are applying for.

Start by thoroughly reading the job advertisement to find out what skills to include on your resume.

Job ads usually list a set of requirements or skills they expect from candidates. Take note of which skills and experiences you have, and remember to write them down on your resume.

Let’s look at an example of a job ad for a line cook position in a restaurant:

At Restaurant X, we are dedicated to delivering an exceptional dining experience that reflects the heart of French cuisine. We are currently seeking a skilled Line Cook to join our team for the summer season. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a fast-paced, prestigious environment under the mentorship of our acclaimed chef.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Efficiently prep ingredients for service, ensuring high standards of quality and freshness.
  • Execute recipes to exact standards, contributing to the creation of signature dishes that delight our guests.
  • Maintain meticulous attention to detail in the plating and presentation of each dish.
  • Uphold the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation in the kitchen before, during, and after service.


  • Proven experience as a line cook in a fast-paced kitchen environment.
  • A passion for French cuisine and a strong desire to learn and grow within the culinary field.
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills, with the ability to work effectively under pressure.
  • Knowledge of best practices for food handling, safety, and sanitation.

From this job description, we can see that the restaurant is looking for someone who:

  • Is committed to excellence and is highly professional
  • Works well under supervision and as part of a team
  • Has experience working in a fast-paced kitchen environment
  • Pays great attention to detail when it comes to cooking and presentation

Based on this, some of the skills you should definitely mention in your resume include:

  • Culinary Expertise
  • Food Preparation
  • Knife Skills
  • Plating Techniques
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Safety and Sanitation
  • Stress Management

Don’t mention skills that aren’t directly related to the job. For example, a line cook doesn’t need to list computer skills on their resume, even if those skills are relevant for most other jobs.

#2. Create a Skills Section

Once you’ve identified all the right skills to add to your resume, create a dedicated “Skills” section to list them under.

A dedicated section will help you pass the ATS, and it makes it easier for hiring managers to find the skills they’re looking for.

Here’s an example of what a skills section can look like on a resume:

skills section in a resume template

We recommend keeping your resume skills section somewhere near the top of the page so that the hiring manager can see it quickly. Usually, they should go either next to or after the work experience section, depending on your resume layout .

Next, here are a few tips you should keep in mind when listing your skills:

  • Be specific. “Verbal and written communication” sounds significantly better than just “communication.” 
  • Sort your skills by relevance. Order your skills based on how crucial they are for the role. The more important skills should go at the top, and the nice-to-have ones should go after them.
  • Format skills accordingly. Not everyone has dozens of skills they can show off on their resume, and that’s okay. If you don’t have a lot of skills, you can list both your hard and soft skills in a single section, just like the example we used above.
  • Don’t lie or exaggerate. If you don’t have one of the required skills for the role or you’re not very experienced, just be honest. It goes without saying that you should never lie about what you can do. The employer will find out you lied eventually, your professional reputation will bear the consequences, and you could even lose your job.

#3. Match Each Skill With Your Proficiency Level

While some skills are hard to measure, others can be put on a proficiency scale .

We recommend only using a proficiency scale for some hard skills, such as specific tools or software programs. Soft skills are difficult to measure objectively, so there’s no point in putting them on a scale.

Here’s how to show your proficiency level:

Match Each Skill With Your Proficiency Level

  • Beginner. You are just starting to learn this skill, or you haven’t practiced the skill through experience. This usually applies to students with no experience who only understand concepts through theories or classroom experience.
  • Intermediate. You have applied this skill in practice, and you rarely need help with it, but you still have room to grow.
  • Advanced. At this level, you know your stuff. You don’t need help with this skill anymore, and you can teach beginners how to use it.
  • Expert. You’re a recognized authority when it comes to this skill, and you’re the go-to person if anyone has any questions.

#4. Back-Up Your Skills in Other Resume Sections

Only listing your skills in their dedicated section will get you so far. After all, everyone else is doing the exact same thing. 

If you want to take your resume from good to great, you need your most critical skills to make an impression from the get-go.

This is where the resume headline and work experience sections come in.

Resume Headline

Your resume headline can be either a resume summary or a resume objective.

The resume summary is a short, two to four-sentence-long paragraph that summarizes your resume. When done right, it shows the hiring manager your strongest selling points as a candidate right from the start.

Here’s an example in action:

skills in the resume summary

But if you don’t have a lot of experience, you can use a resume objective instead.

The resume objective is a two to three-sentence statement of your career intent that goes at the top of your resume. It can include a snapshot of your professional experience, skills, achievements, and professional goals.

Here’s what it looks like:

skills in resume objective

Both the resume summary and resume objective go at the top of your resume, either before or after your contact information section .

Regardless of which resume headline you go for, the goal of this section is to pique the hiring manager’s curiosity and make them want to read your whole resume. You should always add one or two of the most necessary skills from the job description here.

Work Experience

Once you’ve mentioned some of your top skills in your resume headline, you have to prove you actually have them.

The best way to do that is by listing some impressive achievements in your work experience section and explaining how your skills helped you.

Let’s look at what the work experience section could look like for the data entry specialist from our resume summary example:

  • Achieve a 99% accuracy rate, surpassing departmental accuracy goals by 15%.
  • Leveraged advanced organizational abilities to streamline data entry processes, reducing task completion times by 20%.
  • Employed superior communication and interpersonal skills to resolve 95% of customer inquiries on the first contact, earning an Employee of the Month award.
  • Managed and maintained a complex database of over 10,000 records, ensuring data integrity and accuracy through effective office management practices.

Hobbies and Interests

Another section where you can back up your skills is your hobbies and interests section .

If you have leftover space on your resume, you can use this optional section to list a couple of hobbies or areas of interest that relate to your skills.

For example, let’s say you’re applying for a job as a writer, and the ad says you need to be creative, collaborative, and familiar with pop culture.

In that case, if one of your hobbies is playing a popular tabletop role-playing game with your friends, like Dungeons and Dragons, make sure to list it.

A hobby like that shows that you are genuinely creative, like writing for fun, and are capable of organizing with multiple people for a mutual goal.

#5. Put Transferable Skills to Use 

If you’re looking for your first job or if you’re making a career change , transferable skills are something you should make use of.

Transferable skills are skills that aren’t directly related to the job you are applying for, but they’re still useful and likely relevant for most jobs.

For example, if you're writing a career change resume and you’re going from a role as a sales associate to a copywriter, there are several transferable skills you can list on your resume.

Some of them include:

  • Written communication. Both roles involve communicating through text. A salesperson needs to send cold outreach emails, while a copywriter has to write newsletter emails.
  • Persuasion. A copywriter needs to create copy that drives sales, while a salesperson needs to be persuasive in person.
  • Computer skills. Both jobs require some degree of computer literacy. For a salesperson, that might mean using Customer Management Software, while for a copywriter, that’s publishing content online.

12 Best Skills to Put on Any Resume

Now that you know how to put skills on your resume, it’s time to talk about which skills you should add.

Every profession requires some role-specific hard skills. For example, a photographer needs to know how to use photo editing software like Photoshop. 

But when it comes to soft skills, a lot of them are universal across different industries.

Soft skills are the skills that define your approach to work, how well you cooperate with others, and if you can fit into a company’s culture.

And while the right soft skills for a job may be harder to point out, they’re just as essential in today’s job market. In fact, 93% of employers say that soft skills play a critical role in the hiring decision.

There are very few, if any, jobs out there that don’t require at least some level of communication skills .

So, let’s look at some of the most highly valued skills for any resume:

#1. Communication skills

Whether you’re a writer who needs to communicate a message to your readers, a marketing specialist who needs to communicate an advertising campaign to your client, or an employee who needs to communicate with a coworker to complete a task, communication skills are vital. 

Communication is a multi-faceted skill that includes several skills, such as: 

  • Oral and written communication
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Active Listening
  • Presentation
  • Public-speaking
  • Negotiation

#2. Problem-Solving

Problem-solving means you’re able to identify problems, find the root cause behind them, and come up with creative solutions.

Considering there isn’t a single job where you won’t face problems in one way or another, problem-solving skills are a great asset to have.

Throughout your career, you might have to troubleshoot technical glitches, resolve customer complaints, streamline processes, or drive strategic initiatives. In any of these cases, strong problem-solving skills will be crucial to your success. 

But problem-solving is a broad set of skills that can include:

  • Analytical thinking
  • Root cause analysis
  • Data gathering and evaluation
  • Creative thinking
  • Decision making
  • Strategic planning
  • Risk assessment and management

Whether you’re an IT professional debugging code or a manager implementing operational improvements, problem-solving skills let you tackle challenges head-on.

#3. Conflict Resolution

When working with diverse groups, disagreements are bound to happen. So, having the skills to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner is extremely valuable in any organization.

Conflict resolution skills are essential for managers addressing performance issues, HR professionals mediating workplace disputes, sales teams negotiating contracts, or coworkers with clashing personalities.

This multifaceted skill involves:

  • Impartiality and objectivity
  • Assertive communication
  • Creative problem-solving
  • Persuasion and influence
  • Patience and composure

#4. Computer Literacy

Over 70% of jobs require medium-to-high-level digital skills.  

This means that computer and technical skills are priceless assets, even if your job isn’t centered around technology. So, computer skills are almost always a great addition to any resume.

Here are some valuable computer skills for every professional: 

  • Office suites (MS Office, iWork)
  • Social media
  • Database management
  • Web (Internet savviness, basic HTML, CMS)
  • Troubleshooting
  • Equipment installation and configuration
  • Fast Typing

#5. Research

Effective research abilities are essential for making informed decisions and driving successful outcomes across any industry.

Whether you’re conducting market research to identify consumer needs, gathering data to explore a scientific hypothesis, or investigating to build a legal case, strong research skills are invaluable.

Some research skills include:

  • Finding credible sources
  • Evaluating information objectively
  • Organizing data
  • Identifying patterns
  • Documenting and reporting findings

#6. Teamwork

Teamwork skills enable you to work effectively with others towards a common goal.

Since teams tend to drive most major projects and workplace initiatives, learning how to work well with others is essential to most jobs. You might be part of a project team, a committee, or just coordinate across departments someday.

What you need for strong teamwork skills is:

  • Active listening
  • Reliability
  • Flexibility
  • Motivating others

#7. Project Management

Project management skills are usually associated with dedicated project manager roles, but in reality, that's not usually the case. Any type of professional can benefit from strong project management skills.

In a nutshell, project management skills involve being able to effectively handle resources, timelines, deliverables, and processes for driving projects to successful completion.

Here are some of the most in-demand project management skills:

  • Resource allocation and management
  • Project planning and scheduling
  • Risk identification and mitigation
  • Logistics and coordination
  • Action planning
  • Task planning and prioritization
  • Stakeholder management

#8. Leadership

Leadership includes both the ability to manage and inspire others. Managers are not always great leaders, but leaders almost always make good managers. 

People who are good at leading are emotionally intelligent, good communicators, and natural-born influencers. They can motivate others to reach their full potential and work together towards common goals. This makes leadership another great skill to have for many professions out there. 

Some important soft skills related to leadership include:

  • Relationship-building
  • Strategic thinking

#9. Organization

Organizational skills are a set of soft skills that help you keep track of information, materials, and even your time in such a way that you can tackle short and long-term tasks efficiently.

Organizational skills are among the top skills recruiters are looking for in 2022, primarily because they help employees be more productive, save companies time and money, and facilitate a more positive work environment. 

Here is what organizational skills consist of: 

  • Physical organization
  • Prioritization
  • Goal setting

#10. Time Management

Time management is the ability to effectively prioritize and organize your tasks and responsibilities.

Needless to say, it’s a crucial skill in nearly every job, since being able to manage your time well allows you to increase productivity, meet deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance .

Time management includes:

  • Task prioritization and planning
  • Task delegation
  • Avoiding and Ignoring distractions
  • Adapting to changing priorities

#11. Customer Service

A lot of the jobs out there involve dealing with customers. 

From customer support representatives to cashiers, customer service skills are a great asset to have in 2024. Particularly, that’s because it encompasses a number of other valuable skills, such as:

  • Persuasion skills
  • Product knowledge

#12. Networking

Networking skills refer to how well you can build professional relationships and connections.

It goes without saying that they're extremely useful for roles like sales, business development, or entrepreneurship, as a lot of the work involves meeting and engaging new people.

However, these skills are also useful for roles where you don't expect to rely on professional networking as much.

Take, for example, project managers. To be really effective, they need to:

  • Understand the needs of stakeholders
  • Collaborate with various teams across the organization
  • Build rapport with people at all levels

Just like most other skills on our list, networking skills are multi-faceted. They include:

400 Must-Have Skills for Different Professions

Still not sure which skills to mention in your resume? We’ve got you covered.

We compiled a list of some of the most relevant skills on the market in 2024, for all sorts of different fields!

If you happen to possess some of these skills, make sure to mention them in your resume. If not, it’s never too late to learn something new!

#1. Retail and Sales Skills

Retail and sales are at the heart of successful business interactions.

Despite the rise of technology, the essence of sales hasn’t changed much . People still need contact with each other, and even with channels of communication becoming digital, communication skills and empathy still take top priority in this industry.

So, here’s a list of must-have skills for salespeople and retail workers :

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Cold-calling
  • Merchandising
  • Product demonstration
  • Public speaking
  • Inventory management
  • Lead generation
  • Buyer-Responsive selling
  • Buyer engagement
  • Point of Sale (POS) proficiency
  • Effective communication and sociability
  • Social media and digital communication
  • Listening skills
  • Personalized selling
  • Service-based selling
  • Follow-up techniques
  • Up-selling and cross-selling
  • Knowledge of return and exchange policies
  • Organizational skills
  • Multitasking capabilities

#2. Customer Service Skills

Customer service requires a specialized skill set centered around excellent communication and problem-solving. Success in this field relies on effectively managing various communication platforms and maintaining customer satisfaction through attentive service.

Some skills crucial for any customer service representative include:

  • Telephone etiquette
  • Data entry proficiency
  • Customer needs assessment
  • Crisis management
  • Multitasking
  • Ticket tracking systems
  • Scripted responses
  • Technical troubleshooting
  • Complaint resolution
  • Record-keeping
  • Team collaboration
  • Understanding of privacy and confidentiality
  • Customer education techniques
  • Feedback collection
  • Call center operations
  • Email Etiquette
  • Live chat management
  • Help desk support
  • Client retention strategies
  • Cultural sensitivity

#3. Hospitality Skills

Hospitality is all about making guests feel welcome and appreciated, no matter the setting - whether it’s a bustling hotel, a serene resort, or a cruise ship. Professionals in this field need to create memorable experiences for guests by providing impeccable service and making sure their every need is met with a smile.

Some of the most sought-after hospitality skills are:

  • Customer service excellence
  • Effective communication
  • Foreign languages
  • Reservation management
  • Event planning
  • Specialized software proficiency
  • Front desk operations
  • Tour and activity coordination
  • Guest Relations
  • Guest information management
  • Concierge services
  • Personalized guest experiences
  • Safety and security protocols
  • Marketing and upselling
  • Health and hygiene standards
  • Loyalty programs management
  • Quality control
  • Emergency response handling
  • Environmental sustainability practices
  • Check-in and check-out procedures

#4. Food and Beverage Skills

The food and beverage industry is one of the most dynamic and fast-paced environments you can work in. Here, professionals have to continually adapt to customers’ changing preferences, stay updated on culinary trends, and provide exceptional service.

Here are some skills that would look great on any food and beverage worker's resume:

  • Menu planning and design
  • Recipe development
  • Food safety and hygiene
  • Culinary arts
  • Plate presentation
  • Portion control
  • Cost control and budgeting
  • Wine pairing
  • Beverage service
  • Detailed menu knowledge
  • Order taking and processing
  • Table setting and arrangement
  • Food preparation techniques
  • Dietary restrictions and allergen awareness
  • Staff training
  • Quality assurance
  • Health and safety regulations compliance
  • Event catering management
  • Customer feedback management
  • Upselling techniques
  • Point of sale (POS) system operation
  • Kitchen equipment operation and maintenance
  • Communication skills

Looking for more skills? Check out our server resume example here.

#5. Marketing and Advertising Skills

With new technologies developing faster than ever, it’s essential to move beyond the basics of traditional marketing and advertising to succeed in the industry. New skills keep popping up, and even the biggest marketing executives out there need to stay up to date on the latest developments.

So, here are some  of the most important marketing and advertising skills for any level:

  • Data analysis
  • Web analytics 
  • Email marketing
  • Web scraping
  • CRO and A/B testing
  • Data visualization
  • Pattern-finding through critical thinking
  • Project/campaign management
  • Social media and mobile marketing 
  • Paid social media advertisements
  • B2B Marketing
  • The four P-s of Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior Drivers
  • Brand management
  • Copywriting
  • Storytelling
  • Digital advertising
  • Multichannel marketing
  • Public relations
  • Content strategy
  • Market research
  • Budget management
  • Compliance and legal considerations
  • Affiliate marketing

#6. Administrative Skills

If you work in an office setting, there are some skills you should know, regardless of your job. Whether you’re a secretary, office manager, or executive assistant , you can put these skills on your resume.

Some basic administrative skills include:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Suite
  • Filing and paper management
  • Bookkeeping
  • Research and data analysis
  • Office management
  • Technical writing
  • Cloud networking and file sharing
  • Prioritization and task management
  • Customer service skills
  • Meeting planning and coordination
  • Event management
  • Travel management
  • Document preparation
  • Confidentiality and data protection
  • Minute taking
  • Report generation
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Calendar management
  • Expense reports
  • Reception duties
  • Correspondence handling
  • Presentation skills
  • Project management skills

#7. Human Resources Skills

Human Resources is a field that needs a strategic blend of soft and hard skills.

HR specialists are essential for managing diverse workforce needs and enhancing employee and company productivity in the long run.

Here are some examples of HR skills that always come in handy:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Motivation techniques
  • Technological savviness
  • People management
  • Business development
  • Strategic management
  • Negotiation skills
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Training and development
  • Performance management
  • Knowledge of compensation and benefits
  • Employee relations
  • Labor law compliance
  • Succession planning
  • HR analytics
  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives
  • Change management
  • Employee engagement strategies
  • Workplace safety
  • Talent acquisition strategies
  • Policy formulation and implementation
  • Employee counseling and support
  • HR information systems (HRIS)
  • Cross-cultural communication

#8. Business Skills

Business professionals are increasingly vital to organizations since they offer operational support and strategic insights that can drive growth.

Experts in the business industry need a broad set of skills to analyze trends , optimize processes, and predict future outcomes so their companies remain competitive and responsive to changes in the market.

Here are some examples of skills any business professional could add to their resume:

  • Financial forecasting
  • Profit and loss management
  • Market analysis
  • Trend identification
  • Competitive analysis
  • Risk management
  • Project management
  • Operations management
  • Leadership and team building
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Supply chain management
  • CRM software proficiency
  • ERP systems
  • Business reporting
  • Compliance and ethics
  • Sales and marketing strategies
  • Customer service
  • Business writing
  • Analytical reasoning
  • Cloud computing
  • E-commerce management
  • Social media strategy
  • Digital marketing
  • Innovation management

#9. Finance and Accounting Skills

The days of filing financial data and taxes by hand are long behind us, and now there are countless digital platforms and apps you can use instead.

So, it goes without saying that anyone working in finance or accounting should be familiar with the most popular skills and tools in the industry.

Some examples include:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Enterprise Resource Planning 
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Know Your Customers (KYC)
  • Cognos Analytics (IBM)
  • Visual Basic
  • Accounting Software
  • Revenue recognition
  • Anti-money laundering
  • Clear communication
  • General business knowledge
  • Numerical competence
  • Financial reporting
  • Cost accounting
  • Tax preparation and planning
  • Financial modeling
  • Investment analysis
  • Credit analysis
  • Cash flow management
  • Portfolio management
  • Compliance and regulatory management
  • Audit coordination
  • Project financing
  • Mergers and acquisitions

#10. IT Skills

New technology is popping up every other day, and that’s a great reason for anyone working in IT to keep their skills updated.

That said, if you are proficient in a programming language or two, you pretty much have a leg up on the competition.

Here’s a list of some of the most useful skills for any IT professional out there:

  • Programming languages (Python, Java, C#)
  • Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js)
  • Mobile app development (iOS, Android)
  • Database management (SQL, NoSQL)
  • Cloud computing services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • DevOps practices (CI/CD, automation)
  • Containerization technologies (Docker, Kubernetes)
  • Network security protocols
  • Cybersecurity best practices
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Machine learning and AI algorithms
  • Version control systems (Git, SVN)
  • Agile and Scrum methodologies
  • Software testing and debugging
  • System architecture design
  • API design and development
  • Performance optimization
  • IT project management
  • IT support and troubleshooting
  • Operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Scripting (Bash, PowerShell)
  • IT infrastructure management
  • Virtualization technologies
  • IT compliance and governance
  • UX/UI design principles
  • SEO and web analytics
  • Blockchain technology

#11. Nursing and Healthcare Skills

More than any other profession, healthcare professionals need to stay updated on the latest technologies, medicines, and techniques.

While the skills a registered nurse or other healthcare professional needs are countless and can be extremely specific to their specialization, the most basic skills boil down to:

  • Mathematics
  • Paperwork/record-keeping abilities
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
  • Physical endurance 
  • Infection control
  • Surgery preparation
  • Medication administration
  • Emergency room care
  • Psychiatric support
  • Geriatric health
  • Pediatric nursing
  • Oncology knowledge
  • Patient education
  • Medical software proficiency
  • Phlebotomy skills
  • Vital signs monitoring
  • Palliative care
  • Obstetric and neonatal care
  • Medical terminology
  • Ethical decision-making
  • Team coordination
  • Cultural competency

#12. Art and Design Skills

Today, knowing the basics of art and design isn’t enough. To get hired as part of a creative team, be it as a designer or illustrator , you need to know how to create content with different tools and for different channels, like the web and social media.

Some of the most important art and design skills for your resume include:

  • Graphic design
  • Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop)
  • Dreamweaver
  • Infographics
  • Web and app development (HTML, CSS, UX/UI)
  • Photo Editing 
  • Typography (spacing, line height, layout, choosing fonts)
  • Storyboarding
  • Targeting and marketing through visual communications
  • Logo creation
  • Digital printing
  • Integration of visual communication in social media platforms
  • Attention to detail and aesthetics
  • Interactive media design
  • Color sense and theory
  • 3D modeling and animation (Blender, Autodesk Maya)
  • Video editing (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro)
  • Motion graphics (Adobe After Effects)
  • Print design
  • Packaging design
  • Branding and identity design
  • Environmental graphic design
  • Exhibition design
  • Illustration
  • Sketching and conceptual visualization
  • User interface design
  • User experience design
  • Prototyping (digital and physical)
  • Content management systems (WordPress)
  • Accessibility standards for design
  • Composition
  • Crafting and use of traditional media
  • Client relations and communication
  • Augmented reality (AR) design
  • Virtual reality (VR) design

#13. Education Skills

You might have three PhDs and still struggle to get the latest educational programs to work in front of your classroom. You’re likely missing some crucial skills for your field.

Teaching methods have evolved, and so have the skills you need to be a teacher or professor at the top of your game. So, here are some essential skills if you want to work in education:

  • Updated curriculum knowledge
  • Educational platforms (Elearn)
  • Technological and digital literacy
  • Lesson planning
  • Classroom management
  • Student assessments
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Educational theory and practice
  • Parent and community engagement
  • Child psychology
  • Educational policy knowledge
  • Student safety and welfare
  • Career counseling
  • Technology integration in the classroom
  • Remote learning management
  • Curriculum adaptation
  • Educational software proficiency

Looking for a job in academia? Learn how to write an academic CV to get started.

Bonus Infographic: Skills to Put on a Resume

Skills to Put on a Resume Infographic

FAQs About Putting Skills on Your Resume

Do you still have some questions about what skills you should put on your resume and how? Check out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions here:

#1. What kind of skills should I include in my resume?

Your resume should include a combination of two types of skills: hard skills and soft skills.

Hard skills involve job-specific skills that are acquired through education, training, or work experience, while soft skills involve personality traits that can be indirectly useful at the workplace and help you adapt to the company culture better.

Depending on your industry, some examples of hard skills you can list on your resume include copywriting, database management, graphic design, foreign languages, public speaking, and more.

Examples of soft skills include communication, creativity, leadership, teamwork, time management, and conflict resolution.

#2. What top skills do employers look for?

Currently, some of the top hard skills hiring managers are on the lookout for include blockchain development, SEO, virtual reality development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, business analysis, Java development, affiliate marketing, UX design, machine learning, project management, video production and editing, sales, and business development .

The top soft skills hiring managers are looking for include creativity, collaboration, persuasion, adaptability, and emotional intelligence.

#3. How can I identify my skills?

If you want to identify your skills, start by considering your greatest accomplishments . Have you been recognized for a specific achievement? What skills helped you do it? You’re probably still skilled in those areas.

Next, consider asking friends and coworkers. Sometimes, it’s easier for others to recognize your strengths . If you’re new to the job market, you can ask former professors and classmates to give you some insight, too.

#4. Where do skills go on a resume?

Your skills should go under a separate ‘Skills’ section on your resume, typically placed right below or next to your work experience section.

That said, you should further prove that you have the skills you list in this section. Weave the most relevant skills for the job in other resume sections, such as the resume summary and your work experience sections, to show the hiring manager how those skills are put to use.

#5. How many skills should I include in my resume?

The number of skills to add to your resume depends on the job you’re applying for, as well as your level of expertise and work history.

If you’re a seasoned professional with plenty of job-related skills, you should definitely include them in your resume.

As a rule of thumb, listing up to ten skills on your resume is typically a safe choice, as long as they don’t make your resume spill over to page two .

#6. What are the best skills for a candidate with no experience?

If you’re a student with no experience and few job-specific skills, you can benefit from adding transferable skills to your resume. These are skills that can be applied to many jobs across several industries.

Some examples of good skills for a no-experience resume include communication, organization, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, and computer skills.

#7. What are the top 12 skills to put on your resume?

There are several skills that could go on just about any resume, regardless of your targeted job. These include both hard skills and soft skills that can be used in any industry.

We recommend including skills like communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, computer literacy, research, teamwork, project management, leadership, organization, time management, customer service, and networking.

#9. Does a CV need skills?

There are a few differences between a CV and a resume . But for the most part, if you’re writing a CV for a job application, the structure should be similar to a resume.

So, you should add a skills section to your CV and list skills relevant to the job you’re applying for. The only exception to this rule is when you’re writing an academic CV, in which case skills are optional or even discouraged.

#10. What’s the best way to list skills on a resume in 2024?

To really impress with your skills in 2024, don’t just list some random skills under a separate section and call it a day!

Instead, make them more credible by finding out more about the company culture, tailoring your skills to the job description, mentioning the most critical skills in your resume summary or resume objective, and using your achievements to explain exactly how you used your skills to your advantage.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to putting skills on a resume!

By now, we’re sure you’re a pro and ready to impress the hiring manager with the skills on your resume.

But before you go, let’s sum up the most important things we mentioned in this article:

  • One of the most important sections on your resume is the skill section, and over 41% of hiring managers check it first.
  • The skill section is crucial for making it past the ATS because some of the most important resume keywords are skills you should list on your resume.
  • Skills are divided into hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are technical skills you can gain through experience, training, or education, while soft skills can be attributes or habits related to how you work.
  • Your resume should only list skills that are relevant to the job. Find out which skills these are by scanning through the job ad picking out the required skills that you have, and adding them to your resume.
  • Some skills are universally useful across different professions, like adaptability, communication, and teamwork.

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StandOut CV

40 Student CV skills for your CV

Andrew Fennell photo

If you’re trying to bag a job as a student, you need to pack your CV with impressive skills to land interviews.

And as a student you’ve probably picked up hundreds of valuable skills without even realising.

In this article, we’ve listed 40+ student skills for your CV, including soft skills, tech skills and essential workplace skills.

CV templates 

Student Soft skills

Soft skills for students

Here are some of the top soft skills employers will be looking for on a CV , even if you’re a student with little-to-no work experience:

  • Creativity – e.g. “Wrote and produced a feature-length play which was performed at the university student union and featured in the student newspaper.”
  • Critical thinking – e.g. “Completed 10+ data charts for Analytics module during Marketing degree.”
  • Coordination – e.g. “Worked with a team of 4 other students to create a faux advertising campaign as an assignment for our Digital Marketing module.”
  • Adaptability – e.g. “Worked as a shop floor assistant, handling customer inquiries, re-stocking shelves, taking inventory and processing orders.”
  • Interpersonal skills – e.g. “Volunteered with a homeless charity, encouraging donations and organising fundraisers.”
  • Work ethic – e.g. “Began volunteering aged 16 with local foodbank, handing out food parcels and taking inventory on stock.”
  • Time management – e.g. “ Managed 4 full-time university modules while volunteering part-time in the student library.”
  • Organisational skills – e.g. “Worked on the student events committee and helped to organise our university’s graduation celebration.”
  • Teamwork – e.g. “Was part of a team of 6 reaching the finals of our university’s rowing club, taking home the second-place medal.”
  • Attention to detail – e.g. “Volunteered in a charity shop doing visual merchandising and organising items according to genre, price and style.”

CV builder

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Student tech skills

Tech skills

If you’re currently a student , you probably grew up developing useful tech literacy. Here are the top tech skills to include on your student CV:

  • Administrative skills – e.g. “Filed memos, took restaurant bookings and organised waiting staff’s work schedule in Microsoft Excel.”
  • Social media management – e.g. “Managed the shop’s social media presence, writing Facebook posts, Instagram stories and Twitter posts.”
  • Web design – e.g. “Helped develop our school’s first website, upkeeping the school blog and uploading photos and videos.”
  • Adobe Photoshop – e.g. “Created leaflets and posters for our university debating championship using Adobe Photoshop.”
  • Digital communication – e.g. “Composed all emails, responded to memos and crafted all posts on our social media channels.”
  • Microsoft Office – e.g. “Created PowerPoint presentations on UK voting trends and organised all data in Microsoft Excel for Social Studies module.”
  • Online literacy – e.g. “Ran a personal blog from age 16 to 22, documenting my school and university experience and reaching around 700 unique visitors per month.”
  • Coding – e.g. “Completed first year of my Bachelor’s in computer programming, trained in Python, CSS, HTML and UX.”
  • Video editing – e.g. “5 years’ experience creating videos using Final Cut Pro, with over 200,000 total views on 84 videos on YouTube channel.”
  • Photography – e.g. “3+ years’ experience in amateur and freelance photography, with my freelance work featured on the amateur photographer site Unsplash.”

Support skills

Support skills

Having good support skills is important when it comes to being a productive member of any team. Here are the key support skills you can highlight on your student CV:

  • Active listening – e.g. “Elected as year representative, I headed our university’s successful campaign to tackle drug abuse, distributing surveys and speaking 1-on-1 with affected students.”
  • Patience – e.g. “Worked in a fast-paced customer service environment, handling up to 40+ phone calls in a given hour and resolving customer complaints.”
  • Customer Service – e.g. “Helped customers select appropriate products from our electronics range, offering support and guidance on the shop floor.”
  • Conflict Resolution – e.g. “Conduced work experience at local primary school, supervising children in both the playground and classroom and intervening during problems.”
  • Empathy – e.g. “Worked as a volunteer for a women’s shelter, speaking with new arrivals and preparing teas, coffees and meals.”
  • Negotiation – e.g. “Helped upsell products to new customers, promoting our brand range and signing up 100 customers to our loyalty card scheme.”
  • Team support – e.g . “Supported supervisors in inventory and stock checking, while carrying out my own tasks in a timely manner.”
  • Verbal communication – e.g. “Managed the customer service desk, taking phone calls, filtering emails and passing on important memos to supervisors and management staff.”
  • Reliability – e.g. “Supported our local church’s efforts in fundraising and was selected to carry out street fundraising, achieving over 400 unique donations in 6 months.”
  • Emotional intelligence – e.g. “Volunteered at local animal shelter, helping the team feed and bathe new animals while also helping integrate new volunteers.”

Workplace skills

Workplace skills

Throughout academia and any part-time or volunteer work, you’ll develop lots of important workplace skills. Here are the top workplace skills to include on your CV :

  • Initiative – e.g. “Volunteered with 3 different charities and organised coffee mornings for local parents with young children.”
  • Flexibility – e.g. “Worked on a shift pattern for 9 months, alternating between weekend work, evening work and weekday work.”
  • Planning – e.g. “Took 3 full-time modules while also taking on an extra second-language module in order to prepare for my year studying abroad.”
  • Resourcefulness – e.g . “Helped train three new employees at our self-service checkout system.”
  • Enthusiasm – e.g. “Volunteered to onboard new restaurant employees during quiet periods, helping management staff cut costs.”
  • Leadership – e.g. “Was elected head of 2 nd year student body, tasked with all communications between staff and students.”
  • Presentation skills – e.g. “Performed regular presentations as part of my graded assignments in my social studies module, often presenting data to audiences of up to 200 students.”
  • Integrity – e.g. “Worked for three years as a volunteer for the RSPCA, contributing to fundraising efforts and organising events in the local community.”
  • Collaboration – e.g. “Worked with our partner university in creating our prison writing program, visiting women’s prisons and conducting book clubs and writing workshops.”
  • Willingness to learn – e.g. “During role as customer service assistant, was trained on the job in inventory, cash handling and stock checking.”

What are student CV skills?

Student CV skills describe mostly soft skills that you’ve obtained both in your academic career and your part-time work (if you have any.)

Most students won’t have a full CV of work experience yet, so your student skills will be made up of your soft skills and tech skills, some of which you may have even learned as a hobby (such as Photoshop or video editing.)

Your student skills can also come from your work within academia: planning, organising your study schedule and coordinating in groups will all contribute towards your workplace skills.

Why are student CV skills important?

Student CV skills are important because they demonstrate your initiative to employers. Plus, having some work experience on your CV before graduating is always a good sign, indicating to a recruiter that you’re a self-starter and have a strong work ethic.

In addition, your student CV skills are important as they will help you to understand the importance of soft skills on your CV. Having strong, verifiable soft skills – such as organisational skills and communication skills – will give your CV an edge over competition in the future.

How to include student CV skills on your CV

You can include your student CV skills either in your core skills section of your CV or in the work experience section of your CV.

If you have no work experience, you can list your student CV skills either in the extra-curricular activities section of your CV, or in your education section of your CV.

In your CV profile

If you’re targeting typical student jobs in the retail or hospitality, it’s a good idea to highlight your student skills in your CV profile . While it might be tempting to include some of your more advanced skills, a restaurant owner isn’t going to be impressed by your coding abilities.

What they will be impressed by is your reliability, punctuality, and interpersonal skills. For jobs in customer-facing roles, focus on highlighting your soft skills on your CV profile.

You can add your student skills to your CV profile as shown in the example below:

CV profile

In your jobs and extra-curricular activities

Being a student, you might not have a lot of work experience. If so, you can include your soft skills in the extracurricular section of your CV, or alongside your academic achievements. If you do have work experience, you can list your soft skills in your work experience section.

Put simply, include your skills alongside where you learned them, whether it be at school, at university, during a part-time job or working as a volunteer.

You can add your student skills to your work experience or extracurricular section as shown in the example below:

Work experience CV

What to avoid

When you’re writing your CV as a student, it’s normal to feel a bit stuck. Without lots of paid work experience, it can feel impossible to list skills and competences. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to impress with grades alone – a shop owner is more interested in your adaptability and flexibility than your A* grade in Physics.

The key is to draw on the experience you already have. Volunteer work, unpaid work experience and your academic work can all contribute to your soft skills and show recruiters that you’d make an excellent employee.

Many companies who employ students (such as restaurants, bars, and shops) will know that you don’t have a full work history, and they won’t expect one. So, instead of highlighting your academic achievements, highlight the soft skills you’ve developed over the years, and demonstrate to an employer why you’d be a great addition to their team.

Northeastern logo in header

12 Nursing Student Skills for Resume Writing: How to Make Your First Nursing Resume Stand Out

Each blog post is dated and contains accurate information as of that date. Certain information may have changed since the blog post publication date. If you would like to confirm the current accuracy of blog information, please visit our ABSN overview page or contact admissions at (866) 892-3819.

Which nursing student skills for resume writing are most important? You’ll need to list a mix of hard and soft skills. Hard skills for a nursing student resume include patient assessments, medication management, and IV placement, while soft skills include communication, problem-solving, and compassion.

hiring rep reviews applicant's resume

Arguably, the most exciting part of nursing school is nearing graduation and compiling your first student nurse resume. At last, you can put what you’ve been taught into practice as a licensed registered nurse.

Making a good first impression is vital, but what’s the best way to do that with your nursing resume? The key is highlighting the skills employers seek in their new nurses. Here, we’ll look at the top nursing student skills for resume writing and some important resume do’s and don’ts.

At Northeastern University, we are committed to supporting our Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) students so they can excel in their nursing careers. After earning your BSN, you’ll have the core knowledge and skills to make an outstanding first impression when you head into the workforce after graduation.

skyline view of bridge in Boston

Why Boston? Check out the top advantages of choosing an accelerated nursing program near Boston .

What’s the Difference Between a Nursing Resume and a CV?

When scanning job ads for nurses, you may notice some recruiters request resumes while others ask for CVs (curriculum vitae). Nurses should have both documents on hand. What’s the difference?

A resume is a shorter document that provides an overview of your academic credentials, work experience, and licensure and certification information. Typically, a nursing resume won’t be longer than two pages.

In contrast, a CV offers far more details and can be much longer, with no limit on length. In addition to explaining your education, work experience and licensure/certifications, a CV may include information on awards and grants, publications, conference presentations, technology skills, extracurriculars, community service, etc.

If a job ad doesn’t specify whether the recruiter wants a resume or a CV, you’ll generally submit a resume for an entry-level position and a CV for higher-level positions, including nurse educator positions. Since you are a nursing student or a recent grad, we’ll focus on entry-level nursing resume tips rather than CV writing.

Why You Should List Hard and Soft Skills for a Nursing Student Resume

Hard skills are the discrete, measurable skills you possess, such as the ability to ride a bike or read. With nursing, hard skills come into play for much of your nursing school education. You have learned all about patient care skills, like assessing patients, giving medications, treating injuries, and more. Including your hard skills shows employers that you have mastered your core nursing skills, which makes you a more competitive candidate.

woman in interview holding resume

On the other hand, soft skills represent your internal, immeasurable, qualitative skills. These include your patient demeanor, communication skills, ability to be calm under pressure, and compassion. Soft skills are equally important for being a well-rounded nurse. You should highlight your best soft skills on your nursing resume so healthcare employers can see how you’d make a patient-centered, caring nurse.

6 Hard Nursing Student Skills for a Resume

When applying for a nursing job, what types of hard nursing student skills for resume writing matter? Your prospective employer wants to know you have gleaned all the necessary patient care skills taught in online coursework , simulation labs and clinical rotations during nursing school. They want to know they can trust you to care for patients independently.

In the skills section of your resume or within the descriptions of your experiences, address these key skills you have learned in accelerated nursing school at Northeastern. Six top hard skills a nurse should have include:

Curious about becoming a nurse at Northeastern? Learn how our ABSN program develops skills for nurses .

nurse speaking with doctor

1. Patient Assessment

Prospective employers want to know whether you’ve mastered evaluating and assessing a patient’s condition and symptoms. Can you accurately take a history, check vitals, assess the severity of a patient’s illness and prioritize the most imminent concerns?

2. CPR and BLS Skills

Nurses are often the first person in the room if a patient codes or has a dangerous heart rhythm. Healthcare organizations want to know that you can maintain a level head, alert the response team, check pulse and breathing, and begin CPR appropriately.

3. Medication Management

Medications are one of the key responsibilities of nurses, so you should note your experience with administering and charting medications. Let prospective employers know you have mastered this important skill.

4. IV Line Placement and Infusions

IVs are another one of the bread-and-butter skills of qualified nurses, so reassure employers that you are comfortable placing IV catheters and starting and managing infusions.

Northeastern nursing student in sim lab

5. Patient Safety and Infection Control

Patient safety is a big deal. Hospitals do not want patients breaking an arm or exposed to a biohazard during a hospital stay. Make note on your resume that you understand fall risk protocols and proper safety measures. Similarly, infection control measures are key for keeping patients and healthcare workers safe, so write down your comfort with the various infection prevention and control measures.

6. Charting on the Electronic Medical Record (EMR)

As a nurse, you must document all the care you provide your patients. You must also use the EMR to reference patient information and care plans. In accelerated nursing school at Northeastern, you will learn to use various EMR systems, so note on your resume your experience level with EMRs and which EMRs you have used.

6 Soft Skills for a Nursing Student Resume

It may seem like hard skills are the most important for keeping your patients safe, but possessing soft skills is also vital for comforting and caring for them. Furthermore, these soft skills ensure you work well within a hospital team. As such, it’s important to include soft skills for a nursing student resume. This will help give healthcare employers an idea of what kind of nurse you are, how you treat your patients and coworkers and which values guide your actions.

1. Communication

As a nurse, you must communicate all day, every day. Effective communication is key, whether with patients, families, doctors, nurses, nursing aides or managers. On your resume, mention your verbal communication skills, and especially note your patient interaction skills.

2. Teamwork

You will continually work in teams to accomplish patient goals in the healthcare environment. Hospitals don’t want nurses who have a hero mindset. Instead, they seek those who understand each team member’s role, for together, the team will improve patient outcomes. Healthcare employers want to know you are a contributing team member who fulfills your nursing role while also collaborating with those around you.

closeup of nurse hands writing on clipboard at desk

Nurses need a special blend of technical and soft skills. Explore these top 10 nursing characteristics & skills .

3. Compassion

Nursing is the epitome of a compassionate career. Because nurses spend the most time with their patients, healthcare employers want to make sure they hire nurses who care, listen and empathize with patients. On your nursing resume, tell employers that you have a heart for patients. Show that you connect with them and care for them like you would a close friend.

4. Problem-Solving Skills

Nurses deal with challenging situations regularly, and it is beneficial if they can think on their feet and think through problems rationally and effectively. In nursing school, did some of your clinical rotations help you refine these skills? When you apply for nursing jobs, comment on your ability to think laterally and work through problems and challenging scenarios successfully.

5. Integrity

Nurses have patients’ lives in their hands, so healthcare organizations need to know they can trust you to be honest. Integrity means documenting accurately in the EMR, addressing mistakes right away and using hospital resources appropriately. In your resume, let employers know about your integrity and trustworthiness.

Northeastern nursing student standing in hall smiling

6. Pursuit of Learning

Healthcare is always changing and developing as research and new information emerge. You are a new nurse jumping into a new career, and it is vital you continue to be a sponge. Employers want to know you will take the advice of veteran nurses and ask questions when you have any doubts about what to do. Make sure you mention your commitment to learning and becoming the best nurse you can possibly be.

Tips for Writing Your Student Nurse Resume

When you start writing your student nurse resume, there are some common resume do’s and don’ts to implement for the best results. The small details matter, and once you create a polished resume, the process is much easier for any future skills, certifications and experience that you’ll add later.

In your resume, put your best foot forward and show your prospective employer how your nursing student skills and preparation set you up to excel as a professional nurse. Here are some key nursing resume do’s and don’ts to follow:

  • Break your resume into sections: Summary, Education, Skills, Experiences, Volunteer Work and Certifications/Awards.
  • Include your contact information at the top.
  • Write a summary paragraph of your interests and what you’re looking for in a job.
  • Add both your first bachelor’s degree and your BSN degree.
  • Add the units/facilities where you completed your clinical rotations.
  • Talk about patient care experience (i.e., CNA, LPN, surgery tech).
  • Show your leadership roles.
  • Include community involvement and volunteer experiences.
  • Use a resume template or generator, so it has a professional aesthetic.
  • Include a cover letter when applying for jobs.
  • Choose engaging verbs: managed, initiated, launched, led, promoted, handled, etc.
  • Use bulleted lists instead of paragraphs.
  • Make your resume longer than one to two 8.5x11 pages.
  • Minimize your experiences.
  • Include any experiences before college.
  • Have an unformatted resume.
  • Write in long-form paragraphs.
  • Give too much information about each experience. Keep each one pertinent and brief.
  • Yes: Started and managed IVs independently
  • No: I started and managed IVs independently
  • Choose stale verbs: did, was, had, went, assisted, etc.
  • Forget to edit for spelling and grammar.

What to Know About Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)

northeastern student studying on laptop

Although it’s important to include these top nursing student skills for resume writing, finding your first nursing job may also benefit from knowledge of ATS. Applicant Tracking Software refers to computer programs that many employers — not just healthcare employers — use to sort through significant volumes of resumes.

Employers may get hundreds — or even more — applications for one job, and it can be challenging for human resources professionals to sort through all of them. As a result, they rely on ATS to screen resumes.

When a resume is screened through ATS, the program is configured to pick up on certain keywords the position demands, such as a specific skill or certain certification. One pitfall of ATS is that some of these programs cannot tell the difference between acronyms and their proper titles spelled out.

To ensure your nursing resume will pass the automated screening, it’s essential to:

  • Proofread carefully to avoid spelling errors that may confuse the program.
  • Spell out all words, followed by the acronym or abbreviation.

For example, instead of simply adding “BLS” to your resume, add “Basic Life Support (BLS).” This way, regardless of whether the program is looking for the full term or the acronym, it will register that you have that skill on your resume.

Putting It All Together

All this information may seem overwhelming, but taking the time now to create a professional resume will facilitate a successful job hunt. Just remember to highlight your strengths and your top nursing student skills for resume success. When prospective employers see you are a well-rounded, educated, compassionate and level-headed nurse, they will jump at the chance to hire you.

smiling nurse portrait

Reach Out to Learn How to Earn Your BSN

Not quite ready to follow these nursing resume tips yet? If you are interested in starting your nursing career, an accelerated nursing program is a great way to begin. Students who have a prior non-nursing bachelor’s degree or transfer college credits can enroll in the Northeastern ABSN program in Burlington or Charlotte and earn their BSN in as few as 16 months.

At Northeastern University, our rigorous accelerated BSN program will prepare you to step into your first professional nursing job with confidence. Contact an admissions counselor to learn more.

Published 09/06/24

Published 07/23/24

Get Your Free ABSN Program Guide

Our ABSN program guide includes everything you need to know about the accelerated path to nursing.

Northeastern University ABSN program guide

16 Good Skills to Put on a Resume With No Experience

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Looking for a list of good skills to put on a resume with no experience? Yes, it exists. When writing a resume for your first job , finding the best tools to show employers what you have to offer can make all the difference, whether or not you have work experience to back it up.

Today's job market is highly competitive, with companies seeking versatile candidates who possess a wide range of skills and the ability to adapt to challenging situations. The good news? You can check all those boxes, even without formal job experience.

Your entry-level resume should demonstrate your strengths and qualifications, while also being an accurate reflection of who you are—which means, not turning it into a compilation of buzzwords. Here's a list of the best skills to put on a resume when you have no experience. (Keep these in handy for your job hunt, and get ready to stand out!)

Once you perfect your resume, check out open jobs on The Muse and maximize your chances of getting hired »

What are entry-level resume skills ?

When it comes to what skills to put on a resume, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Yes, there are a couple of general skills that hiring managers typically look for. But specific roles may demand specific abilities.

For example, if you're an entry-level candidate applying to a sales associate position, your communication and customer service skills are going to be way more important than your Photoshop knowledge.

“When candidates have no experience in a position, recruiters look for skills that align directly with the role,” says Prestina Yarrington , Growth & Development Coach and former Global Talent Acquisition Senior Manager at Microsoft. “They're looking for a skillset match between the candidate's resume and the job description.”

The key is to identify past experiences that have helped you develop skills relevant to the job you're applying for. “These can be exhibited through your education, internships, or volunteer work, which may have allowed you to become familiar with the skills needed for the role. It can also include work you may have done as a member of a club or organization,” Yarrington says.

Examples of skills to put on a resume with no experience

OK, you understand now that your resume should be tailored to each job. But to get you started, here are 16 great skills to put on a resume with no experience—from soft to hard skills .

General and behavioral skills

Need some key skills to put on a resume for an entry-level position? General and behavioral skills—also known as soft skills —are a good place to start. Why? Because they are essential and highly valued in nearly every job out there.

By showcasing these skills on your resume, you'll be giving the hiring manager a glimpse into who you are and how you might act in the work environment.

1. Creativity

Most employers really value creative candidates because they're the ones who bring fresh ideas and innovation to the company. Even though this skill is often linked with traditional creative jobs like writing or design, it's actually useful in any work setting. You can leverage creativity to solve problems and handle tricky situations with ease.

Read more: 16 High-Paying Jobs for Creative People

2. Leadership

Companies crave employees who can motivate, engage, and manage others. That's why leadership skills can be a surprising asset on a resume with no experience. To demonstrate this quality, reflect on situations or relevant experiences from your past where you had the chance to effectively lead others. This could include team projects or involvement in extracurricular activities, for example.

4. Attention to detail

Another skill that can catch the recruiter's eye is attention to detail. People with this skill are typically meticulous, organized, and dedicated to high-quality work. However, it's important to find a balance. While a keen eye for detail is valuable, it shouldn't become an obsession to the point that slows you down.

With that in mind, to showcase this strength on your resume, highlight how your attention to detail helped you excel in a project or solve a problem. Focus on the positive impact it has on you.

3. Organizational skills

Are you an organized person? Have you ever had to multitask and handled it like a pro? If so, think about adding organizational skills to your resume. Employers really value this ability—especially in roles where you'll be dealing with a lot of tasks every day.

5. Communication skills

Whether you're working directly with the public or not, communication skills are a must on an entry-level resume. Regardless of your position, you'll likely need to communicate with your team, boss, and colleagues daily—be it in person or via email. So, make sure to highlight your ability to convey information clearly and express yourself effectively.

6. Ability to learn quickly

As an entry-level employee, you'll be constantly learning a lot of things. That's why you should highlight your ability to be a quick learner on your resume—it shows you're ready to soak up new knowledge and contribute effectively to any team, even without formal experience.

Mention a previous project where you started with minimal expertise and quickly absorbed new information. Even better if you provide examples illustrating what you learned and how it improved your performance.

7. Adaptability

The job market is constantly evolving. New technology, tools, and apps pop up all the time. Not only that—companies themselves are always changing, requiring employees to take on new responsibilities and adjust to new scenarios. By demonstrating your flexibility and willingness to embrace change, you can make your resume stand out.

Read more: 3 Ways You Can Deal With Change at Work

8. Public speaking

Even if the job you're applying for doesn't involve much public interaction, public speaking is a great skill to put on a resume with no experience. It signals you're a confident person who can communicate effectively. Plus, it's a useful skill to have in many work situations, such as presenting projects or leading discussions and meetings.

Transferable skills

Transferable skills are those you can apply to any job, regardless of the title or field—which makes them highly prized by hiring managers. “For entry-level positions, recruiters are looking for transferable skills the candidate may have demonstrated in another role. For instance, problem-solving, teamwork, or critical thinking skills,” says Yarrington.

However, it doesn't mean you should copy and paste the list onto your resume. Your choices should be tailored to the specific role you're seeking. “This can be taken directly from the job description. Try to stay away from general broad terms. Recruiters are looking to find a match for the position,” she says.

Read more: How to Read a Job Description the Right Way

9. Problem-solving

Problem-solving is one of the best skills to put on a resume with no experience because it shows your ability to tackle challenges and find solutions. Since most professions involve facing certain challenges sooner or later, employers highly value candidates with this capability.

Be sure to provide an example of a situation where you were faced with a problem and successfully find a solution to overcome it.

10. Teamwork

Being a team player is key. Employers seek candidates who can collaborate well with others and offer support, rather than competing with them. Most work environments rely on teams to achieve common goals. This includes everything from group discussions and brainstorming meetings to depending on your colleague to get your job done. Think about a chef who depends on the waiter to deliver the food to customers—that's teamwork in action.

Read more: 4 Tips to Help Control Freaks Be Team Players

11. Critical thinking

Another highly demanded skill is critical thinking . It involves analyzing complex situations and making informed, intelligent decisions to solve problems or improve processes.

Similar to problem-solving, this skill demonstrates that you're able to handle obstacles effectively. When crafting your resume, look for situations where you used your critical thinking skills to overcome challenges.

12. Time management

Time management is also a key skill to add to your resume, especially if you're new to the workforce, given how fast-paced many workplaces are today. It requires the ability to prioritize projects and handle multiple tasks simultaneously while meeting deadlines. Employees lacking time management skills are less likely to thrive in such environments, which could lead to delayed deliveries and low productivity.

Technical skills

Who says entry-level resume skills can't be technical? Also known as hard skills , they can be self-taught or acquired through certifications, work experience, and college education. Unlike behavioral and transferable skills, technical knowledge is typically more specialized, only applicable in specific fields.

14. Software programs

Are you a Photoshop expert? Can you edit videos using Final Cut or Adobe Premiere? These are good skills to put on a resume, particularly if you're applying for roles in social media, content creation, or marketing.

Do you have experience working with Excel or Google Presentations? Many office jobs require knowledge in one of these software programs. While more experienced professionals may omit them from their resumes, entry-level candidates should do the exact opposite and highlight this kind of skill.

15. Writing

Writing is one of the best examples of technical skills to put on a resume for first job, as many professions rely heavily on it. For example, roles in social media management and content marketing require strong writing abilities.

Read more: 9 High-Paying Writing Jobs for Word People: Editors, Writers, and Beyond

Even seemingly non-technical roles like receptionist or secretary often require strong writing skills. While graduates from journalism or literature may have an advantage, those from different backgrounds can still get online certifications in creative writing, technical writing, and more.

16. Social media management

If you think about it, almost every business—big or small—has a social media presence nowadays. That's why social media management is a skill worth considering for your resume, especially if you're interested in job opportunities related to content marketing or creation.

Like the others skills on this list, social media management is something you can develop through personal projects or certifications.

How do I list my skills on a resume with no experience?

You've learned what are some skills to put on a resume as an entry-level candidate. But how do you list them effectively? Ideally, each skill should be linked to a specific experience you've had. No worries though—even without formal work experience, there are some creative ways to showcase them and grab the attention of recruiters.

Use a minimalist template

You might have some amazing design skills (put that on your list!), but your resume isn't the place to show them off just yet. Focus on keeping your resume minimalistic and clear.

“Although most candidates put a lot of effort into the specific template used or the formatting of their resume, which is often aesthetically pleasing, the overall content of the resume is what we pay attention to more,” says Yarrington.

Read more: 40 Best Free Resume Templates to Use and Customize

Leverage the resume summary

The resume summary is the very first section of the document. It's used to highlight your main goal and your most important qualifications. As an entry-level applicant, you can take advantage of this section to tell a bit about yourself and list some of your best skills.

“It's a great idea to start with a summary briefly stating the intended career goals and highlighting key strengths that are relevant to the position,” says Yarrington. “For an entry-level position, it may be beneficial to include the desired next step in the career journey—this shows a desire to commit to learning the necessary knowledge and skills to progress.”

Here's an example:

Creative and detail-oriented computer science graduate with internship experience in web development. Proficient in HTML, Java Script, and CSS, with a solid understanding of software maintenance for engineering applications. Seeking an entry-level position to expand my knowledge and further develop my skills.

Create sections related to your skills

If you've never had a formal job before, you can create sections to include relevant experiences related to the skills you want to emphasize. For instance, “education and academic success, notable achievements or awards, and volunteer work,” says Yarrington.

It could be something like:

Volunteer Experience

Food bank of West Virginia

Volunteer Shift Manager, January 2023 — December 2023

  • Managed the food pantry operations, developing a new organization system that resulted in a 35% decrease in waste
  • Trained over 15 new volunteers, guiding them through all our internal processes and systems
  • Created and implemented a new shift calendar to better accommodate the needs of both new and existing volunteers, resulting in a 10% reduction in absenteeism

Literally create a skills section

This skills section can be added at the very end of the document, below your experiences and education. There are two different ways to do it: vertically or horizontally.

Example #1:

Relevant skills

  • Creative writing
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability

Example #2:

Creative content writing, SEO, editing, critical thinking, adaptability, attention to detail

Prioritize quality over quantity

Don't go listing every skill under the sun to fill up a page. Be truthful, and most importantly, focus on the quality of your resume.

“Is it geared towards the role you're seeking? Have you highlighted skills from the position that can be found in either your education, volunteer, or organizational work? Is the resume spell/grammar checked?” Yarrington asks.

Imagine claiming to be detail-oriented and then submitting a resume that doesn't align with the job description or, worse, is full of grammar mistakes. That's definitely not the impression you want to make.

“Many people miss small things when it comes to this,” she says. “It can convey whether or not the candidate pays attention to detail or reviews their work before submitting it. These are soft skills that are vital in an entry-level position .”

skills to put on college application resume


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  17. 101 Essential Skills to Put on a Resume in 2024 [For Most Jobs]

    Learn how to list hard and soft skills on your resume for different professions and industries. Find out the difference between hard and soft skills, how to tailor them to the job, and what skills are in demand in 2024.

  18. 10 Best Skills To Put On Your Resume (With Examples and FAQ)

    Learn how to choose the best skills to put on your resume and impress employers. Find out the difference between hard and soft skills, see examples for different roles and get answers to common questions.

  19. 40 impressive student skills for your CV [Get hired fast]

    Here are some of the top soft skills employers will be looking for on a CV, even if you're a student with little-to-no work experience:. Creativity - e.g. "Wrote and produced a feature-length play which was performed at the university student union and featured in the student newspaper."; Critical thinking- e.g. "Completed 10+ data charts for Analytics module during Marketing ...

  20. 12 Nursing Student Skills for Resume Writing

    Learn how to highlight your hard and soft skills for a nursing resume, such as patient assessment, CPR, medication management, and communication. Find out the difference between a resume and a CV and get tips for writing a stand-out nursing student resume.

  21. 120 Essential Skills To List on a Resume

    Learn about different types of skills employers value and see 120 examples of skills to highlight on your resume. Find out how to showcase your hard skills, soft skills, technical skills, language skills and more.

  22. Best Skills to Put on a Resume With No Experience

    Learn how to showcase your strengths and qualifications on a resume for your first job, even if you have no work experience. Find out 16 good skills to put on a resume, from general and behavioral skills to transferable and technical skills.