4DX Method PowerPoint Template

With our 4DX PowerPoint template, you'll receive all the integral information about the four disciplines and a wide selection of templates to introduce the 4DX in your company. Present the 4DX method to your team using our vivid graphics and help them execute strategic goals. Bringing your team on board is the only way to sustainably achieve your strategic goals.

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What are the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)?

Developed by Sean Covey, Jim Huling and Chris McChesney, the method helps team leaders, and their teams, achieve an organization's strategic goals. The four disciplines provide a roadmap that shifts the focus from theoretical strategy development to actual execution. The four disciplines are:

1. Focus on the wildly important.

2. Act on the lead measures.

3. Create a compelling scoreboard.

4. Create a cadence of accountability.

From theory to practice

When setting and developing strategic goals, team leaders often have a wealth of knowledge. But when it comes to concrete plans and implementation, they face greater challenges and lack pertinent methods. This is where the 4DX method steps in by focusing solely on executing the most important strategic goals – the WIGs (Widely Important Goals).

These are then used to derive smaller team goals that team members can contribute to by completing one or two influential tasks. Focusing on just a few employee tasks makes it easier to strive for strategic goals, even during the whirlwind of day-to-day business.

Team members: the key to success

Implementing your corporate strategy is more than just working through a list of tasks. More often than not, it takes employee commitment and a willingness to change behavior. Team members need to be involved in planning and be convinced of the strategic goals and behavioral changes they require.

The 4DX method has an answer for this as well. By using scoreboards and establishing a cadence of accountability, team members will be motivated to perform and continually improve. The scoreboards make the performance of teams or individual team members visible to all.

Everything about the 4DX method in one set

This PowerPoint template contains all essential information about the 4 Disciplines of Execution, with clear diagrams and graphics, so that you can present the method to your company and convince your team members. Numerous templates also allow you to implement the 4DX process in your company. In addition to templates for creating your WIGs, you'll receive a variety of scoreboard templates to motivate your employees and keep them on track to achieve their goals.

With the 4DX template for PowerPoint, you can

  • present the 4 Disciplines of Execution in a clear and understandable way
  • achieve your strategic goals more quickly
  • enjoy visually compelling templates and diagrams to convince your team members and implement the 4DX method in your organization

This PowerPoint template includes:

  • The 4 Disciplines of Execution
  • The development of 4DX
  • Categorizing goals
  • Conflict with day-to-day business
  • Resistance to change
  • Advantages of 4DX
  • Comparison of 4DX and OKR
  • Classifying 4DX among other goal-achievement methods
  • Supplementing 4DX with OKR
  • Discipline 1: Focus on the wildly important
  • Setting WIGs
  • Rules for setting WIGs
  • Testing WIGs
  • WIG template
  • Discipline 2: Act on lead measures
  • Lead and lag measures
  • Types of lead measures
  • Defining lead measures
  • Testing lead measures
  • Lead measure template
  • Discipline 3: Create a compelling scoreboard
  • Scoreboard principles
  • Creating a scoreboard
  • Scoreboard design options
  • Designing a scoreboard: Checklist
  • Building and updating a scoreboards
  • Discipline 4: Create a cadence of accountability
  • Principles of WIG sessions
  • WIG session process
  • WIGS and WIG sessions
  • Team members’ commitments
  • Honoring commitments
  • Measures for a successful WIG session
  • WIG session agenda
  • Diagrams and templates for the 4DX process
  • Realizing the 4DX method
  • Implementing the 4DX method
  • 4DX scoreboard templates
  • Using a 4DX scoreboard
  • Trend lines
  • Status board
  • Gauge chart
  • Leading team leaders
  • Characteristics of the primary WIG
  • 3 mindsets for effective engagement
  • The execution performance score (XPS)
  • XPS evaluation grid

4DX Method

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The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)

Published by Farida Oesman Modified over 5 years ago

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Learn How To Achieve Your Goals Using The 4 Disciplines Of Execution (4dx)

Move from just planning to executing.

The number 4

Focus on the Wildly Important

Act on the lead measures, create a cadence of accountability, action plan.

About 15 years ago, as a young leader, I discovered the book The 4 Disciplines of Execution . For me, the 4DX concept filled the critical gap of execution. 4DX focuses on expanding from strategy (what we will do) to execution (how we will do it).

These are the four disciplines.

  • Keep a Compelling Scoreboard

Let’s walk through each of the 4 Disciplines in a little more detail.

The real enemy of execution is your day job! … It’s the massive amount of energy that’s necessary to just keep your operation going on a day-to-day basis. – THE 4 DISCIPLINES OF EXECUTION

Wildly important goals (WIG) are the starting point of the process. 

When you begin to identify your goals, it may start slow, but suddenly you have a list of fifteen things. All of them seem important. But if you “focus” on fifteen goals, you accomplish none because, in honesty, you didn’t focus on any of them.

You can only have a few goals, like two to three. 

More than that, you lose the necessary focus to execute the goals. You have to ask, “If I could only accomplish one thing in the next six months, what would it be?” What one thing would have the most significant impact?

You may be thinking, “but what about all the other things? There are so many other things I need to do this week!” 

Step back and take a slightly longer view. What if, over the next three years, you accomplished the ten most important goals? What would be the impact? My guess is it would be your most influential three years ever. That’s the power of only focusing on two to three goals simultaneously.

Your WIG takes the measurable form of “from X to Y by when.” You need an exact starting point, ending point, and deadline. Keep it simple yet straightforward.

The book gives great insight and examples into how to craft your WIGs. This extra guidance is beneficial if you’re doing this across a team or large organization.

Execution starts with focus. — THE 4 DISCIPLINES OF EXECUTION

Lead measures differ from lag measures, and many leaders make the mistake of focusing solely on lag measures. 

A typical example is losing weight, a goal many of us have had and likely struggled with. The lag measure is the number I see when I step on the scale. It measures the desired result, but I can’t actively change it. I can, however, change what I eat or how much I exercise. 

These lead measures are within the scope of my control. When I pivot from focusing on the number on the scale, my lag measure, to focusing on the number of calories I eat or minutes I exercise, lead measures, I begin to see results.

The same is true for just about any other goal. And as leaders, our task is to identify the lead measures and act upon them.

4DX describes two qualities of lead measures. 

They are predictive, and they are influenceable. Predictive means they help predict the result of the lag measure, which will be your WIG. Influenceable means they are within the scope of what you or your team can control, preferably daily.

While a lag measure tells you if you’ve achieved the goal, a lead measure tells you if you’re likely to achieve the goal. – THE 4 DISCIPLINES OF EXECUTION

If you’re implementing 4DX across a large organization, lean on your front-line team for insight. They have daily influence and often contextual awareness of which lead measures create a substantial impact.

The lead measures need to be trackable because you will display them on a scoreboard.

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Everyday Goals

Creating a cadence of accountability is a critical step to execution. Without it, the scoreboard, like the strategic plan before it, will hang on the wall and move from a tool for effectiveness to mere decoration.

The weekly WIG session establishes this cadence. Here’s a look at the agenda:

  • Account: Report on commitments
  • Review Scoreboard: Learn from success and failures
  • Plan: Clear the path and make new commitments

Team members review their progress every week and make commitments related to the lead and lag measures. The WIG session shares similarities to the daily standup in Scrum but occurs at a weekly cadence.

You want your life to have meaning and impact.

What if your everyday work and life not only felt natural and intuitive but also aligned with your priorities and positively impacted those around you?

A team I led ran 4DX for several years, significantly impacting our goals and engagement. It requires considerable commitment, so you want to ensure you have buy-in from the right people.

If you want to try 4DX, I recommend getting the book . It goes into more depth on the disciplines, how to install them in your organization, and how to socialize the concepts with other leaders.

This post is part of Reaching the Finish Line: A Goal-Setting Guide for Everyday People . Knowing and crossing the finish line is essential to intentional living.

Frequently Asked Questions

Setting goals, what is goal setting.

Goal setting is the process of identifying specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that you want to achieve. It involves determining what you want to accomplish, defining clear objectives, and developing a plan for achieving those objectives.

By setting goals, you can clarify your priorities, focus your efforts, measure progress, and ultimately achieve success.

Goal setting is an important skill that can help you in both your personal and professional life, enabling you to make progress towards your desired outcomes and improve your overall performance.

Learn more about how to effectively set goals .

Why is goal setting important?

Goal setting is important for several reasons:

  • Provides direction and focus: Setting goals gives you a clear sense of where you want to go and what you want to achieve, helping you direct your efforts and stay focused.
  • Increases motivation: Goals can be a powerful motivator, providing the drive and determination you need to overcome obstacles and achieve your desired outcomes.
  • Improves decision-making: When you have clear goals, it's easier to make decisions that are aligned with your objectives and help you make progress towards achieving them.
  • Enhances productivity and performance: Goals provide a target for your efforts, helping you prioritize your time and focus on the tasks that will have the greatest impact on achieving your objective.
  • Provides a sense of purpose and meaning: Setting goals that align with your values and passions can give your life a greater sense of purpose and meaning, helping you feel more fulfilled and satisfied.
  • Enables personal growth and development: Achieving your goals often requires developing new skills, gaining knowledge, and pushing yourself beyond your limits, which can lead to personal growth and development.
  • Increases confidence and self-esteem: Achieving your goals can boost your confidence and self-esteem, providing a sense of accomplishment and pride in your abilities.

In summary, goal setting is important because it provides direction and focus, increases motivation, enhances productivity and performance, provides a sense of purpose and meaning, enables personal growth and development, and increases confidence and self-esteem.

What are the benefits of setting goals?

There are many benefits of setting goals, including:

  • Increased motivation: Setting goals gives you a sense of purpose and direction, which can help increase your motivation to achieve your objectives.
  • Greater focus and direction: Goals provide a clear target for your efforts, helping you stay focused and avoid distractions.
  • Improved decision-making: Clear goals can help you make better decisions by providing a framework for evaluating different options and choosing the best course of action.
  • Improved performance: Setting goals helps you identify areas where you need to improve and provides a benchmark against which you can measure your progress.
  • Greater confidence: Achieving your goals can boost your confidence and self-esteem, helping you tackle new challenges with greater ease.
  • Better time management: Goals can help you prioritize your time and focus on the most important tasks, increasing your productivity and efficiency.
  • Enhanced personal development: Setting and achieving goals can help you develop new skills, gain knowledge, and grow as a person.
  • Greater sense of achievement: Achieving your goals provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, boosting your overall well-being.

Overall, setting goals is an important tool for personal and professional growth, enabling you to achieve success and realize your full potential.

Can goal setting help you find direction in your life?

Absolutely, goal setting can indeed help you find direction in your life. Goals act like a compass, guiding you towards the things you want to achieve and helping you determine the path to get there. Here's how goal setting can provide direction:

  • Clarity : Setting goals requires you to clearly define what you want to achieve. This process brings clarity by forcing you to articulate your dreams and aspirations. ‍
  • Focus : Goals provide a focal point for your energy and efforts. They help you avoid distractions and maintain focus on the tasks that will move you closer to your desired outcomes. ‍
  • Decision-Making : When you have clear goals, it becomes easier to make decisions. You can evaluate choices based on whether they move you closer to or further from your goals. ‍
  • Motivation : Goals give you something to strive for, which can be highly motivating. Knowing where you want to go can inspire you to take action, even when things get tough. ‍
  • Measurement : Goals provide a benchmark against which you can measure progress. This can help you see how far you've come and what steps you need to take next. ‍
  • Personal Growth : The process of setting and working towards goals can lead to personal growth. You may develop new skills, gain knowledge, and build confidence as you work towards your goals.

So, if you're feeling lost or unsure about the direction of your life, setting some goals might be a good place to start. Remember to make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to increase your chances of success.

What are some common mistakes people make when setting goals?

Setting goals is an important process, but there are several common mistakes that people often make. Here are some of the most common mistakes:

  • Setting vague or unrealistic goals: Goals that are too general, vague, or unrealistic can be difficult to achieve, leading to frustration and disappointment.
  • Failing to align goals with values, passions, and priorities: Goals that are not aligned with your values, passions, and priorities may not provide the motivation you need to achieve them.
  • Failing to break goals down into smaller steps: Large goals can feel overwhelming, making it difficult to stay motivated and focused. Breaking goals down into smaller steps can help make progress feel more achievable.
  • Focusing solely on outcomes rather than the process: While achieving the desired outcome is important, focusing solely on the end result can lead to neglecting the process required to get there.
  • Failing to track progress: Without tracking progress, it can be difficult to know whether you're making progress towards your goal.
  • Not adapting goals to changing circumstances: Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change. It's important to adjust goals as needed to reflect changes in your life.
  • Failing to celebrate progress: Recognizing and celebrating progress along the way can boost motivation and help you stay committed to achieving your goal.

By avoiding these common mistakes and setting clear, realistic, and aligned goals, you can increase your chances of achieving your desired outcomes.

Living by goals

How can goal setting help you achieve success in your personal and professional life.

Goal setting is a powerful tool that can lead to success in both your personal and professional life. Here's how:

  • Provides Clear Direction : Goals give you a clear understanding of where you want to go. This clarity helps in planning and making the right decisions, thus moving you closer to your desired outcome. ‍
  • Boosts Motivation : Goals can serve as a source of motivation. When you know what you're working towards, it's easier to muster up the drive and enthusiasm needed to reach your objectives. ‍
  • Enhances Focus : By setting goals, you create a point of focus. This helps you concentrate your efforts and resources on what's important, rather than getting distracted by unimportant tasks. ‍
  • Facilitates Planning : Goals provide a framework for planning. They help you break down large ambitions into manageable tasks and milestones, making the path to success more achievable. ‍
  • Promotes Accountability : When you set goals, especially if you share them with others, you create a level of accountability. This can push you to take consistent action and stay committed to your objectives. ‍
  • Measures Progress : Goals offer a way to track and measure progress. Seeing how far you've come can be a powerful motivator and provides valuable feedback for future goal setting. ‍
  • Improves Time Management : Goals help you prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This leads to better time management and productivity. ‍
  • Fosters Personal Growth : The process of setting and achieving goals fosters personal growth. You learn new skills, overcome challenges, and build resilience, all of which contribute to personal and professional success.

Remember, the key to successful goal setting is to make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). This ensures your goals are clear, realistic, and within your control to achieve.

How do you align your goals with your values and passions?

Aligning your goals with your values and passions is crucial to ensure long-term motivation and satisfaction. Here are some steps to help you do this:

  • Identify Your Values : The first step is to clearly identify what your core values are. These may be things like honesty, integrity, creativity, family, health, or financial security. Your values are the principles that guide your decisions and behavior. ‍
  • Recognize Your Passions : What activities, subjects, or causes feel meaningful to you? What do you love to do? Identifying your passions can provide a strong source of motivation for your goals. ‍
  • Set Goals That Reflect Your Values and Passions : Once you've identified your values and passions, you can set goals that align with them. For example, if one of your core values is health, a goal might be to exercise regularly. If you're passionate about writing, a goal might be to write a book. ‍
  • Check for Alignment : As you set your goals, check to see how well they align with your values and passions. If a goal doesn't align, you might want to reconsider it, as it may be difficult to stay motivated in the long run. ‍
  • Review and Adjust : Regularly review your goals to ensure they continue to align with your values and passions as these may evolve over time. Don't hesitate to adjust or change your goals if needed.

Remember, when your goals align with your values and passions, you're more likely to feel fulfilled and satisfied when you reach them. It also makes the journey towards achieving your goals more enjoyable and rewarding.

How do you prioritize your goals?

Prioritizing goals can be a challenging task, but it's crucial to ensure you're working on what matters most. Here are some steps to help you prioritize your goals:

  • List all of your goals: Start by writing down all the goals you have, both big and small. This could include personal, professional, short-term, and long-term goals.
  • Assess importance and urgency: For each goal, assess its importance and urgency. Importance refers to how much the goal matters to you and how significant its impact will be on your life. Urgency refers to whether the goal needs to be achieved immediately or can wait.
  • Use a prioritization matrix: A common tool for prioritizing tasks and goals is the Eisenhower Matrix. It separates your actions based on four possibilities: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and not urgent and not important.
  • Consider your resources: Look at each goal in terms of the resources it requires. This includes time, money, effort, and emotional investment. Prioritize goals that align with your available resources.
  • Align with your values: Ensure your goals align with your core values and long-term vision. If a goal doesn't contribute towards your overall life direction, it might not be a high priority.
  • Review and adjust regularly: Priorities can change over time, so it's essential to review and adjust your goal priorities regularly.

By following these steps, you can create a clear roadmap for achieving your goals based on their importance, urgency, resource requirements, and alignment with your overall life objectives.

How do you overcome obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your goals?

Overcoming obstacles is an important part of achieving your goals. Here are some strategies you can use to overcome obstacles and stay on track:

  • Identify the obstacle: The first step in overcoming obstacles is to identify what the obstacle is. This might be a lack of resources, a difficult task, or a personal limitation.
  • Develop a plan: Once you've identified the obstacle, develop a plan for how you will overcome it. This might involve seeking help from others, breaking the task down into smaller steps, or finding new resources.
  • Stay flexible: Be prepared to adjust your plan if necessary. What worked in one situation may not work in another.
  • Stay positive: It's important to maintain a positive attitude and focus on the progress you're making, rather than dwelling on setbacks or failures.
  • Seek support: Don't be afraid to ask for help from others who have experience in overcoming similar obstacles. This can provide valuable insights and motivation.
  • Learn from mistakes: If you encounter obstacles, take the time to reflect on what went wrong and what you can do differently next time.
  • Stay committed: Remember why you set the goal in the first place, and keep your eye on the prize. Stay committed and focused on achieving your objective.

By using these strategies, you can overcome obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your goals and stay on track towards your desired outcomes.

Leveraging Goals

How often should you review your goals.

The frequency with which you should review your goals can depend on the nature of the goals themselves. However, a common recommendation is to review them regularly to ensure you're making progress and staying on track. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Daily : If your goal has daily steps or tasks, it's beneficial to review these at the start of each day. This can help you stay focused and prioritize your activities for the day. ‍
  • Weekly : A weekly review can be useful for checking in on your short-term goals and the progress you've made over the past week. It can also help you plan your tasks for the upcoming week. ‍
  • Monthly : Monthly reviews are great for assessing your progress towards medium-term goals. They can provide a broader perspective and allow you to adjust your strategies if necessary. ‍
  • Quarterly/Semi-Annually : For long-term goals, a quarterly or semi-annual review can be effective. These reviews allow you to see the bigger picture and make significant adjustments if needed. ‍
  • Annually : An annual review is a good opportunity to reflect on the past year, celebrate your achievements, and set new goals for the coming year.

Remember, these are just guidelines. The key is to find a review frequency that works best for you and your specific goals. Regular review ensures you stay accountable, track your progress, and make necessary adjustments to your plans.

How many goals should you have at one time?

The number of goals you should have at one time can vary greatly depending on your individual capacity, resources, and circumstances. However, a common recommendation is to focus on a few key goals at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed and ensure that you can devote sufficient time and energy to each goal.

For instance, you might want to set 3-5 key goals to work towards at any given time. These could be a mix of short-term and long-term goals.

Having a limited number of goals allows you to focus and make meaningful progress. If you spread yourself too thin across many goals, you may find it difficult to make significant progress in any area.

Remember, it's not about the quantity of goals, but the quality of your focus and effort towards achieving them. It's better to fully commit to a few important goals than to juggle many goals without making substantial progress.

Keep in mind that everyone's capacity for goal-setting is different, and what works best for you might be different from what works for someone else. It's crucial to find a balance that feels manageable and aligns with your personal aspirations and lifestyle.

How do you measure progress towards your goals?

If you want to measure progress towards your goals, you can take the following steps:

  • Identify specific metrics or targets that will allow you to track your progress. This might include things like sales numbers, website traffic, or the number of books you've read.
  • Determine how often you will measure progress. Depending on the goal, you may want to measure progress daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
  • Create a system for tracking progress. This might involve using a spreadsheet, a goal-tracking app, or a simple checklist.
  • Regularly review your progress and compare it to your original plan. This will help you determine whether you're on track to achieving your goal or whether you need to adjust your strategy.
  • Celebrate milestones and progress along the way. Recognizing progress can boost motivation and help you stay focused on achieving your objective.
  • Adjust your plan as needed. If you're not making progress towards your goal, it may be necessary to revise your plan and try new strategies.

By measuring progress towards your goals, you can stay focused and motivated, identify areas where you need to improve, and make adjustments to your strategy to ensure that you achieve your objectives.

How do you celebrate achieving your goals?

Celebrating your achievements is an important part of the goal-setting process. It helps to reinforce positive behavior, keeps you motivated, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. Here are some ways to celebrate achieving your goals.

  • Treat Yourself : A classic way to celebrate is to treat yourself to something you enjoy. This could be a special meal, a new book, a day off, or anything else that makes you happy. ‍
  • Share Your Success : Sharing your achievements with others can be a great way to celebrate. You could tell friends and family about your success, post an update on social media, or even throw a small party. ‍
  • Take a Break : Achieving a goal often requires hard work and dedication. Taking some time off to relax and recharge can be a great way to celebrate your success. ‍
  • Reflect on Your Achievement : Take some time to reflect on what you've achieved and how far you've come. This can help reinforce the positive behaviors that led to your success and prepare you for future challenges. ‍
  • Set a New Goal : Once you've achieved a goal, it can be motivating to set a new one. This helps maintain momentum and keeps you moving forward.

Remember, the celebration should be proportionate to the size and significance of the achievement. Small victories deserve recognition too, but they might not warrant the same level of celebration as larger, more significant achievements. The key is to find a way to celebrate that feels rewarding and meaningful to you.

Team Leadership

What is team leadership.

Team leadership is a management approach focused on leading and guiding a group of individuals working together towards a common goal. A team leader is responsible for providing direction, support, and guidance to the team members, while fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Team leadership involves setting clear goals and expectations for the team, communicating effectively, and building trust and relationships with team members. It also involves empowering team members to take ownership of their work and contribute their unique skills and perspectives to the team's success.

Some key characteristics of effective team leadership include:

  • Communication: Team leaders communicate clearly and effectively with their team members, keeping them informed about goals, expectations, and progress.
  • Vision and strategy: Effective team leaders have a clear vision for what they want to achieve and a strategy for how to get there, while also being flexible and adaptable when necessary.
  • Empowerment: Good team leaders empower their team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work, while also providing support and guidance as needed.
  • Trust-building: Team leaders build trust and strong relationships with their team members, creating a positive and productive work environment.
  • Results-oriented: Finally, effective team leaders are results-oriented, focusing on achieving goals and driving performance while also valuing the well-being and development of their team members.

Overall, team leadership is a collaborative and empowering approach to management that values communication, trust-building, and results-driven performance.

Learn more about leadership .

What are the different styles of team leadership?

There are several different styles of team leadership, including:

  • Democratic leadership: In this style, the leader encourages open communication and participation from all team members in decision-making processes.
  • Autocratic leadership: This style involves the leader making decisions and taking control over the team's direction, often with little input from team members.
  • Transformational leadership: This style focuses on inspiring and motivating team members to achieve their full potential, often by setting a clear vision and communicating goals effectively.
  • Servant leadership: A servant leader prioritizes the needs of their team members, focusing on serving and empowering them to achieve their goals.
  • Laissez-faire leadership: In this style, the leader provides minimal guidance or direction, allowing team members to take ownership of their work and make decisions independently.
  • Transactional leadership: This style involves setting clear goals and expectations for team members and providing rewards or discipline based on performance.
  • Situational leadership: This approach involves adapting one's leadership style to fit the specific situation or needs of the team at any given time.

Overall, each style of team leadership has its own strengths and weaknesses, and effective leaders may use a combination of different styles depending on the situation and the needs of their team.

What are the different skills required for team leadership?

There are several key skills required for effective team leadership, including:

  • Clear: Team leaders must be to communicate effectively with their team members, setting clear expectations and goals, providing feedback, and keeping everyone informed about progress and changes.
  • Active listening: Leaders need to be able to listen actively to their team members, hear their concerns, ideas, and suggestions, and work collaboratively to find solutions.
  • Empathy: Good team leaders value empathy, recognizing and understanding the perspectives of their team members, and working to build trust and strong relationships
  • Decision-making: Leaders must be able to make informed decisions based on available information and input from team members, while also being decisive when necessary.
  • Problem-solving: Effective team leaders must be able to identify and solve problems that arise within the team, working collaboratively to find creative and effective solutions.
  • Motivation and empowerment: Leaders must be able to motivate and empower their team members to take ownership of their work, overcome challenges, and achieve their full potential.
  • Delegation and management: Team leaders must be able to delegate tasks effectively, manage resources and timelines, and oversee the work of the team to ensure quality and efficiency.

Overall, effective team leadership requires a combination of interpersonal, decision-making, and management skills, as well as the ability to inspire and empower team members to work collaboratively towards shared goals.

What is servant leadership?

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy and management style that emphasizes the importance of serving others first before considering one's own needs and desires. It's an approach to leadership that focuses on the well-being and growth of others, rather than solely on achieving organizational goals.

A servant leader prioritizes the needs of their followers or team members, providing them with support, guidance, and mentorship. They are committed to empowering their team members to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

Some common characteristics of servant leaders include:

  • Empathy: Servant leaders value empathy, placing themselves in the shoes of their followers to better understand their needs and motivations.
  • Listening: They are active listeners, taking the time to listen to their followers' concerns, feedback, and ideas.
  • Commitment to development: Servant leaders prioritize the growth and development of their followers, providing opportunities for learning and development.
  • Humility: They recognize their own limitations and seek input from others to make informed decisions.
  • Stewardship: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization, working to create a positive impact for all stakeholders.

Overall, servant leadership is about creating a supportive and empowering environment for others to thrive. By prioritizing the needs of their followers, a servant leader can inspire trust, loyalty, and commitment, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the organization as a whole.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership .

Servant Leadership

How can servant leadership be beneficial in the workplace.

Servant leadership can be beneficial in the workplace in a number of ways, including:

  • Improved employee engagement and job satisfaction: When employees feel supported, valued, and empowered by their leaders, they tend to be more engaged and satisfied with their work.
  • Increased collaboration and teamwork: Servant leaders prioritize communication, collaboration, and trust-building, which can lead to stronger relationships and more effective teamwork.
  • Higher levels of productivity and innovation: When leaders empower their team members to take ownership of their work and contribute their ideas, it can lead to higher levels of productivity and innovation.
  • Reduced turnover and absenteeism: Employees who feel supported and valued are less likely to leave their jobs or call in sick, leading to reduced turnover and absenteeism rates.
  • Improved organizational culture: Servant leadership can create a positive organizational culture that values growth, development, and well-being for all stakeholders, which can lead to improved morale and outcomes.

Overall, servant leadership can lead to a more positive, productive, and fulfilling workplace environment, benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.

How does servant leadership differ from other leadership styles?

Servant leadership differs from many other leadership styles in several key ways:

  • Focus on serving others: Servant leaders prioritize the needs and well-being of their followers over their own interests, while many other leadership styles focus more on achieving organizational goals.
  • Empathy and listening skills: Servant leaders value empathy and active listening skills to better understand the needs and perspectives of their followers, while some other leadership styles may be more focused on asserting authority or making decisions without input from others.
  • Collaboration and teamwork: Servant leaders prioritize collaboration and teamwork, seeking to empower and develop their followers to achieve their full potential, while other leadership styles may be more focused on competition or individual achievement.
  • Humility and accountability: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization, prioritizing the well-being of all stakeholders and taking responsibility for their decisions, while some other leadership styles may be more focused on personal ambition or avoiding blame.

Overall, servant leadership is characterized by a focus on serving others, prioritizing empathy and collaboration, and taking a humble and accountable approach to leadership. While other leadership styles may be effective in different contexts, servant leadership can be a powerful tool for creating positive change and empowering others to reach their full potential.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Strategy 4DX PowerPoint Template

4DX PowerPoint Template

Present business strategy features using our customizable 4DX PowerPoint Template . The 4DX refers to the 4 Disciplines of Execution methodology. It provides a formula for executing strategic plans properly while carrying out routine business duties and activities. The 4DX model helps professionals implement the corporate strategy in an organized way to transform the plans into actions. It is considered a recipe for success and helps organizations achieve their objectives and goals. You can download our 4DX PPT template for employee training presentations and motivate them to execute their project duties diligently. Sean Covey, Jim Huling, and Chris McChesney collectively devised the disciplines of execution framework for companies to aid them in business planning and directed execution.  

The 4DX PowerPoint Template consists of three slides with creative layouts for depicting the attributes of this execution methodology. The first slide shows a speedometer diagram with pink, yellow, and green colored meter lines. The pointer indicates the progress level of the corresponding lead measures like sales, customer satisfaction, etc. There are four horizontal rows for displaying four lead measures. An inverted arrow above the bar illustrates the score of the success of the business in a specific lead measure. In the next slide, four rectangular shapes can help presenters describe the factors or disciplines of the business strategy. Once all the steps are defined, you can execute the plan in the company. These four points are:

  • Focus on what’s wildly important
  • Act on your lead measures
  • Keep a compelling scoreboard 
  • Create accountability

In the next slide, large square text boxes in a horizontal order with a progression line on top describe the same four sections. Presenters can use this engaging template in performance management, project management, or other team meetings. They can modify the slides’ components to fit their needs and theme. Customize the 4DX slide diagram template and make visually attractive presentations today!

4DX Slide Template

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Shaking seats and piped-in fog: How 4DX is carving out a niche moviegoing market

Audience members sit inside a 4DX theater at the Regal Cinemas L.A. LIVE Stadium 14 movie theater in Los Angeles.

In George Miller’s new Mad Max film “Furiosa,” a red paint flare explodes and casts the theater screen in a saturated crimson cloud.

Feet away, among the rows of gyroscopic 4DX chairs, plumes of fog roll in, catching the red hue from the screen as if the flare somehow transcended the fourth wall and infiltrated the cinema. The fog parts, Chris Hemsworth as Dementus comes into focus and grins at the audience.

This is the 4DX viewing experience. It’s one of many multi-sensory moments programmed for “Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga,” which opened in theaters Friday, in order to immerse audiences in Miller’s latest visit to the vast Wasteland. And it amounts to a key value proposition at a time when cinemas are desperate to lure back moviegoers, particularly those in the younger demographics.

“We make movies different,” said Duncan Macdonald, head of worldwide marketing and theatre development for CJ 4DPlex Americas. “We are so different out there, with our motion capabilities and our environmental effects.”

In the wake of the pandemic, audiences grew used to shorter theatrical windows and having access to more content at home. At the same time, pandemic-related shutdowns and production stalls from two Hollywood strikes greatly limited the amount of content hitting theaters. As a result, consumers fell out of the habit of going to cinemas.

Moviegoers who have returned are seeking premium experiences — higher-quality picture and sound — and are willing to pay more for those tickets. 4DX is one option in the premium large format market alongside the likes of  IMAX  and Dolby Cinema. CJ 4DPlex also owns the ScreenX format.

“Premium movie theatre experiences are key to the health of the industry and with fewer films in the marketplace on average than in past years, the importance and essential nature of a company like 4DX comes into sharp focus,” said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at Comscore.

4DX utilizes motion seats, practical effects and sensory elements to immerse viewers in a movie. For  Warner Bros.′  “Wonka,” the company piped in the smell of chocolate during screenings.

CJ 4DPlex Americas CEO Don Savant says the experience is “complementary” to routine moviegoing experiences, noting that 4DX cinemas attract younger consumers, predominantly in the 10-to-30 age range, who are seeking more experiential viewing.

For consumers, the 4DX experience costs an average of $8 more than traditional ticket prices, meaning a ticket can range from $20 to $30 each. But the extra cost doesn’t seem to be detering audiences.

Last year, 4DX’s domestic locations tallied $53.4 million in ticket sales.

“Notably, the higher price for premium movie tickets is not a barrier to their success but rather seen as representing a solid value proposition for fans in pursuit of the best possible big screen experience,” Dergarabedian said. “This is good news for theater owners who, facing fewer wide release films in the marketplace, can boost revenues on a per-ticket basis while giving their patrons a great experience that will have them returning to the multiplex more often.” 

And, for major blockbuster titles, 4DX is proving to be even more popular. Ticket sales for  Disney’s  “Avatar: The Way of Water” topped $83.6 million from 4DX screens, or about 3.6% of the film’s total box office haul. It is currently the highest-grossing film for the screen format, Savant said.

“We want to give customers an easy excuse to leave their homes and visit a local Regal theater,” said CEO Eduardo Acuna of Regal Cinemas. “Premium formats like 4DX offer a movie-watching experience that cannot be replicated by any home theater setup. Each premium format serves a different purpose for storytelling, and each increases the enjoyment of watching a movie in a different and immersive way.”

Acuna noted that 4DX auditoriums are “a strong box office performer” for Regal.

Regal is the largest operator of 4DX screens domestically, with 50 of the 62 locations found in the U.S. and Canada. Globally, there are nearly 750 4DX screens with numerous theatrical partners. The highest volume is in Asia and Europe.

Savant said 4DX is adding around 25 to 30 screens per year worldwide, but is looking to push that figure up to 50 to 60 screens a year. The company is seeking to have around 1,200 4DX locations in the next five years. On average, each theater has around 140 seats.

Moviegoers who venture away from their couches and into a 4DX theater to see Warner Bros.′ “Furiosa” will feel from their seat the rev of motorcycles racing through the desert, smell gunpowder in the air during epic gun battles and even get hit with a soft spray of water as it’s flicked in the face of a character on the screen.

Last year, 4DX programmed more than 100 films for the souped-up viewing experience. Around 40 to 45 of those were major Hollywood titles, Savant said. Others included concert content, musical singalongs, anniversary titles and local language films.

Typically, the 4DX programmers, who are based in Seoul, have two to three weeks to craft the motion and special effects, although Savant said they can turn around a film in a week if the need arises. 4DX can program three titles at a time.

Both Macdonald and Savant referred to 4DX’s programmers as “artists,” describing the process — from the subwoofers in the seats to the fog machines — as different brushstrokes in a work of art.

“Every film is different,” said Macdonald. “So we look at the nuances of the different films that we have and how those are programmed.”

In some cases filmmakers will get involved, offering suggestions for when certain effects should be used and how subtle or bombastic they should feel or look.

“It’s the most dynamic way to see [a film],” Savant said.

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Whitten is a social media writer for CNBC.

presentation on 4dx

5 things to know before the stock market opens Tuesday

  • Stocks are on track to end May on a strong note.
  • The shortened trading week will bring a fresh crop of retail earnings.
  • Digital health companies are hoping to capitalize on the surge of interest in anti-obesity medications.

Here are the most important news items that investors need to start their trading day:

1. Looking good

It's the last week of May, and stocks are on track to close out the month on a strong note. The S&P 500 has added 5.3% so far in May, while the Nasdaq Composite has rallied about 8%, after ending last week at a fresh record high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, meanwhile is up 3.3% for the month and topped 40,000 for the first time ever in May. This week, investors will be watching for inflation data as the April personal income and expenditures report, which includes the PCE inflation reading, is set to drop on Friday. Follow live market updates .

2. Retail time

It's a shortened trading week and a short week for earnings. A few retail companies are reporting this week, including Costco Wholesale, Ulta Beauty and Dollar General. Those stocks could give more clarity on the state of the consumer and the economy. Software names HP and Salesforce are also coming up. Here are the earnings to watch this week:

Wednesday: Dick's Sporting Goods, Abercrombie & Fitch (before the bell); Salesforce, HP (after the bell)

Thursday: Foot Locker, Dollar General, Best Buy, Kohl's (before the bell); Ulta Beauty, Dell Technologies, Nordstrom, Costco Wholesale, Gap (after the bell)

3. Digital get down

Anti-obesity medications are entering a new frontier. Digital health companies including Calibrate, Ro, Hims & Hers ,  Teladoc Health and WeightWatchers are aiming to take advantage of the growing popularity of GLP-1s by building programs and services for users on top of the medications. GLP-1s are the buzzy class of obesity treatments like Wegovy and Ozempic, as well as Zepbound and diabetes treatment Mounjaro. The opportunity could be huge: Goldman Sachs estimates 15 million American adults could use such drugs by 2030, and analysts also predict the industry could reach $100 billion in annual revenue by that time. But there are concerns. Companies are also facing supply shortages, as well as spotty insurance coverage and a concern about counterfeit products.

4. Going on a deal hunt

Off-price retailers like  TJX Companies  and  Ross won't be slowing down any time soon. Customers have been under pressure as prices keep climbing for food and other essentials — leading many to search for deals and prioritize value when it comes to discretionary spending. Consumers, and younger shoppers in particular, are also becoming more comfortable with shopping at discounters. "They have trusted brands at a cheaper price. They're more on-trend, they're designer-led, they lean into categories that the customer is much more interested in," said Jessica Ramirez, a senior research analyst with Jane Hali & Associates. Both retailers recently beat quarterly revenue and earnings expectations and are poised to keep growing, even against tough comparisons.

5. Movie magic

We come to this place for immersive experiences . Many consumers are out of the habit of going to see movies in the theater after pandemic-related shutdowns and stalled production from two Hollywood strikes vastly limited the number of films hitting the big screen. But those who returned are looking for premium experiences. That's where 4DX — which offers motion seats, practical effects and sensory elements to immerse viewers in a movie — comes in. For "Wonka," there was a chocolate scent and the new Mad Max film "Furiosa" has red fog piped in. The 4DX experience costs an average of $8 more than traditional ticket prices, but that doesn't seem to deter moviegoers, as 4DX's domestic locations brought in $53.4 million in ticket sales last year.

— CNBC's Pia Singh, Sarah Min, Annika Kim Constantino, Ashley Capoot, Gabrielle Fonrouge and Sarah Whitten contributed to this report.

— Follow broader market action like a pro on CNBC Pro .

Aerial view of the new store of Costco on March 6, 2024 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province of China. 

NBC10 Philadelphia

Money Report


5 things to know before the stock market opens Tuesday

By michele luhn,cnbc • published may 28, 2024 • updated on may 28, 2024 at 7:19 am.

  • Stocks are on track to end May on a strong note.
  • The shortened trading week will bring a fresh crop of retail earnings.
  • Digital health companies are hoping to capitalize on the surge of interest in anti-obesity medications.

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Here are the most important news items that investors need to start their trading day:

1. Looking good

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It's the last week of May, and stocks are on track to close out the month on a strong note. The S&P 500 has added 5.3% so far in May, while the Nasdaq Composite has rallied about 8%, after ending last week at a fresh record high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, meanwhile is up 3.3% for the month and topped 40,000 for the first time ever in May. This week, investors will be watching for inflation data as the April personal income and expenditures report, which includes the PCE inflation reading, is set to drop on Friday. Follow live market updates .

2. Retail time

Aerial view of the new store of Costco on March 6, 2024 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province of China. 

It's a shortened trading week and a short week for earnings. A few retail companies are reporting this week, including Costco Wholesale, Ulta Beauty and Dollar General. Those stocks could give more clarity on the state of the consumer and the economy. Software names HP and Salesforce are also coming up. Here are the earnings to watch this week:

presentation on 4dx

At 102 years old, I still help run my business: Here are my 3 daily practices for a happy and healthy life

presentation on 4dx

HubSpot shares jump on talks of potential Google deal

Wednesday: Dick's Sporting Goods , Abercrombie & Fitch (before the bell); Salesforce , HP (after the bell)

Thursday: Foot Locker , Dollar General , Best Buy , Kohl's (before the bell); Ulta Beauty , Dell Technologies , Nordstrom , Costco Wholesale , Gap (after the bell)

3. Digital get down

Kim Gradwell with an Ozempic injection needle at her home in Dudley, North Tyneside, Britain, October 31, 2023. 

Anti-obesity medications are entering a new frontier. Digital health companies including Calibrate, Ro, Hims & Hers ,  Teladoc Health and WeightWatchers are aiming to take advantage of the growing popularity of GLP-1s by building programs and services for users on top of the medications. GLP-1s are the buzzy class of obesity treatments like Wegovy and Ozempic, as well as Zepbound and diabetes treatment Mounjaro. The opportunity could be huge: Goldman Sachs estimates 15 million American adults could use such drugs by 2030, and analysts also predict the industry could reach $100 billion in annual revenue by that time. But there are concerns. Companies are also facing supply shortages, as well as spotty insurance coverage and a concern about counterfeit products.

4. Going on a deal hunt

Off-price retailers like  TJX Companies  and  Ross won't be slowing down any time soon. Customers have been under pressure as prices keep climbing for food and other essentials — leading many to search for deals and prioritize value when it comes to discretionary spending. Consumers, and younger shoppers in particular, are also becoming more comfortable with shopping at discounters. "They have trusted brands at a cheaper price. They're more on-trend, they're designer-led, they lean into categories that the customer is much more interested in," said Jessica Ramirez, a senior research analyst with Jane Hali & Associates. Both retailers recently beat quarterly revenue and earnings expectations and are poised to keep growing, even against tough comparisons.

5. Movie magic

4DX is a 4D film presentation system developed by CJ 4DPlex, a subsidiary of South Korean cinema chain CJ CGV. It allows films to be augmented with various practical effects, including motion-seats, wind, strobe lights, simulated-snow, and scents.

We come to this place for immersive experiences . Many consumers are out of the habit of going to see movies in the theater after pandemic-related shutdowns and stalled production from two Hollywood strikes vastly limited the number of films hitting the big screen. But those who returned are looking for premium experiences. That's where 4DX — which offers motion seats, practical effects and sensory elements to immerse viewers in a movie — comes in. For "Wonka," there was a chocolate scent and the new Mad Max film "Furiosa" has red fog piped in. The 4DX experience costs an average of $8 more than traditional ticket prices, but that doesn't seem to deter moviegoers, as 4DX's domestic locations brought in $53.4 million in ticket sales last year.

— CNBC's Pia Singh, Sarah Min, Annika Kim Constantino, Ashley Capoot, Gabrielle Fonrouge and Sarah Whitten contributed to this report.

— Follow broader market action like a pro on CNBC Pro .

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  3. 4 Disciplines of Execution

    Train your managers to head this effort. To roll out 4DX follow this tested, results-oriented six step process: "Clarify the overall WIG" - Follow the 4DX procedure for identifying your company's wildly important goal. "Design the team WIGs and lead measures" - Commit two days to training leaders in the concepts of 4DX.

  4. 4DX

    John Hansel. Strategy = Execution. 4DX is an execution system that recommends the use of 4 disciplines to define goals, create clarity on actions needed and visible scorecard to stay on track. The concept was popularized by the book 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, and Jim Huling. Read more.

  5. 4 disciplines of execution ppt

    4 discipline of execution. Business. 1 of 37. 4 disciplines of execution ppt - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

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  8. PDF 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)

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  9. Learn How To Achieve Your Goals Using The 4 Disciplines Of Execution (4dx)

    Daily: If your goal has daily steps or tasks, it's beneficial to review these at the start of each day. This can help you stay focused and prioritize your activities for the day. ‍. Weekly: A weekly review can be useful for checking in on your short-term goals and the progress you've made over the past week.

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    4DX attempts to tackle this "strategy/execution gap." The gap occurs for any goal that needs behavioral change. The biggest reason people fail to execute on goals is "the whirlwind." ...

  11. 4DX PowerPoint Template

    The 4DX PowerPoint Template consists of three slides with creative layouts for depicting the attributes of this execution methodology. The first slide shows a speedometer diagram with pink, yellow, and green colored meter lines. The pointer indicates the progress level of the corresponding lead measures like sales, customer satisfaction, etc.

  12. PDF Four Disciplines of Execution Summary and User Guide

    Acid test the top ideas: o. Is the WIG aligned to overall WIG? o. Is it measurable? If you're not keeping score you're just practicing. o. Who owns the results?

  13. The 4 Disciplines of Execution

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  14. PDF The 4 Disciplines of Execution

    The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) is a simple, repeatable, and proven formula for executing on your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind. By following The 4 Disciplines: • Focusing on the Wildly Important • Acting on Lead Measures • Keeping a Compelling Scoreboard • Creating a Cadence of Accountability

  15. 4DX

    4DX is a 4D film presentation system developed by CJ 4DPlex, a subsidiary of South Korean cinema chain CJ CGV.It allows films to be augmented with various practical effects, including motion-seats, wind, strobelights, simulated snow, and scents.First debuted in 2009, it presents films in both stereoscopic 3-D and monoscopic 2-D formats.. CJ has licensed the technology worldwide.

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  17. 4DX Method PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    Four Disciplines of Execution, or the 4DX Method, is an execution framework that aims at helping organizations drive meaningful results and achieve their most important objectives. Lay your hands on our feature-rich template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides to deliver an engaging presentation on this topic in a hassle-free way.

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    20 minute meeting each week. Can NOT talk about anything related to the Whirlwind during meeting. Each person will: Discuss the changes to the scoreboard. Report on last weeks commitments. Commit to 1, 2 or 3 things they will do this week to move the scoreboard.

  19. The 4DX Framework: A Beginner's Guide to Achieving Your Goals

    The 4DX (Four Disciplines of Execution) framework is a goal-setting and execution methodology that helps individuals and teams focus on their most important goals and achieve them with discipline ...

  20. Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important

    The Wildly Important Goal (WIG) Practicing Discipline 1 means narrowing your focus to a few highly important goals so you can achieve them in the midst of the whirlwind of the day job. Your chances of achieving 2 or 3 goals with excellence are high, but the more goals you try to juggle at once, the less likely you will be to reach them.

  21. Key insights from: The 4 Disciplines of Execution

    To review, the first three steps in the 4DX model are committing to a wildly important goal (a WIG), establishing lead and lag measures to begin chipping away at the WIG, and then creating a simple scoreboard for the team to see that will connect their measurable contributions to the wildly important goal. These three disciplines set you up for ...

  22. 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)

    Successful 4DX implementation requires a concerted effort from both the team and the organization as a whole. The 4DX framework is built on 4 key principles (or disciplines). Focus on the wildly important goal (WIG) - Discipline of Focus. Act on the lead measures - Discipline of Leverage. Keep a compelling scoreboard - Discipline of ...

  23. 4DX Method PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme

    16:9. 4:3. Download our 4DX Method template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides to describe a goal-setting and execution framework that helps teams and organizations focus on the most critical goals and achieve them in a systematic way. Consultants can leverage this deck to communicate the tips and best practices for effectively applying 4DX ...

  24. Shaking seats and piped-in fog: How 4DX is carving out a niche

    Savant said 4DX is adding around 25 to 30 screens per year worldwide, but is looking to push that figure up to 50 to 60 screens a year. The company is seeking to have around 1,200 4DX locations in ...

  25. Why Cineworld and Regal are betting on 4DX movies ahead of the

    The 4D film presentation system, developed by CJ 4DPlex, a subsidiary of South Korean cinema chain CJ CGV, made its debut in Seoul in 2009. Avatar 's success at the time resulted in it expanding ...

  26. 5 things to know before the stock market opens Tuesday

    4DX is a 4D film presentation system developed by CJ 4DPlex, a subsidiary of South Korean cinema chain CJ CGV. It allows films to be augmented with various practical effects, ...

  27. 5 things to know before the stock market opens Tuesday

    4DX is a 4D film presentation system developed by CJ 4DPlex, a subsidiary of South Korean cinema chain CJ CGV. It allows films to be augmented with various practical effects, including motion ...