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100s of Free Chemistry Dissertation Topics & Ideas

Published by Owen Ingram at January 2nd, 2023 , Revised On August 18, 2023

It is not easy to come up with intriguing and compelling chemistry dissertation topic ideas , especially if one is juggling multiple subjects or looking at adjacent fields simultaneously. Students often choose simple and familiar topics for their dissertation papers, but that is not always effective since excellent academic papers are distinctive.

From mode reactions to experimental procedures, the selected chemistry topic should be analytical and scientific in nature. It is essential to avoid a topic that is too specific, intricate, or broad. For instance, students can explore issues related to environmental chemistry or chemical reagents. The student should ensure that the chosen subject has a clearly defined emphasis.

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Here are some ideas to explore if you’re having trouble selecting a topic for your chemistry dissertation:

Organic Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • Infrared spectroscopy is used to detect chemical molecules
  • Discuss the chemical makeup of pain relievers
  • What causes aromatic compounds to be nonreactive?
  • Determine the variables that drive proton chemical changes
  • The composition, application, and impact of added polymers or plastics
  • Chemical synthesis is based on carbon-carbon bond formation processes
  • Developing novel ways for producing chiral compounds
  • Investigating the structure and reactivity of carbon nanotubes
  • Metal complexes containing organometallic ligands are being studied
  • Improving the thermal stability of benzene derivatives
  • Investigating novel approaches to controlling the stereochemistry of chemical reactions
  • Investigation of the role of enzymes in organic synthesis
  • Developing innovative techniques to overcome drug resistance
  • Creating new techniques for identifying explosive residues
  • The investigation of the behaviour of organometallic compounds in biological systems

Inorganic Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • The health consequences of various substances
  • Discuss in depth the chemical processes that result in sapphire production
  • Introduction to the chemistry of sulphuric acid
  • Discuss how silicon dioxide may be used in solar cells
  • What exactly do you mean by orbital hybridization in molecules?
  • Discuss the chemical structure of hard and soft acids
  • What exactly do you mean by Crystal Field Theory?
  • Steel vs iron malleability: A comparison
  • What do you mean by the Multiple Proportions Law?
  • Give instances of Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
  • Understanding Lewis Structures as well as Electron Dot Models
  • How does a gemstone’s chemical structure affect its colour?
  • What roles do point groups play in inorganic chemistry?
  • How can molecular symmetry predict a molecule’s chemical properties?
  • What is the most efficient method of producing synthetic diamonds?

Chemical Engineering Dissertation Topics

  • Describe the role of biofuel in rocket fuel
  • What exactly do you mean by microfluidics?
  • Explain the wastewater treatment process
  • Explain in detail the rare earth extractions
  • What do you mean by reducing NOx emissions?
  • What exactly do you mean by molecular dynamics and simulation?
  • What exactly do you mean by simulation of density functional theory?
  • What exactly do you mean by Nano filters, and how do they work?
  • Discuss how coal and iron ore slimes are processed
  • Explain how photocatalysis works in a 3D printer
  • Explain the similarities and differences between rocket fuel and biofuels
  • Describe molecular dynamics and simulation
  • What exactly are nanofiltration systems, and how do they function?
  • Explain the density functional theory simulation
  • Analyze the processing of iron and coal slimes

Physical Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • When does a collision not result in a response?
  • Examine harmonic and anharmonic oscillators
  • Define the energies of successive ionization
  • How can intermolecular forces influence a substance’s melting point?
  • Why is the Earth considered a closed thermodynamic system?
  • Explain how to utilize the mean bond enthalpy
  • Reasons why molecules with polar connections may not have a persistent dipole
  • What is the relationship between quantum mechanics and chemistry?
  • What exactly do you mean by vibrational spectroscopy?
  • Examine the similarities and differences between harmonic and anharmonic oscillators
  • What exactly do you mean by multielectron atoms?
  • In basic terms, discuss the elements of heteroatomic. Bonding between chemicals
  • Provide a thorough examination of the Schrodinger Equation
  • Describe the physical and chemical characteristics of the gas
  • Explain the process of water expansion during the freezing process

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Biochemistry Dissertation Topics

  • Evaluate the effect of PH on the plants
  • Describe in detail cell metabolic processes. Define the structure of proteins and their involvement in chemical and physiological changes in the living organism
  • Explain the process of fatty acid metabolism in the human body
  • Explain the proliferation and repair of DNA
  • Examine the structure and function of carbohydrates in the living organism
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of the composition and function of nucleic acids
  • Explain some of the unique characteristics of water
  • Discuss the roles of lipids in biological systems
  • Explain how the tea brewing process may be improved
  • Discuss the significance of biochemistry in the human immune system

Environmental Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • What are the chemical reactions and compositions responsible for cloud formation?
  • Explain the chemical reactions that result in the creation of pearls
  • How industrial activities and acid rains are correlated with each other?
  • What lessons can one learn from ecological disasters such as Chornobyl and Fukushima?
  • Building green energy and its scope that lies in future
  • Purification of the tap water through the application of chlorine
  • How do the chemical changes in the atmosphere result in global warming?
  • What are the adverse results of deep-sea mining?
  • Discuss the contamination risks of groundwater in developing economies
  • Plastic packaging and its impact on the overall quality of food we consume

Analytical Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • What exactly do you mean by Chemical Equilibrium?
  • Describe some of the most effective electro-analytical procedures
  • What are the advantages of the isomerism framework?
  • Name a few of the most effective electrochemical applications
  • Develop the overall idea of Soda Industrial Quality Assurance
  • Examine the evolution of spectroscopic applications
  • What exactly do you mean by Electrodes and Potentiometry?
  • Make a comparison of the vitamin pills
  • Discuss with examples the characteristics of acid-base titrations
  • Sustainable development and analytical chemistry
  • Methods and best practices for atomic absorption spectroscopy
  • In Ibuprofen use, analytical chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry.
  • UV protectors: analytical chemistry and the cosmetics sector
  • What happens when food molecules interact with one another?
  • How to make new compounds or enhance old ones

Computational Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • Discuss the evolution of chemical sensors in depth
  • What are the primary advantages of dye-sensitized solar cells?
  • Investigate the hydrogen bonding simulation process in depth
  • What exactly do you mean by metal oxide nanoparticles?
  • Explain in detail the heterogeneous catalytic CO2 to the CH3OH conversion process
  • Energy surfaces are mathematical functions that provide a molecule with a function based on its geometry: Elaborate
  • What exactly do you mean by Coupled Cluster Theory?
  • Explain how NBO, or natural bond orbitals, produce the highest electron density

Nuclear Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • What are the most prevalent applications for radioactive elements?
  • How do you determine the half-life of an element?
  • Hydrogen’s importance in nuclear fusion
  • Compare the effectiveness of various extraction processes
  • The discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel
  • What biological uses does radiochemistry have?
  • Water and radioactive elements interact
  • What role does nuclear chemistry have in medicine?
  • How do elements transform during nuclear fission?
  • Irradiation can be used to eliminate hazardous chemical molecules
  • The negative consequences of ionizing radiation vs non-ionizing radiation
  • What role does chemosensory play in radiation chemistry?

Green Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • Discuss the twelve green chemistry concepts
  • Discuss the most important challenges in green chemistry nowadays
  • Compare the efficiency of various solar cell materials
  • What are the most efficient techniques to extract and utilize key materials sustainably?
  • Electrocatalysis is a method of producing and using fuels
  • Will growing meat become a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional farming?
  • Innovative pesticide-free agriculture methods
  • What are the different kinds of bio-based sustainable feedstocks?
  • How do metathesis reactions aid in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions?
  • Explore the most effective methods to reduce carbon pollution

Common Chemistry Dissertation Topics

  • The Evolution of Chemical Warfare What is the next step?
  • How did Chemistry become one of the most dangerous scientific professions?
  • Discuss the role of chemicals in political assassinations throughout history
  • The history of the use of chemistry as a weapon in genocide during the Holocaust
  • The relevance of human rights and the notion of lethal injection
  • What role does chemistry play in murder or euthanasia?
  • How might chemistry aid in detecting and differentiating natural and manufactured diseases?
  • Why is the use of petroleum products regarded as hazardous?
  • What are the generational consequences of herbicide exposure?
  • How is pollution a significantly greater threat than melting ice caps?
  • Investigating the four distinct states of matter: Why is plasma so rare on Earth?
  • Why is lithium considered one of the most successful battery materials?
  • Examine the impact of PH on planets
  • Describe the formation of synthetic diamonds
  • Discuss how to maximize tea brewing
  • Explain how heavy metals in plants are identified
  • Examine the air that people breathe
  • Why is it risky to use petroleum products?
  • Describe how chemistry might help indoor plants
  • Explain how to clean oil successfully

This concludes the extensive list of c hemistry dissertation topic ideas produced by the industry’s best dissertation writers . It is our pleasure to inform you that these themes can be used not only for chemistry dissertations but also for research journal papers.

Nevertheless, it is a challenging task to write a flawless chemistry dissertation. You must have excellent analytical and dissertation writing skills in order to produce a well-structured dissertation . No need to worry. Our team of experts is here to help you along the way. We are happy to assist you to come up with an original chemistry dissertation topic . Our customer service is active 24/7.

Free Dissertation Topic

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find dissertation topics about chemistry.

To find chemistry dissertation topics:

  • Research recent breakthroughs.
  • Explore unresolved questions.
  • Consider interdisciplinary areas.
  • Review scientific journals.
  • Consult professors for ideas.
  • Select a topic aligning with your passion and career aspirations.

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100+ Great Chemistry Research Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 What are the best chemistry research topics?
  • 2 5 Tips for Writing Chemistry Research Papers
  • 3 Chemical Engineering Research Topics
  • 4 Organic Сhemistry Research Topics
  • 5 Іnorganic Сhemistry Research Topics
  • 6 Biomolecular Сhemistry Research Topics
  • 7 Analytical Chemistry Research Topics
  • 8 Computational Chemistry Research Topics
  • 9 Physical Chemistry Research Topics
  • 10 Innovative Chemistry Research Topics
  • 11 Environmental Chemistry Research Topics
  • 12 Green Chemistry Research Topics
  • 13.1 Conclusion

Do you need a topic for your chemistry research paper? Are you unsure of where to start? Don’t worry – we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll go over a series of the best chemistry research paper topics as well as Tips for Writing Chemistry Research Papers on different topics. By the time you finish reading this post, you’ll have plenty of ideas to get started on your next research project!

There are many different subfields of chemistry, so it can be tough to find interesting chemistry topics to write about. If you’re struggling to narrow down your topic, we’ll go over lists of topics in multiple fields of study.

What are the best chemistry research topics?

Doing research is important to help scientists learn more about the world around us. By researching different compounds and elements, we can learn more about how they interact with one another and how they can be used to create new products or improve existing ones.

There are many different topics that you can choose to research in chemistry. Here are just a few examples:

  • The history of chemistry and how it has evolved over time
  • How different chemicals react with one another
  • How to create new compounds or improve existing ones
  • The role of chemistry in the environment
  • The health effects of different chemicals

5 Tips for Writing Chemistry Research Papers

Once you have chosen a topic for your research paper , it is important to follow some tips to ensure that your paper is well-written and accurate. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Start by doing some background research on your topic. This will help you understand the basics of the topic and give you a good foundation to build your paper on.
  • Make sure to cite all of the sources that you use in your paper. This will help to show where you got your information and will also help to add credibility to your work.
  • Be sure to proofread your paper before you submit it. This will ensure that there are no errors and that your paper is clear and concise.
  • Get help from a tutor or friend if you are struggling with your paper. They may be able to offer helpful advice or feedback.
  • Take your time when writing your research paper . This is not a race, and it is important to make sure that you do a good job on your research.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your chemistry research paper will be a success! So what are you waiting for? Let’s go over some of the best research paper topics out there.

Chemical Engineering Research Topics

Chemical Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design and application of chemical processes. If you’re wondering how to choose a paper topic, here are some ideas to inspire you:

  • How to create new alloy compounds or improve existing ones
  • The health effects of the food industry chemicals
  • Chemical engineering and sustainable development
  • The future of chemical engineering
  • Chemical engineering and the food industry
  • Chemical engineering and the pharmaceutical industry
  • Chemical engineering and the cosmetics industry
  • Chemical engineering and the petrochemical industry

These are just a few examples – there are many more possibilities out there! So get started on your research today. Who knows what you might discover!


Organic Сhemistry Research Topics

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-containing molecules. There are many different organic chemistry research topics that a student could choose to focus on and here are just a few examples of possible research projects in organic chemistry:

  • Investigating new methods for synthesizing chiral molecules
  • Studying the structure and reactivity of carbon nanotubes
  • Investigating metal complexes with organometallic ligands
  • Designing benzene derivatives with improved thermal stability
  • Exploring new ways to control the stereochemistry of chemical reactions
  • Studying the role of enzymes in organic synthesis
  • Investigating new strategies for combating drug resistance
  • Developing new methods for detecting explosives residues
  • Studying the photochemistry of organic molecules
  • Studying the behavior of organometallic compounds in biological systems

Іnorganic Сhemistry Research Topics

Inorganic Chemistry is the study of the chemistry of materials that do not contain carbon. Unlike other chemistry research topics, these include elements such as metals, minerals, and inorganic compounds. If you are looking for inorganic chemistry research topics on inorganic chemistry, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • How different metals react with one another
  • How to create new alloys or improve existing ones
  • The role of inorganic chemistry in the environment
  • Inorganic chemistry and sustainable development
  • The future of inorganic chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry and the food industry
  • Inorganic chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry
  • Atomic structure progressive scale grading
  • Inorganiс Сhemistry and the cosmetics industry

Biomolecular Сhemistry Research Topics

Biomolecular chemistry is the study of molecules that are important for life. These molecules can be found in all living things, from tiny bacteria to the largest animals. Researchers who work in this field use a variety of techniques to learn more about how these molecules function and how they interact with each other.

If you are looking for essential biomolecular chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • The structure and function of DNA
  • The structure and function of proteins
  • The role of carbohydrates in the body
  • The role of lipids in the body
  • How enzymes work
  • The role of biochemistry in heart disease
  • Cyanides and their effect on the body
  • The role of biochemistry in cancer treatment
  • The role of biochemistry in Parkison’s disease treatment
  • The role of biochemistry in the immune system

The possibilities are endless for someone willing to dedicate some time to research.

Analytical Chemistry Research Topics

Analytical Chemistry is a type of chemistry that helps scientists figure out what something is made of. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as spectroscopy or chromatography. If you are looking for research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • How food chemicals react with one another
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Analytical aspects of gas and liquid chromatography
  • Analytical chemistry and sustainable development
  • Atomic absorption spectroscopy methods and best practices
  • Analytical chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry in Ibuprofen consumption
  • Analytical chemistry and the cosmetics industry in UV protectors
  • Dispersive x-ray analysis of damaged tissues

Analytical chemistry is considered by many a complex science and there is a lot yet to be discovered in the field.


Computational Chemistry Research Topics

Computational chemistry is a way to use computers to help chemists understand chemical reactions. This can be done by simulating reactions or by designing new molecules. If you are looking for essential chemistry research topics in computational chemistry, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Molecular mechanics simulation
  • Reaction rates of complex chemical reactions
  • Designing new molecules: how can simulation help
  • The role of computers in the study of quantum mechanics
  • How to use computers to predict chemical reactions
  • Using computers to understand organic chemistry
  • The future of computational chemistry in organic reactions
  • The impacts of simulation on the development of new medications
  • Combustion reaction simulation impact on engine development
  • Quantum-chemistry simulation review

Computers are cutting-edge technology in chemical research and this relatively new field of study has a ton yet to be explored.

Physical Chemistry Research Topics

Physical chemistry is the study of how matter behaves. It looks at the physical and chemical properties of atoms and molecules and how they interact with each other. If you are looking for physical chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Standardization of pH scales
  • Structure of atom on a quantum scale
  • Bonding across atoms and molecules
  • The effect of temperature on chemical reactions
  • The role of light in in-body chemical reactions
  • Chemical kinetics
  • Surface tension and its effects on mixtures
  • The role of pressure in chemical reactions
  • Rates of diffusion in gases and liquids
  • The role of entropy in chemical reactions

Here are just a few samples, but there are plenty more options! Start your research right now!

Innovative Chemistry Research Topics

Innovative chemistry is all about coming up with new ideas and ways to do things. This can be anything from creating new materials to finding new ways to make existing products. If you are looking for ground-breaking chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Amino acids side chain effects in protein folding
  • Chemistry in the production of nanomaterials
  • The role of enzymes in chemical reactions
  • Photocatalysis in 3D printing
  • Avoiding pesticides in agriculture
  • Combining chemical and biological processes
  • Gene modification in medicinal chemistry
  • The role of quantum mechanics in chemical reactions
  • Astrochemical research on extraterrestrial molecules
  • Spectroscopy signatures of pressurized organic components

If you need a hand, there are several sites that also offer research papers for sale and can be a great asset as you work to create your own research papers.

Whatever route you decide to take, good luck! And remember – the sky’s the limit when it comes to research! So get started today and see where your studies may take you. Who knows, you might just make a breakthrough discovery!

Environmental Chemistry Research Topics

Environmental Chemistry is the study of how chemicals interact with the environment. This can include anything from the air we breathe to the water we drink. If you are looking for environmental chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Plastic effects on ocean life
  • Urban ecology
  • The role of carbon in climate change
  • Air pollution and its effects
  • Water pollution and its effects
  • Chemicals in food and their effect on the body
  • The effect of chemicals on plant life
  • Earth temperature prediction models

A lot of research on the environment is being conducted at the moment because the environment is in danger. There are a lot of environmental problems that need to be solved, and research is the key to solving them.

Green Chemistry Research Topics

Green chemistry is the study of how to make products and processes that are environmentally friendly. This can include anything from finding new ways to recycle materials to developing new products that are biodegradable. If you are looking for green chemistry research topics, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Recycling and reuse of materials
  • Developing biodegradable materials
  • Improving existing recycling processes
  • Green chemistry and sustainable development
  • The future of green chemistry
  • Green chemistry and the food industry
  • Green chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry
  • Green chemistry and the cosmetics industry

A more environmentally friendly world is something we all aspire for and a lot of research has been conducted on how we can achieve this, making this one of the most promising areas of study. The results have been varied, but there are a few key things we can do to make a difference.

Controversial Chemistry Research Topics

Controversial chemistry is all about hot-button topics that people are passionate about. This can include anything from the use of chemicals in warfare to the health effects of different chemicals. If you are looking for controversial topics to write about , here are some ideas to get you started:

  • The use of chemicals in warfare
  • Gene modification in human babies
  • Bioengineering
  • How fast food chemicals affect the human brain
  • The role of the government in regulating chemicals
  • Evolution of cigarette chemicals over time
  • Chemical effects of CBD oils
  • Antidepressant chemical reactions
  • Synthetic molecules replication methods
  • Gene analysis

Controversial research papers often appear in the media before it has been peer-reviewed and published in a scientific journal. The reason for this is that the media is interested in stories that are new, exciting, and generate a lot of debate.

Chemistry is an incredibly diverse and interesting field, with many controversial topics to write about. If you are looking for a research topic, consider the examples listed in this article. With a little bit of effort, you are sure to find a topic that is both interesting and within your skillset.

In order to be a good researcher, it is important to be able to think critically and solve problems. However, innovation in chemistry research can be challenging. When thinking about how to innovate, it is important to consider both the practical and theoretical aspects of your research. Additionally, try to build on the work of others in order to create something new and unique. With a little bit of effort, you are sure to be able to find a topic that is both interesting and within your skillset.

Happy writing!

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177 Hot Chemistry Topics Every Student Should Have

chemistry topics

Finding a topic in chemistry may not be every student’s favorite idea. Many college and university students perceive chemistry as a technical field that needs only top minds. Statistics point to a dwindling number of students pursuing chemistry-related courses. For the few who still follow this field, arriving at impressive general chemistry topics is also a hard nut to crack.

Let us first break down the myth concerning chemistry paper topics.

What Is A Chemistry in the Field of Academics?

Chemistry refers to a branch of science specializing in the composition, properties, and structure of elements and compounds. It also looks at how they change and the energy they release or absorb during the change. You will find the latest findings of tests or experiments and what they mean to typical day-to-day life.

Topics in chemistry will therefore range from experimental to theoretical concepts that come into play. Chemistry is applied in what we do regularly and thus the ease of identifying interesting chemistry topics for presentation or research.

When thinking of what to have for your chemistry project topics, consider the following:

  • The specific field of chemistry you are handling
  • The relationship between your idea and the society at large
  • How the topic will impact society positively

To have excellent chemistry topics, ensure that you follow your professor’s instructions to the latter. Many online sites offer help for students, but not all can precisely meet your requirements.

That is why you need a quality writing site that offers you the best chemistry topics for research papers.

What To Avoid When Writing Chemistry Related Topics

The knowledge of the do’s and don’ts of any paper is crucial in giving the best piece. Furthermore, it will help you stick within the scope of your supervisor’s requirements. As such, here are some of the pitfalls to avoid in writing chemistry topics for presentation:

  • A lot of technical terms: The field of chemistry has jargon that can turn off a reader who is new to it. Therefore, using many technological times that are only known to a few individuals for topics in current chemistry may not auger well with the readers.
  • Using numbers in chemistry topics: We understand that issues requiring experiments may have several numerical data. However, these numerals should not be part of the topic. It is because staffing numbers at the beginning of any paper turn off many prospective readers.
  • Lengthy chemistry topics: This does not only apply in chemistry topics but all other papers as well. Extended issues may not give the reader a good picture of the gist of the content. As such, it may confuse them all the more.
  • Do not use rhetorical questions: Unlike English or literature papers, chemistry-related assignments require a specific topic. The idea should be precise and point the reader to what they should expect in the subsequent paragraphs. Remember that there is a difference between scientific papers and those in the humanities and arts fields.

So, whether you are writing chemistry research topics for high school or controversial chemistry topics, always use the right words to present your stance, void of any disputes. Your case should clearly state your stand rather than try to force the reader to adopt your particular point of view.

When presenting your arguments, ensure that you support them with undisputed evidence. Science requires facts rather than mere speculations and hearsay. Therefore, avoid the temptation of assuming that your reader may not be skeptical of your arguments. Persons in science are keen on facts, figures, numbers, and outcomes of various experiments.

Finally, remember always to show the relationship between chemistry and other related fields. Since this is an interdisciplinary subject, its relationship must come out so that the reader can make the comparison for himself/herself.

You can find a hot topic in chemistry from:

  • Chemistry encyclopedias
  • Research findings and other chemistry-related articles online
  • Well-reputed scientific repositories
  • Science documentaries and features

Join me as we explore 177 of the most brilliant chemistry topics from top-notch experts.

Nuclear Chemistry Topics For Undergraduates

  • The role of the electronic structure of species in chemical reactions
  • What is the essence of ions, molecules, and atoms in nuclear chemistry?
  • How does the arrangement of the electrons around atoms influence nuclear reactions?
  • The role of the discovery of radioactivity in nuclear chemistry
  • Discuss the implication of various technologies related to energy in nuclear chemistry
  • How has nuclear chemistry evolved from the 18 th century to date?
  • What facilitates the repulsion of protons during reactions?
  • Assess why a nucleus contains less mass than the total mass of the constituent nucleons
  • The role of the binding energy in ensuring nuclear stability
  • Discuss the application of Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence equation
  • Evaluate reactions that make nuclei change their energy state
  • Evaluate the part of high-energy helium nuclei
  • How to use high-energy electromagnetic radiation in a chemical reaction
  • Why do unstable nuclei experience spontaneous radioactive decay?
  • Discuss positron emission and electron capture
  • Factors that contribute to the formation of a stable isotope
  • Discuss the relevance of first-order kinetics in radioactive decay

Fun Chemistry Research Topics

  • How the PH of acids and bases apply to aqueous solutions
  • Catalysts that are necessary for acid-base reactions in chemistry
  • The role of chemical reactions in living cells and industrial processes
  • Why is it essential to study the atomic structure?
  • Discuss the factors that affect oxidation-reduction reactions or redox reactions.
  • How to produce electrodes and batteries from electrochemical reactions
  • The role of measurements and performing calculations in chemistry
  • How thermochemistry plays out in physical chemistry
  • Evaluate the role of enthalpy and entropy in thermochemistry
  • Factors that affect endothermic reactions and exothermic reactions
  • The role of oxidation numbers in covalent bonding
  • Describe the unique characteristics of the periodic table
  • How to balance chemical equations
  • Factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions
  • Discuss the properties of various mixtures and solutions
  • What is the essence of suspensions, dilutions, and colloids?

Interesting Chemistry Topics

  • The role of nanophotonic in military operations
  • How does the chemical equilibrium influence reactions?
  • The role of chemistry in preparing drugs and dosages
  • Why do most students view chemistry as a prestigious course in college?
  • Evaluate some of the practical applications of surface tensions
  • The role of chemistry in the development of dyes
  • Explain how a paper loses its color when exposed to light and moisture
  • The chemical reactions behind the production of ethanol
  • Evaluate the safety mechanisms applied in gas chambers
  • Compare and contrast between manufactured and naturally occurring oxygen
  • The importance of Lewis Structure in chemical reactions
  • Discuss how hydrogen and oxygen combine to produce water
  • What properties of the laughing gas make it unique from the others?
  • Describe the stabilization process of lithium
  • Evaluate the risks and dangers associated with Ibuprofen
  • The role of chlorophyll in the green color of plants

High School Chemistry Topics

  • Discuss the considerations for a chemistry experiment in the lab
  • How to minimize heat loss during endothermic reactions
  • The role of technology in advancing chemical reactions
  • How UV rays affect the response of gases
  • Evaluate the role of chemistry in medicine
  • Why are most chemicals kept away from light and heat?
  • Discuss why most chemicals have a shorter life span
  • Is the chemistry curriculum in high schools sufficient enough?
  • What makes caffeine an additive element in coffee?
  • Discuss the chemical implications of an overdose
  • What is the role of enzymes in chemical reactions in the body?
  • What makes petroleum products highly flammable?
  • Discuss how scientists can separate the gases from the atmosphere
  • The process of detecting heavy metals in plants
  • How to evaluate the oxidation levels of various experiments
  • Effects of having excess catalysts in a reaction

Current Topics In Medicinal Chemistry

  • The role of chemistry in managing the current coronavirus pandemic
  • Chemical reactions involved in the formation of 5G technology
  • The impact of online journals on the practice of chemistry
  • What should be the minimum academic qualification of a chemistry lecturer?
  • The role of the Brownian chamber if assessing chemical properties of gases
  • How does fermentation occur in the production of ethanol?
  • Why is chemistry an essential component of any society?
  • Discuss the chemical properties involved in the development of ventilators
  • What makes gas masks effective in filtering between different gases?
  • Discuss the process of determining and reducing toxicity levels
  • The role of chemistry in the study of anthropology
  • Chemical reactions involved in dating
  • How acid rain causes corrosion of iron sheets
  • The influence of chemicals on human allergies
  • Discuss the effect of soft drinks on the human body?
  • Is there any chemical implication of serving food on a plastic plate?

Impressive Chemistry Projects Topics

  • The application of chemistry in the cosmetic industry
  • How aluminum foils and cling films affect the quality of food
  • The role of cold weather in facilitating enzymatic action
  • How have scientists made the world healthier and safe?
  • Latest chemical inventions in the field of chemistry
  • Impact of vitamins in the human body reactions
  • The role of fatty acids in human metabolism
  • How the structure and properties of various enzymes affect reactions
  • The role of chemical reactions in biological developments
  • Discuss some of the ethics involved in chemical reactions
  • The part of chemistry in the manufacture of bioweapons
  • Discuss how chemical reactions affect synthetic molecule replication
  • What are the dangers of bioconjugation chemistry?
  • The impact of pesticides in affecting agricultural development
  • Why are photocatalysts necessary in 3D printing?
  • Discuss the role of polymers in chemical reactions

Organic Chemistry Topics

  • Discuss the factors involved in the formation of enolate anions
  • What are the catalysts involved in benzene reactions?
  • What is the procedure of naming benzene derivatives?
  • Discuss the aromatic suitability of compounds in reactions
  • What are the processes involved in the synthesis of alcohols?
  • Discuss the nomenclature and properties of alcohols
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of alkene reactions under extreme heat
  • What are the factors that affect free radical reactions?
  • Discuss the stereoisomerism relationships of various compounds
  • What constitutes the conformation of alkanes?
  • Discuss the properties of functional groups
  • Factors that affect organic acid-base chemistry
  • What is the implication of bond-line structures
  • Factors affecting electronegativity in chemical reactions
  • What are the optimum levels for nucleophilicity and basicity?
  • The role of elimination reactions in chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry Topics

  • Discuss the structure and periodicity of the atom in inorganic chemistry
  • How symmetry and group theory affect inorganic chemistry
  • Analyze the origin of elements and their distribution
  • The impact of the discovery of aspects in inorganic chemistry
  • How the electronic structure of elements affects their reactions
  • Evaluate the block classification of various bonding states
  • Geometrical factors involved in inorganic reactions
  • Discuss the relationship between inorganic chemistry and thermodynamics
  • How the structures of metal complexes affect their reactions
  • Discuss the concepts and scope of the ligand field
  • Evaluate the electronic spectra of complexes
  • Discuss the magnetic properties of complexes
  • How symmetry elements co-relate with optical isomerism
  • Describe the osmotic pressure and the theory of solution
  • Evaluate the idea of ionization
  • Discuss the bonding theories both in inorganic molecules and in the solid-state

Environmental Chemistry Topics

  • Chemistry of air and soil with specific emphasis on the effects of human-made chemical products
  • Discuss the tragedy of environmental problems
  • Eliminating the carbon foot-print using chemistry
  • Discuss the history of environmental regulations
  • Factors that facilitate the formation and destruction of ozone
  • Specific requirements for the Chapman mechanism
  • Catalytic processes of ozone destruction in the 21 st century
  • Analyze the chemistry of ozone depletion using carbon as a case study
  • What are the properties of chemicals that cause ozone destruction?
  • Evaluate the CFC replacements that are effective
  • Analyze the effectiveness of international agreements in environmental management
  • Evaluate the chemical fate of trace gases in the air
  • Factors that necessitate the photochemical smog process
  • Chemical ways of improving air quality
  • How to limit VOC and NO emissions
  • The role of catalytic converters in environmental conservation

Physical Chemistry Topics

  • The role of sulfur-based emissions in contributing to air pollution
  • Discuss the evolution of the atomic structure over time
  • How to use mass number to find the number of fundamental particles in ions and atoms
  • Discuss the existence of isotopes in various reactions
  • Analyze the principles of a simple time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometer
  • How to obtain accurate information about relative isotopic mass
  • Discuss how to write equations for first and successive ionization energies
  • Evaluate the role of The Avogadro Constant in physical chemistry
  • How does the concentration of a substance in a solution affect its reaction?
  • Discuss the functions of the ideal gas equation in physical chemistry
  • Explain the relationship between empirical formula and a molecular formula
  • Discuss the economic challenges of developing chemical processes with a high atom economy
  • How to write balanced equations for reactions in physical chemistry
  • What determines the concentrations and volumes for reactions in solutions?
  • How to predict the charge on a simple ion using the position of the element in the Periodic Table
  • Discuss why multiple bonds contain multiple pairs of electrons

Chemistry Presentation Topics

  • Discuss the environmental and health consequences of polluted air
  • What are the chemical mechanisms involved in the Greenhouse effect?
  • Discuss the global energy use and energy sources
  • Analyze the process of treatment of wastewater and sewage
  • Discuss the effects of chloro-organic, organophosphate, and carbonate insecticides
  • Evaluate the litmus lichen found in West Africa
  • How does Ammonia gas dissolve in water to form aqueous ammonia?
  • Discuss the catalysts that dissolve ionic compounds and other polar solvents
  • What makes some acids strong and others weak?
  • The role of the number of moles in the concentration of an acid
  • How ions present in a solution conduct electricity
  • Discuss the role of chemistry in the development of robotics
  • The role of women in the field of chemistry
  • Engaging ways of learning chemistry apart from experiments
  • Chemical compounds that facilitate the development of cancerous cells
  • Discuss the current results in rational drug design

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Chemistry Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

aPKCs role in Neuroblastoma cell signaling cascades and Implications of aPKCs inhibitors as potential therapeutics , Sloan Breedy

Protein Folding Kinetics Analysis Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy , Dhanya Dhananjayan

Affordances and Limitations of Molecular Representations in General and Organic Chemistry , Ayesha Farheen

Institutional and Individual Approaches to Change in Undergraduate STEM Education: Two Framework Analyses , Stephanie B. Feola

Applications in Opioid Analysis with FAIMS Through Control of Vapor Phase Solvent Modifiers , Nathan Grimes

Synthesis, Characterization, and Separation of Loaded Liposomes for Drug Delivery , Sandra Khalife

Supramolecular Architectures Generated by Self-assembly of Guanosine and Isoguanosine Derivatives , Mengjia Liu

Syntheses, Photophysics, & Application of Porphyrinic Metal-Organic Frameworks , Zachary L. Magnuson

Chemical Analysis of Metabolites from Mangrove Endophytic Fungus , Sefat E Munjerin

Chemical Analysis of Metabolites from Mangrove Endophytic Fungus , Sefat E. Munjerin

Synthesis of Small Molecule Modulators of Non-Traditional Drug Targets , Jamie Nunziata

Synthetic Studies of Potential New Ketogenic Molecules , Mohammad Nazmus Sakib

Coupling Chemical and Genomic Data of Marine Sediment-Associated Bacteria for Metabolite Profiling , Stephanie P. Suarez

Enhanced Methods in Forensic Mass Spectrometry for Targeted and Untargeted Drug Analysis , Dina M. Swanson

Investigation of Challenging Transformations in Gold Catalysis , Qi Tang

Diazirines and Oxaziridines as Nitrogen Transfer Reagents in Drug Discovery , Khalilia C. Tillett

Developing New Strategy toward Ruthenium and Gold Redox Catalysis , Chenhuan Wang

Gold-Catalyzed Diyne-ene Cyclization: Synthesis of Hetero Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and 1,2-Dihydropyridines , Jingwen Wei

Development of Antiviral Peptidomimetics , Songyi Xue

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Investigating a Potential STING Modulator , Jaret J. Crews

Exploring the Structure and Activity of Metallo-Tetracyclines , Shahedul Islam

Metabolomic Analysis, Identification and Antimicrobial Assay of Two Mangrove Endophytes , Stephen Thompson

Bioactivity of Suberitenones A and B , Jared G. Waters

Developing Efficient Transition Metal Catalyzed C-C & C-X Bond Construction , Chiyu Wei

Measurement in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics Education: Student Explanations of Organic Chemistry Reaction Mechanisms and Instructional Practices in Introductory Courses , Brandon J. Yik

Study on New Reactivity of Vinyl Gold and Its Sequential Transformations , Teng Yuan

Study on New Strategy toward Gold(I/III) Redox Catalysis , Shuyao Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Design, Synthesis and Testing of Bioactive Peptidomimetics , Sami Abdulkadir

Synthesis of Small Molecules for the Treatment of Infectious Diseases , Elena Bray

Social Constructivism in Chemistry Peer Leaders and Organic Chemistry Students , Aaron M. Clark

Synthesizing Laccol Based Polymers/Copolymers and Polyurethanes; Characterization and Their Applications , Imalka Marasinghe Arachchilage

The Photophysical Studies of Transition Metal Polyimines Encapsulated in Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF’s) , Jacob M. Mayers

Light Harvesting in Photoactive Guest-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks , Christopher R. McKeithan

Using Quantitative Methods to Investigate Student Attitudes Toward Chemistry: Women of Color Deserve the Spotlight , Guizella A. Rocabado Delgadillo

Simulations of H2 Sorption in Metal-Organic Frameworks , Shanelle Suepaul

Parallel Computation of Feynman Path Integrals and Many-Body Polarization with Application to Metal-Organic Materials , Brant H. Tudor

The Development of Bioactive Peptidomimetics Based on γ-AApeptides , Minghui Wang

Investigation of Immobilized Enzymes in Confined Environment of Mesoporous Host Matrices , Xiaoliang Wang

Novel Synthetic Ketogenic Compounds , Michael Scott Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Biosynthetic Gene Clusters, Microbiomes, and Secondary Metabolites in Cold Water Marine Organisms , Nicole Elizabeth Avalon

Differential Mobility Spectrometry-Mass spectrometry (DMS-MS) for Forensic and Nuclear-Forensic applications , Ifeoluwa Ayodeji

Conversion from Metal Oxide to MOF Thin Films as a Platform of Chemical Sensing , Meng Chen

Asking Why : Analyzing Students' Explanations of Organic Chemistry Reaction Mechanisms using Lexical Analysis and Predictive Logistic Regression Models , Amber J. Dood

Development of Next-Generation, Fast, Accurate, Transferable, and Polarizable Force-fields for Heterogenous Material Simulations , Adam E. Hogan

Breakthroughs in Obtaining QM/MM Free Energies , Phillip S. Hudson

New Synthetic Methodology Using Base-Assisted Diazonium Salts Activation and Gold Redox Catalysis , Abiola Azeez Jimoh

Development and Application of Computational Models for Biochemical Systems , Fiona L. Kearns

Analyzing the Retention of Knowledge Among General Chemistry Students , James T. Kingsepp

A Chemical Investigation of Three Antarctic Tunicates of the Genus Synoicum , Sofia Kokkaliari

Construction of Giant 2D and 3D Metallo-Supramolecules Based on Pyrylium Salts Chemistry , Yiming Li

Assessing Many-Body van der Waals Contributions in Model Sorption Environments , Matthew K. Mostrom

Advancing Equity Amongst General Chemistry Students with Variable Preparations in Mathematics , Vanessa R. Ralph

Sustainable Non-Noble Metal based Catalysts for High Performance Oxygen Electrocatalysis , Swetha Ramani

The Role of aPKCs and aPKC Inhibitors in Cell Proliferation and Invasion in Breast and Ovarian Cancer , Tracess B. Smalley

Development of Ultrasonic-based Ambient Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry , Linxia Song

Covalent Organic Frameworks as an Organic Scaffold for Heterogeneous Catalysis including C-H Activation , Harsh Vardhan

Optimization of a Digital Ion Trap to Perform Isotope Ratio Analysis of Xenon for Planetary Studies , Timothy Vazquez

Multifunctional Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) For Applications in Sustainability , Gaurav Verma

Design, Synthesis of Axial Chiral Triazole , Jing Wang

The Development of AApeptides , Lulu Wei

Chemical Investigation of Floridian Mangrove Endophytes and Antarctic Marine Organisms , Bingjie Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

An Insight into the Biological Functions, the Molecular Mechanism and the Nature of Interactions of a Set of Biologically Important Proteins. , Adam A. Aboalroub

Functional Porous Materials: Applications for Environmental Sustainability , Briana Amaris Aguila

Biomimetic Light Harvesting in Metalloporphyrins Encapsulated/Incorporated within Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs). , Abdulaziz A. Alanazi

Design and Synthesis of Novel Agents for the Treatment of Tropical Diseases , Linda Corrinne Barbeto

Effect of Atypical protein kinase C inhibitor (DNDA) on Cell Proliferation and Migration of Lung Cancer Cells , Raja Reddy Bommareddy

The Activity and Structure of Cu2+ -Biomolecules in Disease and Disease Treatment , Darrell Cole Cerrato

Simulation and Software Development to Understand Interactions of Guest Molecules inPorous Materials , Douglas M. Franz

Construction of G-quadruplexes via Self-assembly: Enhanced Stability and Unique Properties , Ying He

The Role of Atypical Protein Kinase C in Colorectal Cancer Cells Carcinogenesis , S M Anisul Islam

Chemical Tools and Treatments for Neurological Disorders and Infectious Diseases , Andrea Lemus

Antarctic Deep Sea Coral and Tropical Fungal Endophyte: Novel Chemistry for Drug Discovery , Anne-Claire D. Limon

Constituent Partitioning Consensus Docking Models and Application in Drug Discovery , Rainer Metcalf

An Investigation into the Heterogeneity of Insect Arylalkylamine N -Acyltransferases , Brian G. O'Flynn

Evaluating the Evidence Base for Evidence-Based Instructional Practices in Chemistry through Meta-Analysis , Md Tawabur Rahman

Role of Oncogenic Protein Kinase C-iota in Melanoma Progression; A Study Based on Atypical Protein Kinase-C Inhibitors , Wishrawana Sarathi Bandara Ratnayake

Formulation to Application: Thermomechanical Characterization of Flexible Polyimides and The Improvement of Their Properties Via Chain Interaction , Alejandro Rivera Nicholls

The Chemical Ecology and Drug Discovery Potential of the Antarctic Red Alga Plocamium cartilagineum and the Antarctic Sponge Dendrilla membranosa , Andrew Jason Shilling

Synthesis, Discovery and Delivery of Therapeutic Natural Products and Analogs , Zachary P. Shultz

Development of α-AA peptides as Peptidomimetics for Antimicrobial Therapeutics and The Discovery of Nanostructures , Sylvia E. Singh

Self-Assembly of 2D and 3D Metallo-Supramolecules with Increasing Complexity , Bo Song

The Potential of Marine Microbes, Flora and Fauna in Drug Discovery , Santana Alexa Lavonia Thomas

Design, Synthesis, and Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Fractals Based on Terpyridine with Different Transition Metal Ions , Lei Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Fatty Acid Amides and Their Biosynthetic Enzymes Found in Insect Model Systems , Ryan L. Anderson

Interrogation of Protein Function with Peptidomimetics , Olapeju Bolarinwa

Characterization of Nylon-12 in a Novel Additive Manufacturing Technology, and the Rheological and Spectroscopic Analysis of PEG-Starch Matrix Interactions , Garrett Michael Craft

Synthesis of Novel Agents for the treatment of Infectious and Neurodegenerative diseases , Benjamin Joe Eduful

Survey research in postsecondary chemistry education: Measurements of faculty members’ instructional practice and students’ affect , Rebecca E. Gibbons

Design, Synthesis, Application of Biodegradable Polymers , Mussie Gide

Conformational Fluctuations of Biomolecules Studied Using Molecular Dynamics and Enhanced Sampling , Geoffrey M. Gray

Analysis and New Applications of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF): Thermal Conductivity of a Perovskite-type MOF and Incorporation of a Lewis Pair into a MOF. , Wilarachchige D C B Gunatilleke

Chemical Investigation of Bioactive Marine Extracts , Selam Hagos

Optimizing Peptide Fractionation to Maximize Content in Cancer Proteomics , Victoria Izumi

Germania-based Sol-gel Coatings and Core-shell Particles in Chromatographic Separations , Chengliang Jiang

Synthesis, Modification, Characterization and Processing of Molded and Electrospun Thermoplastic Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites , Tamalia Julien

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Home » 300+ Chemistry Research Topics

300+ Chemistry Research Topics

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Chemistry Research Topics

Chemistry is a fascinating and complex field that explores the composition, properties, and behavior of matter at the molecular and atomic level. As a result, there are numerous chemistry research topics that can be explored, ranging from the development of new materials and drugs to the study of natural compounds and the environment. In this rapidly evolving field, researchers are constantly uncovering new insights and pushing the boundaries of our understanding of chemistry. Whether you are a student, a professional researcher, or simply curious about the world around you, there is always something new to discover in the field of chemistry. In this post, we will explore some of the exciting and important research topics in chemistry today.

Chemistry Research Topics

Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

Organic Chemistry Research Topics

Organic Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of novel synthetic routes for the production of biologically active natural products
  • Investigation of reaction mechanisms and kinetics for organic transformations
  • Design and synthesis of new catalysts for asymmetric organic reactions
  • Synthesis and characterization of chiral compounds for pharmaceutical applications
  • Development of sustainable methods for the synthesis of organic molecules using renewable resources
  • Discovery of new reaction pathways for the conversion of biomass into high-value chemicals
  • Study of molecular recognition and host-guest interactions for drug design
  • Design and synthesis of new materials for energy storage and conversion
  • Development of efficient and selective methods for C-H functionalization reactions
  • Exploration of the reactivity of reactive intermediates such as radicals and carbenes
  • Study of supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly of organic molecules
  • Development of new methods for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds
  • Investigation of the biological activities and mechanisms of action of natural products
  • Synthesis of polymeric materials with controlled architecture and functionality
  • Development of new synthetic methodologies for the preparation of bioconjugates
  • Investigation of the mechanisms of enzyme catalysis and the design of enzyme inhibitors
  • Synthesis and characterization of novel fluorescent probes for biological imaging
  • Development of new synthetic strategies for the preparation of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates
  • Study of the properties and reactivity of carbon nanomaterials
  • Design and synthesis of novel drugs for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Inorganic Chemistry Research Topics

Inorganic Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Synthesis and characterization of new metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for gas storage and separation applications
  • Development of new catalysts for sustainable chemical synthesis reactions
  • Investigation of the electronic and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes for spintronics applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of novel nanomaterials for energy storage applications
  • Development of new ligands for metal coordination complexes with potential medical applications
  • Investigation of the mechanism of metal-catalyzed reactions using advanced spectroscopic techniques
  • Synthesis and characterization of new inorganic materials for photocatalytic water splitting
  • Development of new materials for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reactions
  • Investigation of the properties of transition metal oxides for energy storage and conversion applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of new metal chalcogenides for optoelectronic applications
  • Development of new methods for the preparation of inorganic nanoparticles with controlled size and shape
  • Investigation of the reactivity and catalytic properties of metal clusters
  • Synthesis and characterization of new metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs) for gas storage and separation applications
  • Development of new methods for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles using environmentally friendly reducing agents
  • Investigation of the properties of metal-organic frameworks for gas sensing applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of new coordination polymers with potential magnetic and electronic properties
  • Development of new materials for electrocatalytic water oxidation reactions
  • Investigation of the properties of metal-organic frameworks for carbon capture and storage applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of new metal-containing polymers with potential applications in electronics and energy storage
  • Development of new methods for the synthesis of metal-organic frameworks using green solvents and renewable resources.

Physical Chemistry Research Topics

Physical Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigation of the properties and interactions of ionic liquids in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions.
  • Development of advanced analytical techniques for the study of protein structure and dynamics.
  • Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of supercritical fluids for use in industrial applications.
  • Development of novel nanomaterials for energy storage applications.
  • Studies of the surface chemistry of catalysts for the optimization of their performance in chemical reactions.
  • Development of new methods for the synthesis of complex organic molecules with improved yields and selectivity.
  • Investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the catalysis of biochemical reactions.
  • Development of new strategies for the controlled release of drugs and other bioactive molecules.
  • Studies of the interaction of nanoparticles with biological systems for biomedical applications.
  • Investigation of the thermodynamic properties of materials under extreme conditions of temperature and pressure.
  • Development of new methods for the characterization of materials at the nanoscale.
  • Investigation of the electronic and magnetic properties of materials for use in spintronics.
  • Development of new materials for energy conversion and storage.
  • Studies of the kinetics and thermodynamics of adsorption processes on surfaces.
  • Investigation of the transport properties of ionic liquids for use in energy storage and conversion devices.
  • Development of new materials for the capture and sequestration of greenhouse gases.
  • Studies of the structure and properties of biomolecules for use in drug design and development.
  • Investigation of the dynamics of chemical reactions in solution using time-resolved spectroscopic techniques.
  • Development of new approaches for the synthesis of metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles with controlled size and shape.
  • Studies of the structure and properties of materials for use in electrochemical energy storage devices.

Analytical Chemistry Research Topics

Analytical Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development and optimization of analytical techniques for the quantification of trace elements in food and environmental samples.
  • Design and synthesis of novel analytical probes for the detection of biomolecules in complex matrices.
  • Investigation of the fundamental mechanisms involved in the separation and detection of complex mixtures using chromatographic techniques.
  • Development of sensors and biosensors for the detection of chemical and biological species in real-time.
  • Investigation of the chemical and structural properties of nanomaterials and their applications in analytical chemistry.
  • Development and validation of analytical methods for the quantification of contaminants and pollutants in water, air, and soil.
  • Investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying drug metabolism and toxicity using mass spectrometry.
  • Development of analytical tools for the identification and quantification of drugs of abuse in biological matrices.
  • Investigation of the chemical composition and properties of natural products and their applications in medicine and food science.
  • Development of advanced analytical techniques for the characterization of proteins and peptides.
  • Investigation of the chemistry and mechanism of action of antioxidants in foods and their impact on human health.
  • Development of analytical methods for the detection and quantification of microorganisms in food and environmental samples.
  • Investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of important biomolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.
  • Development of analytical methods for the detection and quantification of environmental toxins and their impact on human health.
  • Investigation of the structure and properties of biological membranes and their role in drug delivery and disease.
  • Development of analytical techniques for the characterization of complex mixtures such as petroleum and crude oil.
  • Investigation of the chemistry and mechanism of action of natural and synthetic dyes.
  • Development of analytical techniques for the detection and quantification of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water and wastewater.
  • Investigation of the chemical composition and properties of biopolymers and their applications in biomedicine and biomaterials.
  • Development of analytical methods for the identification and quantification of essential nutrients and vitamins in food and dietary supplements.

Biochemistry Research Topics

Biochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • The role of enzymes in metabolic pathways
  • The biochemistry of DNA replication and repair
  • Protein folding and misfolding diseases
  • Lipid metabolism and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
  • The role of vitamins and minerals in human metabolism
  • Biochemistry of cancer and the development of targeted therapies
  • The biochemistry of signal transduction pathways and their regulation
  • The mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
  • The biochemistry of neurotransmitters and their roles in behavior and disease
  • The role of oxidative stress in aging and age-related diseases
  • The biochemistry of microbial fermentation and its applications in industry
  • The biochemistry of the immune system and its response to pathogens
  • The biochemistry of plant metabolism and its regulation
  • The molecular basis of genetic diseases and gene therapy
  • The biochemistry of membrane transport and its role in cell function
  • The biochemistry of muscle contraction and its regulation
  • The role of lipids in membrane structure and function
  • The biochemistry of photosynthesis and its regulation
  • The biochemistry of RNA splicing and alternative splicing events
  • The biochemistry of epigenetics and its regulation in gene expression.

Environmental Chemistry Research Topics

Environmental Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigating the effects of microplastics on aquatic ecosystems and their potential impact on human health.
  • Examining the impact of climate change on soil quality and nutrient availability in agricultural systems.
  • Developing methods to improve the removal of heavy metals from contaminated soils and waterways.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of natural and synthetic antioxidants in mitigating the effects of air pollution on human health.
  • Investigating the potential for using algae and other microorganisms to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • Studying the role of biodegradable plastics in reducing plastic waste and their impact on the environment.
  • Examining the impact of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals on water quality and the health of aquatic organisms.
  • Investigating the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and ecosystems.
  • Developing new materials and technologies to reduce carbon emissions from industrial processes.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of phytoremediation in cleaning up contaminated soils and waterways.
  • Studying the impact of microplastics on terrestrial ecosystems and their potential to enter the food chain.
  • Developing sustainable methods for managing and recycling electronic waste.
  • Investigating the role of natural processes, such as weathering and erosion, in regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
  • Assessing the impact of urbanization on air quality and developing strategies to mitigate pollution in cities.
  • Examining the effects of climate change on the distribution and abundance of species in different ecosystems.
  • Investigating the impact of ocean currents on the distribution of pollutants and other environmental contaminants.
  • Developing new materials and technologies for renewable energy generation and storage.
  • Studying the effects of deforestation on soil quality, water availability, and biodiversity.
  • Assessing the potential for using waste materials, such as agricultural residues and municipal solid waste, as sources of renewable energy.
  • Investigating the role of natural and synthetic chemicals in regulating ecosystem functions, such as nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration.

Polymer Chemistry Research Topics

Polymer Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of new monomers for high-performance polymers
  • Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable polymers for sustainable packaging
  • Design of stimuli-responsive polymers for drug delivery applications
  • Investigation of the properties and applications of conductive polymers
  • Development of new catalysts for controlled/living polymerization
  • Synthesis of polymers with tailored mechanical properties
  • Characterization of the structure-property relationship in polymer nanocomposites
  • Study of the impact of polymer architecture on material properties
  • Design and synthesis of new polymeric materials for energy storage
  • Development of high-throughput methods for polymer synthesis and characterization
  • Exploration of new strategies for polymer recycling and upcycling
  • Synthesis and characterization of responsive polymer networks for smart textiles
  • Design of advanced polymer coatings with self-healing properties
  • Investigation of the impact of processing conditions on the morphology and properties of polymer materials
  • Study of the interactions between polymers and biological systems
  • Development of biocompatible polymers for tissue engineering applications
  • Synthesis and characterization of block copolymers for advanced membrane applications
  • Exploration of the potential of polymer-based sensors and actuators
  • Design of novel polymer electrolytes for advanced batteries and fuel cells
  • Study of the behavior of polymers under extreme conditions, such as high pressure or temperature.

Materials Chemistry Research Topics

Materials Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of new advanced materials for energy storage and conversion
  • Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials for environmental remediation
  • Design and fabrication of stimuli-responsive materials for drug delivery
  • Investigation of electrocatalytic materials for fuel cells and electrolysis
  • Fabrication of flexible and stretchable electronic materials for wearable devices
  • Development of novel materials for high-performance electronic devices
  • Exploration of organic-inorganic hybrid materials for optoelectronic applications
  • Study of corrosion-resistant coatings for metallic materials
  • Investigation of biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
  • Synthesis and characterization of metal-organic frameworks for gas storage and separation
  • Design and fabrication of new materials for water purification
  • Investigation of carbon-based materials for supercapacitors and batteries
  • Synthesis and characterization of self-healing materials for structural applications
  • Development of new materials for catalysis and chemical reactions
  • Exploration of magnetic materials for spintronic devices
  • Investigation of thermoelectric materials for energy conversion
  • Study of 2D materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications
  • Development of sustainable and eco-friendly materials for packaging
  • Fabrication of advanced materials for sensors and actuators
  • Investigation of materials for high-temperature applications such as aerospace and nuclear industries.

Nuclear Chemistry Research Topics

Nuclear Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Nuclear fission and fusion reactions
  • Nuclear power plant safety and radiation protection
  • Radioactive waste management and disposal
  • Nuclear fuel cycle and waste reprocessing
  • Nuclear energy and its impact on climate change
  • Radiation therapy for cancer treatment
  • Radiopharmaceuticals for medical imaging
  • Nuclear medicine and its role in diagnostics
  • Nuclear forensics and nuclear security
  • Isotopic analysis in environmental monitoring and pollution control
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Radiation damage in materials and radiation effects on electronic devices
  • Nuclear data evaluation and validation
  • Nuclear reactors design and optimization
  • Nuclear fuel performance and irradiation behavior
  • Nuclear energy systems integration and optimization
  • Neutron and gamma-ray detection and measurement techniques
  • Nuclear astrophysics and cosmology
  • Nuclear weapons proliferation and disarmament.

Medicinal Chemistry Research Topics

Medicinal Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Drug discovery and development
  • Design and synthesis of novel drugs
  • Medicinal chemistry of natural products
  • Structure-activity relationships (SAR) of drugs
  • Rational drug design using computational methods
  • Target identification and validation
  • Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK)
  • Drug delivery systems
  • Development of new antibiotics
  • Design of drugs for the treatment of cancer
  • Development of drugs for the treatment of neurological disorders
  • Medicinal chemistry of peptides and proteins
  • Development of drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases
  • Discovery of new antiviral agents
  • Design of drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
  • Medicinal chemistry of enzyme inhibitors
  • Development of drugs for the treatment of inflammatory diseases
  • Design of drugs for the treatment of metabolic disorders
  • Medicinal chemistry of anti-cancer agents
  • Development of drugs for the treatment of rare diseases.

Food Chemistry Research Topics

Food Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigating the effect of cooking methods on the nutritional value of food.
  • Analyzing the role of antioxidants in preventing food spoilage and degradation.
  • Examining the effect of food processing techniques on the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables.
  • Studying the chemistry of food additives and their impact on human health.
  • Evaluating the role of enzymes in food digestion and processing.
  • Investigating the chemical properties and functional uses of food proteins.
  • Analyzing the effect of food packaging materials on the quality and safety of food products.
  • Examining the chemistry of food flavorings and the impact of flavor on consumer acceptance.
  • Studying the role of carbohydrates in food texture and structure.
  • Investigating the chemistry of food lipids and their impact on human health.
  • Analyzing the chemical properties and functional uses of food gums and emulsifiers.
  • Examining the effect of processing on the flavor and aroma of food products.
  • Studying the chemistry of food preservatives and their impact on food safety.
  • Investigating the chemical properties and functional uses of food fibers.
  • Analyzing the effect of food processing on the bioavailability of nutrients.
  • Examining the chemistry of food colorants and their impact on consumer acceptance.
  • Studying the role of vitamins and minerals in food and their impact on human health.
  • Investigating the chemical properties and functional uses of food hydrocolloids.
  • Analyzing the effect of food processing on the allergenicity of food products.
  • Examining the chemistry of food sweeteners and their impact on human health.

Industrial Chemistry Research Topics

Industrial Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of catalysts for selective hydrogenation reactions in the petrochemical industry.
  • Green chemistry approaches for the synthesis of biodegradable polymers from renewable sources.
  • Optimization of solvent extraction processes for the separation of rare earth elements from ores.
  • Development of novel materials for energy storage applications, such as lithium-ion batteries.
  • Production of biofuels from non-food sources, such as algae or waste biomass.
  • Application of computational chemistry to optimize the design of new catalysts and materials.
  • Design and optimization of continuous flow processes for large-scale chemical production.
  • Development of new synthetic routes for the production of pharmaceutical intermediates.
  • Investigation of the environmental impact of industrial processes and development of sustainable alternatives.
  • Development of innovative water treatment technologies for industrial wastewater.
  • Synthesis of functionalized nanoparticles for use in drug delivery and other biomedical applications.
  • Optimization of processes for the production of high-performance polymers, such as polyamides or polyesters.
  • Design and optimization of process control strategies for efficient and safe chemical production.
  • Development of new methods for the detection and removal of heavy metal ions from industrial effluents.
  • Investigation of the behavior of surfactants in complex mixtures, such as crude oil or food products.
  • Development of new materials for catalytic oxidation reactions, such as the removal of volatile organic compounds from air.
  • Investigation of the properties and behavior of materials under extreme conditions, such as high pressure or high temperature.
  • Development of new processes for the production of chemicals from renewable resources, such as bio-based building blocks.
  • Study of the kinetics and mechanism of chemical reactions in complex systems, such as multi-phase reactors.
  • Optimization of the production of fine chemicals, such as flavors and fragrances, using biocatalytic processes.

Computational Chemistry Research Topics

Computational Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development and application of machine learning algorithms for predicting chemical reactions and properties.
  • Investigation of the role of solvents in chemical reactions using molecular dynamics simulations.
  • Modeling and simulation of protein-ligand interactions to aid drug design.
  • Study of the electronic structure and reactivity of catalysts for sustainable energy production.
  • Analysis of the thermodynamics and kinetics of complex chemical reactions using quantum chemistry methods.
  • Exploration of the mechanism and kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions using molecular dynamics simulations.
  • Investigation of the properties and behavior of nanoparticles using computational modeling.
  • Development of computational tools for the prediction of chemical toxicity and environmental impact.
  • Study of the electronic properties of graphene and other 2D materials for applications in electronics and energy storage.
  • Investigation of the mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation using molecular dynamics simulations.
  • Development and optimization of computational methods for calculating thermodynamic properties of liquids and solids.
  • Study of the properties of supercritical fluids for applications in separation and extraction processes.
  • Development of new methods for the calculation of electron transfer rates in complex systems.
  • Investigation of the electronic and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes for applications in nanoelectronics and nanocomposites.
  • Development of new approaches for modeling the interaction of biomolecules with biological membranes.
  • Study of the mechanisms of charge transfer in molecular and hybrid solar cells.
  • Analysis of the structural and mechanical properties of materials under extreme conditions using molecular dynamics simulations.
  • Development of new approaches for the calculation of free energy differences in complex systems.
  • Investigation of the reaction mechanisms of metalloenzymes using quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) methods.
  • Study of the properties of ionic liquids for applications in catalysis and energy storage.

Theoretical Chemistry Research Topics

Theoretical Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Quantum Chemical Studies of Excited State Processes in Organic Molecules
  • Theoretical Investigation of Structure and Reactivity of Metal-Organic Frameworks
  • Computational Modeling of Reaction Mechanisms and Kinetics in Enzyme Catalysis
  • Theoretical Investigation of Non-Covalent Interactions in Supramolecular Chemistry
  • Quantum Chemical Studies of Photochemical Processes in Organic Molecules
  • Theoretical Analysis of Charge Transport in Organic and Inorganic Materials
  • Computational Modeling of Protein Folding and Dynamics
  • Quantum Chemical Investigations of Electron Transfer Processes in Complex Systems
  • Theoretical Studies of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis
  • Computational Design of Novel Materials for Energy Storage Applications
  • Theoretical Analysis of Chemical Bonding and Molecular Orbital Theory
  • Quantum Chemical Investigations of Magnetic Properties of Complex Systems
  • Computational Modeling of Biological Membranes and Transport Processes
  • Theoretical Studies of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules and Materials
  • Quantum Chemical Studies of Spectroscopic Properties of Molecules
  • Theoretical Investigations of Reaction Mechanisms in Organometallic Chemistry
  • Computational Modeling of Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Quantum Chemical Studies of Excited State Dynamics in Photosynthesis
  • Theoretical Analysis of Chemical Reaction Networks
  • Computational Design of Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications

Astrochemistry Research Topics

Astrochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigating the chemical composition of protoplanetary disks and its implications for planet formation
  • Examining the role of magnetic fields in the formation of complex organic molecules in space
  • Studying the effects of interstellar radiation on the chemical evolution of molecular clouds
  • Exploring the chemistry of comets and asteroids to better understand the early solar system
  • Investigating the origin and evolution of interstellar dust and its relationship to organic molecules
  • Examining the formation and destruction of interstellar molecules in shocked gas
  • Studying the chemical processes that occur in the atmospheres of planets and moons in our solar system
  • Exploring the possibility of life on other planets through astrobiology and astrochemistry
  • Investigating the chemistry of planetary nebulae and their role in the evolution of stars
  • Studying the chemical properties of exoplanets and their potential habitability
  • Examining the chemical reactions that occur in the interstellar medium
  • Investigating the chemical composition of supernova remnants and their impact on the evolution of galaxies
  • Studying the chemical composition of interstellar grains and their role in the formation of stars and planets
  • Exploring the chemistry of astrocytes and their role in the evolution of galaxies
  • Investigating the formation of interstellar ice and its implications for the origin of life
  • Examining the chemistry of molecular clouds and its relationship to star formation
  • Studying the chemical composition of the interstellar medium in different galaxies and how it varies
  • Investigating the role of cosmic rays in the formation of complex organic molecules in space
  • Exploring the chemical properties of interstellar filaments and their relationship to star formation
  • Studying the chemistry of protostars and the role of turbulence in the formation of stars.

Geochemistry Research Topics

Geochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Understanding the role of mineralogical and geochemical factors on metal mobility in contaminated soils
  • Investigating the sources and fate of dissolved organic matter in aquatic systems
  • Exploring the geochemical signatures of ancient sedimentary rocks to reconstruct Earth’s past atmospheric conditions
  • Studying the impacts of land-use change on soil organic matter content and quality
  • Investigating the impact of acid mine drainage on water quality and ecosystem health
  • Examining the processes controlling the behavior and fate of emerging contaminants in the environment
  • Characterizing the organic matter composition of shale gas formations to better understand hydrocarbon storage and migration
  • Evaluating the potential for carbon capture and storage in geologic formations
  • Investigating the geochemical processes controlling the formation and evolution of ore deposits
  • Studying the geochemistry of geothermal systems to better understand energy production potential and environmental impacts
  • Exploring the impacts of climate change on the biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems
  • Investigating the geochemical cycling of nutrients in coastal marine environments
  • Characterizing the isotopic composition of minerals and fluids to understand Earth’s evolution
  • Developing new analytical techniques to better understand the chemistry of natural waters
  • Studying the impact of anthropogenic activities on the geochemistry of urban soils
  • Investigating the role of microbial processes in geochemical cycling of elements in soils and sediments
  • Examining the impact of wildfires on soil and water chemistry
  • Characterizing the geochemistry of mineral dust and its impact on climate and biogeochemical cycles
  • Investigating the geochemical factors controlling the release and transport of contaminants from mine tailings
  • Exploring the biogeochemistry of wetlands and their role in carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling.

Electrochemistry Research Topics

Electrochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Development of high-performance electrocatalysts for efficient electrochemical conversion of CO2 to fuels and chemicals
  • Investigation of electrode-electrolyte interfaces in lithium-ion batteries for enhanced battery performance and durability
  • Design and synthesis of novel electrolytes for high-energy-density and stable lithium-sulfur batteries
  • Development of advanced electrochemical sensors for the detection of trace-levels of analytes in biological and environmental samples
  • Analysis of the electrochemical behavior of new materials and their electrocatalytic properties in fuel cells
  • Study of the kinetics of electrochemical reactions and their effect on the efficiency and selectivity of electrochemical processes
  • Development of novel strategies for the electrochemical synthesis of value-added chemicals from biomass and waste materials
  • Analysis of the electrochemical properties of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for energy storage and conversion applications
  • Investigation of the electrochemical degradation mechanisms of polymer electrolyte membranes in fuel cells
  • Study of the electrochemical properties of 2D materials and their applications in energy storage and conversion devices
  • Development of efficient electrochemical systems for desalination and water treatment applications
  • Investigation of the electrochemical properties of metal-oxide nanoparticles for energy storage and conversion applications
  • Analysis of the electrochemical behavior of redox-active organic molecules and their application in energy storage and conversion devices
  • Study of the electrochemical behavior of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for the catalytic conversion of CO2 to value-added chemicals
  • Development of novel electrode materials for electrochemical capacitors with high energy density and fast charge/discharge rates
  • Investigation of the electrochemical properties of perovskite materials for energy storage and conversion applications
  • Study of the electrochemical behavior of enzymes and their application in bioelectrochemical systems
  • Development of advanced electrochemical techniques for the characterization of interfacial processes in electrochemical systems
  • Analysis of the electrochemical behavior of nanocarbons and their application in electrochemical energy storage devices
  • Investigation of the electrochemical properties of ionic liquids for energy storage and conversion applications.

Surface Chemistry Research Topics

Surface Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Surface modification of nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic activity
  • Investigating the effect of surface roughness on the wetting behavior of materials
  • Development of new materials for solar cell applications through surface chemistry techniques
  • Surface chemistry of graphene and its applications in electronic devices
  • Surface functionalization of biomaterials for biomedical applications
  • Characterization of surface defects and their effect on material properties
  • Surface modification of carbon nanotubes for energy storage applications
  • Developing surface coatings for corrosion protection of metals
  • Synthesis of self-assembled monolayers on surfaces for sensor applications
  • Surface chemistry of metal-organic frameworks for gas storage and separation
  • Investigating the role of surface charge in protein adsorption
  • Developing surfaces with superhydrophobic or superoleophobic properties for self-cleaning applications
  • Surface functionalization of nanoparticles for drug delivery applications
  • Surface chemistry of semiconductors and its effect on photovoltaic properties
  • Development of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates for trace analyte detection
  • Surface functionalization of graphene oxide for water purification applications
  • Investigating the role of surface tension in emulsion formation and stabilization
  • Surface modification of membranes for water desalination and purification
  • Synthesis and characterization of metal nanoparticles for catalytic applications
  • Development of surfaces with controlled wettability for microfluidic applications.

Atmospheric Chemistry Research Topics

Atmospheric Chemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • The impact of wildfires on atmospheric chemistry
  • The role of aerosols in atmospheric chemistry
  • The chemistry and physics of ozone depletion in the stratosphere
  • The chemistry and dynamics of the upper atmosphere
  • The impact of anthropogenic emissions on atmospheric chemistry
  • The role of clouds in atmospheric chemistry
  • The chemistry of atmospheric particulate matter
  • The impact of nitrogen oxides on atmospheric chemistry and air quality
  • The effects of climate change on atmospheric chemistry
  • The impact of atmospheric chemistry on climate change
  • The chemistry and physics of atmospheric mercury cycling
  • The impact of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric chemistry
  • The chemistry and physics of acid rain formation and effects
  • The role of halogen chemistry in the atmosphere
  • The chemistry of atmospheric radicals and their impact on air quality and health
  • The impact of urbanization on atmospheric chemistry
  • The chemistry and physics of stratospheric polar vortex dynamics
  • The role of natural sources (e.g. ocean, plants) in atmospheric chemistry
  • The impact of atmospheric chemistry on the biosphere
  • The chemistry and dynamics of the ozone hole over Antarctica.

Photochemistry Research Topics

Photochemistry Research Topics are as follows:

  • Investigating the mechanisms of photoinduced electron transfer reactions in organic photovoltaic materials.
  • Developing novel photoredox catalysts for photochemical reactions.
  • Understanding the effects of light on DNA and RNA stability and replication.
  • Studying the photochemistry of atmospheric pollutants and their impact on air quality.
  • Designing new photoresponsive materials for advanced photonic and electronic devices.
  • Exploring the photochemistry of metalloporphyrins for potential applications in catalysis.
  • Investigating the photochemistry of transition metal complexes and their use as photodynamic therapy agents.
  • Developing new photocatalytic systems for sustainable energy production.
  • Studying the photochemistry of natural products and their potential pharmaceutical applications.
  • Investigating the role of light in the formation and degradation of environmental contaminants.
  • Designing new photochromic materials for smart windows and displays.
  • Exploring the photochemistry of carbon nanomaterials for energy storage and conversion.
  • Developing new light-driven molecular machines for nanotechnology applications.
  • Investigating the photochemistry of organic dyes for potential applications in dye-sensitized solar cells.
  • Studying the effects of light on the behavior of biological macromolecules.
  • Designing new photoresponsive hydrogels for drug delivery applications.
  • Exploring the photochemistry of semiconductor nanoparticles for potential applications in quantum computing.
  • Investigating the mechanisms of photochemical reactions in ionic liquids.
  • Developing new photonic sensors for chemical and biological detection.
  • Studying the photochemistry of transition metal complexes for potential applications in water splitting and hydrogen production.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Dept. of Chemistry Dissertations and Master's Theses

Explore our collection of dissertations and master's theses from the Department of Chemistry below.

Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2024 2024

Chemical Synthesis of Sensitive DNA , Komal Chillar

Small Fluorescent Glycoconjugates as Imaging Agents for GLUT Sugar Transporters , Adelina Oronova


Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2023 2023






Small Molecules Targeting Fructose Transport , Nazar Gora


Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2022 2022








Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2021 2021






High-resolution molecular characterization of complex environmental mixtures: Aquatic dissolved organic matter and wildfire-influenced aerosol , Amna Ijaz


Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2020 2020


Macromolecular strategies for discovering disease-related proteins and new therapeutic agents , Christina Welch


Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2019 2019

Characterizing the physicochemical properties of TDP-43 protein and Acetylated Amyloid β peptides to discern its role in neurodegenerative diseases , Rashmi Adhikari






Synthesis of Oligodeoxynucleotides Containing Sensitive Electrophiles , Shahien Shahsavari


Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2018 2018






Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2017 2017


Fluorescent Probe Development for Fructose Specific Transporters in Cancer , Joseph Fedie


Heterologous Expression and Purification of Full-Length Human Polybromo-1 Protein , Sarah Hopson


Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 2016 2016

Effect of disulfide bond scrambling on protein stability, aggregation, and cytotoxicity , Colina Dutta



Novel Carbohydrate-Dependent Biological Properties of Human Health Related Lectins and Glycoconjugates , Melanie Talaga



Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015



Extracellular expression of alkaline phytase in Pichia pastoris and Development of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy methods for structural investigation of inositol polyphosphates , Sasha Teymorian



Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014






Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013



Development and characterization of fluorescent pH sensors based on porous silica and hydrogel support matrices , Qili Hu

Enhancement of heterologous expression of alkaline phytase in Pichia pastors , Mimi Yang

Modern Computational Chemistry Methods for Prediction of Ground- and Excited-State Properties in Open-Shell Systems , Nina Tyminska

Oligodeoxynucleotide synthesis using protecting groups and a linker cleavable under non-nucleophilic conditions , Xi Lin




Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Biological materials : Part A. tuning LCST of raft copolymers and gold/copolymer hybrid nanoparticles and Part B. biobased nanomaterials , Ning Chen

Characterization of water-soluble organic compounds in ambient aerosol using ultrahigh-resolution elctrospray ionization fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. , Parichehr Saranjampour



Indole based antioxidants for the treatment of ischemia reperfusion injury , Andrew Chapp

Performance evaluation and characterization of symmetric capacitors with carbon black, and asymmetric capacitors using a carbon foam supported nickel electrode , JinJin Wang

Soft Lewis acid catalyzed cycloisomerization of oxo-alkynes and enynes , Zezhou Wang

Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Multimetallic complexes based on phosphine- and phosphine oxide- appended p -hydroquinones , Louis R. Pignotti

Performance evaluation of a novel asymmetric capacitor using a light-weight, carbon foam supported nickel electrode , Padmanaban Sasthan Kuttipillai

Structural characterization of water-soluble atmospheric organic matter by ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry , Jeffrey P. LeClair

Syntheses and structures of molybdenum and tungsten complexes capable of epoxidaton and copper coordination polymers and dendrimers , Linsheng Feng

Synthesis of chiral ferrosalen ligands and their applications in asymmetric catalysis , Xiang Zhang

Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Syntheses and characterization of monomeric Mo(VI) complexes with bidentate phosphine oxide ligands and dimeric and tetrameric Mo(V) clusters with benzoic acid and phosphinic acid derivatives, containing MoO 2 , Mo 2 O 2 ( μ -O) 2 and Mo 4 O 4 ( μ 3 -O) 4 , Soumyashree Sreehari

Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Molecular interaction between perthiolated [beta]-cyclodextrin (CD) and the guests molecules adamantaneacetic acid (AD) and ferroceneacetic acid (FC); and the effect of the interaction on the electron transition of CD anchored particles , Ming Ning

Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Sulfoxides as an intramolecular sulfenylating agent for indoles and diverse applications of the sulfide-sulfoxide redox cycle in organic chemistry , Parag V. Jog

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chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Chemistry Dissertation Topics (25 Examples) For Research

Mark Aug 22, 2021 Aug 16, 2021 Chemistry No Comments

The field of chemistry has emerged with time, and everything that surrounds us is chemistry and involves a chemical process. From food chemistry to medicine, every field and sub-field is connected to chemistry. It has broadened the area of research, so we have assembled some very interesting and catchy chemistry dissertation topics. You can select […]


The field of chemistry has emerged with time, and everything that surrounds us is chemistry and involves a chemical process. From food chemistry to medicine, every field and sub-field is connected to chemistry.

A list Of Chemistry Dissertation Topics

Validation of an integrated assessment for evaluating critical thinking and chemical literature in chemical equilibrium.

Studying the science of the forbidden crystal.

Why are the metal complexes considered as potential imaging agents and anti-cancer drugs?.

An exploration of the low-cost bio-sensors.

Evaluating the modelling techniques for optimisation of Polyurethane formulations.

A literature review on polymer chemistry and its evolution.

Studying the dynamic interaction between pectin and beta-lactoglobulin.

To investigate the synthesis of high thermal conductivity polymer.

What is molecular modelling and computational chemistry?.

A comparative analysis of different chemistry theories in different eras.

A literature review on green chemistry and the development of its catalysts.

Identifying and comparing the catalysts for green oxidation chemistry.

Analysing the chemistry of allergy.

Studying the chemical influence of pesticides.

Exploring the relationship and evolution of battery science and technology.

To investigate the bonding of inert gases and fluorine.

A comparative analysis of ionisation methods in mass spectrometry.

Evaluating the similarities and differences in ionic and covalent bonds.

To study the Beryllium element and its potential to enhance the strengths of other metals.

An analysis of energy-relevant materials by exploring the nuclear magnetic resonance.

The effects and side-effects of chemotherapy for cancer patients.

Exploring the solvent effects on hydrogen bonding.

Understanding the concept of metallophilic interactions.

An analysis of the detection of calcification in atherosclerotic plaques using optical imaging.

An evaluation of the chemistry of fungal endosymbiont.

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Education Prizes 2024: Give someone the recognition they deserve! Nominate before 19 June

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Education Prizes 2024: Give someone the recognition they deserve! Nominate before 19 June

A guide to writing up your chemical science thesis

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This guide aims to give you guidance on how to write your thesis so that your research is showcased at its best. It includes suggestions on how to prepare for writing up and things to consider during the final stages. 

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  • ACS Publications

28 Must-Read Topics in Chemistry

  • Mar 4, 2021
  • 14 min read

ACS Publications regularly produces collections of the most important chemistry research topics. These Virtual Collections of the most important chemistry research topics bring together the most important ideas in the field in a variety of ways, including Special Issues and ACS Selects from across the portfolio journals. These collections reflect the most important chemistry research […]

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

ACS Publications regularly produces collections of the most important chemistry research topics. These Virtual Collections of the most important chemistry research topics bring together the most important ideas in the field in a variety of ways, including Special Issues and ACS Selects from across the portfolio journals. These collections reflect the most important chemistry research topics of current scientific interest and are designed for experienced investigators and educators alike.

Browse 28 of the most important, engaging topics in chemists with Virtual Collections released by ACS Publications journals in Q4 2020:

Crystalline molecular materials: from structure to function.

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

This Virtual Special Issue focuses on the design and study of materials wherein the target properties arise from, or are enhanced by, the three-dimensional assembly of molecules in a solid phase. The “structure−function” relationship transcends the nature of the individual molecule, and supramolecular organization is a key component in the material’s properties. The goal of this issue is to assemble contributions from a broad community of scientists with similar research interests, as defined by the need to understand and manipulate the bulk assembly of molecules. Placing emphasis on a common interest in supramolecular architecture, this issue showcases work in apparently disparate fields, including molecule-based magnetism, rare zero thermal expansion properties, and catalytic activity.

Read the Issue. ***

Materials for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

This virtual issue of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and ACS Applied Energy Materials presents cutting edge articles in the field of Thermoelectric Energy Conversion. Thermoelectric materials and devices are central for energy conversion and management as they convert waste heat into electricity. Given the ubiquitous nature of heat, thermoelectric materials provide total-package solutions to mitigate environmental crisis and energy needs. The realization of this has caused a surge in the development of high-performance, environmentally benign, robust, and earth-abundant inorganic materials, which can be used in heat to electrical energy generations in power plants, space, automobiles, households, battery technology, and data centers. Interestingly, flexible thermoelectric materials, mainly based on organic/polymer materials, have successfully been integrated into body-worn fabrics and watches, which simply utilize body heat to generate electricity. Furthermore, using the Peltier effect, thermoelectric coolers are developed and are one of the mainstays in the consumer market for refrigeration purposes, especially for portable applications. Hence, thermoelectricity is foreseen as a potential frontrunner in energy management for the near future.

Interfacialscience Developments at the Chinese Academy of Sciences

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This virtual issue is a sampling of some of the most recent work from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with an emphasis on work from this year (2020) so far. The 46 articles in this virtual issue cover a broad range of research topics, examples of which include Janus particle engineering and interfacial assembly, surface modification of colloid particles, stability of water monolayer in mineral under high pressure, nano-bubbles adsorption on surface, switching of underwater superhydrophilicity and superoleophobicity, nanostructured de-icing surface, lithium ion battery anode binder, bio-inspired smart liquid directional transport control, corrosion resistance of alloys, behavior of polymers at solid/liquid interface, and effect of polymer conformation on protein resistance.

Celebrating 90% Completion of the Human Proteome

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Twenty years after the establishment of the international Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) and ten years after its launch of the Human Proteome Project (HPP), researchers have much to celebrate. Today, HUPO will release the draft human proteome at the 19th Human Proteome Organization World Congress, connecting virtually, with this Virtual Issue published in the Journal of Proteome Research.

Read the Issue . ***

Nanomaterials-based Membranes for Chemical Separations

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Membranes are a critical area of research in academia and have been used in industrial applications for decades. Membrane-based separations are desired in industry because they can be highly energy efficient and up to an order of magnitude less expensive than other techniques such as distillation. In addition, these separations are easily scaled to industrial levels so that advances in the laboratory can be translated to real applications. The key challenges in this field are how to separate chemicals with similar sizes by having a high flux for only one chemical through a membrane. This difference in flux should translate into a high selectivity for one chemical over one or more other chemicals present in a mixture. An unfortunate trade-off in membrane-based separations is that as the permeation of a chemical increases, the selectivity of the membrane will often decrease. To address these challenges, scientists often use cross-linked polymers with ill-defined pores, hard materials such as zeolites with well-defined pores, 2D materials, coated nanofibers, carbon nanotubes, metal nanoparticles, or other nanomaterials.

Organic Chemistry in China: Synthetic Methodology, Natural Products, and More

During the past 20 years, China has become a powerhouse in chemistry research, now leading globally in submissions of research articles to chemical journals. In recognizing these developments, Organic Letters presents a Virtual Issue that includes a collection of 25 research articles contributed by Chinese chemists during 2019-2020, selected from among the more than 1,000 articles published in the journal from China over this period.

Advances in Microfluidics Research

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

This Virtual Issue highlights articles published in Analytical Chemistry that showcase advances in microfluidics research over the past several years. The articles below are separated by sub-field and span research on virus detection to cell manipulation to 3D-printing, and are all at the cutting edge of microfluidics technologies. The thirty articles included in this collection were selected by Associate Editor Yoshinobu Baba and include previous winners of the Chemical & Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS)/ Analytical Chemistry co-sponsored Young Innovator Award.

Chemistry in Korea: IBS and Beyond

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This virtual issue of “Chemistry in Korea: IBS and Beyond” highlights the latest contributions from eight IBS centers along with exciting advances from other emerging scientists in South Korea. Topics encompass a wide range of chemistry and its cross-boundary researches from theory and simulations, nanomaterials, molecular synthesis, catalysts, spectroscopy, supramolecular chemistry, soft materials to nanomedicine.

Highlighting Analytical Chemistry 2020 Advisory Board Members

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

The members of Analytical Chemistry ‘s Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) and Early Career Board (ECB) panels devote substantial voluntary time and energy to support Analytical Chemistry and deserve special recognition for their contributions. In recognition of their service, this new virtual issue is dedicated to the members of both the journal’s EAB and ECB, with each selecting one of their recent Analytical Chemistry articles to highlight.

A Bright New World of Ferroelectrics: Magic of Spontaneous Polarization

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Ferroelectric materials featured with spontaneous polarization have experienced a century of vigorous development. The permanent electric dipole moment makes ferroelectric an outstanding multifunctional material for a wide range of applications. Ferroelectrics with unique coupling effects among electric, optical, mechanical, thermal, and magnetic orders, have been developed for a wide range of functional devices and triggered a new world-wide wave of ferroelectric research. This virtual issue highlights some of the key state-of-the-art findings in ferroelectrics published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and ACS Applied Electronic Materials , and the editorial attempts to reflect the rapid development and provide a perspective in this field.

Peter J. Rossky Festschrift

This Virtual Special Issue honors Professor Peter J. Rossky and his contributions to the field of physical chemistry.

Computational and Experimental Advances in Biomembranes

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

As an integral component of cellular architecture and signalling, cell membranes are central to cell physiology. Comprising a vastly heterogeneous mixture of proteins and lipids, cell membranes are constantly adapting their structural organization to regulate cellular processes. Malfunction at the level of lipid-protein interaction is implicated in numerous diseases, and hence, understanding cell membrane organization at the molecular level is of critical importance. The collection of articles in this Virtual Special Issue from The Journal of Physical Chemistry B provides a survey of the advances in both computational and experimental characterization of the complex processes underlying the behavior of cellular membranes.

Sensors and Industry

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

In this virtual issue, ACS Sensors and Analytical Chemistry highlight 30 of these outstanding industrial co-authored papers recently published in the two journals. The breadth of the articles in this collection emphasizes the incredible research on diagnostic methods being performed in both universities and industries, and highlights the benefits of collaboration between the two. Read the Issue . ***

Machine Learning in Physical Chemistry

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Physical chemistry stands today at an exciting transition state where the integration of machine learning and data science tools into all corners of the field is poised to do nothing short of revolutionizing the discipline. These powerful techniques – when appropriately combined with domain knowledge, tools, and expertise – have led to new physical insights, better understanding, accelerated discovery, rational design, and inverse engineering that transcend traditional approaches to materials, molecular, and chemical science and engineering. This collection of nearly 150 manuscripts from The Journal of Physical Chemistry A / B / C and The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters reflects the relevance and popularity of this topic in physical chemistry by both the depth and breadth of excellent articles in this exciting collection.

Self-Healing Materials

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

This is a spotlight on applications discusses developments made over the last six years that have enabled the fabrication of increasingly high-performance spray-coated perovskite solar cells. In particular, the various approaches adopted to spray-cast perovskite films (one-step vs two-step processes) ware charted and the development of sophisticated techniques used to control thin-film crystallinity is described. Finally, remaining research challenges are discussed that, once solved, may allow the mass deployment of low-cost solar energy.

Women in Mass Spectrometry

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

This virtual issue was assembled to feature talented women mass spectrometrists who publish in JASMS as the corresponding author. The articles compiled are among the most highly cited that were published in the journal in the last 5 years, regardless of gender, and are representative of the best mass spectrometry science reported in JASMS .

In Memory of Mario Molina (1943-2020)

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Mario Molina was a Mexican chemist who shared the 1995 Nobel Prize in chemistry with the late F. Sherwood Rowland of UC Irvine and Paul Crutzen of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz “for their work in atmospheric chemistry particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone.” Molina passed away in his birth city of Mexico City at age 77 on 7 October 2020. A physical chemist at heart, Molina published about 80 papers in The Journal of Physical Chemistry . His mentees remember him by celebrating 30 of them. His indelible legacy lives on through his publications, his collaborators, the scholars that he trained, the innovations in experimental design he made, the thousands who were inspired and informed by his science communication, and the millions whose quality of life improved thanks to his work on stratospheric ozone depletion and air quality in megacities.

Women Scientists at the Forefront of Energy Research: A Virtual Issue, Part 3

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This is the third part of a series that recognizes women energy researchers who have published new advances from their laboratories in ACS Energy Letters . The inspirational stories and advice to newcomers in the field contained in this issue should provide motivation to advance the scientific research in energy conversion and storage. Through their personal reflections, these researchers discuss the successful career paths they have taken to become leaders in the scientific community.

Scalable Organic Chemistry: A Virtual Issue to highlight Organic Process Research & Development

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From small-scale use in academic research to large-scale application in industrial processes, only select chemistries make the cut to be relevant throughout the scale-up process. This virtual issue showcases a collection of innovative and industrially-relevant papers on key topics from academic and industrial chemists in Organic Process Research & Development .

Virtual Issue in Memoriam of Dr. Alan Poland (1940-2020)

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Dr. Alan Poland was a major influence on the development of modern molecular toxicology and the understanding of how chemicals cause cancer. He is most widely known for his groundbreaking work to explain the adverse effects of dioxins, chemicals and related environmental pollutants.

Deep Eutectic Solvents

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

This virtual issue focuses on scientific and engineering advances related to Deep Eutectic Solvents. It includes papers that have appeared in the last two years in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data , and Journal of Physical Chemistry B and C .

Celebrating ACS Sensors ‘ Editorial Advisory Board

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Metal-Organic Frameworks: Fundamental Study and Applications

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Exciting developments in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are the focus of this Virtual Issue that is jointly produced by Langmuir and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( ACS AMI ). These two journals publish complementary and ground-breaking work on interfacial science. ACS AMI has a strong focus on practical applications whereas Langmuir encourages reports of both fundamental and applied nature, when rational design is a highlighted feature of the work.

Inorganic Synthesis in Uncommon Reaction Media

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Water and organic solvents have long been the most common reaction media for chemical synthesis. Nevertheless, given limits in solubility and the need for extreme temperatures sometimes, especially for inorganic substances, chemists have had a growing interest in moving to “uncommon” reaction media to improve the access to certain compounds or to permit the fundamental study of the behavior of chemicals under unique conditions. In this Virtual Issue, “Inorganic Synthesis in Uncommon Reaction Media,” Guest Editor Julia Chan and Associate Editor Stefanie Dehnen highlight recent reports from Inorganic Chemistry and additionally from Chemistry of Materials and Crystal Growth & Design that feature reactions taking place in currently used uncommon systems: molten metals (metal flux), molten salts (nonmetal flux), ionic liquids (ionothermal if carried out under elevated temperatures), supercritical solvents (solvothermal), and liquefied gases.

The Challenge of Antibacterial Drug Permeation and Current Advances

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Recent advances in the area of drug permeation feed the pipeline of antibacterial agents with new and improved activities and keep the ever-changing landscape of antibiotic resistance effectively managed by small molecule therapeutics. The articles included in this Virtual Issue broadly represent three areas of research: 1) new experimental approaches to analyze intracellular accumulation of compounds in whole cells and compound permeation across model membranes; 2) new computational models of drug permeation across the outer membrane and integrated kinetic models of drug permeation across membranes with active efflux; and 3) new antibiotic screening campaigns and exploration of synergistic drug combinations bypassing bacterial permeation barriers.

Organic Chemistry in Japan: A Strong Foundation and Honorable Tradition

Organic chemistry has a strong foundation and honorable tradition in Japan, centering in recent decades predominantly on the development of synthetic methodologies, particularly in an interdisciplinary fashion focusing on cross-coupling and C-H activation and functionalization, the total synthesis of natural products, chemical biology research, supramolecular chemistry, and applications of (opto)electronic materials—all with an eye toward fostering international collaborations. This new Organic Letters Virtual Issue features 25 selected articles form 2019-2020 to highlight these achievements.

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

This virtual issue in Environmental Science & Technology ( ES&T ) marks the 50-year anniversary of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Recognizing this significant milestone brings an opportunity to reflect on the enormous achievements and impact this federal agency has had on the remediation and protection of the environment, reaching both domestically within the USA and globally since its official beginnings on December 2nd, 1970.

Bioconjugate Chemistry 30th Anniversary Reviews

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

The breadth and impact of these 30th anniversary reviews demonstrate how the Bioconjugate Chemistry of today continues the forward-looking embrace of new science and systems while maintaining the old-fashioned virtues of scientific rigor and reproducibility.

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Chemistry Research Topics: A List of 150 Winning Ideas

Chemistry Research Topics Ideas

A chemistry science student conducts research works that are associated with their interests and seeks to study different chemical phenomena or reactions within their fields.

A top-notch research topic is an essential foundation of a good research paper. A good research paper carries the potential to boost your academic grades. On the contrary, a poorly written research paper can severely affect your grades. Most chemistry students often end up making the same mistake of choosing the wrong chemistry research topics for their papers. It significantly affects the quality of their academic grades.

Read our blog to dig deeper to get the best research topics for chemistry. We are sure this article will be helpful for you. We have prepared lists of more than 150 exciting chemistry research topics. These topics will help you attain the highest grades and enjoy your research process simultaneously.

Table of Contents

Organic Versus In- Organic Chemistry

Chemistry is an old age of science for which human knowledge has enhanced over the past decades. It was in the 17 th century when scientists discovered that there are in total two branches of chemistry: organic chemistry and in- organic chemistry.

Now, for a better understanding let us explore the differences between these two branches of chemistry.

Both of these fields include analytical laboratory techniques to analyze the behavior of different compounds within their disciplines.

Before moving forward to the topics selection, we suggest you to have a look at this guide for creating or choosing the ideal chemistry research topic.

Noteworthy Guidance for Selecting a Successful Chemistry Research Topic:

Indeed selecting chemistry research topics is not easy, but it’s not impossible, is it? Well, obviously, no. All you need is some expert help with chemistry research topics. But first, whilst you are in your selection phase, narrow down the chemistry research topics and select the topics that are:

  • Interesting to you : Interesting research topics are your way to a successful research paper. Avoid selecting tedious, dull and difficult topics; choose a chemistry topic for which you have good knowledge and understanding.
  • Analytical:  Before selecting your topic, make sure it’s analytical. Read previous scholarly articles to understand the thought process of renowned scientists. Thinking about analytical chemistry research topics would improve the credibility of your research paper.
  • Researchable : conduct background research for your chemistry topics. It will help you to structure a strong foundation for your research paper. Popular topics are always helpful for making a successful paper. You can get numerous authorized content regarding popular topics. However, to draft a unique research paper, include some new studies and hypotheses on that topic.
  • Supporting references and materials:  Make sure your research topic has enough reliable sources. Before selecting your research topic, see if it consist well- trusted books, article or journals.
  • Following university guidelines:  Before choosing your chemistry research topics, you must analyze whether your topic follows the university writing requirements or not. An impactful research paper includes all the essential norms acknowledged by the scientific community.

List of 150 Enticing Chemistry Research Topics

chemistry research areas

Here we go! In this section, we have created the best chemistry research topics in a nutshell.

Let’s have a look at some of the best chemistry research topics. Select the one that’s best for you and get started with your research work. For a better understanding, we want you to read every topic thoroughly and then decide what works best for you.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Organic Chemistry Research Topics

Organic chemistry is a vast study area that studies carbon-containing molecules. This field contains various organic chemistry research topics to write and study about in this area. To draft an impressive chemistry research topic, invest your time and energy in conducting the prerequisite research first.

Here are just a few of the best organic chemistry science research topics for you to consider:

  • Investigation of the recent advancements in the methods for synthesizing chiral molecules
  • Studying the electronic structure and chemical reactivity of carbon nanotubes
  • Define and explain the oil in a nutshell
  • Chlorination of phenol
  • Exploring the preparations and properties of metal complexes with organometallic ligands
  • Towards rational crafting of benzene derivatives with improved thermal stability
  • Exploring the new ways of molecular reaction dynamics
  • Learning stereochemistry in organic compounds
  • A handbook on learning the isomerism types in organic compounds
  • Nucleophiles: reactions of nucleophiles with ethylenic substrates
  • Conceptive research on nucleophiles
  • Discovery of aniline dyes
  • The ups and downs of nucleic acids stability
  • Process modelling for hydrocarbon fuel conversion
  • Exploring the new C-O electrophiles in cross-coupling reactions
  • New directions toward structure formation and stability
  • Regulations of nitrogen compounds in water
  • A review of the effect of alcohols on micro-organisms
  • Snow pollution management in urban areas
  • Exploring the effects of cell-surface sugars on health, illness, and aging

Inorganic Chemistry Research Topics

Inorganic chemistry deals with in-organic compounds which consist of ionic bases into them. Excluding carbon, all the other elements mentioned in the periodic table are included in inorganic chemistry. It includes inorganic compounds such as minerals, metals, etc. But let us not dive into the details and leave that part to your research paper.

Here are some interesting inorganic chemistry research topics for you:

  • A detailed study on how metals react with each other
  • Needs trends and new alloys of inorganic chemicals
  • Inorganic chemistry and its relationship with the pharmaceutical industry
  • Effects of different chemicals and their reactions on the human body
  • Past, present, and future of inorganic chemicals
  • A conceptive study on inorganic chemistry and its role in the environment
  • The future of inorganic chemistry and sustainable development
  • The method of creating new alloys and how to improve the existing ones
  • Inorganic chemistry and its relationship with the food industry
  • The relationship between inorganic chemistry and the cosmetic industry
  • Principals of inorganic chemistry: theory, practice, and applications
  • Modifications of NaCI structure: why is it salty?
  • A detailed study on the formation of sapphires
  • The law of multiple proportions
  • Different states of matter: on Earth and in the Cosmos
  • Hydrodynamics of soft active matter handbook on the effects of sulfuric acid on organic materials
  • A comparative study of the difference between organic and inorganic compounds
  • Importance of inorganic chemistry
  • Explanation of Lewis structures and Electron Dot models

Advanced Physical Topics in Chemistry

These topics are widely focused on advanced physical topics in chemistry. If you are still confused about your chemistry-related research topics, we hope these topic ideas might interest you:

  • A concise study on the relationship between chemical reactions and heat
  • Introduction and progress in the fields of spectroscopy
  • Introduction to quantum chemistry in the age of quantum computing
  • Ideas and variations of methods in quantum chemistry
  • Recent advancements in mechanistic organic photochemistry
  • Definition and standardization of pH measures
  • A handbook on the structure of atoms on a quantum scale
  • The chemical bonding across atoms and molecules
  • The relationship between temperature and chemical reactions
  • Introductions and principles of chemical kinetics
  • Recent advancements in the role of light in in-body chemical reactions
  • The influence of surface tension and its effects on mixtures
  • An overview of interfacing of advanced computing in the electron microscope
  • Advanced technology paths towards a science of global climate stability
  • Catalytic reaction: structure sensitivity and nanoplasmonic probes
  • A detailed study on the nanoelectrodes and Sensors

Easy Research Topics in Chemistry

These are a few chemistry research topics that are important and easy simultaneously. So here are some essential chemistry topics which may interest you:

  • Introduction to modern liquid chromatography
  • Rational molecular design for achieving persistence and reducing toxicity
  • Properties of mesoscopic structure at ultrafast time scales
  • Climate chemistry: role of chemistry for preserving climate issues
  • The chemistry of allergy
  • Host-Guest Interactions of Fullerene Fragments
  • Lewis structure study

General Chemistry Topics for Research

If you are looking for general chemistry research topics, this section is specifically made for you. Have a look at this section before selecting your chemistry topics. This section comprises various general chemistry topics that are important simultaneously.

  • Batteries for vehicular applications: building better batteries
  • Conductive polymers as the new established thermoelectric material
  • Pesticides use in vegetable production: a survey of American farmers
  • The harmful impacts of pesticides on human health
  • Explain the fast dynamics of water droplets upon freezing
  • What is the reason behind the breakage of freezing rocks
  • Formation of cholesterol crystallites
  • A meta-analysis of the controversy of steroids
  • A meta-analysis on the biological synthesis of cholesterol
  • Fritz Haber: as a damned scientist  

Analytical Chemistry Topics for Research

Analytical chemistry studies and identifies matter’s composition, status, determination, and structure. Scientists use analytical chemistry to determine the matter and how much it is helpful in something. So, if you are keen to research analytical chemistry topics, here are some of the great ideas to move forward with your research:

  • Introduction to liquid chromatography
  • Environmental analytical chemistry
  • Identifying chemical reaction hazards in the laboratory
  • Introduction to chromatography
  • Understanding molecular dynamics and targeted thermostat schemes
  • An overview of chiral class drug analysis in forensic laboratories
  • Optical enantiomers flaw: symmetry and molecular chirality
  • Learning chemical equilibrium with the jigsaw technique
  • Application of electrochemical biosensor for toxic detections
  • Revisiting qualitative analysis of chemistry
  • An overview and an update on the clinical pharmacology of ibuprofen
  • Evaluation of Isomerism framework advantages
  • Principals and classifications of chromatography
  • Exploring multiple time-scale molecular dynamics
  • Effects of chemical equilibrium
  • The adulteration of drugs
  • Rethinking amide bond’s effects in polypeptide field

Innovative Research Topics for Chemistry

Innovative chemistry refers to linking your creative ideas with your chemistry research topics. So, if you were thinking of making a groundbreaking chemistry research paper, here are some chemistry topics to write about:

  • Side-chain conformational effects in protein folding
  • An overview of thiophene compounds
  • Sonochemical synthesis of nanomaterials for green chemistry
  • Enzymes and their significance in chemical reactions
  • The tragedy with fritz
  • The functions of enzymes in maintaining soil health
  • Fabrication and application of photocatalysis in 3Dprinting
  • Farming with fewer pesticides: health and environmental cost of pesticides
  • Cellular transportation of drugs
  • The introduction and science of flavonoids
  • Black drug intermediates
  • Scatter research for chemical and bio-process optimization
  • Development of responsive sensors of upconversion nanomaterials
  • The philosophy of quantum mechanics: a modern development
  • Identifying the significance of astrochemical research on extraterrestrial molecules
  • A deep analysis of cellular transport systems in facility logistics
  • Evolving medicinal chemistry: fusion of traditional and modern chemistry
  • The significance of Meta- organic frameworks
  • Monitoring chemical reactions of pressurized organic components
  • Deep research on active pharmaceutical ingredients

Controversial Chemistry Topics for Research

Controversial topic includes all those exciting buzzing topics, which make people curious to know more. If you still haven’t found your topic, have a look at these below given controversial chemistry research topics to get started with your research:

  • Chemicals in war: the history of chemicals and biological warfare agents
  • Interaction between hydrogen and dipole and their functions in protein
  • Current concepts of bioengineering
  • Association of food chemicals with the human brain
  • Production of food flavouring agent
  • Modulations of hydrophobic effects
  • Hydrophobic interactions
  • State’s role in regulating chemicals
  • Cigarettes and cigarette smoking: Evolution of chemicals in cigarettes
  • The chemical effects and trouble associated with cannabidiol oil
  • Bad chemical reactions: the rise and rise of antidepressants
  • DNA and decentralization of electrons
  • A handbook on
  • chemistry and the origin of life
  • Chemical warfare ethics
  • A structure-based platform for predicting chemical reaction
  • Synthetic self-replicating molecules
  • The growing danger of bioconjugation chemistry
  • Fritz Haber’s experiments in life and death
  • Principals and practices of green chemistry

Read Also – Interesting Biology Research Topics

Biochemical Engineering Topics in Chemistry

Biochemical engineering is an important pillar industry of this century. It is the interdisciplinary combining biotechnology and chemical engineering. So, if you are interested in this field but wondering which topic to choose. We are here to provide our help with  research papers . Here are a few exciting chemistry research topics:

  • Thermodynamics in biochemical engineering
  • Transmembrane transporters
  • An ontology of advanced engineering
  • Understanding the mathematical modelling of metabolism
  • The harmful effects of food industry chemicals
  • The future of biochemical engineering
  • Perceptions and developments of epigenetic
  • Autophagy: process and functions
  • An introduction to the mechanisms of apoptosis
  • Mechanisms of tetracycline drugs

Biochemistry Research Topics

While this term might sound obscure, it includes critical fields such as environmental protection, rehabilitation, genetics, use of opioids, etc. If you are keen to analyze more about these subjects, we have selected the ten most essential biochemistry topics. Before selecting the topic, we suggest you read each topic thoroughly and conduct primary research on the selected ones:

  • Significance of biochemistry for cancer treatment
  • The extraordinary mitochondrion citric acid cycle
  • The role of biochemistry in building the immune system
  • Epigenetic: the science of probiotic research
  • Unravelling the cell metabolism process
  • Behavioural study of biochemistry
  • Significance of
  • biochemistry in heart diseases
  • The visible history of the visible sheep: the legacy of dolly the sheep
  • Industrial applications and utilization of amino acid
  • New therapies for treating hemophilia

Final Thoughts

At last, we hope this article has provided help with selecting chemistry science research topics. We agree that choosing science research topics is difficult, especially when you are supposed to write a paper on chemistry topics. The research topic for chemistry consists of various pertinent sub fields under this domain, but you must focus on that one topic that highlights your skills and knowledge in the best way.

The above-given topics will help you to take a step toward a successful academic career. Interesting chemical research topics can create a strong foothold of your entire work in your research proposal . Highlight the importance of the topic in your research proposal. Elaborate how your research work can create a massive difference in your field, etc.

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By Alex Brown

I'm an ambitious, seasoned, and versatile author. I am experienced in proposing, outlining, and writing engaging assignments. Developing contagious academic work is always my top priority. I have a keen eye for detail and diligence in producing exceptional academic writing work. I work hard daily to help students with their assignments and projects. Experimenting with creative writing styles while maintaining a solid and informative voice is what I enjoy the most.


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200+ Chemistry Research Topics for Papers

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Do you find identifying suitable chemistry research topics difficult? You are not alone! Many students consider it challenging and time-consuming to choose an interesting chemistry topic for a research paper. In this blog post, we will discuss various research topics in chemistry to help simplify your research process. Continue reading to familiarize yourself with ideas from different fields and academic levels. Apart from defining research topics and discussing how to select one, we have provided examples to help kick-start your research project or assignments. Got a deadline approaching fast? Entrust your chemistry research paper to professional writers. Our academic service proceeds all ‘ write my paper for me ’ inquiries quickly and efficiently. Get your paper written now by an expert!

What Are Chemistry Research Topics?

Chemistry is a field of science that covers the structure, composition, and properties of elements and compounds. As a student taking this subject, you will encounter multiple experiments, chemical reactions, and analytical study methods. This branch of science can be subdivided into multiple areas, including organic, inorganic, biochemistry, physical, analytical, and nuclear science, among others. Chemistry research paper topics are talking points related to the branches of science outlined above. To ensure that all learning objectives are met, instructors may require students to work on various topics in chemistry. You would be expected to source your chemistry research topics ideas from all possible branches. In one instance, your topic could be associated with analytical science, in another - with practical discussions, which is an entirely different thing despite both areas being categorized as chemistry subfields.

Characteristics of Good Chemistry Research Topics

Selecting a good research topic for chemistry plays a vital role in determining the probability of success when writing your paper. It is, therefore, important to know the characteristics of good chemistry topics for a research paper. Although you can derive discussions from many sub-areas, these research topic ideas share many common characteristics. A great research topic should be:

  • Precise, meaningful, clear, and straightforward
  • Analytical and researchable using logical methodologies
  • Of theoretical or practical significance
  • Supported by numerous academic evidence and sources.

How to Choose a Chemistry Research Topic?

Chemistry is a broad subject with multiple research areas. If you are not keen enough, you may easily get lost in its variety and fail to select a congenial title. So, how do you deal with this issue? In a nutshell, the process comes down to two aspects – your passion and competence. Below are step-by-step guidelines that you can follow to determine interesting topics about chemistry:

  • Pick chemistry research topics with your knowledge capabilities in mind. Do not choose a topic that is beyond your academic level.
  • Choose something that is interesting to you. If you are fascinated with the selected topic, you will find responding to the research questions to be much simpler.
  • Select a research title that is convenient to work on due to the sufficient amount and availability of existing evidence and references.
  • Ensure that the chosen chemistry topics for research paper are within the subfield you are majoring in and that it meets your instructor’s requirements.

Once you select the most appropriate title, see how to write a research paper like an expert.

Chemistry Research Paper Topics List

There are many research topics for chemistry to choose from. In this section, we have compiled examples of the best topics from various sub-areas. Below is a list of chemistry research topics for papers:

  • Latest developments in DNA technology.
  • Negative effects of using pesticides in food production.
  • Importance and potential drawbacks of using fertilizer in commercial agriculture.
  • Acids and bases: composition, properties, and applications.
  • Industrial chemicals and environmental pollution.
  • Dangers and side effects of using ibuprofen.
  • Acid-base neutralization process.
  • Air pollution implication on global warming and climate change.
  • Ageing and the brain.
  • Catalytic reaction mechanisms.

The chemistry research topics list above is created by drawing ideas from different sub-areas, thus covering a significant part of scholars’ inquiries.

Interesting Topics in Chemistry

In some instances, one may select a research topic because it is just fascinating. There are interesting chemistry topics that can explain intriguing phenomena in your day-to-day life. Alternatively, you can also opt for something related to essential issues in the current society. Here are sample chemistry interesting topics you can research into:

  • Composition and effects of e-cigarettes.
  • Food dye composition.
  • Measuring electrical conductivity in a salt solution.
  • How to change a penny’s color to gold.
  • The scientific explanation of foam formation.
  • Silicon usage in cosmetic surgery.
  • Evidence and application of surface tension in day-to-day life.
  • Examining pesticide residue in farm products from different grocery stores.
  • How does molecule composition affect the physical appearance of things?
  • Sodium metal reaction on water surfaces.
  • How to separate dissolved sugar from water.
  • How to clean up oil spills at sea.
  • Rust formation on metal surfaces.
  • How to chemically remove rust from stainless steel.
  • The science behind turning boiling water into “snow” in a cold winter.

Easy Chemistry Research Topics

The science studied in high schools is way simpler compared to postgraduate one. You can find easy chemistry topics to research if you focus on certain academic levels and sub-areas. For example, physical chemistry has easy chemistry topics to do research paper on. On the other side, inorganic or analytical sub-areas tend to offer scientific research research topics that are more technical. The list below outlines easy topic examples you can pick from:

  • Determining the percentage composition of oxygen in the air.
  • Patterns in the periodic table.
  • Atomic theory: primary principles and applications.
  • Chemical and physical properties of starch.
  • Determining the pH level of various liquids.
  • Properties of acids and bases.
  • Why is glass the preferred material in laboratories?
  • Balancing chemical equations.
  • Analyzing different chemical bonds.
  • Alkali metals and their properties.
  • General characteristics of metals.
  • Noble gasses: properties and reaction characteristics.
  • Water purification methods.
  • The periodic table: its historical background.
  • Alkaline earth metals: properties and reactivity.

Innovative Research Topics in Chemistry

Innovative chemistry topics for research paper relate to new ideas and ways to go about things. Using these ground-breaking topics related to chemistry, you can discuss new materials or methodologies. If you are interested in innovative research topics, here are some examples you can borrow from:

  • Gene modification in medical chemistry .
  • Improved cancer treatment using bacteria-based biohybrid microrobots.
  • New methods used to detect explosive residues.
  • Studying the molecular makeup of particles in space.
  • Substitute for pesticides in farming.
  • Nanophotonics in aeronautics.
  • Nanomaterials production process and techniques.
  • Clean energy alternatives for fossil fuels.
  • Photocatalysis usage in 3D printing technology.
  • Biodegradable polymers as alternatives for plastics.
  • Silicon dioxide usage in solar cells.
  • Chemical reactions in lithium-ion batteries.
  • Self-healing concrete: basic principles.
  • New materials for lightweight planes and vehicles.
  • Polymer analysis in a restricted environment.

Cool Chemistry Research Topics

Sometimes, our title selection might be guided by how cool and fun the study results will be. If you are looking for cool chemistry topics to research on, you are in the right place. We have compiled some cool chemistry topics for you to choose from.

  • How World War II influenced computational chemistry.
  • How do chemicals in our brains create different moods?
  • Composition and properties of laughing gas.
  • European alchemy: historical background and its impact on modern science.
  • Developing a film at home: chemicals required and process.
  • Why lemon juice stops apples from browning.
  • Different flame colors and their scientific explanation.
  • Using a potato to light a bulb.
  • Principles of chromatography.
  • Utilizing cloud seeding in alleviating drought conditions.
  • Finding iron in a mixture of metals.
  • Gas chromatography: how it works and its applications.
  • Application of vibrational spectroscopy.
  • Surface tension and the dish soap experiment.
  • How to make a homemade water filter.

Have you spotted any ideas but can’t get the research process started? Contact our professional writing service where you can pay for research paper and be sure that you will get outstanding results within your deadline. 

Intriguing Chemistry Topics for Research

There are many chemistry topics to write about. However, not all topics are intriguing (and frankly, most are the other way around). Below are topic examples that can instantly draw readers’ attention:

  • Non-existing chemical compounds.
  • Molecular structure of artificial honey as compared to natural honey.
  • Stem cell studies: ethical implications.
  • Principles of polymerase chain reaction and DNA replication.
  • Organic chemistry applications in our daily living.
  • Chemicals as weapons of mass destruction.
  • How does adding sugar to a soft drink affect its density?
  • Synthetic molecules in the pharmaceutical industry .
  • Aerosol formation and its application in body spray manufacture.
  • Analyzing the gasoline production process.
  • Benzene molecular structure and its use in the cosmetic industry.
  • Why are 96,000,000 black balls dumped into the LA reservoir?
  • Water recycling methods.
  • The discovery of oxygen.
  • Importance of esters in our day-to-day living.

If you closely review the research topics for chemistry paper above, you will find them arousing your curiosity much more than the ones in other sections. These topics will challenge your initial line of thinking or introduce you to the concepts that just stand out.

Unique Chemistry Research Topics

There are some chemistry paper topics that are rarely worked on by students. People ignore these topics because they are either complex or lack adequate conclusive information from previous studies. If you are brave enough and wish to have a unique presentation, you can consider the research topics in chemistry below:

  • Organosilicon compounds and their use.
  • Nucleophiles and electrophiles.
  • Molecular structure of Teflon and its industrial application.
  • Sodium azide usage in automobile airbags.
  • Dangers of COVID-19 tests that use sodium azide as the reaction reagent.
  • Chemical composition of steroids and their effects on human beings.
  • Artificial diamond production process.
  • Insulin production biotechnology.
  • Evolution of lethal injection.
  • Effects of chiral class drugs on human health.
  • Chemical residues in livestock.
  • Artificial organs and their potential implication on transplantation.
  • Role of nanoreactors in nanotechnology and biotechnology.
  • Dangers of phosgene to human health.
  • Production of dry ice.

Popular Chemistry Research Paper Topics

Unlike the unique study subjects discussed in the previous section, popular topics relating to chemistry are widely researched. Students favor these topics due to reasons like their simplicity, availability of adequate evidence, and their relevance to current issues. You can pick a hot topic in chemistry from the list below:

  • Metal oxide usage in electronics.
  • Importance of nitrogen to human survival.
  • How do temperature changes affect chemical reactions?
  • Lewis structure for ionic compounds.
  • Analysis of the hydrophobic effect.
  • Hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuel.
  • Application of thermodynamics law in our lives.
  • pH level calculations and analysis.
  • Gas laws and their application.
  • Why is Earth viewed as a closed thermodynamic system?
  • Redox reactions and their industrial applications.
  • Decomposition process of polymers.
  • The anomalous expansion of water.
  • Impact of fluoride ion on dental health .
  • The use of lithium, magnesium, and calcium compounds in clinical medicine.

>> View more: Medical Research Paper Topics

Controversial Chemistry Topics for Papers

Just like in any other subject, there exist chemistry project topics that are controversial in nature. People are understandably more passionate about some subject matters compared to others. Discussions related to, for instance, chemical usage in battlefields and the health effects of using certain chemicals tend to attract heated debates. Below are some controversial topics in chemistry that you can write about:

  • Biochemicals usage in warfare.
  • Impact of fast-food chemicals on the human brain.
  • Gene modification in human embryos.
  • Bioconjugation techniques and how they are used in drug delivery.
  • Synthetic molecules replication techniques.
  • Use of lethal injection in execution of criminals.
  • Ethical justification for euthanasia.
  • Manufacture of chemical poisons.
  • Fritz Haber’s controversial inventions.
  • Artificial organs and their role in healthcare.
  • Electromagnetic energy conversion to chemical energy.
  • Dangers of using fertilizer in farming.
  • Analyzing the water memory effect.
  • Synthesis of food from non-edible items.
  • Bio-inspired molecular machines and their applications.

Chemistry Research Ideas for Students

Students are often required to work on some chemistry project ideas to successfully complete their course. Depending on the sub-area one specializes in, and the academic level, research matters will vary significantly. For instance, chemistry undergraduate research project ideas are incomparable to highschool research titles. Some subject matters are only suitable for professional research. This section sorts the research ideas into their respective academic levels.

Chemistry Research Topics for High School

Chemistry research project ideas for highschool students are relatively easy compared to higher academic levels. The tasks are not very demanding in terms of the research methodologies used and the time required to complete them. At this level, students are introduced to the basic concepts of the subject. Common chemistry topics for high school are outlined in the list below.

  • Acids and bases in the reduction-oxidation reaction.
  • Importance of studying chemicals and chemical processes in high school.
  • Ionization techniques for the mass spectrometry process.
  • Avogadro’s Law: analysis, formulae, and application.
  • Thermochemistry lab experiments.
  • Laboratory safety rules.
  • The hydrolysis analysis.
  • Acids: structural composition, properties, and use.
  • Noble gasses configuration.
  • States of matter and their characteristics.
  • Optimizing indoor plants life through chemistry.
  • Role of enzymes in chemical and biological reactions.
  • Thermal effects of chemical reactions.
  • The law of multiple proportions in chemical reactions.
  • Constant and changing variables in Boyle’s law .

Chemistry Research Topics for College Students

Chemistry project ideas for college often require students to dive deep into a subject. Rather than explaining the basic concepts, you may be instructed to apply them in addressing problems. A college chemistry project will require you to dedicate more time and conduct more research. Below are some of the title ideas for college students and undergraduates:

  • How much energy is produced from burning nuts and chips?
  • Dangers of using radon in construction and potential solutions.
  • Chemical composition of aspirin and its effect on human physiology.
  • Green chemistry application in the food industry.
  • Phosphorescence versus fluorescence.
  • Dihydroxyacetone phosphate conversion.
  • Big data and biocomputing in chemical studies.
  • Thermoelectric properties of materials.
  • Artificial organic tissue development in laboratories.
  • Nuclear fusion: primary concepts and applications.
  • Power production process in lithium nickel batteries.
  • Medico-biological importance of group 3B and 4B elements.
  • Global cycle of biologically active elements.
  • Importance of chemical knowledge in cancer treatment.
  • Inorganic materials usage in the military.

Chemistry Research Topics in Different Fields

Chemistry can be divided into many sub-areas. Each subfield has interesting chemistry topics to research into. To choose a research topic in chemistry, you need to first determine a sub-area you would wish to specialize in. However, even within these fields, there are still many title options to choose from. To help reduce the confusion and simplify the selection process, we have categorized potential research discussions into their respective sub-areas.

Organic Chemistry Research Topics

Organic chemistry mainly involves studying the structure, composition, properties, and reaction of carbon-based compounds. It is among the most commercially applied subfields, which makes organic chemistry research paper topics very common. I am sure you must have encountered products manufactured using organic chemistry principles within your surroundings. If you wish to learn more about these products, you can explore these latest research topics in organic chemistry:

  • Pain relief medicine: chemical structure and composition.
  • Composition, use, and effects of polymers.
  • Retin-A usage in acne treatment.
  • Organic chemistry usage and application in daily life.
  • Types of organic compounds isomerism.
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons as industrial raw materials.
  • Alcohol hydrophilicity in aqueous solutions.
  • Physical and chemical properties of polyhydric alcohols.
  • Synthetic polymer applications: synthetic fiber, Teflon, and isoprene rubber.
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome: types and symptoms.
  • Structure and properties of phenols.
  • The application of organic chemistry in birth control.
  • Nucleic acid stability.
  • Parameters affecting proton chemical shifts.
  • Structure and properties of lipids.

Inorganic Chemistry Research Topics

This branch deals with the study of structure, composition, and properties of materials that do not contain carbon. Research paper topics for inorganic chemistry focus on metals, minerals, and inorganic compounds. The list below compiles chemistry projects topics and ideas related to inorganic chemistry.

  • How to create new and improve existing alloys.
  • Implication of inorganic chemistry on the environment.
  • Application of inorganic chemistry in the cosmetic industry.
  • Interaction between sulfuric acid and organic materials.
  • Lattice energy and enthalpy for different ionic bonds.
  • Characteristics of different types of nucleosyntheses.
  • Uniqueness of hydrogen bonds and polarity.
  • Hard and soft acids and bases ( HSAB ) theory.
  • Dalton’s Law: principles and applications.
  • Structure of a gemstone and how it impacts its appearance.
  • Relationship between inorganic and biochemistry.
  • Parameters affecting Bronsted-Lowry acidity.
  • Crystal field theory: analysis and disadvantages.
  • Application of angular overlap model.
  • Primary laws of photochemistry.

Analytical Chemistry Research Topics

The determination of the objects’ primary makeup of objects is the main interest of this branch. Various analytical methods, including spectroscopy, chromatography, and electroanalytical techniques, are often discussed in the subfield. As such, many analytical chemistry research paper topics focus on these or other analysis techniques. Below is a list of research topics on analytical chemistry:

  • Analytical techniques used in forensic science.
  • Examining the electroanalytical techniques.
  • Importance of analytical chemistry to the environment.
  • Miniaturization and its use in analyzing pharmaceutical substances.
  • Evaluating the working principles of activation analysis.
  • Gravimetric analysis principles.
  • GMOs usage and their potential hazards to human health.
  • Potentiometric measurement methods.
  • Liquid and gas chromatography.
  • Spectroscopy methods and their use in detecting and quantifying molecular and structural composition of samples.
  • Dispersive X-ray analysis of tissues.
  • Analytical methods for determining the side effects of ibuprofen usage.
  • Benefits of the isomerism framework.
  • Acid-base titration as a quantitative analysis technique.
  • Application of spectroscopy in medicine.

Environment Chemistry Topics for Research

The apparent global warming and climate change threats have led to the development of a new area of study. This sub-area has project topics in chemistry that explore the impact of human activity on the environment and the potential solutions for slowing down and reversing the climate change process. Common environmental chemistry related topics include:

  • Negative effects of deep-sea mining.
  • Ground water contamination: causes, dangers, and potential solutions.
  • Oil spillage and its effect on marine life.
  • Effect of heat engines on the environment.
  • Safe disposal of toxic waste.
  • Global warming: causes and potential remedies.
  • Potential alternatives to fossil fuels.
  • Innovative methods to minimize pesticide usage in agriculture.
  • Cultivated meat as an alternative to livestock farming.
  • How efficient is artificial photosynthesis.
  • The Chernobyl ecological disaster.
  • Analysis of life-cycle assessment (LCA).
  • Environmental benefits of using energy-saving lamps.
  • Environmental pollution by nano toxins.
  • Potential solutions for global warming.

Need more ideas on the environment? Check our list of the best environmental research topics for students. 

Physical Chemistry Research Topics

Physical chemistry is the study of the behavior of matter. Physical chemistry topics for research papers focus on analyzing the physical and chemical properties of atoms and molecules and how they interact with each other. You can use a project topic on chemistry from the list below:

  • Surface tension and its impact on mixtures.
  • Diffusion of liquid and gasses.
  • Reaction of bromine under UV rays.
  • Pressure effect in chemical reactions.
  • Bonding between atoms and molecules.
  • Analyzing Schrodinger’s equation.
  • Hess’s laws: principles and application.
  • Effects of intermolecular forces on the melting point of a material.
  • Entropy law of thermodynamics.
  • Relationship between quantum mechanics and atomic orbitals.
  • Chemical kinetics in pharmacy.
  • Analyzing the physical and chemical indicators of milk.
  • How to determine atoms’ electron configuration.
  • Why isotopes exist.
  • Determining the group based on its successive ionization energies.

Chemical Engineering Research Topics

In this section, we will discuss research topics of chemistry related to the design and application of chemical processes. Here are some of the chemical research project ideas that will impress your instructor:

  • Chemical engineering concepts in the food production industry.
  • Analyzing wastewater treatment techniques.
  • Conversion of rocket fuel to energy.
  • Analyzing different mixture separation techniques.
  • Industrial application of chemical engineering concepts.
  • Non-reactive mass balances and mass balance with reaction.
  • Binary distillation and its application.
  • Gas absorption usage in the chemical industry.
  • Reaction kinetics in a plug flow reactor.
  • Water splitting for hydrogen production.
  • The application of MIMO theory in the control of chemical process operation.
  • Chemical engineering applications in the healthcare sector.
  • Nanofiltration member usages in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment.
  • General overview of microfluidics.
  • Production of high-quality foam.

Nuclear Chemistry Research Topics

A nuclear chemistry research project deals with radioactivity-related processes. You may encounter this branch of science in nuclear energy production, military applications, and even in the hospital. Some of the researchable topics in chemistry of nuclei transformation include:

  • Computation of an element’s half-life.
  • Radioactive elements in real life and how they are being used.
  • Nuclear fusion: the process and its function.
  • Types of radioactive decay.
  • Effects of radiation on biological systems.
  • Safe radioactive waste disposal.
  • Application of nuclear science in the healthcare sector.
  • Analyzing the three types of radiation.
  • How to destroy toxic organic compounds using irradiation.
  • Is there a possibility of cold fusion ever happening?
  • Biological application of radiochemistry.
  • Dangerous consequences of ionizing versus non-ionizing radiation.
  • Optical chemo sensors: principles and applications.
  • Interaction between water and radioactive materials.
  • Radiation accident cases in human history.

There is a vast assortment of research ideas for your study on our platform. Be it biology research topics or nursing research paper topics , we have all of them here.

Bottom Line on Chemistry Research Topics

In sum, chemistry is a broad subject with multiple sub-areas. Depending on your preference, you can choose interesting chemistry research topics for papers from the many subfields. Apart from selecting a good research subject, also remember that is always mandatory to adhere to proper writing procedures! Besides, select chemistry essay topics that will keep you excited till the end of research, as you wouldn’t want to quit in the middle and switch to another topic. If you combine all provided tips together, you will definitely find it easy to select and work on research in chemistry topics.


Our academic writing service is always happy to help. Our platform was created by students who also struggled. So the writers deliver excellent papers focusing on fast and high-quality writing. 


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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Top 100 Chemistry Dissertation Topics Trending These Days

  • September 21, 2021 September 21, 2021

Chemistry is an integral part of our daily lives. Right from the water that freezes to form ice in our refrigerators to the airbag technology used in our cars, the miracles of Chemistry touch us everywhere. Indeed, every material that has its existence in this universe is made up of matter. Even our own bodies!

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(since 2006)

Chemistry is a subject dedicated to the scientific study of the behaviour and properties of matter. The subject is a branch of natural science covering the elements that form up the matter to the compounds which are composed of atoms, ions, and molecules. Here, the students come across the scientific reasons for why and how substances separate or combine to successfully form other substances. Besides, the studies are constantly conducted to learn how substances do interact with energy.

chemistry dissertation topic ideas


The subject of Chemistry, alike any other subject of science follows an orientation of practical approach. The subject is an integral part of different types of courses that expect the completion of several assignments with practical studies. That is one of the prominent reasons why, most of the students associated with the subject seek assignment help from the experts to achieve perfection in their submissions. The students who prefer to attend the assignment homework themselves, normally face the issue of topic selection at the initial stages.

In the cases where the Chemistry assignment topics have already been provided by the university/ college, it become much easier to hire the assignment writing services from the experts and forward all the assignment instructions to them. But things become a bit complex, when we are required to decide the next assignment homework topic ourselves. That is why, here we are bringing you the list of top 100 Chemistry topics from 10 different branches of the subject to help you ease the selection dilemma. After all, the time you could save here can be effectively used for more research and editing at different stages of the draft preparation.

The practice of inking perfect dissertation in an art. The art which you can master too. Reach the below link for all you want to know about the art of mastering the correct dissertation writing structure.  

Must read: the art of mastering the dissertation writing structure for assured success, top 100 chemistry dissertation topics trending lately.

The following is our recommended list of top 100 dissertation topics revolving around different domains of Chemistry. We hope the recommendation would play a decisive role to match up with all your dissertation help requirements in no time. So, let us begin with the list here –

  • Organic Chemistry Dissertation Topics
  • Composition, application and the impact of additional plastics or polymers
  • Elaborate chemical compositions of different vitamins
  • Discuss the chemical composition of various pain relief medicines
  • Discuss the composition of Retin-A medicine for successful acne treatment
  • Types of isomerism in organic compounds
  • Describe the organic compounds responsible for the production of hydrocarbon fuel
  • Define electrophiles and describe them in detail
  • What do you understand by snow pollution? Explain how dangerous it can turn out to become.
  • Elaborate the formation of globular proteins
  • Explain Phenol as a type of acid
  • Inorganic Chemistry Dissertation Topics
  • Discuss in detail about the chemical changes that lead to the formation of sapphires
  • Introduction to the chemical composition of sulphuric acid
  • Discuss the utility of silicon dioxide in solar cells
  • What do you understand by orbital hybridization in molecules?
  • Discuss the chemical composition of hard and soft acid
  • What do you understand by Crystal Field Theory?
  • Steel vs iron malleability: A comparative analysis
  • What do you understand by Multiple Proportions Law?
  • Elaborate Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures with examples
  • Understanding the Lewis Structures along with the Electron Dot Models
  • Chemical Engineering Dissertation Topics
  • Explain the role of bio fuel in the form of rocket fuel
  • What do you understand by microfluidics?
  • Explain the process of wastewater treatment
  • Explain the rare earth extractions in detail
  • What do you understand by Nox emissions reduction?
  • What do you understand by molecular dynamics and its simulation?
  • What do you understand by simulation of density functional theory?
  • What do you mean by Nano filters and how do they actually work?
  • Discuss the processing of coal and iron ore slimes
  • Elaborate how photocatalysis functions within a 3D printer
  • Computational Chemistry Dissertation Topics
  • Discuss in detail the developmental history of chemical sensors
  • What are the key benefits of dye-sensitized solar cells?
  • Study the process of hydrogen bonding simulation in detail
  • What do you understand by metal oxide nanoparticles?
  • Explain in detail the heterogeneous catalytic conversion reaction of CO2 to CH3OH
  • Energy surfaces are the mathematical function providing a molecule the function of its geometry: Elaborate
  • What do you understand by Coupled Cluster Theory?
  • Explain how NBO or natural bond orbitals result in maximum electron density
  • What do you understand by single-point energies?
  • Define relative energies with quantified examples
  • Analytical Chemistry Dissertation Topics
  • What do you understand by Chemical Equilibrium?
  • What are the dangers associated with Ibuprofen?
  • Mention some of the most successful electro-analytical techniques
  • What are the benefits associated with isomerism framework
  • Mention some of the most successful electrochemical applications
  • Elaborate the entire concept of Industrial Quality Assurance of Soda
  • Discuss the history of spectroscopy applications
  • What do you understand by Electrodes and Potentiometry?
  • Conduct a comparative study of the vitamin tablets
  • Discuss the properties of acid-base titrations with examples
  • Controversial Chemistry Dissertation Topics
  • The history of Chemical Warfare. What is the way forward?
  • How Chemistry turned out to become one of the most lethal scientific professions?
  • Discuss the role of chemicals in the history of political assassinations
  • Molecule and Genetics Replication: Just how far we can actually go in it?
  • The use of Chemistry as a weapon in the history of genocide during the Holocaust
  • The concept of lethal Injection and the significance of human rights
  • Murder or Euthanasia: What is the role of Chemistry in it?
  • How Chemistry can help in the identification and distinction between natural and synthetic diseases?
  • The debatable history of remedies and poisons
  • Explain the stages of barium toxicity in detail
  • Essential Chemistry Dissertation Topics
  • Why the application of petroleum products are considered to be dangerous?
  • Natural vs Synthetic Crystals: A comparative study
  • Is organic food really safe for the human consumption? Elaborate with real life examples
  • Investigating the chemical traits of the common groceries
  • Are pesticides really dangerous to our health? Discuss
  • What are the generational side-effects associated with herbicide exposure?
  • How pollution is a far bigger challenge than melting ice caps?
  • Exploration of the four different states of matter: Why Plasma is so uncommon on Earth?
  • Otto Ambros- An Innovator, a monster, or both?
  • Why Lithium is regarded as one of the most successful battery material?
  • Environmental Chemistry Dissertation Topics
  • What are the chemical reactions and compositions responsible for cloud formation?
  • Explain the chemical reactions that result in the creation of pearls
  • How industrial activities and acid rains are correlated with each other?
  • What are the lessons that one can learn from the ecological disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima?
  • Building green energy and its scope that lies in future
  • Purification of the tap water through the application of chlorine
  • How the chemical changes taking place in the atmosphere are resulting in global warming? 
  • What are the adverse results of deep-sea mining?
  • Discuss the contamination risks of the groundwater in the developing economies
  • Plastic packaging and its impact on the overall quality of food we consume
  • Physical Chemistry Dissertation Topics
  • How quantum mechanics and chemistry are related to one another?
  • What do you understand by vibrational spectroscopy?
  • What do you understand by electronic spectroscopy?
  • Discuss the similarities and distinctions between harmonic and anharmonic oscillator
  • What do you understand by multielectron atoms?
  • Discuss the elements of hetero atomics or in simple terms chemical bonding
  • Provide an in-depth analysis of Schrodinger Equation
  • Describe the physical and chemical components of the gas properties
  • Explain the process of the expansion of water during the process of freezing
  • Discuss the Entropy laws of thermodynamics
  • Biochemistry Dissertation Topics
  • Make an assessment of the impact of PH on the plants
  • Describe cell metabolism processes in detail
  • Define the structure of Proteins and its defining role in the chemical and physiological changes in the living body
  • Explain the metabolism process of the fatty acids in the human body
  • Describe the process of DNA replication and repair
  • Discuss the structure and the role of carbohydrates in the living body
  • Give an in-depth assessment of the composition and role of Nucleic Acids
  • Explain some of the special properties associated with water
  • Discuss the functions of lipids in the biological systems
  • Explain how the process of tea brewing can be optimised

Chemistry Assignment Help

And with that, we come to the end of the long list of Chemistry assignment topics prepared with heart and soul by the finest of academic researchers in the industry. We are happy to tell you that these topics can not only be wisely used for various Chemistry dissertation assignments, but also for different other assignment writing formats as well. If you are seeking case study help , essay help , research paper writing help , or thesis help related to your next Chemistry homework, then also these topic recommendations are worth consideration.

Are you facing similar sort of challenge with your biotechnology assignments as well? Read the below article to come across the widest range of pertinent topics from the experts who know what is best for you.

Must read: top 100 biotechnology dissertation topics for the year 2021.

Chemistry is widely regarded as one of the most refined branches of science. Whether it is about complex structures of organic compounds or studying the properties of acids, bases or PH, the subject is known to give students tough time. No matter how good we are in the subject, when it comes to scoring top grades in it, the professional intervention from the real experts of the subject somehow becomes inevitable. That is why, in case you wish to transform a potential assignment topic into the most powerful homework draft for submission, then it is our online homework help that can answer all your necessities.

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Home > Chemistry > Dissertations, Theses, and Student Research

Chemistry, Department of

Department of chemistry: dissertations, theses, and student research.

Halide Exchange and Transport in Halide Perovskite Lattices , Temban Acha Billy

Synthesis and Study of High-Spin Stable Organic Radicals for Electrical Conductors and Mannosamine Nitroxide for MRI Contrast Agents , Shuyang Zhang

Designing Experiments: The Impact of Peer Review Structure on Organic Chemistry Students' Experimental Designs , Katie Patterson

Study of halide gradient formation via solution-solid halide exchange in crystalline CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 thin films , Behnaz Akbari

Oxygen Binding Thermodynamics of Human Hemoglobin in the Red Blood Cell , Kyle K. Hill

Developing Techniques for the Identification of Non-Canonical RNA Pairing and Analysis of LC-MS Datasets , Christopher Jurich

Surface Functionalization of Elastomers for Tunable Crystal Growth and Smart Adhesives , John Kapitan

Issue of False Amphetamine Field Test Positives Caused By Sugar. Use of Baeyer Test as a Secondary Test Solution. , Reed A. Knutson, Jennah Duncan, Kara Peightal, and Samuel Thomas

Harnessing Surface Chemistry and Instabilities in Silicone Elastomers to Synthesize Adaptive Systems with Mechanically Tunable Surface Properties and Functionality , Ali Jamal Mazaltarim

How Oxygen-Binding Affects Structural Evolution of Even-Sized Gold Anion Clusters. (Size Range 20 to 34) , David Brunken-Deibert

Analysis of Hydroxychloroquine Interaction with Serum Proteins by High Performance Affinity Chromatography , Kyungah Suh, Sadia Sharmeen, and David S. Hage

The Application and Development of Metabolomics Methodologies for the Profiling of Food and Cellular Toxicity , Jade Woods

Evaluation of the Overall Binding of Acetohexamide and Tolbutamide with Methyl Glyoxal-Modified HSA by High-Performance Affinity Chromatography , Ashley G. Woolfork and David S. Hage

C(sp2)-C(sp3) Cross-Coupling of Aryl Halides and Active C(sp3)-H Bonds via Dual Catalysis: Organic Photocatalysis/Nickel Redox Catalysis , Nicholas Armada

Phosphonate-Directed Catalytic Asymmetric Hydroboration: Synthesis of Functionalized Chiral Secondary and Tertiary Boronic Esters and Mechanistic Insights , Suman Chakrabarty



Design and Synthesis of Stable Aminyl and Nitroxide Radical Precursors , Joshua Bryan Lovell

Development of Nanomaterial Supports for the Study of Affinity-Based Analytes Using Ultra-Thin Layer Chromatography , Allegra Pekarek


Electropolymerization and Characterization of Thin Film Dielectrics , Christopher White II

Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Activity of Copper Palladium Oxide Solid Solutions. , Gregory L. Christensen


Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the Chemometric Analysis of Cellular Metabolism , Eli Riekeberg

Ultrafast Affinity Extraction and High-Performance Affinity Chromatography Applications for Measuring Free Drug Fractions: Interactions of Sulfonylurea Drugs with Normal and Glycated Human Serum Albumin , Bao Yang


Chemical Vapor Deposition of Two-Dimensional Materials and Heterostructures , Alex J. Boson

Bioinformatic and Biophysical Analyses of Proteins , Jonathan Catazaro

Developing Functionalized Peroxide Precursors for the Synthesis of Cyclic and Spirocyclic Ethers , Anna J. Diepenbrock

Decarboxylative Elimination for the Systhesis of Olefins Via Photoredox/Cobalt Dual Catalysis , Renjie Gui

Enantioselective γ- and δ -Borylation of Unsaturated Carbonyl Derivatives: Synthesis, Mechanistic Insights, and Applications. , Gia L. Hoang

Entrapment of proteins in high-performance affinity columns for chromatographic studies of drug-protein interactions , Saumen Poddar, Elliott Rodriguez, Shiden Azaria, and David S. Hage

Genetic Code Expansion in Biochemical Investigations and Biomedical Applications , Nanxi Wang

Applying the Diffusion of Innovation Theory to Characterize STEM Faculty Attending Professional Development Programs , Dihua Xue

Who is attending pedagogical workshops? Applying the Innovation Diffusion to Characterize Faculty Attendees , Victoria Dihua Xue, Trisha Vickrey, and Marilyne Stains

Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Protein Biosensor for Nitric Oxide , Wenjia Zhai


Synthesis and Applications of Cyclobutenes , Benjamin Enns

Binding of Oxygen to Human Hemoglobin Within the Erythrocyte Using ICAM Spectrophotometry , Kyle K. Hill

Design and Synthesis of Novel Octacarboxy Porphyrinic Metal-Organic Frameworks , Jacob A. Johnson

Development of a Direct Activity Probe for Rho-Associated Protein Kinase , Maia Kelly

Thermolysis of Hypervalent Iodine Complexes: Synthesis of Fluorinated Radiotracers for Positron Emission Tomography and Synthesis of Quaternary α-Alkyl α-Aryl Amino Acids , Jayson J. Kempinger

Synthesis and Applications of Lanthanide Sulfides and Oxides , Christopher Marin




Molecular Mechanism for the Biosynthesis of Antifungal HSAF and Antibacterial WAP-8294A2 , Haotong Chen

Toward the Probing of DHQS Activity by Protein Engineering through the Introduction of Unnatural Amino Acids and the Selection of tRNA/tRNA Synthetase Pairs , Shaina E. Ives

Toward an Expanded Role for Collision-Induced Dissociation in Glycoproteomic Analysis , Venkata Kolli

New Methods for Synthesis of Organic Peroxides and Application of Peroxide Electrophiles to Synthesis of Functionalized Ethers , Shiva Kumar Kyasa

Chromatographic Analysis of Drug-Protein Interactions During Diabetes and Characterization of Human Serum Albumin Through Multidimensional Mass Spectrometry , Ryan E. Matsuda



Investigations into the Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogen-Host Interactions: Construction of a Dual Plasmid System for Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids into Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 , Scotty D. Raber

Applications of High Performance Affinity Chromatography with High Capacity Stationary Phases Made by Entrapment , John A. Vargas Badilla

Uses of Diaryliodonium Salts and Methods for their Synthesis , Jordan M. Veness

The intersection of nuclear magnetic resonance and quantum chemistry , Yali Wang

Chemometric and Bioinformatic Analyses of Cellular Biochemistry , Bradley Worley

Analysis of Free Solute Fractions and Solute-Protein Interactions Using Ultrafast Affinity Extraction and Affinity Microcolumns , Xiwei Zheng

The 8-Silyloxyquinoline Scaffold as a Versatile Platform for the Sensitive Detection of Aqueous Fluoride , Xinqi Zhou

Nanostructured Cerium Oxide Based Catalysts: Synthesis, Physical Properties, and Catalytic Performance , Yunyun Zhou

Hydrolytically Stable Analogues of Sugar Phosphates and a Miniaturized in Situ Enzymatic Screen , Xiang Fei

Development and Application of Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods , Rui Lai

Syntheses of Aminyl Diradicals and Nitroxide Tetra- and Octaradicals , Arnon Olankitwanit

Analysis of Drug Interactions with Lipoproteins by High Performance Affinity Chromatography , Matthew R. Sobansky

Studies in Asymmetric Synthesis: Supramolecular Catalysis, C-H Activation, and D-Cycloserine Synthesis , Nathan C. Thacker

Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Based Metabolomics to Study the Central Metabolism of Staphylococci , Bo Zhang


The Electrochemical Analysis of Bovine Bone Derived Supercapacitors, Organic Peroxide Explosives, and Conducting Polymer Nanojunctions , Paul Goodman

The Development and Applications of NMR Metabolomics Analysis of Bacterial Metabolomes , Steven M. Halouska

Utilizing NMR Spectroscopy and Molecular Docking as Tools for the Structural Determination and Functional Annotation of Proteins , Jaime Stark

A. Catalysis of CO-PROX by Water-Soluble Rhodium Fluorinated Porphyrins B. Studies toward Fluorination of Electron Rich Aromatics by Nucleophilic Fluoride , Shri Harsha Uppaluri

Regulation of Secondary Metabolism in Lysobacter enzymogenes : Studies of Intercellular and Intracellular Signaling , Stephen J. Wright


I. Synthesis of β-Sitosterol and Phytosterol Esters; II. New Methodology for Singlet Oxygen Generation from 1,1-Dihydroperoxides , Jiliang Hang

Experimental and Theoretical Studies in Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance , Monica N. Kinde

Experimental and Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance , John D. Persons



The Use of Rhenium (VII) Oxide as a Catalyst for the Substution of Hemiacetals , Michael W. Richardson

Characterization of Novel Macrocyclic Polyether Modified Pseudostationary Phases for use in Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography and Development of a Chemiluminescence Presumptive Assay for Peroxide-based Explosives , Raychelle Burks

Preparation and Characterization of Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite-Resorbable Polymer Composites for Hard Tissue Repair , Kristopher R. Hiebner

High Yield Synthesis of Positron Emission Tomography Ligands for Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Imaging , Saraanne E. Hitchcock

Optimization and Implementation of Entrapment: A Novel Immobilization Technique for High-performance Affinity Chromatography , Abby J. Jackson

Fabrication and Catalytic Property of Cerium Oxide Nanomaterials , Keren Jiang

Affinity Chromatography in Environmental Analysis and Drug-Protein Interaction Studies , Efthimia Papastavros

Development and Optimization of Organic Based Monoliths for Use in Affinity Chromatography , Erika L. Pfaunmiller

I. An Improved Procedure for Alkene Ozonolysis. II. Exploring a New Structural Paradigm for Peroxide Antimalarials. , Charles Edward Schiaffo


Resorbable Polymer-Hydroxyapatite Composites for Bone Trauma Treatment: Synthesis and Properties , Troy E. Wiegand


Characterization of Glycation Sites on Human Serum Albumin using Mass Spectrometry , Omar S. Barnaby


Classification, Synthesis and Characterization of Pyridyl Porphyrin Frameworks , Lucas D. DeVries

Ultrasonic Activation of Triacetone Triperoxide , LaTravia R. Dobson

Characteristics and Stability of Oxide Films on Plutonium Surfaces , Harry Guillermo García Flores

Controlling Reductive Elimination From Novel I(III) Salts Using a SECURE Method , Joseph W. Graskemper


Chromatographic Studies of Drug-Protein Binding in Diabetes , Kathryn (Krina) S. Joseph

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chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Best research topics in chemistry with examples

Are you looking for chemistry research topics? The field of chemistry is vast and provides a lot of scope for research and analysis. We’ve got you covered if you are looking for research proposal topics or dissertation topics in chemistry. Also, contact us if you need help completing your research successfully on time for your […]

chemistry research topics

Are you looking for chemistry research topics? The field of chemistry is vast and provides a lot of scope for research and analysis. We’ve got you covered if you are looking for research proposal topics or dissertation topics in chemistry.

Also, contact us if you need help completing your research successfully on time for your undergrad and master’s programs. We offer top-rated services. Also, you can find the Biology Dissertation topics and bio-chemistry dissertation topics list for your dissertation.

Table of Contents

Related Subjects

These are related subjects for chemistry research topics:

  • Analytical chemistry.
  • Biochemistry.
  • Biosynthesis.
  • Chemical biology.
  • Chemical education.
  • Chemical engineering.
  • Chemical safety.

Best Chemistry Research Topics for master’s and undergraduate students

Many interesting research topics in chemistry are being actively explored by scientists around the world. Some examples include:

  • Developing new catalysts for chemical reactions that are more efficient and environmentally friendly.
  • Studying the mechanisms of chemical reactions at the molecular level to better understand how they occur.
  • Designing new drugs to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer and infectious diseases.
  • Searching for new materials with unique properties, such as superconductors or nanomaterials.
  • Developing renewable energy technologies, such as solar cells or fuel cells.
  • Studying the chemistry of food, including how to preserve and improve the nutritional value of food.
  • Developing new technologies for water treatment and purification.
  • Investigating the chemical processes that occur in the environment, including pollution and climate change.

These are just a few examples of the many exciting research topics being pursued in the field of chemistry. Continue reading this post for more hot chemistry research topic ideas.

  • To study the different branches of Chemistry and its evolution – a systematic review of the literature.
  • To study the concept of Synthetic Molecules Replication and how it has contributed to the development of chemistry.
  • How do you explain Fritz Haber’s personality? – A literature review.
  • How to Avoid Pesticides in Agriculture? Strategies and approaches.
  • To illustrate the idea of Lewis’s structure study – its role and impact.
  • To study the physical bonding of atoms and how it helps in understanding chemical reactions.
  • What are electronegative atoms? – a literature review.
  • How do you explain the Molecules’ skeletal representation model?
  • The study of Chemical Equilibrium effects and their role.
  • To illustrate the Thermochemistry experiments and how they benefited the field.
  • How can you calculate the pH level? A strategic analysis of the models and theories.
  • The study of the Isotopes – a theoretical analysis
  • To study the Kinetics Experiments – its development and theories and models.
  • What measures should we take before conducting chemical experiments?
  • What are the reasons behind the Failure of any chemical experiment? – literature review
  • Get a 500-word brief on Chemistry Research Topics to get approved
  • To study the Gas law Applications – theoretical analysis
  • To study the Acid-base neutralization process – a case review
  • To study the different types of Isomerism – its role and impact.
  • How do you explain nucleophiles? A systematic study of past theories and concepts.
  • To study the properties of the oil – literature review.
  • To explain the importance of Inorganic Chemistry and how it differs from organic chemistry.
  • To study the different states of Matter – a theoretical analysis.
  • To study Dalton’s law of partial pressure – its development, experiment, and analysis.
  • To study the acid rain effects on plants and animals.
  • Effects of Chemicals on Humans – a detailed analysis of the impact on human’s mental and physical body.
  • Why do some humans have a deficiency of vitamins? A case analysis.
  • Do you think all vitamins are essential for living? – a review of food intake in teenagers.
  • What are the results of soft drinks, and how affect the Human body?
  • Does eating Maggi harm the body? – a case analysis.
  • Define and explain organic food, and whether it is healthy for the Human body.
  • To study rare earth extractions – a literature analysis.
  • Define and explain Microfluidics – a theoretical analysis
  • To study the system of Nanofiltration – theories, and concepts.
  • What are the Molecular dynamics and stimulations?
  • The study of Multielectron atoms.
  • To study Fatty acid metabolism – the process in the light of literature.
  • The study of Enzyme politics – a literature review
  • To analyze the Nucleic acid – its role and theoretical model.
  • What is the difference between organic and Inorganic Chemistry?
  • To explain the concept of the formation of ice – a systematic literature review
  • Why does sunburn not use oxygen? – an experimental analysis.
  • What are nanoreactors in Chemistry? – a literature review.
  • To study the Origin of Batteries – an analysis of theories.
  • Define and explain Cholesterol. – How it affects the human body according to gender and age.
  • To study the concept of Allergies – the reaction and impact.
  • To study the effects of Chemical Equilibrium and how it benefits.
  • The study of turning capsule catalysis inside out – a systematic review.
  • To study synthesis and applications of cyclobutene.
  • To study the behavior of glass-forming Glycerol.
  • To study the effects of Aerosols on the atmosphere and human health.

Above are the best-selected dissertation topics on chemistry. Pick any topic of your choice and start dissertation writing. If you are still looking for Chemistry dissertation topics? Fill out the form below and get a customized chemistry research topics brief of 500 words.

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Magneto-structural investigations of calix[n]arene-supported metal clusters , sensitive detection of photosensitised singlet oxygen within single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fibres , it’s not all about u: the role of volume and entropy in weakly bound crystal structures , creation of an artificial stetterase through the design, synthesis and installation of an organocatalyst into a protein scaffold , mixed-valence titanium oxide materials as photocatalyst and electrocatalyst , exploring cooperativity in multimetallic main group catalysts for polyester synthesis via ring opening (co)polymerisation , probing the organisation and turnover of synaptic proteins at the nanometre length scale , molecular dynamics simulations of engine lubricant additives , utilising non-canonical amino acids in the design of artificial enzymes: an exploration of cu-enzymes, steroid carrier protein scaffolds and synthetic biology , magnetism of multinuclear 3-d transition metal complexes of 2-hydroxymethylpyridine , antimicrobial polymers , biological control of crystallization by marine phytoplankton to produce functional mineral structures , low-temperature phase-change materials for energy-storage applications , biocompatible aldehyde modification in escherichia coli , novel smart probes for detection of neutrophil activation and net formation and investigation of etosis in fish erythrocytes , improving rapid pathogen detection: towards a gram-selective lateral flow test , towards predicting and tailoring properties of energetic materials , development of liquid crystal lasers for application in fluorescence microscopy , block by block: developments in nmr methodology , development and understanding of iron-catalysed c–h functionalisation reactions .

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Discovery of Novel Inhibitors of Cellular Efflux by High-Content Screening with a Fluorescent Mimic of Taxol 


Synthesis and Evaluation of Fluorescent Tools for Studies of Cancer Biology 


Strategies for the Fluorine-Retentive Functionalization of Gem-Difluoroalkenes 


Studies of novel targeted drug delivery systems and molecular probes of cancer biology 


Investigation of the Phenyl Ring of Imidazoquinolines 


A New Generation of Isoform Selective Hsp90 Inhibitors: Targeting the Cytosolic Hsp90 Isoforms 


The Development of Organelle-localized Hsp90 Isoform-selective Inhibitors 


Exploration of Salvinorin A for the Development of Pain and Addiction Therapies 


I. Development of Bisamides as Kappa Opioid Receptor Agonists. II. Potency Enhancement of Sulfonamide-based Kappa Opioid Receptor Antagonists. III. Asymmetric Acyl Transfer Reactions Catalyzed by a Cyclic Peptide. 


Design and synthesis of cyclic analogs of the kappa opioid receptor antagonist arodyn 


Advances in Heterocyclic Synthesis through Ring Expansions and Flow Chemistry 


Exploration of the Mechanisms of Adjuvanticity for Toll-like Receptor Agonists 


The Development of Small Molecules that Modulate Molecular Chaperones Hsp90 and Hsp70 


Synthetic Strategies to Access Biologically Important Fluorinated Motifs: Fluoroalkenes and Difluoroketones 


Design and Synthesis of Functionally Selective Kappa Opioid Receptor Ligands 


Copper-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Trifluoromethylation Reactions 


An Improved Synthesis of the Pacific Blue Fluorophore and Fluorescence-based Studies of Receptor-Ligand Interactions 


Unfolding the Hsp90 Foldasome: Structure-Activity Relationship Studies on EGCG and Development of Isoform-Selective Inhibitors 




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Top 100 Chemistry Topics For College Students

chemistry topics

Many students encounter difficulties when choosing chemistry topics. That’s because many learners struggle with many topic ideas. Others have to consider bordering disciplines. Unfortunately, many students look for easy and popular chemistry topics for research. But, this might not be efficient because research papers should be original.

From mode reaction and experiment rules to inorganic and organic fields, topics in chemistry should be analytical and researchable. What’s more, a topic shouldn’t be too narrow, too complex, or too general. For instance, students can choose environmental chemistry topics or chemistry reagent topics. In that case, a student should ensure that the chosen topic has a specific focus. If struggling to choose a topic for your research project, here are some of the topics to consider.

Organic Chemistry Topics for Research

Organic chemistry is a broad study area. And, there are many things to research and write about in this area. Additionally, experts in this field are always conducting research. Thus, students can find fresh information and ideas to include in their papers. Here are some of the best organic chemistry topics from our chemistry helpers for you to consider.

  • Isomerism types in organic compounds
  • Define and explain what nucleophiles are
  • Define and explain what aniline dyes are
  • What is nucleic acids stability?
  • Define and explain the oil
  • Describe the production of hydrocarbon fuel
  • Define and describe electrophiles
  • Phenol as a form of acid- Explain
  • Explain the formation of globular proteins
  • What is snow pollution?- Explain how dangerous it is

Each of these chemistry research paper topics requires extensive research to come up with a solid paper. Therefore, select the topic to write about in this category ready to invest time and energy in research.

Inorganic Chemistry Topics

Students also have many topics to choose from in the inorganic chemistry field. Here are some of the best topics to consider in this category.

  • Define NaCI salty
  • Explain the formation of sapphires
  • Explain the Multiple Proportions Law
  • Explain different states of matter
  • How are organic materials affected by sulfuric acid?
  • Why do solar cells use silicon dioxide?
  • Explain the importance of inorganic chemistry
  • Explain Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
  • Discuss the Lewis Structures and the Electron Dot Models
  • How do organic compounds differ from inorganic compounds?

Inorganic chemistry topics can be about anything about the behavior and synthesis of inorganic chemical compounds. Essentially, the invention and innovation of chemicals reign in this field.

The Most Interesting Chemistry Topics

Professors appreciate a research paper written about an interesting topic. Here are some of the best topics in this category.

  • Explain how photocatalysis works in a 3D printer
  • Fritz Haber- Who was he?
  • Explain why glow sticks glow
  • Define and explain what nanoreactors are in chemistry
  • Californium- What is it?
  • Explain the process of freezing air
  • Explain how the sun burns yet it does not use oxygen
  • Why is Sodium Azide used in car airbags?
  • What color is oxygen gas?
  • Explain the formation of dry ice

These are great college and high school chemistry topics. Even undergraduates can write research papers on some of these topics.

Amazing General Chemistry Topics

This category has some of the easiest chemistry topics to consider. Here are some of the ideas to consider when you want to write a paper about a topic in chemistry quickly.

  • Explain how batteries are made
  • What is a thermoelectric material?
  • How can farmers avoid using pesticides?
  • Explain the expansion of water upon freezing
  • How are pesticides made?
  • Explain the replication of synthetic molecules
  • Explain Thermodynamics Laws implications
  • Define cholesterol
  • Explain how vitamins act in the body
  • Define and describe steroids

These chemistry research topics are ideal to consider when you want to write a good paper by searching for relevant information on the search engines.

Chemistry Research Paper Topics for Undergraduates

In terms of complexity, undergraduates topics are difficult than chemistry research topics for high school and college students. Nevertheless, undergraduates have many topics that they can find relevant and sufficient information to write about. Here are some of the best chemistry projects topics for undergraduates.

  • Explain how military applications use nanophotonics
  • Explain the effect of the chemical equilibrium
  • Describe the use of hydrogen in the discovery of oxygen
  • Explain the development of an allergy
  • Describe surface tension and its applications
  • Discuss the ionization methods for the mass spectrometry process
  • Explain how lithium can be stabilized
  • What is used to make food dyes- Explain
  • Lewis Structure study
  • Explain why Ibuprofen is considered dangerous

These chemistry paper topics are complex and students need several days to write solid papers about them.

Chemistry Research Topics for High School

There are many topics in chemistry high school learners can consider. Here are some of the best topics that high school students can choose for their research papers and essays.

  • Analyze the effect of PH on planets
  • Explain the creation of pearls
  • Explain the growth of artificial diamonds
  • Explain how tea brewing can be optimized
  • Explain how heavy metals are detected in plants
  • Analyze the air that humans breathe
  • Why is the use of petroleum products dangerous?
  • Explain the barium toxicity
  • Explain how chemistry can benefit indoor plants
  • Explain how oil can be cleaned effectively

These are cool chemistry topics that students can find information about online. Some students can even take a few hours to write essays on some of these topics.

The Best Topics in Current Chemistry

Perhaps, you want to write a paper or essay on a current topic. In that case, consider a topic in this category. This category comprises topics in medicinal, physical, and environmental chemistry. You can also find controversial chemistry topics in this category. Here are some of the best current topics in medicinal chemistry and other branches.

  • Explain how acid rain affects animals and plants
  • Explain how bad plastic packaging is and how it influences food quality
  • How are human allergies influenced by chemicals?
  • How do soft drinks affect the human body?
  • What is the connection between makeup products and chemistry?
  • Define organic food- Is it safe for human consumption?
  • What is the influence of chemicals on long-distance product delivery?
  • Define radon- What health risks does it pose and how can it be prevented in buildings?
  • Describe the inventions of the scientist who contributed the most in chemistry
  • Are all vitamins important to the body?- Explain some of the disadvantages of vitamins

Chemical Engineering Topics for Research

Chemical engineering students are also required to write papers and essays. Here are some of the best topics to consider in this category.

  • Explain the wastewater treatment process
  • Rocket fuel and biofuels- Explain their similarities and differences
  • What are nano filters and how do they work?
  • Explain microfluidics
  • Explain rare earth extractions
  • Discuss iron and coal slimes processing
  • What is Nox emissions reduction?
  • Explain the molecular dynamics & simulation
  • What are nanofiltration systems and how do they work?
  • Explain the simulation of the density functional theory

This category has some of the best chemistry topics for presentation. What’s more, learners that want to learn while impressing their professors can consider them.

Great Physical Chemistry Topics

This category has some of the most interesting chemistry presentation topics. Nevertheless, physical chemistry is a difficult course for learners in different study levels. Here are some of the best topics to consider in this category.

  • Explain vibrational spectroscopy
  • Discuss chemistry and quantum mechanics
  • What is electronic spectroscopy?
  • Discuss multielectron atoms
  • Discuss the Schrodinger Equation
  • Explain applications in Kinetics
  • Discuss the Entropy laws
  • Describe the major gas properties
  • Discuss the harmonic & anharmonic oscillator
  • Explain heteroatomic or chemical bonding

Students that are pursuing physical chemistry topics can also find interesting chemistry topics for presentation in this category.

Biochemistry Topics

When looking for chemistry related topics, learners can consider ideas for their papers and essays in biochemistry. Here are some of the best chemistry topics for project in biochemistry.

  • Explain fatty acids metabolism
  • Explain the structure and role of proteins
  • What is enzymes kinetics?
  • Describe the cell metabolism processes
  • Explain the DNA replication & repair processes
  • Discuss the analysis of nucleic acid
  • Describe the structure & role of carbohydrates
  • What role do lipids play in biological systems?
  • Explain the special properties that water has
  • What is the function of protein- Explain its key principles

These are some of the best chemistry project topics to consider in biochemistry. But, every learner should select a topic they are comfortable researching and writing about.

Whether a student needs chemistry IA topics or the best AP chemistry topics, they have many options to consider. Nevertheless, every learner should settle for an interesting chemistry topic to have an easy time researching and writing their paper or essay. Also, take a look at our ecology topics .

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  • 600 EPQ Ideas – The Ultimate List For an A*

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

So, this is it. You’ve decided to do an EPQ and now you’re sitting at a blank computer screen with the entire spectrum of human knowledge at your disposal. You could write about any topic on any subject in the dizzying realms of the known universe. But there’s just one problem… how do you begin?

An EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) allows A-Level students to write either a 5,000 word essay on any question or subject of their choice. Alternatively, students can create an artefact or product, and write a shorter essay explaining it. The EPQ is equivalent to half an A-Level.

EPQs are a fantastic way of proving to universities that you are the best prospective student for them, and that you deserve a place on one of their courses. An EPQ requires a huge amount of independent research (which proves that you can handle university-style work) and allows you to showcase your original thoughts and academic rigour, which is exactly what universities are looking for.

Even more importantly, an EPQ counts for extra UCAS points . This means that if you don’t get the grades you expect at A-Level, a strong EPQ grade could help you meet the conditions of a university place offer. Feeling inspired now? We’ve got 600 EPQ ideas for multiple different subjects, to get those ideas rolling.

What are some top EPQ ideas for a guaranteed A*?

Some strong EPQ ideas for a guaranteed A* are specific and original topics like “Should parents be allowed to genetically change their child’s gender” for an EPQ in medicine, and “Is the media making suicide aspirational?”, for a psychology EPQ.

You could also consider EPQ questions like, “Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified?” for History, and “Should we legalise human organ trade?” for Economics.

We’ve got a list of 600 EPQ ideas for a guaranteed A*, so scroll down and get inspired. We’ve searched all over the internet and interviewed students to get the most pressing topics for each subject. You should just use these EPQ ideas to give you an idea of what you could research, and it’s up to you to come up with your own title.

EPQ Ideas For Medicine

  • Is gene therapy ethical?
  • Should parents be allowed to genetically alter their child’s gender?
  • Can cannabis use in adolescence cause schizophrenia?
  • To what extent does the sugar tax reduce sugar consumption in the UK?
  • Why are the death-rates from Covid-19 worse in places with higher air pollution?
  • Why does emetophobia primarily affect women?
  • Could the legalisation of cannabis improve mental health?
  • Should we allow only UK citizens to use the NHS?
  • Can plastic surgery ever solve body dysmorphic disorder?
  • Do care home environments worsen the affects of Dementia and Alzheimer’s?
  • What are the links between obesity and parents criticizing their children’s bodies?
  • If a woman who wanted a child freezes her eggs and then happens to die, should a relative be allowed to use her eggs to conceive a child?
  • Is it right that mothers of Down’s syndrome babies are allowed to abort them up until birth?
  • Are anti-depressants a quick fix problem in an overwhelmed healthcare system?
  • Should the NHS provide IVF for women over 40?
  • To what extent are Black women discriminated against when giving birth?
  • Should counsellors have a qualification in psychology before being allowed to practice?
  • Why are girls so chronically misdiagnosed when it comes to autism?
  • Did the ancient Egyptians have a comprehensive understanding of mental health and illness?
  • Could electroshock therapy be the most effective method of treating depression?
  • Should we prioritise ICU places to people with children and dependents?
  • What are the similarities between Reactive Attachment Disorder and Autism?
  • A study of medical practices in North Korea
  • A comparison of different cancer treatments: surgical removals and chemotherapy to immunotherapies.
  • Is hypnotherapy ever a viable anaesthetic for surgery?

Students interested in taking medicine further should consider studying at one of our award winning Medicine Summer Schools to strengthen their application.

EPQ Ideas for Psychology

  • Is the media making suicide aspirational for young people?
  • To what extent does having social workers intervene in a family affect a child’s life outcomes?
  • Is talking therapy nearly ineffective for treating panic disorder?
  • Should children be allowed to decide if they can be taken into care?
  • Are the children of alcoholics more likely to become hoarders?
  • Is there a link between undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and alcoholism?
  • Can non-violent psychopaths have successful relationships?
  • Given how they change behaviour, should advertising and marketing be made illegal?
  • How has social media altered our brains since its inception?
  • Does the Stanford Prison Experiment prove that we should promote rehabilitation over punitive incarceration?
  • Are attachment issues in neglected children irreversible?
  • Can unschooling be classed as child neglect?
  • Can authoritarian parenting styles lead to overeating in adulthood?
  • Is technology making us more depressed?
  • Do gender-neutral toys lead to children with less stereotypical views of gender roles?
  • Can music help ease the effects of Dementia?
  • What are the long term effects of bullying?
  • Can studying people’s behaviours pre-suicide help prevent suicide?
  • Should crime-predicting algorithms be banned for their bias?
  • A study of the effects of living in an overcrowded household during Covid-19 lockdown.
  • Do memories alter when we recall them?
  • How does intergenerational trauma effect cortisol levels?
  • Do the negative affects of racism begin in the womb?
  • What can Savant Syndrome tell us about the multi-faceted nature of intelligence?
  • Do all humans have some level of body dysmorphia?

EPQ ideas for Law

  • Should defendants be allowed to represent themselves?
  • Is the internet an ungovernable wilderness when it comes to Law?
  • Why secret trials are a form of abuse
  • Should CCTV be made illegal?
  • Is the use of juries inevitably flawed when it comes to reaching a just verdict?
  • Should mass media be banned from high profile investigations?
  • Should we replace juries with AI-powered robots?
  • Should Donald Trump go to prison?
  • Could the police be classed as a gang in America?
  • How we can stop criminalising victims of sex trafficking.
  • Should we bring back the death penalty?
  • How much should a child’s desire to live with one parent or another affect the court’s decision?
  • Should people who see child abuse but don’t report it be subject to the law?
  • Should male partners sue their female partners for abortion?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory for everyone?
  • When should one country legally intervene in another, when it comes to human rights abuses?
  • Should marriage be banned until the age of 21?
  • Should lie detector results be legalised in UK courts?
  • Could the government be legally obliged to pay women for their unpaid labour that contributes to the economy?
  • If embryos are capable of feelings and sensations, should abortion be forbidden at any stage?
  • Should minors trafficked to the UK from a dangerous country or situation be given immediate residency?
  • Could euthanasia be legalised, whether or not someone is critically ill and close to death?
  • Should parents be legally obliged to leave money to their children?
  • Should the inheritance tax be abolished?
  • Should people with dual citizenship automatically receive diplomatic protection from both countries?

Students interested in becoming a lawyer should consider studying at one of our Law Summer Schools on campus at top UK and US universities.

EPQ ideas for primary school teaching

  • Should boys receive exclusive lessons on feminism in primary school?
  • How can we teach primary school students about internet safety?
  • How can we teach primary school students about their rights over their own bodies?
  • Is the way we teach obesity in school harmful to overweight or obese children?
  • Is the Education system indoctrinating students?
  • The importance of girls in primary school having role models in STEM.
  • Why banning mobile phones in school does more harm than good.
  • Why our education system fails to pick up students with dyspraxia.
  • Why we should allow students to move around the classroom as they learn.
  • Is the Montessori childrearing method of any use in mainstream primary school?
  • Should every school have access to a Forest School?
  • Why primary schools should teach skills such as cooking and home management to every child.
  • Are school uniforms too institutionalising for children?
  • Should school uniforms be enforced as a way of giving children routine?
  • The importance of failing well.
  • Should school be only three days a week?
  • Should children be able to choose what subjects they want to study at any time?
  • How exams unfairly disadvantage girls in primary school.
  • Should we abolish sets in primary school?
  • How can we teach healthy eating to children?
  • How can we teach anti-racism to primary school students?
  • A study of anxiety disorders in primary school students due to Covid-19.
  • How the education system can better accommodate students with high-functioning autism.
  • Why we need a better understanding of selective mutism in primary school.
  • Should primary schools in the UK become bilingual to enhance language learning?

EPQ ideas for Secondary School Teaching

  • Should school start and end later for teenagers?
  • Why students should never have to ask to go the bathroom.
  • Could a four day school week improve mental health among secondary school students?
  • Is the secondary school curriculum creative enough?
  • Why we should be teaching healthy communication to secondary school students.
  • Should parents be allowed to choose for their children not to receive sex education?
  • Should sports be compulsory at secondary school?
  • When does strict teaching become bullying?
  • Should modern languages be compulsory at secondary school?
  • Could Pathological Demand Avoidance explain why students who are bright aren’t meeting their potential?
  • Should we ban school uniform in secondary school?
  • Should we decolonise the secondary school curriculum?
  • Are their enough teachers of colour in secondary schools?
  • What is the effect of divorce on a student’s learning and development?
  • How to narrow the technology poverty gap among secondary school students.
  • How to create educational support for looked-after children.
  • How does having less money than your peers affect your identity as a secondary school student?
  • The effects of overcrowded and poor housing on educational attainment.
  • The effects of homelessness and insecure housing on educational attainment.
  • What effect does the assessment and exam structure in UK schools have on students’ mental health?
  • Are exams an unfair form of assessment for students with a specific learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyspraxia?
  • How does ADHD link to cleverness and giftedness in students?
  • Is our method of diagnosing autism in students informed enough?
  • How can we tackle perfectionism and fear of failure in female students?
  • Do exams unfairly advantage boys, and why?

EPQ ideas for Biology

  • Why we don’t have enough evidence for evolution.
  • Is Covid-19 more deadly than Ebola?
  • Are animals as intelligent as humans?
  • Is abortion murder?
  • Is homosexuality genetic or social?
  • What can the oldest living creature on earth teach us about biological immortality?
  • Does incest always create biological issues?
  • The use of parasites in weight loss attempts
  • How long would it take you to die if you ate the same thing and nothing else for years?
  • What causes diseases in trees?
  • Could we ever grow food on walls?
  • If your spouse died, what would the ethical implications be of cloning them?
  • A study on identity crises in identical twins.
  • Is obesity a genetic issue?
  • How does sepsis attack the body?
  • Will artificial hearts ever be a viable solution to chronic heart problems?
  • Could brain transplants ever be a viable option?
  • How do certain drugs affect cellular interactions?
  • A study of courting behaviours in different species.
  • How did different cellular mechanisms regulate different physiological processes?
  • Is obesity a modern phenomenon?
  • Can gene therapy cure Cystic Fibrosis?
  • Can gut microbiota influence host appetite?
  • What is the impact of invasive species on ecosystems?
  • What is the biology of laughter?

EPQ Ideas for History

  • Why poor dental hygiene in the middle ages was a myth.
  • Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Justified?
  • Is it right to topple the statues of slave owners, in order to erase history?
  • Who does history belong to?
  • Why did the USA join World War Two so late?
  • How have male and female romantic relationships changed over time?
  • How has the role of marriage changed over time?
  • Should a country be allowed to teach its own history?
  • How did the British Empire expand so much?
  • Should museums return all their historical artefacts to their country of origin?
  • Were the Suffragettes the biggest force in women getting the vote?
  • Is religious warfare ever Justified?
  • How medieval fashion influences our outfits today
  • Was Anne Boleyn the main reason that Henry VII left the Catholic church?
  • Did Henry VII suffer from a genetic disease that prevented him from conceiving healthy children?
  • Why do we hold on to so many myths in History?
  • A study of propaganda in History textbooks in UK history.
  • Why is History important to the future?
  • To what extent did the purchase of commissions affect the fighting power of the British army between 1760-1860?
  • What is the validity of historical fiction and romance?
  • How did secret churches operate in Mao’s China?
  • How did 19th Century attitudes towards madness affect society’s treatment of ‘hysterical’ women?
  • What is the holocaust’s relationship with literature?
  • Were the liquidators who helped clean up the Chernobyl explosion used as human collateral?
  • How did the pill help women’s liberation?

EPQ Ideas For Economics

  • From an economic perspective, should we legalise human organ trade?
  • Can an increase of wealth directly influence happiness levels?
  • Could stock analysts be replaced by artificial intelligence?
  • How do socio-economic factors determine someone’s health in adulthood?
  • Who is to blame for the 2008 financial crisis?
  • Is illicit trade with China the only factor preventing the North Korean economy from total collapse?
  • How would we recover economically if the internet ceased to exist?
  • How did the 2008 financial crisis make house buying impossible for the majority of millennials?
  • Is the poverty trap impossible to get out of?
  • Can we compare the trickle-down economy to a pyramid scheme?
  • Does a lack of wealth in childhood really hold you back in life?
  • Is the gig economy leading to job insecurity a myth?
  • To what extent does women’s unpaid labour prop up the UK economy?
  • How has Brexit affected the UK economy?
  • Should we legalise a Universal Basic Income?
  • How quickly did the UK economy recover from the effects of World War Two?
  • Are all socialist economies doomed to fail?
  • How would the legalisation of Marijuana affect the world economy?
  • How does a lack of free speech negatively affect China’s economy?
  • Should there be a minimum wage?
  • Should there be a maximum wage?
  • Should billionaires be allowed to exist?
  • How has the global demand for oil changed over time?
  • What effect does illegal immigration have on the UK economy?
  • Why a lack of childcare support for women hurts the economy.

EPQ Ideas for Business Studies

  • Should businesses expanding to developing countries be forced to pay their employees the same amount they would at home?
  • What does Foxconn show about the human cost of business?
  • How should we hold businesses to account for unethical behaviour?
  • Should we have a single, global currency?
  • How can companies become more eco-friendly?
  • Should we lower the corporate income tax?
  • Will Google kill the journalism industry?
  • Why apprenticeships should pay more
  • Why every business leader should take a course in empathy.
  • How successful is it when businesses rebrand?
  • Should companies interfere in their employees’ private lives?
  • How churches like Hillsong became multi-million pound businesses.
  • Should CEOs have a salary limit?
  • Is the American government a big business?
  • How has e-commerce affected bookshops?
  • Does corporate social responsibility have an impact on company sales and profits?
  • A study of businesswomen in the 18th Century
  • When do business marketing practices become unethical?
  • Should multi-million pound businesses have taken advantage of the government’s furlough scheme during the Covid-19 lockdown?
  • How do corporations influence politics?
  • Should a business ever own a town or city?
  • Start your own small business – perhaps on eBay or Etsy – and write your EPQ on an aspect of it.
  • Should private healthcare be allowed to exist?
  • Could marketing be considered a mass human experiment?
  • To what extent does colour effect audience response to branding and logos?

If you want to study economics, business or marketing to a higher level, consider joining Oxford Royale this summer for a Business Summer School .

EPQ Ideas for English Literature

  • The evil stepmothers in fairy tales were actually mothers in the original texts. What does this tell us about society’s anxieties and perspectives on motherhood?
  • To what extent is the state of Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale based on real life?
  • Is writing an act of magic?
  • Can works of literature oppress their fictional, female characters?
  • Can the mistranslation of literature create a liminal world – a place that is not quite one thing and not quite another?
  • What does the rise of the digital book teach us about literature?
  • Can we ever ‘eat’ literature?
  • Do you need to be able to read and write to be an author?
  • Are stories living things?
  • Discuss the gender politics in George Eliot’s Middlemarch.
  • How is the sensory experience of dyslexia presented in literature?
  • Is English Literature considered a ‘feminine’ subject?
  • As an English student, is it your job to always work out what an author means?
  • Is the author dead?
  • Could journalists be replaced by AI-reporters?
  • Do we need to overhaul the literary canon?
  • Do we really need spelling and punctuation in literature?
  • Should mass media be allowed to be biased?
  • How helpful is the idea of literary genres to understanding a text?
  • How George Orwell hid his dissenting view of communism in Animal Farm.
  • Why learning to read is a human right.
  • Can a novel ever be timeless?
  • Does literary form exist just so that writers can subvert it?
  • Is rhythm in a poem a separate language?
  • Explore Plath’s portrayal of depression in The Bell Jar.

EPQ ideas for Art

  • Should Banksy be allowed to graffiti on walls?
  • Who decides the value of art, and should we standardise it?
  • Has photography always been a form of art?
  • To what extent is mathematics art?
  • Why do people consider art to be an easy subject?
  • Can art reverse the effects of mental illness?
  • Can anything be art?
  • Is all graffiti a form of art?
  • Why the common perception of medieval people being bad at art is misguided.
  • How does the commercialisation of the art industry change art itself?
  • How does the perception of a career in art as worthless affect the life choices of students?
  • Does an audience’s gaze change a piece of art?
  • Are art and beauty essentially related?
  • Is art supposed to be a visual and sensory experience, or something that we think about and define a meaning for?
  • Who decides that a piece of art is ‘good’?
  • Does art have a purpose?
  • Can art help fight climate change?
  • Why does it matter that children are exposed to art?
  • What is the effect of producing art on a child’s brain?
  • If nobody ever saw your artwork, would it be worth creating?
  • Does a piece of art necessarily have a relationship with its creator, or can it detach itself?
  • Is art a language?
  • What does the disdain for modern art teach us about people’s stereotypes of art?
  • Are philosophers artists?
  • Could the world itself count as a work of art?

EPQ Ideas for Foreign Languages

  • Where did language come from?
  • Do idioms prove that languages can never truly be translated?
  • Is body language universal across all countries?
  • Should everyone be made to learn sign language?
  • Why did Esperanto fail as a language policy?
  • Which is the hardest language to learn and why?
  • Do multi-lingual children grow up to be more economically successful?
  • Why does having dyspraxia make language learning difficult?
  • Should the whole world be made to speak one language?
  • How does an influx of immigration alter the language of a region?
  • What is the effect of trading on local dialects?
  • Should everyone be made to learn a foreign language at school?
  • What does the Korean language, when compared in North and South Korea, teach us about the evolution of language?
  • Is there such a thing as a ‘correct’ way of speaking a language, when languages never stop evolving with culture?
  • Could a language be classed as a living thing?
  • Why is English such a dominant language across the world?
  • Is Latin a dead language?
  • What caused the English language to evolve so drastically over time?
  • What is the hardest language to learn, and why?
  • What does baby-talk in different foreign countries teach us about the acquisition of language?
  • Why does China have several dialects, but only one alphabet?
  • Did grammar always exist?
  • What is the link between being good at maths and being good at language learning?
  • Why are young children such natural language learners?
  • Is learning a language cultural appropriation?

EPQ Ideas for Sport

  • How sports stars experience an identity crisis after they retire
  • Should soldiers be paid more than footballers?
  • How do psychological factors influence performance in sport?
  • What do fans react to their team winning a football match as though they won it themselves?
  • Are national and international sports a misuse of resources?
  • How does struggling with sports in primary school affect children’s self esteem?
  • Should women be allowed to compete against men in professional sports?
  • Is the ability to run fast purely a genetic advantage?
  • Why do we fail to take women’s sports seriously as a society?
  • Should children be forced to do sports in school?
  • How can the presence of media affect the outcome of a game?
  • Should referees be replaced by AI-powered robots, to decrease bias?
  • How does a lack of female representation in sport prevent girls from seeking it out as a career?
  • What is the effect of parents’ motivation a child’s enjoyment of sport?
  • What are the long term effects of the Olympics on the host country’s tourism?
  • How does a lack of ability at sports correlate to bullying?
  • Why do we have less interest in women’s sports?
  • A history of sport in pandemics
  • How does a long-term sports injury affect an athlete’s mental health?
  • Can a star athlete succeed without a coach?
  • Should cheerleaders be banned?
  • Is racism being taken seriously in sport?
  • Can you still be a top athlete with a poor diet?
  • Who decides when something is a sport?
  • Why is netball predominantly considered to be a sport for women?

EPQ Ideas for Architecture

  • How does the design of a building influence its inhabitants emotions?
  • Should city-dwellers without gardens be given free access to national parks at all times?
  • What is the link between Brutalist style architecture and anxiety and depression?
  • What is the link between mathematics and art in Architecture?
  • How is a building affected by the people who live in it?
  • How does the style of council housing feed into class stereotypes?
  • Can architecture cause social dysfunction?
  • Would smart cities be a breach of privacy?
  • Could we create a building the size of a city, to house an entire population?
  • Make an architectural model of a zero-carbon home and write an essay describing how its functions avoid the use of carbon.
  • Should the local government have the right to pull down a building if the community who live there oppose it?
  • Is it ethical to spend millions of pounds creating a building in a city with high levels of quality?
  • Were houses built in the 1930s of superior quality?
  • Should councils have been allowed to remove tenement dwellers from their homes in the post-war era, when the enforced move was traumatic?
  • Can we adapt Japanese smart space efficient buildings to western buildings?
  • What were the influences on architecture in China?
  • How did communism during Mao’s China change the country’s cityscapes?
  • How can we build environmentally-friendly housing in LEDCs?
  • Can zero carbon housing ever really exist?
  • Should public playgrounds exist for people of every age?
  • Was Grenfell tower a total architectural failure?
  • What house styles in different areas tell us about gender forms of the time.
  • How does technology affect architecture?
  • What was the effect of feminism on architecture?
  • Should houses worth over a million pounds be built with some benefit to the whole neighbourhood?

Join our Oxford Architecture Summer School for the chance to learn architecture amongst the dreaming spires of the city of Oxford.

EPQ ideas for Maths

  • Is the golden ratio a racist idea?
  • What is the maths behind cryptocurrencies?
  • What are the links between foreign language learning and maths?
  • What are the links between mathematics and art?
  • Has maths always existed?
  • How can we use statistical analysis to predict a child’s outcomes in life?
  • Should children be forced to take maths at A-Level in the UK?
  • Should maths be optional at secondary school in the UK?
  • Why do some people say that maths is beautiful?
  • Does money really exist?
  • An exploration of chaos theory.
  • Can maths explain how the universe came into existence?
  • How can calculations improve the safety of commuters who cycle in Oxford over the next 5 years?
  • Explore conflict and co-operation in The Prisoner’s Dilemma.
  • Which is more important, e or pi?
  • Can we calculate infinity?
  • An exploration of orbital mechanics.
  • Is maths a pointless subject if we don’t apply it to something?
  • Is learning Maths more important than learning English in primary school?
  • What was the role of maths in the code-breaking of Bletchley Park?
  • How do fractals work in modelling systems?
  • Can we reverse dyscalculia?
  • Can mathematical systems ever be illogical?
  • Did people discover maths?
  • Could maths ever prove the existence of a parallel universe?

Those keen on studying maths in the heart of the silicon valley can join our Mathematics programme for 15-18 year olds on campus at our Berkeley Summer School in 2024.

EPQ ideas for Physics

  • How does String Theory explain the universe?
  • How can physics help us prevent climate change?
  • What is the relationships between maths and physics?
  • What was the role of Mileva Maric Einstein, Albert Einstein’s wife, in his scientific findings?
  • Build a quadcopter with remote control.
  • How can emergency whistles be optimised for design and use in rural environments?
  • What would happen to the solar system when the sun dies?
  • How can physics help us provide electricity to parts of rural India?
  • Is time an illusion?
  • Discuss the different interpretations of quantum mechanics.
  • Could humans ever live on Mars?
  • Design and build a functioning robot.
  • How soon will we have flying cars?
  • What are some feasible methods for cleaning up space junk?
  • Where did the universe come from?
  • How can physics prove the existence of God?
  • How did Einstein’s theory of relativity influence Physics?
  • Now that NASA has confirmed there is water on the moon, could it be a feasible tourist destination?
  • Given their devastating effects, should we eliminate nuclear weapons from the earth?
  • What contributed to the Cleddau bridge disaster?
  • How can we solve the pay gap in the field of physics?
  • A study of star formation and star death.
  • Is time travel possible?
  • How far can humans realistically explore space?
  • Mathematical knot theory and its applications.

EPQ ideas for Chemistry

  • What was the impact of optical isomerism in the drug Thalidomide, which led to fetal abnormalities?
  • An assessment of the safety of fluoride in water.
  • To what extent did the government in Louisiana cover up the danger of the petrochemical plants in Louisiana’s ‘cancer alley’?
  • Should Aspartame (E951) be allowed in our food and drink?
  • When do chemicals become hallucinogens?
  • An assessment of hydrogen storage within Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs).
  • An extraction of limonene from citrus fruits.
  • Make a collection of esters that smell pleasant.
  • Will graphene have a significant influence on the future?
  • To what extent have inventions in Chemical Engineering impacted our lives?
  • As assessment of the total synthesis of natural products.
  • An experiment in polymer chemistry.
  • An assessment of molecular dynamics
  • An assessment of solid state structure
  • Could we ever create a plastic that decomposes?
  • A research project on hydrogen fuel cells
  • Why doesn’t plastic decompose?
  • What are the chemical processes behind purifying water?
  • An exploration of the chemistry behind food allergies in humans?
  • What are the chemicals involved in human attraction?
  • How does cortisol affect the human body?
  • Should pesticides be ethically permissible?
  • What are the advantages of computer aided fragment based drug design?
  • How can click chemistry be used to improve drug synthesis?
  • How has the discovery of pharmaceutical chemicals changed over the past 200 years?

EPQ ideas for Engineering

  • Should we teach Engineering in primary school?
  • Why is there a gender imbalance in Engineering, and how can we fix it?
  • Is there an oversaturation of engineers in India, and if so, why?
  • Was everything in the world built by an engineer?
  • Do we need to expand our definition of engineer?
  • Can Engineering solve the mystery of Malaysian Airlines flight 370?
  • Can Engineering explain the disappearance of Emilia Earhart?
  • Did Engineering faults contribute to the sinking of the titanic.
  • Build your own model plane, boat or high altitude balloon.
  • Could hot air balloons become a mainstream method of travel?
  • Discuss the hydraulics paradox.
  • How have innovations in airframe design increased safety in commercial aircraft?
  • How do architects and engineers collaborate?
  • Should we be allowed to develop robots that can mimic human emotion?
  • What would it mean for an engineer to be ethical when building something?
  • How has Civil Engineering changed over time?
  • How can chemical engineers improve energy efficiency?
  • How could alterations in chemical Engineering have prevented the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?
  • As assessment of the sustainability of London’s tube system.
  • How much of our countryside should we sacrifice for better transport links?
  • Will we have enough oil for future generations?
  • Would energy provided entirely by a wind farm system run the UK economy?
  • What are the reasons for the pay gap in Engineering, and how can we solve them?
  • How can we get pre-school children interested in Engineering?
  • Design a system to enhance plastic recycling.

Prospective engineers can join our Engineering Summer Schools for a two-week immersion in the core principles of the subject.

EPQ ideas for Computer Science

  • Why we should teach children how to code at the same time we teach them to write.
  • Create a website design and code it.
  • Is one coding language superior to another?
  • How can we reduce computer illiteracy in poorer areas?
  • Why internet access is a human right.
  • Are AI-driven robots responsible for their own actions?
  • Are Ai-assessed job interviews inevitably biased?
  • How soon will handwriting become totally irrelevant?
  • Are companies upskilling fast enough to cope with the digital demands of Covid-19?
  • It’s more important to learn to code than to learn to write
  • Is Computer Science a more relevant subject than Physics?
  • How will quantum computers change our way of life?
  • Should silicon valley companies be criminalised for our widespread addiction to technology?
  • What would happen if all technology was wiped out?
  • Will we ever be able to search Google through a microchip in our brains?
  • What new jobs will Ai create in the next ten years?
  • What is increased automation doing to our jobs?
  • Develop your own game.
  • Should we allow AI-writing assistants like Grammarly to change the way we express ourselves?
  • What are the positive effects of machine learning on healthcare?
  • How does AI differ from human intelligence?
  • Is it ethical to use social care robots to alleviate loneliness?
  • Is it ethical to create an app which offers you an AI friend?
  • What is the most efficient way to track down cyber criminals?
  • How do cyber criminals cover their tracks on the internet?

EPQ ideas for Ethics

  • Should people be able to sue their parents for bringing them into the world?
  • Do men automatically have the right to be present at their child’s birth?
  • Should we be allowed to dispose of spare embryos in IVF?
  • Should we be allowed to use embryos for stem cell research?
  • Should machines with AI have their own rights?
  • Are Siri and Alexa slaves?
  • Should we be allowed to mix human and animal DNA?
  • Should we be allowed to clone humans?
  • Do we have the right to experiment on animals?
  • Do we have the right to visit other planets and the moon?
  • Should a father have rights over an unborn child?
  • Should there be an assessment process before people have children?
  • Is sterilisation unethical in every circumstance?
  • Should we be allowed to cuddle babies if they can’t give verbal consent?
  • Should an embryo have protected rights under the law?
  • Do we have the right to prevent someone from committing suicide?
  • The disturbing eugenics around birth control
  • Should parents be allowed to edit out genetic conditions before a child’s birth?
  • Should testing fetuses for Down’s Syndrome be legal?
  • Are our moral decisions innate or socially conditioned?
  • Should we have the right to decide when life begins?
  • If you need a heart transplant and you’re hoping for a heart, does that mean you’re hoping for someone else to die?
  • Should we put a limit on the number of children people have?
  • Does the means justify the end?

EPQ ideas for Politics

  • Why has the USA never had a female president?
  • If we colonised Mars, who would govern it?
  • Has Great Britain lost its status as a world power?
  • Are the government’s counter-terror policies effective?
  • Is it acceptable to teach British values in primary schools?
  • How does nepotism negatively affect politics?
  • How has Donald Trump changed politics?
  • Should there be universal freedom of information?
  • Why did Brexit happen?
  • What are the dangerous effects of conspiracy theories like Q-Anon on the public?
  • Should it be illegal to publicly shame politicians?
  • Will there ever be a viable mid-ground between socialism and capitalism?
  • Would global governance be a better policy than individual governments?
  • How are female politicians and prime ministers perceived?
  • Should there be freedom of speech at all costs?
  • Should countries be allowed to ban religion?
  • An assessment of the case for anarchy.
  • Should the UK’s land belong to everyone?
  • An analysis of political cartoons in the UK
  • Should everyone have to vote by law?
  • Should politics be taught in primary school?
  • Should everyone be made to take politics in secondary school?
  • Should National Service be mandatory in Singapore?
  • How did the war on drugs affect inner city US communities?
  • How was Twitter revolutionised politics?

Sociology EPQ ideas

  • How can we reverse stereotypes over drug use and misuse in different communities?
  • What is the impact of the media on our perception of women from Muslim communities?
  • Evaluate Marx’s account on the origins of the industrial revolution in Britain?
  • Is it fair for today’s feminists to criticise the lack of gender commentary in classical sociology?
  • How do human ideas, customs and behaviour come together to make culture?
  • How do gender, class, race and sexuality affect us and our social relations today?
  • A study of the effects of polyamorous family settings on children.
  • Have sociologists neglected emotion in their studies of human behaviour?
  • Do emotions come from society, or from within us?
  • How do different models of socialisation affect children?
  • Are eating disorders a social phenomenon?
  • Should we ban face-altering apps?
  • Should teenage pregnancy be so vilified?
  • Can upbringing create a narcissist?
  • Is perfectionism more prevalent in girls than boys, and how does that relate to the way we socialise either gender?
  • Should we ban gendered toys?
  • How can we assuage the social causes of substance abuse?
  • An exploration of the sociology of food.
  • Is it right to try and get someone out of a cult?
  • How racial segregation in cities enforces poverty, and prevents upward mobility.
  • What is the relationship between race and class?
  • The effects of interracial marriage in the 1950s.
  • The cultural diaspora of mixed race children.
  • How Disney made princesses key role models for girls.
  • Should weddings have to be registered to be legal?

EPQ ideas for Geography

  • How did Hurricane Catrina change the New Orleans community?
  • Is there such a thing as collective trauma after a natural disaster?
  • Does the earth belong more to humans than animals?
  • To what extent should be allow deforestation?
  • A study on how we will survive and adapt to climate change in 3020.
  • Does the way we categorise developing countries increase stereotypes?
  • How have the demand for super-crops impacted the agricultural systems in the countries where we grow them?
  • Should companies be allowed to expand to developing countries if they won’t pay workers the same wage as at home?
  • How does tourism affect a country’s culture?
  • Should all new houses be built with solar panels?
  • How can we reduce the effects of coastal erosion?
  • How has global warming changed the world’s physical features?
  • What are the socio-economic and political implications of migration policies for the UK?
  • Should borders between countries exist?
  • Are countries doing enough to meet their MDG targets?
  • Can a country ever become fully developed?
  • How does living as an illegal immigrant affect mental and physical health?
  • To what extent is global warming caused by human beings?
  • Was the civil war in Syria caused by climatic factors?
  • Could the National Geographic be considered exploitative?
  • A comparison of two earthquakes in different decades. to observe how advances in technology have impacted responses.
  • How does climate change affect different biomes and ecosystems around the world?
  • What are the environmental and social impacts of natural gas fracking?
  • A prototype for the generation of sustainable energy.
  • The effects of littering on marine health.

EPQ ideas for Religious Studies

  • Why materialism can’t disprove the existence of God.
  • Why science and religion are part of the same entity.
  • Paley provides the best argument to issues surrounding the existence of God.
  • To what extent can Freud’s view of religion and God be said to be accurate?
  • Is C.S Lewis’ claim that atheism is weaker than theism correct?
  • Is the belief in nothing still a belief?
  • Can we reach God through the via negativa?
  • Is atheism just ignorance?
  • Can we prove that the universe exists outside our mind?
  • Is the Catholic catechism biblical truth?
  • How did the history of the church shape our society today?
  • Should Religious Studies be compulsory in primary school?
  • The existence of life on earth is evidence of the existence of a higher being.
  • How do you explain the goodness of God in the light of the world’s evil?
  • What are the boundaries between a cult and a religion?
  • Should the church always be subject to the government?
  • Should the Queen be head of the protestant church?
  • Should the church form its own political party?
  • Are expensive religious buildings insensitive to those living in poverty?
  • Does baptising a baby save its soul?
  • Should politicians interfere in religious conflicts?
  • Is religion nothing more than a comfort blanket against death?
  • Can you ever justify taking a life?
  • Is religion the same as morality?
  • Is religion just a set of rules disguised as something greater?

So, there you have it. 600 EPQ ideas to enhance your passion and imagination for this exciting qualification. Now get ready to kickstart your academic future with an amazing EPQ idea of your own. Don’t forget to fill out that activity log as you go along!

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How to Craft Your Ideal Thesis Research Topic

How to Craft Your Ideal Thesis Research Topic

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chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Catherine Miller

Writing your undergraduate thesis is probably one of the most interesting parts of studying, especially because you get to choose your area of study. But as both a student and a teacher who’s helped countless students develop their research topics, I know this freedom can be just as intimidating as it is liberating.

Fortunately, there’a a step-by-step process you can follow that will help make the whole process a lot easier. In this article, I’ll show you how to choose a unique, specific thesis topic that’s true to your passions and interests, while making a contribution to your field.

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

Choose a topic that you’re interested in

First things first: double-check with your teachers or supervisor if there are any constraints on your research topic. Once your parameters are clear, it’s time to identify what lights you up — after all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time thinking about it.

Within your field of study, you probably already have some topics that have grabbed your attention more than others. This can be a great place to start. Additionally, consider using the rest of your academic and extra-curricular interests as a source of ideas. At this stage, you only need a broad topic before you narrow it down to a specific question. 

If you’re feeling stuck, here are some things to try:

  • Look back through old course notes to remind yourself of topics you previously covered. Do any of these inspire you?
  • Talk to potential supervisors about your ideas, as they can point you toward areas you might not have considered.
  • Think about the things you enjoy in everyday life — whether that’s cycling, cinema, cooking, or fashion — then consider if there are any overlaps with your field of study.
  • Imagine you have been asked to give a presentation or record a podcast in the next three days. What topics would you feel confident discussing?
  • Watch a selection of existing lectures or explainer videos, or listen to podcasts by experts in your field. Note which topics you feel curious to explore further.
  • Discuss your field of study with teachers friends and family, some with existing knowledge and some without. Which aspects do you enjoy talking about? 

By doing all this, you might uncover some unusual and exciting avenues for research. For example, when writing my Master’s dissertation, I decided to combine my field of study (English teaching methodology) with one of my passions outside work (creative writing). In my undergraduate course, a friend drew on her lived experience of disability to look into the literary portrayal of disability in the ancient world. 

Do your research

Once you’ve chosen your topic of interest, it’s time to dive into research. This is a really important part of this early process because it allows you to:

  • See what other people have written about the topic — you don’t want to cover the same old ground as everyone else.
  • Gain perspective on the big questions surrounding the topic. 
  • Go deeper into the parts that interest you to help you decide where to focus.
  • Start building your bibliography and a bank of interesting quotations. 

A great way to start is to visit your library for an introductory book. For example, the “A Very Short Introduction” series from the Oxford University Press provides overviews of a range of themes. Similar types of overviews may have the title “ A Companion to [Subject]” or “[Subject] A Student Companion”. Ask your librarian or teacher if you’re not sure where to begin. 

Your introductory volume can spark ideas for further research, and the bibliography can give you some pointers about where to go next. You can also use keywords to research online via academic sites like JStor or Google Scholar. Check which subscriptions are available via your institution.

At this stage, you may not wish to read every single paper you come across in full — this could take a very long time and not everything will be relevant. Summarizing software like Wordtune could be very useful here.

Just upload a PDF or link to an online article using Wordtune, and it will produce a summary of the whole paper with a list of key points. This helps you to quickly sift through papers to grasp their central ideas and identify which ones to read in full. 

Screenshot of Wordtune's summarizing tool

Get Wordtune for free > Get Wordtune for free >

You can also use Wordtune for semantic search. In this case, the tool focuses its summary around your chosen search term, making it even easier to get what you need from the paper.

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

As you go, make sure you keep organized notes of what you’ve read, including the author and publication information and the page number of any citations you want to use. 

Some people are happy to do this process with pen and paper, but if you prefer a digital method, there are several software options, including Zotero , EndNote , and Mendeley . Your institution may have an existing subscription so check before you sign up.

Narrowing down your thesis research topic

Now you’ve read around the topic, it’s time to narrow down your ideas so you can craft your final question. For example, when it came to my undergraduate thesis, I knew I wanted to write about Ancient Greek religion and I was interested in the topic of goddesses. So, I:

  • Did some wide reading around the topic of goddesses
  • Learned that the goddess Hera was not as well researched as others and that there were some fascinating aspects I wanted to explore
  • Decided (with my supervisor’s support) to focus on her temples in the Argive region of Greece

chemistry dissertation topic ideas

As part of this process, it can be helpful to consider the “5 Ws”: why, what, who, when, and where, as you move from the bigger picture to something more precise. 

Why did you choose this research topic?

Come back to the reasons you originally chose your theme. What grabbed you? Why is this topic important to you — or to the wider world? In my example, I knew I wanted to write about goddesses because, as a woman, I was interested in how a society in which female lives were often highly controlled dealt with having powerful female deities. My research highlighted Hera as one of the most powerful goddesses, tying into my key interest.

What are some of the big questions about your topic?

During your research, you’ll probably run into the same themes time and time again. Some of the questions that arise may not have been answered yet or might benefit from a fresh look. 

Equally, there may be questions that haven’t yet been asked, especially if you are approaching the topic from a modern perspective or combining research that hasn’t been considered before. This might include taking a post-colonial, feminist, or queer approach to older texts or bringing in research using new scientific methods.

In my example, I knew there were still controversies about why so many temples to the goddess Hera were built in a certain region, and was keen to explore these further.

Who is the research topic relevant to?

Considering the “who” might help you open up new avenues. Is there a particular audience you want to reach? What might they be interested in? Is this a new audience for this field? Are there people out there who might be affected by the outcome of this research — for example, people with a particular medical condition — who might be able to use your conclusions?

Which period will you focus on?

Depending on the nature of your field, you might be able to choose a timeframe, which can help narrow the topic down. For example, you might focus on historical events that took place over a handful of years, look at the impact of a work of literature at a certain point after its publication, or review scientific progress over the last five years. 

With my thesis, I decided to focus on the time when the temples were built rather than considering the hundreds of years for which they have existed, which would have taken me far too long.

Where does your topic relate to?

Place can be another means of narrowing down the topic. For example, consider the impact of your topic on a particular neighborhood, city, or country, rather than trying to process a global question. 

In my example, I chose to focus my research on one area of Greece, where there were lots of temples to Hera. This meant skipping other important locations, but including these would have made the thesis too wide-ranging.

Create an outline and get feedback

Once you have an idea of what you are going to write about, create an outline or summary and get feedback from your teacher(s). It’s okay if you don’t know exactly how you’re going to answer your thesis question yet, but based on your research you should have a rough plan of the key points you want to cover. So, for me, the outline was as follows:

  • Context: who was the goddess Hera?
  • Overview of her sanctuaries in the Argive region
  • Their initial development 
  • Political and cultural influences
  • The importance of the mythical past

In the final thesis, I took a strong view on why the goddess was so important in this region, but it took more research, writing, and discussion with my supervisor to pin down my argument.

To choose a thesis research topic, find something you’re passionate about, research widely to get the big picture, and then move to a more focused view. Bringing a fresh perspective to a popular theme, finding an underserved audience who could benefit from your research, or answering a controversial question can make your thesis stand out from the crowd.

For tips on how to start writing your thesis, don’t miss our advice on writing a great research abstract and a stellar literature review . And don’t forget that Wordtune can also support you with proofreading, making it even easier to submit a polished thesis.

How do you come up with a research topic for a thesis?

To help you find a thesis topic, speak to your professor, look through your old course notes, think about what you already enjoy in everyday life, talk about your field of study with friends and family, and research podcasts and videos to find a topic that is interesting for you. It’s a good idea to refine your topic so that it’s not too general or broad.  

Do you choose your own thesis topic?

Yes, you usually choose your own thesis topic. You can get help from your professor(s), friends, and family to figure out which research topic is interesting to you. 

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Scientists develop new battery-free lactic acid sensor

Scientists introduce a breakthrough carbon-based sensor for detecting lactic acid levels in saliva -- avoiding the need for an electrical power source.

Scientists at the University of Bath, (UK), working in collaboration with industrial partner, Integrated Graphene, have created a new type of chemosensor (demonstrated for lactic acid sensing) which functions with electricity but without the need for reference electrodes or battery power.

  • Scientists at the University of Bath, UK, introduce breakthrough carbon-based sensor for detecting lactic acid levels in saliva -- avoiding the need for an electrical power source.
  • Underpinned by a Gii-Sens electrode platform, the Gii chemosensor could have potential for highly sensitive lactic acid testing in remote locations without needing a lab.
  • Applications could include sports science settings, with immediate testing of athletes' lactic acid levels, and in medical care, such as tracking heart conditions.
  • New design potentially offers lower cost, better shelf-life, and ease of miniaturisation compared to enzyme-based sensors.

The sensor was proven to detect lactic acid, a byproduct generated by the body when it metabolises carbohydrates or glucose for fuel, for example, during exercise. High levels of lactic acid are linked with higher risks of falling unconscious or into a coma and major organ failure.

This opens up the possibility for an easy-to-use sensor to be used in remote locations, such as an athletics track, without the need for electricity-powered sensing equipment.

Currently, lactic acid is often measured with an enzyme test, which has a limited shelf life and requires battery powered sensing equipment. The new type of chemosensor, detailed in a paper published in ACS Sensors , instead measures lactic acid with a chemical method using a graphene foam electrode surface.

Referenced as 'Graphene Foam' in the paper, Gii-Sens, the technology underpinning the chemosensor, is an electrode produced by Integrated Graphene. Gii-Sens incorporates Gii™, a pure, porous, 3D carbon nanostructure that delivers low cost and avoids the use of unsustainable noble metals like gold.

When lactate binds to the sensor, it causes a change in the electrical signal -- or quantum capacitance -- of the carbon foam. The foam therefore detects low levels of lactic acid without consuming it by measuring changes in the electrical charging of Gii, allowing the monitoring of changes in levels. As it is a chemical rather than an enzyme-based sensor, it has a potentially lower cost, better shelf-life, and ease of miniaturisation.

Professor Frank Marken, lead author of the study at the University of Bath, said: "Just as your contactless credit card doesn't need an external power source to work because the proximity of the card reader is enough to power it -- in a similar way, this sensor could create a small, measurable electrical current when lactate binds to it."

"This sensor, using Gii-Sens technology, addresses some of the main limitations with non-wireless current lactic acid enzyme tests," said Professor Marken, "It will allow for a more simply operated sensor -- opening up the potential for more regular, less invasive and more reliable tracking of lactic acid, even during athlete performance."

Lactic acid tests have a number of important applications. In professional sports, lactic acid is tested to assess the athlete's response to different intensities and training regimes. By wirelessly tracking and subsequently improving the body's ability to transport and utilise lactate, athletes aim to improve their endurance and recovery.

It is also used in medical care to track heart conditions like myocardial infarctions, atrial fibrillation, and atherosclerosis. This is useful as elevated lactic acid levels can reduce the heart and blood vessel's ability to contract, impacting the hemodynamics for regular function.

Jean-Christophe Granier, Chief Executive Officer of Integrated Graphene, commented: "This development is another clear use case of Gii-Sens being integrated into sensing products and offering versatile applicability.

"The researcher's test results using our Gii-Sens electrode opens up the possibility of more accessible and reliable health monitoring in remote environments and we look forward to putting our highly sensitive Gii-Sens electrode at the heart of more groundbreaking innovations in the point of care diagnostics market."

  • Organic Chemistry
  • Energy Technology
  • Sports Science
  • Electricity
  • Wearable Technology
  • Electricity generation
  • Electric power transmission
  • Distributed generation
  • Hydroelectricity

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Materials provided by University of Bath . Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Simon M. Wikeley, Jakub Przybylowski, Jordan E. Gardiner, Tony D. James, Philip J. Fletcher, Mark A. Isaacs, Pablo Lozano-Sanchez, Marco Caffio, Frank Marken. Pyrene-Appended Boronic Acids on Graphene Foam Electrodes Provide Quantum Capacitance-Based Molecular Sensors for Lactate . ACS Sensors , 2024; 9 (3): 1565 DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.4c00027

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A chemist working at a computer, which is the final unit on top of a huge pile of computers hidden beneath the floor. They are wired up to a cobwebbed fume hood with glassware inside

Source: © Jason Ford @ Heart Agency

Why are computational chemists making up their data?

Hayley Bennett

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‘Synthetic data’ is being used in chemistry, but is it something we should worry about? Hayley Bennett explains

For scientists, faking or making up data has obvious connotations and, thanks to some high-profile cases of scientific misconduct, they’re generally not positive ones. Chemists may, for example, be aware of a 2022 case in which a respected journal retracted two papers by a Japanese chemistry group that were found to contain ‘manipulated or fabricated’ data. Or the case of Bengü Sezen , the Columbia University chemist who, during the 2000s, ‘falsified, fabricated and plagiarised’ data to get her work on chemical bonding published – including fixing her NMR spectra with correcting fluid.

‘Synthetic data’, unlike dishonestly made-up data, is created in a systematic way for legitimate reasons, however, usually by a machine – and for a variety of reasons. Synthetic data is familiar to machine learning experts, and increasingly to computational chemists, but relatively unknown to the wider chemistry community, as Keith Butler , a materials researcher who works with machine learning methods at University College London in the UK, acknowledges.

‘I don’t think very many people at all, in chemistry, would refer to synthetic data,’ he says, adding that it’s probably a confusing term for chemists not just because of the apparent associations with scientific misconduct, but because ‘synthetic’ in chemistry has another important meaning, relating to the way chemical compounds are made. But why are chemists making up their data, how is it any different to the simulations they’ve been making for decades and what are the implications?

Fake it to make it

In areas like health and finance, synthetic data is often used to replace real data from real people due to privacy concerns, or to deal with issues of imbalance, such as when people from certain ethnic groups aren’t well-represented. While researchers might like to use people’s personal medical records, for example, to inform their understanding of a new disease, that data is difficult to access in the quantities or levels of detail that would be most useful. Here, the creation of synthetic data, which mirrors the statistical features of the real-world data, offers a solution. ‘You’re not taking a whole dataset and just masking it,’ explains Benjamin Jacobsen , a sociologist at the University of York in the UK, whose work focuses partly on the use of synthetic data. ‘The promise of synthetic data is that you can train a model to understand the overall distribution of the particular dataset.’ In this way, synthetic data draws from real-world sources, but can’t be traced back to real individuals. In the chemical sciences, though, synthetic data relates more to the behaviour of molecules than people and so as Butler notes, it’s used for ‘a very different reason’.

Synthetic data is generated by algorithms and for algorithms

In some ways, legitimately ‘made-up’ data is nothing very new in chemistry. Areas such as materials and drug discovery, for example, have long used what’s referred to as ‘simulated’ or ‘calculated’ data to expand the chemical space for exploration – the data might describe predicted properties of new materials or potential drug compounds. What’s different now is that made-up data, whether it’s considered synthetic, simulated or calculated, is being used in combination with machine learning models . These AI models are algorithms capable of making sense of vast quantities of data, which could be from real experiments or made up (or a combination of both). They learn patterns in the data and use them to make classifications and predictions to provide valuable insights to humans – whether or not it’s clear how the machines have delivered them.

Synthetic data is not just an input for AI models – it’s an output from them too. Jacobsen, in fact, previously defined synthetic data as data ‘generated by algorithms and for algorithms’, although chemists may not be concerned with having such a strict definition. Some of the techniques commonly used to create it are related to those used in making deepfakes. In the same way that deepfakers might ask their machines to generate realistic-looking faces and speech, chemists might prompt theirs to generate realistic-looking chemical structures.

Generated inorganic structures

Source: © Luis M Antunes et al

Computers can generate plausible looking structures for as-yet unknown inorganic compounds, such as KRb 2 TiF 6  (left) and LiTa 2 NiSe 5 (right)

Another option for generating synthetic data is large language modelling – the basis of generative AI tools like ChatGPT. This is an approach Butler’s team recently used to build an app that can produce a hypothetical crystal structure for a compound based on a chemical formula, which is typed in as a ‘prompt’ (like a question in a chat). More advanced versions of such tools, which would ‘know’ more of the rules of chemistry, could prove invaluable in the search for new materials. ‘If you could prompt [it] by saying “produce me a plausible chemical structure that absorbs light well and is made only from Earth-abundant elements”, that’s actually interesting,’ says Butler. ‘The problem being that you want to make sure that it’s reasonable and viable so that you don’t start telling people things that are impossible to make.’

Teaching the machines

Applications for synthetic data in the chemical sciences abound. However, for those who are less well-acquainted with machine learning, it can be hard to get a grip on what synthetic data is and how it can be so useful to chemists when it’s not actually real. Here, an example may help.

A smartphone screen showing a computer-generated chemical structure overlaying a hand-drawn one in a photo

Source: © 2023 Umberto Raucci et al

Making an app that can turn your hand-drawn structure into computer-understandable one is pretty tricky

Most students of chemistry learn, fairly early on, to sketch out a chemical structure by hand, but transferring that structure from a piece of paper to a computer could be a tedious task. It would be useful if there was a quick way of doing it – say, by taking a picture of the sketch on your phone. At Stanford University in California, US, Todd Martinez and his team set about tackling this problem, their idea being to teach a machine learning model how to recognise hand-drawn chemical structures so that they could be quickly converted into virtual versions. However, to do this using real data, they would have needed to train their data-hungry model with a vast dataset of hand-drawn structures. As Martinez notes, even someone who can draw really fast is only going to be able to churn out a handful a minute. ‘We did try,’ he recalls. ‘We got 30 people together and spent hours just doing this, but we were only able to get 1000 structures or something. You need this data in the hundreds of thousands.’

So, instead, they developed a process for ‘roughing-up’ half a million clean, artificially generated chemical structures made with well-known software called RDKit and sticking them onto backgrounds to simulate photographs of hand-drawn structures. Having ingested this synthetic data, combined with a much smaller sample of real hand-drawn structures, their machine learning approach was able to correctly identify hand-drawn hydrocarbon structures 70% of the time – compared to never when trained just with their limited hand-drawn data (and only 56% of the time with the clean RDKit structures). More recently, they developed an app that turns hand-drawn structures directly into 3D visualisations of molecules on a mobile device.

Diagram showing how

Source: © 2021 Hayley Weir et al

Hand-drawing hundreds of thousands of chemical structures would be too time-consuming, so why not let a computer do it?

Had it been fed half a million genuine, hand-drawn structures, Martinez’s model might have performed even better, but the real data just wasn’t available. So in this case, using synthetic data was a solution to the problem of data sparsity – a problem described as one of the main barriers to the adoption of AI in the chemical sciences . As Martinez puts it, ‘There are lots of problems in chemistry – actually, most problems, I would say – where there is insufficient data to really apply machine learning methods the way that practitioners would like to.’ The cost savings to be made by using synthetic data, he adds, could be much larger than in his molecular recognition example, because elsewhere this made-up data wouldn’t just be replacing data that it takes someone a few seconds to draw, but data from expensive, real-life experiments.

Experimental excess

There’s certainly no shortage of such experimental data at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire. Here, ‘petabytes and petabytes’ of data are produced, Butler says, by real-life experiments in which materials are bombarded with subatomic particles in order to probe their structure. But Butler’s collaborators at the facility face a different problem: a massive surplus of ‘unlabelled’ data – data that is effectively meaningless to many machine learning models. To understand why, think back to the previous example, where each hand-drawn chemical structure would need a label attached to teach the machine learning model how to recognise it. Without labels, it’s harder for the AI to learn anything. ‘The problem is that it’s really expensive to label that kind of experimental data,’ Butler says. Synthetic data, though, can be generated ready-labelled and then used as training data to help machine learning models learn to interpret the masses of real data produced by the laboratory’s neutron-scattering experiments – a line of thinking Butler and co-workers explored in a 2021 study .

Two graphs, one showing experimental data and one showing computer-generated data - although similar, they are not exactly the same

Source: © 2023 Andy S Anker et al

Synthetic data (right) can be created more quickly than the experimental kind (left) and used to train machine learning models

In the study, they trained their models with thousands of synthetic spectra – images in the same format as those they got from real neutron scattering experiments, but that were created via theoretical calculations. What they realised, though, was that when it came to interpreting real spectra, the models trained on simulated data just weren’t very good, because they weren’t used to all the imperfections that exist in real-world experimental spectra. Like the fake, hand-drawn chemical structures made by Martinez’s team, they needed roughing up. As a solution, Butler’s team came up with a way to add experimental artefacts including noise to the clean synthetic data. He describes it as akin to a filter you might apply to selfie, except instead of giving a photo of your face the style of a Van Gogh painting, it gives a perfect, simulated spectrum the style of a messier one from a real experiment. This restyling of synthetic data could be useful more broadly than in neutron scattering experiments, according to Butler.

Another area in which synthetic data could have an important impact is in combination with AI approaches in drug discovery. Though, as in other fields, the terminology could be a little off-putting. ‘People are a bit shy to accept synthetic data [perhaps because] it sounds like it’s lower quality than real data,’ says Ulrich Zachariae , a drugs researcher at the University of Dundee in the UK. Zachariae’s recent work has focused on searching for new compounds to target antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa , which causes life-threatening infections in hospital. One of the issues slowing down the search is that these bugs’ outer shells are virtually impenetrable, and while machine learning models could help make useful predictions about which compounds might work, there’s a lack of data on bacterial permeability to feed the models.

That dataset provided us with enough ‘input data’ that we could understand what was going on

To start tackling the permeability problem, Zachariae’s team first constructed a model with what data they had – data that came from existing antibiotics – and used it predict whether other compounds would be good ‘permeators’, or not. This worked well, but didn’t explain anything about why one compound was better than another. The researchers then wanted to probe the effects of small differences in chemical structure on permeability , but this required lots more data. So, to generate more, they used their own machine learning model to predict the properties of hundreds of thousands of (real) compounds for which there was no experimental data on permeability – creating a huge new synthetic dataset. ‘That dataset provided us with enough “input data” for [the additional analysis] that we could understand what was going on and why these compounds were good permeators or not,’ Zachariae explains. They were then able to suggest chemical features, including amine, thiophene and halide groups, that medicinal chemists should look out for in their hunt for new Gram-negative antibiotics.

For Martinez, understanding why machine learning models make the predictions they do is another key motivation for using synthetic data. The internal workings of AI models can be difficult to unravel – they’re widely referred to as black boxes – but Martinez says he thinks of synthetic data as a ‘tool’ to sharpen a particular model that is producing that data, or to understand its essence in a simpler form. ‘I think you can see examples of people groping towards this, but I don’t know that it’s clearly stated,’ he muses. Martinez’s interests lie mainly in quantum chemistry, where more traditional computational models are used to solve theoretical problems. Addressing the same problems with machine learning may be a way to get to solutions faster while also – with the help of synthetic data – getting to the heart of what the AI models have learned. In this way, chemists may be able to improve their more traditional models.

Reality check

But what are the risks of using data that isn’t real? It’s hard to answer this question at this point. In other fields, the risks often relate to people whose data was absorbed to generate synthetic data, or who are affected by the decisions it is used to make. As Jacobsen notes, the risks are going to vary depending on the application area. ‘Chemists have to delineate exactly “How do we frame what risk is in this context?”’ he says.

In the drug discovery space, Zachariae wonders if there is any more risk associated with artificially generated data than with simulated data used in the past. ‘From a purely scientific perspective, I don’t see how it’s any different from previous cycles of predictions, where we just used physical models,’ he says, adding that any ‘hit’ molecule identified using AI and synthetic data would still have to go through rigorous safety testing.

The risk is that we lose credibility if our predictions don’t match up with reality

Martinez, though, sees a potential problem in areas of theoretical chemistry where there is no ‘real’ or experimental data on which to train machine learning models – because that data can only be arrived at by computational means. Here, synthetic data may effectively be the norm, although ‘the magic words’ often aren’t mentioned, he says, because chemists aren’t familiar with them. In quantum chemistry, for example, a molecule’s geometry can be used to compute its energy – and now machine learning models are trained, based on existing theory, to take in geometries and spit out energies, just in faster and cheaper ways. However, since traditional methods are more accurate for smaller molecules than bigger ones and there’s no way of experimentally checking the results, machine learning algorithms trained to spit out energies for big molecules could be doing a poor job – which could be a concern if millions of data points are being generated. ‘The interesting point about synthetic data in this context is that these issues do not seem to always be at the forefront of the community’s thinking,’ Martinez says. ‘This seems to be because the synthetic nature of the data implies tight control over the training dataset and this can give a false confidence in data correctness and coverage.’

In materials discovery, similar concerns surround the use of machine learning to predict stable chemical structures – as Google DeepMind researchers have done – in chemical spaces where the existing theory was not necessarily that accurate. The risk, says Butler, ‘is that we lose credibility’ (and funding) if the properties of predicted materials don’t match up with reality. So, while ‘making up’ data may mean something different these days, it’s worth remembering that there could still be a lot at stake if it’s not done well.

Hayley Bennett is a science writer based in Bristol, UK

Hayley Bennett

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