Write An Entry-Level Cover Letter (Examples, Tips & Template)

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So, you’re applying to an entry-level job and wondering where a cover letter fits in the application package.

Is an entry-level cover letter a requirement? If so, what should you write in your entry-level cover letter to really improve your employment chances?

Should it be the same as a normal cover letter, or should it include some specific information that can serve an entry-level job? Yeah, there are quite a few questions on the topic—and for good reason. After all, who doesn’t want their application to be as perfect as possible?

In this article, we’re going to teach you everything you need to know about entry-level cover letters. 

  • What’s an Entry-level Cover Letter and Why It Matters
  • Entry-level Cover Letter Format
  • Tips & Examples on Writing an Entry-Level Cover Letter

Entry-level Cover Letter Template

...and more! 

Ready? Let’s dive in!

What Is An Entry-Level Cover Letter?

An entry-level cover letter is a cover letter that you write when you’re applying for an entry-level job. 

As such, you will need to write an entry-level cover letter on these occasions: 

  • As a college senior on a job hunt.
  • As a recent college graduate looking to land his first job.
  • As a professional who has changed industries/career paths.

In any of these cases, an entry-level cover letter is an essential part of the application.

One could even argue that entry-level cover letters are even more beneficial to your resume than your average cover letter.

Here’s why:

As a college senior/graduate or someone changing careers, chances are, your resume might not be that rich in terms of practical work experience.

So, in addition to your resume, your cover letter is your second-best chance to explain why you’re the perfect fit for the job!  

What Should an Entry-Level Cover Letter Include

Before we get into the specifics of writing an entry-level cover letter, let’s go over the basics.

Namely, the format . 

If you don’t know how to properly “set up” your letter, it will end up being disorganized and confusing .

Entry-Level Cover Letter Format

So, what should your entry-level cover letter contain? Here are all the details.

  • Header with contact information. In addition to your name, your contact information should contain your email (a professional email, that is), your phone number, and (optionally) LinkedIn profile. Underneath your contact info comes the date and then the receiver’s information: manager’s name and title, company name, and the company’s street address.
  • Addressing the hiring manager. How you address the cover letter is important. Preferably, you want to include the hiring manager’s name/professional title or the name of the department head doing the hiring.
  • Opening statement. Your opening paragraph should be professional, but at the same time personal and attention-grabbing. The best way to achieve that is by tailoring your introduction to the job application.
  • The body. The body of your entry-level cover letter should consist of 2-3 paragraphs highlighting your skills, accomplishments, and education.
  • Closing paragraph. To end your cover letter, you need a professional closing paragraph. You can mention that you will be following up the cover letter, wrap up anything you couldn’t in the previous paragraphs, or just simply thank the recruiter for their time.
  • Formal salutation. Formal closings include salutations such as “best regards,” “kind regards,” “sincerely,” and “thank you.”

How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter With No Experience (Tips & Examples)

Ready to get into the knits and grits of writing an entry-level cover letter? 

Great! Let’s get to it.

#1. Write a Strong (But Professional) Opening

The first thing you want to do is write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph. 

Recruiters receive hundreds of applications daily, so you can probably imagine how limited their time is. This leaves you with one goal—to make your cover letter worth reading, right from the get-go. 

One thing is for sure, you’ll never achieve this by writing a generic, one-fits-all kind of introduction, like the one below: 

My name is Samantha and I’d like to apply for the Sales Representative entry-level position at your company. I am a recent Marketing graduate, so I believe I would be a great fit for the role.

See, you could use this kind of introduction to apply for any entry-level position in sales. And though it’s not bad, per se, it’s not memorable either. 

Instead, you want your opening paragraph to be custom-made for the entry-level job you’re applying for. Bonus points if you can mention an achievement or two in the opening paragraph to show the recruiter how you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

Here’s what a well-written entry-level cover letter would look like:

My name is Samantha and I’d like to become part of XYZ Inc. by applying my newly acquired marketing knowledge to your Sales Representative position. I am confident that my excellent university results and the practical knowledge gained during my academic internship at Company X, where I was trained in sales, make me the right candidate for the job.

#2. Include Relevant Employee Skills

After you prepare the ground with an attention-grabbing introduction, you should use the body of your cover letter to show exactly how your skills, achievements , and education make you the right fit for the job. 

In light of your limited work experience, your skills are your second-best chance to prove your worth and showcase your strengths. 

Start by listing skills that are relevant to the job by doing the following:  

  • Scan the job description to find what the required skills are for the position. 
  • Explain how your skills can benefit the company. 
  • Optionally, you can mention that you are eager to learn required skills that you may not have to get better at the job. 

For example, an entry-level journalism position may require that you:

  • Know how to apply the AP Stylebook rules
  • Are up to date with media law and ethics
  • Are an effective communicator
  • Can meet deadlines. 

Here’s how you could highlight those skills:

As a recent Journalism and Mass Communication graduate from X University, I am up to date with the 55th Edition of the Associated Press Stylebook and all media law and ethical reporting standards. Being Editor-in-Chief of the university’s newspaper taught me how to be an effective communicator while being in charge of publishing the newspaper each week improved my attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. 

#3. Do Some Research

Research is one of your best friends when it comes to cover letters, as it can give you valuable information on what the recruiters are looking for in a candidate. 

After thoroughly researching the company’s history, products/services, goals, and even challenges, you can mention exactly how:

  • You fit in the position
  • You stand out from your competition 
  • You can be of use to the company

Say, for example, that you’ve previously worked as a proofreader and you’re now going into magazine editing. After some research, you find out the magazine you’re applying to puts great attention to producing quality content. 

Here’s how you can work that to your advantage: 

I have read the content your magazine produces and I think it’s extremely well-researched, reader-friendly and grammatically correct.

During my 5-year experience as a proofreader, I have mastered editing and writing and I am confident that this experience can further improve your magazine quality. 

#4. Quantify Your Achievements (When Possible)

The best practice, whenever achievements are involved, is to quantify them and back them up with concrete examples. 

Imagine you’re a recruiter and you’re on the fence about two candidates for an entry-level customer service position. They have almost-identical resumes in terms of education and they claim to have customer support experience from past internships.

 So, you jump to their cover letter. This is how each candidate has described their achievements:

Candidate 1

As a Client Services intern, I was required to contact and ask clients for feedback daily, I supported the management team in improving customer services based on clients’ comments and I provided suggestions to teams from other departments to improve overall client satisfaction.

This is not horrible. However, compared with the second candidate’s much more detailed description, it lacks substance. Take a look for yourself. 

Candidate 2 As a Customer Services intern at Company X, I helped raise customer satisfaction by speaking to and collecting our clients’ feedback and working with teams from different departments to address their dissatisfaction and implement relevant suggestions. After one year, we ran a survey that showed customer experience had improved by 50%. This result was backed by a 30% increase in profit within that same year. 

Sure, the first candidate “improved customer services,” but this opens up a lot of questions:

  • How well did they improve the customer services?
  • Over what timeframe?
  • What kind of impact did this have on the company’s bottom line?

The 2nd candidate, though, mentions all this information, and as such, their cover letter is a lot more impactful. 

#5. Highlight Your Education

Your education can very well replace what you lack in work experience when it comes to entry-level jobs. It can convincingly back up your skills and achievements, as well as help you demonstrate some of your strengths. 

Now, when we tell you to highlight your education, we don’t mean mentioning the title of your diploma and calling it a day. 

Instead, what you need to do to reinforce your skills and strengths is to mention relevant group projects and classwork, extracurricular activities and school clubs, published work, or independent research. 

Highlighting your education can be just as effective if you’re changing career paths. 

Did you take classes on your newly-found passion when you were in college? Or maybe you got to practice it as part of a club. No matter the case, make sure to highlight it, as this is exactly the part of your education that will make a difference in your cover letter. 

Now, let’s say you’re a college senior thinking ahead and looking for a graphic design job for when you graduate. To improve your chances of getting that entry-level job, here’s how you can highlight your education: 

My passion for visually communicating a message began alongside my work at InFocus Magazine, our university’s photography and graphic design magazine, where I am Head of Design. I mainly work with Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, but I am now also learning to use Canva and Crello in my Design & Illustration class. 

#6. Don’t Forget a Call to Action 

Finally, it’s time to wrap up your entry-level cover letter with a conclusion. 

For your entry-level cover letter’s final paragraph, you want to do the following: 

  • Mention anything you couldn't during the previous paragraphs. If you think you left something important out (something that could help you get hired), this is your chance to say it. 
  • Thank the recruiter. You can use the closing paragraph to thank them for their time. This is a chance to be formal, but make sure you don’t sound like you’re trying to get to the recruiters’ good side. 
  • Include a call to action. As a call to action, you can mention to the recruiter that you will be following up (if they haven’t specified the interviewing procedure) to inquire about the application or ask them to take some action. 

And here’s what this would look like on a cover letter:

To conclude, let me first thank you for considering my application. I believe I can help your company improve its customer satisfaction by putting to use all the experience I’ve gained from my past jobs in customer service. I’d love to discuss in length how I can help you improve one-on-one customer service at your stores.

#7. Conclude with a Professional Closing

Once you’ve written your closing paragraph, all you have to do is sign off your cover letter.

Your “goodbye” should be formal and include only your name and signature. 

Any of the following is an acceptable way to sign off your cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,
  • Sincerely, 
  • Thank you, 

Want to know other ways to conclude your cover letter memorably? Head over to our guide on how to end a cover letter for additional info! 

#8. Proofread Your Letter

And you’re finally done! 

Make sure to proofread your cover letter before attaching it to your job application. Any effort you might have put into it will lose value if your cover letter has mistakes. 

You can either give it to a friend to proofread it or use editing software like Grammarly and Hemingway .  

Want to Make Things Easy? Use a Cover Letter Builder

The way you design your cover letter matters!

Sure, you can go for a generic text in a Word Document, but having a well-designed cover letter that matches your resume in style will help you stand out much more in a sea of applicants. 

Well, Novoresume makes that easy for you! Just pick any of our matching cover letters and resume templates and leave a lasting impression!

entry level cover letter match resume

[First Name and Last Name]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Date of Writing]

[Manager’s Name]

[Manager’s Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Company’s Street Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Addressing the hiring manager]

[Write your attention-grabbing opening paragraph]

[Write 2-3 paragraphs where you include skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for, where you quantify your achievements (when possible), and where you highlight your education.]

[Conclude by saying thank you and by making a call to action.]

[Sign off your letter professionally]

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! We hope that you feel more confident about your entry-level cover letter knowledge and writing after reading this article. 

Now let’s go over the main points we covered:

  • An entry-level cover letter is a cover letter that you write for an entry-level job. You may need to use it as a college senior or recent college graduate or as a professional changing career path. 
  • Your entry-level cover letter should follow the following format: header, addressing the recruiter/company, opening paragraph, body, closing paragraph, formal salutation. 
  • To write a good entry-level cover letter you should write an attention-grabbing opening, include some relevant skills, highlight your education, and make a call to action.
  • Use a cover letter builder to make sure your cover letter meets recruiters’ standards and to save your time.

Related Readings

  • How to Write a Cover Letter
  • How to Start a Cover Letter  
  • Cover Letter for Internship  

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Home » Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample: 07 Examples Ideas

Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample: 07 Examples Ideas

Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample

Are you wondering how to write a short cover letter? Wonder no more! In this blog post, we’re going to give you a sample of a Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample This will help you get started on your job hunt, and show potential employers what you have to offer. So read on for tips and tricks on how to knock them off their feet with your amazing skills. We hope this helps as you start writing your own letters! Remember, practice makes perfect so keep at it until the perfect letter emerges. Good luck out there!

Check out this Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample guide on how to write a short and sweet cover letter that will make employers want to learn more about you! Do you need to write a cover letter but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. A lot of people find cover letters daunting, especially if they don’t have much experience. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this post, we’ll show you how to write a short cover letter that will make a great impression on employers. We’ll also give you some tips on what to include and what to avoid. So read on for all the details! With just a few simple tips, you can create a cover letter that stands out from the competition and gets you one step closer to an interview.

For More: 113+ Best beginner resume objective examples & Ideas

beginner application letter for security guard with no experience

Table of Contents

Beginner Cover Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in your company, and hope that you will consider my resume for your open entry-level position. I am a recent college graduate with a degree in ______________, graduating ___/___/___. Throughout college, I participated in numerous extracurricular activities including the Pre-Law Fraternity, Student Senate, and participating in my Senior thesis on ____________.

I am confident that I have the skills to be an asset to your company, but more importantly, I believe my strong work ethic will enable me to make significant contributions in a short amount of time. Thank you for your consideration and time spent reviewing my resume. My number is _____.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration in advance!

Sincerely, Name:__________ Email:__________Address:______________Contact#:_____________ Date: _________________

Beginner Cover Letter Examples

I was checking through the vacancies advertised in this newspaper and I noticed that your organization is looking to recruit a bookkeeper. As a bookkeeper myself with five years’ experience, I believe I am an ideal candidate for your organization.

I recently completed a degree in accounting and finance at [University Name]. With my qualification and a considerable amount of experience, I believe that it would be beneficial for your company to give me a chance to work for you.

I have attached my resume for consideration. If you would like, you can contact me by phone or email so that we can discuss my suitability for the position further.

Thanking you in advance for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully, Name:__________ Email:__________Address:______________Contact#:_____________ Date: _________________

Beginner Application Letter for Security guard with no experience

My name is [YOUR NAME], and I am a [DEPARTMENT] major at [COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY]. My passion for [DESCRIBE YOUR JOB INTERESTS HERE, INCLUDING THE INDUSTRY AND LEVEL OF PROFESSIONALISM (EX. entry-level, mid-level, executive)]. As a [YOUR POSITION] major, I have a strong interest in pursuing a career as an [POSITION] at your company. I was recently given the opportunity to see first-hand how it feels to be one of your employees when I served an internship with your competitor’s company,

I am very interested in learning more about your company, and I hope to have the chance to meet you in person.

Please find attached my resume for your review. I can be reached at [PHONE] or via email at [EMAIL] to arrange a time when we can discuss my qualifications in more detail. Thank you for your consideration.

Beginner First Cover Letter

Respected Sir,

I am writing this letter with the hope of securing employment in your esteemed company. I am enclosing herewith my resume for your kind perusal. My qualifications are as follows.: MSC, MBA, BCom, CAIIB.

I have done all these courses from reputed institutions. So I also have two years of experience working as an accountant.

I am good at managing accounts, apart from that I can do photocopying and typing work too. Also I am available for any kind of clerical / accounting work in your company.

Having known about your organization through the job portal, it has come to my notice that your company is in need of an accountant. I am confident that my qualifications and experience make me a very strong candidate for the position you are looking to fill; therefore, for this reason I request you to kindly give me an opportunity to work with your esteemed organization.

I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

For More: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

No Experience Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample

Dear Mr/Mrs. Name,

I am writing to express my interest in the [position] role advertised on your website. I believe that I have the necessary skills and abilities for this position and I’m confident that I can add value to your company.

During the past three years, while working as a [job title], I have developed proven [insert soft skills] skills, which I believe will be beneficial to your company. Some of these include [insert soft skills]. Furthermore, I have a certificate in [insert relevant hard skill] issued by the [name of organization], which is attached with this application.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my qualifications can best meet your needs.

Yours sincerely,   Name:__________ Email:__________Address:______________Contact#:_____________Date: _________________

Application Letter for Beginners

Dear HR Manager,

I am writing in response to the advertisement for ([JOB TITLE]) that you recently published on [WEBSITE]. My unique skill set and experience match perfectly with what your company is looking for. Therefore I believe my education, talent, dedication and qualifications fit exactly what you are looking for. I feel that I could be a valuable asset as an ([JOB TITLE]).

I am enclosing my CV for your consideration. If you would like to discuss this position further, please contact me at [PHONE].

I look forward to hearing from you soon and wish you success in finding the right candidate.

Upwork Cover Letter Sample for Beginners

I recently saw a post on the company website for a position in your company and believe that I’ve got what it takes to succeed in this role.

My name is [your name] and I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Assistant position. I understand that you are looking to fill this position within the next two weeks and believe I would be an excellent fit. I am a novice at this, but I think my previous employment experiences (and skills) will allow me to pick up on the position quickly.


  • Expertise in customer service; I have been employed as a customer service representative for the past three years. I am proficient in managing large volumes of customers and providing solutions to their concerns. In my last position, I was rated as an “exceptional” employee.
  • I have excellent written and verbal communication skills which would be beneficial in this role.
  • Customer service is my passion and I would love to use my skills for this position.

I am confident that if given the opportunity, I can do an amazing job. I would greatly appreciate your time in answering any questions you may have regarding me as a candidate. Thank you for your consideration of this application.

I am extremely excited about the opportunity Beginner Short Cover Letter Sample to join your company and contribute my skills. So I believe that my previous experience, education, and skill set will allow me to make a significant contribution to your organization. I look forward to hearing from you soon and thanks for your time. Have you ever hired someone without meeting them in person? Let Me know in the comments below!

beginner cover letter examples

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What To Include In A Cover Letter (With Examples)

  • Cover Letter Format
  • Salutation and Greeting
  • Who To Address When Unknown
  • How To Start A Cover Letter
  • How To End A Cover Letter
  • Best Cover Letter Font And Size
  • Cover Letter Spacing
  • Cover Letter Length
  • Key Elements Of A Cover Letter
  • How To Write An Address
  • Official Letter Format
  • Cover Letter Opening

Find a Job You Really Want In

Cover letters are the first introduction to you as a person and potential employee. While resumes cover your work experience and skills, the cover letter explains why you, specifically, should get the job. It’s where you can showcase your writing skills, why you want the position, and highlight your relevant skills and qualifications.

If you’re looking to write up a cover letter for a job you’re applying to, or if you want to see if your letter checks all the boxes, then this article will help you out. While a hiring manager may not select you entirely because of your cover letter, giving it that extra bit of shine could push you into the top candidate slot.

Key Takeaways

Your cover letter should include:

Your contact information and the date

The employer’s contact information

Body paragraphs

A closing paragraph

You should customize your cover letter to every position you apply to.

Focus on what you can add to the company in your cover letter.

Work keywords from the job description into your cover letter.

What to Include in a Cover Letter

What to include in a cover letter

Example cover letter, cover letter tips, what not to put in a cover letter, final thoughts, cover letter faq.

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Cover letters, like every business communication, have a set of rules that you’re expected to follow. They should be short, confident, and include information relevant to the job. The format of a cover letter determines what goes where, meaning that you won’t have to spend long organizing your letter.

With that in mind, here’s everything you need to include in each part of your cover letter :

How to write a cover letter

Your Contact Information and the Date

The very first key element your cover letter is going to be a header that includes your contact information. You’re going to list your name, your address, your phone number, and your email address. Feel free to include your LinkedIn contact information or a link to your online portfolio .

Make sure you create a professional email address if you don’t already have one. Something like [email protected]. It’s another way to make a good first impression on the hiring manager.

Lulu Paige 333 First Street Los Angeles, CA , 90001 (000) 111-2222 [email protected] January 1, 2023

Employer’s Contact Information

Even though most cover letters are submitted online nowadays, it’s still a rule of thumb to include the company’s contact information. Google the company to find their local address and list it beneath your own contact information.

If you can’t find out the company’s local address, don’t sweat it — but if you can find it, include it just for tradition’s sake.

Adam Smith Recruiter TopNotch Company 111 West Street Los Angeles, CA 90001

How you address your cover letter is more important than you might think. Try to avoid greetings like “ To Whom It May Concern ” or “ Dear Sir or Madam. ” While there’s nothing inherently wrong with either, they’re seen as out of date and impersonal.

Hiring managers value it if you show you’re willing to put in the extra effort to find out who to address the letter to. Put effort into finding out the name of the person who’s going to be reading your cover letter. Call the company’s front office or review their website to find their hiring manager’s name.

Acceptable addresses include:

Dear Chris Rogers, Dear Mr. Rogers, Dear Mr. Chris Rogers, Dear Hiring Manager, Dear Human Resources Manager,

While conventional wisdom states that using the person’s title (in this case “Mr.”) is preferable and more polite, be very careful about assuming someone’s gender. If their honorific is Dr., then it’s safe to include, but unless you know what the hiring manager’s preferred pronouns are, it’s best to just use their full name.

Body Paragraphs

The body of your cover letter is the most important part. It tells the employer what job you’re applying for, why they should bring you in for an interview , and how you’re going to follow up.

First paragraph. This is your cover letter introduction . It’s where you’re going to grab the employer’s attention and make them want to read the rest of your cover letter.

Let’s not waste any time in this paragraph — go ahead and tell them which position you’re applying for and how it relates to your background, and show them that you’re excited about the opportunity.

I am interested in applying for your Social Media Manager position that I saw advertised on Zippia .com. After contributing to the growth and success of my last employer’s presence on Facebook and Instagram, I am seeking new challenges with a company that is looking for someone with exceptional leadership and management abilities.

Second paragraph. This is where you’re going to tell the hiring manager what you have to offer. Use this paragraph to list your qualifications, give examples from your work experience , and quantify any of your achieved results.

I know my proven leadership skills, strong commitment to growing a social media base, and flexibility with regard to assignments would allow me to make a significant contribution to TopNotch Company. I welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications could benefit your company’s continued success.

Pro tip: Go into more depth on your relevant qualifications, but make sure not to copy your resume word for word. Use your cover letter to highlight the most important reasons why you’re the ideal candidate.

Third paragraph. Discuss what you know (and like) about the company. This is your chance to impress the employers even further by showing them that you care enough to do some background research on the company , and how you can contribute to their mission.

TopNotch’s commitment to a sustainable future aligns with and inspires my own values of environmental consciousness and stewardship. Even as a digital marketer , I found ways to reduce my office’s carbon emissions by 11%, and I’d be thrilled to work for a company that values and prioritizes such changes.

Feel free to mention any current events, information about the company’s history, their core values, or their mission statement.

Closing Line

The final paragraph is where you’re going to close your cover letter . Summarize what you could bring to the position and request an interview or a phone call.

I’d like to thank you again for taking the time to review my application and resume, and I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you in detail.

Picking an appropriate and successful sign-off is trickier than you might think. A cover letter is a professional document, so you have to be strategic with everything you write.

With that in mind, here are some sign-offs to choose from that hiring managers respond well to:

Best regards


Thanks in advance

And here are some sign-offs you should avoid at all costs:

Best wishes


Sent from my iPhone

You get the idea. Pick an appropriate sign-off, sign your name, and then you’ve got yourself a cover letter!

Lulu Paige 333 First Street Los Angeles, CA, 90001 (000) 111-2222 [email protected] January 1, 2020 Adam Smith Recruiter TopNotch Company 111 West Street Los Angeles, CA 90001 Dear Mr. Smith, I am interested in applying for your Social Media Manager position that I saw advertised on Zippia.com. After contributing to the growth and success of my last employer’s presence on Facebook and Instagram, I am seeking new challenges with a company that is looking for someone with exceptional leadership and management abilities. As you will see in my enclosed resume, while serving as a Social Media Intern, I was tasked with onboarding new employees and managing their publishing schedules as well as coming up with content for my own calendar. My ability to juggle these different tasks reinforced my desire to advance in my career and step into a management role. I know my proven leadership skills, strong commitment to growing a social media base, and flexibility with regard to assignments would allow me to make a significant contribution to TopNotch Company. I welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications could benefit your company’s continued success. I’d like to thank you again for taking the time to review my application and resume, and I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications with you in detail. Sincerely, Lulu Paige

Knowing all the parts of a cover letter is essential, but that’s not the only trick to writing an excellent cover letter. Putting in a bit of extra effort will make your cover letter stand out from the rest, and will therefore make you more likely to get an interview.

Customize each cover letter. When you’re sending out applications to multiple companies, it’s essential to tailor each cover letter and resume for the job. Your resume customization may just take a few strategic keyword changes and emphasizing different parts of your experience.

Your cover letter customization, however, should be much more thorough. Hiring managers and recruiters can spot a generic cover letter a mile away, so be sure to talk specifically about why you’re interested in the company and what particular value you’d have for the company.

Find the hiring manager. In the spirit of customization, try your best to find the hiring manager or recipient’s name. Review the job posting for contact info, research the company’s website, and look on LinkedIn if you’re stuck. Or just call the company’s HR department and ask.

If you’re still stuck, “Dear Hiring Manager” or one of its alternatives will work.

Don’t copy your resume. Instead of repeating every point from your resume, pick one or two bullet points to really emphasize. Think about what accomplishments you can quantify since those are the most compelling evidence of your past success.

Also, your cover letter should answer the “how” and “why” of your career, so discuss how you achieved those awesome results and why you enjoy doing things your way.

Always focus on the company. A cover letter is your chance to sell yourself, but that mostly means highlighting how the company will benefit from your skills , methodologies, and contributions.

Steal keywords from the job description. Highlight keywords from the job description like skills, qualifications, and attributes, and then incorporate some of those words throughout your resume and cover letter. That way, it’s super easy for a recruiter or hiring manager to see how your experience matches up with the job requirements.

Match the company culture. Spend some time researching the company on their website and scouting employees on LinkedIn. If you can match the tone of the company’s written communications, you’ll be in good shape for presenting as a solid cultural fit.

Let your personality shine. Resumes are boring, but cover letters are your chance to showcase who you are as a person as well as a professional. Don’t go overly formal (unless you’re applying to a conservative firm).

Hiring managers want to know what kind of person you’re like to work with, and while the interview will inform them more fully, your cover letter is meant to whet the reader’s appetite so they want to call you in for an interview in the first place.

Open and finish strong. Cover letters are generally skimmed, so you really want to make your opening and closing lines count. Open with an attention grabber and finish with a strong call-to-action and reminder of your awesomeness and enthusiasm.

Keep it short . Cover letters should never be more than 400 words, but we recommend aiming for a 200-300 word count. As we said, recruiters usually skim these things, so make it easy for them.

Review and edit. Never send a cover letter without a proofread, a spellcheck program, and, if possible, a trusted confidant to read it over. Another pair of eyes might catch things you didn’t notice re-reading it over and over again.

Email cover letters. If you’re emailing your cover letter directly (as opposed to attaching it or mailing it physically), be sure to include a descriptive subject line.

Often, employers will tell you how to label your email in the job posting, so follow any directions there. If not, a subject line that includes your name and the position you’re applying for is a safe bet.

For an email cover letter, don’t include contact information at the start. Instead, put your contact information after your signature (you can skip your physical address) and leave out the company’s contact information entirely.

Knowing what to avoid putting in your cover letter can be just as helpful as knowing what to put in it. Here are a few items you should leave out:

Lies (even little white ones or stretched truths).

Anything about salary.

Negativity about your current job.

Information about your personal life.

Long-winded paragraphs.

Unneccessary or irrelevant information.

Grammatical errors.

Misspelled words (including names).

Unprofessional email addresses or file names.

Polarizing or controversial hobbies or opinions.

Cover letters are one of your most valuable tools when it comes to applying for jobs. They let you go into detail about your qualifications, demonstrate your communication skills , and show that you’re interested in a specific company.

When you write your cover letter, make sure to include your professional contact information, go into detail about your relevant skills, and show that you’re motivated to help the company achieve its goals. Show the hiring manager why you’re the best person for the position, and you’re on your way to getting the job of your dreams .

Do you need a cover letter?

Whether or not you need a cover letter will depend on the application’s requirements, but they’re highly recommended. Unless the instructions explicitly state not to send in a cover letter, it’s recommended to include one.

Cover letters allow you to focus on skills relevant to the job that may not fit into your resume. It also lets you show that you’ve looked into the company by mentioning something about its culture, knowing the hiring manager’s name, or mentioning key skills.

What should you include in a cover letter?

A cover letter should include:

Your contact information. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Company’s contact information. This should include the name of the company, their phone number, email address, and physical address if you can find it.

Salutation. Do your best to address this directly to the hiring manager that will be reviewing your application.

Introduction. This is the part where you say who you are and why you’re applying.

Body. This should be one to two paragraphs that cover your relevant skills, why you think you’d be a good fit for the job, and show your interest.

Closing line. Make sure to thank the hiring manager for their time. It’s also recommended to include a call to action, such as saying “I look forward to hearing from you.”

Sign off. Make sure to end with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,” and then your full name.

How do you format a cover letter?

Cover letters should be formatted in standard business format. That means that it should use a 10 or 12-point legible font, such as Times New Roman, have double spacing between paragraphs, and be no longer than a page .

Harvard Business Review — How to Write a Cover Letter

National Careers Service — How to Write a Cover Letter

University of Wisconsin-Madison — Writing Cover Letters

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Maddie Lloyd was a writer for the Zippia Advice blog focused on researching tips for interview, resume, and cover letter preparation. She's currently a graduate student at North Carolina State University's department of English concentrating in Film and Media Studies.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter [Example]

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How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter [Example] was originally published on Forage .

student sitting on couch with laptop open to half-written cover letter

Writing an entry-level cover letter — when you have little to no work experience — can be confusing and stressful. What do you write when you feel like you don’t have work to talk about? How do you show a company you want to work for them when you haven’t worked much before? In this guide, we’ll cover:

Entry-level Cover Letter Example

Breaking it down: what goes into a good cover letter.

  • Other Entry-level Cover Letter Writing Tips

>>MORE: How to Write a Resume With No Work Experience

Harriet Spacemen Brooklyn, NY 123-456-7890 [email protected]

January 3, 2023

Kate Norman Engineering Lead Example Company New York, NY

I’m writing to express my interest in the junior software engineer position at Company X. I’ve recently graduated with a computer science degree, and my technical skills and demonstrated passion for equity in health care make me an ideal candidate for this role.

During my time at Sample University, I deepened my understanding of software development through coursework in front-end engineering, programming, and quality assurance. In my senior year, I combined my advocacy for health care access and engineering skills by creating a web application — using Python and SQL — that helps patients find available doctor’s appointments near them that accept their insurance. Outside of my coursework, I volunteered at the local hospital and shadowed a nurse, giving me insight into hospital administration and patient pain points.

My experience working directly with health care patients and my passion for improving this sector give me an empathetic, patient-first focus in my engineering work. This focus aligns with your company’s mission, and I believe my engineering approach would be an asset to your team. I look forward to meeting with you and further discussing my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.

Best, Harriet Spacemen

cover letter for beginners examples

The header of your cover letter contains all your crucial contact information: your name, number, and email. It should also include the date you’re sending in your application.

In addition, the header should contain information about the company. You want to include the company name and the hiring manager’s name (if you have it — more on how to find that in the next section). 

Many cover letter examples also include addresses for both the applicant and employer. However, including a full address is optional, especially if you’re applying for a remote role. You can include it in the header if you’re applying for a position that requires you to be in a particular city or state. (There’s no need to include your full street address — just your city and state should do.)

cover letter for beginners examples

For the greeting, you’ll want to use a professional salutation like “Dear,” and address the hiring manager by name.

“If the job description states the title of the person you’d be reporting to, you can try to find their name from the company’s LinkedIn page,” Daniel Catalan, professional resume and cover letter builder, says. “You can click on a list of all of the employees and put the manager’s title into the filters.” 

>>MORE: What Is a Hiring Manager (and How to Talk to One)?

If you’ve done your due diligence and still can’t find the hiring manager’s name, Catalan recommends not using the traditional “to whom it may concern.” Instead, he suggests addressing the letter to “Team X at Company Y.” 

You want to show the hiring team you’ve done your research right from the start.

First Paragraph: Share Your Enthusiasm

cover letter for beginners examples

Use the opening paragraph of a cover letter to express your excitement about this role. However, this is not just about flattering the employer. You also want to show them why you’re specifically excited about the opportunity and how it aligns with your experience and interests.

“Candidates need to explain why they want the job and what experience, volunteer work, or education they have that is relevant,” says Wendy Reimann, owner and writer at Lighthouse Writing, a writing and editing services company. “It confuses managers and recruiters when someone with a major in biology applies for a job in marketing . Tell them why.”

Second (and Third) Paragraph: Show Your Skills

cover letter for beginners examples

In this next section, expand on the experience and interests you mentioned in the first section. Don’t worry if you don’t have years of experience behind you.

“Recruiters don’t expect entry-level applicants to have a wealth of professional experience,” Tim Toterhi, CHRO and ICF certified career coach , says. “We do, however, expect you to be adaptable, teachable, and able to solve problems. Volunteer work, school projects, even hobbies can help you demonstrate your skill set.”

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Consider how all your experiences, whether professional or not, have prepared you for this role and what hard and soft skills you’ve learned. Remember, this cover letter complements your resume, so you don’t need to worry about stuffing every experience and skill into a paragraph or two. Instead, focus on what’s most relevant to the company and its goals.

“Read up on what the company is actively working on and show you can bring unconventional solutions,” Catalan says.

Closing Paragraph: Call to Action

cover letter for beginners examples

The last paragraph of an entry-level cover letter is meant to restate your qualifications for this role, discuss the next steps, and thank them for their time. In the first sentence or two, summarize why you’re excited about the role and what makes you specifically right for the position. 

Then, mention next steps with a call to action. For example, you might say that you look forward to meeting with them in an interview or remind them how they can best reach you to discuss your application.

Finally, thank the reader for their time reviewing your application. It’s essential to end on a high note, so make sure you share some gratitude.

cover letter for beginners examples

You’ve made it to the last (and perhaps easiest!) part of the cover letter! Your signature should include a professional sign-off and your full name. 

>>MORE: Learn eight professional email sign-offs to use and six to avoid with How to End an Email Professionally (With Examples) .

Other Entry-Level Cover Letter Writing Tips

  • Write to the specific employer. It’s better to customize a cover letter for each application rather than use a general one. “Taking the time to write a targeted letter to a specific employer about a specific job demonstrates sincere interest,” Toterhi says. “Just be sure to keep it short and focused on how you can meet their needs. Remember, recruiters commonly receive hundreds of applicants for each open role. There’s no time to sift through fluff.”
  • Don’t copy your resume . “Let the resume do its job and use the space in the cover letter to introduce yourself,” Reimann says. Your cover letter should expand on the achievements you’ve listed in your resume and demonstrate your relevant skills.
  • Keep it short. While a cover letter is about sharing more in-depth details about your skills and experience, keep it concise. A single page (without fonts that are too small to read!) is standard. “If the text is too long or monotonous, it’ll lose the reader’s attention,” Catalan says. 
  • Stay positive. Your cover letter isn’t for over-explaining a gap in your resume. “Don’t bring up anything negative or over-explain work gaps or educational mistakes such as making a D in a single class or taking a semester off for illness,” Reimann says. “Focus on the positive only and let your qualities speak for themselves.”

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The post How to Write an Entry-Level Cover Letter [Example] appeared first on Forage .


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